#Summoner Malachi
ardenssolis · 8 months
@metrictita said (inbox):
a click of malachi's tongue could be heard as he regarded the other, though, not a twitch on his facial features. just that fake smile. "your presence is almost blinding, how troublesome." a chuckle. "i shall assign you this one . . . " & thus, out of nowhere, a plushie in the shape of a lion would fall into the other's grasp. "sons of the sun as they're called, though, quite overrated in my opinion."
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     HUH…THIS ONE WAS hard to read. He knew the smile was lacking in sincerity, but it wasn’t necessarily plastered in place out of dislike. From a glance alone, normally Ozymandias could at least discern another’s intention, but in this case, he was quite at a loss. What was going through those thoughts right now? Why had they even approached in the first place? Quiet, he merely awaited a response, a brow raising with questions he did not bother to voice just yet. Although his mouth did open to reply to the other’s words, he held very little chance to do so when, out of nowhere, a small…toy was placed into his hand. ❝…W-What is this?❞ He had been given many offerings in his life, though this was…certainly different. Lifting his hand a little higher, his confusion soon morphed into intrigue. ❝Sons of the sun, you say.❞ The ‘overrated’ comment was casually ignored, Ozymandias only caring about the first part. ❝Heh, I rather like this quaint little thing. Your offering is accepted.❞
     He was going to put it on his dresser---
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the-volunteer-host · 1 year
Triple fun
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Malachi and Loram were waiting for the full moon to be in position to shine through the window to the study. Everything was prepared for the summoning, nothing to fancy just a small incubus that's what the plan was.
So far, they had merged their bodies several times before and even though this was a quite lustful experience each and every time it always felt like something was missing.
When the moon stood in place the runes on the floor started to shimmer blue. Just seconds later he was there, didn't look all to demonic thought Malachi to himself when he realized he looked like a horned version of Loram. "Probably because he drew the summoning circle" he thought to himself. All the while Loram couldn't take his eyes of the being that had just appeared before them.
"I am Zakli, why did you summon me?" said the horned being without looking all too pleased about the situation.
"We need you with us" replied Loram.
Zakli crossed his arms before his muscular chest and tilted his head a little to the side. "You need an Incubus, well why didn't you say so right away." A mischievous grin showed on his lips.
"Not that simple though" said Malachi the blond guy who had slowly been moving towards Loram from the back. At first Loram felt the other man’s breath on his neck and then it began. Malachi moved closer than what should be possible. He shoved his left arm straight into Loram’s back side and from there into the other man’s arm.
Pleasure was showing on Loram’s face, he didn't want to wait any longer, so he leaped backwards and pushed himself and Malachi onto a chair.
The spectacle that Zakli was watching clearly entertained him. At first the two man who had summoned him stumbled backwards a few steps. However, when Loram’s legs touched those of Malachi they became one. The same thing happened to their hips and lower body. While both men were already sporting quite the physique now, they became more muscular as one. More hair manifested on Loram’s chest, and their joint arms were quite even more muscular than Zakli’s.
It was also quite clear that this process not only aroused Zakli but also the merging ones, since they were sporting quite the bulge below their leather jock strap.
"Wait I want to watch us enter him" said the blond man interrupting the process half way. It was quite the sight there: A hunk with half of another guy somehow coming out of his back looking over his shoulder.
Loram gestured for Zakli to come closer and take a seat before them, which he did. Just a few words of magic and a wave of a hand later Zakli’s backside began to glow in the same blue as the summoning circle had glowed before. Pleased, Loram lifted one of the legs he shared with Malachi and slowly shoved it into Zakli’s glowing back side.
The feeling was arousing for all three of them, not even Zakli had ever felt something like this, merging with mortals - Especially ones that merged among themselves already.
While Loram was enjoying doing this very slowly his friend Malachi was not that patient. Malachi seized control of their joined left arm and hand and grabbed straight into their leather strap and began rubbing their joined cock. This caught Loram off guard who let out a loud moan, but it aroused Zakli even more, he felt it all even though the merge had only just begun. Zakli felt his own dick twitch according to the rubbing Malachi was giving theirs and it was driving him mad.
It was time to test if this small connection worked both ways, so Zakli reached into his pants and gave his own dick a few strong jerks, which was instantly commented by loud moans from two mouths behind him. The smirk in his face returned.
"A game of lust with an incubus, you mortals have no idea what you are in for." Said Zakli before stemming his feet against the floor and shoving himself backwards with all the strength he found.
His back absorbed all of Loram and Malachi’s leg without any resistance, however he could feel them being added to his own leg right away. But this all went so fast there was no time to enjoy every bit of this, he needed it all now. Next his back side touched their chest, which made his chest swell up immediately.
An evasive reflex made Loram try to back off which made him hammer his head straight into Malachi’s head. While a viewer could have expected a broken nose on Malachi’s end from the sheer force, none of it happened. Their merge just finished and for a very short moment a light brown haired bearded man sat there, Lorachi as he had called himself on past occasions.
But the merging continued no time to adjust to the new perspective and joined mind this fast. Now it was just seconds, Zakli’s head and Lorachi’s collided and became one, their entire bodies seamlessly merged into a new being. Zakli’s left arm was holding his own dick and now merged into Lorachi’s arm which was holding "their" dick.
Everything went into place within sheer seconds. After a few moments of heavy breathing the new man was still holding on to his very new and very impressive cock. He was leaking so much precum, not even the incubus that was part of him had ever felt that horny.
The process was so forced and fast that everything felt overwhelming to say the least.
"Time for a test I'd say" said the new man and began jerking off his new toy, while the three voices in his head more and more went into unison over their moaning and felt pleasure.
Once again heavy breathing was filling the room when he came all over his chest with the first shot landing straight in his moaning open mouth.
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cesqdarque · 3 months
MC: Cassandra Darque
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It's already been a year since I started working on Cassandra's backstory. So it's high time to do her justice and introduce her to society, even though she doesn't like the spotlight. She'll have to get used to it anyway since I'm writting down her journey to Hogwarts :D stay tuned.
Addendum: The Pursuit of Equilibrium (AO3, Wattpad) Chapters: ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR
Full name: Cassandra Darque
Nickname: Cass, Topolina (only by her grandmother)
Gender: female
Date of birth: November 16, 1874
Nationality: Swiss/ Italian
Blood status: pureblood
Wand: phoenix core, fir wood, 13”, unbending
Hair color: dark chocolate brown
Hair style: chin-length, straight hair, bangs
Eye color: moss green with gray sprinkles
Skin tone: porcelain
Height: 174 cm
Body type: slim
Clothing style: Cass wears mostly black clothes or dresses. She likes fabrics like lace or velvet. For dueling or fighting leather is her favorite material of choice.
Accessories: She carries a necklace with her family’s emblem on it
Other distinguishing features: A small scar on the inside of her left wrist
Traits: reliable, determined, curious, buttoned-up, skeptical
Likes: Peace and quiet, honesty and straightforwardness, dark chocolate and cherries, autumn
Dislikes: Dishes that are spiced with cinnamon, pears and apricots, exaggerated expressions of emotion
Hobbies: reading German literature and poems (preferably from the Late-Romanticism period), enjoying quiet places and a good drop of absinth from the Valle de Travers, go for walks in the moonlight, methods of torture of the Middle Ages
Fears: the inevitable endless void after this life (from a nihilistic point of view), getting caught and therefore loose the trust of her grandmother
MBTI: ENTJ-A, the Architect
Zodiac: Scorpio sun, Aquarius moon, Virgo rising
Temperament: melancholic
Similar characters: kinda Wednesday Addams vibes, stubborn like Caroline Forbes (TVD)
Family/ Friends
Father: Oswald Darque (deceased †)
Swiss pureblood wizard
worked in diplomatic services
Motto of House Darque: “Verbum est acutius omni ferrum” (The word is sharper than any blade)
Mother: Valeria Montague-Darque (deceased †)
Italian pureblood witch
Only daughter to the Montague-Clan
Motto of Clan Montague: “Non Sine Labore” (Not without effort)
Grandmother: Augustina Montague
Italian pureblood witch
Matriarch of the Montague-Clan
has the sternest gaze of all Northern Italy
Pet: Nero
Black tombcat
Found abandoned at the ruins of the Castello di Cly
lives back at home, on her grandmother's estate
Owl: Malachias
latinized form of the name of the prophet Malachi. Hebrew for "the messenger"
Gray/ white eagle owl
patient, friendly and reliable
Friends: Zacharias Boniface (another OC of mine, her former tutor in Italy), Sebastian Sallow, Imelda Reyes, Ominis Gaunt, Poppy Sweeting
Boggart: a dark void materializing into a black hooded figure symbolizing death, or rather the fear that’s there nothing after this life
Patronus: Golden eagle. But she’s unable to summon her patronus atm due to her unsolved trauma
Polyjuice: turns white and tastes like cherries and dark chocolate
Scent: peony, bergamot and fresh like Winter's first snowfall
Special abilities:
Ancient magic wielder
Dark Arts (special interests in the use of venomous potions and cursed objects from the Middle Ages. Often are these antiquities of muggle origin, damned to harm ignorant rivals or muggles)
Occlumency, her grandmother thought her this skill to prevent rivals from gaining insights into family business and to shield information.
Cassandra was born in Italy in the Val d'Aosta, but her parents took her to the seclusion of the swiss mountains to keep her away from her grandmother's shady business.
Sadly, distance did not bring them peace. One day, members of a feuding clan attacked her family and killed her parents.
Cassandra's grandmother then took her in and ensured her safety and education. During her stay, she formed an emotional bond with her slightly older tutor, who supported her in her plan for revenge, which she achieved.
Unfortunately, her wrongdoings did not pass unnoticed, and Cassandra's grandmother was forced to send her to Hogwarts to prevent her falling into the hands of the authorities or even rival clans.
Best subject: DADA
Favorite subject: Potions
Favorite teacher: Hecat
Worst subject: Herbology
Least favorite subject: Divination
Least favorite teacher: Onai
Quidditch: she’s not interested in Quidditch and don’t understand all the fuss about it.
As a student: attentive, inquisitive (often a little too much for her own good)
and last but not least, her vibes wrapped up in a song:
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(thanks @hazyange1s for lending me your character sheet and to @dvinaamesca for the lovely portrait of Cass 🖤)
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stellisketches · 10 months
For the ask game, how about 6,8, and 26?
Ok I'm gonna make 6 it's own post bc that's gonna involve a lot of me including pictures but otherwise let's get into it (also sorry this took so long for me to get to, had to do a ton of studying for finals and have only just recovered)
8- what's a dynamic you really want to see in canon?
God there are so many. In general I really would've liked to see how the jurors interacted with both Zane and each other, Also I would be really curious to see Vylad and Zane's interactions post-shadowknightification. Also Malachi and Levin, I really wanted to see a scene of them interacting when Aphmau isn't in the picture.
Lastly Garroth and Nicole, though that's mostly for the banter about their failed arranged marriage than character analysis. I'd like to think that they became friends enough to make those jokes at each other.
26. you're tasked with writing an official side story/spin-off roleplay (like void paradox, mermaid tale, upside-down story, etc), what would that look like?
Not to toot my own horn too much but I'm actually working on the next installment of my Jo9 spin-off. I wrote the first part for Janus way back in 2021 and just recently started the next installment for Lillian and have a vague outline for Ivy too. But to answer the actual question, it would probably take the form of a prequel rather than an AU. I have way too many ideas to summarize but here's a rapid fire a few characters/concepts that I'd like to explore:
The period between Vylad's transformation and his summoning of Aphmau, told from his perspective
Actually, that same period but from Gene and Sasha's point of view as well
Zenix's childhood
Garroth, Zane, and Vylad's late childhood to early adulthood
The adventures of the Divine Warriors
The fall of the Ru'Aunian Monarchy, from the perspective of the last king's daughter
Shad's childhood
How Esmund joined the Divine Warriors
Several plotlines from the Ro'Meave Lineage
Dante's fifteen years waiting
Highest contender for an actual series would be the formation and adventures of the divine warriors, mostly cause that's what I have the most to play with :)
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azspot · 10 months
If the prophets of ancient Israel such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi and Amos were alive today, Benjamin Netanyahu would accuse them of anti-Semitism for daring to describe his government as a travesty of what the Mosaic covenant was all about. A common thread running throughout the Jewish Bible—Christianity’s Old Testament—was to criticize kings, the wealthy and corrupt courts for violating the Mosaic commandments to create a fair and equitable society protecting the poor from the economic oppression of debt bondage, and loss of their land. If the prophets were summoned to give judgment today, it is Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party and the steeply unequal economy of Israel that would be condemned as violating the most basic laws of Biblical Judaism.
Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic?
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this could be taken in a few different ways : payment
I had fun writing this hope you enjoyed!
Magnus stares across the table of snide and restless gazes and wants to destroy something.
The shadowhunter’s all pointedly avoid looking at him yet they’re the ones who have begged for his presence.
“You say that Ragnor Fell is the most likely creator of the potion Jocelyn Fairchild used to protect herself. I will personally escort Potion Creator Fell here, providing he agrees. It will need to be a sealed room with a very small list of visitors allowed.” Magnus wasn’t going to risk Ragnor just because the nephilim had lost their cup.
Magnus sighs and summons a mug of very Irish coffee. “I will require payment.” Magnus reminds them, “and none of the clave’s normal bartering back of my own items. If I’m going to lower myself to being an errand boy, then I want appropriate compensation.”
“Anything you’d like.” Malachi says and Imogen sends them both a vicious glare.
“Within reason of course. Any item this Institute can part with.” Imogen sniffs and eyes Magnus with wary distrust.
Magnus grins as magic begins to tug and settle restlessly. It knows exactly what Magnus wants and his magic is eager to claim.
“Then I’ll be taking my payment in full.” Magnus says in delight and he leans out into the hallway and he loops magic around his tall, shocked shadowhunter. “I’m sure I’ll see you around when I come to collect his things.”
And Magnus can’t help it.
He gets Alexander into his embrace and over his shoulder and walks them both through a portal.
It’s with a vicious glee that Magnus feels the blood-oath tie into place.
“Magnus!” His pretty armful of limp shadowhunter protests, “Magnus when I said we needed a viable and clave accepted start to our relationship, I didn’t mean this!”
Magnus simply hums and pats Alexander’s firm backside. It’s a little on the boney side but Magnus now has plenty of time to pamper his shadowhunter.
“Yes, yes.” Magnus agrees and curls his arm around Alexander’s thighs, “well, darling. It’s hardly my fault they opened such a wide door. What was I supposed to do, not accept?”
Alexander grumbles from where he’s dangling, upside down and against Magnus’ back.
“Your value is priceless, Alexander. But I do admit that I enjoy getting one over on the clave.” Magnus pats Alexander’s ass covetously, “and now, they have even less negotiating power than before.”
Alexander just sighs and wiggles closer, chin pressing against the small of Magnus’ back, unworried by Magnus’ words.
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sakuramoussy · 3 months
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Elemental magic is the most common magic; it includes pyro, geo, water, ice, static, and wind. Elemental magic involves manipulation of any natural source. Pyro magic gives the ability to summon and control fire, static gives the ability to summon and control electricity, and ice gives the ability to summon and control ice. Water magic allows manipulation and control of water, wind allows the summoning of strong winds, and geo allows the manipulation of earth/soil. Elemental magic can become very powerful, and incredibly deadly, when used in certain ways, and certain abilities are only accomplishable as the user’s magic gets stronger. As such, static and pyro magic may be strengthened to create explosions versus its typical electrocution and burning abilities. 
Pyro → A difficult element to control. Pyro magic requires a heavy amount of focus and takes a lot of energy to use. Pyro magic can be used to summon and move fire to create fire columns, fireballs, or even small explosions if the magic is powerful enough. 
People: Cynthia, Malachi, Titanium, Greaves, Teek
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invarietas · 30 days
but before i go: if i made a theoretical ff16 malachi a dominant of diabolos (his main ff8 summon) would anyone get mad at me?
perhaps keep his amnesia until i can actually play the game? that way i can mask my utter obliviousness behind his cus i'm so damn eager to play with y'all? (i lovingly blame @gcldfanged and all his interactions with their rp partners).
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ask-obt · 1 year
Inigo said something about how weapons are sometimes used and how they're more lethal, but is there some way to make some kind of weapon made of aura or something like that to be able to use them with less risk of lethal damage? Mostly because weapons are just cool!
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Inigo: Probably. I wouldn't know the details, but some pokemon can use a weapon or focus to channel their moves, kinda like Oshawott with Razor Shell, or Marowak's Bonemerang.
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Eilwyn: You could probably make an orb that summons a weapon, too... But I haven't tried anything like it yet. Maybe I should start experimenting.
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Malachi: Can you wait on exploring how to summon sharp objects until after the expedition?
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parabelllvm · 20 days
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Malachi is skilled at using a wide array of weapons... however, he is most fond of three.
His signature weapon, whose name means "Messenger". It's a halberd that he had his loved one, Rezael, help him forge in the midst of the War between Istrexath and Sebiphere. The first iteration of it actually shattered during a battle and the second ( and current ) iteration is a reforged weapon with pieces of the blade ground up and incorporated into the grip or made a permanent fixture in what few decorative fixtures it has. Just below the blade of Kelem is a runic inscription has his full, true name ( first, middle, and last ) and the full, true name of his former spouse.
More oft than not, it will be this weapon that Malachi either has on his person or will summon when needed.
Twin blades that currently belong to Malachi, but were the signature weapons of Rezael at one point. Their names mean "Unity" and "Integrity", both of which were chosen by Rezael. These brilliant blades are depicted, in part, in many fixtures around Istrexath--in stained glass panes, etched into stone pillars as part of a design or depicting a story, or incorporated into varying wax seals that many celestials use to name a few--in tribute to the fallen Herald that wielded them. Their image can also be found in a painting that Malachi had commissioned shortly before Rezael's death.
Malachi does have them on his person on occasion, usually on his hip, but he rarely draws them for combat. Like Kelem, it has both his and Rezael's names on it.
A custom-made long bow gifted to Malachi by Rezael. It has no visible string so, for a time, other soldiers had believed that the weapon was broken or incomplete and wondered why the Herald carried around something that did not function as it should. Come to find out that the string portion of the bow is made of light--further more that it only activates when Malachi touches it or grants permission for it to be used.
it, along with Kelem, are the two weapons that he used during the war.
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fictive-explosion · 1 year
could you….. give me some au!bendy facts please ? 👉👈
Alright! If Bendy has gone too long without fear he experiences withdrawal and will scare Carmilla if she’s the only one around. But not to worry he apologizes and comforts her afterwards. Bendy has on many occasions growled randomly. Malachi has accidentally summoned Bendy before by making bad decisions. Bendy frequently teases Omen by eating cake in a salt circle. Bendy refuses to physically touch James.
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notveryimpressed · 1 year
In a world where chaos bloomed and laughter wilted, there lived a villain named Malachi—the Sinister Sniffler. Unlike his malevolent counterparts, Malachi harbored an unfortunate secret: a crippling allergy to pollen. With each whiff of the fragrant particles, his sinuses erupted like a tempestuous volcano, reducing him to a pitiful, sneezing mess.
Across the verdant city, a hero named Floretta—The Blossom Blaster—sprouted into action, armed with flower-based powers. Her flowing cape mimicked the vibrant hues of a spring meadow, and her hands emitted a mystical, floral energy that could manipulate the very essence of nature.
One breezy day, Malachi concocted a mischievous plan to rob the local botanical garden, seizing control of its rarest flowers. As he tiptoed through the emerald labyrinth, his villainous scheme stirred petals and pollen alike, triggering his agonizing allergies.
With eyes streaming like miniature waterfalls, Malachi's focus wavered. He stumbled upon a field of alluring roses, their crimson beauty overwhelming his senses. The Sinister Sniffler clutched his nose, a symphony of sneezes building within him. The floral chorus crescendoed, causing a rippling cascade of pollen to engulf his trembling form.
Meanwhile, Floretta sensed the disturbance, her flower-based powers tingling with intuition. Like a gust of wind, she rushed to the scene, her cape fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird. The Blossom Blaster surveyed the villainous tableau before her, stifling a giggle at the sight of Malachi's pitiable predicament.
"Ah-choo!" Malachi sneezed, his body convulsing as if caught in a botanic boogie. The pollen danced around him, forming a swirling vortex that threatened to consume the wretched sniffler.
Floretta, her heart overflowing with compassion and mischief, stretched her hand towards the tempestuous whirlpool. Concentrating her power, she summoned a squadron of dandelions, whose feathery seeds rode the wind towards the villainous vortex.
In a wily twist of fate, the dandelions' seeds intertwined with the pollen, transforming the menacing storm into a whimsical ballet of fuzz and petals. The pollen, now gentle and harmless, descended upon Malachi's quivering body like a delicate snowfall, muffling his sneezes and offering him respite from his wretched plight.
Amidst the pollen-infused spectacle, Floretta extended her hand towards Malachi, offering him an unconventional truce. "Let's strike a deal, Sinister Sniffler," she proposed, her voice infused with levity. "If you promise to use your powers for good and never harm the flowers again, I'll share my secret anti-allergy flower remedy."
Malachi, humbled by his defeat and touched by Floretta's compassion, accepted her offer. From that day forth, the Sinister Sniffler transformed into the Noble Nose, using his powers to nurture and protect the very flowers he once despised.
Together, the unlikely duo proved that even in a world where allergies and flower-powered heroes collided, harmony could blossom, and laughter would forever chase away the pollen-induced woes that once plagued them both.
Please follow me or reblog my writing. it really motivates me to write
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Radena's Superheroes
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Name: Archer
Alt: Archeron
Real identity: Lucas Pearson
Powers: Expert archery, ice arrows, fire arrows, exploding arrows, electric arrows.
Weakness: Limited arrows, lack of physical strength for direct attacks
Status: Hero
Archeron despite being fairly new to the group, he has a strong sense of justice and determination to help others and making the world a better place as well. Unable to attack directly, he uses bows and arrows which the villains hate when they are in the air with their blimps.
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Name: Shadow Lord
Real Identity: Malachi Graves
Powers: Shadow Summon, Shadow solidification
Weaknesses: Bright light which destroys the shadows,
Status: Anti-Hero
Shadow King is often cold to those who approach him, only trusting the shadows as the assistants that they work for him, not caring about others at a deeper level but still helps people. He usually carries a normal sword since he can't always rely on his shadow powers at all time
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Name: Lady Ballet
Real Identity: Clara Saldana
Powers: Martial arts, Ballerina
Weakness: Things that can distract her while fighting,
Ballerina at public, superhero when needed, she loves to charm anyone with her beauty. However she isn't alone with since she has The Ballet Bunch who are her henchmen as well as backup dancers with her at day as well. She often likes to genuinely flirt with other superheroes and good people but she uses her charm to distract the supervillains which she sometimes doesn't like.
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Name: Blazestorm
Real Identity: Aidan Foster
Powers: Fire powers
Weaknesses: Strong ice powers, low temperature area
Blazestorm has a deep connection to the temperature around him when it comes to his powers. He isn't much of a lone-wolf type of superhero so when it comes to him, he is always paired up with someone else, even if he isn't assigned anything or when he is assigned to something. His powers are weak when it comes to cold temperatures via his staff.
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Name: Terra
Real Identity: Alison Pate
Powers: Plant control
Weakness: Fire, toxic chemicals
Terra usually spends her time around area that have a lot of flora around her a lot which helps strengthens her powers to use plants for various situations. She can summon plants to help her allies and to manipulate the plants to help protect the environment around her. The flora manipulation is different depending on the environment that she is in.
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rillette · 1 year
Sorry, last few days were crazy. Back to the MotW summaries.
So basically, in this session Grome, the groundskeeper said he had business to take care of in the basement, not to bother him, these are the things he usually does he'd need someone else to do, and then to Tabitha "If I'm not out by the end of the movie. Evacuate the theatre."
So the list of things were usual shit like "lawn, bathrooms, check boilers". When Malachi went to cut grass though he immediately had tiny men yelling at him about breaking the treaty and how this meant war. Jimmy, who spent the most time with Grome, had to figure out what was wrong about what was happening. He remembers Grome used to measure grass before cutting it, and suspects we did, in fact, break a treaty. They find a magical bush and go into it, becoming tiny like the people yelling at them.
They find out they're now at the Council of the Greencaps, who explain that the Theatre was built by the gnomes on Greencap land, under certain conditions, including that, as Greencaps gain health and magic through plant growth, and conversely, lose it as plants are hurt, the grass could only be cut a certain amount. They mention a "Mr. Knox" (The theatre is named the Edward Knox Theatre). Negotiations go poorly and Malachi uses a move that lets him "run away from danger, into a different, but equally bad situation". He ends up in the bathroom, still shrunken, and discovers a budding community of seamonkeys. Thed later does the bathroom and rolled high enough to, without ever learning they existed, slaughter them.
Malachi gets Jimmy to take him back to the bush where they summon a fairy, and use the empty whitecap from the redcap mystery to help the Greencaps recover their magic.
Then Jimmy goes to check on the boilers and discovers another blue guy flying around it, trying to lower the pressure, saying something bad is happening in the basement. He introduced himself as Andy the Anti-Gremlin. Jimmy befriends him, and the movie ends. They evacuate the theatre of people, then tell the Greencaps and Andy who also leave. The party asks themselves if they should leave. Grome's still down there. Someone says
"Well. Then I guess we haven't finished evacuating."
Thed puts his hand on the doorknob to the basement.
End session
WOAHHHH THIS RIPS!!! i love that theres like whole micro ecosystems that only the groundskeeper knew about!! super excited to see what happens next 👀
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autokratorissa · 2 years
Workers’ councils does not designate a form of organization whose lines are fixed once and for all, and which requires only the subsequent elaboration of the details. It is concerned with a principle— the principle of the workers’ self-management of enterprises and of production. This principle can in no way be implemented by a theoretical discussion about the best practical forms it should take. It concerns a practical struggle against the apparatus of capitalist domination. In our day, ‘workers’ councils,’ certainly does not mean a brotherhood that is its own end and purpose; ‘workers’ councils’ is synonymous with the class struggle (where brotherhood plays its part), with revolutionary action against state power. Revolutions cannot, of course, be summoned at will; they arise spontaneously in moments of crisis, when the situation becomes intolerable. They occur only on two conditions: first, if a feeling of intolerability exercises greater and greater pressures on the masses; second, if simultaneously a certain generally accepted awareness of what ought to be done grows up among them. It is at this level that propaganda and public discussion play their part. And these actions cannot secure a lasting success unless large sections of the working class have a clear understanding of the nature and purposes of their warfare; hence the necessity for making the workers councils a theme for discussion. So, therefore, the idea of workers councils does not involve a program of practical objectives to be realized tomorrow or next year. It serves solely as a guide for the long and severe fight for freedom, which still lies ahead for the working class. Marx, it will be remembered, said that the hour of capitalism has sounded; but he was careful to add that, in his view, this hour would cover a whole historical period.
Anton Pannekoek, qtd. in Serge Bricianer, Pannekoek and the Workers’ Councils (1969). Trans. Malachy Carroll
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ask-obt · 1 year
Does Treasure Town have any sort of government, like a mayor?
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Keaton: Treasure Town has no formal government overseeing it, but there are monthly town meetings where residents can attend to talk about various topics, ranging from land ownership to civil complaints. Elder community members tend to have more weight with their suggestions, but anyone can attend a meeting with whatever concerns they'd wish to bring up. It's all quite informal compared to much larger settlements which often have an elected city council.
New residents are invited to a meeting to introduce themselves and to settle where they plan to live. Most organizations and businesses are also expected to attend these meetings, so I usually attend them to scope out news within the community that may need the guild's attention.
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Dielle: Ah, yeah... Moxie filed a formal complaint about my dad with them after he- um, after I started living with them. If he ever showed back up in town, he'd be summoned to a meeting to have a face-to-face talk with Moxie in a moderated environment.
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Malachi: I went to one when I first moved here.
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Malachi: It was... actually a little embarrassing. Unlike dungeons, you can't just make a den anywhere. I camped out in someone's backyard, and they filed a complaint... And then I had to introduce myself to a bunch of pokemon, explain why I... um... look the way I do. And then they told me the different land available.
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Malachi: I bought the Sharpedo Bluff property because it was on the outskirts of town, so I wouldn't have pokemon seeing me in town all the time. It's also really big!
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Rune: Wait, if all new residents are summoned to a meeting, why haven't I heard anything?
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Keaton: We reported your arrival after Luxio-
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Malachi: -Shinx.
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Keaton: -After your first visit to the guild, and explained your situation. If pokemon are displaced due to natural (or unnatural) phenomenon addressed by the guild, we will reach out during one of these meetings on behalf of our clients to help reduce the stress that comes with an unexpected transition.
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Rune: That's... surprisingly thoughtful. Um, thanks.
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