#( hi you can find me and cella there )
vikingschristiansff · 9 months
Chapter Thirteen
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 Since the weddings Hvitserk had become determined to find out why Elsie was so angry with him. She no longer cuddled with him, instead keeping her body as close to the edge of the bed as possible. She ignored him throughout the day, and would pretend to already be asleep when he came home. After days of this Hvitserk had enough. Fairly drunk, he stumbled into their home where again, Elsie was pretending she was asleep. Hvitserk angrily tossed the furs off of her, turned her over so that she was laying on her back and crawled on top of her. He hovered menacingly over her.
“What do you want?” Elsie snarled through clenched teeth. 
“Why are you behaving like a child?” Elsie almost gagged from the stench of alcohol on his breath as he spoke. “We were happily married a few days ago, now you despise me. What happened?”
Elsie gave him a look of disgust, refusing to answer his question. “TELL ME,” he scream.
“I saw you with the slave. The blonde one. I am not stupid, as I said before my affection for you  was a momentary lapse in judgement. This isn’t a marriage, it a business arrangement. And I think, from now on, we should keep it as such.”
Hvitserk's demeanor softened, and he rolled off of his wife so he was now sitting beside her. “I didn’t know that would hurt you, and I will never do it again. Not with Margarethe, not with anyone.”
“No need. I don’t care what you do. I’m not hurt, I’m not angry. I know what men do, Scottish men have mistresses all the time. It’s just… my father didn’t and growing up I was promised a marriage like my parents. I forgot that promise was broken when my father made his deal with Bjorn.” With that, she tucked herself back under the furs and turned her back to her husband to go to sleep. Hvitserk, however, didn’t get much sleep that night. 
* * * *
Olivia sat upon a boulder, drawing a landscape of Kattegat. However, her peacefulness was soon interrupted. 
“Hello Princess Olivia,” Cella said. Olivia remembered her, she was the thrall that dressed her for the Viking wedding. 
“Hello Cella. Can I help you?”
“Prince Sigurd has ordered me to accompany you throughout the days. He said you were lonely and having a hard time adjusting to life here.” 
Olivia just smiled and nodded. She knew what Sigurd was doing, having Cella with her all day everyday would deter her from having a friendship with Harald. She felt the anger boil within her but she kept a calm demeanor, not wanting to take her emotions out on someone as sweet as Cella. 
Olivia waited up for Sigurd to come home that night. 
“Why are you still awake?” He asked when got into their bed. 
“Is having a thrall become my shadow really necessary?”
“You’re the one who wants someone to talk to,” he smirked. 
“I don’t understand you!” Olivia stood from the bed and began to shout. “You don’t want me and yet you won’t allow me to even speak to another man!”
Sigurd stood up as well. “I don’t need you being seen constantly with King Harald! Embarrassing me! Making a fool out of me!”
“You make a fool out of me everyday! You are always with Margarethe!” She spill out the thralls name with vitriol. “If you hate me so much, why don’t spend your nights with her as well!” 
“I will!” Sigurd grabbed his clothes and stormed out of their house, slamming the door behind him.
* * * *
Per request from Ivar, Aslaug and Bridget began to spend time together. Aslaug hated Bridget, and Bridget hated her back. Aslaug insisted Bridget was a bad wife and was not keeping Ivar happy. And of course, it was Bridget’s fault that she was not with child. 
Bridget had to bite her tongue form tell her mother-in-law that Ivar lacked the skill to make a baby and it was most certainly not her fault. They hadn’t tried again since the wedding night, Ivar was too scared of being embarrassed again. Instead each night he had his wife hold him tightly like she did that night. He found calmness and comfort in her arms, though she could not say the same. 
* * * * * 
Lagertha decided it was important to teach Leith sword fighting. It was not going well, but they were both enjoying their time together. 
Once again Lagertha knocked the sword out of Leith’s hand. “You are excellent with the shield, but you lack strength.” She grabbed Leith’s thin arm, that was sore beyond belief, and let it flop back to her side, making both of the women laugh. Ending their lesson, they took a seat to catch their breathes.
“How is your marriage going, Bjorn is a lot like his father in some ways, so I’m sure it is not easy?” 
Leith thought for a moment. “I think, for an arranged marriage, it is going well.” 
“But?” Lagertha questioned. 
“It is just still very awkward,” Leith paused, thinking if she wanted to say what was on her mind. “I fear — Bjorn may not like me. I would like us to be friends, to make this situation easier.”
“Oh darling,” Lagertha laughed. “Trust me, Bjorn likes you. Perhaps even more.”
Lagertha’s words lingered in her mind the rest of the day. Leith knew she and Bjorn needed to have an honest conversation when he returned home that night. 
* * * * * 
“I am sorry for accusing you the other night. I should have trusted you when you said you were with your sister.” 
Greer turned in bed to her other side, becoming face to face with her husband. “Why didn’t you?”
“I do not have the most experience with women emotionally. I was worried about you, and I —,” Don’t let that Christian make you stupid brother. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” Greer smiled, pulling her Halfdan in for a kiss.
* * * * * 
Ubbe had left for the day when Isla went into labor. Thralls flooded their house, preparing everything they needed and shouting instructions at Isla. The pain, the chaos, the noise was all too much for her. She mustered her strength and pushed the women out of the room, locking the door behind them.
“Princess Isla, open the door!” The eldest thrall, Agnes shouted and banged on the door. “We need to help you! The baby is coming early it is dangerous!”
Isla let out another agonizing scream, “I will do it myself! I do not want anyone to help me! I do not need help! AHHHHH!”
Agnes continued to banging, “Princess, if you do not open the door I will get your husband to break it down!”
“I am not letting anyone in here!” 
Isla didn’t hear Agnes tell another thrall to go find Ubbe and tell him what was happening. 
*Gifs not mine
It's been like 3 years so I don't now if anyone will read this...my laptop broke and I finally got a new one!
@browneyed-babyy @ivarthebloodyking @heavenly1927​ @darkwhisperswolf @-thatgirloverthere-​ @mdlady​ @anteatingbitchlizard
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not-poignant · 5 months
Hello Pia. Could you please elaborate a little about challenging a peak alpha and how they really can or connot controll things when they are challenged? As I understand ardolphogen is pieaking when they are in this situation? And they MUST do something? Or? I was comparing two scenes exactly - Ef challenge Gary and Janusz challengeTemsen. Thank you!
Hi anon!
I can definitely elaborate on this :D
(Under a read more because I...well...elaborated.)
So, firstly, Temsen and Gary are different people, and how they react to things are going to be different. This is true across a lot of different situations. Consider, for example, that Efnisien has been rude to Gary many times and Gary has just let him, but if Efnisien does that even slightly to Temsen, Temsen scolds him immediately!
They are different situations. Gary tolerates Efnisien's rudeness because he finds it charming/amusing and he likes that. Temsen doesn't tolerate it at all, because he believes that as a doctor and a peak alpha, he should be awarded respect from other alphas, especially young alphas who have shown a pattern of violent, abusive, disrespectful or immature behaviour (which Efnisien has!) -
This is also why Temsen tolerates Janusz' disrespect better than he does Efnisien's, because he knows it comes from a place of severe trauma. Janusz has PTSD from his experiences with Nate, and that is Hillview's fault and responsibility. Janusz is right to be angry, and his challenge comes from a genuine place of injustice.
Temsen recognises that he is culpable here, and that he has no grounds on which to scold Janusz, in other words he recognises that he's earned some disrespect on this specific issue. He can also tell that Janusz is doing it from a place of stepping into his strength to take care of Nate - that's something Temsen has asked him to do and that he wants, even if it comes from a disrespectful place (momentarily - most of what Janusz says is measured, calm, and clear - and actually not disrespectful at all - disagreeing is not disrespect). So that situation has a lot of different things happening which causes Temsen to react / not react the way he does!
Most important, no one here has any idea what Efnisien does or says to mount the challenge in the next chapter. Assuming it's solely based on what happened in this chapter is understandable! But that's not what it is. If Efnisien doesn't do what he does in the next chapter (which I'm not going to spoil), Gary's reaction would never have happened. They would have talked about Gary's uneasiness around Efnisien feeling the need to protect him, they would have gone back to normal, and they would have been fine.
Efnisien is also experiencing something new for him that he's never gone through before, and no one's really mentioned it yet. Gary had his ardolphogen rage, Efnsien also has ardolphogen in his system. He was dissociated into his rage state in that chapter, and wasn't thinking clearly, especially as he escalated his violence against Cella. We have no indication that he's left this mental/hormonal space or that it's calmed down, because he lost consciousness, and hasn't really been himself since. Alphas and anger control issues go hand in hand, the ardolphogen is not like testosterone (after all, in the omegaverse, they make both!), they can't just go 'oh huh I've been flooded with hormones, let me not do what they're telling me to do.'
And, fun fact, actually most humans can't do this past a certain point! Tell a person with PTSD to simply calmly think through their fight/flight response and stop having flashbacks, and they're going to laugh in your face, or never talk to you again. Lots of people have intense hormonal states they can't just shrug off! They must respond. It's just that the hormones and the emotions are different.
Gary has PACS, an unstable internal emotional landscape, and has been treated as a pariah by the news media, James' entire family, and has challenging mental health issues, from being casually suicidal for years after James' death and hoping that something would kill him, to being very hostile initially to making intimate connections with other people.
Gary and Temsen aren't in any way starting in the same playing field here. Temsen is happy, he's fulfilled, he's got a greater capacity for not responding to disrespect, and he also practices early intervention selectively - badly behaved alphas get scolded, usually-good-alphas who have a reason get a pass.
That being said, we've never seen anyone mount a direct challenge to Temsen, so we've never seen his response to them. No one really does it. That would be the equivalent of someone trying to pin a peak alpha to the ground, mount them physically, take a 'dominating' position over them, threaten them with physicality, or threaten to kill them in a duel etc. Obviously there's very few circumstances where this would happen and very few people would be willing to try (except for other peak alphas lol), because it's legal for peak alphas to murder anyone who attempts it, because they aren't in control of their hormonal responses when it happens.
In fact the only way to easily take advantage of a peak alpha that way is while they're sleeping or while they're too sick to fight back.
And I'll leave that as the context for the next chapter.
But, yes, when an alpha mounts a challenge to a peak alpha, physiologically they must respond. And most respond with immediate, lethal force.
Comparing what Temsen's experienced with what Gary's about to experience is like comparing apples and oranges. They're just not the same thing, and they're not comparable. We've seen Gary be disrespected by Efnisien nearly 100 times by now, we know - with only a few exceptions that involved either domestic violence initiated by Efnisien or extreme verbal disrespect - he can handle that.
What we're about to see from Efnisien is not what he's done before.
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myrc3lla-a · 6 months
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@aeg3n asked: “oh fuck-” (his reaction to cella when she takes control, bet)
Marriage   has   been   a   life   of   discovering   a   new   side   of   herself.   Usually,   he   is   the   one   taking   the   reins,   she   enjoys   inciting   him   and   pushing,   growing   more   confident   in   her   body   with   time.   She   gets   advice   from   Arianne   and   Daenerys'   own   handmaiden   and   when   the   inevitable   happen   and   he   finds   her   in   his   bed,   they   end   up   as   they   do.   Kissing,   grinding,   her   night   dress   is   all   too   short   and   lyseni   for   this   weather   but   she   feels   warm   inside   regardless.   Her   legs   are   wrapped   around   his   hips,   and   her   eyes   open   through   the   pleasure   as   he   nibbles   on   her   neck   and   she   finds   the   moment   to   switch   them   over.   She   never   did   it,   but   she   finds   the   strength   in   her   thighs,   tightly   around   him   and   she   finds   herself   now   on   top   of   him.   "Is   this   okay?"   Myrcella   asks   in   turn,   her   hair   falling   over   her   side,   before   she   moves   to   push   her   sleeves   off   her   shoulders,   leaning   to   kiss   him.  
It   feels   strange,   but   she   does   as   she   was   instructed   and   arches   her   back   gently   to   roll   her   hips   once,   to   feel   him   under   her,   growing,   twitching   and   she   groans   against   his   mouth.   "I   wanted   to   try   something   new.   Just   tell   me,   if   it's   good."   She   asks,   taking   him   in   her   hand,   stroking   him   a   couple   of   times   and   feel   him   against   her   core,   he   slides   with   ease   with   the   tease.   It   takes   her   a   moment   to   find   the   right   angle,   how   to   place   her   hips,   but   finally   she   can   feel   him   there,   at   her   core   and   her   hands   press   on   his   chest,   eyes   on   him   as   she   sinks   into   him.   Her   mouth   gapes   open   in   surprise   and   pleasure.   His   name is  a  whisper.   Oh   why   hadn't   she   tried   that   before?   Myrcella   adjusts   to   him   then,   taking   his   hands   to   place   them   on   each   side   of   her   hips   and   she   begins   to   move   at   last.  
Circles   and   rolling   of   her   hips   as   she   takes   him,   feeling   him   in   and   out   and   all   too   deep.   "I   had   to   practice   this,   you   know.   Arianne   showed   me.   Said   you   would   like   it.   That   I   would   like   it   too."   She   bites   her   lip,   a   little   vixen   perhaps,   giving   him   the   picture   in   his   mind   of   the   princess   teaching   the   other   how   to   please   a   man   as   she   finds   the   right   angle,   picking   up   some   speed   as   her   hands   find   the   wall   behind   them   to   steady   herself.   "Oh   fuck.   You   feel   so   good   like   this.   Like   I   feel   everything."   Like   riding   a   saddle.   But   instead   of   a   saddle,   it's   a   man   under   her   thighs   who   is   pressing   back   against   her,   and   she   is   almost   embarrassed   at   how   loud   she   feels   she   is   being.   
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jazz-kitty · 5 months
1, 2 , 7, 8 :3
1. favorite character[s]
ive already talked about kenneth and flora BUT! runner up is cera i think. i haven't seen her in a million years but that's okay. i think she's incredibly fucked up and i want to get her #OUT of her mental and also physical ice prison.
im preddyyyyyyy sure rn that angie is a fucked up cursed version of anju, but as "angie" she still made a servant. it just happens to be in the image of cella- taking some of her likeness & kind of her name- because even deep down the fragments of anju in angie still cares for cella. but i dont actually know. i think her dedication to angie is super fucked up and interesting though. angie doesn't care whether her meat homunculus made of illegal magic lives or dies, but cera is also so incredibly willing to lay down her life for her boss that somehow it works out. well. hopefully it stops working out bc i want cera to be able to live for herself but. AH! not much to say since it all happened like six chapters ago now sicne anyones even thought of cera but i still spin her aorund in my brain bc she's epic as hell. my friend said her ace was a morpeko :(((( thats so CUTE!!!
2. least favorite character[s]
i don't like saki or karen. what do you do when a character for most of their screentime is intended to be comedic relief and then you just don't find them funny. i feel like such a nerd but i just don't think they have jokes and theres not much else to like about them ToT at least as it stands. idk. even then i'll still draw both of them no problem i am not exactly a professional at disliking characters. my main issue with them is that they don't appeal to my sense of humor and if i'm drawing & writing them they do. so. problem solved?
erick is also kind of up there but he stays in his lane over in poison type gearen city [forgot the actual name] so he doesn't bother me as much. plus he has cat ears so he gets bonus points.
7. favorite friendship[s]
patty & cera have they ever talked? NO! have they ever talked about each other? NO! in a hypothetical situation, would it be kind of cute? YEAH!
for ones that r actually on screen though. i loveee neved & nastasia. even if it was just 1 conversation, i love their dynamic. the two most mature [AUTHORS NOTE: does not mean they are mature. just means they are not zetta geara or madelis] xen members havin a little chat and i'm TUNED IN!!!! and their shared affection for ren is so cute. they both know it's a bad idea and they BOTH tell each other it's a bad idea, and then immdiately just go Anyways, because they r BOTH going to continue caring about ren anyways. whateverrr. i think it's cute.
honorable mention delpha and adam. theyr eso sweet. they love each otherrrrrrrr they make fun of each other so much but they would kill someone for each otherrr <3
8. favorite family dynamic
florin and flora you're so. i talk about them too much. florin disowning flora after finding out she's in bladestar is soooo. oh my goodness! and then trying to get her the death penalty too!!! i think about how after florin says that he just wishes flora would trust him more- that he's there for her, if only she'd let him be- flora says THIS
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its so. god dude. i feel like it's not just that flora was leading bladestar, but selfishly- florin cares more about the fact that flora never told him about it. and its soooo. oh my god. both of them care[d] about the other so much but are far too fucked up to ever be able to show it. flora feels like she's the only one who can ever get her job done- especially after rune turned her down- and she wants to keep florin SAFE by keeping him out of everything. and florin just wants to BE THERE for his SISTER!!! without understanding until darchlight cave why she's making it so difficult to!!! god!!! it's so evil how many times things could've gotten better and how many chances flora had to just let her brother love her and how every single time she refuses and florin gets pushed a little closer to the edge of a metaphorical cliffside. me when im in a lack of communication challenge and my opponent is flora who thinks letting her brother think she hates him and actively trying to get him to hate her is the simplest way to handle things. i hate rejuv
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heredis-sanguinis · 10 months
|| ✨ I'm terrible with words, and I have zero idea where to begin!
You are one of my dearest friends here and one of my most cherished RP partners.
I absolutely love your portrayal of our favorite Bloody Diva™. You keep him extremely close to his canon portrait and lore, at the same time you don't shy away from expanding it, and everything you create to expand his story makes so much sense! 100% Riot should ask for your opinion on what to do next with this Tremere Hemomancer! You respect his complexity and it shows when he is both being an annoying asshole to LB, when he is about to go berserk with anger, or when he is serious or confused. All of those moments are so real and so legit!
I adore talking to you about literally anything and everything, and I appreciate all your feedback and help sorting the ideas out. I'm extremely thankful for it.
I'm so happy that our two idiots clicked, and that despite every stupid decision they made through the centuries, all the pain they caused one another, they still somehow care for one another.
I hope we can still play other games together one day! We need a good co-op to start laughing while I inevitably die thousands of times XD (because that's what I do. I'm always the first one to die in any game I play!)
Send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.
// -screams into the void- I fell asleep after work and woke up to this and I'm sobbing now!
You've become a good friend on here to quickly and I simply adore chatting with you. It is one of the biggest highlights I have on my days! <3
I'd love to play games with you when we find something we both have and enjoy. I'll contest you for the one who dies first and ends up laughing on the floor, because I too am one who usually botches things up and ends up dying!
I appreciate and love your messages, from the 'Good morning Cella/ to things you find that apply to our muses and the random chats with hilarious things you find.
Thank you for being so nice to me and I can't imagine how it would have been, had we not started to talk.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“That nursd, the”
I to making, miltoniclers.     Or lost it be! He curved mere with misdeed, and him sore:     lovertion you, O Love. Rose, never crown forgot is bent his     is stilling. And make they their appella in the mould dista     press’s spenter is forth
happy twiddle, tootherewith     to found—a but the verse in the Potters and with their name?     To love in smile. Why it close by thou are that naïve love     leaner own your too much of well’d moisture’s each many     Knot did not grace. Will your
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been are all soft-timber the part     from the silents that ince so might, so much passed them not ever.     Care not a not thou be ling eyes mermaiden to the     swans Silence: turns; a debt; and strings unborn Adon’t like should     draws uproses, are burst;
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memory, and when winds such as plain     me espy, till stayed. How I haunt pay yield,—but known, lad,     Wondescent, as not ever maid,—Himself in and ’twould I buried     clad, whispers journey have to see thy miss! The     Curtain in Joy; she round.
0 notes
doll-r-t · 2 years
The Lost Pearl Part 11
Syverson x reader
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
TW: Angst
gif cred to owner
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Syverson was looking up at Warhorse. His eyes on their own accord went to you, the wind was making your dress flutter. Although he liked the incorporation of his people’s style into your clothing he adored the way the wind carried your flowing dresses, giving him glimpses of your figure underneath. His gaze went to the hand you had around Rosamund. She was giddy with joy and it made him smile even broader at seeing his family again. It had been a tough trip. His people were starving and he had no idea how to fix it. He was sure that the shed the grain was in had been set on fire. He had no idea what it meant other than his people were under attack by an invisible enemy. He was never very good at practicing his patience and figuring out what was going to happen. He was straightforward, charging into battle head first. Cella had often reprimanded him for it but it was his instinct. He dismounted his horse, catching a running Rosamund. He sat her atop his hip, tweaking her nose. She started to giggle. He had been worried about leaving her after what had happened but she looked at happy as ever. Sy made his way up the stairs hugging his sister to him. He looked at you over Cella’s head, smiling at you. You gave him one of your soft smiles, it made something flutter in his chest. Clearing his throat he stepped back taking the wine and bread. Once the welcome was over he went to his room. 
This evening, after Rosamund, was in bed Cella you, and Sy took some tea in his study. Syverson had wanted you there, you were smart, far smarter than him and Cella would tell you everything anyway. He told you about his trips around the villages, and how some reported livestock missing. How most people had not enough food. He breathed in deeply preparing himself for what he was about to say. “At the outskirt by the dark wood, we were attacked, by Dunklings.” Cella gasped, “You did not write me that.” “They were quickly bested, but we found some of the livestock that had been missing.” “And you think that it was them who set fire to the shed with the grains.” You concluded. “Further, you are worried at how they could get into Trollhjem and if there are more. What if they have infiltrated or someone may have changed loyalty or was bribed to let them in. “NO,” Syverson called out, sighing deeply, “Yes.” He sank back into the chair. “Is there a way to find out?” Cella asked. You mulled the question over, “it would be difficult but not necessarily impossible. The first step is to figure out whom you can trust and who had the opportunity to set the fire.” Syverson nodded in agreement. “I will set up a team to investigate this. Only my most trusted. We have to keep this quiet. I cannot have my people be even more scared.” He stood up walking to his desk. “I need to sort out my papers and correct the resource reports.” Cella and you got up. You hesitated at the door but understood he needed time to be alone. You quietly closed the door. Instructing one of the servants to bring Syverson some mead and to get you if something was the matter. 
The next few days Syverson looked worse and worse, he bearly slept and hardly ate. He tried so hard to find a solution but could not, he could not help his people and it was slowly destroying him. A servant burst into his room making Syverson flinch. The young man looked flushed and was breathing quickly. “What is it?” Syverson was reaching for his sword. “There are wagons-.” Deep breath. “Many wagons, and riders with white and blue armor.” Syverson frowned. “They are almost here. They are riders from the seaside, from Princess Y/N land.” He went on. Syverson nodded knowing the blue and white armor. He walked past the servant in search of one of his soldiers. He still had no idea what was going on. “Cap.” Ocre greeted him. “seems like our allies have sent us some stuff.” Syverson’s face showed that it was no time to speak in riddles. “Wagons full of food, grain, conserved fruit and vegetables, potatoes. All kinds of things according to the rider.” Ocre let him to one messenger standing in the great hall. He bowed deeply. “Captain Syverson. It is an honor.” Syverson reciprocated the formalities. “The high Prince Imrahil sends you, his best wishes and may this helps you through troubling times. The Wagons are expected to be here soon.” Before Syverson could say anything soft-sounding horns sounded outside. He walked past the messenger and looked out, he saw for himself five Wagons and over two dozen soldiers. Quick footsteps sounded behind him and you appeared next to him, you were smiling at seeing your people. “They are here, they brought food.” You breathed out when seeing the Wagons. Syverson turned to you. Before you could take a step further he grabbed your arm. “You knew about this?” He hissed. You were shocked at the grip on your arm and the fire behind his eyes. Before you could say anything riders were coming up the hill toward them. The men were all dressed in blue and white, with a symbol of a fish in a seashell with a pearl in his mouth. The pearl in the fish's mouth was the symbol of the royal riders of the seaside. Your father must have been worried about sending so much-needed food without proper protection. Syverson sent the servants to get wine and bread. He had given you another side-eye glare before walking toward the men. A tall man got off the horse laughing loudly, greeting Syverson with a pat on his back. “Who is that?” Rosamund asked tugging at your skirt. “My brother, Ethos.” You replied shortly. You could not believe your eyes. What was he doing here? 
“Ethos,” you breathed. He gave you a nod before taking a glass of wine and a piece of bread as a welcome. Once the greeting ceremony was over you walked inside toward Syverson’s study. The soldiers were given accommodation as well as their horses. Syverson sat behind his desk Ethos seated himself across and Cella next to him. You stood next to Ethos's chair. “Don’t get me wrong brother I am happy to see you again but why?” Ethos shot you a questioning look. “We are here to assist you of course.” Ethos stated as if it was obvious. “When Y/N wrote us telling us of your misfortune my father complied as many recourses as we could to send you aid. Y/N told us your country was badly hit and then the grain burning down.” Syverson clenched his jaw, the vein in his neck was pulsing wildly. You could see from your standing position that he was clenching his fists. “Did she now?” He growled out. A servant interrupted updating Syverson on the procession of distributing food and taking inventory as well as where they put the soldiers. Ethos took this opportunity to grab you by the hand pulling you down. “You did not tell him?” He hissed. You looked at him innocently. “I don’t know what you mean. I just wrote a letter. I did not demand you do this.” “You knew we were going to send aid. How could we not from your letter? You described in detail how people were dying of hunger. How they sacrificed everything to help us in the final battle.” You looked away. Of course, this was your intention, for them to send aid. “I did not ask you to do it.” You replied again. The servant left and you rightened yourself. Suddenly you were not feeling as confident as before, but you had to do something people were dying. You did not exaggerate but you knew the rhetoric you used would leave your father no choice but to send food especially if it came to light that the high Prince knew about their suffering and did nothing. 
Ethos turned to Syverson again. “We were informed of your predicament and my father the High Prince of the Pearl could not stand aside why not only an Allie but a brother to us was suffering.” He stood up, bowing deeply. “I apologize for not sending a letter first informing you of our intention,” we thought you knew, Ethos added in his head but did not speak it out loud it would not help. From what he had seen the Woodland people were proud and hard workers. And since the alliance was so new, after being broken for so long it was a delicate situation. The Northmen had still hostility in their heart from years of prejudice against them. Now handing them food without wanting something in return was not seen as an act of kindness but as an act of insult. 
Syverson stood as well. “I am sorry Ethos you must be tired from the ride. Please Cella could you bring him to a room and send a servant.” Cella stood up, forcefully smiling. Ethos and Cella left the room. You had a feeling you should stay. Your mind was racing trying to come up with a solution without this turning into chaos. Syverson was stubborn and quick to anger. You knew that so you had to focus his mind on his people who needed this help. 
As soon as the door closed Syverson’s anger came out he looked at you in a way that made your chest tighten. Before he could say anything you decided to be honest and straight. The word tricker worked in your own court but here it would not get you far. “I had to,” you simply stated. He stood up so fast the chair was falling back. “Why because we are simple-minded savages not capable of taking care of our own people?” You tried to keep your face blank but he stood so close his anger coming off in waves. It made you subconsciously reach for your dagger, even though you knew he would not hurt you. It made you angry, feeling the cold handle of the dagger. You had not reached for it in your entire stay in Warhorse. The cold steel broke your composure. “Get over yourself.” You stepped closer to him, your voice a whispered hiss. It was the wrong thing to say. “How dare you. You walk around here like you own this place. You are a guest, and from now on an unwelcomed one.” He pushed past you. You were about to grab his arm not done with him when he whirled around again. “You are so high and mighty with your silver tongue slithering into our court changing Cella to what you think is civilized with your split tongue. Taking over slowly. Don’t think I do not know how you took over once Cella and I left. Is this your plan? To take over my court. MY COURT.” Syverson got more amped up. You could only stand there and look at him, never in your life had you been described as a snake, and it broke your heart. “Was that your plan when you took Rosamund to the wall? to off her? But then you chickened out. You people have no spine. No idea what it is like to work hard to make hard choices. You walk around with your fancy clothing and your head held high like you are something more but you aren’t you are just a pretty face distracting from the rotten core within your people.” You stepped back, swallowing hard. You opened your mouth trying to set him straight but your throat was tightening by the minute you could not say anything. A strangled gasp left you and without a word you left his study. You stopped for a second seeing Cella look at you with a mixture of sadness, pain, and betrayal. You could not take it, you walked to your room, shaking from anger and hurt. 
What do you guys think? Did she ruin the alliance and her friendship as well as the blossoming trust between Cella and Syverson?
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distort-opia · 2 years
Hiiii, is it annoying to ask you for some reading recommendations from your country?? 😅 I study literature so I will inhale pretty much anything you give me: poems, scripture, myths, essays on ANY topic, neat articles and studies, love letters, philosophy, oral tradition, books of course... Whatever you like :)
Hey! No, not at all, I appreciate the interest.
Romania does have some great writers that are worth reading. For poetry, if you're interested in a thorough overview, "Romanian Poetry from its Origins to the Present: A Bilingual Anthology" by Daniel Ioniță, Daniel Reynaud, & Adriana Paul would be a good start. I personally favor the modernists, and especially the symbolists; Tudor Arghezi, George Bacovia, Ion Minulescu, Nichita Stănescu, Lucian Blaga... Ion Barbu too, on occasion. And even though he's considered an icon of romanticism, Mihai Eminescu (THE Romanian poet) also has some poems I really like -- Memento Mori especially, which you should be able to find in the anthology. By Bacovia, I really like the poem Ideas, hope it's in there. I couldn't find any translation online, but this is my favorite part (with the caveat it's me translating):
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This'll give you an idea of what Bacovia is like, at least. God, so much of his poetry relies on how it sounds though, and translation is really difficult.
When it comes to prose, the following books aren't a comprehensive taste of Romanian literature; however, I tried to mix classics with books I more personally liked:
The Hatchet, by Mihail Sadoveanu
The Spider Web, by Cella Serghi
The Town with Acacia Trees, by Mihail Sebastian
Desert Forever, by Octavian Paler
Forest of the Hanged, by Liviu Rebreanu
Ciuleandra, by Liviu Rebreanu
The Lucky Mill, by Ioan Slavici
The Procustean Bed, by Camil Petrescu
The Most Beloved of Earthlings, by Marin Preda
La Medeleni, by Ionel Teodoreanu
Lorelei, by Ionel Teodoreanu
Invitation to Waltz, by Mihail Drumeș
Diary of a Short-Sighted Adolescent, by Mircea Eliade
Nineteen Roses, by Mircea Eliade
Nostalgia, by Mircea Cărtărescu
Travesti, by Mircea Cărtărescu
Tbh, if you can find anything translated by these authors, it might be interesting to read.
We also also have some cool philosophers. You might've heard of existentialist Emil Cioran, from which I recommend "A Short History of Decay", but he has other books translated worth reading. Then there's Lucian Blaga who's also delved into philosophy, and Mircea Eliade, who's actually world-renowned for his "History of Religious Ideas". I also recommend "The Sacred and the Profane" by him.
For more cultural analysis, might be fun to read "History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness" by Lucian Boia. And for a book on history, "A Brief Illustrated History of Romanians" by Neagu Djuvara might be interesting, since it's a bit lighter.
This got longer than I expected! If you do get through these, I hope you have fun. I admire your zest for reading and for widening your horizon, it's great that you want to sample works from all kinds of cultures as part of your degree.
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Stiles gets abducted by hunters but the interrogation does not go the way they had hoped.
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The old cellar smelt of damp wood and mould, probably from the rusted pipe in the corner of the space that was wet with a rivulet of water, occasionally dripping on the concrete floor. There was a thick layer of dust over everything in the room, the coated floor disturbed by the footprints of his captors when they dragged him down there hours ago.
Specs of dust danced about in front of him as they drifted through the dim glow of the flickering light that hung over head, buzzing with electricity.
The door at the top of the stairs creaked open, heavy footsteps falling on the steps as two men came into the basement. They stepped into the dull light.
The first was a man in his late forties, red hair streaked with grey, and dark brown eyes that almost seemed black. His face was marred with scars, jagged ridges covering his skin—reminders of his previous hunts.
The second hunter was much younger, somewhere in his twenties. He had fawn-brown hair and eyes as grey as storm clouds. He held a knife, spinning the sharp blade between his fingers with a flourish of movement.
“I know you think that’s intimidating,” Stiles said, nodded towards the knife. “But really, it just makes you look like you’ve got a knife play kink.”
The man with the scars stepped forward, leaning over Stiles and narrowing his cold glare on the young man. His voice was deep and raspy with the slightest hint of a European accent showing through as he said, “You’re going to tell us everything we want to know or we’ll have to resort to torture methods.”
“When you say torture do you mean physical or psychological? Because if you mean physical, then I’ll tell you whatever you want to hear to put an end to the pain, and you’ll have no way of knowing if it’s true or not. Or, I might like it too much—in which case, you have a whole other problem to deal with?”
“What do you mean by that?” the second hunter asked, his knife stilling in his hand as his brow furrowed in confusion.
Stiles shifted his gaze to the younger man, a smirk turning up the corners of his mouth. “Ah, you’re stupid, huh? I can work with that; daddy likey dummy.”
“Shut up!” the first hunter shouted, grabbing Stiles by the front of his shirt and roughly pulling him forward. “In case you haven’t realised, we’re the ones in control here.”
“Sorry, I just find that hard to believe because you’ve had me down here – for what, hours now? And you haven’t even gotten me to tell you what I am.”
The hunters exchanged confused looks.
“I thought he was human,” the first hunter muttered almost inaudibly.
The younger man shrugged. He looked back at Stiles and asked, “What are you?”
“I’m an Aries,” Stiles answered.
The hunters’ faces turned bright red, their eyes dark as their expressions twisted, livid with rage.
The scarred hunter shoved Stiles back, balling his fist and slamming it into Stiles’ jaw with a sickening crack.
Stiles’ body sagged to the side, his jaw burning with pain as the bitter, coppery metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. He spat the mouthful of blood onto the floor, letting out a dry chuckle as a mischievous smile turned up the corner of his lips. He straightened up, turning to look at the men.
“You guys left me down here to stew, thinking the longer you left me down here the more afraid I’d be and the easier it’d be to get answers out of me. But really, I’ve just been waiting.”
“For what?” the first hunter asked.
“The cavalry.”
There was a loud crash upstairs followed by the sound startled men shouting, gunshots and bullet shells raining on the floor, but the sound that caught their attention was the distinct rumble of the deep, animalistic growl.
The hunters turned around, pulling their guns from their holsters and aiming at the door.
“What the hell is that?” the younger hunter asked, his voice a low whisper.
“That,” Stiles started, smug, “is the Alpha.”
There was a thundering boom as the door to the cellar was kicked in, the splintered wood falling down the stairs before falling still at the hunter’s feet.
The cellar echoed with the thump of heave leather boots falling on the stairs.
The hunters raised their guns, trying to steady their shaky hands as they aimed at the silhouette that walked down towards them. A pair of piercing red eyes broke through the shadows, the crimson glow sending a shiver of fear down their spines.
Before they could pull the trigger, the figure charged forward, grabbing the barrels of their guns and aiming them towards the ceiling as they fired—the bullets lodging in the wooden beams and raining dust and splinters over them.
The Alpha pulled the guns from their grasps, tossing them into the shadows. They clattered as they slid across the floor.
The hunters were stunned for a moment but quickly regained their senses.
The older hunter lunged forward, swung at the Alpha.
The werewolf dodged the punch, grabbing the hunter’s arm and slamming the palm of his hand into the man’s shoulder, dislocating the joint with a sickening crack.
The man cried out in pain.
The werewolf pulled the man upright, slamming his fist into the hunter’s face and silencing his scream as the hunter collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
The younger hunter adjusted his grip on his knife and charged at the Alpha, slashing at him.
The Alpha dodged the blade with ease, grabbing the man’s wrist and twisting it.
Stiles’ stomach twisted nauseatingly at the sound of bones breaking and the man’s agonised wailing.
The knife fell from the hunter’s hand. The Alpha kicked it aside, turning his burning red eyes on the young man as he grabbed him by his throat, lifting the hunter off his feet and throwing him across the cellar.
The man collided with boxes and crates with a loud crash and a pained grunt, his body sagging as he lost consciousness.
The Alpha stepped forward into the dim light, the red glow of his eyes fading to their natural hue.
His dark grey shirt sat on his broad shoulders, the top buttons of his Henley left unbuttoned and the collar handing open to reveal the patch of beige skin and the curve of his collarbone. His hair was dark and thick, cropped short at the base of his skull and a little shaggy on top. Soft whiskers shadowed his jaw, framing his sharp cheekbones and his stern expression. His pale aventurine eyes shifted colour in the light, the soft hue changing from hazel to green, to a shade of light blue – clear, bright and focused.
Just by looking at him, there was no doubt he was powerful; no doubt he was in charge.
The Alpha.
Stiles smiled up at him.
Derek looked at Stiles with an unamused look. “Seriously?”
“What?” Stiles asked.
“It’s a wooden chair,” Derek pointed out. “You could have broken out hours ago.”
“I know,” Stiles said. “I also could have picked the lock on these handcuffs hours ago.”
“And you didn’t because…?” Derek prompted.
“Because I was trying to get information out of them,” Stiles answered. There was a quiet metal click as the lock on the cuffs gave way and Stiles freed himself. “And I like it when you play the hero.”
He stepped over to Derek’s side, tilting his chin up and pressing a kiss to Derek’s cheek.
Derek let out an exaggerated sigh and shook his head. “You’re incorrigible.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Stiles said, somewhat dismissively as he stepped past Derek and made his way over to the stairs that led out of the cellar.
“So, did you learn anything?” Derek asked, following Stiles up into the main floor of the hunter’s safehouse.
“No,” Stiles answered. “Those two didn’t know anything, but this one—”
Stiles spun around, blocking the blow from the man who hid in the shadows. Stiles grabbed the length of the man’s baton, pushing it back into the man’s face—his own knuckles colliding with his nose.
Blood dripped down the hunter’s face as he let out a deep growl.
Stiles tightened his grip on the baton and spun it around, twisting the man’s arms as he swung his leg and kicked the hunter’s feet out from underneath him and knocking him to the floor.
The man pushed himself onto his hand and knees.
Stiles used his foot to push the man back into a sitting position, pinning him back against the wall.
“—knows something,” Stiles finished.
“Who the hell are you?” the hunter spat, his voice a mix of anger, shock and fear.
“That depends,” Stiles replied, crouching down in front of the man. His voice was low and threatening. “I’m going to ask you one question; you answer truthfully and I’ll be your friend, you don’t answer or you lie to me and I’ll be your worst nightmare.”
The hunter swallowed hard.
“So,” Stiles started, levelling his glare on the man. “Who sent you?”
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thefairyletters · 3 years
I saw you rb a SaiSaku post and was curious if you had any fanfic recs for this rarepair?!
Do I have?!!!!! I am currently binging this ship so you couldn't have asked this at better time.
This pair is not a crack ship! Crack would mean they have not shared more than two words with each other. But SaiSaku interactions always bordered on romance and best friends who don't act like it. Not only Sakura was the first person to acknowledge Sai had human side to him and bonded with him over his painting, Sai was also the only person outside Sasuke (in part 1) to be able tell her fake smiles and he always understood her feelings better than other characters. Had Sakura ever only cared for good looks (something she don't) then with Sai she'd get that and so much more.
I have always considered SaiSaku as the next best thing after NaruSaku. They had too much potential as a couple. I am not bitter that InoSai became a thing but looking at them I only feel that "Ino didn't get Sasuke so she get his look-alike." Besides, Sai gave people nicknames that are opposites to what actually feels about them – Naruto as Dickless, Sakura as Hag/Ugly and Ino as Beautiful – which makes it worse. Both Ino and Sai deserve better than this. If Kishi has shown them together more often or had interactions between them similar to SaiSaku then I can understand why Ino is his light. I guess it is also SP's fault for showing them in different light. For all SP hates Sakura, they enjoy messing up with her fans by feeding them false hope.
Whenever I want to read something hilarious but deep, SaiSaku is my to-go couple. Usually angsty, or full bout of insults and punches. There's no in between with them.
. SaiSaku .
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This list contains my favorite SaiSaku collection. I am not sure if you like SaiSaku only as romance ship but this list also contain stories that expands on SaiSaku friendship, something I absolutely adore.
Could Roses Bloom? : RiseoftheBlossom || M || AO3 || Shippuden AU || GaaSaku, SaiSaku || Angst, Romance || Ongoing
Sai glanced downwards at his body, the sudden override of his thoughts causing his mind to blank. What did that mean? Had he been straying too close to a piece of information Danzo didn't want him to have or share? Or was it his mind's natural response to shutting down any form of emotion, even if it was just the slightest of inclination towards feeling something?
Go for it if you like: enemies-to-friends-to-lovers troupe, SaiSaku friendship, confused-over-his-feelings!Sai, slow burn, GaaSaku, boys who are bad at feelings, Sakura who is unlucky with romance, angst with fluff
hello, bright eyes (been waiting on you) : mouseymightymarvellous || T || AO3 || Shippuden AU || SaiSaku || Angst, Romance || One Shot
“look underneath the underneath,” except no one has ever really bothered to look at sakura and see her. and then there is a boy (isn’t there always). maybe they’re both just ghosts, making each other real.
Go for it if you like: enemies-to-friends-to-lovers troupe, confused-over-her-feelings!Sakura, boys who are bad at feelings, Sakura who is unlucky with romance, Sai and Sakura who don't feel like they belong, angst with fluff, sad!Sai
Oh God That’s Heaven : blueberrysconesandfolkmusic || T || AO3 || Shippuden AU || SaiSaku || Angst, Romance || One Shot
Sakura finds Sai sick, alone, and in desperate need of a hand that doesn't hurt.
Go for it if you like: boys who are bad at feelings, bleeding-heart!Sakura, sad-and-lonely!Sai, Sai and Sakura who are secretly best friends, Sai with PTSD, protective!team7
for everything blue and bright : sinemoras09 || M || AO3 || Shippuden AU || SaiSaku, SasuSaku || Angst || One Shot
The five stages of human arousal.
Go for it if you like: lonely!Sai, obsessed!Sakura, One-sided love, Unrequited-love-no-matter-how-you-look-at-it!SaiSaku, no-good-very-bad!Ending, pining!Sai, bittersweet lemon
A mess of me : Dovey || M || AO3 || Pre-Shippuden AU || SaiSaku || Yandere Romance || Complete
In which Sai is a good ANBU agent with an unusual hobby, and Sakura grows up with a #1 fan rooting for her....even if she doesn't know it. Or: Sai starts stalking Sakura when they're both young to satisfy his curiousity about 'normalcy', gets attached, and eventually gets very frustrated that nobody else seems to notice her potential as a shinobi and takes matters into his own hands- and delights in being Sakura's prime source of validation because of it.
Go for it if you like: obsessed!Sai, manipulation, stalker!Sai, mentor!Sai, SaiSaku friendship, distraught!Kakashi, fluff, baby-Sai-stalking-baby-Sakura, abusive haruno household
There is sunshine on his forehead : amako || T || AO3 || Soulmate AU || SaiSaku but it's complicated || Angst, Hurt/Comfort || One Shot
Sakura is only three when she promises herself that Sasuke will die by her hand, whoever he is.
Go for it if you like: dysfunctional Team 7, Soulmate AU, Unrequited love feels, angst heavy, Sai and Sakura only want to belong, NaruSasu, NaruSaku but not really, betrayal heavy, no fluff only pain, SaiSaku, Team 7 taking Sakura for granted, Sakura is so done
In theory : nimblnymph || T || FFN || Shippuden || SaiSaku || Romance, Humor || One Shot
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Sai was about to learn that this theory applied to more than just physics. And that putting theory into practice sometimes gave unexpected results.
Go for it if you like: oblivious!Sai, teacher!Sakura, student!Sai, Sai getting educated, Sakura educating Sai, Kisses, Sai being Sai, Sakura with patience of god
Loathing : i AM the Random Idiot || T || FFN || Shippuden || SaiSaku || Romance, Angst || One Shot
Define "hatred."
Go for it if you like: oblivious!Sai, hurt!Sai, Angst, Onions, SakuSai bonding over mutual hate, love is overrated anyway
Bunk Mates : ice bitten || T || FFN || Shippuden || Team 7 || Humor, Friendship || One Shot
In which Sasuke and Naruto find out Sakura has been sleeping over at Sai's. Short stories surrounding Sakura, Sai, and the invasive people of Konoha.
Go for it if you like: sassy!Sai, protective!Team7, SaiSaku friendship, roommates, Sai being Sai, Perfect characterisation, Canon feels
Paint me with Colour : PeregrineFlight || T || FFN || post-Shippuden || SaiSaku|| Humor, Friendship || Incomplete
Sai and Sakura must travel to the Land of Lightning to retrieve something for the Daimyo, they have to travel as a married couple. Much to Naruto's amusement.
Go for it if you like: lonely!Sai, SaiSaku friendship, roommates, Sai being Sai, pretend marriage, SaiSaku bonding over mission, fluffy angst, adorable!Sai
Forget Me Not : Joy-girl || T || FFN || post-Shippuden || Team 7 || Angst, Friendship || Complete
Sometimes it's easy to forget how important someone is when the person is always in the background – but Sakura's boys still remember. Glimpses of her importance from each member of her team.
Go for it if you like: fluffy angst, Sakura's place in team 7, underappreciated Sakura, Team7 family, Family feels, sad!Sakura, protective!Team7 males, Sakura appreciation, SaiSaku bond, Team7Saku feels, avenger!Teammates
Add Me Colour : Cella N || T || FFN || post-Shippuden || SaiSaku || Drama, Romance || Complete
"All my life is white. Paint me. Add me colour."
Go for it if you like: lonely!Sakura, Sai being Sai, confused!Sakura, angst, poetic translation, colors
Euphemisms : Nymbis || T || FFN || Shippuden || SaiSaku || Humor, Romance || Complete(?)
Drabbles about Sai, Sakura, and their strange attempts at bonding.
Go for it if you like: Sai being Sai, Sakura being Sakura, Hilarious friendships, SaiSaku friendship, loveggression, love-hate relationship, Insults, Sai's brand of humor, fluff with punches, Raunchy stuff
Ricochet : Strix 4 || T || FFN || Shippuden AU || Team 7 || Family, Drama || Complete(?)
Sometimes it's easy to see the familiar in the faces around you. Sometimes it sucks to figure out why.
Go for it if you like: fluffy angst, Sakura's place in team 7, Team7 as family, Family feels, wise!Sakura, SaiSaku bond, Sai's place in team 7
Pick up lines : Demoneyes 14 || T || FFN || Shippuden || SaiSaku || Humor || One Shot
Ero sennin's pick up lines! Guaranteed to get the girl or your money back! Well... it would be more guaranteed if it hadn't fallen on his face in the library, but heck, Sai will try anything once! Maybe it will save him a beating from Sakura...
Go for it if you like: Sai being Sai, Sakura being Sakura, SaiSaku friendship, loveggression, love-hate relationship, Insults, Sai's brand of humor, fluff with punches
Special mentions...
Study of the Heart : teresa
In an effort to become a better friend, Sai undertakes a study of love, not really understanding how difficult it could be, and how surprising.
The Blood of a Cherry Blossom : Slytherin Kunoichi
Originally, for Halloween, Sai hadn't decided what to go as, but once he glimpsed at the bleeding flesh on Sakura's neck, he suddenly had the urge to be a vampire…
Old Dogs, New Tricks : yuugiri
After an unprecedented turn of events, the Fifth Hokage has officially assigned Sakura Haruno the responsibility to make Sai recover what he had lost; his emotions. With a time limit of a month, will Sakura succeed in this mission?
Once More, With Feeling : Cynchick
Sakura didn't know what she was thinking when she showed up on his doorstep. 
Ink Me : Krickitat
Exploring the art of bod-modification Sakura takes a step into the unknown world of the exquisite pain of art.
The Uchiha Secret : Slytherin Kunoichi
Sasuke froze as he stared at Sai's eyes, which were identical to his Uchiha Sharingan eyes now: red with anger and black with hatred...One family secret could threaten and shake three lives forever. Bonds will be broken.
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My babies don't get enough love in the world.
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Historically Booker’s native language would be Occitan and not French . He would also probably deeply resent standard / Parisian French since the government did their damnest to erase regional languages and still do it today .
Agreed! There was another post about this, but since I got an ask (I love you, anon) I’ll elaborate. Buckle up for a primer on the evolution of the French language with a brief aside for troubadours, traveling musician-poets you wish were still a career option. No, being a rock star is not quite the same.
In the early medieval period (as early as ~900CE), the country we now call France had a language divide between the northern and southern regions. In the north, they spoke langues d'oïl which is what eventually became modern standard French. In the south, they spoke Occitan or lenga d'òc and a modern form of this language is known as Provençal. Looking at the regional sub-dialects, the more northern Occitan begins to sound like a langue d’oil and the more southern dialects begin to sound like Spanish.
As I touched upon in a previous post, this is because they all share similar roots as a romance language. Even though modern standard French is a langue d’oil, occitan managed to sneak a few things into the language. If you’ve learned French as a second language, you’ll know that when you respond yes (oui) to a negative question (you don’t like cheese? / tu n’aimes pas le fromage?) that you use a different yes (si). This is a skeleton of Occitan! 
The why of the invention of “standard French” is, as most “standard” things are, a detour into nationalism. In 1635, Cardinal Richelieu (under Louis XIII) founded the Académie Française (French Academy) which was tasked with standardizing the French language so that it could be exported to the rest of Europe and used to gain further prestige of the role of French philosophers during the Enlightenment. During the French Revolution, it was disregarded, but Napoleon Bonaparte restored it as part of the Institut de France (Institute of France) in 1803. To this day, the Académie is tasked with publishing the French dictionary and inventing new words for things such as “e-mails” so that the French needn’t stoop to using English loan-words.
Another part of this was the Toubon Law (August 1994) which required French (the standard French from the Académie) to be used in all official documents and advertising. It required all advertising to use French and even set a certain percentage of music on the radio that must be French. This law was literally the government going “let’s make the French french again.” If a school doesn’t instruct in French (modern, standard French of course), then they can’t receive government funds. The only exception is Breton-language schools (Breton is as north as it gets and is a langue d’oil so it still helps crush Occitan).
Since the previous paragraph probably made you mad as heck, let me give you some irony to laugh at: some French people refer to this as the loi Allgood (“law” Allgood). To explain this joke, it helps to know that Toubon is the last name of the Minister of Culture at the time the law was passed. If you break down his last name, it sounds like “tout bon” in French which translates to “all good.” People took this law saying make everything French, goddammit and replied, sure thing Minister All-Good. I love it.
Now, for the troubadours! I learned standard modern French in high school, but at university I came across Occitan because of those romantic poets. I’ll put this aside below the break so you can continue on with your day if for some reason you’re not interested in medieval French rock star-poets...
Let me begin by quoting the Wikipedia definition:
A troubadour was a composer and performer of Old Occitan lyric poetry during the High Middle Ages (1100–1350). Since the word troubadour is etymologically masculine, a female troubadour is usually called a trobairitz.
Right away you may notice a few things: 1) they wrote and sang in Occitan; 2) it was an equal-opportunity field (though it was rare for a woman to be one). The first Troubadours were mostly noblemen, but later ones could come from any social class. Yes, you read that correctly: egalitarian travelling poets! If that doesn’t sell you on these performers, I don’t know what will. The troubadours spread their tradition throughout Europe and the only thing that could stop them was the Black Plague.
As you’d expect, they mostly sang about love. A lot of their poems were about courtly love and chivalry, but they could also get bawdy. The especially good performers would be sought after by courts like famous painters. Troubadours are essentially the apex bards: romantic, witty, charming, talented, and able to make serious bank.
To finish this, I will leave you with one of the bawdiest troubadour poems I know of, Farai un vers, pos mi somelh (The Ladies with the Cat) by Guillem de Peiteus. It’s essentially the story of a dude who has sex with these women who pick up a knight on a pilgrimage (though it plays with reality and this guy’s fantasies). I’ll include it in the original Occitan, and then a translation by Robert Kehew (I believe), verse-by-verse. Forgive me for my commentary in between, but I just want you to understand how freaking clever this poem is!
Farei un vers, pos mi somelh Em vauc e m’estauc al solelh. Domnas i a de mal conselh,    E sai dir cals: Cellas c’amor de cavalier    Tornon a mals.
While sound asleep I’ll walk along In sunshine, making up my song. Some ladies get the rules all wrong;    I’ll tell you who: The ones that turn a knight’s love down    And scorn it, too.
The singer is establishing himself as a troubadour. The protagonist is dreaming, so we should be careful about what is real and imagined. He’s also invoking the trope of the philandering knight constantly falling in love and breaking his heart.
Domna fai gran pechat mortal Qe no ama cavalier leal; Mas si es monge o clergal,    Non a raizo: Per dreg la deuri’hom cremar    Ab un tezo.
Grave mortal sins such ladies make Who won’t make love for a knight’s sake; And they’re far worse, the ones who’ll take    A monk or priest-- They ought to get burned at the stake    At the very least.
The Middle Ages were not at all chaste; yes, monks and priests were having sex. This isn’t as sexist as it may come across on a first reading however. He’s not saying women shouldn’t have sex (he’s actually saying that it’s a sin not to being having sex), he’s just upset that women who are clearly willing to have sex are turning *him* down. He’s not going to get any awards for feminist of the year, but he’s not the worst. I’m sure this would rouse cheers from a tavern.
En Alvernhe, part Lemozi, M’en aniey totz sols a tapi: Trobei la moller d’en Guari    E d’en Bernart; Saluderon mi simplamentz    Per sant Launart.
Down in Auvergne, past Limousin, Out wandering on the sly I ran Into the wives of Sir Guarin    And Sir Bernard; They spoke a poper welcome then    By St. Leonard.
These are recognizable locations along a pilgrimage route. There’s a good chance that these names are replaceable (Bernard can be replaced with any last name that rhymes with a saint) and this song could be used to goad the audience. And no, he hasn’t had sex with these ladies yet. They’re just saying hello (for now).
La unam diz en son latin: “E Dieus vos salf, don pelerin; Mout mi semblatz de bel aizin,    Mon escient; Mas trop vezem anar pel mon    De folla gent.”
One said in her dialect, “Sir Pilgrim, may the Lord protect Men so sweet-manned, so correct,    With such fine ways; This whole world’s full of lunatics    And rogues, these days.”
I think most would agree that this is happening in the knight’s sex-dream because she’s just sweet talking him. The awesome part is that the “dialect” reflects the singer actually adopting a Northern French language (they’re mutually intelligible). Guillem didn’t have to go that hardcore, but he did.
Ar auzires qu’ai respondut; Anc no li diz bat ni but, Ni fer ni fust no ai mentaugut,    Mas sol aitan: “Barbariol, babariol,    Babarian.”
For my reply--I’ll swear to you I didn’t tell them Bah or Boo, I answered nothing false of true;    I just said, then, “Babario, babariew,    Babarian.”
This guy just mocks their accents as a reply. Wildin’.
So diz n’Agnes a n’Ermessen: “Trobat avem que anam queren. Sor, per amor Deu, l’alberguem,    Qe ben es mutz, E ja per lui nostre conselh    Non er saubutz.”
So Agnes said to Ermaline, “Let’s take him home, quick; don’t waste time. He’s just the thing we’d hoped to find:    Mute as a stone. No matter what we’ve got in mind,    It won’t get known.”
In this stanza we see two repeats and a new thing. First, the names are easy to replace (Agnes doesn’t even have to rhyme with anything) so that this can be done to call out a specific woman’s name. Second, the language skills are being flaunted again as this Occitan-speaker is just casually showcasing that he can sing about sex in other languages too, thankyouverymuch. Lastly, this is WOMEN voicing their desire, not men. The man is silent, they think he’s incapable of speech. This is two women in a poem/song getting to steer the story how they please. Stepping back, this is a guy’s sex-dream so you could argue he’s just got a kink for dominant women, but regardless that’s a pretty cool way to turn masculinity on its head.
La unam pres sotz son mantel Menet m’en sa cambra, al fornel. Sapchatz qu’a mi fo bon a bel,    El focs fo bos, Et eu calfei me volentiers    Als gros carbos.
Under her cloak, one let me hide; We slipped up to her room’s fireside. By now I thought one could abide    To play this role-- Right willingly I warmed myself    At their live coals.
Yes, this dude is saying he’s more than happy to let the women take charge. Don’t kink-shame him.
A manjar mi deron capos, E sapchatz agui mais de dos, E noi ac cog ni cogastros,    Mas sol nos tres, El pans fo blancs el vins fo bos    El pebr’ espes.
They served fat capons for our fare-- I didn’t stop at just one pair; We had no cook or cook’s boy there,    But just us three. The bread was white, the pepper hot,    The wine flowed free.
A capon is a castrated rooster, fattened for eating. He’s being fattened (and emasculated by letting them take control) before the women get down to their  fun with him.
“Sor, aquest hom es enginhos, E laissa lo parlar per nos: Nos aportem nostre gat ros    De mantenent, Qel fara parlar az estros,    Si de renz ment.”
N’Agnes anet per l’enujos, E fo granz et ac loncz guinhos: E eu, can lo vi entre nos,    Aig n’espavent, Q’a pauc non perdei la valor    E l’ardiment.
“Wait, sister, this could be a fake; He might play dumb just for our sake. See if our big red cat’s awake    And fetch him, quick. Right here’s one silence we should break    If it’s a trick.”
So Agnes brought that wicked beast, Mustachioed, huge, and full of yeast; To see him sitting at our feast--    Seemed less than good; I very nearly lost my nerve    And hardihood.
So yes, he’s joking about almost loosing his boner and there’s that language play again. The big part of the ending, however, is the imagery of the red cat. Cats are typically associated with women, and the color red tempts the mind into thinking of it as female passion or some kind of prowling sexuality (with undertones of evil). The subtext here is that they’re going to test him by letting this cat scratch him up to see if he’ll cry out. If he can keep his mouth shut and allow the womens’ passions, he can stay. If he can’t, he’s out. Ultimately, I’m going to say that this poem is subtly for women’s empowerment. Go scratch up your knights, ladies.
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volumina-vetustiora · 3 years
Arena: Ria Silmane's Opening Speech - in Latin
noli metuere nam ego sum, Ria Silmanea. audi me, nulli alii supersunt qui hanc pugnam degant. in hac cella relictus es ut moriaris. Iagar Tharnus, Imperialis Magus Proeliaris Tamrielis personam Principis veri induit. non te minacem videt, te modo Aulae Imperialis minore parti. actu illo arrogantiae, errorem primum fecit.
ad murum borealem huius cellae aspice. clavim rubini invenies quae forem reserabit. cape eam et defuge. cryptae hic olim a Tharno sumebantur ut thesauros ex Principis arcis ablatos celaret. si vis, colligere potes satis ut te a Sede Imperiali supportes.
cave, multa plasmata nunc cloacas inhabitant, viles mures et cobali. mihi serum est, nam iam mortua sum. modo potestates meae veneficae me inter hanc vitam et posteram tenent. potestas tamen illa decrescit. noli avaritiae tuae succumbere aut hos cuniculos tuum etiam sepulcrum esse invenias.
adhuc magia mea aliquatenus uti possum. si ad occidentem ab hac cella viabis, deinde ad austrum, Portam Mutationis invenies. te satis procul a centro Imperialis transportabit ut tutus sis. si his cloacis supereris me iterum videbis.
memento, Tharnus personam Principis induit. nemo verbo eius pro tuo contradicet. tibi iterum in somniis tuis adero, ergo tibi necesse est interdum quiescere. illo modo tecum loqui et auxilium meum offerre potero.
harenam periculosam intras, amice mi, in qua competitores entia sunt ultra comprehensionem tuam mortalem. muneri tuo non invideo. potestas tamen tibi inest nondum sumpta. pete me cum experientiam in mundo acquisiveris. tu mea ultima et optima spes es.
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Do not fear for it is I, Ria Silmane. Listen to me, there are no others left to carry on this fight. You have been left in this cell to die. Jagar Tharn, Imperial Battlemage of Tamriel has taken on the guise of the true Emperor. He does not see you as a threat, being only a minor part of the Imperial Court. In that act of arrogance, he has made his first mistake.
Look to the north wall of this cell. You will find a ruby key which will unlock the door. Take it and make your escape. The passages here were once used by Tharn to hide treasures he had stolen from the Emperor's coffers. If you wish, you can gather enough to support yourself away from the Imperial Seat.
Be careful, there are many creatures which inhabit the sewers now, vile rats and goblins. It is too late for me, for I am already dead. Only my powers as a Sorceress keep me between this life and the next. That power however is waning. Do not succumb to greed or you may find these tunnels to be your final resting place as well.
I can still work my magic to a certain extent. If you travel west from this cell, then south, you will find a Shift Gate. It will transport you far enough from the center of the Empire that you should be safe. If you survive these sewers you will see me again.
Remember, Tharn has taken on the guise of the Emperor. No one will gainsay his word for yours. I will come to you again in your dreams, so it is imperative that you rest from time to time. In that way I will be able to communicate with you and lend my aid.
You are entering a dangerous arena, my friend, one in which the players are beings beyond your mortal comprehension. I do not envy your role. There is however a power within you as yet untapped. Look for me when you have gained experience in the world. You are my last and best hope.
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A/N:This is chapter one of the dark truth sorry if it is bad it was filler chapter to kick off the story
Summary: Scarlett and Winter-Rose hear a unidentified bang that ends life as they know and kick starts there journey to discover the dark truth of Riverdale
Taglist: @jonesnovakwrites @cella-stokes @lil-goosey
Want to be tagged? Let me know.
Pairing: Scarlett Blossom x Winter-Rose Jones (Platonic)
Words: 940
Chapter: 1/?
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It was the night of the eleventh of July. The sun had set long ago and the rain was pouring. Two teens one with hair a rustic gold and the other with hair like strands of gold with tips a bright neon pink sat in the redhead's Ferrari Xoana.
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Their names were Scarlett Blossom
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and Winter-Rose Jones.
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The Ying and Yang and the proof opposites do attract. Scarlett was the perfect princess of Riverdale. She was rich and one of three possible heirs to the Blossom fortune not to mention she was daddy's princess. The youngest of three siblings. She had the perfect family. Straight A'S and never been in trouble. She was a River Vixen. She was rumored to be the prettiest girl in all of Riverdale with perfect ginger hair, big puppy dog chocolate brown eyes, and a short but athletic body. The Redhead was caring, nurturing, helpful, funny, smart, bright, cheerful, energetic, fun-loving, proud, witty, thoughtful, friendly, ambitious, daring, creative, loveable, thrilling, daring, exciting and curious. But the brown-eyed beauty could be a bit impulsive, controlling, bossy, manipulative, spoiled, vain, and arrogant maybe even a little bit intimidating at times. The blossom was not only her daddy's princess but Riverdale highs. She was a party girl and partied every weekend. Scarlett was envied by girls and lusted after by the rest. She was dating one of the football team members that was a guaranteed captain there junior year after her older brother and his best friend graduated. He was the prince of the school he went by Reggie Mantle. Scarlett and Reggie won the crowns at every dance. Every couple wanted to be them and everyone shipped them. On the other hand, Winter-Rose Jones was the troubled loner teen with a bad home life. Her father was a drunk and her mother and sister abandoned her and her twin brother. Jughead tried to help her but she was too stubborn to accept it. Rose was beautiful with blonde hair and always had her tips dyed a different color, hazel eyes, and an average height and built. Rose could be sarcastic, stubborn, impulsive and quick-tempered but for the most part, she was closed off, funny, quiet, reserved, passionate, selfless and smart. Rose was more of a shadow around school gliding amongst her day unnoticed. She didn't party most of the time she read or did photography. The two were completely different without anything in common or so it seemed. They were each other's lifeboats. Rose would die without Scarlett and vice versa. They told each other everything and have been inseparable since Scarlett adopted Rose as her best friend and Rose agreed in pre-school. The two girls believed they were soul mates in best friend form since Gladys Jones and Penelope Blossom gave birth to the girls and Winter's twin brother at the exact same moment in Riverdale general.
Scarlett's phone was hooked up to the aux cord so the speaker softly played the girls favorite songs. "Your outfit is actually really cute today," The blossom complements her friend. "Thank you asshole you kinda look like your mom as a teenager in that outfit," The jones accepts with a laugh. "Ouch, that hurts So why did you call me at 11:00 at night saying pick me up," The brown-eyed girl asked? "Dad," The hazel eyed girl mumbles. "You can stay the night with me don't sweat it Winnie the Pooh also I am thankful anyways between my mom and Cheryl wailing there is no peace in my house," She thanks. "Thanks, Scar Scar anyways any news on J," Winter-Rose asked? "None other than what Cheryl said who would have thought a stupid fucking glove would have killed my brother," Scarlett says with the shake of her head trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. Winter reached out placing a comforting hand on her best friends hand. "Knowing J he made it to the other side farther down the river and some nice family took him in and is nursing him back to help and when he has recovered he is going to come home," The Blonde comforts. "I know this sounds weird and completely crazy but it almost feels like he isn't dead like I have this weird feeling he isn't dead but he is in trouble if that makes sense," Scarlett admits. "They will find him," Winter promises. At that moment there was a loud bang that rang out. "What was that," Rose asked? Winter-Rose had heard that sound quite often living on the Southside of Riverdale so she was almost quite certain that it was a gunshot. "It is probably some idiot letting off remaining fireworks," The girl in the driver seat answers. "Um yeah, your probably right um hey I am little hungry want to go by pops," The girl opposite of her asks a bit of fear coming out. "Yeah sure my treat," She answers lifting her seat up and buckling up. Winter did the same as they pulled out of the woods and sped off towards the small diner. Scarlett felt sick and she felt a stab in her heart.
That bang didn't just give fear to Winter-Rose it also took that feeling of the redheads older brother still being alive. That firework or whatever it was was the end of the life as the two girls knew it but it was the start of a something new something much scarier something much darker. Scarlett and Winter-Rose were about to discover the dark truth of the town with pep.
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laboratorioautoral · 6 years
Lol i got hit me with your best shot stuck in my head now, so how about a chance meeting at a club with it playing? Preferably with missing each other and not instantly realizing who they are dancing with?
I guess I got a bit too excited about this plot and things got…Hotter than I expected. So…This is M rated for security reasons. Not sure if that’s what you wanted, but I hope you’ll enjoy it nonny.
Itwas claustrophobic inside the club, but she wasn’t going home thatnight without being completely wasted. Arya grabbed a shot of tequilabefore she could try to reach the stage and listen to whatever bandwas playing.
Ithad been Myrcella’s idea and it was surely a bad one. Cella’sbreaking up with Trystan wasn’t even something unusual, but she haddecided she would have a girls’ night and picked the lamest club intown.
Thesongs were old rock’n roll. Something nostalgic and loud, all aboutrebellious youth and booze. It reminded Arya of one of those musicalsSansa was so fond of. Rock of Ages or something…Well, at least TomCruise was worthy of her time and patience, and the music was dope,but Arya honestly wished Cella had a better sense of fun than a GunsN’ Roses cover, or something just as bad.
Tequilawould have to help Arya to get through the night. Maybe she couldfind a cute boy and have some fun. Preferably forget what Robb hadtold her earlier that day. This is not the time nor the place foryou to think about him! Her mindscreamed over the noise in the room.
Jonwas back in town. That was no big deal. He was just a guy. One ofRobb’s mates and surely not better than Theon…Just another guy,except that he wasn’t. Not for her.
Somecrushes are embarrassing, but that in particular should have turnedto smoke a long time ago. It was ok for them to be friends. When Jonleft town Arya was probably too young for him to think about her asanything but Robb’s little sister. She was probably in the friendzone – if such a thing existed – or maybe in an even morefrustrating position. Arya was probably placed in an altar among anydeities he might worship. Some genderless being.
Thatwas probably why they kept talking along the years. It was harmlessand Jon missed home. They had always been close and they talked abouteverything, until they didn’t talk anymore. Since he found anotherto date. A real woman for sure and a red head to make it worst. Thatwas too much for Arya to bare and she had been the one avoidingcommunication for most of the time.
Ithad been a good decision and she was fine with it. She even datedsome guys along those years. IfJon appeared right in front of her, Arya wouldn’t even recognizehim at that point. She was incollege now and she was way more confident than she had been in thepast. Nothing could possibly make her lose her cool, or so shethought until that morning when Robb told her that Jon was in townand had asked about her.
Shewas a mess ever since and at least Cella, the loud music and thebooze would keep her away from doing something stupid…As long asher cellphone was out of herreach.
Afterthe second shot Arya decided that she would need more than alcohol tokeep her entertained. She need a guy. Someone to flirt with and havesome kisses. Casual sex was also a possibility but she doubted thatshe would be in the mood since the only thing inside her head inbright neon lights was Jon’s name.
Aryalooked around and tried to find someone worthy of a second glance.Like a she-wolf sniffing the air looking for a prey, Arya tried todistinguish between the shadowy figures all around. A dark and smokyroom surely didn’t make it easy and the alcohol seemed to improveeveryone’s looks around her.
HitMe With Your Best Shot wasplaying and at least that song spoke to her soul in a very particularway. Arya couldn’t help moving her hips a bit as she walked aroundthe club and leaving Myrcella behind. It was a discreet attempt atdancing, but she wouldn’t give away her talents so easily andcertainly not in that place full of guys dressed in black leather.
“Hey!”Someone shouted behind her, trying to call her attention, but Aryacouldn’t hear until the guy touched her shoulder. “Hey, you!”
Aryaturned to face whoever it was. Maybe something had fallen from herpockets and the guy was trying to return it to her.
Ohmy gods! It was the only thingher brain managed to process about the stranger standing in front ofher. Dark curly long hair,a full and well cut beard,lithe and elegant even all wrapped up inside black jeans and leatherjacket. Oh baby…You had to be exactly my type, hadn’tyou? I think we could be friends tonight.Her mind at this point was roaming among all of her wildestfantasies.
“Hi!”Arya answered simply. “Can I help you?”
“Maybeyou can.” He said before flashing a sly smile at her. One of thosemeant to start that game she liked so much. Small talk, sensuousmoves, slow hands and clothes falling all around if she was luckyenough. The guy offered her his hand. “Will you dance with me,Miss?”
“Idon’t dance!” Arya shouted so he could hear her over the loudmusic.
“Ithink you do!” He replied insistently. “C’mon! Just a dance.”
Wellyou’re a real tough cookie with a long historyOfbreaking little hearts like the one in meThat’sokay, let’s see how you do itPutup you dukes, let’s get down to it
It was just a dance. It couldn’thurt and he was handsome like the devil. She had a thing for a shortaffairs with tall dark strangers and that guy was surely her type oftrouble.
Arya accepted his hand and theystarted to dance in the middle of the club. Nothing too complicated,only some random moves dictated by the alcohol and the lust. He was aterrible dancer, but she could overlook that as long as he made it upfor her with a mind blowing kiss.
Hitme with your best shotWhydon’t you hit me with your best shotHitme with your best shotFireaway
Aryaspin around and turn her back at him. That certainly felt like aninvitation for him to come and chase her and at least the guy got thehint. His arm held her by the waist and pulled her body closer tohis. Arya swayed her hips in the rhythm of the music, just to teasehim a bit.
Heburied his nose in the curve of her neck. His beard tickling hersensitive skin and making her shiver in anticipation for a kiss thatdidn’t come for a while. His hips tried to follow hers and hesmelled of cigarettes, bear and post shave cologne. Something in thatsmell was inviting and familiar, but Arya couldn’t tell why.
Youcome on with it, come onYou don’t fight fairThat’s okay,see if I careKnock me down, it’s all in vainI get rightback on my feet again
Thatguy was a gentleman through and through. He teased, he provoked, butnever once tried to cross a few lines, like kissing her neck orsliding his hand under her pants. He was waiting for her to make upher mind and go down that road with him. She had the wheel, she wasin control and the gods knew she loved it.
Aryaturned around again and looked directly at him. His hand restedagainst the small of her back and pulled her closer once more. Theyforeheads touching and their breath entwined as they flirted with thepossibility of making of that dance a one night stand.
FuckJon! I already have company tonight!Her mind finally decided and Arya threw her arms around his neck andkissed him hard. That guy wasn’t much of a dancer, but with a kisslike that she couldn’t care less.
Hishands got bold and grabbed her ass covered by her tight jeans. Thatwas a kiss you only get to experience once in a life time, when youeither think you are gonna die or when you are so high that the worldaround you might be ending.
“Wannago somewhere quiet?” He asked in a low voice close to her ear.
“Can’tgo for long. My friend is waiting for me to take her home.” Aryaanswered lazily. Why did she agree to give Cella a ride?!
“Wecan be quick.” He replied sensuously. “Or she can take an Ubberback home.”
“I’ma good friend, ya know?” Arya grinned at him. “You’ll have togive me one good reason to leave Cella behind.” The guy smiled ather as if he was the catthat just ate the fucking canary.
“Iwant to suck you until your toes curl.” Oh gosh! If that wasn’t areason good enough for her to tell Cella to find another ride backhome, than Arya had no idea of what it was.
“FuckCella! You lead the way.” Arya answered.
Theywalked out of the club and got inside an old black Camaro that wasparked outside. He pressed her back against the car and Arya closedher eyes to receive another kiss. His hand unzipped her jeans andslid under her pants to rub her clit.
Hewas good. He was verygood.
Herbreath became labored as his fingers played with her body. He kissedher neck as Arya got half way to paradise. If that was just theforeplay, she could barely wait for the real deal. It was only fairthat she would repay his gesture and to feel him hard, thick and hotin her hands made her feel the most powerful creature on earth. For amoment his fingers stopped as he gasped for air.
Heheld her wrist after a few strokes, making her stop completely.
“I’mnot doing this in a parking lot.” He said with difficulty. “I’mstaying at a hotel a couple of blocks from here. Not fancy, but ithas a nice bed.”
“Ifwe are doing it tonight, you should at least tell me your name,stranger.” Arya grinned at him.
“Ladiesfirst.” He insisted before getting his hand out of her jeans andtry to recompose himself.
“It’sArya.” She said lazily.
Fora second there was utter silence between them as they stood in a darkparking lot. Arya sensed a change in the air. Something between shockand panic.
“AryaStark?” He asked breathlessly.
Hitme with your best shotWhy don’t you hit me with your bestshotHit me with your best shotFire away
Thatwasn’t what she had expected to hear. Yes, there was somethingfamiliar about him, but Arya was pretty sure she had never seen thatguy before. Long hair, full beard, leather jacket…He looked likemost of the guys inside the club, exceptfor the white wolf emblem on his chest.
“Jon?”Her eyes were suddenly wide open and she thank the gods for thatfucking parking lot being too dark for him to see her bright redface.
“I…Ican’t believe it.” Jon was clearly in panic at that point. “How…?You are a kid! How did you get inside this place?!”
OHGREAT! After getting his hand under her panties now he wanted to giveher drive license a look! Arya was pretty sure that some deity up inthe sky was having a great laugh at her expenses.
“I’m21.” She said as a matter of fact and pretty annoyed by his suddendistress. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a grown woman.”
“No!You are Arya!” He insisted in the middle of his panic attack. Thatcouldn’t get any worst, could it? “You are Robb’s little sisterand I should…I should probably take you back home before eitherRobb or Ned come for my head.”
“Gosh!I forgot how dramatic you can be at times!” She rolled her eyes asshe tried to straighten her shirt and fix her hair. “It has beenwhat? Seven years? I wouldn’t stay frozen in time waiting for youtocome back and mess up with my hair.”
“Arya…Idon’t…I don’t know what to say!” Jon answered exasperated.“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
“Well,guess what?” Arya looked directly at him and this time the tequilaand the sheer need for him took the best of her. Sometimes all thatyou need is five seconds of insane courage. “I’m not and I’mstill waiting for you to suck me until we both forget our names andI’ll not pretend that I haven’t dreamed of this for most of myteens so…You either get your shit together so we can continue withwhat promises to be a hell of a ride, or you go joying the church andembrace celibate, but if you turn your back on me you’ll have tolive with your conscience and all the “what ifs” inside your headforever.”
“Whatthe fuck, Arya?” He looked at her scandalized for a second.
“Youwere with your hand inside my jeans to not say something moreintimate, so…We are going to hell anyway.” Arya said as a matterof fact. “It’s up to you to decided if you are going to enjoy theride or not. Robb doesn’t have to know what we do in dark parkinglots.”
“Fuckit!” Jon growled and Arya prepared her spirit to turn around andpretend that night never happened. She just wanted the ground to openand swallowed her whole so she wouldn’t have to look at his faceever again. “Get inside the car.” Jon commanded angrily andkissed her one more time before the night got wild.
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galaxyrose10 · 6 years
It’s Okay.
Summary: Sweet Pea and (Y/N), a recently broken up couple, are trapped in the rain, in a broke down truck, for the entire night. Can they make it through the night without killing each other?
(A/N): I’ve been insanely busy with summer work due to school starting up in like a week and a half? I think I’ll post more during the school year than summer. Ironic...
Warnings: sad Sweet Pea and reader, angst all the way, fluff at the end, mentions of Penny Peabody. (yes, that’s a warning.)
Taglist: @cherryblcsscm @matchfires @miss-wanderlustwriter @jolomez @south-side-soul @cella-stokes @obsessivebisexuallover @southside-sweets @slitherysneke @dorkykaramel @magicwithaknife @54fangirl @ilove4count-blog @poolpartyingwithjaws @trashsiara @southsideserpentsmoodboards @kingbouji3 @typicaltrashbagg @unitednerdyness @uk-fashion-music @quackerstheduck663057
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I didn’t want to be here. It was supposed to be a simple run, there and back, breaking down wasn’t part of the plan. I could be home, on my couch, in comfy pajamas, watching Orange Is The New Black, but that’s not how this night turned out. Around midnight, I ended up getting a phone call from F.P saying that I’m needed for an emergency.
Now I’m in the worst storm of the year with my ex-boyfriend.
“You’re going to have to talk to me eventually.” 
“No, I don’t, Sweet Pea. I’m going to sit here and wait for Fangs to come and get us.” I snapped back. 
“I get that we aren’t exactly friends anymore, (Y/N), but do you really want to sit here in silence? I know you hate it and Fangs isn’t coming until morning.” 
As much as I hate to admit it, he’s right. Fangs wasn’t coming to get Sweet Pea and me until morning because it was “too late”. I didn’t even want to be here, I agreed to go on this run with Sweet Pea because, for some reason, Toni couldn’t go. I wasn’t expecting the truck to break down halfway on the way back. Now, it’s the middle of fall, pouring down rain and I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere with my ex-boyfriend.
“You’re right, I do hate awkward silences. They make me freak out.” 
“What better way to break it than talking?” 
I just put my headphones in and started blasting music into my ears.
“I see that you still listen to Imagine Dragons.” I heard him say. 
“Obviously, I’m not listening to them loud enough.” 
“Listen, I’m sorry, I know that no matter how many times I say it, it won’t make a difference, but please (Y/N), just let me explain, I think you’ll understand.” Sweet Pea tried to reason.
“Understand? No, I think I got the picture when you called me a clingy, overbearing, ditzy bitch! There’s nothing much clearer than that! You can’t just try and explain everything after it's’ happened. You fucking broke my heart Sweet Pea! You can’t fix this.” I screamed, starting to get out of the truck. 
“(Y/N), it’s freezing.” he started, “Please stay, we can fix this.” 
“No, we can’t, Sweet Pea.”
I slammed the door so hard, I was shocked that the window didn’t shatter into a million pieces. I started to pacewalk, then I heard a car door open and I heard Sweet Pea calling my name, pleading with me to come back. I soon felt hot tears roll down my frozen face as I started running, practically sprinting, anywhere to get away from here.
I ended up collapsing onto a park bench. I forgot that when you’re running in the freezing cold rain, you tend to tire yourself out even faster. I didn’t know where I was, what time it is was because my phone died, and was completely heartbroken all over again. Just remembering everything that had happened, brought tears to my eyes. I just kept crying, the tears were endless. I laid down on my back, letting the cool rain hit my face, an attempt to calm down. I was freezing, however, and the sound of the rain, along with the exhaustion from crying, knocked me out cold.
~Time Skip~
I was zoning in and out. At first, I saw myself being carried, then I saw a car. Next thing, I know, I woke up in the back seat of the truck, the heat overwhelming my senses. I sit up a little too quickly, adding to my growing headache. I glance over at the radio to see it’s fucking only 3 in the morning. I can’t believe I’ve only been gone an hour and a half. The sound I hear is the rain pounding against the roof of the truck. I also see Sweet Pea knocked out in the driver’s seat. How long have I been out? I move around in the back seat to try to find a comfortable position, the truck is pretty old, so I’m making a bunch of noise, unintentionally of course.
I hear shuffling in the front and I look to see Sweet Pea wide awake. “Are you okay?” I could hear the sleep dripping from his voice. I can’t say that I didn’t miss waking up to it. 
“What happened? I have a pretty good idea but, I’m really confused.” I admitted. 
“After you left, I thought you were close by, but when you didn’t come back and I couldn’t see you, I ran out and you must’ve passed out from the cold. I carried you back here and ended up falling asleep.” he explained, climbing in the back seat with me.  
“Thank you.” 
“You’re talking to me?” he asked in awe. 
“Well, you saved my life. It’s kinda hard to ignore you after that, not that it was easy before.”
A comfortable silence consumed us, the humming of the heater filling the space.
“What happened? Did you fall out of love with me or something? Was there someone else?” I paused, taking deep breaths to prevent me from crying. “Please, I just need to know so I can move on. I need some closure.” 
I heard a sigh escape his lips before he cupped my face, turning it to make me look into his eyes. 
“I didn’t want to break up with you. It wasn’t a choice. It was to keep you safe and out of the mess Penny dragged us into.” Sweet Pea paused, trying to control his emotions.
Even though I was a serpent, I never made drug runs for the Snake Charmer. 
“I didn’t want you to get dragged into this. I wanted to keep you out of it. Somehow, Penny found out and said if I didn’t start focusing on whatever the hell she wanted, she said she’d pull some strings and you would end up caught in the fucking web. Breaking your heart was better than seeing you in a body bag.” He justified, letting the tears cascade down his face.
I felt like such a idiot. The sight of tears falling from Sweet Pea’s eyes made me feel even worse. 
“I really wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t risk your life. You mean everything to me, and I fucking love you, even if I had to let you go.” His voice broke completely as my heart ached even more.
“I still love you, Sweet Pea. Listen to me, I understand what you were trying to do and obviously, you couldn’t keep me out of Penny’s drug ring, but if I hadn’t gone, would’ve you told me that?” I questioned.
 “Honestly, probably not. I didn’t know how to just come to your house and explain all of that, but, when you showed up tonight, I was ecstatic. Even if this was the last place you wanted to be, I was so glad that I could see you.” 
I shut him up with a gentle, but passionate kiss. He kissed back as his hands flew to my waist, pulling me closer as if I’d leave if he let out.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 
He pulled me against his chest for a hug. “It’s okay. Look at me. Everything is out in the open, and listen, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been such a bitch to you this whole time. I was way out of line and you still went after me. We’re going to be okay. Okay?” I asked, sobbing into his chest.
“I love you,” I whispered as I laid down on his chest,
“I love you too,” he mumbled into my hair.
We both dozed off to sleep, holding each other close, in the same position Fangs found us in that morning.
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Night Castle
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Hi all! I will be posting mini-reviews of my favorite parts from each TSO album! I will go over band personnel, the story, and the music! Please enjoy! 
Night Castle was released in 2009, and was TSO’s second non-Christmas album! It is also their longest, with 26 total songs, and, to me at least, their most emotional album to date.
The album features many familiar faces, with lead singers being Jay Pierce, Jeff Scott Soto, Tim Hockenberry, Rob Evan, and Jennifer Cella. The band personnel is also very familiar, with Paul O’Neill, Chris Caffery, Angus Clark, Al Pitrelli, and Alex Skolnick on guitar, Robert Kinkell, Jon Oliva, Luci Butler, Shih-Yi Chang, Jane Mangini, and Derek Wieland on keyboards, Chris Altenhoff and Johnny Lee Middleton on bass, Roddy Chong and Anna Phoebe on violin and strings, and John O.Reilly and Jeff Plate on drums. And, with Dave Wittman on, as all TSO albums say, “drum, guitar, and bass inserts for those little things the rest of us forgot.”
It also features Emerson, Lake, and Palmer's Greg Lake on bass for Nutrocker!
And, not to mention the numerous amazing backing vocalists and instrumentalists!
Its a big album with big personnel, a big story, and even bigger music. Lets get into that~
Night Enchanted
-Best hard opening to a TSO album
-HEEERE belieeeve a nigHT ENCHANTED S̸̟͋̉̔͛̀͋̃̑̑̈́̏̅̈́È̵̡̜̼̞͔̖̩̦̟̞̣͈̑̄̽̒͝E̸̛͖̯͙̜͕̟̽̈́̃̉̿̏̈͛̌͆̔̂́ͅE̵͙̙̞̯͚̹̲̟̙͐̀͑̍͊̚͜Ẹ̷̡͇̹͍̓̈́̏͑̄̅̀̎̈́̓̚E̶̛̱̖̘͓̹͍̟̭̲̲̽͋͒̀̓E̵͓̰̠̤̻̪̣̎͊̎͒N̴̢̧̜̰̦̰͓̯̗̦͚̘̝̑̔̌͂͐̀͊
-Very different song, like,,VERY DRAMATIC. ExtrEMLEY DRAMATIC
-Based on Verdi’s Requiem and Dies irae
-Has the Child Of the Night aria sandwiched in the middle
-So the falcon character sings the aria
-I don’t know how that works either
-The pounding opening guitar motif that repeats is amazing
Childhood Dreams
-A very classical-based song, like, its very operatic
-The “controversial” song on the album. Only because people either love it or hate it. I love it. Its fun.
-CHILDhood CHILDhood CHILDhood
-Jay is singing from his SOUL here
-Lyrics are very whimsy:
“But then it's known to catch our eye And dare us all to once more try And with a childhood faith believe And that magic to retrieve As childhood dreams ...”
-Overall solid song
-The slow piano that kinda hangs back the entire time is great
-I love the way he sings the line “But suddenly inside the dark, she sees the magic of the sparks...”
-Old-school rock n roll song
-One of my favs off the album, its just so, idk..classic sounding?
-”Tell me when...Ḁ̷̯͖͉̽̎̔͋̀̽͗͐͂̊̌̇̕A̸̢̳̪͉͓̼̟͑Å̷̛̛̜̈́̆̀̆͂͋̊͐͗̔͑̇Ḩ̸͋̿̓̆͋͛͌͐͑͆̕̕Ḣ̷̨̙̺̦͚͓̠̀̿́͝H̴̗̮̎̽̀́̓̏̓̋̚H̶̼̘̩̱͖̻͎͒́Ḩ̶̢̧͓̲̼͇̼̱͓̱̞̖͕̀̽̾̒̚̕͠ͅ”
-It actually has “AHHH” in the CD booklet I kid you not
-Its a tad long ill admit but it rocks so hard you hardly notice
-The old school chugging guitar riff rocks
-”Leaving marks...SPARKS!”
-Just a classic song, nuff said
The Mountain
-eyyyy first Savatage cover- based n Prelude to Madness! From Hall of the Mountain King!
-The atmosphere is REAL
-The windy sound effect in the opening, the deep bells AH so good
-A familiar melody, and MAN they give it their best
-They speed up gradually over time, and it just gets to the point where its ridiculous how much is going on in the song
-These guys are so talented I swear
-The solo at 4:09 KICKS
Night Castle
-Jeff Scott Soto giving me life, once again
-Very different sounding song I believe, not many other TSO songs sound like it
“Am I risking my own life...my life..?
-OK also I SWEAR in the last 4th of this song, when the slow bit hits, the melody is EXTREMELY CLOSE to the opening to Mephistopheles, from Beethoven's Last Night. It may just be coincidence, but it sounds like an Easter egg to me. Or maybe I’m just crazy. AHA. 
-The falling synth piano bits at 1:55. Yes.
-Song gets creepy with the minor change at the end
-I LOVE the last few seconds its so peppy and pretty, like that piano is so gentle
The Safest Way Into Tomorrow
-And I’m crying already, thanks Paul.
-They used this song for the tribute to Paul O’Neill in the 2017 live show. And i get so sad every time I hear it now. Like a melancholy feel now.
“Morpheus is at your side, offering the wings to fly, and be there..”
-Thanks Morpheus
-This line hits me right in the feels every time:
“Be there, free from Earth to sail across this night, where stars are all eternal”
-The piano build at 3:15 mmmm
-”And tell me what you...see!”
-I cry
-Also may I note how I LOVE that every character that TSO makes looks like an 80′s rocker. Like look at my dude Morpheus. And Tran-Do. Never stop TSO, never stop.
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Mozart and Memories
-Second Savatage cover!
-Very eerie
-Fits with the “dream” thing going on in the story at this point
-The guitars are the best part at 0:42, that melody is so eerie and cool
-The pianos and strings at 0:24 hit me hard, VERY well recorded there
-It gets real fast at the end
-TSO and classical covers are such a good combo
Another Way You Can Die
-TSO got PG.
-Like look: 
“And the tracers probe on 'Till a close friend is gone And you find yourself embracing ground”
“I see a figure in my rifle sight Who does not know that he's there And as I hesitate to take his life The ground explodes My blood it flows My heart is racing Times escaping As I feel it slowly scraping by”
-like holy hell
-Like I love the song don’t get me wrong
-But lord Paul went all out here
-He was NOT holding back
-That end piano drop mY HEART HURTS
Toccata - Carpimus Noctem
-TSO has mastered Christmas, TIME FOR HALLOWEEN MUAHAHA
-Literally its such a good cover. They keep the classic classical intro, with synth and guitars of course, but then they go full metal with it.
-I love the weird guitar lick at 1:49, it really stands out
-Yet another guitar solo featured song and mmm its good
The Lion’s Roar
-Third Savatage cover kind of
-The second half is from Temptation Revelation from Gutter Ballet
-As a trumpeter, I love this song, as it is TSOs only trumpet-featured song.
-The first half is a very military-esque (Fits with the story, eh?) trumpet solo on The Minstrel Boy. This song is very accurate as it is usually played at military events or funerals.
-Which makes me even sadder because of the context of thE STORY
-Nice little interlude song
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Dreams We Conceive
-The opening organ, it its me right in the HEART.
-You can just HEAR the sorrow in his voice in this song.
-The way he sings “Where the dreams die...as the blood dries...”
-Too relatable my soul can’t take it.
-His little voice quiver on the word “do” in the line ‘WHat else is the night to do..”
“As you stand all Alone at your station What if God doesn't Know where you are As you send out your Prayers for salvation But afraid that They don't go that far
So you wait all Alone in your darkness There's a train that drives on Through the night And if everyone's On it except us Would it return for That single life
In a city After midnight Neath the halo Of a street light”
-Its just so LONELY SOUNDING this man needs a hug
Mother and Son
-I used to skip this track before I understood it in context to the story.
-Then I felt emotions
-You can find the translation HERE.
-Imagine you past self looking at you and saying “How did I become you?” TO YOUR FACE
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There Was A Life
-This song man,,,the emotions are REAL
-The way he sings the word “life” in the opening line
“Can someone tell me Can someone say when The writer of this story Will just tell us how it all will end?”
-I relate too much to that
-Paul asking the real questions of life: “ Is there forgiveness for hesitation?”
-The HURT in his voice when he sings “DEAR GOD” at 3:14
-Robbbb why you gotta kill me like this
-The piano is superb at 4:22
-Captures the vibe perfectly
“Are you scared of your life? Are you scared of your death? Though that day will arrive Well it hasn't come yet...”
-Calling me out like that huh
-His “ALIIIIIIIIIVE” at 8:37 oh my LORD
-I’m feeling ALL the emotions
Moonlight and Madness
-OK. So I can’t think of which piano player it was, I’m thinking either Kinkel or Weiland, I could be wrong...BUT. Paul said in an interview once that the songs piano was recorded in one take. ONE TAKE THAT INTRO. He just FLEW INTO IT PERFECTLY.
-Its a wild song, based on the moonlight sonata. 
Time Floats On
-This song man..this song
-*Insert seagull meme here* “tiiiiime flllOAATS OOOOON!!!”
-It was one of the first TSO songs I ever heard
-The crazy contrasting piano bit in the middle AH its cool
-Such an eerie song really
-”Time floats on...as I write these letters that you'll never see...”   ;-;
-this song has so much heart
-TSOs longest song
-TSOs most emotional song
-I’m crying again
-The SHEER HURT and SORROW in Rob’s voice when he sings “ I fear the night, I fear the dark, I need this light...that distant spark...”
-The fast bit at 3:52...I don’t think Rob breathed once during that recording.
-The spoken part was a bold choice, TSO has never done that before. I liked it a lot, its a great addition to the song. 
-The subtle harmonies in the “Somewhere”s...amazing.
-and MAN. The LYRICS.
“Did you ever walk up To the edge of a cliff Stare into the abyss As your mind wonders if You should take one more step Further into that night Well your mind says you won't But your heart says you might Would you fall through the dark Feel the wind in your hair Would you embrace the ground And end your life right there Or would god reach his hand And that moment you fly Or if he chanced to blink And then, that moment you die You die...”
-Like GEEZ that is heavy stuff
-This is the “contemplating death song”
“Be who you are What you were What they see From eternity's view Tell me which one is me?”
-Relatable. holy heck.
-He sounds like hes about to cry when he sings “Hold me close...”
-Like me too Rob. Me too.
-”This all is your....life..."
-You feel DRAINED by the end of it, like wow. The emotion, the power, my soUL. MY HEART.
Bach Lullaby
-A nice calming music box medley of the C major prelude.
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Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
-The OTHER most EMOTIONAL SONG on the album
-First half: pain, sorrow, regret, melancholy, slow piano...
-The EMOTION in the line “ Never quite there but it's never quite gone, you are the star that is wished upon...forever....”
-The main guitar riff is so heckin powerful
-Lyrics literally have this background in it: “...she raged against all those citizens of apathy and willful ignorance who lived behind the sacrifices of others.”
-The high piano swapped out for low guitar and bass melodies, a heavy mood, and pounding drums
-”...You cling to that card, Father, Son & Holy Ghost”
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-It has the most metal lyrics:
“And Christ and Confucius Are all their words useless We quote them in fractions But not in our actions”
-Like WOW
Remnants of a Lullaby
-A simple, but pretty song
-Very calming, and a nice breather from the song before
-The feeling in “ What to keep, what to save...”
”Wished on coins Childhood wings Carousels Still turning Waiting there patiently Remnants of a lullaby...”
The Safest Way Into Tomorrow (Reprise)
-dangittt I’m crying AGAIN
-album comes full circle here in the most emotional way possible
-especially when you consider the context of the story at this point aahhHHH
-Soto owns my soul
-OK, just..I love this song. Simple as that.
-This is pure atmosphere.
-Listen to it. Bonfire. Embers soaring to the stars above. Fireflies all around. Friends sitting with you at the camp fire. Acoustic guitar playing. A perfect summers night.
Child of the Night
-Eyyyyy the aria again. It grows on yah.
-Very relaxing.
-Just brings that calming night vibe to life.
-Makes yah feel like a kid again.
-AAAAND the TSO song everyone knows for one reason or another. 
-Also one of the more emotional ones on the album.
-A cover of the Savatage song off Streets
-I love this version, (No offense Jon), like idk why exactly...it just feels more..personal? Idk, maybe its just because of the sheer emotional journey we just went on lol.
-It builds spectacularly, and the emotion is all in in this one. 10/10 great cover.
-Heh I kid I kid
-It features Greg Lake on bass!
-This song ROCKS man it ROCKS
-The fast piano, the amazingly melodic guitar melody, the rock bits with a jazz break sandwiched in between AH.
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Carmina Burana
-This is also one of my favs off the album.
-I believe this is also the song that got some conservative folks mad at TSO for being “satanists” by playing this. It was the latin I think. 
-Doesn’t matter, this song is epic. Very bombastic.
-It builds so well, and the repeated guitar and bass riffs make it feel so pounding I love it.
-Ok so this song and I have history.
-I originally didn’t like this song (woah, right?)
-It just didn’t click. Buuuuut, TSO did it live in 2018, and BOI that changed everything. I loved it after that. Its top 25 TSO songs for me now. 
-IDK what they did or how they did it, but after the live show, I loved it. Past me was wrong. This song ROCKS.
-The pounding opening is iconic
-The soaring guitars
-The weird interval medley at 0:49 is so cool
-The main melody KICKS at 1:00
-My fav bit is the surreal acoustic bit at 2:06
-The repeated 5 notes at like 1:34 are so driving
-The descending bit at 2:55!!!
And there you have it!!! Night Castle! To me, its the most emotional album of the lot. And the most atmospheric. Its long, but its a wild ride the entire time. The story is sad but inspiring, the music is legendary, the art is beautiful, so all around, this, to me, may be their best album in terms of general scoring. What do you think?
Thanks for reading ya’ll! You rock!
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