#now i do wanna know your answers to this… 👀🥺
foolishlovers · 9 months
Hiiii silly questions incoming:))
Firstly the same questions you asked me loll (because i wanna know these too): song you cant get out of your head? Trope you cant stand? And favourite tea? 😁
Also, what place do you wanna visit someday? What is a name you like (as in, it sounds pretty lol)? What is your comfort movie?
heheheh hi 💜 thank u sm for sending these!!
song i can’t get out of my head: i wanna get better by bleachers
trope i cant stand: love triangles (except if they all end up together 🤭)
favourite tea: raspberry!
i wanna visit norway some day!! the nature looks absolutely gorgeous.
i actually think aziraphale is such a pretty name 🤭 and also [jane] gloriana villanueva from jane the virgin has such a beautiful ring to it!
for some reason.. i’m not the biggest movie watcher? like i love going to the cinema and i used to have comfort movies as a child/teen but those… aren’t comforting at all anymore now and when i rewatch stuff, it’s mostly tv shows now? 🫣
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sansaorgana · 3 months
hii 😊 can you please write benny x yn where she thinks he’s a player so she doesn’t want to give him a chance and go on a date with someone else and that drives him crazy and he does everything for her to see him differently, even asks kathy to put in a good word for him
hi! 💝 I know you sent it like 2 hours ago – I swear, I am not insane but I was itching so badly to write something about Benny that... it's already here 👀 as much as I adore the fics with innocent, sweet Readers – my Reader talks back 😇🤭 I hope it's fine 😘
[ I haven't abandoned the three requests from my inbox from the last time, I promise ]
requests for benny are open 🥺🎀
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Benny Cross was an insufferable guy. He was showing up at your diner nearly every day and always asking for the same thing with the same smug smile on his pretty full lips – and always getting your annoyed eye-rolls each time. Yeah, he was pretty and you wouldn’t deny that. And yeah, you could see why so many girls saw the appeal. Bad boys were in fashion now… Well, actually, where had they not been? But you didn’t want to end up as a girl in trouble. Perhaps you were just an ordinary waitress but you still didn’t want to ruin your life for a player. And you couldn’t understand why he wanted you so badly.
“I think it’s because you turned him down,” Kathy explained to you the other day. She was your friend and recently she had also been strangely associated with Benny’s motorbike gang – The Vandals. Ever since her breakup, you could not recognise her, honestly.
“I turned him down, exactly,” you emphasised. “Why can’t guys learn that no means no?” You sighed.
“Oh, please, it must feel… Flattering to be chased by a guy like Benny, right?” Kathy giggled and you looked away, trying not to reveal that yeah, she was right.
“Listen, I just don’t want to end up like my cousin. She had a one night stand with this bad boy at college and guess what? She had to drop out, now she’s a single baby mama and the guy? God only knows where. Some say he married another chick in Nevada,” you explained to Kathy.
“But you’re not in college,” she pointed out as her eyes widened and you just rolled your eyes.
Jesus, what was going on with her these days?
You couldn't know that it was Benny himself telling her to "spread the propaganda" so you'd be more willing to finally agree to go out with him. You couldn't know that you were driving this man crazy – driving him crazier than his motorbike. He would wake up at night all sweaty and all he could think about was you.
You were a tough cookie and you were a challenge – that was for sure. But Benny knew it was more than that. He already knew that his desire would not disappear after claiming you. In fact, it would only grow once he'd get a taste. He was serious about you and he was desperate for you to see it.
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When Marcus Lane asked you out, you were speechless. You were walking out of a flower store with a fresh bouquet to put on your grandfather’s grave and he whistled at you.
You turned around and raised an eyebrow at the guy leaning on his car. And God, what a car that was… A shiny, black Cadillac that made your eyes sparkle.
“Hi!” You waved at him. “You’re back from college,” you pointed out.
“Yeah,” he nodded at you and lit a cigarette. He offered you one but you shook your head. “Couldn’t wait to visit my neighbourhood. I’m staying with my ma until the end of summer,” he explained. “Then I got a job for myself in New York City,” he bragged so casually.
You had always thought he was full of himself and full of shit, too, but out of all the guys in your high school year he had been the one who would succeed most likely. Apparently, it was true. He was going places.
“And how’s Camilla?” You asked him.
“We broke up,” he winced. “What you doing tonight?”
You blinked a few times and fixed your skirt. Marcus Lane asking you out?
“Nothin’,” you answered and tilted your head.
“Wanna go and see a picture?” Marcus asked.
“Yeah!” You nodded, not even asking what picture.
“Still living with your ma?”
“Yeah,” you answered.
“I’ll pick you up at six,” he winked at you and you only nodded at him before walking away, not being able to hide a smile.
On your way back from the graveyard, you stopped by the laundry to tell Kathy the news but she didn’t look excited.
“He’s a knobhead, isn’t he? Always has been,” she shook her head.
“Wow, gee, thanks for being happy for me! You know he’s goin’ places and… He’s gonna be somebody,” you couldn’t help a grin.
“Don’t even start,” Kathy put her hands on her hips but you kept on a dreamy expression, so she snapped her fingers right in front of your face. “Guys like Marcus Lane do not date girls like us, wake up.”
“Why would he ask me out then?” You got defensive because your feelings and pride were hurt – mostly because you had a feeling Kathy was right.
“Because he’s back for the summer and bored? He saw you and thought he could play with you for a while before he leaves forever? Because he thinks a silly girl he remembers from high school might be an easy fuck for the summer?” Kathy asked and asked as your anxiety grew.
“Wow, thanks,” you got angry because you hated how right she could be. And sometimes you hated how honest she was instead of feeding your delusions. “I’m going out with him tonight and I’m not gonna sleep with him,” you told her before walking out to go back home and prepare for the night.
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You wore a red polka dot top and tight jeans for the date instead of a dress. Marcus didn’t comment but he looked a little disappointed and you could see that on his face. He kept staring at your thighs as he drove you to the cinema, which increased your anxiety that Kathy could had been right indeed… More than you had expected.
You went to see Bonnie and Clyde and after the movie, Marcus insisted on taking you to a club in the neighbourhood. It was one of those places you would never go to alone but with a man around, you felt safer. At least you should feel this way. But something about Marcus was not right. Why would a proper guy like him even want to take you to a club like that? Perhaps because he was seeing you as a girl like that. You didn’t disagree, though. The idea of getting free drinks was tempting.
“Looks like some of those dirty bums have a meeting here tonight,” he murmured to himself as you walked inside and you sighed at the sight of The Vandals themselves.
The whole place was full of cigarette smoke and it stank of sweat, leather and grease.
“I hate those punks,” Marcus winced. “Sit here, I’ll get us something to drink,” he winked at you as he sat you down by one of the tables and you nodded,
He walked away, without even asking you what you wanted. You looked around, feeling out of place and then you spotted him… Benny Cross by the pool table. You quickly looked the other way but he glanced in your direction and smirked.
You pretended to be very fascinated by the posters on the wall but he sat by the table next to yours and kept grinning at you with his flashy smile, his muscles all on display as he rested his arms on the chair’s backrest.
Seeing you there, it made his heart skip a beat. And those tight blue jeans, that red top... Benny was smug for a moment, thinking that you finally decided to hang out with him. He had been inviting you to this club many times before.
However, he quickly realised that you weren' there alone. And the guy you came with made him feel sick in his stomach. Not only because he looked like a typical piece of shit that would take advantage of a girl like you... But also because this guy represented everything that Benny was not. And it was making him feel insecure at the moment. Of course your standards were higher than a guy like him. That was one of the reasons why he liked you so much.
Still, he decided to play his little game and annoy you a little.
Marcus came back with two drinks in his hand and he looked Benny up and down before placing a drink in front of you.
“That punk bothering you?” He asked – quite bravely, you had to admit. But Benny remained the same as if he was a statue.
“For weeks now,” you chuckled and watched Marcus take a seat in front of you, still glancing angrily at Benny on your right. 
“Is he stupid or somethin’?” Marcus asked.
“It’s fine. Let’s just pretend he’s not here,” you shrugged your arms.
In fact, you enjoyed it. And you wanted to pretend to like Marcus more than you did so Benny would finally realise you were not interested.
Still… You couldn’t help an odd feeling of safety now when he was sitting next to you and some part of you didn’t want him to walk away and leave you alone with Marcus.
“So, what do you think about the movie?” Marcus asked and sipped on his drink as you sipped on yours. Benny raised an eyebrow at you.
“We were in the cinema to watch Bonnie and Clyde,” you informed him quickly as if he was in the audience and you were an actress in the theatre but he was late and you wanted him to catch on. He nodded his head like a little boy and Marcus gritted his teeth. “Well,” you addressed your date now as you fixed your hair nonchalantly. “I adored it. And Warren Beatty was beautiful as always.”
“I don’t like him,” Marcus commented. “And I didn’t like the movie much. My favourite part was when they got killed.”
“Why?” You asked. It was already getting difficult to pretend to like him. And Benny seemed to be interested by his answer too – he tilted his head.
“Because they were outlaws and a couple of twisted psychos!” Marcus got irritated – at Benny still being there and at you asking such silly questions with such obvious answers.
“Yeah, they were but there’s also some romanticism to it, don’t you think? That’s why they made a movie about them. And why did you even go to see a movie about people you despise so much?” You asked and sipped on your drink again.
“You can’t be serious. There’s nothing romantic about murdering people,” Marcus started sounding very patronising and you suddenly realised that Kathy had been right. So, so much. You were a silly girl in his eyes.
“Murdering – no. But the life they had. The love, the freedom on the road,” you tried to explain.
“You want freedom on the road? Ask one of those bums here to show you,” Marcus laughed with irony and he squinted his eyes at Benny. “What you still doing here, punk? How can I get it into your thick head that you’re not a part of this conversation? It’s my date,” he scoffed.
“It’s my girl,” Benny leaned back with a smug smile and your heart skipped a beat.
Usually, when he’d call you that, you would get angry. But now, when Marcus had been annoying you for the whole evening, you actually enjoyed that. Because Marcus’ face was priceless. He looked at you with disgust.
“Is this true?” He asked you. “What the hell is going on?”
But before you could answer, some drunk and loud biker entered the club loudly as he laughed out loud.
“Fuck, I’ve scratched some Cadillac in the front!” He announced and sat by the counter to order beer. You couldn’t help but chuckle at that and Marcus’ face went as red as tomato.
He stood up rapidly, gave you a furious look and then ran outside to check on his beloved car, surely. Not caring much about the fact he was leaving you alone with dangerous men swarming around.
“So…” Benny started lazily as he licked his lips before looking you up and down. “That’s your type?” He pointed his thumb at the door Marcus had just left through. “That why you didn’t want me to take you out?”
“Why did you do that?” You asked, genuinely and his face got serious now.
“I saw you sittin’ here all alone, for a moment I thought… You came here for me,” he admitted with a laugh. “Then I saw that guy and I thought to myself: Jesus, what an asshole. So, I wanted to watch,” he shrugged his arms and you couldn’t help but stare at the flexing muscles and all the tattoos.
“He’s a proper guy. Graduated from college and with a job waiting for him in New York City,” you explained.
“But you’re not a proper girl,” Benny pointed out with a grin and you suddenly got a flashback of Kathy telling you the same thing – that you were just a silly girl for Marcus, just an easy fuck for the summer… 
You stood up rapidly and Benny looked up with a confused look on his face but you ignored him and left the club, hoping Marcus was still there and you could explain to him that you weren’t Benny’s girl… Maybe he’d drive you home?
But Marcus wasn’t there anymore. The only vehicles in the parking lot were motorbikes. You sighed and started walking in the direction of the bus stop but the door opened behind you. You heard heavy footsteps and then the sound of lighting a cigarette. Turning around slightly, you spotted Benny following you.
“Just wanted to point out that proper girls don’t find Bonnie and Clyde romantic,” with a few big steps he was now walking next to you.
“It’s not the murdering aspect, gee, why do I have to explain it so many times?” You got irritated.
“I didn’t say anything ‘bout it. You said something about the freedom and the road. You ever been on the open road like that?” Benny asked and you already knew what he wanted to propose because he had been mentioning it many times before while flirting with you at the diner.
“Fine,” you rolled your eyes. “I need a ride home,” you admitted and bit on your lower lip. “And no, I’ve never been. On the open road, I mean,” you added, feeling your cheeks heating up.
Benny didn’t say anything, he only nodded before throwing his cigarette on the ground and walking away to jump on his motorbike. He started the engine and patiently waited for you to finally join him. Feeling the rush of adrenaline going through your body, you clumsily sat behind him and he made the engine roar like a lion – a very sexy sound, you had to admit – but he didn’t start driving. You realised he was giving you a signal to hold onto something before he would drive away. It was considerate of him, you had to admit. Other guys would just drive away and laugh at your squealing. But Benny wanted you to be safe and for the second time on that night you realised that he was making you feel safe. Safer than a proper guy like Marcus – for sure. And you just didn’t know what to do with this information.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, told him your address and that was when the engine roared again but this time he drove away.
And God, something broke inside of you that moment. It was as if your brain chemistry changed completely. The speed, the wind in your hair, the freedom – this odd feeling that he could take you anywhere like this and you would go with him… To the point that when you spotted him taking a turn that led to your street, you nearly felt disappointed that he wasn’t “kidnapping” you. Perhaps in this moment you understood your cousin even – why had it been so tempting to risk everything for a handsome bad boy.
Benny parked the motorbike in front of your house and you could already spot your mum standing by the window upstairs and looking out through the curtain. You chuckled at the realisation you would have to explain to her how your date with Marcus ended with a guy like Benny taking you home.
“Thanks,” you only said as you got off the bike, still clinging to his leather jacket to make sure you wouldn’t trip and fall. You were a little breathless after that ride.
“And? What do you think?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow.
“It was… Okay,” you grinned, not wanting to give him satisfaction.
“Why do you tease me so much?” Benny sighed.
He was done with playing for now. He just wanted to know the answer. Perhaps it would finally make him give up. Or perhaps it would educate him on the matter how to flirt with you better. Either way, he just wanted the truth.
“Why do you insist so much? I mean, I ain’t nothing special to chase me around for weeks,” you shrugged your arms. “And don’t get me wrong – or actually do get me wrong, the hell do I care? – but I don’t want to be just another number in your book, Benny,” you explained and Benny thought to himself that he wished you could see yourself through his eyes.
“You’re a whole book, kitty,” he winked at you and you couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Sometimes his flirting had this effect on you whether you liked it or not. “And I can’t wait to read it all,” he added, encouraged by your reaction.
“You can read?” You asked, teasingly.
“I’m full of surprises,” he smirked.
“That I see,” you laughed. “Um… I should go now… My ma’s watching us.”
“I can see,” Benny nodded and looked up at the window upstairs. He waved his hand and you grabbed him by his wrist to pull it down.
“Stop it!” You kept laughing at him and then you realised your face was only a few inches away from his as he was still sitting on his motorbike, ready to drive away any given moment.
A short moment of silence occurred between you two and you just kept staring into each other’s eyes as playful smiles disappeared from your faces. You swallowed thickly and fixed his jacket, not knowing what to do with your hands.
“You have a shift tomorrow?” He broke the silence.
“In the evening,” you nodded.
“So… See you?” Benny asked, unsurely.
“See you,” you smiled at him and he smiled back, relieved. “And hey, thanks for… For being there for me when I was with the… With the asshole,” you lowered your voice and took a step back to give him space now – finally.
“No need to thank me,” he shrugged his arms. “It’s just the thing I do, ain’t it?”
You furrowed your brows at those words.
“Protectin’ my girl,” he winked at you and the engine roared, making you take a few more steps back. And then he drove away – just like that.
Shaking your head and hugging your own self to feel warmer, you walked to the front door of your house, biting on your lip and not being able to help a chuckle.
Apparently, Benny had already decided that you were his girl. And, apparently – you enjoyed it.
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crusty-chronicles · 11 months
hi!! i hope you're doing well!! i was hoping if you could write an (platonic) airhead headcanon for gon from hxh?? you dont have to if youre not comfortable w writing it!
i really enjoy reading your works and i hope you have a lovely day!!!
Ah yes, another chaotic crack fic coming up.
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For starters, there is not a single thought to be had between the two of you
Heads empty with static
You tripped and fell?
He's stumbling on your body and toppling over.
Gon got stung by a bee?
You're fighting the entire hive, only to end up having the worst allergic reaction of your life.
You wanna play in the rain without a jacket?
The both of you end up with colds the next day.
Gon can't do math and you can't read or write, so it balances out.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Poor Killua is the one who has to put up with both of you
"No Y/n. Eating a glow stick will not make you radioactive and shiny." "No Gon. You can't bake a cookie in one minute just because you set the oven to 1500 degrees."
His two best friends are complete idiots and he can't do anything about it.
But on the bright side, you and Gon are endless entertainment.
You most likely met during the Hunter's Exam.
He and Killua were surprised to see another kid taking the exam, especially one that was keeping up just as well
Leading Gon to ask his famous icebreaker question.
"Why do you wanna become a hunter?"
And immediately your face scrunched up in confusion.
"A what? I thought we were all playing a game."
"But you had to fill out an application." Killua pointed out, very suspicious of your answer.
"Really? Cuz I just snuck in."
Both boys leave it at that because #1, a new friend. And #2 you've got to be really skilled to make it this far.
Also keeps you far away from Hisoka
Like he legit fears for your life and will not let you fight him.
He's seen that clown up close and personal and doesn't want you to get hurt or, knowing hisoka, worse.
"Hisoka gave me a lollipop and told me to meet him outside."
Now while Gon's ditzy, he's nowhere near as clueless as you.
You're lactose intolerant?
Then why are you downing cheese sticks like you're never gonna eat again?
I'm sorry? You're allergic to shellfish?????
Please stop jumping into lakes to catch fish. 🥺 
You're gonna get sick and Gon wants to show you how to fish 
There is no babying
You ARE the babies.
Buuuut, Gon will mother hen you after every fight because you're ten times as reckless as him.
You got stabbed once during a fight, and instead of moving back, you pushed yourself further into the blade just to punch your attacker.
Which resulted in a huge lecture from Killua while Gon tried to stop the bleeding.
"If I see a light, should I go towards it?"
Tbh Gon really doesn't have any nicknames for his friends. At most he'll just introduce you as one of his best friends.
He doesn't have it in him to be mean spirited towards you like a certain assassin. 
Has a habit of encouraging your bad ideas instead of shutting them down.
Make no mistake, he knows they're awful ideas, but you're trying.
And Aunt Mito says it's the effort that counts.
Speaking of Mito 👀👀👀
She adores you
Surprisingly, you're very helpful in the kitchen.
Just not around knives, which she realized after you sliced through the cutting board.
She also likes how responsible you make Gon.
He's more observant and careful when you're around.
To put it simply, he loves you and Killua with his whole heart.
Two of the most important people he'd do just about anything for.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Simply The Best
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: 😘💕
Synopsis: You're nominated with many BET awards alongside your husband this year and although he wasn't able to go with you, he is always going to let you know how proud he is of you and how you're simply the best in his eyes
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: a beautiful anon 😘💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Today was a day that you would look forward to every year since you were younger and now that you were one of the artists nominated, it wasn't any different. You were currently in L.A. for the BET awards and you had been nominated in a few categories which you were surprised by seeing as you had mostly done features after the triplets were born. 
You were simply laying down taking everything in when your phone went off alerting you to a text from your husband who was currently on his way to Paris. Once the award show was over, you would be on the next flight to meet up with him for fashion week. The triplets were currently at home with your parents and you honestly couldn't wait to get back home to them.
Smush- Good morning baby. So incredibly proud of you, but you already knew that. Kick ass today and show them why we call you the queen of the south. I love you till the end of time and even after that.
You- Good morning hubby. Thank you and I love you more. I miss you 😔 
Smush- I miss you too and there's less than 24 hours until I get to hold you.
You- Don't make me cry 🥺
Smush- No need to cry and I have a surprise for you later 👀
You- 👀
Smush- You'll know when you see it
You had asked Blanca and Jessica to come with you along with Brandi and Julissa. You would have asked Curse to come along too but she was already in Paris with Urban so you would be able to see her tomorrow.
After checking in with your mom and making sure the triplets were good, you were interrupted by a knock on your door. Once you opened it, you were met with Brandi smiling at you and being bright eyed and bushy tailed while you were still trying to get yourself together. 
"Morning boo." She said while pushing past you to come into your suite and lay on the couch.
"Morning." You quietly said while thinking about what you were going to order for breakfast or if you wanted to get everyone together to go out to eat.
"Today's the day. Are you excited?"
"As always, I just miss Jack and my babies." And as soon as you said that there was a facetime call coming through your phone from your mom and you quickly answered.
The first person you saw on the screen was Axel and you could hear your mom in the background.
"Ax! I told you to wait for me and not to push the button yet while I get your sisters!"
"But I wanna see mommy. Hi, mommy!"
"Good morning my baby! I miss you!"
"I miss you too."
"I'll be back in about another week or so."
Just then you saw your two girls sit next to Ax and got an even bigger smile on your face. One thing you always held in the back of your mind was how proud of yourself you were to be able to give birth to all three of them at one time.
"Mommy!" They both exclaimed as you saw your mom come up behind them.
"Are you three on your best behavior and not giving grandma a hard time?"
"She let us have cake for breakfast." Autumn said and your eyes went wide. 
"See, Autumn! I told you to keep quiet and that it was our secret!"
"Hold on, let me add daddy. Hopefully he's not too busy and answers." You said and Ivy looked at you confused.
"He never too busy for us, mama. He tells us that all the time." She said which made you smile and nod your head.
It didn't ring for long before he answered and the triplets just about screamed at the top of their lungs when they saw him.
"Are those my adorable babies and beautiful wife along with my second mother?"
"You and mama gone too long." Axel said and started to pout while you could tell that it had made Jack upset but he tried not to let it show.
"And we'll be back before you know it." He quickly answered and Autumn nodded in approval while Axel sighed and Ivy became more interested in her shoelaces.
Even though this was the life you had chosen right alongside your husband, you had been reflecting on it a lot and you knew that you didn’t want to miss out on anything with them especially while they were still so young. You loved writing songs and making music, however, you loved your babies more and would always be thinking about them and putting them first. You hadn’t brought it back up to Jack yet, but you didn’t see yourself making music forever. Your feelings might change in the next few years, but right now that was where your head was at. 
“And we’ll have an ice cream date and movie night in the backyard. As long as you three stay on your best behavior.” You said while eyeing them. 
“Ohh, and it’s my turn to pick!”
“Nuh uh, you picked last time!”
“Did not! Ivy picked!”
“OKAY! Cut it out. And mom, no more cake for breakfast for them.”
“MOM, YOU GAVE THEM CAKE?” Jack exclaimed because he knew that they would be bouncing off the walls for the rest of the day. You knew that he was probably getting flashbacks from the one time they stole Urban’s slurpee from 711 and drank the entire thing in three minutes. 
“A little cake never hurts! I gave it to Y/N sometimes and she turned out just fine.” Your mom answered before you rolled your eyes. 
“Not the point, mom. Not the point.”
“Anyway, me and the babies have a full day ahead of us. Don’t worry about them. You two just do what you do best and I’ll make sure they stay in one piece. Babies say bye to mommy and daddy.” Your mom said and you could feel your eyes start to water. You already had bad separation anxiety from Jack, but now that you had three more people who were half of you and half of him, it was ten times worse. 
“Bye mommy and daddy! We hope you win tonight. Grandma said we can’t watch the whole thing.” Axel said while trying to balance the phone in his hand. 
“What does being too grown mean?” Ivy asked and you and Jack stifled a laugh.
“It means that you can watch it when you’re older. But if mommy wins, which we all know she will, Grandma will let you watch her acceptance speech.” Jack said and Ivy being satisfied with that answer nodded her head.
“Bye mommy and daddy. I love you. Now, onto more important things. Grandma, can I have more cake? With ice cream this time?” Autumn asked and you immediately shook your head. 
“Autumn! No!” Both you and Jack said at the same time, but she looked at your mom for approval instead. 
“How about we get lunch first at least?” She answered and you both shook your heads.
“We like staying with you grandma. You feed us the good stuff. Mommy and daddy make us eat veggies and fruit.” Ivy confessed and you immediately rolled your eyes.
“Don’t worry, the three of you will later.”
All three of them then got a pout on their face while you and Jack tried not to laugh.
“Bye, babies, we love you.” You and Jack said because you know they can’t stay still for long.
“Love you too!” 
Your mom hung up leaving only the two of you and all Jack was doing was staring at you and smiling. 
“What?” You asked somewhat, shying away from him.
“Nothing, my wife is just really pretty.”
“Oh my gosh, stop. I literally cannot wait to see you.” You said as Brandi now started to poke your side and mouthed that she was hungry.
“Me either!” You heard a voice in the background exclaim and knew that it was Urban.
“Love you too, Urby.”
“Please hurry up and get here. You know how your husband is. Oh, and good luck tonight but you don’t even need it. My best friend is the shit.”
“I just wish the two of you were here with me.”
“Less than 24 hours, mamas. But in the meantime, you got this. Send me a pic of your outfit later and you know I’ll be watching your performance.”
Just then you heard,”RIP ME OUT THE PLASTIC, I BEEN ACTIN’ BRAND NEW!” and Jack moved the phone so you could see Curse dancing with her headphones on not having a care in the world and immediately laughed.
“As you can see we all miss you.” Jack said as you then saw Urban go up behind her and started dancing with her. 
“Miss yall too, and I promise to send you pictures.”
“Remember what I said earlier, show them why we call you the queen of the south. Your surprise is waiting for you there later and you have another one waiting for you when you get here.”
You had now finished getting ready and it was time for you to walk the red carpet. You hated doing them by yourself, so Jessica and Blanca volunteered to walk it with you and they would be sitting by you throughout the entire show. 
“No reason to be nervous, you’ve done this a million times.” Brandi said while taking both of your hands in hers and motioning for you to take a deep breath.
“Yes, but this is my first one after they’ve been born and I just… I don’t know. My anxiety is getting to me again.”
“We’ll be with you the entire time.” Blanca said as you simply nodded your head seeing as both of them would be a part of your performance when you did Put It On The Floor. 
“Jack just sent me a text and told me that the bad chips and hot decisions crew needs to be on their best behavior tonight and that we need to get you to see him in Paris after we’re done in one piece.” Jessica said and you immediately rolled your eyes.
“He would say something like that.”
“I can’t with that man.” Brandi said and the four of you laughed. Julissa came over to make sure not a hair was out of place before you began to walk down the carpet.
You ended up taking a few pictures by yourself, but sent the ones that you took in the hotel to Jack and he immediately responded.
Smush- How many babies do you want me to put in you when I see you tomorrow? Lol but on a serious note, you look so beautiful, baby. So proud to call you my wife.
You- Julissa is going to kill you for making me cry and messing up my make-up
Smush- Just calling it like I see it. Go out there and do what you do best (besides giving me head and making me get bricked up with the slightest touch). I’ll be watching.
You- I literally CANNOT WITH YOU. I’ll call you as soon as I’m on the plane.
Smush-I love you
You- And I love you more
Smush- Don’t start because no you don’t
You- This shall continue when I touch down in Paris
As you were backstage getting ready for your performance, Jessica held one hand as Blanca held the other as you were trying to steady your breathing.
“Come on queen of the south, let’s get it. But most importantly remember to have fun.” Julissa said while winking at you and fixing a few stray curls. You simply nodded at her while smiling and fixing your wedding ring.
You as well as your dancers got in position and you were simply waiting for your cue.
You heard DJ Von’s voice and it was showtime. 
“I’d like to welcome yall to the Big Latto show, who we also know as Y/N, the first lady of private garden. She’s about to show yall why we call her the queen of the south.  I need a clean up on aisle 7.”
When your performance was over, you headed back to your seat and was fumbling with your shoe trying to snap it back when you heard the category that you were nominated in being announced. 
“And the nominees for the best female hip-hop artists are Cardi B, Glorilla, Latto, Ice Spice, Megan Thee Stallion, Nicki Minaj, and Coi Leray. And the winner is….. BIG LATTO! THE QUEEN OF THE SOUTH!”
Your mouth was hanging wide open as you heard your name and turned to both Blanca and Jessica making sure you heard it right. Your shoe still wasn’t all the way on, so you made your way to the stage carrying it in one hand.
“Oh lord, I got one shoe on and one shoe off. Don’t mind me though. Anyway, this cannot… this cannot be real. Okay, I’m not going to cry this year, no crying.”
After you had finished your acceptance speech, they told you that they had a surprise for you and to turn around.
Once you did, you saw Jack’s face pop up on the screen and of course your eyes started to water.
“What did I tell you, baby? I knew that you were going to win. So this is part one of your surprise while the other part is awaiting you in Paris. Just wanted to tell you how very proud I am of you and that you deserve every opportunity that has come your way in the last few years. You’re simply the best at what you do and it shows. You put your all into everything you touch and you have a sweet and calming spirit that goes right along with it.  Not only are you an amazing performer, but now we can also add best female hip-hop artist to that list. My baby girl is the absolute shit. With all that being said, I love you and can’t wait until you get here.”
You had been dabbing at your face trying not to mess up your make-up when you saw that Urban came up behind Jack and had a plastic bag on his head and you know that it could only mean one thing. Put It On The Floor began playing in the background as Curse came up behind Urban and ripped the bag off as all three of them continued to rap along to the song.
“WE LOVE YOU!” All three of them said and you heard erupts of applause and laughter from the audience. 
“Damn yall, my man fine as shit and he loves me. When I see him in Paris, we just might have to make baby number four.” You said while wiping your tears and you could hear the laughter get louder.
“Thank yall, BET. And it’s only up from here. Private Garden is here to stay.” 
Once the show was over, you immediately went back to your hotel in order to pack and quickly get on your flight to meet Jack in Paris. 
You were leaving by 10 in order to be there by 9 in the morning and knew that you would be asleep for the majority of it. You double checked to make sure you had everything before meeting Brandi downstairs since her and Julissa would be going with you. 
They were in on your second surprise and Jack told them to keep you occupied while he set everything up for you. Once you were comfortably settled on the plane you sent him a text.
You- On my way to come and see you and I absolutely loved my surprise 🥰
Smush- Can't wait until you get here and I figured you would. Part 2 is coming.  I know I keep saying it, but I am just so proud of you. My wife is simply the best at what she does.
You- And I'm proud of you, and us and the life that we created for them.
Smush- Thank you for giving us another chance
You- You know I wouldn't have it any other way
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, softtcurse, generationnow, privategarden, quiiso, saweetie, jessicakelce, and 4,291,068 others
y/ninsta: Your favorite rappers favorite rapper 💕
jackharlow: my wife fucking all yall up 😍 theestallion: okay BAWDYYYY saweetie: well deserved! my bestie is definitely my favorite lol
jessicakelce: let me put a baby in you next jackharlow: jessicakelce not you too smh traviskelce: JESSICA! jessicakelce: traviskelce 👀 urbanwyatt: they grow up so fast. I'm so proud of you 😭 dualipa: jessicakelce me first jackharlow: dualipa just when I thought my ass was safe and here you come dualipa: jackharlow missed you too big head privategarden: all hail our first lady and queen of the south! jackharlow: um baby, were you serious about making baby number 4 when you get to Paris? Because...... 👀👀👀👀 y/ninsta: jackharlow possibly urbanwyatt: oh goodness jackharlow: you ain't said nothin but a word
Liked by jackharlow, blancathebaddie, dojacat, dualipa, urbanwyatt, 2forwoyne, shloob_, BET, theshaderoom, and 6,293,917 others
jackharlow: come see about your man so you can come and get this work lol but on a serious note, I have literally told you this 20 million times today, but I'm going to say it again. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in the last few years and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. All hail the first lady of private garden and the queen of the south 🥺💕
y/ninsta: BABY, I TOLD YOU JULISSA IS GOING TO KILL YOU FOR MESSING UP MY MAKE-UP AND MAKING ME CRY y/ninsta: but anyway, thank you and you know I love you with every fiber of my being and I will never get tired of telling you that and how much you mean to me 2forwoyne: very well deserved! quiiso: and to think she originally only wanted to write, now look! saweetie: she could only keep that talent hidden for so long! so happy I get to witness this in real time. when we met right after you moved back to Atlanta with Jack, we instantly clicked. I've seen you get married for a second time, I've been with you to witness the birth of my beautiful nieces and nephew, break records and do what you love, all while keeping yourself grounded and being authentically you. okay this is getting long lol y/ninsta just wanted to tell you how much I love you and I will be here for you in your corner for eternity cheering you on jackharlow: saweetie DIAMONTE! MAKE YOUR OWN POST! GOT DAMN. YOU TRYNA OUTDO ME! saweetie: jackharlow you are such a hater. that's why claybornharlow is going to steal y/ninsta from you y/ninsta: omg saweetie I love you BAD! my bestie for life! I adore you and thank you for being the most amazing godmother jackharlow: saweetie WHAT? imma kick your ass right along with his claybornharlow: jackharlow hi jackharlow: claybornharlow no. urbanwyatt: umm y/ninsta last time I checked you had two best friends 🙄 y/ninsta: urbanwyatt yes Urby and you know without it being said how much I love and appreciate you urbanwyatt: y/ninsta I appreciate you too since you had Ax for me y/ninsta: bye Urby smh claybornharlow: y/ninsta so proud of you! and I can't wait for you to hear a few things I've been working on for you y/ninsta: claybornharlow aww little baby! I miss you and can't wait for it! jackharlow: claybornharlow go ahead and say it claybornharlow: jackharlow say what? jackharlow: clay stop playing with me claybornharlow: jackharlow when she gets tired of you, she knows where to find me dualipa: jackharlow and me softtcurse: jackharlow me too jessicakelce: jackharlow and of course me jackharlow: I don't even have the energy anymore smh but that's funny because she just married me for the second time, so good luck with that
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but what happened when they got off the plane 🥺
Masterlist because now there are three parts
I...Cannot stress enough that I've barely written for Bradley and I have not written for ANY of the other characters listed herein.
So I am again sorry if this is not it.
A part two to this post
Warnings: Fluff! Switches POV from Bradley to Reader. No physical descriptions, no use of y/n. And a surprise twist near the end 👀
Not beta-read.
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Landing isn't nearly as bad as taking off. She still grasps his hand for dear life, and lets out a panicked little squeak as the plane's wheels touch down. She even slaps his chest with her free hand when he teases, "I don't know if that sound was you or the plane."
"Don't make fun!" She laughs, tipping her head back against the seat. "Jeez! You spend four hours on a flight next to someone, watch roughly two hundred hours of House Hunters and you think you know a guy."
The two go quiet as they listen to the pilot's announcement, listing their arrival destination, and the time and temperature. The cabin fills with the sound of people's phones chiming as they shut off airplane mode, and the clicking of seat belts being undone.
They lower their gazes to their joined hands, and each seem to have to pry their hands from one another's. Her hands scrub nervously over her thighs, as they did before they took off. Bradley can't imagine what's making her nervous now. He doesn't ask; he doesn't dare.
Things with them are quiet and stilted, even as he gets her luggage down from the overhead and trails her out of the aisle and off of the plane.
They offer waves and smiles, and she thanks him for the four hundredth time before they go their separate ways—him to the baggage claim, and her to the taxis.
It's strange.
Bradley feels like they left their teasing at 35,000 feet, and his heart back in row 27.
"Where the hell's your head, huh?"
Bradley doesn't answer the taunt; he just takes a swig from his beer. He doesn't wanna say that his head is back with that woman's, resting atop hers, six miles off the ground.
"Hey. Rooster," Jake tacks on, snapping twice in front of his face, making Bradley shift his head back. "Cock-a-doodle doo, asshole. What's going on up there?"
"Just trying to tune you out, man. I am sorry to report that it is not working."
Jake rolls his eyes. "Who pissed in your gasoline?"
"Just lay off, Seresin."
"Who wants to play pool?" Phoenix pipes up before they can get any further. Rooster does not want to, but he stands as the others do, obligingly trailing them to the table. He waves off a proffered cue, and raising his beer to his lips again and looking around. It's not quite packed, but it's close. A few more people, and it'll take them an age to get another round. Bradley starts to open his mouth, to suggest that someone heads over to get order in. And then he freezes as his eyes catch on a familiar face.
She doesn't look nearly as nervous as when they were taking off or when they were landing, but she does seem a little anxious as she slots herself in at the bar, waiting for a drink. Rooster's heart leaps into his throat, but he hurriedly shoves it back down with the last of his beer, pushing himself off of the wall with a mutter of, "Be right back."
His squadron's questions land on deaf ears as he pushes through the crowd, muttering his apologies and doing his best not to lose sight of her. It takes some time, but he finally manages to muscle in behind her.
Bradley has two options. He can put his team's drink order and disappear. Or—
"Sure you wanna get the special?" He asks in a murmur, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. "It can be a little bumpy on the way down."
He sees her shoulders pull tight, and grins as he hears her huff a laugh.
"I think I can manage it," She says firmly.
"Hey. Long as you don't make that noise you made when the plane landed."
"That came from the wheels."
"I don't think it did."
When she whirls around, eyes bright with indignation, Bradley can't help himself. His stomach swoops like he's just taken off, like his head is back at 35,000 feet while his feet are still on the ground.
"Could we get two of those, Penny?" He adds, head tipping toward the woman behind the bar, his eyes still set firmly on his seat partner's.
"Sure," Penny nods. Bradley can hear the smug amusement in her voice. Frankly, he couldn't care less.
"What are you doing here?" He asks. It's only been a couple of hours, but he has missed her face, and the warmth of her eyes.
"I'm getting a drink," She bats back. "Problem with that?"
"Not at all. Free country."
"Thanks to you."
"You're gonna make me blush. 'Sides, I can't take all the credit."
"Would it have anything to do with the people staring at us?" She nods back toward the pool table. Bradley finally manages to tear his gaze from her, looking back to where the others are watching them. Seresin has a shiteating grin on his face, his brows jumping when Bradley meets his gaze.
"...Guess we can give them some, too. Not the smiling guy, but everyone else over there."
She laughs, looking between them again.
"Friends of yours?"
"A couple of them."
"And the smiling guy?"
"He's a nuisance."
"He's a nuisance in uniform."
"Careful," Bradley reaches out, bracing his hands on the bar behind her and pressing close. "I'm gonna get jealous."
"Well. We wouldn't want that."
"Here you go," Penny pipes up behind them. "They're on your tab, Bradshaw."
"Thanks, Pen."
"Thank you!" His seat partner chirps, turning and taking hold of a drink, passing it to him. Bradley glances over, finding his squadron staring at them with renewed interest.
"Christ—You wanna get some air?" He asks.
"I think I got enough on my way here."
"C'mon, smartass," Bradley chuckles, taking hold of her hand and leading her over to the patio.
It's nice to have her hand in his again. It's only been a few hours, but he's missed the feeling of it. He doesn't let go of it as they settle side by side at a patio table.
"You didn't tell me you'd be coming here," He chastises.
"You didn't tell me, either," She laughs.
"No, I guess not...I think we managed to talk about everything but that."
"I guess we did," She agrees. He smiles as she raises her drink to her lips, his gaze holding steady on her mouth as she takes a drink.
"So?" He asks. "Do you like it?"
You fight to keep your expression steady as you swallow. He wasn't kidding—that's a little bumpy on the way down. The alcohol burns your throat more than you thought it would. You swallow, clear your throat, and nod.
"It's...Wow," You manage, "Okay, putting that down and taking my time."
Bradley chuckles, raising his glass and drawing in a deep gulp, swallowing it steadfastly.
"Showoff," You mutter, averting your gaze. "Are you stationed nearby?"
"For the time being, yeah. What about you, what brings you out here?"
"I'm visiting someone."
"Someone at base?"
"Friend, family?"
"Nothin'. Just. Mm."
You smile, lowering your gaze to where he's still holding your hand. You think that he may pull it away, and you sweep your thumb along the side of his, like that'll entice him to hold on.
"You gonna be here long?" He asks.
"Uh—Couple of weeks. I'm here to—I mean, I'm not just here to visit, I've got um...I'm working. Like, a little."
"In town?"
"At base."
Bradley's brows shoot up at that, and you have to fight back a bashful smile as his head tips forward.
"What are you doing at base?" He asks.
"They're introducing a new inventory software. They wanted me to be in-person, make sure there aren't any hiccups."
"Why didn't you board with me when they asked for military personnel?"
"Oh, my—god, I was so, so late, and I only had a standby ticket. They, like, just squeezed me on."
"Well, hell," Bradley comments, leaning back a bit. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I just...I wasn't thinking about it, and once I knew you were in the Navy...I dunno, I didn't wanna bank on us going the same place."
"Bank on it?"
"You know. I didn't wanna get my hopes up."
Bradley's smile widens warmly at you, and it makes your stomach flutter. You actually reach out and grasp your drink, taking a sip, just to occupy your hands and mouth before you can say or do anything stupid.
"...Couple of weeks," He comments softly, "A lot can happen in a couple of weeks."
"Oh? Like what?" You ask once you've swallowed.
"Like I can take you up."
"Oh—Oh no—"
"Oh yeah," He chuckles, nodding.
"Are you kidding? I could barely manage a commercial flight!"
"Mm, but I wasn't piloting. I swear, you'll find this flight way more smooth, way more enjoyable."
"I don't know if I believe that."
"C'mon," He laughs, leaning back and raising his free hand and holding up two fingers. "Scout's honor, remember?"
"I remember. I don't believe it this time, but I remember."
Bradley scoffs, leaning back and slapping his hand over his chest.
"You're breakin' my heart here."
"I think you'll be fine."
"Agree to disagree."
You hold one another's gazes, your smiles growing in tandem.
"Seriously, though," He says softly, shifting closer on the bench seat. "Can I see you again?"
"You really want to?"
"Yeah. I'd like to see if we're as good on the ground as we are in the air."
Your smile widens, and you can't help but swipe your tongue across your lower lip. Your heart thuds in your chest as he tracks the movement.
"You know," He murmurs, "The air host that came by with snacks—"
"Oh, you mean the snack you didn't wake me up for?"
"I gave you all of my sun chips."
"If you'd just woken me up, we both could've had our own bags—"
"Anyway," He presses, "She asked me...If my girlfriend wanted anything."
"...Oh did she."
"She did."
"Well, next time, you can tell her that I want to be awoken for snacks."
Bradley smiles more widely, leaning in just a touch.
"Next time," He repeats softly. You nod a little, gaze drifting to his lips.
"God forbid you get stuck beside me on a plane again."
"I should be so lucky."
His insistence is soft, his breath brushing against your lips. Your stomach flips, your grip tightening on his as his hand raises to cup your cheek.
And then you hear your name called, and your eyes snap open. You whirl around, spotting a familiar figure standing by the door.
"Dad!" You spring up, jogging over to him and meeting him where he stands in the doorway. He hugs you tightly, patting your back.
"I'm sorry I'm late. A meeting ran over," He mutters.
"Oh, it's okay! Really, it is, I, uh..." You lean back. "I had company."
"I can see that." Your dad tips his chin up, raising his voice. "Evening, lieutenant."
Turning around, you spot Bradley practically standing at attention.
"Admiral Simpson," Bradley greets with a stiff nod.
"Let's go," Your dad urges, nodding over his shoulder. "We'll be late."
"Yeah! Give me like two minutes."
Your father's eyes flicker between you and Bradley, and he mutters, "Make it fast," Though his eyes stay on Bradley.
"I will...Dad."
He gives Bradley one more nod before he heads inside. You shove your hands in your pockets, walking back to Bradley.
"So...I take it you know my dad," You hedge carefully.
"Admiral Beau Simpson...Is your father," Bradley manages, eyes still set over your shoulder.
"Yes." Your nerves begin to well up, and you find yourself taking your drink up and draining it. "Um—I really should go, but if—If my dad hasn't managed to scare you off—" Bradley's eyes drop to your rapidly heating face, watching as you fumble with your phone, "I would like to see you again. Might even hold still long enough for you to take me up."
You think he'll say thanks, but no thanks—you're certain he'll grip your hand and shake it, and tell you that it's been nice meeting you again before he flees the country.
But Bradley takes hold of your phone. You watch, stunned and elated, as he enters his information, then holds it out again. You can't help but grin, and take it from him when he holds it out.
"Great," You breathe. You turn, making it three steps away before you whirl around. You jog back to Bradley and lean up, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. When you lean away again, you find Bradley's brows raised, lips parted in mild surprise.
"I'll, um—" You hold the phone up and wave it, "You know?"
"Yeah," He nods, smiling.
"Okay," You chirp, giving another nod before you turn, hurrying toward the door.
"Was that Simpson?" Jake asks as Bradley rejoins them.
"Yep," Bradley pops the 'p', leaning back against the door.
"He left with—"
"His daughter."
Jake's mouth works wordlessly before he laughs.
"Oh, Bradshaw," He shakes his head, "You are...So screwed."
Bradley can't help but smile a bit, face warming where she'd pressed a kiss.
"You have no idea."
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ohno-the-sun · 7 months
Sooo... here are my theories for your luca au... or what I theories about to happen :3
(Rather more question)
I am really interested what Moon thinks about his mother. Ofc it could be not his mother(with Moon's logic), but what if she was? And now he doesn't even have a chance to get to know her. But Sun had her all the time... I hope this will be not a conflict between the boys~ 👀👀
And also I am so interested how this all mer-things work. Like what abilities Sun have? Can he also sing lullabies? Or his song has other effects? Do their song has the same effect on land if they want?
And what is with the hatching? I am a little bit surprised Moon is not asking more about Sun, and Sun is not asking more about how this could have happened, and why "broke the curse" specifically after his mother died. Is her mother really a human? Or another powerful siren, who somehow found a loophole to live in land? Is this common? Why did they split Sun and Moon?... there is still so much mystery around this topic.
Monty and Moon is kinda cute, but ohohohoo~ I am waiting for the scene, where Sun and Moon somehow both meet up with Bright. And I assume it will be somehow that Bright will see one of their mer-form. And freak out. Then so so so much distrust. That slowly could be build back up🥺
Because at one point they have to tell Bright that they go for a trip alone... or Bright will find about it themself.
And also the townsfolk. I mean... Sun and Moon's apperance as humans are not so...inconspicuous... so I am curious what the towsfolk think about the twins. And if there are more mers around, or just them.
And also Fazco! What do they already know about mers? How loyal Monty is? How much do he know? Is he really so stupid to not connect the dots about Moon (sry for the wording)😅 or just play along and wait for Moon to tell him himself that he is the mer. ... I mean... Moon literally showed up exactly after the mer "attack". And not like he showed up every day... it was unusual why then... so Monty really not see the connection, or think it was suspicious, that not only then showed up, but also told him to stop hunting for mers?
...if he really knows Moon as close as I think... he never wondered why Moon has those scars... and always after he hunted for the mer, Moon got a new scar?
AAAAA!!! I am so excited about where this go >:D ♡♡♡♡ either way you choose, I wanna see where this goes♡
Ooo hohohoh I love these thoughts
For the first question, wait and see ;)
Second question has been a little bit answered already in the fic
Third is a big part of the mystery so wait and see!
Hehe hoho wonder what Bright will do
The twins certainly are an oddity!
I will say about them not figuring it out, a lot of the characters (sans Moon) are a little dense. Bright notices things but puts the pieces together in the wrong way, Monty has a very strong division between the people he likes and the people (or things) he hates. Monty especially doesn't like to think that his friends could lie to him, even if signs point to the contrary
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littlesislovesyou · 13 days
I can't answer the long ask rn cuz I'm so tired...but I'll answer the smaller one lol I hope you slept okay and awww nooo I hope your day isn't too bad and in the worst case scenario I'll be here for you however you need me. As a mutual or as a feral beast ready to ravage you until you can no longer think <33333
Of course me massaging you wouldn't amount to anything more than you shuddering or moaning in a non subtle manner as my hands squeeze or rub against your skin... covering it in liquids to help with the achy feeling while lingering perhaps too long around your tits and ass...I definitely won't ask you to strip naked so I could massage you entirely all over...
It definitely won't end in your big sibling raping your cunny while covering your mouth so Mom won't hear you scream as I sob out hushed cries,"I'm sorry" over and over. Hissing out how I can't resist you lil sis, how you feel so fucking good and tight around my cock and how I need this... I need you so badly baby~ Fuck I need you to cum HARD on your older sibling's cock and fuck you all over the house when mom and dad aren't home 🤭🔪
I'm glad I haven't gone too far...🖤
I'd love to know what I do to you in excruciating detail and trust me...the feeling may be mutual LOL
Just me being gender neutral at times should be a brief clue on perception but no I don't feel comfortable going into further detail...yet and if I do. It'll be in dms anyway lol face all fears head on and all that
For now I'm just gonna keep stroking my morning wood...wishing you were in between my legs and worshipping my cock while my wife is on the other side of the bed and we're doing our best not to wake her up but you're so noisy moaning into my shaft and making such lewd slurping noises...it's inevitable that she's gonna wake up and catch me with a better girl...and yet...why does that make me wanna cum inside of your mouth faster~
I needed you in that shower last night. We'd help wash each other's backs and tease each other until feral desire ripped through our minds and nothing else matters...fucking you late at night while everyone is asleep...using your body after fucking it unconscious in the bath and using you every hole until my balls are empty...?
Heavenly...and I'd praise you for being such a good girl for me when you wake up cockwarming me and showing you what I did to your beautiful, slutty body 🤫💕👀
Ahh now I feel bad, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable 🥺🖤that’s not at all what I was trying to do, I really do understand and I’m here if you ever wanna talk💗 I just enjoy your company quite a bit<3 probably a lot more than I should🖤
But ah well, you should get some rest! I’ll be here tomorrow all the same<3
I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me 🥺💗 and send me your dirty messed up thoughts<3 I can just feel the love you put into them heh💗💗
My wonderful masked stranger💗💗
If only I could be there to help out;’) I know I would be so eager too💗 god that would be so relaxing, you fucking into me in the tub<3
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lethimsoak · 1 month
some niche bengals ships for you for the ship it ask meme!
the '23 rookies
jermaine/brenden (half a bengals ship at least 🙃)
thank you carmen!!! my answer under the cut <3
・the '23 rookies
andrei iosivas, chase brown and charlie jones. my fav trio. they give off high school friends vibes and im so here for it. idk if i 'ship' them in a traditional sense because they're more of a crack ship to me. but i like their dynamic so i guess that counts!
1. What made you ship it?
the fact that they were rookies in 2023 and were WRs and a RB (so they work together a lot on offense) also their behaviors online lmfao
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
they're very gen z (esp andrei) and the way they interact with each other is so fun to watch on and off the field! also because this is a trio the dynamic between each duo is different and i like the contrast. like this video and if you really wanna go deep check out their gf's instagram
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
not unpopular but charlie growing closer with mike gesicki (they went out together in chicago i think) prob will have some effect on their dynamic i fear
update: or so i thought until charlie posted on his intagram and chase was spamming comments 😭 so unserious
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i've always been saying we need love for defense and the bengals delivered with their golden DT/LB ship. the bengals support them as a ship and it's so funny because they don't even have to do anything for these two to mention each other tbh. i really like the bengals LB room (because they're one of the few guys that the bengals were able to develop from the start 💀) and i love how they're a big part of the team. bj's influence on defense has been big too since the guys seem to love teasing him like. they really love him like that. i feel like them as a duo make the team better overall and that might be because of how much trust they have in each other and others can sense that.
1. What made you ship it?
when i found out they were roommates back in college! like y'all need to watch this video. it's crazy that they've known each other for over a decade now 🥺 im a sucker for reunited college buddies (as you can tell lol) and im so so so happy that they're together again <3
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
the way there's always some new stuff coming from them lol like you know how we're raving about joe's new hair and how bj made him get a buzzcut and all that but bj went bald last year because he wanted the bengals to resign germaine so badly (he was VERy passionate about it on twitter). or when they went on a zoo date with vonn as their third wheel. this interview. this year's media day. bj mic'd up. i feel like the bengals media team actually does something when it comes to these two and as much as i hate the team im grateful.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
not really an opinion but germaine needs to shave his beard off when bj gets extended because that's what true love is <3
my new favesssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love them so much even though i have no idea how they met (im guessing at either a rookie premiere event or through their mutual friends) jermaine pls stop being weird about pookie i beg
1. What made you ship it?
jermaine's ig post 💀 i was all in on jermaine (no pun intended) when he got drafted but then i started Looking 👀 third slide of that post made me feel things esp about his space themed tattoos on his tummy (and those horny two letter tattoos above his knees?????? yeah) but then BAM there's brenden rice. the GOAT son. and then they started being weird about each other on social media and that is how i got roped into whatever they got going on.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
given their lack of proximity we don't really know how they interact irl (yet) and their interaction has strictly been an online thing so there's a lot of room to speculate and ponder about their friendship (or something more 😋). what does jermaine like so much about brenden????????? did something happen when they worked out together. do they watch dragon ball together. do they listen to k suave together. there's a lot to think about and i can't wait to learn more about them (and the bengals vs chargers on week 11 @ LA ofc)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
everything is an unpopular opinion when the ship is obscure so i'd say that if they were on the same team (whether on bama or usc) they wouldn't have been close
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duckieduccss · 3 months
Hey there!!⭐️💜✨
Thanks for stumbling onto here!! Here are some cool things to know before going on:
★I’m Duckie/Ryuu (for the longest time online, many have just referred to me as “Duckie” but youre all also welcome to use my other name that ive added recently thanks to friends “Ryuu” [its actually a nickname a friend gave me based on one of my fav characters from another fandom but i have no prob with others using it to refer to me]
★Currently at lvl 22 in life & my bday is March 16 (for anyone wondering)
★I also go by he/they & im both genderfluid (mostly masculine & nonbinary leaning) & bisexual
★Im diagnosed autistic so my interests & hyperfixations mean everything to me✨ Speaking of which
★Currently my main interest has been Godzilla & kaiju generally. Im still new to the fandom & its my first time getting to learn how to draw kaiju so im more than happy to meet new great amazing people who also share a love for Godzilla & the cool kaiju that exist✨💜
Cara Art
Now onto some more stuff:
My inbox is currently OPEN for asks & dropping off notes for me to read. Tho i wont be answering any that are too personal or generally any that make me feel uncomfortable. Also i ask to not drop any drawing requests UNLESS I mention that requests are open in my main bio
I’ll do my best to complete any I receive (art requests) tho it might take time to get to finishing it (life can get busy) so all id ask is for understanding & patience
(I have the right to reject/not do any request that makes me uncomfortable in doing)
Same goes for asks (i really dont wanna block anyone & i try to be always nice tho if it’s necessary, ill do it)
Extra Stuff💖💜
[This is just a small area where i mention a lil extra fun facts about me lol]
My fav Godzilla characters (not in any specific order) currently are:
Gigan (my beloved)💜
Heisei, 2014 & Shin Godzilla
Kiryu Mecha Godzilla
Kamata-kun (also my beloved🥺✨)
King Ghidorah
Art Program I Use:
Clip Studio Paint Pro
(I use a mix of my own custom brushes & that of others i find)
I also enjoy some writing (maybe ill try typing up something sometime ^^:)
And uhhhh…im left handed too (wow)
Apart from my main hyperfixations, Ive always had an unchanging interest in both ducks (as a species & generally they make me happy; kinda explains my user) & stars (stars as a whole and even anything with star patterns
Im also a casual metal music enjoyer (secretly a metal head possibly) *takes opportunity to mention Ice Nine Kills 👀*
That’s it for now & hope you enjoy your stay!!⭐️🌌🌈
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Okay I know it’s early but I READ THAT SHIT SO FAST. Broooo my heart!!! Poor poor Tighnari 🥺🥺🥺 I really like and appreciated this more vulnerable and emotional side of him. But it was also so sad poor thing!! That’s absolutely the WORST throwing up in your sleep like that?? Uhg and you perfectly captured how much his stomach was just sick sick, I want to hold him!! I ADORE how protective Cyno was, and it’s interesting to see too how Tighnaris protective ness and Cynos protectiveness varies!! With Cyno it’s like, he knows nari is more open with his emotions, and also that he frets and holds himself to high standards. So what nari needs is cyno to remain calm and reassure him and allow nari to be emotional, but also to help calm him down. Ground him a bit and assure him that he’s not going to let anything hurt him, almost like to just be a rock in a sense? And I feel like we see that with how much nari also wants to be held and also just supported by Cyno 🥺. And I love how even tho Tighnari didn’t want too Cyno knew that he’d want to be clean when sick even if he was exhausted and helped him clean up anyways 😭
but for Tighnari when cyno needs comfort it’s almost like, encouraging Cyno to feel his emotions more? I mean he still calms him down but it’s like, he validates and encourages Cyno to speak his mind and ask for his needs- but it’s not about cyno rn so I’ll leave it at that
Omg Cyno being puked on is just terrible. I don’t care how iron of a stomach you have that’s just awful and anyone would be feeling icky after that. He handled it like a champ tho!! And also now I see how this related to my ask lmao 🤣
lastly, I just have to say again I love how even when sick nari knows what to do- but It also just was so sad to see him not wanna deal with it. Hopefully the worst of it passed for him but I’m sure he got sick a few more times…one of those rough but short 24 hr things. I also love the fact that nari who knows what to do in most medical situations is just…the messiest sicky 😭😭 poor thing. Poor both of them honestly. But my heart sings when I see how cuddly they are!!! Cyno holding Tighnari all night, the protector of his peace 🥺🥺
Tighnari was having SUCH a rough go of it in this one 🥺🥺 I felt so bad for putting him through this,, just the cut between being asleep and blissfully unaware to suddenly being awake and in the middle of all that and feeling so bad?? I feel like I need to formally apologise to the poor boy for putting him through it. I definitely imagine it's one of those violent but short lived bugs. Like he's probably going to throw up a few more times throughout the night, but come the next day it's already gonna have tapered off into just feeling tired and weak. (I'm not gonna lie, part of me was really tempted to write a second chapter for this- I'm not a 100% sure where I would've gone with it, but the temptation is definitely there)
Gah and I love playing with the contrasts between sick Cyno and sick Nari, and the contrasts between caretaker Nari and caretaker Cyno. It's just so much fun to see how their different characteristics shine through when they're put in those situations.
I felt so bad for putting poor Cyno *right* in the line of fire, my poor guy wasn't even wearing a shirt to act as a buffer. (It also makes me think just how likely is he to catch this- ANYWAY)
I need to stop answering asks this late at night!! There's so much more I wanna say, but the brain doesn't wanna brain!! I'm gonna follow-up scream tomorrow though, trust me on that. I got the weekend off, so lots of rambles and writing the next two days 👀
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askstevella · 6 months
Can we keep him? 🐶🐾🥺
She was cooking.
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She raised an eyebrow.
“Mother of our—”
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“Yes, Kendall.” She responded.
“Can I keep Astro? Please.” He asked for the second time that week.
“What did your father say?”
“Uh, he said yes.”
Kendall had a similar look on his face, a puppy dog look that he earned from his father. It was scary how even though Kendall Rogers wasn’t their son biologically (that they know of 👀), he had traits that were similar to his father in more ways than one.
This was one of them.
She and Steve talked the night before about this topic…
….Stella had entered the bedroom after tucking in little Sarah Marianna Rogers in bed and kissing both of their kids goodnight. Steve sat under the covers scrolling through his iPad as he heard Astro in the living room barking softly.
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He knew his wife was on the fence about getting—or in this case, keeping a dog but she let him stay for a while now. But she hasn’t said yes to the whole plan.
Their children were thrilled about the possibility, meanwhile she was still very upset with her brother about what happened. He thought he would try to convince her otherwise. She climbed into bed beside him, flipped on her phone as she smiled at him.
“Heyyyy.” He said with a sweet grin.
“Hi?” She replied.
“We’re alone.”
“Yes we are. No one to bother us.”
“You wanna, you know?”
“Who are you and what have you done to my husband?”
Before she can even say anything about his actions, he snaked an entire arm around her and flipped his wife onto her back as he was on top of her. She giggled and yelped at his quick moves.
“Wh-what are you doing?” She asked mid laugh.
“Showing you that I am still Captain America and you’re my best girl.” He said smiling.
“Lady Strange. What are you getting at, mister Rogers?”
“That our family should grow. I always wanted a big family.”
“Honey we have two kids. Isn’t that enough?”
“Of course. But I mean, how about we officially add that little furry guy to our family.”
“Steven Grant.”
“Estella Elizabeth. You let that dog stay here for a little bit, why not make it official? Kendall named him for god’s sakes honey.”
“But..it’s a lot of money for a dog, you have to pay attention to them and—“
“Our son has proven himself worthy of him. I always wanted a dog too.”
“I..Theigo never once thought of telling me first.”
“Stell, you can be mad at your brother all you want but he must’ve done it for him a reason. He loves his nephew.”
“Next thing he knows he buys Mary a bunny…”
“Then we will have our own animal circus. Listen, you may not be on board with this kind of thing but it’s happening sweetheart. Our kids deserve a dog.”
“Damn it.”
….which leads them back to this point. Kendall looked at his mother waiting for an answer in hope it will be a solid yes.
Stella sighed deeply and looked at her son with a smile.
“Okay, fine, you can keep Astronaut Rogers.” She says chuckling.
“You’re serious? I can keep Astro? You’re not joking right?” Kendall asked, wondering if this was a trick.
“No, I’m not. Baby, your father was..right about this. And yes your uncle was an idiot for not telling me first..but I can’t lie, I love how he meets you happy.”
“He does mom. He really does! I promise to take care of him, he can stay in my room during the colder months and—”
“Hold it right there blondie, he will be sleeping in my living room with a bed and blanket. He’s not sleeping outside unless he wants to. And you have to promise me, you won’t get Astro lost in the woods or something.”
“I promise. I totally understand and I would never do that.”
Kendall rushed into his mother’s arm hugging her tightly and repeating soft ‘thank you’ for a moment. She hugged him back and kissed his hair before watching him go off to the front yard to take Astro on a walk.
“He better not pee or shit on my favorite chair, like Rick did!” She yelled from the dishwasher.
“No promises!” He yelled back.
“Take your sister with you!”
She rolled her eyes smiling to herself.
Tags: @rooster-84 @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea and etc
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
You mentioned loving those "what's in my bag/what's on my nightstand" videos. I was just wondering… would you ever consider doing something like that for the Y/Ns? 🥺 I love the way you draw/describe everyday objects, and I think it'd be so cute!
i do love those “what’s in my bag” type posts/videos. 👀 it’s bc im nosey and easily influenced LOL, i wanna know what you’ve got in your bag and why it’s there and whether or not it has any correlation to what’s been keeping u up at night. 👀
but!!! YES i wanna play this game!!!! omg i know it’s taken me an age to answer but i have poured over the list i made for this—i window shopped, asked other people what they thought, cross referenced my own writing so now we are PREPARED!!
i consider this a part 2 to how i envision the Y/Ns in the in another life verse dressing. and just like part one, this one is under a cut—so that the friends we have among us who don’t want their vision of Y/N spoilt by my subjective taste in objects ruined don’t have to see it!
weedsie-woo would favour bags that can carry a lot; a heavy waterbottle, one of haru’s toys, the little pouch packed with like, band-aids and face-mist and hand cream and lip balm. then you’d have things like the crumpled empty pack of hero chips (that’s haru’s), a wallet, a coin-purse, and obviously the all-important phone. the pocket knife from katsuki. the little pouch that holds weed’s hearing aid (and a spare battery, just in case).
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scribbles would grab whatever’s near. 💀 whatever bag ends up being used, it’s always crammed full of shit—a pencil case, filled with coloured pencils and fountain pens and ink and watercolour paints—paint markers, mechanical pencils, erasers. the journal that scribbles takes with them, everywhere. headphones and a tin of breath mints and a small makeup pouch with like, idk, lip gloss and concealer, mascara. there’s a bottle of perfume in there somewhere and a mask and a wallet, scribble’s phone (although that mostly lives in scribble’s hand). it’s not uncommon for scribbles to lug magazines to the studio—for reference.
both Y/Ns would swap things, interchangeably. weeds might buy a new magazine, or a manga volume and take it to work—scribbles might take a drink bottle from a convenience store. both of them might use a flimsy tote bag one day, then the next scribbles might arrive to work with a fine leather handbag. weeds might take some florist wire or tape home and then take it back to the shop a few days later. it’s just—stuff like that! there’s gum in weed’s bag one day, some tiny gachapon toy in scribbles’ the next. maybe it pours rain in weed’s part of town, so there’s a little compact umbrella shoved into the tote, while scribble’s side of the city is dry as a bone so there’s a cap in scribb’s instead. on and on and on forever, as they go about their lives and their days. 😌
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"He might even wonder if Chel had something to do with your disappearance! 👀" omg, that would make the plot so fun. would she try to hunt me down? i think being a guy would hide me for a while though.
i do think that i'd suddenly disappear because of remembering that chel exists though. a letter will probably be hidden in the last gift (an end-of-courtship gift maybe? to make it worse. by end-of-courtship gift, i mean that it's usually the time that the courter would reveal themselves kind of thing.) and that it'd only contain "sorry. i love you, stay safe. watch out. i wanted to meet you but i can't anymore. sorry, sorry, i'm so sorry." jdbkensks
imagine if chel's gone but the courter still didn't come back haha i love angst. realistically, i would run away because ion wanna die due to chel. still would try to send gifts but i honestly wouldn't expect them to go through.
i hate that hiding the gifts would be a waste of good material though. those are definitely high quality.
ugh i want to kill chel even more now. i don't like wasting good stuff.
who'll win, delusional male seamstress (me) or very strong, cliche saintess female protagonist (chel)? watch the next episode to find out!
I think going too deep into what she would do might give the game away as to what her motivations are + what moves she's already made - if any - before she appears in the main story, so I'll leave my answers as Niren's speculation. And Niren might suspect her and/or the person she's working with because you could be a valid threat to Chel's place in Niren's life. If they can get to a duke's daughter, they can take care of a commoner.
That's heartwrenching lmao Niren would guess you were also a transmigrator once he got his own memories (and subsequently wonder at your motives + make plans to track you down at some point!), but until then, he would be alarmed and bewildered and definitely heartbroken. And Elliot would be in the dark bc Niren wouldn't be able to explain why he thinks you left. 🥺🥺
Also maybe she doesn't recognize/know about all of them?? Especially Elliot's? In that case, only some would be hidden away 👌 But yeah, it would be frustrating!!
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sagesolsticewrites · 1 year
Sage’s 1 Year Blogaversary 🤍
I can’t believe it’s been a year since I started this blog and posted my first fic (Trouble 👀)! I always admired fic writers and loved the the hard work they put into their creations, but never imagined that I’d ever be one of them.
And then y’all came in with all your support for my work, and I genuinely can’t thank y’all enough 🥺 I seriously love and appreciate every single one of you and l'm so overwhelmingly humbled and happy that you enjoy the content l'm putting out. I know it’s been a while since I’ve put out any content, and I thank you for being so patient and understanding with me as I work through my own life stuff as well. And thank you all for sharing your love of Elvis & Austin with me!
In honor of sagesolsticewrites turning 1 (!!!!), I thought we’d have a lil celebration, lasting from now through the weekend! Y’all are so welcome to send in asks or messages about whatever you'd like (seriously we can talk about anything, fandom related or not!). I will be doing drabbles (check out the prompts listed below, or send in your own!), but I also wanted to give some ideas for stuff we could chat about:
Send me...
• prompts! Such as these, these, or any from these lists!
• A line from Elvis (or Top Gun, or Stranger Things!) + I'II write a lil blurb for it
• A pic/gif of any character from Elvis, Top Gun, or Stranger Things! + I'll come up w a lil fic idea for it
• fic title ideas! + I’ll make a moodboard/come up with a lil plot summary blurb for it!
• a word/phrase! + I’ll post a snippet if it’s in one of my WIPs!
Ask me...
• About myself (I haven’t been great about answering asks recently oops 😅 but I really wanna get to know y’all, and I want y’all to get to know me!)
• What I'm working on /have coming up
• About other fandoms/stuff l'm into
• Whatever tbh I'm down for anything ☺️
Of course, y’all are also totally welcome to share any info about yourself or introduce yourself or whatever else you'd like to chat about!
And if you have any other ideas of how I could make it even more interactive/give more back to you guys please let me know!
Thank you again for following, interacting, and sticking with me! I appreciate it sooo much and love you all SO SO MUCH!! 💕
(tagging a couple besties that I truly wouldn’t be here without! @sassy-ahsoka-tano @austin-butlers-gf @burninlovebutler @mpmarypoppins @dontbesussis i love y’all 🥺💕)
Love, Sage 🤍
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
Alright I don't have reader scenarios for Psycho and Smartass yet, but FINALLY here is some reader inserts for the Dragon Boys XD
Imagine that you're the tobacco farmer that Wheezy keeps raiding, and you're on Greasy's side with this one; you need that smoky dragon gone, and you're willing to do whatever is necessary for your farm. Greasy was going to try to stop his comrade already... But you and I both know that he'd take complete ~advantage~ of this. So you bone the dragon in exchange for 'protection' in a way... But when Greasy has to keep wrestling Wheezy in your field because this is an ADDICT we are talking about, you realize that you pretty much fucked the dragon for nothing (or do you? 👀)
Imagine being the crazy, strange lady in the village that people spread rumors about. You're lack of a husband is especially talk of discussion. Though honestly, none of the men in your town interest you. They're too boring... But when the Dragon Patrol pay a 'visit' to your village, and you see Wheezy in all his gross, smokey glory, all that goes through your head is how ready your body is for that creature.
DRAGON STUPID AND HIS KNIGHT BAMF S/O!!! This hard, badass of a woman has faced so many cretins. Both human and inhuman. So the king trusts her to take care of these fire-breathing beasts once and for all. But when S/O makes it to the dilapidated castle, while the others are gone, and all she sees is Stupid and his big, dumb, adorable face who thinks shes the coolest and prettiest human hes ever seen... Well... She may have forgotten the S part of Slay the dragon XD
Anyways i better go. I hope you like these! ^^
EEEE pipeline of 'i boned your dragon ass so you would save my field and you fought valiantly (albeit like a rude asshole) but lost' to 'you're still trynna save my field years later and we've gotten close and i'm still thinking about the boning please do it again' in Greasy's!!!
And omg!!! Reader being bored of her suitors but seeing a huge freaky gross dragon and going HELL yes THAT is the ONE for ME because they are a huge monsterfucker is PERFECT!! XDD
And Stupids 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 y e s. Plus that last line?? G O L D.
I wanna actually write excerpts of these (with your permission) but I wanna answer/post these responses before you need to go to sleep and rest tonight ^^ So I will leave it at this for now! Just know these are driving me CRAZY! They are crazy good!!
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littlesislovesyou · 16 days
I'll thank you anyway because you deserve it~ And fuuuck I need you to be the one to give me that release...I need it so badly. 😩 And you deserve it just as much <333
Oh yeah we'd be all over each other. We'd be the type to be too horny to wait until we get home. We be fucking like animals feral and desperately in heat in the alleyways, blind spots in parks or even in the car. We don't care about anything else but making each other feel good and cumming for each other~ I love having a dangerous hold over your pussy, it belongs to me too after all...it's only fitting that I do <3333
I'm happy it does. I am an overthinker and perhaps worry too much about others than I do myself lol but you being safe or fine matters to me first and then anything else can come after. And don't feel bad. I'm glad to have moments of your time devoted to me. You should do what you enjoy and what makes you happy. Take breaks from Tumblr or any social media cuz that's normal and honestly healthy lol. Movies sounded fun I'd wish we could do a movie night XD and I'm happy you read them as soon as you can. Sounds like you look forward to seeing them and that makes me happy 💕
Oh trust me I am enjoying this as much as you...I think that's why our reactions are very similar when we both tease too much 😌 and if I'm ever uncomfortable I'll promise to tell!
Well I think we both hinted at that a while ago when I was being vulnerable lol I didn't want to assume though. But yessss we'll be insane and horny for each other and together always~ 🖤🖤🖤
I look forward to that day...and I'm excited to dm you too! I just wanna make sure I've got all the stuff bothering me done and dusted so I have not as much plaguing me and preventing me from talking. I feel really safe and comfortable with you at this point lol
And I'm gonna kidnap you one day and we're gonna have a session where I make you hump my leg or thighs and my cock while I go through all the fucked up shit you get off to and mocking you for being such a pathetic, perverted freak that can't help herself like the needy puppy you are...maybe I'll finger your cunny while I scroll and show you and see what makes you the horniest based on facial expressions, reactions...how soaked you become~ Helping you masturbate until you cum all over my fingers while my teeth are marking all over your neck and collar~ 🤭🔪
Oooh I like the sound of that...and trust me I always am thinking about you after I like your naughty posts~
You are an mischievous little thing aren't you...? Well if it was...and you confirmed that you were thinking about me when you reblogged it with your own irresistible, pretty lips...I'd probably cum then and there all over the pictures you have on here immediately after jerking off for a few hours 🥵
Anyways this'll be the last response for now cuz I gotta catch up on yesterday's too. But I'll be lurking for a while longer and then hopefully finally passing out lol
I hope you have a wonderful night and sleep well and have wonderfully lewd dreams (while I use your holes in your slee- I mean cuddle you; why not both? <3333) Take care of yourself and we'll talk more I hope as days get better!
Aweee aren’t you so sweet, already so addicted to me hm? ☺️💗 aghhh just the visual of us not being able to keep our hands off each other and not being able to wait till we got home, just pulling me into an alley because you’re throbbing for me<3333 pressing me against the brick of a building and bending me over, just to have me wrapped around you then and there🥰 going at it without a second thought<333 just giving pleasure to each other, all the time💗💗
God you seriously do 🥺💕 my pussy is just yours~
Hehe 💓👀 I won’t lie it took me a moment to answer because I’ve just been re reading it over and over again, especially the last one you sent;’) 💓 I have never rubbed my little cunt so much to something<333
And of course! Take your time<3 I just like reason you about it;’) just because I know I would probably be teasing you as much as I can in dms💕💕
I’m really glad you feel comfortable with me! I have to admit I do with you as well 🥺 and just so you know, you were the mutual;’) 💓💓 I was hinting at it but maybe I should’ve just told you were 👀💓
Ughhhhh listen if you jerked off to my pictures I’d probably marry you lmao<3333
WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TURN ME ON SOOO MUCH 🥺💗💗💗 god how much I would love and give to be your slutty puppy<333 fingering me while you read all the dirty posts I like and share<3 or maybe even reading some of the dms I get to me, telling me how much all these older men wanna fuck me<333
Also ps- I missed you💓💓
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