#((We didn't exactly leave them in a good place XD))
forgeofthenine · 7 months
Can I request headcanons for Dammon, and Zevlor unconsciously wrapped his tail around their waist or leg (I can't decide because I love both of it too much XD) when his human gn crush is about to leave? They're surprised because they thought he was being too nice to tell them to leave so they asked with hopeful eyes if they could talk to him a bit more.
I had a great time writing this, I love tiefling tails! I hope you don't mind Anon, I added Rolan into the headcanons too :)
I'd also like to point people over to @underdark-dreams again as their recent tail headcanons have been my latest brainrot and these definitely take some inspiration from them <3
Tiefling bachelors stopping you from leaving with their tails
Dammon finds it so hard to control his natural instincts around you
His tail swishes and curls towards you near constantly
It's something any other tiefling can recognise as him showing interest, but to you it's just 'how he is'
This time, you're both talking at his forge, discussing inconsequential things despite the fact it's already falling dark
As Dammons tail starts to sway faster you think it might be that you've overstayed your welcome
Dammons lovely after all and might not want to send you home
Your attempt at saying good night is interrupted however, as a firm tail wraps over your back and holds you in place
As your voice fades, Dammons face bursts into a blush, finally realising what he's done
The tail leaves you almost as fast as it appeared, a disappointing development
Dammon clears his throat, eyes not knowing where to settle, and finally he looks at you again
"Well, would you like to stay for dinner?"
This man has great self-control
Years of military work in the hellriders has perfected how he acts
What threatens to undo that is your very presence
You're with him in his makeshift office again, having a good go over the maps before lunch
Standing with a short yawn, you mention not wanting to take too much of the leaders precious time
It's then that a small panic runs through Zevlor, the man not quite ready for his company to leave, so what does he do?
Wraps his tail gently around your calf
He near hangs his head in shame over how forward the gesture was, even for a non tiefling like you
What reassures him is hearing your laugh ring through the room, surprised eyes looking back up at you
"I'm- I am so sorry, I didn't mean to."
"Zevlor, if you want me to stay, I'd love to."
This man never wants to let you go
I can very vividly see how exactly this would happen with Rolan
We all know this man is so, so stubborn and he hates doing what others tell him to
He's the master of Ramaziths tower, it's been a long day of lectures, he's still grading papers despite the raging cramp in his hand
So you creep into his study to try and ease him away and off to his bed
Rolans shoulders tense under your touch before relaxing again, the only response you'll get from him other than a small hum
After what feels like ages, you decide he's much too stubborn even for you
Nothing works, soft words, rubbing his shoulders gently, whispered threats-
It's only once you turn away that a sneaky tail wraps around you waist and pulls
In no time, you find yourself sitting across the wizards lap, his face pressing into your neck
His breath is warm over your skin, his tail even more so as it curls comfortably around you
Rolan sounds truly exhausted when he finally speaks
"I'll go to bed, but only if you come with me."
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
25 asks again :0000 🎄🎄🎄
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Never??? What part of my content ever suggested that I would ever draw anything like that??
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The snowy forests they tend to camp in are actually the forests attached to Snowdin :0 They tend to end up there a lot <XD No ones found them out there before so they've deemed Snowdin forests a safe camping spot..
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I'm not sure what you mean by a cliffhanger. My Octonauts stuff wasn't following a timeline or anything. I was just goofing around and drawing what ever I felt like.
If you're talking about the crab comic? I abandoned that comic on a cliff hanger because I didn't like how I wrote the comic and I didn't feel like re-writing it. :/ The Captain ends up totally fine in the end so its ok-
(Also thank you! :} )
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Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too!! :DDDD 💖🎄💖
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It kind'a depends.. what really exhausts him is making multiple mirrors back to back that all lead to different places. And how long he holds them open is also a factor..
Maybe a good guestimate is.. about 5? Maybe if he makes 5 mirrors in less than 3 days that would be enough to completely wipe him out. Maybe even knock him unconscious..
But its okay, the group usually is good at avoiding that scenario. Usually they jump into an AU and stay there for a few days before jumping into a new one. That way Jevil has time to rest and recover.
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:DD Thank you! We wish the same to you as well! :}} 🎄💖🔥
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Oh yeah, very protective I imagine XD He wouldn't put him down or let him out of his sight for even a second.
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I'd like to think he kept it and hung it on his bedroom wall yeah. But Knowing Peso and how much of a sweetheart he is.. I can totally see him giving it to Pinto for a keepsake/to show it off to his friends :}
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Only when they're using their magic in someway yeah. :0 The more magic they're using/the more they're straining, the more visible their pupil becomes.
And it can extend to their emotions. The more mentally unstable/emotional/afraid the cat is.. the more cracked and deformed their pupil can become..
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Shellington got some angry cousins frfr XDDD
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(Post in question)
Ehh.. not exactly.. that situation with that Papyrus ended up getting really dangerous, and really scary, really fast.. They end up fleeing that AU and leave that Papyrus behind.. :(
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@fallingbones (post in question)
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That's because I was gonna draw a comic revealing her new name but I never got around to it.. 💔
(Still keeping it a secret in case I change my mind lol-)
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ACTUALLY! I had an idea that if Jevil rushes a mirror, he just has less control over it and will have no idea where the mirror will end up. And one time Jevil hastily made a mirror and when they jumped though.. they all got dumped into a river 😬 which is very bad for nearly everyone involved-
Seam's chains got caught on a branch and he got stuck while everyone else got swept down stream. He was able to just barely get his chains free and drag himself onto land.
Grillby doesn't die or anything, but boy is it incredibly painful. Thankfully he's able to scramble out of the water rather quickly and collapse on land..
Spamton has a phobia of water so by the time him and Jevil are able to get out he's breaking down from a panic attack :'(
Goner kid cant really swim but she was very lucky and was able to grab onto some branches and scramble out of the water.
Asgore wasn't really in any danger but he did struggle to get out of the water. He was eventually able to latch onto a branch as well and pull himself out.
The group recollected and probably camped out in the nearby forest for a few days to mentally and physically recover from that ordeal-
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Upon Googling it, it appears to be a fangame about the yellow soul..? I also saw "Undertale yellow controversy" uh oh- I'm not sure what I think about it <XD
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Although I've never played/seen a playthrough of Resident Evil.. this sounds right up my ally! XD
Also thank you! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well! :DD 🎄🎉
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XD Yes! I also have these two but they're not as cool/polished/original to me as the other 7 are-
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Ultimately my thoughts are, "It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be/could have been. 6 outa 10, would watch again and recommend to my friends 🎤🐻👍"
And as for a sequel? I'm not sure if they'll make one.. if they do, I kind'a hope it'll be about the second game and they'll up the horror a bit more this time 👀
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waaa thank you!! :DD
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I'm not sure.. I imagined Bibi likes the stuff I make, simply because I made it. I'm not sure what the rest of them would think.. :0
Although the 20k comic was a biggie. They all thought that project was cool XD
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I did! It seemed fitting for him. Also it helps visually distinguish him from Glamrock Freddy :00
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XD She has that effect on people
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When the when When?
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That's just how I draw skeletons that don't look really creepy :( 💔
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tobiasdrake · 15 days
How and Krillin and Yamcha's dynamic?
Krillin and Yamcha are bros.
Krillin and Goku is the Kame-senryu relationship that gets the most focus. And for good reason; They're tight.
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But it's fun to note that they only trained together for eight months.
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Yamcha and Krillin were together for three years. Minus however long it took Goku to utterly dismantle the Red Ribbon Army. Which was at least four months, given that Shenron couldn't even have reactivated until a full year past the start of Goku's training with the Muten-Roshi.
No idea what Goku was doing for the first four months of his "Gonna find Grampa's Dragon Ball" excursion, but as of the end of Red Ribbon arc, Krillin and Yamcha were officially training bros.
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Also Bulma for however long it took her to find transportation and go the fuck home. XD Bulma spends basically the entire back half of the RRA arc trying to leave.
It's not super clear how much of their training was actually spent together, however. At least some amount of independent study had to have been taking place, as Yamcha was able to learn the Kamehameha in secret during their time together.
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They'd also spend however long it took to climb Karin Tower and overcome Karin's Choseisui/Sacred Water training together.
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Plus... something like eight months at God's Temple?
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It's not super clear when exactly they left the temple. The closest to a timestamp we have is that it seems to take place concurrently with Goku catching Bubbles.
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Point is, Krillin and Yamcha spent a lot of formative time together and also underwent a bit of more advanced heavenly martial arts training together as well.
Even before their training together, Krillin played a key role in the one significant fight that Yamcha ever won.
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The Uranai Baba Tournament is fucking weird but it's got some key moments in it, including Yamcha's best performance in Dragon Ball. Having to fight an invisible man, Yamcha pulls out some advanced shit.
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Only for Baba to begin cheating by singing loudly and off-key, disrupting Yamcha's concentration.
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Yamcha had solved the problem of his opponent's invisibility, and only began losing the fight due to Baba's interference. But Krillin practices the martial art of sneaky sneaking, and is better at cheating than Baba - even if the, uh, mechanism by which he secures Yamcha's victory is gross in multiple ways.
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This is a weird arc.
Despite all that training together, however, we don't see much of Krillin and Yamcha together outside of tournaments. In general, the Tenkaichi Budokai tended to be the opportunity for non-Goku characters to strut their stuff and shine in the spotlight. They were compartmentalized in such a way that Goku could dominate, but other characters could get their moment in the sun too - even in matches they lost.
If you want to know why the humans fell out of relevance, blame the death of the Tenkaichi Budokai. Once Toriyama stopped writing tournaments and made every arc into an epic battle of Strongest Protag vs. Wickedest Antag, he didn't have space for all these characters anymore.
That was already beginning to happen as early as the Red Ribbon Army arc, which sees Krillin only briefly involved in the General Blue sub-arc while Yamcha doesn't get to do anything. Until the Uranai Baba tournament brings them back into focus. Then Krillin's dead and Yamcha's hospitalized for the duration of the Piccolo-Daimao arc.
These were not Adventure Story characters; They're Tournament Story characters. Which. Became a problem. When Tournament Stories stopped happening. But for a time, the Tenkaichi Budokai was a space for them.
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By the 23rd, all three of them - Goku, Krillin, and Yamcha - were considered official graduates of Kame-senryu, and expected to begin developing their own arts.
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As great martial artists in their own right, walking their separate paths, they all independently reached the conclusion that they wanted to keep wearing the Turtle School gear forever.
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Yeah, every time you see these characters rocking that red/orange/gold gi, just remember that the Muten-Roshi asked them to stop years ago. I wonder how he feels when he sees Gohan or Goten flying his colors?
Some birds take a bit of the nest with them when they go, I guess.
Something that's interesting to note: I don't talk a lot about the anime because... Well, as I've mentioned, there's a lot of it that puts me off. I don't think Toei has a very good grasp on the characters. But if we're on Yamcha and Krillin then I kinda need to talk about this.
One thing I couldn't help but notice is that the anime loves Yamcha, but they aren't very fond of Krillin. Krillin gets reduced to being Yamcha's kid sidekick during their filler episodes together. Even when Yamcha's not around, there's things like a running joke in the Z movies about Krillin getting oneshotted every time he ever tries to do anything - Which Krillin begins commenting despondently on as the films progress.
Mad disrespect.
My favorite filler episode in the first anime takes place in the gap between 22nd and 23rd Tenkaichi Budokais, and it features all of the boys running off to go fistfight a volcano for their training. Like, ostensibly they're trying to stop the eruption from burying a village but their mindset is on fistfighting it. Ten's like, "If Goku were here, he'd beat up the volcano. So I'm going to beat up the volcano."
Seriously. At one point Ten's just shooting ki blasts into the lava flow like he thinks he's going to punch it unconscious. This episode is brilliantly stupid.
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It's awful, but entertainingly so.
In any case, it was at this period of time that Toei decided they were way more interested in trying to set up Yamcha and Tenshinhan as equally-matched battle brothers and rivals. With Krillin and Chiaotzu relegated to being their useless kid brothers. Nothing conveys this better than the very end of the episode.
We see Krillin, Ten, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha all facing down the lava flow together, even having a closeup on Krillin's determined face as they prepare to hold the line against it.
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Then, between shots, Krillin stops existing so that Yamcha and Ten can have their Bro Moment uninterrupted by his presence.
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He re-emerges into reality once the two of them have diverted the magma flow so he can cheer on Yamcha and Ten for saving everyone.
Meanwhile in canon,
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Please understand I mean no disrespect to Yamcha when I say this. In fact, this fight ends with him getting in a pretty solid hit on God, and even a little bit of constructive praise.
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But the anime sees Yamcha as the dignified martial arts rival and Krillin like a joker who gets clowned on for comic relief. But this misrepresents the roles that the characters hold within the story.
Until Vegeta came along, Yamcha was the guy whose main job was to get dunked on in order to establish how powerful the opponent truly is. He got it from Jackie Chun, he got it from Tenshinhan, he got it from the Mummy, and he got it from the Saibamen.
The anime tried to give him greater story relevance over Krillin, and that was Toei making promises that Toriyama had no intention of keeping. They gambled on Yamcha being the guy they should be hyping up, and they bet poorly. It was Krillin all along.
The 23rd TB is super interesting in this regard because Yamcha and Krillin both fill the yardstick role here. Yamcha gets dunked on to establish how strong God is while also forcing an admission of his ability and skill.
For his part, Krillin does the same for Piccolo.
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Losing the match but surprising Piccolo multiple times with some slick moves, and forcing him to admit that martial artists of Krillin's caliber will make his plans difficult.
Krillin would go on to play significant roles in the battle with Vegeta, the Namek arc, and even to have a bit of focus in the Android arc. And. Well. We all know what Yamcha became famous for.
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Though what you may not know, what often gets left out, is that Yamcha took that bullet for Krillin.
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Not fully knowing what the Saibamen are capable of since Vegeta interrupted Ten's fight with one, Yamcha stepped up to the plate so that Krillin wouldn't have to. Volunteering to risk his life because he still has a Shenron 1-Up in his inventory but Krillin doesn't.
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This moment is often remembered as "Yamcha died because he sucks and is a fool LOL". But Yamcha gave his life for Krillin. He didn't know exactly what was going to happen but he chose to face the unknown himself rather than let his bro do it.
And that, I think, says more about Yamcha's caliber as a martial artist than any number of first-round tournament losses.
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absentia-if · 11 months
OOOH! Got this one fromna different IF. But! ROs reaction to drunk MC walking in and just gurgling "Shhh Dont tell *insert RO name here* I love them~" just being heavily drunk xD
"--I love them."
Your dopey smile, paired with the slightly glazed look in your eyes, tells them all they need to know about your current mental state. Hazel eyes take in the almost serene expression, one they hadn't seen in so long, and a smile of their own comes unbidden to their lips.
"I'm certain they love you too, MC," they murmur, mindful of the way you were starting to sway on your feet. "Why don't we get you settled in for the night, okay? You wouldn't want to get injured before you tell them you love them, right?"
At your responding nod, K takes you by the forearm and leads you in the direction of where they hope spare bedrooms are located. Deliberating on if they'd bring this up to you tomorrow and ultimately deciding that they won't-- not now, not in this manner. Everything will happen, in the way it's meant to, given enough time.
The sight of your drunken face, paired with the slurred speech, causes a sense of déjà vu to crash over them; azure blue eyes narrow in concentration, trying to place where the feeling had risen from, but, like the wind, it slips through their fingertips every time they're close.
"Don't tell M--"
At the mention of their name, they react faster than they can think, whipping their hand out to cover your mouth; ignoring the bolt of electricity they feel prickle their skin at the contact. They don't know why, barring the obvious, but it felt wrong to hear whatever you were about to say while you were so intoxicated. If you wouldn't tell them while you were sober, then they shouldn't hear it while you're drunk. Even if their heart was screaming at them to let you speak.
"Let's get you some water and a place to rest for the night, okay?" Taking you gently by the arm, they begin to lead you toward the guest bedrooms. "You can tell me everything, and anything, you'd like to in the morning."
"You do, huh?"
A wide smile stretches across B's lips at your admission. The warmth of their gaze almost let it take on a honey-hue, dazzling gold overtaking the brown. They're not certain what manner exactly you meant, after all the saying wasn't uncommon between you both, but the context, and the events that had continuously happened up until now, give them a good indication, which causes their heart to skip a beat. However, they weren't about to let you confess everything while you were so drunk-- above anything else, you were still their best friend, and they were going to protect you.
"Why don't we talk about this in the morning, okay?" They gently nudge your shoulder, before pushing you down onto the couch they had previously been reclined in. "You know how you get without your beauty sleep."
A hard look flits over their face at the confession. They're more than aware you didn't mean to tell them but, barring their innate concern about how forthcoming you are when drunk, that doesn't make it any better. The knowledge that your feelings were real, that you felt anything for them to begin with, was troubling in itself-- becoming a nightmare when they take into account the way their heart had skipped a beat when they heard the words.
"That's a mistake, MC," they reply, even though they're well aware you won't remember this in the morning. "One that I refuse to let you make."
Standing, they take in your swaying form and an almost dopey smile stretched across your lips, and sigh, they know they couldn't leave you by yourself. Not now. Or ever, their mind unhelpfully supplies.
"Let's get you somewhere safe for the night."
They didn't hear you correctly, they couldn't have heard you correctly. There's no way that you felt the same way about them. It had to be the drinks you've been knocking back since arriving at the party-- something N had only come to because their best friend and you would be attending; parties had never, and will never, be their scene.
"You--" Their mind blanks on what to say, well aware that you were well past the levels of being considered sober. Wringing their hands together, lightly tugging at their sweatshirt while doing so, N offers you a strained smile. "You should get some rest, MC. I think you've had too much to drink."
Before you could protest, N takes you by the arm and begins to lead you towards a quieter area for you to be able to lay your head down. Desperately trying to ignore the way your words kept echoing within their head. You didn't mean it, they think. You couldn't have meant it.
Even if they want nothing more than for that to be false.
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Something exactly like this
Third part here! Honestly one of the worst things to do in the laboral world is managing clients, I'd rather clean toilets, I would deal with less shit, no kidding xD.
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Harassing, violence.
Words: 2578
Chapter three: The way of the punk
Taglist: @xoxobabe @lavndrluv
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It was around 6pm, things were as slow as ever, but my mood shifted after seeing Spider-Punk, maybe because of that I made a few extras on my tip.
It seemed like a good day so far, I was preparing the inventory for later, and then, it went down when I heard someone scream.
When I hurried back to the counter I saw a couple punks harassing Jess, one of them had her cute scarf on his hand, pulling on it so she was literally glued on the counter, unable to move.
"HEY" I yelled, "Let her go, I'll provide service for you" the taller one let go of Jess, making a disgusting grin, "Now that's better, see how easy is bein' nice?" He pushed her head against the wood harshly before sitting on a booth.
"What can I get you?" The same bastard eyed me up and down, licking his lips, "Don' know, you in the menu?" He and his peers laughed at his lame joke. Normally I would at leat try to knock him out, but like I said before, same shit every day.
"Sir, if you're not gonna buy anything, I'm going to ask you to leave".
"Sweetheart" he grabbed my note pad and wrote awfully his order, then the threw it back to me, "Don't get your knickers in a twist, hurry to the kitchen", I almost wished he said thay it's where I belonged so i had a reason to kick his face, but I just let them laugh as I walked behind the counter.
"Three eggs with bacon and three coffees" I placed the order, feeling Jess's eyes on me, "Are you okay?" She rubbed her neck a little, "Yeah, sorry I didn't know what happened back there" this time I was inclined to hug her, "Relax, stay in the register".
Usually we have people every certain amounts of time, so it's never really full, the rush hour started between 5pm and 7pm, because people started managing from home their businesses, due to all the violence. Only a few thousand were brave enough to work outside, like delivery people, or mall staff.
Punks were the worst clientele, you can ask anybody who has to work with people for a living, besides Karens, old people with children and perverts, punks were simply the worst.
"Order up!" The cook handed me the plates, which I took to the table swiftly and without dropping them, not bad since the leg.
"Thank you sweetheart, that'll be all for now" the other tried to copy his comrade stupid attitude, but couldn't make it sound as disgusting, more like pathetic and uncharacteristic. Rather cringy really.
The air around me changed when I saw that one of them had a gun.
Couldn't made a single movement that was too erratic, neither alert Jess without being too obvious, so I just acted normal, like I didn't give a fuck and started to fill up ketchup containers.
One thing is being shot from behind a smoke curtain where you can't see the gun or the person behind it, but it's totally different to have someone point a gun directly to your face.
No one should know what that's like.
Had to be calm, breathe in, attend them and then they would leave. I kept repeating that when they ordered pie, the plates moved with my shaky hands, and just didn't know how to act anymore.
"Ah, why so nervous luv?" His hand went down my thigh, caressing gently with his dry as fuck fingers. What could I do? I couldn't see his other hand, so I guessed it was on the gun, which he showed me with a dark smile.
"Gonna behave now huh? That's why little humming bird went silent?" The third now spoke, making the supposed leader snicker.
His hand moved upwards, reaching towards my ass, never taking his eyes away from me. I couldn't get out of there, Jess, tired of the scene, tried to get closer but I shook my head slowly, couldn't risk her being involved.
"Let's see how well you do me now, whore" he pulled me to his lap, his hand fully grabbing the gun now. He undid the laces behind my apron and slid it away, then he used the cannon of the gun to slip up my shirt, "Wahoo, little bird is bein' cooperative" mocked the second one, firstly taking my hand and then pinning it on the table.
Now, his hot stinky breath was against my neck, along with his tongue, going up and down. Shivers ran down my spine, while I fought the urges to cry and throw up. "Shakey aren't we? I like that" One more word out of his mouth and I literally wouldn't be able to contain my stomach.
In the midst of an awful situation, his head went backwards and dented knife was pressed harshly against his throat, "You better unhand her, things will get messy otherwise" I looked up, "Sir, please" I whispered not believing my eyes.
"Come get y'er bitch huh? No worries, I'll return her to you when we're finished" this guy seemed to not be able to read the situation he was in, until the manager in a blink of a eye scratched the hand with the gun, giving me a window to break free and run to the counter.
"Look what you made me do, you couldn't just wait your turn huh?" I wanted to say he was in an unfair fighting situation, but two of the guys slipped away as soon as they say thr massive riffleon his hand, so it was just the leader vs him.
"Beat it Claude" so that was his name, it was a bit off for a dude like him. "This ain' over, old geezer" he spit and left, but his gaze lingered on me for some reason, it gave me goosebumps.
If only Spider-Punk had appeared instead of him, I would've kissed him right there on the spot.
"Thank God sir, thank that was so badass" she called him?? "No problem, wonder why he was here of all places, wasn' on his turf, besides no one manhandles my waitresses" he said brushing back his white hair.
"Th...Thank you" I ended up stuttering, and my voice broke as soon as I made the effort to speak up, "Did he hurt you?" Jess walked past the counter, brushed my hair away from my face and neck, then she eyed at my arms, torso and legs.
"Only emotionally, but besides the touching and licking, he didn't do much" she sighed, "You're pale, need anythin'?" She seemed really worried, "I'm sick, so I'm gonna take five in the bathroom, I feel...dirty" I turn away from Jess, for some reason I felt embarrassed, maybe was the fact that everyone saw that horrible scene back there, but the embarrassment was going to pass, the feeling of his hands and awful words wasn't, not easily.
After I puked my guts out, I resumed work, then at 7:30, locked myself in the back to do inventory, alone with my headphones, blasting pop clasics instead of listening to my thoughts, otherwise they would eat me alive.
Later I was walking home when I remembered Spider-Punk could come, and since I didn't really had the energy to deal with people, at all, no matter how nice, I thought of leaving a post it on the window, because I couldn't exactly text him, right?
Home sweet home.
Was it really? Sure I entered a department hardly decorated, half of the walls painted in a minty green that was hideous, with two corners occupied with stacks of empty boxes, a single brown couch and a bedroom as boring as vanilla ice cream.
So yeah, home.
Lonely, cold home. With no one who greets me with a hug, with something freshly cooked, or at least the damn lights on. Just the emptiness and coldness, as usual.
Is sometimes a curse to be independent.
I threw my work bag on my bed, it looked tempting as fuck, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get up. The only things in my mind were an instant Ramen cup I had stashed somewhere in the kitchen, and a shower.
And I couldn't wait to be clean.
But as soon as I opened my window, the masked man fell from the roof and stopped to be face to face with me, upside down like earlier.
"Hey there luv" there he goes again with the gorgeous British accent, "Hi, I was just about to ask you for a rain check"
"Why? Somethin' happened?"
"No" Yes, "Work drained me, socially speaking, so..." I sighed, my eyes shut fighting a few tears "Sorry I just can't deal with anything or anyone right now"
"Wanna be alone, talk about it, a distraction, just stare at the telly, or a hug with no questions?" I really appreciated him giving me options, but I was just so tired, "I want to sink in the dirt, so can we...do this some other time?" He bowed his head slightly, "Of course, have a good night luv" he was so polite and understanding, it made my heart flutter.
"Same, be careful" He jumped away, but as I was about to close the window he came back to open it back again.
"What are you-" he didn't let me finish, a single jump and he was inside my room, "I know the best to shake off a bad day, come with me" he suddenly was so illuminated, but I wasn't sure, and he noticed. "We'll be back before curfew, cross my heart" he assured me, and seemed confident enough.
"You sure?" I placed my hand on his, "I bet you a kiss" I grabbed my cellphone, and my keys just in case, before following him to the window, "You're on".
He took me to the roof, the last bits of the sun shining at the distance made me forget the cold wind blowing.
He jumped on the edge, and pressed my body to his before leaning back, and fully jumping off the roof, his arm firmly wrapped around my waist. "Oh my- Fuck!" I yelled, holding him for dear life. I heard him fucking laugh, "Don't mock me you punk!" He laughed even harder, "You're so cute!" I heard him, and felt the movement of his cheeks, I bet he was smiling.
We landed in front of a cafe, not like the one I work in tho. It had a simple style, not much like the 80's, more like modern but it felt like home. The smell coming out of the kitchen was sweet, warm, welcoming.
Gosh how did I missed a place like that?
"Man like Sam! Spare us an hour or two?" The man from the counter lifted his head, "Yo wassup Spider-Man, sure thing, the usual?" Seemed that they get along just fine, "Yeah, but not for me, you're not alergic to cherries right?" I shook my head, "So that and a... coffee? Or perhaps a milkshake, luv?" He gave me a nudge on the shoulder, making me laugh at his funny tone.
"Making fun of me, huh?, a capuchino please" the man nodded with a sweet smile before going to the back.
"I wasn' ya know? Just thought you were the kind of girl who enjoys the milkshake with the share heart straw" I laughed as I followed him to a booth.
"I mean, I do enjoy a good cliché, but this is not that kind of situation, and you're too cool for that" he gasped in a dramatic way, "You're assuming the way of the punk don' like cute stuff?" The smile on my face grew a bit, "I suppose so" he leaned his body against the wall, punching his chest with both hands pretending to stab himself.
"Way to punch my heart lil' luv" he was so weird, "You like clichés? Aren't those a way the media has to make people buy into a fake romance idea, and make money out of it?" I saw how he tensed his jaw, only to mouth a dry, "Yes" probably clenching his teeth.
"Not very anarchist of you to like 'em" I bluffed,
"In my defense, don't believe in consistency, luv" he was so enigmatic, but so simple? I had so many questions.
"Right, so you're a hopeless romantic?" He sat normally, took a second to think about it, then sighed, "I enjoy the lovey-dovey shit, it's a good rest from the hard leather and violence" waving his hand in the air.
The same man from before brought me a piece of cherry pie, with whipped cream and a ball of ice cream on top, and the capuchino, it was so cute, it had a shape of a cat on the foam. I thank him and offered the spider a bite but he refused, maybe because he just didn't wanted to lift his mask, too much exposure I guess.
"Must be hard" I broke the silence, while toying with the crust, "The what?" He asked, I was going to mention his whole vigilante life, but I figured something more, complete.
"Living in a constant fight flow" he looked down, then to the window, like looking for something in the foggy night.
"Already used to it, but yeah, who wouldn't be fed up already?, this seems like it's..." he punched the table, sighing exhausted. He seemed so tired of everything.
"Endless" he lifted his gaze at me and nodded, "Yeah", the only thing I managed to do was place my hand on his, to bring at least some comfort,"I feel you" his hand faced the other way, so he could lace it with his fingers.
"What had you so down?" His voice was low and soft, as if he was being careful and put a lot of thought into the question.
The piece of pie went hard down my throat as soon as he asked.
"I just...I really hate man that think they can do whatever the fuck they want to women" I felt how his hand had a firmer grip, not quite menacing like the punk at the coffee shop.
"Did someone do something to you today?" He suddenly went straight with his tone, and also his words.
"Honestly he was an imbecile punk, I don't care anymore, by the way no offense, but most idiots nowdays are punks" I stared at his fingers playing with mine, his other hand tapping the table occasionally.
"What did he look like?" He insisted.
"So you can do what? Forget it, if only he didn't had a gun, I would've kick his ass myself" the air went quiet for a little bit, again it was like I could hear the gears in his head turning, "Did he hurt you?" I shook my head, not wanting to disclose what he actually did, "Nothing physical".
"If I had stuck around, maybe would've helped" that made my heart flutter a little, the idea had crossed my mind, him swinging and saving me from that asshole, "It was hours after you left" It wouldn't have changed a thing, but he sighed and murmured a low "Still", his gaze, I just knew he had it on me, but how I wished I could see his eyes.
"If it makes you more at ease, this helps a lot" I laughed, but the sound of a police siren brought our attention to the window, and ruined the whole evening.
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I sent an ask earlier and I am so sorry for spamming but I've been having brain worms for the Kaiju!au.
Like we sad Vargas and Kalim being all friendly but imagine little baby Cheka playing with Yuu.
Also, just imagine Cater, Vil, or Rook doing dancing from some music player that Yuu found. Which also makes me ask if they get their own little hideaway for their human buisness. (God Crowley when his hatchling leave the nest...)
And finally, when Yuu finally gets to cook, meat or fish, are the Boys gonna try to demand they have some. I just imagine Yuu giving a piece to grim and his pupils blow out from how good it is....and then words goes around and it's all over for any peaceful cooking with Yuu.
I'm actually in the process of answering that one! I just gotta figure out a few scenarios for it to make it fun~! >v< And please don't worry about spamming me with asks if you have ideas or thoughts you wanna share about my AUs! I love receiving these kind of asks! :D
Putting under a read more because I got a little carried away 😂
Oooh my goodness, someone teach lil’ kaiju Cheka to be gentle with the tiny human! X’D To be honest, I almost didn't put him or Falena in the AU...buuuuut now that I think about it, that would be a crime against adorableness, and I will not stand for this! Ò.Ó I shall rectify this~!
In the AU, Cheka would be a little bigger than Grim would be in terms of height. Not quite twice his height, but still pretty big! Now imagine the lil’ ragamuffin sweetheart just trotting along with Yuu perched on his back, playfully marching across a log bridge with Grim trotting behind singing “Hakuna Matata” while Ruggie and Jack have to keep an eye on them (because we know Leona would be taking a nap and hiding from his nephew even in this AU). The only difference between this version of the two is that whenever Cheka pounces on his uncle in a play fight, Leona actually will react as though he got hurt to encourage the hunting instinct.
Hey, he may not be happy having his nephew bugging him, but he knows it’s important to know how to survive (and he’d never hear the end of it from his brother or his brother’s mate)!
When it comes to doing “human business”, it’s agreed that there is a need for privacy even amongst kaiju, so if the human disappears for a short time behind a rock or in a bush, it’s not going to be questioned by curious kaiju. Luckily Yuu won’t have to worry about poison oak or poison ivy! Most of the poisonous plants that can cause an itchy reaction are too high up for them to reach, so it’s mainly the kaiju who would experience the terrible itchy curse. Good thing they’ve got Crewel to mix up some natural medicine for them—good luck making most of them take it though! XD
Anyway, moving on: music! One of the best ways to soothe the soul and calm the savage beast. When Yuu manages to get near one of the other abandoned facilities and gets to explore it with Grim (who is literally the only one small enough to fit inside with them), it was actually Grim who stumbled across a music player. He thought it was some weirdly shaped snack or chew toy.
This resulted in a bit of a tug-of-war between Yuu and Grim, and now Yuu has a new (slightly chewed) music player! Let’s see how it transpired and what resulted afterwards, shall we?
“Let’s see…junk, junk, trash…wow, did they really even leave anything worth using in this place?”
Digging around in the pile, Yuu sighed as they sat back and stared at the room. Of course, this place had been ransacked already…though by who exactly was unclear, but it seemed like things had been torn apart and whatever components or guts the tech had before was now gone. But there had to be something they could use in this place, right?
“Grimfang, no! Stop trying to eat the plastic you lil’ gargoyle!” Yuu scolded, sighing as Grimfang spat out a few shards that got stuck in his teeth. “Ugh…one of these days you’re going to eat something you shouldn’t, you know that? Don’t come crying to me when you get a tummy ache.”
He shook his head with a snort, giving Yuu a look that suggested he was offended by the very notion that he might get a tummy ache…or at least, that’s how Yuu interpreted it. It was odd how expressive the kaiju seemed to be, seeming almost…human-like in a way, though sometimes Yuu wondered if it was just their mind humanizing them to have company.
“Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Turning back, Yuu scanned the wreckage to try and find something they could at least bring back. Even a writing utensil would do! “Okay…maybe we should try the next room and see what we can find.”
As they turned to go, they heard the familiar sound of tooth scraping against metal and sighed. What has he found this time?
“Grim, if I have to pull another pipe out of your gullet again, I’m gonna-” Yuu began before freezing, eyes growing wide at the familiar shape between Grim’s paws as he tried to gnaw on the corner: a music player. “H-hey, hey! No! Grim! Drop it!”
“Rrraowl!” he rumbled in response, his paws pulling the player into his chest fur protectively.
“Grimfang, no! That’s not a chew toy—hey! Get back here, you malevolent little gargoyle!!”
The sound of static filled the den as Yuu sat in the nest, using Grimfang’s side as a pillow while they fiddled with the large and heavy music player. It had been one helluva chase around the facility, but eventually they triumphed and claimed their prize! Aside from a slight chewing on the frame, the kaiju’s fangs hadn’t really penetrated the shell and everything seemed to be in working order. To their disappointment though, they couldn’t get a radio signal no matter how many buttons they pushed or how much they turned the dial.
“Hey, MIRA? Does this island have any sort of radio signal or something?” they asked the computer around their wrist. “I can’t get anything on this player.”
“Greetings, Uhm Yuu. Answer: negative. This particular system cannot receive the signals from radio transmissions. Due to the nature of the island and its inhabitants, it is difficult to build and maintain any semblance of a tower to transmit signals across the terrain, requiring different methods to communicate with other facilities.”
“Darn it! So that means I can’t do anything with this hunk of junk?”
“Negative. As it is in proximity, I am able to access the system wirelessly and play music from the database.”
Eyes growing wide, Yuu asked, “There’s a music database…?”
“Affirmative. I have access to a wide selection of music from all manner of media pre-downloaded from the Dark Mirror Server. Dr. Willows was an avid enjoyer of music and always kept an up-to-date selection for her playlists to aid in her work. Would you like to create your own playlists?”
//End Scene//
And thus began Yuu’s task to set up their musical playlists…much to the kaiju’s confusion even when Grim tried to explain what he could translate. For the most part, they just figured it was a weird human thing…until Yuu played the first song. Was it some beautiful, soothing song, or an excitable bop that made them excited? Nope. It was neither: what was meant to be a fun introduction to a song turned into what essentially boils down to a warped death metal demonic screech and garbled static. The sound was so terrifying that Grimfang looked like a puffy ball of daggers, and Nevermore flared up his wings like some puffy shield in a panic.
That’s why it’s important to check the volume of the music before you play it first!
It was after that when Yuu noticed a difference in the kaiju when they played certain songs—namely instrumentals. For some like Pridefang, they noticed how much more relaxed he was when harp music was playing, while when it came to wind based music like flutes or chimes, Crystalflayer/Vil would croon and sing along and the more canine-like kaiju would practically fall asleep.
Then there were the silly moments with the music.
When Goldmaker/Kalim was visiting, Yuu was playing the song “Cus I’m Happy” at random…when they noticed the shiny beetle/dragon kaiju doing the tippy-tap dance like a dog on all six legs, bouncing here and there in time to the music like a kid jumping on the bed.
And then there was the time that Bruiser/Deuce and Feralfang/Epel were tugging on something that looked somewhat like a giant leather ball that had been popped (or at least, they thought it was a ball, though it could be a bit of carcass too). It didn’t seem like they were fighting over food and more like they were just…playing. It wasn’t until they had stood frozen in place for a moment that Yuu played the song “Cotton Eyed Joe”—
And they both tugged in time to the beat. (A/N: click link for doggos in reference to the song/scene!)
Aaaah, the joys of music!
Now as for the food, as good as fruit and the vegetables were, it was a little harder to find sources of protein that were safe for human consumption on the island…or at least, sources that didn’t want to eat or swallow them whole or were out of reach. Plus, they had a continuous source of fresh meat brought to them and Grimfang throughout the day with no hassle. They just needed a way to…prepare it.
When Yuu manages to light a fire in a makeshift firepit (guided by MIRA’s survival database), Nevermore was certainly surprised to find that his hatchling had finally accepted the meat offering and confused at what they were doing with it near the fire. It’s incredibly rare for any kaiju to actually “cook” their meat, and whatever constitutes as cooked meat would be little more than chewy charcoal, so if it turns out that’s what the little human likes then so long as they eat their fruits and veggies, he’ll allow it.
“Aaaaand…done!” Yuu uttered, tugging one of the sticks bearing individual chunks out of the ground. They could feel the juices from the meat that had dripped down the makeshift skewer, forcing them to take care as they adjusted it in their grip to avoid the hot parts before they took a tentative bite.
Just like the fruit, the meat was tender and full of flavor as the juices dripped down their chin with each bite. It wasn’t perfect, but it was so good to have a cooked meal again that Yuu didn’t care. They’d even been lucky to find a wall of salt when they’d gone exploring with Grimfang, so at least the meat had a little extra flavor to it! MIRA had mentioned before that the island had many herbs and spices that could be used for cooking. If they could get a hold of some of these, then their meals would be so much more fulfilling!
Curious sniffing caught their attention as they turned to see Grimfang, cerulean eyes staring at the chunks still cooking on the sticks around the fire. He’d long since finished his portion, so there was no way that he should still be hungry…right?
“Mrrlh?” he grumbled, carefully pawing at the dirt near one of the sticks but not actually touching it before giving Yuu a look.
“No, this is mine. You had yours already,” Yuu told him, turning their attention back to their food.
‘…oh no…’ Slowly they turned their attention back to Grimfang…and immediately they found themselves struck by the biggest, brightest pair of kitten eyes they’d ever seen, the kaiju’s forelegs curling up to his chest as he rolled over onto his side to reveal his soft, fluffy tummy. ‘…darn it, why did I have to watch those kitten videos around him!?’
His paws began to open and close, mimicking the kneading motion that the kittens in the video had done earlier.
“…augh! Fine! But just this once, got it?” Yuu said, heaving a sigh as they took another stick out of the ground and—after playing hot-potato with the cooked flesh—tossed it into Grimfang’s waiting jaws with a snap. He was purring in triumph, giving Yuu a smug looking grin…
Before he froze, pupils growing so wide that they nearly engulfed the blue of his eyes. His whole body began to shiver, jaw slack as drool began to drip from his maw. Then—rearing back on his hind legs—his paws pressed against his cheeks as he swayed almost in pure bliss, a series of trills and chirps coming from him.
“Huh. Well, uh…glad you like my cooking, Gri—hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! NO! Grim! You had yours, the rest are mine! Stoooop! Nevermore!!”
//The next day//
“Okay, here’s what’s going to happen: I’m going to cook some of this meat using the ingredients we just picked from the forest, and while the big hunk cooks on the spit, we’ll snack on the smaller pieces. This side is yours, and this side is mine. Got it so far?”
“Good. Don’t even think about stealing my share, or I’m never cooking anything again. Got it?”
“Huh…? Wha-!? Scrapper, no! This is mine! I-wait, I-! What are you all even doing here!? Guys!”
//The next day//
“……did you guys know that Scrapper, Shellshock, Ashsong, and Heartbinder could even cook, or is this new?” Yuu asked, watching as Ashsong’s tentacles moved the herbs and spices across the cooking meat, Heartbinder’s claws and teeth ripping chunks off and handing them to the clover-marked Shellshock as he put them on skewers. Ashsong’s wings would occasionally flap, causing the flames to flare up with new life. Scrapper used his jaws to turn the makeshift spit that one of the kaiju had carved to turn the meat in a slow circle.
“Thaaaat’s what I thought…more please!”
As it turns out, once the kaiju learn the secret to amazing food, it becomes one of the few things that keeps them from bickering and fighting and even have them cooperate together just to get a taste. It was a strange sight to see, and even MIRA commented that this was highly unusual behavior that hadn’t been recorded by scientists before. This raised far more questions than answers. Sure, the kaiju were dangerous, but they were intelligent.
Too intelligent…
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blackjackkent · 3 months
Quick pop back to camp again to do some inventory management so we can sell all our shit to Nocturne before she leaves. Minsc has a conversation about Viconia:
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"Boo is overjoyed with our victory. Another den of evil vanquished and an old foe defeated! Well, Viconia was a friend for a short time beforehand. But then a foe once more. [SQUEAK] Yes, Boo, a most wicked witch! The very mention of her name gives him nightmares to this day."
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Hector, again resisting the urge to smile: "She's gone now, Boo. You don't need to be afraid."
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"Those words are more soothing than the salve Minsc applies to the places the armor chafes. You are a kind and gentle soul. You hear what our friend says, Boo? Viconia is gone for good this time! [SQUEAK!] Augh! I am sorry, Boo. I will stop up my clumsy mouth and would tear out my hair if any remained!"
"Why is Boo so afraid of her?" Hector asks, bemused.
"Boo and Minsc have traveled far and wide," Minsc says gravely. "It will surprise you to learn that even the wisest of friends do not always recognize Boo for what he is."
"A miniature giant space hamster?" Hector says patiently.
"Exactly! The drow was a cruel witch, but a clever one. She knew what Boo was right away, and she had never seen his like before! She wished to inspect his handsome magnificence!" Minsc lowers his voice dramatically. "And so she did! One night while he lay asleep, twitching his whiskers in happy dreams, she crept upon his tiny bedroll holding a knife as slim as a toothpick. She meant to spill his miniature guts and study them!"
(A/N: While I enjoy the idea of a minature bedroll for Boo, Boo definitely sleeps on top of Minsc; this is my headcanon and I'm sticking to it. (It's supported by dialogue in BG2 also.))
Hector raises his eyebrows. "I'm surprised you didn't kill her there and then."
"I did not get the chance!" Minsc yelps. "Boo never sleeps deeply while evil is near! He sprang into action and almost blinded the witch! She had fled from our camp by morning, when Boo told me the whole tale over a breakfast of berries and nuts!"
I love Minsc. XD And yeesh, we already hated Viconia obviously but this just makes it worse! How dare she try to touch Boo! >:(
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Always a Dream
Everything was gone…My perfect life was always a dream. I looked around in the forest I fell asleep in. It looked normal except…For the mask that was at my side. So he was never in prison was he? I got up leaves falling from my body. I grabbed the ends of my cloak and wrapped them around me feeling tears welling up in my eyes. My XD was only a dream I made up because…Dream never loved me! Because all I ever wanted was love and if he hadn't created all this chaos then he's gonna start soon and my heart will be broken again. I kept walking trying to get away from wherever Dream was before I ran into him. Maybe I should visit Foolish maybe he could help me with my problem.
"A God huh that's interesting," Follish said as he handed me a cup of tea. I made it to Fool's place after stopping at Karl and Sapnaps to change and head to Fool's place. I explained to him my dream and the fact that I needed it to become a reality. "I thought you'd have an answer or a book with a clue or something like that…" I said looking down at my tea. I was still confused about why I dreamed all of this instead of it being a reality. "I think I have heard of..something like that before," He said as he got up. "I think this is something worth using this for," He said taking out a huge book. He opened it flipping through the pages. "What exactly are we looking for?" I asked scanning some of the pages. I saw something along the lines of bringing back the dead. "A way to summon a God that's what you wanted right? To summon the god who gave you everything? Who treated you better than him?" He asked looking into my eyes. Did I? XD was…Amazing but did I want to summon him? Did I want to risk it all to summon someone who was only a fragment of a dream I wish that he was? Was it worth everything? "Yeah, I guess.." I whispered to him taking another sip of tea. "George you don't look like you mean it. Is there anything else I should know?" Foolish asks a slight hint of worry in his voice. XD wasn't meant to be was he?
This wasn't right I shouldn't be doing this right? I shouldn't summon them? Should I just see if Dream could change or…was he different since everything that happened seemed to be a dream? I walked the forest not bothering to stop for anything. Everything seemed the same before the chaos. Maybe Dream wasn't really bad after all maybe he was actually…a good person.
As the weeks passed I seemed to understand Dream. He seemed different nicer more relaxed. I still kept my guard up but I felt it slowly slipping anyway. Maybe this is what I wanted all I wanted was for Dream to treat me right.
"You know George this is nice to spend more time with you like this instead of you sleeping all the time." Dream said lifting his mask off his face and setting it down beside him. "Yeah this is really neat." We were sat on top of a hill the sun slowly setting turning the sky into a few different shades of pink and orange. "It would been even nicer if you actually cared about me." He said making my heart leap. "What do you mean I do care about you?" I said feeling utterly confused. "Oh really? then why did you pick a god over me huh? Why did you abandon me once i was sentenced to life behind bars?" He loked at me his eyes were filled with rage
"Dream-I never did that…" I said backing away. A sinister smirk appeared on his face "You think I didn't know what was going on between you two? How you ran to them the minute i left? George Its true i never loved you…You were never someone who i love you aren't even someone who I'd save. Your worthless all you do is sleep and get in everyone way You mean nothing to me." Tears filled my eyes as he walked closer to me..NO! he wasn't gonna do this was he? He wasn't gonna take my life!
I woke up panting and tears streaming down my face. What the heck?!
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 13!
So in general, I found this episode a bit boring, just didn't speak to me. In the spooky sense I mean. I like the character and social aspects of this statement a lot. Also I like the lore that's involved.
First time we actually really know, where exactly in the timeline we're at - 13th of January, 2016.
The Lukas family managed to totally evade my attention during my first listen. Peter Lukas himself had to actually walk in on the podcast for me to finally puzzle together, that this might be relevant (this might also be because I accidentally skipped MAG 33 on my first listen, oops).
Jon sounds different there at the beginning. Not that fake deep posh voice, but still not soft as later on.
It's so funny to me how much influence there was in pushing Jon to take live statements. First Oliver's statement in MAG 11, which made him anxious to miss anything important or perhaps even life-saving (very Eye-aligned) and now Naomi, who doesn't want Jon to leave while she records her story, because she doesn't want to be alone (which is understandable, since she was targeted by the Lonely).
Ha… indeed. I read this in another a-mag-a-day post, we really do hear Naomi breathing.
"He used to tell me it wasn’t natural for people to live in isolation, that we were creatures of community by nature." - Speak for yourself! xD
I am 100% convinced that Evan didn't die of a congenital heart problem. I think this is a very popular theory. His creepy Lonely family wasn't happy that he didn't want to be lonely/his Patron wasn't happy, that he didn't want to be lonely, so his god fed on him. I wonder, if the Lukases maybe sensed, that this life wasn't for Evan and just waited for the right person to come around, to finally give Evan the rest and prey on the poor soul who got left behind.
"He said he wasn’t on good terms with them because they were very religious, and he never had been." - so yep, Evan didn't want anything to do with the Lonely.
"The house was full of people I didn’t know." - What a lonely place to be… For some I guess. Whenever I'm in a situation like this I feel very seen and all my senses scream for me to leave and get somewhere, where I'm alone.
"I’m sure you want to be alone.” - Hold on, so is actually wanting to be alone tasty for the Fear or not? Because it would make me feel better.
Ah yes, the fog of the Lonely. Big fan.
"Kneeling down, I was surprised to realise that the ground I was now standing on was not wet. The hard-packed earth was damp from the creeping mist but it did not appear to have been rained on." / "I realised afterwards that the night should have been far too dark to see the fog. There were no lights there to show it, and the moon had been shrouded in storm clouds all night, but despite this I could clearly see it." - She really crossed over into the Lonely there.
"Every grave was open and they were all empty. Even here among the dead, I was alone." - This is the only line I find spooky.
" I heard something. It was the strangest thing, but as I tried to run I could have sworn I heard Evan’s voice call to me. He said, “Turn left”. That’s it. That’s all he said." - THIS is what I find very interesting because this is the first time we see a sort of anchor to escape the grasp of an Entity. While I can't quite puzzle out Naomi hearing Evan - ghost of the deceased only seem to exist in the Slaughter or in form of a memory in the Catalogue of the Trapped Dead and not in like our traditional sense of a soul lingering because of unfinished business or whatever. I heard it is possible to suffer from auditory hallucinations in periods of heavy grief, so maybe this was it? We know from MAG 48 (or MAG 129) that thinking of a loved one is enough to anchor people. So thinking of Evan should have been enough to get her to escape the Lonely, and that's exactly what happened. And the earlier "The image of Evan’s family suddenly came into my mind, and I vowed to myself that they would not be the last human contact I ever had." even makes it seem, as if the Lukas family actually tried to influence Naomi to prevent her from thinking of Evan. Yeah, big fan of the anchors-are-always-loved-ones-and-not-objects theory.
"I’d say it was only real insofar as trauma can have a very real effect on the mind." - Jon trying to deny/reason with his Mr. Spider encounter again?
"Some time with a more… qualified care professional might also prove helpful." - I don't know why this is supposed to be so insulting? Nah, actually I do know, there still is a huge social stigma on mental health… Normalize going to therapy!
Thank you for sharing!
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nysus-temple · 1 year
Regarding the greek mythology couples poll you did, may we know why they are your faves?? 👀
OOF all of them have a lot to talk about for me but it's painfully obvious how biased i am towards Odysseus & Penelope. Gotta try to talk about all of them and not stay stucked with those two tho xD
Odysseus & Penelope > LORD. WHERE DO I BEGIN. The Odyssey is my favourite literature work from all time and Odysseus is my favourite hero, so that's something already. The fact that he always found all parts of Penelope to be... Good. Like. You know. He liked the fact that she could mess up with him. I'm never getting over the end of the Odyssey in which she makes him prove it's truly him with the whole bed and tree shenanigan. HOW SHE CRIES AFTER FINDING OUT THAT IT'S TRULY HIM. HOW HE CRIES TOO. The fact that Odysseus had EVERYTHING any mortal could only dream with, he even was told to be turned inmortal by Calypso, he could have abandoned so, so many times... And, yet, he still wanted to go back to her. He STILL justified Calypso why he wanted to. To Circe. TO EVERYONE ELSE. He was willing to keep traveling and suffering just to get back. How even if he was part of the oath he didn't want to go to war because he had Penelope AND a son with her. He DID NOT want to leave all that to her. How he choosed Penelope even when he was supposed to be one of Helen's suitors. Just imagine you're Penelope, and as much as you love you cousin Helen, you're a little... Sad, that you're irrelevant. Not for the suitors, but even for your dad. The fact that Odysseus came up and... Choosed you. You. He literally could have gone for any other woman who could give any kind of fame to Ithaka, just like Helen could. But he still choosed you. For fuck's sake, nowadays romance novels CAN'T write this trope good, but in the myths it was written down perfectly. He loved her for being Penelope. He loved her for being her. He decided to keep hurting himself for her. I just adore how Odysseus... Perhaps found someone he could connect with? Because he liked schemes and she coud trick him, the smartass who screwed up a lot of stuff with schemes, and she tricked him. He maybe felt... Free??? Odysseus was never honest. Never. I'm 100% sure he could be with Penelope. Only her and him knew about the bed and the tree ( well and technically Euriclea, but like, it's not the same with the grandma lmao ). I'M SO SORRY I EXTENDED SO MUCH WITH THEM I SAID I WAS GONNA SUMMARIZE I JUST AAAAAAAAAAA they're madly in love. Move on. I'LL BE MORE QUICK WITH THE REST
Demeter & Poseidon > TRAGEDIES !!! THEY'RE TRAGIC TO ME. We know very little about it, i know, that's what i mean. We will never be able to know what happened between them besides the damn desire excuse. We'll never know if that daughter they had was actually Persephone or not. WE'LL NEVER KNOW BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE SOURCES BECAUSE TIME GETS RID OF THEM... But they'll always be dear to me. Just imagining Poseidon giving little fishy creatures to her, since she's more used to plants than animals, and how she opens up to him like that. Because they're both the middle ones. The ones who don't know where to belong exactly. And how much could have been done with their daughter... If time hadn't taken them from us.
Hector & Andromache > Bro....... The Iliad chapter in which he takes his helmet off in order to not scare their son, that's literally the only chapter in which you forget this work is about war. How he held him. How Andromache begged him to live. How much he was willing to sacrifice for them to live. HOW HE FREAKING DARED TO DIE WHILE SHE WAS WATCHING IN SO MUCH PAIN. HOW MUCH PAIN ANDROMACHE FELT WHEN HIS CORPSE WAS DRAGGED AROUND THE PLACE. HOW NOT EVEN THEIR CHILD GOT THE TIME TO BE FREE. Pain. I love pain.
Aether & Hemera > Primordial favourites !! Hemera feels always left out from her family since her parents are, you know, Night and Darkness repectfully, and her, as her name states, is the Day. She can never spend time next to them since they're opposites besides being family. BUT AETHER CAN. Aether can be with her even when their parents are around since he's more than just light. So they kind of just... Stay together. Without doing anything. Just feeling that the other is there is more than enough.
Menelaus & Helen > EURIPIDES SAID IT'S HELEN WHO CHOOSED MENELAUS INSTEAD OF HER DAD MAKING THE DECISION AND I'LL DIE ON THAT HILL. Them in the Odyssey hit SPECIALLY hard. They seem to be... Happy. Like they always should have been. Because Helen deserves someone who appreciated every part of her, not just because she was the famous most-beautiful-woman-in-Greece. How they were just staring at eachother when Telemachus arrived at Sparta... They are so important in the Odyssey too.
Hyperion & Theia > i might love them for their children more than themselves lmao aNYWAY- i just, like the parents of my favourite celestial trio, okay !! AND THEY'RE TRAGIC TOO. Hyperion sided with Chronus during the war of titans-gods, you know, meanwhile Theia didn't, she stayed outside of it. And by following archeological foundings, perhaps we can guess that she had done that to stop Helios, Selene and Eos from going to Tartarus. But Hyperion insisted in fight, so, you know... TRAGIC. How do the three siblings feel after all of these??? How her mother feels after Hyperion is trapped in Tartarus and they will never see him again AGHHH
Zeus & Hera > They aren't actually at the level of the others tbh, i just felt people weren't giving them enough appreciation. I like them just as much as the rest of the couples i didn't include in the poll, let's just say. They're messy and you all need to learn to live with that !
i talked way more than i should have with Odysseus & Penelope so i went on fast mode with the rest ;v;
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imaginewarehouse · 1 year
Blackie x Reader || Headcanons
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Imagine: The café trying to get you and Blackie together.
Warnings: Meddling?
Its a very absurd experience, having a café ship you and meddle in your personal life XD That's for sure.
But as soon as you walked into the café for the first time it was like it knew something you didn't. Nor did, apparently, the proprietor.
You and Blackie clicked immediately, became really good friends. It was like you were 'soulmates', - not that he believed in that. Or, at least, that he would have one, - , just... platonic ones. This wasn't good enough for the café though 😅 Uh uh.
The café is like an overbearing mother in this instance towards Blackie- they have been together for so long, the café has watched him be so lonely his entire life (Probably. I don't actually know how the café came to be. Which came first? Blackie or the Café? Dunno), and now here comes you... a sweet thing who actually laughs at his jokes instead of getting offended or uncomfortable, and it thinks (Well, as much as a sentient building can think)... ah. We cant let this one get away.
Like stated in This Post, the Café gets very very sad when/if you and Blackie have a disagreement or fight. It gets darker in there, and colder. The music shuts off entirely. And it'll stay that way, stubbornly, until one of you sucks up your pride and apologises. Then you get cake. Which you are to eat together, while the place warms up again.
The café may even go so far as to lock you two in the same room until you talk to each other (Nicely). It does not want you to leave and it will do what it can to prevent it, if at all possible. So if that means forcing you two to look at each other for hours then goddamn so be it!
There are plenty of hijinks when you two are getting along, though, too (Which is most, if not all of the time).
The café has been known to...
Tilt a booth when you sit down next to Blackie so you end up squished together or worse- on his lap.
Make Blackie's coat appear on the bench next to you if you mention you're cold (Even if it was on him a second ago. Like, the café literally snatched it from him). Like, there you go! What do you mean you cant wear that? Put it on. Its warm.
Show Blackie you on the TV screen at specific moments. Like when you're sad (Like, telling him to go help or so help me- ), when you are giving in and pulling on his coat, when you're being particularly cute (Humming while washing the dishes, sat on the bench in the bathroom and reading with your legs swinging as they hang off the sink, etc), when you're being made uncomfortable by someone (Like, again- a very unsubtle demand to go help them.), etc.
Sometimes 'mix up' your laundry with each other's. You just pick up your basket to start folding, find his button up shirts instead of your uniform, sigh and go to find Blackire and he's already there with your actual basket, sighing.
Blackie: *Heavy sigh* ... I don't think these would exactly suit me.
Y/N: These aren't really my style, either. Oh I have an idea- Swap?
Blackie: Fabulous idea-
Y/N: Yeah-
You and Blackie are both fully aware of what the café is trying to do. In fact, so are Frank and Fae. You all find it pretty amusing, and you and Blackie don't mind playing along sometimes. Because why not? You're friends! You don't mind stealing his coat, and he'll definitely be there when you're sad or being made uncomfortable.
(Imagine being the café, here. How infuriating XDD Like no, no. I'm not trying to make you better friends!?? Kiss!)
Other instances when you and Blackie play along (And *cough* maybe develop some awkward, not-to-be-spoken-of, slightly non-platonic feelings):
One time (Or a couple times) after Fae and Frank went to bed for the night the café stated playing slow music- very much suggesting the two of you dance together. Blackie just smirked and turned to you, holding his hand out and you were like oh what a gentleman. i don't mind if i do. Very silly, but very nice ^^
When Blackie's narrating something?? He said something about love once- and the café actually put a spotlight on you!! 😂😂😂 You were sitting there hunched over a cup, so you just gave a wink and a finger gun.
Blackie (Ep4S1, The Heart of the Mystery): But maybe the final truth lies in an old saying- Those that love, love forever.
The Café: *Flashes a yellow light just above Y/N pointedly, who's pouring far-too-many sugar packers into their coffee*
Y/N: ... oh, you bet. *Wink. Finger gun. Tears open another packet of sugar and returns to their abomination*
You actually pretended to be a couple once and the café was in such good spirits the rest of the day XDD You were being flirted at by a creepy customer and you had already told this guy you were not into it, you had not even smiled at all at thus man the entire time he had been sitting next to you- but he was not getting the idea. So you just... said you were sleeping with proprietor. It was the first thing that came to mind! And it sure did scare the bastard off when Blackie (who lives for drama) came over, pecked your cheek and continued to sit and flirt with you/chat with the dude with you for minutes.
Guy: Darlin you are sweet as sugar. I was wonderin- if you were gonna be in town fer a couple days, maybe we could hit up an eatery a tad nicer then this one, together? Say, Friday?-
Y/N: Mmm, you know... as tempting as that sounds... *Looking around for an excuse, catches sight of Blackie counting cash down by the register* ... I'm taken.
Cafe: *Subtly gets brighter, and warmer*
Guy: Wha-
Y/N: Yeah. I'm um. Having an affair with the boss already, so...
Blackie, who was of course eaves dropping: *Perks up, raises an eyebrow* Hm?
Guy: I, uh-
Y/N: *Communicating desperately I'm uncomfortable. Please do this for me through your eyes*
Blackie: ... *Not missing a beat, still flipping through a handful of bills* Sweetheart, I told you- thats just between you and me, and the back room.
Guy: ... I- I gotta go-
If you did actually get together one day--
Oh my goodness the café would be thrilled XD
The coffee has never tasted better, the muffins have never come out fluffier, the soup has never been so tasty.
Already your stuff has been moved into Blackie's room (OH you wanted to stay in your room alone?? Ha ha no.).
And just... please don't break up 😅😅 the cafes heart will be broken.
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dianalolihikki · 1 month
Today I have the strength and desire to write a post again, so maybe it was a one-day writing crisis,if you can talk about a writing crisis when you write a diary on Tumblr xD
Here it is not necessary to write long posts. On the contrary, I feel that long posts like mine are definitely less read. Seemingly uncool, but on the other hand it provides me with more anonymity, so there is also less chance that someone from my social circle will end up here, so another advantage xD
Today I'll start with what I was supposed to describe yesterday, but I was too lazy for that xD
Now, at least in my country it is Friday evening, which is the beginning of my most disliked days - the weekend.
Today, however, I'm in such a good mood that I think I'll get through it somehow, my mother is not so drunk yet, maybe she hasn't even been drinking at all. After all, tomorrow her new car will appear in our yard, so she will probably want to test it xD it will be a blue Alfa Romeo ⭐.
Back on topic,today I'm in such a good mood that I think I'll make it. But the worst will be the long May weekend, which in my country will last from the first to the sixth of May.
Do I write about negative things even in a good mood? I must be terribly toxic.
Nevertheless, the plan is that perhaps for the long weekend we will go with my mother to my once mentioned here aunt. Generally with my sensory hypersensitivity I don't know if I'll swallow anything there, but I broke through once,so maybe I'll be able to do it a second time.
A year ago when I was with my mother at my grandmother's house I broke through and ate dinner. It was bought with a huge brawl on my part which I am ashamed of, but somehow I managed. ⭐
My grandmother has been a Jehovah's Witness for several years. Every year she goes in the summer for a week-long convention,I think it's called a congress. My mother and I always go to her place then,in this wilderness with no internet and no showers. I then have the opportunity to overcome my sensory disorder which usually does not work out xD
Now I try so hard to write about the positives that only negative things come to my mind,and I promised myself that I would write honestly and if I had a worse day I would already panic that I am not honest xD
I'm surprised at myself that I have so much energy in me, since I was sitting with my phone in my hand until 1 a.m. and when I tried to go to sleep it was a combination of the full moon, emotions from the whole day, intrusive thoughts and a ghost stories that didn't let me sleep.
Intrusive thoughts are quite common in people born prematurely. And when my brain is at its limit it's even more so.
Today I was worried about whether I already want to be no longer childish, girly and want to be feminine and mature. It seems like nothing, but for me these first qualities are the definition of me, my aesthetics, and I don't want to lose it. Well, but as I said,it's probably just my intrusive thoughts that did not let me sleep. I don't even know what exactly made me have them,probably fatigue.
I set my alarm clock for nine in the morning,because I wanted to be ready for K's visit.
K was supposed to arrive to sign a declaration that I had state physiotherapy in April.
Immediately after breakfast I went out on the terrace with my phone. I decided to myself that I would leave the reading for even warmer days.
Then he texted me that I would, however, sign this declaration during our Monday therapy. And that's a very fine decision. Later, B and I came to the conclusion that it was simply not worth it for him to come to me in the countryside, so many kilometers just to get a few signatures.
Today my mother told me that maybe it's just that K has a girlfriend who might be jealous and therefore doesn't want her beloved to have other girls in his Facebook friends.
If this is the case then I sincerely feel sorry for him having such a toxic relationship. Anyway, I'm not even some girl,just his patient.
Although it seems to me more that K wants to keep a professional distance.
Yet this excessive jealousy reminded me not only of my younger brother's girlfriend, but also of A.
After all, at our last therapy she admitted that she is jealous of every female patient around J, even a patient who is three years old. She knows this is unhealthy and wants to control it.
On the one hand, it surprised me, because she herself used to encourage me in joking to hug J, but if it was already happening in front of her eyes she was strangely silent at that moment.
Once out of the corner of my eye I even noticed that right after the therapy at which he hugged me he hugged her, as if he was apologizing to her for something. Or maybe it seemed that way to me? But her words were evidence of something else.
Could it be that she wants to convey to me with this last conversation that she is jealous of me? It fits with her self-doubt.
On the other hand, after all, she herself knows very well that I am a neurodivergent (she is, too, by the way) and she knows that it is necessary to speak directly to me. But maybe her complexes won out over her sanity?
Or maybe she never genuinely liked me?
Or it's like D. said, she just trusted me enough to say it,and if she was jealous of me it was independently of her, and at the same time she liked me.
I would also add that I think even I sensed that she might not like my hugging J.
When they took me to their place,I somehow instinctively stayed away from J in the physical sense, I also tried not to stare at him and not to spend too much time with him during these meetings. I even was successful, although when these meetings took place at the exact camps where I didn't have therapy with J ( and these happened)I wasn't going to keep my emotional distance. He even told me once that my pupils widened when I looked at him. He said it was ok, but what if he meant something else? If it was a warning not to do it?
Because I doubt he would flirt with me, whether in the presence of his girlfriend or in general.
Or maybe? What if he did?
I think I'm crazy.
Who is D? He is an online friend of mine, we met on an Internet chat room. I often tell him my life with details,and he doesn't expect anything from me in return.
Although sometimes I wonder if he is hitting on me. It is quite possible, although he remains a faithful companion.
Today I told him about the therapy with K. He stated that I don't need to be friends with K because I have him (xD)
Then I told him about A and J's vacation in Albania
He asked if they were sending me pictures.
I admitted that no, that I found out about everything from Facebook and Instagram.
Even D, the guy who claims that A and J adore me, said that this reflects poorly on their affection for me
I replied him back that I always knew that I liked them more than they liked me.
To this he that maybe it's just not as bad as I think.
I hope so too
Today I went for a walk with B.
Let me start by saying that she brought me lilac again which smells in my room.💜
The walk passed quite nicely, without any distractions, despite the fact that we were accompanied by my doggie.`🦮
At the end of the day, a delicious apple pie was waiting for me.
I am ending for today,because I feel tired,besides it is already late.
As a reward for writing so long, I will eat a Kinder chocolate and drink an soda.🩷
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redwingedwolves · 2 months
I'm a bit late sending everyone asks, but Jelucan, Coruscant, and Hoth for my ask game? :3
Hiya, Sev! Thank you so so much for the ask! I'm gonna answer this for both Keigo and Dabi. ^^
Ask Game.
Jelucan: Has anything ever kept you and your F/O apart? Was it physical distance, the interference of another, or even yourselves?
A couple of these for Keigo, definitely. His job on the occasion makes him go to different parts of the country so that he can help out if needed, and this usually means he can be gone for weeks/months at a time, depending. As for anything actually nefarious, though, I think our week-long separation that happened really early on in our relationship is the only instance I can think of.
All of the above for Dabi, though. He works as well, but it's not exactly, uh, legal, so at times he can leave and be gone for a while depending on what he needs to do. His boss is a literal(not really) man-child who demands all of Dabi's time when he actually is out working. And during the beginning of our relationship, we actually fought quite a lot, and we definitely tended to get in each other's way at times. I remember quite a few instances in which Dabi would ghost both me and Keigo after a fight, and we wouldn't hear from him for sometimes a couple of weeks during the particular bad ones. The longest was a month, and both me and Keigo were convinced he'd left for good when he suddenly showed back up at our door and acted like nothing had even happened. We did eventually talk about what had caused him to leave, but at the time we were just happy that he came back at all.
Coruscant: If you and your F/O could live anywhere, where would it be?
If Keigo could live anywhere at all, he'd probably choose the beach, or at least near one. He loves the ocean, and his favorite animal is the dolphin, so the beach would definitely be his go-to place.
For Dabi, he prefers quiet and solitude, so he'd actually probably do best in a cabin somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. XD If he had to choose, though, he'd probably just say anywhere as long as it ain't near his dad. XP
For me? I don't really mind either way. I'd love to live on a farm though, so somewhere out in the country would be best for me. I don't really care where, though, so just as long as I have some distance between me and my neighbors I'm a happy camper. lol
Hoth: Has your F/O ever been cold to you? Have you ever been cold to them? What did it take to get them/you to warm up?
Keigo? Never. But I've also never really given him any reason to be. And besides on the very rare occasions we give each other the cold shoulder(we're both working on that), I don't think we've ever purposefully shut the other out in any way.
Dabi, though? Yes, and this is to both me and Keigo. Dabi was extremely icy in the beginning, but that was because he didn't fully trust us. After a while of us showing him that we didn't really care that he was a Villain, he eventually let his walls come down around us and he relaxed.
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syyskirjat · 3 months
Sueños de piedra (ch2)
Still not sure if I'll read this whole book but I decided already that I want to at least read this one because I'm curious about what Lynne's deal is (especially having confirmed that she is indeed the "damsel in distress" who is haunted by her past)
(Her past being murder, apparently)
I'm hoping the magician/wizard character Hasan shows up too, I'd like to find out about him while I'm at it
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I didn't mention this in the last post, but the chapters have these little ornaments at the beginning before the name of the POV character (the chapters are otherwise unnamed, it's like ASOIAF). Arthmael's was a crown, similar to the crown on the book cover but just tilted on its side and with an organic pattern behind it. This one seems to be coins. Is it specifically three coins? Maybe!
I remember seeing the full dust jacket design of the book having coins on the back cover, maybe these are the same coins
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Three coins here too, so maybe the number is significant
The other thing of note here are the two figures on the coins, who are they? To me it looks like two princes facing each other, one maybe older than the other? This seems too early for them to have had time to mint new coins showing both Jacques and Arthmael so idk if it can be them? But maybe? This chapter could take place at a later date or something, I have no idea.
Or it could be the king and Arthmael, that would make sense.
(Sorry, this is how I blog about books, I pay too much attention to the details sometimes)
Anyways, onto the actual chapter!
....... Welp
Okay this is going under the cut immediately
(Do we need a content warning already? I think we might, but I don't know how to word that exactly. In any case NSFW)
ETA: Yes we doooooooo, we do need content warnings: human trafficking, forced sex work, both involving a minor, including a scene with the victim and her victimiser having sex, physical abuse, also just straight up sexual assault towards the end
Lord Kenan collapses onto my naked body with one last grunt of pleasure. I feel his sweat sticking to the skin of my back and his hands still grip my hips tightly. I can only stare at the sheets, waiting for the moment when he pulls back once and for all and lets me move again. Let me leave your side. Let me be free, this time forever. Tonight was my last night. This will be my last time. Or so I want to convince myself.
Okay reading ahead, it sounds like Lynne is a sex worker, so I guess that's the context of the coins? Oh boy...
Lord Kenan is apparently not the worst client but clearly not her favourite either.
... Oh but he does hit her sometimes if she doesn't show enough enthusiasm, okay
Alright then.
Fourteen years. At fourteen years old he brought me to this damned place. On nights like this, I wonder how I've lasted so long.
Oh it's getting worse, great
I'm no longer excited about this chapter xD
Also I guess Lord Kenan is not a client then but a pimp?
Kenan likes them weak, submissive and sweet. Full of attention for him. I stopped being sweet a long time ago, although perhaps I have never stopped being weak. Maybe that's why I haven't run away yet. Because I'm afraid that what's outside is worse than what's here. But that's over.
Okay okay, realistically this chapter is gonna be her escaping right? Is Lord Kenan the guy she kills or did she already kill someone else? Are we about to witness a murder? I would not be opposed to it
His serious look makes me tense in my seat as he gets ready. His blue eyes have always been icy, although he often tries to melt them with the false warmth with which he treats all of us prostitutes, to make us feel that we are in a good place even if we live in hell.
He tells her that she's their most precious jewel and hopes that she's not boring their customers and then kisses her possessively. She finally snaps and says she's going to leave.
She also randomly starts wondering how old she is, I kinda feel like I might have missed something there, why she's bringing that up right now. But the point is that she thinks she's somewhere between fifteen and twenty.
He seems to think she just meant leave the room to see other customers but she clarifies that she means leaving the brothel entirely, for good.
His hand grabs my face again before I can do anything to stop it. Only this time it's not abrupt. It's sweet, tender. And that's almost worse than the violence he often uses. When he does this, when he smiles, when he caresses me as if he really cared for me, the more dangerous he is.
btw I'm skipping a lot of the details here, I'd just rather not djkghglkj
What is the alternative for a girl like you out there? Without property, without family, without money… You will do the same, charging less adn in any alley. Besides, that would be so ungrateful, Lynne… Who took you out of need when you were a bony, lost child, a thief who couldn't even put more than a couple of crumbs a day in her mouth?
They've had this talk before and Lynne has always caved in the end out of fear and shame but this time she decides to stay strong
But I'm not going to let it scare me this time. No. I can do great things. If I try hard, I can be the owner of my life. I can start my own business, just like my father once did, before he died. Maybe not in Silfos, where women don't have options, and much less will I have them, having been a prostitute. But Marabilia is a large continent: I will look for them in other countries and, if I don't find them, I will travel to other continents if necessary. I have heard that beyond our seas a woman can be anything she wants to be.
Okay so there might be other continents in this world where women have more opportunities, enough so that the people in Marabilia are aware of this, noted.
lmao, I fully thought this was an island not a continent. I swear the map looked so small! I think it's the style, with the towers and trees and mountains drawn individually, but of course they don't actually have to be to scale, I realise
Anyway, I'm now wondering if the title of the book is metaphorical and refers to the aspirations of the main characters? Not sure what the stone would symbolise, but it would make sense, especially with the dedication as well. Dreams definitely seem to be a theme
Lord Kenan mocks her and thinks she wants to find a wealthy husband to save her, asks her doesn't she already know what all men are like, having seen them visit her, etc.
In her mind she basically agrees that all men are like that but she doesn't want a man or a family
I don't aspire for anyone to love me. I don't aspire to love anyone either. Maybe I couldn't do it even if I wanted to, because I forgot a long time ago what it was like to feel affection.
Well rip
— Oh, little flower! Have you learned so little? Have I taught you that badly? Do you really have hope for something like that? I'm afraid you've read too many stories from exotic countries across the ocean. Here women are not queens, nor do you have rights beyond giving birth to our children. You are worthless without a man to protect you. And who is going to protect you if I don't?
Okay we're clearly not gonna be very subtle
She insists that she's going to leave and goes to put on her clothes but he assaults her and rapes her again, but she reaches under the pillow and stabs him with a dagger.
— I told you I was leaving here, I whisper to him. I open the window. I don't even look at Kenan again. I don't even worry about how long he will agonize until he finally gives up and dies. Arming myself with courage, I take the leap towards my freedom.
End of chapter two.
Ooookay. To be honest that went pretty much exactly how I expected it to go after finding out that Kenan was her pimp and not just a client.
I wonder if he's actually a lord or is that just his nickname? The consequences of the murder would definitely depend on whether he's an actual nobleman or just a random pimp.
Buuut yeah, idk, didn't enjoy this chapter so much ngl xD I much preferred making fun on Arthmael. But I guess it's over now so... idk, maybe I'll read at least one more
I do kinda have a hunch that this book is not gonna be my thing, but to be fair it hasn't really started yet
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castle-dominion · 9 months
castle 6x13 limelight
the doppelganger vicarious mom episode liveblog
Love the music
hate parapazzi.
what's with her eyeliner? I mean I like it. "She had spinach in her teeth" More material to torture you with *rawr chomp chomp*
Pi lol but also oof 7am work I love pi Hi! Bye! Unless that's a murder XD Poor girl on call before 7am
"this isn't about me today" love esposito's scarf & becked's jacket
Oof manager first mother second. (she's more than the personal assistant she seems a little bit gay for mandy)
Talk to the security firm then
don't get drunk babes...
Oh four months...
construction my beloved
this kid is too bright eyed to be in construction
How old is this guy to be with a 22yo? Oh he's an artist.
Love lanie's scrubs over her long sleeve.
Oh wow claire samuels. WAIT CASTLE'S JACKET-- THAT'S THE ONE ETHAN SLAUGHTER GETS & also eckett's outfit is nice
Oof place is trashed!
Lol the blood wine "closing time?" girl you're at your hotel room!
Don't even know claire's name?
Good point. Mom: It wouldn’t make much sense to have a decoy if they’re going to be seen hanging out together.
she's not wrong but she's kinda bitchy. she's also hungover so yk.
"youve" worked hard
Ryan reminds me a lot of simon tam rn. kinda twinky looking in comparison to the ppl around them but when you actually look at them they have good shoulders
But I don't think I like his vest
Castle is so great making her a cup of good coffee
RC: How do you feel? Mandy sutton: Considering I’m supposed to be dead – (she gives him a wry look) – about right. .. On a much smaller scale
Alexis my beloved put down her phone on the table
Mandy smiling at that but then alexis turns around
Jim thinking caskett broke up I love it
Ok so I'm leaving for the week & this is it. I'll have one week after this to watch the rest of Castle. I have spent what like four months watching Castle? doing my liveblogging? My entire summer. & now... back to school. Kill me.
Claire Samuels
Lol stalkerazzi
RC: They may already have, which is why we can’t find her.
Closing time already? XD
Castle should make her a coffee
You know it makes sense for claire & mandy to not know each other
Did you upset anyone? Probably?
ok fastforward except Who DID take the photos?
Jim beckett <3 AUnt Theresa CD
Love ryan's fingers & physicality
Woah why r they busting in here all gunned up? lol beaded curtain
You ok? Yeah. *giant wall of Mandy*
This man is,, unwell
I like how he says "just the motorcycle" as in "No I didn't see anyone, except a motorcycle" or "yes but no more than a motorcycle"
Reminds me of that autiistic timepiece kid in murdoch
Esposito waving, jenkins by the door, ryan's voice so deep rn...
Alexis totally did this on purpose lol Yay bees yay kiss!
Alexis so awkward lol.
Ah alcoholism
In some way, not exactly how you feel bro
RC: It took me less time to write the last Derrick Storm novel and though both are works of fiction at least that one was believable. How’s the case coming?
Love how Ryan corrects the picture being sideways. (castle wearing the jacket he gives to slaughter, & it looks great with the green shirt)
lmao I love alexis talking & mandy is listenin gbut..?? I love this entire thing does alexis have any friends..?
no he THINKS you're alive MANDY NO
the advent of alexis' PI'ing
Basic famous person disguise Yeah privacy pls & thx.
People gettin gthirsty over there!
DON'T GO CALLING PEOPLE! Well now that she's alive you totally could call her
with alexis lolol fire tatoo like the bike?
That's ale-- Alexis? What is she doing there?
Why is alexis the one saying "let's go this way" if mandy is the one who knows the bar
*pulls a gun on them* I hope Alexis dialled her dad & left the line open.
"We thought it was you!" why do we only hear the sirens NOW? If they had the sirens on we would have heard them from far away
Listen, fool. Giffing ryan's nod
How dramatic
If u'r gonna kill someone why not zack?
Castle so afraid that beckett would be mad at him
rysposito staring at caskett lol. clipping that if I have the fricking space
They TOTALLY should have gotten married a second time in the mars episode. someone write a fanfic for that
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[Either Steve or Nina, whoever would support this xD]
There's the sound of metal clinking together, Astrid strolling down the halls of the Avengers and towards the Quinjet. She never imagined herself in her father's armour, but, now felt appropriate. Silver clung to her form as she reached the other member of the family,
"I'm not too late to join you, am I?" Astrid asks, aware of the look she's currently getting, "Understand, I do not want to be an Avenger, nor do I like the idea of fighting," She explains, "But...avenging my wife has become a necessary evil."
There's a ghost of a smirk appearing, before she goes back to her displeased look,
"Besides, I'd rather like to see Red Skull with a hole in his chest, wouldn't you?"
| muse interaction
After a battle there was a few things that had to handled. Clean up and time to heal even depending of course, sometimes you got right back into it all which Steve had wished and wanted to do when Brooklyn got hurt but he was stopped by the rest of the team feeling it was for the best and maybe they weren’t in the wrong for it? Steve was a little mixed
One thing was for certain now though, with Brooklyn being back on her feet again it was time to teach skull a lesson. And that lesson was you mess with one of them you have troubling coming. Even worse the fact he could have taken her life that day, taken Brooklyn away from them all that day for good? You had hell to pay for that. The team was nothing but a storm brewing and ready to strike soon as they could. Everyone who wanted to have some words with Skull was busy gearing up Steve in the middle of pulling his red gloves over his hands. Flexing his fingers in and out, he been hitting the sack extra leading up to thier departure he knew exactly where he was going to land a punch on that man. Right dead center of his face, if he had a nose Steve would break it. Though did make him wonder if he could in the least cause damage to the bridge of thier nose by chance?
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The sound of metal was drawing Steve's attention from the image in mind as he looked over his should to fine..Astrid? in armor? Turning to face he proper still unsure what to say about what he was looking at. Couldn't recall seeing said armor before either maybe it was more the fact Astrid herself was wearing it considering thier whole take when it came to fighting and violence in the first place. even if she was a tall elf it still didn't seem all to fitting for Astrid to be wearing such a look.
"I'm not too late to join you, am I?"
Well then the surprises just kept coming now, don't they? Steve thought to himself partly wondering if he was having some odd dream right now.
"Understand, I do not want to be an Avenger, nor do I like the idea of fighting,"
Steve just offered a smile himself as she felt the need to explain that. He was well aware this wasn't her signing up to join in on the team, but her own reaction to the harm that came to Brooklyn. Hand to his hip as he shifted his weight nodding to show he did understand and was following with what she was saying. "But...avenging my wife has become a necessary evil."
A slight smirk crossed thier lips as they spoke that Steve could understand. After all, when someone you loved was harmed like Brooklyn had been it can make one jump in gear to get back at who did it. Maybe Nina was rubbing off on him a little bit?
"Besides, I'd rather like to see Red Skull with a hole in his chest, wouldn't you?"
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Moving to walk over to her setting his hand on one of the metal shoulder pads out of the suit she was wearing now. "Don't worry I understand I'm sure we can manage to take a tag along with us. And I can't blame you seems a fire be set under you?" he asked her "Long as you don't feel any inner struggle over your choice here I'm sure Skull would love a chance to meet the wife of the girl he seems unwilling to leave alone, maybe you can speak some sense into him. If not I've come to find fists work just as well as words at times." Steve offered slightly joking but he was being very serious as well. Pulling his hand away from her shoulder now as he went and pulled his cowl over his head now. Taking a more stern and serious tone now as he went on to speak.
"Revenge and avenging are two different things Astrid" he was sure she didn't need to hear that but at the same time, he knew she too could get swept by emotions all he wanted was to make sure this was a choice made of sound mind. "Looking out for Brooklyn is fine and all, and wanting to take charge against someone who hurt her..someone who knows very well how to hurt beyond just the pain in her chest that day. That's what drives us all to look to protect someone from someone who holds something over her no one can truly understand. Not even Brook herself does." turning to the elf shifting his gaze to look at her "But in this case, we all have a lot of personal reason behind it which is fine no true heroic act is all selfless after all. I just want you to make sure you do want to do this. Not just because you hold anger towards him. I don't think you are letting that be your drive I'm pretty sure its out of need and want to protect someone you love as much as you do. I can see that well in the look in your eyes now. I just also know your stance but hey sometimes we do dumb things for the people we love right?" hoping that came across well enough as a voice, JARVIS, came over the intercom announcing thier time of arrival. "Looks like you'll get to meet him soon. Tell you what I'll even hold him so you can give him a good one in the chest." starting to walk "can't promise the hole in the chest considering how many of us want to give that guy whats coming for him."
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