vagueconfusion · 5 months
Bucket Hat Shenanigans
Video taken by itbcait on tiktok
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vermintree · 2 years
Can we PLEASE decide as a community to give pistachio cookie the new magic candy??
She definitely deserves it, and she's basically exclusive to cookie run oven break so we should rep her♥️
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satantica · 8 months
When you have time could you pplleeaassee do some Kiyoomi's gf texts? Or if you're not into Sakusa maybe some MSBY texts--manager reader or dating one of them or whatevs 😭
Thank youuuu
Also happy belated birthday!!
thank you!!<3 also i fell in love with writing for kiyoomi😭😭
random boyfriend texts from sakusa kiyoomi
cw: fem!reader
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frownyalfred · 9 months
Your wish is my command, anon.
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lyrakanefanatic · 2 months
guys im not going to be on tumblr tmr and will be trying to stay off of tt (ill still be on it tho) bc i don’t wanna get spoiled for the grandest game, so yeah just wanted to say that 😜
also i have something to admit about my writing acc @lyrakanefanaticwriting …. 😕😕
if you ask me to write a javery fic but don’t give me a prompt on what to write about my brain just short circuits and it stays in my inbox for months (although lowkey a lot of stuff have been in my inbox for months bc im in a bit of a slump 😪) BC I LITERALLY CANT COME UP WITH PROMPTS!! i used to be able to but i literally just can’t anymore and i don’t have a single clue why
im not saying not to request javery things, im just saying that if you do please please PPLLEEAASSEE give me a prompt bc im stupid and will not be able to think up one for them 🙏😢
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
Oh please please pplleeaassee do Yandere Cupcakes!Pinkie Pie headcanons!! :D
Sorry this took so long, I hope you like 'em! ^^
🧁Nopony knew why, but for some reason, ponies seemed to be vanishing from thin air. No reason for them to have left, no mention of a move, no clues as to where they had gone. Nothing. But, there was no reason to suspect foul play, either. I mean, this was Equestria, for pony's sake! Stuff like that just didn't happen here. At least, that's what everyone thought until Rainbow Dash went missing. Friend to many, aspiring future Wonderbolt, known far and wide for her speed and precision, the Element of Loyalty… It was impossible for someone like that to just vanish. The loss was felt far and wide and, needless to say, everybody in town was paranoid. You included.
🎉 Thankfully, though, Pinkie Pie was always there to try to cheer everybody up. She put up a brave front, but everyone could tell she was fighting against the pain. After all, Pinkie was friends with everyone in Ponyville! And she and Rainbow were so close… She was always at the forefront of search parties, going out all night just for a sign. And then, the next day, she'd throw an open-invite party with freshly baked cupcakes to lift morale. You felt honored to know someone so compassionate.
🧁 Slowly, more ponies disappeared. Never too many and never in a close proximity of time, just enough time for new ponies to move to town to fill their place, only to strike again once the hurt had started to fade. And in this time, you really grew close with Pinkie. You'd been friends before this, of course, (Everyone was friends with Pinkie), but never as close as the Elements were with each other. You'd stay down at Sugarcube Corner most of the day and help Pinkie in the kitchen, talking together for hours and hours. She seemed really interested in what you were passionate about, asking you about everything you liked in great detail and… Pulling out a pen and paper to write down? And you thought Pinkie was affectionate before, but now you could barely go a minute without Pinkie giving you a hug or just wrap a hoof around you.
🎉 Some nights, you'd have sleepovers together! It was a lot safer than sleeping alone, and a lot more fun! And Pinkie really opened up to you then, seeming to no longer feel the need to perform and be the funniest pony in the room. She hugged you, mane even deflating a bit as she confessed to you how stressed out and worried she was, how she hoped everything would work out okay. And despite how it hurt to know your friend was in distress, you also couldn't help but feel giddy. Pinkie trusted you enough to open up to you like this! It never lasted long, though, and soon she'd be joking and dancing and zooming around the room. As you laughed at her antics, you thought about how lucky you were to have a friend like Pinkie Pie. You didn't know what you'd do without her… Good thing no ponies ever went missing the nights you stayed over.
🧁 But, on one occasion, Pinkie seemed even more excited than usual. She was especially eager for you to try a new batch of cupcakes she had made especially for you, and how could you resist? As always, the cake base was light and fluffy and the frosting creamy and sweet, with just a hint of something else - whatever Pinkie calmed to her secret ingredient that made them so good. You were excited to have another fun night with your friend, but soon found yourself feeling… Extremely tired. Too tired to keep your eyes open, in fact. And your friend is just so sweet and doting as she leads you to bed.
🎉 You woke somewhere dark and cold. Your limbs ache and your head swims as you look around, your dizzy, blurry vision only just able to make out that they were strapped down by your sides. You squirmed and writhed but to no avail. You were stuck. Where- where were you? Where was everybody? 
"Ah! Yay! You're finally awake!" A familiar voice sang. 
And Pinkie Pie stepped into view. Your eyes bugged out as your foggy mind began to clear and process what was happening - and what she was wearing. A dress made up of different cutie marks, marks belonging to the many ponies who'd gone missing. Broken, lifeless wings sewn into the back of her dress. And a necklace of multicolored sawed-off horns that clicked together as the mare bounced in delight. This… It couldn't be true! This had to be a nightmare!
🧁 She explained that it was all her work. Everypony going missing? It was sad, yeah, but sometimes you gotta do the hard thing in order to do what's right! How else would she be able to make such crazy good cupcakes? As the pieces fall into place in your mind, Pinkie continues her explanation. Your number had finally come up - but don't worry! She loved you way too much to let you now! Pinkie had instead promised herself that when your number came up, she'd finally confess her true feelings to you and take you all for herself! Now, life could be a party forever and ever. And don't worry about anypony finding you and taking you away from her. Who'd expect an Element of Harmony and Ponyville's premier party pony to do something like this? And she'd had Sugarcube Corners basement soundproofed for a long time now, and it's not like the Cakes ever came down here. You'd be together with her forever…
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Bro PPLLEEAASSEE you still have ten minutes to change your mind on whatever pain you’re about to cause us
That would require me to write 7.1 k more words
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Megop week 2023
June 13th, Day 3
Hashtag wants to film something sweet with Megatron and Optimus as her main actors. Specifically, a recreation of their wedding. A nice gesture, though it helps to learn a bit about how Megatron and Optimus really got married.
The Malto property never had a dull day anymore. Or rather, their time in Witwicky never once began with a boring day. Currently, the Malto children dashed around their open property. Dot and Alex were out of town for Alex’s work conference, and it just so happened, the two had the best possible babysitters at their disposal.
And so, here Optimus and Megatron were, out in the front yard keeping careful eyes on all eight of the Malto siblings. Some were easier to handle than others, others, well, it was nice to have something like a challenge.
“Im gonna get you!!!” Twitch yelled out, following Jawbreaker and Thrash in a high-stakes game of tag. Thrash yelled back while Jawbreaker laugh. “Catch up then!!” In the next moment, Thrash turned to his bike form, dodging an upcoming tree branch. Jawbreaker was not so lucky running straight into the branch and stalling. At the same time, Twitch found her own difficulty trying to slow down before she accidentally crashed right into her brother. Luckily, such a disaster did not happen, as Megatron pulled Twitch away carefully, while Prime placed a large metal hand over Jawbreaker's form. Megatron sighed, placing Twitch down gently. “Little bird, be careful. You almost hit your brother” while Prime tended to the other. “And Jawbreaker, please, be mindful of where you're going.” The two terrans were set away from the area of the incident, already off to play again. Twitch hugged Megatron to the best of her ability, “Thanks Megatron!” “Yeah! Thanks, Grandpa Prime!” Jawbreaker called out. Optimus looked incredulously at that comment. “Grandpa?” Not that he minded holding such a position of safety for the young terran, but still, he wasn't that old, was he? Megatron couldn't help but smirk, “I believe you heard the terran correctly.” oh he would certainly revel in this. “Grandpa Megatron! Grandpa Megatron!” Two feminine voices called to them. Megatron’s eyes widened, and it was Optimus’ turn to snicker as the helicopter was given a taste of his own medicine. Megatron sneered, before recovering and speaking to the girls. “Yes, Morgan? Hashtag?” Mo spoke up first, “Me and Hashtag wanna make a movie, and um, we were wondering–” Hashtag’s enthusiasm boiled over as she interrupted, hopping on her pedes. “Can you both be in it, please? Please? Pplleeaassee?” She held up her little gifted necklace from Jawbreaker, catching a single frame of the two sitting there, “You guys would be perfect for the lead roles!”
Optimus couldn't help but chuckle, “Of course Hashtag. I always thought I had a certain movie star charm.” He smiled, electing another eye-roll from Megatron, and a round of giggles from the girls. Megatron spoke soon enough, voicing his own agreement. “Sure thing, young ones. What exactly sort of movie are you making?” Hashtag excitedly answered, “A romance movie! Eee Im so excited!!!” She smiled, as both she and Mo ran off to start preparing their set.
Megatron and Optimus only stared in surprise they were chosen for such a project. Megatron soon enough smirked, bumping Optimus’ shoulder. “Well then, let's get going movie star.” Before he stood and followed after the girls. 
Optimus stayed seated for a moment, cheeks blushing over. A goofy smile crossed his face as he followed after them.
Hashtag came up near the backside of the barn, all covered in little decorations here and there. Nightshade sat quietly, having volunteered to draw up backgrounds and make the decorations. They were halfway through sprucing up a small bouquet when they called out, “Ah! There are the stars!”
Hashtag smiled back as Optimus and Megatron stopped infront of the set. “Yup! You guys know how weddings work, right?” Optimus answered, “Well yes, uh . . . is this already meant to be a wedding alter?” He tilted his head. Mo spoke up soon after, “We didn't wanna get bored waiting for the big wedding scene.”
Nightshade stood up, now holding the bouquet to hand to Optimus. Optimus smiled, taking it up gently. “Thank you.” Megatron spoke up soon enough, “This is a human wedding, isn't it?” suddenly he wasn't so cheery about the scene. Not that he didn't want to participate for the children's sake, but rather, it got him thinking about things of the past. Hashtag didn't seem to want to wait around. “Okay! Okay! C'mon, let's get to places!!” Despite her hope, it didn't really seem that she learned much about the finer notes of filmmaking, rushing everything. She moved Mo gently to position while waving for Optimus and Megatron to stand at the altar. Hashtag stepped back, raising her camera, one Alex bought for her after the first incident. She spoke up, “Okay! So Mo’s gonna say a few words, and then when she looks at either one of you, all you have to say is I do! Got it?” Optimus decided to make a little joke, “I do!” Hashtag only shook her head. “No no, not yet! Uh, anyway, Action!” She said out loud, clicking the camera on. Mo cleared her throat as she began to speak her lines: “Dear Optimus Prime, do you take Megatron to be your awfully–lawfully wedded husband?” 
Optimus glanced for a moment at Hashtag, who simply waved off the line goof. “We can fix that in post!” She gave a thumbs-up for the scene to continue. 
“I do.” He finished. 
Mo then turned her gaze to Megatron. “And do you Megatron, take Optimus Prime to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
Megatron was a bit late. “Oh uh, yes.” His eyes darted back and forth before Hashtag spoke. “CUT!” And soon the techy bot walked forward to her two actors. “Megatron, what was that!?” 
Megatron spoke lightly. “I apologize, Hashtag. I just seemed to be a bit in the clouds. We could go again, hm?” 
Hashtag answered, a bit down. “Do you . . . wanna do the scene?” Her little optics seemed so sad. 
Megatron nodded, “What? Yes yes, of course I do, for you. All of this is something I’m not used to.” He looked around at the decorations and altar set up.
Now, that had left a bit of a confused look on all the kids' faces. Mo tilted her head, walking over to stand next to Hashtag. “Not used to? But you and Grandpa Prime are married, aren’t you?” 
Megatron chuckled again, catching Optimus' own smile, now it was Optimus' turn to chime in. “We are, yes. But the way we did it was a bit different from how humans would get married.” 
Nightshade was next to stand next to their sisters. “How so?” 
Megatron and Optimus looked at each other, kneeling down to be a bit closer to the kids as they explained. 
“Well instead of it being called a wedding, we went through something called the Conjunx Ritus. It was a tradition we brought from Cybertron.”
Megatron added, “And instead of calling each other wives or husbands, we would call each other conjunx endura.”
Nightshade reacted with joy at the new knowledge. “Conjunx Endura? What a fun title!” 
Hashtag chimes in, “So-so what would you guys do?”
Optimus tapped his chin gently. “Well, there were four parts to it.”
And after a quick explanation, an idea began brewing in Hashtag's helm. 
**The Act of Intimacy**
Hashtag angled the camera just a bit too close to Megatron and Optimus's faces as she yelled from behind the camera. “Now kiss!”
Optimus spoke gently. “Hashtag, it doesn't necessarily need to be a kiss. It could just be a hug or hand holding–” his words quickly evaporated as Megatron leaned in and placed a quick kiss right on the cheek. The kids behind the camera giggled once it happened, and harder after Optimus; mask snapped closed from the sheer surprise. Megatron let out his own chuckle as he redirected the moment. ”Alright alright, onto the next rite.”
**The Act of Disclosure** Megatron spoke candidly to the camera, though a bit wishy-washy about the subject. “I once uh . . .” Hashtag spoke up from behind the camera, “Go on!” Megatron shifted trying again. “I once . . . sat on the Lincoln Memorial.” A brief silence overtook the group as Megatron reinforced his sentence. “I took off the Lincoln statue itself and I sat on the memorial.” Optimus soon poked his head into the frame waving around an old picture. “It's true! Here’s the proof!” Megatron reached out frantically, “Prime you give that back or so help me—!!!” —
**The Act of Proff–Preff- The Act of Gift Giving**
Optimus examined the toy axe in his hands carefully, finials lowering for a moment in confusion. “The one Megatron initially gave me was, uh, much bigger than this.” He squished it gently in his servos, producing an EEP EEP sound. He looked towards the camera. “And it uh, certainly didn't squeak like this either.”
Nightshade’s voice piped up, “It's kind of all we can work with right now.” Optimus nodded, “Oh well then.” he smiled again at the camera, squeaking the axe again. “I love it.” EEP EEP !
— **The Act of Selflessness**
Mo tilted her head a bit rotating the camera from her face to Optimus and Megatron. “Im, um, not really sure how to film this one.”
Hashtag’s voice called out, grabbing their attention. “I got this!!!” And soon enough, in her van form, Hashtag sped up, aiming to crash right into Optimus Prime’s leg, before Megatron moved him backward from the collision.
All joking in the moment as Optimus let out a soft laugh. Soon enough, the red and blue autobot looked up to see Nightshade swooping down near Megatron’s head. “Duck!” He spoke, pushing Megatron’s helm down so Nightshade wouldn't have their own crash landing. Down on the ground, Hashtag transformed back into her robot mode and cheered. “Woohoo!! See? You guys *selflessly* protected each other!” She took the camera gently from her sister and aimed it at their faces once more. “I now pronounce you Conjunx Endura!”  
The kids cheer behind the camera, Megatron moving to wrap an arm around Optimus, bumping each other's helms close. Hashtag spoke up again, a bit more meek. “Was that-was that good?” Optimus spoke sincerely, “That was perfect. Just like reliving our actual ritus.” “Really?!” “Hmm. More or less.”
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gion-division · 2 years
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“Woaahh, Koyumi! To think that you’d show your scar today!”
“Yes yes. Today is Honoka’s first Christmas, so I decided to just be myself today, fufu. What are you doing, by the way? Are you helping with the trees?”
“Correcto~! I signed up for it a few days ago so I’m rather busy today, as you can tell. Oh, where is Honoka-chan anyway? I know you guys went window shopping earlier but??”
“She said that she wanted to go sightseeing.”
“What?! Are you sure she’s not gonna get lost?!”
“Don’t worry, I’m making sure that she’s okay~”
“Woo…Alright then. Cool! Oh, I gotta go now, byyee! I promise I’ll get you and Honoka-chan a present after I’m done!”
And thus the manga artist ran off with a bright grin as always. A small smile graced Koyumi’s lips as she turned around to go back to their shared home, whisking away the wagon of gifts for her daughter.
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“Miss Koyumi! Miss Koyumi! One of Moriko’s friends gave me a present!”
“Ah, is that so? I’m so happy for you!”
“Y-Yes!! Um, he said not to open it until we get home, so can we go home now? Please? Pplleeaassee?”
“Ahaha! You’re very eager, dear. Actually, I saw Santa delivering more Christmas presents over at our house earlier and it’s all mostly for you! Come come, let’s go back.”
“You actually saw him?! We need to hurry then!”
Honoka grabbed Koyumi’s hands and started to excitedly run back to the direction of their house, almost skipping on the way there. The first Christmas she ever celebrated; the best moment of her life.
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jmd-story-pit · 2 months
Chapter 5: Lost
At First I Was Wondering, Then I Was Crying, Then I Was Mad, Then I Was Scared, Then I Was Wondering, Then I Was Crying, Then I Was… I Was Empty.
Where Am I? Who Am I? Am I Alone? What Am I?
Time Feels Still When I Close My Eyes, And When I Open Them, Time Is…
Going To Fast. Time Is No Longer Making Sense, Like My Senses.
What Is Happening To Them? Are They Okay? Are They Safe?
“Questions, Questions, Questions,”
A… Voice?
“I’m Not Just A Voice, Child,”
“Am I Dying?”
“No, No, You’re Definitely Alive,”
“… What’s Going On?”
“Look For Yourself,”
“I Can’t Wake Up, I’ve Tried, But By What You See, It Doesn’t Work,”
“You’re Not Dreaming,”
“You Sound Surprised, Why’s That?”
“It Feels Like I’m Trapped In A Dream, Are You Saying I’m Awake?”
“No, You Are In Between Of Being Awake And Sleeping, You Are A Rare Case Of This,”
“What Do You Mean?”
“What Do You Think, Torra?”
“How Do You Know My Name?”
“Because, You Know Me,”
“Would You Like Me To Show Myself? Or Do You Know Who I Am By Voice?”
“I- I Don’t Understand,”
“Child, I Protected You As Much As I Could, You Know My Name By Heart, You Know What I Am To Your Kind. ‘I’ll Guide You Till You Die’,”
“Yes, Yes My Child, That’s My Name,”
“How Did You Get Here?”
“I Own This Realm,”
“How Can I Leave?”
“You Know How,”
“No, No I- I Don’t- I Don’t Know, Danli,”
I Feel A Hand On My Shoulder, I Look And See Her. In A Gown In The Lightest Purple, With Golden Strips Along The Arms. Her Long Light Bright Brown Hair Glows With A Single Golden Flower In It. I See Her As Clear As One Can, The Second Person I Could See.
“Why Can I See You?” I Ask.
She Kneels To Look Me In My Eyes.
“Because, You Know The Real Me,” She Responds.
“What Do You-? What Does That Mean?” I Questioned.
“You Been Gifted By The Fraawians, To Know The Truth, To Know The Real Person, See The Real In The Person,”
“Yes, And Did They Destroy My Resting? You’ll Know When You Get There With Them…”
Her Voice Starts To Fade.
“What’s Going On?!”
“I Can’t Say Anymore, You Must Leave, Before Your Mind Takes You,”
“But- How Do I Leave?” I Cried Out.
“That I Don’t Know, You’ll Know Once You’re Mind Starts To Take You,”
She Disappears.
“You’ll Know, Please, Stay Strong, Torra,”
She’s Gone, But Where She Stood, Her Golden Flower Lays, I Pick It Up And Put It In My Hair, Where She Had It In Hers.
“What Did She Mean By My Mind Will Take Over?”
I Decided To Walk And Find If There Is A Way Out, I See Nothing New, But I See Everything New, Was It Because Of Danli? Or What She Said About My Vision, ‘Seeing The Real In The Person’? What Does That Mean?
I Suddenly Trip Over Something And Fell, I Don’t Know What I Tripped Over, But I Know I'm Still Falling.
"Haha! You're Silly, Torry!"
I Know That Voice…
"Blaah! I'm Going To Get You!"
I See Myself And… Him…
"Hey, Leave Your Brother Alone,"
"I'm Not Hurting Him, Though…"
Mom Takes Jash Away, Like On That Day… Why Is This The Only Memory That Keeps Showing Up?
Time Forwards To Lunch, Where It All Happened… In The Golden Flower Field For My Last Day As A Villager… And My First Day As A… Or What I Thought It Was…
“Torry! Come Play With Me!”
“Not Now Jash, Maybe Later…” I Said Lost In My Head.
I Know How This Goes Because It Was My Fault… I Wasn’t Feeling Ready, Not That Anyone Is… But The Way It Went Was Different How It Was Supposed To Be Played Out That Day.
“PPlleeaassee?” Jash Begs.
“No, Wait Until After The Event,” I Hissed.
“What Is This Stupid Event About Anyway?” Jash Said Defeated.
“It’s An Adult Thing, You Wouldn’t Understand,” I Said.
“Try Me!”
I Sigh.
“It’s Not For You To Know Is What I’m Saying,”
“Come Ooon!”
“No, Now Wait Here, I Need To Get Ready,” I Said, Patting Jash’s Head And Walking Away.
Last Chapter
That's All I Wrote, Short For It All, Yes, But It Was My First Story I Was Really Invested In That Wasn't Related To A Personal Story That'll Never Be Finished Because Of All Of The Lore And Characters.
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-unfinished anon
Listen just-
*Bob takes a breath....*
Fine- fine but if you fall please PPLLEEAASSEE instantly go into that cocoon thing. I don't want you to get hurt...
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painterisneedy · 3 months
arfarf arf arf arf arf yyes sirrrr mmghg... you cna pick the toy as long as it fills me up, mmg.. 'm wanna deepthroat your dick pplleeaassee
awwwe, such a needy puppy.. I'd love to watch you take it all.. keep you completely filled up, doesn't that sound nice?
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teddiibear444 · 8 months
Pplleeaassee Why does the Hazbin JP dub go so hard?? Alastor's seiyū had rent due 😭 it's so good ??
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twordish-ler · 1 year
1 guess pplleeaassee
Then ill give j a hint?
Secret anon
I need hints 😭
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ask-thsc-blog · 1 year
Right ignored Reginald and tried again when Skyler's attention was on him
RHM: Say please, pplleeaassee
Reg: Righty-
Skyler: possess *angry yip* pllllsssssss
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gaybitchfx · 2 years
Pplleeaassee look at the picturessss u dont have to post themmm just look at 'emmmm
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