skythealmighty · 1 month
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hey girl. i mean they. i mea
sooo this is absolutely inspired by @green-blue-switcharoo !!! great au PLEASE check it out i decided to do some swaps of my own! for funsies :) none of them are ok.
(the guy at the right end is from Surreal Salvation which is a horror object show and NOT animatic battle apologies in advance)
screenshots of my rambling abt this below the cut because i wrote entire paragraphs on discord help me.
Airy and Exclamation Mark:
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MePhone4 and Oodle:
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33 notes · View notes
aemondsbabe · 7 months
Little Love
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summary: aegon comes to your chambers crying and needing comfort, but what happens when your husband walks in?
pairing: aemond targaryen x reader x aegon ii targaryen
warnings: mature/explicit, 18+ (minors dni!), no use of y/n, afab reader, mommy kink!! i cannot stress that enough!! astronomical amounts of titty suckin', nipple/breast play, oral (f receiving), handjob, fingering, piv, angst but happy ending, hand on throat but no choking, subby aegon, breeding kink, creampie, consensual threeway relationship, let me know if i missed any!
word count: 6k oops
a/n: header image is for aesthetics only & is not used to describe the reader! a huge huge thanks to my honorary wife & this fics adoptive mother @toms-cherry-trees 🩵 thank you for all your help with this one!!
likes, comments, & reblogs are very appreciated but never required!
🌟add yourself to my taglist to be notified when i post new fics!
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“Aww,” you coo softly, eyes filled with adoration as you study the man on your lap, “Are you mommy’s precious little baby? Hm?” You brush a silvery lock of hair off of his face, trailing your thumb over the light flush across his cheeks as your other hand rubs soothingly over one of his biceps. 
Aegon hummed and nodded as best he could around your pert nipple, bright eyes lazily blinking up at you. One of your thumbs gently sweeps away tears from the corners of his eyes while you gently rock him as best you can, gazing at him with a smile. You stay quiet for a while, taking pleasure in the way he clings to you so needily, the way he’s looking at you as if you hung the stars in the sky. 
You can’t help the sigh that leaves your lips at the feel of his warm mouth around your nipple, his tongue flicking and teasing at the sensitive skin as he carefully suckles it in his mouth. “Shh,” you whisper, calming Aegon when you see another wave of tears threatening to spill from his violet eyes, “I promise there is nothing to worry yourself over, my little prince,” you tell him softly, trying to squeeze him somehow closer to you, “Just rumors, nothing more.”
You couldn’t help but feel protective of Aegon, your heart twisting as you remember the state he was in at the beginning of the evening when he had first loudly burst into your chamber. 
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The fire in the hearth warmed your skin as you sat on the sofa in the small sitting area of yours and Aemond’s chambers, easily guiding the needle through the fabric of your embroidery as you hummed a song. With a sigh, you held the hoop up and tilted your head as you examined your work, nearly dropping it when you jumped at the sound of the heavy doors of your chambers crashing open. 
You jumped up, whirling around to see who could’ve possibly been disturbing you in such a manner, already glaring before you’d even turned your head. Your narrowed eyes widened however when you saw Aegon striding toward you, a pained look on his face.
“Is it true?” He had questioned, coming to a stop a little ways away from you, voice shaking even through the angry tone of his voice. 
“Is what true?” Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as you clasped your hands in front of you. 
His frown had faltered for a second, eyes already sparkling with tears as his hands clenched at his sides. “The whispers in court,” he explained, gaze flitting from you to the stone floor, “The rumors about – about you and my brother.” 
Shaking your head, you had carefully walked toward him, “My love, I am sure they are untrue,” your voice had been gentle, “I cannot even imagine what they would be ab—“ 
“That you’re pregnant!” His voice was thick with unshed tears as he spit out the words, “That you must be!” This had left you dumbfounded, unable to do anything but gawk at him, which had only served to upset him further. He had sighed heavily and fixed you with a tearful gaze, bottom lip quivering, “So it’s true?” 
“No!” You rushed out, emphatically shaking your head as you hurried to him. “My love, my sweet baby,” your fingers carded through his hair when you reached him. You had gently pulled his gaze to yours before you had cupped his cheeks, your fingers already damp from the tears streaking them, “That is nothing more than court gossip, I promise you. I swear upon the Mother, you’ve nothing to worry about.” 
The dam had finally broken as he hiccuped out a sob, his shoulders sagging. “D-Do you mean it?” He’d asked meekly, voice so small you had felt your heart squeeze painfully in your chest. 
“Oh,” you had taken his hands in yours and led him to your bed, sitting him down at the edge as his body started shaking with sobs. Sitting next to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck, gently cupping the back of his head as he slumped against you and rested a wet cheek against your chest. “My little prince, I swear to you I do,” you pressed a kiss to the top of his head, rocking the two of you together, “You know Aemond and I would not do that to you.” 
His fingers had clung to your sides as he sobbed, hands bunching in the fabric of your gown. “They’re saying it’s been long enough,” he’d said mournfully, “Th-That it’s been three moons since the w-wedding and y-you must be by now.” 
You’d stroked his hair comfortingly and rested your chin on the top of his head, feeling his hot tears trail down your cleavage, “You know your brother and I would speak with you first, my love. We would not leave you out, you know how this arrangement works.”
The only answer you got was a small sniffle, his shoulders still trembling, although not nearly as badly. You had let him calm down for a moment more, rocking him against you while you hummed his favorite song. 
Eventually, he had calmed down, his shoulders steadying and his breath evening out. You had almost assumed he was asleep before you heard him whimper against your collarbone, pink lips mouthing needily at your skin. Your lips had quirked up in a smile as you had gently pulled him up, his small whine making you chuckle as you looked into his eyes.
“Do you need some time with mommy, my little love?”
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Which is how you found yourself in your current position – reclined on the plush pillows of your bed with Aegon’s head in your lap, his lips eagerly suckling at your breast, not getting any real milk but the action calmed him still. You shiver slightly in the cool breeze that wafts in from the balcony, the air growing colder now that the sun has set. 
Aegon sighs contentedly, his warm breath fanning across your chest as small whimpers and whines slip past his lips. The small noises make you chuckle as you run a hand over his bare chest, “You’re my favorite little prince, do you know that?” You whisper, softly tickling his side enough to make him giggle and squirm. He smiles around your breast and nods happily, his nose digging into the fat of your breast as he presses himself more firmly against you. 
You stiffen a little at the sound of your chamber door opening once again, unable to see the entryway from the decorative screen you and your husband had placed in front of the bed. You make no move to disturb Aegon, though – bless the poor maids but there is not much they haven’t seen already. It is not a maid, however, that rounds the corner and you are instead met with the wide, surprised eye of your husband. 
After a second, the shock melts off of his face and he smirks at the sight of the two of you, his older brother still suckling away at your breast as if nothing were amiss. “My, my,” he tuts, stalking across the room to deposit the stack of books he carries onto the small breakfast table by the balcony before returning his attention to you once more, “I left my wife this morning dripping with my spend and already I return to a babe.”
“Aemond!” You hiss, frowning when you hear Aegon whimper at your chest, “Please, he is already in a state.”
“And in our chambers,” Aemond takes a seat at the table, unlacing his boots before setting them to the side, along with his leather tunic, “Normally you two reserve this… intimacy for his rooms.” His long fingers quickly untie his trousers, leaving them hanging from his slender waist as he moves about your chambers, poking the fire in the hearth back to life and tidying the papers on the writing desk. 
You soothe Aegon when he whimpers again, looking up at you with questioning, unsure eyes as a blush blooms on his cheeks. Even if his brother knows the details of your relationship with him, and even though he had walked in on him in this exact position before, he couldn’t help but feel so shy and vulnerable when he got this way. 
“Shh, my sweet,” you speak softly to the man at your breast, running your fingers through his pale hair, “Just relax, you’re okay.” Your words seem to settle him and his eyes grow droopy and half-lidded once more, a contented groan rumbling through his chest. 
“You should have seen him earlier,” you turn back to Aemond, eyes following him as he walks to your dressing table, “Poor thing came crying about court gossip.” You didn’t miss the small eye roll your husband gave at you calling his brother “poor thing” but you chose to ignore it for the time being; you didn’t love their endless taunts and teasing but they were still brothers, after all. 
“And what was the sweet babe weeping about this time?” Aemond asks, his voice dripping with derision as he takes a cloth from the small wash basin on the dressing table and quickly wipes at his neck and shoulders, droplets of water streaming down his defined frame and running into the lines and dips of the muscles on his chest, arms, and abdomen. 
Aegon growls at your chest, not missing the mockery in his brother’s tone. You try to calm him but it’s no use, he pulls off of your chest and throws Aemond a vicious look; you merely make yourself comfortable against the pillows and sigh tiredly. Gods be good, you thought, staring up at the stone ceiling as if the Seven would appear to offer their guidance; you love the two brothers more than anything else but you could do without their brotherly spats. 
“Well?” Aemond goads, his eye widening as he stares at his brother, a silent challenge.
“He feared I was pregnant,” you interject quickly, attempting to quell the coming squabble before it broke out, “Apparently the ladies of court have nothing better to do than monitor my condition.” You put an arm around Aegon as you speak, as if keeping him close to you would keep the two men from bickering. 
“You are my wife,” Aemond huffs out a sardonic laugh, a smirk playing at his lips as he wrings out the cloth and leaves it to dry on the side of the wash basin, “Why would it be of his concern if –”
Aegon growls against your breast again, letting your nipple fall from his pink lips as he fixes his brother with a glare, one that falters for half a second as you protectively tighten your hold on him. His dark eyes continue to glare at Aemond, following his every move as he comes to stand at the side of the bed, arms crossed over his chest as he studies the two of you. 
“Hush, my love,” you pet at his head and shoulders in an attempt to soothe him once more, glaring at your husband in warning, “This is nothing we need worry ourselves with tonight.” 
Aemond comes to sit next to you on the bed, giving Aegon a quick glare before he leans down and places a tender kiss to the top of your head. “You’re right,” he says into your hair, one hand coming up to cup the side of your face, “We need not trouble ourselves with it tonight.” 
Aegon huffs against your chest once more and gives his brother a final warning glance before looking up at you with a questioning gaze, pouty lips parted in an unspoken question. 
“You need some more time with mommy?” You ask him softly, grinning when he shyly nods, still so skittish of his needs around his brother. You coo and give him a nod, unable to stop the sigh that leaves you at the feel of his mouth on you once more. His tongue delicately licks at your hardened nipple before he sucks it into his mouth, still teasing it as he suckles. 
You admire him for a moment, studying the way his long lashes fan out over his cheeks once his eyes slip closed, his arms wrapped protectively around your middle as he kneels at your side. 
Finally, you turn your head to Aemond, surprised to see his eye trained on his brother, watching as he nurses at your breast. “Husband?” You ask tentatively; your relationship with both brothers was not a secret, at least not between the three of you, but even still, you rarely had them at the same time. 
His eye finally meets yours and he smiles, cuddling you closer, which earns a small whine from Aegon as he’s forced to move a fraction of an inch with you. “You needn’t worry so much,” he keeps his voice soft as he speaks, trailing kisses down your temple and cheek, “I’m merely thinking.” 
“Putting a babe in you,” he all but growls into your ear before kissing the delicate skin just below it. “Seeing you grow with my child,” he continues, one hand skimming up your arm before he cups your unoccupied breast, long fingers kneading it gently before they pinch at your nipple, “Watching as these swell with your sweet milk.”
A shiver rolls through you at the thought, and at the salacious groan that vibrates from Aegon’s mouth. Your husband smirks at your reaction, watching proudly as your eyes become cloudy and unfocused. 
“Do you like that?” Aemond asks against the column of your throat as his lips and teeth and tongue work against your skin, sucking marks into the flesh, “Like the thought of my seed filling you up, finally taking root?” 
You hardly register Aegon’s whine, eyes squeezed shut as you feel your husband pressing himself to you, lips pressing against any bit of your skin he can reach, chuckling softly at how easy it is to work his brother up. “Wouldn’t that be something, brother?” Aemond questions sarcastically, his eye glimmering mischievously, “Wouldn’t she be so beautiful with my babe in her?”
The older brother grumbles something against you before redoubling his efforts, making you gasp as he begins suckling at you harshly, nose twitching in annoyance. You calm him as best you can, a shaky hand coming up and carding delicately through his hair – Aemond’s ministrations making it hard to concentrate. 
“You’ll be such a good mother, sweetling,” Aemond says lowly, kissing his way down your stomach as he moves to kneel between your thighs, “So perfect and sweet and caring.” He continues, punctuating each word with a kiss against your abdomen, his long hair tickling the skin of your thighs. 
“Aemond,” you pant softly, back arching as Aegon’s teeth just barely graze against your sensitive nipple, “Please!” You beg, though whether it’s to get him to stop taunting his brother or carry on with you, you cannot say. 
“Shh,” he presses wet kisses against one of your thighs, lips trailing slowly up to where you want him most before he tilts his head and begins kissing up the other thigh as well, his pace torturously slow, “I always give you what you want, do I not?”
A loud, uncontained moan tears itself from your throat as Aemond presses a kiss against your folds, groaning into your heat as he tastes you. “Gods, you’re dripping,” he growls into your cunt, practically making out with your center as his hands come to rest on the tops of your thighs, holding you in place, “Did your babe not care for you at all?”
At this, Aegon pauses, whining against your breast as he lifts his head, thin tendrils of drool connecting his shining lips to your hardened nipple. The feeling of his mouth lifting off of you has you finally opening your eyes, only to be met with his wide, uncertain eyes.
“Mommy?” His voice is so small, so terribly worried at the thought that he may have disappointed you somehow. 
“Oh, sweet prince,” you whisper, voice catching in your throat as you gasp at the feel of Aemond sucking your aching pearl into his mouth, worrying the sensitive skin between his lips. Your brows furrow with concentration as your eyes meet Aegon’s, your hands gently cupping his cheeks, “Don’t worry yourself,” you have to pause again as a curse slips past your lips, “You’re my perfect little baby, you could never disappoint me.” 
You finally manage to pant out your reassurances, eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head at the feel of Aemond’s hot tongue licking into your center, his nose pressed firmly against your bud as he fucks you on the long muscle, groaning into your slick folds as he savors your sweet taste. You stare desperately into Aegon’s dark eyes, back arching as your husband feasts on your cunt with practiced ease, the slick, squelching sounds of him licking into you and suckling at your pearl making you mewl and blush. 
“You’re so beautiful, mommy,” Aegon murmurs softly, violet eyes staring at you with rapture, as if he’s trying to absorb the pleasure radiating from you, “So pretty.” He breathes finally and leans down to press a soft kiss against your lips, whimpering when he feels your tongue press into his mouth. 
The men hold you like that for a moment, letting you lie back on the bed as they attend to you – Aemond murmuring dirty praises into your cunt as he licks at you wildly, flicking shapes and patterns against your pearl that have your head spinning; Aegon swallowing your wanton moans in his own mouth as he moves his lips against yours. 
You whine against the older brother’s mouth when you feel your husband’s fingers gently prodding your center, gathering wetness on them before carefully pushing two into your heat. “Seven, you’re tight,” his breath is warm against your glossy folds, “Always so tight, feels so good, sweetling.” He purrs before quickly wrapping his lips around your bud once more, gently sucking at the tender flesh but combined with the pressure of his fingers, it’s enough to send you into a tailspin. 
You pull away from Aegon with a gasp, back arching off the bed as you whine Aemond’s name, blushing as you hear the loud wet sounds emanating from where his fingers fuck into your cunt. Faintly, you hear Aegon whimpering next to you, his soft cries almost in time with yours as he presses soft kisses along your neck and shoulder. 
“Mommy, my mommy,” he whispers in reverence, leaning across your chest to get to the breast he’s neglected thus far, kissing softly across your supple skin and teasing your nipple with the tip of his tongue before finally suckling it into his mouth, closing his eyes with a soft groan as he nurses, getting lost in the feel of you beneath him, your skin on his. 
Aegon’s lips around your nipple has you breaking, every muscle in your body seeming to tense up as your high overtakes you. A strange mixture of their names leaves your lips in a rough moan as you squeeze your eyes shut, fire exploding through you. 
“That’s it,” Aemond groans, crooking up his fingers within you as he feels your walls pulsing around them, pressing them into that rough patch he has memorized in your heat, the one he knows prolongs your peak, “Gods, that felt like a big one, sweetling.” 
Somehow, you find it within yourself to nod tiredly, chest heaving as you catch your breath, slinging an arm over Aegon’s back as he sighs happily against your chest. 
“Made you feel good, mommy,” he chuckles proudly around your breast, nipping and licking at your nipple as he tilts his head to meet your gaze, earning an annoyed huff from Aemond as he presses calming kisses against your thighs and hips. 
He’s so proud of himself that you can’t help yourself from smiling and giggling, your fingers carding through his hair. “Oh, yes you did,” you coo, “You made me feel so good, my precious boy.” 
Below you, Aemond bites at your thigh as a warning, making you jump. “Keep it up and you’ll only give him a bigger ego,” he rolls his eyes and presses wet kisses in a trail up your stomach, stopping only when he reaches Aegon, still lying across you. The bed dips as Aemond crawls back up to lie next to you, kissing his way up your neck and jaw before finally slotting his lips against your own.
A whimper escapes your lips as he does, one of your hands reaching up to run your fingers through his long hair, the pale strands threading between your digits like silk. He sighs into the kiss, one of his hands coming up to gently cup your neck, not choking but merely staking a claim. The action makes you mewl and he uses it to his advantage, quickly sliding his tongue across your bottom lip before entwining it with your own as he licks into your mouth. You can feel your face heat up as you taste yourself on his lips, squirming in his hold as Aegon continues licking and suckling at your hardened nipple, sending shivers of pleasure up your spine and quickly reigniting the flames in your belly. 
Aemond smirks as your moans change in pitch, the familiar high-pitched, whiny cadence causing him to let out a low, vibrating growl himself. 
“Please, Aemond,” you whisper against his lips, whimpering as he trails his kisses down your jaw and neck.
Your husband groans softly against your shoulder, a shudder rolling through him at the breathy way you say his name, his favorite sound. “You need not beg me, sweetling,” he sighs, gently gripping your hips and nodding for you to roll onto your side, “I’ve got you.”
Aegon whines as Aemond moves you, struggling to keep his soft lips latched around your peaked nipple, which earns him another eye roll from your husband. Quickly, you settle onto your side, both arms immediately wrapping around Aegon to hold him close. His pale hair tickles your lips as you press a sweet kiss to the crown of his head, softly giggling as he desperately suckles your nipple back into his mouth; your sweet boy could be at your breast for hours and it still wouldn’t be enough for him. 
The bed dips on either side of you as the two men bracket you between them, Aemond behind you and Aegon in front. Your husband presses kisses against the back of your shoulder as he slots himself against you, the warmth of his chest pressing against your back sends a shiver down your spine and makes your already stiff nipples harden to the point of aching. 
“Iksā sīr gevie, ñuha ābrazȳrys,” Aemond whispers against your shoulder as he trails a hand over your curves, humming appreciatively as he palms the swell of your arse, “Avy jorrāelan sīr olvie.” (You are so beautiful, my wife, I love you so much.)
You whimper at his words, your heart twisting happily in your chest as you recall their meaning from the lessons he had given you during your courtship. “Avy jorrāelan tolī, ñuha valzȳrys,” you manage to moan brokenly, “So much, Aemond!” You breathe, foggy brain unable to keep up with translations any longer. (I love you too, my husband.)
A gasp leaves you as Aemond presses himself against you tightly as you realize that he had managed to tug off his trousers at some point, his length slotting beautifully between your thighs as he ruts against you. 
“Gods!” Your slick folds part greedily as your husband rubs against your center, coating his cock in your juices, the tip rubbing deliciously against your pearl, “Oh, Aemond!”
“Shhh,” he breathes against your ear as one of his warm hands latches onto your thigh and pulls it up, giving him more room to guide his cock into your heat, “I’ve got you, sweetling, I have you.”
You nod, near delirious, practically sobbing as he finally guides himself into you, filling you perfectly. Your head lolls back, further into his embrace as he slowly presses into you, stretching you as he finally bottoms out, stones pressed firmly to your backside as a low, gravelly groan vibrates against your back. 
“You feel so good,” you moan breathily, your fingers scrambling through Aegon’s hair as you press his mouth against you, earning a whimper from the prince as he takes your breast further into his mouth, suckling at it greedily, spit leaking from the corners of his lips. 
“Feels perfect,” Aemond huffs, grunting as he begins moving his hips against yours, eye squeezing shut at the feel of your slick walls sucking him in as you quiver around his length, “You feel perfect, tight little cunt.” He mutters, more to himself than to you, hissing the words between clenched teeth.
You let yourself get lost for a moment, a light sheen of sweat blanketing your skin from the heat of the two men around you. You make no attempt to stop soft, satisfied moans from slipping out of your lips, breathing your pleasure against Aegon’s forehead as Aemond rocks into you, thrusting his hips in a well-practiced pattern as he fills you again and again. Your husband’s grip tightens on your thigh, making your eyes roll back deliciously as Aegon flicks his tongue against your nipple before greedily sucking it back into his mouth. 
A few moments later, you’re brought out of your reverie by a slick feeling at the front of your thigh, small whimpers and whines from the man at your breast finally managing to trickle their way into your consciousness. 
You finally open your eyes, letting out a soft moan as you take in the sight before you – Aegon suckling desperately at your sensitive breast, his dark eyes looking up at you pleadingly, already shimmering with unshed tears, as he ruts his hard length against your thigh, already leaking glossy trails onto your skin with every movement.
“Ohh,” you coo softly, pressing a kiss to his sweat-damp forehead as you wrap your hand around his length, feeling it immediately twitch in your grasp, “You need mommy to take care of you?” You ask breathily.
“P-Please,” Aegon whimpers brokenly, flicking his tongue over your nipple as he nods his head, “Hurts!” He whines, voice thick as tears leak from the corners of his eyes. 
You press another comforting kiss to his forehead, gasping in time with Aemond’s hard thrusts as you begin slowly teasing the prince’s hard length, cooing again as you feel him pulsing in your grasp. “What a good boy,” you whine, swirling your thumb against his leaking tip, “Getting so hard from hearing mommy get fucked, hm?”
You feel him shudder against you, a low groan sounding against your breast as his hips fuck up into your hold. He whines as you let go of his cock for a second, quickly running your fingers around where Aemond spears into you. Your husband grunts behind you at the sensation as you quickly gather some of your juices on your fingers, moaning brokenly as you flick them around your pearl for a second before returning your attention to Aegon. 
Your face heats as you suddenly get a dirty idea and you take a second to spread some of your juices across your unoccupied breast, chuckling breathily as Aegon immediately abandons the one he’s currently suckling on, a loud moan snaking past his lips when you wrap your slick fingers around his cock once again, easing his thrusts into your fists. 
“Greedy babe,” Aemond grunts from over your shoulder, watching as Aegon frantically licks around your breast, humming excitedly at your sweet taste before latching onto your nipple once more, “Suckling at any part of my sweet wife he can reach.”
A fire lights in your belly at Aemond’s words as you’re surprised he’s addressing Aegon at all, his teasing lilt only adding to the heat within you. The prince whines within your grasp, his face flushing to a deeper shade of pink than it already is and his violet eyes shoot daggers in his brother’s general direction, not caring that he can’t see them. 
Suddenly, Aemond lets go of your thigh, leaving you to sling it over one of Aegon’s pale hips as he continues thrusting his cock into you, deep and slow. His hand instead settles on one breast and he lovingly palms at it, humming with satisfaction at its weighty feel in his hand. 
A loud whine leaves you as his fingers pinch around your overly-sensitive bud, tweaking and tugging at the swollen skin. Your back arches, loud whimpers tumbling past your lips as his touch borders on pain. Aegon growls at your sounds of discomfort, letting your nipple fall from his lips as he sits up just enough to throw him a malicious glare over your shoulder.
“Ngh!” Your little prince grunts, smacking Aemond’s hand away from you before wrapping an arm around your waist protectively and pressing soft kisses to your abused breast, “Mommy?” He questions softly, teary eyes searching yours, desperately wanting to make sure you’re alright. 
“Shh, shh,” you soothe sweetly, carding your fingers through his hair as he lays his head on your pillow once more, “Mommy’s okay, my sweet, thank you.” Your words are breathy, feeling halfway forced out of you as Aemond’s thrusts speed up, your mind growing fuzzy as the head of his cock moves against the sensitive spot within you perfectly, making you clench around him. Aegon continues thrusting into your grasp, his hands frantically grabbing onto any parts of you he can reach. 
“Pathetic,” Aemond huffs at his brother, biting into the sensitive skin of your neck, “So whiny, fuck, so whiny under your muña’s touch you can’t even speak.” (Mother’s)
Aegon whines again, a high, pitiful sound against your beast as he latches onto you once more, low groans ripping through him as the leaking head of his cock rubs against your soft thigh. 
“Hush,” you admonish, one arm hugging possessively around the prince, “Mommy’s taking good care of her sweet little boy, isn’t she?” 
“Y-Yes,” Aegon breathes brokenly around a soft moan, his cock twitching desperately in your hand, “Yes, yes, yes!” He chants around your breast, soft little words in time with each stroke of your hand. 
You can see him start to lose himself — watching as his eyes grow ever more glossy, tears welling up in the corners while throaty sobs and sighs warm your breast, his length seeming to get somehow thicker in your grasp as the head of his cock positively weeps against you. 
“What a good boy,” you sigh encouragingly, smiling proudly, glowing with the knowledge that you can reduce him to such a state, “Are you close, my sweet?” 
He nods desperately, soft grunts accompanying the thrusts of his hips up into your grasp. You keep your pace steady, your own head swimming as your release builds within you. 
After another few seconds, Aegon begins shaking helplessly in your grasp, his chest heaving as sobs are wrenched from his throat. “That’s it,” you murmur softly, feeling your cunt clench around Aemond’s length at the sight of the prince coming undone before you, making the other man groan loudly behind you, “Come on, I know you’re so close, show mommy how good she makes you feel, my love.” 
As always, your soft approval is what unravels him. You moan loudly, watching him fall apart in your arms, relishing the soft moans and sighs of your name as they fall from his pouty lips, the way his hips stutter in your hold. You gasp softly at the feel of his cock twitching between the two of you, his spend coating his belly and chest in pearlescent streaks.
Before he’s even had the chance to recover, your sweet boy finds it within himself to bring one hand down, greedily seeking out your bud. He sighs happily when you cry out his name, his fingers circling your aching pearl perfectly, just in the way you’d taught him, his chest still heaving with his own release. 
“Oh, Gods!” You gasp, your own hips rutting back and forth between the two men, “So c-close, fuck!” You whine, the fire in your belly threatening to consume you. 
“That’s a good girl,” Aemond grunts, hips thrusting into you at a maddening pace, “Do you want me to breed a baby into your wet little cunt, sweetling?”
You and Aegon whine at the same instant, yours in pleasure and his in annoyance. Your walls clench desperately at your husband's thick length, making him chuckle breathlessly behind you. 
“Find your pleasure, sweet girl,” he groans, his thrusts somehow perfectly timed to the swirls of Aegon’s fingers against your bud, “Peak and I’ll put a little babe in your belly, my love.” 
Aemond’s promise, Aegon’s soft whine, and the feel of their touches mingling on your slick heat finally pushes you over the edge once more. Your cunt pulses around Aemond as you slip over the edge, your pearl buzzing and twitching under Aegon’s fingers as flames of pleasure lick up your spine, sparks exploding behind your eyelids as you cry out against Aegon’s neck. 
Your release claws Aemond’s out of him as well, the feeling of his seed emptying into you spurring your peak on further. You whimper, mouthing at the pale skin of your prince’s throat as you feel warmth bloom within you, your husband’s harsh strokes finally slowing to a stop. 
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The three of you lay silent for a while, the only sounds in your chambers being soft pants and sighs. Finally, Aemond carefully pulls his length from you, soothing you gently when you whine. 
“Seven,” he groans softly, watching his seed slip slowly from your spent center, “Perhaps this time we should let it take.” He muses as he gets up from the bed, retrieving a fresh cloth from your dressing table and quickly cleaning your center and thighs.
“But,” Aegon whimpers softly, drawing your attention back to him as he looks at you with wide, worried eyes, “What…what about me?” The meekness in his voice makes your heart ache as you hurriedly hush him, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes with your thumbs. 
“You don’t worry about a thing, my little love,” you reassure him, pulling him into your arms and rocking him slowly against you, “No matter what the future holds, you will always be my precious little prince. I swear it.” You promise, pressing soft kisses to each of his cheeks, one of your hands tickling at his side until he squirms and giggles against you, burying his head in your neck with a tired sigh.
Aemond huffs again, setting his eyepatch on the table by your bed before he assumes his spot next to you once more, slinging an arm over your waist as he makes himself comfortable. 
On your other side, Aegon shuffles down the bed once more, making you giggle softly as he presses feather light kisses to your breast, sighing happily at the mere feel of your supple skin against his lips as he cozies himself against you. 
“Maybe we should hold off on the moon tea this time,” Aemond ponders, mumbling against your shoulder as his fingers trace soothing patterns into the soft skin of your hip, “Surely an actual babe could be no more difficult than the one we already seem to have.” 
Aegon whines, Aemond chuckles, and you tiredly groan.
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tagged lovelies: @helloworldiamnotarobot @drakonflames @marysucks-blog @hopelesswritergall @phantombitch @fan-goddess @aemshaircare @cuddlejeongin @imaegontatgaryenwife0 @valeskafics @beautbuck @watercolorskyy
(tags are based on your answers to my google form; if you were mistakenly tagged, please contact me & update your answers on the form! thank you!)
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 3 months
Season 1 Episode 1 :
of Katherine being thirsty. 🤤
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His abs.
His chest heaving.
His vibranium arm.
His boxers and that blanket.
Lemme ride you, Sergeant. Or better.. suck the nightmare out of you.
Take Your Mind Off Of It » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Y/N helps Bucky take his mind off of the nightmare he just had.
Warnings: Smut (18+), language, dirty talk, kissing, hickeys, m receiving, unprotected sex, riding, vibranium arm kink, praise kink, Bucky’s dog tags, cockwarming, use of pet names
A/N: Thank you for sharing your horny thoughts with me🥵 @katherineswritingsblog
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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A loud gasp left Bucky’s lips and he quickly sat up in bed, his hair messy, his eyes dilated, and breathing heavily with a thin layer of sweat covering his face. Bucky sat there, trying to gather his surroundings. The light from the TV lit up the bedroom. You heard his heavy breathing and sat up, facing him.
“Bucky, baby, breathe.” You say softly.
You grabbed his hand, placing it on your chest where your heart is so he can feel your heartbeat. Bucky took a few deep breaths before his breathing went back to normal.
“That bad?” You asked.
Bucky nodded his head yes.
“Do you want me to take your mind off of it?” You asked.
“Yes please. Anything.” Bucky says, almost sounding desperate.
Bucky watched as you threw the blanket off the two of you. You moved closer to him, kissing his lips softly and sweetly. One of your hands slid down the front of his body, your fingers tracing the lines of his abs. Your hand went lower, finding its way to the waistband of his boxers. Your hand slid past the waistband and wrapped around his half hard cock. Your thumb gently rubbed across his hip, using his precum as a lubricant. It didn’t take long for his cock to get fully hard.
“Doll, please.” He begs, almost whining.
“Tell me what you want, baby boy.” You say seductively.
“I need you to- oh fuck! I need you to suck my cock.” He says, followed by a small whimper.
Bucky helped you by taking off his boxers. You lowered yourself on the bed, getting in between his spread legs. You leaned down, kitten licking the length of his cock. You moaned when his precum hit your tastebuds. You wrapped your lips around his tip and sucked on it before putting his cock in your mouth. You placed your hands on his thighs, taking his cock further in your mouth and trying your best to accommodate his size as it got closer to your throat.
“F-Fuck…” Bucky moans, his head fell back against the headboard.
His tip hit the back of your throat causing you to gag a little, but you quickly relaxed your throat and took him almost easily down your throat. Bucky looked down, watching as you sucked his cock. His jaw dropped, moans leaving his lips. You looked up at him, making eye contact with him. One of your hands left his thigh and went to his balls, giving them a squeeze. Bucky’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and a loud moan left his lips.
“Fuck yes!” Bucky moans loudly.
Bucky pulled you off of his cock, pulling you onto his lap and gave you a much needed kiss. His tongue slid past your parted lips, exploring every inch of your mouth. You moaned into the kiss.
“I want you to ride me now.” He says.
You stripped yourself of your -Bucky’s shirt-and your panties. You lifted yourself up, lining his cock at your entrance. You slowly sunk down on him. A relieved moan left yours and his lips. His tip almost immediately touched your sweet spot. Your hands found their place on his chest. You rose yourself up until his tip was left inside of you and then you went back down. Bucky’s hands found their place on your hips, helping you ride his cock. A shiver went through your body when his vibranium hand touched your skin.
“You look so pretty like this.” Bucky praises breathlessly.
His praises urged you on. You rolled your hips against his. Bucky shamelessly stared at your breasts as they bounced every time you moved up and down on his cock. He leaned up, kissing along the swells of your breasts. His teeth bit down hard enough on your skin to mark you up. His vibranium hand left your hip to squeeze your nipple between his index finger and thumb, sending a tingling sensation through your body. You arched your back in pleasure. You practically shoved your breasts in Bucky’s face which he loved.
“Oh fuck, Bucky!” You moaned loudly, tilting your head back.
Bucky pinched your nipple one more time before his vibranium hand went down to your clit and began rubbing in fast circles, wanting to help you build up your orgasm quickly. Your pussy squeezed around his cock.
“Oh Bucky!” You moaned. “You always know how to make me feel so fucking good!” You praised.
Bucky’s right hand left your hip and went to your ass cheek, giving it a squeeze before slamming you down on his cock. A loud moan left your lips when his cock hit your sweet spot. Your eyes fluttered shut and you dug your nails in his skin, leaving red scratch marks his chest.
“I love you so much, babydoll.” Bucky kisses you hungrily. “So fucking much.” He says again.
“I love you too, baby.” You say against his lips.
Both yours and Bucky’s orgasms built up at the same time. Bucky’s orgasm came faster than yours.
“I’m so fucking close.” Bucky pants, leaning his forehead against your shoulder.
“Cum for me, baby.” You moaned.
Your name left Bucky’s lips loudly as he came inside of you, painting your walls. You weren’t too far behind him. Bucky sensed it and rubbed his vibranium fingers faster against your clit.
“Bucky!” You moaned, not being able to say a full sentence.
“Give it to me, doll.” Bucky whispers, kissing just below your ear.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came with a loud moan of his name leaving your lips. Your movements came to a stop. You cupped his stubbly cheeks and gave him a sweet and much needed kiss. You two pulled away from each other’s lips, staring deep in each other’s eyes for a moment before Bucky maneuvering the two of you to lay down on your sides. Bucky didn’t even bother pulling his cock out of you. He always loves to warm his cock with your pussy.
“How do you feel, baby?” You asked, playing with his dog tags.
“Much better.” Bucky kisses you. “Thank you, doll.” He says against your lips.
“Anytime, baby boy.” You say, smiling against his lips.
-Bucky’s Doll
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imyourbratzdoll · 22 days
𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔
part 5 of 🌧️welcome to hell🌧️
summary - you were finally on the path fate had set from the beginning.
warning - slight angst, mentions of cheating, swearing.
the gif I use isn't mine, headers by me.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 6
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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You realised that you owed yourself the biggest apology for putting up with shit you didn’t deserve. A few months had passed since you found out your husband was cheating on you with your best friend. Only to discover that he had been cheating the entire relationship. Johnny had been fighting the divorce the first few weeks of the first month, during that time you couldn’t understand why he was trying to hurt you more by not letting you go. 
But he had finally caved, signing the divorce papers and the moment he finished signing his name, it had felt like you could finally breathe. Your soul would occasionally tremble with memories, and warmth, and pain when hearing his name. Sometimes your heart would break a little more whenever you looked into someone’s eyes that had the same colour as his. It felt like wherever you looked, there he was. 
His name no longer made you smile. It was a relief when you had woken one day to discover that. 
When you left, you didn’t really have a plan. No one to go to and nowhere to live. But you managed, you found a small apartment that wasn’t exactly your dream, but it would have to do. You were starting over, starting a new life. 
You were currently walking back from doing a little bit of grocery shopping, your eyes roamed around, taking in the view around you before you stumbled slightly, tripping over a small rock that seemed to be randomly placed on the footpath. You catch yourself before you fall completely, hands gripping the bags tightly so that they don’t drop. Once you’ve steadied yourself, you look down at the rock and your brows furrow. 
What a strange looking rock. It looked almost like a crystal, coloured a soft pink and shaped like a heart. You shift a bag to your other hand before you bend down, and gently pick it up and examine it. Maybe someone dropped it?
You looked around, noticing that you were right in front of your apartment building. Strange, you could’ve sworn you had a few more steps to take. You move to the entrance of the building, the rock still in your hand. You shake your head, maybe you miscalculated or were too lost in your head to notice that you had been closer than you had thought. You pocket the rock and place one of the bags back into it before you walk inside. 
You head up the stairs, with a soft huff you finally make it onto your floor. Just as you near your apartment, you bump into a wall? No, walls don’t feel so warm and have a beating heart… Or abs? “I’m so sorry!” 
“I’m so sorry!” Why did this feel so familiar? 
You looked up, why were you looking down to begin with? Sometimes you could be so dumb. But your question is left unanswered as your eyes connect to the most beautiful blue ones that you had ever seen, ones that you had seen before. Steve had thought the same about your eyes as he stared back. You couldn’t help but notice that he looked so different, but the same. A beard now in place of his once clean–shaven face, but you noticed his eyes more. They had stayed the same and it was at that moment you knew. You knew that from the first moment you met, it was… Not love at first sight exactly, but; familiarity. Like… Oh, hello, it’s you. It’s going to be you. 
You blink and quickly move away, suddenly feeling as though you’ve been punched in the chest at the realisation. You couldn’t let yourself get hurt again and it had been two years. He probably didn’t even remember you and thought you were a creep for staring or he remembered but he had someone, and you didn’t want to ruin that with whatever the hell you were feeling. You couldn’t get over how rough he seemed though, compared to the man you bumped into two years ago. Maybe it was the beard…
No matter how much you willed yourself to, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from him. Your mind screamed at you about getting hurt again, but your heart and soul weren’t listening. It seemed Steve couldn’t pull his eyes away from you either, you both could feel a pull. You had felt that pull your whole life, it always felt like you were being pulled towards someone or something. The pull only seemed to stop when you bumped into Steve, but the moment you pulled away… It came back.
You couldn’t feel or see it. But the rock was buzzing and glowing. Like it was meant to be. 
You believed in soulmates once. You had the stupid thought that Johnny was yours because he kept popping up in your life. But he never gave you the feeling that you thought soulmates would get. You only felt that feeling when you bumped into…
“I’m sorry again. I don’t mean for us to always bump into each other, ma’am.” Steve smiled, his hands were on your hips, they had shot out to steady you, fearing that you would fall. “It’s nice to run into you again. I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself last time.” In his head, he’s shooting a glare at Natasha, knowing that she would be smirking at this whole thing. You would hopefully never learn about how he had never let that down, always bringing it up to her these past years, causing him to be teased a lot by his friends, but he didn’t seem to mind whenever your face appeared in his mind. Steve blinks, his attention fully on you again. “I’m Steve, Steve Rogers.” 
You stare up at him wide–eyed, he REMEMBERED you? “You remember me?” You clear your throat, your cheeks heating as you suddenly feel his hands still on your hips. “Sorry… I’m Y/n, Y/n L/n.” 
“The stars will go out before I forget you,” He says it so quietly that you don’t think you were supposed to hear him. Steve blinks, suddenly turning pink when he realises you heard him. “I, uh… Yes.” Steve stumbles on his words and to you it is the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. “Wait… What are you doing here? Not in a rude way! I love that you’re here! I mean, oh god…” 
You smile, you had never smiled this much in your life… Steve seemed to make you forget. You look past him, gesturing to your apartment. “I, uh, live here. I haven’t been here that long though.” Your gaze turns back to Steve only to notice that he was already looking. You wouldn’t lie, your heart stuttered at the possibility of him never looking away. You weren’t used to a man looking at you, just you. “What about you? Are you…” 
Your eyes flickered down to his lips as he smiled. God, his smile is gorgeous. 
“Oh, that’s great! I mean, good… That’s good, no… Uh.” Steve stumbles more, clearing his throat. When did his shirt get so tight? “I live here as well.” He nods to the apartment across from yours, huh. It must’ve been fate. “I–I’m barely home, since…” He swallows, still smiling but he doesn’t continue, as he finds himself getting lost in you. You made him feel like a teenage boy again, where he couldn’t speak a single word without stumbling over them. Though, you guessed it was probably because he had someone already, how couldn’t he? But you were so far from the truth. You smile and Steve’s eyes flicker down to your lips. God, her smile is gorgeous. He shakes his head, “Did you need some help taking those in?” He gestures to your bags. 
Your voice is so quiet as you respond. “I don’t mind…” Somewhere deep inside you knew you wanted to go anywhere with him. Wanted him beside you forever. As he is about to grab a bag from your hands, you pause. “Wait, I’m not holding you up, am I? You were just…” 
Steve shakes his head, “You aren’t! I was just heading to meet my friends, but they can wait.” He smiles, and you look at him with a confused look, feeling relieved that a girlfriend wasn’t mentioned, but guilty for holding him back. Steve manages to take both bags, but you don’t notice, all you can feel is the sparks that light from the small touch. “Don’t worry, they’ll understand. I don’t mind helping, plus. I offered. So you can’t feel bad.” 
Your mind feels fuzzy as you catch his eyes again, the world feels like it has stopped. Steve can’t help but feel the same.
Your souls lit from beneath, filled with joy. They had finally found each other again. Your soul had found his and his had found yours. 
Your souls had been lovers since the beginning of time. 
They would always find each other.
You and Steve could feel it as you continued to stare at each other. 
This was the path you were supposed to take…
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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batterygarden · 1 year
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Train on a Train | ft. Aged up! Pro players! Seishiro Nagi, Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira and Hyoma Chigiri
18+ MDNI
cw: fem & afab reader, explicit 5-some/orgy/train running, reader wears a skirt & lace panties & has hair which is gripped once, "princess" and "baby" pet names used, established relationship w Nagi, you and Nagi get sorta slutted out tbh, nagiri featured, bachisagi sorta featured (less seriously), borderline dubcon bc they don't ask reader if she's cool w everything although she is (i'll tag it), "pussy anytime pass" cashed in by Nagi lmao, semi-public sex, peeping toms, cuckolding, penetrative sex, oral (f + m recieving), face fucking, cum eating, some mlm oral/hand job in there, mult. orgasms & creampies, overstimulation, a little pussy inspection, a little dacryphilia, took many liberties w this like don't think about it too hard a/n: This is the most ridiculous fic I've ever written and It's also really special to me, pls enjoy the absurdities! I'd like to clarify that the train car I'm imaging for it is like the one in the header image--this is a huge and magical train they're in, okay. They have lots of space; this train layout does not make sense and I personally have not been on a train w a setup like this but I’ve seen it on tv / in movies so like. lol u just have to roll w it ! pls interact if ur into it and wanna talk ab bllk w me!! sending kissies. Thx for betaing bbg @millionsknife wk: 5.7 k!
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“You’re heartless.”
Nagi’s voice is so serious and deadpan that you break focus from your book, and watch as his typical apathetic frown meets his eyes for a moment in a way that could fool any stranger into worrying. 
But not you. He’s being subtle about it but you’re very familiar with Seishiro’s pouting routine—he’s upset you won’t surrender your phone for the last hour and a half of your train ride because somebody came unprepared with a low battery. His games were apparently more important than an ongoing text conversation with your friend!
“Am not, you big baby! Bring a charger next time.” 
You don’t respond when he mumbles something about there not even being outlets under his breath, immediately re-engrossed in your story, ignoring his squirming and sighs. 
You hear it when Nagi finally stills and drops his head against the window next to him, and he doesn’t even look at you when he speaks again.
“Whatever. ‘M using’ it now then.”
“You’re what?” 
“My pass,” he pauses to yawn. “My free pussy pass or whatever.” 
It takes you a second to even process his words. Then you wonder if he’s joking—sometimes with that blank-eyed stare it’s hard to tell. 
“Sei, we’re on a train…?” 
You didn’t think he’d use part of your valentines gift this way…truthfully you thought he’d forgotten about your little half-joke coupons you made him—he only ever cashed in the massage. He's never shown interest in public sex before… this is uncharted territory.
“Don’t care,” he sighs, his mouth twisting a little so his expression flashes mock sympathy.  He pats his upper thigh.
“Hop on soldier.”
You laugh for a second and his lips twitch before he narrows his eyes at your hesitance, pouting openly this time. 
“Come on. Was the pussy pass fake or something?” 
You have to hold back another giggle. “Say pussy pass one more time.” 
Your car’s door gets a lingering glance before you’re abandoning your book and phone, sliding carefully into his lap while he stares at you, looking deep in thought. You seize his pause as an opportunity to peck his lips—giving into him way too easily like always. You’re reminded of all your friends’ claims that you spoil him—suddenly certain they’re true when you feel his hands squeeze their way up your thighs till they’re under your skirt, the cool air hitting your ass in the middle of a public train. 
“Well what else ‘m I supposed to call it?” He leans his head back against the wall, getting comfy in his seat while he kneads your hips atop him, feeling that the fabric of your panties is lacy. 
You break your lips away from his neck where they’d drifted, glancing at the hall again before smiling at him.
“Just teasing. This is new though… will you watch the door? Otherwise I’ll be nervous.”
He nods for you, rubbing his thumbs reassuringly over your sides while his fingertips graze frilly straps.
He’s content just holding you like that a while longer, letting his eyelids droop while you work on his neck, but his fingers dig into your skin when he feels you bite. 
“ow. what’s that for?”
He brings a hand up to clasp over the newly forming bruise on his pulse, eyes a little widened. 
“A reminder to watch the door,” you say while you grind for the first time over his sweatpants, earning a sharp inhale. The real reason you sunk your teeth in is that Nagi’s annoying—about to get his dick ridden after throwing a tantrum over a phone battery. Classic Seishiro—everything comes too easy to him! 
You wanna give him a harder time, you really wanna get bratty, but the feeling of Nagi’s hard dick against your panties has your brain short circuiting—especially when you notice his cute dilated pupils before he grinds up to meet your hips. Somehow those eyes have you programmed to do anything he asks—anything that’d please him would please you just as much. 
So it’s after not long at all that your grinding turns rabid and you can’t wait any longer for him to be inside you. then you break away from his chest where you’d been clinging, hovering above him so you can take his cock out before spitting on it and giving a few impatient pumps. 
Nagi’s a mess by this point, his bedhead even more disheveled than before and his cheeks rosy, his lips and neck looking red and abused. But your hand around his dick obliterates the last of his composure, now he’s squirming and whining and letting his eyes squeeze shut—forgetting to watch the door!! 
You pause your stroking with a click of your tongue, pointing to the hallway when Nagi’s eyes open as a reminder. Then, in one practiced, fluid motion your panties are pulled to the side and Nagi’s stroked along your slit before sliding inside—stretching you open just right before you bottom out. 
You have to still for a moment when you do, feeling Nagi’s fingers claw into your hips while his skull thuds against the wall behind him. 
You adore Seishiro’s pussy drunk voice, how breathy and tired it sounds—how needy he turns. It has you gushing around him, wrapping your arms around his neck and squishing your bodies together till neither of you can move. 
“Feel so good.” He whines, bucking into you on instinct, hitting your sweet spot with precision.
You love the eager way he nods in response—loving how Nagi seems to save whatever enthusiasm he has the energy to show for your pussy and your pussy only. 
You roll your hips for him, starting a nice and gentle and merciful pace because you wanna give him a false sense of security before you start bouncing the way you like. Which is ruthlessly—Nagi’s sensitive and you enjoy nothing more than the process of absolutely ruining him. 
The time you spend riding him slow and sweet ends sooner rather than later though; teasing Nagi is always a double-edged sword when you end up teasing yourself along with him. So it’s not long at all until the rock of your hips is interrupted and you’re letting your shoes slide to the ground, leaving just your socks while you shift your weight backwards onto your toes so you can use your feet to help you bounce hard the way you like. If Nagi was demanding train pussy, he’d have to take it how you want to give it. 
Nagi realizes your intentions just a moment too late before you’re moving, squeezing him tight and fast and knocking the wind from his lungs. 
He‘s never been great at censoring his moans—Seishiro can be dramatically vocal when he feels good, so you have to quickly silence him with your lips—swallowing every sound while he squirms like mad underneath you.
Every movement feels sweet—honestly, Nagi’s cock is maybe the most reliable thing about him—it never fails to hit exactly where it needs to. But if every movement is sweet for you, each slam of your hips is tooth rotting for seishiro—neither of you even notice the way his eyes are permanently closed in bliss—failing to watch your precious train door like he promised. He’s watching brain cells die behind his eyelids instead, his head turning fuzzy with each squeeze of your pussy—not even your lips can contain the volume of his whining. 
He’s close, you can feel it in the way he’s twitching inside you, and you’re not far behind him. So you keep your hips bouncing in a nice rhythm—clinging onto him while he does the same to you, his fingers clawing your sides before breaking away from your kiss to throw his head back—it knocks against the wall again but he doesn’t complain, only squeezes his eyes shut while he cries out from borderline overstimulation—cumming what feels like endlessly inside you. It’s entirely too much when you clamp down on him, throwing your head back too while you cum with him—leaving him whimpering and teary-eyed. 
“Fuuck s’too much, ba-wait I can’t—“
He’s cut off when you meet his lips again, riding out your high as gently as you can manage while Sei’s breaths slowly even out. Eventually his heavy eyelids peek open to find your head resting on his shoulder, looking up at his face. 
Lovey little smiles are exchanged when your gazes meet—and you feel like your chest might explode from how heartfelt the moment suddenly feels as Nagi holds you close and you hold him closer, shoving unruly white hair from his eyes for him. 
“Did you get good use out of your coupon, Sei?” You wonder with a teasing tone, tracing a finger along his shirt collar while he yawns, nodding. He looks like he’s about to say more, but it’s then that his eyes finally spare a glance for the aforementioned car door…
Where he finds Isagi, Chigiri and Bachira staring wide-eyed. Their expressions are varied from bachira’s amused little smile, playing with a red sucker between his lips, to Isagi’s tongue-in-cheek, brow-raised stare. Then there’s Chigiri—mouth slightly parted, eyes empty and his cheeks flushed. Nagi’s never seen that man blush before. 
Nagi jumps the moment he notices them, before cursing under his breath, digging a knuckle into his eyes while he turns his head away. 
You freeze at his actions—quick to gather that someone must have seen you but instantly too mortified to check the window and see who it was. 
Japan’s team had rented out your section of the train for their next game so best case-scenario it was someone chill that you weren’t close with, maybe Hiori or Kurona, worst case-scenario it was Jinpachi Ego.
You don’t have the chance to speculate for long, because next thing you know, the door is sliding open and there’s more than one set of footsteps marching into your little train car. And you’re still stuffed full of Seishiro’s cock and you wanna cry. 
You’re too frozen in embarrassment to move until you hear Nagi sigh, “This is so annoying—you guys are perverts, you know. Can’t you give a little privacy?” 
He’s talking like it’s his friends standing behind you—the fact has you involuntarily clamping on him while you finally turn to check, clamping down again when Bachira waves at you and Isagi smiles all friendly. Seishiro squeezes your thigh when he feels you, groaning so quiet under his breath that you hope none of them can hear. 
“We’re the perverts? You just got fucked in a public train with your teammates on the other side of the wall. It’s lucky it was us who heard you ‘n not our esteemed coach, don’t you think?” 
It makes your head spin just hearing Isagi’s patronizing tone, but glancing at his expression makes you feel even stickier, his head tilted in faux concern and then his widened grin when you turn to meet his eyes. 
You can’t help but find the look he gives you sort of… hot—you’d be lying if you said this whole situation wasn’t turning you on in some sick and twisted way. And Seishiro’s certainly handling it more calmly than you think most boyfriends would, letting the room fall quiet after Isagi speaks, his cheeks turning the faintest pink when he finally drops his eyes back down to you. 
Another second of quiet and it would have been too uncomfortable to bear, but, unsurprisingly, Bachira breaks the silence. 
He seems even less bothered by the car’s thick atmosphere than Isagi is, as he closes the gap to sit beside nagi, resting an elbow on his shoulder before pulling the sucker from his mouth with a pop. Where it felt like Isagi was only speaking to Nagi, Bachira seems to make you his sole focus when he asks, “think you can cum again, princess? Didn’t get a good view of your face the first time and I bet you’ll look soo pretty.” 
You manage to grow even hotter at those words, you have to drop a cheek against Nagi to cool it, but you can’t bring yourself to look away from Bachira’s expression—it’s teasing and playful in a way that makes your insides fuzzy. 
Before you can reply, you hear Isagi mumble from behind you, “bet you’ll feel so pretty too,” and with that you can’t hold back any longer from grinding down on sei’s quickly-hardened cock—trying to be as subtle as possible but unable to stop yourself—the lack of friction had been turning torturous. 
And of course Nagi moans, all soft and sweet for you, gripping your hips before bucking upwards, his subtlety leaving much to be desired. 
Something in the room shifts then, or maybe the tension breaks—at least for you. You’ve given up hiding how horny you still are.
Witnesses somehow only manage to turn you on more, the extra eyes make you feel desired, especially when you peek to see Bachira’s brows raised—he’s smiling, dimples out and everything, while his gaze falls to the edge of your skirt and your curled legs next to his. It takes minutes for you to be on the brink of cumming again, Isagi and Bachira only spurring you on with filthy words—
“Aww are you gonna get yourself off on Nagi again? Think I could make you feel even better.” 
“Poor Sei’s gonna have an aneurysm, are you sure he can handle your little pussy for another round? Maybe you should give me a turn.” 
Nagi can only pant and whine and take it beneath you—so drunk on your pussy he’s brain dead--the taunting from his teammates hardly even registers. Isagi’s quick to point out how gone he is from his seat across from you and when he does, Bachira’s giggling, brushing the sweaty hair from Nagi’s forehead and murmuring,
“If you don’t open your eyes, you’re gonna miss how cute your girlfriend looks while she fucks you.” 
Isagi adds, “bet she can look even cuter. Megs you wanna take her shirt off? Looks like she isn't even wearing a bra.” 
You’re so caught up in how it feels and how they sound that you don’t even notice till then that their cocks are out, stroked in their hands while you entertain them, leaving them panting softly between words. When you turn and look you notice that even Chigiri, who you’ve barely ever spoken with before, is groaning and palming himself through his shorts next to Isagi. 
You’re on the brink of cumming and you sense Nagi is there with you—so preoccupied with how it feels that you barely notice Bachira tugging your shirt over your head, his sucker forgotten in its wrapper, till the cool air hits your nipples and you feel them hardening.You hear Isagi moan at the sight before you’re toppling over the edge again, spasming on Seishiro, feeling the burning gaze of the three around you while Bachira rubs your back. Nagi can’t help but cream inside you at the same time, twitching and whining—by the time he’s done you're exhausted. 
The absurdity of the situation properly registers then, leaving you warm and embarrassed, but you aren’t done. Somehow you know you aren’t from the way Isagi’s eyes have been scorching your back. He doesn’t give you time to rest before he’s taking your hand in his, guiding you off of Nagi while you’re still pliant and stupid from cumming so hard. 
All eyes are immediately fixed on how he spills out of you, white dripping down your thigh all the way to your knee when you stand. 
“Sheesh Sei, look how messy you made her,” Bachira says, before he’s swiping cum off your leg and sucking it off his fingers. Your head spins. You feel like you must be dreaming. 
“Sweet. You’re sweet, Sei, did y’know that?”
Seishiro’s brain’s still mush, his head resting lifelessly against the wall, but he manages to roll his face toward Bachira to glance at him, humming a no. 
Bachira gets a glint in his eye when he turns to Chigiri, zoned out on Nagi’s face from the corner, and asks him “d’you wanna try, Chigiri? Ever tasted sweet cum before?” 
Chigiri’s instantly pink, shaking his head almost shyly. You don’t expect it when you feel his long fingers glide up your inner thigh, dipping into your pussy before he takes them away to lick clean. 
He speaks for the first time, 
“You are sweet, Nagi.” 
You think you see Nagi make a lazy little smile at that before you’re being molded by Isagi, onto your hands and knees across the leather seats that Chigiri’s sitting on. Your face is met with Chigiri’s massive bulge while Isagi gets positioned behind you, rubbing warm hands under your skirt to push it all the way up to your abdomen, leaving only your little lace panties that are stretched in the crotch and soaked. 
“Gonna take her face, Hyoma?” Isagi asks while his fingers trace the frilly straps, sliding his way under them to rub your bare hips. 
You take the time he spends inching the fabric lower to try and wrap your brain around Yoichi Isagi—the man who’s likely your closest friend on the team aside from Nagi. He’s always kept the atmosphere light and friendly when you’re involved—cracking jokes and relishing in your giggles, he’s always very kind and welcoming. It’s true you’ve always thought he was kinda cute—and it was clear those feelings were returned from the way he flirted with you, but you always assumed he was just laying your special treatment on a extra thick to fuck with Nagi. You didn’t expect he’d ever really be in your panties, that's for sure. But now he’s crossing the point of no return, helping slide them off completely and likely altering your dynamic permanently. Ah well… you don’t feel the motivation to stop him. 
Chigiri breaks you out of your thoughts when he finally answers,
“Bachira can go first, he’s staring like a hungry animal right now.” 
Bachira doesn’t need any further permission than that before he’s swapped spots with Chigiri, kneeling sideways on the seat so his cock is in your face—red and thick and leaking. You almost put him in your mouth immediately on instinct but then you’re glancing at Nagi on the bench across from you, gauging how he feels about this whole thing. He’s never been the jealous type, but talking to other men and sucking their dicks usually warrants different reactions. 
He’s still looking exhausted but you notice right away his dick is somehow still hard- or maybe hard again. The corner of his mouth lifts a little when you meet his eyes, then lifts even more when he glances a few times between your face and Bachira’s cock.
His expression is confirmation enough, and next thing you know you’re licking up the pre that’s dripping down Bachira’s tip, squealing a bit when you feel Isagi run his fingers through your sensitive pussy at the same time, fingering you with his middle and ring finger till he has enough cum on his hand to rub his cock with, getting himself ready for you. The anticipation has you quickly struggling to focus on Bachira, licking him sloppily from base to tip a few times till he’s impatient.
“No, princess, it goes in your mouth.” 
Bachira puts a thumb between your lips and gently pulls them open, guiding himself inside while you look up into his eyes. He looks… mischievous—his expression has your heart thumping unevenly, reminding you of how he looks when he plays soccer. And once his tip’s at the back of your mouth, his condescending smile gets even wider while he lets out a breathy groan, holding your eyes shamelessly while your tongue swirls around him, eventually glancing behind you at Isagi, who’s positioned his tip at your entrance.
You whine on Bachira’s dick when Isagi starts easing his way in, the new angle dragging against new places inside you, and Bachira furrows his brows at the feeling, twitching forward before holding himself back. 
“Mmm I think ‘m gonna have to fuck your face.”
Nagi’s never done that before. 
Your expression must show your hesitance because Bachira’s quickly stroking your head, trying but not quite succeeding in reassuring you all will be well while he looks behind you some more—eyeing Isagi who’s bottomed out inside you. 
“It’ll be okay. Isagi and I’d only take the best care of Nagi’s sweet little girlfriend.” He says in a singsong voice, slowly easing his way deeper in your mouth. 
“Wouldn’t give you anything you couldn’t take. I know you can handle us both, princess,” you hear Isagi add from behind while he rubs your lower back and sides. 
You’re just thinking whatever they’re gonna do to you, they better do it fast because you can’t stand another moment without movement. So you answer them with a whine that’s meant to be encouraging.
From the sidelines of every game—especially as a non-soccer player, Isagi and Bachira’s relationship always appears… complicated. The way Nagi tells it, they used to often work as a unit, as a team even in blue lock, kinda like Nagi used to be with Reo. But… things got competitive. They’re friends, Nagi always says they're friends and they act like it off the field, but their dynamic always feels to you like it has a hidden layer most people are missing—whether it be rivalry or jealousy or maybe even some form of… infatuation. 
And maybe it’s that hidden connection they hold that has them so in sync when suddenly, with no word or trigger you can perceive, Bachira and Isagi thrust out and in, beginning a steady matching pace while they fuck your pussy and throat. You’re left gagging and drooling from the sensation—it’s overwhelming to be so completely full, but somehow you more than bear it—after a few thrusts it’s even satisfying and you’re moaning and taking it and fast approaching another orgasm. If your mind was already hazy from Seishiro, your thoughts are a thick fog by this point, cleared of anything but physical touch—your boyfriend watching you from a foot away getting his cock stroked by Hyoma goes completely unnoticed. 
Something you do come around for, though, is Bachira’s downright erotic panting growing louder by the second, paired with the bruising grip Isagi’s got latched around your waist that tightens with every stroke, eventually one of his hands lifting to link fingers with Megs. Their growing enthusiasm while they fuck you can only be perceived for a moment before you’re coming undone again, wave after wave of intense and all-consuming pleasure washing over you till you can’t keep your eyes open. You can’t hear or see by the peak of it, only feeling as two cocks drill and pound you harder than you’ve possibly ever experienced. You almost choke when suddenly Bachira’s creaming in your mouth towards the end, shooting ropes of hot cum down your throat but refusing to pull out so you have no choice but to swallow. It’s not long after that you feel heat flood your pussy too, filling you like a donut for the third time in the past hour. 
You almost collapse on the seat then, but luckily you’re caught around the middle by Isagi, who lays you down gently while he uses some mysterious cloth to mop up the mess between your legs—likely a shirt from Nagi’s backpack.  
You’re a wreck by this point, but feeling thoroughly satisfied as you lay and let your eyes adjust to the scene around you, one that involves Chigiri kneeling in front of your boyfriend and sucking him completely dry while Seishiro buries his face in the crook of his arms, squirming the way you know he does when he’s about to cum. He moves his arms towards the end to glance at Chigiri, then he’s meeting eyes with you, and his expression morphs into one of his rare, adoring faces.
He moves his mouth like he’s about to say your name but then he’s cumming again, his nose wrinkling all cute while his hands go to Chigiri’s hair, holding it from his face while Chigiri’s head bobs at a steady rhythm. Eventually Nagi’s pulling Chigiri off, using his hair like a handlebar and whining “s’too much Hyoma, s’enough...” 
Seishiro… your boyfriend… you just watched him get his dick sucked by his teammate. The scene of it all has you reeling because- how should you feel about that? Not mad—certainly not when you just got fucked by two cocks at once before his eyes and liked it. But is it okay that the image had you feeling… good? That you’re turned on by the thought of Nagi’s teammates taking good care of him—especially the idea that they might when you’re not even there. As a matter of fact you hope Nagi’s friends suck his dick for him when you can’t make it to a faraway game, you’d be more worried if he wasn’t being doted on by someone in your place—that realization has you surprised with yourself. 
When he finally opens his eyes after coming down from his high, you’ve scooted back to his bench next to him, hugging yourself to his side and smoothing the bangs from his forehead before dotting his face in light kisses. 
“Did that feel good?” Your voice sounds like an angel.
He nods, his eyelids even heavier than before, wrapping an arm around your back and pulling you against his chest, cheek falling against your head. 
Hyoma, who’d sunk against Nagi’s other side chuckles lightly, mumbling a soft “I’m glad,” while adjusting the front of his shorts. 
Seishiro’s sitting like his body is heavy, his boxers lazily tucked over his dick so even his clothes make him look thoroughly ran through. Still, he finds the energy to lift his head and look pointedly at Chigiri and his apparent boner, pursing his lips like he’s debating something.
Chigiri’s voice is breathy and seductive when he asks “Wanna help me out, Sei?” 
The nickname sounds almost out of place spoken from Hyoma’s lips, you get the feeling he’s only ever referred to Nagi by his surname up until now. It honestly makes your thighs rub together thinking about their newfound closeness. 
You watch as Seishiro nods for him, spitting in his hand once Chigiri finally takes his cock out. 
You have to work to pick your jaw up off the floor when he does—who would have expected that Hyoma Chigiri’s absolutely hung. His cock is blushing and pretty and huge—precum spilling from its tip once Nagi carefully wraps a hand around its base, stroking testingly. 
Chigiri moans the kind of moan you knew he’d make—one that’s pretty like the rest of him, wrapping a hand around Nagi’s to squeeze himself tighter. 
“‘Sagi, you should do that to me,” your eyes follow Bachira’s voice across from you, him and Isagi seem to be fighting over who can manspread the most on the bench space. You notice Isagi’s eyes lingering on you, curled against Nagi with just your sorry excuse for a skirt still on—it’s riding up so high he’d see everything if you just opened your legs. 
“No fucking chance, Megs.” 
“Maybe if I beat you next one on one?” Bachira murmurs, a teasing tone to his words. 
Isagi ignores him, staring you down while he wets his lips, eventually meeting your gaze while a warm smile takes over his face. You notice then that he has another hard-on in his basketball shorts. 
“Hey princess, think you could give me head? We could give Hyoma somethin’ to watch? And I bet Bachira’d eat you out—he loves eating other guys’ cum.” 
Bachira throws a hard shove at Isagi’s shoulder that leaves Isagi wincing, but then he smiles at you all big and feral. 
“I am dying to taste that magic pussy of yours. Seems like it puts everybody in a trance.”
You know the logical answer would be to decline, you know your body is on the brink of collapse, but then Nagi’s looking down on you with his blank eyed stare, and his pupils are huge again. He pecks your forehead before whispering, 
“C’mon baby, give us somethin’ to watch.” 
Due to your Sei-pleasing programming, and the wetness between your legs Isagi’s eyes bring, you can’t say no. 
So you end up back on the Eiffel Tower bench, back on your hands and knees, but this time your skirt’s finally been removed and Isagi’s cock is by your face while Bachira kneels behind you, inspecting your swollen pussy. 
You shiver when you feel his warm fingers spread you apart, tracing your folds while his mouth waters, the atmosphere accentuated by Chigiri’s moans and sighs along with the gentle slaps from Nagi’s hand. 
You’re just placing the first kitten lick on Isagi’s tip when Bachira places both hands on your ass, spreading you open with his thumbs this time before finally licking a long stripe through your center. 
The feeling has your back arching, whining before you take Isagi fully in your mouth, letting him gag you while Bachira flattens his tongue against your clit. The room’s quickly filled with whining and moaning and heavy breathing—thankfully nobody seems to be in the car next door anymore because you’d be heard immediately. 
You should have known from the eccentric way Bachira acts to the fact his tongue’s lolling out of his mouth half that time that he’d be good at giving head—but somehow you didn’t anticipate how electric he’s making you feel, alternating fucking you with his tongue and suctioning under the hood of your clit—his every action feels intense. And he’s vocal too—slurping and groaning on you, his fingers almost certainly leaving bruises on the skin of your ass and upper thighs where he holds you open with an unyielding grip. 
The feeling Bachira’s tongue is giving you only transfers to Isagi’s dick, because you’re moaning on it—frantically taking him as deep as your throat can go as some kind of outlet for the hot pleasure you’re experiencing in your core. 
You’re not sure if somehow all of this fell under Isagi’s master plan, because he is fucking estatic—gripping the wall and your hair, perfectly dominating in his tone while he talks you through the whole thing. Using words like, “there you go, princess,” and “mmh think your mouth was made for my cock,” while moaning all deep and pretty in a way you didn’t expect. 
Every sense you have is sexually charged, and it takes almost no time for you to be coming undone again almost painfully this time. By now you’ve lost count how many orgasms you’ve been given, but this one stands out as the harshest—leaving you choking on Isagi while fat tears stream down your cheeks, your body twitching on Bachira’s unrelenting mouth. He licks up your release like a man starving—lapping deep inside you till your vision is spotty and you worry you’ll never be able to think straight again. 
You can hardly register the feeling of Isagi cumming in your mouth, swallowing everything he gives with empty-headed obedience. Isagi and Bachira catch you when you collapse this time, laying you gently on the bench so your head’s on Isagi’s lap, mumbling how they’re scared they might have put you in a coma when you don’t respond to their comments throughout the process. Your heartbeat’s too loud in your ears at first to register the sound that’s left is Chigiri, his panting and whining growing quick while Nagi jerks him off across from you.
Your hearing is finally clear again when he mumbles a broken, “gonna cum, Sei- fuck- where?” 
You watch Nagi glance around for a second at his backpack and your discarded clothes littering the floor before his stare lands on you, and his eyes soften a bit. 
“My girlfriend.”
“Inside her like everyone else.” Nagi’s tone is humorless—maybe a teense fond. 
At this point no action anyone around you takes could surprise you, so you spread your legs a little in your seat, flicking your gaze up at Hyoma’s furrowed expression. 
He hesitates much less than you would have expected, taking over for Nagi with a breathy sigh, his hand gliding up and down his own cock with loud wet slaps. 
Before you know it he’s standing and twisting your body diagonal so you’re leaning against Isagi’s chest, spreading your legs with one hand before kneeling to slide himself inside. You both wince when he enters, you from raw overstimulation and him from the squeeze—it only takes one pump before he’s cumming inside you—painting your insides with what feels like buckets of cum while his breaths come out in shaky moans, leaving you so full you’re leaking before he even pulls out. 
Everything’s sticky and exhausting after that, you feel like you need to sleep for days, but the train just announced it would be pulling into the station in 5 minutes. So, with the help of four sets of hands besides your own, and one of Nagi’s tee shirts that Isagi elected as a temporary cum rag, you redress yourself and are left sitting beside Nagi again, him leaning his head against the wall with frequent yawns and you sending an apologetic text to your friend for your lack of response. Nagi already had practice today but he has a dinner to attend before his big game tomorrow, one you were planning to accompany him to but you’re currently planning to forgo, hoping none of his teammates or coaches miss your absence. 
The early check-in to your hotel goes smoothly. You’re happy to get the chance to break in a fresh bed with a late nap, but once you arrive and go to shower, you finally notice something missing. You didn’t even realize with how sensitive and raw you were feeling between your legs, along with how used to nudity you’d grown accustomed in the past hour and half, but ever since your train ride soirée, it seems your panties have mysteriously vanished… 
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aajjks · 2 years
Your King (MYG)
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synopsis. He was your King, while you were nothing but his possession.
warnings: YANDERE, T*XIC BEHAVIOUR, extreme YANDERE, mentions of blo*d, obsession, unhealthy possessiveness, he’s emotionally ab*sive, mentions of killing, crying.
disclaimer: THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP, DO NOT ROMANTICISE THIS BEHAVIOUR AT ALL, I do not CONDONE this behaviour at all? viewer discretion is advised, this type of content can be dark and triggering.
note. SHARE THOUGHTS??? ❤️❤️
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“Did you take me for a fool, my dearest?” Yoongi hummed in a bored tone, sitting on his large golden black throne as his stare wasn’t focused on you but on the sword that he stared at.
Your knees were weak as you stood infront of him, unshed tears layering against your tired eyes, your heart begging to have him spare you a glance.
But your mind knew Yoongi better than anyone. He never liked to look at your wet crying eyes, that made him weak.
And yoongi didn’t like to be weak.
“P-Please Yoong- It’s my king to you now, sweetheart.” Your heart broke into a million pieces at his words, a wave of fresh tears welled up in your eyes as you looked down at the floor.
His anger was invisible on his face but you could feel it’s heavy heavy presence, the blood drops on his sword were the proof of his wrath.
“B-But m-my king please! Y-You were mislead! H-He was like my brother!” You cried, your voice wavered with fear as you felt the weight of his eyes fall on you.
You fell onto your knees.
Those horrific images of his body laying in his own pool of blood haunted you.
“H-He was my brother!” A choked sob left you. Yoongi was not speaking a word, only listening to you.
It scared you. “That’s enough, Y/N.”
Your heart skipped a beat, filling you with near waves of fear when you heard his footsteps coming towards you.
He rarely called you by your name.
“You dare to defend him even in his death?!?” A growl from him was the sign of his calm demeanour breaking.
“I don’t like it when you defend and cry for him like this… you are so stupid, my love.” Yoongi’s raspy voice was almost blocked by the sound of your own heartbeat.
“He may be like a brother to you,” you could see his reflection in the marble floor, as he crouched down to your figure.
You shuddered.
You couldn’t stop your tears. Yoongi noticed your panic, his large hand coming towards your face to caress it.
His touch burned.
“He didn’t see you like a sister though. You see, sweetheart, men can’t be trusted.” A laugh full of cruelty left him.
“Trust me I’m a man after all.” His touch was tender, so not like him. It was like this was not your king.
This was a crazy man. A killer.
“You’re my most prized possession, you know? I’m a very possessive person, I don’t like it when someone even looks at you. I feel a rush of murderous rage whenever you were with him.” His laugh vibrated around the large throne room.
“You should know that, right?” The pad of his thumb swiped against your trembling lip.
“These lips.. they’re too precious.” He squeezed the meat lightly between his fingers.
“But they feel so filthy to me whenever you utter his name.” You silently cried. “You’re my purest possession… you make me happy, dearest.”
Yoongi carefully lifted your head up, your eyes met his void ones. They were dark yet empty.
Completely empty.
“You know I don’t like to see you cry. You know everything yet… you like to test my limits, hmm?” He smirked, wiping away your fresh tears.
“Even these tears are mine. Why don’t you cry for me only?” He licked his lips, inhaling a deep breath. “Sweetheart… stop crying for him.”
Yoongi’s patience was running thin, you could tell.
“Before I make you cry for me.”
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basicallyblank · 10 months
Australia vs England World Cup semi final; thoughts
ENGLAND ARE THROUGH TO THE WORLD CUP FINAL !!! I thought we played fantastic today, eery player genuinely stepped up and got the job done. We went into this game looked at as the underdog, people didn't expect us to win, we saw who the ref was and didn't think this game would go well, we saw that we were wearing the away kit and thought some curse was going to get us, the code to the England fans allocated seats got leaked and Australian fans bought most of them, some Australian news paper sent a HELICOPTER to spy on us... but this team blocked out every single bit of that noise out and did all of their talking on the pitch.
Our backline was a brickwall today, for the most part :) There were mistakes made with the Sam Kerr goal, but they didn't let that happen again, they regrouped and Millie Bright put her body on the line time and time again to stop Sam Kerr. Her long balls were the difference today, passing the ball down down the field which lead to the Hemp ad Russo goals which made us abe to safely see the game out and relax was one of the reasons we won. Lucy Bronze was everywhere again today, she put her body on the line (her bloody ankle says it all) and her headers which got the ball away helped us, she knows how to see out a game ;) annoying for some but she knows. Jess Carter and Alex Greenwood have saved us throughout this tournament, Jess Carter covering for Lucy Bronze and allowing her to go forward and covering that space in behind her so that opposition attackers cant make crosses or get up the pitch has saved us many times, shes been a rock this tournament. Alex Greenwood, the stats speak for themself, shes been our best player. She's created the most chances at this world cup (14) and her passing is pin point, she only made 5 incorrect passes against Australia.
We've all had concerns about our midfield throughout this tournament, it was a target area for other teams to silence, which significantly damages our play, but this team always finds a way. Ella Toone, recieved a lot of criticism this tournament, from myself as well, but in this game she showed up and reminded everyone of what she's capable of, showing up in big moments. The pockets of space she was picking up during that game which allowed passes to flow through from the backline into our attacking line were fantastic, she scored a rocket of an opening goal and overall had a great match. Keira Walsh, another outstanding tournament from her, her off the ball work is excellent, probably been marked more than she would have liked but she still manages to make it work, KW4 world cup final first england winning goal incoming ?? ;)
Our attacking lineeeeee cmonnnnnn. goals galore, probably not as many as we'd like to have seen, but they got the job done ! most of the time :) Lauren Hemp has set this tournament alight, as has Alessia Russo. Rachel Daly has been good at the front and at the back, which speaks volumes of her quality. Now that we're in the final, means that Lauren James can return to the squad following a 2 match ban after recieving a red card in the RO16 against Nigeria, curious to see where she'll fit into the plans for the final, she was having a good tournament and could've potentially been in the race for golden boot.
Mary Earps has obviously been THEE difference maker, the life saver, the game changer. England have conceded THREE times in this tournament. Three times. She's the best in the world for a reason she the least she deserves is her shirt being sold.
The Jordan not playing thing, will address my thoughts because i get a few asks lol. Obviously its disheartening that she hasn't gotten any game time, she left Arsenal to get into this squad, she really wanted to be here. Jordan will know her role in this team, she's an older player now, she's been out of the national team for a while, on the outskirts not really having a role, she's come back with a fresh mentality and new experiences to draw upon for this tournament. She's elevating this team, the younger players, Alessia, Ella ect have all said how close shes become to everyone in this team, shes uplifting them so they can perform at their best. She'll have known her role going into this tournament, obviously its sad she hasn't gotten any game time but if she lifts that trophy on sunday, i dont think she'll mind too much.
On sunday, we play in the final of the World Cup for the first time ever, we've won the Euro's (where we beat spain), we've won the finilissima, today we defeated the only team we've lost to since Sarina took over in 2021. This team are not finished yet, people underestimated us going into this tournament, they underestimated us today, on sunday we'll show them that we cant, and shouldn't be underestimated. In Sarina we trust xx
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onlymingyus · 2 years
Seeing Red 4: Hoshi's Origin Story
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header edited by me (@chogiwapadada) do not remove the watermark and do not repost
pairing; kwon soonyoung (hoshi) x his hand/viewers (ft. lee jihoon (woozi) x reader from past seeing red series parts)
genre; smut (minors dni)
warnings; masturbation on camera, dirty talk, exhibitionism, voyeurism, misuse of a friend's account and space
word count; 2.2k and some change
request; no
a/n; this is a collab for svthub and the actual final part of the seeing red series. elv and i started talking and decided since i had used hoshi in my fics and she was writing for the little tiger boy why not do this little collab within the collab.
part one | part two | part three | A Tiger's Dominion - @onlyseokmins
svthub masterlist
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Soonyoung lets himself into the bedroom with a sly smirk on his lips as soon as he watches Jihoon leaves with you on his arm. It was always fascinating to see you in his apartment. You looked far too good to be surrounded by all this shit. Even if it had gotten nicer over time. 
Now as Soonyoung sat in the chair that no longer squeaked as you turned, he bit at his bottom lip as he let the computer power up. His eyes looked over the cameras that had been discarded over time in place of nicer ones that you preferred for Jihoon to use. He reached for the latest one setting it on the tripod tilting it slightly as the laptop chimed drawing his attention. 
“Okay…shit. Uh…” Soonyoung typed in the svthub website url and then smirked when he wasn’t prompted to log in. “Bitch I told you to always log out.” He followed the steps that Jihoon had taught him to set up a show since he had helped out a couple more times but had never been asked to join since the two of you had become all official. 
The shows had become less frequent too and Soonyoung knew that, surely all those needy girls that Jihoon had whipped for him had to be missing him. So honestly he was just doing his friend a favor. Sitting back in the chair Soonyoung clicks his tongue looking at the video preview as he runs his hand through his silver hair before he unbuttons the first two buttons of his shirt and the last one over his jeans letting his shirt splay out over his jeans. 
“Here goes nothing.” Hoshi hits go live and bites his lip as he watches the red light illuminate on the camera as the laptop starts chiming signifying people joining the chat. He laughs as he reads over the chats leaning forward slightly with a nod raising his brows. “No Woozi tonight baby. Just me. Hope you aren’t disappointed?” 
cutie4woo: I mean I won’t lie I miss him but fuck you are so hot. 
“Mmm you are so sweet, baby.” Hoshi laughs as tips start to come in and he watches them count up. He would have to figure out how to collect them. He hadn’t really thought that one through. Furrowing his brows for a second in a thought he purses his lips before looking at the chat again seeing a few people asking if he was okay. 
“Course I am, baby. I’m here with you. I was just thinking if you have been good girls since Woozi has been away.” Hoshi laughs as a few people say of course they have. He sees a few people opting to call him daddy, then a few sirs. “You don’t have to call me daddy or sir. I don’t mind it but just call me Hoshi.” 
Working his fingers over the last new buttons, Hoshi lets his shirt fall open smirking as more tips flood in. “You all are a bunch of horny little kittens aren’t you?” He can’t help but to laugh as the chat starts to race at the pet name. “What? Do you like that? You want to be my kittens?” Hoshi laughs sucking on his bottom lip as he runs his fingers along his abs and further down over the veins that had gotten so much attention during his last appearance. 
“Mmm alright. Fuck, I’m so hard right now. Can you tell?” Hoshi slides in the chair so the camera can showcase his jeans and the very evident bulge pushing against them. The chat filled with yeses and how they’d love to take care of him. “Oh kitten I’d let you. Mmm fuck your cute little mouth, let your spit run all the way down my thighs.” 
Lifting his hips Hoshi undoes his jeans before pushing them down to expose his tiger print boxers glancing up to the sound of the chat going off as his cheeks warm slightly. With a laugh he glances down and bites his lip with a shrug. “I like tigers. I think I look good in the print too.” Hoshi laughs again and sits back palming himself over the boxers with a grunt as he jerks slightly to the feeling. 
“Mmm, that’s another reason you can be my kittens.” Hoshi shrugs with a smirk and winks as he slips his hand into his boxers before pulling his hard cock from them as pre-cum starts to drip from his tip glistening under the light. “Horanghae baby.” Hoshi laughs as large tips drop to his catchphrase, and well probably his dick. 
Lifting his hips he pushes his boxers lower letting them rest on his thighs still in the view of the camera as he begins to slowly stroke his length. His mouth drops open with a low groan that is almost like a growl as he presses his thumb into his slight lightly. “Fuck that feels so good. Yeah I’d love to fuck that sweet little pussy. I’d tear it up. You think you can handle me, kitten?” 
sweetaspice: Oh I’d like to try Hoshi. God your cock is perfect.
woolove: Can you handle my claws, pretty boy?  
Hoshi laughs and sucks on his bottom lip as he thrusts up into his land as he glances towards his phone as it lights up before leaning to pick it up seeing a message from Jihoon. “Oh kittens thank you. I love claws woolove. You gonna scratch me up while I fuck you hard?” Raising a brow to the text, Hoshi can’t help but to laugh as he reads while his hand still moves over his cock. 
Hooni: What the fuck do you think you are doing?
Hosh: Jerking off. 🐯
Hoshi glances to the chat and smiles at the chat seeing responses in favor of him fucking them hard and liking claws. “Oh we are going to get along just fine kittens. Oh fuck you all are going to make me cum. Shit…you see how much I’m leaking?” Hoshi runs his fingers over his head before showing the camera all of his pre-cum before using it to stroke his cock again as another text comes in. 
Hooni: I’m going to fucking murder you. 
Hosh: I’m doing you a favor. I’ll tell them you said hi. Have a good date baby. Tell Y/N I said I love her and that I miss her already. 🐯
Hooni: Fuck. You. 
Hosh: I love you too, Hooni. 🐯
Sitting the phone off to the side Hoshi smirks to the camera and waves the phone off as the chat seems to notice he had been using it. “Just Woozi tell me to tell you all hi. He’s just a very busy man. All that stern big boy business, you know how he is. But let's not talk about him tonight? Is that okay, kittens? You wanna just be with me this time?” 
Hoshi bites at his lips at all the chat responses telling him they were happy to just be with him this time and any other time. “Is that so? You wanna see me again?” Hoshi lets out a purring groan that seems to send the chat into a frenzy as they watch him squeeze his cock as he gets close to his climax. 
“Oh baby…kitten I am so close. I wish you could clean me up. Lick up all this cum. I hate it’s gonna go to waste. I want your tongue on my cock.” Hoshi gasps into a grunt as his stomach sucks in as he cums, white ropes shooting up over his abs and some dripping over his hand as he continues to move his hand to the point of overstimulation. His toes curling, Hoshi gasps out “oh fuck…” as he slowly comes to a stop and laughs as he opens his eyes and looks at the camera. 
Tips overlap each other making him laugh as he shakes his head. “Horny little kittens, you spoil me.” Still laughing at the comments, Hoshi raises a brow and puckers his lips in a kiss as he winks. “I didn’t say I wanted you to stop. This is almost as good as fucking you. God I wish I could.” Hoshi starts to speak again when he hears the door to the apartment open and slam, making him widen his eyes. “But this tiger has to rest. So my little kittens, until next time.” 
Soonyoung is just quick enough to end the live as Jihoon pushes the bedroom door open with an annoyed look on his face as he looks at the computer then to Soonyoung with his dick still out. “Put…” He gestures his hand in a wild motion towards Soonyoung’s lap before speaking again, “that away.” 
Laughing Soonyoung stands and grabs a tissue wiping cum from his stomach, dick, and hand before pulling his boxers back up. “What? Are you mad? Why did you come home so soon? “ Jihoon moves to pull the chair away from Soonyoung, checking it for cum grabbing a wet wipe carefully, wiping it down with a groan of disgust before looking at his friend with the same annoyed look on his face. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Like actually? Who does that? You hijacked my stream.” Soonyoung considers what Jihoon is saying and nods. “Let’s go in order. Number one, I’m sure there are many things wrong with me. The second question was the same as the first. Third, you left it signed in! You haven’t been using it. So yeah I used it. By the way I made some bomb ass tips, I’d like those.” 
Jihoon stares at his friend before throwing up his hands after throwing the used wet wipe at Soonyoung. Shaking his head, Jihoon leaves the room with Soonyoung following behind in just his boxers. “Hoon! Dude seriously.” When they reach the living room, Soonyoung stops and feels his cheeks burn as he sees you sitting on the couch with a small smile on your face. 
“Hi Soonyoung.” The man laughs and scratches the back of his neck before gesturing towards you and himself. “I should have grabbed pants, but the point still stands. Jihoon, was it really that big of a deal. I need cash dude. I made like over $3000 today. It was a short stream too. Please man.” 
You look at Jihoon as he turns to look at Soonyoung in disgust as he sees him in his boxers muttering “what the fuck” before he pinches his brows. “I’ll get you the tips from the stream but you aren’t using my shit anymore. Get your own! I’ll let them know where to find you even but just don’t use my shit. Fuck Soonyoung I would have helped you.” 
Soonyoung sighs and sits down on the couch beside of you with a loud sigh making you laugh as he leans back putting his arm on the couch behind you making Jihoon groan. “Oh my god Soonyoung! You are basically naked. Can you not? She is my girlfriend.” You smile and wave Jihoon off as you pat Soonyoung’s thigh only to make a slight face as you pull back you hand to find it sticky. 
“Oh, shit. Y/N…I, hang on.” Jihoon stares mouth open as Soonyoung sits up quickly and grabs your hand and a tissue, cleaning some of his cum off your fingers. “Jihoon didn’t really let me get cleaned up. He was all “what the fuck are you doing!” and I was all “ahh”. You laugh again and shake your head as Soonyoung turns your hand over and kisses the back of it. “All clean, well cleaner.” 
“I fucking hate you.” Jihoon’s voice carries both of you, making you laugh. “No you don't, baby. Help him or I will make him my sugar baby.” Soonyoung perks up as he watches you stand moving over to Jihoon who stares at you before you lean to kiss him softly even as he stews in his anger. “I’ll be in the bedroom...cleaning. Soonyoung, I’ll get your clothes.”
“Thank you Y/N. You are a goddess.” You wave at them as you leave the room before Jihoon sits down and pinches the bridge of his nose. Soonyoung watches Jihoon before blowing out a loud breath. “So can I have one of your older cameras, and not like the shitty first one? I have a laptop but…” 
Jihoon peeks up at Soonyoung and rolls his eyes. “Yes. You need a good username. Have you thought about that? You need something to call your viewers.” Soonyoung perks up and lifts his hand. “Oh shit I have that already, kittens. They fucking loved it.” Jihoon scoffs and leans his head back on the chair and shakes his head. 
“But a username, uh something with tiger probably. Oh what if I use the number 69?” The smirk on his face makes Jihoon wrinkles his nose as he watches Soonyoung work through the idea. “Oh shit I have it, what do you think of 0riginalTiger69?” Jihoon shakes his head and scoffs, pushing his tongue into his cheek. “I think it’s fucking stupid but so are you so it fits.” 
Soonyoung smirks and sits up straighter on the couch saying the name to himself again before licking his lips and clicking his tongue in his teeth. “Horang-hey Kittens.” Jihoon gags and sits up leaning over his legs. “I’m gonna be sick.” Soonyoung laughs and bites at his bottom lip, “And I’m gonna be fucking good at this shit.” 
tag list; @bangchanbabygirlx @just-here-to-read-01 @hoshistar96 @niktwazny303 @strawberri-uyu @yeritheloml @tis-niki @noraehey @hoohoohope @otterpopchan @xuxibelle @foxdaisy @smileysuh @vern0nsworld @synthetickitsune @enhacolor @pandorashbox @yeosayang @httpswonwoosglasses  @yoonguurt
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please note that I am doing my best to tag all of you who have filled out the tag list form but tumblr won’t let me tag some of you. I think that is because either you have tags turned off or possibly a blank tumblr page. consider reblogging some of the fics you like from me or other writers. ♥
© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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sluttery-withoutshame · 4 months
Just trying to put Eric back in the header for his tag.
The Silly Hats Of Eric Singer
We’ll begin with the easy stuff. Baseball hats. Of which sometimes look comical like this one with Ace.
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They all look way too big on him.
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I’m kinda posting this one not for the hat but because I love that Eric has cats. It’s funny the catman has cats, but as a cat person myself, I love a man that loves cats
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He loves beanies, and every single one of them looks silly.
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He has the prettiest face though.
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There are so many photos of Gene squeezing Eric’s face, but that’s a whole other post I’m going to have to do one day.
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This grandma hat. Possibly my least favourite.
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Is this the same hat? I don’t think it is, but it’s definitely grandma-ish.
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The ridiculous straw fedora.
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Also, these fedoras that I thought were the straw one, but now I think he has two different fedoras.
Why, Eric??
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I know this is kinda cheating but I also found evidence to suggest he may have worn one in the past, and of course it wasn’t a stately Abe Lincoln style black one.
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Like truly,
Why would you cover up this luxurious mane??
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forlix · 2 months
You're literally the best writer on tumblr, so I'm here to ask for some advice 🥹
So you know how stories have a timeline and some may cover like two years for example but be only around 2k words. HOW TO DO THATT??!? 😭 I always get stuck in time when I write something. If there is monday then there has to be tuesday and I just can't do a smooth slide to let's say the next week of the story. I really can't figure out how to do smooth time skips. So perhaps you have some tips? 😋💖
Waah my English isn't good so idk if you get what I mean. It's alright if you don't want to answer!! ^^
hiii my love!
firstly, u flatter me hello. best writer on tumblr is complete craziness!!! thank u so much for saying that though, you're very kind :') and i'm honored that you're entrusting this question to me!
secondly, this is all sooooo valid. navigating time is one of my biggest writing challenges among MANY so i'm not really sure i have the solution myself, but i can try to walk you through my process if you think that would help. i'm sorry in advance if it comes across as convoluted as i think it does 😭
instead of chronological, day-to-day accounts, i like to think of my fics as collections of important moments. "important" meaning significant for characterization, relationship progression, worldbuilding, etc. these moments don't usually happen back-to-back, because all change takes time.
if i can reference my own "ace," which i took special care to map out the timing for, about a week passes between every scene for most of the fic. i made it this way because i wanted there to be a lot of implicit development during those weeks; the couple needed to make their transition from acquaintances to lovers in a way that felt natural. but of course the development couldn't all be implicit, so the fic ends up being a collection of important moments that gives the reader just enough information to tag along on their journey. which is why u get scenes like mc taping hyun's hand in the training room, mc running out of the arcade heartbroken, and mc and hyun having a heart-to-heart on the gym floor
you can think of it as planting the seeds in one scene, letting them sprout and blossom "off camera" (aka during the timeskip), and then doing a garden reveal in the following scene. the two scenes are still very much interconnected—they still depict the same people in the same universe in the same storyline—but something about them has changed, and with it the plot has progressed
depending on what kind of story you're writing, consecutive days makes total sense, btw. in "crying lightning," i explicitly point out the timeskips with headers containing new locations and times preceding every scene because it the couple is a stylist/idol pair that travels together often over one year. in "everything has changed," which is probably closest to ur example of 2 years spanning 2k words, two years pass between every scene to place byeol growing up in parallel with felix and mc falling in love. but maybe you're writing, say, a camp counselor au or a zombie apocalypse au, and the characters only have limited time together; the way you'd write about a five-day period would look super different from a six-year period, u get me?
i am SO sorry about how long this got holy fuck i am truly terrible at putting anything about my writing process into words 😭 but TL;DR: 1) think of ur fics as compilations of important moments, 2) ~plant the seeds of change~ in one scene and reveal the end results in the next, and 3) think ab what timeframe/time-related format would work best for ur fic and go from there! your english is perfect btw <3 don't hesitate to lmk if u have any other follow-up comments or questions!
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kimageddon · 2 years
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-|- Page header by space-b33 -|- Masterlist -|- Prince of Dathomir Masterlist -|- Sins of the Father Masterlist -|- Art Masterlist -|- Check out my : Ko-fi / AO3 -|- Prompt Challenges -|- Art Attack Weekly Challenge -|- Join my tag list -|-
Savage - Training on Dathomir
Savage is a big big man! I thought he deserved a strongman bod.
In case anyone is curious or thinks I just made him fat, a strongman and one that participates in strongman competitions, they have a bit of a gut due to the core muscles being strengthened. Abs might look pretty to some but often times they aren't as strong as they look. I used the inspiration from Hafthor Bjornsson aka The Mountain from Game of Thrones for this cos it's pretty perfect. So his lil tummy there would actually be hard af with muscle and help in his physical capabilities.
It's a bit more realistic for his size and strength, Nightsister Magick be damned. Plus I think he looks good :)
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The List of Tags: (If your name is crossed out then check your settings! Tumblr is not letting me tag you!) @two-black-leviathans @fallenrepublick @eyecandyeoz @ashotofspotchka @littlepossss @octupus-on-the-moon @justalittletomato @mach-opress @mustluvecho @nahoney22 @leotatombs @eloquentmoon @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @maulslittlemeowmeow @misogirl828 @alwayssnivellus @stardustbee @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @bacarasbabe @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 6 months
Needy Soldier » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Boyfriend/Avenger/Beefy!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Bucky is in desperate need of Y/N.
Warnings: Smut (18+), language, sub Bucky/dom reader, dirty talk, kissing, hickeys, fingering, (f & m receiving), unprotected sex, riding, mommy kink, praise kink, size kink, Bucky’s dog tags, pet names for Y/N (doll), pet names for Bucky (baby, baby boy)
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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“Doll.” Bucky whispers, trying not to interrupt your conversation with Natasha.
You reached behind you, placing a hand on his arm without looking at him and continued talking to Natasha.
“Doll.” He whispers louder, tapping on your shoulder.
“Buck, not right now. I’m talking to Nat.” You say.
Bucky huffed and pouted. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, knowing how much you love it when he does that. You shivered when you felt his stubble against your skin when he placed kisses on your exposed shoulder. Your eyes widened when you felt his bulge against your ass.
“I’m sorry, Nat.” You apologized. “Can we continue this conversation later?” You asked.
“Of course. Have fun you two.” Nat says, winking and walked away.
You sighed and turned around to face Bucky.
“What’s gotten into you tonight?” You asked him.
“Need you.” He whispers in your ear.
“I’m right here, baby.” You say, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“No. I need you.” He says with emphasis.
It didn’t take you long to realize what he meant. You bit your bottom lip and looked around the room to see the Avengers talking amongst themselves.
“Let’s go to our room.” You say, grabbing his hand.
You lead him to the elevator and quickly got on it. You grabbed his open jacket and pulled him down towards you for a kiss when the elevator doors closed. Bucky steadied himself by grabbing your waist. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. You grabbed his hand and went to yours and his bedroom. You closed the door and locked it behind you. You used all of your strength to push him up against the wall and kiss him hungrily. Your hands slipped under his t-shirt, rubbing his abs. One of your hands went lower, stopping on top of his bulge and gave it a squeeze causing him to gasp.
“Please.” Bucky almost whimpers.
“What is it, baby boy? Tell me what you need so badly.” You say.
“I-I want you to suck my cock.” He says, feeling his cheeks heat up.
You giggled and sunk down to your knees. You unbuckled his belt and got to work on his jeans. You pulled down his jeans just enough for his hard cock to spring out, his tip leaking with precum. You wrapped your hand around it, pumping it in your hand a few times.
“Pl-Please.” He begs with a whimper.
You swiped your thumb over his tip, using his precum as a lubricant. You licked the length of his cock before wrapping your lips around his tip and sucked on it. You slid the rest of his cock in your mouth, pumping whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth and began sucking him off. Bucky threw his head back against the wall when he felt your tongue on the underside of his cock.
“Fuck!” He moans.
It took everything in him not to pull your hair and fuck your mouth. You looked up at him, batting your eyelashes and moaned around his cock.
“Oh god, yes!” He moans.
Your hand left his cock, taking the rest of it in your mouth. You gagged a little when his tip hit the back of your throat, but relaxed your throat. One of your hands held on to his thigh to steady yourself and the other one massaged his balls.
“Fuck, mommy!” Bucky moans loudly.
You hummed around his cock, pleased with his reaction. Bucky made eye contact with you when he looked down. The way you looked up at him while batting your eyelashes innocently almost made him cum on the spot.
“Oh fuck! Don’t stop!” He moans, loving the feeling of your tongue on the underside of his cock.
Bucky felt his orgasm building up soon than he liked.
“I’m gonna cum!” He moans.
You took your mouth off his cock making him whine and look down at you.
“I don’t know if you deserve to cum.” You say, slowly pumping him in your hand.
“B-But I’ve been a good boy all day.” Bucky says, trying to reason with you.
“Good boys don’t interrupt their girlfriend’s conversations with her friends.” You tell him.
Bucky pouted, feeling bad for interrupting your conversation with Natasha earlier.
“I won’t do it again. I promise.” He says, sticking out his bottom lip.
“Hmm…” You think to yourself, still pumping his cock in your hand. “Alright. I’ll let it slide this time. The next time, you interrupt another conversation, I’m handcuffing you to the bed. Understand?” You say.
Bucky nodded his head in agreement. You pinched his hip, a yelp left his lips.
“Use your big boy words or you’re not cumming.” You say.
“I understand, mommy.” Bucky says.
“Good boy.” You praised.
You wrapped your lips around his cock again and bobbed your head faster than you did before. The words “yes!” and “oh fuck!” left his lips when he felt his orgasm getting closer and closer.
“Fuck, mommy! I’m going to cum!” He moans.
“Give it to me, baby boy.” You say.
Bucky threw his head back against the wall, a loud moan of your name leaving his lips as he came in your mouth which you swallowed. He leaned against the wall, a panting mess. You stood up and kissed him hungrily.
“Mmm.” You hummed against his lips. “Be a good boy and unzip my dress.” You say, turning around.
Bucky unzipped your dress and watched closely as you took it off. He couldn’t help but place kisses along your shoulders.
“I have the most beautiful doll.” Bucky says against your shoulder.
You walked to the bed as Bucky watched with hungry eyes. You stopped at the end of the bed, hooking your fingers in your panties and bend over to take them off. Bucky licked his lips at the sight of your wet pussy. You beckoned him over to you. He walked over to you. You stood on your tippy toes to whisper in his ear.
“Strip for me, Soldier.” You whispered, placing a kiss just below his ear.
You laid down on the bed with your legs hanging over the edge, propping yourself up on your elbows and watched as Bucky took his clothes off. He stood in front of you naked and his cock hard, waiting for further instructions.
“Get on your knees and make mommy feel good.” You tell him.
You spread your legs wide open as Bucky got in between them. Bucky placed kisses along your inner thighs, making his way up to your wet cunt. He licked in between your wet folds before latching his lips on your clit, his tongue circling it. A moan left your lips as your head fell back. You reached a hand down to his head, your fingers tugging at his long hair. His stubble scratched your inner thighs just the way you love it.
“Oh fuck!” You moaned. “You always know how to make mommy feel good, baby.” You say, looking down at him.
Bucky moans against your clit in response, sending vibrations against your clit. Your jaw dropped, breathy moans leaving your lips. Two of his metal fingers sliding inside of your pussy caught you off guard.
“Oh Bucky!” You moaned.
Your moans encouraged him to move his fingers faster. Your elbow gave out and you fell back on the bed. You other hand joined your other one, tugging on Bucky’s hair.
“You’re being such a good boy for mommy.” You praised. “Do you want me to ride you, baby boy?” You asked.
Bucky moans in response, sending vibrations against your clit.
“Faster!” You moaned.
Bucky’s tongue moved faster against your clit, his fingers moving in and out of your pussy, trying to get your orgasm to build up. Your cunt clenched around his fingers when they hit that one spot inside of you.
“You’re going to make me cum if you keep doing that.” You moaned, moving your hips against his face.
It was Bucky’s mission to make you cum. He always took your pleasure seriously. His tongue moved faster against your clit and his fingers thrusted faster in your pussy. You felt your orgasm building up to the point where it felt like you were going to burst. A loud moan of his name left your lips as you soaked his face. Bucky stopped his movements with his tongue and fingers, removing them from your pussy. You laid there panting as he sat up from in between your legs. Once you caught your breath, you grabbed the chain of his dog tags and pulled him down for a much needed kiss, moaning when you tasted yourself on his lips.
“Still want mommy to ride that big cock of yours?” You asked.
“Yes please, mommy.” Bucky says politely while nodding his head eagerly.
“Lay down for me.” You instructed.
Bucky laid down on the bed, patiently waiting for you to make the next move. You got on top of him. Your legs were on either side of his hips, straddling him. You picked up his hard cock, pumping it a few times before lining it up at your wet entrance. His tip slipped past your tight entrance causing the both of you to gasp. You slowly sunk down on his cock. His tip instantly touched that one spot inside of you. You placed your hands on his muscular chest, lifting yourself up off his cock, only leaving his tip inside of you and went back down. You rode him at a decent pace, but Bucky wasn’t having it.
“F-Faster please!” Bucky begs.
You obeyed his command and started bouncing on his cock faster. Bucky quickly became mesmerized by the way your breasts were bouncing, making him lick his lip. He couldn’t help himself but reach up and place his hands over your breasts, rubbing his thumbs over your nipples. His fingers pinched thumb causing you to gasp. Bucky was please with your reaction and did it again causing your pussy to clench around his cock this time which made him moan at the feeling.
“You’re so needy for mommy, aren’t you, baby boy?” You say.
“I’m always needy for mommy.” Bucky says with a moan.
“You’re mommy’s needy little soldier, huh?” You say.
Bucky whimpers and nods his head yes. You moved your hips faster against his. Your clit rubbed against his lower abdomen causing you to moan. Bucky felt his second orgasm building up causing him to whimper.
“Can I cum, mommy?” He asks with a moan.
“Not until you make mommy cum.” You say.
Bucky threw his head back and whined. You gripped his jaw, tilting his head down to get him to look at you.
“You want to cum or not?” You asked.
“I want to cum.” He says.
“Then stop your whining and make mommy cum.” You say.
Bucky’s metal hand went down to your clit, his metal fingers rubbing it in circles causing your cunt to clench around his cock. You felt your second orgasm building up. Your jaw dropped, his name leaving your lips as you came on his cock.
“Cum for mommy, baby boy!” You moaned.
It didn’t take long for Bucky to cum. Ropes of his cum was released inside of your pussy. Your bouncing came to a slow stop. You sat on his cock panting while your hands were pressed against his chest to hold yourself up. You leaned down and kissed Bucky sweetly before getting off of him. His cock slipped out of your cunt and you laid down next to him.
“Come here, baby boy.” You say, patting your chest.
Bucky laid his head on your chest and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You ran your fingers through his long hair.
“I love you, doll.” Bucky mumbles before falling asleep.
“I love you too, baby boy.” You say softly, kissing the top of his head.
-Bucky’s Doll
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Harvest Tomatoes
Following up yesterday's Little Farmer Jun is the fruit of the harvest!
We continue on with the (many) figs that were inspired by Gong Jun's November 2022 Cosmopolitan Magazine shoot. There's a ton of them.
The inspiration for this cutie is this:
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This magazine cover is not the one I have, I got this cover:
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Outstanding! But, we're not here to talk about A+ purchasing decisions, we're here to talk about this little man:
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This sweet little guy, wheelbarrowing his way across the Pacific to me. Safe and sound in his little polystyrene cocoon.
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Like a number of figs in this series, there was absolutely no way this fig was going to stand up on its own. In this case, on the cart. It was too heavy towards the back and toppled right over when I tried it. Usually I can at least take a header pic if I prop the fig up against my backsplash there, but for this one I just immediately put it on a fig stand. It was just too unstable. I wasn't going to take any chances on the cart breaking!
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I put a tiny bit of glue on the wheel and each of the ... uh ... wheelbarrow... stands? What are those called? Anyway, I glued that cart down, it's not going anywhere.
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You can see we would have needed much wider, uh, stands in order for the cart to hold up the weight of that big ol' head.
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Speaking of big ol' heads, I find Junjun's little khaki hat here adorable. It's like, fascinator size! Not to scale in the slightest, but ever so cute for it.
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Look at all those beautiful tomatoes! I know people were incredulous at Junjun biting into a tomato for the photo shoot, but let me tell you. When I was a kid, I used to work at a local farmer's market on the weekends selling flowers with my uncle, and I would wander around the market when we had slow times. A great farm fresh tomato really is like nothing else - a glorious burst of flavor and juicy texture that literally tastes like summer. So you go on with that tomato, Junjun!
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Tomato solidarity aside, I love how packed this cart is, it makes for a great visual presentation.
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Junjun covered in tomatoes wasn't where I saw this mag shoot going, but like I said in yesterday's post, I don't even question this sort of stuff anymore. There's no denying the harmony of the red tomatoes with the cart and the contrast with his clothing is a great pop of color.
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I really love how the fig maker designed the 3-D nature of his open shirt. This must have been a difficult fig to engineer, just given all the details here. His hair also looks fantastic - they really got those curving bangs that look so great in the photo shoot.
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Speaking of details, here's a close up of all those tomatoes that wonderfully 3-D shirt. You can actually see the modeling on his abs there too! No detail spared for sure.
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More detail of the other side of the cart. There is a LOT of tomatoes in that cart. Pour one out for the overworked and probably underpaid photographer assistants that have to set up these fashion shoots. What a perk though. I'd artfully place tomatoes around Gong Jun for free, no problem.
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Here's a good view of how well this wheelbarrow was modeled. It may not stand up on its own, but it looks fantastic.
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And the other side. I like the blue soles on his Hogan boots a whole lot.
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The boots are all we really see (and yet more tomatoes) from this angle!
No box art or box cards for the figs in this series unfortunately.
There will be more figs in this series to come, and more figs outside of this series too. Literally every single photo in this shoot was turned into a fig by some enterprising fig maker! I'd call that a successful photo shoot for sure.
Material: Resin and a whole ton of tomatoes
Fig Count: 419
Scene Count: 29 (I don't think this counts)
Rating: The sweetest fruit of the harvest
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
ABE!!! HI ABE!!! once again gonna reply here but stick what all of those mean under the cut for my own convenience later LMAO
youre so NICE waaaaaahhh WE ARE FRIENDS !!! i need you to like me so badly its embarrassing . to me, you are like having a sweet classmate that i think is so awesome and then one day you started waving to me in the hallway and i waved back while internally going "ARE WE FRIENDS NOW? OMG OMG OMG :D". also im glad people like my theme bhjdfgbhjd i dunno if thats referring to like, my blog header and colors, or my actual desktop theme (hate that thats now an antiquated thing to have. ive been on this website too long), but i like how both look so im taking it :D
😊: You’re sweet. You’ve made me smile before. 👾: Your theme is awesome! 👒: You come off as very friendly! 😇: Every single interaction we’ve had so far has been positive. 😃: I love seeing you in my notifications! 😆: You’ve made me laugh out loud before. 😀: I would consider us friends. 👍: I like you. Just, in general. I think you’re a genuinely good person.
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saetoru · 8 months
any tips to getting your fics to look aesthetically pleasing like urs? ur headers are so cool!
Honestly my reach has been kinda low and im a lil disappointed so i'd like some tips if you have any!!! thank you for your time! your work is amazing and so is the layout!!
mmmm i feel like aesthetics are a bit objective since im sure some ppl don’t like the layout of mine and such but if you’re trying to make a banner or whatnot you can try canva !! they have cool little templates if ur not all that good at just free handing a design and you can play around with fonts and stuff !! for the actual fic layout try to keep the fonts like minimal like to be quite honest with you i don’t rly like
or this
or this
that’s ofc my personal preference, but idk i feel they’re a bit chunky and big / distracting so i just stick to this regular font or u could do that one serif one everyone copies and pastes too. but i’ve found that font isn’t compatible w all devices and ppl always whined in my inbox ab it so i just gave it up and stick to this one 😭 and yeah generally try to keep everything organized and again, minimal. you need like the warnings and such ofc but try not or make the fic super busy before the actual fic itself starts if that makes sense
and yeah i’m sorry if your reach has been a bit slow lately. sometimes it’s just a hit or miss but i do think having a neat layout makes your fics stand out a bit so hopefully that helps a bit. make sure ur fics are tagged appropriately and im sure you’ll have a few get some traction soon !!
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bookwyrminspiration · 10 months
Look. I dunno if it was you or ink that started this thing ab finding spicy gatorade again but i need you to know that it has now resulted in
1) many long winded tag rambles ab the effects of 2020 kotlcblr
2) many many texts to ink and drawing connections to amphibia which we are very normal about and definitely not sobbing over
3) a header change (for both ink and i)
4) the fact that i can never be normal about molten glass ever again
It was me, I simply also dragged sorya down with me in the process. And now you, as well. and am also catching the attention of some people who haven't been active in a while. amazing how much molten glass elf piss can bring us together <3
I read the tags! wild to think about how much keepblr has shaped me. I literally started drawing because of this fandom, because of the artists I saw in the tags. You can see the progression of my art fully mapped out on my blog isn't that wild?? AND i started writing because of this fandom. because of the fanfic writers I saw and was inspired by here.
I haven't watched amphibia (though I know a thing or two), so wishing you two luck on that one as I know that show gets people emotional <3
oh my god. o7 spicy gatorade...o7 to you two for doing that. I'm quiet attached to my current theme but maybe I'll sneak in a tribute somewhere. I've been thinking about cleaning up a few things on my blog
molten glass and yellow gatorade is forever changed now and honestly? wouldn't have it any other way!
this is so much fun I can't believe both how much I've forgotten and both how much I remember and recognize when I go back through it all
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