#((aw he flustered))
chandralia · 8 months
Deku’s dynamic with the 2nd User is genuinely still one of the funniest things to come out of this entire series.
“Looks like Kacchan, acts like Kacchan, but is NOT Kacchan, so you’re nothing to me”
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u call gojo princess exactly one time as a joke and he lets out a giggle he didn’t know his vocal cords were capable of producing
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diamonds-place · 5 months
MC: that heart of yours must weight you down.
Mammon: why?
MC: because it's made of solid gold
[Mammon is blushing and almost passes out]
Mammon: . . .
Mammon: YOU NEARLY FREAKING KILLED ME. . . but, uh, thanks. . . MC
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mars-ipan · 3 months
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they're so GROSSSSSS (<- desperately wants what they have)
alt color under the cut:
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mailb0xbunii · 3 months
pose practice with my ocs who i Hate ...... truly honestly i hate them i swear
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theloveinc · 5 months
Shinsou "I dont know why she's into me either" Hitoshi
ALWAYS on his "am shy and humble or actually just cocky" shit because sometimes this means he's holding your palms in his hands and getting all watery-eyed because he thinks you're WAY too good for him ... and other times it means cheers-ing someone when they get snotty about how you're out of his league.
They're trying to piss him off, meanwhile he's just raising his glass an tipping a shot back, kinda smirking, all: "cheers, I'll drink to that!" (then going home to make sure you aren't about to leave him--as if he doesn't have ROCK HARD ABS he wants you grinding against every night. why would you ever give that up????? adjflakdhj)
Not to mention all the times Denki asks him how he managed to score you and Shinso genuinely goes blank and has to take 20 minutes to ponder it too:
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roman's the type to angriliy eat a bowl of cereal. i know this because i just did (for fun) and could vividly imagine him doing the same. whether it be remus stole his sword (although that would most likely warrant higher anger levels) or the side he likes says something he finds attractive and he gets flustered.
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true-blue-sonic · 3 months
I imagine Espio messes up a recipe but Silver eats it anyway and thinks it's fine (he's eaten worse)
I get the feeling Silver would quite like cooking and baking, but just not in moments wherein he is busy or on a mission. And since that is often, I figure he'll just throw whatever he can together and eats that, if he gets that far in the first place. Thus, he'll probably have consumed a whole matter of things that were... unique in their combination, haha. But I think he really does not care so much about it! Food is food and time wasted is time wasted. So when Espio comes in with a recipe that's not exactly what he had desired, Silver will just down it with little complaint. And I figure he'll be happy to help out later and see if they can make it better together <3
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theangel-aziraphale · 9 months
Who do you think is a better driver: you or Crowley? Because it does rather seem like he relies on a fair amount of miracles when he's driving.
Well when I drive I follow the rules of the road.
I go the speed limit. Sometimes, just slightly less than. I like to keep an eye out for pedestrians and cyclists, motor or otherwise. Not enough people watch out for motorcyclists!
Not that I drive regularly or much at all. Crowley does enjoy the act of driving me places.
In short: I am the better driver. But because it's a rare occurrence to see me behind the wheel these days, if ever, Crowley will still be driving us everywhere.
I trust him, though. Enough to drive us somewhat safely...
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singswan-springswan · 4 months
favorite batfam au is Talia Al Ghul Wayne. Shrike. butcher bird. she becomes a cryptid but she is not a poor little meow meow unlike her husband and his furry friend burglar. batfam at peak functionality. Damian is soooooo unstoppable
#oopsies joker gets skewered for looking at her son the wrong way#batman may cry a river about the killing but all it takes is one stern look from his assassin wife to get him to agree#well yeah maybe that freak deserved it#dickiebird asks her for advice because she is so wise#villains in gotham are afraid of stickbug baby jason because they know if they hurt him they will never draw breath again#Talia is so flattered by Tim's paparazzi shtick#she finds the photography so interesting and asks him to tell her all about it#when he readily agrees (flustered vibrating with excitement) she gets suspicious that his parents haven't taught him proper stranger danger#it takes her a day to adopt him#“beloved you must sue our neighbors”#“what why”#“we want their son and they don't”#“I think you mean our son”#“oh beloved you know I can't contain myself when you speak that way~”#((I think I got a little out of hand there ahem))#cass just spawned and talia said “is anyone loving this child” and didn't wait for an answer#steph was an angy bb trying to fight her dad and talia slid into her dms like “hey sorry to hear about your dad being awful#in case you were in the market for a new father my husband is always looking for child vigilantes to fit under his cape"#steph said “lemme get back to you” and then became robin#talia was so pleased with herself#damian has so many legacies lol#he can't decide whether he wants to take up his father or mother's mantle#dick said please be batman so I don't have to#Talia scares the crap out of Duke and he's always super shy around her so she always tries to be not intimidating around him#She is the demon's dauther tho so her standard of “not intimidating” far exceeds the civilian threshold#although Duke's ahead by a margin since he has cult leader on his resume#she does her best to bond with him#“ahki observe the most efficient way to sharpen your hatchets”#“okay”#“richard may provide you further information on the maintenance of escrimas”
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“You’re is supposed to annoy me down to my core, (Y/N)..but not anymore. You’re almost endearing, and cute dare I say -...could this really be happening?”
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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T’Pel and Tuvok as kiddos...T’Pel dressed herself but Tuvok’s clothes were picked out by his parents and it shows.
#girls who get mistaken for boys v boys who get mistaken for girls - unbreakable bond#not by Vulcans but by like humans and other aliens v_v#T'Pel has a snake in her portable terarium thing bc it looked sick and she wants to nurse it to health#they didn't know each other back then but I'm imagining T'Pel trying to show Tuvok a snake and Tuvok trying not to scream#Tuvok hides behind his dad a lot as a small kid....father pleaseplease don't let her get me (T'Pel is racing at him full of determination)#Tuvok's dad looking at T'Pel like ohmygod...whose child /is/ this?????#T'Pel's parents thinks that if T'Pel is old enough to dress herself she's old enough to chose what she wears#Tuvok's parents think Tuvok should look presentable (and that he's adorable all dressed up)#I think when they're actually married T'Pel is sure Tuvok thinks she looks rather plain (she doesn't feel any particular way about this -#it's just a fact that she dresses and looks much plainer than people from the city his family's from)#plus Tuvok's mother is constantly gifting her new clothing in a gesture that teeters SO carefully between generous and insulting#(T'Pel donates these)#and Tuvok doesn't look at her for very long...always averting his eyes (which annoys her)#so one day she says something like she knows she's plain but she doesn't think she's so awful to look at that she repels his eye#and Tuvok is confused but hurriedly says no not at all (so why do you refuse to look at me?) Tuvok looks away as she moves closer#She looks at him for awhile then sighs and moves to leave but he grabs her wrist and looks at her and she realizes from his expression and#through their bond that it's just the opposite...it's because he finds her so beautiful that he can't look at her for long...it stirs up too#much emotion in him...he likes her a /lot/ and that's EMBARRASSING#She thanks him for his honestly and then rushes off and they're both so flustered by the encounter that they avoid each other for a few days#but T'Pel is.....quite pleased <3#Tuvok is screaming at himself though#bea art tag#Tuvok art#T'Pel art#st voyager art
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salsflore · 1 year
i think zhongli would look super cute when i fucking HUMILIATE! him in a game of tcg
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xhatake · 1 year
❀ // Tenzō making it with Mokuton tho ...
Watching Tenzō weave the halo of flowers is surreal, captivating in its own right. In a world where their jutsu were often utilized for bloodshed, it's cathartic to see such a potentially destructive force come to life in a new, careful way. There is something beautiful about how he follows his whim, bringing life forth at the tips of his fingers. Fingers that had known death, much more intimately, but could still choose to be gentle. What was more impressive, still, was seeing Tenzō redefine his ability by his own hand. How gently he treats the fragile stems as he breathes life into him with his own hands... hands that glide through the air, setting the freshly woven flowers upon Kakashi's mess of silver hair.
It's now that Kakashi realizes he had been holding the air in his lungs. It was strange how engrossed he had become in Tenzō's action, one he had never considered the Mokuton may be used for. With his next breath, his sharp sense of smell is quick to detect the fragrance of the gift. It was getting colder out & many fickle plants had already shriveled up & died. It was the way of things, though Kakashi hated to see it. But with the gift comes the scent of spring, new & alive. A smile sneaks onto his face beneath his mask, carefully. He doubts he'll be able to hide the expression entirely from the other, but he doesn't want to betray his fascination ( or vulnerability ? )
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" Thank you. " Kakashi is not sure why his mouth feels so dry, why he feels so exposed in his thanks. There is an underlying meaning to it. Kakashi feels strangely vulnerable in the new light of Tenzō's capabilities. ( What a special gift, he thinks. ) An endearing feeling swells in his chest, simmering in the pit of his ribcage. It feels good to smile with Tenzō, to know this part of him & be known. He tries to cool his internal warmth, catching his thoughts before they are able to skip ahead of the moment. He clears his throat, looking to the grass at their feet, " Have you ever used Mokuton for something like this before? It's ah --- it's fantastic. "
flower crown meme! || not accepting
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volucerrubidus · 2 years
bart cuddles next to Tim using his cape as a blanket, glancing up at the bird with irresistible puppy eyes. : )
Promptless II Inbox: Open
Tim glances over, staring at Bart for all of a few seconds, before he immediately looks away, the tips of his ears heating.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He mumbles. “What’re you doing here?”  
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areakeeper · 2 years
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I’m just gonna uhhhhh
Leave this here with no context
By e-
i open this accs activity fr two seconds and am ATTACKED by old man farts. i totally forgot this was an actual line in babylön im going to explode sometjing in real life
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