#'he was ordered to cause as much fear as possible' girl no one was around for that one!!!
kingjasnah · 4 months
look i know the szeth prologue carries a lot of introductory information as to the magic system and how it can be used (and if there is one thing the cosmere in general excels at it is using the rules of a hard magic system in interesting ways for fight scenes) but it is so crazy that his internal monologue is so full of grief for what he is about to do and his first spoken line is "what am i? i'm sorry" and then he starts killing people in such an overcomplicated rube goldbergian way. why'd he lash a guy to the ceiling above an upright spear and just wait (fearspren spawning up around them) until the lashing broke and he impaled himself. you didnt have to do that man no one was around to see it
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Alastor - [ DEVOTION Pt. 4 ]
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A/N: This is all angst and fluff because I'm working on two other smut fics. Please accept this impromptu filler chapter for now (I'm sorry ❤️). I hope you enjoy it anyway.
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You waited patiently for Alastor, standing at the window, admiring the fading moon as the sun's rays gradually inked the sky. It’d been a longer night than you imagined, but you felt energized rather than overtly exhausted.
You supposed that's what having a child felt like: tiring but never lacking excitement. A smile crept onto your face at the thought, heart racing at the image of a small hand wrapping around your finger and the possible jingle of childish laughter following the gesture. It was all you could think about.
Would they resemble you or Alastor more?
A boy or maybe a girl?
Twins?… Oh, twins would be so extraordinary but troublesome!
Oh, who am I to complain… they'd be just as lovely as Alastor.
You jumped from one thought to the next, unable to keep track of your puzzling emotions but deciding your only concern should be the present. With a steadying breath, you gazed around the room, searching for something to do or a task to occupy yourself with since sleep failed you. The room was spotless besides your belongings, which you'd already reorganized after stealing one of Alastors dress shirts to replace your blood-stained nightgown. There was a bookshelf full of various stories tucked into a corner near an old rocking chair, and the idea of reading to relax didn't seem terrible.
“A good story can be grand entertainment…”
Your father coined the phrase and always followed it with an unbelievable bedtime reading. Those nights filled with his storytelling were your fondest childhood memories, and you considered passing the sentiment onto your child. You imagined Alastor more prone to telling bedtime stories; he had the charisma, the soothing voice for it, and you had no doubt they'd become attached to him doing so.
Your smile grew wider, getting ahead of itself as you waltzed over to the tall mahogany bookshelf. “Hm…what shall we read, little one?” you placed a hand on your stomach, gently rubbing circles against it as your other grazed the worn book spines. Each title caught your eye, all ranging in subject but consistent with what Alastor told you about his mother's efforts to advance his literacy.
“Some might say she willed proper speech out of me, but I wouldn't be where I am now without such vigorous practice…”
He was far from wrong; your father had educated you similarly, claiming that despite young women of the time being expected to rely on their beauty, you'd advance farther with brains.
“Let's see..” you mumbled aloud, reading a few titles to narrow your decision, “…perhaps Penny Dreadful? No, The Grim Brothers Tales’?..” A soft giggle left your lips as you considered how ridiculous you sounded speaking aloud, but it couldn't be helped. You were longing to talk, to shout with joy, but resisted the urge in fear of causing a minor disturbance.
Finally, a book held your attention, not as worn as the others but fairly withered. “Alice in Wonderland shall do.” You pricked it from the shelf, sitting in the rocking chair while opening its front cover. The words on each page were familiar, immersive as intended, and for a few quiet moments, you thought of nothing but its premise as you whispered nonsensical sentences in their written order.
Time passed quicker than you thought; by the third chapter, you heard the bedroom door creak open, and in stepped a refreshed Alastor. You beamed a coy smile his way as he shut the door behind him, returning your smile with tired eyes while walking over to you, “Mornin’ darlin’..”
“Good morning, mon cher. You look much better.” you muse as he leans down to kiss your head, “Thank you, sweetheart. Once I get some rest, I might feel better as well.” He doesn't stand up fully, content with being at eye level with you to converse, and you unconsciously blush from the intensity of his gaze. Strands of his hair were curled into its natural waves, dripping with tiny water droplets, slithering down his mocha skin with every breath he took. It was a miracle his glasses didn't fog up, resting neatly on his face and doing nothing but accentuating his piercing brown eyes.
You could get lost in his stare; that ocean of amber took your breath away effortlessly, and you wondered if the trait would pass on to your child.
Indeed, it would… surely he'd love it.
A lump formed in your throat as anxious excitement built in your chest. You needed to tell him calmly, but the longer you waited, the more you wanted to hide away.
Did he want this?
“I’d love you and our child more than anything…”
He'd said it himself, but it was hard for you to deny that Alastor was very vague with his genuine emotions. Even as his wife, you found him hard to read
There was only one way for you to find out, and stalling wouldn't solve anything. Alastor studied your expression as you thought, perceptive to the minor changes in your mood, “My dear, are you alright?” he asked firmly. You perk up, nodding slowly while clutching the book to your chest, “I-Im, I'm fine... It's just that I have to tell you something rather delicate..”
Alastor raised a brow, watching as you bit your lip and stared at your lap, “The news you alluded to earlier this evening?” His eyes narrow, glinting with prowess as he ponders the possibilities of your announcement.
With a heavy sigh, you nod again, shutting the book before placing it in your lap, gripping it tight with one hand as the other instinctively rests on your stomach. You feel his gaze shift from your face, fixated on your abdomen, as you stumble out an explanation.
“I. Well, I'm… “ you cut yourself off when words fail, reaching for his hand gently, placing it over your own as a nervous smile adorns your face.
Oh…does she mean to say?…
Alastor froze as the warmth of your skin settled against his palm, rising and falling in a gentle pattern as you willed yourself to breathe normally while gauging his reaction. His shadows quivered in the darkness of the room, able to hear two faint heartbeats underneath the drum of your own, and the definitive sound brought a grin to his face.
It seems she's given us exactly what we hoped for. Twice the yield as well.
How delightful.
Alastor knelt before you, placing both hands on your stomach, eyes soft with affection as he finally voiced his thoughts.
“My darling wife is going to be a mother..” pride laced his tone as he averted his gaze to yours, grin ever present as you nodded excitedly with a bright smile, “And you're going to be father..” you whisper.
Your words drifted quietly in the air, sinking into Alastor’s consciousness and stirring his specters into a giddy frenzy.
My wife is having my children…
Mine and only mine.
A laugh rippled in his chest as the possessive thought invaded his mind, growing stronger as he heard your delighted giggles join his. “Come here, darlin’…” Alastor lifted you with one gentle tug on your wrists, catching you in his arms as your feet hovered off the ground. “Alastor!” you yelped excitedly, smiling so hard your cheeks hurt and laughing more as he pecked your lips tenderly. You hummed into the passionate kiss, arms locking around his neck as you kicked a foot up gingerly. He tasted like mint, calm, and refreshing. A welcomed contrast to the waning heat you felt as your nerves winded down.
He was pleased to know, which filled your heart with relief.
——- ——- ———
“Oh, my stars! Al! Y/n! I'm overjoyed for you both!” Rosie shot up from her seat, dress flowing as she glided around the coffee table to squeeze you in a tight hug as you set out the platter of sweets you'd finished baking moments ago. “Thank you, Rosie. I still can't believe it myself,” you blushed as she squealed, drawing back a bit to cup your face with both hands; her eyes sparkled with admiration as she looked between you and Alastor -who sat comfortably in an armchair. He hadn't stopped grinning since your return home from the countryside, rambling on and on to his mother about the news until the last minute, and he insisted on telling Rosie as soon as you stepped foot in New Orleans again. She was his long-time friend, after all, yours as well, by extension, and so you didn't mind revealing the news to her. Just as his mother felt like your own, Rosie filled the space of an older sister for you. She was energetic, fashionable, and constantly aware of everyone's lives.
She was a true gossip girl, but you enjoyed her company more than others.
“Al, you devil! You could've waited another year to knock my dearest friend up! Now, who will I take out on the town?..” She huffed dramatically but couldn't hold her frown as you giggled softly while he waved a hand dismissively. “I'm sure you'll survive, my dear.” he quips. Rosie rolls her eyes, returning his nonchalant gesture with an equally smug smirk, “I suppose you're right. Although, my nights out won't be as thrilling anymore with you gone being a new father and such, Al.”
He sat straighter. You happened to catch the slightest frown on his face at Rosie’s comment, but it vanished when he felt your eyes on him. “I'll accompany you on occasion when time allows it.” His response is politely chaste, and one might deem it disappointing.
Was he bothered by the notion of having less time with Rosie?
You knew they ventured to socialite parties together regularly, something they'd done long before you married him, but you never questioned it since Rosie assured you it was their fun hobby. Still, you felt concerned that Alastor could regret the idea of children if it meant a less spontaneous party going with his oldest friend.
You opened your mouth to say something, stepping towards where he sat, but Rosie grabbed your hands and whisked you away to sit on the plush sofa with her. “We must discuss everything Y/n. Having a child is no small feat, and I know Al won't spare any expense.” She grinned, squeezing your hands gently, and you smiled back at her before sparing your husband a curious glance. “He spoils me too much already, so I think he'll naturally do the same for the baby,” a soft laugh floated from you, and he tipped his head reassuringly while pulling out his pocket watch to check the time. “Whatever their little heart desires, I shall give,” he replies calmly, standing to his feet and gazing between you and Rosie. “It's about time I head on over to the station. I don't suppose you’ll be leaving anytime soon, Rosie?”
You checked the grandfather clock that stood against the adjacent wall, noticing it was nearly time for his broadcast to begin, “Seems we lost track of time.” you smiled apologetically at Alastor. He shook his head while chuckling, “It's not your fault, darling. I got caught up listening to this one ramble,” he gestured to Rosie before walking over to the parlor room coat stand. He pricked his preferred overcoat, slipping it on quickly as she glared at his back. “Is that any way to speak of your child’s future honorary aunt and godmother!” she faked a skeptical look to which you feigned concern, “Oh, my dear Rosie, he didn't mean it, I swear!”
Alastor turned on his heel, biting back a more comprehensive smile as he admired the two of you carrying on, “I will not apologize for telling the truth, ma chère, but Rosie does have the privilege of godmother so that for I will ask for her forgiveness.” he stood behind the sofa, leaning down a bit to kiss you once then twice before pulling away with a content hum.
Rosie watched the sweet exchange, able to separate the manic version of Alastor she killed from the doting husband he was in your presence, proud to see him so controlled and happy. He pulled away from you, adoring the glimmer in your eyes as you reached a hand up to adjust his glasses, “I love you,” you whisper, and he blanks for a moment, hearing the endearing phrase.
Love…is that what this is?…
Would it be so wrong to say it back?…
A flash of vulnerability crosses Alastor’s face, and you're tempted to take your words back, but he beats you to speak. “Je t'aime aussi..” he mutters back, stepping away to bid Rosie a proper goodbye, “Take good care of her while I'm gone.” he kisses her cheek, and she swats his arm, “Oh, you know I will. Now run along before you're late!” He heads to her, scolding her out the door in seconds, leaving you in her company.
“I thought he'd never leave,” Rosie chirps, glad to have some privacy to speak with you and eager to get down to the details you had to tell. “Tell me, how do you feel, honey? I know this all might be terrifying you…” she spoke softly, pricking a freshly baked cookie from the platter you set out, and you nodded timidly in agreement while fidgeting with your hands.
“I'm scared, yes, but not of being a mother. You know I've always wanted to be one. It was my biggest dream when I came of age, and I'm glad it's coming true with Al..” You rested a hand on your stomach, feeling it flip at the mention of him, and luckily, no urge to throw up followed.
Thank goodness for Angelique and her tonics!
She'd given you a case of vials to take home, all containing a special brew made by her hand, and she'd given you a strict regimen for consuming them.
“Drink two of these twice daily, morning and evening, but only take it after you've eaten. Have Alastor phone me when you need more..”
Whatever was given had a wonderous effect on your mood, reduced your fatigue, and calmed your nerves. You were grateful for her assistance, but not everything you felt could be cured with medicine.
You hoped Rosie would understand, could help calm what the tonics couldn't, so as she peered at you curiously and asked, “What's the matter, dearest?” you inevitably blurted out your worst and only fear.
“I'm afraid of how Alastor will be as a father..”
She blinked, taken aback by your confession, but it didn't show on her face. “May I ask why?”
You hesitated, fidgeting with your hands again as you thought of what to say, but Rosie rested a hand on yours to still them in a gentle grip. “Y/n, it's alright, be honest. He may have been my closest companion initially, but you are my truest friend in this moment. I'm here to listen, not to criticize. He won't hear a word of it, I swear.”
You glanced between your conjoined hands and her kind smile, and after debating whether or not to spill your heart out, you decided it wouldn't hurt to express your doubts.
You could trust Rosie. Right?…
“Well, I know he wants children. He recently told me so, but it's how he'll receive them. Alastor is a complex man, we both know that, but I fear that complexity will make it hard for him to…to..” you tried to phrase the last of your concerns gently, unsure if what you said made any sense to her, but Rosie merely smiled before finishing the thought for you.
“You're afraid he won't show them love?..”
You nod, heart clenching at the thought, “Yes. I know how his childhood went; I was there through it all, so I know his father wasn't the best man. I know what he put his mother through and Alastor hates the idea of becoming like him..”
You forced yourself to take a deep breath, beginning to tear up as memories of Alastor coming to you in the dead of night, bruised and battered but stoic as ever as he asked to sleep next to you in your bed. He'd never tell you what happened, where his father was, or if he'd been majorly injured. You'd have to coax information out of him, promise him that you'd never betray his safety, or tell your father what went on in his family. Then and only then would he relax, let you mend his scars before huddling under the thick covers with you, and though you were both exhausted, you'd whisper stories aloud to each other until the sun peeked through the trees.
It felt odd to wish for times like that to return; they all resorted from darker places, but it brought you two closer. You were able to understand Alastor to an extent most speculated of. With all the insight into his life, you hoped the irrational fears you felt would wither away, but after the incident at his mother's, they just worsened.
It felt as if he were hiding something from you.
At first, the notion piqued your curiosity, but now it ate away at your conscience.
What was he withholding from you, and did you need or want to know more?
Logic voted ‘yes,’ but your trusting nature leaned towards ‘no.’
“He won't ever be like him. I'm sure, but he's only recently expressed he cares for me. Truly loves me, so I suppose I'm afraid of that same affection not being openly expressed to our little one as well.”
Rosie nodded, scooting closer and giving you a tight side hug to calm your frazzled state. “My dear, you have every right to fear such a thing. However, if I may vouch for Alastor, I do believe his softer side will show itself for your child.” You peered at her, hope in your eyes, “Really? You think so?..”
She grins, “I am certain of it! He cherishes you like no other! Unlike my husband, yours is a dime and a man who'd kill for you if necessary.”
You blush, surprised by her claim, “I don't think he'd kill for me, Rosie, but I understand the sentiment.” She scoffs, hand rubbing your shoulders, and retorts, “Yes, he would, and he'd show the same devotion to your bundle of joy.”
Her statement soothed your worries, but the seriousness in her tone made your heart skip a beat.
It felt as though she did know he'd kill for you…kill for your child.
A shiver racked your body at the thought.
I hope it never comes to that…
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What do you guys think of the story so far? I'm just curious to hear your thoughts and theories.❤️
He may be a monster, but at least he's dedicated to it; morally grey, but honest to his silly little murderous behaviors ❤️ credits to the creator
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evermoresversion · 10 months
maybe some rough sex with conrad? i love ur writingg!!
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A/N I did what I could, I hope you like it. <3
TW/TAGS Edging, praise kink, rough sex, porn without a plot, nipple play, spit play, choke kink, dirty talk, let me know if I forgot anything.
You were wearing nothing but his t-shirt while he had his fingers between your legs.
You were a mess of sighs, gasps, and moans. Conrad's lips shamelessly attacked the sensitive skin of your neck, biting and leaving love bites all over the area.
His fingers were responsible for collecting all your fluids to continue penetrating them inside you without mercy. He had been like this for at least hours and he never let you cum.
"Please, Connie, I need you— f-fuck." you gasped when with one precise curve of his fingers he hit that sweet spot that made you see stars.
"What do you need, hmm?" His face moved up to yours to kiss your jaw and cheeks. Your eyes and his were half lidded and you could feel his erection brush against your inner thigh. He needed you as much as you needed him. "Use your pretty little mouth." After his words he kissed your lips hungrily, biting your bottom lip.
"I need your cock, please fuck me into the mattress, please." Conrad stole another loud moan from your lips as his fingers pounded into your sloppy pussy with more speed, making you arch your back in pleasure. You were almost there.
"Since you're asking so nicely."
And then you lost all contact with his fingers inside you, making you moan so pathetically in frustration.
"Shh, shh, no whining, my good little whore knows how to wait, doesn't she? Open your mouth." His hand rested on your neck, collecting saliva in his mouth and as soon as you opened your mouth he let it fall into it. "Swallow." He ordered and you did, opening your mouth to show him that you had done it. "Good girl." He moved your legs to wrap them around his waist and you could feel the head of his cock rub against your entrance, making you gasp.
His hands were gripping so tightly on your thighs that you were sure he would leave red marks from his fingers.
Your mouth opened wide, so much so that you feared your jaw would drop. You felt the delicious burn his cock caused as soon as it entered you, stretching the soft walls of your wet pussy.
"Fuck, I'll never get used to how well you take my cock." His hands were responsible for raising your his shirt to your neck, leaving your breasts exposed and as soon as they were, his lips wrapped around your nipple, circling his tongue over the tip of it and his hips began to move in a slow rhythm at first.
Even though you were overly sensitive from the previous stimulation he gave you, you couldn't help but want more.
And as if he had read your mind, his hips began to move at a faster pace by the second.
You could feel all of him inside you, every vein, every curve, hitting all the right places inside you.
"Fuck, fuck, yes!" you let out in a loud moan, closing your eyes as you felt the pleasure flood your body once again.
"Hey, look at me." He grabbed your chin and as if it were possible, his hips slammed much harder and faster into yours.
Your back arched and your voice got stuck in your throat thanks to the intense pleasure. The head of his cock hit your g-spot incessantly, making you see stars.
"Damn, if you don't stop squeezing me like this I won't be able to stop myself from cumming fast." He gasped, throwing his head back, letting you see a beautiful sight, him in all his glory. "You're so fucking good for me, my pretty little slut."
His praise and degradation only motivated you more. And it seemed like that was exactly what Conrad wanted.
His hand went down between your bodies, easily finding your clit and began to stimulate it quickly.
"Cum on my cock, do it." His mouth bit and sucked on your neck, hitting the exact spot that would make you explode completely.
"Shit!" You exclaimed as soon as the knot in your lower tummy exploded.
For a moment you were stunned and seeing white as you came and Conrad made it even longer by his constant thrusts until he came too and collapsed on your chest.
"Holy shit." He murmured agitatedly, kissing your collarbone.
"Yeah, holy shit." You muttered, breathing heavily.
"We should repeat that, very very soon." You laughed one last time at his implication.
"Yeah, love, yes."
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2023.
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smellystars · 7 months
School Blowout
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Mr. Cruz is your average calc teacher at wellbring high school. Though what most don’t know is his constant gas problem. Mr.Cruz has had this problem his entire life constantly farting without end, no matter the situation and with age it has only seemed to get worse. What used to be a quick puff of air with a bit of a smell has become minutes long with a smell that packs quite a punch.
When quarantine came around Mr.Cruz was elated, he didn’t have to worry about taking breaks to rip or worry about anyone else smelling his gas and can rip as he pleases. It did become hard explaining why at random his mic would mute for a few minutes during meetings and online classes. To pass the time when not in classes, Cruz started to work out and order a few tubs of protein. Taking protein, working out and eating anything to bulk helped Cruz to get a body that anyone would call hot and a very plump and round ass that could turn heads. The unintended side effects, gas worse than anyone could imagine. A singular fart now has the force to rumble furniture, and a smell bad enough to cause unconsciousness from a single sniff. At worst a rumbling akin to an earthquake, a smell so bad that plants would wilt and die. Thus began the worst event to happen at wellbring high.
It was Thursday January 25, 2024 everyone was running to class not wanting to be late. The class was loud with chatter and laughter as the students talk amongst themselves. Suddenly a loud boom came from the hallway and the class goes silent. The students wonder what could have created that sound. After two minutes, Mr.Cruz walks into his class holding his stomach and says good morning to his students. A girl in the back of the class asks Mr.Cruz if he knows what that sound was. He responds, “ Yeah, sorry I couldn’t hold it i.” All the students laugh at the respond and tells Cruz that it isn’t possible for a singular fart to be that loud. “I take a lot of protein and you see what I’m working with back there, unless I actually try all my gas is going to be loud” he says then sits down as he groans in pain. The students then look at Mr.Cruz worried “Are you okay?” some of the students ask. Mr.Cruz doesn’t respond and all of a sudden a stream of gas leaves his behind, much louder than the one in the hallway. The students cover their ears in fear that their eardrums would burst. “Uhhhhh something I ate isn’t agreeing with me” Cruz says as he leans against the board, his ass facing his students. A loud gurgle is heard then
A loud explosion from Cruz’s ass send desks and books flying as the students quickly evacuate the class. A rumble that can be felt all over the school as the principal turns on the intercom, “Everyone evacuate the school this is not a drill evacuate the school.” The principal thinking maybe a pipe somewhere burst leading to a gas leak. Mr.Cruz after hearing that tries to hold his gas long enough that everyone leaves the school knowing how bad the next gas attack is going to be. His stomach gurgling louder and louder as only two minutes pass. “I can’t hold it anymore, I have to let it out” with that Cruz let’s go
A deep bassy and deadly fart leaves his ass making his cheeks jiggle as a rumbling that would scale a 9 on the richter scale bursts forth. Walls crack as he continues to rip, his gas spreading throughout the school creating a brownish haze. The cracked walls fully break turning to rubble as Cruz’s destructive fart continues without end. Window shatter as the only barrier between everyone outside the school is gone. The gas spewing outside the school like a rocket, plants wilting, birds and animals fainting from the smell. Students and faculty start to cough and gag on the smell, some trying to take shelter in cars and busses but nothing could protect them from Cruz’s gas cloud.
Another gurgle can be heard from Cruz’s gut, “uhh one more just push it all out at once then I’m done,” he says panting covered in sweat. He lays on his stomach arching his back and aiming his ass upwards, balling his fist and is pushing as much gas down as he can. He grunts
The school is reduced to rubble, the roof was blown away in an instant, walls and floors reduced to rubble, the lockers and anything metal melted and rusted due to the heat. The gas cloud visible from the next town over, anyone close to the school on the floor unconscious due to the smell and heat. Cruz’s pants and boxers reduced to tears of fabric and his bare butt hanging out. “Uhh maybe I should cut down on the protein” as he wafts the air behind his ass.
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what a woman enjoys
ʚ Naoya Zen'in x Fem Reader ɞ
❥Summary: You are in an arranged marriage with Naoya Zen'in. He's never cared about your pleasure before, but one argument leaves him wondering what you enjoy in bed. He decides to find out what the answer is.
❥Word Count: 1.7k
❥CW: fem reader (reader has a vagina, referred to as "wife" and "girl"), smut, fem masturbation, penetration, creampie, voyeurism, possible dubcon since reader doesn't choose to be married to Naoya
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"So this is what my little wife enjoys, huh?"
You swallowed thickly, fingers still rubbing incessantly on your clit. You were too nervous to look at him, choosing instead to keep your eyes squeezed shut.
"I asked you a question, and I expect an answer."
"Y-Yes! I… I like this…" you replied hesitantly, beyond embarrassed by your current predicament. You were bare naked on your shared bed, Naoya sitting in a chair at the foot of the bed while you sat in the center. You were spread eagle, allowing Naoya to watch you play with yourself, doing just what he demanded.
You wish you knew exactly what had caused this situation. You had heard some gossip from the maids about a conversation (or, rather, an argument) between Naoya and his cousin, Jinichi. Apparently, Jinichi had taken a woman to bed, and she was being so loud that Naoya had heard her when he got up in the middle of the night. Word has it that Naoya teased his cousin for "inviting a macaque" into his bed, and Jinichi replied by accusing Naoya of not recognizing a woman's screams of pleasure. This led to Jinichi accusing Naoya of not knowing how to please a woman at all, which of course led to a sparring match between the two that was less than lighthearted. The entire exchange was quite scandalous to the ladies who worked at the Zen'in estate, and they were chattering about it all afternoon.
You could only assume that your husband's pride had been severely wounded by the entire altercation. There was no other plausible explanation for why he would've stomped around the estate all evening up until you prepared for bed, no other reason for why he would've ordered you to strip naked and show him "what you enjoy in bed."
None of this was for you—you knew that—but you couldn't ignore the pleasure that was building in your core. You could feel your fingers begin to cramp up from how frantically they toyed with your clit. You were panting softly, trying not to make too much noise in your silent bedroom, fearing that your voice would travel through the thin fusuma. The last thing you needed was for someone to hear you in such a state.
Your fingers traveled lower, two digits pushing inside, searching for that gummy spot that made your toes curl.
Naoya had never bothered to please you in bed before. In his eyes, it was your job to please him, not the other way around. You were merely a warm hole for him to plant his seed; there was no purpose in bringing you pleasure (not that he could in the first place). It was safe to say that this situation was very random to you, completely out of nowhere (aside from his rumored conversation with his rugged cousin). If he had not acted like his usual stern self, you would've sworn he had gone mad.
You huffed in annoyance, unable to reach your g-spot with your own fingers. They just weren't long enough to reach that sweet spot inside you. You pulled your fingers out of your cunt with a sigh, moving them back to your clit instead. Your husband noticed your disappointment, resting his chin against his fist.
"What's the matter? Are your small, delicate fingers not enough?" Naoya teased, a smug grin spreading on his face.
"N-No… they're not…" you replied timidly. Naoya clicked his tongue in false sympathy.
"Poor little wife. Can't do anything without your husband, can you?" It took all your strength not to roll your eyes. He took your silence as an answer, chuckling quietly before leaning forward, patting the edge of the bed. "Come here."
You swallowed your pride and followed his command, scooting closer to the edge, your feet threatening to slip off the bed. Naoya hummed as you looked away in embarrassment, his hand trailing up your thigh as he examined you. He brought his hand to your cunt, his index finger pushing into you without warning, making you gasp.
"I don't believe I've ever seen you this wet before," he commented, pumping his finger in and out of your sopping cunt. "Is… is this normal for you… when you enjoy yourself?" he asked, the scarcest amount of insecurity in his tone. You sighed shakily when he added a second finger, nodding your head.
"Ye-Yes… yes, it is…" Naoya watched you closely before his eyes went back to your cunt.
"Hm. Strange." His fingers curled momentarily, making you gasp. Naoya took notice of your reaction, repeating the action, curling his fingers up into your g-spot again. You let out a moan this time, clenching around his fingers. Naoya's eyes widened, his gaze zeroing in on where his fingers disappeared inside you. He pushed them in and out of you for a few moments before adding a third finger, spreading you wide and making you keen. Your fingers kept working your clit all the while, moving faster, chasing your high.
"You're quite eager, aren't you?" He didn't wait for you to reply, pumping his fingers into you faster. "Sucking in my fingers like a cock-hungry slut. Who knew that my wife could be such a whore?"
"I-I'm sorry," you breathed, apologizing on instinct. Naoya chuckled, his free hand squeezing the underside of your thigh.
"It's alright, dear. You're only this way for your husband, right? You only get this needy for me, don't you?" You bit back an aggravated groan, nodding instead.
"Y-Yes… only you, Naoya."
"That's right," he breathed, pressing into your g-spot again. "You're only a slut for me, no one else."
"Naoya… p-please—"
"Don't whine. It's unbecoming." You shut your mouth, biting your lip when he removed his fingers. He stood up, peeling away at his clothes as he stared down at you. You kept still while he undressed, soon coming face to face with his erect cock. "Move back."
You followed his orders, scooting back to the center of the bed again. He followed you, crawling over your frame. He suddenly grabbed the backs of your knees, pushing your legs back, making you fall down to the bed.
"Hold your legs back," he demanded. You did as he said, holding onto the backs of your thighs. Naoya's eyes roamed over you, drinking you in as he breathed deeply. He sat up on his knees, stroking his cock languidly. He crawled closer a moment later, towering over you, his cock pressing at your entrance. He smirked to himself when he felt your entrance suck at the head of his cock, soon pushing into you with a sharp hiss.
"Shit—why are you so—fuck!" He continued to curse under his breath as he pushed into you, bottoming out soon enough. His cock felt a lot different when you were aroused, the fit snug instead of painful. This was probably the first time you could actually enjoy having his cock inside you.
"Shut up," he groaned, pulling out and thrusting back in, starting a reasonable pace. "I don't want to hear you complaining. You're going to take what I give you."
"O-Okay," you mumbled, already panting. His thrusts weren't too fast, but they were hard, his hips slapping loudly against yours.
"Fuck, yeah, fucking take it. You greedy slut, sucking me in—fuck!" he snarled above you, eyes squeezed shut as he thrust into you. Maybe he was trying to imagine you were someone else. You couldn't say that you cared; you had often done the same.
Your pussy squelched loudly, squishing and slurping with each roll of his hips. The added lubrication made his cock feel so much better than it did in the past. His dick filled you so well, your slick allowing him to thrust without difficulty, causing pleasure instead of the usual pain. You could feel pressure building deep inside you, growing with each smack of his hips against yours. You bit your lip, releasing one of your legs and moving your hand to your cunt, rubbing your clit to speed up your orgasm.
"What do you think you're doing?" You froze, nervously looking up at Naoya who slowed his thrusts for a moment.
"I… I just—"
"You think you can do better than me?" he snarled, pushing your hand away and replacing it with his own. "As if you could please yourself better than your husband."
His thumb circled your clit as his hips picked up speed again. You mewled, hips curling to meet his, and he smiled at the action.
"Look at you, bucking your hips into me like a filthy whore. You like all this, don't you?" You hummed quietly, but Naoya seemed displeased with this response. He pulled his hand away to slap at your ass, making you yelp. "Answer me when I ask you a question."
"Yes! Yes, I-I like it, I like it—oh, Naoya, I'm gonna c-cum—"
Naoya laughed breathlessly above you, almost in disbelief. His hand returned to your cunt, moving in time with his thrusts. You hadn't cum in so long that this sudden onslaught of attention sent you hurtling over the edge. Your nails dug into your legs, cunt pulsating as you came.
"Shit—what is—oh fuck—"
Naoya braced himself above you so he wouldn't collapse. You felt warm liquid filling you up as you came down from your high, his hips jolting into yours, twitching as he emptied his balls inside you.
The two of you stayed still for a minute, panting, composing yourselves. Naoya moved first, holding your hips down as he pulled out of you. You moaned softly at the sensation, letting him hold your legs apart and watch your combined fluids leak out of you.
"Not bad," he muttered to himself, watching his cum slip down between your ass.
"I… I'll go c-clean up," you offered, but Naoya kept a hold on you when you tried to get up.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" he asked, looking up to see your reaction.
"Uh… yes. Yes, I enjoyed it very much." He hummed.
"I enjoyed it, too. I didn't know you were capable of getting so wet for me. In fact," he continued, returning his thumb to your clit, "I think I'll have you like this from now on."
"You… what—"
"From this day forward, you will return to the bedroom after dinner and touch yourself until I arrive. That way, you'll be nice and soaked for me. Do you understand?" You suddenly dreaded the next evening.
"Y-Yes, sir." He smiled, patting your thigh.
"Good girl. Now, get on your hands and knees. I'm not quite done with you yet."
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hellosweetart · 4 months
Little Employee
(chapter 1 fanfic is already here finally.)
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Chapter 1: Infiltration
As Yui is enjoying her conversation with her fellow worker, a sudden commotion is happening in the club.
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When the girl got curious to see what it is, she felt the same fear when she sees the very same group who tormented her.
Ayato, the third son of Sakamaki brothers, begins to threaten everyone. Bodyguards were beaten up; one is almost getting choked to death. The violent vampire is getting impatient.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" He roared.
"I'm here!" Yui rushes in. She doesn't want the vampires to cause any more harm because of her.
Remembering the sport that her boss taught her, she pulled out her handgun.
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In a blink of her eyes, she felt strong hands grabbed upwards by the angry vampire, causing the gun to blow up. People screamed and panicked. 
"You think you can fight me, idiot?" He laughed, and pushed her hard to the floor.
Yui looked up, all eyes of Sakamaki brothers are on her. She noticed that Subaru, the youngest one, cannot look at her further, and moves his eyes away.
How stupid of her. She should have listened to her boss.
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"Remember dear, your new heart is still under developed. So make sure to avoid any sort of trouble, okay?" 
The rest of the brothers are clearly enjoying the sight of her in pain and humiliation. Though, Ayato scrunched up his nose and told her with irritated voice, "You smell weird, pancake. Did they do something to you?"
"It doesn't matter." The second son, Reiji, intervened. "We have her now. Let's leave this wretched place."
"No, all of you leave this place! I AM NOT GOING!"  Yui told the brothers off in determined tone.
This caused the vampires make various reactions, but she knows they feel insulted.
"You're ordering us now? And who said you can deny us?"
"I DO."
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An ominous figure appeared behind the girl, much to the vampires' shock, disgust and awe.
"Gentlemen...Gentlemen. Please let us not cause anymore chaos into my club, shall we?" He greeted the brothers with his polite smile.
Ayato, whose eyes are fixed to the mysterious entity spoke, "W-who are you?"
"Ah, silly me! I am the owner of this nightclub. You may call me Mr. Dealer." He puffed out his smoke for a bit and added, "How about we have a nice little chat at the moment?"
The Sakamakis didn't respond.
"I'll take that as a yes, then." The Dealer made a toothy sharp grin. 
"Except for the humble guests... EVERYONE, OUT." His voice echoed around the club.
People began scrambling away, some goes through the fire exit, some jumps out of the windows, some directly runs to the employee's entrance. The female co worker of Yui took her hand, pulling her to get away from the club. The fifth son, Laito, witness them and begins to go after Yui. 
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His chase got cut off when he felt a huge hand grabbed his body, stopping him to go further. The Dealer is not harsh on him, but giving him a hint to not resist.
"I believe this is a better place to chat." The club owner gently puts down the shocked young man to the floor, and puts the hat to the guest's head in a friendly manner.
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"Now then, why don't we start? Would you like me to gather seats for you? Beers? Cigars? A bite to eat?"
"No thank you. We won't be staying here for long..." Reiji said in a polite manner as possible. Shu (the eldest) noticed how the tone of his brother's voice changed a bit. For the first time, he felt worried.
"I see..." Mr. Dealer replied. "So, what exactly brings all of you he--"
"WE WANT HER!" An abrupt, straightforward response from Ayato himself. "GIVE HER BACK TO US!"
The club owner shook his floating head.
"I'm afraid I cannot do that. You see, Ms. Yui has signed a contract with me. She will be working for me for quiet sometime."
The vampires couldn't believe what they've heard. She give herself up to this ball of freak?! Most of the brothers were seething. How dare she left them over this monstrosity? Was she not grateful for living with them in the luxurious mansion? Compared to this garbage of a place, they imagine that she will be used and---
"I understand... Losing someone as important as her can be upsetting. She is a kind and compassionate girl." The Dealer said.
Subaru winced at that comment. He knows that is not the only main reason why he and his brothers are after her.
"But I can guarantee you... She will be well taken care of. And besides, she seem to develop quiet a liking towards this club---"
"THAT'S A LIE!" Another interruption from an angry Ayato. 
"How so?" Mr. Dealer asked, staring blankly at the hot headed boy.
Reiji had to step in before his stupid brother say and do something reckless.
"She is a shy and quiet girl who doesn't know what she wants. That is why we find it unbelievable that she is willing to stay here. We want to escort her back to our home."
"Really?" Reiji felt a chill down his spine when those pair of black hollowed eyes stare at him. "Strange... That is not how she reacted when she sees all of you."
Suddenly, one of the brothers moved forward. Shu cannot handle the small talk anymore.
"You want to know the truth?! We are the Sakamaki brothers, the vampire clan who lives from far from here. We need her as our bride to continue our bloodline." Much to Reiji's noticable a annoyance and anxiety, Shu continued, "Our father planned it all. She is supposedly the Eve of our family. So we beg you, to please give her back to us."
Subaru just frowned. He never seen him show any sort of care towards to anyone but himself; even Yui is just piece of blood to him. He doesn't know if he mean this, or just an act to persuade the strange creature.
"Vampires? Ah...that make sense... No wonder she suffers in constant chest pains. That's why I had to have my doctors get rid of that pesky heart of hers."
"You..did what?" 
 "Some wicked soul is attempting to take over her body, and her heart is the main cause. So in order for her to properly work for me, I've recommended her to undergo heart surgery, which she willingly participated."
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The brothers were speechless.
"Oh, you all didn't know? And here I am thinking she gets better treatment back in your town." The Dealer chuckled.
"How is she still alive?" One of the brothers questioned.
"We've replaced her old heart with a new improved one."
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Mr. Dealer showed a glass container. Inside is Yui's former heart.  The Sakamaki's sense of smell and desire heightened. So this is why they were so drawn to her blood. 
That heart... It originally belonged to Cordelia, the triplets' mother. (Ayato, Kanato, Laito)
"Here, this is all yours." The club owner handed over the heart to Ayato with care.
"I hope this concludes your chase for the girl, yes?"
Ayato and his brothers are stunned. So this explains everything. They've all been thirsting over her because of this heart. The heart of the so called mother they've despised and killed.
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As the heart container is now on Ayato's hands, what will be his reaction?
Will he take it or break it?
Here is the link to the Poll
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hi would it be alright to request romantic yandere Anakin hcs who’s Jedi darling asked him to leave the Jedi order/council with her, cause she doesn’t want to be part of the war any more please 🙏
This request is very similar to one I did here, just that one was platonic and for Clone Wars. I will take a more general approach with this one :) Excited to write more Anakin. I used the plot/backstory of the platonic request but tweaked so please enjoy!
Yandere! Anakin has so much potential....
Yandere! Anakin with Jedi! Darling asking him to leave the order
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Violence, Mutual relationship turned forced, Implied intimacy, Paranoia, Dark themes, Imprisonment mentioned, Threats, Implied kidnapping/coercion, Kissing.
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In terms of backstory, you and Anakin are both Jedi working for the order.
In fact this can be the same backstory as the Clone Wars Anakin concept I did except romantic.
Which would be you both knew each other from your Padawan days and grew up alongside each other.
So this is essentially an AU where you become Anakin's romantic interest.
Jedi shouldn't have such strong personal connections but he can't help but fall for the young Padawan woman he's grown up with.
You two are inseparable, often training with each other or speaking with one another.
Perhaps your relationship starts mutual.
Anakin has fallen for you and you fall for him over time.
Your relationship has to be secret yet you make do.
Having an already established relationship may just make Anakin's obsession worse.
It's seen in the prequels that Anakin is someone driven by emotion.
He's scared to lose those he loves.
Anakin would also be the first to sense you not liking the war going on.
By the time you wish to leave, Anakin knows you inside and out.
He often meets you in private for "training", when in reality you both share intimacy.
Anakin is addicted to every kiss you give him and he loves your warmth and soft skin.
You're his girl, his woman, and he loves you with all his heart.
He's a man willing to do anything to keep you happy and safe.
In fact part of him constantly worries you'll be in danger due to being a Jedi Knight like him.
If anything his fear skyrockets at the idea of you being killed... especially later on.
When you tell Anakin you wish to leave The Order, he's on edge about it.
He stresses out and he's worried you're trying to leave him.
By this point you're either his girlfriend or wife, depends on if this is around Clone Wars or the third prequel.
He vents these worries to you in private.
He worries he's doing something wrong.
But that just isn't true, you hate all the fighting.
You don't know which side tells the truth and wish to leave... maybe even have your own family.
The idea of having a family with you make Anakin's heart flutter.
The idea of protecting you as his cute little house wife is an idea that pleases him.
Yet he hates the idea of leaving you alone.
Then you drop a bomb.
You want him to leave The Order with you.
Deep down, Anakin really does want to abandon everything and run off with you.
He wants to have a family, he wants to have kids, he wants to keep you safe as his wife and your husband.
At the same time he's still dedicated to The Order.
At first he ignores your offer, instead distracting you with a kiss and tight hug.
He can't ignore it for long unfortunately.
You echo the question back to him, a frown on your face.
One way or another you may leave The Order without Anakin.
He just can't abandon things right now.
The relationship/love for Anakin dies down for you as you make your case and leave for somewhere private.
To make this more yandere and dramatic let's say Anakin comes back to find you after he's joined the Dark Side but before he fought Obi-Wan.
Anakin would've convinced Palpatine to spare you from Order 66 as you will no longer be a problem.
I also have a feeling you left The Order and Anakin for a reason greater than just the war.
Perhaps you had visions of what he'd do in the future.
As a result you tried to change things, but to no avail.
However, Anakin was never ready to just let you go.
You most likely sense his presence, it's darker from the last time you saw him.
His desire for you is darker, he did what he could to prevent your death due to Order 66.
He chose darker power to protect you and now he's finally returned to you.
It was a trial to find where you went but he guessed it was so no one found you.
But Anakin would always find you... he knows how to sense you.
His presence frightens you when he makes his way to your planet with Clone Troopers at his side.
You ask him if he'll kill you, you ask him why he couldn't just forget you after he left.
He made his decision... you made yours... what does he want?
Anakin reassures you he isn't going to kill you, in fact he made you an exception to the Order 66 rule.
No... Anakin came to collect you.
If you had kids then he'll take them too.
Their fate is unknown, however....
Anakin has just missed you so much and regrets not following you back then.
Maybe you had a point to leave....
Yet, Anakin is here now to love and adore you just like before.
You're stiff in his arms when he embraces you, kissing near your neck and cheek while whispering how much he missed you.
Things can be different now, he'll make it different.
He threatens you to not fight him on this.
If you fight him then he'll have to call for your imprisonment.
He's worked hard to make things perfect for the both of you.
Sure, he's given into the Dark Side, but you'll still love him, right?
Of course you will....
There's no need to be hiding from anyone now... he'll protect you as he did before.
Even if you're imprisoned due to no longer loving him and he's cast into lava... he'll probably still care for you somewhere in his heart until you die.
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
Hi could I get a natsu x reader where before Lucy joined the guild natau and the reader go on a mission together but goes horribly wrong which causes the reader to go in a coma and doesn't wake up when Lucy joins and when the reader wakes up she looses her memories so natsu does everything to get them back for her making him feel guilty
Burning Memories
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Word count: 3198
Paring: Natsu x fem reader
Warnings: Amnesia, possibly ooc Natsu, the timeline may be wonky but hey whatever, let me know if I missed anything
A/n: Hello, thank you so much for the request. Sorry it took a while but I’m happy with how it turned out. The ending isn’t perfect but if anyone is interested I’d be willing to make a part two. Anyways I hope you enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.
   He had no idea what went wrong. It was supposed to be an easy mission, kill the monster and collect the reward. That’s it, they had done this kind of job hundreds of times so how did it go so wrong. Watching the beast slam Y/n into the wall behind him scared him. Not because he feared for his own safety, but because why wasn’t she moving. That was the only thought going through the Salamander’s mind.
   After barely managing to distract the monster, he grabbed Y/n and ran. Natsu’s only priority was getting Y/n back to Fairy Tail and getting her help. As he rushed back to the guild hall with his unconscious partner, he couldn’t help but thank whatever higher power that their job wasn’t far from Magnolia. After all he wouldn’t trust just some random person to take care of Y/n.
   When he arrived at the guild hall, he was greeted at first with the normal ruckus of the Guild. But as soon as they noticed the wizard in his arms and the panicked look on his face, every one went silent. Makarov acted first, instructing Mirajane to lead Natsu to the infirmary and ordering for Gray to fetch Porlyusica. Once Natsu had laid Y/n in one of the beds he refused to move until he knew how Y/n was doing. It took Gray and Elfman to pull him out of the room so Porlyusica could check on her.
   The wait for news was stressful to say the least. If anyone walked into the guild hall at that time they would see two things. First being that the entire guild was silent, and second being Natsu knocked out and trapped by one of Freed’s enchantments. It was the best bet for everyone to knock him out because while he was awake he wouldn’t stop trying to get back to the infirmary.
  After what felt like hours Makarov and Porlyusica exited the room. As if sensing a change in the room Natsu shot up slamming into the invisible wall around him. “How is she? Is she ok? Let me outta this thing.” He was frantic as he tried to get out and to his friend.
  “You’re not leaving that enchantment until you calm down. As for Y/n, all we can do is wait. She’s still unconscious and we are unsure when she’ll wake up.” Makarov said, silencing the fire wizard. Everyone else in the Guild was silent taking in the information, one of their own was hurt and there’s nothing else they could do. Eventually Porlyusica left the hall, leaving the Fairies to worry by themselves.
   After about a month there was no sign of improvement in Y/n’s condition. She still laid in the infirmary bed unmoving. Natsu had spent nearly every day sitting by her bed telling her about everything that has been happening in the Guild. And not that he would admit it but when it got late and Happy would fall asleep on the unconscious girl’s chest, Natsu would beg for her to just wake up so he could apologize for letting her get hurt.
   It had been another two months with no sign of improvement in Y/n’s condition, and Natsu hadn’t gone on a job since the incident, wanting to be there when she woke up. But eventually a rumor reached the guild hall of a so-called Salamander in the port town of Hargeon. After much convincing from Happy and Mirajane, Natsu finally left the guild hall. If there was no sign of Y/n waking soon he might as well see if this Salamander was Igneel.
   Time skip
    Now four months after the tragic incident, there was still no sign of improvement. Even though she had long since healed from the injuries, Y/n was still in a coma. And while the entire guild was worried about her they all continued to go about their lives. Natsu even somewhat returned to his normal self. Fighting with Gray over random things and going on jobs with Happy and Lucy. Even if he began to settle back into things, he couldn’t shake the guilt he felt over his comatose friend.
    Not wanting her to think he forgot about her, Natsu would take one day after each job where he would sit with her and just tell her about how things had been going. He knew she likely couldn’t hear him but it gave him a sense of peace to talk with her again. There was also a small piece of him that hoped talking with her would help her wake up sooner. And that’s how life went for the dragon slayer, for some time. Go on jobs with Lucy and then return to the guild hall to update Y/n about how the job had gone.
    Time skip
     After taking an S-Class job without permission, being nearly killed by Erza for taking said mission, and finally completing the job; all Natsu wanted to do was get back to the guild and update Y/n on how he completed an S-class job. But what he was not expecting was to enter the guild hall and be faced with the clearly wide awake Y/n speaking with Mirajane. He was rendered speechless as he took in the sight. His best friend who had been unconscious for months was up and walking around like nothing happened.
    “Hey Flamebrain, are you going to actually go in or are you just going to block the door?” Gray asked, trying to get Natsu to step into the guild hall instead of standing frozen in his spot.
    Natsu didn’t respond, he just kept his eyes focused on Y/n’s smiling face. So many emotions were running wild in his mind, not knowing how to respond to this new development. The group behind him, looked around the frozen mage three of them being just as stunned by the sight and the fourth being slightly confused.
    “Who’s that talking with Mira? And why do you guys look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Lucy asked not having seen Y/n before now.
     “It’s Y/n.” Was the only response she got from Natsu before he moved across the hall.
     The blonde took a moment to process what he said before realization struck her. “Wait, that's Y/n. But I thought she’s been in a coma since before I joined the guild?” She asked turning to the Ice wizard next to her.
     “She was, but I guess she woke up while we were gone.” Gray answered, also moving to greet his friend. Erza and Happy also followed, excited to check on their friend.
     As the group arrived next to Y/n and Mira, Natsu was once again at a loss for words. Unsure of how to speak to Y/n after spending so long talking and not receiving any response. When he finally settled on what to say, He was cut off.
   “Gray, Erza it’s great to see you guys. I’m sorry to have worried you guys for so long.” Y/n said smiling at the two wizards, completely ignoring the pink haired man beside them. “How did your mission go?” She asked.
    The small group all shared a slightly concerned look, because prior to the incident, if Natsu had gone on a job without her, Y/n would immediately demand an update on how it went. But now, she showed no sign of interest in Natsu, not even looking in his direction. “It went pretty well, if it wasn’t for the hot head over here though I might have died.” Gray said, taking notice of the clear confusion on her face when he pointed to said hot head. “Anyway, how are you doing? When did you wake up?” He asked.
    Y/n shook off the confusion, before smiling back at Gray. “Oh, I’m good. I woke up yesterday. Again I’m sorry for causing so much trouble, you all must have been super worried.” She said, glancing to the side at the somewhat familiar stranger next to her. “It also looks like we got a few new guild members. Hi, I’m Y/n it’s nice to meet you both.” Y/n turned to where Natsu and Lucy were standing holding out her hand for them to shake.
    That one interaction caused Natsu to finally break. “What do you mean ‘nice to meet you’ ? You've known me for years. We’ve been partners for years. Hell, I sat with you almost everyday while you were in your coma.” Natsu said his anger was bubbling up. He didn’t mean to sound upset or rude, he was just confused. Had Y/n really forgotten the last five years of her life? No that wasn’t it, she was talking with Gray and Erza like she normally would.
     “I’m sorry Natsu, I should have had someone meet you at the door and worn you. For some reason it seems that Y/n has forgotten some things.” Mirajane said, taking notice of the troubled look that was now present on Y/n’s face.
     Mira’s words however did nothing to calm Natsu, if anything it made things worse. “What do you mean ‘some things’? She clearly remembers all of you. It’s clear that I’m the only one she forgot.” He snapped, causing the whole guild hall to fall silent.
     “Hey calm down Natsu, I’m sure she’ll remember you soon. She was in a coma for almost five months, you have to give her time to readjust.” Gray said, placing a hand on Natsu’s shoulder hoping to calm him down.
     Natsu just scoffed, shrugging the wizards hand off of him. “Easy enough for you to say. Y/n remembers you.” He said turning away from the group. “Whatever, I’m going for a walk. Are you Happy?” He asked the cat as he began to make his way out of the guild hall, through the back doors. 
    The blue cat looked at his friends who were slightly shocked from the wizard’s outburst. “I’ll try to talk to him. It’s good to see you awake Y/n.” Happy said before conjuring his wings and flying after his friend. “Wait for me Natsu.”
     After the door closed behind the two, all eyes were on Y/n. “Hey are you alright?” Gray asked, noticing that the girl was holding back tears. 
     Y/n just shook her head. She had no idea what just happened, but seeing the pink haired wizard upset and storming out of the guild hall because of her made her heart hurt for some reason.
    “You really don’t remember Natsu, do you?” Erza asked, concerned for both her friends.
    Processing the question, Y/n tried to dig up any memories of the fire dragon slayer, but came up blank. “I’m sorry. I really don’t know who he is.” She said shaking her head, trying to pull up the missing memories was really irritating her. “Really, I’m sorry. I want to remember him. I never want to hurt my friends in any way, but I just don’t know who that is.”
    The group was silent and eventually the rest of the guild went back to their regular conversations. After thinking for a moment, Lucy got an idea. “Wait, you remember Happy don’t you?” Lucy asked, receiving a nod paired with a confused look. “Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Lucy, a celestial wizard, and don’t worry about having forgotten me, I joined while you were in your coma. But anyway, if you remember Happy then you should have memories of Natsu. Afterall, they never really leave each other’s side.” Lucy explained her idea after introducing herself.
   Y/n thought for a moment trying to remember anything that had to do with Happy. Of course she remembered the blue cat who could fly and talk, but even looking back she couldn’t remember the pink haired wizard. “I don’t know how to explain it, but I can remember Happy clearly, but I still have no idea who this Natsu is.” She said, holding on to her hair in frustration.
   “Hey it’s okay, you went through a lot. Just relax, I'm sure the memories will come back with time.” Erza said, resting a hand on Y/n’s shoulder. “For now we just have to be patient and try to jog your memory somehow.”
   Y/n just nodded. “I should go talk to him though. He’s upset with me and I don’t know why but it hurts to know that I caused his pain.” She said looking at the requip wizard. “Do any of you know where he may have gone?” She asked, looking at her friends.
   “I don’t know if that’s a good Idea Y/n. Natsu’s a hot head, and he seemed really upset. Maybe you should give him some time.” Gray said, hoping to persuade Y/n to not go after the mage. Seeing the look of desperation on her face, Gray sighed. “Fine, He’s probably sitting at the beach behind the guild hall.” He pointed towards the back of the hall.
   She nodded in thanks before running out of the hall. Y/n may not remember Natsu but she felt the need to make sure he was okay. Once outside she looked to the shower line, seeing the pink haired wizard sitting with his knees to his chest. Next to him sat Happy who looked to be trying to cheer him up.
   “What do you want? It’s not like you know me, so why are you out here?” Natsu spat, not even turning around.
   Resisting the urge to turn around and leave, Y/n just walked closer and sat beside him. “I just wanted to make sure you are okay. Even if I don’t know you, my emotions are responding to yours.” She said, hoping to get him to open up.
   He just turned to look at Happy who sat on his opposite side. “Yeah right, Erza or Gray probably sent you to try and get me to calm down.” He was being defensive. Natsu wanted to believe Y/n so badly but he couldn’t get his hopes up. 
   “That’s not true. I came out here because seeing you so upset because of me hurt. It felt like my heart was going to break if I didn’t come check on you. My mind doesn’t know you but my body does. Please just talk to me. I want to know why I feel this way.” Y/n practically begged the Dragon slayer to listen. She didn’t know why she was so desperate for him to talk with her, but she couldn’t ignore the feeling.
   Natsu sighed before looking out at the water in front of them. “We’ve been best friends since you joined Fairy Tail five years ago. It was alway me, you and happy going on jobs and kicking ass.” Natsu began explaining. Y/n just listened hoping that something he said would trigger a memory. “You even helped me kick Gray’s ass a few times. On long train rides you’d do anything to keep my mind off my motion sickness. If you were having a bad day, I was the first to know. Everything was great until five months ago.” He reminisced, looking over hoping something clicked for Y/n.
  “When I got put in a coma?” Y/n asked, earning a sad nod from her companion. “I remember going on a job that was supposed to just be taking out a monster that was causing trouble in the forest, but something went wrong. Next thing I knew I was in the guild hall being told it’s been five months.” She explained what she remembered, curious what Natsu had to do with it. “But I thought it was a solo job?”
   Natsu shook his head. “You’re right about the monster in the woods causing trouble, but it wasn’t a solo job. We took the job because it was routine for us, track down the beast, roast it, and collect our pay. But apparently the job request got put on the wrong board.” He explained looking back at the water. “It was supposed to have gone up on the S-Class board, but was put on the regular one by mistake. Anyway, we went out looking for it and quickly found it in a cave. It was going fine until I looked to make sure Happy was ok and the beast grabbed you.” He was gritting his teeth at the memory. “By the time I heard your scream, you had been throwing into the wall. I acted as fast as I could distracting the beast, before grabbing your limp body and running as fast as I could to the guild hall for help.'' By the time Natsu finished retelling what was surely one of the worst days of his life he was holding back tears.
   Y/n sat stunned hearing the whole story of what had happened that day. “Wow, I’m so sorry. If I was stronger than I wouldn’t have gotten hurt like that and I would still know who you are.” Y/n said playing with the sand beneath her feet.
   “You have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not your fault. If anything it’s mine for not realizing that the reward on the job was too much for a regular request. It’s my fault for not keeping an eye on you. It’s my fault for not being strong enough to protect you.” Natsu said, each sentence conveying more of his guilt. “I’m sorry, Y/n because I was weak, you got hurt and lost five months of time. If anything, you forgetting me is like my punishment for failing as a friend.” He finished, his tears that he was holding back now freely falling down his face.
    As Natsu buried his face in his scarf, Y/n was at a loss. “It’s not your fault. I may not remember exactly what happened but you can’t take the blame. And you can’t possibly think me forgetting you is just punishment for you. It’s hell finding out that there’s this person who I apparently spent so much of my life with that I no longer remember. I want to remember you, every fiber of my being is begging me to recognise you, but nothing comes up.” Y/n said, letting her tears fall. “If we truly are as close as you say we are, please help remember you, Natsu.” She asked, looking him in the eyes when he turned to face her.
   Coming to a decision, Natsu quickly jumped to his feet. “Right, I can help you get your memories back. It’s my fault you lost them therefore it’s my responsibility to help you get them back.” He said proudly looking at Y/n, offering a hand to help her up.
    “How do you plan to do that Natsu?” Happy asked, flying to be eye level with the two humans.
    Natsu thought for a moment before responding. “I’m not entirely sure, but I won’t give up until Y/n remembers everything.” He said, earning a sigh from his cat and a chuckle from his friend.
    It was true, none of them knew how to bring back Y/n’s memories, but Natsu was not going to give up. He would spend the rest of his life trying to help Y/n get her memories back, and if that didn’t work he would just make new ones with her.
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
A lot of things happened today, a lot of horrible things. A full circus of errors orchestrated by the narrative to serve the high end of tragedy. Everything thrown to this poor young lady who just wanted to get married, and live happily.
And yet it's incredible to read how Dracula practically organized the worst way possible to deliver the last blow to poor Lucy.
Every action, and horrible moment translates into a domino effect that traps Lucy in her own house, surrounded by death, and then utterly alone.
Dracula is merciless as we have known. The poor mother with the wolves, those babies only knowing pain and then death, even the Weird Sisters as horrible as they were are subjected to this man's orders and treatment. Plus, all of the locals of Transylvania being terrorized for centuries.
Then it comes Jonathan, and now Lucy.
All of Dracula's actions feel full of rage. Rage of being foiled, of seeing how his target keeps on living despite being utterly drained of blood two separate times. He was capricious with Lucy in Whitby by capturing her nightmares as he drank in leisure, but now it became about power over a life.
"but I did not fear to go to sleep again, although the boughs or bats or something napped almost angrily against the window-panes." - Lucy Westenra.
Our dear Lucy doesn't fear the nightmares anymore, she doesn't fear the darkness, nor is worried about the fog inside her head ordering to do things that cause her harm because Lucy is now surrounded by love, by medicine, by people that care about her.
She knows about the horrors, about the nightmares, about the harm that has been inflicted upon her. However, lucy doesn't fear that anymore, with her beautiful garlic wreath around her neck, healthy, and clear of mind she doesn't fear.
And what happens when it's clear to Dracula that Lucy doesn't fear his power?
"I went to the window and looked out, but could see nothing, except a big bat, which had evidently been buffeting its wings against the window."
This single moment, this tiny moment of simply looking at Dracula directly, it's probably the drop that made the glass explode. This is all speculation of course, but just imagine the miriad of emotions, questions, and decisions that traveled through Dracula's brain in that single moment.
The girl, not dead, full of life, eyes as clear as the morning sky, with a wreath of garlic flowers (mountain ash to repel) around her neck looking right at him without a shred of fear... those wretched peasants arming themselves with their knowledge thinking that they could survive him. The young solicitor with the crucifix, denying him of what is rightfully his, and striking him down with a simple shovel.
What does she deserve after this? Death. Death to her mother, death to her loved ones, death to herself... or maybe something worse.
This ancient evil got so angry that this young lady was holding so much to her life that he orchestrated a living nightmare to kill her.
Because who is this mortal human to deny the orders of a lord defeating time itself?
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rissararity · 1 month
Grumpy Alpha Logan x feminine sunshine omega
(Unprotected P/v sex, slight breeding fetish, omegaverse, no knotting cause I'm not into that part, spitting in mouth, choking, Primal play, both degradation and praise sprinkled about. Dom Logan. Cumflation/belly bulge, slight Sadist/Masochist. NO daddy kink! Just a primal, attitude checking fuck)
Word count: 3,466
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“Do we need to talk about anything?” Logan asked, stepping into the darkened kitchen to see the omega that had been largely ignoring all the alphas lately and sassing back more than usual.
She got some water from the refrigerator door and glared at him, “I’m fine. Leave me alone.”
He raised his brows, slowly stepping closer as she drank her water. This was pretty much the first time he’d seen her all day, and it was actually the following day; the glowing clock showing 12:07AM.
“I’m your overseer, weather you like it or not. Watch your tone.” He growled.
“I’m not a baby, Logan. I was nice about it before but let me tell you in no uncertain terms,” rage bubbled into her voice as she set the glass down and squared her shoulders. “I am fine! You don’t have to follow me around. So do me a favor and FUCK OFF!”
Immediately, her heart sank as he was in her face in a second. She tried to hide the fact that he knocked some of the wind out of her sails.
His irritation filled pheromones swarmed her senses a moment later and her body reacted the way it needed to in order to ensure she got what she needed from Alpha.
Let’s play. Her inner omega purred.
“Look here, Missy,” Logan grabbed Lina’s jaw in his hand, forcing her to meet his eyes that darkened with anger, “This attitude of yours needs to stop. You don’t want me to have to remind you of your manners the old fashioned way.” He growled, not missing the flick of excitement in her eyes.
He cocked his head, typical alpha arrogance filling his expression. “Or do you?”
She gave him a daring look before shoving away from him and wrenching her face away.
“Have it your way, Pidge.” A delighted yelp came from her as his calloused hands grabbed her hips and tossed her almost carelessly to the floor.
Before she could react he was shoving her face down and hips up. Logan leaned over her a bit, caging her underneath him and shoving his hardening length against her panty covered warmth.
The force of his thrust pushed her cheek into the cool marble, her breath fogging it a little with each gasp.
The omega gave her all into wiggling out and wrestling against his strength but it was effortless on his part. He actually seemed amused at her attempts to throw herself around.
The entire time no scent of fear rose from her. Only the gradual increase of how wet she became as she experienced his strength firsthand.
“Are you about finished?” he asked when she stopped to catch her breath, sitting up on his knees, keeping his lap flush with her backside. He seized both of her wrists, pinning them swiftly to her back before she could register that she’d been free for a second there. “Lay still, Pidge.”
They both knew she didn’t want to escape. Not really.
It was part of the dance between alpha and omega that was as old as humans themselves. One now considered inappropriate, crude and worse by most…yet Lina reveled in their game.
She loved the dominant pressure he exuded over her, how big he was in every sense of the word, how his own arousal pheromones joined hers in a symphony.
At last, she shuffled her knees impatiently in a primitive dance to give enthusiastic consent despite her act of being outraged by being mounted. She barred her teeth as he adjusted himself with one hand, then froze up as she heard a single claw come out.
“Don’t move. Be a good girl.” His command hit like a soul soother rather than an order since Lina was secretly very happy to obey.
She held her breath to be as still as possible while he easily shredded her panties.
He gave her wrists a carefully measured but plenty firm squeeze to silently remind her to stay still. She huffed in acceptance, cheeks blazing when he backed away to scent her in the most intimate way possible.
Though she was shy, her body responded by sending more slick his way. She started to shake her hips again but froze as Logan gave an irritated growl that made her clit throb.
Lina hadn’t taken an alpha by choice in years, and she didn’t want to lose her chance with him. Of course, Logan was too far into his hind brain to stop now regardless.
Her body gave off more of her intoxicating aroma for his enhanced senses to revel in as means to apologize. A purr came from his chest just before he leaned in for a taste.
“F-fuck!” she moaned, eyes fluttering back as she felt his facial hair adding an extra spark to her pleasure.
He paused, “Soon. I’m not finished with you yet.” Hunger tinged his voice, making her thighs clench. “Such a good girl, aren’t you?”
“I’m a good girl.” She agreed, trying to refrain from shoving herself back against his mouth, knowing he was baiting her. She whimpered, flinching when his resulting snicker of amusement puffed air on her sensitive core.
Ego stroked, the alpha leaned back in and ate her out while she panted in pleasure.
She was more than ready by the time he popped his cock in and firmly slid all the way to the base. Both groaned in unison as her stomach boasted a bulge that could only be one thing.
Logan climbed over her and wrapped one arm around her torso, a dangerous growl from him went straight to her clit as he stretched her wider to accommodate him.
Lina whined and whimpered as she embraced the slight sting. She’d obviously taken alpha’s before but this one was bigger than any of the others. Hell, he was the biggest alpha she'd seen in person all around.
Her inner omega adored this fact.
She knew this could be a challenge but when his growl turned into a cool purr, “You’re taking me so well…that’s my good girl.” Her determination grew even stronger and she wiggled her hips a little to reassure him that she was okay and still wanted this.
Lina couldn’t see the flash of relief in his smoldering brown eyes before he slowly pushed in the last couple inches, shivering when he felt the tip lightly hit a wall.
She grunted a little as her stomach was forced to distend in a way only omegas were built for-the reason some alphas stayed single and hoped for an omega and the reason betas died on surgical tables trying to be able to accommodate the larger alphas they coveted.
With much preparation or careful movement in the alpha’s part, they could safely fuck either designation but this felt so natural – given the circumstances that had gotten them here.
They both wanted this to hurt a bit since it was intended as a display of dominance and to “fix” her attitude, honestly she was enjoying it. It’s different with a partner that actually cares about you, even if he tried to hide it. She just met Logan and trusted him more than she'd trusted anyone but an omega in a long time.
So really she trusted him to hurt her safely.
And he did, eagerly pounding into her with enough force to push her forward a little on the floor with each thrust.
He cupped the lump in her belly he knew was his cock and grunted at the increased pressure. “Mmm, please L-Logan!”
An arrogant growl ripped from his throat as he curled his body around her as much as he could as if someone would try to take her from him.
She felt his muscles coil around her and pushed back against him as her hindbrain made her chirp in approval for her partner.
Her inner omega knew biologically speaking that Logan was her favorite alpha I.E the most compatible one thus far, and her body wanted to make sure he knew that-to encourage him to accept her again.
“Ah!” she yelped, rolling her hips back as he nipped at her neck, tongue soothing the pain as soon as he caused it. This didn’t last as he had to force himself to stop that before he slipped up.
After a while, repeated force on her neck from this position was getting uncomfortable, she made a slight sound of genuine pain and Logan froze at once, shoulders heaving as he looked down at her face. Sweat glistened on their bodies from the dull light under the kitchen counter.
“M-my neck…”
He nodded, and in a blur of flesh was sitting her on a towel on the counter. Lina let her alpha position her how he wanted; legs spread obscenely wide while she sat on the edge.
Logan's thumb found her clit as soon as he pushed back inside, both of them moaning in tandem.
He kissed her neck, careful to stay away from her mating glands, and nuzzled the soreness away while grinding into her.
“Please alpha…” she begged, uncaring of how uncouth she was being. Logan actually loved it, especially with the bow in her hair peaking slightly over the top of her head.
His eyes zeroed in on their joining, watching the juice glisten on his thick cock with each retreat. The alpha’s nostrils flared as he tried to inhale their mixed scents, extra sensitive nose trying to commit it to memory
His pheromones were a drug to the omega who eagerly let him use her to fuck out the frustration she’d caused him with her attitude lately.
Logan grunted over her shoulder, slowing and going for strength over speed. If she hadn’t been a mutant, his force would have broken her pelvis.
She whimpered a little at the pain, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. “You need to remember your place here, my little whore.” He slammed once more before pulling most of the way out and holding position.
Lina gave an irritated growl and tried to grab his hip to get him the rest of the way. “No.”
Her blood froze as Logan commanded her, hand slowly fell back to her side. His calloused hand gripped her jaw, making her meet his eyes that burned with lust.
“Now!” She demanded, growing frustrated at the lack of pleasure and forced to kick her legs in a little tantrum as her hindbrain took over.
Her body released more pheromones and slick to try to entice her partner to continue.
His grip tightened to be a bit painful as his eyes hardened, though no actual rage came off him.
“You wanna try that again, Bub?” His voice was low and dangerous, challenging her to keep pushing it. Her now neglected clit throbbed in response, a sign she still felt safe.
Logan watched his omega weigh her options and made an effort not to smirk as defiance solidified in her steel colored eyes.
“I said now.” She hissed impatiently, glancing down at where his tip was just barely inside.
The air grew tense as they played their game again, communicating through eye contact for a few long moments. When she refused to back down, he clicked his tongue.
“You really gotta learn sometime, Princess.”
Just as she opened her mouth to ask, she was -firmly but carefully – dragged to her knees in front of him. Yet when she tried to take him in her mouth he stepped away, taunting dick bouncing against his hair covered abs.
Her whine brought an arrogant smile to his lips for a moment. “So needy for me. But you don’t deserve any more of my cock after that, do you?” he crossed his arms over his broad chest, watching her wide eyes admire them then back to his eyes.
“I do! I’m a good girl. Please!” she begged, blinking up at him, her body tensed at the loss of his touch and she couldn’t help but shift a bit uncomfortably.
“Had to open that big mouth of yours.” He made a show of raising his eyebrows as he got an idea. A long finger tapped his chin, “That’s what got you into this situation, that’s what’s gonna get you out of it.”
Open her mouth for what, if not his cock? No one ever wanted it for anything else.
Noticing her confusion but willingness to comply, he explained. “Alpha wants to spit in your mouth, Sweet Pea. When I’m satisfied, I’ll fill you with so much cum you’ll bloat like a rutted bitch.” He purred the second sentence.
Her cheeks burned with desire as she considered this a fair trade.
“Yes, Alpha. Anything for you. Please.” Her legs shook as she sat on her knees the way that felt natural.
Hearing his designation fall from her lips like that was music to his ears, she looked so beautiful when she opened her mouth for him, eyes full of want and lust.
A purr sounded in his chest as he popped his thumb into her mouth, watching her automatically begin to suck on it while looking at his face.
After only a few seconds he pulled his lips up in a sneer and rubbed her own saliva on her cheek. “Fuckin’ slut.” But the aroused Alpha scent in the air grew even more intense.
His tone made her insides churn with desire. She wanted to beg for his cum but knew he’d only make her wait longer.
Her alpha set his terms, and her hindbrain accepted them.
His large hand easily framed her jaw, gripping it in a way that hurt just the right amount. Lina opened again, looking almost hopeful to receive any gift from her partner.
Logan gathered some saliva and let it slowly stretch through a foot of air and into her waiting mouth. He held her eyes while he did this, dick painfully hard but the game was too good.
When he’d passed it all to her, his grip on her jaw shifted to push more on her cheeks so he could see the indents of his fingers inside as he inspected her.
“Swallow, thank me and ask for more.”
He gently caressed her sore jaw that was already healing the slight bruises before his very eyes. Alpha and omega healing made her heal almost as fast as him – once the pressure was removed.
Logan's command rubbed her brain as her inner omega danced with joy that this alpha was pleased with her.
He very much enjoyed having a partner that could take it; needed one, really.
Part of him wanted to praise her but he wanted to play this game a little longer.
“And call me Wolverine, for now.” He added.
His cock jumped a little as she made a show of swallowing his gift then opened to prove it. “Thank you, Wolverine. Please, please can I have more? I’ll be a good girl from now on.” She blinked up at him with a look of pure obedience only an omega could pull off.
Arrogance filled him as his alpha ego was stroked. He wore a superior look on his face and met her eyes hard while he spit directly into her mouth, noticing a little trail that connected them before it broke and fell onto her chin.
A smirk coiled at his lips while his thumb smeared it before dipping into her mouth for his pile and rubbing it down her lower lip and onto her chin.
“Be a good girl and swallow for me.”
She did, hoping she earned her reward.
He groaned at her immediate acceptance, eyes softening a bit. “Atta girl, Pidge.”
The mage’s eyes rolled back as he raked his fingers through her hair, fingertips leaving sparks dancing across her scalp as he praised her in the most ancient of ways. A chirp of joy as a reaction surprised Logan for a fraction of a second but he quickly did it twice more for her just to watch.
To appreciate how she knit her dark brows in primitive response to the non sexual pleasure. To appreciate how she subconsciously pushed her head into his hand to accept his praise. To appreciate how his spit glistened on her skin when she bit her lip.
He could feel how happy she was with this, inner alpha wanting this omega to be open to him again.
Her body relaxed a little as excitement fluttered in her belly, slick long since having reached her knees by way of her inner thighs.
If it had been a beta that smelled like this, he’d of railed her within an inch of her life long ago. Most betas he took to his bed weren’t the submissive type as hate/angry sex seemed to be the closest to what he truly wanted in the bedroom, in a beta’s eyes.
While it was, without a doubt, more than even most omegas were okay with…it was far from hate sex for them.
The desire to draw out an omegas pleasure alongside his own gave him the strength to enjoy the moment a bit more before-
Logan immediately shoved Lina off her knees and to her back, one of his hands slyly protecting the back of her head as he followed her down.
Supporting himself on one arm, he reached down with the other and shoved two fingers into her, rubbing her clit with his thumb in slow torturous circles.
The omega writhed beneath him, lifting her hips to encourage him but he blatantly ignored it and kept his leisurely pace.
“Such a good little whore for your first time being my spit cup. You deserve a reward, Princess.”
“…Alpha…” she whined, actually sweating as her body cried for him.
Logan grinned, “I wonder what the pretty little whore wants for her reward. Beg for it.”
She knew exactly what she wanted, as did he but he wanted to hear her say it.
“Please, Wolverine, I need your cock. I’ll be good for you from now on! Please, please!”
Only a growl answered her and not a second later, she gasped as she slid across the floor a bit from the force of him slamming back into her.
She panted and begged, curling her arms and legs around his hairy, sculpted body while he gave into his feral desires.
It didn’t take long for a string of curse words roll through his lips as his arms locked her in place beneath him. She could feel each burst as he gave her what she’d needed more than anything in that moment.
He painted her pussy white, claws extending as he did so and scraping the marble floor. Her reactionary orgasm hit like a ton of bricks, moan rendered a strangled cry as Logan covered her mouth.
He grunted as she bit his palm to keep quiet, eyes rolling as his hips locked in the forward position.
At last, her body slumped into the floor as he peeled her limbs off him and slowly pulled out.
A warm, syrupy growl fell from his lips as he watched his thick, creamy load follow him out as she was uncorked.
Then a purr while he carefully used his fingers to push it back in, ignoring her shutter.
“Time to go to bed, Pidge. You’ve had a long night.” He murmured, wishing they could go another round. Wishing he could stay inside her and keep her filled with him.
But that isn’t what this was, and he didn’t want to overstep. Besides, he could sense that his partner was spent and in need of care.
“I’ll say she has! And I gotta say, didn’t take you for a call me by my superhero name type, but it is actually kinda hot.” they both look over at Wade, their beta friend that somehow managed to break into The Avenger’s tower whenever he damn well pleased.
Logan growled, trying to cover the omega who was still too fucked out to care. “Get the fuck outta here you perv, I’ll pluck your fuckin eyes out.”
Wade shrugged and pushed off the wall he’s been leaning on. “I was just dropping by to visit my friend Mistress Black Widow and heard the commotion! Also a little jealous you never tried this with me.” He paused, “Can’t talk too much with a mouth full of cock,” he glanced down at Lina’s blissful expression, “Might take a lot of saliva to shut me up though, better weigh your options but I’m good with either.”
Blushing slightly, Logan hissed at him “Get the fuck out Wade.”
The command hit him but visibly rolled off as he shook out one shoulder a little. “Whatever you say, Wolverine.” He mocked, quickly darting for the doorway just as Logan swiped, claws out.
Got a little fic for this I'm writing for fun, but I'm ovulating and you gotta strike while the iron is hot!
And yes, Logan and Lina are temporarily staying with The Avengers for plot reasons and bc I don't know much about Xmen
I've been reading so much Logan lately and wanted to throw my hat in the ring. First time writing a lover like Alpha Logan but I think I did pretty well for a first shot.
Thanks for reading!
Reblogs are always appreciated! Submitting this under the a/b/o prompt @mercurial-chuckles
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msweebyness · 3 months
Akuma AU- The Villain Class
Here it issss! The formal introduction to my new villainous AU, where all the kids are their akuma selves!
Here’s the rundown: Paris is split into two sides, dark and light. The dark side regularly terrorizes the light, though a resistance tries to fight them. All people on the dark side are akumas, so all the kids’ families are. The deal is: you don’t get a supervillain name until you prove yourself and demonstrate your power to do harm and cause chaos, and most akumas are just content to be evil but otherwise normal people. The akuma class are like the ‘gifted’ class of Dark Paris, everybody knows these guys. I’ll also be expanding on some of their powers! Also, they wouldn’t be their ugly and fashion-backward canon akuma looks. I REALLY like the akuma redesigns for the Scarlet Lady AU by Zoe-oneesama, so imagine them in something like that! Alright, let’s get into it! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Miss Fortune (aka Marinette Dupain-Cheng): Born with the power to inflict terrible luck and pain on whoever she pleases by way of her hexes and anti-charms, Marinette is a girl who has more than a couple screws loose. She adores seeing people get hurt and actively goes out of her way to make things go wrong in every way possible. Serving as the class’ unofficial leader, Marinette often takes the helm when they go out to terrorize Paris. As dark as her heart is, Marinette adores her partners and family and would do anything to keep her friends safe.
Chat Blanc (aka Adrien Agreste): Wielding the power to destroy anything he pleases with a flick of his wrist, Adrien is not someone you want to cross for any reason. Just like 1/3 of his partners, Marinette, he lives for seeing chaos and pain, especially when he can make it as big a show as possible. He’s known to taunt and mock the people he terrorizes with cruel jokes just to add a little further humiliation. Despite being evil, he’s normally a jovial guy…unless you make the mistake of making him angry. Let’s just say it’s a bad idea to bring up his father.
Lady WiFi (aka Alya Cesaire): Wielding the power to control the world around her as if it were a livestream, Alya boasts a massive amount of power over the digital world and as such, rules the media of Paris with an iron fist! Serving as Marinette’s right hand woman, Alya makes sure her bestie’s orders are carried out without question and broadcasts their victories to spread fear in the light side of Paris. It’s useless to try and hide anything from her, Alya has surveillance in every corner of Paris and uses this to the advantage of herself and her class. She also adores her boyfriend Nino, and is quite protective of her sisters.
Bubbler (aka Nino Lahiffe): While Nino’s powers, creating bubbles that serve various functions, may not seem threatening at first glance, this villainous DJ is not one to be messed with. He’s a master of making people feel at ease before he strikes and causes as much chaos as possible, alongside his friends and girlfriend. Nino is fond of throwing parties and knows how to give his fellow villains a good time, but heaven help you if you’re a good citizen who wanders in. Like his bro Adrien, he’s a chill guy most of the time, until something sets him off and he goes full villain.
Queen Wasp (aka Chloe Bourgeois): Hosting quite possibly the biggest ego of any of the fledgling villains, Chloe wields the power to make anyone stung by her beloved wasps obey her every command, often to do degrading tasks. Almost seeing fitted to her powers, Chloe has a rather imperious attitude and expects people to do what she tells them to when she tells them to do it, and can be more than a little arrogant. However, she also has a soft spot for her best friend Sabrina and sister Zoe, and will eviscerate anyone who messes with them. If you value your freedom, don’t cross this queen.
Vanisher (aka Sabrina Raincomprix): Given the power of fading into the background like no one else can, Sabrina’s ability to become invisible and/or intangible gives her a major edge in the battles against the heroic citizens. Sabrina is a vindictive young woman who loves to use her powers to find people’s secrets and then exploit them to her own benefit. She’s also fond of pulling pranks and watching her best friend Chloe order her minions around, which she finds endlessly amusing. Always make sure to check your surroundings around this one!
Gamer (aka Max Kante): Max’s formidable powers allow him to bring video games into the real world, corrupting reality around him into whatever he would like it to be. Considering himself to be intellectually superior to the common rabble of Paris, Max enjoys using his technology to drive people to the brink of madness, knowing they don’t have the capacity to fight back. His arrogance in his intelligence can sometimes make him come off as a know-it-all to his friends, but he’s loyal anyway. His ingenuity makes him a valuable asset to the class.
Timebreaker (aka Alix Kubdel): Alix’s powers allow her to steal time from the people around her in order to accelerate her own speed, and if she gathers enough, she can reverse the flow of time. A reckless lover of chaos if ever there was one, Alix loves to speed around causing as much confusion, damage and panic as possible. She has a special love for getting under people’s skin and causing them to lash out, only to knock them flat on their backs. While mischievous, she’s a loyal friend who will take a hit for someone she cares about. Keep clear of this speed demon’s path.
Dark Cupid (aka Le Chien Kim): Kim’s power over the heart cannot be denied, though it’s not the power to spread love. Whoever gets hit by his arrows is overcome by hatred and anger. A bruiser at heart, Kim loves to stir up arguments and get fists flying whenever he can, almost as much as he loves causing drama in the relationships of others, replacing happiness with animosity. Despite this, he cares deeply for his friends and especially his girlfriend, Ondine, with whom he shares a passionate love that they love to flaunt to others. You better run fast, because he always shoots true.
Princess Fragrance (aka Rose Lavillant): Rose’s powerful and toxic perfume can do a myriad of wicked things, but it’s most prominent ability is to turn anyone who breathes it in into a dutiful servant of the princess. Though she’s not above a good poisoning every now and again. Rose doesn’t see most people as ‘people’ so much as drones meant to serve her and her friends’ purposes. After all, are some not made more powerful than others? It’s towards only her friends and her beloved Juleka, who she treats like a queen, that she shows a more loving side. All bow to the princess!
Reflekta (aka Juleka Couffaine): Juleka’s wicked transformation powers are a thing to be feared should you ever cross her in any way, she can reflect her thoughts to turn you into whatever she pleases! A malevolent trickster at heart, she loves to put people in the most inconvenient and dangerous situations she can when she transforms them. She also has a habit of transforming into something frightening to scare people, an activity often engaged in when hanging out with Mylene. Despite her pranking nature, she’s fiercely protective of those she cares about, especially her girlfriend Rose and brother Luka. Don’t trust the image you see in the mirror!
Horrificator (aka Mylene Haprele): One of the most terrifying villains in the whole menagerie, Mylene possesses the two-fold ability of not only finding your worst fear and producing it, but growing in strength and power from the fear she garners from you! She takes great delight in the mental anguish she can cause her victims and relishes nothing more than the sound of screams, and loves to give the occasional spook to her friends and her beloved boyfriend as well. Surprisingly, she also has a strong motherly side and will often comfort them when needed. Make sure you check under your bed with this one around.
Stoneheart (aka Ivan Bruel): A villain whose strength cannot be overstated, Ivan’s massive frame and physical matter made of solid stone make him functionally indestructible, more so when you add the fact that any blow dealt to him only increases his already tremendous size and strength. With a quick temper and massive brawn to back it up, Ivan enjoys nothing more than some head bashing and property destruction when he goes out to terrorize Paris. Despite this, he’s very protective and gentle with those close to him, especially his girlfriend and his little sister. Think twice before trying to rile this guy up.
Evillustrator (aka Nathaniel Kurtzberg): Nathaniel’s powerful sketchpad allows him to bring whatever dastardly things he might wish to draw to life to attack his enemies or cause general mischief. Something of an unpredictable and unhinged creative type, Nathaniel is always conjuring up new weapons, beasts and means of torment on the fly, laughing maniacally as he uses them to terrorize good citizens alongside his villainous classmates. He especially loves drawing tributes to his boyfriend Marc, who he’s devoted to above all else. An artist can be a fickle thing!
Special Additions:
Syren (aka Ondine Rivas): Ondine’s tears pack more of a wallop than most girls, given that with them she can flood the city as well as control any source of water in her range. Vindictive and manipulative, Ondine loves to trick unsuspecting citizens into sinking into the watery depths with her charming voice and wiles, seeing them thrash and struggle to stay afloat. She can also be a bit unstable, her moods fluctuating unpredictably, though she is generally kind and supportive with her friends. She has a bit of a playful streak and especially loves teasing her beloved prince, Kim, and they are never shy with affection. Steer clear of the deep water, you never know what’s lurking!
Silencer (aka Luka Couffaine): Luka’s power to silence those he doesn’t like is menacing because it doesn’t just wear off when he leaves, he can permanently steal someone’s voice! He also has the power to manipulate sound as a whole. A reserved and stoic individual, Luka prefers to let his powers do the talking for him when he’s wreaking havoc across Paris, smiling serenely as he tears apart entire blocks with sonic blasts. He serves as a steadying presence for his partners, sister and classmates, reminding them to look before they leap and serving as a source of advice. The sound of danger is approaching quickly!
Riposte (aka Kagami Tsurugi): No blade on earth can rival the power of the ones Kagami summons, which can slice through anything without a problem. Which, combined with her icredible speed and agility, makes for a powerful enemy. Cold and cruel with no concern for anyone outside of her friend circle, Kagami relishes the feeling on causing her opponent a world of pain and subjecting them to the crushing humiliation of defeat. This also makes her a bit of a sore loser. Despite her icy demeanor, Kagami has a caring side with her friends and partners, and will protect them at any cost. She’s a cut above the rest!
Reverser (aka Marc Anciel): Marc’s powers are as confusing as they are terrifying, with the ability to turn people against their own natures, to become their polar opposite once his paper airplanes touch them. Unpredictable and chaotic, Marc loves nothing more than to turn Paris upside down and leave everyone in a maddened state of despair. He’s not even above using his powers to mess with his friends, though he does care for them. His greatest joys are spending time with his boyfriend Nathaniel and teaching his young brother Kiran (aka Sandboy) the ways of villainy. You never know what you’ll get with this guy!
Sole Crusher (aka Zoe Lee): Zoe’s shoes aren’t a pair you would ask to borrow if you have any sense. Anyone she crushes under her heel adds to her size and strength as she terrorizes Paris. Having more than a bit of a superiority complex, Zoe wants everyone to know how much better than them she and her friends are, and is willing to crush them underfoot for that to happen. Perhaps that’s why she gets along so well with her sister. She also might have feelings for a certain akuma in her class, though both have yet to admit it. Step out of the way or get stepped on.
Zombizou (aka Caline Bustier): The villain class’ nefarious teacher, with the power to hypnotize and zombify people with a kiss from her magic lip balm. She adores her students and enjoys teaching them to be the most vile villains they can possibly be. She’s able to turn anything into a lesson about doing evil, and especially loves taking them into the field for some hands-on experience. She’s also fiercely protective and if anyone messes with her kids, there’ll be hell to pay!
And there you have it, folks! The possible first set of Wicked Kiddies! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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Don’t Mess With Her (rafe cameron)
Summary: so everyone knows the movie scene… well it’s basically that but instead of JJ and Pope being targeted, it’s you and Rafe comes to the rescue. anyways enjoy!
Warnings: language, violence, anxiety attack, cat calling
Word count: 695
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As you were paying for yours and Rafe’s drinks, a familiar uninvited presence loomed over you, JJ.
“Hey beautiful. Nice of you to show up.”
“Yeah, yeah. Please go away.” You said, starting to walk back to Rafe.
“Oh being fiesty are we?” He questioned, following you. “Hey, turn around!” He grabbed your shoulder.
“What the fuck, JJ?” You winced at how hard he gripped your shoulders. “Get off of me!” You squirmed.
“Just give me a chance.” But before you could say anything more Rafe was standing right behind JJ.
“I’m pretty sure she said ‘beat it’.” JJ instantly removed his hands and backed off, hands up in defense. Once he was gone Rafe took his time examining you.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Just say the word and I'll-…” You cut him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him.
“Thank you, Rafe.” He sighed and hugged you back.
“No problem, baby.”
Unfortunately all of the soda you had drank caused your bladder to go against you quite quickly.
“Rafey, I need to go to the bathroom.” You unhooked his arms from around you. “I drank too much soda.” You stood up.
“Okay, just holler if you need anything. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
To be able to avoid the same encounter as earlier, you made sure to go around the back of the big screen. It was a quicker path anyway. You thought.
Apparently you weren’t the only person with this idea and a couple people were behind the screen including JJ and Pope, who had seemed to have not seen you.
After you went to the bathroom you traveled your same path. However, this time you were met with just JJ face to face. No Rafe to protect you this time.
“Hi pretty girl.” He took a step closer to you. “I’ve missed you and that sweet voice.”
“JJ I’m just trying to watch the movie and Rafe is waiting for me. I really should be going.”
“Nuh uh. You’re not going anywhere.” He took another step closer. Your heart was racing and your hands were starting to sweat. What could he possibly want from me?
On the other end of the line Rafe started to worry. What is taking her so long? “Hey guys, I’m going to go check on Y/n.” He got up following the trail she had taken some 10 minutes ago.
The scene in front of him was appalling. JJ with his knife mere inches away from you and your body shaking with fear, tears rolling down your rosy cheeks.
“What the fuck, Maybank?” You had never seen JJ turn around so fast.
“Rafe I- I um…”
“Spit it out, pogue.” Rafe spat, grabbing JJ by his shirt and throwing a punch. And another and another. All the while you were still struggling to breath.
Topper ran to your side while Kiara ran to JJ’s.
“Y/n, Y/n? Can you hear me? Are you okay?”
“Want Rafe.” You squeaked.
“Okay, okay. We can do that but I need you to come with me. Now.” You had never heard Topper be so serious. You were confused. That was until a fire erupted right before your eyes.
Still recovering from your panic attack you ran over to the fire to get Rafe to a safe place.
“Rafe! Rafe!” You yelled, then strong arms picked you up and carried you to their car.
“Rafe?” You cried, snuggling your head into the person's chest.
“Yeah it’s me, sweet girl.” He sat you down in the passenger seat.
“What happened?” You asked as he climbed into the car.
“A dirty pogue is what happened. And it won’t ever happen again I promise.”
“I’m sorry.” You sniffled, still shaking from the aftershocks of your attack.
“Baby don’t ever be sorry for that. You did nothing wrong and I’m glad I was the one to find you. We are however going to file a lawsuit and restraining order against all of them. Because I can’t even begin to think about what I would do without you.”
“I love you, Rafe.”
“I love you too, sweet girl.”
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puddle-nerd · 9 months
The Price of Silence
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Summary: You saw something you shouldn’t have. Jake ensures your silence.
Possible Trigger Warnings: Implied/Referenced Cheating, Confirmed Cheating, Dubious Consent, Non-Consensual Themes
Story Tags: No Use of Y/N, Pre Way of Water, Pet Names (baby, baby girl), Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Daddy Kink, Forced Orgasm, Thigh Fucking, Secrets
Author’s Notes: Requested by @jakesullywhore. This turned a bit longer than I was anticipating. I have another request in the queue, but that one is for a Jeytiri/Metkayina girl triad A/B/O fic. I’m planning to get that out in max about two weeks, depending on my schedule and how much stress my move is going to cause me. *fingers crossed it doesn’t* But we’ll see. Anyway…
There are at least three original Na’vi names listed in this story so I wanted to share with you how I’ve been pronouncing them.
● Tsuk’to – [sook – TOE] known for his mastery of dealing with the Omatikaya’s domesticated pa’li ● Lei’wa – [ LAY – wah] a female Na’vi of the Omatikaya ● Myitah – [ my – EE – tah] a young adult known as a weaver of the Omatikaya and tolerant of humans
Na’vi Translation: ● Ikran – also known as a banshee are large, dragon-like aerial predators that can be found roosting on the various cliff sides on the Hallelujah Mountains often being used by the Na’vi for traveling long distances, for hunting from the air, or even during times of war ● Nantang – also known as a viperwolf that is a hyena/wolf-like carnivore that has six legs, a lean, powerful torso that almost always move in packs that can mass together into a highly cooperative hunting party within seconds of finding prey ● Olo’eyktan – clan leader ● Pa’li – also known as a direhorse that is semi-equestrian-like in appearance with very long necks, small heads, and six legs; roughly the size of an elephant ● Palulukan – also known as a thanator or “dry mouth bringer of fear” that is carnivorous six-legged animal native to the forests of Pandora believed to be the apex land predator reminiscent of a panther or lion ● Tsahìk – the spiritual leader of a Na’vi clan, and the most important member next to the clan leader; they interpret the will of Eywa, guide the clan spiritually, and perform important ceremonies ● Tsakarem – a tsahìk-in-training, one chosen by the tsahìk to be mentored as their successor
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You’d been barely eighteen when you came to Pandora on the same flight as the ex-Marine known as Jake Sully but you had only known him in passing (i.e. in the galley, the p-ways, and the MWR lounge) at first. You had openly admitted to friendly co-workers that you thought he was very attractive. Plus, he was very flirty when you two did interact. He was also wheelchair bound, which did inhibit him from hook ups (you’d given it a shot and found out the hard way he couldn’t actually feel anything below his waist) but his handicap did not hinder his being an Avatar driver, apparently. But then apparently, Jake had gone under cover and deep into the natives’ territory on Colonel Miles Quaritch’s orders only to switch sides some three and half months later and turn on the RDA after going feral. Not that you blamed him, especially because of the appalling destruction of Home Tree. Because of that, you’d even assisted the Na’vi in the war the Omatikayan People were calling “The Time Of Great Sorrow”.
Luckily, you had been one of the lucky few humans that had been allowed to stay.
Jake had taken to clan life quickly after the “bad humans” were driven off of Pandora, him and Neytiri quickly popping out a couple of kids biologically within the span of two years and also adopting the baby girl that had been mysteriously produced from Grace’s Avatar. He came by the lab, sometimes, but you saw him more around the new village and out in the forests, which is where your friendship slowly deepened. Mo’at, the kind and forgiving Tsahìk that she was, appreciated how eager you were to continue learning the intricacies of Omatikayan culture, though you never adopted their way of dress. Neytiri, however, was less than pleased. The younger Na’vi woman often hissed or growled at you and was sure to spit curses in your direction if she ever saw you or thought you were too close to any of her three children. Unfortunately for her, because of your friendship, Jake often jumped to your defense. This meant that you were quickly becoming the center of many an argument between the mated pair.
And maybe that’s how it all began…
Or maybe, Jake was still more human than Na’vi, despite becoming permanently blue.
You had been visiting the village like normal, learning from a male Na’vi named Tsuk’to on how to take care of a pa’li when she was having difficulty giving birth and you hadn’t seen hide or hair of Jake today, not that you always saw him every time you visited the village. He was a busy man, a busy Olo’eyktan. So, the mare and foal were doing well a few hours after Tsuk’to had guided the baby out of its mother with the baby finally standing up on its six legs, the top of its head coming to your shoulder.
You said your goodbyes and turned to leave the village when you caught sight of Neytiri.
The Sully matriarch was some meters away, tucked secretively into the folds of the base of a tree, as if not to be noticed as easily. She was leaning close into a female Na’vi you knew was called Lei’wa, both of them giggling at whatever they were speaking about. And you wouldn’t have thought anything about it if you hadn’t noticed Neytiri’s tail was curling around Lei’wa’s thigh rather possessively, the dark tuft tickling the soft inner skin of the shorter woman’s leg. Or the fact that Lei’wa’s fingers were either tucking braids behind one of Neytiri’s pointed ears only to drop and start playing with Neytiri’s necklace, the backs of Lei’wa’s three fingers seemingly stroking against the other woman’s nipple. Neytiri’s large amber eyes were half-lidded and focused on Lei’wa, her pointed ears swiveled towards the shorter woman with absolute focus. Then Neytiri glanced about before she leaned in and kissed the shorter female – on the mouth.
With tongue and teeth it looked like.
Your jaw dropped in surprise before you immediately wrenched your gaze away and turned towards the human compound, quickly making yourself scarce before the sun set and you got lost.
The question bounced around in your head:  Was Neytiri cheating on Jake?
You had thought they were happy together. Jake always had positive things to say about his wife, well, except when he was trying to explain why she was so harsh against you. And even then, he was defensive of his mate.
As he should be.
The confusion of not knowing the details, the worry for your friend’s possible heartbreak, and the tumultuous emotions that went along with the whole situation of seeing Neytiri secretly kissing upon someone who wasn’t her mate made you stumble off the path somewhat. Only, a sound like a loud moan suddenly caught your attention, causing your limbs to lock up in nerves. It was getting dark and you needed to get to the human compound so you didn’t end up getting hunted by either a pack of Nantangs or by a lone Palulukan. Another moan, this one sounding like it was more of a pain filled squeal, sounded and you gulped, your heart pounding as your quick breaths fogged the inside of your mask slightly. If someone was hurt, they might need help. And if it was something dangerous luring you in… You wished you had more than a handgun and a knife on your person because it would do little in way of protection.
Creeping carefully through the undergrowth that was beginning to light up as the sky dimmed further and further, you heard more moans and a weird squelching noise that caused your brows to furrow. What were those sounds?
You… almost… wished you hadn’t asked.
In a clearing just ahead and next to a large roaring fire was your friend Jake pounding away into a female Na’vi that clearly wasn’t his wife, seeing as Neytiri had been in the village with Lei’wa maybe fifteen, twenty minutes before. Your jaw dropped as you took in the explicit sight before you. Jake had gotten… beefy (the only word that came to you in that second) from the constant manual labor of the Omatikayan way. His muscles, hard, pronounced and firm were bathed in an orangery light, glistening from sweat. His short, dark dreads swung with his movements, revealing his lascivious smirk as his hips rolled rapidly into his partner, causing her to whine needily. He had the female on her knees, his hand a firm manacle upon the back of her neck and pressing the side of her face into the ground to better manhandle her as he saw fit. His other hand went from her hip and began slapping her ass, the sharp “smack” of skin upon skin a chorus to the symphony of her moans and the wet squelching of his cock burying into her dripping pussy again and again and again.
Before this moment, yes, you had thought of Jake as sexy as fuck, even more so in his lithe blue body than the human one he had been born into. You had also wondered, in an abstract way, what it would be like to fuck him – or get fucked by him – if Neytiri weren’t part of the equation but you hadn’t allowed yourself to actually fantasize. These lewd images searing themselves into your mind’s eye, though, would not leave you as you gulped, heat pooling low in your belly, causing you to press your thighs together.
“Please, Olo’eyktan,” the female Na’vi sobbed quite loudly, her voice whiny and broken as if she had been screaming for quite some time. “Please!” She rattled off something after that in her mother tongue that you weren’t sure about as your grasp on the language was decent but not as good as an actual linguist’s – like Norm. Whatever she had said caused Jake to smirk more, moving his hand from her ass to grab her around the throat and draw her up, pressing her back to his chest. He whispered something into her ear and she wailed as she bounced up and down upon his thick cock. The woman’s beaded braids shielded her face from you discovering her identity but it also gave you more mental images for later speculation and fantasizing. Because now you could see the base of Jake’s thick cock delving up into her soaked pussy. The woman’s juices dribbled down over his knot, making the inflating ring of muscle glint in the firelight. But what truly drew you gaze was the slight bulge disappearing and reappearing behind the skin of her lean belly, showing you just how hung your friend truly was. You bit down on your lip and stumbled slightly, reaching out to steady yourself on the closest tree as your knees went weak and your gaze focused on that bulge, a shiver of arousal ran up and down your spine.
“Oh, fuck,” you whispered to yourself, wishing you were in her position at this very second.
Jake’s eyes suddenly flicked up and met your gaze through your mask.
Your heart stopped the moment you witnessed recognition dawn in those amber eyes of his. You suddenly felt a flash of cold surge through you as he focused completely on you in that moment, his movements coming to a stop, his partner’s whine of protest not registering. Your mind went empty, you gulped, you turned, and you bolted in a clear display of hindbrain prey mechanics, cursing to yourself all the while as you pumped your booted legs and hurried towards the human compound as quickly as you could.
You didn’t stop until you nearly slammed into the outside of the airlock, punching in the code with trembling fingers and quickly sealing your side the vestibule, your body visibly shaking as you gasped for breath, sweat beading upon your skin. The atmosphere pressurized and you were able to remove your mask and step into the compound, immediately retreating to your private berthing and tossing your mask onto your bed. You rubbed a hand over your face as the scene you witnessed played out on repeat in your mind’s eye.
Neytiri kissing a female Na’vi – possibly cheating on her husband. Jake almost absolutely cheating on his wife. Jake catching you playing the unsuspecting voyeur. You shuddered, feeling a wetness pool in your panties as your mind forced you to remember those strong muscles of his chest and arms flexing as he rolled his narrow hips into his partner. The way his huge hand slapped her rounded backside. Your pussy clenched on nothing and you bit down on your lower lip as you pressed your thighs together in want once again. “What the fuck is wrong with me,” you muttered, sighing heavily and shaking your head. Jake was your friend. He was a married man. He was totally off limits. Well, maybe not so much anymore… You felt a shiver run through you again and sighed once more. You needed to get laid, you decided. That’s why you were focusing on Jake’s affair. It had been a while… maybe a bit too long since you’d had something drive into you and fill your cunt that didn’t operate on batteries. Only for the thought of Jake to enter your mind once again. And that slight belly bulge. You shook your head, trying to dispel the images if Jake fucking into that female and failing to dismiss the memory. Your body was beginning to ache with need. Yeah, you definitely needed to get laid. And sooner rather than later. Until then… your stomach gurgled, reminding you to eat supper. Your libido could wait; your stomach couldn’t.
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You avoided the village and seeing Jake for the next three days successfully, dipping out of any room without actually seeing him due to hearing his loud voice and his heavy footfalls long before your eyes laid upon his being. Then came the day George – or whatever his name was – asked you out, citing he wanted to show you a pretty spot out in the forests of Pandora, which you were smart enough to know that he actually meant he was going to try to fuck you, with the way his eyes dragged greedily over your body. And you hadn’t really been interested in him in return until you heard the telltale sounds of Jake approaching.
You still weren’t ready to face your friend and all but herded Georgino out the door.
You weren’t even really dressed for hiking out in the woods today either but you were bound and determined to keep Jake at a distance until you came to terms with his and his wife’s infidelities so you had left without changing. This morning, you’d made the split-second decision to wear one of your favorite little summer dresses, it’s short flowy skirt swaying breezily just above your knees and great for dealing with the early summer heat. It wasn’t great for not encouraging overly entitled human males, however, because the further you traveled into the forests of Pandora the more Gino was allowing himself to get handsy, which you couldn’t help but compare his sweaty palms and sausage fingers to the memory of Jake’s large, strong, blue hands from three days ago.
‘Get a grip,’ you thought to yourself. ‘This is what you wanted, isn’t it? To get laid.’
“Here we are,” Gilmore announced as you once again danced away from his leech-like fingers once again.
At least the view was worth it.
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“Oh… wow,” you whispered aloud in awe, your eyes going wide behind the thick glass of your oxygen mask as you took in the beauty of Pandora and had your breath metaphorically taken away once again. The soft grass was lush beneath your calf-high boots as you gazed at a crystal-clear river fringed by exotic and colorful flowers and moss-covered stones. There were also overhangs twice to three times your size bordering down the river, twisting trees growing from each cliff in such a way that filtered the sunlight down to the ground in such a pretty way. “This is gorgeous, Gilbert.”
“It’s Geoffrey, actually,” he corrected you, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You tried not to cringe and uttered an apology under your breath. “God, wish I could kiss you, babe You’re so fucking hot.”
You were more than glad that you couldn’t, not feeling more than a hard, little tic tac brushing against the curve of your bottom.
He hummed and moved one of his hands to roughly grope your breast while the other pressed into your belly to draw you back into his body. It didn’t feel like it was getting bigger, either but you had wanted this – to get laid so you’d be able to get a grip and stop thinking about Jake. You sighed and allowed things to progress as he more or less forcefully pushed you down onto the grass, brusquely pulling your panties down your legs before fumblingly fingered you. Unfortunately, it really did nothing for you. Not that Geoffrey actually noticed.
“I don’t think she likes that,” a voice suddenly called out, causing the human man to jump back from you.
None other than the male you had been trying to avoid stepped out of the underbrush, an unimpressed look upon his striped face.
You gulped, sitting up and closing your legs as your heart thundered in your chest as you dropped your gaze to your lap and refused to look at your friend. Geoffrey huffed, calling out, “Uh, hey, Sully. We’re kinda in the middle of something. You can steal all of her attention later.” The recombinant raised a hairy brow and crossed his thick arms over his built chest, staring down at the human man with a fierce and unblinking scowl until he caved. “Uh, yeah, guess I’ll see you later, babe,” Geoffrey grumbled from behind his mask and trudged back the way he came, leaving you alone with Jake for the first time since you’d seen your friend’s illicit affair three nights prior. You gulped and shivered when a soft breeze caressed your bare bottom. You glanced around for your panties and realized they must have gotten pocketed or tossed wide because you couldn’t find the scrap of cotton anywhere at first glance. You blushed in embarrassment and shyly peeked up at Jake to see him shooting you a raised brow now.
“Uh… hi, Jake,” you mumbled, your cheeks hot behind your breathing mask.
He snorted. “Don’t you ‘hi, Jake’ me,” he snapped, coming to sit in front of you, crossing his legs and causing you to glance at the front of his loincloth briefly, a shiver as the memory of the belly bulge crossed your mind. He snapped a finger in front of you and you guiltily met his amber gaze. “So… you saw… what you saw,” he announced, staring at you intently, getting right to the point.
You shrugged. “I… uh… yeah,” you confirmed quietly, eyes not quite meeting his. “But it’s not like I’m gonna tell anyone.” He thinned his lips and cocked his head studying you. “You might… accidentally,” he retorted after a pregnant pause filled with anxious butterflies. “Or you might catch me with one of my other play partners just like you happened upon me and Myitah.”
‘Oh, Myitah,’ you thought, a hot bubble churning in your gut. She was a young weaver of the clan, about twenty years old or so and not a warrior. She was pretty, you guessed, and at least tolerant of you when you interacted with her. ‘He said play partners – as in plural. Guess he really IS cheating on his wife.’
Out loud, you shook your head while saying, “I don’t want Neytiri to kill me. Y’know, your wife? She already hates me and if she heard me saying something like that, I’m pretty sure she’d feed me to her new Ikran or to a pack of Nantangs or a Palulukan. And I like living, Jake!”
He cocked his head as if considering this but his amber eyes told a different story. He had already made up his mind.
Jake slowly smirked down at you, his pink tipped nose flaring as he scented the air. “Oh, I think I have a solution that’ll help you keep my secret and assist you all in one,” he suddenly purred, his voice coming out in a way you had never heard before from him, sensually and making you shiver as arousal skittered up and down your spine and created a bubbling heat within your belly. You swallowed and frowned, not quite understanding his meaning until his amber gaze travelled down your body, landing on your thighs. His tail flicked up in interest and he raised a brow, fangs peeking out at you as his ears caught the way your heart skipped a beat. “What do you say, baby girl?” You gulped and shook your head slowly, your breathing becoming shaky as you stared at your friend.
“I think it’s time for me to go back, Jake,” you replied, licking your suddenly dry lips.
His smirk fell and his face became stone cold as he replied, “I don’t think so.”
You suddenly found yourself flat on your back, Jake’s hand shoving you down and pressing over nearly your entire torso as he twisted up onto his knees. His other hand grabbed one of your calves over the leather of your boot and tugged you towards him, causing your skirt to bunch as it caught between the grass and your body, pulling the material upwards and exposing your bare lower body to his gaze. His smirk returned and his tail wagged like an excited puppy’s as he took you in. “Oh yeah, that science guy wasn’t doing you any favors was he,” Jake muttered aloud. “Probably never even seen a real woman before. Don’t worry, baby girl. I know what I’m doing.”
“No, Jake, stop,” you argued, trying to shove his hand off of you and pull your leg free.
He met your gaze, laughing, “You sure, baby? You’re starting to get wet.”
You shook your head and kicked at him uselessly with your free booted foot. “Let go of me, Jake,” you commanded firmly. “Seriously.”
“But why?” he demanded, holding you still a little too easily. “I’m pretty sure you were liking what you saw when you spotted me rutting up into Myitah. I inspected where you were standing when she finally passed out and I could smell the lingering of your arousal. So spicy and sweet.” His nose flared as he scented the air again. “Kinda like now.” You shook your head. No matter how much you wanted something to fuck you stupid, your friend was married to a frightening female Na’vi and you valued your life more than an orgasm.
“Jake, please, just let me go,” you begged.
He smirked, replying, “When I’m done with you. Sure.” He moved his hands to grip your thighs in his and dipped his head down between your legs, groaning. “Fuck, yeah… Nothing beats slutty human pussy. Gonna hav’ta savor this.” Before you could protest, you felt what you assumed was his tongue, lap at your lower lips, the filiform papillae stroking against you in a strange but not un-pleasurable way. Much like a cat’s, all Na’vi and Avatar’s tongues were rough like sandpaper because they were each covered in small, backwards facing white keratin protein spines. And applied to your cunt had you gasping, your hands grabbing onto his head as he licked at your nether region like a kitten with cream.
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“Oh, oh fuck,” you whined, your breath hitching behind your mask.
You could feel his smirk against the skin of your inner thigh as Jake commented, “Better than that half-assed fingering what’s-his-name tried to give you?”
“That’s… that’s not the point,” you protested.
He glanced up, meeting your gaze. “Well, I’m gonna finish my meal and then you can tell me what the point is after, sweetheart.” And wrapped his arms around your thighs, spreading them wide for him so he could bury his face back between your legs only to feast on you like a man starving. You let out a cry as he shoved his nose against your clit and buried his rough tongue deep inside of you. It feels so good to have something other than silicone shoved inside of you, the warm, wet muscle moving around inside of your heat unexpectedly causing you to moan as pleasure shot through your body like lightning. Then, suddenly he pulled back a few inches, laughing at you mockingly as you whine in protest. He delved back in after taking a breath, only this time, his lips sealed around your clit and he sucked, harshly. You couldn’t control the noises coming out of your throat anymore as your legs began to tremble and your fingers tugged on his dreaded hair, rocking your hips up into his mouth desperately, panting, moaning, tears building up in your eyes as pleasure built within you higher and higher.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” you chanted, wetness seeping out of you from below your waist and from your eyes as you felt a needy ache building within your belly as you climbed higher and higher. You didn’t want the feeling to end but this wasn’t right. You forced out, breath fogging up the inside of your mask, “You have to stop.”
Jake ignored you.
The warm band of steel released your leg, your muscles spasming slightly and you lifted your head to witness Jake moving his hand towards your entrance. You nearly screamed as he licked at your clit with his rough tongue and simultaneously sliding two of his thick, long fingers home inside of you. Your nails dug into his scalp, causing him to grunt but continue, pressing the digits of his hand into your channel even deeper than his tongue had delved. He set a slow pace, at first, thrusting his finger into you again and again and again, parroting what you had seen him do with his dick three days go. What you not so secretly wanted to experience with the monster you knew he was packing between those thick, strong legs of his. Maybe sensing your body’s eagerness, he started to stroke you faster.
You wailed, your pleasure reaching higher.
Your back arched as your hips rutted into his hand desperately.
“Please, please, please,” you sobbed, more tears trickling out of your eyes. You needed to stop this before it was too late. You weren’t a cheater, even if your friend was. What came out instead of you begging him to cease was, “Need t’cum, Jake.” He smirked and sucked harshly on your clit and curled his fingers deep inside of you, determined to get you to finish. He was rewarded with an ear-piercing shriek, your legs shaking visibly in his grip and your pussy gushed, clamping down upon his fingers most greedily. Pleasure rocked through your body like an avalanche, making you feel like you were shattering into a million pieces and being put back together over and over again. Jake eased you through your orgasm with a cheeky, self-satisfied leer, fangs glinting at you in the light of the day filtering down to you.
“Look at all that cream, just for me,” you thought you heard Jake sneer.
You regain your breath and your senses when Jake reaches up and undoes the buttons going down the front of your dress, your naked breasts revealing themselves to his gaze.
“Not wearing a bra, baby? Naughty,” he chortled. “Good thing Daddy likes naughty girls.”
He groped your chest much more pleasurably than Geoffrey had done, making you think Jake’s assumptions about the scientist never having actually interacted sexually with a woman might have some grounding of truth to them. He pulled gently at your nipples and leaned down, sucking one of your tits into his mouth, the lower half of his face still shiny with your slick. “Jake,” you whined, trying to push his head away from your sensitive nipples. He tightened his teeth on the hardened nub in warning, his ears twitching as you hissed when pain threatened to replace the pleasure. You realized you had no chance of winning against him, what with him being nearly twice the size of you and probably three times as strong so you submitted to his whims and let him do what he wanted.
“God, baby, your tits are so soft,” the recombinant moaned quietly, rubbing his face against the soft swells like a cat. “Na’vi tits are more muscle so they’re nowhere near as soft… unless pregnant. God, I could play with these for hours…” He chuckled to himself, kissing your breasts before pulling back, adding, “Maybe next time.”
“What?” you asked, your brain not connecting the meaning. “Jake, no… We can’t,” you argued.
He raised a brow at you and demanded, “So you get to cum but I gotta deal with this on my own?” He sat back on his knees and pointed to the way his loincloth had tented significantly with his erection. And you couldn’t help but feel your jaw drop at the sheer size of his dick pressing up against the material of his garment He made short work of the knots keeping it on his body and his dick nearly sprung at you as it was released from its confines, making your eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. You had seen how big his knot was, how he had bulged Myitah’s stomach but seeing it like this was something else entirely. That phrase that a cock looked like a baby’s arm holding an apple? Try a chunky three-year-old toddler. Of course, being that he was nearly ten feet tall, it should have occurred to you that he would be absolutely hung. His shaft was a slightly lighter blue than the rest of his skin, covered in stripes of a pretty sapphire shade. There were veiny, little ridges and nubs along each stripe, though they clustered together more on the underside of his shift to make little ridges. The decorations on his dick were complimented by bioluminescent freckles that decorated the full length of him from the knot to the light pink tip of his cock that matched the pink of his nose. The foreskin, however, was an even lighter blue and had started to pull back from the pink tip to reveal a delicate little trickle of pearlescent precum tinged silvery blue. His voice brought you back into focus when he commented, “Unfortunately, you won’t be able to take me yet but we’ll work up to it.”
Jake grabbed your legs again and pulled you to him once more, transferring both of your ankles to one hand and taking his shaft in hand. He stroked himself a couple of times before pressing the head of his dick forward, between your thighs. His cock was so long, however, the tip rested against the soft plush of your breasts while his knot wasn’t quite touching the backs of your thighs yet.
“Jake,” you whined again.
His amber eyes met your gaze and he smirked, saying, “Push yer tits together for me, baby. I’ll make this feel good for both of us.”
A part of you was disgusted with yourself for helping Jake cheat on his wife. Another, bigger and greedier part of you, took over and did as he asked with only a little of hesitation. And you immediately moaned, feeling the way he made sure to drag the underside of length against your entrance, each ridge rubbing sensually against your clit and sparking pleasure through your nerve endings.
Apparently male Na’vi’s weren’t meant to be a smooth ride.
“Yeah, fuck yeah,” Jake groaned, suddenly becoming very verbal now that his mouth wasn’t busy sucking on your body. He thrust himself through your thighs and your tits, picking up speed as he got more and more into it. “Fuck, feel s’good, baby. Can feel you getting all wet f’me again.” You tightened your legs and your tits around his cock and watched him grit his teeth as he released a groan. “Oh, f—yeah… Do that again. Squeeze me again like that. Daddy likes that. Ah, fuck, baby. Daddy likes that a lot.”
Apparently, Jake was also a babbler during sex.
The recombinant male’s grip tightened on your ankles and his hips speed up even more, allowing you to admire the flow of those muscles up close and personal, pleasure making that coil begin to tighten low within your belly a second time. Jake’s relentless rhythm was making you whine and moan and pant breathlessly behind your mask, the inside of the glass fogging up with each sharp breath. He continued to babble, praising you as he rutted himself between your thighs, causing your mind to blank and your hands to clutch desperately at your breasts, keeping them together for his satisfaction.
Jake snarled and sped up, pushing his knot between your thighs as his movements got sloppier as he neared his own end, nearly pressing the head of his length to your chin. If you had been maskless, you would have licked his slit.
“Just like that, baby girl,” he growled through clenched teeth. “Gonna cum. Ready for it. Gonna cum all over you. Make a mess. You’ll be smelling like me for days. Get ready… ah fuck!” Jake reared back, grabbing his length to stroke it through his orgasm, his cock pulsing as lightly glowing blue cum spurted out of the pink tip, huge globs of it painting your belly, your tits, your shoulders, your neck, the front of your mask and even getting some in your hair and the grass surrounding your head. He let out a deep, satisfied groan – long and drawn out – as his baby gravy just kept erupting from the end of his dick with no end in sight until you were just absolutely soaked with the glowing goop.
Jake let out a breathless laugh as he took you in, satisfied finally. “Yeah, maybe next time we’ll get to try this tight little cunt out,” he murmured, more to himself than to you. “Until then, now you gotta keep my activities quiet or else what we did will come up to. Understand, baby girl?”
You nodded slowly in understanding. You did have a secret with Jake but if it came out and Neytiri tried to kill you, you had leverage on her too.
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Originally Posted: 31 DEC 2023 Word Count: 5,440
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Happy New Year everyone and maybe 2024 will be better!
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radskull-69 · 12 days
Lore explained of the undermutts both for myself to remember and for new comers! Not gonna spoil what happens next
things that inspired this story:
Chicago musical, Epic the musical, helluva boss/haszbin hotel, Arcane and The Boys
The undermutts is a story about my oc’s, whom are which are criminals back in the 1930s who were put on death row for their crimes.
note: in this world everyone had a special ability they’re born with, most are very minor. While fewer have powers that make them higher in the food chain, naturally they become criminals and some rule over cities together. They’re called doomsers (originally called tazzers)
they work as dons, crime lords and kingpins. There’s at least two in every city, very territorial.
the doomsers in the city are:
Koda: the don the undermutts are currently forced to work for since they caused trouble in his territory of the city with their crimes, his power is he can turn into a powerful wolf and has impressive senses as well. Not often seen by public outside of animal hunting events
Lucky: the greedy don that owns all the clubs in the city and only allows one casino to be open and that’s his own, scamming people out of their money and forcing them to pay off their debt to him. His power is he’s incredibly lucky and things go his way supernaturally, weakness, black cats.
telek: is a small child yet still had their own territory, had a short fuse and with their family wealth and strong power at a young age they climbed the ranks. Their screams can cause earthquakes and blow peoples heads, accidentally killed their parents when born.
Curse: owns the shadiest side of town, has an alliance with Lucky and he lets her attend or sing at his clubs since she loves the music. She helps him in return with her powers, seeing the future. Or the most possible outcomes for every choose that can be made, a real girls girl.
harlor: has the power to make projections that they can see though, can even make the dreams, memories or fears of people come to life of they wished. People fear what they can do to them with their power rather then how they can kill them, use trauma against others
Main characters powers:
One: keen sense of smell, hearing, sight, and taste. That like a dog, can track anyone if he has an item of theirs.
Two: can phase through living matter and reappear while inside, making it cave in.
Three: can make things she touches explode, the bigger the object the bigger the explosion along with how much energy she puts into it. Can only do small amounts
Four: can sew things together and can bring them to life/heal them if he has parts to placed the damaged ones
right before they were killed they were approached with a mysterious contract that’d pardon their crimes and free them. Which made them sign it.
though, they still got put on deathrow and died.
20 years later (now the 50s) did a lab run by one of the cities most powerful men did they bring one of the criminals back, his name is number One.
number one is a clone and was ‘born’ and raised in the lab, his purpose was to work under the powerful man and kill anyone who gives him trouble.
One has no memory of his old life, he only knows is that he’s a clone of a old criminal and he must serve the powerful man in order to be free.
when One is in his later thirties and going on missions by himself they made the next clone without the need to raise them from infantry.
the second clone, number Two, was outstanding from the get go and a favourite around the lab. Immediately he was partner up with One even though it took One years to be allowed on a mission. Making One resent Two.
a few years later the third clone was made, though she’s small she has quick hands and is able to pickpocket and build weapons quickly, her name is number Three.
shes the trouble maker of the team but was often neglected from being included since one and two were always butting heads.
one year later, the latest clone was made. Number Four. A giant man who had almost inhuman strength, he was the muscle and helped Three hide remaining evidence of their missions. The two are close friends.
the clones can’t run away from their duties to the powerful man, nor die either. When they die they ‘respawn’ at a machine in their base, inspired by TF2.
together they are called the Mutts, and they are all missing an eye each.
One lost his eye during his childhood in the lab, an experiment to see if he could regenerate gone bad. He got drilled in the eye and during his struggle the devil scraped down his face
Two lost his eye when despite having no memory of his past life or family he tracked them down even if it’s been years and they were much older. His adult daughter and older wife were horrified to see him, upsetting him and killing them. His daughter stabbed him using a glass shard before dying. His eye didn’t grow back due to it hurting him emotionally too.
Three lost her eye by having acid thrown onto it by an enemy when she went on a mission alone whole one and two were fighting. The acid was too radioactive and messed with her regenerative abilities
four lost his eye when a grenade was thrown at him, blowing half his face off. He was able to heal himself thanks to an ability he has, having stitches all over his face.
Characters info
age: 38
gender: male
ethnicity: Italian
hight: 5,10
sexuality: bisexual, demisexual
power: keen senses
voice claim: Matthew McConaughey/that beetle from ‘kubo and the two strings’
age: 33
gender: male
ethnicity: white
hight: 6,1
sexuality: straight, aromantic
power: phases through living matter
voice claim: Harlan Ellison/AM
age: 24
gender: female
Ethnicity: mixed, white and Italian
sexuality: lesbian
power: make things explode
voice claim: Sarah Stiles/mimzy
age: 40s
gender: unknown
ethnicity: unknown
sexuality: unknown
power: stitch things and fixes living matter
voice claim: N/A
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rozonrozark · 27 days
1- soooooo about Bread growing feathers... Was it a one time thing or something permenent? Since Adrien alergic to feathers will he get sneezy around her? That might be one last fuck you from wish lmao.
2- We know wish forces cat miraculous wearers to always be against Order, since Order is gone does that mean they can finally take some steps to fix their relationship?
3- I feel like every hero's secret identity (other than Bread and Adrien) is known by their family. Nora seemed like she was about to punch and drag her sister in safety but held back because of... reasons...
4- (Early Discovery au) Can we say marriage counseling can save the Paris? That au spesificly is very funny to me because its just a rich family failing to communicate properly while looking for an underage girl with most inconvient ways possible so they can recieve magic macarons. Meanwhile Adrien stares at his parents who is one argument away from divorce, nods then leaves. Magical chibi sized gods are here too i guess.
5- Watching inside out then reading the series made me realise if we could see Mari's head anxiety would hold the reins in her head. Poor girl.
6- (joke) How much more time needs to pass for Plag to be able to ask for child support? Can he claim he raised his kitten? Will he and Tom fight against each other? Will he get much much emotional during important events in Bread's life compared to canon Adrien's? (okay last one wasnt really a joke)
7- (Early Discovery au) I noticed Mari was quite nervous while talking to Adrien... Was it because she is afraid of possible backlash or she is really uncomfortable about trying to decieve him? I feel like it's more likely social awkwardness but there is more...
8- (Early discovery au) Emilie seems very insecure as a mother. Is there any spesific event that caused that?
9- Let's assume Wishmaker gave Mari her childhood dream. How much different it would be compared to canon? And how much knowing it would screw Luka?
1: The feathers are magic so, maybe they are non-allergenic. Yes it is a partial F U from the wish but it is more just the punishment of using the combined Catalyst.
2: Misterbug is no longer under the Wish's influence that does not mean that the Wish is gone. Remember Feast was defeated...
3: Nora held back at that time due to not being a hundred percent certain and needing to confirm it. It would have been very awkward/rude if she was wrong after all.
4: For the most part yes, marriage counseling could save Paris. At least for a bit, I won't say much but Emilie does still need her medicine. Adrien is in the background with the kwami getting there help.
5: Anxiety is working overtime in Marinette's head. Meanwhile Fear has a conspiracy board set up and Sadness's has a room full of memories.
6: Plagg will have a full legal battle so he can get custody! His lawyer, a clever fox named Trixx is more than ready to help! The rest of the kwami are getting tissues and will have a party for her at each major millstone.
7: A bit of both. She was walking into a situation that could have easily backfire, Marinette hates lying/deceiving people but there was also a third thing. This Marinette hasn't had any good social situations with anybody in a long time.
8: Well, she is slightly insecure because she started to release that she wasn't the best mother before the events of the series. Remember she was fully onboard with essentially isolating her son and now whenever Adrien has trouble with social situations or connecting with people Emilie blames herself.
9: Hmm, now that is a question. On one hand younger Marinette would still have the wish of being the knitting fairy due to how young she was back then. However, that wish would be overshadowed by her other childhood wish of being the best cat hero and making Plagg proud of her! So she would become Super Cheshire! As for Luka if the first situation happened he would investigate who Cheshire's civilian identity is then proceed to be horrified by what is going on followed by being beyond pissed at Juleka for her part in this girl's broken heartsong.
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afaithfulfollower · 1 month
The Saviour Girl - Chapter One
“Little pig, little pig, let me in!” 
Dread became the massacre of hope when the people of Alexandria heard Negan knocking on their gate. They had power; power that Alexandria couldn't deny, therefore they were compelled to do as they were told – lest they all be lined up on their knees and be executed. 
Rick Grimes, the leader of Alexandria, was frozen in shock; rage and fear creating a mixture of confliction that interfered with his sense of logic. He didn't expect Negan to show up at his doorstep so early, especially after forcing them into submission at the line up not too long ago. Rick never wanted to kill somebody so badly in his entire life, and yet, with all that anger and fury built inside, it caused Rick to tremble when the other part of him wanted to keep his people alive. Preserving his rage was something Rick wasn't sure he could control, but it was the only way to ensure that he could avenge Glenn and Abraham. 
As the afternoon sun shone down on Alexandria from the north, a figure's silhouette was cast onto the old, rusty gate and the cover that prevented any hungry eyes from straying at the gate for too long. In this case, it was much worse than flesh-eaters. 
It was the Saviors, coming to take what they wanted. 
As the gate was opened, the silhouette became visible, where a man wearing a leather jacket, holding a barbed wire bat, stood on the other side, with a grin spreading from ear to ear. Negan, the king of the Saviors, felt even happier once he saw Rick and the rest of Alexandria gathered around on the other side of the gate to witness him ruling over them, by making an unexpected appearance to ensure that he had them by the leash. 
“What do you want?” Rick curtly asked after he was asked to open the gate for Negan and his troops. 
“Well, good afternoon to you too, Rick. I thought we would pay you a little visit and take some weight off your shoulders.” Negan greeted him with much enthusiasm. “You see, last night, I was in my room, thinking about what was missing. Was it a fancy chair? No. Was it a nice portrait of George motherfucking Washington? Hell no. I was thinking… more guns. And you know what you have, Rick? More goddamn guns that we need, and you don't. But on my way here, I realized, ‘shit, my people need stuff too, so I'll ask Rick to let me have half of his shit.’ ” 
Rick noticed the delivery trucks that were part of the convoy. Those trucks were driven deeper into Alexandria, where the Saviors began to pillage most of what Alexandria owned. Negan then ordered Rick to give him a tour of Alexandria, to which Negan promptly led them around while Rick was tasked with looking after Lucile – Negan's bat, named after his late, first wife.
Saviors were seen carrying couches, chairs, boxes of goods and guns out to their trucks. 
“Anything else you want to take from us?!” Someone shouted, sniding incredulously. 
A girl with long, brown hair had been standing out on the street, irately watching the Saviours as they took some stuff from her house. She could do nothing, as she had already voiced her disapproval of them taking anything they wanted. One Savior even had the audacity to mock her for having balloons. 
Another girl who was present in transporting goods into the trucks, had stopped for a moment, where both girls locked eyes. She mentally noted the undeniable beauty of the brunette, and the sparkle of her jade orbs. The Savior glanced down at the girl's arms where they were folded underneath her breasts, where she noticed in particular, an intriguing purple, blue and pink bracelet. 
Upon realizing that she was staring at her bracelet and possibly wanted it for herself, the green-eyed girl dropped her arms and hid her bracelet arm behind her back. Her features hardened, determination settling in to ensure that she didn't lose the one thing that meant a lot to her. 
“Hey,” a stray, masculine voice called. 
A man looking five foot ten in height, approached the two girls, specifically eyeing the resident.
“You got somethin’ she wants,” said the man. 
The brunette’s mouth parted slightly, her eyes darting back to her bracelet, then back up to his menacing gaze. 
“No. It’s mine. I’m not letting you take it.” She argued, putting her foot down firmly to let them know she would not allow them to oppress her like they did with Alexandria. 
“I wasn’t asking. Take. It. Off.” 
She knew there was no point in arguing, so while she remained unscathed, she hastily took off her bracelet out of frustration and she extended her hand out to him. Emotions started to swell within her when the bracelet was snatched from her palm, which seemingly amused the taller Savior, in comparison to the younger one, who felt remorseful for even looking her way. 
“Good girl,” said the man as he resumed filling the truck with goods. 
A shiver ran through the girl’s body as his words carried discomfort. When she realised that the other girl was still standing there, holding her bracelet, she tightened her jaw and spun on her heels so that her back was to her, and she stormed off. 
Not long after, the Saviors had finished taking from the residents of Alexandria and they began to leave to head back to the Sanctuary, but only after they willfully did as Negan ordered, which was to burn everything they'd stolen. 
The girl who'd been robbed of her bracelet had been grumpy for the rest of the day. Even those who called her friend, noticed her attitude, but were unsuccessful in cheering her up. To avoid any more undesired attention, the girl waited a while before she snuck out of her house and headed to find a specific wall where she could climb over. 
Her hands were barely sore from the climbing, as she'd become used to doing it so often – almost on a regular basis. Once she was on the other side, she dropped down with care and made off in a jog to a secret spot, where she had comic books and the like, scattered around for her to read while time flew past. 
She sat down on a log and picked up a comic book and read it. A hollow tree to her left kept her company; offering shelter should any stray walkers wander too closely. On said tree, was a message carved, which read, ‘Enid was here’. 
Enid, which was the name of the girl sitting on the log, became oblivious to the world around her. Reading comic books was her refuge and solace, as well as a reminder of a time before the apocalypse. Once upon a time, she treated others coldly, not daring to attract any fondness to those whom she was terrified of losing; which was the case after she lost her parents who died right in front of her. 
Now eighteen and alone, Enid had nothing left. Not even the bracelet her parents got for her for her sixteenth birthday. 
Emotions came crashing in like a tidal wave on Enid, causing a disruption of attention on the slightly worn paper book in her hands. Her bottom lip quivered, hands trembling with a frightening might as the book rattled in her hands. Sobs broke out from her mouth as she found it extremely difficult to hold it together any longer; she gave on almost immediately and Enid cried, wishing that she still had her parents, or at the very least, wished that she'd died with them. 
After some time, Enid managed to compose herself. Her glassy eyes took notice of where the sun was through the trees. With a rough estimate on what time it was, Enid wiped her tears and made her return to Alexandria before anyone could get suspicious or worried. 
While the world had gone to shit, Alexandria had managed to maintain some semblance of normalcy through electricity that enabled the good people of Alexandria to use appliances, lights, and other utilities. Even when others had access to such things, everyone often gathered into other people’s houses to celebrate every week, every month, their surviving the apocalypse. 
But things have changed, again… 
Enid silently climbed down from the wall and dropped to the ground. She looked at the front gate, where she noticed Father Gabriel, the town priest, standing guard, staring aimlessly at the dark and the indiscernible road. He held a Bible in his hand, hoping that he could reach out to God for hope.
Nobody was around to catch Enid sneaking in, which relieved her as she snuck across the street towards her home. 
As she came up towards the steps of her porch, Enid spotted something hanging from the door handle. Her brows furrowed, knitting a confused expression, as she approached the door and withdrew the object that was left there. 
“My bracelet…” Enid gasped. 
Even though she had no reason to, Enid looked over her shoulder to see if she could catch anybody spying on her interacting with her remitted personal item. A smile ghosted her lips, forming an illicit reaction of both doubt and relief; happiness for having her bracelet restored, but also skepticism towards the Savior that returned said bracelet. 
Were they all as bad as she heard, or did some still have part of their humanity still intact? 
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