#only word i can use to describe this post
felassan · 2 days
#iirc the datv embargo lifts in a few hours time#its exciting for sure!! ◕‿◕#(theres some good info out there about what u can expect etc)#everyones level of comfort/preference for spoilers or what they consider/dont consider spoilers or do/dont want to see beforehand#is different and thats valid#for me rn my pref is not seeing much more of the game than i have so far so i will probably not be watching/reading most of those bits of#coverage which are described as 'spoilery' due to this#im just at a stage personally where in the main the last thing I'd like to see now is just a good look at the CC and the CC options#and then just any of the more 'generic' stuff like any new official screenshots that get tweeted or if theres one more trailer or something#(know what i mean? maybe generic is the wrong word but like vague or general or something). and thats about it#so if i'm quieter on here or not postin about sth new that you've seen or focusing more on less-new stuff like V&V eps i didnt get a chance#to listen to yet or i dont know the answer to something etc thats why ^^#i've turned off asks and submit as well jic#sry for any inconvenience caused by that and for not following/posting everything in the coming weeks hh!!#its like a push and pull between wanting to be hyped with everyone/overanalyze every new crumb/wanting my blog to be useful and#not wanting to know much more about the game besides CC than i do atm hh#ultimately we will only get to go into this game and play this game for for the first time once so yea :D#(and in case it helps to know for your own curation purposes my datv spoilers tag is 'dragon age the veilguard spoilers'!!)#mj and the world
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frogs-in3-hills · 18 hours
yknow my little theory is sometimes i think people use “doomed by the narrative” incorrectly to describe ANY character who dies/nearly dies because they mistake the simple authorial intent to kill a character as something that actually exists within the narrative as a “dooming” device. this kind of ties in with the fandom trend of viewing authorial intent as so valuable, in no small part due to the audience now having greater access to the author, thanks to social media and modern entertainment in general. and this almost worship of the author (i think perfectly exemplified by the term “word of god”) takes one of many bridges where text and extratext intermingle and misconstrues it as a space of straight up canonicity. this is a world where a showrunner can tweet glup shitto headcanons and everyone cheers. even post-jkr-dumbledore-is-gay-criticisms i think we could stand to be less reliant on what is, in reality, pseudo-canonicity.
i do also wish fandom was more interested in exploring the entire context of a work (ie the place it has within the wider scope of the world in which it was created) instead of only with consideration of one person’s (the author’s) intent…. ANYWAY ANYWAY this whole thing is a massive fucking tangent sorry!! but yeah in order for a character to be doomed by the narrative there has to be a tangible element of dooming in the story (and also imo has to be somewhat self-driven by the character). maybe that makes sense. or not
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Our Souls Intertwined
sith!Obi Wan Kenobi x fem!jedi!reader
Word count- 4,580
Prompt- a lightsaber tilting up someone's chin
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), enemies to lovers, fighting, mutual pining, flirting, tension, fingering, piv sex, pet names (darling, love), praise, jedi!reader, reader is competent as a fighter and is a badass, no physical descrption of reader other than body parts, lightsaber color also never described, no use of y/n, open ending so you can decide for yourself what happens next
Notes- Written for Sith Obi Wan event @sithobiwanevent and oh boy did I have so much fun with this one!! I hope y'all enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Please let me know what you think!!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is my update blog so please follow that and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on when I post new things!
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^ gif credit linked above (thank you wonderful person for making that gif!!)
It was an epic battle. The whir of lightsabers filled the air. Red clashed with various colors as Lord Obi Wan Kenobi, feared and powerful sith lord, fought his way through the waves of jedi that came at him. A dark smirk graced his face as he sliced through some padawans, easily defeating the young opponents in front of him. Around him, his army fired from their blasters. It was chaos, and he thrived on it. The energy around him whirled, and he harnessed the power of the force to his advantage.
It was then that Kenobi saw you.
He brushed a lock of hair that had fallen on his face to watch you battle the enemy droids that surrounded you. He saw the strain in your jaw as you parried the blaster fire that came your way before you ran and stabbed those that shot at you. Kenobi was actually impressed by the way you handled yourself, and he actually had to take a breath to calm the thoughts that flooded his mind.
Swinging his red saber in a dramatic circle, Kenobi rushed over to you, calling your name as he got within range.
You whipped around, your own lightsaber at the ready as you braced yourself from the impact of Kenobi’s weapon.
“Hello there,” Kenobi smirked.
“Kenobi,” you strained as you countered his attack and parried with one of your own.
“Lovely to see you again, darling,” he quipped.
You just grunted as you volleyed your weapon. Ignoring the way Kenobi’s yellow eyes bore into you as if they were looking into your soul, you focused on the red of his blade. The two of you fought each other one on one, your blades crossing each other as if you were in a dance. The rest of the battle seemed to fade away and all that existed was each other.
“You’ve improved, darling,” Kenobi observed as he lunged at you with more force, electricity cackling as his saber crushed against yours.
“Don’t call me that, Kenobi,” you growled back, fighting both his physical assault and the way your heart secretly fluttered in your chest whenever he called you any term of endearment. The smoothness of his voice always went right to your core, as much as you tried to push it away. 
It only took that one fraction of a second for Kenobi to gain the advantage. Just the slight loosening of your lightsaber was all it took for him to knock it out of your hand and use the force to push you onto the ground. You spat a curse under your breath as you tried to channel the force to pull your saber back into your hand, but Kenobi’s boot caught it before it slid close enough for you to grasp it.
“Shit,” you muttered as you scrambled to your knees.
Before you could rise completely, red filled your vision. The hum of Kenobi’s lightsaber rang in your ears as you suddenly found yourself paralyzed. Sweat lined your brow as he used the tip of his saber to gently force your vision up to meet his gaze. He was careful, though, careful not to actually touch the blade to your skin and hurt you. Instead, Kenobi used the force to angle your head up.
In one hand, Kenobi held his lightsaber and the other he held up with two fingers as he controlled the force around the two of you. His eyes matched the red of his blade as his gaze pierced into you.
Helpless, you swallowed hard, “If you’re going to kill me, Kenobi,” you tried to sound strong, though you were sure your voice was strained, “Just get it over with. Don’t toy with me like this.”
“Why would I kill you, darling?” he purred, clearly enjoying having you helpless on your knees before him.
The question caught you off guard.
“Why not join me?” he asked in a smooth tone, “I could help you hone your skills. You could fight at my side instead of against me.”
You inhaled sharply, “You asked me that before, Kenobi,” you steadied your breath as you focused your feelings and reigned in your emotions, “And my answer is still no.”
He smiled darkly, “Still as stubborn as ever I see,” he actually sounded impressed, “But I see there is no changing your mind yet, love.” Kenobi released you and retracted his lightsaber. 
With a gasp, you fell forward and your face smashed into the ground. Quickly, you scrambled to your hands and knees only to find Kenobi had put some distance between the two of you.
“Until next time, darling,” he gave you a quick wave of his fingers before he disappeared into a dust cloud.
You were left alone and astonished. Why hadn’t he killed you? Why did he leave you alive? Again? Swallowing hard, you ignored the way your heart pounded in your chest as you grabbed your lightsaber and ran back to help the other jedi.
It wasn’t long before you met Kenobi again on the battlefield. Lightsabers clashed as you fought him on the desolate planet. You weren’t even sure which planet you were on, only that it was barren and filled mostly with sand and boulders and caves. Lightsabers and blasters clashed in the dunes and rocks of the desolate planet. 
“You get better every time I see you, darling,” Kenobi smirked, “If you were to join me, I could make you even greater.”
“Keep dreaming, Kenobi,” you countered back. 
“Oh I do see you in my dreams, darling,” he grinned, enjoying how his words threw you off for a moment.
The two of you battled each other, moving away from the rest of the battlefield and the others without realizing it. You grunted as you tried to focus your energy into finally beating him, but the way his yellow eyes stared into your soul distracted you. And all it took was a moment, just one flash of an instant, for you to lose your edge.
One misstep and you tumbled down the rocky ridge that hosted your duel with the sith lord. But, before you hit the ground, you found yourself suspended in the air. Looking up, you saw Kenobi rush toward you, shouting your name. In a fit of frustration, you channeled the force and pushed that energy towards him, attempting to knock him off balance.
It did, and Kenobi fell back. However, the rush of force energy also hit a large pile of large rocks and boulders. The ground rumbled beneath your body and you knew this was greater trouble than the sith in front of you. In an instant, your goal changed from beating Kenobi to getting out of the rockslide alive. 
Looking behind him, he noticed the danger too and he bolted toward you and pulled you off the ground, “Run!” Kenobi yelled as he grabbed your hand.
The rockslide felt like it was caving in around you as you ran, your hand in his. Kenobi led you towards a cave, an opening that seemed to be your only way of escaping the cascading boulders around you both. As the dust clouded your vision and the crashing of the rocks around you made it hard to hear, you had no choice but to put your trust in him.
Kenobi got you both into the cave with just a fraction of a second to spare. Both of you crashed to the ground as the boulders piled up at the entrance, blocking you in. You let out a heavy exhale as the dust settled, and the only beams of light that lit up the small cave came from higher up.
The cave was shallow, and you could see the end of it. That meant there was no way out except for how you came in. And how you came in was currently blocked with dozens of large boulders. The beams of light came from small openings between the rocks, but they weren’t big enough to crawl through. Inside the cave, there were only the two of you, along with rocks scattered throughout the floor.
“Are you alright?” Kenobi asked with genuine concern in his voice.
“I’m fine,” you replied immediately as you tried to stand. However, when you tried to move your arm, you hissed in pain, “Shit…” you grabbed your shoulder and felt blood soak your hand.
“No you’re not,” Kenobi rushed to you, inspecting your wound and swallowing the fear that threatened to bubble over in his mind.
“I’ll be ok,” you tried to ignore his worry over you, “It’s not that bad.”
He pursed his lips as he looked at your shoulder then back to where the boulders piled high, trapping you in together, “It’s too high to climb,” he observed, “And it’ll take both of us to move all the boulders,” Kenobi turned back to you, “Which you can’t do with that injury,” he reached for your shoulder again, “Let me.” His heart fluttered in his chest as he saw the blood seep from your shoulder, and he hated the sinking feeling he had when he saw you hurt.
Before you could protest, Kenobi covered your injury with his hand and let out a long slow breath. Mouth opened in shock, you felt warmth on your injury and you felt the energy of the force flow from him into you. You watched him for a moment before you closed your eyes and surrendered yourself, feeling the force flow between your bodies as if it cradled and protected you both. Warmth embraced you as you felt rejuvenated from what Kenobi was doing.
With a gasp, Kenobi broke away from you as his eyes shot open. He backed away as he hunched forward, weak from the energy he expended. You let out a gasp of your own as you watched him crawl to a rock to steady himself before he lifted his body to sit.
“How were you able to do that?” you asked in shock as you cradled your now uninjured shoulder.
Kenobi just looked at you, “Well I wasn’t always a sith, darling,” he gave you a genuine soft smile.
The question came out before you could stop it, “What happened?”
His smile turned mischievous, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
You rolled your eyes.
Changing the subject with a heavy sigh, Kenobi said, “It looks like we’ll be here for a while. I need to recover my strength if we are to move those boulders,” he looked around, “Might as well get comfortable.”
Your body remained stiff as you stayed on high alert. Your saber was at your side, yet you made sure your hand was never far from it. The muscles in your jaw clenched harder as you watched Kenobi visibly relax on a rock, leaning back and resting his leg in front of him.
“I’m not going to attack you,” he said in a calm tone after feeling your heavy gaze on him for several long moments.
“Then what are you going to do?” you asked, guard still up but chipped away just the slightest. 
Kenobi smirked as he stood, “What would you like me to do, darling?” he purred as he took a step towards you.
You took a step back, keeping the distance between you. Yet, you couldn’t deny the way you felt the force move around you whenever he was near, and especially when it was now just the two of you trapped and alone. And you were sure he felt it too.
The two of you kept up this dance, Kenobi stepping forward and you stepping back until you hit a wall. His body was relaxed; he wasn’t hunting you. Instead, it was as if he was approaching you at a bar, friendly almost. Your heart pounded in your chest, yet it wasn’t from fear.
“I have something in mind,” his tone was low yet soft as he stepped into your space.
You swallowed hard as you pressed your back against the wall, feeling him against you. Kenobi placed a hand on one side of your head as his gaze bore into your soul.
“And I think you have the same thought as I do,” he continued as he leaned into you.
“How do you know?” you tried to sound tough, but you didn’t even fool yourself. You dropped your gaze to the ground, avoiding his eyes.
Kenobi let out an amused huff as he took two fingers and gently guided your face to look back up and meet his eyes. It was a similar feeling from last time when you met him on the battlefield and he used his saber to force you to look at him. Both times, you should have felt threatened, in danger. And yet, you didn’t. Not then, and certainly not now. No, it was a different feeling that pulsed through your veins.
“Because,” he said in almost a whisper, “You aren’t pushing me away.”
Your mouth dropped open as you realized that he was not trapping you at all. The only contact he made was his fingers on your chin, which you could have easily brushed off. Kenobi hovered close to you, yet he gave you a clear path out if you chose to take it. Yet, you didn’t. You chose to stay there, in his gaze.
“Why don’t you just take what you want from me?” you asked.
“Darling,” he sounded almost offended, “I would never do that to you. I would never hurt you,” he sighed, “I want you on your own volition.”
“Obi Wan…” you breathed his name… his first name you realized. 
His yellow eyes went wide as his jaw clenched, “No one has called me that in… A long time,” he sighed, “It sounds lovely in your voice.”
You let out a deep breath as you felt his breath on your lips.
“Tell me what you want, darling,” he murmured, “And say my name again.” It wasn’t a command, but a request. It was his way of giving you one last out should you choose.
Your eyes darted from his yellow ones down to his lips and you swallowed hard, “Kiss me… Obi Wan.”
The moment the words left your lips he crashed his into yours. Your moan was muffled from the kiss, but you instantly melted into it, grasping at his black robes as you parted your lips for him. Obi Wan took the invitation eagerly and slipped his tongue past your lips, tasting you, savoring you. He groaned into you as he finally touched you, one hand grabbing your hip while the other cradled your jaw. 
In your studies as a jedi, you trained to feel the force around you and how to harness it. You had an exceptional understanding of it, and learned to control it much faster than your classmates. As a knight, your power only grew. But, it wasn’t until you kissed the sith lord Obi Wan Kenobi that you fully understood the true feeling of the force wrapping itself around you and how it bound two souls together. You had never felt anything like this in your life before. And from the way he groaned into you, you were sure he felt the same way.
“You taste divine, lovely,” he purred against your lips before he kissed you again, his beard ticking your face as he devoured you.
“Obi Wan…” you whispered as you broke the kiss for a breath of air. You tilted your head to the side as he kissed his way along your jaw and down your neck, sending goosebumps across your skin as he hit more sensitive spots, “Touch me. Please,” you pleaded.
“It would be my pleasure, darling,” he groaned as his hands roamed across your chest.
His hands slipped under your jedi robes and cupped your breasts. He let out a satisfied growl when you mewled in pleasure under his touch, and he could help the way he kneaded and caressed your soft mounds. Kenobi felt a jolt within him when he pinched your nipples and made you cry out louder.
He hummed as his hands made their way down your body, his eyes never moving from your face the entire time. Kenobi didn’t want to miss a single expression as he worshiped you with his hands. He paused for a moment when his fingers reached the top of your pants, but when you didn’t protest or push him away, he dipped a hand underneath the fabric.
Both of you gasped as Obi Wan’s hand cupped your pussy. While your eyes fluttered shut and you arched your back against the wall, his stayed open, watching you with great interest. Your mouth dropped open as he carefully pushed two fingers into you.
“Fuck!” you cried out as you grasped at his shoulders for balance.
“Beautiful,” he murmured as he thrust his fingers in and out of you. Obi Wan couldn’t tear his eyes away from you even if he wanted to. Every little expression you made, every little sound of pleasure that escaped your lips, even how your pussy felt around him… you were everything to him.
“Obi Wan…” you whined as your mind swam in the bliss his fingers gave you. 
Oh how he loved it when you said his name. Obi Wan’s eyes burned with passion as he growled and thrust his fingers into you harder. His cock strained with need, but he ignored it in favor of pleasuring you. As he buried his fingers deep inside you, Obi Wan rutted against your body, covering you with himself as heat rose between you.
“Please… I’m close…” you moaned as you felt dizzy. You tightened your grip on him, knowing he would be there to hold you and keep you steady.
“Show me how beautiful you are when you cum, darling,” he groaned as he picked up his pace with his fingers.
It only took a few more deep thrusts for you to come undone. Your body trembled in his grip as you came hard with a loud scream of his name. Tears filled your eyes as you felt overwhelmed between the emotions that pulsed through your body as you rode out your orgasm on his fingers. And just as you felt breathless, he kissed you again, even more deeply this time.
You whimpered as Obi Wan slowly pulled his fingers out of you and your chest rose and fell with your heavy breaths. When he broke away, you finally looked into his eyes and saw the fire that burned behind them. “Fuck me, Obi Wan.”
He smiled at you as he grabbed you and spun you around. In a flash, you found yourself on your back, his cape underneath you as he quickly yanked and tugged at both your clothing. Depreciation took over both of you as you worked to quickly strip each other until you are both completely bare.
“Wow,” you breathed as you stared at him.
“Exquisite,” he moaned as he lunged forward and kissed you once more, his hips rutting against the fold of your pussy as he started to lose control of himself.
Obi Wan lost even more control as he pushed the tip of his cock into you. Both of you gasped and cried out as you felt him slowly enter you. You clawed at his back as more of his cock stretched you out inch by inch. And Obi Wan growled as your warmth engulfed him, driving him wild.
“Obi Wan…” you whined.
“I know, darling,” he muttered as he rocked back and thrust forward. 
A string of curses escaped both your lips as he rocked in and out of you, hitting that sweet spot inside you with precision every single time. You screamed as your vision blurred and you dug your nails more into his back. But it only spurred him on more, thrusting harder and faster into you as he became more and more desperate.
Screams and groans echoed in the cave and skin slapped against skin. Obi Wan would have wanted this to last longer, but you were too beautiful, too enticing, too perfect. Sweat lined his brow as locks of hair stuck to his forehead as he thrust into you with abandon. 
“Cum for me, darling,” he growled as he felt his own climax build, “Cum with me.”
“Fuck!” you cried out as your breasts swung back and forth with every thrust of his hips.
With a scream, your second orgasm hit you like a bantha and your legs trembled on either side of his body as he continued to pound into you. Obi Wan growled your name as your orgasm triggered his and he came deep into you, grunting and moaning as he spilled himself inside your body.
Obi Wan kept going as long as he could, rocking into your wet pussy hard enough to feel the splash of your release soak your bodies. But, as he rode out both your climaxes, neither of you had anything left to give and he pulled out of you after one final thrust. 
You gasped as you felt the sudden emptiness and your eyes shot open to watch him hover over you with an inferno in his gaze. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you stared back at him and suddenly you were keenly aware of how naked you still were. Heavy breaths echoed around you as you both lost yourselves in each other.
Sensing your shift, Obi Wan took a deep breath and composed himself. He leaned over and gathered your jedi robes and handed them to you, “Here,” he said before he turned his back to you to give you some privacy.
Neither of you were sure why he did that, after he just fucked you. but you welcomed it either way. Both of you were silent as you redressed. Your heart still beat wildly in your chest as you felt the ghost of his touch on your skin and you replayed what just happened in your head.
“Anger. Fear. Loss,” Obi Wan broke the silence after he slipped on his pants and robe, leaving it open to bare his chest to you still.
“What?” Your voice was just a whisper as you spun around to face him.
“How I turned to the dark side,” Obi Wan said in a soft voice, one that you guessed he hadn’t used in some time, “There was someone… very dear to me. Someone that I loved with everything I had. Someone…” he took in a shaky breath as he ran his hands through his hair, “I couldn’t save… No matter how hard I tried.”
You watched with wide eyes as he bared his soul to you with his confession. You guessed the way his story ended without him having to say it out loud. You both knew the path to the dark side, and how his loss led to his fall. You crossed the space to stand face to face with him as you placed a hand on his chest.
“I swore then that I would never care for anyone like that again,” Obi Wan turned away from you, breaking the contact he craved so deeply, “And I hadn’t since…” he turned back to meet your gaze, “Until now.”
A gasp escaped your lips, “Obi Wan…?”
He gave you a sad smile, one that you couldn’t decipher its meaning. Before you could say anything else, though, he turned to the wall of boulders, “I think we can move it now,” he said as he tightened his robe around him.
You followed his gaze with your own and nodded, “Ok.” The disappointment in your tone was clear. 
“Concentrate all your energy,” he told you, “You hold them steady, I will push them out of our way. When you see an opening, you run. Understand?”
You wanted to protest. You wanted to tell him to run with you, to stay at your side. But the seriousness in his expression told you it wasn’t worth the energy to argue. “Got it.”
Both of you raised your arms, channeling the force toward the boulders. You grunted as you kept the large rocks steady while Obi Wan worked on moving them out of the way. He started with the smaller ones at the top, but when he got to the middle, it all started to collapse.
“Steady!” he shouted.
You gritted your teeth as you strained to keep the bigger ones steady. Dust started to fill the air as everything moved. When Obi Wan got to the center, he called your name, “Run! Now! Go!”
Doing as you were told, you bolted forward into the dust. You tried to keep the rocks steady as you ran, but the more you exerted yourself, the harder it got. The ground rumbled as the boulders tumbled out of the way, creating dust clouds so thick that you couldn’t see through.
Once you were out and clear from the rocks, you turned around and screamed, “Obi Wan!” You streamed to look for him through the dust, but for several moments, you couldn't. You reached through the force, pushing the rocks out of the way to search for him.
Just when you were about to lose hope, you saw his silhouette in the dust, “Obi Wan,” you sighed in relief as you ran to him. Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around him, embracing him hard, “You’re ok.”
He smiled at you as he held you close, just as relieved as you were, “I’m alright, darning.”
You looked into his eyes, and for a moment you saw no sign of the sith yellow that usually illuminated them. In front of you now wasn’t a sith lord or empire general, but just a man. As you held each other, you felt the sense that there was much left unspoken, but the sound of an engine in the distance forced those thoughts to remain unsaid.
“It’s a rebel transport,” he said, “They must have seen the dust cloud from our escape. They’ll pick you up, and you’ll be safe.”
“But what about you?” you turned back to face him.
Obi Wan smiled at you as he cupped the side of your face, “I’ll be alright, darling, don’t you worry.” He paused for a moment, as if he wanted to kiss you again, but he decided not to, “Now go,” he nudged you forward as he retreated back.
You turned toward the incoming ship, waving your hands so that they spotted you. As it hovered closer, blowing your robes up into the wind, you spoke to him with your back still turned, “Obi Wan, come with…” you turned around to find him gone, “Me.” Your shoulders dropped in disappointment as the ship landed and the clones called your name.
“You’re alright! We were looking for you,” they said as they ushered you onto the ship.
From the shadows in the distance, Obi Wan Kenobi watched as you got on board and were flown away to safety. He sensed the thought in your mind, and he fled before you could ask it. He knew he would not have the strength to deny your request had he heard you speak it. Blowing a kiss into the air, he whispered, “Until we meet again, my love,” before he turned and went the opposite direction. 
Be safe, he released his thought across the planes to you. 
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dreamingofep · 2 days
Forbidden Love pt. 6💔❣️
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Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Reuniting with Elvis was supposed to be the highlight of your summer, but with unresolved tensions between you two, things aren't what they seem. Fem! reader]
TW: Cussing, teasing, Elvis being a menace, SMUTT!!!
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6.2k
A/N: Hi Elvis fandom! Posting this at Elvis hours, (very late at night/early morning 🤭) which seems fitting hehe. Hope you enjoy this next part! I did some ✨research✨ into what songs Elvis had when he first started to prepare for the show in ‘69. So these songs I put in the chapter really were songs he practiced 🤭The next chapter is going to get complicated between these two. 🫣
A side note, I realize I definitely describe him in a vampire way still with certain adjectives I use to describe what he’s doing. 🤭 Oh well, that’s just the beast in him😈😏
He wouldn’t let you leave the bed. His kisses and caresses kept you glued to him. He ended up pinning you to the bed and ravaging your body in kisses. You couldn’t get away even if you tried. It felt too good to escape. If he kept this up, you were sure he’d get hard again and you would be making more of a mess in his bed.
After some coaxing, you finally get your dress back on and go to the bathroom to make yourself look presentable again. Elvis comes up behind you and wraps his hands around your waist.
Home. He felt like home when he was wrapped around you.
You look at his reflection and he places a soft kiss on your neck.
“Your hair is a mess,” you giggle, reaching up behind you to ruffle it with your fingers.
“So is yours. You still look good though,” he chuckles.
“We cannot go back out there looking like this. Where do you keep your brushes?” You ask as you open some of the drawers. He opens one on the other side of you and takes out a wooden handle brush with black bristles. He sets the brush on the lip of the sink and picks up up quickly, sitting you on the counter.
“Allow me. It’s only fair since I made your hair look like that,” he says cheekily. You slowly nod your head at him, feeling the need to be as close as you can be to him. He spreads your legs apart so he can step in between them and get closer to you. Your hands rest around his torso as you look up at him. He gently put his hand on the back of your neck and placed a kiss on your head.
He runs the brush through the ends of your hair, gently brushing through it to make sure not to pull your hair in any way. You watch how focused he is on you like he’s really enjoying this simple mundane task. He takes his time with you. Even when your hair was smooth and free of tangles, he kept brushing it.
“Now it's your turn,” you tell him getting off the counter. He chuckles at you and sits down on a stool in the corner of the bathroom by a full length mirror. You run your hands through his hair and he grumbles delighted by your touch. You glance over at his reflection in the mirror and he looks so at peace, like this is something he needed. You take the brush off the counter and slowly brush through his thick tresses.
His hair was so pitch black and soft to the touch. You could spend hours doing his hair if he let you. You go back into the drawer where he got the brush and find a small tin of pomade. You wet your hands and take a small scoop of it and rub it on your hands. You gently run your hands through his hair and fix the sides of his hair first. You try to keep the top of his hair soft and not too gelled back, he looked so handsome when some hairs fell on his forehead.
“There you go, not so… messy,” you giggle, kissing him on the cheek.
He smiles at you in the mirror, “thank you, baby, it looks great,” he says sweetly.
“Can you go out there first? Just to make sure there’s no one out there that will see me,” you say nervously.
“Yes of course,” he says standing up, giving you a cheeky smile. “Or we can just stay in here all day and make more of a mess in that bed,” he mumbles in your ear. You huff and look at him unamused.
“I’m going to smack you I swear,” you joke and wiggle out of his grasp, moving out of the bathroom. You wait for him to emerge from the bathroom and he puts his shirt back on.
“You’re sure you don’t want to keep me locked in here for the rest of the day. I feel like that might be the better option,” he teases.
“Elvis,” you warn.
“Fine, fine, I’m goin’,” he chuckles.
He leaves the room and you look at the messy bed. There was a clear wet spot left in the middle of the bed and you huff frustrated. Shit, you didn’t want his housekeepers to see this. You get a towel from the bathroom and try to wipe away the mess you two left behind. The wet spot was still there and hoped no one walked in to see it. You lay the towel over it and will figure something out later to fix the sheets.
You peek your head out to see where Elvis went. He was walking back in your direction and motioned for you to come out now. You quickly shut the bedroom door and rush to him.
“Is there anyone in here?” You ask quietly.
“No honey, it’s still just us,” he says mischievously, pulling you in once again.
“But the guys are outside and can walk in any moment,” you say pulling away from him. He grumbles displeased.
“Fine, why don’t we get rid of them for a bit,” he tells you. “We don’t have anything for you to make your pies. I’ll send them to the store for the stuff you need and dinner,” he quips.
“Pies? How many do you possibly want?” You laugh.
“I’m tryin’ to get you to stay longer remember? As many as you can make ” He says low, looking you up and down.
You swallow harshly and try to step away from him.
“You’re ridiculous. And you want me to cook dinner? The deal was to bake something for you, that’s all,” you mutter as you walk back to the kitchen.
You look through the drawers and find a notepad and pen. You start to write down the recipe and a list of all the ingredients. You hear Elvis walk into the kitchen and lean down behind you, his hands on the countertop and you trapped between his arms. You don’t look back at him, you know what he’s trying to do.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You ask low.
“Just seeing what you’re writin’ down. Hmm let’s see what we have here… flour, shortening… sugar… oh I think I have plenty of that I can give you,” he says low as he covers your neck in warm, wet kisses.
God those lips. Those lips are like wildfire, branding their way to every inch of your body.
You quickly turn around and pull at his shirt.
“You better stop,” you groan.
“Make me,” groans as he squeezes your ass.
The sound of the front door opens and you quickly shove at his chest to get him away from you. You turn your back to the kitchen entrance and try to go back to writing something on the notepad. Your heart raced as you heard the footsteps of someone walking closer. Dear God, please don’t let it be John.
“Hey E, we’ve been looking for ya,” a man’s voice says. You sigh a breath of relief it's not a voice you recognize and turn around to see who it is. It was a taller man, a bit younger than you and Elvis.
“Hi, I don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m y/n,” you say as you reach your hand out to shake his. He politely shakes it and smiles at you.
“Hi, I’m Jerry. Nice to meet you. You’re John’s girl right?” He asks.
There’s an uncomfortable silence, you didn’t jump to answer the question like a normal wife would. You glance over at Elvis and see he has a scowl on his face, not liking the question at hand. It kind of ticked you off that was his reaction to the question. He didn’t know you anymore. He doesn’t have some claim on you. You don’t owe him anything.
“Yeah, I am,” you say pompously, “What’s it like working for Elvis?” you ask, looking away from him.
“A never-ending adventure,” he jokes.
That gets both of you to laugh too and the mood gets much more comfortable.
“Are you done with that list? I’ll have them run to the store now,” Elvis asks you.
“Umm yeah almost hold on,” you say going back to the notepad.
“What did we forget from the store? We just got back,” Jerry asks a little confused.
You turn back around and look at Elvis to help you explain. He grins at you and snickers, “Oh you didn’t hear? Y/n is staying and making dinner for all of us,” he says proudly.
“Oh, that sounds great! Can’t wait,” Jerry says happily.
Damn it, he wins this time.
July 1st, 1969
For the next week and a half, you and Elvis had this dance. It was almost perfectly rehearsed and polished. He would call, beg you to come over, you would say no, he would keep begging, then you would give in and find yourself tangled in his bedsheets. It was almost like clockwork. You became worried someone would notice the pattern, especially John. So you both needed to update the routine and make it more believable. You knew when John would get off work and would time it perfectly so that you were waiting around the corner from Elvis’ house. He never saw you and never bothered to ask you where you were. A perfect performance.
But there were times you needed to say no to him and that was difficult. He hated anyone telling him no but in particular, he hated when you said no to him. He grew so upset and distraught. It was like he could only function when you were by his side. You needed to remind him you weren’t his girl. This was a weird summer fling that you two were in the midst of and didn’t want any of the guys getting suspicious of that either.
You all would have dinners together almost every other day. Some were spontaneous, others were scheduled a few days in advance and it was a wonderful time. Everyone got along, the food was always so fabulous, and you were always requested to bake something for dessert. You were getting a liking to this new routine you found yourself in. You were working a lot of morning shifts at the diner which was becoming extremely difficult to do if you were over at Elvis’ the night before. You would be up at all hours of the night talking or letting him make love to you. You’d roll out of bed that morning exhausted and silently cursing Elvis out for keeping you up so late. You swear this man never sleeps and had to be part vampire or something.
You knew your dance would have to end. It was only a matter of time. But Elvis didn’t see it that way, he thought this was only the beginning. Things started to change when Dianne was back at the house. You discovered Dianne was quite nosey and constantly needed to know what Elvis was up to.
Your frequent visits to the house started to dwindle because of it. Elvis would still ask you to come over but you would always ask him if Dianne was there and there would be the most deafening silence that would answer your question for you. It made you sad in a way you might not see him as much as you have. It felt like you had just got him back. You two were opening up more and talking about things that you normally wouldn’t have with someone else. It was so refreshing. He opened up about what this new Vegas endeavor might do for his career. He was extremely nervous about it all, but he was even more anxious to get out there again and perform for his fans. That’s what he loved most.
It was early afternoon and you had just gotten off work. You quickly took a shower and were ready to rest your aching bones. You are about to grab a book and sit on your couch when the phone rings. You frustratedly grunt and quickly walk to the kitchen to answer it.
“Hello?” You say shortly.
“Hi baby how are you?” He asks. Your heart skips with the sound of his voice.
“I’m fine, just a little tired that’s all,” you tell him.
“Oh, I’m sorry honey. Are you doing anything today?” He asks.
“I just want to sit on the couch and do nothing, why?” You ask.
“Well, we’re rehearsing today for Vegas and I want you there,” he says matter of factly.
You sigh a bit, “Honey, you know I can’t. It would be too weird if I’m there. I’m not part of your band or anything,” you try to reason.
“I know, but you have a good ear for this kind of stuff. I want your opinion about the songs I’ve chosen so far,” he says.
It was sweet he thought of you like this, music was always a passion of yours. It would be a fun experience no less. You hadn’t heard Elvis sing live in years. It shocked you in his TV special last year how mature and powerful his voice had become. You couldn’t imagine what he would sound like live right in front of you.
It seemed like an innocent enough request, he wanted your opinion on the setlist. It wasn’t too out of the ordinary. It shouldn’t draw that much attention to you or him.
“Okay, I’ll go. What time and where are you rehearsing?” You ask grabbing and pen and paper to write down the address.
“Perfect,” he says gleefully, “there’s a car waiting for you outside now. I’ll see you over there,” he says and the line disconnects.
“You little shit,” you mutter into the phone before hanging it up. He knew he’d get a yes out of you.
You get dressed and settle for a skirt and a simple tank top. It was pretty warm outside and wanted to be comfortable. You quickly rush to grab your purse and your keys before heading out the door. A black Cadillac was waiting for you and Jerry was in the front seat.
“Hey Jerry,” you say a bit timidly when you get in.
“Hey y/n, so glad you could make it,” he says sweetly.
“Yeah me too. Did he say I was expected to get picked up or?” You ask as he starts backing out of the driveway.
“Yea he said you needed a ride so he sent me,” he tells you.
“Ah I see,” you chuckle.
“What’s so funny,” he snickers.
“He’s just funny. Funny how he thinks,” you say looking out the window.
“I have no idea what you mean,” he says sarcastically.
Elvis rehearsed at RCA studios in Hollywood. It wasn’t a long drive but the hustle and bustle of the city made it take longer than it should have. It had been a few days since you’d seen him and you got a little nervous. It was something so trivial, but you didn’t want to lose him again. You truly did want to spend as much time with him as possible. It was staying late at the house that made it complicated. When everyone would go home after a long day or after dinner, you lingered around by yourself and you prayed it wasn’t as noticeable as you thought. You did feel like you two picked up where you left off in some ways. Just being intimate with one another made it hard to just stay friends.
You both made it to the studio and Jerry escorts you inside. There was a low hum of the musicians tuning their instruments or doing little vocal work. Everyone turns their attention to the door when you walk in, probably expecting Elvis to walk in instead. You and Jerry say hello to everyone and quickly find a seat in the back of the room.
A few moments later, a hush falls into the room when Elvis walks in and you hold your breath when you see him. He was wearing all black and sunglasses that hid his eyes well. He lit up the room instantly and the band was so excited to meet him. It was a lot their first time getting to meeting him and you can tell how much they respected and admired him. Elvis shakes everyone’s hand one by one, taking his time to talk to them individually. He went up to his backup singers, The Sweet Inspirations, and kissed them all on the lips. They were in shock just like you would be. It didn’t make you jealous like you might have thought, it was sweet and innocent somehow. He finally gets to you and has a big smile on his face.
“There’s my favorite girl,” he says picking you up and squeezing you tight. You can’t help but squeal when he does this, he radiates so much happiness.
“Hi,” you say softly.
“You look wonderful,” he says sweetly.
He turns around to face everyone in the room.
“Thank you all for being here today. Just wanted to introduce y/n, we’ve known each other since we were teenagers. I wanted her honest opinion about the setlist so far so she’ll be sitting in on this rehearsal,” he tells everyone, smiling at you. You have the same look on your face too.
“You’ll have to tell us some stories of what he was like back then,” one of the guys yells out. Everyone laughs and it lightens the mood.
“Oh, I can tell you guys stories for hours. We go way back. I’ll tell you once he leaves the room,” you say jokingly. You look back up at Elvis and he has this look on his face. It was soft and loving. It was like he felt some kind of adoration when he looked at you. You couldn’t put your finger on it but you loved how it made you feel. You wish he could look at you like this forever.
The band gets to work and Elvis is a natural at leading them. He explained to them the idea of the overall show. It was going to be grand and like nothing anyone had ever seen before. Besides the regular band, there would be a thirty-piece orchestra behind them, giving every single song a larger-than-life feeling. You couldn’t fathom it as you watched them practice. They all sounded phenomenal and with an orchestra too, they were going to be the best show in Vegas.
Every aspect was blowing your mind as you watched the rehearsal go on but nothing surprised you more than Elvis’ voice. It was extremely strong and powerful. He started off his show with songs from the fifties but you could swear they were completely different now. He brought a newfound energy to them.
He started off the set with ‘Blue Suede Shoes,’ and you agreed it was a great choice starting with something everyone knows so well. But it sounded so much richer the way the band was playing it and the way Elvis’ gritty vocals paired with the ‘50s tune. The song came alive like this.
You felt alive when he sang too. There was something so satisfying about his voice. The way he’d growl a certain word or the way he’d look like he was going through a moment of ecstasy when he was singing a line. It was the way he subtly moved his hips with the drums or the way he’d grip the microphone tighter when he was about to hit a high note. It was all alluring. He was alluring. You couldn’t look away from what he was doing and that was a dangerous thing.
You liked every song so far and liked the pace of the show he crafted. He mixed in some slower ballads that you knew the audience would love. He played one that surprised you, ‘Such a Night.’ It wasn’t one you normally heard on the radio or anything. The longer you listened to and lyrics, the made you a bit… flustered. They were too reminiscent of what you two did such a long time ago. You knew he played this song on purpose in front of you. He wanted to see your reaction. It had you uncomfortably hot the way he was looking at you for a split second then look away like a blushing teenage boy. It was cruel! The song finally ended and you were thankful for that. The tension between you two from just across the room was too much.
You had your eyes glued to him the whole time and as the rehearsal went on, you had to admit it; you were becoming weaker by the moment. You tried to sit still but he was getting you flustered. Every movement had you ogling him. This was something you didn’t expect. It was one thing to feel a certain way as he sang, but when he moved, your body couldn’t help but want him. You felt yourself become wet just sitting there watching this man. The way he moved was… familiar. There were certain ways he moved that remind you of how he’d move his hips when he-
You try to snap yourself out of those thoughts and focus on what he is going to sing next. After two hours into rehearsal, Elvis wanted to focus on the sit-down portion of the show. He wanted time to play his electric guitar and talk to the audience in this half he explained.
He starts playing his guitar with a bluesy tone. It's familiar. He played this one in his special last year. Oh you remember, ‘Baby What You Want Me to Do,’ was the name. His lead guitarist joins in as well as the drummer. His leg won’t stop shaking and it's extremely distracting. Your eyes drink him in and swear you’re swooning over this man just sitting there! That’s all it took! Just put a guitar in his lap and you are on the floor weak.
His voice sounds so good with this one which shouldn’t surprise you. It’s gritty and full of temptation. You watch as his fingers slide up and down the neck of the guitar. Both of your eyes meet as he’s singing and you feel your heart stop. His eyes were so bewitching and sucked you in. It was as if no one else was in the room and he was trying to seduce you.
You got me doin' what you want me
Oh, baby, what you want me to do
You feel your body stiffen at those words. This should not be happening or even possible to feel so attracted to this man. You don’t understand what power he possesses but it was strong. It had you wanting to do whatever he wanted to do.
You me peeping, you got me hiding
You got me peep, hide, hide, peep
Any way you wanna let it roll
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You got me doin' what you want me
Oh, baby, what you want me to do
He bites his lip as he sings that last line and eyes you up and down. That one look just about killed you.
His guitarist breaks out in a solo and you need air or water or just a second to try to calm yourself down. You could not believe you were feeling like this! It felt ridiculous almost but this was Elvis you were feeling like this for. This was no ordinary man.
As the band keeps playing away, you quietly make your way out of the rehearsal room and down the hallway to where you find a bathroom. It was a smaller one with only two stalls, a beautiful vanity mirror, and a sink in front of it. You go straight to the mirror and see your deplorable reflection. Your cheeks were slightly flushed and your heart still raced by the way he was looking at you. No man had ever looked at you the way Elvis does. It was illicit and dangerous. You didn’t know any of the band members yet, they could easily suspect something was going on between you two.
You run the water and wash your hands, enjoying the cold water. You focus on calming down and trying to get your face not so red. You hear someone walk down the hallway in your direction and try to pull yourself together quicker. The door made a squeak when it opened and you quickly glanced up at the mirror to see who it was in the reflection. Your heart stops again.
“Everything okay baby?” Elvis asks low standing in the doorway.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just needed to use the restroom,” you try to deflect like nothing could be wrong.
“Oh, well you walked out of there pretty quickly, I thought something was really wrong,” he says seriously.
“Oh no, nothing like that. I just needed a moment,” you try to assure him. Actress or not, you were a terrible liar and he could see right through you.
He takes a step inside the bathroom and puts his hand up on the door frame, the door still cracked open behind his back.
“Honey seriously, what is it? I know when you’re hiding somethin’,” he says a bit miffed.
You couldn’t tell him. No. It was too embarrassing to say out loud.
“I’m fine, I’ll be out there in a sec. Just go on without me,” you huff, turning back around.
The door shuts and the sound of the lock bolting makes you quickly turn back around. Elvis stands inches away from you and doesn’t say a word right away. His gaze is serious and heated. He knows you’re lying through your teeth.
“Baby, I’m not going to ask again, what’s going on?” He growls.
“E-elvis I’m-, please don’t worry. Everything is fine. Let’s go back out there,” you say as you still feel your cheeks warm. You try to push past him but he won’t let you. He takes your hand and stops you.
“Why are you lyin’ to me hmm?” He asks low.
You sigh defeated, you couldn’t utter the words right to his face.
“Honey,” you whimper.
“I’m not letting you out of here until you tell me,” he says concerned, gently pulling you closer and pressing his body into his. You involuntarily groan when you feel his body touch yours. You felt on fire when he was this close and you know that small noise that just passed your lips blew your cover.
He tilts your chin up to look at him and his eyes light up with embers. The longer he looks at you, watching your breathing quicken, his lips start to form into a smug smile.
“Oh… I see what’s happening,” he tells you.
You hold onto the slack of his shirt and plead for him to be sensible.
“Please, you should be out there, everyone’s waiting for you,” you tell him to try to get focused again.
“They’ll be fine without me,” he grumbles. His hands slide down from your hips to the curve of your ass and you press into him more. He lets out a pleased sigh when he feels this reaction.
“Tell me, tell me what you need,” he says low into your ear. He places a soft kiss at the crook of your neck, just where you like to be kissed by him.
“Like you don’t know,” you say defiantly, your gaze heated at him.
You both were stubborn, and strong-willed with one another and neither of you was going to back down. He straightens his posture and cocks his head at you as he looks at your needy face. He picks you up and sets you firmly on the counter. The cold tile hits the backs of your thighs and you grunt when you feel his hands squeeze at your hips.
“I wanna hear it from your lips, honey. Tell me what had you running so quick out of that room,” he says. You stay silent, hoping he’ll give up. The way he’s looking at you though makes you weak. It was incomprehensible, but you couldn’t help but like it all.
“I want you…,” you sigh, hoping that will be enough for him to let you go.
He shakes his head at you, not liking the response.
“You’re going to have to be a little more specific. Why do you want me so bad hmm?” He asks slyly.
“Because you are pure temptation and I can’t handle being in the same room as you for too long,” you say grumpy.
“Now you know how I feel every single time I look at you,” he growls. More wetness pools in your panties and you’re aching for him. You pull at his arms, silently begging for him to touch you anywhere else.
“Jesus honey, please,” you sigh.
His hand travels down to the hem of your skirt and lifts it up, exposing your black panties to him.
He presses his fingers to your folds and you automatically moan. His face lights up with shock when he finds how wet you’ve become.
“God baby you’re soaked. What made you this wet baby? Tell me,” he demands as he groans, pushing two fingers at your entrance. You gasp and pull at his shirt.
“Fuck, all of it. Your voice, the way you moved, the way you sat there looking at me like you could fuck me from across the room. It was all too much,” you groan as he twists his finger into you.
“I can’t help it, baby, that’s just the way I sound, that’s the way I move. And I can’t help you look like the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” he confesses as he pulls you in for a passionate kiss. He leaves you breathless and more needy as time passes by.
“Please,” you beg in between kisses.
He pulls down your panties quickly and shoves them into his pocket. You tear at his pants, trying to get them off of him as quickly as possible. He has to help you with that part since he’s faster and pulls your body to the edge of the counter. He pulls his cock out of his pants and spits in his hand, rubbing it along his length. You look up at him and before you know it, he’s plunging his hard length inside you.
You both grunt loudly and gasp at the sensation. He quickly turns on the faucet to drown out both of your groans. You were tight around him and could barely take a normal breath. Searing pleasure ripples through you as he gives you time to adjust around him. He moved slowly and looked back into your eyes. He was so needy, he couldn’t get enough it seemed.
“God baby you’re so perfect,” he groans. He watches every expression you make as he moves and fills you more. You wrap your legs around his hips, letting him take on a different angle.
“How are you going to make it through watching the full show if you can’t even get through watching me rehearse,” he teases with a snap of his hips. Oh, it was cruel and also a valid point. You weren’t going to make it out alive.
“I’ll be in agony, begging for you as soon as you get off that stage,” you whimper. He groans at that proposition and fucks you faster.
“Jesus, you’re killing me. I would love to hear you beg for it,” he whimpers into your neck, placing more kisses there.
Your heart pounds in your chest as he takes you like an untamed animal. He was unrelenting with the pace he set and you hold onto him for dear life. He had never taken you like this. It was so dirty and wrong. You both liked it too much to stop though. He has you on the verge of crying out his name. He looks at you with lust swarming his every last thought. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, he was too powerful at this moment, taking you the way he wanted.
His thumb finds your throbbing bud and rubs it in focused circles. You buck into his touch and groan loudly. You felt your orgasm looming and he wasn’t letting you catch your breath.
“This feels good baby?” He pants, placing a kiss on your cheek.
“Yes,” you whimper.
“Good honey, you only get wet for me hmm?” He asks as he rolls his hips into you.
You whimper into his chest and become intoxicated with his cologne. Your senses were on overload and you couldn’t handle much more. He was going to have you dying for release.
“I wanna hear you say it, sweetheart. I wanna hear I’m the one who gets you so wet,” he groans into your ear. You still don’t respond as you feel your walls flutter around him and your heart feels like it might just fly out of your chest at his words. He doesn’t have the patience today to talk you through this, he wants an answer now. He stuffs you to the hilt and stops, pulling your hair to make you look up at him.
His gaze was intense and unwavering. You grab onto his forearms tightly and groan in agony as his grip on your hair tightens.
“Answer me. Who else can make you feel like this,” he growls. The tone of his voice gives you chills. You feel like the air got sucked out of you. It was possessive and intense. You had never seen this side of him.
“You,” you say in a hushed tone, “I only get like this for you baby,” you whimper.
He lets out a pleased sigh and moves slowly, making your eyes roll back.
“That’s right baby, only I can,” he groans as he places a passionate kiss on your lips. You tear at his shirt, wishing you could feel his warm body against yours. You look up in his eyes and see how much he likes this. His face looks very similar to when he was singing. So full of passion and ecstasy. He pleads with his eyes, wanting you to finish. He knows how to get you there.
A few more movements from those hips and your orgasm comes crashing down as you muffle your cry into his chest. You come hard and fast, squeezing around his cock with every thrust he gives you.
“Ohgod,” you whine.
He tries to muffle his groans as he is close too and you can feel how your arousal seeps out of you. It’s not long before he finishes too, holding onto you tightly as his cock twitches inside of you.
“God baby,” he moans, moving slowly in and out of you as he cums.
He burrows his face in the crook of your neck, holding onto your body tightly as you both tremble in each other's arms.
He pulls his length out of you with a grunt and takes a step away from you. His shoulders rise and fall quickly and he looks at you with a hunger in his eye still. He pulls your panties out of your pocket and hangs them on his finger.
“Do you wanna put these back on? Or are you going to continue to have bad thoughts?” He says slyly.
You huff at the question at hand and can’t help but push his buttons a bit.
“You’re going to tear them off me anyway after rehearsal, might as well keep them in your pocket,” you say, acting a bit cocky.
He smiles briefly and becomes serious again.
“When I ask you what’s wrong, you need to tell me what’s wrong. If you need something, anything at all, I need to know. No lying to me,” he tells you.
You nod your head and pull your skirt down before getting off the counter. You stand in front of him and wrap your hand around his cock while looking into his blue eyes. He’s still a bit hard and grunts when he feels your touch.
“I’m sorry. I’ll tell you the truth I promise. I’ll make it up to you later,” you say seductively as your hand slowly pumps his length. He squirms a bit as you touch him, still too sensitive from his orgasm. He bites his lip as he looks at you, drunk and infatuated by all of this.
“And what are you going to do to make up for such behavior,” he says softly.
“Whatever you want. You’ve never seen me on my knees before, have you?” You say innocently.
His face looks stunned after hearing what you just implied. He stops your hand and pushes you back against the countertop. He kisses you ravenously and leaves you breathless. He acts like he’s dying for your kisses and attention. He stops briefly and has a devious look on his face.
“I better get back out there and continue to drive you wild then hmm?” he quips cheekily.
@loving-elvis @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis
@ccab @presleyenterprise @theresalwaysep
@prompted-wordsmith @sillybookmarks @dkayfixates
@ellie-24 @rktismylife-blog
@myradiaz @tacozebra051
@18lkpeters @flwrs4aust @emma181873
@austinswhitewolf @eliseinmemphis
@everythingelvispresley @chasingwildflowers
@idontwanttoputanything @ohjustpeachy-
@elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @kingdomforapony.
@generoustreemystic @claire-elvisgirl
@ashtag6887 @burnthheparaphilia @richardslady121
@returntopresley. @iloveelvis @rjmartin11 @that-hotdog
@louisejoy86 @misspresley @cattcb @annapresley8
@arrolyn1114 @raginginkedslut @epthedream69
@oldhOllywOod @hooked-on-elvis @livelovedilfs
@sloppiest-of-jos @thisis-theway @gatheraheart
@aphroditebabygirl @faeolwen
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aghhtdraws · 2 years
ship name or not?
so I wanted to make a short post to get these thougs off my head but it'll get lost on my main so here it goes!
this doesn't really concern anyone who usually visits this blog for art, but it's more a thinkpiece related to the newer/younger tmnt Leo x Usagi ship (rottmnt x usagi chronicles respectively)
I’m seeing a lot of confusion (kinda) abt the tags to use and want to propose an alternative. How about “yuinardo” ? it sounds kind of funny (like the two characters), doesn’t sound like anything else (as far as my google search can reach), uses both their unique names and also capitalizes on how Rise!Leo is often called Nardo by his brothers as a nickname - among others, but that’s one of his most unique nicknames in the series and feels unique to Rise specifically. And Yui bc Yuichi - also just his name but a unique part of it.
I guess maybe the longer name could be something like "cityxfarm sword" bc those are the three consistent elements abt this younger ship. I know the latter is kind of uncreative but I can't think of anything better atm haha x'D
I was never around much for the 2003 leosagi ship bc- I was a baby on neopets and not online enough for that? 2003 tmnt was pretty new here and didn't air as often/quickly but also even in the later 00s, I did not really seek out fanfic relating to it bc - again, teen with not enough time lol, also social media and internet weren't really the thing they are now, so i wasn't really aware there could be fanfic of it. shipped and read other things. So maybe I don't know all my leosagi history. I kinda stayed away from the tmnt fandom in general bc it was mostly all angsty which I didn't really gel with anymore. alternatime ship names have always been a thing in all fandoms but I think right now we've been having the most versions of these two characters or this dynamic than ever before.
the 2018 Rise Leo x Usagi Chronicles has been getting more popular. ROTTMNT was a 2018 reiteration of the tmnt for animation that was really under-appreciated and has slowly become more appreciated as the fandom re-grew with the 2022 movie in august.
Usagi Chronicles is a spin-off/soft-reboot led by fans of Usagi Yojimbo, Stan Sakai's original comic about Miyamoto Usagi, but this time he is a great ancestor of a new character, Yuichi Usagi! and this Usagi is a creation of Doug and Candie Langdale (exec producers) + Khang Le (who I think designed/developed Yuichi's look?). So basically this is like a canon-supported fan-AU with an original character cast thematically based on the og comic cast (Usagi and his friends match Miyamoto Usagi and *his* friends) + the "Senso" Usagi comic as a worldbuilding point.
His naming is a bit confusing bc in Japan, Yuichi is usually a first name, but here in the show it feels like it's treated like a surname. But apparently, there was an intentional marketing move to have this be the opposite? So his real surname is Usagi, while his given name is Yuichi? There was a whole post about it, but I can't remember where else I've heard it.
Anyway, this series is my fave right now and I think it's fun in both it's lightheartedness and it's more touching moments and I love all the character and family dynamics and themes that it has. I think it's fun that people ship him and Rise!Leo because they are actually really similar in some personality aspects. I saw this show, realized there was crossover potential with Rise and thought, "oh, it'll be fun to do actiony scenes and stories with this kind of friendship!" Anyway, I'll do a deep-dive on that later.
Everybody likes this young version of Leo and then I guess at some point before 2021, other fans started making ship art/fic with Usagi? Often their own versions of Miyamoto Usagi, fitted for the Rise TMNT world bc the two never managed to have a crossover with this iteration bc of Nickelodeon pausing the show abruptly in 2020. I wasn't very online in 2018 so idk when else the ship happened, maybe when the finale of the show aired and the "unpausing" was finalized and fans realized there wasn't going to be a crossover? but now with the movie, more ppl have discovered that there's also a cartoon series for Usagi! And more people are slowly understanding/remembering maybe that this Usagi character has had previous iterations, ppl make their own versions/AUs for fun based on the newer Usagi show, or they don't watch the Usagi show and just make their own modern/ROTTMNT versions of Miyamoto Usagi in general.
This ship is a bit unique bc they are stated to be exactly the same age and they have very similar vibes as characters (goofs on the team + faux confidence + showoffs). When I first found that other people shipped this too, I just called it "2020s Leosagi" bc again, just the main thing abt them is that they're younger characters for a younger audience in their respective shows. + it's funny that there's almost a Leosagi friendship for every decade. I've also heard the term "cringe naenae babies" from friends but i don't really know what this meme means lol xD
I don't have beef or anything with the Leoichi/Leochi tag+name but it's sorta confusing for me personally bc it sounds both too short vocally and also like Leo's alone or something (Leo+ichi) I'm not fluent in japanese so I might b wrong, but just a thought. Leochi sounds similarly short.
then there's also the Usagi's who are complete OCs (w new names) and where do you fit those ships? and idk, I guess I just wanted to think abt this YuiNardo ship name more in-depth, just to think abt it , a bit for fun, bc I really do think it's a fun name but also make a new umbrella term, so maybe people would find it easier to tag stuff! but I usually don't interact with other fans in larger fandoms and ship fandoms like this so idk, this could easily be more confusing x3
Anyway, I think as fandoms and shipping go, it would be more fun to have multiple tags for different experiences, +these are different ships/versions of the characters so it feels like it would make sense. Just my fandom experience from previous years + for organizing/better finding + I feel like shipping should be fun, cuz in the end, this is just based from the og TMNT and Usagi creators being friends and making smth fun with these characters!
TL;DR - YuiNardo sounds like a funny/fun leosagi ship name for this younger iteration of the Rise!Leo-Yuichi Usagi friendship/relationship, and I wanna use it as the ship name going forward bc ships should b about fun and creativity, right? anyway, u can also use it if u want to! no pressure, just sorta putting it out there. - Aghht out!
Addendum(1.03.23): apparently, the Katanashipping tag was specifically for the 2003 ship - as well as the og Leosagi tag, bc that Leo x Miyamoto Usagi started it all. That makes sense! Sorry that I mis-tagged it originally! I did not know until finding the tags on tumblr and going thru them to the start of the tag - bc I'd been keeping away from the tmnt fandom for a long time after the 12 show + never saw it during the 03 show's run bc I wasn't online as much + social media didn't exist in the way it does now. I think everyone used Leosagi for that bc it made sense. I'll keep the tags for this post specifically in the hopes that more ppl will find it then and it'll give food-for-thought about this. Katanashipping of course doesn't make as much sense for the newer ship bc the shows have not had crossovers + while both characters seem like they are a bit obsessed w swords in different teen boy ways (preferring swords bc they are big and flashy), they are not as centered about the swords or swordsmanship as much as the 03 characters.
I know it seemed more like Leosagi was a catchall for all the Leo x Usagi ships, but now it makes more sense that it's not bc it's made searching for content harder. I like the "younger version" but i like the og too bc that's what I shipped as a teen (when the 03 show characters all just looked like Really Old Teens to me). I suppose that's just how the internet's sorta become - there'd shorter memory abt stuff, but fandoms especially as folks move on from shows they like and some of the history of fandom becomes lost. I've been on social media for so long now, I totally forgot how specific ship names could get. I guess that's why I suggested YuiNardo for the "new" version - it sounds unique. If ppl already shipped Rise Leo with their own versions of a younger Miyamoto Usagi and original Usagis, the "youngest" ship with Yuichi x Rise Leo needed it's own tag and that became Leochi/Leoichi (and w the earlier Rise Leo x Usagi ships, everyone must have used the Leosagi tag then too? Further investigation must be made about this...) now this Yuichi Usagi x Rise Leo version seems unique bc Yuichi is basically a canon fancharacter in a sense, as a descendant he is like a homage. But I like the character and I see that a lot of ppl continue to make their own versions or borrow elements of the Y!Usagi from SRTUC... but this means that almost all versions of Usagi depicted by fans are ALL fanon versions... and that's fine, I like how creative fans can get! But also that means we almost never see thr "full" show version of Yuichi Usagi in fanart (altho fanfic is a different matter, if only slightly). But that makes me a bit sad bc I think this version deserves to exist in our fanon and headcanons too, y'know? I guess my flaw in all this is that I actually lile SRTUC and its own og depiction of Y!Usagi bc he is a fun character for me while not many other ppl seem to like him. Like with so many other rare shows I like where fanon is louder than canon 😂
So, yeah Yui x Nardo. cute ship. if only there was more of it ^^; But a lot of the fanworks are still really interesting in their own rights. I think I'll keep using Yuinardo for the show versions and then Leochi for any other fans' versions. That makes sense, right?
Anyway, non-serious discussion over! Just some silly fan-stuff to mull over during school breaks and other free time.
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die-tenebris · 1 month
don't wanna derail the post I saw this discussion on- it was all in the notes anyway, so it certainly isn't op's problem. I'm gonna say this with so much love:
Calling somebody a 'theyfab' is not punching up. If someone's being transmisogynistic, say that, or call them a bigot. Naming the tangible harm done to you will always be the most effective thing to do.
The cis people who created that term made it with the explicit intent to mock and insult people's identities. No matter what you mean when you say it, this is its origin and to most people, its only meaning. It describes nothing about the discrimination you face.
People afab are marginalized, especially if they're queer. You cannot "punch up" on a fellow oppressed group. I understand the specific vitriol that they inflict on you hurts.
You don't need a word to call somebody, you need and deserve adequate justice for the tangible harm done to you; and my heart aches that nobody queer- especially trans women- ever seems to receive that.
I'm aware I can't make anybody do anything, so I'm not gonna try to tell you not to use that word. I just want to say it can't ever address, undo, or heal any harm done to you. It can only redirect it.
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
Not trying to be rude or anything but you shouldn't use the word 'manic' or 'manic period' etc. unless you actually have manic/depressive episodes because it downplays how severe those disorders can actually be. They're just words but unlearning harmful terminology like that can help destigmatise mental illness and I would hope youi would want to do that.
yeah it's almost like i used those words specifically because i DO understand how severe they are
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extravagav · 4 months
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#THIS IS LITERALLY LITERAAALLLYYY THE BIGGEST FORM OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT SUGISHITA COULD HAVE#NOT ONLY IS HE DOING WHATS BEST FOR UMEMIYA BUT HES PUTTING HIS TRUST IN SAKURA TO HELP HIM#AND OH IM SO UNWELL#HIS BODY IS PHYSICALLY REACTING TO HIM MAKING THIS DECISION IM JUST#IM SO PROUD#and then sakura acknowledging all of this too i just love them sm#they really have one of the best dynamics 😭😭😭#wind breaker#kyotaro sugishita#sakura haruka#wind breaker spoilers#wind breaker manga spoilers#ok nvm im still talking bc the second image literally gets me everytime i look at it#first off the way they drew sakura in that scene in the first place is just so beautiful thats the only word i can think for it rn 😭😭😭😭#second seeing this scene from sugishitas perspective and then learning later that the reason he has this reaction was because he thought-#-sakura looked cool and hes never thought that about anyone before just really gives us so much more for their relationship#specially how sugishita acts towards him 😭😭#add that onto what umemiya says to him (which i couldnt include in this post </3) about how hes never really shown emotion to anyone-#-till sakura showed up then it gives us an even BETTER understanding of why sugishita acts the way he does around sakura#my brain is so frazzled by the sun today and words are not coming to me easily so apologies if none of this makes any sense 😭😭😭#ill revisit it another time anyway#also the way they describe all of this really makes it sound like he has a lil crush and its so sweet 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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cuchufletapl · 10 months
I've just come across a tiktok of a person (who has 90k+ followers and is pretty well-known in lefttok for having well-articulated, intelligent takes, by the way) copying almost word for word that post by weaver-z (with an addition by roach-works) explaining how Divergent destroyed YA dystopian literature, and claiming those to be their own thoughts.
An honestly hysterical thing to happen just two days after HBomberguy dropped his video on plagiarism — in which he theorises that those who steal somebody else's work do it because, aside from their lack of creativity clashing with their desire for money and clout, they think the author so below them that they don't deserve the dignity of being credited and nobody would even catch the plagiarism.
We know this is common but fucking Christ. Finding such a blatant example in the wild during this time is such an experience.
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steinwayandhissons · 1 year
arctic monkeys and every time the word ‘love’ is mentioned
whatever people say I am that’s what I’m not
tonight there’ll be some love, tonight there’ll be a ruckus yeah regardless of what’s gone before
~ view from the afternoon
oh there ain’t no love, no montagues or capulets
~ i bet you look good on the dancefloor
all that’s left is the proof that love’s not only blind but deaf… yeah I’d love to tell you all my problem
~ fake tales of san francisco
she makes a subtle proposition, I’m sorry love I’ll have to turn you down
~ when the sun goes down
lady, where has your love gone, i was looking but can’t find it anywhere, they always offer when there’s loads of love around but when you’re short of some it’s nowhere to be found
~ no buses
well how can you wake up with someone you don’t love and not feel slightly phased by it
~ leave before the lights come on
favourite worst nightmare
it’s wrong wrong wrong but we’ll do it anyway cause we love a bit of trouble
~ balaclava
and those dreams weren’t as daft as they seem, aren’t as daft as they seem my love
~ fluorescent adolescent
there’s room for the trouble and there’s lovers to be had
~ this house is a circus
it’d be a big mistake for you to wait and let me waste your time, really love it’s fine, I said really love it’s fine
~ the bad thing
old yellow bricks, love’s a risk… houdini love you don’t know what you’re running away from
~ old yellow bricks
another roll around and another push and shove, further away from the idea of love
~ da frame 2r
the more you keep on looking the more it’s hard to take, love we’re in stalemate… you’re slacking love where have you been
~ the bakery
am I too quick to assume that the love is no longer in bloom
~ too much to ask
i had a hole in the pocket of my favourite coat and my love dropped into the lining
~ i haven’t got my strange
suck it and see
i wanna feel your love brick by brick
~ brick by brick
do you still feel love is a laserquest or do you take it all more seriously… when I’m not being honest I pretend that you were just some lover
~ love is a laserquest
your love is like a studded leather headlock
~ suck it and see
jealousy in technicolour, fear by name, love by numbers… crushing up a bundle of love
~ that’s where you’re wrong
before she showed you how to shake love’s steady hand
~ the blonde o sonic shimmer trap
your love’s not what I need, so don’t give it to me
~ evil twin
it’s not like I’m falling in love I just want you to do me no good… the look of love, the rush of blood
~ no.1 party anthem
love buckles under the strain of those wild nights
~ mad sounds
I heard that you fell in love, or near enough
~ snap out of it
love like locked horns, love like dominoes… love like thunder, love like falling snow
~ electricity
I know you’re nothing like mine cause she’s walking on sunshine and your love would tear us apart
~ you’re so dark
tranquility base hotel and casino
love came in a bottle with a twist off cap, let’s all have a swig and do a hot lap… but it’s alright, cause you love me
~ star treatment
when true love takes a grip it leaves you without a choice
~ golden trunks
pattern language in the mood for love
~ the world’s first ever monster truck front flip
I wanna stay with you my love, the way some science fiction does
~ science fiction
the dawn won’t stop weighing a tonne, I’ve done some things that I shouldn’t have done, but I haven’t stopped loving you once
~ the ultracheese
the car
lights out on the wonder park, your saw toothed lover boy was quick off the mark
~ jet skis on the moat
put your heavy metal to the test, there might be half a love song in it all for you
~ mr schwartz
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
I need people to realize that any care shown by JC does not somehow wash away his shittiness. It's the equivalent of telling a battered woman her husband obviously cares and loves her because he kisses her on the way out the door (never mind her face is black and blue). If an abuser makes a nice gesture, he's still an abuser. 🤷🏽‍♀️
People excuse child abuse in a way they wouldn’t domestic abuse* because they do not see children as full people. Jiang Cheng smacking Jin Ling around is a hard line only for some readers, but quite a few others would feel perfectly alright with marking Jiang Cheng as a great guardian if the physical abuse never occurred, even as we watch him verbally and emotionally abuse Jin Ling before the first hit lands in canon. Just watch how they downplay Jiang Cheng’s abuse of Wei Wuxian because it’s “just words” that they can brush off. “All bark and no bite” they call him, ignoring how those words clearly make Wei Wuxian never want to be around Jiang Cheng again. “All bark and no bite” they call him, despite the fact that Jin Ling constantly runs away from Jiang Cheng because of those words. Idk, sounds like the bark comes with a lot of bite.
*people will only admonish domestic abuse in hypothetical situations, cause if people actually cared about physical violence between partners, it would not be socially acceptable to discuss the ways in which people “acceptably” physically abuse their partners to “keep them in line,” much like how people discuss children. This is a gender- and sexuality-neutral observation.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
profs will set the due date for the final as april 24 and then STILL NOT HAVE THE FUCKING ASSIGNMENT UP TO SUBMIT THE PAPER BY 11PM ON APRIL TWENTY FUCKING THIRD
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puppyeared · 4 months
who up seeing their disorder in a fictional character but feel like its not their place to put a name on it
#id have to be waterboarded before i can talk abt how i see a lot of my adhd and personality in mitsumi iwakura let alone post it#idk how to talk abt this without feeling like im talking over or invalidating ppls experiences relating with a character#someone was talking abt how ppl tie laios' autism to special interest and social difficulties but not much else which kinda flattens it#and then went into a respectful in depth analysis of other autistic behaviour that laios exhibits and it wasnt phrased meanly#its fascinating and important to me to hear someone explain a little bit abt traits that they recognized and often go overlooked#because it does help me learn more about it. but i think thats also where hesitancy kicks in when it comes to depicting it accurately#like i have adhd and some of my adhd symptoms overlap with autism (time blindness and pattern seeking behaviour) but that only means#it feels familiar to me even without having autism. on top of that traits arent always cleanly determined as being /caused/ by#a disorder. to understand my environment i compare it to something unrelated but similar to make it more familiar and for the longest time#i thought that was a personality thing and not an information processing thing since i loved playing pretend in my head as a kid#so if you make a character who experiences that hoping to reach people that also experience that and tell them its not weird or#smth youre making up like. thats the goal. ppl who dont get it arent expected to it just means it doesnt cater to them but it helps them#become familiar to it yk? since i dont have autism myself i dont feel confident i can depict it properly or explain it in my own words#but that doesnt mean im trying to dismiss it or try and cut it out completely.. ill just leave the floor open to someone who /can/#a lot of issues around fanon depictions are when smth is baselessly popularized or a characters personality and behavior is flattened#especially to fit them into a trending meme. its harmless and its supposed to be for fun but it gets tricky when you drag things that#need to be carefully explained beforehand or else it gets lost in translation. like that tweet abt 'hyperfixating' on cooking pasta#once it becomes popular language usually the original meaning is left out for the sake of simplifying it for everyone that when it#circles back theres a sort of hesitancy like. am i using it the way it was intended or am i unknowingly using the popularized version of it#actually thats probably why i felt wrongfooted during diagnosis bc it felt like i was misusing the words i heard to describe what i felt#i /know/ i see a lot of myself in mitsumi because our minds are always somewhere else and we tend to put good faith first and for me#that personal connection is enough. but idk it feels like its always gonna have to be 'palatable' first before i can talk abt it openly#mad respect to writers and creators who stick to their story even if theres the looming fear of ppl misinterpreting it and letting them#have it.. its been almost 2 weeks and i am so close to deleting that m3 dunmeshi drawing bc ppl keep saying chilchuck wouldnt have 200 HP#IT LITERALLY SAYS I MADE IT WHILE WATCHING EP 1. I USED EARTHBOUND LOGIC AND I WASNT EVEN TAKING IT SERIOUSLY CHILL#yapping
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girltoya · 2 months
Writing is all fun and games until it feels like you’ve written the same idiom or phrase or descriptive word maybe one million times
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catd2014 · 5 months
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Last night I went to see The Boss. I’d never seen him live before and to be honest, I thought I’d missed my chance.
It was absolutely fantastic. Something life-affirming happened to me and I can’t quite describe it. 3 hours of the most incredible live music you’re ever likely to hear. I know this isn’t news but, damn, the E Street Band are really fucking good aren’t they?!
60,000 people having the time of their lives is quite an overwhelming experience and is probably why I’m still processing it today. I think it might be the best gig I’ve been to.
If you’re going to a date on the European tour, you’re in for an absolute treat
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hella1975 · 1 year
i love how i started taking the pill bc my periods were so bad physically and the pill just went 'no more cramps! mentally we're putting you in a blender tho'
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