doodlebloo · 11 months
Sorryguys for my Moment there. Human by Dodie came on shuffle. You know how it is
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lucydacusgirl · 11 months
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aprilcolours · 2 months
blackheart- part four
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part one - part two - part three
A/N: warning: there is smut in this chapter!! A lot!! be warned!! s*x ahoy!! p*nsises and whatnot!! I’ve also started doing valyrian translations underneath the line bc there is a lot, and i'm taking liberties w black aly being witchy bc i wanna and its Cool
The night was young as they set out across the marshes, their horses galloping through mud and muck. 
Benjicot led the way on a black mare, their dark hair almost disappearing into the night. Just behind him rode Visenya, on a white-gray stallion. He had laughed when she picked it. 
She had changed into her favorite dress: a deep red gown with a scooping neckline, beaded and encrusted in rubies. It was odd to see her finery against the wild landscape. 
They rode North to his keep, their purpose known only to them. Vermithor remained behind, so none were the wiser as they secreted away. 
Raventree Hall was certainly not the largest castle she had ever seen, nowhere near as imposing as her home on Dragonstone. It had, however, a quiet grandeur, a dignity that spoke to ages long past and kings long dead. 
Entering into the central palisade, despite the late hour, servants immediately began rushing about, lighting braziers, making preparations for the liege-lord’s arrival.
“Maester Daris!” Benjicot called up into the hall. 
“So the rumors are true,” a woman’s voice rang out. In a doorway stood a tall thin woman with long dark curling waves of hair. She had a strange look about her, a bird-like turn to her features. 
The archer, Visenya thought, a witch they say. Black Aly, she is called. 
“The rumors of the Riverland’s witches?” Visenya replied, hair loose about her, but face impassive. The woman laughed with a nod, and bowed. Benjicot interceded to introduce, 
“My aunt, Alysanne Blackwood. And this is—”
“A princess who needs no introduction from you,” the strange woman interrupted, stepping into the foyer. “Go find the maester then,” she said, touching her nephew’s arm in reassurance. Benjicot glanced once between the women, before stepping up the stairs to wake the maester. 
“An honor, your highness,” Aly began, a cautious tilt to her words. “Would I be remiss in congratulating the joining of our houses?” 
“You would not, Lady Alysanne,” Visenya responded, her tone polite and unbothered. It was clear the other woman was sizing her up, assessing her, so she did not squirm. 
“The ceremony is to be held here? Now?”
“It is,” she replied simply, daring the elder to question her.
“You will honor our ways then I presume,” Black Aly stated, with a jut of her defiant chin. “A dragon’s maidenhead is a mighty sacrifice to the Old Ones, and I’m sure we will want all the divine favor we can manage for the war ahead.” 
The Riverlander witch spoke quietly, so their words were only theirs, but Visenya did not mistake the steel in her voice. 
My mother will rule these people, whoever their gods. And so she inclined her head in acquiesce. 
The ceremony was small, in the yard outdoors beneath the giant dead Weirwood tree: the maester to speak the words, Alysanne to provide a relative’s blessing, and them. 
He passed his family cloak over her shoulders, clasping it at her collarbone. The weight was comforting. 
When the Riverlanders finished their ritual however, Visenya asked for a cup of wine and a dagger. 
She raised the dagger to her lower lip and cut it, as she had seen her mother once do. She took a pull from the goblet of wine and then passed them both to Ben. He wore a slight smile as he mimicked her, slicing his own lower lip and drinking. The Valyrian ceremony was sealed with a kiss. 
Black Aly and the Maester wore twin bewildered expressions, but they witnessed the second ceremony all the same. Then they took their leave, walking back up the cobblestone path to the castle proper.
And they were suddenly, blisteringly, alone. 
Visenya’s eyes were wide in nerves, and something else stirring low and tumultuous in her gut, pupils blown open. She had always been able to maintain some small shred of composure around the subject of Bloody Benjicot Blackwood, but here and now she was stripped bare of all of it. She knew what came next and it frightened and excited her in equal measure. Here she could not be the princess, the commander, the dragon rider. 
Here, in this torchlight, beneath the grasping unknowable branches of the dead Weirwood, she was just a girl. 
She bit her lip nervously, and more blood from the slice beaded through. Benjicot lifted a hand to her face, thumb drawing across her full lower lip and smearing the blood across her chin. 
“What troubles you, wife?” he asked, voice so low it was barely a mutter. His eyes caught a flicker of the torchlight and flashed like a wild animal’s.
“Your gods are strange,” she breathed, trying like always to gain some control of the situation.
“Aye,” he chuckled. “So are yours.” Benjicot’s eyes softened then, the viscous gleam undercut by something else— something she did not dare name. He moved his hand to the back of her neck and palmed it gently. 
“We need not do this here, if you find it displeasing,” he offered, his other hand slipping to her lower back to toy with the laces of her dress. 
She considered it: a warm bed or the cool misty ground around her. 
And she kissed him. 
The cloak fell from her shoulders first. Then the tunic off his chest. Then his fingers tangled in the laces of her dress finally gave way. She may have heard some ripping and though it was her favorite dress, he was suddenly kissing at her neck, and she couldn’t be bothered to care. He licked along her jaw and down to the juncture of the shoulder and bit down, hard. She gasped loudly, breath misting in the night air. He passed over the bite with his tongue to soothe the ache and she shivered. 
Finally, the gown slid away, and Visenya stood nude before him. She wanted badly to cover her breasts but she dared not balk. I am a dragon for gods’ sake, she thought, and so she stood straight backed, silver hair loose and tumbling over one shoulder. 
He slid his hand down her neck and to her breast, peaked against the cold. He fell to his knees, hands sliding down her frame as he went. 
He kneeled for a moment before her, as if he worshiped at her altar. She ran a hand gently through his hair. 
Then he kissed at her navel, at her hip, and finally at her core. 
He licked into her, and this too, he did like a drowning man. She gasped, and breathed, and gasped again at the foreign sensations, so strong and new, as they rocked her body. While he sucked and tongued at her center, one hand crept up to her breasts again. He pinched one nipple, rolling it in his fingers, and it was all suddenly too much—overwhelming. She called out a gasping warning, hands gripped tight against his head, before her climax rang through her like lightning. 
Her spine shot straight, back arched up to the night sky, before she folded to the ground, her head and waist caught in his hands so he could lower her carefully. 
Safely laid against the ground, Visenya caught her breath. It seemed as if the world had shifted and she was now trying to find her way back to it. Blinking her eyes clear, she noticed the Blackwood above her, watching. His eyes were unfathomably dark. 
She glanced down quickly and noticed the straining bulge against his trousers. All feelings of trepidation gone, only bliss and quiet satiety left in their wake, she reached a hand down to pull at his belt. 
“Are you sure my lady,” he breathed, a grin slashing across his flushed cheeks. “More?” 
She aimed for her signature raised brow, though she felt so content she doubted she could manage it. He laughed all the same, kneeling back for a moment to undo his belt. 
He pulled his trousers down and his manhood sprung loose, arced with a curve that looked nigh painful. 
Visenya bit her lip again. Emboldened by the pleasure still quivering through her body, she reached a hand to it and ran a thumb across its beaded tip. It was then his turn to shiver. 
They kissed languidly, unhurried, as he situated himself above her, her legs parting naturally to bracket him. They fit together well, slotting into place with a long pull of tongue against tongue. She tasted herself on him. 
His manhood teased at her entrance, before slowly inching forward with a rock of his hips. She could hear a whining-moaning noise. Distantly, she was aware it was her. In tiny increments he sheathed himself fully, pushed to the hilt. The feeling was momentarily so intense that neither dared move, foreheads resting together. 
She was so full, every pleasured nerve drawn taught in the fullness. It was perfect and also agony. So she whined, kicking her heel at his back for him to move. 
He buried a moan into her neck, and obliged. 
They rocked together, slow at first but quickly building pace. The electricity began to arc up her spine once more and she clenched her thighs in warning. As she came, the reverberations of her body ripped his climax from him as well, in a stuttering, heaving, sort of groan. 
They lay together for a long while, and the blood and seed fed the earth beneath the tree. 
They returned to the war camp that night, nearly as the dawn broke, exhausted but happy. He lingered at her tent, hesitant to part. She gave a soft private smile. 
“You may stay. If you like,” she offered. He simply nodded his own small smile back, too content to be the biting grin he usually wore. 
After too few hours of rest, Visenya and Benjicot rose and dressed for the council. They traded lazy kisses in the golden light of morning. 
The morning, like always, brought news. 
Caraxes had landed nearby. 
Her father stood, posture as familiar and straight backed as her own, at the council table as she approached. His dragon helm was tucked beneath one arm. The other lords eyed him warily, speaking to each other in hushed tones. 
Visenya did not falter, striding into place next to him with her chin held high. Benjicot stood behind her a few paces, defensively guarding her rear flank. 
“Kepa,” she greeted. 
Daemon flicked his eyes to hers, they were ringed with dark circles. 
“Olvie ēza arlinnon ziry vestragon,” he rumbled, voice rasping. 
Much has changed it seems. 
Something is different in him, she noticed. Her father carried a weariness he had not before his time at Harrenhal. She inclined her head in a gesture of respect. 
“Eman won ērinnon rȳ se Qelbria,” she proclaimed.
I have won victories across the Riverlands. 
She gestured at the pieces on the board and continued, “Eman gūrogon hāre sombāzmion sīr tolmiot.”
I have taken three castles so far. 
He nodded slightly, and she paused to take a slight breath before she continued, “Eman gūrogon iā valzȳrys hae sȳrī.”
I have taken a husband as well.
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superiorsturgeon · 7 months
Ren: *visiting with Arkos couple after a fight with Nora*
Ren: *sighs* Thank you again for letting me come by on such short notice, Jaune…I just…needed some space from Nora right now…
Jaune: *doing dishes after dinner while Pyrrha plays with Arkos kiddos in the living room* Hey, it’s no problem! The twins love when their favorite uncle visits! *pauses awkwardly* We can set up the pull-out bed after I finish, if you need to stay the night…?
Ren: Thank you again…*hands Jaune a cleaned plate*
Jaune: *stacks plate in drying rack and starts on a glass*
Jaune: …you know, Ren, if you wanna talk-
Ren: *interrupting suddenly* How did you forgive Pyrrha?
Jaune: *nearly drops glass* W-what…?!
Ren: I-I’m sorry, I’m not very good at…expressing my emotions or talking about others…
Ren: But after what happened with Nora, I need to know!
Ren: Back when Beacon fell, Pyrrha sent you away before she went up in the tower…you said that was your first kiss, but then she used it to trap you in a locker. It was a betrayal of your trust when Pyrrha chose to send you away and go to a fight she couldn’t hope to win.
Ren: I could see that she hurt you, Jaune. Even when she came back, I saw the pain she caused you, but now…
Ren/Jaune: *look over at Pyrrha playing with squealing Arkos children, balancing one on each shoulder while squatting up and down*
Ren: …and now, I’ve never seen two people more happy or in love.
Ren: So please, I need to know…
Ren: How did you do it? How did you work past something like that and stay together?
Jaune: *puts down the glass and pauses, watching Pyrrha do push-ups with her son clinging to her back while her daughter crawls underneath*
Jaune: …I gotta tell you, Ren, it was really rough for us, when Pyrrha came back. At first, I was like, SUPER happy to see her again, you know? It was like everything could go back to the way it was before Beacon fell!
Jaune: But after that feeling wore off, I remembered all that stuff you were just talking about, like how Pyr kissed me, and then shoved me in a locker and ran off without me to get killed instead of coming with us, and it started to bug me.
Jaune: …like, I REALLY started to resent her.
Ren: We all noticed. You stopped talking around her and stopped looking her in the eye. I think Pyrrha almost cried every time she saw you because you seemed so distant.
Jaune: Yeah…I was kinda bitter…Looking back, I know what she did was a dumb teenage decision made under a lot of unfair pressure, but at the time I was still mad, and I guess I kinda wanted to see her hurt because she hurt me…
Jaune: …in hindsight, it was pretty shitty of me to be all passive-aggressive and cold just to hurt her back, and I was being a dumb teenager too…
Ren: Did that realization make the difference?
Jaune: Nope.
Jaune: Believe it or not, I called my mom.
Jaune: I told her everything that was going on, and my problems with Pyrrha, and she gave me some advice her grandpa told her about relationships:
Jaune: *does a southern accent* “When the goin’ gets tough, ya only have two options: Ya either stop lovin’ ‘em, or ya love ‘em a whole lot more!” 🤠
Ren: …so…
Ren: …that’s the secret?
Jaune: *resumes putting cleaned plates away in cabinet* …weeeeelllll…there was a lot more to it than that! Pyrrha and I had to have a big talk about our relationship, and there were a lot of tears and apologies, but great-grandpappy’s advice kinda made me sit down and decide whether I wanted to be with Pyrrha or not, and once I decided that I wanted to be with her I could figure out what I had to do…
Jaune: *feels an impact as his son glomps onto his leg like a koala*
Jaune: *grins down at Arkos kid* And I think I picked the better choice! *scoops up his son as Pyrrha gathers up Arkos daughter for bedtime*
Ren: …your great-grandpappy sounds like a wise man, Jaune…
Ren: If you don’t mind, I think I need to make a call.
Ren later called Nora and they made up on Jaune and Pyrrha’s pull-out couch.
Nora: *snuggled against Ren’s chest* I’m glad you called, Ren, but what made you decide to give me another chance?
Ren: Someone gave me some advice that helped me decide what I wanted:
Ren: *in a terribly-executed southern accent* “When tha goin’ gets tuff, ya only got two opshuns: stop luvin ‘um, or ya luv um a whole lot more!”
Nora: …
Nora: Ren, that was sweet and touching and everything, but that accent was, like, the WORST accent I’ve ever heard! 🤣
Ren: Nora, please, it wasn’t THAT bad…
Nora: I love you, Rennie, but that was so bad it was offensive! 😂
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criceofpain · 1 year
drunk in love | park jongseong
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featuring: enhypen's hyung line + sunoo
synopsis: you always thought those drinking game cards were bullshit, until your crush gets too drunk and his secret eventually gets to you.
pairing: jay x female reader
genre: smut, a tinge of fluff
word count: 2005
warnings: alcohol consumption, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), fingering, slight voyeurism at the end (?)
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“Take a shot if…”
Sunghoon slowly pulls out the card from the stack with his fingers, painfully slow that it builds up a strange tension in the atmosphere. Jake has his hand out, getting ready to take a shot glass full of gin if ever the description in the card would fit him. Heeseung begins to create a drumroll sound with his hands on the floor, making Sunoo slightly jump in surprise beside him. Jay, meanwhile, gives Sunghoon an anticipating look as his hand instinctively squeezes your thigh.
Anyone from afar can tell that all of you were being edged.
All of you have had a couple of shots, Jake the most. The house is a mess and so are your spinning heads. Jay, being the little devil that he is, chose to play a drinking game despite all of you being already tipsy. Cards Against Humanity would’ve been better, you thought.
Sunghoon finally lifts up the card and proceeds to read it. “Take a shot if you want to get railed or rail someone…?”
“Oh, fuck it.”
“What the fuck?”
“What kind of a question is that?”
“Boo! Pick another one!”
A string of boos and profanities fill the whole living room as Sunghoon himself grumbles at the question. Seriously, the game creators could’ve done a little bit better. Sunoo was inexperienced and didn’t want any at this point in time, he just finished high school. Heeseung, Jake, and Sunghoon are too busy with university to even get a girlfriend.
However, silence fills the room as a loud exhale is heard from one person—Jay.
Right. He was the only person who didn’t have too much on his plate. He bottoms up the small shot painfully, making him grimace at the sting of the alcohol in his mouth. you all could tell that he had too much, judging by his unusual antics. Where did the prim and proper Park Jongseong go just now? Just earlier, he was talking about business and science with the boys, but now he’s laughing like a moron…
“Are you fuckers seriously lying to yourselves? Hah! I doubt you wouldn’t want a taste of a pretty cunt… don’t lie to me.”
… with his eyes directed to you.
What is he on about? You raise your brows, clearly confused about why he is staring devilishly at you. He just chuckles, finding your reaction cute. The rest of the squad stares as well, watching the buildup of sexual tension slowly unfold in front of them. Everybody knows how much you have been pining for Jay and him.
Little did the two of you know that the boys have slowly escaped in their respective rooms, leaving the space to only you and Jay who are still in a hot staring contest.
“Y/N,” he slurs, eyes not leaving yours. “You look particularly hot tonight.”
“Jongseong,” you reply, stroking strands of his hair back to the top of his head. “Is that a way for me to compliment you back?”
He snorts. “Definitely not. I don't force compliments out of people.”
You chuckle, leaning forward until your lips are dangerously close to his. His senses heighten as the alcohol kicks in; he can smell your perfume better now. He chuckles, too, and the mixed smell of alcohol and mint fills your nostrils. Fuck. you wouldn’t be able to keep your cool if he keeps this up.
“You were saying?” he whispers, looking lustfully at your lips.
“You wanna rail someone.” you reply as you feel his hand go up and down your arm. “Am I your only choice, then?”
“You are.”
Jay suddenly scoops you up by the ass, pulling you into his lap and making you squeal. He wonders if he could get more of those out of you, because that sound may or may not have caused his cock to slightly twitch.
“But I'm not bringing you to bed just because of that.” he continues, slowly bunching up your skirt around your hips. “Have I told you that you’ve been living rent-free in my mind lately?”
You squint, not knowing whether to believe what just came out of his mouth. He's drunk. There’s no way he would spew random shit on the get go, right? He senses this and buries his head in the crook of your neck, just where he can kiss and mark it up later on.
“Cat got your tongue, Y/N?” he teases, voice dropping a few tones as his hands travel up your waist. You tense up in his hold, and he smirks on your neck. “Your subconscious is telling me something.”
“And that is?” you respond despite knowing he was joking.
“She wants to get fucked so bad,” he gives your neck an experimental lick to which you gasp audibly to. “and it’s not because of the alcohol. It's because she’s been staring at me all night… isn’t it?”
“Jay.” you sigh as his hand travels upward to your inner thigh. “This is not how I wanted to confess to you, you know?”
“Mm-hmm, keep talking, little girl.” he mumbles, drawing little circles along your soft skin. It felt pillowy against his rough finger pads, which he loved so much.
“You're drunk.”
“What about it?”
“The guys have left us here… alone.”
“Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?” he tugs the crotch of your panties down and prods on your clit experimentally. You whimper softly.
Here you are, sitting on the lap of the Park Jongseong you have been crushing on for quite a while, with his fingers on your sex. He’s smirking to himself, thinking about how you’ve touched yourself to the mere thought of him. To say he hasn’t jerked himself off of the thought of you stripping for him would be a total lie. That would be unfair of him, wouldn’t it?
“Don't you get it, Park? I want to—ah!” you suddenly cry out as two of his fingers effortlessly slide in your pussy. They feel thick and boney inside of you and are already teasing you. God, how would you be able to take his cock if you’re already going haywire because of his fingers, then?
“You want to do what?”
“Confess to you in a more proper setting and situation?” you ask, sounding like a desperate whine as he starts pumping his fingers slowly into you. “Fuck, Jay, I wanted to dress up for that special day.”
“Isn't your fit appealing enough, sweetheart?” he coos, looking at you from head to toe. You wore your work skirt and a graphic tee that was big enough to be a dress. “I'd just rip off whatever expensive shit you want to buy. Would you want that?”
If it were you, I'd love that a lot. “No, Jay.” you shake your head, legs clenching around his arm as he continues to toy you with his fingers. He doesn’t forget to rub your clit, teasingly slow that makes you see stars.
“Spread your legs for me, please?” he nibbles on the lobe of your ear, and you oblige. “Good girl.”
He pulls his fingers out of you, and you whine at the loss of contact. He then lays you flat against the fur carpet and crawls on top of you, licking his fingers and tasting your wetness on his tongue. A part of you wanted him to just fuck you senseless, but the way he was undressing you with his eyes made you want to stare at him for longer until you were dripping wet again.
“What now?”
His domineering tone makes you feel so little under him that you could only respond to him with a whine.
“I’ll take that as a yes."
The next few minutes are a bit hazy for both you and him as the gin starts to kick in. He messily captures your lips in a kiss, tongues clashing together in a fight no one would win. The sting of alcohol on his tongue heightens your senses, and the taste of strawberries on yours elicits a low grunt from him. He hooks your legs around his hips, rubbing his clothed cock against your clit before completely taking his bottoms off.
“You on the pill?”
You nod. That was all he needed to line himself up against your cunt and enter you slowly until he had filled you up to the hilt. You instinctively bite on his shoulder to suppress whatever noise was to come out of your mouth, taking note of the fact that you two weren’t alone in this house.
“Come on, princess.” he coaxes, taking your head in his hands as he rubs his nose against yours. “Are you still trying to stay silent when you’ve been whining on my fingers now? Does that make sense?”
“Fuck, Jongseong!” you gasp as you feel his balls slap against your ass cheeks while he catches you off-guard with slow, sharp thrusts. He knew how to kept you going. “You feel so fucking good…”
“I know, baby.” he whispers, feeling you clench involuntarily around his cock. Sober Jongseong would never assert something that easily. “I know how good it feels.”
He proceeds to kiss you fervently and mindlessly as his hands grope your ass from under. You desperately cling onto the fabric of his shirt for stability as he is going berserk above you. Eventually, you stop caring about how loud you were moaning and just let your long-time crush do the work for you. These were one of your fantasies waiting to be fulfilled, anyway.
Your vision blurs, your eyes roll to the back of your head as Jay picks up his pace and rams into you, letting the alcohol take over his body. His hand finds its way to your clothed breast, squeezing it against his fingers and feeling for your nipple under your shirt. He tugs onto it, your whines get louder and more wanton and it drives him closer to his high.
“Mmm, are you cumming, baby?”
“Yes, fuck… I'm so close… want you to cum in me.” you beg. Heck, even making out words was hard under his ministrations.
With loud grunts, he spurts out his seed inside you, triggering your own orgasm. An array of moans and grunts fill the living room as you ride out your high, and the mixed smell of perfume, sweat, and sex fill your noses. To your surprise, he passes out above you, completely sandwiching you between his weight and the floor.
“Let's do this again, Y/N, baby…” he mutters against your chest, words slurred and almost incomprehensible. “This is so much better than the formal confession shit you were planning.”
“Jay.” you roll your eyes, hand finding his hair and gently stroking it with your fingers. “I still want it—”
“Shh.” he throws a hand above your mouth, feeling like a slap on your face though it was unintentional. “You talk so much for a little girl.”
“I’m not little!”
“Don't lie, Y/N. I can pick you up on one arm… throw you around and…”
“And?” you raise your brows, anticipating his answer. “What's next, Park?”
“And I'll wrestle you and…”
And he’s suddenly snoring. You snort. He's right. maybe this can wait until the next morning…
… or until he’s fucking you again.
“Oh, fuck. Harder, Jay, please!” you scream against the mattress as Jay pistons into you from behind. It was either you staring at the mirror or him pinning you down and letting him take over.
“This is so much better without the alcohol, don’t you think?” he suggests, landing a harsh slap on your ass. “Answer me, babe.”
“Damn, right, it is.” you whine out. “Did you lock the door, by the way?”
He slows down and whips his head to the fully opened doorway. Sunghoon stands meters away from it.
“Get the fuck out!” Jay screams, covering your bodies with the blanket.
“Lock the door next time, you moron!” Sunghoon screams back, slamming the door shut.
Well, that was embarrassing.
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a/n: this is one of my old fics (from heeyunkist) that i was luckily able to retrieve! this is for all my jay hoes and non-jay hoes alike who enjoy the concept of him drunk and hot af. also this is clearly not inspired by queen beyoncé’s song of the same title /j
NSFW TAGLIST [OPEN]: @thots4hee @jaylaxies @ddeonuism @jojayke @vernonluvs-archived @puphee @forjongseong @jaeyunsz @muffinminnie @shu-ramyeonz @poutyjaeyun @fairy-junseong @duolingofanaccount @polalvsjy @taetaemylovie @heetro @yizhoutv @lavhikaru @kaislinging-slasher01 @cha0thicpisces @en-archv @simplewonderland @exactlygreatcoffee @lhseth @aerinaga @xwonniex @celeste-hoon @ajayke @enhastolemyheart (send an ask or a dm to be added!)
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© criceofpain on tumblr, 2023
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bubbleebubz · 8 months
Mama's little devil
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Pure filth☠️
Requests will be completed ASAP, I've had a lot going on right now and I'm so sorry, hopefully this smutt is a good enough apology and enough to tid yall bibliophiles over until I'm finished the rest ☠️☠️😭😭🙏🙏🙏💖💖
Y/N gets on her knees for the man sat infront of her.
If she thought he was pretty before, she is even more taken aback by The Boy Wonders beauty.
"R'you gonna be a good boy for me Spencer?" I ask, looking up at him, batting my lashes as I slowly pump his cock.
He nods "mhmm 'gonna be your good boy", he whines out, his desperation and neediness becoming to much.
"Hmm" I respond by liking a strip up from the base of his cock to the tip, giving it a sloppy kiss.
His head falls back, letting out a low groan.
"Just like that Fuck" He moans out, looking down at me, grabbing my hair.
"Ah! No touching" I say teasingly.
I stand up and straddle his hips.
Her clothing being the only barrier stopping the skin to skin contact.
"Please-" He starts, while kissing my neck "-wanna make you feel good" He says, seductively into my ear.
I freeze a bit on the spot, my virginity wasn't a secret between the two of us, but we haven't really discussed it.
"Please mama, wanna make you feel as good as you make me." He begs, standing up and bringing us to the bedroom.
"Spence- I don't kno-" I begin.
"Please, I'll be gentle, you make me feel so good all the time, I want to make you feel just as good, if not better." He says against my skin, laying me down and removing my top.
He has never touched me intimately like this before, sure he asked but I've always been to anxious, which is why I stick to pleasuring him.
"Gonna make you feel good, mommy" He says, removing my pants and underwear.
"So wet" He groans, sliding a finger into my soaking cunt.
I whine at the intrusion of the new feeling, "shhh doing so good for me, mama" He says, leaving opened mouth kisses along my shoulders before moving down and taking my left nipple into his mouth.
He loved my boobs, even if he hadn't touched them like this, he would use them as pillows when we cuddle.
"Spencer what r'you-"
"Shhh taking care of you, does this feel good Hmm?" He asks, inserting a second finger before curling them, rubbing my G-spot.
I whimper, the pleasure being so strong.
"Ngh~ Spencer, gonna cum" I cry out.
"Mmm good girl mama, gonna cum for me?" He praises, I nod, eyes squeazed shut as I cum on his fingers.
"You think your ready for my cock?" He asks, my eyes widen but I nod.
"Words mama" He says.
"Y-yes Spencer" I say
"Good girl" He groans out as he pushes his cock into me slowly.
Tears fall down my cheek at the pain, I let out a pathetic whine, feeling so full.
"Fuck Spence, your pretty cock is so big" I moan.
He blushes.
"Move please" I beg, looking up at him in desperation.
He slowly pulls his cock out, head dragging against my gummy walls.
"Agha~" I choke out a moan as he pushes back in hard.
He repeats his actions, setting an even pace.
"Mmm your so tight mommy" He groans, head falling onto my shoulder.
"Making me feel so good Spencd" I moan out in a cry, he picks up the pace, frantically chasing his own orgasm as well, he reaches his hand down my body, rubbing my clit.
"Gonna cum spence" I sob.
"Do it, cum on my cock" He groans.
That's all it takes for my orgasm to rip through me, making my legs shake and eyes roll back into my skull.
"Gonna fill you up" He pants.
"Mmm- wait Spence no" i say frantic.
"Gonna make your beautiful tummy full of my seed." He groans, as he does as promised.
I feel hot ropes of cum shoot into my womb, before he pulls out.
"Wait Mama, no wasting!" He says, stuffing me with 2 fingers, scooping his cum back into me, I hiss at how sensitive I've become.
"Your so lucky I'm on the pill mister" I say tiredly.
"Mhmm, gonna clean you up now okay?" He says, I just nod before dozing off, barely waking by the sensation of the warm wash cloth cleaning up the mixture of our cum that's leaking out of me. Before kissing my forehead and snuggling into me, succumbing to a deep sleep.
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theinheriteddutchess · 2 months
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Dream of a Girl
Part 3
Chapter summary: you have your first date, and it is amazing, but things at work put a damper on your happiness.
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x reader
Word count: around 5000
Warnings: bullying, calling names for a bit (both others as reader, keeping it tame but it's there), shenanigans in public, lee being an eager man, meltdown\panic attack, neurodivergent reader, small town gossiping, minors DNI
Notes: thanks for anyone commenting and\or reblogging, it means so much to me and genuinely makes me happy!!💕 I love everything about this story, it's crazy. It just suits me.
Masterlist * Series masterlist
Part 1 * part 2
Your mother knew you were going on a date. She looked at you with the expression she wore when she was worried and wanted to say something, but she kept quiet. She helped you with picking out an outfit. Did your hair the way you liked, and lent you her favorite necklace. It hung above your chest real pretty.
You were a bit of a mess the time before Lee came to pick you up. You paced back and forth in your room for an hour, murmuring the lines of your favorite book to help calm you. Nothing really worked. Your heart was beating firmly in your chest and your hands were shaking. You kept the door closed because you didn’t want your parents to come bother you. Or ask questions. 
Your mother didn’t know it was the sheriff who came to pick you up. You weren't ready to share it with them. It was all very new. And this was the first date. He might realize he didn’t like you all that much, soon. No need to get your hopes up.
At one minute before 1pm you grabbed your bag and coat and greeted your parents. Walking down the path of your house you saw him driving up. As he slowed down you waited patiently until he stopped. He got out and smiled.
“I was going to come pick you up and escort you to the car.”
Oh. you bit your lip. “But then my parents would see you.”
He frowned. “Am I a dirty secret, sweetheart?”
You blinked rapidly. “No.”
“You don’t want them to see me with you?”
“I don’t want them to…” You hesitated, thinking. “It’s new, just us. I don’t know how it will be when they know.”
“You want to keep me for yourself for a bit, huh?” he grinned.
You nodded.
He hummed, pleased. “Well, can’ say I mind that. You wanna get in the car, sweetheart?”
You nodded and went to grab the door handle, but he walked around the car to open it for you.
You felt heat creep up your neck at the gesture. It was romantic. Like the movies you sometimes watched. But now you were the girl in the scene. You got in and he waited until you had gathered your skirt, before he closed the door and walked to the driver's seat.
“I think you look great, Sweetheart. You’re all dolled up prettily. Can’t believe you are letting me take you out.”
You ducked your head and hummed, biting your lip. You eyed him from the side of your eyes as he eyed you. He drove you towards your destination, and you spent the time in pleasant silence.
Sometimes you looked over at him and observed him. He had a bit of a double chin, but his lips were full and his eyes were the bluest of blue you had ever seen. He was handsome, and he acted with such confidence. He never seemed to be afraid. Came with the job perhaps. But he always seemed to know how to react or what to say. Sometimes he confused you, but often it felt nice to let him lead.
He picked the local ice cream shop, there was only one in town. He picked vanilla, and you picked chocolate. At some point as you were eating your treat, he leaned over and scooped up some of yours.
You blinked. That wasn't something you did. Neither did your parents after the tantrums you used to throw if someone unexpectedly grabbed something of yours. You blinked again and looked away, biting your lip so hard it hurt.
You shouldn’t get agitated. He was paying for this after all. But…he had just taken it. Without asking. If he had asked, you would have let him. It would be okay. But now he just did it. You weren’t even aware of the frown on your face until he said your name softly.
As you looked up he was staring at you. “You’re angry,” he stated.
“I…” you frowned harder. “You shouldn’t just take something without asking if it’s okay.”
He laughed. “You’re telling me off?”
You said nothing to that. You had been very clear, you thought.
“Alright, you don’t like that? When people take your things?”
“It’s polite to ask and see if someone says yes.” You said again. Had he never been taught this? “I don’t like it, no. It upsets me.”
He stared at you for a moment, contemplating and then shrugged. “Alright, i won't do it again. I promise. Next time I’ll ask.”
You nodded. And continued eating. 
“You want to try mine?” he offered with a big grin. 
You thought about it and watched his ice cream. “Yes.”
He pushed the bowl towards you and you scooped something up and tasted it. Sweet. Much sweeter than yours. You eyed him shortly. 
“You want some of mine?”
“If I'm allowed.”
He was smiling, he was teasing, you realized. “Yes, I offered.”
He hummed as he scooped some of yours up, and he licked the spoon when he was finished, as your eyes followed his tongue glide over the metal.
You suddenly realized he wasn’t wearing his uniform today. He wore a white shirt with a blue jacket. He looked relaxed and he was wearing cologne. He smelled nice. Even if you liked his natural scent better.
“You look nice.” you blurted out.
He froze and stared at you. Then he swallowed and his voice cracked a little as he replied. “You think so?”
“Yes.” you nodded. I like the jacket.”
“I remember you like blue, so.”
You lowered your eyes again and nodded, a pleased smile appearing on your lips.
“Thank you for the compliment, sweetheart. That does a man well.”
You didn't know how to reply, so you kept quiet.
“You want to take a walk with me? The weather is nice, the park might be nice for a stroll.”
You nodded and he got up to pay.
As you walked past the trees, sunlight hitting your face pleasantly - it wasn't too warm, just right - he talked about himself. His job, a little bit about his family, the way he planned to renovate his house to make it more comfortable. You listened, humming or nodding your head as you went. And he asked you questions too. What things you liked, what you did when you weren't working, what book you were currently reading. You liked that question the most. It was easy talking about something you knew. Something you loved. He listened, apparently not getting bored, his eyes moving over your face like he wanted to catch every expression of it. 
“I talk too much,” you suddenly stopped, ducking your head. You knew you had a tendency to go on and on when you liked something, and not everyone appreciated it. 
“No, I love hearing what you think,” he replied, and your head shot up to face him. He was looking kind, wrinkles around his eyes as he somewhat smiled at you, and you shuddered a little with the pleasant thrill that went through you. 
“I don't want to bother you.”
“You aren't. I asked you a question, didn't I? And I love how you light up talking about it. You're so pretty when you're happy.”
You ducked your head again, still not used to being compliments. “I'm not pretty,” you whispered. 
His finger lifted your chin towards him. “And I'm telling you, you are. Prettiest in this whole town. Look at you, all dolled up, pretty as a peach. It's for me isn't it?”
The way his voice lowered at the last sentence sent heat through your body. You nodded, breathless.
“I know. You let me take you out, show you around, showing people you're with me. You have no idea what it does to me.”
“What it does to you? What- what does it do to you?” You stuttered, getting a bit dazed with how close he suddenly was, how good he smelled. 
He stepped even closer and seemed to push you at the same time, until your back hit a tree, with him towing above you. His face looking down was greedy, he was biting his lip and licking it, and his mouth looked so red afterwards, you couldn't stop staring at it.
“Look at you, by my side like you're supposed to. I'm feeling real lucky, sweetheart. Having such a beautiful girl next to me, enjoying my company. Looking at me the way you do now. Makes me think all sorts of thoughts.”
“Good thoughts?” You whimpered. His smell had thickened and it was making your knees tremble. 
“Thoughts I should not be saying in public,” he murmured. “I shouldn't even be speaking them to you. Real improper of me. Things you shouldn't be doing until you're married, things a good girl would have to wait for.”
You swallowed, it was getting real hot here, was the temperature rising? It should've been cooler under the tree, but you felt like sweat was beginning to pour down your neck. 
“But you're such a good girl it makes me want to be a little naughty.”
“Naughty?” You eeked.
His finger trailed down your neck and you made a strange noise.
“We're in public.”
Yes, you were. It wasn't crowded, and the tree provided a little bit of shelter, but not much. If you were spotted it would be considered indecent. Yet you did nothing to stop him. It felt like your body was frozen. Completely focused on him. Nothing else seemed to matter. 
“A kiss won't be too bad, would it? People kiss on dates. A tiny peck. You will be fine with it, won't you, sweetheart?”
You stared at his lips and breathed a “yes”, before he was already there. His tongue still tasting like vanilla.
One of his hands on your hips. Possessive. Like he was showing everyone you were good. You mewled. He pressed himself against you and his scent was all around you, numbing your senses and lightening them up at the same time. There was just him. 
“Shh,” he whispered, as he continued to peck your lips and then your neck. “Gotta be quiet, we don't want anyone to spot us, do we? God, imagine if they find us here. You're all worked up. Smelling of me.” He groaned and pressed his pelvis further against you, your knees buckled.
“They will all know you're mine. No one would even look at you after, they would know. This is mine.”
His hand went under the skirt of your dress before you could comprehend it. His fingers brushed softly over your panties and you gasped. He shouldn't be doing this, somewhere in the back of your mind you knew it. This was - improper, as he said - he was - you - in public! But his fingers softly stroked over you and you couldn't stop him. You felt so much, you felt everything. And his scent was so heavy you felt like you were floating. 
He groaned and pressed his face in your neck, softly sucking on your gland and you broke. Shuddering in his arms, his fingers slowed their peace but he was still focused on that spot in your neck, you felt his teeth slightly. 
It took ages to calm down, but when you did he looked flushed and eager down at you. Like he didn't want to ever look away. 
“Look at you.”
You felt him against you. It was so different to you, you know this was what the books were talking about. He was.. aroused. His manhood pressed against you eagerly and he moved a little, like he wanted to be even nearer. 
“I can't wait very long, sweetheart. I'm trying to be real nice here, give you a proper courting, but you're making it hard for me.” He chuckled. “Girl like you deserves better than a public claiming.” He sighed, disappointed, and pulled back. “Give me a minute, darling. I just need to calm down a little.”
Was he agitated? Calm down? He acted a little strange, looking at the distance and not you. Had you done anything wrong? Should you have pushed him back? You had not stopped him, maybe he was disappointed you were easy. Tears pricked in your eyes and you looked down. Suddenly the joy you felt turned into despair.
“Hey, no, no sweetheart, no. Come on, look at me. I'm not mad.” He was suddenly holding you, and softly brushing the hair out of the nape of your neck. “I'm not mad, I just… a man can't walk around showing his excitement to the rest of the world, okay? I needed to have a moment to be fit for public, that's all.”
He wasn't mad? You pressed your face into his chest, not caring if you'd smear your makeup into his clothes.
“You did so well. I'm so proud.” He murmured the words in your ears.
“Looking so beautiful, responding so well to me. How easily you - god help me, you're just making me hard again.”
You clung to him, like he was a lifeline you needed to breathe. He let you, and held you softly, rocking you back and forth, and it was comforting. Even if his…his thing pressed against you. 
“Going to be the death of me, “ he said softly, groaning. “But I wouldn't want it to be anyone else.”
He saw you every day now. Picking you up from work. Taking you for a walk, or simply sitting in the car making out. You did that now! Making out. His hands couldn't help wandering, but he told you he tried to be decent. Tried to take his time. He gave you flowers. And candy. He complimented you every day how nice you looked. 
He seemed pleased and happy. Different from the stern man you had seen him to be, patrolling through town, talking to people. He was lighter somehow. A power in his step as he walked towards you. You couldn't believe you were the reason for it, maybe you just never saw it before? 
You smelled like him. You had to tell your parents there was someone. You liked him. They wanted to meet and you knew it was proper. You told him. 
He groaned a little. “I know. I should officially meet them. It's only right. Do you think they'll accept me?”
You blinked. Why wouldn't they? And it's not like you had any other suitors lying in wait. 
“I mean, I'm a little older than you. And not everyone is too fond of me.”
You thought of what words you wanted to use. “You don't want to meet them?” You sounded unsure. Suddenly filled with doubt. Maybe he wasn't prepared to move ahead with courting you. Maybe with the prospect of making this real, an official claim, he realized it wasn't what he wanted. Not wanted you. 
“Hey, hey!” His fingers stroked your cheek, bringing your focus back on him. “Don't do that. Don't worry, it's not you. I'm just a little worried they will deny me.”
You eyed him, then nodded, and looked away. “I think they won't. They like you. They said you treated me fair, when I got into trouble? You weren't mean to me. You treated me right.”
“Only fair to, sweetheart, you didn't even know what you were doing, they had set you up. I could see that. I could tell you were a good girl then. And you listened to me, didn't you? Never got into trouble again.”
You nodded firmly. Yes, you had. Made very sure. Always followed the rules.
“Because you're my good girl, ‘ey? Listen so well to what I say. Always so good, so sweet.” He was putting on that voice again, like he was getting lost in his own thoughts, you had that as well, when you were daydreaming about the stories in your head and you lost sight of the real world. But when he did it, it often ended in kisses. 
He was looking at you like you were a delicious meal and he was starving. Leaning over, he grabbed you and pressed his mouth against you, slipping his tongue in soon after. Making you feel all dazed again.
“Of course I'm going to meet your parents. I'm going to be on my best behavior. Show them we're a good match. That I'll treat you right. Might not be the best man, but I'll be the best husband for you.”
You didn't even have room to reply, his mouth kept covering yours, and his hands were soon brushing your chest in a way that entwined your scents so deliciously. 
You came home too late that day, and your parents scolded you for the first time in years. Which made you feel terrible, but you also didn't know how to explain that you simply couldn't think straight around him. It was your fault, but it also wasn't, and you were afraid they wouldn't understand that even if you told them.
Another long day at work. But you had something to look forward to now. Lee would pick you up afterwards and bring you home. Maybe (definitely) there would be kissing. And maybe his hands would make you feel good again. You typed away, not really paying attention to the words, automatically making corrections and filing it away once you were done. 
Soon you were going to ask your parents to invite Lee over to dinner, to meet them officially. You didn't know where it would lead, but he wanted to keep seeing you. So they had to know. It was proper. Your parents were supposed to say that you could keep seeing each other. You hoped they did. You thought they would. But perhaps you were wrong. 
You bit your lip, suddenly freezing at the thought they might not approve. 
There was a chance. He was a bit older than you. And there were those rumors about him. And you had been letting him get a little further than you should've.
You were lost in thought until you heard loud giggling nearby. Some of your co-workers took a short break, getting some water at the small kitchenette. You started typing again, hoping to pick up work again so you'd be finished on time.
They were whispering loud, however, it was distracting you. You frowned, but tried to not let it bother you. It was too nearby, and the giggling and hushed voices started getting louder and louder, until it felt like it was pounding in your head. You stared at your paper and involuntarily listened in. 
“No, she did. She said it was the two of them.”
“He wouldn't. Not with her. She must've misunderstood.”
“They were walking together.”
“Maybe he was bringing her home. Bet she gets lost all the time. I'm telling you she's got a screw loose in that head of hers.”
“Pa always said there's something wrong with her, but no, Janey really did see them, kissing.”
A loud screech sounded, but Doris tried to shush it quickly, some people nearby were giving the three of them looks. 
Dread started to come over you, you had a suspicion, but weren't sure, that you knew who they were talking about. Looking up, two of them had their backs turned at you, but the other was glancing over at you with a look like the cat got the cream. You hurriedly looked down at your work, but you couldn't focus at all anymore.
“Who would want to kiss her? Maybe he felt pity for her?
“Well, she's not ugly.”
“So what, who wants a faulty wife? Can you imagine her at his side? It would be shameful, surely he can do better.”
“He's getting older, he hasn't found his mate yet, maybe he's getting desperate. To settle for her, he must be. It's a shame, because he can find a lot more willing Omegas. He's the sheriff, he could have his pick. Can't believe he'd choose her.”
You stood up abruptly, the chair making a weird noise, dragging unwanted attention to you. You bit your lip as you walked away. Rushing to the bathroom, you got into a stall and locked it. Your thoughts were tumbling through each other. All those words they said, they were talking about you and Lee…there could be no one else. 
Shameful, that's what they called it. It was shameful he had interest in you. And what had they said could be the reason? Settling. He was getting desperate. Like that could be the only reason he would want you. 
They were right, he could pick anyone. So, why you? You tried really hard not to cry, but you were, you felt it. You sat on the seat of the toilet and rocked back and forth. You couldn't lose it. You were at work. You should hold it in after hours. But this was a lot to take in. 
You liked Lee. He had been kind to you. But, you knew he could do better. A wife who could be seen with him, who he could be proud of. Who could look after him and organize dinner parties or talk to people. …Look them in the eyes. You tried. You tried really hard to, but you often forgot. 
He couldn't show you off. Or praise you. What was there to praise? People would laugh at you. People would laugh at him. 
They would think he chose wrong.
Your eyes shifted left to right, trying to find something safe to focus on. Your heart was racing, and you didn't know what to do to calm down. You wanted your mother. But how could you even reach her from here. Even if you walked to your desk and called her, you were at work! She couldn't help you here. She couldn't do anything to those…wenches! You knew they wanted to hurt you. But, they did. And you couldn't unhear what they said.
You thought long and hard. Lee was going to meet your parents soon. After that it would be official, it would be expected that he was serious about you. But he hadn't seemed too eager to meet them. Perhaps, he wasn't worried they would accept him, but he knew that it would set things in stone. Maybe he was hesitant, because he had never planned to make this step. He was looking for a wife, not a nutjob.
You were trembling now, pressing your fingers to each other, 1, 2, 3 , 4, start again. 1, 2, 3, 4. Over and over, breathing during it. You had to calm down. You had to get through the hours until you could go home. 
Lee was going to pick you up. Your eyes shifted away from the door handle. You couldn't face him. You couldn't see the look on his face, knowing he would settle with you. He could have someone better. 
The more you thought, the more you knew you were right. And though it pained you, it was only right. And the more you were convinced, the more you calmed down. You would be okay. You were okay all along. You didn't need much. 
After you left the bathroom, you walked calmly to your desk. Trying really hard not to look at the three women who loved gossiping about you. Sitting down with your back straight, you picked up a new piece of paper and set to work. After a while, when you were sure the attention was away from you, you picked up the phone and dialed the number.
He picked up, his voice stern until he heard yours.
“You can't pick me up.” You blurted. 
“Oh? Why not?” He sounded surprised.
“My mother wants to buy some fabric after work, so I can't.”
“You're going to doll yourself up for me again?” He joked, and you swallowed. No, not anymore. 
“I will speak to you soon.” You told him. 
He chuckled. “Alright sweetheart, I understand, you're still at work, right? Well, have fun with your momma, although I'll miss you.”
You hummed, not knowing what you could, or should, say. “Have a nice day Lee.”
You hung up. You knew you needed to face him, but not today. Not now you knew what you needed to do.
You finished your work, focusing on every letter, like each of them could pull you through. Until it was fine to leave. You grabbed your coat, feeling worn out and numb. Passing your co-workers without a word. Not that you normally said much to them, but you ignored any goodbye that was thrown your way. 
You walked. Like you had always done. The fresh air on your cheeks, the familiar stone under your shoes. You expected to see his car any minute, but he was nowhere to be seen. He trusted you. But you had lied.
You bit your lip. You had lied. But you felt it necessary. Even if it was wrong. You knew you couldn't tell him over the phone, and you weren't ready to face him. It still made you feel bad. 
You got home safely, earlier than you were lately. You were used to spending more time with Lee in the car, and now your walk took you home faster than the car would've. Your mother took one look at you and approached you. 
“Are you okay?”
You shook your head and burst out crying. She shushed you softly, planting a hand on your shoulder, and when you didn't shrug it away, embraced you with both hands. You pressed yourself against her and sobbed your heart out. 
She let you. Didn't ask until you were ready. And once you pulled back, she waited. 
“I can't see him anymore.”
She seemed worried. “Did he do something?”
You shook your head. "No. But we can't see each other anymore.”
“You don't like him anymore?” She was curious, but tried to hold herself back.
“We aren't compatible. It wouldn't work. It will be fine.” You suddenly sounded very emotionless. You didn't know how else to tell her. Even if you just broke down in front of her. “I thought…maybe, but it's not going to happen.”
“He said that to you?”
You shook your head. “I know. It's for the better. “
She nodded, didn't seem convinced, but what could she say? She didn't even know who you were talking about. Or what happened.
“Maybe you can work things out? Talk about it.” she suggested. 
“Mom, it won't matter.”
“Oh. Okay.” She thought for a moment. It was clear she was distressed for you, but tried to keep it together as she rubbed your shoulder softly. “You want anything, perhaps a glass of lemonade and some cake? Freshly baked, you'll get an extra big piece.”
“Sure.” You could not resist having some comfort food. And there was no use denying yourself. You wanted to indulge yourself in the pleasantries you could have.
His car was here. You hesitated, your heart beating out of your chest with how anxious you were, but you needed to be honest. So you stepped in and watched him smile at you. 
“Rough day?” he observed you. 
“A bit.” You said quietly. You had practiced, but you didn't know how to bring it up, nor how he would react.
“I know how I can make you feel better,” he grinned, his scent thickening again. 
You swallowed, you needed to tell him. Now. 
“What?” He frowned, “Something going on?”
“We need to stop seeing each other.”
His hands tightened on the wheel and he went silent real fast. Then, “Why.”
You swallowed. “We don't work out.” Which was the truth, right? 
“I think we do. I thought you liked me.”
I do. “We are very different. You are busy with work, and so am I. I can't be what you need me to be. And I don't want to regret anything.”
His jaw ticked, you threw a glance at him but quickly kept looking away. You couldn't face him really. “Where is this coming from? Huh? You were all sweet on me, and now you want to break things off? What's going on?!”
He was aggitated and you ducked your head. You were breaking out in a sweat. You didn't like him angry with you. “I just need space.”
“Space?” His tongue rolled in his mouth and his eyes watched the road, his scent had a bitter taste that felt unpleasant in your nose. “You need space? From me.”
“It's all a little too much. And I don't think we've been thinking clearly.”
“So you've been thinking we need space. From each other? Did anyone say anything? Your parents? They don't approve?”
You shook your head, still looking at your lap. “They don't know. I haven't told them. It's me. I know we can't be together.”
You jumped up at his tone and wanted to cry. He smelled awful right now, and he was really angry, and a part of you wanted to soothe him but how could you? You had to get through to him. 
 “No! Don't you Lee me. Lee is for my girlfriend, if you're not my girlfriend, it's sheriff to you, missy.”
You gulped. “Sheriff,” you mumbled softly.
“You've been leading me on, is that it? Been laughing at me behind my back?”
“No. I wouldn't do that.”
“But you fooled me. Been acting like a good girl, and now you act like I ain't good enough. Thought you were better than that.”
A tear fell down and you wiped it angrily. He was fuming, you have never seen him so angry and you wished you could open the windows to get rid of the smell.
“I can walk.”
“Can't wait to be away from me, can you?” He growled. “No, I'm going to bring you home, because unlike you, I keep my promises.”
You started sobbing, this was terrible. You thought he would understand. Be relieved even. You set him free so he could find a good match. But you hurt his feelings, maybe his pride. And you didn't know how to make it better. 
“I'm sorry.” You bit your lip so hard that you tasted blood.
His eyes shot towards you. “You're not, but don't worry, you will be.”
You swallowed, scared. He was the sheriff, he could hurt you.
“It's for the better,” you helplessly said.
“Shut up! I don't want to hear it.” He shouted and you froze.
Eyeing away from him, you looked out the window and didn't spoke another word. 
When you arrived at your house, he leaned over you too open the door, his scent hurting in your nose.
“Get out.”
Trembling, you climbed out and he closed the door harshly. He left without another glance. You stood there for a while, staring where he had left out of sight, too afraid to move, until your mother found you and guided you back in. Stroking your hair like you were a little kid, and humming a familiar song to try and ease up your nerves. 
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gaybananabread · 11 months
Hi!!! 💖 If 21 isn’t filled yet for tickletober, do you think you could do ler Asmodeus and lee Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss? The new episode has me craving for some tickle content for them they’re so cute!! Hope you’re well and take all the time you need. 💖
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TickleTober Day 21 - New Discovery
Writing this one made me happy. I dunno what it was, but writing the scrunkles just boosted my happy brain chems. I know I’ve been squeaking these in at like 11:50 something at night, but I actually paced myself this week and loved getting this out! Hopefully you like reading this as much as I did writing it. Enjoy!
Lee: Fizzarolli
Ler: Asmodeus
Summary: After a shitty day, Fizz is more than ready for some love from his partner. Ozzie is happy to help, though he does it in his own silly way. After all, what's love without some laughter?
Warnings: swearing (obviously), implied murder (don't worry, they deserve it)! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Hell's worst kept secret…
Not wrong, but the title still pissed the pair off. Ever since the kidnapping incident, they had been a bit more open with their relationship. They obviously weren't announcing it; all of Hell didn't need to know that Ozzie and an Imp were together. But around the factory and his quarters, the fruits were showing more PDA and less shitty excuses when they were caught. 
The workers knew better than to say anything.
Still, the occasional whisper or snide comment outside of Asmodeus's safe zone got the jester's blood boiling. Especially when they were about his man.
"Did you hear about Asmodeus and that little imp? Man, what a way to fall. Never thought the embodiment of Lust would do that to himself." The second demon nodded, smirking. "Oh, Fizzer-something? Yeah, a big rooster and a clown. Sounds like the plot of a shitty porno." "Heh, they kinda are!"
Oho, Fizz wanted to rip their throats out and shove them so far up their-
Whooo-kay. Deep breaths, deep breaths. He promised Asmodeus that he wouldn't let small-minded loudmouths get to him, especially sinners. But they so deserved it, and he was just a few feet away…
They just had to keep talking, though. "And hey, he didn't even pick a working one! The thing's defective! Robotic limbs and shit. Dude really needs higher standards."
That was it. The jester turned, running at them with nothing but rage and hate in his eyes. The dumb fuckheads barely had time to begin a plea before Fizz went to town.
When his Fizzie got home, Ozzie immediately knew something was wrong. His partner’s colorful clothes were coated with black blood. The sin hurried over to him, surveying the imp for injuries before scooping him up into his arms. “Fizzie, babe, what happened?”
Asmodeus’s voice radiated concern, comfort and love for the jester. Fizzarolli couldn’t have gotten any luckier when him and the demon connected for the first time. Or the second. Or the many, many times after that. Eh, who needs labels?
“Some…assholes, spewing shit about you and me. I tried, but…they needed a lesson on how to shut up.” One of the robotic arms was damaged in his fit of rage. Apparently the loudmouthed sinners had a bit of fight in them. Fizz still disposed of the garbage; he just got a bit messy.
Ozzie sighed, nuzzling his feathery head against Fizz’s smooth skin. “Froggie, I love that you wanna defend me, but it’s not worth you getting hurt. I’d take all the shit-talk Hell has to offer if it meant you’d be okay.”
So mushy… The imp rolled his eyes, secretly melting inside at the sweet words. “Alright, alright, I get it. No more fighting over your honor. Tell Hallmark the message worked.”
Then he did Fizzarolli’s most favorite thing ever. He laughed, a deep snort kicking off the rumbling chuckles. Fizz laid his head on Ozzie’s chest, feeling the vibrations and listening to the short burst of amusement. The sin stood, sighing out a final huff before carrying his partner to their bed. It was the only one big enough for Asmodeus, let alone Fizz, to fit. 
Following their pattern, Ozzie removed his elaborate suit, slipping on his robe instead. He then helped the jester peel away the blood-stained outfit, quickly drawing a bath for him. They were at the point where it was just second nature; one of them has a bad day, they get a warm bath, cuddles and shitty RomComs until they fall asleep. That day was Fizz’s day to be pampered.
After some calming back rubs in a nice bath, all blood was clean and the imp was feeling a bit better. Ozzie got him a new arm, making sure to give him little forehead kisses as he worked. Finally, they were ready to lay down.
Surprising no one, Ozzie was the big spoon. He hugged Fizz close under the covers, rubbing his back soothingly. The Lust ring’s RomCom channel played distantly on the TV.  It was barely a minute before the jester was dozing off. The sin’s touch softened, absentmindedly wandering across Fizzarolli’s bare skin. 
His feathery fingers eventually made their way to the imp’s sides. Fizz was drawn from his sleepy stupor by an unexpected buzzing along his side. A feeling he hadn’t felt in quite some time. He squirmed a bit, feeling the fingers go back to his back. The moment he settled back down, however, they returned. 
A quick glance at Ozzie’s dreamy expression told him that the sin wasn’t doing it on purpose. The rooster just thought he was giving him soft affections. Sighing, Fizz squirmed again, adjusting himself so the tracing was closer to his lower back. That was apparently a big mistake.
The moment one of the feathery fingers brushed his back, he squeaked, flinching away from the touch. Asmodeus immediately went into Mother Hen mode, lightning his touch and looking for injuries. “Fizzarolli, why didn’t you tell me you hurt yourself? Back injuries are serious!”
Ugh, why did he have to care so much? “I-I didn’t…” The lighter touch was somehow worse, sending a flurry of butterflies to attack his stomach. Fizz’s tail twitched, trying to wag; he made sure to force it still. Unfortunately for him, that also meant he took a small amount of focus off his verbal reactions. The smallest, teensiest little giggle slipped past his lips. Ozzie immediately stilled his fingers; as a sin, he easily heard the noise. Then something clicked.
“Froggie…are you ticklish?” Shit…Fizz tried to run, a burst of adrenaline pulling him from the sleepy peace. Ozzie was on him before he could move an inch. The little imp didn’t stand a chance.
“W-wait! Ozz, don’t you fucking dare!” His robotic arms wrapped around the sin’s body, trying to push him off. That was nearly impossible, as Asmodeus was over four times his size and much stronger than the prosthetics. Still, he could only try. 
The rooster smirked, his demeanor doing a complete 180. Ozzie went from concerned and soft to playful and smug in seconds; it was almost scary how fast he could switch like that. “Oooh, babe, I definitely fucking do~”
Before he could get another protest out, ten feathered fingers attacked his torso. Five running along his back, five snaking around to his stomach. In seconds, small giggles slipped past his lips, a blush tinting his scarred cheeks. “N-nohoho! Ohohozzie you dihihick!”
“I know it’s one of your favorite features, but let’s leave my dick out of this.” Stupid, cheesy words; it was unfair how blushy they made him. Fizz tried to wiggle away, but even with his insane flexibility, Ozzie’s strong arms kept him trapped.
He twisted and kicked, his limbs swinging and flailing as he tried to escape. He didn’t fully mind the tickling, but Fizz had an image to protect. The amazing, alluring, ass-kicking Fizzarolli couldn’t be seen getting reduced to a giggly puddle; even if nobody was watching but his boyfriend.
“Tickle tickle tickle, Fizzie~” He just had to tease… If there was one thing that killed Fizz, it was Ozzie’s silly teases. Normally, they were just flustering. Those teases, though; they drove him nuts. “Shuhut the fuhuhuck uhuhup!”
Ozzie loved the sight of his squirmy boyfriend. The genuine laughter, happy smile, vibrant blushes and adorable noises warmed his loving heart. He genuinely couldn’t be happier than when he was with his Fizzie Frog; especially when the imp was all giggly like that. “Awww, babe, I’m just tryna cheer you up! Are you not feelin’ just a teeny bit better?”
Okay, that wasn’t fair. He was definitely feeling better than when he arrived, but that wasn’t totally because of the tickling. Being around Asmodeus, as evil as he was, immediately boosted his mood. “Thihis- ihit’s nohot fahahair! Youhuhu suhuhuck!”
“Only for you, Fizz~” Just to be evil, Asmodeus fluttered his fingers on the jester’s hips. FIzz squealed, his arms swinging to try and grab Ozzie’s hands. Oh, that asshole! “SH-SHIHIHIT! AHASMODEHEHEUS! NAHAT THEHERE!” 
Ozzie chuckled, loving the high-pitched cackles from his partner. “But right there is my favorite! C’mon babe, you gotta admit that this is pretty cute.” Fizz groaned through his laughter, thrashing under the sin’s tickly assault. His robotic appendages were no help, merely bouncing off the sin’s feathered skin instead of actually deterring him. 
“NOHO IHIHI”M NAHAT! OHOZZIEHEHEEEE!” Fizz could feel his tail wagging, the tip making a gentle thump against the sheets. At least the rooster wasn’t teasing him about that. “Ooh, Fizzie, your tail’s wagging. Are you enjoying yourself?” Spoke too soon…
Seeing that he was working his partner up a bit too much, he moved away from the imp’s hips, deciding to focus on Fizz’s neck instead. “Alright, alright. I won’t kill you, Fizzie babe.”
“F-fuhuckin’ feehels like ihihit!” Fizz whined, his laughter dying down to squeaky giggles. He turned his head, burying his face in the pillowy mattress. The muffled giggles only made him cuter, in Ozzie’s opinion. He leaned his head down, peppering the jester’s face with light kisses. Fizz scrunched up his shoulders, both loving and hating how the ticklish kisses made him melt. “Bahahahaaaabe!”
Ozzie chuckled, basking in the way his boyfriend reacted to the silly affections. The faces in his hair were smiling wide, portraying his obvious adoration and love. So fucking cute…
It was almost comical, the way the large sin cuddled up to the smaller imp. The love they shared was like no other; based on good communication, mutual respect and pure affection, it was about as healthy as you could get. Sure, they weren’t officially public, but nobody else needed to know about them for it to be wonderful. Especially in the cutesy moments like those.
As much as Fizzarolli loved the attention, he was wearing out. Dealing with the dicks from that morning, combined with the goofy fun, had him pretty drained. “Ohozziehehe! Plehease, noho mohohore!” 
And just like that, it was over. Asmodeus respected boundaries more than any other creature in hell; the moment Fizz wanted him to stop, he would, no questions asked. He did, however, pull the imp against his chest, rubbing small circles into his back to help calm him down. The sin’s voice was soft once again, save for a teasing edge. “Easy, babe. You okay? I didn’t go too far, did I?”
Fizz took a few deep breaths, getting out the last few giggles as he snuggled against his man. “Uhum…no, you’re good. But *damn*, did you have to go for my hips?” Ozzie snorted, nuzzling his head against the imp’s. “You know I did. It’s adorable, how can I not?”
He held Fizz tight, flipping them over so the jester was laying on his chest. It was their favorite way to sleep; Fizz could feel the warmth of his boyfriend, and Ozzie could sleep peacefully, knowing his partner was safe while he was with him. Fizzie grumbled, but didn’t protest the movement. He was tired, and he couldn’t deny that the sin’s chest was rather comfortable.
The covers were pulled over the pair, concealing almost all of Fizz’s body. His concealing hat was removed, placed on its holder for the night. It was nice, affectionate and calm; just the way the pair liked it. They drifted off, the small yet happy smile never leaving the imp’s face.
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writeroutoftime · 6 months
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-matt murdock-
Heartbeat - on a lazy day together, you ask for a small peak until Matt’s world
-foggy nelson-
You’re Heart in Exchange for Mine - Foggy has been led to believe it’s the material goods that keep a relationship alive, but you strive to prove to him that all you want is to love him and be loved in return
Feelings Confessed - You like Foggy, Foggy likes you, but neither of you know of the other’s feelings. What could happen when Foggy walks you home from Josie’s one night?
-peter parker-
Not the Same Girl - Before the Blip, Peter would babysit you, but not that he’s back and you’ve grown up, what feelings will come to play? 
Little Fall of Rain - Based on ‘A Little Fall of Rain’ from Les Mis
You're Stunning - When Peter takes your picture unexpectedly, he learns how you feel about yourself and tries to change your mind
Speak Now - When Peter is getting married, you just want to go and make sure he’s happy. but what happens when the officiant asks a very pertinent question?
-jack thompson- 
By Your Side -   “You wanna go save the world with me?”
Undercover Feelings -  You and Jack don’t like each other in the slightest. But when an undercover mission throws the two of you together, what will become of your relationship? (aka - undercover enemies to lovers)  
We’re Okay - When out on the field, you run into a burning building to save a young child, and all Jack can do is pray you’ll be safe
-steve rogers- 
Bail You Out - A midnight call wakes you up, asking you to pick Steve and Bucky up in a less than ideal location 
True Gentleman - After a date with Steve, he wants to make sure that you get home safe, but you reassure him that you’ll be alright
-bucky barnes-
A Secret Language - flower shop au - when Bucky stumbles across your little flower shop, you’re enamored. too bad he keeps coming in to buy flowers for his mystery women (using the prompts “you aren’t over her, are you?/not even close”)
-tony stark- 
The Scoops Troop - It’s Halloween and you want to do a group costume, but Tony isn’t onboard with the idea 
Only Wanna Be With You - It’s yours and Tony’s anniversary but why is he acting so odd?
Stop the Tears - Druig finds you crying and can only focus on the pull he feels towards you and taking your tears away
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-jack thompson- 
13 Days of Halloween - Day Seven - “I picked it out especially with you in mind. You’re hurting my feelings.” 
-steve rogers-
“you owe me a kiss”
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-bucky barnes-
Lost in Love and Time (Ongoing) - Haunted Mansion AU
Prologue Part One || Prologue Part Two || Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three || Chapter Four
-peter parker- 
Fools Rush In (Ongoing) - When Peter finds himself claiming to the Avengers that he has a girlfriend, he turns to you for help even though the two of you are class rivals 
Chapter One || Chapter Two
-steve rogers- 
La La Land (Discontinued) - As a struggling actress in the big city, you aren’t sure how you are going to get your big break. Similarly, starving artist, Steve Rogers, doesn’t know how to move on after a deal gone wrong. What happens when you two meet and learn more about yourselves, love, and the power of dreams than you ever though possible? 
Chapter One
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genshin-obsessed · 2 years
Oh Pocky! I finally have a request idea lmao 👀
Any of the boys you want (but specifically Wanderer bc I've been thinking about him nonstop) with a reader who looks really weak (bc they're a nerd magic user) surprising him by picking him up bridal style. Reader's secret? They're using anemo to support his weight. Up to you if the reader tells him or if he figures it out lol. I just want to see these boys flustered >:3c
(If you want more details maybe it's after he got injured somehow and reader's like "you're not walking after this")
Jayyyy!! It's been so long! This was actually really fun to do! Thanks for the request<3
➺ Characters: Wanderer, Cyno, and Alhaitham ➺ Genre: Fluff ➺ Note: In Wanderer's portion, (w/n) mean's wanderer name in the event you chose something for him. If you chose a name as a joke (i.e edgelord lmao) you're welcome to use that or just keep it as wanderer.
Picking Him Up!
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“Are you sure you can walk?” You asked in a teasing tone, making (w/n) scoff a little. Just a few moments ago, the two of you were walking back home from your little day out, but (w/n) had stepped on a rock weirdly and fell. It seemed as if he really hurt his heel, but he refused to say anything other than he was fine. Not wanting to push the subject, you just accepted and continued walking on your way. However, he had been limping the entire time.
“I’m fine, you worry about yourself.” He replied as he limped onwards. You couldn’t help but chuckle, but at the same time felt really bad. He hurt his foot that much?
“Come on, (w/n), I can help you walk.” You offered to which he shook his head and sighed.
“It’s fine, really. I just hurt myself a little and I’m fine.” He admitted and kept limping. But now you felt even worse! He didn’t even wanna pretend he wasn’t hurt. Deciding to ignore him, you moved behind him and- rather easily- lifted him up. His eyes widened and he looked around frantically.
“Th-the hell?!” Weren’t you a little weakling?! How’d you pick him up?
“Surprised? I’m plenty strong too, yanno.”
“Bull! You're weak as hell!”
“Who’s carrying who right now?” And for the rest of the entire trip, he kept trying to get you to reveal your secrets. But you weren’t gonna tell him you were using your anemo vision to carry him. He looked kinda cute all shocked like this!
Cyno had been sparring earlier with a friend of his and you had been watching. Everything was fine and the little match ended. Thing was… he seemed to hurt his leg at some point. He was sitting for an extended period of time before you approached him.
“Cyno? Are you ok?”
“Oh, (y/n). I didn’t know you were here.” He said, eyes wide when they landed on you.
“Oh, yeah! I just got here earlier today! Are you ok? Is your leg hurt?” You asked with a frown as you crouched down next to him to see the extended leg before you.
“A little,” he admitted, “it’s my ankle. But I’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry about me. What brings you buy?” He inquired as he pushed himself to stand. You stepped back to allow him, eyes locked onto his face just in case you saw him wince, and you did.
“Are you sure? I just wanted to see you, that’s all.” He nodded to your previous question and began to walk back to his little house. But you noticed he was limping. Though you two were making conversation, you had a hard time following what he was saying because you were just so worried. If he couldn’t walk, then he needed to rest.
“Cyno, I can help you walk.” You offered, to which he shook his head.
“No, I’m ok, really.”
“You’re limping.”
“Nothing I haven’t dealt with before.” The way he said it clearly meant the end of your conversation. But you were relentless, so you just scooped him up and held up in your arms with relative ease.
“Wh-what?!” His eyes were wide and his cheeks were red from your actions, unable to understand how someone as weak as you just picked him up! Sure, he wasn’t the tallest, but he still had muscle on him- that weighed something! But the way you walked made him feel as light as a feather.
To you, he was, anyway. You had used your anemo vision to help you lift him up. The look on his face was just the icing on top.
“Alhaitham! Hi!” You called as you ran towards him. He perked up from his place on the desk when he heard your voice, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He turned to see you, waving a little.
“Hello, (y/n). What brings you buy?” He inquired as he watched you stop in front of him.
“I wanted to go out to eat today! You said your lunch was soon, so I wanted to know if you wanted to grab a bite!” You had offered with such enthusiasm, not even the cruelest could say no. Certainly not Alhaitham.
“Of course, I would love to.” He said as he closed his book and stood up. The two of you walked out of the building and down the path, talking as you went along. However, you two hadn’t noticed the run away card, flying down the hill. With his quick reaction speed, Alhaitham yanked you back, falling to the ground with you, the cart just barely missing you two. However, a crate fell on his leg, making him groan in pain as the owner of the cart stopped for only a second to push the crate off, offer an apology, and kept chasing. Alhaitham wouldn’t have had a problem helping… but his leg hurt.
“Are you ok?!” You yelled in panic, sitting up a little. Your boyfriend nodded, frowning a little.
“Yeah, just… I’m good.” He said as you helped him stand up. He winced again as he tried to step on his left leg, making you frown.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” He looked hurt- you could tell. He could barely apply pressure to his leg. “I can help you walk.”
“Don’t worry about it. Just a little ache.” His words seemed strained and he began to walk down to a nearby ledge to sit but it seemed kind of hard for him. So, deciding to ignore him, you just lifted him up. It wasn’t easy since he was taller than you, but with your abilities, he wasn’t heavy.
“Wh-what are you doing?! P-put me down!” Alhaitham protested almost the second he was off his feet. “H-how did you do that?!” He was conflicted between asking you to put him down and asking you to explain how you lifted him so easily. You only chuckled and kept walking.
“Didn’t think I could, did you? Well, it’s my little secret, darling~” you said with a wink, making his cheeks flush bright red. He was so embarrassed but at the same time, he found it kind of sweet. But too many people were looking now!
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
Bruno and Antonio,,,,the sillies
I put all the anippets on AO3 and then this was a new one 🗣🗣 It was requested a while back and I finally got around to writing it 💀💀
Leh geh it 😛
"Are you sure you don't need any help mamá?" Bruno asked as Alma gathered up the kids, who were running around excitedly. She had promises to take them to the butcher with her and then to the Guzmán's house.
Alma smiled at Bruno as she picked up Luisa and fixed her bow before handing Isabela and Dolores their parasols. "I'm sure mijo, don't worry about it," she laughed softly, and ushered the kids out the door. "I handled you and your sisters alome, I can handle this little ones too."
Bruno smiled sadly at the memory of his mamá running after him amd his older sisters. "Alright mamá, if you say so. I'll stay here with Tonito."
Alma gave him a small smile before she finally left Casita, her footsteps fading along with the kids. Bruno stood in the dark house for a moment, staring at the door before finally turning at the sound of things being shifted around.
Bruno looked towards the table near the stairs, where Casita was using several items atop it to point up the stairs. Bruno seemed confused for a moment before he finally caught on.
"Oh, you want me to check on Antonio?" He asked and the house shifted a shift items in the affirmative. Bruno nodded, making his way up the stairs. By the time he got to the nursery, the door had creaked open, where soft cooing could be heard inside.
Bruno smiled as slowly walked in, not wanting to scare his littlest nephew. He made his way over to the bassinet, which was gently rocking with Antonio's movements. Inside, the little infant was gnawing on the soft mittens that were on his hands.
Bruno remembered the pouty face Antonio made when Alma put them on him. Unfortunately, Antonio had a bad habit of chewing on his fingers, and with his budding fangs, it was only a matter of time before he bit himself. And while they could all heal pretty much instantly, his mother was worried and very overprotective; for good reasons. In addition to that, Antonio's fingernails kept growing, and Alma didn't want him scratching his face up.
As soon as Bruno hovered over the bassinet, using his hand to gently stop it, Antonio looked up and beamed. He reached for his tio, who smiled as he reached in, scooping up the baby. He was a spitting imagine of his late father, Bruno's brother-in-law, Felíx.
Antonio giggled as Bruno sat down on a mearby chair, geabbing at his ruana and babbling.
"Hola mí sobrino," Bruno said, tickling him and Antonio squirmed and burst into a fit of giggles. Bruno propped him up on his lap so he was sitting up and Antonio immediately began bouncing up and down excitedly. "Ah, you wanna move around? You're getting so big, you can almost stand up by yourself now!"
Antonio laughed, clapping his hands, the sound muffled by the mittens. He quickly got distracted, chewing on his hand once again. Bruno chuckled, gently guiding hus hand away. "Are you hungry? Is that why you keep doing that?" Bruno asked, though it was rhetorical; he knew Antonio couldn't really talk. He could only say a few words.
"Or maybe..." Bruno thought for a moment before cradling Antonio once more. After pushing his hand away for the upteenth time, he checked Antonio's mouth. His fangs had gotten a bit longer, among the few other teeth he had grown in the past few years. "Oh, that's why. Your little teeth are growing in," Bruno held Antonio up, and the babe squealed, flailing his arms and legs in delight.
Bruno smiled before finally standing and leaving the nursery. As he walked through the hall, Antonio looked around with curiosity, his little body squirming and shifting to get a look at everything around him. Bruno glanced at him every so often, adjusting his grip as he moved.
Bruno didn't mind this. Antonio was such a sweet baby, despite the dark secret that lurked within the family. Bruno loved playing with his nephew, and he loved staying inside with him. He knew his mother's intentions, always finding ways to keep Bruno inside with Antonio. He didn't mind, though. He knew his mother was simply just doing her best to keep them both safe. Bruno had disappeared for years; it was only natural.
Bruno by this point had already gone downstairs and gotten a bottle for Antonio that Alma had prepared previously. There was many of them, and he was grateful how prepared his mamá was. As he sat down in the living area, Antonio eagerly fed from the bottle, his small hands grasping at it and his tío Bruno's hand, the thick red liquid flowing as he drank. Bruno smiled down at the boy sadly before quickly fixing his face. Antonio was smart, amd he didn't want him to notice his sadness and thus triggering a crying session.
"You get to spend all day with your tío. Isn't that exciting?" Bruno said quietly, and Antonio smiled from behind his bottle. He curled closer to Bruno, who kept the same smile. "Just the two of us."
They are literally the uncle and nephew ever dawg I don't make the rules 🌚🌚
NAHHHH But I really did wanna write this, it just took me forever and I have no idea why. But I finally did it <33
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justfriendsbestthings · 4 months
Hey Mimi 💜💜
I hope you’re doing well and that you’ve also been having as nice weather 💜💜
Hi Liaaaaa 💜 we had absolutely lovely weather here this past weekend (so much sun, it was so nice) and then rain today (I love rain) so feeling very blessed at the moment :>
Your song is Human by dodie
And I really just want to copy paste all of the lyrics in here because it is perfect. I love the obsessed in a slightly unhealthy and codependent way of the song so much. You could also definitely read it as a genuine love song, which makes me appreciate it even more. Also 100% a wilmon song in my book, in both ways.
I guess if I had to pick a line it would be this one:
‘I wanna pick you up and scoop you out
I want the secrets your secrets haven't found’
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wh0lemilk0vich · 1 year
transfemme stevie purposefully gaining weight to give herself a more “feminine” curvy figure and good bf eddie helping her a lil too much
Ok but I love this so much. I don't typically write active gaining or encouragement, but I'm very on board with this.
Like I totally see Stevie annoyed that she's still so flat chested and maybe a little scrawnier than in the show and like the titty Skittles are doing their job but it's just not enough. So she's just harumphing.
And maybe my bisexual simp king Eddie is an admirer/feeder/encourager but it's not like his whole personality, and he loves Stevie, he just also likes bigger people and knows the space, but like doesn't bring it up because he doesn't want another thing to be judged for.
And like one time he's Stevie staring disappointedly in the mirror and he comes up behind her, hugging her and having a conversation with her in the mirror to comfort her like.
"Awe what's the matter, princess?"
"it's not fair, I still look like a boy... Or like a stick figure in a dress"
"Hey, careful! That's my girlfriend you're talking about."
"I'm serious. I wish I was curvy, soft, bouncy. I wanna fill out these clothes."
"Well I think you're beautiful," kisses her on the cheek, "and as much I love your little a-cups, I gotta say, I could very much get behind the idea of keeping my babygirl well fed. I've always been a sucker for a big girl." He tacks on, blushing, his hand absently rubbing Stevie's flat, almost concave tummy.
Stevie whipping her head to look at him and not his reflection, surprised and excited to be learning something new about him. "Ok, hello stranger! Why didn't I know this!?"
"Like I needed another thing to get shit for. I'm not ashamed or anything, it just didn't come up all the time. I mean there was a bit where I was hooking up with Chrissy Cunningham before she lost a bunch of weight and joined the cheerleading team, but she was keeping me a secret. Not the other way around."
Stevie just smiling and putting her hand on top of his while he keeps rubbing her tummy. "Huh, duly noted. So will you? Help keep me 'well fed'?"
"You came to the right perv. I know my way around a kitchen. Used to be a line cook, you know that? You're in good hands, baby, I'll have you filling this wardrobe out faster than you can say 'butterfly lounge.'"
It's a little hard for her at first, eating with this kind of purpose, but Eddie is a wizard in the kitchen. Everything tastes so good and it's weirdly thrilling and intimate when he feeds her occasionally, praising her, rubbing her belly, worshipping her body. That's what she wants, to feel curvy and soft and beautiful.
She can see the weight settling, low in her belly, padding her hips, dipping into widening thighs, her ass getting full and round and peachy, her tits filling out her bras looking pert and perky with cute puffy nipples.
Eddie can't get enough of her. He's always got a hand on her, possessive and proud. It's clear when he's standing so close against her how much he loves it, how much he loves her.
And it just continues until one day when they're about to go out, Stevie bends down to pick something up, and the side seams of her dress pop and her hips and sides of her belly are pushing through like over-proved dough, and she looks bashful, but not upset.
"I guess we got a little overzealous, huh?" She says.
And immediately Eddie's on her tearing the dress away just animalistically grabbing at all of her, feeling how plush she is, how much she jiggles and wobbles and bounces it's hypnotizing. He scoops her up and carries her to the bed to ravage her. His mouth is just an unrelenting torrent of praise and disbelief at how beautiful she is, how soft, and curvy and plump she is, how lucky he is. And he sucks her tits, strokes her, kisses and nibbles and nuzzles her belly, sucks her cock, sinks his teeth into her thighs, worships and eats her ass, begs her to smother him with it it's so round and downy soft. He fucks her hard and fast in so many positions: bounces her in his lap with her jugs in his face, hugs around her middle while taking her doggystyle, bruising her hips, watching her take him in missionary. But he slows down and gets sensual too. He just cannot get enough of her.
And as they're panting and cuddling in the afterglow she's like. "Well I really worked up an appetite."
And Eddie kisses her so hungry and deep holding the back of her head. "Can't have my baby girl going hungry," smiling and caressing the overhanging swell of her belly, and hops up to go get her something to eat, while she relaxes.
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ramblingsofafanatic · 2 years
Zeb’s Birthday
Please see the series Masterlist for more details! Although this can be read as a standalone. 
Summary: It's Zeb's birthday and Kallus did some research. I'm making up more and more lasat traditions as I go because I WANT them.
Word Count: 585
Relationships: Alexsandr Kallus/Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios
Warnings: None.
Kallus sighs as he starts out on his second attempt at making the filling Bas told him about. She failed to mention how difficult it was to make, apparently being able to follow instructions is not enough. Jacen giggles from where he’s sitting in a little chair on the counter next to Kallus as he squishes some of extra dough between his hands.
“Yes, I’m happy this is so amusing to you.” Kallus says with a sigh. He promised to watch Jacen in exchange for Hera and Kanan distracting Zeb and giving him use of the Ghost’s to carry out his task. Luckily just as Hera promised, the baby is not as distracting as he first worried, if anything he’s happy for the company. It prevents him from overthinking this and gives him something to focus on when waiting between tasks.
“Okay, this should work, hopefully.” Kallus says as he sets the filling aside. He holds some of the spare fruit paste out towards Jacen, who happily tastes it.
“I hope Zeb likes it as much as you appear to.” Kallus mutters as he wipes up the counter and Jacen’s face and hands. He turns to pull the half baked pastries from the oven. He sets them on the counter next to the filling to cool down before turning to start on the next task.
“Secrets again?” Zeb says.
Kallus jumps and mutters a curse under his breath as he spills whipped cream onto the counter. He forgets sometimes how quiet Zeb can be, especially when the Lasat is intentionally trying to sneak up on something, or in this case, someone. 
“Kallus! Sorry, he knew something was up and we couldn’t stop him after he found out it had to do with you.” Kanan explains as he enters in after Zeb.
“It’s fine.” Kallus says, it’s not like anything can be done now.
“I hope Jacen didn’t cause too much trouble.” Hera says as she picks him up.
“He was an excellent assistant when it came to taste testing.” Kallus says as he finishes adding the whipped cream to the top of the tart.
“Taste testing? Uncle Kallus spoils you doesn’t he.” Kanan says. Kallus pretends to not be affected by the light teasing as he watches Hera and Kanan lear out with Jacen in tow.
“He should be spoiling me, what you making?” Zeb asks as he steps closer to try and look around Kallus at what he was doing.
“It is supposed to be a surprise for your birthday,” Kallus says.
“How did you… Chopper” Zeb trails off before growling out the droid's name.
“Hey, don’t get mad at him, he was just helping me.” Kallus says.
“I still don’t like that you’re friends with that bogan.” Zeb says.
“Well would this make you feel better?” Kallus says before stepping aside to let Zeb see the little pastries he was just finishing.
“Micato?” Zeb says.
“I know they aren’t the best, but-” 
“They’re perfect.” Zeb cuts it off.
“You haven’t even tried one.” Kallus protests.
“Don’t need to, you made it.” Zeb says as he crowds Kallus against the counter.
“You gonna try one before you get us distracted or-” Kallus cuts himself off as Zeb reaches behind him to scoop up some of the whipped cream and smear it across Kallus’ lips.
“I will, but I got something else I wanna taste first.” Zeb says with a grin before leaning down slightly to lick the whipped cream from where he’s spread it.
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melwsnt · 1 year
A/n: I just spent an hour writing this because I was bored, this definitely isn’t great but I’m hoping you like it :) also- for the sake of this imagine let’s pretend hopper didn’t ‘die’ at the end of s3 because I said so <3
It had been an eventful couple of days. You couldn’t believe it was over- thank god it was- but it felt wrong- like it wasn’t actually completely over.
You stood outside of starcourt, most of the group had gone home already, as you starred at the last of the fire being put out, the memories of the mindflayer hitting you as you almost died a couple hours before.
You were lost in thoughts when a hand was placed on your shoulder startling you.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, where were you just now?” You turned to face Steve, a concerned look on his face.
“I don’t really know. Was just thinking, I guess. Why aren’t you home?” You asked- fairly embarrassed that he caught you daydreaming.
“Uh- my parents, they didn’t pick up. Guess they aren’t home.” He said- his turn to be embarrassed. He lied- he knew they must’ve been home, they just didn’t care enough to actually pick up the phone even if it meant that their son had just came this close to dying.
“I can drive you home. My car’s a couple blocks away. If it’s still here.” You sighed. You had joined the group a little bit after they had discovered the Russian secret code- so your car had been there for three days.
“ Yeah. Yeah that’s fine, you sure you don’t mind?” He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck, not wanting to bother you.
“ Yeah- it’s fine. Plus, I’m your only ride, as long as you don’t mind waking a bit?” You said as you started walking- him following you instantly.
The walk to the car was silent. Both of you were lost in thoughts- forgetting about everything around- and each other.
“Isn’t that your car?” Steve stopped- putting you out of your thoughts once again.
“Shit, yeah. Thanks.” You said quietly as you fumbled with the car keys in your hands- shaking.
“Do you want me to drive? I don’t mind.” Steve asked from the passenger car door.
“ No- it’s fine, it’s gonna ease my nerves.” You mumbled- Steve barely able to hear it. You had been awfully quiet- which in all fairness was unusual even for you- though the circumstances of the past days made sense of you being quiet.
“So I’m taking you home?” You asked as you put the key in the ignition to start the car, turning to Steve waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, I got nowhere else to stay, home’s fine.” He said as he looked down at his lap.
“You can crash at my place if you’d like? I know you don’t wanna go back there; I don’t mind.” You knew Steve might refuse- he would be embarrassed, but he took you by surprise by agreeing and thanking you. Neither of you had the force to fight anything- even less parents so he accepted instead of fighting with his own thoughts.
When you parked in your driveway, Steve was first to get out of the car, admiring the house in front of him.
“I haven’t been here in ages.” He pointed out- and that one comment made you smile- though it didn’t quite reach your eyes- it was nice to hear him acknowledge that.
“ Yeah- well, if you hadn’t turned out to be an asshole in high school you could’ve spent more time here.” You said as you unlocked the front door, turning around and smiling at him only to see him frowning.
“Sorry- I was just joking. I mean you were an asshole- but that was just to lighten the mood a bit.”
“ I’m sorry.” He just said- still standing outside the door, in his scoops outfit.
“ It’s fine Steve. It was a long time ago- I shouldn’t have bring it up. Also- please come inside you’re making me nervous.” You smiled lightly at the boy, closing the door behind him as he didn’t say a word.
“You remember where my room is?”
“Yeah, you’re not coming?” He asked as he went up the first step.
“No- I’m coming in a second, just gotta check something real quick.”
You went to the living room to see if your parents had left anything- a letter maybe- but nothing. You had been missing for three days- and yet they didn’t seem to care a single bit.
You sighed as you made your way up the stairs, taking a deep breath before entering your room Steve was in.
The last couple year- Steve and you had driven apart. Once- he had been your best friend, your shoulder to cry on, but when high school hit and popularity became a thing, Steve ditched you for better friends- less lame than you- you thought.
The whole fight with demogorgons, and the mindflayer had bring you together once again- much to your dismay at first.
Steve had already apologized though you’d dismissed it every single time.
The truth was- after seeing how much he had changed, and how he had gotten back to his old self- the Steve you knew and loved, things were too complicated. He’d go on countless dates- not that you had anything to say about it since you were barely friends anymore- but it ate you inside. You just wanted it to be you. You always had.
So now- after everything- after realizing that all these years you’d only missed him- and that having him back in your life made it a little better- though the circumstances it was in- it was incredibly hard to keep it to yourself. But you had to.
You pushed the door open, Steve was sitting at the edge of your bed, his head in his hands, as he run them down his face when he saw you entering.
“ Hey. I’m back.” You closed the door behind you as you made your way to sit down next to him, trying to put a certain distance between the two of you.
“You okay?” He asked as his eyes ran down to your face, you looked exhausted- yet you still looked as beautiful as ever to him.
“I mean, are you?” You looked up only to see him look at you already- your cheeks turning pink.
“Right. That was a stupid question.” He laughed it off- and you’d missed that sound.
“Hey, I’m sorry about your parents. I know it’s always been complicated but you know I’m here right? It’s not because we’re not as close that you can’t talk to me.” You smiled sweetly at him, putting your hand on his knee, you hadn’t noticed you had gotten a bit closer to him.
“I know. Thank you. Your parents aren’t here either, what’s that about?” He asked- as you retrieved your hand and rested it in your lap- suddenly feeling weird about it all.
“Yeah, guess we’re both part of the same group called ‘the ones with parents who suck’ “ you stiffed a laugh. He had no idea.
“I thought everything was okay with them?” He asked, slightly turning his body fully to be seated in front of you.
“Yeah, that was like 4 years ago. Then it went downhill. I mean, right now, I could bet you that my dad is at a motel screwing one of his coworker, and my mom is probably at a bar looking for some random guy to screw for the night. Then they’ll come home in the morning and pretend everything‘s bright and pink. They’ve been doing that for awhile and they think I don’t know.” You rambled and took a deep breath.
“Shit. I didn’t know- I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” Steve felt guilty- he could see you held back tears and it pained him to see you like that.
“No- it’s fine. Felt good to say that out loud for once. I didn’t mean to ramble.” You said- making him shake his head as a response.
“No I don’t mind- I’m here for you. You’re still my friend Y/n, I’ll listen to you ramble everyday if I could.” Steve smiled then caught up on what he said and turned red- making you smile at him.
“That’s sweet. Thank you.” You both looked at each other- and just after a few seconds of silence- you put your hand on his cheek- examining his black eye.
“Does it still hurt?” You ran your finger over it- making him hiss- only for you to retract your hand once again not wanting to hurt him more.
“No- not as much. It’s fine now.”
“Good. You still look like shit though.” You teased him-just like you used to.
“Yeah?” He asked as he raised his brows.
“Yeah. You definitely need a shower. You smell too.” You smiled, and he stayed quiet for a bit.
“I’d tell you you look like shit too , but you look pretty, even like this.” He asked- unbeknownst to you- his eyes made their way to your lips.
“Oh C’mon Steve. My makeup is smudge all over my face, I’ve got blood all over me, and I haven’t showered in three days. I assure you, I’m not pretty right now.”
“No, you are. You always are.” Steve felt confident- he didn’t know where it came from, but after almost dying, he realized he couldn’t lose you- he couldn’t take you for granted anymore.
“Don’t you like Robin?”
Steve was taken aback by your question. He thought he did- but when he talked to Robin and she revealed to him she liked girls- she gave him a pep talk about how utterly in love he was with you. He always talked about you- about how he wanted you back in his life- and Robin saw in his eyes something different when he thought of you. He was in love- and he only thought he liked Robin because it was less scary than being in love with his ex best friend.
“No- I mean. I did- I thought I liked her. But we talked-and she made me realize it’s you.”
“What do you mean it’s me?” You were confused now- you thought you knew where this was going- though you didn’t wanna believe it was happening. You’d waited your whole life for this.
“I mean it’s always been you. I think- I think I’ve loved you for so long it never occurred to me that I ever did like that. You were my best friend so I never thought it was more than that. But you almost died, Y/n, and I think that made me realize I can’t lose you. I just- I thought you were dead and I felt like a part of me was dying. I’m in love with you- and you don’t have to feel the same I just - I had to tell you.”
You couldn’t believe it. It felt too surreal- and too much. When the car hit you- and you found yourself going back and forth in between consciousness and unconsciousness, all you could see was him. Your life flashed before your eyes and all you saw was him. It was enough for you to realized that- you loved him. And you had for years. But hearing him say that he felt the same before even knowing how you felt- it was bittersweet.
“I- I love you too.” You blurred out- he had just poured his heart out so you had to do the same. Plus- you knew how he felt now. So what could go wrong?
“What?” He blinked many times- which made you laugh.
“I’m in love with you, Harrington. Keep up.” You looked up only to see him completely shocked.
“Thank god. I thought you might kick me out.” He let out a relieved breath.
“ I mean.. I still could.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah! It’s my house!” You laughed, as you saw him get in position.
“Steve?” Your eyes went wide, still a huge smile on your face.
“Are you sure you wanna kick me out?”
“If you keep asking, then yes I will!”
A scream left your mouth as Steve attacked you with tickles, forcing you to lay on your back, Steve on top of you as both of you laughed your hearts out.
“Still wanna do it?” He asked as he put a strand of hair behind your ears.
“Not sure now. I always wanted to have Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington on top of me. I like it.”
It only took that sentence for Steve to crash his lips into yours, a slow- passionate kiss- a kiss you’d both been waiting for for years.
Steve was the first one to pull away before you spoke up.
“Is it crazy that it took us three times of fighting monsters and almost dying to realized we’re in love?” You laughed- red spreading all over your cheeks.
“Yeah. Kinda. I’m glad we did though, I couldn’t keep listening to Robin and Dustin telling me to pick up my balls and go tell you how I feel.”
“That’s gross.” You laughed.
“Can I kiss you again now?”
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brideofkylosolo · 2 years
Writer Wednesday Fic
Writer Wednesday Week 32
Tagging @writer-wednesday
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A Fall Surprise at the Pumpkin Patch
Clyde X Kadlyn (OC) (Logan Lucky)
Clyde and Kadlyn take their kids to the local pumpkin patch for some fall fun.
Warnings:  Cuteness, fluff, family, animals
     It was no secret that fall was Clyde Logan’s favorite season.  From the cooler weather to the foliage, to the various fall festivals in the area, he loved everything about autumn.  Especially going to Thompson’s Farms, the local pumpkin patch with his family.
     “Are we there yet?” his eldest daughter Rylee asked from her seat in the family van.
     “Almost, punkin’,” Clyde told her as he carefully drove the van down the road.
     “Are there gonna be animals there?” Nathan, the couple's youngest boy asked.
     “It’s a farm, it’s gonna have animals,” Daniel, his older brother replied.
     “Nah-uh,” Nathan retorted.  “That tree farm we went to to get our Christmas tree didn’t have any animals.”
     “That’s different,” Daniel said defensively.
     “Alright boys, that’s enough,” Kadlyn, Clyde’s wife told her two boys as Clyde turned onto a gravel road.
     Soon, they made their way to the grass parking lot.  Clyde parked the car as his youngest daughter, Layne made a noise from her car seat.
     “What munchkin?” he asked.  “You ready to get out and pick out your pumpkin?”
     Layne made another happy noise.  Clyde just smiled.  He opened the door and carefully took her out of her car seat, cradling her against his wide chest.  She made a happy coo as she settled.  Clyde smiled as he handed his infant daughter off to Kadlyn; he then got the red wagon from the back seat as his other four children climbed out.  Everleigh, his middle daughter started to take off but he managed to grab her in time.
     “Where do you think you’re going, little miss?” he asked her as he scooped her up with his good hand.
     “I want down,” the little girl whined as Clyde placed her in the wagon along with Nathan.
     “You’ll get down soon enough, baby,” Kadlyn told her daughter as Layne cooed in her arms.
     “I want down now!” Everleigh stated as she started to climb out of the wagon.
     “Everleigh Rose,” Kadlyn said in her signature motherly tone that only she had.
     The little girl stopped, pouting as she sat.  It made Clyde chuckle to himself.  Only Kadlyn could rein in their kids by simply saying their names.  She was by no means a strict mother to her brood but she also didn’t tolerate any sort of misbehaving either.  Of course, none of their five children ever, if rarely, misbehaved, lucky for them.
     “I’m hungry,” said Nathan as they walked inside the gates to the Pumpkin farm.  “Can I get a grilled cheese?”
     “I want chicken nuggets!” Everleigh interjected.
     “We’ll see what they have, ok buddy,” Clyde told his kids.
     “Look,” Rylee, the couple’s oldest daughter exclaimed.  “They have hay rides!  Can we go on that mommy?  Please?”
     “I wanna do the corn maze,” Daniel said.
     “We’ll do both,” Kadlyn told them as the family walked over to the line for the hayrides.
     Suddenly, a black puppy came bounding up to them.  It immediately attempted to climb into the wagon, making Rylee, Daniel, Nathan, and Everleigh burst into laughter.
     “Puppy!” Rylee happily exclaimed as the tiny dog hopped up and down.  The dog stood on its hind legs and began to lick Rylee’s face; the little girl giggled.  “That tickles!”
     Clyde picked the dog up.  “Cute little feller, aren’t ya?” he remarked as the puppy licked his nose.
     “Can we keep him?” Daniel asked.
     “I think he’s the owner’s,” Kadlyn told her son as a young woman wearing a tan set of overalls walked up.
     “There you are, you little rascal,” the woman said.  “Sorry about that.  He keeps getting out of the barn.”
     “Is she your puppy?” asked Rylee.
     The women smiled. “Well, he’s the farm’s puppy.  His mama had him and his siblings a few weeks ago.”
     “What’s his name?” asked Daniel.
     “He doesn’t have one.”  The woman gave Kadlyn and Clyde a smile.  “He’s actually looking for a home if you folks are interested.”
     That news excited the kids.  “Can we take him home daddy?” Rylee inquired.
     Clyde and Kadlyn exchanged looks.  “I dunno baby girl…”
     Rylee took his good hand in her hands.  She looked up at him with a pleading look.  “Pleeeease Daddy?  We promise we’ll take good care of it.”
     “I guess so,” he replied.  “So long as your Momma says it’s ok.”
     Rylee and Daniel turned to look at Kadlyn.  She rolled her eyes as she smiled.  “Alright, we can take the puppy home.”
     Rylee, Daniel, and Nathan hopped up and down in excitement as the woman handed Clyde the puppy.  “I wanna name him Olaf!” stated Rylee
     “No, that’s a dumb name,” Daniel retorted.  “Let’s name him Rusty.”
     “I wanna called him Bones!” interjected Nathan.
     “How bout we let your Momma pick his name?” Clyde suggested.
     Kadlyn paused to think.  “How about Oakley?”
     The three kids nodded.  “Yeah, I like that name,” said Daniel.
     Clyde liked that name as well.  “I like that name, too.”  He looked at the puppy.  “You like that?”
     Oakley licked his nose.  Clyde guessed that was yes.
     He smiled as Kadlyn scratched the puppy’s head.  “Well, welcome to the family, little Oakley.”  Clyde had a feeling the newest edition to their family was going to fit right in.
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