#( trevor ) answered ;;
d4ydream-girl · 6 months
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comments from smosh cast + crew on shourtney's wedding post!!
ft. mythical, thomas sanders, macdoesit, and www.chess.com?? lol
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skellybonesart · 1 month
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Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good 👻🚫
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Romantic relationship headcanons for Dracula, Hector, Issac, Alucard, and Trevor?
Castlevania Boys Romantic Headcanons
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Once his defenses are down, he’s a very romantic man.
Despite his eons of life, he still believes in love, and true love, and expressing that to those that matter.
Even if it’s few & far between on being able to find it.
Since his time is endless, and theirs possibly short, he wants to spend as much of it as he can with them.
Going on walks, picnics, or just being together in comfortable silence while they read or relax by the fire.
He is also a very passionate man. So make sure your evenings are free for him.
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Aww bless him. He tries.
Which is probably his biggest flaw. He tries too hard.
Hector is a classic over thinker, in the sense that he thinks on ever scenario and plans it out. Thinking this will create a perfect plan with now flaws, except he forgets that people are flawed.
Inevitably this usually ends in failure, but still a sweet gesture that is appreciated.
His gifts are usually very thought out, but also miss the mark. Like one time you said you liked green, and Hector remember this and gave you an emerald ring he pulled off one of his night creature carcasses.
At least your pets will live forward though.
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Although jaded by life, Alucard is actually still an incredibly sweet and charming man.
Though he tries to keep his heart safe and locked away, he does still keep it on his sleeve. And once he’s warmed up to you, will gladly give it.
Words often escape him, as he’s worried about saying the wrong thing. So his romantic gestures are usually in, well, gestures.
Finding a book he thinks you will like. Coming across some manner of poetry and leaving it on your nightstand. Collecting wildflowers when he goes out to hunt or fish for supper.
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More swagger than romance, but he’s getting there.
Trevor always says the right things. Good on compliments. Great on telling you how beautiful you are.
Terrible at remembering dates or plans though. So don’t expect him to remember anniversaries, or show up to dinners on time if you have a special one planned without reminding him 18 times.
It’s not that he doesn’t care. It’s just that his brain doesn’t work that way. More in the moment than a future plans kind of person.
He longs to be close to you, always. Not necessarily in a sexual way (though that is a lot) but just beside you, next to you, curled up by your side.
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thedevilrisen · 9 months
Jealous Quinn imagine, please? 🥺
Sure Angel!
"That's so interesting! What did you say your name was again?"
"Mark. What was yours sweetheart?"
"Quinn, mate you look like you're going to kill that poor boy." Brock stated as he sat back down into the booth with his new beer.
"I might just. She giggled at him, giggled! What could he be saying that's giggle worthy?" the man exclaimed
"Your focusing quite a lot on this for someone who says he couldn't care less about who she talked to." Brock spoke matter of factly.
"I don't!" Quinn exclaimed
"Are you sure about that? Your trust seems to have flown out the window 25 minutes ago." Brock the ever observant best friend was treading the very thin line of Quinn's patience.
"It's not her I don't trust. It's the clown sitting next to her." Quinn mumbled into his drink to avoid sounding as petty as he was feeling. However his eyes never left the pair sitting at the bar. "It's fine. I just have to get over myself, she's a big girl she can take care of herself."
"Alright then! How about some pool, I saw a table on my way back from the bar."
"Yeah," He sighed eye flicking back over to the pair once more, "He's touching her!"
Shooting out of the seat and winding his way through the tables he reached the bar, "Hey mate, great conversation. Touch my girlfriend again and I'll touch you rather violently."
"Qui-" you tried to fight as he pulled you from the bar stool and through the patrons to the exit. Once on the side walk he stopped rather abruptly causing you to collide into his muscular chest.
"You still love me right?"
"Are you sure."
"I don't want to be seen as toxic but I hate when other guys touch you."
"Well you don't need to threaten them."
"Duly noted"
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righthandedleftturn · 7 months
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tkachukisms · 5 days
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long time no post... i've had this shit ready to post for like a week. and should've done it then. but uhhh but uhhhh but uuhhhhhhhh. what's the deal with airplane food am i right. | <- omgggg prev
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chukys-mouthguard · 3 months
back with another song related request but this time it’s when the party’s over by billie eilish, typical angst turns smut or fluff with jamie drysdale (or trevor zegras)
as usual can’t wait to see what you come up with and i hope you had a good weekend 🫶🏼
nothing is better
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2k words
genre: angst; ending is suggestive of smut or fluff, whatever your heart interprets it to be
featuring: trevor zegras x female reader
request: yes
note: this was honestly hard for me because the song was really difficult to interpret, but hopefully i did alright 🫶🏼
Trevor’s finger hovered over the screen, debating on whether or not he wanted to toy with his emotions and call you. It was late. His eyes glancing at the clock, 2:42am. Surely you would be asleep.
Though his call wouldn’t necessarily be unexpected, he did this almost every time he went out with the boys. Getting drunk, missing you, and ending up at your place. The “relationship” one that you surely should’ve expected from a young NHL star like Trevor. It was strictly sex, to put it bluntly. It’s what worked for you both, though you’d occasionally questioned why it couldn’t be more.
Trevor telling you he wasn’t ready, he couldn’t handle his schedule along with a relationship. And he never saw things with you being more than what they were.
But he was lying, to you and to himself.
He wanted to have everything and more with you. Date nights, to see you at his games wearing his jersey, posting tons of pictures of you on his social media to show you off. But he knew that he was only bound to hurt you. His schedule being so demanding, and you deserved a boyfriend that could be there for you whenever you needed them. Not one that would be gone weeks at a time, whose game days left no time available to be with you.
And while he knew a relationship would end with him breaking your heart, he couldn’t help but feel simply hooking up wasn’t any better. Knowing that you longed for more, and while he did too, he’d never give it to you. It seems cruel, unfair even for him to knowingly continue being friends with benefits. It wasn’t something he necessarily enjoyed doing, but he kept it going because it meant he could still have a part of you. Even if that was for only a few hours every now and then.
So he tapped your name on the screen, holding the phone to his ear as his fingers traced over his steering wheel while he waited to hear your voice.
“Trev, it’s almost 3 in the morning. Really?”
Your tone immediately told him it was wrong to call, but he couldn’t help that he’d wanted to see you. Not even for the sex, just to be with you. To fall asleep next to you and pretend for a little while that things were different. Until the morning came to pull him back to reality and he’d have to leave, not knowing when he’d see you again.
“I’m sorry, I can head home. I just, I wanted-“
“It’s fine, you can come over. Just, hurry up. Please.”
He could hear in your voice that you wanted to say no, to tell him another night would work better.
But the second you’d heard his voice, to know he wanted to see you, even if it was just for sex, you folded. Taking any moments with Trevor you could, knowing all too well you’d regret it in the morning.
As much as you knew this would never be more than strictly sex, you kept it going because you were so sure it could be more one day. That Trevor would stop telling you he couldn’t handle it. That it was for the best because he would only hurt you in the end. But even in him trying his best to protect you, it broke your heart every time he’d walk out the door. Never knowing when you’d see him again, simply having to wait for a night that he reached out or you were desperate for him and he was free.
Though you couldn’t help but admit you felt dumb, letting yourself be stuck in a strictly sex situation with someone like Trevor. It was almost a classic trope that if your friends knew they’d criticize you for. Confirming your own thoughts of being stupid for holding onto something he’d clearly told you would never be more than what it was.
You never having discussed your feelings about it all with Trevor, just tucking them away because what was the point? Surely he cared somewhat, but not enough to be in a relationship with you so why bother boring him with your displeasure with the way things were?
A simple “here” text came from Trevor letting you know to head to the door. Opening it just as he prepared to knock.
The tan, brown haired boy smiling that signature grin down at you as he walked in. Wrapping you in a hug and kissing your head, lightly chomping on gum he’d probably popped in his mouth on the drive to eliminate any lingering taste of alcohol, remembering how you hated the taste of beer when kissing him.
“How are you? Missed you.”
The words tugged at your heartstrings, but you tried your best to ignore it, not reading much into it as it was something he’d always said.
“Tired, not really in the mood if I’m honest.”
He could see on your face you weren’t yourself, normally you were happy to see him, no matter the time. But it was clear you were upset, something clearly on your mind.
“So, let’s talk.”
You laughed, crossing your arms over your chest as he pulled out a chair and sat at your island. Talking wasn’t something you did, and you weren’t sure what his intentions were. It was late, he didn’t come for this, why would he come for this?
“Talk? That’s why you called me at 3am, to talk?”
“Well you’re not in the mood, I’m not gonna make you sleep with me if you don’t want to. So, what’s wrong?”
His tone was a bit snarky as he shrugged, waiting for you to explain yourself to him. But you knew there was no point, the second you’d start he would cut you off and tell you we’ve been here before, you know my feelings about it.
“It doesn’t matter. You don’t care.”
Shaking your head you retreated to your bedroom, figuring if he didn't want to sleep with you he’d leave. But instead he followed you, grabbing your hand to get your attention.
“I do care, why the hell do you think I don’t?”
“Because you only talk to me for sex Trevor!”
Your words echoing through the apartment as he dropped your hand. This wasn’t a side he’d seen from you before, even in previous times where you’d brought up wanting more. It was clear to him you weren’t happy.
“That’s, that’s not entirely true. I mean, sure it’s sex nothing more serious. But to say I only talk to you for that? That’s bullshit.”
“Name 5 times you’ve called or texted where sex wasn’t your main reason for doing it?”
Counting to ten in your head you waited, Trevor not able to formulate a response. Telling you all you needed to know.
“Exactly my fucking point. Just, go home Trevor.”
Climbing into bed you’d hoped he would get the hint and leave, but that small part of him that so desperately longed for more with you stopped him from walking out. Knowing he’d lose you for good if he did.
“You think I don’t want it to be more than just sex? You think I like the way things are?”
“You tell me that you like things this way!”
“Because I’m lying y/n! I’m lying to you and to myself!”
His shouting caught you off guard, Trevor sitting at the foot of your bed and resting his head in his hands. Trying his best to figure out what to say, but knowing it wasn’t going to be the right thing.
“Lying? So you just think this is some type of game? To toy with my emotions like that and lie that you don’t want those things with me?”
His fingers gripped at his hair as he knew this was going to do the opposite of fix things. This would be it, because it was clear he was no good for you. He cared too much about not caring at all. To pretend that he had all these reasons for not being with you, when in reality it was simply that he was afraid to hurt you. Lying just to avoid the negatives, when there was no guarantee they’d even come, it was wrong.
“No, I, it’s not a game to me at all. I just, I can’t give you more. I told you from the start if we took things further you’d end up hurt. And i care too much about you to do that.”
“And what do you call this? Cause this shit hurts. To know we could’ve had those things, but because you were too scared of something that wasn’t even guaranteed to happen, you just used me? What the fuck Trevor.”
He saw the pain in your eyes, tears welling up in them as you tried your best to be strong. Ignoring the thoughts of you were right after all or the fact that you ended up looking like a fool for believing you could change his mind.
“I, I couldn’t lose you. Even if I only got you for a few hours every now and then, I couldn’t lose that. Lose you. So yeah, I lied to you and myself, I lied to convince myself that I couldn’t be more for you. That I wasn’t good for you. And, you let me in, but I still hurt you. The point of me saying all of it was so you didn’t get hurt. I’m sorry, I really am. But please don’t think I didn’t care, because in reality I cared so fucking much.”
His words meant nothing to you at this point, to know you could've had everything you wanted with him. That he’d been hiding the fact that he wanted the same thing. It broke you. The way he would do what he could to always convince you not to walk away. And you let him stay, walk all over you. You let him hurt you like this.
“I fucking hate you Trevor.”
Wiping the tears from your face you stood up, crossing your arms as you waited for him to get the hint it was time to leave. His eyes regretful as he saw how hurt you were, reaching for your hand but you retreated.
He couldn’t see you this way, not because of him. Though this is exactly how he’d imagined, it didn’t mean it hurt any less.
“Please, don’t hate me.”
His voice above a whisper as he stood up, pulling you into his chest and fighting off your attempts to break free. Eventually giving in and crying into his embrace. His hands tracing circles on your back as he attempted to calm you down. Giving you time to breathe before he’d pulled away, taking your face in his hands.
He searched your eyes for any clue as to what was going through your head, but all he could see was the hurt behind them. It broke his heart to know that he caused this. That you could say you hated him. He never wanted that, he never imagined things would turn out this way.
Pulling you in for a kiss was all he thought to do, hoping that you’d reciprocate and take back the words you’d said. The moment his lips touched yours you felt yourself falling deeper into the hole he’d dug. Wanting so badly to stand firm in your feelings, but knowing you’d miss him the second he left you.
Trevor rested his forehead on yours as he held your hands, trying to convince himself that this was it. That it was time to walk away and give you the freedom you deserved. The freedom to no longer be hurt by him.
“I just, I can’t leave you like this, upset and saying you hate me.”
His voice was soft, wavering as you could tell he was trying to ignore any emotions he’d felt. Clearly trying to convince himself that he needed to be done, but failing.
“Then don’t leave.”
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hugheses · 5 months
Hey!! so I was just wondering like what the thing is between Quinn and Trevor. I keep seeing things like "Quinn is so happy he doesn't have to deal with Trevor". I know it's a joke but if u could explain this that would be great lol. Also thank u for all the info u give. ur literally a lifesaver!!!
it is joke that has been beaten to death bc quinn complained about/made fun of trevor a little after he spent a while at quinn & jack's lake house in summer 2022. the question was who would you leave out of your golf foursome and quinn said: "That is the easiest question ever. It's Trevor." Why? "Oh, this guy... I golfed with him maybe 25 times this summer. He stayed at my house for 5 weeks. Best guy in the world, but he'll talk your face off." X
quinn talked about trevor's spider tattoo, and how 46 was a bad number.
(story pics 10-3-21 and 8-16-22)
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and then from summer 2022 they went on a golf trip w the guys
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i’m sure it’s true that quinn is occasionally irritated by trevor, but if ppl are going to make jokes about it i ask that they put some effort into making more creative ones, im sick of seeing the same unfunny tweets over and over 😭
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shesmore-shoebill · 3 months
if there's one thing amangela loves doing without additional prompting its roleplaying a mildly-to-moderately dysfunctional nuclear family with anyone and everyone in arms reach. but especifically dysfunctional husband and wife.
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aliaology · 11 months
hello! i love all your writing so far, and i was wondering if you could write for trevor zegras? just like, a bunch of fluff and being at the hughes lake house. if not, it’s fine!!
ofc ♡ just beware i dont know trevor as well as i know the hughes brothers so ill do my best!
also tysm for ur support like actually— i just started on tumblr so this makes me feel so good 😭🤍
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summary: reader and trevor are secretly dating and need to keep quiet!
pairings: trevor zegras x cousin hughes!fem!reader
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the thrill of hiding your relationship felt exciting but so terrifying. although your cousins, cole and alex weren’t the brightest, they weren’t stupid either. they could catch on easily if you or trevor slipped up.
thankfully, neither of you have, yet. you kept everything behind closed doors, as much as you could. but thankfully, you got plenty of time with him, alone.
around 10:30 pm, everyone would be sound asleep. except for you and trevor. you two would giggle as you snuck outside and to the docks. you’d sit at the edge, your side pressed far into his. your hands would be intertwined.
his thumb would rub the side of your hand gently, in a calming manner that made you feel safe. your head would fall onto his shoulder and both of your legs would be ankle deep into the water unless it was too cold.
you two would sit in silence, watching the world around you change. watching the stars light up the night sky. he would watch the little balls of light reflect in your eyes. you would watch the way the waves moved slightly. he would fall in love with you. you would hold onto him tighter, and fall in love with him.
in the mornings, you would be up by 5:00 am, before the rest. you took morning runs and would make breakfast for everyone, in silence. that was until trevor adapted to your schedule, so he could have more time with you. there were days he would stay by himself though, allowing you to have time to yourself because you never get those.
when it was midday, and the boys were out and about, he would steal small kisses from you when no one was looking or around. whether it be in the hallway when you two pass each other, before you go to the bathroom, in the kitchen when he’s the last one out. one time you two almost got caught because he decided to kiss you right with the boys in front of you.
quinn thought it was too quiet and turned around, thankfully you two were paying attention.
you’ve had many, many close calls.
“trevor they’re right next door.” you quietly laughed. his smile sent you over the moon as he gazed down at you.
“oh come on— they think im in the bathroom, just let me kiss you” he said in a hushed voice.
you let out a laugh as his head ducked down and his lips met yours. your arms hung loosely around his neck.
you two kind of set yourself up for this. the door was wide open as you two kissed in the middle of it. “how long does it take to piss, dude?” jacks voice rang through the house, muffled by his door.
“ill check on him” quinns muffled groan followed, along with his footsteps.
you two immediately jumped apart, you rushed quietly to your bed, sitting down and grabbing your journal, making it look like you were writing but stopped to talk to trevor, who leaned against your doorframe.
quinn opened the door and saw trevor against your doorframe. “dude, what are you doing?” he questioned.
“talking to y/n… why?” trevor asked.
quinn gave him a weird look before slowly shrugging. “just wondering… you coming back in?”
trevor nodded and went back in the room.
all in all, you and trevor were not the stealthiest when it came to your relationship. lets hope it stays that way.
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might do a part two where everyone finds out xx
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em-harlsnow · 7 months
okay, I'm gonna go through my opinions on Trevor.
overall, I don't like him. I think the fandom as a whole has some pretty mixed feelings about him so that might annoy some people. Lots of people say they like him but they just prefer Mickey - I also prefer Mickey, but I want to talk about Trevor as a separate person.
firstly - the one most people talk about - the 'she apologised, move on' scene. I can't stand by him on that at all. he works with kids whose parents have hurt them, abandoned them and yet jumps to the conclusion that Ian should apologise? Honestly, I think that's stupid.
secondly - the one where he encourages Ian to 'fuck a chub' to get over his dead mother????? and then later he says 'grief changes you' as if he's got some insight on the world that Ian doesn't. it makes him seem like a sanctimonious asshole as well as somewhat hypocritical.
thirdly - the fact that he wouldn't allow Ian and him to be friends. like okay, fine, you think you're gonna fuck eventually but you still don't push someone like that. let them come to you at their own pace. he just comes across as pushy and a real dickhead.
overall, I'm not saying Trevor is a bad person, I don't think he's right for Ian and he comes across as very self-righteous. He's actually very much a good person which is seen by him trying to help all those kids and putting them first. Just because I think he's a good person doesn't mean I have to like him as a character though. I prefer more complex and morally grey characters, which don't come across as so high and mighty and don't give off 'I'm better than you' vibes. (he's not the only character that comes off like that - ahem Lip)
Clearly, he's used to be somewhat of a foil character for Mickey. he's everything Mickey wasn't. He's not Southside trash for one (not hating I love Mickey to death), he's comfortable in his sexuality and gender identity from the start of his on-screen character - I'm not saying anything about who he might have been before we meet him. He's not devoted to Ian like Mickey is - he's more focussed on work (not a bad thing) - and he's overwhelmingly legal in his work considering how every job Mickey had involved something illegal. he was meant to show everything that Mickey lacked, instead it left a gaping hole where Mickey should have been.
As a character, I think he lacks depth and seems to be pissed off at Ian in every scene I see him in.
Also, trevor didn't 'deserve better' with Ian. They both deserved different.
And - I didn't like their on-screen chemistry, especially when put next to gallavich I mean there's no competition.
I don't hate trevor, he just annoys me.
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May I request Alucard finding out that his s/o may be pregnant? I mean, if that's okay. If not then, may I request Alucard reacting to his s/o asking him out?
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Alucard x Reader
Alucard did not normally consider himself an anxious person, but in this moment, he was positively paralyzed by it.
Metaphorically, of course, as he was currently wearing a fine trench in the floor with his pacing.
[Y/N] had been sick for a few days now. Retching, unable to keep anything down, poor sleeping. Finally, he sent word to Sypha to have a look at her. Though his mother was a skilled doctor, Alucard had no knowledge of human medicine outside of basic first aid and chicken soup. Sypha was the only healer he knew who could help them.
“Relax will you.” Trevor told him. As lax on the situation as any other. “I’m sure [Y/N] will be fine.”
“What if they’re not?” Alucard retorted.
His partner was human. Fragile. He remembered once a time when his mother was sick and his father had a similar amount of worry. Who heals the healer when they fall ill? Eventually, she did recover, and they were a happy family again. But he remembered quite clearly his father’s distress that he might lose his only love. Alucard didn’t think he could bear it. Not after everything else he had lost.
The door finally opened and Sypha slipped out. “What is it? Are they alright?” Alucard questioned immediately.
“They are fine.” The Speaker assured him. To which Alucard let out a sigh. “The sickness may persist for a while longer, but that is normal.” He arched a brow. That didn’t sound normal. “They want to see you.”
Alucard wasted no time in going to their side, as requested. [Y/N] was sitting in their bed. Looking rather fine with a soft smile on their face. So it seemed that it was good news. “Sypha told me you would be on the mend. That’s good to hear.”
“Is that what she told you?” He arched a brow again. Why was everyone being so cryptic today. “Well, I am fine. She found the cause for my sickness. I am…pregnant…”
Shock washed over Alucard. Pregnant? From him?
Of course, he knew it had to be from him. [Y/N] was nothing if not faithful. But he was under the impression that dhampir were sterile. Like mules, or some other cruel comparison he had heard from his childhood. Alucard didn’t think he could get [Y/N] pregnant. If he had known they would have been more careful. But she was with child….“You don’t seem happy.”
Alucard looked up to [Y/N]’s face. Her smile fallen into a look of concern. Clearly taking his reeling for a negative reaction to the news. “No, no! I am happy, my love. Ecstatic!” He leaned over to kiss her sweetly in joy.
A child. They were going to have a child. A piece of him & her, out in the world. A chance at a new family. A chance to go on living again.
“Are you truly happy, Adrian? I know this was a bit of a shock.”
“Miracles tend to be that way.” He told her with a soft smile. Clasping their hands. “I could not be happier though.”
He wondered if his father had been as happy when he heard the news about him. Did his parents make the plans he was already making in his mind? Did they cry like he felt he was about to? No one could be sure, but he did know this. Alucard would give his child and wife a world where they would be safe in. He would love and protect them always. This he would promise them.
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thedevilrisen · 10 months
"Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe!" with Jack please !!
Can do, angel! I have had two requests for this so I'm going to just mesh them into one!
You had just finished decorating for Christmas with your boyfriend Jack, you had put up the tree, hung the Christmas lights off the balcony and put little Christmas themed nick nacks you had found at target earlier.
While all the decorations were done, you felt like something was missing, more like smelt like something was missing. That's why you had told Jack you were heading out, jumped in the car and drove down to the grocery shop to purchase the ingredients to make gingerbread cookies!
What you hadn't anticipated was your boyfriend's evil streak to shine through while you were gone.
"Jack, I'm home!" you called out, kicking off your shoes in the entryway, and manovering around the dinning room table to get to the kitchen so you could place your bags down onto the bench.
"Hello, baby!" he smiled as he traipsed into the kitchen. You should of suspected something when he moved you to certain spot in the kitchen. "You've gotta kiss me."
"Look up, baby." he spoke lowly.
Looking up you saw the clusters of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling fan.
"Jacky!" you laughed, faces moving in sync to get close enough so you could share a sweet kiss.
"I've go the stuff for cookies, want to help me bake them?"
"Yeah, I'll help!"
"Ok, I'll unpack the stuff and you go put on some Christmas music." you instructed, already starting to pull ingredients from the bag."
"Alright, but wait."
"What?" you asked as he pulled you back under the ceiling fan. Half laughing, half sighing you leant up and kissed him again. He pulled away with an excited grin and rushed off to presumably, retrieve his phone.
Once he was back, the Christmas songs blasting, and the bench covered in flour, Jack had made it a game to see how many times he could pull you under that piece of fake mistletoe plant.
Twice when you went to pre-heat the oven, once on your way there and once on your way back. Once when you moved to the sink to wash some of the sticky dough of your hand. Thrice as you put all the trays of gingerbread cookies into the oven. Twice while you were waiting for them to cook, and finally when you was trying to pull the burning hot trays of biscuits out of the oven.
"Jack!" you shouted "Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe!"
"I'm holding a burning tray of biscuits and could hurt someone with it." you reasoned "let me get them out, and while they're cooling, we can move the mistletoe to just above the couch."
"Now that's a compromise I'll take!" he said, reaching for the fake plant on the fan, grabbing it and running of to the living room with it.
Thank you requesting, hope you enjoy!
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boiling-potato · 26 days
suddently some strange being enter the mansion *
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: hello evryone ! why cant leopards play hide and seek ? cuz they always get spotted ! * proceeds to exit tru the closed window *
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Heheh yeah, fun fact buddy; you can't just come and go to the mansion, unless trickster let's you. It's not just an ordinary mansion and it doesn't matter if you're allowed or not, you just can't. Also lore time, the mansion doesn't exist in reality, it's nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Plus, each window has a different view but it's all just an illusion, it can be open but if you jump out you'll fall into a bottomless pit.
Soooo while the mansion members are looking with blank faces at where Trevor jumped out too, he's falling through endless darkness while waiting for Trickster to respawn him again in the mansion.
Rosemary: "..... So should we inform the young master or...?"
Casimir: "Hmm no, let him learn his lesson a little bit more and just leave it be. I'm sure master would sense his absence.... Eventually.."
(imma update this art and add the new members! :D)
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disventureasks · 8 months
To Derek,
Has there ever been a time where Trevor fell asleep on your shoulder? And if there hasn’t, how would you reach if he did?
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“We were working pretty late on season one. I guess Trevor couldn’t even stay up and he just fell asleep on my shoulder. I didn’t mind it much until he started drooling on me.”
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lilac-hecox · 1 month
Vampire!Damien + Angela - Vampire AU - Damangela
Damien has been a vampire for a long time. Coincidentally, he’s been alone for a long time. Damien has learned long ago to not build a lot of relationships, friendships, unless they are a fellow vampire, someone he can trust, someone that will be around, someone Damien won’t end up mourning for centuries. 
It’s late into the evening when Damien first sees her. He had been out to ‘hunt’ and by hunt he mainly means traveling to the vampiric sanctuary building where humans offer to consensually give up their blood as a meal for a vampire to feed upon. It’s less barbaric than hunting and drinking from someone who isn’t consenting, who is scared, and helpless. The line between vampires who are willing to visit the sanctuary and those who hunt ‘old school’ is thick, making enemies of those who choose the differing sides. 
Damien is on his way back to his home when he hears a desperate plea for help, the words distraught and loud on the wind of the night breeze. 
He winds a corner, then two, and then he sees a young woman backing up towards a brick wall, a decidedly human man inching in towards her. 
“H-Here,” she says, thrusting her black purse towards the man, “take it.” 
The man grins, and he grabs the bag from where she thrusts it towards his chest, but he doesn’t stop advancing towards her. 
“Are you sure that’s all you got for me?” he asks, his voice dark, making Damien’s undead blood run cold (if it could). 
The woman turns her head and her eyes slide closed in fear and Damien feels his body propel forward on instinct. He swoops in out of the darkness edging the alley and the building, and clocks the man square in the jaw. The punch connects perfectly and Damien’s vampiric strength leaves the man knocked out cold. 
The woman screamed as Damien leapt out at the man. Now she was shaking like a small, frightened animal. Damien can hear the rapid beating of her heart. Her breathing heavy and terrified. 
“It’s okay,” Damien says, glancing at her before bending down and picking up her purse. He hands it out for her, and only then does he get a good look at this woman. 
She’s short, her dark hair brushing her shoulders. Her eyes are big and brown as she stares at him, possibly trying to register what has happened. 
Damien knows how he looks. His skin is pale, his veins a purple that dance across the skin of his hands. His hair is silver and ruffled by the wind. His eyes an unhuman shade of deep, deep red. He knows he’s scary. He knows she’s scared of him despite the fact that he saved her. 
“I won’t hurt you,” Damien adds, offering her purse out with a still hand, as if she were a skittish animal he was trying to feed. 
The woman, she takes her purse from him with shaking hands, her fingers brushing his own, warm and alive. 
“Th-Thank you,” she stammers out, “really.” 
Damien nods. “Do you need me to walk you somewhere where you’ll be safe?” 
“I…I was walking to my best friend's house,” she says. “He, ah, just lives a couple of blocks away.” 
Damien nods, taking that as his cue to leave her to the rest of her journey. He turns to leave. 
“Wait!” she says quickly. Damien stops and turns to look at her, “I would…feel better if you walked me.” 
That’s how he ends up walking this human woman to her best friend’s apartment in the late hours of the night. Damien, who works very hard to keep his distance, to not get entangled in human affairs, to not be known by anyone other than the specific few he chooses. Suddenly, he finds himself protecting this woman. 
They walk in the quiet of the night, him a half step behind her. 
“Um,” she says after a long moment, her voice calmer now, “what’s your name?” 
Damien debates giving an honest answer. 
“Damien,” he says simply, offering nothing else in way of identification. 
“Damien,” she says, his name rolling off her tongue like a fine wine. “I’m Angela.” 
“Angela,” he says, mimicking her, and he catches a slight smile pass over her face. 
“Damien,” she says, as they wait at a stop light to pass to the next block, her eyes glancing over at him, “are you…I mean, it’s probably fucked to even ask, but…you’re one of them aren’t you? You’re a vampire?” 
The question isn’t surprising. It’s been a long time since humans believed vampires were only fictional beings from stories. He nods. 
“I am.” 
“Wow,” Angela says, her eyes getting bigger. “I’ve never met a vampire before.” 
In this moment, the orange of the counting down crosswalk sign catches her face, and the way she’s looking at him, with intrigue and maybe excitement. It reminds Damien of Shayne. It reminds him of exactly why he doesn’t interfere with humans anymore. 
The crosswalk turns white to signal them to cross and they do. After that it’s just a few streets further before Angela stops them outside of a brick apartment building. 
“Thank you, Damien,” she says. “You saved my life.” 
Damien lets himself smile, holding back his teeth where his fangs would show. Angela has a sweet smile, big, doe eyes. She’s cute, and she’s warm, and so very alive that Damien could feel he could lose hours in just talking with her if she’d let him, if he’d let himself. 
“You’re very welcome.” 
There is a silence that stretches between them. A conclusion to their time and their chance meeting. Their worlds do not interlap save for the fact that they were both out this evening, that he heard her cry for help. 
She digs into her purse and she’s offering him a wrinkled five dollar bill. 
“Here,” she says. 
Damien smiles again. He has no use for human currency. Maybe she realizes that at the flush of her cheeks, the way she still offers it out to him.
“It would just make me feel better.” 
Damien takes the paper money from her, swearing he can feel the heat lingering from where her fingers had held it. 
She smiles at him, and then turns to walk up the stone steps and press the buzzer to be let in. As Damien walks away he hears the static crackle of a voice. 
“Angela! I was worried it was taking you so long.” 
“Chanse! Let me in, quick! You’re not going to believe what happened!” 
Then Damien steps into his own world of the darkness and leaves Angela to her business. The paper money in his hand still smells like her.
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