#'let the kids have fun!' you do not age out of your pronouns please lay down and let yourslef get run over by a truck
pyr0cue · 2 years
everytime i see whatever weird pronoun discourse ppl have going on i want to rant SOOO bad about it but. i block and move on. i block and move on and do not engage in silly internet stuff
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adarlingwrites · 3 years
Leave it to the Wind
Summary: Between deadlines, an awful transport system, and aswangs lurking about in the shadows, you have much to worry about as a college student in Manila, and it's so much that your social life is practically dead. Your wind people roommates want to help you remedy that.
Words: 9343
Relationships: The Kambal/Reader (Crispin/Reader/Basilio)
Warnings: Adult content, alcohol, brief scene of sexual harassment
Author’s Notes: God, the fandom is so thirsty for the Kambal, and so am I. Finally, some Filipino himbo representation.
The premise is: Hannah and Amie decides to play matchmaker. Hilarity ensues. Smut ensues. Please be nice, I based the characterizations of the character on the Netflix series and Trese wiki pages since I couldn't get my hands on the original comics yet oof. Some words, like terms of endearment and curse words, will remain in Filipino. Translations are provided. Reader is AFAB and is referred to with female pronouns.
Reposting this from AO3 with all three chapters in one post. A Filipino (Taglish) translation is in the works!
You don’t know how they managed to convince you, to be honest.
You rarely ever go out at night anymore. So many strange incidents transpire in Manila’s narrow streets. Just recently, you’ve heard of a new story about a tikbalang who allegedly participated in illegal street races.
So when your roommates and friends Amie and Hannah invited you for a night out, you hesitated. You gave them every excuse you can think of; you needed to do laundry, you needed to study, you needed to finish a project, and so on.
You know that the two of them are wind people, but you can’t help but think. Which of the various stories you had been hearing are real? What else in this world you haven’t witnessed yet?
“Aw, you’re such a buzzkill! Pretty please? You don’t go out with us as often. Enjoy yourself a little,” Amie whines, lying on the sofa of your living room.
On the other hand, Hannah turns to you with a mischievous grin on her face. “C’mon, get dressed already,” she commanded. “There are some total hotties we’d like you to meet! One of them might catch your eye!”
“I told you, I don’t need a relationship. You two try this every week. How do you even know so many people?” you retort, laughing softly at yourself.
“Well, our night lives are active,” Hannah retorted. “Don’t forget our sex lives!” the other added. Hearing those words, you felt your face get flushed with heat.
You needed a good fuck.
“Damn it, fine! As long as you pay for me.”
They finally got you to say yes.
As the night went on, you went to several bars, and you swore that you had explored every crevice of the city. It doesn’t help that the guy Amie and Hannah were with, a tall, dark and handsome man with flowing locks of black hair, drove like a demon. You got around quickly in no time.
Around an hour after midnight, you’re all exhausted from a night of dancing and mingling. None of the people your friends introduced to you caught your attention. At that point, you just wanted a stiff drink to unwind.
Voicing it to your drinking buddies, they nod in agreement.
“I know just the place, in Malate,” the man you’re with said. “Quiet. Discreet. I can take you there, if you want.”
“You mean The Diabolical, right? Let’s go! Text Crispin and Basilio, they might be hangin’ there too,” Amie croons.
A chuckle escapes your lips upon hearing their names. “Huh? Were they named after the characters in Jose Rizal’s novel?”
“I think so? Whatever! But seriously though… Those two can totally make you scream their names louder than Sisa ever did! Best lay I ever had!”
The remark made you laugh so hard, you swore you can be heard in the next city. “What the fuck! Amie, gaga ka, Sisa was their mom! The context of that scene was rough.”
Hannah’s mischievous grin spreads on her face once more, and she gently elbows your side. “Well, if you’re lucky, in this context you’d be crying their names while your eyes roll to the back of your head.”
You’ll never admit it, but you had hoped all their teasing would come true.
It didn’t take long for the four of you to reach your destination. As you enter The Diabolical, a strange chill envelopes you. The air feels different inside; it’s almost as if you stepped in a different world. Perhaps it’s the alcohol, but when you looked around, you saw a duwende sitting by the bar. Or was it called a nuno? At the end of the bar, you saw them; two men both dressed in black suits. One has short hair, while the other one has longer, reaching past his shoulders. However, they’re facing away from you. Only the back of their head and part of their cheeks were visible where you stood.
You snapped out of it when the man you three are with spoke up. “I’m gonna call it a night. Have fun, you three.”
“For real? Wow Maliksi, this is the first time I ever saw you wanting to leave early. Aren’t you gonna stop by and say hi to Alex?” Hannah asks him.
“Maybe next time,” Maliksi answers back, a somber expression on his face. “Oh em gee, did you two fight? Wait, what are you two?” Amie asks.
“Whatever. It’s complicated. I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Your friends nodded and let Maliksi be. He waves at your group, and heads out the door. The engine of his car roars to life, and his car screeches away.
As the car moved farther away though, it seems that the screeching of the tires turned into hoofbeats.
Perhaps it’s just your imagination.
“Amie! Hannah! Have a drink! Hey, who’s that with you? Is that the person you’ve been wanting us to meet for ages now?”
Your head turns to where the voice was coming from; one of the men in the suits, the one with short hair in particular. You finally had a good look on their faces.
“Crispin! Meet our friend! This is…”
As Amie and Hannah introduce you to the Twins, you can’t help but stare. You took the sight of their features in; they’re tall, with broad shoulders, and hard muscle underneath that black suit and white tie ensemble. They have wide noses with a high bridge, prominent bone structure, and a prominent widow’s peak.
Merciful Bathala, they’re gorgeous.
What caught your attention the most are their eyes. They're pitch black, save for the small reflection of light.
Are these people even human?
“Stare at them like that any longer and they might melt,” Amie teases. The two of your friends are giving you an ear-splitting grin due to your reaction to the Twins.
“I, uh-” you stuttered, and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Hey, don’t be shy. You can sit between us, miss. We’re all friends here,” the twin with the longer hair says. If the other one is Crispin, then this must be Basilio.
Behind you, your friends are already giggling. They took their places next to the twins and leaned on their biceps. Across from you, the bartender comes to take your order.
“What’ll it be, kid?” he asks.
For some reason, you’re panicking. Maybe it’s because of the alcohol in your system. Or maybe it’s because you’re sandwiched between the twins. “Uh, what would you recommend, manong?”
Laughter erupted from the twins. “Hank, she called you manong!” Basilio teases while grinning like a fucking dog. “Geez, are you really that old?” Crispin eggs him on, giving him a shit-eating grin. Hank takes a wet rag he uses to wipe down the countertop and strikes the two down. “You goddamn assholes!”
You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing with them.
“Ow! Alright, we’re sorry, we’re sorry. Get them the best seller, Hank. We’ll pay for their tab,” Basilio says, and Hannah and Amie squeals with joy.
“Oh em gee, you boys are so sweet! Thank youuu!”
As Hank prepares you a drink, you try conversing with the twins. “You two seem fun to have as drinking buddies.”
Hank turns around to reach a bottle from the shelf. “Those two are mischievous little shits, that’s for sure. You know, when these two were kids...”
“Hey man, don’t embarrass us like that in front of our new friend,” Crispin whines.
While the three continues fucking around, you leaned back slightly to glimpse at Amie, who was trying to get your attention for a while now. She points to her phone, and you fetch yours from your bag.
You read your group chat with them. “Soooo, do you like, like them?” Hannah’s message said.
“You’re into them aren’t you? You got so shy around them, it’s so cute!” Amie’s message said.
“Right? It’s rare to see you so flustered!”
You typed away furiously at your phone, cautious to not let the twins beside you see the conversation.
“Well, they’re an improvement from the ones you introduced me to earlier. Easier on the eyes, too…”
Your friends giggled, and as their drinks arrived, they stood up. “Girl, we’re gonna leave you with them, there’s some super hot tikbalangs who just came in the bar. Byeeee!”
“Hey, wait!”
They didn’t heed your words and went to sit on the tikbalangs’ laps.
Fuck, tikbalangs are real? Is Maliksi a tikbalang too?
“And off they go, flirting with those beasts after they’ve used us for drinks,” Crispin laments, voice dripping with light-hearted sarcasm.
“It’s not like it’s the first time we got used by them though,” Basilio adds, cringing.
You can’t help but laugh.  “Yeah, I’ve heard.”
Basilio’s head whips towards you, sweat gathering on his brow. “Seriously?! Shit, what did they say about us?”
“All good things, don’t you worry,” you answered.
“Nah, I need to hear what they said word for word,” the twin with long hair responds. “This is making me paranoid!”
Crispin moves closer to you, Basilio puts a friendly arm around your shoulder, and you can only smile. All of you are inebriated and if you were sober, and if someone else dared to get this close to you, you might’ve slapped them. But you feel good about the Twins, and your roommates never put you in harm’s way, so your trust for them extended to the brothers, somehow.
“Just tell us already,” Crispin slurs. “Tell us what they said about us. We’re curious.”
“Fine, fine. Okay, Amie and Hannah mentioned your names when Maliksi suggested that we head here to drink. Then, I mentioned that your names came from Rizal’s novels.”
“Then Amie said,” you continued, pausing briefly to come up with an impression of your roommate’s speech. “‘Seriously though… Those two can totally make you scream their names louder than Sisa ever did! Best lay I ever had!’ Fuck, it was so messed up!”
“That’s messed up, alright,” Basilio sputters, his face a deep shade of crimson. “I’m this hot and those are the only details they can spare?!”
“Ok, but that Sisa joke was kind of funny though. But it was still fucked up,” Crispin adds, and he takes a sip of his drink.
“Hold your horses, the story’s not done yet,” you say. You’re starting to feel more confident around the two.
Your conversation went places, until you found yourselves drinking until three in the morning, and at that point, it’s only just the four of you in the bar; Hank, the Twins, and you. Even Hannah and Amie are nowhere to be seen. Knowing them, they probably took the tikbalangs they were flirting with back to your apartment.
They didn’t even wait for you. Looks like they’re really setting you up tonight. Maybe they wanted the apartment to themselves tonight, and they got exactly what they wanted.
You had planned on getting up to go to the restroom, but when you tried standing up, you almost fell from the chair. The Twins caught you before you landed face first against the floor.
“She’s had enough to drink,” Hank comments. They set you on a chair with a backrest. “How will she get home? We can’t send her off in a cab at this rate. The train doesn't run this late either.”
“Hannah left her behind too,” Crispin adds.
“Hey, how are we gonna deal with this?” Basilio asks. “We can get you home once we sober up a little. It’s fine if you-”
Basilio never got to finish what he was going to say, because you nodded off against his stomach, and puked your lunch out.
You don’t remember anything after that.
When you awaken, the sun is already high up, and the first thing that greets you is the fan in the ceiling. Your muscles are screaming at you, and your throat feels dry. Memories of last night came crashing back and you started sweating in horror. Maybe it’s just a drunken dream, but it felt all too real.
You were flirting with these gorgeous twins, had too much to drink, and at some point puked all over one of the twins’ shoes.
And now, you don’t know whose bedroom you are in. You check yourself, and you’re still wearing the same clothes, with nothing out of place. There are no bruises or marks on your body either. You looked around you, but there was no one else in the room.
The doors crack open slightly, and you see two pairs of void-black eyes.
“I… um… good morning?”
“It’s… already 2 in the afternoon,” one of them says. He has long hair. This one is the twin you threw up on.
“Why don’t you have some lunch?” the other one said.
You just nodded and said nothing else, ashamed of yourself. You threw up on one of them and now you’re eating at their table. You just wanted the ground to swallow you alive.
“Sorry for puking on you last night,” you near-whispered to Basilio after you swallowed your first bite of food.
The silence broke when Crispin roared with laughter, tears pooling at the corner of his eyes. Meanwhile, Basilio was glaring daggers at his brother. He’s frowning like a child whose toy got taken from him. “Sure, keep laughing, kuya.”
“I’ll never show my face here again, I promise,” you say to them, hiding your face behind your hands.
“What’re you talking about? Forget about it. We’re friends now, right?” Basilio tells you, smiling. “But next time, vomit on my brother too.”
“No one’s throwing up because I won’t be allowing any of you to get wasted that bad ever again,” Hank announces as he enters the room with a carafe in his hand. “Bossing’s not gonna like it if the bar ends up smelling as bad as Basilio’s room. Here, have some coffee.”
“We should introduce you to bossing next time too. She’s not here at the moment,” Crispin adds. “Let’s do this again next week.”
The invitation made you smile, and you poured yourself a cup of coffee. You continued eating the rest of your meal.
“...my room doesn’t smell that, right?” Basilio asks after a few moments of silence.
“Gago, it stinks so bad. It’s why we made the guest stay at my room, because if she stayed at yours she could’ve died from how bad it is,” Crispin exclaims. “Seriously, how can you live with bringing women to your room at that point?”
“Kuya, you’re embarrassing me to our guest!”
Translations for non-Filipino speaking folks:
bossing: a somewhat affectionate way to say “boss”. Comes from the old tradition of adding -eng or -ing to ones name to make a nickname, e.g. Luciana - Lucing
Gago/gaga (ka): (you) idiot/moron - someone stupid, foolish or ignorant
Tikbalang: creature from Filipino mythology similar to a centaur. They are hulking beasts with a horse's head.
manong: a term for endearment to an elderly male relative, or elderly men in general. Originally an Ilokano term referring to the first born son in a nuclear family.
kuya: big brother. Can be used to refer to one's own older brother, someone else's older brother, or an older peer or male acquaintance.
Author’s Notes: This chapter was heavily inspired by Bita and the Botflies' song Manghuhula.
Warnings: brief scene of sexual harrassment
After washing up, the Twins accompanied you to the gate, exchanging glances at each other behind your back. Little did they know, you definitely noticed it.
“Wait,” Basilio says, tapping your shoulder lightly with a large hand.
Crispin takes his phone out of his pocket. His younger brother proceeds to do the same. “Give us your phone. We’ll add our numbers, and you can text us if something happens,” he says.
“Or when you get home safe,” Basilio adds.
You look at the two of them back and forth. “This isn’t just an elaborate excuse for the two of you to get my number, right?”
Neither of the two spoke, giving each other a nervous glance.
Their reaction made you laugh out loud, and you took out your phone from your bag. “Here. I’ll give you my Facespace too.”
With the tension broken, the three of you exchange a chuckle. You punch in your number in their phones, while they did the same to yours. Crispin looks over his brother’s shoulder and frowns.
“Epal,” Crispin says to his brother, snatching your phone away from him. The older twin types something in, and it’s the younger one’s turn to stick his nose in. Basilio attempts to get the phone back, cursing all the time.
“You’re going to break her phone, gago,” the older twin curses, pushing a palm against Basilio’s face. “Then let it go! You’re the epal, I wasn’t done yet,” the younger one snaps back.
You give them a look of irritation, and check out what they’re arguing about.
“What the hell are you two grown-ass men fighting about?” you ask as you butt in to look at what they’re doing.
A loud snort bubbles from you as you see it; Basilio added “the hot twin” next to his contact name. Crispin added “the hotter twin”. Now, the former wanted to outdo his older brother.
Against your better judgment, you say, “You’re twins. You look like each other. You’re both hot. Now stop fighting over my phone.”
Perhaps it’s the afternoon heat, but there is a tinge of red in their cheeks after your remark. You waved them goodbye as you got in a tricycle that’ll get you to the nearest train station.
The MRT, in some strange miraculous twist of fate, isn’t as packed as usual. It’s still populated, but there were a few seats waiting to be taken. You sit down somewhere away from direct sunlight, and you take out your phone to tell Hannah and Amie that you’re on the way home.
The first thing you see is a text from Basilio. Then, a text from Crispin. You tell them both that you’re on the train now, completely forgetting about messaging your roommates. To pass the time, you launch the Facespace app and decide to look up their profiles, only to find out that they’ve already sent you a friend request.
Upon seeing Crispin’s profile, you did your damn best to stifle a laugh.
His work description says “works at the Krusty Krab,” but that wasn’t the craziest thing about his profile. At first, the Bible verse in his bio caught you off guard, thinking that someone like him didn’t seem religious, but when you quickly looked up “Ezekiel 23:20,” you did your best not to howl with laughter.
Basilio’s isn’t any better.
In his work description, he put “Model at For Her Magazine,” and “edi sa puso mo.” Then you scroll down to see a thirst trap of him pulling his shirt up with his teeth, and you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks again. Well, at least that work description is believable.
They’re- what was that term your younger university friends were using again?- himbos.
They’re definitely himbos.
Arriving at your place, you slot your key inside the doorknob and twist. As you enter the door, the heavy, musky scent of sex and sweat hits your face, and you regret getting too wasted last night and losing your chance to hook up with one of the Twins.
Or both.
Regardless, at least they’ve invited you again to hang out next week.
You raise your eyebrow and cross your arms at the scene before you. Cans of beer litter the living room, and your roommates are taking a nap by the couch. A tikbalang comes out of the bathroom, glamor off, and you snort as you watch him duck under the door frame because of his massive height.
“It’s already four in the afternoon. Time to go, big guy.”
He nods awkwardly in acknowledgment, morphing into his human disguise, and exiting your apartment.
You sit between your roommates, rousing them from their sleep. “I’m not going to clean this mess up,” you tell them, motioning to the trashed state of the living room, and reaching for the remote to turn the TV on. You just want to take a shower afterwards and sleep in your own bed tonight.
After rubbing the sleep from their eyes, your roommates near-tackles you on the couch, a curious, excited look on their faces. You forgot all about what you were watching and stared at them in surprise.
“So how did it go? Did you get to hook up with any of them?” Amie asks.
“Or both of them?” Hannah adds.
“Gaga, nothing like that happened.”
The two of them let you go with disappointed looks on their faces. “So sayang! Here we were thinking you finally have a sex life,” one of them says as you lean back on the backrest, closing your eyes as they continue to pester you for details.
“Why are you two so determined to get me to screw someone?” you finally snapped, amused and irked at the same time.
“Because you’ve been doing nothing but totally stressing yourself out! See how super fun it is to let go every now and then?”
“Thanks for the new drinking buddies, girls, but I have my fingers to keep me company. Hookups are too much work,” you lie to them, eyes still closed.
“That’s a toe-curling, full-body orgasm you’re missing out on, girl!”
“That’s assuming that the person I’m with knows what they’re doing,” you retorted.
One of them pokes your side with an elbow, and you assume it’s Hannah. “The Twins do.”
You opened your eyes, and you guessed right; it’s Hannah. You give her a look, before rolling your eyes, appearing to look disinterested. The smirk tugging at the edge of your lips says otherwise, though.
“So what happened last night?” Amie asks.
“I got wasted and threw up on Basilio’s shoes. Then, I ended up sleeping in Crispin’s room. When I woke up, they fed me and sent me home,” you tell them. Your roommates giggle at the story.
“Ah, speaking of which, I gotta let them know I got home,” you said off-hand, and somehow the remark only spurred your wind people roommates on.
“Yieee, you’re friends with them on Facespace already!” Amie quips, leaning in to see what you’re typing. Playfully, you move your phone away from her to conceal what you’re typing.
“Make a group chat with them!” Hannah exclaims, taking your phone away from you. You tried taking it back, but Amie joins in the mischief and blocks you from doing so.
When you got your phone back, the deed was done, and the chat was renamed to a single eggplant emoji. The like button was replaced by an eggplant emoji too.
Panicking, you add your roommates to the group to avoid looking suspicious, and swiftly type up a defense.
“Please ignore that, Hannah made this chat using my account.”
The teasing never stopped after that.
Weeks passed and you never bothered to change it, though.
It’s been about two months since your first encounter with the Twins. You’re becoming a familiar face at The Diabolical, going every Saturday to see them. Sometimes Hannah and Amie didn’t accompany you anymore. You’ve met the Twins’ bossing a few times, who turned out to be none other than Alexandra Trese. You’ve heard of her exploits and the two imposing bodyguards who were almost always with her. It surprised you that they’re none other than the Twins you knew, but it made perfect sense. Those two were jacked, and those muscles aren’t only for show.
Of course, because of your increasing presence in the bar, it didn’t take long for the rumors to circulate. Word on the street is both of the Twins had a thing for you, and neither is making a move out of consideration for the other. They are waiting for you to move.
You elected to ignore them, perfectly happy with your arrangement of having two handsome men to keep you company while you unwind. The thought of getting together with one of them, or even both of them did cross your mind a few times, however.
Ultimately, you wouldn’t know what to do if the day comes that you’ll have to confront how you feel and choose between the two.
Do you have to?
Crispin and Basilio are twins, but they’re distinct from each other. The older is more serious, with a dryer sense of humor, while the younger is goofier, and somewhat softer. One complements the other, and they’re both good company despite their differences.
Speak of the devil. Your phone buzzes and you see that the eggplant chat is active. The Twins are inviting you to The Diabolical again.
“See you guys at eight,” you type in. Someone reacts with an eggplant to your message. Then the next few messages were nothing but eggplant emojis, followed by Basilio sending “#TeamTalong”. Crispin cusses him out for it, but sends the same message right after.
Yeah, that became a thing among the five of you.
You and the wind girls got dressed and took a taxi to the bar, your favorite jacket draped over your shoulders. Pressured by your roommates, you wore something nicer tonight; a black faux leather dress that hugs your figure deliciously. The shiny fabric added to the effect. The six bottles of Pulang Tikbalang beer the three of you shared before going out might’ve contributed to your newfound bravado.
But now that you’re actually wearing it outside your apartment, you feel a little reluctant.
“Maybe wearing this is a bad idea,” you mutter to no one in particular, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear out of self-consciousness.
Amie taps you from behind. “Oh hush, that outfit is totally sexy,” she comments. “Finally ready to get dicked down tonight, girl?”
“Shhh, gaga ka, manong driver can hear you.”
That didn’t deter them from making more inappropriate comments, much to the manong's ire.
It’s nine already when you get there, you’re in the Philippines after all. The merriment is already in full swing when you step through the door. Hannah and Amie went ahead and sat next to their lay of the week. The Twins wave you over from their usual spot, but before you can reach them, a man you’ve never seen before tries to get your attention, snaking an arm around your waist.
“Hey baby. You’re a regular here, right? Want to drink with me?”
“Sorry, I’m here with someone else,” you tell him, moving away.
“Ah, here to see the Twins? Why don’t you ditch them for a change of pace and come with me, babe?”
“Not interested,” you flat out said. “Please move, or I’ll make you move.”
To your surprise, the man drops his glamor and reveals himself to be a kapre. He looms over you, cigar in his mouth, and you can feel the tension rising. People are starting to stare, and your friends took notice of it too.
“Try,” he huffs, puffing smoke to your face. You give him a sour glare while trying not to cough.
Before your roommates or the Twins could come to your aid, you panicked and saw an empty bottle of Pulang Tikbalang on a nearby table. Emboldened by the alcohol in your veins, you shatter the bottle and point the jagged edge at the hulking beast, hands shaking. You are a tiny thing compared to the enormous creature before you, after all.
“Don’t you dare look down on me.”
“Already doing that, honey.”
“I’m not your honey,” you say as you press the edge against his stomach, not enough to draw blood, but hard enough to hurt.
“I love it when they fight back,” the kapre croons.
Under the haze of alcohol, you were more than ready to shove the edge in, consequences be damned.
Before things could escalate, Crispin takes the broken bottle off of your hands and steers you away from the stranger, while Basilio steps in to defuse the tension. “Hey, why don’t you back off, pal? Our friend said no. You wouldn’t want us to tell our bossing to ban you from the place because of this misunderstanding now, don’t you?”
Heart in your throat, you turn to the Twins, then to the kapre. The tree giant pauses, looking at the three of you, then smirks.
“Heh. Fine. But if you torpe whelps don’t make a move, I will.”
The giant puts his glamor back on and skulks away.
“Wow, what a jerk! He only left you alone when the boys stepped in,” Hannah quips, tossing her hair in indignation.
“You almost didn’t need rescuing, but I’d hate to help Hank mop the blood off the floor later,” Basilio comments, nudging you gently with an elbow. His eyes go a little lower from your face, and you see him look away.
You realized Crispin hasn’t let go of you yet.
“C’mon, let’s just go,” you tell everyone. Crispin proceeds to remove his hand away from your shoulder, and you take your usual seats by the bar.
The bar is loud, but the silence between the three of you is deafening. Even Hank seems to have taken notice, eyeing your usually loud and cheerful group.
“What’s up with you three? What happened back there?” the older man asks, leaning over the bar top.
“Just a handsy kapre who couldn’t take no for an answer. I won’t let it spoil the night,” you answer him.
“That’s the spirit. Holler if he tries something like that again, I’ll have him kicked out,” Hank replies, setting down three ice-cold beers in front of you guys.
Yet somehow, the conversation never livened up.
Three bottles of Pulang Tikbalang later, you’ve had enough.
“This is about what that kapre said, isn’t it?” you finally say, slightly pissed.
The Twins look at each other with guilty expressions, and simultaneously nod.
“Do you boys wanna talk about it?”
They look at each other again. “Shit, this is awkward,” Crispin comments, scratching his head. Basilio nods in agreement, uncharacteristically silent. “We didn’t want to pressure you into anything you didn’t want to do,” the older twin continues.
“Look, I don’t want to ruin my relationship with my kuya just because we’re interested in the same girl,” Basilio says. “Same here,” Crispin adds.
“So we were waiting for you to make your own move,” Basilio continues.
“Ah. So the rumors are true,” you sighed.
“We’ll accept whatever outcome there is. If you choose me, or Basilio, or neither because this is fucking messy, we totally get it,” the older twin says, leaning back to stare at the ceiling.
Now the decision rests in your hands.
“Why don’t we talk about this somewhere more private?” you ask them.
You watch as both of them gulp. “Where do you wanna talk?” Basilio asks.
“Anywhere private.”
“I just cleaned my room earlier. Why don’t we continue this there?”
You nod, and they lead you away from the bar.
Looks like it’s going to be a long night.
Translations for non-Filipino speakers:
epal: in Filipino slang, usually refers to a person who inappropriately presents himself in a situation or butts into a conversation.
kapre: a tree-giant from Filipino mythology. Often described as very tall, dark, and hairy. Almost never seen without a cigar.
sayang: literally means waste. Can be used alone as an expression similar to "what a waste!"
torpe: someone who cannot spit their romantic or sexual feelings out to a crush or love interest
Author’s Notes:
Warnings: Smut. Filthy smut. Writer-is-definitely-going-to-the-second-circle-of-the-Seven-Circles-of-Hell-levels-of-filthy smut. Bawal bata, tulog na. If you're under 18 please turn back.
After the door closes behind the three of you, you sit on the bed, while Crispin sits on a chair near his brother’s desk. Basilio locks the door, and leans against it, unable to look at you.
“Right. So. How are we going to deal with this?” you ask them, crossing your legs.
“Don’t ask us,” Crispin says, swiveling the chair to face you. “You’re the one caught in the middle after all.”
Curse his choice of words.
“This is too weird,” Basilio speaks up. “If you want me to unlock the door, just say the word. We can walk out of this like nothing happened.”
“And then what? Things are going to be awkward between the three of us, I just know it,” you say to him, palming the back of your neck. “Things might get awkward with Amie and Hannah too, and I live with them. I don’t want our tropa to disband just because of relationship drama.”
“What about Amie and Hannah? Is it because we have history with those two?” Crispin asks.
“They’ve been trying to set me up with either of you. The fact that they also slept with you in the past also doesn’t help. Shit, this is messy.”
“Er, um,” Basilio stutters. “That might’ve been our fault.”
You furrow your brow and cross your arms. “Keep going.”
The Twins look at each other, as if gauging who should explain the situation. “So, we remained in contact after being used as a prize for bossing’s race with Maliksi, right?” Crispin starts.
“Uh huh.”
“Well, they mentioned a third roommate in passing and joked about lending us to her. Of course we blew them off, then Amie showed us a picture of you. We got curious and asked them to introduce you,” Basilio continues.
“I didn’t expect us five to become friends. And now we’re in this mess,” Crispin adds.
You look at them back and forth, and laugh in resignation. Elbows digging against your lap and palms pressed against your face, you rub your face and run it through your hair. “Amazing. Just amazing. See, I have a problem too.”
The Twins didn’t respond, eyes fixated on you.
“I like the two of you.”
You feel the air shift around you. Basilio’s standing upright by the door now, and Crispin straightened up too. The room is so quiet, you can hear them gulp in anticipation for what will happen next.
“There. I said it. The reason why I haven’t made a move at all is because of this exact moment that I was dreading. I didn’t want to choose,” you admit, feeling the blood rush to your head. “I just wanted for us three to stay like that, drinking buddies sprinkled with sexual tension.”
“And you’re in the middle, enjoying our attention,” Crispin says, crossing his arms.
“Selfish, I know,” you admit, head hanging low.
This is it, the moment that can make or break you three.
“Us three. If only...” you whisper, only for the words to fall flat on your tongue
You stand up, gathering your things and carrying your bag. “Nevermind. What a mess we’re in. I’ll go so you two can sort things out between the two of you. It’s been a fun ride.”
Basilio doesn’t move from the door, and behind you, you can hear Crispin getting up from his seat.
“We can still make this work, right kuya?” Basilio starts, looking over your head to give his brother a knowing look.
“Yeah, I think so,” Crispin replies. “What was that you said? The three of us?”
Your eyes widen, and you look at them back and forth. Their bodies are dangerously close to yours. Now you’re literally caught in the middle.
“I- uh…”
“I think we can work out an arrangement,” Basilio whispers, one hand moving to hold yours.
“Only if you want to,” Crispin adds, his breath kissing the back of your neck.
“I don’t want to lose either of you,” Basilio adds.
“Same here.”
Damn it all.
Giving in to your darkest, most hidden desires, you lean in to capture Basilio’s lips with yours, leaving his black eyes wide open in surprise. They flutter close, and he savors the kiss, slipping a tongue in. Then you turn to Crispin, and you give him the same sweet kiss as well.
“Damn, I didn’t mean like, now,” Basilio mutters, feeling the front of his trousers get tighter as he watches you make out with his brother.
Bringing your attention back to the younger twin, you loosen his tie, while you push out your ass to grind against Crispin. “Are you complaining?”
“Not at all.”
“Wait, are you sure about this? All of us drank tonight… we don’t want you to do something you’ll regret,” Crispin says, moving his hips away from you. Basilio pauses too, and wraps his hands around your wrists to still your hands, a look of concern on his face.
“Kuya’s right.”
“I’m a grown woman. I might’ve had a few bottles, but I know what I want,” you reassure them, waiting for the two to make a move. “I know I want you two for months.”
Basilio lets go of your hands and lets you do as you please, a cocky smirk on his lips. Behind you, you can feel Crispin’s gloved hands reaching for the zipper of your dress. “Really? How much do you want us? C’mon, say it,” Basilio asks, moving in to place kisses on your neck.
“I wanna hear it too,” Crispin whispers against your shoulder, and he punctuates it with a light kiss.
All of a sudden, you felt shy at the prospect of confessing your fantasies out loud. “Why don’t I just show you boys?”
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this one,” Basilio teases. “Consider it as payback for throwing up all over my shoes.”
“You’re still- ah!- mad about that?” you ask him, gasping in the middle of doing so when you felt a hand snake between your legs from behind. The older twin slips his fingers past your underwear, circling your clit with slow strokes.
“Not mad, I just want things to be fair,” Basilio teases, pulling your dress down. He gives your breasts a squeeze, fondling and rolling your nipples until they harden, and he seals his lips over your right one. Crispin moves from behind you and he takes his place next to his twin, lathing his tongue over the left. All four of their hands pawed at your flesh greedily.
You were at a loss for words because of how good they’re making you feel, soft moans bubbling from your throat.
“Speechless already, huh?” Crispin mumbles against your skin.
“Ngh! The wind girls weren’t lying, you two know what you’re doing,” you gasped, face flushed as you watched the Twins lavish their attention on your breasts.
“Shhh, stop changing the subject. Play along, or neither of us will make you cum,” he adds, pausing to give you a teasing lick, and resting his tongue on top of the hardened bud. On the other hand, Basilio is sucking like a starved babe while squeezing your still clothed behind.
You fake a scoff of indignation and grin. “Fine. I- oh fuck- want you two so much, I’ve been fantasizing for weeks.”
Basilio pauses to address you. “Describe them.”
You’re a little mortified, but the alcohol in your system pushes you to be bolder. “I imagined Basilio punishing me for ruining his shoes.”
“And how did he do that?” Crispin’s voice.
“He asked me to suck him off,” you start, and a pinch on your bottom from the subject of your fantasy tells you that he wanted to hear more details. “He fucked my face while pulling my hair and told me how good I was the whole time and that he forgave me.”
“What about me? What fantasies did you have?” Crispin asks again.
Your breath hitched in your throat but you pushed on. “Hearing how you scolded Basilio, I imagined you taking me from behind and saying the meanest, dirtiest things possible.”
The Twins looked at each other, and stopped, their lips leaving your breasts with a lewd pop. “You want to make them all come true?” Basilio asks.
Cheeks burning, you give them a curt nod.
The two of them lead you to the bed, where Crispin puts you on all fours, and he takes his place from behind. On the other hand, Basilio is standing near the edge of the bed, the bulge in his pants inches away from your face. You stare at it, licking your lips.
As you undid Basilio’s pants, he shrugs off his suit jacket and takes off his tie, then he takes off his dress shirt, revealing his abs and the trail of dark hair on his lower abdomen, disappearing into his briefs. From behind, you hear fabric shifting, then Crispin peels your panties off of you. He brings a gloved hand against your skin in a loud smack, making you cry out.
“Ah, wait, we need a safeword,” Crispin mentions, soothingly squeezing your skin.
“What about Eternos?” Basilio suggests, and Crispin cocks an eyebrow. “Wait, you mean, like the game?”
You stifle a laugh. “I’m fine with it,” you say to them, and they take it as a signal to continue.
The older twin dips a gloved finger between your folds, gathering your wetness, and tsked. “Look at you, already so fucking wet. You want this so much, huh?”
You nod frantically, then Basilio stills your head. “Open your mouth, baby. Tongue out.”
You oblige, and Basilio fishes his cock out of his briefs. Your eyes grow wider as you take in the sight of it; girthy, with a nice length, and a few veins running on the underside. You wonder if Crispin’s is the same. The twin in front of you lightly smacks his member against your tongue, and you proceed to lick it, running from the base to the tip, slicking it with saliva. You swirl your tongue around it, then try to slide it in your mouth as smoothly as possible.
As Basilio begins to breathe harder with each bob of your head, Crispin pulls your ass towards his face, and a choked moan escapes your lips as you feel his mouth on your heat, toying with your folds before he finally finds that sensitive nub. The older twin proceeds to lick and suck at it, eating you out like you’re the best damn meal of his life.
Meanwhile, you push a palm against Basilio’s thigh to make him pause, and before he can ask you if you’re fine, you take his balls in your mouth and fondle him with your tongue. Your hand pumps his neglected cock as you did so.
“Shit! Your mouth feels so damn good,” he hisses, breathing hard. When you take his dick back into your mouth, Basilio gathers your hair and uses it as a handle, watching his length disappear in your mouth over and over, his black eyes hazy with lust and his mouth whispering words of praise.
Crispin looks at his brother with a hint of envy, cock painfully hard against his trousers. He unzips it for relief, and proceeds to stroke himself as he continues to prepare you.
“Hey, Basilio, got any lube?”
“Um, there’s- ungh- a bottle of it under the pillow.”
“...you keep lube under your pillow? What the- and condoms? Can’t you put them in your drawers or something?”
Basilio doesn’t give his brother a response and focuses his attention on you. You gasp against his cock as you felt a cold, gloved hand prod against your asshole, and goosebumps formed on your flesh as you felt the cold lubricant smearing against your entrance. Crispin pushes his lubed thumb in, and you cry out in pleasure, your jaw opening wider for Basilio to claim. Then, two more fingers prod at your pussy, and you swear you can see stars as they slid in. The older twin toys with you while eating you out, and you feel a knot forming at the base of your stomach, threatening to uncoil at any moment.
You couldn’t take it. Basilio’s cock slides out of your mouth and you look over your shoulder, moaning and panting.
Crispin pauses from eating you out to ask you a question. “You’re gonna cum? You wanna cum on my fingers like the filthy slut you are?”
“Yes, please, please, let me cum,” you begged, and with a devilish smirk, Crispin dives right back in to finish the job.
You squeezed your eyes shut as the pleasure inside you exploded, shameless moans coming from your throat as your first orgasm hits you. Basilio watches the look of pleasure on your face as Crispin makes you cum, making his cock twitch.
“Now that’s how you please a woman,” Crispin teases, shooting his brother a challenging look while wiping your juices off of his face.
“Wait until it’s my turn,” Basilio replies, smirking.
Panting, legs wobbling, you didn’t get to rest as Crispin takes his cock and slides it in you. In front of you, Basilio cups your face and directs you back to his cock, smirking. “You’re doing so well, baby. You’re taking us like a champ, you know that?”
“Fuck,” Crispin hisses from behind you. “You like this, you little slut? You like being fucked by two cocks at the same time?” he asks you, each word punctuated with a hard thrust.
Now you’re really caught in the middle.
Basilio’s panting heavily now, his thrusts becoming erratic against your mouth. You know he’s close, and you brace yourself for what’s coming. Eyes screwed shut, he lets out a low groan as he spills inside of your mouth, his cum painting your tongue white. You try to swallow it all, but a few stray drops dribble down your chin. The younger twin cleans you up, and kisses you deeply, not minding his taste on your mouth. He sits on the bed to catch his breath, and allows you to rest on his thighs.
Behind you, Crispin begins to rut faster, his thumb still in your ass as he pounded you. You writhe and cry against Basilio’s lap, bracing yourself from each harsh thrust. The younger twin pets your hair, but he moves his hand away when Crispin pushes your head against his brother’s lap.
“Take it all of it,” Crispin groans. “Ungh, you make me so horny, you little slut.”
Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Basilio gets an idea.
“Hey, kuya. Hold her up.”
Crispin blinks before obliging his brother’s request, clamping a hand around your throat. “Is this fine?” he asks you, and you nod a few times. He tightens his hold and pulls you to his toned chest, your hair sticking to his skin from your sweat. Basilio kisses you, then latches on one of your breasts. One gloved hand fondles and pulls at your nipples, while the other moves south to stroke you.
“Ah! I think I’m gonna cum again…” you choked, face red and tears forming at the edge of your eyes.
“Say our names,” Crispin whispers against your ear in a low growl.
You mutter their names at first, but it turns to full blown cries as your climax fast approaches.
“Crispin! Basilio!”
It hits you so hard, your eyes roll to the back of your head. You cried shamelessly, and Crispin places a kiss on your open mouth, tongue slipping in and teeth clashing with yours. He pulls out and finishes on your back, cock resting between the valley of your cheeks, still half-hard.
The Twins move to clean you up, looking around for tissues and anything to wipe you with.
“So,” Basilio says. “One more round?”
Your eyes widen, and you look down to see that Basilio is hard again.
“How- what the fuck? What are you two?”
Crispin sighs. “Hannah and Amie never told you? We’re demigods.”
“We don’t get sick and our injuries heal really fast. Talagbusao is our dad,” Basilio adds, and you give him a disbelieving glare.
“You didn’t need to let that last detail slip out, gago,” Crispin berates him as he pulls you close to his muscular chest. He lay down on a pillow, one arm propping his head up.
After a few seconds of silence, you say something. “At least let me have some water first.”
The Twins stare at each other.
“One of us has to fetch it,” Crispin says.
“What? Why me?” Basilio complains, scratching his head.
“Because I’m older, and I’ve worked hard to give her two orgasms in a row.”
“Hey! I’m sure that last one was thanks to me.”
You groan, grabbing a pillow to cover your face. “Ugh, please don’t turn this into a competition about who made me cum the most. Just get me my water, pretty please, Basilio?”
At the request, Basilio smiles and dresses haphazardly to get it for you. “Don’t start without me.”
You close your eyes with a smile. Crispin buries his face against your hair and plays with it. “You have him wrapped around your finger, you know?”
You chuckle at the remark, and Crispin kisses your temple. “Just don’t hurt my little brother.”
“I have no intention of hurting either of you,” you tell him.
Basilio comes back with a pitcher and some glasses, and once everyone’s hydrated and ready, the night continues.
The Twins spoil you with their attention, hands roaming your body as they planted kisses on your skin. Basilio sucks on your collarbone, biting experimentally and leaving marks that would darken in the morning, which draws a whine from your throat. Not wanting to be outdone, Crispin kisses your back, then the back of your neck, and he found a sweet spot that made you moan at that place where your ear connects to your neck. Basilio observes this and does the same to the other side.
“Hey, um, can I do it in your ass?” Crispin whispers in your ear, almost sheepishly, and you stare at him for a few seconds before nodding.
“Sure. Be gentle. And use a condom.”
“Of course. You go on top. What’s our safeword again?” he asks you, testing your knowledge.
You roll your eyes and try not to laugh. “Eternos.”
“Good girl,” Basilio says.
Flipping yourself around, you lean into Crispin’s lap. “Here, let me help,” you say as you grasp his cock and start to pump. The younger twin behind you reaches for the lube and prepares your ass. You sigh with pleasure as you feel the cold sensation of the product on your skin. Crispin sighs as you slide his length between your lips, head bobbing up and down, and you feel him grow inside your mouth. You give the tip a small lick before doing the same thing you did to Basilio, cupping his balls with your mouth and fondling them with your tongue.
“I want you now,” Crispin rasps, tugging your hair to get you off of him.
You smirk, turning around to give him a great view of your ass. He reaches around for a condom, finds one, and tears the foil open. After sliding the rubber down his shaft, he positions himself against your hole, pressing against the tight ring of muscle. You wince in pain as he starts penetrating you, prompting him to squeeze more lube to relieve your discomfort.
“Relax,” Basilio instructs you, planting soothing kisses at your jaw. You did as he said and unclenched your muscles, entrusting yourself to the two of them.
As Crispin pushes past the ring of muscle, you sigh in relief, discomfort replaced with the feeling of fullness. You lean back into his hard chest, a soft sigh leaving your lips as he starts to move. Meanwhile, Basilio kneels between your legs, rubbing your clit with the head of his dripping cock, but he freezes before he slides it in.
“What?” you ask with concern.
“We’re out of condoms.”
“Just pull out,” you tell him with a strained voice, gasping as Crispin moves inside you.
“No, you don’t understand. We’re demigods. Our… um.. Yeah, we’re really potent.”
You smirk at him. “I’ll ask the girls for something in the morning,” you say against your better judgment. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take. Cum all over me.”
His cock twitches at your last suggestion.
“Ugh, Basilio, you’re really killing the mood here,” Crispin strains to say, holding you gently by the neck. “I pulled out too, remember? Make up your mind already. I wouldn’t mind having her to myself for now, though.”
“Not a chance,” Basilio retorts, sliding the tip of his cock past your folds and pushing inside.
A loud cry rips from your throat at the sensations, feeling stuffed to the maximum as two cocks start to pump inside you. Crispin’s grip on your neck tightens, while you tangle your hands through Basilio’s hair, pulling him closer and kissing him.
Soon, The Twins find a steady rhythm, syncing their movement so you can feel the full force of their thrusts. Basilio throws one of your legs over his shoulder and begins to massage your clit with his thumb, while Crispin fondles your breasts with his free hand, using the tip of his fingers to roll, squeeze, and pull at your nubs. With every thrust they give, you clench, drawing a groan from both of them as they felt themselves being squeezed by your muscles.
“Oh God,” you whine. “Fuck, you both feel so good.”
“Say our names,” Basilio growls, and you oblige.
You chant their names like a prayer, underscored by the slapping of skin as the Twins fucked both of your holes. Hearing their names only spurred them on, and their movements became more desperate, sweat rolling off of your bodies.
“Basilio! Crispin!”
Underneath you, Crispin gropes at your breast harder, beads of sweat rolling off of his forehead and dripping to your skin. “Your ass feels too good, I’m gonna cum,” he hissed between clenched teeth, and you silently thank Bathala that he’s near his limit. The lube is starting to wash off.
With a few more rough thrusts, he cums, shooting inside the rubber. Crispin cups your jaw and kisses you, deep and sweet, tasting your tongue. You’re on the verge of climax now too, and you give Basilio a desperate look. He understood what you meant.
The younger twin thrusts harder and faster while still rubbing that sensitive nub between your legs furiously, and the older one helps by stimulating your nipples once again. The bombardment of sensation is too much, and you feel white hot heat racing through your body as you cum one last time, voice hoarse as a throaty moan escapes past your open mouth.
The spasm of your muscles is enough to send Basilio over the edge too, pulling out of you and spilling his load all over the mound of your pussy, and your stomach. You feel Crispin slip out of you too. Basilio leans in to kiss you, almost tenderly, but still full of desperation, tongue and teeth.
After a quick cleanup and another drink of water, the three of you lay in a heap of limbs, exhausted. Crispin doesn’t shift at all, content on letting you lie next to him, while Basilio moves next to you, effectively sandwiching you between the two of them on the narrow bed.
Everyone is sated, and with your eyes growing heavy, you wanted nothing but sleep.
“So, who’s better?”
You don’t know who said it, but you raised your hand to give him a middle finger. “Tangina niyo, you’re both good. End of discussion. Now please let me sleep.”
Thank Bathala that they did.
The next morning, all three of you wake up sweaty, stinking, and really, really hungry.
“Good morning to you two,” you sigh, snaking your arms around theirs. Each of them gave you a kiss on your temple. “Damn, I’m starving,” you said, sitting up. “Let’s take a shower and grab something to e-”
Underneath the three of you, the bed’s legs give out, and a loud thud can be heard throughout the house. As you three scramble for purchase, frantic footsteps are approaching, and the door bursts open.
“What was that? Crispin is missing from his room and-” Hank blurts, toting his good ol’ triple barrel shotgun "Ama, Anak, at, Espiritu Santo". Funnily enough, when he sees the tangle of limbs before him, he utters the same words and quickly turns away. Alexandra arrives shortly after, gives them a quick glance, and shuts the door.
Breakfast with their bossing is filled with a mortifying quiet.
You barely touch your food, embarrassment burning your cheeks, and you shoot a glance at your twin lovers.
“Next time, lock the door,” Alex finally says, getting up from the table with a coffee in her hands. She’s too fucking exhausted to deal with this.
“It’s Basilio’s fault!” Crispin yells after her. Basilio made no attempts to defend himself, knowing that he forgot to lock the door again after he came back with the water.
Grumbling, you finally take a bite of your breakfast, jacket draped over your shoulders despite the heat to hide the bruises on your body. “The girls are gonna have a field day when they see me like this.”
“I need to replace the bed,” Basilio mumbles, stuffing his mouth with rice.
The three of you looked at each other, and laughed.
“So, see you next week?” Crispin asks with a smile, and Basilio gives you a pleading, doe-eyed look.
“Yeah. See you two next week.”
Translations for non-English speakers:
tropa: ground of friends. People you chill with
tangina niyo: Filipino profanity. Roughly translates to "you sons of bitches"
Ama, Anak, at Espiritu Santo: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It’s Hank’s weapon’s actual name in the comics.
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eternalsimp · 3 years
Cursed Fears (pt 2)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Smut
Word Count: 3703
Warnings: NSFW 18+, Aged up Megumi, mentions of violence, character death, swearing, use of female pronouns and anatomy, angst, slight praise kink, oral sex (f. receiving) Minors DNI.
Author Note: This is a sequel but it can be read as a stand-alone. pt 1 is up on my blog and pt 3 will be posted soon.
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Megumi’s POV
Everything was dark and the smell of blood was overwhelming. I couldn’t tell where I was exactly, I knew I was in the domain of a special grade but I was sure I had gone home to y/n. Nobara, Yuji, and I had exorcised a second-grade curse and had called it a night. So where did this domain come from? How did I get here? I could swear I could hear thunder crack every now and then, but I can’t even remember if there was a storm when I was here with Yuji and Nobara. Where was Gojo when I needed him? I stumbled through the darkness blindly before I was met with a sight that made my heart drop.
Sukuna sat lazily on his throne, his red eyes trained on me in a predatory glare, sharp nails tapping impatiently on his temple. “It's about time you showed up, I thought I was going to have my fun without you. Now that you’re here, we can continue.” Sukuna’s mouth pulled into a sinister grin as I stared at the limp figure at the foot of his throne.
“Y/n…” her name came out as barely a whisper, my throat felt like it was closing up. She was at home studying for her statistics class, I know she was. I shook my head violently before pressing the heels of my hands to my eyes. This isn’t real.
“What’s wrong little sorcerer? Not feeling so tough anymore are you? You were so confident you could take me on earlier, so come on, take her back. Until you do I may have to play with her a little bit more, show her that she was never safe from me.” Sukuna reached down and pulled her unconscious body up into his lap. He held her jaw with one hand and turned her face so I could see. I wanted to scream at him not to touch her, or to hurt me instead, but nothing came out. Every part of my body was frozen in place at the sight of her tortured body. Sukuna could see me struggling in his domain and smirked down at me. He slowly dragged his mouth up her throat and to the shell of her ear. “Time to wake up princess, our guest is here.” Sukuna squeezed her throat at the same time he nipped her ear and her eyes flew open to immediately fall on me.
“No, please let her go.” The words finally came but I still couldn’t move. She looked so scared, the person I love most is in danger and I couldn’t do anything about it. I forced myself forward a single step but it felt like I was sinking into the ground. Why can’t I move? “I’ll do anything you want, but please don’t hurt her.”
“I told you what I wanted, I told you to come and get her. Show me just how strong you are.” Sukuna taunted. With a firm grip on my girlfriend's jaw and his other hand traveling down her body, Sukuna was in complete control. I know I can’t use cursed energy or shikigami here or I would risk her becoming collateral damage, but I couldn’t stand still and do nothing.
“‘Gumi, help me.” Her voice was shaking, her entire body trembling. I wanted nothing more than to whisk her away to safety. Her eyes squeezed shut as Sukunas mouth attacked her neck and left dark bruises in its wake.
“Time’s running out kid, I’m starting to get bored.” Sukuna’s free hand began to snake over her legs, dragging his razor-sharp nails over the soft skin there, leaving angry red scratches behind. Tears began to fall freely from her eyes and I tried to force myself forward again to no avail. Whimpers and cries for help begin to fall from her lips faster, and god I feel like I’m in hell. All I can do is watch as she cries out in fear, heart cracking at every sound she makes. Finally, she says something that makes me feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest
“You did this to me, this is your fault.” My body felt numb at the sound of her broken words. All I can do is shake my head and beg, beg Sukuna for mercy, and beg her for forgiveness.
“Baby it’ll be okay, you’ll be okay. I’m so sorry.”
“You said you would protect me, why did you do this to me?”
“I’m sorry, I’m gonna get you out of here. Please believe me, my love.” I was on my knees before the king of curses now. So close I could pick up on her perfume that smells sickly sweet of roses, but the smell I adore so much was tainted with something else now.
Sukuna clicked his tongue and shook his head. “You know better than to make promises you can’t keep, right?” My whole body was shaking with fear and rage at the curse, but all I could do was bargain.
“Please, I swear I will do anything, just let her go.” I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her, pleading to just see her leave here alive. Sukuna’s nails dug deeper into her throat, drawing blood as it trickled down her neck and chest in small streams.
“I think I’d rather punish you and the brat for trapping me in this vessel. You get to watch as I kill her, and then I’ll switch out with him so he can see what he’s done.” Sukuna leaned down to face me. “This is what happens when self-righteous sorcerers need to learn their place, so don’t blame me for what happens next.”
Fear shot through my entire body at those words. I couldn’t help but scream loudly as Sukuna jerked her head and a loud, sickening crack filled my ears.
I shot straight up in bed as a crack of thunder rumbled through the apartment. My eyes were unfocused as I dragged myself towards the bathroom and a wave of nausea washed over me. I barely made it to the toilet before I was vomiting into it. My knees burned from where they hit the tile but all I can think about was the sound of her whimpers and begs for help ringing in my ears. I was vaguely aware of the shirt sticking to me with sweat as I tried to control my erratic breathing. Thunder cracked again, sounding eerily like the way her neck snapped in my nightmare and I was retching again.
The cycle continued for what felt like hours until I was left coughing and dry heaving. As the panic started to ebb away I noticed the presence of my girlfriend on the floor behind me, running her hands soothingly over my back, and lightly pressing her thumbs into my spine. She had her knees on either side of my waist and was resting her head between my shoulder blades. I reached up to flush the toilet before gently squeezing her knee to let her know I was okay. She wordlessly pulled my sweaty shirt over my head to let the cool air hit my back before lifting herself off of the floor and out of the bathroom.
I shifted my body so I could press my forehead against the hard plastic of the bathtub. After a couple minutes, she handed me a bottle of water and pressed a cold, damp cloth to the back of my neck. “I’m sorry I woke you up,” voice raspy from coughing and throwing up. This wasn’t the first time I had woken her with my nightmares, and I doubt it would be the last. She reclaims her spot on the floor behind me and continues rubbing my back.
“Don’t be sorry, I prefer to be woken up by you going to the bathroom than you throwing up in the bed anyway.” I can’t help but laugh at her teasing and we could both feel the unease begin to fade.
“Yeah, that's a good point. You’re too good to me, you know that?” I moved so that I was leaning back against her chest and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders protectively.
“Nope, I refuse to accept that statement because we are the perfect amount of goodness to each other.” I tilted my head back to rest it on her shoulder before pressing a quick kiss to her neck. I couldn’t help but wonder how I was lucky enough for Nobara to introduce the two of us. It was in the small, intimate moments like these that I knew I would happily go to my grave protecting her.
Reader’s POV
“Okay you know the drill,” you said to him as you held out your hands expectantly. He smiled as he placed both his hands in yours, palm up. You pressed one of his hands to your chest and the other to his so he could feel both of your heartbeats under his fingertips. The first time you did this he scoffed at how cheesy it was, but over the two years of living together, it became common practice for when he was trying to calm down after a nightmare. You didn’t like to press him about the horrors that plagued his dreams, knowing how reserved he was with his emotions, so you found your own ways to comfort him.
“See, we’re both okay. Do you wanna get up to go lay back down or do you need a second?” He shook his head and pulled himself up to sit in front of you again.
“No, I’m okay, but can we do the other thing too?” he asked sheepishly. He turned pleading eyes towards you, and how could you refuse him when he asked so nicely.
“Of course, whatever you need. You or me?”
He took a shuddering breath before whispering “you” so softly you almost didn’t hear it. Your shoulders slumped as that one word told you everything you needed to know. The other practice that became a common occurrence after his chronic nightmares was kissing the other person's phantom injuries. More often than not it was him kissing you, as you were usually the object of his nightmares, like tonight. He liked being able to physically see and feel that the wounds inflicted on you were in fact not real. This nighttime routine often led to some heavy makeout sessions, which then led to very soft and intimate sex.
“Okay baby,” You stand up and move to sit on the side of the bed while he brushes his teeth quickly to get rid of the gross taste in his mouth. While you wait, you find yourself tugging at the bottom of your shorts self-consciously as you shiver in anticipation. After a moment your boyfriend waltzed out of the bathroom and rested his hands on either side of your waist. He bent his head to capture your lips in a slow kiss. His tongue swipes at your bottom lip, silently asking permission to deepen the kiss and you happily oblige him. Your mouths move in a small fight for dominance but a firm hand on your thigh has him easily winning. Your hands trailed up to rest on his shoulders as he took your bottom lip between his teeth and bit down gently.
You gasp softly into his mouth and he brings one hand up to rest at the nape of your neck as he cradles your head protectively. He draws his lips down the side of your jaw, paying special attention to the spot behind your ear that never fails to have you melting into his hands. You tilt your head to give him better access to your throat, allowing him to deliver individual kisses to the spots where you likely had been hurt.
In a swift, fluid motion, he is pulling your tank top off of you and trailing sloppy kisses down your chest and stomach. You lean back onto your elbows as he runs his hands over your thighs, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You let out a shaky breath as he begins to kiss his way up the inside of your legs. “Just relax baby. I’m gonna take care of you.” He punctuated each word with a kiss or nip to the inside of your thighs, and you could feel the arousal pool at the pit of your stomach.
You forced yourself to make eye contact just in time to see a devious smirk grace his features. Before you could question it he is yanking down your shorts and blowing cool air onto your core. You yelp and instinctively try to snap your knees shut. He chuckles lowly to himself before tossing your shorts somewhere behind him. He brings his face back between your thighs to lick a long, hot stripe up your core. You gasp loudly and let your arms give out behind you. He reaches one hand up to where you are clawing at the sheets to intertwine your fingers together.
“My pretty baby is already so worked up and I’ve barely touched you. What a good girl.” He lowers himself back down to lap up the arousal dripping onto your legs before sucking your clit into his mouth. You arch into him and groan loudly which prompts him to hum triumphantly around the bundle of nerves. He moves his free hand down to expertly curl two fingers into you and starts pumping in and out at a steady pace. After a few pumps of his hand, he curls his fingers to find the spot inside you that has you seeing stars.
The combination of his mouth and fingers working you is dizzying and you can feel it pushing you closer to the edge of your climax. He could feel how close you were and began to move with more purpose, determined to make you cum more than once in the night. With the hand that isn’t intertwined with his, you reach down to tangle in his soft hair. “Wait, I- oh shit- I’m gonna cum.”
He removes the hand that was holding yours from you and brings his thumb down to rub circles into your sensitive clit. “Come on baby, I got you. You can cum for me.” He moves his mouth to rejoin his fingers at your slit to bring you closer to your high. A particularly hard press of his thumb has you crying out in pleasure and grinding desperately against his face. He removes his fingers from you and replaces them with his tongue to help you ride out your high. He greedily drinks up your release until you are weakly nudging him away.
“Do you want me to stop?” He looked up at you innocently, which was contradicting when you remembered the things he was doing mere seconds prior.
“No, I just want to feel more of you.” You could feel a hot blush creep up your body at the realization that he was still halfway clothed, while you laid completely naked in front of him. His brain seemed to process this at the same time because he was quickly ridding himself of his sweatpants and grey boxers.
His hard cock thumps softly against his toned stomach when he stood again and you were having a hard time not staring at the man in front of you. He wasn’t bulky, but the muscles that rippled underneath taut skin were nothing to sneeze at. He glanced up and caught your stare, and returned it with a cocky smirk. “See something you like?”
“I sure do,” you flashed an innocent smile as you sat up and palmed his erection. He gasped at your sudden boldness and leaned onto the bed for support. At this proximity, you were able to tug his earlobe between your teeth and bite down gently. “Please baby, I want you so bad.” Those words snap him back into action and he’s crashing his lips against yours again.
He moves you back up the bed and crawls over your body. He braces his forearms on either side of your head and experimentally grinds his hip against yours. You let out a soft “please” that comes out whinier than you intend. You lean your face up to give him a soft kiss before he reaches down to line himself up with you and slowly presses the tip inside. He shallowly thrusts to slowly work into you, mumbling praises against your skin as he moves deeper.
You can’t help but wince at the stretch his cock always brings you, which would border on outright painful if he didn’t feel so good. Your head falls back against the bed, clawing at his back to try to find something to ground yourself. He glances down to where he is buried deep inside you before pressing his forehead to yours. “I know sweetheart, it's almost there. You’re- fuck- doing so good for me,” he reassures as he presses a soothing kiss to your temple.
When he finally bottoms out he stills his hips to let you get comfortable and adjust to him. He takes this opportunity to pepper your face and chest in kisses and returns one of his hands to your neck where it cradles your head. You bring one of your hands to his hair to tug gently before rolling your hips against him, eliciting a breathy moan from him. “You can move baby, I’m okay.”
He nods and gives a couple of slower thrusts before setting a steady pace. He opted for slower deep strokes which made you feel every inch of him as he thrust into you. His thrusts have his cock brushing all the right spots inside you, and all you can do is gasp and moan for him while clinging to his shoulders. “Megumi, please,” you aren’t even sure what you were asking for. The pleasure has your head spinning and unable to make complete thoughts.
You can tell he is getting closer to his own climax because his thrusts are getting progressively faster and he is getting more vocal. “God, baby you’re taking me so well.” He hooks one of your legs around his waist and the new angle lets him hit your sweet spot with every roll of his hips. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you feel another climax approaching, and Megumi picks up his pace again.
“Is my pretty girl gonna cum for me again?” You bury your face into his shoulder and nod. He moves one of his hands to play with your clit to push you over the edge. You arch into him and let out a strangled moan as your orgasm washes over you. You’re sure you’re leaving deep scratches across his back as you grip him tighter. His hips stutter as you clench around him and he gives a few more sloppy thrusts before he’s cumming too with a loud groan. He unconsciously rocks into you lazily as you both come down from your highs.
“Are you okay baby?” He kisses your forehead and strokes your side to try and bring you back to reality. You nod again, not quite trusting your voice yet. He chuckles and slowly pulls out to not overstimulate you. You squirm at the uncomfortable stickiness between your legs but he’s already moving to the bathroom to grab stuff to clean you up.
When he comes back out he runs a warm cloth along the inside of your thighs and quickly over your center, which has you wincing at the sensitivity. When he's done he pulls out a pair of your pajama shorts and one of his loose shirts for you to wear. He helps you slip the clothes on and tugs his boxers back up before climbing back into bed with you.
You stand up to crack open the window next to the bed before laying with your back against his chest. The cool air from the rain seeps into the room and he mutters a “thank you” into your shoulder, surprised that you remember he runs hot for the rest of the night when he has a nightmare.
The clock on the bedside table shows that it's about 5:30 in the morning, so you estimate that he woke up roughly at 4. “Do you feel okay enough to go back to sleep?” You feel him shrug behind you and you scoot closer to him, pulling one of his arms over your waist to lace your fingers together.
“I don’t know. I should but…” you hear his voice trail off and nod in understanding. He always has a hard time falling back asleep on nights like these. He warned you about his chronic nightmares shortly before moving in together and confessed that he’s had them since he started high school at Jujustu Tech. However, you take small comfort in the knowledge that since living together they’ve gotten less frequent, and his reactions to them have become far less violent.
“Will you feel better if one of your shikigami sleeps in here? Just so you know that nothing will happen.” He considers it for a minute before tugging his hand out of yours, circling his other arm around your waist, and folding his hands to summon his divine dog. Its head pokes out of the shadows under the window. You pat the empty spot on the bed and it jumps up excitedly before laying down and letting you scratch behind its ears.
Megumi chuckles behind you and shakes his head. “You just wanted the dog on the bed didn’t you?” He reaches over to ruffle its soft fur as it dozes off.
“Checkmate,” you crane your head to place a kiss on his cheek before settling back against him. “Now will you please try to go back to sleep? I don’t want to nag you but realistically you can’t function on only two hours of sleep.”
“I’ll try but I can’t make any promises you know.” He tucks his chin on top of your head and relaxes around you. You hum in acknowledgment before slowly drifting back to sleep.
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catt-nuevenor · 3 years
I don't know if you're okay with this kinds of asks (please ignore this if you're uncomfortable with it) but... If the ro and mc are having 'fun' In bed when suddenly their kid comes in/almost comes in, how do they react? What kinds of excuse would they say?🤣
As previously stated, I'm trying to steer clear of cringe humour with this react, and instead going more into healthy responses to such an awkward encounter.
Hope you all enjoy!
I HIGHLY recommend you head over to the reacts page to read this. There you can enter your own names and pronouns for the characters.
Reacts Page
P swept the blanket up and over MC in a single motion, the fabric falling with an uncanny perfection across their otherwise naked body. Searching through the folds of bedding and discarded clothing, P found their hand and held it comfortingly as they propped herself up and smiled at their partner's child.
"Hi CH." They smiled, doing their best to keep the queasy shame out of their voice. It wasn't anything to feel ashamed of really, but instinct drove a heated blush up from the base of their neck.
The little child was quiet, looking between their ren and P in a stilted silence.
MC turned about in the bed, facing their child. "Are you alright CH?" They asked gently.
CH frowned. Not in an angry way, they didn't seem sad or hurt either, just puzzled. "What are you doing?"
P felt their lover's entire body tense in the span of a heartbeat.
"We..." MC looked up at their with the devotion of utter desperation.
"We were making love CH."
CH's frown got deeper, whilst their ren paled.
"What's does-" The child began, only to be interrupted by a voice from the corridor behind them.
"CH? Could you come and help us with breakfast please?"
P let out a subtle sigh, the expression, along with their relief, shared equally by their lover. After reassurances from them both, CH turned and scampered out of the room, almost forgetting to close the door behind them.
"I could just about kiss that woman right now." P chuckled, deflating bodily, resting their forehead against the warm sanctuary of MC's shoulder.
"Do you think A realised?" They mused, playing with a curly lock of their partner's hair, while their other hand was still entwined with P's.
The woman huffed. "Probably. Even more reason to sing their praises later."
MC laughed, and P lightly pressed the tip of their nose to the sound. "I'm not sure they'd really appreciate a serenade, or a kiss for that matter."
Propping herself back up on their elbows P smirked. "Really? I have it on good authority that I'm a pretty good kisser. Or are you just trying to keep me all to yourself?"
They'd find CH later, sit them down, and no matter how much it might make them both squirm, they'd answer all their questions as honestly, and sensitively as they could. P would also go find A and let their off of washing duty for the next two months.
But that was all for later. In that moment P and MC had far more present matters on their minds.
L felt a little bit sick. What the hell had they done?!
Why hadn't they remembered to lock the damn door? It was automatic most nights. Tuck CH in, retreat back to their private room, get utterly engrossed in MC, and before anything else, lock the door.
They hadn't noticed at first. They was too busy with 'other matters' to notice the slow creak of the door's hinge, or the small voice that asked for their ren. MC had. They'd noticed right away.
With a mortified groan, L pulled their knees up to their chest, tucking their head into the cradle of their crossed arms. Great, just great. One stupid mistake and not only had they likely traumatised a small child, but they'd more than likely ruined their relationship with MC.
Their soon to be ex-lover was with their child, trying to find a way to explain what it was they saw, and settle them back to sleep. How the hell they planned to do that L didn't have the foggiest. And what was L doing? Hiding like a coward.
This time, when the door's hinges gave their low creak L heard them, but they didn't look up. They couldn't bear to see MC's disappointment.
The bed dipped slightly as they sat down, and L automatically shuffled aside to make a bit more room. Then, a thick silence descended, burying their shame beneath renewed guilt.
"Are you alright L?" MC asked gently, startling the young fisher.
They looked up, eyes wide, jaw slack, thinking they must have misheard. "What?"
With a compassionate smile, MC reached out and took L's hand. "I said, are you alright?"
"I- You-" They spluttered, treading between confusion and annoyance as their eyes flickered between their partner and the door. "But, CH-"
"Is fine L." MC said, stroking their thumb across L's knuckles. "A little confused, but mostly worried that they upset you."
MC leant in close and kissed the gaping woman's cheek. "Remember it is still the middle of the night love. You don't want to wake the others do you?"
"No. But-" L dropped their indignation to a whisper. "What about CH? How can they just be fine with it?"
MC shifted further onto the bed, tucking their bare feet back under the rumpled blankets, gesturing for L to lay down beside them once they'd settled.
"Children understand more than you think." They explained, pulling the blankets up over them once L had joined them. "I told them the truth, that we were showing each other how much we loved each other in the way adults in a relationship do. That it was a natural part of some but not all grownup relationships, and that it wasn't anything to be ashamed of or worried about."
"And they just accepted all that?"
MC nodded. "They'll probably have a lot of questions in the morning, but I'll take some time to sit with them and go through anything that worries them."
"I-" L struggled to find their way back from the crippling embarrassment of moments ago, and back to some sense of logic. They should be a part of this somehow. The realisation almost threw their straight back into full scale panic, but they did their best to keep calm.
CH thought they'd upset their, while they still feared they'd upset them. The most straightforward way to reassure them both was to talk it through. Maybe...
At least they'd both have MC's support, no matter how awkward the conversation went.
When L asked to help, MC kissed their so sweetly they felt some of the anxiety melt away at once. The rest would likely sit there till the talk tomorrow. For now though there was comfort, warmth, and the familiar tangle of limbs to enjoy as they let their dreams sweep them away into sleep.
"Ready for this?" A asked, squeezing MC's hand tightly for a few moments when they saw the panic in their eyes.
With a dry gulp MC shook their head. "Not really." They glanced at the open door, no doubt wondering whether there was still time to make a run for it before their child arrived.
A patted their knee, smiling warmly when they turned their nervous gaze to their.
"I guess I just wasn't expecting to have to have... this conversation, not yet anyway."
The Cunningwoman gave a sympathetic nod. "No, I imagine not."
It wasn't really anyone's fault. Just a poor sense of timing, and forgetfulness. It was lucky CH didn't come in a minute or two earlier, who knew what they would have thought upon seeing that particular part of their love making. It was all unfortunate but none of them could go back and change the past. It simply was what it was.
A took in a calming breath, letting the morning air flow in and fill their lungs, before letting it go once more. It had to be done. If they simply let the matter lie CH would more than likely build up their own theories on what they had seen. Would they think they were fighting? That A was in someway hurting MC? Or worse would they think that sex was something expected of them at their age?
The idea made A's skin squirm, and their insides writhe. No. They would tell CH what they were doing plainly, without oversimplification, or gratuitous detail. They'd explain that it should be an action of sincere and mutual trust, that no one should ever take what was not freely given, and that it was a complexity of grown up relationships, and that when the time was right, and they met someone they cared for and trusted, and that both they and their partner wanted to take their relationship to that level of physical intimacy, only then would they need to consider sex.
MC chuckled quietly beside their, attempting to muffle the sound behind their palm.
"What is it?" A asked with an amused smile of their own.
"You have that look about you." MC explained, placing a fingertip on the fold of a slight frown that sat between their dark brows. "The same one you get when Erda gives you a difficult customer to manage."
A laughed. "I'm sure CH will be much better behaved than that."
Their lover shrugged. "I don't know. How many seven year olds have you dealt with?" The soul smirked as a lick of confusion danced across their partners expression. "Any question you hope they don't ask, you can guarantee they will."
A flutter of nerves tickled at the base of A's throat, though they did their best to remain outwardly calm. "Well, it's a good thing I have a practiced hand with me, isn't it?" They said, laying a soft kiss against MC's jaw, revelling in the sigh it drew from them.
There was a light tap of a tiny hand upon the door. A drew herself back, settling as naturally as they could beside MC, still holding their hand as they called out to their child.
"I don't understand why you hid it from them this long." K said, resting their weight back upon one hip, pivoting slightly to keep MC in sight as they fussed around their room.
"Because a little child shouldn't have to worry about things like that." They snapped, frustration and shame making their temper brittle.
K watched quietly as they slumped onto the bed, their head resting in their hands. They didn't understand the burden their efenhlytta struggled beneath. Making love was natural, every creature upon the earth or in the waters procreated in some form, yet it was only people that put such pressures on the act. Made guilt when there was no logical reason to be any.
Cautiously they sat beside their lover, and despite the ease with which they might do so, they made no move to touch them. "What will you tell them?" K asked, keeping their words, and their voice, calm and gentle.
Of course they expected them to bristle, or snap out a response born of frustration once more, and they was shocked when instead MC slumped further into the bed.
"I don't know." They said on a fragile whisper. "I don't know what I'm going to tell them."
"I didn't realise this would upset you to this degree." K said, after a brief but pointed silence had settled between them unbroken for many minutes. "Would you like me to talk to CH."
The child's ren looked up from the cradle formed of their fingers, considering their with something close to curiosity, though the finer detail of what it was that curiosity was focused upon seemed lost to them both.
"You'd do that?" MC asked, clearly not ready to believe K's answer before they'd even had chance to reply.
The strange woman nodded. "Of course, if you want me to."
They let their mind linger a while on the offer, the ease at which they might pass on the burden of the conversation they had no desire to have. But deep down they knew they could never accept.
It wouldn't do CH any good. They needed to be comfortable when they discussed what had to be discussed, and while they both got along far better than they used to, K's presence still unsettled their child.
"No." MC sighed, though they made effort to smile through the exhale. "Thank you though. If-"
They hesitated.
"If you would... be there with me? When I talk to CH."
With lithe fingers, K caught MC's chin and delicately tilted their head about so that their eyes might meet. "For you my efenhlytta, I would stand before the greatest of challenges, no matter how dire."
K kiss demanded all the attention MC's worries might steal away for themselves. When they pushed them back into the sheets, they could not help the muffled gasp.
"Shall we finish our own conversation?" K murmured into the delightful warmth of their efenhlytta's neck, kissing where their quickened pulse fluttered visibly beneath their skin.
"What- what conversation is that?" MC breathed, their breath hitching as K nipped ever so lightly at their prize.
The strange one smiled. "The conversation your child interrupted earlier, of course."
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
Marry Me-W.L
“could i request an imagine of will proposing to his girlfriend late at night in bed?”
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Pairing: WillNE x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k+
Pronouns: She/Her
After a long day of work, Y/n had finally made it to Will's flat. He had invited her over to stay the night since it had been a couple of weeks since the last night they had spent together.
It was late at night, Y/n and Will found themselves spooning in bed. Will held the h/c girl close with his head buried in the crook of her neck. Y/n was tired and sore, she had spent the entire day working and dealing with her coworker's bullshit. She was just sick of it all.
As minutes passed of the pair of them being silent, it seemed like Y/n had already fallen asleep, meanwhile Will was wide awake. He had a lot on his mind recently. He had been thinking about his relationship with Y/n.
They had been together for years now, she had seen him go through it all. Will had been thinking about slipping a finger on Y/n's ring. When he had asked Gee about it she seemed supportive of it, but that also meant he'd had to leave and find a new home with Y/n, it was worth it. Gee had agreed that she'd be able to survive without having Will around and the thought of moving in with Will would most likely make Y/n ecstatic.
He had asked his friends about how they'd want to propose, Alex said he’d take his partner out to a fancy dinner and propose before desert. George said he wanted to take his girlfriend back to where they first met for an anniversary when he’d pop the question. James came up with the idea of having to take his girlfriend on vacation when he’d get down on one knee. Every idea just didn't seem like something he wanted to do for Y/n. But here they were now, laying in bed, just being able to enjoy each other's presence.
"Y/n, you still awake?"
"Hm?" Y/n hummed groggily, "Yeah, what is it, babe?"
There was a pause. Will was going to risk it all if he let the right words leave his lips. "Do you ever wanna get married?"
Y/n's eyes opened as soon as Will asked his question. Quickly, she had turned so that she would be able to face him while still being held in his embrace. For another moment they stared at one another. Will could feel anxiety build up inside of him during the silence while Y/n placed a hand on his cheek, her thumb brushing over his lips softly. "To you? Of course I would. To anyone else? Never."
A smile cracked on Will's lips as soon as he heard Y/n. Again, a few seconds passed as they admired one another, both curious how they were so lucky to meet."Marry me, Y/n."
"What?" Her eyes widened as Will held Y/n's hand against his cheeks gently."You're serious?"
"Yes. You and I can get a flat to start out with. You know we've been looking around. We'll get a ring. We can have the fanciest wedding you'd like." 
"Will... I..." Y/n trailed off, getting lost in thought. Were they actually willing to take this chance of marriage at such a young age? They had known Will since they were kids. 
"Please say yes, Y/n. I've been your boyfriend since we were 16."
"Yes, I'll gladly marry you." A smile appeared on Y/n's face as she spoke. As soon as Y/n finished her sentence, Will brought her closer for a sweet kiss. Every time the kiss would end, a new one would start until they were completely out of breath. 
"Fuck, I love you," Will mumbled, leaning his head against Y/n's.
"I love you more, darling."
The next morning Y/n had woken up to the feeling of safety, she was wrapped in Will's arms, her head buried in the crook of his neck. Sun flooded into the room past the curtains that were agape. 
The weather matched Y/n's mood as she remembered everything that had happened last night between them. Will had proposed last night. Y/n cracked a smile as soon as the memories came flooding back. 
After a few moments of laying there, thinking of their future, Y/n had decided to get up. Carefully sneaking out of Will's grasp, she headed downstairs into the kitchen, planning to make two cups of coffee for her and her new fiance. 
Once Y/n had set everything up and coffee had begun to brew, she leaned against the kitchen counter, getting lost in her thoughts once more. The thought of starting a family with Will was just so exciting. It wasn't until she had heard footsteps coming downstairs she had come back to reality. Turning, her eyes landed on Will's flatmate. 
"Morning, Y/n."
"Gee!" Y/n grinned, "How are you?"
"I'm doing well since the last time I saw you last night," Gee let out a giggle. "What's got you in such a bright mood?"
"I guess I just think some really special things are going to happen soon," Y/n took a moment to pick up the two cups of coffee. "But I'll have to leave you be, wish me luck making it upstairs."
"Good luck," Gee smiled. As Y/n slowly disappeared back upstairs, Gee wondered to herself what had put Y/n in such a bubbly mood. 
Will was lucky enough to wake up from the feeling of Y/n peppering kisses over his face and the warmth of the sunlight coming into his bedroom.
"Good morning," Y/n cooed softly, brushing a bit of Will's hair back from his face.
"Morning beautiful," Will groaned in his morning voice. 
"I made you coffee," Y/n had moved away from Will, allowing him to stretch and sit up. As the h/c girl took a seat next to him, she handed him the cup. A minute or two of silence passed as each of them sat there enjoying their coffee. "Were you serious?"
"What?" Will's eyes flickered from the bedroom window to his fiancé.
"About what you asked me last night. You weren't messing with me?" Y/n held her cup in the middle of her lap, her eyes on Will.
"Not at all. Of course I was being serious with you, Y/n. I want to start a life with you."
Hearing those words come from Will had made Y/n crack a smile. So she wasn’t dreaming."Do you think we should tell people? I mean, I know they'll have to know eventually but what are you comfortable with?" Y/n had moved to place her drink on the nightstand.
"Well, it's really up to you. I think it's best we don't tell the fans at first. If anything at all goes South that'll be hard to explain to them. I think we need to tell Gee, but how about this? We'll tell our families but not our friends, after we get our rings let's see how long it'll take for them to notice them."
"Sounds fun," Y/n laid down, placing her head in Will's lap. Will smiled, finishing off his coffee before placing the empty mug on the nearest nightstand. 
"I love you, Y/n." Will sighed, brushing a hand through her hair. 
"I love you too, Will." Y/n smiled, "I can't wait to call you my husband."
"I'm so happy you said yes."
"I'm happy you popped the question."
The couple had decided to spend the rest of the morning in bed holding one another and talking about their future. They had both felt so lucky to have one another.
Taglist: @anyasthoughts @multifandom-but @springholland @glossysstyles
@blondiee-seaveyy @caswinchester2000​ @elmslielife​
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
You already know who this is but ill still give u a hot rundown: My names Ally, im 20 years old 5’7’’ and a Leo/year of the dragon/INFP. She/They pronouns and im Pansexual but i dont think that matters much in this situation >:P. Appearance wise i have shoulder length curly red hair and green/grey eyes, suuuuper pale skin and freckles. Im def an ambivert, very protective of people who mean alot to me and kind of sharp tempered, especially when people start talking about shit they dont know anything about. Im also a pretty big perfectionist and people pleaser and will beat the FUCK outta myself if i feel like i let people down or made people upset when i could have helped it. But thats all about me, heres those wacky questions!
- Stated before, but im an August Leo! I would say my aura would probably be a pinkish/ purple color? For dislikes i def dont like bitter foods, being too hot, rumors, people talking behind my back, ppl who act like they know what theyre talking about, ppl cutting me off when i lose my train of thought, conservatives, not caring about climate change/the planet in general, tight or restrictive clothes, not having enough time in the day, capitalism, ect. Honestly the most off the wall thing for me that would make me throw hands on sight would probably be someone saying some shit about my close friends behind their back to me.
- Once when I was 14 me and about 10 other people squeezed into a mini van at about 3am and drove around the town, not a single one of us had a license or were over the age of 16, and we were all ridiculously drunk and high the entire time (except the driver. we were underage, not stupid). After driving halfway across the island we got pulled over by cop on the interstate, and he walked up to the car, looked at the driver, then into the passenger seat and saw literally 10 KIDS OBVIOUSLY DRINKING and the car absolutely reeked of bud, then looked back at the driver and simply told him “Your tail light is out. Get home safe” and drove away. Ive never seen god faster than that moment LMAO
- I could never willingly fight a raccoon, youre sick for suggesting that >:/ They are precious boys and ive saved too many from drowning in my pool for me to lay a finger on one. And as for dealbreakers? My biggest one in a relationship is cheating, but thats pretty basic LMAO. I would also say one that’s definitely second in rank would be expecting someone to stay the same through out the relationship and getting upset when the person changes. We are human beings and developing and growing, if you dont support me in that nothing is going to work. I explained a bunch of things i dislike in people above, but ill also add in here people who hurt animals in any way/ litter for no reason. If one of my friends throws a piece of trash out of my car im slammin on the brakes and youre getting out and picking it up. And god forBID you touch an animal around me il doing whatever you did to it to yourself no hesitation.
- I would hate being stuck in a room with anyone, i have decently bad claustrophobia and if we were in there for more than a day i would start bugging out LOL But probably the worst type of person would be someone who just doesn’t shut up and trys to act like they know everything. Those are like, the most insufferable people to me. ESPECIALLY if theyre wrong and refuse to admit it. Whenever i think of being locked in a room, somehow i always imagine like a dark navy blue room with one small window and completely empty floors and walls, everything made out of carpet. Dont ask me why, i have absolutely no clue.
my feed back is ily bitch gimmie a good one i wanna fight a bitch
Your enemy is… Eyeless Jack!
In general:
I told you this yesterday but I wasn’t expecting you to send this in and must've spent like 5 straight minutes wheezing reading this. My gut reaction was Jeff, but based on what you wrote about the room, I’m going to say your enemy is actually Eyeless Jack!
Things he doesn’t like about you and how he pisses you off:
EJ doesn’t like that you’re a Leo. I’m not elaborating on that. He’s such a cold, clinical, heartless bastard that everything you are just goes against whatever tf he actually believes and acts as. I feel like you being a perfectionist would just brush against his perfectionist tendencies and habits. He’d say everything you’re doing is wrong. Just a dick. EJ may or may not exploit your weaknesses but that’s just because he thinks it’s fun and doesn’t like you.
EJ is a god of knowing what he’s talking about and it leads to this cocky, know it all attitude. It’s gonna brush you the wrong way. He knows that and takes joy in it. He will always attempt to one up you in knowledge and grin when he sees you falter. On the other end, if you catch him off guard he’s gonna be SO MAD. He will purposely turn up the heat in your presence just to make you upset. He will breathe down your neck and get in your personal space just to make you more uncomfortable. EJ isn’t anywhere NEAR a conservative or a climate change denier but he will take those positions just to make you mad and laugh over your attempts at arguing with him. Like Jeff, he’s a huge devil’s advocate and will start shit just because he can. I don’t actually think he’d talk about your friends negatively in front of you though, but he would definitely say stuff about you to your face.
EJ thinks it’s stupid you drank underage and will poke that memory. He will use insults about alcohol and the brain despite drinking a ton himself. If you call him out on it, he will fold. Literally throw everything he says about you back at him and he will get puffy and fast. EJ can’t always handle change that well so like, he’s a stubborn guy. Despite how logical he can be and how smart he is, socially he is so uncouth!! EJ doesn’t litter so you don’t have to worry about that but he’s definitely gonna do things that push your buttons, mostly say things that put you off. He’s not claustrophobic. He will put you in situations like that just because he can. The dark navy blue of his mask is going to haunt you. EJ will act like a god in your presence and snarl when you dare question his abilities. CALL HIM OUT. HUMBLE HIM PLEASE.
He agrees on the raccoon thing ngl. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but EJ has such a soft spot for animals - mostly birds - but he can’t fault you for the raccoon thing. He's also not too fond of litter so he has to agree with you on that one too.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Knowing you for as long as I have, I was so, so ready to actually put you with Jeff. However, the more I read into this the more my intuition screeched that you would actually throw hands with EJ and I find that HILARIOUS. Just the arguments between you and this tall, muscular demon man is just - “what? What? WHAT” It’s beautiful. I’m serious, Merida vs. a literal demon. That’s all. Ily. <3
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justcallmefox89 · 4 years
Artist in the Devildom
Jax has just arrived in the Devildom as the newest human exchange student at R.A.D.  With Arianthi and the seven lords of the Devildom to guide them this exchange year should be a breeze.  Right? 
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Written from the perspective of my non-binary OC, Jax Montgomery.  Jax uses they/them pronouns.
This story takes place in the Truth or Dare AU where Mammon and Arianthi get engaged.
I would like to give a massive shout-out and heartfelt thank you to @fivenightsat-enbys​ for all their help and being so wonderfully patient with me and my questions.   
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The flash of bright white light is blinding, and my body feels like it’s falling through an endless tunnel.  I know that this is allegedly safe, but that doesn’t stop me from scrunching my eyes closed and letting out a high pitched scream.  I’m still screaming when I feel my feet touch solid ground.  After a few seconds I simmer down and open my eyes, blinking away stars.  
Once I can see again I find myself standing in front of two men and a girl around my age, in an office that can only be described as rich old white man aesthetic.  Lots of large dark oak furniture, some obviously antique oil paintings of naked people and things I’ll probably have nightmares about later.  Gold lighting fixtures.
Into it.  Very into it.
I clutch onto my duffel bag and octopus plushie, shuffling my feet and giving them all an awkward wave.
“Yo,” I say, attempting a smile.  
Given the current state of my stomach and the fact that I was currently standing in the Devildom, face to face with some real life demons, it feels a little forced.  
Why did I agree to this?  Definitely, most probably, in the top three of my worst ideas of all time.  
The taller of the two men steps forward, flashing me an enthusiastic grin.  
“Jax Monteiro?  Welcome to the Royal Academy of Diavolo.  We’re so excited to have another human student here!” 
“Whoa!  Down boy,” the girl says, stepping towards me with giggle, patting the auburn haired man on the arm.  “Give them a second to adjust.  Portal jumping is harder on us poor humans than it is on you all.”
She holds out her hand.  “Hi Jax, I’m Arianthi Wolf.  I’m the ambassador to all the exchange students here at R.A.D.  And I’m a human student too, so you’re not all alone down here.”  
She gives me a soft smile of reassurance.
I quickly give her hand a shake, returning the smile, mine more genuine this time.  Arianthi is about six or seven inches shorter than me, with long curly black hair and bright green eyes.  A smattering of freckles runs across her nose and cheeks, standing out against her pale skin.  
I’d love to draw her.  
I’m itching to get my hands on my sketchbook.  
The guys too.  And this room is insane. 
She motions at the auburn haired man next to her.  He towers over her, looking like a giant standing next to a pixie.  I’ve always considered myself tall at 6′3, but this guy has a good six or seven inches on me.
This must be how mom felt when she asked me to get stuff off the high shelves at the grocery store.
“This is Lord Diavolo, founder of R.A.D., and the human, angel, demon exchange program here.  The goal is to bring the celestial realm, human realm, and the Devildom closer together and foster a better understanding between the three.”  She pauses for breath.  “He’s also the prince of the Devildom.”
Holy shit.  
“Do I need to like, bow or something?”  I ask nervously.  
Diavolo chuckles.  “Please don’t.  I just wanted to welcome you to the Devildom before returning to my duties.  Arianthi will help you get settled in and go over your course schedule with you.  You’ll be staying with her at the House of Lamentation along with the seven lords of the Devildom.”  He gives me a boyish grin.  “I hope your year with us is less eventful than Arianthi’s first year.”
“Diavolo!”  Arianthi gives him an exasperated grin while he waggles his eyebrows at her. 
He holds his hand up, laughing.  “Sorry princess, I couldn’t resist.”
Princess?  Oh, I’m totally asking her for a story time once we’re alone.
Diavolo motions the other man in the room forward.  He’s closer to my size, with delicate features, turquoise hair, and moss green eyes.  
“This is my servant Barbatos.  If you find yourself needing anything and are unable to reach Arianthi or any of the lords, he can help you.” 
Barbatos offers me a small nod.
“Barbatos is the one who really runs things here.”  Arianthi gives me a mischievous smirk.  “He’s also an amazing chef.  The best baker in all three realms.  His devilberry tarts are to die for.”  
She mimes swooning.
Barbatos beams at her praise.  “You flatter me Arianthi.”
Diavolo rubs his hands together, smiling.  “Well, we really do need to be going.  I have to welcome the new angels to Purgatory Hall.  I’ll leave you to it Arianthi.  Don’t worry Jax, you’re in very good hands.”  
He gives Arianthi a wink.
Hate to break it to you Diavolo but as cute as she is, I’m more interested in how good your hands are.
“Dia!”  Arianthi gives him a dirty look.  “Stop that!  I’m sure Jax doesn’t appreciate it, and you know Mammon hates it when you do that.”
Mammon?  A third player has entered the game.  This could be some spicy telenovela shit.  Must.  Know.  Now.
Diavolo just chuckles at her and exits the room, Barbatos in tow. 
“Okay, tell me everything princess.  I have to know.”  I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes good naturally. 
“Dia and I were a.....thing for a while.”  She waves her hand dismissively, looking slightly annoyed.  “He’s still a little in his feelings about things, but I’m engaged now.  Sometimes he likes to push my fiance’s buttons.  Diavolo is a lot of fun but he is a world class shit stirrer.” 
“Mammon is the fiance?”  I guess.
She gives me a soft smile.  “Yeah.  He lives at the House of Lamentation too, so you’ll be meeting him soon.  Anyways, we should get going.  Do you need help carrying anything?”
I hold up my duffel bag and my plushie.  “This is all I brought with me.  But you can carry Samson if you want.”  
I hand over the large purple octopus.
“He.  Is.  Adorable.  Levi would love him.”  She cuddles Samson close to her chest as she leads me out of Diavolo’s office.  
“So, right now we’re in the Demon Lord’s Castle.  Diavolo and Barbatos live here, and there are always some high ranking demons staying here too, trying to get in good with Diavolo.  You’ll be here off and on throughout the year for parties and things like that.  Hopefully you’ll escape the “bonding sleepover” ordeal I went through my first year.”  She shudders.
“Bonding sleepover?  Like a summer camp bonding sleepover?” I quirk an eyebrow at her.
She gives me a long suffering look.  “Dia is like a kid in a candy store when it comes to human world activities.  It was his idea.”
I chuckle.  “It was that bad?”
Arianthi holds up a hands and starts ticking events off on her fingers.  
“I got sucked into an evil possessed painting with some others and we ended up in the dungeon.  In the dungeon we were almost eaten by Henry 1.0, who may be the biggest snake to ever exist, like anywhere.  Then when we tried to get a picture of Lucifer sleeping we ended up getting chased by Cerberus and we wound up in the dungeon again.  Where Henry 1.0 tried to eat us.  Again.  And there was a pillow fight where everyone ended up unconscious except for Diavolo and Lucifer.  And me, but only because I was hiding under my bed.”
I stare at her, mouth open, debating if she’s being serious or not.  She looks back at me, face unchanged.
“Oh, wow, you’re actually being serious,” I say.  
I don’t know if I’m terrified or....nope.  Definitely a little terrified after that story.  And why did they want a picture of Lucifer sleeping?
As if she can sense my fear Arianthi gives my shoulder a comforting squeeze.  “I know it sounds insane but every day isn’t going to be like that here.  And you’ll always have someone looking out for you.”
I breathe out a sigh of relief and give her a quick grin.  “Thanks, Arianthi.”
We make our way outside, and I’m startled by the fog and dim sunlight.  
It’s the middle of the day, right?  Or does time work differently here?
I must look confused because Arianthi quickly explains.  “Time works the same here, but the weather is different from the human realm. We don’t get bright sunlight down here.”  
She shrugs apologetically.
“It’s all good,” I tell her with a smile.  “I figured things would be different when I agreed to all this.”
She giggles.  “At least they gave you some warning.  I was one of the first humans picked for the program and they just zapped me out of my apartment without warning.  One minute I’m on my couch watching The Great British Bake Off, and the next I’m down here.  Mammon and Asmo had to take me shopping for a whole new wardrobe.”
“Damn.”  I join in on her laughter.  “So how did you adjust to being here?”
Her mouth scrunches to one side as she ponders my question.  “It was hard, that first month.  None of the demons were really used to humans, and a lot of them didn’t want me here.  But I gradually got closer to the brothers and that helped.  Now it’s hard to imagine my life without them.  They’re family now, you know?”
I nod.  “Do you think I’ll have any issues here?”
“Nah.”  She shakes her head.  “I’ll be looking out for you and whatever classes we don’t have together you’ll have with one of the boys.  Lucifer made sure of it.  But if you do want to go out somewhere be sure to take me or one of them with you.  Some of the lower level demons are still assholes about humans being here.  I get a little more respect now that I’m Mammon’s fiancee and a full time resident of the House of Lamentation.”
We meander through the R.A.D. campus, Arianthi pointing out various buildings and explaining the curriculum to me.    
“Ok, so......the seven demon lords that we’ll be living with.  Lay it on me.  I wanna know what I’m getting into.”
Arianthi takes a deep breath.  “I’ll just give you the rundown from oldest to youngest.  Hold on, because this family is a roller coaster of ‘what the fuck’.”
I snort out a little laugh.  “I’m from Florida.  There is literally nothing here that can shock me.”
“If you say so,” Arianthi replies with a smirk.  “Buckle up buttercup, because we’re going to run through this fast.  Oh, and the brothers are ranked in accordance to how powerful they are, not their actual ages.  But they are all thousands of years old, in case you were wondering.   Anyways the oldest is Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride.  He’s Diavolo’s second in command down here.  Very serious, doesn’t laugh much.  He’s like the dad at the House of Lamentation.  But not the fun kind.  Don’t let any of the others talk you into trying to prank him.  Unless I’m in on it, because I’m always down for that shit.”
I have found my people.
“The second oldest is Mammon and he’s the Avatar of Greed.  Don’t leave anything valuable laying around or he’ll take it and try to sell it for some quick Grimm.”
“Wait?  Isn’t Mammon your fiance?”  I’m confused.
She gives me a self-deprecating shrug.  “The heart wants what the heart wants.  We’ve been working on the stealing thing, but at the end of the day he is the Avatar of Greed and it’s hard to control that.  He models too, to earn some extra Grimm.  I’ve been pushing for him to do more of that to curb the stealing.  Oh!  I forgot, Grimm is our currency down here.  I’ll hook you up with some so don’t worry about that.”
“Oh no you don’t have to-” I try to protest but she cuts me off with a smile.
“Really, I want to.  I want you to be able to enjoy your time here, not worrying about trying to find a part time job to earn some cash.”
“Lucifer is the house dad, but you’re totally the house mom aren’t you?”  
Seriously, this girl might be an angel.
She blushes a little.  “Um....guilty.  I sort of fell into it my first year here.  The boys needed someone to take care of them then.”  She pauses.  “They still sort of do honestly.”
I laugh.  “Alright, who’s next?  Hit me with it.”
Arianthi pauses, like she’s trying to come up with the right words.  “Levi.  Well Leviathan, but you can call him Levi.  He’s more introverted than the rest.  Very into gaming, anime, movies.......and a book series called The Seven Lords.”
“I’ve read that!”  I exclaim.  “Great series.  I brought some anime with me too.”
“Cool.”  She grins at me.  “Sounds like you guys have some things in common.  I bet he’d love to see some anime from the human realm.  He’s obsessed with Ruri-Chan too, but I’ll let him explain all of that to you.  He’s also the leader of Hell’s Navy because of the whole lord of the sea thing he’s got going on.  And he’s the Avatar of Envy, so try not to take any of the things he says too seriously when he’s acting jealous.”
“Wait, what?  Lord of the sea thing?”  
Mind.  Blown. 
“Yep.”  She nods enthusiastically.  “He can summon and control sea monsters and all sorts of underwater nightmare fuel.”
“Bad fucking ass.”
“Right?”  She laughs.  “On to the next.  This is where things get kinda weird.”
“Weirder than summoning sea monsters?”  I ask.
“Like daddy who is also my brother weird.”  She answers with a straight face.
“Get the fuck out of here,” I say with a laugh.
“Satan is the fourth brother.  He’s the Avatar of Wrath so try not to piss him off.  He’s very intelligent, loves to read.  But don’t touch his books without permission.  Actually, just stay out of his room all together.”
I look at her and smirk.  “This is all fascinating but I’m still waiting on the daddy/brother angle.”
She laughs.  “Ok, ok, ok.  When the boys fell from heaven Lucifer’s rage was so intense that it became a sentient entity.”
She shoots me some finger guns.  “Exactly.  Lucifer and the other brothers raised him.  He gets a few characteristics from each of them, but he’s most like Lucifer.  Which pisses him off because he hates the thought of being like Lucifer.  And Lucifer doesn’t want to think of Satan as his son, so everyone just refers to Satan as their brother.”
I shake my head in wonder.  “It’s just like being back in Florida.”
Suddenly a white haired demon comes and grabs Arianthi from behind, picking her up and spinning her around.
“Yo, what the hell?”  I yelp in surprise.
The demon sets her down, hugging her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder and nuzzling his face into her neck.  Arianthi lets out a high pitched squeal as his hair and nose tickle her.  He eventually stops, staring at me suspiciously over her shoulder.  
“Hey babe, who’s he?”  
Arianthi elbows his ribs.  “Mammon, this is Jax.  They’re the new human exchange student who’s going to be staying with us this year.  So be nice to them.”  
She stresses my pronouns and a look of realization crosses Mammon’s face.  
“Oh shit!”  He looks contrite.  “I am so sorry.  I shoulda thought before I said anything.”  
He releases Arianthi and holds out his hand.
I shake it.  “No worries.  It happens.  Thanks for apologizing though.” 
He gives me a crooked grin.  “Still, I am really sorry.  Won’t happen again.  And if anybody tries to mess with ya since you’re the new human around here, THE Great Mammon will handle it.”
Arianthi rolls her eyes fondly at me and shakes her head behind his back.  “I’m sure Jax appreciates the sentiment, but everything will be ok.”
I grin back at Mammon.  “Arianthi’s probably right, I should be fine.  It’s cool of you to offer though.”
Arianthi wraps her arms around his waist and looks up at him adoringly.  “But if any demon does try to give Jax a hard time I’ll tell my big, strong, handsome fiance and let him sort them out.”
Mammon puffs up with pride and he looks down at her lovingly.  “Damn right ya will.”  He presses a kiss to her forehead.  As he pulls away he notices Samson in her arms.  “Oi!  What is that?”
“Isn’t he cute?”  Arianthi holds him up and wiggles one of his tentacles.
I shrug and kick away a rock.  “He’s mine,” I admit.
“Cute as hell,” Mammon says, one slender finger reaching out to touch the plush fabric.  “Levi would love ‘em.”
“That what’s she said.”  I gesture at Arianthi.  
He chuckles, throwing an arm around her shoulders.  “I just wanted to tell ya hi baby.  I gotta run to the store real quick then get back to the house.  I’m on dinner duty tonight with Levi.”  
Arianthi stretches up on her tiptoes to give him a soft kiss on the lips.  “Ok, I’ll see you at home.”
“See ya later.  Bye Jax.”  Mammon gives us a small wave and starts to walk away.
“Oh!  Don’t forget that Beel had practice today so make extra!  He’ll be hungrier than usual!”  She calls out after him.
He turns around and blows her a kiss to acknowledge that he heard her.  She smiles as she watches him walk away, then turns back to me, serious.
“I really am sorry about that.  I’ve told everyone your preferred pronouns so it shouldn’t happen again and if it does -”
I hold up my hands and give her a small smile.  “Hey, hey, hey.  Shit happens.  And it’s not like he did it on purpose.  Plus he apologized, then offered to look out for me which was pretty cool of him.”
She still looks concerned.  “I just don’t want you to feel like you can’t be yourself.  Especially at home.  I want you to be comfortable here.”  
“It really is fine.  He figured out his mistake and apologized, and I bet it won’t ever happen again.”  I smile and gently nudge her with my elbow.  “And if anybody starts some shit I’ll just let the house mom take care of it.”
Arianthi gives me a soft shove and laughs.  “Damn right you will.  I’ve got your back down here.”
We start walking again.  
“Ok, who’s next in the line up?”  I ask.
She gives a big sigh.  “The Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus.  You can call him Asmo, everybody does.”
“Lust hmmm?”  I raise my eyebrows.
“He’s sweet, he really is.  Very into self-care and indulgence.  Just don’t spend any time alone with him until we know how his powers affect you.”
I look at her in shock.  “Are you saying he’d try to.......?”
“No! Nothing like that,”  Arianthi reassures me.  “Asmo would never force anyone to do anything they didn’t want to do.  But since he is the Avatar of Lust he’s able to bring out other people deepest wishes, kinda like a walking aphrodisiac.  Some people are immune to it, others can learn to block it out.  Those that aren’t have a tendency to.......overindulge in their most decadent desires.”  She gives me a pointed look.  “So until we know how you’ll react, no alone time with Asmo.”
I make my most serious face and give her a quick salute.  “Yes ma’am.”
She uses one of Samson’s tentacles to slap my arm and laughs.  “Smart ass.”
I smirk.  “Alright, Asmo is number five so who are the last two?”
Arianthi chews on her lower lip for a moment, as if internally debating what she wants to tell me.  Finally she gives me a small smile and starts to talk.
“Beelzebub is sixth and Belphegor is seventh.  We call them the twins though, because their father created them at the same time, and they’re extremely close.  They’re together almost all the time.”
I interrupt.  “Wait, their father?  Like God?”
Arianthi’s eyes grow dark and she scowls.  “He’s a piece of shit,” she mutters.
“Did you just call God a piece of shit?”  I ask her, shocked.
“When there’s a dad out there who can make my dad look like Father of the Year, then you know the guy’s a total ass bag,” she growls.
“You just called God an ass bag.  I feel like I’m missing a lot of backstory here,” I respond.
She shakes her head as if she’s shaking away her negative thoughts.  “I’m sorry Jax.  There’s a lot of history you’ll learn this year, and how the boys fell from grace is part of it.  It was hard on all of them, but Beel and Belphie took the hardest hit.  It will be up to them to tell you their side of things though, in their own time.”
“No worries.  I’ve got patience for days.”  I grin at her. “You’ve got serious beef with God huh?
“I’d throat punch him if someone gave me half a chance,” she answers seriously.
“You don’t look like it but you’re frightening.”  I laugh.  “But it’s the kind of frightening I want on my side at all times.”
She laughs with me.  “I told you I have your back Jax.  Always.”
“That means a lot Arianthi.”  
Not many people do now days.  
“So Beelzebub and Belphegor?”   I ask.
“Beel and Belphie.”  She smiles to herself.  “Beel is the Avatar of Gluttony, and his food intake is phenomenal.  Do not ever come between him and his food, and if you see a container in the fridge with his name on it, don’t even breathe near it.  He once wrecked the kitchen and one of the walls to my old room because Mammon and I ate some of his custard.”
I stare at her.  
“It’s like I haven’t even left Florida,” I whisper reverently, and she huffs out an amused laugh.
“A lot of people treat Beel like food is his only interest, but it really isn’t.  He plays sports and he works out everyday, so if you ever want to join him for a workout he’d be thrilled to have a buddy.  He’s really sweet, thoughtful, and kind.  And sensitive, but he tries to hide it so he can stay looking strong for the people he cares about.  He never wants to let anybody down if they need him.  He’ll open up if he gets close to you though.”
“It sounds like you guys are really close,” I say quietly.  
I wonder how Mammon feels about that?
She stops walking and turns to look at me, a shadow passing over her face.  “I’m an only child and my mom and dad weren’t very good at the whole parenting thing.  I wound up in foster care when I was 5.  Stayed there until I aged out.  I would have given anything for a big brother like Beel back then.  He’s really taken care of me since I’ve been here, and been nothing but supportive of me.”  She gives me a shaky smile.  “I’ve got my big brother now so I try to look out for him however I can.”
“He sounds like a really good guy,” I say, suddenly feeling guilty for my earlier thought. 
“He is,” Arianthi answers and we resume walking.  “Belphie is the Avatar of Sloth, so he’s constantly sleepy.  He can nap anywhere, and he gets super cuddly with people when he does, so if that’s not your jam be sure to let him know.  Don’t touch his cow pillow.  He’s pretty sarcastic and he can be hard to get to know, but he’s sweet when you do.”
We turn a corner and she stops in front of a large three story house.  Even though it’s well maintained and beautifully built something feels a little......off about it. 
This place would give the house from Texas Chainsaw Massacre a run for it’s money in the creepy as shit category. 
“Here we are!” she says brightly.  “The House of Lamentation, and your new home for the next year.”
My eyes dart around, taking in every detail of the house as we walk up the steps to the front door.  
Arianthi suddenly pauses with her hand on the doorknob.  “Jax there’s something else you should know about the house before we go in.”
“Ok?” I say, confused.
“Satan is a little bit of a crazy cat lady.  He’s rescues strays and keeps them until he finds new homes for them.  Lucifer says he can only have one in the house at a time, so you may occasionally be called upon to help hide one.  Or five.”
“Totally ok,” I answer with a grin, relieved that the big secret is just contraband kitties.  “I love cats so no problem on that front.”
She smiles at me as she opens the door.  “Great!”
We walk into the foyer and she shuts the door behind us.  
“Also, allegedly some guy murdered his whole family here a long time ago.  So this place is probably haunted.”  She smirks at me.
“Of fucking course it is,” I mutter, playfully giving her a dirty look.
“If it makes you feel better I’ve never seen any paranormal stuff as long as I’ve been here.”
“It does.  A little bit.”  I look over and smile at her.  “Oof!”
I ram into something large, solid and......warm?  I look in front of me and see a very large, very muscled chest.  I tip my head back until I see a pair of friendly violet eyes looking into mine.  
“Beel!”  Arianthi gives him a quick squeeze.  “This is Jax, the new exchange student.”
“Sorry for running into you,” I say.  “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”  
I take a step back so I can get a better look at him.  Like Diavolo, he is huge.  And built.  Really built.  His shaggy, bright orange hair highlights the color of his eyes.  
“It’s ok,” he tells me, smiling before he takes a large bite of the sandwich he’s holding.  He squeezes Arianthi back.  “Hey Arianthi.  When’s Mammon coming home?  He’s supposed to make dinner tonight and I’m starving.”
That smile is goddamn adorable.  
I shake my head.  
Get it together.  You’ve seen cute guys before.  But he is beyond cute.  And built.  And taller than me.  And if he’s everything Arianthi says he is............  
I quickly slam that thought back into its box and tune into their conversation.  
Arianthi is frowning.  “He should be back soon.  If he isn’t I’ll help Levi get things going so dinner isn’t late.”
He beams at her.  “Thanks Arianthi.”  He turns that megawatt smile to me.  “Do you need any help getting your stuff to your room Jax?”
I’m flustered.  Why am I flustered?  I don’t get flustered.  
“N-n-no.  Thanks though.”  I give him a small smile.  
Did I just stutter?  Oh god.  
I internally cringe.  
I see Arianthi’s eyes flicker between the two of us, and she gives me a mischievous smile.   
“We might need help later though.  In case they want another dresser or any of the furniture from my old room brought into their room,” she tells him.  
Beel gives us another easy grin.  “No problem.  I’ll be in my room if you need me before dinner starts.  See you later Jax.”  
He ambles away, munching on his sandwich.
“See you,” I call after him.  
I look to my right and see Arianthi looking at me with a shit eating grin on her face.  
“Shut up,” I mutter.
“He’s cute right?”  She nudges me with her elbow.
Oh my sweet baby Jesus yes!  
“He’s ok,” I say, trying to stay nonchalant.  “Seems nice.”
“Is nice Jax code for a “total snack”?  Or “I want to climb him like a tree and never come down”?”  She snickers, teasing me.
“Ok, you are officially the worst,”  I tease back, reaching out and ruffling her hair. 
“But am I officially the worst and right that you think Beel is a cutie?”  She raises her eyebrows.
I’m saved from answering by Mammon bursting in through the front door, two shopping bags in hand.
“Oi!  H-h-hey Jax.  Hi baby.”  A faint pink blush dusts his cheeks and he tries to quickly edge past us.  “Runnin’ a little late, gotta get dinner goi-”
Arianthi snags the hem of his jacket, stopping him his tracks.  “What’s the rush my love?”
“N-n-no rush.  Just wanna get dinner on time.  Ya know how Beel gets.”
What is he so nervous about?  
I’m suddenly very suspicious.
Please don’t be a fuck boy Mammon.
She pulls him closer and loops her arms around his neck, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.  “Mammon?”  
“Y-yeah baby?”
“Why do you smell likes witches?”  Arianthi keeps her voice light, arching an eyebrow at Mammon.
Ooh, I know that look.  Mom used to give me that look all the time.  Wait, witches?  They have witches down here too?!
“I maybe, mighta stopped at a little card game on the way to the store.”  Mammon’s tone is smug, despite the guilty look on his face.
Arianthi rolls her eyes, smiling.  “How much did you win?”  
“650 Grimm.”   He smiles back at her.
She holds her hand out in a “gimme” gesture.  
Mammon groans, reaches into his jacket pocket, and hands her a thick stack of bills.  “Come on baby.  Aren’t ya gonna let me keep any of it?”
She quickly divides the money, handing half to me and pocketing the rest.
“Wait, what’s this for?”  I ask, confused.
“We agreed that whenever Mammon goes gambling half of whatever he wins goes to you, so you’ll have Grimm for whatever you need here.  And the other half goes to a joint project we’re working on.”  Arianthi laces her fingers with Mammon’s and cuddles into his side.
Mammon’s irritation is instantly gone, replaced by a dreamy smile as he squeezes her hand and presses a kiss to the top of her head.  
“That joint project is going to be amazing.  I just know it,” he softly whispers.  
“What’s the project?”  I ask, curious.  “If it needs any artwork, I could totally help you guys out with it.”  
Arianthi disentangles herself from Mammon.  “It’s a surprise for his brothers.  It’s really sweet of you to offer Jax, but I wouldn’t want to bother you -”
“You won’t!  You wouldn’t be,” I interrupt.  “I feel bad just taking your money like this, even if you guys did plan it.  So let me help you out with whatever art you may need done for this project.”
“That’s really cool of ya Jax,” Mammon says, grinning at me.  “We appreciate it.”
“Seriously,” Arianthi echoes.  “I saw some of your art when I went through your student profile.  They are insanely freaking talented,” she tells Mammon.
I can feel my face turning red.  “I’m not that great,” I manage to mumble.
“Hey, if you’re good at somethin’ don’t go bein’ modest about it,” Mammon tells me.  “I gotta go get started on the food before Beel smashes down another wall.  See ya at dinner.”
“See you,” we respond in unison as he moves towards the kitchen.
“We should get you settled into you room,” Arianthi tells me.  “I’ll show you the kitchen after dinner; you’re on dish duty with me tonight.  I hope that’s ok.”
“Totally fine.”  We start climbing a set of stairs.  “So are you going to let me in on what this surprise project is?”
“Are you going to tell me what you really think of Beel?”  She counters with a smirk.
“Touche.”  I smirk back.  
“Ok, here you are.”  She stops in front of a closed door.  
“That’s Beel and Belphie’s room,” she says, gesturing to the door to the right of mine.  “And Mammon and I are to the left of you.  My private library and office is on the other side of our bedroom.  If you ever need to use it you’re more than welcome to; I never lock the door.  I’ll show you where everyone else’s rooms are tomorrow.”  
“Sounds good.”  I smile at her as she hands Samson to me.
“I’ll let you check out your room and unpack your stuff.  If you think of anything you want for your room we can go check out my old room tomorrow and see if you like anything in there.  I’ll come get you in about an hour for dinner.  If you need anything before then just knock, ok?”
“Ok.”  I open the door to my room, then think of something.  “Hey Arianthi?  Will my iPhone work down here?”
She shakes her head.  “No, but we’ll get you set up with a D.D.D., which is the Devildom version of an iPhone.  Barbatos is supposed to bring one by in the morning for you.”
“Oh cool, thanks.”  I smile at her and she turns to go into her room.  
“Hey,” I say quickly.
She pauses in her doorway and turns towards me.  “What’s up hun?”
“You would’ve made a really good big sister.”
She gives me a gentle smile.  “Thanks Jax.  That means a lot.”  
She slips into her room, softly closing the door behind her.  
I step into my new room and start looking around.  There’s a desk, a couch, a small dresser, and what has to be a king size bed.  
Fucking awesome.  And an en suite bathroom?  I officially love this place.
I drop my bag onto the floor and wander over to look out the window.  My room looks out over a wide expanse of forest.  
Pretty view.  
When I turn back around I notice that someone has left a pile of things stacked in the far corner of the room, next to my desk.  Someone has left me a bunch of............ art supplies?! 
 An easel, canvas, charcoal, sketchpads, pencils, oil paints; I eagerly rummage through what looks to be anything my little artist’s heart could ever possibly need or want.  
Arianthi.  Had to be.  Her thoughtful ass would do something like this.  
Grinning to myself I shuffle over to the bed and flop down, cuddling Samson to my chest.  
I think I’m gonna like it here. 
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alexlabhont · 4 years
I didn’t mean to fall in love with you
Chapter Three.
Book: Queen B - Choices (Universe)
Pairing:  Poppy Min-Sinclair x Trans!Male MC (Beck Hughes)
Genre: Canon re-write (Because I can)
Rating: Anyone can read it, really
I´ll be posting this one over here because Tumblr, for some reason, thinks my secondary blog is a bot...
This is me trying to write by and for the Trans community, specially FTM community, meaning, trans guys, but I actually took the liberty to use They/them pronouns for everyone out there who´s interested (Also, the name Beck was the most neutral one I could find, trying to use the cannon Bea Hughes)
Now, about the PAIRING... I will be using choices style, kinda, because I want to give you choice at some point. If you have any comment, PLEASE BE RESPECTFULL and patient with me. This is also my first english fanfic and english is not my mother language, so... i’m sorry fo the grammar errors
The beginning
Chapter one 
Chapter two
Just a dance (Zoey x MC)
A truce.
That’s what she said she wanted and for a moment, all their fears disappeared.
“I really hate to admit this, but I personally asked for you to be my partner on this project. I'm familiar with your music, and I actually wanted to work with you.”
She also said. Beck didn't know how to feel, really. Poppy Min-Sinclair heard their songs, or, at least, she saw their videos.
And she liked them.
Or not? They never knew with her. She has been acting pretty weird these days. Giving them a “compliment”, smiling at them, asking for Beck to be project partners…
Open up with them.
That was beyond weird.
Beck couldn't stop thinking about what they saw back at the “Alpha-Zeta deluxe cabin” or whatever it’s called. Poppy really looked hurt… sad… like…
Like she has feelings.
“I don’t know, Beck. I don’t think is a good idea letting you guard down.” Zoey said, playing with their hair, both of them resting on the couch, Beck’s head laying on her thighs.
“Yeah, I get it. But…” Beck took a moment, remembering the sadness in her voice, the betrayal in her eyes… Did she really care about Chloe? “I wish you had been there to see it, Zo. It was so real my head exploded… Like... She was really hurt.”
“Babe, I know what you’re trying to say. And I believe you that she was in pain. But you have to remember she's still Poppy. And even if she’s a… uhm… human who feels, it doesn't mean she's not a bitch.”
Beck stood up, sitting properly while scratching their neck.
“Yeah, I know that.” They replied. Zoey had a point they couldn’t forget. From all people, Beck understood what it felt like to be judge by a cover, but as Megamind's Roxanne said once: Checking the content was what matters, and the inside of Poppy´s book was not so good.
The time on the wall clock pointed it was the moment to go, it was Saturday and Poppy and Beck agreed to meet her in front of an Animal Rescue from downtown around noon. He didn't want to be late, after all, Poppy was capable of start the project without them and argue that they didn't show up.
“Anyway, I have to go now. The sooner we end this, the better.” Beck put on their shoes and leather jacket, ready to impress thanks to Zoey fashion sense.
“I want you far~ away from trouble, Beck Hughes. Do you hear me?” The protector side of Zoey appeared and, again, they were confused by it.
Zoey always had that effect on Beck, she could warm their chest, sculpt a smile on their face. Honestly, after all these years in a toxic environment, bullying and harm, having Zoey´s concern on them was something new, something welcomed, something that made them happy.  Laugh a little if Beck thought about it closely.
“I can take care of myself.” They said. After all of those fake friends, after all of the pain they went through, it was still hard to trust completely.  However… Beck looked at Zoey, the only one who Beck felt relaxed with. Their best friend, the first one to treat them as what they were even after knowing the truth. Beck didn’t miss Farmsville at all. “See ya later, beautiful.”
“I´ll be waiting right here”
They won’t ever admit it, but after they heard Poppy saying that the project was in the Downtown Animal Rescue Beck was excited. Puppies, kitty cats, animals! Beck love them greatly, wholeheartedly. They were their weakness; their adoration was so much so Beck considered seriously taking the vet path almost all their life, if having not found music, their story would´ve been completely different right now. That´s why they couldn’t refrain themselves of stopping at each enclosure to coo over the animals, losing all sense of self-respect over them. Especially after a pup ugly, dummy looking like showed up with the most adorable face they ever seen.
“Oh boy, you’re so ugly I luv ya Tushie-face! Who’s a precious ugly-boy? Uhm? Who’s a precious ugly-boy~” The little pug barked happily, enjoying the attention. “You’re perfect! You’re…”
“… nice to see so many new additions.” Beck heard, stopping them at the moment. Beck was sure it was Poppy, but she sounded… “I guess that means a lot of these little guys are being adopted?” … different. Again.
“Yes, Ms. Min-Sinclair.” A young voice answered, without fear, with respect. A good kind of respect. “We have a ten percent higher adoption rate than last year” Uhh, that sounded good. For some random reason, Beck showed the thumbs up to the ugly pug, flashing him a stupid smile at which the pup moved his tail as if he understand what it meant and agreed.
But then… Poppy laughed.
A real laugh. A nice, non-threatening, actually kind of cute laugh. So honest that they felt terrible attracted to it.
“No… Oh, no, no, no… No. Don't you even think about…”
As if their body was its own person, Beck rounded the corner, wanted so badly to see how a laughter so sincere looked like in Poppy´s face, like some weird kind of siren song they had to see with their own eyes. Instead, Beck saw her talking to one of the shelter’s employees, hugging and stroking a bichon frise puppy´s tummy softly, lovingly. Their heart stopped just a second, running wild immediately after.
“God… she’s so…”
“DON´T!” And they slapped their self. Hard. Beck deserved it. They couldn't… they won’t… They refused to…
The sound where so loud it called the attention of both Poppy and the other guy, while Beck felt the stinging and burning on his now red cheek. Ok, maybe~ they didn't have to do that, actually, the expression on Poppy´s face the moment she saw them, a sour, angry one, was the only thing they needed to feel normal again towards her.
“You're late” Why, hello to you too.
“I´m sorry, it's just that I was playing with Tushie face and…”
“Tushie face?” Beck couldn’t tell if she was amused or making fun of how stupid they were. “That´s how you pet-name?” Poppy added, raising an eyebrow. Beck shrugged.
“If you have a tushie face, then you are a tushie face. Simple as that” Based on Poppy's smirk, they should’ve stay quiet.
“Uhm… Alright, tushie face.” Damn it! “Come with me.” She then gave them a wink, smiling as if they both had now a new secret, before walking toward the back of the kennels.
“So… how do you knew about this place?” Beck asked, very willing to replace the topic to literally anything.
“If you must know, my parents bought me this shelter when I was eight.”
“Really? Why?”
“I wanted a dog. Mommy and Daddy didn't want pets in the house… Et, voila”
Beck looked around, the place had now a new light after what they just learned. All this place was Poppy's, just because her parents didn’t approve animals at home. Unintentionally, Beck chuckled, feeling Poppy’s gaze on them almost immediately.
“What’s so funny?” She asked, irritated.
“We’re really very different but the same at once” They said. “Ever since I was a kid, my parents taught me to work with every single farm animal. Cleaning them, feed them, love them… I even helped bring life into this world.” Beck told her, twisting their lips. “I had a lot of different pets back at home. So do you right here. You see?”
“You’re forgetting about the fact the whole point of a place like this isn't for the animals to stay forever…” She said, vulnerable. Beck did actually get that, the hollow feeling that comes after something like that.
“Well… at least they’re not dinner”
Surprisingly, that comment made her chuckle just a little and Beck felt so good to be the one to take away that fragile expression in Poppy’s face. She was definitely more beautiful when she was happy. When she was laughing.
“You are right, that's even worse.”
They both looked at each other for a moment, some complicity in their own way, as if they both shared something, a sentiment that almost nobody felt, both understood each other, at least in one little but significant thing: They both learned very young what it's like to love innocently and truly, to have an unconditional companion, just to lose it to the “greater purpose” again and again. Both learned to never get really attached to anyone.
“But whatever, it gets the humanitarians off our back.” Just as if the conversation never happened, Poppy went back to the factory mode. “Which is why we’re really here. I’m fully aware of your popularity in YouTube, especially after your little performance, so hopefully this project we’re doing will get some good press for us to get the adoption rate it to, at least, 20 percent this year.”
“So this is why you wanted to work with me…” Beck didn't know why, but a little part of themselves felt disappointed… what was them expecting anyway?
Soon they both reach the back of the room, and while Poppy walked in as if it was completely routine, Beck had to stop for a second. A whole crew was already set up, cameras, microphones, lights, everything. A lot of cute pups and cats of all ages were also there looking adorable, sure they were the real stars of all this, but Beck couldn't help but feeling intimidated.
However, it was Poppy’s attitude the one thing that took all Beck’s attention though all the day.
She was kind, professional, caring… making sure of one thing above it all: to have the best commercial of all times for an animal shelter. The way she treated the employees, the animals, people around her… it was like a completely different side of her they never seen before. Poppy even, against all odds, treated Beck as what they were: her project partner. Giving them a fair share of lines, taking care of capturing their best angle, how happy they looked between all those cute little animals. Directing Beck to make sure every detail was perfect, being polite and respectful while doing so.
She was acting as a selfless but powerful leader, and Beck couldn’t take her eyes off of her the whole time. She even managed to convince them to adopt that tushi faced puppy, pointed out that they both had choose each other right at the moment they meet.
“Just look at the way he's watching you!” She said playfully. “You two are really connected.”
“Do you really think so?” Beck asked, playing with the pup. They really wanted to take the little guy home, be able to give him a good life, having another friend in their life. One not farm related at least. Beck felt Poppy coming closer, resting her hand on Beck's shoulder while watching little tushi face with a soft smile.
“I know so. But the real question is: what do you think?”
And now, Beck had a dog named Pepes.
Once they knew every detail was taken care of, and the adoption paperwork were all right, Poppy, Beck and little Pepes walked out the shelter. Personally, they felt drained out, because although they were used to cameras, it was always under their own terms and time, their own edition, their own personal rhythm, but after that day, Beck was seriously considering the idea of being backstage musician, unlike Poppy, who actually looked as fresh as a cucumber.
“Damn, Pops. I have to admit it: you were awesome there.” They said, Pepes barking enthusiastic, agreeing.
“Were you expecting something less?” She said, some mischievous sparkle in her eyes Beck couldn't quite place. “Now, take me to lunch.”
“I'm sorry? Why would I do that?”
“Because…” She started to say, sassiness taking over her. “… I acted, arranged, produce and direct a fully perfect commercial to our project while you just played around with puppies and looked cute. The very least you can do is buy me lunch. I'm starving.”
“Oh, so you think I'm cute?” Beck flirted. It was impossible to let it pass by.
“Like it was a secret” Poppy smirked.
“… What?”
“I’m not blind, Hughes. You are actually very good-looking. It´s not a secret.” Beck was shocked, did they really just heard a compliment from the one Poppy Min-Sinclair that wasn’t commercial related? They looked at her, expecting some irony or double meaning, maybe some hint of a trap, but no…  She was being completely sincere. Beck snorted, it was cool they guessed.
“Now, that's a compliment.” Poppy rolled her eyes evidently, pretending to be irked, but that little smile on her lips proved to be the opposite.
“Hello? My lunch?” Beck laughed, how can she be so rude and yet so cute at the same time? Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.
“Whatever you want, bossy-ass”
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albyfm · 4 years
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˙✫*゚ YUNGBLUD  ,  DEMIBOY  ,  HE/THEY  :・ did  you  hear  alby miller  is  joining  the  cast  of  exposed  after  their habit of facilitating drugs at events, festivals & awards shows  was  revealed  ?  the  twenty-three  year  old  bass guitarist  with 500k followers is  trying  to  clear  their  name  .  they've  become  known  as  the  resident  juvenile  in  the  mansion  ,  and  it's  clear  that's  spot  on  because  they're  quite -  recalcitrant & -  stuck in their ways ,  but  also +  charismatic &  +  outspoken .  you  know  they're  heading  to  the  confession  booth  if  you  hear  lonely boy  by  the black keys  blasting  ,  most  likely  talking  about  how  they're  more  than disheveled outfits of black leather & denim, talking way too candidly to the press, smashed lenses of paparazzi cameras that got too close, an unmistakable mischievous grin & an inability to express real feelings.
hey !! finally getting around to posting this. you can call me aries, i’m 23 and in the bst ( uk ) timezone. my pronouns are she / her. i’m a little lost art school grad with a lot of student debt, a taste for red wine and an unhealthy obsession with arctic monkeys. not gonna lie, i whipped this kiddo up specifically for this rp so i’m still getting used to them, but hopefully with this intro you’ll get a feel for what they’re about. without further ado, here’s alby—
trigger warnings & disclaimer: mentions of hard drugs, alcohol, anger issues, destructive tendencies. my intention writing this intro was not to glamorize or romanticize these things in any way but if anything i have written comes across that way, please lmk!
smash that ♡ to plot or hit me up on discord @ chaotic aries#5793 !!
‘and this is how it starts...’ ( the basics )
name: alby fox miller age: twenty-three gender: non-binary ( demi-boy ) pronouns: he / him & they / them date of birth: may 24th 1997 zodiac: gemini sun, pisces moon, aries rising orientation: pansexual occupation: bassist for drive like i do career claim: ross macdonald ( the 1975 ) genre: alt-pop, pop-rock
‘it’s the way we are, we were smoking by eleven & knocking ‘round town...’ ( background )
you’re born in 1997, in the north west of england. wilmslow, to be exact. a quaint and affluent town, just south of manchester. the family you’re born into is a comfortable one. not quite living lavishly, but not at all struggling, either. your parents both work in business out in the city. you go to a good school. but... all is not how you exactly want it to be.
see, your parents are quite pushy. they expect you to live how they want, rather than how you do. at the all boy’s academy they enroll you in as a teenager, they expect you to pick what they deem as intellectual subjects, such as foreign languages, further mathematics and computer science. there’s a focus on you becoming someone that makes a lot of money, rather than someone who is happy.
but you’re... not the kind of person that can be molded so easily. you’re a fairly happy-go-lucky kid, but also a rebellious one. your parents’ strict ways of trying to force you down their chosen path, only encourages you more heavily to choose your own. 
at fourteen, you meet the guys. lennox, jovi & jasper. they’re some of the only kids at school who can be bothered to be around you, with your high energy and bolshy attitude. really, they’re the only people who embrace you for who you are. they encourage your weirdness and outspokenness. it’s not long before you find yourself wanting to do everything together. it’s not long before the four of you are inseparable.
from there, you fully detach from everything your parents want you to be. you embrace your individuality. you also find the courage and bravery to come out to your parents as non-binary at the age of sixteen. there’s not a single person’s opinion that you’re afraid of, or even care about. 
it’s not all rainbows & sunshine, though. you struggle somewhat with anger issues, and a bit of depression. you’re also practically addicted to getting into trouble: picking fights with bullies at school, selling weed & pills to your friends around town, underaged drinking... you get the gist. though you keep your fears internal, you sometimes worry you’ll get nowhere in life.
so of course, the second the boys are talking about starting a band, you’re all in. imagine if you made it big someday? wouldn’t that be sick? you’re immediately drawn to bass guitar, and use a month’s worth of saved up pocket money to pick one up from the big music store in the city. thankfully, you pick it up quite quickly, because before you can even realize it, things are getting so... real. by sixteen, you don’t feel you have the option to stick around at school for sixth form, because drive like i do is already playing local venues and working on its first album.
you’re just seventeen when the album is released. somehow, the climb to fame is faster than you could have ever imagined. it seems like yesterday you were still watching bass tutorials on youtube in your bedroom and practicing in your friend’s garage after school. first is some notoriety across the uk, but before you know it — boom! global stardom. the fame is a heavy weight for someone so young to carry... but fuck it, it’s gonna be fun, and you know it.
you’re twenty-three now, and days are gone of pipedreams formed in your parent’s shoebox room. you split your time between manchester, london, and LA — and that’s just during rare moments of downtime from your world tours. your band is 4 albums in, and whoever hasn’t heard of you might as well have been living under a rock. is it narcissistic to think like that? maybe, but you don’t care. this is rock n’ roll, baby. this is the life.
naturally, all eyes are mostly on your very outspoken frontman. he’s controversial, but the media can’t get enough of him. as for you? to them, you’re... the band’s problem child. while you argue that your behavior is no different than that of your friend, he’s got the lead singer charm. they don’t seem to like you as much. why? well...
‘drink, fall, spew...’ ( troublesome tendencies & exposed secret )
you never really coped as well as you acted like you did, did you? while you were grateful for the fame, everything was... a lot, and it was all at once. you didn’t even get the chance to process it. 
take four twenty-somethings and add constant prying journalists, paparazzi, and constantly full schedules into the mix. and why not pepper in some typical rockstar vices, too? alcohol, drugs, parties, throwaway sex. things are destined to get a little rocky. though you tried at first not to show it to your fans, your destructive behavior soon got the better of you, and you became known to drunkenly lash out at paps, smash cameras and storm out of interviews when the questions got too personal. 
this all came to a head when you were caught on camera several times distributing acid tabs, cocaine and mdma at events, music festivals & awards shows. the press gave the band a pretty bad time over this, and given the other members’ controversies and lennon’s similar link to drugs, it wasn’t a good look for any of you. 
it didn’t matter that you had a side to you that was good, pure. that you were always kind and loving and down-to-earth towards your fans and friends. you were a bad seed, and you wound up on exposed with the rest of your bandmates. hopefully you can prove there’s more to you than what the media shows...
‘oh & you say, i’m such a cliche...’ ( personality )
immm gonna rush thru this section & write less formally bc those other parts too me WAY too long
basically a literal toddler. loves a laugh, loves a good time, but get on his bad side and he WILL throw a tantrum
it’s mainly people like press & paps he lets his anger out on. the band’s fans and people he’s close with on a personal level know he’s a good person underneath it all
loves a bit of mischief / rebellion / drama
king of hiding insecurities....
literal softie.... like... who allowed this binch to be so soft. he’s so open about how much he loves his friends (particularly his bandmates) and will platonically kiss and hug and love people all the time, particularly on the show bc he’s trying to show the cameras his softer side dfjghdfdfg
so excitable like WHERE does this kid get all his energy...
( tw drugs ) will probably struggle a bit on the show without access to drugs, but ( tw addiction mention ) he has never really been addicted or dependent on them, just a frequent user.
outspoken as fuck, has no filter sometimes oops
very flamboyant, in line with the general aesthetic of his band but also on a personal level. sports a kind of soft gothic/punk/early 2000s emo look. always paints his nails and wears makeup etc
sleeps around a lot but has never really been able to find a lasting relationship, has just had a bunch of short-lived flings???? but lowkey develops crushes at the drop of a hat and would love to properly fall in love with someone who could be with him forever & accept him for all his flaws, but he highly doubts that will ever happen fgjdhsfg
‘why don’t you figure my heart out?...’ ( wanted connections )
exes on good terms
exes on bad terms ( maybe someone who actually really wanted to stay with him but couldnt deal with his bullshit and now resents him? )
 someone who loves the band’s music & inflates his ego ab it
 someone he hasn’t seen for years that he’s reunited on the show & maybe they’re revisiting old feelings for each other??? and he wants it to be DIFFERENT this time but also theres shit tons of fucking cameras and shit which... makes things difficult...
first friend he made in LA or in the states in general, someone who showed him the ropes
someone who hates him / hates the band like PLEASE
and also just a straight up enemy maybe?? someone who finds him annoying as fuck??
literally anything just hmu and lay an idea on me and theres 90% chance ill be down
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stcrmys · 5 years
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god !! i hate that i had to rush this but i promise i am so beyond excited to write with all of you ! stormy , thanks kylie jenner for the name idea hehe , is a brand new muse and i am so excited to explore her and see where she goes !! i love plotting, like i find it so fun and am a hoe for angst and drama and friendships ! god if i dont get a cute bff plot you will see me pouting until the end of my days !! asdfg . basically though my point was if you want to plot please just like this ?? message me ? i have to switch to mobile but ill still be here !! also i still have to figure out my tags and finish my plot so i repeat do not desktop my good sis’s blog . anyway please let me shut up !! 
*  lawless  paparazzi  flashed  photos  of  a  2019  ,  zenvo st1  pulling  into  the  sparkling  gates  of  quincy  park  ,  indicating  that  stormy  of  the  prosperous  villeneuve  lineage  has  returned  home  .  college  ended  for  the female  in  2018 ,  but  they’re  already  flourishing  in  their  field  , proclaiming  that  their  bachelor's  degree  in  music  production   is  being  put  to  prolific  use  .  the  general  public  may  be  unworldly  enough  to  believe  that  her accomplishments  were  earned  honestly  ,  but  the  people  of  new  york  city  are  painstakingly  aware  that  it's  impossible  to  snag  a  top  paying  position  as  a  music artist  right  out  of  university  .  the  family’s  been  tormented  with  a  well  -  known  rumor  that  they buy out every record company to eliminate their competition and when that goes south they have a tendency of releasing career damaging scandals to the public to ruin the company’s reputation and their talents career’s  for  years  ,  so  it  was  news  to  no  one  when  the  villeneuve’s made  local  headlines  claiming  the  only  reason  their  obstreperous  progeny’s  career  is  what  it  is  is  because  her father paid spotify, billboard, and apple million of dollars to make sure that her first album went number one and stayed number one .  tempest has  done  a  splendid  job  of  keeping  the  bloodline’s  furtive  truths  confidential  ,  but  their  reputation  of  being  effervescent  &  gaining  a  postgrad  inheritance  of  724.8m  hasn’t  been  enough  to  cease  the  counter  blast  from  new  york’s  angry  civilians  .  if  they’re  not  heedful  ,  not  even  quincy  park’s  sturdy  golden  gates  will  be  capable  of  keeping  out  the  city’s  vengeance  .  (  madison beer  ,  twenty one ,  the skookum  /   )
  ‧  *   i.   ╱   stats    .
name : stormy avania genevieve villeneuve
nickname(s) : storm , storm - storm, little villeneuve, honeybee. 
age : twenty one .
birthday : november sixteenth .
zodiac : scorpio .
gender ╱ pronouns : cisfemale , she and her.
sexual orientation : heterosexual 
romantic orientation : heteroromantic 
languages : english, french, italian.
occupation : music artist 
 voiceclaim : madison beer.
 ‧  *   i.   ╱   summary    .
hazel  hues  dipped  in  virescent ,  locks  of  chocolate  that  sits  on  honeyed  skin  .  the  tempest . boisterous .  captivating .  a  goddess  true  to  the  name  that  carved  itself  into  her  flesh ,  stormy .  her  arrival  itself  being  chaotic  winds  and  whispers  of  a  mistress  who  had  set  themselves  out  to  tear  apart  a  home .   a  concept  twisted  and  concealed  by  the  hands  of  the  villeneuve’s . sob  stories  and  apologizes  along  with  the  preaching  of  “ i’m becoming a better man everyday, “ clinging  to  the  ears  of  the  media  , and soon  the  world . expected . andres   villeneuve  could  do  not  wrong . a  powerful  man  within  the  world  of  music . respected  and  adored . someone  whom  inherited  the   ability  to  make  the  world  drop  to  their  knees  and  worship  mediocre  musicians .  why  would  they  stone  him  for  one  single  mistake  ?  or  at  least  , why  would  they  stone  him  for  one  single  mistake  for  the  rest  of  his  life .  they  forgive  him  in  the  name  of  everyone . and  soon ,  the  villeneuve  became  a  family  of  seven .  
she  was  privileged  . her  tiny  feet  walked  on  thousand  dollar  carpets  ,  the  fabric  that  clung  to  her  body  should  have  been  carved  from  the  hands  of  an  angel  at  what  they  were  cost . private  school .  tutors  .  cheerleading  and  then  volleyball  and  then  soccer  and  then  back  to  cheerleading  . the piano  .  the  saxophone  .  the  drums  .  the guitar  .  her  childhood  consisted  of  experiencing  everything  there  was  to  experience .  sports .  music .  art .  learning  at   two  languages  by  the  time  she  reached  ten .  she  was  raised  to  be  intelligent  . athletic .  talented .  she  had  to  be  talented .  within  the  arts ,  if  she  was  not  picking  up  an instrument  or  holding  a  note  her  dad  grew  bored  and  annoyed .  something  that  the  small  brunette  learned  quick . and  so  like  most  children ,  she  impressed . she  really impressed .  she  was  polite  and  respectful  .  well  mannered . the  strictness  of  her  father  and  step  mother  weighing  on  her  shoulders  .   they  wanted  perfection  . 
being  with  her  father  and  his  wife  and  kids  was  almost  as  if  she  stepped  into  a  dream . flashing  lights ,  luxuriousness . and  while  her  mom  had  a  status  of  her  own , her  dad  was  shaped  and  formed  different  .  the  fame . the  respect .  it  was  everything  to  him . bouncing  back  and  forth , stormy  felt  like  two  different  people . with  her  father  ,  she  was  all  work  no  play . and  her  mother ?  she  was  play  and  whatever  she  wanted  to  do .  her  mom  taught  her  the  importance  in  life  was  not  the  cars  and  the  houses  and  the  clothes  ( “although they are nice.. reallly fucking nice )  but  the  character  behind  the  objects .  and  she  refused  to  let  the  vibrant  child  of  hers  be  locked  into  a  box  of  running  to  fame  like  it  was  the  only  thing  that  would  make  her  life  and  her  impact  important . her  mother ?  she  was  all laughs  and  giggles . jokes  and  shopping  days  . sky diving  in  greece  and  pretend  music  videos  in   italy . the  one  that  mostly  shaped  stormy  into  who  she  is  now . 
for  the  last  twenty  one  years  is  one  person  that  reflects  a  childhood  split  into  two  .  the  ambitious  sometimes  selfish  sometimes  ruthless “ ill  pretend  im  stone  cold  if  that  what  it   takes “ and  the  vibrant  boisterous  life  of  the  party   and  the  light  of  your  life  .  the  twenty  one  year  old  girl  who  has  heard  be  yourself  and  be  better  from  two  different  voices  and  is  still  trying  to  decide  who  she  even  is  underneath  the   all  the  expectations . 
‧  *   ii.   ╱   personality    .
she  is  an  animated  laugh  escaping  parted  lips  ,  affectionate  hands  reaching  out  to  pull  you into  her  embrace  .  she’s  the  sound  of  her  own  heart  beating    in  her  ears  as  her  foot  is  on  the  gas  or  her  hues  pear  out  at  the  sky  of  blue  she’s  about  to  jump  in .  she  is  tired  eyes  in  result  of  not  sleeping  and  instead  writing  song  after  song .  she  is  one  am  studio  sessions  and  three  am  shots .  she  is  the  small  girl  who  pears  up  at  her  daddy  and  just  wants  to  feel  like  she  is   more  then  just  another  way  to  benefit  him  . she  is  the  desire  to  be  wanted  .  to  be  loved . she’s  spontaneous  trips  to  tropical  islands  and  dramatic  scenes  .   she  is  harmless  teasing  and  a  goofy  smile . day  dreaming  about  falling  in  love .  she’s  the  whisper  in  your  ear  that  she  loves  you  but  the  coldness  in  your  bed  as  you  reach  out  and  realize  that  she’s  no  longer  there . she’s  not  thinking  about  consequences .  the  honeyed  dipped  voice  that  tells  you  to  do  it . she’s  gentle  kisses  against  your  skin .  she’s  feeling  everything  all  the  time  and  feeling  it  deeply . she’s  the  girl  you  just  cannot  take  your  eyes  off  of .  she  talks  to  you  and  suddenly  you  feel  as  though  the  world  revolves  around  you . she’s  scattered  thoughts  and  rosy  lips  that  never  stop  moving . a  broken  heart  that  never  knows  if  it  wants  to  grow  cold  or  have  someone  come  and  fix  it  . 
‧  *   iii.   ╱   headcanons ??   .
asdj she’s a mess? basically that’s all i got for her.
she’s the second youngest out of five. 
is an artist under her dad’s label, and while she loves making music she does not love him having a say in her creative process.
she’s such a light !! 
affectionate, playful, ambitious, careless, boisterous, hard to control, talkative, an adrenaline junkie! jealous and petty, vehement. 
is such a different person around her dad? basically blocks him from seeing her true personality.
truth is she still fears his rejection. 
she has a journal that she carries everywhere. 
craves feeling important to people? if she doesnt feel like her bond with you is meaningful she gets all weird and annoying!
is hot and cold in romantic relations.
but so god damn affectionate! with everyone! let her hold your hand or lay her head against your shoulder or run her fingers up and down your arm !!!
is the ultimate adventure buddy .
needs excitement twenty four seven sorry. 
will give you a nickname, she doesnt care if your name is cat. its not just c ! asdfg.
i have so much more but ill add later, im kind of rushing asdfg !! 
‧  *   iii.   ╱   connections    .
best friend, platonic soulmate, ex best friends, group of friends preferably all girls, family friends, childhood friends, other clients who are signed to her father, first love, ex lovers, toxic relationship, toxic friendship, on and off relationship, confidants, partner in crime, the mom friend who always moms her, rivals, friends who drifted apart, friends with benefits, ex friends with benefits, one sided friendship, one sided relationship, unlikely friends, cousins, hardly related cousins, love hate relationship, forbidden romance or friendship??? 
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome SEAN ALDERMAN to the Dalton Sanctuary as a SWITCH RESIDENT. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
ALIAS/PRONOUNS: Karen, she/her AGE: 29 TIMEZONE: CST TRIGGERS: none in particular ANYTHING ELSE: FC Colin Morgan
NAME: Sean Alderman AGE/BIRTHDAY: November 24, 1992 GENDER/PRONOUNS: male, he/him SUB/DOMINANT/SWITCH?: switch STAFF/RESIDENT/VISITOR?: resident SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heteroflexible/bisexual KINKS: bondage, impact play, service/caretaking, body worship, dirty talk, roleplay, teasing/denial ANTI-KINKS: blood, choking, needles, scat, lack of aftercare
Sean Alderman didn’t actually remember his biological mother. He had a couple vague memories of his grandma, but he had only been three when he’d gone to live with the Cohen-Changs.  He never actually knew why he’d been put into foster care instead of staying with his grandma, but he’d never questioned it all that much.  He just remembered being happy with his foster family.  The Cohen-Changs had a daughter, Tina, in addition to foster children who came and went, and Sean bonded with her as siblings.  He was older than her by more than two years, and very much thought of himself as her big brother.  He had a natural protective instinct, and Tina brought it out in him.
Lots of foster children that came through their home were only there for a short time, though some stayed long enough to feel like they were brothers and sisters as well.  Sean always thought of himself as lucky, compared to the kids who had to move around so often, or the ones who were old enough to remember their parents and families enough to miss them.  Sean didn’t remember much before coming to live with the Cohen-Changs, and he wasn’t uprooted every year or two like some of the kids.  He was happy there, and he was grateful that he got to stay.
Until he was twelve, that is. He never really found out the details about what changed.  He knew that his foster mom started having some kind of health problems, and he knew that they were worried about money, but they tried to keep their troubles away from the kids.  He knew that they stopped accepting new foster kids at some point, but Sean still never imagined that he would have to leave.  Not until his foster parents sat him down one day and explained that they couldn’t keep him anymore.  He didn’t understand all of it, something about money, something about regulations… but the upshot was that he couldn’t stay.  His foster mom looked like she was going to cry, which made Sean immediately tell her that it was okay, and that he’d be fine.  He couldn’t help it, his reaction to someone being distressed was always to try to comfort them,  and it overrode his own emotions.
Sean found himself relocated to a group home for adolescent boys in a city a few hours away.  New home, new school, no siblings, no friends.  He was lost and scared and angry at everyone and everything.
While he was at the group home, Sean started following more destructive paths.  He started shoplifting, learned to pickpocket.  He’d get picked up by the cops for things like graffiti or destruction of public property, and just dumped back in the group home.  Now that he was labeled as a problem child, it would be difficult to get anyone else to take him.
He turned eighteen without managing to get sent to juvie, so Sean was now on his own.  He was labeled as a Switch, but he didn’t really relate to either side of his mark at that age.  He started to explore some kinks a little bit, but didn’t put much stock into the idea of finding a claim. He tried to get jobs, but the places that would hire him paid minimum wage, and that wasn’t alway enough to pay rent in a dingy apartment.  Finding himself on and off the streets way too often, Sean started to supplement his income the only way he knew how, with his sticky fingers.  
Too often, though, that still wasn’t enough.  It didn’t take long for homelessness to make him willing to do things he wouldn’t have otherwise.
He was good looking with a boyish face, and he hadn’t had trouble finding lovers since he’d started to realize sex was fun several years ago.  It started off small-scale, things like stripping and jerking off in front of a webcam for paying customers.  Then people wanted to meet, and Sean was careful, not wanting to get hurt or get a disease, but the money was worth it.  
Sean started branching out not long after when an acquaintance helped him make connections with more high-end customers, the kind who wanted an escort for an evening, not a webcam video of a horny teenage boy.  It turned out Sean was good at that, cleaning up nice and looking respectable in public before letting his insatiable nature loose in private.  Sean took customers of all kinds because the money was good enough.  Even more lucrative was the group Sean started to create.  Friends of his who wanted in on the action or customers who wanted something new.  For a cut he would set up meetings, make introductions, always making sure that the escorts knew exactly what they were getting themselves into before they went.
As much as Sean became very good at his new job, he always knew it couldn’t last forever.  He’d get too old, of course, but more than that, some part of him knew it wasn’t healthy.  There was a reason most people claimed in their early twenties. Sean told himself he was fine, because he took clients who wanted him on both sides of his mark, so surely that was enough dominance and submission to get by.  And it did scratch the itch when he started to crave it.  But it wasn’t ever enough to really satisfy the need, only to take the edge off for a bit.  Because it wasn’t a relationship, it was kinky sex.  And he had to cater to his clients’ needs, not his own.  It didn’t matter if he’d been craving submission for days, if his client wanted to be dommed, he’d force himself into a dominant headspace.  Even if it just made him feel shittier the next day.  Not to mention that he couldn’t always count on proper aftercare, or any aftercare at all, depending on the client  But he was a master at putting on a charming smile and carrying on like everything was perfect.
Things slowly got worse.  Sean thought he just had a cold, or allergies, or he was tired, always explaining things away.  His energy drained until he would barely do anything but lay in bed when he wasn’t working.  He should have known what was going on, but some part of him just didn’t want to admit it.  He’d have continued like that until he physically couldn’t anymore, but one of his friends, one of the ones that he had helped get started in their dubious business, recognized what was going on.  It led to a massive fight, shouting at each other, and his friend threatening to tell all of his regular customers that Sean was dropping and couldn’t keep his appointments.  Eventually, though, Sean conceded that his friend was right, this wasn’t sustainable.  He let his friend take him to a social worker, who in turn got him admitted to Dalton.  A few days later, Sean took a several hour bus ride to the Dalton Sanctuary.
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isasodas · 6 years
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( amanda arcuri | she/her | demigirl ) hey, you hear wannabe by why mona playing over on the 1st floor? that’s where isa sosa lives! i heard they moved in from red cloud, nebraska exactly four days ago. they’re very intuitive but also pretty blunt. maybe that’s why davie keeps calling them the occultist. starlit is full of people, but this twenty year old is really going to liven things up around here! ( nomi | twenty one | she/her | est )
ayo everybody it’s ya girl nomi coming at you a second time with my chaotic bby isa! i love her and i rarely get the chance to play her so i’m honestly hype. down bellow is the nitty gritty about her! please give this post a like and i’ll slide into your dms, but tbh i’ll probably do that anyways skjdsjk
SHORT BIO isa’s actual bio is long as hell and also in a really weird format idk why I did that to myself but anyways here is the short form
isa lived in a small town in nebraska pretty much all her life. she was raised by her (horrible, neglectful) mother alone until she was six and her mother abandoned her. she was then taken by the police and given to her grandmother because her father has never been in the picture
her aunts and grandma literally never knew who this man (her father) was either??? like literally no one knew who he was and everyone was honestly convinced that even isa’s mom didn’t know for sure either if you know what i mean like? isa still doesn’t know who this man is until this day and tbh she doesn’t really care
isa was taken in by her grandmother (gemini or gem for short) and aunts ( persephone and venus) and pretty much raised by the three women above their family shop 
the sosa’s owned a fortune telling shop that also sold new age merchandise like crystals and talismans etc. isa actually comes from a family of ‘psychics’ (like her aunts are fortune tellers, her grandma was one, her great grandma was one, etc. the only one who really broke the pattern was isa’s mother) so she was always kinda surrounded by weird things and told weird things.
she worked front desk at her family shop since she was about six and would honestly probably still be working there if she didn’t move. was the worlds worst receptionist for years. 
anyways isa was bullied pretty heavily during school when she was younger because she was different. she didn’t really act or dress like the other kids did so they picked on her until isa basically put a stop to that by pretending to cast a spell on a girl who was bullying her. she used pigs blood that her grandmother helped her get from the butcher (her grandmother actually helped her come up with the fake spell if that tells you anything about their family) and some really impressive acting for an eight year old in her little performance so yeah people left her alone after that pretty much for the rest of her school career. she probably traumatised that little girl a bit too big rip
so yeah isa never really had many friends through school, a bit of a social pariah, you know how it goes uNTIL she left nebraska and made some of her closest friends, but i am waiting for said friends before i write up how she met all of them!
before finding her little crew isa’s closest confidant was actually her grandmother growing up. isa still calls her often to let her know what she’s up too. she’s one of the few people who completely understands isa in and out
isa ended up leaving nebraska for art school on a scholarship she never in her wildest dreams imagined she’d get. while she was in art school she was working as a personal assistant for a billionaire art curator who was a dick tbbh i’m not going to even lie. he was horrible to isa and everyone else, cheated people out of their money, stole art, took from charities, the whole lot of it so isa started a plot with some of her friends to rob the asshole blind, and that’s exactly what they did. now they’re here at starlit a few million dollars richer and trying to lay low. isa honestly is no stranger to stealing, honestly she’s a bit of a klepto, but this is the biggest robbery she’s ever done. she’s not particularly nervous about getting caught because they did cover their tracks really well so she’s kind of treating this like a little vacation even though she shouldn’t smh
born io salma sosa (yes she was named after the moon)! has gone by isa since her aunt gave her the nickname as a kid though. uses she/her pronouns although she doesn’t fully identify as a girl.
Isa true love is art. you can pretty much consistently catch her doodling. 
Speaking of doodling, lets talk about doodling on things you shouldn’t (what a smooth transition amiright), Isa is lowkey a graffiti artist. She’s one of those people who thinks that art shouldn’t be contained and that it should be free, so she tends to spray paint and draw everywhere. She has yet to get caught but not from lack of trying on the police’s part. Isa tends to cause a fuss wherever she goes with her graffiti considering that Isa’s art tends to be creepy to say the least (she tends to go for the gory and freaky over the pretty) and people tend to take pictures of it, put it on instagram and twitter and the like. Isa’s actually made quite a name for herself in the online community, with people commenting on her art and discussing it (kind of like banksy but nowhere near as big). They tend to refer to her by a few different names (scythe, tweek, creep, etc) and they have really yet to decide on one. Isa, being the troll she is, occassionally joins the online debates for fun (if you were wondering, Creep is her favourite)
Like I said, Isa is a bit of kleptomaniac (she used to steal out of necessity, and she still kind of does when necesarry (although she won’t have to as much now considering she’s Rich), but sometimes she also does it for fun), and she doesn’t actually have the healthiest relationship with her emotions (which is what tends to happen when you know, trauma happens) but like catch this girl at therapy over her Cold Dead Body, she’ll die before talking about her feelings she really will
Like I said earlier, the Sosa family are psychics and sell new age retail (you name it they have it and they’ll at least try to con you into buying it.) that said, honestly, they aren’t real psychics. One of Isa’s aunts knows she isn’t and has gone full con artist with the whole thing, and the other thinks she can really see and sense the future which is just a whole other thing but ANYWAY isa is kind of in between them. she doesn’t fully believe in everything but she will charge you a twenty to read your aura yk
apparently chaotic evil according to a test i did one time so there’s that. also an aquarius
has the emotional range of captain holt but like if captain holt was a tiny latina yk
also only 4″11?? not even five foot?? amanda arcuri is tiny af y’all
fun facts: loves aliens, is bi as hell, is also a vegan, very liberal as you might guess, has picnics in cemeteries and might lowkey seem kind of emotionless but i promise she wants to be your friend so please hmu if you wanna plot, although knowing me i might just hit you up first
exes (maybe a past hookup that’s kind of like a ?? what are you doing here situation? also maybe even a full on we dated and broke up what are you doing here situation. i haven’t settled on where isa lived after nebraska and prior to living here so this is open to everybody because isadora sosa (not her name but dfmdf) is bi as hell send tweet
a Muse (someone who  isa kind of makes isa itch for a pen yk? isa could be secretly drawing them from afar while she’s bored at the hotel.)
party friend (isa likes to party a lot more than most would expect so if anyone wants to get high and host parties in the hotel room with isa or even go out dancing with her she’s down) cliff, abba
enemies (someone who hates isa that isa is just kind of ??? about because isa doesn’t understand conflict a lot of the time tbh)
someone for isa to influence i guess?? isa kind of tends to be on the morally grey side a lot of the time sO KJDJKD if anyone wants to allow isa to drag their muse into some shady situations step right up elsie
partner in crime (isa’s already got her girls but i figure this person specifically will sneak out of the hotel with isa at night and help her tag maybe? maybe this person is a fan of isa’s online graffiti personality?? idk i feel like this could be fun) malia
fwbs, neighbours, and anything else under the sun i’m hype.
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toastydehmer · 6 years
Colors Ask
Original list can be found here! Though some of these were doctored up a wee bit just so I could make better sense of them.
[RED] What are you most passionate about? How did this passion develope?
My passion has been creating these ideas and worlds and AUs or even just overarching plots to stories I'll probably never write. It started with my voracious habit to read - something I probably do WAY too much of if I'm too be honest. As I read I would theorize and extrapolate from what the story told so far and I guess it became a habit. Now I look at fandoms I like or pairings and suddenly and writing down notes, sketching designs, and looking up references for this whole new Alternate Universe just because I can. I love it!
[ORANGE] How many pieces of fruit do you aim to eat per day? What do you actually manage?
Uh, I don't eat often bub. A meal at McDonalds is enough to fill me up for an entire 24-hour period. I eat fruit when my body craves it which tends to be about once a week to every other week.
[YELLOW] What's your happy place? Real or fictional?
Okay. That 'happy place' idea is utter bullshit. When I get an anxiety/panick attack, I don't go to a tranquil place in my mind and start to feel better. That doesn't help because guess what, an idle mind is the perfect playground for personal demons. Happy Places probably exist but they don't do jackshit once you're already in one and besides, I couldn't never keep my thoughts straight enough in the middle of an attack to make a decision.
[GREEN] Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? What's your favorite flower to smell?
Indoors during winter and late autumn, outdoors the rest of the year. I like to just lay in the grass when the sun is high on a clear, breezy day and bask in the light like a cat. As for flower... hell if I know. A flower is a flower to my brain.
[BLUE] What is your favorite mode of long distance transportation? Have you ever been on a plane? If so, what was it like?
Uh, car. I've only been a plane plane twice (nearly passed right out walling to my seat the first time I was so terrified) but both were utterly boring. The book I brought with I finished before half the trip was over. Though it was fun seeing the clouds, I think they would get boring after so many trips. And besides, in a car trip on my own, I can play whatever music I want however loud I please.
[INDIGO] What's your top three names? Would you ever consider having children?
I actually have a list in Google Drive because my boyfriend and I had started talking about the possibility of having kids sometime in the next five to ten years. Looking at it, it's hard to choose but it follows a pattern of a Latin, Greek, or Irish word that had meaning.
Daughter: it would be Eirini (Greek: Peace), Elpida (Greek: Hope), and Nadur (Irish: Nature).
Son: Anam (Latin: Soul), Rioga (Irish: Royal), and Nostrum (Latin: Ours).
[VIOLET] What's your favorite cake flavour? Are you any good at baking?
Chocolate hands down. If it's chocolate you got me. And yes, I am very good at baking. My two favorite recipes are Red Velvet cake with Cream Cheese frosting and Flour-less Chocolate Torte. Both arevcompletely from scratch mind you, frosting and all. So god damned delicious.
[PURPLE] Do you support the Royal Family? Who is your favorite historical figure and why?
Royal Family? Well, I don't know anything about them instead of Royal Family how about President? And no, I do not support a large portion of Trump's decisions mainly to do with his methods and the nuances of those decisions.
Also, I don't really have a favorite hostiorical figure? Or even one I like? To me they're like one big tapestry that details the human race, one which is still continually being added to. They are a part of the whole. Which to put in layman's terms means I like history overall more than any singular person involved.
[PINK] What is your favorite animal? Zoos or farms?
CATS!!! I love house cats, big cats, wild cats, domesticated cats, exotic cats, local cats, cats, cats, cats! But not the musical, lol. But I'd rather see cats in their natural habits. Hells, I'd rather see all animals in their natural habits when considering non-domesticaed animal breeds. I don't like either of them if the purpose is to just visit the animals in them.
[TURQUOISE] Do you like being in the sea? What coastal town is your favorite to visit?
Hm. I was born and raised in the land of ten thousand lakes and have only ever been to the coast twice, the Gulf of Mexico and the Southern Californian coast in specific. I was able to wade into the ocean when I went to the Gulf but I don't think that would be a good choice to base my decision on as I was stung my floating remnants of jellyfish and then didn't risk going in again after that. To make things easier, let's go with large bodies of water in general, to which the answer is a wholesome yes. I love to swim and float in the water.
[MINT] Do you like astrology? Do you consider Pluto a 'real planet'?
Ah. This question. I do occasionally practice witchcraft when I have a good purpose to do so - such as making a charm for a friend, cleansing my home, and other such things. Astrology is part of what I do so yes, I like it in the sense that it helps me work or stronger correspondences. As for Pluto....bot really. Pluto is a dwarf planet by scientific standards. In my practice, there isn't much to tie it to outside of a person's sign related to it. It's hard to work with it because of this as all the other planets (substituting earth with the moon here) have ample correspondences.
[CRIMSON] Have you ever broken and bone before? Do you enjoy going to the dentist?
Hell no to both questions. Next!
[AMBER] Do you have a license to drive? If now, how do you get around?
Yes I do! I have a 2007 Volkswagen Jetta Wolfsberg edition. My first car, used it be my dad. I've had it for just about two years now and I keep her in tip top shape as much as a possibly can! Just wish I had a proper garage so I could do my own small repairs and work on her.
[LIME] Do you like monkeys? Do you believe the theory of evolution?
No, I don't really care for monkeys. And from a scientific standpoint, yes I do.
[TANGERINE] How tall are you? Do you ever wish you were taller or shorter?
I am literally just a hair below 5'11" and for a woman my age where I live, that is really tall. I match height with most men I've met. But I do sometimes wish I was shorter just because my height and stature paired with my resting bitch face tend to intimidate or slightly scare people when they first meet me. I often have to explain that, "No, I'm not angry, this is just my normal look when I'm not really feeling any specific emotion. You're fine, I swear. I just look like this." And I'm a gentle giant. Think BFG if you know it. I'm the one who will jump in to protect and be a meat shield for someone else but am unable to raise a hand for my own safety. People being scared of me just makes me feel really damn sad and depressed.
[AZURE] Which gender and sexuality do you most identify with?
Uuuuuuh. Hm. Well- that is kinda a hard question? For gender I think the closest I can relate to is genderfliud. I don't have any body dysphoria but I do know there are times I feel way more masculine than feminine. The reverse is just as equally true. And then there are times where I don't feel like I have a specific gender. Sexuality can make this kind of hard to pin down for me. Put it this way. I am panromantic but I find males sexually arousing much more than I do females. And for those curious (unlikely anyone) I'll go by any pronoun. He, she, it, they/them, I really don't give a fuck.
[BEIGE] What is your favorite pop/soda? Do you enjoy alcohol?
P E P S I. Coke is an abomination, something which my boyfriend heavily disagrees with the heathen... I don't....really like to drink often. Alcoholism kind of runs in the family and due to that, I'm more likely to form a codependency on it as well. My family on my Dad's side is heavily German if that helps make more sense. But I do enjoy sweet wines the very few times I allow myself a glass, no more than two.
[CORAL] What is your favorite Disney movie? Who does it better, Disney or Pixar?
You- you can't just ASK me this!! I grew up on Disney! To pick a favorite would be blasphemous of me!!! Also, if that didn't make it clear, Pixar can suck my sack. Disney for the win.
[SAPPHIRE] Do you wear any jewelry? What do you think looks best on other people?
I wear a silver ring on me right middle finger everyday 24/7 and only take it off during my job or when I'm going into any amount of water. I used to wear earrings as well but I lost my silver pair and I can only wear gold or silver. Yes, I have tried to nail polish trick and hypoallergenic. No, I couldn't get either to work with me. My ears would still puss around the non-pure metal earrings. Now I only wear any of my other earrings when I'm doing something special and never for more than a few hours or so.
[GOLD] What do you consider your biggest achievement? When was the last time you won (at) something?
Ah, achievements, things that
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flamewyrmz · 6 years
a late night rant from twitter im putting in one place, because its a trainwreck of several threads there. mostly copy/paste and still not proofread, but a collection of thoughts on gender, sexuality, personal identity, and love and support within the lgbtq community. i do really lay myself bare here so id like to ask that if you disagree or have criticism you do so respectfully and with that in mind, thank you <3 and if this means something to you itd mean the world to me if you shared it
dunno if ive said this here before but like. if you think you might be bi/pan but youre on the fence cos maybe youve never had a crush on a nonfictional guy or get more crushes on guys than on girls and you find yourself tied up in knots like "well im gay but im also attracted to nonbinary people unless theyre mostly woman-aligned but i dont wanna say im bi/pan because then people will think i like girls and like i like them theoretically but--" let go. just say fuck it! im bi/pan! 
try it out and if it doesnt feel right it doesnt feel right and thats fine and in the end no matter what youll have learned a little about yourself. this is actually my advice on any gender/sexuality dilemmas you might be having. go wild. try it out. see how it feels. dont feel like you have to confine yourself to something just because youve stuck with it for some amount of time. 
if youre questioning dive right into the deep end! no matter how it goes youll be a better swimmer in the end. its all not quite rigid and a little fluid anyways (for some more than others obv) so if youre unsure, man... go for it. its ok to backpedal
this is important advice to me because ive struggled with it multiple times in the past and this has only recently clicked and i really wish it had sooner. first it was with being... not straight in general. like i was actively dating someone of the same gender and i never considered that that meant, uh, im not straight. always "do you like boys or girl?" "uhhhhhhhhh. uh. UH" 
then with being in the range of aro/ace spect. then with being nonbinary! then with being nb but primarily male. and then goddammit im just a boy. accepting that God I Love Men And Only Men (and with it that i *wasnt* aro or ace in ANY capacity) and then, very recently (like up until a couple months ago. like im p sure this year. not 2017), going back on that and admitting i was bi. it is so so freeing to just say "fuck it" and test those waters!
hell, you find something you resonate with but looks a little silly? go for it! use those bun/buns/bunself pronouns. go with stargender! ace-flux demibiromantic? hell yeah rock that shit! it can always change and you can always decide its not right and go back! h4y dudes
all of that especially goes for teens who dont know what the fuck theyre doing. im only 20 yea and barely 20 at that but man i wish id heard this sooner
and please dont take that as me saying "well if youre a lesbian sexuality is fluid and maybe youre actually bi"! hell no. if youre a lesbian and you KNOW youre and lesbian and couldnt ever be anything else then rock on you funky little lesbian! but if you id as a lesbian but are teetering on something like "well im attracted to some fictional and theoretical men but not any real ones and maybe its just compulsory heterosexuality but im not sure and--" dont be afraid to try a different label. its all what feels right to you and theres absolutely no harm
people bash on like. """mogai genders""" and nounself pronouns and the split attraction model and all that and like. yeah! those things can hurt people! personally i struggled with the split attraction bit combined with how broadly people define the ace spectrum. it can be used to hurt. and it is used to hurt. sometimes its deliberate, sometimes its not. but the hurt is there. but its not inherently good or bad. 
and yeah, some of it sounds silly. hell, it sounds silly to me sometimes! but to some people hearing that label makes everything click into place, even if just for a little bit, and i take that very seriously. it is one of the best feelings in the world and i want as many lgbtq people (of any age) to experience it. 
for some people it feels right to zoom waaaaaaay in and section it into lots of little bits and for others its "fuck it! i dont know shit! im just queer!" and those are both equally valid (that words been thru 12 garbage disposals but i cant think of a better one) maybe you go back n forth and thats fine too! as long as youre open to it changing or being wrong it cant hurt and, like i said, its one of the best possible feelings to have it click like that
as an aside: being bi can *totally* mean "im attracted to men and nonbinary people are long are they arent primarily woman-aligned" or it can mean "im attracted to everyone fuck it" personally? i use bi over pan because i feel like it better encapsulates that i *do* have preferences (i say this all the time but God I Love Men) but ultimately gender doesnt really matter to me cos everyones cute and hot and generally attractive and im not leaving anyone out because im just a little more inclined to kissing boys. but thats me!
as Another aside: i do still to some degree identify with uhh this is gonna sound contradictory but agender boy? or more like boy agender? boygender with left none? i just dont personally feel like its worth taking the time to explain over n over. but it used to be, for me, n i dont regret that a single bit! i wouldnt regret that even if i *didnt* still feel that way in any capacity. honestly? 
i dont regret any of the ways ive identified in the past even though feeling stuck and cornered into some got a little harmful to me (and if youve gone through somethin similar and DO regret it and wish youd never heard whatever term you used thats good too. im very strongly advocating for "use whatever labels you want and if it dont fit it dont fit" here but if they did hurt you and youre still hurting about it i understand 100% just dont use it to pull others down. if it concerns you say your piece and let them decide)
this is personally a little hard to admit so bear with me here 
honestly? ANY sort of strong identity didnt start developing in me until i was.... 14 or so? and very slowly at that. like gender evened out around 18 and sexuality just a few months ago LMAO. but up until i was a teenager i didnt really feel much of anything re: gender or attraction (and the attraction thing is pretty normal for kids and even teens tbqh!) 
and i just.... didnt really think about it! i had This Name and apparently was a girl and i didnt really get what it was like to BE a girl but thats what people said and i didnt know there were other options so i went with it! the name didnt bother me either (except for when people made jokes about a Certain Historical Figure with the same one. just thinking about that i get tired) 
and when it came time to actually grapple with the whole concept of being *into* people i just kinda... slunk away! no joke until like 10th grade if someone started a rumor that i was dating x or y had a crush on me i would start to avoid them entirely. lost a friend in 4th grade that way but then in hs hed turned into a TOTAL DICK so no loss there. i think part of that was also people making the assumption that i was straight though? big shrug! 
i didnt even realize attraction was a thing i had until i got asked out and just kind of "oh wow??? that sounds so nice??? i feel the same??? yes??" and thats WHY i went thru varying aro/ace labels. cos it unfolded slowly (which again is totally normal if youre a teenager, so dont worry about it if youre going thru that. roll with the punches. and if youre a teen and youve got it figured out? thats totally normal too!) 
and the gender thing was similar once i learned that it was an actual possibility (especially being nb, and ESPECIALLY especially being agender) i slowly just... poked at it until i figured something out (fun fact: what set me off to finally go "fuck it im not a girl at all" was being stuck in an awful hair salon chair while my mom got a haircut that took FOREVERRRRRRRRR and i was having godawful period cramps. like i knew not being a girl wouldnt DO anything about them but i made that decision then n there n didnt look back!) 
and then i kept pokin at it and watching it like the seed id planted finally started to sprout and i realized i didnt actually know what kind of seed it WAS. i guess ive always been very nebulous in those aspects and its just now forming into something solid. like i said, its a little hard to admit and i... dont think ive actually talked about this in this depth before to, like, anyone? 
because the "oh ive always known" narrative is the only one you ever see in popular media and sometimes even from the community itself! and theres nothing wrong with having always known! but theres also nothing wrong with being like me! but i still feel a little anxious talking about it like it somehow means im a sham. 
hell, id even go so far as to say i WAS a girl as a kid! i WAS varying shades of agender and nonbinary and ???? as a teen, and i AM, like, 95% a guy right now! maybe in a few years ill be something else. none of those things contradict each other. things like that can change! its not set in stone (but like i said: for some people it is! or, like, set in slime that you left out for 5 years so now its pretty much a rock but if you really try it still squishes into something else?? none of these things invalidate the others! were all unique). 
i wouldnt say that at any point ive been cis or straight, cos even when i just went with being a girl and stuff it was always a little ??? but, yknow. even if i HAD been those things at some point it wouldnt matter to me? things just are the way they are and were the way they were
im making myself really vulnerable here and my thought process is a mess and i ramble and repeat myself and my memory and attention span is like 2 seconds and i dont proofread but. its important i think. i dont have a lot of followers and fewer still thatre active but... that really doesnt matter. 
maybe someone will retweet at least one of these messy, messy threads. maybe link it to a friend. maybe screenshot it and post it on tumblr [note: LMAO YEAH AND ITS YOU DUMBASS], or to keep for themself. if any of my words help anyone out even a little then it matters and honestly? then its the most important thing in the whole danged world. if even one person sees any of the things ive said tonight and it means *anything* to them, even if just "oh, im not alone in this" then ive succeeded here. 
i dont want any of us to ever feel trapped or alone because shit! lifes too fuckin short for that! its goddamn hard being anything but cisgender and straight! sometimes it sucks! like really sucks! there have been so many times ive broken down completely over being trans and felt like, for myself, its the most awful thing in the world. its why prides so important. its why community is so important. 
because even when the pressure of the world brings you down so low you think youll never escape theres something or someone there to take your hand and pull you back up, put you on your feet, and say "i know its hard. and itll get hard again. but i believe in you, and youre strong enough for this, and im here with you through every step". that goes for anyone but especially goes for us. and im not just talking about lgbtq youth here. all of us. which is *why* im laying myself completely bare here. 
most of this stuff? ive either never talked about or only vaguely mentioned. but im putting it out there. because there was a point where i needed it but didnt have it, and even if its just one person, i want to give someone this advice so at least they dont have to deal with the same stuff i did. and if youre reading this? i love you. im here for you. im my dms are always open and if for some reason they arent its almost definitely an accident and if you say something ill reopen them. 
and if youre someone who hates me? maybe even mutually? if it came down to it id let you come to me at your lowest moment, no questions asked, no judgement held, and at the end of it still be the same kind of enemies we were before and never speak again. there are some exceptions of course but honestly ill forgive a lot for someone who needs that kind of support. and if youre one of the people this applies to, i know youll probably never take me up on it. i dont expect you to. i dont expect you to even for a second be comfortable with that idea. thats fine. but if for some reason you ever need it, its there. 
i can count on one hand the ex friends that i wouldnt give that to and thats ONLY because theyve legitimately hurt me and left lasting damage (and for some of them? its mutual. and im sorry for that, regardless of how i feel about your treatment of me im truly sorry for my actions. that probably sounds fake and anyway i digress) 
and if youre a complete stranger? someone who follows me but has never interacted with anything ive posted? a mutual i havent spoken to yet? im here. and im bumbling, and awkward, and not the best at comfort but you can always come to me if you need someone. im only one man and im under a lot of stress but i swear ill do the best i can, even if its only reading and replying 3 days later and even then just listening and offer whatever gentle comfort or reassurance youll accept. 
because thats important to me. thats the impact i want to leave on this world. i dont ever want anyone to feel as small, as scared, as worthless, as alone as i have. im no fighter. im not going to lead any revolutions and hell im too anxious to even go to protests but im here for support. im here to help and heal. and thats important too
and if you listened to that? thank you. if you just skimmed? thank you for that too. if you shared it with someone? thank you (so much). and if you dont? thank you anyways, just for the time
just know this: i love you. i dont care who you are, if youre reading this i love you and im behind you 100%. im here if you need it. stay strong, do something that makes you smile if only for a moment. take that leap of faith. dont restrict yourself for even a second
i meant to go to bed at least two hours ago so goodnight <3 be safe, drink some water, if you have any kind of pet give it some love. take care of yourself. youre the most important person in your own world and never forget that, even if you dont think you are. even if theres something or someone you treasure above everything else. dont diminish your own worth! you are alive, and you are here, and theres nothing more important than that, really. the things you love matter more than anything else. hold them close
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paranormalrp · 4 years
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Hi Ness! The Financier was written to be a bored overgrown rich kid but you gave this skeleton depth, humanity, and explored so much, going up and beyond my expectations for this skeleton. Your application was excellent and I’m thrilled to see where this character will go from here!
Alias: Ness
Age: 23
Pronouns: She/her
Triggers: Added to the list
Timezone: EST
What drew you to Paranormal? It kind of reminds me of this game I really like called Arkham Horror so I thought it’d be fun to join!
The skeleton you are applying for: The Financier
Your choice of fc: Steven Yeun
Your 2nd choice of fc: Lim Ju Hwan. If Steven Yeun is unavailable and I have to go with Lim Ju Hwan, then I’ll be aging Cassian up to 38!
Character Name: Cassian Ahn
Character Age: 36
Character Gender: Cis man
Character Pronouns: He/him
When Cassian is just a boy, he is sure the Devil comes at night to torture him. This Devil does not resemble the Devil in his mother’s bible but it alone can inspire that magnitude of fear and dread that sinks its claws into Cassian’s body at its sight. Only the Devil can be so evil as to torture a boy who already promises to change.
There is always the question: well, Cassian, why would the Devil come for you? Cassian too asks himself this question many mornings and many afternoons. In the beginning, it is obvious. Bratty young kid with brains too big for his age. His parents and tutors can’t keep him occupied, any sort of knowledge they put before him he pours over immediately.
His older siblings weren’t this way and his parents weren’t really looking to raise a child so they stood, first dumbfounded, then angry. Angry because unable to find something to sate him, he goes about constructing Trouble with a capital T.
So, really, it isn’t a surprise the Devil comes for him then. Years from now, Cassian will have dropped his parents’ stringent Catholicism but at this age, he is still an avid believer. The Catholic guilt urges him to be a better child; listening, he does everything to compact himself into something smaller, something that won’t anger his parents.
His tactic works for some time but soon enough the Devil comes again. Cassian cannot blame the house like he tried to once after the first visit. They’ve moved to California so he and his siblings can strive to be better than their parents by attending a private school in Los Angeles.
To his knowledge, he’s done nothing to deserve the visit. The Devil comes to him screaming like it did last time and Cassian shakes so hard he’s surprised the bed isn’t rattling.
The questioning begins again. There is still Catholic guilt telling him perhaps he hasn’t been as good a son as he used to be. Cassian tries to reason with the guilt his parents rooted deep in his heart, he is a good son, he does all he needs to do, what more could his parents want?
Both he and Catholic guilt are very much aware that Cassian avoids his parents more often than not. They’re too busy building up his older siblings to pay too much attention to their youngest, and Cassian tells himself he likes it this way. He makes himself believe that.
He must do something because the Devil doesn’t darken his room for years. No, the Devil waits until Cassian’s asleep in his apartment near Harvard to knock at his door. Quite literally, too. It knocks as Cassian lays with his back to the door, unable to move his toes much less get up to open the door to the malice waiting at the door.
For the first time, Cassian is not just a boy at the behest of the Devil’s tactics. He lays there, afraid, yes, but thinking — what’s going on, why is this happening to me, it can’t be, it can’t be. The Devil speaks his thoughts back to him and he tries to shut his mind down, tries to go blank and ride through this visit like a buoy in a sea storm.
There is anger the next morning. The memories of years passed come back and with them the perceived solution — be a better son. Fuck that, Cassian thinks viciously. No one can tell him what to do with his life. Not his parents, not God, and not the Devil itself. If it even is the Devil. Is it? Could it be the Devil?
He wipes his mind of the thoughts immediately. He doesn’t care what it is, he tells himself, because he’s never going to throw himself away to become the golden son. His parents had his older siblings, two whole lives they pushed themselves into commanding despite neither being their own. Cassian would rather bite through his own tongue than conform to his parents’ desires.
Truthfully, he says this because they don’t threaten his money. They pay for his apartment, his food, his alcohol, and his little impulse buys. They will do anything but make their youngest son destitute and Cassian knows this, he’s depending on it.
And so, Cassian doesn’t change for his parents’ happiness and the Devil continues to visit him. He doesn’t think about the Devil once he wakes. It takes up enough of his time at night, he isn’t going to give it a second more in the daylight.
Now a man grown, he fights to scream back at it, to stand and hit it with all of his strength. Why are you here? He floods his mind with the question. He’s given up Catholicism, in lectures of the God vs the Devil, in arguments of good vs evil.
What is good? The pastor at his parents’ church asks the crowd in which young Cassian can be found. The old man pauses to allow everyone their thoughts then asks — what is evil?
And Cassian has let all of that go but he wonders that as he lays in bed and hears the Devil throw itself against his door. What is evil? He never thought of an answer for the pastor that day, more concerned with what they were going to eat after mass than what was actually taking place during it.
He thinks this is evil. This dark, unrelenting thing that only wants to feed off his terror and anguish. But that is what the Devil is, is it not? Evil. Then he thinks: well, why is the Devil evil? The Devil is surely evil for doing this to Cassian who wants nothing more than to sleep well for one night. But, aside from that, why is the Devil evil?
Because he defied God? Because of what he did after he defied God? What makes evil, evil? He shivers beneath his comforter — what use are theological questions to him when it doesn’t make the Devil leave him alone.
Yet, somehow, it does. The visits stop. Cassian attends classes and avoids his parents calls without the Devil lurking about his home at night. He graduates Harvard with what his mother lovingly calls “baby degrees” and decides, albeit reluctantly, to return home to Seoul.
He lasts four months. After that, it’s off to Kyoto, Barcelona, Florence; anywhere he can go, he does. He does odd jobs here and there — one day a clerk at a strange bookstore and the next day a Spanish tutor for a struggling novice. All of these little jobs entertain him if only for a few hours. He doesn’t care about the money, it’s the fun of it all that he seeks.
His brother calls him sometimes and asks him when he’s going to make something of himself. Cassian hangs up on him but takes a call from his sister later on where she apologizes for her callous twin then asks him when exactly he’s going to stop running from the serious aspects of life, like responsibility. He pretends he’s going into a tunnel, hangs up, and goes to eat.
It doesn’t take him long at all to forget the Devil’s visits. It isn’t something he forgets because the memories are too faded. Cassian seldom forgets anything. No, he forgets that period of his life because he chooses to. He gathers the memories one day and locks them all in a little box that he then throws away into the rapid rivers of his mind so they may sink to the bottom and never again be seen.
Finally, with the memories properly expelled and his travels complete for the moment, he returns to Harvard. He doesn’t realize he’s forgotten to lock something else up until he’s discovering the paranormal researchers.
At first, he recoils at the thought of involving himself in such things. Yes, he’s fascinated; yes, he’s let go of his Catholic beliefs; yes, he still holds onto the thought that there are greater evils out there than they need discover.
It comes to him then, the Devil throwing itself against the door. As he shoves the memory back under roaring waters, his sister’s voice asks: when are you going to stop running from things, Cassian?
He throws his money at the team, eager to indulge in the contrarian in him yet again.
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setaripendragon · 7 years
The Nature of Revenge
So this is a little oneshot I wrote to try and make writing not feel like a chore. It’s a scene I’ve had in my head for a while, for an AU of Avatar where Ursa, instead of bargaining with Ozai to save Zuko, just decided to grab her kids and run. There’s Azula/Jet in this, and it’s set maybe a few months before the start of the series.
Jet came to slowly, floating in that half-way place that’s hazy and dream-like but still somewhat distantly aware of reality. He felt… strange. Calm inside in a way he could barely remember ever being before, but also… hollow. Strangely bereft. It took him a few minutes to remember why. When it hit him, he gasped, and tears sprang to his eyes.
He’d done it. Finally, after eight long years, he’d finally killed the men who’d burnt down his village. Him and his Freedom Fighters had lured them into a trap, baited with some of the Fire Nation’s most wanted, and slaughtered them all. The man who’d ruined Jet’s life had been on his knees before him, bound and helpless, and Jet had finally killed him. The relief was potent, but hard on its heels came bewildered loss. There was… nothing left of him, now.
“Good morning, sleepy-head.” A viciously sweet voice trilled.
Jet turned his head and opened his eyes to see the person who’d made the whole thing possible. Azula – her real name was Azula – had identified the bounty hunters who’d raided Jet’s village, found out where they were, used herself and her brother as bait to lure them in, captured and bound the leader of the little group, and brought him before Jet as the fight was winding down instead of killing him herself, which would certainly have been easier.
She looked at him now, expression falling from smug pride to put-out confusion. She was, in fact, pouting, not that Jet would say that out loud. It was endearing, and almost enough to get Jet to smile. Almost. “I thought you’d be happy.” Azula stated, but there was a question in there, too.
“So did I.” Jet agreed with a bitter smile. He turned his head back up, staring at the ceiling, rummaging around inside himself, trying to find… something. “I… I’m satisfied, but…” He trailed off, bewildered. “I just… I don’t really feel anything.”
“Why not? Your enemy is dead by your hand. You should be gloating.” Azula encouraged.
Jet opened his mouth to make a scathing retort, but it died on his tongue. He should be gloating. He thought he’d be gloating, and… in truth, there was a part of him that wanted to, that remembered that moment where his hook-sword had bit deep into that man’s throat and blood had spilled, covering the scent of smoke and ash with a rich metallic tang. It did feel good, but…
But he’d expected it to feel better. He’d thought – or he hadn’t, really, because it was so clear how stupid he’d been now that he was thinking about it – that it would fix things, if he could just kill the bastard. But he had, and it hadn’t.
“It isn’t what I was expecting it to be.” He explained with a hollow little smile.
Azula leaned forwards, frowning at him. “I don’t understand. What did you expect, exactly? If you’d told me- I thought this was what you wanted.” She pressed, looking just as frustrated by his lack of joy as he felt. And annoyed that her ‘gift’ hadn’t had the effect she’d intended.
That made Jet laugh, ragged and bitter. He lifted a hand to cover his eyes, as tears pulsed and stung and spilled over in time with the laughter. Because that was the problem, wasn’t it? He hadn’t really stopped to think about what he wanted. He’d just fixated on revenge as if that would fix everything and make him happy again. “I want to go home.” He breathed out, aware of just how pathetic he sounded, but unable to quite hold it in.
There was a long silence as Jet tried and failed to get a hold of himself and stem the flow of tears. It was long enough that he half suspected Azula had gotten fed up with him and left. He wouldn’t be surprised, it was the sort of thing she’d do. It was one of the things about her that made her such a fun challenge to interact with. That and the fact that she was just as good – better, she would say, but Jet refused to believe that – at manipulating people as he was. She wasn’t transparent, like everyone else.
She hadn’t, though, and Jet jumped when she eventually spoke. “You’re an idiot.” She informed him archly. Jet dropped his hand and looked over in exasperation to tell her that he knew that, thank you, and jumped again when he found her kneeling right at his bedside, instead of hovering by the door as she had been before. Then she leaned down, and Jet had maybe half a second to realise what she was doing and widen his eyes before she was clumsily pressing her lips to his.
Jet’s hand leapt up to cup her cheek, to guide her head to tilt a little, to ease up just a touch, turning an awkward press into an easy slide. Then she pulled back, and narrowed her eyes at him, one eyebrow arched. Smug and challenging and goading. ‘You can do better than this’ written across her every feature so boldly it might as well have been said out loud. “You are home.”
Jet just… blinked at her, completely thrown. “What?”
Azula rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. It’s not that hard a concept to grasp.” She chided him, although she wouldn’t quite meet his eye as she said it. Which meant it was more than just a lie – because Azula could lie her ass off looking you dead in the eye without reacting in the slightest, and Jet was man enough to admit he was dead jealous of that talent – it was an emotionally charged lie. Emotions were about the only thing that could make Azula flinch, after all. So… it was a hard concept to grasp, and Azula knew that, because she’d found it hard to grasp.
Jet really wanted to know that story, but before he could ask, Azula abruptly rose to her feet and held out a hand to him pointedly. Distracted from his turmoil by the puzzle Azula had just presented him with, Jet took her hand and allowed her to pull him to his feet, his blanket tumbling down to lie in a heap. He would go along with what she wanted for now, until he had a chance to goad her into tell him what lay behind this concept of already being home for her.
Turning on her heel, Azula led the way out of his little treetop flet and onto the narrow walkway that surrounded it. To his surprise, she sat down on the edge, legs swinging into open air. She made no acknowledgement of him, gave no sign that she wanted him to join her, but he did anyway, and she shot him a surreptitious pleased look out of the corner of her eye.
Jet smirked right back. “You gonna tell me how you figured it out so much faster than me?” He taunted, idly plucking up a stray bit of straw and sticking one end in his mouth to chew on.
Azula’s pleased look was wiped away by a flash of chagrin before she looked away from him sharply. “I suppose I did have something of an advantage over you.” She mused, as if she were indifferent. “After all, the man who destroyed my home is my father. There was no way I could maintain the pretence that if I just killed him, everything would go back to the way it was.”
That was an uncomfortably accurate description of Jet’s lack of thought process over his own revenge, and he fought hard not to wince, even though Azula didn’t appear to be looking at him. “It sounds obvious when you put it like that.” Jet began carefully, letting a little rueful embarrassment slip into his tone to bolster Azula’s sense of superiority, and then; “But you’re kind of contradicting yourself. First I am home, and now I can’t go home?” He challenged.
“They’re both true.” Azula replied, smirking haughtily at him. When Jet just waited, patiently, she looked away again, that air of royal condescension slipping away to be replaced with something softer, something frighteningly genuine. “You lost… everything. Your mother, your father, your friends, your house, your school, your culture. You were just a kid, and your entire world fell apart around you, and the only thing you wanted, the only thing you had the capability to want, was everything you’d lost.”
Jet felt the words stab deep, too accurate, too precise. He caught himself on that thought, and switched the pronouns in his mind. Not ‘you’ but ‘I’, and realised it was an uncannily similar reflection. “Yeah.” He breathed out, hoarse.
From the look Azula shot him, she knew that had been more than an agreement of the obvious. That he was trying to tell her, without actually saying it, which he knew would annoy her, that he could hear what she wasn’t saying. She glared at him for a moment, then sighed. “You get so caught up in trying to take it back, that you don’t see you already have.” With that, Azula gestured, pointedly, a grand sweeping motion to encompass the whole of the view before them, and for the first time that day, Jet actually looked, and for maybe the first time in eight years, he actually saw.
There was a village up here in the branches. Houses and huts, a village square, a general storehouse, a healer’s, a shrine or three, a playground, some little herb gardens. And so many people, kids of all ages. Some who were veterans of the Freedom Fighters, like Smellerbee and Longshot, older than Jet even, almost adults, falling in love and maybe, one day, having kids of their own, but also little kids, ones they’d rescued from the Fire Nation, too young to fight, but they had enough resources to take care of them anyway, now, so they did. It wasn’t anything like Jet’s home in the details, being built on branches instead of the ground, being so much younger than the people he remembered, but…
That feeling of community and safety was pretty damn close.
“You can never have your parents back.” Azula said after a small age, and Jet jerked his head around to stare at her. He silently substituted ‘parents’ for ‘father’. “But you still have a family, Jet. You still have a home.” She smiled, a sincere, fragile little smile, and looked at him coyly out of the corner of her eye. “That’s the point of revenge.” She murmured, softly, the tone a lover might use to whisper sweet nothings, and Jet found himself smiling despite – or perhaps because of – what she was actually saying. “How else can you let go, but to kill that reminder of what you lost? It’s not about bringing it back, or fixing what was broken, or even about payback. It’s about freedom.”
Azula had to have used that word deliberately, but Jet didn’t mind falling for the rhetorical trick. He beamed. It sounded good, it sounded right. Wordlessly, he plucked the straw out of his mouth, and leaned over, making sure to telegraph his intent because he’d made the mistake of startling Azula once, and never again. She flushed pink as she caught on, but met the challenge with a sly smile and astounding confidence, despite her inexperience. This kiss was a lot less chaste than the last.
When Jet leaned back, he found that Azula had that look in her eye, the covetous piercing gaze she focused on anyone who possessed a weapon or a skill she thought might be useful. Jet felt a shiver of foreboding dance down his spine. Flirting and innuendo was the one weapon he’d had in their battle of wits that she’d never been able to match before. He… probably shouldn’t go teaching her how to seduce people when she was undoubtedly going to use it on him. Or someone not him.
Jet prodded that sudden surge of possessiveness, because he’d never thought of himself as a particularly jealous person before. At least, not in romance anyway. He preferred open relationships and casual hook-ups over monogamy, and yet the thought of Azula flirting with someone else, even though Jet knew she would only do it to get something out of them…
Yeah, that was the problem. It wasn’t so much possessiveness, but – ew – insecurity. Jet didn’t mind the thought of Azula looking elsewhere, he just didn’t like being compared to disposable parts in one of Azula’s plots. He didn’t want her all to himself, he just wanted to know he mattered.
Well, he could find out. “So, you still haven’t actually told me how you came by this valuable life lesson.” Jet pointed out, leaning back with one hand to prop himself up, tucking one ankle under the opposite knee and, and watching Azula with a lazy intensity.
Azula’s eyes widened, then narrowed, and she hummed thoughtfully. Then she nodded once, and looked away again. “It was just after Mother rescued us from the palace.” She began, picking her words with care, and sounding so amazingly mild and detached. “I still wanted to go home, of course, so I ran away from her and straight to the nearest Fire Nation outpost. I was put on a ship heading straight for the Capital, and they treated me like a Princess.” She smirked bitterly. “Guards on my door in case of attack, an escort everywhere as befitted my station, so on and so forth.”
Jet raised an eyebrow. “You did not fall for that.” He stated.
“I tried very hard to.” Azula admitted wryly. “But no, I didn’t. By the time we hit the first Fire Nation island, and I heard that my father had come all the way out to meet me, had set out the moment he heard I’d been discovered… I couldn’t lie to myself any more. My father was not going to let me reach the Capital. It was too much of a risk, given that there was clearly enough attachment between Mother and myself that she had taken me too, even though Zuko was the only one at risk. I-” Azula stopped abruptly, and grimaced like she’d just tasted something nasty.
“What did you do?” Jet wondered aloud, a gentle prompt.
“Escaped, of course. I didn’t know where I would go, or what I would do, but I wasn’t just going to let him kill me. He’d taught me better than that.” Azula mocked lightly. Jet snorted, and Azula flashed a conspiratorial smirk. “Mother and Zuko found me only a few hours away from the ship. They had followed it all the way back to the Fire Nation… just for me. They’d risked… a great deal, because they… cared. I hadn’t… I hadn’t realised how much that mattered, until then.”
Jet let the silence swell as he digested that. He could understand, now, what Azula meant when she said she’d had an advantage over him. She might have lost her family, but there had still been parts of it, parts she hadn’t even realised were there, apparently, to pull together and lean on. Suddenly, Azula laughed, and Jet refocused on her with a little questioning noise. “I remember I was so stunned, and I asked Zuko what in Agni’s name he was doing there. I’d never seen him look at me with that much anger before, not even the time I poisoned him. And he just said ‘you’re my sister’ like that explained anything.” Azula giggled a little helplessly. “I thought he was crazy. I told him so, and he said it right back.”
Jet could picture that so clearly. Both sibling angry and bewildered and even more angry about that, each accusing the other of being the insane one. “Sounds like a stalemate.” He mused, wondering how Azula and Zuko had resolved that little miscommunication.
“Oh, it took Mother interjecting with a reminder that we were fugitives before we moved, and it wasn’t until the next day that I realised… it was what I’d always been so jealous of between Zuko and Mother. They didn’t have to understand me all the time. I didn’t have to… to be what they wanted in order to earn their approval, because they would be there anyway. Even… even if I was a monster, Mother would still be there to protect me from the bigger monsters.”
Jet considered that, and nodded. “Can’t be many of those in the world.” When Azula shook herself out of the reminiscence and looked at him expectantly, he smirked and elaborated; “Monsters bigger than you, I mean.”
At that, Azula smiled, as flattered as if he’d just called her beautiful. “Just the one.” She announced with remarkable confidence, which turned a moment later to vicious determination. The sort of single-minded focus that had made her and her brother some of the most devastating fighters Jet had ever seen, even without bending so much as a spark. “And he won’t be in this world much longer.”
Jet nodded. “You want any help with that?”
“I suppose another pair of hands couldn’t hurt.”
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