#((he might as well be a monk lmao))
akkivee · 1 year
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i think it’s………. interesting ig that kuukou’s clothes have been progressively getting darker
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
I don't know how to explain this but the versions of JTTW feels weird when the Tang Monk has the power to defend himself right, and whole reason he argues with Sun Wukong is he want to stay a pacifist and hes powerless when dealing with monsters on the journey
I kinda like the different interpretations!! Personally, I think that there are some versions that make it really exciting having Sanzang as a fighter or at least can defend himself as it changes the dynamics of the group a bit, just enough to make it where the audience can see the same character but with slightly altered roles!
I know that it goes against the OG narrative but I think it kinda leans more into that kinda area of 'what ifs' where the reason Sanzang has Wukong, Bajie, and Wujing isn't that he needs protection but rather he generally wants to help them on their redemption. I know that's never every take when it comes to a fighting Sazang trope but I think it adds another layer of having new dynamics without taking away Sanzang's core elements of wanting to help others and being compassionate. I don't think having a character that can defend himself takes away his values of valuing life. If done well I think that it can be interesting to see someone that doesn't like violence still have the view that they understand certain circumstances cannot be avoided. Like Sanzang doesn't want Wukong to kill but he also never tells them to fight either, just to show mercy on their enemies and never go overboard, especially when they are far weaker them the overpowered yaoguai.
Of course, they aren't accurate but that is the fun of re-marks like that, and I think if done well can still have Sanzang's core traits of seeing good in everyone while having a more playful twist of dynamics in a media.
.....I'm mostly talking about Westward 西行纪 BUT I JUST LOVE THE CRAZINESS OF IT ALL! I'm not here for power structures, I'm here for character-driven narratives.
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This Sanzang BENCH PRESSES demons, everyone else is just there for show. HE ALREADY GOT WARPED AROUND HIS FISTS HE READY.
What I'm trying to say it, I think if done right, it could be a really fun concept to play with but understandable if they just make him just a fighter and not a monk. A good "What if he was a Warrior Monk" but don't just make him a fighter.
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gffa · 2 months
Okay, so. The senator's speech. Here's why I'm okay with it: It fundamentally misunderstands the worldbuilding of Star Wars and the Force, in a way that's reasonable for a senator to misunderstand. To say the senator is right, you would have to say that the entire foundations of the Force are wrong, as well as it's pretty laughable to say that you shouldn't control your emotions. "Check yourself before you wreck yourself." is pretty good advice and that's literally just "control your emotions, before they control you". Because that's how the Force works, it's based on the emotions you pour into it--if you don't control your emotions, then you will run wild and out of control. To say that the Jedi seek to control their emotions, which is an impossible thing to do, fundamentally misunderstands that it's entirely possible. This is a speech coming from a member of the Senate, which has historically not always had the purest motivations, that Padme and Bail and Mon are written specifically as a contrast to the vast majority of senators who don't actually care beyond their own desires. We don't know anything about this senator specifically, but that's the weight that comes with having a character like this introduced--especially one who is trying to drag the Jedi into being more politically bogged down. Because that's the solution he's suggesting here, to weigh the Jedi down with outside oversight that doesn't actually understand who they are or what they do, who fundamentally misunderstand who they are (they're not a religion? come on, my guy, they are very clearly a religion, they have specific beliefs, practices, rites, and attitudes, to say they're not a religion is either dumb as shit or malicious bad faith lmao) and is very clearly not interested in the Jedi beyond them being a political enemy of his. He says, "But it's only a matter of time before one of you snaps." as if the Jedi haven't existed for literally 20,000 years at this point in galactic history and been aligned with the Republic since it's inception, something like 900 years ago at this point. His speech acts like a Jedi has never gone bad before or that the Jedi pretend they're above it--they very much don't. The Jedi are constantly making a point about how no one is above the dark side within them (TCW has a whole scene where the High Council say not even Yoda is beyond the dark side, and Yoda straight up agrees immediately), to say that one of them will snap and "who will be powerful enough to stop them?" is deliberately ignoring the worldbuilding. It ignores what the Jedi actually practice (it's a lifelong challenge not to give in to anger, so they're constantly on the path to turn away from it), it ignores that emotions very much are controllable, it ignores that the Jedi Order has been keeping a handle on their shit for thousands of years at this point, and it ignores that there's dark siders out there that were never trained by the Jedi, so if the Jedi aren't around to stop them, the Sith would have been wrecking the Republic's shit for the last 500 years. To be fair, they don't know that (but we the audience do, so we should know a bullshit argument when we hear one), but "who will be strong enough to stop him"? Idk, maybe the rest of the level 100 psychic space wizard monks? Pretty sure there's enough of them to stop someone who "snaps", if that happens. The senator's speech just flat out doesn't work with the established worldbuilding, in a way that really works for me, because that's kind of a huge established point throughout just about every piece of canon with the Jedi in it--people just do not understand them and hate the idea that anyone might actually be truly good because they can't imagine it for themselves. Because, as is a theme in Star Wars: "As much as people loved the Jedi, they also hated them, on some level. It is hard to look at people who have become their best selves. It reminds you that you have not."
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The senator cannot fathom the idea that a group of people could become their best selves, he doesn't believe that it's possible, because he has not achieved it, and so seeing it in others unsettles him. And, yeah, that's a whole thing that happens with the Jedi in Star Wars, so this speech made a whole lot of sense to me, especially combined with, "So the answer is more bogging them down in political oversight that does not bother to or even want to understand them?" Like, yeah, I see where you're coming from, sir. And that's not even touching the idea of calling the Buddhist-inspired religion (which the Jedi explicitly are) a "cult", because anyone who unironically says that should not be trusted.
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darqx · 3 months
Some MORE BP/HH asks
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Yes there are! The Battle Monks deal with those ones.
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Yes it is! Or at least will be ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ I've been doing a lot of thumbnailing and once i finish this chapter i can possibly start actually making some pages lol.
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His name is Zeke and he's a big (~6'8") demon softy who likes cooking :D And bacon 🥓
Is this chicken predominately supposed to be a pet or not cos BP!Zeke could very well just cook it.
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Of course you can (please give credit for BP and say its an OC tho)! I'm honored that you want to :D However until i get BP out and about i probably can't interact with any art/info of BP OCs because this could be a problem if they turn out to be similar to any of my planned events/characters.
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I kinda had no ideas for a doodle (sacrilege i know lol) but then remembered i had one doodle that I'm p sure never got put here.
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I used this pic to reply to a friend once and it became one of our chat emotes lol.
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He has a like...chateau/manor/whatever in the region that he rules over -nods- He doesn't live on Earth he just visits.
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If i were to put it succinctly lol:
The main gang are/become friends, Caleb p much dislikes/is indifferent to everyone but particularly hates Izm and vice versa, the demons generally try to avoid Rire if they realise who he is, and Rire finds at least two people rather interesting.
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Anon I'm also very confused about why you think bots(??) are a credible source of information |D; But to answer your question no he's not a demon.
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I hate to say this but the demons already have marks indicative of themselves so, those for them XD
.D would maybe have something like the BP logo, Wei Ren a book, and Marcus could have a heart of embers or something 🤔
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The demons I decided could hybridize with humans is actually somewhat random and based entirely on gut feeling lol. Half-breeds take more after the demon parent (as the genetics is stronger) but would have a lot less power than a full-fledged demon (and might be infertile, I haven't really thought about that aspect yet). Yes an abortion is possible.
All of my demon species have specific phenotypes. Eg Caleb's species has several different eye colours they can have, Caleb's happens to be green. If/when I make enough demon species I did have a tentative plan to make a field guide about them \o/
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HH only ever existed as random one shots and stuff on my DA so if you were looking for like a webcomic you would be sorely disappointed lol.
To be fair to myself it DID actually have somewhat of a storyline but i never actually got around to it |D
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LMAO XDD Ok, ok but listen if this happened it would only ever happen ONCE because omg have you ever had hair caught in your mouth? It is, the worst XD
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Nope it is an all boys boarding school
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It is a generally normal high school so normal high school subjects would apply haha, you know, things like English, Science, Maths, Art, Sport, Languages and various sub catergories etc.
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nanamis-bigtie · 5 months
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ꕥ in the heat of spring | confessions feat. geto suguru x reader
content warnings: pwp, reader has a vagina, roleplaying, religion kink/priest fetish, reader is aroused by the feeling of shame, humiliation, fingering, piv sex, creampie word count: 4.3k mood prompt: embarrassed and shy kink prompt: priests/nuns requested by: @honey-deku a/n: i think i'll stop giving myself limits because i don't keep faithful to them anyway LMAO ngl, i'm proud of how this text turned out, even if it's way more stretched than intended. i guess catholic guilt the kink is strong!
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Anticipation has your body tense like a string. Your mouth feels dry, too dry to speak, so you take your time lingering by the door, hand clenched on the handle. If you opened it now, you surely would just shriek instead of greeting him with a sultry, playful voice, as you planned. Well, in this state you surely would trip over your stiff legs too. Speak about breaking the character even before the play starts...
You take a deep, shaky breath, trying to grab the reins of your frantic nerves. Excitement isn't your ally now, nor isn't the dampness you already feel in your underwear. Embarrassment and uneasiness are welcomed in this particular scene, but you would rather have them as extras to it, not as the main characters. It was your idea and the fruit of months-long pleading, negotiations, and preparations, after all.
You wouldn't hear the end of it, if he picked up how much it costs you to keep calm and stick to the role.
Exhaling is easier, the flow of air doesn't falter, and your shoulders finally let go of the unnaturally stiff frame. Now or never. If you prolong this meditation, if you don't step over the threshold right here and now, you will ruin all the hard work that brought you here. He will get concerned and suspicious, he will open the door on his own and see you in a complete disarray.
Something at the back of your head prompts you to cross yourself for good luck—and you oblige, taking it as a perfect way to get into character.
You knock, three shy, barely audible taps.
He gives you no time to collect yourself again, his answer is faster than the faint echo disappearing into the hall behind your back, "Please, come in."
You take a step in—and almost slam the door closed again.
You thought you were prepared for that. He might be a false monk but it's a role that's become his second skin. The attire he chose for now is different, and the religion and its symbols might be alien to him—but does a catholic priest fall that far from other priests? He was doomed to be good in this role, maybe too good for your own demise. You considered that and prepared yourself for the consequences.
Yet, Geto looks so authentic that you didn't recognize him at first. He's...too natural, uncanny almost. Black cassock, even if visibly too tight for a man of such huge posture, suits him even better than the layers of robes he wears anywhere outside the privacy of the house. He's nailing that mysterious, casual elegance with ease, humble and insular yet beaming with the charisma of a leader. He's sitting in his chair straight but not stiff, holding the Bible open as if it weighed nothing in his big hands, one of his long fingers serving him as a temporary bookmark. His hair is tied into a tight knot at the back of his head, giving an excellent illusion of keeping it short. Glasses are an unusual yet suiting accessory; lowered almost to the tip of his nose, they add depth and domination to his gaze as he's scanning your figure curiously.
"Yes, my child?" He asks, voice soft yet menacing, like the rustle of prowling cat's feet.
Your saliva is thick like tar and you almost choke trying to swallow it.
"Please, help me, Father," you're barely keeping your voice in check. Sultry be damned, you're fighting to sound at least natural. "I need your advice."
Geto slowly closes the book, sets it aside as he's adjusting his position, leaning more towards you, cutting the mental distance between the two of you. Good, caring shepherd, worried for his little lost lamb, "Come in. Tell me, what's troubling your mind?"
Embarrassment is expected from your role in this moment, so following comes to you much easier than the opening sequence. You close the door and approach closer while still keeping the timid distance. He's silent and patient, just his gaze weights on you, threatening your legs to go limp and wobbly. The fluffy rug you like so much in your shared bedroom is like a trap now, ready at any moment to trip you and throw you to your knees right in front of him.
"I must...have been possessed, Father." You confess, averting your eyes, and clasp your hands at your abdomen, like a good, little, shy student.
Geto's eyebrows cock up in a perfectly played surprise. He rubs his chin in thought as he studies your expression intently, "And why is that? What brought you to this conclusion?"
Heat spreading all over your face in a not-so-feigned abashment, you reel the story off: everything you've come up together for this night. There are dreams, of lust and dark desires you dread to name. They come to you every night and turn your thoughts away from your prayers. The more religiously you try to praise the Lord, the stronger and trickier they get once you lie down. There's no escape for a poor, little lamb like you; soothing darkness brings temptation, avoiding rest has your mind more prone to succumbing to them.
Geto listens, still hidden under the cover of an exemplary priest. Resting chin in his palm, he asks and investigates, presses you whenever you stutter, and gives you the little needle when you try to stray around the topic to sound less sinful. He would be such an excellent preacher if he wasn't a wolf, prowling patiently at your tracks and waiting for your neck to arch nicely for his fangs. And he does so with sugar-coated words and a voice so sweet that you sip from his lips like parched, unaware of the trap he leads you into—while knowing well where and how this conversation will lead.
His power is terrifying, you know it better than anyone, and you squeeze your thighs tighter as you hunch under his gaze, trying to hide what's obvious and avoid what's unrelenting.
"When did those dreams start?" The question finally appears and Geto's eyes narrow at your not-so-played-anymore flinch. "Do you know what could have caused them?"
You avert your eyes, the wave of shame and arousal washing over you and pearling sweat at your temples.
"There's nothing to be shy about, my child." He leans to the back of the chair, his posture open and welcoming, so safe. "I only want to help."
This part of play calls for silence—but you wouldn't find any words in you even if you were scripted to speak. You bite on lips and shift your weight from one leg to another, uncomfortable when stripped so bluffly. You're losing control—you doubt if you even had it in the first place—and the less confident you feel around him, the softer and wobblier your knees are. You're tempted to fall to them, just to relieve yourself of this unbearable tension, to hide the arousal that runs dead even with embarrassment.
Shame is such a delicious drug.
"I won't be able to help you, if you hide something from me." Geto's soft, caring smile sends cold shivers down your spine. He beckons you closer, arms wide open to welcome you in his proximity. "Come here, child, and speak into my ear, if you fear to confess aloud."
You fear more to trip as soon as you move—but you, obedient like a sacrificial lamb, approach closer, and let him lay his hands at your waist. They're soft and warm—but leave you no way to run as they pull you close, right into his lap. You're stiff and hesitant, craving to nuzzle close to his broad chest, to let those strong arms engulf you and shield you from everything unholy—but you know there's nothing more unholy than what you're doing right now.
"Speak, my child." He commands and grabs your chin oh so gently when you try to turn away. "Don't be afraid. Our lord is full of grace and mercy."
"It started—" You stutter and clean your throat, painfully dry with anticipation. "—started after I was... Touching myself."
One of his hands strays from your middle to your hip, then to your thigh, "How did you touch yourself? Where exactly?"
Your heartbeat is thudding in your ears, swallowing every sound but its racing rhythm. It has your head spinning, your vision blurry—yet you're unable to escape his piercing gaze, unable to avert your eyes again. Your breath is shallow, and you don't dare to take a deeper one in; his smell is different, heavier, rich of incense and anointing oil, as if he left Lord's altar right before he agreed to listen to your shameful confessions. If you caved in and inhaled it, it would drug you, would strip you of the remains of self-control and dignity. It's tempting to turn into a trusting, stupid lamb entirely, but in the midst of the need twisting your brain you decide it's not something you want to give him...yet.
As you ponder over the next line—or rather: desperately fight for the reins to remain in your hands—his hand smoothly wanders towards the inner side of your thigh. You clench your legs together, but it still finds a way to sneak in between, right at the core of your embarrassment.
Can he already feel how wet you are for him? His fingers press tighter and rub at your sex through the pants—and you yelp through clenched teeth. It's not a loud sound, you almost managed to drown it out, but in such a silent room—silent like a confessional—it has the power of a scream.
"It was here, wasn't it?" Geto whispers into your ear, keeping you tight and close with the other arm still around your waist. His fingers start to move, flowingly, along the line of your slit, and the more you clench your legs and squirm, the more prominent the pressure becomes. "You invited the lustful spirit to the most sacred part of your body."
You want to admit, lie, and plead for mercy at the same time, so you only squeal and put all might you still possess into closing your legs. They open pathetically a second later, as soon as the tip of his hot tongue teases your ear.
"Do you want me to get rid of it?" He presses soft, barely palpable, kisses to your jaw and neck. "With the power of The Almighty I may clean your soul and bring peace to your mind."
You clench your thighs again, this time trying to trap his slowly withdrawing hand and steal some friction. Geto pulls it out with ease and faint yet mean smirk on his face. He has you in his trap whole now and he has no itch for satisfying your whims until you do as he pleases—and you know he's not going to make it easy for you. Tormenting his prey is his favorite part of the hunt. His eyes darken just at the thought; they promise tonight the shearing blade won't stop at the wool.
"I need your voice, child." He cups your chin into his palm and guides you to look straight at him. "Speak."
"Please." You barely recognize the sound squeezing through your throat now as your voice. "Help me, Father Geto."
"I shall, then."
You're gently pushed off his lap and guided to sit at the edge of bed instead. For the first time since what feels like forever now you take a deeper breath, not until the dull ache in your lungs eased you realize how badly you needed it. You could use some relaxation for your muscles too, but you can't bring yourself to move, even your eyes are set exactly in the same place: looking straight at Geto as he's taking his cassock off. It's a ritual on its own, each little button is given its fair share of special attention from fingers that just a moment ago caressed your sex. Underneath there's another barrier of black clothes: plain shirt and jeans, both hugging his well-sculpted body so tight that they seem to be one move away from tearing. Even so, he moves around with grace, each move calculated to keep you right on the edge but not bored or frustrated.
Finally, the cassock is folded and put away, the Bible is closed, the light limited to the small lamp on the bed stand. Geto returns to his chair, hand prompted on palm as he stares at you intently, like a bird of prey.
"Strip, my child." He whispers more than just says and yet, you jerk in place as if he shouted at you.
Your hands get into each other's way even if you're not in a hurry. You know you're going to get scolded, softly, if you're going to be sloppy, it doesn't make you any less clumsy, though. You wish you could say it's a part of your role, but you really can't control your moves as much as you would like to. There's something in his eyes that makes you behave in a reprimanding-worth way. He always gets what he wants—and if he wants to punish you, sooner or later you will succumb into misbehavior.
Good lambs always listen to their shepherd.
He doesn't pay much attention to clumsiness and disarray, though. Instead, his eyes take in the view of your body, from your fluttering lips, down your chest and your nipples, perky with anticipation, to your legs you're struggling to free from the pants. When you finally kick them off and return to the proper and tense sitting position, he furrows his brow, showing a negative reaction for the first time tonight.
"I thought I told you to strip?"
You flick your gaze down, to underwear still covering what it should, and you hook thumbs under the elastic band, ready to pull everything down...but you linger, true to words you're saying next, "It's embarrassing."
Geto clicks his tongue, displeased, and gets up, in two steps closing the distance and looking down at you, now. Hand cupping your face is rougher this time as he tilts your head back. Mewl dies in your throat when your eyes meet—and you find no mercy nor warmth in his.
"Was it embarrassing too when you shamelessly spread your legs for the demon to penetrate your body? If you wish to wash your disgusting sins away, I repeat: strip."
Not daring to look away, you clumsily roll your underwear down to your ankles.
"Now, that's a good little lamb."
His hold eases and he caresses your cheek now, smiling down at you in a way that has cold shivers running down your spine.
Next, he wants you to climb to the head of the bed and you follow, feeling no safer on the familiar softness. You lie down against the pillows as instructed and bend legs in knees. You hesitate when asked to spread them as wide as you can, genuine embarrassment winning over you anew.
"Don't linger, my child," Geto narrows his eyes, a warning he might snap again, if you don't listen. "Show me the place you besmeared."
Figuring closing eyes may help you, you do so and follow his wish to the final step. Air feels extra cold against your exposed cunt—intoxicating contrast to your hot juices dripping down your labia and ass. For the longest time nothing happens, no word is said, until eventually the bed creaks and you feel Geto scooting closer to you. Your body is tense like a string, shaking from anticipation, but you don't dare to sneak a peek at him and whatever he's doing. You fear you may fall apart if you see his expression as he's appraising your sex and the influence your sin had on it.
"What were you thinking about when you were touching yourself?" He says after a painfully stretched moment. He's closer than you estimated from the way the mattress dipped by your side, probably sitting or kneeling right between your legs.
"I—" You lick your lips, desperately trying to squeeze any moisture, but nerves parched everything to crisp. If he's going to make you scream tonight, you can say goodbye to your voice for the next day if not longer. "Can't remember details. But—"
There's impatience in his voice and as much as you're tempted to see what is Geto going to do if you test his limits, this is not on the menu for this scene—so you push the bashfulness away as much as you can and follow the scenario, "I was thinking about you, Father Geto."
He must have been expecting you to resist for longer—the silence on his side is too long to be just played. But there's no further trace of surprise, when he speaks, his voice is as calm as it can be, given the circumstances of the play. "You're pulling me into this sin with you, child."
The bed creaks, he's scooting closer, his body bears down on your knees now. His hand finds its way to your sex again, this time touching it without any barrier in between you two. It takes everything from you to not meet him half-way; you're frozen in place like a terrified, filled with shame lamb should when he's slowly caressing your slit, then tracing at the rim of your hole. You're so wet he could slide anything he wanted in just like that, no preparations needed, but he's treating you as carefully as if you were a virgin offered to him on a holy altar. 
This tenderness, the quiescence he enforced with his demeanor, drives you crazy.
"You claim you can't remember details..." Geto muses, his breath ghosting over your cunt as he starts to slide a single finger in. "But those must have been many, many thoughts. Your body is begging for my blessings."
The process repeats: he teases you with one digit only until you're on the verge of giving in. He knows well you need much more than this silly play but he's not going to give it to you even if you beg, not until he is satisfied with the mess you're becoming. Second, then third finger in, he keeps heating you up but straying away from anything that could pull you closer to the sweet release. You're not a lamb anymore, just a plaything, putty in his hands, too ashamed to beg for it, too scared to ask for more at the face of rejection and even longer torture. Here and there he changes the angle to brush at your walls exactly how you like it—but as soon as you mewl or buck your hips, mercy is denied and he clicks his tongue, scolding you for being an impatient child.
But even Geto can find some mercy in him. Right as you think you're going to lose your mind if he keeps stretching you for nothing, he pulls his fingers out and kisses your clit. This short, almost affectionate touch has you thrashing on the sheets; you crave that release so bad it hurts, hurts for real, you can accumulate only as much pent-up desire, and you're about to burst, not in a way you need it.
He lets you calm your breathing and even your senses before he orders you to open your eyes—for you to see him licking his fingers clean of your juices.
"You taste so sweet, my child." Immense pleasure ruins his collected expression just for a second, when he sucks the last drops of you from his fingertips. "Almost as if there was no sin in you..."
A click of a belt, a rustle of zipper and clothes slipped out of the way, and Geto is close to you again, one hand keeping one of your legs nice and open, the other guiding his dick to brush against the wet mess he's turned your pussy into. You both groan when his sensitive tip meets your clit, you: nudged towards the edge again, him: at the limit of his self-control. He lets go of your leg to throw his glasses and clergy collar away, then loosens his shirt; dark hair on his chest pours out of the gap and you have to fight the urge to run your fingers through it. The flick of your eyes is caught and met with a nod of approval, but you're so desperate to have him finally fuck you that you don't want to risk another delay, for any reason.
"I'm going to cleanse your soul," Geto moans more than says, almost ruining the character on his side, but you couldn't care less now, when finally feeling the pressure at your hole. He slides the tip in, slowly, but not in the same, teasing way. It's a deliberate act of immense self-control; if not for the fog in your eyes and your mewls still calling him a "Father", he would be already fucking you stupid, your ankles hooked on his shoulders. He puts it in only as much to let you feel it, to have your cunt finally spasm around what you craved the most. And instead of thrusting into you, he touches your clit again, gently at first, then with precise, circular moves that have your eyes roll back in no time.
After being played with for so long, from the strict confession to his fingers spreading you open, you don't need much, and soon you're creaming over his cock, over and over, as if all this pent-up tension needed a few orgasms before it would be gone. It could be indeed a few of them or just one big and mercilessly prolonged as Geto is still rubbing your clit, deaf to your cries and blind to your hands clawing at his shoulders.
The touch ceases as sharply as it started but you're not even fully back from your high when it returns, together with his dick slamming full into you all at once. You swallow and squeeze him tight, your exhausted, oversensitive body arching and squirming. He uses his whole weight to pin it down into submission, fucking you through the last spasms of your orgasm and more, more than you can handle—and what you take regardless, your throat almost worn of cries of his name.
You beg him to cum, you beg him to stop right to beg him to fuck you harder shortly after, you beg to be destroyed—never mind your "sin", you want to burn whole and take him with you.
You beg—but all that breaks out of your lips are moans.
Even Geto has his limits and eventually his hips start to stutter before he buries himself whole in you, his pubes tickling your tortured clit, as he releases his load. He thrusts a few more times, fucking it deeper, and finally ceases, satisfied, his heavy, hot body pressing you flat into the bed.
It's stifling, uncomfortable even with his clothes grazing your naked body, but he soon lifts himself on straight arms, then sits on heels while pulling your hips closer; he's still in you but now you can breathe as deep as you want and slowly regain control over your senses and body. You keep silent, partially too lazy to find words, partially unsure how you should act now. You haven't discussed that part in detail, and the bliss has pushed you out of your character: just a little but enough to block any attempt of improvisation. Geto's content expression is not much of help either; after a short consideration you abandon the attempt of deciphering him, instead taking as much as you can from this calm moment, in case he's keen to torturing you more soon.
Geto just rocks his hips one more time before pulling out of you and setting your limp legs wide apart. Pleased with himself, he looks at your messy cunt and gently traces your slit, so gently you, despite your nerves fried to your limits, barely can feel it. With a hum of agreement on your side, he continues and slides two fingers into you, squeezing some of his cum until it flows down to his knuckles.
"Praise the Lord for how well-bred his sheep are." He says with a smug smile, and it finally earns him a reaction. With an embarrassed—or rather: disconcerted—groan you grab the nearest pillow and smack him over the head.
He lets you, even chuckles a little when you take an aim for a second one.
"What's up with those corny jokes, out of sudden?" You huff when the pillow is taken away from you and thrown out of your reach.
Geto tucks his dick back into his pants, then takes the shirt off and lets his hair down. He lies by your side, head prompted on palm, free hand reaching to wipe sweat off your forehead, "Would a corny love confession from priest to his lamb be better?"
You roll to your side with a spent sigh, strong arm soon pulling you close, face into his chest, "Only if you aimed to dissolve me with embarrassment."
His expression is, as it often is with Geto, hard to read, but he settles on a genuine smile and a soft kiss pressed to the crown of your head, "Is my love such a struggle to you, my lamb?"
"Maybe a little." His natural, familiar, scent is breaking through the cologne he used for tonight, so you bask in it, pressing your nose to him as close as you can without suffocating yourself. "But, as you saw, I really like when you make me struggle."
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thank you so much for reading ❤ i'll be really happy, if you reblog it and/or leave some feedback! you can read more of my jjk fics here.
tag list: @lale-txt @mirkaaaluv @ohnococo @clumsyraccoon
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fhrlclln · 2 days
afterlife buddy | jason mendoza
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SUMMARY -> your lonely life doesn't end on earth, but it reaches the afterlife. luckily, you have jason, right? even though he has his soulmate in the good place.
jason mendoza x fem! reader
GENRE -> nsfw/smut
WARNINGS -> unprotected p in v, gentle sex, emotional hurt, confessions of feelings, mentions of drugs & smoking
WC -> 3.8k
a/n: writing his character is literally the hardest thing i’ve done lmaoooo. he’s so unique that i actually fear i didn’t embodied him accurately so warning he’s a little ooc!! (in my view) and i feel like jason is a great smoke buddy lmao. hope y'all like this!
likes, comments and reposts are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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being dead sucked.
that’s what you are thinking right now as you lie on your bed alone in your room. smoking a vape pen that janet had miraculously given you in a split second the moment you curiously asked if you could have one discreetly. well, maybe that’s one good thing about being in the afterlife… you won’t pay for your vape juices anymore. you had been in “the good place” or the afterlife for about a week. at first, you knew you weren’t supposed to be here. there was nothing that you could think of. you did something perfect to earn your place in this “heaven,” as michael had broadly said when your eyes opened and you were in that waiting room.
maybe being dead didn't really sucked. maybe you were just kind of disappointed, really. as you were welcomed into the good place, the only thing michael had said that had maybe upseted you was in fact, you apparently don't have a soulmate.
which... made you ponder for a moment how in the world did it come to that? back in your life on earth, you were always alone, in a sense. you always thought that everything ended in every relationship you had, that maybe it was just destiny leading you to your soulmate. that maybe your special someone was coming to you at any point in your dreadful life back on earth. yet, being dead now, you had thought that maybe your soulmate was here as well.
which, unfortunately, not as well.
michael had put it in a light and gentle explanation that rarely people wouldn't have a soulmate. sporadic it is, as he puts it to you in a nauseating but sympathetic tone that you somehow loathed. all you could now do was put on a smile and nod in understanding and eventually move on because you're dead, after all. and maybe the worst part of being dead was after michael had explained to you that you're all alone in a good place. after the opening orientation, he introduced you to the many people in the neighborhood and their soulmates. you were introduced to eleanor and chidi, then to tahani and her soulmate, the silent monk jianyu.
or rather... jason mendoza.
a lot of things happened after your first day in the good place. you obviously were self-aware that you weren't supposed to be here. things did start to get weird after tahani's welcoming party for the whole neighborhood and the incident in the heart of the town. you thought for a moment that it might be you who was causing the unexplained glitches happening, and that's when you met another soul who also thinks they aren't supposed to be here either, eleanor shellstrop. after that, that's when you met jason; he as well wasn't supposed to be in a good place either.
your mouth feels dry, and even in the afterlife, you still get cottonmouth from overusing your puffs. this is torture. you think to yourself as you sit up, wondering if you should have agreed to be in chidi's ethics class. you don't really care if you are going to be sent to the bad place. where did you even belong, really?
you close your eyes, dropping your vape pen on your chest as you let out a tired sigh. you reel into the silence of your home, the dimness of the room shielding away the light, making it feel like you are back in your own lonely home on earth. the overwhelming feeling is still there, it never goes away. but your moment of loneliness is interrupted when you hear the front door open loudly.
"i'm not interested, eleanor. please." you immediately say before the visitor can say something.
"hey! cool, you have a vape!" your eyes shot open to see jason come in, dressed in his cream monk clothes. there's a grin spread across his face as he points to your vape pen. "can i take a hit?"
"oh, it's you." you chuckled, and he seemed puzzled at your acknowledgment towards him.
"why? is there another jason here!?" he says, looking around quickly, which makes you laugh out loud.
"here." you sit up, handing him your vape, and he immediately takes it from your hands, sitting next to you. "there's no other you, jason. it's only you." you reassure him, no matter how dumb it sounds.
"good!” he takes a puff, then sighing out the vapor in complete relaxation. “but having another me would be so dope, dude. imagine, if they find out i’m not supposed to be here, then i’ll turn the other jason in so i won’t go to the bad place.”
“that sounds like a plan. but you’ll turn him in?” you raise your brow as he takes another hit.
“yeah, homie! if i turn him in, it means i did something good… so, technically i did something good!” he smiled widely, you chuckled, shaking your head. witnessing him be himself was actually a refreshing thing you are feeling now.
“but that would mean michael will have to send you to the bad place too… because technically you’re also jason?” you hummed and his brows furrow at that, processing it. he looks cute thinking deeply. you thought as he hands your vape back.
“oh…” he frowns. “that sucks.”
“it does.” you nod, taking a hit.
“man, why does everything have to be so hard! you know, whenever i had a problem, i always throw a molotov to get rid of it. but chidi and eleanor said that was stupid.” you almost cough out the vapor you’re inhaling, surprised at that.
“a molotov?” you giggled, finding it funny. it seemed arson was his solution to all his problems… and concerning.
“yeah! you should try throwing one, homie. i swear, it’s a game changer because your previous problem turns into a new one! so, you don’t have to worry about your old problem anymore.” he explained.
“that’s… oddly effective, actually.” you think about it. jason’s eyes sparkled at that as he turns to you.
“i could show you how to do it, dude! we can start throwing it at michael’s office! the powerhouse of our problems!” he says excitedly. “this will be so dope. maybe janet has something i can light up, this will be so lit.”
he stands up, ready to call on janet. your eyes widened and you pulled him back to the bed. arson was not at your top list for the moment of trying to avoid being sent to the bad place.
“woah!” you say, and he looks at you confused.
“okay, calm down, jason. we’ll do that if everything else fails.” you reassured him, but lying that you’re actually not really planning on doing that with him. even though he’s so sweet to offer you to teach you how to do it, in a way even if it was borderline crazy.
“this sucks. i thought being in the good place won’t suck.” he pouts, sitting next to you.
"what brings you here, jason?" you finally ask him, his frown still plastered across his face as he looks at you. he fiddles with his fingers as you hand him your vape.
"eleanor said that i should go to you so you can finally join us."
you sigh, lying on your bed. "tell her i'm good. thanks."
"you're not good... you're you." he emphasized with puppy eyes, and you laughed. "so you're not gonna come with us?"
"no." you shake your head. "what's the point of learning to be good when i'm supposed to be in the bad place?"
"you get to be in the good place." he responds, taking a hit.
"i don't know, jason." you shrugged, looking at the ceiling blankly. "that doesn't mean i belong here."
"you do belong here!" he suddenly argues, looking over to your laid figure. "you're kind and nice to me. eleanor says i'm an idiot... but you don't think i'm an idiot, right?"
your hearts skips a beat at that. "no, jason. i don't think you're an idiot." you smiled.
"you sure you don't want to come with me?" he pouts.
"i'm okay right here."
"then i'll stay here with you." he decides, lying beside you. you feel the bed dip on your side as you turn your head to look at him, your own heart fluttering at his kindness. "I'll be your afterlife buddy or homie."
"afterlife buddy, huh?" you smiled at that. "i like that."
you two just lay there on your bed without thinking about the main problem. casually passing the vape pen back and forth while talking about random things, very random things from jason. you learned he was a dj from jacksonville, florida. he loves buffalo wings, he sold drugs to college students, loves the jacksonville jaguars, and did pretty stupid things, but you listened nonetheless. you actually opened up a bit about what happened in your life. he listened, and everything felt like at that moment, you weren't thinking about your situation right now.
"what's it like having a soulmate?" you ask him now as you blow a ring out of your mouth afterward with the vapor. jason hums as you pass him back the vape.
"i don't know. tahani doesn't know i'm not supposed to be here... but i guess living in her mansion was the dopest part." he says.
"do you think tahani's really your soulmate?" you shyly asked, ignoring the lingering jealousy you have for them.
"i always thought ariana grande was going to be my soulmate." he genuinely said, trying to mimic how you puff out rings but failed. you giggled at that and fell silent. you ignore that bitter feeling that's nagging you. you grab the vape from him, opting to teach him how to do the trick rather than to be affected by the notion that you don't have a soulmate.
"here. you put your mouth into an 'o' shape." you say, adjusting your position to lay on your stomach as he watches you take a puff. "then like, slowly exhale while your tongue and jaw push the vapor out."
"cool." he stares at you as you puff several rings out. you hand it back to him, and he tries it, but he is too fast to exhale, and his mouth is a little bit wider than what you showed him, making the rings not stick out.
"almost!" you laugh at him as you scoot over to teach him how. "put your mouth like this."
your a bit closer to him, making your arm brush against his while your hand goes to his lips. your face an inch above his, so close. he watches you guide him, your finger brushing lightly against his lower lip as you softly guide him to make his 'o' shaped mouth into what you showed him. you stare at his lips, wondering how lucky tahani must be with him.
"and there." you say, dropping your hand to his chest. jason's eyes shyly avert away for a moment from you, something in him bothering him, but he utters it out nonetheless.
"what if i was your soulmate?"
you're stunned for a moment, realizing how close you are to him. you stutter for a moment while his eyes go wide and expecting, as if he's looking at a pikachu balloon he desperately wants. what if? that question of his rings through your head? there's hope in your heart for a moment. but... you shake your head sadly. that would be unlikely.
"jason..." you're about to argue, but he cuts you off.
"i think so." he says, staring into your eyes. you don't know what to say, looking at his puppy face, feeling like a fool. you don't know... do you deserve jason to be your soulmate? you blink back to reality.
"you don't have to cheer me up because i don't have one." you willed yourself to detach from him, missing his warmth. you sat up, averting his gaze. jason frowns, confused as to why you seemed so sad at that.
"you should go now. i think eleanor and chidi are looking for you." you almost want to strangle yourself for dismissing him like that. there you are again, always avoiding what's right before you. jason sits up, this time he doesn't know what to say. he stands up, confused and sad, but he respects your wish to be alone now. your back is turned to him, and you wince when you hear him leave. your heart ached, and the loneliness creeped back into your room. hugging you in the darkness.
if only. you think hopelessly, lying back down. if fucking only.
your fingers dig into the flesh of your lap, now that eleanor has officially told the entire neighborhood including michael, about her not belonging here has you on edge lately. while you did escape from being interrogated in michael's office that day, that hasn't been the only thing that has been bugging you.
jason isn't talking to you.
you feel like a loser, a fool, and an idiot. should you have just agreed with him that day? the only person you actually talk to has decided to ignore your presence, which was very unlikely of jason since you had met his real self than jianyu. you want to ask chidi for help... but he has his dilemma now with tahani and eleanor. who would you call to?
"janet!" you immediately blurt out of desperation. you hoped her rebooting was in the middle since you really need her right now.
"hi, there!" janet pops up in front of you. you jump in your place, still unused to her sudden appearance every time. "what can i do for you?"
"uhm..." you feel slightly embarrassed to ask of this. "h-how is jason doing?"
"jason is currently watching t.v in his room, but he says he's upset because he's in big trouble and that he upsetted you." she says with a smile. you gulp harshly, running your hand across your face as you sigh loudly.
"fork." you muttered, annoyed that you can't even correctly swear right now.
"it appears to me that you are also upset now." janet looks at you, and you look at her with tired eyes. you sit on your couch, while janet observes you with her usual cheery face. you think for a moment how to fix all of this, your stay in the good place is nearing its end, and you feel like at any minute now, you'll be boarding the train to the bad place. if jason managed to stay... at least you can leave him with a positive impression as a goodbye.
"can you make some buffalo wings?"
anticipation lingers through the air when janet leaves in an instant. you hoped he would find your apology gift to end his thoughts about how he upset you. but you upset him. because you pushed him away, still thinking that you don't deserve anyone as pure and kind as jason is. why were you holding back? why were you still trying to push away your feelings for him? when it was evident he thought the same of you. as you lay on the couch, you pondered if you should have given him the gift instead of janet. you close your eyes, wanting to bury yourself in the ground.
a sudden frantic knocking makes you jolt up.
you quickly stand up, fearing that michael has asked you to return to his office. you rush to your front door, readying yourself as you hesitantly open it. but… you were then met with the sight of a nervous-looking jason.
your eyes softened. "hey..."
"i love you." he deadpans, face serious as ever. your eyes widened, your heart stopped for a moment, and so did the apology in your head for him. you're about to say something but he takes a deep breath before coming closer to you.
"i just want you to know that you're like whippets to me... addicting that i can't live without it. you're pretty like those lights in a skrillex concert and make my heartbeat drop like when i overdose on hard drugs. and you're the only person here who's nice to me and you're my afterlife buddy. and you remembered that i like those buffalo wings from my favorite restaurant even though janet said they closed, and you managed to make a replica to cheer me up." he stops, fidgeting with his hands as he shyly averts your gaze. "so... i love you, homie. and wanna be there for you."
you're stunned, not knowing what to say. the tingling feeling crawls back into your heart. but you don't say anything else as you pull him to you for a kiss. he kisses you back, softly cupping your cheeks. you finally let yourself out of your shell. it was so sweet, warm, and comforting to be wanted. you wrap your arms around his neck, guiding him inside your house as your hand pushes to close the front door. you pull away for a moment, wanting to see his reaction.
"woah..." he merely says, starstruck as he blinks dumbly. "also, i love your ass. does this mean you'll have sex with me?"
you rest your hands on his chest as his breath hits your nose. how wide and doe-eyed they were, but evident that there's lust behind it. you giggled, how forward he is as you think about it. anytime you both would be coming with eleanor to the bad place if michael finds out, and maybe you two won't see each other again. and that breaks your heart for a moment how little time you two have.
fuck it. why not?
"okay." you say with a smile as you grab his arm to drag him to your room. jason smiles wildly, jumping a bit in excitement as he lets you drag him to your room.
the entire room feels heavy. your eyes blink hazily as you toss your head back when you feel his lips trace the hollow of your neck down to your breasts. clothes were thrown carelessly on the floor, the sheets were now ruffled, both of you were naked, and everything felt hot. you let out a breathy sigh when he takes one of your pert nipples into his mouth, sucking.
fuck. was this jason? you're slightly baffled at how this goofball of a man turned into something else. your hand comes up to caress his black hair down to the back of his neck, your legs are wrapped around his waist as he grinds his hips slowly. your lips feel so swollen from his kisses and your heart is beating loudly at the sight of him above you.
his head suddenly rose up, letting your nipple go as he rested his cheek on your chest, looking at you with a small grin on his face. "they're like clouds... so soft."
"you're adorable." you whisper, your hand on his hand, caressing his scalp, making him hum in satisfaction at your touch. he continues to subtly grind his crotch against yours, the friction of his prick rubbing against your core making you whine.
"jason..." you whined, and he propped himself up to tower over you, adjusting himself as he sat on his knees. "i love you too."
his heart skips a beat completely as he makes a noise of that. "can i?"
his eyes drift down to that spot on the apex of your thighs. he looks so out of it, so serious, as you nod. you place your hands on his biceps, gripping his muscles as he takes himself in his hand to gently guide himself in you. you steady yourself, pushing your hips slightly forward as you are rewarded with the sensation of his tip prodding your wet entrance. you let out a tiny moan while jason surges forward to lock lips with yours again.
"o-oh!" you look down to see how he's entering you slowly. his chest rises as his face hovers against your warm cheek. "you know... i almost thought that being in the afterlife would make my vagina go away." you randomly said, wondering why you said that. but you were too drunk in the pleasure of him filling you up inch by inch, his cock now nestled deep inside you to even think of your own words.
"then where will i go inside you?" he genuinely asks, and that makes you grin devilishly.
"in my mouth." you kiss the tip of his nose. he seems to want to ask you about that further, but you shut him up by grinding your hips up. he groans, his entire focus is now thrusting in and out of you slowly. not hurrying up and it seems you two both like this slow pace.
soft kisses are shared as he languidly thrusts into you. gentle caresses and bites are plastered across both of your skins. the sheen sweat is glistening on both of your foreheads as you both are so lost in the sensation of each other. you stare into his eyes, your warm walls clenching around him as his thumb rubs your clit. you wondered how skilled he is with all of this, knowing where your sweet spots are, and how calculated his thrusts are. he's so different in bed that it makes you want to explore more of this side of him.
"i'm close." you breathily say, your hands moving to grasp his neck, feeling that familiar knot in your stomach. jason's thrusts are starting to falter. he's also near his high as he thrusts into you with more vigor. a stream of moans of his name rings through his ears, he makes it his goal for you to cum first as he continues to rub your bead.
you let out a mewl, head tossing back and eyes shutting tight as you bit your lip when the tip of his cock hits that spongy spot in you. your whole body seizes with pleasure, back arching as his other hand holds your hips down for him to continue his hard thrusts. your walls clench around him, riding your orgasm now as he says your name breathily. he then pushes his hips completely to yours, his own orgasm coming at him as he finally cums in you.
"bortles." he sighed before he dropped his whole weight onto you. your brows furrowed, wondering why he said his favorite football player's name at the end of his orgasm. instead of being annoyed, you giggled, making him smile widely as he looked up at you as you lovingly caressed his back.
"do you think we're soulmates?" he suddenly asks, and you don't hesitate for an answer now, even though you two weren't or maybe were. who cares?
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sapphicdib · 6 days
i wantchu to know my only experience with iterator shpping to this point has been Pebbles/Suns (i guess. whats even the name for that one? idk). But you have opened my eyes here. Lilypad is just so compelling in a way thats hard to describe. Adds so much depth to the whole Hunter Slag Keys thing!
You have just activated an unskippable cutscene LOL
Suns/Pebbles is called sunstone, which I think is very cute ^-^ Most rw ship names are pretty cute tbh :3
ANYWAYS. YES. Lilypad is so so so good…I really like it because Sig seems to actually be a little more emotionally vulnerable with Moon than she does Suns, implying they were closer than Sig and Suns are. Not to mention, Sig barely mentions Pebbles (or acts pretty standoffish) when he does mention Pebbs.
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These are two messages it sends to Moon, but it seems to imply he’s sent more, considering “it’s me again” and the fact that there are more than one we are shown. They could have only made one just to show he was worried, but the devs chose to put more than one, just to drive the point home. It shows a panic that Sig is unwilling to reveal to Suns.
And then we have this.
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Sig is basically telling Pebbles he hopes he wallows in regret for this. While Sig does express her general disdain for Pebbles’ attitude with Suns, he still makes a point to be understanding, saying “I think a lot of us were like that in the beginning.” Meanwhile, in this broadcast, none of that empathy is present. She is angry, to a point he refuses to reveal to Suns.
I believe that Sig’s biggest fear is being alone. He describes their situation as being “locked up in a box”, and comes up with the idea to use slugcats as messengers in an attempt to make sure when the comms systems degrade, something everyone else seems to have just accepted as a grim inevitability. So it’s pretty understandable Sig would be pissed at the person who took away one of the few remaining friends she had left. If you wanna read my other massive essay that goes more in depth to this point, here it is!
The fact that you can find the green overseer in outer expanse and subterranean during the Hunter, Monk, Survivor, and Gourmand campaigns is also shows how desperate she was to help Moon. If it was only around during the Hunter campaign, okay sure, that’s probably just him looking for her, checking if she made it to the void sea. However, the fact that it stays, likely long after she knows Hunter’s time is up, means he’s probably searching for any sign of activity from Moon. Still waiting and wondering if her plan was all in vain. The reason I think it doesn’t appear during Rivulet is because of the destruction of OE and just…age. Unfortunately, Sig might just not have the ability to send an overseer that far.
Lastly, the pearl he gives to Moon. This seems to contradict my first point, doesn’t this seem like he’s hiding her emotions behind humor again? Well, my interpretation of this is that: Moon just woke up from what is essentially a fucking coma. Giving her a message that’s like “OH MY GOD I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU AHHHHHH” would probably not be helpful to someone who is likely in a ton of pain, disoriented, and scared. She knows not to overwhelm Moon right now.
And…yeah. Sig seems to hold a lot of genuine adoration for Moon, and looks up to her kindness. I think his jokiness stems from him wanting to emulate Moon’s uplifting nature. He cares about her a lot and also I just love doomed yuri LMAO. SIG AND MOON LESBIANS FOREVER AND EVER.
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lmksimp · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could write headcanons of MK and Red son (or our favorite monkey boys but I’m not sure how many characters you write for) with an affectionate S/O? Like someone who’ll give them a lot of kisses on the cheek , gives lots of compliments, and enjoys cuddles.
So much fluff 🥺🥺alrighty!~
For the amount? It really depends, I do all of them when I have alot of motivation, some is when I have little motivation lol
Genre(s): Fluff
Pronouns: they / them
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So for this man- He isn't used to it
So basically if you give him like just a kiss on the cheek
He might just act normal, but his hair-
Inside he's just like: "OMG OMG OMG-"
Basically has a panic attack in his mind
For the compliments? Definitely will enjoy them though again not used to it
Give him one he acts all superior and proud
While in the inside he's just loving the compliments you give him
Cuddles? Bro. Is. A. Personal. Heater.
Like he enjoys cuddles very much
If your cold? He gotchu personal heater comin through
It gives him like a sense of comfort whenever you do these actions, since well his parents-
You could actually call him a tsundere
But, he would be very happy to oblige
Sun wukong
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I imagine wukong a very clingy monke and Just needs so much affection
like kiss his cheek? he will pepper kisses all over your face might turn it into a makeout session Lmao
Give compliments? Ego boost
Like srsly your his s/o and giving him compliments? One of his greatest achievements i swear
Another personal heater ❤️
So um, he is very down for cuddles
But i must warn you, he will never. Ever. Let you go
Unless you bribe him or smth
Veryy comfy when it comes to cuddling
Place face on his floofy chest? He gon purr like a cat
But overall? Needs affection 24/7
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Like redson is not used with affection and stuff
He might flinch whenever you try to kiss him
If you are patient enough you can actually give him affection without him flinching :D
So kisses on cheek? More like kisses on scar
He is very insecure about it so give kisses would make him happier and comforted ❤️❤️
The compliments would catch him off gaurd
I mean like he's not used to it, and you gave him a compliment? His s/o? Such a warm feeling he has in his chest
But he would love the compliments
Tbh he would be a personal heater too, bcs monke
Cuddles would take some time but you both start with side hugs
When he's comfortable you also cannot leave bcs the comfort✨❤️
And like everytime you do this these kinds of stuff I'm sure you'll hear a slight purr from him
But overall? Monke still not used to it but loves it anyway
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More RC9GN Headcanons
Fair warning! This is going to get long!
I’m flat out renaming Flute Girl because- no. Also I would not be able to take myself seriously if I had to use “Flute Girl” as a name in my writing. Her name is Claire now because I said so. Why? It just fits- it felt like her name if that makes sense
Claire is vaguely friends with Theresa, but she’s always been a little closer to Bucky and Stevens- even though they sort of get on her nerves too. (Also she doesn’t spit as much when she talks- even with the fact she has braces)
She hopes to be part of the marching band in college and considers joining a professional group someday
She used to have a small crush on Randy when she was younger, before high school- but always finds him and Howard reckless; hence why she’s almost always calling them idiots. Claire is a little perceptive, and has noticed when Randy mysteriously disappears during the attacks on the high school but hasn’t quite pieced together why (nor does she particularly care- of course there’s also the fact she gets stanked a bit)
Now comes the matter of “Plop Plop” because again, I’m not using that name in my fanfictions- absolutely not lmao
For the purpose of continuing the Japanese history that Norrisville has- (did Norrisville just sort of ‘yeet’ itself into a new location and that’s how it ended up in America of all places?), “Plop Plop” is going to be named Hinata- his surname remains undecided for the time being because, well, I need to have this make a little sense
“Finja” (I’m still deciding his name-) and Hinata met when they were adults- they sort of parallel Randy and Howard, but to make sense of how I believe they met, Hinata was either a servant to the Norisu 9 (though i’m not as sold with this idea-), or there was the other side: Finja and Hinata did meet at the Norisu clan home, only Hinata was a scribe and apprenticed to someone there. Eventually he and Finja got closer, the details of this still remain vague- trust me, I will write more- and well, a mutual friendship began from that
Hinata is literally immortal- at least that’s what got implied by the canon, if he was in present times and guarding the chaos pearl. He remembers when Finja was sealed into the Nomicon, it had pained him dearly but he continued his promise to the ancient Ninja
How Finja got sealed into the Nomicon? Well- this is spoilers, but I do think something happened in his later years where a sacrifice had to be made and that‘a all I’m saying on the matter. We'll have to see what else is there in the past for our beloved First Ninja!
I'm sure you've all realized by now I consider Hinata to be an ancestor of Howard- (also apparently yes, Howard is also a girl's name-); I like to think Hinata only had a couple women in his life, as he's vaguely implied to be a monk- he married one of them, having a daughter he did name Howard. As the years came to pass, 'Howard' became a bit of a traditional name in Hinata's family history (somewhere down the line, when Norrisville ended up in Oklahoma, tradition broke and Howard was passed down to the 'last' in Hinata's bloodline - Howard Weinerman)
So, now we get to Howard- because boy, do I have headcanons heh-
First of all, Howard is known to be somewhat of a toxic friend, but that doesn't mean he's bad. These kids are literally fourteen year olds fighting a literal sorcerer, not to mention the likes of McFist and Viceroy- but something to keep in mind: Howard does care for Randy
(If he didn't- we would have seen that)
Howard is a loyal friend at the end of the day! He's not entirely my favorite, but that might just be because the writers were cowards when it came to character development- like, he did protect Randy more than once; I forget the episode name but it was in the one where the Sorceress comes back, and Randy throws himself into the portal to the Land of the Shadows, but Howard was genuinely scared for Randy- or the episode where Randy was supposedly moving away and Howard didn't want him to leave
Or or or the episode where Randy's acting like a possessive prick over Howard, and Howard point blank states Randy is his biffer- like sure, they're a bit unhealthy to each other and painfully codependent but the duo are best friends. I'm sure they'll grow out of their nonsense toward one another
I need to reiterate this as many times as I can, but Howard does have some degree of social anxiety! (or he hates being alone for some unexplained reason as this is literally canon) I do like to think since Howard has a somewhat bigger family than Randy's- he has always been surrounded by people and the idea of having to be alone is a little nerve-wracking; there's also just the possibility that Howard and Randy don't really have anyone else-? Randy is practically Howard's only friend, and even though Howard's sister Heid does exist, she's not exactly close to him- which leaves Randy and Howard simply cant't fathom the idea of not having him around
(if it were me though, I'd genuinely expand on this more- and yes I know I did breach about this before but Howard's a genuinely interesting character)
Also yes, Howard is mean and more brash than Randy can be at times but let me say this again- he's young and stupid. Also, I feel he was just left constantly unsupervised and while yes, Mort's in the picture- I feel that Howard gets away with a lot since his mom is never seen in the show at all and that also needs to be addressed
I might honestly make an entire meta-analysis on Randy and Howard's relationship in a different post- I ship Fowlham as much as the next person, but Weinerham is an equally great ship and I swear I will talk about it you can't stop me
Circling back to Finja because this is important- I don't consider him to be the eldest child from the Norisu 9; I think he was on the younger side and was left with the mantle of successor after the final battle with the Sorcerer. I think he was forced to witness his brothers and sisters meeting their demise- (hence my other headcanon where he has survivor's guilt and ptsd because no one gets out of that unscathed-)
which speaking of- his debut episode makes me so mad and I love it at the same time like, I do understand why he gave up so quickly but honestly he should have had more time to shine when fighting against the Sorcerer. Maybe it's also my self indulgent ass wanting Finja and Randy to have more screentime together (even if the show did end- one can dream!)
I honestly would like to see something where Finja or even Randy end up in the future over the past; this could be very interesting- especially if they were forced to defeat an even bigger threat that the future timeline's Ninja couldn't deal with
I'm sure some of you are curious to see if the Nomicon could've been part of the Norisu clan, and the answer is that's for me to know and you to find out later- because I decided to be mean today hahaha, let's just leave it at that for now
This is not as much headcanon anymore- as it is me wanting something to be part of the lore, but with Nomi-Randy, I feel the Nomicon created him with the intention of showing Randy he needs balance which is canon but at the same time- it's more or less an interpretation of the type of person he could've become had he not been chosen as the Ninja. Nomi-Randy is part of the Nomicon, and was allowed out but I do think he might be able to live in the real world (provided someone watches over him-)
Headcanon time again, and this is something I will be breaching more in a certain analysis for Weinerham and their relationship overall (even without shipping) but I do think there's a reason for Randy's possessiveness. I am in no way saying the actions he took in that episode, where Howard begins befriending- was it Bucky? I can't remember, it was him and a few others, were justified but if I'm right- Randy is constantly left alone by his parents. He doesn't have a big support system, if any- apart from Howard- and his jealousy is more than likely a product of that
Although Randy does learn his lesson- and let's be so fucking for real here, he's just an idiot; like this kid is brash, impulsive, and altogether a disaster waiting to happen but he understands in the end what he did wrong. This is not a page to slander Randy or Howard because oh my god, the content we could've gotten if they were given proper character development
Randy is not an abusive little fucker who has it out for Howard, but we can't deny he still isn't great to him a lot of the time- and Howard has his faults because he also has a temper, he doesn't always seem to understand his own misdoings sometimes though that is the whole point- they're freshmen and are literally so dumb in the series (like seriously Randy did not need as much of a prick in season two, that was so unnecessary- but I digress, we'll get to that later)
I will write that meta-analysis of sorts focusing on Weinerham and just Randy and Howard overall at some point between the next couple days- I'll either queue it, or just send it in one go but honestly, they're my blorbos at the moment oops; what we got and what we should have gotten makes me want to go insane.
Anyway, that's it! That's my headcanon dump! I'll be back soon because the rot of the brain on this dumb (/aff) series does not stop apparently-
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sodapopseagull · 12 days
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My little creature of a custom durge. He's a College of Lore bard whose main purpose is to Misty Step into the middle of everything, activate Phalar Aluve, and be a total pain in the ass with Cutting Words. On honor mode I play him as a swords bard tav alongside my friend's open hand monk and the combo is rancid.
Paris is a very old, pre-existing OC that I use for any game with a custom character creator because I hardcore struggle with making new characters for things. I initially intended to romance Karlach with him because I thought it'd be a good match, but then Gale happened to both of us LMAO
Wanted to share his ref plus a little drawing based one of Gale's patch 6 kisses! Beware, extensive Paris yappin' ahead ⬇
Paris is a resistant, and eventually redeemed, dark urge whose story runs alongside my friend's tav Ralum (the dragonborn in the 3rd image). Pre-nautiloid, the two of them have a rather nasty encounter where Paris, completely lost to himself under Bhaal's will, attempts to end Ralum in an act of typical Bhaalspawn bloodlust. Ralum manages to survive by swearing a paladin's oath against his would-be killer and using his newfound divine healing to stitch himself back together just enough to survive. Ralum never caught sight of Paris due to the nature of the attack, so when they encounter one another after the abduction, they actually get along swimmingly.
Paris and Ralum become the party's de-facto leaders, Paris as the face and Ralum as the muscle, and they get along quite well. There is a quirk to the tadpole connection between them- it's looser, both because Paris's brain is twenty kinds of damaged, and because of their unknown personal history. For a good while after they first meet, their thoughts bleed into one anothers' heads. Ralum is able to get a hold on it quickly, but Paris can only do so much. Apart from the occasional, very loud thought about Gale's big butt though, it isn't so bad.
Then, into Act 2, when pieces of the dark urge's history fall into place, and Paris starts to put together the forgotten details of his past, he realizes that he is the target of Ralum's oath. Not wanting to get Divine Smited into oblivion, he keeps it a secret. Unfortunately, most of the clues regarding the dark urge's history are like, easily observable conversations and artifacts, and Ralum isn't far behind on figuring things out. By the time they reach Rivington, things are tense and scary and bad. There is a clear line drawn through the party through rising tension alone, and then act 3 stuff happens so-
I have a fic planned about their journey together, but as someone who is still new to writing things with the intent to be read by others, it's too big a project for me to feel confident in continuing at the moment. I might break it down into a series of oneshots, but at some point I do want to get it all down. I think it'd be fun, and my pal seems to enjoy the rambles 😊
Also- GALE. Paris is so obsessed with Gale both because they have remarkable chemistry and because I'm obsessed with Gale and Paris is my character so... yeah. It was a love-at-first sight thing for Paris, but since he feels that way about tons of people who show him a shred of kindness (he had a crush on Ralum for about a tenday after meeting him post-nautiloid) he doesn't take it seriously at all. Gale is fun to talk to (Paris is a yapper to rival Gale, make no mistake) and he's funny and admittedly quite cute, but so are a lot of people, and Paris is so off from the abduction, amnesia, and illness from his urge that he doesn't really have the bandwidth to think much more on it.
What ends up solidifying their bond initially is pain. Gale has chronic pain from the orb, and due to the absolutely wild shit Kressa Bonedaughter and Orin did to the dark urge, as well as the fact that a durge seems to suffer sometimes severe physical consequences from resisting their urge, they both feel like shit all the time. While Paris generally keeps his pain hidden, Gale can recognize it. Paris, meanwhile, finds a lot of catharsis in offering Gale relief, as if it's proof that he's more than what his dark urge demands him to be. They make a habit of spending their evenings together over a glass of wine and a bit of healing magic. Sometimes a book, but Paris's brain is usually pretty fatigued by nightfall, so Gale will occasionally read to him.
By the time the act 1 weave scene happens, there is already a pretense of intimacy to it, and when Paris pictures the pair of them cuddled up and watching the stars together, it goes over quite well. I don't think either of them are ready for a proper romantic relationship- Paris cannot remember how his last one ended (spoiler, it was VERY bad) but he carries a lingering anxiety around the prospect of entering a new one, and Gale has all of his Mystra baggage, but there is a newfound sense of commitment and a real promise of something in the future.
They're both extremely devoted partners and are honestly kinda gross by the end of the tadpole adventure with how mushy and in love they are. They are tragically separated at the end though, as Paris goes to Avernus with Karlach after Wyll is severely injured in the final battle, and that has NOTHING to do with the fact that it gives an opportunity for bloodweave to develop in the 6 month timespan between the defeat of the netherbrain and the reunion party. (Paris is polyamorous and doesn't know if he'll survive Avernus, and he tells Gale that he deserves whatever love comes his way. He asks that Gale not wait on Paris's return, but if there is a place for him in Gale's heart when he returns, he will gladly come back to him.) At the party, a very eager Wyll takes Paris's place at Karlach's side, loaded with newfound ranger skills honed under the careful guidance of Minsc and Boo (Karlach and Wyll geeking out over Minsc and Jaheira is so CUTE and the idea of Wyll training as a ranger under their tutelage, especially so he can make his way to Avernus to be with Karlach, makes my heart explode), so Paris ends up going back to Waterdeep with Gale and Astarion.
Idk if things develop romantically between Paris and Astarion beyond their mutual love for Gale. What I do know is that Gale deserves to be trapped between two men who want to eat him, affectionately.
Also, trans Gale is a really beloved headcanon to me, so Paris and Gale are a t4t couple yeaaaAAAAAAH BABY
I could go on forever about this dude, but I think that's enough for now. Writing Paris/Gale fic makes me feel a little silly, unfortunately, but I do want to take a shot a more down the line. I like them a lot haha.
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oodlyenough · 2 months
aa6-1 foreign turnabout
finished off DD last week and we're straight into soj.
i know the least about soj of any of the games probably, which is kind of nice because these later games really need the element of surprise they don't have a lot else lmao.
some thoughts on the tutorial case:
the good
this is a big visual upgrade from dual destinies (although i'm still unconvinced the games needed to move to 3d assets). phoenix's model looks better in ways i found hard to articulate until someone on twt pointed out SOJ gets rid of the bulky black outlines. it's so much smoother!
aside from the models, the sprite animations for the new characters are very detailed (almost too detailed... i mean do we need ninety animations per NPC? can we get some extra ones for phoenix lmao), i like how the UI has been refreshed to match khurain, overall it just looks more polished/complete than DD.
insight is new, and subject to suck more later lmao, but so far it's the best minigame since the magatama. both perceive and mood matrix suffer from being kind of nonsensical; it never stopped being goofy to me in DD that you just had interactions like "well i found the body and i was shocked" "UM ACTUALLY my robot says you were RED EMOJI FACE, so you're lying!" insight, on the other hand, is more based on logic/reason -- spot the contradiction, think through a couple different layers of info (rayfa's words vs what's on screen and what makes sense), etc. i also like the idea that the ghost witness isn't lying, you just have to interpret the memory -- it's a bit of a refreshing change from everyone just committing perjury 30000000 times.
the defense culpability act is very funny. i can't be mad at it because it is too funny. i think i should get to kill the prosecutor if i win.
also, maya having lived here for unspecified time period, surely being aware of the lawyer stuff and still inviting her best friend, ace attorney phoenix wright, is very hilarious. i hope edgeworth, academic of foreign legal systems, had a heart attack as soon as he heard where nick's vacation was
it is also funny to see supervillain payne. winston payne was just kind of an asshole and largely incompetent. gaspen is a supervillain who longs for murder. well, okay. why not i guess
the questionable
khura'in is but the latest in a long line of exciting AA countries that will have you asking "what are the geopolitics of this world?" and "...is this racist?"
it's really funny to me that the first culprit was a white guy on an eat pray love journey but that his eat pray love journey is totally incidental to the crime, apparently. khurain is apparently very welcoming to immigrants if one can become head monk guarding their sacred treasures after a mere six months, and payne is chief prosecutor after three.
it's also very funny that with his life potentially on the line, the only person phoenix is worried about is maya. i think there is an understandable in-game explanation, which is that you have to assume every game might have a new audience and that new audience has only been told of maya so far. but returning players who know he has a teenage daughter might uh. wonder.
the bad
i can sense that the more lore i learn about khurain the more racially uncomfortable i am going to become
the names are BRUTAL i wish they'd stop. i get that ace attorney always has silly goofy pun names. but i feel they're veering further and further from the... slightly more believable names into stuff that just sounds stupid, and man, trying to apply ace attorney pun name goofiness to names that are also supposed to be in a fake fictional language .... i mean it sounds like i'm reading racist jokes from the 90s. it's uncomfortable.
i also think khura'in lore is bound to upend or retcon the superior kurain village lore, which ruled in the trilogy and did not need expanding into a kingdom. isolated little village matriarchy of witch family that are constantly committing sorocide >>> whatever's about to happen here. it's great for rayfa that she does her lil dance for enrichment 2x a day to have temporary hallucinations in a pool of water, but maya crosses her fingers and shapeshifts. checkmate.
lastly, one thing i found myself thinking as i moderately enjoyed the tutorial case was that it was honestly kind of nice having a case scaled back. i can't shake the sense that three playables is just too much for these games; apollo was dead weight narratively in DD and i think athena is about to suffer that fate in SOJ. the character writing in these new games is just not strong enough to manage this many major characters and their whole entourages. the mistake of the original trilogy was accidentally setting a precedent for "new prosecutor every game, who is also our friend by the end :)". the main cast is so huge that most of them just end up stagnating or disappearing into the void or whatever; apollo and athena cannibalized each other's screentime in DD, athena usurped trucy, SOJ is introducing a whole whack of new characters to replace THOSE newbies... it's a lot. we don't need to reinvent the wheel every new game.
anyway... i know a little about 6-2 and i expect it to exacerbate a lot of these issues lmao.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Macaque Book Club AU
He’s the only one asides from Tang probably who has read JTTW. So in his little book club because let’s be honest, between the theatre and the graffiti lego set, he seems like the kind to have a couple modern day hobbies in the arts like your grandma who has a bunch of friends to gossip with at the knitting meet or the greenhouse. He’s the only monkey actually using his human disguise actively so, I imagine they get together at the local library, someone brings refreshments Macky is allergic to by virtue of being a monkey but they get him addicted to (insert snack/drink of your choice) and he gets into fandom discourse at the book club with someone whose like “the 6EM from the book was a one off villain who died ages ago, get over it” but to him, on the worst nights it all comes back. (And maybe this is recently right after Shadow Play so.) oh wait pff, we’re going to need a new recent trigger I forgot he gets kidnapped right after 😭 okay so maybe this person is what pushes him to write the play. I hope you know the exact like of fandom discourse I’m talking about bc I’m really pulling from people who are like??? why are you hyperfixated on this one thing? And maybe Tang eventually puts the pieces together about who this guy is. I also can’t help but start thinking about how lonely Macky might actually be, because you’d THINK he’d be the anti social one but Wukong is the one isolating himself for a thousand years with 13 cats, I mean a bunch of baby monkeys. Meanwhile, Macranberry is out there in Six Earred Hearing Hell in the city and super chatty whenever we see him. He wasn’t as chatty around the Brotherhood. Only with Wukong as needed who was full out dancing on the tables lol, things change eh? Even defeating the smoke monster feels like an attempt at catching up to your friend who got a real job while you’re just starting college. (Aka when Wukong and his shiny new hero legend status sealed the Bull King.) He says there was nobody who could stop the two of them in the Celestial Realm or on earth but we know that 1) Macky doesn’t like the Celestial Realm. 2) They definitely weren’t spending all day there back then with the overthrowing plotting and also got defeated hard. 3) They weren’t actually vigilante heroing back then if Wukong picked up his demon defeating status after the journey. 4) Would Macky ever do that on his own or was it always with Wukong until he tried it out post-resurrection like everything else presumably new about him. He probably meant “nobody could stop Wukong’s mischief that I helped him out with but he mostly did all the big things like immortal peach stealing and the book of the dead himself and I was there for uh, moral support. And baffled that he did that. But I’m going to pretend to MK that we were a cool team and equals and this wasn’t just a precursor to our eventual fall out. Sorry Mr. “yeah you always did have a sidekick kinda vibe.”
careful, anon, he could hear you 👀
but lmao i love this au!!!! also, since Tang is in the same book club as Macky (and i kinda want them to always get into “scholarly” debates when it comes to jttw because it’s Tang’s favorite book and….well, Macky has a monkey problem…..), Tang is invited by Macky to the shadowplay, so end of 2x07 is basically
and then you’ll just have Tang screaming at Macky throughout s3 about how he must answer for his “crimes” of withholding valuable academic information (3x08 is just them arguing about the content in jttw but it’s not actually about jttw rather about Macky himself and his blind anger obscuring his memories. they just use the book as a cover for the true conversation)
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pinacoladamatata · 1 year
so you want to multiclass Astarion?
a shitty and simple guide bc i'm bored and going insane. Here are some Specifically Astarion Rogue multiclass ideas
pls consider: rogue with 2 lvl druid dip. No hear me out! okay! if you give him 2 levels in rogue. then 2 levels in druid; he gets druid spells + wild shape! Then do the rest of his levels in rogue. ok. so. he could literally sneak around as a cat, or infiltrate as a badger. (handy? yeah? also if possible you could mod the cat form to be a rat for flavour and he could sneak into cazadors house like this either for scouting or with the express purpose of jumping a surprise round on the motherfucker.)
druid/rogue doesn't tickle your fancy? we've also got rogue / 2 barbarian! just for the rage and reckless attack ability. imagine it: he's got 2 daggers + crossbow, fuck armor. he can now rage and take half damage, and add reckless attack combined with sneak attack, yes. (might need to respec his strength here bc its 8 by default lmao)
still not good enough? we've also got the rogue /ranger gloomstalker: idk what to tell you here. assassin + gloomstalker is raved about. you get hunters mark, favored foe, superior mobility. i could go on. basically you can't fuck this one up. go nuts.
next I present a classic: the rogue / fighter 3 (or 5) *slaps hood of astarion* this bad boy can fit so much damage potential in it. Give him 2 handed fighting bc it's sexy and he has cunning action. now he also gets action surge. 3 attacks baybeee. not to mention second wind + his bite ability
*you could also take 5 levels in fighter, the other 7 in rogue. and he'd gain access to extra attack. cazador might as well just walk outside.
and last but not least; rogue/ vengeance paladin. yeah i know, wtf astarion as a paladin? and this build needs 5 levels in paladin to really be worth it- BUT! he'd get lay on hands, divine smite, and extra attack with this. and Tell Me he wouldn't be down to swearing an oath of vengeance against cazador? we can make this work! also you Know that divine smite is gonna come in handy for inevitable vampire fights.
im not interested in mixing the other classes. like at all. i guess bard and monk have something but i dont like it for him. the only thing remotely appealing to me with rogue/sorcerer is making him an arcane trickster and then going sorc for meta magic to be able to use subtle spell while hiding.
anyway that's my shitty astarion guide. bye
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it's been awhile since i used this acc but admin is back into hypmic again so here we go! Realistic dating expectations for hypmic characters:
yipppeee here we go.
buster bros!!
hypmic characters, realistic expectations for dating:
ichiro: if you want to be with ichiro, then you should wait until his brothers are old enough to take care of themselves, even then, it might just be the same way forever, and good luck trying to date ichiro with jiro and saburo in the way. he takes family seriously as well, zero to no chance of it actually happening.
jiro: he's said before that he doesn't care for dating or girls, he just gets confused and wonders why it matters, so i don't think any girl would have a real chance with him, but if you're like one of the guys, then maybe.
saburo: saburo is a narcissistic asshole, so if you can stick with him for longer than a couple of weeks, then maybe it might work. Natural love is what he said that he wants, so take it slow, but you're most likely not going to have a chance with our little hacker boy
samatoki: uh,,, good luck. But hey, he promised to never raise his hand to a woman so that's good. The relationship with him would probably dangerous, as yakuza work often is, definitely don't recommend it.
Jyuto: don't actually know too much about this one, but he's def into some kinky shit. His overtime is stupid and he works a lot, he probably also has a lot of enemies so be careful.
rio: uh.. wanna live in the woods and eat his survival cooking? are you sure?
Fling Posse
ramuda: ramuda belongs to everyone, having him to yourself is quite difficult, if you can be an onee-san/onii-san that sticks out to him enough, you might be able to be one of his models or a closer friend, but that's about it. watch out for his girlfriends.
gentaro: ehhh,,, good luck, I don't see why he wouldn't try dating, I don't really have anything else to say except watch out for the teasing.
dice: homeless man definitely will ask you for money if you're dating him. and he will gamble it all away. Be prepared to have a leech in your home.
jakurai: he would definitely be a very nice partner, but he is also famous, so watch out for the grandpa's fangirls. And, watch out for drunkurai.
hifumi: ....he's terrified of women, so if you're a man there's a better chance, but, all of his fangirls will not like you.
doppo: not seeing him often during his job would be difficult, and all he wants to do on his breaks is sleep.. so... if you want to spend time with him, the best time to do it is just napping together, cuddling, and spending quality time when you can.
Bad ass temple
kuko: can monks even date? anyways, if he enters a romantic relationship with a person, the buddhist teachings state that nonattachment is important in romantic relationships, and to disregard attachments that cause pain, so kuko will love you unconditionally, and you have to do the same with him to make it work properly. anyways he's a little bit of an ass and a gremlin but once you're past that he's great dude.
jyushi: Oh the romance, he really wants it badly, but he will probably be a nervous little baby around you since he is a little crybaby. But all you have to do is love him for him and he will love you as well. Cuddle time is necessary.
Hitoya: I don't actually know enough about him, but, he is very dad-like. You're in good hands legally as well. Holding onto him on the back of his motorcycle? That's hot bro.
sasara: did someone say humor is important in relationships? anyways, he is definitely going to annoy you to death but he is really a sweet guy.
rosho: oh baby, oh sweetheart. Such a kind sensei. He's very smart, so i think dating him would be nice.
rei: uh, i'm not sure about this one, but I think he'd be a good sugar daddy. But be careful, he might abandon you like he did with his sons. lmao.
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nalyra-dreaming · 8 months
What are your thoughts on religious symbolism or just religion in general in the story? Cos I started reading the books and was really surprised by how much the characters GET INTO IT lmao it’s really present in the story in a way the show mostly shied away from after the first episode I think, other than a couple exceptions it was mostly not explicit except a few references to hell.
Sooo I’m pretty hyped seeing some crucifixion imagery in season 2, I suppose I makes sense that Louis would be having a religious reckoning after losing lestat, and Armand is a character really defined by his faith so it will be interesting to see how deep they go with it. What are you hoping to see?
Yes, there is a LOT of religious symbolism in the books (Anne struggled all her life with it, and that is threaded through). Lestat (and others) has a rather complicated relationship to the divine. In Memnoch he literally encounters God, and drinks his blood. Lestat is often likened to Christ in the books, something the show has obviously picked up on. After his ordeal with Memnoch he is bound and raving mad before he quiets into a coma, in a chapel.
(Young Lestat wants to become a monk/priest, prays to be released from his abusive family, shivers at the vicious futility at the Witches' Place.)
We have other characters who come from a vastly different backgrounds, too, like Marius in pre-Christian Roman Empire, or in the extreme (in a way) Akasha and Enkil in ancient Egypt, building themselves up to (Blood) Gods. For example.
The show has given Armand a muslim background, Daniel might have yet another one, maybe jewish.
I do not actually think they're shying away from all that - but they are giving themselves time to reach the important points here... and, of course, season 1 being told by Louis, put the focus somewhere else, because Louis actually did not wish to think about all that too deeply. Or, better, address it.
Now Louis obviously believed ... enough. Enough to feel deeply and utterly tortured about it all. I think that is true for book and show, and the show has taken the book comment and made it literal:
"What would Christ need have done to make me follow Him like Matthew or Peter? Dress well, to begin with. And have a luxurious head of pampered yellow hair."
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Louis goes and runs to church when all else fails, in desperation. He kills the priest there, in the book.
Louis... will lose his faith in god, or, maybe better, switch it over to Lestat as his god, book canonically. (And he struggles with this, for a long time):
"He leaned close to me, and he put his hand on my arm. “ ‘Wither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people’; and because I have no other god and never will, you shall be my god."
Armand has also spoken of "I serve a god", which might be a callback to the events surrounding Memnoch. And, as you say, he is deeply defined by his faith. It will be truly interesting to see where they go for it in the show - how they go for it.
Of course the image of Lestat as if on a cross is imbued with meaning.
Louis himself later mediates on the fact that he "hated Lestat for the wrong reasons", and that the feelings that Lestat arouse in him did not have "hatred among them".
Lestat has been murdered, for sins he did not commit(*).
(*)Of course there is plenty to say about that - and Lestat himself never blamed Claudia! - but that which they (ultimately, simplified) hated him for... was not his fault, not really. Vampirism never freed any of them, it simply could not, and Claudia didn't have a choice in any case... and eternity is a long time to build up emotions. Or hate. (Or forgiveness.)
And so Lestat as Christ on a cross... calls back to that, in Louis' imagination.
So what I hope to see... hmm.
I don't think they'll put Memnoch into the show. I think if anything then Memnoch or a Memnoch-like event has already happened.
I hope... that we will get to see the characters struggling with their faith - or lack of it. I hope that we will get to see Lestat destroy the Parisian coven and the satanic cult there. I hope that we will see Armand struggling to find something to hold onto (and find it!). I want Louis to free himself from the shackles of catholic guilt, whether they go book canon or not. I want Lestat to make his peace with the Witches' Place and the futility of it all, the "dark" moment. I hope that we will see characters reflect and mirror the perceived truths of faith - and destroy the preconceptions.
I want all that.
I hope for all that :)
We'll see if they dare, but... I'm carefully hopeful^^.
Oh yes, and at the end... I want them to find their peace in their own religion, as in the books... their "Blood Communion".
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kinmokusei-stars · 3 months
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I've had these two planned for ages, and they're pretty relevant characters to Kouko's past, so let me introduce you to Sakura and Toshii! It's a simple drawing, but I just needed a small reference for them! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
(Long description below, beware LMAO)
Remember how in that one drawing of anger-era Kouko, I mentioned a close friend dragged her out of her blind rage and taught her everything she knows about how to stay mellow? That guy was Sakura, a sleepy wandering monk just a couple years older than her, who ended up becoming a travelling partner of hers!
And a character who hasn't been mentioned much yet, is Toshii! The second travelling partner she had, and a skilled archer and hide trader. These two and Kouko were a travelling party for a long while there, taking on odd jobs to earn a living and picking up life skills along the way. Their time together only ended after a rift formed between two of them that Sakura couldn't mend.
They all became friends when Kouko was seeking training and vegence, with Sakura being the one to offer her to come with him and Toshii, who were already a duo. He was mostly going around helping with fighting aggressive demons and assisting with healing, while Toshii was learning quickly how to survive on the road and becoming skilled at archery and hunting. They were essentially an inseparable trio for ages, with Sakura being a supportive older brother figure, and Toshii and Kouko being a pair.
Sakura helped Kouko rein in her anger and taught her how to handle it in a more productive way, channeling it through physical training to grow stronger, and hobbies like cooking and refining her swordfighting. When he got too tired to walk (which was more often then you'd think), once Kouko got strong enough, she'd carry him on her back, piggyback style.
And Toshii was actually Kouko's first love. Toshii brought a positive spontaneity into her life and her playful mischievousness balanced out Kouko well in the somber time she was in. They were young and smitten for a while there. They'd play wrestle and throw silly jabs at eachother, but they couldn't last forever, and after a realization about Toshii's true identity, Kouko lashed out and broke things off immediately. Her and the two went their seperate ways, even if Sakura did his best to ease her mind and keep the group together, the damage was already done, and it was an extremely deep betrayal.
Nowadays, they don't run into eachother often, but Kouko thinks fondly of Sakura and holds nothing against him. And though she's settled down in the recent years, there's a lingering bitterness she feels to Toshii for lying to her.
When they do run into eachother, Sakura and Kouko hit it off like nothing happened, and she happily carries him on her back when he starts to doze off, with much more ease than before. He never stopped being her brother figure LMAO
She doesn't speak to Toshii. And even if Toshii respects her boundary, she's admittedly still hung up on her, especially seeing that nowadays Kouko is much more confident and happy then she was when they were together.
They eventually make up, but that's WAY down the line. They become friends again once they finally sit down and overcome their past problems. (Even if Toshii admittedly would have some, thankfully lighthearted, beef with Inuyasha.) Kouko doesn't have any romantic feelings for her by then, but she's finally able to look back on their past without the bitterness that hung over it, and they can be a friendly trio again, even if they're not with eachother all the time like they were before.
They're mostly side characters, but they're still relevant enough that I wanted to share them! Especially because I love Toshii's design so much LMAO I had a clear vision for her from the start. (๑˘︶˘๑) I likely won't draw these two often, but they might pop up from time to time! I have a silly drawing including Sakura I'll either post tonight or tomorrow!
(This description was a behemoth, it was such a pain LOL I might go back through and try to edit a tiny bit more after a bit)
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