#( i spent the last couple of days on it.. )
becca-e-barnes · 2 months
I think too much in real life to fully let myself enjoy some activities so I'm going to live vicariously through the characters I write 🙃
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He's here for pleasure. You're not under any illusion about his intentions. Sure, he'll let you snuggle up beside him afterwards, playing with the little soft curls on his chest. He'll kiss your forehead and smooth your hair and you'll laugh together about the silliest things but it's no secret that it's the sex that keeps him coming back.
Secretly, it's exactly what you need too. It works well for both of you. You get someone who has the confidence and experience to show you things you didn't even think you'd be into and you get to simply enjoy the way he gets off on pleasuring you. There's no need to feel shy around a man who's told you his secret filthy fantasies.
"What's one thing you've always wanted to do but have never had a chance to?" You probe one evening, taking your necklace off and placing it on the bedside table, well aware he's probably wearing more of your lipgloss that you are after the way he greeted you at the hotel room door.
You hop onto the bed to take your shoes off, enjoying how the mattress bounces you slightly.
He doesn't answer right away, pouring two glasses of a sweet, chilled Riesling before handing one to you. You take a sip, trying not to put him under pressure but the time he's taking to consider your question makes you even more curious.
"If I tell you, I'd like you to try it with me. So how badly do you want to know?" He stands in front of you and places the glass to his lips and in that moment, you couldn't want anything more than you want to fulfil a fantasy for him. You want to be something he's never had and offer him opportunities to enjoy your body that he might never have again.
"Tell me. We'll do it." You hardly even have to think about it.
"I'd like to lick you. All of you. Run my tongue all over your body. Find what makes you shiver. Find what makes you moan. Find the places that are so ticklish you need me to stop. I want to lick all the places you've never been licked before. If you'll let me." He really could make anything sound appealing.
Excitement fizzles in your core and a real desperation begins to build. Just being around this man makes you wet so you can't help the fact you're ready for him already.
"If that's what you want to do, I'll let you." If you're honest with yourself, you'd probably agree no matter what he asked for. You trust him enough to know he won't take you further than you're comfortable with.
You knew what you were signing up for but you didn't think it'd feel like this. Why the hell haven't you tried this before?
He's kneeling at the end of the bed, stroking his cock while his hot, wet, stiff tongue flicks gently against your asshole and there's no denying how much you're enjoying the pressure there. You couldn't hide it if you tried. You're so wet, you're practically dripping and it only spurs him on. It's intimate in a way you don't think you'll ever recover from while being one of the most erotic things you think he's ever done. There's nothing to be embarrassed about it when it's clear he's enjoying it just as much as you are. Maybe more.
The way you're gripping his hair has you wondering whether the strain on his tongue or his neck will overwhelm him first but he shows no signs of relenting. That is until he stands up, already looking delightfully over-pleasured and sinks his cock into your fluttering, neglected cunt without a word.
If he goes too fast it's all over and he knows it but he can't resist holding both of your ankles, watching you while he places open mouthed kisses to the soles of your feet, thrusting into you with slow, calculated strokes.
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quirkle2 · 9 months
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i like to think that post-s3 they learn how to be normal siblings and become Goofy
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tasogareta · 5 months
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haikyuu new year's illustration by matsunaka susumu, director of the upcoming film
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omnificent-orion · 1 year
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A comic for a certain someone’s generosity (who was thwarted in remaining anonymous hahaha!)
Thank you.
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(alt text below the Read More)
Image description: A monochrome comic set in Scala ad Caelum. It is winter.
PAGE ONE Panel 1: Young Xehanort is seen from above, his eyes closed as snow falls. His hood is up and he is wearing a loose wrap. Panel 2: Xehanort's expression changes to annoyance as the sound of Eraqus shivering interrupts the quiet. Panel 3: "You're not bothered by the cold at all, huh?" asks Eraqus. His only brace against the weather is his usual robe and a long scarf. "Being unbothered and not complaining aren't the same thing." Panel 4: Eraqus tries to warm himself by blowing on his hands. "It'll be nicer tomorrow," states Xehanort. Panel 5: "How do YOU know?" Eraqus whines. Xehanort tries to help Eraqus warm up with friction by quickly rubbing his arms with his gloved hands.
PAGE TWO Panel 1: Xehanort looks up into the snowy sky. Smoke can be seen rising from several chimneys. "Well, when smoke falls without wind, or floats west, it'll rain." Panel 2: "If it rises even in foul weather, or floats east, fair weather is on it's way," the statement is continued by Xehanort's mysterious robed mentor from his childhood on Destiny Islands. They sit in a wooden shack watching the rain pour down outside. Panel 3 & 4: "Huh? Really??" the question is asked by both Eraqus and an even younger Xehanort who is sitting beside his mentor. Panel 5 & 6: "Ha ha, don't believe me?" lilts Xehanort and his mentor in parallel.
PAGE THREE Panel 1: "Sounds like an Old Wive's Tale to me," states Eraqus, louder now that he's warmer. Panel 2: Xehanort folds his arms, tucking his hands under his wrap. "We'll see how you feel about it this time tomorrow," he smirks. Unconvinced, Eraqus retorts "Now it's going to snow even harder..." Panel 3: Xehanort and Eraqus walk side-by-side, shoulders pressed together. "If you talk about bad things happening, they will." Xehanort states with an air of undue superiority. "Oh yeah?" says Eraqus, "What other WISE words does the WISE man have to share?" Panel 4: "If you point at shooting stars," says Xehanort, "You'll die." "WHAT!?" Snow cloaks the city and smoke rises.
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arowadas · 6 months
currently thinking about that one moment from thh that was lost in translation… that bit from the first trial where they’re discussing aoi’s alibi (in reference to getting the knife) and how she was in the kitchen with sakura the whole time?
this is how the conversation goes in the english translation
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obv in english this can be chalked up to him just like… not knowing her name. but the reason he asks is because when aoi mentions sakura, she refers to her as sakura-chan and everyone else atp only knows her by her surname and MAYBE an honorific (or a flat out insult, thank u hiro hagakure)
so um. what if they’re best friends and then what if they’re in love and uhm. yuri. send tweet <3
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bayleafpaprika · 5 months
pov you watched one (1) ep of smallville way back in the early 2010s and have not been able to be normal about clark kent and lex luthor since
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copias-juicebox · 6 months
Some much needed food:
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but this is the content i‘m here for. This is not just food but also medicine for me rn. Thank you for that 🥹💖💖
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swimming-karyss · 11 months
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Sabo with blue eyes! :D
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thedreadvampy · 7 months
The thing is I am definitely not happy or chill in the Immediate Sense lately but I am, big picture, so fucking happy with the person I am.
It's like. My brain was made by and for consistent trauma and since that trauma stopped about 5-7 years ago, it is incredible what the amount of resilience and cleverness and flexibility and thoughtfulness I developed to survive can do when it's not being all spent on surviving. like I had a hundred ton weight on me so I had to get REALLY STRONG to stay in the same place and not get 100% crushed, and when that weight came off I found I can use the strength it used to take to stand up and I can leap tall buildings in a single bound.
I was talking to my mum the other day and she said, "you've got the 'fuck it' energy at 30 that most women don't find until their fifties at least" and I'm like yeah man. Imagine how unstoppable I'll be in 20 years.
#red said#i don't know that i can express this clearly but it's the most encouraging thing in my life#my mum's always been proud of me but just lately she seems to actually really admire me#like she's genuinely impressed. she thinks I've surpassed her. i don't necessarily agree but it's a really nice quiet joy.#anyway like this sounds super up myself and it kind of is.#but also it's part of realising just how heavy the weight I've been carrying around with me for 25 years was#like not to be ridiculous but i have realised again this week. that it isn't that everyone's been raped that much and doesn't talk about it#i just have been raped an Unusually Consistent Amount. i have spoken to a lot of people who have had much more horrifying things happen.#I'm not sure I've talked to more than a couple of people who've had a similar level of total consistency of abuse from all angles#and the one is not heavier or harder to bear that the other. but. i think i spent most of my life listening to people's awful experiences#and going ok well nothing i went through looked that bad so it's microtrauma#obviously microtraumas build up but still.#then the older i get and the more i have these conversations the more I notice that stuff which to me is a microtrauma#is a lot of people's defining trauma. and they're reacting appropriately which means i am SO SEVERELY UNDERREACTING#told my friend the other day about a time someone who i still like and respect was having sex with me when i paralocated my hip#and then just kept getting really annoyed with me for not being ready to have sex again while i was literally crying with pain#until i caved and just tried to find the last painful position#and my friend was like pal what the fuck that's horrific#and i was like i mean no that's normal I've had sex with like maybe 3 or 4 people in my life who i haven't had similar stuff with#like i am genuinely thrown when i am allowed to say no to sex and have it be the end of the conversation. and not end up having sex#out of guilt or out of physical coercion or through physical rape. and i have had sex with probably like 40 people at this stage?#and I'm not sure it's as many as 4 i haven't had that experience with tbh#so like. I'm slowly coming to terms with the idea#that i may have actually been doing a hell of a lot of heavy lifting.#like i developed a sense of self that can survive being constantly crushed and at this stage is fucking diamond.
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nordfjording · 1 year
i just think that if we start by talking about who "deserves" compassion, we're at the wrong end. that's all.
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wanhedas-dagger · 1 month
Me thinking about Tarnished and the Werewolf au:
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tennis-kittens · 2 years
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Best of off-court Laver Cup 2022 Fedal moments.
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doodlesdreaming · 6 days
One way to conquer the fear of water. ("What If" First Kiss Scenerio)
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In other words, I got bit by the OC bug and felt an urge for some soft fluff.
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abirddogmoment · 1 year
I totally get the temptation to power through a dog's health or behavioural issues just to finish a title but consider... not doing that...
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snailsrneat · 3 months
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Just a little preview for something coming in the near future 👀
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thekidsarentalright · 3 months
just realized a month from now i’m gonna be on my minneapolis trip and seeing fob oughhhhhghh!!!!
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