#( hold me closer tiny dancer )
sluttery-withoutshame · 4 months
I don’t know how Eric ended up in a ballet studio.
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But I would like more of it please.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
This is information I could easily find with a very quick internet search, but I will wonder about it out loud instead:
There's a Britney Spears and Elton John version of Tiny Dancer now!? When? Why? Not that I object, I'm just curious about how it came to be. Was it Elton's song originally? I kind of vaguely thought it was Billy Joel's, but now I'm doubting myself. Is this song about drugs? I haven't paid enough attention to the lyrics to know, but it kind of seems like it could be. But maybe it's because I always picture the tiny dancer as a little Tinker Bell sized fairy, which makes an absurd image. So drugs make more sense then that. But perhaps "tiny" just means like, someone 5'0.
But good for Britney! I'm glad she gets to be making the music she wants now. (I'm assuming the song is new.)
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ultdete · 1 year
          Good money was good money. But this money — " heavenly " was nowhere near a good enough description for the number in front of him. Triple zeroes tailed the very satisfying number in their lead, a giant number five written in red ink. ❝ Five thousand dollars .. ❞ the detective whispers, mesmerized by the number. It had been a long time since he had so much money at once. He could afford to eat again, afford to pay the electric bill for the shabby apartment he lived in. Who knows, maybe he could soon afford a much better place! The idea itself felt euphoric, and he hadn't even received the money just yet.
          With the promise of such an award, Shuichi set out on his search for the perpetrator who had this hefty bounty on their head. A bounty he had already convinced himself he'd claim. It had been a few months since he was given a case, and the lack of work was getting to him, it was unavoidable. Being one of the latest additions to his agency's team, all the good jobs went to the detectives who were used to the dangerous work, the best in the field. But this time, the chief cut him some slack. Whether this was good karma for something he did or not, he thanked every star in the sky for this opportunity. At long last, he was needed! ( If one could even call giving the runt of the litter one of the shittiest, unsolvable cases being needed. ) The case file slapped upon his desk was paper thin, not many details and leads inside to speak of. Atop the opening page, however, was " $5,000 " written across the top, circled in sloppy red ink. As the report discloses, there's been wind of a very dangerous, underground drug dealer making black market deals all over the West side of the region. Apparently this person is so good at avoiding detection, detectives and police do not even bother going after them. He couldn't blame them. By the looks of this pathetic case file, Shuichi could only assume they got so frustrated with the lack of details that they no longer considered this man hunt a priority.
          An award such as this on the line, it was all the motivation he needed to get to work. Jumping from his work desk, Shuichi grabs his work coat off the rack and heads out the door with an unceasing gleam of determination in his eyes.
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          ... It's been three days. Three days of what felt like endless sleuthing have finally lead him to a location of interest. The detective found himself in a province he did not typically visit. Leads and suspicion equally have lead him to one of the most upper class areas the province had to offer. ❝ Could someone so dangerous.. really be residing here? ❞ He'd ponder for a moment, but quickly trashed the thought. Of course it's possible. Secrets run deep, people are cruel. He has seen his fair share of the evil people do and what it can bring, no matter how trustworthy they are. Well, that was sorrowful reminiscing for another time. The more he explored the area, he closer he got to his prioritized location of interest. Eventually, he found himself standing in front of set of satin, red wine doors, matte black trim and golden doorknobs adorning it.
          ❝ Lapin de luxe. ❞
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          The sign reads like something straight out of a luxurious French ad, it's vibe very obvious. The cursive was beautiful, but the real eye catcher was the provocative sketch next to the club name's logo. A depiction of a male with what appeared to be a bunny suit hanging on to a pole was printed aside the advertised title. He had heard of these types of places before, but he had never seen one with his own eyes. This was very much.. a gentleman's club.
          After taking a few moments to muster up the courage to enter a place like this, he made his way inside. As he ventured through the club's corridor, he admired the architecture. Everything looked so polished, so elegant, the complete opposite of what he had seen on television and in sleazy classic films. From across the room, beyond velvet curtains, cheering and whistling echoed from the inside. Male waiters in what appeared to the club's signature bunny uniform went in and out of the room, leaving Shuichi to only assume exactly what was going on in there. A passing waiter winks at Shuichi as he makes his way through, likely entertained by the detective's accidental staring.
          He'd be lying if he said his curiosity was not tickled, but he was here for urgent business. A quick shake of his head was his best attempt to erase the thought. Treading further into the building, he scanned the room intently as he he made his way through. Halting his trail, something caught his interest — a bar. It looked like something straight out of a regal strip in Paris; it's polished marble tabletop reflected the beautifully dim lights hanging from the ceiling above. He recognized a few of the selections of the top shelf alcohol bottles from afar, his astonishment at the sight of them luring him in. Tucking in his jacket beneath his rear, he sits at the very middle stool of the bar. The bartender, polished and handsome, greeted him with a smile. His mannerisms were a bit strange.. He staggered. He seemed hasty.
          ❝ A black tea toddy, please. One ounce scotch. ❞
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          .. Two hours pass as the two exchange small talk that eventually turn into exchanges of stories. Shuichi's drink runs low, still on his first glass. Collecting his coat, he uncrosses his legs to turn in his stool, straightening his clothes as he stands back up. ❝ One more round if you would, bad habits call. ❞ He jests, placing a twenty dollar bill on the table as he pulls out his cigarette pack with the other, giving it a quick rattle as he smiled back at the obliged bartender.
          Making his way outside, he waited until he was out of the bartender's line of sight before pulling his cell phone out of his pocket. It took a moment, but he managed to successfully type out a message with one hand, reading it over for any possible grammatical error for hitting send. In the meantime, to keep up appearances in front of passerby ( who could very well be potential witnesses ), Shuichi selects the most pathetic looking cigarette of the pack to tuck it in between his lips. He hated these things; the smell, the health risks. But for the sake of the case, just this once.
          Agitation surfaces amidst his anxiety as he hastily stifles through his coat pockets, every single one. He swore he packed a lighter for this backup plan, where is it? Did he not pack one at all? Blending in with your surroundings during an investigation is one of the most important things when it came to wrapping up a successful case. He felt himself starting to panic, until .. —
Closed & plotted AU starter for @ultlie.
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backhurtyy · 2 years
i love elton john and i love his music but also i cant listen to it because it makes me too insane
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philcollinsenjoyer · 1 year
absolutely nothing was ever the same
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rocketman-stuff · 2 years
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Story Link
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tomatoluvr69 · 2 years
Man huge curses to whoever put that Tiny Dancer paraphernalia on my dash. Got me like OH HOW IT FEELS SO REAL….just going about my daily life.
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jhyoswrld · 10 days
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. . . ⟢ TATTOOS ; P. Jihyo x Fem! Reader
⟡ synopsis : you love your girlfriend. . . and her stupid tattoos
⟡ warnings : smut : asphyxiation : fingering : cunnilingus : light praise : messily written + rushed I fear :p
⟡ word count : 1.5k
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You were agitated with your girlfriend.
Okay, slow down and backtrack for a moment. Let’s explain how you even became like this in the first place. You were a backup dancer for a very popular South Korean girl group, Twice, and you were fortunate enough to have been kept around for several years. An amount of time large enough for you to be able to become close to the group’s leader, Park Jihyo, and thus… form a relationship.
“Baby, I can’t find my jacket.”
Speak of the angel, there she was now.
Her pretty lips were pressed into a sad pout as she wandered around your shared home, looking high and low for the aforementioned jacket. Now, you weren’t annoyed at her because she lost her damn jacket, no, no. You were annoyed because she was now just… openly parading around with her tattoos on complete display.
At first, it was one small tattoo. Then, over the years, it somehow morphed from a tiny heart to two entire sleeves full of tattoos. And– god it was so fucking attractive.
That. That right there was your grievance.
“Baby,” The pouty older woman grabbed a hold of the door frame as she leaned her body into the room you stood in– the muscles in her arms subconsciously flexing. “Why are you just standing thereeee?”
Whiny little–
“You need to cover up.” You huff dramatically.
Jihyo pauses, slowly looking down at her form and tilting her head. She wasn’t…naked by any means. Actually, she was just wearing a simple pair of sweats and a loose t-shirt. “What do you mean– ahhh…” Jihyo snorts when her mind registers the cause of your annoyance. “Baby, I didn’t get tattoos just to cover them up.”
She wanders over to you, and you begrudgingly let the short woman’s arms slink around your waist as she tries to look into your eyes. “Well– they’re too distracting–”
“Oh yeah?” Jihyo chuckles softly, that stupid smirk of hers never slipping from her face. “Am I distracting you, my love?”
Another scoff comes from you. “You certainly are.”
“Mm… well i’m so sorry then,” She’s so not sorry. “I didn’t mean to distract my poor, innocent girlfriend.”
Jihyo’s hands slip under your shirt and you're suddenly silenced. More annoyance follows for you as she calmly rubs your sides, raising a brow as she gazes into your eyes for any hint of rejection. Finding none, the older woman swiftly moves in closer to kiss at your pretty jaw. “Poor baby… so distracted…”
A grumble of faux annoyance later and Jihyo somehow has managed to remove your shirt without you even registering her hands moving. “I think you just want my attention.” Her slightly calloused hands run up the smoothness of your side, slowly edging you back until the backs of your legs brush against the couch.
“I…” You pout in annoyance. “I really don’t like you.”
“Uh-huh, well you can not like me all you want,” Jihyo pushes you back and you land on your butt with an embarrassing yelp. “I’m still going to have some fun, now that I know my girlfriend is upset by my own tattoos.”
Curse her stupid logic.
“Park Jihyo, I swear to—”
“Hush.” A simple word- command, even, and yet you’re obeying like a well trained pup. Your girlfriend's hands snake to the clasp of your bra, easily undoing it without another word. Her body leans down to brush against yours— hands adjusting so you lay longways on the couch as Jihyo sits comfortably on your lap.
Her lips press warm, open-mouth kisses across the expanse of your collarbones; smudging ruby red lipstick here and there with our care.
You stifle your noises- eyes closing in annoyance at the intense pleasure her simple, stupid kisses give you.
“Come on,” Whispers the woman. “When I said hush, I didn’t mean keep your pretty noises from me…”
Jihyo reaches down, her lithe fingers finding their way to your budding chest— and before you have time to complain, her thumb brushes across one of your sensitive nipples, making your hips buck up in immediate pleasure.
“Hmm, there she is.” Jihyo chuckles, using her thumb to rub the bud around slowly in order to tease you up. Your body heats in a way you're all too familiar with, staring at your feet and working its way up until even your ears feel like they’re burning.
The kisses from your love resume- albeit now chaste, as she’s way too enamored by the way you whimper from her touches. Her lips manage to trail down further and soon replace the thumb at the swell of one of your breasts, and she swirls it around her mouth with delicate efficiency- nearly sending you over the edge on stimulation alone.
Your whines feel pathetic, but you know Jihyo doesn’t give two shits what you think about the noises she’s eliciting.
Speaking of, one of those gorgeously agitating tattooed arms comes up- the hand attaching to your neck as she pulls off of your chest with a pop. “Pretty girl, you’re squirming a lot more than usual today…”
It’s torture and it’s pleasure, and as you go to speak the older woman uses her thumb to press in on your throat, making a whimper fall. “M-Mm…sorry…”
“No need to apologize,” Jihyo chuckles, slowly sitting up as her free hand snakes down to your pants— dipping under them and using her fingers to push your embarrassingly wet panties aside. “Already wet, as predicted~”
“Shhh, I'm getting there.”
Jihyo’s middle finger dipped down— rubbing at your puffy clit slowly as her lips came back to kiss all over your body. Your mind goes blank the second she makes contact, and you physically whine and try to move away- while subconsciously rubbing against her finger needily. It’s an amusing sight, in Jihyo’s opinion, and she makes it a point to press a little harder into your clit just to hear you.
“M-Mph—! Jihyo—”
“Too much talking~” The older teases, pressing against your neck harder as her finger dips between your folds, soaking the digit as she slips down to your entrance and angles two fingers; entering without a second thought. Your back arches up and Jihyo purrs at the action, leaning to bite at your jaw. Her hand changes to have a full grip on your neck- squeezing tightly as she begins to finger-fuck you in a slow yet intentional rhythm.
Your hips are practically left trembling from the shocks of her fingers, briefly you even consider asking her to slow down, but the thought leaves your head when the air leaves your lungs.
It’s invigorating and arousing all at once.
This girl really knows how to push you to your breaking point. Which, you reach embarrassingly quickly, eagerly tapping at her arm to let her know.
“Hmmm? Already?” Jihyo chuckles and speeds up. “Well alright then, lovely. Go ahead, cum for me.”
You’re embarrassed by the way you do, as if on command. But the pleasure was building and it was basically far too much for you. Jihyo surely seemed pleased with herself though, as she slipped her fingers out of you with an audible pop, purring at the very scene before her.
“Aren’t you a pretty thing,” She cooed, sliding her hand up to join the other as she tightened her hold on your neck a bit. “So fucking pretty like this…you wanna help me too baby?”
A whimper slipped from your lips as you quickly nodded, feeling lightheaded from her tightening hold. Jihyo’s hips subtly grinned down against you. “Yeah baby? Wanna be a good girl, hm? Help me out?”
Jesus fucking christ.
You don’t know how it happened, but somehow you managed to wind up on your knees in front of your girlfriend— her panties pooled around her ankles and her thighs scissored around your neck as your tongue slowly lapped at her cunt. You, unfortunately, couldn’t eat her out with much vigor— as the woman’s thighs were pressed so damn tight against your neck that you could hardly breathe enough to move quicker.
But Jihyo? Oh, your girlfriend was having the time of her life. Her thighs shivered and shook around your neck, whimpers falling from her lips as she held a chunk of your hair within her hand, pressing her cunt into your face needily.
“F..fuck, so good baby…” She whined, back lifting off the couch.
You yourself shivered a bit, enjoying the way the pretty girl was coming apart from your stimulation. It didn’t take long for her pretty hips to lift— her body trembling and shaking as she came hard with a jolt- eyes squeezing shut and whimpers leaving her lips. Her thighs pressed hard against your neck and you moaned into her at the feeling of your breath escaping.
The older woman held you there for a few moments as she rode her orgasm out, sighing slowly with soft pants, before she finally pulled off. The feeling of air thrusting into your lungs made you happy, briefly, but the sight of your girlfriend writhing from pleasure before you was waves better.
“Stop…looking at me like that,” Jihyo chuckled, breathlessly as she rested her hand on your head slowly. “Such a dork…”
“Mm…i’m not a dork…”
“You so are.”
“No im not—!”
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 months
what’s it like to be around science experiment!reverse reader when something really sweet surprises them? please a tiny fluff for our hearts?
Jason wound his way through the woods, following one of the interminable trails he knows that you take to get to your clearing. Why you're back there today, Jason isn't sure.
He only knows that you are.
He woke up in your bed by himself and you left him a note telling him that that's where you'd gone. Which was progress he supposed. It meant that you weren't just disappearing.
How did you do this? Were you like a homing pigeon? Did you have landmarks you followed? Or had you just cut your way through in a haze so many times that you just did it the way dancers went on pointe? Muscle memory.
When he got there, thankfully, you weren't in mid-explosion. He didn't think he could handle that. But there was a definite... Buzz in the air. It reminded him of white noise. It felt like a miasma of... neutrality. Like walking through a mall on a Saturday. Things-feelings that just... were.
Odd but not unpleasant. Taking up all the empty space in the air but not suffocating him.
And he stopped in the gap you used as a door and waited for a second, waiting for you to finish what looked like replacing a hammock that a storm had ruined and slipped in. "Hey, baby girl," he said, "you good?"
"Yeah," you yawn, "Just needed to move." You take a deep breath and go to pull yourself back into line. Into control and wince. It's nice to let it out and just stop holding on to it all.
Jason moved closer to you and wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tenderly. "You don't have to do that, you know?" He kissed the side of your head, "I wanna bounce my head off the nearest wall when Bruce talks too long. I can only imagine what it feels like when it's like that from EVERYONE all around you all the time."
"I don't read minds," you remind him.
"Still," he snorted. "It's the closest I can get." He kissed the side of your head again and rubbed your arms. "I don't want you to feel like you have to hide how you're feeling from me. Not like you do everyone else."
"It's just... a lot sometimes."
"I know," he admitted. "But- We- I especially get worried that it's getting to be too much for you to handle alone."
"I get really lonely," you murmur.
Jason nodded. He could understand that too and it made him kiss your temple. "I brought a picnic," he tried, face heating. "It's mostly brownies. And some green apples and nutella. And I brought a book to read I thought if you wanted we could-"
And when soft lips collide with his as you wrap your arms around his neck, it feels like taking a bite of a hot chocolate chip cookie on a cold winter day and the first like of a snow cone on the hottest day of summer. A quiet, simple joy. Laid over the feelings he knew you felt for him. The ones that popped like firecrackers in his chest. And he smiled against your lips. It was a good thing you replaced the hammock- a snack and a nap in the sunshine would be nice.
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astarioffsimpmain · 17 days
Cozy Up with: Gale
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[Autumn photography by: coldoctober]
[Gale photography by: unknown - if it's you, please let me know so that I can tag you!]
Author's Note:
Okay so....... maybe it's become a series that I like to call "Cozy Up". LOL I'll probably do another one with Astarion since the first was pretty short, and I'm hoping to do more bg3 characters as well! Here's our beautiful, wonderful rizzard in some post-game domestic bliss: autumn-themed! Hope you enjoy.
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You smiled as your eyes followed the colorful leaves in their path from the trees to the ground, carried on the wind like dancers performing a routine. The weather had turned crisp in Waterdeep, the night air boasting an even colder chill on the balcony of Gale's tower, where the breeze from the sea swept up to rustle the wind chimes that were a gift from your fiancé once you moved in. 
A shiver ran through you and you curled further under the massive blanket Gale had on the settee. It was your idea to sit outside. You didn't mind the fact that your ears and nose were numb. This was your first autumn in Waterdeep; your first autumn as a fiancé(e). Autumn was always your favorite season: the sweeping changes in the colors of the landscape, the crackling energy of something new and wonderful in the air, and the eerie glow of the large harvest moons in the evenings. You wanted nothing more than to experience this shift with your soon to be husband, who was currently fixing hot cocoa for the both of you in the kitchen downstairs, and probably supplementing Tara with some warm milk before he returned. 
You rubbed your feet together and admired the two pumpkins that sat on the balcony across from you, faces carved in them by you and Gale, glowing brightly with the spell the wizard had used on them. "It's a tradition in Waterdeep!" Gale had exclaimed with excitement while urging you to find a pumpkin you liked from the stall. 
You'd heard of the practice, of course - carving a face into a gourd and lighting it to keep the evil away - but in Baldur's Gate, there wasn't a guarantee your warding gourd would be left alone for very long if left outside where they were meant to be, so most people lit candles in their windows and drew faces on their doors with coal instead to ward off the evil. So many firsts for you this year, and so far, you were enjoying them all.
The clank of cups on a tray brought you back to the present and you turned your eyes to the patio door, where Gale had appeared with two steaming mugs and a dazzling smile on his handsome face. "Here we are! My mother's famous recipe." He said, carefully handing you one of the mugs by the rim. You sighed in audible relief as your cold fingers wrapped around the warm ceramic, the effect taking hold immediately. A single sip had a  satisfying chill running up and down your spine before your entire body began to warm from the inside out. 
"Mmm Gale, it's perfect, thank you." You hummed happily, your mug held close to your face to allow your nose to defrost as well. He chuckled in response and sat down next to you with his own cup, pulling some of the blanket over his legs as he settled in. Your pull to him was immediate, and you were nuzzling into his side the moment he was in reach. He opened his arm to you just as quickly and pulled you closer by your shoulders. 
The scent of weathered book pages and amber flitted across your senses, enveloping you in a sense of safety and belonging as you rested your head in your usual place under Gale’s arm. You looked out over Waterdeep over the balcony railing, and the city was littered with tiny flickers of candlelight as people ducked in and out of shops, restaurants, and taverns far below. Motion in your peripheral caught your eye and you smiled to yourself. 
Gale had conjured a mage hand to open the volume he was reading on the latest popular recipes for Waterdhavian weddings. He was insistent on making your meal for you on the day you wed, and would hear nothing against it. He was making something new everyday, bringing plates of his new dishes to you. "My love," he would say every time. "Try this one. How is it compared to the last? Should I keep looking? I'll keep looking, I haven't tried this other one yet.." and he would trail back off to the kitchen to start again. At first, you'd tried to dissuade him from trying every dish in the book, but your fiancé was nothing if not hard-headed, and you found yourself going along with it, content enough to try new food every night until the wedding. Each dish was better than the last, and that you certainly didn't mind. 
You chuckled quietly and allowed your eyes to fall closed, listening to the rhythmic sound of Gale’s heart beating beneath your ear. The wind was chilly, but your hearts were warm, as long as they beat together. 
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badalivie · 1 year
 body language [l.dh]
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pairing: reader x lee donghyuck ft.hyunjin
genre: romance, friends to lovers
word count: 3.1k
warnings: mentions of injuries, a small tiny pinch of violence, jealous haechan and suggestive(ish)
about: You and Donghyuck have been dance partners for the past 6 years. When he gets into an accident that costs him a competition and substitutes himself with another dancer, he realizes he’s not so open at all to having you dance with someone else, especially having their hands in the places he considered his.
“twirl. come to me, and... pose!”
Donghyuck had one of his hands tight around your waist with the other on your back, pressing your chest flush against his own while you leaned backward in his hold. You felt his warm breath on your neck, his hand just above your ass, and his heartbeat against your chest all while your arms were wrapped around his neck. Every time Donghyuck found himself in a close position like this with you, he felt as if time slowed. He studied every breath, movement, and even experimentally moved his hands around to see which spots you seemed to like being touched in. He found that rubbing his thumbs lightly on your waist would relax you and mold your body closer to his, sometimes even earning a whimper from you, and it would make him melt each time.
“good job.” Donghyuck supported your back to help you stand up straight and pulled away.
“You think we can win with this routine?”
“Absolutely. Don’t you have confidence in my choreographing skills?” He frowned and crossed his arms
“I didn’t say I doubted you, you moron.” You flicked his forehead, making him whine and cover his face with his hands.
Donghyuck has been your best friend and dance partner for 6 years. You’ve won countless competitions with him and spent most of your days training with him or just talking to him. How could you not when he’d obsessively — and quite annoyingly— text you every hour when you were apart?  With the intimacy that comes with dancing alongside him for years, he knew you and your body better than anyone else. Your mannerisms, where you liked to be held and where you didn’t, he knew everything about you. Often it felt like he knew you better than you knew yourself.
“Hey wait wanna grab a bite? I think we deserve it.”
“Fine. You’re paying though!”
“I always do” He grinned, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and walking outside with you. Your favorite restaurant was only 3 blocks away. You and Donghyuck often went there to reward yourselves after a competition or intense training. Eating at that restaurant always involved one of you getting black-out drunk and sleeping over at the other’s house, but today was different. While crossing the street, he noticed a motorcycle speeding in your direction without any indication of stopping. Without a second thought, almost on instinct, he pushed you to the sidewalk and took the hit.
“Hyuck!” You rushed to his side as he lay on the concrete. His arms were a bit swollen but he didn’t appear to have any major injuries that were evident except for his ankle which was very clearly dislocated. The ambulances arrived a couple minutes later and rushed you two to the hospital. You didn’t let go of his hand once throughout the ride. Luckily, the doctors were able to pop Donghyuck’s ankle back into place (but he didn’t take the pain of it well at all). As soon as you both thought the worst was over, they found that he also broke a rib from the impact. The doctor said he would fully heal in about 2 months, which didn’t leave him enough time to rehearse before the competition took place.
“We have to withdraw.” 
“What?! No! You can’t withdraw from the competition!” Donghyuck argued
“I’m not dancing without you!” There were tears in your eyes at this point. His expression softened when he saw the first few tears streak down your cheeks.
“Hey, hey, don’t cry. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry.” He cupped your cheeks and wiped away your tears with his thumbs. “Listen, you worked too hard for this competition. I don’t want you to withdraw because of me. Hear me out, I’ll look for a substitute to take my place. Hm? How’s that sound?”
“That sounds awful. I’ve never danced with anyone else but you and I’m not willing to.” You lowered your head
“Just give it a try okay? If you really don’t want to compete without me, then you withdraw. But you need to give it a chance first. Okay?”
After a couple minutes of careful consideration, you reluctantly agreed “Fine.”
“Don’t look so down. You’ll get wrinkles.”
You chuckled under your breath, earning a smile from Donghyuck. “There she is. There’s that smile.” You talked a few more things with him until a nurse told you that you had to leave. You waved goodbye and said you’d visit him again tomorrow.
By the time you came back for another visit, Donghyuck had already found a substitute. He found him through a friend and heard he was an extremely talented junior dancer. It still took some convincing to get you fully on board but by the end of your second visit, you were ready to meet his substitute.
His name was Hyunjin. He was taller than Donghyuck by a little bit. He was attractive, had long hair, a slim figure, and he was really hardworking. Hyunjin really devoted his time to learning the choreography beforehand with the short amount of time he had. After your first practice together you realized that maybe things weren’t as bad as you thought they would be.
“Hey we match pretty well” Hyunjin commented, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“You think so?”
“Yeah. I think you’re great” he smiled.
“You’re not too bad yourself.”
You and Hyunjin teased each other back and forth for a while, growing closer with each passing hour. To your surprise, you got along well with him. You became more comfortable spending your time with him practicing every day until your hospital visits to Donghyuck became less frequent. 
When Donghyuck was discharged the first thing he did was go to your practice studio. He accepted the fact that you weren’t visiting as often probably because you were busy practicing. Still, wanted to see how things were going without him. He was obviously rooting for your victory, but a small part of him hoped to see that his absence would be affecting you somehow.
“You okay?” You asked
“Im fine. Just a little tired.” Hyunjin huffed, resting his hands on his waist while facing away from you.
“I told you that you should have slept more.” You walked towards him and placed your hand on his back in an attempt to comfort him. “We can take a break if you-“
Hyunjin spun around and leaned down to rest his head on your shoulder. You felt his arms slowly wrap around your waist as he sighed. “I just need a minute… give me 1 minute…” You were a bit surprised by his actions but didn’t push him away, you only kept your hands on his chest.
“Hyunjin? You can rest on the couch-“
“I’m okay. This is all I need… you’re all I need…”
His voice faded towards the end of his sentence, making you unsure of what he really said when suddenly you heard a cough from the far end of the room. When you turned your head around you saw Donghyuck standing there.
“Hyuckie!” You beamed. Hyunjin raised his head from your shoulder and gazed at the man who interrupted your moment. He gave Donghyuck a blank stare but didn’t let go of his hold on your waist at all. That didn’t go unnoticed by Donghyuck. He felt his eye twitch at the green feeling that was beginning to simmer in his chest.
“Was I interrupting something?”
“No you came at the right time” You broke free from Hyunjin’s hold and walked towards Donghyuck, enveloping him in a big hug. “Happy to see you walking again”
“My rib is still in rough shape but I’m good enough to visit.” He smiled, glancing over your shoulder to glare at the other male in the room. “How’s practice?” ‘Horrible. Not so good. Wish you were my partner instead’ were some of the responses He was hoping to receive.
“Great, actually! Hyunjin and I have great chemistry and everything is going smoothly. I think we’ll win next week”
“Oh yeah? Well um… that’s good then…”
“Hey y/n! I need your advice on something” Hyunjin called from the other side of the room.
“I need to get going… see you again soon okay?”
You ran back to Hyunjin and started talking about the dance again. Donghyuck didn’t miss the way Hyunjin smiled at you and the way he leaned closer to your direction whenever you spoke. What irked him most was the way Hyunjin looked at you. Probably because it was the exact same way he looked at you. Who could he blame though? He was the one who pushed you to substitute him with someone else. He started this.
He came around to your practice every day since then. He hated how well you were doing without him. He hated how perfect everything was. The way you were in perfect sync with Hyunjin, the way you seemed to fit so perfectly in his arms, the way it seemed like the two of you were just made for each other. He felt so replaceable. He felt like maybe you were better off dancing with Hyunjin instead of him. Like what you had with him wasn’t special at all.
Over the days before the competition he just watched helplessly as Hyunjin did the things he was supposed to do with you. It was supposed to be you and him. And with each passing day, his blood seemed to boil more and more. Still, no matter how jealous, he knew you deserved that medal more than anyone else. So when the competition day came, he didn’t care who you were dancing with. What mattered was that you were on that stage, and you were going to win.
“Y/N!!! WOOOOOOO” Donghyuck cheered, jumping out of his seat when you walked onto stage. Hyunjin held your hand in his, leading you out to the stage with long, confident strides. Your eyes met Donghyuck’s in the crowd, and you smiled at him the way you always did. He felt his heart flutter. Was this what it was like to watch you perform? If it was, maybe he’d play sick to see you perform from the audience more often. But preferably without Hyunjin by your side.
Everything went just perfectly. Down to every beat and every sway of the rhythm. Donghyuck always found you pretty, but today, you were especially beautiful. The way you styled your hair, the way your costume revealed just enough of your skin, the way you smiled whenever you faced the audience, and especially the way you’d occasionally steal glances at him, knowing he was already staring back at you.
Your performance came to an end. The crowd roared, bursting into cheers and applause. So did Donghyuck. He smiled proudly as you held the ending pose. You stood on stage, breathless after giving it your all with your chest pressed against Hyunjin’s. Donghyuck noticed the ending pose was different. When you were with him, your arms were always wrapped securely around his neck, but this time, one of your hands grasped Hyunjin’s arm while the other held onto his shoulder. A wave of pride shot through him. Of course. She’d only do that with me. That’s our thing.
The applause continued as you and Hyunjin held the pose, trying to catch your breaths. “I think we won” you chuckled
“yeah…” He smiled, gazing into your eyes. You smiled at his response, not noticing the way his eyes flickered down to your lips and back up to your eyes repeatedly. His silence confused you and made you match your gaze with him. Hyunjin had an unreadable expression on his face before he leaned in and captured your lips in a kiss. Your eyes widened. The crowd’s cheers grew in volume as the lights on the stage went out. Once it registered in your brain that Hyunjin actually kissed you, your immediate response was to turn your head away, using the hand on his shoulder to push him away and create space. What was that? Why did he kiss me? He likes me? A whirlwind of thoughts swirled in your head, but one seemed to scream louder than the rest. Did Donghyuck see?
“What the fuck Hyunjin?!”
“I-I’m sorry.” He muttered “I just- I really like you, y/n… these past 2 months have just been so wonderful for me and I couldn’t hold back my feelings anymore… I just had to let you know.”
“Hyunjin, I don’t feel the same way… I’m sorry… you’re a really great guy its just that I already have someone I like” You fiddled with your fingers, nervously watching his reaction. A smile tugged on the corners of Hyunjin’s lips.
“I figured… Its Donghyuck, isn’t it?”
“Was it that obvious?” You covered your mouth
“To me it was. Still knowing that, I wouldn’t back down without trying.” Hyunjin shrugged his shoulders
“Thanks for being cool about this whole thing” You smiled, linking your arm with his, feeling comfortable again.
“It’s just how things are I guess… sorry for kissing you earlier. It was out of line. I should’ve asked and not made you uncomfortable...”
“Eh, it wasn’t too bad” You nudged his rib and made him laugh, moving past that whole incident completely unaware of the storm brewing outside.
You and Hyunjin accepted your medals hand in hand and gave brief appreciation speeches before walking backstage and deciding to call it a night. You and Hyunjin had packed up and were casually having a conversation in the parking lot when Hyunjin took a harsh punch to the jaw and fell hard on his back.
It was Donghyuck.
“Hyuck!” You called out in surprise
“Kissing her like that? You have a lot of fucking nerve.” Donghyuck grabbed Hyunjin’s collar and raised him off the ground “What do you have to say now, pretty boy?”
“I’m sorry” Hyunjin coughed
“Damn right you are.” Haechan seethed before throwing another punch until red spilled from Hyunjin’s mouth.
“hold it right there!” You yelled grabbing one of Donghyuck’s arms and pulling him away from Hyunjin. “Hyuck, stop.” He turned his attention away for a second to cup your cheeks and scan your face. You don’t know what he was looking for, but there was an expression you’d never seen on his face before. “Let’s just go. Okay?” You rubbed your hand up and down his arm to calm him down, and it seemed to work a little.
Donghyuck gave one last glare to the other man before wrapping his hand around your wrist tightly and pulling you to his car. “Hyuck… Hyuckie you’re hurting me…” He didn’t say anything in reply but his grip on you loosened. Donnghyuck opened the door for you and let you in before closing the door rather harshly.
The drive was silent. If you were being honest, you didn’t even really know where he was taking you. “What’s going on with you..?”
“Me? What’s going on with me? What’s up with you kissing that pretty boy on stage?!” Donghyuck retorted
“I didn’t kiss him. He kissed me!”
“What so you like him now?!” He was raising his voice at you for the first time, it was unfamiliar and surprising, it was making you emotional.
“Why are you yelling at me?” You asked with a weak voice. Haechan swerved his car to the side of the road and slammed the brakes.
“Because I like you, idiot!” Donghyuck yelled, removing his seatbelt and turning to face you. “You know how hard it was for me to watch him touch you?! He was all over you y/n! He even kissed you for fucks sake!” He ruffled his hair in frustration. He was unloading too much information at once that you could only stare at him with widened eyes. You were overwhelmed. Donghyuck kept rambling on about his frustrations but all you could think about was his confession. This whole time you liked him, he liked you back.
Everything made sense. All the teasing, the way his hands would trail when he held you, the way he’d keep you close when in public spaces. He was telling you he liked you this whole time through his actions. How did you not notice? You laughed.
“Whats funny? You think this is funny?” Donghyuck stared at you with confusion, but nothing could prepare him for when you grabbed his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. His eyes widened with shock at first, but then he leaned closer to deepen the kiss. Pulling back for just a second, you whispered lowly “I like you too, dummy”. With one hand, you unbuckled your seatbelt and moved to straddle his lap on the driver’s seat without breaking the kiss. Donghyuck reclined his seat in order to give you more space. He had his hands on your waist, and you pushed your lap down on his own, earning a low groan from him.
“You’re an eager one aren’t you” Haechan smirked, bringing his hand up to tuck your hair behind your ear. “I want to take my time with you, sweetie. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to have you like this” He sighed, taking a deep breath of your scent and kissing your cheek, all the way down to your collarbone. “See this?” Haechan pressed his finger against a spot he’d kissed just a few seconds ago, a dark blue mark beginning bloom. “This is mine.” He kissed the bottom of your jaw. “Every curve” your neck. “Every crevice.” your collarbone. “All mine.” Your shoulder.
You buried your face into his neck, resting all your weight against him. “We can’t do this here.” You whispered.
You heard Donghyuck chuckle lowly. “Oh?” He moved his hand on your waist lower to knead your ass. “You say that, but you’re grinding onto my waist right now. I can feel the heat of your cheeks on my neck. The way you’re clutching on my shirt right now… honey, you’re not fooling anyone.”
“Hyuck...” You whimpered into his ear, sending a shiver up his spine. He groaned in response and slipped his hands under the skirt you were wearing. His rough hands kneaded your thighs and pushed you lower onto his waist- well, dick.
“Only I can touch you like this. Only I can get this close. Only I know what you like.” Donghyuck kissed the sensitive spot just below your ear and made you gasp. “See?”
“Hyuck~” you begged.
He smiled, bringing a hand up to gently hold your cheek. “be patient, baby. I’ll do everything I want with you when we get home”
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Okay okay, hear me out. Miguel trying to figure out your secret identity because you're the only spider person who hasn't shared their backstory and Lyla can't find anything about you besides your spidersona, so he breaks his own rule and sneaks into your dimension in disguise, searches the city for you and is ready to go home with a failed personal mission, till (thanks to his super hearing) he hears you singing in your apartment and sees your open window with all your plants and a stray happily sunning itself while you tend to them all, and he's just mesmerized on the street cause like, woah. 🌷🌷🌷
oH MY GOD–I LOVE THIS !!! bc i recently also watched rocketman, i'm making y/n sing an elton john song favorite of mine 💖
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
hold me closer, tiny dancer. – miguel o'hara x reader
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as night fell in the city, cicadas and crickets hummed their songs in the bright, moonlit evening of tonight in the humble boulevard of the dimension you belonged to. you didn't live in the most well-off or best town in the city, but it was your home; your home that nobody else in HQ ever knew was even yours. you were a complete enigma to the rest of the multiverse, and you preferred to stay that way. it didn't bother you one bit that you only had your little rooftop garden to tend to and greet when you get home from a long mission. you made yourself a warm cup of tea and sat down by your little wooden table by your rooftop, your outdoor plants hung up by the macrame hangers you made for them all. you looked off at the yellow and white studded distance beyond your balcony and smiled slightly to yourself, enjoying the silence and solace of being alone, in your own home, in your own space. though little did you know... someone was searching for you, trying to figure out just who you were; it was no adoring fan of yours from this dimension, it was instead a coworker, your colleague back in earth-928: miguel o'hara.
"this is hypo and critical, mig." lyla warned miguel as he lifted up his gray jacket's hoodie up on his head as he scanned his surroundings. "would you kindly shut up and let me do my job?" he snapped at the AI assistant as she raised an eyebrow at him, shrugging. "one, i do all the scanning and difficult processing stuff for you in the nanoseconds, stand back and let me do my job. two, not my fault my servers don't have anything on them. just turn back now, miguel, it isn't worth finding out who they are—these are your principles, by the way." she reminded miguel as he sighed and covered the watch she was being projected from with his hand as he hid behind an apartment building. the surroundings were pretty clear, nobody else roamed these streets at night, except for a few night crawling critters that sung about in the night. though these creatures weren't the only singers of the night, for as miguel was about to head off in the opposite direction to begin searching for the person behind the spider person mask he had been so used to seeing—yearning to see the lovely face hidden underneath it—he had heard the opening notes of a classic melody being played on a piano. the melody sounded as though it were recorded, its sound was being carried out from a couple of speakers that didn't sound modern in the slightest.
"what is that?" miguel asked aloud to nobody in particular. "they're the opening notes to the elton john song, 'tiny dancer'. it's cute as hell." lyla said with a grin as miguel stepped out of the shadow of the big building and followed the sounds. the song reverberating from the speakers was fainter, but a new symphonic sound rang in his ears. a voice? a voice rang out in the depths of the otherwise silent, unbothered evening in this quiet, ordinary boulevard in your quiet, ordinary dimension—for the most part. as the song progressed, miguel had finally pulled himself out of the shadows and seen the lit up home you had. he took in the full view of the balcony of yours that was adorned with macrame hangers, potted plants of all different sizes and colors, and... you, there, looking off into the distance, smiling as that sonorous voice came from you.
"pretty-eyed... pirate smile... you'll marry a music man." you sang along as the song went on, taking a spray bottle from near the railing and humming the rest of the song's lyrics, spraying water on the plants' leaves all carefully and gently murmuring to the plants how big and healthy they've gotten. you smiled and continued singing the song as it got closer and closer to your favorite part of the song. "looking on... she sings the songs... the words she knows, the tune she hums..." you continued as you set the spray bottle down finally and sat down on your chair by the balcony, with miguel peering his head up ever so slightly to catch a better glimpse of you. "i know that voice..." he muttered as he almost accidentally slipped and landed in the light emitting from your home. "but, oh, how it feels so real—lying here, with no one near; only you, and you can hear me. when i say softly... slowly..." you sang in a gentle voice as you got up slowly and put one foot over the other, as if in a ballerina position and raised your arms slightly, not caring who would see... not knowing miguel was watching you perform for yourself in full view. "hold me closer, tiny dancer... count the headlights on the highway..." you sang as you twirled yourself around gracefully, with the skills of a poised ballet dancer. your gentle, elegant movements made miguel pause and open his mouth slightly ajar in amazement. "they're... wow." he whispered to himself as you put your arms down and sighed, re-entering your home and sliding the windows closed, disappearing into your home for the night. miguel had known you were a sophisticated fighter that always carried honor in their hearts and poise in their movements—but he never witnessed you perform, let alone so freely, happily and... alive.
"y'done?" lyla asked miguel, snapping him out of his trance. "a-ah, right, um... okay. we... can go home now." "something tells me you don't wanna just yet." lyla pointed out as miguel darted his eyes back up to your unit and quickly tore his gaze away with a sigh as he put in the coordinates back to HQ, opening a portal and stepping foot in it, casting one last glance back up at your humble little apartment, the apartment where the tiny dancer who has his heart performed for the very first evening when his life felt like it really started now. "...it doesn't matter what i want. i got what i came here for, let's go." he whispered as he moved his gaze away from your home and wordlessly bid your dimension a goodbye, or rather... a see-you soon.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @ophanimgold @fictarian @yuridopted0 @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok
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wizard-on-whales · 17 days
Blue Jean Baby
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You can't sleep due to a storm ranging outside so James softly sings you to sleep
No warnings :)
The pattering of rain against the window was normally a sound that would lull you to sleep, but tonight was different as you lay there huddled under the sheets. The high winds were howling outside along with the loud, not so distant thunder booming every few minutes. You were usually not scared of storms, you had always loved them, but tonight you couldn't shake the anxiety that pooled in my stomach. Beside you, James was sleeping soundly, his mouth parted slightly as soft snores escaped his lips. You could never understand how he could sleep through just about everything, but you assumed it was from years of being trapped on a tour bus and falling asleep backstage at concerts. Another crack of lighting filled the dark room as you peered through the small crack in the curtains hanging on the window above the bed. You braced myself for the loud sound that followed it, scooting closer to James to try to find some comfort. He didn't stir as you moved his arm off of his stomach so that you could lay against him. You tangled your legs with his and wrapped your arm tightly around his waist, trying to listen to the calming sound of his heart beating in your ear. Another unexpected bang caused you to flinch, this time, James' arm moved, wrapping around your shoulder. You stayed wrapped tightly around him, trying to hold back the tears that welled in your eyes. You felt like a helpless child as your body shivered slightly from anxiety.
“Hey, what's wrong, baby,” James' tired voice filled your ears as his arms wrapped further around you, pulling you close. You glanced up towards him, seeing him struggling to keep his eyes open as he fought with sleep.
“It's nothin', go back to sleep,” You try to encourage him, not wanting to admit a storm is what's keeping you up. You could tell James could see right through the lie though.
“The storm scaring you?” He asked, running his hand through your hair, scratching your scalp in the soothing manner he knew you loved. You nodded my head in response, not wanting to admit it out loud. He grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it further over you, tucking it over your shoulders before changing positions. He moved to his side, scooping you into his arms as he pulled you tightly against his chest. Another bang rang out in the distance, causing you to flinch again and cling to his touch.
“It's alright, it'll pass soon,” James says quietly in your ear, kissing the skin just below it. His thumb gently wiped a stray tear off of your cheek before kissing it.
“Can you sing?” You ask him shyly, looking at him best you could through the dark room. James snickers a little, running his hand gently through your hair.
“Yeah, I'll sing, baby. What do you want me to sing?” He smiles gently, his tired voice filling your ears as he speaks.
“Can you sing our song?” James nods gently, his hand still playing with your hair as he quietly starts to sing the lyrics to Tiny Dancer by Elton John. It was the song we had danced to at our wedding, one he had always had a soft spot for.
“Blue jean baby, L.A lady, seamstress for the band,” James sings softly, a small smile on his face as he holds his gaze with yours, his thumb now gently stroking your cheek.
“Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man,” James laughs quietly as he sings, watching you with delicate eyes. The sounds of the storms fade in your ears, your focus solely on him now. Your eyes start to feel heavy so you close them, tucking your head politely under his chin. He moves his hand to your back, gently rubbing it as he continues to quietly sing to you.
“But oh, how it feels so real, lying here with no one near,” He pauses for a moment just to place a tender against your forehead. You felt sleep start to overtake you, the storm no longer on your mind.
“Only you, and you can hear me when I say softly, slowly,” He notices that you've fallen asleep but he continues to sing to you for a few more moments.
“Sleep well, sweet girl,” He says to you, placing one last kiss on your forehead, pulling you closer into his arms and falling back asleep himself, a smile etched across his features.
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starshideurfics · 1 month
Thirsty Thursday - Paris, 1889
steddie, omegaverse, starving artist eddie, moulin rouge dancer steve
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Eddie Munson knows he’s lucky. Some days he feels like the luckiest man alive. He lives in Paris, he’s doing what he loves, and most days he has enough money to eat three meals.
And yes, most of that money is charity from his beloved uncle, and NOT from selling his artwork. 
In the year he’s been in his tiny garret, committing to La Vie Boheme, Eddie has sold one painting. He picks up odd jobs, sells sketches on the street, but paints are expensive.
So is coal. 
Winter is fast approaching, and to save on fuel costs, Eddie stays out of his flat as mich as possible, soliciting gallery owners and doing his best to get something in front of the eyes of the Paris elite. Then, in the evening, he goes to the Moulin Rouge.
It starts out with him trying to stay warm as long as possible, as late into the night. And to get cheap drinks.
The Can-Can dancers are just a fun bonus, fun to watch from the back, but little more.
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At least until a new omega starts, wide-eyed and covered in beauty marks.
Now he’s *very interested* in the dancers, and even more annoyed with the fact that they’re dancing. He just wants to stare at the lovely omega, to capture his beauty in charcoal and chalk and oils. Eddie pulls out a little sketchbook, doing his best to get his features down.
He’s so absorbed that Eddie nearly forgets that the purpose of the dance is to titillate, the movements quick, the kicks showing off the splits in the dancers’ drawers, the shadow of pubic hair, and a hint of dusky pink.
Eddie wants to draw that too…
He goes back every night, trying to get a bit closer to *his* omega. Night after night he moves closer to the stage, finally close enough to smell. Most of it is heady perfume, he’s fairly certain the majority of the dancers are betas, but there’s a fresh note, sweet and green.
Staring dumbly up at his pretty dancer, Eddie prays for him to look his way. Three nights pass before their eyes meet, the omega flashing him a soft smile.
That night he builds up enough courage to wait at the dressing room door, to show his sketch to the security guard.
To get a name: Stéfan.
The guard agrees to ask Stéfan to come to the door after Eddie slips him a handful of francs. He’ll gladly give up breakfast tomorrow if he can speak to his new muse.
“Bonsoir,” a low, sweet voice says, startling Eddie from his reverie.
He’s wearing a long coat, buttoned up to his neck, hat on his head, but just as enthrallingly beautiful to Eddie. So enthralling that Eddie says as much, murmuring, “Good evening, Angel.”
“No need for that, Stef is fine.” The omega smiles. “You’re an artist, yes?”
“Yes, how did you know?”
Stef reaches for Eddie’s hands, turning them to show off the black smudges of charcoal on his fingers. “And I’ve seen you drawing in the audience.” He drags a finger up the center of Eddie’s palm. “What are you always drawing?”
“You,” Eddie blurts.
“Me? Why?” Stef asks with a laugh.
“I’m surprised every alpha you meet isn’t driven to catalogue your beauty.”
“It is the truth! I’ve never seen a lovelier omega on this earth.”
“I doubt you’ve seen much outside of Paris.”
“It is still true,” Eddie pouts.
Stéfan is still holding Eddie’s hand, both of them blushing. “Are you hungry? There’s a café I like down the way, we could eat a late supper and maybe… You could show me some of your drawings?” He leans closer, sniffing not so discreetly at Eddie’s neck. “And tell me your name?”
“Édouard! My name is Édouard, um…Eddie, call me Eddie. And I would love to get supper with you.”
Stef goes home with Eddie that night, showing him just how covered in beauty marks his body is, moaning as Eddie worships him with talented fingers.
At the end of the month, Eddie sells a painting: a sensual portrait of Stéfan in their bed. 
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superiorsturgeon · 4 months
Schnarkos: Weiss’s Birthday Serenade
Weiss: 😴
Weiss: *yawns and stretches, feeling around on either side of herself in bed* 🥱
Weiss: *feels empty bed*
Weiss: *sits up in empty bed* …Pyrrha…? Jaune…?
Weiss: *slides out of bed and pulls on bathrobe* Where could they be…?
Weiss: *steps into hallway*
????: 🎶…blue jean baby…🎶
Weiss: What was that?
????: 🎶…Atlas lady…🎶
Weiss: Pyrrha…? *turns around, looking for the source of the music*
???/???: 🎶 …seamstress for the band~! 🎶
Weiss: …Jaune…? *walks through her house, following music*
Jaune/Pyrrha: 🎶 …pretty eyed…pirate smile…you’ll marry a music maaaan~! 🎶
Weiss: Where are you? *walks faster*
Pyrrha: 🎶 Ballerina…you must’ve seen her…dancing in the sand…! 🎶
Jaune: 🎶 Now she’s in me…always with me…tiny dancer in my hand~!🎶
Weiss: …are those instruments? What’s going on? *starts walking faster towards the front door*
Jaune/Pyrrha: 🎶 But oh how it feels so real, lying here, with no one near…only you…and you can hear me…🎶
Weiss: *puts on slippers*
Jaune: 🎶…when I say softly…🎶
Weiss: *grabs doorknob*
Pyrrha: 🎶…slowly…🎶
Weiss: *opens door*
Jaune/Pyrrha: *standing on a makeshift stage on Armored Angel back patio, singing into a microphone, surrounded by RBYNROE backing them up with various instruments*
Jaune/Pyrrha: 🎶 Hold me closer, tiny dancer…Count the headlights on the hiiiiighwaaaaayy…! 🎶
Weiss: *mouth hanging open in shock/embarrassment* 😳
Jaune/Pyrrha: 🎶…lay me down in sheets of linen… 🎶
Jaune/Pyrrha: 🎶 …you had a busy day todaaaaaayyyy…! 🎶
Oscar: *pulls a cord, unfurling a big banner reading “HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEISS!!!” behind the stage*
Neighbors: *looking out their windows and doors at the spectacle of Weiss in her bathroom being serenaded by impromptu orchestra* 🤨
Weiss: *covers her mouth with her hands, torn between embarrassment and tears of joy* …Pyrrha…Jaune…! I’ve never seen something so sweet and embarrassing…! 🥹 😭
Whitley: *breaks into piano solo* 😎
Pyrrha: *hops down and kisses Weiss’s forehead as she buries her beet-red face in her hands* Happy birthday, beloved! 😘
Jaune: *kisses Weiss’s hair* You’re our tiny dancer, Weiss! We love you! 😁
Weiss: *still hiding* I can’t believe you did all this for my birthday! It’s so ridiculous! Everyone is staring…! How did you arrange all this?!
Jaune: …well, we’ve been sneaking in a little extra time after training sessions! 😅
Pyrrha: We’ve been rehearsing for weeks! 😁
Weiss: …this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me…! What did I do to deserve you both…? 😭
Pyrrha: …well…your brother is about to finish his solo…
Jaune: …since everyone is already staring…? *gestures towards the microphone*
Weiss: 🫣
Weiss: …you’re all so ridiculous! I love you so much…! 😭
Jaune/Pyrrha: *lift their Tiny Dancer girlfriend up on the stage*
Jaune/Pyrrha: *climb up on either side and kiss Weiss’s cheeks simultaneously* 😙
Weiss: 🥰
Oscar: *conducting as RBYNRE build up for the chorus*
Weiss/Jaune/Pyrrha: *holding hands* 🎶 HOLD ME CLOSER, TINY DANCER~! 🎶
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v3nusxsky · 5 months
dom!lesso x dom!larissa x sub!reader smut plzzz maybe some angst ending in smut and fluff idk
Trapped in the chains of lust 18+
*Authors note~ back with another installment. I apologise for the delay but I’m now done with assignments just have a few more weeks left of university:)*
Trigger warnings~ dom (daddy/puppy) leaning switch lesso dom (mommy) larissa sub (baby girl) reader angsty ending oral (LW) fingering (R) thigh riding (LL) watching two people have sex overstimulation (r) strap on (LL-R) hair pulling praise kink marking kink degrading kink breast worship (R-LW) oral fixation eluded too
Prompt~ see ask^^^
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Returning to Nevermore was an odd feeling, home, you hadn’t really had a home. Somewhere to feel safe and content in a while. Perhaps it’s because Nevermore is a school or perhaps it’s the woman you enter with. As soon as the thoughts claw their way into your mind you immediately slammed the barriers back up. Not here. Not now. Thankfully Larissa seemed to engrossed in the road and her own mind to notice the shift in behaviour so much so that you now lay with your head on her chest as she slept peacefully.
The scent of vanilla hit you as you nuzzled into the older woman’s neck, feelings of warmth and safety crashing into you like a tidal wave. In her slumber the blonde moved her arm to hold you closer to your chest and let out a tiny sigh of contentment. Yet you still feel a longing, a missing peace and you quickly identify that as your boss. With the raven haired club owner wrapped around you both, the night would’ve been perfect. But instead the space for her remains cold, for now, you trust Larissa and her plan so for now all you can do is cling to the warmth and love she showers you in and drift off into the darkness of sleep.
Unbeknownst to either of you, Leonora was recalling her encounter with the soft spoken principal. Her words running round her brain continuously, conflicting emotions causing the woman to be restless and feeling rather sea sick. Her slender fingers tracing the marking Larissa left her with. A foreign feeling of being wanted and angry swirling together at the blatantly obvious intent to own her. Dominance rising over everything else, how could Lesso be so weak? She never let anyone as much as leave a fingernail mark, absolutely not a hickey and yet she sat her branded with Larissa’s beautiful penmanship on her body. No man, woman or goddess would get away with this.
Blinking rapidly, you lost the pleasurable blanket of sleep due to an annoying melody blearing around Larissa’s quarters. When the haze cleared you immediately recognised the tone, Lesso, so ever so gently you fought your way out of the shifters grip to answer the call. Your boss hated when her dancers didn’t answer the call and made sure to install fear of her wrath. A wrath you had unknowingly signed up for.
“Leo?” You muttered, sleep still clinging to your words. It’s only then you caught the early hour, “it’s four in the morning, what on earth could you possibly want?” It was your gasp of realisation that cause your companion to stir awake.
“You” the line appeared to be dead, “and her” she practically growled the last two words. Clearly you’d missed a few chapters yesterday while at work. But it was weird how no one saw your boss lurking around yesterday and Larissa seeming stuck in her own head last night. A quick glance at your now smirking lover and it all became clear.
“Leo-I “ you started only to be cut off with her rough voice, “I don’t want to hear it! You her and me at rest your souls, this evening, six sharp” before hanging up the phone. A poor bewildered you and a curious blonde left to put the puzzle pieces together. Obviously you knew where you were going, the hotel being very popular for the dancers and clients to use as it was on the same street as the club.
“What happened dove? It’s much too early for you to be awake sweet girl? What did the lion want?” The blonde murmured gently, moving to press a sweet kiss to your shoulder blade in a hope you’d come out of your mind. “Us meeting her at “Rest Your Souls” tonight at six pm” you reiterated still trying to process what on earth caused such a reaction for the raven haired woman. “What happened tonight Rissa?”
From there you and Larissa snuggled back into bed as she filled you in on her “chat” with your boss. She explained how it was all part of the plan and well she couldn’t let anyone treat her sweet girl the way that woman had. She needed to be taught a lesson. And Larissa was more than content to do so. “Sleep baby girl, you’ll have your answer tomorrow evening on if she’ll join us on this beautiful adventure. For now my darling sleep, I’m right here” she murmured disguising a yawn as her hand stroked patterns on the exposed skin of your arm, lulling you into sleep once again.
After the phone call, Leonora found herself still unable to sleep, despite concocting the plan for revenge, to free herself from whatever spell you’d put her under, she couldn’t quite let the pleasant feelings of wearing the principals marking go. Maybe she did want this. Maybe. But if there’s one thing the woman knows is what she’s been told since she was young, “evil doesn’t get love, only the good get love” and she knew very well what category she resided in.
Thanks to the text from the other woman you and Larissa easily located the room 436 and got settled inside. Consistently tapping the heel of your foot to the ground as you sat on the edge of the bed, drowning in your anxious state, you couldn’t help but draw up multiple ways this would play out, all while Larissa looks as composed and unphased as ever. “Sweet girl, you don’t need to be nervous you know I’m right here with you. You’re safe love” she murmured to you gently placing a hand on your knee to stop the movement. You snapped your eyes up to meet her cyan coloured irises, the love swarming in them helping to comfort you slightly.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. The tell-tell sigh of someone unlocking the door ripped through the little bubble you two had unknowingly created and revealed a very pissed off Lesso. It’s almost as if time froze, your gaze flickering between both women as Larissa stood up to confront your boss. Only to be such down with the bang of the woman’s cane, “shut up!”
You couldn’t help the whimper of fear that you failed to hide, both pairs of eyes now raking over your form, you seemed small now, curling up into yourself and shaking. “ I call the shots now. You showed me what you can do, let’s see what we can do… together” the command clear, causing Larissa to smile warmly at you in reassurance. “You pup are pushing it today hmm? Why don’t you ask the poor girl if she wants that?”
With a small grunt of pain your boss knelt down in front of you. “Your hurt” you gasped in shock knowing of her knee injury a few years ago. “I’m fine. Can we play with you sweetheart?” She seemed to be softer now, the Leonora you had originally met at your interview returning right in front of you. Reminding you why you were so attracted to her. You gave a small nod of your head causing Larissa to speak up, “baby girl, words for mommy.”
“And daddy” lesso chirped up as she moved to stand again. Daddy? Well that was not expected. You’d always imagined she’d go with mistress. And why did Larissa call her pup, unless she was a switch. Oh. They’d both be dominant if you agreed. That realisation had you agreeing verbally in no time. From there you all seemed to slip into your roles with an almost perfect ease.
The raven haired woman immediately took to bossing you and larissa into losing the clothing, demanding she get to watch you start of pleading your mommy. The free rein leading you to kiss, suck, lick and nip her sensitive breasts making sure to drag your teeth over her pert nipples while her slender fingers gripped your hair. “Oh aren’t you so precious dove? You really love your mommy’s tits hm?” A muffled mhm was all you offered before bringing one of your hands to caress the neglected breast.
“So fucking pretty for me” she mumbled appreciatively, committing the sight to memory. “Oh Leo, I bet our baby girl is soaked just from this” Larissa panted for gently tugging your head away from her sensitive breasts. “Good girl baby, mommy needs you else where sweet girl” she chuckled at your whines in protest. “Don’t whine sweet dove, how about you make mommy feel good while daddy takes care of you hmm?”
Not needing to be told twice you immediately set to work kissing, sucking and nipping her pillowy thighs before diving into her soaked cunt. “Such a greedy girl” the raven haired woman muttered before moving your hips up allowing her access to your soaked core. “All for us dove?” She teased just trailing through the conspicuous amounts of slick there. “I think someone’s been wanting this for a while” Larissa panted causing you to suckle on her rock hard clit in agreement.
Feeling the woman slipping two fingers into your tight little hole caused you to moan into the blondes core creating even more pleasure for everyone In the room, you hardly had time to process that you were living your dream only focusing on pleasing both the women. Maybe if you did a good enough job this wouldn’t be the time you got them like this.
Leonora happily took orgasms after orgasm from you, now having a little taste it was clear you were an addiction that wouldn’t ever leave her. What was more intimate was she was also enjoying pleasing the principal, her moans of pleasure equally effecting the club owner. As talented as she is, her hand does cramp so after three effortless orgasms and a significantly drenched hand she removes herself form you both to remover her black trousers.
“Oh sweet girl, I think daddy has something you want” Larissa breathlessly teased as she fought to slow her breathing. God you were good at that. Eating her out like a starved kitten, the dumb smile plastered on your lips highlighting how pussy drunk you were. In fact, she needs to see you this way again, pupils blown wide, drunk on her pussy and happy with both your loves. It’s a must. A need. And most definitely a want.
It was your squeak of pained pleasure that pulled her from her mind, while she’d been distracted, the other woman had yanked you to the side of the bed and bent you over it before wetting her faux dick and slamming into you. The sight truly majestic and incredibly hot to watch. By now you were so far down in your submissive haze all you could do is reach for the blondes fingers and happily begin to suck on them, becoming more pliant to the rough fucking you were receiving. Any words long since stopped registering with you, but larissa could see how wound up Leonora was getting.
“Fucking dirty slut wanting daddy and mommy. Such a good little whore just taking everything I give you” she growled fighting harder to bring you over the edge again and again only stopping when you begged for mercy. Only then did she let up. Fully prepared for the night to end until she realised Larissa had other plans.
After getting you completely comfortable on the bed with the perfect view the blonde moved to the chair in the room, it wasn’t her office chair but it would do and commanded her pup to come and get her pleasure. “Poor puppy” she mumbled to lesso with faux sympathy, “no one’s made you feel good huh pup? Mommy can fix it, just say please.”
If you held more coherent thoughts behind your eyes you would’ve enjoyed the stand-off between the two women, battling for dominance, instead looking on with a goofy smile, “mommy please daddy good” was all you managed to form. “Sweet girl wants daddy to cum Leo, so what do you do?” Only then did she mutter a half hearted please. “Come here. Now.” She demanded and immediately took a hold of the raven haired woman’s hips to guide the movements with a dizzying amount of pressure. It was no surprise that the smaller of the women was falling apart in a matter of minutes, drenching the older woman’s toned thigh with ease. “God what a clear puppy you are” she praised before helping Leo back to the bed to join you.
During the show, your hand has made its way back to your mouth as you contentedly sucked on them. A dreamy far away look plastered on your beautiful features, one Larissa couldn’t help but admire until she heard movement around the room. “Leonora?”
“What” she snapped looking for one of her chains that must have fallen off on the ground. “What are you doing?” Larissa questioned although it was obvious. She was leaving. “This was a mistake. I can’t do this. I don’t want it.” A pregnant pause took over the room until you whimpered sensing the tension between them. “Cuddle?” You mumbled around your fingers still down deep into the submissive headspace.
“ I think you’re just afraid to let yourself be happy, to be loved, to feel wanted. And now you have those marks to remind you that if you walk out that door now, you lost a sweet girl who wants to give you the universe and a willing partner able to state all your needs. Your choice Lesso. But I choose her.” Larissa’s words hung heavy in the air, the raven haired woman seemingly stuck in her tracks. What could she do? What should she do? And what does she want to do?
The slamming of the hotel door was enough of an answer, the loud noise causing you to cry from fear and not understanding what had just occurred. All you knew is she left. Again. Played with you and walked away like you were insignificant. Rubbish. Worth nothing like you’d been told all your life. Leaving Larissa to not only battle her own feelings on the situation but to administer aftercare and look after her baby girl. Lesso may have left you. But she wouldn’t. Never. She just had to make sure you know that.
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