#(<-the name i stole for eri's mom)
number1villainstan · 4 months
"You look like shit."
"Thank you, Yuna, I really needed to hear that. Why are you here exactly?"
"For Eri."
"You want her back? I thought you were done with her."
"Done with her? She's my kid."
"Yeah, your kid who killed your husband so you didn't want her anymore. I know how this works."
"Well clearly you don't, because what the fuck, Chisaki. You think I'm going to abandon my kid?"
"You already did abandon your kid. And then Pops gave her to me because he couldn't be arsed to take care of her either."
"Do you want me to take her back or not?"
"By all means, take her! I am not equipped to take care of a child! I'm just saying, you are not as innocent here as you want to pretend!"
"I'm not pretending anything! I don't care about how innocent I am! I just want my kid back! Fuck off!"
"Fine! Whatever! I'll go get her, just--"
"Absolutely not, I'm coming with you."
"Excuse me?"
"I'm coming with you, idiot. What, are you deaf now? I want to see my kid! And make sure she isn't missing any limbs!"
"Do you think I'd let her arm get chopped off? I'm not that negligent--"
"Maybe you are though! You said yourself that you're not equipped to take care of a kid! How am I supposed to know that she doesn't have a broken leg or something--"
"She's right here, you two. Quit arguing."
"...hi, Hari."
"Hello, Kurono."
"Hey, Eri baby. Are you alright? ...is that an alligator plushie?"
"'s a caiman. Nemoto gave it to me."
"I told you she was fine, Yuna."
"Shut up, Kai."
"In any case, if Eri's leaving, we should help her pack up her stuff. Kai, would you help me out?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Just--Yuna, can you tell the oyaji about this?"
"Why can't you?"
"Because he'll think I'm lying and I dumped her out on the street or something. He trusts you. He doesn't trust me."
"He doesn't trust me."
"He trusts you more than he trusts me."
"That's ridiculous. You tell him."
"You tell him."
"No, you tell him."
"You tell him."
"You both tell him."
"But Hari--"
"Both of you tell him. Now, Eri, are you ready to go?"
"Can I say goodbye to Nemoto first?"
"Sure, I'll go find him. And then we'll grab your stuff and hand you over. Kai, Yuna, you two go tell the oyaji, I'll take care of Eri. Seriously, you two are worse than Nemoto and I--"
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icey--stars · 5 months
first off, i love you. thank you for the excitement XD
okay, the full overview of the idea is to be a sister to aelin or eris. onto the individual things... hehe. just did it in bullet points for my own sanity. (i went overboard, but YOU ASKED! i was having fun XD)
also please nobody steal these ideas without asking 😭 because i really like how unique i made it and i DO want to post it eventually
Aelin's Sister:
first off, she's the older sibling
i actually fully wrote out a timeline for this particular one because i felt like i had to get the ages right and stuff sooo lemme just give you this first off and then go over the points
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basically, i named the OC "Aeress" because yes. had to keep the "AE" vibe going.
Aeress is 9 when Aedion is born and 14 when Aelin is born
At the age of 21, however, Aeress basically went missing. She was with her family (mom and dad) in the Whitefang mountains when a tribe attacked.
She was determined to be dead after being missing for an entire month
HOWEVER, the real story is that she was captured.
Here's the actual written version:
“When I was in the White Fang Mountains, just a simple vacation if you remember, sidekick, a wild tribe attacked us. Humans, all of them, but some had ice magic. We defended ourselves and the guards got Mother and Father to safety. However, they didn’t notice me getting grabbed and thrown on the back of a horse, bleeding from my calf that’d been cut.
“They took me, traveling far. I healed myself when I could, but they put me in iron after the leader realized that I was with them. There was no returning me without full blown war, so instead they faked my death. They took me as a war prize and a slave.”
“For a year, they kept me in the Ferian Gap, hidden in the tunnels there. They didn’t even notice when I Settled. I was to mine ice for them, and to appease them. It was impossible for me, an untrained idiotic princess, to escape, so I stayed and waited. My chance came soon after when magic fell. I’d been unchained with only iron cuffs on at that moment. I ran in the chaos of the mountains shuddering, to where the witches trained. A mountain in the Omega.”
“After that, with magic gone, I was not skilled enough, I felt, to leave the Ferian Gap, and brave Adarlan with the news I spied on from the tribe. I survived off of them for a good six years, unwilling to brave the valleys and predators without my magic and without any skills of survival. I was untrained and very killable at that moment. I did my best with a sword I stole, but… an untrained arm can only do so much. The mining helped slightly, but not enough.
“Anyway, six years later, humans appeared at my little mountain hideout. These were the humans who created and tested out the current wyverns of the witches’. However, I was still a goddamn idiot, so I got captured. I was a prize for the wyverns and they didn’t even know who I was. But they kept me alive, so I lived like that for a little. 3 years or so, which wasn’t that bad. 
“The wyverns were useless for a while, but the humans seemed to not think of me like a slave after a little bit. I was a partner, who helped a little to improve them. Though, I never dared with their dark magic. 
“When the witches came, I escaped. And got captured again, by a Blueblood coven. I was pissed, but I was given as a prize to Petrah, the Blueblood Heir. Quite a nice female, actually. She wasn’t as bloodthirsty as the rest. She knew who I was based on scent, I think, but she never told anyone. 
“I stayed in her room and one day, she decided to teach me to fight. I learned later it was because of a foolish hope beginning in her heart. Of freedom. Then she taught me to ride wyverns, showing me in secret the beauty of a wyvern. One day, during the day of the games where the covens fought for Wing Leader, I tamed my own wyvern. His name is Ryder. Pitch black, small-sized male who was fast. Perfect for what I needed. 
“When the Yellowlegs witches went to Morath, I followed. I blended in quite well, actually. I could pretend to be a servant to the witches and a witch to the humans who knew none the better. When they flew for Adarlan, I escaped. I flew for Terrasen.
“From there, I supported the war as a healer,” I finished. “Took some time to build enough courage to see you, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t compromise your position on the throne, little flame. You deserved to rule. More than I ever did. I know a little about your history as an assassin, and I know you knew how to fight. How to lead, when I heard of your court. And I knew Terrasen was in good hands. I can offer you advice for the finer tuned things of ruling, but leadership was never my forte.” ("you" refers to Aelin)
So basically, that's that. that's how I inputted an older sister into the mix
HOWEVER! Aeress is the exact reflection of Aelin in power. She has majority water (like SUPER powerful) and a tiny bit of flame. Barely a candle light.
This is also where I inputted a very cool concept: the reflection of the powers means that if either of them died, they would've known because the little tiny bit of the power (aelin's water, aeress's fire) would go to the other sister. my previous-self explained it better so here:
“I knew, Aelin. I knew you were alive. I knew because of the goddamn magic in our veins. The small bits of our magic that we can barely use… the water piece you have… if it had come to me, I would’ve known.”
“But magic-”
“That feeling transcends magic being gone,” I cut her off. “It is a deep feeling, of something being lost and gained at the same time. It is rare for any fae to feel, but sometimes, when the magic is reflected, it happens.”
however, some cute things I think you'll appreciate are the NICKNAMES!!
Aeress calls Aelin "little flame" BECAUSE AWWW
And she calls Aedion "sidekick" while he calls her "Queen Bee"
And also like Aeress and Rowan actually get along so well
Aeress is kinda like Aedion in that way and saw Rowan as this powerful ancient fae warrior and is very surprised to find him to be quite chill. she's nervous at first and basically is like "Rowan, if you don't want your mate doing this then just tell me... I'll get away right now-"
but Rowan, at the end of what I actually have written (it is not being finished considering it has no plot XD), basically ends up making them siblings. brother-sister bonds!!
Also Ryder is the cutest wyvern of all time- the one that Aeress gets. pitch black, small, but fast and agile as hell. but he's quite literally a teddy bear. he likes cuddling. he's a ferocious beast who cuddles.
anyway let's stop talking about aelin's sister and get onto ERIS'S TWIN!
Eris's Twin Sister:
I wrote the most for this part, but I have the least amount of worldbuilding for it.
basically, it's a secret twin thing.
please note that "Merle" is the Lady of Autumn!!
“When I was young, I was married off to Beron Vanserra. I was soon pregnant with my first child. But what the healers told me only days before the birth was that there… I had twins. Fraternal twins. They didn’t tell me out of fear before then, but I knew right then and there, that I had to save them. Get them out of the Forest House. Both of them, if I could manage.
“Beron wanted the genders, so I told him one. It was a male. When I gave birth, I kept Beron out for a few days while I recovered. Long enough that he was antsy. I… I gave him the male because he’d wanted a son and winnowed the female to an old friend’s barn and left it, content with wards of warmth and a pacifier.”
Basically, that "old friend" is named Martha and raised Seraphine (OC for THIS one XD. nickname = Sera).
BUT... then Eris kills Beron. And the magic doesn't go to him and he goes on a hunt to find it.
Seraphine, however, has found herself bowled over and now with double the amount of power she had previously.
Now, mind you, she's quite ADHD, so she's not super confident, but she's stubborn as fuck.
Eris promises to help her as much as he can because he's ACTUALLY a good bro and doesn't want to make the same mistake with Sera as he did with his brothers.
Eris helps her get settled in, and Sera manages the court basically by signing random shit and having him help her because surprisingly, their goals align. like making the poor less poor
Sera has a lot of the skills required to be a High Lady, like writing, so luckily, she's quite good at what she's doing.
Eventually, because Sera is very forgetful and disorganized, they get an assistant, an older nanny figure who basically helps manage Sera's day so she doesn't get overwhelmed.
BUT! hehehe... Eris and Sera want an alliance with the Night Court.
The NC doesn't want her to die before their meeting, so they send Az to basically secretly protect her.
however... Azris is canon in this universe. Seraphine gets jump scared by Az because Eris basically wants to make sure that she knows the plan. and that plan is to reveal their mate bond at the meal >:)
Honestly, the NC is pretty chill about Seraphine. Sure, she's nervous, but everyone's pretty chill.
Rhys tries to read her mind one time cus he's suspicious, but they move past it. (Sera can shield her mind well) honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Rhys would be scared in that moment.
Azris revealed... WOOOPEEE.
Anyway, that's basically that besides me quite literally just going off on an Azris spree and writing a wedding/mating bond scene 🤦
I went overboard, but honestly, these might be full-on wips probably never to be posted, but they're so much fun to tell you about.
thank you for the ask my beautiful anon. i love you.
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msweebyness · 5 months
Akuma/Theater Kids Mother’s Day Plans
Howdy y’all! This is what I imagine the Akuma Class and the Theater Kids did for Mother’s Day! For background, you can look at my Akuma and Theater Class families! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
Marinette sewed a beautiful new Hanfu for Sabine and they got dinner at her favorite restaurant. She also went on a motorcycle ride around Paris with Gina.
Alya, Nora and the twins spent all day in the kitchen cooking an entire Martiniquan banquet for Marlena. Alya also made a montage of photos and videos with her mom for her personal blog.
Nino made a mix of all of Margie’s favorite songs and he and Chris made her favorite dessert. Well, they tried to…
Chloe stole Audrey’s credit card and went on a shopping spree with Zoe.
Sabrina and Tanya went on a mother-daughter shopping trip and got dinner together.
Juleka and Luka treated Anarka (with help from the rest of Kitty Section) to a performance of a bombastic heavy metal version of Drunken Sailor, and they all slept on the deck under the stars.
Rose cleaned the entire house for Lily and arranged a beautifully decorated tea party for the two of them in the backyard.
Kim and his sisters took Mai to an indoor extreme sports facility…and she proceeded to completely kick her children’s asses.
With Markov’s help, Max made his mother an incredibly detailed digital holographic map of the known universe.
Alix and Salma went bungee-jumping before going to dinner and a pro-wrestling match.
Ivan (with help from his dad) made Galina a new bench for her garden, where she likes to sit and read. (it had the family’s names carved in Russian.)
Nathaniel painted a mural for Aya’s cafe of their whole family, and took his mother out for lunch.
Missy visited her mother’s grave and left flowers, sitting to talk to her for a while.
Jesse took Imelda to a local flower show, and they made dinner together. (Mylene also made a flower wreath and card for Imelda, because that woman is more of a mother to her than her own ever was.)
Ayesha made a hand-drawn animation for Megan as card outlining the reasons why she loved her.
Dot and Dolores spent the day helping Enid reorganize the house.
Petra and her godmother went to a pottery studio together, making gifts for each other and for Petra’s dads.
Roxie took Rydel to a concert for a band she loved, who happened to be performing in Paris.
Anthony bought Sylvie a basket of all her favorite teas and they had a horror movie marathon.
Candace and Sandra had a mother-daughter spa day.
Eri and Ryuji took Sasami to a showing of one of her childhood favorite plays, and after that they all gave each other makeovers.
Staci and Yumei just went out on a walk around Paris, doing whatever they felt like.
Margo and Dagny spent the entire day baking and doing crafts together.
Brecken and his sisters made a quilt with treasured family pictures for Rachel and spent the day helping Annie at the shelter.
Soo-Yeon, like Alya, spent all day making Mi Cha’s favorite foods, and after that, they played one-on-one basketball in the backyard.
Parker and Cissy did a mother-daughter obstacle course and went to the gym together.
Mona and Bindi had a movie night and bought all the junk food they could possibly eat.
Evie wrote and performed a song for Carolina, with parts for each of her siblings.
Eloise and Chet had a gaming session with Roerva, who’s actually better than both of them.
Anais took Olive out for dinner and got her a card. Their mother isn’t one for big gestures of affection.
Ondine and her brothers made the mistake of trying to make Haggis like Elsie’s mother would, but…they ended up just ordering a pizza and watching a movie.
Happy Mother’s Day, ya’ll! Shout out to my mom, who is the best! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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scary-grace · 11 months
Love Like Ghosts (Chapter 13) - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
You knew the empty house in a quiet neighborhood was too good to be true, but you were so desperate to get out of your tiny apartment that you didn't care, and now you find yourself sharing space with something inhuman and immensely powerful. As you struggle to coexist with a ghost whose intentions you're unsure of, you find yourself drawn unwillingly into the upside world of spirits and conjurers, and becoming part of a neighborhood whose existence depends on your house staying exactly as it is, forever. But ghosts can change, just like people can. And as your feelings and your ghost's become more complex and intertwined, everything else begins to crumble. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Chapter 13
There’s something wrong with your house, but you knew that when you bought it, and you’ve never felt the oppressiveness and terror that everyone else seems to experience when they come near it. Not until the first streetlight goes out at the top of the street, a split second too late to conceal the shadow that slinks past beneath it.
“Shit,” Spinner hisses over the comms network. Atsuhiro stole the pieces of it, enough for every adult human in the neighborhood, on the search team’s way back. “What was that?”
“Get back from the window,” Magne hisses. They’re inside their house. All according to plan. “Stay down. This isn’t about us.”
“It’s about all of us,” Shinsou argues. He’s got a headset. Hizashi lost headset privileges on the grounds that he’s a ghost, and he’s in the house anyway. “If we just – there’s another one!”
Another streetlight goes out, on the other side of the street, just a second too slow behind the shadow that passes under it. You get a look at the shadow’s face, or where it’s face should be, before the darkness cloaks it. “That’s not Garaki.”
“No,” Aizawa agrees. “He brought reinforcements.”
“What are those things?” Jin’s mother asks, just as the light in front of Atsuhiro’s house goes out. “Tomura, do you know?”
Tomura doesn’t have a headset. Tomura’s dematerialized, and keeping his head down as part of the strategy. But your house has two former ghosts in it, and since Hizashi’s getting the most malevolent silent treatment ever, Eri speaks up, and Aizawa repeats what she whispers in his ear. “They’re like Shirakumo. But they like it.”
Keigo’s voice crackles over the headsets. “What does that mean?”
“The ghosts signed up for it.” Tomura’s voice is barely a whisper in your ear. “They let a conjurer make them his puppets. They’re too weak to do what they want otherwise.”
You convey Tomura’s message to the others, then ask a question of your own. “What do they want?”
“Guys, there’s another one. We’re up to six.” Spinner says what you’re thinking a moment later. “That’s one for every house in the neighborhood.”
Mr. Yagi was right – if one former ghost in the neighborhood is discovered, you’re all compromised, and you’re all fucked. A moment later, a voice rings out down the street. It’s not a voice you recognize. “Hizashi,” it calls out, and Hizashi freezes in place. “Touya. I know you’re here. Come out, and we can avoid any – unpleasantness.”
Everyone in your house glares at Hizashi, ordering him to keep quiet, but Keigo doesn’t have anywhere near that kind of backup. “My name’s not fucking Touya,” Dabi says. “Get out of my neighborhood.”
Hizashi opens his mouth to chime in and Aizawa slaps his hand down over it. “Suit yourself,” Garaki says. “Nomu –”
There’s a sudden crash, and you hear Jin’s mom scream into the headset – the thing in front of her house just took down her fence. But it’s only a warning shot. A second later there’s another, louder crash. “They’re going after your house, Aizawa,” Atsuhiro reports. “When they find out you aren’t there –”
They’ll come here, to your house and Keigo’s. “It’s time,” Aizawa says. “Nemuri, go.”
You’ve never see an unbound ghost flex its powers in public before, and now you know why – powered up with dozens of plants’ worth of life-force, Nemuri is blindingly fast. She knocks the ghost-thing away from Aizawa’s house so hard that it dents one of the doused streetlights, then bolts towards Garaki. Garaki’s ready for her. You don’t know how you know that, but he must be, or he wouldn’t be standing still.
“Wait for it,” Hizashi hisses. “Tomura, now.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Tomura snaps, and his influence crashes back down over the neighborhood with the force of a breaking tsunami.
Garaki staggers, gasping for air, but the effect on the monsters he brought with him is even stronger. The one attacking Jin and Himiko’s house stops immediately and lunges at the one Nemuri just knocked away from Aizawa’s front steps. You hear a harsh, heavy whoosh, followed by a shriek like metal on metal. A rush of wind blasts up the street, visible even in the dark, and you can see something flickering within it, fighting to get back where it came from. “That’s essence,” Hizashi mumbles. “Nice work.”
Tomura doesn’t answer. If you had to guess, you’d say he’s focused on keeping the pressure on the street. The two monsters are tearing each other to shreds, which means that Nemuri’s less outnumbered than she was before, and you’re pretty sure that the monsters parked in front of your house and Keigo’s are there to keep you from leaving. That still leaves two loose monsters, though. Both of them turn and run towards whatever’s happening between Garaki and Nemuri. You can barely see it. There’s no light on the street, anywhere, but there’s one place where the darkness is completely opaque. You don’t know what’s happening in there. You don’t think you want to.
The first sign that something’s going wrong is the cold that begins to spread, worse than anything Tomura’s ever generated, radiating out from the opaque patch of darkness and creeping steadily up the street. Your house and Keigo’s are farthest from the trouble, but ice begins to spiral over your windows, and when Spinner speaks up over the comms, his teeth are chattering. “What’s happening? Magne won’t say –”
You’re pretty sure Magne can’t say. Jin breaks into the comms, reporting that Himiko’s down for the count, and in your own house, Aizawa’s trying with increasing desperation to rouse Eri. Hizashi’s on his feet, still. He speaks through gritted teeth. “Nem’s in trouble,” he says. “I’m going out there.”
“Dad, no!” Shinsou grabs for him, but Hizashi moves fast. “Dad –”
Aizawa’s too focused on Eri to notice before it’s too late. He reaches out futilely to Hizashi. “Zashi, don’t –”
Your front door slams shut behind him. “You’re in the way,” Hizashi says to the thing in front of your house. “Move.”
“Idiot,” Tomura snarls, from everywhere and nowhere. A moment later, Hizashi seizes the monster and drags it into your yard.
Having passed the responsibility for the situation over to Tomura, Hizashi bolts into the street, and Tomura materializes in the front yard just as the monster starts to pick itself up off the ground. Tomura knocks it down again, then straddles it, pinning it in place. “What are you?” he demands. The creature snarls. “You can still feel pain. I’ll hurt you. What are you?”
The monster snarls again. You don’t see what Tomura does, but you hear it let out an agonized howl in response. “Nomu. We are – Nomu.”
It tries to fight free of Tomura’s grip. Tomura slams it against the ground. He looks tiny compared to the monster – the Nomu? – but it’s clear that he’s got the upper hand. “Tell me. How many does he have?” You still can’t see what Tomura’s doing to the Nomu, but it lets out an earsplitting screech. “Now!”
Whatever answer the Nomu gives, it’s not what Tomura wants to hear. He blasts the Nomu apart, then dematerializes, reappearing again inside the house. He’s barley breathing hard. “He’s got too many ghosts. They can’t win.”
“Then do something,” Shinsou demands of Tomura. “My dad –”
Tomura can’t do anything more than he’s already doing, and Shinsou knows it. You hear footsteps behind you and turn to find Aizawa heading for the door. You couldn’t stop Hizashi, but you can sure as hell stop him. You block his way. “Where are you going?”
“This is a fight between ghosts. I’ll be beneath their notice.” Aizawa puts his hand on your shoulder and shifts you firmly aside. “If they lose, we all do.”
He’s out the door before you can stop him, and across the street, you see Keigo sneaking out as well. If you had to guess, you’d say Spinner and Jin are heading out, too. Now it’s only you, Shinsou, Eri, and Tomura inside your house, and you can feel Tomura seething, the air crackling with his power. He wants to fight. You can tell he does. You just don’t understand why. He doesn’t care about the neighborhood or the people in it. Is he really that bloodthirsty? Or maybe it’s not that he’s bloodthirsty. Maybe he just cares more about this, about everything, than you’ve let yourself realize.
“You idiot,” he snaps suddenly, and you and Shinsou both jump. “Stay inside!”
He’s not talking to you. You race to the front window just in time to see Dabi emerging from the house. He’s never looked more frightening than he does right now, half-embodied, half made up of the same darkness that’s now swallowed up half the neighborhood. He strolls up to the Nomu guarding Keigo’s house like he doesn’t have a care in the world. The Nomu doesn’t move. “Are they talking?” Shinsou asks. “What are they saying?”
Before Tomura has a chance to answer, Dabi speaks out loud, his voice bright and full of fury. “You really are stupid, conjurer. Of all the ghosts you could have brought to kill me, you picked my brother.”
You didn’t realize ghosts could have brothers. Then you remember what Keigo said about his old house having multiple ghosts in it. “Nice to see you, Natsu,” Dabi says to the Nomu. “Go get my human.”
The Nomu – Natsu – turns and dives into the darkness, followed by Dabi at a more leisurely pace. You think through the battlefield as it stands now. Garaki is down to two Nomus on his side, and Nemuri’s getting a helping hand from Hizashi, Spinner, Jin, Aizawa, Dabi, Natsu, and Keigo. The fight has to be in the neighborhood’s favor now, doesn’t it? Garaki’s outnumbered, and no matter how much ghostly power he has, he’s still human. He can be killed like any human. It’s going to be –
Eri lurches upright, her red eyes wide and terrified. “Papa!” she screams. “No –”
Everything outside the windows goes completely black. If you couldn’t see into it before, you definitely can’t see out of it now. But you can see what’s inside of it, at least until the frost starts to spiral across the glass – Garaki advancing down the street, flanked by two Nomus. Nemuri’s nowhere to be found. Spinner’s injured, somehow. Jin is dragging him backwards, away from the fight. Aizawa is carrying Hizashi, who’s fully unconscious. The only people in any shape to do anything are Keigo, Dabi, and the Nomu. The fight’s narrowed down to three on three – a conjurer and two monsters versus one monster, one scar wraith, and one human. Suddenly you understand why Eri’s in tears, why Tomura’s materialized next to you with that look on his face. So much for the fight being even. It’s not anywhere close to even. They’re going to lose.
Garaki clucks his tongue, shakes his head. “Touya, you disappoint me.”
“It’s too bad. I was just living for your approval.” Dabi pushes Keigo casually behind him. “I’d highly recommend pissing off. Stick around and I might get angry. You’re not going to like it when I’m angry.”
“In your position, I’d be angry, too,” Garaki responds. “You’ve been a scar wraith for four years. Don’t you want your powers back? Isn’t this mortal form exhausting to inhabit? Wouldn’t you rather be free?”
You thought Dabi was trying to stall. Now you’re not so sure. “You could do that?” Dabi asks.
“Of course! If you doubt my abilities, just look at my Nomus.” Garaki gestures proudly. He tortured six people to create them, and he’s proud of them. “There’s no reason why the same process can’t run in reverse. I would have offered it to Hizashi, too – but it appears he’s a lost cause.”
“What did he do to him?” Shinsou asks in a cracked whisper. “He’s not dead. He can’t be dead.”
“The conjurer went after Aizawa and he took the hit instead. He’s coming around.” Tomura’s hands are clenched into fists at his sides, so hard his knuckles are white. “Idiot. They’re all idiots!”
Garaki is still talking. “I expected much better of Hizashi, truthfully. He was so eager to enter this world and play his part, and he threw it all away for a human. But you’re wiser, Touya. Step aside and I’ll help you reverse your mistake.”
He wouldn’t. There’s no way Dabi wants to be a ghost again that badly, is there? There’s no way he’d sacrifice Keigo. Is there? Dabi glances away from Garaki, over at Natsu. “What do you think, little brother? Should I take him up on it?”
The Nomu doesn’t answer. In Aizawa’s arms, you think you see Hizashi stir. “Nah,” Dabi says finally. “You can go to hell. Natsu, now!”
The Nomu moves at terrifying speed. It seizes Keigo and hurls him through the air, over the fence and into your front yard. Tomura swears under his breath and you watch as Keigo’s fall slows slightly, enough that he’s got time to turn and land heavily on his feet. But he’s not the only one in flight. Hizashi’s struggled to his feet, and he and Nemuri launch Aizawa together. Their throw isn’t as good. Aizawa crashes through the fence and sprawls out flat in the yard. Jin drags Spinner through the hole and both of them collapse.
They need help. You grab your first aid kit out of the hall closet and try to open your front door, only to find that it’s sealed shut. It doesn’t move even when you yank on it with your full weight. You turn to glare at Tomura, who glares back with his arms crossed. “It’s not safe.”
“I won’t leave the yard,” you say. “That’s your territory, isn’t it? Are you telling me I’m not safe there?”
Tomura’s expression darkens even further, but before he can respond, an ice-cold hand settles on your shoulder. “I’ll go with her,” Shirakumo says in that odd doubled voice. You forgot he was here. He hasn’t moved off the couch all day. “I can help.”
You don’t know how much help Shirakumo will be – the hand on your shoulder is shaking badly – but the front door unseals itself, and you leave without a backward glance. Once you’re in the yard, though, you’re temporarily paralyzed. Aizawa’s not moving, but Spinner’s the most visibly injured, and Keigo’s awake but stunned, like his landing might have been harder than you thought. You’d rather help Spinner or Keigo, but Aizawa’s the only one who’s unresponsive. He helped you when you first found out about Tomura. He’s done nothing to you other than be abrupt bordering on rude, and he’s like that with everyone except his children. Are you really going to let him lie there just because you and his husband despise each other?
Shirakumo heads for Aizawa, making the decision for you, and you hurry towards Spinner instead. Spinner’s bleeding from two stab wounds, one in his left shoulder and one in his right thigh, just above his knee. There’s a lot of blood. You pry open the first aid kit for bandages and gauze and press Jin into service bandaging Spinner’s leg, working on his shoulder yourself and doing your level best to ignore whatever’s happening outside the fence. Spinner groans in pain. “I have to get back out there,” he says. “They can’t do this.”
“We have to!” Jin agrees, determined. Then his face falls. “We can’t help. That’s why they made us leave.”
“They’re outnumbered. Nemuri burned up too much power and the cold killed a lot of the plants before she could.” Keigo waits until you’re finished bandaging Spinner’s injuries, then helps you and Jin pick him up. “Me and Aizawa were useless out there. All we did was distract them.”
He means Dabi and Hizashi, but there’s something turning over in your head. You’re not sure what it is just yet. You see Shirakumo carrying Aizawa up to the porch out of the corner of your eye. Next to you, Jin is shaking Spinner’s non-stabbed shoulder, panicked. “What about Magne and Atsuhiro? Why aren’t they out there?”
“Not their fight. I stayed in – long as possible.” Spinner’s face is beaded with sweat. “So maybe she’d come out. But –”
You don’t think the other ghosts are cowards. You know they’re tough, you know they care. But neither of them are the ones the conjurer is after, and their humans might as well be an afterthought. You don’t blame either of them for staying out of a fight they can’t win. When it comes down to it, it’s not your fight, either.
It’s not your fight. It’s also not your neighborhood, according to Hizashi – but you’re done with Hizashi’s bullshit. You’ve got your bracelets on, which means you’ll be hard to spot, and none of the ghosts still fighting in the street care enough about you to distract them from the fight. You won’t distract the neighborhood ghosts. But you can damn well distract the Nomus. Or the conjurer.
You’re alone in the yard now, except for Shirakumo. Shirakumo looks like he’s got an idea, too, and all you can do is hope that the human half of him is enough to hide his intentions from Tomura. The two of you make eye contact. Shirakumo raises one hand from his side and shows you a broken fencepost. If you bend down slowly to grab one of your own, Tomura’s going to figure it out, and he’ll stop you. You have to move fast. You crouch, seize a fencepost, and lurch across the property line.
A howl rises up from the house behind you, enough to set your teeth on edge and make every hair on your arms stand on end. Tomura’s furious, but he’s going to be even madder if you get hurt because you were standing there, doing nothing, instead of doing what you came here to do. You glance to your left and realize that Shirakumo’s already run off to help Hizashi and Nemuri deal with one of the two remaining Nomus. That leaves you and your fencepost to join the remaining fight. You’re the only help Dabi and Natsu are going to get.
Your fencepost has a broken end, jagged and dangerous, but you’ve got no faith in your ability to stab someone with it. You’ll be better off using it as a club. The question is who to hit. You creep along the sidewalk towards where Dabi and Natsu are facing Garaki and the remaining Nomu. While the fight between Natsu and the last Nomu looks pretty even, it’s clear to you that Dabi’s losing his. Tomura said Garaki has too many ghosts. Dabi’s only one, and only half a ghost in the bargain. You have the thought that his human side is protecting him from being blasted apart, but it can’t last forever. You can see the ghostly sections of his body, rippling, bulging, as Garaki pours more and more energy into him. Neither of them are paying any attention to you.
Good. You work your way behind Garaki, take a firmer grip on the fencepost, and swing.
It’s not your best swing. Some part of you is still wrestling against the thought of bashing another human being over the head with a piece of wood, and it’s really dark. But even your not-the-best swing collides with the side of Garaki’s head, producing a dull thud. He lets out a grunt of pain and turns Dabi loose, wheeling around to face you.
You swing again, but it’s even harder to hit somebody when you’re looking them in the eye. Your blow strikes his arm, and he staggers but doesn’t fall. Garaki is bald, your height or maybe shorter. He has a mustache, and his green-tinted glasses are cracked and lopsided. Blood is tricking down the side of his head from your first swing. He steps forward. You step back.
“Not so brave now, are we?” Garaki laughs, but he’s grimacing. You swing at him again, but he dodges it. His hand closes on your shoulder. “Have some of this.”
You know what’s coming, courtesy of Hizashi’s lessons this afternoon, and unlike Tomura, Garaki’s got no plans to be gentle with you. You lock your jaw against the screams that are dying to get out and squeeze your eyes shut. You don’t want to see the world between. You need to see what’s in Garaki’s head. You need to know, so you can warn –
You can’t see. Maybe you can. You can’t understand it – a void full of open, howling mouths, pain worse than anything you’ve ever experienced, hatred stronger than you can even fathom. It’s nothing like what you saw in Tomura’s mind. It’s hell. You keep your jaw locked as long as possible, but eventually you can’t hold it in a second longer. You open your mouth and scream until your throat bleeds.
Or maybe you don’t. A hand closes around your wrist and jerks you away, out of Garaki’s grip. The hand is cold and warm at the same time. When you open your eyes, you find yourself looking up at Shirakumo.
He’s not the only one who’s here. Nemuri’s here, and Hizashi, Hizashi steps into the space where you were standing and promptly decks Garaki, hitting him about twice as hard as your strongest swing of the fencepost. “That’s for making my friends cry,” he hisses, and hits Garaki again. “Hit it, Toasty!”
Every plant on the far side of the street bursts into flames at once, and Dabi plants both hands on Garaki’s back and shoves him hard. With the rest of the plants’ life-force on board, Dabi’s charged up with enough power to send Garaki flying, and there’s only one possible place he could be headed. You turn slowly, your entire body numb and frozen, just in time to see Garaki land in a heap in the middle of your front yard. Tomura’s on him a split second later.
You think it’ll be over quickly. If Tomura is as powerful as everyone says he is, it should be. But you think of how many ghosts you saw in Garaki’s head, of the fact that Tomura’s never faced a conjurer before, and fear like you’ve never felt in your entire life surges through you. You can’t help him. All you can do is watch.
The sphere of darkness Garaki summoned before starts to descend, only for Tomura to blast it apart seconds later. Garaki reaches out for Tomura’s shoulder, but Tomura dematerializes just enough that Garaki’s hand sinks straight through him. He raises one hand, reaching for Garaki, and Garaki’s hand rises to block him. There’s a clear six inches of space between their palms, but it’s clear that they’re both pushing as hard as they can.
Cold wind whips out from the space where the two of them stand, rattling your windows loudly enough that you can hear it from the street. Your teeth are chattering almost as loudly. Garaki’s face shows intense concentration, and so does Tomura’s. His free hand is scratching frantically at his neck, and he’s bitten into his lip so hard it’s bleeding. There’s a sudden lurch, and Tomura takes a step back. Then another step back. “Fuck,” Dabi mumbles, then calls out: “Hey, asshole! Get your shit together!”
Tomura plants his feet, stopping Garaki’s advance, but you’re not stupid enough to think he’s got the upper hand. In fact, he’s got the opposite. His right hand, the one pressing back against Garaki’s, is beginning to bend backwards, past the point where a living hand would break, where living fingers would snap like twigs. His physical form, still mostly embodied, is beginning to bulge and waver, just like Dabi’s did. If Garaki’s able to do this, his power level and Tomura’s must be nearly equal. Aizawa’s words flash through your head again: Conjurers are human. Humans don’t want to die.
You want to call out to Tomura, beg him to fight harder, but your teeth are chattering too hard to speak. Someone else does it for you. Hizashi grabs your arm, pulls you away from Shirakumo, and drags you towards the fence. “Hey, guess what?” he shouts at Tomura, his voice loud enough to be heard above the wind. “I lied about what ghostly power does to humans. It does hurt them. It hurts them a lot.”
Tomura’s eyes dart sideways towards you. Then he turns his head to stare, and takes another step back, giving up ground to Garaki. “Yeah, you heard me,” Hizashi continues, even though he’s breaking Tomura’s concentration. “You hurt your human, and she let you do it. But guess what? The guy who’s beating you hurt her a whole lot worse.”
Tomura snarls. “Oh, you want to kill me over that? I’ll believe that when I see it,” Hizashi spits, and suddenly you understand what he’s trying to do. “How are you supposed to kill me when you can’t even kill him?”
Tomura looks away from Hizashi, away from you. Back to Garaki, who was just starting to look confident. “You won’t win. I have the power of a thousand ghosts behind me! There’s nothing you can do that will – what are you doing? Don’t –”
Tomura’s free hand materializes and clamps down over Garaki’s face. The hand pushing  back against Garaki’s breaks through the space between them and seizes it in a crushing grip. Garaki howls, but not so loudly that you can’t hear Tomura’s voice. “A thousand ghosts?” he says, gleeful and savage. “There’s one less now.”
The wind roars up from behind you this time, still ice-cold, as Tomura draws his power inwards, forcing more and more of it into Garaki. He bends Garaki’s hand backwards until the conjurer’s wrist breaks, keeps pushing until his forearm snaps in two. “Where are your ghosts now?” he taunts. The smile on his face is terrifying to look at, but you can’t look away. “Without them, you’re just a human.”
“Wait,” Garaki chokes out. “Don’t –”
“You’re just a human,” Tomura repeats. “Humans die.”
You’ve watched Tomura turn things to dust before, but never a person. Garaki crumbles, the same as the wasps and the other insects and the plants. You hear a last gasp of air leave his lungs, choked with dust towards the end, and see his eyes go blank a second before they turn dull and dusty and pop from his skull. It’s over in less than two seconds. Garaki’s clothes crumple to the ground, empty. And after that it’s quiet.
Next to you, Hizashi breathes a sigh of relief. “That was close.”
“That wasn’t close at all,” Nemuri corrects. She’s only partially materialized. “It was over the instant he stopped messing around. What were you doing, anyway? You – watch it, Zashi –”
Hizashi leaps away from the fence with a yelp. Tomura’s right there, struggling to reach past the property line, his eyes fixed on you. “Give me my human.”
“You sure about that?” Hizashi asks. He gives you a little shake and keeps talking to Tomura. “You’re looking a little rough, my friend. Why not dematerialize and get some of that blood off your –”
Tomura’s voice isn’t particularly loud, but it still shakes the ground, and you feel Hizashi’s grip on your shoulder tighten with shock. He laughs it off, but you aren’t fooled. “One human, coming right up!” he announces. He picks you up and tosses you over the wreckage of the fence.
You’re not in any way prepared to catch yourself, but Tomura doesn’t let you hit the ground. Wouldn’t let you hit the ground. Maybe. He’s mad at you the instant he gets ahold of you, snapping at you even as his arms lock tightly around your waist. “You idiot! You’re just a human. That guy could have killed you! There are bugs under the house that are smarter than you are! Why would you even – what? What are you doing?”
You’re twisting in his grip, trying to get your arms free, and when you manage it, you wrap them around him, holding on as tightly as you can even though being this close to him isn’t helping your rapidly advancing case of hypothermia. “Are you okay?” you ask senselessly. “Your hand – your neck – are you hurt?”
“I’m fine. Don’t be stupid.” Tomura shakes your shoulder with the hand you were asking about, the one Garaki bent completely back at the wrist. “My neck is fine. The scratches will go away once I dematerialize. Why are you acting so weird?”
You pull your hand away from his neck with an effort. It comes back smeared with blood, and you curl it into a shaky fist. “I was worried.”
“I said not to be stupid,” Tomura says. He shakes your shoulder again. “I had it right from the beginning.”
He didn’t. You know what you saw, and he didn’t. “You had it once you flexed,” Dabi says from just outside the fence. “You dumbass. Why did you think the guy who summoned me and the megaphone with legs would be weak? Give me back my human.”
You have a rule about not laughing at Dabi’s jokes, but ‘megaphone with legs’ as a description for Hizashi is too funny to ignore. You’re giggling weakly to yourself as Keigo emerges from your house, stepping through the wreckage of your fence to join Dabi on the street. He’s got one arm in a sling and a few scratches on his face, but otherwise he looks okay. “Was it just me, or was that way too close?” he asks the ghosts and the Nomu and Shirakumo still hanging out in the street. “If we do anything like that again, we need to fix – hey, watch the arm!”
Dabi’s grabbed him, not dissimilarly to the way Tomura grabbed you, and he plants an incredibly weird-looking kiss on him. You’ve never tried making out with Tomura while he’s half-materialized, and there’s a good reason. There’s – tongues. You can see them. Keigo puts his hand against Dabi’s face and pushes him partly back, but that doesn’t dissuade Dabi at all. He picks Keigo up and marches right back across the street, up their front steps, and into the house.
“Uh, goodnight,” you say faintly. The door slams shut.
“Is there a human saying for post-victory sex?” That’s Magne’s voice. She and Atsuhiro are making their way up the street. “Humans have the silliest names for the most disgusting things they do.”
“I think post-victory sex is about as descriptive as it gets,” Shirakumo says in that strange doubled voice. The other Nomu is still standing there, hands down at its sides, and Shirakumo turns to it. “Hey. Natsu, right? I think we probably need to talk.”
“He’s doing better,” Nemuri remarks to Hizashi as the two Nomus cross the street. “Did something happen?”
“They merged. Him and the ghost,” Tomura says. He’s still holding you, and you’re starting to get really cold. “They wanted to help more than they wanted to die.”
“Good,” Hizashi says after a moment. He looks relieved. “Can I have my humans back now?”
“I don’t want your humans.” Tomura doesn’t look up, but when you peer over his shoulder, you see Shinsou carrying Eri and helping Aizawa navigate the stairs at the same time. “If you even think about setting foot in my yard again, I’ll kill you and I’ll make it hurt.”
“Deal,” Hizashi says. He glances at you, still relieved even though Tomura’s just threatened to kill him. “I misjudged your human, anyway. She’s not so bad after all.”
You didn’t trust Hizashi very much before today, and now you don’t trust him at all – but you think you’ve got a handle on what he’s like, which means his comment makes absolutely no sense. He doesn’t like you. He sees you as a threat to his family’s safety because he thinks you could compromise Tomura. Why would he say that he misjudged you in front of another ghost, knowing that Tomura can probably tell if he’s lying? If he wasn’t lying, but if he wasn’t lying, why did he change his tune about you?
The question’s a little too much for you to answer right now. Your brain is still scrambled and you’re freezing cold. Tomura refuses to put you down until Jin’s mom, who’s coming over to retrieve Jin, realizes your lips are blue and makes him do it. You stagger into the house under your own power, peel off your shoes, and head straight upstairs to your room. You get under the blankets fully clothed and curl up into a ball, trying to stay warm. There’s no way you’ll be able to sleep until the shivers die down.
You hear the front door close and lock like it’s coming from a long way away, then footsteps up the stairs. Tomura drops Phantom on the bed and she snuggles against you over the covers. It helps, sort of. You sneak one icy hand out to pet her ears, only to bump against Tomura’s hand doing the same thing. “You feel cold like me,” he says. You make some kind of awful, teeth-chattery noise of agreement. It’s quiet for a second. “I hurt you. You let me. Why?”
“You had to learn.” You don’t want to talk about this. “I was fine afterward. What the conjurer did was way worse.”
“I hurt you. Are you scared of me again?” Tomura sounds miserable. “You’re scared again. You’ll leave.”
“Not scared,” you mumble. “Not leaving. I just wanted to help. I wanted to make sure you won, and I wasn’t sure you could.”
You’re hoping that doubting his strength will set him off on bragging about how tough he is, so he’ll forget all about this. But you’re not so lucky. You spent all of tonight’s luck somewhere else. “I don’t understand,” Tomura says. “You let me hurt you for the neighborhood?”
“Don’t be stupid,” you say, just in time for it to occur to you that you’ve never really let on that you’re concerned with anything but the neighborhood as a whole. “I let you to make sure you won. I didn’t want something bad to happen to you.”
“So I could keep protecting the neighborhood.”
“No,” you say, too fast and too sure. “So I could keep hanging out with you.”
There’s probably a better way to say it. A more honest way to say it. If you were a ghost you’d be one hundred percent busted, because you’re lowballing this to a ridiculous degree. You want more stupid movie nights where he spends the entire movie asking questions and you have to rewind it and watch it again. You want more moments where you spy on him playing with Phantom, more moments where you watch him try to understand humans and succeed a little more each time. You want to teach him how to cook more things, not so he’ll cook for you but because he likes to know how things work and how to do them right. You want more makeouts and hookups and moments where he stays close to you without either of you understanding why.
You want to keep hanging out with Tomura, sure. You want that because you love him.
“That’s what I want,” Tomura says, surprised. “Wait, do you –”
“We agree. We don’t need to talk about it anymore.” You curl up into a tighter ball around Phantom and look up at Tomura. “Are you staying or what?”
Tomura looks even more surprised than before. “You said I don’t get to stay on your bed at night.”
“And you don’t listen. I know where you are even when you’re dematerialized,” you say. “You might as well do it embodied. And outside the sheets, so I don’t freeze.”
You can tell Tomura’s confused, but he hops onto the bed anyway, sprawling out on the other side. “It wasn’t hard to kill that conjurer,” he says. “I could do it again.”
For some reason, that’s when it clicks for you – the reason Hizashi doesn’t hate you anymore, the reason he was relieved. His problem with you is that you’re a reason for Tomura to give up being a ghost. The only way to give up being a ghost is to completely drain a human being and take their place, and it only happens if the ghost wants to be human more than they’ve ever wanted anything else in the whole world, in all of time. Tomura completely drained a human being tonight. If he was going to embody himself permanently, this was his chance. And he didn’t.
You knew he wouldn’t. You’ve always known that. You’ve known forever that loving Tomura would mean loving him as a ghost and nothing else. It’s best this way. The neighborhood stays protected. Hizashi stops hating you. This is how it’s supposed to be.
“Hey.” Tomura shakes your shoulder, then touches your cheek. “What are these? Are you crying?”
“Humans do that sometimes to relieve stress,” you say. You’re amazed with the steadiness in your voice. “It’s fine.”
“Mm.” Tomura sounds skeptical, but he doesn’t argue with you. He edges closer to you, drapes one arm around your waist and presses against your back. All you can feel through the blankets is the faintest chill. “You can be the spoon this time.”
“The little spoon,” you correct. “You’re the big spoon.”
“What if I don’t want to be a spoon?”
“Then find a different way to snuggle.” You don’t want him to do that. You want him to hold you like this until you fall asleep, and when a vaguely aggrieved silence falls, you know you’ll get your wish. “It’s not so bad.”
“Idiot,” Tomura mumbles. “Go to sleep.”
You close your eyes, sandwiched between your ghost and your dog, not quite cold and not quite warm. It’s almost comfortable. Maybe you should fall asleep like this every night.
If you ever sleep again. When you wake up in the middle of the night, frozen with incomprehensible terror from a dream of the world between, you’re not sure you’ll even dare to close your eyes.
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May i offer you some chima family headcanons in these trying times
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Starting with eris
I read on the wiki that ppl speculate that the news reporter bird is her brother and ewald is their father
And you know what i like that it's canon now
Tequila or whatever his name was is her older brother now and ewald is their tired single dad
Don't ask me what happened to her mom tho probably the same thing that happened to lavals mom
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I don't remember if g'loona was gorzans sister in the show or not but they are siblings now
I also have no idea how old she's supposed to be but the show does mention she's younger than everyone else so now she's like 12
Also they have 2 moms but i don't feel like coming up with designs for them
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Bladvic well he has parents alright
They're not dead or anything they just forget about him as much as the show writes do
They don't even buy him clothes that fit him that's why his shirts are all ripped U_U
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Razar has a BIG family
He doesn't even have that many siblings he's only got 2 but all of his family lives under the same roof
Aunts uncles cousins and even siblings in law
His house must be very noisy from all the ppl living there
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I actually like rinona so I'm keeping her as rogons sister
I don't really remember if she was older or younger than him but now she's his older sister and she is very supportive of her lil bro
Also the goat guy is here
At first i only though of him as a mentor to rogon that occasionally gave him fatherly advice but you know what goat dude would totally adopt him
Can't decide if rogon and rinona have actual rhino parents or if they're just orphans that got adopted by goat guy cause right now all i can think about is goat dad
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I stole this headcanon from @sweetheart-weeb-33 thanks bestie <3
Worriz lives in a foster home with a lot of other pups and their mom
He's just an edgy teenager who pretends to not care about any of his siblings but actually does and love him for it
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Finally skinnet cause we love skinnet in this household
Since they're not the only one of their kind anymore they actually have a family now and that family is their granny
What happened to their parents? Idk they're probably hanging out with eris and lavals moms
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ludcake · 1 year
I think I'm in love with ur oc. do u have any more ocs to share with us?
yes. i do actually!!!
I have so many of them. in the brain
Quick list and you can follow it up with a specific ask about them!!
Alyseris Rogare, a scion of House Rogare long after they lost nearly everything in the Lyseni Spring - all she has is the family name. Daughter of the Old Blood of Volantis. Thinks Westeros fucking sucks compared to Essos - thinks that peasantry and feudalism is just slavery with more steps (and this is bad because it's not *just* slavery). comically missing the point of the cycles of tragedy because whenever the tragedy starts rolling they hop on a boat and skip before it gets too bad. Used to be the wife of a Ghiscari noble but jumped ship and left him with their kid. Actually a trained brava. Incredible gender swag
Lady Asha Codd, of Codd Hall. She has a twin named Yara Codd. They're both married to another set of twins who are their cousins. They might actually all be siblings instead of cousins. She thinks it's a shame that House Codd's words are "Though All Men Do Despise Us". Thinks people should like them better, so she invests her money and house funds into mimicking a Greenlander court. Comically misses the point as the incest, stealing, reaving, thralldom and cannibalism still happen, she's just now prim and proper about it and has a single silken gown she bought from Lannisport and likes staring at the pretty stained glass window that broke when they stole it from a motherhouse. Very much manners forward.
Lord Mors Dustin. Actual total freak. Lord of Barrowton circa Dunk & Egg, so right after the Spring Sickness - everyone in his family died and he's obsessed with it <3 he spends all the money of House Dustin into barrows and graves and turns farmlands into graveyards and knows the cause of death of every major family in their lands at least five generations back. Thinks that the ghosts talk to him sometimes, he actually just has really bad insomnia. Convinced that he'll die under very specific circumstances. Gets into a relationship with a wildling that wants to murder him real bad during the Raymun Redbeard thing. It's cute and very violent
Lenore Sand beloved..... She's an Orphan of the Greenblood. Daughter of a major courtier in the Sunspear court and an Orphan, was raised by her mom until she almost drowned in the greenblood and got sick from it, was dumped on dad's footstep after that. Really keeps to the Rhoynish customs, dreams of getting to do a pilgrimage to the Rhoyne. Also a Greenseer!! But in a weird Rhoynish vibe of being underwater.... merging with fish and turtles and eels and critters. keeps a pet white raven she stole from the citadel that she named after her annoying younger legitimate brother Edgar and makes the raven say bad things in his voice
Lady Eris Hightower. Originally an Oakheart, she married a second son of House Redwyne. It was originally a pretty classic courtly romance, and they got married, but he didn't actually want kids!! And that fucked with her deeply because. Like. That destroys every conceit of womanhood in Westeros, right? And it's not like they have protection, so it's just. Moon tea and moon tea and being on bed half the time until eventually he dies mysteriously :). She marries a widower but childless Lord Hightower and they actually have a pretty good relationship, until he goes off with Daeron the Daring into Dorne with her eldest son and that's a breaking point. She goes full stereotype of an evil lady - she starts sleeping with septas, septons, knights and courtiers, ruling the court while he's at war and occupying Dorne, when he returns she's a little bit pregnant and the baby comes out not really looking like her or the dad, so she dyes her hair to pretend her hair was the right color all along for the kid :) kills her husband again so that's two for two and rules as regent for her children for a good hot second. just everything wrong with feudalism in a single woman. she was driven crazy by it and she's the exact flavour of crazy that only these highly hierarchical and fucked systems can produce.
Florian Storm! This is my less fucked OC but I still love them. They're a Steward of the Night's Watch that thoroughly embezzles the NW's funds to get themselves nice silks and jewellery and trades with the wildlings on the side to get some better food and all that. Bastard from House Trant, was gonna be a maester because they were an awful fighter and their dad hated them for that and being feminine until they beat up an acolyte a bit too much and they died (this is because they were having gay sex on the side and it spiraled out). the fact that they were condemned to hang for murder made their dad very happy and proud of them so they got to pack to the Wall with a nice set of sable gloves and mink cloak. They're just a bit scummy <3
those are the big ones!! I also have a few I haven't developed quite as much like Steffon Pyke, local loser maester who is a meathead but had to struggle through citadel college because the alternative was indentured servitude (they later get involved in colonialism), Alyn Whitewolf, who is a freefolk songstress descended very distantly from Jon in an AU where he stays with the wildlings instead of going back to the NW (her mission is going south to steal a wife <3) and Ser Robert Buckwell, knight of the Kingsguard who is utterly uninterested in anything but straightbaiting girls with his perfect little shining golden armor and big vow to never shed blood (this is why he uses a mace to make sure all the bleeding is internal) while sleeping with another knight of the Kingsguard on the side. he's like if the kingsguard was a boyband for real
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Bracket A Round 1 Second Half Results!!!
This round was incredibly tense and filled with both sweeps and near-ties, but it has ended and here I am again with the results!!
Poll 17
Eris the magical girl successfully defeated Mars Candlesmith with 60% of the votes against Mars' 40%!! Even a cat with long fluffy fur isn't a match for this goth with disabled & trans swag!!
Poll 18
Crisis Castelli the thief truly stole the competition - he got nearly 57% of the votes, but with 43% Caleþa and his eternal party but up a formidable fight!!
Poll 19
In the biggest sweep of this round, Scrangle the eldritch pokemon trainer beat Hadriel the rebelling angel by getting nearly 84% of the votes against xeir 16%!! This poll also gained the most votes - an amazing 665 of them!!! That's more than double what the other polls got!
Poll 20
Ellie the fish wife unfortunately lost against Echo the game console and only got 42% of the votes against its 58%!! I guess it's true that water and electronics don't mix!!
Poll 21
Sevil Neveah the centaur mayor of hell completely demolished Albach and his bag of shinies in the second biggest sweep of this round - over 82% against not even 18%!!
Poll 22
Aurora the star archivist just barely managed to beat Bone Doe our beloved skeleton with nearly 53% votes against their 47%!!! As this was the closest result of this round, I will be offering them a chance to team up! what do you think, @queensqueercourt @leondevilart ?
Poll 23
River the awful bisexual has swept against Null the plush rabbit with the power of a morbius reference and cool death powers! She got over 76% of the votes against Null's not even 24%!!
Poll 24
Tau the sky:cotl oc lost against Order from destiny2 with a bit more than 46% of the votes to Order's 54%. I would like to personally wish him luck in dealing with krill in the future <3
Poll 25
A yellow sweater, two leaves above their head and two pieces of crossover art with other people's ocs wasn't enough for Name to win against Providence the purple beast - Name didn't manage to get even 40% of votes against Providence's 60%
Poll 26
Vailëquerma Angollëion the elven priest won against Cassandra Capgrass despite a lot of cool propaganda with a whopping 73% of the votes!! People seem to love someone who's willing to perform weddings if asked!
Poll 27
In a battle of two dnd characters, Aspen Wildwanderer managed to beat Citalopram 'Tal' Frynne by a bit more than 10% of the votes! Apparently even representing his whole former adventuring party wasn't enough to win against someone with the potential to ascend to godhood!
Poll 28
Travela 'Travi' Varo the human form of an airship didn't manage to tie with Finch the little ghost BUT I have been bribed with art so I am allowing them to go forward as a team!
Poll 29
Serendipity Johnson the sexy failgirl won against Toby the quail boy with the power of propaganda, but was still 0.5% away from 69% of the votes. She would be too powerful otherwise.
Poll 30
Redacted the gigantic evil hot woman got redacted out of the competition by Chameul Canopus Asteriou the magical girl and only got 36% votes against her 64%!! It was artfight's fault.
Poll 31
Andrea Hugo Sage won against Vanda "Valentine" Îndrăgí with nearly 58% of the votes!! I guess the response to "who doesn't love an angry bisexual woman in leather?" is "our voters, apparently"!!
Poll 32
Jaimi Mire the young fire witch lost against Fig the little fairy by a little less than 10% of the votes!! We wish her all the best on her mission of finding her mom!
41 notes · View notes
maidragoste · 3 years
If the League of Villains had saved Eri
This was born after watching a video
please let me know if you want more of this au (or can you leave me any other suggestions to write)
➸It was actually Shigaraki who saved Eri. He came to the new hideout saying "I stole a child." Toga squealed excitedly upon seeing Eri and walked over with Twice to get a closer look at the girl. You and Dabi looked at each other wondering if Shigaraki was serious. While Spinner and Mr. Compress wondered if Kurogiri would agree with Shigaraki's sudden decision.
➸But all doubts were left behind after Shigaraki told them how Overhaul created his bullets.
➸And that's how the Liga of Villains became Eri Protection Squad... Or that's how Eri got two dads (ShigaDabi), a mom (Y / n), an older sister (Toga), and three uncles (Twice, Mr. Compress and Spinner).
➸Mr.Compress makes new tricks and shows especially for Eri. He sometimes makes her be her helper.
➸Spinner and Mr. Compress would go stealing toys for her.
"Why did you bring this doll?" Y / n asked looking at the two of them.
"It's for Eri" Mr. Compress replied as if it were obvious making you roll your eyes.
“We already know, idiot. But you brought back the doll same ”said Dabi pointing to Eri playing with an identical doll along with Twice and Toga making Mr. Compress and Spinner embarrassed.
"We can go find another one," Spinner said quickly.
"Guys, I think Eri has enough toys already," you said.
"Then for Toga"
➸Mr. Compress would be the type of uncle who would give Eri candy before dinner, even though you told her a thousand times not to.
➸At first, Eri was afraid of Twice because of her personality changes but over time she got used to it. She now loves to play and watch cartoons with him, Spinner and Toga.
"Eri, what do you have there?" Y/n asked.
"A knife"
"NO!" You screamed and took the knife from him.
Eri started crying scared because she had never yelled at her before. Instantly the feeling of guilt was present in you so you threw the knife away and raised it.
"Sorry to yell at you, Eri. I was just scared that you're with a knife. It's dangerous and you could hurt yourself" you hugged her, making her stop crying "Please don't take a knife again, okay?"
"Okay" she replied and you kissed her forehead.
"Now could you tell me how you got the knife"
"Toga gave it to me"
➸When you told the rest of the League they had to stop Shigaraki from disintegrating Toga and Dabi almost kicked your ass for making Eri cry.
➸After that, Toga is forbidden to be alone with Eri.
➸Shigaraki lets Eri play video games with him. You always make sure it is a kid-friendly game. And every time you see that Shigaraki is about to curse you pull his hair or say his name.
➸One of Eri's favorite things is when you, Twice and Dabi tell her a story. You tell the story while Dabi and Twice make shadows with their hands to make the characters.
➸Another thing she likes to do is paint her nails with you, Dabi and Spinner. Sometimes Toga and Twice team up to get hairstyles. Dabi just lets you or Eri braid his hair, the rest are forbidden to touch his hair unless they want to end up with a burned hand.
➸And the first time Eri called Shigaraki "dad".
"Eri, it's bath time"
"I don't want to" Eri replied not wanting to stop playing with Shigaraki.
"Eri, you must take a bath"
"Dad hasn't bathed for three days and you don't say anything to him"
Shigaraki paused the game and looked at Eri, not sure if he had heard correctly until you said:
"Dad is going to bathe after you"
And Shigaraki just fell silent watching you leave the room with Eri.
➸Dabi and you would deny it to death but you were both jealous that Eri had called Shigaraki "dad" first. What none of them knew was that Eri when she spoke of you referred to as her parents.
"Look, Toga! Mommy made me a braid!"
"Spinner, Daddy Dabi got a new nail polish!"
“Uncle Compress, could you bring me cards, please? Daddy Shiga dusted the ones he had"
342 notes · View notes
jaedore · 3 years
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: jaehyun x reader
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: mythology!au, angst, romance
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, suggestive (just making out lol), mentions of alcohol, violence (mentions of choking)
𝐚/𝐧: if you are uncomfortable with these themes then i highly suggest you no longer interact! also, thoughts/emphasis are italicized. I'll just put the header on when I have the patience bc I felt like this is long overdue
[4.5k words]
You woke up finding your body was stiff and sore. It overpowered the pain in your wounded knees that stung with every movement of your limbs. Yesterday seemed like days ago, it felt like a fever dream. No, a nightmare. All you wanted to do was just curl up in bed, but then you remembered that your mother and you were having dinner at Jaehyun’s place. You’ve never gone to the Underworld, you didn’t hear many good things about it and that terrified you. What if Cerberus ate you? What if a wandering, lost soul stole your soul? The questions were endless and it sent you down a spiral of nervousness.
“Y/n?” Your mother softly came in, an apron hung around her neck and the aroma of breakfast food seeped into your room.
“Morning, mom,” you croaked.
“How are you feeling?”
Your mind flashed back to yesterday; Jaehyun in your room, tending your wounds, being flirtatious, or whatever. You remembered it as clear as the Fountain of Youth.
“I’m fine,” you answered, swiping the sheets away from your body to peer at the wounds.
You gently peeled back the bandage a bit only to see that the wound was almost gone. It held a faint discoloration as it was in the process of healing, but you were impressed nonetheless.
“So,” your mother began as she sat on the edge of your bed, “tonight, I was thinking about bringing a pasta dish. Or should we bring a cake? A pie maybe?”
“We can just pick up a pie from the bakery,” you brushed your hand in the air, dismissing any ideas, “it’ll be easier anyways.”
“Ah, yes. Hades does like his spicy chocolate pies,” your mother hums as she smoothes her palm against your bedsheet.
“Ugh, I don’t know how he eats that stuff,” you grumble, swinging your legs off your bed.
“Well, he is the God of the Underworld,” she raises both of her eyebrows at you, “so, what will you be doing today? It’s super nice out.”
Peering at your window, the sun shines brightly in the sky. The sky is bare of clouds and it does seem like a beautiful day today. You can imagine yourself sitting in the grass with a book in your palms. But you had more important things to do today, like beating the shit out of Maeve.
Your shoulders slump as you reply, “I’m going to go train with Mark.”
“You’re always training with that boy,” she narrows her eyes at you, “are you in love with him?”
“Mother!” You raise your voice, snapping your head to her, “No, I am not.”
Athena only laughs at your reply as she gets up and makes her way out of your room.
“Hey, Y/n?” her voice stops you before you step into the bathroom.
“Yes, mom?”
“You know you can tell me anything right?” she asks, her voice sweet and loving.
You nodded, recalling the things that happened last night at the beach. You haven’t told her and she must be worried, but you’re too drained and confused to spill it. So you spare her a small smile as you walk into the bathroom, not saying a word about what happened.
“Come on! You can hit harder!”
Annoyed at Mark’s ‘words of encouragement’, you purse your lips as you attempt to hit the boxing pad with your mitts. You were beginning to get tired, your arms burned from the repetitive movements and your knees ached as it chased after your feet. Mark hasn’t given you a break since you’ve gotten here and it’s almost been an hour of constant hitting.
Growing frustrated, you shouted in protest, “I’m done!” you throw your mitts on the dirt.
Mark sighs, seeing the frustration in your eyes, “Okay, what’s really going on?”
You exhale a short breath, “Nothing you’d be interested in,” you answer him sharply as you walk towards one of the rocks to sit on. Mark follows you closely, but quietly afraid to set off the fuming bomb of anger you always held.
“You know,” he starts, “I’ve heard a lot of mysterious things about you,” he plops right next to you.
You curl your legs up to your chest as you stare forward at the waterfall, “Like what?” you mumble, really not interested in what he’s heard because it’s all been bad stuff.
“You tell me,” Mark shrugs.
You tighten your hold on your legs, “I think someone’s out to get me,” you whisper.
Mark leans in to hear you clearer, “Maeve?” he whispers back.
You shudder, her name bringing back awful memories, “Yeah, but I’m not sure why. I have nothing that has to do with her. Sure, I provoked her on the first day, but...it wasn’t severe to draw it out this far.”
Mark’s eyebrows furrow, “What do you mean?”
You explained what happened last night at the beach party. You quivered as you retold the story from your perspective. It was a vivid nightmare that you didn’t know how to wake.
“Where is Lucas now?” Mark asked.
You fumed at the male’s name. He hasn’t texted or called you since last night. He would be the key to all of your answers, but he wouldn’t answer any of your messages or calls. Lucas was friendly, always nice, and shined bright like the sun. You just wondered what he was up to.
“I don’t know,” you sighed, picking up the mitts from the ground, “come on. We came here to train. Plus, I want to forget it all.”
Mark quickly jumps to his feet, “do you think this has anything to do with the feud between Hades, your mother, and her’s?”
You tilted your head to the side, “What feud?”
Mark smirked, “Guess you don’t know then.”
“Mark,” you lowered your voice when he dismissed your question, “what. Feud?”
“I’ll tell you if you can beat me,” he said, picking up the other pair of mitts that laid on the ground.
Storming into your house, you shouted, “Why didn’t you tell me about the feud you had with Hades and Eris?”
Taken aback, she looked at you with wide eyes, almost dropping the spoon she held, “w-what are you talking about?”
You inhaled, “Why didn’t you tell me that after the Titan War, Hades, and apparently Zeus, imprisoned Eris in Tartarus? And that you were helping them and now she’s after me, possibly because of it?”
“Who told you that?” your mother calmly put down the spoon and rubbed her palms on her thighs.
“Does that really matter right now, mom?” your voice rose in anger.
“Sit down,” she wipes her hand on a napkin, discarding it as she walks towards you, who begins to be seated at the dinner table.
“Eris and I were good friends, we trained together as kids. She was good, almost better than me, but there was always the tension of competition between us. One could only be good in the eyes of Zeus so we grew up and trained with that mindset. As we got older, we were still good friends, but there was always that silent tension between us. When the Titan war came to be, Eris rebelled and fought against us,” your mother sighed, anguish tainting the streaks of her face, “I tried everything in my power to persuade her to fight with us, to be on our side, but that’s when she said all of the things that were never said. That I was the favorite, I was the best only because I was the favorite, I was only fighting along Zeus because he favored me more than her. Not because I was good or tactful, she disregarded our training together...our friendship, the bond that we had growing up. It was stupid really, but eventually, we beat their army and imprisoned her. According to Zeus, she did more damage during the war that I wasn’t aware of. That’s why she’s imprisoned in Tartarus. I haven’t asked because she’s...she’s dead to me really.”
You leaned back in her seat, realizing that Maeve probably was only acting out of feeling because of the relationship between both of your mothers. Her mother was imprisoned in the deep abyss below the Underworld, while yours lived a perfect, rewarding life.
“Is that why we’re going to the Underworld tonight? To talk to Zeus?” you quietly asked.
Your mother nodded, “I know I should’ve told you. I’m sorry. I just didn’t think of the possibilities of her coming for you through her daughter because of me.”
You shook your head, “It’s fine. I just want this to stop,” your fingertips brushed against your neck.
“Well,” your mother sighed, peering at her watch, “you don’t really have time to get ready, so why don’t you rinse your face from the sweat, and then we’ll pick up the pie and head on down.”
Head on down. You whimpered as you stood up. And it wasn’t because of your sore legs.
As you washed your face, you wondered if Jaehyun would be eating with you guys. You recall that Hades said Jaehyun was always at the Mourning Fields talking to the souls that wandered there. There, holds the souls that wasted their souls on unrequited love. Does Jaehyun love someone? Or does he not? Then you remembered how he took up space in your room last night. His fingertips sent icicle daggers through your skin that you felt their phantom as you wiped your face on the nearby towel. With the hopes of Jaehyun not speaking to you tonight, you braced yourself on the journey of walking down into the Underworld.
You jumped back at the sound of barking. Cerberus. The three-headed dog barks at both you and your mother. No matter how powerful your mother, Athena, was, she had no power over a creature created to guard the gates of the Underworld.
“Why isn’t he coming? I rang the doorbell like five minutes ago,” your mother grumbled.
As if on cue, the gates opened and the growling sounds of Cerberus silenced in question.
“They are not the enemy or the dead, Cerberus. They’re our guests.” a voice rang above you. You found out later that the voice belonged to Hades, but you saw Jaehyun stepping out from behind the black, iron gates.
“Good evening, sorry for the wait.” Jaehyun bowed to you both.
Your mother paused, regretting the comment she made before as she saw how handsome Jaehyun was, “You’re Jaehyun, right? You grew up so well.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
Tch “ma’am”. As if you actually had manners. You rolled your eyes at his sense of poise. You wonder where he learned such acts in a short amount of time.
Your mother nudged you, “do you have anything to say?” she whispered.
You inhaled a sharp breath, narrowing your eyes at the prideful male in front of you, “Thank you for having us,” you mumbled, barely nodding to him.
“Please, this way.”
Jaehyun led your mother and you towards Hades’ Palace, the stone tower tall enough to peek through the rising fog of the evening. Across the path to the left stood the Judgement Pavilion. Several souls lined up waiting for their next home where they’d be trapped forever. One of the souls snapped their eyes to you as if they knew where you stood, who you were. Their eyes were full of darkness and fury, almost consuming you into a tunnel of doom.
Jaehyun snatched your arm, his grip vice-like, “Don’t look at any soul who hasn’t been through the Judgement Pavilion, it’s their last chance to steal a living being’s soul before they’re judged into exile.” You hadn’t realized it but it was only you and Jaehyun who stood on the pavement that led you to Hades’ Palace.
You looked ahead not seeing her, “Where’s my mom?”
“She already went in. We didn’t even notice you were gone until she asked you something to only find you not behind us.”
You inhaled a sharp breath, “How long have I been standing here?”
“Around five minutes, you didn’t hear me call you?” Jaehyun’s eyebrows furrowed.
Shaking your head in denial you said, “No, I didn’t until you grabbed my arm,” you eyed down to your arm seeing that he still held you. Jaehyun’s grip loosened as he also realized that he hadn’t let go yet.
“Come on, let’s go,” his hand tightened around your arm once again as he dragged you towards the stone palace.
“I can walk myself,” you snapped at him, attempting to yank your arm from his clutch.
Jaehyun turned to you, his eyes cool and icy, sending chills down your spine, “I know,” he lowly said, “but I’m not taking my chances,” he gripped your arm again, leading you to his home.
The moonlight barely shined against the copper stone of his palace, creating sheer darkness looking like it hadn’t been touched for centuries. As unwelcoming as it felt, you could smell the complete opposite; a small scent of mint, the natural smell of tree bark, and the faintest feather of lavender. You glanced forward at Jaehyun, he hadn’t spared you look as you two made your way towards his home.
Jaehyun led you past the Asphodel Meadows, only tugging on your arm harder to bring your senses back. He was right to do so because looking at it was hypnotizing. You were even surprised that the ground-up dirt was able to grow flowers, and not knowing what kind they were, they were the most beautiful you’ve ever seen. The trees that sheltered them were bare of leaves and plants, creating a haunting aura, but it didn’t alarm you enough to look away.
“Come on,” Jaehyun tugged at you once again, this time gaining your attention.
You glared at him making you feel like some child that wasn’t able to concentrate. “What’s down there?”
He glanced back at you, mirroring your expression, “You don’t want to know.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t. Now hush, we’re almost there.”
After a few more steps, you both came to face his home. The palace was bigger than you expected as it loomed over you. It felt like you were walking into your own exile.
“I thought you got lost,” your mother called to you as you walked in with Jaehyun behind you.
“She almost did,” he mumbled as he passed you to sit at the dinner table.
“She’s always been a curious one,” your mother laughed.
“That could get you in some serious trouble, girl,” Hades walked into the room with spoons in his hand. The high-pitched cackling sound of the spoon hitting the dishes made you wince, “come sit, it’s almost time to eat.”
Obeying Hades’ words, you idly sat next to Jaehyun with shame settling in your bones because you felt embarrassed that he had to drag your ass back to his place. The skin where his hands once grasped your arm felt tingly and you couldn’t burn it from your mind. It’s not like you and Jaehyun had many encounters, or rather, pleasant encounters, but you can’t help yourself but stare at him from the corner of your eye. Jaehyun sits with poise and pride, but you can see the burden he carries in the way he slightly slouches and the exhausted sigh that wriggles from his lips.
As everyone eats, you can’t help but think what Jaehyun’s thinking about. You can tell he’s thinking about something from the tension in his brow and the small pout coming from his bottom lip. From time to time, you ignore the small moments where his arm or leg brushes against yours or when you both reach for the same dish. And there’s a sort of tension over the table as everyone silently hides their comments as their food reaches their lips.
Hades is the first to speak, “So, I’ve heard you’ve had quite the events lately,” his tone low and cautious.
You clear your throat, “Um, yes.”
You begin to tell him everything that’s happened from the start of Maeve to the event in the Phantasms Forest. Not leaving out a single detail, you didn’t even notice your hands tensing up until you felt warmth from another on top of your chilled skin. Turning to your mother, she nods to you in comfort, letting you know that you’re doing well and you’re strong for facing what you’ve been through. Hades listens closely, not reaching for his food and feeling the slight disgust from those who caused you harm. Truth be told, he knew what was happening and why it was happening to you. Slightly nodding at your mother, they both lifted themselves from their seats and walked out the door leaving you and Jaehyun alone.
You turned to the male to your right, “Where are they going?”
Jaehyun shrugs, grabbing the nearby plates, “Probably to Tartarus.”
“What?” You snapped up on your legs, immediately following him to the kitchen sink, “Why?
“I’m sure you know that’s where they’re keeping Eris,” Jaehyun spares you a glance as he begins soaking a sponge in soap.
“Yeah,” you crossed your arms, “but why are they going down there? To talk to her? What is she going to do? What are they going to do? How long is this going to take?”
Tired of the overload from your questions, Jaehyun turns to you. Unbeknown that you were leaning forward towards him as you spoke, your eyes widened as you came face to face with the hot-headed male. His eyes were a pool of darkness with a hint of brown like melted dark chocolate. You stood in front of him with your feet glued to the ground. Heat radiated off your body as you parted your lips. Jaehyun’s eyes flickered down. He sharply inhaled to only let it out as he turned away and began scrubbing the dishes again.
“Bring the dishes to me and I’ll wash them,” he said before you could turn away from him.
You clutched the collar of your shirt. What was that? Your fingers trembled around a plate when you realized that he didn’t even answer any of your problems.
Setting them on the counter next to him, you snapped, “You didn’t even reply to my questions.”
“You talk too much.”
Stunned, you purse your lips and walk away. He can clean the kitchen by himself. You sat yourself in their living room, plopping yourself on the couch. If it weren’t for the dim lamp that flickered in the far corner of the room, you would’ve walked around blindly. The walls were painted in black, the rug was black, and even the couch you sat on was black. Everything was black like a fire had torn through the palace. The only color that caught your attention was the pictures that sat on top of the unlit fireplace. Making your way towards the photos, you found family photos of Jaehyun and his parents. It looked like a regular family you would suspect in the human world, a mother and father playing with their toddler son in the park. Except it wasn’t a park and it wasn’t a regular family. The field Jaehyun played on was the Field of Asphodel, but it was beautiful, there was greenery, grass, and beautiful flowers that bloomed around little Jaehyun. You wondered what happened to the breathtaking scenery. Your eyes landed on a particular picture that made the corners of your lips lift in the slightest. There, laid little Jaehyun sleeping peacefully in the embrace of Cerberus who also laid in slumber around the little boy, sheltering him from the rain that penetrated to the Underworld. Cute. The faint blur of a finger covered the corner of the picture, you wondered who took this photo. You thought that maybe it was his mother, Persephone, who no one’s heard of for years. The last thing you heard was that Hades kidnapped her after eating six pomegranate seeds and she was forced to live six months in the Underworld and six months in the mortal world, Earth. But she hasn’t returned from her six months on Earth. And it’s been 20 years.
“No, I don’t know where she is, nor do I really care,” Jaehyun said beside you.
Jumping, you didn’t even realize he was there. Holding your chest, you panted, “I didn’t even say anything this time.”
“I know,” he glanced at you, his gaze flickering back to your lips, then lower to your neck, “but you were thinking it.”
“Come, I might have some ointment left for your neck,” Jaehyun doesn’t even give you a chance to protest.
Grabbing your wrist, you obediently follow him back into the kitchen.
“Sit,” he commands.
You look around in question, “Where the hell am I going to sit?”
Jaehyun reached up to the upper cupboard, the bottom of his shirt slightly lifting with his shoulders to reveal his back, “on the counter, of course,” you averted your eyes somewhere else when he turned to face you, “unless you want to sit on my lap,” he smirks.
You shake your head, lifting yourself on the counter. Even if you sat on the counter, you were only tall enough to meet him at eye level. Snapping the cap open, the familiar smell of mint and ginger filled your nose as he dipped two fingers in the gooey substance. A very sinful scenario flashed across your mind as he pulled those fingers back out, his digits drenched in the healing fluid. Squeezing your legs together, you cleared your throat as he crept closer to you, but that only led to Jaehyun sliding his free hand around your nape to pull you closer.
“I don’t bite,” he whispers, that smirk returning.
“I didn’t ev-”
You tensed as Jaehyun’s fingertips brushed on your skin to apply the ointment. Both of your bodies were so close to each other, the only blockage being your knees that dug into this stiff abdomen. It also didn’t help that Jaehyun’s face was incredibly close to yours. With one movement, your lips would’ve met.
“Relax,” he whispers, his eyes switching up to meet yours.
Chills shoot down your spine, a sudden heat pooled at the bottom of your stomach at the breeze of his breath. But eventually, you relaxed. Until you felt his hand on your neck rubbing circles. He repeatedly dipped those long digits of his in the ointment and reapplied it to your neck. To be honest, you thought it looked fine, it was still sore and hurt in certain places but it felt like he was lathering you in it. Once in a while, you’d wince at the pressure Jaehyun’s fingertips pressed against some of the bruises.
“Sorry,” he’d murmur. You’d thin your lips but relax as soon as he apologizes, his voice sounding sincere and gentle.
Slightly turning to the side, you let out a troubled breath, sharply inhaling another, repeating those steps over again and again until Jaehyun slowly pulled away. His warm hand slipped from your nape and your breath trembled, the cold air settling on it as soon as he pulled away. You watched him set the ointment back where he got it from, not missing the flutter of his skin that revealed the slight muscles in his lower back. Oh boy, you sighed.
Jaehyun turned back to you, “You alright?”
You nodded, “Will it still be there by tomorrow?”
Jaehyun walked to you as you stayed glued to the counter, he hummed, “Considering that you almost met death twice in the span of two days, it’ll take a few days,” he was closer once again, “just be careful,” his voice in a low whisper.
You could feel his breath brisk your cheeks. You didn’t know if it was your own heat warming you up or the faint warmth of the words that escaped his plump lips. You felt his abdomen on the curl of your knees like before and there wasn’t a way to bring them closer because it’d reveal to him what you were thinking...or feeling. Maybe you weren’t thinking clearly, maybe you were just lonely. But the longer you stayed in front of him, your desire to kiss him grew. He’s been nothing but cold and mean, but he’s been so kind and taking care of you despite his spiteful aura. You sucked in your bottom lip, stopping whatever trembling words attempted to escape from the cage of your tongue.
You sucked in a sharp breath when Jaehyun’s hands slid to your waist.
“Don’t do that,” Jaehyun brought him closer to you, prying your legs open to create space for him.
You sucked in another sharp breath, “Do what?”
“You know exactly what you’re doing.”
Jaehyun seemed to be drawing closer to you, his gaze occasionally glancing at your lips as both of your breaths began to weigh down. Closing your eyes, you swore you felt his lips brush yours until you realized he wasn’t kissing you at all, but instead lifting you until you were back on your feet. With bodies still closer than the stars were to the moon, you tipped your head up to meet his gaze. Already looking at you, Jaehyun let out a heavy sigh.
You should’ve inhaled another breath because the next second, you found yourself against Jaehyun’s lips. Those lips that were so pink and so inviting met yours. It felt like Olympus was on pause and it was just you and him. No Maeve, no darkness, nothing. A heavy sensation of peace settled in the curve of your palms as you dragged them down his chest. You gasped when he bit your lip, sucking and, licking it for permission of entrance and you immediately complied, not giving it any thought at all. Those calloused hands of his wrapped around the small of your back, pulling you closer flush against his body, against his hips. Jaehyun’s tongue danced with yours, a gasp revering the way he held you close to him, the way with each stroke, you moaned enough to satisfy him. Until he pulled away.
With panting breaths and blinking eyes scattering across yours, you could see the panic in his eyes. You could see instant regret that pooled in the darkness of his eyes, yet you couldn’t help but inhale when he stepped away, the heat of his body replaced with his familiar coldness. Your eyes follow Jaehyun as he runs out of his home. Not saying anything to you, but leaving you alone in the darkness of his home. In the Underworld. Standing alone in his kitchen, you could hear the loud beating of your heart penetrating your ears, blocking the sound of droplets from the faucet, the hum of the house, and the confusion in your breath. Your fingers fly to your lips, the feeling burns yours like a scar. Was it something you said? Was it something you did? Gulping, you frantically searched the cupboards for a cup of water, thirst reaching your throat, but instead you found a section that opened up to bottles of whisky and wine.
Even better. Finding a drying cup in the sink, you poured yourself a glass of the bronze liquid, not caring for it’s age or make. You winced as the liquid scorched your throat, coughing at the slightly burning sensation that warmed your mouth, but anything was better than the searing feeling of his lips and the pain of when he pulled away.
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burnedbyshoto · 3 years
I had this idea for some beautiful izuku angst:
so we all know heroes rising, right? of how bakugou got ofa and subsequently lost his memories due to the incomplete transfer or whatever. I have a thought based on that concept.
ofa is a stockpiling quirk, right? we see that it can stockpile quirks for sure, but as a quirk it also keeps in the previous users and their memories, their personalities. I personally headcanon that the reason why bakugou can not remember that he held ofa is because ofa stole his memories. the moments before it happened and the moments during it were taken, absorbed by ofa because that’s all it could take.
so :) if you aren’t quite yet following my thought process, imagine what would happen if midoriya izuku used up the last remaining bits of ofa in his final battle with afo & shiggy... per my headcanon, with ofa being gone from his body, and his memories, experience, his identity stockpiled and saved within ofa, he forgets.
in this... storyline, I guess, deku doesnt find afo & shiggy again until he’s in his 20’s. he has so many friends, mentors, became best friends with bakugou even, and fell in love with you. a high school sweetheart of sorts.
but in order to begin the journey of becoming the greatest hero in the world, he has to end afo & shiggy. it’s just that no one predicted that with the intensity of how ofa was used, and a battle within the vestige that the previous ofa users disappear within the quirk and with the final remnants of ofa, deku succeeds in defeating them at the price of his quirk.
he falls unconscious, so fucking hurt, injured, shaken from the fight as the world cheers for this victory. he’s taken to the hospital, as are many others, and the world waits for him to wake up. and when he wakes up, truly wakes up, in a room filled with faces he can’t name except for inko and bakugou, everyone feels like they’ve been stabbed.
“m-mom?” deku gasps, wincing from his injuries. “what happened, whys kacchan here?” his green eyes look so young, so lost, so confused — and finally they land on you. “who are you?”
there’s nothing wrong with his brain, the doctors confirm, and theres a realization that izuku believed that today was the day in middle school where they were going to be selecting high schools for registration. it isn’t quite said, but you and bakugou already know... ofa stockpiled his memories and burned it away with it.
so now with the war ended, and the world looking for a leader in a man who can’t even remember meeting his idol all might, can’t remember why he’s hurt, can’t remember he was the hero deku, why he’s suddenly 23, and why he can’t explain to the press why he’s suddenly quirkless.
you have to watch deku re navigate himself in this world, refigure himself out. you can’t hope he regains his memories because it’s literally impossible, and it’s a struggle to get him to fall back in love with you because he has so much going on. how do you begin to explain that you were set to elope a week ago? how do you tell a man who can never be who he was who he was? how do you get him to fall back in love with you?
and so you watch and you wait. he’s still the man you love and yet he’s not, and you struggle to accept that. but the thing is, can you accept the same old yet new izuku? can he accept you?
fate versus free will... what a bitch for rearing it’s ugly head so late in the game.
I would like to clarify that you might be like: omg but all might didnt forget!!!!¡¡ so I would like to explain my logic although it’s not good logic lol
all might only remembers his memories and past because he still resided within ofa. his spirit/essence is in it whereas bakugous was ripped out and cast away — like his memories. all might is currently dead in this storyline so like ofa doesn’t even exist within him anymore, keeping izuku from ever remembering anything from when he was 14 till his current age 23. he’s missing 9 super important years in his life and will never get it back & I think this is a type of slowburn angst that can be beautiful because the options of what can happen are endless.
like how would bakugou, todoroki, eri, kouta, uraraka, iida behave towards this knowledge? would eri try to rewind deku to when he had his quirk? what happens if even if she does it, he no longer possess it?
todoroki who literally was able to be who he is right now because of deku? how involved would he be? how hurt would he be?
I feel like uraraka and iida and kouta will be there 100% but they don’t have that emotional weight behind them that bkg, shouto, and eri have but feel free to disagree!!
but bakugou... AUGH!!!! imagine spending a near 8+ years atoning, apologizing, becoming your childhood friend prized rival, friend, and like... he’s currently going above and beyond for an atonement & future apology deku doesnt except or even demand of him because deku never wanted one. the angstttttttt.
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What about an Akechi/Joker role swap AU where Akechi is still the detective prince and Joker is still the Shujin delinquent, but the major difference is that Morgana never lost his memories and found Akechi before he approached Shido with his metaverse assassination plot?
Like, imagine Akechi, bitter and jaded, who has just awakened Loki and felt the terrifying and thrilling rush of the berserk power. He's formed a plan to get back at his piece of shit father, even managed to set up a meeting, which he had to set up months in advance, and on the day he's going to present Shido with info on the metaverse, he winds up arriving a few minutes late, because even though he intended to be early, he was accosted by a talking cat (he's been in the metaverse, so he can hear him) on the way over, and in the whole wtf-ery of the moment, lost track of time. Shido, being Shido, refuses to see him and will not reschedule because he doesn't like having his time wasted.
Pissed off, Akechi leaves to find Morgana still waiting for him outside. So he doesn't look like an idiot yelling at a cat on the street, he brings Morgana back to his shitty apartment, where Morgana explains why he had found Akechi and whats up. He doesn't know about Yaldobaoth taking Igor's place, he just knows there's two champions, and Akechi was the one he found first, so he must be Igor's chosen champion. (It is my theory that it doesn't actually matter who was Igor's and Yaldobaoth's champions, it was more about the choices they each made and where they ended up.) 
Akechi has no interest in saving the world, but he knows that if he wants to get back at Shido, he needs to become someone of consequence, so he agrees to undergo Morgana's training, since Morgana clearly knows more about the metaverse than he does, and he can use it to solve cold cases, earning him a place as the Detective Prince. He changes a few hearts, to pacify Morgana, too. It takes a couple years, but during his senior year in high school, he makes it, earning himself the cooperation of the police and the spotlight of the public eye. He's getting so close to making Shido notice him that he can practically taste it. Also, what’s this ‘velvet room’ he keeps dreaming about?
Then Morgana finds Kamoshida’s palace and is like ‘heyo, you thought changing hearts in the metaverse was cool, check this shit out’ and Akechi is admittedly intrigued , so he takes a look. He sees the inside of Kamoshida’s heart and is appropriately disgusted and says to Morgana, ‘hey we should totally kill this guy’s shadow.’ Morgana’s like ‘why is your first suggestion always murder, we don’t know what would happen if we killed his shadow, Igor wasn’t very clear about that bit, we should try stealing the treasure instead’ and Morgana has been useful (and it’s been really nice to have the company these past two years, though he won’t admit that) so Akechi agrees ‘fine, we’ll steal the treasure, but if that doesn’t work, then I’m killing his shadow.’
And that’s when Ryuji and Ann make an appearance (’ohmigawd, goro, be more careful with that damn app, i s2g.’) Ryuji’s mom apparently thinks Akechi is pretty neat and watches all his interviews, so Ryuji knows who he is and is delighted to find out that the lame-ass detective his mom has talked about is actually a grumpy badass in the metaverse, with this shadow that has some kind of insane power, and hey, he helped them bring down Kamoshida (alive,) so maybe he is actually pretty cool, even though sometimes he spaces out and talks about evil twins and some longed-nose dude. He decides then and there that he’s going to be Akechi’s best friend, since he apparently has none, and Ann is all too happy to join in for the ride, and all of Goro’s protests have fallen on deaf ears, and they know about the whole detective prince thing being a facade, so he might as well indulge them for now. 
The ‘Phantom Thieves’ (a name that makes Goro want to roll his eyes whenever he hears it, and why is everyone calling him ‘leader?’) gain fame and change hearts, gaining new members such as this weird-ass artist dude who fights with ice, and oh, god, one Nijima is bad enough, don’t tell me there’s two! and she uses nukes, wtf?!
Around this time, he also meets Shujin’s delinquent, enigmatic transfer student whose talk of hope and justice never quite seem to reflect in his stormy grey eyes, and he and Goro are clearly birds of a feather in a way, he can tell, there’s just something about him, and he thinks this guy might actually be his best friend, but don’t tell Ryuji that, he’d never hear the end of it.
Akechi learns the truth behind Akira’s arrest and Shido’s involvement and he is disgusted to find that he genuinely wants to help this guy, and he can’t do that if Shido’s dead, maybe he doesn’t want his revenge as badly as he thought??? Oh, ew, I have feelings that aren’t anger and it’s all my friends’ fault, I can’t just leave them and go off to get revenge, they’d literally die without me, those lovable idiots. Also, when Ryuji saw his home, he pretty much insisted he stay with him instead, and Ryuji’s mom reminds him of the good times he had with his own mother, and he honestly doesn’t think he has the strength to disappoint her like that. So, he decides to change Shido’s heart, but he knows that there’s no way that this little group of miscreants is strong enough to take on the fucked up bullshit that he’s seen in Shido’s heart, so let’s hit pause on that for now.
Shido had Wakaba killed via completely non-supernatural ways and stole her research, same as before, so Futaba still has a palace. He found out Akira worked at Leblanc a while ago and started dropping by, and then somehow Ryuji found out about it, and now all the Phantom Thieves know, so much for a peaceful place to get away, but he actually doesn’t mind that much, and Akira lets Akechi keep an eye on the shop when there are no customers so he can go out and do errands and Boss doesn’t mind, so they’ve ended up hanging out there as a group from time to time and talking Phantom Thief business, so Futaba knows who they are, and asks for their help.
Okumura’s palace pretty much goes the same, Okumura dies somehow, are we responsible, why does murder actually make me feel kinda bad, stupid friends and their stupid good influence. 
Goro attends the Shujin student fair as guest speaker, whoa, the class president being friends with Akechi does have its perks, doesn’t it? Akira finds them all there together and approaches them, tells them he saw them go into the metaverse, awakened his own persona, and saw a guy in a black mask kill Okumura’s shadow, hey why don’t I join you, you probably need all the help you can get, who’s heart are we stealing next, how about Sae, she knows my probabtion officer and has been giving me hell, plus I already checked, she definitely has a palace.
They agree, and oh, hey, Akira can hear Morgana talk now, but WAIT A MINUTE?! Didn’t he hear Morgana talk before when he told Goro that Leblanc didn’t sell sushi, even though Goro hadn’t asked for any?
They hack Akira’s phone, learn that Shido (Akechi recognizes that voice) will have thugs waiting to capture them when they leave the palace. They plan around it, pull the metaverse switch and manage to sneak a heavily drugged Akechi out of the warehouse Shido stashed him in by traveling through the metaverse. Shido’s lackey’s have written a fake suicide letter from the leader of the Phantom thieves, and the chief of police, under Shido’s orders, delivers a statement confirming its authenticity, and look the plan succeeded. All they need to do know is take down Shido.
Things are going great, until they get to the engine room, where Joker, having realized what happened, is waiting for them. Joker, who lost everything after he transferred, who discovered the metaverse completely alone, who didn’t mean to kill that guy’s shadow, but he attacked him first, and Shido had somehow known, had been keeping an eye on him, had him convicted for a crime that he didn’t commit in the hopes that he would break because he needed an agent in the metaverse, and so far he’s had no luck. Joker, who had nothing left to lose and had accepted the only hand that had reached out for him.
They fight, and when it looks like things are going badly for Joker, he pulls out... a second persona?!?! At least, it looks like a persona, but something about it is off. it looks familiar somehow. And then Akira asks if they knew it was possible to fuse personas and Akechi realizes what he’s looking at. These aren’t the clean executions that Caroline and Justine perform, these are personas that have been ripped apart and haphazardly thrown back together with no thought to form or elegance, look, there’s a Yaksini’s arm, and that bit right there clearly used to belong to a Rangda, and I think that piece might have belonged to a Seiryu, and Akechi should stop listing personas now because Ann thinks she’s going to be sick.
They keep fighting. Joker can’t understand the difference in power between them. After all, aren’t they the same? Unloved, unwanted, soldiers pitted against each other by some bullshit higher power?
When Joker shoots the bulkhead door closed and Futaba reports that she’s lost Joker’s reading, Akechi vows then and there that he’s going to kill Shido after all. And he almost does. He stands there, with his gun pressed to the head of the shadow of his father, his friends can’t blame him, and even Morgana knows better than to try and stop him. But he doesn’t. He remembers Akira’s madness there at the end, and wonders what he would have become of him if it weren’t for Ryuji, who somewhere along the way, he’d realized he’d stopped tolerating and started actually liking. Ann, who shared his woes about being in the public eye and swapped tips with him about how to handle the press. Yusuke, who, although he was still completely bizarre to him, appreciated the beauty in life and didn’t tease Goro for his taste in Grandpa clothes. Makoto, who knew the importance of hard work and who, between herself and her sister, had caused Goro to pick up some healthier coping mechanisms. Futaba, who made fun of him for his food blog, but liked the same nerd bullshit that he did and would bombard him with memes until his day somehow became a little less shittier. Haru, who dreamed of starting her own business and actually cared about Goro’s opinions, and could threaten someone with a smile in a way that even Goro was jealous of. And Morganna, who had reminded him what it was like to not be lonely, and demanded more sushi than he could afford, but always made sure Goro ate his fill, instead of getting so focused on his work that he forgot.
Akechi guesses that he must have turned soft somewhere during the past several months, but after seeing what happened to Akira, he can’t help but be grateful, knowing with certainty that if things had turned out differently, that would have been him. Hey, Morgana, you know that world-saving bs you talked about two years ago? Let’s leave this piece of shit here to rot and focus our attention on that instead.
And you guys know the rest.
Or, at least, that’s how I thought it would go. Feel free to share your thoughts. :)
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softer-ua · 4 years
Ok had another fucking moment that came to me when I was daydreaming this one time and another AU popped inside my head.
Ok so mermaid AU x Pirate, BUT—
Mermaids are the same size as their fish genetic.
A angel fish mermaid is about the size of an infant.
A shark mermaid is the size of a boat, depending what Kind of shark it is.
Ok now, imagine with me:
Pirate Katsuki x Whale Shark mermaid Izuku
Baby whale sharks are about the size of a big koy fish so Izuku is about the size of a infant.
Katsuki and Izuku met at the dock, Baby Katsuki likes to spend his time splashing his feet into the ocean, dreaming one day he could be the most awesome pirate of all time.
This is where he met Izuku.
See, Izuku is really small compared to Inko rn coz he's a baby, so he got washed by the unforgiving waves in the middle of the ocean into the dock where Katsuki was.
Katsuki saw a passed out mermaid floating ashore and immediately ran to where it was.
No one has ever seen a whale shark mermaid up close before because they live in really deep water and all that.
So Katsuki was fascinated by his tail bcz hello? It has DOTS! It looks pretty! And it HAS DOTS!!!!
(lmao like his freckles)
So when Izuku woke up, he panicked bcz he doesn't know where he is and there's a human that saw him so he cried.
Katsuki, confused by this, he asked why he was crying, they were both still too young to understand that humans and mermaids were supposed 'sworn enemies' (lmao) yet so Izuku told him that he was washed up into the waves and he Didn't know where his home is.
And hearing this, Katsuki asked if he knows which direction his home was, Izuku told him he was from the very very deep sea and that he didn't know where and he's scared to go alone.
And Katsuki, the brat that he is, decided to accompany the mermaid with a boat! Izuku was happy that Katsuki would come with him and bring him home!
Ofc next day, they meet up, (Katsuki snuck out lmao) and Katsuki has this tiny little boat that the other fishermen gave him from his birthday that he would use to come with Izuku.
So they set sail! Katsuki had forgotten to bring food so he was hungry, Izuku had an Idea!
He sometimes see these random circles that grows on trees near the beach and they would sometimes fall and float in the ocean, he also seen humans eat these kinds of things so he decided to look for it!
Katsuki ofc saw Izuku coming back with a coconut and he was delighted to eat it!
(Izuku eats fish lmao)
So it took 5 days for them to reach the center of the sea where everything is so deep. They got to know each other at that time!
Katsuki asked if this is where Izuku lives and Izuku heard a loud shout from below.
Low and behold, Inko rising to the surface where they both were, her eyes were puffy and when she saw Izuku, she immediately hugged her son.
Katsuki was amazed by how big Izuku's mom is, so that's why they lived in the middle of the ocean, they were really huge!!
Inko saw this little blonde human boy on a tiny boat and asked why was he here and Izuku exclaimed that he is Kacchan! (Coz he has sharp teeth and that's the closest he could pronounce his name) and that he helped Izuku crossed the ocean to find his home and that he was so brave and kind!
And Katsuki blushed at the compliments Deku gave him (that is ALSO the closest thing Katsuki can pronounce his name bcz of his human teeth too haha)
Inko was touch by this and thanked Katsuki profusely, giving him a little necklace with a tiny shell that could be use as a horn.
Inko told Katsuki that if he ever was in the middle of the ocean again or whatever, and wanted to meet them again, he just needs to blow the horn.
Katsuki was thrilled by this, he thanked Inko as well and promise to come back and meet Izuku again and Inko asked a bunch of other little mermaids to help Katsuki get back to where his home was in record time.
Izuku was a bit sad to see Kacchan go but he promised would come back! So he'll just have to wait till he hears the horn to know that Kacchan would be back!
Katsuki got back on land that afternoon (wow the tiny mermaids were really quick)
And he gotten back to his parents, he told them that he told them what happened had why he was gone for 5 days.
They were horrified by this bcz mermaids drown humans whenever they could and that Katsuki was with one for 5 days made them feel sick.
Katsuki was not allowed to go near the ocean from then on.
Ofc Katsuki threw a fit bcz how on earth is he gonna visit Deku?!?
Mitsuki screamed and slapped him on his head and told him that he would not go outside and see the ocean at all.
Cue sad 10 years of waiting (they were 4)
The time finally came where Katsuki snapped and sneaked out of the house once more and leave his parents for good.
He decided to go to another city to start his journey of becoming the most well known pirates of all time!
(cue another 4 years lmao)
He had became the most notorious pirate of all time, in the eyes of the government, he was a threat to them, but to the eyes of the people who had met his crew, they were heroes.
They give out money that they stole from corrupted kings and queens' ships all around the world. they had the most biggest ship called 'Queen Explosion Murder' (bcz why NOT LMAO) and that they had the most advance equipment in the sea (ft. Hatsumei lmao)
His crew (class 1-A minus mineta, plus Shinsou, Hatsumei bby Eri, bby Kouta and bby Katsuma and Mahoro) was the most powerful and skilled people he knew, they were like family to him. (Not that he'd admit it out loud)
He still kept the necklace, he had forgotten what purpose it had, but he know it was something special.
One day they were attacked by the Royal ship, it was the most intense battle they had yet. Most of his family crewmates were already injured and passed out, the kids were crying alot, they were loosing.
Then he suddenly blew the horn.
There was a loud spash from the side and both of their ships rocked.
One of the men from the other ships looked below and saw big glowing green eyes. Then the Royal ship was grabbed by very big hands and suddenly brought down into the depts of the sea. Sinking everyone in it.
Katsuki was shocked, what just happened???
Then there was another loud splash once again, something was rising from the water, it looks big, the creature was looming over the ship, he looked up to see the creature and saw—
It looked at Katsuki with big watering eyes.
And the next thing he knew, he was being lifted by some big ass arms and being suffocated by a big ass hug.
(lmao they REUNITED!)
Izuku asked why did he called now and Katsuki told him about what had happened to him all this time. Katsuki's crew was hella shocked to see their captain talking to a big ass Mermaid. The kids were in awe, they never seen a real life mermaid before, and Izuku laughed coz their eyes reminded him of Katsuki's when they first met.
Katsuki blushed and denied it and Izuku responded playfully.
It was so weird to all of them to see their captain smiling? And joking around?? With a fish??? Like old friends???? Holy shit???
And after that, they had a new member! Izuku comes along with their adventures now! And the whole romance and drama for the crew to enjoy too!
(lmao the end(?), Hahaha, I'm so sorry if it has some wrong grammar, I'm kinda stayed up late hahahaha! Hope ya like this Au!)
This so fun! I love it 💞
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thecatsaesthetics · 4 years
Ashara's baby. The whole thing seems so weird to me. What do you make of it?
This is probably gonna be unpopular and let me say this I’m okay to be wrong. So many people write theories and act like they can’t be wrong. I’m fine if I’m wrong. Also, I don’t give a single fuck what the show did. The show to me will never define all the canon. As Martin said when answering if it was the correct ending yes… no…. yes…no. Meaning yes some things were probably “plot points” but just because the show didn’t go into certain things doesn’t mean it won’t matter in the books. So please no “BUT THE SHOW” cause I don’t believe everything has been revealed at all. 
I tend to think if Ashara’s baby is gonna pop up it will be Dany. I know a very very controversial opinion. But let’s look at Lemongate, which doesn’t prove Ashara but raises doubt on Dany’s parentage. Lemongate is undeniable, anyone who says otherwise is completely fooling themselves. 
Martin confirmed it’s important:  
Livejournal Question: “Dany remembers a lemon tree outside the house with the red door in Braavos, but citrus trees shouldn’t really grow in Braavos’s cold, foggy climate. Is this discrepency significant? Does it point to future revelations about Dany’s past? Thank you so much.” 
Answer: “Very perceptive of you. Yes, it does point to … well, that would be telling.” 
This means no matter what Lemongate matters. There is a reason Martin put it in the plot. Whether I am right or wrong doesn’t matter, Martin has confirmed it points to something. Something he will be revealing. So for anyone who claims Lemongate is nothing is wrong. 
Rhaella and Aerys infertility. Rhaella had Rhaegar, 3 miscarriages, 2 stillborns, and 3 short live children. There is obvious fertile issues with them and she has all of these losses under the best medical care. But we’re supposed to believe Rhaella gave birth to a healthy living child, without a maester, after an incredibly stress war, the loss of almost her entire family, flight to Dragonstone, and the constant fear of being caught by Robert Baratheon. 
Dany has violet eyes. People might not think this is important but it is. Viserys has lilac eyes and Rhaegar has indigo eyes. No keep in mind Martin is pretty much you get either “mom or dad’s traits.” recessive genes don’t seem to be a thing (the whole reason the “black of hair” nonsense drives some fans nuts). On top of that Dany is supposed to be the daughter of two generations worth of brother-sister marriages. These violet eyes are a mistake. Even Viserys points it out in Dany’s first chapter he makes her wear a purple dress to “bring out the purple in her eyes” Viserys is terrified she doesn’t look like a Targaryen Princess. But will get into that later. The only person in the timeline of Dany’s conception that had violet eyes was Ashara. Barristan Selmy even says Dany’s eyes remind him of Ashara. 
Back to the Viserys point. He is terrified she doesn’t look enough like a Targaryen. The first chapter is him dressing her up and trying to convince himself that she looks enough like a Targaryen. It’s the eyes that are worrying him probably, they are wrong. 
Viserys doesn’t speak High Valyrian but Dany does. When they speak with in front of the Dothraki they speak in The Common Tongue. We know Dany speaks High Valyrian, a language few would know where they were. So it seems like Viserys didn’t know High Valyrian.   
 Dany says she was born in the worst storm in Westerosi history. Not a single person has a memory of this storm, this storm that supposedly smashed the Targaryen fleet (leaving them defenseless) and made the stones at Dragonstone come down. This doesn’t make for many reasons. First Stannis has a naval battle at Dragonstone, Davos mentions that Stannis led the assault against Dragonstone which implies there was a battle. Furthermore, Dragonstone castle isn’t made out of stone, it’s made out of magically fused Valyrian stones. Dragonstone couldn’t crumble the way Dany said it did. On top of that Stannis, Davos, etc never mentions repairs made to Dragonstone. 
Further disproving the “stormborn” Dany claims the storm happened in the summer during her birth. Which doesn’t make sense, we know that winter/autumn storms are in The Narrow Sea with the worst being winter. 
Dany remembers Willem Darry as a “great grey bear” of a man and also that he died wasting away of sickness. He remembers Willem Darry never leaving his bed, and him walking with a cane. She remembers he had soft hands, but Willem Darry was a knight and master-of-arms. His hands would be rough.
Dany says she and Viserys were robbed when they left the house with the red door. Leaving them with nothing. But Dany also said that Viserys sold all there Targaryen treasures, including there mother’s crown. So the servants stole everything but just missed all that good Targaryen treasure? 
Dany tells us they went from Dragonstone-Braavos- Myr-Tyrosh-Qohor-Volantis-Lys-Pentos. Just look at a map. Tell me how this makes sense. On top of that Dany specifically says she remembers the flight from Dragonstone to Braavos. Dany was an infant apparently, how would she remember it? 
Dany says in her first chapter they lived in Pentos for 6 months, Illyrio says that the marriage between Drogo and Dany was “years in the making” and also mentions to Viserys not to ruin plans that have been in the works for “years”. 
And finally, Lemon trees don’t grow in Braavos. The smoking gun, Dany remembering a Lemon Tree outside her window: here is the specific quote 
“That was when they lived in Braavos, in the big house with the red door. Dany had her own room there, with a lemon tree outside her window” 
Now many have claimed it’s possible that they lived with the Sea Lord and that the Sea Lord had a glasshouse similar to the Starks. Now that’s possible, but Dany doesn’t remember a glasshouse. She remembers a Lemon Tree outside her window. If you look at the Sea Lord’s Palace it doesn’t seem like the room Dany would be in would be close enough for her to see the Lemon Tree. Also in The Stark glasshouse, it’s interesting that Lemon Trees aren’t grown. Considering Ned Stark had a daughter who loved lemon cakes. 
Lemon trees are most associated with Dorne. This has been repeated in the text a bunch of times. Similarly the idea that Braavos grows no lemon has also been mentioned. And as I mentioned in the first point Martin has said this issue will be brought up and revealed, and I’m sorry if I don’t believe Dany will have it revealed to her she once lived at a place with a glasshouse. I think it’s probably a little more.  
Now all of this is evidence that Dany’s past doesn’t add up. There are questions about it. There are many theories about it, but if Ashara’s baby is going to be important I would suspect it’s because she’s Dany. Now many have speculated Ashara’s baby is Aegon, it’s possible but I think it’s important that we’re told that Ashara’s baby was a stillborn girl. Also Ned’s guilt over the decision to kill Dany. Also, The Daynes hold Ned in such high respect despite him killing Arthur. It’s very odd. I mean Edric Dayne is nicknamed Ned… which seems to be for Ned Stark. There is something going on with The Daynes, I’m sure of that. I mean Barristan says when he looks at Dany it’s like he’s looking at Ashara’s daughter. So I think if anyone’s gonna be revealed to be Ashara’s baby it will be Dany. 
Now there are many baby daddies, Brandon, Ned, Aerys, Rhaegar… I still tend to think Dany is a Targaryen so I would throw out Brandon or Ned. I mean possible B+A=D, especially with the “looked to Stark” but idk I think Dany’s a Targaryen. 
Aerys is interesting Daenerys  Daen-erys Dayne-Aerys. Idk maybe the very name itself was meant to be a clue. Aerys was known to take mistresses, to be a rapist, etc. He was obsessed with Joanna Lannister for a while and Rhaella sent her away in order to protect her. It was said Aerys was interested in beautiful women and Ashara was supposedly the most beautiful of them all. Aerys would have had access to Ashara given she was his daughter in laws lady in waiting. Plus it was said someone “dishonored” Ashara at Harrenhall, Barristan claims. Who was known for dishonoring maidens? Aerys. 
Rhaegar is also a strong case, Rhaegar again had access to Ashara. It makes more sense for him to fall for his wife’s lady in waiting then Lyanna a woman he just met. Dany has strong ties to Rhaegar in the books, he’s mentioned so much in relation to Dany. Rhaegar being Dany’s father would make sense.  Again fits with the “dishonor” but I also argue it would fit with the “looked to Stark”. Let’s say Rhaegar and Ashara were having an affair, and then suddenly Lyanna showed up at Harrenhall and Rhaegar realized that only a child of “ice and fire” would be The Prince that was Promised. Is it possible Ashara took to the Starks in order to actively dishonor or humiliate them after being set aside for Lyanna? Again this is speculative but possible. We know she leaves Elia’s service soon after the birth of Aegon. It seems like she was set aside. 
So that’s it… again don’t take this too seriously. I’m okay if I’m wrong. I’m not someone set in stone when it comes to ASOIAF theories. But I just think The Daynes do have a role to play. 
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sixtyeightdays · 4 years
Best Friends
Part 1 (here) • Part 2
Marinette and Adrien were childhood friends.
No scratch that. They were childhood best friends.
The kind of best friends who insulted each other at every chance they got, the kind of best friends who barged into the other's house and called their parents 'Mom' and 'Dad', the kind of best friends who stole clothes from each other whenever they could, and the kind of best friends who got matching t-shirts.
How did they meet, you may ask?
Gabriel Agreste was moody. He was starting his own business at the age of 24, but so far, there were next to no customers. His wife, Emilie, supported him fully and commissioned pieces from him, but it wasn't the same.
He needed coffee.
He walked around Paris, stopping by the nearest café, which was called Tom and Sabine's Patisserie (a/n: not sure if thats accurate).
He stepped into the quaint store and could immediately smell the rich chocolatey scent of cocoa, as well as fresh baked pastries and cookies.
Gabriel's mouth watered and he made his way over to the counter, when he realised his wife was sitting at the counter, chatting with a large man in an apron holding a rolling pin.
Gabriel strode over to the two, before clearing his throat.
Emilie looked startled before looking towards her husband.
'Oh! Gabriel, what are you doing here?'
'I came for a coffee.' He said dryly.
The large man let out a bout of laughter before a short blue haired lady made her way over to the three, holding a cup of coffee.
The man picked the coffee out of the woman's hands, before placing it on the counter in front of Gabriel and wrapping an arm around the lady.
'I'm Sabine, and this is my husband, Tom.' She gestured towards her husband.
'This is my husband, Gabriel.' Emilie pointed towards the man in question, giving him a small poke in the ribs when he continued to regard the couple with cool indifference.
Gabriel started and reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet, when a large hand stopped him.
'It's on the house.'
Gabriel, Emilie, Tom and Sabine spent the next hour chatting with each other (even if it took a while for Gabriel to loosen up around them), the shop owners occasionally having to leave to help customers.
It ended up with a customer coming in, and noting Gabriel's outfit, asked him if he designed it himself.
He had nodded and the customer smiled, before commissioning him to make the customer a new dress for an upcoming gala, and eventually led to the Agreste brand becoming famous worldwide.
Gabriel, Emilie, Sabine and Tom became extremely close friends after that, Gabriel believing that it was partially Sabine and Tom's bakery that had led to his big break.
Once Gabriel had made enough money, he paid for the bakery to move somewhere nearer to the new Agreste manor, in a bigger place, and paid for an apartment to be on top of the bakery, for convenience.
The two had protested against Gabriel spending money on them, but he persisted and now Agreste brand were the main sponsors of the bakery, paying for bakery rent and ingredients, while Sabine and Tom paid for their apartment rent.
When Emilie had Adrien, and Sabine had Marinette, the two had shared a hospital room after the birth was given. Adrien was a day older than Marinette and the new mothers promised to let their kids play together often.
When Marinette and Adrien were 5, they met at the bakery, coincidentally. Adrien had wandered up the steps to Marinette, who was struggling to make her way downstairs to her parents.
Their parents panicked when they couldn't find their kids, but relaxed when they found the two kids sleeping on the couch in the apartment. How they got there no one knew.
When Adrien turned 9, Emilie had disappeared. Dead, in a coma, travelling-- no one knew where she had gone. Adrien was heartbroken and Marinette was there to comfort him.
During this time, Gabriel had started falling into what he was before meeting Emilie-- cold, indifferent and uncaring. Adrien suffered the brunt of his father's sudden coldness, but took it all in stride with the support of Marinette, who had yelled at the elder Agreste, telling him to treat his son better.
Gabriel, who wouldn't admit it but was slightly scared of the bluenette, remained indifferent to everyone other than Sabine, Tom, Marinette and Adrien.
Marinette and Adrien had become closer than ever, and it was rare to see them apart anymore, they were almost joined at the hip.
Most of their clothes were idiotic and funny, most made by Marinette, who had been taught by Gabriel how to design and make clothes when she was 10.
(Their favorites were Marinette in a red t shirt with the words 'Mari Memes' and Adrien in a black one with 'Adrien Puns'.)
When the two were 10, they were enrolled in the nearby school, Francois Dupont, and spent their whole time there together, becoming close friends with Alix, Kim and Nino, who had a chemistry like Adrien and Marinette.
The two had met Chloe Bourgeois, the Mayor's daughter, when they were following Gabriel to a meeting with the mayor.
The three had hit it off, bonding over their families (Audrey and Andre had coincidentally met at the bakery too, but they just weren't as close.) And the three became friends.
Chloe had joined Francois Dupont a few weeks after Marinette and Adrien, and the three were good friends at school, although Chloe had her own best friend, a girl named Sabrina.
Sabine and Tom had taken to calling the duo Madri (May-dree), a combination of both Adrien and Marinette, after they got lazy to call both Adrien and Marinette.
The two had made a joint Twitter account when they were 12, called @/MadrisCenter and became famous and verified within a year for their 'sheer funny-ness and badass-ery'.
No one knew who the two were other than the two themselves.
It was then when the two started communicating through their expressions, just because they knew each other extremely well.
When Mari and Adrien were 13, Gabriel had pulled Adrien out of school to be homeschooled by his new assistant, Nathalie Sancouer.
Marinette and Adrien weren't able to see each other as often, since they didn't have school together anymore, Adrien started to model his father's designs and Mari making her own design website and persona, MDC.
Instead of seeing each other everyday, they had started seeing each other twice a week. When Adrien had left, Marinette had withdrawn into her shell, becoming the shy and quiet student.
When Adrien had left, Chloe helped Marinette get through everything and eventually Marinette was back to the outspoken meme making girl, although she only did that around her close friends.
When they were 14 and a new class was starting, with Alix, Kim, Nino, Chloe, Sabrina and Marinette together, they decided to split up into different personalities and keep it that way until Adrien came back.
Chloe had adopted a 'Queen Bitch' attitude, Sabrina a meek servant one, Alix and Kim playful rivals, Nino the shy DJ and Marinette the shy quiet girl.
Conveniently for them, their previous teacher had left and was replaced with a new teacher named Mlle. Bustier.
A year later and no one suspected the six having any close relationships, especially since Chloe had taken to teasing Marinette.
But when they were 15, Chloe had texted them all.
'Adrien's coming back!'
Everyone was excited for the model's return, even if Marinette still saw him every other day.
The day passed and Adrien didn't show up, much to the group's disappointment. They couldn't wait to let go and be themselves again.
The day after that, Adrien had shown up in the middle of roll call, and the group couldn't contain themselves and pounced on the blonde, Marinette jumping on his shoulders as she always did.
Alya, who thought of herself as Marinette's 'bestie', jumped and glared at the boy.
Marinette knew Alya took people not telling her things as an insult and it annoyed the bluenette because she thought that everyone was entitled to their own secrets.
Mlle. Bustier was shocked at the normally quiet students in loud laughter playfully hanging out together, with Chloe and Marinette getting along, the latter riding Adrien's shoulders.
Once they got settled, the seven explained themselves to the class, and Alya sulked in her seat when Marinette moved to the back to sit with Adrien.
Part 2 will be when the two get their miraculouses and will be up sometime tomorrow probably
this isnt the best but i had this idea in class and it isnt original but oh well
also can someone suggest a better title
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radioactivepeasant · 5 years
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
(A bnha au snippet I've done some art for before)
The text came right before the last class of the day. Izuku glanced at his phone briefly and tensed up as soon as he saw the message.
"Might be about to start trouble. Want in?"
Whenever his older brother sent a text like that, it usually meant something like "I'm about to do something that could potentially be interpreted as vigilante activity, don't tell Mom".
Tenko was just lucky he hadn't been caught. If someone found out he was going around antagonizing local criminals -- regardless of whether he used his quirk or not -- even their stepdad's influence probably wouldn't be enough to keep him out of trouble. And he would most likely be wholly unrepentant if it meant helping someone at the end of the day. Izuku understood that, he had some of those same tendencies.
So had his birth father, which was apparently related to why he'd died when Izuku was a month old. Their mother wouldn't tell them the whole story yet, but Tenko had worked out that Hisashi had confronted a corrupt boss at his job to protect his coworkers while waiting for police to arrive. Maybe that was why Inko was a little overprotective sometimes.
The moment class let out, Izuku bolted. He didn't even respond to Katsuki yelling at him this time. (There was a chance that would cause more problems later, but Izuku wasn't as afraid as he used to be. Toshinori had promised that if the teachers let anyone hurt him again, he'd have a criminal investigation underway so fast the administration's heads would spin.) He followed the directions in Tenko's latest text, and cringed. Tenko seemed to be awfully close to the Sir Nighteye office. He wasn't a very friendly guy, from what Izuku had heard from his parents.
When he finally found his brother, sitting on somebody's fire escape, he wasn't particularly surprised to find that he wasn't alone. Himiko Toga was in her first year of high school and had kind of...attached herself to Tenko after meeting him. She liked to joke that she was his sidekick, but the truth was that she instigated as many of their shenanigans as Tenko did. Now here she was, leaning over the railing and waving.
"Hiiii Izu!" she called in a stage whisper, "We stole a baby!"
Mom was going to kill them.
"You did what?!" Izuku squawked. He took a running start, kicked off of an overturned trash bin, and leaped up to grab the ladder. He climbed up onto the fire escape and glared at his brother.
"What did you do?!" he demanded.
In answer, Tenko shifted and revealed a very small figure cowering on the platform behind him. She couldn't have been older than four, with tangled, dirty hair covering half her face. There were stains on the arms of her nightgown that looked an awful lot like blood.
"We should probably tell Dad," Tenko said in an excellent imitation of nonchalance, "There's some kind of mad scientist guy running around with one of the yakuza gangs out here."
"I hate him," Himiko added cheerfully. "He can kill whatever he touches. He's not so good at catching doppelgangers, though." She winked.
Now Izuku could guess how she'd been involved. He sighed and crouched by the little girl.
"Hi there," he said softly, "What's your name?"
Almost inaudibly, the girl answered, "Eri."
Himiko leaned over to pat her head. "Isn't she cute? She's so cute. We're keeping her."
Tenko rolled his eyes at her. "One embodiment of chaos in this family is enough, thanks." He stood and stretched. "Alright, I think we've waited here long enough."
He picked up Eri and, with a little difficulty, managed to secure her inside his oversized hoodie. "That's my little brother," he told her, pointing to Izuku. "He knows all the patrol routes of every hero from here to Roppongi. Izuku is gonna get us out of here without those mean monsters having a chance to see us. Okay?"
"Oh that's why you wanted my help," Izuku sighed. "Yep, I gotcha. We're closest to Ice Age and Meteor's route. So if we keep to the shopping district until we get to the train, we should be good."
They carefully climbed down from the fire escape, and it belatedly occurred to Izuku that one of them would probably have to tell their parents they were going to be a little late for dinner.
And that they were probably going to have unexpected guests.
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writermich18 · 4 years
BNHA AU - Midoriya Clan are Record Keepers
Since long before Quirks appeared, hell, long before America had been taken by the British, the Midoriya Clan have been record keepers.
Izuku can remember the nights when all the doors and windows were closed and locked and he would be huddled up in his parents’ bed with his dad and mom cuddling him, listening to the whispers of his father’s stories.
Closed doors and whispered voices were a sign that a tale was being told and for you to listen for it might save your life in the Midoriya household.
The one tale that had always stuck with Izuku, however, was a tale nobody remembers. A tale whispered in the Midoriya Clan for 200 years. A tale you won’t hear about in the history books or from the People. A tale lost to Time, only remembered by the Midoriya Clan because the sole survivor of the tale told them it and asked them to keep it.
His father had called it the Tale of the Forgotten Hero.
Izuku called it the Tragedy of the Two Lost Brothers.
Even though he had only been told the tale once, as is custom in the Midoriya Clan, he remembers every word. Sometimes even whispered the tale to himself during the rougher days of elementary and middle school. It was forbidden to repeat stories already told, even to yourself, but Izuku needed to hear the story during those days.
The tale was a Tragedy, Izuku knew, but it also was a story of Hope in the Darkest of Days.
So, as Izuku watches everybody around him and holds Eri close because he’s the only one she’s letting close to him, in the hospital, recovering. He remembers the tale and the emotions it gave him.
So, as the adults in the room try to figure out a way to do the tests on Eri without causing a breakdown, Izuku carefully sets Eri down beside him on the hospital bed and adjusts their position so she’s laying next to him and they’re cuddling. Grimacing only a little bit as his injuries twitch and scream at him in irritation at his movements.
She stares at him in confusion, holding tight to his hospital gown.
He smiles at him and, ignoring every Midoriya instinct screaming at him to not tell the tale before non-Midoriya’s, whispers, “Would you like to hear a tale?” Eri blinks at him and tilts her head.
“Tale?” she whispers back. He nods. It may be forbidden, he thinks back to his instincts, but she needs this. Just let me give her something to hold on to as Hope. The instincts quiet down just like he knew they would.
“Would you like to hear a tale? You don’t have to,” he repeats the question, voice still in a whisper.
She thinks about it then nods her head, curling up closer to Izuku.
Izuku breathes in then out. He stares at the ceiling. The tale comes easily to him once he begins.
He begins, whispering the tale to Eri like all of his ancestors before him,
“This story takes place 200 years ago, around the beginning of the First Quirk Appearance. There were two orphan siblings, one older and one younger. The older brother was born with a Quirk. The younger brother was born Quirkless.”
“When the younger brother was six years old, one day on his way home from school, a van appeared and took him away. The van belonged to the government. He was sent to, what was called, the Lab.”
Eri’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, “But he’s Quirkless? I thought only Quirked people were taken .” Eri had also tensed at the word Lab. Izuku rubs her arm up and down soothingly.
“Not this Lab. This lab has been taking Quirkless children by the millions since the 20th century, long before Quirks showed up. And they had many facilities all over the world.” What’s even more of a tragedy was that this was a government-funded agency. There would be no Heroes and officers rescuing these children, not with the bureaucracy in the way. Izuku kept this thought to himself.
Eri looks up at him, “What about the Quirked brother? How did he react?”
Izuku shrugs and shakes his head. “Nobody knows. The only survivor who came forward to tell his story was the younger brother. We don’t know the older brother’s side. And this tale is lost through time so nobody knows the story.” Eri frowns sadly at that.
“The Lab and its Men in White Lab Coats tormented and experimented on these children. Few survived after the first couple of experiments. The younger brother being one of the few survivors. His birth name is lost in Time, having been forcibly changed to Subject 27 by the Men in White Lab Coats, codenamed First by the other children while they were in the Lab. For Subject 27 had been the first child since the Lab’s establishment whose body had accepted the experiments. The first who was able to access and use the powers forced inside of him and buried into his DNA. There were four other children out of the 25 million stuck in the Japanese branch’s Lab who survived the experiments. They were Subjects 100, 48, 19, and 9, codenamed Jagger, Gadget, Ruff, and Tiny respectively. When First was 14 years old, so a year younger than my age, some of the newbies started rebelling. They almost escaped if they hadn’t been killed off or dead because of the experiments, much to the Men in White Lab Coats’ disappointment. The five children who had survived the experiments had observed what had happened, using Jagger’s electronic power, noting the do’s and don’ts of escaping. Then, they conserved their energy, doing less as good on their training simulations but passing it off as their body just recovering from the latest set of experiments.” 
He pauses to take a breath and let Eri digest what she was being told. The trembling that had started up once he talked about the experiments and such slowed down when he mentioned they were planning to escape.
She looks up at him in confusion when she realizes that he wasn’t talking anymore, “Why’d you stop?” He smiles softly in response and continues.
“So, when the time was right, they struck. Jagger turned off all the power and purposely spread a computer virus to every single electronic in the facility. Unleashing the eldritch monsters some of the poor children had turned into because of the experiments due to their mind not being able to handle it. While also releasing the five children from their cages. While the poor monster children caused chaos and brought revenge upon their creators before the injuries and the experiments finally kill them, the five children escape in the chaos. Tiny gathers up all the paper evidence they will need, Ruff steals their weapons, Gadget turns each chemical component in the Lab into a bomb using the power forced upon her, and First weakens the infrastructure using her telekinetic powers. They stole an automatic self-driving car and First set the entire facility on fire while Jagger forced the electronic fence to open up then close behind them, turning up the electricity as it closes. According to First, it had set on fire soon after. They watched as the place they had known for most of their lives burn down to the ground. They knew the government agency would be after them, so they went on the run. Relying on each other to survive. Tiny and Jagger sent all the information they had gathered to the media on every platform, including the public internet.”
Izuku takes another breath and looks down to see Eri had laid her head on his chest and had her eyes closed. She was relaxed, but Izuku knew she was listening.
He didn’t realize the conversation around him has stopped. That everybody was listening to his story now, including the Pro Heroes resting in the room with him.
“First was 18 years old by the time the revolution/protests/riots they had started up came to a close. The Lab had managed to kill off every single one of the surviving kids, until First was the only one left. But thanks to their efforts, change was coming. The government agency that once was the Lab had been stripped and forcibly shut down, the remaining children freed and returned to their family. Once the public realized that it was Quirkless children who were being taken and their own who were forcing these powers upon those children, the public fairly quickly turned in favor of the Quirked population. People lost their trust in the government. Reform was demanded. Hero Society was created in response, not only to take care of the growing number of criminals with powers, but also to gain public favor again. The public wasn’t fooled. Under First’s command, the protesters stormed government capital in every country. They sat within the capital and made change upon, with the experimented-on children, the Quirked people, and other minority groups having the most sway over what will change. The rich were executed in front of their peers, politicians were stripped of their power, and the People took control with minorities having the most say as to what changes will take place. The government took back control 20 years after these reforms; unfortunately for the government though, the people had made it impossible for any loopholes or changes to be made to their reforms. Unfortunately for the Quirkless and ‘Weak Quirk’ holders, the government responded by changing public perspective on them over the next 200 years with propaganda and painting them out to be not worthy of living in this world.”
“Subject 27, or Tsunayoshi as he grew to call himself, never found out about his older brother nor reunited with him. But he never really did give up on the idea that one of these days, his older brother was going to found out what had happened to him. Tsunayoshi had decided to keep his identity a secret so by the time the reforms happened, everybody had forgotten what he looked like. So, his brother couldn’t exactly know it was him. Tsunayoshi was 23 years old when he approached a Midoriya, a Record Keeper, and asked for them to keep his story.”
Izuku finishes the story the same way Midoriya’s always finish the story, “I tell you this tale so that you may live.”
Eri had relaxed completely, glad that the Lab was gone yet sad that the two brothers never reunited. He glanced down to see that she was fast asleep and smiles. Even though it’s a sad tale… I haven’t even introduced Papa to her and she’s already a Midoriya.
“The older brother never wondered?” Someone speaks up. Izuku flinches and turns his head to see that everybody was sitting or lying in a hospital bed, looking at him.
He blushes when he realizes that he had gotten lost in the story and forgotten where he was.
Papa’s gonna be so angry at me when he founds out…
He stammers, “E- eh? I – I - …. Uh… What?”
“The older brother,” Mirio, sitting across from him, repeats, “This Tsunayoshi’s older brother. He never wondered?”
Izuku pauses then shrugs, “We don’t know. We were only ever told Tsunayoshi’s side of the story. Neither Tsuna nor any of us Midoriyas, nor the other surviving children before their deaths, learned of what the older brother’s fate was, not even Jagger was able to find any information on him. His story never got told.” Izuku had always been saddened by that, that they don’t even have a name and the older brother never learned of where his younger brother had gone.
That was why he called it the Tragedy of the Two Lost Brothers.
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