#( haru speaking. )
haruuuisasacrifice · 10 days
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not in a million years!
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shslskaterboy · 10 months
every now and then I think about Haru and I go a little bit insane bc each and every day she chooses kindness and selflessness even though life has been nothing but unfair to her. She lost her father before he was even dead, and then had her last hope of ever being able to have him back ripped from her in the most violent way possible, and even then she chooses to trust the people around her anyways. She could have isolated herself, cut herself off from everyone, she could have been selfish and angry and lashed out, and no one would have blamed her for that- but she didn't. She put her faith in people and she relied on her friends, and she put on a brave front and she powered through and she refused to be the center of attention for even a minute. She denies herself the emotional catharsis she needed bc it just wasn't about her in her eyes, what was important was stopping the perpetrator and ending the corruption. And even then, in the face of having the perpetrator right in front of her, she never makes it about her, and she doesn't show him any contempt or disdain or unkindness in any way, she only shows him pity. There is just not a hateful bone in her body, and it's so sad when people say she's boring just because she's a nice girl who exudes kindness and wants the best for everyone. I adore Haru so much, she is so sweet and so strong and she deserves the entire world, and also a lot more screen time
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himejoshikomaeda · 1 year
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do you understand my vision.
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harumeowz · 3 months
Professional mental health experts have agreed with proshippers that exploring trauma in a safe enviornment is a good way to actually cope and deal with said trauma. There is a lot of research and studies from mental health and sex educators that prove fantasies even taboo ones are normal and healthy. This won't be for everyone, ofc, as each individual is different. So, no, there is nothing wrong with proshippers when much research shows fictional taboo interests isn't inherently immoral or dangerous.
And you think the internet is a safe environment? 🤨
While I agree that coping with trauma through fiction can definitely be healthy and a good way to cope, as it's something I do as well albeit within a completely different context, I rarely see said writers actually looking at their ships in a critical manner or portraying said relationships as being something undesireable to happen in a real context, especially if you involve KIDS in said context.
Tolerating proship helps normalize and romantice such a relationship dynamic, a dynamic that cannot work in anything but fiction, yet there are a lot of impressionable people (both with malicious intent and no malicious intent of a wide age variety) who will take this at face value without any other imput on the topic other than proships.
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ask-doctor-isami · 8 days
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Taiga is left-handed?!?
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partrin · 2 months
[clears throat]
i made a reservation under the name rin matsuoka
we're the ones having a problem here!!!!!!!!!
are there any other rooms available???
it's your misTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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apollos-boyfriend · 8 months
i LOVE the idea of slenderman just being a tired down-to-earth father of 10+ but at the same time i can’t imagine that slenderman interacting with brian/tim, so the conclusion i’ve come to is that he’s a chill dad 99% of the time but the Second tim or brian walk in the room he goes full operator mode just because he thinks it’s funny to fuck with them
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scrivenger-grimgar · 1 year
phantom thieves will always be phantom thieves, reguardless of whether they can steal hearts at that very moment. all of the thieves know this but sometimes it still sneaks up on them.
each and every member learned to be silent very quickly when under threat from shadows, and eventually just as a general threat reflex. they habitually walk silently, scaring the other members of the shadow ops.
they'll scan the room for escapes and hiding spots, and reach for weapons that arent there.
Ryuuji's accent changes when he's angry or excited thanks to William, and slowly begins to assimilate the accented English into his brain. he's able to read maps flawlessly and knows intricate details of boats and ships. if he touches someone after working out then the other person receives a nasty static shock, beyond what should be possible but not actually harmful. excitement or animosity cause his hair to puff up and electronics start going haywire around him.
Joker's third eye still works, but he's able to tell the quality of both gemstones and metals even without it and is now always resisting the urge to swipe up anything shiny. he speaks fluent French, is able to walk around perfectly in heels, and is extremely proficient in both free running and parkour. he expected to retain his ability to pick locks and perhaps his sleight of hand, but causing shadows to respond to his emotions and commands was not within any realm of possibility.
Ann began running hotter than other people around her, anger causing her hands to burn what she was holding. after awakening Celestine she became even more of a polyglot, with four languages fluently spoken: Japanese, English, Spanish, and French. her singing voice in each language is musical and fantastical, and even her acting improved.
Makoto's gaining of significant religious knowledge, specifically catholicism, as well as the ability to speak very old French, is something she attributes to both Johanna and Agnes, as well as her ability to cause nuclear fission and not be harmed by it. She immediately tries to get a handle on this, not wanting to explain to her landlord why exactly there is nuclear radiation in her apartment.
Yusuke is now practically immune to the cold, and will often forget that normal people don't go shopping in shorts in the middle of February. his touch can freeze small amounts of water when he's not careful, and larger bodies when he actively concentrates. simultaneously, his knowledge of swords and swordsmanship shoots through the roof, as does the complexity of his speech. how exactly his Japanese went from 'very formal high schooler' to '1500's disgraced samurai' without anyone in his small circle of friends noticing was nothing short of a miracle.
Haru was expected to learn English given her position as CEO of an international fast-food company, but Lucy gave her a strange shortcut, with her 17th-century English. her psionic abilities have to be closely regulated, as there were several occasions where she used it to float things to her, unlock doors, or even knock things over. even with that trouble, Lucy still gives her the upper hand with her experiences in negotiation and diplomacy shining through.
Futaba suddenly being able to speak Arabic is decidedly ignored by Sojiro, though she does get a kick out of speaking a language none of the other thieves understand. her ability to manipulate any electronic device within a ten-meter radius of her is not, nor is her sudden ability to levitate.
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sandrockianblues · 1 year
-don’t mind the fact that some text is colored/ tumblr made my words black while I’m like in gothic rave colored palette
I honestly believe that they didn’t steal anything. They mention after your fight with Logan that they realize Duvos was at play with some of the issues in Sandrock, so both boys fled after the church explosion and Howlett’s death both because they were to be held accountable for the incidents, and because Howlett spoke of Duvos shortly before his death and to protect Sandrock.
The way I see it and from what I’ve understood from their explanation- they held up the train to get attention from the Alliance or some form of power to get them to come to Sandrock or at least start paying attention. I think they just needed to buy enough time. From what I remember, Logan doesn’t seem to keep them at gunpoint for long. He gets rather fidgety as he waits and his gun just becomes an object within his hands. There’s a bit of impatience to him.
Logan: “We’re gonna live up to the bandit name and force the attention of authorities ‘cross the Free Cities to be on Sandrock; givin’ us some backup.
Logan: “That train hijacking’s was one of those plans, I’d say we succeeded!”
The “grabbing something” was a ruse (which as a friend pointed out, Haru made him wait awhile which is funny) just to stage the hijacking of the train. That wasn’t Sandrock residents on that train, it was people from the Free Cities who were gonna help aid in catching attention.
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blushblushbear · 9 months
I said this in the discord but Haru starts watching Euphoria, Fuyu tries to watch it but accidentally starts watching gossip girl and becomes OBSESSED
And he thinks he's so cool and modern with his y2k glow up and Motorola razor flip phone
He also says 'Haru gives Chuck Bass vibes and you and Blair deserve better'
Also someone shows him bridgerton since he's obessed with gossip girl and his life is over, it's been handed over to bridgerton, he's done, it's over
He also threatens to END anyone who spoils who gossip girl or ms. Whistledown is
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haruuuisasacrifice · 9 days
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shslskaterboy · 9 months
what if Haru got to have a sneaky little special interest in medieval weaponry. as a treat
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okkalo · 8 months
i want to write for sanzu so bad but i have no thoughts </3
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ikemengoessbrrrrr · 9 months
What I love about Baron x Haru ship is like- one of their problem not to be together always Baron feels he can't love Haru because he afraid she will lost her human life (missing out her normal life)
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nijimx · 6 months
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"I find insinuating that about Haru honestly kind of insulting. Spend five minutes with her and you'll know she's a wonderful person and friend."
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xiao-lantern · 8 months
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