#green blue switcheroo
skythealmighty · 4 months
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hey girl. i mean they. i mea
sooo this is absolutely inspired by @green-blue-switcharoo !!! great au PLEASE check it out i decided to do some swaps of my own! for funsies :) none of them are ok.
(the guy at the right end is from Surreal Salvation which is a horror object show and NOT animatic battle apologies in advance)
screenshots of my rambling abt this below the cut because i wrote entire paragraphs on discord help me.
Airy and Exclamation Mark:
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MePhone4 and Oodle:
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itsamenickname · 1 year
Look, I like the idea of Bowser not recognizing Luigi when he's disguised as Peach as much as the next guy, I really do, but I feel like there is a lot of unwholesome potential between Bowser and Luigi if the Koopa King almost immediately found out that he kidnapped the wrong Peach.
#and when I say unwholesome I don't mean it the sense that Bowser finding out that Peach is actually Luigi would break his heart#I mean it in more of a canon scene where he would quickly find out about the fake Peach and would then hold Luigi for ransom#or just kill him if you want Bowser to be really mad about the brothers and Peach pulling the switheroo#Bowser may be an idiot but he's not stupid#especially if you take into account the canon detail that Bowser's in love/may have an enormous obsession with Peach#a true obsessor like Bowser would know that Peach's eyes are dark blue like the color of the ocean#and while Luigi would have blue eyes his would be much lighter than Peach's (i.e. sky or baby blue)#(or he could just straight up have green eyes if you follow the DIC cartoons)#plus Bowser could just also take/rip the mask off of Luigi's face and instantly find out about the princess switcheroo#Bowser has really amazing immunity so I feel like it would not affect him all that much if “Peach” got him sick#at least I feel like he has great immunity considering the number of times he should've died in every Mario game known to man#oh and don't worry about me forgetting about this idea#because I can safely assure you that I will bring up this idea again sometime in the future#granted I don't know when I'll exactly bring it up again but I have every intention to explore this idea in more detail one day#and I can probably promise you that it'll happen at a time when you'll least expect it#consider this a fun and mysterious sneak peek of what's to come#luigi#luigi nintendo#bowser#bowser nintendo#bowuigi#bowser x luigi#super mario#super mario bros#headcanons#mario headcanons#mario fanfic#mario fanfic idea#foreshadowing
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pupstim · 1 year
The void around him brought no joy, instead an aching yearning opening in him. Green eyes trailed up to the blue planet above him, half his heart reaching to Earth, while the other half reached for the stars. His suit felt wrong around him, bulky when it should have been light, and a cracked helmet although no air hisses from the broken seal.
“I just want to go home,” Danny said, gritting his teeth as he drifts in the stars.
“So come home,” said ground control.
“S o  c o m e  h o m e,” said the voice from the stars.
Dannymay Day 26: Switcheroo
A little bit late but I have had a day so I’m forgiving myself.
I knew I was going to write something because although I’ve done both mediums writing is the least one. I really enjoyed this piece, it’s dedicated to my absolute favorite poem of all time, which you can find here and I just wanna include the artwork that is my fave of all that spawned from it here.
It’s a short lil blurb but I like it.
An interesting idea that arose when I wrote this was what if Danny’s parent’s never got the portal to work or only partially work. It leaks ectoplasm and I know the phandom loves to have ectoplasm do wacky stuff. But the main idea is that Danny never dies in the portal and he gets to go on to school and become an astronaut. Only something happens when he’s in space and he suddenly finds himself in a hellish limbo as part of him fights to join the stars and the other part yearns for home. Wacky stuff. Could tie in with him becoming an Ancient of Space, and then have the whole inevitability factor in it. He was always going to be the Ancient of Space whether he died in the portal or in space itself.
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owlhari · 1 year
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shiny versions of my steam powered giraffe fakemon line! you can see their regular coloring on the original posts, in my "spg fakemon" tag!
in order: rabyte, satournite, hastache, jazero, biscubird, updrake, and blumatt! i've left some design choices under the cut for anyone curious, too.
[basic image descriptions in alt text, see the original posts for fully detailed descriptions]
blumatt's core, as well as most of the pokemon's eyes, have switched to green! i figured going from blue matter to green matter was a fun choice
any red in the original designs that were meant to reference their costumes have inverted to blue
rabyte's impossium and copper switched to a main copper body and silver details, to reference rabbit's older designs. also red core rabbit because i couldn't help myself
hastache has a blue fire and the colors of his fancy shoes did a switcheroo!
updrake's silver details turned pink, and the pink scales turned a light gray, an admittedly niche reference to upgrade/erin burke's makeup during early spg days where it was a white mime face with pink cheeks
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writermich18 · 1 year
FFXV AU - The Dragon Who Forgot
Sometimes out of the corner of his mind's eye, he can remember. He sees something that reminds of him of who he once was,, what he once had, what he lost, the good things... and of the bad things. Those memories and glimpses just as quickly leave, leaving him grasping at straws and grains of sand.
Sometimes strange humans - men and women - in a mix of black, white, silver, and gold come to help him. Some stare and weep, some bring gifts, some clean him up and care for him. He likes the red-haired man who came often, once. He doesn't anymore. The Time Dragon wonders why.
He supposes he already knows why.
The Time Dragon stares at the latest of the humans who wear black and silver who came to visit. A young woman with green eyes and wild curly blue-black hair he knows is impossible to tame but doesn't know why he knows. She is the Crown Princess of Lorule, Princess Regina Lucis Caelum she introduced herself as. Lorule, the Kingdom his sister dragons told him the red-haired man founded, now ruled by a mix between the red-haired man's descendants and his late Prince brother's descendants. A switcheroo that takes place once every century if the Time Dragon recalls correctly. It must be the Lucis Caelums' turn then.
She is holding something out to him, he leans in close to see, curling closer around her and her companions to better position himself. The Time Dragon gives a slow blink. The item in her hands is a flower crown, so big she has to raise it above her head just to be seen and nearly toppling to the side, her Shield forced to catch her and help her balance herself.
The Time Dragon purrs, delighted at the pretty colors, putting his head down and letting her clamor on top to put the flower crown on his head. That was the moment when the impression happened. It startled the Dragon and nearly tore his heart at the memory he once again lost, causing him to lurch up and away. The companions were startled and yelling out in shock and horror. A tear gathered and fell from the Time Dragon's eye, going off into the distance. He shrieks again in pain and grief, not hearing the startled cries of the young princess still on his head. He flies away into the sky, not hearing or seeing Regina's Retinue giving chase.
Regina held on to one of the horns of the Time Dragon, but where she had been terrified initially, now she looked around with nothing but awe.
"This is how you see the world now, Grandfather?" She questions softly. "It's... beautiful." And sad. She can see the scars on her home, her land that the Scourging Blight and Nieflhiem's War caused much clearer up here. But she can also see the wild, nature reclaiming what was lost to the Upheaval and its Blight thousands of years ago. The efforts from her people to encourage the land to grow and fix the damage done. Her teacher and the Council are wrong. They are getting it all back, the efforts aren't for nothing or a waste of money and time. The War is just slowing things down.
Regina shakes her head, clearing her thoughts. She can't be focusing on that right now. She needs to find a way down.
The horns are rough, scaly and not growing correctly. When was the last time someone groomed him? She wondered. Luckily, she had been planning on doing some maintenance before he took off with her. She can do his horns and spike at least, the scales and claws will have to wait. She'll have to do it fast before he brings her up into the sky portal, past the cloud barrier so she'll still be able to jump down and safely glide to the ground... Or jump into a lake because, like an idiot, she forgot to put her glider into her armiger.
Regina gets to work on filing the horns and getting rid of those shards that grow out of the skin surrounding the spikes, like how nail shards grow from the skin instead of the nail, causing irritation and itchiness for the dragons. Once she's gotten everything, she puts everything away including the shards and horn pieces, and waits until the Time Dragon is flying over the Lake, which luckily isn't too far from the Lake Caravan they had been resting in only a day or two ago.
She jumps, plummeting down the ground below. She can practically hear the lecture Weskham, Cid, Titus, and Clarus are gonna give her once she's back with them. She adjusts her flight until she's just above the middle of the lake, immediately switching to a diver's position to not belly flop. She hits the lake and immediately swims to the surface. She starts swimming to the lake beach just as the Regalia comes skidding to a spot in the "parking lot" nearby (more of a resting stone-paved cul-de-sac for sightseers and broken down cars than a parking lot). Her Retinue runs to the shore, waiting for her and helping her out of the lake once she's close enough.
Later, even as she's lectured in the way back to O' Ric Funa Lake Caravan, an idea pops into her head. It's been a good few centuires since the family's tried to bring their many-greats grandfather back. With her quest to stop the Prophecy, maybe they can try and save Grandfather as well, bring him back to them, back to Uncle Ardyn who now-a-days can no longer see the Time Dragon, having lost the child-like wonder of his early days as King and then losing his good heart once he finally lost his battle against the Scourge. That had been the final straw on the camel's back, the moment when he completely gave up and became the Adagium. It was the moment he realized he couldn't see the Time Dragon or of the dragons anymore. Regina can only hope her reckless plan will work, that the family will finally get to heal and the brothers reunited. It's the only plan she's more uncertain about than any of her other plans.
She'll definitely need to talk to Sylva about speaking with their Allied Gods, regarding a way to reverse dragonification.
Oh, she can't wait to beat the crap out of the Draconian for what he did to her family! She's certain her ancestors, both her sister line's and her own line's, will gladly help her.
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coq-courage · 1 year
Ramble about nail polish bros
The nail polish bros are
And Luka
The twins often switched clothes and names and pronouns
They were born with dark hair but not as dark as Marc
And before they realized it was obvious when Marc pretended to be one of them (those green eyes are VIBRANT) Marc often would fill in for one of them
Even when switching places, they had multi colored nails
No, they did not realize this was an obvious tell for who was who
Juleka favored purple
Luka favored blue
Marc favored red
Anarka pretended she never noticed unless they switched for something actually important
Like a doctor's visit
The three children met when Anarka kicked a cop in public
And young Marc, watching her, repeated the motion
Much to his father's laughter
Mr Anciel and Anarka laughed about it later and bonded over their distaste for cops and how Gabriel Agreste’s ass looked in those tight pants
Meanwhile the nail polish bros were busy painting each other's nails and having sleepovers
When they met Rose, Juleka was hooked and asked them to stop pretending to be her
When they met Marinette, Luka was hooked and again, another switcheroo was canceled
When they met Nathaniel, Marc was hooked on those drawings, but there was no switch to cancel as they had already stopped all switches
The boys admired their artists from afar while Juleka admired hers from the arms of her lady
Go Juleka, get it, get that bread
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eerna · 2 years
Same thoughts on your recent post about tlt ghfjfjskl this might be considered way too specific, but it slightly irks me when authors overly describe eyecolors, which isn’t particularly a trope, but I think you get what I mean.. this is especially common with beginner fanfic writers. and for some fantasy young adult authors, they go way into detail giving their characters the most bizarre irises other than common ones irl like brown, blue, or green to raise up the allure I guess 😭.. then it gets adapted, and fans are disappointed that their fave doesn’t have “striking gray orbs” (I guess for YA fantasy adaptations, they don’t bother with contacts.. But for high fantasy, it’s getting kinda popular to use contact lenses ahem Geralt) but when tamsyn does it, i’m like “whooo yes” because the eyecolor switcheroo thing actually plays a huge part in the story
Same!!! In any other book it would be weird, but she had a knack for overly describing eyes that made it seem purposeful even if I didn't yet know why she was doing it. Her descriptions were non-cliche enough for me to think she was going for a "every eye is unique, windows to the soul" type of a thing. However your Geralt comment has me imagining Gideon Nav with distractingly bad golden contact lenses
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the-weird-land · 2 years
His name is Switcheroo. He was inspired by Ena from youtube.
Switcheroo used to be a human but he died and he came back to life in The Weird Land. He has the ability to switch colors that is represents what he is feeling. And each we change color, his clothes also changes color as well. But his clothes will only be the color of the two colors that he is feeling makes.For example:
Blue + Red = Purple shirt/Magenta pants
Purple + Gray = Grayish Purple shirt and pants
Green + Yellow = Yellow-Green shirt and pants
White + Pink = Ligh Pink shirt and pants
Orange + Brown = Light Brown shirt and pants
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iviarellereads · 1 year
All Systems Red, Chapter 7
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which there's a fun switcheroo.
The next day, only Mensah and Murderbot fly to the rendezvous. MB expects that by now, GrayCris know approximately the makeup of the PresAux team, and just hopes they don't know how messed up this SecUnit is.
Mensah opens a comm channel and announces arrival. A voice responds that a deal can be made. Mensah says she'll send her SecUnit out. The camp is set up on high platforms over the uneven trees. It's required by the company if you want your camp anywhere there's not open terrain, and it's why MB thinks its plan will work.
As they land and put the controls on standby, Mensah looks like she wants to say something, but is resisting the urge. She simply wishes MB good luck, and MB is unsure how to respond, so it stares awkwardly for a few seconds, then seals its helmet and goes.
It stops several meters from the figures awaiting, four SecUnits and three humans, leaving one SecUnit unaccounted for, as well as at least 27 more humans. It greets them formally, and feels a ping from their equipment, trying to get it to auto-install the update to immobilize. The meeting is so close to their hub because they probably needed equipment that can't be moved from here.
Fortunately, all MB feels is a light tickle.
One of the SecUnits approaches, and MB says it recommends against trying to override it, opening its gun ports. The SecUnits go alert, and the humans are startled. MB says it has an alternate solution.
One of the humans, as skeptical as if the hopper started talking, repeats that back questioningly. MB offers that they weren't the first to hack PresAux's HubSystem. One of the humans says it must be a trick, but MB continues that it doesn't have a governor module, then goes back to lying and says PresAux don't know, and it's open to a compromise that benefits it and GrayCris.
The leader, in blue, asks if PresAux are telling the truth, about knowing why this planet is important. MB says if they want to find out if a real rogue SecUnit has to answer their questions, they're going to get an education.(1) The humans discuss a bit, then ask what MB's compromise is. It asks for them to take it off planet, listed as destroyed inventory, in exchange for very important information. The humans discuss, then the blue leader says they agree. MB knows they intend to install an override in it regardless.
MB asks them to delete it from the PresAux HubSystem inventory first, and then it will give them the information they need. They protest that the HubSystem is still down. MB says they can initiate startup and queue the command, once it sees that it's in queue it will cooperate.
Three minutes later, the comm channel opens, and MB has limited access to the GrayCris feed, to see that the command is in queue.
Since it's been watching the time, it knows the target window is reached, and tells GrayCris that PresAux have sent a group to set off GrayCris's distress beacon. Blue leader says that's impossible as the others look unsure, but MB says the team has an augmented human systems engineer who can do it. Blue asks Yellow if it's possible, and Yellow says, maybe. Blue says they have to go now, and tells MB to have its client come out. MB expected them to leave without asking for Mensah.
(Last night Gurathin had said this was a weak point, that this was where the plan would fall apart. It was irritating that he was right.)
MB can't open its comm without GrayCris knowing, so it tells them Mensah knows they mean to kill her, adding that she's a planetary admin and not stupid. Green asks what entity, and MB points to the name, Preservation.
Yellow says they can't kill her, and Green says they can hold her until the settlement agreement. Blue snaps that won't work, the investigation will be even more thorough if she's missing.
Blue suggests MB go get Mensah, and bring her here. Blue even sends one of the DeltFall units to help.
What I did next was predicated on the assumption that she had told the DeltFall SecUnit to kill me. If I was wrong, we were screwed, and Mensah and I would both die, and the plan to save the rest of the group would fail and PreservationAux would be back to where it started, except minus their leader, their SecUnit, and their little hopper.
MB attacks the DeltFall unit, and manages to overpower it.(2) It feels bad, though, because the DeltFall units did nothing wrong. Not that any SecUnit had a choice about involvement in this.
Mensah bursts out of the bush with the mining tool, and MB tells her she'll have to pretend to be its prisoner. It starts shedding its own indentifiable pieces of armour(3) and putting on the DeltFall unit's equivalents.
MB fake-drags Mensah back to the GrayCris compound, Mensah struggling convincingly the whole way. Blue tells Mensah they know someone's trying to trigger their beacon, and if Mensah goes with them, no one will come to harm. Mensah hesitates, not wanting to look like she's giving in too quickly, but needing GrayCris gone. She agrees.
MB has to ride in the cargo container, which would feel nostalgic, if it were its own cargo container. Still, as a company product, MB can access the hopper's feed, if it stays quiet. The GrayCris SecSystem is still recording. MB figures they plan to try to wipe it before they're picked up, but the company's analysts will be on guard for it, and GrayCris might be caught even if PresAux doesn't survive this, which isn't as comforting as it sounds.(4)
MB accesses the live recording, and hears Mensah talking to them about the alien remnants in the unmapped areas. Their properties are weird enough to glitch out the mapping software. They prove that the planet was inhabited in the distant past, which would make it forbidden to mine except by archaeological surveys. But, if you hid them and got the mining rights, you could make a fortune selling the remnants off.
MB is cautiously optimistic about the plan, even with the hitches. Pin-Lee and Gurathin just have to hack the perimeter, avoid the one unaccounted-for SecUnit, and get close enough to the GrayCris hub to access HubSystem to set off their beacon.
The GC hopper lands near the beacon, and MB plays along with the other three SecUnits, making a standard formation around it. One of the GC humans reports no sign of anyone nearby, as the GC units go closer to the beacon to investigate.
MB takes a moment to explain, in an aside, that the beacons are disposable and thus cheap, and their launch can cause quite a lot of damage, which is why they're stored kilos(5) away from the habitat. MB and Mensah shouldn't be this close, and potentially end up toast in the launch process, but there's little choice otherwise.
MB moves toward Mensah, and Yellow notices and says something to Blue. The DeltFall SecUnit attacks, and MB fights with it as Mensah ducks behind the hopper. MB feels a thump in the plateau, as the beacon launch begins. MB runs, taking a hit to the thigh, and tackles Mensah off the edge of the plateau, curling itself to protect her. Then the beacon launches and knocks it offline.
It comes back momentarily, and hear and see Mensah next to it. She's injured, and talking to Gurathin and Pin-Lee over comms about being careful in their haste. Then MB goes offline again and wakes to Gurathin and Pin-Lee standing over it.
Pin-Lee leaned over me and I said, “This unit is at minimal functionality and it is recommended that you discard it.” It’s an automatic reaction triggered by catastrophic malfunction. Also, I really didn’t want them to try to move me because it hurt bad enough the way it was. “Your contract allows—” “Shut up,” Mensah snapped. “You shut the fuck up. We’re not leaving you.”(6)
MB lingers just this side of a total systems failure, having flashes of consciousness, including Arada holding its hand, and being on the big hopper as the pick-up transport lifts it.
That was a relief. It meant they were all safe, and I let go.(7)
(1) And by education it no doubt means whatever its arm weapons fire. (2) Any two SecUnits should theoretically be evenly matched, MB all but said so, but MB has advantages like the ability to look up its own tactics education in its spare time, though it's unlikely to have done much of that, and think like a person without fear of punishment by a governor module, which it is most definitely taking advantage of. (3) Remember when it said it would never leave its armour again? Alas, it was too good to be true. (4) "They'll avenge us if we die" never is much comfort. (5) So, I'm giving this some grace because it's a scifi setting, use whatever terms you want in whatever ways you want. But, I can almost always tell when an American writes in metric and doesn't work and think in metric every day, because of tells like this. In the rest of the English-speaking world, we don't use kilos for any kilo-units. Kilos is only kilograms, the weight measure. (Ok not weight but like basically weight don't nitpick me to death I do enough of it to myself.) Using kilos for kilometers is absolutely off limits unless you want to get a comedic double-take. (6) Murderbot's not the only one who formed an attachment. It's done nothing but protect and help Mensah and her team, and she strikes me as absolutely the kind of person who forms attachments and friendships easily. (7) A fake-out death like this hits a little less hard when you know this is the first in quite a long series. XD
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gaymerasmus · 2 years
Can I request a tf2 matchup pls?
I apologise in advance, this is a long one.
Physical appearance:
- I’m not tall [*cough*like5’1*cough*] | I’m a bloody stick, some average meat but I’m still a lanky lil shit.
- Short undercut brunette hair with [somewhat emo] right-sweeping bangs, they naturally sweep left but look fluffier when swept right.
- I am in fact, whiter than sour-cream with very-very light freckles on my face, you gotta be CLOSE to see them.
- I have weird, blue-ish/green-ish/grey eyes. I swear I’ll never know their real colour because they pull a one-two-switcheroo depending on lighting.
- I wear big, thick-lensed, thin black-frame glasses and due to my rapidly declining eyesight I am practically blind without them.
- My right eyebrow has a slit cause I got bored, but I like it and it’s staying (and a piercing bc I can)
- I have size 10[?] gauges [/stretchers, whatever you call the things that stretch your earring holes], I plan to go bigger.
- I tend to wear a lot of black clothing and I have a very punk/alt/emo/grunge style. That, or I’ll look like a dad in cargo shorts and an over shirt thats given up.
About me:
- Trans guy | He/Him pronouns | Preferred name is Corvinn | Gay
- Aussie, very prominent accent, have been mistaken for a Brit because of ‘how I speak’ [I cuss more than a sailor]?
- Diagnosed with A.D.H.D., anxiety, depression and high functioning A.S.D. [that’s the main shit, the combination also causes insomnia lol] | Excess stimulation causes overloads and makes me temporarily non-verbal | My brain gets overly bored if there’s a lack of stimulation | I don‘t know SL because I started having non-verbal episodes in 8th grade. I’ll communicate using my phones notes app, tts or a very confusing game of charades | Stims include; flappy hands when emotionally overwhelmed, rapid leg bouncing when I’m anxious/focusing/listening to music, playing with my/the ear lobes of a person I trust for comfort | I twitch on occasion, I don’t think it’s serious; just painful-ish head/neck/shoulder jerks and non-painful leg/arm jerks accompanied by a grunt/verbal tic [I mainly squeak]/strained face | I have a bad habit of apologising/excusing myself after I twitch | Mental health is poor but I’m trying to get better and I think I’m heading in the right direction.
- Extremely self-conscious of my voice [think it’s too high] and height:(
- Self-taught aspiring artist of 8/9 years now | I do both digital and physical art | Tend to be more digital | When I do physical art it’s mostly sketching and watercolours | Plan to become a body artist in future.
- I’m easily excitable, but I’m told it’s annoying so I try not to but then that kind of leads to me not showing any outward emotion which also upsets people.
- I can sew and I own a sewing machine | Fun fact, I wanted to be a cosplayer when I was younger. Settling for a show-off in my textiles class [friend of mine’s a model/influencer and I’m gonna turn them into dress-up doll lmao].
- I was raised on shit like Korn, SlipKnot and LimpBizkit- I gotta fight to stay awake when metal is playing in the car.
- Favourite colour is all of them.
- I wanna get more piercings; left lower-lip, septum, and venoms.
- My Dad doesn’t think I can sing but a bunch of people have said otherwise. I’m currently at the point where I have no stage but I must sing.
- I’m interested in textile practices.
- The Walten Files
- Marble Hornets
- Creepypasta
- Slasher films
- Hazbin Hotel/Heluva Boss
- Horror and paranormal shit
- ARG’s [I suck, but I enjoy watching others]
- FNAF [here since 2016, will cause physical altercations if opposed]
- All of animation YouTube
- Video essays on weird and obscure shit.
- Beloved YouTube blorbos include; CJ the X, Grayson projects, HarleyTBS, Izzzyzzz, Quinton Reviews, Chad Chad, LS Mark, Danny Gonzalez, Drew Goodeen, Mama Max, Nexpo, Manlybadasshero, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Neytirix, Noah Finnce, The Click, Sagan Hawkes, Pagan Valley, Wendigoon, Strange æons, Super Eyepatch Wolf, TFIL, Game Theory, TomSka, Pyrocynical, and many more.
- True crime
- Current main hyperfixation; MCR.
- According to 2021’s Spotify wrapped, my top genres were; #1 - Emo | #2 - Otacore | #3 - Metalcore | #4 DreamSMP[???] | #5 - Indie Pop | I think my music taste currently lies in punk/punk rock, modern rock, metal, emo, ska, and a lil bit of vocaloid.
- I love animals. I used to have a pure black cat, he ded now tho:(
- Video games.
- Seafood
- Rumours
- Twitter drama [unless someone like TRO is feeding it to me in form of a video essay], if I have to hear about one more person being cancelled by a random group of 13 year old white girls over literally nothing I am going to flip my shit😀
- Country/opera/classical music [to be fair, I’ll listen to classical but it just sends me to sleep, it’s too slow for me, sorry]
- Trolls [I’m fine when it’s harmless and all in good fun but when it gets toxic is where I draw the line]
- And a lot of fandoms I refuse to name because they are really toxic and will stop at nothing to find me🚪🏃‍♂️💨🧍‍♂️
Sorry this is so long, hope it’s okay. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, no pressure! Anyway, it’s super la- early. I’m going to bed. Have a nice [insert time here]. Also, thanks and remember to take care of yourself!
Hullo hullo welcome and thank you!! You are paired with...
Honestly this one was a really close call, but when I really thought about it I couldn't get Mr. Explodey Man out of my head. He sees you as super passionate and well rounded, both qualities he can appreciate! This man comes from a very straightforward and strict upbringing, so having your radiant personality and look nearby is honestly pretty refreshing for him.
I can see your dynamic including a lot of hurt/comfort influences, as well as some partners in crime and like a little friends to lovers vibe. He's very much an optimist and loves keeping your spirits up! He understands a lot of what you're going through (*coughs*t4t*coughs*) so expect a lot of advice and validating comments. Definitely tries to get you into some mischievous activities when bored, trouble is this guy's middle name (it's actually Finnegan). That's not to say he doesn't mind lounging about the house, learning about one of your interests through videos you watch or just listening to you ramble. He might fall asleep on you if you're not careful tho.
Demoman is also a very adaptable man. He's been around and seen a lot in his time, so he comes perfectly prepared for nearly everything you may need from him. It does surprise him at first when exposed to your stims and tics, but only for a moment! He finds stims that show your trust endearing, and certainly doesn't mind getting anything you need if you're having a bad day. He definitely seems like the type to catch on to what the different stims mean pretty quick. If he notices you're getting anxious he may subtly rest a hand on your leg, or lead you away from an area until you're no longer overstimulated. Once he learns about your non-verbal bouts he always keeps a pen and notepad nearby. Just very subtle and gentle things that shows he cares because he really really does.
He also adores your music taste!! Very chaotic instrumentals and throaty singing gets him all kinds of hyped. He tries to pass that hype on to you and it works about 99% of the time. When you're both bouncing with energy he'll gladly take you out somewhere to burn energy (and cause trouble). The best thing about Tavish is that this man can make anything fun. Simple things like taking out the trash, running errands, even going on a quiet walk end up becoming your most cherished memories with him. He always hums a tune from songs you like when he picks up on you smiling more.
Expect to meet his mother!! I have a feeling he plays it a bit old school when it comes to relationships, so he'd absolutely insist upon you meeting her. He also just really loves his mom. When you're both ready he invites you to his (fucking huge) house for tea. He's very confident you'll hit it off right away! It starts slow, but once you mention your experience with textiles she beams. Having experience herself; she happily shows you some pieces she's made for her family and for her. She asks that you update her with anything you make in the future, so I think you can safely say she likes you. It makes demoman very happy to see you getting along.
To summarize; he absolutely adores your presence in his life. He'll try his absolute best to make you happy, and loves laughing with you about anything and everything. I hope you liked it!!
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sir-klauz · 2 years
tagged by @crowned-ivy
last song: Élan by Nightwish, but it was part way into it so maybe the last one was Amaranth by Nightwish
last show/currently watching: The Way Of The Househusband, and others I’m currently watching as they air are:
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting
Chainsaw Man
Spy x Family Cour 2
I’m The Villainess, I’m Taming The Final Boss
More than a Married Couple, but Not Lovers
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!
Tomo-chan Is a Girl!
Blue Period
Anddd kinda Shinobi no Ittoki and it’s really cool but I can’t focus on it for some reason so yay they’re being great ninjas so good I forget what’s happening/the ADHD Watching, But Mental Notes Not Working thing.
current obsession: let’s just go with anime and manga I guess
currently reading: oh god like 20 books idk as they’re all updating weekly or something, some are completed but, yeah it’s mostly essentially comedy/romance smut tbh at the moment cuz it just cheers me up aha but this is not all of what I’m reading but still:
See You Again
Did It Work
Dear Door
Nullitas: The Half Blood-Royalty
Sex suruyori Hazukashii Koto
Is there love at first sight in e-sports?
Surge Looking For You
Naked Color
Night By The Sea
Under The Green Light
Playroom 108
The Origin of Species
I’m just gonna leave it there there’s loads I read when they come out and I read every day and switcheroo a lot. My hyperfocus demon is reading again.
No pressure tags: @take-ya-to-the-ghey-bar @sakuraki99 @lizzieonka @garriesun and really any who would also like to do this really ahaaa I get so awkward tagging things, I’m sorry my brethren
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
Al Green - Let's Stay Together
Meaning of mixed race and a giant you are a mega mutant you see this person is the same person that was Obama is the same person that is singing the song on the watchtower it's the same person that was singing in the doors and so on and he was saying as Leroy Brown and I posted it did he worked electrical wires and he planted the rocks for me to fall down on and he blame me for him falling he wasn't there watching and he said this my people are saying he found when he heard about it it was upset and he said how did that happen and they told they said that he grabbed the wire and the current didn't go anywhere it went through him but not fast enough and the blue his arms off at the sockets and the sun has odd looking shoulders is exposed wire on the way to the grocery store and people found the video and it said the guy is nuts and the computer is nuts crazier than he was and the computer is a suspect. What he's saying is he played Barack Obama and he made cerebus he played Arnie and a whole bunch of other characters he did not play our son and he's angry about it and he might be a pathetic loser I don't know you tell us the max say they were watching but everybody was tied up and didn't think he was down there Tony f was not there yet
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
These are fines I really we didn't look too hard and now we're going to this is an amazing find Garth is now playing Obama and you can't tell the damn difference the guys DNA is kind of close sort of they're mixed and his facial features are very similar and he made markings okay this is terrible this kind of is very good at it and extremely dangerous or he exposed all of us and we don't know the damn difference and he's no savior he's a mean person so he's talking about that electrical incident why the hell would I have anything to do with that I didn't say this what are you saying it for I don't know it seems like you're saying that I did and I heard about it and it was Uncle Cromwell and he says it's a good memory but it was me and it fell and I was waking up but my arms are missing so then he says I hear you laughing and I said I'm not laughing you're stupid f****** computer is messing everybody up including you I can't stop the damn thing and I don't want to say you're alive but you're not what's important stuff that's it and I told people I said I don't think he would want to leave like that that's ridiculous and they did a switcheroo or it's horrible and he started thinking about it and said the computer is falling the s*** out of everyone and said I told you not to release it it's too powerful and he said I can't help it I said you can use everyone else's until you can get there and he says I think I'll try that some other people's computers may have done it and he said this I don't think he's right but I have to and he did not do it that way and we may have had to act and so on
Thor Freya
Yes I believe our son did it but we didn't help him and what we said was you reached up real fast and grabbed the stupid line and he said I was going to fall down and I fell down anyways and we said you weren't properly buckled in and we're not really responsible for saving it every a****** that's threatening everybody and smile and said that's why I'm mad and I can hear you saying like four foot tall I said all these idiot sound like and you're not usually like that so he got mad and said I got it yeah and I'm like what he called the stunted I'm like 3 years old and I testosterone is that of like 50 year old man he started laughing and he said we're all f***** up I said yeah so I suspect the Max and get everybody to talk to them for your plan or there's no it's for my
Thor Freya
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beatdisc · 2 years
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It's been another big week of new releases & re-issues. Flick through the photos or see below for a round-up of what's come through this week.
New Releases: Robert Forster - The Candle And The Flame $55 (LP) / $25 (CD) Bill Callahan - Ytilaer / Reality $65 (2xLP) Tex Perkins & The Fat Rubber Band - Other World $40 (LP) / $22 (CD) Fever Ray - Radical Romantics $60 (Numbered Gatefold LP + Poster)
Gogol Bordello - Solidaritine (Yellow LP) $55 Fake Names - Expendables $50 Cancer Bats - Psychic Jailbreak $50 (Orange/Black LP or Magenta LP) Sleaford Mods - UK Grim $50 (Silver LP)
Re-issues: Ttng - Animals $42 (Blue & Green LP) Bad Brains - Rise $60 (Green & Yellow MOV LP) Alexisonfire / moneen (is a band) - Switcheroo Series $42 Nikki Sudden & Rowland S. Howard - Kiss You Kidnapped Charabanc $55
The Thrills - Let's Bottle Bohemia $60 (LP + 7" Single) KMD - Bl_ck B_st_rds $60 (Black 2xLP) / $75 (Red 2xLP) Aesop Rock: - Bazooka Tooth $70 (2xLP) -  None Shall Pass $70 (2xLP)
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kitzatara · 3 years
Imagine Pirate Zatanna from earth 31. Where she’s this powerful sea witch captain of the Shadowpact, maybe she does magic through a siren song, words sung backwards of course like all sirens of that earth.
Their ship is Swamp Thing, forever bound to the wooden vessel with his head as the figure piece and most of the ship is covered in vines and Foliage
June “switcheroo witcheroo” is the first mate who struggles to control her dark side.
Xanadu is the navigator or sailing master seeing more than their next heading in the stars
Constantine is the quartermaster, seeking out knowledge and all the hidden places at sea.
Etrigan is the gunner, loading all the canons with his hell fire.
Blue Devil and Frank are Boatswains, longing for their lost humanity
Black Orchid is the “carpenter” and cares for Alec’s ship body, restoring the green when he can not.
Nightmare Nurse is the surgeon, a prickly yet good healer with a dark past
It’s said there’s a deadman on board who reports to the captain but few outside the crew could say for certain.
Other crew members include Nightshade, Ragman, Bobo, Kirk, Shade, and witchfire
Timothy Hunter, Traci 13, Zachary, Misty, Raven, Kid Devil, Khalid, and Black Alice are the cabin kids.
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turtlethon · 3 years
Turtlethon Entries 1 - 192: A Handy Guide
Below are links to all 192 Turtlethon entries in (mostly) chronological order - a complete listing of our journey through Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
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SEASON ONE (Syndication, December 1987)
1. S01E01 "Turtle Tracks" 2. S01E02 "Enter the Shredder" 3. S01E03 "A Thing About Rats" 4. S01E04 "Hot Rodding Teenagers from Dimension X" 5. S01E05 "Shredder & Splintered"
SEASON TWO (Syndication, October - December 1988)
6. S02E01 "Return of the Shredder" 7. S02E02 "The Incredible Shrinking Turtles" 8. S02E03 "It Came from Beneath the Sewers" 9. S02E04 "The Mean Machines" 10. S02E05 "Curse of the Evil Eye" 11. S02E06 "The Case of the Killer Pizzas" 12. S02E07 "Enter The Fly" 13. S02E08 "Invasion of the Punk Frogs" 14. S02E09 "Splinter No More" 15. S02E10 "New York's Shiniest" 16. S02E11 "Teenagers from Dimension X" 17. S02E12 "The Cat Woman from Channel Six" 18. S02E13 "Return of the Technodrome"
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SEASON THREE, PART ONE (Syndication, October - December 1989)
19. S03E01 "Beneath These Streets" 20. S03E02 "Turtles on Trial" 21. S03E03 "Attack of the 50-Foot Irma" 22. S03E04 "The Maltese Hamster" 23. S03E05 "Sky Turtles" 24. S03E06 "The Old Switcheroo" 25. S03E07 "Burne's Blues" 26. S03E08 "The Fifth Turtle" 27. S03E09 "Enter the Rat King" 28. S03E10 "Turtles at the Earth's Core" 29. S03E11 "April Fool" 30. S03E12 "Attack of Big MACC" 31. S03E13 "The Ninja Sword of Nowhere" 32. S03E14 "20,000 Leaks Under the City" 33. S03E15 "Take Me to Your Leader" 34. S03E16 "Four Musketurtles" 35. S03E17 "Turtles, Turtles, Everywhere" 36. S03E18 "Cowabunga Shredhead" 37. S03E19 "Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers" 38. S03E20 "Camera Bugged" 39. S03E21 "Green with Jealousy" 40. S03E22 "Return of the Fly" 41. S03E23 "Casey Jones - Outlaw Hero" 42. S03E24 "Mutagen Monster" 43. S03E25 "Corporate Raiders from Dimension X" 44. S03E26 "Pizza by the Shred" 45. S03E27 "Super Bebop & Mighty Rocksteady" 46. S03E28 "Beware the Lotus" 47. S03E29 "Blast from the Past" 48. S03E30 "Leatherhead: Terror of the Swamp" 49. S03E31 "Michelangelo's Birthday" 50. S03E32 "Usagi Yojimbo"
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SEASON THREE, PART TWO (Syndication, December 1989)
51. S03E33  “Case of the Hot Kimono” 52. S03E34  “Usagi Come Home” 53. S03E35  “The Making of Metalhead” 54. S03E36  “Leatherhead Meets the Rat King” 55. S03E37  “The Turtle Terminator” 56. S03E38  “The Great Boldini” 57. S03E39  “The Missing Map” 58. S03E40  “The Gang’s All Here” 59. S03E41  “The Grybyx” 60. S03E42  “Mister Ogg Goes to Town” 61. S03E43  “Shredderville” 62. S03E44  “Bye, Bye, Fly” 63. S03E45  “The Big Rip-Off” 64. S03E46  “The Big Break-In” 65. S03E47  “The Big Blow Out”
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SEASON FOUR, PART ONE (Syndication, September 1990)
66. S04E01 "Plan Six From Outer Space" 67. S04E02 "Turtles of the Jungle" 68. S04E03 "Michelangelo Toys Around" 69. S04E04 "Peking Turtle" 70. S04E05 "Shredder's Mom" 71. S04E06 "Four Turtles and a Baby" 72. S04E07 "Turtlemaniac" 73. S04E08 "Rondo in New York" 74. S04E09 "Planet of the Turtles" 75. S04E10 "Name That Toon" 76. S04E11 "Menace Maestro, Please" 77. S04E12 "Superhero for a Day" 78. S04E13 "Back to the Egg"
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SEASON FOUR, PART TWO (CBS, September - December 1990)
79. S04E14 "Son of Return of the Fly II" 80. S04E15 "Raphael Knocks 'em Dead" 81. S04E16 "Bebop and Rocksteady Conquer the Universe" 82. S04E17 "Raphael Meets His Match" 83. S04E18 "Slash - The Evil Turtle from Dimension X" 84. S04E19 "Leonardo Lightens Up" 85. S04E20 "Were-Rats from Channel 6" 86. S04E21 "Funny, They Shrunk Michelangelo" 87. S04E22 "The Big Zipp Attack" 88. S04E23 "Donatello Makes Time" 89. S04E24 "Farewell, Lotus Blossom" 90. S04E25 "Rebel Without a Fin" 91. S04E26 "Rhino-Man" 92. S04E27 "Michelangelo Meets Bugman" 93. S04E28 "Poor Little Rich Turtle" 94. S04E29 "What's Michelangelo Good For?" 95. S04E30 "The Dimension X Story" 96. S04E31 "Donatello's Degree" 97. S04E32 "The Big Cufflink Caper!" 98. S04E33 "Leonardo Versus Tempestra" 99. S04E34 "Splinter Vanishes" 100. S04E35 "Raphael Drives 'Em Wild" 101. S04E36 "Beyond the Donatello Nebula" 102. S04E37 "Big Bug Blunder" 103. S04E38 "The Foot Soldiers are Revolting" 104. S04E39 "Unidentified Flying Leonardo"
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SEASON FIVE, PART ONE (Syndication, March 1991)
105.  S05E01 "The Turtles and the Hare" 106.  S05E02 "Once Upon a Time Machine"
SEASON FIVE, PART TWO (CBS Saturday mornings, September - November 1991)
107. S05E03 "My Brother, the Bad Guy" 108. S05E04 "Michelangelo Meets Mondo Gecko" 109. S05E05 "Enter: Mutagen Man" 110. S05E06 "Donatello's Badd Time" 111. S05E07 "Michelangelo Meets Bugman Again" 112. S05E08 "Muckman Messes Up" 113. S05E09 "Napoleon Bonafrog: Colossus of the Swamps" 114. S05E10 "Raphael Versus the Volcano" 115. S05E11 "Landlord of the Flies" 116. S05E12 "Donatello's Duplicate" 117. S05E13 "The Ice Creature Cometh" 118. S05E14 "Leonardo Cuts Loose" 119. S05E15 "Pirate Radio" 120. S05E16 "Raphael, Turtle of a Thousand Faces" 121. S05E17 "Leonardo, the Renaissance Turtle" 122. S05E18 "Zach and the Alien Invaders" 123. S05E19 "Welcome Back, Polarisoids" 124. S05E20 "Michelangelo, the Sacred Turtle"
125-A. S05E21-A "Planet of the Turtleoids, Part 1" 125-B. S05E21-B "Planet of the Turtleoids, Part 2"
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SEASON SIX (CBS Saturday mornings, September - December 1992)
126. S06E01 "Rock Around the Block" 127. S06E02 "Krangenstein Lives" 128. S06E03 "Super Irma" 129. S06E04 "Adventures in Turtle-Sitting" 130. S06E05 "Sword of Yurikawa" 131. S06E06 "Return of the Turtleoid" 132. S06E07 "Shreeka's Revenge" 133. S06E08 "Too Hot to Handle" 134. S06E09 "Nightmare in the Lair" 135. S06E10 "Phantom of the Sewers" 136. S06E11 "Donatello Trashes Slash" 137. S06E12 "Leonardo is Missing" 138. S06E13 "Snakes Alive!" 139. S06E14 "Polly Wanna Pizza" 140. S06E15 "Mr. Nice Guy" 141. S06E16 "Sleuth on the Loose"
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"VACATION IN EUROPE" SIDE-SEASON (CBS Saturday mornings, September-October 1993 - first aired in Europe in 1992)
142. S07E01 "Tower of Power" 143. S07E02 "Rust Never Sleeps" 144. S07E03 "A Real Snow Job" 145. S07E04 "Venice on the Half-Shell" 146. S07E05 "Artless" 147. S07E06 "Ring of Fire" 148. S07E07 "The Irish Jig Is Up" 149. S07E08 "Shredder's New Sword" 150. S07E09 "The Lost Queen of Atlantis" 151. S07E10 "Turtles on the Orient Express" 152. S07E11 "April Gets in Dutch" 153. S07E12 "Northern Lights Out" 154. S07E13 "Elementary, My Dear Turtle"
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SEASON SEVEN (CBS Saturday mornings, October-December 1993)
155. S07E14 "Night of the Dark Turtle" 156. S07E15 "The Starchild" 157. S07E16 "The Legend of Koji" 158. S07E17 "Convicts from Dimension X" 159. S07E18 "White Belt, Black Heart" 160. S07E19 "Night of the Rogues" (Part 1) (Part 2) 161. S07E20 "Attack of the Neutrinos" 162. S07E21 "Escape from the Planet of the Turtleoids" 163. S07E22 "Revenge of the Fly" 164. S07E23 "Atlantis Awakes" 165. S07E24 "Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter" 166. S07E25 "Invasion of the Krangazoids" 167. S07E26 "Combat Land" 168. S07E27 "Shredder Triumphant!"
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SEASON EIGHT (CBS Saturday mornings, September-November 1994)
169. S08E01 "Get Shredder!" 170. S08E02 "Wrath of the Rat King" 171. S08E03 "Cyber-Turtles" 172. S08E04 "State of Shock" 173. S08E05 "Cry H.A.V.O.C.!" 174. S08E06 "H.A.V.O.C. in the Streets!" 175. S08E07 "Enter: Krakus" 176. S08E08 "Turtle Trek”
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SEASON NINE (CBS Saturday mornings, September-November 1995)
177. S09E01 "The Unknown Ninja" 178. S09E02 "Dregg of the Earth" 179. S09E03 "The Wrath of Medusa" 180. S09E04 "The New Mutation" 181. S09E05 "The Showdown" 182. S09E06 "Split-Second" 183. S09E07 "Carter, the Enforcer" 184. S09E08 "Doomquest"
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SEASON TEN (CBS Saturday mornings, September-November 1996)
185. S10E01 “The Return of Dregg” 186. S10E02 “The Beginning of the End” 187. S10E03 “The Power of Three” 188. S10E04 “A Turtle in Time” 189. S10E05 “Turtles to the Second Power” 190. S10E06 “Mobster from Dimension X” 191. S10E07 “The Day the Earth Disappeared” 192. S10E08 “Divide and Conquer”
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
My AU Species/Races Face Close-Up (part 1)
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Wyverians (coming from the Monster Hunter Universe) :
Wyverians are recognizable for their pointy ears and four-fingered hands. Most of them possess digitigrade feet. 
All of them have scales on their bodies, but they can have some on various parts of their body, as well as being any color.
They are the only race to have Alphas (20%) and Betas (80%).
All of them have at least one enhanced sense.
Some of them can have fangs, claws, or even a sharp tongue, though the last one is very rare. But the rarest thing to have for Wyverians is a tail.
They all have a Birth Mark that looks like a tatoo on their body. Most of the time, this mark pretty much became an emblem for them, mostly because it represents them since they are the only one to have it.
The lifespan in this race is very diverse : for example, some can be at their prime at 350 years old while some others are already very old.
Speaking of getting older, they get really tiny when they get very old ; they’re like the size of a small child.
Wyverians are considered to be one of the most beautiful races, and one that’s closest to Monsties.
It’s the males that become pregnant, so their g*nitals are reversed compared to others (though males also have it but it came out only during their heat).
Vastayans “Lhotlan Tribe” (coming from the League of Legends Universe) :
All Vastayan are chimeras between humans and animals. The Lhotlan tribe are human-bird chimeras.
Like a lot of birds, the males have very bright and colourful feathers and hair, while the females’s colours are dull and more tern, or darker.
All of them have fluffy feather ears ; they are pretty pointy and some of them goes up on their head.
All of them are born with at least one wing. It’s actually considered pretty rare to be born with a full set of wings.
Just like Wyverians, they are digitigrade, though all of them are and they have bird claws.
They all also have claws on their hands, and it can be a similar color to their feathers.
All of them have sharp eyes ; thanks to this, they have an enhanced sight. They also have the particularity to have arrow-like eyebrows.
All of them share the same sensibilty ; their ears.
Some of them have a feather tail, while some don’t have any.
They all have marks on skin, mostly on the face. They also have feathers growing on their skin too.
All of them can live for centuries.
Cloudsdalians :
The Cloudsdalians superficially ressembles Lhotlans since they are also bird chimeras.
They have wing-shaped ears as well as wings instead of arms, similar to harpies. Because of that, they have only a thumb.
Unlike Lhotlans, they all have a feather tail.
Only female Cloudsdalians are born. If you ever see a male Cloudsdalian, it was either created on a lab, or it was a female that has fully transitionned to male.
They also have bird claws like Lhotlans.
Changelings :
Changelings are one of the “evil” races that lives in this World.
Changelings are recognizable by their small and “broken” insect wings, ears that match the colours of their eyes, that could be either blue or green, a big deformed horn, sharp teeth and black dots all over their body.
Most of them have short and messy hair, some even shave them in a Mohawk or entirely.
Changelings can drain people’s vital energy to get stronger.
This race is mostly composed of males, there are almost no females among Changelings.
Changelings are said to be a race created by Oltura, so they are completely following Oltura’s will (when it’s alive of course).
Switcheroos :
Switcheroos are Changelings that doesn’t want to follow a dark path anymore, therefore they redeemed themselves.
This population is growing stronger whereas the Changelings are slowly disappearing since most of them wants to be peaceful.
They all have tatoos all over their bodies and they are the same colour as their eyes.
They are recognizable with their pale or beautiful colours, their “butterfly” horns and moth wings.
Unlike Changelings, the portion of female is equal to those of males. Most Changelings who turns into Switcheroos wants to turn into females, and that’s how they change gender while becoming a Swictheroo.
Another peculiar way to recognize them is their three diamonds on their neck?
Just like their evil counterparts, they have shapeshifting abilities.
Since they are redeemed Changelings, they still descend from Oltura. However, Oltura has less control over them since they are fighting against evil, and against their past-selves.
Crystallings :
Crystallings are said to be “immortal” beings. The reason behind this is because they have a longer childhood, and they mostly stay young adults. They grow older mostly when they are sad, and it’s really hard to make them sad.
They are a shiny race : shiny skin, shiny and bright hair. Plus they have hexagonal shaped eyes. They’re even said to be possibly the most beautiful race.
Speaking of their hair, all of them have wavy or curly hair.
They have the purest, and maybe even the strongest magic.
Their archenemies are the Umbrums. They are the total opposite since they always live inside the darkness, and they want to obliterate all the Crystallings, though they are peaceful but have no choice to fight them to survive.
To fight against their archenemies, Crystallings managed to learn the Umbrums’s magic.
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