#( not in the 'I'm better than everyone' but she's so used to receiving special attention and praise )
Likeable person & dislikeable person test
* Cassie Roosevelt
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oh my sweet Gale
I will admit, the very first run through of this game i found Gale annoying, pushy, dumped trauma everywhere, narcissistic in his knowledge of magic, and the need to prove how right his in in the subject. I often found myself thinking and saying out loud "omg shut up"..... buuuuut... having romanced him...... i found that his personality traits are the exact same as someone born as a child prodigy, had his ego inflated, alienated by everyone around him, and made to think he was superior by someone higher up just to then land on his ass.
I wont go through what i think of his character development because each play through is different, and for each player its different... but this is what i think of him over all.
Gale doesn't know how to talk to people. He doesn't have social queues that almost everyone else picks up on. Gale has spent, up till the tadpole, the exception in a lot of the situations he was put into and thus it became his default personality. Yes, for those of us who have romanced him (keeps romancing him) we see someone haunted by their past choices and watch him grow. We see the nerd that he is, but this is more about the potential Gale before we meet him. So bare with me.
He was a child prodigy and put into a prestigious school where he flourished. I can only image how his professors loved him and his fellow students less than enthusiastic response. You know what happens when you become the teachers pet? You become ostracized by your fellow peers. You know what happens when you are really good at something that usually takes A LOT of practice for others? You either get used or don't make friends. Gale has had ONE story that involved other people and it didn't involve friends, he was at a bar and defused a brawl with ale. He has openly admitted to Tara being his only real friend.
Now this isn't to say Gale never had to work at his magic or arcane knowledge to get him to where he is in the game when he first meet him. He was an archmage and the chosen of Mystera, but his innate ability to wield it as a young boy is what got Mystera's attention. Gale has stated that she was his teacher first, then his muse and finally his lover. You can only imagine how special he felt when Mystera chose him to be his guiding hand..... and then to be a lover? I don't care who you are..... That shit would have to inflate your ego. That shit would make you feel like you were SOOO much better than your fellow peers. You would have those toxic thoughts and comments of "yeah, well Mystera chose me! So who needs friends/criticism/physical lovers/ect". What do you typically do when you catch the attention of someone you highly regard? You try to impress them and do what you can to be even more impressive! So Gale's ambition grew to newer heights. I cant imagine what Mystera poisoned his mind with while they were together. Like, i get she told him to just be content with the things were.... but come on Mystera... you couldn't have expected him to stop striving to be better with a simple "nah, you're cool how you are. you don't need to be my equal". Not when the poor man has spent the last 2 decades of his life striving to be the best. His most important years for growth and development have been spent on trying to impress others.
Gale learns of a way to possibly convince Mystera to allow him into her domain and it gets a carnivorous orb shoved into his chest, dumped, stripped of his titles and holed up in his tower without nary a reason why. That had to be the biggest blow he has ever received in his entire life. His act of what he believed to be a sure fire way into getting what he wanted ended up taking almost everything away from him. If it wasn't for Tara, i'm sure Waterdeep would have succumbed his to orbs blight. The man locked himself in his tower and turned away all his colleagues and family.
So imagine, you are this lonely person... squirreled away from others and any social interaction. No one to talk to except your pet *sorry Tara* and all of a sudden you find yourself on a ship.... with a parasite in your brain and then your thrust into an adventure with a bunch of strangers. You have this orb in your chest that could blow at any time and you cant really explain WHY you need magical items.... but that if you don't get them.... everyone is in trouble.... you find your group facing monsters and doing weird ass side quests.... and at any given opportunity, you like to drop a knowledge bomb on the group.... just to find that some of the group members don't like your input... or don't listen at all.. which doesn't sit well with you. You've been told how right you are for like... 20 years... You haven't been given many acts of kindness since becoming an adult, what with your abrasive "im more knowledgeable in everything and i've slept with a goddess" personality, so when you see your fearless leader doing something nice, you approve. You grown to trust this leader enough to tell them the truth.... knowing full well they may turn on you, but they don't! You continue to watch them, and share moments of magic with them, you fight along side them, and what is this? Are you starting to develop feelings for them? Are they reciprocating these feelings?
He gets a death sentence slapped on his back and these new budding feelings he has for you need to be made known. What better way than to show you how much you mean to him than to literally paint the sky in the weave for you. To take away the Shadow-lands curse and SHOW you something better. He thinks 'the most perfect night would have to be some place im comfortable and vulnerable.... so that i can SHOW them. This is me, Gale. This is my whole world and at the center of it, my very heart'. he is literally showing you who he is. he is this studious... lonely man.. who sits in front of his fire place reading and researching... or out on his terrace watching the sunset with a book. Like, do you accept this version of me that you have not seen yet? *Not to mention the weave/ astral projected 3 gale gang bang you get while spinning through the cosmos. He is such a show off... or he just isnt confident in his own physical/ mortal ability to woo and wow*
To watch Gale throughout my few play throughs grow as a person and learn that having to much ambition can oft lead to ruin... and watch him change to just be content with himself as he is... i get a lot of comfort from it. I haven't gone down the God route yet, nor have i tried to make him more villainous, but who knows lol.
I have a lot thoughts on pre-tadpoled Gale and how his life up to that point made him who he is when we are first introduced to him. Gale is definitely my comfort character.
Sorry for the rant... or maybe im not. Once again... these are my thoughts from my multiple play throughs.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
summary: you know better than to talk to other guys sometimes in elvis's ear shot. elvis reminds you of why. fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) | elvis presley pairing: austin butler elvis x female reader rating: m. word count: 2100 warnings: throat fucking. possessiveness. big daddy elvis ( so '74 to '77 timeframe ). mildly dubious consent. elvis's paranoia. elvis's prescription drug use. daddy kink, because elvis does actually refer to himself as daddy in this. gratuitous use of nicknames ( lil one, baby, honey, darlin', the whole nine yards ). mild hint of face fucking. kind of faintly almost d/s element but not quite. oral ( m receiving, f implied/referenced ) author's note: welcome to day 29 for kinktober, throat fucking with austin!elvis. okay so everyone needs to thank @butlersxbirdy for this one since at the time she and I literally were losing it over big daddy elvis. we still are, but it was basically hey which version of austin elvis should i do, and she was like big daddy without missing a beat. i'll have a 68 special version out possibly tonight or tomorrow but this one got top billing because i wanted to. but basically everyone else gives you soft big daddy, i'll give ya some fucked up big daddy. ( i'm going to give y'all a very very soft big daddy for the holiday season, don't worry. ) imagine whoever, this is supposed to be austin elvis but timeline i picked makes it tricky y'all know my particular drill.
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Elvis is possessive, a fact that everyone who ever spends longer than two minutes with the man and has him like them is vividly aware of. You are Elvis's or you are not, there is that strict dichotomy that very few if any people break- and you are not one of those people. Priscilla, when you've interacted with her during handoffs for Lisa tells you it didn't used to be this bad, that yes, he could sleep around but she couldn't and that her finding her way into his former karate instructors bed after she left him made him so angry he was almost unrecognizable, but she figured it was fine and would settle down. Then she heard the stories from Linda and now you and- well she likes to pretend you'll calm him down. Not fix him exactly but you've already mildly tempered his pill usage and have him actually eating healthy despite being on the road. Maybe third time's the charm?
Except- here is the inherent problem, you're younger than him, not hard seeing as he's around his 40s but you crave attention in a way that he doesn't always provide. You wouldn't say he disregards the fact that you could leave- oh far from it- his worship of you legendary to all members of the Memphis Mafia and anyone who's had any sort of contact with Elvis as far as touring or recording goes. But sometimes he forgets- sometimes in the haze of his pills and every other thing he forgets that you can run free, you can easily run away from him and never look back- he's spoiled you with enough clothes that even if you had no marketable skills to speak of you could handle yourself on selling his trinkets alone.
You sometimes flirt as easy as breathing, a quality that Elvis will swear up and down is one of his favorite about you- you're pure, baby but Lord have mercy, the things your eyelashes fluttering can do to a man he had once said after you had told him about your sexual history. You flirt and flirt and boy- men- have a tendency to fall for it, tend to become wrapped around your finger in ways that would make your Mama blush. It gives you a rush of power, reminds you that even if Elvis is ignoring you for the fourth day and night in a row that you're attractive, you're the sort of woman men want and it gives you a little pep. But you know as well as anyone that you can't let Elvis hear or see you do what you do when you flirt though so you always make sure it's done out of his earshot, his eyesight and while he's preoccupied.
At least that's usually what you do, it's the fifth day and while you don't mind Elvis leaving you alone for a bit, for a day or two when it starts inching toward a week you can't help but feel bitter and angry. It's that feeling that leads you to where you are, your hand on some guy's- you think his name is Jeff- arm giggling at something that is not even remotely funny but you know how to charm a man. You're wrapped up in trying to make sure he's smiling that you don't hear the telltale sound of Elvis's buckle clanging as he walks up to see what you're doing. You don't notice how your conversation partner freezes as his eyes look behind you. You don't notice the scent of Elvis freshly showered until you feel his heat up against you, until you feel his breath against your neck and until you feel the growl emanate from his deep in his chest. You freeze after that.
"Darlin'." He says, his tone deathly calm. "Who's this? A friend?"
You open your mouth to say something before Jeff ends up muttering something about needing to head off but it was so nice to meet you and you turn to face Elvis a snarl forming before you can even stop it.
"Oh now you want to pay attention to me." You move to make sure Elvis doesn't try and grab for you. "Find someone else and you appear out of thin air."
Elvis's eyes narrow and darken making you very quickly realize you might have messed up. They're not as clear as they have been in the past weeks which means that just maybe he's not all there. That you've stepped into a minefield that he'll take you out of, just not right this moment. You move to grab his arm before he yanks it out of your reach. "Oh no, honey, you know better. I was- Come with me to our room, baby. Think I need to talk to you. Remind you of some things." He turns from you with a growl that has arousal curling low in your abdomen and has you traling after him in a way that sometimes embarrasses you with how eager you are to do it, but you can't stop yourself from doing it nonetheless. The walk and elevator ride up to where he's staying and where you should be staying is a silent one, punctuated only with Elvis grumbling something to himself and your heaving breaths the more you think about what Elvis is planning on doing to you. You enter the room and in an instant find yourself crowded against the wall, Elvis using his both his weight and his arms to make sure you're not moving any time soon. You open your mouth to talk before Elvis shakes his head and cuts you off.
"Ya know how jealous I get lil one. Know how I damn well wanna kill men when they're lookin at you as you're cumming just from me brushin' against ya. And yet ya let one of them think he could have ya." His hand moves to your shoulder and makes a movement like he wants to force you to the ground but he holds off for at least the moment. "Got me so goddamn riled up and jealous, baby. Got your Big Daddy angry. You wanna know what I do when I'm this angry with ya? What I've always wanted t' do when you get me this angry?"
You look at him in what you like to think is an attempt to look innocent, an attempt to charm him with those eyelashes you know he can barely resist only to see the look in his eyes, see the look of barely restrained anger written all over his face and realize that it won't work. The words you had meant to say die on your lips, swallowed in the guip you take as you nod.
"On your knees." He commands and leaves absolutely no room for questioning, his hand remaining on your shoulder in case you need some help getting down. "And deal with my pants while you're at it."
You comply, falling to your knees quicker than you ever thought possible, your hands working at his belt buckle and at the button and zipper of his pants, your hands shaking just a tad as you pull them down. He hadn't asked to have his boxers taken off so you left them, not that it did much to conceal what was happening underneath, how he seemed to be getting harder by the moment.
His hand that was on her shoulder moves to the back of your head, his ring covered hands moving to grip your hair in any way he could. "Little boys wouldn't know what to do with ya. Wouldn't treat ya like I do. Wouldn't have you coming nearly as hard as ya do with me." You shift a little, trying to produce some form of friction between your legs. You're so focused on that task that you don't notice how Elvis's eyes zero in on the motion. All you actually notice is how he ends up letting out a laugh that sounds downright evil. It sounds like that young boy who sang that he was evil and you shiver. "I'm gonna make sure you can't fuckin' talk to them for a week. Gonna wreck your throat so that all you can do is nod for yes daddy." He pauses and growls. "Bet you're gonna cum right now. Bet if I touched you right this second you'd make a mess of the goddamn carpet."
Leaning forward, you start to nuzzle at his cock through his briefs and realize that you can't feel any shame about it. You don't feel any shame about it, too busy trying to calm Elvis down and too busy remembering just why as much as you might want to stray from him when he wanders just a bit- you don't. "Daddy, I would. I would make a mess, but please daddy, you can touch me I want you to touch me."
Elvis yanks at your hair and thus you back a little roughly and you hiss. "No nuzzlin'. This ain't you getting a treat. This is you being reminded who you belong to." His tone is shifting into something that almost sounds like a growl. "Whose thick thighs you cum on. Whose cock you love having in that pretty pussy and mouth. Whose is it, darlin'?"
"Yours." You whine, pulling down his underwear without him actually asking to. "Your thighs, your cock."
His lips curl into a smirk as he uses the grip on your hair to force your face into his crotch. You have the foresight to open your mouth but even so you end up choking a little around his cock. He pauses when he realizes you're struggling, not wanting to hurt you exactly. You grip his thigh as an okay and he continues to push his cock further into your mouth until it's tickling the back of your throat. You swallow involuntarily and Elvis groans, low and in a way you want to hear over and over again. He starts to move, using his grip on your hair to control how quickly he's fucking your mouth, how deep his cock is reaching. You gag a little even as you try and relax just from the sheer force of his cock hitting your throat.
"Swallow, baby, do it again." He murmurs, trying to feel your throat start to constrict around his tip. "Fuckin' love this mouth. Most perfect goddamn mouth. Never gonna let it go. Never gonna let those boys take you from me. I'll shoot 'em before they do. Might not look like 'em anymore but they couldn't handle my girl."
You whimper at the words, your eyes starting to roll in the back of your head as you rut against the floor, wanting to touch yourself but resisting the urge. Elvis is still controlling the pace but you can feel how he's starting to struggle to keep up, his movements becoming a little less controlled, a little less consistent. You help out, making sure your mouth stays on him, that his cock still is hitting the back of your throat until you taste the saltiness of his cum and feel the warmth of it filling your mouth. You swallow, struggling just a little but Elvis doesn't let up, doesn't let you off until he's finished and you've swallowed as much as you can. He finally lets go of your hair and you lean back, breathing heavily, trying to ignore the throbbing of your clit and the mild burn you still feel in your throat.
"Wasn't flirting." You force out, your voice sounding like you had every sore throat known to man at once. You try and swallow thinking it will help before realizing it doesn't. "Want to cum, please."
His eyes are lidded when he looks at you, looking almost like he might want to fall asleep on you before he hums, holding out his hand to you. "Up on the bed. No talking till you come. Wanna hear you scream my name with my face in your pussy."
You take his hand, using the leverage to pull yourself up and frown. "I don't think I can scream. Won't make the noise."
He pulls you close and pulls you into a kiss. "You will. Then you can lose your voice. Then we can both know I fucked that throat of yours completely raw."
If you raise an eyebrow in a challenge, that's your business. And if after that eyebrow you don't speak for another week because you practically croak when you try? Well. That's yours and his business.
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mapoeggplant · 1 year
skip to loafer chapter 51 // discussion
since the chapter is out right now, being raws and the translation, i won't be posting many screenshots as i usually do in respect of everyone. there being said, i want to talk about some things that happened in this chapter!!! also, i'm not calling it an analyze because i think i want to discuss about it more than analyzing it, if that makes sense. anyways, here we go!
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this chapter really feels like a road trip, doesn't it? the pacing, the excitement, even the car seats arrangement. there's such a summer and youth vibes to it and that makes me so, so happy and excited for what's to come! i think that, in the end, two characters were the star of chap 51: maharu and nao.
want to talk about maharu first. at first, i was really surprised by her reaction, but wasn't the narrative building up to this? maharu has been showing signs of insecurity since some chapters ago, so it makes total sense, in my head for her to act like that, for a lot of reasons the most important one is the insecurity of being a small town girl when surrounded by people from the city. maharu is a girl who's starting her teenage years, so it's normal for her to see everything as "cooler than her" or that her traditions are less than people from tokyo.
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and, hidden underneath this insecurity, she's facing two weird feelings. 1. the idea that her sister is changing and starting to become "a city girl" (since she was the only one who was "well put" while having lunch). 2. her sister's friends, which i have a little suspicious that she knows that them are helping mitsumi to buy her things that would suit her better. and finally 3. the jealously of having all the attention focused on her sister. i mean, she's also having problems! she's also changing! she's a teenager, she wants attention!!
mitsumi is changing, so is maharu. she's feels like she's losing importance, that mitsumi is no long part of their life style and that all her friends are "too good to be there". it's a ride, specially for a girl who's starting to feel the teenage hormones acting up.
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and now, the other character that needs a spotlight: nao. it was widely known that nao hasn't come back since she transitioned. her hometown brings her a lot of dark memories and dealing with her family wasn't all that easy. who can imagine what's going to happen when she's finally back? and well, would you look at that: not only nao received a pleasant surprise, but us as well. that doesn't mean the scars are healed or that she's feeling 100% fine and safe there, but just the small step into recognition means more than words can explain.
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general thoughts about the chapter:
mika being the one to first realize that something is wrong between shimamitsu really came as a surprise to me!! i know i made a lot of jokes about this before, but i was sure fumi would be the first one to catch that, and not one of the tokyo girls.
this makes me feel like we're closer and closer to mitsumi finally opening up to the girls and shima facing some criticism aside from his internal ones. this might result in a loot of outcomes, but i know that sensei have the perfect one hidden on her sleeve.
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about shima (since we all know i'm a shima maniac), other than that, my suspicions about him not telling his mother about the trip is starting to grow. i mean, we never really saw nao talking to her, he didn't brought a gift (we know that his mother would never let that happen), so it all feels so sus to me...but also, on a lighter note, it's the first time he's visiting a friend's house (that isn't chris or mukai, people he grew up with). i mean, he never had that!! he never thought it would be possible!!! how amazing is that for him!!! (aside from the heartbreak scene he saws...)
the wallet scene is a focal point of the chapter, and this opens a lot of future resolutions involving shima. it's kind of a smaller moment in the bigger picture, but his face after seeing maharu storming out tells a lot to me, in a way. he can clearly see how hurt mitsumi is, even tho she's trying to fake it. all i wish right now is that he takes a step further and talk to her about this, give her some sort of comfort. he knows how important that moment (buying the wallet, i mean) was to her, and now he just saw with his own two eyes what happened, so i really hope he takes a step in. i truly do.
this could lead to a more mukai focused chapter, hear me out: with shima and mitsumi relationship being weird right now, it's obvious that, even if shima comforts her, things won't be normal for a while. they will both hide what happened and i have a feeling that mukai will be the one to caught on that. why? because he's the one who can have a better grasp on shima's bullshit. it won't give us a huge mukai lore but hmmmm...idk it's just a feeling. i can be very very wrong and that's totally fine, but my mind is twirling around this...
now if we're talking about fumi...:
i think a lot can happen, honestly. if sensei is thinking about focusing on maharu a little more, i can see maharu thinking fumi isn't by her side as well, which is a plausible outcome given the feelings that maharu has been dealing with.
if fumi takes maharu side, many different outcomes can happen. mitsumi and her can have a little discussion (nothing too hard, but it would make both feel very sad ofc) and mitsumi would have a little self conscious moment that she isn't giving the proper attention to her family and old friends.
if we think about fumi also being jealous, it can still have an outcome like the scenario i mentioned above or the meeting doesn't go as well as we were expecting. it's a thought moment to really focus on, since we didn't had any fumi thought yet, just a little glimpse.
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can't wait to see what's waiting for us, can't wait to see all of them at the beach. i had a little bit of interaction between nao and shima (which you all know means A LOT to me) and now i can finally have my baby fumi meeting all of them. i'm so happy it feels surreal, in a way
thank you for reading it 🌟
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for pushing my daughter to excel in her career?
I and my daughter have a pretty rough relationship. Ever since her mother died in combat, I have been struggling with severe depression. My wife was the most incredible woman I’ve ever known. She meant everything to me, and every moment I feel her loss.
My daughter misses her as well, but she didn’t know my wife like I did, and has been able to make some progress in moving on with her life. That said, we still don’t have a very close relationship. I work as a director for a tech organization funded by the military, and by a matter of coincidence, my daughter ended up getting recommended to the program that I am currently working with. She is now helping to test some of the programs and devices that we are working on.
Part of this job requires preparing and training to be strong enough to use these products, that way, they don't end up injuring themselves when they get them. In order to make it more fun for everyone involved, we have made it into something of a competition. We have a leaderboard and everything, and wouldn’t you know it, my daughter has been at the top of it for years.
I’m proud of her, but I recognize how it looks that the director of this project has his daughter at the top of the rankings. I’ll admit that I’m harder on her than I am on the rest of our recruits, but it has always been for the betterment of herself and our project.
Recently, we have started handing out the prototypes for our testers to begin working with, and I’ve gotten to roll out my own personal project—a new recruit, personally outfitted with the newest technology and trained by yours truly, to compete with the rest of the leaderboard and give my daughter a run for her money. My daughter, however, is pissed. She thinks that the new recruit is receiving unfair advantages and attention, and honestly, has let the competition go to her head.
I was happy to see my daughter invested in something that she believes in, and I want for her to work hard to be the best, but she has started accusing the new recruit and me of trying to put her in a position to fail. She’s been putting herself in dangerous scenarios to try to win, then getting hurt and being forced to sit out for a while in order to recover.
Also, the new recruit hasn’t been too happy with me either. I don’t know what her deal is, but she seems to think that I’ve done something to hurt someone she cares about? I’m not a monster, I wouldn’t hurt a fly. (Not unless the Geneva conventions say anything about the atrocities we commit against ourselves, that is!) She seems to be siding with my daughter in all of this, which is just low.
I don't know how to make my daughter understand that I'm trying to make her into the best version of herself. She also doesn't seem to get that she just doesn't get to act like she's still "daddy's little girl" and gets the special treatment that comes with that when she acts so cold towards me.
My assistant says that it might be going a bit far to pit her against an AI based off of the memory of her mother in deadly combat, but I think if my daughter really cared about making her family proud, she’d show me and her mom that she’s willing to put in the effort. So, AITA?
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shoko-komi · 9 months
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This Special Edition of The Komi Report is split into multiple posts. This is Part Two. Click here for Part One
5. It's Emoyama, Continued
I'm only listing the final chapter, but the whole little arc about Emoyama is basically the 5th pick. It added a new word to my vocabulary – Emoi. I'd say that on its own warrants a place here. But that's far from the only reason. 
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With Najimi tagging along for the ride, these chapters feel like old times again. Komi's got a problem communicating with a classmate, the three stooges (Komi, Tadano, and Najimi) put their heads together to reach an understanding, and goofs ensue. It's fun, it's funny, it's light, and it's sweet. And it's well set up, with Emoyama's reason for crisis (peeling the unripe fruit of Emoi) having occurred quite a while beforehand. 
Add onto that how long Emoyama has been around - she even appears as a teaser in the (current) final scene of the anime... 
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...along with Lily Sukida. Now that's what I call venerable. Anytime a character like her finally gets some serious attention it's a surprise, a delight, and a treat. Komi's world is full of sleeper agents waiting for their moment. (Just btw, I super ship Sukida and Emoyama now. Maybe I should write a fic....) 
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...it gave us this. Sledgehammer Komi...... 
I love you, Emoyama. And your mother
Honourable Mentions 407 – Interview  409 - Can't Say Sorry  416 – The Rest  417/418 - Ogiya/Super Awesome  427 – Cool  429/430 - Fuki's Story  433 – A Date with Rumiko 
Funniest Joke
Comedy is extremely subjective, so take this category with a grain of salt. But given how much I've had to say about Kawai, I doubt you'll be too surprised: 
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When tf did she have time to make this??????? It's all of the buildup that makes this so memorable to me; how Kawai is so serious and intimidating until she bonds with komi. Then it's like a switch flips in her head. She's such a dork. 
The whole of 393 is one joke – Kawai made a DVD about how they'd benefit from marrying her – so I'm saying the whole chapter gets the funniest joke award and calling it day. There's no better way to explain why this one's a winner than to show you some screenshots, so enjoy: 
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I love you, Kawai (it bears repeating) 
Most Emoi Moment
This award would have gone to the kiss, but there's an underdog who I think has worked harder for it. She's captain of the track team; an aspiring restaurateur; an old friend, a bitter rival, and a true hero; and she's never won a damn thing in her life. She needs this. 
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She's Makeru Yadano at the year three sports carnival!!! I bet you were surprised this chapter wasn't mentioned among my top picks; not even the honourable mentions!! That's what we in the biz call a fake out. I could never forget my girl Makeru. 
Something I noticed while writing this - Yadano probably would have won... 
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...except that Komi got a head start. You can see that Yadano starts a moment behind (because her teammates are Sarutahiko and Inui, RIP). A relay race is a team effort, so can you really say that Yadano lost? Maybe I'm undermining her personal growth moment. Whoops. 
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I would also like to pay my respects to Benujit Spopo, a walk-of-fame KCC gag in my opinion. It appeared this year! 
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(From Ch. 404 – Tales from the Summer Festival, Part 2) 
I love you, Yadano
Reader's Choice
Now is the time. This is the moment. The most coveted and prestigious award of all – the Reader's Choice Award. (It's the most coveted and prestigious because it's determined by democracy 🫡) 
For this category, the Komi Report received a record-shattering four votes - that's right!! Four votes!!! From you, the readers. 
The votes were extremely varied, and it turned out to be very useful that most people named multiple chapters in their submission. I used a sort of preferential voting system – I tallied everyone's first choice and there was no winner, so I added everyone's second choice, then third etc etc. 
Thus we find our victor. With a landside two votes, the 2023 Reader's Choice Award goes to: 
*drum roll* 
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Paam pa du paam!! Chapters 417 & 418 – Ogiya & Super Awesome!!!! 
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Well deserved!!!!!!!! Ogiya's story is heartbreaking; he was driven to become a literal man baby to escape the terrible price of popularity. Then Komi becomes the most assertive we've ever seen her as she keeps pushing him to accept her friendship. In the end, barriers are broken down!! Emoi!!!
I'm looking at this now... and Komi saying "It's alright. I'm super strong so I'll make sure you're alright" and the look on Ogiya's face.... that's making me tear up...
I love how Tadano and Ogiya are said to have been hanging out at other times before this event. It creates the feeling that these characters have lives when we aren't looking at them – very cool! It also demonstrates that Tadano attracts socially maladjusted people like a magnet. I'd say it's his gentle nature. 
My warmest thanks to everyone for their submissions. 
Phew... I'm knackered. I've been typing this in a document and the word count has passed 4,000... wowzers! 
If you've come this far, I extend to you my sincerest gratitude. I would have prepared and posted this even if I didn't expect anyone to see it, so to have someone read it all the way to the end is very cool. Maybe you even... enjoyed it?????? 
Here's my resolution for 2024 – I will strive to write every Komi Report as thoughtfully and conscientiously as I wrote this one. The weekly editions will be way shorter, of course. And I won't spend a whole week writing them, but each and every one will have the same love put into it 💪 
I hope this 2023 Annual Edition of The Komi Report got you excited about Komi Can't Communicate; whether that excitement is from being reminded of all the good times we've had, or from being annoyed by my opinions. Either way, you're thinking about Komi. 
I win. 
Now that your appetite for Komi Can't Communicate has been whet:
Check out my Komitano AMV on youtube
Or my live action Komi-san compilation video
Thank you very much! Komi returns on January 5th, 2024. I'll see you then!!
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mizukiprsk · 2 years
hello! if you aren't overwhelmed with requests, may i request ichika, akito, and mafuyu with an easily embarrassed s/o?
something like just acts of love such as words of affirmation or physical touch just embarrasses them since they aren't used to it!
thank you and have a great day <3
(It would be better to say I'm overwhelmed with life lol haven't had much inspiration either, but I'm managing to write a little these days. Also, if I'm not mistaken, I think I recognize your name, you used to have a Kohane layout, perhaps? it's nice to see familiar names~ thanks for your kinds words, Nian-san!)
Ichika, Akito and Mafuyu with an easily embarassed s/o
Hoshino Ichika
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Ichika is specially good praising others, so it was not long until she found out
You knew she was good at it, but still didn't prepare you for being the one receiving her praising.
She thought you were very cute getting embarassed by her praising, but she can relate
She also isn't very good taking physical affection or praising, so maybe you can work on that together
"Okay, what if we both give each other one compliment at the same time?" "Sure... let's try"
Shinonome Akito
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Akito might be a little mean about it. Not in a malicious way, but still kind of mean
He just find kind of silly that you make such a big deal from it. He gets the physical touch part, but getting embarassed from some words?
He had a bit of a hard time understanding you, but tried his best. You appreciated that he was willing to adapt.
He ended up being more gentle than he would admit, as usually happens every time he tries to be "mean"
"Okay, I'll try to watch my mouth, then" "Thanks, Akito"
Asahina Mafuyu
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Mafuyu is not that much into physical touch, but will use words of affirmation from time to time
In practice, she will pay more attention to you than others, so it's only natural she noticed you getting better with the bow
She was a little shocked seeing you getting so embarassed for just a few words. Her eyes opening a little, breaking a little from her "good girl" act
"That was a great shot! you have gotten so much better" "Eh? ah, t-thank you..."
She might think about using her words more carefully. You probably wouldn't want to look embarassed in from of everyone.
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scary-lasagna · 2 years
Thankskilling: The Arrival
[Part II]
"Splendor!" [Y/N] smiled in greeting, and received the obligatory hug from their tall friend as Sally crawled into Slender's arms. "How has everything been? I haven't seen you for the past few days."
"Oh, it's been off and on, I suppose." He shrugged with a casual flutter of his eyelashes, "Things have been stressful this time of year," He couldn't help but to glance at Slender as he said that, knowing his sunken cheeks are telling their own details.
"Stressful is an understatement." Slender sighed, "I'm up to my shoulders in paperwork, I can't even cook for the feast tonight because I'm trying to finish everything by tonight's deadline." His tired arms were forced to place Sally down, who drowned out the adult conversation and headed toward the bustling proxies shuffling around the dining room.
"Why is the table being set so early?" She questioned aloud, hoping at least one person would hear her.
When no one else answered, Clock sighed and caved, glancing over toward the tiny brunette ghostly girl, "Well, considering Slender has 8 arms to work with, and we all only have two, we have to work twice as hard and fast to make sure everything's ready for tonight."
"Because we're having Thanksgiving dinner tonight, Sal."
Clock shot a warning glare toward the child, "Because it's tradition."
"Someone better get this kid before I dropkick it."
"Becauuuseee," Toby swooped Sally up into his free hip, the other one carrying a box of delicate plates, "It's just what we do around here, and it's a good excuse to eat all the food you want even if you're allergic!" He giggled, settling on a wink.
"Do NOT eat ANY peanuts, Toby." Masky huffed, and shouldered the kitchen door, to where multiple creeps had a respective spot in the kitchen.
Some were teaming up on a dish, and others put their own individual skills to use. Jane was making her famous southern seasoned mashed potatoes, and Helen was letting Puppeteer help while he made teriyaki noodles. It wasn't an amazingly traditional Thanksgiving bowl, but the proxies had to make sure there was a little something for everyone to enjoy. Toby didn't particularly like turkey, but would eat ham like his life depended on it. And Laughing Jack didn't like either!
After this, Helen would attempt to help Eyeless Jack with the human-flavored plates, if Jack was comfortable enough with it. Ever since the idea crossed his mind, Helen couldn't stop thinking about the endless possibilities of dressing up human organs like dessert.
Yes, human sculptures and bloody paintings are his main mediums, but he would love to explore the opportunities with gore food.
Eyeless Jack was simply spectating from the corner as he properly skinned fat off a small intestine. It's much more time-consuming than one would think. Jack didn't mind just eating everything raw and fresh from the body, but since Seed would be dining at the table, Jack wanted it to feel special for his companion.
Speaking of Seed, the creature of unknown origin, was spending wasted time lazing on the couch. Was he supposed to be outside? Yes.
While everyone else is bustling around, no one was paying attention to the creature drooling all over the leather couch cushions. He was “allowed” to doze off, to have just a few hours to himself.
Nothing would go wrong, right?
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 2 years
Sinbound: Chapter 3
Warnings: oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, dirty talk. 
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About a week has passed since I moved out of my apartment and into the Abbey. I'm living in the same room I as in my first night here. Papa said in a few days I will be baptized. It will take place at the small lake out behind the Abbey. Other siblings will be there as well. Though, in a deep part of my stomach, I was hoping it would just be me and Papa. I have made many friends since moving in. My closest friend is Sister Catherine. She lives in the room next to mine and we always do our chores and pray together. She helps with learning and understanding more about The Old One.
Day by day life goes on, getting closer to my baptism. Papa Emeritus came up to me today in the dinning hall, saying how he was excited for my baptism and that he will make sure it is very special. I thank him dearly as he goes about his day. Sister Catherine gives me a look. A look I've gotten before.
"What's that face for?" I ask
"You so have a crush on Papa." She said. I rolled my eyes.
"Why does everyone think I have a crush? Let alone on Papa."
"Because you do and everyone gets a crush on one of the Papas eventually."
"You're telling me someone is crushing on Peepaw Primo? Or Crypt Keeper Nihil?" She blinked at me with such disbelief.
"Yes. Sister Imperator can deny it all she wants, but her and Papa Nihil are obviously together or at least at one point were together."
"I just find it odd for someone to crush of Primo. I guess some people do like older men-" Sister Catherine cut me off.
"You're getting off topic. You have an obvious crush on Papa Emeritus III. You just better be careful about it." I sit in silence for a few seconds before I respond.
"Why should I be careful?"
"Papa Emeritus III has a reputation in the Abbey. He loves to flirt and sleep with many other Siblings of Sin. More than just in the ritual orgies. Countless sisters, and brothers, have been seen coming out of his papal suit. Messed up makeup and habits."
"Does he talk to said sibling ever again though?"
"I mean yeah. He has an irresistible charm. He loves attention and romance, if you wanna call pointless sex romance. No one has ever really seen him with a serious partner before." I remain silent after that. Why does hearing that information make my stomach feel weird? Like there is a bottomless pit and something is forever falling into it. Sister Catherine notices my face.
"Like I said, just be careful. I don't want you getting hurt or mixed up in something." For the rest of the day, a weird, gloomy feeling weighs on my shoulders. I find myself wandering around the Abbey and eventually into the back gardens. The smell of sweet roses and lilies fill my nose. My worries seem to fade away for a moment, until I see Papa standing under a large tree with another sister. His one hand is on her cheek and the other is on the small of her back, keeping her close to him. They're laughing and smiling non stop together. As the sister leaves, she blows a kiss to Terzo. He pretends to grab it and place on his crotch. He watches the sister's hip sway side to side as she leaves, silently adjusting himself. As he begins to walk up the small hill separating us, he notices me. A smile appears on his face and walks faster.
"Lucrecia, it's wonderful to see you. You look so beautiful surrounded by these flowers. Say, which are your favorite?" He asked.
"Black Roses, White or Pink Lilies." I replied. He nodded his head Terzo grabbed by hands and brought them close to his mouth.
"I cannot wait for your baptism. I promise I will make this the most memorable time of your life." He says and kisses my knuckles. I can't help but blush. Sister Catherine did say his charm was irresistible. A loud bell rings out, signaling Papa to take his leave.
"I will see you later, yes?" Before he leaves, he kisses my cheek. I sigh as I see his body fully inside the door and shut.
"You have that look again, my child." I hear a voice call out. I turn around to see Primo coming out of the greenhouse. I give him a questionable look and he answered my questions before I could ask.
"I'm Papa, dear child. I know all and see all." He says with a wink.
"Are all the Papas like that? All knowing and all seeing?" I asked. He chuckles.
"No, My dear brothers aren't in tune with themselves to have such abilities. Now please Lucrecia, tell me what troubles you this time."
"I saw Terzo out here with another Sister and how they acted made me feel, odd. Almost sick like." Primo merely looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"It's not a crush. Have you been talking to Sister Catherine?" I asked. Primo laughs.
"Again, I am Papa. I know all. You indeed have feelings for my dear, stupid little brother."
"How can I have feelings for someone I just met?"
"Do you not watch Disney movies? Everyone falls in love with someone in the first 15 minutes of the film. It just takes the next hour and 30 minutes to realize it and say it out loud."
"Okay, let's say I do have feelings. What am I suppose to do? I tell him and hopes he stops being so lascivious with every sibling?" I asked.
"Yes, precisely. Maybe you can be the sister who changes him, hm?"
"What would make me so special?" I ask. Primo gives me a look and smiles.
"Yeah, yeah, all knowing." I say as I roll my eyes. Primo laughs at my action.
"But in all seriousness, my child, I sense something wonderful about you. Something that Terzo needs in his life." Primo's smile is sincere. A warm feeling comes over me. I spend the rest of the afternoon helping Primo in the garden and getting more fatherly advice from him about little things in life. Another loud bell rings out, telling us it was time for the even mass. Papa Primo and I take leave together from the garden. As we approach the church corridor, Primo tells me he has to take over mass tonight. He pats my arm and leaves. I take my seat in the pews as a certain Papa sits down besides, placing his hand on my thigh.
"Hello, Papa." I say with a shy smile.
"Hello, dear sister. Did you have a nice time in the garden?" I nod my head at his question. He returns with a smile. As mass begins, Terzo's hand stays put on my thigh, squeezing every so often. Primo's sermon was about finding one's true self and putting away selfish needs. Terzo nods his head to every word his brother speaks. At the end of the sermon, unholy sacraments were given out. Terzo takes my hand guides me up to the platform, awaiting Primo. Small wafers and sips of the deepest red wine were given.
After mass ended, Terzo takes me on small walk. We end up at the same tree in the back garden. I snicker to myself. Terzo smiles at me as he places his hands in the exact positions as he did earlier with the other sister.
"What is so funny, cara mia?" he asks. I shake my head at him.
"No, really, what is it?" He asks again.
"Do you take every sister and brother to this spot when you want to flirt?" I raise my eyebrow at him. A nervous smile appears upon his lips.
"Cara mia~ Don't be like that. Please know that I treasure you. I've never once begged another sibling to join us." I roll my eyes at him and smirk.
"How many times have you used that line before?" Terzo looks at me, defeated. A softer expression forms on his face.
"Lucrecia, I'm serious." He takes my chin between his fingers. "I find you to be special. Something about you is so endearing." My heart flutters as he talks. His mismatched eyes take a trance on me. I can't look away. Terzo leans in, eyes focused on my lips. His kiss is warm and sparks fill my mind and butterflies fill my stomach. Terzo places his hands in my hair, tightening his grip. He licks my bottom, begging almost demanding for entrance. I allow him in, biting his tongue. He hisses and sucks in a big breath of air. As he pulls away, a string of saliva keeps out lips connected. His gaze is now dark, lustful.
"Cara mia, you should not tease me like that." He says in a husky tone, almost a whisper in my ear. I smile back him, feeling proud and confident in myself. Before he can comes close to me again, a voice shouts from the abbey's door.
"Uh, excuse me, Papa!" The voice shouts. Terzo glances over. The Cardinal is standing by the door, looking a bit nervous.
"What is it, Copia?" Terzo shouts back
"Uh, Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil need you." With a defeated sigh, Terzo looks at me.
"I will find you later and we shall continue this, yes?" He kisses me again and takes me leave. Copia waves to me. I chuckle at him and wave back.
Hours later, after dinner has been cleaned up, I find myself sitting in my room, reading unholy scriptures. Soft candle light fills my room as the night sky rises. The moon shines brightly in my balcony doors. I wander about, heading to the balcony. The cold moonlight gives me comfort and peace. Warm arms wrap around my waist and soft kisses are given to my neck.
"You're a sneaky, little devil, aren't you?" I say
"Precisely why I am Papa, cara mia." I giggle at his response and take my attention back to the moon. Terzo, almost offended by my action, assaults my neck with bites. Wispy moans escape my throat. His hand finds it way to my breast, the other to rub my pussy over my night gown. I steady myself on the railing. His rough actions causing my breast to nearly fall out of the top of my nightgown. Cold air hits my nipples, causing them to erect. Wet kisses and heavy licks are felt upon my neck. Casually, Papa leads us back into my room, only breaking to close the balcony doors. He returns to me as I feel my head hit soft, silk pillows. Terzo stops and gazes at me beneath him.
"What is it, Papa?" I ask
"Your beauty is so captivating. You're an angel." I blush a deep red at his words and find a small giggle at the irony. He leans closer to me, putting his mouth to my ear.
"And I love ruining angels." A moan I didn't know I was holding in escaped my mouth. Papa slides down the straps to my nightgown, taking it off with my underwear in one movement. Gloved hands trace down my body, stopping at the top of my thighs. Before moving forward with his actions, Terzo removes his shirt, revealing a tan, aged body with chest hair and a gold gruicifix hanging around his neck. He then removes his pants and underwear. Standing tall in a mass of thick, black hair, his cock leaks and twitches. He pumps it a few times, spreading the precum around his tip. I absent mindedly open my legs at his demonstrations. Terzo walks back to my bed, kneeling between my thighs. He mutters something in Italian as he looks at my pussy.
The cold air I felt is quickly replaced by a warm, wet tongue. His tongue dances it's way up to my clit, swirling around it. My hands travel down, getting caught in his hair. Thick fingers trace the around my entrance before plunging in. Fingers curling, tongue lapping. Wet sounds spread throughout the room, mixing with my moans. A hot feeling forms in my stomach, spreading through me. My pants and moans become quicker and heavier as I pull Terzo's hair. His tongue and fingers move faster and harder. I can't hold on any longer. A deep moan is pulled from me as I cum on my dear Papa's face. He, somehow, licks even faster. As I try to close my legs to stop him from overstimulating me, his arms weigh them down, stopping me from moving. My head is spinning from pleasure. Moans turn into screams and sweet praises for Terzo. Finally, his head and arms lift from my lower body. Skull paint muddied into a grey color around his mouth. My breast heaving up and down from my orgasm as we make eye contact.
Terzo leans down, kissing me, causing me to taste myself. A full feeling is felt as he enters me. I nearly choke on my spit with how large he is. Terzo notices and laughs. His fluid motions are quick to reach my g-spot. Breaking the kiss, Terzo leans over and softly bites my neck again. Sucking and leaving purple and red spots. My legs wrap around his waist, begging him to go deeper. Terzo gladly takes the offer. That hot feeling returns. As I moan softly, he whispers into my ear.
"Are you gonna cum for me again, cara mia? Cum all over this cock, yes? Just for your Papa. Only for your Papa." I can only moan and nod at his questions and statements.
"I want words, cara mia. Tell Papa you're cumming for him." I scream before answering.
"Yes, Papa. I'm cumming just for you. Just because of you." I say between moan. Terzo bites hard on my neck, causing my second orgasm to erupt. Sweet sounds of pleasure could be heard throughout the Abbey. Seconds later, I feel hot cum shoot into my body with sporadic movements and Italian cursing. Heavy breathing is felt between us as we return from our highs. Our foreheads touch, gazing into each other's eyes. He green is welcoming and warm. His white one, pierces me with what can only be described as lust and fear. I do not fear him, but something deep within his eye has fear in it. As we come back to Earth. we realize my bed and I covered in black and white paints. Terzo laughs before getting up and running a bath in my adjoined bathroom. Moments later, as steam pours out of the bathroom, Terzo returns to the door, motioning me with his finger to come towards him. As if a spell is casted on me, I walk my naked, paint covered body to him. He leads us to the tub. Beautiful smells of roses and jasmine fill the air. A mountain of bubbles is seen in the tub. Terzo takes my hand and helps me into the tub.
"I shall be right back, cara mia." He says and kisses me before leaving. I sit in the tub alone for a few minutes, thinking back to the beautiful moment we just shared. A smile appears on my face and small blush tickles my nose. My eyes widen in realization. I am in-love with Papa. My stomach feels like its filled with a thousand rocks. Am I just another sister hopelessly in love? Hoping to be Papa's only one? My thoughts are cut short as I hear my door open and close again. I hear some wrestling and muttered Italian again. A few seconds of silence. Then, Terzo appears at the bathroom door. I raise my eyebrow at him. He laughs awkwardly and states he has changed my sheets. He then comes over to help wash off his paint from my body. He also washes off the paint from his face. This is the first time I've seen him without it. I just stare at him. Completely in awe. He's so handsome, beautiful even. I lean over and kiss his cheek. A small blush appears on his face. It's faint, but I can see it.
Soon, the warm, soapy water is let out and I am met with a fluffy, black robe. I walk out of the bathroom to see fresh clothes are laid out for me on the bed. I giggle to the idea and Terzo catches me.
"What is so funny, cara mia?" He asked. I take a second to stop laughing and answer him.
"No one I've ever slept with has ran me bath, changed my sheets, and gotten me fresh clothes. It's a nice change." Papa motions me to come to him again, sitting me down on his lap.
"We did not 'sleep' together, mio dolce. We made love, of course." My heart stops. My feelings are growing deeper as this night goes on. In my moment of thinking, Terzo removes my robe and places the fresh nightgown over me.
"Something is wrong, yes?" He asked. I look up at him with a confused face. "I can sense it. Please, tell me what is troubling you?"
"Do you treat every sibling of sin you spend the night with like this?" My voice sheepish and scared.
"I treat each of my lovers special differently. But, you needn't worry about the others." He didn't really state what he does for the others. It was a vague enough answer to calm my nerves a bit. As I finish getting dressed, Terzo slips back into his pants and we lay together in the comfortable silence. The moon shone brightly through the windows. I hear soft snores. I turn to see that Terzo has fallen asleep. I smile at him and pull the covers up over us. Before drifting off to sleep myself, I kiss Papa on the cheek again.
"Goodnight, Papa." I whisper. A soft smile appears on his lips. He then places his arm around my waist, holding me tight against him. His rich cologne fills my nose. Slowly, my eyelids get heavier and heavier. I only hope to still have him in the morning.
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
[ 𝐓𝐑𝐘 ] ―  sender gives receiver a taste of what they’re cooking / baking for their opinion - Paul wants Mia to be honest about the salmon cream pasta he's cooking up for the Lounge's upcoming special menu. 🌼
Five Senses prompts
"I've never been backstage at Mostro before!" Mia's eyes were wide as she took in the bright, clean atmosphere of the lounge's kitchen. She sat on a tall stool next to the big butcher-block island that dominated the room, her chin propped up in her hands. "It's really cool back here!"
Paul chuckled, not turning away from the stove. "It's back-of-house, Mia. Backstage is for folks who get an audience, not the ones who make yer meals." He stirred a large, bubbling pot of pasta, and nodded with satisfaction. Nothing was sticking; it was gonna be perfect. He took the lid off of the other saucepan, and a thin wisp of steam rose to meet him.
"You kinda have an audience, though, don't you? Everyone who comes here can't wait to see their favorite fella, the one who brings them their lunch." She giggled demurely into her hand.
"I'm hardly anyone's favorite," Paul scoffed*, rolling his eyes. "But I'm glad ya think so, at least. I think we're almost done, here..."
Mia's ear twitched attentively as the scents from the stove reached her. "Mm! That smells real familiar, Paulie! What'd you make today?"
"You mentioned favorites?" He was still facing the stove, ladling some sauce into a separate bowl, but from behind, Mia could see a blush starting to form. His ears and the back of his neck were turning as pink as a fresh piece of—
"Salmon?" Mia asked, cheerfully.
"You got it!" Paul's posture relaxed slightly as he combined the pasta with the sauce, tossing it gently to cover every strand. "You told me ya liked salmon cream pasta, so I called up Ma, and she gave me the recipe that we used ta use at the restaurant. Azul was lookin' for some new dishes, anyway, so I told 'im we could try it out, maybe add it to the rotation. But I wanted you ta have the first dish." His hands reached out for a few final items; a spoonful of capers, a sprinkle of shredded cheese, a sprig of parsley.
"You really wanted to add my fave to the menu?" Mia's expression went soft, and she put her hand over her heart.
Paul turned to face her, pink-cheeked, with a plate of the creamy pasta in one hand and a fork in the other. "Well, I wanted to add somethin' special. And I couldn't think of anything more special than whatever your favorite would be."
"Paulieeeeeee. That's so sweeeeeeet." Mia bounced a little on her stool as he put it onto the counter in front of her, and gratefully took the fork. "Here we go!!" She twirled up a forkful and took a bite.
Paul's palms sweated. Now was the deciding moment.
Mia squeaked in delight, and he finally relaxed. "It's perfect! It's just like the one at Grammy's favorite place in Pyroxene! But better because it's got chunks of salmon instead of a mush. It's sooooo good!"
Paul grinned from ear to ear. "Thanks, Mia!! Now I just gotta convince the boss to like it, too."
"I'll tweak his nose if he doesn't," she said around another mouthful. "If he doesn't like it, he's got no taste at all."
*incorrect. as we all know, everyone loves a lil' sardine. Except Floyd.
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qillmhi · 3 years
Hi! I just finished reading the Donatello x Male Reader and I am HOOKED! Can I please request a part 3?? I love how it's going so far!
Hello there! Of course you can!
Donatello x Male!Reader 💜🐢
Enter: New Friend!
part 1 part 2
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Life is great and you're forever thankful for all the blessings that you received. Not many people are fortunate enough to not worry about their next meal or where they're going to sleep. This made your heart soft for those people in need, which is why you regularly visit homeless shelters and donate toys and supplies to charities.
Today though is a special one.
You and your little group had been tasked to do a "community service" project, complete with documentation. As the assigned leader, you chose a local orphanage to help.
The day was set for planting seeds. I mean, what better help than teaching kids the importance of Agriculture, right? Of course you guys are supervised by adults, although there were playing mahjong in the distance.The whole porject sounds doable too if not for one problem...
"My dude... I'm gonna be so late, man."
You bit your nail in worry. "How long do you think it'll take?"
There was a slight pause "I dunno? 30 minutes?" There were loud honks on the background "I'm really sorry man, I didn't know it would be this bad! I gotta go though I'll call again okay?" Click. The line went dead.
Your face paled "Oh no... this is bad..."
"(Y/n)? You okay? Where's Max?" April O'Neal, your other group mate saw you in distress. She's a nice girl. Smart and very helpful, albeit a bit clumsy at times.
You looked down on her blue eyes and tried to muster your best positive smile. "He's gonna be late or.. I don't think he'll make it." You scratched your head. Max was supposed to bring in the seeds and mascot costume for Mr. Carrot. Something the kids of this orphanage was looking forward to see.You were already an hour behind schedule which made the kids extremely bored.Children and boredom are never a good combination.
Her eyes went wide "What?! What are we gonna do?!" This wasn't going her way.
This was her moment to get close to you and ask you out on a date! But if the mood between you two were like this, then there is a low chance of her plan's succeeding!
Or wait...
Actually... if April could somehow get around this problem and show you that she's very capable, it might get your attention on her!
A bright smile crept up her face. Yes! She can do this! Just watch (Y/n)! You're gonna see just how awesome April O'Neal can be!
April remembered the first time she saw you.
It was after a week long worth of resting after a particularly nasty fight with the foot. She knew she had go get back to school or else she won't be seeing that sweet, sweet diploma in the future.
While everyone hated school, for April, it was a break from all the action. She loves her friends a lot, but she needs this. The sense of normalcy she rarely gets to experience.
So imagine her surprise when a crowd of girls and boys caught her peripheral vision. She was about to ignore them, but a bright melody of laugher reached her ears like angels singing.
Lots of people started parting ways like the red sea as the popular kids stolled down the hallway towards her. She never got to see so many people gathered like this, thinking it was an upcoming school election. Election candidates tend to sometimes give away snacks to advertise themselves instead of using posters, so it kinda caught her interest enough to go in for a quick peek.
And there you were.
The newest member of the popular league and my god, were you a gem to behold. People were drawn to your "fresh meat" aura, trying to coax you to join their group or club.
When you passed April, your eyes met for a brief moment.
It was as if the entire world had stopped and she was hit with a new wave of overwhelming feelings that made her knees buckle.
And at that moment she knew she's undeniably hooked.
"April?" She jolted when you waved your hand infront of her face. "You okay there?" You tilted your head in concern.
"Huh?! U-Uh yeah! Peachy! Just ah-" Damnit! Did she zoom out?! Did you catch her staring?! "I-I just need to make a phone call!" April took out her phone smiling awkwardly.
You nodded "Okay?" You gave her shoulder a light pat "I'll go see what I can do, alright?"
"Yeah!" April stiffly chirped "Sounds great!!" She swooned.
It's been a week since Donatello had followed his brother's advice in  'personally observing' you.
At first he was judging everything you did like a disappointed Asian dad. But after seeing you, the (Y/n) behind the perfect grades and perfect looks and angel-like persona... you were actually just an average human.
Donnie watched you study so late into the night. You were so exhausted and so sleep deprived that you poured cold water to cook your instant noodles. He saw you doing laundry outside, slipped and accidentally ripped your pants when you thought no one was looking. He once saw you plop on the couch then suddenly collapsed, holding your ass in pain. You didn't even hit anything?! Your dumbass sat on the remote didn't you?
It was a funny scene to be honest.
Heck, there was this time he once silently geeked out with you while you were enjoying a Sherlock marathon!He manage to snap the unflattering pictures he so desperately wanted. He debated whether or not to use them as blackmail, but those ridiculous expressions on your face were just priceless so Donnie kept them to himself for now.
You didn't have a secret stash of porn in your laptop, or a ditty habit like smoking and doing drugs. If you had an addiction, it would be the unholy amount of coke and instant noodles you always eat.
What sealed the deal to him was your sincerity. What he originally thought as a facade, was a genuine guy just spreading good.
Contrary who what Donatello previously believed in... maybe you aren't that bad of a guy.The result of his research concluded that the only thing he disliked about you was the fact that April likes you. It made him feel guilty and childish for outright ostracizing you for something you had no control over.
Everyday he spent observing you felt like he was getting closer to you. He still wouldn't give up April, but he doesn't hate you as much as he did before.
Which leads to his concern.
Donnie sat on a rooftop overlooking an empty area with lots of children holding gardening tools and about three adults sitting under a tree playing mahjong. Donnie had headphones and a radio box next to him.
He can see April, the light of his life, and you, his love rival, biting your nail while looking at your phone.
You looked so distressed that Donnie was surprised you manage to kept yo4u cool.He heard about everything in that phone call with his little spy gadget, he felt sorry for you and also worried how this project will affect April's grades.
"William! Don't run with that!"
The mutant looked down at the commotion. A small boy was running around chasing a little girl with shears.
"Haha! If I catch you I'll make you bald!" The little boy teased.
"AAAHHHHH!!!! Get away from me you stinky!!!!" The little girl shrieked. The boy continued to laugh like some super villain, snipping the shears for added asshole effect.
Then the boy tripped.
On reflex he let go of the shears to catch himself, only to end up falling straight for the blade.
What came next was a split second reaction.
You didn't waste time and ran towards the screaming, followed by April who also heard the screaming.
"Is everyone okay?!" You asked around, then coming face to face at what looked like a giant turtle with a wooden staff and.... a purple bandana?
"That was extremely dangerous!" The giant turtle said to the boy "Don't you know its bad to run with sharp objects?" William looked down in shame as the turtle held him on one hand, and the shears in the other.
"I'm s-sorry..." William, the boy, sniffed.
"William, come here." You called out to the boy. William obediently ran behind you.
Donnie sighed in relief when the boy moved away. Then it finally dawned on him that he had exposed himself. In daylight.
In front of all these humans!
"Brother (Y/n) look! A giant turtle!" A young child tugged your pants while pointing at him.
Donnie's face paled.
He needs to hide! Run away! But how can he when he's already exposed?!?
"Hey!" You waved at him "Thanks for catching William there. That could have been very bad." You beamed at the kneeling turtle.
Ugh. You're so handsome it makes him want to throw up.
"Donnie?!" April gasped. You glanced at April, seeing her blue eyes wide in pure panic.
"April!" Donnie looked at her in relief.
"You know him?" You asked.
April was sweating bullets. "H-He's uh... you see...!" She was trembling now.Fuck this wasn't good. Why was Donnie here?! He's been seen!
"April?" You squinted your eyes at her. "Is he a trespasser?" You were starting to back off with the kids.Knowing you, you'd surely put the kids' safety first and call the adults.
Oh no no no! She needs an excuse! She needs to safely get Donnie out of here now! "You see he's--" Donnie cut her off.
"I'm--I'm Mr. T-Turtle..?" The giant turtle stuttered. He dusted himself off, placing the shears on the ground "Yes I am Mr. Turtle!" He said more confidently.
If he recalled the conversation from earlier, you guys were missing a mascot, right?If he could just somehow play his cards correctly, he would get out of this without chaos ensuing.
"That's a lie!" Rosaline, the girl being chased before, objected "Mr. Turtle has a hat!" She pointed at his very un-hatted head. The other kids began to gather and agree.
Mr. Turtle cleared his throat "I am Mr. Turtle. But my hat got dirty so Mr. Carrot, he... helped me clean it!" He said.The kids blinked. But they seem to have bought the excuse and started to crowd around him in no time trying to touch his shell.
"Mr. Turtle~!""Woah! His shell is so big!"
"Mr. Turtle when your hat gets cleaned, can I wear it?"
"Nu-uh! If you get it then you won't share it!"
"I-I'll share it!"
You nudged April "Friend of yours?"
"Yes!" The mascot tried to avoid the small hands trying to grab his staff "We are friends, right April?" He looked at her hopefully.
April quickly got the cue "Oh! Yes! He's a good friend of mine! That's his costume!" She stiffly said. "Isn't it uh.. realistic?" She internally cringed. But thankfully, you seem to buy it as well.
"Yeah it does look cool!" You agreed "We got our mascot now! This is great!"
Good god. Donnie is fucking dead when they get back to the lair.
"Actually--" Mr. Turtle walked towards you with his army of seven year olds "I have an idea about the seed problem."
You raised an eyebrow "How'd you know we don't have seeds?" You asked suspiciously. You were sure you haven't told anyone about it other than April.
"W-Well... April told me!" He looked at her "Right April?" The redhead saw this as an opportunity.
Donnie you fucking genius!
"Yeah! I called him here because of that!" She said. Completely taking credit.
"Okay...? You got a solution right? Let's hear it!" Honestly if there's anything that can save this day, you were willing to accept any suggestions.
You trust April O'Neal, and if this is a guy she called to help then it wouldn't hurt to trust him as well right?
Mr. Turtle tapped his chin "We could go to the kitchen and find seeds from he vegetables they're going to use for dinner? Oh and of they have potatoes, we can use those as well!." Your eyes sparkled.
Oh my God!
"That's a great idea!" You beamed at the mascot "We could ask the adults for those seeds! Why didn't I think of that?!" You lightly bumped his shoulder "No wonder April called for you! Thanks man!"
Mr. Turtle blushed at your praise. But he caught himself before it got too far. You were a good guy, but you're still his love rival nonetheless!
The rest of the day was saved thanks to Donnie's proposal. The kids enjoyed taking out the pumpkin seeds the most, it was messy, but it was fun and the guts ended up being good fertilizers.
April despite wanting to be with your the whole day, chose to stay close to Donnie. Often going for the look out for any suspicious looks and ready to bolt if things got ugly.Donnie was delighted that April chose to be near him. He felt so proud and smug, but it would often get wiped away when April would shot down his advances. And because of the many mini humans trying to climb on him, he really couldn't get the chance to properly talk to her.
Thankfully the afternoon was going very smoothly.
Right now, you were helping Julie, who was falling behind because she insisted to say 'good night' to each of her seeds.
"Good night little seed!" She chirped and buried the seed with her mini shovel. "Water please!" You handed her the watering can.
"You're doing good, Julie!" You gave her a head pat "Do you think you can dig up the hole this time?"
She nodded cheerfully.
"Hey (Y/n)?" Someone tapped your shoulder. You looked up and saw April looking down at you.
"Oh hey April!" You dusted yourself off and stood up "You potato warriors doing okay? Need help?"
April laughed "Nah. We already finished up and thought I'd come say hi!" She said casually leaning closer to you, fluttering her big blue eyes. "Though I wanted to ask you something, if you're free next Saturday, maybe?" She shyly drew circles on the ground with her shoe.
Donnie himself didn't like what he's seeing. It hurt that April was avoiding any conversations he tried to make, but maybe that's because she was mad.
Sure, he was glad that she stayed near, but he knew she didn't want to be.
Even worse, right now she is very clearly making those 'lovey-dovey' eyes at you!
He wanted to match in there and straight up tell you to back off. But in doing so would definitely make April more upset.
While Donatello was having a mental battle, you thought about April's question. You didn't seem to have anything scheduled around Saturday morning. "Actually, I'm--"
"AAAHHHHH!!" Julie screamed and pointed on the dirt "It's a worm!"
The other kids started circling around the worm.
"Oh my gosh ew!!"
"Yuck! ts wiggling!!"
"Let's squash it!"
Oh no.
"I'll get back to you on that April." You walked off and ended the in coming slaughter "Hey there little buddies! Let's not do that okay?" You tried to calm the children down before someone kills the worm.
"But it's gross!"
"It's not gross!" Mr. Turtle intervened suddenly. He picked up the worm and held it preciously.The children collectively had disgusted faces."Earth worms carry nutrients for plants to grow and provide better drainage in the soil." He explained. "They're very important to the environment and keeping it healthy!"
The kids didn't understand shit.
Julie, upset that there were worms with her sleepy seeds said "What if the worm wakes up the seeds! They won't grow into flowers!" She stomped on the ground.
Donnie looked at you. He knew for sure there weren't any flower seeds today.
You quickly shook your head 'She won't join unless you say its flowers.' He saw you mouthed.
Donnie knelt down to get eye contact with the children "If you sleep with lots of blankets and pillows, would you be able to breathe properly?"The kids looked at each other questionably."No right? That's why uhm... Mrs. Wormy came to help us today! She will make sure the sleeping seeds will gets lots of air and don't get too much water." He said waving his hand at the tiny worm to prove his point.
By this time, the orphans were able to understand a bit. Their moods got noticeably brighter.
"And then will Mrs. Wormy become a butterfly?" Julie tugged in Donnie's mask. Copper eyes locked with yours when you started gesturing fanatically.'Just go with it, please!'He wanted to laugh. You were making those funny expressions again!Donnie looked back at the children surrounding him with their adorable eyes excited for what knowledge Mr. Turtle will share. "U-Uhm.." He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. Mrs. Wormy will become a pretty butterfly one day!"
Forgive me Stephen Hawkins!
The children cheered and some even started apologising to the earth worm.
You chuckled in relief at the display. "I guess Mr. Turtle saved the day again!" You watched as the mascot was tugged away to play "It's awesome that he's here. Or else this day would've been a disaster!"
April half heartedly agreed "Yeah."
You looked at her and noted her sad demeanor "You okay? You were going to say something earlier right? Sorry about that." You said.
April was quick to reply "Oh no! Don't mention it, it's fine!" She tucked a strain of her behind her ear. "I was just ah... worried you've been busy all week and was worried you aren't taking any rest days." She bashfully played with her pony tail.
Aww! How sweet!
"Is that so?" You have her a smile, which she absolutely melted into "Thanks for worrying about me April! I'm taking plenty of rest throughout the day, so no need to fret that pretty head of yours." Lord, this face is gonna kill her one day.
Wait a minute.
Oh my god...
Did he just call her pretty?!?!?
April's heart soared. Holy chalupa. Is this the moment she's been waiting for?!
"(Y-Y/n)!" Her cheeks felt hot.
Yes! This is it! There's no way she's letting this chance slip by.
April swallowed deeply and closed her eyes tight.
"I wanted to tell you that I-"
"Your friend's a chill dude!" You commented.
April stopped to look up at you, and saw your focus was directed at Donnie and the children playing.
"I've never seen such a realistic costume before. Maybe I should talk my uncle about it." You tapped your chin "Especially his eyes. I swear they're brown, but then they're also kinda red! How cool is that?!" You sounded so curious and excited at the same time "Is it his natural eye color?" You asked.
April wasn't sure what to say "Oh yeah it's his natural eye color."
"Hoho~?" You seem impressed "I see. What an interesting eye color." You turned your attention back to laughing kids running around making Mr. Turtle dizzy.
April glanced at Donnie and his eyes that captured your interest. She never really envied anything from him or the brothers. They were her bestest friends and they never made her feel any less special and always treated her as a sister.
But at that moment, the redhead suddenly became conscious of her blue eyes.
Donnie was in absolute shambles.
He got so caught up with pretending to be a regular guy in a mascot and saving that poor worm and preventing these kids on ending up as future entries in True Crimes Stories that he forgot to tell you to buzz off his woman!
"Mr. Turtle!" One of the kids tugged his bandana "Can you please carry me?" She asked, with her arms raised.
Oh gosh how was he gonna do this. He looked around anxiously "I-I'm sorry little girl, I can't--"
She hit him with those puppy dog eyes.
Damn it.
"O-Okay..." He picked her up. "Only for a little bit." Curse him and his soft heart. The little girl giggled and continued to play with his bandana.
Donnie looked back at you two again. Whatever you two were talking about it looked like you two were finishing up, much to his relief.Didn't stop him from sending a glare your way though.
And as if you could feel it, you glanced at Donnie and sent him a smile and a wave.
Donnie's face exploded bright red. He quickly turned around and pretended he couldn't see you.
This is the first time Donnie was in broad daylight with so many humans around. But it was also the first time seeing so many humans at ease with his apperance.
Granted, they thought it was just a costume but still...
Planting, playing and teaching kids?
It was fun. One of the best he ever had. Sure, he wasn't able to approach April himself, due to his little fans crowding him.
He sighed. Of course she wouldn't go to him. Why would she, when her crush is right there?
At times like this he wish you'd grow a pimple or trip.God is unfair.
Once it was all over, he knew he couldn't stay. April would most likely turn him into turtle soup once she gets to him. Not to mention the punishment Splinter would befall on his shell.
Donnie ran behind the back of the school.It was already late afternoon so this area was casted under a shadow.Back to where he originally belongs.
Donnie sighed sadly. He's gonna be in so much trouble, but he didn't regret it. It was so nice being out in the sun, so nice not hiding or being scared of humans.
Donnie glanced down on his green, three fingers hands. "Some costume, huh?" He mocked himself "So... that's what it feels to be human?
"Hey!" Someone called him behind.
Donnie shrieked. Donatello turned his head, bo staff ready, only to see you standing by the light holding two Starbucks coffees and subway sandwiches on one hand, and a small flower pot on the other.
It was dramatic actually. You in the light, and him in the shadows.
"Don't that!" Donnie whined "You scared me!" He glared at you when you laughed. He cleared his throat. "Do you need something?"Please just leave so he can go.
"Yeah, I do actually! Here." You handed him one of the drinks and a sandwich "Thanks a bunch for your help. You really saved us! You're super great with children hy the way." You laughed boyishly "We haven't formally met, right? I'm (Y/n)!" You held out your hand.
Donnie looked at it at first. Should he really be doing this? Getting close to his rival?
He took a while to react at first, but he soon returned your handshake "Donatello." He firmly said "I heard a lot about you through April." Unfortunately "She's right, you're pretty cool." He said, trying to be causal.
You couldn't help but feel embarrassed "Ah shucks, really? Its pretty sad that I don't hear about you though." You pondered for a second, then spoke again "Maybe next time, if we ever need a mascot, we could call for you again? Or maybe we can just hang out."
"Hang out?" Donnie blinked.
You shrugged "Ya know, without the costume." You really wished to get to know him more. Donatello seems very chill and pretty smart. Not to mention, his blabbing antics about science that tortured the orphans was pretty funny.
Donnie felt guilty. You were nothing but nice and welcoming from the time you two met. But he decided to shot down your efforts of possible friendship. Its not that he didn't like you completely, but he wasn't sure about accepting your friendship. He decided he needed to cut his ties with you now.
But seems like his mouth had a different opinion.
"Sure." He immediately wanted to swallow what he said.Did he.... did he just accidentally agree?!??!?!
"Awesome!" You gave him a small slip of paper with your number "This is my personal number. Oh! And--" You handed him the pot full of dirt. Donnie looked at it suspiciously. "William asked me to help him plant it. I'm not sure what he planted, but he told me to give it to you as a 'Thank you'." You explained.
William? Oh! He forgot about that kid.
"Surely you wouldn't reject the sincerity of a child's efforts right?" You raised an eyebrow teasingly. Donnie huffed.
"I'm not that cruel." He accepted the pot. He wondered what that kid painted in here. "Thanks." He said, holding the piece of paper and flower pot close to his chest.
Both items were somehow feeling heavy but not uncomfortable. It made his cheeks feel warm.
Maybe today wasn't that bad?There was a moment of silence between you two. It wasn't the awkward kind. It was actually pretty nice despite spending the peace with the boy he once vowed to turn into a frog.The mutant preferring to stare down at the pot he received. He fiddled with the piece of paper between his fingers. He could feel the warmth of the sandwich and coffee reaching his skin.
"I should go now."
Donnie wanted to thank you, but the moment he locked eyes with those (e/c) eyes, his breath got caught in his throat.
The sun had changed it's hue to a warmer color giving you a heavenly glow. Your clear eyes, framed by those long lashes gave you the impression of tranquility, topped with a genuinely pure smile, and the breeze slightly swaying your hair like a gentle caress.
You looked like a sun-kissed prairie.It left his heart racing and his mouth feeling dry.
Donatello knew you were handsome. But now without the pretense of finding error or being anxious about others, he finally got the moment to actually take a good look at you.
"I hope we meet again, Donatello!" You bid him one last smile and walked away from the awestruck mutant. But before you could disappear from his sight, you quickly turned around and gave him a quick wink "I'll be waiting for your call, 'kay~?"
The mutants heart started beating faster. "D-Don't say it like that!" He huffed.
You only laughed in return.
He wanted to sucker punch you for laughing at him like that!
"Grrr.... Curse that guy!" He groaned in irritation, but still ever so grateful for you reaching out.
Back at the sewers, Donnie tried his best to get back as fast as he could.It was slightly difficult, carrying food and the flower pot. Your number was already saved in his T-phone, but for some reason, he couldn't part with the small piece of paper you gave him. So he kept it between the straps on his wrists.
Thankfully his brothers were all still asleep so he was able to get into his lab without anyone noticing.
Donnie sighed in relief once he closed the door. He thought it was all clear, but then he stopped mid track when he saw the redhead sitting on his desk.
"A-A-April!" Donnie jumped, barely managing to balance the heavy pot and food when the paper from his wrist bands slip and fell on the ground.
Donnie gulped when April walked up to him to pick the paper up, immediately recognising the owner of those digits.
"Donnie?" She eye'd the gifts in his arms "Can we talk?"
Uh oh....
Hi there! Thank you for staying this far! Welcome to the final chapter of my mini series. Yes sadly the ending is an open one, which is why I made it twice the size I normally do for my fanfics.
I'll let you imagine how this will end because I wanted to focus on a series with Don! Thank you again for reading!
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nightwingvixen23 · 3 years
Kori : this right now is a Self Love Session
Roy : it's a what now ???
Kori : a practice in Amour Propre. a lesson in Self-Satisfaction. an exercise in the ultimate form of not only comfort, but inspiration
Jason : neato
Kori : lately I've noticed how the both of you have been lacking in positive self-motivation skills. I see the sad little looks on your faces. a feeling that i know also surfaces when you're alone, and we can't be near each other for comfort. so therefore, when these times do arrive, then who better to motive yourselves other than yourselves !
Roy :
Jason :
Kori : *frowning*
Kori : I SAID. Who. Better. To. Motivate. Yourselves. Other. Than. Yourselves.
Roy & Jason : OURSELVES !!✋✋
Kori : *smiling brightly* there we go ! already off to a most wonderful beginning !
Jason : if by "wonderful beginning" you mean by us nearly shitting our pants cause I swear to god you were 2.6 seconds away from vaporizing our sorry asses then I've gotta agree that this beginning is very fucking lovely
Roy : so. . . like . . . . are we all done here now ?? is this Self-Love session over with ??
Jason : yeah I got shit to do
Kori : absolutely not. we've only just embarked on this journey together
Jason & Roy : *annoyed groaning*
Kori : we are going to start off first with a simple exersice
Jason : hold up. you're not gonna make us do somethin real cheesy like hug ourselves or some shit are ya ??
Kori : I have something else planned. it's a verbal exercise
Jason : well then hell, Roy's gonna smash the fuck outta this exercise seeing as how he never shuts the fuck up
Roy : it's true because I don't
Kori : can you two simply pay attention and be adults for once ?
Roy : shit I suppose
Kori : okay, now I want the both of you to think of something ideal about yourselves. it can be anything at all !! however, make it something that exclusively stands out to you the most. a unique quality of yours that, admittedly, appeals to you
Jason :
Roy :
Kori : alright 👐 no pressure !! in fact I'll even go first; I tend to assess most projects to the minutest detail before tackling them head-on, and though others may call me an "irrational pessimist" because of it, I personally believe this quality of mine to be an ideal skill in readiness
Roy :
Kori :
Jason :
Kori :
Roy : I never know what's going on and I believe it's just very sexy of me to be like that
*. . . .perfectly painful silence . . . .*
Jason : I tend to assert casual dominance over family members by calling them by their state ID numbers.
Kori :
Roy :
Jason : and even though everyone's decided to classify this trait as "psychotic behavior," I personally find it to be a great way to remind each of them that I just love them all SO much that i've really got NO problem when it comes to memorizing something SO special about them, and that since I can then so easily learn and recall so many different ID numbers then I must have connections to have received such information, and that since I do have these connections, then each of their sorry asses better think twice before double crossing me cause I know how to make a bitch disappear
Kori :
Kori :
Kori : I'm honestly not quite so sure on how to proceed with this now
Kori :
Kori :
Kori : I fear that this Self Love Session may have somehow plummeted into Emergency Therapy because I am now genuinely concerned
Jason : woooow; so we just spill our own privite opinions about ourselves to you and now we're concerning you ?? yanno, if you're wantin' to help boost our self esteem, that's no way to do it
Roy : yeah you really suck at this whole "life coach" thing
Jason : if you really did work in the psychology field, I wouldn't hesitate in cutting at least 76% of your pay for sucking
Roy : 86%
Jason : 86% ??
Roy : she threatened us earlier, remember ??
Jason : oh that's right she sure did
Roy : super unprofessional of you
Jason : hella fuckin unprofessional of you
Kori : correction; if I did in fact actually work in the psychology business then I would have quit by now for having to deal with absolute twats like yourselves
Roy :
Jason :
Roy : way to really sell the whole "Self Love" motto
Jason : I agree. yo, Kori. ya ever considered writing a book ??
Kori :
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Hey! I'm a journalist trying to write about the yarn scammer you posted about not long ago. My Twitter is jesslucaswrites, if you'd be up for an interview? Contact details on my profile there. Let me know!
First of all, Sherry Tenney isn't a yarn scammer, she's a fleece and fiber scammer. She actually rarely 'sells' yarn, and specializes more in fleece and fibers. So that's a very, very important detail. There have been yarn scammers in the fiber arts world before as well though.
Secondly, I wouldn't be comfortable giving and interview because, while I have been following this entire fiasco since January (it's been documented as starting many years before January), I personally haven't been affected by it. So I'm just another person watching the entire fiasco come to line, following along, and taking notes. A better person to interview would be one of the victims, to be honest. User Subtextsays on Ravelry is the one that brought this to everyone's attention, and they are a victim of Sherry Tenney as well.
So, honestly, I wouldn't be able to really tell you much more than what you have read in the Ravelry thread and the notes.
And thirdly, I just don't use twitter. And I'm most definitely not signing up for an account there. Also, there's an unfortunate history of journalists writing article about several similar incidents in the fiber arts world siding with the scammer (so blatantly that I doubt journalistic integrity was concept they knew), so I know that many will tend to avoid interviews or being involved. We don't want Sherry Tenney garnering sympathy because she's only stolen tens of thousands of dollars, and aren't we internet users means for trying to shut down her scam. I know that sounds dumb, but that's generally how articles about these situations get written.
I will happily provide you with links to the Ravely pages about the subject to read, they have uploaded all of their resources, including screenshots, for everyone to see as well. You will have to register for a Ravelry account, but it's completely free.
Ravelry thread 1
Ravelry thread 2
PDF outline of events from thread 1
Google Drive containing videos, screenshots, and more
And while I would definitely say you should also interview Sherry Tenney for this article, she is on FaceBook constantly, I would warn against meeting her in person for an interview. She has, unfortunately, threatened to shoot people over her scam being exposed, and she should be considered dangerous.
I hope this helps you with your article. And no, though Sherry has personally said she was going to sue me because of what I have posted on Tumblr, she has never sued me. She has never even reached out and made contact with me. She has threatened for the last six months to sue a great many people, and not a single one has ever received any paperwork in the mail.
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17caratssi · 3 years
Wonwoo! Will you stay
Jeon Wonwoo! A short series pt one | two | three | four
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Lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub! It was so close AHHH! That was a bold move! I can't believe he didn't throw me off!!
You're over the moon for the rest of the day. You have been under the weather for some days, and your parents are worried about it. Seeing you like this, they feel at ease.
You begin to anticipate tomorrow. Will your relationship with Wonwoo turn for the better? This is what makes school exciting!
However, Wonwoo feigns ignorance whenever you try to have a conversation with him. It goes on for another two days, and he still has nothing to say to you.
Not to mention, Somi and Umji also avoid talking about him during the break. They never answer your questions regarding Wonwoo, and it put you into a dispiriting mood again.
In the aftermath, you lose concentration during the computer class. In fact, your head is full of him. Your two best friends give you hints about Wonwoo's matter, but they're just superficial.
My mind is a mess.
After the class, you block Wonwoo's seatmate's path and begin questioning- more like interrogating.
"Tell me, is there any problem Wonwoo is having these days?"
Kihyun averts from your scrutiny. He refuses to talk.
"Come on, tell me," you persuade him into confessing. As a seatmate, he must know a tiny bit about Wonwoo. "I won't tell him that it's you who said to me. Sounds good?"
"He's not stupid,"
That's very true. Hmm...
"I will bear the responsibility. Just spill it," you convince him. This time, you're sure you'll get to the matter.
Kihyun sighs.
"A few third-year students have been picking up fights with him. I think Wonwoo was triggered by something they said. By the way, I remind you of a thing,"
"You shouldn't be near to him. You know that he's a scholarship boy, right? There's an unspoken rule here in Sejong High..."
That's your wake-up call. No wonder Wonwoo calls you 'stuck-up rich kid', and now you realize that you might've looked down on him, unintentionally.
He was right. I'm a stuck-up rich kid with no shame.
Although Kihyun tells you all that, you're still on the surface. What has possibly put him off at that time? You want to know more.
As you walk to the cafeteria, Somi and Umji are busy talking about the former's boyfriend.
"My boyfriend's birthday is coming but I don't know what to give him," Somi sounds helpless as she snakes her arms around yours and Umji's.
You don't put your focus on her, so you don't reply.
Umji thinks for a while before sharing her idea. "Your boyfriend is rich enough to buy everything so what if you bake him something? That'd be rather special- at least for me,"
They never stop afterwards. It amuses you that the two has yet to have their topics exhausted. They keep going on!
After getting the snack, the three of you is about to return to class but is stopped by the crowd. They run toward the field.
"The new kid is fighting with a senior!"
"Damn, he's got gut!"
Somi and Umji simultaneously peek at your expression. "Wonwoo? Hey Y/N! Oh my god, don't tell me-"
"Wait for us, Y/N!"
Half of the first-year students watch the fray. Some are cheering for the guy senior, and you panic.
Your imagination runs wild. As much as you hate seeing a fight erupts, you hope Wonwoo isn't the one receiving the senior's blow!
Your small frame slips easily through the throng, and the situation shocks you.
Umji manages to catch you while Somi's being pulled away by her boyfriend. "We better go now!" she gives you a quick pull but you're not moving an inch. She frantically observes the situation and heaves a sigh at the sight of the security.
"WHAT ALL OF YOU DOING HERE?" The security runs faster to the crowd and breaks off the fight. Wonwoo huffs and puffs; showing his dissatisfaction toward the guy he had punched.
The senior has a gang; they help him up. Wonwoo is the one left unattended since he's alone. You watch him from the side and is on the horns of a dilemma.
You know it's no good if you go help Wonwoo now with all the attention directed to him.
Out of the blue, one of the seniors speaks up. "Apologize to Juwon and we'll act nothing happened just now," It's obvious he's intended to embarrass Wonwoo in front of many students.
He smirks when his words hit the target. Mutterings are loud in the air as the audiences express their opinions.
"Wonwoo, don't apologize!" you yell. Your voice was loud enough for the circle to pay heed to you. You cower as a response and Umji slaps your arm.
The senior snickers and voices out again."Boy, you better give in to him. His father is a person you couldn't afford to offend,"
Juwon slouches against his friend and finally says something at his friends. "If he doesn't want to admit defeat, we can take this matter to the teachers. Let's see if this parasite can win against me," he sneers.
The involved parties are eventually called to the office. You insist to accompany Wonwoo and he has nothing to say about it.
"I'm on your side, Wonwoo! Don't be scared of them. If anything happens, I'll protect you!" your fingers clench and you look up to Wonwoo who's quiet since the row had ended. Little did you know, he takes a quick glance right after you turn your head.
'Just what this meek creature can do...'
The time in the office feels tedious. Wonwoo hates the rich kids that are only good at blabbering and settle everything with their parent's standings.
"I won't call my parents just for this trivial matter but I have one condition,"
The teachers think the senior makes a great deal with Wonwoo, and since they don't want to be visited by the superior parents they push him to seize the offer.
You and Wonwoo leave the place as soon as they agreed with the deal. Wonwoo remains silent.
"They're so childish! That's more like punishment," you huff with your arms crossed. You can't believe the senior wants Wonwoo to be the ball boy for the basketball club.
"Why do you like to intervene?"
"Huh?" you stutter. This is the first time you get to hear his voice today.
"To be honest, I don't know,' you shrug. Your body and mind seem to be unallied when it comes to him. Even the latter warns you to not get entangled with other's business, the former just ignores and go with it.
"By the way, don't you think the senior is more stuck-up than me?" You ask excitedly as you lean to him and wait for his response. You want to change the impression he has about you.
Wonwoo takes in the view in front of him as he faces your question. Surprisingly, he feels less irritated by it.
He slows down his walking pace as he takes notice of yours. Wonwoo holds his hands at his back and fakes a thought.
After enjoying the hopefulness in your eyes, he gives the answer. "It seems like it," he says.
Due to the revelation from Wonwoo himself, you cover your mouth in excitement. Wonwoo watches as you turn tomato from his word and walks ahead.
In a hurry, you ask. "So you'll naturally sign up with the basketball club?" He raises his shoulder slightly and then nods.
Your heart soars louder and unintentionally, it echoes across the hallway. "Got it! I'm coming too!"
Since then, your life has revolved around Wonwoo. Occasionally, he would ask for personal spaces, and even though his changes are almost negligible, you don't mind.
Being around him the whole day is fun. You get to know his habits, his favourite food and drink, or basically all about him. Not, you do seem like an ordinary girl chasing after a guy.
Wonwoo, on the other hand, feels like he has a friend. He ghosts you daily, but your presence fills a spot next to him.
The two of you get accepted into the basketball club. Every Tuesday, Wonwoo will stay at school for two hours to be the ball boy. Not that everyone tries to be silent about it, but there's this girl who keeps waiting for the guy.
She's pretty, and her hair compliments her exquisite, doll-like features.
She never pays attention to other guys as if her eyes are glued to the ball boy. The green-eyed seniors want to embarrass Wonwoo even more because of that.
"Hey ball boy, the bottles are empty. Refill them!" the senior who took Wonwo's punches shouts. You quickly get up and help Wonwoo. "Let me help!"
Wonwoo lets you take 2 bottles as he carries the other 6. "Go home after we go back,"
"Why? I want to stay with you,"
Wonwoo has no idea whether you intended to flirt with him or casually announced that, but surely, he is flustered.
He regains composure and gives a response.
"What a dimwit," the seniors are gawking at you, and you overlook that?
He wishes he could deliver that very sentence, but he may sound jealous. Well, I'm not.
"I'm here to protect you, didn't I say that before? So, stop pushing me away cuz I won't leave you."
You don't realize that your attendance by Wonwoo's side just creates another problem for him. His workload increases by tenfold due to the green-eyed seniors.
Once the game is over, Wonwoo fulfils his duty and cleans the court. In the meantime, you listen to songs on the bench.
Wonwoo has done a lot of work and this is one nothing to him. He finishes just when everyone exits the place. He thinks that you might have returned home. You aren't there when he checks out the place you've been sitting at.
Only when he walks out the hall that he accidentally eavesdrops on the conversation between you and the seniors.
He could guess the topic and he looks at the corner. If he steps just a bit forward, they will see him. And he does that.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, he then presents himself.
"Just say no if you don't want to be his girlfriend. Don't waste your time,"
Enlightened, you turn the senior down and run to Wonwoo. You complain at how bad his proposal was and Wonwoo chuckles.
"What do you do at the weekend?" as you wait for your chauffeur, you build a conversation with him.
Wonwoo isn't a person to be so friendly with someone. He thinks for a while as he contemplates to answer the question.
"Study in the library,"
Wonwoo is a smart student, and his answer doesn't come off as a surprise to you. "I've never been to a library before. I meant in this area but which one do you frequent?"
There are only two libraries in the area, and Wonwoo has only been to the small one since it's closer.
"Ooh, OK then." swiftly, you take a note of it. Just right after that, you see your family car drifts into the parking lot. "Oh! My car's here. I have to go now." you wave at him in a distance and shout. "Don't stay too long under the sunlight! Bye-bye!" then you disappear into the car.
When you arrive at the library on Saturday, you quickly scan the area for him. Lucky you the place is just up to your energy to find him.
You stride from one isle to another. It's probably the physics section when you find a familiar back.
"Hey," you whisper from the back. Wonwoo is so immersed in his reading and you bet he wouldn't have noticed you if you hadn't appeared before him after that call.
With a cheeky smile, you say. "Let's go out,"
He examines the surroundings and realizes that you come alone. "What are you doing here?" his volume is practically below scolding to avoid making a fuss in the quiet place.
"You ask too much! Come on," You jog to his side and help him pack his stuff.
"I only ask once, and I did not agree to you,"
Not bringing too many necessities, you wind up less than a minute. "Shh... Just come with me, will you?"
If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here !
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bird-bureau · 3 years
An Interview with Pact Commander Laith
(Tagged by @hmsdivinity! Thank you!)
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Answers under the cut!
1. Can you introduce yourself?
[She has a voice that is low, rough, and warm, commanding attention.] Laithreach. Commander of the Pact. Call me Laith.
2. What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
I am a woman. [She pauses.] I haven't spent much time thinking about orientation. If I'm interested, that's that. I have been with more women, but it's not an exclusive attraction. Don't get any ideas -- I am not available.
("So the rumors are true? The commander has found that special someone?")
Next question.
3. Where and when were you born?
The same as any other sylvari, though earlier than most. It's not a very interesting story.
4. What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
I've always had a fondness for a well-made sword. Few think of the greatsword as a weapon requiring finesse, but to use it effectively requires a great degree of control.
5. Lastly, are you happy?
[The line of her mouth hardens.] I am pleased with the efforts of the Pact overall. My feelings on my personal life are of no concern to the public.
1. What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
I do not have a family to speak of.
("Some consider fellow soldiers to be like family. Would you say the same of your regiment back in your days as a Vigil member?")
[There is a long pause, and she swallows.] Strike the question from your record, please.
2. Have you ever ran away from home?
[There is a hardness to her voice.] Let me make this clear: I am not answering questions about my time at the Vigil at the moment.
3. Would you consider marriage or having children?
[The shift in topic catches her by surprise.] ...It has crossed my mind, but it’s complicated. The two of them are already-- In any case. I don't plan to raise children.
4. Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
5. Which friend knows everything about you?
I am sure others in the Pact have plenty of stories.
1. Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Yes. Not formal school in a classroom, but I did need to learn to fight somewhere.
2. The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
I keep my mind on the current moment. Anything else serves none but the superstitious.
3. What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
[The slightest bit of yellow glow brightens her cheeks.] Some things in my personal life. On a more serious note... You cannot survive on determination alone. Everything catches up to you eventually.
4. Do you have mental health or physical issues?
...As I said. It catches up to you eventually. You could not have missed the headlines around the downfall of Mordremoth. I see no need to comment further.
5. What is your current main goal?
We will do what is necessary to ensure everyone’s continued safety.
1. Drink or food?
Food. But it is always better with drink.
2. Cats or dogs?
Dogs, by a slight margin. Easier to take walking.
3. Early bird or night owl?
I am up with the sun most days.
4. Optimist or pessimist?
I judge situations by their circumstances. Some may call me a pessimist, however.
5. Sassy or sarcastic?
Neither. I am quite straightforward.
1. Been caught sneaking out
[She smiles at the corner of her mouth.] Once or twice, in my sapling days.
2. Broke a bone
Too many times to count. I’ve been told I keep the menders busy.
3. Received flowers
I do have the occasional fan. I rarely know the senders personally. [She cannot hide the beginnings of a smile, a slight twitch of her lips.] Rarely.
4. Ghosted someone
No. I do not take those things lightly.
5. Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get
I don’t get most jokes, but I feel no obligation to laugh.
(As for tagging, I can’t think of anyone that hasn’t already been tagged! Do it if you like!)
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aquanology · 3 years
Yo so I've reached 50 followers a long while ago and I wanted to do something big but I hesitated and didn't know what to do...I thought a lot about it and it's here. The long awaited She li analysis, I was waiting for the new chapter so I can make this. Anyways I hope you enjoy it (or maybe not?)
So from far away people wo see She li as a Bully Mo and when they learn that his family posses good amounts of money, everyone would see him as a rich brat and I wouldn't blame them, Though that's not all there's to it. it's much deeper and yes I have 5000 IQ how did you know?
Now his childhood wasn't that great looking at how he was surrounded by maids and not his parents most of the time, mostly because they were busy working and when they weren't busy doing work they would be busy arguing about things that little She li didn't know much about.
It was pretty lonely even if people would surround him be it the maids, the other adults or even other kids he wasn't getting the attention of his parents. He might've thought that he wasn't important enough for his parents to spare a moment or two to spend time with him or atleast for his parents to look at his way. He hated their noisy fights and so, like any kid who didn't want to listen to his parent's loud arguments!that might've seemed like a broken record for him at the time, he would go outside to distracte himself. I don't know how many times he had to do this to ignore the pain that his parent's loud fighting has been causing to him, and I don't know how long he spent his time doing that (probably as long as the fighting continued) but I'm pretty sure that what we saw from She Li's flashback wasn't his first time doing so. And I'm sure he was trying to inflict physical pain so he can forgot the mental pain. At that point little She Li might've felt a bit...empty because no one really seemed to genuinely care for him or spend time with him and he didn't seem to have a special relationship with anyone either, he might've felt like he wasn't a human because of all of that.... he might've been sad and angry that he can't experience love and affection perhaps he thought that it's his fault for feeling down all the time, when in reality it was his parents fault for not using the spare time they have for providing She Li with affection and quality time instead of arguing most of the time. I'm sure he felt less of person because he didn't get what he really needed as a kid. But little did She Li know that he will feel less of human the next time his parents argue loudly.
That had started with the routine of his parents fighting and She Li looking for something to distract himself with, he ended up digging for worms and I suspect that he did that for a long while that day in which might've explain the bleeding. Later on he got diagnosed with Guillain-Barre' (Ghee-Yan Bah-Yan) syndrome this syndrome is a autoimmune type, in which a persons own immune system damages the nerves causing muscle weakness or paralysis, it can cause symptoms that last from few weeks to several years however most people recover fully while some have permanent nerve damage.
His thoughts were seemingly messy I wouldn't blame him if he still thought that his parents didn't care about him, I mean it was kind of their fault for not asking about what he does when playing outside or with whom, or for the least bit leaving a maid or two to check on him from time to time. But it was that day when he met a certain person in that hospital.
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It was Mo Guan Shan that he saw at the hospital. A kid who was capable of feeling pain both physical and mental, not only that but he has a caring mother who seemed to care about her kid. At that moment She Li must've felt envious, a kid whom he didn't know had everything that She li didn't, he had the ability to feel pain and suffer and on top of that he had someone who cared about him who loved him and gave him attention when he needed it the most.
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Perhaps She Li thinks that if Mo Guan Shan would become a happier and a healthier person then he would be superior to She Li, because then he would have something that is far away from She Li's reach and capability.
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That's why he keeps on hurting Mo over and over again whenever Mo is feeling better or even worse. Maybe She li feels superior or on the same level as Mo when he stops him from feeling truly happy and at peace with his loved ones. As if only then the gap will become bigger than it was before. Because She Li thinks that he won't be able to be the same as Mo is, I mean he might get his syndrome treated and he might be able to feel the pain (both physical and mental) but She Li isn't sure of he can actually be truly loved or if he will be capable of loving and making someone as happy. And that is why he says things like this:
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Of course it's not only to make Mo feel bad (cuz like no would want to be told that they are the same as She Li is) but to also make himself feel like they are the same (be it on the same level or the same type of people) when they are not.
I do think that She Li admires Mo for how human he is and he doesn't want him to be anymore of a human he wants Mo to be the same as him, someone who can't have anyone care about him, someone who might numb out and stop being a human for their own desires and someone who can be as hurt and heartless as She Li is regarding that he is hurt inside. I also think that She Li and He tian are similar I mean both of them were not met with love and affection from their family except He Cheng tried to rub the illusion of their fathers love on He tian, though it didn't work quite well. A relationship where you have to sacrifice everything to receive approval isn't and wouldn't be ideal from He tain's perspective, as well as She Li never talk about how he felt (he most likely didn't) the pain that he got from his parents inability to raise him properly like other parents do (by loving him and spending some time with him). However I'm not blaming everything on his parents they had their reasons yet that doesn't mean that it's justified to argue outloud most of the time and pay less attention for your kid than you with your job and arguments. Also I want to make that this post isn't here to justify She Li's bad actions against other people but to just look at him as something other than a snake, to look at him as a human and to hold accountable are both as important as the other is, and I don't want She Li to just have his actions bite him back but to also learn how bad his actions are. I want him to know very well that he hurt others and I want him to feel guilty and I want him to change, remember staying ignorant can not only hurt him but everyone else but learning where he made mistakes and holding himself accountable can help everyone not only the people hurt by him, us too will highly benefit.
Hey so this is me- the present me since I don't do this all in one day (cuz I'm a lazy person) so I hope ypu enjoyed this analysis and I hope I made it clear enough that this isn't for justifieing She Li's actions but an attempt to try and understand him. Also I'm sorry cuz I made a post a long while ago about She li and I though he had a different illness than the one in the manhua and I linked a website for that illness, however I deleted the post and I apologize for the big mistake...
This is the link for She Li's actual syndrome if you want to know more about it.
Anyways this was my "Why is She Li a bitch" post- wait, shit this the wrong script...welp can't change it now I guess. Again thank you for 50+ followers stay healthy and don't be a bitch like She Li.
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