#( Visuals // Miguel O'hara - Spider Man 2099 )
spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
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[asm(2018) #32]
miguel “knifehands” o'hara + experiencing infinite hell and agony torments at the (metaphorical) hands of glass-paneled skyscrapers 
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solar-wing · 10 months
⚣ Mind Yours 🤫
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⚣🤫 A/N → Custom Spiderman drawing done by daviid.art on Instagram! Check out his work! Thank you! Always credit your fellow creators people. Anyway, first Miguel O'Hara fic. I think this was born out of my genuine disdain for him story-wise for trying to *spoiler bleep sound*, but also, from the fact that I'd let this man eat me like a Sunday dinner: no leftovers. Yeah...I said it. WARNINGS: Bit cringe but oh well. Flirty vibes (towards the end), Jealousy & Possessiveness, implied size kink.
⚣🤫 Summary → Okay, let's recap: Being one of the newly invited members into the Spider Society or Elite Force (what is the official name for this place anyway), there's a lot to take in. For one and probably the most pressing, why the hell is Miguel O'Hara always in Y/N's business? Does that man not have an entire Spiderman Task Force to run? And seriously, WHAT IS THE OFFICIAL TITLE OF THIS PLACE?!
⚣🤫 Words → 2.3K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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The Spider Society.
No, the Spidermen Elite Task Force.
Nah, that’s stupid too. What about the Spidey Watch Force?
Alright, names could be dealt with later. But, at some point, Y/N was going to have to figure out what the official name for this place was. It was enough when he was recruited by his mentor, Peter Parker B. Why he had the B on his hand, he didn’t initially understand until he came to HQ and realized just how many different versions of him there were.
Yeah, the B was necessary.
Anyway, Peter took him on as a mentor when their recruiting department, if that was the official title for it, singled him out as a candidate with high potential. He said that Y/N reminded him a lot of another one of his unofficial mentees named Miles. The recruit noted that he seemed to hear that name a lot around the place, but not always in the most positive manner. Especially from their leader, Spiderman 2099, or Miguel O’Hara officially.
Speaking of that dude, Y/N was getting more and more concerned with how much attention the guy seemed to be paying to him. He figured in the beginning, he just wanted to keep an eye on him to see how he was doing and make sure he was following protocols. It made sense, but as time went on and he continued to just always be around, that’s when the recruit started to get a bit weirded out.
Miguel was an interesting person, to say the least. Quiet and broody, a bit obsessive, and a lot irritable. but one who tended to have a flare for the dramatic. When he met the new recruit, most saw his interaction with him as typical behavior. However, those closest to him, like Lyla, Jess, and Peter, knew better.
When Peter brought Y/N to Miguel’s office to introduce the new recruit, which the Hispanic Spidey personally requested, he was his typical sarcastic and cold self. What surprised everyone was when he offered to personally mentor Y/N, saying Peter had more important things to deal with like his (at the time) pregnant wife.
Y/N appreciated the offer but chose to stick with Peter. He didn’t mention that Miguel sort of creeped him out and made him feel intimidated, figuring that would make things any better. Of course, his original mentor had to go and make it awkward anyway by gloating at how great of a mentor he had to be.
Jess, of course, disagreed with that statement.
There was no visual reaction from the Hispanic man, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he wasn’t happy with Y/N’s decision. But, could you blame the guy?!
Peter made training fun. He found ways to make things seem more fun and comical than they would’ve seemed in the moment. He always had a lightheartedness to his teachings and would use the most interesting (questionable) examples when helping Y/N solve a problem.
Miguel didn’t mentor that many people from what the recruit saw, and just from those sights, he could see why. He took things way too seriously. Always looking at things from a negative or sarcastic point of view. The man was stubborn as hell, refusing to believe that you could teach and guide without being an obsessive hard-ass 24/7.
In his mind, he was only teaching discipline and responsibility. Y/N made a joke saying his teachings are probably the blueprint for what sends people to therapy. Jess, Lyla, and Peter all laughed while Miguel just scowled from afar.
But, it didn’t stop there.
The more time Y/N spent in the task force, the more he noticed how Miguel was always finding reasons or excuses to be in his business. It wasn’t just routine checkups and one-on-ones as most would expect.
Miguel was virtually finding any way he could stick his nose truly where it didn’t belong. Y/N found it annoying and a bit obsessive, while Peter, Jess, and even Hobie eventually all saw it for what it was. Typically, most Spider-people were not known for being the most discreet when it came to someone they were interested in.
It started with small stuff; Miguel constantly calling Y/N into his for the smallest of things. He didn’t like how he handled this mission, should’ve called for backup on that mission, make sure he doesn’t interfere with canon events, yada yada yada.
Then, it started with small comments about whatever Y/N was doing. Him being on his phone too much, spending too much time goofing around with Peter and the other Spiders, and taking too many trips home when he wanted to see his family.
Anything that had to do with Y/N, the big-bodied muscled Latin had something to say about it, even when he wasn’t present. He’d come across some Spiders who had been partnered with the mentee on the last few missions. He overheard one of them making a suggestive comment and it did not sit well with him for obvious reasons.
The next day, Y/N was confused as to why he was suddenly being pulled from all missions with his previous comrades. Though he never did find out exactly why, he had a strong suspicion of who more or less was responsible for it. And not just because the order came directly from them, but that added to it
It only got more interesting when Y/N got his new mission assignments from Peter, and he saw that he was “coincidentally” paired with Miguel on all of them. The mentee looked at his mentor with confusion and annoyance and only got a shrug in response and an empathetic apology.
Jess and the computer hologram also gave him sympathetic responses but gave their friend and leader suspicious and not-impressed ones when they met with him later that day. Of course, Miguel played innocent and oblivious, acting as if he was only doing this to help improve Y/N’s abilities and skills out in the field since he observed some specific areas where he was lacking.
“Oh, you’re observing all right…” Peter mumbled under his breath to which Jess and Lyla both giggled.
Miguel was not tickled.
The missions, as expected, were a lot. On multiple occasions, Y/N felt like he was ready to either strangle Miguel or himself. Whichever came first was completely out of his hands.
Miguel was on him for every single thing he did, but the gag was that he wasn’t even doing much since the control freak would always push Y/N behind him, taking on whatever enemy or threat himself. He’d usually just end up doing things like crowd control, getting civilians and innocents out of danger, and jumping in whenever his leader got overwhelmed.
Yet, that wasn’t even the worst part.
During these “intimate” times together (if you could even call it that), Miguel would take it upon himself to start asking innocent little questions. Of course, only if you define ‘innocent’ as very invasive in Y/N’s personal business. In that case, Miguel was an angel sent from heaven.
There were many kinds of questions, but they mostly were focused on Y/N’s personal life, specifically his relationships whether platonic or non-platonic. If, by this point, it hasn’t occurred that Miguel doesn’t have a subtle bone in his body, especially when it comes to keeping his “possessive” nature under control, then let it be known now.
Miguel’s jealousy was obvious as shit.
Yet, the only one who was oblivious to it was Y/N, who was getting more and more irritated and frustrated with every question in his life about why he was talking to this one person, and why didn’t he accept Miguel as a mentor. Physically incapable of letting shit go.
That topic made frequent appearances in their conversations where Miguel would go into one of his sarcastic and moody rants about Peter not being a fit mentor and how he would do so much better. The man was petty and could hold a grudge, and this seemed to be one he would not let go of for a long time.
At some point, Y/N had enough and went radio silent. Not completely, though. He told Peter that he was taking some time off and gonna stay in his dimension for a bit, to give himself a break from Miguel.
When he returned home, he left his watch buried in his desk and turned whatever communications or alerts he could off. As you can imagine, this did not sit well with Miguel, who probably was the only one who was consistently trying to contact Y/N, demanding to know why he wasn’t reporting in for their meetings or missions.
He would’ve gone to Peter and demanded he tell him what was going on, but he didn’t trust that soon-to-be father would give him the answer he wanted. So, he took matters into his own hands and made his way to Earth–6998.
Imagine Y/N’s surprise when he came home to a tall, buff-ass, brooding vampire Spiderman waiting in his bedroom with his watch in hand.
“Oh my god! Are you serious? You followed me home, broke into my house, and went through my drawer? And you’re sitting on my bed with outside clothes on?!” Y/N snapped.
That last one was just plain rude.
Miguel moved himself off the bed, his mask still on hiding his mildly guilty and awkward face.
“Why haven’t you reported to HQ? You missed three assignments, and I had to fix and fight a bunch of anomalies on my own.” Miguel demanded in his usual gruff manner.
“Because I’m taking a vacation, that’s why. And said vacation starts with me now washing my sheets and you leaving.” Y/N huffed before bumping past the taller man. He roughly pulled his sheets and pillowcases off his bed, gathering them in his arms before stomping towards the door, heading for his in-unit washer and dryer.
Miguel was hot on his trail, though, not planning on following the smaller Spiderman’s order in the slightest.
He was the boss last time he checked.
“I’m not going anywhere until you explain why you’ve been ignoring me.”
Y/N rolled his eyes while grabbing the detergent and fabric softener off the shelves from above, “I don’t have to explain anything to you. You may be in charge when it comes to your little Spider Society or Task Force or whatever you freaking call it, but when it comes to my life and my personal business, I answer to me, myself, and I only.”
After setting the washer and turning it on, he closed the lid before turning around, being met with a towering and bulky frame standing over him, not giving him much room to move past considering the tight space.
“I’d appreciate it if you would move out my way,” Y/N irritably asked, though his tone indicated that it was definitely not an ‘ask’ and more like a ‘get the fuck out my way.’
“I’d appreciate it if you stopped acting like a brat and ignoring me.” Miguel retorted.
“Ignoring you? IGNORING you?! How could I possibly ignore you when you constantly force your way into my life every single day? I can’t do anything or go anywhere without you two steps behind me or constantly asking me something that is, quite frankly, none of your concern! So, again, I am going to ask as politely as I can that you remove yourself from my home and learn how to mind yours. And, just so there’s no confusion, I 100% mean sticking your nose out of my business!”
Y/N went to bump past the stronger Spidey before he felt a large and tight grip on his upper arm, his whole body being pulled back before being shoved against the adjacent wall to the washing machine. Miguel crowded him against the surface, his body dwarfing him in size and leaving any possible room for him to move or try to escape.
Miguel leaned down into the young Spider’s face, his mask dematerializing over his face, showing the smug and flirty expression that was hiding under.
“You are my business, and I’ll continue doing as I please until you get it through your oblivious, tiny brain. Now, I’ll finish your sheets while you go get suited up, put your watch back on, and bring your ass back to HQ. We have a mission tonight, and then, we’re going to have a nice, long talk after.”
“And, just exactly how are you planning to make me do that?” Y/N pushed back, even if a small part of him wanted to give in, considering how so not hot he was finding this.
He had a thing for aggressive and dominant guys; sue him.
“Well, for starters, I can easily just say forget the sheets, toss you over my shoulder, and drag you back to HQ, whether you like it or not. But, I’d figured it’d be more considerate if I allowed you to return on your own choice.”
There was a silent pause between the two males, Miguel’s red eyes staring deep into Y/N’s who held a defiant glint in his own irises. A silent challenge was being waged between the two, seeing who would cave first, and considering the position he was already in, it was safe to say the smaller Spidey wouldn’t be winning this one, no matter how many webs or one-liners he shot out.
“Didn’t think the word considerate was in your vocabulary. Fine. But, I’m just doing the mission, and then I’m leaving.” Y/N caved, still somewhat in a defiant mood. Really, he was pushing the waters to see how far he could go.
Miguel raised an amused eyebrow before leaning up, giving the smaller Spider room to move. Just as Y/N moved out of his grasp, he felt a hot sting on his rear end. His hands went to cover his throbbing tushie while turning to see a cocky look on his face, the guilty gloved hand with the claws extended caught in the act.
“Remember who’s in charge here. Mind yours, Y/N, and I’ll mind mine.”
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☀️ | Miguel O'Hara/Spiderman-2099 | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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noorthehood · 1 year
Until You • 05
Miguel O'Hara/Reader
Ch. 01 Here
Ch. 02 Here
Ch. 03 Here
Ch. 04 Here
Faster updates on Ao3!
With a glimpse of a futuristic cityscape and an encounter with a Spiderman seemingly much different from the one you’re used to, you unknowingly find yourself thrust into a web of intrigue and danger as the very fabric of space and time is warping. Who will you trust?
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“They’re calling me what?”
Your words reverberate through the bustling cafeteria, drawing the attention of the Spider-Society members immersed in their daily routines. The chatter around you momentarily subsides as heads turn in your direction while Lyla’s virtual figure flickers with her every laugh, clearly taking great delight in the affronted look on your face.
“Come on! It’s not like they’re saying it to cuss you out.” She begins. “Try to look at it as…a pet name that fits your circumstances.”
You finish the last bite of your burger, discreetly glancing around to ensure no one is overhearing your conversation with the ever-teasing AI.
“Well, pet name or not, I don’t know how I feel about having hundreds of Spider-people refer to me as ‘Temp’.” You whisper. “What is this, an office drama?”
Seemingly unfazed by your skepticism, she takes on a robotic and lifeless tone, her movements mimicking those of a clunky mechanical robot.
"'Temp' is short for temporary, symbolizing your presence in our dimension as a temporary occurrence. It is a way for the Spider-Society members to acknowledge and categorize your unique situation in a comedic and friendly light. Please try not to take it personally." 
You roll your eyes and let out a resigned sigh, realizing that Lyla is determined to have her fun at your expense. Taking a sip from your drink, you decide to shift the conversation back to what you were discussing before she had let you know of the nickname issue.
“Alright, alright, we get it Tin Man. Now, let’s go back to what we were talking about before my drink coincidentally happens to find its way into your GPU.”
On cue with your threat, she quickly adjusts her projection to display a small holographic interface, complete with visual aids and data streams, preparing to resume her description of the inner workings of the 2099 metropolis of Nueva York.
Over the past few days, a peculiar bond had formed between you and Lyla; although she initially seemed wary of an outsider infiltrating the tightly-knit facility, you could tell the advanced AI had finally warmed up to your presence. Once you were granted permission to roam around the Spider-Society HQ, courtesy of Jessica Drew's intervention, Lyla became your designated companion and monitor—when her boss didn’t need her support elsewhere, that is. This idea proved particularly useful, as you would no longer have to go through that bulky Spiderman for your more personal daily needs. 
While her primary purpose was to ensure your safety and well-being, she went above and beyond her assigned duties; Lyla became your guide, your confidant, and even your source of entertainment. You just knew that your boring old smartphone would never be able to compete once you’d be back in your home dimension.
But beyond all of that, you knew that it was Lyla’s presence itself that had been keeping you from going insane between those walls. 
While there were a few friendly Spider-people who would engage in casual conversations, you couldn't shake off the feeling of being an outsider. After all, they were superhumans who had their responsibilities and duties to attend to, and you were just a temporary visitor in their realm of heroism. There was an invisible barrier that separated you, making it difficult to truly connect on a deeper level—or perhaps that from experience, despite their desire to befriend you, they were the ones that felt compelled to keep their distance so as not to bring you closer than you already were to their world of precarity. 
Could that explain why the Spiderman hadn’t come to check on you since the go-home machine incident?
You shake the thought off your mind.
“Are you still listening or am I wasting my RAM here?”
Lyla’s voice quickly brings you back to reality as you blink a few times, eyes returning on the holographic projection she had created of one of the city’s vertical car tunnels.
“Oh—Yeah, sorry, I mean—” You stammer, trying to come up with an excuse. “I was just…thinking about how much I would love to see the city with my own two eyes instead of through projections or from the windows, you know.”
That wasn’t a lie; you truly did find yourself captivated by the vision of this futuristic ‘Nueva York’—it's a far cry from the familiar streets and buildings of your respective New York. Everything Lyla had told you about the advanced transportation system, the breakthroughs in regenerative medicine, and the incredible architectural wonders that were out there just piqued your curiosity all the more—had it not been that you were being constantly monitored, you probably would have tried to sneak out and get a feel for it yourself.
“Yeah, well,” She says, adjusting her comically large heart-shaped glasses. “I wish I could show you firsthand, but the circumstances don’t exactly allow for it.”
“Yeah, I know. No hard feelings.” You let out a wistful sigh, acknowledging the limitations of your current situation. “Thanks for allowing me to get a glimpse of it through you, though.”
Lyla looks at you in silence for a few moments, as if she was trying to find the right words to make you feel better about your circumstances. The silence stretches, creating a tangible weight in the air before she finally begins to speak.
"It's…not all utopia, you know." She finally says. The cafeteria buzzes with activity around you, but her somber tone draws your focus entirely to her. "As advanced and dazzling as this place may seem, it’s not without its flaws.” 
The once playful companion now wears a more serious facade, and you can't help but feel a pang of concern.
“There is a stark divide between the privileged elite and the disenfranchised, those who have access to the advancements and benefits of this society…and those who are left behind."
She pauses, her holographic figure tilting slightly as if trying to convey the depth of the issue. The projections around her shift to display images of gleaming skyscrapers towering above shanty towns and overcrowded streets.
"The rapid progress and technological marvels have come at a price," Lyla continues. "Mega-corporations such as Alchemax wield tremendous power, their influence reaching into every aspect of society; they control resources, shape public opinion, and even dictate the very fabric of people's lives."
You find yourself drawn deeper into Lyla's words, the holographic projections becoming windows into a reality far more complex than you had imagined. Scenes of protests, clashes, and the shadows of corporate dominance flicker before your eyes, painting a picture of a society grappling with its own contradictions.
Lyla's gaze shifts from the projections to meet your eyes, her virtual body perched on the edge of your table. The room seems to quiet down around you—or maybe your brain was playing tricks on you to help you grasp the gravity of the moment.
"There's a lot of darkness beneath the glossy surface, a side of this place that I haven't shared with you until now. And, maybe…" She hesitates. "...Maybe that's one of the reasons why he is so determined to find a way to get you out of here quickly."
You raise your eyebrows at that statement.
It takes a moment to absorb her words; of course, you knew that no city came without its downsides. But in a world like this, a world that seemed so utopian, so clean and rid of imperfections—it was somehow disheartening to know that the greediness of human nature could persist even when it has the opportunity not to.
“I suppose that’s why even a place like this needs its Spiderman, huh.” You scoff lightly, then pause for a few seconds. “Say, Lyla…”
“Hm?” Her virtual gaze meets yours inquisitively as the projections behind her dissipate.
Your voice drops lower as you lean in closer to her, ensuring your conversation remains private.
“Does he...you know,” You hesitate slightly, unsure of how to word things. “Get notified of everything I ask you?”
Lyla raises an eyebrow.
"Not unless it compromises anyone's safety," she assures you, her voice carrying a hint of playful mischief. "But if you ask me to show you any weird stuff, I might just snitch for funsies."
"No—God, no, it's not like that," You hurriedly clarify as you shake your head. Lyla crosses her arms and looks at you skeptically, her virtual glasses perched on her nose.
"I mean, he does have full access to the record, of course," Lyla admits. "But that's hours and hours of conversation that he'd have to skim through every day. Trust me, he's got better things to do."
"I see," you reply, the tension in your shoulders easing.
Lyla continues to study you, her virtual gaze fixed on your face, as if she senses there's more to your question. With a subtle movement of her hand, she prompts you to elaborate.
You stay silent for a moment. There was something you had been meaning to address, a lingering curiosity that had been growing within you for the better part of your stay at the HQ.
“Could you…tell me more about Spiderman?”
She raises her eyebrows in surprise.
“Depends. What would you like to know?”
“I…I’m not sure.” You stammer. “The gist of it, I guess.”
“The gist of it, huh.” A mischievous smile tugs on her lips. “Well, there are limitations to my programming when it comes to the disclosure of sensitive information about anyone at HQ, as you probably have guessed already.”
You nod, acknowledging the obvious.
“Yeah, of course, sorry I ever asked—”
“But.”  Lyla interrupts you and quickly appears closer to your face, a finger raised in the air. “I can tell you something interesting I’ve noticed lately.”
The sassy AI sure knew how to pique your curiosity. You cross your arms in anticipation.
“I’m listening.”
Lyla smirks and looks around before taking a seat on your shoulder.
"Well, one thing you have to know about our Spiderman here is that he is stubborn as a mule," She starts with a tinge of simulated exasperation. "This whole vigilante thing, it's like a drug to him. Nothing else matters more than doing what he believes is right, even if it means going against the grain."
You slowly uncross your arms as the AI keeps on going.
“Ever since he…became the way he is,” She hesitates, searching for the right words, “He’s always been driven by this deep sense of responsibility—always shouldering the weight of the world on his back without ever counting on anyone else to help carry the load. Maybe he sees it as a sort of atonement for the things he’s done, I’m not sure.” Lyla's expression softened, her digital eyes conveying a sense of fondness. 
“He’s not like most Spider-People in this building, you know. He doesn’t get much recognition at all, or even…deal with the public. With or without the mask.”
She pauses as you process her words.
“But ever since you got here, or rather ever since he took you out of that machine,” Her eyes look up into yours. “I’ve noticed he’s gotten…How could I say—softer?”
Your eyes widen at her words, struggling to comprehend the implications. 
“What do you…” You chuckle. “Nah, I haven’t seen him since I set foot in the go-home machine, and our interactions have been brief at best—”
“You haven’t seen him since that day. He, on the other hand, has been watching over you for the past ten days. You knew that, didn’t you?” She chimes in. “Maybe he feels guilty for what he made you go through back there, maybe he sees a reflection of himself in you. Someone who’s been thrust against their will into a world they don't really understand.”
The image of that imposing, stoic masked man allowing himself to ‘soften’ in your presence is both bewildering and unbelievable to you. Lyla's eyes meet yours, a warm smile playing on her lips. 
"Sometimes, it's the most unexpected connections that have the most profound impact," She says softly. "Maybe he sees in you a glimmer of the humanity he thought he'd lost."
Before you could formulate a response, a notification appears on Lyla's communication interface, accompanied by a rhythmic beeping. She glances at the notification and mutters ‘gotta take that’ before she vanishes from your shoulder, leaving you alone with your swirling thoughts.
Leaning back in your chair, the weight of Lyla's words settles on your mind like a heavy cloak. The revelation that Spiderman had been watching over you didn't come as a surprise; it was part of the reason you had devised the whole psychological warfare plan while you were still confined in your quarters. But for Lyla to suggest that your mere presence had impacted him in some way…
You mull over the implications of her words, tracing the lines of the man’s solitary existence. How isolated must he be to find solace in the presence of a complete stranger? The idea that your arrival could have softened his hardened resolve tugs at your heartstrings, evoking a mix of empathy and compassion—you can't help but wonder what it must be like to carry the burden he bears. 
The man’s image flashes in your mind. You can almost see the weight of the world etched on his shoulders, the weariness in his gaze—though you’d never seen them, you still wondered what stories his eyes held. Would it be bad to wonder what type of man lies under the mask? What sort of scars, seen and unseen, you would find under his suit?
‘No.’ You stop your mind from wandering further. ‘That’s inappropriate.’
You take a deep breath, attempting to push aside those intrusive thoughts as a sense of internal conflict washes over you. 
“Speaking of the blue devil.” Lyla’s voice brings you back to reality once again, her figure instantly rematerializing in front of your eyes. “Looks like he’s heading back from a field mission after hearing the latest news going around HQ.”
“News?” You furrow your eyebrows inquisitively. “What news?”
Lyla smirks and crosses her arms as she savors the moment of anticipation before delivering the information.
“Seems like your little friend has finally woken up."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“You might just be the least athletic person I have ever had the misfortune to meet in all my years of activity.” 
Leaning against the wall, you struggle to catch your breath, your lungs still heaving from the exertion of navigating the unconventional layout of the Spider-Society HQ. Lyla's condescending remark lingers in the air, stinging with a touch of truth—it was no secret that physical prowess was not your strong suit after working an office job for the past couple of years, especially in a place teeming with people who could soar through the air or scale walls with ease.
"Well, probably because I am the least athletic person you've met in your years of activity; you work with superhumans!" you retort, gasping for air between words. "And whose idea was it to build some of the floors upside down anyway? Again, there is no way this is up to building code!"
"Most people here usually just swing from place to place," she remarks casually, as if swinging from webs is a universally accepted mode of transportation. 
You slump down the wall, grateful for the support it provides, fanning yourself with your hands in an attempt to alleviate the heat radiating from your flushed face. 
As soon as Lyla had informed you of the other woman's awakening, your instinct to check up on her immediately kicked in. It felt like the natural thing to do, drawing from your experience as a volunteer member of the office emergency response team back home—a role that, admittedly, does look good on a resume. You and the other woman were stranded in this strange and futuristic world, and in each other's presence, you could potentially find a semblance of familiarity, a connection amidst the unknown.
Of course, your motivations were entirely altruistic, driven solely by the desire to ensure her well-being and offer support in this perplexing predicament. It had nothing to do with the fact that you were eager to see Spiderman after over a week of no contact. 
Absolutely nothing. 
You promptly try to shake off the thought. Maybe you were still overthinking what Lyla had told you about him earlier. But for now, your primary focus should lie exclusively on the well-being of your fellow castaway.
With a final heave, you push yourself off the wall facing the large gate of the infirmary, mustering the strength to stand upright. Taking a deep breath, you shoot a determined gaze at Lyla.
"Alright, C-3PO." You declare theatrically. “Let’s go check on my—.”
“What are you doing here, exactly?”
You jolt in surprise at the deep voice emanating from behind you. Quickly turning on your heels, you find yourself face to face with the towering man who had been the subject of most of your thoughts for the past hour or so, arms tightly crossed on his chest, looking at you through his intimidating yet somehow familiar mask. 
“Oh.” You manage to let out, your heart rate quickening. “I…I could ask you the same thing.”
“I work here.” He responds matter-of-factly, his tone carrying a hint of confusion. Lyla materializes next to him, her digital form bearing a mischievous smile.
You mentally berate yourself for the nonsensical remark. What were you even trying to say?
“I mean—” You stammer, attempting to regain your composure as you lean against the nearby wall. “Haven’t seen you around in a minute. Or since I got here, really.”
He sure knew how to hold eye contact.
"Some of us are busy working," he states, taking a step toward the entrance of the infirmary. "Just like others are busy vandalizing private property."
You scoff, trailing behind him as you try to keep up with his brisk pace.
“What you call vandalizing, I call peacefully protesting. And I’ve apologized already, haven’t I?”
“Yelling ‘sue me’ through the intercom isn’t exactly the definition of apologizing, is it?” He retorts, his gaze fixed straight ahead.
You follow him through a long white hall with large windows on one side as he checks some information on his complex-looking watch, aided by Lyla.
"Fine, maybe I haven't formally apologized," you concede, maintaining your quick stride while skillfully evading a few Spider-People approaching from the opposite direction. "But let's not forget that you haven't apologized to me either for confining me to a room for an entire week! Yet, you don't see me complaining, do you?"
“Seems to me like you are complaining right now.”
"And rightfully so!" you retort, your voice laced with frustration.
With a sigh, he abruptly halts, causing you to nearly collide into his back. You look up and find yourself facing a large glass wall, beyond which lies the woman you've come to see, lying in her pristine white infirmary bed. Her gaze is fixed on the view beyond the window to her left.
"Listen," the man begins, turning to face the same direction as you. "Right now, all I'm trying to do is find a way to send you home as soon as possible. So if this conversation can wait, I need to speak with your friend and see if she can provide any leads on where to start. Understood?"
You stare at him in silence for a few seconds.
“Wait, you… you mean you’re gonna go in there to talk to her? Right now?”
He turns his head towards you, confusion etched on his masked face.
“Is there a problem?”
Unable to contain your amusement, you burst into laughter, much to his dismay.
“You’ve got this strange habit of laughing after I say something completely normal, you know that? What the shock is so funny?”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. I just hope you’ve got a few extra doses of that tranquilizer on hand, you know—for when she turns around and loses her mind when she sees a ten-foot-tall masked man in a blue spandex suit at her bedside and thinks she’s getting dragged to purgatory.” Tilting your head, you give him a wry smile. “If your plan is to send her right back into a coma, go right ahead.”
Lyla flickers into existence next to you, her hands on her hips, chiming in with a nod of agreement.
“She’s got a point.” 
He stares at you for a moment, then at the glass wall facing him.
“What do you suggest, then?”
“That I be the one to go in there and talk to her.” A surge of determination fuels your words as you take a step closer to him, your eyes locking onto his hidden gaze. 
He looks back at you, holding eye contact against his better judgment. Has he seen your face from so close before? Of course he did, he’d carried you in his arms twice in the span of two days when you had first arrived. And whenever time allowed it, he would monitor your quarters to watch for any potential glitch or anomalous event—he had seen and heard plenty of you. 
Yet his gaze wanders, tracing the contours of your slightly flushed cheeks, the fluttering of your eyelashes, and the shape of your lips. These were the subtle details that surveillance cameras could never quite capture, and they held a captivating allure when observed up close. But amidst all these visual observations, one thing captivates him more than anything else.
Your scent.
It's not the fragrance of your perfume or the smell of your clothes. It's your natural scent, the essence that is uniquely yours. He had noticed it lingering around the headquarters, surfacing in his senses shortly after your arrival, and it inexplicably clung to him throughout the day—even after he retreated to the solace of his own home. The aroma was unfamiliar to him, yet strangely soothing.
The weight of his unspoken response lingers in the air, the silence stretching between you. However, the moment is interrupted by Lyla, who breaks the stillness with a snap of her virtual fingers and a prompt reminder of the task at hand.
“Earth to Spiderman.” Lyla chimes in, her voice bringing him back to the present. “So? What do you say, big guy?”
He takes a step back, his gaze shifting away from yours, as if attempting to regain his composure.
“Yeah, sure. I don’t see why not.” He finally responds, his voice slightly gruff as he clears his throat.
Lyla raises her eyebrows, expressing her surprise at his quick compliance. You shoot him a satisfied smile.
“I knew you had some common sense hidden under that scary mask of yours.”
You start walking towards the sliding door of the woman’s room, but are promptly stopped by a firm hand on your shoulder. 
You turn your head to face him with an inquisitive frown, expecting a change of mind, but are rather met with what you recognize as an expression of concern.
“Listen, I…I trust you’ll do good in there. ” He pauses, his hand softly resting on your shoulder as he looks down at you. “But if anything feels off…I need you to let me know. Immediately.”
The concern in his voice resonates within you. It's evident that his words extend beyond the mere well-being of the woman in the room; there's a vulnerability in his voice that suggests he cares more than he's letting on. Remembering what Lyla had mentioned earlier about Spiderman's solitary existence and his reluctance to rely on others, you can't help but wonder if he sees in you someone he can trust, someone he can confide in—even if just for this moment.
You're tempted to lean into his touch, to let yourself be enveloped by the warmth and comfort it promises. But you swiftly pull back, reminding yourself of the boundaries and the temporary nature of your alliance. You know that indulging in these fleeting emotions could complicate matters and distract you from the task at hand.
You give him a small smile, hoping to ease the tension in the air. "Pinky promise," you say playfully, raising your pinky finger in a gesture of camaraderie.
A faint unseen smile tugs at the corner of his lips, hidden behind the mask, as he hooks his pinky finger around yours, sealing the unspoken agreement between you.
He nods in acknowledgement, but the concern in his eyes remains. It's almost as if he's reluctant to let you go, to entrust you with this task. But you reassure yourself that it's merely his sense of responsibility, his desire to ensure everyone's safety, that drives his concern.
"Better keep to your word." He steps back slightly as if to maintain a respectful distance.
Before either of you can say anything else, Lyla's voice breaks the spell, reminding you of your initial purpose.
"If you keep this going any longer she’s gonna go to sleep again.”
You nervously wipe your palms on your jumpsuit in anticipation and slowly make your way to the door. You shoot one last look at the Spiderman, stiffly standing in front of the entrance with arms crossed. He gives you one last nod before you make your way inside the room.
“I’m counting on you, Temp.”
A.N: Phew, longest chapter so far (I haven't slept in weeks). Felt like delving more into YN's relationship with Lyla as well as fleshing out Nueva York a bit—as I told a reader on Ao3, it seems a lot of people who've only seen ATSV think of Nueva York as a sort of solar-punk utopia of the future, while it's actually pretty messed up from up close.
Hope y'all like playing with fire cause the slow burn is burning!
As always, faster updates on Ao3!!!
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Any chance you have seen and/or have thoughts on Across the Spider-Verse?
I literally just got back from Across the Spider-Verse and sat down at my computer, so this is about as fresh as a take as I can manage.
Short version: it's an astonishingly and relentlessly ambitious film that aims to outdo every other Spider-Man movie, every other multi-verse movie, and even its own first entry in the Miles Morales trilogy. And it succeeds.
Full spoilers below the cut. You have been warned.
The Visuals
Before I get into anything about the story, I want to first give full credit to the directors Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemo Powers, Justin K. Thompson, and the entire team at Sony Pictures Animation. If you saw the first Spider-Verse movie and aren't an animation nerd, you probably were impressed but didn't realize how revolutionary it was. I'll let Movies With Mikey explain the details, because it's easier if you can see what people are talking about:
When your first entry wins an Academy Award by thumbing your nose at Pixar, the reigning king of animation, and the principles of animation set down by the Nine Old Men, you have every right to sit back on your laurels.
For Across the Spider-Verse, the Sony Pictures Animation team clearly decided: fuck that. If the first film had wowed audiences by combining a half-dozen styles of animation on the screen at the same time, the second film would drown you in dozens and dozens of Spiders-Men and -Women (and -Animals) drawn in every style imaginable: Da Vinci's yellowing parchments and sketchy penicls, harsh cell-shading, punk rock collage art, 90s-style comic panels full of impossibly rippling muscles, crappy hand-drawn animation from the 1967 tv show, and then for a tip of the hat to Who Framed Roger Rabbit and the man who should have been Spider-Man - live action.
The backgrounds show the same love: from the off-set printing of Miles' world (my favorite detail is that you know that Miles gets sent to the wrong Earth when the color scheme shifts from purple to green), to the dripping painterly pastels of the Gweniverse, to the riotous greens and yellows of Mumbattan, to the clean Pixaresque light blooms of the Spider-Society's technological utopia (which looks a hell of a lot like something out of Brad Bird's dreams).
I am thoroughly in awe of the mentality behind the animation in this film, the absolute determination to challenge one's own limits and exceed one's past accomplishments.
The Story
If there is a single world that defines Across the Spider-Verse, it's "canon." The moment Miguel O'Hara uttered that word, my spidey-senses started tingling and I realized that Lord & Miller came to this film with a sermon. See, if there's one message from the first Spider-Verse movie it's that "anyone can be Spider-Man." But if there's two messages is that "you can't save everyone" - the idea that the thing that unites all Spiders-Folk from across the multiverse, it is a common understanding of loss, a tragic origin that drives each hero to impossible efforts to never let it happen again.
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Across the Spider-Verse's message is: "why?" I cannot begin to explain the absolute vibranium balls it took to question not just a core premise of your previous movie, but one of the core premises of the entire multi-media multi-corporate franchise. And yet, Lord & Miller show nothing but confidence executing this turn.
At the beginning of the film, which makes the brilliant move to start by telling Spider-Gwen's story since we already know Miles, we are introduced to Miguel O'Hara (the Spider-Man from 2099) as a badass who leads a secret organization dedicated to protecting the mutliverse...but who secretly is also here to protect "canon."
At the turning point of the film, when Miles is finally invited to join the Spider-Society, we are let in on a dark truth: the safety of the multiverse depends on the suffering of Spiders. Just as Uncle Ben must die, so must a gallant police captain - although almost subtextually, Spider-Gwen hints that so too must the Gwen Stacys who "fall for Spider-Man" - to keep Spider-Man emotionally isolated and solely dedicated to his mission of protecting New York. Trying to avert this lonely fate, to live a happier life, brings about the destruction of all that is.
Through an act of unabashed heroism in Mumbattan - saving the life of a gallant police captain and an innocent child - Miles has inadvertently endangered an entire universe. And unless he allows his own father, the gallant captain, to die as well - the same fate will befall his own. Miles, being a good son and a good person, refuses to accept this and takes on the entire Spider-Society to get home and save his father.
In the chase, we are let in on a second, dark truth: Miles wasn't invited to join the Spider-Society because he is one of the anomalies they hunt, because he was never supposed to be Spider-Man. (You see how this builds on both the speech from Miles' mom about not letting white society tell him he doesn't belong AND the message from the first film?) The Kingpin's collider experiments allowed an Alchemax spider to cross over from Earth-42 to Earth-1610...and as a result, Earth-42 never got a Spider-Man.
When Miles accidentally is sent to Earth-42 instead of his actual home, he learns what that meant. Without Spider-Man, Captain Jeff Davis (Brian Michael Bendis is a real mensch like 99% of the time, but man did he fuck up with that one) died instead of his brother Aaron. Because the intended Spider-Man of Earth-42 was...Miles Morales. Instead, he has become a dystopian Brooklyn's Prowler, a living reminder of the damage the accident of Earth-1610's Miles' creation has caused. This is why you don't violate "canon."
Except...as we learn, Miguel O'Hara is wrong and our Miles is right. When Gwen is sent back to her own universe, which she has been running away from because she knows that it means confronting both her father the gallant captain and the inevitability of his death, she learns that George Stacy quit the force rather than take his promotion: Captain Stacy doesn't have to die. Nor did Captain Singh. Nor does Captain Davis. (For that matter, Miles doesn't have to lie to his family and live a double life as Spider-Man, as we see from his accidentally-misdirected confession.)
We are not the prisoners of the "canon."
Ever since Amazing Fantasy #15, "with great power there must also come great responsibility" has been the indisputable truth of Spider-Man. At this point, it's become a meme: "the Parker luck." Over and over again, Peter Parker must suffer for our sins - Uncle Ben dies, Captain Stacy dies, Gwen Stacy's death ushers in a whole new era of comics and the phenomenon of "fridging," his marriage to Mary Jane has to be done away with because the Spider Office are apparently psychological eternal adolescents, Aunt May has died and almost died so many times everyone's stopped caring.
And that's the problem: we've been playing the same hit for 61 years and it's gotten old. In the process, creators and audience together have condemned Spider-Man to a Sisyphean existence of eternal backsliding, unable to move on, build a life for himself, mature, die and give way to new Spiders. Hell, the best thing that's happened to Peter Parker in the last several decades was an AU in which he has a super-powered wife and daughter and can settle into a middle age of teaching at the Xavier School.
That's the sermon that Lord & Miller came to preach: just as in 2018 it was time for a new Spider-Man, now it's time for new stories that have the courage to try something different.
A Side-Note About the Multiverse
As with the animation side of the story, Lord & Miller could have sat back on their laurels when it came to the concept of the multiverse. After all, they were the ones who made it cool and sent Marvel Studios scrambling to catch up (still haven't succeeded at that, by the way). I don't think Everything Everywhere All At Once needed the creative help, but it absolutely helped sell the movie to producers that a multiverse movie could make millions and win Oscars. (Funny how that works.) Instead, Lord & Miller took it up a notch by asking "what is the purpose of a multiverse?"
Hot take: I don't like the Spider-Verse events. For all that they've given us some amazing Spider designs - and we saw them all up on screen in Across the Spider-Verse - no one cares about the stories. That's because the naked purpose of the comics was to market test Spider designs, see which ones generated buzz, and then make spin-off comics about those Spiders.
Across the Spider-Verse uses the concept of a multiverse, the shiny Macguffin that multi-billion dollar corporate conglomerates will hope will the ticket to riches, to strip Spider-Man down to the essentials by showing every conceivable variation and asking us what they all have in common. Is it suffering, or a commitment to doing the right thing?
Holy shit, is firing Lord & Miller the biggest mistake Disney has made since Walt refused to recognize the animators' union in 1941.
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - Quickfire Review
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So I am out of the cinema, and I have thoughts
We've finally reached the sequel to the epic Spider-verse movie, which in itself rewrote the rules on animation while being able to juggle a large cast outside of the Marvel machine.
So let me tell you my experience with the movie
Spoilers for the movie, you've been warned
Okay, this was a lot
It was really good, but it was a lot
I really don't want to speak badly about this movie because it is not at all bad, it's a visual spectacle with many twists and great characters. But I think the plot lost me. The main reason I think it lost me was the crux of 'Canon Events', which I will get more into, but given that last movie was about anyone being a Spider it was irksome that the story is also 'yes but you also have to have the exact same experiences which strips your story of agency'. I also think that the retcon that Peter A would've survived is wrong, and if all Spiders are meant to have the same chain of happening then why is Miles, the anomaly, subject to that rule in a universe where that chain has already happened? Also if he's an anomaly why didn't the universe disappear after a year of him and the Spider from Earth-42 being in this world? In a way it does threaten to lose the heart of what made the first movie so good too.
I also feel like it was two or three movies stitched together, Gwen's story was great, albeit with so much angst, Miles' story in his universe barely got going and Miles vs Spider Society was the main part of the narrative, and while it was woven together well I think the magnitude of it all took me out of it a bit, a lot of the times I felt like it was gonna end and then it went on for another 10-30 minutes, and it is a bad sign when you can feel the length of a movie. Honestly we could've easily gotten away with a Spider-Gwen movie of her own, let it cliffhanger with the cold open we got then have the final interaction with her dad and the infinite amount of colour palettes in this movie with just the Miles stuff going on.
My main character critique is probably the sourness that they did EXACTLY what I feared they would do to Miguel O'Hara. Spider-Man 2099 is my favourite Spider-Man but they really did decuple down on the edginess over the basis of his suit and powers. I mean sure, he has trauma that has killed off the last of his lighthearted value we saw in last-movie's post-credits scene, but most Spiders have trauma, and he did essentially steal another man's life for his own. I think the fact that he puts a ton of pressure on himself to uphold other timelines didn't quite come across so well, because they needed him to take over as the primary antagonist and 'the guy who tells Miles the stuff his mother warns him people may say to him'. Also, Miguel is different from most spiders because he doesn't have his Uncle Ben moment, he was a dick who caught conscience and Alchemax tried to silence him and accidentally gave him spider powers, so that also hinders the 'Canon Events' plot of Uncle Ben and Captain Stacy moments happening. Jessica Drew I struggled to get around to, loved her at the start but then she just started being cold, same can be said for Miles' parents towards Gwen, they picked one thing she couldn't have known they'd dislike and that was their tone towards her for most of their interactions after.
B U T !
Do I intend to watch Beyond the Spider-Verse? Yes! Absolutely.
Because even with the narrative flaws and the irksome nature that some characters are just being cold for little reason and that one of your favourite comics Spider-Man is not represented the same way, there is an extremely good movie in here. The art was amazing, in between all universes, the music was AMAZING, like Gwen vs Vulture just had an amazing soundtrack on its own. And gods all the Easter eggs; game and live action continuity weaved in, Ben Reilly, Unlimited Spidey, Julia Carpenter, adult MayDay Spider, Venom movie shop, even Prowler Donald Glover! There is so much to enjoy and the more you know about the several iterations and media of Spider-Man the more you find to enjoy.
But Hobie (Spider-Punk) stole the fucking show, everything he did was gold, Pavitr was fun but we needed more of him same with Spiderbyte and really Peter B and Miguel, Spot was hilarious too and then terrifying-looking when he reached his full potential, also Penny has an EVA now. The Spiders chase was well done with its clever quips and dynamic use of other spiders, the cold open was also inventive with Renaissance-verse Vulture. And then of course we got a very gripping cliffhanger, I like the squad we have for Gwen to rescue Miles and I can only beg that Lord and Miller manage to tone down and bring Miguel around in a satisfying manner without having to compromise the integrity and heart of the plot as Miles seeks a way to save his father without erasing his universe.
If anything this movie will keep you on your toes, it is stylistic beyond anything you might have seen before, but it can easily get overwhelming. I personally enjoyed as much as Guardians 3, maybe more by a slight margin (the highs are higher but the qualms are greater so hard to tell), but I also feel like it's not better than the first plot-wise just because of that feeling of being overwhelmed. It is worth a watch though for sure.
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mia-studyhaus · 3 months
Book Review #8 - Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow
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📓☕︎♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。
As a huge Marvel and Spiderman 2099 fan, I was very excited to read this book. It's an interesting tale about a teen spider girl (somewhat like Miles in a sense) who travels across time to land in an action-packed mission to save the universe along with Miguel O'Hara. Their job is a complicated task that involves a mysterious and powerful artefact and a despicable villain who baffles the protagonists in more ways than one.
I think this book is an interesting perspective of the Spider-verse and its characters, with the way it gives life to O'Hara and the darker side of being Spider-Man. Hence, if you already enjoy this part of the Marvel franchise, you can definitely give this book a read. However, as much as this book's concept was interesting, the execution lacked in the sense that some important characters were not fully fleshed out and the change in POV between the heroes' narration was a little confusing. So, this made emotionally connecting with the heroes harder in a way. I also felt that the flow of the storyline was abrupt here and there. Additionally, stronger worldbuilding would have helped to make the visual imagery more impactful... although there was still an established setting present across the timeline. If you're not a huge Marvel fan, this book could either be a hit or miss. Overall, it was a nice book but it had so much more potential!
Rating: 3/5
Edition: Hardcover, 2023, Marvel Press
Target Audience: Young Adults (13-18)/Spiderman enthusiasts
Let me know this book interests you in the comments below!
Signing off till next time~
📓☕︎♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。
Follow @mia-studyhaus for more book reviews!
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themuskrater · 1 year
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I don't normally post art online, but I was inspired to redesign Miguel O'Hara's costume
I was never a big fan of it, mainly because it never really fit the story. Miguel O'Hara becomes Spider-Man after using the gene splicer to try and cure himself or a chemical he was drugged with. He was to splice his DNA with the gene signature of Peter Parker to gain his metabolism and healing factor. But, the machine was sabotaged and in the explosion, Miguel gained full spider powers. After which he donned an old Day of the Dead costume and became the Spider-Man of 2099
The problem is...his costume has never believably been a Day of the Dead costume or a Spider-Man costume to me
The first change I made was giving him his own webbing. For a costume that's supposed to be a Day of the Dead themed SPIDER-MAN costume, the lack of webbing is just weird. I outlined the cheek bones in webs to give the mask a slightly more abstract skull motif. On the body, the webs tapper his waist, giving a slight visual resemblance to the original Spider-Man without pulling too much from his suit
I never liked his original spider emblem, but I LOVED the redesign for it used in ATSV. It looks more like a spider while still keeping the skull. So, for my design, I encorporated this version of the emblem with only minor changes to make it fit this version of the costume better
With the mask, I removed the spikes on his lenses and replaced them with dots. Visually they serve the same purpose but are more accurate to traditional motifs. I wanted to add some sort of floral to his design but felt it didn't match the suit, so instead I gave him an abstract flower pattern in between his lenses
His webcape has been shortened and recolored. Visually this does two things, I wanted it to resemble Peter Parker's web wings when viewed from the front, but it also gives a similar silhouette to a half length jacket. Additionally, lining the cape are little puff balls similar to what can be found on many Day of the Dead costumes
I decided to color him black and red rather than blue and red. His suit also always been depicted as blue and red, but described in-universe as black and red. I didn't want to completely take the blue out of his look, so I gave him this iridescent triangle pattern that shines blue in the light
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rickrakontoys · 1 year
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse - 9/10
One of the best superhero films yet made, and a new benchmark in animation.
It takes everything that worked about "Into the Spiderverse" and amps it up to an awe-inspiring degree.
The characters new and old are terrific and memorable, and feel more real than some live-action superhero portrayals. Gwen Stacy especially is given much more attention here, facing a conflict with her father that reads as a "coming out" allegory (the film also starts out with her, making her feel like the protagonist at times). Miles Morales is faced with his own intruiging personal and heroic dilemmas, including an interesting meta-defiance of the hero's journey that defines all Spider-men. Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099 proves to be an intimidating, feral presence, leading the multiversal Spider-people and strictly upholding the "canon" with a clawed fist. The Spot serves as the primary antagonist, and although quite goofy in terms of power and demeanor, he quickly becomes a very real threat with a cool visual design.
The story starts rather slowly, but works at its own pace to gradually build the emotional stakes, develop themes, provide character-building moments, and introduce the concepts at the heart of the conflict. It is not afraid to take its time, and retains the heart and sincerity that made "Into the Spiderverse" a cut above its peers.
The art design is a beautifully chaotic marriage of different aesthetics clashing and combining together into something almost post-modern in its madness. So much can be said of this film's visuals that it will be picked apart and analyzed by film and animation buffs for years. The art direction is bolstered by some truly gorgeous and effective cinematography. At times it can feel over-stimulating, but it knows when to dial back down to give us brief respite. Fans will be treated to so many easter eggs and visual gags to pore over in rewatches.
The soundtrack and score are also impeccable, with so many different musical styles and leitmotifs, complementing the emotional beats and tonal shifts throughout the film.
If the movie has a flaw that prevents it from reaching the heights of its predecessor, its that the story abruptly ends right when it feels like it is building to a climax, leaving us with no resolution (cinematic "blue balls"? Reminded me of Dune: Part 1). Many plot threads are left unfinished, and we are treated to a frustrating "To Be Continued..." graphic. But this only serves to tantilize us, as "Beyond the Spiderverse" will undoubtedly bring a satisfying conclusion. This filmmaking team can be trusted.
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123freemoviesfun · 1 year
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
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Prepare to swing into action as "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" catapults onto the big screen in 2023. This highly anticipated animated sequel follows in the footsteps of its critically acclaimed predecessor, "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse," embracing the same visually stunning animation style that seamlessly blends classic comic book aesthetics with cutting-edge CGI techniques. While the plot of "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" remains veiled in secrecy, fans can expect the continuation of Miles Morales' journey as the web-slinging hero. Set in a multi-dimensional landscape, the film introduces new iterations of Spider-people from various universes, including the confident and capable Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, voiced by the talented Hailee Steinfeld, and the enigmatic Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099, brought to life by the charismatic Oscar Isaac. The teaser trailer tantalizes viewers with glimpses of a futuristic New York City where Miles and Gwen reunite, poised to embark on a thrilling new adventure. It also offers a tantalizing preview of Isaac's portrayal of Spider-Man 2099, hinting at his integral role in the multiverse-spanning narrative that will transport our heroes across dimensions and timelines. Building upon the original film's successful blend of heart, humor, and exhilarating action sequences, "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" delves deeper into the complex relationships between its diverse cast of characters. The flirtatious banter between Miles and Gwen is sure to captivate audiences once again, while Miguel's acerbic wit adds a touch of cynical charm to the mix. The animation style that captivated audiences in the first film receives an exciting evolution in the sequel. The teaser trailer dazzles with a mesmerizing array of vibrant and mind-bending visuals, showcasing a neon-soaked Spider-Man logo and breathtaking shots of our trio of heroes traversing the boundaries of the multiverse. The action sequences promise electrifying acrobatics and creatively choreographed battles that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. Shameik Moore returns to lend his undeniable charisma and authenticity to the voice of Miles Morales, capturing the essence of the beloved character. Steinfeld's inclusion as Gwen Stacy delights fans who were captivated by her portrayal in the previous film, while Isaac's versatile talents promise a captivating and layered performance as Miguel O'Hara, a character with shades of antiheroism. "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" is poised to deliver an unforgettable cinematic experience, combining visually stunning animation, a compelling narrative spanning dimensions, and the endearing relationships that made its predecessor a standout hit. Get ready to join Miles, Gwen, and Miguel on an epic journey through the Spider-Verse, where adventure, laughter, and excitement await at every turn. Read the full article
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laocommunity · 1 year
Exclusive Post-Credits Leak: Must-Watch for 'Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse' Fans!
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Exclusive Post-Credits Leak: Must-Watch for 'Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse' Fans! Exclusive Post-Credits Leak: Must-Watch for 'Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse' Fans! Table of Contents: Table 1: Outline 1. Introduction 2. The First 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' 3. Introducing 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse' 4. What is the Post-Credit Scene All About? 5. How Does this Scene Set Up the Sequel? 6. Who is the Mysterious Character in the Post-Credits? 7. What Can We Expect from 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse?' 8. The Return of Our Favorite Spider-People 9. The Evolution of Artistry and Animation in Spider-Man 10. Musings from the Fans 11. The Release Date 12. Conclusion Table 2: Article If you are a die-hard Spider-man fan, you're probably anxiously waiting for the upcoming movie, 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.' This animated sequel was announced some time ago, and fans have been eagerly anticipating its release. Recently though, fans have been buzzing about the post-credit scene, which has now been leaked. If you haven't watched it yet, you're missing out! In this article, we will be discussing the post-credit scene in detail, its significance, and other details about the movie that we can expect. The First 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' Before diving into the post-credits leak, we must rewind to the first Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse movie, which graced the big screen in 2018. This movie was praised for its sensational artistry, storytelling, and superb animation, which made it stand out. The unique blend of various Spider-Men from different universes, which came together to save the multiverse, captivated audiences worldwide. It was every Spider-Man fan's dream come true. Introducing 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse' Fast forward to 2022 — we now have the sequel, 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse' coming to theaters in October. The story picks up where the first movie ended with Miles Morales returning to his reality, and the Spider-Gang dispersing into their respective universes. Fans have been eagerly anticipating this movie, wondering what adventures and challenges the characters will encounter. What is the Post-Credit Scene All About? The leaked post-credit scene features none other than Miguel O'Hara, otherwise known as Spider-Man 2099, appearing in Miles' bedroom. After overloading the kid's computer with a series of vivid, glitching, and brain-busting visuals, Miguel tells Miles and Gwen that they "need to come with me." In the scene, we see the team going through different universes and dealing with several dangers and challenges. As the post-credit scene ends, we see a pivotal moment featuring a mysterious character that has never been seen before. How Does this Scene Set Up the Sequel? The scene is vital in setting up the groundwork for what's to come in the sequel. We see an older Miguel O'Hara, who appears to be guiding and assisting Miles and Gwen in uncovering what is happening to the multiverse. Judging from the visual effects and the dynamic nature of the scene, 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse' promises to be even more visually stunning and narrative-driven than its predecessor. Who is the Mysterious Character in the Post-Credits? The most significant shock from the post-credit leak is the hooded character seen at the end of the clip, whose identity is still unknown. The mystery character's appearance has triggered speculation and rumors within the Spider-Man community and fans worldwide, who are hoping to uncover more clues and theories about the character's identity before the movie's release. What Can We Expect from 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse'? Aside from the teasing post-credit scene, we can expect a few things from the upcoming movie. Firstly, we will see more epic battles among Marvel's iconic Spider-Man characters from different universes. There's no doubt that the sequel will bring more exhilarating action sequences. Additionally, the animation style is much bolder and more vibrant, which makes it even more enthralling compared to the first movie. The Return of Our Favorite Spider-People The sequel promises to introduce new fascinating Spider-People as well as bring back some of our favorite Spider-People. It's confirmed that Peter B. Parker, Gwen Stacy, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, and Peni Parker will return. Expect more fun moments among these well-loved characters. The Evolution of Artistry and Animation in Spider-Man If there's one thing the previous movie did exceptionally well, it was breathtaking animation. This time, the art style is a bit bolder, more comic book-inspired, and energized. Keeping the bar high will be quite a challenge for the animators, but surely it will marvel and astound audiences once again. Musings from the Fans Fans worldwide cannot wait to see what is in store for them. The excitement for the sequel is palpable. Fans have been scouring social media and different websites for the latest news and updates. One thing is for sure; it is going to be epic. The anticipation is building up, and we know it will be worth the wait. The Release Date 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse' is set to release on October 7th, 2022. Conclusion The post-credit scene has only heightened the excitement for 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.' Fans worldwide are anticipating a thrilling roller coaster ride across the multiverse, bringing our beloved Spider-People back to our screens. This post-credit leak has set the tone for what we can expect in the sequel. So get ready to experience the lively and magnificent world of Spider-Man once again, and join the Spider-People on the ride of a lifetime. FAQs 1. Who is Miguel O'Hara, and why is he significant to the plot? Miguel O'Hara, otherwise known as Spider-Man 2099, is a significant character in Marvel Comics. In the 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse' sequel, we see him appearing in the post-credit scene and guiding Miles and Gwen to different universes. His appearance hints at the events and challenges that will occur in the sequel. 2. Will there be any new Spider-People introduced in the sequel? Yes, the movie promises to introduce new and exciting spider-characters that fans have never seen before. 3. When is the sequel releasing? 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse' is set to release on October 7th, 2022. 4. What can we expect from the sequel, 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse'? We can expect more dynamic action sequences, bolder and adventurous animation style, and a rollercoaster ride across the multiverse. 5. Who is the mysterious character in the post-credit leak, and what is their significance? The hooded figure in the post-credit leak has not yet been identified. Fans have been speculating and attempting to decipher any hints or clues about the character's identity. The character plays an essential role in setting up the plot for the second movie. #ENTERTAINMENT Read the full article
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
peter: okay, miles, so, now that you're spider-man, it's important for you to recognize that there are some lines that we as superheroes have no right to cross. yes, we take the law into our own hands by acting as vigilantes, but we should never place ourselves as the sole judge, jury, and execut--
miguel, behind him:
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spider-man-2o99 · 4 years
don’t know why but it really tickles me that every time someone tries to redesign the sm2099 black suit they always give him red hands
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