#( thread ; steffy )
yurious-george · 3 months
Gear 🏳️‍⚧️ 🎶 👽 👗 🌟 😶
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
Surprisingly, she's actually cisgender, but has specific relationships with gender and her body that mean she hits it off almost exclusively with trans people. A trans reading of this character is completely valid and somewhat supported by text (she has a *deadname*), but she so acutely has my gender I start growling and barking at contradictory ideas lol
🎶 A headcanon about music
she actually dislikes music! She has some severe sensitives to noise (not-canon) and is in the subway specifically because it's quiet. However, If she did like music: Psyche Corp's The Ceiling and the Ultrakill soundtrack all the way.
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
She privately has a habit of laughing out loud out of nowhere, pacing/swaying, and sequestering herself away to eat food. She will also occasionally text Barry incoherently in response to a question, and get mad if he acknowledges it. Can also spend long periods of time staring at walls. She has a lot of weird quirks, she's... not doing well.
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
She embroidered her eyepatch herself, and has some basic sewing & mending skills! She did alter a pre-existing outfit for her uniform, she's no seamstress.
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
She has no idea what she *actually* wants, from Steffi and for her life. Her current goal (kill Steffi) will not make her happy with her success, and she's so fucked in the head she can't course-correct, even though she knows the prior subconciously. She doesn't actually want any of the things she claims to prioritize, you need a combination of just, so many coping mechanisms and weird little doublethinks to think you want to live in the subway your parents died in
😶 A random headcanon!
She meets with Barry once or twice a month to restock supplies, take a shower, and get her limbs tuned up (primarily the last one). She actually likes their time together, though she doesn't think of anything more than a benefactor. (And to him, she's no more than a test subject.) One thing she doesn't like about those meetups though, is sometimes she'll test fine motor skills in prostheses, like threading needles or guitar playing. She tolerates it for better-controlled gun arms and getting to watch Barry work.
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More crochet. Been a while, a combination of sick and the current project being big, but speaking of which:
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Nessie! Big nessie. The main body is a variegated red/grey I can't remember the brand of, and the detailing is in Elements DK. Quite big, that's an olive-oil body I'm using to support it. Absolutely lovely design; even with my iffy execution, uses an interesting way of structuring to get the very twisty wiggles that are important for any good seabeastie. Pattern by Patchwork Moose/Kate E. Hancock, published in Unicorns, Dragons and More Fantasy Amigurumi.
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From large to smol. This little skydragon is only 4in long, and 2in tall. And it's still bigger than the pattern expects, as I worked in 4ply rather than embroidery thread. Specifically, Silent Night by West Yorkshire Spinners. Now, the tiny really appeals to me, and I like the way it came out, even if the sparkles aren't really good for my photography skills. I didn't add the eyes the pattern calls for, the stardragon feels better without.
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And this one is done in the same pattern, but I removed the wings to make it a dinosaur 'cause my crochet teacher thought's that what the other one was and I've been meaning to make her something for her trophy shelf. I added the green stripes as I was going 'cause I thought it'd be nice. The yarn is some that I got from my grandma's overspill, and my teacher likes teal.
(I'm technically publishing this prior to giving it to her but I'm pretty sure she's not on tumblr and if I'm wrong, sorry [Name Redacted], you probably don't want to look at the rest of my blog)
Pattern for these two is from 100 Micro Amigurumi: Crochet patterns and charts for tiny amigurumi by Steffi Glaives. Got this book out the library and probably going to get my own copy, there's a fair amount in there for me.
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ripper-royalty · 7 months
Why did you pick a badger for Stefan?
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When I was making graphics for my muses, Stefan was one of the only ones without a strong animal association. Damon is the Crow, Klaus is the Wolf, Elijah the Stag, but what fits Stefan?
I landed on badger first because Steffy is a Hufflepuff. Loyal to an absolute fault, he stands by his brother for no other reason sometimes than that Damon is his brother. They are bound by blood and Stefan will never forget that. He treats the rest of his relationships the same, no matter how bad it hurts he is always there for Elena and their friends. He's Hard Working, Stefan is not afraid to buckle down and do what needs to be done. He has the Patience of a saint, again with his brother, but I think you really see that with Caroline when he was helping her become a vampire she didn't have to be afraid of. And then again when Elena turns, working to help her navigate if all. Finally, he really really tries to do the Right Thing. Stefan has a past he's not proud of, he struggles daily to overcome his urges, but beyond that he's often the moral compass for his brother.
Outside of Hufflepuff though, badgers are associated with Tenacity and Persistence. Stefan has lost his humanity 3 times in his life, and each time he's fought and clawed his way back to it. He hangs by a thread for years at a time and still pulls through.
Overall, I really think badger is a good animal association for Stefan.
I loved this question, thank you nonnie
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feen-feet · 2 years
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A Sleepless Domain fanfic on Ao3
Hey! New fic! Some last minute Benzine/Aniline!
Steffi's mum messed up her name. It isn't a big deal. It really shouldn't be a big deal.
...why's it feel like such a big deal?
Preview after the break! Also this extremely cute Annie was drawn by @sketcheddy who is extremely awesome.
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"It's not that it's not a big deal, it's more like... it shouldn't be, right?" Annie swung towards them, sitting up, carefully transferring Winston to her lap. "I know your mom just slipped up. People forget new names all the time, and she's been calling me Ben for years." She studied Winston's belly, tracing little circles with her fingers. "It shouldn't upset me."
"Sure it should!" Steffi said. "She's rude! She should try harder! She sucks! I already said that!"
Annie shrugged, a small grin on her lips. "Maybe."
Techno leant against Steffi's desk. "Mrs Frohlich was probably just careless," she said, threading the needle between Steffi and Annie. "But it's okay to be bothered by that on its own. Unless... is there something else bothering you?"
Annie shrugged again. "...maybe." The grin was gone.
Here's a link to the full fic!
Happy 2023 everyone! Hope it goes good for you all!
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unbornwhiskeyy · 2 years
some 2022 albums i enjoyed in 2022:
fireboy dml: playboy
if the hooks are good, indelible, celestial enough, you can add an ed sheeran remix of the tiktok hit to the tracklist and my brain will injure itself trying to work it into the conceptual unity of the album
lambchop: the bible
songs like tectonic plates of memory colliding, grinding each other into details so fine they’re senseless without their context, in fact this record lives in the realm of the senseless detail, it rides the skeletal threads that connect moments to other moments
the mars volta: the mars volta
box draped in lustrous fabrics opens to reveal collection of rare jagged art-rock miniatures
steffi: the red hunter
tpfw (that posthuman feel when) the album cover looks like the spilled black blood of a cyborg and the album sounds like the blinking of neural implants
junior boys: waiting game
like walking home on a foggy night at like 3 am when your senses are kind of brushing the world around you into wet blushes of paint and you're not even able to put the words in your head into sequence, they're just fragments, loops of anxiety that as soon as you're aware of them they've already decayed into echoes of themselves, incidentally this walk is longer than you remembered as time has been stretched to the quantum level and every block stutters to repeat the previous one and it's like you're stuck in the liminal space between club and home forever
panic! at the disco: viva las vengeance
this is the most embarrassing thing i will ever admit to liking. theater kid tries to write a jukebox musical and fails, makes a really good power-pop record instead. tasteless and annoying just like me
björk: fossora
avatar movie about the lineage of mushrooms on pandora
the 1975: being funny in a foreign language
a band that usually presents an exploded view of culture and reflexive self-worship/self-loathing/self-delusion on and on in an insane ouroborosian helix goes implosive and makes their worst album with their best songs
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electropneumatic · 1 year
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A couple months ago, I crocheted some earrings for my mom! I used a 0.4 mm hook and some sewing thread. This pattern is from Steffi Glaves' book, 100 Micro Crochet Motifs, and this specific pattern can actually be found in the Google preview of the book, in case anyone wanted to try it out!
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Starring Bianca Delbravo, Dilvin Asaad, Safira Mossberg, Ida Engvoll, Marta Oldenburg, Mitja Siren and Alexander Ohrstrand.
Screenplay by Mika Gustafson and Alexander Ohrstrand.
Directed by Mika Gustafson.
Distributed by Room 8 Films. 108 minutes. Not Rated.
Swedish writer-director Mika Gustafson’s feature debut Paradise Is Burning doesn’t exactly have much of a plot, per se, although much of the action revolves around a very specific situation. However, the film has a loose and ambling randomness, much like the characters it is following around. Yet, at the same time, there is a real sense of gravity and tragedy lingering around the corners.
Feeling much like a documentary (Gustafson had previously worked on docs) the film (mostly) focuses on three sisters. The oldest is 16-year-old Laura (Bianca Delbravo) who has been watching over her, 12-year-old sister Mira (Dilvin Asaad) and seven-year-old Steffi (Safira Mossberg) while their mother is gone. Mom obviously takes off on a fairly regular basis for extended periods of time and so Laura is forced into the mother’s role.
They spend a lot of time with other girls from their neighborhood, breaking into homes to get food or use the pool or just for kicks. Laura is far from being a terrific role model and is quite confused about her own life, but she does love her sisters and does her best to get them from home to school, to cook for them, and shield them from harm.
Paradise is Burning takes a look at a few days in their lives, when Laura receives a call from Family Services that they need to do a wellness check on the girls and their mother the upcoming Monday. And while this eventuality does force a certain amount of focus on Laura – she has to either track down mom or find someone else to pretend to be the mother. And she does, on and off, throughout the film, but there is so much more going on here.
After all, lack of parental supervision can lead in many directions. Life can be hard, but it can also be freeing having no one ever telling you what to do. And these three sisters do not seem to be the only ones going through this, several other neighborhood girls seem to have nothing better to do than hang out and party. (There do not seem to be many boys in this town.)
Each of the sisters have a few plot threads, but the main ones show Laura getting into an odd friendship with an apparently emotionally bruised thirty-ish local housewife names Hanna (Ida Engvoll). Hanna catches Laura escaping from breaking into a neighbor’s house and becomes fascinated by her life. Laura agrees to show her what it is like to break into a home, but she never quite realizes that the older woman is not as involved in their relationship as Laura is.
Mira is growing up, dealing with her first period and is completely uninterested in school. However, she befriends a neighbor’s slightly sleazy older boyfriend and becomes obsessed with managing him as a contestant in a local karaoke contest.
The youngest, Steffi, in the meantime, is slowly but steadily growing angrier and angrier, both with the world in general and her oldest sister specifically. She spends much of her time hanging in an empty lot with a younger friend breaking most anything they can.
There are not pretty, sanitized answers in Paradise is Burning. We never find out what happens with the Family Services meeting. However, it shows us a fascinating, unvarnished view of family and aimlessness and it feels all the more real for its messiness.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2024 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: September 7, 2024.
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morgan--reads · 4 months
You All Grow Up and Leave Me - Piper Weiss 
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Summary: A combination memoir of Weiss girlhood in the 90s and true crime story of her tennis coach, who stalked and attempted to abduct another student when Weiss was fourteen. 
Quote: “Tennis has a renewed sex appeal with a narrative to match. Agassi, the stud; Pete Sampras, the handsome young underdog. The epic rivalry of Steffi Graf and Monica Seles. And the prodigy, Jennifer Capriati—who, a few months earlier, replaced Mary Lou Retton as every little girl’s Olympic hero, ringing in the nineties in her Stars and Stripes windbreaker at the Barcelona games, raising her gold medal as high as her hair-sprayed wall of bangs. In a year, eighteen-year-old Seles will be stabbed on the court by a deranged Graf fan, and in two years Capriati will become a cautionary tale, but in this moment, both represent tennis’s emerging new star: the teenage girl.”
My rating: 4.0/5.0   Goodreads: 3.28/5.0
Review: Weiss balances the two sides of her narrative well. She presents a heart-aching portrait of what it was like to be a teenage girl, vulnerable and in desperate need of approval. It is also an open-eyed portrait of her tennis coach, Gary Wilensky, a man that she once had great affection for but now understands as a predator. She isn’t sympathetic to Wilensky—as the scope of his crimes become clear throughout the story it becomes more or less impossible to be—but she’s honest about the appeal he had as a coach and mentor when she was young, using the evidence of her experience to reinforce the factual narrative about how Wilensky operated as a child predator. It can feel rambling in places, but the two narrative threads coalesce into a surprising and powerful conclusion. 
The audiobook, narrated by Brittany Pressley, is full of personality. 
Read-alike: For a similar mix of memoir and true crime, try We Keep the Dead Close - Becky Cooper
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arielmcorg · 9 months
#Opinion - Falta de estrategias, competencia y crisis: ¿Por qué mueren las redes sociales?
Este 2023 ha sido testigo de interesantes cambios en el universo de las redes sociales. Desde el arriesgado rebranding de X, anteriormente conocido como el Twitter de Elon Musk, hasta la tambaleante existencia de Threads, la nueva apuesta de Mark Zuckerberg en Meta (Fuente another Latam). De acuerdo con Steffy Hochstein, Digital Director de another, agencia de comunicación estratégica con gran…
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monarchisms · 4 years
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dvlhls · 2 years
@fusebcx​ asked: “you’re looking at me funny.” stelton
“ no, i’m not, ” words said a little too fast to be entirely convincing. “ okay, maybe i was. it’s hard not to when you go around looking like that. ” a silence, barely longer than a second, and steffy heard her words back to herself. “ i didn’t mean that like that- i meant because you look stupid- not that you look stupid! ” when did speaking get so hard ? “ i meant it as a joke. like it’s not that i think you’re hot or something, ” shut up, steff. oh my god, stop. “ i mean i do think you’re hot.. so that doesn’t make any sense either. ” fuck. “ i’m just going to stop talking now. ” bit late for that now, isn’t it?
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kindaokartchannel · 2 years
First fake steffi love I've seen, super cheap, but with a lot of issues. Hair greasy and not fixed in the head, paint marks, loose thread on the dress. Plastic is not flimsy as expected from a doll this cheap and she does not have a bald spot.
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This is after I fixed her up, pretty solid glow up.
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✍🏿Debut You 2022: A Debut Author Series
“Debut You” is an interview feature on Our Stories Matter blog. 
Meet Kathlyn J. Kirkwood, author of Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round: My Story of the Making of Martin Luther King Day
Here’s an excerpt👇🏿
Tell us about your book.
For my story, the book is my coming-of-age—about me coming to the realization that I have a commitment to help those around me and that there’s a passionate activist that lives inside of me. The foot soldiers’ thread is the story of the myriad (thousands) of nameless and faceless people who worked for years to realize Dr. King’s birthday as a national holiday. “You don’t know my face, you don’t know my name, but the day Dr. King was assassinated, I became a foot soldier,” is how the book starts and really captures the spirit of what I really wanted to convey. ...I want to honor and respect those who have worked so very hard to make a change, and I also want people, especially my younger audience, to understand that change takes time. It does not happen overnight. In this particular instance, it was really 15 years!
✨Read Kathlyn J. Kirkwood’s full feature and order a copy!
📖Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round: My Story of the Making of Martin Luther King Day
Kathlyn J. Kirkwood
Steffi Walthall
January 4, 2022
Available Now👉🏿| Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound
Black Children's Books and Authors is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Our mission is to promote awareness of children’s and young adult literature by Black authors. 
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nikadoesanart · 3 years
Chuuya's sense of fashion and will we see the SB outfit again?
What if the reason why we see Chuuya having such basically flamboyant/more stylish outfits Dragon's Head Conflict onwards (idk how else to describe it but it’s clearly his own style), is because of everything he learned about himself in Storm Bringer as well as partially in memory of/in spirit of the flags (like just look at Albatross tell me he didn’t inspire Chuuya with this).
Cause I’ve seen a post recently circulating a bit wishing for Chuuya to bring back the SB outfit but my guess is that he has multiples of it/things that are similar not just because he hadn’t learned about his past yet but more so because at the time he was essentially one of many in the PM. Sure he’s clearly different due to him quickly going up the ranks and getting achievements but he was pretty much forced to join. It’s also not like he was the only powerful ability user and he does still have to dress professionally for things like meetings (especially since he’s still making impressions and forming connections during his first year) vs becoming an executive candidate and later an executive, when not only his name is more known but he’d probably want to start to come off as a bit different/as himself. Just the smaller accessorizing he does is already super iconic and it adds the personal touch to his outfits.
“After the ‘Assassination King Incident’, Chuuya’s reputation within the Organization had risen explosively. After all, he had defeated the denim beast Guivre, who had threatened to destroy the Mafia in its entirety, all by himself. By now, there was no one in the organization who did not know Chuuya’s name anymore, and he had his own subordinates at the ready.” (this is shortly after he became an executive, as we find out a few-ish paragraphs later) (Storm Bringer, Epilogue, translation by Steffi’s team)
Maybe I’m starting to overanalyze with this now but picking out his outfit randomly vs picking out specific things (even if it’s just accessories or individual layers to add) says a lot to me about how he perceives himself at the time. In the Sheep, not only was he in charge but even people outside of the Sheep knew of him and his strength (like this might’ve been novel character sheet only cause it’s a small detail but he even had a sheep belt buckle). 1 year into being in the PM he’s starting to make a name for himself because of how fast he’s getting achievements and climbing the ranks, but he hasn’t actually become too well known yet (ie look at Dazai already making people too afraid to even approach where he lives cause his greeting could literally be anything from a tea party to like brutal murder or something). DHC he’s now an executive candidate and he’s learned about himself/is much more sure of his own identity.
There’s also just no point in him trying to blend in among the PM once he became an executive candidate because him being recognized for his achievements and then as the one in charge as an executive just makes sense to me (why would you want a boss that tries to hide in the crowd constantly, especially in the PM? I’m not talking about undercover missions or being off work, this is different from Mori and Aku dressing casually for when they’re off duty or just in broad daylight trying to set up for their target.)
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(In order, 15 yo novel character sheet, SB character sheet, colored reference art from Rakugakki Note artbook, compilation of anime Chuuya character sheet)
Anyway, I don’t think we’ll see a return of Chuuya’s exact outfit from SB unless there was a reason (ie. disguise/a need to blend in with the crowd). He does still dress similarly now to his SB outfit, except with some added accessorizing. The only part of how he dresses that “needs” to be kept is the hat, due to its special properties (as explained in SB). And even if Chuuya did need a disguise, he does already dress pretty “normally”, just with his own added touch that isn’t too in your face (there’s probably a better word for this that I’m just not remembering rn lol). Also as you may have noticed from the references above, manga Chuuya does also have a chain on his hat and a belt that honestly reminds me of Hatsune Miku's belt.
This is just my own personal take inspired by the tweet I mentioned and linked above, I just write too much to want to make a whole thread. Also no hate to op by any means, I also have my own wishes of what I want to see happen in bsd that may not be the most likely to happen.
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tracelessrp · 3 years
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Traceless Event: July 10, 2021 - A Mile in Your Shoes
The story:
For the most part, the last few months or so in Traceless had been calm. A little too calm, if you asked some of the residents. The village had always been a safe haven, but with so many different supernatural beings living in one place, a little chaos breaking out now and then was pretty much par for the course. To those who were paying attention, the fact that nothing odd had happened recently - not even during the last full moon - made the place feel quiet... Perhaps too quiet. They were overdue for some chaos.
Of course, not even the village’s most paranoid residents could have predicted just what form that chaos would manifest in next - or rather, what forms. But as the residents awoke on Saturday, July 10th, most realized something was very wrong. Not only had everyone woken up someplace different from where they’d fallen asleep. But physically, most noticed that something was... off. While it took some people longer than others, everyone realized pretty quickly: they had woken up in someone else’s body.
The details:
That’s right folks, it looks like we’re in for a “good” “old-fashioned” body swap! But it’s not just limited to permanent residents of Traceless - anyone who happened to be in town at the time the swap went into effect was impacted. Thanks to all who volunteered characters for weird things! The swaps are as follows:
Luca <-> Millie Viv <-> Max Elaine <-> Steffi Ivy <-> Dominic Willow <-> Kass Mac <-> Sapphire Katerina <-> Oskar Isobel <-> Lark Atticus <-> Ulani Allie <-> Mike HJ <-> Ryan Yona <-> Wyatt Fritz <-> Briar Ayla <-> David Adrian <-> Jane Sofia <-> Chloe Paul (NPC) <-> Sam (NPC)   Carla (NPC) <-> Franz (NPC) Tiffany (NPC) <-> Marnie (NPC) Al (NPC) <-> Griselda (NPC) Mort (NPC) <-> Andy (NPC) Ella (NPC) <-> Laurel (NPC)
Unaffected (out of town at the time the swap went into effect): Daniel, Wesley, Sasha, Ethan (NPC), Mags (NPC)  
If you don’t see your character on this list but would like for them to take part, let us know. In a similar vein if you need to opt out for whatever reason, please check in with us ASAP, and we can accommodate accordingly! For the sake of the plot, all we’ll need is for you to assume that if your character was swapped, they were in town at the moment the swap took-- and any characters who were not impacted were out of town.
As I’m sure some of you have noticed, the date the swap goes into effect is actually in the future! We’ve posted information about it early so that you have the chance to plot with the person who plays the character whose body yours will be occupying. Please make sure you use this time to figure out where your character will be when the swap happens, share gif resources, plot with whoever you like, and brainstorm how your character(s) will react. Will they panic? Try to go about their lives as normal? Try to figure out what caused the swap or how to reverse it? All are valid options!
The event will formally begin on July 10th, but feel free to start posting event content on the dash as early as tomorrow (July 9th) if you and the person playing the muse who yours has swapped with are in a good place in terms of plotting! That brings us to formatting - as long as your character is swapped, please make sure you use the faceclaim of the character they swapped with. Additionally, please tag all posts relating to this event as tracelessevent1. Feel free to continue old threads as well - but please do let us know in the tags so that we can differentiate between event and non-event threads (this will be especially important for characters who were not swapped).
While your character is swapped, major plots need to be run by both the mods and the player whose character yours is swapped with.
The powers stay with the body. Control of these powers and knowledge of how to use them may not stay with the body.
Finally, if your character(s) make attempts to get to the bottom of what’s going on, please send any posts in which they’re doing said digging over to the mods. We’ll let you know if they’ve stumbled upon a clue, or even if they’ve managed to successfully undo the swap.
Now that you have read everything above, please like this post so we know you’re ready to go! Let us know if you have any questions, and have fun!
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bookcomicnovelclub · 3 years
Book PDF EPUB 100 Micro Crochet Motifs Patterns and Charts for Tiny Crochet Creations FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
Book PDF EPUB 100 Micro Crochet Motifs: Patterns and Charts for Tiny Crochet Creations FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
100 Micro Crochet Motifs: Patterns and Charts for Tiny Crochet Creations
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[PDF] Download 100 Micro Crochet Motifs: Patterns and Charts for Tiny Crochet Creations Ebook | READ ONLINE
Author : Steffi Glaves Publisher : David & Charles ISBN : 1446308391 Publication Date : 2021-4-13 Language : Pages : 128
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Synopsis : Book PDF EPUB 100 Micro Crochet Motifs: Patterns and Charts for Tiny Crochet Creations FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
Explore the world of micro crochet with this collection of crochet patterns and charts for 100 exquisite crochet motifs.Tiny objects are fascinating; from dollhouse miniatures to model railways, and this includes crochet. The classic granny square is transformed into something special when it's reduced to the size of a postage stamp. This collection of teeny, tiny crochet motifs from talented crochet designer, Steffi Glaves, explores the world of miniature in crochet form.The step-by-step instructions show you how to create your own micro crochet makes to create a wide range of beautiful crochet pieces that can be used in so many ways. These wonderfully small motifs are beautifully detailed despite their small size and can be used for jewellery, accessories, appliques, decorations and embellishments.You will learn the central skills needed for micro-crochet, such as how to hold the thread and hook, reading a crochet chart, special edgings, blocking and stiffening. Alongside that, you will also learn about the tools and types of threads to use, and the special techniques needed for creating the motifs in this book, such as incorporating wire, creating tiny keepsake bags and making your own jewellery.There are simple motifs with two to four rounds of crochet and more challenging ones with more rounds, colour changes and different stitches - some of them are 3D amigurumi. Step-by-step instructions show you how to crochet intricately detailed motifs using fine cotton quilting thread and a 0.5mm crochet hook.Choose from a wide range of motifs including flowers; leaves & plants; fruit; triangles, granny squares, Christmas and even mini amigurumi. As well as the huge choice of motifs there are 10 projects showing you how to use the motifs for small projects such as jewellery and accessories; as well as how to scale up the designs using thicker yarn and a bigger hook to make projects such as bags, bunting, accessories, wall hangings and cards.Includes instructions for all the necessary crochet techniques and stitches, as well as specific advice for working at such as small scale. Also includes techniques for using jewellery findings and other tools to create the projects. So, if you love to crochet and fancy trying something different why not give micro crochet a go? This is the perfect guide for anyone who already has a grasp of the basic crochet stitches and techniques, and wishes to explore making jewellery, accessories, appliqu�s, or just tiny things for the sheer joy of it.
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