tales-of-green-hill · 5 months
This comic follows Sonic's story after the conclusion of the Shadow Arc
You might also want to check out This Comic!
Also, this is the beginning of the following arc!
After activating the gateway ring and going through it.
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[Next Part]
Here's some old art! (The design of the gateway ring has been altered since)
It's supposed to look pretty and magical instead of icky and gross
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egg-emperor · 4 months
Eggy's nearing pensioner age and yet he still beefs with teenage technicolor animals, tries to kill them with candy-colored robots and shows no signs of slowing down or retiring from his goal of conquering the world🥚👴💪
At this rate he could still be Fighting sonic, even after turning 100;🥚💀🦔
I love when people think they can explain Eggman not being in the picture of their fan future stuff and the like by being like "oh he's probably retired or something" because retirement and Eggman are two things that absolutely do not go together at all LOL
the only way you're gonna get rid of that ever persistent bastard is if he's dead and gone for good. he will absolutely never give up on his dreams under absolutely any circumstances, no matter how much time has passed, how many times he's failed, or how old he gets
but it's always been impossible to kill him, he's survived so much bullshit. and if he can help it he's not gonna let old age kill him either, he'll prolong his lifespan as long as possible or better yet find a way to immortalize his human self in ways Gerald wished to achieve with Maria
and even if he did die, that's still a huge if of him staying gone because he'd probably still find a way to come back lmfao. he'd be like William Afton, you could kill him over and over but you're never going to truly get rid of his ass because his will is too strong!
even if you think he's dead and buried for good, this is probably what would happen. he'd be like nuh uh and fucking rise up from the grave lol
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he's already old now and he's still boisterous, energetic and aggressively and passionately determined to accomplish his goals. he's the definition, the living breathing embodiment of determination. the way he never gives up is literally his second most notable strength
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you can never keep this bastard down and get rid of him for good, as is proven by him suffering literally thousands of defeats and still coming back strong every single time
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so you know he's definitely never gonna make the decision to give up himself, come on now!
people will be begging him to get to the retirement home if he lives long into his 70s/80s+ but I can bet even when he's really old and totally gray, even if he's having health and mobility issues, he'll still refuse to give up
he'll find ways as a 300 IQ genius, he has his machines to aid him. and if he finds a way to prolong his lifespan or immortalize, he'll be trying literally forever until he gets what he wants and then will rule happily for the rest of time!
bold of people to assume they can ever get rid of him XD
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kittygamer2888 · 8 months
Hello, I’m one of the contestants of the AU Sonic Smackdown, @delightrolls, the creator of the Sonic Thunderstorm AU. I was trying to decide who to vote for between you and @chopp-6467, but the decision is proving to be difficult. Would you kindly tell me more about your Evil Sonic AU? Anything and everything you feel comfortable sharing about your phenomenal story! And if you want some more specific questions I would like to ask:
Is there anything that could convince Sonic that what he is doing is wrong or change his worldview?
Is there anyone on Sonic’s side after Tails leaves him?
Does Sonic ever manage to lure anyone else over to his side like Shadow?
What does Sonic intend to do to change the world? Assert a Totalitarianistic government? Kill anyone they deem as rotten? Something else entirely?
How did the Master Emerald go missing? Are the Chaos Emeralds also missing?
Why did Sonic’s “friends” betray him? Was it for him now being blue? For his Superspeed? For something else completely?
Do Sonic and Tails’ robots look like Badniks or like something else?
Thank you for your time and regardless of whether you win or lose I think your story is phenomenal :)
Holy crap, I am SO sorry for the late answer, i had school n' other stuff, fu--
Anyways, yea, for the questions- I don't think Sonic will be changing his view on the world any time soon, but if there was anyone to try and attempt to convince him once more, it would either be Amy or Robotnik, but other than that, he just doesn't want to listen to anyone since he's too far gone at that point when Tails isn't there anymore.
-question 2: Yea, no, there's no one there for him when Tails leaves, but he eventually makes a Metal Tails, maybe even make some Metal versions of the rest if he ever felt like it.
-question 3: When he means by taking over the world and 'changing it into a better place' that is straight up Eggman behavior, lmfao. If anything, he mostly wants **revenge (sorry) against the world and make it his own so that there would be no one there to stop him if that time was ever to come, and because of his bias towards the world, he wouldn't hesitate to attack innocents by then.
-question 4: The Master Emerald didn't exactly go missing, more like.. it's there, it's just that Sonic will do anything to get it, and once he gets the power from the Master Emerald, he wouldn't hesitate to take it out of Angel Island with the power of his machines if he succeeded. But, as for the Chaos Emeralds, they are in this universe, they're just currently scattered, but Sonic could care less about the Chaos Emeralds since he only wants the Master Emerald, It contains the ultimate power, so of course he would go for the big and shiny and more powerful Emerald. This right here, will eventually become a huge problem for Sonic later on! :P
-question 5: Sonic's friends were fake friends from the start, so eventually, they were going to leave him behind at some point when he was still a normal hedgehog with super speed, because they saw him as a really annoying and hyperactive hedgehog to them. But once he broke the sound barrier, you could say that they were secretly jealous in a way and picked on him, and soon, left him behind. Sorry if i wasn't too specific with this part ^^'
-question 6: As for the badniks, it's pretty much just your regular badniks like the ones you see in the og Sonic games (For example: Buzzbombers, Motobugs, crabmeats, etc), but I have been thinking about maybe making some custom ones just for this AU, so far I can only come up with 1 which I forgot the name of, but i think i have it saved somewhere in my gallery, idk though.
Aaand, ye, that's all.
Again, i am so sorry to answer this late, I'm currently in school answering this ;-;" but thank you so much qwq♡
I'm glad you and some others like the story so far, it's currently a work in progress, but I've tried to come up with some stuff here and there during these questions, so.. yea👍
Tbh, i thought the story i did for this AU would be silly, i didn't think people would actually like it, so weh.. thanks for that, too 🥲❤️
Also also, I've seen how this can somewhat count as propaganda, so.. hope you don't mind if i tag the @au-sonic-smackdown account
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my-name-is-jefferooni · 11 months
I listened to one edit audio and now I have a new Sonic AU.
Okay, well it's more like a What If, I guess.
So for context, I have this STH AU that I've been silently developing in my brain for the past like 2-3 years now, basically since I first joined the fandom. It's an idea I had where Sonic had a family and shit but then Eggman existed and they got killed and so the mad genius took Sonic under his wing. After a whole decade of being used as a literal lab rat, the blue hedgehog finally finds freedom in the form of the Resistance, (Ironically enough I've decided to add in more resistance factions. One of them is called the Freedom Fighters like the one from Archie and yet Sonic didn't find freedom with them lmfao) and befriends the main cast.
What I'm thinking of right now is a sort of aftermath of Eggman's rule being taken down, when everyone finally gets to live in peace. Sonic and his friends (Including Omega because HE IS AN MVP AND SHOULD NOT BE OVERLOOKED) have a little camping night and decide to tell ghost stories. Unfortunately, Knuckles being Knuckles, he took it all a bit too far and planned his whole story out after like a month of brainstorming. And I am not kidding when I say his story is fucking dark.
Mostly because it's actually my story lmfao but I digress.
It all begins when Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are called by some random guy to help take care of some weird haunted house situation. Knuckles wants to help because he wants to prove to Tails that ghosts are very much real and are in fact very terrifying. Sonic joins him just for the hell of it, and Tails is there to make sure those two don't commit any war crimes without his permission first. And, well...
Suffice to say, they find more than just ghosts there! :D
The first obstacle they run into is an angry doll spirit of sorts. The spirit is a physical manefestation of a horrified, terrified, screaming body crying out for help, and it plants little seeds of poison or something of the sort in your appendages if you get too close. Its screams are loud and can shatter one's soul in an instant! It glitches all the time too, allowing it to go through walls with some effort. And when laying dormant, the spirit resides within a little itty-bitty doll with a distorted face.
After running away from that thing, the group runs into a crack monster. (It's scarier than it sounds trust me) It's a black, inky humanoid monster that comes out from the cracks in the floor, grabbing onto to anything it can reach and never lets go. The only way to make it loosen its grip is to cut its arm off entirely. Don't worry, that doesn't harm the monster, because it's already dead! It'll grow back a new arm anyway. :3
What comes after this guy is a mix between a vampire and a ghost. This guy is a little more confusing cuz I didn't flesh it out very much but it kinda only shows up in pitch-black areas. No light to be found when ur with this guy! It's a bit more neutral compared to the other spirits. Just don't provoke it and you should be relatively fine! Key words: You should be fine.
Next up is a brain-sucking bat! (idk man I just wanted something that crawled around on the ceiling but a spider didn't feel right) And I know that doesn't sound as haunting as the others but trust me, it is terrifying! I don't know how to explain it, it just kinda crawls around on the ceiling and waits for you to lose your mind.
The next one is by far one of the scariest. Don't read this next paragraph if you have depression or have lost a loved one because it may be a little tough.
This spirit is... Interesting, to say the least. I still have yet to fully flesh out this one but basically it's a completely humanoid figure, no face, no eyes or mouth, just long thin hair in clumps on the scalp. It's not a full head of hair, it's all just scattered about like they put too much bleach on or something. And there is always a very strange aura around it as well... The neck is split in two, their hands tied in a noose and their feet tightly bound with shackles. Their only mode of transportation is eerily floating about, and it gains speed if it decides it wants to chase you. If you get too close, your neck will snap and you'll immediately collapse on the floor, dead. Knuckles and Tails don't have any interactions with this spirit, but Sonic does, and he somehow manages to make it out alive. However, the encounter changes him for the worst.
These spirits all reside within a seemingly small house, at least on the outside. When the three Mobians step inside though, they immediately get trapped inside and discover the house is far bigger than they could've ever imagined. It's dark inside, with hardly any light available, and every room feels cramped despite everything. Hallways are like mazes, and bedrooms are filled with this creepy, terrifying aura that can paralyze you just from stepping inside. So suffice to say, none of them have a good time.
The three begin to change as time goes on. Tails loses an arm to the first spirit, the doll one, and he has no way of replacing it. He becomes saddened, apathetic, but still holds out hope in finding some sort of exit. If not for himself, then for his brothers.
Knuckles becomes extremely paranoid, flinching at every little sound, movement, or wisp of the wind. The sight of dust just existing sends him into an internal panic, and encountering spirits just sends him into "Defend brothers at all costs" mode. He's also just the slightest bit selfish, but it's only because of his uncontrollable survival instincts and his heightened paranoia. He is prone to mood swings, but they're not nearly as bad as Sonic's.
As for the blue devil himself, Sonic just. Went insane. There is no downplaying it, he is a goner. There is still a strong moral code within him and he never wishes harm on anyone, least of all his brothers! However, when it comes to social queues or listening to what anyone has to say, he's just. Gone. He also experiences very drastic mood swings! They're so bad that one second he'll be crying and being all sad and pathetic, and then the next he'll be all happy and giddy and hyping everyone up! This still makes him the hype-man of the group despite everything. Due to his changing emotions, Sonic does tend to get a bit aggressive from time to time, and constantly belittles his brothers without meaning to. The others are understanding, but after he eventually realizes what he says or does, he becomes inconsolable, and his two companions just have to let him stew in his regret for a while. It never ends well, but when all is said and done, Sonic means well and just wants to get out like the rest of them.
After an undecided amount of time, the three do find an exit and begin to leave, but the crack monster gets ahold of Sonic's entire fucking body and puts its whole weight into it too. Knuckles and Tails don't have anything on them at the time to save Sonic, but they refuse to leave without him. The crack monster begins calling for its companions, and Sonic starts begging for his brothers to leave him behind. He's scared and he's hurting and he knows he'll be in even more pain if they leave, but they're family. Sonic can't just let his family share that pain.
Knuckles and Tails insist on staying, but after Sonic continuously begs them to leave, screaming and crying and trying to shove them away, and... Well... The two have no choice but to oblige.
The three give each other very quick and clipped goodbyes since the other spirits are literally like right outside the room, and then just like that... Knuckles and Tails are gone.
And Sonic is alone.
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sexyminion · 2 years
Ok fuck it let me ramble stobotnik (stoneman??) in the Sonic boom canon AU. Under a cut because it’s extremely fucking stupid
Ok since jimbotnik and boom eggman are pretty dissimilar because the tone and themes of the movie vs that canon are pretty different, I’m tweaking the ship dynamic AND Stone’s character pretty drastically. So this is basically….a half step separated from an OC/canon ship.
Boom is a Bad Comedy first and Sonic media second, so the dynamic I’ve landed on that I think is MOST funny? They’re exes. Divorced. Agent Stone is Eggman’s ex husband.
So instead of ever being an assistant, Stone is actually more of a peer/rival villain. I’m thinking they met in grad school for evil or something. He ALSO is a robotics guy but with a different style. All his robots are elegant and sleek and modern, because style and presentation are very important! None of the clunky, retro sci fi style that eggman likes. I’m thinking they’ve gotta have coffee motifs too, because he’s a scientist but a barista and latte artist at heart. Like.. idk a milk steamer that kills you? Espresso that shoots out and melts you like acid?? Coffee bean machine gun??
For his personality, I want to crank up the silliness factor up to 11, because that’s the case with the other characters.. So I’m leaning into the “possessive/obsessive” trait we get a taste of in the movie and we latch on to in fanon. So… he’s a total STALKER. Outwardly he is very friendly and comes off as nice and calm and level headed. But he’s actually totally nuts about eggman. Stone digs up every piece of personal information on him that he can and knows EVERY aspect of his life and history. Eggman was flattered by this when they were younger, but eventually realizes stone is Quite Fucked Up (stone reads his mail, knows his mothers maiden name and social security number, installs hidden cameras everywhere, tries to kill any man who even LOOKS at eggman, doesn’t let eggman out of his site for more than a second). they have an extremely dramatic falling out. years later after they’re split up, eggman is VERY grouchy and filled with contempt at the thought of stone.
So more on the ship dynamic. Stone is very much in cheerful denial that they’re divorced. Like “that’s just a document it’s not important.” He will randomly show up for plot reasons as the Character of the Day at eggmans island fortress like “Did you miss me? :)” (“Yeah, but my aims getting better”). He is much more outwardly pleasant than eggman and most characters are confused why eggman calls him “the devil incarnate”. The dumbest aspect is that every time stone shows back up, eggman bitches and grumbles but EVERY TIME stone wins him over again and makes him fall back in love. It’s a total 180, “I don’t know why we ever split up, why don’t you stay here from now on? We can turn cubot and orbots room into a cafe! They can live outside.” However due to the rules of comedy show, it always goes to shit and usually ends up with a giant evil robot duel. So basically.. they’re on again off again ex husbands.
Some random other character musings:
- he’s still an agent from some sort of… agency. eggman would call him a “lapdog” for it but in reality he’s jealous that whoever stone works for doesn’t want his inventions instead. he has a very men in black aesthetic going on
-he gets along very well with Amy, because they’re both hopeless romantics with an appreciation for style
- sticks HATES his ass SO MUCH. Sonic and tails are just kind of annoyed to have to be occasionally bombarded with the saga of eggman’s romantic life. Knuckles gets an extremely stupid line about not knowing gay divorce was legal
I’m definitely gonna add to this and TRY to draw a character design but there ya go lmfao
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khaoscontrol · 4 years
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oh my man you have no idea how much lore i’ve got. you fool, you’ve given me the excuse to infodump about everything!
(sorry this got super long so i’m making a separate post, also it’s 2am so i’m not gonna format this correctly or do literally anything to it)
i’ll start by explaining the timeline, i find it easiest to categorize it by the different versions of maria that exist in the au.
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for starters, we have regular old canon maria. her deal is basically the same as in canon up until her death. i really just wanted a “maria lives” au but with a twist. so basically the lore is professor gerald didn’t have a lot of confidence in finding a cure for maria via project shadow so he came up with a plan b which involved creating a machine that could upload someone’s mind onto a computer (mainly because that’s just a sci-fi trope i always liked). of course this was more of a last resort kinda deal, but when g.u.n. raided the ark they didn’t exactly have a lot of options. maria was still shot like in canon and she did physically “die” but gerald managed to upload her consciousness before she actually died. unfortunately the project was still very experimental and maria wasn’t actually able to respond to any of their tests to see if it worked, leading gerald to believe it had failed. thus allowing the plot of sa2 to still happen.
so the next maria in the timeline is cyber maria. this is just the version of maria that’s living in a computer on the ark... ...for 50 years.... ........alone. unlike shadow, she was completely conscious for this entire time which meant an awful lot of time alone with her thoughts. her memories weren’t totally together at the beginning and it takes her an awfully long time to put everything together but once she finally does she’s not quite the same and her personality shifts quite a bit. she still holds the same love for humanity and her family, but she IS tired of being nice, she DOES want to go apeshit! her main beef is with g.u.n. for literally killing her and everything else they did. she’s honestly quite pissed (rightfully so) but she can’t really do anything about it so she honestly just spends 50 years worrying about her family. she doesn’t know if shadow or her grandfather survived after everything that happened and at this point she has no idea how long it’s been.
50 years pass and the events of sa2 take place exactly as they do in canon (can’t fix perfection babey!) and although she’s on the ark, maria has no way of knowing that any of it’s happening. so it’s not actually until a little while after the events of shadow the hedgehog(2005) that anything actually happens maria wise. so the scene is eggman is looking into his grandfather’s research to see if he can get any ideas that would help him beat sonic and co when he comes across the files about the whole plan b project (lmao sorry i don’t actually have a good name for what he might’ve called it). he get’s real curious about it and decides to head back up to the ark and check it out. one thing leads to another and he manages to have a conversation with maria and she’s just thrilled to know that the outside world still exists, she also makes fun of him because “lmfao what kind of name is eggman?” after all she’s still mentally a teenager. eggman mentions that he’s quite skilled in making robots and could build a body for her back on earth and maria is all for ALL of that.
which leads us into metal maria. as soon as she has an actual physical body again eggman explains to her how long it’s been, who he actually is (literally her younger cousin lmao) and a bit of what’s been going on in the worlds, he lets it slip that he may have blown up the moon a little bit and gets thoroughly scolded on that. he also mentions that him and shadow may sorta kinda be enemies and shadow maybe is working for organization that killed her, which every bit of that makes her pissed. she decides to join forces with eggman so that he can help her take down g.u.n. since he’s not exactly on their good side. she also agrees to help deal with sonic on occasion but she doesn’t do much because “what how old is he? like 15 or something? nah dude become mortal enemies with an adult like a normal person.” despite everything, the protective older sister instinct is still strong within her and she’s super against picking fights with kids (especially ones that are friends rivals with her bro) on the subject of shadows friends, she does not like rouge, omega she doesn’t mind as much but still doesn’t like that much. she meets rouge a while before she’s actually reunited with shadow and they don’t exactly have a good first impression. maria assumes that rouge convinced shadow to join g.u.n. “because why else would he do something that stupid, he’s dumb but he can’t be that dumb?” and rouge just doesn’t buy maria’s backstory and assumes eggman only made her to mess with shadow. also rouge is lowkey jealous of maria because she’s got that v good and strong sisterly bond with shadow and DAMNIT she want’s that! so the two of them are basically enemies for a while until maria finally manages to reunite with shadow and he’s honestly just really fed up with them constantly fighting and arguing so their relationship dies down to less of enemies and more of a petty rivalry. also at some point during all that maria decides that metal sonic is also her brother now and there’s nothing he can do about it (spoilers: he actually really enjoys her affection but tries not to show it)
over time maria and metal become kinda a neutral party between sonic and eggman. and honestly with maria’s constant lecturing, eggman kinda tones it down on the world domination deal and becomes more of a dr. doofenshmirtz type villain because it’s funnier that way. (sorry i ONLY make an au if it’s wholesome) he kinda only keeps up the villain gig for the press and because it’s kinda his brand at this point.
which leads us into neo metal maria, 10 years in the future maria takes over the eggman empire. it’s 110% for show. she puts on this big facade of being a villain with megamind level dramatics but she never does anything other than screw over g.u.n., which team dark has long since stopped working with at this point, finally. seriously that sucked what the heck where you thinking sega? whatever i fixed it for them ;)
in the future of this au (which i don’t focus on a whole lot because i like drawing them as a bunch of kids just screwing around, god i’m so smart sega could never) since eggman isn’t a problem everyone’s whole deal is just dealing with other threats and also just a lot of adventuring. every once and a while some old god will try and destroy the world again as per usual and maria will actually step in to help. because of this and the fact that she’s not actually violent, maria is actually quite adored by the public. which is literally her goal, she’s not a villain she’s an entertainer!
and there’s a whole lot more to this au because i actually focus on pretty much every character and how this all plays out for them. i have a different take on how some games played out with her being there (mainly 06 and forces because they’re not great even tho i love them, but her being there made them funny) but yeah i’ve put a LOT of thought into this au and it means a whole lot to me. this is literally just a summary of eveything that happens. over time i’ll expand on this more.
but hot diggity shit, it’s 2am. so i’m just gonna wrap this up with some sketches of the gal!
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hcrofraid · 5 years
The Bloodbath:
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hm. that does be a greeeeeeat concern tbh.
p ointy
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does shads need medicine eph... who’s it for...
im emo over vector for getting taking advantage of and emo over matilda probs having no choice anyway. thanks rena great decision to add her
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m...ephiles and eggette... working together... what... universe is this rosie i’d very much like to know
the boios run
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Saving them for later??? ...nack what r u doin’
JEEBUS STARLINE. also i cant believe it. he defeated bean. HE DEFEATED BEAN???? WHAT
bark will make me sad now ):
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im watching u nack. im watching u like a hawk.
‘ forget sonic, i want to be bark’s sidekick now ’
you kill bean and immediately get rekt by knuckles. rip starline. you’ll be missed ;;
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:thinking emoji: what they talkin’ about huh... also after cosmo rekt charmy i dont trust her srry
oh that’s a mood amy
hey. uh. nack. buddy, are you okay. do you mind. not killing. ur niece figure. ok. bye???
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vector w/ eggman and NOT being pissed and threatening to singe him silly? wow. im shocked. also ivo i dont believe you
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mastcrplanncr-a · 5 years
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issue #23 made me really heccin’ emo over eggman and sonic. i was prepared for it, but also ?? not prepared??? holy frick im just gonna ramble under the cut.
first of all, i’m just gonna’ idly ramble about some things i noticed.
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Eggman, literally 11 issues ago:
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he makes these off remarks and then changes his mind whenever it’s convenient for him smh. that or hes a freaking liar and. WELL THAT’S PRETTY TRUE HONESTLY.
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i’ma be honest fam starline is a freaking mood rn. it’s ?? so dumb?? LIKE EGGMAN WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING FAILSAFE UR SOLUTION WAS “not touching the robots hurr durr” PL EASE.
In retrospect, though, this is an interesting parallel to Forces because he’d apparently learned from his mistakes. TBF, and it has been brought up elsewhere on tumblr, this is a man recovering from amnesia. He must’ve just not gotten to that part. OR HE’S JUST. DUMB AND ARROGANT. Like, yeah, sure, there’s no vaccine - lol the heroes can’t fix anything & it also means you’re valuable because you’re the one person who can. BUT COME ON EGGMAN.
my friend actually predicted this holy shit. i was rambling abt a discussion we had in the egg cult, where we were talking about the possibility of sonic infecting eggman to blackmail him into getting the cure because he’s reached the point?? hes so done with eggman’s shit??? all his friends are in danger and hes backed into a wall what else is he to do than do the one thing he doesn’t want to: use eggman’s tactics against him?
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and my friend was like:
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THIS CONFRONTATION WAS SO FUCKING RAW YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. I thought I was ready for it but I really, REALLY wasn’t. I love the little details of Starline bein’ like: “oh fuck” - usually he’s pretty cocky around Sonic but uh. HE’S INFECTED NOW. And the zero remark - idk if that’s intentional on the writer’s part but ZERO TO HERO anyone?
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anyway toxi broke down crying at this point. you have no idea how much i was sobbing over my blue son just. pouring out his heart to his nemesis. that’s top tier tearjerking material.  also starline passive aggressively readjusting his outfit lmfao. BITCH IM FABULOUS. but man the usage of ‘ BE’ and ‘LIKE’ - Sonic knows who Eggman is; he’d never ask him to be something he’s not. but it’s also a reiteration of sonic’s want to see good in him; being LIKE tinker is a statement in that he wanted eggman to be who he was, but NOT to go back. to do good for the world. have it be his own decision, because deep deep down:
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isn’t that what he really wants?
Also, although there are those sickly sweet descriptions, the usage of ellipses in this narrative really fucks me up because you can practially hear the gradual realization in eggman’s voice. his mockery starts out so !!! but it just eventually gets straight to the point, as a list. as a routine. because he was used to it. and because, some part of him misses it. notice the usage of ‘need’ and ‘use’. they needed him, and yet he used the people that appreciated him sm like puppets.
some nice guilt there, huh, doc?
ALSO I SPENT LIKE, HOURS TRYING TO FIND THIS EXACT DIALOGUE, but Eggman has a conversation in Dark Brotherhood with Sonic and makes this remark:
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LIKE??? this isn’t new to his character, actually? Ignoring the ken penders thing bc smh. Going by this game he’s actually kind of okay with that set up. And he just works so well with the others too??? this isn’t even taking into account the other games he’s teamed up with them. I’m sorry but my head just goes back to this line so many times; it’s one of the ones that stick with me, along with ‘complicated guy’ from lost world. HE COULD!! legitimately do good. and he actually doesn’t find it too bad??? IM EMO MAN...
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and IMAGINE making super cool things that people genuinely like... eggman has a HUGE ego, that much is very apparent; he’s super big on appreciation as comes with. and with tinker? he had that - he felt appreciated and loved. people LIKED what he made, and he didn’t have to bend over backwards to have that. his work felt included and he didn’t have to take that appreciation by force like he did with his lackeys (which half the time was fake anyway) .
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first and foremost - WE SEE THAT OPEN YOUR HEART REFERENCE, IDW. also sonic’s frustration here, in comparison to the lil smile the panel before - he’s just!! “WHY CANT YOU WAKE THE FRICK UP OLD MAN”. the justification here seems a tad bit like DENIAL to me. and the justification seems... kind of odd from him? since when does EGGMAN justify anything he does? He does what he wants and when he wants, because he’s the E.G.G.M.A.N. he doesn’t care what anyone thinks... right?
it’s because - especially with the usage of better - he didn’t like where that train of thought was going. for once, he’s justifying himself - because the alternative is admitting sonic is right. that he did like that life. that he’d want to go back. throw it in a hierachy and it’s all so simple, right?
also the inclusion of open your heart lyrics here. the incident with chaos was just as catastrophic. and these lyrics in context of the previous panel, highlights how sonic and eggman both seek unity and peace but in their own ways; eggman’s is just evil. it seems a little bit of a diversion to me - to antagonise sonic and make him forget about it. what better way to do that than to relate to him? ‘own styles that we won’t change’ highlights a stubbornness in ways, too, especially with the current context of eggman denying his old life. ALSO IT IS LITERALLY TELLING EGGMAN TO OPEN HIS HEART.
and ngl this seems like idle banter to hide the fact he genuinely felt remorse for his actions for a second. because lbr he has a habit of being all talk when a plan goes wrong or suffering inside,
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which starline does quite pointedly explain.
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As I was saying above, Sonic has no choice in what to do now - he’s reaching his limit. OR ELSE. hes pondering doing the thing he doesnt want to do. and honestly, ‘you can’t stop me. no one can,’ is so hardhitting not just because of its looming threat, but because of how much it solidifies for sonic that he can’t take the chance anymore. if anyone is going to change eggman, it has to be himself.
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also can i just cry over how much sonic trusts tails. im getting sa2 flashbacks.
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also man i’d like to point out the specific use of ‘lock you away forever’. it coooould be a reference to sonic’s time imprisoned during the events of sonic forces. bitterness?
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NOT SAYING I CALLED IT, BUT I CALLED IT. it still hurts though. and wow, it really is horrifying when eggman fears his own heccin’ creation, huh?
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i live for sonic being passive aggressive with eggman. give me more please.
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im immensely concerned the direction starline is going, honestly. but it does say a lot about eggman; how he’ll keep trying the same things expecting different results, but failing and never seeing that. because he’s EGGMAN; every plan is brilliant by default!
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i love how sonic just !!! SHOT... THE MOMENT HE WAS REMINDED WHAT WAS AT STAKE. son i love you so much you’re doing great sweetie
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also, man, can we talk about eggman avoiding his blatant faults, and shoving his failures onto someone else? because this little scene here - eggman ur literally the one who crashed the thing. it had absolutely nothing to do with sonic. i feel as though this is symbolism of his self-destructive nature, honestly. hes always gotta make things harder for himself. (also starline’s face is killing me)
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Eggman does what he has to, but technology won’t work every time you kick it. he thinks he can get everything through force but we have several instances in idw where force did NOT work out; you’re not gonna get far, egghead.
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MHM, and just who does that sound like, Eggman? honestly the mirrors between these two are seriously destroying me. although sonic is in a horrible position, so is eggman; he likes to think he’s won the war, but hes surpassed his own expectations, and that’s going to backfire on him eventually. hes stubborn to admit he has NO REIGN over this and they’re all doomed, so he’s pinning his failures / loss on Sonic.
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is that the amnesia kicking ya in the shin, eggman? or sonic’s reality check? either way, the doc hates emotions. dammit man why you gotta make him emo
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future eggman is going to kick past eggman in the kneecaps. it’s times like this ur reminded how much of a kid he is. eugh but that’s work i want my victory and senseless destruction now. honestly if the doc is after success, he is certainly not getting it this way and I AM FEARING FOR EVERYONE’S LIVES. he’ll probably have to work with what’s left of the resistance like the back end of most games at some point.
I’m getting a little burnt out but i can’t forget my son and how much he hurts me.
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first of all that third panel terrifies me. the fact it GOT that far does me great concern. the RED EYES? that’s pushing it fam i dont like that. the expressions are also just freaking destroying me; they’ve been PERFECT this issue. and the fact sonic is at his weakest when he feels like he’s failed everyone hurts me deeply. he has SO much on his shoulders and its getting too overwhelming for him.
also man... the whole thing with eggman... just stuff me man. but it hurts all the more because it’s so glaringly clear that there is?? some good in eggman??? he just. doesn’t want to admit it. and unfortunately these aren’t good circumstances to debate on that.
ANYWAY, THAT ISSUE WAS AGONY AND IM STILL REELING AND HAVENT EVEN. TALKED ALL THAT MUCH ABOUT SONIC HERE (on account of this being eggman’s blog) but idk if i’ll write anything on that.
gonna go cry about an egg now brb
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orbviously · 5 years
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and then cubot doesn’t have a body for the REST of the game... poor baby...
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I love that their heads do this in the games LMFAO it’s always the best. I wonder what they keep in their heads? 
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orbot stop being a jerk
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in japanese, Cubot is just going “WUA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-AAAA”
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P O W E R F U L 
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i wish that was explored more... attaching orbot and cubot’s heads to much more violent mechs...
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LOOK HOW BIG CUBOT’S HEAD ALONE IS NEXT TO SONIC I MEAN... HE’S JUST!!! BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENORME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ilove him. 
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this guy is so much funnier in Japanese... I HATED the weird like. emo scene kid thing he had going on in English. 
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tails spends 99% of this game being PISSED OFF
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I dont blame Orbot for being pissed, Cubot is ENORMOUS, EVEN JUST HIS HEAD ALONE, it must be so discombobulating 
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I’m sad that hardhitting stuff only lasted like 5 seconds. There was never much WEIGHT to things. This was very cool!!! but then it was just fine. HOW DID TAILS GET UNROBOT??? WAS IT A COSTUME???
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Eye like Orbot and Cubot and Ergo. 
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Eggman voice: after i saved my stupid children, i
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i love eggman’s mechs
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god it must feel so weird for Orbot to have Cubot attached to him like this
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i’m cubot, i always want to tell people honest things without thinking about the consequences of what i’m saying,
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In English, Orbot was clearly trying to get Cubot killed, but in Japanese he’s more like “okay, I dont want to get caught in the crossfire but also, are you sure you want to end up with your head on your butt or something”
Nobody: Hebby: Orbot and Cubot and Eggman are the stars of Sonic Lost World
This was the last time Chikao Otsuka voiced Eggman before he passed away, and I think it was a fantastic show of his talent. He’ll be missed.
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egg-emperor · 9 months
I don't have any problems with that answer except for Eggman saying Sage is the reason he keeps existing LMFAO lying ass. he loves himself and lives for himself and the world he wants to rule, he always had the will to exist and the determination to keep going because it's always been officially listed as one of his greatest strengths and why he's been so committed to keep trying to take over the world for over 30 years
though at the same time it's funny that his own creation is a reason he keeps existing from the perspective of like, he made something that's genuinely useful and valuable, willing and loyal and successful on all accounts for a change with Sage compared to the likes of Orbot and Cubot and all his failed creations so he's like "add that to my reasons of why I haven't given up and killed myself yet, this brilliant impressive creation proves my genius and worth and right to take over and rule the world" :P
I also like even more how this can apply to the whole making Metal Sonic jealous with his value of Sage over him concept
but also this is coming from the takeover where they made Shadow a Taylor Swift fan and is clearly just the US team having fun and not something written by the big writers and going through tons of checks and guidance to get published like the games, so it's really not that deep and we're chill XD
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egg-emperor · 1 year
I love how Eggman says things like "My Egg Beetle's claws will tear you to shreds, and "This gorge will be your tomb", and "Give up and die already", and "Burn! Burn to ashes!", and "I'm still going to stomp you into a blue jelly", and "I hope the Zeti eat you alive", and "Glad you could make it to your funeral", and "The sun will fall upon you all. Boom! The end. Your pathetic lives are over" and "That annoying hedgehog is now gone forever! He's nothing but floating chunks in space now :D", and "My only regret is that you denied me the pleasure of finishing you off" etc etc etc to Sonic-
But then people are like well actually Eggman isn't that cruel to Sonic, he doesn't really want him dead, he kind of cares about him deep down, he's kind of like a father to him and I'm like lol huh aren't y'all hearing this? And let us not forget that even though Eggman has a respect for Sonic as an adversary for being strong enough to hold up against him for all these years (which makes him impressive for being able to do the same which would absolutely be some of the appeal in him recognizing that), he still establishes that he HATES and doesn't have to like him in the Frontiers cutscene
Their dynamic is complex and interesting because of this fact. Eggman is absolutely brutal towards Sonic with his threats and when they fight, he means what he says and goes in for the kill. He very much wants that blue rat dead nonetheless, the intent is always clearly there and he's not all talk either, he's always trying to act too, and has been absolutely overjoyed two of the times he thought he'd successfully killed him. I love how brutal he is, I love his violence, I like how fucking insane it makes him to be like this towards a 15 year old blue hedgehog I wouldn't change it lmfao
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egg-emperor · 6 months
New lore was dropped by Iizuka at a fan Q+A apparently. Interestingly, it's been revealed that Eggman is below the age of 50, that he never personally knew Gerald and Maria, his father was one of Gerald's two sons and that he is younger than Maria.
I find all of this fascinating.
You scared me LMFAO my heart stopped and blood ran cold for a sec but before I could go through all the stages of grief I was like hold on lemme see that source and found that isn't the case phew. If it was final that he was so young in his 40s I'd be devastated lol. Not just because I wouldn't want to believe it but also all the evidence suggests otherwise.
They considered putting him at 60 in the Sonic CD concept art, he's referred to as old and middle-aged, uses the Washi pronoun in JP, is associated with the Respect for the Aged Day in Japan where senior citizens are apparently 65+. Most recently we have the Egg Memo where Eggman specifies that he "never really knew" Maria, so he had to exist for at least some time when she was alive to feel the need to specify that.
Also, while a bit more speculative, it'd make sense if part of the reason he was so upset about how Gerald's plan to destroy the planet would've resulted in his death too is because he existed at the time even if he was very young, and Gerald would've known he had a grandson despite not meeting him and didn't consider or care for it to stop him. And that hit hard with him being his grandfather and idol he admired so much. I feel it'd kinda water down the impact and weight of it if it was like "He didn't consider that he could've potentially killed his grandson, even though I didn't exist yet." :P
But yeah it wouldn't make sense for him to be so young in his 40s, there's way too much emphasis on him being old and that would be way too young for it. Plus with the memo being solid canon on top of all the hints, it still doesn't make sense if you disregard the rest of the logic. So I was like no this can't be!!!
Then I saw the source to see that Iizuka apparently didn't actually say Eggman "yes, Eggman is 100% under 50" and I'm so relieved lol.
I just wanna break it down so I have something to link to people if this ever comes up in the future:
It was specifically the OP saying Eggman was literally "under 50", as if it was said to be 100% certain and confirmed final fact
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But when they quote Iizuka directly, it turns out he apparently said: "His age hasn't been disclosed but he's probably under 50."
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I knew they weren't gonna suddenly reveal his solid age now after all his time of it being unknown in all his bios, only heavily hinted at and implied with the examples listed above. If they're finally gonna go all out and finalize a specific age, it's definitely not gonna be at a Q&A.
Iizuka still saying it "is not disclosed" and the use of "probably" doesn't count as confirmation at all. He's just basing an estimate on the logic that if he didn't know Maria and Gerald then he might not have existed at the same time as them at all but all the evidence seems to show otherwise. Either way, it still "is not disclosed." So it's all just probable estimates.
So yeah at first my heart was like *glass shatter sfx* 💔 then I read the actual thread and I was like oh wait nevermind lol ❤️‍🩹 Here's the link to it btw
Anyway now that we've got that out of the way, let's talk about the other stuff.
It was always obvious that Eggman never knew Gerald personally. He never speaks of direct anecdotes or personal experiences. Hell, he doesn't even know about the ARK before SA2. So of course the same goes for Maria, that was clear before it was confirmed in the Egg Memo.
As for Maria being older than Eggman, I never decided on whether I thought so or not because there wasn't ever anything to actually suggest it. But sure, that can make sense. She can be older than him without it meaning that he didn't exist at any point while she was still alive.
But I'm still definitely under the impression that he did exist for at least some time when she was alive, even if he was very young. He had to be. He specifically emphasizes that he "never really knew" Maria in the Egg Memo. Why would he need to if he never even existed when she was alive? It would've been obvious.
So I feel it implies he didn't *really* know her because while he was alive at the same time even if just a little, he didn't meet her in person and only learned of her through how others talked of her.
Then him mentioning that she was "gone" immediately after is just him then jumping to the part after her death, where he started learning about her more because she became the big subject after her tragic death and then of course he became jealous.
This also adds up with Iizuka saying Eggman didn't learn all this information about Maria until after her death
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Here's what I'm thinking. He existed the same time as her even if he was very young but he didn't meet her obviously because she was on the ARK all her life wondering what it was like on Earth and Eggman didn't even know about the ARK until SA2. Then she became the hot topic after her tragic death so Eggman got so somewhat "know" her through their word but still didn't "really" know her because they didn't literally meet. Makes sense!
And lastly, if it's true that he said Eggman's father is Gerald's son then I'm so happy about that, since it's always been my headcanon that he was the paternal grandfather! :D
So yeah this was really just Iizuka saying what me and others have been saying already as far as him not knowing Gerald and Maria personally. Then also him making an unconfirmed non solid estimate of his age with the "probably" but the games and Sonic Channel suggests he has to be 50 AT LEAST. Seems to be over it actually, since he had to be alive some time before the ARK raid/the same time as Maria, even if just for a little while.
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egg-emperor · 8 months
Eggy @ Whisper the wolf: "They call you a guardian angel, but how can you be one when you couldn't even protect your stupid teammates. Do you know how loudly they screamed when they died? They screams were loud and exquisite. They died begging in vain for you to help them. Help that never came They begged for mercy, though none was given to them. Some guardian you turned out to be. You let your teammates die in agony"
I'll shamelessly admit to being a total edgelord because stuff like this is my shit lol. I mean come on, it's already fucked that he ordered a mercenary to kill a group of mostly teens with the youngest being 14 and it was a success. I simply just want them to explore the extent of how messed up that is as much as they could because the only limit is the ratings, Eggman himself has absolutely none lmfao
I like to imagine he had cameras all around the base and zoomed in to get the best shots of each member meeting their demise. And he watched very closely with great anticipation and glee, seeing his brilliant Shadow androids that he created close in on and tear them apart! It was like they'd been thrown to hungry pack of wolves, all while the one actual wolf that should've saved them wasn't there to!
And he really enjoys rubbing it in when he's confront Whisper. He tells her how much he enjoyed watching the androids surround her friends and their fear and weak attempts to fight them off as they were outnumbered and closed in them, how he enjoyed hearing them scream and how it was muffled as they were covered by hundreds of androids and the sound eventually stopped when the life left their bodies.
And how he counted each body that fell to make sure they were all there but it was so unfortunate that she was missing, he would've enjoyed adding her to the pile! But hey, now it's her chance to finally join them! And she should want to because she should've been there to save them, they were screaming for her to help and where was she? What kind of guardian would just let them die in such a horrific painful way?
He loves digging into her insecurity and use the blame she already has for herself against her. She's enraged that he'd dare to say such things, especially because he's the one that placed the target on them but at the same time, it brings up all that anger and hatred she has for herself and tears her up inside. He takes pride in the look of anguish on her face and how she trembles and says "Even you know it. You're a failure and disgrace. So how about I reunite you now? >:)"
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egg-emperor · 2 years
For some more Metal Sonic material there's this old Sonic Channel comic page
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LOL YESSS I love how this is the equivalent of Orbot wanting to be Metal's brother in Rise of the Wisps with Cubot wanting to be Metal's friend, they think he's sooo cool as they should but Metal just wants absolutely nothing to do with them. I like how they acknowledge the only way to get his attention is through Sonic but and of course Cubot goes about it in the dumbest way.
I like how just like in RoW, it shows how much of a violent killing machine Metal is, heavily set on his objective and nothing else with no time for nonsense. Ignoring or being annoyed by attempted affection like Orbot and Cubot's but always being ready to immediately attempt to violently destroy Sonic. And Eggman being like "when did they become such good friends" as he sees Metal trying to kill Cubot LMFAO golden
I love the crazy Eggfam antics 💜
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egg-emperor · 2 years
I think Gamma provides precedent for how Eggman treats Sage in Frontiers. He calls Beta Gamma's big brother.
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Calling Sage his daughter is definitely a step further but it is still an example of assigning familial roles to his creations.
He says he's proud of Gamma just like he does with Sage
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And he says he's counting on Gamma in their last scene together (I find it funny this line is different in the other characters story modes)
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I think the thing with Sage is we never get a chance to see her really fail Eggman and how he'd react to that. All the times of Eggman mistreating and dismissing his creations are when they fail him in some way. Sage never does in the story of Frontiers. The closest she gets is this scene where he does still throw a little hissy fit over her suggestion.
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IF Sage ever did actually fail Eggman, how would he react? Frontiers simply doesn't answer that question.
I've been thinking so hard about Adventure as one of the prime examples of him treating his creations like shit lol and yeah this is another of the reasons why it bothers me in Frontiers, how they got so close to going in the right direction but playing it up for "the feels" in the English dialogue in particular really changed the context and made it OOC. And how people try to treat the exact same line as "development" of the dynamic in Frontiers, even though he said it in Adventure while still being the biggest bastard ever and still treating them like shit, sparing Gamma only for being useful to him. But the unused mission fail scene shows he would immediately call him a "useless machine" too if he can't deliver, just like he easily harshly discards the rest.
Presentation changes everything, the casual approach works in the way I described for liking Japanese Eggman Frontiers dialogue too. Adventure doesn't treat it as a big deal of "omg Eggman is assigning family roles, he must care!" Because it's very clear when it would make him a terrible "father" as he punishes the E-Series brutally. It just makes it worse, how he's like "this is your brother btw I'm pitting the two of you against each other and throwing away the loser lol :)" then "I'm going to fucking MESS UP all your brothers because they couldn't bring the right frog" and Gamma finds out what he did and is so disturbed and broken he has to kill all of them and himself lmfao
That's why I wouldn't have a problem with Eggman saying Orbot and Cubot are like brothers to Sage, though I can't see him calling them his sons because he can't fucking stand them lol, which would also make him a very bad father if he somehow did. But that's why I also feel saying robots are siblings doesn't always mean he wants to take a blatant father type role. But I also never had a problem with him actually calling himself Metal's daddy because I want him to call himself daddy Archie Eggman was still a twisted bastard around the time they introduced it and continued to be and it was even casual and subtle with IDW Eggman, the way he acts with him as his real self as opposed to Tinker has a nice difference showing it's casual and lacks the same deep care as his real self.
So if they had wanted to introduce it to game canon in a casual way in a similar manner to Archie/IDW, that would've been fine by me. A running joke about how his pride and joy in a creation as a creator can be like the pride a father has in their child doesn't take away from his evil, if you don't frame it in a wholesome or deep sad way that tries to make him seem like he cares for them sincerely. They fucked up when they've got fans acting like he's the next Bowser and even contemplate if he's going to lose his villainy entirely and that's what happens when you try to make it serious and sad for "the feels" that just seem like a "we didn't care to develop this but look this is so sad please cry". As a cheap lazy way to try to get people to like it.
I'd say it's not just when they deliberately fail as he also just has a really short temper and if they say the wrong thing or get in the way, he will insult and hurt them. But yeah when they fail or betray, or even if they just do something that mildly annoys or displeases him, like saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and how he was pissed at the E-Series just for bringing the wrong frog when he still got what he wanted, then he's relentless and punishes them with physical harm, repurposing, discarding, or destroying them. He did get pissed when Sage suggested teaming up with Sonic and about Cyber Space but she was spared because she still seemed useful and she's a particularly impressive creation in terms of being advanced.
Maybe it can stop him from punishing Sage in some circumstances, as I'm sure he would've mistreated and punished other creations for the ways she annoyed him. But sparing her shouldn't imply genuine sincere care, it should be due to still having a use and being an impressive example of advanced skill of creating life in a way he finds far superior as it involves his genius. I'd imagine there has to be some kind of a limit before he snaps and mistreats and punishes like any other if they understand he won't take that lightly, no matter what kind of attachment to level of impressiveness or prior usefulness. Make him see red and tip him over the edge enough and it's over. Can't trust a man with such an explosive temper.
But yeah the way they handled it in Adventure is good and it turns out the Japanese version of his role in Frontiers is careful to keep accuracy to his character too with it being very toned down and feel more casual, so it feels more like him. It shows how they got pretty close with getting it right in the English version too, aside from OOC phrasing in the memos that was changed in the Japanese version despite the memos being one of the only faithfully translated parts (which is really saying something), and those ending scenes that bother me the most, where it was rephrased in the Japanese dialogue in a way that changed the context of them for the better.
Adventure and the Japanese Frontiers' way of handling such a dynamic in any way and amount is how you do it right. It's not that it isn't possible for it to exist at all and still make sense, as they almost acknowledged that well enough in the English version too, except the dialogue was too much there like it wanted it to be much deeper and more sincere on a caring empathetic level. It bothers me as that's obviously just not the kind of guy he is, especially because it actually even contradicts other things he said in the same game that proved that aspect of his character hasn't left or suddenly changed. And the much better differences in the Japanese dialogue also further support that too.
I'd be intrigued to see how much he could take and how far Sage could go before he decides enough is enough. Because any amount of attachment in the dynamic shouldn't be beyond the selfishness of his pride in his creation for being a manifestation of his genius, how impressive and advanced she is to the point of being life-like for the same reason, and for how she can be genuinely useful and competent in fulfilling her function. But disappoint and anger him enough and I think the most believable way for him to react would be to punish her in ways he would with any other creation or completely erase her or something. If not, then it makes sense to keep her around.
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egg-emperor · 2 years
whenever someone says "even Eggman has good morals/limits!" I'm like "huh? where because he even tries to kill children and random innocent people and will willingly cause pain, death, and destruction to get what he wants without hesitation"
- then I realize they're referring to times he's teamed up to save the world and how it apparently undoes that and means he's an okay guy actually Ig lol I can't fathom it
it will always be funny when people act like this isn't always along the lines of the selfish self centered egotist's first thoughts before he does anything ever:
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it's never been implied to have anything to do with morals, it's about stopping a threat that could result in his own death and total destruction of the planet that needs to exist to dominate, his only known limit in the game canon
it's sometimes also hypocrisy from him at times, where someone does something only he's supposed to, which is also the opposite of it being due to morals and limits because he literally does it himself XD
it's always funny when people assume he has a mindset other than "me me me!" when it comes to his actions and goals and it makes the truth of him being a selfish bastard even funnier lmfao I love him 💜
you go king, it should be all about you dhsjsbgkshgk 💕
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