#'when a girl has her lipstick... what more does she need?' 'to see a doctor' stop it shes me
pleasantglitterflower · 2 months
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The knife was dropped on the wooden board with force, she sighed tiredly, squeezed her eyes tightly, wondering if that was really real, but the crying on the second floor and the baby monitor confirmed it.
Amanda washed her hands, leaving the unfinished dinner in the kitchen and hurriedly went upstairs with her strategic spare bottle.
Only then did she realize that she might have hurt her fingers with the knife, she quickly looked at her hand and saw that there was no blood, so he was probably fine.She arrived at her youngest son's room with his little brother.
-Peter, come see what the fuss is about, you're being a good big brother. She smiled at the boy who hurried to find a toy for his little brother to try to calm down.
-Mommy, why is this boy crying so much?It was the firstborn's turn to appear, as always, complaining.
-I don't know, honey, but since you're already 9 years old, how about helping Mommy and doing some research on Google? She suggests, picking up the baby and trying to make him stop.
-He's annoying. - The boy walks away, returning to his room.
-Okay, Gunner, your brother loves you too. - She sighs, trying to make the youngest one take the bottle at once.
-Mommy, why does he always drink milk with that powder? - Gunner takes the opportunity to ask, and only then does Amanda realize that she needs to shake the bottle more since all the powder has settled at the bottom.
-Your brother is sick, and the more he drinks this, the better he gets - she tries to explain.
Dealing with everyone's curiosity has been difficult, she doesn't know how to say it.
-Ash, honey, can you get your brother's blanket for me? I think he's cold. - Amanda calls to the girl, who appeared at the bedroom door with a doll and some of her jewelry hanging from her neck and ears.
-You look so pretty, my love.- Amanda is surprised by the girl's face smeared with mascara and her expensive lipstick.
-If he were a girl, I would get him, but he's a boy, boys are silly. - She leaves, stomping her foot.
Amanda sighs. The only time everyone decides to be disobedient is when she's holding him in her arms. The older ones are jealous of the younger one, and rightly so. For over a year, they haven't talked about anything else except what Ben is feeling, what Ben needs, if Ben went to the doctor, how Ben woke up. Ever since the complications started, even before he was born, the children started to rebel.
Gunner stays quiet in his room, plays the little his father allows him, studies and is responsible for teasing everyone. On rare occasions, he manages to hug his parents and siblings and live normally. Ashley, at 7 years old, is leaving her princess phase and entering what she calls her diva era. Now the girl alternates between ripping her dolls' clothes and going to her mother's closet to try to grab something within her reach, which rarely happens, leaving only the makeup on the sink, which Amanda still doesn't know how to get to. Peter always appears when the subject is his younger brother. Amanda thought he felt some special closeness, since he was barely three years old. That is until she discovered that he was just desperately trying to shut up his younger brother, so he could go back to the comics that he doesn't understand at all. He just laughs at the pictures and then throws them away. -Gunner, can you get your brother's blanket for me? - Amanda goes to the door to make it easier for him to hear her, without taking Ben's bottle away. She knows what's going to happen.
-I can't, I'm watching a live stream - The boy shouts, irritating Amanda.
-Of course, because the live stream is more important than helping your mother cover your cold brother - She snorts tiredly.
-That's right -The boy retorts.
Ben ended up spitting out the milk, making her quickly pull the bottle away and do some juggling to make sure he didn't choke or drop the bottle.
Only then did she realize something: his skin, despite the goosebumps, was hot, which could only mean one thing: another fever.
After the chaos of the afternoon, Joe came home from training at night, when everything was under control, Peter was calmly watching TV, Ash had taken a shower and had his hair properly combed, Gunner was in a good mood, since he found a candy in the fridge, and not forgetting Ben who, after a call with the pediatrician, managed to control Amanda's fever without needing medication.
-How did they behave today, General? -Joe salutes Amanda.
-Gunner was the worst, I think you need to have a little talk with him, Ash continues to act like daddy’s little princess and Peter, thank God, I only hear his laughter when he’s watching comics or TV. - She explains, finishing collecting the children’s plates, while Gunner helps to tidy everything up.
Joe signals for her to come closer, stealing a kiss and earning a grimace from her.
-How’s Ben? He asks quietly, already aware of the commotion that occurs when someone asks about the boy.
-He has a little fever. She also speaks quietly, glancing back. Gunner is distracted, putting everything in the dishwasher.
-I’m going to take a shower and see how he’s doing. - Joe approaches to try to hug her, but Amanda is quick to pull away.
He just scratched the back of his neck, not knowing what to do. It's not the first time she's run away from him or acted harshly. He knows that everything has been difficult, but he doesn't know how to help solve everything, whether it's the children's mood, Ben's health or their marriage.
The truth is that Amanda has always been rational and practical, unlike Joe, who was too sentimental and romantic. The last time he saw his wife guided by passion and emotion was when he proposed to her and it didn't take long for them to get married.
Ben sleeps like an angel in his crib. Joe took the opportunity to gently caress his little hand.
Eating in silence has become a routine. Amanda insists that the children eat early so they can go to bed early, which gives Joe little time with them. He only spends his free time when he tries to do something with everyone. Most nights are like this, with him at an empty table, Amanda on the phone eating a salad.
-How long are you going to follow this crazy diet? He starts a conversation.
-It's healthy, I'll follow it until the nutritionist changes it. -She answers without looking at him.
-I said I just wanted to get your body back, you're already much thinner than before...Joe is cut off.
-That's your opinion.She ends the subject.
Joe simply doesn't see any way to talk to her.
-I only care if you're healthy.
-She's trained to tell me to eat things that will make me healthy, so yes. - Joe decides to change the subject.
-Did you see that the new season of Ru Paul is coming out?
-So what?She continues to ignore him.
-Well, we always watched it at night and... Joe is cut off again.
-I don’t have time for this. - She quickly gets up.
In a few minutes, she washed what was in front of her, put some things away and went upstairs completely automatically. Watching the drag show was their time to relax, laugh, cry, but do something that was definitely just theirs. But since the problems with Ben, it was yet another thing that had changed.
The next night, after a busy day, the children’s dinner is too chaotic.
-It’s your fault he’s a boy, I don’t like you. -Ash pouts and turns his face to Amanda, who takes a deep breath.
-Honey, I’m going to teach you something called biology, okay, remember that. If your brother is a boy, it’s your father’s fault. - Amanda smiles at the girl.
Ash went from angry to confused in minutes, her face changed, the girl felt betrayed by her father, in a jump she jumped out of the chair and started running and screaming around the house.
-I hate you, daddy
The phrase echoes in every corner, while she spins from one side to the other until Joe arrives and hears that.
-Why does daddy's little princess hate me? He asks the girl offended.
The girl with blond curls stamped her foot and was firm.
-Ben is a boy and it's your fault, I hate you, mommy told me everything - She says indignantly.
Joe had to hold himself back from laughing at her trying to confront him.
-Don't be like that, we can give you a little sister
-Can you? She seems to calm down.
-Yes, mommy doesn't want one -Joe finishes.
At the same time, Ashley went to Amanda who holds herself back from cursing Joe.
-Mommy, I want a little sister. Her name will be Jasmine. She has to be a redhead. The girl demands.
-That's great, honey. We have two options: we adopt or your dad finds another mother for your sister. What do you think? - Amanda responds, irritated by the subject.
Ashley blinks slowly, thinking about what she heard. Meanwhile, Joe is busy messing up Peter's hair, who is trying to finish eating.
Ashley quickly opens her mouth and starts to cry. The girl's face turns red. She tilts her head back and her mouth is wide open, intensifying her crying.
-Daughter, you don't have to cry about this - Amanda asks.
-Ben cries all the time for nothing. I have a reason. - She says with some difficulty.
Amanda gets up, going to the fridge and getting a
-Stop crying, eat some chocolate, you love chocolate - The girl slaps her hand.
-Ash, mommy was playing - Joe tries to explain, only then does Amanda realize why she is crying.
-I hate you, you're going to find us another mommy and you didn't give me a sister -She says again.
Joe sighs heavily, sitting on the floor to be closer to her.
-Ashley, your mommy was playing with you, you don't have another mommy and you can't control whether your siblings are boys or girls, we all know that Gunner would look much better in a dress and a bow - Joe jokes, earning a grimace from the older boy.
-Promise me you won't have another mommy? - She wipes her face, looking at him with fear awaiting his answer.
-I promise
But Ashley didn't believe it.
When she understood the reason for her crying, Amanda thought about divorce for the first time. That gave her two thoughts: the first was what her life would be like without Joe, and the second was how difficult it would be for them.
Joe and Amanda had to go to Ashley's room together to put her to bed, since she was still scared.
-You don't have to think about those things, you hear me? - Amanda said to the girl sitting on the bed, her eyes still red.
-Do you promise? - She asked. Amanda could hear the fear in the girl's voice.
She didn't know how to answer that, or maybe she just didn't have the strength to do so. She decided to hug her.
-I love you.Amanda kissed her forehead, and she smiled shyly.
-I took your Snow White blanket, I don't want to see Daddy's little princess crying over nothing anymore. Joe appears, opens the blanket and covers her, leaving a kiss on her cheek just as an excuse to tickle her.
He then hugs Amanda's neck, who is sitting on the edge of the bed.
-I want you to know that Daddy loves Mommy and won't leave her and she won't leave me either, because we love each other, we've known each other since Peter was old and I've always been proudly her soulmate and she's mine, soulmates don't live apart, because if they do they get so sad that they end up dying, you know?  Joe questions the girl who denies it.
-So you can never be apart - The girl deduces.
-That’s right, if not, daddy will die of sadness, I love your mother so much, that’s why, daughter, don’t worry, I’ll never leave her, you hear me?  Joe’s words, while he rocks her in this boat, seem to run through her mind.
-Isn’t that right, honey? He asks her.
-Yeah - Amanda agrees, a little out of it.
Ashley went to sleep peacefully, while Amanda and Joe are still confused.
-I shouldn’t have said that, she’ll keep bugging me - Amanda reminds him.
-It’ll be nice to have another girl.
-Joe, I don’t want any more children, I think we’ve had enough a long time ago, especially after Ben, I can’t bear to go through that again. Amanda is sincere, leaving her cream on the sink and looking at him.
-Okay, no problem, I just imagined it, it was really hard for all of us, I know it’s been even harder for you. He agrees.
-We all suffered equally, the children felt it, you felt it, Ben felt it - She states, she hates the narrative of being weak or showing how much it affected her regardless of the situation.
-That’s why I thought about a surrogate mother, she’ll have our DNA, but someone else will have the child - Joe replies.
Amanda stopped everything she was doing.
-You understand that I said I don’t want any more children, it’s not just that part, it involves raising the child too.
-And Ashley, she’ll grow up in a house with so many boys, with no one to play with, to keep her company, that’s horrible, even more so when there are going to be three boys, I had brothers and you did, you know how important and good it is.
-Exactly, she already has brothers, they’ll be great company for her - Amanda insists.
-I just think we can talk about it later, calmly, think about the idea, it’s just an idea.
Amanda just ignored him.
-We have a big, happy family. Another child would be welcomed and loved, I'm sure. - Just like Ben? She asks him as she leaves the bathroom. -It's just siblings' annoyance. Tell me, whether your siblings are younger or older, they've never said they hate you? - Joe asks her. -We have plenty of rooms in the house. We have space, we have time, we have money, we're young and we have love to give. What's the problem? - Joe sits down next to Amanda on the bed, making it impossible for her to lie down and ignore him. -Have you ever thought about what would happen if our marriage ended? She asks him impulsively. Joe's eyes widened. -It wouldn't be fair to them. The room quickly became agitated. -Why should I think about that? It doesn't make any sense. - He stares at her.
-This divorce thing doesn't exist, you heard me, it doesn't exist, forget what Ashley said, my love, she was just scared, there's no reason to think about it - he gave a weak smile and got up.
But the following days were strange, especially for Joe.
He woke up in the middle of the night, with her fiddling with something, he threw the blanket aside, seeing Amanda already with a bag.
-What's wrong? He sighs trying to wake up.
-Ben has a high fever, I'm going to take him to the doctor - she says, going to the door to leave the room.
Joe gets up quickly.
-Wait a minute, I'll go with you
Amanda huffs irritably, turning to her husband.
-There's no point in both of you going, if I'm already going, stay home - Amanda leaves the room slamming the door.
Joe ran his hands through his hair, not knowing what else to do. The hours passed and he couldn't sleep a wink. He went to check if the others were okay. He called Amanda to try to find out something, but the calls ended. He went to the living room, where he didn't notice what time he ended up hanging up.
In the morning, he woke up to the excitement of the children. Seeing that she had arrived, Peter went to him on the couch to give his father a little hug. Joe decided to go see Ben, who was awake and a little agitated, since he was now eight months old and learning to crawl. That's why the bedroom door had gained extra protection.
He decided to go get ready, since he had training and had no excuse not to go, but when he got to the kitchen, he decided to rethink things.
-You know, I think we should hire a nanny. It would be good to have someone who can always be around, sharing the work. If I could, you know, I would spend the day here with you, but... - He gives the idea when he sees Amanda with her eyes a little purple, probably from tiredness.
-Do you think I’m so incapable that I can’t take care of them? She takes it as a provocation.
-I think everyone needs to help to make things easier, I can see that all of this has been heavy for you and I don’t want you to be overwhelmed with any of this, I don’t know if you don’t want a babysitter, we can call my parents, your parents, I don’t think they’ll mind spending time with their grandchildren - Joe tries to fix it.
-They’re our responsibility, I can’t make other people come here, put their lives on hold, because of our decisions, that’s ridiculous - Joe realizes that the conversation isn’t going to get anywhere.
-I think the night was hectic, I’m going to take the kids to class, who wants to go to class with daddy? - He gets their attention and they quickly perk up.
-Joe, go to your training, you're going to be late, you know I take them every day - Amanda asks.
-You know I'm not late, I'll take them and go straight to training, in the meantime you stay here with Peter and Ben - Joe tries to change the routine, seeing that she's not in the best shape to drive by the tired look on her face.
Joe went upstairs, going to get his training equipment and when he came back to his surprise, they had already left.
Amanda didn't need much to realize that it really wasn't the best option to drive, right now with the sun still weak at 7 in the morning and everything too still, but luckily everyone arrived safely, she took the opportunity to stop at a coffee shop and get a coffee to try to stay awake, but it was definitely not the best idea.
They have known each other forever, their parents are friends. After so many years as inseparable friends in their teens, their neighbors, friends, uncles and brothers started saying that they would end up getting married and that in fact, they had always been in love with each other, which made them both very stressed.
They did the same thing when they were 15, they started pretending to hate each other and getting involved with other people to shut everyone up, until they were 17 and Joe said he was going to move to the capital. There was no way to put it off and just accept it. They really liked each other a lot. They didn't date for long, until they decided to get married and give in to their love.
-Well, now that the kids are getting older, you must be dying to start living your own life, right? You were so young when you decided to get married, you were only 18 - A neighbor of Joe's parents was there.
-Now you can have a nanny or put them in various complementary activities and you can have a hobby, maybe even a job, but I think that with your age and lack of experience, it will be difficult 
Amanda felt the glass start to warm her hand, she just watched the lady more like a robot.
-You know, you need to live individually, like something that is only yours, he must love having total control over you, even financially, but that will not be good for your future
The words run through Amanda's already empty and silent mind, who just wanted to sleep.
-Being a trophy wife is amazing, but what comes next? Everyone always criticizes feminists, but if they get divorced, they will have a good structure to start over and normally, they do not hide completely behind the man, they usually have a voice
-Amanda dear, I think you need to start living your life and think about yourself a little" the worried tone makes her wake up.
-Thank you. She said and left in a hurry.
The conversation kept popping in her mind all day, leaving her distracted from everything. She finally began to ask herself what she likes and what she doesn't like. She doesn't know if she likes swimming, running, playing tennis, she doesn't know if she prefers comedy, cooking, horror shows, she doesn't know if she really likes the clothes in her closet or if they're just what she bought because they were appropriate for a mother.
And it was in the midst of so many thoughts and sleep that she didn't notice Peter climbing over the pool railing, she ran to the boy before he ended up hurting himself and falling, either on the floor or in the water.
-Peter, what did I say? It's to sunbathe. You two need to sunbathe, nothing more. She said harshly, returning the boy to the lounge chair.
The afternoon passed and with it the beginning of the night. Amanda began to feel something strange. She walked around the house, lost, without knowing where the feeling came from, until a flash in her mind made her forget Gunner and Ashley at school.
For the first time, Gunner preferred to stay quiet and silent. He didn't want to distract his mother from driving, not after she ran a red light and drove the wrong way.
Joe was informed of what had happened and decided to make a decision.
-Amanda, I'm going to the pharmacy. Do you need anything? He watched her but was speechless.
Since the answer in action was to crack an egg in the sink instead of in the frying pan on the stove.
Joe only needed one thing, a sleeping pill good enough to keep her out for the next few hours.
He poured it into her glass without her seeing and waited for her to drink it.
The medicine didn't take long to take effect, with Amanda passing out in the living room, he cautiously went upstairs with her in his arms and took care of the rest, including something she would hate.
She woke up the next day without knowing where she was, but for the first time in a long time, rested, she looked at the clock and got scared, but Joe tried to calm her down.
-I've already taken care of everything, I'm almost going to training, but first I need to talk to you - He asked.
Amanda just agreed, still dazed, running her hand over her face to try to truly wake up.
-Yesterday you almost crashed the car with you, Ashley and Gunner countless times, that's because I don't know what happened in the morning, if you don't want to accept help from anyone with a good heart, you're going to have to be forced
-Because I can't believe you think it's normal, to forget them at school two hours late or to drive out of control or to let a frying pan catch fire, while the food ends up in the sink, just for pride, who told you that you need to handle everything by yourself and that no one can ever help you? He questions her.
-I never said that, I had suggested a babysitter, but now we're going to do it differently, you have a week, either to talk to your parents, my parents, your brothers to come here or to choose a babysitter, if you keep putting your foot down and insisting on this madness, I'll go after the babysitter myself and make my rules with her - Amanda just listens.
-You're not taking care of anyone by doing this, you're putting everyone at risk, especially yourself. It won't kill you to let me spend the night with Ben. It also won't kill you if I take them to school sometimes. It seems like you don't like me being around them. Sometimes it seems like I'm your enemy. - Joe doesn't hide his discontent.
-I was trying to help you, but now I'm going to do it by force. I hid the car keys. You won't drive until you seem ready to do it. He warns.
-This is ridiculous. A lot happened yesterday. I'm fine now. Amanda defends herself.
-No, you're not. You need to rest your mind and body. You're not even eating because you're so determined that you need to lose too much weight. I found out that you haven't been to that nutritionist in months." Amanda is surprised.
-I don't know if you remember, but part of marriage is taking care of each other - he walks to the door.
-If you want to take a week's vacation somewhere, alone, take a friend, I don't know, go ahead, feel free, I just need you to rest and be well. He smiles as he leaves the room.
Joe and Amanda's wedding anniversary arrived and he made sure to celebrate by taking her out to dinner.
The waiter quickly grabbed a vase to decorate the table with flowers and left the menu with the two of them, Joe chattering the whole time, until Amanda had the courage to tell him everything she was feeling.
-Why didn't you tell me this before, we could have worked it out - he reminds her.
-I've been thinking a lot and I think it's good to have talked about it. Now I need some time for myself, without a shadow of a doubt, and I really think that our marriage is no longer a marriage. You know, I think we can separate and continue living in the same house, but living separately at first, so the children don't think it's so bad, and when they're older we can move out. I don't want it to be traumatic for them. Joe immediately cuts her off, surprised by what she said.
-Have you gone crazy? Are you saying you want to get a divorce on our 10th anniversary? I found out a few minutes ago what you were feeling, after I tried all kinds of approaches and only received your kicks and rudeness, and now you want me to applaud your request for divorce. Listen here, drink this wine, pull yourself together, no one here is going to get separated, they won't go through that, neither will you and I. - Joe turns the glass over, quickly filling another one and turning it over again.
-I need to find myself Joe, I need to find out what I like, what I want - He cuts me off again.
-You're in front of me talking crazy, I think you need therapy to figure that out, I think you need a spa too and a trip to calm down, you can spend a week, two, three, a month, if you want even a year getting to know the world, I'll take care of the kids, if you want to go back to see them that's fine, but we're not going to break up, there's no reason for that, I love you, you love me, you just need some time, if you want to open a store, open it, do whatever you want, it's okay, but we're not getting divorced - Joe says, visibly shaken by what he heard.
-Do you think this will help? - She doubts.
-I'll prove it will - He picks up the box with a gift for her, but stops halfway, putting his hand under his head, visibly shaken.
-Amanda, please don’t leave me, don’t kill me with the knife in our kitchen, I love you so much, I don’t know how to live without you, I don’t know how to describe how important you are to me, if I got where I am, it was because you were with me, supporting me and scolding me whenever I did something wrong on or off the field, if I don’t have you, I’m nothing, I won’t be able to live the rest of my life thinking that I lost you, don’t do this to me - Joe tries to control the tears on his face, since they are in public.
When a week passed and she hadn’t made any decision, when she arrived in Ben’s room after waking up, she came across her parents and sister.
Joe certainly didn’t want to offend her so much as to choose a nanny, but that surprised her.
The day was different, it was certainly good for Amanda, but at the same time reflective, her parents wanted to go pick up Gunner and Ashley, then buy some snacks on the way and spend some time with their grandchildren, while Amanda and Jade, her sister, were chatting with a huge tub of ice cream.
-I think our marriage is in crisis - She laments taking a good spoonful of ice cream.
-Marriage in crisis? Have you looked at Joseph? A marriage with him doesn't go into crisis - Her sister jokes.
-One day I was 18, I was excited to get married and I loved playing basketball, watching comedy series, learning French and the next day I suddenly wake up, I realize I have four children, a husband, I feel like I'm in a nightmare, I ask myself what I did in these ten years, what I really wanted, what was a dream and I see that nothing - Amanda vents.
-You need to take a vacation, go out, enjoy life a little, you have to know how to balance everything, just because you're married and have a ton of kids, doesn't mean you're dead and that's all it is, the worst kind of woman is the one who is limited to being a mother or a wife and no offense, you let yourself be limited to that Amanda agrees.
-That's always been my biggest fear, I love them, but I feel like I'm losing myself and wasting time, I could be experiencing so many things, but I preferred to stay locked up here
-The society we were born into makes us believe that this is the only good destiny for us women, you and all of us were raised to believe this, it's not your fault and you shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to experience different things
-Of course you have your day to day, but you can do something with the kids and then something with Joe and then the two of you can do something alone, it's good for each of you to have different things to do - Jade gives an idea.
-The problem is that I feel like I've lost my individuality and I don't know if I want to stay here, I don't know if I'll be able to just be myself and be comfortable with him - Amanda has some difficulty speaking.
-What do you mean? Jade's eyes widen.
-I stopped my life to do everything he wanted, I don't know if I know how to do anything beyond that, what he wants, I think I'm too weak, I should never have agreed to get married so early, I should have sorted out my life, done something I liked or at least failed trying, instead of letting everything get to this point - She laments.
-Listen here, you two really need to talk about this, but above all you need some time just for yourselves and to discover yourself, even if it means going to therapy, I'm going to stay here for a few days, Joe invited me and dad and mom too, so we'll help you, I'm sure, but don't give up, you don't need to give up your marriage to discover yourself, it can be very important for you to do this by giving you support and encouraging you - the two stand up and hug each other tightly.
The days were certainly calmer and the first thing their parents did was remind Joe and Amanda of the huge table they have, but they don't use it often. They end up sitting at the counter because it's quicker and more practical, but it keeps everyone away. The second thing was that there's no reason to have dinner separately and the third thing was how much lighter the house becomes and the children are happier when the adults aren't overwhelmed and fighting.
It seems that Amanda was able to see everything from a different perspective.
-Joe, I wanted to talk to you. I've thought about that subject. He is surprised and refuses to look at her, afraid of what she's going to say.
-What do you want to do?
-I think we need to go to couples therapy and we need to take the kids too, so they can learn to have a sense of brotherhood and see that Ben isn't to blame for everything. I think you need a day just for yourself too, just like me, we can choose a day for that. Every day is a family day and we take another day just for the two of us. I think I need an activity that I like and I need to occupy my mind with something different. It will be good for all of us. She gives a weak smile, and Joe, relieved, goes to her, hugs her tightly and throws her on the bed.
-Thank you - he says with a relieved voice, leaving a kiss on her cheek.
The two of them stayed there for a while thinking about everything, until Joe has the courage to speak.
-We need to learn to talk when something bothers us. Talking isn't fighting. We need that. It will do us a lot of good. We need to sit down and talk about the day, what we think, what we think, what we want, what one of us did that the other doesn't like. If we talk about everything, it will be okay - He takes her hand firmly.
Maybe the big change isn't necessarily taking something out of our lives, but changing our habits, and that's what Amanda is going to try.
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Hi admin I was wondering what other kind of headcanons you have for the brothers. It can of anything random, like what it was like for the boys to grow up without showing emotions. Or what they were doing before wade and Carly ended up in Ambrose.
I have a few and these are basicly all scrambled but I will catagorize em. But first a lil disclaimer it follows half the movie plot but also half my own.
The movie plot/Backstory of the brothers: TW: Mentions of gun use / Suicide etc Keep in mind that while watching the movie the story Bo tells about Victor and Trudy, and that Trudy had a cyst in her brain and Victor couldn't do anything but at one moment he'd either shot Trudy and then himself. Which resulted into Bo, Vincent and Lester going into foster homes.
However we later see in the movie the funeral Bo was attending was for Trudy and we saw that there she died of old age. So how much is true of Bo's story?
My Headcanon:
Trudy did have a cyst in her brain, started in 1982 when the boys where 12 years old, but at the time they thought it was a burn out. Victor didn't have the guts to put her down, Victor at one point couldn't handle it anymore, waited untill the boys where a bit older. So around 15 years old and then ran off somewhere and left Trudy in the care of Bo, Vincent and Lester. Making the three boys having to take care of their mother died in 1995. Ten year before the movie starts. When the boys where 25, and Lester was 20.
Vincent Sinclair Headcanons
Due to the fact that Vincent wore a wax mask and it could be hot, he never attended any schooldays where the temprature was too hot for his Wax mask to handle.
He actually had his first kiss with a blind girl in his highschool class. Due to the fact that she was never able to see his mask she was one of the very few people that Vincent allowed himself to open up to.
He dated her for a few months during his junior year but they broke things off because he rather stayed in Ambrose and she left.
Vincent can speak, but he also knows sign language because he as a child he would suffer from selective mutism.
Really cares alot about Bo, even tho Bo sometimes has anger issues that resulted them into acted them out on him.
His favorite color is red because his mama Trudy would always put on a special red lipstick if she and Victor would go out on a date.
He never had a good relationship with his father Victor, since Victor wanted a son who he could teach medicine to. But since Vincent leaned more towards his mothers talents Victor also lashed out at him.
Just because he seemed to be quiet most of the time and doesn't confort people correctly does not mean he has some tricks up his sleeve.
Before they started turning people into Wax, they actually where just robbing tourists and other visitors.
He can be both dominant and submissive.
He seems to be the more motherly type in regards to Bo and Lester.
Loves cuddles, headpats, attentionand affection from his S/O
Would call you Sweetheart, Baby and honey
Would love to have kids, but is also very respectfull with his partners wishes.
Bo Sinclair
Where do I start, even in his early childhood Bo was sadly hurt in more ways then we think. (think of physical stuff like scars on his back)
Due to the surgery that was needed to seperate him and Vincent from eachother. I believe he got a bit of brain trauma. (Keep in mind Victor lost his license due to the procedure) That is why he had a bit of a temper.
Bo started to smoke at age 14 in a way of of being in control. He never liked it, he just started to do this because he needed control in one way or another.
At one point he was big and he started to rebel against his dad because he grew taller then Victor and would reguarly pick fights with him.
Did want to become a doctor and follow his fathers footsteps, but he was afraid that he would not be able to handle seeing another child go through the pain he did as a kid. So he decided to focus on becoming a mechanic.
Was mean towards Vincent growing up, and at some points was pretty mean to him. But has always felt guilty about it.
Even though Trudy did not always understood him due to his anger as a child. He still loved her deeply.
Trudy would read to him and Vincent as a child, but would always make sure to have Bo pick out the bedtime stories as a kid since she felt she wanted to make it up to him.
His first love and his one that got away was Darlene Smith, a sophmore when he was a senior. He went out of his way for her but her folks didn't allow them to have a relationship.
He and Darlene kept seeing eachother and sneaking around but it didn't last long because they send Darlene 4 states away to live with other family.
He is the more dominant type
Can be sweet if you ask, and is caring but has a very hard time of showing it to anyone.
The way to his heart is to cook for and with him.
Is open for kids with the right person. But terribly scared of hurting them.
Into BDSM etc ( I mean we saw the movie)
Can do aftercare, but ya need to remind him about it.
But if his partner doesn't want kids he is okay with that too.
He was the brains behind all the robberies.
He and Vincent did the most caring for Trudy when she got that cyst. They did not allow Lester to take that burden.
Lester Sinclair
He is a guy that due to his dad leaving, and his mothers passing is basicly looking at life like. Fuck it.
A big outdoor kid
Loves anything animal related, even if he had to sometimes get meat/dinner for him and the boys
He kept begging Bo and Vincent for a dog after his mom passed away because it reminded him of that happy time they where together.
Is the youngest but can manage himself more then Vincent and Bo due to the fact that they where so busy taking care of Trudy they seemed to forget him a bit.
He was the son Victor would have loved teach medicine. But ofc he left when he was 10 years old.
Lester can have a type of humor that might not always be appropiate. "A hole is a hole."
Loves sex alot, and loves to praise women.
If ya ask Lester what his favorite thing about you is he'd praise you into heaven.
He is also a "Don't mock it till you try it guy"
He was an akward kid growing up because word around town got to him about his Brothers and Mom.
But he didn't care, he had his own lil group of friends and found his way through puberty and ambrose.
Has eaten mantis and other insects before because he is crazy.
He wasn't as active in Ambrose as you thought he would be. Because he works as a butcher a town over.
So he knew about the town being deserted and the robberies. But he ain't snitching on his brothers.
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gucciwins · 4 years
Weeping Willow
Harry sends his wife for a girl’s night, and their five-month-old baby falls sick.
Word count: 5,093
A/N: i am no expert on babies (unless it’s my almost two-year-old niece) but i have it on good authority this does bring down fevers. This was written for @tbslenthusiast dadathon. i hope you love it. xx
It's a Saturday night, and Harry tries his best to convince his wife to go out with her friends for a nice dinner while he cares for baby Willow.
Their five-month-old infant. The sweetest little girl to grace the earth in Harry's opinion. 
He's never felt a love like this, a never-ending love for his child. He swears he has never been more in love with his wife, his twin flame, for giving him the greatest gift he will ever receive. 
She's standing there cradling Willow in her arms as she begins to drift off to sleep. Humming a song she hasn't shared with Harry. Something special between mother and daughter. As much as Harry hates to admit it but their daughter is a momma's girl at heart. 
Willow feels that extra protection from her mother; he gives her all the cuddles and kisses, but there is no more special bond than when Y/N holds her close to her heart, and Willow settles down in seconds. When she is breastfeeding, Y/N tells her the stories of her childhood and when Harry and she were first dating. 
It's the irregular sleep schedule that Y/N has never once complained about. 
Harry wakes up at the oddest of times when he stretches his arms out to reach for Y/N to pull her close to his chest only to find her missing. More time than not, he'll find her at their windowsill, Willow getting her night time meal as Y/N gazes at the moon softly singing Lolo a lullaby that was once sung to Y/N. The moonlight bouncing off her skin made her look eternal as if she weren't real, and Harry just imagined up this life. 
But she is real, and she is all his, and their daughter is theirs. 
As a kid, this was the life he dreamed of, never knowing if it would come true or not. He will never stop being grateful for all he has in life, full of love. 
Harry is brought out of his thoughts when Y/N addresses him. 
"I don't know, H. She's a little warm." Y/N stands there, the back of her hand gently placed on her baby's forehead before moving it to Willow's cheek. She smiles down at her sleeping baby.
Harry sighs, extending his arms for her to hand him their small baby. She shakes her head, taking two steps back. 
Harry chuckles because he knew this would happen, but he forgot how stubborn she could be. 
She's wearing Harry's lilac robe, her hair curled, and makeup is done. He made her do a red lipstick because he missed it. It's one that Gemma gave her that's smudge and transfer free. Meaning he can kiss her with it all night long without his lips turning red. 
"Willow is fine. Maybe she passed some gas." 
She rips her gaze from Willow and shoots him a glare. He puts his hands up in defense. 
"If she starts feeling sick, you know the crying won't stop. She likes it when I soothe her."
"She's my daughter too. I can take care of her and soothe her just as good."
She kisses Willow's head, slowly continuing to grow brown curls just like Harry's. "I know you can, but there's this motherly instinct telling me not to go."
"My husband instinct is saying that my wife should go out to dinner with her friends for a nice dinner and some wine." Harry rebuttals. 
"I don't drink." She mutters into her baby's head as she adjusts her to lay on her chest as she sways side to side. 
"Well, then go crazy with the strawberry lemonade." 
She sighs. Harry knows she's close to giving in. 
Her clothes set out in bed, ready for her to throw on. Harry chose her outfit, and he's proud of it. Camel-tone flared fitted trousers, a black fitted v-neck, and a double-breasted twill blazer to tie the look. Her black Gucci 'sucker' boots waiting for her at the door to be slipped on then head out the door. 
"If I go, you have to promise to text me every hour." 
"Half hour if you really need it." He counters. 
She shakes her head, no. "If you do that, I'll be home by the second text." 
He nods, happy she agreed to go. She needs this no matter how much she had been fighting it. 
"Alright, Lolo, I'm going to leave you with your Daddy for a few hours. I hope you don't miss me too much. I'll make up for leaving you with cuddles for the whole night, munchkin." 
Harry's eyes well up, always in awe at the relationship between his wife and their daughter. Their beautiful five-month-old daughter who Harry, thinks is growing too fast. She's still on the small side, but the doctor assured them she was doing good. 
Y/N placed her in the crib that Harry put together with Gemma's help, who wanted to be involved with as much as Harry would let her. 
She stirs a little, but Y/N pats her chest softly, calming her down. 
"I'm going to go get dressed. Turn on the baby monitor, please?" She points in the direction of it.
"On it, love." 
She walks out and gets dressed quickly, knowing there's a reservation, and she doesn't like arriving late. Harry meets her downstairs baby monitor in hand as she stands boots safely on her feet. 
Harry shamelessly checks her out. He almost begs her to stay after seeing how good she looks, but he knows she needs this.
"Text me when you get there." He wraps her in a hug, not wanting to let go just yet. 
"Of course." 
She pulls back, looking up at him before leaning in to peck his lips three times; she walks out the door, bag in hand, when Harry tugs her wrist, turning her around connecting his lips with hers. It's a short passionate kiss, Harry's tongue fighting for dominance. She lets out a small moan. Y/N, let's Harry be the one to pull back, not at all wanting to break the kiss. 
Harry smirks as he sees the dazed look in her eyes. "Just so you know what you have waiting at home for you." 
"You menace." Harry leans on the door as she walks out. "I love you, H." 
"And I love you." 
Harry watched as she drove away before going back in and heading straight to the nursery, where his darling Willow is still sleeping.  
"Just you and me, Lolo," Harry whispers as he sits in the rocking chair and lays back to rest his eyes. It's like they say when the baby sleeps, he does as well. 
Harry wakes up when he hears a small sneeze. He peeks at Willow, but she still has her eyes closed. He picks up his phone to check how long he slept and is shocked. It was only twenty minutes; he felt like it had been much longer now, feeling a bit more energized. 
He sees a text Darling and opens it, 
I've arrived safely. 
I miss you both so much already. xx 
Harry can't help but smile. He misses her already. He might always be playing music in the house that fills the silence, but Harry only does it because she sings along to each song no matter how bad she can butcher the lyrics to an unknown song. 
She fills the home with warmth and love. 
I love you! Lolo is still sleeping. Have a lovely night. xx 
Harry sat in the rocking chair, just gazing at his daughter. Her cheeks were a little red, but he thought she might be a bit warm. He unwraps the blanket, just watching her stretch out her small fists. 
Willow slowly blinks her eyes open, a small smile on her face when she sees her father looking down at her. 
"You up, Lolo? No more sleep, I'm guessing." 
She continues to stare at Harry before turning her head to the door. Harry knows she's waiting for someone to come in. After a few moments of no movements, Willow looks at Harry, giving her a small smile.
"Waiting for your Mum, I know. She'll be back later; for now, it's you and me." 
Harry reaches in to pick her up, gently shushing her, not wanting her to start crying. He walks down the stairs slowly, the fear of tripping down the stairs more present than ever with his baby in his arms. 
Harry sits her on the couch, a pillow propped up on the back to help support her back, and grabs her stuffed bunny that was left on the coffee table. It's her favorite toy to play with at all times. 
Willow sets it in her lap, not at all looking at it, eyes on Harry. He sees her eyes begin to well up, and he knows the tears are coming. He scoops her up gently, letting the bunny fall to the floor so Harry could soothe his baby. 
"My Willo baby, no tears. You know it breaks my heart." He begins shushing gently. Gemma swears by it watching Alice do the Ss in New Amsterdam. Y/N does it too, her grandma teaching her that when she helped watch over younger cousins. 
This settles her for a second, resting her head in the crook of Harry's neck as he rubs a hand gently down her back. "Good baby, Momma would be proud of us." He knows he made a mistake once she lets out a loud wail. 
He can only assume the word Momma did it for her. 
His phone alarm begins to ring, meaning it's the hour update, and if he doesn't check-in, she'll call, and if he doesn't answer, she'll worry even more and drive herself more. He does not need that happening. 
Harry will not let her call; he'll send a sleeping photo of Willow to Y/N to keep her calm because he can do this. He can tend to his child alone. She's half of his DNA; why wouldn't he be able to. 
His Mum always told him babies cry for three reasons: dirty diaper, sleepy, and hunger. He assumes she's hungry. Has to be, her diaper doesn't feel full, and she also doesn't smell. 
As Harry goes to the kitchen, he stops at the fridge. He sees all the magnets that Y/N loves collecting when visiting a new country, state, or city. Her favorite being the Trevi Fountain. Tells her every time she sees it, she can see Harry down on his knee, tears in his eyes and heart wide open for her. Safe to say it became his favorite as well. Right under it is a yellow sticky note "Just in case xx Dr. Harp" The phone number of Willow's pediatrician. 
Y/N really is the best, but he knows that he has everything under control, or at least he keeps telling himself that as Willow continues her crying, no amount of words calms her. He'd also call his Mum before the pediatrician, who would only end up calling Y/N. 
"Mummy left your milk in the fridge; now, all we have to do is warm it up." 
Willow's cries go quiet for a second at what Harry can only think was at word milk. He can do this. 
They don't bottle feed her as often, both preferring her to breastfeed directly from Y/N. Harry encouraged her to pump milk because Y/N has complained over too many milk stained shirts. It has helped her tremendously. A few times, when Y/N was too tired to get up, he offered to warm the milk to feed Willow. Y/N knew how important it was for Harry, so she allowed him and began pumping more for Harry to help provide her during the day. 
He gets a bowl and fills it with hot water, then places the bottle in. He knows it should be a few minutes, he begins singing to Willow. He sings her the song he wrote for his sister, which holds meaning to Y/N now, finding a connection that makes them feel at peace when hearing the song. As Harry gently sings 'Sweet Creature,' he sees her settle, nose runny from the tears, he grabs one of her clothes that Y/N keeps in the kitchen. Truth be told, she has them spread all over the house to have one on hand when necessary. He wipes the snot then drapes it over his open shoulder. He checks the temperature, able to hear Y/N scold him in his head for wanting to skip the step. 
"Lolo, going to go sit down, and then you can begin eating." She blinks up at him, her green eyes unfocused, refusing to settle on one place of his face. 
He sits and adjusts Willow to cradle her in his arms. He does a final temperature check on his wrist and is happy with the outcome. He slowly brings it up to her lips to startle her, and she latches on after a few seconds. 
Harry leans back on the chair, releasing a long sigh. He feels victorious, even just for a moment. 
The phone on the couch seat next to him displays a text:
 I love you both. xx 
He's in the clear. 
Harry sings Willow the first song that pops into his head, well he mainly hums as she has her eyes closed and a fist clenched on her blanket and the other tucked in. He pulls the bottle away once he sees no more movement. He wipes the outside of her mouth very carefully to not disturb her. 
"Willow, Angel, I need to burp you. You shouldn't even feel it." Harry likes warning her; he knows she understands. 
He's done relatively quickly, settling her back in his arms to let her sleep. Harry would love to turn the television on, but he settles for staring at the angel in his arms. 
Harry frowns when he sees Willow's eyes flutter open. She sleeps longer after eating. 
"Lolo, it's barely been ten minutes. That's not enough for a growing baby. You need to grow up to be strong, just like Momma."
Willow lets out a small cough. It startles Harry, not having heard the sound before. He gently picks her up and begins patting her back, soothing her as she calms down. 
Harry thinks back to the phone number stuck on the fridge but shakes the thought away because one cough is not enough to make a call, especially this late at night. 
He is now slowly walking in front of the couch, trying to get her to fall back to sleep. It's not working. 
It starts off in small whimpers before turning into loud wails. 
This is not good. 
Harry tries his best to place his baby's cries, but it does not sound familiar. He isn't calling Y/N; worrying her is not part of tonight's plans, but there is someone in mind who will always answer him. Without thinking twice, he goes to favorites and picks the second person. 
"Hello love, how are you?" 
He's greeted by a calming voice, but it does nothing to soothe the pounding in his heart. "Hi, Mum." Harry isn't even sure she heard with Willow's loud cries. 
"Is something wrong? Why is little Willow crying? Where's Y/N?" Anne is quick to jump in.
"Today was her first girl's night out that I was insistent she go out to even though she didn't want to, but she should be back in the next hour or so." He addressed that question before jumping into the most important one. "Willow coughed then settled down before bursting into this cry. I've never heard it before. It's not her hungry one because she ate half an hour ago, and her diaper is clean." He lets out a sob he didn't know he was holding back. 
"Oh, dear, right. First off, is she hot? warmer than usual." 
Harry pulls her back, face scrunched up, nose full of snot. He places the back of his hand on his forehead, and it's burning. "Yes, she's warm. But couldn't it be from the crying?" 
Anne sighs, worried for her son, but this is parenthood having to see your child get sick and old help them through it. The first time is always the worst, but each time after that still breaks your heart. "No love, check her temperature and call the pediatrician. Tell her the symptoms, and you can go from there. Right, hang up, call Y/N, and the pediatrician in that order." 
Harry agrees to get her off the phone and to make the call right away. Anne knows Harry well enough that he will skip one important thing she told him to do, so she takes it upon herself to get it done. 
 He heads upstairs, sitting the still crying Willow in the crib as he searches for the thermometer he knows Y/N keeps next to the wipes for emergencies. He is quick to take off her shirt as gently as one can be and sticks it under her armpit as he waits for it to ring as he dials Dr. Harp.
There is an answer on the third ring, just as the thermometer beeps. 
"Dr. Harp, hello, it's Harry Styles, father of Willow Styles." He says in a rush.
"Yes, Mr. Styles, what can I do for you." The doctor's voice is kind, and it calms Harry knowing there's a professional helping him. 
"Well, my daughter slept about ten minutes before waking up after eating, and that isn't normal for her. She had a bit of a cough and has not stopped crying for the past twenty minutes now. She's burning up Doc. The thermometer says 103F. Shit, I meant 39C. My wife's family got us a fancy thermometer that gives us both numbers." He feels the need to explain a hand on the back of Willow's head, trying to calm her down as well as himself. 
"Well, it seems it could be a common cold. There is not a lot to do, except keep your baby drinking milk. Mrs. Styles is still breastfeeding, correct?"
"Okay, it's important to keep her hydrated and check with her through the night. To bring down the temperature, a lukewarm bath would help as well as a humidifier because, from the sounds of it, she is a bit congested." 
Harry nods along to everything she is saying, repeating it back. "Thank you so much, Dr. Harp." 
"It's no problem; if the fever doesn't break or gets higher than 40C, then I suggest you head straight to the hospital." Dr. Harp says her goodbyes as he picks up Willow and heads to their bedroom, taking her into their bathroom. 
He looks around, not sure what to do first that he misses the sound of the door opening and closing as well as footsteps up the stairs. It might have also been Willow's crying. 
Willow lock's eyes with Y/N over Harry's shoulder, stopping for a second, causing Harry to gasp before she starts up louder than before for not being in her mother's arms. 
"Willow, darling," Y/N smiles at her daughter, cheeks red and nose snotty but still her beautiful baby. 
Harry feels like he can breathe properly now that she's home with him. His missing half home, finally feeling complete. He does feel awful for not calling her right away, but he swore she was having a good time. 
Harry hands over Willow to Y/N's waiting arms watching as she cradles her close, pressing repeated kisses to her daughter's brown hair. Willow instantly clenches a fist onto her necklace, not that Y/N minds, but Harry feels guilty for depriving his daughter of her mother. It was his fault she was out tonight. 
"How'd you get here so quick?" Are the first words Harry thinks to say. 
Harry thought she'd be mad at him for not calling, but all he sees are her kind and gentle eyes he fell in love with. 
"Anne called me to update me, but I was already ten minutes from home. I had dinner but got it to go having that nagging feeling you needed me. Anne called it mother's intuition, but" She breathes in Willow's smell, Harry finding it endearing how she always says she smells amazing like peaches. "I swear I could feel how distressed you were. I thought you were having a bad time, so I got you ice cream and brought home a meal we could share." 
He leans against the sink, a small grin forming on his face. "I did always tell you we were soulmates." 
Y/N steps further into the bathroom, heading to the tub to get the water-filled. She sits on the toilet, letting it fill before dipping her hand in from time to time. It feels a bit less than halfway before she closes the tap. 
"Doctor's orders were getting the temperature down, right?" Y/N asks Harry, and he nods. "Well, in the lukewarm bath, she goes." Y/N fakes as if she is going to place Willow in before hugging her to her chest once more. "I'm only playing." She boops Lolo's nose.
"Your momma thinks she's so funny, Lolo." Harry rolls his eyes at her, not at all, hiding the love behind them. 
"Get in the bath with her, H." Y/N has successfully undressed Willow, giving her kisses all over, causing Willow to let out a small giggle. 
Harry near tears now. "That's the first time she laughed this entire night." 
"Honey, listen. She hasn't gotten sick before. It's okay, we're learning." She reaches a hand up to cup his cheek, and he leans into it eagerly. "We are learning together." He nods as she pulls her hand away. "Now, do I need to undress my other baby as well?" 
He smiles. "You're welcome to, but I got this." He slips off the black shirt and grey sweats, leaving on his briefs.
The water is perfect. Not that he expected any different because she does everything with extra care and love for Willow. He's glad to have her as his life partner and mother of his child and future children. 
He slips in, sitting down, letting Y/N gently place Willow on his bent knees. He cups her head, gently sinking himself lower. She hands him a cloth, and he looks at her, eyes wide. 
"Wet it, rinse it a bit, then just sponge it around her." 
He nods but doesn't move to receive it. Y/N moves forward, dips it in the water, and squeezes it leaving a bit of water. She gently gets Lolo's back patting before moving down. 
"Thank you." He says and accepts the cloth. 
Y/N makes her way to the bedroom. "You're leaving?" He questions, causing Willow to look at her as well. 
She laughs at her two loves, both wanting her close. "Going to turn on the humidifier. It's going to be good for her and her congestion. Then will get you both a new change of clothes before coming back. Is that okay with you both?" 
Harry looks down at Willow that still has her eyes on her Momma. "What do you think, Lolo? Think we should let Momma take care of us." He hums as if hearing her response. "She said not to take too long." 
"Wouldn't dream of it." 
Harry settles in, Willow moving her hand in the water, intrigued by the ripples allowing Harry to rinse her. He feels good, feels great, and can honestly help her and no longer cry about it. 
Y/N knows he needs this but hopes she isn't feeling too awful about leaving Willow when she got sick for the first time.
For all, he knows she could be crying in their bedroom or, even worse, the nursery where he can't hear her. 
But that's what Harry is here to remind her what a fantastic team they are and how she saved the day like always. He's proud of her just as he knows she's proud of him. 
It's twenty minutes when Y/N walks back in. Now dressed in grey sweats and an old white shirt that Willow loves to cling on. She approaches, and Harry raises Willow so that she can wrap her in the yellow towel. 
"My munchkin smells so good." She kisses her cheek. She turns to look at Harry with a smile on her face making him smile back. "Shower, I'm going to dress her, and then I'll bring your clothes in."
"Okay, love." 
Harry drains the water before turning on the showerhead, letting the warm water wash away the stress in his body. He doesn't take too long, wanting to cuddle his two girls all night long.
Walking out, dressing in the warm clothes that she must have thrown in the dryer for him knowing how he likes to be warm after a long night. He smiles, slipping the shirt over his head, slipping on the black sweats with no need for briefs. Turning off the bathroom light, closing the door, he sees Willow lying on Y/N's chest. 
"How is she doing?" Harry paddles over, hovering over Y/N to kiss her forehead, doing the same to Willow.
"Better, the temperature is at 98." 
Harry smiles, glad she's under three digits again. She looks sweet dressed in a bodysuit with small bumble bees all over. Y/N wrapped the knitted mint green blanket that Y/N's mother made for Willow around her shoulder to keep her warm but not enough to overheat.
"That's great. Our baby is so strong." Harry gets in bed and sits against the headboard, making Y/N shift over to rest her head on his shoulder, arms wrapped around Willow for support. 
It's an hour of silence basking in hearing their baby's breathing. Not as smooth due to the congestion but better than before. Harry places a kiss on Y/N's forehead when he feels the first tear, then many more follow. A sob breaking out, but breathing even to not disturb their sleeping baby on her chest. 
"Love, lovie, hey. Don't cry. She's doing better already." He wraps the arm tighter, hoping he can transfer all his love for her through the hug. 
"I'm just overwhelmed." She chokes out. 
Harry sits up to face her, reaches his hands out to wipe her rapidly falling tears.
"Please don't be mad with yourself; if there is anyone to be mad at, it's me." He pleads for her to understand. "I told you to leave us be." 
"Not mad at you, honey." She whimpers. "I-I-I'm upset I wasn't here to help you. But you handled it so well. Very proud of you." 
Harry sits there, tears falling out of his eyes now because she was proud. He did nothing. He knows he did nothing; he called his Mum and the doctor. He never got her to stop crying.
"I didn't do anything."
"Honey, you did." Her voice firm, one hand reaching up to gently raise his head to look at her. "You called Anne because you knew she would help and then called Dr. Harp for help." 
"But she never stopped crying, not until you held her." 
She shakes her head. "She was feeling bad, she cried at discomfort and unusual feelings. Might have also sensed your panic," She teases. He lets out a small chuckle. 
"We're a team. Together and apart, H." 
Harry lays down on his side, pulling Y/N down with him. He does it slowly to not move Willow; Harry lays his head on her shoulder, looking down at their baby. He lets himself relax, knowing she's going to be okay.
"I love you." He whispers. No response causing him to look up at a grinning Y/N. "Say it back." 
She giggles. "Thought you were talking to Lolo." 
"That was for you, wife." 
"My bad," She pecks his nose. "I love you, H." 
"Missed." He mutters, puckering his lips in her directions. 
"Dork." She closes the small distance and hums at the sweet taste that is Harry and mint toothpaste. He deepens it for a few seconds before pulling back. His eyes closed. He kisses her from her cheeks to her collarbones, no spot left untouched. He steals one more kiss before settling down. 
"Sleep tight, my darling, Willow," Harry whispers, throwing his arm over Willow's small body and Y/N's stomach for extra protection.
He peeks one eye open to see Y/N smiling down at Willow, no sign of sleep in her features. "I take it you won't be going out anytime soon again." 
"You got that right." She jokes. "No, it was nice. I forgot how good it is to chat about anything other than what size diapers she's going to need next."
"That's not all we talk about. We also talk about the size of your boobs." 
She snorts at his comment, and he happily joins in. 
"We haven't had a date night, well we have but indoors with a baby always in arms." 
Harry smirks. "What do you have in mind, love?" 
She blushes, "We go away for the weekend, leave Willow with Anne or Mitch since he keeps saying we keep his goddaughter away from him." 
"You'd be okay with that?" Harry checks, making sure she really wants this. 
She nods. "I'll miss her like crazy, my heart is beating faster just at the thought, but I miss you." There's a gleam in her eye, one when she gets lost in a memory. "It's quickies and late-night conversations. As much as I love our daughter, I miss my best friend." 
Harry grins, glad she's sharing this. "Any other time, I'd make a joke, but honestly, I miss you just as much." 
"Then, coordinate with Jeff on a weekend you're free and look for a place we can go to. Driving or flying whatever you find best." 
"Oh, baby, I'm going to make you fall in love with me all over again." 
"I'm counting on it, Harry." 
Harry helps Y/N drift off to sleep with his ideas of where they can go and all the naughty things they will get up to. 
Harry knows nothing in life will be better than being in the arms of his two favorite girls.
Thank you for reading. Please reblog it means a lot to me. 
Come and tell me what you thought of Weeping Willow 
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ktheist · 4 years
nice guys finish last | m
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synopsis. you thought you were over yoongi’s dick move of ending your engagement through his parents - not even a text when he disappeared out of your life. that’s why you agreed to the newly arranged marriage with his brother, namjoon, but on the brink of your wedding day, it becomes apparent that you haven’t really let go of the past as you tear up in front of your soon-to-be husband at the back room of the church.
◟alternatively, “we entered into this marriage for a mutual reason. not dreading to come home is more than i can ask for. so it’s okay if you want to see yoongi just... keep out of the spotlight like many in our shoes who found love outside of it have.”
pairings. husband!ceo!namjoon x doctor!reader x ex-fiance!producer!yoongi
genre. arraged marriage au. angst. fluff. smut.
word. 16.2k
content: age gap factor (namjoon is 5 years older than oc and yoongi is 7 years older than oc). pining. teasing. hoseok cockblocking.
warning(s): heavy adult content. mentions of cheating. hospital scenes.
verse. knj. ksj. myg. kth. pjm. jjk. jhs. story time.
“i don’t want to marry you at all. the person i love is someone else.” there are tears brimming in your eyes but if there’s anything the years of etiquette class namjoon’s parents forced on him taught him - he’d say he turned out okay - it’s to not mention to the crying lady that she’s crying. but he can’t help stare a little longer. admire a little too much.
the rays flooding through the window paired with the prettiest ivory dress he’s seen you in gives you an iridescent halo. you look like an angel descended from the top most heavens.
but not for him.
“i know,” he lets out a drawn out sigh, hand on his neck. he’s always been the awkward one between the two. if it was him - if it was his brother, he would say it without any ounce of self-reproach. but then again what does namjoon have to be sorry for? for being born? for being the second choice son to step into his brother’s shoes when the aforementioned man threatened to disown the family name if their parents refused to let him marry a girl of his choice who, according to the workers’ gossip, ‘he suddenly woke up one day and decided he was in love with’? 
“it’s yoongi, isn’t it? you love yoongi.”
your eyes are prettier when you’re looking directly at him. the tears give them a kind of glow that makes him want to gather you into his arms and keep you there. the flushed cheeks affirms - despite saying it with full confidence, it was just - his hunch.
the ceremony proceeds rather smoothly. you’re still sniffling when your father passes your hand to him at the end of the aisle. the older man himself looks distraught. either he knows you’re against this marriage and hates himself for failing to put his daughter’s happiness before the guaranteed wealth that comes from marrying you off to the kim family or you’d gotten into a fight with him in a last ditch attempt to convince him to call off the marriage.
either way, you’re here now. the pastor’s words are muddled in your ears but it’s enough to take note of the end tone and the steely silence that ensues which could only mean it’s your turn to say those words.
“i do.” they’re the easiest to get over with.
after endless fights with your parents, going on two hunger strikes and running away to paris for a year - you know you’re in the endgame. and you’ve painstakingly and sorely lost.
he lifts the veil off your face, taking his time with setting it over your head. it’s no secret that kim namjoon is handsome. the kind of thick, textured-fabric-suit-wearing and sleek-back hair kind of handsome. yoongi was more of the hoodie-and-jeans and messy-in-need-of-a-trim hair kind of handsome. but he isn’t yoongi.
you screw your eyes shut, refusing to let the memories of your own wedding vows embed in your head. those beautiful pink full lips are as soft as they look. but they’re not kissing you on your pressed-into-a-straight-line lips. betrayed by your curiosity, your eyes flutter open only to gaze upon the smooth cream skin that wraps around his neck and just the gentle protrusion of his adam’s apple as he pulls way.
your newly-wed husband has just kissed you on the forehead.
adjusting to married life is as easy as slipping on your favorite shoes. it’s perfect. almost unsettling even. the beach house off the coast of the private island namjoon’s family owns is breathtaking. the sound of waves crashing against the shores is your constant companion as you work on your research. it’s a project you had to put aside when you graduated. the first year at the hospital is the busiest, or so your senior colleagues say. 
namjoon strides into the kitchen sometime past noon, all fresh and showered with a fitting long sleeved shirt and trousers. it’s the most dressed down you’ve ever seen and yet for some people you know, it’s the fanciest they can get. sometimes you wonder if the standards have hit the ground or if namjoon’s so well-adapted into the routine of dressing up presentable enough to go to his office on an off day in case something calls for it.
“good morning.” you greet first, traces of the embarrassing tear-jerking wedding ceremony still lingers in the back of your mind - you’d tried to explain yourself on the way here in the boat but namjoon had easily blew your worries away with a light chuckle and a “i’d do the same too if i loved someone and had to marry another person.”
it’s not unusual for you to already be perched on the elegant gold sofa adjacent to the sliding doors that has the best view of the sea. the master bedroom is the other part of the beach house with spectacular view - you’d been entranced when you stepped into the room on your first day. but namjoon suggested you stay in the guest room, knowing there’s no way you would share a bed with him -
“or you can take this room and i take the guest room,” he added a moment later, probably because he saw you staring out the balcony, bewitched by the sea. that had broke you from your trance and you’d shook your head so much in protest, you were surprised it didn’t fall right off your neck. “n-no! i mean - i’ll take the guestroom.”
his parents had been nice enough to lend their private beach house for you honeymoon. you weren’t going to step over their son and conquer the master bedroom - even if technically, you’re now part of the family.
“morning.” he fixes you with that half-smile. the kind of smile you give to someone you’re in an complacent relationship with but nothing more.
at least you’ve got that going for you. and that’s a rarity coming from the gossips you’ve heard here and there about marriages found on the ground of convenience.
his eyes swipe over the ipad in your shorts-donned lap from his spot, leaned against the counter in the kitchen, pitch black mug of coffee with wafts of smoke coming out of it, “how’s your research going?”
“well,” you set the ipad down on the glass surface of the coffee table, it’s bare of anything besides your phone that’s been lighting up from the notifications. one from your mother, another from the group of friends you found in college, and the rest is from your strictly-women group from the hospital, “the world wide web is resourceful and all but it can’t beat the information in actual books - papers, you know?”
“ah, the traditional way of researching.” he chuckles, dimples digging into his cheek, enhancing his handsome features. you never knew he had dimples. not that you knew much about him - you’d only properly talked on the day of your wedding, in the back room and the first thing you said was -
you suppress the memories further down your thoughts. it works for the most part, but you can’t help the flush that spreads across your face. so the laugh you let out is a little strained and if he notices, he doesn’t show - like he pretends not to notice a plenty many things.
but alas, he knew your secret crush - was it still just a crush you had for yoongi? you’re not sure.
“what can i say? i’m raised traditional.”
that was two weeks ago. now, you’re back to working your ass off at the hospital, being grilled to the bones by your supervisor, getting reprimanded over being one minute late and then being told to run to the cafe five minutes from the hospital to buy your supervisors their favorite strawberry smoothie topped with sprinkles.
“kim seokjin, that dickwad.” jennie huffs, her cat-like eyes making it appear as though she’s plotting the man’s death. “he’s working you to the bones as soon as you get back.”
“he probably thinks i’m not that serious about my residency since my family has enough fortune to sustain me for my whole lifetime,” you can only laugh at that, her anger has sucked all the tiredness and annoyance you have for your supervisor right out of you. it feels refreshing, “all the more reason to prove him wrong.”
“enough about that asshole,” jisoo waves a dismissive hand off and you know what’s coming is far more terrifying: she blinks, eyes filled with stars and cherry red lips curling into the kind of smile that can only mean one thing, “how was it? the second son of kimcorp. were there rose petals on bed? candles lit around the house? a romantic, sizzling-”
“sorry, jisoo, i gotta go get ready for the dinner. i’ll buy you lunch tomorrow, okay?” you clasp your hands together apologetically when your phone buzzes with the reminder you set a week prior: 8am annual kimcorp dinner.
you breathe a sigh of relief as you shake off your white coat, draping it over your recliner before escaping to the washroom with a bag of makeup and the dust-proof cover bag of the outfit you’re wearing for tonight. by the time you’re touching up on your nude lipstick, your phone buzzes again but this time, the screen lights up with namjoon’s name on it.
“hey,” his voice is deeper through the phone - it’s the first time he calls you. there was never any reason for you to call each other but you suppose, he’s calling to make sure you’re not forgetting the dinner -
“i’m in front of the hospital.”
or maybe not.
“wh-what do you mean?” your cheeks heat up from the thought of namjoon waiting for you in his audi. the image, too domestic for your liking.
“well, you can’t drive so i thought i’d pick you up.” he says it like its the simplest equation to understand.
“namjoon,” the name feels foreign on your tongue regardless of how many times you taste it when you need to tell him something - to set the line straight, “i didn’t know you were gonna pick me up so i already told kyungsoo to pick me up. he’s probably already here. sorry i didn’t tell you sooner.”
“i know,” he says simply.
“e-excuse me?” while you’re beyond confused.
“i told your parents i’d pick you up so kyungsoo’s driving them to the dinner.”
wait. what?! 
namjoon is confident in his driving skills - as he is with everything he does. he’s almost perfect. the line of his shoulders seem at ease as he stirs the wheel with one hand and the other rests on the gear, inches away from your scarlet clad thighs.
“why isn’t hoseok driving you?” the aforementioned man sticks to him like glue. everywhere namjoon goes, he goes. it’s a given since he’s the head secretary but anyone who’s seen them interact could tell there’s more than boss-employee relationship between them. they seem like close friends which is unlikely be given namjoon’s too-serious nature and hoseok’s joke-cracking every five minutes - but not impossible.
his face remains the same as he keeps his eyes on the road, humming briefly, “he had a thing.”
“can secretaries have a thing and leave their boss to drive for himself like that?” that doesn’t sound right. you may not be actively involved in fecam industries’ affairs but mr. jung, your dad’s secretary, spends more time with your dad than the two men do with their wives - that’s how demanding the business world is. but could hoseok get a free pass because of his and namjoon’s friendship?
namjoon chuckles, dimples and all and you can’t help but blush at the side profile. if anything, he has a sharp jawline and beautiful neck-
you push the thought as soon as it comes. neck? who finds necks beautiful?
“he had a date but it’s not until a couple hours,” the tone he uses is light and playful but underlined with a sort of bashfulness that you don’t know kim namjoon was capable of, “i told him to go home because i wanted to pick you up myself.”
your cheeks heat up all over again as you stare at him a little too long. so much so, the hand that’s been comfortably perched on the gear goes to the back of his neck in an unsure manner.
“i just needed to talk to you about something.” he explains, just as awkward as he was in the back room at the church.
“okay.” eyes turned to the road too, you can see namjoon breathing a sigh of relief from your periphery. that couldn’t have been because of you could it? was he nervous because you were watching him? “what did you want to talk about?”
he clears his throat, that natural ease in his tone returning, “if it gets uncomfortable - if anyone asks, we met because you were yoongi’s fiancee and we couldn’t help but fall in love. but you wanted to intern at a hospital in paris so that’s why we’ve only gotten married now.”
you take awhile to digest the information until something in your stomach doesn’t sit right with you, “you want me to... lie?”
his bottom lip gets trapped between his teeth just for the briefest moment as he thinks about it. he probably didn’t expect you to disagree but he admits his mistake faster than half the people you know your whole life would, “i’m sorry, i didn’t think it would weight on your conscience. i was thought it’d be hard on you if some ass- someone’s going to start a rumor about you but i didn’t ask how you’d feel about it.”
“i see.” you simply nod. it’s true that you’re the pass-up fiancee who got between two people who fell in love in college but the other is the son of a renown family and engaged while the other is an arts major from a normal working family. unable to let bygones be bygones, you decide to marry the younger brother to your fiance - or so the story goes. “but they already know i was yoongi’s fiancee and i ended up marrying you. i don’t need - no, i don’t want to explain myself to anyone.”
despite that big talk, your can feel the prickle of tears in your eyes. namjoon steals a glance at you and he never mentions the glassiness of your gaze - if anything, he smiles. it’s different than the usual smiles. this one, though wordless, says he’s following your flow. do what you like and if and when things get though, you can count on me.
dinner has yet started when you arrived. guests are still arriving and waiters and waitresses are carrying trays of champagne glasses around. in a distance, your friends wave at you to come over. you smile, hand falling away from namjoon’s since you needed to at least do that in front of the paparazzo that were waiting outside. eager, hungry for gossip about the wedding that shook south korea’s business world.
“girl, you are glowing.”  yerin literally screams. it’s a secret to no one that she’s hinting on your recent marriage and private island getaway. but nothing happened.
“how are you girls? it’s been so long.” you side hug eunha, letting her arms wrap around your waist as you stand huddled together.
you haven’t seen them since you got back from paris. the wedding was attended by thousands of people - all of whom, your and namjoon’s family’s associates. but you had your hands full shaking hands and smiling next to your husband because these people matter to namjoon. or at least he has an interest over them. business deals. merges. trades. kimcorps carries out every kinds of business they can get their hands on. namjoon passingly mentioned about the work-in-progress for a private hospital.
you dread the likelihood of having to leave the hospital you’re working in right now for family-run one but you know it’s quite impossible to not get involved when you, yourself is a doctor.
“we weren’t the ones who went under the radar and came back and got married to the second son of kimcorp.” yuju huffs sulkily, cheeks pinked from the champagne she’s had but she isn’t that far gone when she clamps her mouth shut a second later, eyebrows furrowing in guilt.
sowon nudges her side anyway, mouthing her something as your gaze falls on the light caught in your black gucci heels.
“i-i’m sorry, ___ that didn’t come out right.” comes a heartbeat later, she sounds just as sorry as her words as you offer her a small smile. 
“it’s okay, it’s the truth anyway.”
“stop that,” eunha suddenly gripes, her gaze boring into you and rips apart the barrier you’ve tried so hard to maintain, “we’ve been friends since elementary school, we know how whipped you are for that asshole so-” she sniffles while you’re left wondering if it’s her who had an ex-fiance break if off and had his parents relay the news on a bi-weekly dinner. 
“she’s trying to say you can cry or get mad or curse that dipshit around us. don’t hold back.” sowon finishes, lips twitching as she enjoys watching the vulnerable state of the otherwise fiercest one among you.
something in your chest feels light. like a weight being lifted off your shoulders as you study the girl’s face one by one. sowon’s and yerin’s smirk, yuju’s nodding and eunha’s teary eyes. 
“yoongi, he’s-” you take a deep breath and it feels almost dramatic as the second stretches on while you build up the hurt, the anxiousness, the disbelief that the man put you through, “-a fucking idiot.”
“you bet he is,” yerin’s basically screams, swiping a glass for you and holding hers up, “that fucking idiot.”
you tighten your side hug on eunha in an ‘i’m okay’ gesture as you clink your glasses together.
it’s a few moments later that murmurs start to spread around. the tension that comes with the latest arrived guest thick enough to command every attention in the room.
“she’s ballsy. coming here.” sowon offhandedly comments, eyes trained on the girl who has her hand on yoongi’s arm like an iron clamp. “right into the lion’s den.”
she may not have her parents’ money to groom her into the women you and the girls are. but maybe that’s why she has her own air. her poised steps, coupled with a cocktail creme laced dress and relaxed smile easily gives her an innocent cloak. someone friendly and good-tempered and can adjust well to her suddenly-plunged-into-money circumstance when she married yoongi. that must have been why you never heard any bad rumors about her even though there’s almost always at least one gossip enthusiast in these socials.
“ugh, i hate her!” yuju hisses, eyes more focused as she places her glass onto one of the waiter’s trays.
“i-i think i’m going to get myself some snacks.” with that, you slip past the guests until you’re at the end of the room, standing in front of the everything-you-can-eat table lined up with pastries only from the best bakes.
that moment, when you looked from her to yoongi, your eyes met. his hair is a little longer than you remember it, flowing in light blue tresses until just a few centimeters above his eyebrows. the first two buttons of his shirt is undone. her doesn’t wear a necktie - he despises how suffocating they feel. but he’s managed to keep on his blazer - he used to say they were hot and took them off and left them in the back seat of the car when you arrived at an event. he used to attend these events with you. just the two of you. for four years. you thought you’d keep doing so for longer after you got married.
“you know, they’re not plastic and made for display.” a voice breaks you from your train of thoughts.
“p-pardon?” you blink once. confused.
“the pastries,” namjoon lulls his head to the side where towers of tarts, macaroons, pavlova and sliced cakes stand tall and proud, “they’re edible.”
it takes a moment for you to register that he was joking - kim namjoon? cracking jokes?
his smile tilts higher when you chuckle. it’s brief but the look of relief oh his face lingers. he must have seen you escape from your group of friends. and this is his own way of checking up on you.
“thank you, namjoon.” you murmur low enough for only you and him to hear, lips tugging in the corners. “but i’m fine - i just - seeing him for the first time like this - it’s just unexpected. even though this is an annual dinner held by his family and he has every right to be here.”
“that’s her? the ex-fiancee?” a guest asks in a hushed tone somewhere a few feet away. but she’s not very discreet as she thinks she is.
“yeah, she couldn’t get the older brother so she went for the younger one.”
apparently, her company needs to attend classes on how-to-whisper-101 too.
“how mortifying. and the brother just goes with it?”
“he must have felt compelled to save her face. you know how nice and well-mannered he is-”
the low noise namjoon makes under his breath catches your attention. the muscles on his face is strained and twisted. it barely shows. just a crease between his eyebrows and the lack of smile. he hardly ever smiles from the tabloids and interviews you’ve seen of him so people might not notice the displeasure. but after a whole month of knowing namjoon, if there’s anything you can say for certain about the man, it’s the stockpile of smiles he has to offer.
“namjoon, it’s okay. i don’t care.” you smile, it’s forced and you know he notices it right off the bat but sighs anyway, shoulder line falling just slightly as he runs a hand over his sleek styled hair.
his lips move and you hear the words he uttered but somehow your mind couldn’t comprehend the information without going blank. “s-sorry?”
“it agitates me that they’re freely spewing bullshit like this,” he huffs, cheeks tinted pink at having to repeat his words. “it’s taking everything in me not to go over there and tell them their husbands have at least one business deal with kimcorp. and i can end it and it’d plunge their family into bankruptcy.”
“wh-why would you do such a thing?” the question comes out almost dumbly but if it did, he doesn’t say. he just... keeps looking at you.
you’re barely able hold yourself from squirming under his scrutiny, the smile now awkward in all places.
“if you don’t mind, can i kiss you?” his eyes widen just the slightest bit as he corrects himself, “on the forehead i mean.”
he clears his throat, eyes straying away from you as if he couldn’t bear to look at your face after that mistake. “just so i can prove to them i wasn’t forced to marry you.”
the light pinkish blush spreads to the tip of his ears and neck as he shifts his weight from one foot to another. you’re not sure why, but the sight in front of you is endearing and you find yourself saying-
“okay, kiss me.”
you didn’t specify where. and maybe, as the heat flares across your own cheeks when his arm band around your waist and a warm hand presses up against you cheekbone - maybe you want him to kiss you somewhere else.
the chatter stops and so does time. but it’s only for as long as namjoon’s full lips are on your forehead, kissing you for the second time. then, time resumes and murmurs begin to spread louder than when yoongi made his arrival. when the gravelly voice speaks from somewhere behind namjoon, you know why.
“get a room, will you?” yoongi’s tone is light - you’d taken a whole year getting used to it to know he’s being playful and not condescending.
“yoongi.” namjoon greets, unlike the elder man, his sounds better natured but there’s a sort of underlying detachment. his arm is still on your lower back almost as if he needs to feel that you’re here or he’d be completely detached. “i didn’t think you’d show up. you hate these events.”
the aforementioned man draws out a long sigh as though he’s been found out over a poorly told lie. “i don’t but naeun wanted to go - you know how things are with mom and dad. she thinks it’s gonna make them open up.”
it’s no secret your father and mother-in-law doesn’t talk about yoongi’s marriage - they never do around you but you thought they were being considerate. but what yoongi’s saying right now could mean his relationship with his parents are far more strained than you thought it’d be. especially since they had let him marry the girl of his dreams who’s clearly below their standards.
she - naeun - is standing somewhere near the exit, conversing with the notorious older generation that yerin duped ‘the wickeds’. for their ways of gaining wealth, for their poor treatment towards their employees, for socially shunning a young man - new money, for addressing one of them casually. she is ballsy.
“it’s been awhile,” yoongi’s directly addressing you now. the tug on his lips as playful as an old friend’s greeting. you don’t know how he can look at you like nothing happened. “you’re finally a resident now, huh?”
“yeah, finally.” you smile, the kind of smile that celebrates her triumph. the celebration part is true but the smile is every bit unnatural. but it seems to fool yoongi as he nods, proud.
somewhere in your chest, the strings on your heart clenches at the unchanging personality of this man. no wonder you like him.
before the conversation can tread further down memory lane, there’s an announcement to have the guests move to another room where dinner is being served.
“we’ll get going first then.” namjoon announces, guiding you by the waist as yoongi nods, waiting for naeun to come to his side before going in himself.
 dinner went smoother than expected. yoongi and naeun showed up uninvited and were placed in the back seats where the people socially displaced guests are. you felt bad when you saw naeun’s distorted expression as waiters bring in chairs to the table for the both of them. but there’s nothing you could have done.
“you have an 8am shift tomorrow, right?” namjoon asks as you slip your heels off, wincing at when one of them brushes against the blisters. they’re gonna be a bitch to deal with tomorrow.
stretching your arms out as you walk up the stairs, you hum in confirmation. “mhm, and you have dinner with ms. yoo, right?”
it’s ironic how you know each other’s schedule despite not being anything more than two people sharing one house and happens to be married. guess you’ll chalk it up with the fact that you both respect each other enough to be aware of each other’s whereabouts - not the creepy kind of way but the share-me-your-live-location-so-i-know-you’re-safe kind of way.
namjoon was quiet until you take a left to where the guest bedroom-turned-permanent-bedroom is, “it got rescheduled.”
your hand hovers over the door handle as you crane your neck to look at the man on the top of the stairs. his bow tie is loosened, the button to his color undone and his blazer is draped over one arm - a telltale sign of a final end to the night. “i was hoping we could have dinner to together. after work.”
yes but you don’t usually go straight home after work. you usually spend time at the library either at your previous college or at the hospital. you’ve decided to continue your research no matter how taxing it may be since you came back from the honeymoon. namjoon knows and the fact he asks you to dinner anyway - it’s unlike him.
he’s the kind of person that would ask if you had free time and match his schedule to yours. not ask for your time.
“yeah, sure.” you say and you think you see his shoulder line sagging as if he’s just let out a long-held breath, “pick me up at 8?”
“yeah.” he nods, dimples showing as his lips curl at your answer, “at 8.”
only when the door closes behind you, do you let yourself slide down to the ground. heels lying next to your thighs and dress in need of being sent for washing. your cheeks are and neck and ears are hot. dinner? just you and namjoon? like... a date?
jisoo isn’t around when lunch rolls by.
“a patient got rolled into er this morning - couldn’t contact any of his family members. suho decided to go ahead with surgery but he reacted badly to the anesthesia so she had to make up for her suho’s mistake and monitor his patient.” jennie’s face scrunches at the other woman’s supervisor pushing the task on her. shoving a forkful of the cheese cake, she sighs as the medical professional side take over, “thank god the surgery went smoothly though despite all that.”
you hum in contemplation, comparing the well-established crazy bitch seokjin who pushes those under his supervision to their limits and suho’s less-than-extreme approach. you used to envy jisoo and jennie for getting suho as their supervisor but at the end of the day, with every push from seokjin, you get out of it stronger and wiser. “i hope she doesn’t forget to have her meals.”
the day ends faster than usual. of course with rounds and surgeries you have to assist with, you’ve always find yourself barely realizing the setting sun - the sign of that your shift has ended.
but you could have sworn it was 5pm when you last checked the time. an car crash patient had arrived at the er and you forgot you’d left your phone on your desk, running out to assist the critical patient. it’s only when you’ve plopped into your recliner, head thrown back in fatigue, do you notice the vibration of your phone.
namjoon’s name flashes across your screen. your eyes almost bulges out of their sockets as you swipe to the right.
the deep voice from the other end is as calm as ever, “hey, ___-”
“namjoon!” you almost scream with guilt, phone pressed between your cheek and your shoulder as you shrug the coat off one shoulder before using the free now free hand to hold the phone and shrug off the other shoulder, “where are you?”
“i’m at the parking lot. i couldn’t wait at the lobby because i was obstructing the other cars - i called you a few times.” he sounds almost concerned and your heart clenches tightly in you chest at the thought of him waiting for you for over an hour.
you burst onto the parking lot - searching for the sleek black audi until a red bugatti rolls over. you’re about to take a step back seeing as you’re almost standing in the middle of the road - when the driver on the other side of the car steps out. his usually gelled hair is mussed from the amount of times he ran his hand over it, cuffs rolled to just below his elbow, revealing the dark veins that run just below the skin on his arm. 
namjoon fixes you with that eased smile, going around the gently purring vehicle and opening the door to the passenger seat for you. the arm which hand he uses to hold the door open pulls on the thin fabric of his button down in all the right places. so this is a the normal end-of-the-day look.
you always get back a bit later than him and by the time he looks up from his work that’s laid out over the coffee table, he would usually already have bathed and changed into one of those long-sleeved shirts.
the restaurant he initially booked for dinner had cancelled. naturally. so you end up in a barbecue place five minutes away from the hospital. this is where you and your colleagues go when to celebrate a birthday, promotion or finally-having-a-boyfriend/girlfriend.
the slices of meat sizzles on the grill, its marinated aroma wafting in the air. but your stomach churns with a different kind of sensation - guilt. “i-i’m sorry. because of me you had to wait an hour and got cancelled by the restaurant.”
then, he chuckles. it’s the same kind of good natured chuckle that reverberates every time you say something amusing - but you can’t see how any of this is.
his says your name. the syllabus rolls out of his tongue in waves but you chalk up the blush spreading on your face with the heat of the grill so close to you. he leans back against the backrest, sleeves filled out to the brim as he crosses his arms over his chest. “you were the one saving a life. all i did was wait.”
“y-yeah but still.” no emergency is foreseeable, otherwise you could have saved more lives than you do now. and it’s still not enough. “i forgot about you.”
namjoon nods, taking your words into consideration - as if he never thought about it that way. as if he truly doesn’t mind wasting his time over some woman he has to tolerate because he’s married to her. “cook me dinner then.”
“i don’t want you to beat yourself up and i know whatever i say is going to come off as me being nice.” the corners in his lips tugs upwards, “so make it to me by cooking dinner.”
once your brain is done registering what he said, you clutch your hands in your lap as though you’re clinging onto this one time chance to make up for your fault, “yes! i-i mean yeah, sounds fair.”
the smooth sound of his chuckle isn’t lost to the sizzle of the meat. to him, it must be a small matter but to you, it’s a matter of pride.
“this saturday then?” you offer, a bit too eager.
almost as if remembering something, he releases a long drawn out sigh, “business trip to tokyo.”
“next weekend?”
“mom’s home sweeter home fundraiser for the orphans on saturday. sunday?”
“night shift. how bout breakfast?”
“golf with seollyu’s director.”
a heavy pause lapses in the room. after a moment, namjoon reaches for the chopsticks, flipping the slices of meat over.
your shoulders sag, lips pursed in a pout. this isn’t an unusual occurrence in your years of being the daughter of your family. your father is devoutly involved in the family business and your mother is busy with her charity work. you’ve celebrated birthdays with the staff more than you do with them.
the glint of the chopstick that’s placing a piece of meat on your plate catches your eyes. you study the long nimble fingers to the vein that runs from the back of its hand and disappear somewhere below his arm before you gulp, meeting his eyes - did he notice you checking out his arm?
“we’ll figure something out.” if he did, he doesn’t say as he fixes you with an assuring smile, “but right now you need to get some food in you. eat up dr. ___. you did great today at work.”
this time, you really can’t blame the grill for the blush.
“you could’ve told mom you couldn’t do brunch.” namjoon tells you in the elevator to the 15th floor of your in-laws’ house. it’s been three days since that night. he’s left for work but prior to this morning, he’d already made it clear that it was no problem at all picking you up from home.
he’s probably saying this because of the lack of makeup you’d put on. some pats of compact powder and bright red lipstick can’t hide the bags underneath those tired eyes. you’d spend extra hours reading about the defective genes and the fix to remodel them so every child born from parents from a history of relatives with inheritable diseases could live a life without the risk of said disease.
“i’m fine.” you wave a dismissive hand before stretching in the compact space in a last ditch attempt to wake yourself up and hopefully look fresher by the time you reach the floor. “’sides, i’ve been so focused on work, it’s nice to see mom and dad every once in awhile.”
you’ve gotten used to referring to mr. and mrs. kim as if they’re your own parents - in a way, they are. you’ve known them for as long as you can remember.
“you have to be at the hospital by noon, right?”
you hum in confirmation. though you insisted on grabbing a cab to the hospital since it’s on the opposite side of the office, namjoon had insisted better. “mhm, oh we’re here.”
a ding! echoes throughout the elevator when it stops, doors opening to a hallway with black and yellow walls and ceiling, paired with honey marble flooring. it takes a few seconds before the black door at the end of the hallway to swing open but instead of the warm smile of the elderly lady, a bring and vibrant naeun beams at the both of you.
“you’re here. come in.” she steps aside, the hem of her sundress fluttering as she moves.
your body tenses at the proximity of the woman who you thought you could avoid until a much later time. and from the barely noticeable lifted brows that namjoon does, you know he wasn’t expecting his sister-in-law too. if she’s here, so is yoongi.
“we picked these up on the way.” you hand her the paris baguette paper bag. you’d ordered a mix of fruit tarts, cinnamon rolls and macaroon. all of which you remember mrs. kim mentioning to be her favorites. 
“oh! you shouldn’t have but thank you.” up close, naeun is much more prettier with a natural pinkish tint across her cheeks that makes her seem dreamy and glossed cheery lips that complements the gentle air she carries around. she passes the bag to one of the staff that’ll probably unbox them and plate them.
you offer her a smile - though a bit strained. and she must have noticed when she sighs softly, eyes darting to her fuchsia flats before looking back up at you with a furrowed brows. but even when she’s frowning, she’s pretty.
“i’ve been wanting to meet you and properly apologize for not being able to attend the wedding - i had an exhibition that day in prague and yoongi wouldn’t let me go by myself even though i thought at least one of us should go to his brother’s wedding.” she chuckles at the last part as if replaying the heartwarming scene of her protective husband choosing his wife over his family. you can feel every fiber of your body coiling and writhing - it takes everything for you not to leave through the door. would yoongi have done the same for you?
“this must be awkward for you, isn’t it?” her lips tug into a half-smile - a telltale that she’s equally uncomfortable to talk about this topic. “with you and yoongi being engaged before but now i’m the one married to him. but i hope we can put everything past us and be a family.”
but something in the way she talks - it’s as if she sympathizes. as if she’s saying it’s okay, you shouldn’t feel ashamed. but what are you supposed to be shameful of? of being engaged to yoongi before? of marrying his brother when said engagement fell through? perhaps you should have gave mrs. kim a hard ‘no’ when she pleaded with teary eyes for you and your parents’ forgiveness when she and mr. kim had to break the news over dinner two years ago. so you wouldn’t have to develop a hard skin and pretend you didn’t care about the ruthless rumors that have spread far and wide after your marriage to namjoon. 
“oh? yeah, it was a long time ago.” you offhandedly say - it’s that moment, when her eyes twitches just the slightest bit that you realize it wasn’t all just in your head. she did mean to make you feel embarrassed when she started mentioning the engagement.
you join namjoon and mrs. kim at the garden while naeun follows suit a second later, taking the middle among the three seats. the elder woman’s eyes light up at the sight of you, her heels clacking against the wooden flooring as she crosses the distance and engulfs you in a hug. you hug back, smiling at the woman’s motherly warmth.
“___, my favorite daughter, what happened to you?” she cups your cheeks, brows furrowing as she seem to examine your complexion.
you should’ve used concealer. 
“the hospital is working you to the bone isn’t it? why, it’s been awhile since i had lunch with chairman lee, maybe i should give his wife a call.”
that’s how it works when you have connections. if someone’s daughter or son fails to get into college or a job through regular exams or interviews, a dinner or lunch with the director of the institution will get the child admitted overnight. that’s probably why seokjin was harder on you than usual when you got back from your honeymoon - he must think you’re not serious about being a doctor. it’s not a secret he came from old money but he’d cut off all ties with his family when he started working. he has more ethics than half of the people you know.
“___ doesn’t like it when you do these things, mom.” yoongi grumbles - always the painfully honest one. the chair screeches as he pulls it and plops between naeun and namjoon while their father occupies the seat next to mrs. kim. it looks like they just came from mr. kim’s home office. and judging from the stiffness of their posture, the talk must have been a serious one.
namjoon’s shoulder line tightens just the slightest bit - you almost thought it was just a figment of your imagination but when you steal a glance at his face, you know he’s not too keen in having yoongi sit next to him. so you weren’t imagining it when he seemed like he was escaping yoongi by not waiting for naeun to come and walk with you to into the dining hall.
you’re not lost to yoongi’s familiar tone when he spoke on your behalf. but you’re not happy either. forcing a laugh, you push a strand to the back of your ear for the sake of doing something, “i-it’s not the hospital. i’ve been staying up late to work a bit on my research.”
a worker comes with the baked goods you brought. they’re plated on perfectly polished ceramic - you can easily see your forced smile in its reflection when the woman sets them down the table in front of you. 
“research?” yoongi lifts one eyebrow at you. too casually. and it takes you back to those times when you used to visit him at his college’s library and you’d bring your homework with you whilst you slip in a few ‘what i did’s as he typed away on his mac but still managed to keep up with you and asked questions here and there. a sign that he’d been present and listening.
“___’s been working on researching how segregate defective genes during the fetal stage so the fetus won’t take on their parents’ inherent diseases when they’re born.” namjoon explains the simplified version almost as though it’s part of his day-to-day line of work. he grins at you, the corners of his lips tugging with pride - a gratification of being able to show you off.
“that’s good. you’re making a difference in this world.” mr. kim is the first to break the silence. and in the years you’ve known him, it means the highest level of flattery you’ll ever get from the man.
your cheeks are flushed red and you know well enough it’s not because of mr. kim’s compliment than it is his son’s. “it’s still just a research draft but th-thank you. mister-” the elder man raises his brow and you quickly correct yourself, “i mean, dad.” 
he nods at the word, the slightest hint of smile disappearing under the cup of tea he brings to his mouth.
“but still, don’t push yourself too hard. working as a doctor takes up a lot of time already.” naeun fixes you with a worried gaze but something about her tone makes your stomach churn - it’s as if she’s playing down the time and effort you’d invested in your research and reminding you to focus on your paying job. even if you did downplay yourself when you were responding to mr. kim. before you can sort out the wave of emotions clashing inside you, namjoon seems to beat you to it.
“not everyone can do what ___’s doing. it’s okay if she wants to do more,” a hand slips under yours in your lap, reverting your gaze from the beautiful woman to the apparent difference in the size of yours and namjoon before you turn your cheek to him. it was a mistake because now you’re holding your breath as you come face to face. his body is leaned into you as he speaks, “i’ll just take care of ___ better.”
he turns to naeun, lips twitching upwards in a brief smile as if to enforce it more and putting a finality to the topic. but you’re left staring at namjoon’s sharp jawline until mrs. kim makes a squealing sound as she clamps her mouth shut in an attempt to tease you.
“gosh, is my baby all grown up now? he’s saying he’ll take care of his wife!”
the chuckle you let out is nowhere near natural or entertained. not when your insides are burning and you think your heart is going into overdrive from how fast it’s beating. and it doesn’t help that namjoon’s too casually playing along “of course, i only have one wife.”
“namjoon,” you take a second to gather yourself, hands fiddling in your lap as the car rolls to a stop in front of the lobby. the man fixes you with an inquisitive gaze. of course, who wouldn’t be wondering what’s up if their name was spoken with so much weight in them like you did with namjoon’s? “what was that? the wife thing?”
he stares into the street as he sifts through his memory before he fixes you with a gaze clouded with guilt, “i’m sorry. i got carried away - it won’t happen again.”
and that’s the thing. namjoon is too fast in admitting his fault. but you didn’t bring it up because you wanted an apology-
“no, i don’t mind.” you shake your head almost too eagerly before back tracking and clearing your throat, “i mean, it’s true. we’re married - i am your wife.”
the corners of his lips upturns at your last words and he doesn’t bother to hide it as he waits for you to finish - but how can you when he’s looking at you so tenderly like that?
“it’s just - too soon?” you curse yourself for sounding so meek but any louder, your heart might just jump out of your throat.
namjoon nods, that contemplative look settling on his face and takes away that smile only to return it with a dimpled grin. one hand slides in between yours and guiding the back of your hand to his lips.
“we’ll take it slow then.”
you can only nod, afraid that if you tried to speak, you would forget how to. the light rap on your side of the window catches both your attention. it’s the parking management. stealing a glance at the cars that are beginning to queue up behind you, you hurriedly gather your bag and hop out of the car.
cheeks flushed, you barely register waving back at namjoon when he leans over the passenger seat just to shoot you that dimpled smile and a ‘see you at home’.
you turn on your heels. the sharp click bounces against the white walls. a small smile spreads across your lips as you think about namjoon’s words.
yeah, the penthouse does feel like home.
this isn’t slow at all. you’re barely progressing.
it feels like everyday is passing by too fast what with the abundance of functions you’ve told namjoon you wanted to go with when you’re not working, to cramming some time for research and trying to find the time to at least make breakfast when you’re not on morning shift. though on some mornings, he’d beat you to breakfast and you’d wake up to the delectable smell of omelette or bacon.
“you must be thrilled about the new hospital, mrs. kim,” mrs. hwan is generally an agreeable woman along with her husband, the president of a small startup firm. they’re the first couple to approach you and namjoon since you arrived at the party. but that’s just it - the smiling, the talking, the eagerness doesn’t show in their eyes. it’s all about building connections while maintaining a good enough acquaintanceship. “are you going to be managing it directly since you’re a doctor yourself?”
“naturally,” the tug on your lips and the smoothness of your response is almost effortless. you’re no stranger to this scene - except back then, you would be standing next to yoongi. though your hand wouldn’t be tucked in his arm like yours is with namjoon. “though i still have a lot to learn, i hope the next two years will help me prepare to for eden.”
two years is the estimated time that eden hospital will be able to run. you’d finish your residency by then. all that’s left is to take the next step. just like your parents had planned for you as they’d planned many things. you never had the power to object.
mrs. hwan goes on to sprinkling empty praises while her husband laughs in deflated humor. they say the way to a successful business deal is through the wife.
once namjoon gets swamped by more people, you gently pull your hand away from his arm. you don’t miss the pleading look he fixes you when he notices your intention but you can only return a ‘you can do it!’ smile and slip away from the limelight.
the balcony area is dark, illuminated only by the fading light the pours over the floor past the door frame. you don’t expect the air to be this chilly at the beginning of summer but then again, namjoon did suggest bringing a coat - you were just too stubborn to because it would ruin the off shoulder look of your dress.
a sneeze escapes you a moment later as you hug yourself in an attempt to retain your body heat. but the warmth that engulfs you seems impossible to have come from just your puny palms - heck, your fingers were starting to feel prickly cold. there’s a sort of weight on your shoulders that wasn’t there before-
“idiot, you’re gonna catch a cold.” yoongi tuts from next to you - he has his hands in his pockets, all donned in crisp white shirt and checkered grey trousers and vest. all that’s missing is a matching blazer - the one that he placed around you just now.
somewhere in the recesses of your memories, you remember him taking off the muffler he had on and wrapping it around your neck when you showed up for your ‘christmas date’ with a pink nose and pinker ears - you could barely feel them. yoongi was that kind of person - the kind that acted like everything is a whole load of inconvenience and yet went to greater length to inconvenient himself for you.
“thanks. i thought i was going to freeze to death if i have to hide out here for another hour.” you tug the thick material of the blazer closer - the warmth of his heat feels just right.
“then you shouldn’t have come in the first place.” he must have noticed the higher-than-an-octave tone he uses before ruffling his hair - it’s the first you’ve ever seen him so unsure. is it really because of you?
“it’s fine. besides, what kind of wife would i be if i let namjoon get eaten by the pack of wolves by himself?” you chuckle at the fact that you’d done just that when you escaped the growing crowd of businessmen.
but when you notice the lack of humor on yoongi’s face, your own dies down. he’s staring at you with an indecipherable look. it’s not the bored expression he usually sports - not also the anger from the outburst just now. before you can say anything, namjoon’s lean silhouette appears in the doorway. you can’t see his face but his tone is strained. “we’re leaving, if you’re both done catching up.”
“so soon?” you know for a fact it probably hasn’t even been fifteen minutes - and you’re supposed to linger for at least two hours before leaving. that’d be enough time for namjoon to scout any potential business associate - the worthy ones at least.
“hey little bro.” yoongi waves, the disinterested look now returning but the way he phrases his next words oozes with revulsion. it’s no surprise. while yoongi hates these events - he’s probably here because of naeun, you heard the director of seoul’s annual art exhibition is here - namjoon strives off it. garnering attention and making the best of it by bringing in stockholders. “had enough of ass licking?”
you never understand the tangibility of the tension that feels the air when these two brothers are in the same room together - they’re barely able to remain civil in the presence of mr. and mrs. kim. anywhere without their parents’ watchful eyes, a fight would always be at risk of breaking out. whenever you were around, you’d be the one to interfere, whether it’s to tug on yoongi’s sleeve and tell him you’re hungry, or step in front of him just so he’d remember you’re here or right now-
“thank you, yoongi.” folding the blazer in half, you hand it back to the man - only that he’s not taking it back. momentarily, you wonder if you’d stained it with your lipstick or foundation but the lapels never touched anywhere above your neck. but deep in the crook of your conscience, you know it’s when his mind retracts back to you, to the present.
the sigh that escapes yoongi is a telltale of fatigue - you wonder if this is the first time of the day he came out of his studio. taking the blazer from your outstretched hand, he slings it over his shoulder, “don’t get too caught up with these functions. focus on your goal.”
your goal meaning what comes next in your career: the fellowship. you thought that information was lost on him, buried among the many things you told him just because you were comfortable telling him everything. 
and as you watch him walk back into the lion’s den, you wonder, how didn’t you realize he was in love with someone else during the visits you paid while he was doing his masters and phd?
namjoon doesn’t say anything about yoongi in the car. but both his hands are on the wheel. knuckles a little paler from holding onto the wheel.
“you don’t have to be part of eden’s board of directors.” he huffs, as though annoyed but from the way he continues, you know he’s not annoyed at you. he’s annoyed at himself. “you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to - i don’t want to force anything on you.”
and you know - you know more than anyone how conscious namjoon is of things. from the change in your mood to the people that tries to get close to him because of his status - that’s also why he didn’t kiss you on your lips that day. but a kiss was the prerequisite of a vow so he kissed you on the forehead. the area where his lips landed burns your skin as your cheeks flush from the memory.
“i know.” you hesitate for a heartbeat but reach out to cover one of his hands on the wheel still. to let him know that you’re not just saying that to ease the guilt.
when you pull away from the thought of how risky and distracting what you did was, the hand that you were lightly caressing pulls at yours, intertwining your fingers as he keeps them on his thigh. your entire body burns from the contact yet you’re sitting frozen in your spot. it’s the gentle squeeze on your hand that brings you out of your shell-shock state. a smile tugs on your lips subconsciously as you squeeze back.
the following week, you almost got into a fight with namjoon when he caught you dressing up prettily. he told you it was okay not to attend these functions anymore - the ones your tight schedule barely allow you to. fight was an overstatement. your feelings were hurt when he’d kissed your temple and said, “it’s okay, you don’t have to push yourself.”
well, you were but he wasn’t seeing the bigger picture. “can’t you see? i wanna spend more time with you and the only way i can is if we attend these functions together.”
in hindsight, you probably shouldn’t have thrown your strapless black diamond purse at him out of frustration.
but the following functions, you did spend more time together. he’d declined the usual advancement of business people the way only kim namjoon could pull off - with a dimpled smile and a hand around your waist as if to indicate that they were interrupting - and they were. they’d come up to the both of you while you were telling namjoon about a new skillet spaghetti recipe you’d wanted to try making for the long overdue dinner you owe him. and you’d expected someone to approach namjoon and take his attention away but you didn’t think he’d decline them.
“hm? i don’t think we have tomatoes or beef. should we go grocery shopping?” he suggests calmly as though he didn’t just turn down the chairman of tvn broadcast. the man had to do a double take in case he had mistaken namjoon’s smooth rejection.
you place a hand on his chest, restraining the urge to pull your hand away as if you’ve touched fire. you knew he goes to the gym for an hour after work and his shirts always seem a size too small around his arms but you didn’t expect anything beyond that underneath that shirt of his. you clear your throat when you realize his neck is craned so he could look at you - give you all the attention in the world, “you know, we can discuss dinner some other time - when you’re free.”
but neither of you are free. you barely see each other at home because of your unpredictable schedule and his that’s set in stone.
“then what would you rather us talk about right now?” a corner of his lips tugs upwards. if you first met him, you wouldn’t easily dismiss the smile as nothing more than because of his amiable nature. but you’ve been married for almost five months now and you clearly pick up on the playfulness that lights up his eyes.
“the desserts.” you announce too quickly in an attempt to avert his attention from what he’s thinking - one thing you’ve realized is that namjoon is painfully aware of your blushing fits and your avoidance to look him in the eyes. “they’re nice, aren’t they?”
all of a sudden, he’s scooping a forkful of the chocolate souffle he’d picked up from the desserts section while you’d opted for the luscious almond torte. a small smirk tugs on his lips as he holds the fork to your mouth the way he does during breakfast. he knows you have no objections of being fed like a child but he also knows where you stand with public display of affection.
“say ‘aaaaa’ and i’ll give you a treat, doctor ___.” and he loves to tease you. he’s taken to calling you that because of that one incident where he’d seen you discuss about a patient with one of the nurses while you were on your way to meet him. in his own words, he’d ‘never seen you this scary before.’
in your defense, it was five minutes till lunch break so it was still working hours and you were acting the way you usually did at work - but you’d understand. the person you are with friends and the person you are at work are two separate entities. suppose you’ve mastered separating personal business and work. namjoon seems to take pleasure in making that steadfast side of you squirm and blush like a tomato.
your fingerpads gently grazes the back of his hand as you hold the fork in place before taking it in your mouth. your eyes flit over namjoon’s for the briefest moment before taking a step back, licking the residue of souffle off your lips.
“they really are nice.” you murmur as you throw your gaze at the stage where a man sits at the piano before flickering back to namjoon.
you wonder why he’s so quiet all of a sudden -
the man in question still has the empty fork in the air, eyes wide and staring at you, you would’ve thought he’d seen a ghost. until you notice the dust of pink across his cheek and spread to the tip of his ears.
mrs. kim’s fundraiser is held at the school where the children attended. about four canopies were set up on the field. one for the children’s activities - you remember reading something about coloring, origami-making and storybook reading.  the volunteers - possibly college students hoping to earn the graces of kimcorp’s president’s wife for an internship - already have the children huddled up in groups of three or four.
one canopy is specifically set up for a table of wide range of food - if there’s anything you like about these functions, it’s the abundance of food they never fail to prepare. as if spending a lot of money on a fundraising event is something to flex about.
the other two canopies are for the people of interest - acquaintances of mrs. kim and those who come with an ulterior motive be it to get sponsors for their own project, a business deal or simply to regain a higher social hierarchy by falling into your mother-in-law’s graces.
you press a light kiss on namjoon’s cheek before he’s whisked away by the second category. business men who jump at the sight of your ceo husband who got a fair warning from mrs. kim to “play nice. what’s gotten into you all of a sudden? these days i keep hearing things about you turning chairmen down! your father didn’t work this hard just to raise a stuck up son that could ruin his business in a matter of days.”
once you’ve had a slice of red velvet and tiny macaroons, you decide to hide yourself from the few people who try to do the same to you when namjoon is too preoccupied by the ones who claimed his attention first. just like preys on the top of the pyramid sinking its claws, the lower level preys couldn’t come close.
but one manages to follow you into one of the classrooms.
“nothing’s changed has it?’ yoongi stands in the doorway, tuxedo and brown loafers and all. hands tucked into both his pockets, he strides across the room and stops in front of the window that overlooks the light pink canopies and the people underneath them. “same old assholes using a charitable cause to proliferate their influence.”
the muscles on your face pulls your lips into a disapproving frown, “that’s how our parents manage to give us an education. a good life.” you don’t agree to the way they go about it but you give credit where it’s due.
yoongi scoffs, his shoulders jolting slightly. you can’t see his face as he stands with his back on you but you know he’s smirking that condescending smirk. the first time you saw it was when you were in your senior year of high school and yoongi was doing his masters in business and accounting. he’d looked down on the man who approached the two of you like he was scum just because everyone knew his company was wallowing in debt and he’s desperate enough to ask the lion who hates the jungle for help.
“always finding a middle ground. if you like what they do so much, why did you become a doctor? why didn’t you follow their footsteps, huh?”
you can’t help but let out a tired sigh. you’ve been here before. you’ve seen this. yoongi hates the world he’s born in and you understand why but you can never feel what he feels. “why are you here, yoongi? shouldn’t you be with naeun?” there’s a pause. a heartbeat before you decide to let yourself free. say what you want to say. “before the wolves get to her.”
“she’s fine.” it's almost offensive how haughty he sounds. he must either be aware of nauen’s innocence that makes the wolves eliminate the possibility of her being a threat or he just doesn’t care. the latter presumption makes your stomach churn.
did he also not care about you when you were together? when you went to these events as a couple?
“we should head back. it would be bad if anyone saw us alone like this even though we’re just talking.” and that’s that. you turn on your heels, making way to the door but before you can even take another step forward, lithe fingers wrap around your wrist.
“what?” it comes out harsher than you intend it. funny how you put on a face of a woman made out of steel when your knees can barely hold your weight the moment you feel his warm hand on your skin.
“i knew - i knew but i didn’t want to tie you down.” with his head lowered and his long hair, you can’t see his eyes for an idea of what he’s saying. 
“yoongi, what-”
“i knew how you felt.” at that moment, his grip on you loosens. it’s almost as though it’s an overdue confession and the weight on his shoulders has finally lifted, “you only knew me - you turned down every boy that tried to ask you out in high school and college. you -you were only looking at me and i didn’t want that on my shoulders - i didn’t want you to turn down every opportunity to life - to dating, to heart break to - to sex with someone - several someone’s just because we were engaged.”
his fingers traces down your index finger before falling away. but you won’t tell him - you can never do it to namjoon - that it took all of you not to twine your fingers with his just because it felt like he was letting go.
your breath hitches in your throat when you turn your cheek towards him. the sight before you is something you’d never thought you’d see in your entire life. yoongi’s pink dusts his otherwise snowflake skin. the bored expression he usually wears is gone - almost as if he’s never worn it his entire life as something akin to desperation pools in those dark eyes. his soft pink lips are agape as though he wants to say something. and you wait, wait, wait but he never does.
so you turn your back on him, heels clicking against the ground as you slip past the door without a word. only when you’re at the end of the hallway, do you turn the corner, back pressed against the wall because your buckling legs might not be able to handle your weight.
those unsaid words - you can hear them clearly: i fucking regret letting you go.
the following week, you spend by drowning yourself in work and later working on your research until the library closes. by the time you’re pressing the 20th floor to the penthouse you both shared, you know for certain namjoon’s gone to bed. he values his sleep time. says it’s essential to keep himself in a good mood so others who work with him would be at ease. sometimes you want to tell him it’s okay not to think about others for once but the words lay buried the depth of your heart because you’re exactly like him. suppressing your feelings, smiling and saying you’re okay even though you’re not. the only difference is there’s a side of you that wants to lash out, do something worse to those who hurt you while namjoon does it from the good of his heart.
“it’s hard, being nice.” he says in between the clink of the stirring of the spoon in his coffee mug.
you look up from the peanut butter you’re spreading over your toast. “hm?”
he shakes his head, as if to say it’s nothing, i’m just thinking out loud. but the words he says next is enough to make your heart drop right to the ground. “yoongi told me.”
“wh-what?” it’s denial in your tone - the combination of those three words are simple enough to take you back to the school nine days ago. in side that little classroom.
“yesterday. he came over to the office.” he shrugs as if it’s no big deal but the tensed line of his shoulders is apparent no matter how casually he brings the mug to his smiling lips - that too. his lips are smiling but his eyes are not.
you don’t know when or how you started noticing the little things. sensing namjoon’s moods - his reactions and his retractions. you never realized you were so in tune with the things he does. all you realize is you’re already able to read him like a book - thick, best-leather book that was safeguarded by a lock.
“namjoon,” the clink of the butter knife being set on your plate resonates like a pin drop in a vacuum room, “nothing happened. i promise.”
“i know - i know you’d never do anything like that so that’s why i’m telling you it’s okay.” something in the way he looks at you make you bite your tongue - as if he’s asking you to listen even though you’re bursting at the seams. you’d do anything to prove that nothing happened even though you knew he knew. “we entered into this marriage for a mutual reason. not dreading to come home is more than i can ask for. so it’s okay if you want to see yoongi just... keep out of the spotlight like many in our shoes who found love outside of it have.”
he chuckles but it’s strained and tense, dumping the coffee into the sink because he couldn’t bear to stay in the kitchen any longer. you slip out of the high stool, feet padding around the counter and before you know it, your arms around his body. you feel him freeze under your touch and this is wrong - wrong on so many levels because he would have asked if he could touch you and you’re not reflecting the same amount of respect he had for you.
but for some reason, you can’t let go - you’re afraid if you let him walk out of the door, you’d never be able to grasp even a shadow of his existence.
“i don’t want to.” the words are muffled from your cheek pressing against his back.
a pause lapses between you when you don’t say anything else. no explanation. no reason. because you don’t know it yourself. you don’t know why your heart clenches in your chest at the sight of namjoon’s dismal smile. you don’t know why you acted on your instincts and hugged the man.
you don’t know.
“okay.” he sighs softly as a warm palm rests above your fisted hand. you wish you can see him - wish you can see what kind of expression he’s making because it’s killing you to not know what he’s thinking. “you don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”
that’s when the sniffle escapes you. internally, you curse yourself for being so emotion-driven. it’s not a good trait for a doctor to have.
namjoon calls your name. the syllabus rolling off his tongue makes your stomach churn with butterflies. “are you crying?”
you don’t expect him to say that. don’t expect the teasing undertone either. naturally, your respond comes a heartbeat later, “n-no.”
the body under your touch shifts. all of a sudden, you’re eye-to-eye with him. there’s a sparkle in them that almost makes you forget how to breathe. his dimples dig into his cheek as his lips curl into a smile whilst his large hands frames you face.
“wh-what?” you feel your brows furrowing, lips pursed.
“you’re too cute.” his thumb grazes your burning cheekbone feather light, “i want to kiss you.”
“then do it.” you don’t know the reason behind that angry, pressed tone but namjoon doesn’t seem to mind - or he knows something you don’t.
you don’t have the time to ponder on that when a pair of lush lips meshes with yours. the scent of the coffee he had engulfs your senses as one hand finds its way to the back of his neck and the other rests on his accelerating heartbeat. time seems to stop when namjoon’s kissing you. somewhere in the back of your mind, you distinctly remember something perpetually important but you couldn’t be bothered as his hands fall away from your face and finds the dip of your lower back and pull you closer until your bodies are pressed together.
somewhere in a distant, you hear the beep of the front door. hoseok’s voice booming across the hallway that leads to the living room and the kitchen where you’re at now.
“namjoon? you here? did you oversleep? man, i never thought i’d see the day our ceo is late to work.” hoseok’s footsteps stops at the end of the hallway, “oh great, you’re all dressed.”
he blinks, surprised at the sight of his boss who’s leaning against the edge of the sink - hands pressed on either side of the edge, doing absolutely nothing while you dip a butter knife into a jar of peanut butter and jelly but equally as out-of-it as his boss appear to be.
“y-yeah, let me grab my blazer.” namjoon pushes himself off, going around the counter and heading towards the stairs where his bedroom is until -
“it’s here.” hoseok points out.
“your blazer. it’s this one, right?” the secretary loyally scoops up the thick maroon blazer off the couch and hands it to his boss who’s just barely recovered from what seems to be a trance. 
he’d went down and tossed the blazer on the couch before making his coffee - before the kiss.
namjoon clears his throat, refusing to look at the man’s scrutinizing eyes as he thanks him and slips the blazer on. but he loses those eyes when he peeks over the man’s shoulder, mini-waving at you, “hey, morning, doc.”
you return the greeting, refraining a blush as you feel the ghost of namjoon’s lips when you fix his secretary a smile, “hey, hoseok. care to join us for breakfast?”
the man shrugs, eyes flitting over his boss who now seems ready to go, “thanks doc but i had some cereal and cold milk.”
he bids his farewell and escapes out of where he came from, letting the two of do what newly weds do before the other goes to work. it’s in that moment that he realizes with a chill running down his spine as he sat in the driver seat - that namjoon isn’t a bachelor anymore and he couldn’t come and go as he pleases and that he might have interrupted something. come to think of it, both you and namjoon’s cheeks were flushed...
“h-hey boss,” hoseok steals a glance of the man at the backseat through the rear view mirror. he almost chokes on his next words when the man’s eyes meet him but he persists like a man on a mission to not get fired , “y-you know, i’ve been with kimcorp. f-for a long time. i-it’s like my family a-and i’ll work harder from now on.”
confusion flashes across namjoon’s features for the briefest moment. he doesn’t know what makes hoseok say something so out of his character and shakily at that but it’s not the first time that his employee’s said something like this to him - of course, minus the stutter and all.
“that’s good to know, hoseok.” he says simply.
it’s been a week since you told namjoon you didn’t - wouldn’t see anyone. yoongi or not. when you told him you were going to meet yoongi at a cafe near his studio to give the man an answer - a hard no, there’s still some needling doubt in namjoon’s gaze as he reverts his eyes away from you. as though he was afraid that the illusion would fade away and he’d end up catching the smolder of passion he’d always seen you look at the man with.
he’s not lost to your feelings - in hindsight, it was pathetically obvious how smitten you were for the elder man. even your and his parents could see. and they’d foreseen many things but not having to plead and then beg and then finally, force you into a marriage you didn’t want with the brother of the man you loved.
your only regret was leaving without kissing namjoon goodbye - but it also felt like anything you said, any sort of assurance you offered would just be an act. until you tell his brother to stop.
“come to think of it,” you set the warm cup of latte down. it would have tasted better if the circumstances were different, “we never properly ended things. the only way i knew the engagement was over was through mom and dad.” his parents you meant.
he tilts his head to the side as a response - an indication that he’s listening. he’s dressed in plain white shirt and the darkest jeans. the bags under his eyes is an indication that he hasn’t slept in days - either it’s because of working late nights trying to make music or because of what he’d said to you.
you know he’d do this - detach himself from reality when things gets tough or when he’s stuck in a situation he doesn’t have control over. but you still had hope. still held onto the past seven years you’d spent together for him to regard you with enough respect to offer closure.
“do you love naeun that much?” and yet you still ask.
you meet his hollow gaze, not knowing the intensity yours hold until your fingerpads wrapped around aches and he lets out a heavy breath.
“she was different.” he says simply - almost tiredly, “she caught my eyes. we started talking and we found out we had some things in common. i thought she’s what i needed to get over you.”
“don’t.” the churning starts from your stomach and spreads across your body like a poisonous fog. “don’t use me as an excuse for leaving. you loved me as much as i loved you and you got scared.”
a lump forms in your throat as the memories, the inside jokes that built up over time, the comfortable silents spent - everything comes crashing in like tidal wave. you knew he loved you deep down. that was why the news of him getting married took a toll on you - so much so, you decided to leave everything behind and fly to paris.
“you could’ve pushed me away if you truly had no feelings for me but you kept me around and let me think we were going to have a happy future together.” his image is distorted from the prickles of tears in your eyes but you blink them away, “but you didn’t really know you were in love with me back then, huh? that’s why you got scared shitless and decided to leave.” you’re not sure if you’re choking on your words or if you’re actually scoffing. maybe both.
in that moment, you watch as yoongi’s expression switches from that signature boredom to realization and finally unbridled sorrow. he must feel suffocated - like he’s drowning in emotions the way you did in that suite you spent for two weeks in paris before you decided to buy an apartment and stay for good. and you would have if your parents didn’t call you back - recounted all their sacrifices for you to make you guilty enough to agree to the marriage with his younger brother. he’ll spend the same amount of time sleeping and waking up in his room and realizing he can’t turn back time.
“i fucked up big time, didn’t i?” he laughs dryly as he presses his palm to his face, hunched over the minute round table.
the latte is still half-full when you swipe your phone off the table and stand up. he doesn’t spare you a glance - he probably couldn’t bring himself to face you now.
‘you’re a fucking coward min yoongi.’ is what you want to say but for some reason, you leave the words to die on the tip of your tongue. you won’t - can’t wish him a happy life and propose to put everything past you. it’s not that simple and you’re not that forgiving. but namjoon’s easy smile flashes at the back of your head at this moment of all time and makes your heart clench painfully in your chest. their relationship is already strained and if you insist on prolonging this, it’s only going to end up hurting namjoon one way or another and the cycle will just keep going on with naeun getting hurt if she found out.
“you did.” your hand is trembling around the strap of your bag, “but it’s all in the past and i don’t blame you. things wouldn’t turn out the way they do otherwise. so just... live for the present, yoongi.”
his shoulders rise and fall a little faster than normal but there’s nothing you can do - and it’s better if you leave him to collect his thoughts. the censor at the door beeps as you pass through. it takes a moment for you to feel the morning air brush your cheeks and sunlight to seep into you. your chest still feels tight but in due time, you know it’ll lighten.
“hey, boss. you have a special guest.” hoseok peeks into namjoon’s office like the slyboots he is. the wiggle of the man’s brows before he disappears gives namjoon all the more reason to prepare for the worse.
“send them in.” he sighs, not bothering to hide his feelings in front of hoseok. they’ve been working side by side for a long time and friends for longer he knows his friend is aware of the contrasting definition of ‘special’ but this once, as he sees you walk through the door - he admits that him and hoseok may finally be of the same mind.
namjoon shoots up from his seat, clearing his throat and buttoning his blazer together the way he’s so used to doing it when he receives an unannounced visit from his father. “what brings you here?”
instead of shooting him one of your brilliant smiles, you drop your bag on the crisp white leather couch and run right into him. arms wrapped around his torso, he can smell your favorite floral shampoo from your hair but he can’t bring himself to hug you back. his heart is palpitating inside his chest and he can only pray for some miracle that you can’t hear it. which is most unlikely what with your head coming up just a few centimeters above his shoulder line and your ears being the same height as the beating organ in his chest.
if you notice, you're not saying anything about it.
“i met yoongi just now.”
namjoon doesn’t say a word for the longest time - it’s so namjoon of him not to. but it’s also not where you stand now. that day, when you partially admitted to liking namjoon and you’re pretty sure he felt the same - you’d seen a side of namjoon you never thought you’d saw. vulnerable. fearful. all because he thought he was going to lose you - and it felt like he’s always been prepared for it. it was just a matter of time.
the muscles in your arms contracts at the thought of namjoon being so ready to let you go - is it like that too, right now? is he expecting you to go back on your words and tell him you’re going to have an affair with his brother? you don’t know and that’s driving you insane. 
and just when the muscles in your arm contract, just when you’re about to pull away, namjoon’s arms band around your body and a kiss lands on top of your head.
“did you tell him what you wanted to tell him all this time?” his voice is velvet and smooth and you can hear that easy smile as he speaks.
you nod against his chest. “it’s over. i told him to get lost.”
the chest vibrates against your cheek as rings of chuckles tumble out of namjoon’s mouth. it makes your body light up with a sort of fire. and for once, you welcome the heat spreading across your cheeks like an old friend.
he knows the last part is a bluff - it’s comforting that he knows without having you say it.
does he also know...
“after that i came here because i wanted to see you.” you crane your neck to look up at him.
true enough there’s that smile and gets wider when he meets your gaze. a hand comes to rest on your neck while his thumb grazes your chin as he presses his lips to yours. you think your heart might explode at any moment now as you kiss him back, your hand snaking to his shoulder but he stops your right hand, holding it on his chest. his heart beats the same rhythm as yours. his shoulder line heaving the same way yours do when the back of your thighs hit the couch and you finally break apart. but before you have the chance to gather your thoughts, his lips are on you again. the hand on your lower back pulling you closer until your thighs press on either side of his legs.
“let’s go home now.” he murmurs between breaths, “i might really go crazy if i touch another part of your body that’s covered in clothing.”
it’s in that moment that the door swings open.
hoseok bursts through the door with the photostatted files in his hand. there’s a skip in his step.
“hey boss! here’s the files you asked for.”
he looks between you - well your back - and namjoon. the ceo is fixing his tie with a hard expression while you’re standing facing the ceiling-to-floor window that overlooks the streets and several stores in the area.
d-did he just walk into you two fighting?
“thanks, hoseok.” namjoon swipes the files from his hand, walking back to his seat around the desk and dropping the files with a sharp pap!
“n-no problem boss.” he takes one frightened step backwards before turning around but before he manages to escape the lion’s den, you stop him.
“hoseok wait.” it comes out a bit rushed. granted, you’re not in any position to waste time. you dropped by even though you know you can’t afford being late to work but somehow you ended up at namjoon’s office anyway. the secretary seems to physically turn into a rock before shakily turn his cheek to you with a smile.
“uh, yeah doc?”
“namjoon, do you mind me borrowing hoseok for a bit?” the heat comes on full force as you turn to namjoon. he’s burning a hole through the files he’s flipping through but you don’t miss the pinked tips of his ears and the way his adam’s apple bobs at the sound of his name on your tongue, “my shift is starting at noon so i need to be there by,” you check the watch on your wrist, “now.”
the way namjoon doesn’t even look up from flipping the papers is how hoseok know for sure you’re fighting. “sure thing. oh and hoseok, no detours. come straight back once you drop ___ off.”
but to you, it’s because he’s flustered beyond imagination - you know, like you know how he’ll condemn himself for not being able to control himself like that. your whole body heats up as you slip into the back seat when the image of namjoon’s hooded eyes, reddened cheeks and half agape lips flash at the back of his mind. a part of you - the reasonable one - chides yourself for even thinking about ditching work and actually going home with him but another part wishes to indulge in the endless possibilities of what will happen if you did.
“____,” your name tumbles out of namjoon’s mouth in a breathy huff. naturally so. he hasn’t even caught his breath from when he finds you crawling over him like a woman in on a mission. now, the same exact woman his cuffing his wrists and holding them over his head with one hand while the other is undoing the buttons of his shirt while she kisses him in all the right places.
“wh-where did you even get cuffs?” his headboard is one of those pristine white cushioned ones meaning there isn’t any rails for you to hook him on and keep him in place. but you don’t need that because namjoon can barely move - all that time he spends at the gym has gone down the drain as invisible threads tie him down.
“oh these?” you let one corner of your lips tug deviously. it’s been six months since you got married and you and namjoon has never gone past the occasional cuddles and light kisses. the morning after that day when you dropped by his office after meeting yoongi, namjoon had declared his intentions to ‘do it right’ - like dates and getting to know each other better before anything else. 
it was sweet of him. until you realized you barely had time for dates - only late night conversations that ended up with you on top of him but before things could progress, he’d do everything he could to avoid bedroom affairs. but over time, it gets a bit discouraging. so this is the last straw - there’s no wine or champagne for him to use as an excuse to carry you to your room. you’re both sober, and if he doesn’t want you -
“never mind where i got these.” the low sound emitting from his throat makes your heart skip a beat as your lips brush against the shell of his ear, “don’t you want me, namjoon?”
trailing hisses down his smooth jawline, you let your lips hover over his - it only lasts for a heartbeat before he closes the distance and starts kisses you like a famine beast.
“i want you,” he confesses when you pull away just to reinforce your control. he may be the one lying down with his hands bound but it almost felt like you’re the hopeless one here - almost. the  a feral glint in his eyes sends hot waves down your core - you have to tell yourself to breathe. “of course i fucking want you ___.”
you hum in contemplation - taking just enough time to sit straighter and let your fingers undo the rest of the buttons and stopping just above his belt. the few times you laid together and he lets you lie on top of him - you knew he was brains and brawn. but you didn’t expect a perfectly sculpted body of adonis himself to be lying beneath you. the ridges of his abs heaves helplessly as he drawn in deep breaths. 
somewhere on the edge of the bed where you’d tossed it, your phone vibrates - someone’s calling but that can wait.
you lean down, soft tresses brushing his skin as you kiss that spot that illicit a delicious sound from him the first time you discovered it. somewhere in the junction between his shoulder and neck.
“fuck.” his voice is raw and desperate and carnal as his body yearns for you. his legs bent at the knees, feet ground into the bed as he grinds his hip into you - the signs of his arousal painfully obvious.
you can’t help but giggle at the way he so vehemently yearn for you. somewhere on the bed, your phone starts vibrating again.
“y-your phone.” he manages to stammer out. it’s the third time it’s vibrating.
“don’t worry about it. the only people who would call me at this time is jisoo’s drunken butt dial or the hospital-” you sit back up, heat still pooling in your stomach when your hips grind against namjoon’s arousal in the process but the urgency in the way you swipe your phone off the sheets has stolen your attention.
clear as day, it is one of the two possibilities you’ve mentioned and it isn’t your quirky colleague.
when you first started working, you were of the ripe age and eager to help those in need. you loved your job despite the long arduous hours, missed meals and ungodly hour roll calls because at the end of the day, it was what you wanted to do - it was the one thing you wouldn’t let your parents take away from you. you fought blood sweat and tears to get where you are now.
and doctors don’t usually start a family until they’ve at least finished their residency - but you had to get married early to keep your end of the bargain. of course, you didn’t expect to commit to said marriage. you didn’t also expect to fall for namjoon either. and you certainly didn’t expect for him to still be here in the waiting area when you walked out of the emergency operating room, head lulling to the side as sleep begins to take him, arms crossed over his chest. he didn’t even get the chance to change when you hurriedly uncoffed him, informing him about an emergency at the er. he’d offered to drive you since you couldn’t drive and waiting for an uber driver to accept your request this late at night would take more time. you’d rushed out of the car with a ‘thanks, namjoon. i owe you one!’ thinking he’d go home and get some rest - there’s no telling how long these surgeries take after all.
when he leans too far to the side, his eyes flutter open softly before noticing the turquoise-clad body in his periphery.
“___, you’re done? did the surgery go alright?” he’s always had a way of saying your name. it makes your heart warm and your chest full as he stands up to close the distance between you - to cup one side of your cheek with his hand. though your delayed response may have been the reason for that.
“the surgery was a success.” you finally say, your smaller hand covering his, lips curving softly. guilt creeps up the creeks of your chest but gratitude washes it away. it wouldn’t have been very namjoon of him if he didn’t consider everything: how you’d go home once you’re done. if there’s even any uber working this late of an hour. your heart is swelling - you don’t think you can ever love him more than you do now but namjoon being namjoon, he’ll make you fall in love with him more and more until your heart is filled to the brim, “thank you, namjoon.”
and he gets it. just like that. the words that you’re saying without putting them into words because there are many ways to say it and a plethora of intrepreting it but namjoon gets it because his heart beats the same rhythm as you: i love you.
a dimpled smile curls over his lips as he places a kiss over your forehead, “should we go home?” he leans down to whisper into your ears, his tone changing dangerously, “and pick up where we left off, yeah doc?”
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fluffy-bunbunny · 3 years
What is the complete storyline? Is Valentino an abusive ass in this one 2? If so, why does Angel let him around Whitey? And why does Alastor treat him the way he does?
Part 1:
Valentino took Angel Dust and made him a star.
He surrounded Angel with his cigarette smoke and promised him all the riches of hell if he worked obediently for him, he just had to say "yes" to everything and be a very submissive boy.
Drugs ran through his blood. He couldn't live without inhaling that red smoke, Angel needed it in his life, if he didn't breathe it, became nervous, depressed and hysterical.
Being close to Valentino was the only thing that made him happy and he would endure any abuse for his dose of drugs.
Angel worked hard to earn a position as his right hand man and also a position in the heart of the Moth. His life was drugs, fame and money, Valentino adored Angel and was about to confess.
Angel was sickly in love, dependent, would have done anything to make him happy... But he made a mistake that would cost him everything.
Valentino lost a lot of money, territory and fame, because of a mission that Angel failed and Valentino swore by his life that Angel was going to give him back every dollar that he lost because of his mistake.
Angel Dust was overexploited to the point of fainting, consuming more drugs every day to stay on his feet and earn Valentino's forgiveness. He cursing himself every day, every second for having defrauded in this way the one he had "saved" him from poverty and had made him a recognized star.
The debt went on and on growing. As time went by, Valentino added disproportionate interests with which he kept Angel in misery. Their relationship was totally broken and Vox entered the game.
So many years passed. Still, Angel Dust thought there would come a point where Val would forgive him and they would have that beautiful dream relationship again, that idealized relationship, for which he cried every night.
Sales began to drop, Valentino proposed as a novelty to turn Angel into a woman and reach a new audience. Angel was terrified at the idea, but he would do anything... to please Valentino.
Many experiments later, it was possible, Angel Dust would now be a woman. She would shoot straight porn for a limited time and that would boost sales. Val was beaming, happy and that made Angel happy too.
Angel was still very sore from all the experiments they did on him... Although for Val there was nothing that some sex would not solve and Angel enjoyed the few times that Valentino was kind.
Angel Dust returned to the Happy Hotel, to recover and get used to her new body.
Alastor has always been an egocentric who only thinks about himselft, but seeing Angel in his new body caused him curiosity, and he approached to find out more; he unconsciously acted as a cordial and polite man, the feminine essence made him lower his guard. Angel in his new body made him more friendly, as he always was with women, a cordial and educated man.
A drink, a few caresses, one thing led to another. It was nothing out of the ordinary, just a one night stand.
Cap 2 The recordings were going very well, but Angel felt bad, dizzy, disgusted and somewhat weak. He went to the doctor and received the horrible news: an unwanted pregnancy.
Angel was very sure it was Valentino's, because he was the first to "taste" his new body.
They tried to abort him in a thousand ways, cause for them it was only a hindrance, but Angel's body was not resisting: weak, thin and sunk in drugs... And Valentino was not going to lose his source of income.
Although it did not seem like it, after the initial shock the idea didn't seem so bad. Valentino, in his egocentricity, wanted to leave offsprings and have a "Mini-Me", he wanted something of his own blood, something made by himself and the more time passed, the more he got excited about the idea.
Angel… He was happy to make Valentino happy and he dreamed of a family, a good family, not like the one he had in human life, a family with parents who would love his children.
This new beginning brought Val and Angel back together, who began to reconcile, fantasizing about a happy and powerful family.
Even so, Angel Dust didn't stop doing porn and only added the tag “pregnant”.
The expected day arrived, after a long wait a little white-haired male baby was born in hell. Angel returned to his masculine form immediately after that.
A soft fluff surrounding his neck… And deer ears decorated his head.
Valentino didn't take the news well at all, he felt betrayed and used, exploded in anger.
He had them both killed.
Angel Dust, using all of his strength, took off running towards the Happy Hotel, with Valentino shooting to kill and with Vox's dogs hot on his heels.
He barely managed to arrive, exhausted and broken, just in time to reach Alastor's arms and ask for asylum, who didn't understand anything, but would not let Valentino, least of all Vox, were to cause problems in his hotel.
Big was his surprise when he found out that this little boy was his son, someone with whom he never had a single connection, who only had a one night stand, came to bring him his little newborn.
After the chaos, Charlie took Angel and the little one in, while Alastor made sure to guard the place without letting Valentino carry out revenge on him.
days passed and Angel thought about killing his own son if it brought him Valentino's forgiveness, but he knew it, nothing could heal such a broken relationship.
On his side, Alastor avoided getting close to Angel and the little boy, not knowing how to react and how to take on his fatherly role, watching them from afar and stalking them around the hotel.
Alastor made it clear to the pimp and his square-faced lover that if anything happened to his son's 'mother', he would destroy them without thinking.
Knowing that they couldn't kill him, but Val and Vox came up with a good plan to keep making his life miserable.
Cap 3 Final.
Val demanded that Angel return to work as soon as he could, so he would continue to exploit him and make his life miserable, knowing that in the end he wasn't in a relationship with the red demon and a deal... It's a deal: all Angel belonged to Valentino by contract.
Alastor made it clear to the pimp that if anything happened to the spider, he would eat his body for dinner.
Little by little Alastor got closer to Angel (not in a romantic way) to get to know his little one better. After some debate, he ended up being named White: on one hand a name that sounded appropriate for Alastor and on the other hand, for being a nickname for cocaine (White dust, White powder, White rock). His little one "Whitey".
(Here I make a clarification, that there was never an agreement on the name in general and Whitey's first name is Alastor Jr)
Alastor Jr White.
... But White hates it and prefers to be called Whitey, Witty, Whitie, etc)
Angel didn't want to make Alastor uncomfortable, he didn't even trust him, as he felt that it would be easier for the Lord to eat Whitey than to bear an unwanted child with someone like him.
Somewhat overprotective and without wanting to get away from his baby, he preferred to take Whitey to work, leaving him in charge of other porn actresses while he worked. Whittie was still a months old baby and he wouldn't remember or know what was going on around him.
Thus, Whitey's childhood was spent in the arms of actresses and prostitutes. Angel just came out of filming, took a shower and ran to pick up his son.
Valentino avoided Angel because he felt that if he saw him he would destroy his face with rage, but he never imagined meeting the little one.
The girls huddled together to give affection to that small and tender being, they filled him with kisses with lipstick and hugged him with the smell of cheap cologne, remembering their children they had in life. He started to be a "everyone's son" in the studio.
The pimp was curious about the situation and went to see, running into the baby. He had angry feelings when he saw him, he had waited for him for so long, he had wanted him and he had even bought things for his arrival and now he was in front of him... But It wasn't his son, yet Val had loved him for so long that the feeling couldn't go away easily.
Valentino took him in his arms and felt something inside him, White smiled for him and wagged his tail happily.
When Angel Dust finished filming, he saw Valentino surrounded by the other actresses with his baby in his arms, laughing loudly and playing with him. His heart clenched at the thought that he could hurt him... but he didn't, he looked happy and Whitey too.
Despite the fright, Angel couldn't refuse to let Valentino approach Whitie, because he would get in trouble with the pimp, so he just stayed on the sidelines, making sure that the little one didn't enrage the madman who was his boss.
As a result, Angel, Val and Whitt began to spend time together, creating a false sense of 'happy family', one where Angel would see Valentino smile daily at this new 'toy' he gave birth to for him.
The one who was not happy was Vox, who had made a baby specifically for Valentino (Bytez), to fulfill his frustrated dream of being a father, but Valentino had cruelly rejected him after becoming fond with Whittie.
On his side, Alastor promised to give his son the best possible life.
He placed high expectations on him, relying on his ego in wanting to raise him as someone faultless, Alastor wanted him to be perfect, a worthy son of him, one that people admired and feared, a powerful being like him who could dominate the masses.
Whitey was still a baby but Alastor saw a lot of potential. Knowing that Angel was taking him to his work was not to his liking, much less knowing that his son was in the hands of someone like Valentino.
When he was barely old enough to learn, Whitey passed into the hands of Alastor, who gave him tutors and teachers, molding him from a young age with a strict regimen.
Alastor's high expectations destroyed his bond with Whitie, always demanding more of him, always demanding a perfection that he couldn't achieve. In his youth, he did't know how to shoot a weapon (and when he learned he had a horrible aim) he didn't hide his feelings behind a smile like him, he was explosive and affectionate, he had a hard time controlling his inner power. Spending father and son time was a headache for both of them: always fighting, always arguing, too different to get along.
Alastor saw his son as a disappointment and even as a danger, because he had to control that his bad temper didn't cause greater havoc, controlling the power in him.
Unlike Valentino, the pimp loved to see Whitey be destructive, be messy and boisterous, be dirty and annoying. He loved taking him to fast food and limousine rides, using him as a weapon for his enemies, watching him tear people apart and bathe his white skin in blood, watching him devour his victims like a wild animal.
Val gave him the acceptance and attention that Alastor denied him since he was a child, the paternal hugs, the words of encouragement, hearing him say "I'm proud of you", "you are the king" "you can achieve what you propose".
And so was his life, between the studio and the happy hotel. Loving Angel, hating Alastor and loving his “uncle / stepfather” Valentino.
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youngerdrgrey · 3 years
[excerpt from] I know you (even if you don't want me to) - chapter seven
since I'm hearing how hungry y'all are (cough @aliyahtheghost + @breeleroux especially), here's the start of chapter seven of I know you (even if you don't want me to) -- Ryan's recovery period is nearly up, so Batwoman is (almost) back bbs. Read on for some roommate talk into some WildMoore texting goodness. This chapter is a true fav.
(includes some talk of police brutality / Crow brutality + violence)
Ryan hops from one foot to the other. She keeps the pressure mostly on the pads of her feet. Light and nimble. Finally back at full form with only one day left in her two week recovery period. She’d do a flip if it wouldn’t make Mary’s head explode. Or disrupt the perfect tuck of her Center Volunteer shirt. Then again, Mary does anxiously hover in the doorway of Ryan’s bathroom. Maybe she’ll explode on her own.
“Mary, seriously?” Ryan reaches for her favorite purple lipstick. “I’m making mocktails and guarding the punch bowl. I’m not even dancing. Doctor’s orders.”
The doctor in question stabs a finger out at Ryan. Mary manages to look menacing even in her little scrubs. “If you so much as think about doing the Wobble—” She stomps into the bathroom.
It’s truly one of the greatest dances of all mankind. Ryan crosses her lipstick tube across her heart.
Mary continues, “I’m leaving you to climb up the stairs on your own. No ice pack, or pain meds, or anything.” Mary takes a deep breath. “Fortunately for you….” She walks over to Ryan to adjust the hair on Ryan’s shoulder. “I know someone who might help you out. Depending on how well your side mission is going.”
If they can call Ryan talking to Sophie a side mission. Ryan applies her lipstick and rubs her lips together.
Mary bats expectant eyes towards the mirror. “You’ve been getting along. Can I draft up the offer letter?”
Ryan smacks her lips. “She’s still a Crow, Mary.”
“A Crow you spent, like, all of yesterday on the phone with.”
Ryan didn’t spend all of yesterday on the phone with Sophie. In the morning, they texted about how awful the playlist for the dance might be. Then they swapped bad songs in the afternoon. Ryan’s personal favorite was a religious remix of ‘The Thong Song’ that truly had to be a parody. (“That God, Go-God, God, God.”) Then they told their personal dance horror stories after Sophie was off work. There were breaks.
Before Ryan can defend herself, her phone lights up from beside the sink. Sophie’s name flashes, and Ryan’s got her phone in her hands in seconds. Mary snorts.
Crowphie to Ryan Have fun making Shirley Temples all night. Here’s hoping someone will forget their school ID so there’s some action at the ticket table
Ryan leans her hip into the sink as she types.
Ryan to Crowphie 👀 You’re looking for action at a school dance?
Crowphie to Ryan Oh yeah, fingers crossed my crush saves me a slow one.
It’s a joke. It has to be, but Ryan thinks back to each near moment between them and feels hope and heat in her cheeks.
Ryan to Crowphie Too bad Batwoman doesn’t do dances
Crowphie to Ryan That’s probably for the best. We’re not on the best terms right now.
Not since the night Sophie rejected Batwoman. The night of “Figure that out, and get back to me. Until you do, I’m done.” Did she really mean that?
Ryan to Crowphie What happened there? She miss a signal flip this week?
Crowphie to Ryan haven’t used it. I doubt she’d want me to. I think I hurt her feelings.
That’s an understatement.
Mary clears her throat behind Ryan. Ryan glances up into the mirror to see Mary’s reflection. The teasing grin matches the tilt in Mary’s voice as she says, “You were saying? About not texting Sophie all day?”
Ryan narrows her eyes as dramatically as she can. “Don’t you have lives to save?”
Mary backs away. “Fine, go back to texting, just think about how much fun you could have talking to Sophie on the comms if she were part of the team.”
Ryan can’t help the sarcasm. “Because me and Luke have so much fun?”
“Obviously it’d be a different kind of fun. Less brother-sister fighting and more….” Mary pauses to think and cringes at whatever she thinks of. Ryan turns around to gently push Mary out of her bathroom.
“Good night, Mary!” she says before closing the door behind her roommate. She probably should’ve stepped out there too, come to think of it. Her phone buzzes again though.
Crowphie to Ryan I do miss going up to the roof. You know, feeling like I’m a part of something, even if I never will be
Ryan drops down onto the stool in the bathroom. It’s an accessibility aid that’s kind of perfect for moments like this. She can take her time. Process without having to actually move around in here. Close her eyes and remember what the wind of the rooftop felt like against her cheeks. With the suit tight to her body and all of Gotham below them. Sophie looks amazing up there.
Ryan to Crowphie You could go flip the signal. Send out that city-wide ‘you up?’ Or an actual you up since you have her number.
Sophie hasn’t texted Batwoman once in the last two weeks.
Crowphie to Ryan You don’t understand.
Ryan chuckles. She’s the only other person that could.
Ryan to Crowphie No, I get it. You could text her if you wanted to talk. Going up there would mean that you want to see her. You want to be with her.
Want to touch her the way Ryan did that night on the roof. The pads of her fingers over Sophie’s waist, their faces so close that it’s a wonder Sophie hasn’t recognized her yet. It goes to show that Sophie’s not that into Ryan as Ryan. Hasn’t memorized the way her jaw sits, or the shade of her eyes.
Crowphie to Ryan yeah
Yeah what? Yeah which? Because Sophie didn’t say it back.
Ryan to Crowphie So you admit it? You want Batwoman?
The typing dots come and go, then come again. Maybe it’s not about Batwoman at all. Maybe Sophie just wants to make out on the roof and be a part of the team. She wants to be Batwoman’s friend with benefits and can’t bring herself to admit it. Fine. Don’t admit anything.
Ryan to Crowphie Can’t blame you. She looks good in the suit 😏 — probably looks good out of it too lol
A perfect cop out for the cop.
Crowphie to Ryan If I wanted to see her without the mask, I could have. We flew together, remember?
Ryan tenses. A painful chill zips down her spine. Does Sophie know? Has she known all this time?
Crowphie to Ryan I didn’t look then because it’s not about her looks or who’s behind the mask. She makes me think. Both Batwomen have. 1.0 got me suspended. It’s the closest I’ve ever come to leaving the Crows. But it wasn’t about everyone then, you know? Jacob Kane hated Batwoman, and I really liked her. Those couldn’t exist at the same time. Meanwhile, 2.0 will not remove her boots from my neck. She’s like you in that way. She takes every opportunity to question my loyalty to the Crows and the people of Gotham. I just wish I knew if I was doing the same. If I was more than just another compromise for her
Fuck, it’s a good thing that they’re texting. Ryan’s whole face burns with that message. Since when is Sophie questioning anything? She never wavers.
Ryan to Crowphie Your Crow-workers beat the shit out of Batwoman 1.0, and you stayed.
Crowphie to Ryan Where else was I supposed to go? The GCPD? I *HATE* what they did, but that will NEVER happen again.
Ryan to Sophie And if it does?
She’s being generous by not saying “when it does.”
Crowphie to Ryan Then I slap my resume on the Bat-signal and hope she doesn’t throw it in the shredder.
Ryan to Crowphie Much more fun to use it for target practice.
Crowphie to Ryan Throw a bunch of Batarangs at it?
Ryan to Crowphie See, you get it 😉
Crowphie to Ryan It’s important to me that little Black girls can see women like us in law enforcement and positions of powers. I want them to know that they can save the world if they want to. It’s not their responsibility, but if it’s their purpose? If protecting people makes them happy, then I want them to know that they are not alone out there. They can make a difference.
There are so many other ways to make a difference. Ryan might have to let Sophie have this for now though. Her heart’s in the right place at least.
Ryan to Crowphie And if that doesn’t work out, there’s always being a ticket taker for a community dance. Shine that flashlight. Ruin somebody’s night!
Crowphie to Ryan Wowww. Spoken like a trouble maker.
Ryan to Crowphie Trouble finds me, okay? No need to worry about me, Agent Moore.
Crowphie to Ryan You sure about that? Your kids might try to fight you, just to see if you’ve still got it.
Ryan to Crowphie Oh I’ve got it. They’ll be too busy following you around to even notice me. Ol’ “Miss Sophie, Miss Sophie” punk asses
Crowphie to Ryan LOL. Ten bucks says they ask me where Batwoman’s been hiding.
Ryan to Crowphie Twenty says they don’t.
Crowphie to Ryan Easy money. You can drop it off at the lobby on your way in 😉
more to come when I drop the rest of the chapter! reply and let me know if you're still with me. try and guess what happens at the dance?
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decayandfanfics · 3 years
The great book of sayings
PAIRINGS: Tomura Shigaraki x FemReader
SUMMARY: He looks at you, his scarlet eyes fixed on yours, burning a hole through your head, every bit the predator he is, but you are as tough as it gets, so, against your better judgment and any well-founded logic, you answer his silent threat, the animalistic look he gives you with nothing less than a fearless smirk, irises burrowing into his pupils.A clever girl. He thinks, finally labeling you inside his head, cursing himself in the very moment he allows his brain to think of you as more than an asset. He is sure (he knows himself enough to know) he’ll think of this moment many times from now on.A clever pretty girl.
Reader is a typical college student until she gets herself tangled with the league of villains.
WARNINGS: Unhealthy/complicated relationships, violence, Tomura being Tomura, mentions of murder, heroes’ abuse of power, smut.
A/N: I’m trying so hard to write crusty boy here really in character. At least after AfO is taken. Any misspelled words, english is not my native language so i’m trying Helen.
As always, let me know what you think!
Chapter 11 / Chapter 12
Out of sight, out of mind (interlude)
They disappear one night the same way they appeared.
Without a word.
It feels like waking up after a long dream. The way the sunrays enter your little kitchen, splashing your space in golden light looks almost ethereal, no longer their figures staining your white walls, standing out of place in the middle of your living room.
It feels a lot like the mornings after some heavy rainstorm.
It’s over. You think, breathing heavy and tired.
The apartment is quiet and cold, foreign to you. It reminds you a little they way you feel in hospitals. Places without personality, places without any personal touch. Even when everything is in place; the blankets are neatly folded in the closet and your toothbrush is the only one in the bathroom (Toga surely took her time tiding everything up) but you cannot feel at ease in it.
Maybe you are no longer the same person that use to live alone in this place, because it doesn’t feel like you belong inside the four walls that began to close too tight around you now, and even when you know you should run to the next police station and ask for help and protection because you’ve been hostage in your own home for weeks, you can’t get yourself to do it. It feels like a betrayal, somehow. Even when they held you captive, even when they’ve threat you and berated you. Even when there is no guarantee they would not be back to end the job after what you did to Dabi, after what happen with Shigaraki.
He looked like he wanted to hurt you last time.
Sorrow soft and silent start to rise, your heart breaking slowly with realization, smothering you, drowning you gently as you stand alone in the middle of your home, because they will never be back.
He will never be back.
It’s fine…I’m…safe. I’m safe.
You feel the jarring stab of grief, your heart cracking open under the pressure and the loneliness you’ve been trying to keep under control all this time, so you let out a shaking sob, finally admitting to yourself the ugly truth.
This is more than a little crush.
More like falling in love.
And your sweetheart has red eyes like jewels and a starved need for ruin.
So, you curl in a corner of your couch, hugging a pillow that smells way too much like soap and leather, finally allowing yourself to cry because this is painful, the kind of infatuation that can get you killed, that can destroy your life and ruin you. Him never coming back is a gift made of grief and poison, but you’ll take it because you know this is what you get in exchange of an attachment like this for a man who does nothing but harbor resentment inside the dark pit that is his chest.
You cry your eyes out, you cry desperate and lonely, holding tight to the pillow that still smells like him, no longer trying to suppress the nasty wound his gaze carved into your heart the moment his eyes met yours.
You cry because you think he hates you, because he didn’t just decide to go. Shigaraki choose to run away from this just to spite you and your infatuation because he wanted to stab you back. Because that’s the kind of man he is, that’s the kind of man that you allowed to hold grip onto your heart.
So, you stay curled in the corner of your little couch, sobbing and weeping over the painful mess you’ve made, wishing for the kiss you didn’t get the chance to steal and swearing that if you ever see him again, you’ll squeeze that devious grin out of his sharp face with your bare hands because if he wanted to hurt you by leaving without a word, then he should be fucking proud.
He wasn’t joking when he asked her if she could handle rough.
“Oh my god” she sobs, inked tears staining her cheeks.
She looks like a mess, but he prefers it that way. He favors that she’s different, a complete opposite with her heavy makeup and revealing clothes, her smudged lipstick painting her chin and her breasts bouncing heavy, scaping her torn little dress. A perfect depiction of ruined and lewd. 
She gags when he squeezes her neck hard, his index fingers curled as he yanks her body against the brick wall, too angry to care for his companion. No. He just wants to thrust into her as fast and rough as he can so he can get off the soon.
“Oh my-” she pants trying to hold herself against the wall, but he pulls her neck to him, pressing her back to his chest and then he yanks forward and bites her hard in the shoulder, his teeth leaving a purple mark on her skin.
“Shut up.” He grunts maddened when she sobs and squirms against his body, her smell entering his nostrils, making him gag instantly because he cannot stand the cheap perfume mixed with cigarettes, sweat and sex.
He cannot stand the smell of her hair, nor the shape of her body, or the height difference.
He cannot stand her lewd screaming.
So, he covers her mouth with his hand and shut his eyes tightly closed before resuming his brutal animalistic pacing, trying not to think in the salty flavor of her skin in his mouth. He just needs his release; it’s been a while since he gave himself to this kind of pleasure and for all things he’s ever done, he never fucked this angry before.
Tomura thinks he’s not particularly sexual on a daily basis. He doesn’t go walking around thinking about the next time he gets laid, not when he’s never been that interested in girls anyway, because he just…doesn’t like things nor people. So, his approach on sex is more like a task to be filled if anything else (like eating), rarely relying on another body since he doesn’t want to be touched at all. Now, of course he’s done it now and then, sometimes paying for it, sometimes a nightstand after some vodka in a seedy bar, but always quick to dispatch the person involved.
For Tomura, sex is about him wanting something and obtaining it the easiest way possible to just keep on with his life.
Or at least that’s how it was, but some reason he’s been feeling incredibly starved for it lately, and after being in a heck of a terrible mood and some heated lash out at his crew out of nowhere, he decided to pick his anger and put it somewhere else before killing one of his comrades.
Now, the woman is drooling all over his hand with all the choking, making him feel nauseous so he lets go of her and just digs his fingers on her hip keeping his index up, his long nails clawing at her skin, making her whine, squeezing him tight in reflex.
She tries to catch his wrist to move one of his hands to her breast, but he yanks away to pull her hair, growling a curse against her ear, swallowing hard.
This feels so wrong.
It’s not the right cup size.
It’s not the right smell.
It’s not the right height.
It’s not the right woman.
The mechanic friction is finally working its wonders because Tomura feels his low abdomen tighten before finally getting off.
No, he doesn’t see stars, nor grunts in feverish pleasure. He doesn’t taste her neck nor smiles when he cums. As soon as he releases, he shoves the woman as far away from him, removing the condom with disgust and decaying it (the thought of feeling her bare wet cunt against his naked skin revolving his guts).
He adjusts his clothes before throwing the woman some cash and just walks away, concluding that this was the most unsatisfying fuck in world’s history.
Tomura looks at his hands, feeling the sticky sensation of her saliva and her sweat, troubled because his face it’s super itchy but he feels so disgustingly dirty, that he doesn’t even need to smell them to know that her musky tacky perfume now lingers on his palms.
Maybe if I rub my hands, I can decay it away. He thinks, trying his hypothesis to no avail. ‘kay, that was pointless.
He manages to rub the fabric of his sleeve against his brow until the skin begins to show red dots of blood as he thinks seriously that he could kill for a hot shower, even when he’s not the cleanest guy around (he showers when he can. If he can’t do it, then he just doesn’t think about it), but he can’t stand the way the prostitute’s scent remains on him like a sin, and the thought is so ridiculous, because he’s done plenty of horrible disturbing shit in his life to now feel all guilty and nasty for a “less-than-mediocre” fuck.
So, he walks away, utterly unsatisfied. His anger dragging behind him, leaving a bloodied mess of chaos and longing for something far brighter than a rough fuck behind some lost alley, because he wants more than that. He wants the name, the body and the holy spirit that inhabits the girl with dangerous gaze and healer hands. He wants her violence, her anger and wild bravado, all for him to feaster and be consumed by it.
A violent delight that he can’t afford, not when he’s busy surviving until he finds the doctor or his master’s weapon, so he repeats himself that his infatuation, this sickness will disappear eventually, he just needs to get his priorities straight and focus.
He’ll do it, time will get everything in place again.
Cold creeps into him, the city lights filling the streets between car noises and people returning their homes. All of them busy minding their own lives, completely unaware of the hooded serial killer walking by, quietly sneaking into the fire escape of some old building.  
Internal medicine is one of those courses that drains every bit of life out of you. Arguably the hardest in a career full of hards, you now live under the constant threat of failure because this shit is a monster, and you know the statistics too well to not being aware that this course has the highest rate of reps in all the damn faculty.
So, you enter your uni mode; sugar-rush based diet and coffee like the world is ending to keep your brain functioning like is a nuclear reactor, sleeping four hours at nights and barely dreaming. Of course, it’s not just that class, is that you have three more besides that one, all of them of high difficulty for you to rejoice in your misery, so yeah. You live like a zombie.
I’m going to be rich; I’m going to be rich; I’m going to be rich… You repeat to yourself every morning after showering, watching your body in front of the mirror, admiring the sharp angles and purple eyebags that already began to claim your face.
Oh, and the hair loss due to stress is just the cherry on top of the cake, really.
Yes, your brain is at the brim of collapse right now, but classes start again, and your friends are there to suffer with you and it makes you feel accompanied and secure. Is just another semester of tears, panic, pizza and everything that implies to be a twenty something student, so you are thankful nonetheless, because you don’t have the time to think about the other thing…
You don’t think about it.
You don’t really think about it.
You don’t even think about it.
And you don’t say the name either, you refuse because you’ll do anything to forget about him, anything to erase the memory of his dark figure like a shadow against your white kitchen, too clever and insolent for your own good.
But it’s okay, you don’t think of him, or his slender fingers taking the bishop to strike down your king, and the way his dry lips curve upward before some smartass remark. You don’t think of his lean body towering over you, touching yours in so many places but none at the same time.
No, you don’t think of him while awake, but sometimes he visits your dreams to terrify you with his cadaveric hands and his face hidden by his hair. Ready to strike you down, a hand extended in motion to decay you into oblivion.
Sometimes he hovers over you, kissing your neck while ravaging you, incredibly close and raw and intimate, his mouth snarling dirty words you’ll never dare to say out loud. Dreams where his warm chest press against your naked body and your lips sings lewd lullabies just for him, welcome him to feaster on your skin with your face nuzzling against his scarred cheek, covering your face with his silver hair.
Sometimes he just sits in your kitchen as the sunlight reflects over his milky locks. His hand holding his cheek over the table in serene expression, calling your name to play again as the black king spins between his delicate fingers.
Tomura has a meeting with this new allied Twice found, like three days from now.
He’s not particularly excited about it, surely, it’s just another capo wannabe with grandeur delusions, but it could be worth it. Maybe he could get some money out of it since the league is completely broken after his sensei’s incarceration. They are in desperate need of a hideout, now more than ever since Kurogiri vanished and he’s sure the heroes must have captured him. (Thinking about this is pointless anyway because he doesn’t have the means to get him back)
Minding his own business, he walks with his hoodie on, passing between civilians like he’s one of them, completely invisible when he sees her.
It catches him by surprise. His heart stopping dead on its tracks, wide eyes and tight lips, uncertainty filling him all of the sudden, but he’s accustomed to make hiding spots out of nowhere, so he gets behind some store sign where he can watch her safely.
She stands outside a coffee shop, animatedly talking with some guy who wears the same clinic uniform that she has on. A school mate maybe? She’s an intern in a hospital so, they are probably on shift. Another doctor like her.
She looks tired and paler, but beautiful, nonetheless. The way her lips move give away she’s talking about something clinic, because her face has that firm expression she always does when she’s being professional.
She already looks like a doctor and God knows he’d gladly be sick every day of his life if she’s the one to treat him.
His feelings betray him. He was sure after a month she would be completely out of his system by now, this stupid illness already cured, but shit just doesn’t go away.  It pisses him off to no end because she’s not worth the aggravation. C’mon, she’s just another boring normal civilian, she doesn’t do anything important or interesting. She’s not remarkable in any way that serves him, because not even her quirk is truly useful. Not when it threatens to kill her every time she uses it.
And looking her objectively, she’s not even that pretty, but somehow, he’s torn between his desire to make her see him and get as far away from her he can.
Searing jealousy pierces him, hate raw and jarring dripping from between his ribs when the man leans over and whisper something that makes her laugh and for a moment, he seriously thinks he’s going to kill him right there, no quirk needed because he would just love to gut him out in plain view for her to see what he thinks of her stupid friend.
He hates the man, but he hates her more because she dares to laugh, she dares to enjoy life and people meanwhile he crawls hungry and cold between ruined places.
Like sensing his glare, she suddenly turns her head with her eyes directed to the spot where he hides, her expression changing from joyful to confused in seconds, making him laugh because even when he’s sure she cannot see him, she knows he’s there and it feels like she’s tied to him somehow.
Her face gives away disappoint when she fails to catch him and the thought of her grieving after he left delights him, but he’s sworn to let her behind, so he rejoices for a moment in this little victory of his pettiness over her charms, before turning away from her, fully believing that this is the last time he thinks of her.
Chapter 13
Hey lovely readers! since English is not my native language and writing Shigaraki is kinda hard because he changes and grows, and because he usually says many things about himself, but then he goes and do completely different things (like when he says he hates everything, but CLEARLY he’s fond of twice and stuff like that) so much in manga, it would be lovely to know what you think of this! I think it’s the only way to be better at something really, So, any questions, comments and concerns, please feel free to comment!
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Little Beginnings
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Dean X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, mentions of pregnancy, possible swearing. 
A/N: Just a little something i wanted to write. Dean’s 40, Reader is 28. 
You were fucking late, again. Dean was an amazing boss, and an even better friend, but just because he was a super sweet guy, didn’t mean he was going to keep letting you get away with being late. To be fair, you were about 6 months pregnant, and it did cause for a lot of doctors appointments, which Dean had driven you to a few times when Andy was too busy at work. 
Your fiance Andy and you had been engaged for the last year, deciding you were going to wait a while before getting married, Andy was up for a possible big promotion at his design company and he wanted to focus on his work, which you more than understood, so the couple times he’d failed to be there for some of the milestone appointments, you relied on the bus, making you late, opting Dean to offer to drive you so the other staff members would stop harrassing him about special treatment. I mean, you were pregnant, and it wasn’t your fault the appointments ran longer than usual and you’d missed the bus one too many times. 
The bell above the auto shop jingled, signaling that you were finally at work, you were out of breath, stopping slightly to hold your belly. “I’m here, i’m here, i’m so sorry, it was suppsed to be a simple scan and then she thought she saw something and wanted to do a more extensive exam, and i promise next time i’ll just have her reschedule for my day off.” You gasped, out of breath from running all the way from the bus stop, all the extra weight making it harder to move fast. 
Dean waved his hand dismissively, you could see he was sort of lost, trying to work the register, Dean wasn’t good at the front end work, he was however the best mechanic in town, so he handled the cars and you handled the cash. 
“Hey, don’t worry about it, not your fault, if the doctor said you needed it then she must have been worried,” he finally stops and looks at you concerned, “Everything okay? are you and the baby okay?” He asks and you smile widely. 
“SHE and i are just fine, she was just being squirmy.” You jump a little in place, finally having found out the sex. Dean’s eyes widen and a pure look of excitement and joy crosses his face.
“No way? It’s a girl?” He asks and you nod, squealing. Dean lets out a laugh and makes his way over, pulling you into him, not caring that he’s in his greasy work coveralls. “Congratulations, sweetheart!!” He speaks, placing a small kiss to your head. 
He smells like car oil, a little musk from all the sweating from working in the extreme heat and the lingering scent of his aftershave and bodywash. It comforts you, you take a breath, taking in the smell, the familiar smell, Dean has always welcomed you with open arms, making you feel perfectly at home in his auto shop for the last 4 years. He had made you feel loved and valued when your own parents basically banished you for being pregnant before being married. If they had their way, you would’ve been married years ago, they had their opinions and beleifs and you didn’t follow them, and because of it, they hadn’t spoken to you since you told them the news. 
“Have you told Andy yet?” He smiles, you shake your head, moving around him to show him how to open the cash. “Not yet, we’re suppsed to have dinner tonight, i was going to tell him then.” You smile, hardly containing your excitement. You open the register and Dean let’s out a small ‘yes’ before squishing your face, “What am i going to do without you while you’re gone.” He speaks and pinches your nose. You shove his hand away.
“You’ll be fine, plus if you need anything, call. No questions asked, just call.” You smile widely and he returns it. 
The rest of your shift goes smoothly, you count the register at the end of the day, Dean cleans up and changes, grease still on him but for the most part he got it off, he waits for you and like a true well raised gentleman, he drives you home, not wanting you to walk or take the bus alone at night. 
When you walk into your apartment, you don’t see Andy on the couch watching tv like he usually is, you assume maybe hes making dinner, since you are home much earlier than expected, the shop hadn’t been overly busy and Dean was so good with cars he had finished all his jobs for the day early.
You hang your coat up and walk into the kitchen, expecting to see Andy cooking, instead, your greeted with silence, with two almost empty plates on your kitchen table, but the part that makes your heart sink into your stomach is the two wine glasses, one, which has a very clear lipstick mark on it. 
A bang comes from your bedroom upstairs, the fire in you already ready to explode. You make your way upstairs, and before you realize it, your swinging your bedroom door open, a woman is sprawled on your bed, her ass in the air as your fiance drills her from behind, his one hand gripping her hair as the other rests on the headboard, she lets out a scream and he swears under his breath. Finally able to speak you clear your throat. 
“Are you fucking kidding me!” You yell and Andy freezes, the girl letting out a whine before she finally peels her head from your pillow. Your fucking god damn pillow. 
“Oh my god, who is that.” She squeals before yaking herself off the bed and away from him, holding your blanket to cover herself up. 
“I’m his fiance, his pregnant fiance. Who the fuck are you!” you scream, livid. 
Andy is up, blanket around his waist before he’s walking towards you. “Baby, this isn’t- i uh- i can explain.” He stumbles over his words, not knowing what to do or say.
You glare at him, “How long?” you ask, he shakes his head confused. “How long have you been fucking her? and don’t you dare fucking lie to me right now Andy!” You scream and he flinches, not used to your high vocals right now. 
He sighs, “Since you told me about the pregnancy.” He admits, running a hand through his hair, “Listen, i need to explain, i just, i needed a break, everything with the pregnancy has been too much to handle and im stressed with work, now the pregnany, i just, i needed to get away from it all.” He speaks and soon enough you’re in his face. 
“What are you sick of Andy? The fact you have barely been home since i told you about it? or the fact you haven’t been to one single appointment? Not the first time we got to see it, not the first time we got to hear the heartbeat, and now, you couldn’t be bothered to come find out the sex with me, it’s a girl, FYI, you havent been around for any of it. So what exactly are you sick of? you’re a worthless piece of shit, and i never want to see you again. Go fuck yourself.” You finish it off with a slap to his face, the contact is so loud, even the girl behind him flinches. 
She gives you a small smile when you make eye contact. “I’m really sorry, i didn’t know, he never mentioned you or the baby, if i had known...” she pauses, obvious guilt in her face. You shrug, “I know, do yourself a favour, find a better man to give yourself to, trust me, this one isn’t worth it.” You tell her, she swallows before grabbing her clothes and leaving the room, but not before glaring at Andy herself, “Don’t ever call me again.” She spits at him and he flinches, he tries to get close to you and you back away, skaking your head. 
“No, i’m leaving.” You spit out and he frowns, a little angry. “Where are you going? You’re pregnant and you know damn well your parents won’t take you back in.” He says it with a tone, almost like he’s proud to know that’s true, without them, you have nowhere to go. 
“I’ll figure something out, i haven’t needed you for the last 6 months, and obviously i still don’t.” You state, grabbing the prepared hospital bag you had done two months ago, for the most part it had enough stuff in it to get you by for a few days and you’d eventually come back for the rest of your stuff, preferably when Andy was away at work.
You storm out, getting into the car you had spent years saving to get, you had bought it on your own, but had decided since Andy made more money that he needed it more. As you drive away, you can hear Andy shouting, you roll down your window and catch the ending. 
“You stupid bitch, how the fuck am i supposed to get to work!” He shouts, you laugh, “Take a bus, asshole. I paid for the car!” Before you’re peeling out of what is no longer your drive way.
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Dean’s surprised when he hears his phone ring, he isn’t expecting any calls, usually Sam is the only one who calls him, to be honest, he’s pretty much lonely most of the time. 
 Sammy tries to call each week, but he’s usually busy with work or the kids so usually Dean’s alone. Some days he wishes he had done what Sam did, settle down with a nice girl, have some babies, but most of the women he had dated just wanted the idea of a hardworking attractive man by their side, when it came down to it, they backed off when they realized he’d wanted more. it worked out for the best, none of the women in his life had ever truly been longterm material, sometimes he regretted having too much fun and not enough substance, airheads only stayed interesting for so long. 
It’s 8:30 pm and he had just finished making one of his best pasta dishes if he does say so himself. He was about to dig in and turn on some criminal minds when his phone had gone off, he stares at it, not recognizing the number. 
“Hello?” He speaks and a feminine voice is heard, “Hi, may i please speak to Mr. Dean Winchester?” She asks and he clears his throat, “Uh, speaking, who is this?” he raises a brow and his heart sinks slightly when he hears her speak. 
“Hi Mr. Winchester, my name is Sadie and i am calling on behalf of Miss Y/N Y/L/N, i’m a nurse at memorial hospital and Y/N was in a small car accident earlier and she had you listed as her second  emergency contact, she refused to allow me to call her first contact.” She speaks, Dean’s barely listened, he interupts her, completely worried why he’s being called.
“What? Where is Y/n, is she okay? is the baby okay? what happened?” He talks a mile a minute before the nurse calms him down. 
“She and the baby are fine, she is however a little shaken up, can we ask that you come down here, maybe take her home, she refuses anymore help insisting she’s fine and she wont let us call her fiance.” The nurse sighs and Dean agrees. 
He reaches the hospital in 15 minutes, rushing through the place to find y/n. Eventually he finds the nurse that called and he’s led straight to the room you’re in, you’re sitting in the bed, hands on your belly, moving them around and smiling when you feel your baby move. He let’s out a relieved sigh to see you’re okay, and thankfully, still pregnant. 
“Y/N?” He speaks and your head shoots up, you let out a soft smile, he can tell you’ve been crying. “Hey Dee, glad to see you own something other than flannel and ripped jeans.” You smirk, he looks down at his sweat pants and hoddie, smiling to himself before letting out a small chuckle. 
“Theyre my comfy clothes, shut up.” He teases and you giggle. He moves closer, sitting on your bed near you. “You wanna tell me what the hell happened, sweetheart?” He asks and you look down, focused on your hands on your belly, biting the inside of your cheek. 
“After you drove me home, i walked in on Andy fucking some girl in doggy on our bed, i was furious and yelled at him before slapping him and leaving, i grabbed my to go bag and didn’t even care if it wasn’t enough and left, i took my car and just drove off, i didn’t really know where to go and i started crying because Andy was right about my parents probably not wanting me back, so i cried harder and i guess i couldn’t see clearly and went off road. It wasn’t bad, but i sorta put some dents and bumps in it, a jogger found me and insisted i go to a hospital and called the abulance.” You shrugged. 
Dean scoffed, “Are you fucking serious, the nerve of that jackass, i swear if i ever see him i’m gonn-” You cut him off. “Dee, it’s not worth it, i’m mostly just mad at myself for not seeing it, the missed appointments, the constant late nights, he didn’t want this, the marriage, the pregnancy, he wasn’t ready, i should’ve figured it out, i should’ve seen it.” You shrug softly, wiping a tear from your eye.
Dean sighs, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Hey, listen to me, this isn’t your fault, you didn’t force him to have sex with you, and you sure as hell didn’t get pregnant on purpose, if he didn’t want a kid, he should’ve kept his shit wrapped. He’s the asshole in this situation, not you. As for where to go, you should’ve called me, you know i always have your back. You’re staying with me,” you’re about to interupt him but he shuts you up with a hand, “No, no talking, and i’m not leaving you alone, you’re moving in with me and that’s final.” You huff and pout, making him roll his eyes. 
“Don’t try to cute your way outta this, and don’t be stubborn, i got plenty of space not being used, i could use the company.” You huff, “Fine, but at least let me pitch in for rent..” He cuts you off, “No. I’m not charging you, save your money for the baby stuff your gonna need, just help me keep my fridge stocked and we’ll call it even, i’m a bad grocery shopper.” He smiles, you roll your eyes but agree. 
“Hey dee?” You speak as he drives you back to his place, “Yeah?” he hums as he fiddles with the radio before landing on a station. You look over at him and smile. 
“Why can’t all the guys in the world be more like you?” You smile softly and he chuckles, “That wouldn’t make me one of a kind now would it darlin,” he shoots you a wink and you laugh, shaking your head. 
“No seriously though, thank you, for everything, the job, the constant rides, always making sure im eating, getting my vitamins and water intake, always keeping your mini fridge in your office stocked with snacks, you’re literally amazing, and i don’t think i could’ve handled this whole siatuation well if it wasn’t for you. At this point, you’ve done more for me and this little girl than her father has, i need you to know how much i appreciate you.” You reach over, grabbing his hand and he looks over and smiles.
“I know y/n, don’t you worry about it. Besides, one of you already has me wrapped around her finger, what’s one more? Hmm?” He smirks, laughing at your shocked face. You shake your head at him, smiling as parks the car in his driveway. You both get out of the car, but before Dean can walk to his door, you pull him back towards you.
He’s surprised at first then melts into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your slightly big middle, he chuckles and pulls away when he feels movement in your belly. You laugh softly, “I think she likes you, she’s all excited.” You smile, letting him place his hand on your belly, feeling all the movement going on. 
He smiles gently, “yeah well, i like her too, i really REALLY like her mom though.” He states, leaning in to kiss you yet again. 
Tags: @akshi8278
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brywrites · 4 years
Flight Risk VI
Summary: An answer to the age old CM question, “who’s flying the plane?” And the story of a pilot and a profiler. Part VI: In which things are lost and found and borrowed.
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The case is of a vengeful Cinderella is closed, but as they prepare to head to the airport, Kate isn’t feeling so well. Rossi offers to drive with her to a pharmacy to pick up some saltines and Dramamine, and the rest of the team heads to the airport to wait. Reid spots Y/N chatting outside the plane with Dobson, and he instinctively starts towards her. She must see him out of the corner of her eye because she turns to greet him, but before either of them can say anything a strong hand finds his shoulder, holding him back.
“Hold there, Pretty Boy. I wanna hear the details of your Prince Charming moment back there,” Morgan says.
Y/N raises her eyebrows and he can feel his face flush. “There’s um, not much to say,” he stammers.
“Spence, come on, you were totally prince-like,” JJ laughs. “Kneeling down on one knee with a glass slipper and everything?”
“A glass slipper?” Y/N asks. JJ describes, in detail, how he played the part of the knight in shining armor at the cemetery to get Claire Dunbar to leave with them. He’s embarrassed through the whole tale, but by the time JJ gets down on one knee to kiss Morgan’s hand as he did the unsub’s, he’s sure his face is scarlet. Y/N is laughing along the entire time at his fellow agents’ melodramatic reenactment.
“Anyways, it was all very romantic. He totally swept her of her feet. The poor girl fell for him in a heartbeat,” JJ says. For a moment, Reid tries to discern what Y/N is thinking. Her face is unreadable other than a bemused smile. Her body language tells him nothing. But he can’t help but wonder ��� hearing about his heroics in the field, would she be jealous? Hearing how he played Prince Charming for Claire and kissed her hand. Then he wonders if he wants her to be. Is he curious because there’s a part of him that wants her to want him? Is he secretly hoping that she’d feel slighted by any hint of romance towards someone else? And if he is hoping for that, what does that mean?
But Y/N just says, “I sure would have liked to see that.”
“Next time we’ll get it on camera,” Morgan teases, ruffling Reid’s hair. He swats his friend’s hand away.
“You know, I love a good fairytale,” Y/N says, turning to him.
“Well this one was more Grimm than Disney,” he admits, trying to push the memories of the men Claire killed out of his mind. The story is over now. No more dragons to slay. Kate and Rossi return seconds later and it’s time to go.
Y/N follows Captain Dobson up the steps of the jet, and he follows close behind her. Lost in his thoughts, he nearly loses his balance at the top of the stairs. Y/N immediately reaches a hand out to steady him. Her hand is soft around his. He holds tight, both to maintain his balance and to keep a connection to her. All his life he’s been uncoordinated, but he’s willing to fall over his own feet a million times if it means having the chance to finally hold her hand. With her help, he ascends to the top step, finally making it onto the jet. It strikes him, this sudden reversal of roles. Only a few hours ago he was offering his hand to a distressed damsel to lead her away, using his words to woo her. But now Y/N is the one coming to his rescue. She is steady. Confident. She doesn’t need anyone to save her. If she did, he’d be there in a heartbeat. But she’s saving him. Little by little. Maybe they’re saving each other. One thing is for sure – she sweeps him of his feet without even trying. Knocks him out with a single smile. Quite literally puts his head in the clouds. And that’s better than any fairytale.
She’s turning the pages of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, so taken by the story that she jumps when he calls her name. She turns to see him standing there, offering an awkward half-wave. Y/N can’t help but smile at the sight of him. His cardigans and ties are becoming familiar. He always looks more like a librarian or a professor than a special agent. Not that she minds one bit. The clothes suit him well, though at this point she’s convinced he’d look good in just about anything.”
“Is it good?” he asks, nodding at the book.
“Extremely. The prose is incredible and the narration is really unique. It manages to make a story so painful sound so beautiful. You can borrow it when I’m done if you’d like. I’m sure you’d finish it in a single flight.”
“It’s quite likely,” he laughs.
“So I hear we’re off to New Mexico,” she says. The flight is long enough that she could easily lend him the book now, but she knows the trip there will be spent reviewing case files and preparing for the work to come.
“Yeah, there’s five women dead already.” Spencer sits beside her on the bench. “The unsub seems quite advanced. It’s not looking pretty.”
“We’ve got to find you at least one pretty thing to see on these cases,” she says. It doesn’t seem right for him to travel across the country and return with nothing but memories of police stations and a handful of nightmares. She still hates the idea of ferrying him and his team to and from monsters. To and from danger.
He raises his eyebrows. “Oh? Like that coffee shop you found for us last weekend?”
She laughs at his pointed accusation. When they made plans she had insisted on visiting a new pop-up that Yeeqin had shown her on Instagram. The drinks were dreamlike pieces of art with cotton candy fluff, impeccable latte art, ombre iced teas, and donuts carefully placed over the rims of mugs. The line to order had been long, and the shop was crowded with people taking photos in front of the murals and installations throughout the shop. When they finally got their drinks, they were both disappointed to find they were more watery than the sad coffee found in police stations and tiny airports. The coffee didn’t taste nearly as good as it looked, especially for the pretty penny it had cost.
“Okay, okay,” she giggles. “You have a point. I will refrain from taking food recommendations from social media influencers in the future. But I’m sure I can find a nice bookstore or a garden or something worth paying a quick visit to in Santa Fe.” She pulls out her phone for a quick search. “Oh, like this bookstore! It’s called Collected Works and it’s lovely.” Suddenly she can smell coffee and the sharp spice of aftershave. Spencer is leaning over to look at her screen. She turns her head towards him and he shifts his gaze from the phone to her and she realizes how incredibly close he is. There’s only inches between them and when his hazel eyes find hers any words she had die on her lips. Lovely, is all she can think.
After mere seconds that seem to slip into eternity, she quickly breaks eye contact and looks down at her hands, her heart thudding loudly in her ears. “Um, but, uh, maybe there’s somewhere else…” she says.
“Oh my god, Reid, you are not going to believe what I saw this morning!” A cheerful voice calls out from across the hanger and Spencer practically leaps up from the bench. The voice is familiar somehow. A brightly-dressed woman is heading towards them surprisingly fast considering the height of her stilettos. Her shockingly orange dress matches the bright hue of her lipstick and the flowers in her hair. When she reaches them, her eyes widen, and a neon grin spreads across her face as she regards Y/N. “Oh! You have to be Y/N! You look just like Morgan described!”
Y/N’s eyes flicker to Spencer who gestures towards the newcomer. “Y/N, this is Penelope Garcia. Our technical analyst.”
Garcia holds out a well-manicured hand. “Technical analyst, internet goddess, and oracle of all knowledge. But tomato, tomahto.” Y/N stands to shake her hand. “JJ was right, you’re totally cute.”
Out of the corner of her eye she sees Spencer turn tomato red. She chooses not to question it and instead asks, “Why haven’t I met you before?”
“Well, usually when these crimefighters are flying all over to world to do their crimefighting thing, I stay hunkered down in my Quantico batcave ready to scour the interwebs for their every demand. But our creep of the week is particularly creepy – he’s hacking into his victims computers to stalk them and erasing almost any trace he was there. So I’m coming along for the ride to try and pull any data I can from their devices.” She grimaces. “Believe me I would much rather be staying put and calling them from my office.”
That explains why her voice is so familiar, she’s heard it in the background a million times as the team prepares for a case in the cabin.
“Well Captain Dobson and I will do our best to make the trip a little more comfortable. We restocked the galley and deep cleaned this weekend, so Geff should be in perfect form.”
“Oh my gosh I still love that our jet has a name. Geff is so cute. I’m never calling it the jet again.”
Y/N smiles. “Right? I feel like planes have a personality all their own. They deserve a name, too!”
“I feel the same way! I name all the things in my life, but none quite compares to Esther. She’s an orange 1975 Cadillac Eldorado and the one true love of my life.”
“An Eldorado? She must be gorgeous.”
“She absolutely is, and she drives like a dream. You should totally come take her for a spin sometime! If you can handle Geff you can totally handle Esther.”
“Hey!” Spencer protests. “You wouldn’t let me drive your car!”
Garcia rolls her eyes in mock annoyance. “See, calling her a car is exactly why I don’t let you drive her! Besides, you drove us to Comic-Con and your maneuverability did not exactly inspire confidence.”
“Well if you ever need a co-pilot for a convention, let me know,” Y/N offers.
“You’re into the con crowd?” Garcia asks.
“Please, I’m a total geek,” she laughs. “If it’s got a flying craft of any kind I’m in. Firefly, LOST, Doctor Who, Star Wars – you name it.”
“I totally love you,” Garcia declares, linking her arm through Y/N’s. “I love her!” she tells Spencer.
“Well I hope you have a little love left for me, Baby Girl,” Morgan teases, walking up behind them.
“Always, sugar,” Garcia throws back. She let’s go of Y/N’s arm but says, “We have to talk later.”
“Of course,” Y/N assures her, and she hurries over to catch up with Morgan.
“I didn’t realize you liked all those things,” Spencer says.
“Of course,” she laughs. “I guess it just never came up in conversation. We were too busy with books and stories. But I’m guessing you’re also a fan?”
He nods. “Although I’ve never seen LOST. Is it good?”
“Is it good?” she asks, incredulous. “It’s incredible. It revolutionized television. And it’s right up your alley. Mystery, psychology, recurrent numbers . When this case is over we are absolutely watching it together.” She only realizes after she says it that she’s practically inviting him over to her place. Or inviting herself over to his. Is that too much? They’ve been spending more and more time together, and she has yet to stop enjoying his company. If she’s being honest, she’s always looking for excuses to see him again.
“I would love to,” he says immediately. Relief washes over her. So it is okay. It’s okay that she wants more of these moments with him, that she’s trying to commit of these little conversations to memory for fear they’ll slip away and she’ll forget the butterflies she feels when he looks at her. And when Arthur calls her away to ready Geff for takeoff, the smell of coffee and aftershave lingers in her in mind long after she walks away from him.
Three days later, the case is solved. The unsub is in custody. The victim is in the hospital with their family, where she will hopefully make a full recovery with time and with therapy. The Santa Fe sun is sweltering though. The team sits inside a small room at the little airport. The air conditioner is on full blast and everyone is sipping on water to stay cool. All of them are exhausted, and Reid wants nothing more than to take a long nap on the plane. Even Garcia is quiet. It’s a relief when Captain Dobson appears to inform them that the jet is ready for takeoff. They board Geff and settle down into chairs and couches, ready for well-deserved rest.
As soon as he does so, Reid realizes he’s left his book in the air-conditioned room. He quickly hurries back down the stairs and inside, grabbing the paperback that sits on the table where he left it. As he walks back out, he spots Y/N, standing at a locker in the hangar. She waves at him a with a smile.
“How was the case?” she asks.
“It ended as well as it could have,” he says. “But it was long. I think we’re all pretty tired.”
“I’m sure this heat isn’t helping. It’s worn me out. I’ve been putting off getting in uniform as long as I could.” She wears black pants and a short-sleeved white button-down, but the rest of her uniform is still in the locker. “So the missing woman is okay?”
Reid explains that she is, but he’s hardly aware of the words he’s saying. His focus is on her fingers as she buttons the top of her collar and ties her black tie with a careful and practiced knot. It’s looks far nicer than any of his slapdash crooked knots. She slips her blazer over her shoulders and adjusts the cuffs. He’s seen her in these clothes so many times before but he’s never realized before how good she looks in uniform. Or at least, he’s never let himself think it. It fits her well, tailored perfectly to her body. Reid is absolutely entranced as she buttons the front of her blazer, the little gold pair of wings shining above her pocket. He can’t explain why he suddenly finds this incredibly attractive, but when she puts her cap on and turns to smile at him, he completely loses track of any thoughts in his head.
It’s only when she closes the locker and says, “Let’s get out of here,” that he regains his ability to form coherent sentences.
“Wait,” he says. She does. Her cap is ever so slightly off-kilter. He reaches out to straighten it for her. As he does so, it catches a strand of her hair, and he brushes it out of the way. The gesture feels so intimate, and she stares at him the entire time. “There,” he says. “Perfect.”
“Thanks, Doctor.” The smile she gives him is different from the one she wore seconds ago. It’s softer somehow, and if he were to melt right now it wouldn’t be the result of the Santa Fe sun. They climb back into the plane. Y/N disappears into the cockpit. He puts his book back into his bag and then walks to the jet galley to grab another cup of water. Garcia joins him. As she pours herself a cup of coffee she says, “I had no idea you liked a girl in uniform.”
Reid nearly chokes on his water. “I – wait – what?”
“Oh come on, I saw you staring at Y/N.  The way you were looking at her? Ooh you are in deep, loverboy.”
“It’s – it’s not like that,” he sputters. “Not at all. We’re just – she – she’s my friend. That’s it.” Garcia quirks an unconvinced eyebrow. Reid sighs. “Look, even if I liked her, it would never work out. She’s…” There aren’t enough words to follow that adequately describe her. “Her. And I’m me. And besides, I’m pretty sure there are rules. Even if I felt that way…” He couldn’t. He can’t.
Garcia’s mischievous grin fades. “Reid, do you really think that-”
“Please, Garcia.”
She bites her lip and grabs her coffee. “Hey,” she says quietly. “No one else was paying attention. They didn’t see. And I’m not going to say anything.” She takes a step past him. “I just wish–” But she doesn’t finish the sentence. Evidently deciding against voicing her wish, Garcia returns to her seat. Reid prepares to do the same, only to notice the book sitting beside the coffee maker. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. With a little note that says, you can give it back when I see you for LOST.
In spite of himself, in spite of all the things he can’t and shouldn’t do, he smiles. He can have this. Sharing words and stories with her, and wondering which ones resonated with her when she read them. He picks up the book and sits back down just as Dobson’s voice comes through the speaker  to ask them to ask them to fasten their seatbelts and secure all loose items. Reid opens the book. That nap can wait until he gets home.
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat - Chapter 4
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Summary: Veterinarian Olivia Tran has zero time for bullshit. After becoming a mom at age twenty three, the one thing she wants is a good life for her daughter Vanessa. Her ex didn’t want anything to do with her nor the baby and she decided that man are officially banned out of her life. But then she meets Henry Cavill at her clinic and her ban slowly starts to crumble apart. Henry on the other hand is looking for one thing: a family. And when he meets Olivia Tran, he finds just that.
Henry Cavill x Olivia Tran (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 3.3k
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Three weeks pass by. Three whole weeks of Henry hoping he bumps into his favorite pair again, but no luck. After that time he saw Olivia and Vanessa on the curb and the four of them went to the park, was also the last time he saw them.
He seriously regrets not asking Olivia for her number, so he could arrange more of those kinds of “dates”.  He already has an excuse: “Kal needs to be around kids more and since Vanessa doesn’t have a dog, it’s a win-win situation, honestly”.
After Vanessa fell face first into the mud, the two of them left, because she was in need of a bath and Kal was too, because he thought it would be funny to roll into the dirt as well.
These weeks passed agonizingly slowly. The fact that he wasn’t working, isn’t helping at all.
It did gave him the time to realize one thing though: he is falling for someone he barely knows. Google searches for Olivia Tran didn’t bring him a lot, except one of the things he already knew: she’s a veterinarian at Animal Clinic Westside. No social media whatsoever, something that he finds pretty rare and unique.
But finally the day he has been looking forward to has arrived. He is sitting in the waiting room of his favorite animal clinic. He hasn’t seen her yet and he sure hopes that she’s even working today and if so, that she is going to help him out. If she isn’t helping him and Kal, then it’s the universe telling him she is not the one for him.
If she does help them, he needs to ask her out, because he doesn’t know if he can’t endure time apart from her again.
While he is waiting with Kal, Henry looks around at the other animals, even the creepy bird who hasn’t stopped staring at him. For a second Henry is afraid that the bird will recognize him, but he shakes off that thought before he can think about it even more.
A door opens and he hears: ‘Kal?’
He noticed how in this clinic (and maybe elsewhere too, he doesn’t know), they call in the patients by the names of the animals, instead of the owners. He is eternally grateful, not wanting to draw attention that he is in fact Henry Cavill.
He looks up and sees his favorite vet standing in a doorway. He can’t help but smile. He notices a bright grin on her face and from that alone, this day can’t be ruined if it’s up to him.
Besides, he needs to ask her out now.
Henry stands up, tugs Kal’s leash and walks over to the doctor. Olivia steps to the side, letting him and Kal go into the room first. he smells great, he thinks to himself. Like lavender, he didn’t notice that before.
‘We should weigh him first,’ she says, placing her clipboard to the side. ‘He does look slimmer already.’
‘I’ve been restraining myself,’ he laughs. ‘It’s just really hard to say no to this face.’
‘Weak,’ she comments, chuckling in the process. Henry knew he missed her, but after that comment left her lips, he didn’t realized how much he missed her. ‘Come on, Kal, get your fat ass on the scale.’
Henry places his hand over his mouth, but a loud laugh leaves his lips anyways, especially when Olivia looks at him with a playful look on her face. She checks the screen and claps her hands when she hears a soft beep, indicating the scale is done measuring Kal’s weight. ‘Good boy, Kal, you lost three whole kilos already.’ She presses a kiss on top of his head and looks up at Henry. ‘You’re not as weak as I expected you to be, mister Cavill.’
Henry smiles, as he’s taking in her appearance. Those two times he saw her, she was already breathtaking, but there is something different about her today. Is she wearing lipstick? He notices her hair isn’t in the usual bun. Her wavy locks frame her face and when she runs her fingers through it, he has to look the other way, because damn, she is beautiful and this isn’t the time to faint.
‘Anyways,’ she says, a blush appearing on her cheeks, probably because Henry kept gawking at her, ‘this big boy needs to get his shots today.’
‘I do have to tell you, he isn’t the greatest with needles,’ Henry warns her.
She nods. ‘Aren’t you projecting your own fears on your dog?’ she jokingly asks him.
He wonders if she’s like this with other clients or if she strictly reserves this for him. He sure hopes it’s the latter, though he feels a bit attacked, because it may be true, that thing she said about projecting his own fears on his dog. ‘No, he really doesn’t like them,’ he says nonetheless.
Olivia prepares two shots for the big canine, who keeps staring at her, but letting out a small whimper. ‘I know, baby,’ she says to Kal in a higher voice, ‘it may be scary, but it’s over before you know it.’
She sits next to him, pats his head, while Henry crouches down near the dog as well. He can’t help but stare at her. She is so pretty and the way she is comforting the dog, he falls even more in love with her.
When she grabs the syringe, Henry swallows hard, while Kal’s entire body shakes with excitement.
Olivia glances at him, before she sticks the needle into Kal’s thigh. He doesn’t even whine, but Henry rubs his own face. ‘Are you okay, Henry?’ she asks, but he doesn’t hear what she says anymore, because he passes out.
Henry wakes up in the corner of a room, his back pressed against the wall and his legs sprawled out in front of him. Kal is no where near him, while Henry swore they were together before he fell asleep.
He had a nice dream, of the beautiful doctor at the animal clinic. He dreamed that they were sitting in the park, her head against his shoulder, as they watched Vanessa and Kal play. It was nice to dream about her like that, just like he did that in those three weeks he didn’t see her.
He tries to remember where he is and when he looks around, he sees he is at the animal clinic. The examination table, his own dog sitting next to doctor Olivia Tran, who walks up to him and crouches down in front of him. ‘You’re up,’ she says with a chuckle. ‘For such a big guy, I never assumed you’d pass out like that, simply because I was giving your dog a shot.’
‘Oh fuck,’ he mumbles, rubbing his face, a sad attempt to cover his flushed cheeks. ‘I’m so sorry.’
‘No need to, it was kind of funny, especially when I had to drag you around this examination room and had to explain to the assistant that the loud thud she heard, was the owner that collapsed and not the overweight dog,’ she laughs, handing him a paper cup filled with some water. ‘Here, drink this.’
He takes a tiny sip, still embarrassed of what happened to him. God, did he really just pass out in the examination room because his dog was getting a shot? ‘This is really painful,’ he chuckles, hoping it helps him not to feel the shame he is feeling right now, but it’s not working at all.
She places a slender hand on his calve, causing him to hold his breath because of the sudden touch. Him passing out like that, does have his perks come to think of it. ‘Listen, it happens to the best of us. The first time I had to help deliver a lamb, I threw up and passed out in my own vomit, in front of the entire class, so honestly: it’s okay.’
Olivia stands up again and holds out a hand. He carefully places his in hers and she pulls him up, though he mostly pushes himself up, because he is afraid he’ll drag her down. Not that he would compla—
No, he can’t think like that, not when his jeans is already this tight. Later tonight he can think about the possibilities that came with her pulling him up.
‘Thanks, Olivia,’ he says.
‘Are you feeling okay? You want something sweet to eat, before you hit the road again?’
That is so thoughtful of her. ‘Maybe some sugar would be of help,’ he says.
‘Perks of having a six year old,’ Olivia says, rummaging through her purse, ‘I’m always prepared for emergencies.’ She hands him over two candy bars. ‘You can have those, Vanessa doesn’t like them anyways.’
‘How is Vanessa doing, by the way?’
Henry might not know Olivia very well, but what he does know, is that something happened.
‘Is everything okay?’ he asks.
‘Yeah, it’s just that her teacher continues to pester me about how Vanessa should change her work ethic, which I think is too much to ask of a six year old and… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t bother you with this. You probably don’t even care.’
‘No, I do care,’ he quickly says. Way too quickly.
Olivia sighs deeply. ‘I’m just worried about my girl sometimes. Comes with becoming a parent I guess.’
He wishes he could agree. ‘Listen, it might be extremely inappropriate, but I have to ask.’ He can hear the wise words his common sense is screaming. Abort mission. Don’t do it, Cavill. For the love of God, don’t ask the gorgeous doctor out on a date. ‘Would you like to go out with me? Like… Tonight? For dinner?’
Olivia crosses her arms in front of her chest. Why isn’t she saying anything? ‘As in a date or as a thank you for saving your dog?’
She is not making it easy for him and he has to give her props for that. That’ll teach him from asking cute women out, who just smiled at him and were nice to his dog. ‘A date,’ he says, all of the sudden not too sure about this action anymore. ‘I know it might be weird, because of what you do for a living and how we met, but I… I’m really interested in you.’
‘In me as a person or what’s in my pants?’
Well both, but he can’t say that, without looking like an absolute creep. ‘In you as a person, what kind of man do you think I am?’
She chuckles. ‘A man who is afraid of needles and can’t say no to his dog,’ she tells him. ‘I’ll go out with you tonight. Can you remember my number or do you want to put it in your phone?’
It took Henry about three hours to go through his entire closet, just to find the perfect outfit for tonight. He didn’t want to look like such a try hard, but he also didn’t want to look like a slob. He eventually opts for a simple black sweater with some fitted jeans and his Chelsea boots. It’s casual, yet it has a fancy streak to it. He grabs the grey blazer from the hanger and while he checks the pockets, he hears Kal whimper, who lays flat on his bed. ‘We’re going out tonight, bud,’ he tells the large canine. ‘You are going to keep Vanessa and her babysitter company, while I’m going out on a date with Olivia.’
He still can’t believe this is happening. He asked the doctor out on a date and the most bizarre thing of it all, was that she said yes.
Olivia Tran said yes to him.
He would lie if he said that he wasn’t nervous. In all honesty, he is about to die from his nerves.
He checks the clock and realizes he should leave his place now. He clicks his tongue, causing Kal to follow Henry downstairs. He puts on Kal’s leash and when he closed off his place, the two of them get in the car. He hums along with the song on the radio, as he drives to her house.
In the past he went on tons of dates. He likes dates, getting to know someone and finding out whether or not they are compatible. But there is something different about this date. He wants to get to know more about Olivia, but he is afraid that once she gets to know him, she’s not interested in him anymore.
He parks his car in front of her house and he takes a deep breath, trying to procrastinate the moment that he has to walk up to the door. Kal whines, as if he knows where they are and he sees that as a moment to get out of the car. The two of them walk up to the door and he rings the doorbell.
‘Mommy,’ Vanessa says from the other side of the door, ‘Henry is here.’
‘Do not open the door!’
‘But mom…’
‘Sweetheart, what if it’s not Henry, but a pervert?’ Olivia asks.
‘Oh my God, Olivia, the person on the other side of the door can hear you!’ he hears a different female voice scream and he can’t help but chuckle. He wondered what kind of household Olivia would have and somehow this situation seems fitting.  
‘Mom, what’s a pervert?’ Vanessa asks.
‘A disgusting human being,’ Olivia explains.
‘Is Henry a pervert? I thought he was Superman?’
‘Olivia, I mean it,’ the other woman says, ‘people on the other side of the door can hear you two.’
The door finally opens and he sees both Vanessa and Olivia standing in the doorway. ‘Hi Henry,’ his already favorite duo say in unison.
‘Hi there,’ he says with a smile. It’s six in the evening and Vanessa is already in her pajama. From the looks of it, it’s light pink with bears on it.
Kal pushes past him, to give the little girl a lick on her cheek, causing her to giggle.
As endearing as that sight may be, he can’t help but look at Olivia, who wears a grey plaid pants paired with a black shirt that hugs her upper body. The outfit shows off her godly proportions. He even sees a hint of tattoos on her arms, but she grabs a coat and it covers them up before he can see them properly.
But if he saw it correctly and she does have tattoos… That’s almost unfair. She is already beautiful, but add tattoos in the mix and that gives him enough to dream about tonight.
Another woman appears in the doorway and she hums in approval. ‘It’s such a shame that I wasn’t on call when your dog started to throw up,’ she says with a smile. She extends her hand and says: ‘Hi, I’m Belle.’
He saw her earlier today. She is another vet and when he was paying for the appointment, she bumped her hip against Olivia’s and they shared a look, one that best friends share. Guess Belle is the certified baby sitter. He quickly shakes her hand. ‘Nice to meet you, I’m Henry.’
‘God, you were right, Olivia,’ Belle says, ‘he is even more handsome in real life.’
Henry detects a fire red blush on Olivia’s cheeks, but she looks down and slips on a pair of boots that have a heel, something he hasn’t seen her wear before. He wants to take in her entire appearances, glancing her over more than once, but he restrains himself, since he doesn’t want to look overly eager.
‘That must be a sign that we need to go,’ Olivia says, before she pinches her friend in her side. She leans down, to give Vanessa a kiss. ‘Be nice to auntie Belle and Kal, okay?’
‘Okay, mommy,’ Vanessa says. ‘Can Kal sleep in my room tonight?’
‘He can,’ Olivia says.
The little girl smiles and looks up at Henry. ‘Is that okay with you too, mister Henry?’ she asks. ‘Kal is your dog.’
‘He can sleep in your room,’ Henry says, touched by the fact that she actually thought she should ask him about this. Olivia is raising such a lovely and polite girl. He truly admires her.
While Olivia rummages through her purse, Belle crouches down and whispers something in Vanessa’s ear.
‘Okay, I’m ready to go,’ Olivia says with a smile.
‘Enjoy your night,’ Vanessa says to the both of them, as Olivia steps out of the doorway. ‘And you two shouldn’t have too much fun.’
Henry nearly chokes on his own spit. ‘Belle, I swear to—’ Olivia wants to say something, but swallows the words before she can express her true feelings. ‘I love you, Vanessa,’ Olivia says to her daughter.
‘I love you too,’ she says to her mother. ‘Will you give me a kiss when you get back?’
‘Of course, angel.’
Vanessa smiles. ‘Bye, mister Henry,’ she says to him.
‘Bye sunshine,’ he says to the young girl, who starts to beam with happiness when she hears her new nickname. He doesn’t know where “sunshine” came from, it just slipped out.
Olivia and Henry walk to his car, but he can’t help but notice how she keeps looking up to him. He opens the door for her and he watches her get in. He waves to the two—three, if you include Kal—in the doorway, before he gets in himself.
‘I’m sorry,’ Olivia says, the second the door closes.
‘No need to,’ Henry laughs, starting his car. ‘It was funny.’
She snorts, while she waves to Belle, Kal and her daughter as he drives off. ‘Well, leave it to Belle to embarrass me.’
‘She a close friend?’
Olivia nods. ‘Very close friend. When I found out I was pregnant with Vanessa, she was there for me when no one else was. She forced me to live in her house for a while, even after Vanessa was born.’
Henry frowns. ‘I thought it was just your ex who wasn’t there for you.’
She sighs. ‘Well, my parents and two brothers weren’t too keen on me having a kid out of wedlock. My mom kicked me out seven years ago and since that moment, no one has tried to contact me. I haven’t seen them ever since.’
This is un-fucking-believable. He knows for sure that, had this happened within his family, his brothers would be over the moon to be an uncle of yet another kid and his parents would love another addition to the family.
And her family just kicks her out?
‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ he says and he means it from the bottom of his heart. ‘Were you close with your family?’
She shrugs. ‘Growing up I was. Not really with my mom, but with my father and brothers I was super close. I thought that they would love it, a little bean added to the family. Guess I was wrong. But you know, I have Belle, so that’s enough for me right now.’
Right now. That means the door is open for someone else, right? Or is he trying to read something that isn’t there?
‘By the way,’ she says, ‘how did you come up with “sunshine”?’
Why does Henry feels like he just got caught? ‘Just slipped, I guess. I’m so—’
‘Don’t you dare apologize, Cavill,’ she interrupts him. ‘I love the nickname and did you see Vanessa’s face?’
He does actually. He recalls the way her face lit up with happiness and pride.
Olivia looks to the side and when he stops for the traffic lights, he meets her gaze. She smiles. ‘I’m really happy we’re on this date,’ she says. ‘And maybe I’m a bit rusty in the whole dating department and is what I’m about to say way too blunt, but I need to tell you that you look really handsome tonight.’
Maybe that is too blunt, but Henry doesn’t mind. He doesn’t mind at all. His hands get a bit clammy. ‘Thank you, Olivia. Allow me to be just as blunt.’
‘Surprise me.’
‘You look stunning and I’m really happy that you agreed on going out with me.’
A/N: Don’t worry, the next chapter will cover their date 😉
Taglist: @thelastsock​ // @flhorah​ // @sausagefest1996​ // @laufeysodinson​ // @xxxkatxo​ // @memoriesat30​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @crimsonrae​ // @henryobsessed // @madbaddic7ed​ // @summersong69​ // @lyrafraiser​ // @peakygroupie​ // @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ // @mary-ann84​ // @thereisa8ella​ //@crazyandanonymous4u // @xuxszx​ // @emmaofgreengabbles​ // @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair​ // @onlyhenrys
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babybakuu · 5 years
Hey I have to request for Bakugou x reader prompt: 11 & 18 pls
request from this prompt list!
11. Wow, you look..amazing. & 18. That was kind of hot. 
A/N: im so sorry these are taking so long to come out lmaooo i have writers block and im really hating editing rn so this will be half way unedited,, thank u for requesting and waiting babie,, also its under a read more bc i can’t believe i wrote mfing 3k words for this 
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“Wow,” Katsuki says almost breathlessly, “you look..amazing.” 
Your eyes narrow in on the blonde who’s currently standing in your doorway. You can’t tell if he’s lying or simply just pulling your leg. Did he always have to be so sarcastic? “Haha, very funny Katsuki.” You’re rolling your eyes with a pink tint on your cheeks and your hands start to fidget with the bottom of your dress. “Can we just get this over with?” 
“I’m being serious you know. You look good.” He says as he holds out an arm for you to grab and you do. But you were waiting for it- the punchline, the teasing- “I didn’t know a gorilla could dress up so nice.” 
There it was.
“Shut the hell up.” You deliver a solid punch to his arm as he leads you to his car but he doesn’t even flinch. “Remember I’m doing you a favor, if you’re not nice to me maybe I’ll slip up and tell your parents during dinner that we’re not really dating.” 
He pauses and glances in your direction. “You wouldn’t.”
You shrug. “Maybe I would. How long has this been going on for Katsuki? 6 months? 8? How disappointed would they be to hear-”
“Alright, just shut up.” He huffs, holding the car door open. You’re cocking an eyebrow at him, arms folded against your chest, and the expression has him hesitating. “I mean uh, please..shut up?” 
A scoff slips past your lips and you find yourself rolling your eyes. “Better.” You sigh, while climbing in. “Not the best but better.” The door closes with a thump next to you and you’re scanning his car. It’s spotless like usual, the leather seats didn’t have a speck of dust on them, and it smells just like burnt caramel- a scent that was growing on you a little too much. 
“Brief me.” You say as he climbs in. “What have we done since we last saw your parents?” 
“You tell me.” 
“How come I have to think of everything in this fake relationship?” A prominent pout is on your face and for a second, you swore you saw him staring at your lips. Was your choice of lipstick too much? Not good enough? You’re suddenly self conscious but he turns away, buckles his seat belt, and starts driving.
“Well, if we were really dating- what would you like to do?” He catches a glance from the corner of his eyes and you’re sitting there, arms folded against your chest and that pout on your lips fades. 
“If we were really dating huh.” You absentmindedly repeat. The sentence settles in your mind and the butterflies in your stomach start fluttering. 
If you two were really dating..how nice would that be? You wouldn’t see him every once in a blue moon when he asked you to come to dinner with his parents. You’d probably get to eat more of his cooking. And maybe, just maybe- he would hold your hand just because he wanted to, not for show. 
“Hello? Earth to planet dumbass?” He questions, breaking you out of your thoughts. 
“Uh..camping..” You reply. “I’d really like to go camping.” 
“Camping..huh. I didn’t expect that from you.” 
“Well, I’d want to do something you enjoy and I’ve never been so..” 
“Maybe we should go.” He pauses, throwing another glance in your direction. “Just you and me, it’ll be fun.” A small smile spreads across your face and your stomach is doing backflips at the thought. Just you and him? How many days would you spend together completely alone? “Can’t wait to see you eat shit while hiking.” 
“Fuck you asshole. I take it back, I don’t want to go anywhere with you.” He does this ugly laugh snort thing and you can’t help but smile as your heart flutters a bit for the millionth time in the past 10 minutes. Maybe you should go see a doctor for that. 
“Seriously- clear your schedule for next week, I’ll take you for your birthday.” And suddenly, you find yourself holding a hand against your heart and you’re warm, so so warm. 
“Why would I not remember my girl’s birthday?” He asks as if it’s the dumbest question ever.  
My girl. 
Your head is spinning and that smile tugging at the corner of your lips won’t go away no matter how hard you’re trying to make it disappear.
“What kind of fake boyfriend would I be?” 
This wasn’t real. And like magic the smile on your lips is gone. 
“Yeah..haha.” You’re forcing a laugh but the disappointment on your face is evident. Your gritting your teeth and mentally cursing at the fact you are so so so head over heels in love with him. Curse him for being so handsome, for being so tall, for being so charming but at the same time annoyingly sarcastic, for being-
“Are you okay?” Katsuki asks breaking you out of your thoughts. He gives you this look. His eyebrows are furrowed, his head is tilted, and there’s genuine concern in his eyes. “We’ve been parked for ten minutes and you haven’t said a word.” 
“Sorry, I was uh, thinking about something.” He’s staring at you with those red eyes that make you squirm in your seat with an intensity that rivaled the sun itself. Those eyes could pierce through metal just with a glance and he was looking at you with them? You’d probably die if you made direct eye contact. 
“You know you can talk to me right?” 
And when those words slip out of his mouth, you have an urge to confess right there and then. You want to tell him you’ve been in love with him since you’ve started this whole charade. But you don’t. Instead, you nod your head at his comment and reassure him you’re fine. He sits there, staring at you with those piercing red eyes and lets out a sigh. You know he doesn’t fall for it, he knows something’s not right, but he gets out of the car anyways.
“Watch your step.” He says. His hand is outstretched, inviting, big and warm. You take it and when your hand intertwines with his, you feel better. 
“Thanks.” You mutter while attempting to memorize the feeling of his skin pressed against yours. What if this just ended tomorrow? What if he finds someone else that he genuinely likes? His fingers are laced perfectly between yours as if they were built, molded, and created just for you. But you don’t notice your head getting a little too close to the car frame because you’re so memorized by the warmth radiating from him and-
“Ouch.” You wince. 
“I guess I should’ve warned you to watch your head.” He laughs. 
“Shut up.” Your hand is rubbing your sore head and there’s this adorable expression on your face but Katsuki would never tell you that, not in a million years. Instead, he places a large hand head on your head, he pulls you in close, and kisses the sore spot on your head. It doesn’t hurt so much after that. 
“Aren’t you two just the cutest?” His mom’s voice rings from behind you two. 
Greetings are exchanged alongside a few hugs and kisses and you’re laughing while watching the poor boy next to you get smothered in his mother’s lipstick. He swears he’ll get you back later and mutters something under his breath about “smothering you in kisses to see how you like it” but you ignore his empty threats and wipe off the prominent red on his face with your thumb. “My handsome baby.” You coo, imitating his mother, and pinching his cheek. He tells you to knock it off as he swats away your hand and that he “hates being treated like a 5 year old” but that smile on his face tells you otherwise. So you poke a little more fun, tease a little more, and he’s on the verge of leaning down and peppering your face in kisses but his father clears his throat when his hands are roughly cupping your face, and he remembers- he’s in public, in front of his parents, about to kiss the shit out of your face. 
He lets it slide this time. 
Everyone’s sitting at a table now. You two are poliety taking sips of your water and his mother is going on about their jobs, their daily lives, and maybe even possibly having another kid. Katsuki practically chokes as soon as he hears this comment and you’re attempting to hold in a laugh and at the same time juggle the liquid in your mouth while watching the blonde boy attempt to hide his coughs with a red face. 
“Just kidding.” His mother says while folding her hands and placing her elbows on the table. For a minute, she’s sitting there with her head resting on her folded hands watching you attempt to gulp down the water but choking at the same time. She’s watching Katsuki point a finger at you and choking a second time on his spit. So now, you’re both looking at each other having a laughing and coughing fit, all the while struggling to just breathe. Ah, just how cute could you two be? But when she opens her mouth to say something, her husband cuts her off taking the words right out of her mouth. “You two really love each other, don’t you?” 
And suddenly you two are caught like a deer in headlights. Katsuki’s cheeks are burning red and yours are a matching shade. “No need to be embarrassed!” Masaru exclaims. “It’s just that- you two look at each other with..uh..” 
“So much love.” Mitsuki interjects. 
“W-what?” Katsuki stutters. 
“It’s the same way your father looks at me.” She says. “Don’t be embarrassed, tell your girlfriend how much you love her. I mean, you must’ve said I love you to each other already. It’s been about 7 months, right Masaru?” Katsuki’s reaching for his glass, pretending to be incredibly thirsty in hopes someone changes the subject. 
“He’s said I love you already, hasn’t he (Y/N)?” 
“Oh- are we ready to order?” You’re attempting to change the subject, you really are but Bakugous are relentless. You would know. 
“Has he not?” Mitsuki gasps. 
“I- uh-” 
“Don’t meddle so much!” Masaru interjects. And for a moment you thank the lord for making Masaru Bakugou. 
“We’re ready to order!” Katsuki yells for the waiter halfway across the restaurant, turning multiple heads in your direction and earning several glares. 
“Smooth. Real smooth.” You whisper low enough for him to hear. You’re stifling a laugh as you land a playful smack on his thigh.
“Shut it.” He’s biting back a smile and before you could pull your hand away, he takes it in his, giving it a little squeeze. 
Dinner was always fun with the Bakugou’s. 
Before you know it, the night is over. You’re hugging his mother goodbye and she invites you to a family gathering in two weeks, which you politely accept. His father on the other hand is in the corner giving him what seems to be a heart to heart talk but the way the blonde keeps on glancing in your direction every so often has you curious. What were they talking about? 
“You know he loves you right? That boy won’t shut up about you.” Mitsuki laughs. A blush forms on your cheeks. “And you know how hard it is to get him to talk about anything.” 
You’re simply nodding your head as she continues to talk about anything and everything and at the same time you’re absentmindedly rubbing your arms. Why was it so cold today? “I think it’s time to go.” Katsuki appears behind you, dropping his big coat on your shoulders. Thank lord he was practically a human heater thanks to his quirk. You’re burying your face into his jacket. 
Was your face cold? Yes. 
But did you also want to engulf yourself into his scent before the night was over? Yes.
 “Come on, let’s go before you freeze to death.” You both say your goodbyes a second time and make way to his car. “Don’t hit your head.” He muses holding the door open. You shoot him a glare but he’s chuckling at the sight. “Cute.” He snorts. You’re sitting the car now, his jacket around your frame, and you look up at him- your mouth ready to shoot back a sarcastic remark but you freeze. His eyes are soft, he’s wearing this small smile that could probably melt the sun itself, and at that moment, he just looks so..content. Your heart is swelling at the sight. 
“What are you looking at idiot?” He snaps but that smile on his face grows wider and you feel your heart skip a beat. You gulp. Why did he just have to look so handsome- so perfect? It was almost as if he was asking you to confess-  to let him know how much he meant to you, how much you liked him. 
“You’re a little ugly looking.” You reply. He does that ugly snort laugh again and he rolls his eyes while slamming the door shut. 
“Yeah fucking right.” You hear him scoff through the car door. “Me? Ugly?” He’s inside now, taking his seat and placing his hands on the steering wheel. “You just have really bad taste in men.” 
“Yes, exactly why I’m dating you at the moment.” 
For a minute he’s taken back at the fact someone could match his energy- his sarcasticness but a smile is on his lips nevertheless. “I am not fucking ugly.” He says, he’s half joking half serious and you can tell he’s actually concerned..? But the Great Katsuki affected by your comment? Wow, dinner and a show. “Right..?” 
“Mhmm, yeah sure. You’re the handsomest man out there.” 
“You just have shitty taste in men.” He repeats. “I was voted the sexiest hero of the year- of the decade! Any woman would be happy to have me.” 
“Okay Katsuki, whatever you say.” You’re giggling at how hard he’s taking this, it was almost as if his pride was being ripped to shreds by one small comment. 
“And I was voted the best dancer, singer, kisser-” 
“Kisser? How the hell did they come to that conclusion?” 
“Word of mouth.” 
“You? Kissing a girl? I’m your first girlfriend and our relationship is fake.” 
“Doesn’t mean I haven’t kissed someone before.” His tone is cocky, his chest is puffing out a little, and what was with that annoying ass smirk on his face? 
“Yeah right.” You laugh. “Come on, just take me home so I can watch my show and eat ice cream.” 
“You don’t believe me?” His raising an eyebrow and his eyes had a little glint in them. What was that? Cockiness? Pride? You didn’t know but whatever it was- it was making you nervous. 
“I don’t know if I would believe a teen magazine.” Your eyes are rolling and you’re getting semi annoyed with how adamant he was being. Did he really have to insist he was the best at everything? How the hell did you even measure how good of a kisser someone was? 
“Kiss me then.” He says, your heart skips a beat and your cheeks instantly flush. 
“I said kiss me you idiot. I’ll show you I’m the best fucking kisser in all of Japan.” You’re laughing, you’re laughing so hard to the point tears are brimming in the corner of your eyes but when you look over and his face is as serious as can be, you gulp. “I think I’ll just take your word for it Katsuki.” 
“What? You scared or something?” Damn that blonde always knew how to push your buttons. 
“Me? Scared of what? Kissing? Pfft.” 
“Seems like you’re scared.” He says relaxing back into his seat and then his eyes grow wide and realization hits him. “Could this be..your first kiss?” 
“WHAT NO- I mean- I’ve kissed plenty of boys before.” 
“Then what’s the problem with kissing me?” 
“You really want to do this?”
“I’m just trying to prove a point.” He shrugs. 
You’re sitting there, cheeks flushed as you chew on your bottom lip and then you look up at him. His arm is now resting on the side of your seat and he’s dangerously close. Why was he ten times more handsome up close in a dark parking lot? Did the waiter spike your drink? Why were you suddenly dizzy and unable to breathe properly?
“Let’s get it over with then you idiot.” You sigh. You have to put up this fake act. You had to beat that cocky blonde at his own game. And you had to show him that he wasn’t the best at everything.
So he leans in and you do too. The smell of burnt caramel is stronger than ever and you swear it was intoxicating. Also, where did he get a mint from? Was he planning on doing this all along? Pressuring you into some kind of kissing competition because he knew you wouldn’t refuse? But that meant he would probably like you too. That couldn’t be..right? 
But when his lips are on yours and your mouths are dancing together, there’s one thought that pops into your head.
Fuck. He was good.
One hand is under your chin, tilting your head up and the other is pulling you in deeper- closer, and you’re desperately trying not to melt into his hands. If he wasn’t careful, you’d probably let him know how head over heels in love you were. 
He pulls away, his lips now pink and swollen, and he cocks an eyebrow. His face just screams it-was-great-wasn’t-it-? and you’re sitting there unable to even think straight. 
“So?” He asks, folding his arms against his chest. He knows he won the argument and he knows he proved his point, so did he still need to ask? Oh. Because he’s Bakugou Katsuki.
“That..was kind of hot.” You admit. He’s laughing as your cheeks flush a bright red but you can’t get the feeling of his lips on yours out of your mind.
“So now that we’ve officially kissed, we should officially date as well.” He’s throwing you a glance as he buckles in his seatbelt but you’re too dazed to hear what he said. 
“Hmm?” You question, your finger is on your bottom lip and your mind is attempting to wrap around the fact that you and the boy you’ve had a crush on for the past 7 months just kissed you. 
“I said,” He leans over a second time, this time placing a small peck on your lips, “be my girl.” 
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Control P13
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I sat on a little chair watching across the department store y/n walking around the baby department, I had given up hours ago and sat down where I could still see her. she walked around with her cart, "Y/n?" I called but nothing "Y/n? Little lady?"
"yes Benny?" she calls back as she had heard me that time
"Come here little lady," I told her so she smiled and came over with her little cart "what have you got?"
"Baby stuff"
"Yeah what you've been shopping for hours?"
"I got some tiny clothes, tiny shoes, little bottles and toys" she smiled
"Okay... why my darling is everything pink?"
"Because It's a pretty colour"
"What if it's a boy?"
"Then he will like pink" I said
"But he's a boy"
"Boy's can't like pink?"
"Yeah but... if he had only pink clothes and pink stuff it's gonna get annoying for him, and what if we do have a girl and she hates pink"
"Well. what do you suggest benny?" "I know a gender-neutral colour scheme"
"Do you?" "Black and white"
"You are not dressing our baby up like a chessboard?"
"why not? He'll match the apartment"
"Benny our baby doesn't need to match the aesthetic"
"Maybe not yours. I would like the baby to fit the... chess theme that we have in the apartment and in general when we go places"
"The baby doesn't need to fit the aesthetic benny" she laughs going back to her shopping
"So you're telling me? we go to the Us championship next year and you don't want the baby to have a little black stroller and white blankets while we walk around the hotel?" I smirked as I followed her "So people think your baby is cute?"
"People will think the baby is cute if it's dressed like a chessboard, or a bunny rabbit" she giggled showing a tiny rabbit onzie
"But... if it could be in a chess colour scheme"
"Benny you dress our baby like a chess piece I am letting it thrown up on you"
"Ohh it will. I know it will."
"fine then I will make you watch down there the whole time I am in labour"
"Fine. we should probably sort out the big stuff? like a crib. a high chair. a pram. whatever those bouncy things are"
"bouncy things?"
"those things" I said pointing to them
"That's a yoga ball benny. it's not for babies" "Then why is it in the baby section?"
"It's for pregnant ladies"
"Ooh. then what is that crazy looking thing?"
"That's for getting breast milk in bottles" she laughs
"Oh yeah, your gonna start having milk come out your boobs," I said absentmindedly and she glared at me "what? you are? Ohh does that mean I can't squeeze them anymore?" "Not very hard no"
"I best make use of my time" I smiled cuddling her and grabbing her boobs
"we are in a store!" she whines pushing me away "You want a job to do?"
"Go find toys"
"Not plushie ones, toy ones. you're smart I want baby to be smart so go find things like what you plaid with as a child"
".... who do you think I was as a child?"
"Like the smarty child playing with the brain toys?"
"No. more the evil child that went around hitting other kids with a stick. and poking dead things
"I would have liked to have known that before you impregnated me benny"
"well now you know"
"That's the kinda stuff they send kids to doctors about?"
"Ohh they did. like four times. I would bite them"
"How old were you?"
"Like three"
"Just go look for toys benny"
"Fine." I sighed giving her a kiss and going to find the toy section "and buy more than a chessboard"
"The baby has to have a chessboard. from the moment it's born"
"Yeah but we own twenty-six of them"
".... fine! I can't choose its toys, I can't dress the baby. what exactly am I involved in?"
"you did your job, it's inside me now your jobs are building baby furniture and take care of me until such time as I birth a small human" she explained "Also we should hurry I really want a crumpet"
"The sex or the food?"
"... both"
"Five minutes little lady, then we shall go home and ... rest"
"good, Ohh I also need a new lipstick while were here" she says scampering off
"Great we'll be here another six hours" I sighed
"what was that?"
"Nothing darling"
I sat at the table going though my game, trying to get some work done, while Y/n was working on setting up the corner of our apartment. I had built the crib and a couple other bits we bought and she was setting it all up putting blankets and toys around in the little places all while she stroked her babybump, I couldnt help looking up often keeping an eye on her.
I smiled resting my chin on my hand and my elbow on the table watching her across the room, She stood sorting the babies stuff folding little blankets and hugging the plushies as she sorted it all out from the shopping bags, in her little fluffy slippers, her sweet white and blue stripped thigh high socks, her little light blue dress with buttons down her chest a couple of them undone, Her large baby bump sat so perfectly even if she often had to becareful not to bump it into things where she still wasn't use to it, her hair in the sweet intense curls fresh out of her rollers, Gently humming a little tune.
"what?" she asked as she spotted me looking at her and I just shrug "Ohh you don't have something to say?" she laughs
"You look pretty" I told her
"Sure I do" she sighed
"You do." I smiled "You look sexy preganant"
"I'm a boat"
"A pretty boat"
"You shouldn't make fun of me"
"I'm not making fun of you."
"How could I ever be sexy with this... thing"
"That thing is our child"
"Still. it's not sexy to look like your trying to steal a watermelon from a supermarket"
"I still think you look sexy" I told her "I still think your sexy. I would still go crazy if you wore that little lacy nightie"
"I can't benny it doesn't fit me anymore"
"I'm sure I can find one in your infinate wardrobe something you and baby can fit in"
"I highly doubt you will find me desireable with this" she says
"I think I will"
"I bet you won't"
"I bet I will"
"Will you now?"
"I know I will" I smirked
"Fine but if I'm right then you have to do the night feedings for three months when baby comes"
"Alright, but if I'm right, then I get to snuggle with you as much as I want. and You will make me victoria sponge cupcakes."
"alright" she nods "You can finish up, and I'll meet you in the bedroom" she smiled giving my head a kiss as she walked to the bathroom.
I sat reading my book but often getting distracted watching her walk around on her huge dress usually holding her hips or her bump. "Ooh bulbs gone" she says as she clicked the ceiling lights on
"Ahh, damn thing that's the fourth one that's gone in there. I think the fitting needs changing. Or I need to ring the landlord to come look at the electric box again" I explain
"Possibly" she says going to the kitchen draw
"What are you doing?"
"Changing the light bulb?" She shurgs
"Are you?" I laughed putting my book down watching her slowly walk over she put up her arm trying so hard to reach it but honestly I don't think she could reach it when she wasn't seven months pregnant, let alone now. I held back my laughs a little watching her try before got up and did it for her
"I was about to do it" she pouted
"Of course you where little lady" I smiled giving her head a kiss and pulling her into a cuddle resting my head on hers "y/n, you are seven months pregnant little lady. You can't do everything you use to"
"Who says I can't?"
"... The doctor"
"Well what does he know"
".... Uuuuuhh alot"
"I can do it Benny I'm not some damn invalid"
"I'm not saying you are. I'm saying you need to slow down a little be careful. Your growing a human inside you you should be resting and being careful. Don't want something bad to happy do we?"
"No. I just don't like sitting around not doing anything," she whines "I have things to do"
"I know you don't. But that's why I'm here I'll take care of my lovely lady, till baby comes Iam your salve darling I'll wait on you hand and foot if you'd want me too"
"Benny" she giggled
"No I mean it. You need to rest" I told her "now you sit down I'll make you some lunch"
"Thank you" she smiled
"Your welcome" I laughed going to the fridge taking the little list I stuck today the fridge off it was a page I ripped out one of her pregnancy books about what she can and can't eat looking in the fridge and at the list trying to think of what I could make her "now... would you like a salad?"
"No" she pouts as she sat on my chair
"Would you like... cereal?"
"Would you like... mac and cheese?" I asked before I remembered as she bolted for the bathroom and I could hear her throwing up "sorry hun I forgot" I told her "I'll make you some french toast okay? That'll settle baby down"
I went and began making her french toast the way she likes it and eventually she came back "hey, you okay now?"
"Don't mention that stuff"
"I know I'm sorry little lady, I forgot." I laughed giving her a kiss "ah... I uhhh y/n I love you And I don't wanna be rude but... I need to wash my mouth out now because, I can taste the morning sickness" I sighed quickly washing my mouth as I could taste it, it was horrible.
"Sorry Benny"
'ita fine I was dumb for giving you a kiss before you washed your mouth out"
"It's not morning sickness either it's like one pm"
"I class it as morning sickness as you only woke up like two hours ago"
"And morning sickness lasts all day," she says loitering over where I was cooking
"Then why not just call it pregnant sickness?"
"I don't know" she shurgs trying to steal the first finished bit
"Oi! No little lady its too hot you'll burn your pretty mouth"
"What do you care?"
"Well I might wanna use that pretty mouth later" I winked giving her butt a pinch
"Benny!" She whines
"Dirty daddy"
"Well how can I not be when mummy's so sexy and beautiful" I cooed giving her a kiss on the head
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closedafterdark · 4 years
WJSN Son Jooyeon x Male Reader
10580 words
categories: smut, oral, detective! eunseo
Read on AFF
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Three days have passed since your closest friend and original partner Detective Lee Luda went on the run and was declared a fugitive. Emotions ran high in the precinct once everyone was briefed on what occurred that night. Jiyeon was currently in the hospital recovering after receiving a non life threatening bullet to the leg by Luda. You spent the past three days staying by her side, feeding her a poor excuse of hospital food and updating her on what occurred during her absence.
You returned to the precinct this morning with a heavy heart. You were in total communication blackout during those 72 hours. Unsure of what people were going to say or how they would react. The moment you exited the elevator and entered the bullpen, everyone’s eyes were on you.
Son Jooyeon was the first to greet you, pulling you in for one of her death squeeze hugs. After you had to softly pull her away from you, the others offered kind words: happy that you’ve returned to work while also giving you hugs. Lieutenant Hyunjung burst into tears when it was her turn to greet you. Like everyone said, the squad is a family. And right now, that family’s trust is being put to the test now that one of their own went rogue.
Captain Sojung exits her office and is staring at you with a stone faced expression. Most of the time you never were able to tell how she was feeling since her face was always emotionless, like a robot. This time however, you knew.
“My office. Now”
The temperature in the room dropped drastically after what she said. Detectives Jinsook and Dayoung rubbed their arms and huddled together. All eyes returned onto you once again. You smiled at them, tapping Jooyeon’s shoulder softly before entering the captain’s office.
“Have a seat”
You were extremely nervous. On any other day, you would’ve been fine with entering the office. But this time, you knew there were consequences for your actions.
“Where do I begin? You blatantly ignore a direct order from me causing me to send uniformed officers to where you were at. The best part? You let the fugitive get away!” Captain Sojung finishes her statement while laughing. Part of you wishes you were still in the hospital with Jiyeon.
“Why the hell did you let her get away!”
Captain Sojung slams her palm onto the table, causing you to jump slightly. Even though the door was closed, everyone outside could hear what was going on. You’ve never seen the Captain so furious.
“I told you to stay at the precinct as backup. So what do you do? You go to where Luda was!”
After taking a deep breath, you respond.
“Captain, I take full responsibility. But it wasn’t just me who went. The whole squad did, even the Lieutenant. The squad is my family. I’ll do anything for them. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same”
Captain Sojung listens to you attentively, her facial expression betraying her emotions.
“You’re right” she sighed. “We are a family. I would take a bullet for any of you. But at the same time, you disobeyed me. Even though it was the right decision, our superiors are not happy”
“Weren’t you the one who always told me to trust my own instincts?” You said.
“How are you and Jiyeon?”
You froze up. You didn’t expect the captain to ask you that question.
“How long have you known?”
“Long enough. It was only a matter of time before you two got together. I’m happy for you both”
“Thanks” you replied.
“So how is she?”
“Good. The gunshot wasn’t too deep, doctor wanted to keep her at the hospital for three more days just to be safe”
“Hmm?” You were surprised to hear you call her anything other than detective while in the workplace.
“Jiyeon’s a strong girl. Whatever it is, you guys will get through it”
She smiles at you. You return in kind.
“Now unfortunately, I can’t look past your actions. The Deputy Chief is ordering me to give you a punishment. You’re suspended one week. I’ll need your badge and gun”
You hand her both without a fight. Neither you nor Sojung wanted to be in this position. But it had to be done.
“I’m sorry, oppa” she says to you as you bow and exit the room.
While you’re exiting the room, Luda’s last words rang through your mind.
“I’ll see you guys in a week” you say to everyone as they see you closing the door of the captain’s office. You bow to everyone before heading to the elevator.
Jooyeon wanted to say something to you, but figured you had a lot on your mind. She sighs as the elevator doors close, removing you from view as it begins to lower.
“Detective, come see this”
Jooyeon turns around to see Detective Jinsook waving her hand to get her to come to her desk. Once she arrives, Jinsook plays a video.
“This is the footage we received from Gangnam Precinct. Around the same time we were dealing with Luda unnie”
The video plays, showing an explosive being detonated in a cell. The explosion automatically triggered the prison’s automatic opening feature. Four women are seen escaping the cell adjacent, with two of them attacking the approaching security guards. Their movements were swift, easily overpowering the men. The other two: a brunette and a woman with red hair, go around and disable all nearby security footage. Before they could do so however, the two who took down the guards briefly have their faces shown on camera.
“Pause it” Jooyeon said.
Jinsook obeys, pausing the video. The two women’s faces were clearly seen, there was a lack of empathy in their eyes.
“Who are they?”
“Facial recognition gave us two matches. The smaller woman is Kim Jisoo. 25 years old. The taller person next to her with platinum blonde hair is Park Chaeyoung. A foreign born Korean. 23 years old. She goes by the nickname “Rosé” Jinsook replies as she hands Jooyeon the case file.
“What about the other two?”
“CCTV wasn’t able to identify them. One of the officers in Gangnam has a contact inside. From what they were told, the four of them basically ran the prison. They referred to themselves as “BlackPink”. Jisoo and Chaeyoung were the pink side: seemingly innocent yet able to kill without ever changing a shade. We can assume the other two were on the black side of things: ruthless, zero disregard for whoever gets in their way. The four of them would seduce various guards in order to get items from the outside or special food in the prison”
“Any sign of them since the escape?”
“Nothing at all” Jinsook said, shaking her head. “They’ve basically gone off the grid”
“Keep going through the footage. There has to be something we can use to find their whereabouts” Jooyeon said.
As Jooyeon’s heels made noise with every step she took, a chair whirls by the moment she finally sits down on her chair.
“Can I help you, Detective Dayoung?”
“Unnie, I’m hurt. Why are you speaking so formally?” Dayoung asks her, pouting.
“What’s up?” Jooyeon says with a laugh as even she couldn’t resist Dayoung’s cute charm and pinched her cheek softly.
“There’s no trace of Luda unnie yet” Dayoung said as she rubs her cheek. “Not to mention we don’t know how and why she cryogenically froze the entire marketing department of IZ*ONE Company. Most of them were discharged except for the 3 who came into the precinct that morning. Jiyeon unnie’s bullets may have had a negative effect during the defrosting”
“Any news on the patients?” Jooyeon asked as she fixed her glasses, a serious expression on her face.
“None. It’s out of our hands now, Interpol is handling it”
“What do I do now?” You asked yourself the moment you exit the precinct. You feel the light wind blow past you and stare up at the sky, for probably longer than you should’ve since your corneas began to burn from the sun. After closing your eyes, you see red circles. You look at your phone and decide it would be best to visit Jiyeon at the hospital.
You stopped by a flower shop on the way to the hospital. It was a small, intimate boutique. As you knew absolutely nothing about flowers other than they die from neglect, you definitely didn’t know what you were doing.
“Do you need help, sir?”
A beautiful woman approaches you. Her voice was cute with just the slightest hint of an accent. Her jet black hair flowed gracefully, not a single one out of place. The smokey eye makeup and pink tint colored lipstick accentuated her exotic features. She wore a simple beige sweater with a jacket serving as outerwear. Even the apron she was wearing looked beautiful on her, as crazy as it sounds. Her eyes were hypnotic, you couldn’t help but keep staring as you felt them gaze into your soul.
“Sir, do you need any help?”
“Hmm? O-oh, right. Yes, I’m going to visit someone special and was wondering what flower would be good to bring” you replied as you beat yourself up mentally at getting caught staring.
“Does she have a favorite color?” the florist asked you.
“She likes pink, red, black and white”
“So she likes black and pink…” the florist said to herself silently.
“I’m sorry?”
“Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself. It helps pass the time” she said to you. “Why don’t you try these. White roses”
“They look lovely” you said, taking a single one from her and smelling it. “What do they represent?”
“They represent a lot of things, actually” she replies with a delicate laugh. “White roses are known to often represent purity, innocence and youthfulness. They sometimes are referred to as bridal roses because of their association with young love and eternal loyalty”
“Wow” you said when she finished talking. You didn’t notice how close you and her now were, your hand on top of hers. You both realize how close the proximity is and separate, turning away from each other. You place the back of your hand on your face, feeling your internal temperature increase. Both of you take a few seconds to regain composure before facing each other.
“That sounds perfect. I’ll take a dozen” you say, your voice slightly cracking.
“Yes, sir” the florist says, smiling brightly at you as her eyes form half moons.
She took her time when wrapping the bouquet, each rose placed tenderly on the wrapping paper before being wrapped once more by a colorless plastic. She ties a black ribbon on the bouquet before handing it to you.
“And here you are sir” she said, extending both arms to give you the roses. You found it insane how smitten you became from a person you barely just met. “Your wife will be very lucky to receive these”
“They’re actually for my girlfriend” you chuckled, taking the bouquet from her. “She’s not my wife, yet”
“I see. Well, she’s very lucky to have such a kind and thoughtful boyfriend then” the florist said to you.
You were about to exit the boutique before she said something.
“Sir, wait!”
You turned around and looked at her.
“There’s one more thing the roses represent”
“What is it?”
“White roses can also symbolize a new beginning and everlasting love. Thank you for coming, and goodluck”
Upon exiting the flower shop, you reach into your pocket and pull out a black box made out of a soft cloth like material. You open it and look at the contents inside with a smile.
“Here we go”
You enter through the hospital with heavy steps. As you navigate through the large seemingly never ending hallways, you’re greeted by the many nurses you have gotten to know over the past few days. You finally reach your destination. Slapping yourself on the face a few times, you try to get your blood boiling and pump yourself up. Pressing the button to open the door, you enter the room.
Jiyeon’s bed was raised so that she was sitting upwards. You saw her laughing, pointing her spoon at the television while holding a jello cup in her hand. She sees you approaching and gulps down the jello in her mouth, frantically finding the remote control to mute the television.
“Hi baby” she said to you as you leaned down and gave her a kiss.
“Got you a little something. Your favorite bibimbap extra spicy… and these” you said, handing her the bouquet.
“Oh babe, you shouldn’t have” she said, instantly smelling the roses. “I’m happy you did though. And they’re in one of my favorite colors”
“Yeah, I gotta thank the florist for helping me out with these. She really picked out the right ones”
“How’s everyone at the precinct?” she asked you as she put the flowers down on her table.
“Everyone’s worried about you and glad I returned. Tensions are still high because of Luda but for the most part, still in good spirits” you said, removing your jacket and pulling a chair towards her bedside.
“Captain told me what happened this morning” Jiyeon said as she took your hand into hers.
“Ah, I wanted to tell you first. It’s okay though, the squad will be fine without me. I was the one who insisted in helping out Luda”
“Any word on her whereabouts?”
“None. Hey babe, did you happen to hear what she said before she escaped?”
“Who, Luda? I probably already passed out, why?”
“Well, besides saying she had to find Xuanyi, she also said to not trust anyone in the squad” you said.
“Do you believe her?”
“I-I don’t know. The squad is our family. But for Luda to do something like this, she must have her reasons. There’s no way she could’ve done this without any help”
“So you think there’s a mole in the squad?” Jiyeon asked you as she put on her glasses. From her tone, you knew you had to choose your words carefully.
“I’m just saying we have to assess all our options. How in the world was she able to steal guns and other evidence from lockup? She can’t be doing this just because she thinks you were the reason Xuanyi and the others were transferred”
“Baby, are you sure? Think about what you’re saying. We can’t just go up to everyone and ask if they’re a mole. There has to be another reason” Jiyeon replied as she began rubbing her chin.
“It was just a suggestion. Although you do seem a bit worked up. Baby, is there something you aren’t telling me?” you asked.
Jiyeon looked up at you, her eyes widening at what she just heard. “Excuse me?”
“I mean, when we all split up you wanted us to cover a different area by ourselves while the others had a partner. Not to mention I found you and Luda alone in the cryogenic vault”
“Are you insinuating that I might secretly be working for Luda and know something about the kidnapping?”
“No, I-”
“Even before you and I became boyfriend and girlfriend, we are partners. I can’t believe you would accuse me of being a criminal” Jiyeon’s voice gradually became louder. Tears started to well in her eyes as she looked at you.
“That’s not what I’m saying-”
“I think you should leave”
“This is all too much for me to handle. I’m tired” she said to you as she lowered the bed and turned on her side to face the window. “Maybe this isn’t working”
“What? What are you saying?” you asked her.
“I think… we should spend some time apart”
“Is this what you want?”
“It is”
You were heartbroken. You didn’t expect the visit to the hospital to end this way. Jiyeon’s words echoed through your mind. Did you really believe she could aid Luda? Were you accusing your own girlfriend of a crime without evidence? Luda’s words about not trusting anyone in the squad even had you questioning your significant other.
“Okay” was all you said. “My phone’s always on whenever you want to talk”
Jiyeon didn’t reply, adjusting herself on the bed as you headed for the door.
“I love you, Jiyeon”
“Five, four, three, two, and…”
Upbeat disco music can be heard playing through the speakers. An ocean of leggings and sports bras as far as the eye can see filled up the room as a hybrid Pilates and zumba class was being held.
“Step. And step. And knees around the world”
Detective Son Jooyeon was beginning to breathe heavily while keeping up with the class. She was far from out of shape, but certainly wasn’t used to this higher intensity workout. She preferred her usual Pilates class, but when a friend of hers named Park Sooyoung told her about this place and hyped it up to no end, she had to check what the fuss was about.
“Great form unnie, I’m so jealous of your abs” Jooyeon turns to her side and sees Detective Jinsook next to her.
“Jinsook, what are you doing here?”
“We needed to talk somewhere outside the precinct” said a voice coming from Jooyeon’s right side. She looks and sees Lieutenant Hyunjung following the teacher’s instruction.
“Lieutenant, you’re here too? Amazing” Jooyeon said as they all began doing lunges.
“Unnie, we discovered something while going through some old precinct files. We have reason to believe Luda may have had some help” Jinsook said in a slightly out of breath tone.
“Are you saying it was an inside job?”
“Don’t stop doing your lunges!”
“Sorry, ma’am” Jinsook replied, raising her hand to apologize.
“It makes no sense why Luda would respond to the emergency call if her only plan was to find Xuanyi and the others”
“And squat… and hold… and work those quads”
“Think about it, detective. If Luda had help on the inside, the distress call would give them enough time to be able to hack into the database and leak out whatever evidence other precincts had on various inmates. If any criminals were wrongfully locked up simply based on the fact that they were criminals, all the dirt would be exposed that not all cops are good” Lieutenant Hyunjung said.
“Turn it! Get down”
All three turn to their left side and squat once more.
“Why is this workout so difficult? Do I even have quads?” Jinsook whined.
“And turn around once more”
“Normally, we’d report this to internal affairs. But since this case is seeming to be bigger than just a mole within our precinct, we need concrete evidence in order to prove Luda has help on the inside” Jooyeon said.
Unbeknownst to the three of them, another woman with powerful thighs was listening in to the conversation. She had a phone in her pocket that was recording everything.
“And hula hand”
“If we’re gonna do this, we’ll need all the help we can get” Jooyeon said to the others.
“I’ll make some calls” Jinsook replied.
“Same here” the Lieutenant said. “I think it’s time we visited a few other precincts”
“Do you have any in mind?” Jooyeon asked.
“I do. A girl I trained with in the academy is a Lieutenant at the Dreamcatcher precinct”
“I do too! My partner during my rookie days in the academy became a detective a few years ago. She’s Chinese born so she definitely knows a lot of overseas contacts” Jinsook said cheerfully.
The one hour class finally ended. Jooyeon was exhausted, now she knew why it was regarded as one of the best high intensity workouts  in the area. She grabs her bag and an insulated stainless steel water bottle from the shelf near the exit and sits on one of the yoga mats on the floor. She grabs her phone from one of the side pockets and checks it. A bunch of SNS notifications and texts from the precinct group chat. Jooyeon noticed that you and Jiyeon haven’t replied to any of the messages since the night of the incident.
Remembering Jinsook’s compliment about how her abs looked, she sat in front of a mirror. Wanting to show the beside of herself, she fixed her bangs and wiped off the sweat from her arms and face before turning her head to the side slightly and taking a mirror selfie, puckering her lips slightly to resemble a duck.
Grinning widely at how it turned out, she took the photo and began to compose a message. It took several minutes before she was satisfied with what she wrote. There was constantly typing only for it to be deleted seconds later. After what seemed like a lifetime, Jooyeon settled on a message she was satisfied with.
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“Oppa! Hope everything’s alright. I just finished pilates with the Lieutenant and Jinsook. Don’t I look cute? I miss you ♡”
Jooyeon screamed in horror after she hit send. She deleted the text chain, flipping her phone over in embarrassment. Not even 30 seconds later, a new message was received. She picked up her phone and raised it.
“Hey, everything’s alright. Glad you guys got to spend time out of work. Hey speaking of which, do you happen to be free today?” your message read.
“Of course! I got the next few days off (: “
“Great. I’ll pick you up at 5?”
“So early haha. But sure, I can’t wait”
“See you then. Also… I miss you too Jooyeon”
She could barely contain her excitement upon reading the last message. Holding her phone to her chest, Jooyeon was giddy as she gathered her belongings and exited the room to quickly get home and freshen up.
“See you then. Also… I miss you too Jooyeon” [Read 2:40 PM]
You looked at your phone and smiled. You and Jooyeon hadn’t just hung out with it being just the two of you in quite some time. You sighed deeply and fell back onto your bed. Staring at the ceiling, you thought about what Jiyeon said. You lost her trust in you. But at the same time, she didn’t really give you a chance to express your side more. You weren’t sure how to feel about things. Hopefully hanging out with Jooyeon will lift your spirits.
Monsoon season was beginning to end in Seoul. Humidity continued to be the death of you, though. You kept your outfit simple: a white tee and a pair of black joggers. You found a pair of shoes hidden under your bed that you don’t remember buying. They fit, albeit a bit snug. You figured they would feel better after breaking them in. Looking at your watch, you hold a bouquet of roses and smile. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around.
Son Jooyeon greets you a wide smile on her face. You stood there like an idiot, stunned briefly at how beautiful her smile was. Jooyeon’s face was small and perfect. Compared to some of the other members of the squad, she was on the taller side. Her body was perfectly slim and contained model-like proportions. You were surprised companies weren’t trying to scout her. Jooyeon was always enthusiastic about whatever task she did, the public speaking courses she took definitely helped her refine her speech and be confident whenever she needed to speak to uncooperative witnesses and suspects.
Beautiful. Intellectual. Charming. If someone were to ask you to describe Jooyeon, these are the three words you would use. Her beauty knew no bounds.
Son Jooyeon chose to wear a simple outfit as well. Her light blue jeans hugged her wide hips and clung onto her lower body almost as if it was made just for her. The white tank top she had on showed off as much of her milky skin as possible without it being too provocative. The top ended perfectly above her stomach, showing off the faintest indentation of abs and giving you a full view of her midriff. She complimented her look with white feather earrings, white high heels and rose pink lipstick.
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“Wow” was all you said to her.
“You’re pretty wow yourself” she giggled. “Are those for me?”
Jooyeon pointed to the flowers you were holding. “Oh yeah, here. I got them from a flower shop nearby”
“Thank you, oppa. They look beautiful” she smiled as she shook her head back and forth slightly, inhaling the scent of the roses.
“You look beautiful, Jooyeon” you blurted out.
You put a hand on the back of your neck and rubbed it slightly. Jooyeon saw you and laughed.
“That’s the first time you’ve ever told me that. Thank you”
“So what do you wanna do?” you asked her.
Jooyeon’s stomach growled as her response.
You both laughed. “It’s a bit too early for dinner” you said, looking at your watch. “There’s a convenience store nearby where we can get some snacks though”
“Let’s go!” Jooyeon cheered as she pointed forwards. You nodded, extending your hand out to let her lead the way. Jooyeon surprised you by taking your arm and linking it with hers as you two walked.
You and Jooyeon enter the convenience store and head to the frozen section. She picks out various ice cream cones. After a childish argument over who was going to pay, you momentarily distract her by tapping her shoulder and putting the items down on the counter. Jooyeon looked around to see who tapped her shoulder and once she realized it was a joke, saw she was too late and you already paid for the snacks.
“Here you go sir” the cashier said as she handed you the bag full of treats.
“Thank you” You and Jooyeon are about to leave when the cashier speaks.
“Sir, I’m sorry to bother. But you look familiar”
“I get that alot” you say, laughing. “But likewise to you”
“Do you happen to know someone by the name of Kim Minji?” she asks.
“Y-yeah. She’s my ex girlfriend. We used to work together at a convenience store like this one”
“Ah, I see. She’s spoken highly of you. Well, here’s her card. She’s the president of Dreamcatcher Company”
You take the card. The business card had Minji’s information as well as a giant dreamcatcher on the side.
“Well thank you, miss… Lee Yubin” you say while squinting.
You both walk for a bit until you find a restaurant Jiyeon wanted to try. Being a gentleman, you prepared a chair for Jooyeon who thanks you in kind. The vibe in the restaurant was very cozy, lots of potted plants and dim overhead lighting. As Jooyeon looked at the various sauces that lined the table near the window, you looked through the menu. The place prides itself in bringing the flavors of Southeast Asia to Korea.
“I’ve never had this kind of food before, what is good?” Jooyeon asked you as she struggled to pronounce some of the dish names.
“Neither have I” you replied. “But I hear the spring rolls are good. And this noodle dish called mee rebus sounds good too”
“Sounds interesting. Ooh, what’s this? It’s called… sisig. Apparently it’s pork mixed with a few vegetables and spices. Oppa, let’s order that too”
You laughed as the waiter came to your table. Reciting the things you both wanted to order, the waiter took the menus afterwards and left.
“So how are you and Jiyeon unnie?” Jooyeon asked as she sips on a glass of water.
“We’re good” you replied.
“Ah, oppa I know when you’re lying. Your voice gets all deep and you can’t maintain eye contact”
“I’m not lying”
“Jiyeon and I are on a break” you said with a heavy heart. “It was a misunderstanding. I might have… alluded to her that I thought she was helping Luda”
“Oh no. Did she listen to your side of the story?”
“She never gave me the chance to explain myself before kicking me out and saying she needed a break”
The food arrives and you two dig in. Jooyeon was a heavy eater, the snacks you bought her at the convenience store made her even hungrier. She didn’t even bother offering you any food before grabbing the container of rice and putting a bunch on her plate. You smiled, thinking how someone as fit as Jooyeon could eat enough food for four people.
She looks up and sees you. “Oh… I’m sorry oppa. I haven’t been eating too much because of work and got a bit carried away”
“Don’t worry about me. Eat”
Jooyeon nods, her eyes smiling at you as she savors the food. You weren’t used to seeing the cute side of her. At the precinct, she was rather curt and focused only on work.
“So what do you want to do after this?” you asked her as you slurped on your bowl of noodles.
“I was thinking we could go catch a movie. Maybe see a rerun of an Avengers movie?” she said, burping rather loudly. She covered her mouth in embarrassment while you laughed.
“That sounds great” you replied, taking a napkin and wiping the corner of her lips.
The theater was rather empty since it was a weekday. After purchasing tickets, Jooyeon insisted the movie wouldn’t be complete without popcorn and soda. How she had room left for food was beyond you. There was a mini arcade inside the movie theater so you chose to play a game of basketball and air hockey before the movie started.
When the movie finally started, you both were at your reserved seats. Jooyeon kept stuffing popcorn into her face, her eyes glued onto the screen. You were watching the movie as well, but caught yourself sneaking glances at her. It made you happy seeing Jooyeon happy. Both of you reached for the same kernels of popcorn at the same time. This causes you both to retract your hands and look away. You cleared your already clear throat, trying to eliminate the awkwardness.
“The ending always gets me” Jooyeon said to you as you both exited the theater.
“How so?”
“It really felt like the Avengers lost. Thanos collected all the Infinity Stones and wiped out half of all life”
“Well yeah, but we know how the next one ends” you said. She gently nudged your shoulder before putting her arm inside yours.
“Thanks for hanging out with me today, I really needed this” you said to Jooyeon as the car was parked at her apartment’s basement parking.
“Me too, oppa. We need to do more of these”
“Let me know whenever you want to hangout again” you smiled at her, unlocking the car doors.
Jooyeon was about to reach for the door handle before she turned to you. 
“Oppa. Do you… want to come upstairs?”
Jooyeon’s apartment was cozy. While it wasn’t as large as Jiyeon’s, it wasn’t a cramped studio apartment either. It was very bright. Both from the color of the walls and the string of lights that decorated the room. You realized this was the first time you visited a member of the squad’s residence other than Jiyeon’s.
“Make yourself at home” Jooyeon said as she tossed her purse on the couch and went to the refrigerator. “Do you want anything to eat?”
“You’re still hungry?” you laughed while asking her.
“A girl’s gotta eat” she said as she plopped her body next to you. You felt yourself getting a bit flushed, but composed yourself.
“Nice place you have here” you said, twiddling your thumbs.
“Thanks. It’s not much, but it’s home”
“How long have you been living here for?” you asked.
“Few years now. I’ve thought about moving out but this place has too many memories” Jooyeon said.
“I can see that”
“Oppa” you stared into Jooyeon’s brown eyes. Her gaze changed. No longer was it bright and happy.
“Do you know why I asked you to come here?”
“No, I don’t. Did you want me to see your apartment”
“No silly” Jooyeon sighed. “I’ll just be straightforward. I really like you oppa”
“Wow” was all you could say.
“I know you’re dating Jiyeon unnie. But I wanted to make my feelings known”
“I-I think I should go” you said, putting the water bottle down and beginning to get up from the couch.
You felt Jooyeon’s hand grab onto your wrist softly. Her eyes were pleading at you. As tough a girl as Jooyeon was, you never saw her let down her guard to anyone.
“Please, oppa. Don’t go. Stay. I… want to make another memory with you here”
A million thoughts raced through your mind at once. You knew that you couldn’t see what the future had in store, but it definitely wasn’t this. Was this really happening? Are you sure you weren’t dreaming?
“You want me to stay here tonight?” you asked her nervously, your voice reaching a higher pitch than normal.
“Is that okay with you?”
“I- I don’t know…”
“I just… don’t want to be alone tonight” Jooyeon said, lightly squeezing on the water bottle before taking another gulp.
“It’s just… this is the first date I’ve been on in awhile. And it’s someone I really like. I… I don’t know” she said.
“This was a date?” you asked.
“I mean… wasn’t it?” she said, making you doubt what today truly was. “We had dinner and a movie. And you took me home. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was a first date”
You took a sip of water as you began to process the whirlwind that occurred the past 30 seconds. Were you on a date with Jooyeon?
“So you’ll stay then?” she timidly asked.
You nodded.
“Great. Then can you turn the aircon on? It’s getting pretty stuffy in here” she said, grinning.
You walked over to her thermostat, setting the temperature from 72 to a cool 63. You were about to sit down on the couch next to her when she suddenly got up and put her hand in yours. Not speaking a single word, she lead you to her bedroom.
“Sit” she said as she pushed your body down onto her bed. You were surprised at how Jooyeon’s bed was able to fit in her room since it took up almost 70% of it. Her room was mostly empty, a vanity area at one corner and a small desk with a laptop and various photos at another. A flatscreen television was placed on the wall in front of her bed.
“Make yourself comfortable” she said, repeating her words earlier when you sat on the couch. “I’m gonna change really quick”
Unsure of what to do to pass the time, you looked through your phone. You didn’t have any unread messages so you decided to watch a few videos to pass the time. Eventually, you hear the sound of a faucet being turned off. A tapping noise near the doorframe is what gets your attention diverted from a currently playing video.
Awaiting you was Detective Son Jooyeon dressed in a police officer cosplay. You think. She wore a pair of black shorts that complimented her hips well. A black blazer could be seen covering a button up shirt that was tailored to show off her midriff. The loose fitting black tie that went along with the outfit covered her belly button. She wore a police officer cap like the ones you saw on tv, holding a toy gun in her delicate hand.
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She looked at you, her gaze oozing pure seduction. The twinkle in her eyes shined with a burning passion.
“Jooyeon, what are you-”
“Quiet. Someone’s been a very bad boy…”
She grabbed a baton from behind her and poked it on your chest, pushing you onto the bed. She quickly straddled your lap. You both said nothing and just stared at each other. Before you knew it, she leaned closer and closer to you until your faces were only a few inches apart. You could feel her soft breaths on your face. You smelled mint whenever she did, assuming she brushed her teeth before returning to the room. Her thin, pink lips glistened thanks to the light in the room. You were confused, nervous and yet somehow aroused at the beautiful woman sitting on top of you at the moment.
“Jooyeon” you asked quietly, feeling her hands hold onto your shoulders for support.
“Yes” she replied.
“Are you… trying to make the first move on me?”
“What gave you that idea?” she asked, her voice lowering in register.
“It’s just that you’re… you know, on top of me”
“Kiss me”
“Kiss me, oppa”
Without a second thought, you closed your eyes and gently pressed your lips against hers. The feeling the moment you both connected sent a jolt of electricity across your entire body. It was insane to think about. Jooyeon cupped your face and pulled you closer to her. Not a single thought went through your mind. Your body reacted on its own, feeling the tender, passionate kiss you two were beginning to share. You responded in kind by wrapping your arms around Jooyeon’s waist and pulled her closer to you. Her petite figure felt wonderful in your embrace.
“Should we be doing this?” you asked as your lips temporarily disconnected.
“Yes” she said, not letting go of you and continuing to brush your lips together. “I need this. I want you”
And so you both continued. You felt Jooyeon’s tongue find yours, as your fingers ran through her hair. Even though the entire apartment was a brisk 63, it felt like the room was getting too hot. The air was heavy with both of your emotions. Jooyeon began to be bold and kissed you more furiously, bringing your hands to her waist and hips. While she was still wearing shorts, you felt every curve of her body.
The soft, tender kiss you shared a few minutes ago was long gone. Replacing it was a hot, passionate makeout session. You gave into temptation and crept your fingers slowly until they reached her butt. Hormones were being kicked into overdrive as you lost control and wanted to feel every part of her.
Jooyeon sucked on your bottom lip and reached down to remove your shirt. You responded by squeezing her butt. It was so soft, even softer than Jiyeon’s you thought. She let out a heavy moan from your touch. Never having enough, you squeezed it again, being a bit more aggressive this time. She jumped slightly but went down and sucked on your neck, beginning slowly before increasing in force. She tossed your shirt aside, you were turned on by how assertive Jooyeon was being.
“You’re sure about this?” you asked with heavy breaths.
“I’m more than sure” she said, kissing your chest softly.
She put a finger on you and smiled. “No buts. Well except mine, your hands felt so good on them”
Jooyeon resumed kissing you wildly, as she locked her thighs on you and dug her tongue into your mouth. You were a bit caught off guard by her forwardness but realized it made you even more aroused. Your hands returned to her ass, squeezing her cheeks as hard as you could. She jumped up, but quickly composed yourself and gave you a very naughtly smile.
“Looks like someone’s being a really bad boy” she said in a seductive tone.
“Is that a bad thing?”
You didn’t give her the chance to reply by roughly smacking her cheeks.
“Ah” she moaned, biting her bottom lip. “I like it. It turns me on when you do that”
You unbuttoned her shorts and slipped them off her. Placing your hands on her now semi exposed butt, you gathered her panties onto the crease and smacked her ass again. The sound reverberating inside the room and your ears.
Jooyeon slowly removed her blazer, tie and shirt leaving herself exposed in black laced lingerie. Her thin waist complimented her hourglass figure. A pair of round breasts immediately caught your eye as you looked down and saw the smoothest, longest legs that you wanted wrapped around your hips. And face.
She bit her lips as you ran your hands across her soft body. Her stomach was perfectly flat and toned. Feeling it in your own hands was an indescribable feeling. Her hair flowed perfectly down her face as she stared at you with one of the sexiest expressions you have ever seen on a woman.
“You look beautiful, Jooyeon” you said, your heartbeat increasing in speed.
“That’s the second time you’ve said that to me” she said, blushing.
She slowly rocked back and forth on your body, you felt her arousal on your jeans since her poor excuse of panties did nothing to prevent her wetness from leaking out.
“Were you waiting for me to say it again?”
“Maybe” she said, smiling at you sweetly as she placed your hands on her thighs. You decided enough was enough and held onto her hips as you brought her body upwards towards your face.
“Wow” she said, surprised at how aggressive you were.
Jooyeon was now sitting on top of you, holding onto the sides of your head for balance. The wonderful aroma of her feminine scent quickly entered your nostrils. You noticed she decided to spray perfume all over her body. You caught a whiff of cherry blossoms. Softly, you began kissing the creases of her warm thighs. She began breathing heavily, lowering herself onto you even more while she began rocking her hips back and forth. You stuck your tongue out, gliding it across her crotch as it was now being mixed with her own wetness.
“You’re t-teasing me?” she whined.
“Is that bad?”
You grabbed onto the hemline of her panties and yanked them downwards, Jooyeon assisting you in removing them. Now you were finally able to see her beautiful, bare pussy. The initial contact of your tongue onto her was amazing. You were overwhelmed with happiness, while she gasped loudly. Her body squirmed as you began to taste her, it tasted as sweet as candy in your opinion. You began lapping up as much as you could.
“You taste amazing”
“Holy fuck” she moaned, grabbing fistfuls of your hair as she continued grinding on your mouth.
You kissed her beautiful pink pussy lips as she continued dripping into your mouth. She left you very intoxicated, sensory overload was something you didn’t think was possible until this moment. Slowly, you traced your tongue across her entirely before digging deep. You heard Jooyeon scream from above you, wanting to cover her mouth in order to avoid being heard by her neighbors. You didn’t care at all, what with her thighs wrapped around your ears. You continued pushing your tongue inside her, licking her walls as her body squirmed in pure ecstasy.
“That feels so good” she moaned.
Jooyeon would spend several minutes riding your face while you held onto her ass, both for balance and to caress it in your hands. Your hands felt every inch of her. Every curve of her soft, smooth cheeks. Her loud moans pierced the quiet room as you continued drawing tender circles on her clit with your tongue. You felt her skin begin to moisten with sweat even though the room was a bit chilly. Taking her clit into your mouth and sucking it, you felt Jooyeon yank onto your hair rather roughly. You thought she was going to pull out fistfuls of hair from how aggressive it was. Her thighs squeezed your head rather painfully from how much in pleasure she was.
“Holy shit… don’t stop oppa. Please don’t stop” she screamed, causing you to alternate between sucking and licking her pussy. “Fuck! Don’t stop -- oh my fucking god”
Jooyeon’s back began to arch as her body was shaking. With every movement of her body, you squeezed her ass even harder. She moaned so loudly you were beginning to be a bit afraid people would hear and think something bad was happening to their neighbor. Mercifully, you relinquished your grip on her causing her to breathe heavily as her body sat on top of yours.
She removed her grip on your hair, you were internally thanking her as you thought you wouldn’t have any left if you were gonna continue. Her mouth was wide open from the excitement she felt from being pleasured. She looked into your soul with a loving gaze.
“That was amazing…” she whimpered out, gently kissing you. You responded by kissing back before moving onto her neck and shoulder. Your fingers held onto the strap of her bra and removed it.
“You’re so crazy” you said, swallowing your saliva to help you catch your breath.
Your hands wrapped around her back and unhooked her bra. Once it dropped down, her breasts were finally fully revealed to you. They were noticeably bigger than Jiyeon’s, a perfect size to fit in your hand. Her nipples were a cute shade of pink, contrasting Jiyeon’s brown ones. Your mouth watered as she was now fully exposed to you.
“Wow” you said. It felt like that was all you were able to say about Jooyeon.
Tossing her bra aside, her breasts jiggled slightly. She giggled at you, seeing your eyes hungrily stare at them. She grabbed your hands and placed them on her chest. They were so warm and full to the touch. Her boobs were even softer than her ass, seemingly made for your hands. You began to gently fondle them, pinching the tip of her nipples with your fingers while she rubbed yourself on your body.
Placing a tender kiss on your lips, she removed herself from your lap and descended to your lower body.
“It’s my turn to see what you’ve been hiding” she said naughtily as she began to unbutton your jeans. You were nervous because you were about to fully expose yourself to Jooyeon. At the same time, you were happy because your erection was painfully trapped inside your pants. She finally pulled both the jeans and your boxer briefs, releasing your cock from its cloth prison.
Her eyes twinkled with excitement as she stared wide eyed at it. She wrapped her soft hand around your shaft, wanting to feel every part of it like it was a delicate item.
“Wow, you’re so fucking hard...” she said.
Jooyeon started stroking your cock slowly, observing your facial expressions. She smiles in satisfaction as she sees you close your eyes and tilt your head back. Her delicate hands were now stained with your precum as she tightened her grip on your shaft.
“Should I?” she asked you in a soft voice, asking for your permission.
“Ahh… please” you begged her.
“Such an impatient oppa” she said, giggling before wrapping her thin lips around you. Your eyes momentarily see her before closing once again from the pleasure.
“I barely put my lips on you and you’re this turned on?” she said as she began stroking you fast.
The pleasure was too much for you to reply. Instead, you felt Jooyeon slowing down her movements. She placed a gentle kiss on the tip, going down a line on your entire length. She never broke eye contact with you while doing so. Son Jooyeon had such a beautiful face and body, the way she handled your cock turned you on even more.
She eventually made her way down to your balls, making long licks upwards with her tongue before taking each individually in her mouth. Her tongue flickered while doing so, rewarding her with lovely groans from you. After making sure each ball was coated with saliva, she ran her tongue one last time across them before returning back to the head where she twirled around the circumference of it. You tried to pretend you weren’t satisfied, but Jooyeon knew you were bluffing.
“Oppa… you aren’t holding back are you?” she asked, her tongue rapidly licking the underside of your head.
Not caring to wait for a response, Jooyeon began sucking your cock. Her warm, wet mouth fully lathered you  as she bobbed her head up and down. She would apply a gentle suction at the tip, her tongue swirling around your shaft at the same time.
You were no stranger to getting blowjobs, Jiyeon having given you many under your desk or your convenience store days when Kim Minji would do so when you were restocking shelves. But now that Son Jooyeon was sucking your cock, you felt like it was a dream.
Her speed began to pick up, Jooyeon simultaneously moaning with you even though her mouth was stuffed with cock. She was so focused on pleasuring you that she began cupping your balls while her head bobbed up and down. Jooyeon wasn’t just giving you one of the best blowjobs you have ever received, you were being comforted physically as well as mentally. She wanted you to feel relaxed, taking great pride in knowing she would be the one to ease your worries.
She gave you such a deadly stare while she let go of fondling your balls and pushed her long, messy jet black hair back. She continued her mouth’s furious sucking and grip on you, causing you to begin to feel an out of body experience from how much pressure she was applying. You were ready to cum at any moment.
Jooyeon knew this, so she stopped. As her mouth released its hold on you, saliva began to spill out when her head began to move up. You moaned, not wanting her to let go. She looked at you staring at her with pity in your eyes, pleading for her to put you back into her mouth. She gave you a mischievous smirk, satisfied you weren’t able to cum. She returned to gently stroking you.
“Sorry oppa” she said. But you knew she wasn’t sorry.
“You’re not being fair” you panted.
“Oh?” she replied softly. “How do you think we should make things fair?”
She crawled back up towards you, kissing you on the lips. Her fingers glided across your cheek tenderly as you looked at her when your lips disconnected. Her beauty left you awestruck, hypnotizing you to do whatever she asked.
Without warning, Jooyeon’s body is lowered onto your face when she turns around suddenly. You were being smothered by her pussy as she takes your cock into her mouth. Her juices continued leaking down her thighs as she begged for you to stimulate her more. If her pussy wasn’t drowning you or your line of vision, you probably would've just cum from watching her suck your cock in this position.
Son Jooyeon never struck you as such a wild person in the bedroom. She always had an air of elegance to her, even though she considered herself one of the boys who could seemingly get along with any friend group. While it does surprise you, to be fair you never expected to see her be intimate in the bedroom. There were no complaints from you, if this was how Jooyeon gives blowjobs, you were anticipating how she would be when she is getting fucked.
She took your cock as deep as she could, so deep in her mouth that her lips reached your base. She did her best to hold on for a long time, feeling her throat be stuffed with your tip. The pleasure that flowed throughout your body was so addicting. Jooyeon’s natural odor during sex was an intoxicating one: she left you wanting more. You were beginning to become addicted to her.
You smacked both of her ass cheeks, firmly holding on top both as you lapped up her sweet nectar. Jooyeon tasted a lot sweeter than Jiyeon in your opinion.
“Oppa!” Jooyeon released your cock from her mouth, moaning out loudly. You gave her repeated smacks on her ass while squeezing them. Your tongue buried itself deep inside her hole, Jooyeon mimicked the same actions on your cock.
“Oh my god…” she screamed while sucking your cock that was glistening.
You both repeated your actions over and over as your tongue tasted all of her. She moaned incoherently due to her mouth being stuffed with your cock. You wanted to tease her, stopping her from receiving pleasure. Jooyeon was not happy about that, pushing her pussy onto your face.
“You’re being needy” you teased.
Of course this was just you putting on a front since you saw Jooyeon bobbing her head up and down your cock. Your efforts to tease her were in vain, she was the one in control. Not you.
You took two fingers and inserted them inside her pussy. Jooyeon let out a scream as her walls wrapped themselves around you. You entered deeper, establishing a rhythm. She wasn’t going to let you out pleasure her, stroking your cock hard as she began to deepthroat you. You let out an extremely loud moan, shocked that she was so competitive.
Jooyeon’s assault continued, swallowing you whole as her screams couldn’t be contained even with a mouthful of dick. You began to feel asphyxiated from her pussy being on your face but you figured it wouldn’t be a bad way to go. You mustered up the strength to clean up the trickles of juices that flowed out of her. You sucked on her clit gently, making various lengths of lines with your tongue. Her body convulsed as she finally released your cock from the warm wet confines of her mouth.
“Holy shit… keep going oppa” she said. “Don’t fucking stop”
Although she wanted to keep sucking your cock, the pleasure you were giving her rendered her weak.  You were rewarded with her cries of pleasure, increasing in pace as her screams became louder in octaves.
“Fuck… don’t stop. Fuck” she yelled.
Son Jooyeon rivaled Kwon Eunbi at being the loudest in bed. Both women had an air of elegance to them, but were sex crazed freaks behind closed doors. You wanted to hear her beg for you more.
“Don’t you fucking stop oppa” she said as you smacked her ass. She pushed her now damp her back as she grabbed a handful of her tits. She was consumed by a sex filled rage, only wanting to be pleasured by you.
“This feels so fucking good” she said. “No one’s ever eaten my pussy like this!”
Her body grinded up and down repeatedly as her body was shaking. She grabbed onto your thighs for support. Struggling to catch her breath, you give her a stimulating lick. You kissed whatever you could, smacking her ass again. It felt like your night consisted of Jooyeon saying vulgar words and moaning at a high decibel.
She struggled to get up from your face, her legs wobbling. She turned around, now face to face with you as she was glistening with sweat. Jooyeon was a sweaty, panting mess and yet she still looked beautiful to you.
“Oppa” she moaned, kissing you on the lips. “This is crazy… I want you so badly. Do you want me?”
“I want you too, Jooyeon” you replied, squeezing her breasts.
You fixed her bangs and tucked away several loose strands of hair behind her ear as she kissed you. She interlocked her hands with yours, as your bodies rubbed against one another. Her breasts felt so soft pressed against you, both of you could hear your hearts beat.
 You wrapped your arms around Jooyeon and flipped her over so that she was lying down on the bed. She wrapped her arms around your neck as you leaned down and kissed her. She spread her thighs open as she pulled you towards her. You held onto your cock and it eventually found its way in front of her pussy. You rubbed your tip against her lips, as it began to be covered by her juices. She moaned as she bit her lower lip while looking at you.
“Fuck me please, baby” she said as she grabbed fistfuls of her hair. “I want to get fucked by you”
“You’re being a bad girl, Jooyeon. Good girls don’t beg to be fucked”
“Please…” she pleaded, looking at you with loving eyes.
Not wanting to delay your own pleasure any longer, you push your cock inside Jooyeon. Her pussy was so warm and tight. The foreplay you two did earlier made it so that you easily slid inside due to her slick juices. Her walls began to constrict your cock as you began to slowly move inside her. One hand was placed behind your head while the other clawed your back as she began to scream. You began to fuck her while tenderly giving her face kisses.
“Baby…” she cried in ecstasy. Her legs wrapped themselves tightly around you.
“You’re so tight, Jooyeon” you managed to say.
“Call me baby, please”
You fucked Jooyeon tenderly, slower than your usual pace but it didn’t matter. You felt safe inside Jooyeon’s embrace, her breasts jiggled up and down to the rhythm of your thrusts. You took each nipple into your mouth, sucking on them. She kept moaning as you slid in and out of her pussy. You gradually began picking up momentum, her walls tightening around your shaft even harder. With your increased pace came Jooyeon’s screams gradually becoming louder.
“Babe...” you moaned.
“Harder…” she screamed. “Fuck me harder…”
You unwrapped her legs from your waist and put them above your shoulders. You fucked her faster, harder than before. The tip of your cock was reaching the epicenter of where she was getting the most pleasure. She screamed loudly, happy that you were listening to her. She gripped onto the bedsheets roughly as the sound her body slamming against your pelvis filled the quiet room. Her juices splashed against you with each thrust.
“Baby, I’m cumming… oh my god I’m gonna cum” she cried. Her body was convulsing as you didn’t decrease in intensity. With one final loud scream, Son Jooyeon clawed your back roughly as her orgasm arrived.
Once the aftershocks of her orgasm winded down, you slowed your pace. She was panting heavily, her body drenched in sweat as she looked at you lovingly. Her face looked satisfied, happy that you made her feel good. Feeling tired, you pulled yourself out of her. You both moaned as inch by inch withdrew itself. The temperature in the air was cool thanks to the air conditioning, giving you a tingling sensation as it flowed through your cock which was covered in her pussy juice.
“I’m getting close to cumming” you said weakly.
“No” she said, rubbing her pussy lips. “You can’t cum yet baby”
She cupped your face, kissing you sweetly as you felt her body warm you up. Jooyeon stroked your cock while doing so, you responded by fondling her breasts.
“Sit on the edge” she said quietly.
You obeyed as Jooyeon grabbed a pillow and threw it on the ground. She kneeled, smiling at you with both her lips and her eyes. Her hand returned to your penis, gripping onto it as she ran her tongue on your frenulum. Your cock was sensitive, twitching at the contact.
She spit on her left hand before wrapping her lips around your cock, gently sucking on your tip. The hand that contained her spit massaged your balls tenderly. You felt goosebumps on your body as your spine shivered thanks to her actions.
“I love your cock” she said, stroking you. “Can you please fuck me like this at work?”
“I told you to call me baby” her words betraying her as she smiled sweetly at you. “Don’t think I don’t know about Jiyeon unnie giving you blowjobs under your desk”
She doesn’t even give you time to answer as she takes your cock down her throat.
“Were you going to say something, baby?” she teased, sucking your cock once more while squeezing your balls.
You moaned out in bliss as you watched her suck your dick. Pleasure flowed from your head all the way down to your toes as she rubbed herself simultaneously. Your orgasm was fast approaching.
“Cum for me, baby” she licked her lips while laughing.
“I can’t hold it-” you panted.
“Give me your cum” she quietly said, tenderly kissing your tip repeatedly before sucking your cock once again. She switched between various speeds as she grabbed your left hand and put it behind her head. One of her delicate hands fondled your balls while the other squeezed her breasts. You put your other hand on her head, running your fingers through her moist hair as her jet black hair bobbed up and down. You felt her moans as your cock was in her mouth.
“Jooyeon… it’s coming” you panted.
Jooyeon increased in pace, sucking you even harder. You roughly pulled on her hair as she looked up and stared into your soul. You both knew what was fast approaching.
Your body didn’t give you a chance to finish moaning her name as it went numb. The tingling sensation flowed from your head to your toes  as you erupted inside her mouth. Jooyeon moaned as she kept bobbing, feeling your hot sticky cum hit the back of her throat. Her eyes were smiling at you, twinkling with delight as she began to swallow. You held onto your cock and tapped it a few times on her tongue. She sucks your cock a few times before releasing it from her mouth with a loud pop as she laps up the last remaining dribble on your urethra.
The innocent smile Jooyeon gave you betrayed the actions she just committed.
You pushed your weak body and laid down on the bed, breathing heavily. One of the more intense orgasms you had, you were in awe at how Jooyeon was able to make you feel. She moved with you, cleaning your cock a bit more. After several minutes, she finally climbed up the bed and laid down next to you. She gave you a tender kiss as you wrapped your arms around her.
You cuddled for some time, before your eyes began to get heavy. Jooyeon’s body next to you was touching yours. Your breaths were synced in unison. She looked up at you as you looked down at her, both of you smiling sweetly as your lips connect one more time. You hold her tightly in your embrace as you kiss her forehead before both of you drift off to sleep.
“I love you, oppa”
Elsewhere in one of the backrooms of a shop, a woman is seen counting money. She smiles, a gun right next to her on the desk.
A knock on the door can be heard.
Four women enter the room and greet the woman. They are of varying heights, a bit of uneasiness seen on their faces.
“We did what you said, boss. No one knows we’re working for you”
“Good. If any of you double cross me, these two will see to it that you’re taken care of”
Two women approach from the shadows standing next to the woman who was sitting down. One was smiling, wearing an apron while smelling a black rose, the other smirks as she wiped the sweat off her forehead with a towel.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Run, Joey, Run! (A'whora X Joe Black) - Plegdoctor
A/N: Hiya! First time submitting on here so I’m a bit nervous but here we go! This is for the rarepair song fic challenge, based on the song Run Joey Run (glee cast supremacy). I hope you enjoy :) x TW for major character death.
Daddy please don’t, it wasn’t his fault, he means so much to me! Daddy please don’t, we’re gonna get married…
“Joe Black?”
His head shoots up in surprise at the sound of his name. He’s been at the table for so long that he thought, perhaps hoped, he might’ve become a ghost. Maybe everything would be easier to deal with then.
“That’s me.” His once melodic voice is now ever flat, an out of tune piano that would fall to dust if you pressed a key.
“Can I call you Joey?”
The girl is young – she doesn’t know, she couldn’t know. It’s not her fault that she’s enthusiastic, bubbly, and upbeat in a way that most teenage girls are. Assigning nicknames must be one of her favourite things when she volunteers here, something that all the other residents love and remember her for.
But his just brings pain.
“I haven’t been called Joey in a long time. It’s Joe.” He says firmly. She nods, undeterred, sits down with a flourish and crosses her legs. He can’t help but notice how full of life she is. She flips a blonde curl behind her shoulder, a simple gesture that snaps his heart in two. “Are you new?” He asks. Something about her seems so familiar.
She nods. “Yep. Saw the ad on Facebook and thought it would look good on my CV.” Her grin is mischievous and her honesty makes him smile. “Plus my grandma used to be in here before she died last year. I always liked visiting her. Do your family come here often?”
“I don’t have a family.”
“Really? No wife or children?”
He grimaces. “It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time.”
“And a sad one.”
Her eyes soften and she places a gentle hand on his. He hasn’t told his story to anyone in a long time. Perhaps he’ll never tell it again.
She’s the right person to hear his tragic tale.
“It started when I was just 18…”
The rain is bloody miserable as Joe heaves a sigh. It was a silly idea and he knows it – no one wants to employ a gardener in February. His mum always warned him that this would happen. He can hear her voice in his head now: “Joseph, if you live your life with no plan then you will never get anywhere.”
He will never admit it, but she’s right. It’s hopeless. If only he had been proactive, done something sensible in school like his friends who are now becoming Lawyers and Doctors.
“But then I wouldn’t have met her.”
He goes to turn around, begin the long walk home, when he hears a tap from a window. He looks up at the house he’s in front of to see a girl standing in a window on the top floor. She shouts something and he shakes his head. She sighs dramatically and disappears.
He hates the people who live in these massive houses. That girl will probably never have to work a day in her life. Selfish, spoiled, little- The front door flies open to reveal her again.
“Hello there! Do you want to come in?”
He thinks for a minute that he’s misheard her.
“You what?”
“You’re soaked! Come in and get dry, so you don’t catch a chill.”
His acceptance is hesitant but grateful. Trooping around Brighton in sodden clothes and a failed business plan weren’t his plans for the afternoon, but neither was being rescued by this angel of a woman.
And that’s what she looks like. An angel. Her hair is long and blonde, caught up in a bun but the tendrils that escape frame her face so prettily. She’s got a pretty face too, pale with small features. Pink cheeks and red lips. If her house wasn’t an indicator of her class then her dress certainly would’ve been. Joe doesn’t know much about women’s fashion, but he’s lived with his mother long enough to know that she would gladly tear every hair out of her head to get her hands on that fabric.
“My father won’t be home for a while, he’s still at work. Here, come sit by the fire, I’ll fetch you some of his spare clothes.”
She runs off before he can say anything.
When she returns he is seated by a roaring fire, looking around the house with a sense of wonder. Her arms are full of clothes. “I don’t know your size so I just had to guess.” She frowns, handing them over to him.
“Uh, thank you.”
“You can change in the bathroom.’ She points to a door underneath the stairs. ‘I’ll be here when you’re done.”
The bathroom is small but overwhelmingly grand. Her grips the shining sink and laughs at the absurdity that is his life. He pulls the angel’s father’s jumper over his head. It’s made of soft green wool, soft on his skin in contrast to his jumper made of harsh material. The trousers are a good fit too. The girl has an eye for fashion.
He says this to her as he exits, watches the way her face lights up. “Do you really think so? I would love to go to fashion school.”
“But your mother won’t allow it?”
“I have no mother. It’s just me and daddy here.”
“I’m the opposite. Just me and my mum.” It’s bizarre to try to relate to someone like her. Someone who would’ve given him dirty looks in the schoolroom. Someone who has more than one bathroom and calls her dad ‘daddy’.
She laughs, the sound like silver bells. “We have so much in common already. But I don’t even know your name.”
“Joe. Or Joseph.”
She’s not satisfied with his answer, shaking her head. “That’s far too serious for you. Your voice is like… like music! You cannot say Joe in such a beautiful way.”
“What then would you call me?”
“Joey. Doesn’t it sound much more fun? Joey, Joey, Joey.” She sings.
He bites back a laugh. “And what is the name of my saviour?”
“A pretty name for a pretty girl.”
Flirting has never come naturally to him. He doesn’t doubt that that certainly translates.
“What are you doing around these parts, Joey?”
He raises an eyebrow. Does she mean it judgementally? No, probably not, her tone is more inquisitive than anything. But he allows the silence to grow awkward before he answers. He’s rewarded with a flush that crosses her face.
“I’m looking for a job. As a gardener.”
“You don’t look like a gardener to me.”
“What do I look like?”
She shrugs. “I’m not sure.”
Joe uses the silence to look at her again. He’s been with girls before, kissed their rough chapped lips, laid his hands on their waists. But Aurora is incomparable. He wishes to take a million pictures of her, carry them around as inspiration. When artists talk about their muses, they are talking about her.
“This garden could do with a gardener.”
Her statement is unlike anything else she’s said so far. Shy.
“And would your daddy be alright with me coming to help you out?”
The way that her lips contort makes him think that she knows he’s mocking her slightly.
“He’ll have to be.” She replies lightly.
“I’m confused. You said you weren’t married. This sounds like the sort of story you tell your grandkids when they ask how you met.” She’s almost accusatory.
He shakes his head. “You’re too impatient. There are other oldies in here that like a short and easy chat. You’re welcome to speak to them.”
“No, I’ve heard the start, I need the rest of it. So Aurora hires you without her father knowing.’ She pauses and then grins. ‘Daddy has different connotations nowadays, did you know?”
“I have no idea what the youths say anymore.”
“I’ll teach you some slang next time. Anyway, what happens after she hires you?”
“I’d been working there for two years when she first confessed it to me…”
Employment under the Boyle family was like living in luxury. Joe showed up twice a week and worked for four hours. Aurora brought him a drink after the first two hours, and they would talk and laugh together for some time. He learnt more about her than he ever thought: She was the same age as him. Her mother died in childbirth. She missed her in a way, but never really knew her. Her life was devoted completely to her father whom she adored. She volunteered at the hospital, she wanted a little white dog, she loved fashion and often made her own dresses, her favourite flowers were lilies. He crammed so much information into his head that by the time they were twenty he could’ve written a book on her life.
There was something electric about her. The way she sang his name, “Joey” called across the (obscenely large) garden as she came out with a glass of cold lemonade. The brightness of her eyes and the ever-present blush in her cheeks. She possessed a vitality like no other.
The fact that he was deeply in love with her had not escaped his notice.
Such a shame that she would never feel the same way.
Until a summers day when the sun was beating down upon them. Her dress was white cotton, her hair was loose, her forehead shiny with a thin layer of sweat. “You know Joey, I really thought you would have noticed something by now.”
“And what would that be, Miss?”
“Oh don’t call me Miss, you know how that bothers me!” She cries out. Her delicate face contorts into a frown as he chuckles. “You are such a tease.”
“Oh no Aurora, don’t withhold this information! What should I have noticed?”
“Well it’s just we have spent so much time together over these past years I just… I thought men were meant to notice things like this.”
He squints at her. Her appearance has not changed, he would have noticed that. Every inch of her is burned into his mind. But he can hardly say that. “Are you wearing a new lipstick shade? Or is that your hair has been cut? Ah, I know, you have new shoes!”
She huffs and leans moodily against her chair, arms folded across her chest. “Daddy was right. Men really are dense. Must I spell it out for you, Joey?”
He opens his mouth to say yes but is cut off by her laugh. “No, you wouldn’t even get it then. Daddy said that if you want a man to know that you are in love with them then you should just tell them plainly. What do you think Joey, should I just boldly tell you that I am in love with you?”
The blonde across from him emits a squeal so high pitched that dogs 20 miles away must be howling.
“A bit of respect for my elderly ears please.”
“I’m sorry. That is so adorable! Oh she sounds brilliant, I think me and her would’ve been friends. What did you say?”
“Nothing?” She sounds outraged.
He smirks slyly and shrugs. “I just kissed her.”
He would never grow used to the feeling of her in his arms. It’s not that it felt unnatural. It felt like thunderbolts and lightening strikes, a wave of emotions flooding through him, a storm that left him breathless. Ivy sprouted when their lips met, thick vines that wound through their hearts, binding them together. His skin flowered under her touch.
She made him promise not to tell her father.
“Daddy wouldn’t like it. He likes you but as… as an employee.”
Joe understands.
He has no other choice.
Aurora is his precious jewel, a secret treasure that he must keep hidden from the rest of the world. He remarked to her once that he has never known any flower to bloom quite like their love does when shoved into a dark corner of a greenhouse.
She laughed and shushed him with a kiss.
Her lips taste like cherries.
Nature too powerful can be destructive.
A new life has begun.
His phone rings. The sound surprises him to his core – the fact that his wages brought a phone for him and his mum is something he will forever be proud of. He’s considering asking them to put the fact on his gravestone.
“Joey.” She’s whispering. He can hear sniffles that indicate the tears that surely must be running down her pretty face.
“What’s the matter, Rory?”
“I’m pregnant.”
“You can’t tell anyone. Oh my God, Daddy is going to kill me!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay darling! We can figure this out. We can solve this.” Joe has never forgotten the way that Aurora saved him that day when they first met. For two years he’s been hoping to repay her.
But he never imagined it would be like this.
The phone rings again. It sounds more urgent than any other time, despite being the exact same ring. He snatches it up.
“Joe, don’t come over. My dad and I, we had a fight, and he stormed out the door. I’ve never seen him mad this way, my God, he’s going crazy! He said… he said he’s going to make you pay for what we’ve done. He’s got a gun. So run, Joey, run, Joey run!”
He runs. Straight to her house.
He hammers on the door with the force of a hurricane. “Aurora! Rory!” He sounds unhinged, frantic, but he needs to see her. He needs to be sure she’s safe. The door flings open and she runs out. Her brown eyes are filled with tears and - oh no, oh God why? – there are bruises on her face. She flies into his arms where he holds her close.
All at once he sees him, her father, sneaking up behind them. Aurora notices too.
“Daddy please don’t, it wasn’t his fault! He means so much to me! Daddy please don’t, we’re gonna get married!”
Time moves in slow motion.
“He’s got a gun! Run, Joey, run!” She yells.
He lifts it to aim.
She steps in front of him.
Suddenly a shot rings out.
Aurora falls.
“No!” A guttural scream rips Joe in half. He catches her falling body, cradling her like a child. He looks down to find that his hands are red.
Her cherry red lips part. “Daddy, please don’t. It wasn’t his fault. He.. he means so much to me. Daddy, please don’t. We’re gonna get married.” Her breathing is laboured. The light in her eyes dims. “Run. Joey. Run.” She chokes out.
Tears fall down her face. She does nothing to interrupt them, letting them create a waterfall on her cheeks.
“I told you it was a sad story.” He says gently. His heart is heavy too. Telling his story never gets easier.
“She saved you again.”
He nods. “My guardian angel. My perfect angel Aurora.” He pulls a necklace from under his shirt. She leans closer to see a small angel carved out of rose quartz on a chain.
“Do you miss her?”
“Every day. When it’s rain or shine. When thunder crashes and lightening strikes. When waves surge in oceans. When storms dominate the air. When ivy wraps around buildings. When flowers grow. When I savour sweet cherries.”
“I’m so sorry Joe.”
“It’s been almost 70 years and my heartache has not loosened. But I know my angel is watching over me.”
The girl nods hurriedly, her soft hand still clutching his wrinkled one. A small bell goes.
“It’s time for you to go.”
She stands. “Thank you for sharing your story with me Joe.”
“Thank you for listening.”
He catches her wrist as she goes to turn away. “I don’t know your name. May I know the name of the girl who listened so carefully to my tragic tale?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“Why not?”
She smiles softly. Tears still spill from her light brown eyes, blonde hair bounces on her shoulders. “Aurora. My name is Aurora.”
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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silverlightqueen’s SKZ Scarefest
wizard!Seungmin x human!reader - crack comedy, y/n’s a bit of a spoilt brat and Seungmin is not down for it lol
Word Count: 3k+
Summary - Seungmin is the best wizard in town. Poisoned by a pixie? Battered by a troll? Bitten by a were? Whatever the magical injury, Seungmin can fix it in the bat of an eyelid. So when y/n is cursed by a witch and needs his help, she expects to leave his lair curseless only a few minutes later. But her plan… doesn’t quite go to plan.
Warnings: y/n is a total judgemental bitch lmao and Seungmin wants to teach her a lesson, brief mention of blood and vomit, I think that’s it but please let me know if I missed else!
a/n: and here is the seventh instalment of my SKZ Scarefest! I really hope you guys enjoy this, and thank you @silverlightprincess​ for being the best (she didn’t proofread this either but she’s about to read it after I post it and check for mistakes which I will go back and edit lmao). please be sure to check out the previous parts and keep an eye out for the next parts too x
taglist: @kodzu-ken​ @cloudsgathering​ @silverlightprincess
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‘Hi, how can I help?’ the receptionist says, looking up from her computer to give me a friendly smile. ‘Hi, I’ve got an appointment with Dr Kim at 1.30,’ I say, and she blinks at me in surprise before looking at her computer, clicking away. ‘Ah, y/n y/l/n, is it? You booked yesterday?’ ‘Yes, that’s me.’ ‘You’re lucky to get an appointment with Dr Kim so late. And during his lunch break, too! Do you know him?’ she asks, and I hesitate before replying, ‘I used to. We… went to school together.’ ‘Oh, that’s nice! Well, take a seat and I’ll let him know you’re here,’ she says cheerily, and I give her a weak smile before turning to take a seat.
The District 9 Doctors’ Surgery is unlike any Doctors’ Surgery I’ve ever seen before; the reception is relatively normal, with its cold lighting, linoleum flooring and hard backed chairs, but the patients are quite… abnormal. A man is sat two seats away from me, his body covered in hair and long sharp claws protruding from his fingers – I hear him telling the fairy beside him, whose wings are wilted and colourless, that he hasn’t been able to fully turn into his wolf form or his human form for weeks. Opposite them, a vampire sits with a bucket in his lap, vomiting blood into it every few moments, and the centaur stood beside his seat with his tail wrapped in a bloody bandage rubs his back soothingly. I think I’m the only human in here.
Normally, I’d have driven out to the Doctors’ Surgery in the next district – everyone knows that The District 9 Doctors’ Surgery caters specifically to magical injuries – but I somehow don’t think my problem can be solved by a human doctor. When I phoned the surgery yesterday, I asked for the next possible appointment. I was told by the receptionist that that wouldn’t be until mid-November, which never would’ve worked. So I did what I swore I wouldn’t do, and asked the receptionist to ask Dr Kim if he had any availability for y/n y/l/n. The receptionist sounded sceptical, but he put me on hold anyway, and came back to tell me that Dr Kim said he could just about fit me in.
‘Miss y/l/n? Dr Kim is ready to see you in Room 13,’ the receptionist calls out, and I rise from my chair, passing the vomiting vampire with a wince. I head down the clinical corridor, white bar lights flickering overhead, and when I reach Room 13, I take a deep breath and raise my hand to the door. I knock once, twice, and then wait to be told to come in. I hear nothing. I roll my eyes, knocking again a few moments later, and then I hear him call out, ‘Come in!’
I turn the handle, tentatively opening the door and slipping into the room. Whilst the reception may have looked like any old Doctors’ Surgery, Room 13 certainly does not. The walls are black and purple, flickering yellow lamps casting an eerie glow and providing the brightness that the room needs due to having no windows. The floor is an ugly brown and red patterned carpet, the kind you find in a decades old manor house, and wooden shelves and chests of drawers are dotted around the room, covered with various suspicious looking bottles and jars. Old tapestries hang on the walls, and mismatched armchairs and beanbags sit around the rickety table in the middle of the room – I suppose it’s more of a kitchen island type thing than a table – which has a crystal ball, magic wands and various mystical objects sitting atop it. The only things in the room that don’t look otherworldly or ancient are the laptop on the table, and the man stood in front of it, typing away.
He doesn’t look up when I walk in, so I just shut the door behind me, throwing myself down onto the comfiest looking armchair, practically sinking into it. I busy myself with filing my freshly done nails – I love my nail lady, but she can somehow never get them all even – whilst I wait for him to be done. ‘I just cleaned the room and you’re getting nail filings everywhere,’ he says after a few minutes, and I roll my eyes at him. ‘Are you sure you cleaned it? It looks a state,’ I say dryly, and he lets out a little laugh as I pull a flask out of my bag. I get up from my seat and hand him the flask, ignoring his raised eyebrow. ‘Wait, is this-’ ‘Iced americano. The way you like it,’ I say, and he grins, taking it from me with badly hidden excitement. ‘Look at you. Sweetening me up,’ he observes amusedly, and I roll my eyes again. ‘I was making it for myself but now I feel a little sick, so you can have it,’ I lie, and he just gives me a suspicious side-eye before sipping from the flask and letting out a blissful sigh.
‘What are you doing here?’ he asks after a few seconds, and I sigh, dragging one of the higher chairs over to the table and sitting on it, not wanting to be a few feet shorter than him in the armchair. ‘I need your help with something,’ I say, and he looks surprised. ‘Wait, you’re actually here to be treated?’ ‘Um… yes. Why else would I be here?’ I ask confusedly, and he hesitates. ‘Thought you might be here to… see me,’ he says quietly, and I feel a little awkward. ‘I… Seungmin, you have to understand w-’ ‘I understand, y/n, I completely understand, and I don’t blame you. It’s just that I’ve… missed you. And I don’t mean I’ve missed our relationship. I’ve missed you in my life. You don’t even show up to family events anymore, and my mum keeps asking why she hasn’t seen you. I don’t have the heart to tell her what happened,’ he murmurs, my heart twisting with guilt. I’m not quite sure what to say, desperately wracking my brains, but there isn’t anything to say, so we’re both silent.
Seungmin and I grew up living in houses opposite each other. Our parents were best friends, so we were best friends. We remained that way through nursery, all of school, and into our adult lives too. I was quite proud of having a wizard best friend who could solve nearly any problem I ever had. He made sure I never failed any tests, hurt myself, got into trouble, and he fixed anything I ever broke, found everything I ever lost, made sure nothing bad ever happened to me. And then we did the worst thing we could’ve done, and we fell in love with each other. Two years later, I had aged two years, and Seungmin had not – wizards are immortal, and so he stopped aging from the age of 18. 22-year-old me was dating 18-year-old Seungmin. It doesn’t seem like much of an issue, but I started thinking about the future. What about when I turned 30, and Seungmin still hadn’t aged a day into adulthood? When we’d had a child together, and he looked more like the kid’s sibling than the father?
‘Anyway… what’s wrong? Why’d you need my help?’ he asks, and I sigh deeply. ‘Basically… I was at the club with Chaeryeong the other night, and we were in the toilets, and I was putting on lipgloss. This girl next to me asked if she could use it, and I was like, ‘um, no’, because who shares lipgloss with a stranger in a club, and she got angry and started saying, ‘you think you’re so gorgeous, and you think you’re better than me,’ and basically went off on one, so I may have retaliated slightly, and turns out she was a witch, so she put a curse on me,’ I explain all in one breath, and Seungmin raises a sceptical eyebrow. ‘You wanna tell me what really happened?’ he asks, and I blink once, twice, before sighing.
‘She asked to borrow my lipgloss and I was kinda drunk and I may have been a bit of a bitch and told her she needed more than just lipgloss to fix her face,’ I admit ashamedly, and Seungmin’s mouth falls open. ‘y/n!’ ‘What? It’s not like I lied! Her makeup was terrible! It was the completely wrong colour for her skin, she hadn’t blended it, her eyelashes weren’t the right shape for her eyes and she hadn’t glued them on properly so they were hanging off, her eyeshadow clashed with her lipstick, it was all terrible! I wasn’t about to let her put my expensive ass lipgloss on top of that god-awful lipstick. So I tried to give her some girl-to-girl advice, but I was drunk so it came out the wrong way!’ I say defensively, Seungmin shaking his head at me in disbelief.
‘Did you tell her all those things? ‘…I may have, yes.’ ‘You’re such a bitch, y/n. Maybe she did her makeup like that on purpose. Maybe no one’s ever taught her how to do makeup. You didn’t need to come for her like that. God,’ he says, voice laced with shock and disappointment, and I feel like a little kid being told off by their teacher. ‘I apologised when she started crying b-’ ‘You made her cry?’ he demands, voice going up a few octaves, and I pout. ‘I didn’t mean to! I apologised, but she was already angry, so she cursed me,’ I say in a small voice, Seungmin’s unimpressed gaze making me feel quite ashamed. Not that I didn’t already! He’s just making me feel worse.
‘What was the curse she put on you?’ he asks, and I let out an angry noise just at the thought of it. ‘That I’ll age to look quadruple how old I actually am,’ I spit, and his eyebrows furrow in confusion. ‘I’ve never heard that before. She probably just said it to scare you.’ ��That’s what I thought. Until this happened,’ I say, turning my head away and lifting up my hair to reveal the base of my neck. I hear him suck in a breath, knowing he’s seeing the lock of hair at the back of my head, the one that’s now a powdery grey colour, wiry and ratty amongst the perfectly healthy hair that I put so much effort into looking after.
‘My body’s getting achy and I’ve got all these pains everywhere that I didn’t have a couple days ago. So I think the curse is real, Seungmin,’ I say seriously, and he nods, looking thoughtful. ‘So you want me to lift the curse off you?’ he asks, and I nod, giving him my best wide innocent eyes. ‘Can you do it?’ I ask, and he’s silent for a moment before replying, ‘I can. But I won’t.’ My heart drops, my mouth falling open slightly, and I blink at him a few times before I say, ‘what do you mean, you won’t?’ ‘I won’t lift the curse off you. You were rude and bitchy to that girl and not once have you shown me that you feel guilty about it. Instead, you’re sat here defending yourself and complaining about her like a little brat, so I think this should teach you a lesson,’ he says simply, and I stare at him in shock.
‘You’re joking, right? I demand, anger flaring through me at the way his eyes sparkle with mirth. ‘No, I’m being serious, actually. You judged that girl based on how she looked – I’m sure if she was conventionally pretty, with flawless makeup, you’d have lent her your lipgloss without a second thought, and probably becomes best friends with her too. That girl might have been the nicest person you’d ever come across. But you wouldn’t know, because you were mean to her. Now, the shoe will be on the other foot. You’ve coasted through life getting what you want because you’re pretty, and now that you’ll look all wrinkly and saggy, we’ll see how you like being on the receiving end of people’s judgement,’ he says cheerfully, my mouth falling open more and more as he speaks.
‘Seungmin, I’m sorry for being a bitch. I really am, and I do regret it. But surely that slightly bitchy behaviour doesn’t warrant this. Me looking like an ancient pensioner! I’ve learnt my lesson. Please don’t do this,’ I say desperately, starting to actually worry that he might not lift the curse. ‘Hmm, I don’t know if you have learnt your lesson, y/n. It’s not like I can take your word for it, because if I didn’t know you any better, you’d have gotten away with telling me a twisted version of what really happened. You’re a compulsive liar. So, I apologise, but I won’t be lifting the curse,’ he says seriously, but his lips are quirked up at the corners, making me realise he’s actually amused by this situation.
‘Seungmin, this isn’t a joke! You cannot let this happen to me!’ I shriek, panic making my hands shake, and he raises an eyebrow at me. ‘Shouting won’t make me change my mind,’ he says dryly, the two of us staring at each other, very different emotions in our gazes, and he sighs a few moments later. ‘How about this? When you show a true act of selflessness and generosity without any kind of judgement, the curse will break,’ he says, taking my hands into his as he speaks, and when I register his words, I snatch them away angrily. ‘No! I don’t want any stupid conditions or things I have to do! Just take the fucking curse off me, Min!’ I scream, fury making my voice waver, and he just laughs.
‘You took your hands away too late – it’s done now. This will teach you your lesson,’ he grins, and I want to literally throw myself across the table and teach him a lesson instead. ‘Seungie, please,’ I pout, stooping lower than I ever thought I would, and he hesitates for a moment before shaking his head, crossing his arms over his chest. ‘No, y/n. It’s done. Try not to judge someone based on their appearance for once, and you’ll be rewarded for it,’ he says mildly, and I just stare at him in disbelief for a few moments. ‘Are you doing this because I dumped you?’ I ask, unable to believe he simply wants to teach me a lesson, and he bursts out into laughter. ‘Flattering yourself a little there, aren’t you? No, y/n, that’s not why. Stop trying to find reasons to play this down. There are no other factors for this punishment other than your nasty behaviour.’ ‘Punishment? What are you, my dad? You don’t get to punish me!’ ‘I know you better than your dad does, better than anyone else does, and I know you’re better than this. I’m trying to help you.’ ‘You’ve got a funny way of showing it!’ I exclaim, silence falling between us.
‘If that’s all, y/n-’ ‘If that’s all? If that’s all?’ ‘Yes. If that’s all, you can leave. I only have ten minutes left of my lunch break, and then I’ve got another appointment. So you can go,’ he says with a small grin, effectively dismissing me like a parent sends a child to their room, and I let out an angry huff. ‘I can’t believe this. Some shitty doctor you are,’ I say childishly, bitter about this lesson he’s trying to teach me, and he just rolls his eyes amusedly. ‘My thousands of satisfied patients say otherwise. But that’s okay – you can’t please everyone. Especially not judgemental little brats,’ he grins, and I let out a shrill noise of rage, pushing myself up off the seat and grabbing my bag from the armchair.
‘And I’ll take this!’ I exclaim pettily, snatching the half-empty flask from the table, and he just laughs at me, making me feel even more murderous than I already do. ‘You’ll thank me eventually, y/n,’ he says gently, and I let out another angry huff. ‘I doubt it,’ I hiss, stomping towards the door and, just as I think I can’t be any more immature, I kick the shelves nearest me, watching as it wobbles and falls over to the side before stopping mid-air. ‘Really? How childish of you,’ Seungmin says amusedly, one hand outstretched in the direction of the shelves, his magic holding them up, and I let out an angry scream, sounding a lot like Regina George when she was putting herself in the Burn Book to get back at Cady. Is this really what I’ve become? How embarrassing,
‘I’ll see you at Jackson’s for Halloween,’ he calls out behind me as I reach the door. ‘I wouldn’t count on it,’ I hiss venomously, ‘my brittle bones may have already given way by then. God knows if I’ll even be able to walk, thanks to you!’ ‘No, y/n, you only have yourself to blame for this,’ he says, as he shakes his head with a sad smile. ‘Oh, cut out all the philosophical teaching-moment shit,’ I spit, wrenching open the door. As I do so, one of my nails flies off my finger. Not just the fake nail my technician put on this morning. The entire nail.
I hold back a gag, hearing Seungmin stifling laughter behind me, and I look away from it, feeling quite sick. My eyes meet Seungmin’s, and he must take pity on me when he sees how they’re full of angry and helpless tears, and he waves a hand in my direction. When I look down at my hand again, the nail is back in place, good as new. I look back at him in surprise, and he looks a little embarrassed. ‘No more of your nails will fall out. But I’m not fixing anything else for you. Now go, before your stupid pretty face convinces me to lift the curse,’ he says, and I feel a little hope spark in my chest. ‘Seungie, p-’ ‘Nuh-uh. Get outta here. Now.’ ‘But S-‘ ‘y/n, I will call security!’
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meet-the-decoy · 4 years
Hey Decoy! What exactly is your role on the battle field?
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It isn't hard to see that she is the fairest one on the team. Decoy isn't afraid to use her feminine touch to her advantage and being on a team with mostly men has it's perks. But don't be fooled, this girl isn't as sweet as she looks. She's a babe with quite a bite.
- Duel pistols: (ammo 12/36 each)
- Boxing glove gun: (ammo N/A)
Gives Decoy the ability to punch an opponent with as much force as a Heavy.
- Pole vault: (ammo N/A)
Gives Decoy a 20% boost on acrobatics.
-Mini canon: (ammo 20) 
Is similar to Soldier's rocket launcher. Each shot takes several seconds to reload but gives critical damage to enemies. Slows down agility.
- Chainsaw: (ammo N/A)
Gives critical damage at close range. Won't be able to preform acrobatics as a result.
- Bear trap: (ammo N/A)
Traps enemies for several seconds while giving mini crits. Can only be used once every 30 seconds.
- Water pistols: (ammo 100 each)
Counteracts Pyro fires. This weapon extinguishes teammates that are ablaze as well as sapping the enemy Engineer's buildings.
- Hand grenades: (ammo 20)
- Fireworks: (ammo 20)
This weapon creates flash bangs and blinds the enemy for several seconds and can also light enemies on fire depending on range.
- Taser: (ammo N/A)
Electrifies enemies and paralyzes them for up to 3 seconds. Effects enemies differently. Has a cool down time of 3 seconds.
- Sling shot: (ammo 20)
Let's Decoy launch grenades just as far as a Demoman, letting her throw them farther then she originally could. It can also be used to launch health kits to teammates.
- Water Balloons: (ammo 20)
Extinguishes teammates who are on fire. It also washes way Jarate from teammates who may be covered in it.
- Throwing knives: (ammo 12)
Allows Decoy to trick stab like a Spy but at longer distances. Can be used during acrobatics.
- Playing cards: (ammo 3 decks)
Cards can slice enemies to inflict damage. Cards can be boomeranged back to be reused if thrown correctly.
- Grappling hook: (ammo N/A)
Gives Decoy the ability to get to higher nesting spots with ease. Boosts acrobatics by 5%. Grapple can be shot at enemies to finish off kills.
- Bullwhip: (ammo N/A)
- Chain: (ammo N/A)
Gives critical damage to enemies. Slows down acrobatics by 15% as a result.
- Spider net: (ammo 8)
Bounds enemies for several seconds. This also leaves the enemy vulnerable and more likely to receive critical damage.
- Roller skates: (ammo N/A)
Allows Decoy to match the speed of that of a Scout. Decoy won't be able to preform acrobatics as a result.
- Megaphone: (ammo N/A)
Amplifys Decoy's vocals and lures enemies easier.
- Lipstick: (ammo N/A)
Ables Decoy to give a teammate ÜberCharge for 3 seconds by kissing them. This weapon also restores a teammates health by 50%. Gives critical damage to enemies.
- Mirror: (ammo N/A)
Blinds the enemy for 3 seconds by shining light in the enemy's eyes. This weapon is most effective on Snipers.
- Ribbon wand: (ammo N/A)
Steals 15% of an enemy's ammo. Ammo can be given to other teammates or can be used personally.
- Perfume: (ammo N/A)
Amplifys Decoy's lures. Perfume can also be used to disorient enemies for several seconds. No man can resist the smell of flowers and gunpowder.
- Acrobatics
- Vocal
Special Taunts
• Song Bird
This taunt makes enemies vision blur whenever they get to close to her singing. This makes the enemy vulnerable and more likely to receive critical hits.
• Damsel in Distress
This taunt gives Decoy the ability to make enemies hurt their own teammates. Every shot that hits a teammate will lower their health depending on distance different variables. Can only be used once every 3 minutes.
• Blowing Kisses
This taunt has the Decoy blow a kiss at the enemy. Whoever the kiss lands on receives critical damage. If the kiss lands on a teammate, it restores their health by 15%.
• Love Me, Love Me Not
This taunt has Decoy pick pedals off of a flower. If a heart appears, then the enemy walks free. If a broken heart appears then the enemy receives critical damage. This taunt gives a 50/50 chance each time it is used.
• Love Potion No.9
Can be slipped into any food or beverage. Once consumed, the enemy cannot hurt Decoy up to 10 seconds. This taunt can only be used 3 times during a match.
• Milkshake
In this taunt, Decoy pulls out a tray and proceeds to make and serve milkshakes to anyone who takes them. Decoy serves any flavor of milkshake to her teammates to boost their health level much like Heavy's Sandvich, but is far sweeter.
• Master Maiden: Achieve over 50 'Blowing Kisses' taunt kills.
• Golden Gal: Seduce kill each class in one round.
• Lucky Lady: Dodge 5 airblasted rockets using acrobatics.
• Flirting with Death: Lure a Scout over 100 times
• Here to Save The Day: Protect a struggling teammate more than 5 times in one round.
• The Angelic Acrobat: Save a teammate over 20 times by throwing back a Demoman's grenade using acrobatics.
• Dangerous Dame: Seduce kill 500 times.
• Kiss it Better: Heal over 75 teammates using 'Blowing Kisses' taunt or by using Lipstick melee.
Domination Lines
"So you're the fastest man alive, huh? Is that why you can't get a date?"
"Why so red tough guy?"
"I like a guy who can make me laugh."
"Hey, my eyes are up here scooter."
"Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth."
"If I threw a stick, you’d leave, right?"
"Everyone’s entitled to act stupid once in awhile, but you really abuse the privilege."
"You look good with black and blue."
"Are you always such an idiot, or do you just show off when I’m around?"
"I was hoping for a battle of wits but it would be wrong to attack someone who’s totally unarmed."
"I AM a woman, what's your excuse?"
"Still think your on fire?"
"What in the hell? What are you supposed to be?"
"Did things get really hot in here, or is it just me?"
"Earth is full. Go home."
"Whoopsie, did I do that?"
"Look at the cute little toys! Can I play with one?"
"You only annoy me when you’re breathing, really."
"Your birth certificate is an apology to your parents from the hospital."
"How impressive! You can put your foot in your mouth and your head up your ass at the same time!"
"So... do you name your guns because you can't get a real date or?..."
"Oh wow, this must be pretty embarrassing for you."
"Are your compensating for something?"
"Jesus christ, You’re so fat you could sell shade."
"You are the human version of period cramps."
"Sorry, but you won't be able to drink away the alcoholism."
"I'm gonna hit you so hard, you'll lose your accent."
"*sad crying that turns into cruel laughter*"
"You’ll never be the man your mom is."
"Nice onesie, does it come in men's?"
"Aww, Do you need me to kiss your boo-boo better?"
"Excuse me nurse, could you take a look at this for me?"
"They took your license away for a reason doctor."
"Oh! I like your dress!"
"If laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world."
"That's disgusting."
"Isn’t there a bullet somewhere you could be jumping in front of?"
"Just because you have a dick doesn’t mean you need to act like one."
"I’ve been called worse by better."
"There’s no doubt about it. Your father should have pulled out earlier."
"Is that a knife in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"
"Hey croissant, your fly’s undone."
"If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty."
"Acting like a prick doesn’t make yours grow bigger."
"Je n'ai jamais pensé rencontrer un homme sans couilles."
"You're not cute sweetheart."
"See, this is why the men don't take us seriously."
"Nice outfit. I bet if you stood on a street corner, you’d make some money."
"Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful. Hate me because your boyfriend thinks so."
"I’ve seen your kind before…but last time, I had to pay admission.
Decoy (Delilah Lou Rose) was born April 1st, 1941 in a backstage tent and grew up as a acrobatic clown in the Canadian Circus.
She was brought to the Administrator's attention when she slaughtered a total of 12 men with ease during a break in and attempted assault. A meeting with Saxton Hale eventually led to a job offer. Needing the money, she takes a job with the Gravel wars, thinking it was a show. Once she realizes that it is in fact not a show, but a place where men kill each other, it's too late.
Delilah Lou became a new class called the Decoy, where she would lure unsuspecting men to their death. It wasn't long before she fell in love with the job and grew strong friendships with her coworkers.
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