#((my little angsty babe with daddy issues))
purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (2/4)
For now, nothing to complain about! We got Nya, we got MAYA AND RAY, we got GILES PANTON BACK A LEGO SHOW!!! 😍😍😍
Of course now I'm definitely curious about what the story is really about, like I'm guessing Wojira will wake up at some point so... Great Devourer all over again maybe? 😅 Idk, for now I just wanna enjoy Nya having her moment 🥳
Alright, here we go!
New alert for reader, during the Nexo Knights period I was and still am the hugest Clay fan. Now that his voice is in this season I might scream more than necessary... keep that in mind 😅
I love the humor in this, all random but still kinda clever 😂😂 Maybe I'm biased because I love Jay but still 🤷‍♀️
I really like the design of the marine world, very cool!! 🌊🌊🌊
I guess I'm not really seeing any big plot twist moment for now? Ninjago seasons have history of basing seasons on a "we need to prevent this event from happening but it will happen anyway", so I can see Wojira waking up no matter what 🤷‍♀️
I wonder if that will be shocking? Usually when this situation happen, someone makes a major sacrifice (Zane with the Overlord, sensei Garmaron with Chen, again sensei G with the Preeminent...). Maybe Maya? I DON'T WANT THAT 😭 But I am curious, everything is going nicely and I'm not sure what it will bring! 🤩 I'M EXCITED SO LET'S GO!!!
So this is the name of Clay's new incarnation, neat! 👍
Okay really, for having a season lately the main character just can't help but be trapped by the villain: kinda Zane in the ICE Chapter, Jay in Prime Empire, Cole in Master of the Mountain... we can call it a tradition at this point 🤷‍♀️
Giant serpent, yadda yadda, I wonder if we're gonna address the Great Devourer at some point? Not mandatory, but the reference would be very cool 🤩
Clay's new incarnation is a prince I- *hyperventilates in awe*
Nya playing dumb lol, I don't know if that's personal experience as she used to get kidnapped a lot in the past or she just have too many idiots in her life 😂
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Jay I love that you're so worried about Nya but maybe try NOT TO DIE? YOU'RE WITH LLOYD AND ZANE YET YOU'RE THE ONE GOING FOR THE SACRIFICE WTH?? 😱 But he's worried about his cool GF I kinda get it, also he didn't do it so good...
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So Giles is doomed to voice LEGO characters with daddy issues 😂 That being not having a dad at all or having one that is... a good guy? Idk he seems chill with the surface at first glance, I wonder what's the story of this family
Maya reminds of my mom, she also mentions her work a lot and I study the same thing. But she doesn't want to brag, it gets annoying but she just wants to give me advice. It's nice to see actually 👍 Also Ray reference NEAT ❤❤❤
Wow, if any child-parent couple of this show was doomed at going semi Emperor's New Groove style, I would've bet on Ed and Jay honestly 😅
Oh HECK yes I knew that with my water girls things were BOUND to get cool 😎 ... yeah I know where the door is *goes away*
My GOSH that scared the crap out of me 😅 Jay honey we have too many deaths in this team, you're not helping... BUT YOU POWERED AN ENTIRE SHIP BECAUSE YOU LOVE NYA AND YOU DIDN'T DIE AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BLUEBELL 💙💙💙
They were all so worried, I love this ninja family so freaking much 💜💜💜 Also better not tell this one to his GF 😂
And Bluebell?
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Welcome to the "change eye color because of elemental power" team! WE GOT ANOTHER ONE I LOVE WHEN IT HAPPENS!!! 😍😍😍
Awww, Zane letting Jay be the captain, that was so cute of him 💕
Another great episode! Doing great so far but I still wonder if we got into the main story. Feels like there should be more, well we got time! Next one! 😊
Sooooo... that's one very telling title 😅 If we're going full Lion King on this one, I think I know where this is going 😵
Maya: Don't they know that metal taste terrible?!? (Again feels like Kai could say something like this 😂)
FINALLY NYA USING FREAKING WATER POWERS UNDER THE SEA!!! Thank you Maya for saying out loud what we were all thinking 👌👌
Pff, okay, the fact that Kalmaar is all evil and cruel and then he gets startled like that, it's kind or adorable! 💕 Honestly Giles got such a deep voice, with Clay it was firm warm and reassuring, here we got plain devious and I ADORE it 😍😍😍
Maya come on don't doubt your daughter 😅 But I like her, and if she knew Nya they way we all do she wouldn't doubt that she could make it every time 😎
Yeah I was right, the king seems chill... oww I fear what's coming then 😳
Okay, so Kalmaar thinks that the world should go back to be lead by them like in the past, while the king just wants peace with the surface. And as we know, no drama no season so...
Yep, saw the death coming 😅
WHOA DID NOT SEE THAT LITTLE BLAME ACT COMING KALMAAR IS SO EVIL!!!... with a glorious voice but still (Rose focus on something that is not that godlike voice, you can do it 💪💪)
Awww Benthomaar is actually really cute, he's so worried about his father 😢 And he's adopted apparently? I wanna know the story!!! 🤩🤩
Yep, there's the reason why Zane got a mask even though he doesn't need one, it completes his attire 😂😂😂 My gosh how I love this nindroid ❄
Did... did Jay just say phooey? Dude Ducktales ended a while ago but I'm still not over it 😭
I said it once before I'll say it again, Ninjago is really REALLY good at making death scenes. Like, omg, I genuinely felt sorry for them 😢😢 I also really liked that the king didn't ask to be avenged, he still wanted peace and he asked his son to protect the ninja and he cried actual tears...
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MY HEART WTH 😭😭😭 So we're adding this to the real tears moments of the show, with Jay crying over pie, Zane with the flashback of his dad, Jay crying over Nya and Lloyd thinking the ninja are gone... my world this show is angsty 🙂
Third startle for prince Kalmaar, I love the gag 😂 Oh wait, king Kalmaar 🤷‍♀️
Okay, we got a coup, the ninja running away because they got framed, Benthomaar is most likely going to join them or at least help them, I guess Wojira will come out at some point while... Kai, Ray and Cole are still playing videogames? 😅
Although I hope we get more stuff with Nya and Maya, that's what I like 🤩
I'm good at English and I can follow most of it, but the fantasy names are tricky so I didn't get before that this was the name of the place 😅 It's nice, at least it's not another Atlantis 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Ah, there he is, my new son Benthomaar 💙 He is so lovable already, I know nearly nothing about him and I like his character already a lot! He could relate with all of the ninja really, but maybe with Jay the most? They were both adopted after all 🤔🤔
*scribble note for a fanfic for later if this doesn't come up in the season*
Alright moving on 😗
I am so happy Nya gets a season, Kelly got a great emotional range that doesn't come out often in my opinion, but with a full introspection of water goddess we are all blessed by her voice acting 😍
Gotta say, admitting that Bentho didn't have to help them to answer the usual 'Can we trust him' question is pretty reasonable, like, better than other stupid answers 😅
Also don't mind me
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Just screenshotting by ship 💙❤💙❤
Somehow lately we are letting Jay do the talking and I both hate and LOVE the fact 😂😂 Plain Bluebell nonsense, heck yes that's my jam👌👌
I literally can't not laugh at the startle gag with Kalmaar 😂
Aww Jay is still the Captain, nice! Wonder if it's giving him Skybound flashbacks... I hope not considering all he went through that time, poor Sparky 😅😅
Can we skip a season and hang out with Pixal one time? I really wanna know how she organizes her free time to create these things 😍😍😍
THANK YOU LLOYD FOR NOT DYING ONCE AGAIN, MUCH APPRECIATED!!! 💚💚💚 My green bean needs a vacation... they all do 😅
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Alright, back to the island hoping Kalmaar will not track us and follow us so he can get to the place and discover the amulet 🙂
Are we not calling the others? I miss my flame babe and Rocky ❤🖤❤🖤 Also RAY WATCHA DOIN I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING 🤩🤩
Wait what? Shark boy backstory? SHARK BOY BACKSTORY?!? 👀👀👀
Wow, I see that Kalmaar didn't change a thing growing up, still the same gonna-be-a-villain 😂 Of course his voice got a lot deeper and cool and okay you know I love his voice moving on
I find it kinda funny that Kalmaar is so focused on royal blood and superiority, while Clay was basically a farm boy who worked his way up. Giles knows how to get the character no matter what 😍
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The king seems like such a good pers- fish- creature 😅 Now I'm double sad that he died, my world, why do I always care so fast, it's not healthy in this show where everyone could die 😰😰
Literally every frame of Benthomaar makes me love him even more 😢
Interesting that we got an academic villain, he kinda reminds me of Clouse in a way, maybe even Harumi since she studied her way to her plan as well? I like that we got a bit of personality too!
Using your little bro for your own purpose... it's very evil but kinda also brotherly like 😂
Benthomaar really gives me that very PRECIOUS vibe, kinda the perfect son but also a naive and unaware BABY 💙
LEGO HUG 🤩🤩 Not exactly reciprocated but still 😅
Ooohhh, so this is how he found the temple! I like this, it shows that Bentho is most likely physically stronger than Kalmaar, while evil brother is focused on brain and studies. They are planned differently, I like it! 😚😚
Ouch, peer pressure... sibling pressure? Eh you get what I mean 😂
Bentho: will I really fit in with you guys? Do you really understand how I feel?
Lloyd: Jay was adopted, Nya's parents were gone most of her life, Zane lost his father while mine turned evil
Bentho(tearing up): yeah that can work
Okaaaaayyyyy, I like that we got a bit of backstory for Bentho too! We didn't get much for Vanya in Master of the Mountain, which is the only thing I was sad about (very little detail, AMAZING season 🖤🖤🖤), nice to see it here!!
But I really want more Nya and Maya interactions, I hope we'll soon get to them again!! 😍😍😍
Alright, getting somewhere here! I'm very curious about what's next 🤩🤩
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victcrymade-blog · 5 years
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{☾} “Bold of you to assume that I give an ACTUAL shit.”
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matthewtkachuk · 4 years
feel something pt 1 - jj
On the outside, you’re a kook princess with a seemingly perfect life and a perfect family. The expectations are suffocating you, to the point where the only thing you feel is numb. You’re chasing different coping mechanisms in order to feel something. Until a chance encounter with a certain blond pogue you know you’re supposed to hate gives rise to a different kind of feeling.
Warnings: angst, toxic behaviour, poor coping mechanisms, drug usage, mentions of sex, mentions of suicidal ideations (brief), Rafe being a grade a asshole, shitty parents
Pairings: JJ x reader (eventually), Rafe x reader (slight), Topper x reader (slight)
Words: 3.1k
A/N: I accidentally deleted this, ugh sorry if you see this again!! I started off wanting to write a supremely angsty one shot, turned into a supremely angsty multi-chapter fic. This is a slow burn, babyy. Here’s the set up, let me know what you think! :)
series masterlist
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You stand teetering on the edge of the balcony railing, barefoot and facing the waves as they crash onto the beach. You’re not thinking about jumping. At least you’re pretty sure you won’t actually jump. Really you’re just looking for even a flicker of an emotion to stir up in your chest. Lately you haven’t felt anything more than mild annoyance at your parent’s constant bickering and pestering. You know you’re too young, but all you feel anymore is numb. You lift your left leg, balancing precariously on the right for a minute before lowering it and returning to the balcony and slipping your heels back on.
You don’t want to die, you just don’t want to live like this. Kook princess, paraded and practically pimped around by your parents, looking for you to find an advantageous marriage, have 2.5 kids and further accumulate your hoarded wealth. “Why don’t you date the Cameron boy? He’s quite good looking and your father would love it if you married his business partner’s son” and “The Thornton boy would be a good match, the family mansion is the largest” and “Jacob Kane’s father is a name partner at a successful law firm on the mainland”. Your mother’s incessant nagging about finding the perfect husband only further cements your lack of value as a human being, your usefulness tapped out at your ability to be someone’s wife.
You don’t understand the wealth accumulation thing, your trust fund probably equals the national budget of a small country already, and there’s no way anyone could blow through the entire family fortune in a single generation. At this point, it just feels like generating wealth for the sake of generating it. What good is money if it just sits in a bank account or investment portfolio, earning passive income and not being used for anything.
You recognize you’re very privileged, you’ve never once had to worry about where your next meal would come from, you have a closet full of designer handbags and red bottom shoes the value of which could feed several families on the Cut. But what’s the cost? You feel suffocated by the pressure bestowed upon you by your parents. You’re the eldest sibling, primary heiress to the Y/L/N family fortune and expected future successor of the family business. Truthfully, you couldn’t give less of a fuck about retail development or whatever it is that keeps your father so busy that he missed every single one of your piano and ballet recitals growing up. You like the idea of studying Shakespeare’s sonnets and soliloquies over learning about mergers and acquisitions and tax avoidance laws at college, but you know your father would sooner cut you off than let you pursue your own passions.
Sometimes you let yourself fantasize about leaving it all behind, running off to some college like Columbia, moving to New York and living in the city that never sleeps. With your 4.0 GPA and stellar extracurricular activities, you could probably get a pretty good scholarship. Or maybe Paris, where you would sit in a cute little café flirting with French boys and writing poetry by the Seine River. But it would be hard, and you’re too much of a coward to see if you could make it on your own without daddy’s money. Not to mention the little voice in the back of your head that sounds suspiciously like your mothers telling you that you’ll never amount to anything without their help.
Later, you’re wandering the party, both hands curled tightly around the cup you hold to your lips, eyes staring out at the crowd over the rim. Unfortunately, you catch Rafe Cameron’s eye as he’s sat around the coffee table with a freshly cut white line ready on the surface. He’s surrounded by the idiots he calls friends and more than one pretty little rich girl making eyes at him. The left corner of his mouth turns up in a smirk as he realizes you’ve sized up the company around him.
“Hey Y/L/N, want a line? First one’s on me, babe.” He calls out at you, but you just roll your eyes and keep moving forward. As desperate as you are to feel something, you’re not sure you can cross that line just yet. Partaking in the occasional joint or bong rip is one thing, but hard drugs is another. You don’t think trading in the empty feeling in your chest for an addiction is worth it. Seeing the blown out pupils of some of your peers, and the way they not-so-discreetly sniff and wipe at their noses you realize you’re likely alone in that assessment. “Your loss!” he calls out at your retreating form, and you don’t even bother to look over your shoulder. You know he’s not really interested in you beyond making you a customer and maybe a quick fuck.
You snort to yourself, wondering what your mother would think about the boy she wanted you to pursue offering you a line of coke at a party. Knowing her, she would focus on the fact that you had gained his attention and ignore the illicit substance.
Making your way through the cluster of bodies is harder than you had initially thought, everyone was on everyone. Every kook party ends up this way, a certain subset of the group coked out and the rest so drunk they can’t function, and you begin to wonder why you even bothered coming.
You’re not totally sure what you’re looking for, your best friend and Rafe’s younger sister Sarah doesn’t really associate with this crowd anymore ever since she started spending all her time with the less fortunate side of the island. Rafe had called it ‘slumming with those dirty fucking pogues’ the last time Sarah had partied with you. Maybe it isn’t right to call her your best friend anymore because not only does she not associate with this crowd, she doesn’t really associate with you either.
You know she’s hanging with Kie again, there are a lot of watchful eyes on the island and even more flapping lips. It’s kind of ironic, Sarah was the one who convinced you to drop Kie, and you had let her. Now the two of them were spending all their time together on some dilapidated boat named after the inhabitants of the Cut and you were alone at some lame party with a heavy weight on your chest and under your eyes.
Sighing deeply, you down the rest of the contents of your cup and grab a refill before turning your attention back to the crowd of people in the middle of the living room. As your brain starts to fog further with the familiar feeling four vodka crans give you, you let Topper put his hands on your hips and pull your bodies close together, your back to his front. A voice in the back of your mind wonders if you’re supposed to feel guilt over Sarah’s ex’s hands all over your body, but you don’t feel anything and Sarah clearly doesn’t give a fuck about you either.
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The next morning you wake up with Topper’s hands around your bare waist. There’s a pain radiating against your skull and you have cotton mouth, but you quietly gather your clothes and sneak out of the room before the sleeping blonde can wake up and give you that regretful look he gets in his eyes every time you hook up. You know he still loves Sarah, in his own fucked up way and though you don’t regret where you woke up, you know you’ll just be annoyed if you have to deal with his issues this early in the morning with this bad of a hangover.
You’ve almost successfully left the large mansion, quietly walking through the living room to the front door when a voice remarks dryly, “Really, y/n? I thought you were better than my sister’s leftovers.”
Inhaling through your nose and out your mouth sharply, you spin on your heel to face Rafe with a blank expression on your face. He sits at the kitchen island, bare-chested with his hat on backwards, casually eating a bowl of cereal. The thought of why exactly Rafe is sitting half naked in Topper’s kitchen, eating Topper’s cereal briefly flashes through your mind but you decide you don’t care. “What do you care Rafe?” you ask, only half interested in his response. There’s a moment of silence, and you pick at your fingernails rather than meet his gaze.
“I’m just saying, I thought you were better than that,” he shrugs, bringing another spoonful to his mouth.
You roll your eyes, already tired of the conversation, “And who, pray tell, is better for me?”
“Me of course,” he smirks at you, and you huff out an annoyed laugh and raise an eyebrow silently asking him to explain. “Come on princess, I know your parents want you to marry up. ‘m your best option on this island”.
Mildly annoyed, you roll your eyes and turn back towards the front door, eager to leave this conversation behind. “C’mon baby, we both know how this thing ends, with you on my arm as the perfect trophy wife.”
There was a time those words might have brought butterflies in your stomach. Growing up best friends with Sarah meant you also grew up with Rafe, and you used to have the biggest crush on him. Forbidden by Sarah after a late night game of truth or dare, you didn’t use to mind when your mother would spout off about Rafe being the perfect boy for you. He used to look out for you like he did for Sarah. But that was a long time ago, and he no longer cared about either of you anymore and you had to admit you couldn’t remember why you had ever thought him anything but repulsive. That was before the drugs and the untethered rage that always rests just under the surface of his skin, ready to be unleashed at the smallest slight. You might have married the little boy with the gap toothed smile who once punched Jacob Kane when you were in the second grade and he wouldn’t stop bothering you, but this Rafe wasn’t good for anything beyond a quick meeting in the dark.
If you had been able to feel anything, you might have snapped back at him, but you had no energy and honestly all you wanted was to shower in your own shower and collapse in your own bed, so you ignored his comment and slipped out the door.
It was a quick walk back to your house, and you snuck in quietly through the front door hoping no one was home and your dreams of slumbering until the early afternoon could be realized. Unfortunately, your mother sat on the cream colored chaise in the sitting room, clearly anticipating your arrival. Her eyes quickly scanned your appearance, your manolos held by the straps in your right hand, your sex hair and décolletage you were sure was covered in bites and bruises caused by overeager lips, before sighing.
“Y/n, darling, you have to stop this silly behaviour and settle down. Boys aren’t going to want to lock you down if they’ve already had you.” She criticizes, effectively slut-shaming you. You roll your eyes at that, briefly wondering if the old wives tale was true and you’d end up with your eyes stuck like that. You decide you don’t mind, it would save you some time as your base reaction to most interactions is to roll them.
“I had a rough night mom, I’d like to go back to bed,” you tell her as you try to slip past her. A cold hand circles your wrist, stiletto tipped manicure digging slightly into the skin stopping you from moving any further.
“I’m serious, y/n, you’re better than this.” She throws the same words Rafe had at you. Exasperated and exhausted you rip your wrist from her grasp and head to the stairs. “We’re not done talking about this!” she shouts but you ignore her and continue towards your nice shower and bed.
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Rolling over to an empty bed several hours later, you grumble as you try to identify the source of your wakeup call. Cursing as you smack your arm against your side table, you finally manage to grab your ringing cell phone. Seeing RC flash as the contact calling, you groan loudly, before hitting the decline button and rolling back over. A minute later your phone chimes again, indicating a voice mail.
You figure there’s no point in drawing out the inevitable, so you unlock the phone and listen the voicemail Rafe left. He’s invited you to hang out with him and his friends on his dad’s yacht. Before you can talk yourself out of it, you’ve sent him a text to say you’d be there in an hour. Despite there being no love lost between you and Rafe, you really don’t have any better options and maybe if you tell your mom who you’re hanging out with she’ll get off your back and not subject you to The Lecture. You and Sarah used to laugh and joke about The Lecture, about how being a Y/L/N means being perfect and obtaining a perfect husband. The two of you would mock your mother, exaggerating her southern drawl that slipped out as she lectured you on the importance of propriety and ‘leaving something to the imagination’.
As you slip on a navy sundress with a deep neckline, you laugh, thinking to yourself that there’s not much left to leave to the imagination. You take the time to curl the ends of your hair to create a bouncy wave and apply a few coats of waterproof mascara and lip gloss. The humid heat of the OBX keeps your makeup routine light in the summer.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” Shit. Your dad’s home, he knows you stayed out all night, and he’s pissed. You don’t think your mom told him the full story, because he’s not frothing at the mouth mad, just his typical disappointed mad.
“Rafe invited a couple of friends to hang out on his dad’s yacht, daddy,” you reply back, not meeting his eyes.
You can tell your dad disapproves, because the lines between his eyebrows are more pronounced with his narrowed eyes. As he starts to give you what you’re sure is an impassioned lecture, your mother pops up out of nowhere, gushing, “Rafe? Well of course you can go sweetie, isn’t that right hon?” she turns to your dad, a single eyebrow raised daring him to defy her. Your parents are the ultimate power couple, wielding power and guilt over each other almost as easily as they try to do to you.
He sighs, realizing the fight with his vengeful wife isn’t worth the lesson you’re not going to learn anyway and nods, “Alright, just be back for supper, we’re going to sit down as a family tonight. And tell Sarah we said hi.”
If either parent noticed your stiffened back, they don’t comment on it. You hadn’t told them that Sarah dumped you like yesterday’s news just yet. Why blow a perfect cover story? Again, the lack of guilt should probably concern you, but you’re more focused on the very expensive, very good quality wine that you know is waiting for you on the Cameron’s yacht.
An hour later, you’re sitting between a very uncomfortable Topper and a disinterested Kelce with a full wineglass in your left hand. Your right hand slides your sunglasses back onto your eyes to shield them from the harsh sunlight that beats down directly on your face.
You can’t find the energy to strike up a conversation with either of them, and they don’t seem very inclined to start one either, so you turn your head to the side and look out at the water until you see a familiar beat up boat approaching. You visibly tense as your eyes lock on your blonde former best friend laughing with her arm around John B as their stupid friends talk and laugh around them. “You okay, y/n?” Kelce finally speaks, noticing your change in posture.
“Never better,” you drily reply moving to turn your head back to the other side of the yacht, as if the other boat on the water didn’t exist at all. Your eyes briefly flicker to the other blond on the boat, taut muscles on display beyond the ratty cut-off tank top as the pogue known as JJ attempts to wrestle with his friend Pope. You feel a drop in your stomach that perplexes you as your eyes scan his sunkissed skin. Startled, you turn your head quickly and take a huge sip of your wine.
You anticipated some sort of confrontation, maybe a thrown insult, but their boat simply eclipsed the yacht and they continued on their way. You were annoyed by the concerned look that Kelce threw your way after they had left, so you downed your glass and grabbed Rafe’s hand and all but dragged him inside the cabin.
The second the door shuts behind you, you’re on him, mouths mashing in a hungry kiss. He smirks against your mouth and leads you into the bathroom and proceeds to rid you of your clothes.
As you’re letting Rafe Cameron fuck you in the bathroom of his yacht, your mind can’t help but think you’re fucking over Sarah, too.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good,” he praises in your ear as he thrusts into you from behind. You don’t even have the energy to fake a moan, you just lean your head back against his shoulder.
When he’s finished, you simply slip your dress back on, refill your glass and sit back between Topper and Kelce as if they didn’t just hear you hook up with their best friend.
You go to bed early that night after a “nice family dinner” that consists of back-handed compliments and your mother fishing for details about your time on the yacht. You don’t think she’d be too pleased about letting Rafe ‘have you’ before ‘locking you down’, so you keep it to a minimum. Both parents drill it into your head that as a Y/L/N, you’re held to a higher standard than your peers. Perfect grades, perfect life, perfect daughter. You don’t know how to tell them you don’t even feel human anymore, so you smile and nod as they pester and nag. Your little sister sits quietly the whole time, looking at you with an emotion you can’t quite decipher.
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whorefordean · 4 years
daddy issues
JJ Maybank x Reader
tw: language, mentions of abuse, angsty
wc: 1.4k
requested: yes! (by anon)
based on daddy issues by the neighborhood (loosely) (also I do skip some lyrics and don't use the whole song)
I hope you enjoy bc I kinda like this one!
also thanks for 800 followers!!! <3
Take you like a drug
I taste you on my tongue
You ask me what I'm thinking about
I'll tell you that I'm thinking about
Whatever you're thinking about
You and JJ were laying in an open field two hours away from the Cut on the mainland, staring at the night sky above you.  You were babbling back and forth for a while, passing a blunt every so often.  
“Where do you think we’ll be after all this?” JJ asked as he passed the blunt back to you after taking a hit.  You accepted it with a shrug, inhaling while thinking of your answer.  
“After we die?” You asked, confused.  You and JJ already had this conversation, multiple times, actually.  
“After highschool.  After the obx,” JJ clarified.  You shrugged again.  
“I don’t think I’ll ever make it out,” You answered somberly, passing the blunt back to JJ.  
“Why not?” JJ questioned, sitting up as he took the blunt back.  
“Because my dad’s a jackass, and I think he’ll kill me if I try to leave,” you confessed, copying JJ’s movements and sitting up, as well.  
JJ remained quiet for a while.  You laid back down, looking at the stars for a while, thinking about what you had said.  You knew you and JJ had similar problems with your fathers, but maybe it was too much for him.  Maybe he hadn’t expected your blunt answer.  
“What’s on your mind, J?” You finally spoke up when the silence from him became too loud.  
“Whatever’s on yours,” JJ answered after a moment.  It was your turn to remain quiet.  
Tell me something that I’ll forget
But you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you do for a friend
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
 “Let’s run away,” JJ spoke up after a moment.  
“What?” You laugh.  You looked over, only to be met with a serious-looking JJ.  
“You heard me, Y/n,” JJ spoke firmly, shocking you.  
“Ask me when you’re sober, JJ,” You scoffed.  JJ continued staring at you, intensely.  
“Tell me you’d do it.  You’d run away if I asked you when I was sober,” JJ demanded.  
“Fuck, J!  Yeah, I would!  I’d run away with you in a heartbeat.  But it doesn’t matter because we’ll forget about this.  We’ll go back to our shitty homes and forget!” You cried out.  JJ simply nodded.  
“But we could do it,” JJ whispered, scooting closer to you and draping his arm over your shoulder.  
“We can’t, J.  They’ll find us,” You replied weakly, trying to hold in your tears.  Your eyes were burning, and you could feel your lip quiver.  Don’t cry.  
“You can cry, Y/n.  I won’t judge,” JJ whispered gently.  You nodded before burying your head into his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his torso.  You sobbed into JJ’s shoulder for a while as JJ simply rubbed your back reassuringly.  
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that you got daddy issues
And I do too
“I know that you still care about him, and that’s okay.  He’s your dad, Y/n.  You just wanna see the best in him,” JJ stated.  But why did you feel like shit for thinking he’d stop hurting you?  He’s your dad.  He’s supposed to love you.  So why didn’t he?
“I just want him to care, J,” You sobbed.  
“I know.  I understand, babe.  My old man’s hated me for as long as I can remember.  I get it,” JJ answered.  The night ended with you and JJ holding each other under the stars, grasping each other so tight for reassurance that your hands cramped and your bodies shook.  
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I know that you got daddy issues
It had been a few weeks since you and JJ had the heart to heart under the stars.  You were now sitting on the HMS Pogue with the others.  
“Have you thought about it?” JJ asked quietly from his spot beside you on the boat.  You turn to face him with furrowed brows.  
“About what?” You laughed lightly.  JJ stared at you in disbelief before answering. 
“Running away,” JJ mumbled under his breath.  You shook your head and watched as he slumped his tanned shoulders.  
“I thought you were kidding, JJ,” You answered, running a hand through your hair with a sigh.  
“I’d do anything to get you away from here.  To get us away from here.  We could get married and have a normal life,” JJ said seriously, grabbing your hand in his.  
“You’d marry me?” You teased with a small smile.  
“I’d run away and hide with you if you asked me to,” JJ smiled before kissing your forehead.  
“Come on, love birds,” Pope teased as everyone started jumping into the water.  
I keep on trying to let you go
Not even let you know
How I'm getting on
I didn't cry when you left at first
Maybe you should’ve taken him up on his offer.  Maybe you should have packed a bag in the dead of the night and met him at the docks.  Maybe if you had more sense you would’ve.  But here you are, sitting on your bed with a bloody nose and black eye that your father gave you. 
JJ left two weeks ago.  He begged you to come with him, but he was right.  You tried so hard to see the good in everyone.  Even your father.  
You hadn’t cried that night.  When JJ left.  You couldn’t when you knew he’d be okay.  He’d be away from all the pain and anger his father inflicted on him.  So you held it in.  Until you didn’t.  
You laid there staring at your ceiling for hours.  You should’ve gone with JJ.  It was stupid of you to stay, but you couldn’t just up and leave.  Could you?  JJ had, but he had it worse.  You could handle the anger from your father a few times a week.  It was fine.  But you needed JJ.  
So you went to find him.  You packed a bag and left.  You made your way to John B’s house in the dark.  The walk was completely silent, aside from the slight buzz of the street lamps.  
You tapped on the door.  The loud knock making you cringe as you disrupted the quiet.  You waited a few minutes until you heard footsteps inside.  
“Where’d he go, John B?” You asked immediately when the door swung open.  You waited impatiently as John B wiped the sleep from his eyes.  
“He told me not to tell anyone, Y/n,” John B sighed, stepping aside to let you in.  You obliged and crossed the threshold with your hands gripping your bag so hard your knuckles turned white.  
“John B, tell me where the hell he is,” You demanded.  You didn’t have time to mess around.  You had to go.  
“The mainland.  Told me you’d know,” John B sighed.  You looked at him, puzzled, for a few moments before jumping up from your spot on the couch.  
“Thanks, JB,” you exclaimed, hugging him quickly before rushing out.  John B stood in his living room confused for a minute.  He turned to face the door when you rushed back in.  
“Can you take me somewhere?” 
You found yourself hugging John B goodbye one last time before jumping out of his van.  
“Hey, Y/n,” John B called out.  You stopped walking and turned around to face him.  
“Look out for each other, okay?”  John B called out with a soft smile.  You nodded and smiled back.  
“And, please, for the love of god, marry the kid.  He’s been in love with you since, like, fifth grade,”  John B joked making you laugh.  You nodded and again and watched as John B pulled off.  
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
You made your way to the same spot you were a few weeks ago.  You felt your heart beat faster as you got closer.  Your shoulders slumped, though, when you saw the field was completely empty.  You could feel the tears building up and your chest started to ache.  You wanted to scream out.  Why didn’t you just go with him?  You had shared trauma, for Pete’s sake!  You were meant for each other!  And you just let him walk away?
Well, apparently, fate felt the same way.  
“Looking for something?” Someone called out from behind you, causing you to jump in shock.  You spun around.  
“Do you still wanna marry me?” You asked playfully through your tears.  
“Always,” JJ smiled. 
taglist: @queenofthepouges @5am-cigarette @danicarosaline @jellyfishbeansontoast @allielozoya @aliensinmybrain 
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ikevamp-annalyne · 4 years
Hey, idk if youre taking requests but I have an angsty one 🥺👉👈 How would Arthur, Leo, Theo, Comte and Dazai(plus if you wanna add anyone) react to a flinch-y mc? Like she's gone through abuse and is super on edge a lot, jumps when people raise their hands near her or seem angry. Maybe she puts up a tough front a lot but is easy to cry anytime anyone actually seems angry or upset w her.
Hello there! - =͟͟͞͞ ( ꒪౪꒪)ฅ✧ Thank you so much for the request! Sorry for the late, I am caught up in some personal matters as well as work ;; I hope you will enjoy these! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
It doesn't take too much time for Arthur to figure out what you've been going. I mean, he is clever and the dad of Sherlock! So of course he guesses pretty early on what's going with you. And let's be honest: he is MAD.
Not at you, but at who dared to abuse you. It makes him a lot uneasy because he touches people a lot. He is so very sad you flinch everytime he comes for a hug, a kiss, or even just a simple head pat.
You put on a tough front but he can see very well how frightened you are. It's been so long since he's had someone in his life so he is pretty lost with how to tackle this issue with you. He will try to ask you very nicely why you are so flinchy, and you just close yourself up, saying you don't want to talk about it nor your past.
Arthur is not very happy with it because you are the one who told hin to open up about his past and old wounds. So he gets a tad upset, crying and even sounding desperate: "I want to embrace your scars just like you embrace mine! Please talk to me! Tell me..."
When he cries, you cannot help it but hug him and tell everything you've been through. As you are crying along the tale, he cries with you and you end up both crying into each other's embrace. He promises to protect you and take it slow with you, letting you touch him first.
Daddy Leonardo is not pleased. Not at you, at those who did it. But for you, he holds back his rage and lets you be the one to come at him. No need for talking about it: he guessed it easily and doesn't want to pressure you into sharing it.
He will take it slow with you, starting with very small gestures: shoulder pat, back caress, head pat, cheek caress. He wants you to feel safe so he asks you every single time. "Can I pat your head?" Just being asked is incredible for you so you agree everytime, except when you feel more on edge than usual.
When you are in these moments -most of the time after a nightmare- he will make you food and let you sleep to your heart's content, keeping an eye on you. He will sleep when you wake up, because he will stay awake all night to protect you from your demons.
He is so patient, even though at times he feels very frustrated for not being able to hug you or touch you. So he hugs Lumiere a lot to make up for it. You often find them sleeping together, Lumiere curled up on Leonardo's chest, Leonardo's hand resting on the cat's head.
Eventually you feel safe with him and he is the only one allowed to touch you. He will get very angry at anyone trying to touch you; but you know, it won't show... "What do you think you're doing, trying to touch my Cara Mia without her consent?" Protective babe.
Surprisingly ultra sweet!!! He hates abuse and anything coming with it. He will, however, realise your situation after Leonardo tried to oat your head and you instinctively put your hands up to prevent him from touching you while flinching.
So Theodorus will stay the same, with the insults and teasing, but he will never lay a hand on you. Instead, he will display a lot of affection gestures on Vincent, so that you can see he is not there to harm you.
Seeing this brotherly love makes you happy. You can clearly see all the love and trust between the two brothers. You will crave for this kind of relationship: you've never experienced this before... So one day, you will talk to Theodorus about it.
"I envy you, Vincent and you. You look so close, so happy when you are together. I wish I had known this at least once in my life..." He doesn't need to say anything: just looking at his eyes makes you spit it all out, every little thing about your past.
He listens, ocasionally asking questions. And when you are done, his hand travels very slowly to your head. If you flich, he stops until you relax. Eventually, he reaches the top of your head and pat it. "Nice hondje, you've been through a lot. ... Glad you're here." He will be nicer to you from this moment.
Mama Comte is shocked when you escape from his touch -he was just going to put a hair lock behind your ear. And you don't know why, but staring at him, at his eyes, makes you blurt out the whole story, very early on. You just trust him.
When he knows, he promises that all the residents are good guys who will never hurt you. And to prove it, he will make you witness every resident's interaction. Theodorus and Vincent's close bond, Leonardo and Isaac's dad and son relationship, Jean and Mozart's interaction...
He also tells everybody that you are not comfortable with physical contact and kindly -threatens- asks the residents to never lay a hand on you if you don't give them permission. Everyone understands, so they all try to make you feel at ease.
As for Comte, he wants to work on you with trust and touching. He will hold some "lessons" to make you more comfortable with basic touching: shaking hands, head pats, shoulder pats, arm squeeze... Since you trust him, you flinch but do it because you know it is safe with him.
The lessons go for months until you are perfectly comfortable around the residents. To the point you can now initiate touches and ocasionally pat the residents. Some really like it, others are surprised. But you do this more with Comte, obviously. Especially head pats and back caress -and kissing obviously...-
Dazai is a teaser but he doesn't laugh with this matter. When you open up to him about it -after a few drinks making you a tad tipsy- he goes full protect mode. But hidden protect mode. He watches from afar.
Basically, when someone tries to touch you, he just pops out of nowhere and shifts the attention to him so the other forgets they were trying to touch you. Even with the residents! When one tries to pat your head or shoulder, he comes from the window and jumps in the room.
You have vague memories of that deinking night so you know what he is doing, and you are so very grateful. You will make a lot of gifts to thank him, including some Japanese food!
- Comte helped you get your hand on the ingredients needed-
Dazai will be very happy, but he will keep on denying what he is doing for you, claiming that it is all pure coincidences and that he was so wasted that night he doesn't remember a single thing about what you confessed. But you know he lies.
As a token of your gratitude, you will be the one touching him first. You will suddenly comes for a hug, surprising him a lot. But he will hug you back and then pat your head before kissing your forehead and saying he is proud of you. You're left as a blushing mess.
I hope you liked it!!! (。・ω・)ノ゙
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rebelminxy · 5 years
Daddy Swap
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Pairing: John Winchester x Reader 
Word Count: 2156
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Explicit Language, Penetration
Square Filled: Body Swap
A/N: This was written for @spnkinkbingo​ and takes place before the show starts. Something quick since I was *somewhat* in a rush trying not to fall asleep while writing this XD
SPNKinkBingo Masterlist
John turned around at the sound of your voice, seeing the ball of power aimed right at him from the witch you were both currently trying to kill. You threw your entire body towards him, hoping to push him out of the way. But you were too late, both getting hit by the ball and being thrown across the room. You both went through the wall and landed in the next room, the debris surrounding you. You called out for John, your vision turning black before you saw him a few feet away from you, unconscious. 
You woke with a start, breathing heavily as your mind tried to work through your confusion. You looked around, noticing you were in a motel room, alone. You started to relax until your eyes landed on the mirror right across the room pointing to your bed. For a moment you thought you were losing your mind, that maybe that witch did something to it or that you were dreaming. But the more you stared and moved, the reflection moving at the same time, you began to realize this wasn’t a dream or mind games. It was until you actually touched yourself that you screamed out in bloody murder of the realization hitting fully.
John sat in the motel room with Dean, noticing how his son wouldn’t remove his eyes from him.
“Are you going to be staring all day, boy? We need to figure this out before she wakes…”
A deep scream came through the walls from the room next to them. John sighed and got up from his chair, glad that they were able to get two rooms at the farthest end of the motel and no one else surrounded them. As he walked over to the door, he turned to see Dean staring at his ass.
“Boy if you don’t stop!”
“Sorry, keep forgetting its you in there,” Dean apologized as he looked away, getting up to join John. “But seriously, how did you get a girl this hot? And at your age?”
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to, boy.”
“Still can’t take you serious with that voice,” Dean chuckled as they made their way out of the room and towards the one next door. 
Before John could open the door, he could hear (Y/N) pacing inside, talking to herself, well more so his voice as she spoke rapidly, a trait he adored when she was lost in thought. He opened up the door to see his body pacing the room, his hand scratching the top of his head, his voice mumbling rapidly. It was weird seeing his body this way, outside of viewing it from a mirror. Before he could say a word, (Y/N) looked up and stared at him.
Well, at her body anyways.
You were pacing the room wondering what the hell happened when something caught your attention from the corner of your eye. You looked up to see yourself, your damn body, standing at the door. There also was a tall guy standing right behind your body, a smirk on his face.
“Damn, Dad, didn’t know you’ve been working out,” the man said as he pushed into the room, taking a seat at the small dining table the motel provided. 
“Dad?” you asked confused, hearing John’s voice instead of yours.
“Yeah, baby girl. Wasn’t expecting to introduce you to him anytime soon, but with this issue, I had to call him in.”
You felt a shiver go down your spine as you heard your voice, but the mannerisms and the way your body moved as it shut the door behind it and made its way to sit on the bed…
“Yeah, baby girl, it’s me,” he sighed. “Looks like that witch used some kind of body-swapping spell on us. Woke up to us in that house, you out cold and the witch gone. Drove us out here to this motel and called up Dean the moment I made sure we were safe.”
“Dean, as in…” you stuttered.
“As in his son,” Dean added, getting up from his chair and making his way towards you. “Dean Winchester at your service, miss.”
He gave you his hand to shake, which you did, but seeing John’s hand instead of yours made things weirder by the second. Dean smiled at you and went back to his seat. You rolled through your mind everything that you remembered until now.
“So, witch, bad spell, screwed us up. Is this permanent or something?” you asked hesitantly.
“If my knowledge is correct,” John began. “Once we kill the witch, the spell should break. So since we aren’t in conditions to go hunting, Dean here will backtrack and find to witch to kill her.”
“Yeah, so you and Dad better stay here until I get my hands on her and deal with her,” Dean smirked.
“I mean, John and I can handle this…”
“Sweetheart, if you’re as new to this life as my Dad says you are, something tells me you gonna screw things up even more if you try.”
“Boy, you respect her!” 
“I do, doesn’t mean I’m going to let her put your body in danger,” Dean pointed out as he got up. “Look, leave the witch to me and take this time as a vacation. Learn a bit more lore and relax because once you two are back in the right bodies, Dad isn’t going to hesitate to get back on the road to hunt. And I imagine you both need the rest.”
Without another word, Dean left the room, shutting the door behind him. You could hear the rumble of a car driving off as you turned to John. Seeing your face outside a mirror was strange. But hopefully, Dean could handle the case quickly so everything could go back to normal.
Dean had been gone for an entire day and John was already angsty on getting out of the room. He had left a little after Dean to get food, but then he learned why you never really wanted to go out alone.
“Damn boys can’t keep their mouth shut and respect a woman,” John mumbled when he came back from getting food. 
After that, you were the only one that would go out to get whatever you needed. You were laying on the bed, reading John's journal when he came out the shower with a towel wrapped around the waist, chest bare to the world. You scrambled out of bed to shut the blinds that had been left open earlier, gasping from the moment of panic you had. You turned to face John, anger in your eyes.
“You realize anyone fucking walking by would have seen my damn boobs, right?!” you exclaimed in anger. 
“Sorry, baby girl, just not used to having to hide my body, especially my chest,” he replied with a soft tone.
“Just be careful next time,” you huffed out, moving back to the bed to continue reading. 
After a couple of minutes, you felt the bed dip beside you, causing you to look over to see John sitting next to you, giving you the puppy dog look you always gave him when you wanted something.
“Looks like you already know how to use my body for certain things,” you grumbled in a bit of annoyance.
“Just wanted to say sorry, baby. It's not easy for both of us.”
“Tell me about it, morning wood isn’t all that great,” you replied, rolling your eyes. “Now I understand why you always pounce on me when you wake up.”
“Well, sleeping next to a beautiful woman like yourself would make any man hard.”
You looked at John, bursting out in laughter. He gave you a confused look, wondering if he said anything funny.
“Sorry babe,” you laughed out deeply. “But Dean was right, no one can take you seriously while you’re in my body. My voice isn’t meant to be dominating as you.”
John growled at you and grabbed your hands, pinning you to the bed. You were surprised to witness your own body strength, wondering since when did you become so strong as to be able to hold down a body like John’s.
“Let me show you just how dominating I can be with this sexy body of yours.”
John pressed his lips against yours, and you couldn’t help but compare how soft yours felt against his rough ones. You made a mental note to get John into using lip balm from now on. Even though you loved how his rough lips felt on your skin, feeling how soft yours were just made the kiss all the more better. He deepened the kiss by sliding his tongue along your lips, pleading for entrance, which you gave freely. Tongues battling for dominance as your hands slid down your body, enjoying how your skin felt under his hands. It was so confusing yet pleasurable. You getting turned on by your own body, but you quickly assumed since this was John’s body, obviously it would react.
You heard a soft moan vibrate through your mouth, then John broke the kiss, leaving you both breathless.
“Now I understand why you wanna keep my beard trimmed. That scruff really is bothersome while kissing, baby girl.”
John then moved off the bed and quickly removed the towel he had around his waist, letting it fall to the floor. Without another word, you quickly removed your clothes, all the way down to the boxers. Once you were fully naked, you couldn’t help but look down at the prodding cock between your legs, standing at attention.
“Looks like my body hasn’t lost its urges, unless you really turned on by this baby girl,” John giggled, as in an actual giggle.
You chuckled at him before he pounced you back down onto the bed. He laid above you, looking down as he rubbed his body against you, cock grinding against a very wet pussy.
“Hmm, this feels real good, don’t it, baby girl?” he asked, closing his eyes.
All you could do was hum in response, his pet name Daddy slipping through your lips as your mind tried to focus on the sensations you were feeling. John then reached between his legs and opened himself up to you with his fingers, exposing the wet core. You rolled your hips against him and that gave him the push he was looking for. In one swift motion, he took his entire cock inside. You heard him moan out in pleasure once his cock was completely sheath by your pussy. 
You both stayed that way for a few minutes, relishing the moment. But then John began to lift himself up, the tip of cock barely coming out before he fell right back on. He began to ride you like a bull rider, screaming out your name as he moved faster above you. Faster and faster, John brought your both to the limit. He screamed your name out one last time as you felt yourself come inside. It was a quick one, but enough to wear you both out. After a bit, John climbed off and laid beside you, breathing heavily.
“And now I also understand why you like riding me. Shit, that was deep,” John huffed beside you, causing you to laugh.
“Will say one thing,” you began. “Sex won’t ever be the same after this.”
“Hmm, will make sure to spice it up more once we get out of this situation. But first,” John continued as he rolled over to look at you, giving you a cocked smiled. “We need to get that body trained for a long night. Already wanting more.”
You woke up the next day to someone knocking on your room door. You quickly got up and threw on a pair of boxers, wondering who the hell was bugging you at this time of the morning. When you opened the door, you saw Dean standing there, his eyes going wide before looking up at the ceiling.
“Looks like killing the witch actually broke the spell,” he chuckled, avoiding eye contact with you altogether.
You were confused at first until you looked down to see a pair of boobs on your chest. You screamed out in bloody murder as you turned around, covering your chest with your arms, knowing full well your face was most definitely beet red from embarrassment. John jumped out of bed, grabbing his gun and was ready to shoot until he saw Dean.
“What the fuck happened….” John began until he noticed you crouching by the door, covering your chest. 
He looked down and saw his naked body, realizing that they were back to normal. But what got him riled up was his son chuckling and staring at his woman’s back.
“I’m going to kill you boy!” John exclaimed as he ran over to Dean, ready to whip his ass for even setting eyes on his woman’s body.
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niyascribes · 5 years
 i thought you were his.
summary: you’ve been put with the avengers to watch over Wanda but no one but you knows that. One brunette super soldier has a secret crush on you and gets jealous when one of your old partners comes to visit; Wade Wilson.
information: WOC!avenger
warnings: angsty, descriptive fighting, Stevie being a bootyface, and language (duh it’s Deadpool)
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I was sitting on the balcony when I heard FRIDAY call out
“Ms.L/N you’re needed in the commons, you have a guest.”
My eyebrows screwed together I never get visitors. I close the book I was reading and walk into the living room, where I saw a horrifying site. A familiar man in a red and black suit with a katana holster on his back, being surrounded by the rest of the Avengers
“Wade?” I asked tilting my head slightly, causing the group to get behind the mutant.
“No, it’s David Beckham you shit face.” He says in his natural taunting tone.
“I told you not to find me, why are you here?” I say walking closer before straightening out my stance getting ready for a fight.
“Ah, now you know I couldn’t stay away from you sugar tits,” He says being the annoying little shit he always is. I shoot him a death stare motioning that I mean business.
“Alright, it’s about Erik Lehns-” I cut him off before Wanda could hear him any further.
“Let’s talk about this in private,” I say turning on my heels walking back to the balcony.
I hear Steve clear his throat causing me to turn around. Steve’s hands are placed on his hip, with his left foot turned outwards.
“You gonna tell us what’s goin’ on here Y/N?” He asks.
I mumble to a quick ‘Wait for me outside’ to Wade so he doesn’t see me put his ‘man crush everyday’ in check.
“No, I’m not. I don’t think it’s your business to know why he’s here.” I say getting defensive about my partner. 
Steve lets out a sigh, I see one of the hardest eye-rolls in history provided by Tony and eyes of disappointment and anger from Bucky, which made my skin crawl. 
“Listen Y/N we live here and I think it’s only fair we have a say who comes and go in and outta here,” Tony says standing beside Steve. 
Tony’s comment leaves Steve to continue on with his annoying rant “We all want what’s the best safety wise for the team.” He says giving me the concerned eyes he plays so well with people, but not me. 
“Do you know how he even got in here?” I paused waiting for an answer. “He surely couldn’t have buzzed up, because doesn't work here. So, before you nag at me about the safety of the team make sure the building is secure so something like this doesn’t happen again.” I end with a toothless smile before turning on my heels to walk to the patio where Wade was waiting looking through the window with his eyebrows raised. 
I hear Steve’s dominant voice boom before I could even take a step “If you walk out there I will have to talk to Fury about termination.” He says which makes me stop in my tracks and a smirk slithers its way on my face. I turn around sharply to face him.
“I would love to be terminated. Call him.” I say boldly before storming my way out.
I let out a sigh when I get outside with Wade. “I don’t even know what happened in there but by the look on Cap’s face which is very hot by the way, it was not pretty.” He ends with a low whistle escaping his mouth. 
My eyebrows shoot up when I remember I’m mad at him. I quickly snatch a katana out of its holster on his back and chop him in the hand causing it to detach from his wrist then slamming it into his stomach backing him up in the chair I was previously in.
“Why the hell are you here?” I asked still holding on to my end of the katana giving him a deadly look. 
Even under the mask, I can tell he’s in shock “Numer one: Ow that was rude and Number Two: I bet you’re happy I taught ya how to use that thing. You know for an extreme assassin I would’ve thought they taught you about how to use katanas rather than guns and-” He rambles but I cut him off.
“Wade not the time, you said something about Erik?” I ask, losing my grip on the sword. 
“Ah, yes I did but I would like for you to pull this out before I start buttercup.” He passive-aggressively demands. I let out a sigh and give him an eye roll before yanking out the weapon roughly handing it back to him. 
“Right Erik, yeah he doesn’t know about the mutant kids,” Wade says bending down to pick up his severed hand.
My mouth parts in surprise “What?” I exclaimed.
“You know the twins-” He says and I cut him off
“No shit the twins. I spend my time looking after both of them and he doesn’t have the decency to remember.” I say leaning backward on the railing.
“Well, you’re not doing a good job seeing that one of them is,” Wade says finishing off his sentence dragging his thumb across his throat.
I crack a little smile at the dark joke “Ahh that’s the smile I was looking for.” He says coming over wrapping his arms around my waist lifting me off the ground. My arms fly to his covered neck.
“Wade put me down!” I say with a smile on my face as he spins me around. He drops me on my feet.
“By the way, they all verbally gang raped me I suppose they don’t know why you’re here?” Wade asks.
As I open my mouth I’m cut off by Natasha “Coast is clear, grandpa went to go tell Fury, were in the conference room.” She says quickly eyeing Wade. I separate myself from him and roll my eyes knowing what it meant when Steve ran to Fury.
“No, they don’t,” I say walking back into the compound.
Wade follows me in “Since you cut it off you wanna keep it?” He asks. I shake my head with a smile on my face.
“Put it on the coffee table, let’s hope it gives grandpa Steve a scare,” I say walking to the elevator. I hear a thump from the room and I feel Wade next to me. I push the elevator that comes freaky fast.
“Conference room A,” I say unto Friday and the elevator moves promptly.
Wade gives an exasperated gasp “Daddy Stark got moneyy…” he says extending the ‘y’ which makes me chuckle while shaking my head.
I take a deep breath before walking out “Put your business face on babe.” I say walking out the elevator.
Wade follows closely behind me as we approach the blacked out office. He opens the door allowing me to walk in first. Everyone is already seated when we walk in.
“Y/N please make this quick, I’m tired of Steve calling me about every little thing you do.” Fury sighs out placing his hands on his head rolling his eye.
I let out a little laugh “With pleasure. I am not an Avenger. Never will be. I am an Ex-Assassin turned mercenary and Wade here is or was my partner.” I say with a smirk that slowly turns into a smile when I see the color drain from Steve’s face.
“I’m here because I was assigned as the guardian of Wanda on behave of Charles Xavier, I’m just here to protect Maximoff. Wanda was the only one that knew why I was really here.” I say adding a little nod at the end of my sentence. 
“Oh so when Wanda was laughing at you and Steve argue it wasn’t because she was crazy,” Sam adds with a grin and Wanda snickers across the table. 
I nod with a smile“So, when I would pick fights with you Steve it was because you’re not my boss and I didn’t like you bossing me around, besides that you’re a good captain.” I smile at him. Steve gives me a toothless smile 
“Good now that’s settled. What was it about Erik?” Fury asks disregarding the speech I just gave. I turn and look at Wade who is starring heavily at Steve. I hit him with the back of my hand.
“Sweet baby Jesus, you know how to make men.” He says almost in a yearning tone. Wades outburst makes Steve pipe up.
Steve clears his throat before speaking “Excuse me?” He asks in his deep tone which causes Wade to lose his shit.
“I think I stopped breathing. I just wanna-” He says breathlessly before cutting him off before he says something too vulgar.
“WADE! Fury was asking about Erik, but I think we should discuss this in private, without Wanda around.” I mumble the last part.
“No, Wanda needs to know about her stupid son of a bitch father who’s trying to make mutants take over the world,” Wade says slamming his wrist on the table, revealing where his hand was severed off.
I place my hand on my head and let out a large sigh. Everyone is looking at Wade's hand well wrist with horror and confusion.
Bucky speaks up first “What happened there.” He asks pointing to Wade's wrist.
Wade groans “Miss wanna be Uma Thurman cut it off while we were arguing.”
“That’s not the point”
“My god Y/N you cut off the mans hand,” Natasha exclaimed crunching up her face.
“He must have deserved it,” Bucky says coldly.
“Bucky.” Steve warns while Bucky just shrugs and crosses his arms across his chest leaning back in the leather chair.
I shake my head and put my head in my hand.
Fury jumps in “I have been wanting to talk about your anger issues.”
I quickly get offended “I do not have anger issues.” I said crossing my arms across my chest.
Wade lets out an over exasperated laugh “That’s like saying Chewbacca doesn’t have a hairy ass.”
I scoff “Oh fuck you, overgrown genetically modified avocado.” I say flipping my hair over my shoulder. Wade's mouth hangs open and I hear muffled snickers from the team.
“If we can get back to business, that would be appreciated,” I mutter out seeing that I just proved their point.
Fury nods “We should find him before anything-”
I cut him off wanting the conversation to end “We will stay put. Wanda is in the system and she’s one of the most powerful mutants documented he’ll come looking for her, and that’s my order as her guardian.” I say giving a nod “If anyone disagrees come find me later.” I say about to walk out but I quickly stop myself “Oh, and Wade stays.” I say before walking out of the conference room, not before catching the annoyed eye roll from Bucky. 
Wade catches up quickly to me “You where so dominant in there, you usually like to be dominated.” He says which causes me to pinch the bridge of my nose knowing were not too far from the door and not one but two super soldiers were in the said room.
“Shut the fuck up Wade.” 
All was smooth sailing, I was keeping tabs on Erik, Wanda was safe and I went back to staying to myself and being quiet. Well, it’s hard to be quiet with Wade the loud mouth rooming with me. He won’t stop talking about Steve or his new friend Cable who he says is an off-brand, Bucky Barnes. 
I told him to shut up numerous times and even begged for him to shoot me so I wouldn’t have to listen to his mouth. After I threaten to cut off this tongue he started to talk to the Avengers, forcing them to listen to his rants on why Crocks pose as his masturbation shoes. After Tony begged me so I finally took Wade out. I took him to the only place he could wear his suit and have some fun. A gay bar.
I get all dressed up in a plain black mini bodycon dress and silver hoops and silver bracelets. 
“You take longer than Vanessa to get-holy shit balls,” Wade says barging in with a cleaned up suit and wide eyes. 
I laugh while I apply lipgloss to my lips “Pick your jaw off the floor, Wilson and give me those heels on the floor.” I say pointing to the open toe stilettos sitting by my closet. He brings them to me and I slide my feet in buckling the ankle straps. 
“I haven’t dressed up in forever,” I say smoothing out my dress over my thighs. 
“You look great, you would make drag queens cry. Can we go now I wanna see the fireman striptease.” Wade wines tugging on my arm. 
“Fine, fine let's go,” I say walking out of my room.
I walk out into the common room and was welcomed by whistles from Tony and Sam who were accompanied on the couch with Bucky, Steve, and Rhody.
Tony’s lips quirk his smile “Where are you two going with Y/N looking like that.” I smile bashfully playing with a stray curl.
Wade jumps in “The club.” He says placing his red cloth covered arm around my waist. I laugh smiling at the floor.
“You should keep good eyes on her, so you don’t lose her tonight,” Sam suggests with a wink. 
“I think she can handle herself, with her mediocre training.” Wade jokes. Everyone lets out a chuckle except for Bucky who looks sick with anger. His eyes dark while scaling up me and Wade's bodies who are pushed together. Bucky’s eyes finally meet mine and they soften a tad but the anger was still prominent. He excuses himself to the kitchen so we wouldn’t see us leave. I shake off Bucky’s peculiar behavior and bid adieu to the Avengers.
The night was fun but drawn out. Wade had many drinks only when I had a few. It was fun seeing Wade flirt with guys and guys do the same to him. All was good until the fourth hour at the club. Wade decided to fulfill his lifetime dream of being a stripper. That’s where I stepped in.
“Shows over boys,” I say dragging Wade down from the stage.
Wade's face looked shocked but I can’t really tell with the mask “Boo you’re no fun.” I nod and mutter agreements.
We get in a cab and go back to the compound. It was hell trying to drag Wade around the compound quietly. Once we got off the elevator I didn’t expect anyone to be up, but low and behold my savior Bucky Barnes sitting on the couch watching The Office. His head turns when I enter.
“Help, please,” I beg trying to keep Wade's dead weight from falling on the floor.
Bucky lets out a chuckle causing a beautiful smile to spread on his cheeks “I gotcha doll.” He rushes over picking Wade off of me and throwing him over his shoulders as if he was a bag a potato’s.
I let out a breath of relief “Thank you.” I say pulling down my dress that had risen from the pushing of Wade's body.
“You two had fun,” Bucky said more than asked with an eyebrow raised. He didn’t seem genuinely interested he just wanted to talk.
I nod “Yeah, it brought back memories from when I was working with him.” I smile while I and Buck walk back to my room.
We get to my room quick. Bucky plops Wade in the center of my bed and Wade immediately sprawls out taking over the entire bed.
Bucky lets out a sigh “Thank you again Bucky.” I say putting my hand on his back smiling up at him.
“It was no problem at all.” He says before walking out closing the door behind him.
I stare at the door momentarily. Something is wrong with him I just can’t put my finger on it. I think hard about it while I change into some spandex shorts and an old thin college shirt.
‘Maybe him a Steve got into a fight again, or maybe Natasha and him had a disagreement.’ My mind trails off.
Wade snores on the bed and I shake away my thoughts of Bucky. No way was I was going to fit in the bed with him taking up the whole bed. I roll up his mask just to expose his lips and nose (so he could breathe) reviling the scarred skin I came to love.
I walk out of my room into the silent corridor.
Bucky must have gone in his room. I walk over and knock before coming in. Bucky was laying face up on the bed with his hands covering his face.
“Got any room for me?” I question which makes his head shoot up.
His face grows red “Y-yeah, come in.” He stutters looking at me.
“Wade took up the whole bed,” I admit walking to the bed timidly. He was shirtless with dark grey sweats settling on his hips.
The small smirk he teased me with made me bashful. I looked down at the floor.
“Don’t get shy on me now darlin’” Bucky continues to tease scooting to his claimed side of his bed.
I pull back the covers and lay on the opposite side of him, while newfound butterflies make their way in my stomach. Bucky didn’t move stayed still on his side of the bed.
“I don’t bite Buck,” I say jokingly, he chuckles and leans into me a little relaxing.
My mind trails back to how he’s been acting “Bucky are you ok? You’ve been acting weird.” I say propping my head up on my elbow turning towards him.
He avoids my eyes at first biting on his lip a little. “It’s ok you can tell me.” I comfort him.
He looks at me and sighs “There’s this woman. She’s beautiful, confident, pretty much everything I’m not. I want her so bad not just sexually I want her as a person. She rocks my world and doesn’t even know it.” Bucky confesses.
I feel a fire in my chest, after his confession I don’t know why. I’m angry but I won’t admit it. “Sounds like you have a crush.” I barely get out sounding slightly believable. Why am I acting like this?
“I think I love her.” He blurts out and looks like he immediately regrets it. I nod forcing a smile on my face.
“Then why don’t you talk to her?” I ask softly trying not to sound hurt.
He shakes his head “I’m stupid, and I think she has a boyfriend.” He sadly says looking at me with his baby blues.
No, it’s not right. I shouldn’t care if he admires someone or not. “Just be there for her Buck, she’ll eventually see you,” I say before closing my eyes wanting to forget about this conversation.
I woke up with my face pressed against a bare chest and a hand tangled in my hair and my pelvis connected to another. Buckys heartbeat is strong I could hear it. My hands lay flat on Bucky's chest as comfort fills my body he made me feel warm and well. I tilt my head up to see his sharp scruffy jawline. The dull sunlight from the windows highlights his face making him glow. I raise my hand and trace my finger along the rough surface of his jaw. He looks so calm with his pink lips slightly parted. His soft breaths match mine as I admire his face.
Barnes. I’ve never thought about his last name since yesterday. I wonder if the girl he fonded over first name went with his last. And I also wondered why my first name went so well with his last. Y/N Barnes. It has a nice ring to it. I thought about that all night, I even dreamt about it. I bring my face back into his chest and close my eyes. Maybe just maybe I could pretend for longer like I didn’t care he admitted feelings for a woman I do not know. Just maybe I can forget the jealousy I felt bubble in my chest last night. But I open my eyes and realized that I do care. He was sweet without trying. Making sure I returned my library books on time, making me my favorite tea when I was to busy to make my own. He was always there for me and maybe I took it the wrong way. I always admired him though he wouldn’t even notice, I was fine with that knowing that my glances from behind my book were secretive. It felt good having a crush on Barnes like I was back in grade school.
I took one last look at his face and I found myself memorizing it like it was the last thing I would ever see. I let out a sigh before gently removing myself from his embrace and his bed. Before I leave I share a confession with Buckys sleeping body.
“I wish I didn’t have feelings for you Barnes.”
We caught Erik by me speeding up the mission and telling the Avengers to move in. Everyone was surprised by my actions even me. I had to keep myself busy after hearing the confession from Bucky. I didn’t wanna think about him and another woman it made my skin crawl. Sp i stayed up 42 hours straight making a plan (that kept me and Bucky away from each other you at all times). Now that Erik was incarcerated, Wanda is safe meaning I could leave. Mission accomplished.
“You sure you wanna leave with me kid? You gotta good thing going on here, free real estate, a job that’s lleagle.” Wade asks sitting on my bed.
I nod folding my clothes on the floor. “Yeah Wade I can’t stay here any more.” I say getting off the floor. Wade shrugs and goes into my closet.
I let out a sigh walking to my room door opening it to see Steve.
“So you’re leaving?” He asks which I only reply with is a nod. “When were gonna tell us Y/N?” Steve says in his captain voice.
I stutter not knowing the answer “T-tonight, or tomorrow it depended on how I felt.” I say playing with my fingers. Steve lets out a scoff getting annoyed “This is hard ok I swear I’m gonna tell them just let me do it.” I say placing a hand on his arm.
“You better.”
He walks away from me and I go back in my room. “Wade I’m gonna get food you comin?” I yell through my room.
“Yeah meet me at the elevator.” Wade says which was suspicious but I brush it off.
I throw my leather jacket over the plain black shirt and black jeans and make my way to the front.
“You gotta be kidding me.” I hear Bucky exclaim from the kitchen but which makes me wanna go see what’s wrong but Steve’s voice stops me.
“Maybe you can move on from this.” Steve comforts. It sounded like a personal conversation so I continue my walk to the elevator. Wade was taking a long time but he’s a grown man he can make his way.
Minutes pass and no Wade so I went to go get him. I was walking back to my room when I heard a loud Bucky “No, I don’t even care anymore.” He storms out the kitchen. He locks eyes with me. He looked angry and the hurt kind of angry. “You.” He says walking towards me eyes straight and determined.
I take a few steps back as he gets in my space. I hear Steve telling Bucky not to do it. But Bucky doesn’t listen. Bucky wraps his metal arm around my waist and pulls me into a hard kiss. I grab on his bicep to brace myself. The kiss was needy and it felt so good. I felt like I found something I didn’t know I was missing. His hand came to caress my face as I leaned into him. I felt tingles cascade down my body reaching the tips of my toes. I was in heaven.
“I think I found something that could- damn it I’m late!” Wade finally shows as me and Bucky breaks the kiss. I look at Wade who has Sam, Natasha, Wanda, and Tony on his heels who are all wearing smug looks.
“So, that girl, It was me?” I ask looking up into his mesmerizing eyes. He sheepishly nods acting all shy like he didn’t just give me a kiss of a life time. “But I don’t have a boyfriend,” I say.
“I thought you were his.” Bucky admits looking at a shocked Wade.
I smile in disbelief “God damn you’re stupid.” I say shaking my head.
“So, I guess this means you’re not leaving?” He asks giving me a smile.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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queenofthearchitect · 5 years
Don’t you love me?
This is a challenge me and @darkxhuntress decided to do. She’s doing a fluff and I’m doing a angst/ fluff I’m also tagging @imaginexwwe
Warnings: Angsty as fuck, slight cussing, trigger warning ⚠️ kinda dad issues
Please enjoy 🧜🏼‍♀️
Today was the day Alyssa was turning 5 she had invited all her friends were over for her party their parents and I made small talk I wasn’t listening to be honest but one of them got my attention quick “so where’s your husband?” I smiled at them “oh he’s working but he told Alyssa he would be here so let’s hope work doesn’t get in the way.” I smiled on the outside but on the inside I was breaking for my little girl she promised her friends he would be here and he wasn’t here yet. I understand he’s busy but he told her he was coming I knew he wasn’t coming but I had hope he wouldn’t lie to her.
As time passed I could tell she started giving up, the more she waited for him the more upset she got I walked up to her and pulled her aside for a second “honey I know you were looking forward to your daddy to be here but-.” I know, I know mommy he’s working, but is just not fair.” I gently caressed my thumb on her cheek and I pulled her in for a hug, I heard her sniffle and it broke my heart even more, “come on butterfly don’t cry everything will be alright your dad will be here soon.” She pulled away from me and looked me in my face “stop lying to me you say that every time but he never comes home.”
She ran off and it felt like I just got hit by a truck, the parents walked over to me “is everything alright?” I quickly wiped a tear and turned and faced them “yeah Alyssa’s just upset can we just reschedule please.” They nodded at me “of course Y/N if you need anything please call me.” I smiled “yeah I will thanks so much Katie.” While they got their kids together and left I started cleaning up, after I finished I threw the trash bag in the trash can and walked up stairs to Alyssa’s room and her door was wide open she was sitting on the floor right beside her bed her face in her lap while she cried “great just fucking great Seth.” I knocked on the door and walked over to her.
“hey butterfly.” She sniffled and wiped her face “h-hi mommy.” She looked up at me and it shatter my heart her eyes were puffy and her face was red from crying, I smiled softly at her and sat beside her “daddy’s a big butt head.” I silently laughed to myself “now, now Alyssa that’s not nice you know your daddy tired the best he can.” She wiped her face again “does daddy not love me?” I looked at and grabbed her chin to make her look at me “now baby you know your daddy loves you very much he just has work.” She wiped her nose on her sleeve and she laid her head against my side.
“does he love his job more than us mommy.” I looked at her for a minute “Damn it seth I’m going to kill you when I see you.” I thought to myself and I reassured her “baby no daddy loves you to the moon and back-.” She pushed her hair back and got in my lap “then why is he never around.” I looked at her and wiped a few tears away “baby we’ve had this talk already, His job keeps him busy but when he is around he spends every moment with us.” I knew she wanted me to take her side she was my daughter after all, she may have gotten Seth’s hair and eyes but everything else she got from me, besides her being cocky lord sometimes I wanna strangle Seth.
“Mommy your my new favorite.” I looked at her “you little turd I’m suppose to be your favorite anyways cause I’m awesome.” She giggled at me “yeah plus you come to all my school stuff.” My smile went away “you got to forgive your dad princess.” She quickly shook her head “no I don’t mommy.” I sighed “yes you do baby.” I looked at the time and it was 5:00 p.m. I sighed and got up “okay squirt time to get dinner started how does paskettie sound.” She smiled at me “mommy paskettie is my favorite.” I smiled at her “I know it is baby now do you wanna help mommy cook?” She smiled “y-yes please.”
We were cooking in the kitchen making spaghetti and Seth called I answered and put him on speaker “hey honey.” I smiled when I answered the phone “hey babe is Alyssa around, I want to tell her happy birthday.” She ran off and I sighed and shook me head “yeah hold on.” I put my phone down and walked to the living room “Alyssa daddy’s on the phone come talk to him.. now.” She slowly crawled from beside the couch and got up and stomped to the kitchen “hi daddy.” She said her lip quiverd and I rubbed her back “ hey princess did you have a good birthday?” She looked at me then back at the phone “n-no.” He sounded shocked “I’m sorry sweetheart I’ll make it up to you I promise.” Tears started crying again and she ran back upstairs I sighed “great.” He responded “where did Alyssa go?” I sighed “up in her room crying.” I could hear the worried tone in his voice “what why?”
I continued to stir the hamburger meat “because you weren’t here like you promised, just like you weren’t here for Easter last year then Father’s Day.” He sighed “Y/N I can’t help that I’m busy.” I hit the spoon on the side of the pot “ I know Seth but maybe you shouldn’t promise her shit If you’re not going to be able to come.” I could tell he was getting frustrated which made me get even more frustrated “I’m sorry Y/N I have to work and that they over book me.” I laughed sarcastically “yeah well Seth maybe you shouldn’t say promises you can’t keep I get it you’re working and your busy but if you would have seen the look on her face today it would have been a slap in the face, I’m always stuck having to answer questions that our 5 year old ask and having to clean up your mess.” I could tell he was mad and now he was being a dick “I’m sure the questions cant be that bad.” I laughed “oh really well how about we trade places and I go work all year and only get a few weeks at a time off then I’m gone again, then you get asked by her if I love her or do I love my job more than I do her you think these questions are easy Seth.” I practically screamed through the phone.
He was quite for a few minutes “s-she thinks I don’t love her?” I felt bad and my anger went away and I just wanted to hug seth answer me “Y/N she thinks i don’t love her and I love my job more than her?” I sighed yeah Seth “she asked me that today.” He quickly responded “what did you tell her?” I raised my eyebrows “what, I told her you over her to the moon and back and you love her way more then you fucking job Seth what else am I suppose to tel her?” He stayed silent again “Y-Y/N I gotta go.” His voice broke and before I could say anything he hung up.
I turned and finished the noodles and the sauce and mixed it together, “Alyssa you paskettie is ready.” She walked down the stairs clutching her bear that Seth bought her “can teddy join us for dinner?” I smiled at her “sure baby.” I fixed her a plate and I fixed me a plate, after dinner I put everything away and I washed the dishes and I looked at the time 7:00 p.m. “great we are making great timing.” I ran Alyssa a bath and put bubbles in it and I turned the water off “oh butterfly-.” I quickly quit talking when I heard her talking to teddy “I know daddy loves me and I love him I just miss him.” I smiled “alright butterfly bath time, I’ll get your Elsa Pj’s and bring them to you in a second.” She smiled and walked off.
After I washed her hair for her I dried her hair and got her dressed I tucked her in and kissed her goodnight and teddy goodnight too. “M-Mommy?” I turned and looked at her “yes baby?” She smiled at me softly “I miss daddy.” I smiled at her “me too honey.” She snuggled up to teddy “I love you mommy.” I smiled at her “I love you too have beautiful dreams my little angel.” I turned off her light and flicked her night light on and shut the door. When I walked in mine and Seth’s bed room I shut the door and started crying, today has taken a toll on me I just wish Seth was here so he could hold me and tell me everything will be alright I took a shower and laid in bed, sleep quickly consumed me.
*Seth’s pov*
After I hung up with Y/N I couldn’t help myself I started crying roman walked up to me “yo bro what’s up.” I wiped my face and sniffled “Alyssa think I don’t love her.” He looked at me “Starting early huh?” I looked at him “I guess I was always around when she was younger so now I guess now that I’m not she thinks I don’t love her and I don’t know what to do.” He smiled at me “well when jojo started that galina helped her.” I quickly responded “Y/N is trying the best in her ability but Alyssa doesn’t seem to care that much.” He laughed “Seth we are talking about you and Y/Ns spawn.” She’s going to be extra stubborn.” I smiled “yeah but what can I do I missed her birthday.” He smack me in the back of the head “you need to fix it dumb dumb.” I nodded my head. Okay I will first thing tomorrow.”
If I can...
A/N: thanks for reading I’m going to be posting part 2 later today will Seth fic it with his daughter? We shall see btw I’ve started this at 1-3 and I’ve cried a lot so that made me super tired so sorry if there’s mistakes.
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such-a-common-girl · 8 years
“Seventeen”  Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 2,155
Dean Winchester x Reader
Request: Could you please do a dean x reader song fic (song: seventeen from the heathers musical) and it's really angsty and stuff while it's taking place when they are both seventeen?
Warnings: Language, like pure angst to be honest
a/n: I’ve never done a song fic before, hope you like this!!
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Fine, we’re damaged Really damaged But that does not make us wise We’re not special, we’re not different We don’t choose who lives or dies
Dean Winchester. The man of your dreams.
You two have known each other your entire lives. You’re Bobby’s daughter, which meant being forced to spend a shit ton of time together. Whenever your parents would be out on hunts, you would be stuck with Sam and Dean. The troublesome trio, they called you guys.
You and Dean got together when you were both fifteen, only two years ago. He was hesitant at first, but hell, so were you. You both had reputations to uphold. Dean was the player, a guy who fucked guys just to not call them back the next day. You were the innocent “little” girl, you’d never even kissed a boy before Dean.
But on the inside, you were the same. You’re both inexplicitly damaged from your childhoods, the way you grew up. You grew up a hunter’s life. You got to see people saved, but you also got to see so many people die. The ones you couldn’t save. Between that, constantly moving high schools, and both of your mom’s dying, you were damaged. The both of you. And that bonded you guys more than anything. More than the forced hangouts, or your dads being best friends. You’re both the same on the inside.
Let’s be normal, see bad movies Sneak a beer and watch tv We’ll bake brownies or go bowling Don’t you want a life with me? Can we be seventeen? That’s all I want to do If you could let me in I could be good with you
“Dean, I’m absolutely tired of this life. I want to do something, something normal. Just this once.” You frowned. You were sitting next to Dean on the couch, watching some utterly boring film on the TV.
“Babe, you know we can’t. We’re not normal.” Dean looked at you sympathetically. He knew that you had wanted out of this life. Personality wise, you were a lot like Sam.
You didn’t mind hunting, but you just wished you could be normal for once. For one day, you just wanted to be able to go into high school and not feel the odd one out. You wanted to be able to go hang out with friends, go get drunk underneath the bleachers, go on dates with Dean like a normal couple… But you couldn’t.
“Well, fuck that. Just one day, Dean. I’m not asking for an entire life.” You voice had started to raise.
This was an argument you’d had with Dean numerous times. He didn’t want out, not even for one day. He was too damn focused on pleasing his dad and doing exactly what he says. You? You couldn’t have care less what your dad told you to do. You’re your own person. Dean just didn’t understand that.
“One day is going to turn into you wanting that forever. I’m not fucking around with that. I don’t want either of us to have a glimpse into the normal life. Neither of us will want to come back to this if we do.” Dean raised his voice back, almost at a yelling level.
“Maybe not wanting to come back to this is a good thing, Dean.” You whispered, and his face dropped.
“I cannot believe you just said that.” Dean shook his head.
“I’m just so goddamn tired of this, Dean! It doesn’t have to be this way! I want to be able to go out with friends and see movies or go to the mall. I’ve never even gone to a movie theater, or a mall, Dean. It’s not fucking fair.”
“We have this same fight over and over again. I’m done.” Dean got up off the couch, walking away from you.
“Are you breaking up with me?” Tears had started to form in your eyes. You loved him, there was no question about it. People say that you can’t be in love at seventeen, but you knew it was possible. Dean was the living, breathing proof.
“No, babe. I love you. But I’m done with this same fucking argument all the time. We’re never going to be normal. It’s never going to happen. And if you don’t start realizing that…” He trails off.
Dean doesn’t finish his sentence. He just shakes his head and walks out the door, leaving you alone in your house. You don’t dare let the tears fall- you’re stronger than that. Or you want to be.
People hurt us Or they vanish And you’re right that really blows But we let go, take a deep breath Then go buy some summer clothes
“He fucking left. He didn’t even tell us this time, Y/N. Just woke up in the middle of the damn night and he was gone. No note, no nothing.” Dean had showed up on your front doorstep, Sam standing to his right. They were both holding backpacks (presumably filled with clothing) and his car parked in the driveway.
“Oh my god. Come inside.” You opened the door for them both. It was late at night, and your dad was out at a bar probably getting drunk like he did most nights. His reputation of being the town drunk rung true to name.
Sam immediately went upstairs, setting his stuff down in your room. Dean had just put his stuff down the by door, pissed off. On the outside he looked calm, but you knew him. You could tell he was upset.
“He normally leaves notes, or wakes me up whenever he has to leave. Hell, he normally takes us with him, or drops us off here. But he just fucking left. Nothing.” Dean rubs his forehead. “I had absolutely no explanation for Sammy.”
Dean was right to be mad, and you didn’t protest it. You didn’t agree with what John did.
“Just take a deep breath, okay?” You had walked over to him, putting your arm on his shoulder. You’ve found in the past that you touching him, not even in the sexual sense, was the best way to calm him down. Almost immediately, his body relaxed and he pulled you into a hug. “Obviously you’re welcome to stay here. I’ll find an explanation to tell my dad.”
“Thanks.” Dean kissed your forehead. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You watched him as he went upstairs, going to find Sam.
You wished that it didn’t have to be like that. You wanted more than anything for Sam and Dean to not have to experience this, especially Dean. Whenever his dad pulled shit like that, Dean not only had to deal with the feeling of his dad leaving them, but he was forced into the role of a father figure for Sam.
Your own daddy issues were no small aspect of your life, either. If your dad wasn’t out hunting, he was at a bar drinking his feelings away. Being numb to the world, including his own daughter. You were completely and entirely alone, except for Dean.
The one reoccurring and prominent question you asked yourself everyday- “Why can’t we just be normal?”
We'll go camping, play some poker And we’ll eat some chilli fries Maybe prom night Maybe dancing Don't stop looking in my eyes (your eyes)
This was it. Prom night. The night you’d been looking forward to for the longest time- the one night Dean had agreed to do something normal and fun, even if it wasn’t to his liking. You had told him that you were going to go with or without him. You were determined to have at least one good high school experience before you were fully thrusted into the world of hunting. Dean’s mind wandered, and his jealously overcame him, and he agreed to go to the prom with you.
You had a dress picked out and everything- which, much to your dismay, your dad wouldn’t give you money to buy. You had to get a job to pay for it, and after a month, you had accumulated the money for a dress. You quit shortly afterwards.
You had on your dress and your heels, your makeup and hair all done. For once in your life, you felt beautiful. You had no doubt that this was going to be the best night of your life, and it only made it better that your Dean was going to be there with you. In a suit no less. You had always thought he’d look good in a suit.
It was nearing seven, almost time for Dean to pick you up. Your nerves were growing, and you just wished you had your mom with you at that moment.
Seven came and passed, Dean still hadn’t showed up. You were worried, thinking something had happened, so you had picked up the phone to call him.
“Dean?” You said when the other line picked up, making sure it wasn’t John or Sam answering.
“Oh my god, babe, I forgot to call.” Dean groaned. “A hunt came up last minute. I’m so so fucking sorry.”
You hung up immediately, tears forming in your eyes. This time, you let them fall. How could you have been so stupid to think that you could have one normal night with Dean?
You ran up to your room, tearing your dress off of you. Dean was right. You never were going to have a normal relationship. You were a Singer. He was a Winchester. It wasn’t in your blood.
Yeah we’re damaged, Badly damaged But your love’s too good to lose Hold me tighter Even closer I’ll stay if I’m what you choose Can we be seventeen? If I am what you choose If we still have the right Because you’re the one I choose
You had ignored Dean for weeks. At first, it was just not picking up his phone calls. Then, when Dean realized you weren’t going to answer, he showed up at your house. You didn’t let him in.
Finally, you had decided he enough of the silent treatment. You took your dad’s car and drove to his house. He wasn’t home yet, so you waited for him on his front porch. The look on his face when he saw you was one of pure love. You wish you had gotten a picture of it.
“God, Y/N, I’m so sorry.” Dean hugged you tighter than ever. “Are we okay?”
“We need to talk.” Is simply what you had told him. He nodded, and you two walked into his house.
“Are you breaking up with me?” His voice hitched a little bit, worry seeping into his voice.
“I just…” You started. “I need reassurance. I can’t keep doing this. All the fights, all the nights I have spent crying. You not showing up to what I considered to be the most important night of my life.” You sent him a glare on that last one.
“That was out of my control.”
“No, Dean, it wasn’t. You know very damn well you didn’t have to go.” You yell, and the look on his face proves that you were right.
“I’m sorry…”
“I just wanted to be a normal seventeen year old for one night, Dean. One fucking night. And you found the first excuse to dip out. I’m over it. If you want me to stay, you’re going to have to choose. It’s either me or it’s your big fucking desire to please your dad. Because I’m tired of this. I know you, I know you don’t want this life either. No matter how hard you try and deny it, I can see right through you. You just for some reason have this dire need to make your dad happy.”
“Are you really asking me to choose?” His voice comes out hurt. “Baby, don’t do this to me… I can’t do that.”
“Dean, I chose you. I choose you every single time, over everything. Even before we were together. I love you so much, but I can’t do this. Not if you’re going to be like this. I can’t. We want different things.” Your eyes start to water. For once, you realized that this might be it. You might actually lose Dean. The thought of that scares you to death.
And when Dean just stared at you in silence, you got your answer. You let a tear fall down your cheek. Dean himself was crying, too, at this point. You’d never seen Dean cry before.
“Bye, Dean.”
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victcrymade-blog · 5 years
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{☾} headcanon(s):
☾  tori will absolutely use seduction to get what she wants--she will go that far. but she also has an innate desire to be loved (thanks daddy brooks), so it’s a tricky cycle. someone could easily manipulate that against her.  ☾
☾ drink of choice: whiskey (straight from the bottle).  ☾
☾ frequents collateral damage support groups and hands out bags of snacks or toiletries. ☾
☾ alter ego/career: tori works at the smithsonian.  ☾
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matthewtkachuk · 4 years
Can you do 9 from the dialogue prompts with topper?
low key was gonna go angst, but i had such a good day on tumblr.com that this came out instead. inspired by the love for give you anything you can consider this an indirect sequel if you wanna 🥺 high-key dedicating this to my fellow top simp pen @girlsru1eboysdroo1  sorry you had to read my angsty top fic at the beginning of your simp journey i listened to tim mcgraw while writing this skdfjklsdjf
9. You’re jealous aren’t you
pairing: topper thornton x reader
warnings: flooof, dad!topper, fear of being a bad mother
word count: 718
You had been secure in your relationship with Topper for a long time now. From the second he’d asked to make it official, you knew he was in it for real. You’d never worried about his eyes straying because he only had eyes for you. You’d witnessed it first hand, Topper was handsome and kind, and other girls were drawn to him. They always flocked to him at parties when you weren’t by his side and even sometimes when you were, thinking they would be the ones to grab his attention even with your hand in his. Every time, he would let them down gently if they were polite, or forcefully if they pressed the issue or were disrespectful to you. 
You never thought another girl would ever capture his attention, and for the first four years of your relationship, you were right. Until her; Lilah Mae. With her perfect curls, her big doe eyes and her soft skin, she had Topper’s full attention. He loved her, and doted on her, and let her fall asleep on his chest. 
He called her Lilly and Princess and Pumpkin, and her first word was Dada.
You loved Topper’s close relationship with your daughter, felt an inexplicable softness in your chest with their every interaction, admired the two of them when they would fall asleep together, her tiny little body resting on his chest as it slowly rose and fell. But sometimes you wished you had that bond with her. Of course she loved you, and you would do literally anything for the almost one year old, but it was daddy who she loved best. She would fuss and cry all day, while you would plead with her, beg her to take a nap so you could rest. The second Topper would walk through the front door after work, he would loosen his tie, give you a kiss and pick up his baby girl who would stop crying the second he held her. 
It was on one such afternoon, where you had already woken up tired from several feedings throughout the night, that Lilah would simply not stop crying. You had tried everything, soother, feeding her, diaper change. You’d walked around with her in your arms, you’d put her in her carseat and taken a drive around the neighbourhood. At this point, you were seriously considering bringing her in to urgent care, but you’d called the health hotline and they had told you to give it another few hours to see if she would stop. You were in the middle of feeling like the worst, most terrible mother in the world who couldn’t even get her baby girl to stop crying for longer than an hour, when Topper miraculously arrived home an hour early. Like clockwork, he loosened his tie and leaned in for a sweet kiss. 
“Rough day?” he asked softly, picking Lilah up from her crib, cuddling her to his chest expertly holding her. You shrugged, lip wobbling as you viewed the two of them. A little green monster sat on your shoulder, envious of how she reacted to being in her daddy’s arms.
“Babe?” He asked, now slightly concerned. He took one look at your exhausted face, and couldn’t stop the smile from forming, “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
You thought about denying it, but Topper knew you better than yourself. He wasn’t asking for a confirmation, he was asking to give you the opportunity to share what you were thinking.
“I just, I look at you and I see that you two have this beautiful bond and I wish I had that with her, too.” You admitted, feeling a little silly as you did.
“Listen baby, you do have a beautiful bond with her. You carried her and gave her a safe space to grow for nine months, I’m just taking on my shift to do the same.” He shifted Lilah onto his shoulder without waking her up, and used his other arm to pull you in for a family hug. You relished in the feeling of being so close to the two people who meant the most to you in the whole world, heart uplifted. 
Softly kissing the top of Lilah’s head and then your temple, he whispered, “I love both of my girls so, so much.”
everything taglist: @velyssaraptor @danicarosaline @copper-boom @x-lulu @prejudic3 @ohfreyfrey @downbytheouterbanks @ilovejjmaybank @bricksatanakinswindow @jellyfishbeansontoast
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clxnia · 6 years
Muse Introductions!
Soooo I just finished updating my blog with new muses and I wanted to make a funny quick little meet the babes type thing! If there is anyone you’d like to plot with just comment their names ❤️ 
Okay so we haaaavvveee.... 
Charlie Fisher : Awkward Science boi
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Rodgers Fisher : Rat Boi / less attractive Dylan O’Brian
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Edward Fisher : Pure Angel that can do no wrong
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Sethrin Shigani : Douche bag Harry Potter
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Zeken Freed : Hungry Cannibal
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Marlow Dem : Power Horny
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Liam Harris : Too Stressed to be Blessed
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Brenner Den : Large Puppy
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Salvatore Dermend : Help Me 
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Richard Ramdon : Stressed ™️
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Justin Fewen : Baby Friend
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Abernth Octavia : Hot Dad Friend
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Crispin Den : BitterBoi ™️
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Christopher Fisher : the actual hot Fisher
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Joshua Fisher : Angsty Teen
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Treken Fisher : Daddy Issues
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Yandy Fisher : Yandy ‘keep it in your pants pls’ Fisher
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Taiko Finley : Sweet Bab
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Eliesa Barrar : Lesbian Ballet
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Lynne Fisher : Always Inside
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Chelsea Squen : Constantly Tired
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Channy Dembor : actual ball of light
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Annabelle Rey : Sass Master ™️
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Amber Anderson : Professional Animal Hugger
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Jennabelle : social anxiety ™️
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Sage Barrar : Underworld Queen
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Bethany Laven : the color pink as a person
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