the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Give me the GOODS
What would happen if eyeless jack didn't eat for a REAAALL long time, like he put it off and that back fired.
Bc his s/o happened to come around at the wrong time, and got attacked by him (accidentally)
If they live or die, that's up to you. But what do you think?
Aftermath of Eyeless Jack accidentally harming the reader during a frenzy
two things; idk how to title this andddddd i already wrote something like this a few months ago but i think im going to add more to it! beware linked post is very badly written because ! uhuh! anyways errrrm jack being an involuntary vessel for some funky demon shit my beloved hc anyways obvious cw for mentions of. well jack harming the reader on accident; in this post and the one linked above first post of the new year and its angst
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assuming this is right after the events of the linked post, or within the days following that i think he would bar you from entering his cabin not long after he gets his... "meal"
emotions are definitely running high in this one, even if he tries not to show it. i mean you were the one he decided to bite a chunk out of, he doesnt care that he immediately spit it out. he didnt care that he scraped his tongue clean that night. in his eyes (or rather, his empty sockets) what he did was truly unforgiveable and he always feared something like this would happen
all of the reassurances you gave him now meant nothing now
honestly i think this might be grounds for him to break up with you; you did nothing wrong. hes putting all the blame on himself
torn between him having the balls to break up with you to your face or if hes going to pussy out and tell you through the door when you try to ask him to let you in
hell if it comes down to it he might even migrate to a new area if you keep trying to come to him and try to talk things out
heres the thing i talk a lot about how jack hates himself and how he was tricked into this whole botched human sacrifice thing that made him the way he is now. but i dont talk much about just how much he hates himself and how much of a toll that takes on his mental health
i mean think about it, overtime his humanity is literally slipping from him and theres nothing he can do. his 'blood frenzies' as i like to call him are eventually going to get worse and more frequent. not to mention hes going to keep losing more of his human features as time goes on. can you imagine what that does to someone? one day hes going to forget who you are and its going to end in disaster; assuming youre still alive and well when that happens... be it because he simply outlives you thanks to his new pseudo-immortality or worse
im kind of getting off topic but the point is hes going to sit in those thoughts and feelings for a LONG time, really for as long as hes still capable to form a coherent thoughts that isnt about his next meal
like the last post had at least a little bit of hope that maybe you guys will be able to move forward, but the more that i think about it i dont think you guys can bounce back from it. at least jack cant. doesnt matter how much you try to tell him its okay, or how many times you reassure him. if you dont scar its not going to help at all
but if the wound does scar? oh boy thats just going to make him sink deeper into his thoughts, probably making him lean more of cutting himself out of your life
no happy endings for you guys the moment this man slips up around you
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crushedsweets · 5 months
What is your au!? If you did post about it it's super deep and I can't find it
im gonna talk so much oh my god. basically, i just tried to make a singular, coherent storyline for the characters.
i have a website here and my tag here . . some stuff is outdated. maybe ill make another sideblog for it too if that can make it easier to navigate...
So. There was this thousand old creature living in the mines of a (fictionalized) Tuscaloosa forest. it was dormant for centuries, until year 2000 and it woke up and broke into two halves - The Operator and Slenderman
the operator wants to get out of the forest. escape the mines, roam free, exist wherever. slenderman wants to go back into hibernation and rest in the forest.
the operator cannot go too far without slenderman, since he has the physical part of the entities being - which is why the operator infects people with O/S syndrome. it's basically slender sickness, with dizziness, nausea, blacking out, losing track of days/weeks/months, aggression, etc. he uses this to disrupt the world around him and lash out against slenderman
in turn, slenderman force feeds O/S 'patients' with his physical body. this forces the victim to eventually 'recover' from the illness. it can take weeks/months, and is similar to withdrawal symptoms with additional layers of aggression, bloodlust, etc.
once they are 'healed', he starts using them as proxies. not all of them, but once he has Kate, Tim, Brian, and Toby, he sends them out to 'save' other Operator victims. some people succumb to the illness and die/are arrested, and some people are 'healed' but tossed away cuz slendy doesnt want them.
additionally, the proxies are treated like herd dogs who keep cryptid beings/ghosts/etc out of the public eye and in the forest. literally will round up and chase creatures like the rake back in
as a result, i changed a lot of peoples origin stories OR i gave them a hyperspecific story that isnt canon AT ALL...
OVERALL, the main point of my AU is the Operator and Slenderman using people as pawns in their 'war' AND trying to focus on the characters growing past their backstories and with one another. most of the cast arent killers because theyre sadists, theyre either completely sick and not in control of their body, or are forced to as their 'job'. but there are some people who are still the traditional creepypasta killer, like Jeff and Ann... LOL
i have a little map and everything :3
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philtstone · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
finally i have a moment 2 breathe so here is my list (thank u bestie zainab but also you know ive written too many fics to only pick five. so these are in no particular order and i broke the rules a little bit)
Title: bedclothes the child of the mountain
the first installment in the scarborough fair au (aka my somewhat manic pandemic era outlander fix it series), and one of my sudden and wildly inspired attempts at writing with different form and style -- it will probably always have a special place in my heart, simple as it is
Summary: "By the green o’ the moor behind them, the lad took the faerie’s hands in his own, an’ he told her that he loved her, an’ that he’d offer her the riches of the land if he could but all he could give her then was that which he held in his heart.
The faerie lass knew in her soul that she loved him back, but she was of the fae folk, an’ she missed her kin somethin’ fierce. So she told the lad, I cannae marry ye --”
A loud, irreverent giggle bursts from the place between his arms.
2. Title: my daddy was a prominent frogman
this is simply not my best prose at all but who needs tight prose when the concept is this iconic (aka the lotr hippie camp counsellor au)
Summary: Gandalf has been standing at the front of the room in a customary drapey grey t-shirt and flip flops all through Eowyn’s impassioned retelling, puffing wordlessly at his pipe. Frodo wonders if he is allowed to smoke indoors, even in this time of crisis. Uncle Bilbo always takes his pipe outside when they’re back in the city. But then, Frodo (who is sitting beside Gandalf -- he was in the back phoning hullo to Uncle Bilbo before lunch was over, and on his way out got accidentally caught in the middle of this emergency meeting) suspects that a converted campground in the middle of the woods is not really a place that abides by any rules.
Another two puffs from Gandalf’s pipe. Camp’s going on for nearly a whole month still. Maligned bulldozers tearing Camp down is a terribly unproductive development.
3. Title: i believe in you and in our hearts
zainab you KNOW this is an all timer! valkyrie holds a baby! the guardians are there! they ROADTRIP! i debated putting the og baby meredith fic here instead but i like the prose in this one better. ive never properly been a thor girlie but id be lying if i said this fic isnt one of my favourites
Summary: "A road trip," Thor says. "That's what the Midgardians call it."
"That's a stupid name for a thing," says Brunnhilde, but she's grinning as she does.
Or: nearly a decade after, Thor gets up one day and decides that they need a vacation.
4. Title: hopeful/summertime
phils magnum opus (another mildly deranged endeavour used to exorcise personal feelings, but which of my fics doesnt dabble in that, really) aka the first chapter fic i ever actually finished aka the first plot-coherent thing i ever finished aka the sam and bucky open a bar and adopt a bunch of kids dystopia au! phew
Summary: In which the world ends, Sam Wilson opens a bar with his best friend, accidentally adopts some children (also with his best friend), and figures out how to grieve his own life and move forward, not necessarily in that order.
5. Title: heavily, the low sky raining
i am simply an anne of green gables girlie forever. another pandemic era fic. i think i produced some of my best work holed up in my parents basement lol
Summary: "Anne’s feeling that word where you’re missing something you never had,” explains Diana, as they come to a stop outside of Terran Outpost AV1883's lone lab entrance.
“Weltschmerz,” says Gilbert immediately.
“I am not,” says Anne, “feeling weltschmerz.”
HONOURABLE MENTIONS (i have simply written too much and love many of my children equally. im not deluded enough to say "all")
Title: you've got the run of the place, now that you're running around (and may kindness, kindness, kindness abound)
i had to include an annamis fic in there it simply wouldnt be fair not to!!! ive had so many fast and loose with history eras. and i will have more!
Summary: “Grandpère,” she says, firmly, because they are all but alone amongst the hedges and Papa says it is alright to call him that when they are alone. She is not sure if he is really her grandfather, not truly – but she feels right, calling him so, and he always looks so pleased when she does. She has been doing it all afternoon for just that reason, in fact, and each time – well, Marie thinks, there is a warmth. Her fingers tighten around his, and he does not move to take his hand away, but rather squeezes firmly back. “Tell me the story about the princess in the castle.”
Title: kannum kannum nokia (cappuccino coffea)
speaking of playing fast and loose with history. im including this because its the most insane fanfic ive written to date. objectively. (affectionate).
Summary: He’s waylaid in coming up with a fun and possibly clever response because Kundavai has reached such a point of despair in her lecturing that she turns away from the locked bathroom door, pins her flashing eyes on Arunmozhi, and says,
“Tell your idiot brother to unlock the bloody door!”
Arunmozhi grimaces. Aditha is only ever his idiot brother when circumstances are truly clownish.
Most of the rest of the time Kundavai is content enough to claim ownership of the both of them, no matter how useless she thinks they are being.
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viibechck · 4 years
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( elliot fletcher, trans male, he/him, fe3h ) * &. i know it must be scary for you, caspar von bergliez, after surviving the takeover. to turn into someone like casper beckham, a twenty-three year-old waiter at castle town diner & janitor at jungle gym’s, right here in castle town. just remember that you are as ingenuous as you are impulsive, and to be wary, be safe, be true to who you are : neutral through and through. ( hywia ) 
               hewwo,,,, it’s hywia,,,, and due to PERSONAL REASONS i have gone completely off the fucking rails n holy shit i’m so excited bc i KNOW im gonna have so many fun w/ my lil violent ghost gremlin over here. STRAP ON IN bc this boy is a WILD RIDE and i am,,, 90% sure if i say i’m gonna keep this short it’s not gonna be so !! no promises !! / war tw under the cut!
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So. Caspar. Fun kid.
CASPAR is one of the Black Eagles at Garreg Mach Monastery’s Officers Academy ; he’s the second son of a noble , but unlike the others which were destined to gain inheritance or the like , Caspar . . . wasn’t the firstborn , and he didn’t have a Crest , so he really had nothing going for him in terms of status aside from “hey I’m part of this family.” His father was the Adrestian Empire’s Minister of Military Affairs , and with a war hero father and an older brother with quite the rep , he had a lot to prove himself for.
So !! That’s why he ended up in the Officers Academy to begin with ; he decided that he’d make his own name for himself and prove his own worth , so he’d became a great warrior of his own volition at the academy rather than piggyback off of his noble background.
Character wise ?? He’s a fun one.
Caspar is the EPITOME of ‘chaotic stupid’ but he’s also got a huge heart - he’s very hotheaded , impulsive , and he does a lot of things without thinking. His heart is way bigger than his body , and he actually cares a lot about people and isn’t afraid to show it. His strong sense of justice is always something he prattles on about , AS MUCH AS . . . to often feel guilty about things he really shouldn’t , or aren’t his fault.
But sometimes u gotta point out to him he’s doin’ somethin’ wrong because . . . he’s not gonna know.
He’s very gullible n a lot of things tend to fly over his head and that’s why I kind of use the term ingenuous to describe him - bc he’s very innocent in a naive sense and often doesn’t get a lot of things somebody more streetwise would get. He’s quick to judge but also takes things at face value and can’t really read between the lines that well. BUT you find that’s a huge part of his charm , bc Caspar likes looking for the best in people , but also will beat your ass if immediately he sees you’re up to no good.
And this is why he’s so impulsive again - acts without thinking because he acts a lot on emotion , such as in his support with Byleth when he immediately moves to get some thieves away from hurting a group of kids . . . but years later , those same thieves attack soldiers under his command , and a lot of them don’t make it. He doesn’t really know the possible ramifications of his actions , but that doesn’t mean the outcomes are all bad. But he feels guilty seeing the damage he caused because he KNOWS that isn’t what he wanted.
But he’s an extremely caring & honest person and extremely trustworthy - like Caspar doesn’t know how to stab anyone in the back. He doesn’t know how to lie. He’s a good boy n he does his best and yeah he’s a little thick-headed bt that’s okay !! It’s okay to have a heart bigger than your brain n’ Caspar’s got a LOT of heart to fill the entire army !!
also uh he’s like. rly loud lmao he’s chaotic n loud n we love that for him
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CASPER BECKHAM .... so. fun,
SO SORTA LIKE PRE-SNAP , he came from a wealthy upbringing but due to be the non-favored child , didn’t get the inheritance aka his dad’s clothing company.
so what does cas do in response ?? WELL , he pretty much has his entire family breathing down his neck to work in the company still as some kind of lower position. but he’s not really content with that and wants to move onto something he made himself.
and what does he do ??
he . . . becomes a streamer ??
his family does NOT approve that he chooses to use internet stardom as his career - but he gets really popular and that’s how he can support himself when they eventually kick him out.
so he gains that internet fame as a popular gaming streamer named “SHORT KING” and he’ll pretty much do... anything on camera he wants or his followers find funny.
and that’s it tbh.
in ct ?? he really is v neutral to the change versus fodlan but he’s also... skeptic to trust things bc the war is still heavy on his mind and he lost a lot of people he knew to it.
he’s kind of acting like everything is fine bt,,, is it really ?? lmao.
BT YEAH THATS IT I,,,, love my kid a lot n im rly excited 2 write him !! im so sorry if this isnt coherent i am having a Time
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gellirole · 5 years
Hey, if you don’t mind me asking, what are your OCs’ names? And like, what’s their story? Just wondering
AHha ok sO i have like a million ocs so this might be a kinda long post, sorry in advance :’)
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Ok sO this is dusty, hes called that because i dont remember.
anyway, so he works in an office suspended in a void, it’s very pink, anyway. he kinda sucks at his job, and sucks at having a likeable personality, so he gets fired, so yeah he and a random person who died have to go on a paperwork adventure to save random persons soul, and other stuff. im very bad at writingthings down but its in the form of a terrible unfinished rpg maker game with options to subtweet ur boss so i, yeah idk he sucks. but i like him so. 
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CH riS ok so THIS is the worst universe and simultaneously the one with most  characters. It’s GUESS its like,..,. a basic urban fantasy setting. BUT its not like ,.,.., idk its not like omg we have to fight god its morelike omg we have to go fix a computer at xyz but this hotel totally has a ghost in it. i dont know i m very sorry
But anyway, the cast. i m so sorry
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i dont have any drawings i like of her so  a messy blob is here, this is corey, shes a shapeshifter andshe does stuff. idk shes very wip bbut thats universal. Uh personality shes like: 💪😎💪
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this guys uh hhes hes a demon stuck possessing this guy. it’s not ideal for anyone and by the time they figure out how to remove him theyre all buddies. so whoops. also rubbish doodle again. anyway theres more to this one but idk. i like this one a 
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these ones r a mildly chaotic immortal vampire couple who dont know what to do anymore. they also let a vry broke vine star live in their  house i think that was canon i can’t remember. this whole thing is a mess
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hector is my twitter bot who isnt rlly an oc but i count him as canon. his latest tweet was 
 “Selkies are just straight up slapped me and that i do this vampire in the end, maybe the dark to be rude.“
 hes not very coherent! but he has said readable things in the past. like “Poor werewolves they suck.“
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oh this is a mermay corey actually i forgot 
this post is so long already im so sorry
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hRghsO im in themiddle of changing thsi guys name because it doesnt make sense anymore as a pun because i- anyway so i had one oc then i split that oc into two so now i need to change his nameso anyway. he works at a  knock off starbucks with another ocI rlly like both of them and need to reboot them. i think if i ever make a webcomic theyd be good mcs.
alright there are way more characters in this universe but i either dont have designs or am rebooting them :’) or forgot.
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sam is 💪😠🙃💪 n i love her
and alex is the physical embodiment of a keyboard smash
oh alex is also dead but hes ok. thats a terrible drawing of him yikes
I have a lot more ocs and general universes but this post is very long already :’)
like s o many more im i  need to write things down more
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chanjisung · 6 years
friends to lovers ➼ woojin
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» ❝ say it again. ❞
chan • woojin • minho • changbin • hyunjin • jisung • felix • seungmin • jeongin
i havent even started yet but im alr soft ; ~ ;
hnnnNNg okay
this cute bear right here
is the sweetest person eveR
will literally do anything to keep a smile on your face
sad bc of a test? d’aaaw dw 
woojin gives the beST hugs
ow my heart is soft
as everyone knows
he likes you
lmao legit everybody knows
your friend, your schoolmates, your parents, your teachers, the floor, the lockers, the ceiling, everyO N E
except for you
im so predictable and cliche bye
and he’s fine w it bc?? duh??
but if you would ever know
its cool as long as it doesn’t scare you away
plus he isnt really trying to hide it in the first place
you’re just THAT dense
you both have a platonic relationship
thinking abt woojins cuddles makes my uwuS
hugging here hugging there
kisses you on your temple too!!
“you did well today. now buy me ice cream since you’re so aMaZiNg”
and did i mention the your mom loves woojin
so much
more than you
bc i can imagine my mom loving him more than me smh
and your mom also knows that he likes you?
but thats not a shocker bc ur mom seems to know everything smH
yeah so
one guy likes you
i mean another guy
and in your opinion...
he’s a creep
but like,,just bc he keeps on asking too many questions
he’s actually a good guy but he just cant understand the meaNing of personal space
like legit he’ll text you every timE
“yo, where are you”
or like
“whatchu doin, wanna play a q&a game”
over text
ur all like, “dude, u aint my bro more less my boyfriend so can you kindly fuck off???”
but u dont actually say it bc ur too kind
bless Your Soul amen
and so one day 
you were walking out of class to meet woojin so you can both walk home already,
the creepy dude suddenly appears at your side
“hm, so y/n, any plans after school?”
out of instinct bc ur oh so honest you said “no not really”
you face palmed mentally bc wow self uR sO quiCk wiTteD
in short you regretted saying no
bc he said “cool! let’s go out for some boba then”
then he proceeded to drag you out by your hand 
and you’re like wtf
dude i did not approve of this proposition yet
so when you reached the lockers where woojin was supposed to meet you
hE wAsNt tHeRe
you mentally cursed him
he was your only chancE
oh woojin has failed you, his beloved best friend
“y/n did you know that this boba place is the beSt-”
you zoned him out bc you didnt really care what he said
all you ever wanted was to go home and play video games with woojin
or just listen to him sing
or just hug him to death
and this creep drags you into this
you sighed
oh well, atleast you’re getting free boba
you can see that you both were nearing the place
and as you were accepting your fate
someone suddenly grabs your other arm
“y/n! i’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
you turned and see kim freaking woojin there with a smiLe on his cute fes alsjdhn
“woojin!” you legit screamed bc finally! your hero!
the creep gaped at you and woojin
lmfao whatta sight
“umm? we’re on a date excuse me?”
you wanted to laugh and slap him at the same time
bC dUdE wTf A dAtE?
woojinnie here, bless him, flung an arm around your shoulders
he’s still smiling uwu
you’re melting but shh he doesnt need to know
but you could feel him getting agitated
“date? oh, babe i didn’t know you had a study date with him!”
your eyeballs almost popped off your sockets bc 
woah woah woah calm down kim woojin calm down
atleast you hope he’s calm bc you’re most certainly not
“o-oh? yeah study date bc his mind can’t process the fact that i have a boyfriend”
you finally said it
and i felT greAt
the creep’s face was red hah!
but as much as you felt great
yo hort was not calm
you looked at woojin but he seemed
he wasn’t calm his heart was ready to be free
but yes going back 
the creep’s face is reD
“pfft, fine. your loss, not mine”
then he walked away
yAy bye you lil creep
anyway you and woojin laughed
bc wow yOuR lOsS noT miNe
after you both calmed down
the words babe and boyfriend came rushing back
cue the creek creek sound bc for the first time since forever 
there was an awkward silence between the two of you
“so, y/n-”
you cant stand the awkwardness so you cut him off “where were you, you loser. you could’ve rescued me from despair if you were by the lockers earlier!”
“well im sorrY, chan borrowed my notes bc he fell asleep in class. again”
“you could’ve just let him endure the pain hmp”
“well i doesnt matter know does it, i saw you go out of the campus earlier so i followed you!”
you looked at him with a pout and you felt your cheeks heat up
bc !!! the boyfriend part !!!
you sighed and decided to tell him the truth
“woojin i like you” you mumbled, barely coherent
but ofC he heard you
he alr had a big smile on his face but still said “say it again, i didn’t hear you”
you glared at him bc you know that he heard it jUst fiNe
“kim woojin, i swear-”
he laughed and kissed you’re forehead 
he placed his arm aroud your shoulders again pulling you close to his side
“im just joking, i like you too”
and ofc you were elAtEd and kissed his cheek
“now why don’t we have a date, since im your boyfriend” he smiled at you
damn i cant unsee his smile my uwus are spilled
your heart went nyooOom 
and you pulled him towards the boba place
“well good. your girlfriend is craving boba”
you both had biG smiles on your faces for the rest of the day
and you could hear all the “FINALLY”s at your school the next day when you went in holding hands
and thats it adios
a/n: halloooooo. my loyalty is now shaking bc kim woojin is existiNG. he’s just so cute can i cry? asjbfnckj. anyway here’s woojin’s part of the series! hope you all enjoyed it~
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tarredion · 3 years
1 and 27? :)
thank u for the ask sweetums,, <3
1. What's your favorite kind of fic to write?
i’m having difficulty answering this question right of the bat tbh, bcs i feel like i can find good things in all i’m writing - eg. i really like the concept and style of the dragon au, and thats a chaptered story with looong chapters, while i checked and i think most of my fics are oneshots under 5k words? which isn’t surprising tbh despite how long i sometimes seem to write my descriptions i dont often bite away so many words (i dont prefer either, essentially)
my thing is mostly just to write the concept i enjoy and see how much it ends up as. i did have a lot of fun writing the last two fics of 2020 bcs they were so short and such a fast lil thing to write that surprisingly (for more of a first/second draft) turned out rlly good? 
i guess for this answer i won't give a specific ‘kind’ of fic in terms of length or how it comes to life, but rather which tropes or theme or ‘vibe’ i enjoy lmao
this is a ramble but what im trying to say is that ‘kind of fic’ is up to interpretation :D and therefore i will say i enjoy writing mostly fluffy things n mostly established relationship bcs i dont enjoy uncertainty too much. and always, always, a happy ending (looking at u lil concept over there that follows the ambiguous ending)
27. Easiest part of writing?
easiest?? is anything easy lmao
i did have a writing spur the last couple of days n i was really happy with the results, so then coming up with ideas and putting them down just as i wanted to was very easy. this... doesnt apply all the time though
this isnt the act of writing itself, though i think i have a quite easy time (in my head) to come up with descriptions for everything. but this isnt often benifital (an exception would be the dragon au), and as both english is my second language and i can’t w o r d sometimes,, it can sometimes be really hard to put it down on the page and have it makes sense to anyone that isn’t me - ive ran into the problem multiple times, and ofc i wouldn't notice until...  someone else read it. I’m really glad i have some good buds looking out for me that can tell me if it .. doesnt
went on another rant!! maybe i should apologize to anyone reading oops
i would say that maybe that can be my answer - describing things originally. all i really do after that is saw n cut things down.
but,, i wanna answer a bit more on this one bcs its not clear cut (i need to stop w the puns) -- so read more below?
lol ok so i had random thought-- writing/describing phil. hes cute. i like him. i can describe his lil face n stuff, i guess. maybe that plays into a lil that i find writing characters physical descriptions easy? and i dont mean easy as in incorporating them into the story - that varies,, but more like. i see ur face and i know which adjectives to use yes yes (dont tell me to do it from memory tho visual imagination s u c k s)
maybe that is the moral - i write, describe, good, easy
...and i would say it probably is- still want to answer m o r e though (if this is getting annoying i dont blame u)
the easiest part in terms of the p r o c e s s of writing is not the act of jotting down dialogue or fleshing out thoughts or characters or knowing the space or even coming up with ideas (though they are plenty yet fleeting) but,, the random thought stage - as i call it (now. i came up with it just now. dont be fooled). i use this in dms and (unfortunately) quite a lot in a lot of my wips lmao (ospbb fic im so sorry for u) wayyy before i come up with exactly what i need to write instead of what i want. its literally just sending you random thoughts, ideas, incoherent or coherent, into a place outside ur brain where they can survive. sometimes they become one liner openings to a potential fic, or segments of a story that needs to unravel later on (once again, ospbb fic), or only conceptually strung-together phrases of 7k words of smut (woops. might flesh it out sometimes)
but yeah. long post long answers weird brain,, i think thats just it.. n 27 is ,, descriptions, and random thought stage
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icharchivist · 7 years
New session with A. and T. o/ this time from episode 92 to episode 105, we advanced a lot in the CA arc!
this time I took notes as they spoke so I have... Tons of stuff.
-A: “I’m scared to move on…. we’re at episode 91 and the arc already went to shit so bad i’m worried at how bad it’ll get”
-they forgot who kite was. they had to remember by saying “guitarist legolass”
-T: “The queen shouldn’t be proud of the King i mean it’s a fuckboi, look at that turtle on his head, it’s the shape for a a fuckboi”
-A: “Leol looks like a drummer in Kite’s band”
-A: “I wonder if it would have gone better with responsible adults” Me: “i think that’s why Leorio and Kurapika aren’t there. wait… maybe not Pika.” A: “i love Pika but he’s not what I’d call collected and responsible. Leorio tho...”   -T: “I’m sure Hisoka would have flirted with an ant if he could. or ate one. its like chicken”
-they say they have no pity for the queen ahah. They are WTF over the other baby.
-they got so sad at Gon and Killua crying
-T: “Why is there pipe on a strip tease” A: “there’s a cat a butterfly and a turtle trying to dominate the world and you question the choice of music?”
-A: “It gets so bad already and there’s still 30 episodes of that arc how bad can it gets…”
-A: “the only responsible adult of that arc is Killua and he’s neither an adult nor responsible” 
 -When Gon said he’d do anything for Palm after she said she wanted him to date her, T. spit out his drink and A. facepalmed in a pillow, both laughing “i cant deal with that kid anymore” 
 -A: “does Palm has any other ability aside of being creepy?” 
 -A: “the thing with Gon is that you never know if his ideas are genuis or terrible” T: “you especially dont know when he says “it’s a secret” if he knows what hes gonna do or if he doesnt” 
 -When Killua asks Gon about his dating past:  T. “that… became really gay suddenly” Me: “do you get why people say Killua is gay?” A: “Now yes.” 
 -A: “The presentator on tv has weird eyes…” T: “now she can see in 3D” 
 -A. at Palm and Gon’s date: “i relate to Killua… what a cringe…” 
 -T. at the date: “and let’s play my favorite game: what if we added hisoka to the situation?” A.: “im sure him and Palm would get along” 
 -they yelled at Killua remembering Illumi because of dissociation. they’re worried for him 
 -A., who loves classical ballets, told us that the Zoldyck’s theme is based on a romeo and juliet music 
 -A.: “When the zoldyck music plays, it always end up bad for the adversary…” T.: “It always end bad for everyone in that anime. except for Hisoka and Gon’s father. i dont even remember the name of that asshat.” 
 -After the date, as Killua and Gon shares Chcorobots, A: “Thats it i cant take it anymore i ship them. they are too cute i cant resist them” 
 -A, as Cheetu vs Morel and Knuckle starts: “this arc is such a mess i love it it goes so wrong” 
 -when gon was faced to Kite’s puppet , they started yelling about how no one was stopping him. when Gon started blaming himself, A. threw a hairtie to the screen in frustration. they are worrying for Gon now, feels like he’s losing it. they worry that the adults are using him. like they say “i dont care their reasoning, we’re talking about 12yo. they never saw what gon can do while angry he risked his life on a dodgeball game. it’s dangerous.” 
 -A: “dont tell me they will put rhe two unexperienced kids as a team…” 
 -They are overjoyed to see the Troupe again. A. wanted a showdown between the ants and the troupe. “at least i wont mind if there’s death on both side” 
 -They are disgusted by Pike and they dont get why Zazan is all dominatrix. 
 -“the goth team and the clear hair team” 
 -A: “i understand why you say Shalnark is probably linked to Kurapika, they have the same (lack of) survival instinct” 
 -T: “nice to have some anthropology exploration with that mummy guy" about Beleonov
 -A: “wait is Phinks’s condition really to only turn his wrist? he didnt think too hard about it, and Pika whos putting his life on the line like a moron….”
-A: “im sure kite’s nen was Ging’s idea. it’s a thing with Ging’s idea, it seems terrible and you dont even know if he would himself believe it’d work but it does” 
-Feitan against Zazan: “thats violent…” 
 -A: i dont know what to think of that arc anymore. i dont even know what to comment. 
 -about Kalluto: “it’s killua’s LITTLE BROTHER??? HOW OLD IS HE. 10??? WHY IS HE WITH THE TROUPE” 
 -“are Feitan and the Mummy in a contest of who is gonna blow up the biggest planet” 
 -*seeing the kimera* “is that nina” 
 -A when Phinks blushes when Shal and Feitan makes fun of him for looking for Chrollo: “do everyone has a crush on Chrollo holy fuck” 
 -T: “When it’s to the spiders to be in charge of lifting the weight of the arc….” A: well we wanted responsible adults, we got them” 
 -A. finds impressive how that deep ib the arc, the story is still coherent. the ants are all exploited and you dont feel lost in the substories. she finds it impressive  
-Me: “fun to have a geopolitic story in a furry arc” A: “i wonder what the next arcs will be. will there be a cooking arc” Me: “i mean, isnt it the cooking arc? “ A: *splilling her drink*”… you know what i dont say anything anymore” 
 -A:“… was the Queen on drugs when she created Shaiapouf?”
 -A: “i think i hate (pitou) more than hisoka…. i mean hisoka, you get used to him. she…. is too unsettling and sh’es too cute it makes me uncomfortable” T: “well i mean… hisoka is a p/edophile…”  A: “i mean true but at least you can predict hidoka, she replies to orders. you can discuss with Hisoka, not with her. Like how Pika talked with him” Me: “well then with Pika it was all on Hisoka’s intend...” T: “well you can discuss with him if you’re a teen” A: “Okay true but you can have an ally with hisoka at times. with Pitou, nah” 
 -T “now i thought hisoka was coming”  Me:“if he was in this arc he would have had the boner of the century” T: “thanks Chloé” 
 -when Gon trusted Meleoron right away “what the fuck with that kid. me too Meleoron” 
 -when Ikalgo appeared in that first corpse and started singing, T started laughing and loving him and almost spilled his drink, and A. burried her face in a pillow saying “i dont even know what to say anymore…” 
 -as Killua catches ikalgo: A-: i love this kid T: me i love this octopus omg 
 -as Ikalgo says he wanted to be a squid: A: “how can it be that fun, that wtf and that tragic at once?” 
 -T: i really love that octopus A: i really love that kid 
 -T is determinates and really really love the octopus :’) 
 -the darts game started and A . started to pull very worried faces 
 -When Gon says he will kill Meleoron if he betrays him, A:“this kid really scares me…. he always scared me.”
-they’re cheering as Killua won against the orsos bros and faked his death 
 -turns out T. plays darts too so as Killua was explaining how he survived, he kept figuring how it made sense 
 -they were tense as Killua almost died and they both left out a gasp as Killua apologized about not being of use for gon 
 -they adore Ikalgo, both of them and now they worry he’ll die 
 -A. keeps reading Meleoron as Melanchon, a french politician she doesnt like. we compared that politician to Leol 
 -A. saw Komugi and gasped because “oh no i saw her on your blog”. I’ve been yelling at her to stop looking at my blog and her reaction was “but I’d have to stop using tumblr!”. rood. 
 -T.’s mother walked in after a scene with Meleoron and with the King and she started laughing, not understanding what was going on, just surprised by the designs. she finds the plot about the games to be fun ahah 
 -Morel just told Cheetu he lost because hes an idiot and they both applauded 
-at the King trying to destabilize Komugi and failing T: “well it’s turning against him hes getting destabilized” A: “she controls him so much”
 -When the King ripped his own arm, they both gasped and A. froze and yelled “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED” 
 -A: “the king is acting reckless and hurts himself… sounds so much like Gon.”  
-A loves how Komugi is in total control of the King ahah 
 -Me at the king's arm being ripped: "hxh and the constant abuse of arms". A. "ye i saw your posts about it. im still baffled by how much of them belongs to Gon"
For the most part, they seemed to like it! A. Kept repeating it was such a mess and she loved how much of a mess it was. It was getting worse and worse and they are seriously getting worried about the situation at hand. 
They are really, really involved in the arc and I’m so glad. For a lot of people I dragged in hxh (and.. me included to some extend) the ca arc was the hardest to get into, and I’m really glad they’re enjoying it that much.
They are looking forward for more and are impressed to have gone this far in the serie.
Despite the fact we skip opening/ending/previews (not my own will, they really don’t wanna see them dkjfhd shame for the previews but oh well) they keep singing the opening theme too. That’s fun :’D
So ye, a good session, a ton of fun, they liked it :D
See you all in another session o/
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spaceslouie · 7 years
1. I just recently following your blog. And I find that we have same opinion for the most part, or from your tags anyway. This by no means that you’d agree with me but can I share my opinion with you. Like I think that so many people have been too critical about his solo works. We really dont know anything. I feel like, Louis have been so appreciative about the opportunity he got, but it looks like we as fan cant even give him a chance. What if he make do with what he got. What if all this was..
2. the only thing on his hand. He said it himself, limited people to work with. Like, maybe the 5 of them dont get the same offers? I dont find it weird that H got the amount of support he got, and Louis got minimum exposure. If we can see it in a professional way, the party that did the offering have their reasons. Sometimes you dont get what you want no matter how hard you work for it. Its reality. That doesnt mean Louis dont deserve it. And people tend to forget, what you find rewarding could
3. be different from others. We want the best for him, and thats just it.. Why does it needs to be by the other 1D guys standard. I’m really emotional talking about Louis. Like, I want to respect what he do. I dont know the struggle he faced. This is the guy who hates their merch, their early music. I feel like the fandom so quick to talk but rarely listen. I dont claimed to know him, but I feel that Hes grateful for this opportunity. And I take my cue from him for the life HE live. thankyou :)
wow i . . got an ask! sorry it took me a while to answer this babe (depending on when u sent it) i dont come on this blog alot, i kinda just made a tumblr as an outlet for my thoughts and frustrations and to have a place to talk about louis lol
anyways i think we do have pretty similar feelings about the way things are going - mostly mine are just summed up by ‘idk what to think but i love louis and his music’ lol 
To be real tho, i’ve been a 1D fan since i was 12, in 2011, and i was a larrie from like 2012 to pretty much a few months ago (not that im an ‘anti’ now or anything, i just dont kno what to think). For most of my time as a 1D fan (and especially a larrie) the culture w/ us has been, for better or worse, to hyper-analyze and doubt (for lack of better words) everything we’re given and told. Tbh, since i changed my perspective a few months ago (mostly bc of solo!harry), ive pretty much just been constantly reevaluating everything ive known for the past 5/6 years and i really just have pretty much NO idea what to think, whatsoever. 
When it comes to solo!louis, ive just been trying to take it as it comes. key word is trying, bc 5/6 years of having a rock-solid idea of the “”truth”” (our ideas about the boys, management, their relationships, etc) is alot to overcome when u try to be objective. 
When u say that ppl have been too critical of louis and his stuff, im not really sure which ppl u mean or if u just mean in general - ive definitely seen some ppl who seem to be critical just for the sake of it, or bc they actually dont like louis, which, ya, thats definitely too critical. But for some of the ppl being critical, it seems like theyre coming from the same place i was before i changed my perspective - if i hadnt been so put-off by solo!harry, i probly would still be just as dedicated to the fandom “”truth”” and i would be critical of solo!louis like i was/we were of everything else. 
Basically, at this point, i think its just habit for alot of ppl to be critical and cynical. Or, even more, its generally more comfortable (especially when weve been telling ourselves for 5+ years that we know the “truth”) to be critical (in an all-knowing way like when ppl say “those stunts are so transparent” or something) than to admit that theres alot we dont kno. Or to admit that louis hasnt had the opportunities we thought he would have/we think he deserves, and theres not really anything to do about it.
Are they right to be critical? I honestly totally dont kno. But basically im done being critical just bc other ppl are - if something strikes me as wrong and worth being critical of, right off the bat, then ill criticize it. But if everything seems ok to me and i have no reservations and i see someone else complaining and making a big deal about it, i guess thats how i decide when someone is being too critical. Thats when it seems to me like theyre being critical just for the sake of it or bc thats what theyre used to. I think its important in our culture (1D fan/louie culture), at least for me in the place im in now, to just trust ur own instinct instead of looking to others to see if things are good or not.
At first i was a little confused by ur ask(s) bc it seems a little contradictory - u talk about how louis didnt get the best opportunities, and then u say ppl are being too critical. But i think i understand (maybe im projecting tho, bc this is how i feel about it). I think what i (and u, if im understanding ur ask rite) am feeling is that ppl want to place blame - we all want the best for louis, and we’re upset that it doesnt seem that he got it. We all love and appreciate louis, so it can be hard to see how other ppl wouldnt and how he wouldnt get all the opportunities we think he deserves. So we go off on his team, simon cowell, his record label, the other boys, etc., and we criticize them and everything louis puts out bc its through them/connected to them. 
But it really all comes down to the fact that regardless of what we think louis deserves, we all know that what he gets probly wont match up to that. Youre rite, he literally said that he didnt get that many opportunities, and we have to accept that. No matter how much we love and admire him, we have to realize that for various reasons the rest of the world doesnt (at least not yet). He wasnt the most famous member of 1D, or the one pushed as the most talented, and the fact that he has a unique voice makes him kindof an acquired taste. 
We have to realize that he is, like u said, doing the best w what hes got. We dont have the power to give him more, so from my perspective im just enjoying what we get and supporting it in every way i possibly can. Bc thats what being a fan is about - enjoying what u get, and supporting it so u continue to get it. We can wish he had more opportunities available, and even ask for what we want from him in polite and lighthearted ways - like tweeting him about his album, or nominating him for awards (like teen choice and stuff), or posting/tweeting about how we wish we had a video/photoshoot/etc as long as its nice and not demanding. But ya basically we are not in a position to give him opportunities so our only job (if we want it, which, being a louie, i do) is to support what he puts out. 
You said: “Like, maybe the 5 of them dont get the same offers? I dont find it weird that H got the amount of support he got, and Louis got minimum exposure. If we can see it in a professional way, the party that did the offering have their reasons. Sometimes you dont get what you want no matter how hard you work for it.” Basically, i totally agree w this and i think its totally ok to just enjoy what we get from louis w/o constantly worrying about how were getting it/what we ‘should’ be getting.
I am frustrated, and always have been, that louis doesnt get what the other boys do, but thats just the way it is. We have to accept that there isnt always someone to blame - for various reasons, louis has had less opportunities than the other boys, and theres nothing we can do about it. I would even go as far to say its not necesarily an injustice - like u said, he isnt the other boys, so we cant expect him to have the same situation as them. All we can do is support him and his music as much as we can/want to. 
anyway im SO sorry for turning this ask into a literal essay, i guess i had a lot to say and honestly im not sure how much of it is coherent or even on topic, it took me like an actual hour to write this all out and when i reread it… it didnt make as much sense as it did in my head lol. anyway i do think we hav some similar feelings and stuff and i really apreciate hearing ur thoughts! I hope we both get to enjoy bty (im so fuckin excited!!! from the teasers hes shared already its gonna be SO GOOD!!!) and i hope more good things happen for louis! tysm for sharing ur thoughts w me! 💙 
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