#( damnit childe; don't go around starting shit
lady-bess · 3 months
I'm 9.6k into this fic and they've not even started having sex yet...I'm sorry, Joel, I'm really putting you through it. Don't be mad?
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He isn't too happy I'm making him wait. Damnit. Okay, Joel, how about this? It's a pre-outbreak/no outbreak AU. Does that sweeten the deal? No infected to deal with?
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Okay, yes, I'm still making you really work for this. But you're not gonna have to go through much shit after. And it'll be totally worth the post-nut clarity. Alright?
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Awesome, thanks man!
400-word preview of 'The Castle' behind the cut! Coming soon!
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"You giggled and motioned for Joel to come by your side and hold the turret in place while you measured the right sized piece of tape to use. He kept it steady once you were ready, watching as you delicately placed the tape around the base of the turret, your nimble fingers tucking it into every nook possible to keep it secured. 
It was such a mundane action, but yet he could not take his eyes from you as you worked. The way you gently attached these two pieces of cardboard together, with such care and precision, that it could almost be forgotten that it wasn’t even your own child you were doing this for. It was his. He’d never once doubted how much you cared for him, or for Sarah, but seeing it so evidently now was a wake up call. 
Through all the teasing and joking, you were exactly what Joel was looking for. Someone he trusted, a good friend, someone loyal. Someone who showed him so clearly that, in their own way, they loved him and his daughter. That they accepted he was a single father, and saw no qualms in such a fact. That, regardless of all that, they cared for him as if he was not carrying baggage from a failed marriage. 
You didn’t see it as baggage, in the same way that Joel never regretted the fact he had been married already. Had he not, he would not have been blessed with Sarah, and she was something he could never see his life without. You only saw him as Joel, your friend and neighbour, who just happened to have a daughter. A daughter who you cared for immensely, and in caring for her you had long hoped Joel would see that you inadvertently cared for him too - a great deal, as well. 
But alongside the loyalty, the friendship, and the mutual need to care and look after one another, was a desire. Something neither of you had ever considered delving into further than flirtatious jokes, or thinking of one another when you retired to separate bedrooms, in separate houses, and plunged your hands under the waistbands of your own underwear. Neither of you yet knew that you both would cry out each other’s names as you came undone in private, your minds swimming with thoughts of what you wanted so badly for one another." 
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roxyzwritez · 2 months
au writing shit idk
heres the Rough Plan for my first few eps:
ep1: the au branches off of canon in the final SU ep, Change Your Mind. renamed to Change Your World. when white yoinks the gem out of steven and pinksteven reforms and whiteasks W H E R E I S P I N K the response is something along the lines of "i am right here, but fuck you im not talking to you." (girlboss) and white gets the "im a child, what's your problem" and has the perfectionist meltdown, then steven's like "sorry but we gotta head out" and they're like "PINK WHAT THE FUCK?" steven goes "im not pink just leave earth alone" the gems agree and give steven The Legs™️.
pearl latches onto the idea that rose is still alive in there. (didn't write that tho just had it cut to this next bit oops) her and greg build a thing to connect to the gem that will essentially connect to pink/rose im just gonna call her rose damnit and allow her to communicate w everyone. shes like "...hey guys. uh. sorry for trying to kill myself i guess that didn't work but i have been minecraft spectating steven for the entirety of his existence with no ability to do anything but think and watch" pearl has a lesbian implosion, everyone's all happy n shit. steven eventually asks about the lying and she's like "yeag i done bad there. i just wanted to keep you guys together" (now that i think abt it there was no mention of bismuth here.. oops,) garnet gives her a Garnet Specil motivational speech and she's like "i missed you too garnet" (i forgot to mention, garnet violently explode-unfuses and ruby+sapphire are just bumbling with happy when rose spoke) amethyst has her own moment (she thought this was all bullshit and started playing fortnite upstairs but between games she heard rose and a p p e a r e d)
anyway rose then is thinking "oh man i gotta talk to so many ppl" and realizes eh guys nothing to worry abt just a HAPPY TO LISTEN, HAPPY TO STAY, HAPPILY WATCHING HER DR- but we should go there NOW" so they do, spinel is understandably distraught and breaks the gemspeaker in half but feels bad about it. she comes with the gang to earth, they show her around, a new gemspeaker is made and they reconcile. yippy! also spinel ate one of ALL. big donut flavors. sadie allowed this just for on e because steven is the LORD AND SAVIOR OF THE STEVEN UNIVERSE haha funny.
anyway she and bismuth talk. bis is kinda like "yeah i wasnt very gamer sorry about that herhee" again ignoring that SHE lied about the bubbling, conveniently forgot to explore that conversation for ease of writing and so i didn't need to go "how do i utilize my 2 iq points to channel these characters and get them to have a coherent, consistent to character conversation about this situation"
peri and lapis are called over by bismuth who doesn't say shit to them for the surprise. lapis is like "yeah ok hit me" peri is more curious. rose speaks, peridot fangirls and lapis is like "oh shit that's historically significant " peri is like "I NEED TO RESEARCH:)))" and runs off. spoiler: gem cloning
bis brings up the idea. rose is like "yeah that sounds legit" (the gem cloning conundrum took me way too long to understand. i drove my friend crazy. "hey can u explain every single quantum detail of this in the most verbose way i dont understand" but eventually i understood it JUUUUST enough to write it lmao i still don't get it)
rose n steven talk in roses room. all happy n shit. greg is told abt the plan and hes like oh shit i gotta clean up and steven is like "you know her standards. she don't give a shit" hes like "yeag"
peri makes progress! she made a little clump!! (explaining the gem cloning: theyre making essentially an empty gem with the powers but no consciousness inside. when its ready, white will take steven's gem out again, rose reforms, and the new gem gets ever so graciously stabbed into his belly where the old one was.)
peri tells steven its gonna take a year. he's like "well okay better than like hundreds of years" then he goes off to talk to the diamonds. he brings the speaker with. rose lets out the thousands of years of distrust and anger at the dismonds and they are humbled even more than when they got pinkd and rose is like "you WILL heal all the shattered ones i don't give a shit" and theyre like "whatever you say little one" (yes they do indeed heal the fallen. probably with regular shipments of steven fluid. that sounded wrong but im not a freak like that hes still 14)
also they go back home and steven talks to rose abt "you told the diamonds you literally wanted to die are you fr?" she explains and hes like YOU FATHERFUCKER, YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOU CAN'T DO THAT (crying)"
next episode is just year-long filler but i made it actually good by making it essentially a montage of lapis and peri in the barn becoming lesbian for eachother. finally, a controversial move on my part, they decide to overcome lapis's fear of fusion and fuse for stevens birthday. their fusion is turquoise (took way too long coming up with a fucking name) and can corrode (water + metal) and can morph/control metal (liquify n stuff. definitely not taken from a lapidot fusion concept i found on google images.) garnet is like "hey pearl look at these silly lesbians " pearls like "damn relatable" garnets like "yeag"
a week or a few after the bday, the gem is finally ready. everyone is excited until steven asks how this is gonna work. peri is like UHHHHH... 😊 and lapis is just "eh just take that one out, stick this one in!" peri goes NNNO- but after some damage control and telling everyone steven will be fine hes like "well i better get some good sleep then. big day!"
there's more but im done typing my fingers are about to go peridot and fuckin fly away let me know if you want the like 1other episode and the minisode after that
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loakstahni · 10 months
It happened to fast..
A/N: I'm bored and not in a good mood so i wrote some angst- this is also my first time writing angst too- so i hope its good-
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Lyle wainfleet x Colten little (oc)
Ft: neteyam, lo'ak, spider, prager,
I based this off that one idea that lyle mistakes neteyam for neytiri and then has a breakdown once he realized he killed a 15 year old. (I also changed up how neteyam dies as well)
Warning ⚠: death, blood, guns, cursing, established relationship, emotional breakdown, war. (I think thats it)
it all happened way to fast, once prager, lyle and colten turned that God awful corner on the damned ship all hell broke fucking loose.
Lyle had spotted spider, quaritch's punk of a kid along with Jake sully's boy and his wife maybe? It was hard to tell, the second prager saw the boy with the gun he opened fire. Colten's gun jams and she ducks for cover behind some fallen boxes while lyle and prager return fire.
Colten could make out the sounds of someone shouting "go, go go!" Before hearing two splashes. She peaks her head over the box, her eyes widened in horror seeing the face of the na'vi with the gun.
"Wainfleet! Wait!-" she tries to yell but not before lyle fires many well aimed shots towards the boy. He trys to turn and run the same way spider and lo'ak went but the bullet bounces off a metal rod, piercing the boy through the back and out through the chest.
Colten yells at prager and down right screams at Lyle, "thats a kid!" She screams, her maternal instincts kicking in. She ditches her rifle as well as prager and Lyle, quickly running over towards the boy laying awkwardly on his side, clutching both hands over the exit wound on his chest.
"Easy, hey.." Colten quickly kkneels down next to the boy, gently rolling him onto his back, she pulls his hands off his chest, looking at his wound that was gushing blood. "G-get away from me.." Neteyam weakly hisses, trying to swat Colten away.
Colten ignores the weak hissing and quickly applys pressure onto his wound. By the time she had knelt next to neteyam Lyle had quickly rushed over towards Colten, his eyes widened as he sees its not Jake's crazy wife but a child. He slids onto his knees, quickly tugging his vest off and ripping strips of his shirt off.
"Shit-" lyle curses under his breath, handing Colten the strips of his shirt. "Hey, kiddo, we gotcha'" he said, trying to keep calm.
Neteyam's breathing quickly turns ragged and sharp, he coughs up a bit of blood and his eyes begin to cloud over. "No, no no. Stay awake kid." Colten moves over, letting lyle apply pressure now. She gently cups neteyam's cheek, holding one of his 3 fingered hand in her 4 fingered one.
"I want my sa'nok.." Neteyam coughs out, his eyes clouding over and his body stilling. His purples dilating and his body relaxing. "Shit! Hey, hey, sweetheart..?" Colten shakes neteyam's shoulders, before giving up with a sigh. Her ears drooping as she looks down at the mess of blood around them.
"Fuck!" Lyle yells, getting up and kicking a pipe out of his way. "God Damnit!!" He growls, turning back to Colten and the child he just killed.
"Ly.." Colten mumbles, looking at him with sad eyes. She sighs softly, looking back towards the lifeless body of neteyam. She slowly stood up, reaching out to grab on of lyle's arms. "I fucking killed a child.." He mutters in disbelief, starring blankly at his shaky and blood hands.
"You didn't know-" colten trys soothing her boyfriend but he shrugs her off, his ears pasted to his shaved head. " don't fuckin' try and-" he starts to raise his voice but it cracks and he just drops to his knees with a deep exhale. Colten kneels in front of Lyle, whipping the blood off on her cargos and cupping lyle's face, pulling his head into her chest.
" I killed a child.." He mumbles his voice sounding blank and broken. He truly felt broken..
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Dear pjo fandom
I just read the sun and the stars and i was so happy to come here and see all the little cute fan arts and what i find is a bunch of adults complaining about a child books series istg this fandom is one of the most toxic ones out there.
Now i could tell you that if you want to consume a product whatever it is movies,books,tv shows ecc that's explicitly for kids/preteens you have to approch it with the right mentality which is letting your inner child enjoy the product if you're 20+ something, cause of course the adult you won't feel the same wonder, and sure kids products don't have to be bad or bland and there are other things out there aimed at kids that are better than tsats BUT it's not a bad book, mark oshiro did such a good job at portraying healing and trauma, they also did an amazing job at presenting to middle schoolers the idea of romantic relationships being not all roses and flowers and unicorns, human relationships are hard no matter the kind, it's something difficult to accept and to deal with especially when every single fairy tale you read as a kid teaches you that there is a happily ever after, that after adversities everything gets solved and goes fine, when you grow up you learn that nothing is further from the truth than that, i could also tell you that of course the concept is extremely simplified but again it's a book for kids/preteens, i could tell you to not go for something you know it's not targeted to you if you want approch it in a cynical way, i could give you as example that reading tsats and wanting maturity out of it is like going to watch a disney animation movie and then complaining they sing too much. Cause now you have to tell me when rick riordan has been mature or not cringe in the whole entirity of the pjo saga? He literally wrote a dam joke after killing off a 12 years old, added a judo flip to a romantic reunion of two characters that haven't seen each others for almost a year, wrote a romantic declaration from a 20 years old something to a 16 years old girl, wrote about gods falling for the stupidiest shit said by teenagers demigods, made percy at 12 years old won a fight against the fucking god of war and i could go on so if that has been ok with you till now what is even the point? The truth is y'all are not complaining cause the book feels immature/cringe/ooc ecc y'all are complaining cause you hate will and you hate him cause you ship nico with percy,jason,leo or who knows who and that's ok you don't have to like will or solangelo you can ship whatever you want (i'm an "anomaly" in this fandom i never shipped percabeth, i started prefering percy and rachel and i ended up loving the idea of annabeth and piper, still i can be objective enough to read a whole saga where percy and annabeth are the main couple and not shit on it just cause i don't ship them together) of course you can complain about this book but at least make an effort and think of valid reasons. The real problem is why did you decide to buy and read a book that focuses as one of the main plots on a relationship you hate so much, if you can't stand them as a couple why did you read it in the first place? This book is not perfect it lacks things and there are topics that needed to be handled better sure, but it's not bad,ooc or cringe, cheesy maybe but not the kind of cringe you are trying to make it pass. The real deal here is you don't really care about any of those things you just hate the ship the book revolves around and again that's fine but just be honest it's way more respectful than taking away the work af a queer author that tried to settle more the idea of a queer couple being normal and equal to a straight one to a group of young people who are living in a society that still is against queer people.
Damnit shut up, do it for the gay kids
A former kid (still queer tho)
(if i made mistakes forgive me english is not my first language)
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marilostfieldblog · 9 months
[Video transcript start.]
[The transcript begins from the front pocket of a jacket, someone leaning over a small child's shoulder as they seemingly draw a TV on a computer.]
?: What are you doing kid?
[Voice identified: Mari.]
[The child looks over to Mari, smiling.]
?: Making Peony an avatar so it isn't so creepy when they speak.
[Voice identified: Sparrow.]
M: Oh uh… Hey Will, you ok bud? Feel the need to check on you from time to time.
[Will's head pops into view. His hair falls over his eyes.]
W: Uhhhh. I think so? Trying to figure out a present, not going too well!
M: Could always ask Peony? AI and all.
Sp: Do not use the only sibling I have in this mall as an alexa.
W: I wasn't planning to, kiddo.
M: And I'm trying to work on that kid, just… Kinda tough when other people don't post their work schedules.
W: In my defence, I'm just kind of on call. All the time.
?: [Tired.] They were talking about Cassidy.
[Voice identified: Rose Henderson.]
W: Ah. [The tone in his voice has notably shifted.] I see. I'm sorry again, for..ya know.
R: [Still tired, this lasts until further notice.] Quit apologising, not your fault.
W: Right.
R: I just-
[Rose cuts herself off stretching, multiple pops coming from her back and shoulder blades.]
R: God damn.
W: Dude, you need to stretch more often, that CANNOT be healthy.
R: Haven't exactly had time. Cuz… Y'know.
W: Mhm. That is true.
R: Anyway, you guys need to quit taking shit out of my bag. It was open again this morning.
W: Wasn't me this time! I was-...guys. Edgar's breathing is weird.
R: Oh fuck, ok uh… Sparrow quit taking shit out of my bag.
Sp: IT WASN'T ME! Also, uh. Not good.
[Will appears more into frame, as it limps towards the sleeping man.]
W: Should we wake him up? This could be really bad if he continues breathing like this in that position.
R: I don't know… Tired…
W: Mari? What do you think?
M: Huh? Yeah go ahead.
W: Right.
Sp: Be careful.
[Before anyone can make a move to wake him, he sits upright abruptly with a shout, before taking a quick look at his surroundings and moving backwards away from the residents of the hideout, eyes darting around the room, before settling on the exit door.]
W: Edgar? Are you okay, your breathing was..irregular is definitely an understatement. Hyperventilating?
R: [Muffled by a pillow.] Not going to hurt you dad, if that's what you're worried about.
Sp: I can't hurt you, my arms are only strong enough to throw like… Soup cans at Mari.
?: [Shaky.] Wh– who has the gun currently?
[Voice identified: Edgar.]
R: [Muffled.] oh god damnit.
[Rose sits up and looks at Edgar, a tired look plastered across her face.]
R: Delilah, who. As far as I know isn't here.
[Edgars eyes move away from the door for a moment to scan the group's hands.]
W: None of us have anything Edgar, you're safe. Do you want me to back up a bit?
[He nods, still looking tense.]
M: Yeah Delilah left a while ago, why did you ask?
E: I… um. It’s nothing.
R: Bullshit, I don't know what it is. But that is bullshit. I know that's bullshit, you know that's bullshit, hell Sparrow probably knows that’s bullshit.
W: Yeah man, you look fucking terrified. What's happening?
[Edgar takes a moment to consider his next words.]
E: What are the nightmares that you guys have like?
W: uhm, I mean. Fucking terrifying? Getting, uh, tortured again… The surgery with Hetch, killing you guys..a lot.
E: W– well. About that last one. E– ever been on t– the receiving end?
Sp: Yes. All the time.
W: Oh. Oh shit. Edgar..
E: I… yeah. It’s…
[Edgar takes a deep breath in.]
R: I'm going to choose to NOT talk about my nightmares tonight, what happened?
E: Nothing I couldn’t have predicted. This one was… one of the more common scenarios. We’re just… doing something, and suddenly you guys all fuckin’ turn on me and kill me. And I can feel it. Every goddamn time.
R: Oh…
M: I uh… Give me a minute.
[Mari takes their phone out of their pocket and props it against a pillow where everyone is in frame. They can then be heard walking away.]
W: You do know we wouldn't do that, right? Even if someone in here tried, do you think any of us would let that happen, Edgar?
E: I know, it’s just… they’re so fucking real. And I can’t wake up from them, even if I tried.
R: Dad I…
E: Can’t even do any of those reality checks, either! None of them work. I’ve tried all of them, so many fucking times.
W: …how long have these been happening, dude?
[Edgar looks up at Will, before looking off to the side.]
E: Are you sure that you want to know?
W: If you feel comfortable telling us, man, then yes. We care for you, Edgar.
E: [A sigh.] They started around… a day? After I got let out of… you know.
W: That's why you pushed me away that one time? The nightmares?
R: Or why you've flinched a few times when talking with me?
E: … yeah. Sorry.
R: Don't apologise… I understand we all do.
W: Exactly. You have nothing to say sorry for, man. You can speak to us about these things.
E: I don’t know why I didn’t say anything, actually. I guess I just thought that telling you guys that I’ve been having nightmares about you brutally murdering me would bring the mood down.
R: Dude… I…
W: I'd rather you tell us then see you having a panic attack every night, man. We all would.
[Edgar nods again, breathing out slowly, trying to calm himself down.]
Sp: Talk is good. Keeps the mind healthy.
W: Exactly.
E: Um. So… would you mind if I talked about the details? Just a little?
R: Go ahead.
E: Alright. Uh… so, to explain the gun thing… after you guys all attacked me, I managed to get up and run out the door. But… someone shot me, back of the head.
W: Fuck, man..
R: Who… Do you know who?
[He wrings his hands, not looking at anyone in the room.]
W: You can tell us if you want man, don't feel pressured to.
E: [Quietly.] Rose.
R: …
[Rose coughs.]
R: [Quietly.] Oh.
E: Sorry.
W: please don't apologise.
R: What William said… I just… Didn’t expect that.
E: I… alright. I’m honestly just glad this one was with you guys. Because when it’s you, I can confirm that you wouldn’t do that. But, with others…
Sp: Others as in? If you are potentially referring to other friends. They wouldn't hurt you either.
E: Others as in Jenny, and Daff, and… Marv.
W:..we still haven't heard from Marv, have we-
[Sparrow slams down on the side of the wagon only to be grabbed by Rose.]
R: Not now firecracker.
E: I know she wouldn’t, but it really doesn’t help when I thought that she would for about two and a half weeks! It’s a hard idea to get out of your head!
R: Well she wouldn't, I know it's hard to believe but it's true… She blamed herself everyday since that damn show thinking you were dead.
E: Some part of my brain is very intent on convincing me that she’d shove a shard of glass into my throat, though. I know she wouldn’t.
R: Yeah, brains do that don't they?
[Out of frame, and mildly distant. Mari can be heard loudly screaming out of anger.]
W: Ah. Shit.
R: I'll deal with them in a while.
[Edgar, who appears to have tensed up after Mari screamed, attempts to lower his shoulders.]
W: You're good Edgar, you're safe.
E: Mhm. It’s just… I’ve heard that many times. Brought up an old one I thought I could forget about.
R: Huh?
W: Oh shit, man.
E: Yeah. There’s… a lot of variety in what happens in those things.
W: Fuck..
[Just then, Mari comes storming into frame shouting.]
[Mari throws a notebook at Edgar and a pen at Rose.]
[Mari turns around and storms out of the hideout.]
R: I'll deal with that in a few minutes.
W: You know what? let me go after them. That was fucked.
R: Will buddy. I don't trust Sparrow alone with me and Edgar. Last time it was just me and him, he did donuts in the sonic parking lot.
[William seems to have his fists curled.]
W: Fine.
Sp: Uncle Edgar, are you ok?
[Edgar, who appears to have hunched his shoulders up again, as well as tensing up fully and leaning away from where Mari had come from, shakes his head slightly. His breathing sounds to be more shallow.]
W: Am I okay to come closer, man?
[A nod.]
[Will moves closer, sitting by his brother and just hugging him.]
R: Once Edgar is ok, I might not be back until the morning. Ethan? Can you make sure to do the night-time routine with Will in case Delilah doesn't come back before Will falls asleep?
?: Oh, yeah! ‘Course!
[Voice identified: Ethan Nestor.]
Eth: Where's the keys?
Sp: I have them in case Rose falls asleep or leaves. Because I never leave.
[Sparrow holds out the keys before putting them back in their pocket.]
R: Cuffs are connected to the metal pipe.
Eth: Okay, cool! Thank you both
R: Dad, is it cool if I leave?
E: [Quietly.] Yeah. Yeah it’s fine.
[Will is still hugging Edgar.]
R: Cool, any requests?
Sp: Can you kick them?
W: Send them my fucking “best” regards.
R: That is very fucking vague dude.
W: Bite. Punch. Swear. Yell. I don't know man, I'm angry.
E: … Please don’t hurt them too badly.
R: If they talk shit, I'll do what I have to do. I don’t take disrespect well.
W: Neither. Thank you.
R: Yep, later guys and Sparrow.
Sp: Bye bye.
W:..don't kill them.
R: I… Will try.
[Rose hops up and walks out of frame humming a song identified as “The hamster song.”]
[As soon as Rose is out of the hideout, Edgar looks up at the other people left, a very upset expression on his face.]
Sp: Yeah?
E: Today has… not been a good day for me, has it.
W: not everyday has to be, Edgar.
Sp: What Will said. I do not have many good days inside… As in mentally.
E: I’d rather have good days, though. I feel like I haven’t had many recently. With the whole… remasking and… other things.
W: That's a fair enough feeling, dude. I promise you, good days are coming.
Sp: They need to. Or aunt Rose might set this mall on fire.
E: I might do that, too.
W: Me three. Fucking secret santa is the least of our worries.
Sp: I just want to see Cassidy… And Mama.
E: You will, Sparrow. I swear on… what’s something I can swear on… hold on.
Sp: Hm…
W: Oh?
?: [TTS.] Ruby's grave?
[Voice identified: Peony.]
E: No, I… hm. Maybe on…? No, that’s…
P: [TTS.] Sparrow's legs?
Sp: Those don't work though…
W: I got nothing.
E: Fuck it. I swear on my parents graves that you’re going to see them.
Sp: Oh… I see.
P: [TTS.] How many people here. Have dead parents? Or birth parents. In Rose and Sparrow's case.
W: I mean, I'm an orphan. I have no fucking family outside here.
Sp: Incorrect. Edgar is you- Oh wait. Nevermind.
E: I can’t be everyone’s father. Will is more like a brother, than anything.
Sp: I WAS GONNA SAY BROTHER. I just didn't hear Will correctly.
E: Haha, yeah, I got that. I… my parents weren’t murdered or anything, Stacy said it was natural causes.
P: [TTS.] So. Everyone?
Sp: Actually, Rose's birth mom might still be alive according to Emi.
P: [TTS.] Rose's birth mom. Is a. [Loud beep.]
W: Well fair enough-
E: And, just for reference, I know that Mari’s father is dead for a fact.
P: [TTS.] Who?
E: Barely matters, he was a dick. His name was Tom.
Sp: Here let's try something.
P: [TTS.] Oh so another-
[Sparrow finishes Peony's sentence.]
Sp: -Bitch.
W: Yep.
E: Smart, and yeah. I snapped his neck with my crowbar a while back. No regrets.
P: [TTS.] Cool.
Sp: Yeah.
W: wish I could've got a hit on ‘em.
E: If you were there, I would’ve let you have a few. He was fun to hit. I wish I could do it again.
W: Honestly, seeing the transcript was satisfactory enough!
Sp: Hm… Hm…
E: Sorry, is this, uh, bothering you?
Sp: No, thinking.
Eth: do you guys want food or anything? I'm about to grab some for myself, so?
Sp: I'm fine.
Eth: Edgar? Will? You guys want anything?
E: If you don’t mind, yeah. Just anything is fine.
W: I'm good.
Eth: Okay! There should be some stuff over here!
[Ethan walks out of the camera frame.]
[Sparrow throws a soup can at a wall out of frame, it hits with a loud thud.]
E: Woah! Sparrow, what’s up?
Sp: I want a ham and cheese sandwich, and I want to remember my birth name.
E: Ah, well. I’ve been in one of those situations before. We’re working on it, I promise.
P: [TTS.] Speaking of. Working on it. Who is Marcy?
E: Some girl that was with Rose and Ruby, I don’t know too much about her, other than she’s been living in Vegas.
P: [TTS.] What is. Vegas.
E: It’s a place, I guess. Lots of gambling there.
P: [TTS.] Ew.
Sp: WAIT! Dad told me Ruby dated a girl named Marcy in high-school… Hm.
W: Oh? Ex lover maybe?
Sp: I dunno… It is… wholesome? how they were both in the mall at the same time.
W: I just feel sorry for both of them.
E: Hm…
Sp: Yes?
E: Sorry, just… the name is starting to sound really familiar.
W: Did you guys know each other maybe?
Sp: It's possible.
E: Maybe, if Ruby and Marcy were together in high school. Just have to think on it for a while.
Sp: Yeah…
W: I think they would've been?
Sp: He never said how long they dated, just that they did.
W: Hm..
E: Either way, we probably went to school at the same time.
P: [TTS.] Mari's phone is on. Hate to get in. The way. But it's on.
W: For fucks sake! Every time!
Sp: End transcript.
[Transcript ended.]
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kobblefort · 1 year
Rushsly: Almost The Bottom 2
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-116 is stripped for gold, but reveals no more. The project must be paused again - flux stones are needed to continue steel production, so a big random chunk of dolomite is carved out. Migrants arrive, but only a few, bringing our population from 108 before the siege to 115. Perhaps they heard what we're about to do. Maybe they just heard how much our fortress is flourishing.
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Indeed, they are just enough to tip us over from being a "town" to a "city," and our wealth must be known all over the Hill of Scars - maybe even all across the Land of Nails.
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One must wonder if they know of the beasts lurking in the depths, if they hear of the ratfolk pitifully sending handfuls of themselves to die against our walls, of the potential doom we flirt with at the bottom of the earth.
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The child Sraraz Jokedknit is taken by an unknown force, and at just the same time we can hear Kerrik Perplexnightmares doing battle with our old buddies, the olm men.
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And just like that, the beast is dead. It seems like prudent timing to make sure the first cavern layer is absolutely, completely walled off.
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Yes, I'm hesitating, I know I'm hesitating, I always hesitate, I know jumping into the water makes it way easier to adjust to the temperature than slowly dipping in one part at a time, I know I have to just dig straight down already, but that doesn't mean I'll do it, not without a fuss, not without dragging my feet and trying to talk myself out of it.
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Sraraz's artifact is Sorudrzl - Bustkindled - hey yeah I'm into busts kindling - sorry - and it's worth a whopping 22900 whatever-the-units-of-value are. Half of that number is of particular personal value to me for reasons I am not about to disclose but just know that I feel even more nervous and unsettled. But I've wasted enough time, and I'm not a superstitious man; we'll dig, damnit, deeper still, and deepe
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Are you fucking kidding me man??? From the southern plains a fucking big-ass minotaur comes. I somehow doubt that it "seeks harmony" and it's time to draw up the bridge real fucking quick. By "seeking harmony" do you mean like "not having anyone left to have problems with?" If you wanna talk we can talk with us in here and you out there otherwise yeah we're not gonna talk. Bridge up doors shut everybody in - hey we might finally get to try that magma trap from literally years ago though, that could be cool.
Her first order of business is attacking the random aardvark we had lazing around outside the fort. I don't even want to post the combat logs, it was brutal, it was not quick, but it served to show us that she's fucking mean and fucking fast. Next she literally charges down a leopard and... like...
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This shit is fucked up dude. She's not getting any closer to the base, but seeing the shit she does makes me think maybe it's time we test out our catapults. Remember those??? Will they even work????? One way to find out!!!
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The first volley misses by a mile, but at least the sight of boulders flying through the air scares her up into some trees. Well, for a moment, anyways.
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Investigating her "Military" tab shows a history of violence that apparently only started once she was 169 years old: hard year, I guess, but no reason to take it out on us or our random little wildlife creatures. She's been hiding in the trees for a while, and though the catapults are good at scaring her, it's just not possible to hit her from our position. The marksbolds will be stationed up on the turrets above the drawbridge (safely behind the drawbridge) but they probably won't be able to land any shots from there either. It's a total standstill.
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This fucker shows up on the second cavern layer? Honestly who fucking cares?? Like we're so fucking busy??? We don't even go down there but we literally have this asshole up a tree blocking our access to the entire outside world???? Well, we're going to try and bait the minotaur up top into a bad position. Whether that puts us in a bad position... I dunno. We'll fucking see.
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The plan is to send the one kobble in the worst possible mood of the fortress to bait it into the lava trap, and unfortunately, that'd be Zil. Despite having a pretty great time of things by its own admission, it has failed to grow close with any of its squadmates and teeters on the edge of a total psychological meltdown. So like, you know, if it dies... well...
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Well we're not going to find out I guess!? Saraz Fishedpraise, an unproven wrestler fucking charges out to yank it down from the tree with his spear, stabbing it in the fucking gut - then the lung, then through the hand so cleanly it tears not just muscle but ligament and nerves. But...
well, do you see that "puddle"
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It's actually pretty fucking deep, and Saraz gets thrown right down it after losing control of the battle. As the minotaur charges down the hole she saw the kobold come from...
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...the thing I was planning to use Zil Dentedleaks for happens. A truly fearsome foe, but once again, not even past the first row of traps. I genuinely don't think I'll use cage traps in my next fort lol they're so fucking overpowered. I know forgotten beasts and werebeasts can't trigger them but fuck dude, a whole-ass minotaur? Well, at least now we get to throw her down a hole and she dies. A bit anti-climactic but... that's Rushsly for you I guess. Time to recover Saraz's body.
Ty is on cleanup duty again, hauling the 602-weight minotaur cage, almost five times the weight of a boulder of jet, to the garbage hole, where if she does not die immediately on impact, she will eventually be killed. She just thinks: "I feel alright."
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I deduced from the location of a gem-studded pillar of obsidian in the second cavern layer where we might be more likely to find what we're looking for - maybe.
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But when we get there, it's nothing. The tunnel is rerouted for a bit before I ultimately decide we'll dig one more Z-level down.
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Mica. Cobaltite, bismuth, granite. Galena, worthless goddamn galena again; silver is "consolation gold." Could it be one layer deeper, just one? 118, a nice, happy number. It would have been nicer if it was 117, like John Halo. 118, right? 118?
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118. Here we go.
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I can smell it, man.
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This alert makes me nearly jump out of my fucking skin. Cool, man. "The Goldenrod Raven." Why are you even still using iron? Whatever. That's great. We're almost there. Whereever we're getting, we're almost there. Granite, microcline, prase, we have to be close. Cassiterite, for fuck's sakes, it has to be here. Was it "adamantine" this whole time? Have I been reading it "adamantite" the whole time, saying "adamantite" this whole fucking time? Seeing the name every single time I go to punch in a work order and just misreading it every single time?? Where did I get "adamantite" from if it's always been "adamantine???"??? ??? ?????
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A gnoll right now are you fucking kidding me???????
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A gnoll army right now are you fucking kidding me!?!?!? Well, at least I forgot to lower the drawbridge after the minotaur attack. But seriously? Gnolls? Right fucking now???
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One of them walks directly and immediately into a cage trap. The next one stands back and frets about, realizing the entrance is full of traps. A third one charges right past them and dodges an iron disc trap to jam themselves right into another cage trap. Two more nervously fret about the trees, no doubt psyching themselves up to get into the fortress and wreak some havoc, then they just walk straight into the cage traps. One more runs off the map, possibly to finally make the smart idea of going home and saying "We should not go to Rushsly, they have cage traps" - and the one fretting around just outside the cage traps without warning their friends about the cage traps finally leaves with them. Well, that's good.
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And as the gnoll madness and my own random little bout of madness starts to break, we get visitors. Our old pals the dwarves. We put the bridge down for them but they insist on coming around the long way. Well guys welcome in welcome in. Just make sure you be good and careful of those fucking cage traps
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anechomirrored · 2 years
Fandom: Original work
Rating: T
Prompt(s): "Think! For once!
Warnings: Action suspense, moment of anger that gets resolved.
Yeah, this wasn't a great situation but Russell could really do without the sassy 8 year old sounding off everytime something new came around the corner at them.
"Easy, gotta leave them a bit of a treat." Russell said, tightening the trip wire.
From his position he could here the ramming the door on the next floor down. It would break soon.
"Hurry it up will you?" The kid's voice had a whine to it that betrayed their fear.
Completing his work on the handcrafted mechanism he stepped back to admire it.
"Come on, let's go." They insisted pulling on his jacket sleeve.
A splintering crack sounded from below them.
"Yep." Russell took the bag back from his half pint companion and start began putting distance between them both and the sounds echoing up the cement stairway.
"We gonna hide?" Asked the kid.
Their breath was already uneven.
"Nah, Joey. Too many to hide from, come on!" Grabbing the kid's little hand in his own he tugged them along.
Through one of the factory uniform doorways Russel caught sight of a fire escape.
"In here, quick!" He swung a hard right into the room and swung the door shut.
Grabbing a nearby chair he braced the door like he'd seen done in a movie once and turn his back on it.
"Look around, anything useful?" He called out.
His eyes landed on a pair of glasses. He pocketed them along with a pair of scissors and a protractor set.
As he quickly made his way towards the front of the room, the telltale squeak of desk hinges told him the kid was doing the same but towards the backend.
Good listener...when they could be bothered.
Reaching the largest of the desks he began pulling out drawers. Paper, pens, pack of gum. He pocketed the gum and kept looking.
A phone, a pack of smokes and a foldable hunting knife.
Much better.
He turned back towards the door just as an explosion rattled the frames still hanging haphazardly on the walls.
"Time to go." Russell shoved the newfound items into his bag.
"Joey, let's go." He said crossing to the window.
Damn he hoped the others had found more water.
Clearing his throat quietly he gripped the window latches and forced the miraculously unbroken glass pane up along it's track.
The sound of movement down the hallway outside the door was increasing.
He scanned the room.
No Joey.
"Kid?" Russell stage whispered.
The small closet door at the back of the room creaked.
With a sigh he made his way to the closet.
"Joey, come on." He called softly.
As he reached for the door handle, three things happened:
Joey flung the door open with a stage whispered "Boo!"
A mop and a broom fell, the clatter of wood on tile echoing off the concrete walls.
And the noise in the hall stopped.
The hallway burst into a blood chilling commotion.
"Damnit kid, why now? Think! For once!" Grabbing their arm, Russell all but dragged the stunned child to the window.
"I-I-I..." The kids eyes were wide as the door shook with the first impact.
Russell mentally berated himself as tears began running down that grimy little face.
"Hey," he said picking the kid up under the arms and liftin him over the window ledge. " don't worry about it now, half pint." Placing them down on the metal landing Russell ducked and stepped out to join them.
The two of them hurriedly took the emergency stairs two and three at a time.
The journey back to camp was silent and it wasn't until Russell handed them a bowl of heated soup that either spoke again.
"It's okay, Joey. It was a good joke , just not the right time."
Joey looked up at him with a sniff.
Russell hadn't been a father before this whole mess, but he was starting to admire all those soft saps who had been.
"Yer, alright kid. Now let's eat."
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monty-glasses-roxy · 17 days
Animatronics cassie au.
I say all the other animations are extremely jealous of Roxy getting her own little sister to help her around the roxy raceway or umm pull practical jokes with.
Chica. be exstied and be like that cool anut
Monty. would take his anger out in his room or staff bots because Roxy has got a lot more cooler then he is.
Freddy. try to convince cassie to forgive Gregory.
Sun. moon. And eclipse. Eclipse would be the one to feel awful about cassie sinch well he was the last to seeher before they went to the mimic cage. Sun he the one One be very apologetic for moon. And I think moon would say he dasent care but deep down he probably worried sick and feels awful.
I think glamrocks bonnie. wouldn't care to much but hi mind throwing this expired milk shake at Monty.
Glamrock foxy. He be like oh cool are ye a pairt or are ye a cowboy or umm cowgirl.
I believe dj. NWould he like cool new animatronic nice to know you just watch out for the mini dj of this pizzaplex.
Oh yeah they can be a little jealous! But you gotta remember that they've gained a new lil buddy too so it's probably not too bad!
Chica gets to be sister number 2 or maybe a best friend. Can't see Monty being angry about it because like... I dunno hanging out with younger siblings isn't usually seen as cool? Not in my experience anyway. Nah I think he'd love being just as bad of an influence on Cassie as Roxy is lmao
Just a little bit jealous Roxy got a little buddy before he did :(
Anyway uhhh yeah Freddy's wasting his breath. At some point, he's just gonna start getting yeeted across the Plex by Roxy if he keeps doing that so he'll have to stop eventually. I don't think he'd be jealous. More the type to be overly sympathetic about it at the wrong times so it comes across a lot more insincere than he might intend.
Eclipse probably wasn't the last to see her given Eclipse is right at the beginning of Ruin, but yeah I can imagine he'd... honestly all three of the attendants probably take a long ass while to come to terms with the fact they left a child unattended when Mimic exists. They presumably didn't know about Mimic beforehand and they're pretty horrified now. Maybe they accidentally smother her or Sunny and Eclipse keep bothering Roxy about how they're both doing and stuff. I can see Moon being just as horrified, but a lot more chill about it given that Sunny can fuss and fret enough for the both of them.
Bonnie thinks she's cool. But also who the fuck is this kid. And also why the fuck is this the way it is now. And what do you mean Glitchtrap. What. Huh. Anyway, he's hanging out with Cassie cause she's cool and apparently found his body that possibly wasn't technically lost until Roxy had her eyes ripped out. Speaking of Roxy, why does she get all the cool shit while he looks like a radioactive blob of blue-tack. He wants a little buddy too damnit! He's going to complain about this for the rest of his days!
Foxy adores her. The version of Foxy I have in my head, particularly the cowboy pirate Foxy, is that he's the biggest sweetheart you've ever met in your life. Fucking adores Cassie almost as much as he adores Roxy. He wants to be their brother so bad and he feels awful for the occasional jealousy he feels towards them and what they have, but it just inspires him to try even harder! Foxy is not a giver-upper! He's gonna be there for them no matter what! Come hell or high water! You mark his words!
DJ also loves her because of course he does. Likes calling her itty bitty Roxy and Rox Junior. Is also teaching her sign language as that's something all the other animatronics have pre-programmed but she doesn't. And an instrument! Roxy helps with this, but DJ is the one that keeps giving her random ass instruments he found from fuck knows where and tells her to have fun with them. And they do! Every time! DJ isn't jealous of shit! He got a lil buddy to teach and play with! That also occasionally bites him! It's the canine animatronic in her now she can't help it sometimes he's just so chompable :(
Roxy brought Cassie to the Minis and said "can we keep her? Pleeeeaaassseeee???" and they all gave their best attempt at saying "no absolutely not" but in reality, they were already getting the adoption papers ready the moment they walked in the room. She's part of the Spider Army now. Look out.
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hopewriteszstuff · 4 months
Chapter 4: Therapy
Last chapter
Taking a moment to pull myself together, I conclude that arguing with Arsen is a waste of breath.
I walk back to my room and open my drawers to take a cigarette packet and a lighter. This should help me relax a bit, or I will end up chewing someone's bones.
"Lumen, This is your fourth pack, not even your lungs can take that amount," Arsen warns me. It's jarring how he can cuss me to the heavens and then act so concerned.
"First, Leave me alone. Second, how do you know it's my fourth?"
"Considering that you smoke every waking second, this will be your 61st cigarette." He coughs after he gives his observation.
I hate to admit that he is right.
"Good job, now like I said, leave me alone, I'm in no mood."
I repeat as I walk to the window.
"I'm worried about you! You have nothing in your system but sugar and nicotine! When was the last time you ate a full meal? Or drank blood?!" He yells at me.
I don't respond.
"So? You are just going to ignore me? Are you going to sulk here and be a depressed piece of shit every time things don't go the way you want?! You couldn't make friends with that rat, deal with it!"
I only take deeper breaths, finishing a cigarette one after the other.
"It's been almost two centuries and you are still getting all moody over the smallest things! When are you going to grow up?! Do I always have to babysit you and make sure you don't choke on your tears?!"
I grind my fangs and tap my fingers on the frame of the window, as his words continue to make my heart heavier.
"Boo-hoo! Such a sad poor thing you are! Can't get anything right! The whole world is against you! Can't do anything but spend your entire paycheck on cigarettes and candy! YOU OVERGROWN BRAT!"
The beast starts whispering in my ears, then its voice fills my mind.
"God-fucking-damnit Lumen! Are you even listening to me you dipshit?!"
"SHUT ...THE FUCK... UP!!"
I don't remember what happened after that, only that everything was Red.
Arsen is on the ground, breathing heavily, drowning in his own blood.
And my hands are covered in it.
A familiar, yet strange taste fills my mouth.
What did I do?! WHAT DID I DO?!
My breaths are heavy, my eyes are burning me, and my brother, I almost killed him...
I stare at my hands in horror, my white gloves are now tainted with the vitae of my brother.
Until he coughs, I snap back to my senses.
"Arsen! ARSEN!"
I hurry and help him stand up.
He is silent, his eyes are closed, only focusing on healing himself.
"I... Oh fuck...Oh god...Are you alright?!"
I'm unable to form words after that, I can't even see around me.
he finally opens his eyes, and he stares at me.
He is disappointed, not sad, not angry, just disappointed.
"Take me to my bed."
He says with great difficulty, and I carry him.
He is as light as a small child, and even though he was a seven-foot-tall grown man, I can barely feel his weight.
The hypocrite, he tells me to eat when he is almost skin and bones.
He holds to me, I notice the blood covering his shoulder, the same question fills my ears and my mind, ringing as if it was the bells of The Notredame Church.
What did I do to him?
My skin is burning, it's not comparable to the pain in my heart.
Arsen's room was a bane of mine, due to the extreme measures he took to protect himself.
Then why did he let himself get hurt this time? I wonder as I put him in his bed.
"The drawer, on the left, quickly."
His weak voice brings me back to reality, I do as he obliges.
There is only a number.
"It's a therapist's number, I know you don't like them, but this one is very understanding, better call her now." He says between long pauses, his voice airy.
"Tell her your name, she will do the rest."
"Now, out! Before you burn to a crisp!"
He points outside, and I nod to him.
"I'm sorry" I mutter, and he just gestures for me to get out.
I'm filled with even more questions now, this is contradictory.
Arsen hates therapists, why would he recommend one to me? This whole situation is wrong.
Regardless, I close the door on him, and I go to the bathroom to change and wash my hands.
I hope no neighbors heard any of this.
After a while, I take my phone, it's almost 9 o'clock.
"Hello? This is Dr. Dorothy Collins for Counseling services, how can we help you?"
"I..I..I would like to..book a session?"
"You want to schedule an appointment? Sure thing! Can you tell us which symptoms you are experiencing?"
I can't answer, I don't find any strength in me, and I start to rethink everything that led to this point.
"It's alright, sir. We understand that you are going through a hard time, we are here to help, can we have your name?"
"L..Lumen, Lumen Dabrowski."
"Give us a moment..Ah! Lumen! You have an appointment already scheduled, when would be the best time for you to come?"
"Already scheduled? But I didn't know about your services before now!"
"Someone by the name of Arsen Dabrowski came a week ago and paid for about two months of counseling, do you want to cancel them?"
"Give me a moment."
I press the mute button and I open Arsen's bedroom door again.
"What the fuck is this about?!" I yell at him.
The little bastard grins from under the blankets like he just pulled a prank on me.
"You fucking need it!" He replies. I could barely hear his voice.
"Look who is talking! You better explain everything next night!"
He only gives me the middle finger.
I close the door and return to the call.
As much as I'm pissed off at him, he must have gone a great length to do this for me.
"..Is it alright to do it now?"
"Sure thing, Lumen, Do you want it in person or virtually?"
"In person, what is the address?"
"The office is at --------"
"Thank you, I will be there in ten minutes."
"We are always glad to help, Thank you for calling." ding.
I am at the office, it's a small place hidden between a nail salon and a restaurant, which made it tricky to find. The building is not meant for people as tall as me, I assume that they mainly work with humans.
I knock on the door, and I'm met with a sweet-looking little woman.
She had a friendly face, with large glasses and long black hair tied in a messy, loose bun. What caught my attention was that she had pink lenses on, that's unprofessional, I'm not sure if I can take her seriously.
"Lumen, Am I right? It's impossible to mistake you for anyone else, Come in!"
She laughed, but I didn't understand what was funny.
I bend and move around to be able to enter. Her office was cozy, it's best described as a very neat apartment, and perhaps that's what it is.
"Have a seat, Lumen," she invites me.
"Tell me a bit about yourself."
"That's a weird question to ask on the first session, don't you think? Aren't you supposed to ask how was my childhood like?"
She sighs, I wasn't supposed to do that, was I?
"You don't know me and I don't know you, I want us to be on good terms first," She smiles at me.
"Well, My name is Lumen, I was embraced at a time like this in 1850."
"The bubonic plague?"
"Yes, exactly, the third pandemic, That makes me around.."
"180 years old, how old were you when it happened?"
"Thirty..something? I think I was 32?"
"Oh wow, you are over two centuries old! I'm going, to be honest, I don't work often with supernatural people, their handlers refuse to pay for therapy." Her eyes widen when she hears how old I am, not the first time.
"Then let me tell you, I don't want you to treat me like I'm different than you, well I am different, but I don't want to feel like it, you know?"
"I get it, You are my patient, I am here to help you," she says as she adjusts her thick glasses.
"Have you tried supernatural-oriented therapy? Not that I won't help you the best I can, it's that they will aid you better."
"Too expensive.. And I_"
"Don't have the best spending habits? We can work on that"
"No, I was going to say I am not qualified for it, don't interrupt me, please"
She is visibly disheartened, I can tell she is trying her best.
"I'm..sorry about that."
"Don't be, It's not like my kind gets the best treatment anyways."
She is silent for a while, and I tap my foot on the ground, I don't look into her eyes. Instead, I look at the decor of the place.
"You are quite fidgety, it's Alright, Lumen, you are safe here." She reassures me.
"Dorothy, If I can call you that, I don't believe in empty words, I nearly killed my brother before I arrived here, the only reason I came is that he spent his money on your service."
"If he chose you out of the dime-a-dozen therapists here in New York, then you better have something to offer." I finally snarl at her, but she doesn't even seem to flinch.
"Alright then, Lumen, we are getting serious then."
"Tell me what do you exactly expect from me, and I will tell you what I'm expecting from you. Let's make our boundaries clear, Alright?"
She offers me her hand to shake.
I take it.
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duxkem69 · 5 months
So Today I'm Gonna be ranking the Chucky Franchise from my least favorite to favorite (even the show)
Alright starting off with my least favorite
11:Cult Of Chucky (2017)
First of all It just makes me angry that they had a cool idea with multiple Chucky's and made cult around that idea it's like wrapping a bar of gold in a pile of shit also the setting is boring I'm sorry it's cool for about five minutes then a mental hospital becomes a pretty boring setting the kills are pretty good I'll give it that on rewatch they are some of the best but the Chucky's designs are fucking awful why do they look like mark Zuckerberg mixed with a cabbage patch doll I can't get over that Andy being there is cool but he's not there very long Oh my god the ending pissed me off for so long until I watched the show and that hate stuck with me because it was just Chucky getting away and waiting for what happens next that's really more of my fault then the Movie's fault but that feeling sticks with me every time I rewatch it also Tiffany is actually really good here and gets like what five minutes of screen time?! What the fuck that's stupid unlike curse I don't even think this one deserved to be plaid in theaters this shit is fit for it's DVD only release
10: Chucky season 3 (2023-2024)
I don't have much to say about this it feels unfair to say since it's not even finished but like I really don't like it so far
9:Curse of Chucky (2013)
I see the reasons why people like this movie but two giant things keep me from liking it at all is that it's so slow paced and boring for most of the movie which really sucks because I have a very small attention span and I want to like this movie so bad but I can't
8:Child's Play (2019)
Unpopular opinion even though I have it this low I actually enjoy this like yeah it's a fun watch when you just watch it as movie and don't think that it's a Chucky movie but it doesn't help that the movie as a movie and especially as a Chucky movie suck ass
7:Bride Of Chucky (1998)
Look I know I'm placing it very low but that doesn't mean I dislike this movie this and far on are the ones I actually like but of the Chucky media I like this is definitely the weakest it just doesn't hit as hard as the others but it does give us a great Chucky design and Tiffany which I will have iffy opinions on later but yeah this definitely a solid movie
6:Seed Of Chucky (2004)
This movie is really fun and Chucky had me giggling in laughter it sucks as a horror movie but that's not what they were going for and Glen is fun I don't really have problems with this movie I just like it less then the others
5: Chucky Season 1 (2021)
Ok it was a hard choice and honestly this season probably is better when you look at it as a writing standpoint but the next one will tell you
4:Chucky Season 2 (2022)
This one is just more fun and it adds my favorite of the new characters in the show Nadine Jesus did I love Nadine
3:Child's Play 2 (1990)
Even though I think this movie is definitely overrated I still really enjoy it yeah it's pretty good I mean people seem to think it's the best which is ludicrous but opinions are free I guess
2:Child's Play 3 (1991)
Ok I'll get hate for this but damnit this movie is enjoyable as shit. I love most of the characters. Teen Andy is fun. The kills are mostly good. Chucky's death is fucking excellent. I like the setting.
1:Child's Play (1988)👑
Oh my god this og still hits so hard and this is the second scariest Chucky has ever been the kills in this movie tho few are really good the plot is really good Chucky is the perfect balance of sinister and wickedly humorus Just wow if you've never watched it go do it now
Have a good day
Edit:I don't feel like editing the list but I think mix around Chucky season 2 more than child's play 2 now
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alwaysthesitter · 7 months
Closed starter for @defectivexfragmented
He had royally fucked up. He didn't quite understand that saying, especially since it wasn't like he - or anyone he knew - was a royal, but he knew that's what it was. A royal fuck up. He hadn't fully understood it at first, which didn't surprise him. He had barely passed high school, after all. All he knew was that he had entirely broken down. Froze. It wasn't Nancy Wheeler levels of bad, calling him bullshit while drunk, but it still left him feeling like he was a terrible boyfriend. That he wasn't doing enough, or doing it well enough.
Matt had been someone he had felt safe with. Matt, unlike his previous partners, was an adult. And maybe that was part of why this had happened - him still being such an immature child to so many levels, while Matt was a lawyer and a fucking superhero and successful. Steve didn't deserve him. Yet Matt had wanted him, and loved him, and he didn't feel like he had to hide himself the way he did around everyone else he knew.
So yeah, he'd broken down. Years of pent up emotions had spilled out, wondering why he continued to fuck up. Why, as Robin put it, he was such a dingus. Ironically it had been Robin that had helped him realize what had happened, the cogs slowly turning as Steve tried to process. He was a man that had only ever been wanted for his looks, and maybe he had a moment of sensitivity in knowing that Matt couldn't see his looks so he really didn't know why the other man had kept him around. He had said it, not only not knowing the impact, but as some weird fucked up coping mechanism. Put on a facade that he doesn't feel worthless and like he's just a pretty face. King Steve showing up and proving his worst.
As Robin explained it, he understood. It was like when people made fun of his lack of intelligence. Well, not quite. Obviously this was much difference. But even when his friends 'joked' with him, he felt his heart sink every time. Matt's heart would certainly have sunk, if not broken, feeling like Steve was poking fun at a condition he had struggled with his whole life. Something completely out of his control. Just like how Steve tried to understand things, but didn't.
At first he had thought about writing a letter. He wasn't the best writer - Nancy had torn apart his college admission letter - but he didn't know how eloquent he would come across that way. Plus Robin had reminded him that his lover - ex lover? - could literally not see the fucking letter. Steve only felt more ridiculous then, recognizing how little he knew about these things. So, he decided to call. He didn't expect Matt to pick up, and maybe that was better. He could say what he needed without fear of Matt hanging up on him.
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"Uh....hey. It's Steve. Harrington. Shit, yeah, duh. You....obviously knew that. I. Damnit. I'm really bad with the whole wording thing. But I know I messed up. You had every right to leave me, now that I understand what I did. It was horrible of me. I called my best friend and well, she helped me educate myself. I'm really a dingus, I get told it all the time, but moments like this prove it and....shit, this isn't about me. Matt, I'm sorry. If you'd be down, I'd love to meet you at the coffee shop a few blocks down from your place. You know, the one I always went to to grab you something after a long day of work? I don't expect you to come, and I don't expect you to forgive me but....I'd like to apologize in person. If you'll let me."
As he hung up the phone, he started playing everything he said over and over. Had something he said been wrong, so he had fucked up again? Did that sound okay? He smacked his palm against his forehead a few times, taking a few breaths, before nodding. Only one way to find out. He was going to grab a jacket, and go to that coffee shop. And sit. And wait. And wait. As long as possibly needed, he wouldn't budge. Matt Murdock was worth that much.
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xxyumeno · 4 years
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         Excuse you at a very specific bartender he shall not name. He is a simple man with simple needs! Unless you're going to be filling in for that, shhh~
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likeastarstar · 3 years
I love your bullet headcanons you do sometimes when people send you asks! Can you do a bullet fic about what you think dating Yoongi would be like? Love your writing!
Omg, fun! Yes, I definitely can! I think dating Yoongi would so fun because it would be
Date nights where you take turns trying a new restaurant and then go home and watch a movie or something very chill like that
But also very upscale, fancy date nights when there's something to celebrate and Yoongi does his hair with the one side pushed back because he knows you like that
Yoongi driving you everywhere- EVERYWHERE! He goes out of his way to drive to your house to take you to work and picks you up as often as he possible can and he keeps extra jackets in his backseat because you get cold often and he doesn't care if you have a car because he likes driving you himself damnit
Sharing clothes with Yoongi to the point where once you move in together you don't bother buying new clothes unless he can wear them too. "We need to get more t-shirts." "I got us a new coat."
Thinking about starting a family in the most casual way. Yoongi always tells you baby names he thinks are nice and points out baby clothes when you're in a store. Yoongi uses "when" and not "if" in reference to the two of you having a child.
I think Yoongi would spoil you rotten in the best way possible but play it off like he doesn't in front of other people. Like he'd try and say he's all tough and shit and then he's giving you piggy back rides when you get too drunk at a bar and don't feel like walking home.
Speaking of bars lol Yoongi would be so fucking fun to go out with- not necessarily to like dance because let's be real he's more of a "I'll watch you from here" typa guy but I think he'd just be so fun to drink with and talk to and maybe if he felt like it he might hook his arm around your hips, pull you onto the dance floor dirty dancing style...all slow and sexy...yeah...
I just think Yoongi would be such an attentive partner. I think he'd genuinely be like a Life Partner and want to be attached at the hip to you like you guys are best fucking friends and are so close and love each other so fully
Sigh, this kind of hurt to write....This was fun! Send me other things like this or send me a message if you want me to do another boy
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fortheloveofthefic · 3 years
Don't Back Down
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Lee Dutton x Reader. Lee and the reader have a secret love affair against John's wishes. John doesn't find out until the reader goes into labor with Lee's child. Requested by my lovely friend @lizzydutton
Lee was out in the field working with his father, shaking his head as his father goes on and on about something or the other. He loved his father, hell, in fact he'd always been his father's favorite. You didn't have to look hard to see that. But 2 years ago, that changed when Lee had brought you home to meet him, excited and full of love, wanting his dad to meet the woman that had captured his heart. Lee sighs as he remembers that day so clearly. John's response hadn't been at all what he had hoped for or expected. John had seethed through the entire dinner but never once blew up in front of you. He'd waited until Lee had come home, already sitting on the porch with whiskey in hand as he prepared for the talk with his oldest son. "Lee, I expect shit like this out of Kayce, but not you, damnit. Jesus! She's fucking Rainwater's daughter for God's sake! Are you just plain stupid?" Lee had been completely taken aback when his father had openly accused you of working with your father in order to secure the Dutton land for the tribe. John had forbidden Lee from seeing you, telling his son that if he didn't break it off with you that he'd go as far as to kick him off the ranch he loved so much. Of course Lee hadn't done what his father had said. For the last two years he'd been seeing you in secret, even saving up to buy you a cheap engagement ring. He couldn't afford much, but you loved it anyway.
Now back in the present, Lee heard his phone ring as he was untying the calf they'd just wormed. He fishes his phone out of his pocket and answers, surprised to hear you on the other end of the line. You never called when you knew he was with John. "Lee...It's time. I need you." He hears you gasp, your words mixed with groans of pain. "I'm coming, baby. Just hold on for me." He jumps up, looking at his father and taking a deep breath. "I gotta go, Dad. You can do whatever you think you need to later, but I gotta go. (Y/N)'s in labor." He doesn't wait for his father's response, simply runs to the truck, climbing in and starting it. He was surprised to see the passenger side door open and his dad climb in. Shit, he didn't think this was going to go over too well. Both you and your father knew that John was against the relationship. Lee was too worried about you to give it a second thought though as he drives like a bat out of hell off the ranch and to your house on the edge of the rez. He parks and runs up the stairs to your room, find you with your father and Felix as they both help you through labor. He kneels beside the bed and takes your hand, smiling softly as he kisses your forehead. "Hey, baby. I made it. Now, breathe, honey. Don't forget to breathe." He says softly, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.
John watched from the doorway for a few minutes, nodding as his eyes met Thomas Rainwater's. He could see the love that his son had for the young woman and the same love she had for him, shining right back in her dark eyes. Without a word, John heads to his truck, leaving the little house on the rez and heading back to the ranch. There was something he needed to get.
After another hour of labor, the sounds of your little girl's cries fill the room. Lee was overjoyed, peppering your face with soft kisses as he held you close, stroking your baby girl's face while you held her to your chest. He hears footsteps in the doorway and looks up to see his father coming over. He laces his hand with yours, showing that he's not going anywhere, no matter what. He watches as his father walks over with flowers in one hand and his other closed tightly around something small in his hand. Lee places a soft kiss to your hair as he feels you tense. "It's alright, honey. He just wants to meet his granddaughter." Lee looked back up at his father and smiles as he sees tears in his eyes. The older man's eyes were filled with tears as you hand your daughter to him. "Mr. Dutton, meet Evie Rain Dutton." You say softly and rest your head against Lee's shoulder. You don't see when John places something in Lee's hand while holding Evie.
John had noticed the simple ring on your finger and that's what had convinced him that the fight wasn't worth losing his son over. He'd gone back to the ranch to get something very special, something he should have given Lee the day he told him he wanted to marry you. He places the golden ring in Lee's hand and gives a soft smile. "That ring symbolizes the greatest love I've ever known, Lee. Your mother wore it every day until..." He trails off and reaches over, taking your hand in his. "I'm sorry for the way I acted. My only hope is that you two have so much longer to love each other than what I had." He kisses his grandaughter's head and looks up in shock as he feels not only Lee, but you hug him as well.
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yusukeiii · 2 years
The Wrath's Embrace
ೃ₊ ❝You know, its sure sound easy. But its hard. Strawhat Kid.❞
─ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- one piece ft. y/n
You work as caretaker of a certain Pet Food Shop. With the owner passing away, its just you and the dog whose named is Shushu.
"Ney, Shushu."
You spoke to the dog while you were sweeping, It didn't budge but keep standing into the entrance. You sighed, he's been like this for a long time.
As you countinue to sweep the dust infront of the door, you saw 2 people appraoching the store, the other one is..caged?
You looked at them with suspicious glare. Ready to pull your glock at any moment if they do something vile.
"This is it, I..I can't walk any longer-" The green haired guy that looked like a swordsman drops in front of the shop with a loud thud.
"Are you alright?"
The said man looked at you, you saw blood staining in his tank top. Sign that he was in a heavy fight and get injured in not so fashionable way.
"What yer staring at?" Rude, ignoring the attitude he given to you, you looked at the kid inside the cage.
You paused.
'Strawhat..'  you thought. Its like deja vu all the sudden. Its like you already met him. You already bonded with him, but you can't pinpoint where.
"Oh! Is it a dog?"
The strawhat kid poked Shushu, but the dog didnt even reacted. "Hey Zoro, Is this a dog?" The kid asked with a grin in his face. Its oddly familiar.
"I don't know , what you've been doin is plannin' to get out of that cage." Zoro said, while leaning his back in the post of the store.
Strawhat poked the dog, and looked at you. "I wonder if he is dead, do you know?" You mentally facepalmed at the amount of idiotic fluid is in this kid's head.
"Its breathing, child." You spoke, as you sweeped again trying to remove the conversation between you two. You countinued to do what you were doing until you heard a blood curdling scream.
You looked where the voice came from as you saw the kid got his finger bitten off by Shushu. You stiffled your laugh as you saw the since unfold before you.
"STUPID DOG!!!" He yelled, as he lay down to the cage while his injured finger is swollen. "Damnit , I dont have enough blood." Zoro complained.
As they both complained, a girl with an orange hair appeared while staring at the two pair with a disapproving look. Maybe its their another friend.
"What on earth are you guys doing." She started. " If your plan is just lying around in these streets, Buggy will definetly gonna catch the both of you."
You looked at her as she mentioned the Clown Pirate's name. "Buggy? As in Buggy the Clown?" You asked. She nodded. "We managed to escape them. But definetly they are gonna go after them." She pointed on those two.
Zoro looked at her.
"Oh, our nagivator."
"SAYS WHO?!" She raged.
"I just came to repay my debt to you guys, you save my life back there." She finished.
Repay? You wonder, as she finishef her sentence, she tossed a key maybe so that the cage can be unlocked.
"The key!" The strawhat cheered. As he was about the reach the key to be free in his limited space, Shushu grab the key and ate it.
"Shushu!?!" You yelled, the broom in your hand dropped in the ground as your jaw hit the ground. You were about to get the key but he already swallowed it.
"Well shit." You banged your head into the soil. He will take a ling time getting out of that cage.
As you layed down, The Strawhat kid started choking Shushu. "HEY! GIVE THE KEY BACK YOU STUPID DOG!!" As he kept his blabber. You heared a familiar voice.
"You people!! Don't do anything to Shushu!!"
"Who're ya mister?" Zoro asked as he looked at the chief.
"I'm the village's leader, In short the Chief!!" He yelled.
The Chief noticed you on the soil, as your face and whole body planted at the fall.
"Y/N get up, you looked like a damsel in distress." He said.
"Yeah yeah.." You muttered and slowly get up.
Everyone!! Welcome to my One Piece Reader Insert!! Here are some details about the upcoming chapters. Please traveling with me throught the GRANDLINE!
▪︎ Y/N is [REDACTED], making a confusion among the strawhats.
▪︎ I will never make Y/'N here as a vunerable character. Im sick of typical girlish persona for Y/N so lets expect that she will take no shit.
▪︎ Is somewhat related to other characters, especially when Alabasta, Enies Lobby, Dressaros arrives in this book.
▪︎ Has three weapons!! (Im letting you guys pick the second one so please comment it down!!
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▪︎ This is Y/N's early design, but I think shes too feminine so I scraped out the idea.
I hope you guys  stick with me until we reach Raftel!!
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Sparrow, after reading your post about anti SS I have a doubt Could it be Sarada an experiment child? I mean Sasuke who doesn't give a shit about her or Sakura. Does Naruto knows about it?
Kishimoto definitely created the suspicion among the readers that Sarada might have been conceived Artificially...
It all started from this panel...
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Look at Shizune's regretful and hesitant face when asked about Sarada's birth history... I mean, why in the hell everyone pulls up this regretful face around this Girl????
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Then this Visual symbolism of equating Shin and Sarada... Both wears Uchiha Clan crests, one already has Sharingan... And the other will eventually awaken it in the upcoming chapters...
But are they truly a descendant of Uchiha?????
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Then this entire panel... Intentionally including Sarada when Kakashi was speculating about when that Shin is an Uchiha or not...
"So if he had the Sharingan... That's only mean .... though very unlikely... That he's a descendant of the Uchiha or he's another one of Orochimaru's experiments.."
Am implication or this author's way of planting a seed of doubt that whether Sarada was the true descendant or an experimental kid???
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"Connections aren't built by time and blood, Are they??? There are stronger things than those!!! Thoughts/Feelings. That's all you need"
And finally we get the conclusion that, "Whether you are experimental or natural born... It's doesn't matter. Feelings/Love is all that matters"
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Look at Sakura's word choice... "Damnit! You're my child.. No doubt about it."
I wonder why can't she say 'You're our kid'???
But look at Naruto's hilarious face... LOLOL. I can't even figure out what he was thinking here....
As for whether Naruto knew about it....
I don't think he cared about Sasuke's personal life with Sakura... or what he was doing with her...
Which is evident by this panel...
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"Rather than me saying it... I think it would be better for Sarada to explain"
So, Naruto truly didn't know whether Sasuke was visiting his family or not. He simply don't care about that.
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And then this curious and suspicious face when Sasuke was associated with another woman. LOLOLOL. (It explains why Naruto was always coming inbetween Sasuke and Sakura during their Academy days).
And yet after knowing that Sarada and Karin's DNA got matched up... Naruto didn't go off to convince Sarada that Sakura & Sasuke were her true parents or something... He simply ignored that part and started to convince her about Bloodless Bonds.
So, Again... He simply don't care about Sarada's birth here. Or he didn't bother to know.
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Naruto was not at all needed here in this panel... And yet he was inserted here... only to give off this knowing 'Bitch!! puhhh-lease!!!' face.
So, I think... whenever N and S meet each other... They will never talk about their dysfunctional family... That explains why Sasuke don't even know about Boruto's name until he met him.
I think the purpose of this whole drama was that the Author wanted to instill that Doubt about Sarada's Birth (SS relationship in extension) inside readers mind for 6 chapters... With Shin clones wearing those Uchiha clan crest just like Sakura & Sarada.... With Sasuke can't able to identify his own kid's face... Ooops!!!! And then only for the Author to finally say, 'Never mind!!! I just joked. It's all just nothing'.
So, I feel there's nothing more than this to it. Sarada is indeed a child born to Sasuke and Sakura. But if she ended up as an Artificial kid in the future plotline (Which I doubt very much), I wouldn't be surprised though.
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