#'redraw the beginning of the entire au'
angelpuns · 1 month
me drawing the next kid leo arc: time to change some of thi kid's behaviors cause i wanna :)
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fluffysweetnectarine · 3 months
Have you guys ever had that one ship that you shipped since the beginning? like when you’re 10 to 13 and it just becomes your emotional OTP. even when you know there’s better ships and you should really get over that ship but you can’t. Because it feels like a part of you/your childhood in the strangest way.
That’s how I feel about Frexy. Can I explain why I love this ship? No. does the ship make sense in canon? No. Is it one of the few ships I drew as a child and have emotional bond to, Yes.
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I made this when I was 12 years old! And I want to redraw it’s so bad.
You guys have no idea how much Frexy controlled my life as a child, I had a whole entire fanfiction when I was 12 about a fantasy AU where Freddy was a prince who help Foxy escape from his pirate murdering mother/father. No I’m not joking, sometimes I look back at that cringy old fanfic and feel like i abandoned a child. A part of me wants to go back and finish it because I feel bad I didn’t. Oh no, should I do it? Should I finish what 12-year-old me started?
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wasyago · 10 months
Dear Wasyago,
Strange, I have always thought it was spelled as Wasayago. But recently I've realized, I can't read very well.
I want to send appreciation today, to you.
You've taught me a lot about art. You've taught me a lot how to draw certain things, and you have opened my eyes to new perspective of art, ever since I started following you. Colours are brighter, I experiment more, I can see a specter of visuals that was previously hidden from me. It's like gaining shrimp colors.
Your art feels like an art classroom. There's sun pouring in from the windows, and there's tree leaves in front of them. Every time you come in you see different art projects. Paints add on to the tables, that will never scrub off again. There's dirty cups with paint water, and brushes, in the sink. It's lunch break, and there's people here. Some are just doing their math homework right before class, some are working on their sculpture, some are picking out paints, some are working on their new piece, on a fresh canvas. And it is so alive.
Your art feels so alive. Like the leaves, the people, the stains. It's really nice to see, every single time you post, how lovingly you bring a character into the world (My favorite so far is that one doodle of Modern au Gillion eating noodles, I have it in my favorites gallery).
I would like to see some unfinished, maybe forever to be so, doodles that you weren't especially proud of. We'll love it all.
Marcus Bloodsmith
oh, thank you so much, this is so sweet qwq
im happy to know that you feel this way about my art, and im glad i could help you with some advice! it feels a bit weird to show unfinished or scrapped art under such a nice message, but yeah why not. and its funny that you mentioned the gillion eating noodles one, because its also one of the pieces that i really didn't like and didn't want to post hdgsh. i dont have that many unfinished drawings left because i delete or redraw most of them, but i have a couple that might be fun to share... and i guess it's gonna be a long post bc i wanna tell a little about each one or at least name them.
there's this art of chip, the first time i properly tried to figure out a way to draw him back when i just started listening. redrew this piece later, kept the sketch on the left, but the right one i changed completely because i didn't like the vibe this one has.
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there's this attempt at redesigning caspian after i found out he was a water genasi, plus the first version of that art of caspian, pretzel and gill. this design didn't feel "caspian" enough, it looked too soft and kind where i wanted him to be more layed back and chill and sarcastic and with a bit of an edge. redrew both pieces later. the underwater drawing also has an unfinished background in this version, i added some fishies later so it didn't feel that empty.
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some random sketch of gillion to show off how the lightning scars look on his face and neck. i quite like it, but it didn't really fit in the post with three proper drawings and one sketch so i decided to scrap it.
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there's this drawing where i tried to figure out how the capital of the undersea looked like. i really didn't know where i was going with it and didn't have a good idea when i started drawing, so its a mess of things with nothing to really focus on. i tried to add a character on it later to breathe some life into it, but it didn't work out since i didn't focus it on the character from the beginning. plus i don't like how the colors turned out, and the entire concept of the environment feels weak and boring to me. i still want to draw more concepts of the undersea and try a couple other ideas, but probably at a later date...
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the first version of whatever try it was to design gill's armor. (fun fact, i have more armor designs scheduled for tomorrow). this one i redrew almost immediately, i really didn't like how it turned out and how the legs were cut off and it looked so messy with no real accent point or personality. plus the smaller copy of the drawing in the corner just didn't look good. im not exactly proud of the redrawn version either (that's why i did another one yesterday lol), but im glad i redrew it anyway, it looks a lot better than this one.
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the first sketch of that one gillion drawing. i couldn't figure out the colors for it for so long and wanted to drop the idea entirely. but i left it to sit for a couple hours and eventually got the motivation to come back to it and finish it. for most of the illustration pieces i did for jrwi there were multiple versions, where i just didn't like the first one and redrew the whole thing with a different composition and colors. didn't save any of those drawings tho...
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this drawing of jay but with green wings and a slightly different color shirt. it was actually the first version of this drawing, and i changed the colors to blue later. wanted to post both of them side by side but then decided against it. that's why this drawing survived and was properly saved and not just deleted.
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more recent attempts at designing the chaingel. i like the concept, and the pose in the second sketch is pretty badass, but the execution is just not there. it doesn't feel right, doesn't have the right kind of vibe that this character gives off. so im sure i will try and draw her later when i figure out what's missing and how to show her personality in the way it feels in my head. but these two sketches were never going to see the light of day, so now they're here.
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aand this is it, this is everything that wasn't deleted in the past month for one or another reason. i feel like im more chill with deleting and redrawing things, so a lot of initial sketches and concepts never get saved or seen by anyone. im also on mobile so i can attach only ten files lol. not that it matters, the last two were just random figure drawings for warm up, not much to talk about.
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bahbahhh · 1 year
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@alucanid I’m your Secret Midna! You said modern AUs have your heart and soul? I was going to gift you this redraw of botw zelink in that red carpet appearance by Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain but I’m me and I stayed up until 3am plotting out an entire modern(ish it’s still hyrule but advanced) AU backstory. Merry merry!
It is one thousand years since the fall of the Calamity. One thousand years since Hylia whispered to a daughter of her blood. One thousand years since the last Hero rose from the dead, performed his sacred charge and then disappeared into The Lost Woods. Hyrule has once again abandoned the wild in favor of the advancements of Sheikah technology. Now with safeguards in place, the Realm is confident in the integrity of the Power.
Massive steel cities rise from the ground up. Trade routes open. Cultures blend. Every inch of Hyrule, save for The Lost Woods which have grown hostile toward all travelers, has been mapped. Old magic—faeries, the dragons, spirits—fades into the blue glow of engines and streetlights and Sheikah slates. Until now.
The Princess of Hyrule claims she is hearing a voice; urgent and hushed, in a dead language. A boy covered in scars walks out of the Lost Woods, completely mute, with an ancient sword. Monsters start to crawl out of the shadows. There is an echo of breath in the mines under Hyrule Castle. The public begins to lose faith in the protections of the Royal Family. So the King devises a plan.
The Princess and the boy from the woods are to spread hope throughout Hyrule in a series of formal appearances. Lavish parties, merchandise, interviews—a distraction until the Royal Family and the Sheikah can figure out what is going on.
Rumors swirl about a romance between the Princess and this low-born. A relationship is strictly forbidden by the King, which isn’t a problem because the two seem to despise one another. For now.
“Link, over here!”
“Princess, this way.”
“Princess! A smile for your kingdom!”
He should be used to this by now but the lights still blind him. Zelda drapes her arm across his shoulder and poses obediently, ruby red lips curving into a smile he can tell is forced by the way the muscles in her face twitch. He watches it for a moment, trying to calm his breath like she taught him.
That’s when he notices there is a glow on her skin. In between the flash of the cameras—something gold and shimmering. She’s giving off a warmth, too. It prickles his skin like the first glimpse of sun after winter.
But he’s never seen winter. He thinks.
Something swells inside him. It reaches from that ancient place with both hands; yearning for her warmth. He glances up at her through his lashes, salvia in his mouth, and for a second he’s almost feral. Wolf-ish.
Before he can stop himself, his lips are on the glow on the inside of the arm draped across his shoulder. It’s like he’s swallowed a star. Like he has been underwater all this time and only just come up for air at the last second. His entire body sings; his blade striking steel.
She freezes in his arms. Green eyes blow wide with shock. She feels it, too?
And then the frenzy starts.
The crowd explodes. Sheikah cameras flash rapidly. It’s a blur of light and clicks and chaos. It is the song of a scandal.
“Well,” Zelda says under her breath, leaning into him completely. “Father said they needed a big distraction. Nice work.”
She folds a hand against his chest. “Hold my waist.”
He does.
He does.
The crowd erupts with cheers. Someone shouts for him to kiss her again.
Link swallows. He doesn’t know how to tell her that he’s starting to remember strange things. Winter in Hebra. Old forms. Broken ruins in Hyrule field. Metal spiders and poison rot. Her waist-deep in a Spring. Her holding him close, blood in her face. Her trapped deep within the belly of Evil.
He’s trembling. She squeezes him reassuringly. “It’s just a game.”
He doesn’t know how to tell her.
It’s never been a game.
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marisiss · 9 months
Okay, as I promised, I will start or continue to tell the Pirate hat kid's backstory.
If anything, the first post about her is here👉 PHK reference
Before I start talking about her, I'll post a recent redraw with her
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If anything, she turns to mustache girl
Okay, starting...
Her backstory begins with the fact that she lands on some planet there to do her business, her mission. But along the way, she meets space bandits who also flew to this planet and began to engage in robbery. Hat Kid wanted to respond to this horror with the power of diplomacy, but nothing came of it and they began to mock her morally, mentally and physically. This nightmare lasted for a long time, Hat Kid still could not deal with the bandits or escape to her spaceship, and there wasn't even time to repair the ship. But, one day the irreparable happened. She was tired of watching all this and also being involved in humiliation and at one point of another bullying over her, she killed one of the bandits (maybe even the head of the bandits) with her found umbrella and the fact that she killed him, not just stunned, but killed, plunged her into a real mental shock. And in a state of passion, she killed several more bandits (who were next to the head of bandits, and those who came to the rescue, seeing such a picture, decided to escape) while others could escape from this fate. And while she was finishing them off so that they were all dead for sure, she woke up and looked around her, realizing what a sin she had done. But suddenly something clicked in her already mentally and morally unhealthy head. She drew a parallel, a hierarchy: if bandits are at the top of the hierarchy, and ordinary residents suffering because of them are at the lowest, then why should they suffer? She decided for herself that she would steal the gold and jewelry of the residents stolen by bandits and give them back, after all, she stands above all these bandits on this ladder of hierarchy. She became the new Robin Hood of this planet. And so she began to get rid of bandits and helped poor citizens.
Due to the fact that she was distracted from her mission, she decided to cut ties with the authorities. After all, even though she was engaged in the Robin Hood case, she was left homeless and without money. But still, she decided to steal jewelry from bandits and sell them to a local pawnshop but something prevented her from doing it... and it was the fact that these jewels were blackened with blood and sins, moreover, it was the wealth of the dead, and purely because of moral principles, she could not sell them. Therefore, she has yet to find her ship, which has been placed in some wilderness, and until she finds it, she will starve, but for the sake of the citizens, she will do everything she can do.
But one day, she noticed a counter with goodies and went in, but could not resist pressing on her thoughts and hunger, and she killed the counter seller. And something clicked in it again, presenting the situation in a strange way that people, ordinary citizens, are also "bandits" in their own way. Then she put herself above everyone, more important and more powerful, and after that almost slaughtering half of the citizens of this planet, then, having stolen all the wealth and finally found her ship, she flew with these jewels to other planets.
Planet after planet, she plundered them as if beside herself, until she found the very planet where AU events take place...
PHEW! I guess I'll have to rewrite her entire backstory again later to make it more clear than it is now (and some details that I will probably add in the following posts)
And this AU wasn't the only one doing it, but together with my friend @strangedinosstuff (she supplemented the Pirate hat kid's backstory, on my small basis)
Well, that's it for now, wait for the musical post!!!
I hope someone will read this at all...
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earthnashes · 1 year
Hello, I was looking through some of your older mlp content and I was curious, do you think you’ll ever revisit some of your old mlp aus?? I just personally find them really interesting and would love to hear more about them. Especially ones like the Guardian!AU and the ArrangedMarrige!AU I like the more angsty stories XD If you’ve moved on from that sort of content that’s absolutely fine, we all grow and with that our interests often change c:
I likely won't honestly. They were fun for sure, and I still fondly remember the show (I might rewatch it at some point). And I've definitely considered it: for example I thought about doing a short recap series of redrawing some elements of the old AUs and giving a synopsis of how the stories would go if I ever actually sat down with the goal of telling them from beginning to end (they were more like vehicles for me to worldbuild). Alternatively, if I did revisit an AU with intentions of remaking it, it'll almost certainly be the Arranged Marriage one only.
So, not impossible. But unlikely. If I ever did another MLP AU I think it'd have to be new. Of which I actually DO have an entirely completed story synopsis for a supernatutal thriller, to be truthful. Whether or not ya'll get to see it is the question. :U
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xelys-xlys · 3 months
I promised you that I was going to upload it in the morning but due to the weak wifi I waited all morning and afternoon for the signal to settle completely or well the only important thing is to upload is to upload so… I come from the Future, do you know what I found!?👿👿👿👿
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Don't even believe that it was easy to do, I spent the entire month of February doing this and if I wanted to upload it in my other style.
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And the truth is, I didn't like how they came out in this style, so you saw at the beginning that yes, they did come out better, but with some arguments on my part and also in the cannon. Credit of inspiration: Post hans866art (Idea about the mosaicism of cell genetics) Post ell-arts Spiral x Elli And This stuff
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I captured it in poor quality AND IF THIS THING INSPIRED ME AAAA And to be honest, I needed 3 more ocs that will still be in the process. At first I wanted to redraw Moony the same design of Hanna Barbera from Pac-Beby but even though I liked Moony from the previous design of my style and for some data of the series I left it anyway I had a lot of fun with the designs and I didn't let it go and if you were wondering why I made a fanchaild? E- Famdu creating its own shipping universes :)
(If you want to keep reading)
Well, the truth about au shipping I've seen it in other famdu as: Sonamy and Shadamy Au Well known among the famdu Star vs the Forces of Evil (Don't enter this famdu is mined with fanchaild) Miraculous (Hiding in a corner are the fanchaild) Some clear examples of this when it comes to Au alternative of ship design, I'm not going to deny it for simple facts of recreating your world is a freedom but when it comes to ship things are very indifferent anyone can recreate a world, and if I agree that we should not idolize a ship that is good or bad for children's/adolescent series that I already learned in the Miraculous famdu of Marinette for being sometimes obsessive by Adrien for joke that reached a certain extreme, but that is already a famdu with its own creator problem leaving Marinette misuses of development (Not completely but Certain problems of the misuse of the joke yes) But The good thing about all of that is that it's over (More or less) :D Pacheart-loved au? Here I only make my ideas towards the canon, no comparison of art
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variskonna · 8 months
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Here's some art of the shopkeeper.
I don't really have anything special to say about the episode it was cool but it was mainly just the beginning and the set up of the main part of the cruise arc wich is when the cool stuff starts happening.
Also I feel like I should atleast star to try to draw other type of art than portraits of characters I like and think are cool. but then again it always takes me ages to complete other types of drawings and it eventually starts to get super depressing to look at the wall of wips I have. Like even now I have some art of my spiderverse ocs (well they aren't technically sv ocs more like they are ocs I already had and just made a spiderverse au for them lol) that I almost actually started coloring but then I realised that one of the characters face just looks bad so now i've been procrastinating on completing that piece of art because really dont wanna deal with redrawing her entire face.
anyways sorry for the random vent and sorry if the text didn't make any sense I am really tired lol. Also I really wanted to draw yor this time but then I realised that I should probaly draw her next week since we get to see her cruise arc dress and I think It looks really cool on her :D.
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joyfuladorable · 9 days
for fanfic writer asks!!
5, 13, 15, and 18
✨Fanfic Writer Asks✨
*INHALE* Okay, these are going under a cut, cuz it’s time to RAMBLE
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
I’ll give y’all a two-fer! One new-ish and the other old as balls
So last year, I had the idea to do a Parent Trap AU with the Rise turtles: Estranged Baronjitsu separating right after the tots were mutated, with Splinter taking Raph and Leo and living on a fancy movie star estate on the West Coast and Draxum taking Don and Mikey and staying in the Hidden City. Yokai would be revealed at some point; so by the time all the kiddos are middle school aged, society is just getting used to the integration of these two different worlds. The setting would, of course, start at summer camp, a prestigious camp smack dab in the middle of the US for budding mystic users regardless of if they’re yokai, human, mutant, or otherwise.
Leo and Raph would go with their buddies Casey and Junior (two foster kids who may or may not actually be related). Don and Mikey would go with April and Sunita. Shenanigans would ensue, with Leo and Don being mistaken for each other multiple times (mostly by Camp Counselor Todd who has poor eyesight in this AU for funsies). Then one thing would lead to another, and the turtles would realize that they are In Fact related and Obviously this means they have to secretly get their dads back together by using makeshift cloaking brooches to switch Leo and Don (the only viable ones to switch since they’re the same height) and eventually force their parents to reunite to switch the two back.
But who cares about THAT??? The idea actually spawned cuz I redrew caprisun in that one scene where Hallie goes “now that’s My kinda Woman!” when the tie dye girl manages to pull her duffel out from under a big pile without breaking a sweat. I really wanted to write tween Casey, April, and Sunita forming a close knit bond during the summer while the boys are off doing shenanigans and then continuing that when the switch happens with long distance phone calls and stuff. But alas, the other more urgent wips are a-calling, so I’ll settle for doing scene redraws whenever I feel like it lol
Okay, now the Old One was for a visual novel/dating sim called Hustle Cat, the first game I ever played that gave me they/them as an option for the protagonist’s pronouns. The different routes all followed the same pattern: a down on their luck young adult decides to apply for a job at a cat cafe and then finds out that all the cats are actually the employees who have been cursed in one way or another so that they can only be human while Inside of the cafe, and each route/romance option has the protag bonding with the chosen person and helping them with their problems and stumbling on a cure for the curse by said person discovering their unique magic.
The fic idea I had was basically a Special Route, where the protagonist in each timeline/route is Cursed and Dying, and the only way to save them is to send them back to the Beginning. So the protag, Avery, wakes up at the beginning of the game with all the knowledge from all these other routes. So, out of love for all the cafe people they dated in each route, they decide to play matchmaker for their friends while also trying to help them figure out their magic. Two of the three matches go well (Hayes/Landry & Mason/Finley), but the last match isn’t working that well. Avery Knows one of them (Reese) has a crush on the other (Graves), but it doesn’t seem like it’ll be reciprocated. At the same time, Reese is suspicious of this new coworker who seems to know everyone wayyy more than they should.
In the end, the curse would be revealed to have followed Avery through time and is still killing them, albeit very slowly through the story. Reese would eventually pressure Avery into revealing the truth, and the entire cafe would band together and figure out how to save Avery. Didn’t have much else planned out other than Avery/Reese being endgame cuz I Personally didn’t really like Graves’ route (what with him being significantly older and also the protag’s boss for a majority of any route). Anyways, happy ending! Everyone Gay with Magic and now able to be cat whenever they want!!
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
Usually, I let an idea kinda roll around in my head for a while (which can be as little as a few hours and as long as a few weeks) before I write anything. And then, when I do, I tend to start writing the beginning until I run out of steam, followed by writing notes of where I want the story to go. A note can be as simple as [characters fight] or as complex as [emotions and gestures and staging during a specific moment with possible dialogue]. Honestly, I tend to plan a lot because I struggle with actually writing, lol. Grasping the motivation to write is like trying to hold water in my hands! I really envy folks who are able to just go for it and keep going without needing significant breaks in between.
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
Depends on the fic! If it’s a fic based on art, like I’ll Be Ok! or Keep Your Eyes Open, then I’m directly pulling the dialogue from said art. If the fic has a specific vibe or references a moment in canon, then I’ll pull from those, too. A Light that Never Goes Out is a Kingdom Hearts reference cuz the canon material/cast heavily reference the games. “That’s My Mom!” is word for word what Casey Jr says at the end of the Rise movie and is also the exact moment I started to write and build off of in the fic. And if I’m doing neither of these things, then I usually try to keep the titles short and relevant to what I’m writing (like Training or Struck Match), sometimes changing them several times during the process if I ever think of something better.
Oh! And for chapter titles, I tend to do the same. I like for them to be relevant to the chapter while also building off the previous chapters. So like how I’ll be Ok! has “Promises Made” and “Promises Kept” and A Light that Never Goes Out has “The Heart May be Weak” and “Without a Doubt” (more KH quotes). Naming Ramifications’ chapters is Easy cuz they’re just the title of the relevant episode/movie, lol
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Oh man, I’ve really enjoyed writing banter, lately, like Mikey and Raph’s whole exchange at the beginning of Keep Your Eyes Open. But! I think a few lines I’m immensely proud of are what Professor Honeycutt says to Mikey in Scrambled after being asked about giving up his memories during Season 3:
“Well, Michelangelo, to be completely honest, I did not give myself much of a choice.  I saved what was absolutely essential at the time: understanding my mission and who I could trust to help me.  The rest of my memories, whether they carried over or not, were left up to chance.  I believed, at the time, that I could not spare a moment to weigh their worth.”
“If you’d had that time, what would you have kept?”
“Everything,” The Professor answers without hesitation. “I feel, even now, after having several associates - friends - recount to me what I had forgotten, that I am… fragmented.  There are pieces of me that I had to give up forever; and while I do not regret their sacrifice, I miss them.  I mourn them as I do for the life I had before my fugitive status.  If I had been allowed the means, I would have saved Everything.”
It’s dialogue I came up with while at work, sudden inspiration that rocked me with how perfectly it fits with and aids the narrative. It’s also insight into Honeycutt that I’d never really thought about before. Like, here’s a wholeheartedly good individual who sacrificed parts of himself over and over again, whether intentionally or not. How would that feel over time? How much has he mourned these losses? The loss of his real body, the loss of sensation of a real body, the loss of agency, and the loss of memories, the only parts of him that are solely and wholly his own. I finished writing Scrambled and came out the other side a MUCH bigger fan of Professor Honeycutt, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
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goatsandgangsters · 1 year
episode 8: hm. interesting. 
here are all the liveblogs together in one place 
I’m going to cry by the end. the only question that remains is, will they be the cathartic tears of a well-done tragedy, or will they be tears of rage because they slandered my man (NARRATOR VOICE AFTER THE FACT: IT WAS NEITHER, THEY DID NOT CRY AT ALL) 
I’m waiting for my dinner to cook rn before I start and saying it now: since the last one ended with Aleksander wounded by the Cut on his back, this episode should open with an upward shot and then younger Baghra coming into frame saying “Aleksander…” and then wideshot reveal of a young boy with his leg almost Cut clean off, soaking wet and unconscious in the snow at the side of a lake. I’m saying it now, so that if it doesn’t happen, you can all be like “oh yeah they totally should have done that” and if my some miracle this does happen, you can all take me to Atlantic City to win my fortune tonight
I’m not going to Atlantic City tonight but I should be, because I’m right
ANYWAY KAZ GIVING NIKOLAI HIS CANE. kaz giving a) a mobility device that he genuinely needs and symbolically even more b) something that is very much part of his persona that he has crafted as a way of hiding anything that would be perceived as a weakness by others, to an injured person he BARELY KNOWS. this is somehow the most strikingly intimate gesture that has ever happened, ever, at any point in the entire grishaverse. Kazolai lives!!!
I REALLY LIKE Nadia and Adrik squalling together!
am I gonna get to see Nikolai deepthroat a shadow tendril at any point in this episode or—
“Make them redraw all the maps” is a really good character-specific line, I like it
this is all happening……… very early in the episode. what, uh, what’s left? WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO DO?????
me, pausing the episode: “make me your villain” should be a promise. me, unpausing the episode: “let me be your monster” oH. SEE. WE’RE DOING THE THING I JUST SAID.
me sitting here in a state of shock because every single word coming out of Aleksander Morozova’s mouth is everything that I have ever wanted him to be allowed to say in canon. HERE IT IS. THE REAL MEAT OF DARKLINA ARGUMENTS. I have written an entire 100k AU of Ruin and Rising juST TO LET THEM HAVE ARGUMENTS LIKE THIS. this is exactly the shit I have ALWAYS WANTED canon to let him say
hold on, I need to pause for a bit. the aforementioned dinner I was cooking has been sitting next to me getting cold because I completely forgot it was here.
after the beginning of episode 6, I asked Kara point blank, how sympathetic is his death scene. and I agree with the answer that I got which was, better on his end, not as much from Alina, and I was sort of prepared to Hate That. but I will say. I liked that more than I thought I would? I am disappointed that I didn’t get Alina stabbing him and then holding him in her arms and sobbing on him while he dies, because I think that is BEAUTIFUL poignant death and frankly it’s a damn shame we aren’t going to get to see these two phenomenal actors do that.
more than that, I’m disappointed I didn’t get to hear “don’t let me be alone” or “someone to mourn me” because those two lines FUCKING DESTROY me every goddamn time. I did quietly moan “nooooo” at the “blue sky” and start to tear up. but I will say, I didn’t cry? and his death in Ruin and Rising DID make me cry. so, could have been more gutting (in a good way) than it was, but I still think it gave him a fair shake about it? mostly because every single line of pre-death dialogue is EXACTLY what I have ALWAYS WANTED and what I have written entire lengthy fics specifically to explore. so that’s my two cents. intellectually I agree with him, emotionally I should have Felt More. it all seemed a little anticlimactic. 
also disappointed that I’m not going to see Nikolai deepthroat a shadow tendril. come on, that’s a VERY necessary part of canon. (my darkolai jokes aside, it IS important though. how’s king of scars gonna…… have scars? what, are they just gonna be METAPHORICAL?)
what the fuck are we doing for the next 50 minutes?????????
I did think for a moment they were going to do the brave thing and leave Mal dead. but I am…… curious to find out what exactly is Off. bc something is Off.
the twins sitting with Nikolai and his broken little “Dominik…” W E H   :((((((((((((
so we really never put Paddy and Ben on screen at the same time, huh. I won as a Dominikolai, But At What Cost
“Once the world stops looking at her with gratitude, they’ll start to wonder if she’s outstayed her welcome” oh my god are we actually doing an “Alina is unfairly vilified despite her trying her hardest, thus causing her to realize what smart people (me) have known all along: That The Darkling Was Right” arc?
OH COME ON WE CAN’T HAVE KILLED DAVID THIS EARLY. WHAT THE FUCK. UNFAIR. but also. like. until I see a body……………. oh, no, we’re seeing Ring Designs, he’s dead. fuck. you don’t gutpunch like that for someone who’s alive. PROVE ME WRONG I HOPE, BUT.
Really thought Nikolai was about to deliver a eulogy, not a motivational speech. Give me a single, single darkolai crumb, I beg of you. Nikolai standing there keeping vigil is ALL I’M GONNA GET I GUESS
okay but what the fuck are we doing for the next 30 minutes
Mal wanting to go off on a journey of self-discovery without Alina is not something I expected, but I actually like that we’re addressing…. how Mal has no existence in the narrative outside of Alina and we decided to say “what if we actually tackle that and do something with it.” never would have expected it, I’ll be honest I think it’s a good move? I do think leaving Mal dead would have been The Bravest Choice to really drive home the notions of cost and sacrifice, but this is an interesting tact to take
awwwwwww Kaz quietly looking into what happened to Inej’s brother. “MY BROTHER IS NEVER COMING BACK, YOURS STILL CAN” OH I’M IN PAIN. OH SHE PRAYS FOR JORDIE, OH. how is THAT the moment that finally got A Tear To Fall and not. you know. The Death of My Fave or The Funeral of My Fave?
ohhhhh Kaz is trying SO HARD, he is trying! so hard!
I’ve never been on Inej’s side with the “have you without armor” if I’m honest. but they both did that scene SO well. Freddy in particular really is the absolute stand-out actor this season
I fucking love the jaunty nautical score every time we have Volkvolny things going on
I DID JUST LAUGH MY ASS OFF A MAL IN THAT COAT. he does not suit Gaudy and Camp the way nikolai does. he does not pull off that look 
oooooh Inej on the rigging oOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH MMMMMMM THAT SHOT OF INEJ ON THE RIGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OKAY NIKOLAI WEARING BLACK WITH THE GOLD SUNBURST TRIM IS. DO YOU HEAR THE COLLECTIVE FUCKING CHEER OF APPROVAL FROM EVERY SINGLE DARKOLAI WHO HAS EVER WRITTEN A SUN-SUMMONER-NIKOLAI FIC??????? THAT IS. OKAY!!!!!!!!!! ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ……I may need to edit the, uh, graphic that I made for my Sun Summoner Nikolai AU whenever I have a solid chunk of chapters finished and can commence publication (currently it’s like 20k words, but I want to have the first five chapters fully finished before I start posting)
Wendy I am kissing you on the mouth. MY ONLY DARKOLAI CRUMB, AND IT’S FASHION.
The Apparat’s robe, however, is an abomination. it looks like a Bruins jersey.
oh he’s so fucking cute I love him, I love him, “a strong opening salvo” Paddy’s been great all season but the way he’s maneuvering through witty charm and an intellectual chess game with the apparat is His Most Nikolai Scene To Date, His Best Performance, Peak Nikolai Lantsovism, I am so proud
oh I see, it’s the wound. alas, no deepthroating required. OH I SEE. okay good, I’m glad we’re still getting some form of demon!nikolai, even if it didn’t require sucking shadow tendrils to achieve it. and so my throat goat nikolai lantsov hopes have been dashed upon the rocks—
“Genya and Zoya are my escorts” I would not have used the word escort, because I am now…. in a very different place. anyway. the hair colors are wrong, but these three are giving PowerPuff Girls though obvi Zoya should be Buttercup
anyway, saying this very belatedly, but THANK GOD ALINA DIDN’T LOSE HER POWERS. you just CAN’T do that. You Cannot Do That. there is NO way to make that work and not have it be awful so I’m glad they just got rid of it
HDFJGKSDHFG HIS LITTLE WINCE GETTING WHACKED ON THE SHOULDER WITH THE THING. anyway I’m feelings about My Boy, good for him, he looks good as king. I mean, right now he looks like a doofus wearing Sankt Grigori like this and the whole getup, but. you know what I mean.
OOOOOOOOOOH CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
literally me watching all these people die: oh god this is such a political nightmare for nikolai, what a headache
hehgosghoehg oeheehehehehehehh oho oho her heh eh ehehehehehehehhe
that was an anticlimactic episode overall, but GOOD FUCKING SET UP AT THE END THERE FOR MORE!!!!!
I think overall, I’m very happy with this season? in some ways I’m disappointed because they gave me NOT ONE SINGLE THING from what I was expecting/looking forward to? but I also still liked what they gave me instead??
I should have cried though. I’m a little disappointed I didn’t cry. I wanted them to let Ben rip my heart out a little more. “Someone to mourn me” doesn’t... work if Alina’s not crying even though it’s the line that CARVES MY HEART OUT OF MY CHEST, but a “don’t let me be alone” would have set me crying just as much. I DID WANT TO CRY A LITTLE BIT, IN THE GOOD TRAGEDY WAY. and I just didn’t cry. it was still a very sympathetic death scene and I think all of his dialogue was like FINALLY! SAY THAT!!!! but. I mean. I did want a boy, brilliant, blessed with too much power, burdened by eternity. don’t let me be alone. and then he was gone. 
show death = politically and philosophically better. book death = more emotionally devastating, in a good way. trade-offs I guess???? I really did want to feel more. at least it WAS sympathetic at all, I was worried they were going to take away his right to a sympathetic death scene. but it lacked emotional oomph. 
thank fucking christ they didn’t take away Alina’s powers. you just can’t do it. there is no way. that’s the only real part of her book ending that I think CANNOT work. surprised they broke malina up though, didn’t see that one coming. but I like that Alina doesn’t..... abdicate responsibility and fuck off. it just wouldn’t have fit with this story or this version of the character 
I’m mulling it over still. I DO FUCKING NEED A SEASON 3, STAT. I think there are things that I wanted but I did not get. but there were things that I dreaded that did not happen. and there were things that I didn’t know to even want in the first place that I liked? I liked it more than season 1 by a lot, though. I think it was a lot stronger, and the storytelling itself felt sturdier. 
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A few years ago I started my very own fnaf au that I called Project Biotronic. I was... not a very skilled artist when this all began and pretty much all of this au's current content consists of old and bad art. Despite my past cringe I'm still in love with this au and very proud of it. Today, I present to you a total redraw of the very first location in my au: Freddy's Sweet Treat Circus! The place where my story begins. Will I redraw the other locations as well? I'd like to! But that's a long way away. For now, enjoy the bittersweet beggings of Project Biotronic!
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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Freddy's Sweet Treat Circus! This story takes place in the year 2062, Freddy fazbear's pizza has been rebranded and reopened. In this time period, the animatronics are programmed with a futuristic AI that makes them almost human. They are also coated with a unique sweet scent that makes the entire establishment smell amazing! Our nameless protagonist works the nightshift, cleaning and repairing things around the establishment. Recently, there has been a break in within the establishment and the criminal allegedly hacked into the animatronics' security database. The animatronics have been unable to control themselves, seeing staff as criminals from their database and snapping at them. The unique thing about these animatronics is their built-in attack mode to stop any malicious people that may threaten the establishment or its patrons. Normally they are only supposed to restrain the attacker and contact police, but lately their attack mode behaviors have become a bit.... violent
But don't mind that! Say hello to your new friends!
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Ignore the typo on minty's sheet I know it says infate and not inflate I'm too lazy to fix it lmao
Oh! And these little fellas are the bon-bits, pay them no mind! They run about the establishment freely, doing dances for kids in the day and serving as walking security cameras at night. They're completely harmless, but try not to step on them!
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Sugar? You mean that old character? The kids weren't a big fan of him so we replaced him with Gresh. We just use him for parts now. What do you mean you saw him? That's impossible! He's locked up in the maintenance room, you must be seeing things
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therummonster · 11 months
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let's see if i can explain this better than i did elsewhere.
that'll be below, along with an extra drawing. if you have ideas for neat scenes i can redraw with this au, that'd be great!
Unicorn Mann
has a battery attached onto him that can super charge anything, but it can easily overheat due to over use. be it trying to do too many things at once, or just keeping it active for too long.
found a hoodie and some cool looking goggles in a bargain bin, and proceeded to begin training in hand to hand combat so he could defeat the many villains that are around the city.
later while cleaning up after people that have littered, he found a battery and began to improve upon his superhero persona.
Chicken Mann
can summon eggs of varying size and qualities into his hands, these can range from exploding goop all over the place, or just straight up sending things to a pocket dimension. it is possible to consume one and gain mild powers from it, but even then that's a risk. it also takes energy to create stronger eggs.
after drawing the short straw at work, he ended up nearly getting struck down by a meteor that turned out to be the remains of a war scarred cockatrice, which later revealed itself to actually be an alien after haunting him.
he'd grow more powerful and eventually name the ghost in his head, Phantom.
General Story
basically, i swap all the characters with someone that i think would somewhat fit in that place, and then rewrite the entire story to make sense with the swapping.
of course some changes will be pretty minor and only slightly noticeable, such as Tina and Ryan getting swapped in this.
Extra Picture
based off of the Episode 17 beginning sequence
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scalpelandrose · 2 years
📓Home for Homecoming ( Grand Line High Modern AU)
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Never having been to dances and seemingly never will, Michelle accepts that her school experiences will always be dictated by assignments & high expectations as an excelling student. Knowing how hard his girlfriend works and having assignments of his own, Law chooses to skip homecoming, skates down to her house, and surprises her for the night. They share their first and best dances they ever had, because all they needed was their song, low lighting, a conversation, and each other. The art is a redraw of this & the story is fleshed out from an old draft from May.
Song Mentioned: Forever With You by Decyfer Down
Genres: Grand Line High AU (3rd Year), Romance, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort Angst, slight song-fic like at the end
Warnings: None WC: 4.1K
Streetlights washed All Blue Boulevard in incandescent amber, as many teenagers excitedly readied themselves for homecoming. Tonight Grand Line High will be playing the private school, Mary Genoise, in an intense football match that will be opened with an extravagant parade featuring student-designed floats and concluded with an atmospheric Fall Formal. Given that most teachers at Grand Line High were alumni, many anecdotal stories and old yearbooks were passed around during class that week, amplifying the buzz and school pride throughout the halls. All stops were pulled for preparations, with Big Mom and her children catering a substantial tailgate for the pre-party, the woodworking and welding students putting together spectacular floats, and the gym was impressively decked out in a clever “Cursed Carnival” theme as a nod to Halloween approaching. With all the promised excitement, it was no wonder why All Blue Boulevard, where most GLH students lived, was in a riot.
Michelle watched from her window in incredulous amusement as Kid’s vermillion truck passed by with a GLH flag proudly waving in the air accompanied by vintage crossover thrash metal blaring for the entire neighborhood to hear. She headbanged along for a while, being a metalhead, herself, before returning to her desk where a novel of sticky note annotations, a math study guide, and a project proposal awaited her. “I wonder how Law is doing with Luffy and Kid right now,” Michelle thought to herself, remembering how they were jovially reined in by Luffy afterschool insisting that she and Law join the Strawhat gang in cheering “Jaggy” (Kid), Koby (who made a surprisingly great quarterback with Garp’s help and his innate clear-mindedness), and the rest of the football team. Unfortunately, despite wanting to go and having had a substantial role in designing the posters, invitations, and decorations, Michelle had to decline with approaching midterm capstone assignments in mind, wishing to get the initial pieces of a group project out of the way.
Praying that her boyfriend wouldn’t pop too many veins tonight, she checked her phone, yet there were no new messages from Law with the usual pictures of sarcastic liners or memes in relation to being in a tense situation, “Maybe he’s driving the Heart gang tonight, instead?”
Yet, she was wrong.
Hearing the crowd and noise in the streets begin to thin out, Law made haste to finish packing his backpack with snickerdoodle cookies he bought for Michelle and items he needed to do his assignments at her place, “If she can’t go to homecoming, we’ll spend it like we always did together,” Law thought to himself, checking on Onigiri’s food and water levels. Upon making eye contact, the little round dog eagerly rolled over on its back for much-loved belly rubs, which Law could not help but oblige. It had been awhile since Onigiri and Michelle’s Japanese chin/Shi Tzu mix, Lucky, had a playdate and since both Rosinante and Vincent were out of town for the weekend, Law thought it wouldn’t hurt to have the dogs catch up as he spent time with his girlfriend.
“Want to come along?” he asked the white puffball, which was met with an enthusiastic ‘arf!’ Providing a small smile at his dog’s response, Law picked Onigiri up, secured him inside his hoodie in the style of a makeshift pouch, and grabbed his skateboard on the way out.
A welcome rush of crisp exhilaration followed him as he rolled down the sidewalk, with the bordering autumnal assortment of trees invigorating his senses. Onigiri was more than happy to paw at the variety of leaves that fell their way, but whenever Law would get ready to ollie over cracks or out-of-level sections, the puffball would retreat into the safety of the hoodie. Soon, a familiar white house with periwinkle slate roofs came into view with ivy climbing up the trellis to where Michelle’s room should be. Feeling bold from the cool air on his skin and wanting to make this evening memorable for his girlfriend, Law decided to forgo the main door the moment he inserted the key and entered the passcode to open the gate, and made a beeline to the ivy. Putting his skateboard into his backpack and making sure that Onigiri was safely secured, he began his ascent.
In the meantime, Michelle was circling the last solution to her Calculus homework, when Lucky ran to her window and began barking. Strange…unlike how he typically barks when strangers get close to the house, he was wagging his tail. Suddenly she heard rustling from below, despite the wind not being particularly strong at the moment. For caution’s sake, Michelle grabbed a taser and BB-gun from her desk drawer that Vincent gave her for self-defense, but peeking out, she was stunned to find her boyfriend making his way up to her.
“Law???” she slid open the glass with surprise coloring every part of her frame, “What are you doing?”
“Exactly what it looks like; I’m searching for the rose at the top of this ivy,” he calls from below in a serious tone that obviously held some jest, hoisting himself up to the roof and climbing to her window.
Michelle laughs in muted delight as Onigiri jumps from Law’s hoodie into her arms with a happy lick to her cheek, and gingerly puts the pup down besides Lucky to welcome her boyfriend inside. “You could have used the door, you know,” she mentions, “I thought you were going to homecoming with the Heart gang or with Luffy and Kid.”
“I actually never agreed to their invitation and I’d rather spend tonight with you,” he replied, giving a quick kiss to her forehead, “and since most of the neighborhood was away, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to try re-enacting a balcony scene from those plays you like to read.”
For all his practicality, he could still be reckless, but that duality and even some instances of recklessness made him charming in her eyes. “Well, consider me lovestruck and swooning beyond repair,” she jokes, making a dramatic gesture with her hand on the back of her head, as she slumps in his arms.
An amused rumble came from Law’s throat, “No wonder why Doflamingo keeps pestering us to join Drama with acting skills like that.”
Standing herself up in the midst of giggling, Michelle took her boyfriend’s hands between hers to warm them up, which miraculously worked, given that her hands often became notoriously cold during cooler months. “But really, I’m grateful that you came over. Do you want some hot chocolate, while you’re here? I was going to take a little break, since I just finished the logarithmic derivatives study guide,” Michelle offers, to which Law agreed, knowing how rarely she took homework breaks in the first place.
With their dogs hopping after them on their way downstairs to the kitchen, Law took out a rope toy for Lucky and Onigiri to amuse themselves with, while he and Michelle customized their hot chocolates with what was available. He snickered to himself at how Michelle’s eyes shined with childlike excitement when he took out the box of cookies to accompany their drinks and how she further beamed when he mentioned that they were snickerdoodles. Once their beverages cooled down enough and a reasonable cookie ration was agreed upon, they began indulging in the snacks and a conversation about an upcoming family vacation with the Donquixote family and Vincent for winter break.
When Law put down his mug, Michelle was met with an amusing chocolate mustache above his lips, while he mentioned going to a music box museum in the town they would be visiting, and she could not help but take this opportunity to sneak a kiss.
Seeing his girlfriend leave her seat, Law assumed she wanted to move next to him, so he made space. “Do you want to try mine, mi xao?” Law offers, as she pulls up beside him.
Trying to not give herself away, she centered the mischief brewing in her chest and gave him her best demure smile. “Sure,” she replies, before cupping Law’s cheek, leaning in to coquettishly lick off his chocolate mustache, and planting an affectionate kiss to his lips in half-apology for her sudden actions. His blush-tinted speechless expression met her when she pulled away, but despite being caught off-guard, he wasn’t shy of physical affection now that they were alone, so he guided Michelle towards him again to continue where their lips left off.
“Hmm, your hot chocolate tastes sweeter than mine,” she comments, pulling away for breath, causing him to grin against her lips with a hum.
Feeling a little mischievous, himself, an idea crossed his mind perceiving the whipped cream bottle nearby that neither used. Thankfully, his reach allowed him to grab it while she was distracted by their kiss. “Maybe I can make it taste even sweeter,” he whispers when they broke away, bringing the whipped cream bottle up to dispense a little on her nose.
“Law what the—“ she was cut-off in the midst of her confusion at his tongue gingerly licking off the cream. Now it was her turn to stare slack-jawed.
“Who knew that the perfect fall treat is actually you,” Law teased, giving her a smirk that screamed ‘payback.’
“Last I checked, since we’re both born in the Northern hemisphere, you were born in Fall and I was born in Spring,” she playfully retorted, reaching for a towel or napkin, but Law’s was quicker and before Michelle could ask, he already was wiping her nose.
“Maybe being born during Spring is why your nose gets stuffy when you are full. I think I made a good decision putting whipped cream on it to make things ‘airier,’” Law jests in feign analysis, akin to that of a doctor making a diagnosis.
Unable to contain her laughter, Michelle playfully mumbles into the napkin, “You’re going to pay for that,” only for Law to relinquish the kerchief into her hands and cross his arms wearing an expression challenging: ‘I dare you.’ Not one to be taunted, Michelle feigned grace while throwing away her napkin, hoping to catch Law off-guard from behind, but just as she reached out to grab him, he juked and bounded to the other side of the kitchen counter.
“I saw that coming, mi xao and I don’t think I’ll ever get over this betrayal. Who would have thought: my own girlfriend trying to blindside me after I helped her?” he smirked with a cocky provocation, backing into the living room. Law was hoping she’d play along to extend her assignment break, knowing that deep down, she wished that she could have fun like everyone else who were able to normally participate in school events. Thankfully, an all too familiar smirk crossed Michelle’s face, which made his heart race with the adrenaline of anticipation. She was going to play along.
“It isn’t a blindside if you already knew what I was doing!” she counters, carefully following his pace, before it broke out into a chase. Michelle might have been light on her feet, but Law had greater stride, which worked to his advantage. She climbed over the couch in hot pursuit, while Law circled behind the coffee table to put a barrier between them.
“So you are admitting an attempt to blindside me? What happened to “honor?”” he sarcastically taunts, feeling a hot rush course through his veins watching Michelle step down from the cushions like an empress in grasp of conquest. Law deliberately allowed her to close the distance between them for a moment, only to jump away.
Curse his long beautiful legs. “I already did you the honor of warning you that you’d be paying for putting whipped cream on my nose! Attempting to grab you from behind was a strategic application, that you sadly saw through,” she laughs, mirroring his evasive maneuvers in search of an opening.
Their dogs thought it seemed like their owners were having great fun playing chase with each other, so they decided they wanted to participate too. Every time Law would dodge Michelle’s lunges or run, they’d follow at his heels as if they were playing a game of tag, although Lucky would sometimes try to obstruct Law’s path and Onigiri would attempt to distract Michelle, feeling that it was only right to help their owners. After turning into the hall, it seemed that she lost him within the multiple closets and connecting corridors, until she heard footsteps upstairs.
Lucky and Onigiri followed her on her search, with Law’s white puffball attempting to distract her from finding its master with requests for belly rubs and her furry caramel friend showing her the way to where Law’s scent was last. A wave of nostalgia hit her, recalling how they used to play hide and seek in Mama Donquixote’s backyard. Michelle couldn’t help but feel that Law was being deliberately playful this evening in lieu of her being unable to attend homecoming and that thought alone filled her chest with an indescribable warmth that not even the gas lamps at homecoming could provide.
Walking further down the hall, Michelle found it curious that her bedroom door was shut, despite rarely closing it when she was at home, so Law had to be in there. As if reading her thoughts, the dogs confirmed it by pushing their way inside to reveal her boyfriend sitting on her bed reviewing her Calculus homework.
“So question 26 is 4x over x squared minus 1 for the last string,” Law hummed to himself, flicking his eyes up to Michelle with an inviting air.
She only matched the odd coquettishness in his eyes, as she made her way towards him and tapped his arm in a gesture of ‘tag.’ “I’m sure you didn’t need to confirm with me that your answer was right,” she smiles, knowing full well that Law was quicker than her when it came to numbers. Looking at the time, however, they decided that they needed put their banter aside for the time being and work on the remaining homework they had on schedule.
Two hours pass with the two aggregating resources for their respective assignments, taking turns choosing the music to accompany them, while the dogs played with each other under their owner’s feet.
Around 7:30, Michelle’s phone pinged with messages from Perona showcasing how beautifully the gym was set up thanks to the former’s creative direction and videos of the first few dancers under the starlit Big Top.
“What did she send?” Law asks, briefly turning his eyes from his chemistry homework after the 15th notification buzz within that minute.
“Photos of the gym and a few dancers. Look, there’s Sanji and Pudding!” Michelle pointed out, elated that her friend seemed to be having the time of her life.
Law amusingly recalled the initiative that Michelle and a few of her classmates took to support Pudding for her first date and made a sound through his nose, “Kuroashi-ya must have lost a quart of blood seeing her in that pink harlequin-inspired dress.”
Michelle nodded with a grin, looking through the photos and videos with particular attention to the decor and props that she worked so hard to design and paint. Everything was perfect, from the multi-striped snack booths, the enigmatic ‘directional’ signs strangled by bramble imitations, the various cut-outs of delightfully eccentric circus motifs made from scratch—even hollow trapeze bars wrapped in atmospheric ghastly LEDs were installed on the ceiling, accenting the illuminated fabric from above.
“Everything is perfect,” a whisper escaped from her light smile, yet her eyes were not smiling. Law perceived that she seemed only partially satisfied and he knew the exact reason why.
“It is. You’ve always done a great job with everything you do…” he begins, gently guiding her hand to put down the phone before continuing with his usual frankness, “but for all the effort and excitement you put into making experiences memorable and easier for others, it’s unfair that you don’t have the opportunity to enjoy something you made possible.”
Michelle’s eyes fell and interlaced her fingers around Law’s that tightened their hold on hers, “I can’t fully enjoy something knowing that it’ll result in more stress or work on another end, but the least I can do is try to participate or get a glimpse of what ‘normal fun’ is in my own way. Being able to make things is enough for me and besides…this is how it’s always been being someone who people hold high expectations for...and I don’t think it’s going to change anytime soon, so…I’m sorry if I can’t go to prom with you next year.”
Through how the words caught in her throat, Law knew she was attempting to prevent herself from crying. It broke his heart knowing that the remarkable girl that he loved viewed her talents and achievements to be hollow blessings, along with how she thought she was holding him back, when all she had been doing since they met as children was providing him hope and bringing him up from his lowest points. “I don’t care about that, mi xao. I care about you. You aren’t happy with always being forced on the sidelines without being able to fully enjoy your talents, are you?” Law thought to himself, pondering a way to give her a moment of magic that she often had no choice but to miss out on. Vincent surely encouraged her abilities and provided her with as many fun experiences he could give when she was small, but since he often was away on cases, Law was the only one she could truly open her heart to and he wanted to show her that within her loneliness, she could always count on him to sit beside her or lend her a hand for to stand up when she couldn’t find the strength to…just like how she did for him when his night terrors about his family caught up to him or during junior high when he became detached from others.
After caressing her hand with his thumb for a moment to collect his thoughts, he spoke, “Mi xao, dances and rallies aren’t really my thing in the first place, so you’ve never held me back. Even if I did go, it wouldn’t be the same without you and I’d much rather spend my time making memories with the most important person to me, than any high school bucket lists.”
A shaky sigh came from her, both in the comfort of his words and letting go of long-restrained emotions. Her phone pinged again with new messages and assignment notifications, but she turned it over and took a moment to whisper a trembling, “Spending time with the most important person to me means the world too,” into his shoulder.
Rubbing her back, Law began finding the white glare of her semester group project proposal to be irritatingly intolerable, so he switched over to her WhoTube tab and got an idea when he saw their song, “Forever With You” by Decyfer Down on the suggestions.
“Let’s have our homecoming dance right here, the slow dance should be starting soon, anyways,” Law whispered into Michelle’s ear, before standing up from his seat to lower the lights.
Familiar chords began strumming from her computer and something inside of Michelle lifted, like a heaviness dissipating when there is finally a moment of rest. With Law, whatever seemed unlikely or impossible before, became possible in unexpected ways that felt freeing, so she did not hesitate accepting the warmth of his hand when he outstretched it to her again.
“I thought you said dancing wasn’t your thing,” she lightly smiled, melting into his touch when his arm wrapped around her waist. Yet despite Michelle’s attempt to jest, the tears still fell. This would be their first dance in years, since Mama Donquixote’s Christmas party when they were 8, and there was a certain poetic nostalgia distilled in the moment she accepted his hand, no longer as childhood friend, but as lovers.
“I said dances aren’t my thing, not dancing. Mama Donquixote would be offended if I didn’t know the basics after all those lessons,” Law replied, fondly remembering the days when Mama Donquixote would show him and Michelle how to dance and dress them up for their ‘plays’ they’d put on for her. Perhaps he loved Michelle back then, although he did not know how to put it into words at the time. Law still recalled the first time his heart skipped a beat when she shyly approached him in a powdery white Coppelia costume Mama Donquixote made for her, but even in her pajamas and ponytail in disarray right now, he still thought she looked a vision, because the smile she held for him remained unchanged.
♪Like shooting stars
How brief we are
I wish this moment could last forever
Here with you
I am made new
I want to live like every breath matters
You’re not so far away, just hear me when I say:♪
“I want to love what you love. I want to see what you see. I want a heart that burns like a fire in me,” Law sings along, caressing away the slow cascade of tears running down her cheek in gentle cherish. She surrendered into his touch with a breathy smile, feeling all tenseness gradually dissipate into air. Michelle knew Law did not consider comfort to be his strong suit, but on the contrary, his style of comforting that expressed itself through actions, such as this gesture, only exemplified that his embrace was the sincerest sanctuary for her outside of her imagination. Drawing away to twirl her around, only to pull his girlfriend into a deeper embrace with each heartfelt strum of the guitar, it was as if Law was silently telling her in between the lyrics “Only for you.”
“I want your light in my life, I want my heart renewed. Here I am…Forever with you…” he continues, singing the lyrics in the spirit of affirmations that only prefaced the intensity of love he held for her. Michelle only held Law closer, recalling when they first met as children, how they grew up together, how they were always standing up for each other even to the extent of staying attached to the hip when they’re sick…Despite being only teenagers, the emotions between them felt as if they were a continuation of something from centuries past. Whether that was true or her propensity to feel deeply played a part in inspiring those sentiments in her--she couldn’t be certain--but the warmth of Law’s lips brushing against the crown of her head within their intimate waltz told her that those feelings had a mutual home in him.
At the swell of the bridge, Law swept Michelle off her feet and spun her around, with their dogs happily watching the scene from their corner in fascination that events from “the magic box” (TV) could happen to their owners. An unrestrained childlike smile spreads across her face as Law conveyed her into the air, even if it was only for a moment. Yet it wasn’t the rush of wind in her face nor the dance that unraveled her melancholy nor made her laugh—it was who she was dancing with.
♪Now I’m here with you, after all that I’ve been through. I just can’t live without…♪
“I love you, Law,” she whispers in a glassy eyed affirmation, as he brings her back into the warmth of his embrace.
Guiding her head to lay on his chest while they swayed to the music, he whispers back, without missing a beat, “I love you too, Michelle.”
♪…the grace you gave to me, now I see what you see. Your beautiful life, forever in me…♪
The manner Law’s gray eyes regarded her with unadulterated tenderness and devotion fueled her with an insurmountable sense of safety. So gathering herself, she moved her arms to wrap around his neck and looked into those eyes that she loved so much to sing the closing chorus to him, “I want to love what you love. I want to see what you see. I want a heart that burns like a fire in me. I want your light in my life, I want my heart renewed. Here I am…Here I am…Here I am: Forever with you.”
At the guitar’s outro, the couple felt more at home than they ever were in each other’s arms and no music was needed for them to continue swaying to an invisible melody they shared amongst themselves. Turning Michelle towards the faint amber filtering in from the streetlights, Law searched her face for any traces of remaining sadness and felt the weight in his heart lift when he saw none. A small ‘thank you,’ was whispered to him when he traced his thumb over her eyes, and he answered with a gentle kiss conveying that she was always welcome to rest in him whenever she needed.
The perfect homecoming experience didn’t need to involve wardrobe and makeup transformations, love rivals, or whatever came with typical high school movies; it was making memories with those who mattered most. And perhaps with a little space, music, and along with the right atmosphere, a dance interlude could happen, where one leasts expects.
Tag List: @jazminetoad, @undercoverweeeb, @friendly-kaiju
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paigelts05 · 2 years
FNAF AU: Renegade AU Chicago Location
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Published: Jan 10, 2021
TW for mentions of fictional charaters with depression and fictional character suicide in the charater descriptions of the two charaters in the bottom right. °•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•° The reason whey I've not been able to redraw the drawing of all of the main guards together is the same reason why this was a pain: when I draw all the main guards together, I always feel like I am going to mess one of them up. I messed up a lot here, but I managed to recover some of it in the linework and later down the line. And for the one instance where even the linework was bad, I redrew it and glued the paper over the bad one - one blank layer of paper to cover the original, and then the redrawn one glued over that. And then, I just redrew the two that I realised looked bad on the sheet below, cut out the two, and glued the two sheets together. Now it looks a bit neater too, dispite all the glue. Here we have PT, Krasnyy Guy, Mike Schmidt, Fritz Smith, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Vincent Taylor, Daniel Discord, Sami Fern, and Ryley Fern. You probably already know the top six characters, but you may not recognise the bottom three. The leftmost is Daniel Discord. I've drew him a few times, and he's the manager and boss of the Chicago location. The only two people above him within Fazbear Entertainment are Adelaide and William. His entire life has become centred around providing William with information regarding electrical ghosts and trying to prove that the location isn't a failure, as electrical ghosts are useful to them. Now the other two, bottom middle and bottom right, have existed in my AU for a while, but I've not posted a drawing of them here yet. One illustration of the rightmost existed on my Deviantart, but I took it down as the comic no longer represented the AU properly as the personalities of all charaters involved have changed. These two are Sami, the janitor, and Ryley, the security guard. These two have been through a surname change and a massive plot overhaul since the start. Whilst they both still were orphaned in a car crash at 10, rendering Sami mute, her brother is no longer depressed as that no longer works for his story and would falsely tie up too many loose ends regarding his death. Instead, Ryley is a skilled tracker and a solid friend of Mike's. He has a carefree nature, and only works at Freddy's part time, but part time is enough for him to do enough digging and find that the corpses were not inside the suits anymore, and more than enough time to do a little more digging to find the true location of the corpses. Just before his shift for the night begins, he finds this location in person and confirms his suspicions, but his boss finds him and gives him an ultimatum: if he (Ryley) lives through tonight to tell the tale of where the corpses are, he (the boss) will send his best to kill his (Ryley's) sister. The only way for his sister to live would be for him to die. The method didn't matter, and as the animatronics weren't moving, even at 5 am, he had to do something. But that's a story for another day. Sami has also been through some changes. Now, she's cold, but only kind to her brother, and after the car accident, has suffered from chronic pain. She may seem rude, but she can't help that she's always gritting her teeth and scowling. Whilst she'd love to make friends, resent bread resent, she seemed cold so she became cold.
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
Got 20 more asks, with some art this time! :}
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Thank you! I’m very glad you like the way I draw them!
As to how I draw their glasses or any tips I have.. I just draw them exactly the way the show draws them, except they’re more square than rectangle.
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Some tips?
Eyebrows go over the glasses, always. The little line coming down in the center of the glasses touches where the eyes connect. The bottom of the lenses go right about to the middle of the nose. Don’t make them too big, leave room for the eyebrows and the forehead. Make sure the glasses peek over the edge of the face, but don’t make them too wide, leave room for the sideburns and skin by the glasses arms. The glasses arms go right above where the ear connects to the head.
I would suggest looking up some references, from both the show and from other artists. My way of drawing glasses aren't perfect, but clearly they’re decent because you wanted to know how I draw them XD
Just do some research, look up some screen shots and try to redraw them. Heck, even trace them. Eventually you’ll find a way of drawing them that you like, like I did. :}
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Oh! Thank you!.. But uh.. polite pass. I don’t drink coffee.. ●﹏●;
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Thank you, for everything you’ve said.
I don’t think I’m okay anymore. I’ve been trying so hard to get my old self back, but its just not working. My energy, my motivation, my smile, everything, its just all gone. I’m so overwhelmed with all this doubt and uncertainty that I just don’t now how to function anymore.
Drawing is the only thing in my life I work towards and care about, and I am not exaggerating. But I’m loosing it. I don’t know how to do it anymore. I feel like pieces of my brain are slowly rotting away or something. I just fell awful and escaping to my little imaginary world isn’t working anymore.
Its like all the life is just getting sucked out of me. Although my new job is helping, I don't know if that’s going to be the cure. Peoples opinion of me weighs down so heavily on my shoulders that I hide my true self away in shame. I’m so afraid of being hated or upsetting anyone that you don't even know my real name.
I don't know what to do anymore. My memory is certainly getting worse and I have absolutely no drive to do anything other than drawing what so ever, and even THAT is starting to fail. I must be broken, like a shattered mirror, but I’m missing some pieces and don't even have a way to glue them back together if I somehow find them again anyway, so why even bother looking for them?
I just don’t know what to do anymore. Getting this job better fix it.
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Of course! ♡ඩᴗඩ♡
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Except for Big Blue. He’s “that guy is huge and can literally kick me to the moon” sized.
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My Decepticons? In my brain soup currently. I haven’t found the energy or the motivation to draw them yet. 
In the story? They’re all aboard the nemesis as far as I have decided.
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I actually don’t drink any hot beverages.. I don’t drink coffee, I’ve never had tea and hot chocolate makes my stomach queasy. I don’t even really drink milk. or sodas or anything else. I just drink water, only water. That’s enough for me.
As for the characters though? Well let me think... let me split it onto categories.
Tea drinkers:
Brown Suburban
Coffee drinkers:
Hot chocolate drinkers:
White Truck
Both tea and coffee drinkers:
Green Truck
All of the above:
None of the above:
Red Van
Hot Apple cider vinegar:
Bash Buggy
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The primary reason why Bash Buggy was freaking out is because he was just scooped up off the ground out of no where.
He’s basically legally blind, so he didn’t instantly go, “Oh this is fine its just Brown Suburban.” He just went
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Not that I can remember.. But I have made some AUs and I made a little brown puppy a part of one of them, does that count?
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I have never played any of them myself.. but I have watched others play them and I have always liked watching them freak out over FNAF 2.
I also like FNAF 2 because it has almost all of my favorite characters in it. :} 
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I believe Ratchet would’ve had to inject the Synthetic Energon into himself when Volvo wasn’t around, because Volvo certainly would’ve stopped him if he was there. Even if it meant wrestling Ratchet to the ground to get that stuff out of his hand.
But sadly, Ratchet would have been completely infected by the time Volvo would have been around. He would’ve probably found Ratchet on the floor when Raf was trying to wake him up.
At first he’d think that he was hurt, or had that same “heart attack” thing like Escort did. He would panic and try to wake him. Ratchet would stir and groan about them being so noisy or something. When Ratchet sits up and looks Volvo in the eyes is when he’d see it.
Volvo’s entire demeanor would change, and he’d just look devastated.
“Ratchet... y.. you didn’t...“ Raf would look up and ask, “Didn’t.. what?”
Volvo would be so overwhelmed with the realization of what Ratchet had done, that he couldn’t even really respond to Raf.
I cant remember the episode very well.. but I believe as the episode progressed, Volvo would be constantly following Ratchet around. He knows that this stuff very dangerous because its incomplete, but he doesn’t know what its going to do to Ratchet.
He would try to get Ratchet to chill out when ever he’s about to do something stupid, and would’ve been there to try and reason with him when he wanted to fight Bulkhead.
He would’ve been there when Optimus and the gang confronted them. Ratchet might’ve shot some nasty comment Volvo’s way and Volvo would’ve been hurt, but he also would’ve gotten a lot more worried about Ratchet too. Getting that nasty comment really just confirmed to Volvo that Ratchet’s lost it. The Synthetic Energon has taken over and he worries about what might happen next.
When he heard about Ratchet getting hurt and bleeding out, he freaked out of course. Him and the other medics would’ve patched him up and Volvo would watch over him. He’d hover around nearby and check his vitals more often than is necessary.
After Ratchet woke up and had that chat with Optimus that I think I remember him having.. I feel like he would make a point to find Volvo and talk to him about it.
Volvo may be a younger medic, but he’s still tough. Thing’s don’t get to him as easily.. well, not normally.
But when Ratchet first woke up? The look on Volvo’s face spoke volumes. The way Volvo acted out of character and practically became glued to Ratchet was concerning. He wasn't reacting to the situation in the way Ratchet believed he would.
When he asked, Volvo would respond with something along the lines of,
“When I saw the color of your optics, I knew exactly what you had done. And it.. it frightened me.“ Volvo would begin to look saddened.
“I didn’t know what was going to happen and I.. I just.. I didn’t know how to help you..“ Volvo would look hurt, and like a child honestly. This tough little medic was genuinely struggling to cope with the situation. 
“I now realize that.. I didn’t truly understand just how dire our situation is.. “
Volvo would fiddle with his hands nervously for a second. 
“I understand why you took that risk, but still it hurts to know that you felt the need to walk into something that dangerous for the slight chance it might make things a little better..“
Essentially, Volvo didn't really fully know just how bad their situation is. And seeing his friend risk his life like that really got the point across like a kick to the gut.
They’d talk it over and get through it at the end of the day, but now Volvo has a new perspective of this situation, and of Ratchet.
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Glad to hear I’m not alone in this! :}
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Despite its controversy and my personal saltiness towards certain aspects of this series, I overall genuinely really did enjoy watching the Bayverse movies. All of them.
The Bumblebee movie was fantastic, and I like Transformers: Prime. But that’s it, just those three. :/
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Thank you for all the compliments!! :> I will do my best to keep these things up!.. Even though its becoming rather difficult..
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Thank you! I worked very hard on it! ♡(இ﹏இ`。)♡.
As I am writing this, all 16 transformer ocs are getting a make over. (mostly Jeepy) So keep and eye on this post! Because if someone wants to use them for references, the post could suddenly change and the old designs will be outdated! 
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Don’t be so shy! XD These asks are fun! :}
Now Bash Buggy.. he wouldn’t actually register what you just did if you kissed him on the cheek.
The protective plating on his face has been peeled back so if you kissed him on the cheek, you would sting him a little and you would get a little bit of Energon on your lips.
He’d wince and look at you like?? What was that?? He cant see the Energon on your lips so he wouldn’t put 2 and 2 together.
But if you told him that you just kissed him on the cheek, he’d then get so confused and flustered. Like, “I?? Wh-.. but-.. thanks?? Uh??”
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Geraskier Rockstar AU: Choose Your Own Adventure!
Part 2
Results from Part 1:
1) <Wake up Jaskier> "Alright, let's party!" (0 votes)
2) <Invite Jaskier to your hotel room> (3 votes)
3) <Let Jaskier sleep> "Actually, I'll stay here with him." (36 votes)
A/N: Thank you for participating in my first Choose-Your-Own-Adventure round, I'm so happy you guys enjoy the idea! To no one's surprise, most of you picked option 3. I'm sorry Part 2 took so long but I wasn't happy with Geralt's face so I had to redraw it a couple times. Was going to redraw Jaskier's too but I just want to get it posted! This is a bit longer than Part 1— enjoy!
Geralt glances at the kid sleeping on his shoulder and back to his bandmate, Eskel. "No, you boys go ahead," Geralt says, voice hoarse from a night of screaming into a microphone, "I'm staying here with him. Meet you back at the hotel."
Eskel sends a sly smirk towards Geralt. "Fine, but you have to clear everything up for tomorrow."
"Hmm," Geralt responds.
Once his bandmates leave, Geralt takes a few moments to admire the sleeping young man snuggled against him. Aside from learning that his name is Jaskier, the two hadn't spoken to each other whatsoever. Talking is usually the last thing on Geralt's mind when he invites a guest backstage, but for some unexplainable reason Jaskier had piqued his interest. His face is round and youthful, especially while he's asleep, but the lines under his eyes give away that he is older than he looks. Geralt wonders if the baggy hoodie and swooping hair is a way for Jaskier to cling to his youth.
Geralt slowly shifts himself, carefully placing Jaskier's head on the couch armrest, who is still snoring softly. He begins to gather the various guitars and drumsticks the band had strewn around the greenroom and zip them back in their cases. He grabs the wartorn acoustic that has been with them on every tour, and gives it a light strum.
Jaskier's eyes flicker open at the sound, and when Geralt notices that he's awake he joins Jaskier on the couch once again.
Geralt begins to strum a tune Jaskier is familiar with. In fact he's familiar with all of Rivia's songs. To Jaskier's delight, Geralt begins to hum the melody.
He pauses after a few bars. "I would serenade you with my singing, but I'm afraid my voice is shot for the night."
Jaskier wants to say he likes the way Geralt's voice becomes gruffer after a show, but he can't get his mouth to work at the thought of Geralt serenading him with that slick-as-oil voice.
"Do you sing?" Geralt says.
Jaskier's brows shoot up. "Yes— I mean no. I can sing— I'm not famous like you or anything." Jaskier curses himself for stumbling his words, but he can't think straight with Geralt so close.
"Will you sing for me?"
An ice pike slices through Jaskier's heart; there's no way, in his half-asleep 1:00am stupor with bed hair, was Jaskier going to sing for Geralt the bloody frontman of Rivia.
"Nooo no-no no, I can't!" Jaskier tries to keep his voice level but he knows he fails.
Geralt's lip curls into a smirk at Jaskier's reaction. "Hmmm. Alright. But I will hear that voice someday."
Jaskier can do nothing but gape wide-eyed at his idol.
Geralt strums the acoustic once again. "Do you play?"
"No," Jaskier lies.
Jaskier's senses become acutely aware as the singer shifts closer to his until they're pressed shoulder-to-shoulder. Geralt places the guitar over Jaskier's lap and slings his heavily-muscled right arm around Jaskier, fingertips at the strings. With his left he takes Jaskier's hand and places it on the neck.
"Like this," Geralt says gently. He begins to puppet the younger man's hands, nudging and cooing instructions in that husky voice that tantalizes Jaskier.
Jaskier can feel the roughness of Geralt's calluses on his skin, and the heat of his breath on the back of his neck.
Despite his bleary eyes that are probably smudged with eyeliner, Jaskier can't keep his gaze off the tall, muscular man. Jaskier hadn't gotten a chance to study him up close while their lips had been on each other.
He is utterly unearthly handsome. His lashes are longer than any he's ever seen. His chiseled Superman face topped with flowing white hair that Jaskier recently discovered is silky and light. And those eyes... Those vivid unnatural yellow eyes that are a trademark of the entire band (contact lenses, Jaskier assumes). They remind Jaskier of some sort of beast, a wolf, or a dragon.
"...and here, put your fingers on this fret...' Geralt's voice interrupts Jaskier's staring. He almost forgot he's supposed to be listening to his instructor.
Secretly, Jaskier knows how to play the guitar. Very well, in fact. Of course he does— he's been a closeted band geek his entire life.
But the moment is too good to pass up to have Geralt's arms around his, directing the soft strumming, that he couldn't help but lie about his musical talents. He still can't quite comprehend the fact that he is here. Here! With Geralt of the band Rivia! A man he's idolized for years whose music has pulled him through the toughest times like a childhood friend who never failed to rattle his parents (and later his roommates.)
And then, the realization hits Jaskier with an icy chill: Jaskier only had the funds for one ticket, and he had picked tonight. This night. The third and final night the band is performing in his city. Tomorrow morning, Geralt will be off across the continent to his next venue. If Jaskier had known he would not only meet Geralt of Rivia but actually taste his lips— he would have found a way to muster up cash for all three nights.
Oh, Jaskier curses himself for picking this night!
1) "It's late, I should get going."
2) "When can I see you again?"
3) <Kiss him>
What should Jaskier choose? You decide!
Comment below with the dialogue number that you want to see happen next!
Reblogs appreciated!
Tagging accounts who may enjoy this post!
@jaskier-royale @andyet-here-we-are @geraskier-hell @itsgeraskier @geraskier-trash @bardsingingasong @dandeliongeralt @jaskierssilence @remijcrowley @mystic-majestic @geraltxjaskier @yappingjaskier @lankygeralt @geralt-jaskier @punk-jaskier @verobatto-jaskierxgeralt @wolfgeralt @geraltofriviasleftbuttcheek
Rockstar AU tag list (let me know if you want on/off the list!)
@coffins-coffee-andstuff @mueslimuncher @theblackheiress @maythefandomsbwithu @flamingbluepanda @transmangeralt @cassiopeiaerinblack @dapperanachronism @shi-toyu @welcometoshiphell @fontegagrilledcheese @caspertheassholeghost @thequeenofcarvenstone @han-morricone @kodyscarlett @we-the-lionhearts @odd-otter @tossingwitchers @limited-days-limited-tears @smittenwithdaydreams
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