#also there was like. way too much focus on Yuna As A Mother but I needed a reason for them to interact after yuna ran away or w/e
number1villainstan · 4 months
"You look like shit."
"Thank you, Yuna, I really needed to hear that. Why are you here exactly?"
"For Eri."
"You want her back? I thought you were done with her."
"Done with her? She's my kid."
"Yeah, your kid who killed your husband so you didn't want her anymore. I know how this works."
"Well clearly you don't, because what the fuck, Chisaki. You think I'm going to abandon my kid?"
"You already did abandon your kid. And then Pops gave her to me because he couldn't be arsed to take care of her either."
"Do you want me to take her back or not?"
"By all means, take her! I am not equipped to take care of a child! I'm just saying, you are not as innocent here as you want to pretend!"
"I'm not pretending anything! I don't care about how innocent I am! I just want my kid back! Fuck off!"
"Fine! Whatever! I'll go get her, just--"
"Absolutely not, I'm coming with you."
"Excuse me?"
"I'm coming with you, idiot. What, are you deaf now? I want to see my kid! And make sure she isn't missing any limbs!"
"Do you think I'd let her arm get chopped off? I'm not that negligent--"
"Maybe you are though! You said yourself that you're not equipped to take care of a kid! How am I supposed to know that she doesn't have a broken leg or something--"
"She's right here, you two. Quit arguing."
"...hi, Hari."
"Hello, Kurono."
"Hey, Eri baby. Are you alright? ...is that an alligator plushie?"
"'s a caiman. Nemoto gave it to me."
"I told you she was fine, Yuna."
"Shut up, Kai."
"In any case, if Eri's leaving, we should help her pack up her stuff. Kai, would you help me out?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Just--Yuna, can you tell the oyaji about this?"
"Why can't you?"
"Because he'll think I'm lying and I dumped her out on the street or something. He trusts you. He doesn't trust me."
"He doesn't trust me."
"He trusts you more than he trusts me."
"That's ridiculous. You tell him."
"You tell him."
"No, you tell him."
"You tell him."
"You both tell him."
"But Hari--"
"Both of you tell him. Now, Eri, are you ready to go?"
"Can I say goodbye to Nemoto first?"
"Sure, I'll go find him. And then we'll grab your stuff and hand you over. Kai, Yuna, you two go tell the oyaji, I'll take care of Eri. Seriously, you two are worse than Nemoto and I--"
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pollenat · 4 years
“Nocturnal silence” | cjs.
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➛ ITZY’s Lia. 2012!au.
➛ Word count: 1854.
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➛ This short follows the events of “Liquid mirrors”.
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The worst part about the overcrowded cabin has to be the snoring woman. The very same one that just a few hours ago complained about the lack of fresh brussels sprouts on a ship - the last ark of humanity after the end of the world. Humankind has gone mostly extinct, and she had the guts to be angry at frozen greens. Looking at her through half-closed lids, you’re itching to throw a pillow at the woman. Nothing can stop her from going on, like an old tractor, choking on its own engine every now and then. The very pillow you’re trying to deafen the noises with, does nothing to your sensitive ears. You’re growing more and more irritated with each passing second.
Others seem to not mind. You look down, at the bunk underneath yours, where a mother with her son are sound asleep. The boy has kicked thin blanket off of his body, as if to prove how much space he can take. His mother is lying on the very edge, somehow calm despite her tragic situation. A man, lying above the snoring woman, has earplugs. Lucky asshole.
Your body thrashes around for an hour or so. At least it feels like it. The duvet is in desperate need of changing, but who cares about laundry during the apocalypse? You’re all sticky from sweat, annoyed by incoming headache and ready to commit a murder, which is just a figure of speech, don’t worry. The fact that nobody else is as affected by the snoring? A perfect way to drive you insane.
At some point you can’t take it anymore - the night feels useless. You miss the rays of sunshine, the sign of life, the reason to stay away from the cabin. Tonight, just like many times before, you jump off of bed, barely avoiding the snoring woman’s husband. He has made himself a sleeping station on the ground. You wonder is he really asleep or just way more patient than you. Either way, you don’t plan on staying around a second longer. As soon as the door closes, you’re welcomed by sweet silence. It’s an odd contrast to the loud snoring. Its lack has you almost creeped out.
The floor is cold under your naked feet. To the point where you can’t touch it for longer than a few seconds. Jumping from one foot to another, you look down the dark hallway. Its only source of light are small windows in the cabins’ doors. Circle-shaped rays fall on walls, like headlights, showing you the way across narrow scene.
Nobody will mind you getting lost in the ship’s hallways, right? You’re just another survivor, struggling to find their place aboard the ark. There are no perspectives. Exploring it seems to be the most compelling thing one could busy themselves with. So you travel down the scene, stepping inside the circles of light and looking inside the cabins as you pass. There’s no other soul up. Everybody is sleeping. It’s sort of weird and you wonder whether it’s just a dream you’re stuck in. How come you’re the only one unable to fall asleep?
Humming some tune you faintly remember makes the night feel more bearable. You’re tired of the crowded spaces, of eyes settling on you, even if they’re just traveling. They’re a tiresome phenomenon that does nothing, but fuel your anxiety. The worst part? Aside from the night, there’s nowhere to escape. All-ocean has made sure of that.
Step by step, you move forward, never putting a foot down for longer than two seconds. You’ve already observed that, but now it reminds you of the past. The tiled floor of your balcony during Winter. Dusting used duvets while cursing at temperature. Welcoming the texture of a carpet with relief. Digging your toes into the fluff. It’s weird to miss carpets in the middle of the night, but you do. Their last reminder is the one snoring woman’s husband uses as his mattress, an object completely out of your reach. What interior designer forgot about additional carpets onboard a luxury ship?
In front of you a door opens. Some silhouettes leave their cabin in hurry. Hushed giggles resonate down the hallway. You can neither make out a sense to their conversation nor put faces to dark shapes. But they do sound familiar. The silhouettes disappear behind a corner in the hallway’s other end.
Heart beating fast, your steps speed up. A thought, string of memories, collection of pictures swims in the back of your head. Common sense is the only thing keeping you from describing them. Number 203 is meaningful, though it’s just a number.
You’re just by the door when it opens again.
“Oh!” Jisoo. Jisoo? Jisoo! “You scared me!” She laughs, eyes morphing into crescent moons. But as soon as her voice raises in volume, Jisoo covers her mouth, worried she will wake up other residents.
“I see there are more night owls around the ship?” You motion at where the two silhouettes, you can now safely identify, disappeared.
The girl looks in the same direction. Her eyes stay there for a longer time, while you watch her profile. Perhaps (you won’t admit it), you should be thanking the snoring woman for a chance to see Jisoo at a different time. Her hair is disheveled, but the little mess is a beautiful one. Eyes glossy, lips dry, t-shirt creased. She’s a painting you enjoy watching. Even when her smile disappears as she returns to facing you.
You grow nervous instantly, because the mood shifts and you slightly prefer the easy-going Jisoo to solemn and serious Jisoo. The easy-going one loves joking, which is much better, as it consists mostly of laughing at yourself and your inability to form proper sentences.
“Uh, yes. I don’t know why Ryujin and Yuna left though. They didn’t tell me. Probably to spy on Yeji.” Pause. “Or something...”
“So, are you going to follow them?” Jisoo seems to consider your question.
Then she steers the conversation to your person.
“I don’t know- Why are you up? Came to spy on Yeji too?”
“As if it has ever bothered me what's Yeji doing at night. I have my own problems, mainly, a snoring roommate.”
Jisoo nods her head in understanding, mouth opened to build on the effect. You’re stuck in nocturnal silence, both scared to break it. Frankly, you don’t even have any idea where to go from here. Maybe you should just return to exploring the ship, but then again, it’s not everyday that you catch Jisoo alone.
“I’ve been walking around, you know, exploring.”
Again, she nods.
“So you’re looking for some place to rest?”
“In a way, yes. Do you happen to know any?” She smiles.
“Actually, I do.”
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You’re surprised by her boldness. Jisoo lies down on her bed and you’re watching her with an awkward surprise.
“Don’t make it weird, I’m just sharing a bed with you. Okay, perhaps it does sound weird. But we’re just going to sleep, not- do anything weird? Okay, ignore me. I don’t know what I’m talking about.” To be honest, her joke doesn’t make you feel any better about the situation.
After a defeated sigh, you walk over to the bed, eyes never once meeting hers. Jisoo holds the edge of her duvet. She’s patiently waiting until your stiff posture joins her side. Then she slowly follows your lead.
The first thing you register is the smell - Jisoo’s smell. It’s an overwhelming sensations you’re eager to breathe in after many attempts at small doses. Now that you can experience it in its full form, you can safely say it’s bound to become one of your favorite sensations. It causes you excitement, one that you’re embarrassed to show. Maybe she will call you a creep if you don’t stop yourself from smiling? Suddenly worried, you look for other things to focus on. Like the coldness of her skin against your left hand’s knuckles. Frankly, it’s stuck. The bed is meant for one person and you can’t just sprawl across its surface.
A moment of hesitation passes. Then you turn to lie on your side, facing Jisoo.
At first you’re both stuck in shy silence. Jisoo’s looking down, perhaps thinking over something. But you don’t plan on disturbing her. It’s as if you’ve forgotten your tongue - you can’t even feel it. The darkness is all-consuming and you wish to stay hidden in its embrace, so Jisoo never learns of how hard it is for you to say a word, but also look away.
Her eyes, so hesitant to meet yours, finally reach them. She’s surprised to find you staring back.
“How bad is it?”
“Yeah, how bad is lying next to me on a bed?” Dark eyes pull away to avoid you.
Your brain orders you to be smooth. “It’s not bad.” isn’t the type of smooth you had in mind.
“But not good either? Ah, forget I said anything-” Jisoo laughs nervously through clenched teeth. “I’m just nervous. Because I made you come here with me! That’s why I’m nervous.”
“Jisoo,” The silence returns. “you don’t have to be nervous around me. I know, my magnetic personality and good looks are to die for,” She snickers in disbelief at your words. “but I’d rather you felt comfortable around me. Which doesn’t mean our current bed situation- I mean, I don’t mind it.”
There’s a blunt taste on your tongue. As if you have just finished your entry for a spelling bee and were in dire need of some water. Some actually meaning a lot.
“Do you think your roommates will make fun of us?”
“That’s what I thought.”
“Um-” She dares a look into your eyes before dropping them again. “Let’s go to bed then, hm?”
You don’t think you’ll be able to fall asleep next to her. At least not with the possibility of seeing her face at the cost of merely opening your eyes. Jisoo seems to have the same idea. Her turning around causes a way too powerful sting somewhere in your abdomen. Before you know it, instead of her soft face structure, you’re looking at void-like black of her hair.
Your left hand sticks to your chest, but what about the right one? Keeping it on your thigh feels tiring. Placing it on Jisoo’s side? Too wonderful and too dangerous. Even if you’re itching to offer yourself, you cannot imagine the amount of courage it would demand from you. Instead, you rest it in the hold of your left hand. That way, perhaps, it will be stopped before any unconscious action takes place.
For a moment, you wonder, would she mind? Still, it’s a question you have no answers for. You also have no idea what will happen in the morning. How will the girls react? What will Jisoo do? How will you feel in the morning and will your left hand let go because of that damn itching...
Perhaps, the snoring woman is weaker than your true enemy - your vivid imagination.
“Goodnight Jisoo.”
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➛ pollenat’s list of headcanons
➛ pollenat’s list of shorts
➛ pollenat’s list of scenarios
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sombreboy · 4 years
Love Maze »14
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Previous  » Next Series Masterlist ▎ 18+ ▎ pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ▎ genre: School AU, crack humor, smut, angst, ETL, slow burn, fluff. ▎ word count: 6.8k ▎ ch.warnings: cursing, mentions of tae’s father being abusive, crying/mild angst, smut, Top!JJK, Bottom!KTH (these boys switch it up a lot hah), rimjob, fingering, anal, some fluff dw and they’re still dumb for and to each other but hey what’s new.
Co-writer: @velvetwicebang​​​ ♡♡♡
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The door immediately flung open, and Jisoo had to remind herself to stop answering when she looked like.. Shit.
“Jung— oh my goodness.. you’re soaked!” She stated the obvious, ushering the boy into her home without exchanging another word.
“Jungkook-ah.. what happened?!”
The woman jogged into her bathroom, coming back with an extra towel at hand.
As if it was never there in the first place, the tiredness didn’t linger any longer. Instead, Jisoo was wide awake as she focused on drying Kook to the best of her abilities, wondering if this was Taehyung’s doing.
Jungkook silently allowed Jisoo to guide him inside, running his fingers through is wet hair as he watched her pat him dry,
Technically he could have just gone home to change first, but the cold clothes were nothing compared to the swirling thoughts occupying his senses, eyes still stinging from both the rain and previous tears.
''Noona, you don't have to...'' His hoarse voice from yelling tried to say, his hand reaching for the towel, ''I can do it.''
Jisoo thought about ignoring his pleas at first, but she ended up granting the towel to Jungkook, not aiming to overstep past any invisible line.
She couldn’t help it.. Kook meant a lot to her.
The woman dragged a chair next to his, resting her drumming hands on her lap.
Jisoo caught a glimpse of the boy’s face, spotting the obvious hurt in his puffy, reddened eyes.
That’s it, she couldn’t stay quiet anymore.
“Jungkookie.. do— do you want anything to drink or eat? I can whip something up quick!” The woman hadn’t even noticed she’d been rambling.
“I’m just.. I’m worried. Where’s Taehyung?”
Somehow, she knew the latter had something to do with this. Hence why her voice weakened at the brief mention of his name.
“Hey.. you can talk to me about anything. You know that, right?”
Jisoo scooted closer to the younger boy, the pads of her thumbs wiping at the wetness underneath his doe eyes.
"I'm not hungry," Jungkook whispered. He had already eaten, and even if it was a while ago-- he had no appetite left.
Jisoos question about Taehyung's whereabouts wasn't surprising, of course she'd ask. She cares about him, and she's so attentive.
"He uh..." Kook inhaled a sniffle through his nose, the cold clothes not helping. "We fought.. again." His shoulders sank. "I just... can't tell if I'm being too sensitive about things. He just gets on my nerves with the shit he does sometimes.."
Her hand perched on one of Jungkook’s shoulders, thumb massaging deep circles into the dampened fabric as she listened to the younger’s troubles.
Honestly? The name ‘Taehyung’ was starting to sound sour.
She knows from experience that couples fight— to some extent. But Jisoo began to question if Jungkook’s relationship with the elder was the right fit. Hell, Kook punched a hole in the wall and showed up at her doorstep late into the night, soaked from the rain.
All because of Taehyung..
“What did he do this time?” The woman exhaled, eyes landing on the towel in Jungkook’s hand.
She carefully took it back from his hold, seeing that he wasn’t putting it to good use and started to dry his wet hair like a mother would do, looking out for his health.
“I’ll beat him for you,” Jisoo chuckled to herself, wanting to enlighten the situation no matter how dark.
Jungkook's lopsided smile was a result of Jisoo's promise to beat his boyfriend up, a breathy snort pushing through his nose. ''Maybe he needs it.''
But just as quickly, the smile fell once more, closing his eyes to focus solemnly on the towel rubbing his head. It was really soothing, it felt like a mother's love... He felt himself calm down before he opened his mouth to answer the question at hand.
''He surprised me with this amazing date night... He got all dressed up, he looked amazing...'' Kook sighs at the memory before continuing. ''And he took me to the arcade, it was tons of fun, honestly...'' he left out a few details to speed the story up, including the mcdonalds. She didn't need the cheesy parts. ''At the end of it, I wanted this.. Dumb fucking teddybear, and we didnt have enough points to get it, right?'' His eyes open to make sure his noona is keeping up. ''He flirted with the cashier girl to get it, and it just..... made me really angry. It hurt, because..He can barely hold my hand in public, but shamelessly lets a stranger touch his hand, even wrote his number down on her palm.. Obviously, it was an act.. But it still hurt! And I told him, I was angry, my temper is shitty, I know... And it just blew up into a thing, I was just so fucking angry I couldnt think!'' He was getting riled up just talking about it, breaths quickening as both anger and the anxiety kicked in.
Now Jisoo was definitely going to beat Taehyung up.
What kind of person does such a thing?
Why would he voluntarily put his boyfriend through the pain of seeing him flirt with someone else? No matter what Tae’s ulterior motive was, it was still a shitty thing to do.
“It’s understandable that you’re angry, Kook. I would be fucking fuming..” The woman comforted, now using the towel to gently pat at Jungkook’s skin.
“If you’d like.. we can talk about something else?” She noticed the way his body automatically began reacting to the memory; distressed was one way to put it.
“Stay here for as long as you’d like. Yuna’s sleeping, so we should have some peace and quiet for a bit..” Jisoo squeezed the boy’s hand, a genuine smile grazing her soft features.
Jungkook nods, her infectious smile causing him to mirror it.
''I should go get changed first, though.''
He was surprised by how easily Jisoo's comfort calmed him down already, the thoughts of Taehyung slowly drifting off to be able to relax.
He did wonder, though, what Taehyung was up to…
''I'll be right back, noona.'' He squeezed her hand back as he stood up before leaving to head to his own apartment.
Taehyung didn’t stay at his house for long. Only long enough to receive a harsh slap to his face, paired with a series of harsh profanities in the form of ear-piercing shouts.
Yes, he stole money from his father.
But Tae didn’t think a red mark on his cheek was the answer.
He didn’t think him bawling his eyes out whilst he recklessly drove towards Jungkook’s apartment— searching for much needed comfort— was worth it.
His father didn’t possess common parenting skills, that was so fucking obvious yet it still dug a hole in Taehyung’s heavy chest. Every single time.
He’d much rather have his electronics taken away, have been forbidden from hanging out with friends!— not this.
The boy’s chest heaved with every shaky breath he took, warm tears endlessly running down his face, staining the collar of his shirt.
He felt worthless.
‘You’re a fucking nobody, Taehyung!’
‘Should’ve forced your mother into getting that abortion— you’re a disappointment.’
‘If she was still here, your name would bring her shame.’
Taehyung was lucky he’d managed to stop in front of his boyfriend’s apartment in one piece, his vision had been blurred with tears. So much so that he nearly stumbled over with every step.
“K-Kook..” Taehyung weakly called out, attempting to roughly wipe the tears away, only for more to come streaming down.
“I’m sorry.. I’m sorry I’m a disappointment.”
The elder knocked on the door, jaw clenched in anticipation.
Taehyung wanted to see Jungkook’s face, feeling like that’d be the true remedy.
Jungkook had just changed into dry, comfortable clothes when he heard the knock on his door, imagining it was probably Jisoo who'd grown impatient or wanted to check on him. He took a moment, combing his fingers through his mess of a hair before opening the door.
It definitely wasn't noona.
It was Taehyung, but... it also didn't look like him at all, in a sense. He was crying, eyes reddened and his entire posture was as if he'd shrunk.
He looked broken.
And suddenly it felt like Jungkook's heart shattered into a million pieces.
''Taehyung, what's wrong?''
Jungkook didn't hesitate to pull the elder in by his wrist, closing the door shut behind them for some privacy.
“I-I’m sorry..” His voice cracked, unable to meet Jungkook’s eye. Partly because of the blurriness, and partly due to his internal shame.
He was such an idiot.
“I’m so, so sorry!” The elder threw himself into his boyfriend’s arms, broken sobs muffled against the crook of his neck, eyes crinkled shut as he cried.
He felt worthless. Unloved. Taehyung was hurting, badly.
“He— He hit me.. a-and told me how I was unw-worthy of love and fuck.. I believe him.”
The elder let out, never once pulling away from Jungkook.
Jungkook was speechless at the sudden... well, everything. He'd never seen Taehyung in such a state of devastation, the normally strong man now crying in the youngers arms,
''Who-- your father hit you?'' Kook asked, wrapping his arms around Tae in a tight hug, one hand stroking the back of his head in a soothing motion.
''Hey, hey, calm down, please baby.'' The pet name came naturally, nuzzling his nose into the elders hair. ''He's wrong, Tae.. he's so wrong. Don't believe him...You're okay, you're here.''
Taehyung melted deeper into Jungkook’s comforting embrace, soaking up the younger’s reassuring words like a sponge, feeling like he’d gotten enough of a grasp on his emotions to withdraw from Kook’s touch.
“Thanks..” Taehyung weakly drew out, breath still shaky, but definitely not as bad as before.
For one, his chest no longer ached, and being by his boyfriend’s side was all he needed.
He was right to come here.
"Come, let's sit down." Jungkook said. It wasn't a question, so he pulled Taehyung with him to sit next to him on the couch, hands unable to stay away from the elders face as he swiped away the tears staining his cheeks, just like Jisoo had done to him just a moment earlier.
"I'm sorry..." Kook whispered, leaning in to press a chaste kiss on Taehyung's cheeks, as if hoping it would stop the tears. "You don't deserve to be treated that way... but you have me, okay?.. You're loved... by me..." their previous fight long forgotten-- or at least forgiven? There were more important things than that right now.
"We're okay..."
Taehyung slowly looked up from his lap after growing tired of blankly staring at the color of his jeans, now gazing into his boyfriend’s eyes with an unnamed emotion.
Fondness.. perhaps.
He really likes Jungkook— he wouldn’t know just what to do without the younger boy.
Kook is so.. Him.. and Taehyung loves that.
The elder loves everything about him.
The way his nose scrunches when he laughs, how the corners of his eyes crinkle up and never cease until he’s no longer smiling..
Is.. is this what young love feels like? Because if so, he likes it.
After the soft, ‘we’re okay..’ Tae just about lost it, tears immediately welling up in his hurt eyes.
God.. he fucking adores Kook.
“We’re okay..” Taehyung repeats, reaching over for his boyfriend’s smaller hand, tangling their fingers together.
Taehyung remembered his mother telling him he was one day going to find someone that was meant for him.. his person in the midst of the world’s chaos.
She used ‘strawberries’ as a simple reference, aware of how much her son loved the fruit.
‘Someday, you’re going to love someone as much as you love strawberries. Then, I’ll get to meet them~!’
It was straightforward, but Tae didn’t know what it all meant.
Now, he’s maybe not so clueless..
Jungkook was his person— his ‘strawberry’ in a sense.
Shit.. Taehyung’s in love with him.
Now that Taehyung had admitted it, all of these feelings came rushing back to him. His heart was beating faster than before.
Who else could make him feel so calm? Who else had his back like no other?
His boyfriend did. His Jungkook.
“I.. I love you, too.”
For the first time in his life, Taehyung was 100% sure about something.
He loves Jeon Jungkook. He couldn’t deny it.
“I love you.” Tae said more clearly, squeezing the Kook’s hand in his.
Jungkook swore that he felt time freeze for a moment as the words left Taehyung's lips, staring at him with wide eyes. He squeezed the elders hand in his, just to ground himself and actually make sure that this wasn't merely a dream, because if it wasn't then--.. Taehyung loves him too.
"Yeah?" Jungkook doesn't know why those few words held so much power, but they did. As soon as he absorbed them, it was as if he was ignited from the inside out, his heart felt so full, and his body ached to feel Taehyung.
"I love you.." Jungkook finally said himself. He's done it before, but none of the times were truly this clear, and this time he didn't worry about the rejection.
"I love you so fucking much, Tae.." his voice lowered, hands removing themselves from his hold as they instead snake around Taes waist to pull his body closer into a hug, nose pressing against his neck. The nice smell Tae had put an effort into having today still lingered...
"I'm sorry for getting angry... I just... I get very jealous." Kook chuckles as he starts pressing kisses against Tae’s neck, the possessiveness behind them growing.
"Jealous when somebody wants what's mine.. and thinking they will get to have it."
Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s neck, forehead perched on the latter’s shoulder as he giggled. Tae’s always been a bit ticklish on his neck, and having his boyfriend pressing kisses onto the skin was torturous. Good torture, if that made sense.
The elder’s eyes fluttered shut; just like always, Kook was paying close attention to the spot that drove him crazy.
“It wasn’t your fault..” Tae murmured, lips slightly parted as the slim hint of pleasure began to kick in. Taehyung’s fingers played with the strands of hair on the back of Jungkook’s head, his hand then slithering down the latter’s back. He gripped at the fabric of his baggy shirt, warm puffs of air freeing themselves from his lips.
There was little to no space between them— Taehyung could feel the heat of his breath waft back to his face.
“I love you so much.. I’m only yours.”
Jungkook smiles against the skin on Tae's neck before pressing one last open mouthed kiss against the prominent vein that trailed down the elders throat.
''Yeah?'' His own breath was hotter, voice several octaves lower as he spoke.
''Why is it that it feels like we've been apart for weeks when it's only been a few hours... Fuck, I missed you.'' He murmurs as he withdraws just enough to look into Tae's eyes, wasting no time in kissing him on the lips, the part of him he'd missed the most.
Well, that'd be a lie... There's other parts he missed just as much, and his hands weren't shy to let the Tae know of it, as they trailed underneath his shirt to get a feel of his torso, smoothing his calloused fingers over the soft, firm skin. ''Want you...'' He paused, eyes piercing through his boyfriend with a new spark in his gaze, ''Bed, now- please..''
Every time the younger bossed him around Taehyung’s caramel skin flushed, overtaken by the sudden drive to do as he pleases. He wanted to endure whatever Jungkook had in mind— he wanted to feel his boyfriend inside of him.
Just as much as Taehyung was enamored with Jungkook’s Bambi eyes, he also fell victim to his naughtier aspects. He enjoyed listening to his boyfriend’s frustrated grunts.. his sensual moans.
Taehyung loved the way Jungkook’s noticeable girth stretched him out, making him squirm in his spot.. hips twitching the deeper he nailed into his ass.
What was there not to like?
He was highly anticipating what was to come.
Taehyung didn’t need to ask, he knew the younger would be the one in charge this time. The way his sultry voice rang, commanding him to do as he wished— Taehyung turned into a submissive puddle. With a shy nod, Tae walked towards Jungkook’s bedroom, hips swaying provocatively while doing so. He sat himself on the edge of Kook’s bed, biting down on his lip whilst he discarded his shirt, carelessly throwing it to the side.
“I want you to make love to me..”
The elder pushed himself from off the bed, hands traveling up Kook’s chest before settling on his shoulders. “Please?”
Jungkook flashes his genuine bunny-like smile as he looks down at his boyfriend, the sweet boy peeking through his layers of desires. He nods, towering over the elder as he presses another chaste kiss on his lips before using his muscular frame to force Taehyung to back down on the bed, guiding them both to scoot up on the duvet until the elder was on his back, Jungkook on his knees above him.
"I'll make you feel so good, I promise," Kook murmured, his face morphing back into his dominant persona as he discards of his own shirt, leaning down to immediately begin kissing Taehyung on the neck, down to his shoulders, alternating between his tongue, teeth and small sucks. This time, he was the one marking the other-- and he was going to take his sweet time with him.
Taehyung worshipped the boy’s muscles with his roaming hands, hips rocking on their own from the way Jungkook’s sauntering lips stained his neck, chest, and shoulders.
“A-ah..” He gasped, one hand gripping at his boyfriend’s longer curls, feeling the soft texture in between his fingers.
“I can’t get over how strong you are.. hmm!” Taehyung’s dull nails dug deeper into his boyfriend‘s bicep, throwing his head back into the pillow.
Shit, was there such a thing as a muscle kink? Because the elder was sure that’s what he was into..
Completely blindsided by lust, a long, drawn-out moan bounced against the walls of the quiet room. It was as if he felt the blood clot underneath his skin, squirming at the way Jungkook’s tongue effortlessly flicked against it.
A low growl vibrated in Jungkook's chest, he could feel his blood rushing down straight to his cock with every reaction and sound he drew out of his boyfriend. He pressed his clothed bulge against Taehyung's, feeling the obvious; they were both already rock hard for each other.
"Keep touching me, fuck... you're so delicious, and all mine." he murmurs into Taehyungs collarbone before giving it a harsh suck, tainting his skin with purple.
Both men were turning into breathy messes, the tortuous aching between Kooks legs only spurring his greediness further. He desperately needed to be inside of Taehyung.
But, there was no need to rush, he wanted Tae to turn into a needy, squirming mess underneath him--- and he loved being a tease.
"So beautiful," Kook growls, flexing his muscles deliberately for Taehyung to see-- and feel.
"So loved." His voice smoothed out with the words, a drawn out moan pushing through his lips as he started to grind their hips together, kisses trailing back up to the elders lips. He took the chance to slip his tongue into Taehyung's mouth when his lips were parted in a moan, the taste itself allowing low, needy grunts to rumble in his throat, muffled by the kisses.
“Jungkook..! A-ahh.. j-just like that, baby.”
Taehyung’s head snapped to the side, face scrunched up into a delightful mess as all his senses were able to detect was Jungkook’s clothed cock rubbing up against his own.
“Fuck.. make love to me already, I need to feel you inside..”
His needy hole clenched down on its own, the pure image of his boyfriend’s dick rearranging his guts was effective— maybe a little too effective as Tae merely moaned at the thought, hips meeting Jungkook’s with every rocking motion.
"I will, baby, be patient.." Jungkook purrs into his ear before he sits up straight on his knees, admiring the view beneath him as he smoothed his hands down the elders torso until his fingers curl by the hem of Tae's pants and boxers in one go, tugging at them for a bit, teasing a second too long before he gives in-- peeling the fabrics off of his boyfriend, using his strength to easily lift Taehyung's hips up as he does so.
Taehyung’s rock-hard cock sprung up and whipped against his lower stomach, making his body shiver from the sudden contact. The boy wasn’t hard to please, finding every touch of Jungkook’s fingertips intoxicating.
He stared up at his boyfriend with hazy, dimmed eyes— love clearly swirling from within the irises as he shamelessly brought his knees up to his chest, giving Kook a wide view of his puckered hole.
“Use me..” Taehyung whispered, wiggling his hips invitingly, loving the attention he was getting.
The day’s shitty events were long forgotten, instead they were consumed by the lust he felt towards his man.
It was eating him up inside, antsy as he waited for Jungkook’s next move.
It was weird to think that at the beginning, Taehyung felt.. anxious in the bedroom. In a way, the latter didn’t want to open himself up to the younger too much. But now, as he flashed all he had to offer to his boyfriend, Tae grew more comfortable.
Love really does that to you, huh?
The sharp inhale didn't go unnoticed by either of the men as the younger's eyes admired the view, spreading Tae's hole further with his thumbs. Jungkook dropped down to his chest momentarily, there was no way he'd let this simply be a feast for his fingers.
No, he wanted a taste.
Without a word, he did as he pleased, placing warm, wet kisses on Taehyung's hole, the delicate skin so tasteful to his mouth that he moans at the sensation himself, along with the addicting sounds the man above him makes.
Taehyung’s hooded eyes widened in surprise, not expecting his boyfriend to kiss him somewhere so.. private.
“Shit— baby, that’s embarrassing..” The elder moaned out loud, still keeping his legs in place whilst he watched Jungkook, infatuated with the younger’s mind.
“Ah..” He bit down on his lip, blushing a significant amount.
His outgrown fringe fell over his eyes, skin moist from utter suspense.
Tae was an embarrassed mess. Yet, he didn’t mind.
Kook is his boyfriend, he’s supposed to see every part of him no matter how personal.
''You've got nothing to be embarrassed about, baby,'' Jungkook glances up at his boyfriend with eyes blown wide with lust and awe. Maybe a part of the younger did enjoy when Taehyung became a bit flustered, but as long as he was actually comfortable and pliant with what was going on, that's what's important.
Jungkook sticks his full tongue out, using the wet muscle to circle the elders hole that was now soaked with saliva, prodding the tip of his tongue against the opening to draw more reactions. Just a little bit more teasing... Taehyung was delicious.
“Baby..!” Taehyung‘s body was extremely responsive, hips jittering as he clung on to a handful of his boyfriend’s hair. His eyes were squeezed shut, jaw slack as he focused on his heavy breathing.
Jungkook’s tongue felt wonderful.. fuck, how would it feel like if the younger ate him out?
The tempting imagery made Taehyung’s pink entrance clench, then proceed to unclench in a pattern. His legs were shaking the slightest bit, toes curled as he snuck a quick glance down at Kook.
“So good.. so fucking good..” Despite his vulgar language, the elder’s voice wasn’t anywhere near as confident. It was soft, close to the form of a strained whisper. As if his hips had a mind of their own, they slowly rocked into Jungkook’s mouth. The sensation was so new yet so.. not. Taehyung fell victim to it, hard.
Jungkook was a little surprised by how well received his ministrations were, so incredibly responsive to him-- it made the younger more desperate for his body, feeling his cock twitch and throb with every shudder from Tae's body.
He pushed the tip of his tongue inside of Taehyung's hole, the slick from his saliva making it easier-- so he did it again, and again, and again until he was able to practically fuck his tongue into Tae. Meanwhile, Jungkook used one hand to reach down to unbutton his pants, the sound of the zipper echoing in the room to indicate what's to come.
Every time Jungkook’s slim tongue thrusted into him, a cry of pleasure erupted from the back of the elder’s throat.
His legs visibly struggled to stay put, thighs lightly closing in on his boyfriend’s head— both hands placed on the crown to steady himself in the midst of the overwhelming rapture.
He was in heaven..
“Fuck.. I-I like that..” Taehyung breathily admitted, smoothing his fingers over Kook’s messy hair whilst he quivered for him, slyly directing his ass closer to the other’s feasting mouth.
As if it was a natural reaction, Tae’s naked body shivered with anticipation at the familiar sound of the zipper coming undone, grunting in disappointment when his boyfriend’s fat dick had yet to push its way inside of him. Taehyung was impatient, but the sensation of Jungkook’s tongue kept him engaged during the meantime.
Jungkook wiggled his pants down below his hips, just enough for him to be able to pull his throbbing length out to immediately stroke himself to the sounds of the elder, still indulging in his ass for a moment longer until he deemed it enough. He withdrew his mouth for a bit, spitting on Tae's already soaked hole for good measure.
''Gonna have to do that to me next time, I'm getting jealous..'' Jungkook jokes, but his voice was smooth and low. He sat up straight to finally discard of the rest of his clothes, making it even in terms of nudity,
''Keep holding your legs up just like that, baby.'' He murmurs, one hand still lazily stroking his cock, tip reddened and eager for the elder, while using the fingers of his other hand to begin stretching out Tae's cute little ass. One finger easily slipped inside thanks to the previous tongue fucking, so it didn't take long before he managed to slip two-- even three inside, until it became a tight fit. A part of Jungkook wondered, and almost craved, to fit all of them, just like Tae had done to him.
Taehyung did as his boyfriend instructed, legs holding up on their own as his slender fingers parted his sloppy entrance, widening the rosy area to grant Jungkook clearer access.
“Fuuck..!” A sharp cry of initial pain, the younger’s never stuffed three digits inside of him before.
The soreness in his legs was nothing compared to this.
Meanwhile, his fingers had a hard time staying in place, the wetness from around his hole making it difficult to get a nice grasp on the moist, sticky skin.
The boy’s raven hair tousled even more when he arched his spine off the bed, carelessly throwing his head back with a loud moan, hips swiveling as he attempted to fuck himself on his boyfriend’s hand.
“I-I’m ready for another one..” Tae lowly pleaded, beads of precum staining his soft lower stomach.
''Good boy,'' Jungkook cooed, his eyes wide with admiration of how good he's stretched out Tae's hole, the rims of it turning a darker shade of pink from the constant friction. He adds a fourth finger, jamming the elder full of his long fingers until he reaches that one spot he knows will drive him towards madness.
''Fuck, you're taking my fingers so well..'' Jungkook groans at the sight, the slick sounds of his fingers now pumping into Taehyung, his other hand jerking himself off with more greed, smearing his precum down his length. He was practically ready for Kook's fat cock, and the younger couldn't wait to give it to him.
“I’m— I’m a good boy..” Taehyung verbally replayed his boyfriend’s low praise, melting further into a puddle of submission as he allowed Jungkook to toy with his worn-out entrance.
No matter how his peers perceived him to be inside of the bedroom, Tae loved letting the younger boss him around— belittle him, in a way.
Taehyung felt so small whenever he was under Jungkook’s control; it was pathetic how much his persona shifted in the snap of a finger. The boy was no longer the grumpy, asshole of a jerk that dismissed how others felt.
No, instead he became.. sensitive, breathless for air as he laid underneath Kook’s far more muscular body.
“Baby! T-that’s so— a-ahh.. so good..” Nonetheless, Tae was desperate to wrap around the veiny cock that ripped him away from his virginity, showcasing a whole new world of pleasure that Taehyung didn’t know even existed until Jungkook came along and showed him.
“Please.. please put it in me, Kook.. please.” He had tears in his eyes, finding the younger’s fingers filling as they quickly fidgeted inside of him.
Taehyungs begging was exactly what Jungkook needed to lose the last bit of patience he had left in him, not wasting a single second longer to pull his fingers out with a wet pop. He moved up into position on his knees, leaning over his boyfriend with his muscular body to get a good close up of the mess he's made of the man, all while using his fingers that were coated with Taes juices to run it down his veiny cock.
"You want this, hm?" Kook made it sound like he was about to tease again, but within the same second he drove his hips forward, letting the thick head of his cock push inside of Taehyung's stretched hole.
"Ah, fuck...yes.." he groaned, slowly filling the other male up until he was fully inside. The warm tightness made Jungkook's cock throb inside of Taehyung, keeping himself still for a second to relish in the feeling, "shit... four fingers stretching you and you're still so tight for me.."
Taehyung’s arms wrapped around his boyfriend’s neck as the latter gradually screwed deeper into him, moaning into the sweaty skin. His hole welcomed the younger’s pulsating cock with a compressed clench of his walls, the warmth securely wrapping around the shaft.
He circled his legs around Jungkook’s small waist, nudging him closer until he felt his boyfriend’s heavy balls press against him. Even then, that wasn’t enough.
“I love you so fucking much..” Taehyung mumbled into the crook of his neck, softly kissing at Jungkook’s Adam’s apple, prodding his nose against the clammy skin.
“You’re t-the best boyfriend in the world..” By now, Tae was simply spilling truthful nonsense.
He couldn’t seem to think clearly when Kook’s dick was planted inside of him, the tip resting against his prostate.
Jungkook felt his entire body shudder, well earned by the man below. The younger loved verbal confirmations, and the way Taehyung said every single word it was as if it gave him an eargasm.
Still warming his cock deep inside of Taes wonderful ass, he slowly begins to move as he hovers over his boyfriend. He keeps it gentle for now, his heavy breaths steady.
"I love you too...ah.." Kook withdrew his hips all the way, until just the tip was inside before snapping them forward, drawing out a low moan of his own. Taking it slow like this after such a buildup made him feel every little clench and throb of Taehyung's insides.
"You like this?" Jungkook asks, finding his slow rhythm to continuously hit that sweet spot-- but without any rush or intensity. This wasnt like before, he wasnt just fucking his boyfriend... this was them having sex-- making love.
Taehyung loves him.. Jungkook was savoring Taes body with his own all while the overwhelming emotions were swirling in his eyes.
Taehyung withdrew his arms from around the younger’s neck, instead softly cupping Jungkook’s face in between his hands, gazing up at his boyfriend’s concentrated eyes while he made love to him.
In a sweet moment like this, he noted how the space between Kook’s brows creased up in attentiveness, how his growing hair effortlessly fell down to his face— things Tae wouldn’t have normally taken notice of if he was getting hammered onto the bed.
“I like it, a lot..” He opened up his legs a little more, enjoying the slower pace this time around.
It was.. alleviating, in some way. To have Kook care for his body with such delicacy in his actions..
The elder craned his neck upwards to press a soft kiss onto the boy’s pouty lips, muffling a strained moan in the meanwhile.
“So good.. I love this— a-ah.. hmm..”
Jungkook's eyes fluttered shut, a quiet rumbling moan getting caught in Taes mouth as the younger kept coming back for more. He couldn't get enough of his lips.
"Feels so good," Kook breathes out when he withdraws from the kiss, his strong arms holding him up with a hand on each side of the elders head, his torso hovering over the male below him. Gradually, the movement of his hips sped up-- using his core strength to drive his entire length in and out of Taehyung,
Eager to draw more sounds of the elder, he kisses down his neck, once more giving the purple marks adorning his skin another addition to the collection before moving down further, his lips encasing Taehyung's nipple-- he wondered if he was just as sensitive as he was. Tonight was all about finding more ways to make his boyfriend feel absolutely amazing, to keep his mind off anything but Jungkook.
The elder’s fingernails grazed along the strong muscles in Jungkook’s back, squeezing and clawing at the latter’s shoulder blades whenever he was met by a harsh prod at his prostate.
“Ah fuck..”
There was not a remaining inch in Taehyung’s body that wasn’t sensitive under the younger’s commissions. He lewdly studied the way his boyfriend engulfed his perky nipple into his mouth, torso stuttering when Kook began to deliciously flick his tongue. That boy knew what he was doing..
“B-babe right there..!” His hips continued to meet Jungkook’s halfway, moaning his little heart out with every precise thrust. Taehyung forcefully lowered the younger’s body, feeling the boy’s chest heave against his own as the elder’s nails dragged along his back, sure to leave a few scratches.
“I-I’m gonna cum soon..” He breathed out against Jungkook’s temple, inhaling his scent whilst he readied himself for the upcoming explosion.
"Me too, shit... please, can I--fuck.." Jungkooks clammy chest rubbed against Taehyungs, providing a friction between their bodies, his stomach pressing against the elders cock with every thrust. His movements were precise, powerful yet soft. Full of love and the desire to make the man beneath him cum just from his cock consistently prodding at Tae's prostate.
"C-can I cum inside? Want to fill you up so badly.." he allowed a whiny moan to escape his lips, burying his nose in the crook of Taehyung's neck, his rhythm slowly losing it's consistency and instead replaced with needy thrusts.
The warmth of his cock getting squished in between their sweaty bodies drove Taehyung insane, jaw hanging slack whilst he roughly dragged his nails across Jungkook’s back.
“Y-yes,” He whined, “fill me up..”
Fuck, he was so close..
Tae’s shaky legs wrapped tighter around the younger’s waist, the heels of his feet digging into the latter’s sides for physical support— emotional, too.
His high-pitched moans were silenced by the bite on Jungkook’s shoulder, teeth gradually sinking deeper into the flexed skin as he held his boyfriend close.
Jungkook cried out a throaty moan at the various sensations driving him absolutely mad. Everything from the elders teeth biting his shoulder, to the scratches on his back, even their sweaty bodies just grinding together. But the best sensation of them all was the way Jungkook’s cock was tightly squeezed by the warmth of Taehyung's insides.
A few punishing thrusts followed, fucking into his boyfriend as deep as he was physically able to, low grunts and curses slipping past his lips,
"I love you, I love you, I fucking love you..!" Jungkook mindlessly repeated over and over in a barely audible whisper between his breathy groans, a particularly loud one following when his hips stuttered as he finally came inside. He kept his cock lodged inside of Taes ass, desperate to fill him up properly as his cock pulsated with every rope of his cum, filling him up with everything he could give.
Taehyung’s long, drawn out moan followed soon after, the skin of their lower stomachs covered in a puddle of his sticky mess.
“Ah..” He moaned at the feeling of the younger’s cum spilling into his insides, clenching down on his boyfriend’s limp cock to squeeze out whatever may be left.
His legs droopily fell to his sides, disconnecting themselves from Jungkook’s small waist.
“Babe, that was amazing..”
Taehyung’s nails were no longer clawing at Jungkook’s skin, instead he smoothed his palms over the fresh marks on his back, slender fingers occasionally grazing over the agitated spots.
As if it was the last time he’d ever see him again, Tae wrapped his arms around the younger, pulling him all the more close.
“I love you,” he whispered, wanting to permanently ink the words in Jungkook’s brain.
Taehyung didn’t want him to ever forget.
He didn’t mind that his boyfriend’s dick was still inside of him, the elder’s persona shifted to a more caring chapter.
“You did so good,” he pressed a wet smooch on Kook’s rosy cheek, brushing his fingers through his tangled hair.
“Thank you for loving me..” Taehyung glanced down at his face, giggling a little before focusing back on his boyfriend’s hair.
Jungkook grimaced at the burning sensation of the claw marks on his back, the feeling of them grew as he came back down from his sexual high. It was quickly forgotten however, when the elder pulled him down for a kiss on the cheek, the youngers shy mannerism crawling back to the surface in the form of a blush on his cheeks and a coy smile.
"I like this new side of you..." he exhaled quietly as he slipped out of his boyfriend, moving to lay down next to him on his back. His hand that was the closest to taehyung reached out to find his hand, intertwining their fingers as a sweet gesture.
"I always knew I loved you in a sense," he suddenly confessed, "but I think... since that first night in the gymnasium... you've grown so much, you know?" Jungkook glanced over at Taehyung, squeezing his hand affectionately, "And so did my feelings.. it's crazy."
Now it was Taehyung’s turn to blush, pushing through the itching nervousness as he continued to hold unwavering eye contact, carefully listening to Jungkook’s every word.
He squeezed the younger’s hand back, smiling at the compliment.
Every time Tae hears his boyfriend admit how much he’s grown.. it tugs at his heartstrings.
That phrase reassured him that he was capable of additional change, and by the sounds of it, change wasn’t an unattainable milestone for him to reach.
Taehyung wanted to be a better man than his father ever was.
That was something that's always scared him— ending up like his deadbeat of a dad.
Now, the elder was sure that would never happen to him.
He was growing little by little everyday, something his father never did.
“I.. I think I knew I had feelings for you all the way back in elementary school,” Taehyung chuckled, staring up at the ceiling whilst he reminisced.
“Remember that day, uh.. was it during recess? I don’t know, but I fell.. and you shared your banana milk with me? Saying how it’ll magically make me feel better or something like that..?” The sound of the elder’s amused laughter echoed in the otherwise quiet room, turning his head to look at Jungkook.
“I remember thinking, ‘this isn’t magical at all, I still feel like shit.’ I don’t know.. it’s stupid, but.. I guess that’s when I started wanting to talk to you more? I wanted to hold your hand.. and kiss you, and share your magical banana milk.”
His smile grew, turning over to his side to snuggle up against Kook’s chest.
“Anyways, I guess all I wanna say is.. ha, I loved you first~”
Jungkook's toothy grin widened at the memory, his heart beating faster at the elders counter confession. They've been through so much, done so much, and yet Taehyung managed to make Jungkook's heart race.
''I guess so, but I said it first,'' He embraced his boyfriend, stroking through his messy curls before placing a kiss on his head. Exhaustion gradually hit him, the day had been eventful after all. He was just glad it ended well.
''Babe?'' Kook used the pet name in a coy manner to draw Tae's attention to him, ''I just wanted to say... You can stay here as long as you'd like, okay?''
Preferably Jungkook would just say, move the fuck in with me, but... yeah, why not?
Just the thought of Taehyung going back home was frustrating. Especially after what had happened today.
Jungkook would do anything to keep him safe... And this is something he could offer.
Now he definitely would need that part time job he's been putting off for too long.
Taehyung snuggled closer to his boyfriend, looking up at him with so much profound adoration in his tired eyes..
Jungkook was the only good thing in his life at the moment.
“Okay,” the corners of his lips curled up into a thankful smile, draping one leg over the younger’s as he closed his eyes to the warmth radiating off of his chest.
“Goodnight, Kook.”
Taehyung pressed a kiss onto the boy’s neck, sooner than later allowing sleep to take over him.
That night, he slept like a baby. No worries, no tossing, just.. soundly.
Jungkook wraps his arm around Taehyung, responding immediately with a kiss at the crown of his head, murmuring his sleepy words.
"Goodnight Tae."
Jungkook stayed awake for a while, even though he was exhausted, chest heaving up and down slowly, the gentle movements rocking the elder to sleep.
His eyes fluttered close, but opened just as quickly when he remembered something.
'I'll be right back, noona.'
He’d forgotten about Jisoo.
Ah, fuck.... But she would understand, right?
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not edit, repost or translate.
83 notes · View notes
dreamcatcherjiah · 4 years
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🌆 Nodus Tollens (Idol!Jin x YouTuber!reader)
Nodus Tollens Masterlist
Part 22
Words: 2.5k
Genre: Fluff
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You looked at the screen of your phone as if Namjoon was about to jump out of it and hit you up the head for being obtuse. And he had plenty of reasons to do so. After all you were being deliberately obtuse. You didn’t know about Jin but those dreams, the glitches on your phones and your lives, they had shown you a version of reality that made more sense to you than anything happening in your life right now. Your life right now was exactly what you had always wanted; you were somehow independent at a young age, you were studying what you had always wanted, your YouTube channel was going great, allowing you to sing to your hearts content. And yet the dream you’d had last week stayed with you, making you feel uneasy.
The dreams you had previously had had been blurry and, even though the faces had started become clearer and clearer the more “visions” you had, they had all been confusing and always left you with an uneasy feeling afterwards. Not last week’s dream. It had been so vivid you might as well have been there. The room had looked so cozy and similar to something you might have decorated that you felt entirely at home; on top of the table was your laptop with the new case you’d bought last week as an early graduation present, ever the television hung the clock your mother had  given you when they had renovated the restaurant and you had kept  because of all the memories it held for you. You even were cuddling under your favourite fluffy blanket. 
The smell in the air telling you that you had just had dinner and were now relaxing a bit before bed. You looked next to you and, as you expected, Jin was sitting right there, an arm fling around your shoulders and his other hand resting in your abdomen. He was completely defined, the lines of his face marked and clear, his lips in a frown as he concentrated on the movie playing on the television. Not knowing what was happening, you decided to relax into the dream and enjoy the quiet moment while it lasted. 
A flash in the screen illuminated the room brightly and a white paper on top of the coffee table. It was a calendar, marking the exact month you knew you were living while you were awake but this one marked the following year. A circle had been drawn over a the second Sunday with little hearts and, in your handwriting, movie night gave you the clue that you were looking for.
So if this was some sort of weird premonition, in a year’s time, you would be married to Jin, living in this cute apartment and, judging by the slight bump he was caressing reverently, expecting your first child. This realisation should have made you queasy but it just served to a whole other purpose. Your heart started to hurt, this dream pulling at your heartstrings with the desire to be here for real, not sleeping in your bed and trapped in a situation that felt even less real. 
Jumping in your sit at some sudden explosion from the tv, Jin looked your way and his eyes crinkled in the corners as he smiled down at you. His smile was bright and relaxed, his hand still caressing your tummy, as he doubled over and planted a kiss next to his hand. “Mommy didn’t want to startle you, love,” he whispered to your child, “she’s a scaredy cat, but dad is right here with you both.”
Mere seconds later you had woken up in your bed, alone and cold with the feeling of Jin hands still on you. You had felt stupid right then. Jin was your incredibly famous friend with whom you had no chance of bringing those dreams to reality and you had to accept that. No matter how much you liked his personality, the way he had to make you feel better when you had had a shitty day, how his beautiful lips would pout when he was kidding around and his eyes would narrow in concentration when he found something good for your song… 
Shaking your head, you had woken yourself up from these fantasies. Getting caught in the moment wouldn’t do you any favours so you pushed yourself out of the bed and tried to ignore the weird dreams and feelings for the rest of the day. Not even talking to Yuna about them made you think much about it until Taehyung face timed you and passed it onto Jin. 
Seeing his face brought everything back and you weren’t able to focus on your lectures that day. You were there alright, occupying a chair and nodding when appropriate, but your mind was miles away, somewhere in the USA. What would Jin say if you told him what your dream had been about? Would he freak out and talk to his company? Wouldn’t they ban you from getting close to them? The dreams were crazy enough to guarantee not only that you were crazy, but also a danger to the boys and their careers. Had they somehow discovered it and that’s why Taehyung called? Was that why Jin had hung up? These questions were turning around in your head for the rest of the day, so much so that you tried to think about a way to talk to him without giving yourself away. 
Your phone rang after the conversation with Namjoon and you took a deep breath. Jin’s contact photo looked at you, tempting you to hang up and keep the lie a little longer. But you hadn’t talked like this in so long, even before they left they were so busy. Without giving yourself time to stop, you slide your finger over the screen and answer his video call. 
His face appeared, illuminated by some lamp next to the bed he was laying in. You tried to put a leash on the thoughts that same thing gave you. You were talking for the first time in weeks and you wanted to really talk, tell him as much as you could before he decided to hung up on you for good.
“Hey there, Y/N!” He smiled, showing you his teeth and his eyes creased in just the same way you loved. “How have you been lately?”
“I’ve been good, although I was a bit heartbroken when you hung up on me the other day, I have to admit,” you  bickered. “How have you guys been?”
“New York is incredible, but we haven’t had time to go around. We’re busy recording and getting ready for the comeback, we barely have time to shower before going to bed. And I didn’t hug up with you intentionally, I was just… trying to protect your ears from his Taehyungness…”
He pouted and spent the next ten minutes whining at how Taehyung was being an idiot and had just called in a bad moment when he couldn’t talk and that was why he had disconnected the call. It had nothing to do with you, nothing at all. 
“Okay, okay, I believe you, I was just kidding!” You laughed. “Now, before you run out of breath, I need to tell you something.”
He frowned, “I have to tell you something too.” He hesitated, “Can I go first?”
If he stayed talking longer, he would not hear what you wanted to say and he wouldn’t jump to do anything hasty. Maybe if he went first, you could prolong this friendship a bit longer. Dealing with your new feelings from a distance was much easier than facing him again and making a mistake. So you let him, looking at how his brows furrowed in worry and his eyes were suddenly busy with something very far away from his phone screen. 
“Alright, before I tell you, you have to promise me you won’t disappear, you will not hang up, you will stay and let me explain. I’ll warn you it is crazy and I don’t have an explanation for it, but please don’t just leave, okay?”
In trepidation, you agreed to listen to him, reminding yourself to issue a similar warning before you told him about your weird dreams. He took a deep breath and started talking.
“Okay, so about a week ago, when we had just arrived to New York, I had another dream. Like the ones we had at the beginning, but this one was so clear, so defined. I was disoriented at the beginning, one second I was falling asleep in a New York hotel room and the next I was back in Korea watching TV. It was so real YN, we were sitting in a sofa and then the TV made a loud noise and you jumped and I…”
“You calmed me down and talked to our baby,” you finished for him.
Your mind was going a mile an hour, he had had the same dream you had. He was nervous because he wanted to tell you about it, the same way you were avoiding to tell him. That shut him up. He stared at you with his gaping mouth open and not even blinking. From his expression you gathered that, even though you had been having the same dreams since the beginning, for some weird reason he wasn’t expecting you to dream about that day too.
“Wait, you had the same dream too?! No, wait you couldn’t have, you would have told me!” He shouted at you, accusingly. For good measure, he was pointing at your face with a rapidly moving finger. 
“I was going to tell you! You wanted to go first!” You responded. 
“Well I wanted to go first because you tend to ramble and you don’t let me get one word in! I was so nervous you would think I was totally mental and would call the police or something!” He accused, trying not to shout, to calm down, but his red face was betraying how much that effort was futile. 
“Why would I call the police on you, dumbass? What would I tell them? That I had a weird dream that told me what the future holds for me and they told me I will marry Kim Seokjin in the next year. That’s what sounds mental!” 
“Okay, okay, let’s just calm down,” he interrupted only to keep talking a second later, “did you already know the date? That’s partially why I decided I needed to tell you sooner rather than later… well that and the fact that the guys wouldn’t stop messing with me and you already saw how Namjoon was.”
“I knew about the time,” you answered, looking at him and trying not to freak out, “but imagine what you would have done if I had told you from the second I knew without being sure you also dreamt about it.”
“I wouldn’t have — Listen we’re in this situation now, let’s not go back to that again. Are we going to talk about the fact that we’ll be married with a child on the way a year from now?”
Well, that certainly gave a the conversation an awkward turn rather swiftly. You were hoping the topic would stay untouched for a little longer but apparently Jin wasn’t having it tonight. 
“No, no, no. Don’t give me that face. We’re talking about it,” he chastised. “We’re both adults, Y/N, and this business is serious. Can we both agree — again — that this is incredibly weird and not weird at all at the same time?”
“Not weird?” You asked. “i’m not going to say I wouldn’t like, date you, marry you even. But Jin, I was pregnant and we were so happy waiting for the baby. My heart was calm and beating like crazy at the same time.” His face was open as a book, looking at you with his wide eyes and trusting visage, so much so that you found your lips moving without your consent. “I may admit it made a lot of sense, or at least, more sense than this crazy running around I’m doing, I don’t know.”
“Wait, your life doesn’t make sense nowadays?” Jin asked. He looked worried, exactly what you didn’t want. But the dam had broken and there was no stoping you now. 
“Absolutely no sense whatsoever. My life is exactly what I wanted it to be, I am about to graduate with the degree I always wanted, I am making enough money off YouTube to keep myself well off for at least two years without lifting a finger and I have enough free time to help my parents in their restaurant. I have everything I would want. BUT NOTHING MAKES SENSE! I keep second-guessing myself with everything and that dream was the first thing that made sense in a while. I remember the feeling of calm and belonging going through my whole body, the moment the baby kicked I just —” you chocked, not knowing how the conversation had turned this way, but unable to back off now. 
“I felt the same,” Jin answered, “the dream so real, more real than anything I have ever felt. I can still feel the kick in my hand from the baby moving.”
Both of you lapsed into silence and kept looking at each other. The way you were having this conversation wasn’t ideal; you’d wished you had met up to talk face to face, maybe over a cup of tea and some sugary treat. Not on face time and obviously not when he was so many miles away, in a whole different timezone. 
“What do we do now, you suggest?” You asked, trying to rein in your anxiety at the whole situation. There were a thousand and one scenarios where things went south and you ended up angry with each other, not talking anymore, being total strangers all over again. Taking into account the beautiful smile taking over his features, that was not a very possible alternative, but still, you worried. 
“We can’t do anything now, being so far away. Something you said, I feel that too,” he whispered. He smiled at you again, showing his teeth and giving you a hint of the true happiness behind his calm exterior. “I would date you, if you’d have me, of course.”
He looked nervous, waiting with a bated breath for either your confirmation or your refusal. Your heart beating with such joy, calm finally filling you, it was obvious what your answer was going to be. 
“Will you help me make sense of my life, Jin?” You asked, already smiling and making him answer in the same way.
“If you help me make sense of mine and my dreams, what do you say, Y/N? Would you go on a date with me when we go back home?”
“I would, Jin. I would love to go on a date with you,” you answered and burst out laughing at his happy face.
Plot: n. the realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore—that although you thought you were following the arc of the story, you keep finding yourself immersed in passages you don’t understand, that don’t even seem to belong in the same genre—which requires you to go back and reread the chapters you had originally skimmed to get to the good parts, only to learn that all along you were supposed to choose your own adventure.
A/N: Hello sweets!! What do you think about this one? Is it more clear now? Let's chat!!
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nctzendreamz · 5 years
Crazy, Rich, and They Hate Me :: Part Eight
Jaehyun finally takes you home, but he forgets to mention that his family is the richest in South Korea.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Part Six Part Seven
Jaehyun x Reader ft. NCT
Genre: Angst/ Fluff
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“The royal wedding.” Heechul whispered as the three of you pulled up to the expensive scene. There were cameras everywhere. Multiple limos continues to line up behind the mustang you currently sat in, and even though they didn’t know you saw them, everyone wanted to know who was in this car.
“You don’t seem nervous.” Jasmine questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m a good liar.” You whispered, unconsciously tapping your leg out of their view.
“You look beautiful, okay? And you’re at Park Rosé’ wedding. And she actually likes you.” Heechul said in shock.
“What’s the supposed to mean?” You asked in an offended tone.
“Look, all I’m saying, is that you have an opportunity here. Just like we told you at the house, show these snobs that you can look better, be better, and arrive all alone. You got this.”
“I got this.” You assured yourself, before taking a deep breath, and stepping outside of the vehicle. You felt like a celebrity who had to put on an act as a smile immediately found its way to your cheeks. The lights flashing at you made you sweat even more, but the closer you got to the wedding entrance, the more confidence you felt.”
“That dress.” You heard a reporter whisper, clearly in awe of you.
“Everyone this way!” Another yelled, and you realized that their attention was previously on Yuna and her posse. A genuine smile crept on your cheeks at how angry she looked. She stormed inside as well as the rest of her friends, while you continued to pose on the red carpet.
When you finally did get inside, you could spot your biggest fear. She walked with her cousins and sisters, and rolled Grandma through the semi crowded hallway. You looked up at where you were, and you couldn’t believe that most of the people in here were used to this. The white walls were pure, just as they should be. It reminded you of Johnny and Rosé, and how their relationship isn’t about how much wealth they could gain together in the future. It was about love.
When you walked into the room where the ceremony was being held, your eyes enlarged even more if that was even possible.
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You had never seen anything like it. The lanterns, the plants scattered all around. It was so beautiful. People were all around, some mingling, and some trying to figure out the best place to sit. Your eyes were on Mrs. Jung, as you finally were able to handle the verdict.
She was never going to approve of you. She was never going to accept you.
“You look absolutely stunning, Mrs. Jung.” You bowed as you approached her on the front row. Everyone looked as if you had the biggest balls they’d ever come across.
She was silent for a moment, before she nodded her head gently. “Thank you. You look...nice as well.”
“And you too ladies.” You greeted. “So beautiful.” You whispered.
“Us? Look at you!” One of them spoke. “That dress? Divine.”
You watched as Jaehyun’s mother gave her the side eye, clearly not enjoying the compliments you were receiving, but you felt no pain. You also noticed the way she kept her purse in place so you couldn’t sit down with the rest of the family, but that didn’t surprise you either.
You turned around swiftly, and scanned around for a place to sit. All of a sudden you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Are you Y/N?” An older woman questioned. She was wearing red just like you, and her eyes were unmistakably those of the bride.
“Yes ma’am.” You said with a bright smile, taking her hand.
“Would you mind escorting me to my seat? I’m getting a little up there in age.” She smiled back.
“Of course, but you don’t look a day over 25. Don’t you know?”
As you sat her down, you saw her pat the space beside her. “I see why my daughter speaks so highly of you. I’m sure you’ve figured out I’m her mother.”
“Those eyes are hard to ignore.”
She giggled softly, clearly reminiscing about her only child. “Ah, yes. She’s always looked like me.”
“Are you sad about today?” You questioned, rubbing her back softly.
“No.” And in her eyes, you could see that she meant it. “Rosé used to always say to me, ‘Mom, no one will ever love me.’ I used to think she sounded absolutely ridiculous until she got older and explained to me what she actually meant.”
“And what was that?”
“I think you know.” She smirked, placing her hand on yours.
All of a sudden, you remembered the conversation you and Rosé had on the beach. The one where she vented to you about how she feels people only see her for her status, and not for her.
“Oh, yes.” You recalled. “She told you about that?”
“She told all of us. She also talked to Johnny about it.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “She did?”
“As I told you, she very much so adores you. And so does Jaehyun.”
The mention of Jaehyun’s name made every memory from the previous night to aflame in your mind. God, you missed him. You had no idea if he wanted to see you, but you wanted to apologize.
“He was there too.” She said, snapping you out of your thoughts. “He was so frantic, saying he ruined everything.”
Your heart was breaking the more and more she spoke.
“But in the end, he was alright. He’s a good boy. Always has been.”
“Was Johnny upset? I hate for all of this to happen during his wedding.”
“Johnny will always be better than okay. My son and Jaehyun are like brothers, and family doesn’t turn away from eachother. We love eachother, and I believe we all needed last night. It was like a last goodbye, almost. Johnny is officially a man after today.” She chuckled once again.
You couldn’t even speak as your eyes rested on your hands.
“In life, I’ve learned to never focus on the people that don’t like you.” She said suddenly. “It’ll only put you in a bad mood, and can deter you away from the ones you love, and the people that love you.”
Just a few feet away, eyes were burning into your features.
“Is she here?” Johnny questioned.
“Yeah.” Jaehyun said in a shocked tone. Deep down, he knew you were coming. God, you looked so amazing. You always did. “She’s talking to your mom.”
“Really?” Johnny was the surprised one now, peeking his head from behind the curtain. “Holy shit that’s a lot of people.” He breathed out nervously.
“Everything is going to be fine. You look great, the venue looks great.” Jaehyun placed a hand on his broad shoulder. “It’s finally here.”
“It’s finally here.” His voice trembled as he spoke. “I get to marry the girl of my dreams.”
“The love of your life.”
“The love of my life.” He confirmed. “With my bestfriend by my side.”
“With your bestfriend by your side.” Jaehyun grinned, his dimple coming out with pride.
“Are you guys done making out yet?” Lucas yawned.
“Yeah pretty boy.” Jaehyun promptly snatched the glasses off of his face, throwing them on the ground.
“Those were expensive!”
“Yeah? Well I think the people would rather see your eyes. I promise you no sponsors are watching.”
“I hope they are.” Taeyong snarked as he rested on the corner. “Maybe it’ll digress his ego.”
“Did mommy yell at you again last night?” Yuta joined in, squeezing his cousins cheek.
Taeyong was silent for a minute, before removing his hand from his face in dramatic fashion. “Not anymore than usual. I’m just...”
“Realizing this is our last boyish moment?” Haechan said.
“Yeah.” He whispered.
“Oh, don’t even get me started.” Johnny sighed, eyes up to the ceiling. He didn’t want to cry before the wedding even started.
“Remember that time when Jaehyun broke the statue of Buddha in the foyer, but he really wanted to go to the fencing tournament so we all took the blame for him?” Lucas said in a somber tone, even though he was laughing.
“And he never payed us back for it.” Yuta eyed.
“That was my one crime!” Jaehyun explained. “Let’s talk about I was always covering for you two.” He pointed at Yuta and Lucas, “for always sneaking girls in. I was risking my life.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Yuta sighed. “Remember that time we all got mad at Haechan and Taeyong because they told on us.”
“And we made up because we saw those spoiled brats messing with the two of them at school, and beat them up.” Johnny couldn’t breathe at this point.”
“I’ll never forget that one.” Taeyong smiled. “It was the first time I felt like I had brothers.”
“Me too.” Haechan agreed.
Now there was silence. It was pure. It was loving.
“It’s true that we can’t be kids forever.” Lucas sighed. “But what we have is something that can never be broken.”
“A brotherhood that lasts forever.” Johnny whispered.
“Forever.” The rest of them said in unison.
“And we’ll always be here.” Jaehyun added. “No matter what.”
“And Taeyong.” Yuta spoke suddenly. “I’m sorry if you think we’re like your parents. We know how good you are at what you do, and we’ve always been proud of you.”
“Thanks, bro.”
“And Jae.” Lucas sighed dramatically. “What I said about Y/N wasn’t cool. But...if you guys are about to break up...”
“And there he is.” They all said.
Together, they all came to Johnny in a group hug, squeezing the life out of him. They stood there for what felt like forever.
Suddenly, the slow ballad began, and they knew it was their que.
One by one, they approached the alter. Johnny couldn’t breathe, and Jaehyun couldn’t help but to look at you for a quick second. He could tell you didn’t notice. The woman hired to sing set the mood perfectly, and the instruments matched the theme. The floral designs everywhere made it all so real for everyone.
The flower girls came out first. They gained awe’s from the crowd who ruffled their hair gently as they threw their flowers out.
The melody continued as they made their way to the alter, giving Johnny and they rest of the cousins big hugs. You couldn’t help but tear up at the sight of Jaehyun. You wanted kids with him. You wanted this moment with him.
Suddenly the lights lowered, and the singing stopped. You were told before the wedding started that this was where the lanterns were supposed to be brought out hanging for the bride to walk through. Together, everyone followed instructions and lit the aisle up. It was so beautiful. Her bridesmaids appeared for a short moment before they moved out of the way and revealed Rosé while water flowed through the aisle. It was guaranteed the most perfection thing you had ever seen.
“Wow.” You whispered. She looked essentric. “She cut her hair.” You smiled as a tear finally dropped down onto your hand.
Now you couldn’t help but to let your eyes go back to Jaehyun, who was finally looking at you too. Time really did stop as the two of you looked at eachother. It always did. It was almost telepathic as you both apologized with your begging, watery eyes. The beginning of your journey replayed like a flash, and you both knew. You knew this was far from over, and that not even the worst could make you two not be soulmates. You can’t mess with fate.
I love you. He mouthed as he bit his lip to contain his tears.
I love you. You mouthed back, wiping the river from your eyes.
Jaehyun then put his hand on Johnny’s shoulder, comforting his brother as he couldn’t contain his tears either.
Rosé had finally made her way to the steps of the alter, her father giving her away and Johnny assisting her.
“Before we join these two in marriage, they have vows.” The minister said, stepping back.
“Johnny.” Rosé spoke in a shaky voice, paper in hand. “These past few years with you have been the best years of my life. When I first met you, I was scared. I was so scared because you were so convincing. For the first time I felt myself falling in love with someone, but better yet, I could tell he was falling in love with me too and it was absolutely horrifying. I wanted to see this day so bad, but I knew something bad would happen, or you were going to break my heart...but you didn’t. And now, I get to call you my husband, and start a family with you, and I just...love you.” A smile radiated across her cheeks as she placed the ring on his finger.
“Rosé.” Johnny sniffled, causing everyone in the audience to awe at his transparent nature. “You are the reason I’m the man I am today. Before we met, I didn’t know myself at all. You showed me that I was human. You’re the one who’s always there for me, you’re the one who showed me just how beautiful life can be—the one who showed me happiness in its purest form. There are so many words that fit with you because you are that amazing, but the most important is that you are the love of my life. I can’t believe God blessed me with you, but I vow today that I will never take advantage of this opportunity. I won’t let you down.” He slipped the huge diamond onto her finger.
Jaehyun once again took a peak at you. As he listened to the vows being said, he noticed that this is exactly how he felt towards you. You were the only person he wanted to see when he hated the world. Even when he didn’t, all he wanted was you. You made him feel human. Not just some rich boy who could take care of you. You saw him for who he actually was. A man who could be insecure, awkward, and could make mistakes. You could take his mind off anything he didn’t want to think about. You are the love of his life.
“Do you, Johnny Suh, take Rosé to be your wife?”
“I do.”
“Do you, Rosé Park, take Johnny Suh to be your husband?”
“I do.”
“Well on that touching note, I now prounouce you, husband and wife.”
Cheers and confetti erupted from the venue. Johnny and Rosé connect in a passionate kiss before joining hands and stepping back into the watered aisle.
Now it was time to party.
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fy-enhypen · 4 years
“I want to put on a performance that shows what kind of team we are” - Sunghoon
On his lunch break during the photoshoot, SUNGHOON carefully considered his choice between bulgogi fried rice and kimchi fried rice, thinking back on what he had eaten for breakfast. He’s the same person who left his longtime friend, figure skating, to pursue his life as an idol. And now, SUNGHOON is serious. Can you remember the moment you were a confirmed member of ENHYPEN?
SUNGHOON: They called my name sixth, and I was so nervous. It would’ve been devastating if I couldn’t debut after everything I went through for three whole months. So when they called my name I was happy, but also really relieved at the same time.
And now you’ve debuted.
SUNGHOON: Before, it hadn’t really sunk in, but now I can really feel it. It’s fascinating to be on TV programs I used to watch at home. I’ve been busy but it’s a lot of fun, too. There are so many things I’ve never done before so I get worried or nervous at first, but when I get started I get used to it and then it gets fun.
On I-LAND you talked about your younger sister. Is she still watching you now that you’ve debuted?
SUNGHOON: My sister… Well, she isn’t particularly interested in what I do. (laughs) But once in a while she’d share what she saw on TV or what the current issues are. We don’t usually talk a lot.
You seemed like you were very close with her, though.
SUNGHOON: We are close, but we also fought a lot. (laughs) Not so much fight, but squabble. When I was little, I spent more time playing with my sister than with kids my age. Even though I’m five years older than her, I feel less like her big brother and more like her friend.
You cried a lot when you read the letter your mother wrote to you on I-LAND.
SUNGHOON: I never really spent time apart from my parents, and I was so busy and stressed out with all the tests we had to take that I really teared up. My family always supported me, right since I started figure skating. Most of what my family did, they did for me, so I feel indebted to them… and very, very thankful, too. Now that we’re living apart, I hope my parents can do all the things they never had time to while they were busy taking care of me.
SUNGHOON: That’s probably because I’m doing what I always wanted to do. The other members also had an effect on me. We don’t agree on everything and we have disagreements here and there, but we work through them and now we’ve developed a kind of camaraderie. It’s fun being with them.
You look like you’re relaxed and having a good time when you broadcast on V LIVE with 02s. What’s it like when the three of you are together in real life?
SUNGHOON: The whole group is like a family, but the three of us have the same interests so we tend to talk about that a lot. We even cooked together a little while ago. JAY took the lead and made buchimgae, which turned out a bit salty (laughs) but they still tasted all right.
You and JAY have completely different personalities, how did you become close friends?
SUNGHOON: I can’t really open up to other people immediately because I’m pretty shy, but JAY opened up to me first and we became close. I think I feel comfortable being with a friend like JAY—someone carefree, and unpretentious. (laughs)
In “Given-Taken” and “Let Me In,” you and JAY sang the same lyrics but in different parts and with different feels.
SUNGHOON: We did a unit performance together at the beginning of I-LAND, and you can really see that our minds run on the same frequencies when we dance together, too. JAY and I give off a totally different vibe, but I think that balance actually has its own unique charm.
Your acting improved a lot compared to when you were on I-LAND.
SUNGHOON: I practiced in front of the mirror a lot, and thought a lot about the feeling and nuances of the lyrics. The lyrics, “On that crown / That blood / Dripping down,” in “Given-Taken,” felt very intense to me, so I tried to make a sexy expression, and tried to make my face look more intense during the chorus.
You definitely came off as intense in the “Given-Taken” chorus.
SUNGHOON: That’s the part where the song slows down, so we really had to emphasize our facial expressions. I paid a lot of attention to the look in my eyes for the part where we all gather around and changes to slow motion. I start by looking straight in front of me, then slowly turn my head. I made that stand out, too.
What about the performance for “10 Months”? You had a hard time pulling off a cute look. (laughs).
SUNGHOON: (laughs) I got better by performing “Chamber 5.” Still, I prefer darker songs like “Given-Taken,” although I got used to songs like “10 Months” with playful concepts. I think I make better facial expressions when I think about the lyrics of that song, too.
What were you thinking of while trying to express the lyrics for “10 Months”?
SUNGHOON: I pictured someone who is going through puberty early but doesn’t know it, and they’re telling how they feel to the person they like. I didn’t know it when I was going through puberty either, I think. I never felt puberty was very hard for me, but I’m not sure how my parents or anyone else I know felt. I definitely hit that phaze I think I just went through it without ever realizing.
All your experience as a figure skater must have been a lot of help for your performances and facial expressions.
SUNGHOON: I wasn’t really good at facial expressions when I figure skated, but I remember feeling the melody and I did a lot of sentimental acting, which I think helped. That still wasn’t enough, though, so I ended up studying a lot and practiced alone taking selfies. And because I figure skated for so long, I’ve become pretty athletic, so even though I haven’t learned much, say, acrobatics, I could do it right away. People say I have a clean dancing style and that I don’t have any bad habits, and that there’s a soft, pretty tone to my dancing. (laughs) And people usually practice their dance moves in front of the mirror and get used to that, but when I was figure skating I never really did that. I think not having to rely on the mirror makes my performances on stage and on camera look just as good as when I practice.
How did you first start figure skating?
SUNGHOON: My parents first said I should try to do something active, so I started to play ice hockey. Then I saw Yuna Kim and started figure skating. At first it was for fun, and then I started competing. I really liked the sense of accomplishment from getting good scores and winning medals, so I practiced a lot. I went through a bit of a slump at one point but I never wanted to quit. I really wanted to be good at figure skating so I kept at it for a long time and didn’t give up.
How were you able to be an idol in training while continuing as a figure skater at the same time?
SUNGHOON: I was getting a lot of calls from Big Hit at the time. My parents suggested it couldn’t hurt to try out once, and that the dancing and expressions you learn while training to be an idol could also be helpful for my figure skating, so I decided to do both at the same time. The more I got into it, the more fun it was to spend time with my trainee friends, and watching other artists do amazing performances on stage made me really want to do that too and I became more and more interested in being an idol.
Wasn’t it hard to give up your figure skating career?
SUNGHOON: I did have a hard time giving it up, because I’d been doing it for so long. That’s why I kept figure skating the first two years I was training to be an idol. Then I was officially selected to go on I-LAND, and that’s when I decided to focus solely on the show.
They both require a lot of practice.
SUNGHOON: When the other trainees went off to school, I went to train for figure skating. I figure skated in the morning and trained to be an idol after that. My parents really took care of me—giving me rides to practice, picking me up after. They were so helpful in so many different ways and made it much easier for me to practice.
Practice must be particularly meaningful to you. During your debut show, when you were asked if you ever felt the other members were too slow during practice, your dog ears twitched. (laughs)
SUNGHOON: Ah. (laughs) I got a bit frustrated when the others couldn’t concentrate. I tend to lose confidence when I haven’t practiced enough. I don’t naturally ooze confidence, so I wanted to make up for that with a lot of practice.
I heard that you give yourself praise to boost your self-confidence. Does that work?
SUNGHOON: It does work, but if I overdo it, it can make me look like a show-off. (laughs) But I think saying something really makes it come true. I used to be pretty self-deprecating until people around me said I should speak more confidently to myself. That’s how I started to gear up mentally. If I tell myself, “I’m handsome; there’s nothing I can’t do; I can do anything,” it gives me a little more confidence.
How do you feel, transitioning from working alone as a figure skater, to doing everything as a team?
SUNGHOON: I like being in a team better, since we can rely on each other. To be honest, I never really used to think much about the team and just focused on myself, but at some point I started to put the team first. We haven’t been together very long, but we already feel like brothers, like family.
I imagine it wasn’t easy at first—seven people from different backgrounds all living together.
SUNGHOON: Disagreements bound to happen because different people spend every waking moment together. But we started to have more and more meetings and made it a habit to solve problems by following our leader’s initiative, to look at things objectively and talk about everything.
JUNGWON said, “I can feel SUNGHOON subtly helping me out.”
SUNGHOON: I’m in the older half of our group, and I know it’s hard for the leader to do everything by himself, so I try to help out from the sidelines. For example, if the rest of the members aren’t paying attention to what the leader’s saying, I try to make them get together and focus, or give him my thoughts on any problems or issues that come up. I think JUNGWON is doing a good job as the leader..
You were chosen as the member most likely to take a fall for the sake of the team’s success.
SUNGHOON: The past me probably never would’ve done that, but, I think I’ve changedThey might be right. I mean, I became a more active person because of figure skating, but I changed even more after I became a trainee compared to back then. There’s way more people my age here than there were in figure skating. I think that’s why I was able to become more social, spending time with friends without feeling awkward. I’m definitely braver now—more talkative, more outgoing.
How else do you hope to change, in the future?
SUNGHOON: I wanted to become an idol, watching BTS’s performances. Now I want to put on amazing performances just like them and develop a kind of aura. I ran into Jung Kook in the company lounge once, and he was so friendly when I said hello to him, and I was so happy when he cheered me on. (laughs)
You’ve had a successful debut, but it’s a shame about COVID-19.
SUNGHOON: I would really like to put on a fun show in front of the fans, but we’re only doing pre-recorded shows, unfortunately. Also, I’m worried that when things do get better and we finally put on a live show, I might get too nervous and can’t perform as well. But anyway, for now, just performing on stage is fun, and I made it my goal to continue to grow until the day we meet our fans. Even in these tough times, I want to show people all around the world what kind of team we are through our performances.
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animeniacss · 4 years
6 Years - Hoseok x Reader - Chapter 34 - 6 Years Til Forever (FINALE)
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Synopsis: 6 years. That’s all it can take to take another look at someone and see that they have completely changed. You were once an eager 20-year-old, with your dreams all in view, and Jung Hoseok at your side to view them with you. However, after a break up the end of your junior year of college, everything seemed different. Now, you’re a recently divorced single mother of two, and your life is nowhere near what you thought it would be. However, after reuniting with Jung Hoseok, you may just be able to capture a little bit of that exciting youth you once knew so long ago.
Feat. BTS Members, Nayeon (TWICE), and Yuna (itzy) 
Genre: Romance, SingleMother!AU, Past Relationship, Drama, Some Depictions of Violence/Domestic Abuse
Length: approx. 4.5k words 
Chapter 34 - 6 Years Til Forever (FINALE) 
Friday morning you found yourself sitting in the living room, awake before even the sun had poked its head out to say hello. You were excited about the picnic, and knowing the girls would be there put you at ease, as they also were unaware of the baby. It was wild, just thinking that yet again, there was a baby growing inside of you, one you created with someone you truly loved. Min Ja and Hyo Bin were the only two things you positively took away from your time with Weong-Bin, but this child? This child was just the beginning of many happy memories that were just waiting to be shared. Despite knowing deep down this would work well, you were still ungodly nervous.
           As you sat in the living room, you heard footsteps approaching from down the steps. Looking over, you saw Taehyung, rubbing his eyes and ruffling his curly hair. You didn’t expect him to be awake at this hour, but here he was despite the slight annoyance etched on his face.
           “Hm? Morning.” He mumbled, walking over to you. “Why are you awake this early?”
           “Couldn’t go back to sleep. What about you?”
           “I promised Hobi-Hyung I would help him get your picnic set up Apparently he had a whole bunch of stuff he wants to make.” You chuckled a bit. “So, you need to go inside. It’s a huge surprise.”
           “Well when Hoseok gets up and comes out here, then I’ll get ready to go inside.” You said. Taehyung sat beside you, and you ruffled his hair. “How does your hair look good even when you first wake up?” you asked curiously as Taehyung let out a yawn.
           “Mmm, I’m perfect, of course.” He said, making a dramatic pose with his hand in front of his face. You rolled your eyes as your brother let out a playful giggle. “So, are you ready to tell Hyung?” he asked. You let out a shaky breath. “You can’t hide it much longer.”
           “I know. I think I’m ready. I just can’t help but think the worst.”
           “You know he’ll be thrilled, right? You just need to tell him.”
           “But what if he just wants it to be us and the girls? I want to be with Hobi forever, which means the kids will be with him too. Maybe two is all he wants.”
           “There’s a difference between kids you help raise and kids that are yours, no matter how much he loves the girls. Besides, Hyung has enough energy for fifty kids.”
           “Jesus, Tae.” You sighed, and once again, Taehyung laughed a bit. “Fifty?” He could only shrug in amusement. “…I didn’t think I would have any more kids after Hyo Bin. I’m a bit nervous too.”
           “You’ll do just fine.” He assured, ruffling your hair. You smiled. “I’m always here too, you know. So are Mom and Dad, who I’m sure stopped at a baby store on their way home.” You laughed.
           “I know they did, they sent me pictures of cribs.” Taehyung laughed a bit. “Once he knows we’ll really need to start saving for an apartment. I wouldn’t want to burden you with-.”
           “Shut up.” He said quickly. “You’re not a burden, don’t rush. There are more important things you need to worry about than a place to live, you’re always welcome here.” You smiled.
           “You’re trying to make up for all those times that you were an absolute pain in the ass as a kid, aren’t you?”
           “I don’t think I’ll ever in my life make up for all of them.” He grinned. You laughed a bit as Taehyung chuckled shyly. “You should get some more rest before you have to get the girls up. Hyung should be up at any moment and we’re getting right to work.” You nodded, getting up off the couch.
           “Oh, alright.” You hummed, waving him off before heading back into the bedroom. When you walked in, Hoseok was already sitting up in bed, a grin on his face.
           “Why are you up?” he asked curiously. You crawled back into bed just as he was slipping out. “Get some rest, we have a long day today.”
           “Does a picnic really count as a long day?” you asked curiously, cuddling up under the covers. Hoseok grinned sheepishly, scratching his cheek.
           “This one will. I can promise you that.” He assured. You raised an eyebrow. “Aaaah, go back to sleep. I need to go get everything ready.” Without another word, he hurried out of the room. You smiled, laying back and closing your eyes.
Hoseok also realized as he headed down the hall that he wasn’t too sure how he felt when Friday finally rolled around. It was a day he had been planning since he was bored and alone in his hospital room. He made sure he had everything down: he knew exactly what he wanted to say, how he wanted to say it, where he wanted to say it, and even practiced the reactions he would have based on different responses from you. He practiced his happy cry, his sad cry, he practiced not crying at all just in case. He felt that he was absolutely prepared for everything that could happen when it came to proposing to you. He was ready!
           The family was still residing in Taehyung’s apartment until they could find another place to live. Your parents had spent another few day’s there as well before they had to pack up and head back home themselves, leaving the five of you in Taehyung’s nice house. Taehyung had no problem with you guys staying, in fact, he was trying to make your stay as long as you possibly could because he loved having you around. Not only that, but it meant when friends like Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Seokjin came by, they would have to come to his house. The trial allowed all 7 boys to finally meet all together and get acquainted with those they had never met before, leading to a tight friendship beginning to form. However, the company was not the focus of today. As Friday afternoon crept its way into Seoul, Hoseok was standing at the counter of the kitchen, with the help of an eager Taehyung. Both of them were chopping up some vegetables, putting side dishes in Tupperware, and setting everything into a nice picnic basket.
           “I’m so excited.” Taehyung beamed, looking at Hoseok.
           “I know, me too. I thought I would be nervous, but I don’t think I am.”
           “Well Noona won’t say no.” Taehyung assured. Hoseok looked at him.
           “How are you so sure?” he asked.
           “She’s my big sister, I just know. She’ll definitely say yes, trust me.” Hoseok hummed.
           “Alright, I trust you then, Taehyung.” He said simply. As he set the final ingredient into the basket and closed it all up, he hummed. “Okay, ready.”
           “Where’s the ring?” Taehyung asked softly, although you were dressing the girls in another room and there’d be no way to hear him. Hoseok simply patted the little pouch that sat comfortably on his waist.
           “In plain sight and yet totally hidden, aren’t I brilliant?” he grinned. Taehyung grinned. “Okay, everything is ready to go. Let’s go see if the girls are ready.” As the boys hurried to the girl’s shared bedroom, Hoseok knocked on the door. “You girls ready to go yet?” He asked. It only took a second before Min Ja opened the door. She was wearing a pair of overalls with a rainbow-striped shirt and matching sunhat. Across her chest laid a tiny flower handbag that Taehyung had bought her to put all her important items, you know, like rocks she found on the floor or pieces of sparkles and glitter she planned to save. Important things. “Wow, how cute you look, Min Ja.” he grinned.
           “I know. Hyo Bin wants to dress like me, but she doesn’t have the same bag. The one Uncle Tae got her was of a heart.” As if on cue, a loud scream ripped from the room, and the boys stuck their heads inside. They saw you wrestling your three-year-old’s socks on, but she was kicking and screaming.
           “Hyo Bin your bag is just as cute as Min Ja’s.”
           “I HATE THE HEART BAG, MAMA! I DON’T WANT IT!” She shouted, sobbing hysterically. You sighed, grabbing hold of a flying leg before it clocked you in the forehead. “MAMAAAA!”
           “You liked it when Uncle Tae took you to the store and bought it, didn’t you?” you asked softly. Hyo Bin continued to wail and scream. “…You’re ten seconds from staying home and not going anywhere if you keep acting like a baby, Hyo Bin. How are you supposed to go to school like Min Ja if you throw tantrums? You’ll get in trouble all the time.”
           “She’s right. A boy in my class throws lots of tantrums.” Min Ja said, still standing by the door. “He also throws lots of chairs.” Taehyung glanced down at the little girl, a confused look on his face, though she didn’t seem bothered. As you managed to get both of Hyo Bin’s socks on, your effort was thwarted, as Hyo Bin yanked the sock off and tossed them angrily away from her. Having enough, you released your daughter and lied on your back.
           “Okay, Hyo Bin. You’ve made up your mind.” You said simply. Hyo Bin, confused as to why she was no longer being held down, turned to look at you, though she was still hysterical crying. You slowly got up from the floor. “Mommy needs to go get dressed so we can go on our picnic. Min Ja was a good girl and got ready, so she can come. You can stay with Uncle Tae until we come back.”
           “N-no Mama…” she begged, sniffling. She watched you leave the room. “M-mama!” She tried to run after you, but you gently excused yourself between Hobi and Taehyung before heading into your own room. She saw Hobi, Taehyung, and Min Ja looking at her, snotty and runny-nosed and red in the face. “I wanna come, Mr. Hobi…I’m a good girl too.” Hobi smiled a bit, kneeling down and pointing to the crumpled-up socks that Hyo Bin had flung away.
           “How about we go get those socks on okay?” He said. Min Ja sniffled. “They match your heart bag really nice.”
           “I want a bag like Unnie…” Hyo Bin said softly, whimpering.
           “But didn’t you pick the heart bag?” Hoseok asked, picking it up. He gently laid it on Hyo Bin’s shoulder and across her chest. “Look how cute. What can we put in there?” Hyo Bin sniffled, opening it up to pull out a small plastic lipstick and blush container, as well as a few coins Taehyung had put in her bag, along with Min Ja’s when he bought them. “Oooo, wow. So cool. Don’t you like that your bag holds tons of stuff?” Hyo Bin wiggled her way into Hoseok’s arms, nuzzling her head into his neck.
           “Mhm…” she finally said softly. “I wanna come too, Mr. Hobi.”
           “Then we should stop crying, right? You won’t have fun if you’re crying.” Hoseok said gently, patting her head. Hyo Bin sniffled. Though the crying didn’t immediately stop, the girl silently went to her socks and picked them up, walking over towards Hoseok. He guided her onto the floor and simply helped her put the socks on. “There. Lovely. Ready to go?” Hyo Bin nodded as Hoseok scooped her up into his arms. The group exited the playroom, Hyo Bin still all sniffly. You stepped out of the room, fixing the ponytail you had put your hair into. “We’re ready~.”
           “Aaah look how pretty you look.” You said to Hyo Bin, who was still sniffling in Hoseok’s arms. She wiped her eyes, albeit messily, and you smiled.
           “I like your bag, Hyo Bin.” Min Ja said, looking up at her sister. “It looks really pretty with your hat.” The little girl, now with her sister’s approval, finally began to stop the sniffling and calm herself down. With that detour out of the way, the afternoon picnic could commence. Taehyung waved you all off, giving Hoseok a secret thumbs-up. He saw you turn to him as well, and he offered you a supportive thumbs up as well as he watched you guys go. He chuckled to himself, the door closing behind you as Min Ja chatted excessively about how excited she was.
           “Hope this works.” He mumbled to himself, before plopping himself onto his living room couch and turning on the TV to play some video games.
           “I hope you're excited about this.” Hoseok hummed, tightly holding your hands as he led you down one of the park roads. “I am.”
           “Of course, I’m excited.” You assured. “It was just sudden when you asked me on a date in the middle of the courtroom.”
           “Hehe, yeah I know, sorry, I hope it didn’t catch you off guard or anything. I had been thinking about when I was going to ask and when I saw you it just…eh, blurted out.” You both laughed.
           “No, it didn’t.” You assured. When Hoseok led you to the spot, which was right by a small park for children to run and play on while their parents relaxed, you smiled. “Girls, do you want to go and play on the playground while we set up the food?”
           “Yeah!” The girls shouted in unison. You smiled, watching as they hurried to the park, which was populated with a few other children as well. It looked generally safe that you could divert your attention back and forth from time to time. Hoseok pulled out the picnic blanket, spreading it on the grass before setting different items down to keep it from blowing away.
           “You and Taehyung made quite a spread.” You said.
           “I made it. Taehyung put it in Tupperware and into the basket.” Hoseok assured, making both of you laugh a bit. “But he helped a lot, so it’ll be a good meal.”
           “I’m sure it will be.” You smiled, sitting down on the blanket. Hoseok plopped himself down next to you, before laying back fully and stretching out his limb. “The weather turned out so nice too.” You hummed.
           “Oh, I know. The weather called for rain and I was so nervous I’d have to reschedule everything.” Hoseok pouted a bit, glancing up at you as you looked towards the playground. His hand rested against his pouch, feeling the box that was sitting patiently inside, waiting for its time to shine. Like he did before, all the different possible paths of the day were running through his mind and he was wondering which one he would be walking down. He had to be careful if he wanted to walk down the right path. “I’m just glad we get to spend the day together.” You glanced down at him, smiling.
           “Me too.” You said happily. Like Hoseok, you were also worried about the path you would be walking down. You thought about the talk you had with Taehyung early that morning before anyone else had woken up, and it made you feel a lot better knowing that not only did you have his support, but your parents as well. It comforted you, and already, you knew that the path you were heading down now was leagues different from the path that you found yourself on in college. You needed to just wait for the right moment.
           You allowed the girls some more time to run around, getting themselves hungry enough that they would sit down and eat without much distraction. This allowed you and Hoseok time to relax together, just enjoying each other’s company under a nice, refreshing breeze. Everything felt serene and peaceful, a feeling you had finally been waiting for among all of the trails, secrets, and violence. Everything was falling into place. Hoseok glanced over to you as you reached into the basket and picked up a strawberry, popping it into your mouth. His eyes trailed the finger that would soon hopefully be decorated by the beautiful ring, and he knew he had to do this now before he chickened out for real.
           “I need to talk to you.” He said. You glanced over, curious as to what he meant. “It’s…important.”
           “Is…everything okay?” you asked curiously.
           “Everything is fine, there’s just something I’ve been meaning to ask you. But I wanted to wait until the trial and all the stressful stuff was over so that I wouldn’t be adding more pressure onto you.” You blinked, turning to face him.
           “Well…that’s a coincidence…” you said. “Because I feel the same way.” Hoseok looked at you with slightly wide eyes. “I have to tell you something important too, but I wanted to wait until the trial ended.”
           “I see.” He said. “How about we….” He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fuck, I wasn’t expecting that.”
           “Sorry. Do you want to go first?” you asked. Hoseok gulped a bit. “No?” You were kind of hoping he would say that because you wanted to just get this off your chest. However, Hoseok did not immediately respond. Hoseok took a shaky breath, before sticking his fist out in your direction. “Huh?”
           “Rock paper scissors.” He said. “The winner out of three rounds go first.” You nodded, sticking your hand out with a small grin on your face. Hoseok followed behind you. “Okay, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Go!” He shouted. You threw out rock, he threw out paper. Hoseok grinned. You blinked, feeling your heart race. You wanted to win, you wanted to get it off your chest. Every second that passed by felt like a knife being pushed deeper and deeper into your chest. Nodding your head, round two began. “Rock, Paper, Scissor, Go!” He said. You threw out scissors, and Hoseok, this time, threw out paper. “Aaaaah.” He groaned, pouting.
           This was the most intense game of Rock Paper Scissors that you have ever played. Never did you think that this would feel like an Olympic sport, where a massive win was on the line, a massive advantage, a massive victory. The third and final round would be the defining factor. It was currently tied.
           “Last round…” you said softly. Hoseok nodded, smiling gently at you. You hummed, before starting the round.
           “Rock.” Hoseok said. You bit your lip. “Paper-.” You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.
           “I’m pregnant.” You said quickly.
           “Sci-.” Hoseok stopped almost immediately, his eyes going wide. You looked directly at him as soon as those words left your mouth. He was silent for a moment, looking down at his closed fist that was stopped dead in its tracks. “That’s not the next word- WHAT?!” He shouted. You flinched a bit. “You’re pre…you’re pregnant?!” He asked. You could only nod, unable to get his shocked expression out of his face.
           “I wanted to wait until the trial was over to tell you. Then you brought up the idea of the picnic and I figured that would be the best time.” You explained.
           “When did you know?!”
           “When I was in the hospital right after the fires.” You said simply.
           “Does anyone know?”
           “Nayeon was with me when I found out. And I told my parents and Taehyung after…after the first day of the trial.” Hoseok blinked.
           “How did this happen?” he asked. When he saw you open your mouth, he lifted a hand up. “Don’t answer that one. I know how it happened.” Hoseok saw the worry etched on your face, and he felt his chest bubble up with emotions. You could see his eyes watering. “Really?” You nodded, smiling a bit. “Oh my God.” He quickly closed the gap between the both of you, hugging you tightly as he tried not to burst into tears in a public space. “Wow. I was not expecting this to happen at all.”
           “Are you mad?” you asked curiously. Hoseok shook his head, quickly pulling back to look at you.
           “No not at all! After I found out about the other baby, all I could think about was having another one…” he looked down at your stomach with eyes full of wonder and amazement. You gently took one of his hands, placing it on your stomach. You were still relatively early in the pregnancy, so you were just barely showing anything. However, the minute Hoseok lied his hand on your stomach, all the strength he was trying to muster so he wouldn’t cry was gone. You watched as tears began flowing from his eyes. “Aw, man.” He quickly wiped them, and you smiled.
           “Don’t cry!” You begged. “Please don’t cry, you can’t cry!”
           “I’m so happy. Jeez, this isn’t what I planned to happen.” He said, sniffling.
           “Oh. What did you want to tell me?” You asked, looking at him. He held your hand tightly in his, the other sitting firmly on your still flat belly. You smiled. “I totally cheated; you probably would’ve won. What did you want to say?”
           “How am I supposed to propose to you in tears? Isn’t this supposed to be the other way around?” he asked. You blinked, dropping his hand from yours. He looked at you. “What?”
           “Really?” you asked, smiling. Hoseok wiped his eyes, nodding. You felt like you wanted to cry as well, however, explaining why both of you were in tears would be difficult when the girls came back. You swallowed your tears, and a grin sat plastered on your face. “You were going to-.”
           “Yeah, propose. I have a ring and…I had a speech and everything was planned.” He chuckled, opening up his little pouch and pulling out his little black box. Your eyes widened as he opened it, revealing the gorgeously expensive ring that sparkled almost as soon as it hit the light. “It was a whole big thing and I was absolutely terrified you would say no. But…man, after your news, I don’t even think I could top it if I tried.” You giggled a bit.
           “You thought I would say no, you big idiot.” You were quick to take the ring. “Even if I wasn’t carrying your baby, I could never say no…” Hoseok held your wrist, gently taking the ring from your grasp. He laid your hand into his, quickly slipping the ring onto your finger. A smile formed on your lips as you held the ring up to the light, admiring the sparkle that it radiated. “Wow…I can’t believe this is happening.”
           “Tell me about it.” Hoseok said, letting out a shaky sigh. You looked at him and smiled.
           “I think these may go down in history as the oddest proposal and baby announcement ever.” You giggled, and Hoseok followed suit. You smiled, biting your lip. “I love you.” You said softly. Hoseok looked at you, a smile once again forming on his lips.
           “I love you too…” he said simply. You looked down at the ring, Hoseok scooting close to you so that he could once again place his hand on your stomach. “Do you like the ring? Hyo Bin helped me pick it.”
           “It’s so pretty. Not too gaudy. You know my first wedding ring was like that. Very flashy.” Hoseok chuckled. “Sold that thing for a nice sum after the divorce though.” Hoseok couldn’t help but laugh. “But I don’t think I’ll ever sell this one.”
           “Good.” He said. Just as the two of you were finding comfort in each other’s embraces, you heard the sound of two young girls shouting your names. Looking up, Min Ja and Hyo Bin were hurrying over to the picnic table. Min Ja gasped.
           “Mr. Hobi, did you ask Mommy if you could marry her yet?!” She asked. You looked at Hoseok.
           “They knew?” You asked curiously. Hoseok laughed a bit.
           “Min Ja heard me talking to Taehyung when you were putting Hyo Bin to sleep last night.” He admitted. You looked at Min Ja, who saw the ring on your finger. “Did you tell her about the baby?”
           “What baby?” Min Ja asked curiously. You smiled.
           “Well, Mr. Hobi and Mommy are getting married now, and we’re having another baby.”
           “ANOTHER BABY!?” The girls shouted, eyes just as wide as Hoseok’s were, only on their little faces, they looked even wider. You smiled a bit as Min Ja and Hyo Bin crawled into your lap. “Where’s the baby?” Min Ja asked. “I wanna see her.”
           “It’s in her stomach.” Hoseok explained. Gently, he took the girl's hands and placed them alongside his. “It’s really small right now, but when the baby gets bigger, so will your Mom’s stomach.”
           “Great.” You groaned in playful sarcasm. “Just what I want, to be a basketball again.” Hoseok smiled a bit as the girls looked at your stomach.
           “Is it a girl? Can it be a girl, Mommy?” Min Ja asked curiously. You smiled.
           “It can be, but I won’t know until the baby gets bigger.”
           “It can’t be a boy, it just can’t. Boys are gross and icky.” Min Ja pouted. You smiled a bit, ruffling her hair. Hyo Bin didn’t look as excited as Min Ja did at the idea of a little sibling. She just looked at your stomach.
           “Are you excited?” Hoseok asked curiously.
           “No.” she pouted up at him. “I don’t want a new baby.” You smiled, running a hand through her hair.
           “Hyo Bin, you’re going to be a big sister, just like Min Ja is your big sister.” Hyo Bin looked at Min Ja, who was beaming just as much as Hoseok was. She still seemed unconvinced, but she kept the pout on her face and simply held your stomach tightly. You smiled. “How about we all eat, I’m starving.” You suggested, motioning to the opened picnic basket with food just waiting to be eaten. Hoseok pulled the basket over to you and began to pull out food, setting it out for everyone to enjoy. You watched as the girls tried their best to help him by setting out some food as well. He smiled happily, encouraging their helpfulness, which only wanted them to do more to help him. A smile formed on your lips as Hoseok passed you a small wrapped up sandwich, making sure to quickly kiss your cheek before he finished emptying the basket. A hum escaped your lips as you watched the scene unfold.
           Just over 6 years ago, you never would have thought this would be how your life would’ve turned out. So many different paths had been found, doors had closed and others had opened, while other doors were completely destroyed. Despite this, the path that you were on and had been on since you were 20 years-old was one you would never change for anything, despite the hardships that were bestowed upon you. You were hoping that the next 6 years, and even longer, would only allow those paths to open wider and present you with even more wonderful and breathtaking memories.
Author’s Note: I wanted to thank you all for your support throughout this story. With work restarting for me next week, I’ll be going on a mini-hiatus so I can work on the new story ideas I have planned. Thank you all for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you in my next work !!! <3 - Jeni 
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xjamlessparkx · 5 years
divorce | myg |11
summary: in which you have to go through a painful process of your own family shattering
pairing: yoongi x reader
genre: angst
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
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“Y/N! Listen!” You heard him calling from behind. You started to walk faster, in hope that he would disappear. He shouldn’t follow you after you left because you just told him that it was late.
He didn’t stop and soon a warm hand grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him. He winced at the sight of you.
It wasn’t your intention, but as soon as you left you started crying and him calling your name wasn’t making it any better.
“What?” You snapped at him, stepping back and pulling your hand out of his grip.
“I, I made a huge mistake…” he started, going through his hair in an attempt to find words. His hair was pretty messy as his eyes were fixed on you, examining your whole face in hope to read your expressions. There wasn’t anything, but sorrow to read from you.
“It doesn’t feel like a mistake, though” you were surprised about the words which left your mouth. If he had been confessing to you weeks ago, maybe you his words would affect you. But now, they didn’t.
“The day … when you were drunk. You-” you cut him off, shaking your head at his statement. You knew where he wanted this conversation to lead to.
“Yoongi you just said it yourself. I was drunk. Anything I’ve said was because I wasn’t in my right mind… ” he shook his head as he shut his eyes, sighing deeply. Suddenly his hands reached out to you, his warm hands cupping your cheeks as he pulled you closer to himself. Slowly, he wiped away the last tears. You, on the other hand, were startled by his sudden action. Your eyes were wide, lips slightly apart while you watched Yoongi.
You couldn’t remember the last time you were so close to him. It felt like the first time in your life and your heart started beating faster. At that point your own body, your own feelings irritated you more than Yoongi’s words could do. It was confusing how you jumped from a monotonous condition to a feeling making you wanna combust in seconds. As if you were a teenage girl who fell in love for the first time in her life.
“You’re lying!” He breathed out, his forehead leaning against yours as he pulled you even closer. “You and I, we both know that there is still something between us, we can’t get rid off.” At his statement your heart sank and literally fell from its place, making you wince in surprise.
Your eyes were darted on the ground, afraid of looking up into his eyes. At some point, you didn’t realize that the position you were in was dangerously close. A part of your body wanted to push him back, but the other part didn’t allow you and wanted to rest a little more. Feel his warmth and closeness for the last time. His affection which made you feel loved by him, for the first time after your marriage.
“Yoongi-” your voice was wobbly and you tried to maintain your breath. Not realizing that you were somehow crowed by people around you, you stayed in your position. People would give you both a glance but ignore you and walk past the two of you.
He shushed you down. “Look, we all make mistakes. I know that mine is huge and that it will take time to recover, but I really don’t want to lose you. I’m an idiot for not taking care of you. An idiot for wanting to divorce-” his voice cracked as he talked. His warm thumb was brushing against your cheek slowly. The last word sent a shiver down your spine as you looked up, noticing how close the two of you were. Clearing your throat you put your hands on his chest, gently pushing him away while you step back.
“We, we shouldn’t do that…” you say as you stare into his eyes, the intensity growing.
“Y/N… I am so sorry” he was serious, you could tell by his expressions but you still didn’t want to accept the truth.
“A sorry won’t bring all the memories back we shared. A sorry won’t forget about the pain you caused. Remember when you told me that after our children know we will divorce. They already know …” you bluntly say, focused on his face.
“Y/N-” he started but you cut him off. The anger was bowling inside you, about to blow off. You now realized what he was pleading for.
“You want us to reunite? Live together again, as if nothing happened. Cause a trauma but then act like it wasn’t harmful to our children?” You say, your words being sincere as you point at him.
“Doesn’t that make you selfish? You only think about yourself, your own happiness and how you feel sad and regret what you did. What about us? Ahran, Junsun and me?” He couldn’t say anything, he was blown away by your words. Even though he wanted to protest and tell you how much he suffers at the moment. How much it hurts him that he let go of his family for a period of time where he felt wanted to have fun outside of his marriage. At some point, he overthought his decisions and asked himself if he really was mature enough for a marriage and a family.
“Ahran was going through a mentally painful crisis, not feeling loved by her parents. She had to agree with our decision because we are adults and decide what’s good and bad for us” your voice was surprisingly calm as you spoke and you also were a little taken back by your own mood changes. “Junsun seems like he isn’t affected at all but I hear him crying himself to sleep at nights. I see him fighting with his classmates because they make fun of his parents who are divorcing. I see him not attending birthday parties because he refuses to see others happiness when he himself can’t be happy at all. And me …” you voice cracked, feeling your throat burning as you couldn’t say anything. Your words didn’t come out, instead, you felt the tears forming in your eyes.
Yoongi’s eyes were teary as he listened closely to what you said. His heart sank at the painful process his children had to go through. He realized that he never really was ready for a marriage and regretted his decision of proposing to you so early. Maybe things would have a different turn by now.
He wanted to reach out to you, wipe away the tears which he knew he caused. But it felt like something was holding him back. Was it shame or fear that he would hurt you even more?
“You can’t just jump from one conclusion to other. Let’s assume that we will get back together. Ahran and Junsun might be happy at first but what if it doesn’t go the way we want it to be? If we can’t get hold of our relationship now, do you we can in the future? We can’t just play around with their feelings just because we have needs ourselves” You clarified, taking a deep breath as you wipe away the tears.
“We… we can try” he muttered. Indeed, he was hurt and ashamed but he still didn’t want to lose you. Not again.
“We can’t just try and wait for what will happen. We aren’t teenagers. We are adults who have children. The word ‘try’ doesn’t exist in our dictionary. It’s too late already …” you tell him and wait for his response. He doesn’t say a word.
“I wish you would’ve acknowledged my effort…” you whispered, hoping that he didn’t hear but he did.
“Words can’t describe how much I am sorry for what I did. Apologizing won’t work… but I really don’t want to give us up?” He started, stepping closer. In that moment, he felt the confidence growing as he hesitantly reached out for your hands.
“Us? Is there even something left about us?” You pulled your hands back out of his grip. “You already have a new relationship. Shouldn’t you focus on that?” You lifted your eyebrows, clearing your throat.
“It doesn’t matter how cruel a woman is. In this world, no woman deserves to get betrayed or cheated on. Not even Yuna. Doesn’t matter how much I want to avoid her. I’m not a person to destroy one’s relationship, not even in my dreams and you should’ve known by now. I wish you the best Yoongi…” you mumble, leaving him with no words left. You turned around and walked away.
On the one hand feeling totally dejected and disappointed for turning him down. The only chance to recuse your family, but on the other hand, you were proud of your confidence in speaking up against him and his wishes.
Nonetheless, it felt refreshing to finally be able to speak up without him talking down to you. Even though, what you said was sincere you hoped for him to not suffer like you did. If this would be the beginning of the crisis then maybe you would’ve wished him the same but now, everything was totally different. You knew how painful it was and never wished anyone to go through the same.
Externally, you were solid and serious about your decision but internally you wanted him back so bad.
Sometimes, we have to give up what we love to gain something new.
You two coming back together would cause more harm than good, you knew it. No matter how much you wanted him back, you should focus on your children’s feelings and future.
You pulled out your key and opened the door. Haning your jacket on the hanger, you went inside. Your mother crept out of the kitchen, with a towel in her hand as she dried her hands. The moment she spotted you, she furrowed her eyebrows.
“You’re early?” It was rather a question than a statement.
You sighed, putting the keys on the counter, “I lost my job” you plainly state as the lips of your mother dropped wide open.
“W-What?!” she shouted as she eyed you with wide stares.
“I’m tired…” you muttered. It felt like you talked enough for today. The conversation took away your strength and power to stand on your own feet. The only thing you wanted was to lie down and do nothing for the whole day. Even though you knew that the second part would be hard.
You heard your mother calling you, but you weren’t listening as you went into your room and let yourself fall on the bed, pulling the sheets closer to yourself.
No matter how much you were proud of yourself you asked yourself if this was really the right decision made
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sanders-specs · 6 years
Pool Night
Summary: Virgil, Roman, Logan, and Patton don’t know each other. They all just happen to be staying at the same hotel, none of them too happy with their situation. They all end up at the pool together and though tensions are high at first, it turns out that being able to open up to three complete strangers is just what they need, complete with a splash fight. 
A/N: This was a really random idea I had, and honestly I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Hope you enjoy! 
Paring: Platonic LAMP
Warnings: Cursing, anxiety, fighting, mentions of a house fire (let me know if i missed any) 
tag list:  @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @dan-yuna @tripleaaaqueer @lilbeanblr @helloisthisusernametaken @justanotherpurplebutterfly @alwaysmy-lilith @ilylogan @logically-trans @seas-space-and-stardust @generalfandomfabulousness @arentordinaryvillainsadorable
Virgil sighed as he looked up at the hotel. It was as big as his father had made it out to be, as if that made up for the fact that he was dragging Virgil along on this stupid business trip. Something about “father-son bonding” but Virgil knew that it would only lead to him sitting alone in the hotel room while his father was on some other floor conversing with other businesspeople talking about business things (admittedly, Virgil wasn’t sure what happened on business trips, or what it was his father did exactly).
“Virgil, come on, we’re running late,” his father said, putting a hand on the back of his neck and leading him into the hotel.
“Running late” in his dad’s world meant that he was late for being an hour early, so Virgil wasn’t in much of a rush. He managed to shake off his father’s hand and stop to take in his surroundings. Not even seeming to notice Virgil being gone, his father just walked straight to the front desk.
The lobby was big, with sections of couches bundled together, a few TVs around, all of them playing something different. There were big doors leading into what looked like a ballroom, and there were people spilling in and out, all of them dressed to their best.
In fact, everyone in the lobby was dressed up. Either in flashy suits like his father or pencil skirt dresses. Virgil was probably the most causally dressed person in the entire hotel. There were a few guests (mostly women) who looked to be dressed in gowns.
“Okay, room five sixty-four, floor five,” his father’s voice cut through Virgil’s thoughts. “Here’s your key.”
Virgil takes it and slides it into his hoodie pocket. “Looks like there’s more than one event going on,” he said, nodding to the group of women who, he realized, were all wearing the same kind of dress.
“Some wedding. Don’t interrupt it,” his father warned. “Just stay in the room. Go to the pool if you want. Look, I gotta go. Order room service for diner, I’ll be back late.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“Do me a favor and take my suit case up there too, I won’t need it until later.”
“But I can’t carry mine and yours—”
“I’ll see you later Virgil.”
His father patted his shoulder before walking back towards the front doors, leaving Virgil to find the elevators.
“Ugh, Mom, would you stop! My hair looks fine, trust me. I wouldn’t have left my room if it didn’t.”
“Roman, I’m just trying to make sure you make a good first impression on Serina’s family! After all they’re going to be a part of ours soon.”
Roman rolled his eyes, but ducked away from his mother’s grasp. “Honestly, I think I spent more time on mine than you did on yours. It’s fine.”
The past six months had been hell. Ever since Roman’s brother and his then girlfriend Serina announced their engagement, it was like Roman’s life became wedding central. All he ever heard about was the wedding—the flowers, the cake, the dresses, the tuxes, the freaking stationary—so he was more than ready to be done with the whole thing.
He couldn’t say that he was surprised though. His family was full of control freaks and perfectionist. Everything had to be just the right way. That was why Roman was downright insulted with his mother still trying to fix his hair.
“Hey, I think I’m going to go help with the flowers!” Roman said. Anything to get him away from his anxious ridden mother. He was convinced she was more nervous than his brother.
He ducked out of the room before she could respond, double checking that he had his keycard before letting the door fall shut. Once he was in the silence of the hall, he let out a breath, enjoying it while it lasted. After a moment, he pushed himself off the wall to go to the elevators. Better to do when he said he was going to rather than risk the wrath of his mother.
As he got off the elevator, he bumped into a boy who had his head down. “Hey, watch where you’re going!” Roman snapped before he could stop himself.
The boy looked up, a sharp glare on his face. “Fuck off,” he growled before entering the elevator and hitting the ‘close’ button.
Roman rolled his eyes and went to find the florist.
“Logan, honey, will you be a dear and grab some bags?”
Logan did his best to drown out the screaming and giggling as he grabbed one of six mini suit cases, all of them a different shade of pink or purple. He couldn’t believe he’d allowed himself to be talked into coming on this trip. The last thing he wanted to do on his only two days off school was help babysit his little sister and her friends. Sure, it was for her birthday, but that had nothing to do with him. He’d already given her the present he’d gotten her and attended the mandatory family dinner. This little surprise trip for her and her friends was…unnecessary for him to attend.
“Look at how bit it is!” Angel exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly. “Logy, Logy, look! It’s taller than our entire house!”
“Yes, hotels are usually much bigger, since they have to house a lot of people,” Logan said, grabbing a few more bags and loading them onto a trolley.
Angel grinned, and she and her friends started talking about how exciting this was. Logan shook his head as he unloaded the las bag. His mother wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
“You’re a good brother for doing this,” she says.
“More like I can’t resist her puppy dog eyes,” Logan mutters.
His mother laughs. “That too. Come on, Let’s herd these girls inside. They said there’s a wedding going on tonight, so we should get them to the lobby as fast as possible. Go ahead and take the bags up.” She hands him a key card.
“Alright,” Logan says, pushing the cart inside and towards the elevators. The lobby was indeed crowded with wedding guests, all dressed in their funerary. He spotted one boy—a groomsmen, Logan assumed, since he was wearing an identical suit to a few other men hanging around—was attempting to carry a huge case of red roses, though he seemed to mostly be trying to get through the crowd.
Logan returned his focus to the elevators again and managed to make it to them without any of the bags falling, which he counted as a victory.
By the time he got on the floor the room was on, he’d already decided that he wanted to go home. There were too many loud wedding guests, most of whom seemed to already be drunk. Not to mention the too small elevators he had to wait an eternity for. Then when he finally got to the room, he couldn’t keep the door open and get the trolley in at the same time.
“Do you need some help?” a voice from behind the pile of bags asked.
“Just push the trolley in while I hold the door,” Logan responded, forgoing any kind of caution he had about a stranger he couldn’t even see offering help. He just wanted the damned bags inside.
The stranger did as Logan asked, and once the trolley was inside, Logan turned to see who the stranger was.
A boy, maybe Logan’s age, was smiling at him. He had on a light blue t-shirt and jeans with messy brown hair. He also had glasses that were not unlike Logan’s own. Behind him stood a boy with purple dyed hair and a purple and black patched jacket. He had his hands in his pocket and his eyes on the floor.
“Thank you,” Logan said.
“No problem!” the blue shirt boy said. “Enjoy your stay! The rooms are really nice.”
Logan crossed his arms, a mere habit more than anything else. “Do you work here?”
“Huh? Oh, no, just been staying here a while.” The boy smiled and turned towards his friend. “Come on, let’s get you on the right floor.” He looked at Logan and waved. “Bye!”
The two boys walked away, both of them wheeling a suit case. Logan shook his head slightly and shut the door. At least there was one nice person in the hotel.
Sighing, Logan left the bags on the trolley and flopped down on one of the bed, enjoying the silence while he could.
Patton hummed to himself as he slung his towel around his shoulders. “I’m off to the pool Mom!”
“Alright sweetie, have fun!” his mom called from the bed.
Patton patted Charlie—his cute little Charles Spaniel puppy—on the head before grabbing his key card and leaving, stilling humming under his breath as he made his way to the elevators.
At this time of night, there was no one down at the pool. Usually, anyway. Still, though, Patton liked to go down there to just enjoy the night, even if there were one or two people there. he never minded other guests anyway.
When he got to the pool, though, he could tell that it wouldn’t be a usual evening. At least, not with the two arguing boys and another boy sitting as far away from the other two as possible, headphones over his ears.
For a moment, Patton hovered by the gate, wondering if he should just go back to his room. Then he saw the boy with the headphones curl into a tight ball and he found himself moving before he could even think about it.
Gently, Patton put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. The boy jumped and looked up at him. Almost immediately there was a spark of recognition in his eyes. Patton only smiled. “Is it okay if I sit next to you?” He asked, motioning to the spot next to him on the lounge chair.
Slowly, the boy nodded. Patton sat down, giving him a gentle smile. After a few moments, the boy removed one headphone.
“Aren’t you the boy who helped me find my room?” he asked, his voice small and soft.
Patton nodded. “I thought you were the same person.” Earlier, Patton had found this boy wondering around his hall, looking for his room. He’d been struggling with carrying two suit cases and had looked about ready to scream. It’d turned out he’d been on the wrong floor, so Patton had shown him the right place to look, along with helping him with the bags.
“Thanks for that,” the boy said, clearly trying to distract himself, “I don’t think I ever told you.”
“No worries kiddo,” Patton said. “So, uh, how long have those two been at it?”
The boy shook his head. “I don’t know but it’s…” he shook his head again. Patton could see that his eyes were wide, and he seemed to be trying to keep himself from shaking. Clearly, the fighting wasn’t something he liked being around.
“Why don’t you go back up to your room?” Patton asked.
“Being alone is worse,” he said, his words almost inaudible.
Patton blinked. It was nearly midnight. Was this boys parent(s) not back yet? Why would they leave him in such a big place alone?
Patton nodded and stood. “Wait here,” he said to the boy, then walked over to the arguing ones. “Hey, what’s the problem here?”
“It’s none of your concern,” one of them said. Patton frowned for a moment before he realized that this was another boy he’d helped earlier, the one who had the same kind of glasses as him.
“Well, you’re kind of disturbing the others here, so maybe we can either keep it down or, even better! Settle whatever it is you two are arguing about?” Patton said, hoping that the boys would at least consider the other people at the pool. Even if those “other people” was just himself and the headphone boy.
“Don’t look at me, he started it,” glasses boy says, crossing his arms.
“You’re the one who had to comment on my tie!” the other boy said. He was dressed—rather disheveldly—in a suit. Patton assumed he was one of the wedding guests. It seemed that the reception was still going on, if the noise from the ballroom was anything to go by.
“All I said was that it was crooked!” glasses boy said.
“Okay, okay,” Patton said, holding up his hands. “Maybe go to your separate corners. Or better yet, why don’t you just take the tie off, that way it can’t bother anyone?”
Suit boy sighed, but he did as Patton had suggested.
“Good, now why don’t we all just enjoy our pool time huh? I’m Patton! What are your names?”
Glasses boy looked over at him. “Didn’t you help me earlier?”
“Yeah!” Patton said with a smile.
He sighed and stuck out his hand. “Logan.”
Patton shook his hand then looked at suit boy.
“Roman,” He muttered, rubbing his head. Patton frowned.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Why do you care?” Roman snapped.
Patton blinked, surprised by the tone. “Well you seem to be upset about something so I just…”
“Maybe it’s none of your business!”
“Hey! Don’t talk to him like that!” Headphones boy said, storming over.
Roman looked at him with a glare which only got worse once he saw the boy’s face. “You! You were in the lobby earlier. The one who couldn’t be bothered to watch where he was going.”
“Well you’re just as charming as you were then,” the boy said, matching Roman’s glare.
Patton shook his head and got between the boys. “Everyone calm down! Look, I don’t know what’s got you all so heated, but everyone just needs to go to separate parts of the pool to calm down.” He looked at both of them with a small glare of his own. “Go,” he said.
Surprisingly, they did. Roman huffed and marched over to one side of the pool, and the other boy to the opposite side. Patton sighed and looked at Logan, who had taken a step back with headphone boy had walked over.
“Perhaps this will not be as calm an evening as I’d hoped,” Logan muttered.
“Oh, well, it can be. I think everyone just needs some time to calm down,” Patton said.
Logan looked from Roman to the other boy. “Perhaps you are correct.” Then he walked over to headphone boy and sat across from him. It didn’t seem like they were talking, just sitting.
Taking his lead, Patton walked over to Roman. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, not really sure what to do. Roman’s back was to him and he seemed to be breathing heavily. “You know,” Patton said, “maybe dipping our feet in the water will help with cooling off? It’s such a pretty night, it’d be a shame to be angry the whole time.”
Roman glanced back at him, then sighed. “Maybe,” he muttered.
Patton smiled. “You should probably leave those shoes here, though, they look expensive.”
To his surprise, Roman let out a small laugh and took his shoes off, then his socks. He and Patton walked over to the shallow end of the pool and sat on the edge, Roman’s pants rolled up to his thighs. They didn’t talk, just sat next to each other, letting their legs float a little.
Roman closed his eyes and sighed, leaning back and tilting his head up.
For a while, the pool was completely silent. The only thing that could be heard was the fait music from the wedding reception and the slap of water against the side of the pool.
Eventually, there was a small splash across from them. Patton looked up and saw that Logan and headphone boy had joined them. still, though, no one said anything.
After a moment, Patton cleared his throat. “I never got your name,” he said to headphone boy.
“it’s uh…” he looked a little shy. “Virgil.”
“Virgil,” Patton tried out the name. “I like it. Very…dark ages.”
Virgil smirked at that and ducked his head, which only made Patton smile bigger.
“Is the pool always this empty?” Logan asked, filling the silence before it could grow again.
“This late, yeah,” Patton said. “Most people have turned in for the night.”
“You know this because…?”
Patton feels himself blush and he looks down. “I told you, I’ve been here a while.” Patton starts picking at his nails. “My uh…there was a fire, and my house burned down. So, we’ve been staying here. My mom knows the owner and they’re letting us stay until we can get a new house.”
“Wow, I’m sorry to hear that,” Roman said, speaking for the first time since they sat down.
Patton shrugs. “It’s not so bad. Our puppy, Charlie, made it out, and none of us were hurt too badly, so that’s what’s important. Besides, it’s interesting staying here. There’s always new people around,” Patton said with a smile at all of them.
“Still,” Virgil said, “it can’t be easy.”
Patton smiles and looks up at the sky, even though there was little to see with all the lights in the way. “I didn’t say it was easy, just interesting.” He stretched and looked around at the others. “So, what brings you three here?”
Logan groaned and rolled his eyes. “My little sister’s birthday present…her and her friends get to have a slumber party here. My mom dragged me with her so she didn’t have to deal with all of them on her own.”
“No wonder you want to hide down here,” Virgil said, shaking his head before looking back at Patton. “My aunt thought it’d be a good idea to come with my dad on his business trip.”
He didn’t give more detail than that, but considering he was at the pool and not with his father said enough.
“And Roman I assume you’re here for the wedding that happened?” Patton asked.
“Yeah,” Roman sighed. “Unfortunately.”
“Why unfortunately?” Logan asked.
Roman shook his head. ‘It was my brother getting married and just….ugh! the past six months have been all about this stupid wedding. It’s all I could hear about! No one cared when I made the lead in the musical or got a boyfriend or got my heart broken by said boyfriend.” His voice was shaking by the time he was done, and the other boys were staring at him, surprised by his outburst.
Patton scooted closer to him and put a hand on his back. “I’m sorry…your family shouldn’t ignore you just because of your brother getting married. Congratulations on the lead, though.”
Roman’s shoulders slumped, and he shot Patton a small yet grateful smile. “Thanks…sorry for the bit of tmi.”
“No worries,” Patton said with a smile. “It’s good to rant sometimes, you know? Gets frustration out.”
Roman nodded and took a deep breath. He looked across the pool at Virgil and Logan for the first time. “I’m sorry for snapping at you two. I guess I’ve just been on edge from all of this.”
“Eh it’s alright,” Virgil said, leaning back on his hands. “I think we were all holding in some pent-up frustration.”
“That’s an understatement,” Logan said.                        
“Yeah I just kinda want to forget about it for a while,” Roman said.
Patton smiled, glad to feel the atmosphere shift from tense to relaxed. He got up and then jumped into the pool, effectively splashing them all with water.
“Hey!” Roman exclaimed when Patton resurfaced. “This suit costs more than this hotel!”
“That’s highly doubtful,” Logan said.
“You said you wanted to forget,” Patton grinned and splashed Roman again. “So, jump in! Nothing’s better than a midnight swim, trust me.”
Roman glared at him for a moment, then smirked and stood, stripping off his suit.
“Wait you’re not even going to go change?” Logan asked.
“Eh, swim trunks, boxers, it’s all the same,” Roman said with a shrug. Then he backed up and jumped in the pool next to Patton.
“That is ridiculous,” Logan said, shaking his head.
“Yeah, won’t they shrink or something?” Virgil asked.
Roman and Patton exchanged a look, and both of them knew exactly what they needed to do. Logan and Virgil had turned their attention to each other, clearly with the intention of ignoring the two in the pool, so they swam over and then jumped out and splashed them.
Both boys yelped and leaned back, but now they were both soaked. Thankfully, Virgil had left his headphones and whatever they had been attached to on the lounge chair.
“The water’s great isn’t it Patton?” Roman asked, a big grin on his face.
“Oh, it’s amazing,” Patton responded, giggling.
Logan and Virgil looked at each other, then Patton and Roman. “Oh, you’re on,” Virgil said, already getting up and taking off his jacket and pants. He left his shirt on as he jumped into the pool, very clearly intending to splash Roman.
“Rude!” Roman exclaimed and started splashing him.
Logan wasn’t far behind, and he joined Virgil in splashing Roman, which of course meant that Patton had to help Roman in their splash war.
By the time they’d called it truce, all of them were breathing hard from laughing so much. Both Logan and Patton could barely see, not having thought about taking their glasses off before jumping into the pool. Roman’s hair was disheveled and a mess, a contrast to the perfect hair he’d had before. Virgil’s under eye makeup was nearly gone. None of them noticed or cared.
“Alright, boys, pool’s closing,” a staff member said, poking her head in. “Go dry off.”
Begrudgingly, they did as they were told. Logan, Virgil, and Roman all drying off as best they could before they put their clothes back on. Roman, Patton noticed, only put his pats and under shirt back on. Everything else he carried.
The four of them walked back into the hotel, all of them feeling a bit better than they had when they’d walked out.
“Aren’t you going to go back to the reception?” Patton asked Roman.
“Dressed like this? No, I think my mom would literally have a heart attack. Plus, I think my Aunt Jackie is officially drunk and that’s something that only needs to be witnessed once.”
They all chuckled a little at that and walked towards the elevators. They talked about nothing—school, annoying teachers, Roman’s drunk relatives—as they waited and as they got in. At the first stop, though—Roman’s—he paused and turned to them.
“Thanks,” he said, “for taking my mind off things for a while. Good luck with your sisters, Logan, and Patton I hope you can find a house soon. Virgil, hang in there alright? Sorry again for snapping at all of you.”
“You’re one for dramatic speeches aren’t you?” Virgil asked.
Roman shrugged. “Guilty.”
Patton smiled. “Maybe talk to your parents Ro, huh? Once they get over their hangovers.”
Roman nodded. “I think I’ll try.” He smiled at them. “Goodnight.”
He stepped out of the elevator and the doors closed.
Virgil was next. He had fewer words to give, but he did smile at them, which Patton took. For a moment, he wished that he could do more for the boy. Spending the night alone in a hotel room couldn’t have been fun.
Patton and Logan were on the same floor, so Patton walked with Logan to his room. He could hear the giggling of little girls inside, and Logan sighed.
“Hey,” Patton nudged him. “You’ve got this. Show them that you’re the cool older brother.”
Logan scoffed. “Cool would not be the correct word to define me.”
“I don’t know, I think jumping into a pool in your Spider-Man boxers and having a splash fight with three strangers is pretty cool.”
Logan’s face flushed but he crossed his arms and shook his head. “That’s…childish.”
Patton chuckled and patted his back. “Good thing they’re children, Lo.”
Something in Logan’s eyes sparked, and he nodded. Patton wasn’t entirely sure what was going on in that head of his, but Patton was pretty sure Logan just had some kind of revelation.
Smiling, Patton started down the hall on his own. “Goodnight!” he called over his shoulder.
When he got back to his room, Charlie wagged her tail and bounded over to him. “Hey sweetie,” his mother greeted. “Have a good time?”
Patton smiled and scooped up Charlie, who licked his face. “Yeah, it was a pretty good night.”
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bangtaninfiresmee · 5 years
Kim Taehyung angst
“Him and I.
It was us against the world.
This world offered me great things in life, and he was one of them. I was young when the eclipse opened up a new world for me; that day was the day I took my first breath. The days I cried in my mother’s arms to me drinking from her. The days going faster as I grew up from the palace grounds, slowly reaching the doors. My height at quite an age grew as I began to transform into a young girl. A girl who learned the crooks and crannies of the entire palace and village. Besides the naughty mind that developed in me was also the young and sweet girl who helped around every chance she get. At a young age I knew what I wanted to be, what I had to be. My life consisted of a golden path that was made for me to prosper. My household was known throughout the entire nation. My father who was known as the king in the Midwest region, my mother the queen. Hong was my oldest brother and he would soon take my father’s place. Yuna, the loved daughter. And then there was me.
I remembered everything as my young days crumbled beneath me. From my father and mother arguing about the same topic over and over again to my brother taking me out of the room. It was a repeating process. But like an apple falling, soon my young days were over. I became a grown woman. A woman who met eye to eye with him the day he came into my palace.
The sun was bright and the weather was warm that afternoon. I wore a red silk outfit with my hair up in style while he on the other hand in white. The look on his face when he found me was fascinating. I on the other hand, astounded. We met and exchanged a quick smile before I had to leave in order to blush in private. That day was the best day of my life; that was also the day we both fell in love. Everyday since then him and I would talk for hours, even up until the sun began to set. I remembered it was weird at first because we barely knew each other, but once we became comfortable, it was as if I had known him forever. He was my missing piece to my incomplete life. He pulled me together and made me whole. We would talk about the darndest things yet still make a full conversation out of it. Some days we’ll have serious talks or even moments. Like that time he and I locked eyes while talking about the sun and the moon and just like that, like the Lunar eclipse, our lips met. That day was one I’ll never ever forget. It was like a dream. A dream I wish to never end.
Meeting him was never a problem. I got to see him everyday. I remember my father asked me of him one day while I was running an errand for my mother.
“Is that the prince from the South province?”
“Yes father.”
“I see you both have been spending a great amount of time together.”
I couldn’t answer him. I was too flustered and in love to answer my own father.
“Well,” he starts, “carry on with whatever your mother wants you to do.”
I couldn’t believe he let me off that easy. I was a happy mess. I remembered bowing and running off in a hurry, smiling like crazy. A few nights passed since I last saw Taehyung. I was aching.
I wanted to see him and hug him but he was too busy with the ongoing war. Then one night, he came back out of the blue. It was the night he pulled me in for a long kiss, saying the ancient words, ‘I love you.’ We vowed to one another that we would plead our fathers to arrange a marriage for the both of us and that we would love each other no matter what. No matter what happened, no matter the outcome of it, our love would keep us going. He would keep me going. I would keep him going.
but I never did keep him going.
“why father..”
“it is not your job to marry him.”
“i love him!”
“he doesn’t love you!”
“yes he does!”
“he never loved you!”
“how would you know?!”
“he never would’ve told me to marry him to yuna if it wasn’t for you!”
The day of the wedding, I didn’t attend.
I sat out back on the bench in loneliness. I was crying. A teared mess. I could hear the explosive laughters and cheers ring from both sides of my ears.
‘If it wasn’t for me.’
I don't know what these words meant. He just.. he just.. vanished.. like we never existed. I don’t know how long I sat on that bench. By the time I got off, the moon was already out. Everyone was coming back to the palace and I knew I had to leave or else everyone would question my whereabouts. Luckily I went to bed just in time before I heard my name running through the entire palace. It wasn’t long before one of the maids opened up my room door and found out I was sleeping before going back to tell the others. The next day was Yuna’s departure day. I watched from afar as she got into the carriage with him. They both looked happy. He looked happy.
“Don’t forget to say goodbye to your older sister.”
I never did say goodbye to Yuna. After hours later, they finally left and I was finally at ease. Maybe it was because I would never see him ever again. Maybe that was why I was happy. Maybe that was why I hid myself in my room and cried for days because the thought of him caused me to ache. What we had in such a short amount of time.. was it even real? Was I just.. there? He was the cause of my heartache, but I was the cause of my illness. It wasn't long before I fell mentally ill over him. Instead of picking myself back up, I let myself hurt until I couldn't see. I can't remember how long it took me to heal and become healthy again, but I know that I would never be able to see the world again. Not my father. Not my sister. Not him.
Because of my confusion I took something away from me and now, I regret it. Love is dangerous and confusing. It’s a mysterious labyrinth that can cause one or all to fall. You either can escape it, or fall under it’s compulsion before your entire life is ruined right before your eyes. Like mine. I’m still confused and hurt over the past, but the past is the past and it cannot be undone. I’ve escaped the maze, and though i’ve hurt myself along the way, I’ve learned to live and to leave the past. I learned to live the present.” -- From Yuen (Y/n), princess of the midwest region; written by Lee Jin.
“Daddy! Daddy look what I found!”
A tiny little boy in white, ran past his father who was shouting his name.
“Byeol-ah! Please don’t run!”
Byeol ran until he reached the end of the hallway, picking up something. “Is this Aunt (Y/n)’s letters that she has been documenting?”
Kim Taehyung reached his son, picking him up rather confused with what he just said. Examining the letter, he noticed the red insignia stamped at the corner of the letter, signifying that it was her belonging. “Ah, she probably dropped it,” said Taehyung, taking the folded letter away from him. “It’s okay father! I’ll bring it to her!” he cackled with a grin. Taehyung put his son down as they began walking hand in hand. Somewhere along the road, he often questioned if his son inherited most of his genes or his wife, Yuna’s. Taking the corner turn, Taehyung and Byeol walk out of the palace and into the open area. “What did you mean when you said your aunt was writing letters?” They both stopped at the big maroon doors that led them outside the palace where Byeol’s mother was waiting for him. “I went to go visit aunt the other day and I overheard her talking to her servant, Lee Jin. Didn’t aunt tell you?” asked Byeol as they both made their way to Yuna. “Mommy!!” exclaims Byeol as Yuna spread her arms out wide for a hug.
“Oh I missed you! Are you ready to go to the village?” Taehyung watched as Byeol nodded.
Yuna grabbed Taehyung’s hand and caressed them. “I miss you,” she beams, giving him a peck on his cheeks. “ Oh- what’s that?” She pointed at the letter in his hand as he hid it behind him.
“It’s an important letter that was dropped. I should probably go return it to Eunuch Hong so he could give it back to the person.”
Yuna didn’t believe him. Not one bit.
“It has a red insignia on it..” She looks away from him. “Go give it to her..”
“Look I didn’t want you to feel-“
“It’s fine.. it’s hers. You have the right to give it back to her.. don’t tell me she tried blackmailing you!”
Taehyung shook his head. “You have it all wrong! It’s just a letter she dropped-“
“I’ll talk to you later,” Yuna hisses, grabbing Byeol by his hand. She then turns away and starts making her way towards the village. Taehyung lets out a heavy sigh, rubbing his eyes before going back inside. The palace was still as big as before with only a few changes. Though it took awhile for him to find her room, he stood outside of her door with the letter in his hand. A feeling of guilt and uneasiness grew in his heart and mind. The letter that was supposed to be kept a secret until her death, was out. Instead of knocking on her door, Taehyung barged right in. There was (Y/n), blindfolded, laying down on her bed. Taehyung walked over her belongings and handed her the open letter.
“You dropped your letter.”
“Why do you have it..”
“You can’t see..”
“I said leave.”
“Why did you do this to yourself?!”
(Y/n) sat up. Her lips were trembling. The tears from beneath her blindfold was showing through the cloth. Taehyung couldn’t bare to look at her. The more he did, the more the painful memories came back.
“I loved you too much..”
“That’s why I couldn’t marry you..”
“I meant nothing to you.”
“You did mean something to me.”
“What did I mean to you then?!”
“Get out!”
His arms wrapped around her as he pulls her into his chest. “Let me go,” She weakly pushes him away but he stayed. “Get out..” she cries. Taehyung caressed her hair, down to her face.
“You made me feel all three things. I loved you so much, too much to the point where it began to hurt. I couldn’t focus on anything else but you. You were my source of weakness, you made me too weak that on the battlefield I couldn’t focus and almost killed one of my own soldiers. Because of my love for you, it caused my father and I to have a rift. I began to hurt. I began to pain. You were the cause of this. I had to put it to a stop. I had to put us to a stop..”
(Y/n) didn’t want to push him away. In fact, she wanted to stay like this with him forever. But the past was the past, and it was time to move on.
“Get out..”
“I am no longer your lover. We never happened. I am now, your sister in law.”
“Please listen to me!”
“If this happens again, I will tell Yuna.”
And she let him go. Facing the other direction, her blinded action gave him the word. Taehyung slowly nodded and suddenly bows.
“This never happened.” His voice began to tremble just from saying the three words. “I’ll be on my way now.”
“Just go..”
And so he did.
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//cracks knuckles// A chance to learn more about the Next Gen? Okay, here we go ((I hope it's not too much ;w; But I am really interested): 2,4,27,29,36,38 for Sumire; 19, 21,23,26,27,40 for Yuna; 10, 31,32,32 for Maria; 7,8,18,30,41,43,44,45 for Akane
Thanks for the ask! These are all great questions!
Mimasaka Sumire 
2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
It’s not a formal collection, but Sumire has a considerable arsenal of scented candles. She always organizes them by scent, brand, color, and name.
4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear?
Very, very preppy! Flats and cardigans are her religion. 
27. What kind of childhood did your character have?
She had a relatively pleasant childhood. Her parents were both kind of odd, but they tried to make sure they raised her normally (by doing an unreal amount of research); the end result was her love of romance dramas and designer bags. 
Her mom passes away when she’s in her early teens and it’s really hard for her to adjust. She would have ended up leaving school if her friends weren’t there for her. 
29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
“Brevity is the soul of wit” –William Shakespeare
36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
What Sumire really wants, especially after her mother’s death, is to be able to fully control her life. This is part of why her preference for knowing a lot turns into a mild obsession with information. She has files on all her “notable” classmates at Totsuki, their strengths, weaknesses, secrets. 
She’d be willing to break the law—well, only some laws—in order to find out what she needs to know in order to get the upper hand. 
38. What would your character do with a million dollars? 
She’d buy her dad a house to retire in, then she’d buy herself condo in Hong Kong and spend what’s left over on designer shoes. 
Mauri Yuna
19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
Yuna mostly listens to pop. One of her favorite songs would be “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran 
21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
One of Yuna’s problems as a young person is that all her her life she’s been friends with really popular kids and/or, but she’s never really been one of them. Because of this, she feels like she’s a burden to a lot of her friends because they always have to protect her or fight her battles. 
Her pet peeve is when people are mean for sport. She finds that kind of thing really catty and annoying. 
23. What is a random fact about your OC? 
Not counting cooking practicum classes, Yuna has the highest academic GPA in the 119th generation. 
26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them that still has an impact and why?
The most important person in Yuna’s life is her younger sister, Ami. Yuna cares so much about her sister, and she wants to look out for her, but it’s difficult because they’re nothing alike. 
The least important person who still has an impact is Isabella Mito-Aldini. Because she’s related to Maria, involved with Sosuke, and one of Ami’s mentors, Yuna sees and hears about this frustrating person WAY more than she’d like.
27. What kind of childhood did your character have?
Yuna’s childhood was a little bit challenging. She was always quiet and reserved as a child and people kind of walked all over her because of it. Sosuke always stuck up for her when they were in elementary school, but it was impossible for him to see everything. Also, she never felt particularly close to her mom—especially after Ami was born. 
40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
Yuna is probably going out to the movies with Maria. She’s wearing jeans and sneakers and her usual hair ribbons. 
Maria Aldini
10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
Hmm…Maria’s generally a good girl, but her deadly sin would probably be lust. She could never understand why Isabella entertained so many boys, but then she met Raiden and shit got real! Megumi definitely walked in on them making out in Tuscany that first summer they met, and even after they get back to Totsuki she has to stop herself from crossing the line. 
Later on, Isshiki Kesuke puts her through the ringer too. 
31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?
Her most traumatic memory is seeing her grandmother collapse in her ryokan when she was eleven. She was really scared, and because of that event Maria always gets worried when people in her life are overworking themselves. 
Her favorite childhood memory is taking ice skating lessons with Isabella when they were five. Maria was kind of bad at it (she was too scared to fall and kept holding on to the edge of the rink) but she remembers how her cousin could already land jumps and do spins. Takumi would always take the two of them for hot chocolate and dessert afterwards and praise Maria a lot even when all she did was fall. 
32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
If Maria could have one thing while she’s in high school, she’d probably abolish the Elite Ten Council. However, in general, she’d probably want a never-ending supply of dark chocolate. 
Hayama Akane
7. What element would your OC be?
I think she would be air. 
8. What is your OC’s theme song? 
“Flawless” by Beyonce
18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths?
Akane’s greatest fear is that she would be the reason her family falls apart. Things got really tense between her parents and her maternal grandparents when she announced that she wanted to go to art school instead of Totsuki. The Aratos were not happy with that decision, and she overheard a really nasty argument about it that made her feel like if she didn’t just suck it up and go to Totsuki, the damage would be irreparable. 
If we’re talking about weaknesses, Raiden is probably a huge one! Even after she’s basically running her own faction at Totsuki, it’s still her instinct to acquiesce to whatever he wants. She’s trying to work through it, though. Also, while she keeps her composure really well in public, she doesn’t handle stress well at all. When it gets really bad, she occasionally has panic attacks (but only Erik and Sumire know this about her). 
Her biggest strength is her dedication and focus. Once she has a goal, she won’t stop working until she’s achieved it. She’s also very creative and good with developing strategies. 
30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?
Not particularly. Her mentor, Mizuhara Himari, put it in her head that love is a hindrance for high-achieving women. She’s not adamant about never getting married, but it isn’t a priority for her at all. 
However, she’s always enjoyed being a mentor to younger girls (e.g. Nakiri Sofia, Marui Ami)  and she wants to have a daughter of her own some day. 
41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why?
Ahh. This is probably Akane’s worst habit, but when she’s upset about something she tends to take it out on people who aren’t the real cause of her stress. Case in point, when she’s losing her mind over the idea of Maria x Raiden, she ends up getting into a lot more shokugekis and taking over a lot more academy real estate than she normally would. 
43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said?
Hmm…she doesn’t say a lot of mean things outright (she’s the type of person who throws shade and makes passive-aggressive comments). However, she does—on one isolated occasion—refer to Maria as a “manipulative bitch in sheep’s clothing.” 
44. How does your character react/ accept criticism?
It depends on who’s giving the criticism. She’s very receptive to feedback from people she respects or sees as more experienced. She actually begged Tsukasa Eishi to give her more constructive criticism during her stagiaire. 
However, she will not tolerate disrespect from anyone who isn’t on her level or higher. 
45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
She would eat it as long as it smelled good, tbh. If she going to have fruit on her pizza, she would prefer for it to be a gorgonzola and pear type of situation, but she can live with pineapple. 
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Drama Intensifies
Part 7
Meanwhile, Haruka does a ritual to get back to her birthland, summoning the Crystal God specifically. By summoning God Gabrant they can go to Haruka's birthland which is Castle Deist.
God Gabrant: What have you summoned me for, princess?
Haruka: I need to go to return to my birthland soon, my current location will have a war soon and I might need help from everyone there.
God Gabrant: I see, and who's this [eyes Simeon]
Simeon: ... I-
Haruka: He's one of the angels here but he wants to accompany me in case something happens. I'll just disguise him as a friend of mine.
God Gabrant: I see...that makes sense. I'll start the portal soon and you'll be there without you know it!
Haruka instantly holds Simeon's hand so he won't get lost and enters the crystal-like portal. Around 20 minutes, they finally landed in Castle of Deist because there's a lot of other portals and it's a really long journey.
Simeon: Whoa! There are lots of realms here!
Haruka: It is, but we're landing there!
The two finally land on an empty land with grass. Simeon is of course confused because it's a new realm for him.
Haruka: Lead the way, Gabran!
Gabrant finally leads them to the castle, they have to go through every obstacle there is. Examples, the scorching hot sun, a long way full of long grass, hills and mountains, and many other things like monsters. :) Haha rip.
Simeon: W-wait are we even in the right place? Are you sure this is your birthland?
Haruka: Yeah, we can trust Gabrant! Oh by the way Gabrant, can I ask you a favor?
God Gabrant: Of course! What do you need?
Haruka: Can you please change Simeon's appearance so he can adjust to this place?
God Gabrant: Hmmm I can disguise him as a white mage.
With that, Simeon transforms into a white mage, a grey outfit, and a staff to complete the look.
Simeon: Oh, this is a new look!
Haruka: Well, you have to be disguised so you won't be suspected, people here are quite cautious with intruders...
Simeon: True.
God Gabrant: Well I have to go soon if you have any help just call me.
Haruka: Okay!
Just like that, Gabrant disappears while Haruka and Simeon continue on their journey back to their destination. As they were walking, Simeon starts asking Haruka about her weaponry since they're in a very dangerous place.
Simeon: Hey, Haruka, where's your weapon? Magic by chance?
Haruka: Oh well, I can summon my weapon automatically when there are monsters around!
Simeon: Ah, alright then^^
Speak of the devil, monsters just appear out of nowhere, probably to attack them since they are intruders, also because Haruka is a royal. So a battle has started between them. Haruka's weapon instantly comes out which is a sword made out of gold, luckily it was powerful enough to defeat those monsters. Simeon is still adjusting to his disguise, so yeah, good luck Simeon.
Simeon: Wait what do I do?! What do I do with this staff?!
Haruka: I- Okay- [teaches him while still fighting the monsters]
Simeon: Ooooh verbal magic! That's cool!
After a few trials, Simeon can finally use the staff properly and somehow can combine elements, he just found out, he has no idea how it happened.
Simeon: o-o how did that happen-
Haruka: Whatever that is, it's working!
Monster: [growls in anger and attacks them again]
Simeon: Oh no-;-; [trying to defend them from the monsters]
Haruka: Use the magnet magic! Magnega!!
Simeon: O-Okay! [doing exactly that]
As soon as Simeon uses that magic, the monster Simeon is dealing with got sucked in and disappear in just seconds. After that, the two of them went on with their journey. Because it's so long, Haruka ends up calling a creature named Chocobo, a horse-sized chicken that can take them on long journeys. Simeon of course is shocked by the size of the Chocobo.
Simeon: o.o that's a large chicken!
Haruka: Well yeah^^ We can also use them in battle!
Simeon: Really? :o
Haruka: Yeah, come on! Get on!
Simeon: O-okay- [gets on the Chocobo and well the Chocobo panics because it doesn't know who Simeon is-]
Simeon: W-why is it panicking?! What do I do?!
Haruka: Chocobo, stay calm! It's fine! He's just a friend of mine, he's with me!
Chocobo: [confused chicken noises]
Simeon: Yeah....I'm her- DONT DROP ME!!
Haruka: [facepalms]
After more calming down the chicken and Simeon finally getting on them successfully, the two finally arrive at the castle's gate. It was a beautiful castle with a big wall surrounding it and a bridge to reach the entrance.
Simeon: ....
Guard 1 : [looks at the noise] Your Highness! You're home!
Guard 2: ....who is this? [looks at Simeon in suspicion]
Simeon: .... [gives them a polite nod]
Haruka: He's a friend of mine, I met him on one of my journeys!
Guard 1: I see, I'll inform the King and Queen! OPEN THE GATES!!!
Guard 2 : [opening the gates]
The two finally enter the castle to meet the King and Queen with Guard 1 as their guide. As they go to the castle, the people around them suddenly surround Haruka despite the guards telling them not to.
Guard 1: Your highness, you shouldn't-
Haruka: Are you new?! I'm usually allowed to meet my people!
Child: Your highness! I miss you a lot! [crying out of happiness] Here's a welcome back gift from me! [shows a freshly picked flower]
Haruka: Aww thank you! That's so sweet of you! [accepts the flower] here's one for you, Simeon^^ [gives one to him]
Simeon: Thank you^^
Woman: Ooh! That's a really handsome companion you have! Who is he? How did you meet him? Is there something going on between you two?
Guard 3 : [comes out of the castle to stop them] She'll be answering those questions soon^^ For now they have to meet the King and Queen.
Finally, the two of them enter the castle, the Chocobos are now put in their cage by the guards, and Haruka with Simeon enters the throne room to meet the King and Queen. Of course, Simeon gives a bow to the King and Queen because of politeness meanwhile Haruka is just standing there.
Haruka: Sup, Dad.
Assistant: [looks up in shock]
Haruka: I mean, greetings father^^ [does a courtesy]
King: Where did you go?! Who taught you such a lowly language?!
Haruka: [laughs nervously] hehe...
Queen: It's fine, my love. It's not a big deal. Welcome home, sweetheart.
Haruka: Mother^^
Haruka: Oh by the way... I need to meet some of our finest knights around so a strategy discussion.
King: .... So sudden? What happened?
Haruka: There's an attack in my friends' land and I want to help them.
King: A friend.... is this one of them? [eyes Simeon]. Young man, please introduce yourself!
Simeon: O-of course, your majesty! My name's Simeon and I'm from the celestial realm, I met her on one of her journeys to the Celestial realm.
King: I see.... so this "celestial realm" is under an attack?
Simeon: It is, your majesty. There will be an attack against all three realms, the celestial realm, devildom, and earth.
King: Oh? A country with three cities. Interesting...
As the King and Simeon are discussing what's happening, Haruka decides to go to the meeting room to call all her friends who are knights and discussing about the problem she's facing.
King: Alright, you may go. I'm sure to provide as much help as possible.
Simeon: Thank you so much, your majesty. [bows down and goes to the meeting room]
As soon as Simeon enters the meeting room he's shocked by the sudden appearance of the meeting room, but lowkey impressed.
Warrior of Light: Greetings. ^^
Simeon: o-o
Haruka: Simeon, are you okay?
Simeon: .... who are they and how did they get here?
Haruka: They're my friends and I use hologram magic so we can talk.
Simeon: I see... [pokes the hologram out of curiosity]
Cloud: ... Wtf- [dodges it]
Simeon: Aaa I'm sorry;-; I don't mean to do that-
Haruka: ....Simeon, there's an empty chair. You can sit there.
Simeon: Oh, right! [sits on that empty chair]
So the discussion begins and they all finally agree to help her and Simeon against this battle. But because of Gabrant's disappearance and won't be appearing for a while, they need to stay there for a while.
Zidane: By the way, how did you meet this guy? [points at Simeon]
Haruka: It's a long story^^
Zidane: Oh come on! Tell us!
Bartz: Yeah, come on! Tell us!
Haruka: [sigh] Oh alright...
Haruka ends up telling them about how she meet Simeon while Simeon is a blushing mess because Haruka even tells them about the engagement.
Noctis: An engagement I see, interesting^^
Haruka: Yeah, he even proposed to me by a fountain! It's so romantic!!
Onion Knight: Cloud, you okay?
Cloud: [wents offline lmao]
Noctis: A sulky one as always^^
Zidane: This tea is hot though, go on, Crystalia!
Tina: [sips tea] It seems to me that he's jealous^^
Cloud: [wents back online] I'm not! Shut it!
Tina: Really? Prove it :))
Warrior of Light: [sigh in I'm too old for this]
Onion Knight: Anyways, just continue! What else?!
Haruka: There's also a kid in his house, his name is Luke I believe...
Cloud: You're engaged to a widower?!
Noctis: :(( Hey! Don't judge them!
Simeon: What do you mean by that?
Cloud: I mean, you have a kid and you're single :))
Simeon: I am certain that I haven't been married yet!
Cloud: An adopted child, unfertile perhaps?
Simeon, internally: Lord give me strength-
Shantoto: [facepalms] youngsters these days [shakes her head]
Warrior of Light: If you two gonna fight, I suggest doing it outside or maybe later when we actually meet- ^^ [angry smile]
Yuna: But sir, we're holograms-
Cloud: Well I'm certainly going to that castle right now-
Haruka: Wait, wait, wait! No! Why don't you just focus all that anger on our battle? Isn't that a good idea?
Cecil: Hey that's actually a good idea!
Yshtola: Or you two can just settle this in the most civil way so we can actually work together!
Vahn and Noctis: [eats snacks in the background as they watch Simeon and Cloud keeps on arguing]
Warrior of Light: ....please eat properly. You are a noble kind!
Noctis: [casually eats near the mic]
Vahn: [ends up laughing because it's funny]
Shantoto: [sigh] Youngsters these days! Your highness, are you sure we want to invite these kids to our battle?
Haruka: Luke is also in battle I believe, so it's alright, Ma'am^^
Shantoto: [cringes because this is not how noble people usually act]
Warrior of Light: Well since we're done with the discussion. I suggest ending this meeting right now, Princess Elevia. [said this in annoyance]
As soon as he said that, the room went silent, even Cloud and the teen nobles. But suddenly they hear a tea slurping.
Tina: What? I'm thirsty and this mic is literally in front of me!
Haruka: Alright then^^ that's all for today. See you guys in the next meeting!
Just like that, everyone goes offline and this leaves Simeon and Haruka in that room. Simeon of course is still a little agitated with how Cloud treats him.
Haruka: Hey Simeon, wanna go on a tour?
Simeon: Sure^^
0 notes
nctzendreamz · 5 years
Crazy, Rich, and They Hate Me :: Part Five
Jaehyun x Reader ft NCT
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It was officially bachelorette party time, and as much as you didn’t want to be invited, here you were. You were pretty silent as you and Jaehyun sat on a golf cart; you nervous that you were about to be alone with strangers, and him nervous for you. Let’s not forget the elephant in the room that was his mother, who clearly didn’t like you.
Your eyes rested on the beautiful scenery of the ocean, allowing it to calm your nerves. You were able to blank out and just listen to the sound of the waves with your eyes closed. Suddenly, you felt a hand slowly grab yours, rubbing your knuckles. You snapped out of your trance slightly, looking at your boyfriend. He also seemed to be in a trance, but not at the scenery. At you.
“You okay?” You whispered, knowing you weren’t mad at him. If anything you were mad at yourself. Clearly you weren’t good enough or his mother would’ve been pleased.
He didn’t speak, but instead pecked your cheek gently, and then pecked your lips. “I’m always okay when I’m with you.”
“I’m nervous.” You avowed. “It’s going to be weird without you.”
“Don’t be. Just show them how amazing you are. Plus, Rosé will be there for you.”
“It’s her bachelorette party, Jae.” You giggled while pinching his cheek. “She’s going to be focused on her friends.”
“I’m so sorr-
You kissed him quickly to calm his concerns. “Baby, I’m just being dramatic. I will be okay, I promise. Just focus on making this Johnny’s best day and have fun. Not too much fun though.” You connected your lips again.
His laugh echoed and made your lips vibrate as the cart slowed, indicating you had arrived at your destination. “You know I’ll always be a good boy for you.” He whispered, peppering kisses all over your face.
“Okay lovebirds.” Johnny’s loud voice yelled, interrupting your flirting. “I promise I’ll bring him back safely.” His pearly whites blinded you.
“Thank you Johnny~” You smiled back brightly.
Jaehyun pressed his forehead to yours in childish annoyance before kissing you once more and allowing Johnny to drag him out. He winked at you, letting it tell you he loved you before he dissapeared around the corner.
Now it was just you, and your brain didn’t know what to do. Should you try to talk to someone? Were you even capable of that? You grabbed the beach bag that sat on the back of the golf cart, placing it on your shoulder.
“That is such a cute bag.” A light voice said, carressing it gently.
When you looked up, you were met with an extremely beautiful girl. Her skin glowing even though the sunlight was not currently shining in the area. Her smile was perfect, and her hair was long. “Thank you.” You were just happy that someone was talking to you. That was more than you thought you would get. “You are absolutely goregeous.”
“Well, I can say the same for you.” There was a short silence before she spoke again. “Yuna.” She smirked, placing her hand out to shake. “And you’re the famous Y/N? Right?”
“That’s me.” You said in an awkward tone. “Am I really the talk of the town these days?” You sighed.
“Don’t look at it as a bad thing, darling.” She tapped your chin. “Enjoy the spotlight.”
All you could do was laugh, following her lead to the rest of the girls. You didn’t know what you were doing today, but you were sure it would be lavish considering your boyfriend was on his way to a yacht party.
Music was blasting, girls were everywhere, and Jaehyun was currently watching his cousins take multiple shots.
“You guys sure are drinking a lot.” He commented slyly as he watched the groom to be take a shot as well.
“Oh don’t get all uppity on us now, Jung Jaehyun.” Lucas slurred. “Let’s not pretend you didn’t get drunk basically every night and hook up with any girl you saw when you were at university.”
Jaehyun gasped in fake offense.
“I can confirm being drunk every night was true, but Jaehyun could never hook up with any girls.” Johnny laughed.
“So he’s been a nerd all his life.” Haechan snorted, causing everyone to burst out into laughter.
Yuta fought to catch his breath. “First of all, nerds get pussy, not Jaehyun, but you know.”
“It wasn’t because of that.” Johnny corrected. “It was just because Jaehyun is all romantic and stuff. He was trying to love them, not take their innocence.”
Everyone pouted in a plastic manner minus Taeyong, laughing once again.
Haechan placed a hand on Jaehyun’s shoulder. “How cute. Speaking of, Y/N is really cute.”
“Hell yeah.” Lucas raved. “How did you end up getting to hit that? Is it good?”
“Hey.” Jaehyun spoke up, eyeing the younger one deeply. “Watch your mouth.”
“Yeah Lucas, maybe you’ve reached your limit.” Johnny defended, taking his drink and finishing it for him.
“Clearly Y/N isn’t a random hookup, dumbass.” Taeyong spoke.
“I didn’t say she was, I just asked what we all wanted to know.”
“While we do want an answer to that question, I think the real question is how does your mom feel about her?”
“Why would my mom feel any way about her?”
“Uh, everyone has looked Y/N up and you know what comes up? Nothing.” Haechan said.
“And, you already know how this family works. I mean I brought home the daughter of the richest hotel owner in South Korea; he owns a share if not full of literally every single one minus like ten, and my parents were barely impressed. What does Y/N do?”
“She’s a hairstylist.” Jaehyun trailed off.
Lucas spit out his drink. “A what?”
“He didn’t stutter.” Taeyong said.
“What is your problem, Taeyong?”
“My problem is the fact that all this family does is judge other people instead of worrying about themselves.”
“You’re only saying that because your family doesn’t approve of you making video games.”
“Fuck you.”
“Look, Taeyong literally sits in cash, so let’s not hate on him.” Yuta interrupted before things got serious. “But I’m serious, Jaehyun. I don’t believe this girl is using you for money or anything, but how are you going to run your dads company while she sits at home and barely makes enough to provide?”
“I can provide for her. Why are you acting like we’re not the richest family in this country?”
“It’s not about that and you know it. Our mother’s hate a woman who isn’t swimming in cash and you know that. And if she just doesn’t work? Phew.”
Johnny could see his cousins frustration, and knew he had enough of this conversation. “Guys, let’s not forget that it’s one of my last days as a free man. Plus, I like Y/N. She’s a lot cooler than any of the girls you’ve brought home.”
“Yeah whatever.” Lucas sighed. “With that body, I would be struggling to leave her too.”
Jaehyun was up as soon as the words left his mouth, and Johnny struggled to hold him back. “Alright, that’s enough let’s go!”
“No! Let me go.”
“It’s not worth it, Jae.” Johnny whispered. Suddenly he realized he needed to calm down and leave. The two of them went to another area.
“Fucking idiot.” Taeyong scoffed at Lucas, getting up to go back to the bar.
The big surprise was a free shopping spree and a full spa day, curtesy of Johnny’s mom. By the time you got to the rack, a lot of the good things were gone, but you still picked up a nice dress. After you placed your dress on your temporary bed, you prepared yourself for a massage. You spotted Yuna and her friends already getting theirs, so you figured you could take the table beside hers.
There was a weird silence when you showed up, but you figured it was your brain playing tricks on you. As you laid down for your massage, you wanted to try and be more social. “So, did you get anything good off the rack?”
“That rack is incomparable to my suitcase, girl.” She laughed, turning her head to look at you.
“Well I can’t relate.” You laughed with her, already feeling the ice break.
“It’s okay. Not everyone can be a fashionista. You have your own style and it’s cool.”
“Thank you.” You said sincerely. “I never asked you, who are you related to? Jaehyun or Rosé?”
She laughed again, this time differently. “I’m not related to either one of them. I’ve known Rosé since I was a little girl, but I’m actually more close to Jaehyun’s family as I am his ex girlfriend and all. God, that boy stole my heart. His parent even wanted us to get married.”
You froze in place, not knowing how to feel or what to say. Why did everyday get worse and worse? “Ex girlfriend?” Was all you could manage.
“Oh, he didn’t tell you? Really?”
“Not a lick.”
“Guess your relationship isn’t as good as ours was. He used to tell me everything. Literally even the smallest things.” She giggled as well as the rest of her friends before getting up and walking away.
You thought Jaehyun told you everything, but now you realized you were wrong. Now you had to deal with his wannabe meangirl for an ex girlfriend, and on top of that you were back to square one with nobody to talk to. How could you let her play you like that? Usually you could see a snake from a mile away. Damnit, all you wanted to do was call Jaehyun and vent to him, even though it was him you were mad at.
You decided it would be a good idea to lay down, try to calm down before the bonfire tonight since you couldn’t leave. You walked in your room with your eyes closed, horrified when you saw the bed covered in fake blood, with “broke bitch!” spray painted in red on the headboard to put the icing on the cake. Suddenly you heard the door opening, and Yuna, as well as her other bullies were laughing at you.
“Did you really think I wanted to be friends with you? A poor girl from Los Angeles that thinks she can keep Jung Jaehyun? Worse, thinks Jung Jaehyun will actually keep her? Biggest joke I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“Get out.” You said taking deep breaths.
“Gladly.” Was all she said before leaving.
You closed your eyes, trying to remember every technique possible to not cry. Unfortunately tears rolled down your eyes, but you refused to let your chest cave. You wouldn’t let her get to you, nor would you leave. You were raised to be stronger than this.
You stayed in your room until it was time for the bonfire.
The yacht party had ended, leaving everyone to go their separate ways minus Johnny and Jaehyun. The two of them sat on a wooden log bed that sat in the ocean as they watched the sunset together. It always felt better like this, and it was a bittersweet feeling as they both knew it would be the last time in a while. The orange and yellow made their skin shine, personifying the happiness they felt. Well Johnny felt. Jaehyun wanted to be happy, but he couldn’t help but let his mind wander to you.
“Remember when we used to do this all the time as kids?” Johnny questioned.
“Yeah.” Jaehyun chuckled. “We used to think we were pirates keeping watch of our country.”
“We were so cool.”
“The coolest.”
The two continued to overlook the wildlife, and Jaehyun took a swig of his beer.
“You’re not okay, are you?”
Jaehyun looked down at his toes, trying to find a good distraction from his thoughts. “I don’t think I am.”
“What’s bothering you?”
“We can’t do this, man.”
“Do what?”
“Talk about me. None of this is about me.”
“Seeing you this upset isn’t making me happy though, bro. If anything, knowing you talked to someone will make me feel a lot better. I know the guys said a lot of dumb things today.”
“I mean, have you told her about the business yet? How are you going to work here, while she goes back to LA? Have you thought about it?”
He sighed, rubbing his temple. “Maybe they’re right. Maybe I should just do what my parents want.” Jaehyun said, not even believing his mouth right now. He knew they weren’t right. He knew he couldn’t lose you.
“You don’t mean that.” Johnny corrected. “You’re just angry. You’re angry that they can’t accept her. You’re angry because you didn’t think it would be this bad.”
“Am I wrong for that though? Was it foolish of me? You can say I’m blinded by my love for her, but in reality what has she done? She’s been trying so hard to make everyone happy and come out of her shell just to be treated like less than by my own mother? The one person who’s approval matters the most to her?”
“I know.”
“She was so excited to come here with me Johnny. So excited. She couldn’t wait to meet you, and Rosé, and experience this country with me and I can’t even stand up to my own mother for her? What type of man am I?”
“You’re a man who loves his mother. Who doesn’t know who’s side to choose because on one hand, you have the woman that raised you, and two the woman you love. I know I can’t relate because Rosé was excepted into my family pretty easily, but I understand having to choose. It’s hard.”
“That’s the thing, Johnny. It’s not hard at all. I choose Y/N. I can’t imagine a life without her. I love her so much.” He whispered, touching his wrist until he found the beaded bracelet you made for him a while ago. It always helped him calm down.
“Enough to marry her?”
Jaehyun dug in his pocket, pulling out a velvet box and opening it, revealing the engagement ring he had purchased the first night you two arrived here.
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“More than enough.”
The two of them stared at eachother before embracing one another in a tight hug.
“Are you serious?”
“I’ve never been more serious in my life. Ever.”
“I’m so happy for you. So happy.”
You sat on the beach, watching everyone enjoy themselves while you couldn’t wait to go back home. It was almost time, you could survive.
“You okay?” You heard Rosé say, her Aussie accent thick with concern.
“Perfect.” You whispered, your chin resting on your knees.
“I heard about what happened today in your room. I’m so sorry for that. I feel horrible.”
“Not your fault. I figured you didn’t know all fifty of us on a personal level.” You joked, getting a laugh out of her.
“Honestly, I’m pretty sure you’re my only friend here.” She confessed, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Well I won’t deny that I’m your friend.” You smiled. “But what makes you think that? I’m sure you have at least five people that truly love you. You’re so sweet.”
“Yeah, but what if I wasn’t me?” Her eyes were locked on the body of water. “You know? What if I was just a normal girl, no rich parents, not about to marry Johnny Suh, none of that.”
“You’re a normal girl even with those things. Anybody who tries to hold you to a higher expectation just because you come from a wealthy family doesn’t deserve to have you. It’s nothing wrong with being a normal person and doing normal people things like staying in bed all day, watching Netflix until you fall asleep, stuffing your face. And if you want to shop until you drop, wear expensive clothes, it doesn’t matter. Just be yourself. Don’t let anyone put you in a box and you damn sure better not let any of these girls make you feel like if you’re not bragging about your wealth, you’re not worth it. You’re better than that.” You rubbed her knee affectionately. “Plus, Johnny doesn’t love you for your status. I can see if in the way he looks at you.”
“Wow.” She sniffed, wiping a tear from her eye. “I see why Jaehyun is so in love with you.”
“I hope he is.”
“You think he isn’t?”
“I think he is, but I also think he isn’t thinking at all. He’s just living in the moment and I’m waiting for the day he drops me like the bad habit I am. I mean, if his own mother doesn’t like me, how is this going to work?”
“I think we’ve both had enough of this party.” She sighed, placing a head on your shoulder.
“You know Y/N, when all of this is said and done, I would love for us to still talk. I don’t want you to leave and I never see you again. It would also suck to lose such a good friend.”
“I promise if you will.” You stuck your pinkie out, and she latched on.
“You have my word.”
You sat on the couch inside of the building where you were originally dropped off at, waiting for Jaehyun to come pick you up. Yesterday had been a long day, and all you wanted to do was sleep until it was time for the wedding. That was a lot of sleep, but you needed it. You tossed and turned all night. You felt something cold on your neck, and turned around to find the familiar face of your boyfriend looking at you with those beautiful eyes of his.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in days.” You whispered, wanting a kiss from him, but remembering you’re mad. You could see he noticed this, but still kissed you anyway, feeling your lips didn’t move.
He moved to sit on the couch with you. “What’s wrong?”
“Why didn’t you tell me about Yuna?”
His eyebrows scrunched up, as they always did when he was nervous.
“I just...I don’t know. Was she there yesterday? Damnit.” He whispered to himself.
“She wasn’t just there.” You huffed. You took the smoothie, taking a long sip of it. Of course it was your favorite. He always knew what to do even when he didn’t know you were mad at him. “She made me feel so stupid, and to put the icing on the cake, she trashed my room. She put fake blood on the bed and called me a broke bitch.” You sighed resting your head on his shoulder.
“Are you serious?” You could hear the anger in his voice.
“I wish I wasn’t. Why am I not good enough, huh? What is it? I know I’m not rich, and I know I’m not up to the standards of anyone here but I love you. Shit.”
He couldn’t speak, trying to process everything he just heard. “I’m sorry.” He finally said. “I’m sorry for not telling you about Yuna. And I’m sorry about not telling you I was rich. And I’m sorry that you’ve hated every second of being here. This is not what I wanted at all. And you damn sure are the standard. I hate myself for doing this.”
“Hey.” Your voice was soft as you talked to him. “I know you didn’t mean it in a malicious way. I understand.”
“I just...” he rubbed the nape of your neck softly, encouraging you to drink some more of your smoothie. “Do you regret coming here with me? Do you regret being with me?”
“No, Jae.” Your eyes locked with his. “Mama didn’t raise no weak bitch.” That got a small smile out of him, but he was clearly upset. “Is it hard that your family sees me as the poor girl? Yes. Did it hurt to get treated how I was treated today? Absolutely. But I’d do it all over again if it meant I still had you at the end of the day.”
“Why are you so perfect?”
“Well, I’m with the closest definition of perfect pretty much everyday. Plus, that Yuna girl is jealous of me anyway. She’s a sad woman.”
“That doesn’t make it right. I promise I will handle her.” He kissed you again, this time you kissed him back. “What can I do to make it up to you, huh? I’ll do anything, you know that. A movie night? Fries with extra ketchup? Tell me and I’ll give it.
“You can tell me about you two. According to her, your parents wanted you two to get married.”
He rolled his eyes, bringing you closer to him. “I dated her when I was 21 years old. She was mean to everyone so I dumped her. Yes, my parents wanted me to marry her, but only because she’s rich. That’s all they care about.”
“So they don’t want you to marry me then I assume?”
“I don’t care what they think.”
“Did you just admit you want to marry me?”
Jaehyun stayed quiet, allowing his ears to shine red. “Guess you’ll have to stay and find out, won’t you?”
“I guess I will.” You kissed his neck. “Now back to what I actually want...is you. I just want to be with you as always. What do you want to do?” In reality you were so sleepy, but you could sacrifice.
“I actually have somewhere we can go.” He answered, rubbing your thigh gently.
“And where is that?”
“To go make dumplings with my grandma.”
You sighed in defeat, knowing you wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to socialize no matter how much you wanted to. You had to prove to everyone you loved Jaehyun, and if allowing his family to look at you like they despised you was what needed to be done, so be it.
“Lets go make some dumplings, baby.”
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professorjjong · 7 years
i want the next episode of lookout already :(
i haven’t sucked lookout’s dick enough this week so. this is moreso about ep.3&4 from last week but i found myself thinking a lot about how the chief prosecutor’s son was so ~*evil*~ how it was almost cringey. from the smiling during the interrogation to literally mouthing ‘i killed her.’ but then, i thought about it harder.
the entire show is based around ppl who, after being wronged by the law, decided to take it into their own hands through vigilante justice. this thus means that not only do the characters have to believe that they/their loved ones were wronged, but that the audience must, too. otherwise we’ll think it’s just about some idiots who got too caught up in their own perception of the world and are now constantly breaking the law to feed into their own fantasies rather than face reality. and, in order to prove that someone did something--in this case, that someone killed the main character’s daughter--we need evidence.
the evidence we are presented in the story is the teasings of the murderer, which go unnoticed by all save for the main character and the audience. despite the lack of definitive physical evidence, both audience and main character are not only convinced that this guy is the murderer, but are also enraged that he’s not been punished for it--because mouthing ‘i killed her’ cannot be misconstrued. for this show, it was the equivalent of walking in with him holding the knife still weeping with blood. knowing undoubtedly that he’s the murder keeps the audience from questioning ‘but did he really do it?’ these feelings would draw attention away from the rage and helplessness that the main character is feeling and make her actions far less understandable and forgivable than we felt they were. i mean, do i still think it was alright for her to go charging into a school with a gun to threaten the boy she thinks killed her daughter? fuck no. but was i much more understanding of her actions and sympathetic to her once the suspect revealed himself as the murderer? fuck yes. while yuna’s testimony was enough for her mother, it wasn’t enough for the audience--so the show gave us that extra push we needed to become entirely convinced of his guilt and encourage on the main character in her quest for justice, even when it’s less than legal.
plus, the only other type of evidence that could have convinced the audience so definitively would have been physical evidence. first off, i cannot even imagine what sort of definitive evidence might have emerged from this case as it plays in the drama aside from footage taken from a cctv on the roof, a possible witness, or, god forbid, a recording the murderer himself may have taken.if it were cctv, however, he would have been convicted. the police officer who spoke to our main character shortly after yuna was taken to the hospital would have found the recording and the case would be over. even taking corruption into consideration would not have made much of a difference, as i firmly believe kyeongsu, the hacker character, could quickly restore deleted cctv footage and hand it over to the police. if it were a witness, the anger of the audience would be to divided between the police as well as this witness who was bought into silence for whatever reason. we would think ‘why is she bothering with all this lookout stuff? doing all these cold cases and exposing cheating husbands when she could just be beating the living crap out of this witness until he agrees to go to court? or why don’t they blackmail him like the first episode?’ it divides not only the anger but also the attention of the audience. lastly, were it something stored on the phone of the murderer, that would simply be too complicated. how could the audience know about it? couldn’t kyeongsoo hack it with relative ease? isn’t that definitive evidence?
so yeah, it may seem cheesy, but it was the fastest, least complicated and surest way of convincing the audience entirely that the chief prosecutor’s son, which allows them to focus their anger and attention, like the mother, on not only keeping her promise to indict the man who killed her daughter, but also to take down the corrupt justice system. 
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dubstepkazoo · 8 years
So I just got back from seeing SAO: Ordinal Scale.
It's no secret by now that the SAO anime series was basically lackluster at best, combining lazy writing with shallow characters and only getting so much attention because of its brilliant character designs and astronomical production values. Ordinal Scale, though, was surprisingly good. Why? Because for the first time, SAO became action-centric, rather than plot- or character-centric. The TV anime focused heavily on its characters. The climax of the Aincrad arc was not Kirito beating the game (spoilers, I guess), but his last scene with Asuna. The Fairy Dance arc focused on its plot, and the Phantom Bullet and Mother's Rosario arcs were basically character studies. Since these things were written poorly, these arcs were poor as a result. By the time Alicization came around, Kawahara learned how to write a good plot, and SAO Progressive marked his transition into writing good characters. It's an absolute joy to read about Kirito and Eugeo's exploits in Underworld, compared to the tedium of his harem in Aincrad. By comparison, Ordinal Scale's plot is extremely simple and straightforward, largely serving as an excuse to serve up action scenes. It centers around a consumer-grade AR device called the Augma, presumably a precursor to Accel World's Neurolinkers (in more ways than one, as is eventually revealed). The conflict in the plot comes from the titular Ordinal Scale, an ARMMO for it. Think "Pokemon Go meets Aincrad," and you're in the right ballpark. Trouble befalls SAO survivors who die in Ordinal Scale, and it's up to Kirito to figure out what's happening and put a stop to it. The villains are simple, cliche, and boring - you've seen them a million times before. Likewise, the new poster girl, Yuna, joins Yui, Eugeo, and Kizmel in Kawahara's growing list of "might as well just be human" AIs. The plot unfolds at a satisfying pace, utilizing a Mother's Rosario-esque structure. The story is completely self-contained. Basically, this is just another original anime movie for a popular anime. So why am I not giving this a five? Because A-1 Pictures brought their A game on this one. The action scenes are GORGEOUS. They're beautifully choreographed, making them easy to follow while simultaneously being fast and exciting. Even the final one, which was so fast-paced it'd put Sonic to shame, was an avalanche of awesomeness that I could enjoy without being confused. Captain America Civil War could've learned a thing or two from this movie. Additionally, all the action scenes were backed by a frankly kickass soundtrack, noticeably getting me more excited than I would be without them. Say what you will about SAO, but you can't deny that it's always had amazing sound direction, and it really shows in this movie. Don't get me wrong, though. There are plot holes. A LOT of them. How are these places in Tokyo empty enough for a bunch of LARPers to do their thing every night? Lemme tell you, I ain't ever seen the UDX plaza that empty, no matter how late it gets. How is the Augma not constantly making the news when people inevitably become spontaneously idiotic? Remember Pokemon Go? The Augma is supposedly even more prolific, and since it's a product, it's presumably here to stay. How are these make-believe battles actually making people recoil, making them encounter physical resistance to their movements (i.e. when they block an attack), sending them flying, and all these other things? How is Kirito - weak as he is in these battles - able to do even what he DOES accomplish? He is canonically a frail, weak, and slightly effeminate-looking nerd. In any other SAO production, I would not be able to forgive so many plot holes, which reek of the Kawahara who brought us the content of the TV anime. However, I can make an exception for Ordinal Scale. The movie does not take itself seriously. One problem with the TV anime is that it overblew the drama, making every single plot point feel like the end of the world. Ordinal Scale doesn't do that. It doesn't linger for longer than it should on any plot event, instead prioritizing constant movement to get to the next action scene. At one point, it even throws all logic and common sense right out the window, since it'd rather be awesome than have a coherent plot. The TV anime wanted you to take its stories and characters seriously, and that didn't work, since the writing was usually bad. By contrast, Ordinal Scale's writing is generally unremarkable (besides the litany of plot holes that perforate it like Swiss cheese), but it doesn't care. Rather than boast and brag and say, "Look at how great my story is," it instead directs your attention to the flashy and exciting fights. It just wants you to have a good time. Don't get me wrong - the fights were the best part of the TV anime too, but the difference is that Ordinal Scale WANTS you to focus on them. It succeeds at what it goes for, whereas the TV anime failed at what it was going for. That said, there was no reason why there needed to be so many unexplained plot holes - even a comment in passing would have sufficed - so my final rating for Sword Art Online Movie: Ordinal Scale is a seven out of ten. For all its flaws, it's hard to hate this movie, even for someone who's usually unimpressed by the SAO series. Existing fans will love it, and even haters might find something to like, too. Also, what was up with that post-credits scene? Unless it spoiled the mastermind of the Alicization arc (which I haven't finished) or the Moon Cradle arc (which I haven't even started), then are we getting more anime-original content?
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sanders-specs · 6 years
Heart-Bound: Logan
Summary: Logan and Patton live two different lives. Logan has two loving parents, a best friend and his best friend's loving parents. Patton comes from a broken home, with a father who resents Patton for being like his mother, and a mother who left when he was a baby. The one thing they have in common, though, is the mark over their chests, connecting them by the heart. Their soul-marks. After years of both of them going through hardships and grief, they find each other. They tell their stories. However, there are yet more obstacles for them to go through, this time, though, they have to figure them out together.
A/N: So this is my soulmate AU that I’ve been talking about! It is inspired by @ipizzalover2003s  prompt  which is amazing and i love it and just had to write it, even though it took literal months. I played around with a different way of writing, so hopefully it flows. I hope you guys enjoy! big thanks to @honeyglazedchicken for being my editor on this. thanks for putting up with me! Love ya 
Parings: Logicality, Princxiety 
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of injury, loneliness, hints of abuse, bullying (let me know if I need to tag anything else) 
Also on Ao3
Tag list:  @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @dan-yuna @tripleaaaqueer @lilbeanblr @helloisthisusernametaken @justanotherpurplebutterfly @alwaysmy-lilith
Soulmates are a rare thing.
For two people to be born at the exact time on the exact day that are the exact match for each other was almost a myth. There was no indicator of when a person would be born with a soul-mark—a mark set over the person’s heart, a mark that matched with their soulmate. It wasn’t genetic. It wasn’t anything anyone could control. The chances of a soulmate meeting another person with a soul-mark that was not their own was slim to none, though not unheard of.
It was up to fate, most people said. When, where, and how two soulmates meet was not something that could be predicted or planned. It just...happened.
As for soul-marks, well, they could be anything. Most speculate that they reflect the pair of soulmates. Sometimes they were simple, like a star or a flower. Other times, though, they were intricate and specific, like a fountain pen dripping ink in the shape of a heart.
Logan was born with a small mark on his chest. It could have easily been mistaken for a strange birthmark. Too many times, though, had Logan cried as if he were hungry even if he’d just been fed more than enough just a few moments prior. He’d wince as if in pain, even if he’d only been lying sleepily in his mother’s arms.
It scared his parents at first. After multiple trips to the hospital, the doctors and his parents came to the conclusion that Logan did indeed have a soulmate. They had been told that the only way to help Logan’s soulmate was to keep Logan as healthy as possible.
Logan's parents did everything they could. They made sure Logan was always careful, fed him food that was supposed to be good for his heart, held him when he cried from confusion due to emotions that he didn’t understand.
Logan was five when his parents explained to him what a soulmate was.
He’d been teased and picked on at school for crying without reason, his elbows and knees suddenly screaming with pain. His mother had come pick him up early, letting Logan cry as much as he’d needed to. That night, his parents sandwiched him on his bed, like they did every night when they were going to tell a story.
“Have you ever wondered what this little mark over your heart is?” his mother asked, pointing to Logan’s heart.
Logan pulled down the collar of his space themed shirt to reveal the pen and heart that had been on his chest his whole life. “Virgil says that it’s a birthmark,” Logan said. “He’s got one too. His looks like a rose with thorns on it.”
His parents exchanged a look. That was news, but it was something to be talked about later. “You’re almost right,” his father said. “It is a mark that you’ve had since you were born, but it means so much more.”
“You see, starling,” his mother said, “there is something called soulmates. They are a pair of people who were born on the same day at the same time and who have a very special bond. It’s called a heart bond, where two people share the same heart.”
Logan’s brows furrowed. “How does that work?”
His parents chuckled. His mother took his hand and put it over his heart. “Do you feel your heart beating?” she asked. Logan nodded. “Somewhere out there, someone with the exact same mark has a heart that is beating at the exact same time as yours. Every beat you feel is in time with someone else’s.”
Logan’s eyes widened. “That’s so cool!” he exclaimed. “Who is the other person?”
“We don’t know,” his father said.
Logan pouted at that, and his parents laughed. “Don’t worry, little star,” his mother said, and ruffled his hair. “You’ve got a lifetime to find them.”
Logan nodded, but frowned. “Is that why I feel owies when I don’t do anything wrong?”
“Yes,” his father said. “You see, the heart bond is so close, so personal, you can feel when your heart-bound, too, is hurting. You can feel their pain and they can feel yours.”
Logan eyes widened even more at that before they started to tear up again. “Why are they always hurting?” he asked. “I don’t get hurt as much as they do during the day.”
“Oh honey,” his mother pulled him into her arms, and his father wrapped his arms around both of them. “We don’t know,” she said. “We wish we could stop the pain. For both of you.”
“The best thing we can do,” his father said, reaching up to brush away Logan’s tears, “is to take care of you. That’s why you have to be careful and eat healthy, and when you do feel pain, try not to do anything that might make it worse. Never be afraid to ask Mommy or me for help.”
Logan nodded, sniffling. His mother brushed his hair back and kissed his forehead. “And remember to take care of your heart, starling,” she said, tucking him back into bed. “That is the most important thing.”
Logan nodded, smiling a little as his parents kiss his cheeks and turn his light out. He snuggled into bed as they turned to leave, but sat up again when a thought occurred to him. “Mommy, Daddy?”
His parents stopped and turned to him. “Yes, starling?”
“If my soulmate has the same heart as me, does that mean you love them like you do me?”
His parents were silent for a moment, but they smiled from the doorway. “Yes, Logan,” his father said. “We love them like we love you.”
“Good,” Logan said settling down again, putting his hand over his heart, his eyes slipping closed as he yawned, “because he deserves alllll the love in the world…”
When Logan was six, his parents decided to move.
After months and months of Logan and Virgil getting teased and bullied by peers that didn't understand, their parents got together to discuss moving. The boys had been friends since they were born, and their parents knew that separating them wasn’t a good idea. Besides, it would be better for them to have someone around who understood. Someone who could help the other out in a way their parents couldn’t.
Throughout the conversation, Logan and Virgil sat on the staircase in Logan’s house, listening in. Virgil felt terrible, Logan knew. Virgil blamed himself for making his parents move, but Logan had to reassure him, somehow.
“We’ll still be going to school together, though,” Logan whispered to him. “That’s good right?”
Virgil just nodded. “And we’ll be at a new place, so the kids won’t know us. They won’t pick on us,” Logan went on. Again, Virgil only nodded. This time, though, he grabbed Logan’s hand and squeezed it. Logan let him, knowing that it was a form of comfort for him, and Logan wanted to do as much as he could to keep Virgil calm. They stayed like that when their parents eventually called them down to tell them the news.
They moved far enough away that it would be a fresh start for all of them. Logan and Virgil were put into a class together at a new school and they made a silent agreement to never saying anything about their soul-marks. It wasn’t something anyone but them needed to know, their parents had told them. Most kids would just be jealous, anyway.
It was better. Not perfect, but better.
By the time Logan was eleven, he’d learned to deal with the pain. He knew how to hide when it happened, slowly being able to tell when it was just bruises that he could ice later, or if it was something dire. It only ever happened during school, so he had to learn to push back the pain. He forced himself to focus entirely on his school work. It was easier than having to think about what kind of hell his soulmate was going through.
That was the year, though, when Logan learned just what happens when one heart-bound is in more than just a little pain.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Logan asked when his parents came to say goodnight. “That if my soulmate dies, I die too?”
His parents exchanged a look. “We didn’t want to risk it scaring you,” his mother said. “We wanted you to live your life like you wanted to, Lo. Not at the expense of your heart-bound.”
And remember, starling, take care of your heart. That is the most important thing.
Logan sighed, shaking his head. “I suppose you expect me to marry my soulmate too.” That had been another conversation at school; about how every pair of soulmates is expected to marry. It was like it hadn’t even occurred to anyone that they would do anything else. Logan was glad that Virgil had been absent for that particular conversation. He was already anxious about having a soulmate, not to mention how often his soulmate seemed to get injured (in more severe ways than Logan’s at least).
“Logan,” his father said gently, yet firmly, “We want you live your life. If that means you don’t want to get married, then we’ll support you. There is nothing wrong with that.”
“Just because everyone else has these ideas that all soulmates are meant to be in love with each other doesn’t mean it has to be true for you, starling,” his mother said. “It’s your life to lead. Your heart-bound is meant to be your companion through it all, if you so choose them to be. Marriage…that has nothing to do with it.”
Logan just nodded and relaxed. His parents always had a way of easing his worries. They always knew the right thing to say.
Logan sat on his bed, absentmindedly tracing over his soul-mark as he stared up at the ceiling. He’d given up on sleep a long time ago. He’d felt a deep, unending sadness inside of him that he somehow knew didn’t belong to him. He didn’t know, what, exactly made his soulmate so upset, but he longed to be able to comfort them. He did so the only way he ever knew how; by touching their soul-mark.
Over the years they’d found that the they could only feel each other when they touched their soul-mark. They could feel each other’s extreme emotions—pain being the most common one—but otherwise they seemed to be only distantly able to feel one another. Touching their soul-mark felt almost like touching them.
It became a form of comfort. Whenever one was in pain, the other would gently trace the soul-mark. Whenever one of them was sad, not unlike that night, the other would trace the soul-mark as a reminder that, no matter what, they were still out there.
Logan felt pressure over his heart and he sat back, closing his eyes. He pressed his own palm against his heart, letting a few tears slip out of his eyes. He only ever cried in the comfort of his own room anymore. He couldn’t explain to anyone other than those closest to him why he was crying, so there was no use in letting someone else see him so vulnerable. Even then…how could he explain this deep sadness and loneliness his soulmate felt?
He’d made a big deal about it earlier, but truth be told he knew he loved his soulmate. He didn’t know in what way, exactly, but he knew he cared for them. He knew that once they eventually found each other, no matter what, Logan wouldn’t let them out of his life without a fight.
Logan was fourteen when his life was turned upside down.
He’d been over at Virgil’s house, working on a project. For once, it seemed that both of their soulmates were content. Logan, at least, had felt a comfortable happiness that he wasn’t exactly used to feeling concerning his soulmate, but he didn’t argue with it. Every now and then he’d feel the light pressure over his heart and he would return it, which would make that happiness flare.
On Virgil’s part…well his soulmate wasn’t breaking any bones or getting any head injuries, so Virgil counted it as a win.
They’d been in the middle of setting up their World War I model when there was a knock on the door.
“Yes?” Virgil called.
The door opened and both of Virgil’s parents walked in. Logan and Virgil had taken one look at their faces and knew that there was something wrong. Logan felt his heart skip a beat before starting to race, and almost immediately there was that pressure. He returned it, looking up at Mr. and Mrs. Sanders.
“What’s wrong?” Virgil asked, processing their troubled looks at the same time Logan did.
“Uh, well, Logan,” Mrs. Sanders said, slowly, looking at Logan like she didn’t want to have to say it. “There’s been an accident.”
Logan's eyes widened. “What do you mean?” Blood pounded in his ear.
“Your parents they…” Mrs. Sanders stopped, seeming to choke back tears. Her husband wrapped an arm around her and motioned the boys to get up.
“Your parents were in a car accident, Logan,” Mr. Sanders said “They’re at the hospital now.”
Logan could only stare at them. He dropped his hand, even as the pressure increased slightly.
The four of them rushed to the hospital. They sat there for hours, waiting for any sort of news. Logan could only hold his hand over his soul-mark, the pressure being the only form of comfort he had. It was the only thing that kept him from losing it completely.
They were okay they were okay they had to be okay.
It was when the doctor came in and, gently, told him that neither of his parents had made it did Logan drop his hand and let rage fill him. He yelled at the doctor, yelled at Virgil and his family, yelled at all the nurses that tried to calm him down. His parents couldn’t be gone. Those amazing, loving people who had read him bedtime stories and told him all about space and soulmates and love. They couldn’t just be...
Virgil had been the one who pinned him down, held him, until Logan’s screams had been reduced to sobs. He clung to his friend in that hospital waiting room, feeling more alone than ever.
Remember to protect your heart, starling, his mother had told him. That’s the most important thing.
They’d raised him to eat all the right foods. To exercise and be cautious. To protect his heart from any kind if illness or physical harm.
But what about this? Logan wanted to scream. He’d never knew pain like this. Through all of the scrapes and bumps he’d endured, through all of the phantom bruises and scratches and even a few fractured bones he’d sat through with his soulmate, he’d never hurt this badly. Nothing was able to break through it. Not the pressure over his heart, not the consoling words of his friend. Nothing.
Logan was sixteen when Roman came into their lives.  
He’d been a transfer student at their school. After a messy two years after his parents death—with adopting Logan, settling anything Logan’s parents had yet to settle, and generally dealing with a grieving Logan and Virgil, not to mention their own—they’d decided to move, hoping that it would help both Logan and Virgil, in any way it could.
The addition of Roman, however, was a relief, because it meant that the two of them were no longer the new kids no one knew what to do with. Or so they’d thought. Where Logan and Virgil had struggled to settle in, Roman had immediately taken over the school. He was funny and kind and so good looking…blah blah blah. Logan heard it all. He wouldn’t have ever paid attention to his new classmate if Virgil wasn’t completely smitten with him.
Of course, with Virgil being Virgil, he’d denied such accusations from Logan. Logan suspected that his friend felt a bit guilty having a crush on someone when his heart-bound was out there somewhere. Virgil refused to admit this, but Logan saw it in his eyes. He knew his friend too well at that point.
It turned out that Roman had at least two classes with them that year. He happened to sit near Virgil in both, and it became increasingly clear that there was no way either of them could have a conversation without bickering one way or the other. They bickered and argued so much that the teacher had had to separate them, though that had hardly stopped it.
When Logan asked Virgil about it one night, Virgil had told him that there was just something about Roman that got under his skin. Logan could see the crush growing though. It seemed that the only way for Virgil to feel comfortable with talking to the other boy was through half-hearted insults and nicknames.
It didn’t help that Roman’s flirting was so blatantly obvious that Virgil defaulted to making fun of the pickup lines. This, of course, irked Roman even more.
It was a warm summer night when Virgil approached Logan and his parents and told them that he’d found his heart-bound.
Virgil’s parents had been elated. Logan shocked, though he got over that as soon as Virgil said that it was Roman.
Well. That certainly made things much clearer.
After agreeing on a date for Roman’s and Virgil’s for the two families to meet, Virgil pulled Logan aside.
“Are you mad?” Virgil asked, biting his lip, uncertainty in his eyes.
“Why would I be mad?” Logan asked.
Virgil shrugged. “I…I don’t know. For finding my soulmate first?”
Logan rolled his eyes and patted his friend’s shoulder. “I am glad that you have managed to find your heart-bound so early in your life. Perhaps now you can keep an eye on him to prevent him from hurting both of you.”
Virgil snorted and shook his head. “Somehow I doubt that’ll happen.”
After that, things changed. Suddenly it wasn’t just Logan and Virgil anymore. There was Roman, who seemed to draw a crowd wherever he went. The two had decided to keep their marks a secret from others, if only because they felt that it was too personal a thing to share. Still, though, their relationship was out for everyone to see.
Many nights Roman was over at their house or Virgil over at his. Many holidays were spent with the two families together. Logan honestly wasn’t sure how he felt about all of this change, but he didn’t complain. Not where there was a light in Virgil’s eyes that he’d never seen before. Logan had overheard Virgil’s parents say that this was the perfect timing, as having Roman around was the exact thing Virgil needed. The death of Logan’s parents had been hard on both of them, and it seemed that now Virgil was starting to come to terms with it.
Logan had to agree. Virgil was much happier now, and Logan had to be happy for him. Even if he did miss the nights the two of them had spent simply enjoying the company that Virgil now spent with Roman. Even if now, Logan felt so much more alone.
He just pushed those feelings away like he did everything else. This time, though, he took a bit of comfort when his own heart-bound reached out to him.
Logan was eighteen when he went off to college.
He’d gotten a full scholarship, been valedictorian, and had a perfect GPA by graduation. No one had expected anything less. Logan, Virgil, and his parents were taking a road trip to Logan’s college, which meant that Logan said goodbye to Roman first.
“Good luck out there, calculator watch!” Roman exclaimed on the night before they were meant to leave.
Logan suppressed a small smile and nodded. “Thank you, Roman.” He glanced over at where Virgil sat on the couch, his headphones on and music blaring and his smile faded. “Please take care of him.”
Roman looked over at Virgil, his face softening the way it only ever did when he was looking at or talking about Virgil. “Of course,” he vowed, turning back to Logan. “Is this the first time you two have been apart? I mean, for more than a few nights?”
Logan nodded, still watching his brother. “Yes. We have been close since childhood. He is a brother in every sense to me. I do not think my leaving will be easy on either of us.”
Roman nodded, looking as serious as Logan had ever seen him. “I’ll be with him,” he promised. He clapped Logan on the shoulder, breaking out into his usual grin. “Besides, you might get lucky and find your own soulmate!”
Logan gave a tight smile. Roman had found out about Logan’s soul-mark after being with Virgil for a few months. Logan had told him, knowing that Virgil wouldn’t feel right keeping it a secret. Besides, Roman knew the comfort on secrecy regarding their soul-marks. Sure enough, he’d kept quiet about these past few years.
“Thank you, Roman,” Logan said. “You have…been very good for Virgil. I am glad he has you.”
Roman looked slightly surprised by that. It was rare for Logan to be so sincere.
Logan’s first week at college was a lonely one, not that Logan had expected anything less. Still, though, he found himself aching for his old room, for the familiar sounds of Virgil’s music sounding through the walls.
The only familiar thing was his heart-bound. Every now and again Logan would press his hand to his chest, and a warm pressure would meet his own. He’d let out a breath, feeling a little bit of the achiness fade away. They were the one person who knew just how nervous Logan was for this. For being on his own for the first time. Many times, when Logan’s heart had been racing, he’d felt the pressure over his chest. His heart-bound trying to soothe him.
It didn’t take long for Logan to fall into a routine. When he didn’t have classes, he studied. When he wasn’t studying, he was in class. Every now and then he’d partake in a school event, usually at the request of is roommate, Thomas, who prompted him to come see the shows that he was in. Logan had gained a sort of appreciation for plays and theater because of Roman, even if he didn’t fully understand them. So he went when he had the time, if only to give himself something to do.
On weekends he usually video chatted with Virgil and sometimes Roman. It seemed that his brother was faring well enough, though there were some nights when Logan could see that something was bothering Virgil. No matter what Logan said, though, Virgil pretended that everything was okay.
Logan didn’t push it. When talking with Roman, the other boy promised that he had things under control. He trusted Roman, and it was obvious that if Virgil wanted Logan to know, then he’d tell him.
Besides Logan had his own thoughts to worry about.
Most mornings, Logan went to a cafe just off of campus. Since it was away from the school, he usually avoided any unwanted interactions or just a bit of peacefulness before the morning rush, if he was early enough.
Though, Logan had to admit that the peace and quiet wasn’t the only reason Logan always went there.  He couldn’t quite explain it, but one of the baristas—who almost always worked the morning shifts—always seemed to grab Logan’s attention. They would say little to each other, but Logan was always greeted and sent off with a wide, bright smile and they’d exchange small smiles throughout Logan’s visit.
For a while that was all it was. Logan hardly ever had a real conversation with the other man, though he would admit that he liked admiring how the other worked. His smile never seemed to falter, he never lost his cool even with angry customers. He joked around with older customers and made even the most sour looking person smile. Logan enjoyed studying him when others weren’t looking, and sometimes he’d be caught, but the other boy wouldn’t be mad. He’d just smile.
Logan supposed that he should’ve felt some kind of remorse. He did have a heart-bound after all. However he couldn’t help but think back to his mother and father, and how they’d told him that his heart-bound wasn’t destined to be his lover, but a partner. Surely that should mean that he was allowed to date people who were not his heart-bound, right?
The moment the thought had entered his mind, Logan cast it aside. He had no time for dating. School came first, and he could not risk lose his scholarship.
Still, though, every morning he went to the coffee shop.
It wasn’t until one day when Logan was having his usual coffee and studying for an exam that he ever spoke properly to the barista. Or rather, the barista spoke to him. He’d come over and sat at Logan’s table, demanding to know just what, exactly, Logan was studying.
It was such an unexpected question that Logan had stuttered over his words for a moment, the other man trying and failing to hold back a smile. Logan had answered with astronomy, which, to his surprise, made the other light up. He’d grabbed Logan’s notes and started quizzing him, telling Logan to explain certain words and lessons to him.
After that it became a routine. Logan would come in with his homework or notes and the barista would help him study whenever he got off. Logan didn’t know why the thought of seeing his new friend made him so happy, almost giddy. Or why his heart raced every time he was given that wide smile. Sometimes at night he’d feel something like fear, which he could not explain, which meant that the emotion belonged to his heart-bound. He spent those nights with his hand over his heart, feeling slightly guilty, but mostly glad that he was able to help at all.
One day, though, while they were sitting together, Logan accidentally spilled his coffee all over the lap of his new friend. He started to apologize, but before he could say anything he felt the pain. He winced at the same time that the other did, both of them shooting to their feet. The barista looked up at Logan with wide, confused eyes. It wasn’t until Logan slowly lifted his hand to his heart—he’d done it without thinking, without even considering where they were—to his soul-mark that understanding flooded the other’s face. Understanding, shock, and something like fear.  
Logan was nineteen when he met Patton. His heart-bound.
Patton part 1
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