#(I was saving this picture for a rainy day and BOY
desultory-novice · 1 year
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Look! Floating cuties!
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heaven444child · 1 month
How and in which situation you will meet your future spouse ✨🍀
Pick an image
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Pick one picture🌌 AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile 1🌸
pile 1 You can meet Your future spouse in the 🌼 spring season. And your situation may be such that one of you will be at a place which even you don't know, then you ask someone for help to ask the address of a place. and the person from whom you ask for help will be your future spouse.but then he will not pay attention to you because he will be in 🫨 shock 😲, when you called him by placing your hand on his shoulder.it is possible that he got shocked to see you suddenly but you thought that he also doesn't know the address. maybe that is why he is not saying anything to me. then you go ahead and your future spouse gets confused as to why he couldn't say anything in front of you. It is possible that you will that meet Your future spouse when you travel somewhere related to your career or job. it is possible that at that time you are focusing on your career only and you don't trust people easily at that time. maybe 🤔 at that time you consider yourself less beautiful, but if I tell the truth then you are a very beautiful girl/ handsome boy, so please 🥺 Stop underestimate yourself and keep yourself ready for receive love. because soon you will have a partner in your life who will understand both your mind or ❤️ heart.
( I hope this pile resonates with you )
Pile 2 🌧️
pile 2 When you meet Your future spouse, it maybe 🌧️ rainy day. both of you will help each other that day. your situation maybe such that one of you doesn't have an umbrella ☔ and you must be standing somewhere to avoid the rain. there you meet Your future spouse and he looks at you and says that I can share my umbrella with you .he may also ask you where are you going,then he tells you that I am also going there .then you can sit on my bike 🏍️ and hold this umbrella ☔, look, don't misunderstand me🫣, I just want both of us to be saved from the 🌧️ rain. when both of you reach your destination, you say thanku to him and then you say that oh.....I didn't even ask you Your name 🫢😱then your spouse tells his name to you and you tell him that nice meeting 🤝❤️ you and then he also says the same......and when you leave, Your future spouse is smiling ☺️☺️ at you and it maybe that you or your future spouse are a little flirtatious. and both of you felt like this after meeting each other maybe this is the person who is made for me and this person or you talk straight forward if he ever flirts with you then he will be flirt openly. he will not feel shy at all🫡😳🤫, rather you will feel shy🫠🫣
( I hope this pile resonates with you )
Pile 3🏫🫶
pile 3 You can meet Your future spouse at school 🏫 or college or any institute where you go to study. it is also a possibility that you can meet your future spouse just as you have thought. the situation of both of you will be such that you both will bump into each other and it is also a possibility that your future spouse may get a ball shape Mark on his forehead. and you may touch that mark but then he angrily ask you what are you doing🤨then you leave from there. it is possible that you or your future spouse likes to play sports and while playing games, he/she might be about to get hurt but you don't let him/her get hurt.❤️then you leave form there without saying anything and he tries to stop you. says why aren't you listening to me,🤔 I was just thanking you💮because you saved me from getting hurt🤕but you ignoring/avoiding me why..... why😔why are you doing this to me.then you said I also didn't do anything at that time but you were getting angry😡on me. this situation shows that when you meet Your future spouse, there can be a fight or misunderstanding between you two and when both of you solve your misunderstanding, then both of you will be happy 🌸.you make the journey from enemy to friends, friends to lover, lover to partner. ❤️❤and it is also possible that you or your future spouse always stalk or notice each other🫣and your future spouse has a lot of influence on everyone. and everyone believes in him.
( I hope this pile resonates with you )
Stay blessed ✨🍀 AND thankyou for your support 🫶❤️
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fxllfaiiry · 1 year
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─ hits different 'cause it's you
★ pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader
★ summary: spencer reid is used to being called pretty boy by everyone ─ everyone but you.
★ warnings: fluff, spencer and the reader acting like lovesick teens, co-workers to lovers, the team teasing spencer.
★ notes: I had this saved in my drafts for a long time and finally thought why not post it?? please don't mind any errors, english is not my first language.
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Spencer Reid likes a lot of things. He likes books, he likes jello, but most importantly, he likes you. He could talk about you for hours, in fact, if he was given the chance to, he would. Spencer was mesmerized by everything you did, he was hopelessly, utterly, in love with you.
“Pretty boy, what are you dreaming about?” Derek’s voice jolted him out of his bubble, he looked around embarrassed remembering he was in fact surrounded by his co-workers. Everyone in the jet turned to look at him, everyone including you. Sitting next to you was making him nervous.
“Um, nothing. I was just thinking about, stuff?” He somehow magically managed to stutter out a full sentence under your gaze, god he felt pathetic.
“Reid, are you asking us or telling us?” Hotch asked looking amused.
Spencer could feel your gaze set on him, he really hoped you couldn't see how red his cheeks are. “I - I’m telling you, yeah.” How was the smartest person in the room suddenly, the dumbest?
“Come on, give pretty boy a break,” Rossi smiled. Rossi had a sixth sense when it comes to these things, he knew about Spencer’s feelings from day one, it was obvious to almost everyone, but of course not to you.
You were equally in love with him, but you would never tell Spencer that, you couldn't bare the rejection. If only you knew how smitten he was with you. You stared at his face, marvelling at how pretty he looked, oh how you would kill for those lips to be on yours.
“Was pretty boy dreaming about a pretty girl?” Emily teased. What? No. Picturing Spence with other girls made you want to throw up. If you were paying more attention rather than drowning in jealousy, you’d have noticed Spencer’s eyes darting towards you.
“Come on pretty boy, tell us who the girl is.” Curiosity was killing you, who was the lucky lady that caught Spencer Reid’s eye?
Spencer froze, you called him pretty boy? He isn't used to that at all, you usually call him Spence or boy genius, but never pretty boy. ‘Please call me that again,’ he thought to himself.
“You think I’m pretty?” The question slipped past his lips before he could stop himself. That was everyone’s queue to stop listening, they all rushed back into their conversations wanting to give you guys some privacy.
“What? Of course, I think you’re pretty, Spence.” Where did this come from all of a sudden? You thought he was the prettiest boy, you would tell him that every day if you had to.
“I mean - It’s just you never call me that…” He tried to hide his nervous state by letting out a chuckle. He almost felt sad, why didn't you call him pretty boy? He wants to be your pretty boy desperately.
You on the other hand had no idea why you didn't call him that. Note: call Spencer Reid pretty boy more often.
“Well, I’m sorry, I’ll call you pretty boy more often if you want?” Where did that sudden wave of confidence come from?
“Oh, I would like that,” Spencer mumbled. He tried to keep the smile off his face but it was useless. This feeling was better than reading with his cardigan on, on a cosy rainy day.
“You’re the prettiest boy I know, Spence. My pretty boy.” The last part was so quiet Spencer would’ve missed it if he wasn't paying attention, but fortunately, he’s always paying attention to you.
“I think you’re the prettiest too.” The two of you were acting like love-sick teenagers, but what the hell, screw that.
“Would you like to go on a date with me once we get back, Spence?” You were beaming, after years of waiting, you finally got what you wanted, and the new surge of confidence certainly helped.
“I’d love that.”
bonus !
“Garcia owes me 20 bucks” Derek whispered watching the scene unfold.
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ryuichirou · 2 months
i saw a twst piss shade thread on twitter and was sharing to acquaintances how Idia is so often hc to piss in a bottle, energy too strong, and so! i wanna ask who do you think would piss in their bottom's mouth or ass :D your ask box has been quietly uncursed those days by what's answered and i thought of that so i'm not sorry uwu
Anon, this is such a long overdue reply, but I never forgot about your ask. In fact, I was saving it for a rainy day (golden rainy god I hate myself), because the mere fact of having such an ask in our ask box was making me happy. I really appreciate the cursedness of it, and I especially appreciate you considering us an authority on such an important, topical and very complicated question.
(by the way, of course Idia would pee in a bottle – the guy is all about convenience!)
Let’s get into it lol
Ace – would. This absolutely isn’t his go-to, but I can picture him both having an accident and doing it on purpose just because of how much of an asshole he is sometimes. He probably wouldn’t expect it to be this hot, he was just being a dick, but…
Trey – wouldn’t, but he would think about it… but this is just one of a million cursed kinky things that Trey thinks about hypothetically. He is also the type to apologise a lot afterwards and clean his bottom’s mouth thoroughly lol
Cater – would also think about it, but probably wouldn’t dare to do it. He also might do a fake “oops, sorry” afterwards.
Ruggie – he absolutely would for money, but no one is really offering ;( “Weird stuff you’re into, but sure” type of thing.
Jack – he wouldn’t… intentionally. He is super against it, the idea would sound revolting to him. But he is also a young pup and can’t always control himself, so he might have a little “marking territory” moment.
Azul – wouldn’t, he probably would think it’s gross. If something like this happened accidentally, he would be more embarrassed than smug about it…
Floyd – would. Sometimes because he just wants to piss inside his lover’s mouth (especially if Riddle (or Idia…)’s been annoying him), sometimes he just feels so aroused that he can’t help himself, and sometimes he just feels like peeing but doesn’t feel like moving. He likes doing it a lot.
Jade – absolutely would. But only if the situation is perfect for it because this isn’t something that he can overuse, so to speak. He knows that his potential partners wouldn’t expect him to do something like this, so he has to catch the most perfect moment of bliss and pleasure to shock his bottom with his special hot liquid lol
Kalim – he would, I’m sorry Jamil. He would do it on accident the first time, and it would be in the butt, but after that he would kind of get into it… he doesn’t do it all the time of course, and he is a little embarrassed to bring it up, but all this shyness goes away whenever he’s having sex.
Rook – would, but isn’t allowed :( Doesn’t mean that he absolutely never does it, mind you. But there is a very strict policy in Vil’s bedroom that he does break from time to time, to be completely fair. And with the other boys too, but not always – he is weirdly strategic about how he uses his urine. 🤔
Ortho – he would adjust his special gear just to try it out, and if he gets a fun reaction out of it, he’ll do it again! But he also was partially interested if niisan would be able to tell that the liquid he squirted inside of his butt is different by consistency and temperature… it’s not real pee, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?
Lilia – would, he did it with a lot of boys back in the day, and he still does it now; he also kind of taught Silver that this is something that could happen in case of an emergency if you can’t leave your pee smell in the woods for some reason.
Sebek – would, and this is 90% because of what Lilia has taught Silver. Sebek knows that this is complete bs, but he got so flustered and shocked when Silver got down and opened his mouth, that he couldn’t process it or say anything in protest. 
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nightlylaments · 1 year
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heyy! im tee, and i am an aspiring author from texas. writing has always been an escape for me. When I am not writing I am daydreaming, reading, or scrolling through tiktok doing homework. i am new to the writeblr community and how everything works. But i’m excited to be starting me new account, and i’m hoping i can make lots of author friends.
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about me:
college student studying criminal justice with a concentration in juvenile justice and a minor in social work
I love fantasy and murder mystery books
likes: writing, stardew valley, reading, sims, listening to music, rainy days, matcha tea, chocolate, painting, spending time with family, scented candles taking pictures, animal crossing
my dm's are open. id love some new friends (I also really need help figuring out to work/customize my account)
tag/ask game friendly!!
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what to expect;
dark fantasy, urban fantasy, murder mystery, and paranormal. black mc's and diverse casts. strong female leads with epic love stories. exploration with people excepting the love they think they deserve and learning their true value. Characters with magic and tragic pasts.
tropes & themes;
poc characters, found family, morally grey characters, mc's going insane, monsters, racism, war, violence, isolated small towns, the reality of death, immortal characters, enemies to lovers, slow burn, astrology, obsession, fated mates, prophecy’s, gods, magic based sicknesses/epidemics.
✨she who owns tragedy dark fantasy
a girl made of destructive magic meets a boy made of shadows. their fates are tied together by destiny and their meeting can either end or save the world. (more info coming soon)
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They are fixing a road nearby where I live, it's been broken as long as I can remember,
we would all ask the bus driver to hit the big puddles on the side where the broken asphalt met the dirt
My brother would cuss out the cars parked on the side of the road with minced oaths as he learned how to drive because they took up over half of the small road
They are fixing because a new temple is being built not too far from it
The old road is no longer good enough, because despite not ever connecting to the new temple and being a back road that not many people use it needs to be fixed with a new temple coming in somewhat near it
The road will be easier to drive on now
And there might be enough room for people to drive around the cars without needing to slow down to a walking pace
For some reason I am left mourning the old road, the pot holes and the way it crumbled into the dirt, the way I splash through the puddles on rainy days in my car and remember a younger me cheering as the bus driver did the same thing
The nostalga glossed over to make way for something pretty and new, nothing shiny or old allowed nearby the new temple
No imperfections allowed, however nostalgic they may be
Glossed over like everything else that doesn't match the picture perfect image
I was 11 when I got my first makeup set, for me to wear to church, not to school
In church makeup means looking your best, in school it means you are cheap and looking for boys
It's the same makeup but if you wear it at church it will only be permitted boys who will see you
My mom put on my makeup before my cousins baptism, had my aunts look over to make sure I was dolled up for the event, afterwards she bought me makeup and told me to follow what they had done, soft neutral tones, make up meant to look modest and demure
Covering up the imperfections
They say come as you are, but as soon as you get close enough they will change it to come as we like you to be
Save the meltdowns for the car
It was a common enough experience parents would joke about it
Kids melt downs are for before church, once you entered it was happy faces
Gloss over every emotion that isn't pleasant
Keep it locked away until you were far enough away to be permitted to let the mask fade
Cover it up with something shiny, no loud noises, no loud emotions, only crying allowed is when you feel faithful enough to go in front of everyone and softly cry as you talk about how good the church is to you and then get praised for being so open even when you say the same repeated lines
Nothing loud, nothing unique, nothing that shows the imperfections that lay beneath
If you bury them deep enough maybe no one hut you will know they are there, and that exactly how it is supposed to be
Imperfectly alone
And perfectly synchronized
Sometimes it still hurts to not be part of the ruetine part of me craves the generic praise and empty smiles the doing things Right instead of Wrong
Being a part of something instead of alone with nothing
Leave your personality at the door but become Whole with Everyone Else
A Family
Isn't it enough to be imperfect, can I atleast not be the only one
Crying only happens behind closed doors behind empty smiles
Covered up like the cracks on the asphalt
Like the puddles that no other kids will cheer when the bus driver veers off road slightly to get a big splash
Like anything else that isn't Just Right
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forest-falcon · 1 year
Content warning for angst
Crash Landing
(another extract because I haven't figured out the order yet! 😅 This time with Gordon and Alan's perspective as they wait for Two/Virg.)
"So!" Gordon chirped brightly, breaking the silence.
"I picked up this voice modulator. Has over five hundred voices to choose from! Was saving it for a rainy day but given Two's gonna be off the rota for a while, I thought we could install it?" The aquanaut nudged his brother's shoulder.
"Sure." Alan shrugged halfheartedly.
"Come on bro! Picture it...it's Virgil's first flight back, he does his preflight checks, fires boosters, then old Johnny boy crackles over comms, only it's a Darlek! Sending you co-or-din-ates!" Gordon materialized a plunger from nowhere and advanced towards his brother.
Alan forced a smile in response then turned to recheck the medical supplies he'd been readying for the umpteenth time.
"Come on Sprout. He'll be okay. You know that right?"
"Mmmm." Alan nodded noncommittally.
"Hey, and bonus - once the jets have finished dousing Two n' Virg is out safe - granted a few bumps and bruises; we'll have our own fire retardant foam party!"
Alan chuckled despite himself but his face remained doubtful.
"Talk to me bro."
"I- I don't know what to say." Alan fumbled; his brain suddenly spinning into overdrive.
"I want Virg to ditch Two in the sea, but I know he won't do that. I want Scott and Kayo to do... something to help Virgil but they can't abandon the mission...And why the hell do bad people keep trying to hurt the good? They don't come much kinder than Virg. Now our brother and his lifesaving ship are going to get smashed to pieces, and for what? I mean, even if Virg pulls this off, he's gonna get his ass handed to him and he started his day by trying to help people." Alan's expression contorted into a bitterness which had no place on a face so young. It made Gordon's heart flip.
The aquanaut inhaled deeply, ready to unpick the tangled ball of emotions he himself wasn't entirely sure how to process when Alan looked up; the anger replaced with pure and unfiltered dejection.
"And I just feel so selfish."
Gordon's brain tripped over itself.
"Wha- Why do you feel selfish? You've not done anything wrong."
Alan blinked rapidly at the horizon.
"I know, it's just that I know you feel all this worry too... so it's selfish for me to not cope, not when everyone else in the family feels the same. I don't want to be the weak one." he added, clenching his fists.
Gordon met his brother's glistening eyes with warmth from his own.
"You're not selfish or weak. You care, and that's a good thing."
"Yeah, but Grandma, Scott, John...well, all of you - you all care and yet you're all so together and practical. You just...handle it. Me? I feel like I've spent my entire life trying to live up to something I'm not." He scuffed his boot on the ground.
"I mean, I knew the gig going into it. I'm not afraid of getting hurt. And I can maintain a healthy distance from it all emotionally when it's other people...well, I can most of the time. I just thought, when I put that uniform on, when I learnt to pilot Three, when I saved my first person…that it'd somehow make me capable... of saving the rest of you."
Gordon pulled his younger brother in almost fiercely and held him with all the love and devotion his fractured heart could afford.
"We're not gonna leave you Allie."
"You can't promise that." Alan whimpered from the crook of his brother's armpit.
"Maybe not." Gordon straightened.
"But if it's too much...Al, you know that you come first. You must say if you don't want this." his aquanaut brother gestured back towards the hangars, his face more serious than he had ever seen it before.
"Me leaving International Rescue won't solve the issue." he shrugged weakly.
"I mean all of it, Allie. If International Rescue is too much, we don't have to do it. We can just be a regular family." The words were said with such sincerity that Alan could do little more than shake his head whilst regaining his ability to speak.
"It wouldn't be us. Besides, Scott would rejoin the air force, you'd be back with WASP. I'd see less of you all than I do now...which I suppose isn't such a bad thing." He said regaining his humour.
"Hey!" Gordon objected.
Alan broke free from the hug.
"Besides, I'm proud to be a part of what we do. I know it's what's right and I do love it, even though it's hard."
Gordon squeezed his brother's arm.
"I'm proud of you Al. You're pretty awesome y'know?"
"Yeah, I know." He said dragging his face over Gordon's sleeve.
"Eurgh! I take it all back, you suck!" Gordon protested, shoving back the now sniggering younger brother.
Alan gave a gentle punch to his brother's shoulder.
"Thanks Gordie."
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eyra · 6 months
First let me tell you how much i love torfps! I've actually decided i'll be making that soup very soon, i'm waiting for the perfect cloudy, rainy day and i can't wait! Your writing is always fenomenal and i don't think i'll ever get tired of it. Sirius, my precious thing, i love him so much.
I'm actually a bit emotional over sirius offering his copy of tsh to remus because. well. because of reasons obviously.
But also because it reminded me of how almost ten years ago i gave my copy of tsh to this random guy in my class in high school who i had only known for a few months and who promised he would read it during christmas break and give it back to me afterwards.
Well, almost ten years later, best friends for a decade, he still has that copy and has never read it once, doesn't plan of giving it back to me nor actually reading it. But i'd die for the guy so what can i do.
I ended up buying another copy but every now and then he'll send me pictures of that very first one on his shelves or his nightstand or just around his house, or i'll remind him of that time he stole from me and what a little thief he is. It became our thing.
Still, i don't know what made me offer it to him at all because previous to that, and after, i have never actually had any reasons to lend someone a copy of a book very dear to me even if i do love the idea of it, it just never happened to me before.
In any case i'm really glad i did because as I said, i would die for the guy! Even if he'll never read the damned thing!
ALSO JAMES IS DOWN BAD FOR GOING AT THE POST OFFICE THAT MUCH BECAUSE I COULDN'T THINK OF A WORSE PUNISHMENT IN HELL THAN BEING AT THE POST OFFICE (where i live the system is known nationwide for being awful and it makes you want to hit your head at the walls full speed) James, my boy, the things you do for love...
Ok I love this message so much, not least because it’s the first time I’ve seen the new fic’s title abbreviated and it took me a second to realise what we were talking about. TORFPS is a very awkward and very fun acronym.
Love the story about your copy of TSH and love that you guys are best friends ten years later. The power of that book…
And yes very ironic actually because I was in the Post Office today and I genuinely messaged my sister whilst I was standing in the queue saying “ok no I’m actually going to start screaming in a minute” because the place was a fucking shambles. But James’s mystery man at the Post Office in the village would never allow such chaos in his shop, he’s very much on top of things. He may or may not be saving all the special Christmas stamps for James, who is buying a book a day at this point…
Thank you for reading and for sending this lovely message, means a lot! x
the oldest recipe for parsnip soup 🥄
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
noodling around with a fic idea
i might've thought of an AU and this is two short scenes to voice-test. cw for temporary character death. kinda. you'll see. or not. the working title is the ghost of you lingers (but I wish it wouldn't)
Takuto Maruki remembered the first time he saw Ren Amamiya.
He had been sitting in a tea shop in Stockholm, taking a break from the conference he'd been attending. The two kilometer radius around the convention center was flush with milling grad assistants and PhDs, every empty seat filled by people talking about everything from teen suicide rates to the best EMDR devices to comparing licensing requisites per country to asking how much Swedish krona was reasonable for a bottle of water.
Maruki sat in a tea shop, nursing a cup of kukicha at the window seat as he looked over the rest of the day's schedule of panels and demonstrations. He'd always been partial to the collision of woody and sweet that came from kukicha, and was curious about the experience of having a personal favorite eight thousand kilometers from home.
Oddly, he thought it tasted better here, and prodded that thought like a sore tooth. Was he overheating his water at home and making an inferior cup? Was this mildly overpriced tea shop sourcing better blends? Or was Maruki just intrinsically drawn to it as he often was to the particulars of the Western world? How unusual would it be to buy a tin of Stockholm kukicha to bring home, importing it in along with all of the other things he carried back with him?
Well. It was a better cup of tea than it was a metaphor, he decided as his phone buzzed on the table next to him.
A new alert illuminated his screen. Raising his cup to his mouth, Maruki read the little blurb.
He put his cup back down firmly and picked up his phone, and read about the tragic death of Ren Amamiya at the hands of prospective Prime Minister Masayoshi Shido. Inserted into the news article was an obviously candid photo of the boy. His arm as linked amicably through the arm of someone else who had be tactfully cropped out of the picture, his face turned with a smile, lips parted as he was captured mid-word, a joke frozen in an instance.
His eyes, though, were for some reason aimed right at the camera, as though he'd just noticed its presence. They were grey as a perfect  rainy day, and Maruki stared back into them for a moment.
What a shame, Maruki thought before continuing to read the article. And that might've been that.
On the final day of the conference, Maruki stood in his hotel room, carefully folding and rolling his clothes to fit into his carry-on bag along with the little souvenirs and interesting pamphlets and tins of imported tea he was bringing home. He was just trying to find a place for the box of famously luxurious Swedish chocolates he intended to surprise Rumi with when his phone lit up with another notification.
Another news blurb caught his attention, and this time, Maruki saw the headline DISCARDED SON OF SHIDO TO TESTIFY IN AMAMIYA MURDER.
Sinking down on the bed, Maruki opened the article to be greeted with the complete, uncropped photo of Ren Amamiya, revealing the other boy he was with, an equally amiable scowl directed at Amamiya, a hand lifted to brush honey-brown hair from his face.
Goro Akechi, the article revealed, had allegedly been at the scene of the equally-alleged murder and had been there to try desperately to save his friend's life as the ambulance took just too long.
"I had thought he'd already taken everything from me," Akechi was quoted as saying. "It's almost admirable, how Shido has proven me wrong. I will have justice paid with interest."
They were both fifteen.
Or, Ren Amamiya had been fifteen. What was the correct form of address here? Would he always been fifteen now?
Maruki flicked his thumb and looked at the provided photo again.
It wasn't fair, Maruki thought.
At the time, he had no idea how dangerous that thought could be.
Years later, Takuto Maruki unlocked the door to his rental and hung his bag up on the hook nearby. He kicked the door shut behind and barely had his shoes off before he looked up and said, "What are you doing?!"
Ren was twenty years old and standing on the kitchenette countertop, hands pressed firmly against the ceiling, his hair crushed down as he seemed to try to stand up despite the wooden boards clearly in his way. "It doesn't make any sense and it's making me crazy. Walls? Easy. I could trip through a wall. Doors? Suggestions at best. Windows? I have to be careful not to move through them, you know?" He hunched a bit then thumped his head against the ceiling. 
"Why are you on the counter? Get down," Maruki said. 
"You're not listening, Taku-tan," Ren said patiently. "Why can I go through some things and not other things? Why are ceiling's special?"
"Because other people live up there and it'd be unconscionably rude," Maruki told him on a sigh.
"Try again."
Inhaling deeply into his lungs, Maruki reconsidered. He had often wanted a cat; he always thought of himself as a cat person. It vexed him his whole life, how he never seemed to live in a place that allowed pets and never stayed in one place long enough to befriend the local strays.
Now, he knew better. Now, there was Ren, who was often close enough.
"Metaphysically, you should dictate most of your own ambulatory rules," Maruki offered slowly. "There is nothing different about walls and ceilings as far permeability goes, but you're forgetting that ceilings are also often floors."
"Oh, yeah." With an easy step off the counter, Ren dropped back down. "It would probably suck to trick my cognition into forgetting floors are a thing and then plummet to my not-death at the core of the earth."
"Probably," Maruki agreed. "Before we further explore the supernatural parameters of your existence, could I change into something more comfy?"
"Sure." There was an abundance of movement in him. Before Maruki even made it to the sliding door to his bedroom, Ren started loping around the smallish living area and casually tossed himself forward into a handspring, landing perfectly, albeit half-through the television.
When Maruki clapped, Ren gave him a sardonic look, waving him off. "What? It was wonderful form, Ren-chan."
The only response was a shrug as Ren turned away, rubbing the back of his neck.
Ren needed a nice, long night out. Maruki swallowed his sigh, silently accepting his own fate of turning in for bed extremely early. He could catch up on his reading another time.
After all, it was all Maruki's fault.
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taylorswiftandx · 1 year
Taylor Swift and Minds
Note: "Minding" (ie. don't mind me, minding my business) will get its own post. This is for "mind" the noun and adjectives/adverbs like "mindless"
'Taylor Swift'
Stay Beautiful: I'm taking pictures in my mind so I can save them for a rainy day
Should've Said No: And I should've been there in the back of your mind
'Fearless (Taylor's Version)'
Fearless: Run your hands through your hair, absent-mindedly making me want you
Fifteen: And Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind, and we both cried
Breathe: I see your face in my mind as I drive away
Breathe: People are people and sometimes we change our minds
Tell Me Why: Why do you have to put down my dreams so you're the only thing on my mind
'Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)'
Sparks Fly: My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea
Back To December: Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind
Back To December: And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind
Back To December: I’d go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
Back To December: Maybe this is wishful thinking, probably mindless dreaming
Dear John: And my mother accused me of losing my mind but I swore I was fine
The Story Of Us: How I was losing my mind when I saw you here
Never Grow Up: Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room
Better Than Revenge: She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind, there is nothing I do better than revenge
Innocent: Lost your balance on a tightrope, lost your mind trying to get it back
Innocent: Minds change like the weather, I hope you remember today is never too late to be brand new
Last Kiss: You can plan for a change in the weather and time, but I never planned on you changing your mind
Long Live: I said, “Remember this moment,” in the back of my mind
Ours: Don't you worry your pretty little mind
Timeless: Time breaks down your mind and body, don’t you let it touch your soul
'Red (Taylor's Version)'
State Of Grace: We are alone with our changing minds
Red: Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you’re already flying through the free fall
Treacherous: Your name has echoes through my mind and I just think you should, think you should know
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together: And you would hide away and find your peace of mind with some indie record that's much cooler than mine
Everything Has Changed: And all I’ve seen since 18 hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like
Everything Has Changed: And meet me there tonight and let me know that it's not all in my mind
Come Back... Be Here: I told myself, "Don't get attached," but in my mind I play it back
Better Man: I know I’m probably better off all alone than needing a man who could change his mind at any given minute
All Too Well (10 Minute Version): But I'm in a new hell every time you double-cross my mind
'1989 (Taylor’s Version)'
Shake It Off: It's like I got this music in my mind saying, "It's gonna be all right"
How You Get The Girl: Tell her how you must have lost your mind
Wonderland: Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds?
Wonderland: It’s all fun and games 'til somebody loses their mind
You Are In Love: And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
Don’t Blame Me: For you I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I would lose my mind
Don't Blame Me: Echoes of your name inside my mind, halo hiding my obsession
Getaway Car: I struck a match and blew your mind
King Of My Heart: I made up my mind, I'm better off being alone
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Get you on the phone and mind-twist you
I Forgot That You Existed: Your name on my lips, tongue-tied, free rent, living in my mind
Afterglow: Tell me that we’ll be just fine, even when I lose my mind
Daylight: And I can still see it all in my mind
The Last Great American Dynasty: Her saltbox house on the coast took her mind off St. Louis
Exile: I never learned to read your mind / Never learned to read my mind
Gold Rush: My mind turns your life into folklore
Question...?: She was on your mind with some dickhead guy that you saw that night
Bejeweled: Didn't notice you walking all over my peace of mind in the shoes I gave you as a present
Bejeweled: And you can try to change my mind but you might have to wait in line
Labyrinth: It only feels this raw right now, lost in the labyrinth of my mind
Sweet Nothing: You say, "What a mind," this happens all the time
Mastermind: What if I told you I'm a mastermind and now you're mine?
Mastermind: It was all by design 'cause I'm a mastermind
Mastermind: You knew that I'm a mastermind and now you're mine
Mastermind: Yeah, all you did was smile 'cause I'm a mastermind
Paris: Let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight in my mind
Would've, Could've, Should've: The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind
Other Songs written by Taylor
Best Days Of Your Life: 'Cause I’ll be there in the back of your mind from the day we met til you were making me cry
Best Days Of Your Life: 'Cause I’ll be there in the back of your mind from the day we met to the very last night
Christmas Must Be Something More: And everybody's here, it seems like the last thing on your mind
I Don't Wanna Live Forever: I'm sitting eyes wide open and I got one thing stuck in my mind
You’ll Always Find Your Way Back Home: You can change your mind, that’s just the way it goes
Official Alternate Releases
Question...? (Clean Version): She was on your mind with some meathead guy that you saw that night
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Underneath the goody-two-shoes persona is damaged goods…but can the bad boy across the street save her?
Damaged Goods, an all-new angsty, enemies to lovers, sports romance from USA Today bestselling author L.J. Shen is now available!
Bailey Followhill is the perfect daughter.
Sweet. Charitable. Pretty. Control freak.
Not a hair out of place, not an inch out of line, she is everything her troublemaking sister Daria isn't.
But when her A game turns out to be a lukewarm C- at Juilliard, Bailey's picture-ready life starts fraying faster than the worn satin ribbons of her pointe shoes.
She's becoming a piece of gossip.
The Troubled Child. A drug abuser.
No longer the girl her best friend once knew.
Lev Cole is so golden, he's got the Midas Touch.
Prized quarterback. Football captain. Hottest guy in SoCal. A textbook cliché.
But with a girlfriend he doesn't love and a career path he doesn't value, Lev is coasting.
The only two things he cares about―Bailey and becoming a pilot―are out of reach.
But Lev is done being satisfied with the life others have chosen for him. He wants to pick his own cards. To demolish the seamless kingdom of lies his family stitched together on the ruins his mother left behind.
The question is, can he save his best friend and his dream before too much damage is done?
Start reading today!
FREE in Kindle Unlimited
Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/damagedgoods
Bloom Paperback: https://bit.ly/3OUfHYc
Audible: https://adbl.co/48fFJgT
Add Damaged Goods to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3YJGWc8
Keep reading for a look inside Damaged Goods!
Age fourteen
I’m standing over my mother’s grave, wondering why the fuck my eyes are dry.
I couldn’t look at the coffin back inside the church. Knight said she looked pretty. Calm. At peace. But also…nothing like herself.
I squeezed my eyes shut the entire way through, the way I did when I was really little and went on spooky rides at theme parks. Now I’m freaking out because maybe I made a mistake, because it was the last time I could look at her face not through a picture.
That’s the thing about losing someone—there are so many losses along the way that make up a big loss.
No more cuddles in bed on rainy days.
No more heart-shaped fruit in my lunch box.
No more singing lullabies to me when I’m sick, with me pretending I’m embarrassed and annoyed by it when actually Mom singing lullabies is the best thing to happen to this universe since sliced bread.
Bailey is hugging me so close, my bones are about to dissipate to dust. She’s about four inches taller than me now, which is stupid and embarrassing and just my luck. My face is hidden deep inside her hair, and I pretend to cry because it seems rude and screwed up if I don’t. But the truth is, I’m not sad or gloomy or any of those things. I’m fucking pissed. Angry. Enraged.
Mom’s gone.
What if she’s cold? What if she’s claustrophobic? What if she is struggling to breathe? What if she’s scared? Reasonably, I know she isn’t. She’s dead. But logic isn’t my friend right now. Not even an acquaintance. Hell, I doubt I could spell the word in my current state. I feel like Bailey is physically keeping me together. Like if she loosens her arms around me, I’ll collapse into thousands of little marbles, scatter and disappear into the nooks and crannies of the cemetery.
Everyone files back to their cars. Dad claps a shaking hand over my shoulder and steers me away from the grave. Bails reluctantly releases me. I clutch the tips of her fingers. She’s gravity. She’s oxygen. In this moment in time, she’s everything.
Sensing my unspoken need for her, Bailey turns to my dad. “May I please catch a ride with you, Uncle Dean?”
Thank you, Jesus.
“Yeah, Bails, sure,” Dad says distractedly, laser-focused on Knight’s back. My brother is going through his own stuff right now and my dad is trying to ensure he doesn’t lose another member of our family. Usually, I’m cool with being the low-maintenance, “background” kid. Not today, though. I just lost my mom at fourteen. I want the world to stop, but it disrespectfully keeps on spinning and functioning like my life wasn’t just destroyed.
Before we hop into the car, I clutch Bailey’s fingers and pull her to me. “If I told you I want to run away from here, somewhere really far, like…I dunno, Kansas far, what would you say?”
Her big blue eyes hold mine like my eyeballs are about to fall off. “We ride at dawn, bitch.”
“Really?” I ask.
She nods once. “Try me, Lev. You’re my best friend. I’ll never let you down.”
It’s weird, but the possibility of Bailey and me running away from all this is the one thing holding my ass together right now. She might be everyone’s good girl, but to me, she’s a bad addiction.
The drive is silent. I’m a page torn out of a book. Out of place and floating aimlessly. All I have is the memory of once belonging. Then, we’re in front of my house. Everyone trickles inside in their black frocks. They look like ghouls. Home without Mom isn’t a home. It’s a pile of bricks and expensive furniture.
Invisible ivy roots me to the ground. Bailey is the only one who notices. She loiters behind with me, and suddenly, I really hate that I’m putting all my dreams and hopes on her. Because she could be gone tomorrow too. Bus accident. Freak heart attack at fifteen. A kidnap-and-murder plot. The options are endless, and I have really shitty luck with people.
“Kansas?” She grabs my fingers, playing them like they’re keys on a piano.
I shake my head, too choked up to produce actual words.
“We don’t have to go inside.” Her hands slide up to grab my arms and keep me standing. How did she know I’m close to falling? “We can hang out at mine. I’ll make fondue. We can watch South Park.” Her blues gleam like sapphires.
Fresh irritation floods me. Bailey is being soooo understanding, even though she doesn’t understand jack shit. She does have a mom. A healthy one. And a dad. And a sister who isn’t an addict. Her life is perfect, while mine is a pile of calamities.
She’s a blossoming flower, and I’m dirt, but that’s okay because the thing about flowers is they’re buried in dirt, so I know exactly how to cut her off.
Shaking her off, I swivel and stomp my way out of our cul-de-sac. She races after me, calling my name. Her Mary Janes clap the ground urgently.
“Lev, please! Did I say something wrong?”
To be fair to her, she stood no chance at saying anything right. But screw being fair. I’m hurting, and she is baggage. Just another person to love and to lose.
I pick up my pace, running now. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m eager to get there. The sky—completely blue just seconds ago—cracks like an egg. Thunder rolls, gray washes over it, and rain starts pouring in thick sheets. It’s summer in SoCal and shouldn’t rain. The universe is angry, but I’m angrier.
Whenever Bailey manages to catch the sleeve of my shirt, I speed up, but even after thirty minutes of running in the rain, soaked to the bone, she doesn’t quit. Somehow, we find ourselves in the woods on the outskirts of town. The thick, tall branches and blankets of leaves intertwine together like laced fingers above us, creating a makeshift umbrella. I can sort of see my surroundings now, and it’s pretty and it’s calm and far enough away from that stupid cemetery. I stop running when I realize I’m not gonna escape the new reality: Mom’s dead.
I finally understand the term heartbreak. Because that thing in my chest? Split open clean in two.
I turn around, my lungs scorching. Bailey is pale and sodden, her black dress clinging to her body. Her lips are blue and her skin is so pale, I see a map of purple and red veins under her flesh.
“Go home,” I growl. But I don’t want her to go home. I want her to never leave.
She steps closer, tilting her chin up defiantly. “I’m not leaving you.”
“Fuck off, Bailey!” I fold in half, screaming. I feel like she kicked me in the stomach.
She’ll leave. She’ll let you down. Don’t fall for this, Lev.
“I’m so sorry.” Her eyes are full of tears, and she flexes her fingers, itching to grab me.
Hug me.
Go away.
My mouth opens again and more bullshit spews out. “Don’t be sorry for me. Be sorry for yourself. You’re the loser who hangs out with an eighth grader instead of people your own age.”
“I wish it didn’t happen.” She ignores my insults, trying to grab my fingers again and play them like a piano, like she does every time I’m upset.
Laughing, I rasp, “I wish you didn’t happen.”
“I wish it were me who was dead.” Her face is covered with tears and pain and mud, and I can’t do this anymore. I don’t care how much I’m hurting, I can’t ruin the only good thing about my life right now. She gives me something to fight for when every cell of my body wants to give up.
“Now you’re just talking outta your ass.” I spit phlegm between us.
She shakes her head, quivering fingers darting to her hair, massaging her scalp. I believe her. And it kills me that even though I feel like someone slashed me open and my guts are pouring out, I still wouldn’t want Bailey to be in Mom’s place.
“I’m not. I’m serious. I would die before willingly watch you suffer.”
There’s a beat of silence. Then I open my mouth and the most feral, scary, loud cry I’ve ever heard tears out of it. It echoes in the sky and bounces off the trees. A flock of ravens takes flight from the treetops.
And then I go to the only place I need to be right now—I go mad.
For more information about L.J. Shen and her books, visit her website:
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kudosmyhero · 8 months
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #63: Wings in the Night!
Read Date: January 27, 2023 Cover Date: August 1968 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: John Romita ◦ Don Heck ● Inker: Mike Esposito ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Sam Rosen ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Adrian Toomes is looking good as Vulture in that opening splash!
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● Spidey gets washed out of the air by rain and lands hard on a terrace ● he's still hiding from police ● Adrian breaks into a museum where his original Vulture costume, taken from Blackie Drago, is on display ● Peter gets back to his and Harry's apartment and goes to bed while still wearing his rain-soaked, sweaty costume ● he looks pretty tired and miserable at ESU the next morning, and his right arm is still injured ● Adrian flies to the prison. he gives the spare Vulture costume to Drago, who is in shock that Toomes is alive. they both fly out of the prison yard ● Harry and Peter receive a letter from Flash, who Harry intuits is preparing to ship out for Vietnam ● apropos of nothing, Peter says he feels bad for not paying rent; Harry reminds him that Norman Osborn is footing the bill, and Harry likes having him around ● Peter calls Gwen but gets her dad, who asks Peter if he'd have lunch with him tomorrow ● then Norman Osborn arrives at the aparment, looking distraught and acting like a jerk ● Peter worries about Norman regaining his memories of his time as Green Goblin ● Adrian tells Blackie that when he learned of Blackie's betrayal, he'd grown so angry that his will to live grew. in the chaos that ensued after Blackie's prison break, Adrian also escaped ● Adrian broke Blackie out now in order to fight him for dominance as the true Vulture ● Peter sees the two of them fighting and hopes they polish each other off; he sits it out due to his injured arm and goes to the Bugle, where JJJ takes him up to the roof to get photos of the Vultures fighting ● their fight takes them to a terrace where a little kid is hanging out ● they break the balcony, the kid hangs on for dear life, JJJ turns to Parker but Peter is gone (nice Batman-y move) ● Spider-Man saves the kid, but now he's angry at the Vultures ● Adrian wins the fight (yay!) and Drago gets re-arrested ● Adrian heads to Spider-Man, but after rescuing the kid, Spidey's arm is pretty much useless ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Adrian Toomes, the original Vulture, had survived his brush with death and has escaped from prison. Taking on a spare Vulture costume, the original Vulture vows to get revenge on Blackie Drago. Meanwhile, Spider-Man seriously injures his arm while web-slinging on a rainy day. The Vulture then breaks into a nearby museum and steals back the Vulture costume once worn by Drago.
The next day while Peter attends classes as usual and attempts to patch things up with Gwen, the Vulture drops in on the prison where Blackie Drago has been incarcerated. There he fights off inmates and guards alike and demands that Drago put on the spare costume, so that they may duel and learn which is the more superior fighter -- and therefore worthy of the title of the Vulture.
While Peter makes a meeting with George Stacy, and Norman Osborn continues to struggle with reemerging memories of being the Green Goblin, the two Vultures fight high over the city. Peter learns about it while stopping by the Bugle and Jameson takes him up to the roof to take pictures of the fight.
When a little boy is endangered in the battle, Peter abandons Jameson so he can slip away and change into Spider-Man and rescue the child. As Toomes knocks out Drago, Spider-Man saves the little boy. All this is watched by a furious Jameson who has no photographer to document this whole spectacle. With the boy taken to safety, and Drago was taken into police custody, who swears he will never put on the wings again. Spider-Man, who has seriously strained his already injured arm, is the only one capable of trying to stop Toomes, who is rushing towards the wall-crawler, bent on a fight to the finish.
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Fan Art: Spider-Man vs The Vulture by RobertMacQuarrie1
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swinging Through Spider-Man - episode 63
● Let's Read Spider-Man - episode 39
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s0robi01 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Scholastic Book Bundle, Qty. 4, Used.
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spicy-apple-pie · 2 years
I have no idea why (probably because I’ve been playing it) but I think that the Wachowski’s favourite video game would be Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Picture this; Tom and Maddie get the boys a Nintendo switch with the intention for all of them to share and maybe play a few multiplayer games together. They did not expect for the boys to be contributing all together on one save file. Usually playing in the living room on the TV.
Sonic and Tails take turns with the controller. Usually switching when someone wants to get a snack or simply asking politely. Tails doesn’t like fighting though, so every time the music picks up he shoves the controller to Sonic.
Knuckles really likes the story, it reminds him of the stories that his father used to tell him. He gets upset when Sonic goes off the main quest for side quests.
They all get really involved in the puzzles and strategy. They get in some arguments but can easily resolve afterwards.
Idk I love the thought of all the boys in the living room during a rainy day and playing some video games.
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tellerluna-stories · 3 years
happiness in fleeting memories.
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PAIRINGS: childe, kaeya, diluc, ayato, thoma, itto, zhongli x reader (separate)
DESCRIPTION: happy memories with the ikemen of teyvat! pure fluff~~
TW/CW: n/a
A/N: I wrote this on a whim to destress. all of the scenarios here are based off happy memories I have (only that they're slightly tweaked to be more romantic because surprise surprise! I don't have many romantic y/n moments to speak of!!!). I hope that these happy memories of mine will bring joy to whoever reads this (•v•)♡
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childe is found in how you sing your heart out to the music your friends put on blast, secretly hoping that the cheesy lyrics will discreetly convey your growing feelings for him. you've never been one for outings or having a crush in general, but... there's something in the way his blue eyes brim with laughter in the dim neon lights, something in how he mouths all the sappiest lyrics right back at you. it sends euphoria coursing through your veins and to your beating heart, and for once you understand how the ancient muses sing of love. your clammy grip on the mic only tightens as your heart swells in your chest— maybe there was some fun to be had at parties, after all.
flashing lights as a camera goes off, the mixed smells of paper, plexiglass and photo equipment— and of course, kaeya laughing nonstop as you dramatically pose for the photo. somehow the two of you had snagged a part-time job setting up for photoshoots for a mutual friend of yours; the work was tiring but fulfilling, and the part you looked forward to most was having to test the setup with kaeya each time. each week the sound of shared laughter is frozen in time in thousands of little pictures, with not a single photo where you and kaeya aren't goofing off. but kaeya prays you don't notice the lovesick look in his eyes when you look over the finished photos— he wants to be able to tell you properly, and in the right time.
diluc leaves his mark in your memory in the way he calls your name. though it's only for a split second, when he speaks your name changes from something you simply go by to a word so reverent, so precious that it can only be whispered in the most hallowed of halls. you can never forget the evening he bid everyone goodnight and turned to leave the room- but then as if he had forgotten something, he stopped and turned around again to look at you in the eye. 'good night,' he says softly, and then diluc whispers your name like a secret meant for the two of you alone. (only you weren't alone, and you could feel the burning gaze of your friends boring into your back; you'd never be able to live this one down, would you?)
your memory of ayato is folded into a paper plane (or perhaps it was a ball that rolled into the street? you couldn't quite remember.) with a look of childish dismay on your face, you can only watch as your toy ran away from you to the house across the street; oh, if only you were big enough to chase it back home. but a knight appears out of nowhere to save you in your darkest hour, a little boy who had been sitting on the other side of the street with a lonely look on his face. he picks up the ball (or was it a plane?) and looks both ways before crossing the street all by himself. your little heart thumps in your chest as he presses the toy into your grubby palm with a smile, and you take careful note to remember the little namecard on his schoolbag that says 'kamisato ayato.'
like the memory of hot soup on a rainy day, thoma is warm and comforting to be with. the soup he cooks does wonders for your runny nose and stiff, cold shoulders, as does the knitted scarf he drapes around your neck to keep out the chill. tea, soup, blankets and warm, comfy clothes— he heaps it all onto you with all of his love and affection. but each time you always insist that the warmest thing in the rainy season has to be thoma, and so you choose to latch onto your main source of heat like a koala. (much to his extreme delight and utter dismay, especially when he's supposed to be vacuuming the house.)
itto is the wild, raging chaos of going to an amusement park; popcorn in his hair and yours as he runs from one ride to the next, his incessant begging for you to ride the white-water raft with him at least once (or maybe the death-drop tower? either one would be fine with him, please—) the possibility that his ulterior motive is to have you cling to him to feel safe is not entirely out of the question, but what itto doesn't know is that you'd be only too willing to cling, even without the exterior factor of fear.
zhongli's place in your memory is in the late hours of the night, when all the world is asleep— save for you, that is. the first time he found you staring out the window in the middle of the night, zhongli quietly sat down next to you and leaned your head against his shoulder, joining you in your silent observation of the sleeping world. although his sleep schedule is more normal than yours, he always seems to be awake on the nights your insomnia is in action. some nights he brings you fresh tea, some nights he tells you stories till you fall asleep— no matter how long it takes, zhongli will sit with you till you are finally able to rest.
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lovekz · 2 years
little me’s, little yous
Erequest: “ Their S/O says they want to start a family together “
cw: slight suggestive (ran), fluff, children mention, bonten arc (anyone can read), 
ran haitani, ken “draken” ryuguji, kazutora hanemiya
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the house was dead silent, as it usually is on a regular night at one in the morning.
ran slipped into the house, kicking off his shoes and walking straight towards the bathroom to take a shower.
what he didn’t expect, was to catch you in the bathroom sitting on the counter, engrossed in your phone.
“what a lovely surprise.” ran said, taking off his bloody suit coat and looking at you with a soft smile.
when he got no response, he moved closer and looked at your phone.
there was a small family on your instagram feed, a small daughter holding onto her fathers hand, while the mother held the daughter’s other hand.
they wore something that was fit for a business occasion, almost like ran’s everyday wear.
he watched as you ran your fingers over the little girl who beamed at her father in adoration,
“its a lovely family picture, hm?”  ran said, flicking your nose to break you out of your thoughts.
you look at him with wide eyes, not expecting him.
“you’re home.” you said, suddenly breathless.
ran nodded, putting the toilet seat down and sitting. he made you face him as he smiled, resting his head on your lap.
“why didn’t you tell me you wanted a family, pretty?” ran asked, looking up at you and rubbing the fat of your thigh.
“i-” ran shot you a look, telling you not to lie almost immediately.
“well.. you’re always busy. i didn’t think we’d have time to.” you said honestly, closing  your eyes and sighing.
ran looked at you for a quick second, before chuckling.
“i always have time for you love, just let me know when i need to start breeding ya.” ran laughed, making you roll your eyes and slap his head slightly.
“shut up and take a shower before you get blood everywhere.” you muttered, wiping the blood of your thigh.
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you sat next to inui on the bench against the wall, watching draken fix a woman’s bike, her son next to him in awe.
“wanna pass me the weird shape tool? with the two end’s that look like a c?” draken asked, looking over to the little boy.
he blushed momentarily, before nodding rapidly. he grabbed the wrench and handed it to draken, who smiled at him.
“thanks bud.” draken said, before going back to work on the motorcycle.
you let out a quiet sigh, one that inui only heard. he looked at you and nudged you slightly. 
“i know that look.” he whispered, making you turn to face him.
“what are you talking about?” you asked, resting your head on your palm.
inui gestured to your boyfriend next to the overly focused (excited) kid. you looked at them, then back at inui.
“you want that.” inui said, leaning back and folding his legs.
you scoff and cross your arms, avoiding his gaze.
“what does she want?” you heard a voice said, suddenly next to you.
you and inui flinch, looking at the man who appeared next to you. draken.
“it’s nothing.” “she wants a kid.” both you and inui say at the same time.
draken looked between the two of you, slightly confused and intrigued. but by your facial expression, he knew what inui said was true.
“you want.. a kid? with me?” draken asked slowly, pointing to himself in an unsure manner.
you crossed your arms and mutter a short “yes please” to him.
draken’s face went pink almost immediately, putting his hands in his pockets.
“i mean.. we can try when you’re ready?” draken suggested.
both of you stared at each other, nervous and slightly embarrassed expressions not faltering.
“okay! save this conversation for home. we’ve got customers.” inui said, clapping and pointing towards the door.
both of you nodded, silently agreeing on speaking at home.
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the both of you were at home, cuddling in bed while you watched children’s movies with chicken wings and fries next to you.
it was a rainy day, the best day to stay in and pig out on junk food while watching movies with a lover.
the two of you spun a wheel to see what six kids movies you were watching, and you were on your 3rd. Up.
you had gotten to the part where the wife, Ellie, gets pregnant and her pregnancy fails.
“i’m actually scared of that.” you said, shaking your head.
kazutora peeled his eyes off the screen and looked at you. 
“what? pregnancy?” kazutora asked, pulling you closer to his chest so he got the chance to play with your hair.
you laughed and shook your head, looking up at him.
“no. a failed pregnancy.” you replied, frowning at the mere thought of it. 
kazutora let out a small “oh” to let you know that he was indeed listening to you and giving his undivided attention.
“i would never want to experience that with you. it’d hurt me so bad.” you muttered, cupping his cheek softly.
he nodded in agreement, before your words started to replay in his head over and over again.
“wait. does that mean-” “yeah kazu. i wanna have one with you.” you laughed, looking at his confused expression.
his face almost immediately went blank, the tips of his ears turning a bright red.
“are you sure? i mean- i don’t think i’d make the best father figure.” kazutora said, laying back and closing his eyes.
“well, you’re a good stepfather to peke j.” you joked, making him laugh.
the both of you recalled the idea of him hiding peke j in his sweater, protecting him from the rain in order to get him to the car.
“yeah.. i think you’d be good.” you said, calming down.
“won’t know until we try.” kazutora said, catching your eyes.
“wait.. you wanna?” you asked, abruptly sitting up.
kazutora nodded with a small grin, sitting up with you.
“now?!” you asked, excited and nervous at the same time.
“if you clean up in time.” kazutora teased, watching as you scrambled to pick up the food and empty trays.
he laughed and stood up as well, turning off the tv because.. well...
who wants a grandpa to watch them have sex?
(i hope this was to your liking!)
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