#also! Sonic is in his super form this whole comic!
tales-of-green-hill · 5 months
This comic follows Sonic's story after the conclusion of the Shadow Arc
You might also want to check out This Comic!
Also, this is the beginning of the following arc!
After activating the gateway ring and going through it.
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[Next Part]
Here's some old art! (The design of the gateway ring has been altered since)
It's supposed to look pretty and magical instead of icky and gross
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sonknuxadow · 7 months
society if when people said fleetway sonic they meant the sonic comic series published by fleetway or the version of sonic who appears in those comics instead of their version of super sonic who is never even referred to as fleetway in universe
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borrelia · 9 months
Sonic Old Man Yaoi/Old Woman Yuri Knockout
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TWO pairings with the LEAST votes will be eliminated
Intros to each pairing below
Gerald Robotnik was Eggman's grandfather, introduced in Sonic Adventure 2. He made a false deal with Black Doom to create Shadow the Hedgehog in exchange for the Chaos Emeralds, making them both Shadow's dads. They definitely banged and had some kind of toxic mess of a relationship.
Grimer Wormtongue is a nasty little assistant to Ivo Robotnik in Fleetway Sonic the Comic. He is extremely devoted to his cruel master, which is for sure a sexual thing.
Ebony the Mystic Mog and Pyjamas the Psychic are two characters from Sonic the Comic who appear briefly in a Knuckles story, then become minor recurring characters that take in Super Sonic from the streets. They appear as old friends in their introduction and are implied to live together. If these two aren't married, it's only because Mobius is homophobic.
Blockhead Bill is Mighty's dad in Sonic the Comic. He is a very confused old man who convinces his posh "business associate" Society Max to assist him in taking down his nemesis the Crimson Cobra. This involves Max eating a magic mandrake root and becoming a giant dinosaur, which Bill rides around to cause destruction. idk about you but I'd only let someone do that to me if they were my funny little lover.
Mephiles the Dark and Iblis are two halves of the sun/time god Solaris, introduced in Sonic '06. Iblis is kind of just a big fire monster I think but Mephiles orchestrates this whole plot through the course of the game to re-merge with Iblis and form Solaris. Which sounds like some pretty twisted villainous gay devotion to me.
Ixis Naugus and Ian St. John are characters from the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics. Naugus is some kind of evil wizard who enlists the help of Geoffrey St. John, Ian's son, with plot things. I can't decipher Archie plots sorry. When Naugus first contacts Geoffrey, he expects him to be his father Ian. From @mischeva: "why are you wanting to talk to geoffrey’s dad? hm naugus? kinda….kinda interesting." Image also provided by mischeva, ty :)
Starline and Eggman were allowed in by popular vote, mostly by Eggman's qualifying age. Dr. Starline is a character from the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog comic. He is a fanboy and devotee of Eggman, restoring Eggman's lost memories and assisting him in his Metal Virus plot. Starline eventually plots to betray Eggman, as he believes himself smarter and more genre-savvy than his idol. He is of course wrong and Eggman beats the shit out of him and kills him to death. Starline is sort of like gen z's Grimer, kind of the tumblr sexyman dark academia Grimer, in that he's younger and prettier than Grimer, but he probably still wants to fuck that old man so bad.
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thenixkat · 2 months
love how much DC consistently just hates the idea of prison reform, prisoner's rights, and treating prisoners like people…
folks in the Batfam debating about murdering the Joker.
again these are the kinds of things I think about from Barb's end on the whole pressuring Ted back into his costume. She doesn't want to be tech support she wants to be on the field with like half the writers for her Oracle run. And sure some of them are just kinda ableist.
also Barb took one break date and the Joker starts a prison riot
also all of these villains just… following the Joker's lead even tho they should know it wont go well if they do and it doesnt b/c he jokerizes them all (which makes them more dangerous b/c the Jokers just the biggest bad ass ever right after Batman) of course the metagene inhibitor gas mixed with the compound that made the villains throw up turns into Joker venom for reasons
totally the prison using those to control the dangerous super prisoners wouldnt have tested shit out b4 hand
and joker venom makes everyone joker b/c reasons even the folks that are not human or have radically different anatomy and physiology due to their meta powers
RIP to Ted, man is not allowed to be in good comics regardless of whether or not real snakes have ears, Copperhead should still be fucked up by the sonic vibrations shaking the shit out of his organs
b/c that's the correct lesson. Never take a single day off of superheroing and vigilance. Sure you will burn out but if you dont stay vigilant then bad shit will happen to yer friends and family
heheheh good for Orca I hopes she gets to eat as many prison guards as she pleases
why do the Joker's plans involve creating a gravity well?
also i guess we had to Jokerize everyone otherwise the villains might not want to listen to the Joker after getting their power dampening collars off king shark is here too
huh Nightwing keeps getting sexually assaulted and that's likely part of why people call him a slut/slutshame him
like I know he got raped by Harley Quinn in one animated thing and folks thought it was funny and also slut shamed him for getting raped so how much of his comic reputation as a slut is just people slutshaming him for getting sexually assaulted by ladies?
of course Batman and Nightwing can outrun a gravity well forming
everyone knows collapsing gravity is slower than a man carrying another human being can run
of course Ted wouldn't know anything that's happening. It's not like the Bug is a state-of-the-art listening device that would have picked up on all of the nearby radio signals like folks communicating. And its not like the Bug doesnt have dozens of Snoopies, mini Bugs for spying on shit that could have been deployed
"The Bug isn't built for speed and power" bullshit. The Bug is built for power as much as stealth and can top out at 600 mph. Also I like how Batman and Nightwing have no issue outrunning a gravity well but the Bug, a vehicle that is built with an antigrav device that is literally how she flies has an issue escaping from a gravity well
just the fact that no one is allowed to upstage Batman, the Batman understudy, or the Joker and how obviously other heroes have to get nerfed to make this happen or how other villains have to get turned into Joker to make shit happen is just so… blatant
see the problem that i dont believe that the Joker has the influence or ability to coordinate shit on this level.
The USA needs to pay reparations to the people of Rapa Nui for the shit the Joker and the jokerized villains did
They can explain the jokerization shit in-universe all they want, they wont convince me that this wasnt an ass pull
Like why the fuck would being jokerized make all of these villains subserviant to the Joker and all work together instead of clashing and not wanting to be ordered around by this one Joker if they;'re all Joker man Harley Quinn looks so much better in an actual clown suit
also the Joker wants an heir so plans to fuck Harley, her consent is not an issue for him. I'd care more if she werent also a rapist
right.. Lex Luthor is president i think Oracle you use a wheelchair why is yer floorspace this cluttered?
Oracle you can't hit your boyfriend just b/c yer upset. That's called abuse
also folks still debating about killing the Joker, who's currently dying of a tumor, when like between yall superhero and the USA penal system the Joker should have been sentenced to death ages ago. He's literally not insane, that insanity defense shit should not have worked for him the first time he got caught again after breaking out of Arkham
Nightwing, the Joker is literally a special case. With the sheer amount of his body count and the fact that the justice system has continuously failed with dealing with this asshole. If you dont want to kill him, that cool, just stay out of the way while other people kill him
The fucking slippery slope argument for not killing a dude who's got thousands of murders under his belt. Like… idk this is not the moral quandary that Nightwing is trying to make it out to be.
half way through Joker: Last Laugh like imagine if Nightwing tried that same argument to a crowd of people who've been victimized by the Joker or had a relative killed by him? He'd get mauled half to death like Jason did in Legends
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magicvicky1 · 10 months
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Oh yeah, I also like the Fleetway sonic comics!
It took me some time to get completly invested on them, but I can tell you that from the start I already was intrigued by the whole conflict of Sonic and his Super form. The idea that Sonic basically turns into another character, getting more violent and dangerous, is a pretty interesting one and it really made the comic a lot more unique for this decision.
While Sonic himself was great (I dont care what others will say, he did get a development through the comic and became a much better person), Super Sonic is one of my favorite characters in the comic. His development of wanting to have a normal life but also having to his true nature was pretty cool and it made for some great stories. Honestly, it came to a point were I was always excited to read a new issue just so that I could see Super again LOL
These drawing are a bit old, so they may look a bit wonky, since I was still struggling to draw Sonic’s face correctly, but I’m getting better I swear :,)
The last one I made it for this year’s Halloween and is based on my favorite horror novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, since it matches well with the Sonic vs Super Sonic conflict :> Now I can’t stop imagining a Sonic and Super animatic using the song Confrontation from the novel’s musical addaption lol
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the-starlight-project · 4 months
First of all I LOVE THIS, AAAAHHHHH THIS IS SO GOOD!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Second of all I've been seeing people saying "oh god sonic had to watch people die but it actuality it was acting" but I see no one asking "how the fuck did he go super?" And "what about being a werehog?" And all the other form transformation that he has done over the years and also " HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN HIS FUCKING OWN DEATH TO HIM"
Like with the death one, did they put him I a forced coma? Did they tranquilise him? So many thoughts are going on it my head
On a other thought, what is he going to do now he knows that everything is 'fake'? Like he was no clue if sonic's world was real or not cause even tho we know there is no interdimensional interference going on we can't rule out that what happen to sonic was real, whether as an act or it actually happen, cause we know that in the games sonic fort a god(s) and won, and if those god(s) where real what is going on? Are all the actors playing roles that have no clue they are playing? Is sonic the only one who is in the right to believe everything is fake? Is chaos energy real or was it special effects? Is sonic like PROJECT SHADOW? Is sonic a GOD????????? (I'm twicking, or am I 🤔)
We have no clue what is real or not cause we are only the spectators. We are like sonic, we are seeing the things sonic is seeing and making theorys that sonic himself might have not even be thinking about cause our main man is going through like 30 intenal mental breakdowns in like 30 minutes, having an existential crisis and all that.
What is really going on cause it seems like 'shadow' also did not know that sonic had no idea about how they were actors in the beginning of the comic and now he is coming to terms that maybe everything he knew was a lie as well, cause we see reaction to sonic doing a spindash at the wall is when he really started to think the sonic is more then the main character of the story but an actual person who is in the dark and when 'shadow' was bring up all these things from the past we start seeing him get nervous cause he probably is thinking "oh fuck what is happening? I thought he was a actor like I am" and in reality is not
I have rambled a lot cause I love this and with The Truman Show being something I am actively studying for school my mind is going haywire
"Thank you for listening to my Ted talk"/ref
Okay, first of all, massive pretense - there are so many questions in this ask that I cannot (and will not) answer all of them.
A lot of these questions are very important, very well thought-out and certainly should not be forgotten - and rest assured, several things you ask about do indeed have answers to them (I'd go so far as to say that about 95% have answers to them, actually). I had a hell of a time reading through this with SB on a discord call and it was SUCH a doozy /pos
The problem with asks like this is that I literally can't say anything without accidentally spoiling the whole comic BUT! I will endeavor to say as much as I can!
Chaos Energy is very much a real force, but it's not universal. In fact, it's pretty much localized. Very localized.
Shamdow may have been acting with Sonic for a long time, but when you're running a long-standing show, you have sets, budgets and effects that reach well into the millions. He had no real reason to question Sonic because surely, it was all just effects. (It was not, in fact, all effects)
Sonic shares some similarities with the concept of Project Shadow, but not all - most notably, he's not an alien or a robot or whatever else Shadow has gone through when trying to figure out what he is in the games. He's not the product of science, he's very much natural.
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I’ve been gone for so long but I have so much to say and idk how to say it so please be prepared for an absolute mess of an ask lol
First, I just really wanna give appreciation for Super Emeralds (The comic creator) and their dedication to THOAM. I’ve been on Tumblr for just a little more than a year at this point, and I only joined in the first place because of this comic. I got into it way back in… What was it, 2020?? 2021? And I fell in love immediately with the concept! Sonic feeling insecure about his new Werehog form? Chip being an active member of the team and a great friend?? TEAM DARK??? SONADOW DONE RIGHT?????????? Ohohoho! You can bet I was completely on board! I tried my best to comment on every page, because I just love giving positive feedback for things I enjoy, and took note of how Super Emeralds evolved their style as the years went on. I wasn’t there during the beginning, and I really wish I was, but the time I’ve spent following this fun little comic has made me feel so much appreciation not just for Super Emeralds as a person, but for the entire Sonic art community as a whole! Art is a creative endeavor, a passionate career, and sometimes it’s really hard to just. Draw. Comics are especially hard as I’ve discovered. So just… Good job to Super Emeralds for sticking around all these years and for giving us such an incredibly thought out and beloved series. And thank you.
I’ve been a bit absent from Tumblr for the last few weeks due to sickness and lack of interest so I am undoubtedly missing a page or two from the equation but OH MY GOSH. POOR SONIC. Bro wakes up from like a 2-day long nap and the first thing he sees is his little brother screaming in his face at 3AM. He’s so confused haha! I noticed he isn’t as insecure or he isn’t really freaking out as much as I assumed he would way back during the exposition pages. This is obviously due to the confusion and whiplash after waking up as his “Normal” self again, but I feel like it’s just him putting on another fascade around his friends. To an extent, at least. He isn’t aware of the new pink markings all over his body and he isn’t aware of just how worried all his friends were. All he knows is that they know about his new form and they for some reason aren’t acting weird about it, so he’s likely just playing along to make sure nobody gets overly concerned. It just seems like something he’d do. Or maybe I’m just grasping at the angst straws, idk.
Also let’s not gloss over how Omega doesn’t care that Sonic mauled him to death. Let’s not gloss over the fact that Omega clearly cares for the others because of his ignorance to Sonic’s rampage.
Yeah if you couldn’t already tell I’m a sucker for this kinda stuff-
Uhhhhh I don’t really have much else to say, honestly. Maybe I will later, but right now I’m on a time crunch so I gotta keep this all pretty concise. Thank you so so much for reading all the way through, I know this was a really really long one. And again, thanks to Super Emeralds for being able to last this long and not losing motivation for the comic. I know I would’ve given up after just 5 pages! (I actually tried to make a comic of sorts and I literally gave up after 5 pages I am not kidding.)
Aight I gotta go now bye bye!! 👋
ur gonna have a field day in 2-3 weeks depending on when u decide to go on rampage haha
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kimberlyannharts · 1 year
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Like I mentioned before, I'll be recapping AJJ's story separately from everything else, as I have so much to say about it jfkdjfd It's technically part of a larger story, so it kind of makes sense? If you're wondering why I'm doing the same for the Ranger Academy story.....uh........it's Amy Jo Johnson's (and Matt Hotson's) prologue to The Return, Re-Imagine!
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--- idk if i mentioned it before but I like the sort of mix between modern comic designs for the ogs and 90s portrayals. I do miss Kim's fuckass bob though
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--- with the full comic confirming this is meant to be a diverged show timeline that means this really is meant to be their first kiss and i'm rhghhrhghrhgrhrggrj esp with the alteration of Kim's hand placement. Francesco I owe you my life
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--- Finster agrees: men get pegged!
Also this is a minor thing but I like that Rita is visibly older here like she was on the show. comic!Rita has always been drawn younger but between MMPR/TMNT II and Mistress Vile they've really been piling on the sexy Rita fanservice lately
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--- now why did she go and kind of low-key confirm DrakkonSlayer as romantic here too. "Take your place by my side" I've heard that line before!
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--- listen dodging the Peace Conference and the Power Transfer with "wait.........we can fucking teleport, who cares if we're on the other side of the world" is the funniest way to go about it. Omega Rangers you're NOTHING
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--- damn girl no one's going to take him from you!!!!!!
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--- me @ Melissa's story: eh this is a bit over the top, like we get it, they're this super perfect romance, okay
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--- Paralleling Tommy and Kim's wedding with Zedd and Rita's is so sick slkdhlskjlsdj AJJ is an auteur
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--- OKAY SO. posting the whole page so we can discuss Once and Always 2.0 -
Jason and Rocky both being firefighters is a funny coincidence. Part of me has to wonder if both weren't originally meant to be cops but both sets of writers went with the "safer" choice. Basically a Warden Garcia situation
I know we all love Minh but Trini actually having a life beyond just being Minh's mom thank fucking god. And putting her in CONGRESS!!! Why did they give that to Zack in the special!!!!!!!!!
Billy being a scientist duh. At least this just seems like........experimental science stuff and not turning him into PR's Elon Musk
I already mentioned Trini getting the Congress job rather than Zack and I like him being a DJ!!!! It's nice to see some serious consideration given to Hip Hop Kido and love of music rather than ignoring it or making it a joke
and I know I yelled about it before but AJJ canonizing the Tomberly coach duo RHRHHRHGRHGHHGHGH i just know AJJ heard about the whole PhD in paleontology thing and went "............no??? he teaches fucking karate"
(and yay, Down Syndrome rep in Tommy's students :>)
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--- damn just like seeing classic Rita and Zedd again seeing classic Serpentera again really makes you realize the current comic incarnation uhhhhhhh sucks. Especially when they're cutting to the chase and just blowing up shit compared to how Serpentera in the comics can get messed up by uhhh a big cat jumping on its tail
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--- the way this cut happens in a page turn Amy Jo Johnson IS! AN! AUTEUR! (like legit it's awesome that you can clearly tell how she's applying her experience in directing TV and film to comic form.)
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--- and Kim/Emma I'm gonna need you to find your husband immediately you know you can't trust him to be on his own for five seconds
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The Sonic franchise did not have to go so hard exploring dynamics and types of alternate/evil versions of characters BUT THEY DID
Like some media will give you an evil version of a character and be like, "Yeah he's from a mirror dimension so he's evil *le gasp*" and that's fun and all, but there's no depth or intrigue.
And then we have Sonic.
The Sonic franchise has alternate versions of Sonic, Shadow, and other characters. We have freaking SONIC PRIME who's whole premise is exploring alternate versions of characters (beyond just Sonic) and it is absolutely AMAZING. I'm not going to go into Prime right now cuz that's another post or twenty, and I just wanna focus on how each alternate version of Sonic has their own dynamic, personality, and relationship with Sonic. I've never seen another franchise that does THIS MUCH with alternate versions.
(Long ramble and some spoilers under the cut)
To start with, we have the big one, Metal Sonic. Made by Eggman to be able to defeat Sonic. They could've just gone with a basic, "Oh look a robot version of the Main Character now they fight" and not given him any depth, but he hits HARD (without even having a voice box or mouth to show emotions or anything). The fact that he's programed TO SEE HIMSELF AS THE REAL SONIC and has to deal with that, him slowly discovering that he's not, but not being able to break free from his programming so he can create his own destiny, his father/son dynamic with Eggman but also being nothing more than a weapon to him is just MMMMMM YEESSSSSS. And the whole "Strange, isn't it?" and "There is only one Sonic" thing from the OVA is INSANE!!!!
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And there's Mecha Sonic, whose backstory I don't really know a lot about, but his arc in the Scrapnik Island miniseries is EPIC and he's showing the potential arc that Metal Sonic could have. After getting thrown away by Eggman, he finally has the chance to start over and has an epic moment that parallels the OVA lava scene.
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And then there's Shadow. He's not actually an "alternate" Sonic, he came first and has no actual connection to him. But the fact that when he shows up the first thing Sonic does is call him a faker, and his identity issues won't let him let that go. Because he has to prove he's not a fake, but is he? His memories are real, aren't they? But he remembers "dying" and he sees his own robot versions and a god of darkness taking his form and Infinite creating a fake army of hims, and he can't be a fake himself, right? He has to be the real Shadow. Cuz that name, that identity is all he has. But what is that identity? Ultimately, he is all of him. But even with all of that he still wrestles with who he is and he has to keep calling Sonic "faker" because no matter what the world still sees him as "the edgy version of Sonic," but he's not, he's so much more than that. He has his own arcs and growth and potential.
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And there's Scourge, who's the typical "evil Sonic from another dimension", who I know absolutely nothing about since I haven't really read the Archie comics yet, but I saw this panel:
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And like I don't care if he has zero other depth besides that because that IS INSANE. Sonic having to wrestle with his own potential for evil, but at the same time, Scourge's potential for good, and and it's literally just the matter of a few choices. This is the battle we all have to face within ourselves every day, even if we don't realize it.
And speaking of Sonic's potential for evil, DARK SONIC??? THE OPPOSITE OF SUPER SONIC? WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU LET THE CHAOS ENERGY FEED ON YOUR DARKNESS RATHER THAN YOUR LIGHT??? and I know it's only one scene but oh my goodness!!! Cuz yes, your best traits can become your greatest weakness, and loving your friends can turn into doing unspeakable horrors if someone hurts them, and maybe the person that has to bring you back to yourself is your arch-enemy, because they of all people know who you really are and that if you fighting from righteous motives is undefeatable, you fighting from RAGE is noting short of terrifying.
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And Surge from IDW, whose arc is literally called IMPOSTER SYNDROME??? Again, created to be the Anti-Sonic, to be the one who can finally take him down. And she knows she's not the real Sonic and doesn't want to be, and she knows the only reason she hates Sonic is because her abuser gaslit and hypnotized her into hating him, but she can't escape that programming any more than Metal can. And maybe she doesn't have a reason to hate Sonic but she'll create one because she literally has to have a reason, and maybe she's not the real Sonic but he's the only reason she exists, and he's the only reason she went through all the suffering she went through. And no I can't reach for your hand pulling me to safety because that would be admitting that I don't really have a reason hate you, that I can't escape without your help, that your philosophy of giving villains a second chance is valid.
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Anyways that was a lot of rambling but UGH it all just so good and intense and the depth and effort in this franchise is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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dovahkiin796 · 26 days
Sonic X Godzilla
Ok, hear me out. We had Super Sonic vs Titans.
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But what about Super Sonic vs... THESE Titans?
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It's no secret Sonic IDW will be getting a crossover soon, but we just don't know what franchise the comic will be crossing over with. People want it to be Dragon Ball however I doubt that. There has to be a super contrived explanation as to why Sonic won't get killed by Goku from a single punch. No matter how much Goku is holding back. The point of these crossovers is to have the heroes fight each other over a misunderstanding and Sonic is NOWHERE near Goku's level.
I think IDW will try a crossover with an IP they already have the license to, or one they know they can get without much effort. Godzilla would be the easiest IP I think they can crossover with as DC had done it recently and even IDW had done a Godzilla crossover with the Power Rangers in the past.
I know the image above is the Legendary versions of Godzilla, Kong, Mecha Godzilla, and King Ghidorah. But I think Legendary won't be that stubborn for IDW to acquire the license for their versions of the giant monsters. At best they could get Godzilla and Kong. IDW will probably also have to reach out to Toho as Legendary is basically renting the King of the Monsters.
But if anything, I think IDW would most likely use a different era of Godzilla to fight Sonic. But imagine it for a second.
Super Sonic fighting against Legendary-Godzilla would be the coolest thing ever. For this to work I think Sonic and maybe Tails, would find themselves in the Monsterverse with Sonic probably already in this Super form. Godzilla, who tries to maintain balance of the Earth, would sense Super Sonic's presence and awake from his slumber to deal with this disturbance in nature.
Whatever city the two Mobians found themselves in, Godzilla would arrive and cause classic city destruction in order to kill Sonic and restore balance. Godzilla wouldn't go down so easily, and Super Sonic can't be hurt. It's basically a stalemate match till the eventual de-transformation of Super Sonic.
Sonic, knowing he can't fight Godzilla like this, would run away with Tails in tow. This is also done to minizine the destruction of the city. It would then turn into the classic "Gather all the Chaos Emeralds" kind of adventure. But no matter where they go Godzilla is always right behind them. As Godzilla would be using the portals that connect both the surface and Hollow Earth to get to wherever Sonic currently is. Much to their surprise as to them the giant lizard should always be hundreds of miles behind.
I'm sure eventually the pair would learn about Hollow Earth and with Tails' Miles Electric would detect the last Chaos Emerald is down there. Though the biggest question is would Sonic and Tails sneak into a Monarch base to steal one of their H.E.A.V.s to get there without getting crushed by the gravity? Or would they reveal themselves to Monarch?
Regardless they find themselves in Hollow Earth and I can picture Sonic loving it down there. Virtually all the room he wants to run at high speeds and dodging the giant wildlife. Tails would also love it because he would want to know how such an ecosystem can exist below the Earth's crust.
Eventually they would run into Kong himself. The giant ape would definitely be curious about these two strange creatures he has never seen before. And to make it even more interesting, unbeknownst to Kong the last Chaos Emerald embedded itself into his axe. Next would come the obligatory Godzilla vs Kong fight.
Kong would use his axe and to his surprise when he goes for a swing and misses Godzilla. A slash of energy shoots out of it. That's when Sonic and Tails realize where the last emerald is.
Now during this whole thing, I never mentioned a villain. Obviously, there would be an original Titan made for this crossover. And of course, we need Dr. Eggman and since he can't help himself. He would release this Titan from its slumber or imprisonment to use it against Sonic and then use it to conquer his world.
And like how it always happens, Eggman loses control of the Titan and Super Sonic, Godzilla, and Kong team up to defeat it.
That's basically my idea for a crossover with this version of Godzilla. It's not perfect and probably won't happen. But I can still dream. Whatever the franchise they choose to crossover with. I'll still be surprised by it.
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descendant-of-truth · 2 years
Pre-Release Sonic Frontiers Things
The dead silence regarding the next mainline game between the release of Forces in 2017 and the teaser for Frontiers in 2021
The game being leaked as far back as July 2020 and again in January 2021 without anyone realizing it
The “Unstoppable” trailer for Sonic’s 30th anniversary showing a 2 second clip of Sonic running that’s never been seen before and the wild guessing about what it was
Some people thought it was for a new game, others thought it was for the Sonic Colors remake that was leaked earlier, and some thought it was for an Adventure remake
The first teaser giving us zero context for anything about the game, only showing Sonic running through a forest with some cool particle effects and some random symbols
Everyone clamoring to figure out what the symbols meant, some saying it looked like the word “up,” some saying it looked like the word “zap,” and still others joking that it was shaped like a gun
“Shadow the Hedgehog 2” trending on twitter for some reason
People datamining the video and finding text that read “PS/Rangers” and “Time_Warp_sfx”
“Well you see if you rotate the symbols like this, they look like they could be a part of a Sonic Rangers logo”
All of this happening on the same day
Another round of mostly-dead silence and rumors before the absolute eruption in June of 2022
Day One: we get 7 minutes of Sonic running around the first island aimlessly and most people on YouTube tear it apart. Day Two: we get another six minutes of Sonic fighting random enemies for a while, and YouTube is slowly starting to warm up to it. Day Three(?): we get an early review for the game from IGN, and to many people’s surprise, it’s quite positive.
Day ???: A Nintendo Direct gives us the first actually well-marketed trailer for the game so far and public reception is going way up as more people are realizing just how much previous marketing was affecting the game’s perception
The return of “it’s GOTTA be good or else Sonic will die” only with even more fear after Forces
Like genuinely I cannot emphasize enough the amount of people wanting to be hyped but being held back by intense dread because of Forces (and other 2010s games usually)
The uproar over them reusing the Forces model for Sonic
“Sonic of the Colossus” jokes
The hype reaching a breaking point as we finally get a story-based trailer; people were losing their minds over big things like the new villain and Sonic’s arm glitching out, along with small things like Sonic actually using his eyebrows to emote in-game for the first time since approximately 2008
Theorists bursting at the seams with all the new content, Sonamy fans also bursting at the seams because those two haven’t meaningfully interacted in a While, people being terrified for Tails because at this point we’ve only seen Amy and Knuckles
The “Assimilated Sonic” trend, where people drew all sorts of interpretations for what would happen if the corruption on Sonic’s arm spread to the rest of him
The evolution of the Assimilated Sonic trend, where upon finding out you can go Super Sonic early in the game, people made designs for a potential new, stronger form (with varying degrees of glitchy aesthetics)
People tearing apart the cyberspace stages by pointing out reused level design (not just locations, though they also didn’t like that)
Everyone loving the ending theme “Vandalize” but the mixed reactions involved when people found out there was an explicit version (not used in the game itself of course)
“Can we have a Chao Garden this time?” “No. Have a Koco.” “...can we have a Koco Garden then–” “NO”
Tailstube being relevant on at least one occasion, possibly two
The prologue comic being posted in two parts despite very obviously being a single chapter
The prologue animation being posted a week before release and everyone collectively screaming “KNUCKLES!!!” and “NEW LORE???”
A few people getting their hands on it pretty much the next day and creating a whole new swarm of leaks for people to avoid (I heard one guy was even streaming it on twitch but I can’t confirm this)
And finally, it being released a day before God of War: Ragnarok and thus creating new friendly competition, in a similar vein to last time with Mario Odyssey
Edit: People were also very excited about the Big fishing minigame, but more importantly, we were CONVINCED that Sonic and/or his friends were going to have amnesia as a major part of the plot so a lot of pre-release content was about that specifically
The reason for this was that someone found, I believe it was a set of pitches for Sonic games, and the one that seemed the most like Frontiers mentioned Sonic having amnesia - not to mention the fact you collect things called "Memory Tokens" in the game to save Sonic's friends
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grizzlyofthesea · 2 years
Some ROTTMNT Headcanons
These are just some ideas I've come up with for fun. I may update this post as I form headcanons for more characters. Or, since it's already so long, I'll make new ones for each set of characters.
If you have any you'd like to share, feel free to comment!
DOB: December 1st, 2003
Bisexual as all heck, with a slight preference for men
Cis guy; pronouns are he/him
Undiagnosed autism; flew under everyone's radar since he's high-empathy and masks pretty well
Lashes out when overstimulated; worst case scenario, can destroy a lot of stuff in a little time
Favorite sibling order: April, Mikey, Leo, Donnie
Very good at sewing
Has amassed a collection of over 50 teddy bears, some of which are vintage and/or rare
OBSESSED with professional wrestling
Surprisingly knowledgeable about classic horror movie monsters
Loves 80s fashion
Wears that x-shaped bandage on his plastron all the time to cover up a huge childhood scar
Has a habit of chewing on stuff when stressed
Doesn't have a social media account, but supports all of his siblings' endeavors
DOB: October 21st, 2004
Gay as all heck; Don Suave was his awakening
Cis guy; pronouns are he/him
Will fight anyone who tries to exclude his family from pride events
Undiagnosed ADHD; didn't really draw attention since it's inattentive-type
Tends to zone out during conversations, even ones that interest him
Favorite sibling order: Mikey, April, Raph, Donnie
Loves 90s fashion and pop culture
Jupiter Jim may be his favorite comic book hero, but he loves comics in general.
Also a huge anime geek, with his personal favorites being Sailor Moon, Sonic X, and JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
Quite famous on TikTok as sketch comedian/"cosplayer" N30n_L30n
Totally abuses his teleportation powers to go on free outings/vacations
The undisputed king of April Fool's Day
Really wants a pet bearded dragon
DOB: December 25th, 2004
Splinter and Leo always do the whole "This is your birthday gift and your Christmas gift" thing to him. He hates it.
Aroace and/or fictoromantic asexual as all heck (goes back and forth between the labels)
Nonbinary as all heck; pronouns are he/him and they/them
Diagnosed with autism at around 3 years old
Super sensitive to texture and temperature
Favorite sibling order: April, Mikey, Raph, Leo
Has built a backup tech-bô in case another Krang situation happens
Did their own laser eye surgery when they were 11 so Leo would stop teasing them about looking nerdy
Thinks cryptocurrency and NFTs are stupid
April has dragged him into the insanity of the FNAF fandom, and now he won't stop talking about the crazy lore.
Runs a gaming/science experiment YouTube channel as Bootyyyshaker9000; doesn't have many viewers or subscribers, but loves to make videos anyway
Monster High is their guilty pleasure
Treats S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and the P.S.D.D. (Personal Slumber Defensive Device) as his beloved sons
DOB: March 16th, 2005
Polyromantic demisexual as all heck
Cis dude; pronouns are he/him
Diagnosed with combined-type ADHD at around 5 years old
Releases a lot of his energy through his art
Favorite sibling order: Leo, Donnie, April, Raph
Loves glow sticks, fairy lights, and other luminescent decorations
Runs a surprisingly popular art/baking Pinterest account as Flavorville; also considering extending to Tumblr
Obsessed with horoscopes, and kind of into some new-age spiritual stuff
Unironically loves the Twilight saga
Chose to decorate his plastron with stickers because they're easy to switch out if he ever wants a change of aesthetic
Dr. Delicate Touch is his response to being ignored/talked over as the "baby" of the family.
Did most of the graffiti in the lair
Owns Heelys, but can't figure them out for the life of him
DOB: May 11th, 2002
Basically Splinter's adopted daughter/the turtles' adopted sister despite both of her biological parents still being present in her life
Lesbian as all heck
Trans girl; pronouns are she/her
Still has a spiritual connection to Karai and some leftover powers from the Season 2 finale
Favorite sibling order: Donnie, Raph, Mikey, Leo
Admires Warren Stone for his confidence on camera and sharp fashion sense
Avid indie horror fan; especially applies to FNAF, DDLC, and Fran Bow
Loves extreme sports, especially whitewater kayaking
Regularly visits the Hidden City with Sunita
Won't touch most formalwear with a thirty nine-and-a-half-foot pole
Gets special treatment (i.e. actual high-quality meals) from Baron Draxum at school
Helps Todd with the puppies every weekend
Often uses the special hover bike battle shell that Donnie built for her to stand on his back and T-pose on the others
DOB: April 24th, 1955
Pansexual as all heck
Neurotypical, but neurodiversity runs in his family
Got Donnie and Mikey to a doctor for official diagnoses through his superb disguise skills (see: average teenage boy Randall)
Still not entirely trusting of Baron Draxum, but begrudgingly accepts him as a second parental figure for the turtles
Favorite child order: April, Raph, Mikey, Donnie, Leo
Runs a moderately famous TikTok account as Randall; likes to troll Leo in his comments, but it's ultimately loving/playful banter.
ADORES Studio Ghibli films
Chose the turtles' bandana colors by spinning a wheel
Became shorter over the years as a side effect of the ooze/mutagen causing his DNA to more closely resemble that of a rat
Originally wanted to be an opera singer before he discovered his passion for acting
Taught Leo how to dab
Basically a father figure/cool uncle to Cassandra
Still keeps in touch with Piebald
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scruffyplayssonic · 1 year
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 52: "Rashomon" homage
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon! So hey, let me ask you something. Have you ever been with a group of friends, and telling someone about this funny thing that once happened to you, only for someone else to say, “No no no, that’s not how it happened. Let me tell you how it really went down…” You’ve all been there, right? Of course you have, we all have, don’t be lying! And guess what? Sonic has been there too!
Episode 52: "Rashomon" homage 
Inspired by the film of the same name, the Rashomon homage is almost always a source of comedic shenanigans!
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One such example is the Sonic Boom episode, “Fire in a Crowded Workshop,” which had a fire break out in Tails’ workshop (hence the clever name), and Sonic, Amy and Knuckles all disagreeing about how it happened and re-telling the story from their own points of view. We also got a bit of a Rashomon influence in the first Sonic Adventure, as all the characters had interconnected stories that slightly differed from each other’s perspectives.
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This was mostly seen in the form of slightly different dialogue in each character’s story when they met another playable character. It also changed the outcome of the fight between Sonic and Gamma, depending on who you were playing as at the time.
Of course, we also saw this a couple of times in ArchieSonic. The best example is from the first Sonic Kids super special, in a story called “Total Re: Genesis.”
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Uncle Chuck contacted a slightly beaten-up Sonic, Sally and Antoine to ask them what had just happened to them. The three explained that they’d come across one of Robotnik’s old deactivated combots, which had turned out to not be as deactivated as they’d thought. Sally, Antoine and Sonic all took turns explaining how the battle had gone down, each of them disagreeing with each others’ perspectives and claiming to have defeated the robot by themselves. I think this was done quite well, as each perspective was drawn by a different artist to help further express that all three characters had experienced the battle differently. It was pretty clear that none of them was an entirely reliable narrator though:
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Sally’s story was probably the most plausible, except that it featured Sonic saying, “Homina homina homina,” and then he and Antoine got knocked out.
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Antoine claimed instead that it had been Sally and Sonic who had been knocked out, and he’d gotten into an epic duel of blades with the combot to protect his friends.
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And Sonic said that no one got knocked out, but a starstruck Sally had begged him to save them. In the end Uncle Chuck got fed up and hacked into satellite footage to find out what actually did happen, and it turned out to be a combination of all three of their stories.
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All they needed to achieve maximum cheesiness in this story was to have Sonic sing that teamwork makes the dreamwork…
…eh, close enough. Same voice actor.
A lesser example of a Rashomon homage (Sort of? Kind of? Maybe not really?) came in the original Knuckles mini-series where the origins of the Floating Island and Enerjak were re-told three times. This really started to get repetitive and annoying when you consider that Knuckles had already told us the whole tale (as he’d been told years ago by his father) when he was talking to himself in the backup stories of Sonic #34 - 36.
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Knuckles repeated himself (while talking to himself again) in the first issue of the Knuckles mini-series…
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…Archimedes told it again to Knuckles in issue #2…
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…and Enerjak man-splained it to Knuckles and Archimedes again in issue #3.
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So why don’t I think this one really counts as a Rashomon homage? Mostly because the story is almost exactly the same from all three perspectives, despite Knuckles’ claim that he’d needed to see the story from all three perspectives to be able to figure out how to beat Enerjak.
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Yes, that’s right Knuckles - you beat Enerjak. 😛
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Still, it is true that Archimedes’ version of the story revealed that the fire ants had been a lot more involved in events than Knuckles had realised. And I guess you could also argue that Enerjak’s version of the story revealed his arrogance, which could have given Knuckles the idea to goad him into fighting without using his phenomenal cosmic power before Locke confined him to an itty bitty living space. In space. I dunno. I don’t think the differences are enough to count it as a Rashomon homage, but it’s worth mentioning at least - if for no other reason than to take another shot at Ken Penders’ dumb writing. xD
There was one other Rashomon homage planned for ArchieSonic, but sadly the series was cancelled before it could be published.
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The Sonic wiki confirms that issue #294 was intended to adapt the SegaSonic the Hedgehog game in flashback form. From the solicitation:
“Sonic reminisces with his buddies Mighty and Ray, but Sonic and Mighty disagree on how they met. Can their friendship survive their egos’ revisions?”
Ian also confirmed this when he guest starred on the ArchieSonic Digest podcast:
“I do remember one story that was slated right before everything ended was a kind of Rashomon-style story where Sonic, Ray and Mighty reminisced on their escape from Eggman Island, which would have been the SegaSonic Arcade retroactive story.”
It’s a real shame we never got to see this issue. I’ve brought up some of the other previously planned issues that were never released due to the series cancellation before, but in most of those cases we at least got to see some of the unfinished art for them. This one apparently wasn’t even that far along in development when ArchieSonic was axed, so to my knowledge the two covers shown in the official solicitation are all that publicly exist of this cancelled issue. I would have loved to have read this one, especially as SegaSonic is one of those few Sonic games that never got a re-release in any form and has largely been lost to time.
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Darnit SEGA, we want a SegaSonic the Hedgehog remake! …and by “we” I mean “me.” 😛 I get that the trackball mechanic of that game makes it difficult to emulate, but why not rebuild it from the ground up? The fans would pay for it - Mighty and Ray’s inclusion in Sonic Mania Plus shows that the interest is there. And while you’re at it, SEGA, how about re-releasing Knuckles’ Chaotix and Sonic Shuffle too? Just because they’re not the best Sonic games doesn’t mean there’s no interest in them!
…what was I talking about again? Oh right, Rashomon homages. But that’s all I’ve got for you today. Did I miss any other Rashomon homages in ArchieSonic? Let me know in the comments! Next time will be an interesting episode, as I’ll be looking at the “Henchman joins heroes for one time only,” trope! See you then!
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chromaji · 2 years
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oh i really like how this scene looks… shadow & rouge look really nice here, and the nice sunset background… there’s also a slight texture over the characters i think? i like it.
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Also it was funny recognizing this shadow face from that “it must suck teleporting with adhd” “how the FUCK did i end up in nevada” post. i’d been wondering where the images used there was from.
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anyway i like that Shadow at least acknowledged that he, yanno, kinda fucked up a bit there. But really the whole metal virus arc was so “everything is happening so much” that it was like. bro they had to bust out the chaos emeralds & super forms to gaslight gatekeep girlboss their way out of this one hgkgh.
Like as cool as it was to see Super Silver after so long, the arc felt weird once it reached that point where Tails ALMOST had a solution and it just got blown up. Maybe im a lil biased towards Tails but it would’ve been cool to have an “eggman and tails are on an even level— eggman made the virus but tails engineers the cure” moment. A moment for them to be pitted against each other as geniuses even if not throwing hands in mechs. Then again im not sure how they’d spread the hypothetical cure around the world WITHOUT something like the super forms or some machine that would likely take a while to build… ehh, i’m sure some quick solution would’ve been figured out.
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well anyway back to this scene, Shadow says this, which I’m assuming is either him deciding he’s gonna try and look for Sonic because he owes him one, or him saying “I DID owe him one… until he disappeared. Now what?”. Idk, the meaning of this line kinda has me stumped, but the meanings I had in mind could go hand-in-hand. Like… “I owe Sonic, but he’s gone. Should I look for him? He’s capable enough to find his way back, but…” ???
Anyway, the infamous metal virus arc… yeah I liked it well enough, just felt like things were getting a bit too stacked once they introduced the deadly six and needing to get the chaos emeralds instead of my goat Tails being able to do his thing. And you know… Shadow suddenly losing common sense to prove himself as superior to someone who’s already run off in issue 19 like come on now. My brother in christ, are you fr doing this in the middle of a zombie movie? I understand him feeling like he’d be immune to a virus, as he was created to be immune to illnesses n such as the Ultimate Lifeform. That’s one thing. But that whole part coulda been executed better…
And sidenote i really liked that Metal Sonic side-comic as a whole, but especially where he doesn’t get infected by the virus & just… stands there. Like there’s either a lot going on in his mind or he’s too stunned to have any thoughts. I’ve always liked Metal but smth about that side comic is bumping him up.
this kinda turned into a review of the arc I didnt even mean to do that lmao. idk when i’ll pick back up on idw, but im assuming there’s one or two more complete arcs before the current ongoing arc (which i think is at issue 53 at the time of writing this??), and i usually like to read arcs of things once its all released… eh i’ll figure it out
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rooftop--runner · 2 years
Since some time has passed and since I actually have time to make this post, I’m just gonna list some of the thoughts I’ve had as I went through the game so far because I have way to many thoughts. Then I’ll probably just post as I go along with the game after this.
Spoilers for Sonic Frontiers under the cut for the majority of the first island (since that’s how far I’ve gotten). I’ll be rambling a LOT:
Just from opening up the game the main menu looks so pretty…
Sonic’s voice is way deeper, which I’m not used to, but I think the voice acting as a whole so far from every character sounds better than it has so I I don’t mind the deeper voice at all
In the first cutscene of the open zone they’re actually showing little mannerisms and fidgeting that Sonic does and I’m LOVING the attention to the little details
The writing and dialogue already seems better than it has been
They mapped the homing attack to its own button and not just the jump button, which makes sense because of the combat system, but it’s just weird because I’m not used to it. NOT BAD just interesting (I think it’s the first time they did that since unleashed)
I feel like Sonic is a lot easier to control then usual in terms of play forming, and the double jump is actually USEFUL for once (idk if anyone else feels that way, I just don’t like the double jump of most of the games, I prefer the little boost forward in the air)
I really like that they let you practice certain moves and combos in the loading screens. It’s a nice little touch!
I seriously can’t stop myself from exploring every square inch of the map
They were not lying when they said the full boost is FAST
I honestly thought I would end up thinking the combat is boring but I’m having fun with it! (I’m just not the type of person that likes fighting games and stuff like that)
I love the fact that there’s a day and night cycle, and the sunrise and sunset looks so PRETTY, especially when it reflects off the water OUGH. I when it’s nighttime you can hear the crickets and bugs and stuff in the background I love stuff like that
Of course the day and night cycle means there’s ANOTHER Sonic game where Sonic doesn’t sleep (except for when he literally gets KNOCKED OUT by the titan, oof)
Speaking of the titan I just like the way they made you try to fight it (unsuccessfully) for the first time. I thought that part was pretty cool (and surprisingly cinematic)
OH so the corruption thing in Sonic’s arm comes from when he freed Amy from that capsule! So he’s essentially going to be hurting himself more and more in order to free his friends :( (even though he said he felt like he got a little boost from it, which could lead to a new super form?)
The koco that Amy’s helping is non-binary??
Why do the kocos have bombs?? Why did two of them just die??? (even Sonic and Amy were disturbed by that)
Although I do think there is something weird going on with the kocos, it is pretty cute how they gather around you while your in the options or after you die
OBSESSED with the dance Sonic does after the getting the chaos emeralds from the kocos
I saw the screenshot being passed around but after seeing it for myself I can’t believe Sonic and Sage really are the same height lol
I like the added detail of the nighttime only puzzles (it kind of reminds me of unleashed)
After watching the cutscene of Sonic and Amy talking about the chaos emeralds I think the chaos emeralds were absolutely made by the ancients
They brought back those quick time event launcher things from unleashed!
I like Big’s voice in this game! Also was not expecting the pretty much lofi music when you go fishing??
The fact that they put so much effort into the fishing is amazing to me. And the supper intense closeup shot of Sonic they always showed in the trailers was just for when you catch a fish???
Overall, loving this game so far, way more than I thought I would initially
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pico-digital-studios · 9 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: Zonic the Zone Cop
Replaces: Max Borne / Spider-Man 2211 Origin: Sonic's Archie Comics
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"So, think about this, in a way. You've heard HIS talk about a supposed way of doing things, right? Now, you have a choice. A choice between saving someone truly special to you, or saving a world. EVERY world if we're talking on a grander scale. Now, look, I'm not trying to force you to choose here. Nobody can. But what would you personally prioritise, if forced into it?"
If the multiverse was like a super-tall, multi-layered sandwich with each layer representing a unique take on reality, then a special multiversal agency known as the Zone Cops are the huge toothpick keeping it all together.
Zonic here is Sonic's counterpart from No Zone (Dimension ZONE-0000) around the centre of the Sonic multiverse. As a Zone Cop, he carries a responsibility to monitor all realities and maintain balance between each of the different universes, dubbed "Zones" in the sub-universe he's connected to.
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(Original sprite work by khalifax10 and neo2k)
As such, he has seen and been responsible for various goings-on in the Archie portion of the Sonic multiverse, such as the incident with Universalamander, numerous clashes with Scourge, and the whole Giant Borg incident in Dimension UG-1999. He made his presence known while helping speed up sending Dr. Ivanna Robotina back to the Luna Zone (or Dimension ZONE-SM-1992).
Considering the line of work he has to do, Zonic is notably more serious than most of his other counterparts, being focused on doing what's right for the multiverse. Another thing to note is that, in most dimensions outside his own, Zonic, alongside other Zone Cops, are at a 90° angle a lot of the time.
Amongst things, he cleared Archie!Sonic's name when framed for insulting someone in Litigopolis (Dimension ZONE-LAW-2000), got Scourge captured numerous times, and helped clean things up after Scourge and the Destructix made their escape, hoping they stayed put in their universe.
At one point, the Quill Society began to be formed with EV!Sonic and Tekno taking the lead, as an act to help keep the multiverse stable. Zonic was happy to engage, at least in the interests of sorting out any villains that might've been running amok. As such, he's usually one of the main crew dispatched to round up any villains that have been displaced from their own universes.
His more serious attitude is lampshaded by his fellow Quill Society colleagues, but it's not anywhere near as bad as Lost Memory Sonic's cold and calculating nature. That said, Zonic has been shown to be as silly as the others on occasion, like a form of buffy speak he uses when trying to get E-21 to explain more about the expanded universe (dubbing it the "universal-explainy thing"), or admitting his terminology for the expanded universe (The "Special-Extravagant-Galactic-spAce Vast Multiverse") isn't much better than the simple SEGAVerse abbreviation.
I had decided that Zonic inherits those more comedic traits from Miguel, despite his serious nature, seeing as how Lost Memory Sonic is more of a no-nonsense villain in Many More Heroes. In addition, thanks to Gust Planet's special properties, Zonic is able to float at the regular gravity he experiences in No Zone.
When OMT!Tails rats out LM!Sonic for what he had been doing, Zonic is mostly neutral on the factor, but decides on a majority vote to decide his course of action. Many of his Quill Society allies agree that strict paths don't make a hero, though CR!Sonic and OMT!Mina are the only two present that feel that some of them might well be crucial either way. Still, doesn't stop them and CR!Sonia from helping fend off LM!Sonic's assault.
After all is said and done, Zonic seals away Crimtake's leftover energy in, fittingly, a blue pendrive to go with any other code-based entities that have been captured, such as Villains!X. He was also responsible for sending LM!Sonic back to his universe after the crimes he had committed, letting EV!Sonic and MV!Tails give their warnings before he did his job.
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