#'those guys can blow you up with their minds so really who cares'
asharaks · 1 month
we've talked about wyll's bit and we all know about astarion's bit but let's talk about gale's bit. let's talk about his presentation as the Ideal of what it is to be an archmage. the man wears purple velvet pajamas with an embroidered collar to camp in the underdark. he wears a gay little earring with mystra's symbol on it. its all fun and games to joke about his jammies but let's be clear: those things Fuck. he dresses well, he dresses richly, he is a wealthy lavish man who, in a world where things like long hair are not traditionally associated with femininity, is not what I would call gender nonconforming, but I think he does have a very interesting presentation.
robes and jewellery are traditionally associated with wizardry and femininity - or, if not femininity, at least nonmasculinity. theyre the garments of monks, eunuchs, and nuns, people who stand outside of the typical sex/gender binary for socially accepted reasons. traditionally most archmages are men (karsus, mordenkainen, elminster, etc) who perform this exact presentation. the doylist explanation is, of course, that dnd canon is inherently misogynistic, but the in-universe implication would suggest that to present in this way is not regarded as gender non-conformation but as class conformation. so our options are:
wizardry is for gayboys
'wizard' is its own gender
gender presentation is less important than getting that sweet sweet +1 spell save dc and everyone knows it
class is a gender modifier. this has interesting implications for the other classes - particularly ones like clerics, which might have prescribed uniforms or vestments - but given that faerun does have a not-insignificant classless, non-adventurer population- how does it work for them?
regardless, I think it's fair to say that gale's bit - like wyll's is the Blade of Frontiers and astarion's as the seductive rake - is The Archmage. he presents himself, from the start, as an academic, as a wizard. he's a friend of elminster, the (ex-)chosen of mystra, gale of waterdeep - he's everything a Wizard should be. even when he's tadpoled, camping in the woods, he carries a stack of unread books, wears mystra's symbol, wears his purple velvet jammies. he's presenting himself with care and thought, and giving a highly specific impression. I think it's really interesting that, as much as wyll and astarion, he's putting on a front, and it plays into his story. do you encourage the side of him that's ambitious and daring, the archmage, the man who pushes the boundaries of power and knowledge - or do you try to break that down, and place the value on the man who just wants to sit in front of the fire with his cat and read a book?
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bluecollarmcandtf · 4 months
I'm so annoyed, my best friend has such an asshole for a husband. He basically never pays attention to her, all he cares about sport, beer and his friends. He never helps around the house and he's a lazy slob! He's always at the gym or going to the game with his bros. He's such a prick, maybe he should just be date his bros since he's so obsessed with them. He's always complaining about his wife "bothering him". Plus who would want to marry a slob anyway, as a husband he should be devoted to cleaning his house and caring about who he is married to.
I think I found the guy you're talking about, and you're totally right about him being an asshole. Your friend deserves better than an uncaring, selfish, pig-of-a-husband. That girl has tolerated him for too long! She won't be seeing him or his sexist buddies ever again when I'm done here...
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Just look at him! The first thing he does when he gets home is grab a beer and park that fat ass of his on the couch. Sure, he might hit the gym later on his way to the bar, but he's not planning on helping his wife out with dinner. He's not really planning on talking to her at all until he needs a blow job later tonight.
You mentioned his name was Brett, I think?
Well, Brett can barely hold a job. He's lucky you gave him a chance and got him a gig as a delivery man. I think he's been doing this for a month now, but he absolutely resents the work. Brett can't really enjoy anything unless he has a beer in his hand, and he absolutely hates wearing that stuffy little uniform.
Nevertheless, he's been consistently showing up so far; probably because his wife is waking him up, washing his clothes, and feeding him breakfast. Brett essentially only uses her as a maid and sex toy!
It's a good thing I've got something planned for Brett today as he starts his delivery rounds. He doesn't notice me following as he grumpily carries a package out of his truck, and he doesn't have time to react when I reach out and grab the back of his head.
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"You're not going to move," I command, sinking my fingers into the soft parts of his skull, "You're going to let me in."
A deep sigh blows out of Brett's mouth, and I know his willpower is gone. "I'm not going to move. I'll let you in..." he repeats numbly.
With permission, I shoot inside his mind, discovering much of what I expected. His thoughts revolve around meeting up with his bros after work. He hasn't genuinely cared to think about his wife in ages. His mind is just as simple and unlikeable as he is.
Good thing I'm here to change it!
"Brett, I'm changing your thoughts. You like that. You want me to rewrite you."
"You're..." he struggles to form words, "You're changing my thoughts. I like that. I want you to rewrite me..."
"Good," I grin maliciously.
Bringing my lips closer to his ear, I begin to fill his head with his new personality. He accepts all his new goals and dreams wholeheartedly. I imagine, you will like them. They're the ones you asked for...
Done for now, I pull out of his mind, whipping Brett back into consciousness! He gasps for air as he regains his senses, but then something overtakes him. He's taken off running down the street!
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I follow behind, knowing exactly where he'll end up. I must say that I enjoy watching his thick ass jogging away in those tight brown shorts. He's a lot more muscular than I gave him credit for.
I'm sure his new husband will enjoy that body of his too.
Brett sprints several blocks and runs straight up to a house at the end of the street. It's the home of one of his football buddies. I think his name might be Axel or Alex or something. I'm not sure.
Anyways, Brett bangs on the door, panting like a dog. When the door is finally opened, he wastes no time. Brett pulls his bro in for the long passionate kiss he's been waiting for.
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"Dude?" his friend mumbles as their lips part, "What are you doing?"
Little does he know that I already hypnotized him, too. He's going to accept everything Brett does like it's what he's wanted all along.
"Axel! Man, I love you!" Brett moans, pulling his football buddy in closer, "I want you to marry me. I'll quit my job and be your housewife. I'll be better at that! And you can boss me around and use me however you want, bro! I mean everything; cooking, cleaning, everything!"
"Woah, dude! That's a lot to take in," he hesitates, but already his mind is giving in, "But yeah. I like the sound of that. Being my wife means more than just cooking and cleaning though."
Brett looks at his new love earnestly. Meanwhile, Axel straightens up and crosses his arms to look rough.
"It means pleasure, whenever I want it and wherever I want it. It means you only get to watch the football games in between you serving me and my friends. By the way, they're just my friends now. Got it, dude?"
"Yeah," Brett whines, "Just let me start now!"
Axel smirks and pulls his new house husband into the house, giving him a possessive slap on the butt as they pass over the threshold.
"Alright, bitch. I'm gonna treat you just as bad as you did that old girl of yours."
"Who?" Brett asks out of genuine confusion, but he's already brushed off the comment and dropped to his knees.
"I don't know. Don't care either," Axel sneers, "Just get started. Haven't blown a load all day."
The faint sound of repetitive gagging echoes out of the house as the front door slams shut. It seems like my work here is done.
The football gang will enjoy having a very willing bro to take care of all their needs, and Brett will do it with a genuine smile on his face. That friend of yours is a free woman, so I suggest she find something fulfilling to do with her life. Brett may be trapped in another marriage, but she sure as hell isn't!
Hope you liked how I handled your problem!
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retroellie · 5 months
NSFW Alphabet w/ Spencer Reid
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Summary: NSFW alphabet w/ spenice poo
A/N: Ovbiosuly i have to introduce a new character with an NSFW alphabet... it's become my thing yall I know. Also, i wanted this one to be like spencer in the earlier seasons because I'm a whore for him then.
Warnings: NSFW, BDSM, pegging, loss of virginity, Sub!Spencer Reid
Word count: 3.8K
A= Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Dr Spencer Reid is a sweetheart and we all know this, so obviously he's going to be the sweetest boy after. The first couple of times y'all have sex, he's kind of awkward afterward... like he feels weird about the fact he was just inside of you and now he has to talk to you like nothing happened. Eventually, he warms up to it and gets better at taking care of you. Now he always makes sure he has a soft rag and some water in his nightstand so when you stay over he doesn't have to get up. To be completely honest though, he's the one who needs the aftercare...
B=body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
He likes your boobs, like really likes your boobs. He likes them because they're just so versatile, you know? Like he can lay his head on them while you read to him, he can stick his dick in between them, he can suck on them... I mean, what more can this boy need?!?!? Mostly he likes how he can still see them when you guys are in public, maybe not in their entirety but he loves when you wear low-cut shirts. You do it on purpose sometimes, just to see him squirm in his seat while trying to go over statistics on a case. But overall, Spencer just really likes your body. It's just one of those things that Spencer doesn't have to think about or understand, it was just so easy to fall in love with it.
Spencer doesn't really like his body, I feel like he's a very insecure person. He thinks he's too scrawny, too thin, and extremely out of shape. You try to tell him that he's perfect but he can't get over his insecurities. If he did have to choose, it would be his mouth, if he's good for anything... it's for talking and giving mind-blowing head.
C=Cum (anything to do with cum)
Spencer has the worst pull-out game ever, I mean seriously. It's mostly because he just loves cumming with you. The way he'll be deep inside you, literally inside your guts... then he just releases it all into you and watches as your face controls into pure pleasure. He loses all control when you cums, his vision goes white and the only thing he can think of is how pretty you look on his cock.
You had to go on birth control because you couldn't deny Spencer Reid of his favorite thing to do, plus he went on this rant about how birth control is better than condoms because condoms can break blah blah blah. You knew it was simply because he wanted to cum inside you... and it felt way better without a condom.
D=dirty secret
Spencer Reid loves to research things alright... so obviously he has watched massive amounts of porn for research purposes. At first, he tried to tell himself it was for profiling purposes, he needed to know what every kink was so he was able to apply it when needed... well, then it turned into more of his own interest. He wanted to know what he liked, especially when he met you. I mean he's watched almost everything, BDSM, humiliation, sadism, choking, slapping, even pissing. A lot of those things he found he didn't enjoy, but he's honestly found some stuff that makes his face heat up at the thought of it. What's even weirder about this is that Spencer has never jacked off to any of it, to him... it is completely for research.
E=experience (How experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
You were his first and he hopes you are his last :). He hasn't even really kissed anyone before you. However, as said above, Spencer has done a lot of research so he definitely knows what he's doing. But porn is completely different than the real thing so he was confused that it didn't go how he expected it to go. What's really nice about Spencer is that he has an eidetic memory, so if something makes your toes curl once... he can do it over and over and over again the exact same way which honestly makes him seem so much more experienced than he actually is.
F=Favorite position
He loves it when you ride him. Not only does he get the perfect view of your boobs and your face, but he loves letting you take control. I feel like Spencer is a bottom so he enjoys the feeling of you towering over him, taking everything you need, and controlling if he gets to cum or not.
He also loves taking you from the back but not in the way you would think. He likes being able to lean against something and you do all the work, like you thrust yourself back on him. He likes that so when you get too tried or frustrated, he can help you fuck yourself on him. Also, I feel like Spencer would like to be experimental with positions, especially since he knows almost all of them from his extensive research. So he tries to switch it up and try new positions every once in a while.
G= Goofy (Are they serious at the moment or are they humorous?)
Everything spencer does is goofy as fuck, so sex is not a serious thing for yall. You can't do anything without spencer shooting out some statistics which makes you laugh, cause his dick could be down your throat and he'd talk about how "43% percent of women say they like giving oral more than receiving it." Sometimes you have to show his face between your own legs to get him to shut up. In short, spencer has to be serious all day at the BAU, so coming home and having to seriously fuck you is just not something he wants to do. He's gonna have some fun with it.
H= Hair (How groomed are they down there?)
Spencer is a bit of a germaphobe, he doesn't like to shake people's hands for god sake. He is definitely either clean-shaven or very well-groomed. He makes sure to clean his junk thoroughly, again with the whole bacteria and germ blah blah... You get it, he just feels more clean if he's groomed well down there.
As for you, I feel like he's gonna care if you're shaved down there or not. I mean he's obviously still going to eat your pussy even if you haven't shaved, but he does prefer you to be groomed down there. Again it's a germaphobe thing for him, but like I said... it's not the thing that determines if he'll fuck you or not.
This boy is touch starved as fuck. He usually doesn't like touch, he's scared of it if I'm being honest. So when you came along and touched him in every way possible... he craves it now. He wants to be close to you at all times when he's reading, on a case, or showering. He wants to be touching you in some way. Sex is intimate as well, especially since you were his first time. Losing his virginity was a huge thing for him, so the intimate part was important to him.
He loves the cringey romance things, I mean like buying you flowers or going on expensive dinners every anniversary or birthday. He only ever got his romance beliefs from old romance books and cheesy romance movies. He sure did know how to make you feel like a princess.
J= Jack off (Masturbation headcanons)
Spencer never really masturbated much before he met you, he never really felt that way either. Like being horny was something that he never felt, never got hard, or had a wet dream. Even while doing his research, he never popped a boner... not even once! That was until he met you, now a bus could go by and he is stiff. He can only jack off to the thought of you though, he only needs his mind and his hand to get him off when you aren't there.
I also think he likes to watch you masturbate, he's a little creep like that. Obviously, you'd know he was there, but he likes for you to pretend he's not there. He loves watching you tease yourself, moaning his name while he sits in a chair in the corner of the room. It gives him a small power rush, knowing he's getting you off without even touching you.
K= Kinks
Alright, he has quite a bit... he's a little dirty dog once you get him going. He definitely has a mommy kink definitely, I mean he has mommy issues so it is inevitable for the word mommy to slip out during sex. He says shit like "You make me feel so good mommy..." or "Can I cum mommy?" In his most pathetic voice as he whimpers so loud.
He's a kinky little fucker, to name a few...Prasing, bondage, role-playing, orgasm control, Voyeurism, humiliation. The list goes on and on. He was so embarrassed to bring them up to you starting off, he felt wrong for liking these things. You basically had to fuck it out of him but when he did, he felt so comfortable with you. Sex gets rough and a bit chaotic, but it was for you guys and you guys only so it didn't really matter. As long as you two were both comfortable and enjoying it, it didn't really matter.
L= Location (favorite place to do it)
This is where Spencer Reid lacks alright. He likes to be in his own bed when doing it, I mean he can't really afford to be too adventurous in this area. He's an FBI agent... he can't get caught doing it anywhere else. That's not to say y'all haven't done it in other places, the hotels he stays at on cases have been a regular thing for you guys, but he just doesn't feel safe doing it anywhere else but his own home.
M= Motivation (What turns them on?)
Like I said earlier, he never really got turned on before you. He always thought there was something wrong with him when it came to sex, but girl... you opened a floodgate to him. What turns him on the most is when he thinks of you. Especially if he sees something, let's say he sees a desk... he can't help but imagine bending you over it. It's just you, when you creep up on his mind randomly... he turns into putty.
He also gets so flustered and turned up to the max when you humiliate him in public, like teasing him in front of the team. He gets so sexually frustrated, hearing you joke about him in front of Morgan or teasing him with Garcia about how smart he is... especially calling him "pretty boy"... just gets him going.
N= NO (Something they wouldn’t do/ turn offs)
As an agent of the BAU, constantly around murder and gore and pure violence... Spencer is really picky about violence in the bedroom. He wants sex to be light and fun, not dark. He doesn't mind degrading or hitting... but he wants to keep it at a minimum. I mean he sees it all day, every day. So he'd just rather keep it upbeat in the bedroom, he'd much rather praise you than anything else.
That is a gray area for him, however there is something that he will never do. He hates bodily fluids, so spit and blood... etc. is just off the table for him. Not only is he around it all day, but he doesn't like the germs and bacteria it comes with.
O= Oral (Giving or receiving, skill etc.)
This man could go down on you for hours, I mean... hours. Like I feel like this man jumps up and down when you let him eat you out. This man will attempt to tease you but he gets so eager when he eats your pussy, so he always ends up letting you cum the second your orgasm comes. His favorite after-work activity is to come to the hotel or your shared apartment, pull your panties down, and eat you out like a hungry man. Not to get all psychological (I'm telling y'all I have been watching too much criminal minds lately) but I feel like it's definitely a control thing. I mean his entire life has been out of his control, his entire career is about fighting for control... so the only time he feels somewhat in control is when he goes down on you.
Spencer Reid obviously enjoys receiving as well, I mean what man doesn't like getting some head? He finds you so pretty on your knees, trying desperately to get him off which doesn't take too long for him when you're like this. Spencer just prefers giving simply because he wants to make you feel good, I mean he so desperately wants to make you feel good. Plus he's really good at it, I mean really good...
P= pace (are they fast or rough? slow or sensual?)
As said before, Spencer is eager. He is extremely fast with it, I mean to the point you have to tell him to slow down sometimes because he's going crazy. "Slow down Spence.." You moan into the pillows as your face down, ass up. "Sorry... it... you... fuck... you just feel so good" He stutters out, probably the only time spencer reid gets twisted up with his words is when he fucks you. You would have to be the one to go slow with it, you want him to feel the love in the act. You want him to understand sex doesn't have to be a scientific act, it isn't just for procreation or for the orgasm... it can be an act of love.
Q= Quickie (Their opinions on quickies)
He probably loves them more than eating you out, actually.. I wouldn't go that far. It's a close second to it. He's a busy man, always on a case or trying to finish a book. They are especially good when y'all are traveling for cases like y'all only have 8 minutes before you have to get back to work... he can make you both cum 3 times in 4. He loves long drawn-out ones too, he likes making you feel good for hours but they are rare occurrences simply because he's always getting called into the office. So honestly quickies are how y'all survive.
R= Risk (Are they okay with experimenting? do they take risks?)
He loves experimenting! Like I said before, he has done his research and he probably made a list of things he would like to try with you. He had to get comfortable first to be able to experiment, it was a long process of breaking Dr. Spencer Reid out of his shell. But now it feels like you guys are always trying new things, I mean like every time you guys have sex... Spencer asks if he can do something new to you.
As for risks, he is not for risks. If it genuinely is risky, causing harm to either one of you or something that will cause Morgan to tease him every day for?? It's off the table like I said before... His entire job is about risks, he just wants your guy's sex life to be healthy and normal.
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Spencer can go all night. Let's be honest, it's how he stays fit. Like I said, Spencer gets horny quickly so after every orgasm he has... he's already hard again. I feel like the most rounds y'all have gone is like 8 or 9, it was all in the course of 3 hours too. Again it's a rare occurrence for you guys to have long drawn-out sessions, it mostly happens when spencer has the day off or after a case and y'all spend the day in the city the case was in. When days like this do come, spencer goes crazy and full-on out. He'll light the candles, he'll have a tub of lube, he'll have bottles of water for you guys because he knows y'all will need lots of water after.
I feel like Spencer doesn't last very long, maybe 5 minutes but like I said... he gets hard really fast and he'll edge himself over and over again just so he can make you feel good. I feel like you also help him build up his tolerance, so he slowly starts to last longer and longer. When y'all first started having sex, he couldn't last over 2 minutes... let's be honest now y'all.
T= Toys (do they have toys and who do they use them on?)
ooooh, this is a fun one because spencer reid loves experimenting, so toys are definitely something he likes. He's really into vibrators, especially when you let him watch you masturbate... he just loves watching you tease yourself with it. However, when you use vibrators on him... makes him weak in the knees, for obvious reasons but also because of the sensation of the vibrating and then your hands or pussy?!? He can't help but cum every single time without fail.
Alright y'all I know, spencer reid likes to be pegged. He went completely feral when you bought it for the first time, he begged you to destroy him with the strap. He is a bottom, he likes to be dominated... It goes without saying that he likes to be pegged. You do this thing though, where you're taking him from the back and you use a vibrator to hold his cock. You have him screaming with that move you do.
As for other toys, I feel like he has a pair of handcuffs or bondage toys laying around.
U= Unfair (how much do they tease?)
He doesn't do much teasing but you do, you tease him so much that he is begging to be fucked by the time you guys are alone. He's used to being teased by literally everyone in his life, but something about your teasing... no matter if sexual or not, never fails to make him all flustered.
His teasing isn't really teasing, to him it is but every time he tries teasing you, you end up getting so confused. He'd be like, "You look good in that shirt, it would look way better off though... You know statistically, women in shirts...". Just a very Reid thing to do. You always feed on his teasing though, you want to make him feel good about himself so you just smile and nod.
V= Volume (How loud are they?)
This mf is loud as fuck. Sometimes you have to push his face into the pillows or make him bite down on your panties because he's just so loud. He doesn't moan either, he whimpers and whines. There's a time when you love making him whimper, you encourage it actually. You love seeing his red, flustered face as he whines for you to let him cum. Then there are times, like in hotels, that you have to keep him quiet. Unfortunately, Spencer Reid doesn't do quiet. You shoving your wet panties in his mouth is a regular thing in those times, he can't complain because he loves the taste.
He is also very vocal, he loves praising and being praised. He will whimper out "Fuck... make me feel good.." or "wanna cum in you.." You always cave into his wants, I mean his little whimpers are so cute how can you not?
W- Wild card (Random headcanons)
We all know that spencer reid loves books and statistics, so he will definitely multitask when fucking you. He loves when he's at his desk at home and you come in, wearing nothing but one of his sweaters. You'll crawl down on your knees and suck him off under the desk. You force him to do work as you make him cum, over and over and over. He also likes it when you cockwarm him, asking him questions about the case and if he messes up or stutters... you snap your hips down and make him whine. One time, when you were riding him in his office chair... he was reading a book, like an old literature book. "Are you reading right now?" You asked him, confused because like what? and he replied. "yeah... it's okay, you can keep going. I'll be done in a minute." He smiled so innocently, you wanted to fuck him harder after that.
Also, he uses his statistics to make you feel good, he read in a college textbook about female anatomy that girls like their nipples played with during sex so he tried it on you. You had no idea you liked that until Spencer Reid started pinching them. He'll also tell you the statistics while doing it, which I think is kinda funny. "Statistically, 76% of women have never stimulated they're g-spot," He says as he thrusts up, hitting yours perfectly.
X= X-ray (What’s going on in their pants)
Spencer Reid is a very scrawny and skinny man, so I know he is packing. He's probably a little over average, not too much but enough to make you nervous if you'll be able to take it all. He has a very pretty dick too, very well-groomed and very clean. He doesn't have much girth too, but honestly, size doesn't matter.
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
Very high sex drive, that's why quickies are so important to him. He didn't really understand Morgan's obsession with women at first until he actually had sex... now he always wants to be inside of you. He begs a lot too, if he's horny... all he will do is beg and plead for you to touch him. "Spencer we just got here, settle down." You scold him as he tries to get you to the private bathroom. "Please y/n... you look so pretty in your dress and... it's making my stomach hurt." Eventually, spencers whining gets you all hot and heavy, and you end up fucking him in the bathroom.
Z= ZZZ (How quick do they fall asleep after?)
Spencer passes out after his balls are empty and he is worn out from everything. Like I guess anyone would be exhausted after 7 to 9 rounds of desperately trying to get off. Not only but he has a very mentally and physically exhausting job, so he's out like a light as soon as his head hits the pillow. 
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thetriumphantpanda · 11 months
two is better than one | joel & tommy miller
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Summary | Frustrated that whatever you're trying to do still isn't working, you decide to give it one more try with Joel before cooling off for a while. Tommy is back to keep an eye on the both of you this time, but what happens when he starts to feel a little left out, watching his brother bring his girl over the edge more times than he cares to count?
Warnings | I swear I always start this the same way so here we go: Tommy getting cucked but also getting involved this time 👀, Joel being a fucking menace, dirty talk, oral sex (F&M receiving), face sitting, breeding kink, unprotected PiV sex, talk of infertility, no use of Y/N
Word Count | 3.8k
Authors Note | Whew. When I tell you this little threesome has been rotting my brain, I'm not lying. This is the only thing I can focus on, hence them being updated so fast! I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all for the continued love you're giving this series - it honestly blows my mind every time that it's something you guys enjoy, that my writing reaches so many people and that they lap that shit up. I'm so grateful to everyone who has taken the time to comment, send me asks, reblogs and those who have slid into my DMs with all the love. I see you, I hear you, and I love you all - thank you. I hope you enjoy this next part just as much as the rest - it's a doozy. You know the drill, if you did like it, please consider reblogging, commenting or sending the love to my ask box, it's what keeps me going. And if you'd like to leave me a tip (of course no pressure!), then here's my Ko-Fi.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Another month and another fucking negative pregnancy test. You knew it was irrational, but you were starting to think that maybe you were also part of the problem now. You’d been doing everything right, following all the advice in the books you’d bought almost a year ago when Tommy and you had first started trying for a baby. You’d been exercising, eating as healthily as possible, tried to keep yourself a stress-free as possible. You’d been keeping a close eye on your cycle and still, nothing to show for it. 
When you clambered down the stairs, test in hand and flung it in Tommy’s direction, he already knew. He could see the heavy set of your shoulders, the quiet sniffling of you trying to hide the fact you were crying. Tommy had settled you on the couch, covered you in a blanket and made you some tea. Then he’d made your favourite meal for dinner, even driven to the store and picked up Diet Coke, emptied a can into a glass filled with ice and lime juice like you loved, but none of it really helped to soothe how upset you were. 
The TV was on low, and he had your head in his lap, slowly stroking the strands of your hair as you tried to calm yourself down. Remind yourself that even the most fertile of couples needed to try for months sometimes before they had their first baby. It was stupid to think you’d be any different. 
“You’re thinkin’ way too loud, sugar.” Tommy muses, letting his hand run up and down your arm instead. 
“Sorry,” You mumble, “Just thought it would be easier.” 
“I know,” He coos, “We can take a break for a while, if you want.” 
You turn so you’re led on your back, looking right up at him, “I just want a baby.” You feel a tear slip down your cheek to pool near your ear. 
Tommy uses his thumb to brush away the tears that have started to fall, bobbing his leg up and down gently to try and soothe you, “It’s still fresh,” He speaks softly, “Let’s give it a couple of days and see what you want to do, okay?” 
You nod in agreement, feeling the beginnings of a headache pooling behind your eyes. You push yourself up into a sitting position and turn around to press a soft kiss to his lips, “I’m gonna go to bed,” You announce, “Headache.” 
He lets you go, it’s still early and you know there’s the game highlights he wanted to watch. In bed, you can do nothing but toss and turn for a few hours. Every time you’d try to close your eyes, all you could see was vision of you and Joel, in all the different positions he’d put you in so far, and all for what? When the bedside clock hit 10:30, you head out to use the bathroom. As you near the door at the top of the stairs you can hear Tommy talking to someone, through the phone because his is the only voice you can hear. 
“I know, brother, she’s just really beat up about it,” You hear him say, “I don’t know how to make it better.” 
You lean against the closed bathroom door, wondering if perhaps you should leave Tommy to talk to Joel. There’s a pause where you can hear Tommy humming along to whatever Joel is saying on the other end of the phone. 
“I dunno man,” Tommy sighs, “You managed to knock Sarah’s mom up on a one-night stand, guess I thought it would be easier for you.” 
There’s another pause, then he’s speaking again. 
“No Joel, all of her tests came back perfect,” Another sigh, “I was always the problem.”
You’re about to push down the handle to go to the bathroom when Tommy speaks again, “I don’t know, maybe we should just cool it for a while, we’re all gonna work ourselves up otherwise.” 
You decide you don’t really want to hear the rest of the conversation. You sit on the toilet and let your face drop to your hands in frustration. Why couldn’t you just be normal? Why couldn’t you have been a nice, normal couple, having a baby in the most natural way possible? Why did this have to come along and fucking complicate everything? And why did Joel have to be so fucking good to you every time? 
You wash your hands under the tap, water as scalding as it could go, just in order to feel something that wasn’t frustration before you head to bed. There’s no longer the sound of voices as you pad back across the hall and get back into bed, shutting off the lights and curling onto one side, knees as close to your chest as you can manage to get them. It’s not long before you can hear Tommy shuffling around upstairs. He pushes open the bedroom door quietly, obviously thinking you’re already asleep. You can hear him undressing before he's slipping onto his side of the bed, pulling your body close to his under the covers as he spoons you. 
You let your own arm cover his over your waist as you lean back into the comfort of his chest, letting his breath fan across the skin of your shoulder as he presses a kiss to your skin. 
“I wanna try again,” You speak softly into the dark, feeling Tommy’s arm’s squeeze you tighter, “Once more and then we cool it for a while.” 
“You sure?” He asks into your ear, lips pressing to the sensitive skin behind your ear. 
“I’m sure.” You respond, turning around in his arms to capture his lips in yours. 
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When the time comes to try again, it’s you who greets Joel at the door when he knocks. Tommy already upstairs and situated in the chair he had taken the first time you’d done this as a three. Joel leans down, lips just millimeters from your own, but instead of kissing your mouth, he places a soft kiss to your cheek instead. 
“Hello, darlin’.” 
You step up onto your tiptoes to press your own kiss to his face, just shy of the corner of his mouth – the kisses from last time still a secret between the two of you. 
“Evening handsome,” You smile, pulling away from him to close the door as he steps inside, “You ready?” 
“To give you what you want?” He smirks, “Always, pretty girl.” 
You feel that telltale heat flush across your cheeks as Joel pulls you into his side, hand dipping down to squeeze your ass over the fabric of the robe you’d thrown on moments ago. God, why did he have to be so fucking intoxicating around you?
You take hold of his hand in yours, leading him up the stairs behind you. Tommy was reading a book as you entered the room, folding the corner of the page before setting it down on the nightstand closest to the chair. You can’t help but snigger as you watch him and Joel give each other the typical male greeting of a curt nod of the head. 
You drag Joel by the arm to the foot of the bed, pushing his shoulders down so he sits on the edge. Then you take a step back and tug on the belt of your robe, letting it fall open and off your body to leave you completely naked in front of him. You watch his face as he trails those beautiful brown eyes over your body, letting out a low whistle of approval. 
“Beautiful as ever, darlin’,” He compliments, reaching out a hand for you to take, “But you’re worked up, ain’t ya? And not in the good way.” 
Your eyes flit to Tommy in the corner of the room, who has that smug ‘I told you so’ look on his face. You’d been itching for Tommy to arrange this since that ovulation test said you were in the zone, but Joel had been working away for the past two days, and now you were worried that if you didn’t hurry the fuck up, you’d miss your chance. 
Joel reaches out and puts his hands on the back of your thighs, pulling you into him, he’s looking up at you, pressing hot kisses to the skin of your tummy, “Gotta relax babygirl,” He moans, “I’m tryin’ my damned hardest, but you just gotta let nature take its course.” 
“Just frustrating.” You mumble. 
“I know baby, I know,” He’s got his hands palming your tits now, “Long as I need to, I’ll keep fillin’ you up, y’hear me?” 
Your breath catches in your throat and all you can do is nod as he moves himself back on the bed. 
Joel leans back on the bed, his head just shy of the pillows, “Sit on my face, pretty girl.” 
You’re almost embarrassed at how quickly you scramble yourself onto the bed, moving up to straddle his hips – even Tommy is chuckling from his chair. 
“Can’t get enough of Joel’s mouth on your pussy, can you, sugar?” He speaks in a low voice. 
Joel has his hands on your ass, guiding your naked body to hover over his face before his hands are slipping up to your hips to pull your cunt to his mouth. He wastes no time in getting straight to business, wide tongue licking stripes from your entrance, where he laps up your slick like a cat would cream, to those deliciously tight flicks of the tip of his tongue to your clit. You can hear him groaning into your pussy, your hand coming down to anchor itself into his hair to hold him still as you start grinding against his face. 
You can hear the obscene slurps that he’s making underneath you, it’s half the reason you think it takes you no time at all to reach the edge, because he fucking enjoys this just as much as you do, he loves tasting you, loves making you feel good and you can feel that, can feel it on his mouth. 
As you throw your head back as Joel’s tongue swipes perfectly across your clit, you catch Tommy in the corner of the room. He’s palming himself through his jeans as he watches you, your body writhing as his brother’s mouth brings you closer and closer to the edge. It wouldn’t hurt, would it? You think, if you asked if he wanted you to help him out. 
“You feeling left out baby?” You coo, reaching your hand out for Tommy to take, “Joel gets my pussy tonight,” You punctuate with a grind of your pussy down onto his mouth, “But I can help you, if you want.” 
He’s standing at the edge of the bed in minutes, his hand pressing into the back of your neck, not unlike how he tries to work the knots from there when you watch TV together. It’s soft and it’s loving and a complete juxtaposition to the vice grip that Joel’s fingers currently have on your hips. 
Your lips are impossibly close to Tommy’s, you could easily lean forward and kiss him, instead, you have a demand, “Take off your pants.” 
Tommy’s hands start to undo the belt holding his jeans up, so you turn your attention back to Joel between your thighs. He is expertly holding you right on the edge, you’re mewling and whining as he tongue works you to the edge, and then pulls away, moving down to gather more of your slick on his tongue. 
You drop your head and catch his eyes looking up at you, “You gonna tease me all night, Miller?” You ask, voice cracking as he makes a point to suckle on your clit, making you cry out, “Fuck, make me come, please Joel.” 
All of a sudden, Tommy’s hand is on your face, pulling your mouth to his own in a searing kiss as he guides your hand to his cock. You’re moaning, a combination of the fact that any second, Joel’s mouth is going to have you screaming and the fact that it’s Tommy kissing you, his cock you’re currently pumping through your fist. It’s delicious and it’s filthy and it should feel all shades of wrong, but it fucking doesn’t. 
You feel it in your legs first, the way they begin to shake and pulse and your thighs clamp around Joel’s face. Then you feel it in your abdomen, like a knot unfurling all at once as pleasure bursts over every inch of your skin. Your mouth detaching from Tommy’s, so you can cry out his brother’s name as you feel yourself almost collapse onto him. 
“Such a good girl,” Tommy breathes into your ear, your hand still firmly held around his cock, “So good when you come for us like that.” 
You feel Joel’s hands tapping at the cheeks of your ass, telling you to lift yourself off his face which you do, dragging yourself down enough so that you’re sat across his chest, not caring that your leaking pussy is dragging slick all over him. His face is covered, covered in you. He’s grinning up at you like the devil, tongue circling his mouth to clean your taste from wherever he can reach. 
“I gotta be inside you, pretty girl.” You can hear his gruff voice speak. 
Tommy immediately moves back from you so you can settle yourself down on the bed. You start on your back, but Joel moves you to lie on your side. He’s still fully clothed behind you, but when he presses himself up against you, you can feel his thick cock straining in his jeans. 
“Take your clothes off.” Is all you can manage to whine as Tommy settles on his knees on the space in front of you, taking the back of your head in the palm of his hand to bring your mouth to his cock. 
Joel shuffles away from you and you feel the mattress lighten as he gets off the bed to shed his clothes. You almost wish you could watch, there’s something about the way Joel reveals his body to you that drives you wild. The way he drags his shirt off to reveal his broad frame, chest peppered with hair, or the way his cock bounces when he finally pulls off his underwear. But right now, you’re focused on making your man feel good. 
You’re making sure that you’re doing it exactly as Tommy likes, almost telling him through the ministrations of your mouth how grateful you are for him, for this being his idea, for loving you enough and trusting you enough to let someone else give you what he cannot. You’re giving all the attention of your tongue to the head of Tommy’s weeping cock, tasting the salt and musk of his pre-cum, using one had to pump the base of his cock. 
You can feel Joel settle back behind you, pressing his entire body against your own, hard cock slipping through the slick folds of your cunt as he settles himself in the right position, then, he’s taking hold of your leg, hand in the crux of your knee to pull it up, baring his prize. He slowly inches his cock inside your tight heat and suddenly it’s all a little overwhelming. 
You’re giving the love of your life the kind of head you’ve only ever seen in porn, Tommy taking most of the control to thrust in and out of your mouth. You’re pretty sure the tears falling from your eyes are a mixture of his length hitting the back of your throat and the overwhelming emotion, love, and admiration you feel for both the men who are crowding your body, owning it, taking what they both want, one of them hopefully leaving you with what you want. 
You pull your face away from Tommy’s cock for a moment, still giving his length the attention it needs, but you let yourself lean into Joel behind you, his cock still moving languidly inside you. He’s got one of his arms snaked under your neck, your head leant against his arm like a pillow, his other hand holding your leg up so that every time his cock brushes inside you, it’s hitting that damn spot that makes you want to cry. 
“Look at you, lucky girl,” Joel growls into your ear as his lifts your leg up higher, pushing it almost to lie flat aagainst your side, “One cock in that pretty little pussy, another in your mouth,” You let a moan, muffled by the fact that Tommy is currently doing a slap-up job of fucking your throat, “He’s a lucky man,” Joel speaks again, “Bet that mouth feels divine.” 
“You ask nicely, she might oblige you, brother.” 
You feel him puff air through his nose in a chuckle, “I’m quite happy right where I am,” He speaks, pumping his cock so deep inside you that you actually think you can see stars, “You’re a lucky son-of-a-bitch gettin’ this for the rest of your life.” 
“She’s special, I’ll give you that.” 
It’s like you have to prove him right now. You can feel the walls of your pussy clenching around Joel as he picks up his pace. You can feel his balls slapping into your skin with every thrust, the power behind them causing your mouth to take Tommy cock deeper into your mouth every time. 
“Sugar, I ain’t gonna last much longer.” You hear him speak from above you. 
You pull off him, again letting your hand work him as you look up at his through your lashes, “You want me to swallow for you, baby?” You asked, wondering what you must look like when he looks down at you, fucked out from his brother, begging for him to come down your throat. 
“There’s an offer I cannot refuse,” Tommy grins, letting your mouth take him back inside the warmth, “Such a good girl.” 
He only lasts a few more seconds, cum hitting your tongue and seeping down your throat. You swallow down every drop, grinning up at Tommy. He leans down and plants a kiss to your lips, and now your focus is on Joel, thick and solid, pumping his cock in and out of you. 
“You focus on Joel now, sugar,” He croons, “I’m gonna sit back and watch you have fun.” 
As soon as Tommy has moved away from you, Joel is pulling his cock from your pussy, turning you onto your back before he’s crowding his frame over you, settling between your thighs. You’re pliant and you move easily when he hooks your legs over his shoulders, folding you back as he slips his cock back inside you. 
You’re gripping his arms as he fucks into you in earnest now, tip of his cock bruising your cervix with every thrust, you know he’ll have half-moon shaped marks on his arms come the morning, they’ll match the bruises he always leaves on your hips, the shape of his fingertips indented into your skin. 
“God fuckin’ damnit,” Joel groan, head falling to the column of your throat to graze teeth and lips over your delicate skin, “Gonna come so deep in this fuckin’ pussy it won’t have a choice but to take, you hear me, pretty girl?” 
“Fuck!” You exclaim, as he shifts just enough to change the angle that his cock is spearing into you, “Joel please.” 
“Please what?” He teases, “What do you want, babygirl?” 
“Inside,” You breath out, “Want you inside.” 
“Yeah, want me to make you a mama?” You can feel tears pooling in your eyes, “No need to cry, pretty girl,” He leans down, folding you in half even more, almost uncomfortable, to kiss away the tears, “Gonna give you what you need.” 
He thankfully moves back a little, stopping your bones from screaming at you for being folded so inhumanely, then his thumb is on your clit, “Only gonna make you a mama if you come with me,” Joel smirks, “Deal?” 
“Oh god – fuck – whatever you want,” You cry, “Please, give me what I want.” 
His thumb is relentless on your already sensitive clit, those tight circles have you clenching around him and when you look into his eyes you know he’s just as close as you are, “That’s it baby, you keep those big, beautiful eyes on me,” Joel’s hips are snapping into your with a force you didn’t know you could feel, it’s entirely too much and entirely too little all at the same time, “Can feel that tight little pussy suckin’ me in,” You cry out as his thumb falters and drags across your clit in a way that has that not threatening to unfurl yet again, “It’s alright baby, if you come, I’ll follow, yeah?” 
That’s exactly what happens. His thumb traces wet circles over your clit and you do exactly as he says. You keep your eyes wide open, staring directly into his own, as your mouth falls open with a screech as your vision clouds. Whatever happens, Joel is right behind you, his cock pounds into at most, twice more, before he’s growling your name through his teeth, cum painting every inch of your pussy. He drops your legs from his shoulders, and falls forward, letting his head rest in the crook of your neck as you both fight to catch your breath.
You wrap your arms around him but it’s all too soon before he’s pulling himself out of you, a kiss to your cheek as he does so. You’re spent and you’re aching and if you’re honest, a little overwhelmed. Joel dresses quickly, and you wish you could ask him to stay, wish he didn’t feel the need to run away, but you know it’s for the best. Tommy tells you he’ll see him out and come to bed, so you roll over and pull yourself under the sheets, trying to warm yourself from the cool air that’s spattering across the sweat of your skin. 
Tommy is back within minutes having seen Joel off. He shed his clothes and moves right up behind you, gathering you into his arms. He takes some time to press kisses into your neck and across your shoulders and for some reason, it sets your belly on fire. How have you been fucked so thoroughly by another man, this man’s own brother, and now you’re aching for this man behind you. 
“I love you so much, Tommy,” You whisper into the dark, clutching at his arms wrapped around you, “So fucking much.” 
“I love you too baby,” He whispers into your ear, stilling your hips as they grind back into him, “Enough of that, I’ll give you what you want tomorrow.” 
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daytaker · 5 months
The Gang React to You Saying You Hate Them
As a disclaimer, I'm going to say that these are reactions to you saying it and meaning it, not just being silly or dramatic. However, I'm also kind of assuming in most cases that this is NOT you saying "I am terminating our relationship entirely and this hate thing is a permanent situation."
The rest of the characters are below the cut.
"Very well. You're entitled to your opinion."
Depending on the situation, he might just shrug it off. It isn't like he hasn't dealt with his fair share of unfair whining from people who are upset with him. It would probably take a pretty emotionally charged situation for him to actually take you seriously.
In that case, he probably wouldn't quite know what would be best to do. He'd give you your space, but generally speaking, his demeanor wouldn't be significantly different. If things remain tense for more than a few days, he'll probably attempt to do the mature thing and sit down with you for a conversation to talk through your differences.
"Pfft! No ya don't!"
Stage 1. Denial. You're so full of it. You couldn't possibly hate him, the Great Mammon, the first demon you ever made a pact with. You're just blowing off some steam. You'll get over it in a minute or two.
Stage 2. Anger. It's been a minute or two. You aren't backing down. Well, whatever! He isn't gonna sit around and let some whiny human talk shit about him! So he's going to maturely stomp to his room and maturely slam the door and maturely turn up some music obnoxiously loud.
Stage 3. Bargaining. Brooding has done whatever good it might have done, so he'll start to think of ways to change your mind about hating him. He's really an awesome guy, so it shouldn't be that hard. Obviously, the best way to let someone know you care is by spending money on them. So he'll go out on the town with a credit card and max it out on objects that are very pretty and shiny but really aren't your taste. (The fact that Mammon's taste is not the same as everyone else's taste mystifies him.)
Stage 4. Depression. The shopping trip having earned him nothing but abuse from Lucifer, he'll spend some time cooped up in his room and mope and sulk but definitely not cry, because how pathetic do you think he is? He ain't cryin' over one puny human!
Stage 5. Acceptance? Wait just a minute. You're so full of it. You couldn't possibly hate him, the Great Mammon, the first demon you ever made a pact with. He should stop sulking and go talk to you. Definitely not to beg you to forgive him or anything, but maybe if you squinted, it might look like that. Please don't hate him. Please?
"...I guess I should have known."
This is one of the choices that leads you straight to a bad ending. Ignoring him is one thing. Teasing him is another thing. Snapping at him when you're annoyed hurts, but he can justify it. But if you tell Levi you hate him, it will take a monumental amount of effort to undo that damage.
He'll probably assume you've always hated him, and that your friendliness was all an act. He won't be willing to take you at your word if you if you try and tell him that you didn't mean it, because how is he supposed to know that you aren't lying this time?
If he's (relatively) calm:
"You don't actually mean that. You sound like a child."
His reaction is a little bit like Lucifer's in this case; he'll leave you alone for awhile and not try to keep up the conversation. He won't really believe you actually hate him either. But he is a lot more insecure than Lucifer, so there's a part of him that nags at him... What if they actually hate you? He'll probably be irritable and difficult to approach when those thoughts are especially prevalent. Unfortunately, this is the sort of situation where Satan is immobilized by conflicting thoughts on what's going on, so it will probably be up to you to start a conversation and talk about whatever happened.
If he's very angry:
"Get out of here if you don't want to get hurt."
Whether that's a threat or a warning can be up to interpretation. I imagine that, as the Avatar of Wrath, there's a part of him that feeds on hate, so if Satan was a different sort of character, he'd say something like 'You fool! You're only increasing my power level!' But Satan being Satan, he'll spend some time in whatever room you've left him in and trash it before he calms down, feels extremely ashamed, sulks and/or broods for awhile at a complete loss for how to fix things without rolling over and looking completely pathetic, and, quite possibly, works himself up into another burst of rage from sheer frustration.
Ultimately, he'll probably be more comfortable talking things out through texts than in person (or starting the conversation with a text, then speaking face to face).
"Hahaha... What...?"
He won't believe you for a second! Partly because, silly, of course you don't hate him, but also because his worldview does not allow for the possibility that someone he cares about might hate him. If he even considers the possibility that you might possibly, hypothetically mean it, he's in for an entire, earth-shattering identity crisis.
If you don't apologize pretty quickly or at least amend the statement to something he can accept, Asmo will head up to his room and hole up in there for awhile, obsessively tracking his social media accounts and pampering himself in the bathroom. You're lying, though. Look at this face! It's impossible to truly hate a face as beautiful as his.
"Oh... Sorry..."
First he'll look like a deer in the headlights, and then he'll look like a kicked puppy. If he understands what led you to say this, he'll try and fix it, but if he doesn't, he will... (Select an answer below.)
A) Play video games with Levi. B) Go clubbing with Asmo. C) Eat. D) Learn to break dance.
If you guessed C) Eat, then you've been paying attention during your Obey Me! lessons.
And honestly. Honestly! Why would you say something like that? Maybe he's not your favorite brother, but we all know it's simply not possible to actually hate Beel. We all know you're full of it. So knock it off.
"...Beel, did you hear something?"
Yep, Belphie is going to pull out all the pettiness he can scrounge up. He believes that the best defense is a good offense, and he's a pro. He'll act haughty and unbothered, ignoring you and looking entirely unbothered between sulking sessions under the covers.
Pettiness aside, you have, knowingly or otherwise, tapped into a source of deep anxiety in your relationship with Belphie. He has not forgotten the whole...incident that took place when you freed him from the attic. He knows that, reasonably, you probably should hate him, and it's amazing to him that you don't seem like you do.
Once tempers have cooled, it might be worthwhile to talk over what happened back then, just the two of you. It was pushed aside too quickly, and you both probably have things you wish you'd said.
"It seems I've upset you. Please know that I never meant to offend you."
He'll see that you're angry with him and give you your space, but he won't be as torn up about this as some of the others. Why? He simply won't believe you.
He has seen your soul, and it is not the soul of a hater.
Yeah, get in line. Considering the amount of time travel shenanigans this guy has probably pulled, I have no doubt he has amassed more than his fair share of enemies. More than that, he already knows this is just you blowing off steam. Like Diavolo and Lucifer, this is just water off a duck's back.
Although, depending on how irritated he's feeling at the time of the incident, he may or may not wear a smirk as he gives his noncommittal response. Barbatos might be the man with the multiverse in the palm of his hand, but he is not above being petty. Watch your back for a few days.
"Ah... It seems I've hit a nerve! I think I'll give you some time to cool down."
He'll back off and leave you to manage your anger in peace. Then he'll settle in to focus on some project or another that requires his undivided attention. He doesn't want to deal with all the unpleasantness that your words stirred up. Honestly, didn't he get past this sort of thing a few centuries ago? What's a little spat between friends? You don't actually hate him; not after all he's done for you. He can't possibly be feeling insecure...?
Nope, all he's feeling is itchy because of the toxic gas that's starting to pour out of his cauldron. He should open a window.
The Angels
I can't even do Simeon and Luke, because they'd both just be so confused and sad that I'm not sure where I'd go with it besides scolding you for being a bully. You don't just say "I hate you" to angels who are either extremely sweet and attractive or actual children.
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hi dear just wondering if you're taking request? If not then feel free to ignore me but I was wondering what or how would the yandere twisted wonderland boys react to a willing reader who actually finds there yandere tendencies hot and endearing and actually does not mind being locked up or the reader is just generally obsessed as they are with them hahaha sorry if it's to hard but if you find it uncomfortable then feel free to ignore me dear
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Yandere-Obsessed | Yandere Twisted Wonderland x Reader
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Malleus Draconia
“I will never let you leave my sights again!”
“Why would I ever?” 
After nearly obliterating those he feels as though are a threat to your health
He snaps 
With glowing green eyes, he refuses to let you go despite any protests you may have
But you have none 
Immediately jumping into the near-dragon amalgamation’s arms as you lovingly rub your cheek against him
“I’m so happy, you feel the same!” 
“Wait…does…this mean you purposefully orchestrated the incident?”
“Hehehe maybe?”
“...You love me as well?”
“Ohh Malleus I adore you!”
He’s near melting 
You guys are the couple that sits in public places with hardly any space between you as your constantly looking into each other's eyes
Its a fight should anyone intervene
On both ends
Sebek’s reeling but he gains a whole lot of respect when you easily threaten his life
Malleus and you are in your own world
Most people don’t get killed only because you two are so focused on one another no one really penetrates your bubble
“My child of man it felt as if my heart was torn in two! I can breathe now that your in my arms again!”
“Oh Mal-Mal!”
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Jack Howl
“W-wait (Y/n) i-its not what you think!”
“Really? It looks like that guy was suffocated to death and your burying him.”
“You can’t bury him yet until we remove any and all traces of you! See!? Your nail marks are a dead-giveaway!”
“Here we should just burn this part that way no one will know!”
“Of course, baby.”
He’s always felt guilty for the stuff he was doing in your name
But to see you his beloved, his mate assure him
Brings him an air of confidence
Now he knows that you acknowledge him and will even defend him
Like a true mate!
He’s so pleased he doesn’t have to fight you to accept him
Rather he’s fighting you from doing the same
It just makes him so embarrassed you care for him
“Love you don’t need to do away with the other contestants!”
“But look at your blush! You won’t mind it all that much you can step down from your high horse for me? Right?”
“...Fine b-but you promise to spend the rest of the night kissing me, right!?”
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Idia Shroud
“Y-you knew I was watching? T-the whole time?!” 
“Yup! I’m surprised you hardly noticed the ones I had on you!”
Any semblance of the love-obsessed mad scientist is diminished by your overwhelming display of love
He’s too busy reeling from that obsessed look you give him
He’s so easy to dominate from then on
Avidly obeying all your promises to terminate anyone who talks to him 
All with a love-obsessed blush on his face
But even with your reciprocated love, he’ll eventually want for more
Whether he convinces himself you're faking it or that you are trying to outshine his love
He’s turning the tables on you 
Coming up with something that will really blow your socks off
Something to show you he is the ultimate yandere in this relationship
“Darling, how clever you summoned the robots of S.T.Y.X to eliminate all your rivals. But believe me, I will do the same.”
“Hehe you misunderstand, muffin! They’re aren’t only here to eliminate my rivals but there also going to escort you to my love dungeon!”
“Love dungeon?”
“Yeah, how’s that for yandere!? I love you more than anyone even you can’t compete with me!”
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Jamil Viper
“So if my suspicions are right you’ve been using snake whisper so that they’ll all stay away from me, right?”
“Don’t look so tense I wanted to thank you! And I wanted to ask if you noticed my own attempts to be noticed by you?”
He’s usually on top of it when it comes to knowing about you and hiding his feelings at the same time
But he completely skimmed over your various attempts to reciprocate his violent-obsessive tendencies
He’s reluctant to believe you 
But when he does he’s falling even more in love
He plans to occupy all your time
And doesn’t mind when you start sleeping at Scarabia just to be closer to him 
He loves it so much
He acts so much goofier because he’s falling in love all over again
“You better not be lying to me about this…”
“Trance me if you really want to know!”
“Maybe I will.”
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givemefevrr · 3 months
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Enhypen as Subs (OT6 only)
Pairings: sub!members x fem!reader
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We all know he has a praise kink, it’s cannon at this point. This boy would just melt if you told him he was doing a good job.
His moans would be so pretty, because we all know, being able to sing means he definitely has a good voice. He wouldn’t be loud though, he would be on the quieter side, like the polite boy he is, but he for sure does loose control every now and then.
He would love having his nipples played with–he'd be such a sensitive little thing, begging you to keep going and that he feels so good.
He would call you mommy on accident, muffled by pillows or your skin, and not even remember when you bring it up later, feeling humiliated about it.
Heeseung would be the type of sub who just wants to be taken care of and showered with love. He would beg you to peg him and he’d whine into the pillows as you do so. And when he's sub!topping, he would want you to ride him while he nuzzles into your neck or chest, holding onto every part of you he can.
He would want to make you feel good so badly, but he can’t do two things at once. He probably gets overstimulated very easily. He’s legit a pillow princess when both topping or bottoming (which I guess lives up to his nickname, Princess). But he’d make up for it afterwards if you didn’t cum and would eat you out just the way you like it because he just wants to be the good boy he knows he is. He’s just so sweet honestly.
Don’t even get me started on this man. It could go one of two ways, Jake could either be the brattiest sub or the sweetest sub ever. But one thing's for sure, he is needy as hell which overrules pretty much everything.
He may start off with slow and soft kisses, wanting to savor every moment, but he can't help but rut against you like a desperate little puppy. His sex drive is endless and he can cum over and over again, but still beg for more.
Bro would not be subtle whatsoever. He’d be LOUD loud, letting out whiny moans left and right, basically screaming curses, and he wouldn’t give a shit. In fact, he might even enjoy the idea of being heard by others.
Now, when he's feeling bratty, he becomes a total menace. Not in a teasing, tempting way, but more like borderline annoying. He'll push all your buttons and run you ragged until you're begging him to let you touch him. It's all just a game to him, and at that point, he's just messing with you for his own amusement.
He’ll ask to take things slow but he’ll end up humping anything he can come in contact with until he gets his cock in you. Sure, he might be up for getting pegged every now and then, but let's be real, he loves pussy too much to pass it up.
Let's not forget his insane oral fixation— this man would give the best head you've ever had. It's like a mind-blowing, life-changing experience. He loves to look up at you while he's doing it, hoping for some hair pulling or praise because he craves your validation, even though he knows he's doing an amazing job.
Okay despite my first post, I think Sunghoon could actually be a really good sub. He's just such a sweet and considerate guy, and that quality would definitely translate into bed.
He's the type to shower you with affection and want nothing more than to please you beyond measure. Unlike Heeseung and Jake, Sunghoon would beg for you to use him for your own pleasure. He loves the feeling of being at your mercy and would eagerly give control over to you.
This possibly shifts over into more service!top territory, but the sub is definitely still there. He enjoys giving up control and letting his partner take charge. He'll never make demands or ask for something, but instead he'll wait for you to tell him what to do. He likes the feeling of not being in control of himself for once.
He would love to finger you with those pretty hands of his because you love it. He loves anything you love. If you love the weirdest shit ever, so would he, just because it makes you happy. He’s not even the most into pegging, but if you wanted to make him fall apart on your fingers, he’d let you.
Sunghoon would likely be more on the quiet and calm side, but not because he's shy like Heeseung. Instead, he's focused on paying attention to your needs and reactions. He loves seeing you feel good and it brings him joy to be the source of that pleasure.
I'll be honest, I have a hard time picturing Jay as a sub. But if he were, I imagine he would also be head over heels for you and would do anything to make you happy.
He would constantly crave physical contact and would be the clingy type who wants to be pressed against you all night long. He would even whine if you try to separate from him.
Contrast to Sunghoon, he wouldn’t wait for you to tell him what to do every time—he’s more desperate and beggy than Sunghoon is. If he wants to touch you, he’ll beg for it. If he wants to eat you out, he’ll beg for it. He’ll take initiative for himself and beg you to ride his face.
He would be more reserved than Sunghoon too. He may not be as open to letting you try new things on him, but when it comes to trying new things on you, he'll do you want him to.
He would be open to being tied down though, and quite likes it when he gets the chance to be. He would be quieter too generally, and not make much noise—but that depends on the situation. When he’s tied down and has no control over what happens, his inhibitions die and the moans flow right out.
He would want to see your face at all times, always needing to make sure you’re okay and happy. Again, just another sweet guy.
While Jake may seem like one of the only bratty ones, but Sunoo would take it to a whole new level. He would be the brattiest brat ever and tbh, it's great. It’s not annoying, and he would do it in a way that, unlike Jake, would be tempting and teasing.
He would initiate it with small touches and when you eventually react, he would act all innocent. He loves it when you take control and would like things a little rougher too. And we all know he would be loud asf, as his singing voice is no joke. So, you can expect him to let the whole building know how good you're making him feel.
He’s definitely more of the sub that just wants to be taken care of. Another pillow princess indeed. His thought process is that you wouldn't do anything to him that you wouldn't enjoy yourself. And let's be real, he's probably right. And with that reasoning doesn’t think he’ll have to do much work in return.
The whole the brat persona would hold up throughout the whole experience. He would tease and push your buttons, knowing just how to turn you on—like whining phrases he knows you like or pushing you away because it’s “too much”— but then giggles soon after upon seeing how worked up it gets you. He would be able to suppress his reactions when certain things he’s into (maybe if you degrade him a little) affect him, but you can see through him, with the slight falter in his expression and a gulp of his Adams Apple as he tries to ground himself.
Afterwards, Sunoo would beg for aftercare cuddles and snuggles. He would be so sweet, endearing and needy for love and kisses.
With his hardworking and dedicated nature, I can see Jungwon being a service!top sometimes. But I think with him being so hardworking and dedicated, he would find it hard for him to wind down normally, so subbing would probably be his way to be able to do so.
Jungwon would probably be a bit similar to Heeseung in the way that he would turn into a full on sub—like just lay there and whine while you bounce on his cock type of stuff. He would be the type of person to fall into a subspace really easily, as he’s stressed out so much all the time.
He would just want you to take care of him and hold him and give him whatever you’re willing to give. He would be quiet for you too, only able to make out small punctuated moans on every beat.
He’s the type to crawl into bed with you and immediately lock onto your lips, clinging to you, looking halfway to falling asleep and halfway to falling under into a subspace, begging you to make him feel good and to make him forget about his day.
He would also likely have some sort of kink for praise or affirmation, as it would make him feel all comfortable and giddy inside knowing that all of his work and effort is being seen and appreciated.
Jungwon would be a whore for sleepy sex, he would beg you to do it in the morning, if not to just let him slip into a subspace and eat you out to mentally prepare himself for another hard day.
On times where he’s not in a subspace, he would be so eager to please you, he would go to above and beyond to make sure you love every second with him, whether it be sucking extra hard on your clit or fucking into you faster, he’ll do it with out you even asking, waiting for you’re words of approval soon after he does so.
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hazbinhappy · 3 months
Hi! First of all, happy spring break! I hope you enjoy your time off! ♡
I love Husk so much, he needs love to heal his dead heart 💔 so maybe femreader who's at the hotel with everyone and he finds himself catching feelings. And it terrifies the hell outta him. He hasn't felt anything like it in so so long, maybe nothing ever this strong. He has no idea what to do about it but the longer he's around her, it becomes more and more difficult to keep his feelings to himself. (If you like angst, maybe he pushes her away at first and she's hurt by it and it leads to a blow up which ends in his confession.)
Aaaand an idea for Overlord!Husk. We still don't know much about that part of his story, but let's say one of the souls he owns is readers. How he got her soul can be up to you. He starts to develop real feelings for her but she doesn't think they're genuine since she thinks she's just his "pet"
A/N: I am enjoying my spring break! Just lounging around, playing video games, and drawing! And of course writing and doing matchups! I hope I do these two well! I separated them with separate gifs! I changed up the first one a bit! god i just love overlord husk my man my man my man i went so hard on this for husk actually not being my top favorite (he is a top 3 three) I decided to mix the singer one with this overlord husk due to catching feels and being sweet <3
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I feel like he is someone who clocks his feelings quickly or ignores the fuck outta them until he can’t anymore
I think in his past life he may have been married, but divorced because of his alcoholism and gambling addiction
So when he meets you he’s fine in the beginning. You’re just a soul who is trying out this redemption thing. So what?
But then you start to come to the bar more and more often. You don’t even get alcoholic drinks. Just Shirley Temple’s or non-alcoholic versions of drinks.
It confuses him because why come to the bar, silently have a drink, and then leave?
Eventually you start to talk with him, but you’re sober. You’re not drunkenly confessing anything, you’re just making light conversation, maybe a thing or two about your past or current life.
Soon, maybe a couple months, he starts opening up too and enjoys having conversations with you and in fact looks forward to when your freetime matches up so you can talk or even play cards (“What’s on the table?” “It’s just a friendly game of poker, Husk. Nothing more, nothing less.”)
Angel teases him one day about how he’s smiling more and seems to perk up whenever he hears your voice or even the mention of your name
That’s when it really sets into his mind and he starts to think about it.
Unfortunately that soon leads to him becoming avoidant and shut off from conversations leading to the same on your end as well before evolving into you guys simply not talking anymore
This actually upsets Angel and Charlie (moreso Charlie, but Angel decides to take care of it because we all know how Charlie can get a bit too involved in things)
Angel and you have a little heart to heart and Angel just…. He just laughs because it’s funny to him! You two are old souls who used to be married (and divorced) and y’all don’t know how to handle love anymore!
Angel comes up with this big grandiose plan on to confess but you settle on just a simple “smoke break” confession/trapping him on a break
Husk is standing on the balcony for a breather as you slip in behind him. He goes to leave but you purposefully block the door.
It’s a back and forth mini-argument. You planned on confessing first, but then he just blurts it out like a middle schooler admitting his first crush.
It’s a bit silly. This old man just blurts out his feelings as you’re standing there silent.
It’s a sweet moment to though because you give him a hug and cheek kiss (sorry I am a sucker for those I find them adorable) before confessing as well
Thankfully the hotel can run as normal without all the tension
Poor Alastor though he was loving all the misery and sadness coming from you two, mainly from Husk; he provided no real good advice
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Did you know that most casinos don’t have clocks or windows so you don’t know how long you’ve been there and keep staying :D
So the only person with a watch is Husk and that is like a hidden pocket watch that he only checks when he gets a drink
I think that reader may have been one of the first souls he got! Or maybe the first he got specifically for the casino. He wanted some entertainment for the place to also keep people coming or staying so that’s what he uses your soul for!
He probably just smooth talked you into it or you made a silly bet and lost so you now have to work for him. So your relationship doesn’t necessarily start bad because you don’t hate him depending on if you choose the losing bet option, but if you choose the tricked option then it doesn’t start off well
Eventually it does get better over the years!
He starts to pay you a bit more and finally allow people to tip you; he doesn’t mind if you gamble because I like to believe that he houses people in an area above the casino so he has another layer of control as well
He tells his workers whether or not it’s daytime if they ask in private; when people know what time it is for your show they’ll be an announcement of like “Show in thirty minutes” so patrons are still in the dark about the actual time
He now doesn’t visit your shows with the idea “Yeah I own them”, but instead “Aren’t they gorgeous and saying a good job, say they’re doing a good job or I’ll fucking cut you-”
 At this particular show you sing “Once Upon a Dream” (a song from your favorite movie as a child Sleeping Beauty came out in 1959) just to change it up from all of the loud game noises and yells in the casino
When you look over at Husk with that sweet smile and look as you walk around, even running your fingers across the back of his chair before doing so to some other people
It makes him feel giddy for some reason even though he wasn’t the only person who you gently touched… but he was the only person who you gave that look to
After your shift ends and you’re in the dressing room grabbing your things, he was leaning on the doorway smoking a cigar
“So, doll, do you look at everyone that way when you sing or just me?”
“Jesus, Husk! Warn a person before you sneak up on them.”
 “Apologies, so?”
“...Well…um…the song-”
“No is a sufficient answer.”
“No… I don’t look at everyone that way when I sing.”
“Mmm, nice to know. Have a good night.”
It’s not necessarily an odd conversation, but it’s not solidified in what you guys feel about each other
It is very flirty between y’all though and it’s known that you are off-limits and your are his
You question it a lot (and so do other people) considering he owns your soul and he specifically made you an entertainment piece at his casino, but he definitely takes you out and lets you have more freedom than the other souls, so your worries aren’t completely squashed, but you feel better
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kachowden · 1 year
hihi!! can you say more about cameron?
Cameron (Yandere Therepaist) Facts and Info
Tw: Mild Yandere themes, Nsfw mentions
In terms of what type of yandere Cameron is, he’s actually a fairly manageable one.
You have to keep in mind, that before you came into the picture he was a normal dude.
I mean a wealthy normal dude but yknow still normal. Went on dates. Experienced break ups. Though after college he focused more on his career than anything.
As a romantic partner, he’s actually quite the romantic. Maybe a bit more, marital, in his behavior, likely referring to you both as if you’ve been wed already, but other than that he’s really not that bad
He’s very willing to help around house, and will gladly assume the role of either being the breadwinner or the househusband.
Money isn’t really a problem for Cameron, the problem is that he can’t help himself but to spend it all on you.
Expect a lot of gifts. Constantly. On random occasions. It doesn’t even have to be a holiday
Realistically you could probably give him a compliment one day and within a few hours he’ll be a blushing mess handing you a new present wrapped with a pretty bow. (He’s good with his hands)
While Cameron is willing to clean the house and take care of any of your needs, I will admit he’s not the best cook.
If he offers to make something for you, I’d recommend takeout instead.
Now if we have a look at his more, not so great qualities, it’d be important to mention his jealousy problem.
He’s good at hiding it in public don’t get me wrong! He’s pretty well behaved when it comes to someone flirting with you in front of him
A charming smile, a hand on your hip, a kiss on your cheek, simple stuff like that to get the other person to take a hint.
If all else fails he may call the cops and report them to authorities as a dangerous criminal. Whyd they confess to a bunch of crimes they didn’t even commit? Who knows.
Despite how he acts in public though, at home it’s a considerably different story.
He’s not an angry guy, but everyone has their limits.
And sometimes he needs to blow off some steam after having those limits tested.
If he’s feeling more neglected and needy, then expect a night full of worship and adoration.
He’s on his knees all night for you. Consider yourself pillow royalty for the night. Just make sure you have your attention on him the whole time.
And if you’re feeling particularly sweet, you can have fun reducing him to tears as well! He’ll definitely let you take the reigns.
He wants you to remember how wonderful of a partner he is. How obedient he can be. How good he can make you feel, and how no one else will make you feel this way.
If he’s feeling particularly ignored or disrespected though, you’ll be on the receiving end of some deliciously exhausting hours.
He won’t hurt you, no not in a million years.
But he might take you so many times that either your brain turns to mush or are reduced to tears.
All while he keeps whispering how much he loves you in your ear
How much you need him. How he should be the only one allowed to touch you like this.
But on nights where you’ve merely been gone for a long time, just expect to come home to a wonderful partner, dressed in the most revealing of clothes, and ready to service you however you want.
A/N: tysm for the support anon <3
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angelwonie · 2 years
LIKE YOU || choi yeonjun
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PAIRING: fuckboy!yeonjun x fem!reader
GENRE(S): smut, fluff, slowburn, college!au
SUMMARY: when your school’s infamous fuckboy, choi yeonjun, sets his eyes in you, he's determined in his mission to make you his. only the task turns out harder than he'd initially expected.
WARNINGS: smut [unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), praise, overstimulation, slight corruption kink], consumption of alcohol, smoking, yeonjun is a menace and a flirt
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Choi Yeonjun didn’t mean to fall in love with you. 
Really, he didn’t. He didn’t plan on falling in love with anybody, actually. He just wasn’t the type of guy to chase after one girl, especially one who showed no initial interest in him. 
Until you came along, that is.
“Gosh, did you really break up with her? And here I was, thinking this one would actually last longer than two weeks.”
Yeonjun only rolls his eyes in response to his friend’s nagging, his back resting against the cold stonewall of the school as his shoes sink into the soft grass surrounding them. It's the place he, Soobin and Taehyun go to complain about homework, classmates, or in his case, girls, and it was carefully chosen by them so as not to catch the attention of any annoyingly nosy teachers. It is also the place he usually brings girls to make out with – at least those he won’t even bother taking out on a date since they’re way too boring. Most people would be surprised to know just how many girls aren't worth knowing. 
He sighs deeply, fidgeting a little with the hem of his ripped jeans before fetching a pack of cigarettes from the pocket. His eyes scan the area subconsciously, not searching for anyone in particular but looking for anything interesting to latch onto. “Oh, quit complaining, Soobin. Why do you care, anyway? It’s not like she was your girlfriend.” 
‘Girlfriend’ is a bit too much of an exaggeration, even he has to admit – all that girl ever was to him was a quick fuck. Not that it matters. It doesn’t exactly occupy his thoughts whether she’s taking their ‘breakup’ well or not. He sighs, tearing his gaze away from the crowd as nothing – and nobody – catches his eye. Ignoring his friend’s judgemental stare, he lights a cigarette, bringing it to his lips and inhaling the calming aroma, before breathing out a cloud of smoke. 
“No, but she seemed to like you a lot.” Soobin says, and Yeonjun lets out a snort of laughter, which earns him another death stare from his friend. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll run out of girls to hook up with?” 
“I can always go to a bar and find some new ones. Seoul is full of girls, which makes it even more embarrassing that you’re incapable of finding yourself one.” 
“Oh, shut up. It’s not like you’ve ever had a proper relationship, either. I’d say that’s even more embarrassing.” 
“How is it embarrassing? I’m living the dream, man, admit it.” And as if to prove his point, he takes another drag of his cigarette, blowing the smoke directly into his friend’s frowning face. 
And then he looks at the crowd of students again, totally uninterested as always. At least until his eyes land on your frame and he’s suddenly feeling more interested than he’s ever felt before. Because, holy fuck, who is that girl and why has he never seen her before? For a moment, he’s just staring at you, eyes running over all your features as if not to forget any of them, mind racing with the thought that you might just be the prettiest girl he’s ever seen in his entire life. And then you disappear into the crowd again and all that’s left is his burning determination to make you his.
“Who was that girl?” He asks his friend, finger pointing in the direction of where you were standing just a moment ago. 
Thankfully, Soobin seems to have seen you, too. “Huh? Oh, her? That’s Y/N.”
“You know her?”
Raising a brow, he responds skeptically. “Yeah, why? She’s the class president in my class.”
Oh, wow. Class president. He's never been with a class president – mostly because all of their school talk was impossible to endure – but that shouldn't be much of a problem. You are still a girl, after all, and girls are his specialty. 
It only takes a few more questions directed at a not-so-happy Soobin to find out that you work as an assistant at the school library during breaks, and so Yeonjun has found his destination. He's so quick to run into the school that it's not before he's spent five minutes looking for the library that he realizes he has no idea where it is. Groaning in frustration, he asks one of the bypassers to show him the way, but it takes another three minutes for the girl to stop blushing and giggling, which makes Yeonjun question whether it's worth it to even go there.
But then he's reminded of how pretty you looked from a distance, and he knows he has to see you up close. So he lets the girl bring him to the library, and he's quick to realize that this might just be his least favorite place in the whole school. The room is filled with nothing but shelves of books and the girls who are sitting by the tables are nowhere near as pretty as he'd like. And they're also not even paying him a glance – something he finds a little weird. Now he just hopes you're good with your mouth, so that his time doesn't go to waste.
“Do you need help with anything?” 
He hears from behind him and yes, his eyes weren't playing tricks on him earlier – you're even prettier up close. Of course you'd come up to him first – he'd doubted your ability to take initiative since you are a class president, but it seems that he'd overestimated people's capability of resisting his good looks. You are just making his task so much easier. 
“Not really, no,” He grins widely, running his ring-clad fingers through his hair. “Just wanted to ask you if you’re free this weekend.” 
He watches as you scrunch up your nose in confusion – it’s kind of cute – and awaits your answer with the grin never leaving his face. If there’s anything he’s good at, it’s asking people out. Though the fact that he’s had a 100% success rate all his life probably helps with the confidence. You sigh a little and it brings him to reality, making him realize that you’re taking a little too much time thinking and too little time agreeing to go out with him. 
“Sorry,” You say finally, gaze so uninterested that it kind of reminds him of his. “I’m not interested.” 
And just like that, you walk away from him. Totally unfazed, too, like you didn’t just reject Choi fucking Yeonjun. It makes him furious. But for some unknown reason, it also makes him interested. And when Choi Yeonjun is interested in someone… Well, he’s not going to give up that easily. 
“What do you mean Choi Yeonjun asked you out?” One of your friends exclaims as you sit in the cafeteria, your hand quickly coming up to cover her mouth so that nobody hears what you’re talking about.
“Would you quiet down a little?” You hiss in her direction, removing your hand when she rolls her eyes. “I mean, he asked me out. When I was in the library. Just appeared out of nowhere, asking me if I have plans for the weekend.” 
“Oh my god, that’s amazing! What did you say?”
“No, obviously. Why would I wanna-”
“What do you mean you said no?!” There it is again – a high pitched squeak and a facial expression of someone who was just deeply offended. And knowing your friend, she probably is. “Are you fucking insane? Why wouldn’t you want to go out with the Choi Yeonjun? Literally every girl at this school would kill to get asked out by him.” 
“I wouldn’t,” You say, going back to your food. “He hooks up with every other girl he sees and smokes cigarettes. I don’t want anything to do with him.”
“Sure, you don’t,” You hear your friend scoff in annoyance, but this time you choose to ignore her. It’s not like you could ever convince her to stop admiring the guy, so why waste your oxygen trying? Honestly, it’s all getting on your nerves – how everyone seems to adore him. Girls want to date him and boys want to be him. You’ve never quite understood why. 
Not that it matters – now that you’ve told him off there’s no way he wants anything to do with you. Right?
You realize just how much you’re mistaken already the next day as you’re hurrying to class, four textbooks huddled in your arms as you push your way through the crowd. It's 9:21 and your class started six minutes earlier, leaving you with no choice but to pay no attention to your surroundings and focus on getting to the classroom. Which turns out to be a very bad idea the moment you run straight into something – no, someone – and drop all your books on the floor. Not to mention that it feels like you just broke your nose. 
“Ow,” You mutter under your breath, and you hear a low chuckle that makes you look up at the person you just ran into. And, holy shit, there's just no way someone can be this unlucky. 
“Where are you going in such a hurry, sweetheart?”
You furrow your brows at the one and only Choi Yeonjun, who's standing in front of you with his hands buried in his pockets and an annoyingly attractive smirk on his face as he eyes you up and down. Did he just call you sweetheart? You suppose he did. Not that you feel special or anything – he probably calls every girl that. 
Just like he probably picks up every girl's books when she drops them – which is what he's doing right now as you still try to recover from the shock of seeing him again after such a short time. You don't even get to protest as he kneels down, before picking them up and handing them to you with his cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. It should be a repulsive sight, but it's actually ridiculously attractive on him. 
“To class? Where else would I be going?” And before he gets to reply, you're already pushing past him to leave the conversation. But after barely two steps you feel his hand on your shoulder, turning you around to look at him again. “What are you doing? I need to go.”
“Come on, it won't kill your teacher to wait another five minutes,” He tilts his head to the side, studying your face so intensely that you're afraid he'll see the way you're not as calm as you appear to be. “Don’t you wanna go outside and take a cigarette with me?”
“I don't smoke,” You say. “Especially not with people like you.”
For a moment, you're scared he'll get mad at you for saying that, because his smirk drops and his eyes grow darker – as if what you said hit him a little too hard. But it's most probably just your imagination playing tricks on you, because in the blink of an eye he's smirking again, this time with a hint of amusement in his gaze. 
“People like me? What's that supposed to mean?” 
Um, I don't know, fuckboys who change girlfriends every week and don't give a shit about other people's feelings, maybe? But you don't say that out loud. Instead you shake his hand off of your shoulder and ignore the feeling that something's missing when you no longer feel his touch. 
“I have to get to class.”
And just like that, you walk away from him for the second time. Only this time, he's not the only one with this strange encounter on his mind. 
You've only met him twice, and both times you spoke with him only briefly, but that doesn't change the fact that Choi Yeonjun is the one occupying your mind for the next couple of days. What's even worse is that you're not sure just why you're thinking about him – whether it's because you've had enough of him, or the total opposite. But since you're a rational person, you settle with the first one: that you're simply thinking about him because you don't want to see him ever again.
That is actually something you've managed to do for the last few days – you haven't even seen him in the hallway. Which is refreshing, because it means you're back to normal, being the class president who can focus on school and not some annoying troublemaker. You've purged all thoughts of Yeonjun that were left in your head by the time you're in the cafeteria, hungry as hell. Saying a quick goodbye to your friends, you head over to one of the vending machines in order to buy yourself an iced coffee – you deserve it after all the schoolwork you've done today, that's for sure. 
When you've chosen your drink, you press your card against the sensor and wait for it to withdraw the money, but after a few seconds a message saying 'card rejected' pops up on the screen. You sigh softly, trying again. 
“What the fuck?” You mumble to yourself as your card gets rejected by the paying machine once again. 
“You sure you have enough money on that card, kitten?” 
You jump slightly at the sound of a voice barely two centimeters from your ear. Your hand instinctively comes up in order to cover your mouth to muffle your gasp as you turn around only to be met with a pair of deep brown eyes, belonging to none other than Choi Yeonjun himself. He only laughs at your reaction, letting one of his hands rest on your shoulder as he leans over the vending machine with his card between his fingers. 
“What are you doing?” You finally ask as he hands you your card, pressing his against the machine instead. 
“What do you mean?” He fetches the drink from the vending machine and holds it out in front of you, urging you to take it. 
“I mean, what do you think you're doing?”
“I’m paying for your coffee, that's what I'm doing,” He says it like it's the normal thing to do, but you both know this isn't how he usually acts. And it freaks you out, knowing that he's acting nicer than usual. Because what the fuck does he want? “Now would you please take this from my hands? It's a little rude not to thank me when I'm being so generous, don't you think?”
So you grab the drink, eyeing him cautiously as he walks over to the nearest table before plumping down on one of the cheap chairs. He looks so out of place here, with his dark hair and silver rings adorning his long fingers that have already fetched his phone from his pocket. You don’t recall ever seeing him here, actually – you’ve heard from your fanatic friends that he always eats lunch at the cafe close by the school. You’re not sure why –  maybe because he feels too cool to eat in the school cafeteria or maybe he wants to avoid all the giggling girls that are looking at him with eyes full of adoration. Whatever the reason, he never eats here. 
And yet he’s sitting right there, scrolling through his phone with no apparent wish to get out of the cafeteria anytime soon.
“Are you just gonna stand there or what?”
“Huh?” His words bring you back to reality and you realize you’ve just been standing a meter away from the table with your coffee clutched in your hand this entire time. You hadn’t even noticed that he’d looked up from his phone, that annoying smirk plastered back onto his features as he speaks.
“Aren’t you gonna sit down?” Seeing your expression, he chuckles softly, and for some reason you don’t find his laugh that annoying ��� it's quite pretty actually. Has a nice ring to it. Not that you care what his laugh sounds like, of course. “What, you don’t drink coffee with people like me, either?”
You don’t respond, instead opting for sitting down by the table, across from him. You’re not sure what possessed you to do that – whether it was the embarrassment from earlier or the way that Yeonjun’s burning gaze is too much to handle while standing up – but you don’t miss the jealous stares from the nearby-seated girls, reminding you that there’s literally no reason for you to be talking with Choi Yeonjun right now. Or ever, for that matter. 
“Give me your number,” He says once you’ve taken a sip of your drink, making you almost choke on it.
With a bewildered expression, you look at him and the phone he’s shoving in your direction. The ‘create a new contact’ function is open and it’s obvious he wants you to write your number there. For a moment, you’re about to do it, the way that he said it with so much confidence somehow making you weak in the knees even when sitting down. Now you can understand how he can pull every girl he wants. But then you’re able to think clearly again, and you realize that phone probably contains the numbers of tens of girls whom he’d hooked up with. 
And you know for a fact that you’re not about to become the next checked-off item on his list.
“Why would I give you my number?” You say to him, pushing the phone away from you on the table.
He raises an eyebrow in amusement, smiling a little wider at your response and it makes you groan internally. Why must he be so hard to upset? “God, you’re really stubborn, huh?” 
It annoys you that his voice holds an amused tone, and it annoys you that he finds your attempts at rejecting him funny. Shouldn’t someone like him – someone who isn't used to being pushed away by anyone – be much easier to discourage? Why is he so fucking persistent? Why is he ignoring your uninviting demeanor, when he could be chasing after any other girl – a girl who’d have no problem falling to her knees for him in the span of two seconds. But you suppose it’s partly your own fault since you’re not making any particular effort at leaving the scene.
“You don’t know anything about me.” You hope your voice sounds as confident as it did in your head when you let those words leave your mouth.
“Well, I want to get to know you.”
“No, you don’t,” You scoff, letting your eyes meet his this time. “You want to get in my pants.”
“What’s the difference?”
Even though you kind of expected that kind of response from a well-known fuckboy, it still makes your mouth fall open. “Are you serious right now?”
“No.” His lips spread in a smile as he rests his chin on his hand, eyes glistening with amusement as he observes the change of your facial expressions. “But I bet you thought I was.”
He’s absolutely right and it makes you feel exposed in a way. Like you’ve been thinking there’s no personality to him, and now he’s proving you wrong. That’s what he’s acting like, anyway. Like him knowing the difference between getting to know someone and wanting to sleep with them makes him any less of an asshole. If anything, it’s the opposite – it means he deliberately chooses to play with people’s feelings, and since you know he’s good at it, the best choice would be to leave now, before his demeanor somehow grabs your attention and interest. 
“You don’t know very much about me either, do you, sweetheart?”
Your breath hitches a little as his hand accidentally brushes against yours when he puts it on the table, and you’re quick to pull it back to you and rest it in your lap instead. His eyes won’t leave you alone as he yet again pushes his phone towards you, further proving your theory that the man just won’t take a hint. “I’m throwing a party this Saturday. You should come. I’ll text you the address, so give me your number.” 
“Can’t you just tell me?” You cock an eyebrow at him. “Besides, what makes you think I wanna come to your party?”
“I think,” He leans a little forward, and you try to slow down your heart that’s started banging against your chest a little too loudly. “You like being around me a little more than you let on. And I think that you want to get to know me, too. So this is your chance. And if I can’t convince you to give me a chance by then, I’ll leave you alone. Okay?”
“So you need to be at a party to show me that you’re worth knowing?” You taunt, again a little disappointed when you see that all your words cause is a short laugh. “But fine, I’ll come.”
You’re not sure what got into you, but the moment you say that, you realize the thought of coming to his party is making you excited. And even though you know it’s foul, the vision of showing all those shallow girls that you’re the one he spent time hitting on, that you’re the one he put in effort for, is tempting. You don’t want to be another girl he throws away when he’s done with, but you also can’t help the way his perseverance is slowly, but surely pushing down the walls you’ve put up around yourself. 
“Perfect.” And it feels like a crime to have butterflies swarm in your stomach as he sends you a smile – one that feels so genuine that you almost forget he’s nothing but a player. Almost. 
It goes without saying that your friends were thrilled to hear that you, out of all people, are invited to Choi Yeonjun’s party, and their excitement went over the roof the moment you told them you’re bringing them along. Now, bringing your Choi Yeonjun-obsessed besties to his party might not be the brightest idea, but at this point it’s your only option, since there’s no way you’re going alone. 
Why? Partly because you’re straight up terrified of parties, but mostly because bringing your friends along is a good opportunity to discourage Yeonjun from further pursuing his determination to get in your pants. There’s no way a guy who only wants sex will care enough to put up with your crazy friends and your aversion to partying. At least you hope so. Lately, Yeonjun has been proving every assumption you’ve ever had about him wrong. 
Nevertheless, you’re sure he won’t prove this one wrong. Because he is still a fuckboy, after all, and fuckboys are only interested in one thing – getting their dicks wet. So when he doesn’t get that from you, he’ll leave your life and so will this strange sense of attraction you feel every time he speaks to you. 
“Are we at the right place?” You ask your friends as all three of you stand in front of the house that Yeonjun told you the party would be at.
“Are you stupid or what? Of course we are, don’t you see the people passed out on the lawn?”
Of course, you do. It’s not like you’re blind. Just nervous. Really fucking nervous. For a moment, you question whether you should just go back to your dorm and read a book like you normally would on a Saturday night, but unfortunately, you doubt you could’ve focused on the words knowing that somewhere out there, Yeonjun is waiting for you to show up at his door. Maybe even thinking of you, of getting to know you. No, Y/N, he doesn’t want to get to know you, you mentally scold yourself. He wants to fuck you. So get yourself out of this ditch before you fall in too deep.
“Right. I’ll knock then.” Your friend looks at you expectantly and you clear your throat before ringing the doorbell with shaky fingers. Fuck. What are you so stressed about?
Much to your poor heart’s dismay, the one opening the door for you is Choi Yeonjun himself. He’s looking even more annoyingly handsome than he usually does, with a silver chain around his neck and his shirt half unbuttoned, the sleeves of it rolled up to reveal his forearms. And god, is he a sight to see. It makes you understand the girls who swarm around him at all times. Especially when he leans on the doorway, licking his lips in a seemingly innocent manner that unintentionally makes your heart beat faster, before inviting you inside with his signature smirk planted to his face. 
“Y/N,” He says and the way your name rolls off of his tongue sends shivers down your spine. It’s the first time you’ve heard him say it, and it makes you grateful he’s never called you by your name at school because the subtle warmth laced in his voice is very distracting. “And friends, I suppose.”
Oh, right. Your friends. Who you brought here to annoy the guy whose voice you just internally drooled over. In your head, you thank Yeonjun for the reminder as to why you're really here – because it's surely not to shamelessly stare at his veiny hand that is wrapped around a plastic cup.
“Oh, yeah, these are my friends,” You say, pointing to the two girls that are practically drooling as they look at Yeonjun. But you suppose you're not allowed to judge them anymore, not after basically doing the same thing. To your defense, every girl would look if Choi Yeonjun stood in front of her like that. Or at least you hope that this isn’t a sign of you getting too attached.
“Wow, Yeonjun, you look much more handsome in real life than on instagram,” One of your friends gushes as he opens the door wider, allowing all three of you to enter the packed house. The moment you step inside, you’re hit with the strong smell of alcohol and sweat, as well as loud music that you can already sense is about to give you a headache. “You wouldn’t mind giving me your number, right?”
The moment those words leave her mouth, you’re whipping your head around to look at her half-surprised, half-mad. Why, you’re not sure, but the thought of her hitting on him makes something twist in your stomach unpleasantly. The death stare you send her doesn’t seem to have any impact, but Yeonjun’s words do as he drapes his arm over your shoulders before sending you – not your friend, you – a teeth-flashing grin. “Yeah, no, sorry, I’m kinda busy right now. Talk to you later, uh, whatever your name is.”
And just like that, he walks further into the crowd, pulling you with him, and you’re too shocked by the whole situation to even react, only managing to look back at your friends for a mere second. But, for some reason, their shocked faces don’t even make you feel that bad about walking away, partly because they pissed you off, but also because Yeonjun’s arm fits strangely perfectly around your shoulder, and his fingers grazing the exposed skin on your arm bother you way less than they should. Even the girls sending you ugly stares manage to be somehow drowned down by his light, but heart-stirring touch as he leads you to the kitchen, before finally letting you go. 
“If you brought me here to seduce me, don’t hold your breath,” You tell him as he walks over to the counter, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. “I didn’t come here for that.”
There's a small smirk on his face as he looks up at you. “Then what did you come for?” 
“You forced me to, remember? I came so that you'll finally accept your defeat and leave me alone.”
A chuckle leaves his lips as you watch him open the bottle, realizing that there's actually nobody except the two of you in the kitchen. The walls provide a good exclusion of the loud music, and there's some kind of peace to the atmosphere. It's the first time you're alone with Yeonjun in a room, but it doesn't stress you out at all – actually, it’s calming. 
“You know, that’s what I like about you,” He smiles, pouring the alcohol as if he didn’t just say something that makes your heart drop to your stomach for just a second. “That you always say what you mean. No matter what, you do what you want to do and say what you want to say. It takes a lot of courage to do that, you know.”
You scoff at his words, sitting down on the floor with your back pressed up against the counter. “Just how drunk are you? You’re talking nonsense. Everyone says what they wanna say and does what they wanna do.”
“Really?” He cocks an eyebrow, before sitting down next to you and handing you your drink. For just a short moment, your fingers graze his skin as you're taking the glass from his hands, and goosebumps spread across your whole body from the contact. But then he lets go, and the sensation disappears, leaving you feeling somewhat empty. “I don’t.”
You furrow your eyebrows, taking a sip of your drink and instantly frowning afterwards, the strong taste burning your throat. He laughs at your reaction – not in the cocky way, but warmly, like he genuinely finds you amusing, but his smile fades when you speak. “What are you talking about?” 
“I don't even know,” He sighs, lighting one of his cigarettes as he leans his head back and inhales the smoke, and it feels like an eternity before he speaks again. “Sometimes I just feel like I don't even know who I am anymore.”
He doesn't even expect you to react in any way. Why should you? He's been all but bothering you the last few days, doing absolutely nothing that would prove wrong your assumptions about what kind of a person he is. And yet he's telling you things – things he's never told anyone before, things he thought he'd never say. Part of him hopes you just won't say anything, that you'll leave and forget he ever brought this up, but at the same time, he wants you to listen, because it's his chance to prove to you that he's something more than just the facade he's been putting up around himself.
But you don't owe him that. You don't owe him anything, especially not listening to his problems. He doesn't owe you an explanation, either, though, so maybe he should be the one to stand up and leave the scene. Or maybe he does owe you an explanation, after all, for spending so much time with you even though everybody knows he doesn't like wasting his time. You're probably left wondering what the hell he wants with you, and frankly, so is he. 
He's almost set on leaving, but then he hears your voice laced with concern, and when he whips his head around to look you in the eyes, he sees it's paired with an expression of genuine interest in your features, and he knows that even if he tried, he wouldn't be able to leave now. 
“In what way?” You're asking him, tilting your head a little to the side. “I thought you would be the person to know exactly who you are and what you want.”
“Well, I did tell you you don't know much about me, didn't I?” He grins, but seeing your awaiting face, he stops. You're really serious about this, and it makes him question whether he should have said anything at all. “Besides, there's not much to say. I created the problem myself when I decided to become the kind of person people like you stay away from. It's not like I can blame people for seeing me as just an asshole if that's all there's ever been to me.”
“Is it, though?” You ask, eyeing him cautiously as he places the cigarette between his lips again. “Is that all there is to you?”
It takes him a while to respond, his mind stirring with thoughts as he wonders, what else is there to him? He's promised to show you that he's worth knowing, but now that he's to prove it, he has no idea what to say. That's a first. It's also a first that he doesn't feel like he's wasting his time getting to know a girl – actually, he can't get enough of the way you're observing him as if you really care. 
“No. I don't think it is.” He says finally. “Because there are still things I want to do. There are still pictures I'd like to take, songs I'd like to play and places I'd like to go. And there are people I'd like to know.”
“Like who?” Your question is genuine, he realizes, and it makes him laugh, because still, you somehow haven't put the pieces together. Class president, yet you can't seem to understand he's flirting with you. 
“You.” And it's no secret that he enjoys – a little too much, maybe – watching how your caring expression turns into one half-annoyed, half-flustered. He thinks you're adorable, scoffing to hide the way his words have an impact on you. Or at least he hopes they do. 
“Why are you telling me all this, out of all the people you could've chosen to say it to?”
“I don't know, honestly,” He sighs, throwing his cigarette away. “You’re the only one who’d care, I suppose.”
You can't help but giggle, probably influenced by the alcohol. “The only person who'd care is the one who told you to fuck off the first time you met her?”
“Yeah, I know, it's fucking ironic.” He laughs, too. 
And for some unidentified reason, you realize you wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else at this moment, than here, in the kitchen at a party, next to the biggest fuckboy of them all, Choi Yeonjun. If anyone had told you three weeks earlier that you'd grow to enjoy talking to a guy like him, you wouldn't have believed them, but it's true that the smile plastered onto your face is genuine. And silently, you hope Yeonjun’s is, too. It's a stupid thing to hope for, you know that. Especially since he’s known for breaking hearts. But pretending to not give a fuck would be just as stupid at this point. 
Suddenly, interrupting this peaceful moment, a load of drunk teenagers barge into the kitchen, each one shouting louder than the other. You frown as the loud music from the other room hits your ears, and curse them silently for ruining what was a very enjoyable interaction. 
You're just about to stand up and leave as you feel the warmth of Yeonjun’s hand as he laces his fingers through yours like it's the easiest thing in the world, before leaning to the side to whisper in your ear. His lips just barely craze the shell of your ear, and you feel a little lightheaded, though you're not sure whether that's from the alcohol or being able to feel his breath tickling your skin as he speaks.
“Do you wanna get out of here?”
And there it is. The words that bring you to reality, that remind you that Choi Yeonjun is, after all, your school's well-known fuckboy who just wants you in his bed. And though you already knew that, it hurts a little stronger because for a moment you felt like there was something more to him than that. 
“And go to your bedroom? No, thank you,” You’re quick to pull away from him, but your hands remain interlaced because his grip is too tight to escape instantly. His brows furrow at your words, but he lets go of your hand when he sees you struggling to get out of his grip. 
“You should chill out a little, kitten,” His mildly annoyed tone catches you off guard – you’ve never thrown him off before. Is this the moment he stops talking to you entirely because you didn’t let him get what he wants? “I actually wanted to take you home. It’s getting late and you don’t look like you’re enjoying the party.”
Oh. Oh. He wants to take you home. Choi Yeonjun wants to take you home. Now you most definitely feel like an idiot. You’re so shocked – and humiliated – that you can’t even say anything, so instead, you just follow him through the crowd as turns around to leave, heading towards the exit. Sensing he’s somewhat upset, you stay quiet, but you truly regret not holding his hand as you push through all the dancing people. You shouldn’t be thinking like that, you’re aware, but it bothers you that you judged him like that. Even though he deserves to be judged, he’s a player. And an asshole. And you don’t even want to get to know him. You don’t care what he thinks of you. Right?
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” 
Wrong. You do care. You hope he doesn’t hear it in your voice, but it’s pretty much obvious from the way all arrogance is wiped from your face and you’re looking up at him with expectant eyes as he pushes one of the curtains away to look out the window. For the brief moment that his gaze isn’t on you, you allow yourself to admire him – his hand that brings his drink to his lips, his dark eyes in which you can see the luminescence radiating off of the moon from outside. And you realize you don’t want to part from him just yet. 
“No,” He says finally, letting go of the curtain and looking you straight in the eyes. This time, his gaze has softened and although you’re not sure exactly how you acquired this information, you know he’s sincere. “I’ll walk you home, it's dark outside already.” 
He’ll walk you home? Part of you is curious as to why – you’ve heard from your friend that he’s always the last one to leave parties, especially those he throws himself. But another part of you, a bigger part, is feeling euphoric about spending more time with him, so you don’t really question him. You’ve done enough of that for one day. Waiting for Yeonjun to put on his jacket, you open the door, only to be met with a gush of cold wind and the sound of raindrops hitting the pavement outside. It’s fucking pouring. 
“Fuck,” You mutter under your breath, catching Yeonjun’s attention.
“Wow, miss class president, you should watch your language. You’re setting a bad example.”
“Yeah, whatever,” You say with a smile. “It’s raining.”
You watch as he opens a closet, searching for something for a few seconds before he reaches you an umbrella. Opening it, you realize it’s decently big and will work great in stopping you from getting wet. But as Yeonjun closes the closet without taking out a second umbrella, you raise your brow at him questioningly. “What about you?”
“There’s only one. And you'd think a rich family like Taehyun’s would have more umbrellas.” 
You hand him the umbrella as he walks over to you, figuring that it’ll work better if he’s the one to hold it since he’s taller. He doesn’t even care enough to bid his goodbyes, which surprises you a little – it’s his party after all –  but after all you’ve witnessed today you conclude that you do, in fact, not know much about Choi Yeonjun, so there’s no point in assuming anything. Besides, a small part of you is hoping that he forgot to say goodbye because he was too caught up in you. Minimal chance that it applies, but still. Let a girl dream, right? 
The two of you walk outside together, his arm bumping into yours as both of you try to fit under the umbrella. The weather is truly horrible, but luckily – or not, you’re not sure – the way home isn’t very long. You shiver a little as the cold breeze reaches your skin, regretting that you didn’t bring a warmer jacket. Oh well, it could've been worse. You could’ve been stuck in this weather alone, with no umbrella at all. 
“Are you cold?” 
“What?” You look at him, a little confused.
“You’re shivering,” He points out, handing you the umbrella and sliding his jacket off of his shoulders before you can protest. “Here, take this. I’m hot anyway.” 
You take the jacket from his hands, and he waits with the umbrella directly over your head as you put it on. Starting to walk again, you can't help but inhale the smell that hits your nose when you bury your face in the fabric. It smells mostly like Yeonjun’s cologne – the expensive one that you felt for the first time when he picked up your books for you in the hallway, but underneath that there's also a scent that can't be anything but him. Is this what his skin smells like? If so, you're not sure you ever want to give this jacket back to him.  
“Thank you.”
“It’s nothing,” He shrugs, but you partly hope it isn't actually nothing to him. Because it's definitely something to you. 
You both stay silent for a while, and it's a little weird seeing him so quiet, but you savor the moment nevertheless. At this point, it's evident that your original plan has failed – because if there's anything you haven't done tonight, it's getting rid of the connection that seems to be forming between you and Yeonjun. Truly, though, you can't bring yourself to think about that now. Rather, you turn your head to him and for a split second, you're taken aback by how close your face is to his when he turns to look at you, too. 
It takes a couple seconds for you to realize that he only turned to look at you because he felt your gaze on him, not because he can read your thoughts or anything. 
“By the way,” You say to him. “You said something about Taehyun’s family being rich, yet not having enough umbrellas. But I thought we were at your house.”
“My house?” He laughs a little, as if the idea throws him off. “Nah, I don't really invite people over there. It's messy and small, and Taehyun’s house works much better.”
“You’d think fuckboys would have plenty of people to invite over.”
“Never said I don't have anyone to invite over. It's just that most people I know aren't worth inviting over.”
“Oh,” You say. What's that supposed to mean? Does he mean that you, too, aren't worth inviting over or what? You almost regret that he's proven not to be the person you'd expected him to be, because if he fit into that little bison you had of him, it would've been much easier to read him. “Well, someone you know must be worth inviting over, right?”
You hope to god that he doesn't hear the longing in your voice, but from the way the corners of his lips lift up in a smirk and he places his hand on your shoulder to stop you from walking any further, you can tell your prayers haven't been heard. Not even giving you a chance to defend yourself, he's turning his body towards you, pulling you closer by your shoulder. When he leans down, his face is so close to yours that you fear he can hear your heart that is on its way to beat out of your chest. 
“Well, I suppose someone is.” He purrs, bringing one of his hands to pick up the strand of hair that's stuck itself on your skin and tuck it behind your ear. “You know that if you want to spend time with me, you can just ask, right, kitten?”
If his goal is to make you have a heart attack, then he's on the right track for sure, because you're feeling extremely dizzy now that his eyes are focused solely on you and his hand is resting against the skin on your neck. You wonder how he's able to keep his cool – this is probably nothing new for him, but still, it's like you're breathing the same air. That must surely have some kind of impact on him, right? But even if it does, he doesn't show it, because the smirk on his face doesn't fade – if anything, it grows wider at your flustered state.
“That’s not what I-”
“It’s time for us to move past the lying stage, don't you think?” He runs one of his fingers over the skin right below your jaw, and it takes every bit of willpower inside of you not to lean into his touch. “It’s getting a little old.”
One of his rings comes in contact with your flesh and it makes you shiver – something you could've probably covered up by saying it's from the cold, but something tells you that there's no point in lying to him. Part of you wants to break the tension and pretend like nothing happened at all, but you're way too caught up in him to look away. Your eyes move from his eyes to his mouth and back again, and you wonder if his lips have always looked this kissable. 
For a split second, you think he's thinking the same thing; with the way he's licking his lower lip, inching a little closer to you it seems like he's about to break the distance between you. And in that moment, you realize that you'd let him. If he were to kiss you right now, you wouldn't even have thought of pushing him away. Actually, you realize, you really want him to kiss you right now. You really, really do. But then his phone starts vibrating in his pocket, and slowly, but surely, the breathtaking moment is coming to an end as he stands up straight again, his eyes now glistening with annoyance rather than desire.
“Shit, it's Soobin,” He mutters, removing his hand from where it was resting against your skin, leaving you feeling somewhat empty. “I need to pick up.”
He doesn't walk away since it's still raining like crazy, but he turns a little away from you as he talks to his friend. You could've probably listened in on their conversation, but you're not very interested in it, and honestly, what occupies your mind more is the occurrence that took place just a moment ago. What the fuck just happened? Was Choi fucking Yeonjun just about to kiss you, or was it just your imagination playing tricks on you? Either way, you're both frustrated and relieved that this situation came to an end. 
You're drunk. You can't think straight. That's why you let him tuck your hair behind your ear and look at you as if you were the only girl in the world. That's why your heart fluttered when he smiled down at you – that goddamn smile that makes everyone weak in the knees. But if that's the only reason, then why is your heart still beating quickly even though he's not touching you? And why do you feel more sober than you've felt your whole life? 
“Hey, miss president,” He says, catching your attention. You look up at him, and you're surprised to see his classic smirk missing from his features, replaced by a frown. “I need to go back to the party. Soobin says they're planning to jump on the glass table or some shit, and trust me, Taehyun will kill me if something happens to his parents' furniture.”
“Oh,” You say. “Alright then, I’ll just take the bus, since the station is right here.”
You're lucky, that's for sure, because the bus station is merely twenty meters or so away from where you and Yeonjun are standing. You'll still have to walk in the rain for a while to get home after taking the bus, but you don't mention that, since Yeonjun looks annoyed enough as it is. As to why that is, you’re not sure, but you partially hope that it's because he's reluctant to leave you. Because you’re personally very hesitant to say goodbye. 
“Yeah, do that,” He says. “And text me when you get home, just so I know if I have to find myself a new girl to annoy. And make sure I won’t have to, because finding girls worth inviting over is very difficult these days.”
And before you can even respond or fully register what he just said, he winks at you and starts walking away, leaving you alone to sort out the chaos in your head. First of all, Choi Yeonjun just asked you to text him when you get home. Which means, that to some extent, he must genuinely care for you. Secondly, he indirectly said you’re worth inviting over. Even though he doesn’t normally invite anyone over to his house. Which might – just might – mean that you’re more special to him than those other girls. And thirdly, he just winked and left. Without his umbrella or jacket. 
“Yeonjun, wait!” You shout before you’re able to stop yourself. Fortunately for you, he’s close enough to catch your voice and he turns back, walking over to you again. His black hair is completely wet now, and so is his white shirt that has now become useless because it’s sticking to his skin, outlining his abs and biceps very well. Too well, actually, because you catch your eyes flicking down to stare at them even as you talk to him. “What about the umbrella?”
A smile spreads itself on his face and you’re this close to having your knees buckle at how gorgeous he looks in that moment. You'd never tell him that – it’d only heighten his already inflated ego, but you’d be an idiot not to admit it to yourself, at least. Your mind can barely register what he says when he answers your question. “Keep it. I’ll just run.”
“Just keep it, I said. Or you might catch a cold,” Goosebumps spread themselves across your skin like fire, and you know it’s not from the wind. The way he’s looking at you doesn't help either, with his warm eyes staring into yours so fondly, that if you didn't know any better you’d say he was infatuated. “Besides, I’m sure you'd like to have something that reminds you of me in your room, right, sweetheart?”
“As if,” You say, but your voice sounds too weak to convince him that you actually mean it. “Go, then. Before they completely wreck the house.”
“Bye, Y/N, I had fun today,” He says, a little bit louder than normal so you’ll hear him over the rain, and you can see a hint of something you wouldn’t consider anything but pure bliss in his eyes. “Oh, and keep the jacket, too. It looks much better on you, anyway.”
With those words, he walks away quickly and you stand looking after him until he’s completely out of your sight. Only when you’re entirely certain you can’t catch a glimpse of his white shirt somewhere in the distance do you start moving towards the bus station, thinking to yourself that this night did not go as planned. Not at all. But it doesn’t really matter, because for the first time in a long time you feel like you don't want to spend the next day alone.
That maybe, just maybe, you want to spend it with Choi Yeonjun. 
You've heard multiple times that rumors spread faster than wildfire at your school, but you've never really paid it any thought – you were never involved in said rumors, anyway. Until now, it seems like, because the moment you enter the school on Monday morning, everyone's eyes are on you. Most of them don't even try to hide that their conversations are about you, some even point their fingers in your direction as you enter the hallway.
At first, you're all but confused. Do you look weird or something? Why have they all taken a sudden interest in you? But then, as you walk by a group of frowning girls, you overhear the words ‘Yeonjun’ and ‘his new girl’, and immediately, you know what this is all about. Hanging out with the school’s most popular boy has some downsides as well, and this is one of them. Everyone knows, after yesterday's party, probably, that you're the girl who piqued Choi Yeonjun’s interest, and since you so sensibly chose to wear the jacket he borrowed you to school today, you've gotten rid of everyone's doubts. 
But it's fine – the girls at your school have a talent for finding new things to gossip about very fast, so you don't doubt that by the time you're back from chemistry class, they'll be over it. 
Class goes smoothly as always, you take some notes and pay no attention to the few girls that whisper to each other about you, because you're sure that rumor will die down soon. Besides, it's hard to feel uneasy when the first thing you see as you take out your phone is a text message from none other than Choi Yeonjun, reading ‘hey miss class president, when do ur classes end? i’ll come meet u’. 
You smile involuntarily upon thinking about meeting him and you're quick to write back: ‘at 2pm. don't be late.’ A mere second later comes a reply reading ‘wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart’ and in response, you only grin to yourself, heart already beating in excitement. The second the bell rings, you're out the door, fixing your hair hastily as you look into the camera of your phone. It's not like you want him to notice the efforts you're putting in to look good, because he'd probably figure out it's all for him way too quickly, but you can't help feeling a little nervous about meeting him. Though you shouldn't, because who is he to make you feel this way? 
With your thoughts occupied by Yeonjun, you don't even realize you've run into someone before you feel yourself stumbling backwards, your bag almost falling off of your shoulder.
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry,” You say quickly, eyes scanning the face of the girl you just bumped into for any signs of bruises. Thankfully, there is none, and after bowing your head a little, you’re about to leave again. Yet, for some reason, the girl steps to the side to block your way and you see that her and her friends are glaring at you threateningly. Wow, are they this upset that you ran into them?
“Look, I’m sorry for bumping into you, but I’m kind of in a hurry, so-”
“Who exactly do you think you are?” You’re caught off guard when the girl speaks, her tone laced with venom as she crosses her arms over her chest. What the fuck? You can't recall ever seeing any of these girls before, so why are they suddenly acting like you stole their boyfriends or something? 
“Excuse me?” 
“I said, who the fuck do you think you are?” She repeats, just as venomously, rolling her eyes in the process. God, this girl is really getting on your nerves – especially since Yeonjun is most likely going to arrive by the cafeteria in a minute or two. She really couldn't have picked a worse moment to torment you. “Like, seriously, who are you to spend so much time with Yeonjun? What makes you so fucking special, that he decided to just beg for your attention, even though he never does that?” 
Oh, so that’s what this is about. Of course. They’re asking you questions you don’t even know the answer to yourself. Why does he keep acting so interested and genuinely curious about you? It’s a thought that has been tormenting your thoughts ever since he picked up those books for you in the hallway. 
And after the party on Saturday, when he was walking you home, he was so sweet and alluring, you’d managed to convince yourself that he did actually care for you. Because otherwise, how would you explain him borrowing you his umbrella, even if it meant him having to walk back in the rain? And why would he tell you to text him when you got home if he didn’t care? And, most importantly, why would he tuck your hair behind your ear and look at you as if you gave meaning to his life and lean in to kiss you as the rest of the world dissolved behind the rain? 
He couldn’t have done all that without meaning any of it. You know that. Just like you know those girls think otherwise only because they don’t know him. And they never will, either. Because he wants to know you, not them. Something about that fills you up to the brim with joy. And even though part of you still wants to play it safe and keep your undeniable feelings towards him hidden away, it feels so much better to just let them bloom inside of you and wait for what will become of them. 
“Are you deaf or what? Why does Yeonjun hang out with you all the time?” 
“I don’t know, maybe because he likes it,” You retort, feeling your blood start to boil as the girls roll their eyes for the nth time. “And I know this kind of exceeds the amount of information your brain is able to process, but it’s dumb to refuse to believe that he’s found someone he enjoys being around just because he never cared enough to tell you himself.” 
A few seconds pass and all you can see in her face is pure shock which slowly, but surely transitions into rage. Before you can even react, the girl has taken a step forward and pushed you with probably all her force, because it makes you stumble over your own feet and lose your balance. A hiss leaves your mouth as your bare knee comes in contact with the pavement, scraping your skin. “You should watch what you say, bitch.” 
You’re just about to respond when you hear a familiar voice from somewhere behind the girl and it makes you groan in frustration that he had to arrive at a moment like this. 
“What the fuck is going on here?” 
Yeonjun looks as handsome as ever, his hands buried in his pockets and a chain hanging from his neck as he stands a few meters away from the scene, his eyes scanning the area before they finally land on you. You’re not certain, since he’s far away, but you think you can see his gaze soften a little when you meet his stare. It’s only for a moment, though, because next thing you know, he’s looking angrier than you’ve ever seen him before, his jaw clenching as he pushes past the girls and kneels in front of you. 
“What happened?” He asks through gritted teeth, his touch soft as he examines your scraped knee.
“It’s nothing,” You mumble, keeping your gaze fixated on the ground. You're both embarrassed and scared to be caught in a situation like this. It's mostly because you're afraid that Yeonjun will stop spending time with you when he realizes what problems it causes, but also because he looks ready to punch someone and you don't want him to get into trouble because of you. Though he doesn't seem to care about that as he keeps pushing.
“I didn't ask you if it was something, I asked you what the fuck happened,” His voice is serious – more serious than you've ever heard him. “Just answer my question.”
“It’s not that important, okay? Let's just go.”
“Let’s just go, Yeonjun, please,” You plead, finally meeting his gaze and watching the anger in his eyes slowly melt as you tug on his sleeve as if to keep him away from the girls behind him. All three of them are eyeing you, faces scrunched up in both shock and irritation. Yeonjun is paying them no attention right now, though, rather looking at you with an expression you can’t quite read. 
For a moment, he just stays like that, staring at you for so long you start wondering if he’s studying your bone structure. But then he sighs deeply, closing his eyes for a second before draping his arm over your shoulders and helping you stand up, the warmth of his body against your side bringing a small smile to your face. 
“You can walk, right?” He asks and when you nod he continues. “Let’s go to the infirmary, then.”
“It’s just a scratch, though.”
“So?” He leads you towards the school building, leaving the girls behind. “I already told you it’s hard to find pretty girls to annoy these days, so I’d rather be safe that you won’t die from this.”
You roll your eyes at his antics, but inside you can feel your heart speeding up dangerously as some kind of heavenly warmth spreads across your whole body. You might be a fool for feeling so captivated right now, but hearing him call you pretty most certainly made your blood pressure rise. It’s not like you didn’t know he finds you attractive – it’s the reason he approached you at first, after all. But it’s different somehow, hearing him say it so openly, like he’s totally unashamed of feeling that way. 
It all almost makes you want to tell him that he absolutely does not annoy you in the slightest, and that if he’d ever stop giving you his attention you might just die from emotional misery. And while it is embarrassing to admit, you can’t deny you’ve grown attached to the type of affection he showers you with – the smiles he sends you, the jokes he tells, and the small, featherlight touches that he leaves on your skin like an everlasting mark. 
“The infirmary’s this way, right?” You're torn away from your thoughts as you hear Yeonjun’s voice right above your ear.
“You don’t know where the infirmary is?” You ask him, smile tugging at your lips as you try to hold back the laugh that threatens to spill out of your mouth. He acts so tough, yet he doesn't even know where the school nurse resides. You're unable to keep your giggles inside when you see his annoyed expression, eyes glaring at you from above. 
“Well, I haven’t had to deal with girls unable to take care of themselves before, have I?”
“Alright, then, if it’s so much trouble, I’ll just walk home and put on a bandaid myself,” You scoff at him, trying to wriggle out of his grip. That turns out to be a challenge, though, so it's your turn to glare at him. 
“Cut it out,” He sighs, pulling you along as he starts walking through the hallway again. “I never said it was too much trouble, so stop acting childish.”
You smile a little to yourself as he pulls you closer to him, the scent of his perfume filling your senses as the two of you arrive at the infirmary. Unfortunately, Yeonjun lets go of you to open the door and you feel a little disappointed now that his skin isn't touching hours. Yet you walk inside nevertheless, looking around for any sign of the nurse. You can hear the door close from behind you and you turn around, letting Yeonjun know that there's nobody here.
“She’s probably on break,” You add.
You can see him roll his eyes as he walks over to the nurse’s desk, opening up the drawers in search of something – a bandaid, probably. You want to tell him that he shouldn't be doing that since the nurse isn't here, but seeing that he's already a little upset, you decide not to. Besides, he is Choi Yeonjun. He's done worse things than break into the nurse’s office to find a bandaid for a girl. A girl you're starting to wonder if he likes a bit more than he lets on.
“Sit on the desk,” Yeonjun says, making you furrow your brows in confusion. “I need to put on the bandaid, so sit on the desk.”
“Oh, okay,” You do what he says, letting your legs dangle off of the table as you sit on it, doing your best not to spread your thighs too much since you're wearing a skirt. 
You can see how Yeonjun’s eyes follow your movements, and before you can even protest, he's taking off his hoodie and draping it over your legs, so that only your knee and the skin under it is exposed. Muttering a small ‘thank you’, you subtly let your eyes rest on his frame as he kneels in front of you, pouring some rubbing alcohol onto a damp cloth. He's done this before, probably, with how many times you've heard that his friends get into fights for fun.
“I can do it myself, you know,” You tell him when he brings the cloth to your knee, carefully brushing it over your scratch. 
“I know.” 
But he doesn't move away, nor does he meet your eyes as they look down on him – seemingly neutral, hopefully hiding the way your heart flutters at his words. Stupid heart, you think to yourself, reacting like that even though he didn't do anything much. Though that changes the moment his fingers come in contact with the flesh on your thigh as he places the bandaid on your scraped knee, brushing over it with his hand to secure it in place and at the same time, making sure that your heart gets no rest. His touch feels strangely comforting, even though he's just barely grazing your skin with the tip of his fingers. The warmth that spreads through your body at his actions disappears way too quickly when he finishes putting on the bandaid, pulling away and looking up, finally meeting your gaze.
But he definitely chose the worst moment to do so, because the look in your eyes evidently gives up what you were thinking about just a mere second ago. Who you were thinking about, that is. A moment passes by and you can't read his expression, but then a smile tugs at his lips and he gazes at you in a way that has you feeling lightheaded, head spinning in the best way possible. 
But that is nothing compared to the way you feel when he stands up, moving his face so close to yours that you're breathing the same air and bringing his hands up to caress your cheeks. His gaze flickers from your eyes to your lips, and then back again, but you can't seem to gather your thoughts enough to even focus on one part of him, eyes taking in every bit of his beauty that they can gather. Your breathing is erratic and your face is burning up under his touch, heart banging against your chest and palms getting sweaty. You're warm, burning up almost, yet he manages to spread goosebumps all over your skin by just running his thumb over your lower lip, looking down on you like he's waiting for your permission. 
And though it's almost embarrassing just how quick you're willing to give it to him, you don't really care at that moment. All you can think about is him – his eyes, nose, and lips that you want to kiss. So you move closer, even if by just an inch, and you know he understands what you mean by it. And you're impatiently waiting for him to do something, so infatuated with him that you can't even think straight.
It's worth the wait, though, because as he leans in to connect his lips to yours, you feel happier than you've ever felt in your entire life. 
It's perfect, the kiss – slow, soft and delicate, the movements of his lips gentle, like he doesn't want to scare you away. And he's perfect, too, with his fingers touching the skin off your cheeks, caressing it like it’s his dearest possession. Your tongues melt together in a perfect combination of bliss and desire, the whole world drowned out by the taste of his lips. He's the only thing you can feel in that moment – you’re breathing his perfume, getting completely lost in the sensation of his hand dropping down to your thigh, grazing it ever so slightly and making you gasp quietly into the kiss. 
He’s never touched you like this before – with so much tenderness in his caress – and you love it. You love how all of his attention is on you, and how he’s taking his time, kissing you like it’s the last time. But you hope to God it’s not, because you’re not sure if you could’ve ever moved on with your usual life after feeling his lips on yours, taking every worry and doubt off of your mind. 
Your noses bump into each other, breaking the kiss and it’s an empty feeling that fills you as he pulls away. But your misery is put to an end as you open your eyes and find him still there, only an inch or so away from you with a smile on his face. And it’s a real smile, a genuine one. Not a smirk or pitiful look. It’s just pure elation radiating off of him and it makes your heart swell in your chest.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
The words roll off of his tongue so easily that you would've thought that he'd just asked you for help on his homework; not confessed his feelings for you. Which, by the way, makes your heart stop by itself because one thing is being kissed by Choi Yeonjun – being told that he fancies you is another. 
“I think I'm in love with you,” He repeats, tone dead serious and the smirk you've grown to see on him nowhere to be found. You’re pretty sure your heart has stopped beating by now, mouth hanging open as you attempt to process what’s happening.“I smile when you're happy, I miss you when you're gone, I hate it when you're sad. And, most importantly, you make me want to become a better person. If that isn't love, I don't know what is.”
Saying that you’re left speechless would be an understatement. His words quite literally make your stomach do flips, your heart basically beating inside your throat. Part of you had dreamed of this, hoped that he actually cares about you, but it's hard to wrap your head around the fact that he's not kidding. That – for the first time in his life, probably – he’s serious. And that he's awaiting an answer. 
“You’re not gonna say anything?”
“Well, I’m sorry if I’m a little quiet after the school’s handsome fuckboy just told me he loves me, but it’s kind of shocking news,” You say sharply, furrowing your eyebrows when you see the smirk you know all too well spread itself across Yeonjun’s lips. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
His smile only widens as he leans down to place his face mere centimeters away from yours. For a moment, you think he's going to kiss you again, and you're about to close your eyes, but your plans are cut short when he starts speaking instead. 
“So you think I’m handsome?” 
You roll your eyes, half-disappointed and half-relieved that he didn't kiss you, because you're not sure whether you wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he did. “I think you’re annoying as fuck.”
“And you know what I think?” He leans forwards again, this time resting his lips against the shell of your ear and causing your breath to hitch as he speaks. “I think I’m making you nervous, sweetheart.”
You don't get to say anything – though you're not certain you would be able to, either – before his lips move to your jaw and he presses a soft kiss to the skin right below your ear. It makes goosebumps spread across your whole body and it doesn't exactly help that when he pulls away, he sends you the most knee-buckling smile paired with an outstretched hand to help you get off of the table. With slightly shaky hands, you reach for him, trying your best not to faint when he interlocks his fingers through yours. None of you bother to clean up the nurse’s office, walking through the school halls again, this time heading out. 
“So,” Yeonjun says eventually, swaying your interlaced hands a little and by that, making butterflies swarm in your stomach. The grip he has on you is really annoying sometimes. “Will I get an answer? Do you feel the same way or do you not date people like me?”
You stop in your tracks, sighing softly as you turn to face, deciding that you can't hide from the question forever. Your gaze rests on your hands for a second as you gather your thoughts, before you actually look into his eyes, hoping that he can't see how anxious you are. 
“I do. Feel the same way, I mean.” You take a deep breath before uttering the words that you wish you’d said sooner, because they'd been a lingering weight on your shoulders the past few days. “I think I’m in love with you, too, Yeonjun.”
“Good,” He smiles, letting go of your hand to bring his fingers to your cheek instead. “Because you have no idea just how long I've waited to do this.”
And just like that, his lips are on yours, hands caressing your cheeks so softly that it's a big contrast to the way he's kissing you eagerly. You're quick to reciprocate the actions, letting your mouths move in a steady rhythm as you slowly, but surely forget your surroundings, nothing but Yeonjun on your mind. He knows exactly what to do to make you crave more, with his hands just barely grazing your skin, leaving goosebumps on it. But when it comes to the kiss, he can't seem to hold back either, already pushing you against the wall in the hallway after only a few seconds. 
You wince a little at the cold stone against your back, and instantly, he's pulling away to look at you worriedly. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” You reply, not bothering to explain what happened, because your lips are already aching to kiss him. So you put your hand on the back of his neck to pull him closer, capturing his lips in a messier, needier, but just as euphoric kiss. 
Yeonjun most certainly enjoys this new side of you, smiling into the kiss as his hand comes down to touch your thigh, making you gasp. Naturally, he takes this opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth, and pretty quickly you're met with the taste of cigarettes and something more subtle – the taste of him. It's addicting, all of it. His taste, his touch, his smell. And he knows perfectly well how lightheaded he's making you feel when his fingers move higher up your thigh, touching the hem of your skirt now. 
“Can I?” He pulls away to ask, motioning towards his hand that is on its way to slip under your skirt. 
You waste no time in letting him know just how much you want him, pressing your lips to his instead of responding and guiding his hand further up your thigh, until it rests against your already damp panties. He smiles into the kiss again, running his knuckles over your clothed core, satisfied as you audibly moan into his mouth. Words can't explain how many emotions that are stirring up in your mind at this moment, but uncertainty most definitely isn't one of them. So much is evident in the way you're grabbing onto his hair, whining when his fingers run over the thin, and almost completely soaked through, fabric of your panties. 
This is so new to you, but so amazing, too. It feels like heaven to have him touching you like this, to have him looking at you so lovingly, and yet so passionately. 
You can't stop the small noises from leaving your mouth when Yeonjun’s fingers start drawing small circles on your clothed pussy, your panties rubbing against your heat and creating a pleasant friction. He's not kissing you now, having pulled away to look at your features and listen to all the sounds that you make at the smallest touches. Even as he pulls his hand away, you whine for him, bucking your hips a little so as to not lose the sensation. 
“You’re so cute,” He coos, fingers tilting your chin upwards the moment you try to look away from him, embarrassed. “This little is enough to get you so needy.”
Before you get to say anything, his lips travel to your jaw and then your neck, spilling kisses across your skin. You gasp when he sucks on the flesh, hard enough to leave a mark, before his mouth moves upwards again, resting against the shell of your ear. 
“Let’s go somewhere else, though, okay, princess?” He whispers into your ear. “This isn't exactly the ideal place to… you know.”
And just like that, his touch is gone and you're allowed to calm down a little, though the heat between your legs doesn't disappear so easily. You fix your skirt a little, a little embarrassed after turning into a whining mess for him so quickly, but he doesn't seem to mind – a bright smile on his face, so you only smile back at him and grab his outstretched hand. 
“I thought you didn't have a problem fucking girls on campus, though?” You inquire as he leads you through the hall, his hand warm in yours. 
“No, but I do have a problem with not taking the girl I love to my house before fucking her brains out.”
These words both cause your heart to swell and your pussy to throb painfully from between your thighs. Now you’re definitely convinced that Yeonjun’s goal in life is to make your blood pressure rise to dangerous levels. How can he say he loves you and that he wants to fuck you in the same sentence? You might have already kissed him and had his hand between your legs, but that doesn’t change the fact that your knees threaten to give in when he winks at you and continues walking like nothing even happened.
“Wow, you're really good at this boyfriend stuff for being a fuckboy,” You tell him when you’re sure your voice won’t quiver, and you’re surprised to find an even wider grin on his face when you turn to look at him. 
“Oh, so I'm your boyfriend?” He wiggles his eyebrows at you, and you scoff in response, rolling your eyes to assure that he doesn’t notice how your heart skips a beat. 
“Shut up,” You say, but there’s no annoyance in your voice. “Yes, you're my boyfriend, happy now?”
“Yes,” You feel your whole face heat up when he presses a kiss to your cheek before the two of you finally reach his car, and he opens the door for you. “Very happy.”
After a few kisses and a drive that lasted only a few minutes, but felt like an eternity because of the throb between your legs and Yeonjun’s warm hand that rested on your thigh the entire time, the two of you finally arrive in front of the block in which you assume Yeonjun, your boyfriend, lives. God, it feels so weird to call him that. And to think he was a complete stranger to you less than a month ago. Now, though, you're wishing he'll never let go of your hand and your cunt is throbbing with excitement as he leads you up the stairs to his apartment. 
You’ve barely made it through the doorway before Yeonjun’s slamming the door shut and pushing you against it, just like he did in the school hall earlier. Only this time, he's not holding back – his hands slipping under your shirt with ease, finding your tits and his mouth attaching itself to your neck. You let a few sounds escape your mouth when he runs his tongue over your skin, before sucking on it harshly. You're about to comment on his actions, say that he must really be into marking, but the words get lost in your throat when he rolls his hips into yours. 
“Oh,” You're both fully clothed, but that doesn't make the tent in his pants any less obvious as it rests against your thigh. 
Yeonjun’s expression turns into a frown immediately, and he’s quick to pull away and look at you in concern. “Are you okay? Do you want to stop?”
“What? No,” You shake your head a little too eagerly, though you suppose your irrational actions could be excused due to the intensity of the situation. You are about to get railed by the one and only Choi Yeonjun, after all. “No, I'm just worried, you know, like, it won't fit.”
The worry in his eyes dissolves at your words, replaced with a hint of amusement and cocky grin that makes your knees grow weak. You wonder whether you just should've kept your mouth shut, because what you said seems to have inflated his ego even more. Still, you don't exactly get to ponder that for long because before you know it, his hand is caressing your cheek, thumb swiping over your lower lip and you're already feeling dizzy. That dizziness all but intensifies when he leans down to let his mouth hover over your ear, barely grazing it as he speaks.
“I’ll make it fit, then.”
And just like that – as if he didn’t just knock the air out of your lungs – he grabs your hand and leads you further into his house.
As you walk inside, you're met with a simple interior – a living room connected to the kitchen and two doors, one probably leading to the bathroom, while the other to his bedroom. What surprises you the most is the clean state of the apartment. You would've mistaken it for something he'd rented out for one night if it weren't for the unwashed dishes and a pair of boxers lying on the floor by the couch. His bedroom isn't very different – a few shirts are scattered on the floor, but his bed is made and he's got a shelf full of books.
“Wouldn’t have taken you for someone this organized,” You comment with a smile, “You’re good at keeping this place clean, for sure.”
“Well, I'm good at a lot of things,” He purrs as his hands grab your waist and pull your body close to his, nose brushing over yours and his breath hot on your lips. Just like that, he's reminded you of why you're here and your stomach stirs in excitement as you speak in a quivering tone. 
“Yeah? Like what?”
A smile sets on his features and he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, eyes fanning down to your lips for only a moment before they meet yours. Your breath gets caught in your throat yet again when he teasingly runs a finger down your collarbones, before he lets it run over your arm and hip. Finally, it rests on your upper thigh, so close to your clothed cunt that if you moved your hips a little forward, his fingers would brush over the fabric of your panties. You don't have to do that, though, because a mere second later, the palm of his hand is pressed flat against your clit and you whimper loudly from the feeling. 
“Like stuffing this cute little pussy full of my cum.”
And as if to mark his words, he starts rubbing his hand against your cunt, slowly drawing circles on the thin fabric of your panties which are now so wet that you fear your arousal will start to drip from them and onto your thigh. Yeonjun seems to notice this, too, because before you know it, he's pushing you onto his bed and spreading your legs, eyeing your cunt hungrily.
“So fucking wet,” He says, pushing your panties aside and pressing a finger flat against your pussy, moving it up and down painfully slowly. “Tell me, are you always this needy, baby?”
“Just–” Your reply is replaced by a whimper when he starts moving his finger faster, now also paying attention to your clit. Upon seeing his awaiting expression, you inhale sharply, trying to gather your thoughts, though that isn't very easy when Yeonjun is smearing your arousal all over your cunt. “Just for you.”
Satisfied, he smiles down on you, albeit a little condescendingly, and you take that as an opportunity to buck your hips upwards to create a little bit more friction. That doesn't seem to be Yeonjun’s plan, though, because he's quick to push your hips down again, a disapproving look on his face. You're about to complain, but before you can do that, he delivers a slap to your pussy that makes you whimper and your thighs instinctively start to close. 
“Yeonjun,” You whine as he pryes your thighs apart again, still teasing you with the way he's slowly rubbing your clit, fingers barely grazing it as he does so. His touch is featherlight and you need more, or else you're certain you're going to go insane. “Please…”
“God, you're so cute when you're needy,” He coos, hand slipping under your shirt to play with one of your tits. “Now, be a good girl and let me take care of you, okay?”
You nod vigorously, and he pinches your nipple slightly before his fingers start working faster on your clit. The sudden change in pace makes your back arch and you can't hold back the moans that slip from your lips when he pushes one of his fingers inside of your pussy. His hand that is caressing your breast moves to stroke your hair as he adds another finger, stretching you out and making you clench around his digits. He's pushing them in and out of you quickly now, hitting all the right spots and definitely enjoying how you're moaning his name. 
“More, please, it feels so good,” You basically cry out, rolling your hips against his hand.
This time, he doesn't tease you anymore, moving his hands to your thighs as he leans down to press an open-mouthed kiss to your clit. You whimper softly at the contact, bucking your hips up again, although your movements come to an end as he licks a stripe up your pussy, before twirling his tongue over your clit. Moaning his name, you grab at the sheets, probably ruining them in the process. Not that you care right now, because with his two fingers pumping in and out of you and his mouth sucking on your clit, it's hard to focus on anything else. 
“Too much, Yeonjun, it's too much,” You whimper, grabbing at his hair, half pulling him closer, half pushing him away. 
He only smiles against your folds, tongue plunging deep inside of you to replace his fingers that are now rubbing your clit quickly. One look down is enough to see that at this point, his sheets are stained with your arousal, and your pussy tightens around him at the sight. You can feel him smile into your cunt, his nose rubbing against your clit. 
“Too much? If this is too much, then how are you going to handle my cock, baby?” He mumbles against your pussy and you shiver, clenching and unclenching around his tongue. 
It doesn't take long before the familiar feeling of rapture stirs up in your stomach, and you know you're close to your orgasm. Yeonjun has no trouble understanding that you're about to cum from the way your hands are grilling at his hair and whimpers are leaving your mouth in series. He does nothing to slow down his movements, though, actually speeding up the way he's lapping at your pussy, his tongue reaching places you didn't even know was possible and his hand holding your hips in place so you can't move away, even when the pleasure becomes too much to handle and you're whimpering his name. 
“Yeonjun, please, I–” Your voice breaks into a moan as his teeth graze your clit, and you're basically squirming under him now, thighs shaking with every lick at your pussy. “Gonna cum.”
The knot in your stomach tightens quickly, and when you're at the very edge, you pull at Yeonjun’s hair harshly to bring him as close to your dripping cunt as possible, eyes rolling to the back of your head. It's completely over for you the moment he groans into your pussy, pleasure spreading across your body like wildfire when you reach your high, a loud moan falling from your lips and your eyes screwed shut.
You stay like that for a few seconds, catching your breath, and when you finally open your eyes you’re met with a sight that instantly makes your swollen cunt start throbbing again – namely Yeonjun licking his fingers clean of your juices, a smirk on his face the moment he catches your captivated gaze.
“You taste like fucking candy, baby,” He says, moving up so his face is at your level and he can press a kiss to your jaw before he whispers directly into your ear. “If I could, I’d eat you out for hours on end, but I suppose there are other things we need to take care of first, hmm?”
You would be lying if you said he wasn’t getting you all riled up again, your pussy already acquiring its own heartbeat when you feel his hard-on pressed up to your thigh. It's straining against his pants like crazy now, and he thinks he's going to go insane if he has to hear your pretty moans again without stuffing your pussy with his cock first. Luckily, you’re thinking the same thing, tugging at his collar a little with a pout on your face as you speak.
“Yeonjun…”  Your voice is shivering – there’s no doubt that you’re feeling fucked out from your recent orgasm, but that doesn’t prevent you from grinding your hips against his leg that he’s resting between your thighs. “Want your cock, please.”
Yeonjun can feel his cock twitch in his pants at your words and it only takes him a glance at your fucked out expression to give you exactly what you want – his hands coming up to help you unbutton his shirt before he discards it somewhere on the floor. Next to go are his jeans and boxers, and you can't help the way your eyes grow wide when he finally lets his dick spring free. 
He’s big, and even though you knew that already, it creates a pool of arousal between your legs. You don’t even try to hide that the sight of him is turning you on, your eyes traveling around his naked body so shamelessly that you could’ve never done it if it weren’t for your current state of desperation. 
You want him. Bad. And you know he knows it, too, because soon enough, he’s smirking as he hovers above you again, his breath hot on your face and his bare cock resting against your skin enough to make you feel lightheaded. 
“Yeah? My fingers weren’t enough, you want my cock, too?” 
You nod vigorously – it's the best response you can give at this point. Luckily for you, he doesn’t demand for you to use your words this time, instead positioning himself at your entrance straight away, the tip of his cock grazing your clit. Biting your lip, you send him a pleading look, but he only grins back, dragging his cock up and down your folds. You whimper when it rubs against your clit, throwing your head back in pleasure and grabbing at the sheets again. It feels good, but you need more of him, so you thrust your hips up to meet his, the amused look on his face telling you that he does this just to mess with you.
“Please, Yeonjun, more.” 
He gives into your pleas this time, enjoying the way you whine when he removes his cock from your clit, only to reposition himself at your entrance and push into you slowly. You gasp at the feeling of being stretched out, his cock already making you feel full and you clench around him, drawing a soft groan from his mouth. You’ve barely gotten used to the feeling of him inside of you before he continues entering you – making you realize that he was merely halfway earlier. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” He mutters, hands tightening on your hips and you realize he’s resisting the urge to move. 
It’s painful, the stretch, and it basically has you gasping for air when he bottoms out, your walls sucking him in and tightening around him in a way that allows you to feel every part of his cock clearly. He waits for you to get used to him, one hand slipping under your bra to play with your breast, soft fingers running over your nipple and making you arch your back, pushing your chest against his hand. 
“You-” You begin, cut off by the way he pinches your nipple, making you whimper, the sound bringing a smirk to his features. “You can move now.”
And move he does, thrusting into you slowly, but strongly enough to make your eyes roll to the back of your head, mouth falling open and moans spilling out of it. 
“Yeah? Feels good?” He asks, moving in and out of you leisurely, seemingly unfazed by the way you're clenching around him like crazy. 
“Mhmm,” You moan in response, pulling him closer to you with your legs.
He takes the close proximity as an opportunity to move his hand from your chest to your jaw, moving it to the side so that he can lean down to press kisses to your neck. The movement makes his dick sink further into your wet cunt, and it has you closing your eyes, whimpering. His lips suck marks into your sensitive skin, nose running over those he left on your neck earlier while he keeps thrusting into you, now with the palm of his hand pressing down on your clit. 
You spread your legs wider for him when he starts rubbing your clit, and he smiles against the skin of your neck before pressing one kast kiss to it, pulling away. He's looking down on you now, watching your tits bounce with every deep thrust, your vision cloudy already. The lewd sounds your pussy makes when he slides in and out are enough to make him twitch inside of you, aching to move faster, and your moans are exactly what prompts him to do just that. 
He speeds up, his hand positioning your leg higher on his hip so he can pound into you from a deeper angle as he watches your face contorted in pleasure. You're grabbing onto his shoulders for dear life as he fucks you into the mattress, your head turned away and your lip between your teeth to muffle the embarrassingly loud moans and whimpers you're letting out. 
“Look at me,” Yeonjun’s not having any of it, fingers sinking into the soft skin of your cheeks as he turns your head so you're forced to look at him. “You wanted me to fuck this pussy so bad and now you can't even look at me while I do it?”
It's shameful how you instantly clench around his cock when he says that, but he seems to enjoy how you react to him, fingers gripping your jaw tighter as his thrusts manage to become somehow deeper. He's making you see starts with the way his hand moves from your jaw to your throat, fingers wrapped around it as he splits you open with his cock. Your thighs are starting to shake, the knot in your stomach tightening and there's no point in attempting to hold your moans back – they manage to escape past your lips anyway.
“I’m close,” You warn him, but it sounds more like a whimper than a sentence. 
This only fuels him on, his fingers working wonders on your clit while his dick reaches sensitive places you didn't know existed. You're basically drooling onto his hand now, vision hazy and whole body trembling with pleasure. The feeling of fullness is making you dizzy, making it hard to make out coherent thoughts. 
“That’s it, keep taking all I give you like the good girl you are,” He groans, his cock twitching inside of your cunt. “Nobody takes it as well as you.”
You let out a loud, broken moan as you teach your high, nails digging into his shoulders and pussy clenching around his dick. Not a moment later, he's shooting his load inside of you, filling you up with his cum as you moan his name repeatedly, eyes rolled to the back of your head from the pleasure. A moment passes by for you to catch your breaths, before he's pulling out to lay down next to you. 
You’re left feeling a little empty, but it doesn't matter the second Yeonjun’s arms come to pull you in for a hug. Your head rests in the crook of his neck, eyes still screwed shut as you listen to his heartbeat, and you're pretty sure it's the prettiest sound you've ever heard in your entire life. It's steady and loud against your ear, and his hot breath hitting the top of your head feels comforting.
“You look so pretty like this,” You hear Yeonjun’s voice after a while, his hand coming up to stroke your hair. “So, so pretty.”
You fight the urge to leave your eyes closed – your exhaustion finally catching up to you after two orgasms – to look up at him, and it’s definitely worth it. He looks beautiful – even more than usually – with his hair sticking to his forehead, eyelids heavy and a sheepish smile on his face. You reciprocate the grin as he presses a kiss to the top of your head, before you're lying down on his chest again, sighing softly. 
“Let’s stay like this forever.”
You can feel his chest rumble with the chuckle he lets out, before he picks your hair out of your face to whisper in your ear. 
“I’d like nothing more.”
And you know he means it. 
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kjhbsies · 4 months
Love Strum
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Rockstar Ellie Williams x fem!reader
Synopsis: After a series of arguments and misunderstanding, Ellie finds herself on a mission to win you back. Determined to prove her sincerity, Ellie starts working on improving herself.
However, as you and Ellie gain trust and potential liking for each other, your charming schoolmate enters the scene, inciting jealousy inside her.
wordcount: 3, 808
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It’s been a week since the incident happened.
And yes, the internet broke in hell as the videos of Ellie started circulating. However, it was not what Jesse thought it would be.
Rather, Ellie and the band became viral as her different fangirls and fans club became obsessed with how she protected the guy who molested you. And how they found Ellie getting angry and possessive over you, somewhat, hot.
Ellie and the guy he beat up settled everything, much to Jesse’s luck. But after that, the band is taking a two-week break just to make the incident die down. Tonight is its end, thus, they are going to play again tonight.
But what was Ellie doing right now? Laying on the couch in her fancy penthouse while taking a swig of alcohol. To be honest, she has a lot in her mind right now. She could be writing everything in her notebook so she can compose a song dedicated to you. But Ellie doesn’t have the energy to lift her body because of her guilt.
A part of her brain wanted to find and apologize to you. Ellie knows that you don't deserve it. No one does. But something inside her doesn’t want to accept that she likes you. That she’s head over heels for you.
Ellie knows she fears commitment and attachment, which is why she only wants to hook up with different girls, not wanting to have someone fall in love with her. I mean, she doesn’t really see herself being in a relationship with them, so why would she engage in it?
But you.
Oh, you make her really confused.
Jordan walked in. Both of her hands are tucked in the pockets of her oversized hoodie. She sat in front of Ellie before sliding a piece of paper on the coffee table.
Ellie’s brows are knitted. “What’s that?” She asked before taking a piece of cigarette and a lighter.
“Her name, address, personal information… whatever the hell you need.” Jordan shrugged before leaning at the couch.
That night, after leaving you and Ellie alone backstage, Jordan managed to find out your bestfriends in the middle of the crowd. They were talking to some bouncers, rambling and asking where you went and what happened to you. Jordan managed to pull the two in a quiet corner, answering their questions. In return, Jordan asked for your name and personal information as they badly wanted to apologize to you personally.
“Who?” Ellie asked, despite knowing who she was talking about. She picked up the piece of paper and stared at it. Her jaw tightened as she read your name. After all those years of her trying to unmask that mysterious fan girl, she now knows you. But at what cost?
“Stop fucking around. You know who I’m talking about.”
Ellie lit up her cigarette before putting the paper down the table once again. “What should I do about it?” She asked stubbornly.
Jordan stared at her, dumbfounded. “You’ve said some hurtful things to her, Ellie. You should fucking apologize, dude!”
Her eyes shut down before blowing a puff of smoke. “That’s the thing… I don’t fucking know how.”
“I know this is some ironic thing to say but dude… grow some fucking balls. I know you think that she’s just nothing but your fan girl, but that doesn’t give you the opportunity to be a fucking asshole to her. You might think that she’s gonna come back running to you just because you are her fucking idol but what happens if she didn’t?” Jordan breathed. “I saw her that night, dude. She’s fucking crying while running out the bar. I don’t know what happened, but it looked like you didn’t care at all-”
“I fucking care, dude! That’s the problem because I don’t want to.” Ellie said, angrily. “I just want to be able to live carelessly, bed different girls at night, have flings then and there but it’s like her existence forbids me from doing that. I don’t know what she’s done to me, but ever since I saw her at the shitty bar at our gig in April three years ago-”
Jordan’s eyes widened. “Three years ago?!”
Ellie nodded while taking another puff and drink. “This is all fucked up, right? I think I’m fucking losing my mind.”
“Why didn’t I notice that you’re in love ever since.”
“I never said anything about being in love.” Ellie shook her head.
“It is love, dude. What do you want me to call it? A fucking miracle?”
“M-maybe!” She shrugged.
Jordan stood up. “You’re insane. Come on, I’m taking you to her place.”
“Right now?” Ellie panics, her eyes turning wide. “Nah, dude, we have a gig.” She backs out.
“It’s only 2:00 PM, stop over-reacting.”
And with that, Jordan started to pull Ellie by her wrist with so much force just because she kept pulling back. And because Ellie is much stronger than her, this made it harder than it is. However, because of the liquor Ellie was drinking earlier, she lost the battle. She figured out that it’s better to apologize to you personally. Ellie is now mustering all of her courage to face you. She figured she could do it. She is Ellie Williams.
She could not do it.
Ellie feels like she’s going to puke, literally. Her feet and hands are getting cold with every step she is taking. She bought a bouquet of roses on the way to this cafe, which apparently, is right outside of your apartment. How did Jordan make you agree to meet up with them? Ellie did not know. She figured out that after your argument, you wouldn’t want to show up near her. And maybe it’s for the better because Ellie is an asshole. She deserved it.
Ellie spotted you sitting on the corner of the cafe, you were immersed in a novel you’re reading while wearing headphones in your head. The sunlight shone perfectly at your figure that Ellie couldn’t stop staring at you.
You looked up at the two figures standing in front of you and you gently removed the headphones in your head, stopping the music in your phone, and sighed. Now, if it was a normal day and the argument between you and Ellie happened, you would’ve been ecstatic. You would’ve been giddy in your seat and most probably, you’re jumping in pure happiness.
But right now, looking at them, especially the girl that you thought you’ve been in love with the whole time, isn’t just the same.
“You two should talk, okay? I’ll be right there.” Jordan pointed at the seat near the two of you.
You nodded and put on a tight-lipped smile. Ellie slowly sat in front of you.
“She said you wanted to talk.” You started.
Ellie scrunched up her nose, as nervousness started to make its way onto her nerves. She couldn’t stop fidgeting and playing with her rings and the flowers. You sounded so sweet and gentle, contrasting her dark and cold voice.
You are so pure and Ellie is just not…
“Yeah. I wanted to apologize.” Ellie said, placing the bouquet of flowers at the table which you just blankly stared at. “I didn’t know w-what flowers you wanted so…” She stammered. Shit, shit, shit. “It’s fine.” Despite everything, your heart still jumped at her small effort.
Ellie looked at you. “I’m sorry.” She finally said, making you stare at her back. “It’s been two weeks and I can’t stop thinking about what I said.”
“Good.” You nodded.
Ellie sighed. “I didn’t mean everything. Saying those mean things about you was such a low move. A-and if you won’t forgive me, I’ll understand.”
“I forgive you.”
She looked at you. “Really?”
“Yeah…” You shrugged. “I just… got disappointed that night.”
Ellie’s heart dropped.
“You know, for three years, I embarrassingly liked you. At first, I did want your attention. I mean- who doesn’t, right? You were my… everything.” You gulped, a lump started forming in your throat. “But as I grew older, I am content to just stare and like you from afar. I always dreamt of what it would be like to be near you but that night, when I finally talked to you, it didn’t go as I expected. So, yeah, guess you can say that I was disappointed.”
“I’m sorry.” Ellie’s gaze dropped.
“It’s fine. Really. I accept your apology.”
“Do you still like me?” Ellie blurted out without thinking.
Both of your brows rose up as you were taken aback by her question. But after a few seconds, you smiled at her sadly. “I don’t know.”
I don’t know.
I don’t know…
I… don’t… know…
Those three words never left Ellie’s mind ever since they left the cafe. It’s been two days, and she’s still thinking about it since, and she didn’t know what impact you have on her until you’ve said those words.
She really couldn’t believe that she’s getting all worked up over this.
“Tough crowd?” Alex asked before throwing a cold can of sparkling water at Ellie.
“Nah, they’re great.” She shook her head before opening it.
Alex looked at her skeptically. “Then why’d you look like you’re spacing out the whole time?”
Ellie’s brows are now knitted. “Am I?”
“Yeah, dude, what happened? Jordan told me about y/n. What did you two talk about? Spill.” She said before sitting on one of the stools backstage.
“Nothing, man. I just apologized. “
“And…?” Her brows rose up.
Ellie looked her dead in the eye, not wanting to give in and talk. But a small part of her wanted to ask for help. Besides, it’s what Alex is good at. Who would Ellie want to talk to and ask for a piece of advice? Then with someone who is in a healthy relationship of three years.
Ellie sighed before sitting on the stool beside her. She clicked her tongue before talking. Still somewhat unsure, but… “She was this girl I’ve always seen in our gigs or concerts for three years.”
“Yeah, I know, you always ask for her name.”
“And I never got it.” Ellie rolled her eyes. Alex nodded. “I don’t know, man, I just got overprotective of her that night, and then got drunk, and said some shitty things to her.”
“You know, I never understood that part.”
“Fair enough. I just reacted so badly when I saw her in front of me. But mainly, I was pissed because she has this… magnetic energy that I just couldn’t forget. And I never understood why because she’s… she’s just…” Ellie sighed, not wanting to finish it.
Alex nodded repeatedly, understanding the whole situation.
“So you can’t accept the fact that you fell in love with your fan-girl and not the other way around? And so your pride couldn’t take it all in because you’re you?” Ellie nodded.
“So you’re afraid of feeling like a fucking loser. Maybe you should ask her what she felt. Pretty sure you two could talk it all out.”
“I did.”
“And what did she say?” Alex stared at Ellie.
“She said ‘I don’t know.’”
Ellie nodded again.
“And what did you feel?”
“Like a fucking loser.”
The two of them sat in silence for five minutes before Alex clapped her hands and went in front of Ellie.
“So here’s what you’re gonna do.”
Three days after you and Ellie talked and you were still thinking about how unreal everything was for the past few weeks.
In that short amount of time, you got into a huge mess in a bar, unexpectedly argued with your long-time idol and crush, and now she actually went to see you in a cafe? I mean, what the hell? And now, you just got a text from her which you are debating what to say as she’s asking if you are free to go into a private bar.
Ellie: Don’t worry about the transpo, I will send someone to get you.
Ellie: Consider this as compensation for my shitty behavior. Will you go?
Ellie: Please?
“God, how can you say no?!” Your friend, Dina, exclaimed before dramatically falling down the bed. “At first, I don’t really get why you’re so obsessed with her for years but fuck, I saw her face to face and she’s so hot. I just thought I would combust while looking at her.”
“Jesus.” Cat said, side-eyeing her. “I think you should stand your ground and make her pay. For a girl with such a popular status and huge wealth, she probably has a huge amount of ego and you should not give in to her.”
“But she’s hot.” Dina pointed once again.
“Yeah, she is.” You and Cat said in unison.
You shut your eyes and flopped down the bed next to Dina. “This is so fucking hard.”
“Just say yes!” Dina said and Cat immediately protested. She sat in the bed. “But! But! Just hear me out! You should still act cold and make her pay!”
“And how do I do that? I almost cried when I said that I don’t know if I liked her now.”
“We’ll get you dressed.” Cat pulled you up. “And remember that you should stand your ground. You’re a pretty girl and if given the chance, I will fuck y-”
“Yup, we’re done.” You said, dismissing her.
Cat put her hands on both of your shoulders. “So, here’s what you’re going to do.”
You: Okay.
Ellie pumped her fist in the air and immediately stopped in embarrassment.
“The fuck was that?” She asked herself before typing.
Ellie: See ya.
Wearing your burgundy satin dress that Dina thought would perfectly hug your curves and compliment your skin, sleek makeup, and your hair is done perfectly, you never think you’d look this good.
The lamborghini Ellie was talking about picked you up in front of your apartment and every one stopped and stared in pure amusement. The private bar is a 30 minute drive and it is a fancy one. A jazz song is playing, making this place very romantic. Right now, you were sitting in front of Ellie, trying so hard not to stare but you just couldn’t help but look at her.
She’s wearing her formal suit and the first three buttons on her dress shirt are opened as the red tie on her neck is loose. Ellie sipped onto the wine, looking at you shamelessly.
“You look pretty.” She muttered, causing your heart to jump. Your eyes flicked at her before you smiled and Ellie can almost feel her grip on the glass becoming shaky.
“You too.” You said honestly. “Aren’t you afraid of getting caught with me?”
“Why would I?” Ellie poured wine at your glass. “Don’t worry. No one’s going to ruin this for us.”
True enough, you two had been talking for the past hour. You never really thought Ellie would redeem herself like this but you were glad that she’s taking accountability for what she’d done. Both of you learned some things from each other, and it was Ellie’s first time opening up with her personal life to a girl.
Ellie found out that you’re in your second year of college and is taking a psychology course. Ellie was so amazed and was frequently asking you about different things in human behavior and you answered it with such intelligence. You were so immersed in talking passionately about what you love that it warmed Ellie’s heart.
On the other hand, Ellie said that it was her dream to study science. She wanted to be an astronomer when she was young but it shifted when she became popular. Though, she would still like to study about it.
When it was time to go home, Ellie personally offered to drive you in front of your apartment, while using a different car – not the one that she uses every time because of paparazzis.
And it all went like this for weeks. Ellie never stopped talking to you in text. And, whenever you’re free, you’d go to their gigs or concerts with your friends. Jesse, their manager, would get you backstage as per Ellie’s requests, and, sometimes, the whole band and your friends would go to different restaurants to hang out.
You were supposed to meet with Ellie tonight, in a small, secluded town where no one could potentially see the both of you together. It was Friday night, and you thought it would be the best time to go out and have fun after a long week full of tests, projects, and school work. Besides, you did great for all of them,and Ellie’s going to treat you for an ice cream date.
It’s been 10 minutes, and she’s still not here. You’re in a park filled with colorful lights and fun decorations, and you amuse yourself by taking pictures and updating Dina and Cat. And then, after quite some time, you stood up and went to sit in a swing, pushing it ever so lightly.
To be honest, it’s getting quite late. And Ellie still isn’t here. There were no texts or calls from her, and you were not going to ask where she is for the third time.
Sighing, you kicked a rock, but it hit someone. A familiar tall figure looked at you with a fake shocked and hurt expression. And your eyes immediately widened.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” You stood up.
The said person laughed. “It’s fine.” She answered. “Are you okay? You seem annoyed and spacing out.”
You hesitated in answering. Part of you wanted to talk to someone, but something inside you just wanted to not say anything about it. It’s humiliating because you got stood up. And the one who’s in front of you right now is none other than Abby Anderson.
To say that she is quite famous in your university is an understatement because she is more than that. Her father is a surgeon, thus making her one of the richest girls in school. She’s a top student ever since, and she’s actually the Biology Society’s president. Many people knew her, even from different universities as she’s always competing in research.
You two are just acquaintances, only sharing a few words when you always see each other at different organization’s meetings, or events where their college and yours are going together, and when you see each other in hallways. But seeing Abby in her comfy clothes at night, just casually walking in a park, is something you'd never think you’d see as she’s always so formal.
“This is so embarrassing, so I wouldn’t say why I’m here, moping all alone.” You sighed, putting up a thin lipped smile.
Abby nodded, putting her hands on her pockets. “Okay. I won’t ask further.”
“Thank you.” “Do you want me to accompany you? Or are you going to leave now?” Abby sat in a swing beside you.
“I might hang out here for a bit. I just want to take a breather since it’s been a hell week.”
“Right.” Abby rolled her eyes while smiling. “I think I haven't got a good sleep since Monday started.”
“I can’t even remember the last time I had a decent meal.”
You two laughed.
“God, I look like an idiot right now. I’m sorry you had to see me like this.” You look at her, and you find out that she’s already staring at you.
“Stop saying that.” She said, “Whoever ditched you tonight is an idiot. I’ll never make a pretty girl like you wait for nothing.”
You didn’t ask how she knew what happened. And instead, you smiled. “Really?”
Your gaze fell on your lap. “Yeah, she’s kind of an idiot.”
“Well, let’s go find something to eat. I’m starving.” Abby held out her hands in front of you, and you immediately held it.
You and Abby decided to eat ramen first. She insisted that it’ll be great, since the weather is cold tonight.
“It’s my favorite ramen shop. I always go here when I’m feeling stressed.” She said while mixing the noodles carefully.
“You always go here?” You asked before taking a bite. True enough, the ramen is good, aside from this, it also came with a lot of side dishes.
She nodded. “My apartment is near here. How about you? Where do you currently live?”
“Oh, my apartment’s in the next town. It’s 30 minutes away from here but if I’m going to take a bus, which is what I’ll be doing tonight, then it'll take me an hour.” You checked your watch. “I’ll accompany you. My car is parked in here.”
You immediately shook your head. “No, I can manage, really.”
Abby hummed. “Nah, I can’t let you go on your own. Besides, it’s already 11 in the evening.”
“No buts. Eat your ramen and then we can go get some sundaes before I take you home, okay?” She asked you and you immediately complied.
“Wait, you lived with Cat?” Abby asked when she saw the familiar street.
“Yeah, you knew her?” You asked, surprised.
“Well, yeah, she’s a cartoon editor in the uni’s publication. Back when I was still a feature writer, we were very close. We still are but not as close as before. I got really busy with being the BioSoc’s president so I kinda dropped the position there. It was a really fun experience, though.”
“You’re very smart.”
Abby smiled, stopping in front of your apartment. She looked at you, “I try not to disappoint my father so it’s kind of my job to be smart.”
“Oh.” Your gaze dropped down your lap. Your phone buzzed but you ignored who’s messaging you right now.
You and Abby got out of the car.
“I had so much fun tonight, y/n.” Abby said and you nodded.
You were about to answer when you noticed a figure behind her. Abby sensed that your gaze fell somewhere, which is why she looked back.
Your phone buzzed and you looked at it. It was text messages from Dina…
…and Ellie.
Ellie: I’m sorry, I had an emergency. You still there?
Ellie: Hellooo?
Ellie: Your friends told me that you’re probably on the way back. I’ll just meet you in your apartment.
Ellie’s brows are knitted while looking at the unfamiliar girl who’s with you right now. Abby stared back at her with an unamused gaze, making Ellie slowly getting annoyed. She’s holding a bouquet and a box of donuts and a tub of ice cream on the other hand.
“Who’s this?” She asked coldly.
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
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I'm on Fire
Chapter 1: Black No. 1
biker!Eddie Munson x fem!artist!Reader
Part 1
Series Masterlist
🚨18+ Only, older!Eddie, tow truck driver Eddie, biker!Eddie, alcohol consumption, sex with someone other than reader, cheating (not on reader), slightly fuckboy!eddie, adult themes. Y/N is used several times in the first few chapters, as well as plenty of typos and I apologize for that. This was my very first reader insert series ever, and it's insane how much the characters and story have grown. I really appreciate those who have been on this journey with me, and those who continue to want to read it!
Word count: 3.3k
There is an instant spark of chemistry between you and the guy who rescues you from the side of the freeway in his tow truck, courtesy of Munson's Garage. While you've never met him before, your roommate has, and you learn a few things about Eddie Munson while he indulges in one of his late-night extracurricular activities, which is just one facet of the dark secrets in his life.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to have a crush on your tow truck driver.
One second, you’re cruising along the freeway, blasting Linger by The Cranberries, looking forward to the future, and the next---your tire blows and you’re on the side of the road questioning when you will ever catch a break. You were trying to remember how far back the last payphone was as traffic sped by, blowing your hair into your face, when a big, mean looking, black tow truck with Munson’s Garage written on the door slowed down and pulled in front of you.
The guy behind the wheel waited for a few cars to buzz by before he dropped down from the cab, boots hitting the pavement, and made his way over to you. He’s wearing his long, dark hair tied back in a ponytail, black jeans with a wallet chain hanging at his thigh, and a button down blue work shirt that says Eddie on it. He’s muscular in a manual labor way, and you spot a few tattoos at first glance, just as he closes the distance between you.
“Come here often?” He asked, the side of his mouth lifting up as he squinted against the sun.
You hesitated, because you weren’t prepared for jokes, and then you shrug. “Yeah, I live here. It’s cozy, shame it’s so close to the freeway.”
He takes a pair of gloves out of his back pocket and you notice his warm, brown sugar eyes take a quick sweep up and down your body. “In that case, I might have to visit more often.”
You also weren’t ready for the teasing, sexual banter, but you could give as well as you got. “Careful. I bite.”
Of course, you don’t have a spare tire, and so the next option is for him to tow you back to his garage. He tells you to get comfortable in the cab of the truck while he hooks your car on.
Inside, you notice that it’s an older cab, but it’s clean and well taken care off. There’s an Iron Maiden sticker on the glove compartment, and a vanilla tree-shaped air freshener hanging from the CB radio. You scoot over, curious as a kitten, to see what other little pieces of his life you can pick up from the area, when you see photo of a little kid, maybe 2 years old, taped to the top of his dash. The toddler had thick dark hair and big, dark eyes, and you realize he must be a dad—the kid looked just like him. You remembered looking at his strong hands before he put his gloves on, and you didn’t see any rings, but most people in his profession chose not to wear them when they worked, as a safety precaution.
He climbed up into the cab behind the steering wheel and took his gloves off, stuffing them in the console between you, apologizing for how long it took. In your mind, he’d only been out there five minutes, but—time flies when you’re being a snoop.
The radio blared loud the second he turned the engine on (Would? by Alice in Chains) and you jumped in your seat, a yelp escaping your throat.
He cringed and turned the volume down. “My bad,” he laughed a little, giving you a wink when you look over at him, your palm flat on your chest, adrenaline coursing through you.
His shop was almost a half hour away, and the conversation stayed light. He asked you what you did for work, and when you told him that you were on staff at a gallery, but you wished you could be a full time artist—he was one of the few people in your whole life who didn’t make fun of you for it.
“You have no idea how much I relate to that,” he said, almost under his breath, shifting the truck into another gear.
You asked him how long he’d been in the area and he replied, “too long.”
He got quiet for a few minutes, and you shifted your eyes covertly to catch his jaw muscles flexing, like he was deep in thought about something he didn’t want to be thinking about.
You adjusted yourself on the vinyl seat with a creak of the upholstery. “So, did you grow up here?”
He opened his mouth for a beat, and then closed it again, as if he didn’t like the answer he was about to give. “I grew up all over the place. But I went to high school here, and then I left, and then I came back.”
You pulled your bottom lip over your top lip, looking out the window at a sea of fat cows grazing in a big, grassy field.
“I’m sure there are worse places to be,” you said aloud, although you meant for it to be a silent thought.
He scoffed. “You must be new here. Give it time.”
He had his hand high on the wheel, and he looked sideways over his arm at you. You could tell he wanted to ask you more, and you wanted to ask the name of the cute kid in the photo on his dash—but it suddenly felt like it was all getting too personal.
There was sudden static on the CB radio and the voice of an older man came through the speaker. “Munson, what’s your 20?”
Eddie reached over to take the handheld receiver off the hook under the glove compartment, the back of his hand brushing your knee as he did so.
He pushed the button on the side as he held it to his mouth. “On I-90, just passed Little River, on my way back.”
He let go of the button so that the other man could speak.
“Charlene dropped the Jaguar off again. Not a damn thing wrong with it, but she asked for you, specifically.”
Eddie swallowed, his eyes shifting to you, as if he was embarrassed or self-conscious about the conversation.
“...I told her I’d bring it by on my way home after work.”
The other end was silent for a bit and then, the older man gave a heavy sigh. “Son, I hope you’re not doing what I think you’re--”
“Talk to you when I get there, Wayne. I’ve got a customer in the cab with me,” and then Eddie hung up the receiver and switched the radio off with a click.
Back at Munson’s Garage you called your best friend, Katie, who you were supposed to meet for lunch, to talk her down from the ledge she was on, panicking over where you were.
“At first, I wanted to murder you, and then--” As Katie is talking, you see Eddie give you a thumbs up from across the garage to let you know the tire was on and your car was ready, and you mirrored the gesture. “...and then I was like, wait, maybe she’s in a ditch somewhere….and you were!”
Like any self-respecting, horny friend would, she asked if the tow truck driver that picked you up was hot while on the phone with you.
You’re watching Eddie pick up two tires and fling them onto a pile like they weighed nothing, muscles flexing in his forearms and hands; he catches you staring and smiles almost accidentally at you over his shoulder, before turning away. “Not really, I mean, if you like that sort of thing, I guess.”
There was a teenage boy at the front desk who looked like he was in training, and with shaking hands, he tallied you up for the price of the tow and the tire.
“Just the tire,” Eddie came up behind him, wiping his fingers on a rag. “The tow is on the house,” he lifts his eyes to you, and then looks down to make sure the kid got it right.
You thanked him, and as you were leaving, you saw the long, sleek, white Jaguar convertible with leather seats parked at the far end of the garage. You wondered who Charlene was, and why she chose that particular garage over all of the other high end, specialty repair shops in the area.
That night, you were snuggled in front of a Golden Girls episode, dissociating in your bathrobe on the couch with your orange, long haired tabby cat named Charlie, when Katie, who was also your roommate, got home after a meeting at the high school where she taught English and creative writing.
“I didn’t get into an accident,” you assured her, turning the sound down on the TV. “I just blew a tire. I’ll still be able to make it to work tomorrow, unfortunately.”
The next night was a huge artist opening at the gallery, and all of the mucky mucks usually attended to buy high priced art and drink free champagne.
“Hey,” you went to the kitchen to squirt some of your cheap, refrigerated box wine into some glasses and brought one over to Katie. “You’ve lived here longer than I have. Do you know a woman named Charlene who drives a super fancy white, Jaguar convertible?”
“Charlene Gregson? The ex-supermodel, the wife of millionaire CEO John Gregson, the ones who just happen to have a summer home near here on the lake?”
You put your wine glass to your lips. “Sure, I mean, I guess. Does she drive a white Jaguar?”
Katie curled up at the other end of the couch and wrapped a blanket over her. “They have a ten car garage at their mansion, so I’m sure she has one in every color.”
“Wait, how do you know this?” You put your elbow on the top of the couch to rest your hand on your fist, squinting at your roommate.
Katie took a big gulp of her wine. “My sister, the one who runs her own carpet cleaning business, she’s been out there. They have these antique rugs that need to be cleaned a certain way.”
“So, she’s married?” You asked, feeling like you’re asking the same question over and over without actually asking it.
Katie shrugs. “As far as I know they still are. I mean, what happened? Did you run into her or something?”
You didn’t feel like retelling the entire debacle, so you trimmed it down a bunch. “I saw that car at the garage when I got my tire fixed, and someone mentioned that it belonged to her.”
Katie gave you a curious look.
You turned and noticed the way she was staring at you. “What?” You laughed as you asked it, turning your gaze back to the TV.
“So,” Katie said, her eyebrow raised. “Forget about Charlene. Tell me more about this tow truck guy. Is he single? Is he tall? Does he have sexy hands?”
You rolled your head to rest it on the back of the sofa. “Do you know a guy named Eddie?”
Katie ran her tongue over her teeth, thinking.
“He drives a tow truck? Works at Munson’s Garage?”
An invisible light bulb seemed to blink on above Katie’s head. “Eddie...Eddie Munson?”
The way she asked it gave you pause; your eyes shifted, and then you shrugged, “I didn’t ask for his last name, but I guess so.”
Katie tilted her head back, eyes wide. “Holy shit, I haven’t seen him around in a minute. He used to sell weed back in the day. I bought some from him a few times when I first moved here after college. But he left town for a year or two, I didn’t know he was back.”
You squished air around in your mouth, puffing your cheeks out as you listened to her. “Well, he’s back. He put a new tire on my car and he didn’t even break a sweat.”
“I remember him being...really hot, in like, a metalhead way,” Katie sipped her wine again. “Does he still have the long hair?”
You nodded, staring at the TV vacantly, picturing him in your mind as clearly as if he were right in front of you. You asked Katie if Eddie had a kid, and she had no idea. “The last time we smoked at his trailer, he was single with no kids, but that was—oh shit---a good 6 years ago.”
The next revelation made Katie jump as she remembered it: “Oh! He was in a band, too. The name had something to do with rust or decay, I never saw him play though, Dan and the rest of his D&D nerd friends worshiped him.” Dan was Katie’s younger brother by two years, and he asked you on a date a while back, but you turned him down, respectfully, being that you didn’t want it to mess with your friendship with Katie.
“That’s his garage, he runs it with his uncle.” Katie corrected your earlier statement. “There’s a rumor that it’s also a clubhouse for the Coffin Kings motorcycle gang, but who knows. In a town like this, there are a lot of rumors.”
You thought about his visible tattoos, including the cluster of bats near his elbow, some kind of monsterous puppet thing on his inner forearm, and there was something spelled out across his fingers, but you couldn’t read what it said.
There is an interlude in your conversation with nothing but canned laughter from the sitcom on TV, and then Katie changes the subject, recalling a dramatic story having to do with one of her colleagues that happened earlier that day.
Eddie waited until everyone was gone before he closed up the garage, noticing that the new kid forgot to sweep the lobby, so he did it himself, mumbling about how it was hard to find good help these days. He had the Jaguar already loaded on the truck, but he needed to wait until after 8 to drop it off at her place.
Charlene was pulling his shirt up and undoing his belt, her mouth on his throat, as soon as she locked the front door behind him. He grabbed onto her wrists and held her in place, forcing her to back up as he walked forward.
There were several Magnum wrappers on the floor by the time he left her there after their final fuck in the shower. He picked up the evidence of their affair and took the wrappers with him, thinking that he couldn’t remember the last time he was with someone he cared about and trusted enough to not use some kind of protection. That same dark voice in his head told him that he’d never get that close to anyone ever again. “Get used to it, buddy. You’ll be alone forever,” the voice snickered.
Mrs. John Waterberry, who lived in the house across from Charlene Gregson, grabbed her 78 yr old husband by the arm just as they were getting ready for bed. She could see the tow truck pull up into Charlene’s driveway from their bedroom window.
“That’s five times in two months, John,” Mrs. Waterberry scampered for the binoculars in the desk drawer, putting them to her eyes and pointing them at the house. “Who on earth needs to have their brand new car towed that often?”
John Waterberry fussed to put his glasses back on and watched the big, black truck lower the delicate, expensive Jaguar to the ground with care. “I don’t give a damn, Louisa, let’s go to bed.”
Behind her, John got into bed and turned the lamp by the bed off, but Mrs. Waterberry hid behind the curtain and watched as the strange tattooed boy with the long hair went over and knocked at the front door. When Charlene answered, she was in her a skimpy bathrobe!
“John!” Mrs. Waterberry called to her husband. “She invited him inside again! I told you! Her husband away on a golfing trip and now this.”
“It’s none of our business, Louisa,” John mumbled, turning over on his side, facing away from her.
Mrs. Waterford ended up falling asleep, but her eyes snapped open when she heard the low grumble of the tow truck starting up again. She looked at the digital alarm clock on the nightstand: it was almost 1:00 in the morning.
Eddie popped a cigarette into his mouth and rolled the window down, turning his music up in the cab of the tow truck as soon as he was out of the gated lake community. (Black No. 1 – Type O Negative)
"I went looking for trouble, and boy, I found her,
she's in love with herself
she likes the dark
and on her milk white neck
the Devil's mark..."
He should’ve been feeling good, but the frown on his face was giving him a headache, his body telling his mind there was something wrong. He happened to catch a flicker out of the corner of his eye and turned to see a shiny sliver of something on the floorboard of his truck. He made sure there were no cars around and bent down to stretch his hand out and swoop it up. It was an earring; a little silver hoop, and he realized, with sigh, that it must’ve belonged to the woman he had in his truck earlier that day. The one who worked at an art gallery and didn’t have a spare tire in her car. The one with cute, quirky mannerisms and the beautiful eyes.
He sped up and shifted into the next gear, cigarette between his lips, and slipped the earring into his front pocket.
Finally back at the garage, Eddie parked the truck and opened the side door to get his bike. After a wide straddle and a few kicks of his foot, the Harley started up with a growl, loud pipes spitting, his hand with the metal rings twisting on the high handlebar. He had a gig with his band the next evening, but not until after he escorted Charlene to her function and pretended to be her body guard. The whole town had to know they were fucking; he had a hard time believing they were all so morbidly clueless.
While he shot down the highway on his chopper with the wind in his face, he reached over to feel for the outline of your earring in his pocket, and realized with a tiny flutter in his gut, that he had a valid excuse to look you up and see you again.
Part 2
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epigstolary · 5 months
Real Talk
TW: Medical fatphobia, health issues, fat shaming, toxic masculinity
Dude, you say you want me to help you, but you’re going to have to get serious if you really want to start losing weight. I’m a trainer, not a miracle worker. I mean, look at you; you know your body’s fucking disgusting, right? You let yourself get so huge that even your fat guy clothes can’t hide your belly anymore. Every inch of you is covered in blubber. Everywhere you look. And you have to push all that fat around every time you want to walk or move. It’s so gross watching you try to go anywhere. You’re just waddling around under hundreds of pounds of fat, wheezing like you just ran a marathon. Like… people aren’t supposed to get to the size that you have. And don’t give me that “health at any size” bullshit. You’ve got to have some serious problems to get this big and think it’s ok. Nobody your size is healthy. Your body’s a fucking disgrace, tubbo.
You gotta realize just how bad being this fat is for you, right? Think about it. All that fat’s wrapping around your organs. Either they work harder, or they just quit working. Your joints are getting annihilated having to move all that extra weight around. Your heart’s having to work so much harder just to do its thing because you’re so fucking big. Your body’s not supposed to work like that. It feels like it’s under attack 24/7 — because it is — so you’ve got anxiety, you’ve got inflammation, your hormones are all out of wack. Your body chemistry is basically fucked once you get fat. And fucking forget about it when you weigh as much as three normal people, like your flabby ass does.
Not that you seem to care, since you pay zero attention to your diet. It’s just fucking scary, bro. I’ve seen you pound an entire pizza or a bag of burgers and be ready for more. And that’s just, like, a regular lunch for you. There’s so much saturated fat and sugar in all the shit you eat for every meal, it blows my mind that you’re even able to function. Where do you think that shit goes after you cram it down your throat, meal after meal? It’s blowing up your body even fatter. It’s clogging up those arteries to make that overworked heart work even harder. It’s running through all the insulin your body tries to pump out so that it can deal with the abuse you put it through. I bet if I went through your kitchen right now, I couldn’t find one goddamn vegetable — all sweets, and takeout, and chips, and junk food, am I right? Yeah, you love kicking back on the sofa and working through a big pile of garbage like that, don’t you, fatass? I bet you sit there just belly out, crumbs and shit all over your tits, like a big fucking blob, huh?
Keep eating like that, and you don’t have a fucking chance. You’re just gonna keep blowing up until you finally have the fucking big one. That shit is so, SO bad for you. You want to not be a total embarrassment, fatty? You’re gonna have to throw the snack cakes in the garbage. You’re gonna have to cook stuff that’s not loaded with butter or grease or sugar. You’re gonna have to eat something green that grows in the ground every once in a while. And yeah, you’re probably going to feel like shit for a while because your body’s used to getting fed lard nonstop all the fucking time. But you gotta get a little self-control. The whole reason why you look like a fucking enormous cow, why you’ve got that belly packed full of fat fucking garbage, is that you’ve never had any.
I guess what I can’t figure out is, why the fuck did you do this to yourself? It’s so much harder to make it through life when you’re this fucking heavy. You can’t even go anywhere or do anything because you’re too fat to leave the house. Everyone you meet has to be shocked at what a lardass you are. Nobody who sees your disgustingly obese body is gonna want to fuck you, except the fucking weirdos who get off on that shit. Maybe that’s who you have to settle for, since there’s no way you’re reaching your dick with all that fat in the way. God, I can’t even imagine letting myself get too fat to be able to fuck. That’s so fucking gross, bro.
Like, look at me. Look at this rock-hard bicep next to that big flabby fucking water wing of an arm you have. Look at these abs next to you and that belly hanging down to your knees. It doesn’t even have a fucking shape. Look at these tight glutes next to that wide, wobbling, fat ass you’ve gotten from sitting in front of the tv stuffing your fat face for years. With a body like this, I can fuck anyone I want. How do you think that same hookup’s gonna go for you, huh? Nobody out there’s going home with a pile of jello like you You’re going home, alone, to try and figure out a way to get yourself off.
And dude, I’m not saying all this just to shit on you. I’m worried about you. It sucks to see my bro blow up into a fucking whale and get all mopey ‘cause he can’t get any ass. But you need someone to be real with you. Someone’s gotta tell you how much of a fatass you are, and how much of a fatass you’re gonna be until you get to the gym and shut this fast food and shit down. You can’t blame anyone but yourself for how you got this way. Keep complaining, and you’re going to keep being a gross fatty. You’re gonna have to go out, get some fucking exercise, and deal with being embarrassed at being the fattest guy at the gym until you’ve put in the work to fix it.
Trust me, bro, you’ll thank me later.
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seeingivy · 9 months
ribbons release
actor eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting series
content: happiness for once. until it is not. ronnie's love for foreshadowing strikes again.
an: not a fan of this chapter, but we digress. read it and do not kill me if you don't like it.
song: not explicitly mentioned, but this chapter reminds me of about you by the 1975. ratty healy, I hate you but you ate on this one thing.
previous part linked here
“I ju-just sent my loc-location, Eren.” 
“I got it, Y/N. I just need you to hold on for ten more minutes, okay? Can you do that for me?” 
Seattle is famous for rain. You understand that all too well now. After what you’ve counted as twenty-seven minutes - from when you went to take the trash out to the mailpost you’re hiding behind now - you’re all but soaked. Drenched. 
Your phone is blowing up with texts, the rain is only getting harder, and the mini black dress and ribbon in your hair do no favors to keep you warm. You slide out of your call with Eren and quickly scan through the messages, buzzing so loud they’re blocking Eren’s voice. 
reiner: so, so proud of you always!!! stop being a big famous pop star and go back to being the little twerp who needs my help killing spiders on set :/ 
levi: I love you too, kid. And on a real listen, we really do love the album. 
armin: ann and i are smelling a triple threat on the horizon. love you to the moon and saturn <3
connie: i was accidentally pooping while i listened to dorothea for the first time and i think the combination of those two things at once gave me like a really visceral reaction. im not ok. u are amazing. 
mikasa: u are givg me aneurysm. pls don’t forgor to call me the scnd ur okay. 
erwin: Call me ASAP. 
erwin: Not urgent. Just feeling emotional about my little Canadian reaching hearts all over the world. 
king of bitches (maybe: ryomen sukuna): Fluff shit indeed. Blow me a kiss when you beat James for Album of the Year. 
danny: where is the album release post? it’s almost been half an hour. 
You have bigger problems at the moment. Like the frozen piece of fabric you’re wearing. You should have named the album sweaters or scarves or something. Then at least you’d be warm. And blend in with the paparazzi. 
“W-wait, Eren. Y-you ca-n’t b-be the one to get me.” you murmur, shivering through your teeth.
“Do you want to stay with someone else? I know nice people here. My neighbor is in her late forties and has like two middle school aged girls that are really nice. They’d take care of you, I promise you can trust them and-” he rambles. 
“N-no. I want to st-stay with you. But pa-papara-zzi. S-send ss-omeone e-else.” 
“Paparazzi? Why are-?” 
“Would it be that bad if it was me? Like it has to be someone else, Y/N?” 
“I have someone in mind. She’s leaving right now, okay?” 
Eren’s sound is muffled over the line now, which has you digging your phone into your ear to catch the ends of what he’s saying. 
Blast the heater….butt warmer on before she’s in the car….bring it up and I will kick your freeloading….
“Good. I’m sending her. Don't get upset, this is the best I could do, okay? I-I promise she’s actually nice. You can trust her and-and I’d never send someone who would do something bad.”  
“O-okay. I t-trust you. J-just get me ou-out of th-this, please.” you whimper, praying to god the rustling behind you is a rabbit and not the group of them finding you. 
“I’m trying sweetheart, okay? She’s speeding. She’s on Main and Third, three lights and she’s there.” 
That’s when you see it. The flash of the camera. And hear five consecutive clicks right after. You look around the periphery, before you see two of them, two tall guys speed walking closer to where you’re hiding. 
So you do the only thing you can. Stand up and run instead. 
You scramble up off the pavement, hiking your dress down, and keep running down the block. Climb up the gates, knock over trash cans to block the way, anything to stop them. And when you look back, after who knows how long, you realize they’re gone. 
And sit flat on the messy pavement, finally lifting the phone back up. Only to realize Eren’s no longer on the line because your phone is dead. You drop it straight into your lap and dig your hands into your head, covering your ears to stop the pounding sound of the rain from getting any louder. 
God. Just breathe. Whoever is coming to get you is on the way. They’ll come get you and then you’ll be out of this mess. 
You hear three resounding clicks and a flash of a light to look up at two different paps, two girls this time, getting a straight on picture of you. And all you can do is put your head down in your lap and cry. 
They already got the picture. There’s no point in trying to run out of it anymore. 
“Pl-please. I’m b-begging you. You already got your picture and can ss-spin it into whatever you want. I-I’m still a person, please. Just let me go.” you respond, the tears blinding your sight of vision. 
You feel a towel being wrapped around your shoulders and soft hands lifting you up by your arms. And then all of a sudden you’re in a warm car, being sped out of the neighborhood past the groups of paparazzi in between the houses, and not directly across from them having your picture taken. 
You’re in a car. You’re okay. You’re leaving. You’re okay. 
You lean back and breathe hard, phantom sobs still racking out of your chest, trying to register that you’re almost there. Safe behind closed, triple locked doors. 
“D-did you tell Eren?” 
“Yes. He’s not far, we’ll be there soon, okay?” 
“Okay. T-thank you. I’m Y/N.” 
You turn your head to actually take in the driver this time, to be met with the Lana you feared. Ricky’s ex-girlfriend, Lana. She has short brown hair - entirely different from her long, beachy waves from the Girlfriend incident - a pointed nose and a very clenched jaw. 
“Th-there are more blankets on the floor. I pumped the heater pretty hard, but I’ll turn all the fans your way. And anything you could possibly need is being rushed to the house for you, so just don’t worry, okay?” 
“I appreciate it. Thank you for coming to get me. I-I” 
“Please don’t thank me. I just-” 
She takes a harsh intake of breath and turns to give you a look, her mouth upturned. 
“He locked you out, didn’t he?” she whispers. 
“Yeah.” you respond. 
“What did you do?”
“I told him I didn’t like him back.” 
She turns her head towards you, a look of confusion on her face. 
“It was a PR thing.” 
She snorts. 
“Your managers must hate you.” 
“I’m starting to think they just might.” 
“Well. Don’t feel bad. Not for a fucking second. Just because he likes you, doesn’t mean he’s entitled to you reciprocating back. You like who you like. And if I were you, I wouldn’t stop liking a guy like Eren for a skeeze like Ricky either.” 
You lean against the glass, hot air blowing in your face, as you take in her expression - so enraged, so exasperated, so furious that it gives you a chill. But when she looks over and gives you a halfhearted smile, you see the pained expression there too. 
That’s when you pinpoint it. Lana reminds you of Historia. 
“I’m sorry.” you respond. 
“You knew he locked me out. He must have done it to you too, no?” you whisper, the tension in the air delicate. 
She swallows hard and clenches her knuckles on the steering wheel, eyes laser focused on the red light shining on her face. And beyond the original striking features - her sharp jaw and nose - you see the softness too. The dimples, the wrinkles near her eyes, the light brown freckles. 
“I wanted to take time off from acting. It-I did a role that was really traumatic and I just needed a break. And he was just about to go on tour and he wanted me to come to support. Like a little cheerleader.” 
“So he locked you out?” 
“For two days. He-he’s just. A lot of the fame stuff got to him when he was really little. And now he’s got this convoluted sense of self-image and it just- I don’t know. He’s got problems.” she responds. 
“I’m sorry. Really, that’s-” 
You stop talking, words failing you. And maybe it’s the way your head was frozen ten minutes ago and it’s being melted now, or that the picture they took is going to leak soon, or that there is no good thing to say to something shitty like this. It only took him three months to turn on you, which you’re guessing is generous now. She must have infinite patience for putting up with it for an entire year. 
“In a weird way, I’m glad it’s me and not Eren. You- this does something for me. Making sure you’re not out there for two days, it-it helps me.” she whispers, looking over to give you a smile. 
“I really appreciate you, Lana. Thank you. And I-I’m not mad at you for the Girlfriend thing. You had every right to do that.” 
“Y/N. I have every right to drag Ricky James’ name through the mud. But not yours. And I- shit. Please don’t tell Eren we talked about this. He’s going to kill me.” 
“He told me that if I brought it up, he’d kick me out of his house. I kind of stay there because I-I hate living in our townhouse on set because of how toxic it is and he was nice enough to offer. And he made it very clear that I have to pick you and make sure you’re okay, not make you uncomfortable or anything. We’re here to take care of you and-” 
“I brought it up. I’ll deal with him if he gives you a hard time. I used to be really good at that type of thing.” 
“I know for a fact that you could tell him to twirl in the air like a show pony and he’d do it.”
“I’ll test the theory and let you know.” 
She laughs, giving you a smile which you warmly return. Your phone buzzes in your lap, finally revived, and you send a quick message to Mikasa and Jean before shutting it off. 
“I-I didn’t know that it was going to go that far. I knew the song and that we were just going to sing it. Let people speculate it was about you. I-I didn’t know they’d have a girl who looked like you OR bring Eren up on stage. And Eren didn’t know anything about the song or the performance at all - they, they set him up.” 
“Why would they do that? I mean, they got horrible backlash in the entire thing.” 
“They thought people would like it. And they severely underestimated how much people love you. And they did it because, Eren- he. He doesn’t follow rules and-” 
“Follow rules?” 
“I’m saying too much. He-he’s going to get mad. Ju-just rest, okay? You’re okay now, we’re two minutes from the neighborhood..”  
You give her a questioning look, which she returns with a dismissive shake. Stubborn - she’s Historia alright. You lean back in the chair and reach for the music nob, twisting it on. Only to be met with the Teletubbies Theme blasting through the car and a very flustered Lana turning the knob off. 
“I-I can explain.” 
“Please. I’d love to hear it.” 
She drums her fingers on the steering wheel as the silence hangs in the air. 
“Okay. Maybe I can’t explain.” 
“No need. I appreciate versatile music taste in prospective friends. Especially classics like this.” you respond, cranking the music back on. 
“Don’t be silly. Not exaggerating, but I think you quite literally saved my life a few minutes ago. You’re like the La-La to my Dipsy.” 
“Lame. You’re more of a Tinky-Winky. And anytime. We girls stick together, right?” she responds, reaching for your hand and giving it a squeeze. Like Eren. 
Did she learn the hand squeezes from Eren? Is he squeezing her hands? They live together so …are they dating? 
“We’re here.” 
You nod, appreciative of Lana more than maybe any person on god's green Earth, as she pulls into the driveway and helps you out of the car. It’s only after sitting that you’re realizing your legs are so bone dead tired that you’re barely moving on your own. 
You move past the hood of the car as Eren walks into the garage, immediately beelining towards you. His hair is long again - it’s always changing every time you see him - and he’s all wound up with tensions sitting in his shoulders. His hands are warm and cupping your face, yanking the cold towel off and replacing it with a warm one. 
“Hey. You-you nicked your face, Y/N. And you’re freezing, you-” he whispers, brushing his fingers across the skin near your eye that stings on touch. 
Lana holds the door open as he leads you in, arms aggressively moving up and down your shoulders and his face all pinched up in concern. 
“You’re good to go? I put your stuff out by the door.” Eren says, gesturing to Lana. 
“Is she leaving?” you ask, looking up at Eren. 
“Yeah. Don’t worry, it’ll be just us. And I’m sure Mika and Jean will drop everything to fly out for you tomorrow, I can tell them if you need me to and-” 
“Well, don’t make her leave. She shouldn’t stay on that stupid set just because of me.” you respond. 
Eren looks over and glares at Lana, who is now wide eyed and giving Eren a sheepish smile. Fuck. He asked her not to talk about that. 
“Lana.” he says, in a warning tone. 
“Eren. Chill out. I didn’t even-” 
“You’re so full of yourself, you know that? You- she got drenched and the rain and you were talking about set?”
“It’s not like that! It just came up and-” 
“Oh, for sure. You just happened upon it like you were a villager walking in a town square. Ooh Y/N. You just got drenched in the rain and chased by paparazzi, but more importantly, the girls I work with are super bitchy.” he responds, mimicking her voice. 
“You-it wasn’t like that! You’re so aggravat-” 
“Eren. Leave her alone.” you ask, looking up at him. And you’re sure you must look horrible because he immediately stops when he looks at your face again and signals for her to leave, which she’s receptive to. 
“Okay. Lana, text me when you’re there. And check if you were followed on your way out.” Eren says. 
Lana stops and holds both of your arms at your biceps, hands soft on your skin. 
“Do call me if you need anything, okay? Especially Ricky related. Whatever you do, I’ll back you up, Tinky-Winky. ” 
“Thank you, La-La. I’ll take you up on that.” you respond, giving her a warm smile. 
“Oh god. No. No, you don’t get to be friends now. Fuck no, Lana. Please stick to the geriatric grandmas you play Scrabble with.” 
“You’re just mad they beat you at mahjong last week. Because you’re a prissy loser.” 
“And you’re-” 
You jab Eren in the side, signaling him to stop, as they both nod and she slides her way out. From the way he’s arguing, the look on his face is so similar to the one he gives Connie when they argue, you know they could go on for years if they got the chance. 
“Fuck you, Eren.” 
“Eat shit, Lana.” 
She flips him off as the door clicks shut behind her, the lack of her presence making you suddenly aware of your breaths. And of Eren, warm Eren rubbing into your shoulders and concerned green eyes staring into yours. 
“I like her.” you whisper. 
“Me too. Don’t tell her that though, she’s got an ego problem.” he responds.  
You laugh, which has him smiling at you, and suddenly you’re sobbing. And on cue, Eren has his arms around you, his touch warm and his voice oh so soft that it kills you. That you haven’t seen him in two months. And haven’t talked to him for longer. 
“Hey, hey. Don’t cry, it-it’ll be okay. I- we’ll fix this, okay? I’ll call Levi and Hange, whoever you want, they’ll all come and-” 
You reach up, tangling your arms around his neck as he keeps nervously talking, trying to hold you closer even though it’s not physically possible. And he’s just so- 
So familiar that he feels like home. 
“You’re breaking my heart here, Y/N. Please stop crying, I-I’ve got you, okay?” he murmurs, straight into your skin as you nod, trying your best to even out the sobs still leaving you. And slowly but surely, the stream slows and your breath evens out enough to get at least a few words out. 
“Okay. Okay, okay. I’m okay.” 
“As much as I like holding you, you’re freezing. Take a shower first and we can do this all you want, okay?” 
You pull back, wiping the tears off your cheeks and giving him a nod. He gives you a small smile, before placing his hands on your shoulders and leading you down towards the bathroom. And you don’t miss all the posters and pictures he has on his walls - one from each season of Attack of Titan, a few of him and Armin, and even one of him and Lana flipping off the camera together. 
He pushes you into the bathroom and immediately turns on the shower all the way to the hottest setting, before turning around and putting his hands on his hips. 
“Towels, clothes, shampoo. There’s soap in there already and take as long as you want. Sit in here for three days if you have to just- do-do whatever you have to do and-” 
You pick up the bottle of shampoo, the lavender scented Pantene, the one that you’ve been using since you were fifteen. And you know, you know that Eren’s atrocious ass uses a three in one hair and conditioner so it’s not his. 
“Did you just happen to have the brand of shampoo that I use?” 
“N-no. Those are Lana’s.” 
“Then why are they unopened?” you ask, giving him a smirk. 
He glares at you, before rolling his eyes and holding your face. And now he’s leaning so close, so close that your lips are only a few feet away from yours, when he talks. 
“You know why you can’t make fun of me for keeping a spare of your shampoos in my house?” he whispers, green eyes burning in yours. 
“Why?” you whisper back, stomach lurching. 
“Because you’re actually here. I knew you’d come back to me.” he responds, giving your cheek a pinch before walking out. 
And when you watch him walk out, giving you one last smile before he shuts the door, you can’t help but roll your eyes. Typical Eren. Funny, irritating, and soft all in one. 
He’s the same as you left him. 
You pad out of the shower, Eren’s hoodie and sweatpants ridiculously huge on you, as you follow the sweet smell into the kitchen. Eren is leaned over the counter, sliding vegetables into two bowls of ramen as you walk in. 
“Hi. Took a while. Thought you died in there.” Eren responds, pressing his hands to your skin to test how warm they were. 
“I almost wish I did.” you respond, laughing. 
Except Eren doesn’t find it funny and instead he’s dropping the utensils and standing at your side. 
“I was joking!” 
“Nothing about that was funny. Don’t ever joke about that.” he responds, rummaging through the drawers at your side before pulling out a little tube of gel. 
Eren taps the top of the counter, which you jump onto, before he takes his place in between your legs. His hands are focused on reading the instructions, forehead all scrunched up in concentration.
“What’s that?” 
“It’s like this…scar ointment or whatever. Helps things heal better, I want to use it on that cut on your pretty face.” he responds, twisting it open and squirting some on his finger. 
He brings his hands to your face, eyes intently focused on your cheek. You hiss the second his finger makes contact with your skin, the tingling sensation catching you off guard. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I know it hurts.” he whispers, smothering the cold gel down the side of your eye. 
“I-I fell on the pavement. My knees are pretty bad too, Eren.” you whisper, which he nods at. 
After he finishes, he’s carefully sliding the ends of your pants off and carefully placing the ointment on each of the jagged marks on your legs. And you eye the bowls of ramen at your side - knowing instantly that the one without mushrooms is yours - and reach for the food. The broth is so warm it soothes the aching feeling in your throat, still seasoned to perfection the way Eren always makes it. 
“Can I ask you a weird question?” 
“Are you and Lana dating?” 
He looks up from your leg and gives you a devilish smirk. And then starts laughing. Like full on, crouched over, tears from his eyes laughing.  
“Okay. It wasn’t that funny.” you murmur, rubbing your hands against the warm bowl and frowning. 
“Oh god, Y/N. Jesus-” 
“It’s a normal question! She lives with you, you trusted her to come get me, and you guys have a picture together in the hallway.” 
“Are you jealous?” he asks, standing up and leaning straight into your space. 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Are too.” 
“Am not.” 
“You don’t need to get all embarrassed. Watching you kiss Ricky James made me want to break something, preferably his neck.” 
You swallow hard at the mention of Ricky again, the thought of him and what happened was so far away because you were with Eren. In his space, in your shared bubble, after so long. And he catches on too fast because he’s already profusely apologizing. 
“Hey. I didn’t mean to bring him up, I-I’m not trying to push you into telling me what happened it’s just-” 
“No. No, Eren. It’s okay. I know. I-” 
You breathe in hard and put the bowl of ramen down and reach for his hands instead. You keep your eyes focused on them - on the little mole on his left hand, the feeling of his knuckles underneath your fingers, and on him squeezing your hands three times before you start talking.  
“Ricky and I were faking the relationship for PR. Since London Boy and all that, it was Danny and Sareen’s idea. That-that’s why I stopped talking to you, I-I felt bad. And I was ashamed that I was even doing it, I-I don’t know. The Little Women press and all that, it would just get people to stream and talk. Make me a triple threat. And then today, I- He told me he liked me. And I said I couldn’t do that right now. That I don’t like him back. I went to take out the trash because it was so awkward and then I was going to go home but he- he locked me out. And when I asked to come back in, he repeated the same words to me. That he couldn’t do that right now.” 
Eren lifts your hands, still locked with his, and presses a kiss to the top of your knuckles, as you continue. His lips burn your skin, still. 
“I was out there and it-it was cold. And then I heard the cars and I saw seven paparazzi trucks, right on the porch. Ricky, his address isn’t leaked. No-no one knew I was there or that he was but they all showed up, right when I was out there and-” 
“He called them, didn’t he?” Eren asks, his tone so harsh, so unyielding that it almost doesn’t sound like him. 
“Yeah. And I ran, for so long. I- they got a picture. A few, I know they did and I was just so, so scared that I was going to be out there forever, that I was all alone and they were just going to-” 
Eren reaches forward, wrapping you in his arms for what feels like the fiftieth time tonight, but you welcome it. Focus on his heart beating under your ear, running your fingers over his fish tattoo on his bicep, and on his soft, steady breaths. 
“You didn’t say anything. What are you thinking about?” 
“What I’m thinking isn’t productive for you to know right now.” 
You look up at him, giving him a questioning look. 
“Drop it, Y/N.” 
“No. Tell me. I’m sure you’re mad and all but-” 
“Mad? I’m fucking furious, I’m livid. That he fucking locked you out and left you in the cold. You-you could have been seriously hurt. You are hurt. And not only that, the fucking paparazzi. You-you ran in the cold, you fell, you can’t stop crying and-and- I’m going to kill this asshole when I see him next because it’s his fault you’re feeling like this.” 
“No. Shut up, Y/N. I’m being serious. I-I don’t like seeing you like this and don’t tell me not to. He hurt you. It’s that simple.” 
You deflate, knowing Eren too well to know that he won’t drop this. Especially when he’s overly passionate, deep in the feeling right now. 
“Okay. But can you just be here for me right now? I need you here and not all….tense and mad. B-Be soft. And warm.” 
He stops, the frustration in his forehead dissolving as he takes a breath and smiles at you. Not fully, but it does the job. 
“Okay. I can do that. Let’s watch Fruits Basket. And then go to bed.” 
“You hate Fruits Basket.” 
“But I love you. Enough to watch your weird bestiality adjacent show and pretend to like it.” 
You smile and he reaches forward to pinch your cheeks. 
“Look at that smile. There she is. There’s my sweet girl.” he whispers, voice all tangled in his throat. 
You wake up to an empty bed, Eren’s side cold. And you pull his hoodie on before padding downstairs to find Eren’s phone pressed to his ear. He gives you a wave and points to the plate - a mix of eggs, french toast, and fruits - perfectly placed to perfection. 
You give him a smile and he walks off, taking the phone with him. You frown as you watch him disappear, jabbing your fork through the cantaloupe. 
What is he talking about that’s so important he doesn’t want you to hear? 
You jump off of the stool and quietly pad towards the direction he walked, hiding in the hallway. He’s leaning against the wall, staring at the picture right across - one of Levi and Hange kissing your cheeks at the vow renewal - and angle yourself to hear his words. 
“Is he okay?” 
“I’m glad. You tell me if you need anything else, okay?” 
“Okay, Coco. I missed you too, yeah?” 
Who the fuck is Coco?
He hangs up and you immediately scramble back to the kitchen, trying your best to stay inconspicuous as he comes back and gives you a smile. It doesn’t reach his eyes, the expression on his face almost tired. 
“Hey sleepyhead. You okay?” 
“Mhm. Food is really good, Eren.” 
He gives you a smile as he sits at your side, eyes focused on you as you eat your food. He places both of your phones in front of you, and you spot yours with nearly a hundred notifications. But when you reach for it, Eren grabs your hand in the air and locks it on his own instead. 
“Just-wait. Eat first.” he says, his tone hollow.
You turn your head to the side and take in Eren’s expression, downtrodden and uncharacteristically unexpressive. The complete opposite of Eren yesterday - moony eyes and soft smiles. 
“Y/N. If I ask you to do this for me, can you trust me and listen?” 
“No. You-what’s wrong? You’re being weird.” you ask, reaching for his hand. 
He looks over, the look indiscernible, as he leans forward and presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“You-I took care of most of it, okay? Levi and Hange are coming. Just, don’t panic. You-it’s okay.” 
“Eren. You’re scaring me. Just tell me.” 
He takes a deep breath, cracking the knuckles in your hand as he nervously talks. 
“You-your pictures leaked. The ones of you running last night. And-and people started speculating really fast - wondering why you were running and crying on the night your album released instead of celebrating it. And-and then Ricky, he tweeted a bunch of things.” 
You pale. And reach for your phone, which Eren stops again. 
“They’re lies. Obviously. You don’t need to read them, not yet. And Lana told me she’s ready to back you up, whatever you want, when you need it. But, that’s not-” 
“What, Eren? Just spit it out.” you respond, frantically. 
“They- Ricky’s fans are mad at you. They’re sending you death threats.” 
You deflate, staring at the cold mess of breakfast on your plate. Death threats. Hate, you’re no stranger too. Of people commenting on your looks, how bad your singing is, how lame you are. But wishing you were dead? Full on, unbothered and cursing your existence? 
“And not just you, but your family too.” he whispers, watching your face fall. 
Your family. Your parents, Colt, Falco-
“Excuse me. What did you just say? 
Eren doesn’t respond and the tears fall immediately from your eyes, hot and angry as he reaches forward, immediately swiping them away. His expression's pained, he knows this all too well.
“I sent your family a security detail. Don’t worry. Colt was only minorly injured and-” 
You stand up and grab Eren’s shirt, bundling the fabric into a fist in your hands, as you glare at him. 
“Injured? What the fuck do you mean injured, Eren?” 
He sighs, lifting his hands to move yours, and hold them. You’re still clenching hard, so hard you’re sure you’re drawing blood, but he’s doing his best to uncurl your hands as he talks. 
“They threw a brick through the window. And the glass, Colt was sitting right there. I was just on the phone with Falco, he said he’s doing better. The security detailing has medical so you don’t have to worry about that again and they’re both okay and-” 
“No part of this is okay, Eren! Quit saying it’s okay when it’s not! They almost killed my brothers.” 
“No. No, this is horrible, Eren. They-they don’t do any of this stuff. Falco’s barely thirteen. And Colt - he’s going to college. He’s not a celebrity, he’s not a singer, he’s just a student. How is he supposed to go out after this? Why- how is it supposed to be normal? And now, they’re going to be like us. They’re going to feel like they’re trapped in this fucking suffocating ass fish bowl and everyone’s watching and laughing at them and they just-” 
“Y/N. Stop. It’s not going to-” 
“Falco’s too soft for this. He’s just a kid, Eren. I can’t- no. This isn’t fair. Eren, they didn’t even do anything. They’re literally just related to me, they just love me and they’re getting hurt because of it. You- you’re probably getting dragged in the mud too. Everyone who helps me gets subjected to this, loving me comes with this big thing behind me and I can’t even keep people who get it with me. I let you go when you were the only person who understood and I messed it all up and got myself involved with Ricky James of all people and-” 
“Y/N. Stop. Please."
You sit flat on Eren’s floor, head in your hands, and cry, teardrops falling straight onto the floor. And Eren’s sitting there with you, with your big mess of jumbled feelings and mistakes, and trying his best to help you with it. 
That’s how Levi and Hange find you two, after pocketing the spare key Eren told them about. After he insistently called them and payed for a private jet, going on and on about how Y/N needed them. And here you two are, despite their original conceived notions that you two were fighting, on the floor, in each other’s arms. 
“Some things never change, huh?” Hange whispers. 
“Yeah. They keep fucking crying every time we see them.” he whispers back. 
Between Levi and Hange - Jean, Mikasa, and Connie who make it out that night - and Eren and Lana, they fix things. Most things. 
Ricky’s narrative about you is clear cut - half-true and half-fake. Your team forced him to date you and defend you for PR purposes, after the Girlfriend incident. There was an agreement that you two would write certain songs, make certain appearances, and support each other. 
But then Ricky turns the gate. Says that you’ve deeply, severely hurt him. That you led him on, that you used him to boost your own ego, and that you were dangerously obsessed with fame and not him. That you were all things - heartless, fake, that he doubted if you were even a real person. A glorious pop-star, empty and hollow on the inside.
And people jump on it fast. Citing the fact that you would throw away your friendship with Historia to be famous, that you stopped dating Eren when he stopped being successful, that you can go to tours but not to Mikasa or Jean’s birthday parties. 
The worst part? Ricky lied, but the things they pointed out were true. Every mistake you make is on display and that people make it a point to draw attention o it. That you really were in too deep, too deep into pleasing Sareen and Danny, and being a triple threat that you forgot that they were all there too. 
Eren, especially. Sweet, sweet Eren who saved you, who held you when you needed him. 
You look over at him and Lana, the two of them very aggressively debating how to use their last turn of their daily Wordle, and feel your heart deflate. 
You dropped the ball. You’ll never make it up to him. 
Lana, in her infinite kindness, has chosen to share her own story, as a corroboration for yours. That Ricky taunted, mocked, and harassed her the entire time they were dating. That you're anything but the things he says. Because she’s had enough and she’ll do it to help out her Tinky-Winky. (Much to Eren’s dismay, he hates that you’re both becoming closer as time goes on.) 
And to complement the announcement, Lana asked for one thing. To go out in style. You wrote a song with her and promised her that she was going to be the lead actress in the music video. A girl rage moment, like The Man. Danny and Sareen approve the move, making no comments or concerns about anything else that happened, and ask to be involved when the time comes. 
You sit on it for a few days. Till you’re ready. But where you are now - with these people - needs to stay for a little longer. Before you brace everything again. 
You smile, opening up space for Connie on the couch for you. 
“Hi Con.” 
“Deep in your thoughts there, princess. Thinking about how your album is about to go Multi-Platinum?” 
“No. Just the entire thing.” you respond, frowning. 
Connie rolls his eyes, reaching forward to squish your cheeks way too hard. 
“Ricky, when I catch you, Ricky-” Connie says under his breath, 
You snort, reaching forward to push Connie off. You focus back on Eren and Lana, who are now pulling each other's hair and a nice string of insults, as Mikasa and Levi brew their tea, entirely unbothered in the back. 
And when the screen in front of you flashes, when your third album goes Multi-Platinum after a week of being released, they’re all climbing on you. Jean and Mikasa are hollering in the back, Connie and Lana are jostling you in the air and pressing kisses to your cheek, and Eren, Levi, and Hange smile at you, the three of them enveloped in their own hug, across the way.
You split your separate ways at the end of the week, when you’re ready. Connie, Jean, and Mikasa return to set, Lana and Eren are gone with the wind, and Levi and Hange disappear again. 
When you sit on your plane back home, it sits in. How lonely this entire thing is. How a week full of your friends who love you only happened because of this sickening thing. That it's not a given, that they're presence is only in the bad times and almost never the good.
Your phone buzzes in your lap and you pick up your phone to read the notification. 
eren: don’t be a stranger. fish like to swim in schools, not alone. 
It’s something that rings in your mind, time and time again. When everyone else wins the war, when you keep performing and letting them take and take, for the sake of the work. For the art, for your dream.
And when you give up acting, singing, and dancing at the end of it all and make zero intentions to ever do any of this again, the question still bothers you.
If fish like to swim in schools, why did Eren push you so far away? Why was he so intent on swimming alone? Where you couldn't follow?
eren: I'm not saying that for you. and I know that this is selfish but...
eren: I need you just as much as you need me.
Fucking liar.
next part linked here
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330 notes · View notes
hyomaluvr · 9 months
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cw // reader is gn, objectification, sub shidou (top&bottom),, breeding, single mention of period, not proof read, sorry for any odd formatting :(
Aftercare: I’m really sorry, but you’re taking care of him. He likes his hair brushed and a bath, if you’re willing to spoil him.
Body parts: His favorite part of himself is his dick. I wish I could say something like “his smile” or “his eyes” or even “his chest”, but he just wants to show off his cock. Truly a toddler within the adult world.
Cum: Is it even necessary to say? He will blow his load any and everywhere on your body. Unsurprisingly, cum plays a huge role in his enjoyment of sex. He frequently talks about giving you his load, how you’re full of his seed and he’s truly laid his claim on you. If he’s fucking you, it’s going right inside that cute little hole he loves so much.
Dirty secret: He’s never once been a dom ever. He’ll try to act like just this once you’ve forced him into submission, but he just can’t dominate that well since he’s really such a slut. Now, he’ll fuck the shit out of you, that much is for sure, but it’s more like he’s your puppy who does whatever you command. He’s just itching to get inside you.
Experience: Not much actually. Shidou’s disposition isn’t exactly popular, and he’s more of a chaser than the one being chased. That said, it’s not gonna stop him from coming onto you as hard as he can, and he doesn’t back down when you let him have his way with you. The only problem in his mind is that he just can’t quite get ahold of this “daddy dom” concept he always envisioned for himself. Quite the opposite actually.
Favorite position: Missionary (or pegging). If not pegging, cow girl. He really likes looking at you and groping you, so anything with your back turned is a no-no. If you want him on top, he’s going full mating press, drunk with his obsessive breeding kink.
Goofy: He makes a bunch of dirty jokes and flirts so openly that you’d think he considers himself to be pretty unserious during sex, but he’s actually fully serious when he says those things. If he tells you he feels like he’s gonna cum in public like a crazy person, he fully means that he wants you to get him there. He doesn’t mind cum spurting into his underwear or spattering onto his jeans. Because of this, he honestly considers himself to take sex pretty seriously, although by any normal standards, you could say he’s pretty…quirky, to say the least?
Hair: Shidou is well groomed. He’s the kind of guy that shaves his hair into shapes, like a thin triangle above his cock that crawls up towards his belly button. Sex is a pretty important part of self expression too, right?
Intimacy: Shidou would consider himself an intimate person, but to be honest he has a very warped definition of intimacy. Because he’s so shameless and transparent about his desires, no matter how disgusting they sound when cried out during a match, he finds himself drunk on lust and intimacy at any touch. Realistically though, you’re not getting a soft love making session. Either he’s ramming his hips into you, or you’re doing it to him.
Jerking off: Fuck it, he’ll jerk off in public. Of course he’s not so shameless that he’d do it anywhere, but palming himself under the table, fucking his fist in the bathroom, or popping a boner in the middle of practice aren’t necessarily uncommon when you’re near him. He loves to tease you and he loves making himself feel good, so he’s gonna do his best to not get caught and take care of his business, somewhat reasonably at least. Those times when Shidou does get more ‘intimate’ by normal standards are when he’s alone, fisting his cock with drool trailing down his lips. It’s fun when he can tease you, but when you’re not around, he’s dizzy with how much he misses you. He’ll do anything for you. His abs flex and tighten while he writhes when he pinches his nipples, imagining your hand. The only time he’s not chattering lewdly away is when he doesn’t have you on a silver platter in front of him.
Kink: Experimental. But mostly, he lives to breed you, pump you full of his sperm, make sure your body is getting what he believes it needs, especially if you have a certain time of the month.
Location: Anytime, anywhere, he’ll make it work. Do you hate exhibitionism? Fine, he’ll make absolutely sure you don’t get caught. Just let him get inside you!
Motivation: Did you seriously believe he has a reason to want to do you? Please, he feels entitled to being able to since you’re his. But at the end of the day, he does whatever you tell him to, so nothing gets him going more than your permission or request.
No: He’s very willing to do most things. However, he refuses to let anyone else cum inside you. That’s reserved for him. He’ll beat the fuck out of anyone who even jokes about it.
Oral: Seriously, anything you ask, he’ll do. Burying his tongue in you, sucking and kissing you, drinking in your juices…is that supposed to be a chore for him? Because he’d do it for hours if you let him. There’s never just one orgasm with him, and it’s mostly because he’s greedy.
Pace: “Fast, fast, faster, faster, more, harder!” He’ll slam his fists down on the sheets, clawing them hard enough to tear. It doesn’t matter if you’re jack hammering your hips into him, it feels so damn good he just can’t get enough! Thus, he’ll treat you the same way when he’s returning the favor. Of course, if you commanded him to slow down, he’d be forced to listen, panting and drooling as he begged for more, and that’s not so bad either, right?
Quickie: To be honest, he likes taking his time with you (although that really means he just likes getting as many orgasms from you as possible), but quickies are frequent when someone who needs nothing more than to be tamed like Shidou. Sometimes you just have to find some way to shut him up.
Risk: He’ll take whatever risks he wants. There are certain times he’s adamant that no one is allowed to see you, namely Itoshi Rin, but generally he’ll fuck you anywhere you want. Honestly, he likes it when you make him try to keep quiet, it’s a huge turn on.
Stamina: Unlimited.
Toys: Cock rings, butt plugs, floggers, hand cuffs, ball gags, leashes, dildos, vibrators…he’s got quite the extensive collection. You bet he’s been saving up for them.
Unfair: He’ll tease you to the ends of the earth if you want him too, but normally he’s just glad you’re letting him get his dick wet. Maybe unfair in regards that he’s more concerned about his orgasm than yours a lot of the time, but it’s not like he doesn’t make you finish anyway. Sometimes he’s kind of possessive and doesn’t let you wear certain things around people he hates. Not unfair in terms of teasing though.
Volume: Screaming, crying, whimpering, whining, hissing…all of these come at varying volumes at yet he somehow manages to be heard no matter which he does. Part of the reason he likes being told to keep quiet so much is because it makes his nut that much more stimulating since it’s so difficult.
Wild card: He secretly loves when you patronize him and call him cute, especially not in bed. It makes him want to curl up in your arms and squeeze the life out of you. Call him your good boy and he’ll be punching holes in his walls from how riled up it makes him.
X-ray: Chiseled abs, pretty average sized pecs, thick thighs, shapely but toned ass. His favorite though is his fat cock, veiny, curved, not too big but definitely made up for in shape.
Yearning: Are you kidding?? That’s all he does. In a non sexual sense, he just wants to see you. Just let him look at you, and it makes him feel so much better. He feels somewhat unsettled when not seeing you for several days.
Zzz: You’d think this puppy falls asleep in seconds after you tell him you’re done, and that’s what he wants you to think too. Really he just cuddles up to you and closes his eyes until you fall asleep. Then he sits up and looks over you. For someone who’s always making a racket, it’s silent for once as he lays a small kiss on your forehead and watches your still form rising and falling, his chest tightening almost painfully in endearment.
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sports-on-sundays · 7 days
Hello! Could I request something with Marc Guiu where he is smitten by reader who is two years older than him. She also live abroad. And she doesn't stop saying no to Marc to get into a relationship but Marc is adamant and wants to prove her that they can work a relationship together.
Like reader is studying in uni, having her own problems and doesn't want to add a long-distance relationship on top of those things.
Thank you! And I want to say that I really appreciate reading whatever you write.
Giving you a lot of hugs and hoping that you get your inspiration back 🥰
ready when you are / Marc Guiu
Summary: Marc x female!reader - Marc can't get you off his mind. You wish you could get him out of your face.
Warnings: suggestion of depriving oneself of proper self care
Requested?: Yes!
Author's Note: You're literally a lifesaver; thanks so much! Also, I made this a little bit more romantic and emotional than your request suggested, but do you really expect any different from tumblr user sports-on-sundays?!
Sometimes you think that giving Marc Guiu your number was the biggest mistake of your life.
You know it sounds mean, and it's not that you don't like Marc. He's funny; you enjoy chatting with him.
The only thing you did not realise, though, when you gave him your number, was that the boy is smitten by you.
He's stuck on you.
You just thought it'd be kind of cool. You know, you have the opportunity to stay in touch with Marc Guiu. Not world class or anything, but you're a Barcelona girl. It was just a cool idea.
Now, just as you're slipping under your quilt to shut your eyes for some sleep, nearly halfway across from Marc Guiu, in the United States of America (it was a treat to spend a lot of time here), you suddenly, to your dismay, hear your phone vibrating on the end table.
You roll over to snatch it up in annoyance, and sigh even louder when you see it's Marc trying to face time you.
You blow air out through your lips before sitting up and answering, immediately saying, "Is it not, like, 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning there?"
"It's 6:00 A.M.!" the guy beams, his brown eyes sparkling. "You said you didn't want me calling at 9:00 A.M. anymore, since that's like 3:00 A.M. for you, and I'm waking you up in the middle of the night. So I woke up early so I could call you now!"
"Marc," you groan. "It's 12:00 A.M. here! I was just about to go to sleep! Let me make this clear- calling me in the morning for you is off-limits."
His smile very swiftly turns upside, and he almost looks hurt, which immediately fills you with a considerable amount of guilt. "Sorry," he murmurs. "I just wanted to talk to you."
You sigh. Yeah, because you're mad in love with me, you can't help thinking to yourself. You decide not to say it, and inside respond, "I know. It's fine. Don't worry about it."
"Why were you going to bed at 12:00 A.M. anyway? You should be getting more sleep than that... did you not say once you have to wake up at 5:00 A.M....?"
"Oh, Marc," you click your tongue. "With all I've got going on, the last thing I'm worried about is getting enough sleep. I'm holding up two jobs, and having to study, and everyday I give myself at least some time for exploring and travel."
"How do you do all it?" he suddenly asks.
You shrug. "I like living like this. But health isn't my concern like it is yours. We have different priorities. And yours shouldn't be ridding yourself of sleep by waking up early to talk to me, hm?"
"Yeah, yeah. Sure..."
"Now, was there something you want to tell me?"
Through the screen, across the world, you can still see the tenderness in his eyes for you. His soft spot for you that's getting just a tad bit dangerous. "No, not really... Just wanted to... hear your voice, I guess."
"Oh... Oh."
"Yeah," he clears his throat. "I guess I just miss you..."
Despite everything, and the fact that you were determined to keep this to yourself, seeing Marc so open now about this still pushes the words out of your mouth as you say, "Well, Marc... My contract ends soon, which means I'll probably be coming home back to Barcelona for my next semester... After that, though, I've got plans for France... But at least that's closer, right? And you've got me for one semester."
You don't like how 'you've got me' sounds. And you know you shouldn't have said it.
Can't give this boy any more false hope than what he already has.
"Oh!" his eyes brighten, and his mouth tilts up once again. "Seriously! I'm so excited to see you again, then!"
You chuckle. "Y- Yeah, me too. Now, can I go to bed and get a few hours of sleep in?"
"Haha! Whoa, Marc, hold your horses, mate!" you laugh as he practically jumps into your arms for a hug, causing you to drop all your bags on the airport floor. "Just because I'm older than you doesn't mean you're not bigger and stronger!"
He grins, pulling away, and immediately scoops up all your bags for you. "I've already got a cab. Come on. I'll bring you to your flat and help you unpack!"
There's not much you can do to deter the Spanish boy, and once you're in your flat, all unpacked, you two plop on the couch. You sigh in relief as you say, "Feels good to be home!"
"Feels good to have you home, Y/n," Marc pipes in.
Even though you really don't want him to think you're interested, some of the little things he says never fail to make you smile, and feel warm inside.
Whether you want it or not, being loved feels good.
But then he slips his hand in yours. "So, the United States. That was the longest you've been away. Did you miss me as much as I missed you?"
"Probably not as much," you tease truthfully, "and we did face time pretty much every single moment you could. But, yeah, I missed seeing you in 3D."
He grins, and reaches up to tuck a piece of hair behind your hair, asking softer, "So... are you ready to date me yet?"
You lick your lips. You knew this would come, sooner rather than later. You sigh. "Marc, you know my answer." You begin to slip your hand away.
He grabs it back, and brings it to his chest. Now he's looking at you earnestly. "Please, Y/n..." His happy demeanor has quite suddenly turned almost desperate. "I know we can make this work..."
"Marc, I'm not going to be in a long-distance relationship like that."
He frowns, squeezing your hand tighter, looking you right in your eyes. "We already have a long-distance friendship. Why not a little more than that?"
"That requires more emotional involvement. My heart just can't take that. I can't be getting into relationships like that at this point in my life. Maybe someday, I can settle down and find someone. But you know I'm born to run, Marc..."
He looks down. Wraps your hand in both of his and rests it in his lap. "But we'll both be better off. I can make this work. Just give me a chance. Let me prove it."
"You're eighteen. You should be focused on your own things, like football, and your career, just like I'm focused on my own things, like travelling and studying for college. You shouldn't let yourself care so much about me, Marc," you speak gently, almost soothingly. "Please, please don't find your happiness in me. I'll fail you. You mustn't find perfection in imperfect people."
"But you're perfectly imperfect, just like me. Broken, like me, and I love you for these things..." he looks up again.
"Oh, Marc," you barely whisper, staring into those eyes. "Please don't ever say you love me. It's not good for either of us."
"But I do-"
"Marc," you say, sterner. "With everything else I have on my plate, and with everything else I'm chasing after, I can't give myself to you like that. Not right now. We're both so young, you even younger than me. I'd rather see you as a younger brother than anything else-"
"But Y/n-"
"Let's just be friends, okay?"
He sighs deeply. He doesn't nod, because he doesn't want it. But instead he leans in, resting his head against your shoulder, and wraps his arms around your body.
You sigh as his warmth is spread to you.
"Well, I'll enjoy you while you're here, and call often you when you're off to France. And you could run away and go wherever in the world you want, but please. Please always come back to Barcelona. Please always come back to me. Because I'll always be waiting here for you. And I'll be ready whenever you are. Ready for you whenever you're ready for me."
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