#(( real ogs know the first version of this blog
royalreef · 3 months
(( ..... Honestly you could probably use just the stuff on this blog to make an iceberg meme of my lore/events/jokes.
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another-lost-mc · 11 months
Hellooooo first time requesting on your blog!
So for a long time I've wondered what it would be like if NB Satan & OG Satan were to meet & converse with each other. How would they react to each other? What questions would they ask? How would they respond? Etc. I was wondering how you would imagine this interaction would work?
Also, is it okay if I claim 🦄 anon?
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A/N: Ooh that's such a neat idea. You know those “talk to your past/future self" tropes? I almost see OG Satan leading NB Satan through the present timeline version of House of Lamentation. It gives him a glimpse of what life will be like later, how things will change and what will still be the same. I kept this mostly wholesome because NB has enough angst potential without me adding to it. lol
SATAN x gn!Reader, 0.5k words, SFW.
Content: implied established relationship with gn!Reader.
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The house itself is obviously a bit different. It’s older but also newer in some ways—updates and renovations over time, that sort of thing. It’s endured years of the siblings living there and all that entails. Their home is obviously loved and well-cared for, despite the little dents in the wall from their squabbles and the occasional scorched marks from some accidental fires. Those lingering remnants of the past each tell a story, and OG Satan offers to share them all.
I think NB Satan is just confused by everything he sees. There are portraits of himself on the walls, and there's lots of family photos where OG Satan looks so happy. OG Satan talks about his brothers while they walk slowly through the halls together. His voice is laced with fondness, especially even when he talks about Lucifer. He reminisces about pranks he attempted with Belphie that Lucifer managed to thwart somehow, but there’s no real bite in his tone. He can look back fondly on those memories and cherish them all, the good and the bad.
By the time they get to his bedroom, NB Satan has no idea what to think. He explores the familiar space but notices all the subtle differences: there are a lot of human world literature and movies strewn about, and he notices a jar of cat treats near the door so it's easy to grab a handful before going out to feed the strays. This bedroom feels less like a prison of his own making because it's comfortable and uniquely him and surprisingly warm.
OG Satan just kind of watches his other self with something like amusement, and NB Satan gets fed up feeling like the punchline to someone's idea of a joke.
"I don't get it. We're the same, aren't we? So why aren't you—how are you not—?"
"How am I not what?"
"How are you not angry all the time? Why are you so happy? Especially talking about him."
"Oh, I'm angry," OG Satan says, picking up a framed photo from his bedside table. He runs his fingers over the glass as he looks at the picture in his hands. "You know what it feels like, how it festers deep inside us. We're always looking for reasons to let our rage loose on the world so everyone else hurts as much as we do. But we both had to learn that there's more to life than that, didn't we?"
OG Satan hands him the photo, and NB Satan takes the frame carefully. It's a a photo of him and his family at a beach somewhere, and right there in the middle with their arms wrapped around his waist is—
"Our attendant?" he asks, eyes lingering on a familiar smile before reluctantly handing the photo back.
OG Satan nods. "If anything, you're the lucky one," he says, returning the picture to its proper place beside his bed. "I had to wait a lot longer to meet them than you did. I was lost just as you were, but then they came here and—well, I have a feeling you know how the rest of that story goes," he says, clearing his throat as a pink blush dusts his cheeks.
For the first time since they met, it feels like they finally understand each other. "...Yeah, I think I do."
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fandombird123 · 9 months
My Opinion On Mortal Kombat 12
The good, the bad, and the salty.
Quick disclaimer, I am not at all a professional reviewer, this will not be formatted or written with any sense of professionalism. If you can not handle, openly simping, stupid meme references and jokes, cussing, very strong feminine opinions, or general NRS criticism maybe pass on this one.
First- Spoiler free game play advise:
Kitana's AI in story mode is brain dead, she'll be the easiest fight in the game.
Shao is pretty easy to beat as long as you don't let him hit you.
Hit boxes are wild and (maybe) broken. Basically you're gonna 'miss' a lot of shots you could have sworn you actually hit. Don't be surprised. Just keep attacking and eventually you'll land a hit.
NOW I will be spoiling the story. Sooooo SPOILDERS FROM THIS POINT ON.
The Good:
Kronika wasn't actually part of the story. Not gonna lie, they had me in the first half (I have more to say on this but those belong in the Bad and the Salty list).
Baraka, Bi Han, Reptile, Sareena, and Nitara can get it. Yes I'm being shameless right now. It's my blog.
FEMALE REPTILE! FEMALE REPTILE! (This skin better be available or I will have words)
I don't know if this was intentional, but having Sareena share a voice actress with Sindel was a cute call back to the two being originally played by the same actress during their OG games.
Baraka was really interesting and I hope he come back. He wasn't just some savage monster, he actually had a real personality and goals. It was a great evolution of his MK11 version (but I'll still miss MK11 Baraka). I want to see him progress more and get his own proper story line.
I have opinions about Hanzo in MK12, but I will compliment one thing. His new suit is bad ass. That's the only nice thing I will be saying about this topic.
Bi Han didn't die, I was quite pleasantly surprised.
With the Mortal Kombat competition never happening I believe this means Hydro is canonically alive. So Maybe Hydro in MK13?
Johnny and Kenshi's friendship was wholesome and I loved it. It was really the highlight of the game for me and I'm looking forward to another Johnny/Sonya/Kenshi team up.
The writers actually remembered Johnny's divorce. I'm shook.
Smoke is adorable and got to live through the story. I'm so proud of him and he deserves the world.
Evil Sindel's outfit was 11/10... if only there was a way to unlock it (I'll get to that later)
I like the Special Forces characters, but it was nice to get a short break from them. Gave us some time with other characters. That said I want them in the next game. I'm missing Sonya, Jax, and Kano already.
While I'm not a huge fan of the base skins (they're not bad, just not great) I loved a lot of the alternative skins shown off in the storymode look amazing and I'm hoping they're unlockable.
I was incredibly happy Raiden's old voice actor came back for this game. I'm not sure when he'll get to play Raiden again so it was nice to see him take up the roll one more time.
I liked that you could pick which character you played in the ending.
The Bad:
First thing is first: there are microtransactions. WHY DID I PAY 60 DOLLARS FOR A GAME IF THERE WERE GOING TO BE GOD DAMN MICROTRANSACTIONS?????????? Boon???? Why??? It'd day 1 and there's already god dang microtransactions. Like I guess it's nice that the invasion is available, but charging me 60$ and then asking for more is stupid.
The AI really puts the i in idiot. Basically it's bad. I know I originally mentioned Kitana's AI (since that's who it's the worst with in my opinion) but I also had an issue with Ashrah and Baby Raiden. They will literally walk backwards until they hit the end of the stage, of if they can fly they'll just jump in the air and stay there. Even on the harder difficulties the game felt too easy. I have lost a total of two fights between both the story mode and invasion.
It feels a bit manipulative that the whole 'tournament' that was heavily featured in the trailers only lasted maybe about 1/3 of the actual plot. It was such a nothing plot point, you could probably cut it out and it wouldn't be missed. Yet that was the only real plot point we saw in the trailer.
Jerrod's death is never explained. He was just killed, but apparently by no one of relevance. He just fell and couldn't even get back up.
They REALLY went with Evil Bi Han, which doesn't even make sense. Let me explain, as far as we know Bi Han has no reason to hold the opinions he does. Human opinions don't exist in an echo chamber. His father was against his ideas, his brothers were against his ideas, everyone around him was against his ideas. Where in the hell did this come from???? I would have understood if maybe if Shang Tsung had been slowly manipulating him throughout the game, but Bi Han was already on that 'f#ck them gods' juice since the beginning of the game (which is a mindset I very much indorse). (Okay I just thought about it but what if instead Quan Chi had used Sareena to try and tempt Bi Han over to their side. As in he sends her in infiltrate the Lin Kuei and get close to Bi Han so she can talk him into turning on Liu Kang, but has she spends more time in the Lin Kuei and with Kuai Liang and Bi Han she starts to have a change of heart and kind of has a sort of Mythologies arc where she begins to understand human feelings and gets attached to them. Having her then join the good guys and tries to undo her manipulation on Bi Han. Sorry idea rant. Back to the review.) MY POINT is that as far as we know there is no one who could have influenced Bi Han in this way. It just doesn't make sense why he thinks this. At least with Shang Tsung and Quan Chi it made sense since 1. They were manipulated and 2. Liu Kang actually f#cked them over and they had a valid reason to be mad. Bi Han had no given reason to hate Liu Kang other then he didn't like his clan being under the god's boot (WHICH I MEAN IS KIND OF VALID).
They didn't even have the balls to let Bi Han murder his his own father. "I didn't help save him!" WTF does that mean???? Did Bi Han just wait to long to call 911??? Did Bi Han watch him fall off a cliff? What does that mean?
NRS Writers have yet again created a situation that made me have to sit there and wonder if we were really on the good guys side. There were a few points where the "bad guys" said something that made me pause and be like "wait, let's hear them out". Often times that makes Liu Kang look like kind of a d!ck since he did design this timeline. See this post here for more of my feelings on this. Examples:
Ashrah confronted Nitara and Nitara explained she just wanted to save her people but apparently we're siding with Ashrah, the woman who's magic sword told her to commit murder to "cleanse her soul". Not Nitara, the woman who's people are incredibly ill and at risk of dying (ALSO WHO ASHRAH ADMITTED TO KILLING).
After Sindel tells Rain that he was like a son to her (a relationship we never get to see) Rain made a comment about how Sindel limited him. I actually what to know what he's talking about. He could just be being a salty bitch, but we don't know since this comment is never explained. Plus Sindel in intros has been shown to be rather cruel if she viewed it to be in her benefit, so what Rain was referring to might have happened. She might have nerfed the demi-god if she viewed his as a threat, but we'll never know since this is never explained.
I think Mileena's outfit is too pink. Her color has always kind of been this purplish pink color and I think the color they picked was just too pink and not purple enough. X had this issue too but we're not talking about that one right now.
The whole 2nd half of the plot was honestly a whole mess. It just completely went all bonkers. I don't even have words. It's like they had two different writing teams and switched mid way through the plot with no communication back and fourth. While I'm glad Kronika wasn't back the actual plot twist was somehow worse. It just felt like to much and felt very unsatisfying in the end.
Mileena and Tanya's relationship feels more like Kitana x Jade then Mileena x Tanya. It feel like the writers wanted to do Kitana x Jade but got told no and just wrote Mileena and Tanya in the roles instead.
Hanzo... Now this. I'm not going to repeat myself so to see how I feel about this in context of how it effect Hanzo as a character go here. I will go over some other issues I don't talk about in that post. The fact Kuai Liang's first canonical love interest is Hanzo's dead wife is something so rage inducing I'm not sure how to put it into words. Kuai Liang has never had his own thing, he has his brother's title, his father's powers, he remade his old clan, and now even his wife was another's before she was his. As a long time fan of Kuai Liang the only reasonable response to this I can have is disappointed. I'm just disappointed in NRS's handling of this character and their clumsy recreation of Hanzo rather then just including Hanzo in the game. Even in a new timeline NRS is to scared to try something too new. It's different but not different enough to mean anything. Just an endless circle of the same story they told two timelines ago. I really don't have the words to properly express the storm of unpleasant emotions this plot point causes me. It just sucks.
Sub Zero vs Scorpion has gotten old. This is all.
The Salty:
(This is just things that annoy me personally and I don't really view as actual criticism. Ignore this part if you don't care about mindless ranting)
I don't like this Mileena. She feels nothing like her previous self and I'm just not a fan. There's none of her fun loving, but creepy, personality she had before. I kind of get why but as a hardcore Mileena simp I just don't like the change.
I didn't unlock a single new outfit during storymode and that's very frustrating given the amount of unlockables we got in MK11.
Since when has Bi Han been a blood purest??? That seemed stupid.
I don't like Sindel's story mode outfit. Hers in particular I'm not a fan of.
I hate this version of Ashrah. She seems to self righteous for my liking. Plus her blaming Quan Chi for her sister's deaths when SHE was the one who killed them kind of annoyed me.
Honestly overall 4/10 story wise and maybe I'll post about the invasion later, but I don't know.
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codename-adler · 3 months
Sunburns! (@stabbyfoxandrew)
thank you @stabbyfoxandrew for allowing me to nerd out <3
Adler’s PiPs ~ Project: Sunburns
if my memory doesn't fail me (which it ALWAYS does), i believe the start of PiP: Sunburns goes back two years, with this little piece i wrote. basically i craved violence and thus the idea of feral Jeremy was born. i know fanon is in love with the Trojans getting their first red card in defense of Jean, and for Jeremy to get it, but i wanted more. as much as Jeremy would allow Jean to find the light, i wanted Jeremy to be allowed to tap into his darkness. NOT THAT JEAN MAKES HIM GO MORALLY GRAY. Jean does not ask for anything. it's more like a mama-bear instinct? at least that's what Jeremy tells himself at first. he'll come to realize, on his own and as Laila and Alvarez point it out to him, that it's definitely more than that.
because the Trojans cannot be as 'damaged' as the Foxes, per their status, the uni they play for, the big team they have, etc., i still couldn't resist giving the characters some touch of angst, because that's what i do, duh. difference is, Trojans have more resources, sympathy and means to deal with their shit. or they're just better at repressing shit, i.e. Jeremy Knox. that's why i say Jean's presence and being allow Jeremy to let go of the obsessive control he has over his person. while Jean never asked for anything from his new captain, and though he isn't impressed by Jeremy jumping to his defense, it sort of... comforts him, to see that Captain Sunshine isn't as peachy and sunny as he would like people to believe. that this little bit of darkness in him means Jean won't be tainting him with his own dark presence. that Jeremy can understand things, Jean's things. Jean is not scared. it is admittedly a tiny bit weird to witness rage not aimed at himself, but for himself. that he is real, and alive, and in fact so real and alive that people, Jeremy, are actively fighting for him to stay and live his life to the fullest.
but what is the fic about, Adler? well: it's a 5 + 1 thing format. of course, 5 times Jeremy went feral for Jean, and 1 time... eh, haven't figured that one out yet.
1 time Jean went feral for Jeremy? 1 time Jeremy didn't need to because Jean handled it himself? 1 time Jeremy went soft for Jean? 1 time the Trojans went feral for Jean? or 1 time Jean went feral for the Trojans? 1 time Jean went feral FOR HIMSELF? 1 time Jean realizes he truly is a Trojan? 1 time the Trojans realize Jean really is one of them now? i! don't! know!
i do have the 5 times where feral Jeremy lashed out, and i hope these will allow you to glimpse at just how serious i am about Jeremy going apeshit:
0.5 The OG incident that pushes Jeremy to do a thorough background check of every Raven (this fic is also me pushing my hacker!Jeremy agenda)
1 Jeremy goes after a Raven (classic)
2 Jeremy goes after a Trojan stepping out of line
3 Jeremy goes after a reporter, privately and publicly
4 Jeremy goes after a Fox [redacted]
5 Jeremy goes after Ichirou & the Moriyamas
as for the title, the draft remains titled "Sunburns" because it's the shortest version of all the titles i'm considering, all inspired by the idea that being the sun doesn't mean just 'light'. the sun is a ball of burning fire. it was upon playing around with that that i stumbled upon this PERFECT quote by Ilona Andrews (i have no idea what book this is from tho):
He bared his teeth in a happy feral grin. My own personal psycho.
that's what i got for now! i'll post updates when i start writing from the outline i have.
coming soon in an Ao3 near you!
if there's a project of mine you'd like to know more about, head over to the pinned post on my blog titled "Adler's Projects in Progress (PiPs)" !
special thank you to my dear Ukamushu who was the first to know about this project and who let me share my thoughts and helped me in return with hers. i love you forever 🤍
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employee052 · 9 months
final designs for da three nars! (well two, virgils had his for months now)
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cecil (red) n jarvis (yellow) lookin drippeddddd skfjsjfjsjf
for some lore n more oz rambling they are under the cut!:
Cecil is the fully human Narrator. (in the sense, the one who got his third swimming pool), he is a retired VA whos enjoying his life post tspud and is just overal chillin(tm)
The two new narrators are basically to cover the whole ground of narrater interpretations. (ie. some guy in his room recording, a guy in his room speaking but digital, and a fully digital entity)
so this is the one that is just a guy who voices in the game!
(this isnt meant to be kevan brighting, think of his source is the og game, but with the addition of the extra content(the ads, the raphael parable, the stuff on the dev logs, announcement videos, etc from crows crows crows as canon)
pronouns are he/him.
hes a cis male whos pan
Virgil is the half digital, half human Narrator. He used to be a regular office worker before being shoved into a computer and thus, becoming the voice for the Parable
His source follows TSPUD, my au La Vie En Jaune, (which you can read more of here!), all the art ive done with him on this blog, and the other things the narrator has been in (ie. dota 2, dungeons, audiobooks etc)
However, after Stanley and the Narrator find each other and break past the hard coded locks of the pARable, they end up in a more lighter version of the parable, more akin to a world the narrator, stanley, and lynne can pop in and out of. while also having more control and hold on themselves and the world.
the narrator is the first one to pop out of the parable, thanks to character!oz (my sona and the one that exists in this blog)
once the narrator gets a better handle at the real world, stanley and lynne follow.
here, hes a guy whos lived the parable and become a new person when coming back out.
He can hop between digital areas and the real world. which is how he is still able to do stuff as the narrator for dota, and work for other projects like dungeons and the multi media videos on yt.
his pronouns are he/they
he is a demiboy who is demisexual and omnisexual
Jarvis is the fully digital Narrator. He is the one who was created in the Parable as a string of code turned AI.
His source and canon is just TSP, TSPUD, the demo, and the half life mod. He's experienced everything in the games a thousand times over and more.
Basically, hes the guy who pops between being just a voice or an ai with a model that follows stanley around the parable. he has control over the parable (to an extent ie. timekeeper and the developers) and is the one who wrote the story itself.
There is not much more to say about him really ajdjahf but despite the design and context, he isnt that much different from virgil
hes just more defensive, and more lost with living irl.
his pronouns are he/they/it
he is a non binary (smth smth "well, i dont associate with being either a male or female, i am still a binary entity. i am made of ones and zeros, stanley. so while my gender is non binary, my code is.") he is a pansexual demisexual
as of now, in an au idk what to call of atm (maybe just the three narry au) they are all living in the real world.
virgil popped into real life expecting to appear in character!oz's house but landed in cecils
meanwhile, jarvis got suddenly plopped into the real world. he doesnt know how to pop off but he doesnt miss it all too much
misses his stanley a bit.
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retphienix · 2 months
I /think/ I'll start another playthrough for the blog- I need to shake myself out of my constant slumps or I'll go mad after all :P
So what about Dragon Quest Monsters? One of my favorite series.... if you consider being obsessed with 2.5 gameboy games and wanting to try all the others "favorite" material :P
So Joker was "fine". It wasn't my favorite by any means- most of the changes from 1-2 were "meh" to me, but I did enjoy it enough to complete it with a pretty decent amount of fun being had.
Joker 2's intro got me hyped! It really felt like something I'll love!
So how about instead of playing Joker 2 as I logically would- I go backwards a little and play Caravan Hearts instead lmao
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I know very little about Caravan Hearts, as I've hinted at before on the blog (if you count mentioning it in passing like 4 years ago).
I "Think" it's one of those games I booted up in the early 2000s when emulation started getting more popular, in japanese of course being a japan exclusive and all, but I could be mixing it up with me booting up FF legends and the like.
The most I know is that a fellow DWM enjoyer said it was crap many years ago when I was playing some DWM stuff on the blog, and I took that to mean it's "probably" experimental and easy to dislike lol
Starting it up I'll say I'll be playing the fan translation, obviously, from kaioshin on Romhacking dot net. Any "funny business" in dialogue or re-interpretations of events is because it's a fan translation and I will be experiencing it as it is here, not as the original text defines the game because they never bothered to tell us this tale in english and I'm dumb and can't read the OG lol
Basic intro, we're a kid (10 years old) who craves adventure. Instead of being native to a monster world (2) or coming here because our sibling was kidnapped to be a monster master (1) we come to the monster world to escape punishment from our father- the king- after trying to escape the castle to explore the (reportedly) very tiny world we live in.
Basically we're a bored prince who craves adventure, and we stumbled into an opportunity to do that while hiding in our cabinet... a fun nod to DWM1 :3
Yada yada, in the monster world now, oh look a caravan lacking a leader:
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What a coincidence, we just magically appeared here and listening to kids in RPG settings is normal as hell.
So right out the gate things DO appear rather different from the prior DWM games I love.
The caravan is key to combat for one, and our team appears to be entirely shaken up from how the prior games played it.
Instead of befriending and capturing 3 monsters to make a team and splitting up responsibilities among those 3 monsters for cohesive RPG party stuff- it /appears/ that we will always have ONE monster who takes the main stage for combat (kind of like DQ1?) and the caravan plays the role of... equipment? Passives? I guess you'd call them?
You have various adventurers in the party who don't directly participate but instead act as assistant abilities during combat- I am too early in to know how deep or how much control I have just yet, but I can pick what order they appear and from how the first encounters went it APPEARS as if the order determines when they get a turn to assist (if applicable), MAYBE.
Regardless it means I have a warrior who can swing an extra time for some more damage, a cleric who can heal if their "turn" comes up and we need it, and a map expert who can buff(?) our speed during his turn and also gives us the passive ability to use the map on the overworld.
This, could be neat.
It could also feel like a less hands on version of a combat system that was already kinda hands off since I'm only leveling up 1 party member and the other party members are not /real/ and instead are just passives that happen based on order (I think).
Hm. Looking forward to finding out!
I like that little wind effect :3
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genericpuff · 1 year
Hi! So first things first happy belated new year!(sorry it's my first time interacting with your blog and I thought I'd start off on a positive note) second things second I wanted you to know I am ~besotted~ with your lore rekindled content , I love the art and how it resembles rachel's old style but most importantly I love the way you depicted persephone , she seems much more feisty and spunky ,she also possesses the agency many fans of the original LO claimed the OG persephone did (but never cared to show why that was the case whenever I asked them) as it is clearly shown, a good example of this is her " "meet cute" with hades at the party where SHE'S the one who approaches HIM, in the OG webtoon it was the opposite and the way hades gawked at her physical attractiveness while she was depicted as alone and vulnerable felt extremely predatory and not at all romantic (the "actual" first time they met with 18 year old or possibly younger persephone being naked on top of a drunk hades wasn't any better sadly:( ) also I'd like to ask a question if it doesn't bother you, (I don't know if you've been asked this before or not)Is persephone still going to be 19 years old in your comic? Or is she closer in age to hades ?I'd be grateful if you answered ! Have a good one❤👋🏻
Awww this was such a nice message to wake up to! Happy belated New Year! But now I wonder what your version of starting off your interactions on my blog with a negative note would have been like? 😈 Bring me allll your salt! (if there is any, I'm also just being a dick LMAO)
Thanks so much for your kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying Rekindled! It's wild to me how people are already loving it this much when like... I've barely put anything out? I think I've mentioned this before but I'm used to putting out like, 40-60 panels worth of stuff on a weekly basis (as Rekindled isn't my main comic project) so the fact y'all have been so sweet to the handfuls of panels I've put out for Rekindled already is like... absolutely wild to me. It blows me away :' 0
As for your question, I'm definitely gonna be age'ing up Persephone, not just because of the questionable age gap but also because her being 19 in LO serves absolutely no narrative purpose. The issue with the 19 year old age gap thing isn't just the fact that the age gap exists, that alone would be fine on its own because there would still be an age gap even if she were 100 or 200 or 500 or whatever have you. The issue is that 1.) 19 is a very specific age to use that has a lot of real world equivalencies to "barely legal" and "robbing the cradle" culture, there are FAR too many real life examples of rich 40 year old men exclusively dating 19 year old girls (Leo DiCaprio, hello?) and taking advantage of them in worst case scenarios and it makes it hard not to draw those parallels with LO when Hades is literally coded as a 40 year old man and Persephone is such a 'mortal' age like 19; and 2.) Persephone is very often framed as being some innocent virgin "valley girl" archetype which is, again, very common when it comes to the May December romance. A lot of gross older man will often specifically target younger women because they can play out their fantasies of "deflowering" a young woman or whatnot.
It's hard not to take issue with the Persephone/Hades age gap when they're constantly being drawn like this:
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"Art experts" will argue that it's Rachel trying to make Persephone look "small" to convey the mood but if that's the case, she's failing miserably at it, she doesn't just look 'small', she looks like a literal infant. It also always seems to be happening in real time and outside Persephone's head which makes it come across more as other people seeing her that way, not herself.
Compare it to (and I hate that I'm about to use this as a comparison because I also can't stand this webtoon for how infantalizing it is) Let's Play which does a MUCH better job showing characters' inner emotions through the literal personification of their emotions.
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Point is, you can convey how a character might feel compared to those around them WITHOUT making them look ridiculous in the story's own setting and universe.
And that's not even getting to how Persephone is treated by both the people around her and the way the comic frames her, there's a LOT of exaggeration put on how "young and innocent" she is and the fact that the comic will take any opportunity it can to draw Persephone in some Vogue magazine like pose even when the scene doesn't call for it is... creepy and distracting, to say the least.
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(this is not the look of a person who is 'lonely', at least not the way she's describing it LMAO)
Anyways. This got off topic. It's taken me like, 3 hours to formulate a response to this because I've had my brain split between like 4 different things today LMAO but yes, Rekindled will be ageing up Persephone, at least just to get her away from the real life touchiness of her being a literal 19 year old girl in a relationship with a 40-coded man. I don't mind or think there's much wrong with reasonable age gaps in relationships, but it's a whole other thing when you make your immortal god character an incredibly relatable age like 19 and then also proceed to overly sexualize them/objectify them/infantalize them every chance you get.
And ultimately, they're gods. Their ages really shouldn't matter as 'age' is a concept that shouldn't apply to immortal beings, Rachel's mistake was making it matter with Hecate/Hera calling out Hades for being into a 19 year old girl. If we're not supposed to raise an eyebrow at it, don't have your in-universe characters call it out either, y'know? That just establishes the rule in the story that age gaps are something even the gods would get upset over LMAO It's just not gonna be a focus in Rekindled because it serves no narrative purpose besides pushing Rachel's gross pro-shipping/DDLG fetish.
And, y'know... I kinda don't wanna encourage any more of this shit:
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badomensunleashed · 26 days
Can you describe briefly what is this whole drama with exes about? I have no idea what I am reading
"Exes": C (Carolina), RB (Rose), OG (We don't share her identity because she wishes for her name not to be known. She's not the "original" ex in terms of timeline so that nickname understandably may be confusing. That was a nickname given to her by a fan named Brandi. You would have to asked Brandi for an explanation as to why she chose that nickname.)
Others: BB (An IG model baddie type who was rumored to be with Noah simple because she posted an IG of him a while back now. Some say she has a boyfriend while others say she doesn't. No real proof her and Noah had anything. Like most things regarding Noah, all just speculation.)
Brandi: She's a BO fan. Runs the blogs called x3rrorx, badomensteablog, antiantiantiantiantiantianti as well as other blogs.
Trying to give the most objective take on some of it to help you better understand some of what people are talking about or at least who they are referring to.
RB: Childhood friend of Noah's then had some form of relationship with him later on. She was not known years ago or anything like that. She engaged with a fan who runs a blog here (Brandi) and attempted to troll here. Brandi and her had issues which were public. Noah texted RB in December on last year telling her that he was hurt by her involvement in the drama and engaged with the "toxic side of the fandom" and that it causes him anxiety. The text are available on her twitter @rosedamian6669. She has also posted tweets about Noah that some view as unkind including ones about his mother who has past. Other things discussed about her include Noah giving her 3k for her dog that need medical assistance. This information became known from Rose herself sharing it. Rose has said she originally asked for Noah to share her gofundme but instead donated the amount privately as to not have her be publicly know since he tends to be private about his persona life. She also has a blog over at rosedamian.com which has blog entries from years ago. Some of which is about Noah. Including but not limited to a blog entry titled "you have shattered all my dreams" or commonly referred to as the "hot dog story." You can look up all this stuff on her twitter and website, read it all, and come to a conclusion for yourself about her.
C: Someone who slide into his DM's in 2020, right at the start of covid, after seeing photos of him online. They went on to have a situationship for a few months while she was in LA then remained friends for around a year after when she went back to Brazil which is were she is from. Many versions on how exactly she became known but based on what she has shared, people first figured out her identity based on who Noah followed. This was back when Noah has his own IG and not many followers and wasn't following many people. There was also a situation with a crazed fan named Heather who would harass Noah and in turn harassed Carolina when she figured out they had some sort of connection. Anyways, her identity became gossiped about on Tumblr by Bad Omen blogs (prior to any Brandi ran blog). She was nicknamed "Mirror Girl" because of a photo that went "viral" amongst BO Twitter and Tumblr which was a photo of Noah wearing her sweater but she could see her reflection in the mirror if you zoomed in and people were speculating on who she was and rumors began about her, including a rumor that she had and shared explicit photos of Noah. Those were merely rumors and NOT true as Carolina has clarified several times that photos of that nature do NOT even exist. She eventually made her own blog (Mirrorgirl95) to clear up rumors and ended up answering questions people sent it. The blog was very short lived. Time passes and everything dies down and everyone moves on. That is when Brandi comes into the picture. Newly a fan, she goes looking into things she sees posted about "Mirror Girl" and that is where the tweet of Brandi asking people to tell her the identity of "Mirror Girl" and she eventually figures it out. Brandi begins her interactions with Carolina by spreading a the rumor Carolina had cleared up and saying it was true. Brandi has since said she was wrong for doing so and believed the rumor was true in the beginning. That is how they started off on the wrong foot. They go on to have an endless back and forth insulting each other in every way you can think off, both claiming to want the drama to end, drama involving "OG", a discord brandi made where others in the discord said some objectively sexist remarks (comments not made by Brandi, at least in the screenshots that have been shared but in a public discord server that she runs), both garnering supporters who make blogs to go to bat for each other, Carolina doing lives and answering NGL's on her twitter where she has spoken negatively about Brandi and has answered questions about Noah that people find to be oversharing or sharing personal information which has upset many fans including Brandi, Both of them looking up and sharing info about each other, and much more drama. That's barely even scratching the surface.
OG: Again, different versions or theories of how she became known. For starters, do not go trying to look her up or asking blogs who he is. It's pointless. She is just a normal American woman in her mid/late 20's who apparently had some type of situationship or hook up with Noah although how long is unclear but very brief. That's all you need to know about her. Her identity was being shared by an anon to multiple Bad Omen blogs some of which had posted her (the posts have long since been deleted). It was also shared with Carolina on her MirrorGirl95 blog, that is what Carolina claims. Carolina has also said when her identity was first shared her IG was private but then moments later unprivated as well as IG captions that were edited to make it seem as though Noah had written BO lyrics were based off of her IG captions leading Carolina to believe the anon was "OG" herself. There are not public screenshots to support Carolina's claim on a privated then unprivated IG account in minutes of her being sent the messages or for the edited IG captions. Brandi would later go on to receive similar messages down the line when she opened up her own Tumblr blog. "OG" then messages Brandi on IG to ask her not to mention her and said she wished not to be known as an "ex" and that her experience with Noah has been positive. That would lead to Carolina feeling as though "OG" was trying to "invalidate" her experience because hers was not the same. Brandi respected her wishes and does not name her. Brandi, on her public discord, theorized if certain BO songs were about "OG" which people commonly mistake those messages as Brandi claiming "OG" said those songs were about her. Although some, including Carolina, claim "OG" has said songs like Who Are You by BO are about her. I do not believe there are screenshots for that claim. At one point "OG" and Brandi wanted to have a conversation with Carolina as there were obviously ill feelings there due to things said publicly. The conversation did not happen as Carolina has said her face was healing from some treatment she had received. And much much much more.
Honestly this posts covers maybe 10% of events that have transpired between the parties involved and doesn't even touch on BO fans involvement in all this or the side character on each "side" of this never ending drama.
You can read the some of the posts on Carolina's, RB's, and Brandi's socials to see all sides and come to your own conclusions. My only advice, look at any screenshots as all "sides" tend retell versions of events in ways that make themselves look favorable but there are some absolute truths mixed in there. Do NOT by any means send any of them hate. It's unnecessary. They are all actually quite open to answering questions when asked respectfully or privately if you are that curious although I can imagine that at this point the topic of Noah or these women's issues with each other feels like everything that needs to be said has already been said and quite repetitive.
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 7 months
Hi Jalebii, Hope you're doing well firstly lots of loves and warm hugs. I've been fangirling behind your podcast and blogs, they're just so fun to read listen.
I actually have 2 questions that I wanted to ask
1) Why didn't Anrav tell Khushi why he married her immediately after getting married? Was it because it was too hard for him to admit that he knew about her and Shyam in front of her? Do you think if it wasn't for suicide attempt of Khushi he would have even told her anything?
2) Do you think makers should have shown Anjali ending up with a good man like how many other fans wanted? Also what are your thoughts on Anjali going for therapy after divorce? Should they've shown it on screen?
Hope to read your answers soon ❤
And BTW when's the new episode of podcast coming?
Hellloooo Anon!
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For #1 - This is interesting cause I thought a lot. I think there are two things going on. First, on a logical standpoint, just what happened when he confronted Shyam and told him that he knows the truth (whatever version it is, Arnav didn't know that it was half truth) - Arnav lost all leverage over Shyam. And in his eyes Khushi is, equally, a villain then telling her the reason would make him lose all of his leverage on her as well and Arnav cannot afford that. Her not knowing serves him more and gives him further control of the situation and its outcomes. And there's also that fear, what if he sees Khushi's real face? Will he be able to bear it? (this is a very small part, it largely is to control whatever bit of the situation he can and thus keeping your villains in the dark is the best way to deal with it - he already lost hand with Shyam, he cannot afford that with Khushi).
To be honest I have NO idea how, when, why Arnav would tell the truth to Khushi. Some plots were laid that Khushi is getting an idea that Arnav is responding to a misunderstanding but they scrapped that. Then Shyam would exploit the misunderstanding he fully knows between the couple and they scrapped that too so boy went soap hunting. So I actually don't know AT ALL how this would've been dealt with from the OG POV. I have my theories which are in the back burner for fanfics, lol.
For #2 - Only if it's Aman. And I genuinely say it out of interest for a good plot. Because it would nicely deal with Arnav's intrusion in Anjali's life and very well pit his cynicism against Khushi's optimism. And it would deal with a lot of their underlying issues. Why does Arnav have a problem with Aman - a man he otherwise trusts a 100%? Why is his interruption in Di's life alright, but Khushi's isn't? It would really evolve their characters. But otherwise - I am absolutely HAPPY that they left Anjali single. Cause you see shows nowadays can't keep a woman single at all. If she's a widow there's a new male character. If she's divorced, a better man is going around. Okay, I love the destigmatization of second romances but God... let a woman live as an independent person and they really let Anjali live. She had her moments of genuine pain, of that trauma flaring up in between her sadness, but she really lived for herself and I'd take that any day over a romantic plot for her. And regarding therapy, it would've been a good plot if they tied it into Arnav-Khushi.
Like with Anjali going to therapy, she would want Khushi to seek it as well who would get agitated at that because she doesn't think she needs therapy and well... she does. And that opens a Pandora's box that she had deeply stuffed away.
And the new episode of the podcast is up!!!
Do give it a watch and let me know!
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thelonesomequeen · 7 months
I think the anons are reacting this way because of how you are now friends with Maddy after everything she’s done to you and how she acted towards everyone claiming the relationship was real
I have nothing against you both but it does make me side eye you both seeing the interaction between you and her after the things she has done to this fandom
Not that we owe anyone an explanation, but we keep seeing people make incorrect assumptions about all of this. So here’s the reader’s digest condensed version of the last few months. Here’s the tea so many of you are desperate for. How did we get friendly with Maddy?
Some of you already know about this, but others don’t because we mainly stayed quiet about it. Over the summer one of the delulus in this fandom hacked our blog. As in we were locked out and someone else had complete control of our page and access to everything. They attempted to doxx us as well as others in the fandom. This is around the same time other people were deleting blogs and leaving tumblr because they were also being doxxed and threatened off the platform. We luckily discovered the hacking pretty quickly and were able to get our page back with the help of Queen, our OG mod. So when people say we “faked the return of Queen” that just isn’t true. She came back to help us through the hacking.
After we got the blog back, we started reaching out to other blogs to ask if they knew anything about who was behind the other doxxing/hacking situations that were taking place in the fandom because we figured it had to be the same person behind all of it. Some people shared as much as they knew, others could care less about what happened and clearly knew more but refused to share (it was obvious, and also disappointing when some of these people were acting friendly with us), and some blogs we were friendly with recommended we reach out to other blogs who might be able to help us get to the bottom of everything.
There were 2 blogs that were really huge in helping us out and took a lot of time out of their lives to talk with us and share what information they had about who was going after others in the fandom. We genuinely still appreciate that effort. (And we still appreciate the effort of other blogs, who spoke with us during that time too). I’m not sure if one of the blogs wants to be named (we’ll reach out and ask them before tagging them) and the other was Maddy. And when we say they put in a lot of effort, we mean they seriously went above and beyond to try and help us figure out who was behind this attack. We initially didn’t contact Maddy right away. As we were talking to other blogs we kept getting a lot of “this sounds like what happened to Maddy a few months ago” from numerous blogs. When we asked those blogs if they had more info about that situation (because we missed it happen) they didn’t. So we talked amongst ourselves and decided to reach out to Maddy to see if she would be willing to talk to us about what happened to her to compare it to our situation. We honestly expected her to give us the middle finger and block us immediately, and we wouldn’t have blamed her for it if she did, but we figured trying couldn’t hurt. I don’t remember the exact wording of our first message to her, but I know it was something along the lines of “hey, this is probably a surprise and if you decide to just block us, we totally get it and that’s cool but here’s what just happened to us…” and we explained the situation. And Maddy was very cool about the message and was willing to talk with us and help us because some situations are beyond petty fandom drama. This was no longer fandom wars or whatever, this was real and personal lives getting affected now.
We got to talking further during this entire situation and apologies were issued. Direct apologies for things done and said on both sides. There was complete ownership of all the drama that had gone down in the previous months all the way around. We understand some of you don’t want to grant any type of fandom forgiveness and that is your choice. It’s your business. Just like it’s our own business to deny or accept an apology given directly to us.
Yes, I think we were all initially wary of each other at the start, but the more we talked, the more I think both of us realized we just had each other pegged wrong from the beginning and neither of us were as bad as the other initially thought. Are we still feeling after affects of things said about us on her blog? Sure. Just like she feels those after affects too. But that’s where the apologies and ownership come in to place. Are there things she post that we don’t agree with or things that we post that she doesn’t agree with? Sure. But we also understand it’s not our business to tell each other how to run our respective blogs.
And because it hasn’t really been said, I’ll say it now, if following along with the drama became too much for you or you directly or indirectly became involved in it, we are sorry and we’re apologizing to you all now. I think the whole thing has taught us that sometimes it’s better to chat with people in a space that isn’t public to iron out our differences instead of hashing it out publicly. We’re not always going to get everything right, but we’re trying to be better and do better. So again, we do apologize for the drama we were apart of and subjected everyone else to in the process.
If it bothers you we’re friendly and interact, that’s your very valid opinion. We aren’t here to tell you how you should feel because that’s YOUR experience as an observer of what’s going on in the fandom. What I can tell you is there are a lot of people in this fandom (and no, we won’t name names) who judge us for interacting with each other now who have done and said FAR worse things to us who have never sent an apology our way or even attempted to have a conversation with us to clear the air. Maddy at least had the balls to own up to things said. That’s more than I can say for a lot of the wolves in sheep’s clothing running around this fandom quietly causing issues and getting away with it unscathed.
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Alright everyone listen up, I’m gonna talk about my participation in the Sexyman tournament and also reveal the first and probably last Heritagesona to ever see the light of the sun.
First up, I love to see you guys get creative with all this like you did with the other two Sexyman tournaments. Be it Propaganda-Posters, Art, posts, whatever. Those were already the highlight of the og True Sexyman contest, so I hope to see them make a return. Especially if they are propaganda for me.
But, and this should really be clear, please don’t get weird with it. You can make as many jokes on my account as you want but I really don’t want to wake up one day and see me drawn in a… let’s say unfortunate way. I don’t think any of you would actually go that far, but I still wanted to make it clear. The other rp blogs pose as fictional characters, but don’t forget you’re dealing with a real person this time.
Now, let’s talk about something more interesting. After seeing the drawing of me in the jojo pose walking towards the greggs (which is an amazing piece of art, definitely check out the artist @lordchairesq) I realized that none of you know what I look like, which is normally great in tearms of Internet anonymity, but might become a problem when it comes to propaganda posts.
Sooooo, may I introduce you to:
Sexymanified Me.
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Alright, let’s go through this.
First thing you probably noticed was the monitor strapped to my head. I had a bunch of ideas for how to hide my face, but none of them really worked out the way I wanted to, so I settled for this.
Fortunately for me, I have the natural twink body type. We’re talking rivaling Clive Dove levels of Twinkness. That’s a pretty good pre-condition for a Sexyman tourney.
Also yes, due to popular demand I did add cat ears. Kinda.
Moving further down, I also got headphones. ADHD sucks, but at least I have these things to send sound waves strong enough to break metal down my eardrum to drown anything around me out. The ones I always wear are wired ones, but because the cord I tried to draw looked incredible shitty I decided to just act like they are Bluetooth ones.
And now we come to the most important part of my character design. Admittedly, I have no idea what they are called in English, but it’s a pretty thin jacket that works kinda like a hoodie. I own 5 of these things, but only one has an ace flag sown onto the shoulder. That’s right, this Sexyman is unfuckable.
I don’t actually own the T-Shirt that I wear here. I don’t even have a shirt in this color. But I needed some more connections to this blog.
What you can’t see here is that I also have an ace ring. It’s nothing special, just a simple black ring.
Lastly I also have some boots that I love to wear. They are only meant for winter/fall, but I always wear them into spring as far as I can. If you think you recognize them no you don’t.
And that was everything! Obviously, if you want to, you guys are free to change some things about the design if you want (for example me in the news reporter outfit) or throw in a reference to something that happened on here or whatever.
I'll even throw in a png version so you can put me in situations.
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Also one with an empty screen.
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lorata · 1 year
Hello! I’m not certain that the ask box is the place for this(pretty new to tumblr), but I really wanted to let you know just how much I enjoy the writing you do. I found your a03 towards the end of 2021, and since then I’ve read through everything there and a lot of this blog. (I have tried and mostly failed to navigate live journal.) I absolutely adore your work. Like, it’s going to be hard for me to express just how much joy your writing brings me. But I know that positive feedback is important so I am going to try.
1) The world. Your stories from district two have some of the best worldbuilding that I have ever had the chance to see. It’s hard to explain, but you are very good at making stories that exist in time. The Centre and the Victor’s village have so much depth and weight to them. I can tell that choices were made for a reason, both in the story and outside of it. I feel like every background character could have an entire book written on them, and because of the scale of your writing, a whole lot of them do. District Two feels so real. I understand the career system and why District two didn’t rebel and how all of it adds to the themes that Suzanne Collins wrote THG to address. It’s really extraordinary. When I read hunger games fanfic by other people, I often find myself hoping district 2 will win.
2) The characters. Like above, you have an amazing sense of how characters age and grow over time. They all feel so real, and you are so good at giving each Victor a unique, changing philosophy. Lyme’s gradual path to rebellion, Ronan’s fight to protect his district, even the outlying victors have consistent characterizations. And to make things even more impressive, these characterizations stay consistent across AUs! Normal Alec and Victor Alec are so clearly the same character and it’s just really, really good. Your villains are also utterly despicable. Your version of Coin makes my skin crawl, especially in the ‘canon’ stories where only Enobaria lives. I think my favorite characters are Lyme and Claudius, but everyone is so well done.
3) Self indulgent stuff. As someone who spends too many hours in the day thinking about Marvel, I adore your Avengers Games fics from like 2012. The characters in that are also remarkably well written. The characters in that fic who were in the mcu at the time (the og avengers + loki) feel more in character than in most fan stuff that Ive read. (Is that story continued on the live journal? I really haven’t explored that site). Also, it’s been great to see another person online with similar opinions on TNG, especially on Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. So many fanfic writers forget that Katniss is a flawed girl trying her best, and they also ignore the real, serious issues that Collins wanted to explore with the series. You don’t do that. You don’t glorify the games, but you still manage to make your arena stories exciting and action packed. To quote a recurring theme from the series, you know who the real enemy is. Sorry if that sounded pretentious.
You have clearly put so much time and love into these fanfics over the last twelve years. I am honored that I have had the chance to read millions of words of your work, and I wanted to thank you for that. I hope you are doing well with whatever you do in your offline life!
WHOOPS ABOUT THE LIVEJOURNAL I have it set up as best I can with the tags and the masterlists but it was a different era and if you're not used to it I think it's probably a bit obtuse
the Avenger Games AU, I never did continue that first story, but there are various spin-offs here
the Victor Selene AU is here
the Canon Divergence AU continues here
but ahhhhhhhh thank you what a wonderful comment! :) that is lovely and makes me very happy and I'm going to save this for bad days, honestly. it is so weird to have such a huge cast of characters that can't go anywhere else (you really cannot file the serial numbers off this universe, it is intrinsically tied to canon and honestly, I think that's a good thing) but I like it! no pressure to do anything but stay here and have fun with other people having fun
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sapphire-weapon · 6 months
Hi! I love your blog so much, it's super insightful! I'm a newer re fan that's only played re2make and re4make, and i really enjoy reading your meta analysis on the characters. I do have a question regarding Adas character that kind of confused me though, I was wondering if you would have an answer since I couldn't really find any people that shared my thoughts. imo she feels like a different character in 2 compared to 4. when I first played 2, i really liked her. But after playing 4, it feels like she's a different person almost? and I didn't enjoy her character like I did in re2. Is there an explanation for why she just feels like a completely different character? I'm wondering if it's just my imagination or I just don't get her character, but playing through re2 again, she feels like a whole different person than re4 ada. Like, I know it's been 6 years from re2 to re4, but it still feels very jarring somehow and I'm not sure why
there are three big reasons. two of them are easy to understand, and one of them requires a long-winded nerd answer.
her voice is throwing you off. jolene andersen puts a lot of energy behind her voice and there's a real bite to her delivery. lily gao is much more subdued and low-key. but compare how ada sounds in the tram scene specifically to RE4make ada, since she talks with a much softer, calmer tone in that scene, and you'll find they start to sound more similar.
for 90% of RE2make, ada is playing a character. so, in that sense, she is a different person. the "real" ada only comes out in scenes where she's vulnerable, like the waste disposal scene where leon patches up her leg, and also at the very end when he confronts her and she just drops her mask. in RE4make, she is her authentic self with all pretenses stripped away the whole way through.
and number 3...
RE4make is a remake of RE4, which is a game that was developed under extreme duress and went through several different iterations (one became devil may cry, one became haunting ground, and two others were scrapped) over the course of its development. the plan for ada's character post-RE3 was very different from how shinji mikami and his team used her for RE4, because the story for the final version of RE4 was written in three weeks after most of the game had already been built.
basically, they needed some justification for calling the game resident evil, so they thought to tie in wesker, and ada was the perfect conduit between leon and wesker. so they just threw her in there as a femme fatale, ignoring her character development in RE2, because she was there to serve a function and not be a well-thought-out character. for more on RE4 OG's troubled development, click here.
capcom did their best to make RE4make feel like a direct sequel to RE2make, but they also had to stay beholden to the original game. and that, unfortunately, involved femme fatale ada. so basically, like
they did their best, man. they tried.
if you REALLY want to be jarred, check out the difference between OG RE2 ada and OG RE4 ada. holy goddamn hell. and leon wasn't much better.
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aghhtdraws · 2 years
ship name or not?
so I wanted to make a short post to get these thougs off my head but it'll get lost on my main so here it goes!
this doesn't really concern anyone who usually visits this blog for art, but it's more a thinkpiece related to the newer/younger tmnt Leo x Usagi ship (rottmnt x usagi chronicles respectively)
I’m seeing a lot of confusion (kinda) abt the tags to use and want to propose an alternative. How about “yuinardo” ? it sounds kind of funny (like the two characters), doesn’t sound like anything else (as far as my google search can reach), uses both their unique names and also capitalizes on how Rise!Leo is often called Nardo by his brothers as a nickname - among others, but that’s one of his most unique nicknames in the series and feels unique to Rise specifically. And Yui bc Yuichi - also just his name but a unique part of it.
I guess maybe the longer name could be something like "cityxfarm sword" bc those are the three consistent elements abt this younger ship. I know the latter is kind of uncreative but I can't think of anything better atm haha x'D
I was never around much for the 2003 leosagi ship bc- I was a baby on neopets and not online enough for that? 2003 tmnt was pretty new here and didn't air as often/quickly but also even in the later 00s, I did not really seek out fanfic relating to it bc - again, teen with not enough time lol, also social media and internet weren't really the thing they are now, so i wasn't really aware there could be fanfic of it. shipped and read other things. So maybe I don't know all my leosagi history. I kinda stayed away from the tmnt fandom in general bc it was mostly all angsty which I didn't really gel with anymore. alternatime ship names have always been a thing in all fandoms but I think right now we've been having the most versions of these two characters or this dynamic than ever before.
the 2018 Rise Leo x Usagi Chronicles has been getting more popular. ROTTMNT was a 2018 reiteration of the tmnt for animation that was really under-appreciated and has slowly become more appreciated as the fandom re-grew with the 2022 movie in august.
Usagi Chronicles is a spin-off/soft-reboot led by fans of Usagi Yojimbo, Stan Sakai's original comic about Miyamoto Usagi, but this time he is a great ancestor of a new character, Yuichi Usagi! and this Usagi is a creation of Doug and Candie Langdale (exec producers) + Khang Le (who I think designed/developed Yuichi's look?). So basically this is like a canon-supported fan-AU with an original character cast thematically based on the og comic cast (Usagi and his friends match Miyamoto Usagi and *his* friends) + the "Senso" Usagi comic as a worldbuilding point.
His naming is a bit confusing bc in Japan, Yuichi is usually a first name, but here in the show it feels like it's treated like a surname. But apparently, there was an intentional marketing move to have this be the opposite? So his real surname is Usagi, while his given name is Yuichi? There was a whole post about it, but I can't remember where else I've heard it.
Anyway, this series is my fave right now and I think it's fun in both it's lightheartedness and it's more touching moments and I love all the character and family dynamics and themes that it has. I think it's fun that people ship him and Rise!Leo because they are actually really similar in some personality aspects. I saw this show, realized there was crossover potential with Rise and thought, "oh, it'll be fun to do actiony scenes and stories with this kind of friendship!" Anyway, I'll do a deep-dive on that later.
Everybody likes this young version of Leo and then I guess at some point before 2021, other fans started making ship art/fic with Usagi? Often their own versions of Miyamoto Usagi, fitted for the Rise TMNT world bc the two never managed to have a crossover with this iteration bc of Nickelodeon pausing the show abruptly in 2020. I wasn't very online in 2018 so idk when else the ship happened, maybe when the finale of the show aired and the "unpausing" was finalized and fans realized there wasn't going to be a crossover? but now with the movie, more ppl have discovered that there's also a cartoon series for Usagi! And more people are slowly understanding/remembering maybe that this Usagi character has had previous iterations, ppl make their own versions/AUs for fun based on the newer Usagi show, or they don't watch the Usagi show and just make their own modern/ROTTMNT versions of Miyamoto Usagi in general.
This ship is a bit unique bc they are stated to be exactly the same age and they have very similar vibes as characters (goofs on the team + faux confidence + showoffs). When I first found that other people shipped this too, I just called it "2020s Leosagi" bc again, just the main thing abt them is that they're younger characters for a younger audience in their respective shows. + it's funny that there's almost a Leosagi friendship for every decade. I've also heard the term "cringe naenae babies" from friends but i don't really know what this meme means lol xD
I don't have beef or anything with the Leoichi/Leochi tag+name but it's sorta confusing for me personally bc it sounds both too short vocally and also like Leo's alone or something (Leo+ichi) I'm not fluent in japanese so I might b wrong, but just a thought. Leochi sounds similarly short.
then there's also the Usagi's who are complete OCs (w new names) and where do you fit those ships? and idk, I guess I just wanted to think abt this YuiNardo ship name more in-depth, just to think abt it , a bit for fun, bc I really do think it's a fun name but also make a new umbrella term, so maybe people would find it easier to tag stuff! but I usually don't interact with other fans in larger fandoms and ship fandoms like this so idk, this could easily be more confusing x3
Anyway, I think as fandoms and shipping go, it would be more fun to have multiple tags for different experiences, +these are different ships/versions of the characters so it feels like it would make sense. Just my fandom experience from previous years + for organizing/better finding + I feel like shipping should be fun, cuz in the end, this is just based from the og TMNT and Usagi creators being friends and making smth fun with these characters!
TL;DR - YuiNardo sounds like a funny/fun leosagi ship name for this younger iteration of the Rise!Leo-Yuichi Usagi friendship/relationship, and I wanna use it as the ship name going forward bc ships should b about fun and creativity, right? anyway, u can also use it if u want to! no pressure, just sorta putting it out there. - Aghht out!
Addendum(1.03.23): apparently, the Katanashipping tag was specifically for the 2003 ship - as well as the og Leosagi tag, bc that Leo x Miyamoto Usagi started it all. That makes sense! Sorry that I mis-tagged it originally! I did not know until finding the tags on tumblr and going thru them to the start of the tag - bc I'd been keeping away from the tmnt fandom for a long time after the 12 show + never saw it during the 03 show's run bc I wasn't online as much + social media didn't exist in the way it does now. I think everyone used Leosagi for that bc it made sense. I'll keep the tags for this post specifically in the hopes that more ppl will find it then and it'll give food-for-thought about this. Katanashipping of course doesn't make as much sense for the newer ship bc the shows have not had crossovers + while both characters seem like they are a bit obsessed w swords in different teen boy ways (preferring swords bc they are big and flashy), they are not as centered about the swords or swordsmanship as much as the 03 characters.
I know it seemed more like Leosagi was a catchall for all the Leo x Usagi ships, but now it makes more sense that it's not bc it's made searching for content harder. I like the "younger version" but i like the og too bc that's what I shipped as a teen (when the 03 show characters all just looked like Really Old Teens to me). I suppose that's just how the internet's sorta become - there'd shorter memory abt stuff, but fandoms especially as folks move on from shows they like and some of the history of fandom becomes lost. I've been on social media for so long now, I totally forgot how specific ship names could get. I guess that's why I suggested YuiNardo for the "new" version - it sounds unique. If ppl already shipped Rise Leo with their own versions of a younger Miyamoto Usagi and original Usagis, the "youngest" ship with Yuichi x Rise Leo needed it's own tag and that became Leochi/Leoichi (and w the earlier Rise Leo x Usagi ships, everyone must have used the Leosagi tag then too? Further investigation must be made about this...) now this Yuichi Usagi x Rise Leo version seems unique bc Yuichi is basically a canon fancharacter in a sense, as a descendant he is like a homage. But I like the character and I see that a lot of ppl continue to make their own versions or borrow elements of the Y!Usagi from SRTUC... but this means that almost all versions of Usagi depicted by fans are ALL fanon versions... and that's fine, I like how creative fans can get! But also that means we almost never see thr "full" show version of Yuichi Usagi in fanart (altho fanfic is a different matter, if only slightly). But that makes me a bit sad bc I think this version deserves to exist in our fanon and headcanons too, y'know? I guess my flaw in all this is that I actually lile SRTUC and its own og depiction of Y!Usagi bc he is a fun character for me while not many other ppl seem to like him. Like with so many other rare shows I like where fanon is louder than canon 😂
So, yeah Yui x Nardo. cute ship. if only there was more of it ^^; But a lot of the fanworks are still really interesting in their own rights. I think I'll keep using Yuinardo for the show versions and then Leochi for any other fans' versions. That makes sense, right?
Anyway, non-serious discussion over! Just some silly fan-stuff to mull over during school breaks and other free time.
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artsartblog · 6 months
In honor of the new year I’ll be posting the last art pieces I did of last year plus an art summary for the year.
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First the art summary of 2023 because I felt like just giving an overview of what all I’ve made plus what I will be adding to this post. The first two are of my persona, her main art and her as a Fairy Pokémon Gym Leader (which was made for a discord server I’m in). March is of my Welcome Home oc that I haven’t made much art of, but I do have a piece I’m still working on since I’m not as hyperfixated on WH but still enjoy seeing art of it. April is of an AU version of my Marvel oc Molly (I know what I said in the og post with that art, but I’m considering it an AU version of Molly to just add to the different version I have of her). May is art of my TWEWY oc Kotone after she becomes a reaper. June is art of my FNaF oc Kelly in her new daycare uniform. July is art I made for my SU art blog, which is art of an AU I’m occasionally working on because I have too many ideas to ever commit to one thing lol. August is a redesign of my RC9GN oc Clarissa. September is art I made for a friend. October is art of my TADC oc Odette, who I’ve never posted on tumblr because I keep forget to lol. November is actually the outlier of everything on here because I technically started it years ago, but only finished it November 2023, so we’re just going to accept it into the bunch. December is art of an old oc that used to belong to a friend of mine, but she’s given him up to me since she doesn’t do art anymore and I couldn’t just separate him from his girlfriend (my oc Lucy). Plus he’s apart of the first ever oc universe I ever created (with my friend).
Now onto my latest unposted art!
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First we have is Annalei! She is a character I made based on my friend. Originally it was a trio thing, but now it’s just a duo (because of drama I won’t get into on here since it’s the new year and we don’t need that drama again). Anyways, she is an angel who acts as the guardian angel of my character (who I haven’t drawn yet) Nikki. The two actually live together as roommates with Annalei trying to help guide Nikki down a path of good. I made this piece for my friend for Christmas because I thought she’d like it (she loved it). I don’t have a lot developed for this universe because of reasons, but I’ll eventually get around to developing it more.
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Next we have Odette. She is my The Amazing Digital Circus oc I made after falling in love with the pilot of tadc. She is based off a ballerina music box I have that belonged to my mom, plus my childhood love of ballet, and ball jointed dolls (since tadc gives off a whole toy-box vibe). She named herself Odette because it was the one thing she could remember from the real world. Ironically, she is living her worst fear because she feared being forgotten by loved ones and everyone she ever cared about. She hates that she can’t remember anything about herself and tries her best to find a way out, but doesn’t think too hard on escaping since she doesn’t want to abstract. She actually tends to stay hidden from the others, Caine doesn’t actually know she’s there, but is aware of her room. The others know of her room, but Jax was the only one to ever meet her until Pomni arrived. The other few things she does remember is how to dance, draw and sing (mostly through muscle memory). Odette has a weird friendship with Jax, but she doesn’t mind. Especially since she has social anxiety and making new friends is really difficult for her (even more so now that she has no idea who she is). This helps her with becoming friends with Pomni since they’re both filled with anxiety and the desire to leave. Though Odette does her best to help Pomni out whenever she can, hoping that one of them could leave at the least. When she does first meet Pomni it was by accident on Pomni’s part. Odette had been dancing around in a place far enough away from the others, but close enough to still be able to see whatever adventure Caine has them all doing. The music playing drowned out any sound of someone approaching that Odette didn’t notice Pomni until the song ended and Pomni clapped at the performance, which caused Odette to freeze up and panic. Especially when she saw that it wasn’t Jax that found her. Luckily for the two of them this led to a friendship (one where Odette would do her best to protect Pomni from Jax’s pranks).
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Next is of my Miraculous oc Dani. Maskerade (a play on mask and masquerade) is of akumatized Dani. The only reason for her getting akumatized is stress from her mother and everyone expecting her to be someone she’s not. Despite being a miraculous holder she would struggle with being akumatized because she knows that she’s just stressed out and there are ways to fix what she’s dealing with, but as a teenager trying to get her mother to just listen and understand her is difficult. Sometimes turning into a villain helps with getting the point across. Vespbee is Dani if she was the holder of the bee miraculous. I honestly went a little overboard with her hair, but I love it so much. Not much to say on it because it’s just a literal what if situation. Dark Swan is if Swanette got akumatized. It’s less likely to happen compared to Maskerade, but still possible because even as Swanette Dani has her doubts as a hero. Especially when she hears all the comments on how she’ll never be better than Ladybug and Cat Noir, not that she really cares but it hurts to be compared to other heroes. She’d be pretty dangerous because she’d be able to break away from Hawkmoth’s control and be an independent villain of her own control, which wouldn’t seem that bad but with her unlimited use of her abilities is not good. Especially because her miraculous ability is using her feathers to normally just brings out the best of person (like a trait or ability/talent), but an akumatized version of that brings out the worst in people and can bring out an animalistic/monstrous version of the person (practically turning them into a monstrous creature). Since she doesn’t have any goal other than proving that “yeah I’ll never be like Ladybug and Cat Noir”, which makes it even more difficult for Ladybug and Cat Noir to stop her. (She’s basically an eviler version of Hawkmoth)
Next we have is an AU idea I had for my DC oc Grace Kyle/Wayne (aka Catgirl).
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This AU idea started out as “What if Catgirl died trying to become a vigilante like Batman to get closer to him in hopes of being able to tell him that they’re related?”, then turned into Grace swapping places with Jason and being the one to die instead. I plan of drawing what she looks like after being brought back to life as Crimson Cat (a name she gave herself) that has been trained under Talia al Ghul since Grace didn’t have any proper training to be a vigilante in the first place. Now alive she works on tracking down who killed her and getting revenge. It’s still a wip of an idea, but I think it’d be fun because of messing around with the personalities of characters. Plus angst for both Bruce and Selina.
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Next we have the designs for my TMNT universe turtles. It’s a mix of 2012!turtles and rise!turtles, but with different turtles. Idk what else to say about them since I’m still working on that whole universe.
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I’m adding this purely because I really love this design. This is Ozul Nightingale, otherwise known as the Boogeyman or Shadow Man, in his shadow/monster form. He’s the villain of my universe called Different Paths. He has the abilities to cause people to experience nightmares, slowly corrupting people into beings called shadow monsters, and brining out the true darkness in people. He was sealed away by The Council to save others from his powers. When he was sealed away he was put into an eternal sleep that could be broken by the blood of a pure-blooded shadow witch (a witch who is descended from Ozul that can perform shadow magic). To keep watch over him and prevent anyone from waking him a powerful witch, his wife, was placed as his guard, but over time she slowly became corrupted and became known as the Shadow Witch (who is the baddie for the most part of Different Paths). I haven’t drawn his human form yet, but I plan on doing it eventually. (Along with redesigning the main characters)
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Next we have Barry and Aria. They’re just fun characters I made that are children of tumblr sexymen/women (Dr. Drakken and Shego). No, they are not related, but they do act like cousins to each other and we’re raised together by Drakken and Shego.
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Lastly is my love Digger. He is being reworked because I’m basing him off of memory, but making him more my own. He is a ghoul demon creature that works in a graveyard. He’s a pretty chill guy and dating my oc Lucy (who is the long lost vampire princess). His family is a royal demon family that has constantly been at war with the royal vampire family because of things that happened in the past. However, Digger honestly doesn’t care about all of that and enjoys spending time working in the graveyard. He especially doesn’t react negatively like other demons (that aren’t in his immediate family) would expect him to react when finding out that his girlfriend is the long lost vampire princess (especially since it’s a big change for Lucy, who group up believing she was a weird witch girl that just was better with certain dark magic compared than other witches). He loves his girlfriend so much that her being from the “rival” family (it’s more the vampires that hate the demons) just means that they’ll be together forever. (Also he lets her paint his nails because it’s the only reminder of her that he’s willing to get dirty while he’s working). I do eventually plan of the two getting married, but that’s a future me thing to deal with.
That concludes all the art from 2023!!!! I hopefully will get around to posting more art on here than I normally do. I hope you look forward to it! Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful year! Remember stay creative!
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petruchio · 1 year
i was on a plane but since i know everyone on here was obviously intensely and deeply curious about my thoughts on speak now tv i live blogged in my notes app and now i’ll simply paste my takes here:
Overall tv ranking to me is fearless = sn > red
Fearless improved on several tracks and gave us bye bye baby official (best vault track by a mile) but i still can’t listen to the new YBWM. Red tv massacred every pop track AND lost the raw emotion, so for me not a single song on red tv comes close to the originals. SN doesn’t make any of the songs actively worse (so overall it’s better than red), it’s just missing some of the rawness of the original and the vault tracks are all boring.
Best tracks (ones I would replay on purpose): speak now the song, the story of us (imo both of the songs that she seems to struggle with vocally on the og recordings so the melodies sound cleaner on the tvs)
There’s a really weird clip in the vocals in the original mine at 2:52 (I’ll/never leave you alone) that finally got fixed which scratches my brain. But the rhythm of the chorus sounds off in the re recording, like the emphasis is more on the off beat or something. She says like reMEMber instead of REmemeber. Not a big deal just noticeable to me. Mine is such a good song though like it’s crazy.
Speak now the song is legitimately superior to the original — it was always pitched a little high for her voice and she does the “hold” in the bridge like in the live recording and which I have always loved. (Aka she actually pronounced the H and the word sounds fuller) Always thought she sounded pitchy on the original recording anyway but the tour version is so good, so this is a good middle ground for me.
She sounds bored in some tracks. Like Dear John doesn’t have the same energy. (She’s probably embarrassed to sing “i loved you so” because in retrospect it’s like… yikes. But the og will always win for the intensity)
None of the vault tracks are knockouts and it’s pretty obvious why they were cut, bc like, they’re worse. Fearless tv still wins for best vault track (bye bye baby) and red for overall quality of the vault, this vault was such a let down tbh. Holding onto hope that the debut vault will give us good country taylor back, bc this vault just … didn’t do it for me. Sorry
I miss nathan chapmans backing vocals, no shade to the guy she has doing the tv backing vocals but he was very present on speak now and his absence is notable imo
Production seems more subdued. Like i miss the LOUD guitars on the original dear John. Vocals are more forward in the mix in almost all the songs which sounds cleaner but just not as messy/raw (backing vocals on mean are quieter in the end for example)
“Pathetic” does not hit the same on the new mean.
Idc about the better than revenge lyric change, and especially because it’s about a real person (vs misery business which is just like, a song) (I always say btr was her attempt at her own version of misery business, the problem is that it’s about a real person that was very easy to pin it to) but i wonder if it kind of Streisand effect-s the original song. But overall I think changing it is a net positive, esp bc the original line was so insanely out of pocket for the situation.
That said the vintage dresses line doesn’t sound as sassy. Also “cause you’re so much better” is one of the funniest lines she ever wrote and in tv she just doesn’t sound as mad, which makes sense, but the original will always be funnier because of the anger she uses in her bitchy interpolation of a Jonas brothers song — nothing will ever be so iconic.
Better than revenge -> innocent on the track list is completely insane 13 years on. Like there’s so much venom aimed at a relatively random girl and such a sweet song for … Kanye west. Like huh. Innocent remains a great song though if you can divorce it from the muse.
Why did we have to do haunted like that… turn the echo down HAHA Might be the first time I’ve ever heard the “terribly wrong” line instead of “totally wrong” which I heard wrong since the first time I listened to the song.
We also got the tour vocals on the last “i just know” in haunted call that a WIN.
Last kiss suffers like dear John, just missing the emotion of the original.
Final chorus of long live just doesn’t build the same, but overall the recording is good. But the drums just don’t sound as strong so it doesn’t feel as exciting.
I guess i should’ve expected the vault to be mediocre bc speak now always did have the worst bonus tracks (superman still ranks as one of my least favorite songs… it just never needed to be released in any official capacity)
Overall I feel more positively toward the album itself than I do to red tv, im just disappointed the vault isn’t better. Im not one of those people who is obsessed with let’s go battle (it’s kind of juvenile lyrically but the melody is good) but like why leave that one unreleased if these were the other options lol. Anyway I like foolish one but the rest of the vault is either clunky or boring i said what i said!!
Fearless tv you will always be famous! Speak now tv you win for the best photo shoot and for not having anything as offensively bad as WANEGBT TV.
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