#((Drives me up a fucking wall!!))
lylahammar · 11 months
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skinny ppl learn to shut the fuck up when the conversation isn't about you challenge
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shaylogic · 3 months
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kiss_eyes1.jpg kiss_eyes2.jpg
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year
Character A separates from Character B to take a breather from the kiss, only to laugh in surprise when Character B starts pulling them on top of them.
"What are you doing?" they question, straddling Character B; feels Character B pressing against them. They blink, swallowing heavily; it doesn't take much for them to understand what that means, as they cautiously grind their hips down against Character B's, testing the waters.
Character B's hands sneak up their torso, hands cupping their clothed breasts, massaging them gently as Character A lets out soft little sighs and breathy moans, hips quickening with speed; ducking down to bury their face on Character B's neck every now and again out of embarrassment and to muffle the noises they were making.
"Wait, wait, wait," Character B breathes out, holding onto Character A's hips to stop them from moving. Character A sits up, looking down at them, heart skipping a beat at the way Character B stares up at them with hooded eyes. "We shouldn't be too loud, yeah? How about we go somewhere else?"
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daydreamingmiller · 11 months
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#if smoking bad why sexy
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shugthedug · 1 year
Insane to me that people, including other film makers, are so ready to throw down against Scorsese. If the trolley problem was the entirety of marvels output on one track and one more Scorsese film on the other, I’d ram that bitch through the mcu so hard it would obliterate every trace of iron man from time and space. God bless ‘em but I would 💖
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ratmans-notebooks · 5 months
everyone listen to me right now. trans men & transmascs are targets of misogyny. crazy idea i know but when youre seen as a woman and/or shoved into the woman category people will be misogynistic to you. it is fuckign crazy the amount of posts ive been seeing syaing stuff like "trans men think theyre exempt from being mras cause the dr said they were a girl once" or "having a pussy doesnt mean you cant be sexist" and its like. YEAH OBVIOUSLY having a pussy doesnt mean you cant be sexist but jesus christ the presumption that trans men are unaffected by their asab or that theyve never ever experienced anything like misogyny is wilddd!! not to mention why are we still referring to transmascs by their (assumed) genitals. like its obviously vile to reduce transfems & trans women to their genitals but the same people who realize this seem to have no problem doing it to transmascs
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the imagery in ep 11 and the themes surrounding exploitation and lack of bodily autonomy. godddd. like. yeah it makes you uncomfortable!!! it’s supposed to!!!! you look at it and you see what Knives is doing to Vash and the other plants and you’re meant to think HEY THIS IS WRONG. like it’s a lot more subtle in trimax but it’s still THERE and you’re still meant to see it and think HEY. WHAT THE FUCK. tristamp tackles the theme in a lot less subtle way but this is something that’s carried from trimax just in a different way and both versions drive me insane
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paimt · 1 year
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what an odd bunch
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drowning-moonlight · 1 month
I don't think the consequences of Ace's death have fully been realized in the story yet.
I can't stop thinking about the Wano flashbacks when Yamato is reading Oden's diary and we see that part where Roger says that he wants his son to be the one to find the One Piece. His son that's not even born yet.
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This is so intriguing to me. What did they learn on Laugh Tale that made Roger think that he needed to have a biological child?? Why did he want his son specifically to be the one to find his treasure? Is this just a dad wanting great things for their kid or something more?
And I don't think it's a coincidence that he has this kid with a woman that also has the "D" initial. Rouge was the first female character in the series to have the D in her name (I know Vivi was introduced before Rouge and has the D too but we didn't know that about Vivi until recently). My point is, the fact that both of Ace's biological parents have the D initial has to mean something. I refuse to believe it's just a coincidence.
So what was the reason that Roger decided to have a kid? It's made very clear that he wanted his own kid to be the one to find the One Piece. That obviously can't happen now with Ace being dead so I wonder if there will be any repercussions to this? If Roger specifically had Ace with a woman who also had the D initial and he specifically wanted Ace to find the One Piece and thus be the next Pirate King, how will Ace being dead change whatever plans Roger had for the future??
I truly believe that Ace is absolutely not done haunting the narrative. I think he still has a role to play in the story despite being dead. I think his death itself will come back as some plot device that will impact the narrative going forward once we finally get to Laugh Tale and learn what the One Piece and the D initial really are.
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twinleafsystem · 3 months
siffrin coming to get loop to join in on the journey at the end
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tubchunk · 10 months
q!tubbo doesn't feel prepared to raise a kid, HE'S ONLY JUST STOPPED BEING A KID HIMSELF!! but he will try. for sunny, he will try his best. he wants to give her the world, to make sure she always knows she is first choice, that she is loved and adored and cared for.
bc q!tubbo never really felt that, and god forbid sunny ever feel the way he does. he will do his best to make sure she never wants for anything, that she is loved and knows it, and that she never feels like she's second place.
and in return, slowly but surely, q!tubbo feels what its like to be someone's first choice, to be loved unconditionally (even if told otherwise jokingly) and to be adored. because sunny adores him, he's her pa.
there's a lot that still hurts. he still feels like he isn't the other residents' priority and the days since seeing fred have grown too many to still have hope. but he has sunny. and sunny has him. they've got this.
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baselicoc · 1 year
i know that atsv and spiderverse in general is probably not including Gabe for various reasons and therefore when Mig took his alt selfs place he wasnt actually leaving anyone behind. he said something along the lines of “i found a universe where i was happy” which kinda screams that something was fucked up with his home one, i’d like to think more than usual because the other explanation is that he just left like all his family behind. Which is extremely messed up but also on the other hand a little funny
like imagine being gabe here. Imagine your older brother fucks off to another universe because of his depression and comes back with even worse depression ranting some shit about canon events. You have to be told where he went by his AI because god knows your brother has all the communication skills of a rusty spoon. Have to be told he fucking left with no intention of coming back
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katy-l-wood · 5 months
If hold systems can be set up to call you back (which never works, but that's not the point) there should also be a button I can push that is, like, "switch the hold music to my spotify until someone on your end picks up because I do not want to hear the same tin-can quality elevator music and endlessly repeated spiel about your website for the next two fucking hours."
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diamondcitydarlin · 14 days
'time for round two of making teenagers uncomfortable on the internet'
Listen. No one is shipping beetlebabes for the sole purpose of 'making teenagers uncomfortable on the internet'. Unless the adults in question are your parents/guardians, none of them are responsible for the stuff you might see while being 'on the internet'. None of them are responsible for your discomfort from what you might see. None of them are obligated to stop having fun in their own fandom spaces simply because a teenager exists 'on the internet' who doesn't like it (who is also perfectly capable of staying out of places they don't want to see, I PRESUME) no more than adults at a bar are obligated to not drink because there are people under the age who can't (fittingly, most bars in the US don't admit people under the age at all). You know who is responsible? Depending on your age of teenagedom, it's either to some extent your parents/guardians, but also you. Yeah, sweetie, you. I've been on the internet since the late 90's when I was NINE and I'm here to tell you right now that learning how to cultivate your own experience online is an extremely important tool. If you don't learn now how to keep your nose out of things that you don't like, you're going to have a very hard time filled with round-about arguments and constant drama and maybe worse when you could just be having fun with the things you do like and ignoring the stuff you don't. You see, my sweet summer child, feeling 'discomfort' about something benign does not inherently give you the right to shit all over whatever it is that made you uncomfortable or make up insinuations about the consenting adults participating in it. Unless there are people dropping shipping art into your inbox against your will or something (there aren't) it actually is none of your business at all, and doesn't concern you in the least. Like my goodness, you kids have ALL kinds of protections you can use to weed out things you don't want to see that we didn't have back when I was a 'teenager on the internet', blocking, blacklisting, browser extensions that can help with that, etc, and yet somehow we seem to have better understood back then how to mind our own business and stay out of fandom spaces we didn't want to be in. Nowadays all I see are children running into the devil's sacrament uninvited and claiming to be personally affected by said sacrament when all of us are wondering what the fuck they're doing there in the first place when there are clear signs denoting what sacrament this is. You don't have to see the movie, you don't have to see shipping content, you don't have to be 'exposed' to any of this at all; in this day and age, you choose to be, which makes any discomfort you feel as a result of that your own responsibility. The only person making 'teenagers uncomfortable on the internet' in this specific instance are the teens themselves.
And again, a little crash course in history here since the education system probably failed you, but using simply the existence of children as an excuse for why adults can't do consenting adult activities with each other has historically been used as a way to demonize and weaponize violence against marginalized groups. Yall are literally just stealing pages from homophobic/misogynistic/racist/transphobic conservative playbooks. That may not be your ultimate goal in coming after fandom spaces, but it's where that kind of behavior and thinking always ends up in the end. If you think alt-right entities won't harness that sense of youthful moral outrage for their own ends then I have a bridge to sell you.
Anyway, point being, no random adult on the internet or IRL is responsible for you. Random adults on the internet or IRL are not your parents/guardians. They have no obligation to eschew their own interests just because kids are wandering into places where they shouldn't. I honestly worry for any child on the internet who thinks this way, because there are absolutely predators out there that will abuse this sense of 'every adult is responsible for my comfort'. They aren't, and I'm sorry the adults in your life that actually are responsible for you failed you so much as to not teach you otherwise. Unlearn this now before you get hurt, please.
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mustasekittens · 10 months
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that bisexual awakening will happen soon i swear harry
i updated my no homo parksborn drawing since i drew it before we saw what they canonically looked like in high school | original parksborn version + original shitpost
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sometimesimbored · 3 months
As someone with a little brother I am SO convinced Tim and Damian would genuinely be screaming their heads off at each other
They’ve fully lost control of the argument
Tim doesn’t know what his point in the beginning was and Damian’s just trying to win
They’re seconds from biting and scratching at each other
Then suddenly Bruce or Dick or someone is like
“Stop fighting”
And Tim and Damian just stop everything and they’re both suddenly really civil and are like
“Stop what?” “Nothing’s wrong” “We love each other”
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