#jarvis jameson
employee052 · 1 year
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jarvis doodles (tbf he doesnt look that different to virgil but eh)
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thebibliomancer · 12 days
Essential Avengers: Avengers #325: PARTY GAMES!
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October, 1990
Quasar: "Uh, Cap -- did you invite these people?" Captain America: "Don't look at me, Quasar -- it's Sersi's party!"
This is so embarrassing. Several of these guests are wearing the same thing. Someone is going to have to change.
Hm, though, that's the Crimson Cowl, Sharon Carter The Girl On Fire, Man-Wolf the Werewolf, Dead Guardsman, and the Mechano-Maurauder Mom-Killer. And two of each.
Don't know why there's two of each. To pad out the crowd? But these are the visions that haunted the various Avengers Support Crew people.
That's the last time on Avengers: by the way.
There was the Crossing Line incident, with the hijacked nuclear submarine and the getting stuck in a bag of holding. The Avengers just finished wrapping that up. And while that was going on Mother Night, Minister Blood, and Machinesmith were putting the Avengers Support Crew under mind control by showing them traumatic visions.
The Avengers are back from their silly submarine adventure, so now the back-up plot becomes the main plot.
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Psshaw, Cap. Surely some fraternizing is allowed. Wanda and Vision did an entire courtship while they were on the team. Go ahead and bathe with Sersi.
So when the Avengers arrive back at the Subbasement, they're greeted by Micahel O'Brien, head of security. He's so eager to spring their surprise new meeting table!
Remember that? From the back-up story?
But, whoops. Thor already called dibs on rebuilding the old one.
Michael O'Brien: "whoops." Captain America: "Don't sweat it -- we'll find a good use for it!" Sersi: "If you don't wipe that hurt puppy look off your face this minute, Mr. O'Brian -- I'm going to bite your lip." Michael O'Brien: "Well, I wouldn't want that, would I?" Sersi: "Never know till you try."
Sersi, pls.
I said "some fraternizing."
But, also, this:
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The world's most obvious bug.
I'm sure that the color is just for the benefit of the audience but that doesn't blend into the wall at all.
Captain America: "Great! The new laptop voice processors are in. This will speed up filing case histories considerably." Sersi, sarcastically: "the part of being an avenger i can't get enough of!" Captain America: "If you'll just look into the tiny screen when you speak, the processor will not only record your image and voice, it will also transcribe your words into cold type."
I love it when the Avengers book gets granular about their procedures. I truly do. Captain America, and presumably Mark Gruenwald, is very excited about the new way to file after-action reports.
And, hey! Science fiction becomes science fact. Voice recognition transcribing exists now and it is not very good!
As the Avengers work on the Crossing Line incident report, Mother Night, Minister Blood, and Machinesmith watch and congratulate each other on having bugged the Avengers' headquarters, something no one else has ever done apparently.
Machinesmith: "Mmm-hmm! The Red Skull is going to be tickled pink, I'll betcha!"
That's a fun turn of phrase.
Despite Mother Night's protests that she was watching that, Machinesmith starts flipping through the different bugs to see if any new ones have been planted.
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Machinesmith: "Although you two may have been the ones to brainwash the fine upstanding members of the Avengers' support crew into planting the bugs -- I was the one who designed and manufactured the bugs themselves. Don't I have the right to examine my handiwork, too? Tsk tsk. I see they couldn't afford an interior decorator."
Satisfied, Machinesmith turns the remote back over because he wants to go work on a transmitter so Red Skull can watch the feed all the way in Washington.
Mother Night: "You may be a just a robot, 'Chiney, but sometimes I feel like -- " Machinesmith: "Whoa! Time out! Save that stuff for someone who can appreciate it, Momsy! I agreed to help you with this plan of yours to get in good with the boss, not so you could slobber over me! Say, Blood, why don't you take your sister for a walk or something? I hate it when humans start going stir-crazy!"
Machinesmith is not about kissing humans. Or lady humans.
The comment about the interior decorating feels very... gesturing towards stereotypes.
Anyway, Minister Blood does take Machinesmith's suggestion and he and Mother Night go off to have lunch on the Red Skull's expense account. It's a business lunch!
Back in the Subbasement, the Avengers finish recording their reports and Sersi has an important announcement.
Sersi: "I'm having my monthly get-together this Saturday night, and I"ll take it as a personal affront if you boys do not attend. Shall we say eightish?" Captain America: "Uh, gee, Sersi, I've got the Wakanda Design Group coming in this weekend and --" Sersi: "They're invited too! I'm not taking a no for an answer. You boys have yet to make a single one of my parties! I did you the favor of joining your world-saving club, it's not that much to ask for in return!"
I love Sersi on the Avengers.
Also, the Wakanda Design Group. At some point it was established that Quinjets are made by a Wakandan manufacturing plant. Marvel wiki doesn't have a page for the group so I don't know what issue and date this was first mentioned.
But when T'Challa bankrupt Wakanda to own Killmonger, Tony Stark bought up all the shares in the Wakanda Design Group to keep Avengers tech out of rando hands. He also promised to give the shares back to T'Challa as soon as he uncratered the economy.
So I recognize it from the Priest run of Black Panther and a few other places. I just wish I knew when this was established.
Ah, well.
They're going to be at the party, maybe.
After the party conversation, Vision deduces that he wasn't included in the invite because Sersi only directly addressed Captain America and Quasar. Since the invitation wasn't explicitly addressed to him, he assumes he's not invited.
Vision: "Perhaps she reasoned that synthezoids would be out of place at such a gathering. I don't recall ever attending a party. Who is to say then that she is wrong?"
I'm sure some people are vibing so hard with Vision right now.
Anyway, Quasar also has something important he has to say, to Captain America.
He confesses that his civilian identity runs a security consultant firm and he wants to offer his services to the Avengers. Buuut he also doesn't want to be exploiting his membership for personal gain. So he makes it clear that he definitely doesn't need the business, really, he just wants the Avengers to be as secure as possible!
(I read a big chunk of the first half of Quasar's book. He WAS hurting for business for a while but Moondragon mind-controlled various companies into signing contracts with him. She was trying to help, I think. Point being, he's not just covering his ass when he says he doesn't need the work.)
Captain America asks if Quasar's company is any good. Quasar, obviously, says yes so Cap says the Avengers could use an independent security firm to double check their defenses. His razor sharp Cap insight also has him ask if Quasar blames himself for Avengers Island being sunk and Quasar doesn't really deny it.
Machinesmith is vexed to hear that an outside security group is going to examine the Avengers Subbasement. If they find the bugs, they'll have to get the mind-controlled staff to plant some more. It'll just be a big hassle.
But he also doesn't have to do anything about it now so he changes the channel to see what else is on.
I like how the scene transitions are framed as Machinesmith flipping around to different camera feeds.
Anyway, Sersi has cornered Jarvis and has gotten him to agree to go to her party too. In fact, the whole Avengers Support Crew is invited. She doesn't do an upstairs downstairs thing. Sersi parties are fun for everyone.
Machinesmith: "Partying with the Avengers? I can't think of anything more boring!"
Fun for everyone except Machinesmith.
But, look, I see where he's coming from. Captain America leading the Avengers. You wouldn't think that wild parties would come of that. But I bet Sersi knows how to cut loose. And She-Hulk, of course. And you know that Beast smoked a ton of weed back when he was an Avenger.
Machinesmith: "Let's see what else is shaking at the manse. Maybe I can tune in on that gorgeous hunk of man-machine... the Vision!"
Okay. Machinesmith is very queer coded.
He finds Vision hanging out with Fabian Stankowicz, where the synthezoid is asking Fabian if he has a life outside of work.
Which would be a rude question but Fabian says this job is everything he's ever wanted. "A place to work, lots of junk to work with, and folks who appreciate what I make."
Vision confides that he sometimes thinks there should be more to his life than just the Avengers but he's not certain what it should be.
Then he does Machinesmith a jump scare by flying directly through the spy bug. And then popping up in the bloodmobile that is the evil trio's base of operations.
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Felt it important to show the entire confrontation in case you thought I was misrepresenting how horny this machine man is for Vision.
Anyway, he tries to hack Vision by staring into his eyes. Which doesn't work. Vision has been hacked by the best, i.e. Ultron. You ain't tall enough to ride this rollercoaster, dude.
Then Vision does what he always does and fists a guy. Except Machinesmith had a failsafe system and both him and Vision wind up knocked out.
Mother Night and Minister Blood return to find Vision and Machinesmith intertwined in a heap together.
Machinesmith managed to beam his consciousness into the computers in the bloodmobile. Where he appears as a wire frame on the monitor.
Vision damaged him too badly to re-inhabit his body so he has to have another delivered from Washington. In the meantime, Minister Blood decides to just dump Machinesmith and Vision's bodies in the East River.
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Bye forever, Vision.
The next day, Quasar arrives in his secret identity of Wendell Vaughn with his follow security guy Kenjiro Tanaka. Quasar's secret identity is protected by a pair of glasses and everybody privately gives him shit for it.
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Somewhere, Clark Kent is indignant and he doesn't know why.
But, anyway, Wendell knows security.
He brought an anti-eavesdropping device with him. When he turns it on, it jams all the bugs Mother Night et al had placed in the Avengers' base.
They flip from camera to camera, frustrated at getting just a blank screen.
This is even more vexing than the bugs being found and needing to be replaced. This means placing any new bugs is pointless. Mother Night wants to order the mind-controlled support crew to destroy the jamming device but Machinesmith points out that would give the game away.
Mother Night: "We must get something out of this! We can't go back to Washington empty-handed! At the very least let's get those insipid civilians to kill themselves!" Machinesmith: "I have it! Everyone's been invited to a party tonight at Sersi's...!"
Geez, these guys are kind of played up as kind of doofuses. Sure, they pulled off hypnotizing the support crew and getting them to plant bugs. But that's just it. They've triumphed... over supporting cast.
Vision almost instantly uncovered their scheming. Quasar thwarted them without even trying. Even their latest evil scheme is more petty spite than the masterstroke of a brilliant planner.
But that petty spite is is to have a bunch of people killed just so they can say they accomplished something.
Petty isn't harmless.
Anyway, party. And more people thinking Quasar is a big dingus for thinking glasses work as a secret identity.
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Oh, and I see that Jarvis is still dating the younger girlfriend he got during Inferno.
Well, power to him.
He's also back to wearing the eyepatch. I'm not sure whether he needs it or whether he just wears it to look cool.
Also, Sersi has a really nice party pad and maybe owns the building. Being an Eternal means you can really capitalize on long investments. Also, she can turn anything into gold.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Mother Night, Minister Blood, and Machinesmith arrive in disguise. They hypnotize the kitchen staff, leave them tied up out of the way, and impersonate them.
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A DJ, a live band, and a rapper? Wow, Sersi's parties have everything.
And yet what I notice most is how thrilled She-Hulk's date is.
Steve Rogers (secretly Captain America) arrives with his lady friend Rachel Leighton and immediately gets in trouble when Sersi gloms onto him and asks how close a friend Rachel is.
Rachel Leighton: "Sersi... what an interesting name. Is that your first name or last?" Sersi: "Like Madonna and Cher, I only need one name. Save the last dance for me, Stevie!" Rachel Leighton: "You come to this 'lady's' parties often?" Steve Rogers (Captain America): "I swear this is the first."
-sitcom laugh track-
As might be expected from a guy whose dream job is sitting and tinkering with mechanisms all day, Fabian Stankowicz doesn't quite know what to do with himself at a party. But he's happy to enjoy the free food.
Then Mother Night disguised as a waitress mind zonks him to come to the kitchen in five minutes.
God. Just let the man enjoy a meal!
Off-panel, the trio of dastardly no-good-niks must have zonked every member of the support crew to come to the kitchen because scene change, they're all in the kitchen.
Mother Night tells the hypnotized crew that enemies of the Avengers have infiltrated the party and are up to no-good. For some reason, we can't tell the Avengers this, we gotta take matters into our own hands.
With these guns neuronic neutralizers which are not guns at all.
And two minutes after the support crew returns to the party, Mother Night will 'reveal' their enemies.
So, that's somehow more grim than when the villains were just going to make the crew kill themselves. They're going to hypnotize them into killing as many people as possible at the party.
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The Avengers, thankfully, are mostly quick on their feet.
Quasar sees Jarvis pull a gun on his girlfriend, Glory Garsen, thinking she's the Crimson Cowl, so he quases the gun away. Captain America wrestles the gun away from Michael O'Brien. Sersi just turns Fabian's gun into one of those toys with the "BANG!" flag. Who I guess is Gabriel Jones, based on the cast list, wrests the gun to the side before Peggy Carter can shoot him.
The mostly though is that She-Hulk doesn't reach John Jameson before he shoots his date.
Whoops. Four out of five ain't bad?
Mother Night and Minister Blood hear the gunshots and figure mission accomplished, now time to skeee-daddle.
Except, Vision suddenly intangibles into their path.
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They try to claim they are simple caterers but without hypnotic disguises, these two are the most dramatic people for a mile. Vision's robot brain can't be hypnotized and he's not buying it.
And when they try to knife and/or kick him, he has to explain what intangible means. And then he fists them.
Back at the party, the support crew have been apprehended and they've also gone into a daze. Leading to suspicions that they've been hypnotized.
It also turns out that John Jameson's date, who he shot, has not been shot. All the bullets in all of the guns were blanks. The woman actually just fainted, probably because someone pulled a gun on her and the gun made a loud gun-shooty noise.
Vision arrives with Minister Blood and Mother Night to Explain It All. Well, most of it all. He doesn't actually know who these two are.
But Cap does! And since he recognizes them as Susan and Melvin Scarbo, hypnotists, it confirms the idea that the support crew was hypnotized.
Sersi has her priorities and decides to ask why Vision isn't dressed up for the party.
Vision: "I don't believe I was invited, Sersi." Sersi: "Jarvis didn't give you your invitation?"
So that clears that up!
Vision was invited but he was too on the bottom of the river for several days to be informed!
He only recovered night of the party and found the bloodmobile parked outside Sersi's building. Since they were smuggling in guns, Vision used his SOLAR BEAM to sabotage the bullets (hence why they were blanks) and then just. Waited around to see what their evil scheme actually was.
He was curious.
But it worked out. Nobody got hurt and the baddies got caught in the act.
Captain America: "You used good judgment, Vision. Sersi, I recommend you tell your guests the party's over. We're going to have our work cut out for us clearing our crew's minds of post-hypnotic suggestions." Sersi: "Oh, I think these hypnotists will be more than eager to cooperate, Steve. That is, unless they want to be turned into furniture. Zuras, how I hate party-poopers!"
You mess with Sersi's parties at your own peril.
So, that was a fun decompression issue. Avengers between adventures and unwinding at a party. Some excitement happens but Vision had it handled.
Next time in the Avengers book, the introduction of Rage. But next time on Essential Avengers, the Terminus Factor.
Follow @essential-avengers because if you don't, I'll feel bummed. And maybe like and reblog?
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holly-natnicole · 4 months
the Bats 'n' Birds in my 'D.C.' (1937) franchise Alternate Multiverse rewrite timeline:
transgender polyamorous homoromantic asexual female Leslie Maurin Thompkins (deadname Samuel Xolani Thompkins) is a(n ethnically mostly white) South African through Mary Thompkins (who has an ethnically black biological father) and Thomas Jameson, her vigilante name (which she uses extremely rarely since Leslie almost never commits vigilantism) being Doctor (often shortened to Doc);
cisgender monogamous panromantic pansexual fem Julia Irene Alice Pennyworth is an Englishwoman through Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth (who is ethnically white) and Irene Rivers (who is ethnically black), her vigilante name (which she extremely rarely uses since there aren’t many situations where Julia would need to wear a mask to protect her identity) being Agent J;
cis aromantic ace male Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth is an (ethnically white) Englishman through Alice Pennyworth née Crane and Thaddeus Jarvis Pennyworth, his vigilante name (which he somewhat rarely uses since there aren’t many situations where Alfred would need to wear a mask to protect his identity) being Agent A;
trans mono gay homosexual male Cullen Row (deadname Holly Farrell) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Miranda Farrell née Row and Marcus Farrell, his vigilante names (which he somewhat rarely uses since there aren’t many situations where Cullen would need to wear a mask to protect his identity) being Duckie & Mallard;
cis poly omniromantic omnisexual male Bruce Thomas Wayne is a Gothamite who is Jewish through Martha Wayne née Kane and ethnically white through Thomas Wayne, his vigilante name being Batman;
cis mono gay fem Katherine “Kate” Rebecca Kane is a Jewish Gothamite through Gabriela “Gabi” Kane née García and Jacob Kane, her vigilante name being Batwoman;
trans mono gay fem Mary Elizabeth “Bette” Kane (deadname Matthew Gilbert "Bert" Kane) is a(n ethnically white) Englishwoman through Matthew “Matt” Kane née Benett and Jewish through Miriam Kane, her vigilante names being Batgirl & Flamebird;
cis mono biromantic demisexual fem Barbara Joan Gordon is a(n ethnically mostly white) Gothamite through Barbara Eileen Johannes (named Barbara Eileen Gordon during her marriage to Jim) and James “Jim” Gordon (whose bio maternal grandfather was an African American), her vigilante names being Batgirl & Oracle;
cis mono gay demi male David Zavimbe is Congolese through Laura Zavimbe née Davids and Isaac Zavimbe, his vigilante name being Batwing;
trans mono bi demi fem Araunya “Anya” Grayson (deadname Richard “Rick” John Grayson) is Romani & Welsh & French through Marie Grayson née Lloyd (who was born in Wales) and Romani & an (ethnically white) Englishwoman through John Grayson (who was born in England), her vigilante names being Robin & Renegade & Nightwing & Batman;
cis mono demiromantic omni fem Jade “Jay” Todd (also known as Jason “Jay” Todd, Jade “Jay” al Ghūl, & Jade “Jay” Head) is a(n ethnically mostly white) Gothamite through Sheila Haywood and Willis Peters (whose bio paternal grandmother was a Chinese American), her vigilante names being Robin & Red Hood;
cis mono gay ace fem Cassandra Wǔ-Sân (formerly Cassandra Cain, originally nameless) is Chinese through Shiva (at birth named Sandra Wǔ-Sân) and a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through David Cain, her vigilante names being Orphan & Batgirl & Black Bat & Batman (Cassandra Wǔ-Sân is written as 擦涩伞得拉 伍 莘 in Chinese);
cis mono bi fem Harper Row (formerly Harper Farrell) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Miranda Farrell née Row and Marcus Farrell, her vigilante name being Bluebird;
mono bi Stephanie Brown (deadname Charles “Chuck” Brown) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Crystal Brown née Bellinger and Arthur Brown plus she’s a demigal, their vigilante names being Spoiler & Robin & Batgirl;
cis poly bi male Timothy “Tim” Jackson Drake is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Janet Drake née Lynn and Jack Drake, his vigilante names being Robin & Raptor;
agender mono bi Duke Thomas is an African American Gothamite through Eileen Thomas (whose bio mother was also a metahuman) and an African through Gnomon (who is also a metahuman), their vigilante names being Signal & Robin;
agender aro ace Damian al Ghūl (deadname Athanasia al Ghūl, used the name Tallant al Ghūl for several months at age 8 when believing ze’s male before at the end of it realising zir lack of any gender, got often called Ībn al Ḫfāfīš [إِبن الخفافيش] & Ūṭwāṭ [وطواط] by other Shadows in the League of Assassins) is Arab, Chinese, & Pakistani through Talia al Ghūl and Jewish & ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, zir vigilante names being Robin & Heretic & Redbird (Damian al Ghūl is written as داميان ال عهوول in Arabic, 㙮面 腌乐 乌勒 in Chinese, & ڈیمین الغول in Urdu);
cis mono pan fem Helena Alfreda Kyle is Cuban, Nigerian, Italian, and Somali through Selina Kyle (who is a Gothamite, but gave birth to & for 8 years raised her bio daughter in Metropolis) and Jewish and ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, her vigilante names being Hunter & Robin;
genderfluid mono bi ace Maxine "Max" Gibson is an African American Gothamite through Sarah Gibson née Edwards and Evan Gibson, his vigilante name being Huginn;
cis mono heteroromantic heterosexual fem Dana Tan is a Chinese American Gothamite through Daiyu Tan née Zhìhuì and Paul Tan (originally named Bao Tan), her vigilante name being Muninn (Dana Tan is written as 丹娜 坛 in Chinese);
trans mono het male Terrence “Terry” McGinnis (deadname Winifred McGinnis) is a Gothamite who is a Korean American through Mary Mun (named Mary McGinnis during her marriage to Warren McGinnis) and Jewish & ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, his vigilante name being Batman (Terrence McGinnis is written as 테렌스 맥기니스 in Korean);
trans mono het fem Caroline “Carrie” Keene Kelley (deadname Jonathan “John” Keene Kelley) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Lynn Keene and Frank Kelley, her vigilante names being Robin & Batwoman;
cis mono gay male Matthew “Mattie” Mun is a Gothamite who is a Korean American through Mary Mun (named Mary McGinnis during her marriage to Warren McGinnis) and Jewish & ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, his vigilante name being Robin (Matthew Mun is written as 매튜 문 in Korean).
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davenportlvr · 1 year
One more ask, I'm sorry, but I'm soooo interested in Spider Chase, talk about it some more please?
EEE !?!? (also don't apologize I love answering stuff.)
okokok so, i think i already said this, but i definitely think Leo's the first to find out. He corners Chase about his weird behavior and Chase just cracks.
Leo then becomes his man in the chair, helping him out. (think Ned from the MCU)
Chase's forcefields are generated from his specialized web shooters. He built them after getting his powers (he got the idea from some of Adam's favorite comics.)
the black part on his fingers actually controls an equivalent to his magnetism app. (eventually he cracks molecularkinesis teehee)
in this au, spike is actually Chase's twin brother, named Chandler. (originally he was going to be Brad, as in billion dollar freshman, but my friend Kaz was NOT having it.) And he's nicknamed Spike. And eventually gets the venom symbiote, latching onto his general... spikeness, as well as his jealousy towards Chase. (alternatively. Spike is Chase's version of a Jarvis/Lyla type.)
he builds his laser bo bc he likes star wars/alien gladiators
he took/takes martial arts classes (adam and bree both took dance lessons)
He ends up being a regular at Mighty Med. Mostly because he freaks out over the smallest inconvenience (but also... he thinks it's nice to have a friend outside of his family. (or a love interest... coughcough chaz/chasiver/skase) (bro hates alan.)
his version of J Jonah Jameson is ofc, our beloved Terry Cherry Perry. She runs a podcast slandering him. (guest stars include trent and kerry)
his canon event was Marcus. Even after Marcus betrays him as the Green Goblin, he still tries to save him, ultimately failing.
alternatively. Adam as The Lizard. ("I just wanted to keep my baby brother safe." "When I found out you had super-strength I got jealous and drank davenport's experimental serum")
EEE sorry i didn't mean to ramble. but if u have any particular questions/headcanons i will ageodbdkd love to hear them!!??
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kudosmyhero · 7 months
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #71: The Speedster and the Spider
Read Date: June 01, 2023 Cover Date: April 1969 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: John Romita ◦ Jim Mooney ● Inker: Jim Mooney ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Sam Rosen ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● does Peter have a darkroom in his bedroom? ● I didn’t know Quicksilver and Wanda are siblings ● it’s weird seeing JJJ without a cigar in his mouth ● pics that will prove Spidey’s innocence
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● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: As Peter returns to his apartment and mulls over the fact that he was responsible for giving J. Jonah Jameson a good scare as Spider-Man, he almost blows his secret identity when Harry abruptly returns home.
Meanwhile, having escaped the destruction of Magneto's fortress, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and the Toad debate on what to do now that they are outcasts. Quicksilver believes that the Avengers will take them in and runs to New York to find them. However, upon arriving at Avengers Mansion, he learns from Jarvis that they are away on a mission in Africa. Debating on what to next, Quicksilver learns the Spider-Man is considered a fugitive of the law. He decides to bring Spider-Man to justice as it may be a way to exonerate himself and his sister in the eyes of the world following their recent alliance with Magneto.
Later, Peter arrives at the Bugle to sell his pictures of Spider-Man's battle with the Kingpin. There he finds that Joe Robertson has taken charge of the Bugle while Jonah is in the hospital. When Joe sees that the photos show that Spider-Man was trying to prevent the Kingpin from stealing the tablet, he demands the presses be stopped to send this out as an exclusive. Peter is also surprised by the very generous payment for the photos.
Peter then changes into Spider-Man and delivers the tablet to George Stacy. When Stacy tries to stop Spider-Man to talk to him Spidey can't stop and leaves. On his way home, Spider-Man is so absorbed in how he's going to spend his money that he is taken by surprise when Quicksilver (unaware that Spider-Man's been cleared of any wrong doing) attacks him. Spidey proves to be no match for Quicksilver's superior speed. As their battle rages on, the front page story about Spider-Man's innocence gets to Jameson who freaks out.
Back at the battle between Spider-Man and Quicksilver, Spider-Man finally gets his bearings and uses his spider-sense and Quicksilver's arrogance to his advantage, and knocks the wind out of the speedster. When the police close in to arrest both super-humans, Spider-Man lifts Quicksilver to safety. When Quicksilver revives he realizes what Spider-Man did for him and the two call a truce, and they part as friends.
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Fan Art: Quicksilver by PnzrK
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swinging Through Spider-Man - episode 71
● Let's Read Spider-Man - episode 44
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toxictac · 7 months
so now i got the main story of the last drawing i wanna talk about why i came with the idea of lithium spiderman and some of the quirks of it story and characters,
so yeah a fuck ton of explinations up ahead
Why i made it in the first place: outside of general fun of just making a spider man au (aus are always fun to imagine), it was because a comic i belive where spiderman and peter separater those type of stories always leave the idea of peter and spiderman as a thing that needs to coexist but it did keep me wonder we see a lot of peter not be able to cope with not having super powers, and the weight of the responsabilitie of not being a super hero has on him... but i feel there isnt a story where peter isnt... well peter dont get me wrong peter has to manage his spiderman life with his normal life (that is kinda the appeal of spiderman stories) but we rarely see why spiderman needs to be peter, why a version of peter that is just spiderman wouldnt be better without making spiderman over ego centric or out of character (in my opinion that is) of course the human element is always leave as garanted but i found intriguing the idea of a peter parker who only has his super hero style and has to learn to become peter parker, insted of the other way around
the story perse: story whise i imagine it would center around peter trying to get to norman osborn and destroy his military operations but in a more depper level it woud talk about how spiderman life style by itself is destructive over peters heath and mind untill he would have to relise (thanks to the help of black cat and other characters) the need of a normal life outside of being a super hero, learning the basics of how it is to have something outside of his "work" and learning to apreaciate the world better with his new friends (and a new identety)
little quirks: most of the villains of spiderman would have a more direct correlation with him being either old coworkers, long time enemies (before he turn on osborn) or people he has wrong in his past gwen is doctor optopus and had a crush on peter, she has conflicted feeling after his betrayal and becomes sortha of a rival for peter later on gwen also becomes venom trying to discover the spider syrium green goblin are osborn robots that he uses to hunt down peter, while he uses what he calls the orange goblin suit osborn has an ai assitant (similar to jarvis from ironman) who is secretly tying to over take him and is the principal responsible for controling the green goblin robots most villains and heroes have more tech base desing (tho not quite far future tech but futuristicish) black cat is mary jane and will be responsible to help peter adjust to his civilian life she is also a rockstar, that uses the info she gets from people in her circle to make her robberies j. jonah jameson was taken off his comapany after taking too much of a stand againts osborn, he was promtly remove and supposely assasinate but now as an annoyimous podcaster and blogger, he goes around berrating and getting information on osborn he is also the soul suporter of spiderman of this au, being a beliver in someone who attones for his wrongs to make a better future
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Heterosexual Parents
Cheryl and Justin Tran
Lily and Kenzõ Sano
Susan and Seo-Yun Moon
Rachel and Michael Macedo
Linda and Trevor Rhee
Charlene and Charles Bubble
Melissa and Nathan Sparkler
Claudia and Spencer Jagels
Janet and Gregory Coffey
Judith and Darius Burdette
Bernice and James Berger
Martha and Jason Sweetz
Regina and Holden Van Dew
Polly and Lucian Marlowe
Leonora and Henry Ekins
Ava and Titus Teaford
Vera and Ivan Borisov
Dahlia and Dante Crook
Lorie and Kenneth Salts
Lucia and Giovanni Capello
Aikara and Ritsu Miyamoto
Barbara and Atticus Madler
Eden and Jarvis Linnet
Marjorie and Caleb Crisper
Sharon and Peter Janzer
Imogen and Gideon Blue
Victoria and Lucas Lacelle
Isadora and Porter Paratore
Charlotte and Edward Paratore
Sandra and Andre LaMane
Aylin and Nicholas Carbine
Ashley and Gordon Naron
Dina and Dewey Decko
Priscilla and Andrew Pearlette
Isobel & Preston Brightwind
Geraldine and Glen Gibbsite
LGBT Parents
Catalina and Natalia Gonzalez
Lisa and Gloria Gaffner
Roxanne and Erin Forestier
Uma and Penelope Taplin
Thora and Jane Pagels
Mitchell and Noel Prickler
Tessa and Iris Welling
Sylvia and Sheila Froning
Avery and Logan Zill
Cole and Stuart Glover
Eddie and Chris Lacer
Ethan and Gavin Balliet
Andrew and Ronald Kidwell
Zachary and Levi Heers
Liam and Asher Crowding
Travis & Cameron Nelligan
Susan & Monica Gooseberry
Gerald & Dylan Nutbrown
Marissa and Leona Turmeric
Divorced Parents
Zelda Zilles & Freddy Valois
Piper Citrus & Douglas Zahler
Felicity & Tommy Axtell
Geraldine & Timothy Turcaz
Brianna & Andrew Berrien
Seraphina & Dominic Marrone
Tamara & Percy Purnell
Marsha & Ross Ebonite
Diana & Alexander Zhōu
Audrey & Maxwell Juneberry
Carmelita & Diego Romero
Alexandra & Johnny Blackberry
Selena & Earl Glowez
Other Residents
Anastasia Novikov
Shannon Twist
Bertha & Ernest Crumble
Nancy Zheng
Lila Wonderstar
Edith Prism
Janice Timmons
Karen Gim
Tammy Cho
Stephanie Song
Renee LeGrand
Evelyn LaMane
Fiona Lavergne
Régine Cardoux
Tracy Timmons
Teens and Children
Clover Tran
Ozzy Tran
Enzo Moon
Prudence Sano
Tyler Zahler
Cory Sparkler
Alan Jagels
Darcy Valois
Sapphire Rhee
Sage Rhee
Mackenzie Macedo
Ruby Marlowe
Ginger Gonzalez
Genevieve Gonzalez
Chloe Bubble
Joey Bubble
Trish LaMane
Harley LaMane
Praline Coffey
Lena Welling
Elijah Welling
Zelda Froning
Kendra Burdette
Jessica Burdette
Zaria Burdette
Fiona Heers
Calliope Snowflake
Juniper Blue
Tiffany Van Dew
Topaz Van Dew
Bijou Carbine
Delilah Naron
Lemon Javins
Mona Kulkarni
Ophelia Davern
Elodie Ekins
Posie Lacelle
Jameson Paratore
Luna Chen
Phoebe Teaford
Esme Berger
Eloise Ollinger
Leona St. Cloud
Alexis Miyamoto
Roxy Capello
Lizzie Zant
Willow Forestier
Wendy Lacer
Desmond Decko
Esther Janzer
Luanne Junebug
Dion Marzel
Julianne Inglett
Heather Salts
Hudson Taplin
Blake Balliet
Mabel Pagels
Axel Crowder
Jasmine Crook
Marco Crisper
Samuel Linnet
Rebecca Madler
Lexi Daffron
Shawn Dasinger
Dariel Farson
Ryan Canright
Dimitri Borisov
Margaux Nelligan
Kate Kidwell
Dexter Axtell
Logan Turcaz
Jacques Berrien
Yvette Marrone
Tobias Purnell
Athena Pearlette
Vincent Ebonite
Nathan Gooseberry
Maxwell Nutbrown
Maxine Zhōu
Isla Brightwind
Juliet Turmeric
Grace Juneberry
Amaya Romero
A.I. Blackberry
Pepper Glowez
Ingrid Muse
Kylie Spize
Agatha Glover
Patty Perrin
Opal Sourtwist
Elio Zill
Mandy Tunesong
Betty Crinkle
Dorcas Cloudberry
Finn De Glam
Zoe Sweetz
Gina Gibbsite
Josephine Joynes
Lola Jentzen
Luca Barone
Kevin Prickler
Haylie Sweetbutton
Brielle Thames
Cheryl Tran = Baker
Justin Tran = Comic Book Writer and Illustrator
Lily Tran = Lawyer
Kenzõ Sano = Business Owner and CEO
Polly Marlowe = Mayor
Lucian Marlowe = High School P.E Teacher
Rachel Macedo = Lawyer
Michael Macedo = Lawyer
Linda Rhee = Doctor
Trevor Rhee = Doctor
Zelda Zilles = Music Producer
Freddy Valois = Fashion Designer
Claudia Jagels = Judge
Spencer Jagels = TV Producer
Piper Citrus = Juice/Smoothie Bar Owner
Melissa Sparkler = Weather Host
Nathan Sparkler = Dentist
Charlene Bubble = Socialite
Charles Bubble = Real Estate Developer
Catalina Gonzalez = Chef/Restaurant Owner
Natalia Gonzalez = Chef
Nancy Zheng = 7th Grade Teacher
Shannon Twist = Hair Stylist
Bertha Crumble = Candy Store Owner
Ernest Crumble = Candy Store Owner
Edith Prism = Middle School Principal
Anastasia Borisov = Dance Teacher
Gloria Gaffner = Romance Self Help Book Writer
Lisa Gaffner = Scientist
Susan Moon = Nail Salon Owner
Seo-Jun Moon = DJ
Crazy Treats
Moon Mani
House of Styles
Hair 2 Dye For
LaMane Books
Mademoiselle Renée’s Theater
Sweet Snowflakes
Sugar Hills
Hecho Con Amor
Fiery Rockets
The Sparkle
Pizza Pizzazz
Chamber of Imagination
Black Fruity
Funk N Fresh
The Lotus Dragon
Athena's Eye
Game Space
Rain of Petals
Purple Brew
Miss Anastasia S Dance Studio
0 notes
afaimsblog · 9 months
Wie oft denn noch? - Warum die Promotion für "Echo" keine alte Frage beantwortet, sondern nur bestätigt was immer schon so war
Wir befinden uns im Neuen Jahr, und nach dem Ende von der täglich erscheinenden zweiten Staffel von "What if...?" kommt nächste Woche der Binge-Drop von "Echo" als nächster Eintrag in das MCU. In den USA zeitgleich auf Hulu und Disney+ veröffentlicht, ist "Echo" die erste nicht-jugendfreie MCU-Serie seit dem Ende der Netflix-Ära, und die anfängliche Werbung für sich selbst bestand enttäuschender Weise vor allem auch daraus diesen Aspekt zu betonen (weil man ja offenbar gleich besser ist, wenn etwas düster, edgy, und voll von Gewalt ist). Erst in den neueren Werbungen wurde andere Aspekte des Projekts betont wie etwa das Native American Erbe des Charakters. Und, dass es sich nicht nur um die Fortsetzung von "Hawkeye" handelt, sondern auch von "Daredevil", womit endlich klar gestellt wurde, dass "Daredevil" auch wirklich Teil des MCU war. Zumindest sagen das alle.
Natürlich ist das Käse, weil alle Netflix-"Defenders"-Serien von Anfang an als Teil des MCU geschrieben wurden. Die Snobs und Hater, die denken, dass nur Filme das Wahre sind, und es nie wahr haben wollten, dass die Serien besser waren als die MCU-Filme, wollten uns aber schon immer einreden, dass diese Serien eben nicht Teil des MCUs sind, egal wie oft die Ereignisse aus "Avengers" in ihnen auch erwähnt werden. Da die Crossover-Pläne mit den Filmen, die es spätestens seit "Civil War" gab, nie Früchte trugen, hatten sie damit auch ein leichtes Spiel, vor allem nach "Infinity War", da der Blip in keiner der Nicht-Disney+-Serien je erwähnt wurde.
Das liegt aber daran, dass die Netflix-Serien lange vor dem Blip spielen, und die Autoren von "Agents of Shield" die letzten beiden Staffeln schreiben mussten ohne zu wissen was in den letzten beiden "Avengers"-Filmen passiert. Während der Canon-Status von "Agents of Shield" durch die Abwesenheit des Blips also fragwürdig wurde, war das im Fall der "Defenders"-Serien nie so - das Internet hat sich aber um so mehr darauf konzentriert uns das einzureden. Mit dem Auftritt von Jarvis in "Avengers: Endgame" sollten die Serien endlich kanonisiert werden, doch das half dank den Hatern, Snobs und Faulen Säcken, die einfach keine Lust hatten alle sechs Netflix-Serien anzuschauen, nicht um die anderen Serien ebenfalls als Teil des Canons anzusehen.
Bis Matt Murdock gespielt von Charlie Cox in "Spider-Man: No Way Home" vorkam, und Vincent D'Onofrio den Kingpin wieder in "Hawkeye" spielte. Doch das reichte auch nicht aus um gewisse Gruppen zu überzeugen, weil doch die Nicht-Disney+-Serien nicht in der offiziellen Time-Line enthalten waren (die sich ständig ändert und voll von Fehler ist, aber das nur so nebenbei). Und obwohl die selben Darsteller die selben Rollen spielten, wurde behauptet, dass sie zuvor einfach andere Multiversum-Versionen von ihren Charakteren gespielt haben. Wie J. K. Simmons eben, der ja auch in "Spider-Man: No Way Home" als MCU-Version von J. Jonah Jameson auftrat und derselbe Schauspieler wie in den Sam Raimi-"Spider-Man"-Filmen war, aber eindeutig eine andere Version. Nur, dass in seinem Fall alle anderen gleich- oder ähnlich heißenden Charaktere andere Darsteller und damit andere Versionen waren: Peter Parker ist jünger, hat eine viel jüngere Tante May, lebt im selben Universum wie die Avengers, in dem es dafür aber keine Osborns gibt etc. Ihr habt den Film gesehen, natürlich ist das eine andere Version! Im Gegensatz dazu gab es aber keinen Hinweis darauf, dass Matt oder Kingpin nicht der selbe Matt und der selbe Kingpin wären, die wir zuvor gesehen haben. Trotzdem waren die Leute erstaunt, als Matt dieses Mal auch als Daredevil in "She-Hulk: Attorney of Law" zurückkehrte und die selbe Backstory und die selben Lebensumstände hatte wie in der Netflix-Serie. Sollte das etwa bedeuten, dass die nun doch Canon ist?!
Verdammt, ja, natürlich sollte es das! Deutlicher ging es nicht mehr, dachten viele. Aber nein, es war immer noch nicht Canon für das Internet, bis zur Werbe-Kampagne für "Echo", wo in einem neuen Trailer beim Archiv-Material auch Szenen aus "Daredevil" zu sehen waren. Zugleich wurde endlich offiziell klar gestellt: Ja, die "Defenders"-Serien sind Canon, sie sind passiert, Kingpin und Matt sind die selben.
Leider reicht das aber noch immer nicht aus, denn ihr habt es erraten für das Internet ist jetzt nur "Daredevil" kanonisiert, nicht die anderen Serien. Und das trotz der "Defenders"-Serie, wo der selbe Matt auf die Charaktere aus "Jessica Jones", "Luke Cage" und "Iron Fist" trifft (und der Tatsache, dass Claire zuvor schon aus "Daredevil" in diese anderen Serien crossoverte mit Wissen um den Blinden Anwalt aus Hell's Kitchen) und trotz der Tatsache, dass die "Punisher"-Serie ein Spin-Off voni "Daredevil" war und der selbe Frank darin vorkam.
Und ja, das ist der Punkt wo man vor Wut und Frustration in seinen Hut beißen und aufgeben will. Stur- und Blödheit ist scheinbar nicht beizukommen, nicht einmal durch offizielle Statements.
Vermutlich sind Warner und The CW an allem Schuld. Die hatten "Superman & Lois" ursprünglich als Arrowverse-Serie und "Supergirl"-Spin-Off konzipiert, die selben Darsteller von Superman und Lois Lane für die Serie gecastet, und jahrelang so getan als würde die Serie auf Earth Prime spielen, nur um dann kurz vor dem Finale der zweiten Staffel zu verkünden, dass die Serie in Wahrheit immer in einem anderen Universum gespielt hat und es andere Versionen von Superman und Lois sind, als die, die zuvor im Arrowverse zu sehen waren, obwohl es die selben Darsteller sind. Seit dem gilt die Regel "Selbe Darsteller, meint selbes Universum" nicht mehr, aber man muss sagen, dass "Superman& Lois" von Anfang an gewisse Widersprüche zu "Supergirl" beinhaltet hat, was uns zur prinzipiellen Regeln führt: "Selbe Darsteller und selbe Lebensumstände = gleiche Version, Selbe Darsteller und andere Lebensumstände = alternative Version". Mit diesem Leitsatz hat die Multiversum-Saga des MCU bisher funktioniert: Captain Carter, die andere Maria und die anderen Stranges aus "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" sind die selben Darsteller, aber sie leben vollkommen andere Leben als die Versionen, die wir kennen. Selbiges gilt für die anderen Lokis und den Unterschied zwischen Viktor Timely und Jenem, der bleibt, die uns im Verlauf von "Loki" untergekommen sind. Und es ist der Ausgangspunkt von "What if...?" (ja, das gilt nicht ganz, weil viele Rollen von anderen Darstellern gesprochen werden, obwohl es eine MCU-Serie ist) und ist auch sehr wichtig für die After-Credit-Szene von "The Marvels". Und es ist eigentlich selbstverständlich, aber offenbar ist es das doch nicht, so logisch es uns geistig normalen Menschen auch zu sein scheint.
Ja, doppelte Clarks, Loises und - am Schlimmsten von allem - Diggles haben zur Verwirrung beigetragen, aber ehrlich gesagt sollte das MCU fernab von Arrowverse existierten und was dort passiert sollte keinen Einfluss auf das haben was hier passiert. Im Übrigen war der Cinematic Output von DC immer schon ein multiverseller, während Marvel seit der Geburtstunde des MCU ein allumfassendes Universum aufzubauen versucht hat, zu dem nur die Charaktere, die gerade von anderen Studios verfilmt wurden, nicht gehörten, aber die lebten ja auch in einem Universum, in dem es nur sie gab und keine Avengers (und schon wieder ein Plot-Point von "No Way Home" ... seht euch bitte einfach den Film an!). Aber sobald eine Real-Version eines Marvel-Helden nach "Iron Man" eingeführt wurde, war das die eine Version, die es gibt, und die im selben Canon existiert wie alle anderen Helden von Marvel, die nach "Iron Man" eingeführt wurden. Das war immer die Regel, die alle immer verstanden haben, bis Covid kam und den Leuten fad im Hirn wurde und sie beschlossen haben alle zu verunsichern, indem sie alles zu Nicht-Canon erklären, was ihnen nicht passt.
Aber ja, sagen wir es so: Wenn die "Defenders"-Serien nicht MCU-Canon wären und der Matt und der Kingpin, die im MCU herumlaufen, einfach andere Versionen wären, dann wäre das ein valider Grund für mich aufs MCU zu scheißen und es fallen zu lassen (und nicht nur für mich), da ich mir unter Zeitdruck alle "Defenders"-Serien angesehen habe, weil man mir immer gesagt hat, dass sie Teil des MCUs sind. Ungefährt so wie ich mir zwei Staffeln "Superman & Lois" unter Zeitdruck angesehen habe, weil man mir immer gesagt hat die Serie sei Teil des Arrowverses. Seit sie es nicht mehr ist, habe ich keine neue Folge "Superman & Lois" mehr angesehen, und warum sollte ich auch? Ich wurde jahrelang über das, was ich ansehe, angelogen, wieso also sollte ich es weiter ansehen?
Und ich mag zwar mit dieser Ansicht in der scheinbaren Minderheit sein, aber in Wahrheit bin ich mit ihr nicht so alleine wie man meinen mag. Und all jene, die es von Anfang an nur genervt hat, dass Serien, die sie mühselig in kurzer Zeit gebinged haben, weil man ihnen gesagt hat, dass die Teil des MCUs sind, plötzlich nicht mehr Canon sein sollen, obwohl es nichts gibt, was darauf hinweist, dass sie nicht passiert sind, glauben nicht wie das Internet uns weiß machen will, dass sie jetzt endlich "gewonnen haben", sondern sind diese Diskussion einfach nur leid, weil es diese für sie niemals gab, und ein anderes Ergebnis sie einfach von jeder Obligation gegenüber des MCU befreien würde. Und das wäre im Moment fatal, und zumindest das begreift jeder bei Disney. Auch wenn es das Internet an sich nicht begreifen will. Also, nein, wir haben nicht gewonnen, wir hatten nicht einmal immer recht, wir wurden lediglich nicht über Jahre hinweg angelogen. Und das ist letztlich das, worauf es ankommt.
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goalhofer · 1 year
2023 Arizona Diamondbacks Players By Nationality
American: 27 (Austin Adams, Corbin Carroll, Dominic Fletcher, Zac Gallen, Kevin Ginkel, Tommy Henry, Drey Jameson, Bryce Jarvis, Kenneth Kelly, Jordan Lawler, Evan Longoria, Joe Mantiply, Corbin Martin, Jake McCarthy, Scott McGough, Mark Melancon, Kyle Nelson, Ryne Nelson, Jace Peterson, Brandon Pfaadt, Tommy Pham, Andrew Saalfrank, Paul Sewald, Alek Thomas, Ryan Thompson, Christian Walker & Bernardo Zavala) Dominican: 5 (Miguel Castro, Luis Frías, Ketel Marte, Justin Martínez & Gerardo Perdomo) Venezuelan: 1 (Gabriel Moreno) Puerto Rican: 1 (Emmanuel Rivera) Cuban: 1 (Lourdes Gourriel; Jr.)
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makeminebronze · 3 years
Continuing to explore facets of Captain America in his 80th anniversary year, I thought we could take a look at the groups that formed around him. Not teams like the Avengers or the Invaders mind you, but his regular supporting cast, who were always action heroes in their own right!
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The set of gams lets us know who it was that has been fucking with the crew, cause I’d know Mother Night’s weird lace shoe things anywhere...
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employee052 · 1 year
final designs for da three nars! (well two, virgils had his for months now)
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cecil (red) n jarvis (yellow) lookin drippeddddd skfjsjfjsjf
for some lore n more oz rambling they are under the cut!:
Cecil is the fully human Narrator. (in the sense, the one who got his third swimming pool), he is a retired VA whos enjoying his life post tspud and is just overal chillin(tm)
The two new narrators are basically to cover the whole ground of narrater interpretations. (ie. some guy in his room recording, a guy in his room speaking but digital, and a fully digital entity)
so this is the one that is just a guy who voices in the game!
(this isnt meant to be kevan brighting, think of his source is the og game, but with the addition of the extra content(the ads, the raphael parable, the stuff on the dev logs, announcement videos, etc from crows crows crows as canon)
pronouns are he/him.
hes a cis male whos pan
Virgil is the half digital, half human Narrator. He used to be a regular office worker before being shoved into a computer and thus, becoming the voice for the Parable
His source follows TSPUD, my au La Vie En Jaune, (which you can read more of here!), all the art ive done with him on this blog, and the other things the narrator has been in (ie. dota 2, dungeons, audiobooks etc)
However, after Stanley and the Narrator find each other and break past the hard coded locks of the pARable, they end up in a more lighter version of the parable, more akin to a world the narrator, stanley, and lynne can pop in and out of. while also having more control and hold on themselves and the world.
the narrator is the first one to pop out of the parable, thanks to character!oz (my sona and the one that exists in this blog)
once the narrator gets a better handle at the real world, stanley and lynne follow.
here, hes a guy whos lived the parable and become a new person when coming back out.
He can hop between digital areas and the real world. which is how he is still able to do stuff as the narrator for dota, and work for other projects like dungeons and the multi media videos on yt.
his pronouns are he/they
he is a demiboy who is demisexual and omnisexual
Jarvis is the fully digital Narrator. He is the one who was created in the Parable as a string of code turned AI.
His source and canon is just TSP, TSPUD, the demo, and the half life mod. He's experienced everything in the games a thousand times over and more.
Basically, hes the guy who pops between being just a voice or an ai with a model that follows stanley around the parable. he has control over the parable (to an extent ie. timekeeper and the developers) and is the one who wrote the story itself.
There is not much more to say about him really ajdjahf but despite the design and context, he isnt that much different from virgil
hes just more defensive, and more lost with living irl.
his pronouns are he/they/it
he is a non binary (smth smth "well, i dont associate with being either a male or female, i am still a binary entity. i am made of ones and zeros, stanley. so while my gender is non binary, my code is.") he is a pansexual demisexual
as of now, in an au idk what to call of atm (maybe just the three narry au) they are all living in the real world.
virgil popped into real life expecting to appear in character!oz's house but landed in cecils
meanwhile, jarvis got suddenly plopped into the real world. he doesnt know how to pop off but he doesnt miss it all too much
misses his stanley a bit.
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thebibliomancer · 19 days
Essential Avengers: Avengers #324: The Crossing Line Part 6: IMAGINARY BORDERS
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October, 1990
Finally, we reach the end of the Crossing Line. In which at no point is the title the Crossing Line explained. I've heard that the Crossing, that infamous Avengers storyline, also doesn't really explain itself. Maybe both stories are named for making people cross. Who can say?
Anyway, last time in Avengers: Russian terrorist group Peace Corpse hijacked a nuclear submarine to try to cause World War III to fix the world economy.
The Avengers were called in to try to get the sub back. The Russian group, the People's Protectorate also showed up because leader Red Guardian knew Peace Corpse's leader. Due to a lot of dumb fighting, the two groups aggroed a group of Atlanteans. And the action shifted to Canada, so Alpha Flight got involved.
Captain America proceeded to bungle a hostage crisis and fucked up so bad while storming the sub that Canada exploded. Alpha Flight's shaman slurped up the explosion, the city, and an entire chunk of Canada into his magical bag of holding.
Everyone had to get along and cooperate to reunite with the bag dimensions but they found that leaving the bag would instantly kill them with radiation.
Then the Peace Corpse leader and his lieutenant show up as a giant naked radioactive conjoined man, who still wants to cause World War III.
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I have all the context and I still don't quite understand why this is happening.
It's all a metaphor for a post-Cold War world, probably.
Vision: "It would appear that their biological link to the Waterwind radically altered them when the submarine's nuclear payload detonated." Captain America: "No need to belabor the obvious, Vision."
The obvious?? The only reason I buy that as an explanation for what happened is because it clearly happened and there's no other explanation offered.
Anyway, the giant naked man is named Combine, because he is two guys Combine-d into one. And he wants to help everyone leave the bag of holding dimension so they can shotgun radioactive fallout all over the world.
He's not here to be helpful.
Box forms some guns and tries shooting at Combine but combine laughs off bullets and then eye lasers Box the fuck unconscious.
A big radioactive conjoined naked man fight floating in a void doesn't give all the characters a way to join the fight. So Puck, Stingray, Red Guardian, Diamond Lil, an unconscious Sersi, an unconscious Box, and Fantasma chill with the civilians.
Vostok uses his technopathy on the Box armor to turn it into a wall to keep the civilians safe from stray shots.
Meanwhile, Fantasma meditates to contact Shaman in the outside world. Just to touch base. Tell him about the giant naked man.
Shaman is not holding up too well. Containing a chunk of Canada and a bunch of people in his mystic satchel of holding is not what it was meant for. And the strain is making him bleed from his face holes, as strain sometimes does to characters whose gifts aren't in the more mental or mystical department.
The long and short and the teal deer is that the People's Avengers Flight need to wrap this up soon or Shaman might be unable to get them out at all.
They also don't really have a plan to wrap it up. Just determination from Captain America that they can't let Combine release all the radiation. If they have to be stuck in the mystic satchel to prevent him from poisoning the planet, well, that's what heroes do.
Perun: "Ho! Have at thee, pontificating buttocks-touching baboons!!"
You're a treat, Perun.
And Combine isn't one of those unstoppable cosmic powers that the Avengers et al are way over their heads with.
As Vision, Perun, Guardian, Crimson Dynamo, and Quasar hammer him, Combine complains that their stupid, ineffectual attacks are wearing down his (their?) supply of radiation.
Combine can absorb more radiation. From the various people trapped in the bag of holding or from the inanimate objects that got hoovered up. But that's not a bad thing either, since once something/someone has been cleansed, they or it can be released from the satchel.
The only problem is the balancing act of making sure Combine doesn't slurp up so much radiation that he murders all of the People's Avengers Flight members fighting him.
Also, now Team Don't Irradiate the World does have a plan.
The other Peace Corpse members who didn't turn into a giant, naked radioactive conjoined man have had a change of heart.
Some guy: "We understand your doubt, Captain, but it is through your own actions -- and those of the others -- that we have seen the error of our ways! Through your efforts, you not only saved your own lives, but those of hundreds of innocents and the very people who threatened you to begin with!"
Feels like the other Peace Corpse members should have gotten more focus to sell this change of heart. But I think we're supposed to view it the same as the Atlanteans coming together to work with everyone.
Anyway, the other Peace Corpse guys suggest that they be merged with Combine so they can out-vote Illyich and Strokov.
Puck: "Democratic principles in a communist villain?! Don't you just love this international thing here?"
Now, you can't just throw Peace Corpse at Combine and expect them to bloop together. Illyich and Strokov were fused because they were wired into the missile computer or whatever nonsense it was.
But Sersi can do it, with her matter transmutation power!
Except she's unconscious from all the strain of using her powers and then getting psychically whammied by Combine!
But Fantasma can just hijack Sersi's powers like she did in the previous issue!
Poor Sersi and Box. Cool stuff is happening with their powers in this issue. But they're both unconscious and someone else is using their stuff.
I guess that's the international cooperation in work.
Fantasma helps Captain America manifest as a giant head to explain the plan to the heroes who are busy fighting Combine.
Captain America: "We have a plan -- but it requires your help -- all of you must continue to pound the Combine relentlessly! Don't let up -- once their resolve is weakened... the remaining members of the Peace Corpse will enter their group mind and force the Combine to absorb our radiation from us!" Perun: "That sounds ridiculous!" Crimson Dynamo: "Of course it does, friend Perun... Which means it will probably work perfectly!"
I can almost imagine the exhaustion in Dynamo's voice. As he grapples in that moment with the insanity of living in a comic book universe where nonsense is just reality.
While Team Fight Combine fights Combine, Fantasma takes Sersi's unconscious body and starts bringing the remainder of Peace Corpse towards Combine.
Meanwhile, Combine has absorbed radiation from enough people and material for Shaman to start bringing people through.
Tyrak: "Avenger! Allow us to go first -- we are perilously close to death as it is. If someone is to be used to test the magician's theories, it may as well be us." U-Man: "After all, what difference if a few Atlanteans die?" Captain America: "All life is precious to us, Meranno, yours included. But if you're volunteering, then let's do it. We don't have much time..."
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So Shaman dumps people and stuff out of his bag of holding and huzzah, the radiation is gone.
The Atlanteans are able to hydrate and save the human civilians that landed in the water.
Back in the bag space, Vision puts into motion his secret plan.
... He just does what he always does. He intangibles. In fairness, he doesn't fist. He usually fists. But Combine is just too dang big. So he flies through him instead and does him a distraction.
That lets Guardian do her thing. And her thing is apparently a "gravitational shunt."
She instant transmissions. Even including the POP!
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The non-Combine members of Peace Corpse are shoved into Peace Corpse, leading to a discussion as everyone fights for consensus.
"--No! You cannot control us -- our cause is just!" "No, Illyich, my friend -- your actions, your decision to unite the world through war was wrong!" It's true, Illyich! An international enclave of heroes has shown us the way of the future!" "That was is through might! We must use force to further the needs of our country and our planet!" "No, Strokov -- it's not through force of might, or through personal gered. We've learned that now!" "It is through mutual dependency, mutual cooperation, and mutual desire!" "Do you see inside our minds now, Illyich? Strokov?" "I -- I -- see --" "Then we must atone for the error of our ways, comrades."
Outvoted. Democracy in action!
The new Combine absorbs all of the excess radiation and form a giant hand-holding circle of naked people.
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And like a lot of throwaway cosmically powerful characters in fill-in stories, the Combine decides to fuck off into (bag) space to explore reality.
We'll never see them again.
But at least they learned that borders aren't real.
Shaman is just about to collapse and the dimensional vortex too so everyone still in the bag dimension books it back through to planet Earth.
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Just one entire half hour later, everyone is getting ready to go their separate ways.
The Atlanteans have fucked off. Apparently, Captain America talked with them before they left, telling them that Attuma would be treated fairly in his war crimes trial.
Didn't realize that was a thing.
Anyway, they Atlanteans also expressed interest in getting some humanitarian aid. Considering Atlantis got blown up twice in one event.
The People's Protectorate fuck off, on good terms with the Avengers. And since this is Canada, the Avengers fuck off, leaving Alpha Flight to watch them go.
Guardian: "We did ourselves and our country proud, gang. Funny, to be part of an ideological struggle between the world's super powers, wasn't it?" Puck: "Sort of makes you wonder what the worth of ideology really amounts to, eh? After all, we don't owe the children of tomorrow a bit of our ideologies and foolish way.s We just owe them a world in which they can choose to create their own... for the better, one hopes..."
Is THAT what we learned from all of this?
I thought we learned... something about democracy and working together? Idunno.
Let's just transition into the back-up feature so I don't have to sort out themes.
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So we finally learn who has been messing with the Avengers Support Crew and who called them all out to the park last issue.
It is Mother Night!
I haven't heard of her! But she works for the Red Skull and seems to have power over perception.
She's also, maybe, a bit of a doofus. Calling the Avengers Crew for a big dramatic reveal without thinking that construction workers might wander through.
Her powers let her get away with it but she did have to pause her dramatic speech to disguise herself.
Mother Night takes the Avengers Crew outside the grounds to a blood donation truck where Minister Blood and Machinesmith are waiting.
Minister Blood wasn't around when this evil scheme was set into motion so Night Explains It All.
She and Machinesmith have been staking out the Avengers' headquarters for two weeks. Night disguised herself as a lady walking her dog and hypnotized Jarvis as he was on his way to the mansion. Then, she planted a micro-transmitter in his inner ear. And did the same with the rest of the Crew over the next days. With that micro-transmitter, she could trigger a traumatic hallucination.
Which is what was happening in all the back-up stories.
Now, with the Avengers Crew in her power, Mother Night and Minister Blood are going to perform psychic surgery to implant post-hypnotic commands for later.
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Which apparently consists of the same traumatic experiences again but this time Mother Night saves them in exchange for them doing favors for her. But the favors will be done subconsciously and the Crew won't remember any of this except as a hazy dream.
Minister Blood: "So how long has the Skull been planning this little venture?" Mother Night: "Johann doesn't know a thing about it, Minister. Using their civilian workers to bug the Avengers' new headquarters was all my idea. When the job's complete, I'm going to give Johann a bank of video monitors to correspond to every bug they plant. I think the Red Skull is going to just adore the birthday present I got him, don't you?"
Making him a birthday gift. First-name basis. This woman I've never heard of and the Red Skull must be close. Like the closest of acquaintances.
So, all those back-up stories were written by Mark Gruenwald, who is also writing the entirety of Avengers #325.
So he's setting something up. We'll see what. Because I'm covering that issue before I head into the Terminus Factor, the linked annuals story for the Avengers.
Stay tuned!
Follow @essential-avengers and don't forget to like, reblog, subscribe, hit that bell, and fell that tree.
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sebeth · 5 years
What’s On The Lunch Menu?
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traincat · 5 years
I am trying to read and catch up with comics but it's hard when I don't know all history between characters. Recently I found out that Jarvis and Aunt May had been an item kinda maybe? Before she fell into a coma... Is that still a thing, is aunt may alive, is Jarvis? Was that even a good relationship?
Aunt May and Jarvis were briefly a thing during the original New Avengers period, so in the 520s of Amazing Spider-Man by comparison, staring when Peter, MJ, and May move into the Avengers tower after the destruction of Peter and MJ’s apartment and May’s home in Forest Hills after a targeted attack is mad on Peter by a former classmate of his. 
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(Amazing Spider-Man #524)
I mean, the relationship’s fine -- as May’s romances go, it’s not that interesting to me personally, but there’s nothing wrong with it and they both liked each other. You’re right that it gets dropped after Spider-Man institutes Brand New Day and soft reboots Peter and May back into the house in Queens but it was also let go of as a relationship probably because at that point Marvel dropped all Iron Man and Spider-Man connections because they were no longer necessary to fuel the drama of Civil War. May went onto marry J Jonah Jameson’s father, Jay Jameson (a family with a real naming scheme), and as May’s romantic relationships go -- she’d previously been engaged to a man named Nathan Lubensky some time after Ben’s death until he died in an incident that involved the Vulture, and then for a period of time she dated Willy Lumpkin, the Fantastic Four’s mailman -- it’s probably my favorite. They were very cute together.
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(Amazing Spider-Man #600)
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(Web of Spider-Man v2 #3)
Plus, as a bonus, it made Peter and JJJ brothers-in-law, which was pretty endlessly hilarious.
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(Amazing Spider-Man Annual #36)
Jay unfortunately died during the recent Clone Conspiracy storyline. May is still alive, although I believe Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I’m behind because it’s been boring me to tears even with Johnny’s cameos) is doing a cancer storyline with her now -- another reason I’m behind is that I don’t really want to read that. I googled Jarvis quickly to check if he was still alive, since I don’t typically follow Avengers titles but know that he was injured recently in an event, but it looks like the answer is yes. 
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tonystarkissist · 3 years
Protect / “Not Playing God...” - Villainous July
Final Part of “Oh Sweet Child, The Things I’d Do for You…”
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A/N: Very major apologies guys! My mind apparently thinks it is not bound by the constraints of time and it seemed to have forsaken me for a short time there. 
Summary: It’s time... they attacked what Tony holds most dear. He won’t be giving them the opportunity to do so again.
Rating: Teen (For language and Thematic Material)
Word Count: 5.0k
Previous Chapter ~ Masterlist ~ Read on Ao3 ~
They took him…
And Tony was absolutely livid. 
He had gotten to Peter just in time to see the kid wrestled to the ground. He had put the suit on standby just in case he had happened on a situation just like this, but he had been hopeful he wouldn’t. And Tony was just on the cusp of calling it to him, flying in there guns’a blazing and rocketing out of there with Peter secured in his arms. But JARVIS informed him of the bogies littered around the area, all eyes and guns trained directly on Peter… and one wrong move, one indication that Iron Man was in the area could put his kid in danger. They were prepared for him to show up, because why wouldn’t they be... He couldn’t risk it, and it took all the willpower he had to stand down. He ended up having to duck around into a corner alley, as his anger and frustration triggered the fiery heat in his veins. He couldn’t risk a civilian seeing him start glowing and draw further attention to himself. A startled screech would be all that was needed to alert the authorities. 
So, he was given no choice but to head back to the apartment and regroup. The heat on his skin was prominent the entire time, as he paced back and forth in his workshop, jaw clenched and tremors wracking his body with the constant urge to do something. 
He didn’t know who it was that had taken Peter… The statement from Beck and Aldrich hadn’t revealed Peter’s name, but it wasn’t to say the man didn’t go to the cops with the information and they had all decided to refrain from announcing it to the public. It could have been any number of people who ambushed Peter in the park: NYPD, FBI, Homeland Security… and any moment now they could decide to ship Peter off to a secure facility across the country where Tony would never be able to find him. They’d left his phone behind, and his watch… whoever it was knew what they were doing, and Tony didn’t know what the right call was.
First instinct was to make a statement. Burn down the capital, take a few hostages and demand Peter back… but he didn’t want to put himself on thin ice with Peter… the kid wouldn’t want any innocents getting hurt on his account. Most of his life, he’s always fought fire with fire, but Peter’s taught him a lot, and he’d do his best to be humane.
But if push comes to shove, Tony won’t hesitate to nuke the city if it meant he was able to get his kid out safely. He wasn’t going to lose him again. 
“What has become of our fair city, ladies and gentlemen, when we have to fear our own children?! Our neighbors? Our husbands and wives?! Be vigilant, be on guard. Keep a close eye on that delivery man with a man-bun bringing in your important packages, or YOU COULD BE NEXT! Tony Stark has lackeys everywhere you may look, and it shouldn’t be a surprise to any of you that Spider-Man turned out to be one of them! I warned you all of this menace, but you refused to listen-- ”
Jameson was not a man to be startled easily, and very rare was it for him to feel real fear, unless of course it was in regards to the mangey rodents he swore lived beneath the floorboards of his home. 
He was never one to cower, especially in the face of another man. He was always the one who held all the cards, and he knew it… except for this time.
The wall of his studio crumbled after a particularly muted whining blast. Bricks fell, and dust flew into the air in a large cloud. He could only imagine what their live listeners must have been thinking. 
“What the hell is this?!” He screams and coughs, waving his hand in front of his face to clear the dust stinging his eyes. Then through the smog of dust, he sees a soft pulsation of red light slowly approach. And soon enough, he was staring into the gold plated face of iron man, and the eyes of the mask bleeding a deep red. 
“Jameson,” Iron Man replies, voice steely and tuned despite him and everyone behind the glass partition knowing exactly who it was behind the mask. 
Jameson scrambles for the controls in front of him, adjusting the microphone to his mouth almost desperately. “This just in! Iron Man has burst into my studio! Folks we can only imagine what he might be capable--” 
And with almost no effort, Jameson is yanked from his seat by a strong iron hand wrapped around his throat. 
“I believe you’ve said enough,” Iron Man grouches, “after a while, your constant yammering becomes quite grating to the ears.”
Jameson had the sudden urge to guffaw at the offending words, but the daunting presence of Tony Stark and his iconic armor and the steely grip around his neck was more than enough to deter him. 
The Iron Man suit, which was once hovering, slowly lowered back to the ground. Then the mask and helmet slowly disappears, seemingly melting back into the skin of his face, the face that was glowing bright orange to match the sharp piercing illumination of his blue eyes, and Jameson was sure his own eyes were about to bulge from his skull. Whether it be from his startled terror, or the tightening pressure around his throat. Stark doesn’t let go and Jameson could feel the heat gather in his face as he grappled at the strong grip.
Stark reaches for the microphone with his other hand, paying no mind to him as the long, swinging metal mount angled into the position he drew it to. 
“Attention New York,” Stark snarls into the boom, “I’ve got a little PSA to share. One of you glorified mortals has taken something that belongs to me, and I would highly suggest it be returned promptly before I go about searching for it myself. You should really think twice before waging war against me, because I’ve waited years hoping a stupid motherfucker like you would.” Jameson squirms violently in his grip, gagging and gasping for a gulp of air and Stark scowls at him. “Even when being choked out you can’t keep your goddamn mouth shut can you?” Tony scoffs with a soft pft and roll of his eyes. “At least I don’t have to listen to the filth that spews from your mouth.”
He turns his attention back to the broadcast equipment, speaking to the city once more. “Don’t forget what happened the last time I got pissed off. Every hour that my demands are not met, I’ll show you what Tony Stark is really capable of… Don’t make me show you what I’m truly best at. I promise you won’t like what you see.” A flamboyant launcher slowly morphs above his right shoulder of his armor and swings around menacingly until it’s aimed right at Jameson, still hanging by his grip above the floor. “I’m not a patient man.” The weapon fires twice, and it’s followed by a gurgled scream ripping through Jameson’s blocked throat as it settles in either one of his shoulders. “Time started five minutes ago.”
His last words reverberate like a dramatic echo before a high pitched squeal is followed by a blinding blast, blowing the tabletop and electronics to pieces.
And finally-- god finally, Jameson falls to the floor when Stark releases him, ashamed to admit even in his own head that he’d been quite literally bridled with terror and shock. Stark’s reemergence had been confirmed for almost a month now… he’s known all that time that Tony Stark was very well alive and breathing, but until this moment, where he could see the man’s eyes and the guarded scowl on his face, he didn’t believe it. And as their eyes met… that scowl slowly turned up into a twisted smile.
“Now let's have a little talk. Just you and me.”
The tone alone sends Jameson scrambling backwards to try and get his legs back beneath him. He still couldn’t form the words, it felt like that iron grip around his throat had never let go and every gasp felt raw and ragged.
“I’ve noticed you’ve taken the lead on the recent rumors spreading about Spider-Man… you’re the man spurring on all this hate.” 
Jameson is still backing away, and Stark continues stalking forward. 
“You’d taken a similar liking to me back in the day, do you remember?”
He doesn’t whimper, he doesn’t. It was just an ill-timed cough as he suffered through a particularly harsh wheeze. 
“Fucking with me was your first mistake.” Stark falls to one knee with a loud clang and grabs his ankle, hauling him closer so their faces were mere inches apart. “But fucking with my son will be your last… understand?” 
“Please…” Jameson whispers without thought. “Please don’t kill me.” It’s the only words he’s able to force out of his mouth, pitiful as they might be.
Stark only smiles. “Oh I’m not gonna kill you… I’m just gonna hurt you. Really, really bad.”
“I can’t believe this.” Killian shakes his head in disbelief, hands braced against his hips as he watches the television screen displaying yet another building falling victim to Tony Stark’s rage. 
“The President will be calling you any minute now,” Maya adds with a sigh. “He won’t be happy with you. That’s precinct number 6 he’s burned down.”
“You think I don’t know that?!” Killian growls, throwing his hands in the air. He spins around and marches away from the TV with a strong huff. “I underestimated the situation, I’ll admit that. But maybe there’s another way to feed off Stark’s unpredicted reaction.” He looks up slowly, until his eyes lock onto the kid beyond the two-way glass, still strapped to the cot with a grim frown on his face and streaks of tears down his cheeks. 
Maya’s at his side once more, looking through the large wall of glass as well. “What are you thinking?”
Killian tilts his head slowly. “I’m thinking that maybe the kid was right.”
Tony hovers menacingly above the decorative tile of the precinct lobby as bullets pierce and ricochet off his armor. He couldn’t help but notice the large flatscreen mounted up in the corner displaying the news of what occurred an hour prior.
“Apparently you haven’t seen the news.” He gestures towards the TV. “This obviously didn’t work for your comrades down at the last precinct. So, put the guns down... Now!”
Several do as he says immediately, and slowly the rest follow suit. 
“I am not in the mood for defiance today. Don’t test me.”
They all stare at him, officers, and handcuffed criminals alike, like their dumbfounded little children. No one speaks a word, and neither does Tony as he studies the specs JARVIS nabbed from their database and oh so helpfully displayed in his HUD. There was no physical sign of Peter or record of detainment in their systems… and the majority of officers here weren’t a completely disgusting group of humans. Until his eyes were drawn to a particular file that JARVIS cared to outline in red just for him, belonging to a man at the corner of the room, hands cuffed behind his back and two officers flanking either side of him. Tony frowns with a disgusted grunt. ‘Rape, domestic abuse… and child neglect.’ Hit a little too close to home. 
It happens before anyone in the room is even able to process it. Tony wills the shoulder mounted projectile launcher into formation and the offender falls to the floor in a heap without so much of a sound. The launchers withdrew as quickly as they appeared.
“Alright, thank you for your time everyone--”
It seems as soon as they realized what had happened, it spurred them into a panic. Bullets began raining down on him again and he couldn’t help but grit his teeth in annoyance. “What did I JUST say!” He shouts with an icy bite in his tone that even the modulator was able to communicate.
The firing quiets, but not nearly as quick as it did last time. He waits a few more moments to make sure they were taking care to listen. “You have 10 minutes to evacuate the building before it collapses. Ciao.” 
He lifts his arm towards him, as if he were checking his watch, and just as he’s about to press the command to initiate the countdown into his wrist gauntlet, a certain voice comes over his comms… without so much as a warning from JARVIS. 
“Tony?” The familiar shaky voice brings him to a sudden standstill, and the only thing keeping his suit in the air is by the will of JARVIS himself. 
“Peter?” He breathes. “Peter, is that you?”
“Yeah.” Peter squeaks.
“Peter! Jesus, kid, are you okay? Where are you? Who took you??”
The kid promptly bursts into tears and it shatters Tony’s angered resolve and his suit slowly descends, landing on the dirty tile of the frozen precinct; all eyes fixed on him. “Hey, hey, buddy. Don’t cry,” he pleaded, “just tell me where you are and I’ll come get you real quick. I promise.”
“Tony,” he hiccups softly with a quiet keen, “I’m sorry! You were right! I should have listened to you, I’m sorry!”
“Hey none of that,” Tony soothes, a broken smile slowly lifting the corners of his lips. “It’s okay, kiddo.”
“Alright, alright,” another voice over the line chides, a very familiar voice that has Tony’s anger boiling once again, both at the man and towards himself for not realizing it sooner. “As endearing as this little heart-to-heart is, I believe Peter had something else to tell you.”
Tony growls. 
“I should’ve known it was you.”
He can practically hear Killian’s grin through the line. “Maybe you’re not the genius everyone thinks.”
Tony growls, voice low and threatening and with all the bite that’s been festering the past day and a half.
“Where is my kid?”
“--recent video evidence has provided us with audio proof of what it was that had spurred on Stark’s vengeful string of attacks. A boy by the name of Peter, which according to eyewitnesses, brought about an entirely different attitude from Stark as he was speaking with the boy. We can only assume that this might be Stark’s alleged son… a son who we believe may go by the name Peter Parker, who has been under the care of Quentin Beck for several years. It would explain the violent, intimate assault Stark committed against the man nearly two months ago, only a week after his disappearance-- an assault authorities have been trying to dissect since Mr. Beck has offered his testimony after awakening from his coma….The only question now is, who took Tony Stark’s son, and will they give him back before Iron Man has his way with the rest of the city?”
Tony was supposed to take the place of Peter. If he turned himself in, they’d let Peter go… 
Tony wasn’t stupid… he could see right through Killian’s plan, and he was more than prepared. 
Killian underestimates him. Come alone… no weapons, no armor, no tricks. Those were his instructions. Yet, Tony very rarely played by the rules and Killian should know that by now.
They’re meeting at the Tower… the Tower that used to belong to him before his infamous breakdown. But now it belonged to AIM, and Killian obviously wanted to rub it in his face. 
Tony doesn’t drive there… mostly because he doesn’t currently have a car, and no taxi or uber would willingly take him anywhere unless he hid his face well enough. So when he turns the corner, he sees Killian and his guards waiting for him out front, a line of police officers lining either side of the sidewalk like they were bordering some imaginary red carpet meant for him to walk down. The streets almost seemed deserted, cars were turned over and abandoned, trash fluttering down the eerily quiet street like it was some post apocalyptic film. 
He doesn’t see Peter yet… but he walks through the line of officers anyway, chin high, and frown fixed like steel across his face.  
He doesn’t speak until he’s standing toe to toe with Killian, not hesitating to crowd his space until the man’s guards were pushing him back. He speaks with fire, hardened voice igniting a sparkle of light to flare up along his exposed skin. “Where’s my kid?” 
“Hang on Mr. Stark,” Killian chuckles, holding both hands palms out, stepping towards Tony when the guards finally released him. “Peter is fine, he’ll join us in a minute. So, why not spend some of this time catching up with an old friend, hmm? It’s been a minute... I see your little party trick is working fine as ever.” Killian traces a finger over the tense tendon of Tony’s neck as the small tendrils of orange climb up through his veins. “Nice to see Mr. Rogers’ plan turned out.”
“Too bad I didn’t let him live to see it,” Tony spits, his own skin beginning to prickle uncomfortably with the intimate touch of the man in front of him. 
“I warned him of the adverse effects it could have on your character,” Killian shrugs, pulling the hand away. “But I suppose his judgement was far too clouded.”
Tony sneered. “No, he was selfish.”
“Oh cut the Captain some slack, he only wanted to save you from yourself.” Killian rested a hand on his chest, an ingenuine smile pulling at his lips in amusement. 
Tony didn’t hesitate to grab his wrist and twist him around, throwing him against the exterior tower wall behind him. “His actions put the world in danger! He knew my reasons, but he dismissed them to save himself from his own guilt. But now, because of his actions... “ Tony finds his chest grow heavy, teeth grit tight together and throat spasming violently with emotion. “I’m given no choice but to follow through with the purpose given to me.” He can feel the heat escalating in his veins and he forces himself to calm down before Killian calls off the deal. “Now, where is my son?”
Killian clears his throat and makes an offhanded gesture towards one of the guards. His words seem to have stung him well enough, as Tony hoped they would. The city remains silent, and no one speaks another word until the guard returns with Peter in tow, a tight grip fisted in the back of the boy’s collar. 
“Tony!” Peter shouts, tears in his eyes as he yanks himself to and fro, trying to free himself from the guards hold. “It’s a trap! It’s a trap. Don’t listen to them.”
Tony’s figurative hackles lower, and a peaceful, amused smile grows over his face as the tension quickly ripples through him with relief. “I know buddy.” He beckons the guard closer. He doesn’t care to note Killian’s startled backstep at his admittance, because now his kid is within arms reach and he wraps him up in a tight embrace, nose disappearing into the thick locks of hair right above his ear. 
“Do you trust me?” He whispers oh so soft, and Peter’s imperceptible nod into his shoulder was enough confirmation for him. “Ok... “ he breathes, “you’re going to be okay. I promise.”
“Alright, alright Stark,” Killian clears his throat again. “A deal’s a deal. You’ve seen the kid alive, we’re letting him go. Now let’s go.” Killians hand lands on Tony’s shoulder, and the kid stiffens in his arms, his grip tightening around Tony’s waist.
“No!” His head swivels between both Killian and Tony. “No, Tony, do something! You can’t let them take you.”
A loud synchronized series of distinctive clicks happen behind them, and Peter turns to find all the guns trained on them… or specifically… Peter.
“No funny business Stark,” Killian snaps in warning. “Or the kid dies.”
Tony knows he means it, but he’s prepared for that.
He places his hand on Peter’s back as discreetly as he was able and takes a single step back to draw attention, and aim away from Peter long enough for the new suit to do its job. Sure enough, it only takes a few seconds before the nanites cover the kid completely, sending him stumbling back with a startled shout as the slick metal covers him in a protective shield. 
The reaction of the guards was quick--Tony has to give them credit for that --and soon enough they’re both being pierced with bullets, but he was prepared for that too. Peter screams for him from within the safe armor of his suit as the bullets easily bounce off him, and Tony’s skin ripples with each puncture, like a raindrop disturbing a peaceful puddle of water. They ricochet off his skin as it’s peeled back to reveal the metal slowly melting onto his form from within his own flesh. And soon enough, to everyone’s shock, his body is covered in his iconic armor; this time black. 
He grabs Peter by the bicep, and swings the kid onto his back like a mama gorilla with her infant. Thankfully Peter had enough sense to actually latch on before Tony rocketed out of there, launching them both high into the sky just before the rigged explosives below them sent the entire area into flames… Good thing he designed his Tower to withstand a beating like that.
He could feel Peter’s grip around him tighten significantly, and he felt an immense guilt overcome him, knowing the kid was probably disgusted by him for his blatant carelessness for the lives that once stood below them. But he’d do it again if given the choice. He wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever it took to keep Peter safe and he needed that to be known by the world… he needed the world and Peter to know why he’s doing what he’s doing.
Slowly, he rises into the sky, hovering dramatically just at the top of New York’s skyline with Peter still secured to his back. Then JARVIS does his magic. First there was silence, a deafening, sickening silence like it was devoid of any life. The world had been quieted and startled by the sudden projection of Iron Man that was easily broadcasted across every television set, every billboard, every advertisement, every phone screen, and every pane of storefront windows. And then the noise, first heard by Peter reverberating from the very Iron Man suit he was clinging to, and then by the rest of the world via an ambient echo resounding like suddenly the earth itself had become a speaker by the will of Tony Stark himself. One thing was for sure… no one would be ignorant to Tony Stark’s message.
“I believe the time has finally come for you all to know the truth… I am not the same Tony Stark you all knew, and I’m not the Tony Stark that I was once destined to become… I am an entirely different person. It’s like I was a blind man that can now see. The Tony Stark of the past and of the future would have died ten times over to forsake the sins of you stupid mortals, but I have learned from those mistakes. No matter how many times I might die for you, or save you, you wouldn’t hesitate to turn against me. So, for years I turned my head, watching humanity slowly destroy itself, and I revelled in the satisfaction of watching the destruction, hatred, and injustice spread through you like a disease, like it had me. But now I have reason to care, and I realize that a threat to this world means a threat to my son. So, I’ve decided it’s finally time to accept my new purpose… I have the power, the intelligence, and the capability to save humanity… I’m not playing God… all this time, I’ve just been playing human. All that wasted time of the past bending at the back to appease your sensitive feelings and convictions, all that time desperate for the acceptance and appreciation that would never be given. I have been wasting so much energy, and time, trying to sound like you, act like you, care like you so that all you specks feel comfortable. But this was the last straw… no more holding back. The more you fight… the more it will hurt in the end. I will show no mercy.”
As soon as they’re back safe and sound in the security of Tony’s apartment, the man engulfs him in a crushing hug. The whispers of his name hoarse and trembled as they’re spoken into his ear. All Peter can do is hug him back, pressing his face tight into his shoulder. The man from moments before, spewing those cold confident words was nowhere to be found. It was just his Tony...
“God kid, I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”
A wet laugh escapes Peter and he sucks in several breaths. “I figured.”
Then Tony suddenly pulls back, hands clutching Peter’s shoulders tight to hold him in place as he bows his head, slowly shaking it back and forth. “I’m sorry. I-I know you don’t approve of the things I did or the way I went about things… but Peter you need to know.” His head snaps back up to stare at him, the water in his eyes accentuating the dull throb of orange lingering behind them. “I wouldn’t hesitate to do it all again. I need you to know that. I would not change how I did things. And I won’t change my mind about what has to be done… I’m the only one strong enough to do it.”
Peter couldn’t help but tear up as well. “I know Mr. Stark.”
It was like Tony didn’t even hear him. His rambling just continued. “I understand if that means you want to part ways-- I mean after this-- I put you into so much danger already, and-and we obviously have very differing views on society and morality, but if you leave Peter… I don’t know how to say this without sounding like a crazy stalker. But I’ll be keeping an eye on you. And even if your superhero heart is telling you you’ve gotta fight me till I give up this power and objective… I won’t hurt you, but I’m not budging on my decision. It’s the only way I can guarantee you’ll stay safe. The world has too many problems, and humanity is only making it worse… I just want to make the world safe for you. And-and you can help yknow. To keep my head on straight and to keep me from going all dark supervillain Joker like.”
“I know Mr. Stark.” Peter smiles, and grabs Tony’s face gently between his hands before he can begin yet another frantic tirade of words. His eyes had long since teared up beside Tony’s… he knows exactly why Tony did it, he was there after all. He heard everything. And if he was being truly honest with himself… when push came to shove, he couldn’t help but agree with the man’s logic. “You called me your son. So you're my Dad now, right? And that’s what Dads are supposed to do.”
Tony’s mouth opens slowly, and only a few choked syllables escape his mouth. He wasn’t sure what Peter was thinking in regards to that. It could be any number of things; positive or negative. “I-I… you’re not just some replacement for my other son Peter. You-you’re not I promise. Even if my son were here right now, or I never even remembered him at all. If I met you, and gave the time of day to get to know you, I’d feel the same. You’re my kid. I-I get it if that’s weird. We haven’t known each other that long--” Peter cuts him off when he dives to wrap his arms around Tony’s waist in a tight hug. 
“Yeah I know,” Peter mutters, eyes squeezed shut, cheek smushed against Tony’s chest. “You’re my Dad. You’re not replacing my real Dad… it’s just who we are to each other now…” Peter looks up at him with a teary smile, “and that’s okay.”
Tony releases a shaky breath. He hadn’t realized how sacred he was. How scared he was of Peter leaving him behind to pursue a life set on defying him and the rule he planned to bestow over the world. “You’re staying then, I guess? You gonna help me win this battle?” Tony chuckles… but he just had to make sure. He needed verbal confirmation. 
Peter grins, all cheeky, cheery, and adorably innocent as always. “We already won, Mr. Stark.”
And Tony doesn’t know why those words of confirmation stick… but something inside him halts at those words, a coldness spreading through his limbs that instantly extinguishes whatever lingering inferno still lies dormant in his veins. Like a shock rolling over him in one large wave, one reality clashing with the other, both so intermixed they’re indistinguishable from the other. 
He lifts a shaky hand, cupping the side of the kid’s face. Eyes wide, skin pale and cold like a ghost had passed him and grabbed his soul on its way through.
“Mr. Stark, are you okay…” he lifts a hand to Tony’s clammy forehead to find it lack of any prominent heat, “you don’t feel so good.” 
Another hit. 
Peter holds onto his wrist, worry etched in between his brow. “Yeah.”
Tony grins, lips shaky, eyes watering with unshed tears. “It’s you.”
And just so he can prove it to himself, a hot fervor has him springing into action, digging desperately into his pocket to pull out his wallet… then the pictures… carding through the first two… until he gets to the third… and it felt like his heart was in his throat…
Because there they were; him and Peter… in another life. Smiling at the camera.
And the words escape in a whisper.
“It’s always been you.”
Special apologies to @multiverse-irondad-july​ !! Sorry for the forever delay! But also special thanks for this amazing month of prompts! I had an absolute ball with this and I really enjoyed challenging myself. I’m honored I was able to participate XD
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