#'yeah you just kinda do it like- MAKER NOT LIKE THAT- anyway no you're fine yeah go on'
snurtle · 5 months
actually come to think of it
Did the origins gang have a decontamination regimen after dealing with darkspawn? Alistair and the Warden might be immune to the taint, but the rest of their entourage sure as hell is not.
I know they weren't traipsing into camp leaking who knows what kind of cursed bile/ichor everywhere. Surely. Surely they cover that in Grey Warden basic. ....
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Um excuse me..
Pookie Can I please request Sam and darlin being parents to Fred and bright eyes 🥺
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You got it stink 🫦
No warnings other than some potty language
Sorry if this kinda sucks I'm a shit writer 😬
Also pls don't get on my ass for taking so long to write this school and work has been kicking my ass also I have a habit with procrastinating so sorry about that
Please enjoy this this Sam/Darlin AKA Tanker/Fred/Bright Eyes fic 😌
P.S thank you for @annahhopee for proofreading this! 💛 She's pretty cool
They knew Bright Eyes were right behind them. Tanker didn't need to be a vampire to sense them. They were trying to suppress and muffle their aura but even then, Tanker could sense them. Still. 
That didn't stop Bright Eyes from trying to perform a sneak "attack" on them while they were sitting on the couch. (they weren't very sneaky and they could barely put a scratch on Tanker no matter how hard they try) just a little bit closer and they could pounce on them! 
"Bright, what the hell are you doing?" 
Fred was…confused to say the least. His progeny/best friend was attempting to sneak up and do… whatever they were trying to do… to his maker's mate. 
"God damnit, Fred! I almost had them!" Snorts "Yeahhhhh, no you didn't, Bright. I can sense you miles away." Bright Eyes sat on the couch and let out a dramatic, offended gasp. "Bullshit! No you can't!" 
"What are you three arguing about again?" Sam had walked in with the rest of the groceries… confused to say the least. "Woah! Woah! Woah! Whoa! I'm not part of whatever these two got going on. That's a… 'them' situation." "Okay then… What are you two arguing about?" Sam gestured between Bright Eyes and his mate. 
"Bright Eyes seems to think that I couldn't sense them when they were trying to 'sneak attack' me." "Which you couldn't!" Bright Eyes retorted quickly. "Uhh, no offense, Bright but you could probably be pushing 70 and still couldn't sneak up on 'em." "Yeahhh… I'm gonna have to agree with Sam here, Bright. You could probably be a stealth and still couldn't sneak up on them." "I can confirm. I've sensed Milo's mate multiple times." "You guys are some haters…" Bright Eyes was full-on pouting at this point. I mean how could they not? They were getting ganged up on for God sake!
"C'mon, Bright. Don't take it personally. If it makes you feel better, you could definitely sneak up and scare the shit out of Milo." "Everyone can scare the shit out of Milo, darlin. It's not exactly hard to do." "Wow, you guys! this is making me feel sooo much better." Sam put the groceries on the floor before sitting on the arm of the couch. "If it actually makes you feel better, I bought ingredients for pecan pie. All I need is a helping hand to put away all these groceries and I can get started on making it."
Bright Eyes squealed and raised their hand excitedly. "I volunteer to help make the pie, but not put away the groceries." Fred reluctantly spoke up. "I guess I'll volunteer to help put away groceries." "Which means I get to lay my ass down on the cou-"
"Oh, no you don't, darlin. You are going to help me and Bright make this pie." "Nooo…" "c'mon. Get yer ass up and help us." Tanker reluctantly got up and walked towards the kitchen with Fred, Sam and Bright Eyes. Not exactly too stoked that they had to do stuff.
After what seemed like years in Tanker's mind but was probably only 3 hours at most, the groceries were put up and the pie was finished. "Oh, thank God it's over." "Oh don't be so dramatic, darlin. You're fine." "Yeah! I bet you even had fun! Admit it!" Bright Eyes said whilst poking Tanker's face, trying to get them to smile. "Fat chance, kid." Fred giggles and softly smiles at them. "You don't have to say anything Tanker. We already know you have a secret soft spot for us!" "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up you two. Fuckin' brats..." "Yeah but we're your brats! Which means you legally have to deal with us, so you can suck it!" Bright Eyes exclaimed, pulling Tanker and Fred towards them and hugging them both tightly.
Sam smiled at his family, feeling content and happy that his loved ones were bonding before Bright Eyes had piped up. "Get over here, old man! We're having a group hug!" Tanker smirked at Sam, but also content and happy with their second family. "Yeah, get over here, old man." Sam playfully rolled his eyes and walked over to the group hug and wrapped his arms around his family and his family wrapped their arms around him. And in that moment all of them thought 'this is the life.' 
After a few more seconds, Tanker spoke up. "Alright, enough mushy feely shit. Let's eat this pie" "aww! Was that too much love and joy for you?" "Bright, if you keep sassing me, I'm throwing you out the window." "You would hurt your own child?!"
"You are not my kid!" "Yes the fuck I am! And you aren't allowed to argue with me about it!" "Uuugghh!"
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kazumaple · 1 year
baby, you're a firework | yoimiya
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(art not mine- credit to: @/haragaita_i on twt!)
word count | 635 words genre | best friend!yoimiya, gn!reader, oblivious yoimiya, fluff, best friends to ...?, just two bffs visiting a festival together :D
you end up going to a festival with your best friend, yoimiya, as you do every year, but this year you feel like you are there more to watch her than fireworks.
★ warnings | reader is very whipped for yoimiya (or is it just me?), yoimiya is BLIND, a lot of pining, unrequited love, reader confesses but yoimiya is too oblivious to catch on
link to masterlist. click here to make a request!
&lt;< ☆ >>
"Come on, let's go!" Yoimiya grabs your hand as she drags you towards the hill you watch the fireworks on every year, "Quick, or we'll miss it!"
You giggle at her excitement, picking up the pace a bit, because you know the earful you're bound to get if you don't, as you give her hand a little squeeze.
The hill sits just on the edge of Inazuma City, providing a clear view of the festivities. The city is decorated from head to toe with lanterns, garlands and decorations of all assortments to commemorate the occasion. To be perfectly candid, you weren't really sure what the occasion was. You just remember Yoimiya's illuminated gaze as she rambled about it, her lips slanted upwards as she spoke.
You see children and their parents, groups of friends, and lovers all huddled together, waiting to see this festival's fireworks handcrafted by the one and only Naganohara Yoimiya.
You gazed at the woman in question, analyzing her delicate features once more. You knew everything about her. You knew every crevice in her skin, every scar and the stories behind them. But, no matter how long you'd look for, she would always entice you as if you were looking at her for the first time.
She tilts her head to the side, "You okay? You kinda spaced out there."
Coming back to your senses, you reply, "Yeah, i'm fine, i was just thinking about some things."
"About what?"
Ah, Yoimiya. Always so curious. You knew this, she was your best friend and all, but the question catches you off guard anyways. After all, explaining that you'd just got lost in her eyes wouln't be the best way to cover up your infatuation with her.
"N-nothing important. The fireworks are about to start!"
Her head snaps around, attention captured by the blast of a firework being set off.
The small parcels of light explode like shooting stars, leaving a trace of their magic as they ebb into the night sky. A rainbow is formed in the dark, with each spec of light forming a sort of painting, then dissapearing as fast as they appeared.
Yoimiya stares contently at her work, mesmerized by the art she has managed to create. The lights flash above you, but you cannot help but focus on the light that seems to beam from the firework maker herself. Her hand is placed carefully under her chin, supporting it as she gazes upwards. Her hair was placed neatly in her usual high ponytail.
You sigh in relief. There is nothing better than this. Sitting under the fireworks with your best friend and the love of your life. As you reach out to grab her hand, a sudden swelling feeling builds in your chest.
"Yoimiya-" You begin.
"Yeah?" She replies, her eyes not leaving the fireworks.
"I- I love you." You say, "You are the reason I look forward to waking up in the morning, and I wish that the rest of my days could be spent with you and you only. You make me so happy every time I see you, and I wish nothing more but to repay you with even a fraction of the happiness you have given me."
You feel her embrace you tightly, tighter than you have ever felt her embrace you before.
"Thank you," She whispers into your ear, "I'm so glad I have a friend like you."
You feel a dagger pierce through your chest as she utters that cursed word. Friend. That's all you'd ever be.
You smile at her, a bittersweet feeling lingering in your chest as you look up into her golden eyes once more. Eyes so full of hope and love, that at that moment, the only thing you can let yourself do is reply with a gentle,
"Anything for you."
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
Growl: Chapter 1
Kyotani Kentaro (Mad Dog)
Warnings: None. Slow updates
It all started with a growl...
...Which was odd considering it came from a human.
(There might be some lacking in the teams/teammates and matches and I'm sorry if there is. I'll certainly do my best to describe the events of matches and the different personalities of each team members. That's all, thank you for reading!)
(just let me know if you want to be added) Tags: @etroman @theravencawsatmidnight
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Your P.O.V
The shrill alarm shook me awake from my sleep, with a groan you sit up and slam the top of the alarm to shut it up. Groggily opening my eyes I grab my phone and turn it on, suddenly my tired eyes filled with panic as I saw the day and time. Monday, 7:20am. I was late for school! I was never late! I toss my phone aside and scrambled to get dressed and brush my teeth and hair. Because I was in a hurry, my hair ended up looking more messy than decent. But there was no time to fix it right, so I hurried to grab my school bag and phone before running downstairs.
I noticed that my mother wasn't here, which would explain why I didn't hear her yelling for me to wake up. I walked over to the fridge to see a note that read: "Y/n, I was called in early for work. Hopefully you remember to wake up early so you can eat breakfast. If not, I left you some cash so you could grab a snack on the way to school. I'll be back before dinner. Love you, -Mom." I internally thanked my mom before grabbing the cash off the table and running out the door. "I don't even think I have time to get some food on the way there." I sigh. Guess I have extra money for lunch then.
Finally I made it to the front gates of the school, Aoba Johsai High, I checked my phone. I had five minutes to spare. Picking up the pace I ran into the school, and through the halls, narrowly avoiding people while doing so. Avoiding all except for one, partially tall person. I yelped, tumbling backwards, I somehow managed not to fall over. The person I ran into turned back to face me. I felt my stomach drop slightly at the sight of the boy. He was tall, with a blonde buzzcut that had two black lines that started from the right side of his head that looped around to the left side. It kinda resembled a bee pattern. His glare shook me down to my core, piercing yellow eyes shot right through me. The dark bags under his eyes only made his glare more intimidating. But what scared me the most, was when he spoke. Or...growled?
"Watch it." His voice was gravely and deep. It was almost like he was snarling at me. Like an angry dog maybe? "I uh...sorry?" I mutter. The boy only clicked his tongue before walking away. "...What the hell was that?" I breathed before picking up my bag and walking into my classroom.
"Miss L/n. You're late." Said my teacher, turning away from the chalk board, book in hand. Ah! I totally forgot! Embarrassed, I bowed my head and apologized before taking my seat. I might have made it too, if it weren't for that angry guy earlier. I sighed and opened my books and got to copying what was written on the board. "Heeeey, L/n-Chan~. You've never been late before, what kept you?" A familiar voice whispered, interrupted my writing. I knew that voice all to well, with another sight you turned to see my, I guess friend, Oikawa Toru.
"I overslept." I whispered back. "I almost made it too." Oikawa chuckled as he leaned on his hand. "That's so unlike you L/n-Chan. What kept you up last night? Have a boyfriend you don't want me to know about?" He smirks. "No!" I whispered-shouted back. "I...I was watching anime." I mutter. Oikawa failed to hold back his laughter. "Oikawa, L/n! Keep it down!" The teacher scolds us both. "Y-yes sir!" We apologize.
"Hey. L/n-Chan, meet me after class in the gym. There's something I want to tell you." Oikawa whispers. You nod before getting back to work.
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Normal P.O.V
Finally classes had ended, and you were on your way to the gym. You couldn't help but wonder what Oikawa wanted to tell you. "He better not try and ask me out again." You groan. The first time he did it was so embarrassing! And right in front of his herd of fan girls too! You thought they were going to hunt you down and murder you after what he did. "Jerk. This had better be good." You say before opening the doors to the gym. Inside, was the school's volleyball team, and their captain Oikawa as well. "L/n-Chan!" He ran towards you, trying to give you a hug, but you step out of the way of his path, causing him to run into the wall. "Dumbass." A brown hair male shakes his head. It was Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa's "best friend".
"Hi Iwa-Chan." You smile and wave. "Hey! That's my nickname for him!" Oikawa whines. "Hey L/n." Iwaizumi, ignoring him, waves back. "What brings you here?" He asks. "Oikawa told me to come here. He said he needed to tell me something." Iwaizumi glares at Oikawa. "You better not try and ask her out again Shittykawa!" You laugh at the infamous nickname for Oikawa. "I'm not!" Oikawa puts his hands on his hips. "I asked her here for an important reason."
"Like what?" You asked. "Well first of all, what do you think of our team? Though, I shouldn't have to ask that, we're obviously an amazing team, don't be shy, go ahead and say it." Oikawa says with a haughty tone. "Uh, yeah I guess you guys are pretty cool." You tell him. Oikawa scoffs. "Pretty cool?" He shakes his head. "Anyway, how would you like to be our manager?" You gave Oikawa a confused look. "Like, you want me to be your manager? Uh, I mean, I don't know. I've never really held much of an interest in volleyball, let alone managing an entire team."
"Whaaaat? But you have to be! We don't have a cute manager girl!" Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Oh shut it! I'm defiantly not going to be your manger if I'm just here to look cute!" You snap. "Please L/n-Chan!" Oikawa begs. "Leave her alone Shittykawa! She's obviously not interested!" Iwaizumi punches Oikawa in the back of his head. "Ow!" He whines.
"Sorry Oikawa, I just don't think I'm the right fit for your team's manager." You apologize. "At least think about it! I really think you'll like it once you get the feel for it. You'll even get the chance to make more friends." That caught your attention. You didn't have many friends, just Oikawa and Iwaizumi really. You didn't know the rest of the team as well as they did, you would have, if you had more of an interest in volleyball. But you didn't. Maybe this would be good for you after all. Before Iwaizumi got the chance to punch Oikawa again you stopped him. "Fine! I'll think about it, but this is not a yes, got it?"
"Oh thank you L/n-Chan!" Oikawa's mood took a turn for a brighter one. "You won't regret it I promise!"
"For your sake, I better not." You mutter. "I'm gonna get going. I'll see you guys later ok?" Before you head out the gym, Oikawa stopped you. "Wait, don't you want to watch us play? Maybe it will help you make a decision." You shrug and set your bag beside the bench. You didn't really have anything better to do, so you might as well watch. "We're just about to start, we're just waiting for a certain trouble maker to show up." Oikawa crosses his arms. Just as you were going to ask who this "certain trouble maker" was, the gym doors slammed opened. The loudness made you jump in shock, turning around slowly, you met the eyes of someone, you wished you would never have to see again.
It was the scary ass dude you ran into earlier!
"Mad Dog-Chan!" Oikawa greets him. Mad Dog-Chan?? You blink a few times, what kind of name was that? "It's about time you showed up. You get in trouble again?" "Mad Dog-Chan" rolled his eyes and walked in, he didn't even bother to spare you a passing glance as he entered the gym. Did he even notice you at all? It was probably better that way. "You should start getting here earlier. Hurry and get changed so we can start." Iwaizumi spoke up. Mad Dog-Chan nods. "Yes sir." He made his way to the dressing rooms. "Why do you listen to him and not me!?" Oikawa whines.
You walk up to Oikawa as soon as he was gone. "Oikawa, who was that guy? How come you've never mentioned him?" You asked. "He was suspended, so this is the first time he's practicing with us in a while. And as for me not talking about him, well, you saw how unpleasant he can be." You couldn't help but agree with that, you didn't want to make assumptions, but after your encounter with him it was pretty clear he wasn't the most decent of people. "Yeah, I know. I ran into him earlier, I thought he was going to kill me."
"Really? I feel sorry for you then." Oikawa chuckles. "Who is he? Mad Dog-Chan can't be his real name." Well no duh, who names their kid something like that? "His name is Kyotani Kentaro. He's a second year." You hum in response. "Is he any good? Playing volleyball I mean."
"Oh, I don't want to spoil that for you. Just wait and see sweetheart." You punch him in the side. "What did I say about calling me that?" You mutter. "Sorry.." Oikawa whimpers.
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despacitobandito · 2 years
alright Skylander OC shit les go
firstly lets start off with our fav bastard (affectionately), Tiphr
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(also imma link all Picrews down below for when I'm done)
this lil bastard probably uses tumblr
age is uh around mid 20s, old enough to know better but young enough to not do better
he/she pronouns
intersex as well as genderqueer
lost both his right eye and arm in an accident. he can't get his eye back but he got a wooden arm from Dr. Krankcase
speaking of Dr. Krankcase, he ended up being Tiphr's father (adopted)
the "you're not my real dad" jokes are... frequent to say the least
also from Tiphr's joke department, he'll often say shit like "ah yeah it cost me an arm for this" or if you need help he'll say "need a hand?" and he'll give his entire fucking arm to you
he's a portal master
a headcanon of mine is that all Portal Masters have a "leaning" towards certain elements, which means that those ones are the quickest to control and/or learn. Tiphr's are Life, Tech, Air, and Dark, respectively
he kinda remembers where he was originally from, but most of it is just kinda... lost to time ig
ig since he is from another world, per say, does that make him an alien? the answer is yes
lots of steampunk vibes from this guy, but also with nature. good fun
he likes to call bras "tit jackets." no one knows where he learned it from, no one has been able to get him to stop
his wooden arm makes normal guitars sound like bass guitars
yes he can play guitar
he can be serious when need be, but he does enjoy being a funny source of comedy sometimes
loves plants, is a plant parent (would let moss grow in her room, much to Krankcase's dismay)
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uhhhhhhh so here's an Inky boi
his name used to be Inkwash but uh i had to change that
i was in 7th grade when i made him, ooooooof
anyways, this guy is a Dark element
basically, he's an artist. his weapon is ink. oh and he's emo
creativity 100
haha ah well still love my emo wolf boi
listens to whatever the Skylands equivalent of MCR is
probably relates to that one pic of the anime girl where it has two sides and it says "I'm Fine."
godspeed you
has a sad aesthetic tumblr account
actually can kick ass in a fight surprisingly
catchphrase is "A painting of pain!"
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my first OC (technically my second but an overpowered shapeshifter self insert doesn't count) which i have changed. a lot
she's a fire/undead element hybrid
catchphrase is "Here kitty kitty!"
has a pair of dragonlike wings (used to have a scorpion tail too but that was too edgy so that got scrapped)
now she just looks like a little charizard with her tail on fire :)
can self-immolate
was originally just a feathercat (like Scratch's race) who was dared to go into the Land of the Undead. she didn't come out the same, though...
was one of the first to be a hybrid element (not counting the SWAP Force but damn what they got going on is unnatural to say the least)
is totally a punk alt girl
likes being petted
you know that one song "go kitty go"? yea she unironically enjoys that
Tiphr makes fun of her for it
also yea Tiphr is besties with Grave
also Grave doesn't mind being called Gravy
so yea that was a long read. i'm not really sure how to conclude me rambling on about my own characters for a game that is kinda dead (not saying the fandom is, godspeed you guys) but yea, hope you enjoyed and here's a link to (almost) all the picrews i used
the other wolf one is from a game on DollDivine called Wolf Maker Unleashed (due to the death of Flash you can't run it on Google anymore but there's tutorials on the website to help you get around this)
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When He Sees Me - Part 2 (Captain Rex x Reader)
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Part 1!
taglist is pinned :)
Words: like 870.
Warnings: kissing, no smut, but some sexual references and some cursing.
a/n: there’s no need for a summary on this one imo, it’s just a continuation of “When He Sees Me”. (Also, I could only think of one song for them to dance too...and that was that one Sway cover by Michael Buble. Idk it just kinda fits.)
As you walked into the ballroom, it was so intricately decorated. It was just so beautiful. Sure, you’ve seen the palace before, but this room was amazing. Your eyes had wandered and then you saw Padmé, Anakin and a younger togruta girl, maybe about 15. You and Rex walked over to greet them.
“Hi again y/n, captain” Padmé had said nodding towards you and Rex. Both of you nod in return.
“Y/n! It’s good to see you!” Anakin cheerily says. “I don’t believe you’ve met my padawan,” he said as he gestured towards the young togruta girl.
“Hi! I’m Ahsoka Tano, it’s nice to meet you.” Ahsoka had said while waving to you.
“I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you too Ahsoka!” You said as you waved back to her. She then ran off somewhere else, leaving you, Rex, Anakin and Padmé.
“So y/n, how do you like your date?” Anakin said cheekily. “Did I pick a good man or what?”
The heat rose again to your cheeks and you saw Rex nervously shift next to you.
“Uhm yeah, I like him. Thank you Skywalker.” You say, very nervously.
“Good. Now if you want to do anything, please use protec- Ow!” Anakin exclaimed as Padmé elbowed him hard in the side. Both Rex and yourself are red in the face and nervously laugh.
“Anyways, we’ll leave you two to it, me and General Skywalker will be over that way.” Padmé said pointing in another direction, having Anakin follow her.
“They’re definitely gonna make out in that corner.” Rex says, gesturing in the direction they left in. You laugh at his statement.
After many hours of speeches and other boring stuff, it was finally time for the actual dancing part of this gala.
“Y/n, would you like to dance with me?” Rex asks, holding out his hand.
You smile, “it would be my pleasure,” you respond as you take his hand.
You both walk in the direction of the dance floor and a song starts to play. Rex takes one of your hands into his own, you put your hand on his shoulder and he puts his other hand just around your waist. Is this actually happening. Fuck fuck fuck. You thought, his hand on your waist was making your heart beat out of your chest. He starts to dance with you and you don’t know how to act. Shit. What if I trip over his feet? Or what if I trip him? Or what if- your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Rex saying your name.
“Hello, y/n? Are you okay?” He asks.
“What? Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, I just got a little distracted.” You say. He chuckles.
“Great, just making sure.” He says. As the song goes on, he starts to show off his dancing more.
“Wow. I honestly never would’ve thought you could dance.” You say. He laughs at this.
“Well, surprisingly I can.” He responds as he twirls you.
“Yes. You sure can.” You retort as he dips you. You gasp, making him laugh at your shocked state. You weren’t expecting that.
The song continues and as it does, you hear Rex softly start singing himself.
“...I can hear the sound of violins, long before it begins...” Dammit, he can sing too? Where has this man been all your life.
You dance until the song starts to come to an end. This is where you have to make a decision. Maker, I want to kiss this man. Fuck. But how do I, should I kiss him now. Or not. Fuck fuck what do I do?? You thought. But then put those thoughts behind you. You mustered up enough courage to tilt up and kiss Rex just as the song came to an end. He was shocked, not knowing what to do, as you started to pull away, an apology very much ready, he held your waist tighter and kissed you back, making you gasp in surprise. His lips fit perfectly against your own, letting your eyes slip closed. After what feels like forever, you eventually break away opening your eyes and gasping for air. His reaction was the same. You were just about to kiss him again but suddenly saw Anakin over Rex’s shoulder, looking in your direction. Making, faces? Oh hahahaha kissy faces like a child.
“Skywalker’s making kissy faces isn’t he.” Rex says.
“Yeah...how’d you know?”
“It's Skywalker, he’s literally the most childish man in the galaxy.” He responds.
“Well I can’t argue with that.” You laugh. Rex smiles back.
“So...do you want to continue that kiss WITHOUT Skywalker staring right at us?” You ask. Rex smirks.
“I’d love that.”
So you both leave the ballroom and you lead him to the room you're staying at in the palace. You just closed the door and then grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed you right back, putting his hands on your hips as you had yours on his shoulders. The movement of his mouth against yours was perfectly in sync. You gasp for breath every now and then, but never breaking the kiss.
“Maker I am so glad that this night ended this way.” You gasp out.
“Same here. I was honestly kinda freaked out when Skywalker said that he needed me to be at this gala with someone I had never met. Glad I ended up with the most amazing person I’ve ever met.” He gasped out.
“Oh just shut up and kiss me again.” You breathe. He complies.
Let’s just say that Ahsoka was then traumatized the next morning when she came looking for you and Rex.
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jessiebanethedragon · 4 years
so i randomly thought about a fic with crosshair with his iconic line "you miss me? how touching" and im kinda shocked about how it doesnt exist! so i went to you to request this 👉👈 bcs you're one of my fav fic writers and i'd like to see it from you, no pressure though! bcs i know you dont exactly have all your hours to provide us with fan content :] <3
Hello! thank you so much for this request i’ve been in love with the idea for so long sorry it took me ages to get it written! anyways here it is! 
love ya oxoxox Jessie
Miss you (Crosshair x separatist!Reader)
You met Crosshair in a hurricane of cruses, punches and a bloody nose on his part. And from the glare he sent you way after Hunter had wrestled you into binders, you knew the mutual feeling of hatred was obvious. And of course, when the republic so graciously offered to help you make amends, in return for separatist intel and a forgoing of your prison sentence they put you back into the clutches of Clone Force 99. 
Crosshair could not stand you. With enough cheek and sass to rival his own, and looks that were infuriatingly good, the resident sniper had it out for you. 
But to be fair, you hated him as well. You hated how tall he was, how his deceivingly slim frame gave way to sturdy muscle that your hands had been over top of on a singular occasion that you couldn't get out of your head. 
“Tell me the layout again.” Sergeant Hunter demanded, standing over a disastrously incorrect map of a separatist base. 
“You’d be better off without a map at all!” Exclaimed throwing your hands up in defeat, “the weapons room is here, on the west side of the basement. Not on the east side of the top floor.” You went through the entire map again and again, in order for Hunter to relay it to Tech when him and Crosshair got  back from intel. 
“I still don't understand why we have to be out in the middle of nowhere.” Tech’s voice crackled through the comms. 
“Because She can’t be trusted.” Crosshair hissed. 
“She has been completely honest with us thus far.” Tech retorted, 
“She has a name” You called into your vambrace, 
“Fine, The separatist cannot be trusted.” Oh you could hear the smirk in his voice now. And the damn sniper wore it so well… 
“Ex-separatist.” Wrecker kindly pointed out in your defence. 
“Enough. All of you, Tech what's your status?” Hunter cut in, giving up on the holo-map completely. 
“Approaching the south entrance stand by.” You furred your brows, south, why did they go to the south. You distinctly remember telling them to go North… oh, oh shit. 
“Tech! Abort mission!” You said into your comm, grabbing your blaster and pack off of the walls of the ship. “Tech! Do not approach the south entrance. I repeat do not engage at the south entrance!” Why, Why did they never listen! You looked at Hunter and Wrecker who seemed unbothered. 
“Where do you think you’re going, Spitfire?” Wrecker asked teasingly, “South entrance is unguarded.” 
“According to your map, but according to me the south entrance is next to…” “The Barracks.” Hunter finished for you, before running into the cockpit shouting into his comms. You and Wrecker shared a look of panic. 
“Are you coming with me or not?”  You asked him, and his eyes darted to the cockpit where Hunter was currently firing up the engines and the ramp that was beginning to close. 
“I’ll meet you there Spitfire.” He promised, brothers come first, you could understand that. And even though you knew the Havoc Marauder could get there faster, something other than your brain told you that you had to go on foot. And so you threw yourself out of the rising ship, and onto the forest floor of a separatist planet. 
And that, well that brings us to the present situation, finding yourself once again in a pair of binders and your comrades nowhere to be found. In hindsight, trampoline through the undergrowth like a bantha on spice wasn't the best idea. But maybe you cared more for Clone  Force 99 than you’d like to admit. 
“Where are they?” Whorm Loathsom sneered, far too close for comfort. 
“The term ‘they’ is pretty ambiguous, could you perhaps speci-fy” your sentence was cut off as his clawed hand met your throat, your own hands fumbling at his face as you struggle for air. 
“I’ll ask you again, traitor. Where are the clones you’ve been travelling with?” Loathsom didn’t let up on his grasp, and the corners of your vision were beginning to blur. 
“At... your... mother’s.” You choked out, still trying to wriggle out of his grasp. His claws were beginning to cut into your skin, and you knew blacking out was imminent. 
“I don’t think you have the time for sarcasm.” He hissed, increasing the pressure causing you to flounder in his grasp. “Now, i’m giving you a chance for redemption here. Tell. me. Where. They. Are!” Maker, you realized, he’s going to do it, he’s actually going to kill you. And just as yours eyes fluttered closed and you began to black out, you hit the floor with a resounding thunk. Only to be pulled onto your feet again and into something familiarly solid. 
“Miss me?” Crosshairs voice was heaven layered honey over the sounds of wheezing and laboured breaths. 
“Crosshair?” You gasped up at him, his arms around your frame moving to pick you up. 
“How touching, you almost look pleased to see me.” You blinked repeatedly at his smirk, before wincing as he began to move. 
“Where?” He asked, setting you down again. You tried to speak again but your lungs were still working double time. “What did they do to you?” He whispered, “I should've been faster.” 
“Crosshair,” you tried again, essentially mewling into his chest, “I can’t…. Can’t” you were panicked, scared, trying to chase a breath you just couldn't catch. 
“I’m going to kill them. I’m going to kill them all.” He snarled, standing up again with you safely in his arms. Maybe Clone Force 99 cared for you more than you thought. 
Bed rest sucks, you decide about one day into Techs mandated recovery schedule. What sucks more is him and Hunter marching you back to you bunk every time you try to get up. So, naturally, you resort to sneaking around during the night when the self-proclaimed medics of the Bad Batch are asleep. 
You clutch a cup of some kind of herbal drink, Wrecker and Tech keep them by the box load so you figured they must be at least decent. But right now you’re wondering if you missed something because the stupid wet herb-flower bag thing keeps flopping around in the cup every time you try to take a sip. And the thing is way too hot, so you resort to blowing the steam away as it rises. 
“Shouldn't you be in bed?” Crosshairs voice comes from the doorway into the hull of the Marauder. 
“Miss me?” You ask, mimicking him from before, enjoying the irony. 
“Nope.” He says, popping the ‘p’. You scoff at your mug of hot herbal whatnot. “Wrecker was beside himself though.” 
“Was he?” You tease your sniper, and a part of you wonders when he went from being ‘the’ sniper to ‘your’ sniper. 
“Yeah, inconsolable in fact.” Crosshair moves from the doorway over to your spot  in the hull of the ship. 
“Really?” you arch an eyebrow, standing in an embarrassing attempt to meet his height. But he’s closer than you calculated and in your adjustment you fumble and find yourself against the wall. 
“Aw, little Spitfire’s all choked up, mind the pun.” Crosshair sneers at you, stepping firmly into your personal space. 
“I do in fact.” You retort, “mind the pun, i also mind you in my personal bubble.” You go to plant a hand on his chest to push him away, but he’s so solid. Maker, why is he so warm and firm under your hands. Why, oh why, does he have to feel so perfect to your palms. And in the three times you’ve now touched him, Crosshair’s starting to feel familiar. 
“You gonna push me or just cop a feel?” He raises an eyebrow, but you miss it under the blush on your cheeks and your gaze hits the floor. His hand comes to your chin, index finger underneath while the thumb caresses your cheek. 
“I didn't get to thank you… for coming back for me.” You’re not sure where this is coming from, but it happens anyways. 
“You’ve got a weird way of apologizing Spitfire,” He murmurs looking back to your hands in his chest, watching your eyes react as he moves his other hand to your hip. He smirks oh so proudly when you sigh and relax into his hands, and move yours to hold his face and lightly  scratch at the short hair on his neck. 
“Crosshair…” You exhale looking at him, and the energy between the two of you does the rest of the talking as he leans down to connect his lips to yours. 
Kissing Crosshair seems to contradict everything else about him. It’s slow and soft, he takes his time memorizing the feeling and shape of your lips of his. And with all the time he’s spent pushing you away, now he’s pulling you impossibly close. Your kiss is akin to the second half of your nickname. Crosshair is on fire, but he can't bring himself to care. For you, he tastes of a forest after rainfall, crisp with mist and peaceful. You don't want it to ever end, but the burning in your abused lungs forces you to pull away. Immediately he pulls your foreheads together, a Keldabe kiss, because it’s the best he can get as you both heave for air. 
“I did miss you. And I was worried.” He tells you, lips brushing against your own  as he speaks. 
“I know,” You say, pressing a second kiss to his lips where you can both feel the other smile. 
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yukiette · 4 years
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Nakamura's Birthday Stream ❕️
link is on the title. translation below ✨️ pt.1 of.. Idk many probs 笑
When Nakamura looks eye to eye with someone, he said he usually would raise his head as he look into opponent's eyes which gives the impression he's looking down on 'em.
Kajita then explains that Nakamura's the type who looks into one's eyes when having conversation but when he does unfortunately it's as if he's scrunitizingly observing them, which is rather scary in his opinion lol.
Nakamura said he received many messages and emails congratulating his birthday.
And also told that he, Takahiro Sakurai, and Irino Miyu has a group chat together.
Nakamura : Well you see. Lately Irino-san is addicted to NiziU..
Kajita : NiziU? I think I have heard of it.. They're like people who dance or sing, right?
NY :..Well all of members are from Japan and they're an idols. *explains why its formed n about JYP relation to em*
MK :..JY..Park???? *confused*
NY : *laughs at his confused state* You really became person who doesn't know anything lol
Like, just awhile ago in the backstage you're like all knowing manga maniac, saying "Ah this manga? I've read it." Suddenly from that goes "J.Y.Park???" (Is quite hilarious)
*everyones laughing*
MK : Really. Really sorry 'bout dat.
NY : Wat happened really? *in accent*
MK : I have completely no interest in TV and entertainment industry but Hoshino-san is an exception.
MK : So, uhh.. Is J.Y.Park some sort of park? [HAHAHAHA I KENT-]
NY :..*silence* Yeah, a park. It's some sort like park.
*everyone loles*
NY & MK : *discusses seriously again about the producer stuffs.*
NY : Well, anyways. Irino's addicted to 'em and we (Takahiro and him.) said that if around 5 or 6 groups together n enters the view, we'll no longer could tell the differences between them.
[I RELATE SO MUCH HAHAH, thou twice is an exception ✨️]
NY : Then he said
"What's with that geezer like view?!? That's no good at all!"
"Okay, fine, you leave me no choice. I shall from now on personally virtually send you their profiles every single day so that both of you will remember every single one of them. (9 members.)"
"So do let me join your group."
And we're like "Ehhhhh....." (In "I don't wanna" kind of tone) [HAHAH I LOVE DIS]
NY : And so, he did actually sent them everyday. Wanna see? *loles*
MK : *ask n question sorts of things*
NY : Ah.. Yesterday was especially long.. *in tad low voice*
MK : Eh... I wonder where he got all of that informations..
NY : Probably from official sources..
NY : So yeah we even had question session like "This is who's -chan?" When I don't even remember their name much.
*pfft laughing*
MK : So uh.... Were you able to answer it?
NY : *in low voice* There's no freakin' way I could, of course.
MK : *reads* NiziU Smile Maker..
NY : Miihi-chan.
MK : *burst into laughing*
NY : Ace. Singing perfect. Dancing skills perfect. Expression also perfect. Popular member. Recently came back, reincarnated idol.
MK : *in loss of world as he keeps pointing to the screen*
NY : It'd be scary for a person to remember this.
NY : See all of this *shows the overall information* Absolutely impossible for me to remember.
MK : That's ain't no joke, actually it's terrifying... *taken aback* This.. Is this really from official sources? It's he wrote it personally, lol.
NY : Yeah, you might be right...
MK : Right? It looks like he wrote that himself.
MK : That's to be feared of...
NY : Like Ayaka-chan, too..
MK : "Fluffy Fuzzy Beauty"...
NY : "Nina-chan unexpectedly is 15 y/oー!!"
NY : *continues to list members name as MK keep hm-ing HAHAH*
MK : Uhh.. Nakamura-san. Everyone kinda look the same in my eyes...
MK : I wonder if I'm already an old man.
NY : Yep.
MK : They all looks like Osomatsu-san to me. (In how you can't quite distinguish way.)
MK : Everyone's a beauty and because they're all beauties. I can't distinguish between them.
NY : Yep. Because ultimately, overall "beauty" is like that.
MK : Yeah2. It's like that.
NY : Mhm. Because they're all beauties, it happens. I understand.
MK : Like.. Popular celebrities have this similar look..
NY : *shows the chat again*
MK : That's amazing..
NY : Well anyways after that. They congratulated me and stuffs. We continued to talk for a long time and brought up several topics.. It's what I did first on my b-day btw.
MK : That's good, then. Having fun n all.
NY : Well along the way the topic became.. Adult Videos..
MK : Eh?? How how??
NY : I don't really know, it's just did..
MK : Like.. How's the shift for ya'll to discuss bout that. [I like his hand movements HAHAH]
NY : Well.. Idk.. We kinda talked about that somehow.
MK : I'm honestly more piqued in this topic, instead.
NY : *lols* Yeah, we had a blast.
NY : *start to play phone bec hes embarrassed probs lol*
MK : I have dark knowledge about those adult videos. (Certain sites? Idk)
NY : Is there such knowledge?!
MK : Mhm.. Well, y'know that 2D content are censored, right?
NY : Wh-What? [yap nakamura-san iz me rite now]
MK : Please listen to what I have to say.
NY : Okay..
MK : Like doujin and ?. There's many purchase sites for that, right?
MK then continues on as NY keeps laughing at this absurd topic.
MK then tells how the mosaic opacity is different depends where you buy, etc.
The camera/producer also even joins in to clarify what's NY confused about.
NY kinda was cutted off and and said, "Wow an explanation coming from a pro." [HAHAHAH]
MK : Yeah like seriously. Unless you compare them side by side, you doesn't notice.
NY : *cuts off kajita abit* ...What kind of topic is this.. *he says in low voice as he plays with his phone*
MK : I was wondering if this is the thin part ofー
NY : *cuts off kajita again* To discuss about this topic on someone's birthday..
[I wanted to do a bit more but YT isn't cooperating rite now.]
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veritylane7 · 3 years
+mydecember+ Twilight ver. 13
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( 10:50 PM )   Math-class doodle of Rukura (Raphael), airbrushed. Came out nicely. ^.^       ( 10:07 PM )   John's suggestion for a feel-good song that Mr. Rozario (school principal) should play over the PA system in the morning? Children of the Damned by Iron Maiden.... how I agree! ^____^
We're sick, sick people. Can you tell we're related??
song of the moment: "Genocide" by the Offspring. I really gotta get some of the Offspring cds... I want Smash, Americana, and Conspiracy of One.... *sulks*
( 9:57 PM )   Ribby-chan... s'all being taken care of. Mike and Matt be lookin' after me closely, and if Dan does anything else, he's in for some serious trouble. *heh* Mike or Matt my soulmate? Dooood, Mike's a pal, and Matt's like my older brother (he's actually my most recent ex-boyfriend in a way). Thanks for the concern, tho! And don't worry... I beat Dan up nice. If I have my way, he'll be singing soprano come next week.
*heehee* I think I've FOUND my soulmate, anyhoo. *pointed look at someone who's screen name rhymes with punkin' pie* *heartheart* ^__^
( 9:49 PM )   *runs around screaming fangirlishly* YUMMY! YUMMY! I GOT A CUTE, SCAAAAAAARY DOOD FOR THIS TEST!!!
Ideal anime guy test...
# 1 Zagato from Magic Knight Rayearth # 2 Ashitare from Fushigi Yuugi # 3 Chichiri from Fushigi Yuugi # 4 Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi # 5 Kiryuu Touga from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 6 Taikoubou from Senkaiden Houshin Engi # 7 Hayama Akito from Kodomo no Omocha # 8 Kyoichi Saionji from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 9 Morisato Keichi from Ah! My Goddess # 10 Nakago from Fushigi Yuugi # 11 Ohtori Akio from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 12 Ryohji Kaji from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 13 Eagle Vision from Magic Knight Rayearth # 14 Gabriev Gourry from The Slayers # 15 Ikari Gendo from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 16 Nagoya Chiaki from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne # 17 Chiriko from Fushigi Yuugi # 18 Li Shaolan from Cardcaptor Sakura # 19 Tsukishiro Yukito / Yue from Cardcaptor Sakura # 20 Eriol Hiigarizawa / Clow from Cardcaptor Sakura # 21 Ikari Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 22 Kinomoto Touya from Cardcaptor Sakura # 23 Shiirou Kamui from X (X/1999) # 24 Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi # 25 Monou Fuuma from X (X/1999)
( 9:46 PM )   Ideal anime girl test... how'd they know that I adore Skuld, Ami-chan, and Misato? o.O
# 1 Skuld (Oh my Goddess) # 2 Amy (Sailormoon) # 3 Misato (Eva) # 4 Belldandy (Oh my Goddess) # 5 Kari (Digimon) # 6 Rei (Eva) # 7 Lita (Sailormoon) # 8 Mina (Sailormoon) # 9 Fuu (MK Rayearth) # 10 Serena (Sailormoon) # 11 Hikaru (MK Rayearth) # 12 Sora (Digimon) # 13 Bulma (Dragon Ball) # 14 Mimi (Digimon) # 15 Misty (Pokemon) # 16 Rei (Sailormoon) # 17 Umi (MK Rayearth) # 18 Videl (Dragon Ball) # 19 Asuka (Eva) # 20 Urd (Oh my Goddess)
( 9:44 PM )   Slayers kyara test... now THESE results are good.
# 1 Gaav the Demon Dragon King # 2 Beastmaster Zelas # 3 Luna Inverse # 4 Valgaav (Vally-girl! ^_^) # 5 Xelloss Metallium # 6 Zelgadiss Greywords # 7 Gourry Gabriev # 8 Lina Inverse # 9 Rezo the Red Priest # 10 Filia Ul Copt # 11 Martina Whatever-Her-Last-Name-Is # 12 Amelia Wil Tesra Seyruun # 13 Naga (Wil Tesra Seyruun? I think so) # 14 Kopii Rezo # 15 Prince Phil
( 9:41 PM )   Sailor Moon test results... scary. O_O
# 1 Nehelenia # 2 Setsuna/Sailor Pluto # 3 Artemis # 4 Galaxia # 5 Haruka/Sailor Uranus # 6 Taiki/Sailor Star Maker # 7 Hotaru/Sailor Saturn # 8 Michiru/Sailor Neptune # 9 Minako/Sailor Venus # 10 Rei/Sailor Mars # 11 Yaten/Sailor Star Healer # 12 Luna # 13 Makoto/Sailor Jupiter # 14 Princess Kakyuu # 15 Ami/Sailor Mercury # 16 Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon # 17 Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter # 18 Mamoru/Tuxedo Kamen # 19 Usagi/Sailor Moon # 20 Chibi-Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon
( 9:39 PM )   Pokemon test...
# 1 Satoshi/Ash # 2 Shigeru/Gary # 3 Nyarth/Meowth # 4 Kasumi/Misty # 5 Pikachu # 6 Takeshi/Brock # 7 Kojiro/James # 8 Musashi/Jessie
I'm Ash and Gary... isn't that damn close to weird?
( 9:37 PM )   *laughing again* CHECK IT OUT!!
CCS Kyara test results:
# 1 Kero-chan # 2 Syaoran Li # 3 Touya Kinomoto # 4 Tomoyo Daidouji # 5 Eriol Hiiragizawa # 6 Sakura Kinomoto # 7 Yukito Tsukishiro
I'm Kero-chan!
( 9:35 PM )   EEEEEEH!!! O_O; For the X/1999 test... I'm Satsuki! O_o
# 1 Yatouji Satsuki - dragon of earth # 2 Kuzuki Kakyou - dragon of earth # 3 Sumeragi Subaru - dragon of heaven # 4 Monou Fuuma - dragon of earth # 5 Nataku - dragon of earth # 6 Shirou Kamui - dragon of heaven # 7 Kishuu Arashi - dragon of heaven # 8 Shiyuu Kusanagi - dragon of earth # 9 Kigai Yuuto - dragon of earth # 10 Sakurazuka Seishirou - dragon of earth # 11 Aoki Seiichirou - dragon of heaven # 12 Arisugawa Sorata - dragon of heaven # 13 Kasumi Karen - dragon of heaven # 14 Nekoi Yuzuriha - dragon of heaven
( 9:32 PM )   *laughing like a total idiot* CHECK THIS OUT! HOW FUNNY!!! I find that the results for my taking the Eva kyara personality test are very well done!
# 1 Asuka Langley Sohryu # 2 Gendou Ikari # 3 Ryouji Kaji # 4 Misato Katsuragi # 5 Touji Suzuhara # 6 Kaworu Nagisa # 7 Kouzou Fuyutsuki # 8 Ritsuko Akagi # 9 Aoba Shigeru # 10 Makoto Hyuuga # 11 Shinji Ikari # 12 Maya Ibuki # 13 Hikari Horaki # 14 Rei Ayanami # 15 Pen-Pen
( 5:56 PM )   Speller!!! You owe me Mickey ears, and I want Lance's underwear!! AND FEEL MY WRATH!! *wraths Speller* MWAHAHAHAHA! JOYCE IS DEAD! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!       ( 7:36 AM )   Morning Blog!
Nah-nah-nah! Riot Ink business caaaards! *heehee*
I'm okay, really.
I am headachey!!! As Amy would say... my head is doing the achey brakey dance of PAIN. So, I imagine I will get nothing done in class. Ms. Fotinos is gonna kill me for skipping anyway... *sighs*
Querida! I shall continue my efforts to make dad buckle!!
Meagen-san.... really, I know what you mean. Technically, I can draw, but I kinda lack depth in my art (from what I can see). There are very few pictures that turn out with the emotion or realism I want them to come out with..... and funny enough, that kyara that I tend to make look how I want is good ol' Lucas.
Lucas: What can I say? I'm perfect. *mutters* Yeah, right...
And yes, you're getting fanart. Now if only I can manage to scan it....
Meg's Art Corner! Raphael-chan, or as I refer to him in RPs, Lian's Rukura. This is a fine example of what I draw in math class on scrap paper. And querida? It's not THAT good. ^##^;;;;
That's all from me!
Over an' out!
( 10:48 PM )   Of course my idea is good, querida! I'm so smart after all! *tosses away IQ test scores that say only 142* Lucas with blue hair.... streaked with green!!!!!! Yeeaaah, baby!       ( 3:23 PM )   Warning, incoming rant!
STUPID! GODDAMN FLIPPIN' STUPID!! What a GOOD way to get yourself killed! Doing f*cking drugs! STUPID STUPID!!! Goddamn it! I mean, pot, okay that's bad. Bad and STUPID. But 'shrooms?!! HOT DAMN IS THAT STUPID!! And not only that, getting yourself into a situation where you get thrown out of your mom's house?! F*cking stupid! *fumes*
(note: never mind, needed to vent.... friend issues)
( 2:00 PM )   At home and skipping civics class.... *whistles and rocks back on her heels* 9.9
You know what's scary? It's scary when a dood whom you eat lunch with even jokes about wanting to rape you. That's scary. Even scarier is when he pins you against the wall and you have to fight him off, and when he comes back, your best (guy) friends beat the living sh*t out of him. Not quite sure what to make of this.... big super duper hugs and thank yous to Mike and Matt, my new bodyguards. Dan, touch me again, and they'll kill you for sure. I'll see to it. *sweet smile*
( 7:32 AM )   Morning blog!
Querida: Yep, the Mark plot is similar to our dj idea... except a bit more profound. *heh* And seriously, tho, a good plot would be something to the effect of Mark goes baaaad-niichan and tries to end the world, and you gots to stop him. There's a plot. Hooray for plots! Cam's efforts on trying to get Mark to put some sort of value on his own body should start working someday. I mean, HOW many times has Cam explained it? Not to mention, Mark has a nice idea of how Cam thinks now that he's been inside his mind. Mark-niichan's a slut.... but I love him anyway!
Cam: *pounds the living daylights out of Meg for calling Mark such a thing*
*heeheehee* Animal comparisons! *heehee* I gotta try that! Rukura = gecko Poya = otter Yuken = viper Lucifer = duck Michael = horse Zachariah = pot-bellied pig (personality wise) Gabriel = peacock Kanson = crocodile (someone patch in a call to australia, let's get the Crocodile Hunter in here, please... *crosses fingers*)
Meagen-san: I'm working on a fanart for you of SailorM. I shall prolly CG it tonight or tomorrow, okie?
School blows! I don't wanna go to school! WAH!
over and out.
( 6:35 PM )   For fun, and just to annoy him... Rukura's stats!
Name: Raphael Harrison Nickname: Rukura Age: 17 Date of Birth: February 28th Hair: purple Eyes: green Height: 6'4 Occupation: student Descent: Angel Family: human family includes Jacob [father, deceased] and Mary-Anne [mother, deceased]. Original family includes Kanson [father], Europa [mother, deceased], and Uriel {Yuken} [half-brother] Friends: Lucifer, Pandora {Poya}, Michael, Zachariah Current Residence: Atlanta, Georgia Likes: music, reading, daydreaming, being anti-social Dislikes: homework, unwanted attention, medication, and fighting Skills: singing, getting weirdly good grades Setbacks: has a rather serious heart condition, which despite medication and various attempts, is damn near impossible to treat, suicidal, and generally miserable Notes: reincarnation of the Messiah. Human mother died in childbirth, human father committed suicide a few months later. Is considered a "problem child", as he usually gets into fights at school. Been shifted around to foster homes all his life, never staying in one particular home longer than 1 1/2 years. Most recent foster family died in a car crash, leaving him the only living "relative" to claim his foster father's fortune. Lives alone.
( 6:24 PM )   Chris-kun: Dood, a meant the person playing as being Mark... ^__^;;
Meg-chan's on net restrictions, lalalalala... she's gonna get in trouble if she gets caught on the internet, lalalalala... she's rewriting stats for LotM, lalalalala.... she's TOO attached to Raphael-chan, lalala--
Rukura: *belts Meg in the head* Don't call me that! Meg: It's your legal name, isn't it? I like it better 'an Rukura...
Dan wants me to hit him. In the eeeeeew kinda way. Do I really come across as that much of a dom? @_@
( 7:16 AM )   Morning blog!
This is bound to be a short enrty, as mom is home. Sooo...
I had a really funky dream last night, but I don't remember it. All I remember is waking up a lot, upset, and trying to recall where I was. Bennett was curled up to me most of the night (good spiritie dood ^_^), but I don't think it helped much.... ah, well, it's the thought that counts.
Yesterday, I blew $44 on prismacolor pens. I got the box set of cool greys, plus a replacement 60% warm grey as mine is running out. That's me broke for another month now.
BMB is cuuuuuute today. *giggles* I want my verra' own Mik! I *heartheart* Mik! Rach, you better get me a Mik for my birthday! Or else!
I can't draw worth beans lately. *cries*
to Chris-kun: Thanks for the comment on the layout... and maybe now I'll bug querida to do an AH game (I honestly didn't think about that @_@).
*ponders* Yeah, you could go arouns as Mark in the game, and you could sleep with every second person you run into---
Cam: SHUT UP! *thwacks Meg* Meg: Hey, it's not my fault that your hubby is a total sl--- Cam: *throws a table at Meg* Meg: Itaaaai. X_X
Otaaay, enough out of me. Over and out.
( 11:44 PM )   Hal is GOD... lalalala! Hal is thy holy master!       ( 11:27 PM )   Purple is a nice colour! It's the colour of hentai. ^__^;       ( 12:30 AM )   BEHOLD THE NEW LAYOUT!!!
....very purple, isn't it?
( 3:58 PM )   This close >< to shooting myself...       ( 3:56 PM )   I WILL get this to work.... I swear I will.       ( 3:53 PM )   HTML is annoying. Background image, where are you?       ( 3:50 PM )   Let's hope for the background image now.... *crosses fingers*       ( 3:45 PM )   Playing with the layout...       ( 3:25 PM )   This is the temp layout, as I'm altering this puppy to look how I want it to. New version should be up tonight.       ( 2:43 PM )   Chris-kun: the Boa cd has two names. One is the japanese release, the other is for the international market. It's either called Race of the Thousand Camels or Twilight (like this here blog!). And the Limp Bizkit cd is called Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water. And Hannibal is a lot different than the Silence of the Lambs, isn't it? I liked it, but I stand by the fact that Jodie Foster made a much better Clarice Starling than Julianne Moore could ever hope to be.
My Bennett still isn't home... Dora, is he still with you? If not, you'd think he'd be home by now... *sighs*
Okay, time for me to book it outta' here for a bit afore dad calls and has a fit 'cause the line is busy.
( 8:05 PM )   Interlude...
Meg: Cain and Yuken! KAWAII!!!! Yuken: *giggles and twitches his neko-mimi, looking all innocent* Rukura: ICK! Who the HELL would touch HIM!? *points at Yuken* Meg: Well, you 'touched' him once... Rukura: NOT BY CHOICE, GODDAMMIT!! .... *sneezes* Yuken: *eyes Rukura venomously* Rukura: I'll be running off to Lian now... *heads for the hills as fast as his (verra' long) legs can carry him*
( 8:00 PM )   Querida, thank goodness it's not bronchitis. That's something I get a LOT, and it's not fun at all. And ten pounds? ALRIGHT! You GO, girlfriend!! *tackleglomps* You'll be okay.... I know so! ^.^
I got the "Play" cd (Moby), which came with the edit of South Side for free. Bonus, baby! ^_____^
( 7:24 AM )   Morning blog!
Well, I feel mighty stupid this morning. Yesterday, I kinda pulled a muscle in my left leg (riiight in my calf), but it stopped hurting. Woke up from a funky dream and got up to find it hurt. Now, being the idiot I am and not usually restricted by physical pain (hey, that's what ended up breaking my ankle), I went for a shower. Feeling headachey and cramped, I worked my way down the stairs, only to pull the same muscle again and fall about halfway down and land on the cat at the bottom. ^___^;;; <---- feels very dumb
*falls over* Meagen-san, you had me scared a minute there! If you had MEANT Mark, I would have had to call in paramedics and stuff to make sure you weren't doped up on anything!!!! @_@
List of kyara and colours this blog is gonna be themed on in order of layout updates: Cam/purple (this weekend, hopefully) Lucas/red (whenever) Mark/blue (whenever) Sybandial/pink (whenever) Jesse/green (whenever)
Each layout will have a background featuring the kyara, too! ^_^
I really need a life. Over and out!
( 9:51 PM )   Song lyrics... one of Cam's most recent themes! "Learn to Fly" by the Foo Fighters
Run and tell all of the angels This could take all night Think I need a devil to help me get things right
Hook me up a new revolution Cuz this one is a lie We sat around laughing And watched the last one die
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of lying Make my way back home when I learn to fly
I'm done nursing the patience I can wait one night I'd give it all away if you'd give me one last try We'll live happily ever trapped if you'd just save my life Run and tell the angels that everything's all right
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to
Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone Try to make this life my own Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone Try to make this life my own
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to
Looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to...
( 7:06 PM )   Tay, I've decided the theme for my next layout... good ol' Bennett and the colour purple. How... fitting. ^__^
Now if only I can get this stupid HTML editor thing to work... *binks it*
( 11:05 AM )   Morning blog (late again)!
Yeaaah, I just went to first period class this morning and got my classes for next year reviewed. Then I came home because the muscles in my abdomen are spasming and it hurts like bugger all.
To all my blogging friends; I'm gonna change the layout of this blog in the next week (I have a LOT of links to add). I'm gonna theme it around an AH kyara, so lemme know who you think would be best, please. Just post your opinion in your blog, as I read most of them daily anyway. ^__^;
( 8:23 PM )   Yeah, I've neglected my duties as a blog-person lately... I have a life, you know. (Hey, the LEAST you can do is smile and nod! T_T)
Not much is happening, really. My civics class keeps getting cancelled, so I think I'll skip it tomorrow and come home early. What else to say...? Ummm, not much.
Song of the moment: "The Kids Aren't Alright" by the Offspring. I'm on a REAL Offspring kick right now... dunno why exactly. Maybe 'cause they just amuse me. ^_^;
Grammy awards. Bleeeek. *makes a face*
Amy, kids who don't like cheese are stupid! HA HA!
( 3:33 PM )   ...afternoon.... blog!
This morning I spent the whole time trying to get my scanner to work, so thus, no morning blog. But I've got some stuff say for a change!
Today, lunch period was spent bothering Dan for the most part. He really ticked me off yesterday, and I'm extracting my revenge. So, I was making him jealous by glomping Matt at every opportunity (Matt doesn't mind too much, and he's nice to hug 'cause he's always warm.... and no, Mike, he's not my boyfriend! JUST A FRIEND!! T_T). It was rather comical. Civics class was cancelled, since Ms. Fotinos was at the Raptor's game with the people who signed up to go... the half of my class that was at school for the last three periods of the day got transferred to a Grade 12 geography class, in which was SO awkward that the teacher took pity on us and sent us all home. Redoing Angel Hunter again. This time, on the right sized paper... I'm sticking with the page layouts, tho, as I think I've got the look I want.
And, for fun! Rukura's theme song lyrics!
Home by Depeche Mode
Here is a song from the wrong side of town Where I'm bound to the ground by the loneliest sound That pounds from within and is pinning me down
Here is a page from the emptiest stage A cage or the heaviest cross ever made A guage of the deadliest trap ever laid
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong here
The heat and the sickliest sweet smelling sheets That cling to the backs of my knees and my feet I'm drowning in time to a desperate beat
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong...
Feels like home I should have known From my first breath
God sent the only true friend I call mine Pretend that I'll make amends the next time Befriend the glorious end of the line
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong here.
( 7:11 AM )   Morning Blog!
This song is tripping me out right now, but goddamn, do I love it! *grooves to "Home" by Depeche Mode* It's a really dramatic song... and it's sooooo making me think of Rukura. >_<;
It's very cold this morning. At least I think so, anyway, so I'm sitting here wearing the couch blanket as a cape. I feel like a doooork.
Meg's Art Corner (Freckle-chan, you copycat! T_T)
A special little picture; Lucas in his newest style of dress. Drool factor, out of 10? 12.
What else to say... ummm... Mom didn't leave me lunch money again. T_T;
Over and out!
....yep, for the first time in YEARS, I'm the proud owner of twp pairs of blue jeans. I've not worn blue jeans since I was about 5... and these ones fit niiiiice. I have hips and a waist.... @__@
Anyway, mom and I went to Sears and then to Curry's Art Supplies. I got my two pairs of jeans, two men's dress shirts (one white, one black), a new sketchbook, 4 new warm grey prismacolors, and a new 05 pigment pen. I am a happy Meg-chan!
Blue jeans that fit... *in shock*
( 9:09 PM )   I have officially started rewriting the Chronicles of Benjamin Carter! WHIHAI! Here's a bit of what I've written so far.
Frail. Benjamin was frail. He was about 5'4, fifteen years of age, and pale. He was small and slight in build; a boy and not yet a man. Right now, he looked more fragile than he really was... curled up under the blankets of his rather small bed, bruised and crying. It was a familiar scene.
Benjamin wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand in a vain attempt to push the tears away. However, it was pointless since more just spilled down his cheeks as if to spite him and his efforts to stop them. He hated crying. Hated it. But at times like this --- only at times like this--- he couldn't help himself. He was so tired of being forced into the clutches of rich men; predators that liked their pleasure taken out on the young boys who could be bought if the price was right. He was sick of the violation and the abuse. Most of all, he was sick of his father pushing him into it. His own father. He hiccupped in his efforts to restrain his tears.
Benjamin wanted more than anything to run away. Run away to another city, another country, anywhere but where he was. Just out of the clutches of the people who hurt him so much. But he was trapped like the birds his father kept in the iron cages that lined the back yard. He was a prisoner, shackled to the bars of his perpetual cage. Derkshaw would catch him if he ran. Derkshaw always caught him.
"Damn him to hell," Benjamin thought bitterly, though he regretted thinking it for reasons he couldn't quite explain.
There was a tap of boots in the hallway, and Benjamin closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and pretended to be asleep. The heavy, even steps stopped outside his door. The door squeaked as it opened slightly.
Benjamin tried to keep his breathing slow and deep, tried not to flinch. He felt Derkshaw's gaze on him. It burned.
'Go away, papa, go away....'
The door opened a bit more, and the tap of boots carried into the room.
It would be a good half hour before Derkshaw left, the blood on his hands and shirt not his own.
( 2:28 PM )   Man, am I grateful for mom. She just brought me the most wonderful little care packet of a bottle of ibuprofen and a Terry's Dark Chocolate Orange bar. *sniffles happily* Thank you, mommie!
Amy, Amy, Amy.... you have no idea how much stress is gone already. *heavy sigh* I can't thank you enough.
Spellleeeeeeerrrr, next weekend is go for coming over to my house to watch movies! You like freaky movies, I'll make you watch freaky ANIME movies! On the roster so far: Perfect Blue and X. Maybe I'll make a trip to Roger's Video and snag Devil Man or something. But I will get you hooked. I will. Your time will come (*sings* thy will be done!).
*laughing at BMB* Yeah, Mik, you dirty minded cutie! You think those nasty thoughts about Harley! *laughing*
Oiiii, Freckle-chan... you posted a nice list of couples you like. I think for fun, I'll do the same!
Cardcaptor Sakura Touya and Yukito - kawaii! KAWAII!!!! Sakura and Tomoyo - so sue me!
Oh My Goddess! Trobadour and Urd - they were cool! Too bad he's such a dork. Keiichi and Belldandy - well, DUH!
Magic Knight Rayearth Ascot and Umi - I'm a sucker for Ascot. What a little cutie! Clef and Presea - ditto that, 'cause Clef is so cute and so short!
Dragon Half Mink and Lufa - not likely, I know, but still.
Bakuretsu Hunter Tira and Carrot - feh on Chocolate. She's not half as cool as Tira. Marron and Gateau - I don' like Gateau too much, but Marron is so hot. *_*
Ranma 1/2 Ranma and Shampoo - not likely, either, but I think Mousse is too wussy for her. I've always been a Ranma/Shampoo 'shipper.
Shamanic Princess Kagetsu and Tiara - it's a sad relationship... Sarah and Tiara - um, don't ask.
Slayers Lina and Gourry - he's so funny around her... ^__^
Sailor Moon Usagi and anyone but Mamoru! T_T; Chibi Usagi and Pelulu [Perelu, Perele] - *heehee* Cute fae-ish boy with white hair!
Neon Genesis Evangelion Shinji and Asuka - I think she really does like him. She just doesn't know how to show it. Misato and Koji - funny funny! She's a player, tho.
RPing kyara [involving mine] Cam and Mark - for obvious reasons. Rukura, Lian, and Gabby - yes, a yaoi threesome. They're all so cute. Sola [Soren] and Sybandial - so innocent and sweet. ^_^ Jyrian and Quoik - I don't talk about these two much, but their relationship is really cute. Jesse and Rach - how can I not like this? He's cute, she's cute (haha, Rach!) Lucas and Lila - I liked this possibility... too bad she's dead and we won't find out what woulda' happened. Lucas and Carter - this is a slightly more demented relationship. Cadence and Lexiel - a more intellectual relationship... even if Lexiel is kinda big on sex for sick reasons. ^_^; Cadence3 and Cam - I'm a sick, sick girl. Lucifer and Setsuko - if we get Setsuko back, then we can resume this. They're cute too. ^_^
Other Stories Kiih and Ro (from Dora's "Three O'Clock") - I don't really know why... these two just kinda hit it off in my mind. Len and Yuri (see above) - ditto the above again.
Book Series Ron and Hermione - need I explain? Sirius and Remus - again, need I explain? Lestat and Louis (Anne Rice's VC books) - strange but yummy relationship Lestat and David - intellectual and alluring. Marius and Amadeo - Stokholm syndrome. Cal and Meg (A Wrinkle in Time) - KAWAII!
That's that done. ^__^;
( 10:41 PM )   Sap warning ahead!
I have the best best friends in the whole world! My best friends are Speller and Amy!
Speller, who I know I don't mention on here too much (I'm sorry! ;_;), is the smartest person I know. She's also one of the most talented writers, too. How many people can write a whole novel before/during high school? Aside from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, not many. And her poetry kicks ass! She has a lot of it published. She can also draw better realistic stuff than I can, which makes me mondo jealous. It's not fair, I tell you! And she must learn to watch out for Hannibal. Beware him. Speller likes pudding. And pears. Damn those pears.
Amy and I have been friends since 7th grade, when she was the "new kid". We actually first met in drama class. She ran over a possum on her way to work. Yeeeah! She, too, is an amazing writer. It's not FAIR! She came runner up in the story writing contest a while back. I was proud. And I SCREEEEEEAMED the loudest when she won the Todd Bayless award. I live to embarrass.... ^_~
I am grateful to have such good friends. I love them. This concludes the sap. ^___^;
( 9:04 PM )   Querida, you're cooler than Simon and Milo! (Personally, Milo's a tad too butch for my liking, but Simon is a cute little brit guy with the sweetest little sentiments!) ....anyway.... yes, you have a neck. I hope. ^_~
And to complete the phrase you know you have problems when...you obsess over a cartoon with no neck, no nose, and huge eyes!
( 7:29 AM )   Morning blog!
I watched Perfect Blue last night. It downright scared me! Seeing Hannibal didn't scare me, seeing the Rage; Carrie 2 didn't scare me.... but Perfect Blue DID. The "real Mima" (the one who's forever in the Cham costume) is SCARY!!! And the Mimaniac is pretty scary too. o_O Iffen you haven't seen this movie, get it. Especially if you like stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion, X, or Serial Experiments Lain. I warn you, there's nudity, a rape scene, and a lot of gore. This movie freaked me out more than Eva did.
In other news... going to the art store tomorrow!!! And, I'm also skipping 5th period today. Maybe even 3rd, 'cause I'm stuck doing NOTHING all class anyway. -_-;
Hopefully they have the 10x15 paper I want... 'cause, you know, that being the traditional dimensions for comic drawing. Y'all knew that, right? *gives you a loooooook*
And I best be off to get ready... JA!
( 7:02 PM )   Blogger hates me.
I'm having a hell of a lucky streak this week. Today, in the mail, I got an AUTOGRAPHED Simon and Milo picture, FRAMED!!! *swoons*
And I got Perfect Blue!!!!
( 5:14 PM )   Gonna go see Hannibal with Mike and Chris in about half an hour! ^__^       ( 7:21 AM )   Morning Blog!
Last night, began a really angsty RP with Cam and Mark (well, it was angsty on Cam's end). Now, I only just realized that I think up really weird stuff that follow pretty much all the major time/space/reality laws. And all on a whim and at random. It's strange. You know you study this stuff too much when.... Yep, it's not every day when I come up with plots like that puppy. Using the imprints left in the reality weave to reconstruct a Mark.... that's some strange stuff (but it actually makes sense, which is what throws me). Huh.
I feel guilty... I got mad at Amy last night. She was being a little more depressing than usual, and I just couldn't stand it. I'm sick and stressed and I don't need to boost her ego all the time.
I've had this urge for the past couple of days to draw Cam shaking Lucas by the shoulders and looking very upset while Lucas looks blank. I don't really know why.... the caption for it has been running through my head, as it is this: "What am I to you?!" Trippiness.
Well, being the idiot I am, I didn't do my civics homework. My group is gonna love me for that.... then again, they're sticking me with the job of reading the presentation on Spain because I'm the only one that knows how to speak some Spanish. *sweatdrops*
I'm having urges to draw the weirdest things.... I hate it when Cam angsts at me from his little spot in my mind.
Meg's Art Corner A really weird little picture of c3 and a Chibi Cam. C3 is drawn more in my gothic anime style than my normal one. Turned out quite well! ^_^
Over and out!
( 7:16 PM )   Neeee, imouto! If you're not gonna be doing Yunga Neko for a while, you should get a guest artist to do, like, weekly panels just until you can work on it again. *volunteers*       ( 7:14 AM )   Morning blog time again, kids!
I'm feeling okay this morning, so school for me. *sigh* School is so boring. Lunch is okay, mind you, because I have (as Speller said) "so many male bitches that work" for me. ^__^
I've been doing a lot of drawing since I got those pens. It's scary... can't wait to get more! ^__^ I also gotta get me some 10 X 15 paper, 'cause that's the standard comic size. I don't feel up to fighting with printers because the size ratio on 8.5 X 11 is uneven. Screw it. I'll just redo it all on standards.
I'm having the straaangest breakfast. Pork chops. Don't ask me, it was the only thing I could find...
Song of the moment: "Cruel Angel's Thesis (Harmonia Remix)" from Evangelion. *slobbers* I forgot what a COOL remix this is!!!
Meg's Art Corner Ben Carter, looking cute and vaguely distant! (Hey, he's a Blink fan, too!) Mark makes a scarilly cute girl. o_O Appearently, so does Lucas. Onna-Cam makes me think of Rally from Gunsmith Cats for some reason.... How cliché.
Over and out!
( 5:30 PM )   Nah nah naaaah! Meg has Sympatico access!!
Anyway, Meg also got herself some niiiiice grey prismacolor pens yesterday! Meg drew some pretty pretty pictures with them, too! Meg is happy, so she is!
Meg's Art Corner With her new prismacolors in hand, Meg is proud to present her latest creations! Angelique, the evil evil bitchy whore of a Demon from AH. She's pretty, tho. ^_^; "Legacy of the Messiah" cast shot; Rukura, Lucifer, and Pandora as kids! Carter and Lucas, a strange relationship these doods have. Carter looks somewhat like Cam, doesn't he? Quoik, Meg's only fae kyara!!
( 2:25 PM )   Tiredtiredtiredtired....
At the Office Place, they have a set of 24 prismacolor markers for about 40 bucks. I WANT THEM, but mom says "no, I don't have that kind of money right now". So, what we're gonna do, is I'm gonna drag her to Curry's Art Supplies store in a few hours and see how much THEY'RE selling them for.... maybe she'll buckle and take me back to the Office Place. ^_~
I need grey markers...
...oh, note to all who talk to me at night online. I won't be on until really late 'cause the network will be down. Unless mom hooks us up with Sympatico tonight, I'll be on around 2am. *sniffles* I'm gonna be without my querida fix! *snifflesniffle*
( 8:34 PM )   Lack of bloggingness today, as you all may have noticed. Dunno why, I was home again....
song of the moment: "Under the Bridge" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I *heart* Flea.... what an AMAZING bass player. Too bad this song doesn't showcase him much. If you want good bass by the dood tho, "Californication" is an order.
*cheers* The restrictions to see Hannibal have been changed from R to AA! In other words, I can get in to see it! Heeey, Dan, Amy, Speller, anyone? Wanna come with? I warn y'all, tho, it's been said that this movie is grotesquely violent.
Tomorrow is gonna be a very busy day. I'm going into town with my mom and brother for most of the day, then it's home for a few hours (like, two), and to the mall where I shall meet with Quinn-chan and Chris to go for our ritual Riot Ink business meeting. Then I shall return from the depths of Quinn's anime/transformers shrine of a home and return to my humble lair around midnight. Then I'll prolly talk to my baaaaybeeeeee (aka: querida) for the remainder of the dark hours of the evening.
Oh! Celeb Jeopardy! Two of my faaaaavourite doods were on there! Seth Green from various shows such as Buffy, and Steven from the Barenaked Ladies! DOOD! And Seth has his hair buzzed in sooooo damn short that he looks bald. 0_o
Kick ass! 3 Doors Down are playing at the Warehouse on March 11, and tickets are only $27... man, I wanna GOOOOO!!!
( 12:37 PM )   For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica Make his fight on the hill in the early day Constant chill deep inside Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey On the fight, for they are right, yes, by who's to say? For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know Suffered wounds test there their pride Men of five, still alive through the raging glow Gone insane from the pain that they surely know
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
Take a look to the sky just before you die It is the last time you will Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry Stranger now, are his eyes, to this mystery He hears the silence so loud Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be Now the will see what will be, blinded eyes to see
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
( 12:17 PM )   Okay, today's guest BMB is quite good. ^__^
*points out the window* Heehee, a mini-plow!! *giggles*
song of the moment: "Sunny Came Home" by Shawn Colvin (so sue me, I like this song... ).
( 12:08 PM )   Why is it on days that it's not supposed to snow, it snows the most? We've gotten about 13 cm since last night and it's still coming down... -_-;
song of the moment: "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica. Heeheehee....makes me think of AH. I shall post the lyrics on here later.
( 7:42 AM )   The Wheel of Excitement on Neopets loves me... I just won another 10 000 np. O_O       ( 7:35 AM )   Morning blog!
Here I am, killing time while I wait for either mom to call me or for me to call mom. Stupid morons in Wal-Mart, you call the main office and ask to be patched through to Electronics, and they put you on hold and hang up on you. Figures, it was mom's boss that just did that to me. Moron.
I got slim to no sleep last night due to sickness. Man, do I hurt... I feel like my guts are being put into a dryer's spin cycle constantly. And after drinking 3 L of cranberry juice, I'm not too good right now. I'm kinda waiting for mom to call so I can ask her what to do... I dunno if I should stay home or go to school. I bet I'm missing a fair bit. Well, there's always Fiona and Harpreet to ask. ^_^;;
I bet Dan's gonna kill me if I'm off another day. Mike's prolly beaten him up a few times by now without me there.
*drums her fingers* Mom, I asked you to phone me... you've got 10 minutes, and then I phone YOU....and hope I don't get hung up on...
Oh! BmB's on it's guest week. Y'know, with guest artists doing the panels. I'm not liking it too much. Yesterday's was a tad too blunt, with not enough joke 'ahind it. Maybe next time, I'll try for a guest spot on there. I'd be sure to do something involving Cy and Skids. I love Cy and Skids. ^__^
I'm running very low on straight kyara. Querida manages to turn them all gay! *shakes her head* Bennett, Lucas, Rukura, Sy.... who next? *turns to Tiirak* Dood, you're not gay are you? Tiirak: No way. Meg: You sure?? Tiirak: Yes, I'm sure. Meg: *looks suspicious*
Mommie bought me the Silence of the Lambs yesterday. It's such a good movie, and all the better if you've read the book. The casting for the movie is very good, too... Jodie Foster makes such a cute Clarice Starling. It really pisses me off that Julianne Moore is playing Clarice in Hannibal (which comes out tomorrow, check your local listings ^_~). She is SO not Starling material. But as long as Sir Anthony Hopkins is still good ol' Hannibal Lecter the Cannibal, I'll watch it.
*calls Mom* Wow, I got through....!!! Maybe that's because I cheated and used the associates-only code. How would I know THAT? 9.9
Looks like I get to stay home again today... *feh* Boredom and a half. Amy, if you're home, feel free to phone me or something.
Over and out!
( 10:50 PM )   Yeeeeeeeee! Querida can read my mind and alter my dreamstate!!!!
No one should have to drink 2 litres of cranberry juice in 5 hours. x_X
( 9:21 AM )   Morning blog!
I'm home sick! And it's only the 4th day of semester 2. Seems that whatever the hell was wrong with me before is wrong with me again... pain hurts, you know. T_T;
I've not much to say today... doesn't that suck when you wanna say something but you're outta' stuff to say?
OH!!! GOOD NEWS! AH Issue one is officially coming along WELL! Looks like I won't have to go to version 16... ^___^
( 9:32 PM )   Rukura and Lian... I got bored and messed around with PC Paintbrush...       ( 6:41 PM )   *looking from her cat CC to her mug of hot chocolate* CC is staring at the marshmellows like they're evil..... *inches away*       ( 6:29 PM )   The Angel Hunter church stainglass window...?       ( 4:00 PM )   Okay, I know.... I didn't blog this morning. I was running mighty late. I had to hop fences to get to school. ^_^;;;
What did I do today? Not much. I got yelled at three times and nearly booted out of my history class (why? for drawing! >.<;;), and I nearly fell asleep in comm tech. Thankfully, Mr. Dewitte let us out early.
The layouts for pages 1-4 of AH have been redone. This is version 15... and I'm LIKING it! FINALLY!
Heeey, imouto! Mercutio was the best kyara in that play. I also liked Benvolio, he was cool too (my once-best-friend Brittany took to calling me 'Volio 'cause I liked him so much). Mercutio, tho, had one hell of an attitude, and he was interesting and VERY funny. Too bad he had to die... I'm glad you liked the little snippet. Allow me to post another, just for you! ^__^ This is another bit I quite like.
Benjamin found it facinating to watch him, he was so calm and so... well, he was the very picture of freedom as far as he was concerned. Yes, that was it. Benjamin admired Lokistrant's blasé attitude towards life. Envy, almost.
When one night, Lokistrant was late on his ritual visits to the plantation, Benjamin worried. Could he have been hurt?.... no. This was Lokistrant. He didn't GET hurt. But maybe he just didn't want to see him anymore?
Abandonment. A reoccurring issue. His throat felt dry suddenly. He curled up on his bed, blond hair over his eyes, and wished for morning, when he KNEW that Lokistrant would not come. No second guessing when daylight was involved.
Minutes passed. And quite unexpectedly, Lokistrant was there, startling the boy. Leaning against the far wall, watching quietly, decked out in his usual dark reds and silvers. Benjamin sat up. "How long have you been there? You scared me!"
Lokistrant smiled his usual enigmatic smile, the impression of fangs something no longer unexpected. "Carter, deepest apologies for being so late." The smile was kind, but the voice was final, the tone stating that there was to be no questions asked. Lokistrant held out his hand to the boy. "Care to come with me into town for a while?"
( 7:45 AM )   Morning Blog, part II
Oh! I saw Cast Away over the weekend! It's SO good! Tom Hanks is a surprisingly good actor... I mean, who else can get away with talking to a volleyball so convincingly? And we all know that Amy likes to imagine him naked (Tom, not the volleyball). You should all go see it! NOW!!!! That's an order!
Heehee, now a little quote for fun from a story I am going to re-write.
Benjamin stared across the table at the stranger, worried. The man seemed in his twenties, if that, and had long brown hair that spilled over his shoulders and down his back. His eyes were an unnatural ruby red, and they were very intelligent eyes. Benjamin had learned early in life to be cautious, especially with the smarter ones.
The man crossed his hands on the table in front of him, casual. "Benjamin Carter, correct?"
Benjamin could dect a vague, though unrecognizable, accent. "Yes sir."
"You're fifteen?"
"Yes sir."
"Such a shame to see someone so young forced into... what you're familiar with."
Benjamin sunk down in his chair. "Why are you here? Why did you pull me away from papa?"
To match Benjamin's withdraw from the table, the man leaned forward, and smiled. Benjamin could have sworn he saw fangs. "You remind me of someone."
( 7:22 AM )   Morning blog!
Man, do I feel WEIRD this morning. I'm not sure why, exactly, but I just feel weird. I dunno. I think a certain spiritie dood slept in my bed with me last night.... *points at Bennett* 'Cause I actually slept.
Last night, during a particularly good RP, my ISP died and wouldn't let me back on. I wasn't happy. It was getting SO good, too... *pouts*
I'm so quickly out of things to say.... ^____^;;
O'er an' out!
( 11:17 AM )   Meg's random contemplations I'm considering re-writing Carter's story, which ties in with a fair bit of Lucas' story. Been considering it for a while... Carter's got some serious problems, and he's fun to write because he's so screwed up. He's got a really weird past. His dad was SUCH a jerk.... and up until becoming a vampire, Carter was good little Bennie; never had the nerve to fight his father. *ponders* It's an interesting story. Maybe I'll start on it again after I get home from seeing Cast Away....       ( 10:56 PM )   Okay, people, special announcement!!!!!!! Congrats to Bennett and niichan on the birth of their daughter, Candra Arael Bennett! ^___^       ( 3:32 PM )   Woohoo! I got switched from Casement's class to Apostolou's class! Hooray!!! And I am already SO ahead of all the people in my comm tech class. I seem to be the only one who knows how to use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Publisher, and Premier, as well as Quark and a few other programs. Damn, am I ahead. *_*       ( 7:36 AM )   Morning blog!
Wow, I only slept 3 hours and I feel okay.... *falls out of her chair laughing at today's BmB* Cy and Skids are a riot! I hope they do turn out as a couple! *laughing*
New semester starts today. I'm not too happy about this, as I have history and math this semester, and history is my homeroom class. With Mr. Casement. *cries* NOOOO!!! If I get called by my last name ONCE in his class, I'm gonna commit suicide (okay, not really).
My room is now a nice shrine of large wall hangings. On the walls around my bed, I have three Card Captor Sakura wallscrolls (two anime, one manga), and one kick-ASS Prozzak Saturday People promo poster. Thank you, John. *smilesmilesmile*
On Neopets, I am neopoor. Looks like my pets are gonna be eating at the soup kitchen a lot. -_-;
Meg's Art Corner! I know, I've not done much in the way of art lately. You know what's weird? I tend to draw more in school than at home. I think it's because I'm around so many people. Cam's SD Panther form, doodled in MS Paint. I was bored, okay? And it DID turn out cute. Part of my MS Paint family portrait. I still have to finish the pictures for John and Dani, and the kids too if I have enough willpower after screwing around with the stupid program afterwards.
Song of the moment: "When Doves Cry (Fatboy Slim remix) by Depeche Mode and Prince. I love this... don't ask me why. ^_^;
Quote of the moment: "Listen sister, if I want your opinion, I'll BEAT it out of you!" -- Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
Okay, that's it for now. Ja matta ne! *disappears in purple smoke*
( 12:38 PM )   Song of the moment: "Misere by Andrea Bocelli and John Miles. I have a very....expansive taste in music. So sue me. *sings along*       ( 11:45 AM )   To Chris-kun: Dooood, I don't hate you, and I'm not mad at you..... jus' chill, man. S'your blog, you can say what's on your mind...
I got my pretty pretty new cladagh ring in the mail yesterday! *kisses said ring* Mi querida gave it to me!! Isn't that sweet? ^__^
I have come to the conclusion that Cam would make a really scary bad guy. Like, not c3... but if CAM were bad. He'd be scary. I mean, he's already got some issues with where his loyalty lies... and he's pretty much infinite in power. Not to mention, after being killed about 200 times, I think he knows the painful ways to kill people. Wonder if niichan (currently my neechan) sees this? Well, at least now he knows about Cam's possibilities for becoming nothing more than a lethal weapon.
I have three neopets! My blue wocky named Cadence, my green shoyru named Lokistrant, and my yellow eyrie Poyania! ^__^
"My December" is © Linkin Park. The art is mine. Don't take. Information on the layout is thus; this is Damien McKinnley, a character of mine whom I've been roleplaying for a little over a year now. He's Simon McKinnley's oldest child, and he's kinda angsty and depressive. Art done in paintchat and added some snow in Photoshop.
Name: Meg Graham AKA: DJ Rabid Armadillo Age: 17 Birthday: May 1st Identifies as: a depressive and obsessive compulsive bisexual artist and writer Hair: black Eyes: grey Bands: Depeche Mode, Iron Maiden Movies: Fight Club, Velvet Goldmine, Hedwig and the Angry Inch Books: As I Lay Dying, Harry Potter, Fight Club, A Clockwork Orange, and the Repairman Jack series. Anime: Fruits Basket, Kare Kano Manga: Fruits Basket, Kare Kano Artists: Takaya Natsuki, H.R Giger, Tony, Firefly Family: Tony, Julian, Dora, Poe, Mina Lives for: Firefly, art, music
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Journeys Down Boy Meets Boy Little Machine Litost Satellite Yunga Neko Lean On Me Chronicles of a Drow Sorceress Spider Born Haato no Kagami Arcana Tiger/Tiger Separation Anxiety Nymphs of the West
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unmanageable-day · 5 years
03. Between a friend and another friend
When you are friends for so long, and it has never come across your mind to date one of them. Until one particular guy friend of yours came to offer you a relationship, a new chapter of life like no other before.
Childhood friends!AU; somewhat friends to lovers!AU (but not really lovers?)
part 1 of 2
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As scheduled, after Changmin's wedding, Siwon's was coming. Doyoung actually offered you to go with him. But ever since Taeyong caught you with Doyoung, you intended to tone it down. Since you were not officially a thing, you just had to reject his offer, saying you would go with Sooyoung. Fortunately he was very cool about it. Even though several weeks had passed, never had he asked you about your response to his 'proposal'. And that was what you liked about him. You didn't feel rushed and that was a good thing already.
Doyoung and Jaehyun were the first one you met at Siwon's wedding venue. After saying hi, you parted ways with the boys before the bride and the groom would summon all of you for a group photo. Until then, your best decision was to keep Sooyoung and Yerim by your side, just in case Doyoung would sneak in to get close to you. You didn't think you would be ready to be the center of attention, especially when the gossip girls boys like Ten and Sehun were there with their eyes and ears wide open. That day you also noticed Taeyong and his hawk eyes seem to be more in its alert mode. He kept eyeing you or Doyoung. Especially when Doyoung was caught looking at your direction.
Siwon's wedding party ended pretty early since he held it in the morning until noon. Unusually, all of your friends that day had their own agenda for the rest of the day and they all left way earlier than usual, which eventually it was only you and Doyoung.
"Where are you going after this?" he suddenly asked.
You shrugged. "Home?" Where would you go when you still wore a dress and killer heels?
"Come with me. I'm visiting Mark and the kids. They just arrived from their vacation in the Philippines."
Hearing Mark's name instantly made you feel delighted. He was your favorite younger buddy, and it had been a while since you saw him. "Is it okay if I tag along?"
"You sound weird. You're close with the kids."
He was right. But that was when you were still close with Taeyong. He was the one who brought you close to the kids.
"Okay, then."
You had been close with Doyoung since elementary school, yet you had to admit that it was your first time to go somewhere with him only. You spent your entire time on the road being very quiet unless he asked you something. Because usually there was Sooyoung, the mood maker, or Ten, the attention seeker. When it was the two of you alone, surprisingly the overall mood was awkward. Or probably it felt awkward because he asked you to be together with him for another decade and counting but with different label. Frankly it really never crossed your mind and you never imagined that.
"Okay, we're here." Doyoung's words just snapped you to come back to your senses. You immediately followed him hopping off his car and walked towards Mark's apartment.
"Noona, what a suprise to see you here with Doyoung hyung." Mark welcomed you with a big hug. The other boys smiled wide too when they saw you coming. You had no idea that these guys missed you lots.
"Yeah. It's been a while," you said as you hugged tight one baby after one baby. And yes by baby, it means Hyuckie, Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun, Chenle, and Jisung. From their expression and from Mark's words, you could tell they were wondering why you came there with Doyoung instead of Taeyong. "Taeyong is pretty busy lately," you told them even without them asking.
"Taeyong hyung now rarely comes, ever since he's dating Hyemi noona," Donghyuk slightly mumbled. You noticed he was making a face, which quickly disappeared when Doyoung eyed him.
You let out a groggy chuckle. "Is that so?" The boys were probably aware how you and Taeyong were not the same anymore.
"Noona can visit us anytime, by the way. We'll visit you too when we have time," said Jaemin.
Jeno, the samoyed-like guy whom Doyoung favored a lot, added, "Yeah, come with Doyoung hyung."
"Or would you like to come with me tomorrow? I'm meeting Taeyong hyung," Mark bluntly said. Sometimes you were not sure if Mark really slow about your current condition with Taeyong, or he was just too naive.
You quickly shook your head. "Oh, no. I'm.."
"No can do, kid." Doyoung cut off. "She and I will go to Sooyoung's. We have some stuff to do."
You turned to Doyoung and gave him a glare with a big question mark in your eyes. But he kinda ignored you and left you with the clingy Donghyuk while he collected the others. "Who wants to be with Hyung anyway," Hyuckie dramatically scoffed and became a human magnet sticking on you when Doyoung excluded him to play with the other '00 line.
After spending hours listening to the chaotic youngsters either playing games or unpacking their luggages, finally Doyoung offered to take you home at 10 PM sharp. This guy really took the advantage of being your friend since you were little. He knew your parents would be fine with you going anywhere as long as you go with someone they trust. Someone like Kim Doyoung. Compared to him, your parents were actually not very close to Taeyong. They didn't know Taeyong as well as they knew Doyoung. Basically you had been with Doyoung since you were 7. While Taeyong came to your life in the final year of elementary school, yet you developed deeper relationship with him.
"Doyoung?" you called as soon as you sat on the passenger seat beside him. "Sooyoung is leaving to Paris tomorrow," you said, squinting your eyes at Doyoung.
"Yeah, tell Mark that and Mark will insist you to come with him. You know seeing Taeyong means seeing Hyemi too. That girl really hates you, you know that."
You could see a smirk when he talked as he turned on his car. "Thank you for the reminder." You rolled your eyes.
Doyoung chuckled.
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electronicneutrino · 8 years
list of good things pt 5?
how fluffy owls are
I drew bookmarks kinda in progress
I like the first one it’s a girl with a bowtie looking proud with a snake in a bowtie looking proud
the gradients are nice
i can kinda use watercolours. kinda
My art’s improved over this school year???
I looked at some old doodles/drawings lately and it’s just. yep cool improvement 
I got stuff done today
in which boredom is actually helpful
I’ve more of an idea of what to do for the comic for the assignment about that book i really don’t like
my friends are still the best
I got a bit more of the addmission form figured out 
History of the americas :’) bc North America South America
In which i’m actually not ?? wanting to die ?? despite everything ?? somehow??
still alive basically. 
I mean things aren’t completely hopeless
also still not feeling like everyone hates me still a good thing
I got some a tiny cut somehow (that’s not the good thing) and the red is really pretty
it’s such a bright red. I mean yeah it’s not good to be cut and stuff but. the red is so bright.
the colour red in general. Red with a tiny bit of magenta so it’s a sort of pinkish red but close enough to red to be mistaken as red
The Rose Madder watercolour red it’s so pretty
but also how did i even get that cut I didn’t even use scissors today???
Bright colours in general
Pastel colours are nice too
Oh blues are nice too. Blues and turqoises. Greens too. Oranges. 
All colours are really nice
 there’s many cats on my dash y es
one d ay i’l have a cat and that will be a good day
pickles is still a lovely cat
the rats are nice too and pico is cute
i’m just impartial to cats
The question mark does not denote some mathematical operation
Learning a ton of new things this year. Esp. about people and social interactions
dinner ettiquiette in canada: don’t drink directly from the bowl
honestly I had no idea before i’m glad i learned that
the bubble tea was good
i have tapicoa pearls to make whenever i want
also hiding under the table was fun
it’s been about five days of feeling decent
again d on’t need to stress about university as much
tbh while i’m aiming for math the science faculty is p r etty cool
I just need to pass french
I still have some sweet drinks
also I kinda have more time to draw
the day was nice today
that one hall in the school with the sun shining into the windows and the hall actually being really bright due to the sun
the wind was nice. cold. but nice. 
I think. 
at least there’s snow again?
having an actual normal reason to be at school tomorrow
#can i just#screams#just#gotta love how my mom is racist and lowkey homophobic#like 'yep whatcha gonna do about the refugees' 'others should learn from the chinese' 'what are the chinese supposed to do w/out coal'#she's just so whatever about the ban like 'how funny but i mean i don't like their religion its opressive to females#(and i mean she was the one who once said women shouldn't be leaders so ???)#(and tbh idk much about religion but i'm...pretty sure...its not...as oppressive or whatnot as she thinks???)#'so yeah they might be dying but oh well that's funny'#'i don't like american/canadian food everyone can use being more like the chinese' mom why did you move to canada good god#meanwhile if you bring up anything against china she's just in total defense 'how are you supposed to sustain china on solar power#you cant blame china for using coal to keep people warm' like...m o m you're fine with people being denied entry into us based on their race#and with homosexuality usually she's just 'yep the law makers wasting time debating back and forth' like fine you dont think it affects#anyone you know okay. but then she's like (and idk if its unfortunately word choice/my poor chinese comprehension)#'sometimes with peer pressure homosexuals will change/fix themselves and not be homosexual and some still will'#then 'no one at your age knows anything don't start labling you kids shouldn't label yourselves as gay or whatever'#like...you have no problem...with straight crushes possibly being experimental/whatnot...at this age/younger#at most you say it's too young to date....but it's never 'that's absurd youre too young to know'...its really not an age problem here......#....anyway that was a slightly awkward dinner with me just interally screaming MOM MOM GUESS WHAT ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER GOOD GOD SERIOUSLY#anyway that ton of screaming over just kinda. ignore it. and adds in#happy tag#personal //
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colbaestories · 7 years
Colby Brock: Your scent💙
Warnings: none except I really like to cuss xD
To anybody who doesn't know: Y/N- your name
Once again you're in your hometown, billions of miles away from your friends and your crush. So you sit there in this cold-ass living room, wrapped up in three layers of blankets, zapping through the channels of your TV and sighing melancholy every once in a while. By each minute that passes by your boredom gets worse and your sighs louder. Your parents aren't even at home to see your suffering self because they are both gone hiking. You wanted to tag along with them but they went with some friends and told you to sleep in, after all it has been a long time since you really had some relaxation just by yourself. That might be true but you still barely can handle this situation right now. You remember the promise you gave your parents months ago,"I promise you, I'll be at home with you guys for at least three weeks in the summer break!You can even plan what we are going to do! "... Great job there Y/N... It's not like you don't love your parents or dislike hanging out with them it's just if you had known that they would just be gone the whole time and you would sit around with nothing to do, you would have known better. Like for example maybe make a list of what y'all could do together and not letting them plan. Anyways you love your parents dearly but you also miss your friends. You miss Corey's dance moves, Devyn's make-up tips, Sam's challenges, Kat's hugs, Aaron's singing, Elton's traveling ideas, Amanda's laughter, Brennen's nicknames for you and who you miss the most is the wonderful Colby Brock. While your thumb is still zapping through the thousands of channels your mind drifts off, "What might they all be up to right now? I kinda wonder what Colby is doing... should I text him? What if he's working right now and I'm just bothering him? I might be thinking too much.." You shake your head to get all of this thoughts outta your head. Suddenly your phone starts vibrating. With a lazy groan you roll over to unlock this noise-maker. As soon as you see who texted you, you jump off the couch with pure excitement:It's Colby! After you've finished your happy dance and totally failing at the attempt to play the air-guitar, you open the chat.
Colby: "How's it going pretty lady? 😉"
"WINKY FACE! WINKY FUCKING FACE OH MY FUCKING GOD!HE CALLED ME PRETTY AND LADY WE ARE PRACTICALLY MARRIED", you scream and jump around the house. Of course you want to keep your cool in front of him so you try to think of a laid back answer. But it still took you 47 tries to simply type,
"Pretty good, boredom tortures me a little tho. What about yourself handsome? 😏"
You bounce around and kinda regret calling him "handsome" even though he certainly is one hella attractive man but it sounds kind of cringey when you think of it. But because of your excitement you just shrug and don't give a single fuck. Not even a minute after you've hit send Colby texts.
Colby:"handsome huh?😏Are you trying to make me blush? Well your plan works I'm a tomato🍅 Anyways Brennen's keeping me company in my room right now and I'm laying in bed watching him taking selfies... Quite interesting I must say"
You giggle to yourself imagining those two and before you could type your answer you see a message from the contact "Hot stuff🍑" pop up. It's Brennen asking if you have time for a quick chat on FaceTime. You slightly fix your hair and call him. Brennen greets you with a wide smile and a loud, "What's good what's popping what's Guccii baby? " As far you've noticed, Brennen's in the kitchen of the squads house at the moment holding a sandwich in his right hand. You laugh and ask, "Hey Brennen everything's just fine here. Why did you wanna call me it sounded like you wanna tell me something really important?" The young YouTuber chuckles and says, "Well it's not necessarily an emergency but surely important. So yeah let's begin: I'm at the squads house and I think you've noticed that by now and some minutes ago I was like chillin with my bae Colby and taking some dope-ass selfies and he was texting you of course. He had like this big-ass grin on his face and I decided to go through my Instagram. After a short while I noticed him pulling out a piece of clothing that was underneath his pillow. And I thought 'what's he doin with that shirt?' so I continued watching him sneakily. Colby then decides to start sniffing the shirt and boy I was so confused. I thought this was a hella new level to self love but then it got me like a lightning strike. The shirt was the shirt you wore on your last day here before you left when we were camping in the garden with the others. Man this boy misses you like crazy! Oh and he has also been talking bout you all the time since you've been gone! "
You can't believe what Brennen just told you. The smile on your face can't be stopped and all you want to do right now is dance around and hug everybody on this damn planet. Your friend notices your joy and says, "Aww look at your cute smile! Besides I didn't want him to interrupt me telling our angel this cute but weird story so I told him I gotta grab a sandwich.",he took a big bite out of the sandwich and keeps on talking, "But now I have to show you this kid in love~" So Brennen walks up the stairs, slams the door of Colby's room wide open and sings/yells, "COLBYYYY LOOK WHO'S ON THE PHONE WITH MEEEE" He switches cameras so you could see Colby laying on his bed cuddling with a black shirt. This boy is so confused and just looks up to Brennen and says, "Bro what the fuck? Who are you on the phone with?" You hear laughter behind the camera and Brennen's voice saying, " It's our beloved Y/N wanna explain to her why you are cuddling with the t-shirt she wore just some weeks ago?" Colby's eyes widen drastically and his shocked mimic makes you burst out in laughter. As soon as he heard you laugh the embarrassed YouTuber starts to laugh himself and blushes heavily. Looking at his beautiful smile and hearing his laughter makes you think to yourself, "I can't wait to soon hold him close again"💙
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dreamscript · 8 years
HEY IT ME AGAIN-- LITERALLY SAME I GOT SICK AND LIKE IM STILL COUGHING AND I WANT IT TO STOP. LIKE. RIGHT. NOW. I hope you feel better soon! I can only imagine how bad you're suffering! Make sure to get lots of rest and binge watch Naruto hehehehe// I got sick around Christmas so it's kinda just here// But yeah lol just excuse me late responses (; 7 ; ) and yas girl just embrace you're inner otaku its okay xD (i wanna re-read Naruto actually//) OMG YES PLZ I LOVE YOUR FICS AND-
{CONT} YO HOW DARE YOU WRITE THAT JUNGKOOK FIC IM SHOOKED JKSDFNKJD// LMAO IF THAT AINT ME IN ANY MATH CLASS FUKFFKFKKFKF BUT ITS OKAY YOU CAN DO IT I BELIEVE IN YOU! There was freezing rain here a day or so ago. That was fun . u . (sobs) IF YOU COULD TWEEK MY BLOG OMG ID LOVE THAT. But the theme isn’t originally mine and I’d assume the original owner wouldn’t want the original code changed?
{CONT} IDK I wanted to change my theme for a while now // Something not endless scroll but just boxes for previews? Also I wanted a minimalistic theme based with pastel colours and black and white hehe/ ANYWAY NO NO WORRIES SOMETIMES IM JUST HERE WONDERING IF YOONGI SUED BIGHIT FOR DYING HIS HAIR TOO FREQUENTLY AND NOW HE BALD (LOL) BUT YEAH APPARENTLY THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO HAVE A COMEBACK IN FEBRUARY AND MY WALLET IS UPSET. I ALSO WANT THE NEW ARMY STICK FOR NO GOOD REASON AT ALL LOL
{CONT 3 xD} I’ve only read Naruto Manga so if you wanna screech with me about that lets do it ahaha/ HECK YES I WILL READ THEIR FIC- I WILL NOT STUDY JAHAJSDSDKJF Shout out to Cat and Fae too like i seriously love their fics- your Christmas series had me shooked!! Anyways I have so much work to do and so i will bother you later :) - Sakura !
IM HEALED AND BETTER NOW THANK YOU I HOPE YOU’RE FINE NOW TOO??!?! but i remember my doctor telling me once that if you’re still coughing like a month later you should get it checked out or something D:
and oh. my. god.
but yeah no it’s okay! i have super late responses as of late…. and it’s really only because i’ve been too emotionally spent by the end of the day or tired or busy or just “not feeling it”
idk, but i hope to get back into being more active. i miss this place. i miss interacting with others, as little of it i seem to be doing right now (guh _ _)
dude it was rainy and windy and cold today and i had to go outside and the entire time i was walking/running/dying to class i was thinking a) why b) this was a Mistake
ah well in regards to your theme, usually the theme makers are okay with minor changes (sometimes major ones too) as long as you keep the credit and the changes are for personal use (as opposed to commercial use/redistribution, etc). just to be sure, you can just check their rules. they usually have that whole page/pop up or will simply include it in their theme code.
hmm what do you mean by boxes for previews? i don’t think i’ve ever seen such as thing. it sounds interesting, though. are they previews for like posts or…?
thank you for loving our collaboration! i’m still amazed on how quickly we got things put together and everything… honestly… cat and @zephyoongist​ are so talented i don’t know what i’m doing here :’) (or where i would be without them)
and now finally…
(for the maaaain event)…
okaY OKAY I WILL SCREECH WITH YOU ABOUT NARUTO. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW. just under the cut because spoilers:
i love kakashi
i also love gaara. i can’t choose between the two, but lately i’ve been more biased towards kakashi. i blame it on my sister because she’s always had a thing for him
(i still love you gaara its okay my sand child)
kakashi’s backstory had me in tears… like… with obito died and he’s telling kakashi he’ll give him his sharingan (the sharingan that he’d always been talking about that would get him to hokage) to be his eye to see the future…
i just..
fucking broke down man like dude… stop… you’re killing me here… and then how kakashi really changes afterwards
(okay but listen child kakashi was savage as fuck though and it was hilarious)
(also i know it’s a filler but that one episode in which it showed guy and kakashi comparing dick sizes as kids….,,..,.
….,,..i wasn’t expecting that at all but i don’t mind the info heheheheh heh /dies)
literally if she hadn’t died a lot of the issues in naruto wouldn’t have occurred but they fucking did
no i’m not blaming her she died for a noble reason okay it just makes me really sad i’m sorry
on a side note minato and kushina were cute as fuck
ANYWAYS GAARA OH MY OH MY GOD MY POOR BABY as a kid he was so cute and just wanted some friends and was out helping all those villagers and such but then his damned dad just had to go and screw those things up like STOP IT HE;S MY CHILD
even though i love those two, my favorites are actually the akatsuki
like. they hate each other but istg they secretly love each other like have you seen kakuzu and hidan’s interactions??? they tease and insult and threaten (and have killed) each other but kakuzu is actually patient with hidan’s rituals and such, and hidan will still accompany kakuzu to the collection centers
also, when he sees asuma’s guardian shinobi thing the first thing that comes to mind is kakuzu and how he’d want him for the money and he’s like u gh but like !!!
and AND when hidan at first thinks he’s accidentally killed kakuzu in his fight with shikamaru & co., he has that look of panic ooooh my god I JUST GASHUDFJSDIJASD
also hidan is just hilarious. like when they go to recruit him he’s like “who are you guys, all wearing the same clothes?? are you guys an orchestra or band or something?”
/points at kakuzu/ bet you play the bass
/points at konan/ bet the girl does vocals and keyboards
/points at itachi/ …or do you do vocals…?
and then the first thing hidan and kakuzu do to each other is kill each other
the look of utter disbelief on both of their faces
“what the–why aren’t you dead?”
“bitch that hurt–wait. why aren’t you dead?”
but anyways we can’t forget about itachi and kisame either, now can we?? like. they are actually like the only partner group that openly got along with each other, and they were sad oh my god they were sad upon realizing each other’s death’s
and idk just the way kisame says “itachi-san” does something to me
 i t a c h i
oh boy i have so much to say about this kid
but before i move on i must! address! the others!!
okay so like deidara is actually op as fuck and sometimes idk i feel like he doesnt get enough credit?? idk.
and he’s 19 like lol what bye
but anyways, after his “fight” he loses his other arm because kakashi and now he’s armless BUT THIS KID STILL HOLDS HIS OWN though completely on the defense AGAINST TEAM GAI LIKE WHAT THE FUCK HE’S AMAZING and then he manages to create a bomb without using any sort of handseals and fools them all into thinking he’s dead
i love this boy give him a metal why did he have to die so early why (yet another reason why i dislike sasuke lmfao)
black zetsu scares the fuck out of me (esp when i learned of his true past and intentions) but white zetsu!! he’s such a sweetie holy shit
and also unlike so many others he actually likes everyone and when he saves deidara he’s like “you’re a fun guy to be around” and then and then later when he’s talking to tobi he reveals that he’s sad that so many of the akatsuki members died like D::
let’s not forget when black zetsu called him weak (they had split in two at the time) and white zetsu just kind of D: and wilts a little like ooHH NO oo baby it’s okay it’s okay
konan is so strong… holy crap… like… her ultimate attack? with the bajillion paper explosive tags disguised as a lake?? that go off for 10 minutes? holy fuck.
yahiko’s pretty damn hot if you ask me (yes i know he’s a cadaver in the main time period but listen)
idk my favorite arc of the entire thing was pain’s invasion of konoha… like from the moment jiraiya’s message arrived to when everyone got revived…. and then kakashi almost became hokage…
it was fantastic
i think it’s mainly because it was a mystery, race against time, battle thing all in one and it was so neat i guess
also you could see everyone in the village working together, fighting their hardest, showing their potentials for like, the first time ever
um um um okay sasori mentally scarred me as a child, and now whenever i hear the rattling puppet noises i immediately think of these scary nightmares i had after watching his fight with sakura… yeah, puppets scare me a lot now
orochimaru is a creep ‘nuff said moving on
tobi! i love this alternate ego of obito/”madara” like idk he’s so jumpy and honestly it’s fucking hilarious watching him because he’s so secretly op certain people underestimate him at first (and then others overestimate him because of his association with akatsuki)
like. when he was warding off konoha from itachi vs sasuke’s fight (which i am still emo about) he was just like playing whack-a-mole with them and then he’s like lemme use this ability! frill-necked lizard!
and they all kinda stand and stare at him intensely execting something legit
but in reality that’s it. the extent of htat ability is just him hanging upside down with the cloack falling behind him to look like a frill-necked lizard
and it’s fucking hilarious
i also thought it was fucking adorable when he and deidara first confront sasuke
and the little bitch goes ahead and slices through him
literally through him
but sasuke thinks that he actually killed him and sasuke’s all like “one down”
and deidara just kinda
ugh this kid
and tobi gets up and brushes himself off like wow that was rly fast!!! and sasuke just >:/
sorry i thought i should make this clear but i lowkey highkey have this vendetta thing against sasuke like this little shit
i mean ofc i know the reason for his disillusionment really isn’t all his fault like @ itachi really?
like really when he goes back to konoha and sasuke tries to kill him… he goes and easily breaks his wrist
and he kinda just considers him for a moment like
how about i….. make his situation even worse…?
and then traps him in a genjutsu that forces him to relive their parents death for 24 hours like why the fuck this is literally all your fault
and also on a side note, fuck danzo. why the fuck did the 3rd not kill him when he was supposed to. why. all the wrong people lived for far too long.
but yeah no idk i just really don’t like sasuke after he defected and became a Vengeful Teen
AND ITACHI’S STORY MAKES ME CRY EVERY TIME HOLY SHIT IT MAKES ME SO SAD WHY DID THIS BOY HAVE TO SUFFER SO MUCH and then mess up his little brother’s psyche to the point in which he starts killing like everyone wtf
another favorite moment arc of mine is the very beginning
like the first 15ish episodes
he’s such a blessing. he’s literally one of those crucially important side characters and i appreciate him and i love him and it would’ve been nice to see more of him, but hey, that’s okay too.
(his part in the naruto road to ninja movie had me in tears. like at the end. fucking tears.)
like naruto and kakashi may be super close and stuff, but when he needs someone as a guardian, naruto turns to iruka and idk i feel that says a lot about their relationship and it makes me cry all the fucking time
um anyways yes i also love zabuza
he’s so strong and empowered
i have a lot more the say probably but it’s getting late and i need to take a shower and sleep and get up early in the morning to make food so i’ll just leave it at that
(i wrote a lot i know i’m sorry)
(hope i didn’t blow you away with any spoilers D:)
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