#((And the fact I have him in his death pose makes this funny! XD))
"Hey big guy, are you alright? You look unsteady there+ whoaaa!"
Aria tries to catch him, but she is small and Simon is big... which results in the poor girl getting crushed under the giant of a man.
"Gah! Oh, this is embarrassing..."
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"......" Simon didn't respond. Seemed he passed out... But at least he didn't drink himself half blind this time. Perhaps he wasn't feeling too good?
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
Christopher Lee: A Sinister Centenary - Number 12
Welcome to Christopher Lee: A Sinister Centenary! Over the course of May, I will be counting down My Top 31 Favorite Performances by my favorite actor, the late, great Sir Christopher Lee, in honor of his 100th Birthday. Although this fine actor left us a few years ago, his legacy endures, and this countdown is a tribute to said legacy! Today’s Subject, My 12th Favorite Christopher Lee Performance: Death, from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.
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This is easily one of my favorite takes on the Grim Reaper. I’m just going to start off by saying that right now. And the fact he’s played by Christopher Lee is almost certainly part of the reason why. XD I’ve known about Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series for years, but I only knew ABOUT it: I knew it existed, but that was about it. It wasn’t until recently I decided to at least look into some adaptations of his stories and universe, and it was entirely because I found out Christopher Lee appeared in several Discworld-related adaptations playing Death. For those who don’t know, “Discworld” is a fantasy series that blends typical tropes of the genre with a sort of surreal, bizarre, at times existential humor and satirical qualities; it’s half-serious, half-humorous, and all around weird and wonderful. I haven’t read the books, but I DID take time to look up a few of the adaptations: I looked up the three animated adaptations by Cosgrove Hall, consisting of the short film “Welcome to the Discworld” and the feature-length productions “Wyrd Sisters” and “Soul Music,” as well as the first two live-action miniseries versions, “Hogfather” and “The Colour of Magic.” In all of these productions, Death appears to a greater or lesser extent, as the Grim Reaper is actually one of the main characters in the books. In “Hogfather,” Ian Richardson actually plays Death; Richardson does a good job, but Lee tackles the part in all the rest of the aforementioned adaptations, and – perhaps simply because he has more to do and say, as a result – he is without a doubt the champion there. What I love about Death in all of these, and especially in the way Lee plays him, is the mixture of absurd normalcy and powerful grandeur he has. Death is actually a pretty casual character; to him, what he does is basically just a job, and he treats it as such. He’s not portrayed as a villainous demon, nor as a comforting angel, but simply as a necessary entity: he likes his job, sure, but it’s still a job, so to speak. At the same time, however, he does have his moments where the power he obviously holds comes to the foreground: Death can be a chill dude, so to speak, but he’s still…well…FREAKING DEATH. Making him mad is probably not something you want to do. But he’s also a family man, weirdly enough, and is often a highly philosophical and thoughtful fellow. A lot of the complex questions of the Discworld series are raised by Death or posed to him, and much of the most interesting dialogue in any of the adaptations belongs to him. He's also really, REALLY funny. The snarky, wry, ironic, at times dreary wit he has is absolutely beautiful: Death has seen it all, in every sense of the word, and has a ready comeback for every situation. It takes a lot to faze him, and yet he’s also easily frustrated, at the same time. And I think part of what makes him so funny is the fact it’s Lee delivering the lines: when not only the Grim Reaper, but the Grim Reaper played by Christopher-Bloody-Lee, complains about his work like a stereotypical pizza guy complaining about an annoying coworker or how he deserves more tips? Or perhaps like an office manager droning on about the paperwork he’s NOT looking forward to filling out? Somehow, that just makes things more hilarious: that powerful, intense, icy voice delivering the lines so perfectly just adds greatly to the humor. And of course, in the moments where Death DOES show his fangs, so to speak, that same voice delivers some of its finest volumes of power. It’s a great role to show Lee’s range, vocally. And…come on…it’s DRACULA PLAYING THE GRIM REAPER. Why no one cast Christopher Lee as one or the other in a Castlevania title is beyond my comprehension! Tomorrow, the countdown continues, as I present my choice for Number 11!
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shadlad24 · 4 years
More Funny Little Moments #1: Season 1, Episodes 1-12
So, I decided to do this post after all. Halp. LOL Because I apparently LOVE giving myself a bunch of unnecessary work, I decided to choose two to three extra moments, per episode! SUPER halp! X’D Anyway, these are moments that didn’t make the cut for my FFLM series because: my sense of humor is a little weird, they were gonna be too much work (LOL/Siiigh), I like to highlight patterns, and I don’t like a lot of repetition. [Links to each FFLM along the bottom of the post. :)]
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Let’s start with something I originally agreed with other fans on but have since changed my mind. A lot of people didn’t like this part of “Chariots of War” because it seems so ludicrous that Xena would forget her chakram anywhere. Well, let me tell you! This lady has left her weapons behind most episodes thus far. I didn’t note it every time here (and especially didn’t bother with her whip) because that’d really overrun the post buuuuut… You’ll see. XD
1.01 Sins of the Past
Xena’s shift being so much dirtier than the little boy’s clothes though she’s high up off the ground, and he lives in smoked-out rubble.
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Yup. Xena forgot her sword (and later, her main saddlebag) at her mother’s tavern. Pft.
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Sorry these were kinda lame, but I didn’t want to re-use any more of the original fifteen points I made about this episode... Ah well. Moving on! (heh)
1.02 Chariots of War
Xena loses her sword after the chariot crash, taking up and discarding Sphaerus’s but walking off without her own. (See her front and back and both of Argo’s sides.)
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Gabrielle chewing Xena out, Xena being bummed about it, and Argo being surprised. X’D
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1.03 Dreamworker
This got me good. Gabrielle does Xena’s war cry so well here that I really thought it was Xena for a few seconds. Realizing it was GabbyWabs only made me chuckle more because she apparently can’t do it when it really counts in “The Greater Good.”
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Argo NOT being on Team Gabrielle. XD (Their feud is a little funny to me.)
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1.04 Cradle of Hope
Xena tossing aside her sword after killing Nemos. Extras even dance and celebrate right on top of it! Wut thuh?
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I decided to avoid mentioning Hope in the FFLM because Xena’s quote here is more ironic than comedic, and Gabrielle’s little face is just so sad, but I didn’t want to let it pass by entirely unremarked upon. At least GW gets to show off her oracle skills again? :’)
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1.05 The Path Not Taken
So, Xena and Gabrielle walk into a bar… Heh. No, but really, they enter this tavern for the first time ever, yet the bartender not only knows what they want, he knows that they’re coming and has their drinks waiting for them too. All Xena has to do is knock on the counter and nod to get her fire-breath alcohol/oil, and Gabrielle barely has the word “cider” out of her mouth before the guy hands it to her. Xena, like me, is duly amazed.
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Lucy, through Xena, making another timely anti-peanut statement. I just didn’t want to do the same thing twice back-to-back in the FFLM. X)
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1.06 The Reckoning
Gabrielle thinking along the same lines Xena and I did about this poor excuse for a judge.
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Me not being well-versed in ancient Greek heroes and picturing the fool who Draco killed so handily in the first episode. heh
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1.07 The Titans
I’ll let Xena explain this one. …Mostly. I can’t believe Gabrielle not only sassed the Titans such that she unashamedly put Xena and Phyleus in danger too, but also kinda got this (admittedly awful) town demolished and didn’t lift a finger to actually help anyone in the temple. Tsk tsk. XP
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So… Hyperion here can smash homes and businesses that were probably well-built and reinforced and all, but he can’t get his hand out of a stocks-cuff that was made in a single evening with scraps from those destroyed buildings. He also, inexplicably, has no use of his left hand or the power-breath that he used to knock Gabrielle over. Okie. XD
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1.08 Prometheus
Is this really a thing? I was giggling quite a bit in disbelief that severed windpipes can heal. Like, perforated is one thing; completely bisected? Yeah, I don’t think so.
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Gabrielle being incredulous upon learning that Xena has other friends, realizing what the warrior princess means, and then wondering if that could be her one day. 
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   1.09 Death in Chains
Gabrielle enjoying watching Xena kill someone for the first time, then quickly realizing that fact. Whoops.
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I found this moment really odd and then kind of hilarious. This poor dying old woman begs for water and goes ignored not only by the hospice workers, but also Talus and Gabrielle. Then Talus decides to be helpful. Gabrielle goes to the woman and lets her talk a lot (undoubtedly drying her mouth and throat even more), hears that Xena might be in danger, and then just… leaves. Talus goes with her, not having gotten water from the well after all. What a couple of jerks! XD
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1.10 Hooves & Harlots
I really don’t know why Gabrielle kept making this face as Terreis died, but it tickled my funny bone too. So, I provided alternate subs to go with it. [Did you notice how she kind of cringes when Terreis tries to hold her hand and then just lets the Amazon flop once she’s died, flinging her hand aside like, “Ew, get it off me!”? What was that all about? X”) Hm… maybe she has an aversion to dying people, and that’s why she abandoned the old lady last episode?]
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Gabrielle being a smart aleck, just like me, because Phantes’s complaint here is so ludicrous. But then you see the close-up of little hoofies in cuffs too, and, if you’re anything like me too, kinda just topple over laughing. The poor actual horse they did this to, though, man! What even?
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Gosh, this episode was chockfull of hilarity, eh? Why did this happen? Gabby, take it away!
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1.11 The Black Wolf
I laughed at this too. But now I wonder. Is Xerxes related to Caesar and/or connected to Rome or something? Because Xena does this twice around them too. In “When in Rome,” she jokes that the two guards lost playing tag with her, and in “A Good Day” she informs Pompey that if there were more guards hiding around their meeting space, then she would have had more helmets. heh Oh, Xenie. I think I know why Gabrielle’s turning out to be such a little punk ...or vice versa? Is Gabrielle actually a bit of a bad influence on Xena? XP
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So, this fight just struck me as really odd. Xena passes her sword to Flora though she (Xena) needs to battle the big boss of the episode, and… actually, is totally right. The king throws a single wide-ass punch, waits while Xena kicks the guy behind her a few times, lets himself get kicked in the face a couple of times, and then comes at her with a little piece of chain, presumably from the restraints that were intended to keep Flora in place during her execution. Sir, you have a sword! A giant sword, right there on your hip! What are you doing? Then, when Xena kicks him a final time and sends him flying, his (supposed-to-be) metal armor is no match for the splintered wood of the axe she broke earlier. …Okie. XD XD XD   *gif below*
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Xena once again leaves her chakram somewhere. …And I am now imagining this being part of Gabrielle’s maid duties: the poor kid has to go find Xena’s weapons each night and bring them back to her. I’m especially imaging the fluffball hilariously, adorably struggling to get the chakram out of things like this wall, as she did with Xena’s sword in the tree stump in “Dreamworker,” but more parallel to the floor. Cuuuute! XD
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This plus this 
*pic + GIF below*:
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1.12 Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts
This scene too really made me wonder, though amused as well. Why is Gabrielle so surprised that the only city nearby, that they were headed to, is the one they find? Is she really being that loud? Is Xena goofing around with the bootlaces question? Why startle Gabrielle and then yank her into enemy territory screaming, when what you want is quiet? What’s with the trapdoor-spider soldiers? Xena’s pose throwing the chakram. XD Gabrielle mostly featherlight dance-y moves through the battlefield. XD XD XD Why is it that when Xena tells Gabrielle to stick right behind her, Gabrielle disappears? And what was with the bucket-sitting soldier? Gabrielle is like, “Oh; no, thank you!” when she sees him and turns tail. Then Xena ...follows her. “We’re goin’ this way! Now we’re goin’ that way!” But they still end up dead-ahead from where they burst out of the bushes. XD That was ridiculous and nonsensical, and I’m very confused but had lots of fun. heheheh  *gif below* [ETA: Darn! The original file was too big, so I had to remake the GIF and cut quite a few things out. :( Sorry]
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Xena’s outta-nowhere crusade to emasculate Deiphobus coming full-circle. What was that all about?
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Welp, I hope you had as much fun as I originally and then later did. Not so much in the middle with the collage-and-GIF-making and editing and redoing, but; y’know. XD Wouldn’t trade it for …Hm… Nevermind. LOL
If you missed any of the FFLMs, then please click on the corresponding number-links below. :D
#1  #2  #3  #4  #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… And other aimless noises!
Time for Ryusoulger episode 5! Subbed! Bc I didn’t have time to watch a raw. ^^;
In no order:
Life is hard when you have to pause every few moments to think about how beautiful Banba is. DX
Aw, Ui’s so anxious. I’d give you a hug if I could, honey!
I am never gonna get used to this goo in the mouth thing. They literally couldn’t have done that any other way?
How long has Touwa known this girl? Like… How did they meet? Banba seemed at least passingly acquainted w/ her, so… Hm.
I know it’s not important that they the specify that the animals being abandoned are black ones, but I’m gonna pretend it’s more foreshadowing bc I’m unstoppable.
Actually, that’s only true in certain capacities.
But seriously, the camera cuts to Banba when she says that. I have these straws and I’m clinging to them. XD
Like, I do understand ‘needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one’ thing, I do. I do also think we’re jumping to it a little quick, which makes me suspect we had a bad experience where a lot of people died bc of something, or something along those lines, and now we’re a little traumatised. And I think we blame ourselves for whatever it was that happened.
Still don’t think they’ve killed anyone. At least, not directly. I’m thinking there might be deaths Banba blames himself for, but that’s a whole other thing.
Crayon just running around downtown is just so hilarious. XD I don’t know why this scene is so funny to me, but it is. ^^
Banba is like ‘no friends! We have dark and troubled pasts!’ Or something or other. That joke kinda fell through.
God, he’s pretty, though. DX
Touwa, using his bratty little sibling powers for good. XD
Oh, yeah. This direct, ‘deal w/ what creates the monsters’ thing hasn’t happened in Sentai in a while, I think?
Touwa joins in the posing, but Banba just stands there like ‘oh, great, dork patrol is here’ for a moment. ^^
Banba wins for least effected by the earthquake, Melto is a close second, w/ Asuna an even closer third.
I really do like how Crayon acts like a bloody cheerleader there. XD
They all get sent flying, and Banba rolls an extra time, just bc he’s so beautiful he can do that.
Oh, Kou. Honey. Honey.
I do note, Banba didn’t argue w/ Touwa phrasing it as ‘help him.’ Though… He may have been thinking of other things at the time.
Well, it cuts away from Banba too quick to see his reaction, but I’m willing to bet he was reaching for Touwa.
Also, Touwa! No, my baby gremlin boy! DX
Banba doesn’t even take the time to finish his transformation, just goes right into ‘get the fuck away from my brother’ mode.
Crayon does the one thing he can do. Gets scolded. Such is life. ^^;
I’m never gonna get over this moment, though. Banba is clearly absolutely frantic, to the degree that we can actually see it on his face, even a bit. For him, that’s gotta be practically a full-fledged panic attack. He puts a lot into hiding his emotions. The fact that this fear is showing means he’s thoroughly terrified.
Also, Touwa giving him an awkward, reassuring little smile there. There might be slight dissension between them in this ep, but he definitely knows Banba cares for and is worried about him, and he’s actively trying to reassure him.
Does kind of make me wonder if there was a moment where Touwa was hurt and Banba freaked out or something…
Okay. Banba’s reaction to Kou saying Tankjoh killed his Master––esp the way it focuses on him off of Kou’s clenched fist… I wanna know my boys’ lore so badly. Touwa seems to be rather regularly shocked (like, the way most people might react to that sort of revelation). But Banba… I dunno, it feels like there’s something more to Banba’s reaction. Like… He looks sad. And even… Sympathetic? Like he’s… Remembering something and/or identifying? Bc Kou goes on a little on how Master Red died protecting him bc he was ‘too weak.’ And his whole break down seemed to be resonating w/ Banba. I’m really curious about the brothers and specifically Banba’s backstory. Bc it’s seeming more and more like something happened that Touwa may not know about that explicitly made Banba see things the way he does. But I’ll ramble more about that later. XD
And when Kou specifically says Red died protecting him, he looks away like that meant something… AUGH. I WANNA KNOW SO BAD! DX
I should also note that he looks absolutely beautiful the whole time, too. <3
How did you see, Tankjoh, he just giggled? I mean, I know what he’s saying, but that’s just bc I have the power of SPOILERS. And also other people doing translations. But mainly, SPOILERS. XD
I appreciate seeing some of what the villains are doing when not fighting the team, and I find it utterly hilarious that they are just chilling in this one random clearing. Is this a special forest/clearing? Are we even gonna have a base? Or is everyone gonna just chill in the clearing?
Maybe they’ll move into a cave at some point.
Yes, I’m very concerned about the nice animal lady being a Minusaur host, but can someone please take that puppy before she drops it?
Banba’s extra intense bc the Minusaur bit Touwa and they don’t know if the bite is gonna do something (it will). Touwa’s safety is one thing he’s not even willing to slightly risk.
So of course Touwa is the only one who can stop him. Definitely at least shades of living emotional crutch, here.
Soon it will start expanding to the rest of the team to and I will LOVE IT.
No, seriously. What did they do w/ the puppy?
I was under the impression that there were multiple animals? Definitely seems like Banba has at least a passing knowledge of her, so they’ve known her for a bit, at least.
Everyone looks very pretty here. ^^
Speaking of pretty… There are still some shots of the brothers from the trailer that are missing… Were they cut? No! Show me smiley Banba in the Tatsui house! DX And also that one where he was sexily leaning on a wall! :(
If you watch Banba, you can totally see the panic steadily rising over the course of the ep. Like he’s managed to get a lid back on it, but he looks concerned when the bite starts glowing, and when Melto remarks about poison, his head snaps around sharply.
I really like the way Touwa sort of… For lack of a better word ‘argues’ w/ Banba here? Bc he notably leads w/ repeated reassurances that he’s fine, so there’s no need to rush things. Like he clearly knows that’s the driving motivation behind his brother’s behaviour right now. He knows his brother cares about him, and that his safety is important to him, so it’s more likely he’ll have better luck dissuading him if he can convince him he’ll be okay. Also, he plays the family angle, bc he presumably knows how much that means to Banba, too. It’s a little low, maybe, but it gets the point across, I think. For whatever reason, Banba’s put on blinders and tunnel visioned himself to the mission. Touwa adores him and follows him, but he doesn’t have the same level of… Well, what I assume is trauma, to have that level of obsessive focus. The best way to pull him out of that is using someone/something else he can focus on––in this case, Touwa, who uses things he knows are important to Banba (himself, aka, family) to try and, basically, again for lack of a better word, empathise again.
I’m very tired, I’m not sure that made sense.
I know I keep saying it, but it definitely seems to be that Banba just had the opposite reaction to trauma than the trio did. They stayed optimistic and sought happiness and new friendships to help deal w/ the pain. He just closed himself off from the world to avoid getting hurt again, and lost faith in others. Touwa was the only person he couldn’t let go off. Literally, living emotional crutch. Touwa is probably the reason Banba never went completely stone cold as a result of whatever happened––he was trying to emulate Banba’s more serious nature, but he’s more social and cheerful.
Might be cool/sweet if there’s an arc/ep where they meet someone (whether related to someone’s past or not) that is a completely stone cold, ruthless monster, and Banba has a ‘I could have turned into that if it hadn’t been for Touwa and you guys’ sort of thing.
In other news, Banba is still so beautiful I still have to pause every few moments just to stare at him. <3
Literally, if I were in this world, and something happened, and Banba––or even just Kishida Tatsuya himself were standing near me? I’d just be throwing myself into his arms. No questions.
Banba is allergic to emotions and proper communication, so he just runs out of the room to obsessively hunt the Minusaur.
But… Even though he’s not very communicative, he takes the time to akd Kou about Master Red. What is the lore here, Toei? GIVE ME THE LORE.
I don’t think he’s really trying to be mean to Kou? Actually, in a weird way, I think this is kind of a sign he respects him a little? I wouldn’t go as far to say ‘fond of’ and maybe ‘respect’ isn’t the right word, either? But it kinda seemed like he was trying to… I dunno, share what he perceives as a hard truth he learned the hard way? And being like, ‘this sucks, but you need to understand it?’ Only he’s Banba and emotions and gentleness are a little hard for him so it comes out really blunt and cruel? But he seems like he’s speaking from some sort of experience?
Also, this is the scene that makes me think that he blames himself for something that happened. Most likely, in the past, he perceives his own (maybe someone else’s, but most likely his) kindness to have caused some sort of traumatising event, which may have involved the deaths of people he cared about (possibly for similar reasons to why the others’ Master’s died––protecting something, be it him and his brother, or something else). Additionally, maybe someone somehow reenforced to him it was his fault, and specifically put it in his head that kindness had caused it?
On another hand, Kou doesn’t seem to be particularly hurt by the words, exactly? Or insulted? Like I feel like in some situations, a character in his place would be loudly arguing that it’s not weakness––something that wouldn’t have been out of place for Kou’s characterisation. Like, he’s upset a bit, you can see that, but… But if anything, to me, at least, he looks actually kind of… Concerned about Banba instead? Maybe he’s squinting in the light/the wind, but… I dunno, I somehow ended up w/ the interpretation that he was worried about why Banba thought that way or something.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled rambling to inform you that Banba is still gorgeous. Please carry on.
Tankjoh be firing his lasers!
Aw, the RyuSouls just want hugs!
I doubt there’s only one of those in the whole city…
I love how Banba just freaking trips the thing. Like, it’s so simple. XD
Melto the mom friend clinches it w/ the important flashback line!
Also, hi AU Hongo! Figured we’d see you again in some way!
PROTECTING IS MY JAM. Please tell me this is gonna be a theme. Bc I need Banba being protective of all his younger sibs in my life. I NEED IT.
I think Banba is the second one to use a personal finishing move? I seem to recall Kou doing it first ep, but none of the others have do it since––yet, at least.
‘You can’t beat me! I can juggle!’
No, wait, that’s not how you juggle.
Also, I see you, cgi car! And tree. And building. And… Oh, forget it. XD
Congrats Kou! You’ve promoted to actually being directly addressed! I’m so proud. ^^
Seriously, though, Banba hasn’t used nary a name nor a colour, nor any label for any of them. Wonder if he’ll give them grumpy nicknames like ‘fool’ or something after this, or if he’ll stick w/ names?
Was… Not expecting sumo.
Does one ever expect sumo, though? … I guess when you go to see sumo.
Banba just one hundred percent takes over the whole fight. XD Boy still needs to figure out how to be a team player.
I find it hilarious how none of the others even tried to join in on announcing the final attack…
Were Tankjoh’s eyes furrowed like that before, or did they make the suit character look angry?
The poison in presumably in his bloodstream why do you need… Never mind. I guess that answers whether we’re taking people to the hospital. Well, taking Rangers.
Naohisa’s doctor friend is now suspicious to me simply by being a mysterious, anonymous ‘doctor friend.’
Apparently, Naohisa has connections, too, which––I don’t know why––is somehow funny to me.
I’m gonna finish this post and realise I’m spelling his name wrong, aren’t I?
Have nay of you ever considered standing in a different spot in the room?
So it sure looked like the Minusaur exploded? Either is just plain jumped into the water, or the poison itself is the Minusaur? *insert shrug emoji*
 Banba is just so worried about Touwa here… Like I feel normally he might be a little annoyed at someone apparently questioning his ability (that’s not at all what she was doing, of course, and he did know that, but I feel like he might, under normal circumstances, have been a little ruffled and maybe glared), but here he’s staring down at his brother w/ a little worried frown. Merely affirms that he did destroy it w/out even looking away.
And the fact that a) Touwa’s now showing visible signs of pain and distress, and b) this shouldn’t be happening bc he should have beaten the Minusaur already is what really starts cracking Banba. Right now, Touwa is the most important person to him in the entire world. The possibility of being unable to save him is probably the single most terrifying concept in the whole universe to Banba.
Well, Touwa’s dead. But let’s dance!
Okay, so we know he’s fine.
So, looks like Tankjoh will be exiting, possibly temporarily? And we have the debut of 5 Knights! But before that, everyone gets poisoned and Banba has to learn to play w/ others. Seems Banba and Asuna get effected by the contagious poison first, as they’re listed first in the summary, and a lot of the preview images show Melto and Kou running around together. Looks like Touwa and Banba are having a heart to heart, while dying of poison, probably during the scene the ‘I won’t let you die’ line is from. Bc Banba would possibly be willing to sacrifice himself, but he’d have to die, be incinerated, and then exorcised multiple times before he stopped trying to save Touwa by any means possible. There’s also a preview image that’s either Banba being dumb and trying to fight despite dying of poison, or have been fighting and then just starting to die of poison. I kinda prefer the first, but both are good. And Kou seems to be filling in as concerned little brother. Very excited, and I have a countdown timer on my phone again. XD
That’s all folks! Virtual mango sorbet for anyone who read all that! Or, just, any kind of flavour you want. I might have some digital gelato around here somewhere…
I’m enjoying this series very much. I love the brothers and I really want more lore on them, but I think everyone already knew that. I still hope that it turns out the person who betrayed Banba is now Gaisorg’s user. That would be great drama. ^^ It’s not completely out the window that it was his Master or one of their parents (or maybe those were one and the same), either.
Now I just have to get through the week…
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inhumansforever · 6 years
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Marvel Rising: Initiation Review
spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers
Disney XD premiered the first installment of the Marvel Rising Secret Warriors animated series with past Monday with the very enjoyable Initiation; directed by Alfred Gimeno with a screenplay by Mairghread Scott and the vatic talents of Dove Cameron, Chloe Bennet, Tyler Posey, Kathreen Khavari, Milana Vayntrub, Cierra Ramirez and Kamil McFadden.  Quick recap and review following the jump.
The Mysterious Ghost Spider is on the run with the authorities believing her responsible for the death of a young man named Kevin.  After handily defeating a battalion of the city’s best police officers, Captain Stacy chooses to request assistance from Shield.  Agent Daisy Johnson and Patriot are assigned to the case and pledge not to rest until this hero-turned-villain can be brought to justice.  Patriot is a newer hero who has been trained by Captain America himself and is quite eager to prove himself.  Daisy, meanwhile, is more seasoned and right from the start she suspects there might be more to this case than simply a former hero gone bad.  
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It’s rather clear from the onset that Ghost Spider is not a villain, rather it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that has made it appear as though she was responsible for Kevin’s death.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Ghost Spider is actually high schooler, Gwen Stacy, and Kevin had been her best friend.  
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Following an oddly shoe-horned in scene where Gwen practices with her and her friends’ garage band, Ghost Spider returns to the streets in search of the real culprit behind Kevin’s death.  She encounters Patriot, and following a brief skirmish, Ghost Spider is able to escape.  
Elsewhere, Doreen Green arrives on her scooter with a box of cupcakes meant to commemorate the triumphant first team-up between her, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, and her new best pal, Kamala ‘Ms. Marvel’ Khan.  Doreen’s squirrel buddy, Tippy Toe, is also on-hand and doesn’t want to wait for Kamala to arrive before getting into one of those delicious cupcakes.  
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Kamala arrives and the focus of their first mission together presents itself when they see Ghost Spider and set out to bring her to justice.  An elaborate and rather silly battle unfolds as Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl and Tippy Toe match up against Ghost Spider.  
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Ghost Spider is eventually captured and pleads to be let go, demanding that she is innocent.  Ms. Marvel and Squirrel Girl agree to hear her out.  Ghost Spider explains that she would never hurt Kevin, he had been her best friend.  He was also an Inhuman who was transformed by way of the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis endowed Kevin with ice powers and Ghost Spider helped him hone these newfound abilities so that they might be crimefighters together.  
Yet on the night of their first outing, Ghost Spider arrived to find that Kevin had been murdered.  The apparent culprit was a super powered woman with yellow skin and green hair who wielded energy knives.  Even the slightest cut from these knives had the effect of effectively draining one’s life energy.  
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Ms. Marvel and Squirrel Girl believe Ghost Spider’s story and chose to let her go, agreeing to also seek out this mysterious villain who is actually behind Kevin’s death.  Shortly thereafter, Ghost Spider is once more engaged by The Patriot.  This time, however, Patriot utilizes teamwork and lures Ghost Spider into a position where Agent Johnson can sneak up behind her and neutralize her with her quake powers.
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Ghost Spider is apprehended by the two agents and taken by car to police headquarters where she is to be handed over to Captain Stacy.  Again Ghost Spider proclaims her innocence, telling the story of the mysterious villainess with the life-draining energy knives.  Daisy is intrigued by the tale… she has heard about evil Inhumans with similar powers and Kevin’s death may have something to do with an ongoing case she has been investigating.  Furthermore, upon reading Ghost Spider’s reaction to seeing Captain Stacy, Daisy correctly surmises that Ghost Spider is actually Captain Stacy’s daughter, Gwen.  
Daisy furtively arranges for Ghost Spider to escape just as she is delivered to police headquarters.  Captain Stacy is incensed and demands that Shield stop at nothing to bring her in.  
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Some time thereafter, Ghost Spider seeks out Daisy and asks her why she allowed her to escape.  Daisy explains her suspicions that Kevin’s death may be part of a bigger threat posed by an evil Inhuman, and that she may actually need Ghost Spider’s aide in taking down this threat.  Daisy tells Ghost Spider to continue her investigation and to keep her apprised of things, especially if it entails an Inhuman with teleportation-based powers.  Ghost Spider agrees and they part company.  And it is hear that the episode comes to an end with it looking quite likely that the mystery will once again bring these various heroes together in future installments.  
This was a quick, fun and very enjoyable affair.  It moves quite fast but its speed doesn’t come at the cost of the plot.  It sort of drops the viewer right into the heart of the action and has faith that said viewers will be able to piece things together on their own as further details of the plot are divvied out.  I quite like this approach, especially in lieu of other animated shows aimed toward younger audiences that sort of treat the viewer as simpletons who need the plot clearly laid out.
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This first episode is very much a Ghost Spider story and Gwen makes for a highly likable protagonist.  Voice actress, Dove Cameron, does a terrific job bringing Gwen to life, with snarky commentary, good comic timing, as well as a distinctive undertone of sadness (sadness based on the death of her best friend, Kevin).  Fans of the Spider-Gwen comic series are likely to very much enjoy this animated version of the character; it’s quite faithful to her personality in the comics.  
The story takes a few more liberties with the Squirrel Girl and Ms. Marvel.  Squirrel Girl acts as the comic relief, bubbling with enthusiasm and goofy energy.  She’s a good deal less thoughtful than her comic book counterpart.  The comic book version of Squirrel Girl always seeks out a nonviolent solution to problems before resorting to fisticuffs, yet this animated version is quite eager to battle Ghost Spider.  
Milana Vayntrub clearly has a lot of fun voicing Squirrel Girl and isn’t at all shy about hamming it up.  There is a particularly funny bit where Squirrel Girl decides that their battle-moves would be more effective were they to call them out the way they do in popular anime, like Dragonball or Naruto.  
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I also like that Squirrel Girl is illustrated as more full-figured… although it sort of bugs me that the bigger girl ends up being the goofier, comic relief (it’s a tired trope).
Squirrel Girl’s jokes and shenanigans sort of overshadow Ms. Marvel and she doesn’t get much of a focus in the episode.  Kathreen Khavari voices Kamala, reprising the role from Ms. M’s appearances in Avengers Assemble.  I’m definitely looking forwards to seeing Ms. Marvel get more screen time as the series progresses.  
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Kamil McFadden voices Patriot and, next to Ghost Spider, is the character who gets the most spotlight.  Patriot takes himself quite seriously.  He’s ready to prove himself and is quite proud of the fact that he had been trained by Captain America.  At the same time, however, there is also an edge of insecurity to Patriot, possibly a worry that he might not live up to his potential.   It’s an edge that makes him a more compelling character as opposed to someone whose cockiness might cause one to root against him.  There is also a touch of flirtation in his and Ghost Spider’s banter… I wonder if this is a hint toward a possible romance between the two later down the line.
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Chloe Bennet is very much at ease in the role of Daisy.  She plays her as shrewd and cunning.  She’s a much more experienced agent compared to her partner, Patriot, and ready to take calculated risks to get to the bottom of things.  It’s a neat take on Daisy and a bit of a departure from the more leap-first-look-later version of her we last saw in the pages of Matt Rosenberg’s Secret Warriors run.  Like Ms. Marvel, I’m looking forward to seeing what the next installments have in store for Daisy.  
The villain who killed Kevin looks a good deal like the Inhuman baddie called Sheath, although it is possible that she is actually a brand new character.  And it seems likely that the big bad of the arc will end up being the dark force wielding cad known as The Exile.
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The animation is fair.  It’s a step above more recent Marvel animated projects, like Avengers Assembled and Hulk Agents of Smash, but not as stellar as similar outings from DC (such as Young Justice or Batman: The Animated Series).  It’s good, but not great.  The backgrounds are rather static and nothing to write home about, but the action is fluid and dynamic.  Squirrel Girl’s accentuated facial expressions showcase the best part of the animation.  
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All in all, Marvel Rising Initiation is absolutely worth checking out.  It’s a fun detour into the world of the lessor well known Marvel heroes, with a refreshingly diverse cast of characters and an intriguing plot.  Definitely recommended. Four out of five Lockjaws
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elenatria · 6 years
Making a separate post (and trying not to hijack too much).
@elenatria omgs the yellow cape is TOTALLY an action figure accessory. (In fact, it came with the Loki action figure that I got. I ditched it. It’s ugly.) And I totally agree with you about the fun of the flashy comic book/’80s aesthetic. I actually don’t care for Sakaarian blue because it’s… muddy? there’s definitely yellow in it. It’s not a true, clear blue. Completely goes with the planet and the storyline; I just don’t care for the color.
I read Loki’s interactions with the Grandmaster (and also no disrespect to shippers) as Loki doing whatever he had to do to survive and claw his way out of the pits. The Grandmaster is bananas, and murderous, however much fun Jeff Goldbum was to watch, and whatever Loki did with him (sugar daddy, boy toy, flavor of the week, concubine, sex worker, etc.) was about Loki trying to find an advantage and, you know, not get murdered by gladiators or a melty stick, not about a consensual, equal relationship. But that’s my reading, and I don’t insist that anyone else read it that way. :)
I know which interview you mean, which is part of why I read it that way. It’s the Grandmaster decking out his newest sugar baby in his colors, marking Loki as his possession.
@thesaltofcarthage​ noooo you ditched the yellow cape noooooo ahhahahahaha NOOOO. XD *tiny yellow cape fetish*
Tbh I removed it as well as the helmet (and I’m keeping them separately) because I prefer him without his accessories. I like him plain, standing side by side with Thor right next to my salt and pepper set so I can gaze at them every time I wash the dishes lol. I would have gladly paid for at least one of their Hot Toys figures but then I thought $250 are not worth it if you can’t even undress them or give them sexy poses  lol.
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(Humongous champagne glass alert).
Muddy, I see what you mean. Somehow I don’t mind its muddiness, I don’t know why. Maybe because it reminds me of the colours of a beetle...? But you’re right, it’s not a clear blue. And yes, it completely goes with the planet and the storyline. There’s a reason why Loki was dressed like that only in Sakaar.
Ha! You’re scratching an itch I’ve been trying to ignore for a year now, you know that?...
I don’t like to discuss this publicly, not only because my best Thorki friends happen to be Frostmaster shippers as well (and I love and respect them to bits) but also because the  last time I reblogged something saying why some of us won’t accept that relationship as 100% canon I got hijacked by “WHY THE HELL DON’T YOU LIKE/ACCEPT FROSTMASTER, WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU, LOKI WAS HAVING FUN AND WHY NOT BLAH BLAH BLAH” and I was like.... stfu...? This is my blog...? You either respect my opinion without aggressively intruding  (which was in no way hijacking your posts) or you don’t...?
And normally I don’t discuss about things I don’t like, I blacklist them. Out of sight, out of mind.
But now that I found you let me stretch my legs and say that...
Indeed that’s how I see this relationship as well. Loki had to survive. I don’t know if he was thrown into a cell or in the arena like Thor was, probably not, he’s not the warrior type, and he didn’t qualify as “food” either because the minute the Grandmaster cast eyes on him he saw a different type of delicious “meal”. Loki knew that and  he took advantage. 
I have no doubt whatsoever that Loki too had an obedience disc planted on his neck (he’s a powerful Asgardian god after all) that he gradually convinced the Grandmaster to remove. We know how, he “gained his trust”, and the obedience disc is a nasty little thing even if the Grandmaster finds it “erotic” (because OF COURSE he would, it’s the equivalent of shackles and chains, right?). That whole scenario may be sexy to some (the tentacles too), but to me it’s icky. Don’t ask me why but I’d rather die in the arena like Thor was willing to do than “befriend” a lunatic and abusive tyrant like the Grandmaster. Maybe it’s the prude in me, or the “freedom or death” motto my country has brainwashed us with since childhood. With your shield or on it, that kind of stuff.
Jeff Goldblum is WACKY and GORGEOUS and FUNNY AS HELL and he represents everything that’s good about Ragnarok. But if you strip his character from all the funness, he’s abusive af, and he knew Loki would leave him the minute he got the chance (”Where do you think you’re going?”). And the Grandmaster, like any self-centered abusive tyrant, doesn’t like losing his toys. Because don’t tell me Loki was anything more than a glorified dildo to him. Some shippers like to think that Loki found his real family in Sakaar but real families don’t put obedience discs on people.
So it’s not exactly a relationship based on mutual respect and equality. It’s not a relationship based on free will and choice.  It’s not like Loki *wanted* to stay on Sakaar no matter what - he abandoned a very much alive Grandmaster to help Thor and save Asgard. It’s more like he had no choice and he thought, since he was a sex slave and all, he might as well enjoy his time there. And there’s nothing truly consensual about it, not when the Grandmaster stops him in his tracks and you can see Loki not reacting, holding back, fear in his eyes. I have no doubt whatsoever that he had the time of his life and loved being a sugar baby, being treated like a doll or a Pretty Woman or what have you. But that’s... concubine mentality, isn’t it? Slave mentality. I just don’t have the stomach for it.
Again, I have no intention whatsoever to kink-shame master/slave shippers, the film was out one year ago, who cares anymore. And let’s face it,  I’m  jealous on behalf of Thor, monogamy is my kink so to speak. But I mean you can even forget about the sexual subtext, forget about it - it’s still frustrating to see your own brother “having fun” and pretending he doesn’t know you when you’re tied up in a chair; and then learning that he got to be friends with that psycho. Which, of course, is totally in character for Loki, it’s what he would totally do (isn’t that what he kinda did with Thanos and the Black Order? Adopt, adapt and improve). OF COURSE Loki had no choice, Thor failed to see that in that cell only because Loki was being so nonchalant about it. I kinda see now why Taika haters were so pissed off. XD Taika’s Loki was too “light” and carefree for them.
“It’s the Grandmaster decking out his newest sugar baby in his colors, marking Loki as his possession” - *gags* X__X  Yeap. That’s their relationship in a nutshell. Because if the Grandmaster didn’t mark his territory, if he didn’t proclaim his ownership over Loki, who would?
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the one thing I can’t stand about Ragnarok, the one thing I will never accept. Because to me that whole relationship is so so dark and twisted and toxic. There, I said it.
Now I’ll stfu. Because it’s only a movie, and I can still ship Thorki with all my heart and soul. 
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mikanrulz · 7 years
(Europe-Anon) Okay, so... this episode... was a clusterfuck. Cool battle scenes and Jeanne and Azazel being badass together aside, it was kind of a mess for me... And honestly, Kaisar's sacrifice was so OOC. I mean, what even?! Stop wasting characters like that!!
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snb:vs ep23 aka the one where bahamut is actually a good obedient little giant flying lizard
on bahamut:
I think the most funny thing in ep23 is the fact that Bahamut gets completely ignored
and i’m just. lol.
the fact that bahamut even obediently follows chari’s ship like some kinda of good little flying lizard without even letting out light beam every few seconds like it did in genesis is already… heh
so basically what i get is that bahamut is not as dangerous as it is in genesis
also I don’t think chari would be able to kill it since, you know, the show’s title is RAGE OF BAHAMUT.
the whole thing hinges on the fact that Bahamut is unkillable
killing bahamut now would also kill any chance at a possibility of season 3
that aside, chari actually needs to fail here bcs otherwise, all this plot is actually done just to make chari look good while making Gab and Azazel look stupid
what I mean is that they all three are super confident in their plans
all of their plans are on the same level of ridiculous and totally depends on the one thing they don’t really understand (azazel -> nina, Gab -> mugaro, chari -> dromos)
both Azazel and Gab failed, so it’s about time chari fails too.
eeeehh, no worries too even if chari fails, both heaven and hell army are conveniently there to pick up the slack ;-)
does the wink emoji there annoy you, bcs I wrote that and it honestly annoys me
on kaisar:
eh his death does nothing to me
poor rita tho
but other than that, nah
i guess i stop giving a fuck when it’s clear he keeps supporting chari
he wont even let azazel and jeanne grieve in peace before trying to defend aless
idk idk idk
i kinda hoped aless would have better character arc than this tho
aless: “not my fault, not my fault, i did nothing wrong”chari: other charas did the explaining for him, he did nothing wrong, it’s all “bahamut” and “martinet”, don’t you know he’s actually a good guyjeanne & azazel: suffer and get blamed continuously
see a pattern there? :p
on Lucifer and the demons:
the most unbelievable thing is how they show cerberus to be happy and fawn over lucifer lololol
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while lucifer is indeed second to satan, and technically cerberus is under him, considering cerberus is actually Hades’ subordinate, their relationship is not as clear-cut the way lucifer/azazel does.
cerberus does what lucifer asks of her bcs she *wants* to, not bcs she is *obligated* to.
also she’s nothing compared to lucifer power-wise, but compared to him she’s supposed to be more level-headed.
so seeing her down there with other demons girl and actually dances at lucifer’s arrival is just. mind blowing, lol.
but maybe in the anime, she’s indeed just a low level demon girl used for aesthetic and nothing more :’)
i guess i’ll just continue to headcanon her to be there in anatea on lucifer’s order to spy, while also keeping the other girls safe while pretending to be just another slave girl on the job
but seeing the demons’ cheer, it’s pretty clear all this time they’ve been waiting for Lucifer.
implying that Lucifer’s not only popular but also pretty well-liked
and that they have complete faith their leader would come save them (rag demon who lol)
but… those scenes with dante actually kinda highlights that azazel did make it clear that he was acting alone, no backup from lucifer.
so maybe the demons are just, not confident enough to rise on their own, if what they have is only a part of upper echelons without actual backing from said upper echelons.
dante’s group is just desperate enough and impatient enough to do something that they’d take any chance at a plan to rebel
Bel is pretty and i wish she had been alive to see lucifer coming for them :(
i kinda want to see her reaction to lucifer too. would she get flushed and starry-eyed in front of him the way she does in front of azazel? or would her reaction be more humbled and formal?
I missed Bel :(((
on lucifer and azazel
they’re not even going out, they’re totally living together in marital bliss probably
azazel’s the one working but somehow lucifer is the lord of the house
that useless asshole tho, why does he even come with if he’s going to just read his book without even lift a single finger to help the war effort?
are you telling me lucifer’s only there to watch over azazel
he may appear calm and collected and all smiley now, but once something real happened to azazel he’d start working probably
or is it a tradition or something, to make lucifer move only in the very last ep of the show
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lucifer’s cute tiny wings are replaced with bigger ones (even bigger than azazel’s) bcs posing is important obviously
also looking at this cap above, it’s pretty evident azazel is actually a very important person ™
as in, he really is Lucifer’s right hand man, second in command, no doubt about it.
this is esp since Lucifer allows him to be this close, and azazel even has a foot on Lucifer’s… space.
no other demons has ever been shown that close. and even in that very last scene in ep21, azazel’s distance to lucifer is much closer than those demon generals shown in ep15.
also pls compare this face, the face he shows to azazel:
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and the face he shows to non-azazel
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and the face he shows to actual enemy
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it seems as long as azazel is near, lucifer’s always smiling
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no really
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even while he’s reading his book, his face is smiling in this ep, and the only glaring difference between all of his reading book scenes (both times in genesis as well vs ep15, 21, 23) is that in ep23 azazel is near and within reach (if he just bothers to get up from his chair and flies a little that is)
other things:
where’s grigori :(
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you’ve got another fallen angel who is also a direct subordinate of lucifer and yet you refuse to utilize him why show why
gimme grigori
no really gimme grigori, i need more headcanon fodder for him
also where’s that demon general who worried about azazel?
have they met?
did he tell azazel how much he was missed?
did he give him a lecture on going missing for years without a news?
did he wrap azazel in tons of blanket and give him hot chocolate and make sure he was okay?
did he fuss over azazel like an annoying grandfather until azazel snapped and told him to shut it except then the demon general told him with teary eyes he was glad and relieved azazel come back okay if a little hurt and then he hugged him and azazel just gave up and allowed the fussy treatment.
meanwhile lucifer watched all of this with amused eyes and refused to help even when azazel’s eyes beseech him to release him from this.
this is your punishment, Lucifer says without a sound, only moving his lips. just accept it and give up.
azazel loves and respects his leader dearly but sometimes he also wants to punch him in the face
well, maybe not in the face; not that he could actually hurt him, but even just the thought of marring that face is just too much; he likes that face too much.
grigori is also actually there, even if nobody seems to remember his presence
he’s mostly glad azazel’s back, if only bcs azazel’s currently the only being that able to make lucifer moves, and he needs lucifer to make a move.
also, i really like your description of lucifer: iconic level of chill indeed XD
also agree about jeanne and azazel! :D
I like how they don’t even need words, that a glance and eyecontact is enough
i love that jeanne actually comes to azazel’s rescue, and azazel doesn’t even complain or protest; he just accepts it and saves her in return when she needs it.
i also love how jeanne’s eyes show that she’s a little worried about azazel that second time he gets captured
i love that jeanne and azazel’s teamwork is actually a thing
i lvoe how they’re both equally disgusted when the onyx remove their armors (or i maybe projecting)
i love how their eyes are equally unforgiving and just fed up when looking at chari
i just love everything about them this ep
also when will azazel stop suffering lulz he keeps getting caught again and again lmao
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sasusake · 7 years
lol no sweetheart, I don't know who this person is. I don't understand your point, so you say the universe is developed the story can affect the way someone treats others? It shouldn't matter the kind of story, if someone tries to kill you that's it, no second chances. Sasuke had his traumas, yes, I don't discuss his behaviour, crearly he has a terrible past and everything. The thing here is that I hate the portrait of weak obssesed female Kishimoto gave to an amazing ninja like Sakura is.
you can keep the fake pleasantries to yourself ;) I still think it’s an awful big coincidence, but you do you. I do apologize for not being very... coherent with my last response. I had returned from a birthday dinner and was pretty smashed. Awful hangover the next day. XD
It’s about context, more than anything else. It does have weight to it, because this is how the characters grew up -- and it does not excuse his behavior, that’s not what I mean, but it helps put things in perpective for us, and emotionally speaking it also has reflexes on the characters.
The way this universe works is as such; it’s a violent world. Sasuke and Sakura were on opposing sides. He wanted to crush Konoha, and knew Konoha was after him -- and not to sit down and chat. That was Naruto. Konoha was about capturing him, more dead than alive. And that’s what Sakura was. Remember, she tried to fool him (and he noticed) and she had intentions to kill him herself (even if her resolve wavered at the moment of truth, because she knew the Sasuke she’d fallen for was still in there somewhere).
So, in the end, what I mean is: their world’s context. They’re taught from a young age to fight and even kill (for protection, for money, following orders, etc). Sakura and Sasuke were, at that point, enemies. She had concealed intentions and she lunged after him with a blade. He didn’t attack her out of a whim or because he hated her, he didn’t attack her for fun, he didn’t attack her for entertainment. He attacked her because he was very, very lost in that spiral of hatred and emotionally brittle (”our” Sasuke would never have sacrificed Karin like that, you can see he looks deranged) and Sakura, even if a former companion, posed a danger to him.
Note that while Sakura remained fond of Sasuke, it wasn’t this man who had done things “her” Sasuke would not condone. She was hopeful, but she didn’t trust him even after he joined them during the War. It took seeing him in that state, like Naruto, close to death and genuinely apologetic, and at that moment she realized (as did Kakashi and Naruto) that “he was back”.
You can’t really turn an “off switch” when you’re in love. But in any case, Sakura was relieved he was back, but I don’t think her immediate thought was “wow I wonder if we can get into a relationship like rIGHT NOW”. I’m sad we didn’t get to see them hang out together again as Team 7, post-war, but I’m sure (or, well, I headcanon) that they did. And for Sasuke to have poked her forehead, I don’t think he did that if he hadn’t gotten to spend some time with her,nor would Sakura have enough confidence to ask to accompany him on his travels if she hadn’t seen, felt an witnessed the change in him.
In any case, imo, after his travels (during which he took time to process his feelings overall) he returned to Konoha. And at this point we cannot be sure what happened, but I believe they talked a great deal about a lot of things; about the Village, about the past,and about the future. They also traveled together. Whether they got together before leaving, or they became an item only during the travels (which I’m more inclined to believe for a number of reasons) their dynamic was entirely different from those awful encounters. And their interactions were set in another context, as well. They were no longer metting under battle circumstances as enemies, they were spending time together in a friendly, threat-free (and, I daresay, romantic) setting, on the same side. That’s what allowed things to progress, in terms of romantic relationship.
I’ll agree Kishimoto never really bothered to develop female characters as much as he did their male counterparts. He did create some interesting and strong kunoichi, but to me he failed in certain aspects... anyway, I feel that he tried to be inclusive *eyeroll* and somewhat managed it.
See, we won’t see eye to eye because I’ll never see Sakura as WEAK (how can people say this with a straight face??) or as OBSESSIVE (she was a young tween during her most ‘fangirl’ phase, but she outgrew this pretty early on; I’d like to see canon evidence of her acting like a fangirl past an early stage). It’s funny that people won’t label Naruto as OBSESSIVE but they’ll do that to Sakura? His feelings toward his friend are noble but her feelings are to be ridiculed? It’s weird because you can clearly tell she wants to SAVE Sasuke from darkness which is pretty much what Naruto wants as well, she doesn’t want to ‘rescue’ him and make him see she ‘deserves’ him and she doesn’t spend her days plotting or cooking up love potions to make him enamored of her, she doesn’t want to ravage him, she doesn’t want to go on and jump on his dick while he’s planning to destroy Konoha. She wants him back to the boy she was teamed up with, the one who opened up to the team, the one she got to know and even felt when he was to abandon them, the one who gripped her hand tightly as he writhed in pain among tall dark trees, the one who cared. That’s the Sasuke who apologized to her after the war. Who willingly readmitted the ties with Team 7.
So the fact that her feelings never died isn’t obsessive or weak of her. If that’s how you see it, then there’s nothing left to discuss here. Sakura knows damn well he’ll never go back to being that distorted person.
Try as you may, you won’t change my point of view, so I don’t see how it serves you for you to message me on anonymous...
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eswelina · 7 years
Universe Commentary (ep 42-52)
I was wondering when Eri would quit. I found strange she was still working even after her confrontation with Knight (which lead to the loss of her buddy). I think is a huge step and I hope she goes for a solo career definitely.
I thought Rei was smarter, but he didn’t realize some obvious things during a few episodes and did some stupid moves in his strategy. Anyway, the Happy Mouse was hilarious. Putting Rei in a “fish out of the water” situation was amazing for his progress.
Omg, Rei was so soft and calm. Very different from his tense and snarky attitude when he jumped to the others’ throats. I like to see him smiling, it makes me happy.
They’re back in the apartment and having domestic life. Aaww, Hackmon sleeping. More aaww, Rei wanders around with Sleepmon and just talks to him.
I KNEW Rei’s tears would broke me. I almost cried, but I couldn’t, because I was so confused and suspicious. I was like “What? How? Is this real? Is this a dream or some kind of trap made by Leviathan?”
We finally get to know Hajime’s personality! I wondered how he really felt when Rei ignored his drawing, because that would tie into Rei learning to put his pride aside during the Mouse thing. I suspected Hajime until the very end. His behavior was weird at times. How come he was a prodigy?
I died when Shutmon hid and started doing the neri-neri in a low voice. And when Bootmon escaped during the festival my reaction was the same as Hajime’s.
This is so nerd, they go to an animanga store. Eri has an action figure haha. I loved seeing the popularity of Eri and Astra when people approach them on a public place.
Wow! The background style of Agumon’s game is the same as Adventure. And...is this AR Field a reference to the fact that some versions of the Digital World are built in layers?
This Agumon is so so good that it’s cute. And the relationship between digimon and appmon as lifeforms is still unclear, but I find interesting that the game has the same name of this season.
Despite the initial rumors this Agumon is not the one from Adventure, so I’m not really sure why they used Brave Heart. Fanservice maybe? And I’m not totally happy that he evolved just like that with “the power of friendship”, but his CGI looked wonderful.
I like that Haru was so bad at the game, but still loved and cared of his virtual pet. He even downloaded the game to his phone at the end. Their bond is beautiful. THIS is how you do an homage and celebrate childhood. I find heartwarming that we, as fans of Digimon, have a crossover that has soul and is made with love.
I was surprised that there was another filler in the heels of the finale, but I thought it couldn’t be so bad since it was about Astra (who got the short stick this season), but in the end it was not worthy. He didn’t get any development. At least he finally used his team.
Poor Bootmon, he’s just tired of being forced to escape. Eri and Astra deserve a prize for running after Bootmon a whole afternoon.
Did...we just get a reverse Astamon situation? I feared they would do that, but I never thought it would apply to Yuujin and Offmon. And I totally didn’t expect that he was aware that he was an android.
I was tired of Yuujin and had lost interest in him long ago. But now, everything is starting to make sense. It’s so like Leviathan to make a robot in order to study human behavior. That’s why he was so focused on Haru and didn’t pay much attention to his other “friends”. He was incomplete.
As such, it’s no surprise that he wasn’t good with people when he was little. He may have learnt to be a good “person” from Haru and therefore he saved himself with the power of friendship.
Shutmon shouldn’t follow Yuujin blindly. He was clearly uncomfortable. If you don’t want to do as he says, then don’t. The applidriver doesn’t control the appmon. The basis of the pairing is that both buddies are on the same page (Hackmon said it himself).
I thought Offmon had progressed and was more confident. If he was able to stand up for himself and do the right thing he could have gained my respect.
I knew this would happen. The appgattai needs certain conditions to be achieved, but they just created a new rule at the last minute for plot convenience. That’s what happens when you waste time. But what can I expect if they never fully explained the mechanisms?
I feel bad for the old man that was learning to use the cellphone. After this, he will never get near a phone in his life ever again.
I was angry with Haru for a while. He and Gatchmon didn’t move a finger to stop Bootmon and Yuujin. I know he felt terrible, but he could deal with his feelings later. Maybe Rei can pass Elena’s words to him.
Speaking of whom...yes, he sounded harsh, but that’s Rei. Always being the rock of the group and doing what’s needed. I always thought he would break at some point, but he always kept going. He and Haru have equal inner strenght. Haru proved it in his confrontation with Knight.
That’s why I was furious. He’s not fragile as Unryuuji. It was like seeing Juri 2.0. I cannot believe he bought Yuujin’s lie. If he wanted to be a main character he should have done the right thing and stopped Yuujin, because he never gave him the strenght. It was in him all along.
The others just went through something much worse than a simple treason and they could overcome that. While I was sorry for him, I didn’t shed a single tear. On the other hand I couldn’t stop crying with Eri, Astra, Rei and their buddies (plus Hajime). Their partnerships are so well developed and are good examples. 
What Gatchmon said was beautiful, pero están mezclando peras con manzanas. It has nothing to do with Haru’s question. They just changed his whole arc and drive out of nowhere, wtf. It was just like Takato’s drastic shift in the end.
And as emotional as the goggles symbology was, I think it could have been done better. Eri, Astra and Rei could have somehow contacted him and reassure him thanking him for changing their lives.
Although the music was anticlimatic once again, the designs are beautiful, except Uranusmon...wtf is that thing? Their voices sound so weird that is hilarious. And is nice that Hadesmon’s attack names are in greek. Besides, is funny that the kids are now the floating chips. 
Eri, Astra and Rei interactions were the best. Why did the staff took so much time to develop the story? We could have missions with these 3 so much sooner.
Rebootmon didn’t get an eyecatch. Even Deusmon had one lol.
I loved the teamwork and how they were opening the way for their mates. And of course the relationship between Doka and his aniki couldn’t be forgotten.
Haru wasn’t even scared about falling, he just summoned Gaiamon. He has grown a lot. I’m so proud of him (I’m also proud of Eri for fighting Yuujin, but that “Pose-chan” plz xD)
If Minerva was sleeping all this time...how she kept track of them via cameras? And how did she put them to test after they lost their buddies? Even in the finale we have plotholes *sigh*. And when she finally does something, she dies lol. Poor Den’emon, now he’s furious.
They should have used Dive as soundtrack for the final battle, not Gatchen u.u. Gaiamon is doing everything (deja algo para los demás). Wow, the camera movements are awesome.
You did well, little fellows. I laughed with my edgy duo. At least Rei gave Hackmon that nutritive jelly to recharge energy after the battle.
FINALLY!! It took 52 episodes to go to the Dark Web. It’s the opposite of how I imagined.It looks so clean (reminds me of Matrix), but is still scary.
Leviathan called them “Chosen Children”.I love how this series still has the concept of choices. It’s like Jou said: “We’re the Chosen, but it’s us the ones who choose”.
Yuujin’s death didn’t moved me as Dokamon saying that Eri wouldn’t see her mother again. I cried. What I didn’t expect to cry with was the appmon staying with their buddies. I thought they were gonna leave, but seeing them together made me sooo happy.
Oh look! IT’S KNIGHT!! And Afro-san also comes back (after like who knows how many episodes). And Bootmon is safe. But could you explain how Offmon survived and moreover...how is he ok after losing his buddy?
Why did they bring Den’emon back to life? He’s too old and is just gonna suffer. He died, let him stay in digital heaven. He seemed happy there.
I cannot believe that Haru became kinda selfish. Even his mom died and he only cared about Yuujin. If you want to become a scientist, don’t you have a better reason like help humanity? Boy, you have to learn to live with loss. Why is everything unhealthy around that kid? *sigh*
I think this may be the most satisfying ending of all seasons. I got what I wanted and the door is open for others to get what they want. I suppose I can live with that (but not using Gaia and Hades abilities was a waste).
Nooo!! This is really the end T_T. They should have included the Lab section with the characters saying goodbye. Unless they’re planning a 2nd season. Anyway, thank you for everything. It was an amazing year.
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