#( promo. ➛ 『 energy projection 』 )
ragri5 · 2 years
Doing sketch requests for $2 on ko-fi if anyone is interested, just add your request with the donation and I'll start on it asap!
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floueris · 22 days
College boyfriend! riki
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College boyfriend! Riki x stem gf
genre : crack, fluff
summary : Riki as your college boyfriend
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College boyfriend! riki who is a history major
College boyfriend! riki who was so excited to finally be able to join his hyungs in uni
College boyfriend! riki who you met in high school (self promo but classmate! riki fic is here)
College boyfriend! riki who is smitten with you his stem major gf!
College boyfriend! riki who always makes it a point to try to have breakfast together before either of y’all’s first class (GUYS ITS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS OKAY, I’m screaming bye, me when)
College boyfriend! riki who tries to have at least lunch, dinner or supper with you if he isn’t able to meet you for breakfast that day
College boyfriend! riki who if he isn’t able meet you that day would always try to leave things in your bag the previous day for a little surprise as he says
College boyfriend! riki whose favourite thing to leave in your bag is a cute love notes telling you how pretty you are or how smart you are and it’s because you always gets extra affectionate after you find them
College boyfriend! riki who is in the dance and baseball team (i KNOWWWW so many people would say basketball but like have u seen that vlog with him and jake, bro has a mean pitch)
College boyfriend! riki who gets extra clingy when tired he is tired (he thinks you are his battery pack, being clingy with you only recharges his energy)
College boyfriend! riki who is a very hardworking person and juggles his time well
College boyfriend! riki who loves to go on study dates with you after school (only because you make studying less tiring when you are there with him)
College boyfriend! riki who enjoys the peace and comfortable silence during these dates (also because he thinks you are really hot like REALLLY HOTTTT when you are focusing on something)
College boyfriend! riki who is elated when he found out that you want to minor in history
College boyfriend! riki who basically becomes your tutor the moment you have a history related module
College boyfriend! riki who is such a good tutor, only because of the rewards that he gets after you do well on a test (his reward being kisses LOL)
College boyfriend! riki who sits beside you during these tutoring sessions
College boyfriend! riki who has an arm around your chair
College boyfriend! riki who feels that you are too far and grabs the base of your chair to pull you closer to him (PLEASEEEEE I NEED HIM SO SO SO BAD, honestly if someone did this to me I would fold SOOO BAD)
College boyfriend! riki who gets a little all up in your face when he is trying to explain an important concept
College boyfriend! riki who does it on purpose because he wanted to see your flushed ears
College boyfriend! riki who then tucks your hair behind your ear and gives you a loud smooch on your cheek
College boyfriend! riki who can’t help but giggle when you smack his sturdy chest in shock and embarrassment
College boyfriend! riki who can’t help but look at you with a love struck expression as you clear your throat and compose yourself
College boyfriend! riki who thinks your the cutest, kindest, most gorgeous, most perfect person he’s ever met
College boyfriend! riki who just can’t help loving you more and more as the days goes by
College boyfriend! riki who always get a warm feeling, like how a hot drink feels on a freezing day every time he sees you
College boyfriend! riki who is so utterly and helpless in love with you even though you guys have been together for a while
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A/n : someone save me please , I’m TEWWWWWWW DOWN BAD FOR RIKI OMFGGGG, I literally need to start dating him or else I’m going to start crying ( guys in all seriousness this is a joke🙏 para-social relationships aren’t healthy 🙏🤫) also self projecting a little because STEM IS CRAZY
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toutvatoujoursbien · 3 months
midnight thoughts (i hope i don't regret this)
Let me preface this by saying that these are just (very, very long) ramblings I’ve had in my head over the past few days and are MY opinions. I never post to Tumblr, but my level of emotional unhinged-ness right now needs an outlet so that I can process everything and feel, well, less unhinged.
I have never been this enamored with any celebrity or promo for a show like I have for this season of Bridgerton. Admittedly, I am a fan of the books and Penelope & Colin are my favorite couple. I’m going to age myself by saying that I read the series almost 20-ish years ago; past me could have never imagined I would actually get to see a Regency romance on my screen. Romances are for the girlies, and what the girlies like tends to be mocked, ridiculed, and not taken seriously - I’ve seen this time and time again across many different fandoms. I also really enjoy the tv series for being its own creative adaptation. I’ve liked many (though not all) of the changes they’ve made to the show; and I’ve liked all the little nods to the books that have been sprinkled in. Are the books or show perfect? Of course not, but that doesn’t mean I can’t love them for bringing me some entertainment and joy and escapism. I think that’s the beauty of it, I get to have the best of both worlds, so to speak. And for me personally, it’s been so fun to watch the press coverage over the past six or so months. As a fandom, I think we’ve been EXTREMELY well fed. 
Having Nicola and Luke as the leads has been a true blessing; I think/hope folks can tell how much they clearly love and understand their characters/roles. I know everyone has been talking nonstop about their chemistry and their close friendship, which I think is beautiful, truly unique and special. How can you not enjoy watching two people, who seem to genuinely like one other, talk endlessly about a project that they love and have poured so much into? And the way they have supported one another, not only during promo, but during their years of friendship? Astonishing, really. So while I am old enough to know better than to ship real people, I would’t blame anyone (myself included) if they got caught up in the whirlwind excitement and couldn’t help but wonder a sincere “What if?” (At least that was the case for me.) Isn’t that the beauty of hope and possibility and potential? Like, I knew rationally and intellectually that the likelihood of them being together was low, but damn if I didn’t feel giddy seeing their interviews, reading articles, and watching video after video.
“Oh, but it’s all PR!” they cry. Maybe, but like most of life, I don’t think it’s so simple or clear. I think there’s been a lot of nuance and perhaps some blurring of the lines during this promo tour. As long as we are respectful about it and realize that at the end of the day, the only opinions that matter in regards to their relationship are N & L’s, I don’t think some lighthearted dreaming is unheard of. We have to remember, though, that what we’re shown is only a fraction of their true selves, carefully and deliberately curated to accommodate their status as actors/celebrities/those in the public eye. 
(And yes, I know this is the internet and therefore everyone has an opinion - again, myself included. But I struggle to understand why some people think that their opinions should be deemed THE most important to the discussion or would have an impact on any type of outcome, especially in this particular scenario… I hope it’s obvious I’m referring to the very vocal people that chose to expend their energy in hateful, negative ways. Aren’t you exhausted?
However, as a longtime lurker, I have to admit it’s been absolutely fascinating reading all the different perspectives and takes on this too. I think reading other POVs and seeing people articulate points that challenge me and make me think is a good thing - again, as long as it’s all in a respectful manner. 
Also I have spent literal years curating and cultivating a social media bubble that doesn’t make me want to cry or give up on life. I don’t seek out negativity and hate - constructive criticism for a thing is a different matter. It may be “putting blinders up,” but honestly, real life can be a shitty enough place that I would like to spend my limited time online looking at cute things and learning or reading about stuff that makes me feel less alone in the world.)
Last week, I stayed off social media to avoid Bridgerton spoilers until I could watch Part 2. I did open Twitter on Thursday to check on something that was entirely unrelated, saw the absolute meltdown of a shitstorm brewing and quickly NOPED out of it. (I was also reminded of why Twitter scares me at times. And I'm not calling it X because that is stupid.) When I finally caught up over the weekend (both with Bridgerton and… all the other stuff 😅), I felt like I was experiencing mental and emotional whiplash.
Look, ultimately, I don’t know them personally and know even less about their private lives. As an outside observer (even though, yes, I have a vested interest in them), Nicola is fucking amazing and Luke seems to be a nice, sweet guy. I think they are each others support, and it has been mentioned many times that she has helped him deal with the intensity/anxiety of being in the spotlight this season. So here are some potentially hot takes: I just think, when they’re together, it’s like he’s a different, better person. When he soaks up even a little bit of her light (sorry, I had to), I can see all the qualities in him that she is constantly gushing about. But, and again this is my take on it, I also think he has a lot of growing up to do. I don’t know much about his supposed “hot/fuck boy summer,” but it seems to me that he’s perhaps going through his own Colin phase, which he can totally do. I genuinely want to see him and Nic succeed. However, I do think he’s got to get a better handling on his media image now (this whole thing reeks of a PR nightmare, but I need to take off my comms professional hat). The way this has all played out has been, imo, a clusterfuck. There are other issues that I’m also not going to get into at the moment. 
The thing that frustrated me the most is the timing of those “leaked” photos. You’re telling me that N&L went through SIX months of a - literal - worldwide promo tour, building up hype, doing countless interviews and appearances, etc., only to have these pap pictures “captured” on the night of the Pt. 2 London premiere??? And yes, while I’m aware there were rumblings of a gf being at various events/locations, I didn’t pay much attention to it (read: my curated social media bubble, lol). And I think the lack of confirmation up to that point from Luke and his team just mades things even more tricky/messy. So when the inevitable backlash played out online, piled on top of the hate Polin seems to get from many corners of the internet (Is it ship wars? Regular trolls just trolling? Polin and/or Lukola antis? People who, for whatever reason, don’t like the actors themselves or, worse, don’t like the creative choices/decisions made by the higher-ups and therefore deem it okay to spread hate online? All of the above, most likely.), I know I felt like I had been hit by a train.
Here’s my point: I think what should have been a moment of triumph and a joyous occasion for Nic, Luke, and Bridgerton season 3, was sadly overshadowed by the aforementioned shitstorm. And that’s a damn shame. Too many cast and crew put in a lot of time, effort, and blood sweat and tears, to pull this all together. I was happy with Season 3, which perhaps I will deep dive about in another post because this one has already spiraled out of control. Were there things I wished they had included or, rather, things that could have been left out? Yes, of course. But at the end of the day, I think we got a beautiful story led by two actors who love Polin as much as we do. And I cannot wait to see them back for Season 4. Plus, seriously, those viewing numbers alone should have been mostly what people are talking about. I hope all this doesn’t take away from the overall impact of the show and season.
I think it’s okay to be disappointed by all the stuff that has come out over the last few days. I think it’s perfectly human to want/need to process your thoughts and emotions. What is NOT OKAY is sending hate to anyone, period. And I hope you don’t let all that has happened sour your enjoyment of Season 3 and/or Polin.
Lastly, if you take anything away from this long ass post, it’s that Nicola is a GODDAMN QUEEN. Anyone who says otherwise is speaking slander and we do not stand for that in this house. She has carried herself during this time with grace, charm, and poise, consistently and constantly. And she is always ready for a mega fashion moment. She must be exhausted - already on to her next film/job but also perpetually online, and even stepping up to defend her costar. I may have to do a whole separate post just gushing about her and add to all the people already singing her praises. (And as a big fuck you to all the haters.)
Geez Louise, I clearly have a lot of feelings (more than I allowed myself to believe I did…). But I would love to hear what others think! Please, I need friends with whom I can have rational (okay, maybe slightly unhinged), spirited, deep analyses and discussion of this whole thing, or anything else we might have in common!
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cultofsappho · 7 months
In honor of AGCD 🤠, a list of my berserk findings in roughly chronological order RE: A RWRB Sequel:
1. When the movie come out, Casey did an AMA on Threads for both Alex, then Henry. In Henry's AMA, they posted this:
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Meaning at the very least they'd be open to writing/sharing/creating more for Alex and Henry, if not a direct sequel [more from the AMA: X]
2. Casey also had an interview with Out Magazine in Nov '23 where they were asked if the want to write a sequel and they said "Of course I'd love to! 😉 I don't think i'm allowed to say anything more than that.😊" They're so fucking precious. We all know what 'not allowed to say' means. [twitter video: X]
3. Taylor has had a bunch of interviews recently, mostly as an ambassador to the SAG awards. He's been asked a dozen times about a RWRB sequel and everytime he says something along the lines of "Anything could happen! But I don't know, they don't tell me these things aha! 🤪 Give me a call!" And he's so unbelieveably obvious that his interview clips have already been compared to Andrew Garfield denying having any role in Spider-Man: No Way Home: [tiktok: X]
4. PrimeVideoUK has been bringing up RWRB & Firstprince more on social media recently. It could be for any number of reasons, it's their movie they can market however they feel like. Especially since Nick has a bunch of projects releasing rn (one of which, The Idea Of You is also releasing on Prime this summer), they may want to capitalize on the attention on him. Or, it could be to test RWRB's engagement #s... [tweet: X] [tweet: X] [twitter poll w/a rwrb sweep: X] [tiktok: X] And all the comments on these posts (and more) are begging for a sequel. So, if their social media manager is passing on the message... 👀
5. This is def a reach, so if you don't mind, i'm pulling out the red string for this conspiracy corkboard. But Casey was recently in London, it could have been a trip for literally anything. But, the first movie was filmed (and maybe produced idfk) in London. [insta post: X] they sold the movie rights for RWRB before the book was released, if I'm remembering that right, but maybe they retain rights to sign off on a sequel.
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so anyway i was thinking about all those little things adding up in my head and thinking i was on to some kind of conspiracy then Nick goes and does press for Mary & George (which i just started, and is amazing btw) and says this shit:
6. Nick confirms in an interview with HitsRadio that they're talking about a RWRB sequel. Just flat out: "Yeah obv conversations are happening, duh! 😇" energy. God bless him. He says there have been conversations about a sequel. And, they're all on the same page that the script needs to be right and "all the components" need to be right. [X minute 15:50 they bring up the rwrb sequel, but the whole interview is great and you should watch it!]
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ANYWAY i'm in a land of delusion, gnawing on the iron bars of my enclosure, etc, but also maybe not bc they're talking about a sequel and now we just need to wait for the greenlight
And (pseudo point #7), it would be a dumb business decision for Prime to not make a sequel. RWRB did way too well for an LGBT product, releasing during a dual actors and writer's strike, with little to no promo and zero press tour. From the RWRB Wikipedia page: "For the first three weeks after its release, it was the top watched film worldwide on the platform and provoked what Prime Video described as "a huge surge" of new subscribers." [X] And subscribers are all these streaming services care about.
I can't wait to reblog this with a screenshot when they inevitably post an offical confirmation for a sequel movie...
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goldenpinof · 10 months
curious about your perspective – what do you think is the primary reason for the current comeback, and for the large scale of it (daily videos, new heavily marketed merch, etc)? are they trying to make up some monetary loss? is it true revitalized passion? the influence of the new management? lead-up to a major project/announcement? i'm guessing there's an element of at least the first three, but interested in your opinion as a noted non-cynical cynic (compliment btw)
under the cut because that's a lot. and it's not even all of my thoughts, unfortunately.
no one is gonna read it. but if you are, i'm sorry in advance.
ahaha. about merch. did you notice how they just continue to promote the calendar and the catboy sweater even though the initial release and promo had a deadline aka till December 1st? this is a fishy marketing right there. and i would love to know: why they did what they did (i'd assume they printed more calendars than people ordered by Dec 1st, but that's not our problem as customers. we shouldn't have been put into a framework in the 1st place if there was a chance for this shit to go south. this theory goes against the "pre-order" with a start of shipping in 2-3 weeks); why their managers allowed it (from a legal perspective); and why dnp didn't say anything. anyways.
i do think that Dan is trying to compensate for wad losses. and i know that he was "joking" about not making money or making negative money on tour. but i saw ticket sales a day before each show (only public information, not the inside official data from venues), it's still on my blog. and the sales didn't look good. so, how much of it was a joke? and compensating by making content that we and they enjoy isn't a bad thing, btw! i also think that he feels guilty for leaving us and the dnp brand behind for so long without actually giving us anything in return. thus so many comments on this 5-year hiatus and potential future ones. blame youtube originals, i know. not really his fault, but his choice of (the lack of) communication is his fault. and again, i always come back to wad. something fucking clicked in his head when he saw not as many people as he hoped for (or expected), how dedicated were some of those who still supported him during wad, and also he realised that without stronger managers he was not gonna make it solo. and he dragged Phil along because they do everything together and only then it works the best, and also dnpg's return in full force needed new energy for the amount of sponsorships they decided to do (i think, it's mainly Phil's pushing, because he is pro-sponsorships, they just need to be more careful with it on dnpg because Dan (hopefully) has principles when it comes to this. which is amazing. you go, girl!)
i'm very suspicious of dnp's new management right now. so idk. i think, again, most of it comes from Phil, because Phil thrives on their gaming channel, and that's basically the only easy way to survive on youtube and make money right now (for him). i'm glad dnp separated dnpg from their solo careers at least on the management and content levels. it gives Phil the room to use dnpg as a brand to pitch and fund his ideas/projects if it's ever needed. and now, after we survived the hiatus, they can pause dnpg for a couple of months to focus on their solo projects without losing the majority of the audience because technically we would know the reason and also we grew a thicker skin.
i do think that Dan is using dnpg to later help himself with a stand-up special or tour or some sort of series (danisnotokay). i also think he will use it to promote wad dvd (which is good. i will be disappointed if he doesn't use dnpg. like, bitch, why are we even here then? those who went through wad with him, i mean). i wonder if Inter Talent (i'm separating their name intentionally at his point because they piss me off) was smart enough to announce Dan and Phil's signings 2 weeks after UTA announced Dan to just make us pay attention to Dan's solo career again. as a hint of something coming our way. you know what i mean? i wonder if it was intentional. like UTA made a huge announcement, Dan retweeted it and posted it on instagram stories. it was a big deal. meanwhile, dnpg began thriving again and our eyes were on Dan anyway, so of course we noticed that solo career was on the maps again. Inter Talent was basically silent as another representative of Dan (and Phil), despite having them on the website for at least a month. and now 2 weeks after UTA's announcement (which was on November 22, 2023) Inter Talent was like, "hello? do you remember we signed Dan? and also Phil, and their joint channel?" Dan said wad dvd is almost cooked. wouldn't it be genius to stir our interest up step by step? (a part of me still thinks that Inter Talent's social media managers are just slow as fuck though. also they don't even care to check facts about their clients. UTA didn't fuck the announcement up like that, btw. and i doubt Inter Talent realises how nosy dnp's audience is, and that we are very likely gonna notice and spread even this stupid announcement. maybe they are dumb and it's me who is a fucking genius planning steps to present wad dvd to the masses, ugh. when will Dan pay me, like for real.)
i'm surprised you don't think it's heavily connected to new projects. i would bet my kidney it does. Dan will fuck off the moment he needs to focus on danisnotokay or someone offers to sponsor another tour (which, please, someone do. i need to see him for professional reasons). the question is, fuck off for how long and if it's gonna be communicated thoroughly or not. i'm not saying he will leave for 6 months without giving us something in return to balance things out. no, no, no. i don't think he would dare. but 3-4 weeks, maybe 2 months? sure.
is it true revitalized passion? well. *nervous laughter* i'm gonna defend Phil like i'm a phillie, even tho i'm not. he wanted it just as much as we did. so i believe it's a true revitalized passion at least on his part. i hope he fights for it if it's necessary, i hope he asks us for help if needed. i hope he threatens Dan with an actual divorce and forever home if needed. like, bitch, if there's a chance to keep dnpg alive without Dan actually losing his will to live, we should use that chance. Dan's stubbornness and delulus are not the reason to kill the most fun and profitable thing they ever created aka dnp brand. let it exist, even if alongside solo projects, even if it's 2-3 videos a month. damn, even 1 video (i don't mean during pauses made specifically for the peaks of solo projects). i do think Dan enjoys the attention, money, and possibilities their returned audience can give him. he also enjoys working with Phil. he certainly does not enjoy promoting their videos. and he is lucky he has Phil for that. is it a true passion for the gaming channel and joint branding solemnly? i genuinely don't think so. now, this dnp brand puts Dan into a framework, unfortunately. and i understand his desire to grow as a "strong independent Dan", and i wish him the best. i will root for him no matter how much of a floppy-ding-dong it can potentially be. i want him to fulfill his dreams and have a team that will fight for his interests. and i hope to god, UTA and Inter Talent are the ones. don't fucking tempt me with your unprofessionalism. but do i think Dan's head and heart belong to dnpg or dnp brand? no. i'm happy that he is at least trying. a part of me doesn't even care about the reason. i'm curious, but in hindsight, it wouldn't matter or change anything.
other thoughts, because apparently i decided to vomit on a keyboard tonight:
i'm glad dnp took back a bit of control over the editing on dnpg. i hope they will try to edit more themselves when gamingmas is over. or they will teach their editors better. because man, we need to slow down with these cuts.
i do think that dnp brand will expand, and dnpg and merch aren't the only things we should expect. (twitch, podcast or liveshows, onlyfans or its equivalent, vlogging series not limited by ditl, and other things that i forgot). reaction videos are already a thing and it's very funny because it's what youtube wants, so Dan must feel amazing right now falling for it :)) it's good thought because it's fun and torture for all parties involved.
i think by these reaction videos they are trying to rewrite their internet history a little bit for those who are new. it's not gonna work with us but at least dnp can control the narrative in new people's heads (i wonder for how long though).
with new people, the phandom will become more generic and dnp will love that. it can actually help Dan with new projects i think. Phil as well, but we don't know shit about it right now.
i wonder if Dan returns to working with charities.
if they involve more phannies, not only artists, it's gonna be interesting.
in case i'm wrong, don't step on my neck, i don't know anything for a fact. half of it is alleged, the other half is wishful thinking <3
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Today, on April 22nd, 1989 - Queen Story!
Queen filmed promo video for “I Want It All” at Elstree Studios, Borehamwood, UK, director David Mallet
🔸Roger Taylor: Yes, it is our first studio album since 1986, I think that the reason for, for the delay, no, not the delay, for the long wait in between was that we wanted to sort of go away, and just recharge our batteries, quite logical really, and er, and just sort of generate some, some new energy and enthusiasm for, for being Queen
John Deacon: After we did the, the tour in 1986, which was a very big European tour, we were all absolutely exhausted, and shattered, and basically we didn't want to really work together or see each other for a while
Roger Taylor: To get into the whole cycle of er, just making an album, then going on tour, then coming back home and making an album again, we wanted to get out of that
Brian May: We said right, we'll take a little break, we're not, we're not going to split up, but we just er, we need some space for ourselves, and when the time is right, we'll make the album, rather than, you know, somebody says you've got to make one so we make one, so we waited, and we did some, did various other things, you know, Freddie and Roger both did solo projects, and I'm half way through one, and did a lot of producing
John Deacon: That took at least a year to a year and a half, and then towards the end of that second year, er, we sort of met up, and Freddie suggested, I think it was Freddie, perhaps we'd try a little time in the studio
Roger Taylor: So we went into the studio, saw what it was like, and we enjoyed it very much, and we still didn't have any material, so then we decided to go in for the long, for a long, longer time
John Deacon: You know, the third year was spent making the album, so the, in a way it was a two year gap to us, rather than three years, and er, and what was the, I've forgotten the second part of the question already
Interviewer: Did it help you to return to the studios feeling refreshed?
John Deacon: Yes (laughter) yes
The first few weeks of the recording we did a lot of live, er, material, a lot of songs um, ideas came up, some jamming, we had a few ideas that were already prepared, er, 'I Want It All' was one of the, one of the few songs that was actually, written before we went in
- From 'The Miracle' Interviews
Various and separate interviews recorded with Brian, Roger and John on the set of the 'Breakthru' promotional video, May 1989
👉"We were heading into the period where we decided to share the credit for all the songs, and John has said that [the song] was pretty much a finished song when we went into the studios – that's true, it was just this riff that I was obsessed with for months. The actual title was a favorite phrase of Anita's, a very ambitious girl: 'I want it all, and I want it now '... We were never able to perform this song live. It would have become something of the staple core of the Queen show, I'm sure, very participatory. It was designed for the audience to sing along to, very anthemic."
- Brian May, interview 2003, from Greatest Video Hits 2
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
yuguyao cpns part v. 💕
i swear, this promo period seems more active than ool when it comes to cpn potential and i’m not complaining at all it’s just interesting to see the clues. this will contain some double standard stuff which may not be to some people’s liking so keep that in mind.
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We saw the hoverboard again in one of the YGY bts, i would imagine it’s the same one he had during Ace Troops which was allegedly given by WYB. Since XZ isn’t that confident on a skateboard and something like this will be so much better when he needs to do long walks during shoots or if he just wants to have fun. I have so much love for this CPN, because it shows their connection. How they try and be interested in what other likes, even if ZZ did try skateboards before, this is a “compromise”. It’s meeting Bobo’s hobby in the middle.
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ZZ rapping in the bts! AHHHHH! Of course this is an obvious CPN to us. We all know who the rapper is. I’m just here thinking about ZZ who might not be partial to rap but started listening to some because of wang yibo, his husband.
SHIYING x XIEYUN technique is same/similar. I guess this is a usual martial arts fantasy move but it’s a happy coincidence cause people have been making edits of them lately and this happens. We don’t even have to make things up at this point. 😂
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They match so well!!!!
Moving onto the double standard. I wanna start with a disclaimer that I don’t have anything against his co-star or any of their co-stars in film and tv. Especially if they star as their heroine or partner. I have no problem with a project’s cp promotion because that’s really how it goes. Especially on this show where the plot revolves around SY & ZY connection to each other. It’s okay for them to have “chemistry” with their co-stars because it helps the show. I have no issue with them being friendly with female co-stars because i am happy when they are comfortable in their workplace. lord knows how grueling their shooting schedule so it helps that they can get along with their “office mates” lol.
so now that we have that out of the way, let’s look at this example people are talking about…..
• In this scene where they accidentally fall on the bed, the BTS shows ZZ not holding on to the actress. making sure his hands don’t touch her waist. There are other examples of this and then you have him and WYB, secretly holding hands. lol. I am aware that this is more out of respect, not wanting to seem to handsy with a co-star when the script does not call for it. but well, this is how cpn goes. with wyb, he is comfortable in a different way. there are no boundaries.
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• Another one where the actress is obviously flustered by ZZ, and rightfully so. GG is reacting on his own way but still very professional. But when it’s with WYB, there is a sense of 😏😏😏 energy. I guess i’m not the only one on here who did a double take seeing all the BTS between XZ & WYB even before being a cpf. We all tried to brush it off as cp-marketing or editors trying to make stuff out of anything but things just don’t add up.
I don’t know if anyone has ever come up with a heterosexual explanation for all of that especially p3 but till then, it’s bjyxszd 😂😂😂
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and oh, their matching wonderful smiles ☺️☺️☺️
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taylorrepdetective · 1 month
Any guesses for season 2?  Living full time in KC?  Going to all the games?  Engagement?
As I’ve said before, I believe season 2 is the most likely scenario. I believe this because it has been so successful and I don’t see a reason for her to mess with success. And I see few signs of a change. And if season 2 does happen, a big part of it will be the constant anticipation for an engagement ( and pregnancy unfortunately.) Every appearance she makes at a game would involve the GP looking at her hands and speculating about Travis asking or them announcing it publicly in some way. This would be huge publicity for both of them, and for the NFL and Chiefs. Viewership and scuttlebutt will continue to be high. I haven’t paid too much attention this off season, but I believe KC will be the favorite to go to the SB again, so that’s another chance for huge, huge publicity for her. But it is a bit of a “been there done that” situation, so that should be kept in mind. I do not know what her next big project is (re-recording, TS12, documentary, hyping herself up as a director, or something else) but if she does have something (I think we can assume a re-recording by March, so that counts) this is her promo for it, just like she used it last year for eras tour movie, 1989 tv, and TTPD. Even if she has nothing specific to promote, there’s always her brand and the perception that she likes men, along with keeping her actual private life private. For him, he has his game show and the Ryan Murphy show to promote. Plus he’s trying to do a huge podcast deal and trying to get more similar gigs, especially a movie deal.
So, short term: she goes to games (possibly as early as this Thursday - romantically flying straight from London.) She will appear to spend the bulk of the next 2 months in KC. When he has extra days off they may do something outside of kc✅. I think he’ll have a few days after this Thursday’s game✅. I don’t have the energy to look up if his bye week coincides with a tour stop, but I looked in the past, and I don’t think it does. Basically similar to last year except he probably won’t make it to a show. She’ll probably go the VMAs.
However, while I think the above is most likely, I can see several different paths that would add something more fun and interesting (for me - I have been mostly bored by travlor since January.) For example I believe that whenever the breakup is planned (tomorrow or 4 years from now) she will do it in a hilarious and well thought-out way that I am really looking forward to. I think she’ll try to top her announcing the toe breakup by switching out Invisible String and then officially announcing it at midnight, Easter, London time, on Matty’s birthday, followed by all her friends unfollowing him one by one. I won’t dare try to predict the details, except I know I will love it. And that could be tomorrow or it could be ~October, if she doesn’t plan to do the full Super Bowl thing again. Again it could also be in 4 years or even never. I do not actually know anything.
Other interesting things that could happen include releasing the rep vault and we all lose our minds. She could come out as bi. She could get engaged. There’s the election, which I assume she’ll back Harris in some way✅, but I don’t know if he’ll be involved. I do not know any of this actually. It’s all guesses. But my guess have been very good since November so there’s no reason for me to doubt I’m mostly right.
There are a few clues I’ve been watching, some stuff that started in May, that tells me a break up in the near term could happen, and if it does happen, I will let you know what those clues were. And there’re few other things I’m watching for to add to that. But I don’t really see a breakup before October to be likely. Always possible, but unlikely.
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missywritesfor7 · 9 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Happy New Year everyone!! Enjoy this chapter and new chapters every Monday! 💜💜
Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch. 2: Taboo
Yoongi wakes up the next morning to an empty bed once again. He woke up to see Hyeri off when she left for her early shoot. He made her a quick snack to take with her, then fell right back to sleep the moment she left. Now he’s up again just a mere 3 hours later with an hour to spare before he heads off to his own scheduled shoot.
He rolls out of bed and makes himself a breakfast smoothie. With their world tour coming up he’s been on his pre-comeback diet which he mostly follows except when he’s with Hyeri. The way things have been lately, any time with her is worth breaking his diet.
When the time comes, he gathers everything he’ll need for the day and heads out once a manager arrives to take him to his first stop. Today’s schedule starts with a commercial shoot followed by a short promo shoot for the upcoming New Years Con being streamed on Weverse. After that, it’s dance practice until they all master the choreo or start fighting with each other too much from exhaustion. Then he’ll be in his studio finalizing some songs, making new ones, and working on a few projects he took on when he couldn’t get himself to say no to anyone.
With this schedule he has very little time to look at his phone. It’s nothing new to him and Hyeri though. They’re used to being so busy that they don’t even have a second to send a text to each other, and that’s exactly how Yoongi’s day is going. He gets all the way to practice having only checked his phone once during lunch where he sent Hyeri a quick message telling her to have a good day and that he loves her.
At practice the guys are all still working on perfecting their set list for their tour. They work one song at a time with the choreographer to make sure they have the moves down and then evaluate whether the song order is doable. It’s physically and mentally testing, but again it’s nothing new for these 7 veterans of the business.
During a short break Yoongi takes a seat against the wall next to Jin who hands him a bottle of water. “How do they have so much energy?” Jin asks pointing to Taehyung and Jungkook who are playing around in the middle of the floor.
“Their generation is a different breed,” Yoongi laughs watching along as Jimin and Hoseok record the two youngest’s impromptu breakdance battle on their phones.
When Namjoon enters the room from the bathroom, everyone begins moving into position to get back to practice. However, Namjoon pulls Yoongi to the side first.
“Hey hyung,” Namjoon says in a hushed tone. “I just want to give you a heads up.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket and shows Yoongi an article.
Right under the headline is a photo of Yoongi and Hyeri after they ate together the day before. Usually Yoongi, and the rest of the guys, would roll their eyes at such articles. It’s not the first time any of them have been photographed within 10 feet of someone else and had it turn into dating rumors. It’s easy to ignore because it’s typically not long before the chatter dies down and the public has moved on to something else. Usually. But the photo is too damning to be ignored.
For the very brief moment that Yoongi and Hyeri held each other’s hand outside of the restaurant yesterday, someone managed to take a picture of them. Now the image of them with their hands linked while they gaze into each other’s eyes is all over the internet.
Denying the rumors is what they normally would do. It’s easy. But not this time. Namjoon doesn’t have to say anything else to Yoongi because he already knows what this means. He’ll have to make a statement, and denying the relationship may not be so easy this time.
“Have you heard from Rainbow?” Namjoon asks.
“No,” Yoongi says. “I haven’t been on my phone all day.” He reaches for his pocket then realizes he left his phone in his bag in his studio upstairs. He looks at Namjoon wondering if it would upset the others if he ran upstairs for his phone.
“Come on, guys!” Hobi shouts getting in formation.
“You think she’s ok?” Namjoon asks.
“I don’t know,” Yoongi sighs. “Maybe she hasn’t seen anything yet, she’s supposed to be on set all day.”
“Then I’m sure she’s fine,” Namjoon resolves moving to join the rest of the group. “Let’s get this over with.”
The remainder of practice is hardly memorable to Yoongi. His body is there on autopilot, but his mind is far gone. He knew from the start that he and Hyeri’s relationship would be risky. An idol dating is always a hot topic, but two idols dating each other is a much larger issue. He hates the taboo, and while he’s certain there will be many people happy for them, he knows the nasty other side all too well. He can handle it, he has been since before their debut, but he worries about Hyeri.
When Hyeri debuted she was part of a four member girl group called Two Piece under Starlight Entertainment. Although they were under a much smaller company, they still managed to gain a decent following after their debut. Rainbow quickly became known as the adorably shy maknae with the voice to make anyone melt.
Behind the scenes, she found herself afraid to say much for fear that she would be kicked from the group. She got along well with her members, but management kept incredible amounts of pressure on them that had all four of them afraid to say or do anything. They thought the threats of being released would end once they debuted, but it didn’t. Not only that, but everything they did came with punishment. Even when they thought they did well, they were sent home to nothing more than a bowl of rice they had to share.
The company had no money and only one artist. Two Piece. The pressure was heavy because the company was so deep in debt, but no one realized just how much until an exposé was published revealing more than anyone knew was going on.
The CEO of Starlight was found to be in debt to a few powerful figures of the underworld. A gambling addiction, shady financial dealings, and a smuggling operation spanning three countries sent Starlight to its very quick and public demise. The company was shut down and police launched a lengthy investigation.
On top of everything else, Two Piece learned that the rights to all of their music and content was sold off by the CEO to cover some of his debt. It took a long time for authorities to track down who the CEO sold the rights to, but once they did there was nothing they could do. The person was unwilling to cooperate and refused to give ownership back to Two Piece without a large payment. Of course they never saw a dime from anything they had done so they were unable to offer anything.
The cruelty and unfairness of the business resulted in the end of Two Piece. They had hoped to sign elsewhere, but after losing hope in getting their songs back, and losing hope in music altogether, rapper and vocalist EJ quit music for good. She left Seoul and went to stay on her aunt and uncle’s farm in the countryside north of Busan. She comes around once or twice a year to reunite with the rest of the group to catch up a bit, but she maintains a very low key and internet free hermit lifestyle.
Not wanting to carry on as Two Piece without all four members, the remaining three decided to disband and go their separate ways. Leader and main dancer Haeun went on a few dance competition shows before earning recognition as one of the generations best dancers. She remains in Seoul as a dance mentor on idol survivor shows and occasionally hosts dance workshops. Minji, vocalist and second youngest, released two solo albums with a different label before leaving the entertainment business and teaching musical theater at a performing arts school near Seoul.
Lastly, the shy and soft spoken Hyeri aka Rainbow remained in the music business until she recently began her acting career. She’s received lots of positive feedback for her acting from both fans and peers. Colleagues and production staff on every set she’s worked on praise her for being one of the sweetest and easiest people to work with.
It’s been 5 years since the scandal that ended their group, and now Hyeri finds herself sitting at home staring at the photo of her and Yoongi that’s been spreading across the internet all day. She was sent home after finishing only half of her shoot for her “safety” and they promised to reschedule in a few days. She was unsure why until she went back to her dressing room to change and she saw the many messages on her phone.
Minji and Haeun were just checking in on her knowing how hard things can be for her whenever she’s the subject of rumors or anything deemed controversial. Her mom let her know that if she and Yoongi need to disappear for a bit they can always come stay with them in Gwangju. Her manager tells her to get some rest and they’ll talk in the morning. There are a few other messages but none from Yoongi aside from the one he sent her earlier in the day. She figures he must not know yet so instead of messaging him she decides to wait for him to find out on his own. The last thing she wants to do is cause a distraction if he just so happens to look at his phone during practice and sees the news from her.
What she doesn’t realize is Yoongi already knows and after another hour of practice, the guys show mercy and end it early. He’s now running to get his bag out of his studio and he sees it. Messages from everyone. His brother, his mom, some friends. Everyone except Hyeri.
He quickly heads out to his car and rushes home. If she hasn’t seen the news then he wants to be home for her when she does. Just like everyone else close to her, he knows she tends to have a hard time with tabloids. He’s surprised to see the lights on when he gets home and more surprised when he sees Hyeri sitting on the couch in a daze.
“What are you doing home so early?” He asks sitting next to her. “Are you ok?”
“I’m ok,” she says softly. “Why are you home so early?”
He looks her over noticing the redness of her eyes. He can definitely smell the red wine on her breath and see the wad of tissue on the table. She knows.
“I’m here for the same reason you are,” he responds. “Are you sure you’re ok?”
She nods. Sniffs. Her lips tremble. Then she shakes her head.
“Do you think they’ll replace me?” She worries. “What if the company drops me?”
“No,” he says pulling her into an embrace. “They’re not going to replace you or drop you from anything. This shit happens all the time.”
“I know, but what do we say when it’s true? That picture is hard to deny.”
“Well…” he thinks a moment. He had been thinking about this since the moment Namjoon showed him the article. He knows they have to say something, but with that photo he feels denying it would just make them seem like liars. He’d rather break the taboo than be a liar. “Maybe we just tell them the truth.”
“What?” She asks surprised that he would suggest such a thing.
“It’s true, so let’s just admit it. Why should we hide our love because of some stupid societal rule that idols can’t date? I don’t care what anyone has to say about it, I love you and that’s all that matters.”
“I love you too baby, I just,” she pauses and takes a breath. “I need to talk to my manager tomorrow first.”
“What?” He raises a brow.
“Earlier today I got the lead role in that big drama I auditioned for.”
“Really?” He perks up with excitement knowing just how bad she wanted that role and how hard she practiced for it. It’s not only a lead role, but her first lead role. The big opportunity she’d been dreaming about.
“Yeah,” she says shyly. “They offered the part to me this morning. Nothing has been announced yet though, so…I’m scared I may lose it before I even get started.” She sniffles trying to hide her worried tears.
“Babe,” he says squeezing her tighter. “First I’m so proud of you! And second, this isn’t a reason for you to lose your role.” He cups her cheeks in his hands and gives her a quick peck. “It’ll be ok. Talk to your manager in the morning, but you shouldn’t worry. If we go public then we won’t have to hide anymore. We won’t have to sneak around in the middle of the night anymore.”
He’s hopeful. More than hopeful. He’s never been one to shy away from opposing societal norms, this would be his chance to break down another wall. Not that he’s looking for that praise, he simply just wants to go out with his love without the world trying to make it seem like he’s a bad guy.
Hyeri loves Yoongi’s bold defiance. It’s part of the reason why she fell in love with him. She admires how easy it is for him to throw caution to the wind and do as he pleases regardless of what others think. She feels confident and secure with him, but she’s still scared. The thought of losing her lead role or being embroiled in anything controversial makes her heart race. She’s worked so hard, she can’t lose this now.
When Hyeri talks to her manager the next morning, she feels even more scared. Big Hit gave Yoongi the choice to put out whatever statement he wants either to confirm or deny the relationship. JJS told Hyeri that they would deny the rumors. Yoongi was ready to shout from the rooftops that he and Hyeri are together. Then she told him what her company told her.
She’s a fresh budding actress about to star in her first lead role. Dating rumors would not only cause a negative distraction to the show that’s meant to be highly anticipated, but also would look bad for her image. Aside from the fact that she’s an idol, she’s also a new actress and the best roles are given to those who are young and available. The pure and innocent. The perfect star for a drama that calls for a lovable but oblivious female lead. Being in a romantic relationship with a member of the biggest group on the planet would send her image in a direction that her company doesn’t want.
“Did you even try to stand up for yourself?!” Yoongi shouts jumping up from the couch after she tells him the result of the conversation with her manager.
“What was I supposed to say?” Hyeri shouts back not quite bold enough to stand along with him. He’s 3 inches taller than her so it wouldn’t do her any good. “I could lose everything!”
“But you don’t mind losing me?” He huffs.
“Yoongi, you know that’s not it! You know this is my dream! You know how scared I am of having it taken away from me! What could I do?!”
“Stand your ground, Na Hyeri!!” He understands that she’s not typically the one who’s able to speak up when it comes to defying anything a superior says, but he thought she at least loved him enough to try.
“I don’t have a ground to stand on!” She cries in frustration. “I’m not a member of the biggest fucking group in the world! I can’t just say something and have the world cater to my every need! I can’t rebel knowing I have millions of fans around the world to carry me no matter what!”
“The number of fans you have has nothing to do with you speaking up for yourself!”
“Says the one who doesn’t have to worry about that shit!” She finally stands looking up at him. She doesn’t care that he’s taller, she’s pissed and he needs to know it. “You’re so far up in your cloud that you forget how it is for those of us that can’t just walk into a building and have everyone obey our every command!”
“That’s not-“
“I can’t just go against the company!” She stomps her foot about to completely explode. “I worked too hard to lose this, Yoongi! I love you but I can’t sacrifice my dream just to be a rebel or some shit! I’m not you!”
“No!” She interrupts. “No matter what you say it won’t change the fact that we’re on much different levels. No one gives a shit about me. There’s a line of people waiting to take my place and I haven’t even started. I have a ways to go to build even half the following and support you have. I can’t do anything outside of the company’s wishes. I just need you to understand that.”
“I do, Hyeri, but I need you to understand that you’re not going to instantly lose everything because we tell the world we’re dating. Even if you do I can take care of you and anything you need. I can put you in contact with anyone you want and you’ll be fine.”
“Yoongi,” she sighs stepping back. “They’re already getting ready to put the statement out. It’s out of my hands.”
She walks off and goes into the bedroom leaving Yoongi standing in the middle of the living room. He knows she has a hard time with these things and he knows it’s not entirely wrong of her to fear for her job because of it. But he also feels like she should trust him more.
Either way, he’s not happy right now. He packs his work bag and decides to leave for his studio. He’s got a small bit of time before he has to jump right into the day’s schedule, so he’ll take this time to work on the things he didn’t work on yesterday and simply cool off a bit. Because as if he wasn’t already upset, Hyeri giving him the silent treatment before he left didn’t make things any better.
The statement from JJS denying the dating rumors only said they’re just friends who went out for a meal. Nothing more to it. Yoongi decided he didn’t want Big Hit to put out a statement at all. If that’s the statement her company is going with then he’d rather just stay silent. Either way, it hurts him.
He never thought he’d hurt over something like this. Maybe he’s being too emotional and not very logical. Maybe he’s letting his heart get the best of him.
He works all day but he’s not mentally present. He knows everyone else saw the statement. He knows they’re trying hard to not mention it. They’re trying hard to make things seem normal, but it’s not working well.
Hobi’s face can never tell a lie, and the way his mouth twists into a concerned frown when he sees Yoongi miss a step in practice is all too noticeable. Instead of scolding Yoongi as he normally would, he stays silent when Yoongi forgets a move. Hobi lets it slide when he does it again. After the fourth time Yoongi knows it’s intentional. There’s never a practice where Hobi isn’t catching and calling out every dance mistake. Yoongi thought him letting it go the first time was generous, but now its too much. Yoongi can tell Hobi doesn’t want to say or do anything that may make him more upset in any way.
Yoongi hates it. He hates the big ass elephant in the room. He hates that something so trivial is effecting him this bad. He hates that by the time he’s done with practice and back in his studio he hasn’t heard a word from Hyeri. That hurts.
Hyeri had her shoot rescheduled for the following day which left her with the entire day to herself. She spent most of the time reading comments online after the dating rumors were denied. Lots of people don’t believe it, but others are taking the statement at face value and not questioning it any further. It’s a mixed bag which doesn’t make her feel much better about the decision, but she knows there’s nothing she could have done.
She hates fighting with Yoongi. She knew he’d be upset but she wishes he’d be more understanding of her side of things. To her, all she can do is ride on whatever the company says. She’s gone through the worst, but JJS managed to earn her trust. They never treated her badly and even apologized to her when she left her badge at home and had to go through management to get a temporary one so she could get in the building. This company treats her like a valued family member, not a bad dog, and she can’t possibly get herself to do anything against whatever they suggest to her.
She can’t lose this.
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sweetfirebird · 28 days
Coming out of depression or burnout or writer's block or intense life stressors as a creator online is so weird because you are supposed to have a social media presence all the time and have projects going all the time, but of course you don't (and can't and no one can). And obviously that wasn't happening during your time spent in the Phantom Zone but then you start to come out of that, and you are working again, or thinking about it, and you are excited and feeling better but also have nothing to post because everything is only in the beginning or middle stages. But you can't think about that, because then the 'I have nothing to offer' shame spiral will drag you back into not doing anything. But meanwhile, you still need to post something because this is the current late stage capitalism hellscape of needing to do your own promo and having an online presence, so all your fun motivated energy now must be turned to the promo shit and not the actual work shit, and wouldn't it be easier just to not do anything at all? No I'm not going through anything says the person who just did a newsletter that had zero news in it and hasn't posted serious anywhere in a while.
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tunas-universe · 2 months
Aight I’m bored also I like the new movie so I’m gonna try to guess what the new fellas quirks are!!! (Minor spoilers for the first 15 minutes, credit to @zee-nith ‘s post)
This is pure speculation on what I think the quirks/powers of the movie OCs will be, none of my thoughts are final, because I’m waiting for the movie to make a verdict, this is just fun theorizing!
Dark Might
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I think his quirk allows him to copy the powers of others? There are rings that the Gorinni Family all wears, and I think he might be able to create these rings that contain different powers? There’s not too many hints, but a theory alot of people are having is that his quirk also drains him of his life force or power and that’s why he wants Anna on hand? (Edit: It looks like his quirk is energy projection!!!)
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Judging by the promos, it looks like Dark Might really wants her quirk for some reason???? My guess is that it’s either a power amplifying quirk, a reality distortion quirk, or a life force quirk. One thing I’m certain of is that her quirk drains her own life force/energy, due to her hair turning black whenever she uses it. Her quirk might also cause harm to others (judging by 15 minute preview explanation) where when Deku grabs her hand, he starts feeling lots of pain. Maybe it gives and drains life force/power? The flowers might be the catalyst for this, but for now, I’m a bit stumped… (edit: also it looks like she’s leading Deku through a pocket dimension full of purple lights and flowers??? Guessing this happens at the beginning of the movie)
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Now this dude is a bit confusing, I’m pretty sure his arm is a prosthetic (unless he has a Lady Nagant thing going on) but if you held me at gunpoint (haha) and told me to give him a quirk hint based off of his appearance alone, I’d say his eyepatch is a little sus, whether it’s a scar or something to keep him from activating his quirk which probably works through his left eye ala Aizawa, also Mamoru Miyano specifically highlighted that he has a teardrop mole which could be a huge stretch but this feels like a hint??? But for an actual quirk I’m not too sure (we haven’t seen any hints so it might be a massive spoiler). Also he has some sort of memory loss (?) which could be a side effect or overuse of his quirk
Paulo, Simon, and Bruno (left to right)
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Now, thanks to the explanation, we know that Bruno’s quirk allows him to create forcefields that slow down time, so he’s solved. Paulo and Simon are tricky, if I had to give them quirks, Paulo gives me vibes that he blends into shadows or has a poison quirk, and Simon gives me psychic quirk vibes???
EDIT: Simon has some sort of quirk that basically makes him a wizard!!!
Ugo and Jill
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Definitely some sort of symbiotic relationship going on here, if I had to guess, I’d assume Ugo has a strength quirk (no shit) and Jill has one of three, mind control, intelligence, or telepathy, or they’ll throw us for a loop and give them the most batshit insane quirks idk
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I’m stumped on this one, maybe he’s just the planner dude or he has a quirk having to do with the mind? Idk?
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I’m EXTREMELY curious about her quirk, I made a post mentioning how she and Aizawa’s quirk appearances are similar, BUT, in one of the promos, we see Anna looking super empty as Deborah is holding her by the shoulders, so I think her quirk might either stop the thought or emotion process, is a form of mind control, or hypnosis? She reminds me a bit of a witch or a raven
(Or it IS an alternate form of Erasure and if it is I will explode)
Anyways that’s all of my speculation on what I think the quirks or not quirks are! (I think the rings that the Gorinni Family wears might be their quirks too), so lets wait for the movie and see what they end up doing!
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vaaaaaiolet · 2 months
hi. how are you. what do you think each Leon's fav position is lol
-freaky anon
freaky anon my beloved <3
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mdni, nsfw under the cut but my answer is extremely ass i'm not kidding :( my re lore knowledge is bad this is NOT CANON just my personal take / heavy projection LMFAO
re2: baby does not know what he's doing. his poor ex gf. he's very vanilla if he does anything at all but he's trying his best, he swears! i don't think he's super submissive like people portray him to be. he's just inexperienced. super subby stuff would freak him out i feel.
re4: getting into the groove of things, 3 years can teach you a lot. after training and spain, he's got pent up emotions he needs to get out. rougher + more willing to explore, plus he can do fun stuff like this (shameless promo)
infinite darkness: i project my rich older man fantasies onto id leon even though he's only 29-30 idk why LMAO. i get pleasure dom energy with switchy potential once things start getting rough (e.g. jason chip drama, claire, etc.)
re6: he's hanging on to threads but still cocky. i think he overcompensates for his worsening situation esp. in/after lanshiang. it goes both ways: he can be inattentive and overly rough but then go completely at his lover's mercy if he needs an out.
vendetta: whiskey dick, 'nuff said. also he's depressed as hell. talk to his right hand if you need more info.
death island: DADDY'S HOME i mean what!! the pleasure dom comes back and things are getting better after the shitfest that was vendetta. he's so husband to me i'm sorry. throw in breeding kink along with his infinite darkness tendencies + his re4 openness to experimentation now that he doesn't actively want to die. he'll still sub on occasion but would you want him to?? when he has arms like THOSE???
ok bye i'm so sorry this took forever. i love you dearly, freaky anon. be well. drink water. <3 kisses
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
Anons we gotta move on from this discourse just enjoy the press, red carpets and zendaya domination. Like we cant be doing this everytime zendaya is promoting a project, like stans dont realize these constant edits ( not talking about the cute harmless ones), shipping, body langauge analysis, chemistry discourses, soulmatism etc is whats causing some these actors to overthink and give us nothing. This is promo/work these people are co -workers and friends they doing their job stop making this miserble, i dont mean to be rude but be the bigger person ignore these annoying shippers or "diappointed" fans we know whats up lets not entertain them. Who cares who they paired up with, I just want to see zendaya own this month and for her to enjoy them silly games with her costars and do some interviews.
( also to some insecure anons, zendaya is fully capable of having a relationship with tom and laugh and have fun with her friends/co-stars. Her being cute or having fun with them is not a sign of her cheating or a imminent break up or in the opposite case if shes not laughing at their jokes or low energy it doesnt mean she hates them.)
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AMEN!!! 👏🏾
( also to some insecure anons, zendaya is fully capable of having a relationship with tom and laugh and have fun with her friends/co-stars. Her being cute or having fun with them is not a sign of her cheating or a imminent break up or in the opposite case if shes not laughing at their jokes or low energy it doesnt mean she hates them.)
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THANK YOU SO much for saying this Anon. Like, this NEEDED to be said.
I agree with you....all of the overthinking and harsh criticism from fans can cause some of these actors to not even know how to act normally in some of these interviews. It's really sad.
And I totally agree with the part in bold above. Just because Z has fun with her co-stars, it doesn't mean that she loves Tom any less. And just because she might have an "off" day, or look "tired" or "bored" with her costars (which might be subjective btw), it doesn't mean that she hates her costars or that she doesn't get along with them.
Z can do BOTH. She can have fun with her costars AND still be in a relationship with Tom lol.
Also....Anybody who's weirded out by men and women being JUST FRIENDS, or thinks that any woman (or man) who's friendly towards costars (or people) of the opposite sex means that they're "cheating" on their significant other, are just really strange. 🥴
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crispycreambacon · 6 months
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I thought I'd share the sketch of this poster/book cover as well as my initial concepts! You can click the "Read More" button for more in-depth explanations on my design process.
Thhis is all for my latest fanfiction, Snip Snip, so if you'd like to check that out, then...
Now let's crack in!
For the release of "Snip Snip", I actually had several different directions in mind! One was a comic of one of the scenes from the fanfic—specifically the one where the Professor breaks down in front of Kate and Joyce with the line "I don't like being a woman"—and the other was a series of doodles showing the Professor's transition. Unfortunately, both directions met dead ends as I couldn't find the motivation to do either. The most progress I made were these sketches.
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If you're wondering, "The first one looks familiar..." that's because I reused that pose for my first promo art! It was too good of a pose. I couldn't waste it :P
But anyways, after a period of getting extremely frustrated over the lack of progress, I realized my main problem: I was biting off more than I could chew. I didn't know this at the time, but I was dealing with burnout from school assignments that made drawing more ambitious ideas like the ones I had very difficult. Hence, I had to scale it down. It made me think, "Why not do something like a movie poster or a book cover?"
That's how the sketches at the top of the post came to be! I consulted a friend of mine over which pose to choose, and he picked the third one which I understand why so. The obscuring of the Professor's face not only made it cool, but it adds symbolism in how we don't really see his true identity—the real him—until his transition. Here's the first sketch!
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As you can see, the title is on the top left corner! However, I moved it to the bottom for two reasons
It's advice I learnt while looking up how to make movie posters since moving the title to the bottom tends to bring more focus to the illustration above.
I couldn't find a font that fits! And the idea of doing typography again (especially after the Keep Yourself Safe poster...) was really not what I signed up for.
But then it left the problem of the top corner looking empty. It was too distracting! So what did I fill it in with? The subtitle: This is their story. The composition is now more balanced, and also the subtitle tickles me.
As I said before, I looked up movie posters for this! Special thanks to the Nashville Film Institute and Muse by Clio for their articles that guided me during this poster making process. I will say though I got really sidetracked watching Filmmaker IQ's The History of the Hollywood Movie Poster 😭 It's really interesting, I'd recommend watching it!
One thing I learnt is that movie posters limit their colour palettes. Of course, this is good advice for art in general, but movie posters emphasize on its colour usage to attract the audience with their simple yet bold schemes. It is a piece of advertisement after all! Following their footsteps, I limited my colours to the primary colours (red, yellow, blue) and purple to make the scissors pop and allude to the nonbinary flag colour scheme.
And from there, it was just a matter of experimenting with rendering! I wanted a mix of pop art and storybook illustrations, so I mixed lineart with lineless, and I wanted to retain the energy of the sketch while still polishing it, so I cleaned the sketch, merged it with the colours, and painted on top of it rather than make a separate lineart layer.
Overall, I'm extremly proud of the end result! The struggle of figuring out the promo art for this fic has been tormenting me since the beginning of the year, so I'm glad to bring it to an end. Thank you for reading my ramblings! I hope you learnt something or at least had fun? Either way, have a good day!!
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I really don’t like what they’re doing with Winona. Whatever their excuse is, I can’t imagine one actor being happy being completely erased from the promo of a project you helped big time making it successful. It just seems childish and ungrateful.
Agreed; it’s ridiculous it’s THE Winona Ryder.
Stranger Things social media and Ross’s posts need more of this energy; they should be damn starstruck:
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savebylou · 5 months
But this literally doesn’t benefit him at all and “old school way” is not good AT ALL in 2024. No one’s outside of the fans watching/listening to these interviews so he just wastes money/energy for nothing when he could invest these money in way better promo. I’m sorry but I’m tired of romanticising Louis’ bad promo
Hi anon, sorry for thr late response. I think that you are seeing the promo in terms of reaching more of the general public outside of LATAM & famous media, but this specific promo was for his tour in LATAM.
Besides the promo in Brasil, Chile and Argentina there was also press from Paraguay (in Argentina) and from Perú (in Chile).
Louis talk about his music and other projects like AFHF, but the main reason is to promote the tour.
I don't live in those countries, but in this post by @lets-laughagain they mention how a lot of media was talking about Louis in Brasil and in this post they comment how Louis was trending all weekend in Argentina.
So the media work in some way, hopefully it also will help in ticket sales. But I think the fact that everyone that interviews Louis see how kind and down to earth he is, that's a positive thing. It helps that the media likes Louis for the future.
Also in this post & this other post by @calordelverano they share a lot of people talk about Louis football skills while he was in Argentina and mention how he was a great football player. So Louis is making new people be interested in him and that could make them listen to his music and buy tickets (not that everyone will but is a potential future audience).
Louis did a lot of interviews in each country, so I think it helps to reach different audiences and remind them the shows. I was just looking a few of the media that interview Louis and here are some data:
Brasil: MTV Brasil youtube channel (3.42M subscribers), Foquinha (2.09M), CAPRICHO (2.5M followers on twitter), POPline (184K), Radio Mix FM (90.9K)
Chile: CNN Chile (839K), Bio Bio Chile (507K), La Cuarta (449K on ig), Los 40 Chile (55.9K subscribers and this without counting the radio listeners), Radio Disney Chile (35.2K on ig),
Argentina: Todo Noticias (4.17M subscribers), MTVLA (4.14M), Algo de Música interview is in LUZU TV youtube channel (1.37M) , Tu música hoy (1.24M), Telenoche (1.13M), DATTA (136K followers on ig & 199K on tiktok), Billboard Arg (83.5K), Los 40 Argentina (52.1K subscribers and this without counting the radio listeners),
Paraguay, HEi Now (5.9K) & Perú, Radio Planeta (39.8K). Radio Disney Latinoamérica (1M on ig).
This without count the audience that media has where they share written or video interviews in their websites. That is a lot of ways to reach out to people in social media, he could reach new audiences with this promo for his tour and music.
And honestly even if he doesn't sell so many tickets because of this promo, he saw so many fans and that is so meaningful for them and for Louis because he said he wants to make them feel seen and thank the support.
I do think that for LT3 he needs a new strategy to reach more people, but I think what he did with the promo in LATAM is a good move, same with the festivals that he will do after the tour.
(If anyone from Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Perú, Paraguay, any LATAM country or anyone outside of LATAM that saw the impact of this promo wants to add something please do)
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