#( 😤 he done told her )
allofuswantgwinam · 4 months
listen. my friend who’s bf i hate bc it’s literally the same shit i just went through but if she wants to be dumb she can, i have been her before but she just tried to hook me up with one of his friends and this is exactly what I mean 🤣 I am not that fucking desperate, come on universe 💀🤧
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sherell-x · 20 days
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This is legit my face when the Feysand, Rhysand & Feyre stans say something along the lines of this when it comes to Tamlin not being able to help Feyre UTM
Them: Tamlin could have helped Feyre, could have done something & not just sit there & watch her suffer
Them: I don’t know do something to help her
Me: are you slow? What part of HE WAS IN NO POSITION TO EVEN REACT TO FEYRE MUCH MORE GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO HER TO HELP HER DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!! He literally sent Lucien to aid her because he could not & as a result of that Tamlin had to whip his own best friend for trying to aid her, before that Lucien told Feyre that Tamlin couldn’t get anywhere near her because he was being watched like a hawk, did you also forget Rhysand REITERATING THE EXACT SAME THING LUCIEN SAID FIRST?!?!!! Did you forget what Amarantha did to Clare Beddor when she thought Clare was the one Tamlin loved? How did Clare end up? Oh yeah that’s right DEAD, DEAD AS ONE CAN FUCKING BE, more than that DID YOU FORGET THAT TAMLIN HAD NO ACCESS TO HIS MAGIC, why?…BECAUSE THE SHE-DEVIL TOOK THEM!! How do you expect someone who is practically being tied to the hip to a sadistic psychopathic tyrant, who has no access to his magic & to our knowledge minimal knowledge of his way around UTM to get himself out ALIVE & the love of his life out ALIVE?! Not to fucking mention RHYSAND STILL HAD ACCESS TO A PART OF HIS MAGIC & DID NOTHING TO GET HER OUT!!
Them: he still could have done something
Me: he wha-🤬🤬🤬😤😤😤🫠🫠🫠😃😃😃🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
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scuderiasundays · 1 year
meet the tifosi
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 57,575 others
yourusername: a long-distance relationship told in four photos 🤍
fan1: i guess this is THE mystery girl he’s been seeing! maybe she’ll make her big debut on dts season 6
yourbestfriend: wish our fluffy friend cannoli was joining us on this trip 🥲 europe, here we come!
yourusername: he ate the raspberry in my hand shortly after this selfie was taken
carlossainz55: very excited to have you by my side for the triple-header. it’s time for you to meet the tifosi!
landonorris: mr. smooth operator spends his days off holed up in his hotel room calling you 😤 what ever happened to carlando?
yourusername: carlos has this irrational fear that piñon, oli, and cannoli will forget he exists if he doesn’t facetime us everyday
fan2: i cry knowing @yourusername has all these precious carlos photos on her phone 🥹
fan3: god i’ve seen what you’ve done for others!!!
charles_leclerc: play my songs for cannoli! i want to know how dogs react to depressing music 🎹
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starlingflight · 6 months
Killing time while I wait for my husband to finally finish work for Christmas, and very in my feels about both Hinny and Drastoria, so here is some Christmas fluff of the Malfoy and Potter families meeting on the Platform at the start Al and Scorpius' first christmas holidays (in which there is no blood curse, because I said so 😤):
Platform Nine and Three-Quarters was in chaos, a great mass of children, carrying owls, cats, and luggage far too big for most of them to safely manage, having descended upon it moments before. The confusion was not helped by the chorus of greetings, the hooting of owls, and the thick smoke billowing from the Hogwarts Express adding to the general mayhem. 
“He's there.” 
Astoria's gaze followed the direction of Draco’s nod until her sights settled on an identical, though much shorter, pale blond head, struggling against the crowd. She smiled at the sight. 
“He looks skinny,” Draco added, frowning. 
Astoria rolled her eyes. “He's always been skinny – he grows like someone's cast a stretching jinx on him.” 
Draco's frown remained in place, “I knew he wouldn't be wearing a cloak. He's going to freeze to death.” 
“Well, thank Merlin you insisted on bringing that, then,” Astoria inclined her head to the scarf clutched in Draco's hand, the concession he'd made to the fur-lined cloak he'd wanted to bring. One that Astoria had only agreed to because she'd also suspected Scorpius’ forward planning would not extend to the weather. “He's coming – don't fuss him in front of his friends, you're going to embarrass him.” 
She had no time to press upon Draco the severity of her warning before Scorpius came barrelling out of the steam, grinning broadly. “Hello! Merry Christmas!” 
Scorpius’ arms immediately wrapped around Draco's waist. A hug that was not returned only because Draco was preoccupied wrapping the awaiting scarf firmly around Scorpius’ neck and looking extremely unsatisfied about the warmth it would provide. 
“Merry Christmas, darling,” Astoria bent to kiss the top of Scorpius’ head. 
“How was your first term?” Draco asked. His wand was out now, no doubt casting a silent warming charm. 
“It was awesome!” Scorpius declared, a word he'd evidently picked up from his new friends. “They have all these cool plants in the greenhouses and the library is huge – the librarian is the worst though – and Al and I found a secret tunnel that leads to –” 
Scorpius stopped speaking abruptly, evidently realising a moment too late that this was not information he wanted his parents to be privy too. 
Draco raised a question eyebrow, “...leads to…?” 
Scorpius shrugged, “A place.” 
Astoria had to cover her mouth with her hand to hide her smile. He had never been a good liar, apparently a few months away from home hadn't improved that. 
“Will you come and meet Al?” Scorpius asked suddenly, apparently seizing on a change of subject before any follow up questions could be asked. 
Astoria's eyes flew to Draco. He tried and failed to hide the grimace this question brought on. Fortunately, Scorpius was too busy searching the crowd for any sight of his new – and oft-mentioned in his letters home – best friend. 
“We'd love to, darling,” Astoria said smoothly. “He's probably busy with his family right now, though.” 
Scorpius shook his head. “He told me to come and get you – there he is!” 
Astoria followed the direction of his pointed finger, her eyes settling on the family huddled a short way down the platform. A small boy with untidy black hair was pointing in Scorpius’ direction, their stances identical. 
Astoria slipped her hand into Draco’s and squeezed. She smiled at Scorpius, “lead the way.” 
He was off like a shot, dodging other students and their parents, in his haste to reach Albus. 
“This is proof karma is real,” Draco muttered to Astoria, following Scorpius at a much more sedate pace. “I'm not sure what Potter's done to deserve it though.” 
Astoria elbowed him gently in the ribs. “This isn't proof of anything. It's not about either of you at all, it’s about the kids.” 
Silently Draco nodded. There was very little he would not endure for Scorpius. 
They reached the Potters. Scorpius and Al were already chattering excitedly, as though they hadn't just spent eight hours on a train together. Harry Potter's arms were crossed firmly over his chest, his wife was on her tiptoes, whispering furiously into his ear. Astoria wondered if he was receiving the same reminder Draco had just been given. 
“Mum, Dad, this is Al,” Scorpius stepped back, waving a hand in front of Albus Potter as though he was a painting Scorpius was especially proud of creating. “Al, this is my mum and dad.” 
“It's a pleasure to meet you,” Astoria said, painting a wide smile on her face. 
Draco rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Hello.” 
“I'm Ginny!” Ginny leapt forward, cutting through the awkward silence that threatened to overtake the little group. “I don't believe we've officially met.” 
“Astoria, it's lovely to meet you.” Astoria took her outstretched hand and quickly shook it. 
“And this is Harry,” It happened quickly, but Astoria could not help but notice Ginny's booted foot quickly step on her husband's shoe.
Harry did not unfold his arms to greet Astoria. He did, however, offer a smile that was quite clearly strained, before his eyes flicked to Draco. “Malfoy.” 
Astoria resisted the urge to hide her head in her hands as Draco's mouth formed a thin line that she knew to a casual outsider looked incriminatingly like a sneer, but was actually him trying –and most likely failing – not to fall into a shame spiral she'd spent years pulling him out of. “Potter.” 
They stared intensely at one another. Astoria silently wondered if she was going to be forced to hex the head of the Auror Department and her husband in the middle of Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. 
Fortunately, Al, who was apparently impervious to the tension unfolding around him, chose that moment to speak, “Dad, can Scorpius come to the Harpies match with us on Boxing Day?” 
Harry's eyes finally broke from Draco's. Astoria breathed a sigh of relief. She took the moment of distraction to dig her elbow into Draco's side once again. 
“Er,” Harry struggled to find a suitable answer in the face of Scorpius and Albus’ pleading expressions. “He could, but I'm sure he has plans with his own family, Al.” 
Scorpius’ head whipped around, staring questionly between Astoria and Draco questioningly. 
“We have to go to your Grandparents',” Astoria said apologetically. She didn't know which of the three of them were looking forward to it the least. 
Scorpius' face fell. 
“You don't have to go,” Draco said quickly, “to your Grandparents' house, I mean. You can go to the match – if Al's parents are sure?” 
Harry looked at Ginny. She shrugged. “There'll be plenty of room in the box – and it's hard enough to drag Al to a match usually.” 
“Scorpius loves Quidditch,” Al announced, apparently in explanation for his newfound willingness to attend. 
Scorpius flashed Al a grin before turning his attention back to Astoria and Draco. “Can Al come to our house too? I want him to meet Artemisia!” 
Harry frowned. “Who's Artemisia?” 
“She's our hippogriff,” Scorpius explained. Harry and Ginny shared a look of shock that made it clear they were both thinking of one of Draco's worst school-aged transgressions. “Mum looks after loads of them, but Artemisia is special.” 
“I'm sorry,” Harry rounded on Draco, not looking very sorry at all. “You have a pet hippogriff?” 
Draco cleared his throat awkwardly. “Well, she’s Astoria's hippogriff. She's had her since before we got together. The rest of them, she adopted after we got married, but…” 
Draco trailed off, clearly deciding he'd been speaking for too long. Harry was staring at him as though he'd just grown a second head. 
“She's very safe,” Astoria said, bringing the conversation back on track. “She loves kids. I'm sure she'd be delighted to meet Al.” 
“He could stay over after the match!” Scorpius suggested. 
Astoria nodded. Looking to Ginny for confirmation that this was alright, their husband's both seemed to be struggling too much internally to contribute anything further. 
“That should be fine. Merlin knows I don't plan to do anything more exciting than eat as much chocolate as physically possible between then and New Year.” 
“Oh, that's practically mandatory,” Astoria agreed. “Do you want us to drop Scorpius to you before the match or –” 
Ginny nodded. “My brother can probably arrange a Floo connection between our house and Malfoy Manor, he works at the Department of Magical Transportation.” 
“We don't live at Malfoy Manor,” Draco cut in, apparently having recovered the ability to speak once more. 
“Al has our address,” Scorpius added, making it abundantly clear they'd planned the whole thing already and were asking their parents only as a courtesy. 
“Right,” Ginny shook her head, clearly coming to the same conclusion as Astoria. “In that case, we'll see you on Boxing Day, Scorpius – Now, we need to go and find James, his absence is only more concerning the longer it continues for.”
This seemed to shake Harry – who had been staring, puzzled at Draco since the revelation of Artemisia's existence – from his reverie. “I'll go find him. It was nice to meet you, Scorpius.” 
“We need to go as well,” Astoria said even as Draco tucked him securely under his arm. “Have a lovely Christmas,” she added, smiling from Ginny to Al. 
“You too,” Ginny grabbed both of Al's shoulders, spinning him to face the opposite direction. “Go and get your sister, she's talking Hugo's ear off.”
Al waved enthusiastically at Scorpius before disappearing into the crowd.
Draco wasted no more time, guiding Scorpius and Astoria towards the barrier that marked the exit of the platform. 
“Dad, can we go to Diagon Alley and get some chocolate frogs? They're Al's favourite.” 
“You want to go to Diagon Alley on the Saturday before Christmas?” Draco's tone made it clear he thought this was a horrifying idea. 
Scorpius nodded, apparently unconcerned. Astoria leant closer to him, speaking quietly enough to only be audible to Draco. “Pick up more wine while you're there. I'll need it to endure your mother's reaction when she learns she's not seeing Scorpius for Christmas because he's with Harry Potter's son.” 
Draco shook his head. “Wine won't be strong enough.” He smiled at Scorpius who was still happily chattering away about the plans he had for Al's visit. “He looks happy though.” 
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spidybaby · 1 year
Summary: When he's stressed and worried about work, that's the only thing on his mind.
Warnings: angst because I'm a sucker for it 😤
A/N: So I'm inspired, and you already know I love angst, I breathe angst, I eat angst. (Okay, I'm done exaggerating), but lemme know how you are? Are you drinking water? Hope you're fine 💐❤️
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Since Kylian sent that letter to the higher-ups of PSG about not wanting to stay until 2025, everything is drama.
The french tabloids, for some reason, want him to look bad, want him to look like this ungrateful man.
He's experiencing too much pressure, Sergio leaving, Lionel leaving, possibly Verrati leaving. It was a mess. The whole teams is.
Especially now that this dumb reporter, her name is Sam, she's all over him about the whole side of him about the leaving, the selling, the quitting of Galtier. He's done with her, with the other reporters, with the ultras hating him for even breathing.
"Don't worry, Kyky, everything's going to be fine." Sergio pat his back, Kylian was one of the first ones to know about his retirement of the club. "Don't let that chick got to you."
"I just want her away from me." He drinks too fast for what he's used to. "Can't she cover something else?"
"Look, hermano." Ney says, he had to deal with the same reporter a few months before. "Just tell her something completely different from what she's asking, and she'll leave."
He knows she just wants to write something before anyone else, something that comes from his own, not for speculation. "Lie to her."
He scuff, it's not that easy to be away from her when she's also part of the PSG press people. She has access to everywhere. That makes him uncomfortable.
"Mira Kylian." Leo says. He's not new to this whole press drama. "Just don't mind her, ignore her, saying you have to be somewhere." He smiles, nodding to his advice.
Leo and Sergio are the ones he trusts with this media hate. They're goats, and they come from a long road. He can't deny that even Neymar is an expert. But he's been there for his own stupid mind, even tho he denied it.
He followed the advice Leo gave him, always ignoring her, saying the usual bonjour or a revoir. Nothing else.
That made her mad. She even asked Galtier for his number, not caring about writing him. That took him to the limit. He couldn't escape her. She was everywhere and anywhere at the same time.
"Don't stress, mon amour." You say kissing his cheek. You're massaging him, wanting to help him relax. "I know it's hard, but I'm here for you. It's only you and me."
You tried everything for him to relax, you didn't know the whole story. He never told you about this reporter. So you only think it's because of the whole letter drama.
"Bonjour, Kylian." Sam says, looking at him. She's blocking the door of the lockers. "Can we talk." She raised her eyebrows.
"I'm busy." He tries to pass her, but she's not moving, and the last thing he wants is touching her or making any type of contact. "Please move."
"Just five minutes." She says, begging him. "And I'll leave you alone forever."
"I prefer you to leave me alone now." His voice is this deep tone. He's done with her games. "Get out of the way." He ask nicely.
"Four minutes." She begged again.
"Sam, out of the way."
He breathes deeply, and he's losing his temper. "I'll say it only one more time, and believe me, that I hate repeating myself." He grabs her arm, not hard but the right amount of pressure to move her gently. "I'm busy." He's mad. His whole day is ruined, thanks to her.
He enters his car, asking the driver to take him home. He's supposed to go to his mother's house, but he's too mad for that.
He arrived home funding. His train bag is now on the floor, you're home early, and you notice the noise, thinking maybe he fell.
"Are you okay?" You ask from your bedroom. Maybe he's hurt. "Ky? Amour?" You talk louder this time.
After a few minutes, you hear the footsteps on the stairs. A very agitated Kylian enters the room. "Hi, handsome." You say, opening your arms to him.
"Remember how you said you can take the stress out of me?" He sais breathless, you nod smiling. "Do it."
You throw the covers away from you. Ready to attack your boyfriend with kisses and attention. Your lips feel heavy on his own. He's tense. You can feel him.
There was no other reason for his mind to be elsewhere, hes uncomfortable by the fact that he has Sam on the back of his head, tunning after him, basically harrassi him.
There's no other reason for him to focus on anything other than you. The way your lips feel on his neck, the way your hands are touching the right places, the way you're making him feel good.
His hips are moving to a very fast pace. He's not one to take his frustration on you, but the way you're moaning his name and how your nails are scratching his back is making him lose control.
He doesn't know how, but it happens. He can't take her name out of his mind, now even when you're taking him so well.
When he dips his hips at a certain angle, the back of your head digs further into the pillow, and he attacks the exposed side of your neck. He's leaving red marks, marking you as his. The groan that's escaping his lips are pornographyc.
You could feel nothing but him, the weight of his body over yours, the thin layer of sweat on his back under your fingertips and on his forehead, making the hair close to your neck to stick to it.
What's making the entire situation so much worse is the fact that no matter how much he tries, he can't stop thinking about her. Not in a sexual way, but angrily wanting her to go away, to leave his mind alone.
His hand is griping your waist so hard. He knows he'll leave a mark. Moans coming out of his mouth. “Fuck, you feel so good.” he goes faster, knowing by the sounds you're making that you're close.
"Sam-" that's when he stops. His whole body stop. He doesn't know why he's saying her name. His eyes are open in a panic.
"Get off," you say out of breath. Your heart is beating as fast as if it's going off your body. "Get off of me."
You push his shoulders for him to get off of you. He pulled out and tried to explain. "Y/n, please, I didn't mean to do that."
Your mind is lost, one moment you're under him, holding him closer, kissing him and enjoying him.
And now you're pushing him away, not wanting him to touch you. You grab the covers of the bed. You wrap it around your body before running to the bathroom.
"Amour, please." He tries to grab your arms. "Amour." He almost catch you, but he's not fast enough.
The next thing he knows is you slamming the door in his face. He can hear the way you're breathing and how you sob. The sound is making his heart hurt.
"I promise I wasn't-" he can't even think of an excuse. He's fucked up, he's hearing the way you're crying and can't think of how to solve it. "Listen, she's a reporter that has been harassing me. She's always on me, and I".
You open the door, interrupting his explanation. You're standing there, tears running down your face, blanket around your body, eyes sad.
"Mon amour." He doesn't know if he can touch you. He doesn't want to make you more uncomfortable than what you already are. "I promise it's not what you think."
You pass him, walking to the room to get your clothes, dressing yourself again, hurried to get away from him.
"Please don't go." He says, hand grabbing your arm. "Please, let me explain." He feels like crying, not wanting to let go.
"Not now." You get off his hold. "I can't do this. Please get away from me." You push him lightly.
"Don't go, I'll go, but you don't have to go." He dresses himself, not wanting you to leave. "I'm fucking sorry." Your back is facing him. You can't look at him in the eyes.
The past week, you were running away from Kylian, leaving extra early for work and returning while he was still training.
For him, it was hard not being able to speak with you. But you needed time, and he's willing to let you have it. Even if that hurt him in the process.
For you, it's been weird. You can't wrap your mind around the fact of what's going on. For you, it hurts that he didn't trust you enough to talk to you about what's happening, and the other part of you is your ego being hurt by him naming another girls name.
You were sure with a talk and being honest, you both can make up. You trusted him when he says he has never been with her, but you also needed to know the whole story.
The sound of keys jiggling is the way you know he's home. When he walks he sees you sitting on the couch.
He's tired, everyone is hating on him for the stupid tabloids, and he can't even find comfort in your arms because he hurt you without intended to.
"Can we talk?" He swears the sound of your voice is magical. He missed it. He missed you. He nods and takes a seat next to you. "Who's Sam?"
He didn't hesitate to detail the whole thing. The things his playmates advised him. "Kylian, why didn't you report her to the management?" You're mad, not with him but with her for being such a bitch and harass him about a stupid football news.
"Because I thought she was going to leave me alone." He yells, frustrated. "I can't do this anymore."
You hug him, caressing his back and him cry his frustration. His not crying about her. He's crying about the news, about the hate, about the media not leaving him alone.
"I'm here, don't cry." You kiss the top of his head. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you before."
"It's not you, I'm the one who made the mistake of letting her abuse her power." He let you dry his tears. "I'm so done."
"It's not your fault. Don't say that." You kiss his cheeks. "You're fine now, I'm not letting her or anyone hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable." You hugged him. Promising you'll never let him feel that way again.
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suguru-getos · 2 years
genshin men when they see you glam up for the first time
characters included: kaveh, alhaitham, cyno, ayato
kaveh: now this man knows what he is doing when he proceeds to kiss you passionately, paying no mind to how your makeup might streak, how your perfect lipshade might be imprinted on his own lips. he will wear it like a badge of honor if you ask him to. just ask! <3 ever since you’ve been dating the master architect, you’ve never been too careful with your looks. it was the fact that you and him worked together for the ksharvar. mostly you were dressed in your akademiya attire. today however, was different, you were dressed beautifully, and the moment kaveh saw you. he dramatically kissed you, as if all the compliments he holds aren’t enough. as if whatever he’ll say won’t do justice. “sweetheart, gosh— i need to dress up too, need to match my lovely gorgeous of a baby,” kaveh retorted, rushing to get dressed as well 😤 man’s never going to let that troupe come to place. yk the troupe: homeless man x red carpet woman yeah. 🤦🏻‍♀️
alhaitham: now alhaitham knows how beautiful you are, either way, he keeps telling you how perfect your features are. how precious you look & how adoring he finds you whenever your lips curl into the most beautiful smile ever. but nothing 👏 nothing prepares him for when you glam up & doll up for him. getting ready for his birthday. alhaitham is speechless, the only emotions on his face are of pure flustered shock, he can’t imagine you could look THIS AMAZING! “and a happy birthday to me,” alhaitham smiles softly, raising. brow and snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. “you looking this good almost makes me want to cancel all the plans.” you gingerly push his chest away, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. “stop it— haitham,”
cyno: this man decided it would be a FAIRLY GOOD TIME to crack a joke over your beauty. no— it is not even a joke. it is some annoying line he uses like: “did it hurt?” while you blink, confusion all your face. “what do you mean cyno?” he walks closer to your face, holding your chin and leaning in, whispering softly. “when you fell down from the heaven for me, angel face?” please— the deadpan you had on your face. followed by bursts of giggling. “cyno please— that line is so bad, so fucking bad—” you whine out, rolling your eyes and getting back to the final touches of your makeup. “maybe i can makeup for them, in other ways,” normally, general mahamatra knows how flustered you get when he talks like this, but this time… you’ve been craving him so long! that you caved in almost instantly. “yes please— make it up to me!” maybe he will 🫡
ayato: the whole estate was ordered empty, ayaka being busy in the festival that was hosted. thoma accompanying her. ayato told the shumatsuban to take care of lady ayaka’s security. all to have some much needed time with his beloved being in the whole wide world. “now than, if any distractions are gone i sugge-” his jaw slacked, watching you turn towards him in the most beautiful kimono ever. it had the kamisato emblem as well. “i- wow, you truly accentuate the clan just by your presence,” ayato was awestruck, smiling brightly towards you. “good thing i rendered this place empty. they won’t hear your moans when i’m done worshipping your body,”
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
Big Bro Gojo! Reader find out about Megumi and Tsumiki. Ft Kugisaki and Itadori!
This part is pretty long!
First part for context
first of all, thanks to @shootinglove14 for giving me the idea for this adorable drabble, thanks sweetie!
Now, moving on to the topic, I think Big Bro Reader would know about Megumi's existence shortly after he has his talk with Satoru (after the breakup of KFC) and confesses that, that Touji told him that he had a son, as if He would wait for his brother to tell him what he should do. Big Bro at first, I'm not going to lie, is too angry at Touji for almost killing his little brother to think clearly, so he tells him to do what he thinks is right.
which in Satoru's mind translated to: "do what your brother would have done" and knowing that under normal circumstances Big Bro Reader would not hesitate to take in a child in need (ESPECIALLY if Big Bro already has children of his own) Satoru He decides that he will do the same.
so, he goes to get Megumi (and additionally Tsumiki), takes them with him and introduces them to his older brother as the children he had been telling them about :D (completely ignoring the fact that he warned him with, like, 5 minutes of before they arrived and that it was supposed to be just ONE SON)
but as soon as Big Bro Reader sees them, any kind of dislike towards Touji or resentment IS CRUSHED and replaced with pity when he sees how small they are, he very much regrets having thought the way he did when he saw how they lived, and begins to treat them like his normal friendly self, almost like his own children.
As Megumi and Tsumiki grow up, Big Bro reader is a very important figure in their lives, mainly because he has the tact that Satoru doesn't have, he is cuddly without being annoying, he is much more respectful, how could they not love him? especially in the case of Megumi, who tries to help him with his abandonment issues.
With Tsumiki he becomes close through things like housework, Reader is a deconstructed man, he helps his wife and Tsumiki in everything he can😤 and even teaches her some tricks that he has learned in the Gojo house (cooking, laundry, embroidery, self-defense, the man is a box of surprises).
overall Tsumiki sees her friendly personality supported by someone like Big Bro reader who is almost the same. She sees him as a great man and definitely a good example of a man, father and husband.
Megumi, as I already said, likes Big Bro Reader more in the sense that he has much more tact and respect for what others say, that already gives him many points, but he also gets attached very quickly to him because of how good he is. general that he is, but he doesn't take shit from anyone. Big Bro reader will be gentle, yes, but he can't stand disrespect and is definitely someone who can hold a grudge, can empathize with it.
but Big Bro's fatherly and uninterested attitude was definitely what made him love him so much, they can bond through things like board games, Big Bro teaches him how to be a gentleman, go out to parks together with the Divine dogs, teach them Gojo clan techniques, etc.
By the time they grow up, they see Big Bro Reader as a kind of secondary father, but if Big Bro already has children, they will be their guardians and help Reader take care of them. when Tsumiki happens, Reader is the FIRST to run to the hospital and comfort Megumi, he is the one who occasionally prepares her a homemade lunch for school, he is the one who Megumi goes to visit when she has the opportunity (aside from Tsumiki) to tell him of his day.
Big Bro reader is one of the few people (if not the only one) who feels like he will never abandon him, and gives him a genuine and warm feeling of security that he wishes he had before. He loves it very much.
Megumi becomes an unofficial part of Big Bro's family, his wife even has a guest room tailored to his tastes (and for his divine dogs), she has some of his favorite snacks in the pantry, and MY GOD, when he comes over of surprise and Reader's children are going to greet him with "welcome home Megumi-nisaaaaaan!" Megumi could DIE THERE AND DIE HAPPY.
They even leave him a space at the table (Big Bro's wife always gives him extra portions because according to her "he is very thin") and he can feel calm. simple peace of mind.
Gojo's brother is amazing.
and eventually thanks to this and being the fucking sensei's brother, he would also meet Nobara and Itadori.
Itadori would meet Big Bro reader before Nobara, he would probably even be either 1- one of the people Itadori would go on his first missions with or 2- one of the few people Gojo trusted to let him know that Yuji wasn't dead.
Let's go for both.
Itadori was VERY surprised to see the difference in attitude between his Sensei and his brother, but he still saw that Big Bro Reader was someone very respectable, even adorable! always bragging about his family and Gojo-sensei also started showing him his own photos of his nephews/nieces (Big Bro's children) and even some photos from when they were young, it was very wholesome.
I can see Big Bro joining Itadori in his movie marathons (especially after the incident with Junpei), inviting him to his house to meet his family, even staying for dinner. For Yuji everything is so...NEW, a whole family, functional and happy, how does he do it? but ends up thanking him very much for the experience (even giving him a hug that Reader gladly returns).
Itadori goes with Big bro reader if he needs more sentimental or emotional advice, since Big bro is something like his guide in that sense, his reference point for what he would like to have, and although Itadori is a walking green flag , sometimes doesn't understand certain situations, and wants to become as friendly and supportive as big bro reader.
Imagine Itadori and Megumi babysitting Big Bro reader's children! I imagine that they are half angels and half Gojo(xd) so they would have to be very careful with that. Megumi would absolutely LOVE to see children drawing pictures or talking about their family, if they draw him a picture of him, he will cry (even if it is the ugliest thing ever drawn, he will hang it on the refrigerator, NO BUTS)
Itadori stays more with Big Bro reader's wife (if she is there) and helps her with things like shopping bags and wanting to know more about the children to be a better babysitter with Megumi (although he knows them better so not much problem).
And when Big bro reader comes Back and the kids go running to give their dad the "welcome home!" Call, Itadori swears his heart MELTS.
Sensei's brother is very kind. Is what he thinks whathever the topic of Big bro is bring up.
Nobara would probably meet Big Bro after Itadori's "death", and at first she didn't think much of him (except that he dressed VERY well) until she learned that he was Gojo-Sensei's older brother. and honestly? She didn't believe it.
It couldn't be!! IT HAD TO BE A JOKE! How did someone like his sensei have someone so friendly as a brother? Or was Reader hiding his own idiotic side? It took photos from when they were young and a lot of insistence for her to finally believe that they were even related.
Definitely at first she was a little alert because of the friendly way Big Bro Reader acted, but eventually she was able to let her guard down when she realized that he wasn't planning anything shady, on the contrary, he wanted to be with them in a difficult moment like what he was doing. It was losing a partner. Nobara could respect him for that.
and he believed that he must be the proudest man in the world, because he always showed off his family, especially his children. At first Nobara found him somewhat annoying, but it didn't take long before she got on the train of enthusiasm for the achievements of Big Bro's children.
If Big Bro has a bad fashion sense, Nobara is ON A MISSION to change that, no ifs and buts. They won't go away until you at least know basic color theory.
Overall Nobara is happy to be a girl around Big Bro reader and have good mental support at this school. Sensei's brother is great.
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Thank you for reading!❤️
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kankuroplease · 2 months
could you do an Hc of Kuri,please she has Wolfgang's eyebrows ✨and she married her big brother's best friend even though she doesn't love him 🤣🤩
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Kuri looked so similar to the daughter Tsuna said he’d like to have one day (his hair, Ebba’s eyes) that it made Ebba tear up a bit seeing her for the first time
She was a rather joyful baby that smiled easily
Total daddies girl from day one
She took a bit longer to talk, but once she started, she didn’t stop
Often talking to her parents about the different things she saw in town
Or pestering her grandmother about weaving lessons and horseback rides
She had no problems making friends and quickly became popular despite being a bit timid because her friends (two very popular girls) took her under their wings
Her Irish Wolfhound came from the same litter as her best friends ninken
Once she was a bit older, she took up apprenticeship with her grandmother as a ferrier
That’s about the time Asahi started hanging out with his friend Ivan
Who was as big as mountain even as a child. He laughed too loud, ate too much, and always said the strangest things
Including; she should speak with her head up, he can tell the difference in her embroidery style to her mothers, and she chews loudly
But what really made her not like him was when he said his father told him she had a face full of stars (complimentary)
She hated her freckles, so it just seemed like he was trying to make fun of her
After that she kept conversations with him SHORT, even when he stayed with them while his father was away. That is Asahi’s problem friend not hers 😤
In her teens, she full embraced her popular role and almost exclusively hung out with the Inuzuka that had also settled in this land
This kept her ninjutsu skills sharp and that gave her a sense of pride because she was praised for both her Uchiha and Inuzuka abilities
She was still a daddies girl, so he was still the first person she told all her big news to
She loved shipping with her mom and helping her embroider things. Often sneaking in an uchiha fan to make her smile
Her relationship with Asahi was rocky as he didn’t spend much time at home
She joined Frederick in playing the taikos with their mother
She was the best sibling at managing the triplets and that was done through making everything a game. She could get them to scrub the whole house if she wanted to and let them crash in her bed with her most nights
Elke was like her own little baby doll. She liked picking her clothes and styling her hair as it had a fun flip to it’s ends
Arashi was her other little doll, sort of. More like the puppy she showed off to her friends and taught funny work songs to
She loved betting on dog races with her grandmother. Ebba always made it fun as she wasn’t afraid to challenge anyone
Unfortunately for her, so did Ivan
And he was much better at choosing a winner than her
She tried to avoid him, but they always ended up in the same spots, shops, or being seated near each other at festivals
Her mother telling her to stop acting rude when Ivan never so much as said a bad word about her or mistreated her
Her friends all gushed about how big he was and giggled when he let them compare their hand sizes to his
To which she passed when he reached out his hand for her to do the same
He knew his hand was bigger than hers and wasn’t impressed like the others
He eventually stunned the heck out of her when asked her out
So much so she sort of just agreed as long as he didn’t tell Asahi or anyone else
He agreed and so they agreed to meet by the “quietest” part of the river
She didn’t know what to talk to him about. She knew her parents weren’t to happy about his father getting Asahi into bounty hunting, but that didn’t seem to extend to him
It was during that awkward silence sitting by the river that she noticed he smelled nice; earthy like rosewood but also something more alluring
He knew she liked rye bread best and pulled out the fresh loaf he packed along with some sweet wine (which she also liked sipping off of her mother’s in secret)
It made her feel happy and horrible that she didn’t bother paying attention to what he liked or anything about him other than him being her brother’s friend
after a little liquid courage, she asked about his likes and dislikes
She learned he has a bit of light perception and can determine light from dark
She also learned Asahi forbid him from asking her on a date… but here they were, which they both laughed about
He confessed he had liked her for sometime. He liked her laugh, how sweet she was with her family, and how excitedly she talks about her job
And she practically melted. Only able to tell him an shaky ‘thank you’
In the end she apologized for being so rude to him when he just was trying to start a conversation with her.
She promised to be nicer towards him and consider is confession seriously (sealed with a kiss on his cheek check)
It was from there that they started their secret trial relationship. Holding hands when no one was looking, brushing hands under the table, sneaking away to their secret spot, talking, kissing, etc..
It wasn’t that she was ashamed of being with Ivan, but she wanted to keep something to herself for once coming from such a big family and not feel like there was pressure
Each rendezvous got a little better and brought them closer
She found herself falling for him hard as his straightforwardness and genuine affection left no room for doubts in her about her own feelings about him
She loved that he was so gentle with her, loved hearing about her day, the way he lit up when she complimented him, and how his ears turned red whenever she whispered sweet nothings to him
Even his strange sense of humor made her laugh; the main one being that they sounded like some sort of fairytale couple where he kept changing their titles ‘the ferrier and the blind man’ ‘the witch and the bounty hunter’
It was perfect. Nothing could ruin her mood when she got to spend time with him
Or so she thought
Nothing like going to her grandmother’s house to pick up a few tools before heading home and being forced to take a bath + drink some funky mixture because dear grandma could smell that she had sex despite Kuri having washed up a bit afterwards
It was mortifying. Not because her grandmother was judging her (Ebba would never), but because it was her first time and she got found out not even an hour later.
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She was very grateful that Ebba told her parents she was staying at her place to help for a couple of days (so she could shake off her nerves)
In reality, she was getting an Inuzuka crash course in how not to get caught by her Inuzuka father because “what she does as a woman is not his business if it’s not happening in his house” (Ebba’s words)
Kuri did learn some helpful tips and tricks,and her father was non the wiser of her activities
She knew Ivan was going to ask for her hand before he did because while he was still very affectionate, he was acting strangely
So when her father asked her what she thought of Ivan, she told him honestly that she loves him
Telling Asahi was more nerve wracking for some reason. She didn’t want him to think she was taking his only friend away from him
He took it well to her surprise, especially considering he apparently knew about them for a long while
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inlovewhithafairytale · 11 months
Morning love
Theo reason x reader smut + a lot of fluff cause I'm a softie also it has some Stydia reference because we Ship them them😤
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that's so freaking cute!!! Unable to cant😭
Yn woke up with the feeling of someone gently caressing her face. She hummed softly at the feeling, how long had it been since anyone touched her like that?
She cracked her eyes open and was met by Theo, green eyes staring softly at her, mouth parted into a soft smile.
"Morning sleepy head" he murmured to her, his voice still groggy from sleep.
Yn smiled gave him a tired grin and snuggled close to his chest.
She felt theos run his hands softly through her hair "we promised Liam that we'd meet with him at the preserve remember?"
"I don't want to go...I just want to stay here with you forever and ever" the girl replied stubbornly her voice slightly muffled as she pressed closer to his body.
"Me too baby..."
Yn looked up at him and gave him a tired smile " then let's stay here, damn Liam"
"Oh really? Then Liam will come here and take the katana back and send me straight back ro hell" he replied giving her a teasing smile.
"He wouldn't be cause if he did I'd personally de ball him"
"You are so Stiles sister" he chuckled and bent his head slightly down and pressed his lips against yn's.
The sunlight came through the window illuminating the room in which the teenagers were. Still tangled in the bed sheets, pronouncing their love for each other.
Yn didn't know how but the kiss suddenly took a smutty turn. Her skin felt as if it caught fire, and she longed to feel Theos skin against hers. The arm that Theo had around her waist moved so that she laid on her back with Theo above her propping himself up in an elbow kissing her. Yn found that she didn't feel slightly uncomfortable with the way that Theo kissed her, softly, lovingly and somehow demanding. Somehow it didn't feel as if he was asking something from her that she didn't feel comfortable to give.
Yn hands wondered to his hair. Messing it more that what it already was, she pulled him closer, letting him kiss her more deeply. Her skiing clawed and she felt a somehow familiar wetness between her legs, she knew what she wanted now. She wanted him, more like needed.
Softly she jerked her hips up clashing with Theos side. Theo quickly pulled back and stared down at her with slightly wide eyes. His lips red from kissing and hair a complete mess.
Yn started back at him biting the edge of her lower lip nervously. Maybe she had done something wrong. But that doubt suddenly faded when Theo reached down again and kissed her.
"Are you sure about this" he asked her tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Yeah...I just. I've never done it before...I mean I know all about it, just that you're the first guys I've ever even kissed..." she said nervously. She assent nervous because of him. She was nervous because she didn't want to do anything wrong.
"We don't even have a condom" he told her softly, Theo wanted her, but he couldn't bring himself to do something that she wasn't comfortable with.
"Uh.. I think Stiles has in the bathroom of the hallway"
"Ill get it"
As Theo exited the room she thanked her lucky stars once gain that Her father wasn't home. Hed totally freak out if he was the chimera in boxers wondering in the halls.
Yn giggled at the though. Her dad would surely skin her alive.
Theo returned "he had, why does he even have any? I though he and Malia had broken up" he said climbing into bed.
"Oh forgot to tell you... with my help stydia happened" she was so proud of herself, her brother was finally happy... except currently he was in a ghost riders dimension. But never mind.
"Finally?! I though they we're never going to admit their feeling for each other?"
"I know... but I helped plenty..."
"Huh.. really? It took you so long to admit you had feelings for me?" Theo gave her a playful smile as he laid again next to her.
"That's because I was young and stupid and they already had working chemistry. I only had to add a few touches." Yn said smiling turning to her side to face him." And also because I'm pretty awesome" she added with a wink.
"That you are" Theo. Breathed out as he wrapped an arm around Yn gain and flipped her to laying on her back him hovering above her, propping himself in an elbow. Green eyes looking softly down at her, as if caressing her with a look." Are you a hundred percent sure you want to do this?" He asked her again.
Yn nodded with a small smile.
Theo reached down again and and kissed her forehead softly and then claimed her lips once again. Their lips moved in complete sink. Though more heated up. He softly bit onto her lower lip. Prying her lips open. She granted him access and his tongue explored her mouth, tongues meeting and teeth clashing. Theo ran his hand softly against her side, from her stomach to her tight, fingers lingering over her clothed skin.
Yn ran her hands through his hair, relishing on the feelings he made her feel. She was pretty sure that by now her underwear was soaking wet, and her body was covered in goosebumps.
Theo gave a low moan into her mouth as she pulled on his hair. They parted the kiss and stared at each other.
"No way you get turned on when I pull your hair"yn giggled, Theo rolled his eyes and rested his for head against hers.
"Yn I could smell your arousal form a mile away. No way you get turned on when I kiss you" he retorted back, and before yn could get over the shock that he actually said that, he kissed her again. Yn kissed back after a moment purposely pulling in his hair, she could feel Theo trying to keep his moans at bay.
"Why did you stop?" She asked teasingly pulling back.
"I think I'll live the moaning to you sweet heart" he whispered and tried to kiss her again, but Yn stopped him.
"Dont. I like to hear you" She pulled him down and kissed him again. She didn't know where she had that confidence from but she liked it. She wasn't exactly shy in their relationship, but she left all the smuttiness to Theo because she had plenty.
Theo then started kissing her jaw and then down to her neck. Bitting softly just below her jawline. Yn took a strangled breath as he continued kissing down her neck. Moving her.. well actually his, shirt to the side. Exposing her shoulder. Yns eyes closed shut as Theo found her sweet spot. She felt him smile into her skin as she have a low moan when he started sucking.
"Theo don't live hickeys to big or my dad will skin us BOTH alive" she told him.
She felt him remove his mouth from her neck " uh... you can wear a turtle neck?" He asked sheepishly.
"Theo if my dad sees that..."
" it's only one" he complained.
"Just don't put any marks on my neck, you can live marks anywhere else"
Theo's eyes lit up and Yn wondered if she shouldn't have told him that, but he returned once again to pampering her neck with kisses. Here and there he bit softly. Just to hear her let out a breathy moan, one that only he alone would ever hear.
His hand wondered below her shirt and softly caressed her skin. Making Yn shiver slightly, pulling Theos hair. He lowly moaned into her skin. Sending vibrations through her making her smile. She was enjoying this so very much.
Theo then pulled away from her neck and lifted the hem of the shirt slightly "off...?"
Yn lifted her torso slightly and let him pull the shirt off, leaving her chest and stomach exposed. She blushed slightly because she knew that she had a slightly flat chest which she had tried to ignore all through her teenage years.(this is because you see... I have a flat chest and need to feel like I belong:()
She bit her lower lip as Theo looked at her body. Smelling her embarrassment he looked at her face. "You know you're beautiful right?" He whispered softly.
Yn looked in his eyes and knew he was telling the truth. She nodded slightly still a bit unsure. Theo kissed her lips once again." Yn you're are the most beautiful girl in the world, don't think otherwise" she smiled up at him.
"Thanks" she whispered
"I'm only telling you something you should already be aware of"
"That's why I'm Thanking you, you know I love you right" she said softly.
"I love you too Yn" he whispered back. As if only for her to hear, as if only she should ever hear Those words.
Theo kissed her once again softly, and started to kiss again for her neck.
"Wait..." she stopped him" off..?"
Theo chuckled and pulled his shirt off. Exposing his toned chest and abs. Yn ran a hand down his chest. Never tired of seeing his shirtless.
"See something you like?" Theo asked with a cocky grin
"Spare me the cocky act Reaken"
"Whatever you say Stilinski" and went once again to kissing her neck. He went down to her exposed chest and down the valley between her breasts making shure to live a hickey. One if his hands slid up from her taight to below her breast but to shy to do what he wanted to do. Yn noticed it.
"Theo..." he hummed from where he was kissing in her stomach." You can touch me" she told him quietly. She was comfortable with him. And she knew for shure that's what he wanted.
He looked up to her face and Yn swore she saw him blush slightly but never said anything because she wanted to keep his dignity as a man.
Theo bit in her skin again slightly, earning a breathy moan from Yn who had closed her eyes shut as he worked his wonders on her.the hand that had been resting below her breast he slowly ran up. Thumb circling her nipple. Yn sucked in shakky breath eyes still closed tightly, hands in Theos hair. Theo then reached up and sucked gently on her nipple still massaging her breath with his thumb. Sucking slightly and biting softly. After a while he went and gave the same attention to her other one.
Yn's phone on the night table beside her bed. Dinged with a notification. Yn never put he phone in vibrator since sometimes her pack needed her and had a specific ringtone to all of her friends.
"That's pup" yn told Theo.
"It's only 9 in the morning he shouldn't be bothering" Yn rolled her eyes with a smile at her boyfriend.
She was going to say something when Theo pulled her pajama pants down a bit. Lokking at her for reassurance. Liam forgotten, Yn nodded,.lifting her hips, letting Theo pulls her pants down, living her with only her underwear which was very wet because of her arousal. Once gain she thanked her lucky stars that she had waxed and shaved a week ago because Malia had wanted to go to a pool party. It ended up raining and they didn't go, not that Yn complained. Though Yn knew Theo wouldn't mind if she hadn't shaved at all. But luckily she was spared the embarrassment.
Theo again went up and missed her lips. "You weren't kidding when you said you were wet" he joked.
"I never said that. You did" yn answered, a little abashed.
"Well, I was right"he kissed her again then pulled back looking serious "yn, this is your first time and I will try and be extremely gentle. But if I get out of control ,I need you to lock yourself in the bathroom and not come out till I'm calm" he looks gravely into her eyes "You know I'll never hurt you but I'm still a werewolf with a bit of coyote" he said his eyes softer.
Yn have him a smile " I know you'd never. But I'll keep it in mind."
Taking the condom that he had put beside them in the bed, he pulled his boxers down, reveling his hard length. Yn had seen him naked a few times before. When he turned into a coyote or wolf and sneak into her room through the back door. Thats probably how she got hold of some of his clothes. She stared at him as he opened the plastic wrap and pulled the condom on and it struck her that she was extremely lucky to have a boyfriend that cared so much.
"Ok... are you still sure about this?" He asked once again
"Theo, yes... I'm sure"
Theo nodded and slowly pulled her underwear off, discarding it somewhere around the edge of the bed along with the rest of their clothes.
He pulled her legs apart and set himself between them. He looked at yn in the eye and rested their fore heads together."not going to lie... this might hurt. So try to breath in" he whispered, and kissed the tip of her nose.
Then slowly he pushed half his size inside of her. It didn't hurt so bad at first. Problaly because she had, and was, dripping wet.
"Do you want me to go all the way or.."
"Yeah go all the way" she breathed out.
He pushed inside if her gently. And Yn scrunched her face up in pain. Theo kissed the tip of her nose once again. He stayed still all the while letting yn adjust to his size inside of her. She shifted a bit under him and it hurt pretty much. Then suddenly all her pain vanished and she furrowed her eyebrows as she felt pleasure instead of the pain that had been tormenting her.
"Theo did you...?" She looked at him wide eyed " you took away my pain?" She whispered.
"I don't like seeing you in pain" he whispered " are you good now?" He asked her.
"Yeah, yeah.. you can move now"
Slowly Theo pulled out a bit and inside again. The wave of plesure Yn felt was amazing, she let oh a breathy sight, legs automatically wrapping around Theos torso pulling him closer. Her fingernails involuntarily scratched Theo's back.
"It ok, ill heal" Theo whispered between slight pants.
Yn nodded not trusting herself to talk.
The sunlight snaked it's way to the bed where the couple expressed each other a love that cannot be said or written. Along all the pleasure she was felling. She wondered how people ever had sex with anyone they didn't love, with anyone they sometime didn't even know. This was the most special way, anyone could express their love.
"Oh fuck" Theo murmured as he felt Yns falls tightened against him. She was close, and honestly if she kept tightening around him like that he'd be too. Actually he though he would come right then.
"Theo..." Yn asked unsur saying his name with a light wine in the end " I think I might be close" she said between low breathy moans which made Theo turn on even more.
" whenever you're ready baby ok?" Theo reassured her softly moaning when she involuntarily scratched his back, fingers curling around the bedsheets by the side of her head.
Yn felt a lightly familiar knot on the bottom of her stomach, she had felt it before when she had touched herself, but this one was much more prominent. Theo's head fell into the crook of her neck, his movements a little rougher than before. He lightly kissed her neck and let out a low moan when Yns hips jerked up meetings his stroke. Yn's walls tightened once again.
"Theo" she moaned, Theo felt as if be was in could 9 as he heard his name being said like that by her" Theo I'm gonna..."
"Ok, come for me sweet heart" he whispered into her neck.
His words had her come undone, she came wetting the sheets below then and him a bit. As she came with a moan that sounded in all the room, she jerked her hips up, sending Theo over the edge and cuming inside the condom with a moan and a grunt. Tightenig the grip he had around her waist.
The layd there panting the sun hitting Theo softly on his back which was healing from the few scatches that yn gave him.
Theo have yn a wet kiss on the neck" that was great" she murmured, receiving a humm of agreement from her boy." We have to do that again some other time"
"You never been righter" Theo said lifting his head from her neck and kissing her lips.
"Now I don't want to go to the preserve at all" yn said with a pout.
"How about I take you on a date after?" Theo suggested kissing her cheek.
"Its a deal"
Hi my beautiful readers!!! This is my first smut, and its funny how all the smut readers and writers are all virgins, including me 😂 I'm at leat a 99.0% percent sure of it. Anyway check my account for more stories and have a nice night/day. Love you guys!!
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thosedangnuns · 6 months
Random 'Dark Ava' thoughts…
One of the things Warrior Nun did (ahem does DOES DOES!!!) well is making its villains believable. Aside from Frances (😤) they're all doing the wrong thing but for the right reasons.
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Vincent in particular is not a 'bad' guy - he's doing what he things needs to be done to bring A LITERAL ANGEL to earth, who he believes will solve war, famine, etc etc…
(He's wrong - but he's not EVIL)
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Having Ava come back 'changed' and suddenly just plain evil (be it mind control or what have you) I think would not only be untrue to her character, but also (more importantly) unINTERESTING.
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But what if Ava came back from the other realm - her eyes open to some truth that she knew all along? And what if she came back from the other realm with the power to make actual change, only at a cost.
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There's a bunch of ways to do this, but the two biggest motivators for Ava are Beatrice - and her disdain for everything about the Warrior Nun and what it represents.
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And if you could put Dark Ava in between the two - to create conflict between those two motivators - as well as the other points of the triangle (Ava-Beatrice, Beatrice-Church, Church-Ava) then you could REALLY tell a dark and meaningful story.
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And because there's history (good and bad) between all three points it would be not only believable but intense. There'd by layers upon layers of character driven story to be told.
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Here's how you'd to it:
Ava would return from the other realm. She'd be different. The other sisters would comment on it behind her back. They'd worry.
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They'd go on the mission to find Beatrice, thinking that only she can snap Ava out of it…
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And after Avatrice finally meet, and words and kisses are tearfully exchanged…
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Ava would drop the bomb…
"Beatrice… I told you I was going to be the last Warrior Nun. This cycle has to come to an end, and now that I've been to the other realm, I've figured out how…"
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Ava takes Beatrice by the hand. What the's about to say may lose Beatrice from her forever. She swallows hard.
"I'm going to destroy the entire Catholic Church."
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They'll fight, obviously. Beatrice has given her whole life to the Church - for better of for worse.
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But Beatrice knows two things.
One - if she crosses Ava now, she might lose her forever.
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And two - despite her love for the church, she knows full well that the church is behind an entire lifetime of pain for her - and for many others.
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So maybe when Ava says "Just this one thing, Beatrice, and then we can go to he alps…"
Could we blame Beatrice for hesitating?
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Maybe Beatrice will go along with it, half-heartedly at first. Maybe she'll grow to understand Ava's point of view. Maybe, slowly, she'll also become … 'Dark Beatrice'
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Or maybe she'll try to understand… she'll try to ignore the atrocities committed during Ava's crusade
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Maybe in the end they'll share a tearful kiss. A heart-wrenching goodbye - as they realize that they cannot reconcile their two different lives…
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Or maybe, in the final episode of the season, with Ava ready to unleash literal hell-on-earth to destroy Vatican City - Beatrice's final appeal to Ava's good nature - to the orphan who smiled - will break the spell, so to speak…
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Leaving Avatrice on the run from the Catholic Church, the OCS, international police, Reya and the Tarasks and more … in Season FOUR 🤯
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idk just a thought 🤷‍♀️
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missvelvetsstuff · 11 months
Thank you so much for taking my request.
So Steve and the reader met while he was on the run and he fell in love with her and Thanos blipped the people but she was there for him no matter what
He proposed to her before they got married Scott lang showed up and etc
Steve saw Peggy and started acting weird with the reader and after returning the stones he came back old asf😭
But the reader had a surprise for him (a pregnancy) what he wanted all those 5 years he spent with her and she got mad and he argued back saying he deserved after everything he did for the people😭 so she didn’t tell him about the baby and left
After a few months she was at the grocery store and ran into Bucky and his eyes were on her swollen belly and she saw the look on his face and said “yes it’s his baby” on the way to his apartment the thousands questions on his mind “did Steve knew his girl was pregnant? Why would he leave her? If i was him I would’ve never left her. Okay stop she is /was your best friend’s girl but he left her someone he once kissed.
There was a lot going on Bucky’s mind, so decided to locate her and find where she lives so he did find her and she was shocked to see it was bucky on the door
So he demand to help her and they became closer and more comfortable around each other and ofc Bucky told Sam about the situation and Sam told the old Steve 😤 and Steve tried contacting her but couldn’t but Sam told him where she lives and he saw his Best Friend and best girl kissing while she was carrying his baby he got mad and possessive/obsessive so he went back and came back younger you know take what was his before he got selfish and left🙄
You can add more angst I wanna cry😭
I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your request. It took me a minute to flesh it all out and it'll be 5-6 chapters. Hope you like it.
This story was getting too long for me to manage so I've broken it up into chapters and will be posting each when I finish editing. I'm almost done writing so it should be posted by the end of the week. It's been a minute since I saw Civil War so please forgive me if I mess up any details.
Apparently I'm unable to write short blurbs or drabbles, sorry.
As always reader is female and above average height.
Hope y'all enjoy.
The Wrong One
Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
1. Meeting
Warnings: swearing, angst
Y/N had watched the news about the Avengers fight in Germany. All the anchors calling it a 'civil war' but she was in NYC in 2012 and saw the aliens trying to invade. She knew that the world was less safe with the Avengers fighting amongst themselves.
After losing her brother in the Battle of New York she felt her mortality acutely so quit her office job, packed up her apartment and put everything in storage and left to see the world. She had no other family or close friends to keep her in the states and yearned for something different. At this point she had seen most of Europe but lingered in Ireland, entranced by its beauty and the wonderful people.
The bar in Dublin where she was working was quiet with only a couple of customers, typical for suppertime in the middle of the week, so she worked on inventory and organizing the storage room to make room for tomorrows delivery.
The bell rang and she went up to the front to see who was there. It was a couple, the man was taller than her and took off his cap as he walked in. He had broad shoulders and a tight t-shirt, sunglasses covered his eyes and he walked to the furthest corner booth, facing the door.
The woman, pretty with blonde hair, came up to the bar "4 shots of whiskey and 2 pints of Guinness." and handed her a bill "keep the change"
Y/N nodded "Thank you. I'm Y/N if you need anything else."
Y/N knew who they were even with their attempted disguises but she certainly wasn't going to help any crooked government catch some of the Avengers so kept her mouth shut.
The next night the captain returned with another man who was black and had an easy smile, obviously the Falcon. He came up to the bar to order their drinks and flirted a little with her.
This kept up for a few weeks. Always the Captain but he had a few companions that seemed to be on a rotation, Falcon, the Scarlet Witch and a tall slender blonde man that Y/N couldn't place. Black Widow hadn't returned since the first night.
One night the Captain finally took off his sunglasses and smiled at her which made her knees weak and stomach flip, he was beautiful. Every night after that he graced her with that smile. She wanted so badly to talk to him, outside of drink orders and thanks, but didn't want to intrude.
Then she saw something on the news about them being sighted outside of Dublin and they stopped coming in. She hoped they could avoid the authorities. When the pub was slow she daydreamed about the Captain coming back to sweep her off her feet in some grand romantic gesture and she would go on the run with him.
She laughed at herself for her childish fantasies but figured they weren't hurting anyone. It wasn't like she had men, or women, knocking down the door to her apartment above the pub.
A couple of months passed uneventfully and life stayed predictable. Until the Captain came back in by himself. She felt her heart speed up, butterflies swarming her stomach and a tingle in her core.
She smiled at him "Evening. Would you like your usual or are you feeling adventurous?"
He looked at her, right into her soul and smiled, making her feel faint. "I'll take a pint and..." He paused awkwardly and she waited patiently "and, your, uh your number?"
Y/N laughed and the Captain felt his heart clench, he hadn't seen anyone like her since...
"Are you sure? You don't seem like-"
He interrupted her, almost shouting "NO!" Realizing how loud he was he spoke softly, giving her a chill, when he said "I mean yes, definitely yes" and looked at her hopefully.
"How could any girl refuse a request like that?" and took his offered phone to put her number in, naming herself 'Barmaid'.
His grin grew until he realized something "You don't have an Irish accent. Where are you from?"
She laughed lightly "It's called an Irish brogue and I keep hoping it'll rub off on me but no such luck. It's been almost 2 years and some of my regulars tease that even an Irish brogue can't overpower a New Yawk accent."
"New York? Whereabouts? Brooklyn here."
She smiled knowingly at him "I already knew that, learned about you in school. I wrote a term paper about your friend Bucky Barnes."
Steve blushed and chuckled "When did you realize who I was?"
"The first time you came in with Natasha Romanoff, you were pretty easy to recognize. Don't worry, I won't sell you out. I've always been on your side."
Steve looked at her seriously "Not always on my side if you wrote a report about Bucky." He teased.
"I seem to recall you always being on the same side. I noticed you never bring him in, is he ok?"
Steve nodded, touched by her warmth and concern "Yeah, he's uh somewhere safe, getting help to get rid of the Hydra programming."
She smiled "I'm glad he's being cared for. What about you? Are you taking care of yourself?"
He sighed "Not many opportunities for that on the road. I'm more concerned about my friends, if we were caught....."
He left off and looked at his hands, not wanting to contemplate that possibility.
Y/N reached out to touch his cheek gently, smiling when he leaned into her hand, and pulled his face up to look at her. "You'll be in just as much trouble as they will." She cupped his other cheek "You need to take care of yourself too."
Steve closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying her soft touch. Feeling sparks where her skin touched his, a stirring in his groin making a small moan slip out. When he realized it, his eyes snapped open and looked into hers.
His eyes darted around the room, confirming that no one else was in the bar before he leaned forward until his lips brushed hers, his eyes fluttering closed.
Y/N could feel her heart racing, was Captain America really kissing her in a pub in Ireland? She moved her hand from his face to the back of his neck, pulling him closer.
He smiled into the kiss and teased her lips with his tongue which she accepted and the kiss intensified until they were both out of breath.
Steve pulled back, smiling "I've been wanting to do that since the first night I came in."
She tskd him "And we've been wasting all this time? For shame Captain."
He leaned in to kiss her again before she put a finger on his lips. "I'm actually still on the clock but closing in an hour. If you want to hang out until I'm done, we can get some food and eat at my place." She asked holding her breath. She hadn't taken many men home since she stopped here but how could she not.
His grin grew and he blushed bright red as he nodded "Yes, absolutely."
They spent that night talking, getting to know each other in between making out and discovering each other's bodies.
The next few weeks they spent as much time together as possible, both dreading the time when he would have to move on.
One night a month after they first kissed, Steve came later than usual and she could tell he had something on his mind.
After she gave him his drink he grabbed her hand and looked at her sadly. She knew before he said anything. "You have to go, don't you?"
He tried to keep the tears in his eyes from falling and couldn't find the words so just nodded. After a few minutes he composed himself and spoke softly "I'm so sorry. I never meant. I can't find the words."
She nodded sympathetically and held his hand "I know Steve it's alright."
"No" he shook his head "It's not alright. None of this situation is alright but my time with you has been the only real peace I've had in, well ever really."
He pulled his hand away and stood suddenly "I'm sorry but I have to go. I'll try to come back soon."
She stood up and went up the stairs. When she came back she was on her phone. She finished her call and looked at Steve with a smile on her face, then grabbed his hand, a backpack in the other hand "So let's go."
Chapter 2
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wc-confessions · 2 months
remember when people started hating on nightcloud after draikinator was called out simply because they really liked her. well recently i've seen ppl start hating on sunstar after ephemeral moth got called out and they really liked him. and like obviously people are allowed to hate whatever characters they want for whatever reason but it's so funny seeing people who used to contribute to moth's sunstar maps now saying shit like "UGH i hate sunstar he's such a shitty creepy ableist man 😤😤😤😤😤" like girl you were retweeting fanart of him yearning for moonflower not too long ago its incredibly obvious why you're saying this now LMAOOOO it's ok you don't have to make up arbitrary reasons why he sucks you can just say you don't like him because of his associations with moth. i feel like people make him out to be way worse than he actually is because he uhhh *checks notes* told bluefur to stop being depressed? which, yeah, while shitty, is certainly far from the worst thing a warrior cats character has ever done, especially in bluestar's prophecy lmao.
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laylawatermelon · 2 months
Wait ... I have an Eddie Diaz meta cooking but l wonder if the reason we're not seeing Tommy after this arc is because Buck's arc will be complete and his character isn't really needed beyond this. (Wait let me explain!!!)
This is an ensemble show so obviously other characters have to have their time to shine.
Buddie had obviously been used as a marketing tatic because let's be honest people love a good will they won't they relationship, even if they don't see it or claim to.
It intrigued people and honestly helps them tune in. You can even argue the misdirect/surprise of Eddie and Tommy is also related to this marketing/publicity tatic.
911 fans are loud but Buddie fans are (sometimes) louder. We really the recruiters tbh 😤 (i literally tuned in after an hour on Tumblr and a couple TikToks 😂) i hadn't found any American shows that got me like this.
We have Eddie now going through Catholic guilt (and his sisters! I'm still on that i ain't forget) and parenting and what it means for him. (I'll edit this with a link when I'm done)
We also have Bobby and his healing journey that isn't done. We also have Madney (gimme more wedding stuff my babies 🥺), and Athena and her son, and HenRen parenting challenges and adjustments.
Will that is to say he'll be like Ali, present when needed and gone because he has a JOB TOO! /j
They're both firefighters who have really intensive shifts. We love bucktommy (I'm mellow on it I'll see where it goes but they're cute) but it's still the end of his arc so it makes sense he'll be scarce with his job and the stories needed to be told and morals needed to be subliminally placed into our brains.
They're likely not breaking up but it will just be oh I'm taken, or some good old my boyfriend🥹 and move on to someone dying or sick in s tree or something.
Like the iconic atm scene, i loved that one.
Okay bye!
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Prompt for hawk ‘ LaRusso!reader 😤
Reader brings lunch to the dojo for her sister but runs directly into hawks cock
Oh absolutely!
Hawk Moskowitz x Chubby!LaRusso!Reader
I could write this duo forever 😍 thank you for the request.
CW: enemies to lovers, rough and unprotected sex, risky sex, semi public sex. (unedited)
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"Watch where your going," a low, raspy voice huffed.
Reader glared at Hawk as she kept a tight grip on the bag in her hand, gritting her teeth before she seethed at Hawk. The last think she needed to do was get into another dumb argument with him over nothing, as seemed to be the norm between them. However, instead of taking a deep and calming breath, she shot back with fire.
"My bad, I forgot this was your dojo and not my dad's," she said, then rolled her eyes. "I'll have to remember to be more mindful when I come by, especially to avoid you."
He scoffed, shaking his head before smirking. "Like you're trying hard. I think you come around here more to see me than anyone else."
"And why would I do that?" She held up her hand to tell him to not bother answering. "Never mind that, because it's a load of bullshit. I'm here to see Sam. So if you don't mind, you're in my way."
He was standing in the doorway, blocking her from the yard. She had stopped inside the dojo to grab some cold waters, thinking about how Sam and her dad had been training harder with everyone more recently,so some fresh water wouldn't hurt. Unfortunately, it lead her to running eight into Hawk as she slid the door open and they walked into each other.
"Your sister's not here," he told her with a smirk. "She left her lunch at home, so she and your dad went to pick up something quick."
Reader frowned, deflating as she realized her little surprise was ruined. She pouted, "But I brought her lunch. I even made it fresh."
"Lucky me," he said, then swiped the bag from her hand. It was a little pink lunchbag with hearts all over it. Cute.
"Give that back!"
As he opened it and started rifling through the goods, she tried to get it back from him. He held it out of her reach, then held it over his head. She tried to push herself onto her tiptoes for it, but he kept moving and being impossible. She jumped for it and he laughed, watching her perform all the tricks she could think of before finding an even better thing to tease her for.
"If you wanted to be all over me, you could have just asked," he chided.
It was at that moment she realized she was practically rubbing herself agains him, chest to chest as if they didn't have at the room in the world. They were alone in the dojo, everyone else enjoying their lunch break outside in the sun, chatting with friends. Meanwhile, she was having a petty, grade school level fight with Hawk.
She stepped away from him, flustered. "In your dreams!"
He dropped the lunchbag, leaving it abandoned on the floor as he stepped closer to her. She backed up instinctively until her back hit the wall, unfocused and unaware of her surroundings. He came as close as they had been before, closer even, and she could smell the mint on his breath.
He smirked down at her. "I think you dream about it too."
"If you don't back up-"
"What? You'll kick my ass? We both know if you didn't want me this close to you, you would have already done that."
His deep voice sends shivers down her spine, but she stays still and glares at him. She wasn't going to let him see that she was effected by him. Hell, she didn't even want to admit to herself that her panties were getting wet.
"Why are you still talking?"
"End of discussion."
He smashed his lips against hers and grabbed her waist, pulling her close as their tongues swirled and shoved against each other. They fought with their wet, needy tongues as their hands wandered each other's bodies, Hawk's hands groping Reader's rolls as they made their way down to her ass whilst she grabbed his face and buried a hand in his hair. She tugged on a few loose strands of his mohawk and he groaned, squeezing her ass hard. He pulled her into a roll of his hips, grinding his hard on against her hip.
As they pulled out of the kiss, she bit his lip and tugged on it. He grunted, looking at her with half lidded eyes, still gripping her tight. "Fuck, you're annoying."
"Not as much as you," she countered.
"Do you want me as much as I want you?"
"I'll never admit it to another living soul, but yes."
"Where do you wanna go?"
She looked around, then slipped out of his grasp and grabbed him by the shirt. "This way."
Reader led him to the tiny bathroom of the dojo, brining him in behind her before turning to him. He shut and locked the door, then looked at her, watching as she undid the button on her shorts. He rushed her and kissed her again, shoving his tongue into her mouth and making her let out a pitched moan. He ate it up and she pressed herself against him, except he had other ideas in mind.
He quickly parted their lips and turned her around, pressing his crotch into her ass. He groaned lowly as she gasped.
"Fuck, you're big," she spat with surprise.
He chuckled, draging his lips up to her ear. He looked at her as they stood in front of a mirror and he smirked, watching her face. Then he whispered, "Waist until I'm inside you."
She shuddered again and pressed her as back into him, grinding slowly. His hands moved down her body until he met her shorts and started pushing them down. They fell down and pooled around her ankles, letting his fingers toy with her panties and plush thighs. He pulled her panties away from her body and let the elastic snap back, making her jump and gasp some more.
"You make pretty little noises," he grunted into her ear. She watched him in the mirror, hot all over as he played with her pudgy, curvy body. She was so soft, so squeezable. He quite liked it. "You're fucking loving this."
She whined and wiggled her hips against him, smirking as he groaned. However, he retaliated by showing her panties aside and running two finger through her wet folds.
"God, you're fucking soaked." She clamped her legs shut and tried to make him stop, the teasing too much. It only spurred him on and he used his other hand to pull one of her legs up and rest it on the sink in front of them, which opened her up and his fingers came to play with her hole. "So fucking wet for me."
"Hawk, please," she whimpered, meeting his eye in the mirror's reflection. "Please don't tease me."
"Need me that bad?"
She bit her lip and nodded, which made him smirk. He dipped the tip of one finger into her cunt and she moaned, clenching around it. He didn't put much more than an inch in, but she was wiggling on it and trying her best to sink down on it. Then he pulled it out and backed up, keeping a hand on her to hold her steady.
"Fine, but only because we have to make this quick," he said, a little upset that he didn't get to tease her more. However, he knew their time was limited. There were a ton of people outside, including Sensei Lawrence, and Mr. LaRusso would be back with Sam at any moment. If he and Readwr were going to do anything fun, it needed to be now. "Stay just like that, okay."
She leaned into the sink and grabbed ahold of it, using it for stability as he pulled his away away and untied the strong of his workout shorts. He shoved them down with his boxers and they fell to the floor, which he didn't bother to step out of them and shuffled forward to stand directly behind Reader and her fat, on full display cunt.
Her panties had slipped back into place, which annoyed him, so he took them into his hands and ripped the fine lace off o her, breaking the threads the held it together. Reader gasped as she listened to the tearing, but couldn't help the way her cunt gushed with arousal at the act.
Hawk made quick to gather up her juices and use them to lube up his cock, then positioned the head at her spread open pussy. He waisted no time pushing into her, but did it slow because she had little to no prep. She groaned as he sank into her his hands coming to rest on her hips and grip them tight.
"Oh! Oh my god," she let out, tensing up as he stretched her out over his cock. She was right, he was big, but he was also right in that he felt bigger in her tight little cunt. Her thighs shook as he bottomed out, his tip rubbing against her cervix. "So fucking deep. How are you that deep?"
He bent low to drag his lips along the shell of her ear. "I'm just that good, princess."
The nickname had her clenching around him and he chuckled, the simple event boosting his ego. He stayed still, narrow hips pressed into her soft ass, as she got used to his girth. It wasn't until her body relaxed that she gave him the all clear to continue by swiveling her hips.
He groaned and pulled out some, quickly snapping his hips back into her. The pace was rough and hard and fast from that point forward lewd and loud squelched noises filling the air with low grunts and strangled moans. She tried cantting her hips back into his thrusts, but it was haphazardous and useless, ultimately leading him to hold her hips in an iron grip and make her stay still.
"Even getting fucked, you're hard to work with," he grunted in her ear. He caught her ear lobe between his teeth and pulled on it. "I'm gonna put you in your place."
"Oh really?"
"Hell yeah."
He pulled her up so she could see herself in the reflection against. Her flustered expression was a sight to behold, surely, but he also quick to distract her. He shoved his hands up her shirt, pulled it up with her bra and made her tits fall out. Everything rested on her chest as her tits hung free, making her moan as they were bounced and jostled with his rough treatment. He watched them in the mirror's reflection for a moment before grabbing them and squeezing them hard. He tugged and pulled and played with them roughly, making her throw her head back on his shoulder.
"Fuck, these are nice. You're pussy's pretty nice too," he groaned, feeling her arousal leak down his shaft and balls. It was sliding down her thighs and making a mess of the two of them. Hell, it was likely all over the floor under them. "If only you didn't have such a smart mouth."
"Shut up," she huffed, looking up at him with a glare. "As if my mouth doesn't turn you on."
He looked at her, then her lips. "In your dreams."
Then pushed her face to turn it further and dove down to capture her lips against. They moaned into each other's mouths, the room simmering in their lust. She ran her tongue over thebroof of his mouth and it made him slam into her harder before he regained control of himself, pulling away from her and adding saliva to the list of miscellaneous fluids they were getting all over each other.
He felt his balls tighten up and he groaned loudly, trying to muffle himself against her lips. "I'm gonna come soon."
Her cunt squeezed around him as the heat in her belly was growing too hot. She was ready to snap at any moment, she just needed a little more to get her to the end. "Just come inside me."
"Are you sure."
"Yes. I don't care. Just need to feel you-"
She let out a small scream as he wrapped his arms around her hips and pulled her off the sink roughly. He started pounding into her, barely pulling out as he battered the head of his cock against her cervix. It was enough to send her over the edge and she had to slap her hands oclver her mouth to keep herself quiet. She was on her toes, legs shaking as she came on his cock, thick cream leaking out as he fucked her through the bliss. Her eyes rolled up as she chanted his name into her hands.
"Fuck, I'm gonna fill your fat little cunt up. Gonna come in this tight pussy. Fill you up to the brim," he babbled, almost incoherent as he spoke on half sentences and wants. He barely heard himself over the nasty, dirty noise of her wet cunt getting slammed into and her muffled moaning. "Gonna walk outta here with my cum deep in your cunt. Fuck fuck fuck, take it! Take my cum like the little slut you are. My slut. Hate me but you want my cum in your raw pussym oh fuck!"
He came hard, body wracked with shudders and pleasure as he let out big, hot spurts of cum into her sensitive, fucked out body. Her gummy cunt walls were milking him for every last drop as he hugged her to him so that he was balls deep, holding her hips tight.
She tilted her head back lazily, staring at him for a while before he realized she was doing so. He looked at her and she leaned into him, bringing their lips together in a lazy and exhausted make out, silently agreeing with each other that was the best fuck either of them had ever had. She reached behind her and put her hands on the back of his neck, daring not to change their position whatsoever.
"I hate you," she mumbled against his himself.
He smirked against hers. "I hate you too."
They made out a little longer, letting the dust settle before they pulled apart. He gripped her hips in each hand and pulled out slowly, then spreading her ass to watch the cum drip out of her. Only none did and he bit his lip, waiting a moment longer but still nothing.
"Are you safe?" he asked as they pulled up their shorts and fastened them again.
She didn't say anything as she fixed her clothed, then turned to him. Looking him dead in the eyes, she calmly answered, "No."
Hawk felt heat rush thought him again and he smirked. "You naughty girl. You like it risky, huh?"
He grabbed her and pulled her close her hands braced on his chest.
She looked up st him, licked then bit her lip. "I guess so... that was the first time I ever let someone do that."
His cock twitched and she felt it, taking it at her turn to smirk. She reached down and cupped his crotch, lightly palming him. He groaned and glared at her, but it wasn't with as much disdain as before.
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murfpersonalblog · 16 days
IWTV S2 Ep4 Musings - Loustat & Loumand
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Ah crap. The ONE thing he really enjoys, and could probably get very good at--but he's stuck with garbage exposure and weak flash, cuz he can only take nighttime photos. U_U
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UNHINGED. 😭😭😭 Lestat's become his best friend / supportive soundboard / feral golden retriever eating all his photos, omg. XD
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Lou thinks the only right photos are of Lestat, I'm gonna be SICK. 😍 (Sam's accent was odd--he sounded less French??? Or am I tripping?)
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Louis telling himself he needs to have more patience with the logistics of nocturnal life--and all that implies. So does that mean he wants to have more patience w/ the coven (& Armand) cuz he knows he can't hang out with humans like other artists do?
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Lestat busting a gut every time Armand shows up is KILLING me. 🤣
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The Time-Stop Gift is SO FREAKING cool; I love how they find these actors who can stay so still! Are they mimes or something!?
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Louis loves himself a senior citizen; his husbands get older & older!
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GET HIM, LOUIS!!! We ain't impressed! 😤 (Well, EYE am, ngl, but you stand your ground, Lou, that's right!)
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Scared the mess outta me for a second, omg. 😅
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Yeah, well, your coven sucks, Armand, so.
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I disagree--I think that was the best, nastiest thing he could've done.
The next scene was so spicy I had to make a separate post for Armand's Backstory.
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AMC.... Don't you effing dare.
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That is a WILD fire hazard, omg--at least do that in the kitchen, Lou.
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Before or after meeting Armand? I NEED ANSWERS, AMC!
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LOUIS called Armand a manipulative gremlin!? 😂
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Louis, you walk that back RIGHT NOW!
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Yea, it was NUTS that Louis never told her that Armand was in on their secret.
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Spilled like a leaky faucet, yes. U_U
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To quote your beloved hallucinations: "Let me tell you a little something about 18th century Armand~!" 👀💀 Chile, lemme tell you about 18 MINUTES ago Armand, tossing Santiago around in public!
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This could've been the running theme instead of Memory is a Monster. 😅 (I'm SHOCKED DreamStat has nothing to say from the peanut gallery. Seems he only shows up when Armand's around.)
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CRAZY how Louis' already in like the 5th stage of grief, accepting DreamStat as some buddy ole pal. Walking in the park, chatting on park benches like they used to do back in NOLA. (But also accepting that he HAS to let DreamStat go, if he wants to survive in Paris & build something with Armand.)
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He still thinks he's a "wh*re," doomed to be out cheating. U_U
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WOW! So the night Les chased Jelly Roll Morton out of town was probably the night Lou realized he was REALLY in love, I reckon. U_U
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Is that TRUE, or just what Louis wishes was true? (I bet it's true.) Les carried Lou's monogrammed hanky, daw. :3
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MORE delusion--Louis, you couldn't even run your own family, let alone a pack of 14 Old World vamps who have ZERO reason to parlay with you--America is a totally different situation than Europe! The vamps out there are VICIOUS, cuz they INVENTED viciousness! Louis just gassed Armand up into thinking they had the upper hand, blissfully ignorant that Santiago just got ALL the dirt on him, smdh.
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Ohhhh....THAT'S what Lou calls him in bed! 🤭 This is so touching & sweet, as Lou's like: You are ARUN, you're a PERSON, born with the human right to have hopes, dreams, desires, wants. Eff what Coven Master Armand & rentboy Amadeo did. What do YOU want, as ARUN? TABULA RASA. I love that for him! ❤
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Armand calling Louis Maitre!? DADDY LOU IS BACK! 😈 That's right, you toss that lighter over your shoulder; you've MASTERED the Fire Gift! 🔥 (They grow up so fast~! 😭)
Armand wants to follow Lou's lead, let him take control. "I serve a God." Armand is TIRED of leading, he needs someone to follow; something to believe in. He always needs to have something he can devote his attention to--Lestat & Gabrielle read him for filth about this in several books; esp. Memnoch.
Cuz these are vamps; soul-sucking leeches. Loumand's codependent to a fault. Two vines wrapped so tight around e/o that they'll eventually strangle any life/vitality out of e/o--and you can see that toxicity bubbling to the surface in their huge argument at the end of the ep. They broke up in the books for a reason--Armand NEEDED to find himself (find ARUN, his human soul/identity), too. A coven's a poor substitute for a FAMILY, which he finally got with Sybelle & Benji, Daniel & Marius. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg--but it's a start. 👍
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sketchy-rosewitch · 1 year
hi! Hello! I think this is my first time requesting something from a favorite writer of mine- either way, and if it’s not too much to ask, could I get some Vincent Sinclair first meeting with an afab reader? But like, the reader is a fighter and is really aggressive when fighting off Bo or is in danger from a friend in a group she traveled with or something. You can decide the situation, but Vincent just gets so wowed and amazed by her spirit and just gets obsessed-
it can be smut (preferably-) or fluff, I really don’t mind! Also also, I just wanna say I LOVE your writing! Your ideas and the way you write the fiction is so interesting and it gives me so much inspiration to write on my own!
For the Hatred of Friends: Vincent x afab!reader
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Warnings: attempt at SA by friends, morally grey reader, shitty friends, You know the drill (death), eating pussy out, PinV,
A/N: lol don’t know why this took me so long, my fucking bad 😤😤
But I’m so happy you like my writing it means a lot! ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰
When you and your friends entered the museum it was cold. The air blew directly onto you and sent a chill down your spine.
The museum was interesting to say the least, not only did it hold wax figures but little sculptures of ballerinas and mythical creatures lined the shelves. There were also paintings too, all done by a man named Vincent, or the woman who had come up with the wax museum herself, Trudy Sinclair. All of it interested you, but to your friends it seemed like some joke. It’s what you hated about them, they all still acted like they were in high school. Immature and loud and not in a fun way.
“Let’s go upstairs.” Liam elbows you lightly and points at the stairs. You sigh and roll your eyes so hard you’re sure they’ll roll out of your head. “Come on, don’t be like that.”
“I don’t wanna go upstairs, you’re probably just going to fuck something up up there then I gotta sit here and explain what happened to Bo. So he can explain to the fucking owner why all of the sculptures are fucked up in some way.” Your voice gets slightly louder, Liam rolls his eyes this time.
“Whatever, Livy, You wanna check out the upstairs with me?” She peaks her head out from the kitchen and smiles.
“Sure as hell do!”
Your fists clench and unclench as you watch the two go up the stairs and in some other room.
Will comes out from behind a counter. You barely knew him, he was Livy’s friend from high school. He was nice and lacked less maturity than the other two. “You see the kitchen yet? I know Livy was in there already.” Will asks, you shake your head. “Let’s go see it, I bet it’s as cool as this living room.”
Will takes your hand, it feels weird but try and shrug it off so you could enjoy yourself.
He lets go of your hand and looks around, you stand at the entry way awkwardly , not really basking in the details. You notice that the maid had her face half melted off, probably do to her being in the sunlight in Louisiana. The black fabric of her dress was also faded due to sun damage.
“Come look at this.” Will says, he’s pointing at the details you can’t quite make out on the cabinets. Will steps back and you unfold your arms, walking over. The wax cabinets have a leafy flower pattern carved in it. It was beautiful.
“Isn’t it amazing.”
He leans over your body, you scowl and try to move away from him.
“Dude, move.”
“Sorry, why don’t we head upstairs with the other two?”
“I already told Liam I didn’t want to go upstairs. My mind isn’t gonna change just because you asked me.”
Will’s face falters slightly before he sighs. He grabs your arm and pulls you a bit. “Come onnn.”
You pull your arm off. “No, I’m about to just go back to the gas station. All three of you are driving me crazy!” Your voice gets louder and louder. You storm into the main room, you’re a few feet from the door when Will grabs you roughly. You let out a yelp and twist your arm to get out of his grip. He instead grabs your waist.
“I GOT HER!” Will shouts, you look at Will shocked and then up at the landing to see Livy and Liam making their way down.
Your foot stomps Will’s causing him to let go for a split second you run but Livy grabs you and throws you to the ground. You try and get up on your own, instead Will and Liam grab your upper arms holding you up. You wiggle and struggle in their grip.
“Poor baby.” Livy coos. You growl at her. She touches your face and you bite at her hand.
“The fuck is wrong with you guys?”
Livy touches your waist, you kick outwards causing Liam to groan and grip you tighter.
“Don’t you get it? We were waiting for something like this. No people around, nowhere to run, we can do whatever we want to you and just leave you here for dead and no one would know what happened.”
You swing your arms, a loud “Fuck you! The hell is wrong with you guys!” Comes from your mouth, you then kick around in attempt to get loose, one kick lands in Livy’s stomach and she cries out. “You’re a bitch is what’s wrong with you! We were waiting to use you and get rid of you!” Livy gets up and punches you in the nose, tears well in your eyes, your nose stings. You attempt to back hand Liam, the two men throw you on the ground and kick you.
You grab one of their ankles and pull, causing Liam to topple over.
Stomping is heard and it’s nothing like Livy or even Will’s feet. There’s a loud scream heard and all of a sudden blood is on your face. You’re quick to sit up, you look up seeing a tall man with jet black hair looking down at you. Your vision feels blurry and your brain doesn’t process his face. All you know is something is off about it.
Liam is heard crying and running up the stairs, the man goes after him. You look around and Will is nowhere to be seen either, next to you is a bleeding body, you assume is Livy’s.
Your head feels light so you lay down. Just for a second.
Your body slowly wakes up after hours of sleeping. You feel yourself on a bed and your eyes shoot open you look around frantically, not at all recognizing where you are.
You try and sit up, with your muscles feeling sore it was hard. A groan escapes your lips. As you look around the room , reality hits you bit by bit. Livy was dead, you’d have to guess Will and Liam were too the way you heard at least Liam screaming before you passed out. You sigh, they were trying to kill you this whole trip and they didn’t have an opportunity until today.
Now you were in some strangers house not knowing where you were or what to do.
You get up from the bed and walk down the hall to where you assume the stairs are. The house smells old, almost mildewy. The steps creak as you move down them.
“Hell-“ Your voice rasps and you cough up form the dust in the air. You need some water too.
Foot steps are heard behind you, from another hallway.
What a weird house.
The tall man with long hair walks into your view. You squint trying to see him better, luckily he walks into the light. You notice he wears a mask, it’s face is similar to Bo. You raise a brow.
“Where am I?”
“My house.”
You just stare at the man, questions run rampant in your brain.
“You’re the man from the Wax Museum?”
He nods.
“Are you Vincent?”
Another nod.
“Are they all dead?”
One last nod. You look down slowly, a shaky breath leaves your mouth then back up at him. “Why am I not dead?”
Vincent guides you to the couch. He sits down a comfortable distance away. You can tell he’s thinking about what to say.
“You didn’t touch my art. I heard you arguin’ from the basement with them. Came to take care of them when I heard you screamin’ you were fightin’ back and I was.. amazed by it. I realized I had to step in, I’m sure you could’ve taken them but it was faster than watching you get hurt more.”
Vincent’s voice rasps and cracks as he talks. You can tell he hardly uses it. His vocal cords were probably crying out for help.
“Thank you.”
It had been months since Vincent saved you and to say he was attached was an understatement.
He let you go wherever you wanted but sometimes you’d catch him watching you if you wanted to be alone.
You didn’t mind it and even teased Vincent about it. Told him to sit down so you two could talk.
You had admitted at one point you didn’t want to go home, couldn’t even go if you wanted to. You cared that Vincent and Bo (who you realized were twins) killed people but you knew there was nothing to do about it. You just stayed away from it and ignored the pleads and groans you’d sometimes hear late at night.
You began to form an attachment to Vincent, wanting to hang out with him more. Sometimes you’d go into his workshop and talk until you got to sweaty or tired. You would give light touches to him and wouldn’t even notice until you thought about before going to bed. You liked how he wanted to talk for you, you never forced him, wanting to accommodate both of you, you had found an old ASL book on one of the many Sinclair bookshelves in the house and decided to learn how to sign basic things.
Vincent was good at hiding things, you couldn’t tell at all but he fell so hard for you when he saw you that first day and his feelings grew stronger as the months passed. Vincent wanted you around him all of the time but was happy when yo I weren’t around him, it meant that he puked draw you. One day he planned on giving you all of the artwork he had made of you. Whenever he could figure out how to even confess to liking you.
He even tried to have a talk to Bo about it. Bo made it seem too easy.
“I mean ya just take her somewhere nice and say it. I know we don’t get out there much, just take her to that field down the road. Have a nice picnic and confess.” Bo had explained to Vincent.
That was a week ago. Vincent planned on asking her tonight, where he got the balls to do it he didn’t know.
Vincent walks through the hall trying to be silent to hear where you were.
You sat in the room with the pool table, humming and practicing your signing. He walks in slowly and goes to sit down in the chair that’s next to yours. You look up and smile at him.
“Hey!” You smile and carefully shut the book, setting it on the end table between the two chairs.
“Hi, I want ask you something.” Vincent signs, your full attention is on him. Neither of you realize it but both of your stomachs are going flips.
“What is it?”
“You, Me, picnic go tomorrow?”
You almost don’t catch everything. Your chest almost bursts into butterflies.
“Yes! Let’s do it!”
Vincent and you packed food in an old picnic basket his family had since him and his brothers were little. Then it was put in the fridge and you had said goodnight to Vincent, hugging him tightly.
He tried to sleep that night but his body opted for pacing around his workshop instead.
Vincent had carefully taken out every drawing and water color painting he had done of you and placed them in a folder. He went upstairs and Bo was rummaging through the kitchen. Vincent took out the basket and placed the folder at the bottom of the basket and placed it back in the fridge.
Bo was smirking at Vincent when he had closed the fridge.
“Look at you… All grown up. Little brother is going out in a date.” Bo wipes a fake tear.
“Same age shithead.” Vincent signs, squinting at his brother. Bo laughs.
“Hey I am happy for you though.” Bo smiles and pats Vincent on the shoulder before leaving the kitchen.
The sun feels great on your skin as you run up ahead of Vincent and through the field to find a spot. The plaid blanket in your hands spreads out as you throw it in the air. Vincent isn’t far behind, taking his time to look at you and bask in your beauty.
Vincent sets the basket down and unpacks all of the food.
He freezes.
You look over at him. “What’s up?”
“Mask I don’t want take off.” Vincent huffs. You tilt your head.
“You don’t have to. But if you’re insecure about something underneath it that’s okay. I get insecure about stuff too. I’m sure you’re handsome underneath it.” You smile and look down grabbing at the container of strawberries to open. You let out a small flustered laugh. “Sorry I hope that wasn’t too much pressure.”
Vincent shakes his head.
“Oh! Why don’t I turn around, then you can take your mask off and we’ll eat. If you want me to turn around at any moment I will.”
You turn around and Vincent unpacks the rest of the snacks. You don’t hear or see anything but Vincent takes off his mask and sets it in the grass.
You hear him taking deep breaths.
Then he touches your shoulder, “You can turn around.”
When you see Vincent’s face your heart almost explodes. He’s so handsome, his face is pale but cheeks are red from the heat of the sun, his hair frames his face beautifully. Your date tries to look away.
You lean in and kiss his cheek.
“Hi Vincent.”
You brush his soft hair from his face to get a better look at him. “You’re so handsome.” You smile and lean in again to kiss his cheek.
Vincent chuckles nervously and pulls out a strawberry. “You’re beautiful.” He says, bringing the strawberry to your lips. You take a bite out of it and he sets the leafy parts to give to Jonsey later.
You two talk and eat for who knows how long, you start to pack up your things so you two can lay on the blanket when some papers catch your eye. You furrow your brows and take them out.
“What’re these?” You ask holding up artwork of you. Vincent blushes and fumbles with his hands.
“Somethin’- I uh.” He coughs. “Wanted to give to you. You’re a very good er- reference?”
You look down and take in every drawing and painting. Some are of you smiling, others you’re focused. You look at all the bright colors he uses around you, the highlights of your face. Your eyes meet Vincent’s. “I love it. Thank you so much.” You say, you put the containers back in the basket and set the drawing in there too.
It’s late in the day, probably 3 or 4 and you let out a content sigh before moving closer to Vincent. Your arms wrap around his shoulders, you bury your face in his neck. “I appreciate everything Vincent. You mean so much to me.”
Your hand should his face, you kiss his cheek again, then he takes it a step further. Vincent leans down and kisses your lips deeply. He wraps his arms around your body and lays you down onto the soft blanket. When you two let go you see a smile on his face and smile back.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Vince.”
He kisses your jawline and trails down your neck, moving both sleeves of your dress downwards and off your arms. You unbutton his button down shirt tracing little marks on his body.
Vincent kisses your breasts then takes a nipple in his mouth sucking on it, you arch your back and he slides down the dress so it it’s around your waist. His thumb flicks over your other nipple. Tingles shoot through your body. That same hand moves to your panties he tugs them down without issue.
Vincent caresses your mound and kisses it before licking a stripe up your folds. You let out a small whimper, he smirks up at you. Your hands run through his hair.
“Don’t be a tease cone on now.” You whine. He lets an airy chuckle out and buries his face in your pussy. Vincent holds your shaky legs, sucking and licking your clit.
You let out loud moans, not caring if anyone comes up to find you and Vincent. You try and get more friction by grinding yourself against his face, and the artist takes it as a sign to not stop.
Loud vulgar noises are heard from both of you. Your eyes roll back and you cry into the spring air, orgasm taking over you.
You lightly push him off and he sits up before leaning over you and kissing you gently. You hum softly, licking and tasting yourself on him.
Vincent undoes his belt, and pants and slides them down, you let go and look at his cock blushing at how long and thick it is.
“Are you okay?” He asks, index finger tilting your face up. His face is red. Vincent is absolutely freaking out. You scrunch your nose as you smile and nod.
“Yeah, just nervous.”
Vincent nods. “Me too.”
Vincent moves your hips so they’re on his knees and positions his cock towards your entrance.
He pushes in slowly, the stretch almost too much for you. You grab for his hand and watch his face contort.
“You’re so big..” you moan, he groans and buries his face into your neck. His hands come to rest on your hips, pushing in more and more. Soft groans come from his chest. Vincent stops and kisses up and down your chest and neck. Licking and biting your shoulder.
“Tell me when you’re ready.”
“M’ ready.”
Your date pulls back then snaps his hips in you, fucking in and out of you roughly. Your eyes roll back, pornographic moans come from your mouth. Vincent’s chest rumbles and he pants letting out little moans himself.
Your cunt pulses at his noises, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull his long black hair.
“God Vincent. You’re so perfect-Fuck. How’d I- ugh! End up with someone like you.” You moan as he thrusts into you. You feel his cock twitch and roll your hips into him.
His hand reaches between you two, starting to circle your clit. Your eyes get wide and hips buck up. Drool comes from your mouth, he licks it up and rubs your clit faster.
“Shit Vince! M’ gonna cum. Fuck!” The knot in your stomach tighten as he pulls you closer to the edge. Your body grind into his, mouth wide open, letting out moans.
Your cunt pulses around him, the knot breaking, white flashes in your vision and you squeal, riding out your orgasm in his cock.
Vincent pulls out and wraps his hand around his cock jerking himself off. You watch with tired eyes as he comes undone. Spurting all over your stomach and breasts. Vincent pants, you take your finger, wiping up some of the cum and licking it. Vincent blushes, he grabs some paper towels from the basket and cleans you off before pulling your dress back up and straightening himself out.
The man falls onto the blanket and grabs you wrapping his arms around you.
“I enjoyed this. I think we should do it more.” You say, yawning.
Vincent nods on agreement and kisses your head.
“So you want to be with me?” He asks, after a beat of silence. You smile, feeling flustered all over again.
“I do.”
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