#(( but we also haven't decided which moons are in love yet either so we could still rehash them all as siblings! ))
soraeia · 9 months
@liroyalty replied to your post “Fun Moon Ideas Discussed in Chat”:
Late af but am I still allowed to pitch the 'Luneunte being the mother of the moons as per the meaning of her name' idea?
Oh, go for it! That's a really cool idea, and I did have the small thought of them being like a family, too. Though it might also clash with the 'lovers' idea, where two of the moons are in love with each other, so that may make things weird asdasds
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allur1ngs · 9 months
could you give more information on hyo? we all know bada + bebe because they’re of course real but since hyo is an oc, we don’t know a lot about her. like her hair color/style, height and age, hobbies and personal things like that <3
okay, here's an official deep dive on Hyo!!
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this is her official face claim, kim hieora's appearance in bad and crazy!! (i actually haven't seen the show...lmfao)
full name: kim hyo
she's 5'8, making her slightly shorter than bada and lusher, has dark brown (black in low lighting) hair, fair skin, and is 25/26 years old (i haven't decided yet hehe).
style: she loves a super laid-back and casual style when she's not wearing her normal suit, which is basically almost never...
hobbies: ...she doesn't really have time for any... but if on the off chance she takes a day off (literally once in a blue moon) she enjoys reading!! she's an avid reader and loves history!! she did very well in her studies, but history was always hyo's strong suit!!
likes: she LOVESSSS chocolate. that might be her only weakness. she likes sweets in general but not to the extent that she likes chocolate. she also likes cold showers and cold weather.
dislikes: disappointing bada. i feel like i've beat this point into the ground but it's such an important part of hyo's character!!
i'm going to go into a small rant so you've been warned but...
i'm not sure if anyone picked up on it from AWOOL, but hyo is the daughter of chung-hee, bada's bodyguard when bada was younger. hyo always looked up to her father because he was so dedicated to his work and she thought that the idea of protecting another person is such a noble cause/job to choose in life. so when she grew up she idolized her father greatly, and the few times she met bada while she was young, she also grew to idolize her too. bada has always been strong and independent, even before the death of her mother, so when hyo got to see how she took charge in her life without being arrogant and using the influence of her parents, hyo was like "yeah, i want to be just like her."
adding onto that, the lees basically kept hyo's family afloat. they paid her father an incredible sum of money for his work, and before that hyo grew up very poor, so she was basically taken out of poverty by the lee family.
(let's also not forget that chung-hee and mr. lee were also best friends since like childhood, so naturally hyo appreciated him a lot)
so after her father retired, bada--still recovering from the lingering affects of her mother's death and having no trust in almost anyone, somehow managed to trust hyo (because she was chung-hee's daughter)--who was now much older, to become a part of bebe.
hyo wasn't bada's bodyguard although she wanted to be--lusher got that privilege--but the second you stepped into bada's life she was assigned to protect you, and after that hyo felt like that was her calling. to protect the person most precious to bada like ji-ah (the man who killed bada's mother) didn't do. because of all that, she greatly respects you and thinks of you as a little sister she has to protect with her life.
okay rant over🤗
other things hyo dislikes includes, traitors--i'm sure you can guess why--snobby rich people, which in her line of work are literally everywhere so..., and people who disrespect those who have given them so much. in bloody knuckles, you'll see a bit of hyo's frustration with reader come out when she realizes that she lied to bada. she does, to an extent, understand and sympathize with reader's reasoning, but she sort of grows cold with her after that.
and before anyone starts to get any ideas, because i'm sure they will...hyo would never NEVER date reader or bada!! she thinks of reader as a little sister (not to mention bada is in LOVE LOVE with her and hyo would never betray bada like that), and bada is hyo's boss and someone she idolizes, she would never be in a relationship with either of them in the canon. and even out of canon bada is NOT hyo's type at all
okay that's all i can think of for now so let me know if you'd like to know more :D 🩷
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ellisgirl · 11 months
Ellis Twilight — Villain’s Night Story Event
Chapter 1
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I do not own any contents of Ikemen Villains. This story being uploaded in this blog belongs solely to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading their games and buying their stories. Both English and Japanese are not my mother tongue languages, please keep in mind that there will be mistakes and added words for my own preferences. I translate for my personal entertainment and for my own practice only.
On the eve of Halloween, the smell of sweet sweets drifted in the kitchen of Crown Castle.
Victor: "It's about time to finish baking. Now, take the scones out of the oven."
Ellis: “Miss Kate, let me do it, I don't want you to get burned.”
Kate: "Thank you very much. Ellis, please be careful.”
Ellis: "Hmm. ......Oh, it's baked beautifully."
Victor: "Ahahaha, it’s my secret recipe for scones with extra butter.”
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We cheered as we looked at the scones, which were perfectly baked as if they were for sale.
Tomorrow, October 31st, Halloween will come to England, and the city will be bustling.
I was talking with Ellis about whether we could do something for the people of the town.
I decided to hand out scones after learning from Victor.
We don't live in the sunshine, but it shouldn't be a bummer if we do this every now and then.
(.....It's so Ellis to be so friendly and kind to the people of the town that he wants to distribute sweets.)
Victor: "Are you going to distribute this tomorrow?"
Kate: "Yes, I intend to do so."
Victor: "That's very nice. As expected of my kind-hearted Ellis and Kate!"
Ellis: “Victor... You hug is a little bit too strong."
Victor: "Oops, my apologies! My love has overflowed."
Victor: "But be careful of one thing. Tomorrow is 'Night of the Moonbeams'."
Kate: "Night of the Moonbeams…?”
Victor: "Oh, I see. Kate, I haven't told you yet."
Victor explains it to me.
Every few years, when Halloween falls on a full or new moon, it is said that the "sin of the cursed will be intensified".
It is also known as "Night of the Moonbeams" because moon flowers bloom to coincide with the festival.
(...Such strange things happen. Maybe it's because of the phases of the moon?)
Kate: “Thank you for your concise explanation. So, what actually happens when sin intensifies?'
Victor: "As much as i’d like to tell you, I don't really know what will happen!”
Kate: "Eh?"
Victor: "The last time the Moonbeams Night happened was 20 years ago."
Victor: “Twenty years ago...Most of the children of Clowns weren't even aware that they were cursed, were they?"
Kate: “Yes, that's right. Let's see, Ellis, 20 years ago...”
Ellis: "...I wonder if I'm finally able to speak?"
Kate & Victor: ".............Cute"
Ellis: “...Fufu, both of you are sharing the voices of your hearts.”
Kate: "Oh, I'm sorry. I just...”
Victor: “Ahem. So, to sum it up, tomorrow is your first dangerous night in 20 years."
Victor: “You never know what's going to happen. You have to be back before the moon rises in the sky.”
Ellis and I carry the cooled scones and wrap them one by one.
Kate: “By the way, the decorations in this dining room are amazing...”
Ellis: 'It's a tradition. I help Victor every year."
Ellis muttered something in between the casual conversation.
Ellis: "Is it okay if you come with me…..tomorrow?"
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Kate: “Eh…..?”
Ellis: “Aren't you afraid of me, Miss Kate?”
Ellis: "If you're even a little scared, I'll stop being with you."
Ellis: ".....I just want to make you happy, but I don't want to scare you."
(Because you never know what might happen on the Moonbeams Night, right?)
To be honest, I don't know what will happen tomorrow, either.
(I only know that Ellis will never do what I don't like.)
(Besides, I don't want to be afraid of Ellis.)
Kate: “I want to be with you. It's our first Halloween together."
Ellis: ".....Thank you, Miss Kate. ...Actually, I also wanted to be with you."
Ellis's sweet smile makes me smile too.
Kate: “Then we're in this together."
Ellis: “…Yes, together.”
Ellis: “But I can't even imagine what a heightened sin of my curse would look like.....”
(Huh? Speaking of which.)
Kate: "I still haven’t known about Ellis's curse."
Ellis: "Oh, is that so?" :0
Ellis: "......Then guess what it is." :D
For example, William is the curse of the king of self-righteousness, so I think sin is self-righteousness and condemnation.
(Ellis comes with Thorn curse. So to think.....)
Kate: “.....Do you stab the other person?"
Ellis: “Fufu, lovely. Slightly incorrect."
Kate: “U-uh, well then—“
Ellis chuckled as he stared at my thinking face.
Ellis: “I think I'll just shut up for a bit because you're so cute looking for answers.”
Ellis: "......If possible, I want you to keep not knowing."
Ellis: "If you know the answer, tell me."
Then, on Halloween day, we headed out into town with our wrapped scones in hand.
It is said that Halloween in the UK lacks excitement, the city is found to be livelier and more buoyant than usual.
An old woman who sells fruit: "Oh, Ellis, little girl. Happy Halloween."
Ellis: "Hello, Anna."
Ellis: "Hey... Trick or Treat?”
An old woman who sells fruit: ".....? Trick or treat?”
Ellis: “Yes, treat. ...Here you go."
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An old woman who sells fruit: “Oh my God. ......Are these homemade? Oh roastie, thank you, you two."
Bookshop owner: "Hey, Ellis! Miss Kate! Those are sweeties, aren’t they?"
Bookshop owner: “Well, then, be my guest. Trick or treat!"
Ellis: “Here you go. It's got lots of butter, so it's bound to be good.”
A child dressed as a ghost: "Brother, sister! Trick or Treat!"
Ellis: "Be careful not to fall.... Yes, please."
(Fufu, Ellis is very popular! And everyone seems to be having fun.....)
When the sun began to set, the scones in the basket were empty.
Kate: "Wow... All's gone now. It went by so fast."
Ellis: "Yeah. Oh, that's right."
Ellis: “Miss Kate, do you want to trick-or-treat with…me too?”
(…..With you?)
Kate: “…Trick or Treat?”
Ellis: "Yes, please. I hid the last one for you."
Kate: "B-but if I get it, I'll get Ellis's share...”
Ellis: "I'm fine. .....If you're happy, that's enough."
Ellis: "Or do you want to play a trick on me?"
Kate: 'O-oh, sweets are good. Thank you."
Ellis: "Fufu, you're welcome."
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(Ellis really is always thinking about people's happiness, isn't he?)
He puts his own desires aside and always puts other people's feelings first, that's Ellis I know.
To give me the last of the sweets without any hesitation.
Every time I see Ellis like that, I admire his kindness, and then I feel a little lonely.
(I wish I could make you happy, Ellis, instead of just having you do things to me.)
Bar owner: “Ellis, missy! Stop by the tavern. I'll buy you a drink for the scones."
Me and Ellis look up at the sky at the same time.
The sun has just started to tilt, and it seems that there will still be time before the moon appears.
Ellis: “Miss Kate, are you leaving now? Or do you want to go to the tavern with me?”
Chapter 1 >> Chapter 2 >> Premium End >> Epilogue
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ladydragonkiller · 1 year
My dear Pirate-Dragon Jeremiah,
It's been a while. Finals season has had me busy, unfortunately. I hope you're doing well.
Museums are, in my humble opinion, the perfect place for a date. Aquariums too. There's plenty to look at and enjoy and still room for conversation, without the obligation that comes with conversation over dinner. Also, I love art and science and find no lack of entertainment at either type of museum. I can't say I'm that much of a bowler, to be honest, but I think it would be quite an enjoyable place for a date as well.
Space or the ocean... What a question. I'm extremely fascinated by the ocean. To think that a place could teem with such life, so much diversity, and yet there are places within it where barely anything can survive. Its where life started, where so many lives end. We live with it and know almost none of it. And space... Have you ever lay down in the grass at night and tried to picture up as down and down as up? You can almost feel gravity suspending you over the stars rather than pulling you down to the ground. The stars, the sun, the moon, and so much emptiness in between.
I hope all of that's coherent. I'm a little tired. But it's also not quite an answer to your question, I suppose. I guess the answer is that I'm not sure how to choose.
Do you have a favorite biome?
I hope finals season has been kind to you. Almost done! In the homestretch!
M. Cowboy
Greetings, M. Cowboy! Lovely to hear from you as always. I hope finals hasn't gotten you too down in the dumps. I've only recently escaped from them myself, and have been loving the extra energy (though there's been a surprising amount of tidying and cleaning done with that energy). There is light ahead!
I hadn't considered aquariums (mostly because I can't remember the last time i've been to one), but they're a lovely option. i'm not much of a bowler either, only been once in the last decade, but there's a lot of be fun to be had in getting endless gutter balls if you're with the right person. and eventually you might even hit something!
i think your answer was quite coherent, and poetical to boot (cowboy boot?). Also, i hope you were able to rest adequately. not being able to choose is perfectly valid! many questions lead to a false dichotomy, and deciding to ignore that dichotomy and create your own path is an answer all its own.
the word biome makes me think of minecraft, which i have a feeling isn't what you were going for. to be honest, i haven't had the opportunity to experience many beyond the one I was born to. that said, it is a lovely one. I suppose my answer is temperate deciduous forest by default, though i certainly hold no ill will against the others. trees <3
for your question: do you enjoy swimming?
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seven-thewanderer · 7 months
Okay here it is: the last section of the art-dumping
And it is... an au!!
It's kind of a silly idea, but I call it the Strayed!AU (it's kind of just an au that spawns based on something different happening relating to 1 specific character) (...and it's a Sun and Moon Show au...)
This one follows the SAMS plot most of the way, except changing after Sun kills Bloodmoon
Instead of Sun killing Bloodmoon and that being it until Bloodmoon's revived based on only video knowledge, he actually gets brought back by KC, who (after Moon asked what happened, and if Sun was okay, after Sun said only "useless crap was destroyed", he went to go get some cleaning supplies, and KC basically begged Moon to let him take control in that moment) then found the few remaining nano-machines of Bloodmoon that had survived (only finding 5 before taking those nano-machines to try and revive him), taking them to hide from Sun, and then going to Monty while pretending to be Moon to convince Monty to let him borrow some nano-machines (being why when Lunar.. yknow'ed.. Monty didn't have nano-machines to rebuild him with, so he couldn't shape shift anymore) so that he could rebuilt & bring his son back to life
So here's how Bloodmoon looks in the au!!
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(also it's called the Strayed AU cus Bloodmoon kinda acts like a strayed dog who doesn't trust people, and only trusts an occasional few, that "few" being just KC)
Here's also how KC looks!!
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I haven't drawn the rest, cus I haven't had the time to, but they each would have differences from canon, and here's a few I can think of:
Lunar would still have a tail
Earth would have small cloud-like wing accessories on her back (y'know those tiny white wings with the curly spiral at the part that goes on the back? Yeah those wings, idk their exact name but they pop up if you search 'chibi wings' so they might be chibi wings)
Sun (possibly also Moon? haven't decided yet) wears overalls
Eclipse's outfit would be (kinda) more clown-like
Also, a sad fact to me: Some characters in canon don't exist in this au
So characters like Solar, Ruin (Eclipse), Ruin Monty, Jack 'O Moon (since Solar made him), and others that I cant think of rn, wouldn't exist in this au
So because of that, there would be a Ruin alternative, but currently I have no ideas for them cus like. idk. didn't feel like it yet. (basically tho the Ruin Replacement wouldnt have made Bloodmoon, they just found him away from KC and was like ''ooh perfect'' and took him to work under them secretly, and such like that.
Now, here are some details to try and describe the characters in this au:
Killcode (KC): (he/they) Kc is still quite distant from the family, but visits them more often than in canon (or at least that we saw in canon). KC spends most of his time wandering, in his RV (he does have an RV, yes), which is also his soup kitchen. He has a Soup kitchen - Food Truck - RV. KC is quite caring for Bloodmoon, and tries to care for him the best he can, while also trying to teach him to be a good person (ex. He often lets Bloodmoon go out to hunt fish - which he ends up really liking to do - and makes him fish soups with his catches. He also lets Bloodmoon help him make soup for the homeless, but only in helping cut the veggies and to bake bread to give alongside the soup, as Bloodmoon keeps trying to either tamper with the soup, or attack the customers.) KC is also quite cat-like at times, and sometimes Bloodmoon can be a bit too much for him, but he still shows his love and care. KC still does have a tinder profile, like in canon, but hasn't actually gotten with someone (successfully) yet. KillCode is omniromantic, and has a slight preference for men.
Sun: (he/him) (sometimes wants to go by she) Sun is basically quite the same, being quite anxious at times, being good at taking care of kids, and somewhat bad at dealing with adults, except he has been a bit more willing to go to therapy (he has stopped denying it, and is trying to seek out therapy). However, he still strongly dislikes Bloodmoon. Despite KC trying to help Bloodmoon be better, Sun doesn't trust him. KC and Sun have also grown a better relationship as siblings, instead of that awkward relationship they seemed to have (in my opinion). Sun also likes to knit and crochet, especially to make little sweaters for his cats. Despite popular belief, Sun is not bisexual, and is actually unlabeled.
Moon: (he/they) Moon is quite caring for his family, having also gone through the ''Got reset after separating from KC'' fate, and tries his best to be open with his family, but isn't the best. Moon still uses his technology, but doesn't let his science & tech get in the way of him & his family, so if one of them needs something, he will put them first. Moon does however sometimes have a few anger issues, and rather than discussing them to someone, he just tries to push them away and hold them back (this does not work well.) Moon is still aroace, but is specifically sex-repulsed asexual & orchidromantic (I searched up one to fit what I was going for & found orchidromantic, which is apparently someone who ''feels romantic attraction, but does not desire a romantic relationship'', yet both sources I found seemed to be slightly a bit uncertain themselves so idk)
Earth: (she/her) Earth is very sweet and caring for her older siblings, despite sometimes acting herself like the oldest sister (when she's actually the youngest). Earth tries to care a lot for others, and ends up putting a lot of peoples' issues before her own. She feels as if she has to help others, otherwise she's doing things wrongs, but helping others often stresses her out and causes burnout for her. Other than that, Earth loves things like dolls and stuffed toys, as she finds comfort in those (she's not the only one in her family who does), and often convinces her brothers to play fun games with her, like dress-up, or convinces them to watch shows & movies with her. Earth mainly acts like a younger sibling, except for when she feels like she has to help someone, then that's when she acts more serious. Earth has never really thought too much about relationship preferences, so she stays unlabeled.
Lunar: (he/they) Lunar is the middle child, who has quite the chaotic energy at times. Due to trauma, Lunar often acts younger than he actually is, and likes being treated like a child, but not being treated like a child (likes toys and such, and other things kids tend to be said to like, and likes being treated in a more calm manner, but hates when he's referred to as small, or defenseless, or someone whose too young to do anything on his own). Lunar often likes to play dolls with Earth, despite not really liking dolls, and preferring stuffed animals, like Spigot. Lunar does have a bit of star power (since he was still blown up), but has a smaller amount than in canon (since Solar said it was a rare chance for him to get powers, so he only got a very small fraction of weather powers, so he can't really hurt anyone with them, making him not that much a threat... but the astrals still aren't sure.) Lunar is quite energetic, yet still traumatized and depressed, but often tries to show himself more energetic. Sometimes he does have moments where he falls quiet due to his depression, and doesn't speak up much. Lunar is pansexual, and eventually realized themself to possibly be polyamorous when they liked the idea of being in a relationship with more than one person (idk if that is how figuring that out works honestly, I just based that discoveration off of the canon Lunar wondering if dating Gemini would be polyamorous or not, and based on my own questioning)
Bloodmoon: (they/he) Bloodmoon is somewhat like a stray dog. They don't trust too many people, but often either trusts one person (KC), or can tend to be bribed easily into following what someone wants (Ruin-replacement & Stitchwraith). Bloodmoon can be quite chaotic (more than Lunar), and tends to run around often sometimes to get out energy, aka zoomies. Bloodmoon tends to show their feelings in a way not considered ''normal'' to most, tending to growl and bark, and occasionally bite (KC's tried to get him to stop biting. It has not worked.), but also sometimes shapeshifts into shapes and bundles of who-knows-what to represent their emotions. Bloodmoon sometimes has panic attacks, especially if left around Sun for too long, which can be calmed with stuffed toys, which he either bites, or just cuddles them, as they help ground him. They hate admitting that though, as the only person Bloodmoon is comfortable being vulnerable around is one another, and occasionally KillCode. Bloodmoon also has a scar on their chest (that no matter how hard KC tried to fix it when making their body, it just wouldn't go away) in the spot where Sun blasted them, due to them trying to split last-second to avoid the blast, yet failing. Bloodmoon also has a confidence issue they don't speak about, where (as Lunar once said for himself when he could shapeshift:) they have a hard time being big. Thus, they often accidentally shapeshift themself to a smaller size, and it's nearly unnoticeable, unless they accidentally make themself near Lunar's height. Bloodmoon also discovered themselves to both be aromantic, but haven't figured out yet if there's more to their identity.
K [Ruin replacement] (I still don't have a name for them, but my mind keeps wanting to say their name starts with a K, so for now they're K): (??) K is insane. K came from an alternate universe, and decided to cause chaos once they arrived. K often likes to use others to their advantage, and is quite good with manipulation, and is quite far from a good person (whether they'd be redeemable or not, I have absolutely no idea). K found Bloodmoon when he was out fishing for KC, and took them, forcing them to work with them, under the bribe of free blood. K is an awful person, treating Bloodmoon more like a pet than another animatronic, even giving Bloodmoon a shock collar to control them better (I myself really don't like shock collars btw, I think they're messed up, so the fact that K uses one on Bloodmoon shows that they're messed up, at least in my view.) K has a plan, which is unknown, but hinted at by how they describe themself as the "puppeteer" over others.
Eclipse: (he/it) Eclipse is still struggling to be the ''big bad villain'', kind of being more of an annoyance rather than a villain. Though he can still be quite a threat. He dies nearly the same 2 ways, except the second time he was killed in a universe where Eclipse either didn't exist, or had already died (since this universe doesn't know Solar. Maybe they brought him to like, Evil Lunar's dimension and let Lunar deal with him, honestly idk they just brought him to a dimension, and guaranteed his death) At this point, Eclipse has returned on his 3rd life, with less memory of his previous actions than before (basically requiring the videos + others' reaction to him to know, plus the faint urge to be evil), and trying his best to be evil, but sometimes the others (especially Earth) can tell he's at the near edge of a mental breakdown/identity crisis. He very much doesn't want redemption, but is almost being convinced that maybe, just maybe, he could earn it? Eclipse is aroace, and is strongly repulsed by the idea of both sex or romance.
Also a short summary of character relationships:
KC <- Familial -> Bloodmoon Bloodmoon views KC as a dad, and KC views Bloodmoon as his sons. They have a sweet father-sons relationship, but it's not perfect.
Earth <- Slight trust, tension -> Bloodmoon Out of Sun, Moon, Lunar, and Earth, Bloodmoon trusts Earth the most, finding a comfort in her care. Earth, however, isn't fully trusting of Bloodmoon, due to them nearly killing her once, but she still thinks there's a good person in them somewhere.
Lunar <- Tension -> Bloodmoon They used to have a sibling-like relationship in the far past, when Lunar had first met Bloodmoon, but after Bloodmoon had tried to kill Earth that one time, and Lunar almost (accidentally, but not fully accidentally) basically electrocuted Bloodmoon, they've had a tension ever since.
Sun <- Strong distrust + tension -> Bloodmoon Sun doesn't trust Bloodmoon, slightly disappointed that KC brought them back, but somewhat understanding of KC's decision. Sun often tries to hide it, but he very very much dislikes Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon, however, is basically terrified of Sun, and will do whatever they can to avoid him.
Moon <- Neutral yet slightly negative -> Bloodmoon Moon and Bloodmoon had a more neutral relationship, since Moon does feel bad for them, and Bloodmoon hasn't really been hurt by Moon. However, they both don't fully trust one-another, due to when Bloodmoon nearly killed Earth. Moon now doesn't fully trust Bloodmoon, and keeps an eye to make sure he doesn't slip up, and Bloodmoon fears that Moon could try to kill him, like Sun did.
K <- Very negative -> Bloodmoon K uses Bloodmoon, and manipulates them, making them do anything they want the twins to do, but forbids them from telling anyone it was their idea. K was the one who actually told Bloodmoon to attack Earth, but nobody knows, as Bloodmoon is too scared to admit that. (Also K kind of takes both Ruin's role, and Rodrick's role, making Rodrick as a tool to keep an eye on Bloodmoon from distances, instead of Rodrick being a tool by the creator to use Bloodmoon)
Eclipse <- Distrust, hatred, and annoyance -> Bloodmoon Eclipse and Bloodmoon both strongly hate and distrust one another, and sees the other as an annoyance.
Oh, I also almost forgot!! When KC had to rebuild Bloodmoon, he managed to find the code in Bloodmoon that made them bloodthirsty, and managed to safely remove it, so now Bloodmoon likes to hunt for fun (and out of habit), but doesn't need to
Okay I think that's everything now!! :3
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initial thoughts on the lore drops from 3x17:
Laudna was Vex's body double who the Briarwoods hung from the Sun Tree. Vindication. And veeeery interesting that Delilah has decided to inhabit her head, given that Vex was the one who killed her twice.
Ashton's skin wasn't always made of stone — it started changing when they were 11-12. I'm not versed enough in genasi lore to know whether this is something that usually happens, but it could be, and it makes me very interested to know what their lineage is.
Orym's husband, Will, died in the attack on Zephrah, which is part of why he's so invested in finding out what happened. He has a tattoo of the moons to represent him — "big moon, little moon." Interesting that Orym uses Ruidus to represent himself, indicating that he doesn't really view the moon as an ill-omen but rather as just another satellite like Catha.
According to Milo, FCG has "long, long accumulated buildup" in their joints. Which basically confirms that FCG was built in Aeor, not two years ago. But from what we know, and given that they were found in the Oderan Wilds, I think it's more likely that Dancer was an explorer who found FCG, repaired them, and brought them back to the wilds. If FCG was repaired and then given a directive that was contrary to their original programming, could that be why they're having such cognitive dissonance? And what the fuck is up with them vibrating? Is that what those "two points" were, some kind of arcane buildup of energy?
The last post card that Fearne got from her parents was from Aeor. So her parents had some kind of reason to go to the ruins in search of something. And the Wilds appears to have a significant fey presence. What if Fearne's parents were the ones who found FCG and woke them up, then brought them back to the wilds to investigate/deal with whatever's drawing the fey to the jungle? What if one of Fearne's parents is Dancer?
Imogen.... honey..... I'm so afraid for you. And again with the stone feeling so much like a beacon. It being in her hand, offering her a "different path," the storm explicitly being described as "hungry," her mother warning her away from the storm but the stone calling her to face it... and we really get to see a side of her that we haven't yet: she is afraid. She's afraid of losing control, of taking a chance that could lead to that loss, even in the alluring face of being free from her nightmares.
We also saw FCG's memories, their sense of belonging with their troupe and Dancer, and then their deaths — "a figure darting off into darkness." Not into the night, but darkness — so possibly the darkness of a dense jungle, or of a cave/mineshaft. Also, they were "bloodied" — but automatons don't bleed, do they? So they would've had to have been pretty damn close to the blooded members of their party. I'm starting to lean into the idea that FCG and their automaton buddies were the ones who killed Dancer, and then began to kill each other until only FCG remained.
Honestly, I love the mutual detect thoughts thing. I don't know if that's a homebrew of Matt's, or if it's in the RAW somewhere, but I'm 100% integrating that into my games. And I'm super curious about what would've happened if FCG failed that initial roll and they felt like they were being drawn into an ouroboros loop of thought. Laudna should also have access to Detect Thoughts, since it's a sorcerer class spell, so if she decided to prepare it she literally could see Imogen's dream like she said she wanted to.
FCG is taking a lot of necromancy spells. Like. Mx?? Why?
Ruidus is about a month away from its zenith. That's the third time Matt has mentioned that. Like, sure, in astronomy "zenith" just means "highest point in the sky," but......
(Also, given given that we know the current date, two approximations of Ruidus' orbit (either 11 or 12 Exandrian months), how far away it is from its zenith, and exactly where the party is on the globe, one could, in theory, create simulations to reverse-engineer where Ruidus would be in its orbit at any given point in time with reasonable margins of error.)
(I may or may not be working on this. Updates will be provided.)
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Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
Or, What if Clint Barton had Magical Diabetes?
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a joint review...
Well, well, fuck me, well (as our good friend Sebastian would say). A series of choices were made bringing this film into fruition, and we suppose we will discuss them now.
The spirit of this week's review is summed up in the wise words of @cassandrafey who said last night, while discussing our feelings on the movie we'd just endured, "let’s not get too bogged down in the fine details...", so we won't, because the writers and director didn't seem to either.
Firstly we didn't know MTV made films, and in hindsight this is probably why. They gave it a go, good for them, but perhaps they should stick to terrible car crash tv instead.
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Shall we start at the beginning when two children are told to stay put and instead break into a poor woman's house, and begin to eat it. Don't do that. We don't like to victim blame in this house, but also you sort of brought this on yourselves kids. But to share equal disgust with the witch, that oven was not suitable for cooking in. Too flamey, that's a burning oven, and no one wants burnt food. Shame on everyone involved.
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We then get quite the animated montage of anti witch propaganda. Boo, but it brings us up to speed with the story we guess, and then straight into town where a man is shouting utter rot. He's accusing a woman of being a witch (haven't we all been there ladies...) but obvs she can't be a witch (as expert Hansel helpfully points out) as she is far too pretty, and witches are terribly ugly and dress as if they're from Norwegian Death Metal bands that went to Camden Market in the 00s to buy their entire wardrobe.
Can you hear the bitterness yet?
We should point out this is the first of many times Hansel doesn't know his arse from his elbow. It’s not even himbo energy, it’s just stupidity. Becks described our Hansel in her notes as 'Poundland Dean Winchester', which made Cass raise an eyebrow in question, and Becks now sees (after completing the film) that she was being far too optimistic. Also, a choice was made or maybe a hand forced, with getting the pair to use American accents in what we presume to be medieval Europe (although who the fuck knows with outfits and the weapons). Becks has decided it was down to dear Gemma to step up as we're pretty sure we've never heard Jeremy Renner do a non-american accent. Perhaps that's slander, but until proven otherwise it’s the side we're on. Come on Jezza, let’s hear it!
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Cass really took to Gretel from the start. She liked it when she nutted that man, she saw it coming and loved it a lot. She also liked Gretel's hair and she thought she was also quite clever. Although Becks pointed out that, with Hansel seeming pretty dim, it’s all relative isn’t it?
They then go break into another witch's house and kill her. Turns out she had nothing to do with them missing kids, and the only crime she'd committed was identity theft, Noel Fielding to be precise. Then they nicked her stuff and talked shit about once in a generation blood moons. Factually incorrect, but go on.
We're then treated to the most horrific scene of the movie, enough to make any person stomach turn. A beer trough. A fucking beer trough. WERP. That can't be a thing surely?! Just an open trough of beer that any old fucker can stick their dirty hand (or other appendages) in and get a drink. DISGUSTING. Becks felt very strongly about this, and missed some key plot points that followed due to the rage now simmering. Cass however was on the ball, and we got to meet a weirdo kid with a scrap book, who had collected down all manner of stalkerish clippings, thoughts and feelings about his absolute faves, and put them all together in a neat book that he could keep forever. What a fucking weirdo. We definitely think that's weird and would never do anything like that...
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Meanwhile a band of stupid men go into the woods at night to go hunt down a witch, where they meet a woman alone in the woods, and don't realise she's a witch, because they are fucking idiots, and as such die terrible deaths. We love to see it.
The next day we're introduced to a plot point that Cass declares dances on the line between stupidity and genius. We are of course talking about the magical diabetes. After eating too much of the witch's house and then being forced to eat more of it, Hansel now has magical diabetes, which he says he needs to take medicine for regularly after COLLAPSING (fucking takes your meds before it gets to that point you tit) but we don't really hear any more about it until the end of the film. Such good storytelling. He also does a bit of painful flirting with the white witch they saved earlier. Hansel is the worst at flirting we have ever seen. Ever. Ever. Stop talking about witches' piss. We don't like to talk on behalf of women everywhere but, come on now.
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Then he buys some kids clothes, and builds a pumpkin child in the woods with a medieval gramophone, and lures in a hedgehog headed dumb dumb of a witch. Who shouts ‘help I’m alone in the woods’ honestly? It was clearly a trap, hedgehog head.
Becks has just had a small break whilst trying to write this.
The more I think about this film the more I hate it. Good gods...
Anyway, they capture the witch, who tells them the witches' plan, nice one idiot, so they are away to go find the only child born in April in the whole town (how convenient). Becks' favourite head witch rocks up though, which is nice, comes to be a bit menacing, but Cass takes it all the wrong way and loses her mind (clearly thoughts of Noel Fielding still lurking about towards the forefront…)
"I go by many names..."
Cass: Some call me Secret Peter!
"None of which you are worthy of pronouncing."
Becks loved it none the less. There was also some storytelling here, where Gretel, and her family, clearly are more linked to the witches than they thought.
Meanwhile, the other witch has Hansel by the dick, which elicited quite the response from both of us. Surprise from Cass, thrilled encouragement from Becks. She really went for it. Good for her. He did get his own back with a swift stab to the eye though, and then hitched a ride as she flew off on her broom.
Gretel then wakes up being molested by Goldilocks, as she ties to figure out the events and consequences of the night before. Becks would like to have seen Gretel give that kid a sharp smack at this point, and Cass would like to have seen her smack all types of people. That's the problem with this film, men.
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Clint then shows through a little, as we find him hung upside down from a tree, moaning and generally exuding old man energy. But we don't like to compare Clint to Hansel. Because no.
As Gretel is beaten, bites a man's nose off, and is threatened with rape, Hansel gets his end off with the white witch in the pond. Quite different storylines right? It does lead us swiftly into another favourite part of the film for Cass, the part were we are introduced to the feminist troll. And what is this trolls name, we hear you ask? Well we’ll tell you. It’s Edward. Edward the troll. Who gave off creepy Ludo vibes, but out of all the men in the film seemed like one of the better ones.
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Then we get told more important plot points.
"Once upon a time, near a shitty little town..." and everyone turns out to be a witch, apart from Hansel who has fucked one, so it’s sort of the same.
We'd like to say that we had sort of given up by this point in the film, although because we are professional women we did keep going until the bitter end, but our hearts and minds were not in it, so we apologise for the vagueness.
Gretel gets kidnapped again, and all the other witches turn up in their cool outfits and batman voices, then Hansel rocks up talking shit like any woman is going to listen to him, and then there are machine guns. It was a lot, and yet at the same time, somehow disappointing.
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For supposedly very powerful women, they all seemed very easy to kill, and the male director really showed through with exploding heads and tits just suspended there.
Then we had the cheese wire trap. We really don't understand, if you're going to trap someone who can fly, surely you need to make your trap bigger then a few meters high? Surely just fly over it?!
@cassandrafey: What is this, We're Going on a fucking Bear Hunt?
@becksxoxo: Oooh, literary reference.
Anyway, most of them didn't just fly over, they flew through and got sliced the fuck up. Apart from the Head Witch, obvs, as she was the only one with a pissing brain in the whole coven.
Then we go back to the start, back to where it all began, the gingerbread house.
Hansel chooses to enter the building using a forward roll (and you all know how much we love a forward roll, it’s our favourite thing ever, and may have even redeemed the whole film for us.) It has inspired Cass to do this for each new place she enters, but without getting smacked in the face with a spade on completion.
We honestly don't know what happens next. There's a fight, and they managed to kill the Head Witch with the spade she smacked him in the face with. But they don't burn her, which we think will come bite them in the arse should a second film ever be made (gods we hope not).
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Also look at that gif up there, alongside the context of a man saying to a woman "who did this to you?" and tell me you're confused if they're brother and sister or not. Neither of us have siblings, but we're pretty sure this is straying into Game of Thrones territory.
In conclusion, this movie was terrible.
We don't think this has been our best review ever, and we really are blaming it on the film we were working with. There is very little to comment on as the film is just so bleh. There is no substance, and very little style. We've read other people's reviews, and we just don't get it. It’s got over 6 stars on IMBD, and some high scoring reviews on Letterboxd. So many people have it down as a guilty pleasure, but we just don't get it. But if it has made you happy go for it. However, we will be enquiring as to who we need to contact to get all the time we have wasted on this film back.
Next week will be better. We're taking on Zodiac for our Bruce Banner film, with extra points as we also have dear Tony and fart helmet Quentin Beck. We shall see you then.
love becks and cass
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" from The Owl House
Wow. They are really pushing it for that secret message, huh?
Anywho--Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
I think it goes without saying at this point that Season Two of The Owl House is setting itself up as a season without filler. Now, filler episodes aren't always bad. Yes, it hurts when a series turns away from the main plot for a week. But at best, they're utilized as a chance for the writers to play around with the characters and developing said characters without it relating to the overarching story. So, some people who see that consider it a bad thing that a series doesn't have that many filler episodes.
I like to call those people: F**king morons.
Don't get me wrong, I see where some of you are coming from. And I'd be willing to agree...if The Owl House was a plot-driven series. Which it's not. It is a character-driven series. Because for every plot thread and narrative that the show presents, they always relate to the characters and develop them further each time these threads get brought up. For example, look at "Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty's Door" (It pains me just to write that). Several narratives move forward, and it’s all done to make the characters grow. And to explain how requires going into spoilers. So keep that in mind as you continue reading.
Now, let's review, shall we?
Hooty: Might as well start with the character that this episode is about.
To tell you the truth, I wasn't a huge fan when I found out we're getting a Hooty-centered episode. I've grown to love him over time, but he is a comedic character that's best used in small doses. Primarily due to how his voice is grating to me (My ears are still bleeding...). With that said, I do really love his contributions in "Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" (Seriously, there couldn't have been a less awkward title?). Hooty's antics when trying to help everyone are as hilarious as they are heartwarming. He deeply cares for his friends but just doesn't understand how his plans could do some unintended harm, which is pretty lovable if you ask me. We also get some surprisingly great insight into his character, as he feels insecure about basically being the comic relief who doesn't really do that much other than being funny. Rarely do you get that level of dimension from a comedic character, and it's even more uncommon for that to work out as well as it does here. It once again proves just how competent the writing is in this series to the point where we get an episode about Hooty, and it's funny and heartwarming instead of being annoying. And whoever is responsible for that, you're the best.
Lilith’s Letter to Hooty: I mean it when I say that I love how Lilith kept her word about her and Hooty becoming penpals. Their friendship was something I would have never expected to love, and I'm still shocked that it works so well, so seeing it continue like this just warms me to the bone. Plus, it is pretty sweet that Lilith's kind words are what inspired Hooty to do what he's done in this episode...meaning it's Lilith we should thank here--SON OF A WITCH! Even when she's gone, she's still working her way into my heart!
King going through Puberty: What?! KING IS EVOLVING!
(There, I made a Pokemon reference. Do I get my cookie now?)
Eda Keeping Herself Awake to Train Herself: I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that this has everything to with Raine getting captured last week. If Eda was still the most powerful witch in the Isles, she might have actually saved them. But she isn't, and now the love of her life is in the clutches of a tyrant planning something that could potentially be the end of everything. So I can understand Eda pushing herself to her limit to get back on top again, as I would probably do the same. It's not healthy in any way, and Eda would be doing more harm than good. But when it comes to the people you love, logic doesn't always win out in the end.
Luz Wanting to Make her Way into Amity’s Heart by Making the Echo Mouse Happy: ...That's it. I Just...I just love everything about it, ok?
This was also when I knew that I was wrong to doubt that there would be zero Lumity in this episode. I realize my follies now, and I humbly apologize.
Hooty Teaching King About Demons: This was so funny. So, so funny. Probably doesn't come as a surprise, especially since The Owl House proves itself as a comedy before, but the jokes have never hit as frequently and as hard as they did here. From Hooty getting offended by King's dance to him and Dana's insert wanting a "DNA sample," everything managed to successfully make me lose my s**t. It does come at the expense of King suffering, but I can stomach that much more than if it were Eda or Luz. And, as a bonus, we get lore about how demons work, added with another great joke of King getting in trouble with Hooty for saying he already knows this stuff. Humor isn't always the show's strong suit, but when it works, it f**king works.
King Wanting to Know What he Is: But despite how funny King's vignette was, we still get to see more of his character grow. We learn that he's frustrated now that there's this big question mark over his life now, feeling extra angry that his father "abandoned" him to leave such a present mystery. It shows the hidden resentment he has that Lilith inadvertently brought out, made even worse when King's father hasn't responded to the video yet. King hasn't really gotten that much development until "Echoes of the Past," so it's pretty cool that the writers haven't really slowed down on it. Especially when it leads to these great moments of King venting his frustrations.
King’s Shouting Powers: KING learned FUS RO DAH!
(And now that's a Pokemon reference AND a Skyrim reference. WHERE'S MY GOSH DANG COOKIE!?)
Eda’s Nightmare: If King's vignette hits you hard with the laughs, Eda's will absolutely hit you harder with the feels (never make me say "feels" unironically again). Knowing that Eda's life got thoroughly screwed over by the curse is something we could figure out on her own. But seeing just how much the curse ruined her life and tore apart relationships that mean the world to her really does a swell job at ripping apart the soul. What's even more tragic is, technically speaking, it's all sort of Eda's fault too. She kept hiding the curse, refusing to be a burden to others who would do all they could to help. If she had only been open and honest, things probably wouldn't have changed much, but they most likely would have been better than they are now.
Eda Attacked her Father as the Owl Beast: ...I don't know what I was expecting when "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances" hinted that there was some possible tension between Eda and her father...but it definitely wasn't this.
The fact that we see blood where his eye used to be doesn't make things any happier, either.
Raine Broke Up with Eda: Before we get into anything else, let's celebrate the fact that it's now confirmed that Eda and Raine really did use to date in the past. Because this show is just f**king phenomenal with its LGBTQA+ representation!
But, seriously, this is a fantastic reveal that goes far beyond just shipping...well, sort of. It shines a new light on Eda and Raine's interactions from last week, revealing that while they're not a couple anymore, they still very much love each other. It helps make their last interaction especially tragic, as they were both on the same page now and could very well be together again. Only for them to be forced apart for the second time in a way that's much worse than the first. And I frickin' adore that this series changes the impact of one episode one week later. Again, it shows just how competent these writers are, and kudos to them for making something so...perfect.
The Moon Person: WHO THE FU--Nope. Nope! We have more than enough mystery bulls**t to deal with through CreepyLuz and Philip Wittebane, so I am PUTTING YOU ON THE BACKBURNER FOR NOW!
(They're probably nothing more than a one-off character, anyway)
The Owl Beast and Eda are Connected: Through visuals alone, we, the audience, can clue into what the curse really means. The Owl Beast doesn't want to be a part of Eda as much as she doesn't want it to be a part of her. Whether they like it or not, and they very much don't, they're stuck together. The thing is, and this is what I love the most, they still decide to make the best of their situation rather than let it ruin their lives even more. This might be the best possible turn Eda's curse could have made. It'll still affect her, and there are probably more negatives than positives, but at least now, it's not the worst thing in the world. And I feel like that's all anyone can ask when in a position like her own.
Eda's “Pretty Dream”: I don't know what emotions are toiling inside me more with this moment. Awe and wonder over how beautiful Eda's dream is, or heartbreak over the implication that she has only had nightmares since getting cursed...I'm gonna say both. Yeah, it's definitely both.
Eda’s Harpie Form: Well, fan artists are gonna have a field day with this...especially the freaks.
(You know who you are. And you're weird!)
Luz Calling Amity a “Cotton-Candy Haired Goddess”: ...Have I ever mentioned how much I love this show?
Hooty Kidnapped Amity: ...Hooty, if your stupidity wasn't charming, I would be more than willing to call the authorities over how you kidnapped a girl in your version of a knapsack and locked her in the basement. For that is going to ring SO MANY alarm bells in people's heads.
Amity and Luz Stuck in a Tunnel of Love: *Smacks lips* Mmm. The adorable awkwardness of this moment is just *chef's kiss* magnifique!
Luz being afraid of getting made fun of:
Amity’s look of hope: I mean...just...f**king--LOOK AT HER:
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That is the look of a girl who, while embarrassed as hell, still is ecstatic to learn for a brief moment, everything that she is hoping for has a high chance of being real. Who, in their right mind, wouldn't go "Aw!" at something so pure and innocent?!
Luz Destroying the Tunnel of Love: This is how to effectively utilize dramatic irony. The audience can understand why Luz is tearing the place apart because she explicitly states that she's afraid of Amity rejecting her in the end. They also know that's bogus, thus making it extra painful to watch Amity's heart break more and more with each second (which is perfectly represented through Amity's expressions). You feel bad for both of them, and even worse when you know that it can easily be prevented by the simple art of communication. That's what makes it great dramatic irony. Knowing the point of view of each character results in a scene that evokes emotions in two different ways.
Hooty’s Breakdown: This was...genuinely hard to watch. Not that it was badly written, far from it. It just...hurt seeing how destroyed Hooty was when he realized he failed the people he has such an admiration for. On the upside, a wholesome moment follows soon after as the Owl House gang tries to reassure Hooty that he's done a lot of good that night. It's a pure action that shows even though Hooty gets on their nerves all the time, they still care about him...damn it. I think I'm gonna cry.
Eda’s Advice for Luz: ...Eda...You're the best.
You found out that your surrogate daughter wants to ask a girl out, and not only were you quick to deliver the best possible advice ("Just go for it!"), but you also quickly reassure her that it doesn't need to be perfect.
And you know what? That's it. Eda is the best cartoon mom! She might not technically be Luz's mom, but I don't give a s**t because she is the best!
Luz and Amity Ask Each Other Out: Shh-sh-sh-sh...
Do you hear that?
...It's the sound of dozens of Lumity fans collectively losing their s**t...and I'm one of them.
HOLY S**T! Holy s**t! Holy s**t...might just be the best way I could possibly describe this! Finally, after all the waiting, speculating, and praying, THESE TWO IDIOTS FINALLY GOT TOGETHER! AND IT WAS PERFECT! I mean, it was awkward as s**t, but that's what makes it perfect! You know why? You wanna--Hey! *snaps fingers*. You want to know why? It's because they're teenagers. Of f**king course, it's going to be awkward! This is their first relationship, so there will be a lot of missteps along the way. And that, in itself, brings me to the best (second best part?) thing about it happening in episode eight of the new seasons. Most endgame couples get together in the climax or even at the end of the series. But to have them get together this early on, means there will be quite a few episodes dedicated to showing them grow as a couple.
And better than that--EVEN F**KING BETTER THAN THAT--dozens of kids are going to see these two, a realistic depiction of young love that just so happens to involve two girls, and are going to learn once and for all that there is nothing wrong with being who they are. That fact alone is f**king incredible. Yes, it sucks that season three got cut short, and we'll have even less time with Luz and Amity, but knowing how many kids have felt seen today almost makes it worth it in the end.
And if I see one mother f**ker saying this was poorly paced, I might just hunt them down for SPORT...Sorry if that was an overreaction. I'M JUST SO HAPPY! Because they're happy! Look at them. Listen to them! It's so...GAH-HAHAHA!
“They’re adorable! And deserve all the happiness!”: You're darn right, Hooty! You're darn right.
King’s Father(?) Shows Up: What the--WHAT?! They're doing this now?! Here?! After everything else?
Oh, man. What could this mean? What dynamic changes will this cause in the main cast? How could the writers fit this in during the next two episodes? And what--
Hooty Eats the Letter: ...Pfffft--HAHAHAHA!
Oh, man...I should be mad, and I wouldn't blame others if they are...but that is too much of a brilliant f**k you that I can't help but appreciate it. Bravo writers. Bravo.
...Dislikes? Dislikes? You would honestly believe that after everything I witnessed in this episode, that I would have the gull to list anything wrong with it?!
HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THAT I WOULD BE SO CALLUS TO--Actually, I do kind of have an issue with the episode's title. It's just too much of an awkward mouthful for me to get behind. I understand that the writers wanted to sneak the K into the secret message, but were there really no other titles starting with K that they couldn't come up with?
But that's just a personal issue, and in no way do I think anybody else would feel the same way. Especially with how well-written everything else is anyway.
"Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" (title aside) is another A+ episode. It was hilarious, heart-wrenching, and downright adorable while keeping me entertained with every minute. I'm sure there are some issues I was willing to ignore due to how expertly written everything else was, but why bother looking for the chinks in the armor when I could just enjoy a perfect episode for being so...perfect! Some of you might be willing to disagree with me, but to that, I say: Don't knock it till you've tried it.
(Now, if you don't excuse me, I'm going to go lie down. It's...It's been a day.)
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fkevin073 · 2 years
okay for that mega list of writing asks ♡
I, P, Q, T and BF
thanks for the ask ♥️
I. Are there any stories you have been brainstorming but haven’t written yet?
omg well I have a few (lol what else is new am I right?) but these are the main ones for the nickxziggy little corner of our fandom:
the hades and persephone AU one shot, tentatively titled "you believe god is a woman"
I believe I talked to you about this one but I wanna write a one shot where nick visits ziggy right after killing Ryan and he's just searching for sympathy. (potential titles include did the twin flame bruise paint you blue? or I had a dream that you were mine)
part 3 of my priest nick universe. also the final part in that universe. (stuck between take me to church or I worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies for a title)
off in the very far horizon I do want to take a crack at one of the time loop AU's. preferably Nick in 1978, the one we talked about a while ago but idk (also if that's okay with you) (potential title includes you will find me, time after time - cheesy I know but it fits)
and also - and this is a very random thought I had recently - I was thinking of writing a brief flash forward/one shot/sequel to "this love is treacherous" from Rory's pov. idk about that one though. (tentatively titled (in my brain) on this harvest moon)
(edited) oh and another one shot for my five moments series where ziggy almost cracks and calls/contacts nick in the intervening 16 years. tentatively titled every time I don’t, I almost do
I plan on writing part 3 of priest nick and the hades&persephone au before catching up on my two wips for nick and ziggy bc I haven't updated them in so long and then maybe, maybe, I can work on the other ones. maybe. we shall see. I'm working a lot nowadays.
P: What draws you to a story idea? (Example: themes, a fun character, Aesthetic, etc.)
Good question! usually I'm really drawn to the idea of character arcs. like with 'this love is treacherous" or "and satan said". I just really like starting a character off somewhere and having them end in a really different spot. also themes too. aesthetic for the priest nick one lmao
Q: Do you write ideas down by hand, have computer/phone notes, or just hope you remember ideas? 
eh, mostly I just keep them in my brain. sometimes I discuss them with someone and that usually imprints them in my mind. often times I'll open a document and make a title and then write a little bit because usually I think of a scene/piece of dialogue or description first.
T: Have you done/would you do NaNoWriMo?
I haven't done NaNoWriMo. Idk if I could bc November tends to be a busy month for me with school. if it was a summer month, maybe? idk.
BF: What is one question you have always wished someone would ask about your story/writing/character? Answer that.
okay so a question that's been on my mind recently is if I regret any choice I made while writing and ngl, for a while I regretted Ziggy having a kid at the end of "this love is treacherous". Tbh I'm still a bit ambivalent about that decision now mainly because a) I don't want to make it seem like a woman has to have a kid in order to get themselves in line or something (kids shouldn't be used to fix ur problems or prevent addiction/depression) and b) Ziggy was in a really broken place after the end of the story. She's very strong don't get me wrong, but there's a part of me that wasn't entirely convinced she was ready to become a mom after losing Nick and his betrayal. And also I like the symbolism of her deciding to move on for herself/on her own and just kind of learn who she is again?
Lol I'm making it seem like I really hate the choice I made - I don't for the record, I've just dabbled a lot in unexpected pregnancies for nick x ziggy and in every one she's decided to keep it (which is a valid choice of course) but I think thematically for that story either one suited her.
thanks again for the ask!
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hwiyoungslesbiangf · 3 years
I was tagged by @braceletofteeth. tysm for tagging me <333
Rules: Tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better!
Favorite color: Purple !!!
Currently reading: I'm reading the Queen's Gambit !! I watched the show on Netflix months ago and decided to buy the book. Honestly? I really love it lol. I've read through it pretty quickly, although I'm not quite done yet. I like the writing style and the narration just moves so well. I never thought chess could be so interesting.
I must say though, I've been speed-reading it so that I could read Don Quixote lol. I love reading a lot but I don't find the time so often because I have soooo many other hobbies, but when I start reading a book and really like it, I'm glued to it.
I haven't read any fanfics in awhile just bc I haven't felt the urge to read them. I go through periods where fanfiction is just uninteresting to me. Mostly its because the one thing I want to read fanfiction for doesn't have anymore for me to read!! curse sf9s permanent nugu status.
Also started reading this Chinese bl novel? it reads a little weird because its a translation but I suppose it isn't too bad. not exactly interesting but just something to pass the time.
Last song: I believe it was Rush Hour by Monsta X. I love that song lol. Tbh I only really listen to Kpop, not much else. Thats just the kind of person I am tho!! Once I get into something I stick with it until I can't take it anymore. Last non-Kpop song I remember listening to is rises the moon by Liana Flores. It's very calming and I really adore her voice.
Last series: I've been watching adventure time lately. I enjoy kids cartoons a lot but the motivation to watch adventure time was bc of the lesbians lol <3 they're cute.
Last Kdrama I watched was probably a rewatch of SFH but I just started this ballet one on Netflix that I can't remember the name of. OH I also recently watched Tinted With You but I didn't finish it because I found it to be a little boring.
Sweet, savory, or spicy: SPICY!! I love spicy food sm. I'd have to put sweet and savory on equal levels bc I like them both!!
Currently working on: Hmmm. A few things! Some long term things I'm working on:
1. Finishing high school! I have one semester left and its kicking my ass.
2.My mental health! I have very severe depression and anxiety and I recently started going to therapy! I also started using anti-depressants and they've helped!!
3. My Kpop collections. I spend a ridiculous amount of money on Kpop merch because I'm collecting a lot of different groups!
My current photo card collections: OT9 SF9, 3 members of NCT, 1 member of Monsta X (and some ot5/6/7 sets bc they're cute), a few enhypen pcs, and 1 member from Seventeen!
Short term things:
1. Writing Fanfics. I'm working on one of the requests I was given and I'm having a lot of fun! I'm excited to do the other one as well! I'm also writing an sf9 fanfic bc im sooooo emo about the lack of sf9 fics on ao3.
2.Selling a bunch of extra Kpop stuff I've hoarded for like 2 years.
Post the first GIF when searching your name:
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dfgsjdhfkdsgfdskhfh my bf <3
Favorite season: So. This is a little funny. I'm originally from Hawaii!! Which is of course pretty hot year round. However, my favorite season is actually winter! I have a hard time handling the heat. I get really bad migraines and I constantly get sick when I overheat and it just sucks. I now live in the southern US which is either HOT or mildly cold. We had a 30 degree day and the next day it was 75 out and humid as hell. I like winter bc its just waaaay more comfortable.
9 people to do this challenge: @bonbonpich @chhagiya @micahrose-mountainnose @srabaskerville @loveforseo @moonjosteeth
uhhhh I ran out of people to tag LOL I don't interact with that many people here T^T
These are some people that regularly like my posts! I know you are all just strangers on the internet, but in my little monkey brain you are all my friends bc you think I am funny sometimes <3
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theepost · 3 years
My Video Game Journey | Discovering Games & Game Play
When COVID-19 hit and the whole world went into quarantine, it felt like almost every single young adult was playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. People who never normally played video games were buying gaming consoles just to play. Personally, I have never found a game that I enjoy and want to continue playing until my fiancé suggested this game. 
I am probably speaking for a lot of people here, but New Horizons is addicting. Don’t get me wrong I definitely had times where I felt very burnt out, but I still played every single day with only a few days missed between now and when I started playing in May 2020. That is pretty consistent, especially for someone who has never really played video games on a regular basis.
Growing up with parents who are against video games.
When I was younger, my parents did not allow us to play video games. Don’t get me wrong we were allowed to take turns playing games on our family computer, but we were never allowed to have a gaming console. My parents felt it would be a distraction from school and homework.
I'm not a parent, but I know there is a lot of back and forth about this topic between parents. Some think it's completely fine and helps kids learn how to manage their time between school, homework, and their personal lives. Other parents allow it, but are very strict about when their kids can use it. Then their are parents who are completely against it.
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The way I look at it, however you want to raise your kids and teach them life lessons and life skills is completely up to you. Obviously don't abuse your kids, but whether they are able to play video games or not is completely fine either way. It's the parents choice and no one should be giving them a hard time about it. Well, unless you are the kid who wants to play video games and your parents tell you that you can't. I think at that point there is no avoiding the tantrums.
Getting my first handheld gaming console.
When I was in middle school or when I just starting high school, I asked my parents for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP for Christmas. I remember thinking they were never going to get it for me because they were so against my sisters and I playing video games. To my surprise, "Santa" left me a Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP under the tree that year.
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The games that came with the Game Boy was Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure and Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed. Since I had never really played any video games before I wasn't on top of what games were new and trendy at the time, however I absolutely LOVED Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure. I remember when I finished all the levels, I played them all again so I could have a perfect score.
I purchased a few other games after getting my Game Boy and The Simpsons: Road Rage was another game I enjoyed. If anyone ever reads this they are probably going to be completely surprised by what I am about to say, but I never really watched The Simpsons growing up. I know a lot of people did, but I never really got into it. For some reason though, I wanted to get The Simpsons: Road Rage. I played that game a lot, but I do not think I played it nearly as much as Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure.
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Around my senior year of high school I slowly stopped playing on my Game Boy. I was either at school, doing homework, working, or hanging out with my friends. There wasn't as much free time to play anymore. I am now 25 years old and to this day I still have my Game Boy. Cannot remember the last time I played on it, but I do not think I will every get rid of it. It was my first handheld gaming console, there are a lot of good memories with it, and it still works! I see no reason why I should or need to get rid of it.
Discovering Animal Crossing.
After I stopped playing on my Game Boy, I never really found a game that I consistently played. Usually when I found a game I would play it for a couple weeks to a couple months then would grow very bored of it and eventually uninterested. However my fiancé was big into playing video games and was mainly playing them on his Xbox One. If he was growing tired of a game, he usually had another one lined up.
At one point the Nintendo 2DS was very popular and was sold out everywhere. My fiancé really wanted one so he could play Pokémon Moon. Somehow, I managed to get my hands on them and surprised him for Christmas. He played that game for a few months to a year then he slowly stopped playing. One day I asked him why he stopped playing and he explained that he just grew tired of it. I completely understood because I have also been in that situation before with the games I played on my Game Boy.
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To avoid having the 2DS sit and collect dust, I asked if he wanted to get another game for it. He didn't seem interested in any of the 2DS games they had to offer at the time, but he suggested a game to me that he thought I would enjoy. That is when he told me about Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
At the time, there was only Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Animal Crossing: New Horizons was scheduled to be released in the next few months. I believe this was around the end of 2019 and New Horizons was scheduled to release in early 2020.
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After doing some research on the game, I was VERY excited. I purchased Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the Nintendo 2DS and I played all the time. Any downtime I had, I was playing. I LOVED this game! After playing for awhile, Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released and I wanted it so bad.
At the time, Nintendo was completely sold out of the Nintendo Switch everywhere. They were insanely popular because of the new game release and since everyone was forced to quarantine due to COVID-19 everyone was stuck inside with nothing to do but play video games. The only console that was available was the Nintendo Switch Lite.
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What is the difference between the Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo Switch Lite? The Switch can used when connected to a TV in the docking station provided, as a handheld, or as a tabletop display by using the kickstand on the back of the switch. The Switch Lite can only be used as a handheld.
Since I was so excited for the game and wanted to play so badly, my fiancé got me the Switch Lite as an early birthday gift. I really wanted the Switch, but since I am so impatient and Nintendo was not clear on when they would restock I decided that the Switch Lite would be perfect because I was use to using a handheld anyway.
Playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
When I finally started playing the game I played nonstop for hours a day. Collecting supplies, catching bugs, digging up fossils, popping balloons, catching fish, planting trees, planting flowers, designing the island, inviting new villagers, expanding my home... You name it, I was doing it. Anything to get a five star “aesthetic” island that is considered Pinterest worthy.
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Like a lot of other people, I have completely redesigned my island countless times. There is nothing better than completely changing everything up to design a newly styled island. I have also completely restarted my island two times. Which I mainly did this because I did not want to go through the whole island and tare everything down, I didn't really like the villagers I had, and I also just wanted to experience the game again from square one. I have always enjoyed designing spaces and have always been really into art, so it feels like this game was made for me.
My future with video games.
When COVID-19 hit and the whole world went into quarantine, it felt like almost every single young adult was playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. People who never normally played video games were buying gaming consoles just to play. Personally, I have never found a game that I enjoy and want to continue playing until my fiancé suggested this game.
I am probably speaking for a lot of people here, but New Horizons is addicting. Don’t get me wrong I definitely had times where I felt very burnt out, but I still played every single day with only a few days missed between now and when I started playing in May 2020. That is pretty consistent, especially for someone who has never really played video games on a regular basis.
Now that I have been playing New Horizons for about a year now, I feel like I am going to continue to play it for awhile. I will admit when I first got the game, I was playing it way too much. Recently I have been so much better about it and only play for about an hour a day. On days I feel very lazy and do not really want to do anything, I'll play for longer than an hour, but it also depends on what I am doing in the game at that time. I'm just glad I'm not spending all day playing anymore.
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For me, I think video games are fun and good to play in moderation and I am not planning on cutting video games out of my life anytime soon. I know there are people who play video games hours daily or do it for a living. After that, on completely the other side of things, there are people who have never played video games and completely hate the idea of video games. Then there are people out there that say that they have tried playing video games and never enjoyed it, but I personally think they just haven't found their game yet. If you happen to be one of those people and you are reading this, do not give up on finding your game! Once you find it, you will be so happy you kept looking.
At the end of the day, do whatever makes you happy. I am just another person on the internet telling their story. If anyone ends up reading this, I hope you enjoyed and continue to read my future posts. There isn't really a plan on when I will be posting or what I will be posting about, but I do know I will be posting regularly.
- E
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thatcatangelwriter · 4 years
Our queen's music haunts these halls : Part 2
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AN : It's finally done ! I'm really happy this story is over with since i have other wips i'm really excited to work on.
Summary : It has been a few years since the end of the war and Adora wants to ask Glimmer something.
[Previous] Ao3
A few years later, Adora was in her and Glimmer's room. Adora and Glimmer were both twenty-two and twenty-one years old and had been dating for about four years. After being together for so long Adora had been thinking about popping the big question.
Now there was a bit of a problem she had no idea how. She knew she wanted it to be special,something they both could look back on too. She had been laying in bed for some time brainstorming ideas and so far she had nothing.
It was frustrating her to no end. "Come on ! There has to be something !" she sighed a defeated look on her face. Scorpia who had come to visit with Perfuma slightly tilted her head "Well are there any traditions that you know of ? Didn't you go to Bow's dad to research First Ones ? Was there anything there ?" Adora sighed "Yeah but i already knew most of it." Scorpia raised an eyebrow "Really ?" "Yeah First Ones propose with necklaces which they often craft themselves."
Scorpia nodded in understanding "So are you going to craft yours ?" "Yeah i will"
Now crafting the necklace on it's own could take some time. Designing it,getting all the materials and then making it. It was quite the process. Adora already had a pretty good idea of what she wanted the necklace to look like. That still didn't fix her main dilemma sadly. She knew what she was going to propose with but still had no idea how.
Sensing her annoyance Scorpia suggested "How about going the traditional way ? Or just going simple ? We both know Glimmer will say yes either way." 
Adora groaned " I just want it to be special, something we both could look back on." There was a bit of silence. Adora shot up which took Scorpia off guard "Did you say traditional ?" Scorpia was a bit weirded out by the sudden question "Hum..yeah ?" Adora's eyes lit up " I think i know what i'm going to do !" Scorpia smiled "Really ?" 
Adora nodded "Yep !" she got off the bed "You know Angella taught me how to play piano right ? " Scorpia raised an eyebrow wondering where she was going with this "Yes..?" her friend then went on "Well she taught me this  song that is used to propose to nobles so maybe i could do that ?" 
Adora was pretty sure stars formed in Scorpia's eyes " Awww ! That's adorable ! Glimmer will absolutely love it !" And with that Adora knew she had struck gold. She then left the room but then something crossed Scorpia's mind "Wait a minute !" Adora turned around at the sound of her voice "What ?" "Shouldn't you get Micah's blessing first ?" she gasped her friend was right "Oh my god ! How could I forget ! I better do that first ! '' and off they went.
Now their main objective was to find Micah. They hadn't seen him since yesterday so they had no idea where he was. There was a good chance he was with Glimmer at her office. Adora hoped that wasn't the case. She wanted to ask him Glimmer's hand in marriage and if she was there it would ruin the surprise. 
There was also a high chance he was in his own office,the library or in the gardens. They were closer to the library's location so they might as well start there. While they were on their way with hopes of finding Micah, they ran into Bow. 
Adora greeted him as Scorpia hugged him "Hi Bow!" he smiled "Hey guys ! How are you guys doing ?" "Good but i want to ask you something"
He blinked before smiling saying "Sure ! What do you want ?" "Do you know where Micah is ?" Scorpia then added "Adora needs to ask him something. It's really important." 
He thought for a moment "Actually i saw him in the hall not too long ago. He said he was going to the gardens so he's probably there by now" Adora and Scorpia looked at each other smiling "Thanks !" 
Bow slightly tilted his head noticing their excitement " Your welcome ! What do you even need to ask him anyways ? It seems like a pretty big deal" Adora and Scorpia shot each other a look "Well it is a big deal. We will talk to you about it later." He raised an eyebrow even more confused "Okay...see you later" "See ya !" spoke the warrior as she walked past him on her way to the gardens.
Micah was happily drinking tea and admiring the gorgeous view outside. With the sun out, the beautiful flowers and the colorful chirping birds. He smiled at the view. Meanwhile, Adora had finally made it at the gardens with Scorpia waiting near the door frame. She looked around in search of Micah. She then saw him drinking tea at a table.
She went to him. When he noticed her presence he was shocked. Normally, the host of She Ra was busy working with the guards at this hour. "Adora ? What a surprise ! Aren't you supposed to be working at this hour ?" 
"Well I took the day off" His eyes widened and Adora stifled a laugh at his face. His reaction was pretty understandable. She wasn't one to take breaks let alone complete days off.
He took a quick sip of his tea before placing the cup down on the table. "I see...Well then what's going on ?" clearly something must have been going on if she took the day off.
She rubbed her neck a bit uneasy by what she was planning to ask him. She took a deep breath "Well i wanted to ask you something" he blinked at her words a curious look dawning on his face as he took another sip of tea "Well go ahead !" she gulped "I wanted to know if i could have Glimmer's hand in marriage" 
The king's teacup fell to the ground after he registered her words which made internally panic. He took a quick look at the now broken cup on the ground before turning to look at Adora,mouth agape. "Are you asking me to give you my blessing ?" She gulped "Hum...yes ?"
He didn't say anything for like a few seconds which made Adora nervous. He then placed both of his hands on her shoulders looking at her deep in the eyes "Take care of her" Her eyes widened before she spoke  "I will" and with that she went inside.
Scorpia was still at the door waiting for her. She excitedly came next to her when she arrived. "So what did he say ?" Adora was silent for a few seconds. "He told me to take care of her." She opened the door to her office settling down at her desk pen and paper in front of her. 
Now she had to make a basic sketch of the betrothal necklace. She already had an idea of what she wanted it to look like. A sun accompanied by a crescent moon. Scorpia happily watched her sketch and when she was done her eyes were filled with excitement. "That looks really good ! I can't wait to see the final result." Adora smiled at her "Thanks !" She was pretty happy with the final result. Now she just had to get all the materials needed to make it. Someone knocked on the door.
Adora wondered who it was. She hoped it wasn't Glimmer because as much as she loved seeing her this was not a good time. She hesitantly called out "Come in" Bow came in immediately noticing the sheet of paper in Adora's hand. He pointed his finger at it "Hey, what's that ?" 
Adora and Scorpia looked at the sheet awkwardly "Huhhh...it's a sketch" he tilted his head curious " A sketch ? What is it ? Can i see it ?" She shyly brought it up to him. His eyes widened in shock. His dads being historians knew quite a lot about First Ones culture and they talked about it a lot when they came to visit so he knew what this sketch was representing. His mouth got wide which made Adora nervous.
He stared at her "Is that a..?" she nodded. Then it dawned on him "So what you wanted to ask Micah was.." " His blessing" finished Adora. His eyes lit up as he tightly hugged the girl "awww!!! Adora and Glimmer are gonna get married !!" she laughed at his words " Slow down a bit ! I haven't even asked her yet" 
Bow's eyes were filled with excitement "Still ! This is a pretty big step you are taking ! So, how are you gonna pop the question ? Have you decided ?" 
Scorpia chimed in "She has, she's going to do the proposal song well after she makes the finalized necklace." 
Her words if anything, only got Bow more excited stars forming in his eyes awwing. Adora took a look at the sheet of paper before placing it down saying "Well i should get all the materials needed for my necklace."
 As she was on her way out of the room something dawned on Bow "Wait…" he called her name " Adora ! I need to ask you something !" She raised an eyebrow "Huh sure go ahead." "Did Angella teach you the proposal song ?" "Yeah she did" she was a bit confused. Where was he going with this ? She was about to ask him that but didn't when she saw tears forming in eyes. He looked at her "Do you know what this means ?" 
She only got more confused and judging by her face Scorpia was just as confused as she was. "Hum..the fact that the song is gonna take alot of effort to pull off ?" she wasn't wrong but that wasn't what he was trying to say here "True but that's not the point i'm trying to make here" Ok she was even more confused than she was before.
Scorpia spoke up sounding just as confused as she was "Hum that she wants to marry Glimmer and spend the rest of her life with her ? I'm quite certain that's fairly obvious at this point." Adora nodded in agreement. Bow just decided to get straight to the point and get it over with.
"It means that Angella knew you two would be together all along and not only that you had her blessing since the very beginning."
Adora froze as she connected the dots in her mind. Her shock then became happiness as she spoke "Yeah..looks like she did." She didn't notice that tears had fallen from her eyes until Scorpia asked "Adora are you ok ? You're crying" Bow placed his hand on her shoulder.
Adora wiped her tears away "No i'm alright it's just..a lot to take in" Bow hugged her and when he let go they all smiled and left the room they had a proposal to plan.
Adora already knew where to get all the materials needed. George and Lance's house. With them being historians fascinated by First One culture they possessed an enormous amount of artefacts and what not. 
Some time later, they had made it at their destination. George and Lance were rather surprised to see them "Adora ? Bow ? Scorpia ? What a nice surprise !" Spoke Lance "What brings you three here ?" asked George. The three friends hugged them before Adora spoke up "Actually i need a couple of First One materials" Both men raised an eyebrow "Really what for ?"
"Well I'm planning to propose to Glimmer soon and I want to make a betrothal necklace for her and I know you too have what I need to make it." Their eyes got wide "You're going to propose to Glimmer ? Congrats !"  Lance added "We have everything you need. Let me get them." he then left the room. 
George took a sip of his tea "Why don't you all come and sit down." So they did and they all found themselves in pleasant conversations but George brought up something that was on his mind "So Adora, tell me about that upcoming proposal you're planning" "Hum...it's nothing much really. I'm just going to play the proposal song for her."
"Really ?" spoke Lance who had just returned with a big box filled with shiny looking materials "Well now we know for sure that Glimmer's going to love it. She always enjoys it when you play piano." He placed the box on the table.
Adora got up taking a look at the contents inside of it. She pulled out a couple items all while looking at them very closely. Eventually she found all the materials she needed. They stayed there for a bit before biding their goodbyes.
When they make it back home Adora retreats to her office while Scorpia goes to see Perfuma and Bow to his room. Adora then spent the rest of the day making the necklace. When she was finally done she was happy with the final results. She gently put it in her pocket before deciding to go to her and Glimmer's room. 
When she arrived, Glimmer was in bed, reading a book.The queen's eyes lit up noticing her lover's presence "Adora ! Where were you ? I barely saw you today." Adora chuckled, giving the queen a kiss on the forehead "Hum..i was at George and Lance's place" Her girlfriend raised an eyebrow " You were with Bow's Dads ? Why ?" Adora stuttered not knowing what to say "Hum..they...huh wanted me to help them translate First Ones writings." "Oh"
They didn't say anything for a while just enjoying being in each other's arms. Adora kept thinking about the proposal. Looking at her lover she couldn't help wanting it to be perfect. After all she went through it was the least she deserved. Adora was going to make sure it ends up being perfect and with that they spent the rest of the afternoon together. 
The next day, Adora goes back to her office. Now she had to work on the infamous proposal song which meant adding lyrics to it first. This could take quite some time to do. She rarely wrote songs let alone happy ones. She mostly wrote them to cope with the war. Not only that, she also had a pretty busy schedule so she couldn't really devote a lot of her time to it.
However, in this case the melody was already made so it would be much easier. Or so she thought. She quickly found herself staring at an empty sheet of paper for more than 30 minutes. She banged her head in frustration and groaned. She heard a knock on the door she groaned some more before saying "Come in" 
Bow and Scorpia came in but took a small step back seeing Adora face planted on her desk muffled sounds of frustration coming from her. They cringed at the state of their friend shooting each other a worried look "Hum.. are you okay ?" Adora removed her face from her desk "I'm fine just a bit worked up." Scorpia tilted her head in confusion asking "Worked up ? Over what ?"
Adora sighed, now sitting properly, an exhausted look on her face " The song isn't doing so well right now. I have been staring at an empty sheet of paper for I don't know how long." Bow went next to her "Oh, you don't have to beat yourself up about it so badly. You can take all the time you need." Scorpia nodded at his words "Yeah ! Don't pressure yourself too much !"
Adora pouted "Yeah i get that..it's just.." she trailed off sighing "It's just i want it to be perfect. Something that expresses how I feel about her and how she makes me feel." Bow nodded in understanding "Well then how does she make you feel ?" Adora paused for a bit trying to articulate her thoughts "She makes me feel so special, loved and safe. Like I'm worth more than what I was led to believe for most of my life. She could have anyone, anybody she wants and yet..it's me." Scorpia had tears in her eyes as Adora spoke. 
Adora then went on "From her point of view it looks like I'm really something special." Bow awed at her "That's so adorable !" Adora blushed at his words but then something struck inside of her "Bow and Scorpia can you please leave ?" she smirked continuing "I think i know what the lyrics are gonna be." they both nod and leave.
Adora turned to the empty sheet of paper, pen in hand, ready to write. Her mind was bursting with creativity as she wrote down word after word. Some time passed, and she was done doing the lyrics quite liking how it turned out in the end. Now she wanted to show it to Micha,Bow and Scorpia to see what they thought about it. They were probably in the gardens gushing about her plan. So that's where she headed to.
When she stepped a foot outside she found Scorpia,Bow and Micah chatting over tea. When they noticed she was there they greeted her with warm and welcoming smiles. "Adora ! Bow and Scorpia were just telling me about how you were going to propose to Glimmer. I must say it will definitely catch her off guard." she smiled "You really think so ? Thanks ! About that I finished making the lyrics and I wanted to know what you all thought about it." she gave them the sheet.
They all started reading as Adora nervously tapped her foot on the ground. An approving smile had formed on their faces making Adora relax. "This is great ! It fits you guys perfectly ! spoke Bow grinning ear to ear Micah nodded in agreement adding "Truly it's very sweet. Glimmer's going to love it." a giant smile crossed her face "Thanks !" and with that she went off to practice it.
Four months later at the rebellion's annual reunion, Adora was freaking out. Despite the fact that she had relentlessly practiced the song, her blood pressure was off the roof. No matter what Bow, Scorpia and Micah did or say nothing seemed to calmed down her nerves. While Adora tried her darnest best to hide it, the rest of her friends including Glimmer had noticed that something was off about her. When they asked her if something was wrong she denied it saying that she was fine. 
After some time they let it go even though they would give her weird looks every now and then. However when Glimmer looked at her, a worried expression written all over her face more than a number of times, Adora decided to get it over with. She shot a look at Bow,Micah and Scopia and they understood; it was time.
She got up which caught the attention of her friends and her girlfriend. She gave her her hand to take saying "Glimmer, come with me" Glimmer had a confused look on her face. What was this all about ? She shrugged following Adora out of the room as did everyone else. Their friends started whispering between them "What's this all about ?" whispered Mermista "I don't know" replied Frosta.
Adora led them outside in the gardens who had gotten quite the makeover for what was coming up. There was a beautiful path  ornate with flowers , lanterns and just gorgeous lights all around. What stood out was Queen Angella's piano at the end of said path. When they reached it Adora turned her attention to Glimmer "I'm going to play you something very special" Glimmer was still rather confused by all of this. It was obvious by Adora's body language that she was nervous. Her lover had played the piano for her countless times before so this was strange.
Adora seated herself, as she played the first couple of notes, she heard multiple gasps from behind her as well whispering. She then started singing which caught her friends off guard.
It's like you got superpowers
Turn my minutes into hours
You got more than 20-20, babe
Made of glass the way you see through me
They never heard her sing before, not even Glimmer. Her voice was gorgeous.
You know me better than I do
Can't seem to keep nothing from you
How you touch my soul from the outside?
Permeate my ego and my pride
Everyone was getting quite emotional as she went on. Bow leaned himself closer to Micah whispering "Looks like all that hard work paid off" the sorcerer smiled "It sure did."
I wanna love me (ooh)
The way that you love me (ooh)
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me (trust me)
The way that you trust me (trust me)
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
Needless to say, Glimmer was absolutely mesmerized by Adora's voice. When she imagined Adora proposing she certainly didn't expect her going the "traditional" way. It had been quite some time since any noble had done this. She was surprised Adora even knew this tradition was even a thing. Adora sang the final line and played the final note.
She got up and took Glimmer's hands in hers eyes conveying nothing but love.
"Glimmer...where am i even supposed to begin ? What can I say that I haven't already ? I love you, I always and I always will. You are the only person I ever wanted, the only person I need. I want to be the sun to your moon more than anything else." she got down on one knee taking the betrothal necklace from her pocket "Glimmer, will you marry me ?"
Glimmer choked out a "yes" as their friends filmed behind them. Adora smiled putting the betrothal necklace on her now fiance's neck taking her lips in hers as everyone cheered. Glimmer pulled a way saying " I love you Adora" the blonde haired girl smiled "I love you too"
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cosmictulips · 4 years
𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙧 (pt.2 lol )
okay so trying this again lmaondnsbx,,
i think i finally got it. my initials are BS (ironic lol ), and i'm also very much into spirituality and have been practicing it for a couple of years now. i do little readings on my friends when i'm really feelin it teehee. i learned about the term twin flames when i was fairly young because of one of my relatives, but it wasn't until my spiritual awakening when i had realized why i was introduced to the concept and signs so early; because i have one :'). my twin flame is actually from another country and he often travels a lot as well, we haven't gotten to the union stage ( yet ;) ) i was wondering if you could give me some insight on how my twin flame connection is going ( kind of know already but not a whole overview, just my side lol ) and also my future/destination to come ? oh, and i'm a cancer sun ♋, aquarius moon, and libra rising ! thank u sm :D
-B <3
Hello Friend =D IM SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK Henlo Friend =D I should start with the disclaimer I don't believe in twin flames lol.  That being said,  I tried my best ;)   and I merely asked for the energy surrounding you two  and what is ahead for you two.  which is why it may seem either a little broad,  or perhaps a little skewed if that makes sense.  so either way,  I hope it helps =D
as for the connection: wheel of fortune, knight of wands, page of wands with queen of cups 
as overall energy 
second: nine of wands, queen of pentacles, king of swords with king of pentacles as the overall energy with 8 of cups energy.
so for the connection lets begin with the Wheel of Fortune.  sooooo this is about cycles ending and having happily ever afters.  so this tells me a cycle between the two of you is ending and a new one is beginning.   with the Knight of Wands, I see them being very proactive about it.  probably going to do something a little spontatnous and something they normally wouldn't do.  they are very passionate lol and are willing to get creative to get things done.  we also ahve the queen of cups as the overall energy for this question so to me this tells me you two are connected on a spiritual level.  on an emotional one, and an intuitive one. 
 y'all just get each other.  whether this is due to time and you just bonding or it was like a snap of the fingers,  you two get it.  You two have the passion and the commitment and I see that this is going to be a happy union for the both of you.
forrrr yourrrr second question.  we got the nine of wands, yea we'll start with that.  and we'll start with the king of swords too.  Nine of wands, preserverance and deligence.  y'all or one of you have been working hard on something and it's going to be paying off for the both of you.   it's been a long road here with this card but please please please don't give up.  you're so tired but it's all worth it I promise.we got the King of swords.
  someone who is good with their words.  someone who takes no shit and someone who is a good leader. Idk why but I get kind of like childish -not a bad way- vibes when I was reading your questions so I feel like you two do a lot of growing together.  you two have playful energies but also know when to like mature if that makes sense. I feel like this connection has it's... innocence.  which I hope you two keep because it feels like you two just surprise each other and it's very cute and humble lol.
we have the king and queen of pentacles here with the eight of cups.  so I love when pairs come out because that tells me you both are on the same wavelength ya know.  you both generally want the same things and will be on the same ideas when going about it.  you two work well together and I see that you two will be bringing in some new prosperity into your lives.  having a stable life together too. 
 I also see that you two will be walking away from something.  this might be something you two decide together given the similar energies here.so overall thoughts and opinions I wish you two the best. 
I love the energy you two have with each other xD I think it's very cute. You two are going to be deciding on something.  the ending to a cycle here but I see it's going to be a good thing.  Like an exciting adventure. 
 this might mean you two come to a more stable relationship because of the pentacles cards but it's going to be something you both want.  this might mean having to leave something behind but it doesn't seem like it's going to be a bad thing. communication is strong between the two of you, and so is passion and emotional connection.  use that to your advantage lol. 
 it's rare and very hard to find someone who connects with you on all levels.  I wish you two the best ;o
I hope this helps =D if you ever need anything, feel free to stop on by=D
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pinklemonwitch · 6 years
🌹So, May 15th🌹
So due to May 15th being a pretty significant astrological event (in my onion), I'm gonna be doing some rituals n shit.
First off Uranus is going into Taurus, and that carries a shitload of societal connotations that I don't even wanna get into on this post but, the theme is essentially the breaking of the barrier between what's going on up in your noodle, with what's in reality; it's bringing ideas into the physical, material world, manifestation! Uranus on its own represents innovation, challenging ideas, subverting authority, change, freedom and inspiration, so these are the ideas that are going to be energetically manifesting on their own; it's a good time to be focused on your own ideas and goals and bringing those into reality.
And with it also being a New Moon (which according to what I've read is also in Taurus), this signifies the ending and beginning of a cycle (if you think of the new moon as a death and a birth). This is essentially the moon phase and sign to be manifesting with!
Crazy how that lines up.
So yeah, big theme for May 15th is manifestation!!
I'd recommend doing manifestation spells on that day for sure; keeping in mind what Uranus and Taurus represent and using those as a guide sort've.
On a personal note this is also an important period in my womb cycle, as I'm at essentially the peak of my own ability to manifest and create (woohoo ovulation); so I personally find it rather insane how these events all line up with each other and will be heavily utilizing this knowledge in my personal ritual that day 😅
For that particular date I'm planning on having either coffee (even tho I hate coffee but correspondences) or some form of tea, I haven't decided yet; as well as doing meditation and channeling the cosmic energies of the events of that day (probably twice, once during the day to focus on Uranus in Taurus and then once at night to focus on the Moon in Taurus). I want to focus that energy on manifesting Confidence so I can take the actions needed to achieve my goals, Love and Trust to strengthen my interpersonal relationship (big theme with Moon in Taurus is love and healing), as well as manifesting and releasing Feminine Energy 🙏💖 I personally think releasing feminine energy at this time will have its own special influence, as the world will be entering a pretty volatile and tumultuous state due to its current imbalance. ⭐️
I think with Uranus being Taurus we should be reflecting on society as well, so I'm focusing my spell work to be effective on both a Personal and Social level. 🙏🌟
I'm hoping others will do something for May 15th as well, as Uranus entering Taurus could represent some pretty interesting times coming up ahead; this is a time to focus our energies on manifesting peace and positivity (in the ways you believe work best). 💖
It's about to be time for manifestation, commitment to one's goals, innovation and revolution, so welcome it as it comes! 🌟🌑💖
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