#coz I’m off to a game that’s two hours away
bottom-lexa · 5 months
Me thinking about Tarnished and the Werewolf au:
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usertala · 3 years
Brothers feel their sin on MC
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan
Obey Me Masterlist
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You’re such a headache sometimes, getting into fights with other demons. Are you forgetting that you’re just a human, MC?
He accidentally overhears some lower-ranked demons mocking you. He can see you sitting on the ground. The demon knocked your things off your arms. “All I’m saying is you’re clearly the weakest person in this realm. You think latching on those brothers is gonna save you? C’mon now really?”
The demon presses her hand on your head, forcing you to lean down, “Bow.” She laughs menacingly. Just then he feels his pact mark heat. You grab the demon’s hand, slowly standing up, you mirror the demon’s smirk.
“And why would I do that? I am the human exchange student, one of Diavolo’s priority and have pacts with the avatar of sins. Who exactly are you?” You chuckle. “I’m insulted that you think someone like you can order me around. And what if I report this to Diavolo or Lucifer? Then what?” You leave the demon and collect your things, flashing him a smile.
Lucifer couldn’t feel any prouder.
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He’s... contemplated
Does he get mad when you keep stealing his things or be happy when you wear them so everyone knows who you belong to?
He decides the former coz he’s a lil tsundere boy. He’s marching to your classroom when he sees these two demons messing with you, “Don’t be so big-headed just coz you’re the exchange student doesn’t mean you 're invincible. Mammon’s mine, alright? Don’t forget I can easily steal him from you-“
“Why don’t you? Please, Mammon won’t even spare you a glance, because he’s focused on me. His human. He’s mine, always has and always will.” He sees the demon wanting to attack you and immediately steps in. “Oi, what the hell are ya doin’?! MC, let’s g- hmph!” You grab Mammon by his tie and kissed him, effectively shutting up the two demons.
Mammon grabbed the side of your face and your waist. Hearing the demons grumble and walk away, you reluctantly pulled away. Ever the tsundere Mammon instantly started spurting out nonsense. You sigh, grabbing him by his belt hoops, “You’re mine, remember that.” You give him one last kiss before walking away with a red-faced Mammon following you.
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After the TSL incident he invites you inside his room more. Best choice he’s ever made, your always patient and attentive when he’s talking about the newest anime he’s obsessed about, willing to spend hours upon hours watching and re-watching his favorite anime, also would always play multi-player games with you.
He also learned about your hobby of complaining. Whether it’s about the weather, food, or school, you’d always find something to complain about, saying how it’s unfair. You even went as far as saying you’re jealous of him because he can still have above average grades without going out of his room, wishing you were a demon because of its supernatural pros.
It mortified Levi. You’re jealous of him? Him? A yucky otaku? He makes sure that there’s nothing to be jealous about and he loves you for being his henry.
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snowlily95 · 3 years
Aerith in light of healthcare provider
So, I've wanted to write an analysis about Aerith in light of her medical viewpoint for quite a long time but only recently got the chance to complete it. It is well known in the game that Aerith is the healer of the story. She possesses a great MP with a limit break to heal and buff people which greatly affects your gameplay. Of course, you can equip others with Healing and Prayer materias to render them useful for healing as well. But story-wise, no one can take away Aerith's status as the healer. We know in canon that Aerith provided herbs to the Sector 5 slums doctor to create medicine. And if you finished the Corneo Stash side quest in Chapter 14, you can return to the church and see a couple of elderly sitting on the pew praying. And when you come closer to them you'll hear them talking about how they didn't see Aerith around and they're sure she's alright and probably be around healing people. You know, since the Sector 7 plate just fell. (Even though Aerith is not alright actually coz she was kidnapped by Shinra by this time) Point is, we are fed by the NPCs on how much Aerith had helped around as a healer. She had been doing this for years.
While being in denial about who she actually is, being a healer had always been implanted in her. She is used to it. When you're used to being a healer, there's a certain level when you have a different reaction compared to others. The way you think is different. Apart from that, she's also a Cetra. And we knew for a fact Cetra had a certain affinity towards souls who are returning to the Planet. Meaning, as much as she is used to healing others, she's also used to sensing death.
My whole point is that being a Cardiac Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist as I am, I can totally relate my position with Aerith, as we both have constantly helped people and encounter death on daily basis. While I'm pretty confident that the majority of these might be coincidences (because I'm pretty sure there are no doctors in the SE team), I thought the coincidences are pretty cool to ponder upon and I'm amazed at how the subtle differences between Aerith's reaction to events from other characters.
I'm gonna ignore the meta part of Aerith, mainly because I'm not discussing how much Aerith knew, and if there was anything in jeopardy of what she knew whatsoever. So we're gonna focus on the fact that she is used to healing and feeling people's death. People who are used to death on daily basis had a certain unique view on life and death. And that affects how we act upon facing them too. While this is evident throughout Remake, I'm gonna focus on the plate drop event to be more concise. I will also use Tifa as a comparison to make it easier to see the difference between the reaction of the two. Let’s start!
1) Aerith is quick in emergency situations.
When you are used to people dying, you developed a certain immunity and you are able to have a sound mind and composure at the sudden change of event. As healthcare providers, we face stable situations turning into critical real fast. And we have a switch in our minds that turns us from standby mode to rescue mode. This is exactly what happened to Aerith when Don Corneo revealed Shinra's plan to blow up Sector 7's support pillar. Tifa is part of Sector 7. It is her home. Which is why her reaction showed how she was super devastated, she slowly stood up and muttered "They wouldn't..." because she couldn't believe it. Aerith? She had that switch in her mind, and she immediately turned and say "Come on, guys! We gotta go!". She switched into that critical mode in a second. It helps that she's also not personally connected to Sector 7, and thus her judgment was not as impaired. Of course, they both switched into the critical mode in the sewer, but it was at the moment of revelation that made it different. Just like how healthcare providers switched at the moment of revelation that their patients are at the brink of death—you immediately jumped into rescue mode.
2) She plans for the worst.
Remember after they defeated Abzu and Tifa started to question Corneo's information? She didn't want to believe it, because it didn't make sense to destroy your years of efforts building the plate just to get back to a small group like AVALANCHE. Think about the money they put in to build it, they're gonna have to put them all again. In fact, along their way out of the sewer, Tifa voiced out multiple times how this had been bothering her. But I'm intrigued with Aerith's reply "If he's telling the truth, then we should go. And if it turns out he was lying, then so what?". This here is exactly what doctors do. We plan and prepare for the worst. And if the worst didn't happen, then so what? If you ever had life-saving surgery, your doctors would tell you "You need this surgery coz you might die. But if you do the surgery, there's a high chance you'll survive, but there's a small chance you'll die too". And we prepare for that small chance that our patients die. No, we don't let our preparations lacking because we hope they'll survive. We prepare for the worst outcome possible and get all the equipment ready in case they'll die. If they didn't, then so what? It doesn't mean our preparations were futile efforts. It only means we were prepared. And that line of Aerith seriously hits home to me.
3) She hopes for the best.
Before they crossed the water sewer, Tifa once again voiced out how she couldn't stop thinking about what Corneo said, and she was still hoping that he was lying. And then Aerith said, "The future isn't set in stone". (Again, I'm gonna ignore the meta part of Aerith) And then she proceeded to set up that small date with Tifa. Believe it or not, this is actually what we do during bad calls. We'd talk about what we would do after all this ends; we'd go out dining, or playing games/darts, or go drinking, or whatever it is that makes us happy. Just to keep our minds calm and to allow us to hope for the future, even if it's just a few hours away. It gives us hope and courage to go on. We plan for the worst, but we hope for the best. The more critical the situation is, the more you need to be level-headed. And needless to say, after this point onwards, Tifa is much more calmed down from her struggle to keep herself focus.
4) She follows orders.
This might sound weird to some, but the ability to cast away your worry and focus on what you can do, instead of what you should do, is important in emergency situations. You need to know what you don't know. You don't get in the way of your comrades. If you're not good at intubating, you don't insist to intubate in emergency situations just because you wanna help. Seriously, you'll just make things worse. When Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith were attacked before climbing up and out of the sewer, Cloud asked both Tifa and Aerith to keep going. Aerith immediately answers "Okay" and left—without a single but. This is significant because it shows that Aerith knew she'd be better off leaving. She doesn't need to offer help, coz her help was not needed. This is not the place where she could help. The ability to recognize this is very important for healthcare professionals. Tifa was a bit more reluctant to leave, but that's probably because she is a martial artist in-game. Also, the fact that Aerith could still joke "We're not delicious" is just so real lol! Yup, we joke sometimes when we're facing deaths—doesn't mean we lose focus in saving the dying person in front of us, don't worry. And then it happens again when they reached Sector 7 when Cloud asked them to stay with Wedge as he goes up, Aerith immediately answered "sure"—because she can "patch" Wedge up, it's where her abilities lie. This is even more accentuated when an injured Wedge argued that he can still fight when he clearly can't—making this point even more obvious. Aerith is someone with a healthcare mind, Wedge was not.
5) She supports her comrades emotionally even when she’s worried too.
When they reached the surface, they spotted a Shinra helicopter. Cloud assured them they're only on patrol. Aerith turned to Tifa and said, "Don't worry, we'll make it in time". This moment is also very iconic to me. As I mentioned, I'm an anaesthesiologist. We are the support doctors to surgeons and physicians. Those moments when we're operating on AAA surgeries and the patient is losing liters of blood and literally dying, we're pumping bloods in with our hands and get those Level 1 machines operating, and the surgeons would be panicking because it keeps bleeding? Yep, I did say it before. "We'll make it. Just concentrate on the surgery and don't worry about the bleeding", even though I'm sweating and dying here trying to keep the patient alive. But I pretended to be calm in front of my team and cheered them on. Because the whole team needs to keep calm. If one of the team loses hope, then bid your chance farewell. As an anaesthesiologist, we're almost like the anchor in the room. People look at us to know if everything's alright. I need to tell them it's alright, so they need not worry. Aerith knew Tifa is worried. And she tried to keep Tifa calm with reassurance. Even if she probably freaked out herself.
6) She doesn’t discriminate.
After they defeated the ghost at the haunted maintenance facility, Cloud tried to kill it, and Aerith didn't let him. When Cloud said that thing was dangerous, Aerith said she knows and added "but even so..." she didn't feel right about killing it. (Let's ignore the fact that the Ghoul was a lonely creature for now) It then goes to drop the train wreck which almost killed them had it not been for Cloud. Now this would have been avoided had Aerith let Cloud killed it—maybe. But here's the thing. When you're hyper-aware that people are dying left and right, you value life more. No one deserves to die, even the worst criminal in the world. You're a law-abiding citizen? You're a criminal? It doesn't make a difference to us. I know this is something super hard to comprehend. But technically only when the law subjects the criminal to the death sentence that a person should be left to die. I've been a doctor for eleven years, I was a prison doctor for two. I had the first-hand experience of dealing with criminals. It's not my job to determine whether they deserve to die or not. It's not my call whether they will turn a new leaf had they lived. I know this is something others find difficult to relate to and agree with—happens to my non-medical family and friends. The verdict to us is simple. It's a life. It's worth saving. Period. (Technically the ghosts are dead though but my point still stands)
7) She tries to her best abilities and lets go of what is out of her control.
Tifa's emotions are tampered with again when they confirmed Shinra was going to drop the plate when they overheard the Turks conversation. Her voice shook, we can literally hear it. Aerith's response was "all we can do now is keep moving". And she's right. When they reached Sector 7 and the Whispers were preventing them, she said "we have to get past whatever it takes". And later on, Tifa left to help Cloud and Barret, and Aerith agreed to get to Seventh Heaven to ensure Marlene's safety. Wedge had a short mental breakdown when he realized he was no good to anyone up or down the crime scene. And Aerith told him "We can still save a lot of lives", "That's no excuse to give up", "I need to know I did everything I could". Her encouragement helped Wedge save more people. Some argued, did she not care about the lives that already died? Now here's my point; no, we don't. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but really. What can we do for people who are already dead? Nothing. What can we do for people who are still alive? Everything. And this is the core of being a healthcare provider—we prioritize. Yes, we're also humans. We can get emotional when our own friends and relatives die. (Aerith might not be as calm had it happened at Sector 5) But when we put the healthcare provider cap on, we mean business. That is why when disasters happened, and we triage people with a black tag? That's when we know we couldn't do anything for them. We don't mourn at the black tags. We move on to the other tags instead. So that we know we already did everything in our power to help. And yes, it doesn't matter even if we lost more lives than we saved. It's worth it, even if we only saved one person out of thousands of deaths. Just like how Aerith saved Betty in Sector 7. That one life is worth it.
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commanderserwin · 4 years
just like him.
⤅ pairings: erwin smith x reader
⤅ genre: lil angst? and fluff!
⤅ count: 4.3k
⤅ request: Okay i kno now!! Can I request for an Erwin x Reader fic wherein Erwin didn't know he have a son (a carbon copy of him!!) with reader 'coz she hide it since she wants Erwin to focus on his dream and humanity. But one day Erwin knew about his son and confronted reader about it! Hahahahha its still about erwin tho well im called erwin simp anon for a reasoooooon!!!😂😂 Also i imagine levi be like "I didnt kno your pull out game is that weak" 😂😂😂 fuhck
⤅ a/n: for my erwin simp,,, yesh,,, here you go !!! i hope u like it!!!!!! mwa mwa mwa!! ♡♡♡
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If you were being honest with yourself, mornings before were something of a rarity to you. Mornings were the evenings— the hours when you will be walking home, quiet footsteps through the creaking floorboards in the apartment building, the hurried fishing for the keys as you craved for your bed. Two years after, mornings were filled with tears and frustration as you listened to the baby cry from the other room, while you cried yourself because all you want is sleep. Still, you flung yourself off of the bed, lighting a candle instinctively as you padded towards the crib where the baby immediately stopped crying at the sight of you. 
Caz would coo at the feeling of your knuckles rubbing him on the cheeks while he nibbled on his fingers, his saliva getting everywhere on his pajamas but it didn’t matter to you. His blue eyes would calm you down, the tears of frustration gone as he babbled, his arms reaching out for you. He only wanted to be held, and you did so. You heaved him up, settling on the chair against the wall as you leaned on it. Caz held on to your shirt, immediately closing his eyes as he went to sleep holding you. 
Now, mornings were made for you chasing around that rascal as he ran for his life around the little apartment. 
Caz run his energy around, refusing to put on a shirt despite the great morning ahead. It was going to town day. He’s getting bigger, his clothes are getting smaller, his mittens are getting ragged, and his appetite is getting bigger as the days goes on. His heaving pants would be heard around the apartment as he finally settled on the small pile of toys. 
You knelt down in front of him, unfolding his tiny shirt before him, as he watched with a toothy smile. Caz avoided your attempts of holding him, but he still clutched on your shirt just like before. And with that, you have successfully clothed your son. 
“Fruits, new shirt, new scissors,” you listed as you inspected Caz’s long bangs as it covered his eyes. “Town day.”
“... day,” he repeated, snaking out of your hold as he played. 
“Town day, Caz,” you rubbed on his cheeks as he minded his own business playing with the same toys you have gotten him over the two years. He babbled as he played, completely tuning you out while you brushed your trousers clean as you stood up. “We’ll go to town, let me just clean up. I’ll get you a new toy.”
Caz squeal loudly at the mentioned of toy, making you tear up as you felt sorry for having him leave him to the same toys ever since. “Maybe two.”
When he didn’t answer, you bent down again to kiss his forehead. “I’ll be back.” 
The way to your room, or whenever you would be alone with yourself, you didn’t miss to think about him. 
Two years before, it was a simple night-out as you treated yourself over a drink or two at the secluded bar deep into town. You weren’t expecting people because as much as you would like to scream about a promotion, all you want to do is rejoice quietly as your hard work finally got you a raise. 
You weren’t expecting somebody to sit beside you, their voice low as they asked for a glass. You weren’t expecting to catch their attention as he introduced himself to you, his blue eyes capturing the way the waves in your heart crashed into yours, making your mouth run dry just at the sight of him. You weren’t expecting for him to talk to you all night, ideas bouncing all over, until he eventually made sure you got home safe as he walked you home. 
But what could a little tea as a way to say thanks would end up? 
It was the bodies tangled together, your legs wrapped around his waist as he hoisted you up against the door, his tongue entering yours, and like a hazy memory— it was the chests rising together, as he snuggled into the crook of your neck as he laid on top of you, riding out both of yours highs in a bliss while he whispered his name for the first time. 
“Erwin,” he whispered against your skin, kissing the spot just below your ear, “Smith.”
After that, you expected for him to know his way out— but he stayed. He danced his calloused fingers over your skin, memorizing every part of you as he whispered about his days and days before that. He would peck your lips, while he listened to you mumble about yours. His eyes captured yours so intently that you felt you would drown immediately. The night felt so surreal that it feels like you’ve known him since forever as he anchored you to sleep, to only wake up with a half-written letter of his name and where he was. 
The Survey Corps. 
As brave as he was to be soldier, the complete opposite is you being the absolute coward. 
“Erwin,” you whispered against the mirror as you buttoned up your blouse, glancing at his letter while you had it tucked on the edge of the mirror. 
Caz’s hard footsteps as he walked up the stairs snapped you out of your memories as the toddler helped himself stand up with the help of the door, as his blue eyes anchored you to reality. The same eyes and hair— of what haunted your past. Erwin Smith. 
“My darling,” you sighed as you heaved him up against your hip, as he clutched on your shirt, making your way outside of the apartment. “Town day? Right, Caz?”
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Erwin would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t looking for you. 
He has been. 
Always at the same bar— but always leaving empty handed with no trace of you. At one point, he fought with himself if he should retrace his steps that would lead him to your apartment. When he couldn’t get over you, still, he found the front of your apartment building yet he left empty-handed because you don’t live them anymore. Among the number of people who are traveling, he couldn’t oversee everybody else. 
Then his work has gotten demanding, more in need of him. Papers upon papers, ink bottles upon bottles, burnt out candles on his desk, made you just a sliver on his memory. Still, he has never craved so much for somebody else’s touch other than yours. He has never ached to hear somebody else’s voice but yours. 
Erwin could still remember the night like it was yesterday. He was so unaware of the feeling that pools in his stomach, as his heart beat faster while you spoke softly against the night, turning your head every once in a while as the moonlight shone through your thin carpets, painting over you. 
Despite being part of his memory, you eventually got pushed to the end, locking the memory of you as he focused on his work. 
Erwin walked aimlessly around town, making stops at the stalls where he thinks of what to buy. He isn’t looking for much, he just found himself wanting to go for a walk as he was too cooped in his office, his mind aching for a change of scenery. He watched the people walk, the children chasing each other as their screams filled the plaza with never ending glee. 
“Oh,” Erwin huffed as he felt somebody bump into his... leg. He felt their small hands clutch on to his leg as he watched the toddler help himself up. The little boy looked up, his eyes matching his own eyes, as he felt eerie about the situation. “What’s your name?”
The little boy only craned his neck up, moving backwards a little to see more of the tall man. Erwin did the child courtesy as he bent down, offering the boy a hand to shake. The boy only shook his finger, his whole hand clasped on Erwin’s as they locked eyes again. Erwin smiled at the strength of the kid’s grip on his finger as he asked, “Are you lost?”
“Your name is Caz,” Erwin said, brushing the kid’s pants as he stood up, holding the the little kid’s hand. “Where is your mother?”
They both stood there, looking at the people walking by, waiting for somebody to take the little kid. Erwin couldn’t help but glance down every so often to see the eerie similarities between the two of them. He knows that he isn’t the only man with blonde hair and blue eyes, but something about this child made the whole thing so familiar. Erwin looked down again, surprised that the kid was looking up— smiling, as he moved closer to Erwin’s leg. It felt too familiar, and he didn’t want to think of that one possibility because it will make him lose his mind. 
A child? His child? Or was it just a child who looks so much like him? 
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It was a simple mistake. One look away from Caz and he’s off to run around the plaza, his laughter fading out while you focused on fishing out the wallet from your purse to see if you brought it with you. Your bag was filled with Caz’s toys because you know when it’s town day he wants to walk around with one toy, and one of his small towels because it’ll get hotter as the day goes by and you don’t want him sweaty, and one or two little pieces of bread just in case he gets hungry because he didn’t eat— and it makes you cry because you only looked away for one damned second and he is gone. 
“Caz?” You shouted, hurriedly walking towards the plaza where children were running around. “Caz!” 
You quickly assessed the children as you walked, but none of them were Caz. He’s blonde for fuck’s sake, and he’s wearing a dark blue sweater and he’s probably scared because he doesn’t like strangers and he could be crying— but, oh. 
“Oh! Caz!” You ran towards him, knowing from the back of his head that it was him because he stands a different way and your feet immediately rushes to him because you know it was him, and you’re correct. 
“I’m so sorry! I only looked away, and he was gone, and I didn’t mean to. I’m so sorry, are you okay?” You turned Caz around by the shoulders as he only smiled in response, letting go of the person’s hand as he clutched on your shirt, snuggling to the crook of your neck, while you brushed his hair. You glanced up to the man in a hurry, shame eating you, feeling worst. “Thank you! I… I only looked for one second, I… thank you.” 
Erwin couldn’t feel the ground underneath him as he glanced at the woman clutching the kid before him. It’s… 
“It’s you.”
You stopped brushing Caz’s back, finally hearing the person speak. How could you forget about that voice? You glanced up, sighing deeply as you looked at the man. Him. How could you forget about him?
“Erwin,” you whispered, standing up to heave Caz up to your hip. Erwin stared at the boy in your arms, then at yours. You watched his mouth open and close, while you nodded. 
Erwin moved a little closer, offering his hand against towards Caz with wonder if he… “Is he my son?” 
“His name is Caz,” you breathed shakily, nodding as you bounced him in your arms. You watched how Caz clutched Erwin’s hand, smiling once more. “He’s two years old… I… We…” 
“That night,” Erwin whispered, letting go of Caz’s hand as he stared at you. He doesn’t understand— he does understand, but why was it kept a secret. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was scared,” you licked your lips, stepping backwards as you placed Caz back on his feet. You couldn’t meet Erwin’s blue eyes or else you’ll break down because this wasn’t how you wanted him to know. You didn’t even know if you wanted him to know. But you were thankful that it did happen— you were just unsure of how he’ll react. “I’m sorry.” 
“You could have told me,” Erwin ruffled Caz’s hair, smiling down at the boy. His smile went away when he looked at you. “I left you where I was and my name.”
“I know,” you whispered, clearing your throat. “I was scared.” 
Erwin understood. He was also scared. He is scared. He came to walk down the plaza with nothing but to just walk— and not to come back as a father. He realized why it was so familiar with Caz and how the kid stuck close to him because he might’ve understood too. 
Erwin nodded, fiddling with his hands. He has finally found you. And perhaps, he wasn’t meaning to see you like this, it was better than not seeing you ever. He looked at you, really looked at you, feeling his own mind click and heart thump faster. You must’ve been scared, taking care of him. You must’ve been tired— and he realized that by the bags under your eyes despite your smile as you cooed at his son. His. 
“Is it too late?” Erwin asked, patting Caz’s back to make him look at him. He watched you raise a brow, protectively turning around as you listened. “I want to be there.” 
“It will be nice for him to grow up with a father,” you said quietly. 
“Okay,” Erwin nodded, offering a hand to you. He doesn’t know why he did it, but he felt enormous pride in himself when you shook his hand. And it was like he’s back two years ago. 
How could he ever forget about you. 
He looked for you everywhere and you’re finally right before his eyes, plus one. 
Erwin smiled, loosening his shirt by the collar as he pointed towards town. There must be a reason why you were here, so he assumed you have to do something. 
“Should I join— may I join you two?” He asked, placing his hands inside his pockets as you nodded. 
“Town day-,”
“Town day!” Caz repeated, squealing as he jumped on his feet. 
“Town day,” you said, brushing Caz’s hair. “We were going to get some fruits, a new shirt for him, scissors to get his hair cut, and a toy. Some mittens too.” 
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Erwin followed your steps beside him, watching you heave Caz up multiple times as you stopped by a few stalls to get what you needed. He stopped behind you, playing with Caz from behind as he reached for him multiple times— but you held on to him tightly. Caz smiled and babbled, while Erwin wiped his saliva away to not let it drop to your neck and shirt. 
“I’m just going to buy apples,” you turned around, catching Erwin in an act as he smiled widely. He cleared his throat, straightening himself as he wiped his hands on his shirt. He blushed slightly, while you only chuckled softly in return, “I’ll be back.” 
“Can I hold him?” 
You turned around, looking back at Caz and Erwin, while you thought to yourself. Should you? Should you give him to Erwin? He only moved closer, hands reaching for Caz while he squirmed out of your touch, immediately reaching for his father. 
“Hold on to his legs,” you instructed, brows furrowing as you held Erwin’s hand to position it over Caz. 
“I know how to hold a child,” Erwin cooed, bouncing Caz on his arms. Everything felt so natural to him, as he looked at his own son’s eyes— feeling the whole world into them. “I got it.” 
When Erwin watched you hesitate to go, he pushed you gently, suppressing his smile, “Go. We’ll be here.” 
Erwin followed you at that point, everywhere— carrying Caz in his arms as you stopped stalls by stalls, buying whatever Caz needs. 
“Get two shirts,” Erwin added as he watched you get one for Caz. He pushed one white sweater in your hands as you only stared at him. He knew you were going to protest as he scrambled to get his wallet but he quickly paid the merchant. “Buy one for you too.” 
“Are you telling me I have an ugly shirt?” You joked quietly, reaching for the merchant’s bag as he handed your toddler’s new clothes. 
“No! No! I...” Erwin scrambled to get his words right but you only squeezed his arm to get to calm down. Caz was peacefully sleeping on his chest, embarrassed that your baby’s sleeping too peacefully, now that there was a big wet spot on Erwin’s shirt. He looked at where you were looking, your cheeks tingeing in embarrassment, “It’s okay, he’s sleeping.”
“I was joking,” you smiled, pulling him towards the next stall— Caz’s favorite stall. The toys section. You turned around, walking towards the both of them, going on your toes to reach up to Caz. He snuggled closer to Erwin, his eyes fluttering open to look at you. “My darling, let’s go buy your toy.” 
Immediately, Caz squirmed out of Erwin’s arms as he kicked his legs making Erwin grunt as he placed his son back to the ground, watching him ran gleefully to the stall while you followed quickly. Erwin caught up, going behind you as you bent down to help Caz pick. Erwin felt like he wanted to buy every single toy as Caz graced his toothy smile towards everything he has laid his eyes on. 
“What does he want?” Erwin asked quietly beside you, pulling your hair behind your back as you whipped your head towards him.
“He likes everything,” you smiled at him, shrugging at Erwin while he chuckled. 
“That’ll be a problem.” 
Both of you watched Caz pick toys out, finally buying him with more than you wanted as Erwin paid for the extra two you promised to buy Caz. Erwin clutched Caz in his arms as he carried a bag on the other, as you lead him towards the new apartment that was just close by. Erwin couldn’t believe that you lived here when he has been walking by the building numerous times trying to look for you. He shook it off, finally realizing that you’re here now. 
“It’s up here,” you motioned upstairs, finding for the key as you walked up the stairs. Erwin bounced the sleeping Caz on his arms again, following you up the stairs. “You got it?”
“Yes,” Erwin whispered, stopping behind you as you pushed the door to welcome him to the apartment. He saw the pile of toys in the middle, few books together while you placed the bags on top of the table while you arranged them. “Where should I put him?”
“Caz is still sleeping?” You whispered, taking off of your shoes as you closed the door behind him. Erwin placed the bag on the floor, bending down to show you his sleeping son. “I’ll have him.” 
“Can I?” Erwin asked quietly, as he stared down at you. He watched you finally relax with the thought of him carrying Caz as you nodded. He listened to you point where and what blanket he needs to sleep— even the toy Caz wants to sleep with. The smallest things you know about your son and he wants to know every single detail. 
Once he got Caz on his bed, swaddling him with his blanket and placing the toy around his arm, he quietly exited. He stood in the middle, unsure of what to do next— but he wants to do more. He watched you flit towards things you needed to fix, the cushion and the sheets, and the new things from town. 
You didn’t realize he was helping you when you felt him pass by you, a hand on your back as he helped. You tucked your hair behind your ear, “It’s okay. You don’t need to help...”
“Let me,” Erwin insisted, quickly catching on the things you were doing. 
Both of you moved quietly, stopping when the floors would creak, and both of your chuckles echo in the living room as he stepped on that same spot. The kettle whistled in the kitchen, and you hurriedly stepped towards it with Erwin following softly. 
You leaned on the countertops, breathing deeply now that you have him alone. You turned your head to him when you felt his hands on your shoulders, massaging gently making you close your eyes. You clutched on his hands, turning your whole body around as you stared at him. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized again, sighing, as you clasped your hands together. “I should’ve looked for you.” 
“I looked for you,” Erwin mused, pulling away as he sat on the dining chair, watching you grab two mugs from the cabinet. “I passed by this building so many times, not knowing that you lived here.” 
“You must’ve not look well,” you snickered, pouring out the tea before him. You pulled on the chair before him, sharing a cup of tea with him. 
Just like before. 
Erwin smiled as you leaned on to the chair, your hand tapping gently on to the table. He reached for your hand, pulling on your finger as he looked for your attention. He wants this, he wants sitting down on the table, feeling a different kind of exhaustion from chasing his son around, he wants sipping his tea, hushed conversations to not wake the small human next door. 
“Caz found me.” 
You couldn’t help it. 
You remembered Erwin as someone who is serious, just like two years ago— and yes it was just one night, but you didn’t expect him to say that. Even Erwin looked embarrassed and you only curled your fingers with his, tugging on his hand as he hooked his on yours. He tried to squint his eyes at you, hiding his smile and the laughter erupting from his chest but you were the one to boom. 
Your laughter colored the room, hand muffling your lips as your chest shook while Erwin grinned, nibbling on his lip as he watched you become a laughing mess before him— blushing as how corny it must’ve sound like, and from the corner of his eyes, he watched Caz clutched the blanket and his toy as he rubbed his eyes wondering what the commotion was all about. 
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Caz walked beside you, holding your hand and his toy as the base intimidated him. He knew that he was supposed to be serious, so he placed his big boy scowl as he watched the big soldiers walk pass him, waving their hands at him— but he didn’t break. He did, and he hid in embarrassment from the attention. 
You were looking for Erwin. It was your first time in the base once Erwin found you months ago, and you finally found the courage to look for him. It was supposed to be a surprise, but you have been walking around for five minutes, unsure of where his office might be. 
“Oh! Excuse me,” you tapped their shoulder, their whole body turning to see who owned the unfamiliar voice. “Do you happen to know where Erwin’s office is?”
“Erwin?” The small man in front of you, glanced down at the child who was smiling at him. The black haired man found it himself to smile back as small as it is, as you watch his eyes flutter towards your son and yours. His grey eyes blinked, surprise coloring his face for a hot second. 
“Yes, Erwin Smith?” You explained, holding Caz’s hand in comfort because you were scared. “I... We got lost, so...”
“Just down the hallway. His door’s the third on the right.” He explained, crossing his arms as he watched the boy cooed on your leg. 
“Great, thank you,” you nodded, smiling nervously as you followed his instructions. You turned to the hallway, and immediately regretting it. You turned around, stunned that the man is still staring at you, “I forgot to ask your name!” 
“Levi,” he said loudly, making sure it reaches you. 
Levi pursed his lips, the cogs in his head working as he put two and two together. He looked more at the smaller human next to you, amazed at how much he looks just like Erwin. 
“Thank you, Levi!” You called out, tugging on Caz’s hand softly as you walked towards the hallway. 
Once you two reached his door, you bent down to Caz, fixing his shirt while he tapped on the wooden door. 
“You have to be quiet, okay,” you whispered, kissing your son’s cheeks as he squirmed away, hurriedly reaching for the doorknob. “It’s a surprise for your father.”
It was far from quiet as you knocked on Erwin’s door, and hearing his response. 
It was far from it. 
Caz squealed right away, screeching for his father as Erwin pushed his chair away, quickly bending down to meet his Caz’s reaching arms, blowing raspberries into his chubby cheeks as he clutched on to his shirt. He heaved him up to his hip, kissing his nose as Caz found glee in touching his father’s cheeks— stretching them while Erwin turned to you. 
You laughed at the scene, walking up to them, squeezing Erwin’s arm as you reached for him. Your lips found his, despite how funny he looked, courtesy by his own son. Still, Erwin kissed you back, placing an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. 
Erwin wants this. His heart swelled at the thought of you, relishing how good the last few months were with you. He wants this, and he’s thankful that you let him.
It was his turn to laugh. He opened his eyes, pecking your lips as he muffled his laughter with your lips. He couldn’t believe what came out of your mouth, as you kissed him back and your son in his arms while Erwin tugged you any closer.
“Found you.”
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Vhekadla : Sandy 
Pairing: Mando x mirialan!reader 
Word count: 4.782
Warnings: Exile, reader not good with kids, mild swearing, slight angst, self-medication (needles (once)) 
Summary: Peli needs components for the failing vaporator in Hangar-2, you are meant to go the moisture farm to get them. But a renown bounty hunter lands in Hangar-3.  
A/N:  Some references to the OG trilogy and the following one. Can’t wait to see how many you find. Let me know. 
I tried not to use any gender for reader (I’m still learning about it) Text in italic = reader’s internal thoughts English is not my native language, I’m trying to get better at it, please be indulgent. 
It was fun to reconnect with the lovely Star Wars nerd in me. 
“A Mirialan would place a unique, often geometrically repeated tattoo on their face and hands to signify that they had completed a certain test or task, or achieved sufficient aptitude for a certain skill. The number of tattoos would thus often act as a good indicator of how mature and/or skilled a Mirialan was.”
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You heard Peli calling out from the hangar, jumping down the reactor you were working on, you step on hangar 3′s threshold. Glancing through your fingers’ shielding the sun, as the pre-Imp beat up vessel lands in Hangar 3. You rolled down your sleeves as Peli look back at you.
“He doesn’t really like droids, so you’ll have to step-in.” stopping next to her you nodded, readjusting your tool belt.
Working for Peli you thought you'd seen everything in terms of species. Until the vessel's ramp lower down with a hiss, a shiny Mandalorian walking out.
Your eyes went to Peli and the approaching bounty hunter as she made her way to him grinning, awaiting for him to give her something. The tall, beskar clad individual gave a small green creature to Peli whom started to coo at it. Weird.
“Glad you decided to keep him.” She waved a finger your way giving you the go-to.
Treading to the gunship, the T shape visor of the Mandalorian followed your form, you didn’t pay much attention to it, hunters could be precious about their engines.
Plugging your datapad in the cargo bay panel you ran a quick diagnostic, looking around the ship while waiting, the hull was oddly neat you noted. The Datapad biped loudly, detailing the ships problems. This old thing was still flying, how, who knew.
“What’s with the Mirialan?"
“What can I tell? I’m going soft! Coz of your womp rat for sure.” He said nothing waiting for her to continue
“They needed the job, no questions ask. But don’t ask about the tattoos, they can be moody,”
“I heard that,” you strolled down the left telescopic gate, heading for the front repulsorlfits.
Why were they talking about you? Do they know each other much? Why a bounty hunter was carrying a child-like thing.
Stepping into the cockpit, you refrained on sitting on the pilot seat, you always felt that pilot seats were as intimate as beds. The Datapad ran a new diag, you eye the control panel, tilting your head seeing something was missing.
The Mandalorian stood tall before Peli “I have things to do!”
Peli waved him off “Yeaah go hunt, we’ll fix your ship in the meantime,”
After a few hours, drenched in sweat and sticky black goo on your hands you finally ease yourself in the cockpit “That should be good, punch it!” you yelled to the 3 pit-droids outside. After hearing the droids tripped on each other, they activated the engine, launching the hyperdrive for a last test.
The Mandalorian made his way back in the hangar just in time to see you hopping down the cargo ladder, sweeping your greasy hands on your overalls.
He couldn’t help but noticed the tattoos showing at your wrists as your sleeves had rolled up.
“This is not going to be a recurrent thing.” You heard the Mandalorian say, clearly annoyed. Approaching them, you could feel the Mandalorian was tense, Peli took the datapad you handed her, you tried your best no to stare at the broad shoulders at your right.
Finally noticing him, and his T-visor staring at your wrists, you swiftly turned around and brushed the sleeves back down; “She’s up to fly. The hyperdrive is as brain new, we made a few check-ups on the engines since they were coughing a bit,” you rounded a crate, looking back at him, your sleeves now attached to your fingers, “and the lights are back on!” you index pointed to the lamp on the ceiling.
“You’ll want a price cut, as I can see here,”
You glanced at the visor for a second, what did Peli ask him to do? “Fine,” he sighed.
“Go to the moisture farm and get my parts,” she patted at his pauldron, “you’ll be his guide.“ you were so engrossed in Peli’s friendliness with the bounty huinter that it didn’t click immediatly. Until it did. 
“Hold on, what?” voice rising a notch “I told you I’d go,.. alone!” you argued
“With all the recent things happening in this forsaken desert, I’d rather not send you alone.”
Stepping closer to Peli, your back to the Mandalorian, you stared at her, she stared back, not having it. She knew you could take down a Gamorrean if needed.
“Boss, …”
“For Force’s sake don’t argue with me,” She shooed you away, you knew she wouldn’t let go.
“You still have that speeder bike?” his modulated voice rang in your back as you made your way to the fresher to clean yourself up.
Peli snarled  “I’m gonna start renting it.” 
Waiting near the speeder bike, Peli handed you the credits to pay for the binary brain unit and humidity sensor, she needed it for the vaporator in H-2. The moisture farm you were heading to had the parts since they owned the same vaporators.
“You can trust him,” she nudged her jaw to the approaching Mandalorian.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” 
“He’s like family, call him Mando,” you rolled your eyes at her teasing tone. Peli wouldn’t leave the city walls since the Empire fell, so obviously it became your task to get the parts or hardware from out of the walls. Before that she’d lost a few droids in the desert. 
The Mandalorian rounded the speeder, securing a bag on the right side, a green little head popped out of it.
“I don’t think ‘it’ should come, if we encounter any bandits or raiders.”
The thing looked at the his keeper “Don’t worry about that, he’s seen worse.”
You turned to Peli, eyes widenned and flailing hands. She shrugged her famous grin on. Head lolling back and squeezing your eyes shut you let out a sigh then swiveled to him. “I drive, you shoot?” you ask adjusting your scarf around your mouth and nose.
“What?” he genuinely asked. Shaking your head amused you nod your head to the main seat for him to take. It'll be easier to hold him than him hold you.
Straddling the speeder you felt tiny behind him, the beskar was cold even under the twins suns, a gurgle took your attention off the reflecting beskar in front of you. Wrinkled critter.
Keeping a grip on Mando’s side you check the Holo map as the speeder bike hovered at its fastest speed. Gesturing at Mando to indicate the path, the moisture farm would be visible in a few visvia. A glare caught your eye a second too late, you flew from the speeder, crashing hard against the burning sand. Between your grunts and those of the Mandalorian you heard Tusken Raiders' howls.
Groaning you hold your ribs rolling on your good side “Freaking dehydrated Raiders!” The little green being was confused a meter from you, sadly sat on the sand. “Mando, your .. kid,” his broad shadow came into view, soon scooping the child.
Finger at the trigger you look up at the cliffs “Thought you were friends with them!” 
The Mandalorian was trying to salvage the speeder bike while you looked at the map for a safer and faster path, still eyeing the cliffs now and then. “Don’t bother, engine’s burnt.” Greeny made a worried sound.  
“The tuskens, they are the shoot first, ask question later kind of people,” he posted himself on your right, you glanced at him stealthily. Even without seeing his face, his demeanour showed he was pissed off.
“You both have something in common,” you sheath your blaster in the small of the back holster.
“What?” you sensed it took it the wrong way, so quickly clarified “Showing skin is not allowed,”
“Just as your not allowed to show your tattoos!” he riled back.
Your head jerked back, you were not expecting the backlash. You stalked past him, “We should go, the farm ain’t far!” putting as much distance between you and the bounty hunter. 
The Mandalorian regretted his words as soon as they came out. He surely was the last one to have a say about others’ customs and beliefs. Your behavior somehow disarmed him, he didn't know how to act anymore.
The suns were getting low in your back, you thank the maker your body was acclimated for dry lands. The hair at your nape rose in a instant, you looked back at the horizon standstill for a few seconds.
"We must take shelter," you whispered. The green critter tilted his head to you followed by his Mandalorian whom picked up your words through his enhanced helmet.
"Sandstorm!" you ran past him, heading for the rocks ahead.
Pulling your large scarf around your face, the Mandalorian was hot on your tail, you realized you wouldn’t like to be one of his bounty, his impressive broadness and the heavy beskar made you shivered. Sliding between two big rocks, you fumbled with your water jug, quickly wetting your scarf around your mouth. The Mandalorian soon joined you with a distorted groan, the baby oddly excitied about the run out was babbling.
"Here," you wet a rag you kept in your rucksack handing it to to him. "It’ll need it," taking the rag from your hand he gently folded it and wrapped the child’s mouth and pointy ears. A gust of hard wind and sand hit the rocks, the light disappearing instantly you found yourself enveloped in a dusty copper shadow. Clenching your eyes shut, your hands immediately went to the child's eyes. You felt his little hands holding onto yours. It’s not a game you thought. The sand was hard on the few uncovered patches of skin on your face, but it soon stopped. You could still hear the wind, the sand rattling the rocks but you couldn't feel it anymore. Opening your eyes carefully, your head jerked back. Beskar. The T visor of his helmet was staring at you. Looking up you saw his arm holding his cape around you three. Your hand unconsciously slowly slipped from the child's eyes. Your reflection was staring at you with wide eyes, its closeness made you uneasy yet not unwelcomed, as the kid was still holding your fingers, this one whined.
“It won’t take long,” Mando spoke, his head dropping to the green child. Adverting your eyes from his visor you scolded yourself, and your increasing heartbeat. 
His eyes were trained on your geometrical tattoos adorning your delicate face, he didn’t expect to lost himself in your eyes as you opened them. His gut twisted when you moved back with a start.
Few minutes later you were dusting sands from your hair and clothes “We should be at the farm in a bit,”
He nodded "I hope they have a speeder to lend us there,”
That yes, coz I won't make it back by walking. I'm no bantha
Both of you let out a relieved sigh when the farm appeared in the horizon. Bhindi Kayle welcomed you in the abode, the farm was practically empty, all the workers were home or in town, only an old man sat at the far end of a bench. Bhindi Kayle was an old aquaintance of Peli, he cut you off as soon as you started talking, he stood before you oddly trying to assert a sort of dominance, he’d never been like that. 
 "Yeah Peli send us a hologram earlier this week,” Mando's chest heaved as soon as the farmer interrupted you. “Didn't expect a Mandalorian to work for her,"
Aaah, a men’s ego.
The kid babbled a confused note, "I'm not working for Motto," Mando stated, galled.
"The Mandalorian is ... here for protection, somehow." The child looked at you from the satchel on Mando's hip. 
The old man rumbled from the corner, "A mirialan, a Mandalorian and a ... whatever that is ... roaming around Tatooine, what a sight." 
"Ah don't listen to him, he lost his mind since the Lars’ farm got burned down,” Bhindi leaned in whispering ”inhaled too much smoke while trying to raid the place."
Negotiating the parts’ price was not in the deal but knowing Peli wasn’t here, Bhindi tried. Yeah tried, not for nothing Peli Motto took you in, you were as stubborn as a falumpaset, gosh you missed Naboo.
"Do you have a speeder?” Mando asked his tone becoming a bit hesitant “Ours ... blown off on the way," your refrained a smirk.
 "Well, we have swoops but you'll be back to Peli in days at that speed." You followed him through the pit to the garage. Eyes skimming the messy place, looked like a junkyard, the green kid was touching everything, you lose your footing on a piece of scrap while looking at it, firm gloved hands propped you up by the shoulders without a word. Embarrassment filed you as Mando’s hands left your shoulders with hesitation.
"Are those... pieces of a Bantha-II cargo skiff?" You stepped onto the old railing, trying to distract yourself from the burning feel of his touch. "Where did you get that?"
 "That old rusty thing? We found it a few years back. The Hutts might have abandoned it, thankfully for us the Jawas were late on this one." Bhindi rummaged through a bunch of metal "We keep some engines we found for the parts, just in case. Ah!"
He proudly showed his finding. You heard the Mandalorian groaned behind you.
"Might be cramp on it with the two of you, but it can do."
Mando was not amused "A skimboard?" his hands reached his hips, he stood there staring at Bhindi. Stepping down the railing, a light smile spread on your lips. 
"I'm good with it," you grabbed the board "you fly, I use the skimboard," his bucket head turned to you, the heavy silence coming from the Beskar clad man had Bhindi lose his tough demeanour, but had you amused.
"Hum, I can probably find an old speeder bike," The Mandalorian nodded at the farmer. 
Inspecting the slick metal, your hand dusted off the sand of off it "How much for it?"
"25 alliance credits will do," he shrugged.  "Deal," Bhindi hurried away in the back of the garage.
“I’ll be back in a minute,”stepping out the junkyard, you head for the hydroponic garden. 
The sand had crawled under your layers, it soon became itchy and abrasive. Stripping down your top layers, you stayed in your dark undershirt. Vigorously dusting off your copper colored top and black hood, the dusts particles shining under the sun rays. Cupping water in your hands, your let the fresh water ran down your tattooed arms. Cold water on your face never felt so good, even after hours working on a spaceship it wasn’t as satisfying.
“Khayle found us a landspeeder” you gasped at his voice, holding your arms around you and turning your back to him; Mando became even more silent than usual. The tattoos on your arms and body were not to be seen by everyone, it wasn’t as strict as Mandalorian’s creed or the Tuskens but still, you were meant to choose the few who would see them. The one on your face were your achievement, your proudness, you could show them. But those on your body were more personal, promises to your species, and to yourself. Since the farm was empty you thought it would be safe to undress, apparently not.
Mando paused, he wasn’t expecting that, seeing the tattoos on your wrists earlier he thought that was it but seeing your inked arms and shoulders blades he felt pulled by curiosity but as soon as he saw you flinched and tried to hide your arms, he turned away. 
He walked out, not saying a word, thinking about what he said earlier. Peli did warn him. Feeling your rushed breathing haven out, and the thundering sound of your bloodstream into your ears fading you reached for your copper long sleeve top. As you tried to snatch it you felt a resistance, the child, coming to you his little claws up to touch your arms. Big dark eyes staring at you, oddly similar to the dark visor of his keeper. Feeling that pull deep inside, you frowned putting your hood on and grabbing the child, holding it bunglingly, he kept looking at you.
“You forgot something.” You gently shoved him the child, then rounded the landspeeder.
Bhindi casually leaned on the abode “You should stay for the night, Raiders thrive at night.”
Mando watched you sit at the driver’s seat, your hood hiding your expression. “We’ll be fine,” he answered not sparing a glance at Bhindi. The child fell asleep an hour after leaving the moisture farm that’s when Mando decided to talk. 
“If I’d known ...” you stayed silent “Did I endanger your faith or beliefs?” he asked seriously concerned.
“Mirialans, we …” you scoffed “I’ll be fine.”
Something in his tone changed “I’m sorry, it wasn’t done on purpose.” The child’s ears settled down in a snore; it was as he was feeling his keeper’s trouble even through his sleep.
“Something happened, when I was not even an idea.” you felt compelled to tell the story behind the tattoos since he saw most of them. “My ancestor was part of the Senate, she believed in a way of life, now long forgotten. She fought for it but soon realized it was wrong, she was never meant to fight, she was meant to keep the peace. Her loyalty faded, she did bad things ... I’m bond to her in some ways I can’t explain.”
The Mandalorian stayed silent, you were used to it at this point. 
“The old Galactic Senate banished her. No one remembers Bariss Offee now, she's been long gone. But I do.”
“The old Galactic Senate...” Mando clenched his fist “I heard about it,”
“Some of my tattoos are meant to heal her soul through me. After her fall, my family scattered, we were forbidden to talk about her, we were forced to strip ourselves from our knowledge. I was young, my parents flew us to another galaxy, there we live like humans. But my parents kept one of our custom, the tattoos.” you shrugged, even Peli didn’t know about all this, she knew about your exile but that’s all.
“I…I don’t know if I can say this and my apologize if it’s misplaced but you .. uhm” Mando asked himself why he was so stressed about telling you his honest feel about it “..they are ..pretty,” the repulsorlift the only sound perceptible. That wasn’t the reaction you were expecting, especially coming from the renown bounty hunter, eyes leaving the road you stared at him confused but somehow relieved, your hood flew back reveling your face to him.
 A tuskens battle cry made you break, standing up on your seat, immediately reaching for your blaster and glowrod. 
“Hold on,” he posed the sleeping child on your seat, getting down.
“Mando, they shoot us once, I’m not taking any chance,”
“I’ll talk to them,” he stated calmly “lower your blaster and stay close,”
You inhaled loudly, putting away your weapon. Emerging from the dark, tall figures soon surrounded you. The deep grunt coming out the helmet at your side startled you, his gestures and groans had the attention of the faceless Raiders. The silence on their part didn’t do much to ease your worry until they answered, though you couldn’t understand, the stance of your companion made you feel safe.
“They’re saying we should camp out, another tribe, the one who shot us is ahead of us,”
“Camp out, with them?” you whispered as if they could understand you “I heard things about them,”
“Not everything you hear is true,” Mando’s visor was trained on your hesitating features. Well you didn’t have much of a choice, you weren’t going to leave without him and the green thing.
“You take the first watch,” you gathered your backpack, he nodded at you, preceding you.
The kid now awaken, was nestled between his keeper’s feet, staring at the fire in front of him. It might have felt you staring because his little ears perked up and he soon waddled to you. The kid kept trying to hold you or touch your hand.
"Is it always like that? Clingy?" You poked the child’s forehead making him wobble back.
Mando tilted his head with a sigh, silently asking if your gesture was really necessary.
"Not really," He reached for the child but this latter whined, settling when he grabbed your index’ first phalanx.
"You were saying!?" You sighed as the kid looks like he was concentrating on your finger. As he kept doing that you felt that pull again, deep inside of you, an inner energy you usually only could feel during your ancestor’s vision. It scared you, snatching your finger from the kid, you look at the big eyes now staring at you. "What are you!"
“Easy,” Mando ushered the kid back to him “He has powers, I should have warned you,”
“What kind of power?”
“He can move things with his mind or something similar” your mind processed the news, “I’ve been quested to bring him back to his kind,"
The child climbed your feet to get closer, your lips turned down in an uneasy grimace, you weren't exactly gifted with children, if it was one though. Clingy beings, loud and stinky, not your thing.
The Mandalorian kept an eye on you without your knowledge, he'd never seen anyone be so hesitant with the child before.
Mando talked with the Tuskens while you ate, he sometimes translated for you in case you were interested in their conversation.
"You are missing a piece on the turbines’ launch lever by the way, want another one!?" You asked him sleepily, "That won't be necessary," he chuckled and it caught you off guard but you said nothing.
A young tusken handed you a fur cloth, hesitantly grabbing it you eyed Mando, he made a gesture to the raider. 
"I take the first watch," even with his vocoder you could hear the grin.
Waking up in a sweat you observed your surroundings. A bantha was snoring loudly next to a pack of sleeping tuskens. A soft snore not far from you got your attention. The child was tucked on Mando's side, his ears heaving with his breaths.
The fire reflecting on the beskar mesmerized you, it was like Mando's was made of fire. Was he sleeping? 
“You’re okay?”
“My ribs hurts, I’m cold, but I’m managing.” you stood up, stepping closer to the fire. “Take some rest, it’s my shift.” 
“Here,” you turned around just in time to caught the e-bacta shot, Mando closed his belt pocket and crossed his arms, leaning on a rucksack, ready to rest.  
“Thanks..” you stared at his calm composure, forgetting he could still be looking at you behind that visor. 
Your gaze on him got him agitated, he tried his best to rest his eyes but he couldn’t detached his from yours, somehow you always manage to made eye-contact, most people didn’t even dare look straight at him. He stayed alert as you went to the land speeder, lifting your top enough to reach your bruised flank, he saw you brace yourself for the shot. 
1,2 “Hmmm!!!” you muffled your groan in your elbow as the three needles deeped in your flesh, youknew that in a few minutes you’ll be alright but maker it hurt. 
The suns getting up, you were seated on the land speeder’s hood watching the twins made their entry, I’ll never get tired of this. 
“We’re good to go, the other tribe moved north,” Mando set the child on the hood next to you to thanks the Tuskens. 
The child lifted his head to you, silently staring, suddenly rushing to you head bumping your hip “ "Oof!” he angrily cuddled your side “Mando, what’s going on with it?” 
“Hey, hey kid, no!” he cradled him into his arms “what did you do?”
“Nothing!” you jumped down the hood “It slammed into me,”
“He never acts like that, there’s something with you,” Mando stated
“Oh maker come on Mando,” your voice tightened “I’m a nobody, an exile mirialan, I’m no Jedi like my ancestor!” you realised as soon as you said it, screwing your eyes shut. 
“Your ancestor was a Jedi?”he stepped forward, his demeanour now threatening but you stood your ground. “And you’re telling me now?”
“Mando I, ... I’m not sure about it, I don’t even understand the visions I have, that’s why I didn’t say anything.” 
“We should go!” he shut himself, the child whined against his keeper’s chest. 
The ride back to Peli was excruciating, Mando didn’t talk to you or ease the kid’s fuss. The three of you made it back to Peli without issues. 
She was about to make one of her famous punchline but she saw your concerned face as you passed by her deposing the vaporator’s pieces on her desk. 
Peli planted herself before him “What did you do?” he sighed.
Mando watched as the door hiss closed behind you. 
“How much do you know about them?” 
“What’d you do!?” Peli insisted before answering his question. As stubborn as you he thought. He related the conversation, he’d never seen Peli so mad.
The soft knock on your door told you it wasn't Peli. It opened on your command.
“We need to talk,” Mando stepped-in
“Oh now you want to talk!” you threw a wrench in your tool box “We had a full ride for that.” 
“You lied to me!” he pointed his finger to the ground 
“I didn’t LIE to you! I just ..didn’t tell you all of it. Jedis and Mandalorians are not exactly friends for all I know,”
“The child might be a Jedi and you didn’t care to tell me you knew about he’s people.” the tiny bedroom was crowded with his presence, deep inside behind the anger lied a fluttering feeling when he entered your space.
“My ancestor had that kind of power, but I don’t know shit about it, I told you if you were to even listen!” tears at the brim at your eyes remembering your parents’ tale about their exile, you inhaled trying to stay focused.
“I’ve listened,” he regained his neutral tone “if you are like your ancestor then maybe you have that power in you, that’s why the child is reaching out to you, he might feel it,” 
you scoffed “I’m a mecha not a Jedi,” the child made you jumped when he touched your hand, he had climbed the comforter hanging from your cot.
“Mando, I’d … never mean to hide things from you, I’m just..scared.” You let the child hold your finger “An unknown powerful energy in me, how would you react! Even if I’d want to know, I don’t even know where to start.”
He nodded leaving your cramped bedroom with the child. Few minutes later Peli called out, sighing you drag your feet to her desk.
“What is it that you want Motto?” you taunted but the teasing voice died seeing Mando on the other side of her seat. 
“I’ve been quested to bring him to the jedi.” his visor on you, knitted your brows you wait for his speech. “I could use a mecha on board, one that needs answer of some sorts,” his grave voice resonated in your ears, he faced Peli while saying it. She sighed knowingly; her face torned with doubts.
“I can’t, Peli you need me and I ..” 
“Kid, I’ve seen you distraught after your visions, it’s getting worse,” Peli sighed “Well, I’m not saying losing my best mecha is ideal,” you tried your best to keep the feelings at bay  “…but go if you have to, I’ll managed” she patted you shoulder, herself containing her sniffles.
“Take care of this piece of junk,” she snorted making you laugh.
“I’ll come back,”
“Don’t you dare, you're young, get out of this desolate place. Go get the galaxy,”
Smiling at her you hugged her tight “Oh come on, come on” she shooed you away, striding to your room to pack, you didn’t see her made eyed contact with Mando’s visor, a silent plead to keep you safe, he nodded. 
Stepping in the cockpit, you sat on the passenger seat at his right. The green being was on your right eyeing you, you suprised yourself smiling at him. Mando came in and the kid starts to shift in his pod, you watched Mando as he took something on the control panel and swivelled to the baby. Thlatter reached out, his keeper letting a shiny metal ball fall into his little claw.
“That’s…” you said out loud. Your eyes darted to the turbines launcher’s lever. Mando finally turned to you and shrugged tilting his helmet.
“A mirialan, a Mandalorian and a Jedi ... what a sight.” 
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babycracker · 4 years
Luck Of The Unit - Day 12 prompt from @wayhavenmonthly: Feathers
Rating: teen & up Pairing: farah&m!oc (tanner drake) - with a splash of morgan/tanner Word Count: 1290 Warnings: heavy innuendo, but nothing explicit or at all detailed A/N: finallly getting back to these. i’ve decided i’m not doing every day though, it’s just too much with the asks i still have and trying to get my wips updated. so i’m just doing the ones i had like immediate ideas for i guess? also i didn’t really do much of a proof read on this one coz i was kind of in a rush to get it up and get myself back up to date so if you find mistakes, no you didn’t ❤️
Tanner's getting annoyed. Granted, it doesn't take much most of the time but it's unusual for Farah to get on his nerves this much. But she's been at him for a good half an hour now trying to get him to show her his wings.
"Why don't you want to show me?" she asks, pouting at him with wide eyes; pulling out all the tricks that usually get him to cave.
It's not that he has anything against them per se, but he'd had it drummed into him from a very early age that they're most definitely not normal, and not something to be shown off for no good reason. Besides that, they're not the most practical things to brandish indoors.
"Why do you want to see them so bad?" he counters and a slight frown of disbelief crosses her face.
"Are you serious? I've been dying to see them since I met you."
"So why are you just asking now?"
"Because I thought you were scary. But now I know it's just a façade and really you're a big ol' softy."
"And they're hot," Morgan interjects before Tanner can dwell on how offensive of a statement Farah has just made about him.
Farah narrows her eyes, giving Tanner a once over before pulling a face and faking a shudder, "gross."
“I don’t know if there’s enough room in here anyway,” he tells her, but she just scoffs and looks around the games room before gesturing to the space in front of the couch she’s seated on with him.
“Oh come on, how big are they?”
He rolls his eyes and gets to his feet, hooking his fingers around his tie to loosen it and then slipping it over his head. Obviously she’s not about to let up on this until he gives her what she wants, and he figures that it’s a relatively small price to pay to make her happy.
"I didn't realise this required nudity," Farah protests, covering her eyes with one hand and pulling a face.
"You wanted an eyeful, you're gonna get an eyeful," he tells her with a smirk, and Morgan sighs loudly in exasperation.
"It's only his shirt."
Tanner laughs as Farah slowly uncovers her eyes, hesitantly peeking out at him while he unbuttons his shirt, then shoots a glance in Morgan's direction. She's trying to appear disinterested, but the way she's moved from her spot in the corner closer to them gives her away.
She looks away with a scowl when he winks at her and shrugs his shirt off, his shoulders giving a slight roll before two large, dark grey wings spread from his back, and he raises an eyebrow at her as a wordless told you so when one of them knocks a lamp off of a side table to the side of him, landing on the plush carpet with a soft thud.
Farah just about squeals, launching up from her spot on the couch and flying over to him. "Holy crap Tanner, they're huge."
"That's what she said," he replies, giving a nod in Morgan's direction.
"I've seen bigger," Morgan retorts with a smirk, making Tanner laugh and Farah pull another face.
“It’s not the size, it’s what you do-”
“Okay I’m all for you two getting together but details are gonna gross me out.” Farah cuts him off, looking between the two of them with one eyebrow raised before turning back towards Tanner and hesitantly holding a hand out towards him. “Can I touch one?”
He shrugs, “knock yourself out.”
That catches Morgan’s interest, as much as she tries to make it look as though it doesn’t. She’s seen them before, but never touched them and he almost laughs at her attempt to appear nonchalant.
His attention snaps back to Farah as she lays a hand on the edge of one of his wings and lightly strokes one of the feathers. “Are you seriously petting me?”
“Maybe,” she grins up at him and does it again. “Who’s a good boy?”
He scowls at her and abruptly shifts the wing out of her reach. “I swear to God, kid…”
“Oh calm down, I wasn’t petting. I was stroking.” He doesn’t answer right away, just waits for her to realise what she’s said and laughs when she looks back up at him wide eyed and shakes her head, “no, no that was the wrong word.”
“You sure? I don’t mind a good stroking.”
“I bet you don’t but never will one of my hands stroke any part of you that I can’t see when you’re fully dressed,” she tells him, pointing a finger at him sternly before stepping away. 
He glances over at Morgan and raises an eyebrow. “You wanna get in on this or what?”
“No,” she replies flatly, and he shrugs again before rolling his shoulders once more and retracting the wings.
He can see her watching him closely as he pulls his shirt back on, and if he didn’t know any better he could swear that she looks slightly interested, maybe even a little disappointed as he finishes redressing himself. Whether it’s disappointment that he’s getting dressed or that he’d not given her a second shot to touch him he doesn’t know, but either way it surprises him that she’s outwardly showing anything close to interest at all.
“You should’ve touched, Morgan. They’re really soft,” Farah tells her as he fixes his tie back into place, and Morgan smirks over at him.
“There’s only one thing of his I want to touch, and I’m definitely not interested in it being soft.”
“Oh just admit you guys care about each other and move on already, this pretending you don’t like each other nonsense is getting boring.” Farah sighs, shaking her head and then grinning at the horrified look Morgan gives her. “What? Like it’s not true?”
Morgan’s eyes shift between Farah and Tanner for a moment, only replying with a grunt before turning on her heel and stalking out of the room.
“That grunt before she runs away? That’s how you know she likes you,” Farah tells him casually, watching her go and then turning back to face him, finally noticing the frown on his face. “What?”
He shakes his head, forcing himself back to a neutral expression before replying, “I don’t really care.”
She doesn’t believe him, he can tell as soon as the words are out of his mouth, but at least she doesn’t press the subject any further.
He’d hoped Morgan would get over it pretty quickly, that his appalling behaviour and attitude towards her most of the time would turn her off of him and she’d have moved on to someone better by now. But for some reason it hasn’t worked, and she seems even more interested in him.
Tanner’s not stupid, he knows how to tell the difference between someone just wanting to screw him and someone having actual feelings for him, but usually he can put a stop to the latter fairly quickly. Maybe that’s because usually the feelings aren’t reciprocated in the slightest, because this time all of his usual tactics are falling flat and proving useless.
The worst part, he thinks, is that the more he considers his own feelings for her and the more time they spend together, the more selfish he gets. He’s starting to wonder whether letting her like him might not be such a bad thing after all. He even finds himself starting to think that maybe things would be different with her, that somehow he wouldn’t be a massive let down. That he isn’t sure to one day break her. And he knows that thoughts like that are dangerous. Not for him, but for her.
tags (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @admdmrtn @masonsfangs @oxjenayxo @mmerengue @agentsunshine @bravomckenzie @freckles-spangledvampire @mistyeyedbi @kelseaaa @ambrosykim @amlovelies @forestcreatures @maraudern05 @kat-tia801 @alyssalauren @vintage-vamp @agentnolastname @utterlyinevitable @masonscig
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dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
Fred x Reader - Truth or Dare
Can I request a Fred x reader?They + some buds are playing T or D in common room with actual truth potion,you avoid doing a truth at all cost and have to go through the most mental dares.But George catches on + gets cheeky like ’I dare you to tell us why you havent picked truth’.At first you dont speak coz if you do you’ll confess your feelings for Fred.Coz you cant tell truth if you dont say anything.You can pick how it goes after😊sorry this if this is too long,I haven’t requested a fic before
Fred had his arm slung around your shoulder affectionately as you chatted idly with Lee and George. He sipped at his firewhisky, eyes moving about the room as the party had started to slow. The smart kids were turning in for the night, knowing they still had classes once the sun rose the next morning. The eager kids were already wasted, tripping over themselves and rushing to the nearest toilet as their stomach won out over their heads. The rest of you whoever were swaying comfortably to the music that had been turned down. 
The night was coming to an end but Fred wasn’t ready. You were warm and pliant against his side and he was soaking up every second. It wasn’t rare for you to be this close, you had been closer to George once upon a time but the two of you had steadily melded together. George was still your best friend but Fred knew he was different. Fred knew you liked him, it might have something to do with the fact that George got tired of the both of you going to him with your tales of woe. Fred supposed his twin could only handle so much of, “Why doesn’t he/she like me back?” before he snapped. Fred considered himself lucky that his twin was such a miserable secret keeper. 
Fred nursed his drinking, nodding subtly at George whose face split into a wicked grin. “Alright everyone who is sober enough to walk,” George teased as he announced to the Gryffindors partying around him, “It’s time to play...” He stalled, pretending to play the drums as he smacked Lee’s back in a rhythm that had people turning his way. “Truth or Dare!” 
Fred felt you tense momentarily but then you were pulling away. “And that is where I take my leave,” You declared but George whirled on you as Angelina sat on the floor, Fred following her lead as the other other participants followed suit by making a wide circle. 
“Nonsense!” George encouraged, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and guiding you to the circle where he sat you right across from Fred. You looked nervous and Fred would have otherwise been bothered if he wasn’t positive that you were just nervous about telling him how you felt. He was giddy for the night to unfold. 
George, however, wanted to draw it out. Fred had been hoping that his brother would coax you to pick truth quite early, leaving the rest of the night for whatever the two of you decided to do. It seemed that neither you or George wanted that to happen as you picked dare once again. After several wicked dares that had you leaving an article of clothing in Filch’s office as well as lobbing a dungbomb into the Slytherin’s commonroom as well as Snape’s potions classroom, you were tired and ready to turn in. 
“Dare,” You sighed, shoulders heavy as George thought for a moment. You hated this game, it had nothing to do with the juvenile dares and questions and everything to do with the look George had been giving you all night. He wasn’t going to go easy on you and you were desperate to escape. It was impossible though as Fred cheered you on every time you completed a wacky dare, a smile on his face. You hated to admit it but you craved validation from the boy who sat criss-cross in front of you, his clothes switched with Angelina’s as he teased that he thought he look ravishing in her skirt.
Fred’s eyes traveled to you and a frown tugged at his lips. You didn’t look like you were having fun at all. George was looking quite maniacal, the cogs of his brain turning so quick steam should have been coming out of his ears. Fred didn’t like the look of this. 
“Alright, Y/N, I dare you to tell us why you haven’t picked truth all night long,” George quipped. “And no lies,” he added as you opened your mouth and then promptly shut it. This happened a few more times, your mouth opening but then clamping back shut as your eyes darted around the group that had slimmed in the past hour as Lee, Angelina, George, Katie, Fred and you remained. 
Even that was overwhelming apparently as your stomach churned and your palms became clammy, heart thudding against your chest. “I’m sorry,” You muttered as you stood quickly, stepping over the mess of discarded cups and a shoe without it’s pair as you vanished to your dorm.
 “Nice going!” Fred scolded. “I wanted you to get her to talk, not scare her off!” 
George realized he had been a bit too hard on you but he wanted you and his brother to be happy, he regretted upsetting you however. It seemed like all would be well though as his twin got up and chased after you. 
“What’s that all about?” Lee asked, puzzled. 
“Do you try to be this stupid?” Katie rolled her eyes, silently cheering you and Fred on. 
Meanwhile Fred caught you just before you slammed the door to your dorm shut. “Y/N, hey, what’s going on?” He asked as you slumped on your bed, rubbing frustrated tears from your eyes. His heart ached. Fred may have scolded his brother but he had just been doing what Fred had asked him to do. 
“’M just tired Freddie,” You gave your poor excuse, kicking your shoes off. 
“Are you sure?” Fred pressed. “It didn’t have anything to do with what George asked?” 
“Oh come off it!” You burst out. “What does it matter?” Fred shut up and looked downcast. You let out a strained breath. “I’m sorry, I’m just not ready to... admit some personal things,” You said carefully. “Truth or dare makes me really uncomfortable.”
Fred came to sit beside you, hand running up and down your back carefully as you leaned into him, head lulling against his shoulder. “Would it make you feel better if I admitted something?” Fred asked as he shifted, and you followed, now directly across from each other, knees bumping together as you crossed your legs underneath you. 
You watched Fred as he grew timid. His fair skin gave him away every time and he was blushing as he picked at a loose thread on your bed cover. “Is something wrong?” You asked, suddenly worried. The redhead reassured you immediately everything was alright with a shake of his head and his hold on your hand. 
“I just should have come talk to you first,” He started with and you looked puzzled. 
“About?” You coerced. 
“You should have come talk to me first about...me?” You weren’t following. Fred sighed and began to rock gently in his place, his nerves getting the better of him as you squeezed his hand to help relax him. 
“Yeah, but instead I asked George a couple of days ago to try and get everyone together for truth and dare once we won the quidditch game-”
“Cocky,” You giggled but Fred just continued. 
“-and he obviously did that, I just didn’t think that he would go so hard on you. Maybe more than that I thought you would pick truth sooner. I didn’t think you wouldn’t get upset either which was my fault, I know you don’t like being put on the spot-” Fred was speaking quickly, his train of thought derailing quickly and with seemingly no survivors. 
“Woah, woah,” You interrupted. “Slow down. So let me get this straight, you asked George to start a truth of dare game so I would pick truth and say what exactly?” 
“That you like me?” Fred finished for you, his phrase turning into a question as he became sheepish, now suddenly worried you didn’t feel the same and he would have only succeeded in angering you and ruining your friendship. 
“Y-you know?” You asked, suddenly pale. 
“Yes,” Fred confirmed but noticed the panic in your eyes. You were beginning to apologize when he cupped your cheeks in his hands. “But I wanted you to admit it because I like you too! A lot... It seems I’ve just mucked things up though,” He sighed, dejected. 
“Say it again,” You pleaded, needing to fully grasp what he was saying.
“I really like you Y/N,” Fred admitted, more sturdy and confident this time. 
You let a smile break out on your face and you held your hands over his to keep them in place. “I have to say, you did muck up things,” Fred’s expression fell. “But nothing so bad a kiss or two wouldn’t fix it,” 
“You mean-?” Fred blushed.
“Kiss me,” You giggled, as he nodded excitedly, rushing forward to kiss you. It was eager and sloppy, your nose sore from him missing the mark the first time and bumping it but that faded to the background as he tried again and you two fell into an easy rhythm. 
“I like you Fred,” You finally admitted aloud, the fear gone as he looked at you in a way you had never seen, or maybe just never noticed, before. 
“Clearly,” He teased but pulled you back to him, not having had gotten enough of your lips on his. 
Maybe you didn’t hate truth or dare as much as you thought. 
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ozbian · 4 years
Here’s a full transcript of that final scene in Episode 103  : )
including sidetalk and end of game chat - hope you guys enjoy it or find it useful for referencing, I’m loving all the post e103 fic
[VOD timestamps 3:25:47 to 3:42:10]
Veth: *Sighs*
Veth: “Well, should we go, go further in to the orange glow and check it out?”
Jester: “I'm afraid that's going to take us into it's ...”
Veth: “Oh.”
Caduceus: “The water that was, that was in the cave was fresh water.”
Fjord: “Let me get, let me go closer and see.”
Fjord: ‘I’ll dive down and get closer to see what it is and if it's magma, a doorway.’
(continues under the cut)
Beau: “Yeah.”
You swim close, you know the murky depths of the water, you head towards it, and you can see at the bottom the interior of the cavern which is about 40 feet deep, so a little bit more shallow compared to the exterior, and it rises and falls in place, and as you get to the edge you can look and the glow resembles the torchbloom, the faintly orange glowing plant-like seaweed flowers and such that currently - or last time you saw guided you towards the lair of Vokodo
Fjord: ‘I'll come back up.’
Fjord: “Uh, Caleb? Where's Caleb.”
Caleb: *inquisitive look*
Fjord: Do you have Frumpkin as a cat right now?”
Caleb: “He is a bird, and if you want him to be able to swim I need an, over an hour.”
Fjord: “It seems to be-”
Jester: “Well-”
Fjord: “I’d say it's the same sort of growth that led us there.”
Jester: “If we're going to go in and actually for real think about ... fighting? Today? Yeah? Then-”
Caduceus: “I don't think this is ... I think this is something else. I don't think this is a path to him.”
Fjord: “You don't think so?”
Beau: “I think he's right.”
Jester: “But those are the torchblooms, that's what leads to him.”
Beau: “But ...”
Caduceus: ‘I'm going to do something. I'm gonna-’
Beau: “Maybe, maybe he just resides. Maybe the volcano is just a little slice of the Fire Plane and maybe this is spillage from the Fire Plane.”
Caduceus: ‘I'm going to uh dive - well not dive, I'm going to do that thing where you exhale and allow yourself to sink down a little bit. I'm heading ahead to about 30ft away, 25ft away from it. I’m gonna get kind of-’
Matt: Okay
Travis: You can breathe underwater
Tal: Hmm?
Travis: You can breathe underwater
Tal: Oh I know, I'm just -
Travis: Oh.
Caduceus: ‘Gently, paying attention to where I'm at, I'm going to cast detect magic’
Matt: Okay.
You go ahead and cast detect magic. You don't sense the plants themselves are magic but there's a faint magical aura kind of in the water around you and just in general.
Matt: If you don't mind, Caduceus.
Sam: Uh oh
Tal: Never.
Sam: Uh oh
Matt: Could you go ahead and-
Travis: Swim up and join his friends?
Sam: Roll a death save?
Matt: I need you to make a wisdom saving throw for me if you don't mind.
Laura: Uh oh.
Tal: 13.
Matt: *sigh*
You sense this thing ... you look at the torchbloom and this kind of urge overtakes you.
Laura: Oh no
Travis: Oh no
This leads somewhere. This leads somewhere and will answer all your questions. You have to know where this goes. You have to know. You have to know right now.
So you swim towards it, and you watch as the torchbloom opens up.
Laura: *gasp*
Fjord: ‘Where the fuck is he going?’
Fjord: *I go after him.*
Matt: You were watching him?
Travis: No, I go after him.
Matt: Right
Laura: But you were watching him?
Travis: *nods* *coughs into fist* Yeah.
Matt: Alright
You go after him.
Fjord: Mmhmm
You watch as Caduceus just swims into a tunnel
Fjord: ‘I can catch him, can't I?’
He's far enough away from you.
Matt: I’ll say that 
You can get there right about the time.
Matt: also make a wisdom saving throw for me
Travis: Okay
Laura: Oh god
Sam: Oh boy
Marisha: Uh ohs
Ashley: This was like with the ...
Travis 20. 17+3
Matt: Okay.
You resist the urge.
But since you kind of come up, and he kind of went off and did his own thing, you were probably kind of keeping a little back to watch.
You get to the entrance of this tunnel whereas he is partially in there.
You could probably catch up to him if you want to.
Liam: You’re super fast
Travis: Yeah I am faster
Matt: Yeah you are faster with the armor
Tal: Way faster.
Fjord: ‘I’m gonna try.’
Fjord: *I’m calling out to him through, through the water.*
Fjord: ‘But, yeah. I’ll try.’
You hear it, Caduceus, but like, you'll get to that.
Caduceus: ‘Yeah.’
You'll get to that.
Caduceus: ‘Yeah.’
This is important. This is more important, Caduceus.
He's not stopping, Fjord.
Fjord: ‘Okay. I'm going to cast ...command -’
Matt: Okay.
Sam, impressed: Command
Fjord: '-at Caduceus. And I'll say...’
Fjord: “Stop.”
Matt: And that's a wisdom saving throw?
Travis: Yes.
Matt: Go ahead and make a wisdom saving throw
Tal: This is going to be the first one I make, isn't it.
Marisha: I know, that's what i was just thinking.
Tal: Oh thank god. Thirteen?
Travis: Seventeen.
Matt: Seventeen.
Laura: *relieved gasp*
Tal: I’m rolling real bad today
Marisha: *clicky fingers, relieved laughter*
You stop, Caduceus. 
You used your action to do so, Fjord, so you can move, you can catch up to him.
But Caduceus has listened to you and stopped, and kinda looks back for a second towards you.
Fjord: “What the fuck are you doing?”(gently exasperated)
Caduceus: “I have to go that way.”
Fjord: “I - “
Caduceus: “It’s very important.”
Fjord: “I -”
He starts going again, Fjord.
Fjord: “I rem-  STOP.”
Fjord: “I-” *splutters*
Fjord: *I just grab onto him. I hold him.*
Fjord: “Stop. Wait. Wait!”
Fjord: “Every- will SOMEONE come fucking help me?”
They can’t hear you. You’re far underwater, and they’re currently looking at the ships and inspecting the walls
Fjord: ‘Oh good. Good.’
Veth: “This one’s got TWO cannons!”
Matt: I need you guys-
*general laughter*
Matt: I need you guys to make contested strength checks to -
See if you can grapple and keep him at bay
Fjord: ‘Oh shit, you bigass firbolg.’
Travis: … twelve.
Tal: Seven.
General: *Oooooh!*
Tal: I’m not very strong.
Travis: Well me neither *laughs*
You have him.
Sam: eeee. eeee.
Sam, Marisha, Travis, Liam: *feeble wrestling gestures*
*general laughter*
You have him currently held, Fjord, and thankfully the torchbloom is not close enough to the point.
The water is warm here, and right now you can sense something about it, while you’re holding him, while you can breathe underwater, you can breathe the water, the water itself seems to shift from salty to fresh as you guys are kinda struggling
Sam: hmm
Tal: *nods*
Marisha: Yes. It is a pathway then.
Fjord: 'We need to get out of here.’
Laura: Yah
Caleb: Yeah Matthew 
Laura: Matthew. Yeah it was gonna move it was gonna lead it straight to the
Liam: yeah man
Marisha: thought it was different
Travis: Can I take an action?
Matt: Yes you can
Fjord: ‘Okay. I’m going to cast...’
Fjord: ‘Fuck it. We gotta get the fuck outta here.’
Matt: Well actually before you can take an action,
Caduceus, he’s holding you back.
He doesn’t understand.
You know, he means well. He means well.
Sam: kill him
Matt & Travis: *laughs*
... but you’re probably going to try and break free.
Caduceus: ‘Yeah. What’ve I got.’
Sam: Blindness
Travis: I remember this. I remember this very …
Tal: Yeah this is a rough one. Uh
Ashley: Wait, in the last tunnels who was the one, me and
Travis *raises hand*
Laura: Me and *points*
Ashley: We swam
Travis: Yeah we were
Ashley: There were a bunch of
Laura: No but not you *points at Travis* we swam past you
Ashley: So this is one of...
Travis *raises hand* I was going to
Tal: What’ve I got.
Caduceus: ‘Yeah. I’m gonna...’
Caduceus: ‘I’m not gonna hurt him or anything, but let’s ...’
Liam: Not too bad
Tal: ‘Do I need ... I can do everything? I’ve got verbal, I’ve got all the everything I need right for casting a spell?
Matt: Yeah
Caduceus: *I’m going to cast blindness.*
Sam: Oh
Matt: Okay
Sam: Jeez
Caduceus: *And then try to break free.*
Matt: What’s the saving throw on that?
Sam: Good one
Tal: That’s a constitution 17
Matt: Make a constitution saving throw
Fjord: *I’ll counterspell it.*
*General impressed noises*
Liam: Yeah
Sam: We’re wasting all of our spells
Ashley: All the spells.
Matt: Alright here’s my question. Counterspell does it have somatic components? Coz you’re currently holding Caduceus
Travis: it does say ‘s’
Matt: Yeah so you’ll not be able to counterspell while you’re grappling him.
Travis: Okay.
Matt: So if you could- If you want to let go and counter the spell or keep holding and go blind or attempt to make the save at least. Your call.
Travis: What are the component?
Matt Verbal, somatic and material
Travis: Right and somatic means...
Sam: Movement
Matt: Means you gotta be able to *flail*
Everyone: *various arm flailing*
Tal: your hands
Matt: hands and fingers
Tal: it’s a hand thing
Liam: well it is for counterspell
Fjord: *I let go.*
Okay so you let go and counter the spell
Fjord: ‘Yeah.’
So the spell does nothing, Caduceus, but you’re free of Fjord
Caduceus: *I’ll head on my way.*
So you continue swimming, Caduceus.
So he’s still trying to get away from you, Fjord 
Fjord: ‘I’ll go catch his bitch ass again.’
Matt: Okay, make another contested strength check.
You can keep up with him. Yeah. You can-
Jester: and none of us know
Yasha: I can. Do we notice at some point that they’re missing or are we thinking
Matt: You will eventually!
Yasha: Okay
Matt: But this is all happening very quickly.
Caleb: “Alright, Frumpkin! We are going to make you an octopus.”
Travis: ...14 ?
Tal: 7.
*general laughter*
You grab him again, Fjord.
Fjord: “Why are you doing this?! This is ridiculous!” (frustrated exasperation)
Caduceus: “I’ve gotta go there.”
Fjord: “Nothing but danger lies ahead. Stop fighting me!”
Caduceus: “I’ve gotta go there.”
Fjord: *sighs*
Sam: Burn a couple more spells
Travis: I’m. I’m. I’m gonna.
Ashley: So how long
Laura: Can you pull him back? Can you just try to pull him back?
Fjord: ‘I think I’m just able to stop him, right?’
Laura: uh uh
Matt: I mean, you can use half your movement and drag him back I’d say, which for you is a full movement because of the water
Fjord: ‘How far into this tunnel are we?’
You’re probably no more than 15 feet maybe
Fjord: ‘Oh yeah, I’d love to do that. I’ll try that.’
Matt: oh it’d be about 30 feet at this point because you went in after him and you moved your double speed to get there which would have been 15
Tal: Well I had to use the action to cast the spell
Matt: correct that was the round after that so you’d be 30 feet so you can pull him back to the entrance with a double move
Matt: then you now take your turn to try and
Caduceus: ‘Alright, let’s try something a little more…’
Caduceus: ‘... I can’t do that. Um. Um, no, that’s not good.’
It’s not so much that you want to hurt him, it’s just he doesn’t understand and this is very ...
Caduceus: ‘I know. I’m trying not to hurt him. I’m trying to be nice.’
Caduceus: ‘Lets … fuck it, it worked last time.’
Caduceus: *finger-snap*
Caduceus: *Blindness again.*
Fjord: “Fuck.”
Caduceus: “Fuck off.”
Travis, Liam, everyone: *laughter*
Liam: No contagion?
Tal: I mean no?
Matt: Make a constitution saving throw
Tal: It’s Christmas
Marisha: Come on
Laura: you can do it Fjord
Travis: 12
Tal: uh constitution save of 17
Yeah so you go blind, Fjord. Your eyes just go completely dark and you can see nothing.
Fjord: ‘Well. This sucks.’
You’re still holding him, Fjord, so you have him at the entrance. You loose sight, he took his action which means he hasn’t broken from your grasp.
And next turn he can try and he’ll put you at disadvantage to continue to try and hold him.
Marisha: Swimmers’ instincts
Liam: Grapple him
So, what are you going to do.
Fjord: ‘I’m gonna try and I will cast my last thing.’
Fjord: *I’ll cast command again.*
Matt: Does command have a-
Travis: Wisdom save
Matt: Somatic?
Travis: Oh yeah. ‘I’ll let go of him.’
Laura: *worried noise*
Travis: it is, no it’s verbal
Matt: Okay yeah you can
What do you command him to do, Fjord?
Fjord: “Swim back to our group.”
Matt: It’s a single word
Travis: Oh.
Fjord: “... Retreat?”
Matt: Okay
Tal: Yeah that would that would work
Matt: Sure go ahead and make a wisdom saving throw
Tal: Keep rolling bad. Nope that’s yeah I fine. I finally rolled a 26.
So the command’s not breaking through, Fjord.
You still have your movement. You can move him fifteen feet in what you think is the backward direction.
Tal: uh is it 30 because it’s half his movement right?
Matt: Well it’s half his movement to do it but
Tal: He can move 30 feet in wate.
Matt: Correct.
Tal: Alright
Matt: So for him it’s half speed to pull you back
Tal: Yeah
You now pull him a little bit away from the entrance. You’re gaining on him, Fjord.
Unless he is able to break away from you, you gather you can probably drag him back.
You just don’t really know which direction’s back and you’re kind of hoping ...
Fjord: ‘Yeah. I also don’t want to touch that firebloom shit.’
Travis: Right?
Matt: Correct.
You aren’t certain where you are, Fjord.
Fjord: ‘Yeah.’
Fjord: ‘Bitch?!’
What are you doing, Caduceus?
Caduceus: ‘Um.’
Fjord: ‘How long does blindless last?’
Tal: As long as ah you don’t know
Travis: *laughs*
Matt: It’s a minute right?
Tal: Yeah it’s a minute
Travis: He’s gonna try divine smiting next 
Sam: *laughs*
Caduceus: ‘I’m gonna just try and break free.’
Caduceus: *He’s gonna try break free. He’s a nice boy.*
Matt: make a contested-
Tal: And I have advantage
Matt: you do because he’s blinded
Tal: Contested strength check. One of them is a natural one but the other one was 15.
Travis: Five.
Matt: Five.
*General disappointment*
Caduceus kicks out of your grip, Fjord, and you’re blinded. You’re not sure where he is.
You continue to use the rest of your movement to go back into the entrance of the tunnel, Caduceus
Sam: Ooohh shit
Matt: So Fjord it’s your turn
You have no vision, Fjord. You know that Caduceus is somewhere, probably in front of you. What are you doing?
Fjord: *Going backwards.*
You’re going backwards.
Laura: Oh my god
Liam: You tried
Fjord: ‘I can’t see what’s in front of me. What can I do?’
Liam: You tried so hard. (I saw that face Liam O’Brien)
Matt: Alright
Fjord: ‘I’m right near the entrance to the thing, right?’
Yeah youre about 15 feet away
Fjord: *I’m just gonna do three big like reverse-breaststrokes and then just go straight up and start screaming.*
Matt: Okay. You guys
Tal: Do I ever get a wisdom saving throw or no
Matt: No.
Tal: Okay.
So you guys, you hear pshhhhh, the breaking of the water surface
Fjord, what are you?
Fjord: “Caduceus is going forward!”
Jester: “What?”
Fjord: “He’s being pulled! GET IN HERE!”
Veth: “What?”
Jester: “What?”
Veth: “What?”
Jester: “What?”
Beau: ‘Are we-’
Caleb: “Everybody in the pool.”
Beau: “Okay…”
Veth: “Ohh … okay.”
Fjord: “NOW!”
Beau: *sploosh*
Veth: “Okay, okay.”
Jester: “We’re going!”
Caleb: *I dive off whatever boat we’re on.*
Alright you guys all immediately splssh sploosh start diving in the water.
Fjord, You are-
Fjord: “BLIND.”
Marisha: *laughs*
So you guys, as you all begin to gather towards where Fjord is, you can see that Fjord is, you know treading water, but is kind of just-
Fjord: “I. I can’t see. He’s- he went down. Through the tunnel. *slight stutter* Someone go get him I’m … useless.”
Jester: “Oh god.”
Beau: ‘Alright I’m gonna go for it.’
Vilya’s going to go ahead and use a spell slot-
Fjord: “He blinded me!”
-to cast lesser restoration.
Sam: Oh!
Jester: ‘Oh that’s good because I don’t have that one prepared.’
Tal: yeah I think that does it
Vilya: “Pretty sure I’ve got lesser restoration here … "
Yeah you have your vision back
Fjord: “Oh. Good.”
Vilya: “But Caduce-”
Fjord: “Can you give me my spell slots back?”
Veth: *laughs*
Vilya: “I’m .. afraid I cannot.”
Fjord: “Okay.”
Marisha *laughs*
Jester: *swimming motions*
Beau: ‘I uh I’m gonna go for it.’
Jester: ‘Yeah same’
Beau: ‘Yeah’
Matt: alright
Yasha: ‘Yup.’
Matt: So you all make
Beau: *I’m with the girls*
You all dive in
Laura: oh god
beneath the surface
Jester: “We’re gonna get...”
Beau: “We’re gonna go for it I guess.”
Yasha: “Gonna go for it.”
Veth: “Yeah, me too.”
head towards the orange glow where the torchbloom plants ring-
Marisha: oh shit.
Marisha: oh no shit
-the interior of the tunnel sequence
Marisha: he’s winding up
Where Caduceus is, from your current position, nowhere to be seen
Laura: He’s winding down
While Caduceus, you have to get there.
Tal: Fuck, man
There’s something... Something important.
Sam: Fuuuck
Ashley: Don’t you do it
And nothing will stop you.
And as you thrash your way, somehow knowing the path through these now continuously branching odd tunnels
Tal: Oh no.
We’re gonna go ahead and continue next week
Everyone: *Nooo*
Ashley: Dang it
Sam: What a terrible end
Travis: Fucking totally empty
Tal: I’m not cool with this.
Travis: Oh
TaL: I’m not cool with this at all
Ashley: Shit. *foot stamp*
Liam: It was like a happy and sleepy content midpoint, and now just
Marisha: Now, my heartrate’s just
Laura: I was seriously like we should all sit down and have a hero’s feast before we do anything and then
Sam: *laughs*
Travis: *schlorp? sound*
Laura: Got sucked in
Marisha: Oh he’s really sucked in
Matt: Well the good news is, he’s swimming at half speed. All of you are swimming at half speed unless you take other forms. Fjord swims at full speed and while you are behind there is an opportunity to possibly catch up.
Tal: Yeah
Matt: But we’ll see what that possibly looks like next week
Matt: Cause now it’s a now it’s a chase for your own party member who is being compelled and to see if you can
Marisha: what is it
Matt: Follow him through a network of tunnels that he knows the way
Liam: Oooh
Laura: oh jeez
Liam: And no prep time for possibly going to knock on Avocodo’s door.
Sam: Oh man
Laura: And no spell slots either
Sam: it’s DND
Matt: Yeyah!
Marisha: Whoo.
Marisha: *laughs*
Matt: So
Laura: *extended fart noise* Oh my god
Travis: Boy
Tal: love you guys 
Liam: I love DND. Love it
Matt: Love you guys
Sam: So great
Matt: I wasn’t expecting that to happen
Marisha: Yeah
Matt: That was
Sam: So great
Matt: That was exciting. Alright cool. We’re gonna pick up there next week to see where this goes um in the meantime  everyone take time to tell everyone you care about you love them every chance you get and on that same note we love you all very much. Have a wonderful week, we’ll see you soon, and is it Thursday yet? Goodnight
Marisha: Wheeew
Travis: *pained whale noises*
Matt: *blows a kiss*
100 notes · View notes
Northern Road Trip
This is my piece for the AFTG Gift exchange! I went for Andriel coz im a complete Andriel junkie, but i couldnt resist a little Renison on the side XD
This is for @andthenthefirenationattacked​ - I hope you like it! I’m sorry it’s not very good but I tried! (And if you wanna talk or fangirl about aftg at any point, i’m definitely around for that!)
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Neil couldn’t remember a time he had felt this safe. Which, he had to admit, made no sense considering his current situation. Despite having family in England, an uncle who had once saved his life, the UK had never been a place that had screamed safety. And yet, here he was, standing in the middle of an endless stretch of rolling green hills that looked like they had been taken from one of Matt’s fantasy novels, and he felt…safe. It was as much a disquieting feeling as hope had once been.
The sky was a bright, forget-me-not blue that, after only five days in the country, he already knew was a rare blessing. Fluffy white clouds scudded across the sky, and the relief that they weren’t even a little grey had been unexpectedly strong when they had woken up this morning. Two cars idled behind him, the engines rumbling softly, and those inside were already betting on the upcoming games outcome and snacking on junk food that Kevin had already tried to throw out four times over.
Neil sucked in a deep breath, feeling the cold air settle in his lungs like shards of ice. Beautiful, this country, but cold. And wet. This was the first day they had been there that it hadn’t rained.
He could hear his old team behind him, laughing and joking, teasing Andrew for their stopping. It hadn’t been Andrew that had wanted to stop, but the goalie knew Neil too well now – had feigned car sickness to cover Neil’s need to see something. To see something other than exy courts and press rooms from the place his mother had come from. The woman had been cold and cruel and protective and beautiful, and standing there now, in the place she had always talked about, in Rivington, he could understand. The people he had met from around here felt like they had been born from the place itself. He could almost feel his mother in the wind’s cold fingers as it raked through his hair and cut straight through his winter coat to chill the blood in his veins.
“Neil! Come on! Andrew says he’s okay to keep going now,” Matt shouted, a grin on his face that was far too smug and pleased to merely be teasing.
Dan smacked him in the ribs as she disappeared around the other side of their hire car and slid into the driver’s seat. And then smacked the wheel in frustration, got out and went round to the passenger side door, grumbling about stupid English cars. Neil tuned out Matt and Allison’s teasing, both of them needling Dan about still not being used to which side of the car to get in, and turned to the other car. Renee smiled at Andrew before going to join the others.
Neil slid into the backseat next to Andrew, Aaron on the goalie’s other side, Kevin up front and Nicky driving. Within thirty minutes of driving, Andrew was asleep, head tipped back against the back of the seat – Neil wasn’t surprised, Andrew had barely slept since the flight, as though he was more scared than Neil that some relative would show up at their hotel. It wasn’t a secret they were in the UK; the whole world had known this is where they would be. The press had been covering the US exy team’s trip to the UK in excruciating detail for weeks. They had already had their games in Glasgow and London, and tomorrow, the last game of Us vs. UK, would take place in Manchester. London had been an easy win for the US Court, Andrew had barely bothered to try. Glasgow had been significantly more difficult. It had taken bribing Andrew to lock down the goal for them to come close to winning – even then it hadn’t been enough; they’d lost by two points.
Tomorrow’s game would decide who would face the Chinese team. And the old team from Palmetto State had come out to show their support as Kevin, Andrew and Neil, played their last UK game of the season, fighting to advance closer to the title of ‘Exy International Champions’. Kevin had been training and planning nonstop. It had taken Andrew’s knives to convince him to have this day off.
“Erm…Neil…?” Nicky asked, voice tight. Neil dragged his eyes away from staring out the window as the North sped by, and met Nicky’s worried eyes in the rear-view mirror. “Satnav is freaking out.”
“Get Andrew to fix it,” Aaron grunted, “he’s the tech wonder boy.”
“Waking Andrew up in a car has never been a good idea,” Nicky warned, no doubt thinking of that time all those years ago.
Neil could feel Aaron’s smirk as the man reached over and tapped his twin on the shoulder closest to Neil. From habit, Neil’s hand was out waiting as Andrew jolted from sleep, one hand instinctively reaching out. Their fingers twined together and held on tight. No elbow in the stomach, no fists flying, not anymore – they had been sleeping in the same bed now for nearly two years; Andrew was too used to being woken by Neil’s nightmares to react violently. Now it was a grasping hand and white knuckled grip, each proving to the other that they are here – that they are safe. On Andrew’s other side, Aaron huffed in frustration and turned his attention back to the steady stream of messages between him and Katelyn.  
“Satnav isn’t working properly,” Neil explained quietly, and Andrew shook off his grip, leaning forward to take it from Kevin.
“Going old school,” Nicky muttered to himself. “Gonna have to use these damn stupid road signs.”
Neil didn’t bother to watch what Andrew was doing to fix the machine – he had learnt a long time ago that when Andrew couldn’t sleep, he and one of the cats curled up on the sofa with an instruction manual of some sort. Andrew couldn’t sleep most nights. By this point, Andrew’s eidetic memory had given him the ability to fix almost anything technological.
It took them another hour and a half to reach the Lake District. They were aiming for a shop that the Northern players on the UK team hadn’t stopped raving about since the team meets had started. By the time they finally arrived, it was raining again.
They parked in a garden centre opposite a tiny little place called ‘The Grasmere Gingerbread Shop’ and stared out through rain-streaked windows. Nicky’s phone started ringing. He took the sat nav out of its holder, tossed it onto Kevin’s lap before balancing his phone in the slot instead. Allison’s face appeared on the screen, and then the rest of the others.
“So, how do we decide who goes out into the rain to get the damn gingerbread we drove for two hours to come and try?” Allison asked and Renee, in the driver’s seat beside her, tucked a few stray blonde curls behind her ear, dragging a smile from the otherwise annoyed face.
“Flip for it?” Nicky suggested.
Matt lost to Renee. Dan lost to Matt. Allison rolled her eyes and picked at a perfectly manicured nail, but called heads when she went up against Dan, only to lose. Storm clouds gathered on her face as she waited for the other car to decide who would flip against her.
Aaron called heads, Allison, tails. Aaron won.
Neil hadn’t heard swearing like that for a long time. He couldn’t help but smile. He had missed them all. He loved being on Court and he loved his team and exy, and playing with Andrew and Kevin, but he had missed being a fox.
Renee went with Allison, smiling as the blonde tried and failed to hide under the trees from the rain. Neil could hear through the cracked window Andrew was smoking through as Allison cursed everyone and everything for her having forgotten an umbrella. Renee just laughed and tugged her in for a kiss. Neil smiled again; it had taken them a long time to realise just how meant for each other they were – but now? Together? They were a sight for sore eyes.
Andrew blew another cloud of smoke past Neil’s face. He couldn’t help the deep inhale as the smoke curled past his nose. Andrew watched, utterly unimpressed – but Neil could read the affection in the stare. Smoke was no longer the reminder of his mother, of the fire, of how it had smelled when her body had burned. Now it was Andrew, it was nights on the roof, the bite of his key in his palm, the feel of a thundering heartbeat beneath his fingertips. Andrew’s knee nudged his, and Neil smiled again.
Allison and Renee got back in the car behind and they drove to Windemere, where they had booked out all the rooms in a little bed and breakfast. The man at the desk was the most English person Neil had ever met. He was the embodiment of every single English stereotype, and Neil couldn’t get away fast enough.
Their rooms were all on the second floor, Dan and Matt disappeared into one room, Allison and Renee into another, Aaron claimed his own room, as did Kevin and Nicky. Nicky was already face timing with Eric before his bedroom door closed. And despite Allison’s usual warning of ‘keep it down’, there were delighted giggles and moans coming from her and Renee’s room.
Neil shook his head, smiling, and followed after Andrew into their room. Andrew was already lighting up next to the window, so Neil dropped the bag by the bottom of the bed and slumped onto the mattress, stripping off his black armbands and dumping them over the edge. He heard Andrew shut the window and the bed dip as he settled nearby. Neil reached a hand up, and Andrew’s fingertips trailed over his bare arms, dipping over every scar and mark.
Neil closed his eyes, even now, years later, most touches on those scars brought back the car lighter, the knife, his father’s axe…
But then Andrew’s lips began tracing every raised bump, slowly washing away the memories one by one, until there was nothing left but the two of them, Andrew’s hands under Neil’s shirt, Andrew’s lips pressed hard to Neil’s, and Neil’s fingers tight in Andrew’s hair.
He didn’t realise how much he needed it until Andrew tugged his t-shirt over his head and slowly but steadily began taking him apart. Neil couldn’t stop the moan that Andrew dragged from deep in his throat as Andrew pushed him harder and faster until Neil’s breathing became ragged and Andrew leaned up to press their lips together as though he could swallow Neil’s hard groans when he fell over the edge. He lay limp and sweating, breathing hard, with Andrew beside him, the man’s expression open and soft in a way he had only seen four times so far.
Neil reached out, “Yes or no?”
Andrew didn’t reply, just pressed his cheek into Neil’s palm and closed his eyes as Neil’s fingers played with the tiny hairs at the nape of Andrew’s neck. He wanted to say something, anything to remind Andrew just how amazing he was – how he always knew what Neil needed, usually before Neil knew himself, how even though Neil had long since learned to stand alone, it felt safe knowing that Andrew was there for him if he needed to lean on someone. But he didn’t have the words.
And he didn’t find them fast enough before Nicky pounded on the bedroom door.
“Come on, lovebirds, Allison ruined her hair to get this gingerbread, and Aaron and I went out for alcohol, come and have a drink and a snack like the old days. But put clothes on first!”
Andrew growled under his breath, but Neil smiled.
“When will he leave me alone?” Andrew said, shaking out his hand and pushing up to sit on the edge of the bed.
“He’s been in Germany with Eric for ten months. He can’t leave you any more alone.”
Andrew just stood and stared down at him a moment. “Come on junkie. Let’s go.”
Neil stood and went to the bathroom, cleaning himself up, before he joined Andrew at the now open door to the bedroom, stood in front of a very irate Kevin.
“We have a game tomorrow. Tomorrow. And they want us to drink and eat and party. Why did they come at all, they’re not playing,” Kevin said, face set; cold and hard.
“Tomorrow will be fine. We’ll win or we’ll lose, but it’ll be fine. Let’s go, it could be fun,” Neil said, shrugging. He’d never felt as safe as he was in that moment and he’d never seen Andrew as relaxed – that was all he needed. All he wanted.
They should take road trips more often.
“Three hundred and seventy-four percent,” Andrew murmured.
Neil didn’t bother to stop the smirk on his face.
That’s it! Again, I hope you liked it and I hope it was a good enough gift for you in the exchange! Have a wonderful day!
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Chapstick Game on!
Hello this is my first kind of smut, but still flirty and still safe to read imagine / scenario! 
I did this real quick, in like an hour or so.... but the air is helping me to type this and HERE IT IS... KISSING GAME WITH TEN!! 
warning : kissing, parties, alcohol, flirty reader and ten!
“So that is the new boy everyone is talking about?” you point your chin to the new guy stepping into the party.
Your best friend follows your gaze and nods, “Yeah apparently that is the hot guy everyone is busy getting into his pants!”
You smirk and swirl the red punch in your party cup, “Including you Yang yang?”
Yang yang rolls his eyes, “No.”
“Are you going to whisper
Ich habe in der Zeitung gelesen, dass Küsse glücklich machen. Darf ich dich glücklich machen?”
You tease your friend, leaning in and whispering that one line you memorized by heart since you like teasing Yang-yang with it, after witnessing him saying that to a girl just to get rejected! 
 Yang yang grits his teeth and steps closer to you, “Do you know what that means sweetie?” Ooof the alcohol is strong tonight!  
Yang-yang doesn’t usually call you pet names in public. Although you are also not his girl or anything.
“No, so tell me what it means.” You also take a step closer and linger your eyes into his red lips. 
Yang yang leans in and whispers into your ear, “I read in the newspaper that kissing makes you happy. May I make you happy?” 
You whistle, and playfully punch his chest “That is hot! Now translate that to I don’t know... what does this boy speak?” you scan the crowded room just to see the “hot” topic sitting on one of the couches, surrounded by girls! 
Yang yang pours a second drink to his cup, “Rumor has it he’s a transfer student from china.”
You snap your finger, “Didn’t you learn Chinese last summer? Great! Now make me a pick up line” Yang yang can only pull up a middle finger for you; nevertheless, he made one for you and you somehow managed to memorize it in your cloudy head. 
“Now watch and learn, I’ll make everyone surprised.” You wink and press a quick kiss on the boy’s cheek before leaving to meet the new boy. 
“Yow welcome back princess!” Jaehyun stands up to engulf you in a hug and invites you to sit in his squad’s table. Your eyes are fixed on the new man with blonde hair. He sure looks pretty up close and his jaw is strong! 
“Have you met the hot guy already?” Johnny offers you another glass of punch. This time it is green. You stare to the guy sitting across you, right and left definitely full of girls you never knew were even coming to parties like this. 
“Hmm I see lots of new faces, or did I miss a lot?” you take your time to get his attention. He looks like he is also scanning you, and you see the boldness hidden behind his “good-boy” look. 
“You didn’t miss anything. Just that yeah there’s a lot of new faces.” Yuta, who is beside you, raises his glass and you press yours into his to cheer. You fix your eyes on him, like a predator keeping an eye to its prey. He, doesn’t seem to waver under your intense gaze. 
Duhh even Jaehyun, the primadona, turns so red when you give him your intense charismatic look. Well you admit you’re not the prettiest, gosh there are more pretty girls out there, but you have charisma and a certain girl crush vibes that draws all the man to line up and win a wink or a phone number for you. If lucky, even be your friends! When you see the night deepens, you start your move. 
“So, you’re the guy who steal my spotlight right?” You act like you don’t care as you ask him this. 
“Sorry, what do you mean pretty?” His sweet honey like voice is deep enough to make your hair stands. Yuta saw the small shudder you did and he just smirked, knowing well how this might end. 
“I mean, before you came here… The eyes were always on me, but today… look at all these people… everyone wishing to be able to taste that sweet lips of yours! Let me ask you one quick question” You see the glint of interest in his eyes and with a smirk, you hit the jackpot
“Kissing is a language of love, so how about a conversation?”
Not much people understand the Chinese phrase you just blurt out, from the peripheral view of your eyes you can see Yang yang smiling and giving you a thumbs up.
The guy across you smirks and leans his body closer to the table. The girls surrounding him are slowly leaving, but the crowds are whispering now, waiting to see and hear what happens next.
“My name is Ten, and if kissing is the language of love, why don’t we kiss instead of converse?” he replies you in a clear sound in ENGLISH, which cause the whole room to gasp.
His smirk is still there, and the aura he shows, dominates the room. He is a flirty one, just like you and he clearly doesn’t like losing.
“Game on,” You drink your cup and wipe your lips.
“Yang yang, you know what to do,” you turn your head and give the boy a very sweet smile.
The said boy smirks back and returns with a bowl of flavoured chapsticks.
“Simple game, you have your eyes blind folded and guess what flavour am I wearing.” You raise your brow, wanting to know if he is in or not.
The whole room is cheering and rooting for the new guy to accept your challenge and maybe win.
“What do you bet?” He leans in closer, body almost leaving the chair.
“Oh I don’t know.. anything you wish? Guess you wouldn’t make it pass 4 correct answers.”
Ten stares back into your eyes, “Princess, if I guess 5 correct answers, I get to choose my prize.”
You think for a moment, hey chances are low for him to answer five in a row.
“Six in a row? If I win, you’ll need to post a pic of you in a maid costume and write it down that you’re a loser.” You lick your lips, already so ready to make this new guy lose.
Ten pushes his chair back, “Everyone here is a witness, if I lose I’ll do what she wants, but if I win, that’s enough to proof that I am the best kisser.”
The whole room cheers and claps as you leave the sofa and move to the two chairs someone had prepared in the middle of the room. You don’t really care if you win or lose, really you just love the adrenaline rushing through your body.
Jaehyun closes Ten’s sharp eyes with someone’s tie and you wipe your lips with some wet tissues. You know the chances are low for him to get 6 in a row.
“Hey rule number one, no peeking… rule two, I’m kissing you once.”
“If you’re only kissing me once, then let me be the one who ends it” Ten cuts you and you ponder for a while
“Okay! No hands!”
Ten obediently brings his hands to his back and he leans back to his chair, “Since I cannot see you, why don’t you come and sit on my lap. That way I can taste your lips better.”
You’re surprised by his boldness, though his eyes are closed, you swear you can feel his intense gaze on you. You gulp, though you’ve done this challenge so many times… no one has been this daring.
“Afraid princess?” Ten asks calmly with his lack of sight.
The crowd cheers again and with pushes from Jaehyun and Yuta you finally make your body balance over his strong lap.
“Game starts in three two one” Johnny hands you the first flavour.
You play the game fair and square, applying a good amount of balm to your plump lips and after smacking them you lean to reach his lips.
The moment your lips touch his, you feel fireworks inside your body. There’s something so new with his perfect smooth lips. How they meld perfectly with yours, and how he sucks on yours while you can feel his tongue runs on your red apples. He is a great kisser and you almost run out of breath.
Ten pulls back and you feel your body heat up,
He licks his own lips and with a smug smile shouts the answer, “Easy, cherry!”
You’re going easy on him and as you put on the next flavour, ten was still calm as if nothing hot is happening here.
“Okay second one, no sniffing okay.” You launch yourself for a second-deep kiss. Man, this boy here is a new sensation. You’ve never had your heart fluttering from a kissing game, was it the alcohol?
You guess he is struggling with the second one, coz he takes longer time tasting your lips and you need to stabilize your body with his shoulder, since Ten still has his hands tidy.
“You’re going easy on me or am I a pro?” Ten smacks his lips several times, “Mango”
You toss the flavour away, gosh you’ll step up the game.
“It’s starters honey, enjoy it while it last.” You grimace at the next flavour Johnny handed to you; nevertheless, you press your lips back together with his, and this time he did not hold the kiss for too long.
“GOSH THAT TASTES HORRIBLE! BACON!” He struggles with his now bacon-taste lips, “Can someone wipe it off?” and with that queue, all of the girls are taking out wet tissues and the fastest one came to clean up his lips.
“Ah who’s that? Thank you!” Ten sounds so cheerful.
“I’ve got three correct answers and only need three more… Is this all you’ve got miss?” He teases you and the next flavour you have in your hand will be the hard one.
“That is simply candy cane and not peppermint” He smirks after his fourth right guess.
You’re now forgetting the game already and instead got lost in his sweet deep hot kisses. He’s so careful yet at the same time so wild for your lips.
“Tell me does my lips swell already?” He can still tease you with his quirky remarks.
To be honest both of your lips are already red and swollen, Ten’s sucking game was not a joke.
“Alright two more!” Yuta hands you a spoon of chocolate, a trick to make him lose.
Ten did not waver when he finds the new creamy texture on your lips. He was sure you’ll do this, and try to make him lose. But Ten is a best party player himself and he did this game a lot of times.
He enjoys himself tasting your lips and licking off the creamy texture on your lips, he tastes them for a while and thinks of all the chocolates he knows.
“It’s not chapstick.. I don’t know if I should call this as a cheating, but honey that is Nutella and I am sure.”
The whole audience gasps and claps their hands, they also thought ten would lose here, but no this man is crazy.
“Okay sorry, but here’s the last one.”
You swear Ten was the one playing the game on you now, for you can feel him smooching you so far to the point where you did not realize his tongue is already inside your mouth. You gasp at his action, but fuck the rules! You bring your hands to cup his cheek and you angle yourself to kiss him back. Your fingers gently tuck on his hair when your lungs scream for air. You tap his nape and he gets the code. Ten pulls back, just to have a triumphant smile plastered on his face. It’s as if he is already sure  he will win.
“Yow queen, you better step up your game… practice your kiss more and change that flavours. The last one is Dr. Pepper and looks like I win the game, right?”
He takes off his blindfold and tosses them to you.
“Guess everybody here needs to wait for another chance to see me in a maid dress! I’d totally look hot and cute, but sadly you all need to imagine it for now!” Ten wipes his lips with one thumb and winks at you
“It was a nice game, (y/n)!” He grabs a new drink and leaves to answer the questions the other party people are having.
Yang yang stands by your side and laughs at you, “Guess we finally found someone who’s the same match as you.”
You bite your swollen lips and smirks at your friend, “Didn’t you realize I have never given him my name? Yet he knew me already? Guess I was not the only one learning things about him.” You bottom up your drink and go to hang out with the remaining boys.
Later on, that night, nobody knows the secret rendezvous you and Ten have.
THE END!!! hahaha tell me if I can write more like these.. Imagine a 7 minutes in heaven with shyboy!jaehyun AAAA BRB OP IS DEAD IMAGINING THINGS
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kayr0ss · 4 years
The Girl from Ipanema
[Diakko, Fluff, Cafe One-Shot, Cute Stuff, older!LWA, Supportive Bartender, inspired by the song of the same title]
Summary: The barista, who was something of a hopeless romantic, couldn't help but notice the way Akko was staring at the mysterious blonde in the corner of the coffee shop. So of course he tells her to, "go get her a coffee!"
here is the song
“An iced Americano for me, thank you.”
Akko smiled warmly at the barista, fishing for change in her pockets while Gerry (or so his name tag said) nodded to confirm her order. “With white mocha. And two pumps of breve. And light water.”
He looked at her from behind the screen of the register, patiently waiting for more.
“That’s all!” She said with a merry grin.
He popped her order into the system in a flurry of taps and beeping, and in a bid for casual conversation, had remarked: “Strong. Sweet. And creamy—the whole package.”
“I’d like to think of my coffee as a reflection of myself.” She replied in jest.
He laughed lightly, nodding while he took her payment. The order was punched in, followed by the high-pitched noise of a receipt being printed out; the sound of it mixed in with a song she remembered from her childhood that she’d often hear in cafes similar to this one.
The melody fit in with the establishment’s ambience. In the next moment, her change was returned and she walked over the end of the bar where she could wait to pick up her drink. She looked around some more—the interior was both rustic and stylishly modern. The bar was backed up by a classic brick wall, unpainted with the dark grey mortar jutting out tastefully. It contrasted nicely with the windows on the opposite side that ran from the ceiling down to the floor—the sunlight was kept at bay by venetian blinds in plain light brown. Everything else was wooden and lacquered—from the tables, to the chairs, and even the counter that sat atop unfinished concrete. There were greens as well, potted and genuinely alive in the corners. The smell of coffee wafted across the space, wrapping the experience together like the perfect ribbon on a gift.
But for Akko, the appeal of well-done interior decoration paled in comparison to the quiet blonde woman sitting in a corner table. Her spot was nearly hidden behind a half-wall divider and some plants. The brunette craned her neck, biting her lip in the process while she tried to get a better look at—
“I hope you aren’t trying to be discreet.” Gerry was back with her drink and a smug grin. “Because if you were, it isn’t working.”
Akko playfully narrowed her eyes. “I thought this kind of advice was bartender territory.”
“Baristas are close enough,” he said in a chipper voice, wrapping a napkin around her cup to keep the condensation at a minimum.
“Well,” she started deliberately, leaning her elbow onto the counter. “You really can’t blame me for staring.”
“I’d agree with that.” He nodded.
At the same time, they both turned towards the blonde—she was around seven meters away, but if the look on her face was any suggestion, she was anything but near. She was utterly engrossed; far, far away into the worn-out paperback book she so tenderly held and read through. In the next moment, she turned a page. A little bit after that, she tucked a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear. Her expression was even—and practically unreadable.
Except for her eyes.
Seven meters was probably too far away to notice, but they were blue—so delightfully blue—and the pace by which they moved from left to right (her head would move along with them in the cutest way) revealed that she might be more enraptured than her expression allowed to show.
It was—if Akko were to be honest—just a little bit breathtaking.
“Buy her a coffee.” Gerry said with an oddly resolute voice for someone Akko had just met. “You don’t look at a woman the way you are right now and pass up on the chance to buy her a coffee.”
Akko blinked, turning back towards him with an expression of surprise yet amusement. “I don’t think she wants one—”
“It’s on me.” Gerry held up his hand, insisting that she stop talking. “What would you think her type is?”
“There’s really no need to—”
“No buts!” He insisted, and the intensity of it made Akko back down a little.
“Alright, alright.” she conceded, sheepishly scratching at the back of her head.
“Once again—what do you think she likes?”
“Iced americano—with white mocha, breve, and a bit of water?” Akko grinned.
“Okay.” He laughed again. “That was pretty smart. But I doubt she’s into caffeine strong and sweet enough to induce a heart-attack.”
“You may never know!” Akko crossed her arms, noting at the back of her mind that the ice of her drink would be melting anytime soon. “I feel like she’s into more adventurous things than—”
“Be cool.” He suddenly snapped to get her attention. “She’s looking at you. She tilted her head. Is that interest? Or is she checking you out?”
Akko giggled, “probably just wondering why we’re being so loud!”
“I swear on my honor as a barista that I never speak louder than my customer needs.” He said with an indignant quirk of his eyebrow. “In any case—how about a flat white?”
Akko hummed to herself. “That works. What if you take half off the sweetener?”
“Good observation.” Gerry nodded, sparing the blonde another quick glance. “The cold air of mystery leads one to believe she doesn’t like sweets.”
“She looks wonderful, doesn’t she?” Akko blurted out, looking towards the blonde over her shoulder while Gerry left for the espresso machine and got to work. She’d leave him a hefty tip and would make it a point to come here more often. Gerry was great—and from the first sip of her Americano, his coffee game was just as awesome.
Akko watched from afar as the blonde settled her chin onto the back of her free hand, laying the book flat onto the table while she flipped to yet another page. She licked her lips.
Akko died a little.
“Honestly,” Gerry was back. “You should see the look on your face right now. If I weren’t a hopeless romantic I’d say it’s pathetic.”
“Excuse you!” Akko laughed. “I’m a customer!”
“And I’m just stating facts.” He held up his palms in self-defense.
“I’m not going to fight you on that one.”
He smiled at her again, pushing the white cup of hot coffee near her from the across the bar in an exaggerated motion of presentation. “Here—an unsweetened flat white on the house, in the name of love.”
Akko gracefully took both drinks (hers was already getting watery), and beamed at the barista who she was pretty sure was now a new friend. “Thank you, Gerry. I’ll make sure to do good by your service.”
He winked, and soon after she was walking towards the small corner table partially hidden by the leaves of some weird indoor plant and oh—up close one could see how well her simple white blouse framed her neck and collar bones—and she—
She was actually nervous? It almost made her laugh—it was unlike her to be nervous of anything. Much less… this.
Akko stopped right when she was hovering near her, and on cue, the blonde looked up, visibly confused at the two drinks in her hands. Akko’s eyes landed on something golden glistening on the other woman’s person.
“The barista insisted I buy the beautiful blonde I was staring at a coffee.” Akko started with a small smile.
It made the blonde laugh—the action of which was only just a small huff through the nose, along with the upturn of the corner of her lips. But her eyes looked delighted (and still so very blue) and Akko did her best not to blurt out a pick-up line.
“Did he?”
“He did,” the brunette nodded, placing the drinks onto the table but not daring to seat herself down just yet. “But by the ring on you finger, I’m guessing you’re spoken for?”
She was smiling now. The sight of it… did things to Akko’s stomach.
“I’m spoken for,” Diana smiled, gracefully accepting the coffee. “By a wonderful woman who likes her coffee much too sweet.”
Akko grinned, leaning down when she felt the blonde tug at her arm. Diana seemed utterly charmed by her entrance. She’d pat herself on the back for that. “She’s a hell of a lucky woman.”
“I reckon I am, just as much.” Diana leaned up, smiling while she met Akko half-way for a kiss. It was sweet.
And tasted like coffee.
Akko leaned in for a little more, giggling, toying at the golden ring on her own left hand and feeling a deep-seated joy at knowing the lovely girl in the corner of the café wore an exact copy.
When they finally parted—but only for a few inches—Diana gave her a pointed look. “Did you really trick the poor barista into helping you hit on your wife, my love?”
Akko laughed. “He insisted!”
Diana laughed fully this time, the corners of her eyes wrinkling in mirth while Akko just stood there, grinning stupidly, much like a lovesick puppy.
They were too engrossed with each other to notice that Gerry had nearly fainted.
A/N: Yes LMAO it's another one-shot *cries* but this was a very cute idea I've been dying to write for weeks, and finally sat my ass down for an hour and got it done. I honestly love the song  although admittedly the lyrics don't fit so well coz it a bit sad, but doesn't the tune just relax you so much?
Gerry is..... named after my favorite restaurant........... Gerry's Grill lmao
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Do you think that maybe you can write something where the reader and calum are friends with benefits, they have been for a while but suddenly the reader grows and has been growing feelings for him but when she tells him he nearly goes off saying he doesn’t feel anything for her. After some time passes of them not together he realizes he misses her?
Thank you for this! So sorry it took so long! Also, I apologise for the boatload of angst but it just be like that sometimes! Hope you enjoy!
P.S the format looks super weird coz I had to post from my computer, sorry!!
Original story by Sarcastically-Defensive17
Benefits? - C.Hood
The closest relationships are also the ones with the highest risk of breaking.
Every decision has the risk of causing a downfall, or to further strengthen the foundation that the connection rests upon.
Whether need-complementary, or similarity based, every friendship or relationship is feeble.
Even ones like the relationship Calum and Y/N shared.
Y/N had been introduced to the men when they were still boys, and had been working as their band photographer for the years that they had been on tour.
She was there through the One Direction days, to Rock Out with your Sock our and to Sounds Live, Feels Live. All of tours were shot by her, and she loved every minute of it.
She wouldn't have chosen a different path, despite the trials and tribulations, the criticism placed on her work and the slander she faced for her deep friendship with one Calum Thomas Hood.
They were as thick as thieves. Almost every waking moment was spent with one another, and an emotion filled night during their three year break had led to Calum warming Y/N's crisp hunter green sheets through the night as their naked bodies pressed against one another.
It became normal, and they both enjoyed it. They could be as close as they were before and be able to share a deeper connection through their internal desires with somebody they trust more than almost every other person.
Their chests would be heaving by the time they finished, and they lay together. Sweaty bodies tangled under the covers, and random thoughts spilling from their lips.
"This is nice," Calum said. "Two friends, bumping uglies then chatting about noodles at 3 AM in the morning."
"Please never say 'bumping uglies' again or I will never bump your ugly again," Y/N snorted, pulling herself into a sitting position to pull a tshirt over her naked torso. "Also, you don't need to say AM and in the morning. It's redundant."
"Don't tell me what to do, you Wookiee," he groaned, voice soft as sleep worked its way to overwhelm his mind.
"What did you just call me?" She fixed him with a confused look, brow arched as she stood to her feet.
"A Wookiee."
"And that is..."
Cal shot up, sheet bunches around his waist as his eyes locked into her with such offense.
"What?" She asked, averting her gaze to calm the thumping of her heart.
"You are not allowed to be this hot, and this awesome while being so uncultured."
Her stomach erupted in butterflies and she fought the smile on her face by biting her lip.
"Such a dick, hood," she whined, turning away from him to shuffle through her drawer for sleep shorts.
"But that's your job," she turned with a shocked look on her face only to receive a wink from her best friend.
"Shut your mouth before I smack you," she tossed a pair of his shorts at him. He tended to leave many of his clothes at her house, even before they increased their relationship to friends with benefits.
They were going on nearly seven years, and over time he had gathered quite a collection of items left at her house, as she did with his.
She escaped to the bathroom in desperate need for air.
For the past month and a half she had been struggling with an internal conflict surrounding her best friend.
Despite her attempts to avoid it, she had inadvertently broken the golden rule of a friends with benefits relationship.
She was falling for him. Hard and fast, like an apple falling from a tree.
She had feelings for him when they were younger but they had been pushed aside in favourite of their friendship and various relationships they both had, but now; she couldn't fight it.
For a month and a half she had felt a stirring inside of her stomach whenever he was near. She's savored the moments they spent together and physically reacted to every compliment he bestowed upon her.
Only now, she didn't know what to do.
She had pre-planned to discuss her situation with him that night, but forgot temporarily when he showed up on her door with Mexican food, and a face like an aphrodisiac and eventually lured her into bed with the promise of watching a cheesy rom com afterwards (which she knew he would enjoy more than her).
Her reflection stared back at her in the small mirror that decorated the wall of her bathroom.
It was hard to gather the courage to confess something so earth shattering, but she was determined.
Countless hours had been spent discussing the situation with her best friend, Sierra, and they concluded that it was time.
"Now or never," she whispered to her reflection, attempting to force the fear down her throat. "What's the worst that can happen? Cal is a great guy."
She repeated her words in her head as she turned to exit the room, brushing her hands along the shirt she was wearing - that she noticed was Calum's.
It was exactly 21 steps from the bathroom to the bedroom where she could hear Calum laughing to 'Are we officially dating?' - his movie pic for the night/morning.
She stepped into the room and his eyes drifted to her, offering a smile as she nervously steps towards him.
Almost as if he could sense something was wrong, he pauses the movie, fixing her with a look that pulls his thick brows together.
"What's wrong?"
"Why do you assume something's wrong?" She smiles, one full of nervous energy and his frown deepens.
"Y/N, I think I know when you have something on your mind," he laughs softly, still eyeing her with concern. "You think I would just randomly pause my favourite movie? Hell no, spill the beans, sister."
"Ew, don't call me that." Her face scrunched.
"Because you're not meant to have sex with your sister!"
Calum's face mimicked her own, and he flicked her on the ear.
"Enough backtalk! Out with it!" He professed loudly, avoiding her swatting hand.
Her nerves threatened to spill over.
He was watching hers intently. So patiently. She couldn't help but let her mind wander to how much she adores him, even if she knew it was a dangerous game.
Steeling herself, she sucked a deep breath in through her nose, pushing it out through her mouth as she gathered herself to speak.
"Okay, um, I'm so terrified to say, Cal, and I don't want to affect anything but I can't keep it bottled up anymore and Sierra told me it would be a good idea to come clean and I hope you don't hate me but-"
"Y/N," he laughed, putting a hand on her shoulder. He was still naked, blanket still bunched around his waist to contain his modesty. "Spit it out, love."
She blinked, her eyes full of unshed tears and her mouth works before her brain can command it.
"I'm falling in love with you, Calum."
A whole 10 seconds passed with no words. Complete silence apart from the breathing of the two and Y/N felt her stress levels climbing with each intake of air.
"You're joking, right?" He laughed. He didn't laugh in a teasing way. No. He laughed at her.
Her features dropped only slightly, his laughs causing her heart to knock slightly lower with each tone.
"No, Calum. I'm not joking," she willed herself to look up at him, seeing the fear and what appeared to be embarrassment in his eyes.
He went silent again. It was not how Y/N planned for it to go at all.
"I understand if you don't feel the same way, I just wanted to get it off of my chest-"
"You seriously expected me to feel the same way?" His words came out harsher than he intended, but once they were released, there was no return policy.
"No, I didn't expect it, I just-"
He cut her off again, and she was beginning to get annoyed. "Maybe just, think about it.  You're obviously confused."
He was patronizing her, looking down upon her as if she were a confused child.
She shrugged the hand that still rested on her shoulder, off.
"I'm not confused, Calum. I'm being serious," she was getting more annoyed.
"Look, I just think you're taking our situation further than it is," he laughed again, and she forced her heart to not swell at the melodic tone. "We're adults, no need to act like a lovesick kid."
"You don't need to be so harsh, Calum," she whispered. "All I wanted to know is if you felt the same way."
It was like a switch flicked. He was no longer laughing, instead, he fixed her with a look strong enough to practically force her to combust in her spot.
"How could you ever think I would feel the same way about you?"
It was a lie. He did feel the same way, once. But he refused to let the feelings resurface.
She was a friend and that is all she would ever be.
He didn't have time for her feelings.
"Why are you being so harsh?" Her voice was small and he couldn't see through his boiling annoyance to care. He didn't know why, but the idea made him so frustrated he could barely focus.
He scoffed. "How is that harsh, Y/N?" He was standing now, dressing quickly and pulling a new shirt from her dresser. "Get over it, it's never going to happen. I don't do that with people like you."
It was her turn to see red.
"What do you mean by that?" She snapped.
He sighed, rubbing a hand across his forehead.
"Look, I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that you're not what I need. Simple as that." he placed a hand on her shoulder again, expecting his words to sooth her.
"So I'm not good enough for you to have feelings for, but I'm good enough for you to sleep with?" She asked in complete seriousness.
Calum shrugged, his ego getting the better of him and allowing his anger to take over.
Whether he was angry at her or himself, he couldn't tell, but he no longer her had control over his tongue.
"Well, basically. I'm sorry, Y/N, but you're just not good enough-"
She smacked him across the face. Hard.
"I've been your friend for seven years and you say something like that to me?" She was gobsmacked.
Calum wasn't the type of girl to use women and then toss them aside like they were nothing.
"What the fuck?!" He shouted.
"Get out."
"What's your problem?" He spoke through gritted teeth, pinching his brows together in anger.
"My problem, is that you made this moment way worse than I could have every imagined it going." She laughed but it was humorless. She was fighting the tears from her eyes. "I knew you didn't feel the same, but I figured we could just brush it away, but no. Instead you had to make me feel like I'm not worthy of you?"
His anger was blinding, and he didn't even think for a second the capabilities of his words.
"Why would I ever want to be with somebody like you? You can't hold down a stable relationship, and to make up for it you fawn over your best friend and his band, trying to make a career out of something any genius can do."
She couldn't hold back the tear that fell as his words cascaded off of his venomous tongue.
"Get the fuck out of my house, and don't ever come back, Calum." He knew he pushed her to the limit.
"Fine," was his only answer as he gathered his few belongings he had with him and left.
By the time their Meet You There finished, she had found another band to work with, just as the guys had found another photographer.
She pulled out halfway through.
She still kept in contact with the other three, but she hadn't heard a peep out of Calum.
It had been nine months.
Calum didn't consider the weight of his words until a few days had passed and he didn't have Y/N to talk to. He didn't have her to laugh with, or watch movies with, or just spend time in one another's presence with.
He didn't realize how badly she was hurt until he spent a month attempting to make contact, only to be ignored and even blocked.
He missed her. He missed her more than how a friend would miss another friend.
He missed her touch, her scent, the sound of her laughter and the way her nose crinkled before she would snort out a laugh.
He missed the way her hair fell over her shoulders and the way she sounded as she said his name through a grumble.
He didn't care about the sex. Their relationship had existed long before they decided to become friends with benefits and he had planned for it to last a lot longer.
Until he made the decision to get defensive over a simple admission of stronger feelings.
Sure, he was scared to submit himself to the woman he had growing feelings for, but he acted in a way he never should have.
Especially not with her.
He was disgusted in himself and ashamed, but he also couldn't push down the feelings he had for her any more.
The months apart with no contact had done nothing to soften the blow.
Little did he know that she felt the same way.
She had secured a job working with a band called The Chainsmokers, and life was well apart from the longing for her friends and the man she had grown to love.
All well until she was asked to be the tour photographer for the Chainsmokers' 'World War Joy' tour.
It was the first time her and Calum had  one face to face in so long.
The minute he saw her standing backstage as they arrived for sound check, he felt the tears prick at his eyelids.
Every hateful word he said that night care crushing down on his shoulders and he wanted nothing more than to hug her and let his internalized apologies spill from his mouth.
He had plans to do just that.
He was determined to pull her aside after their sound check and confess all of his built up emotions and apologies, and beg for her forgiveness.
He could wait for their relationship to reach the point it once had been, even to the next step he longed for. To call her his.
At the present time, he simply wanted to be able to have her in his life.
Y/N knew the band was coming on the tour. Their single together had been a massive hit, and they were bound to make many fans very happy.
She was sitting in the backstage area, cleaning her lenses to take test shots during soundcheck.
Drew snuck up behind her, resting his hands on her hips and pressing his cheek against hers.
He had been a distraction for her. Not a strong one, but enough to keep her warm when the nights grew cold.
"Hey, cutie, making sure you can make me look good tonight?" He winked at her, feeling her laughter through her cheek that was pressed against his own.
It was a forced laugh. She knew it. But she wanted to be nice to the man who had organized for her to have a new job. Especially after he showed her such kindness and legitimate affection.
She had feelings for him, but they could do nothing to outweigh the undying ones she had for Calum.
"Aww honey, I'm not a miracle worker," she quipped to him, turning her face slightly.
He met her lips with his own and kissed her sweetly. She smiled into the gesture only to pull away and turn her head.
She met the eyes of a certain Maori man, and she could almost see his heart breaking through his chocolate brown orbs.
"Calum?" She breathed, a gaspy sound that he was familiar with.
Without warning he took off, letting the tears that he had bottled up for the past 9 months spill over his round cheeks when he was locked away from everybody.
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 30.10.20 lb
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lol ishani is suchhhhhhhhh a messy bitch. not even pretending to look less than outright gleeful.
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le, iska rona shuru. god sis, you knowwwwwww these bitches have it out for you, then why do you give them the satisfaction of seeing this reaction???
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yeh aadmi hai ya bhagwaan? koi bhi jagaah koi bhi time marzi se prakat ho jaata hai.
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also, just noticed the set and production design credits and finally have names to put on all the hate mail i wanna send.
naaaah jk, i think it's really nice that they got employment in this pandemic, even with their OBVIOUS lack of taste. so much so, that it seems to be a medical condition! 
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anyway, he said he got this sargi for ishani on behalf of angre, but since she's got hers anyway, this one can be given to riddhima. noice. this fucker be worming his way into my heart with shit like this.
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inka phir se popat bann gaya.
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mummy biting out and giving the worst blessing of all, “sadaa suhaagan raho.” which is just an elaborate way of saying "hope you die before your husband does, because life without a man is worse than death itself!!!!!!"
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“thank you mummyji. aapne ~~sachchi neeyat~~~ se sargi taiyyar kii thi toh dekhiye, mere haath khaali nahi hain!”
lmao nice. where was this riddhima allllll along?????? i've been waitinggggg for this snarky bitchhhhh who doesn't take shit!!!!!
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le, aadarsh bahu mode is back on. sab ke liye koi paath ka intezaam kiya. chanchal chachi was right, she's suchhhhh a annoying suck-up to dadi, honestly.
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husband is like here, no one's looking; sneak some almonds, come on. yes, i approve. this the kinda man* you want ladies. one who's willing to have a few hours taken off his lifespan so you don't get hangry.
(*T&C strictly apply: only in this feeding waala criteria wrt this dude. baaki sab toh disaster hi disaster hai iss mein.)
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“kaisi baat kar rahe ho??? vrat sachchi nishtha se kii jati hai. koi nahi dekh raha par bhagwaan dekh rahe hain!”
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lmao, the most appropriate response. 
wait you guys genuinely need a gif of this moment, coz it’s priceless:
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i can't believe they don't let this dude move his face in this show when he is the MOST ENTERTAINING when he doessssss.
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he's like dude i'll adjust with the 2 hours less in my life, but dharampatni is i won’t let you escape a minute of suffering existence in this flesh prison we’re all trapped in, so help me god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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who the fuckkkkkkkkk is this????? and you know you didn't need a needle on the syringe for this whole thing, don't you???
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vansh's "baaz ki nazar" toh i've long given up on, but riddhima's peripheral vision also seems to be completely shit if she didn't notice a wholeass person wrapped in all black skulking around directly in her eyeline, not 10 feet away.
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lmaooooooo dadi is like tf you doing here, and the hasty retreat he beat. scaryass men soft for their sweet old grandmas is a trend i really do love in tellywood.
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oh i like ishani's outfit.
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blah blah blah KC gyaan idgaf.
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riddhima has lit diya and instant cough attack from the smoke.
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it's her. she's the one who did this. looks like she's okay with bhai dying a few days earlier than fated, as long as it means she knocks riddhima down a few pegs.
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mummy rubbing it in saying dekho yeh akhand paath hai, beech mein rukna nahi chahiye, apshagun hota hai. godddddddddddddd.
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yeh lo ji, parmeshwar prakat ho gaye to save the day and read the paath himself.
all dudes in the world should be in whatever business this guy and angre are in. ki biwi mil gayi toh it manages itself while he devotes himself to her.
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lmao the sheer earnestness with which he's narrating the KC paath. both wholesome and fucking hilarious. looks like those primary school kids at their first public speaking contest.
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i am ishani. god, why won't this scene just endddddddd already, i'm dying of cringe.
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whoooooooooooops. bhai is pointedly asking ki how riddhima's throat got messed up when she was fine like 3 min ago.
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behen is giving earnesttttttt excuses and he's really "sure jan"-ing her.
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dadi's all no matter what issues crop up in these two's lives, i'm sure they'll win over it with their lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrve. yeah, it looks that way rn, but i wouldn't be quite so optimistic yet, dadi.
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literally no one is surprised by this revelation.
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oh god, she has something more planned. man who are these ppl with so much energy in their lives WHILE PREGNANT, to do such scheming and plotting??????? just my period cramps have me taking 2 hours off work to curl up on my heat pad and cry about ouchieeeeeee.
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great. ragini ko ab daure pad rahein hain.
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and poor angre is saddled with getting her treatment. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO DEAL WITH ALL THESE TROUBLESOME WOMEN IN YOUR LIFE VANSH?!?!?! EK ADIYAL BEHEN ISKE SAR PE BAANDH DI HAI WOH KAAFI NAHI THA, KI AB INVALID EX KO BHI ISKE HI HAATH MEIN THAMAA DIYA. i know you got your hands full with that disaster wife of yours, but come on man.
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oh god is he gonna blow up at her again for eavesdropping!?!!?!?!?
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thank the lord above, she had airpods in. (also lmao, ofc she's literally the airpods meme.)
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isn't HE supposed to give HER a gift today???
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i liked his other watch better. but this watch is supposedly riddhima “ke dil ki dhadkano se judi hai” so........ i'm no expert in cutting edge watch technology, so sure. sounds like something that would be available for the wives of billionaire gangster’s wives to buy.
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oh man she got herself a matching one. which ofc is “tumhare dil ki dhadkano se judi hai.” lord, she CHEESY CHEESYYYYYYYYYYYY. and i'm mildly lactose intolerant, so 🤢🤢🤢
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this dude is not though. he falling for this hard and fast. which is....... unexpected. nice, but also suspicious.
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“yeh ghadiyaan chahe rahein naa rahein riddhima, lekin tum mere dil mein hamesha rahogi.”
that's sweet. and i'd believe and squee over it if this was any other show. i would. but in this show, literally everyone other than dadi/siya is out to fuck each other over and i don't trust a single goddamn word out their hissy snake mouths.
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“apni umar badhaake kya karoonga main, agar tum saath nahi ho. main chahta hoon ki tum meri zindagi ki aakhri saans tak mere saath raho.”
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again, very very sweet and all, esp. with these soft melty eyes; but it's this show. and we saw the upcoming promo. sooooooooo, kill bill sirens in my head, i'm afraid.
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both mann hi mann mein deciding to tell each other the truth about their backstories after the vrat. which should work out splendidlyyyyyyy.
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lo ji dream sequence shuru. voot blocked the music but colors put up the scene with bol na halke halke on instaTV so i watched it there.
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yesssssssssss you messy trainwrecks. get it onnnnnnnnnn.
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this is literally alllll i am watching this show for. the moment y'all bang in canon, i'm outttttttttttt. it's always the best time to quit a tellywood show. always. take this protip from wise, old TT. quit the show the episode the lead couples fuck. just trust me on this.
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idk WHOSE dream sequence this is, but lmao it's got the vibes of a not-that-great wedding "promo" thing ppl have got going on these days. which one of y'all is binging these on youtube and thus has their subconscious filled with it/??? it's gotta be riddhima, but it would be absolutely fucking hilariousssssss if it was in fact, vansh.
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yup. it was her dumb ass. i bet she had the exact video in mind for kabir and just cut-copy-pasted vansh's face in there from the last week onwards.
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oh chachi's back from maayka for vrat kholing.
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mans literally do be looking like the chand today. because they eased up on his yellow foundation, thank god.
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poor ishani. god, this is why we need feminism. so our sisters don't get pushed into shit like this against their willllllllllllllllll.
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dadi and siya shipping riansh to the point of making ppl uncomfortable. what next, you gonna be writing mature fanfic about them on IF????? BACK THE FUCK OFF, YOU WEIRDOS.
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“humaare plans kamyaab hote toh vansh iss waqt riddhima ko zeher ki pyaali pilaa raha hota. hmph.”
lmaoooooooooooooooo mummy is an eternalllllllll mood.
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this one is getting overly emotional about her first completed karwachauth vrat. eat a snickers, bitch.
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dadi overpromising and saying shit like evennnnnnnnn god himself can't shake your love for each other, tumhari prem kahaani billlkulllll pooori hogi and what not. oh dadi, did YOU not see the promo?????
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this one got the footage she needed and has duly handed it over to bhai. both of vansh's sisters have the trait for going straightttttt to him with their sordid discoveries, albeit for completely polar reasons.
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lmaoooooo the way she peaced out.
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand he's started growling about how all this KC naatak was fake and and vowing revenge and games for her dhokaaaaaaaaaa. i hate to say it but............ i told you so.
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also abbe oh gobar ganesh. itna CCTV footage mila hai kahin se, toh baaki ka bhi toh dhoond, where you see how she got into the bloody dickey?!?!???! nahi, 2 out-of-context second hi dekh ke paagal saand ki taraah bekaabu ho jaana hai. shit for brains, literally everyone in this show has.
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anyway, if i was vansh’s murti maker, i’d be expecting a call righhhhhht about now. riddhima yahaan rahe na rahe, uski murti zaroor rahegi, which vansh and his next paramour will demolish together as a bonding/foreplay exercise.​
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Vamps and Wolves [Jimin x Reader]
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credit: littlemeowmeowschimmy
Requests opened / m.list
Wolf: Jungkook - Tae 
Genre: Smut 
Warnings: Impregnation kink, oral (f and m), rough, wolf in heat, creampie
WC: 3.8k 
Summary:  "I wish I could hear my name fall from those pretty lips again,"
A/N: Sorry not sorry 
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You were told your entire life that vampires and wolves weren't supposed to mate. It was an abomination to both sides. But you couldn't quite understand as to why it was an abomination. Clearly, your sister had mated with a wolf, and she was living fine. Although, she did run away from home and never contact anyone but you. Her children just came out with sharper fangs and changed whenever the moon was bright.
Somewhere full-blooded and others were half. It just depended on what won in the end. You groaned just a little, turning yourself back around to face your best friend. She stood there, leaning against the wall of your apartment as you were busying yourself with cooking. This evening, you two decided to munch on human food. You didn't particularly need it, considering that vampires really only lived on blood.
"If you want to join me, you can," Emila answers, turning back to head over to towards the kitchen table. Emila was a half-blood. Her father was a human, and her mother a vampire. You were considered to be pure blood. Since both your parents were high ranking officials in your nest.
"But that party is going to have wolves at it." you scrunched your nose up, not wanting to get near. Another aspect as to why vampires and wolves couldn't mate was because they couldn't stand to be around each other. Wolves smelt like garbage and vise versa. You were told once you fell in love with a wolf and they marked you, that their scent changed. You didn't know how your sister did it, but apparently, she did.
“And? Maybe you could meet your mate.” 
“My mate is going to be a vampire." You snarled in her direction. You weren't fans of wolves because they took your grandfather away. It's one of the more significant reasons why you couldn't fully support your sister and her actions. However, you weren't going to allow your hatred to stop you from talking to her. Unlike your parents, you were still going to have that open communication with her.
"You never know hun," Emila points out, waggling her finger in your direction. "Your mate could end up being a wolf."
You rolled your eyes in her direction. Not really keen on the idea of your mate being a wolf. The party didn't start for a couple of hours, so you switched the conversation. You wanted to start getting ready, and that's precisely what Emila had in mind.
A few hours later, you stood looking at yourself over and over again. Emila had let you borrow one of her dresses since you didn't own any that were up to her standards. Your chest was fully exposed, and your hair was curled in cute ringlets. The dress itself was a dark amber color that hung off the shoulders. It had a sweetheart neckline and a low back.
The dress cut off at your knees, and you wore matching color heels along. You even held a clutch in hand. Your eyes were smoked out, showing your natural color and neutral pink. Emila walks in wearing a mini skirt and a crop top. You narrow your eyes at her as she just shrugs her shoulders.
"You picked the dress I was originally going to wear," she mentions grabbing her knee-high boots and slipping them on. "So I went with my plan b. Sorry miss." You rolled your eyes at her and moved around. Heading out of her bedroom and down the stairs.
"Just meet me in my car." You shout, opening the door and quickly walking towards your baby blue car. It was shortly after Emilia had locked her apartment up then ran in your direction. She tells you where to go, and half an hour later you arrive at the place. Already, you could smell the wolves and your nose crinkled in disgust. Since Emilia was half, her senses weren't as keen as yours.
So she couldn't really pick up the stench until after walking in. The frat party was already in session. Students dancing on others, the smell of weed and alcohol hit your nose rather quickly. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, and you weren't going to mope around. Instead, you moved in with Emila. That little weasel could get anywhere in tight spaces. You?
That was a whole different ballgame. 
Emila was quick and beautiful. You were clumsy and slow. Of course, it always happened at some kind of party, alcohol spilled over the dress just a little. You where annoyed frat being full, including the stench of wolves; but you now wreaked of alcohol. You had only been there for less than five minutes, and you wanted to go home.
Since Emila was more adventurous than you were, she knew her way around alcohol. She often expressed her love for mixing and trying new things. Since vampires couldn't really get drunk, she had a high tolerance. The liquor just burned through their systems and tasted more like rubbing alcohol than anything else.
Plus, once she started making drinks, a crowd began to form. You grabbed your bottle and tried to stay by your friend's side. Eventually, you got pushed to the front and was staring at the circle around her. Emila kept get shot after shot, and it didn't seem to affect her. But, you always had to make sure that someone wasn't going to harm her or else they would pay the price.
The minute his scent hit your nose, you barred your fangs. There he stood, just a little taller than you. His bright pink hair seemed to glow under the house lights. Black skinny jeans, plaid shirt, white undershirt, and a leather jacket suited him well. He had his ears pierced, even his doubles. You tilted your head back, popping your hip out in front of him.
Alpha Jimin. Everyone knew of him in the supernatural world. Your parents despised the Park family. They tried to take over your lands, and it ended up in a bloody battle. You heard now that he was in his own pack, but that was the extent of your research.
“Fancy seeing a L/n here.” he plays his plump lips curling up into a playful grin. 
"I should tear you apart, Park," you growled, turning your body away from him. Another reason your sister ran away was that she married one of the Park clans. Not only was the disgrace of mating with a wolf terrible, but to mate with a Park was completely different.  
“Is someone upset coz their sister fell in love with the enemy?” he pouts leaning in, your inner beast wanting to come out. You could feel your blood boiling as your vision grew sharper. Even the sting of your natural color starting to fade into a blood red. 
He was trying to provoke you and damn it, his actions were working. You took a deep breath, turning yourself around, and looking at him. The ring around his pupil was a golden amber. He was in a state of a rut, you could tell he was. With this new information, you took a step back. He only moved closer, then tilted his head again.
“Aw, cat got your tongue?” 
"Shut up, Jimin!" You hissed your fingers tightening against the glass.
He gives out a throaty laugh. "How cute," he purrs, leaning forwards. "I wish I could hear my name fall from those pretty lips again," then moves his hand up to press a finger to your lips. "I'm dying to get some action." your eyes widened at the simple touch, then you froze. Watching as he sweeps his index finger across your lips and then moves himself back.
He stuffs his hands into his pocket and turns away. Jimin did not just provoke you only to turn the hell away from you. You watched as his figure moves through the crowd again. If he was going to play a game of cat and mouse, and he was on. 
For the rest of the night, you and Jimin “bumped” into each other. One was provoking the other, while then simply turning around. You were having fun with this game that you completely forgot about your best friend. Although you checked in on her, you noticed that she was already surrounding herself with wolves and humans. She seemed to be doing fine, even after she had too many drinks. 
When Emila pulled you aside, you were just about ready to provoke Jimin again. “Hey, are you okay?” she questions tilting your head back and then looking at you once again. You scrunched your eyebrows together, unaware of what she was asking you. 
"Because you're changing," she mentions. It hadn't occurred to you that your body was already changing forms. Vampires didn't look like they did in the movies. Yeah, they had fangs and somewhat paler skin, but they didn't have wings and look over all disgusting. Instead, they just looked like rational human beings.
Except, their skin seemed to glow just a little brighter. It was their way of attracting prey as they seemed to draw closer to their body. The same way in which a witch could cast a spell on a person to make them fall in love was the same way the glow seemed to work. Their eyes usually changed color in a stinging sensation.
Vampire colors usually burned the natural color out for the amount of time they were in their forms. One thing vampires and wolves had in common was their fangs. They both grew them out when changing.
"Oh, am I?" You questioned glancing down at your skin. Because of the sharpness of your scenes, you started to notice the small changes. Was this what Jimin wanted from you? Or where you allow yourself to hunt him down like prey?
“Yeah, maybe you should go home.” 
"No." You snapped, which made your friend step back. You shook your head once again, taking a deep breath and trying to calm down. "I'm sorry I don't know what's coming over me." Emila cocked an eyebrow and then chuckled under her breath. She knew what was going on, but she wasn't going to allow herself to say anything else. Instead, she was just going to slowly step away while giving you some kind words of advice.
“Don’t let yourself get too into this okay?” she questions humming. “You personally might not like where you end up.” 
Her figure disappears into the crowd again, and you were left standing there. Still eyeing yourself over. Trying to figure out how you could stop yourself from changing. But since the process was already in motion, you couldn't really just reverse it all until you were satisfied. This burning urge deep inside was what was drawing you closer and closer to Jimin. It's what this game was all about right?
Then his arms wrapped around your waist. Pulling you close in and a door shut behind you. Even before he held you, Jimin's scent hit your nose again. You huffed, not also surprised when he closed the closet door and pressed you against the wall.
The only thing you saw in the darkness was his glowing eyes. "This has to stop now," he growls. This was new, something you didn't expect to come from his mouth.
"This little game, you mean?" You purr. Somehow, your roles had changed, and now you had him wrapped around your finger. Maybe messing with a wolf wasn't the best decision.
"Yes." He snaps his fingers, twisting into a fist. "You know good and god damn well that I'm going crazy."
“And what about it?” 
“I can’t control myself right now.” 
“Then go home.” 
“I am home damn it!” he snaps. This perked your interest. So this part was thrown at his place. You hummed a little, reaching forwards and touching his cheek. Or at least you thought it was his cheek. Jimin stiffens under your touch, his eyes moving down to where your fingers were. 
Then, he lost all self-control. Jimin leans in, cupping your cheeks in his palms and pressing his lips against yours. His kiss was hot and lustful. You hadn't been with another man, so you didn't know exactly what to do. You had kissed plenty of times, but going a step further was something you never did.
However, just kissing Jimin was almost like you wanted to go further. "I need some kind of release," he murmurs, pressing his body into yours. Automatically, you brought a leg up to attempt to wrap around his waist. You wanted him closer, more than you thought you would.
“You know this is a bad idea,” you whisper noting one arm curled itself around your leg and pressed it closer to his body. Then, he moves to grab your other, lifting you up and holding your weight. 
"I don't care." he pauses then leans in again. Placing open-mouthed kisses along the collum of your throat. "You're changing, I'm in very horny, what's the worse that could go wrong?"
»»————- ★ ————-«« 
Everything. Everything went wrong. 
Jimin kicked the closet door open and had your body flung over his shoulder. He quickly rushes into his room, kicking that door open. Then slamming it shut with his foot. He tosses you on the bed, it making sounds of protest due to how roughly he threw you. 
Your body flopped and rolled. Then was pinned and your lips were attacked once more. The kiss had turned feverish as both parties just wanted attention. His fangs came to play as they scraped and bit along your lips. The small amount of blood you held seeped out. Jimin growls at the sight, then kisses you again.
His calloused palms running down the sides of the dress. Pulling at the tight fabric and grunting when he heard it snap against your skin. When he reaches the base, he pulls the skirt up and pulls back. Jimin licks his swollen lips and lets out a triumphant sound.
"No, underwear?" he muses. You gave him a confident grin and spread your legs.
“Sometimes, I like to be risky.” 
"I love your train of thought." then dives in between your legs. He doesn't even tease you. Instead, he flattens his tongue at the base of your entrance. Then swipes upwards to finish by pressing against your clit. He hums, sending vibrations against the sensitive bud. Your knees buckle and press against his head while your waist presses down into the sheets.
Jimin pulls back, spreading your folds and spitting on you. You gasp, squeezing your eyes shut when he uses the pads of his fingers against your clit. Rolling the bud in between his index and middle. This makes your body twitch and squirm under him as Jimin watches your pussy leak. 
He bends down, sticking his tongue out again and drinking your essence. Using his tongue to attack your entrance and all around. Jimin's fingers where slow compared to his tongue.
“Fuck fuck fuck Jimin,” you moan squirming under him. Once again, this was your first time. You never had an interest in sex, nor did you have an interest in the opposite sex. Then, why were you suddenly interested in Jimin? Was it the game you two played? Or was it the fact that maybe something inside you burned for him? 
"That's it," he growls your essence all over his lips and chin. If you had human blood, your cheeks would have been a bright red look at such a sinful sight. In a quick change, Jimin wraps his lips around the hood of your core. His palm moves to hold your hips in close as he directs all his attention towards stimulating your bud.
Instead of licking it, he sucks on it. Your moans begin to grow louder the harsher he sucks. You felt this weird sensation in between your legs while knot beginning to snap inside. Then, you arch your back, spazzing under him as you thought yourself let loose.
A hungry growl erupts from the deep in Jimin's throat as you end on him. He pulls back, looking at you as your essence was dripping down his face. When you finally opened your eyes, you instantly turn to look away. Only to have Jimin grasp your chin and yank your vision back on him.
"For someone who's never had sex before," he starts. You don't even question how he knows... "I'd say it's pretty easy to make you squirt." it felt like your eyes were going to pop out of your skull. Jimin...Jimin made you squirt? He could see the confusion on your lips, and he gave a cheeky smile.
"Oh sweetheart," he purrs, leaning in close enough for you to smell your arousal on his lips. "I can make you do more than just squirt." closing the distance between you and taking your lips in another lustful kiss. You tasted yourself and damn you had to admit it was the hottest things you'd ever done. Even as he kisses you, he takes you once more. Plunging two fingers into your entrance and pumping them at a quick speed.
Jimin distracts you with his lustful kisses. Making your lips swollen even more than before. Jimin takes you like this, over and over again. Making you squirt and orgasm four times afterward. By this time, he had ripped the dress to threads and began bruising your skin with his kisses.
He plays with your breast to the point where your nipples ached every time he touched them. Your body felt like it was on fire for the number of times he smacked, bit, and kissed it. You weren't ready for what else he had in mind, especially when he had you on your knees in front of him.
You stared down his shaft at his long length. HIs tip red and wet with the amount of precum he leaked. By this time, he helped you through your fourth orgasm, and your head was spinning. You were willing to do anything and everything for him at this point. 
Just as instructed, you open your mouth and soon was filled with his taste. Jimin groans at the warmth of your mouth wrapped around him. He took a fist full of your hair when you started to move. Jimin bows his head backward, using a few his hips to keep your mouth on him.
With one hand, you reach up to stroke any part that wasn't inside. "Jesus Y/n," he growls, rolling his head back up to look at you. "For a beginner, you know what you're doing." he puffs growling when your tongue swipes around his tip and across his slit.
These simple movements went on for a while once again. Jimin groaning under his breath and your mouth taking more and more of him. It eventually got to the point where you felt his own end nearing. That's when your movements went quicker, and you ultimately took all of him. His tip hitting the back of your throat, making you gag.
Even before you could move off, Jimin kept you there and released himself inside. His seed hit your tongue so quickly that you instantly pulled back. When you popped off, a small string of his seed and your saliva was connecting you two together.
"Open your mouth," Jimin demands. You do as your told, sticking your tongue out in the process. "Now swallow."
And you did exactly that. What happened next was too fast for you to process. The minute you went to open your mouth again, was when Jimin pushed you back on the bed. He spreads your legs and pushes right in. It was like he completely forgot you were new to this because he didn’t allow you to adjust to him. 
Nor did he use any lubrication, besides your own spit. Your nails clawed his back, earning another low growl. "No good girl gets any sort of special care from me," he answers in a deep voice. Jimin pulls his hips back and snaps in; at the same time, he lifts your hips, so your shoulders were pressing against the sheets.
This made it hard for you to grab onto him, so you decided to tear at the sheets. Jimin digs his toes into his bed as he uses his lower back muscles and abdomen to fuck you roughly. He ignored the groans and moans of his bed because now he was too focused on fucking your tight cunt.
The sounds you made were like heaven to him, and it encouraged him to move quicker. "Just like that, sweetheart," he growls. "Let them know who's fucking you this good."
Because your body was already stimulated to the extreme, you felt like if he even dared to touch your overstimulated bud, you would orgasm over his cock again. Everything felt so blurry, and your body was already so weak. You couldn't keep up with his pace, but you weren't complaining about it either. You begged for Jimin to move faster and harder. You wanted to feel his dick stretching your walls.
“You think you can hold my pups?” he ponders angling his hips once more to hit your bundle of nerves pretty hard. 
“Nghh - Damn it Jimin yes!" You cry the words immediately falling from your lips without any rational thoughts.
“You positive princess?” he provokes now slipping one hand down in between your folds to touch your bud. 
You cry out when he starts to roll it once again. Your hips jerking and twisting on their own accord. "Yes Jimin! Yes I can hold your pups!" You answer your throat already beginning to burn. With only a few swipes, you were left powerless once again.
Your orgasm washed over your senses, as your body twitched under his watchful gaze. Your rip holes into his sheets, tearing at them. With what sanity was left in Jimin completely vanished. His left hand was holding your leg up, and it goes without saying he blacked out.
You cry out at his canines dig deep into your calf. Breaking skin almost as he proceeds to mark you. In doing so, his thrusts become sporadic until he unleashes himself inside. When Jimin pulled away from you, he drops your body on the bed. Then, he rolls over to your right as his chest begins to rise and fall.
Something was different about Jimin, and you couldn't quite tell. Once you finally got your senses together, you realized he didn't smell like garbage anymore. Instead...  
“Jimin, what the fuck did you do?!” You screamed. 
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agajsksns not gonna lie being 10 feet tall sounds awesome. i have no idea how tall that is because the only thing i know about feet (that sounds so wrong) is that google is telling me that i'm 5'6 (sorry to disappoint). which is. average height right? well it doesn't feel like it coz my best friends are giants. they're both 180+ cm tall and they constantly make fun of me for being short. but honestly i win because i can always make them reach things for me.
thank you! that's very sweet, i actually only saw your reply like 20 minutes before the new year so it was right on time! i loved writing to you and waiting to hear back as well, you're a really fun person to talk to!
i know you probably won't see this for a couple of weeks before going on holiday, but have fun!
i laughed really hard at the picture my brain conjured up when reading about you dropping the vampire act and starting to pretend to be a mouse, just straight up scurrying up to the houses on all fours in a bathrobe is hilarious. i'd pay to see that. and yeah! me either. the number of times i've gone outside at night is probably like 3. that's counting that time when i went for ice cream at 11pm to the store on the other side of the street in my pajamas and then had to turn back because it apparently closes at 10 pm. that was a pretty big disappointment
a halloween themed birthday party sounds awesome! it's sort of disappointing though that you can barely remember it. the only themed birthday party i had (or at least the only one that i remember) was princess themed because i was on my princess faze back then (i was 5 or 6 i think). i still remember the sheer joy i felt at being able to wear a long fancy dress. it was brilliant
oh yeah! i'm still slightly scared of blenders because of that time. now anytime i even put my fingers close to the blade i unplug it first. also i saw you got a blender? i think we have one that's similar to the one you described. so i have a couple of suggestions! i like to make banana "ice cream". you just cut up a banana into pieces and freeze it, (i have no idea how long it takes to freeze i just generally always have frozen bananas in my freezer) then you take them out, let them sit for 10 minutes (to not break the blender when you use it) and blend them. i sometimes add frozen berries or peanut butter too! depending on what i want that day. it's great, especially because i'm slightly lactose intolerant too and i absolutely love ice cream. you can also make smoothies as you said. i usually put in mine whatever fruit we have, generally apples, bananas and oranges or grapefruits. or if i'm making one for breakfast (which i know you can't, but this is just a generally more filling option i think?) i also add spinach. you can't really feel the taste but it's supposed to be good for you and it fills you up more (it does make the smoothie super green though!). but yeah i pretty much just mix and match anything i have! also: milkshakes. ice cream, berries (optional) and milk! super easy and my little cousins love it when they visit!
ohhh your grater also seems to be out to get you. i bet it's really painful if it actually falls on your feet, because like metal. on foot. ouch. especially if it hits you with a corner! and i would definitely also get surprised every time it happened no matter how many times it did! bifocal glasses do not sound fun either tho. i would constantly forget how to use them and probably would just get headache really fast too! i get a headache from my normal glasses when i wear them (i usually wear contacts) so bifocal ones would be even worse i bet.
exactly. i had no idea what "hot" means. i thought you were supposed to use it when you thought a person was aesthetically pleasing? or like you thought they look cute? i dunno. i used it a couple of times before i realised that was not what that meant and then i was just like uhhhh yeah i'm gonna delete that word from my vocab. yeah! i think that ace and probably aro too are pretty hard to figure out because it's the lack of something.
ahahsksns i can imagine tiny Lindsey waking up on Christmas morning and running to the window expecting snow in the middle of summer and it's so funny! i can't say anything though because we have this saying in lithuanian which is used essentially when someone does something unexpected and unusual for them so you say "it's gonna snow tomorrow". as in "wow, [name] did [something super unexpected from them], it must be snowing tomorrow" (because like those are equally unexpected things i guess? but it's said in winter too so it's just something you say whenever, i'm sorry it's hard to explain!) but yeah a figure of speech. and anytime i heard that, even in the middle of summer, the next morning i'd run to my window and look for snow and when there was none, i'd just stare accusatorily at my parents. like wow, i can't believe you lied/let someone lie to me
horse races sound fun, i've never been to one though! and a picnic luch sounds awesome! i love picnics but we have them very rarely, i definitely think we should have them more often
and yeah, i get that acid reflux more of an annoyance than a problem but still! i completely agree with you about peanut butter though. it's amazing, i could eat it everyday
I know exactly how tall 10 feet is purely because I’m 5 foot so two of me is 10 foot. I barely know feet but I got used to people being confused when I was like oh, I’m 155cm! so I learnt what my height was in feet but I can really only visualise heights when I put them into centimetres. Someone can be like I’m 6 foot! and that’s great but I don’t have the faintest idea how tall that actually is. 182cm on the other hand is easy. that’s just like one ruler above my height. I can picture that. 5 foot 6 is probably average but as a short person, I consider you tall. That really isn’t saying much at my height but still sdflshdfks. Biggest benefit of tall best friends is indeed making them reach high things though. 
And now we’re almost three weeks into the new year. Time seems to be flying this year. This is a very late reply indeed sdfjhskdfs. I did see this before I left but didn’t have time to reply, thank you though! I did have lots of fun. I had some birds try to invade the unit up in Orewa and I had a dotterel (I think) follow me along the beach at Ngarimu Bay playing some sort of red light green light game with me (it only moved closer and started following me again when I looked away) and I think a blackbird started some sort of mating performance at me which was flattering but uhhhh I’m a bit of a big bird mate. Maybe choose someone else. there was also beaches and gorgeous views etc etc but birds, y’know. birds.
i would 100% do that for money with no regrets. on one hand I could get a job and contribute to society. on the other hand I could do that as my main income. not a hard choice. hire me by the hour to freak your family and friends out. i have no respect for myself i’ll do it to anyone for the right price. damn. only closed one hour earlier. that’s a massive disappointment. i was out at night willingly for my high school prom and for a creative writing night at my uni and inside a car if that counts when I think my family was travelling back from the south island when I was younger. So three times that come to mind. Oh. And if stupid camp burma trails count then add a few times to that but those were not night outings I did willingly.
I can barely remember most of my life, I just assume it happened and I wasn’t just planted here at 12 years old as an alien spy. Anything’s possible though. I remember my birthday cakes more than my birthday parties to be honest with you. My mum always made the cake and when I was young she’d make fun designs. A bee, a bat, a swimming pool and a cat come to me off the top of my head. They were mostly just sponge cats but she cut them and iced them expertly. A princess-themed party seems like a very fun type of party for kids who like that. Kids always seem very happy to dress up in pretty dresses and cool outfits to attend those kinds of parties. I can imagine the joy. I know my little cousin looooves that sort of thing, and her brother isn’t willing to be left out either
thank god you unplug it first now sdfjhsdf that’s incredibly reassuring. Ooo thank you for those suggestions!!! this is great!! I was wanting to try something with bananas and that sounds easy enough. I had an apple and feijoa smoothie while I was away on holiday and all I want is another one of those. So I’m very very very interested in trying out fruit smoothies now because they seem like they can be very very tasty. Spinach seems like such an odd thing to add but I’ve heard that several times now so clearly it’s a thing. I don’t think I’ve ever even had spinach. I’ll keep it in mind though. I suppose if I just try whatever fruit we have on hand eventually I’ll get something that tastes good. I have dairy free ice cream and dairy free milk so it seems like this could work out for me in a way where I’m not regretting my entire life. Normally when I go near a milkshake I regret the day I was born.
It isn’t a super heavy grater but I have intense survival instincts every now and then so it hasn’t actually hit my foot yet. I go diving in the other direction. But I think if it did I’d probably curse a few times before moving on with my life. I don’t think it’d be THAT bad. But I live in fear regardless. oh no. do your normal glasses have a slightly wrong prescription or is this just a thing that happens when you normally wear contacts,,, I’ve never worn contacts because I fear touching my squishy eyeball and also I think my shitty eyesight is too awkward for contacts so I have no idea if that’s a thing.
oh yes haha hot has been solidly deleted from my vocab for many years except in terms of temperature. It has a word that has never naturally come to mind and I’m sure it never will. It just seems weird when I use it. 
I was a fool of a child and absolutely nothing has changed there! I mean I know how hemispheres work now but I’m still a dumbass at heart. Hahahahahaha oh nooooo. That’s incredible but oh noooo. I get what you mean by the saying though, that’d make a lot of sense here honestly since it never snows ever. Locally, at least. 
i think horse races are just a form of betting and losing money that is frowned upon less than actual buildings based on gambling and such. I mean I only ever attended those ones, idk if all horse races are like that, but I know there was buying tickets for whatever horse you thought would win, and if they did you got money, if they didn’t you lost money. I don’t think it was a whole lot of money ? just like a few bucks ? but maybe you could choose to bet more ? I really don’t remember how it worked, I just remember accidentally finding a ticket on the ground and handing it in only to receive some money because the horse won. I think it was like 5 or 10 bucks which seemed like a LOT to my kid self. picnic lunches are fun though. my family keeps a tartan blanket in the back of the car that we use whenever we have picnics and also whenever we get takeaways (we put it in the middle of the lounge floor as the rest of my family eats fish and chips and I eat sushi, normally). But we don’t have as many as we used to. They are fun though.
can confirm i do eat peanut butter everyday and it goes brilliantly.
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
1/3🔥Hello!! Congrats on your 300 followers!!! That’s amazing!!! :)))) You absolutely deserve it, your blog is just so hfkfjskalhdksla AnYwAy, I’d like to request a matchup please? I’m a female & prefer male & anyone whether it be a hero, villain or class 1-a is fine!! I’m 5’8 with long dark brown hair, light brown eyes (ok but I love my eyes) & a well-built body. My thighs r like low key thicc coz I have so much muscle(I do highly physically demanding sports) & kinda self conscious abt them—
2/3🔥I’m reserved when u first meet me but once u know me for a while I’ll be more open but it takes me a while coz I don’t trust people easily. ✨extroverted introvert✨ I like to hang out with people & I can be very loud & friendly but I need space as well coz my social energy depletes. I have a dark & sarcastic sense of humour & you’ll find me laughing at inappropriate times :P I’m analytical & don’t like it when people r unreasonable. I love watching people & studying them coz humans r just 3/3🔥so interesting. Love mountain climbing & rock climbing but also can be lazy, watch anime. Creative & spontaneous. Favourite colour is blue maybe lavender. A tomboy but love just dressing up fancily coz it’s just so fun^^; Not touchy feely but low key touch starved so yes pls cuddles but won’t be the one to start them. (But little spoon coz I’m always the 1 caring for everyone else T^T I just want love) Zodiac sign is Aquarius. Words: leaves, bonfire. Hope this wasn’t too long!! Stay safe💕
You reminded me of a certain character when you said you like to watch and study humans lmao (Izaya Orihara, is that you!?). I like to do the same! People watching can certainly be entertaining. Also, I just want you to know you are a precious bean. I love reading about all of your guys’ personalities and hobbies and favorite colors and everything. Y’all are so cute. <3 
I match you with: Dabi!
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-Okay. So your best friend Twice introduced you to the league at some point and convinced you to join, and that’s how you met Dabi. Dabi doesn’t tend to say much anyway and since you’re super reserved around people when you first meet, you guys didn’t really hit it off right away. You even got into a couple spats. They were never too bad and it never turned physical, but you would both annoy the shit out of each other.
-That is, until the day you found out that the both of you shared the same sense of humor. Someone (let’s be honest, probably Toga or Tomura) said something slightly suggestive, and you made a twisted joke in response without really thinking about it. Dabi was sitting next to you at the bar at the time and immediately burst out in laughter, which made you laugh too. From then on he was more friendly towards you and actually tried to get to know you.
-A favorite pastime of yours is roasting people together with your sarcastic sense of humor. He thinks it’s absolutely hilarious when you reply sarcastically to something someone said, and he’ll constantly egg you on because of that. He especially loves it when you get sarcastic with Shigaraki. He could watch that all day.
-He also really likes to human watch with you. You guys play that game where you watch people conversing and try to imagine what sort of crazy conversation they could be having. The two of you have come up with absolutely crazy things, and it makes for a good laugh. But other times he’ll take it seriously if you want, and he’ll listen to you while you tell him about how these people are, what you think their personalities are like, and so on. Dabi is pretty sure you’re spot on 99% of the time.
-The more you spend time together the more he realizes he really likes you and everything about you, including the fact that you mountain climb and watch anime. He never knew nature could be so relaxing. The first time he goes rock climbing with you, he feels so alive. It’s so relaxing and freeing for him- please make him do this more. But he’s also just down to watch anime with you if that’s what you want. His favorite physical trait of yours is your eyes. They’re just so...light. He likes to watch the emotions in them, likes to see them glittering with happiness while knowing he’s the one who’s causing that. Of course, he would NEVER say that out loud, but you can see it in that smirk of his.
-Dabi is smart enough to know when you want and need cuddles, and he also knows that you probably won’t ask for them because you’re just not the type to. Which is perfectly fine, because he would much rather give cuddles than receive them! He definitely wants to be the big spoon all the time, and he’s happy to hold you for as long as you want. Honestly, both of you are touch starved. He cuddles with his arms wrapped around you tight and you like to snuggle into him which makes him feel secure. It’s a good balance.
Fall Drable: Leaves/Bonfire
“I wasn’t expecting it to be this cold already.” You shivered and scooted closer to Dabi, your arms wrapped around yourself in an attempt to keep in any warmth you could.
“I told you to check the weather before we went on this mission, you know. That’s your fault entirely. It’s not exactly Summer anymore.” He gave you a side glance before returning his attention to the fire in front of the both of you, orange flames dancing in the reflection of his eyes. 
For a moment it seemed he was just going to sit there and leave you to freeze- you hoped he wouldn’t, but he sure could have his moods sometimes. However, a few seconds after the fact he sighed and wrapped an arm around you to pull you closer, swaddling part of his leather jacket around your frame as he did so. It was hardly big enough for the both of you, but it was all you had; both of you were guilty of under-packing for the weather, and neither of you had thought to bring a blanket or anything warmer than your sleeping bags. The mission wasn’t supposed to last longer than a few days, and the rest of the week had been warm, so you didn’t really think anything of it at the time.
“Can’t this fire get any warmer?” You pressed further into his side, relishing in the small amount of warmth from his coat. “It’s so small, it hardly makes a difference...and I’d rather not get hypothermia and die.” Your breath came out as an icy puff of air as you spoke.
“If you find me something that will burn for a while, we could make a bonfire. But there weren’t many sticks or trees around here...” As he trailed off, he glanced into the small tree row at the edge of the clearing. “We could probably scavenge some wood from that way, but it’s pretty far off.”
“Remind me again why we can’t just use your quirk?”
“Because it’ll burn everything within seconds. Do you want me to light this whole campsite on fire?”
“No thanks, I’m not in the mood for arson right now. Try me again tomorrow though, you never know,” you quipped back, your eyes rolling as you shook your head. You had already known why you couldn’t use his quirk to start the fire, but it didn’t change the amount of annoyance you felt after hearing him say it out loud.
You took a quick look around as well trying to see if there was any garbage or debris that you could light on fire, but you found nothing. Nothing but the large piles of surprisingly still-colorful leaves on the ground, the wind rustling them every time a breeze blew by. Somehow they managed to seem vibrant even after leaving the trees bare by falling to the ground and nestling into the dirt for a while. You leaned down and picked one up, absentmindedly throwing it into the fire.
“Don’t do that, you’ll smoke us ou-” Dabi started to chastise you but quickly stopped as he watched the orange maple leaf smolder in the embers of the fire without drowning your campsite in smoke. “Hey, it’s actually burning.” Maybe... “I’m gonna go see if I can find some larger sticks by the row of trees. You stay here by the fire and gather up a couple piles of leaves. If we can burn up enough dry leaves with the sticks, then they’ll catch fire to the logs and keep it going.”
“I’ll do anything if it means this fire gets even slightly warmer.”
A half hour later you had four different piles of leaves and a couple of nice sized logs stacked to the side of the pit, thanks to your and Dabi’s efforts. Dabi set up a few sticks and two logs in the middle over the embers of the previous smaller fire, and then the two of you grabbed a handful of leaves each to throw on top. They caught fire almost immediately, and you kept piling them on as they burned up, the sticks eventually following suit. Next came the logs, and before you knew it, you had a sizable fire in front of you, warm flames licking at the wood and providing you both with heat.
“Finally...” you sighed, relaxing into your partner’s side once more.
“What a pain in the ass.” Beside you, Dabi returned to wrapping an arm around you, though he must not have felt like sharing his jacket anymore now that the fire was stronger.
“Me, or the fire?” you laughed, though you already knew how he would reply.
“Both.” He gave you that trademark smirk of his. 
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