#exclamation mark ss
yeetusthemighty · 6 months
Silly little doodles
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Ahhh I love when horror in object shows
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skythealmighty · 4 months
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hey girl. i mean they. i mea
sooo this is absolutely inspired by @green-blue-switcharoo !!! great au PLEASE check it out i decided to do some swaps of my own! for funsies :) none of them are ok.
(the guy at the right end is from Surreal Salvation which is a horror object show and NOT animatic battle apologies in advance)
screenshots of my rambling abt this below the cut because i wrote entire paragraphs on discord help me.
Airy and Exclamation Mark:
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MePhone4 and Oodle:
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oscconfessions · 20 days
i cant wait for exclamation mark (surreal salvation) to suffer the biggest breakdown ever.
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velvelic · 9 months
I need Computer to fist fight Exclamation Mark
actually no I need everyone to fist fight Exclamation Mark
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fuck Exclamation Mark all my homies hate Exclamation Mark/aff
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diceriadelluntore · 6 months
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Storia Di Musica #318 - Black Widow, Sacrifice, 1970
Nella scelta di raccontare gruppi che hanno black nel nome, non si poteva non toccare il lato esoterico della musica: c'è tutto un filone metal, detto black metal, che porterà all'estremo queste tematiche, con un gusto quasi parossistico dell'orrido diventeranno una sorta di clichè. Il gruppo capostipite furono i leggendari Black Sabbath, ma qualche mese prima un altro gruppo che aveva black nel nome partorì un disco che se musicalmente si allacciava alle nascenti sonorità folk-prog nelle tematiche iniziava, in maniera tanto elegante quanto esplicita, l'anima nera della musica rock.
Il gruppo in questione si chiama Black Widow. All'inizio erano un sestetto, che si chiamava, nel 1966, Pesky Gee. Ne facevano parte: Kay Garret (voce), Kip Trevor (voce, chitarra e armonica), Jess "Zoot" Taylor (pianoforte e organo), Jim Gannon (chitarra e voce), Clive Jones (sassofono e flauto), Bob Bond (basso) e Clive Box (batteria), e con questa formazione pubblicano un album, fino a pochi giorni introvabile (ci sarà una ristampa ad aprile 2024), dal titolo Exclamation Mark nel 1969, che è un tentativo di farsi strada nell'affollatissimo panorama inglese di blues rock: il disco passò inosservato. In quell'anno Kay Garret lasciò il gruppo, che si riformò con il nome di Black Widow a partire dal 1970. E il batterista Cox ha un'idea. Affascinato dal mondo dell'occultismo, convince la band a recuperare materiale: leggono per settimane qualsiasi cosa riguardi l'argomento nella Biblioteca della città di Leicester e arruolano un maestro Wicca per raccogliere informazioni. Ne viene fuori così un disco sicuramente affascinante, dove alla musica sofisticata e dalle soluzioni particolari si canta in maniera spesso senza filtri di un rito ancestrale per richiamare entità misteriose. Sacrifice esce nel 1970, stesso anno del primo disco dei Black Sabbath, ma fu registrato nel 1969 e prodotto da quel Patrick Anthony Meehan che sarà produttore degli stessi Black Sabbath fino al 1976 (il loro periodo d'oro) per la CBS.
In Ancient Days parte con un sinistro organo hammond a cui in serie si aggiungono gli altri strumenti ed è "una chiamata del male" che subito muta in Way To Power: c'è l'introduzione di una sezione fiati (che sarà uno dei pilastri di tutto il disco con il rullare tribale della batteria). Il brano ricco di cambi di tempo e dai cori fa da apripista al loro brano più famoso. È sempre il flauto di Clive Jones il protagonista di Come To The Sabbath, che simboleggia con maestria l'abilità del gruppo di rifarsi a canti mistici tribali. Qui è l'andamento a crescere della velocità e dell'ossessivo ritmico ripetere del ritornello evocativo (Come, Come To Sabbath, Satan's There) a rendere la canzone ansiogena ed affascinante allo stesso tempo. Diventerà poi uno della cover preferite dai gruppi heavy metal, e persino i Black Sabbah e i sanguinosi Death SS ne faranno una riproposizione. Ma il disco è un susseguirsi di sorprese: Conjuration è il brano più dark, dalla ritmica marziale e sofisticata dove è facile sottolineare la bella voce di Kip Trevor. A questo punto c'è una sorta di parentesi gioiosa: Seduction e' una ballata meravigliosa che combina momenti jazz rock ed echi di bossa nova che stridono con il testo, vibrante e sensuale: Would you have me stay with you?\Squeeze and hold you tight?\Soothe you with my tongue and touch\Share your bed at night. Il disco si conclude con due brani: Attack Of The Demon con l'armonizzazione affidata all'organo (non c'e' praticamente chitarra ritmica) e la lunga e magnetica Sacrifice, che nei suoi 11 minuti si sviluppa in una lunga improvvisazione strumentale. Tutti i brani hanno apporti davvero minimi di chitarra elettrica, caratteristica che già ne fa un unicum. Il disco ebbe successo anche perchè la band organizzò uno spettacolo dal vivo dove oltre che cantare si esibiva in una sorta di vero rituale: ad un certo punto dello show, sbucando da parti diverse a seconda del luogo del concerto, si presentava in scena la moglie di Clive Box, che attraverso l'uso di fumogeni e carrucole sembrava volasse tra il pubblico, finchè, sul palco mentre suonavano, veniva distesa e "sacrificata". Il caso volle che una sera, presenti dei fotografi del News Of The World, il famoso tabloid scandalistico, la spada del sacrificio lacerasse il vestito della donna, che alla fine rimase nuda. Per alcuni show successivi, la trovata fu organizzata apposta, ma la foto sul giornale fece il giro di mezzo mondo, attirando le feroci critiche sulla band, alimentando lo scandalo sulle pratiche occulte seguite dai componenti del gruppo.
Inspiegabilmente, il gruppo abbandonerà le tematiche gotiche e mistiche, per riproporsi in veste folk prog nel secondo lavoro, Black Widow (1971): il segnale fu l'abbandono del batterista Box per Romeo Challenger. Rimangono un ascolto particolare e storico, sebbene in molti articoli vengono considerati fondatori del doom: possono esserlo per le tematiche, anche se il loro approccio fu quasi sistematico e pieno di fonti e non estemporaneo e spettacolare come altri, ma non lo furono certo per lo stile musicale, che rappresenta davvero un evento nel binomio rock ed occultismo.
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86stagram · 4 months
🧀🐹💨brb 🙋‍♀️(Kunsei-ham's servant) Fresh fruits hamster (?)
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My Pretty series life started with PriPara! I started watching anime first, and later started playing that game. subtitle from that time is '2014-2015 3rd live February' ; I remember getting the 'Valentine Zukyun skirt' 💖
I was familiar with PriPara than with Pretty Rhythm, but when there run I frequently used the QR codes from 'Fashionable items for use in PriPara : 1450'! I still keep both that & 2DS at home🏯 (2DS? You wanna know why? It's just little easier to scan QR codes on the 2DS than on the 3DS... and inexpensive)
The charm of clothing is what got me interested in Pretty Rhythm✨ But I didn't have much opportunity, I was very busy at the time...😢
I finished watching 'Rainbow Live' & began watch 'Dear My Future' in April! that's feel me so real & authentic anime...😭🙏(Tears of emotion and gratitude) ... some Japanese otaku use like 'real' or 'authentic' as a compliment, haha
Finally got around to watching DMF 11! There’s still a lot haha Sho... Someone Japanese said... 'ショウさん器が小(ショウ)さん' hahaha, yabai...🤣 He is small-minded. that's his one of charm. maybe🙄
and... I need to watch 'KinPri' because come the new movie in summer! I'm interested in that but I don't know past story yet. But I heard it's interesting! I haven't even finished watching all episode of the Pretty series yet, but I'm looking forward!
↓🎀Roni-ish coord (What do you think?)
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Bankrupt RONI... It's been 4 years and more since, but I still find painful emotions💔 Oh, RONI, with the brand's sleep, my PriPara dreams go to far way😭 I really hope they bring back the collaboration items from that time in adpara... no, no matter how much I wish, there are things which won't come true!
RONI's spirit lives in my heart, and I find joy in seeing Prizmmy☆'s members adorned in that designs at bonus footage👚👗🧥 kawaii✨
I'm planning to watch the DMF extras later because they're only on Blu-ray BOX. (Luckily, my family has that! Usually, I watch on streaming service. It's convenient, isn't it? Umm... That's it🐌😉)
( í Y ì )Gah! there are almost no SS of me wearing RONI at that time
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I'm jealous!( í Y ì ) You guys have so many pic left
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In case you were wondering, they are my friends(´Y`) 🖤Xey 💜Suu 💚Refrain 🤎Netero!!! -with 3 exclamation marks
Netero!!!, her name means that 'go to sleep'💤 Her performance is incredible enough to knock out💤 : That's a setup for her character. and other name is meaningless. Umm... maybe
btw, the person who wrote this has many OCs. I've never seen anyone with more OCs than her. How many does she have❔❔❔🐹Let me see, maybe 60 over
I will try challenge day by day!(日々精進) See you later!
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han--sama · 7 years
Hiya Han! It's your Secret Santa again. :) Your gift is coming along nicely! Hope you like longer fics, because this is gonna be a doozy. XD Also, I'm not sure what holidays you celebrate, but I wanted to wish you a great day regardless!! Have a happy New Year, too!
(´。✪A✪。`)!!!!!!!!!!HNNNGGGG *hypehypehype*
I assure you whatever you write I’ll love 1000%  ・:*(〃∇〃人)*:・
AAAWWW (〃▽〃) ♥ ♥ ♥I don’t celebrate Christmas or New Year but I really appreciate it!! Your message made my day!! o(≧∇≦o) ♥
Merry Holiday! I hope you have a splendid day as well, and I hope the upcoming year is full of achievements and happy things for you! \\\\\ೕ(`・ ᗜ ・´)و/////*gives you cake and lots of sparkles*
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pomnis-gone-crazy · 2 years
Brand New Intro, Who Woulda Thought ‼️☄️🚀
Remember that random head’s up I mentioned before ? It wasn’t a bluff after all !!
Hi !! Nice to meet you (again) !!
I’m Niko(lai) / Ceptr, and I’m the host of The Space Colony ARK System (and leader of the Starline Stans - IYKYK) (deadass, I went absolutely insane being the SS leader - check out the Starline Stan Chronicles tag to check out my insane ramblings lmao), a system of some kind (presumably?? We’ve never received a real diagnosis, and I’ve never switched with anyone in the system out of paranoia ☠️) system of 40+ !!
Besides the whole unknown-type-system thing, we also have Autism, ADHD, (the former 2 have been diagnosed by a therapist we went to a year or so ago), and maybe OCD (??? I get intrusive thoughts that seem to fall under H-OCD, but it always could be something else)!
Getting a bit more personal and going into a bit of detail on me specifically :
I’m a demi/auti-aroace genderfluid (AFAB) bisexual!
I use Any / It / Fae, though I don’t usually use She / Her for myself tbh - use it if you wanna, though !
I’m also a multifictive - I mainly talk about system stuff over here -> https://www.tumblr.com/thespacecolonyarksystem, so head over there if you wanna ask me about that !
I’m into a handful of fandoms, and I draw for some of them from time to time (art Tumblr here -> https://www.tumblr.com/d0t3xe) !
Said fandoms include: Sonic The Hedgehog, Spiderverse, Murder Drones (PLEASE tune in today, 3/29/24, at 6 PM EST for Episode 7 !!), JJK (Do NOT ask me to explain JJK lore cuz I do NOT know what’s happening 😹🙏), and more (feel free to ask!!)
DNI List Here !
Basic DNI Criteria, proshippers, endo systems of any kind + supporters, terfs, xenogender + neopronoun haters, ableist, anti-fictionkin or system, bi lesbians + turigirls + lesboys + etc and their supporters !
I use emojis/exclamation marks at the end of almost every sentence because I don’t wanna seem awkward, and I use tone tags when first meeting people out of concern somebody may take something I said too literally 💬
That’s about everything! Feel free to drop by with a message/question/etc sometime!
- 🌀
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Hi Korka!! I hope this ask goes through properly given that I'm at school ^^;
Anyway~ Could you explain some of the basic mechanics of Blackstar Theater Starless to me? I vaguely know what I'm doing but not really, so I thought I'd ask ya~ Thankies in advance ^-^
(I'm enjoying the game so far, too!!! Rindou's group is my favorite but I dunno if that'll change over time skfjsjfkl)
Hii!! I have to type all this again bc, as I was finishing up, my app crashed;;;; so idk, this might be a bit more weirdly-worded since I'm a bit angry, but I hope everything still makes sense. I'll put it under a readmore to not clog up the dash :> I'll tell you a bit about the tabs, rehearsals, performances and upgrading your cards, but feel free to ask me ab any specific area you're having troubles with! Also, I think you should have some beginner's missions, I don't remember most of them, but if you need help with any, just tell me what it says, and I'll do my best to help!
Anyway, I'll start with the tabs and go from left to right with them, so, first, the home page.
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Here, you can see everything, on top your heroine level, the amount of torepo (orange meter) and chikepo (blue meter) you have, your dia and eeru (the yen-looking symbol, non-premium currency). The letter right below the heroine level is your heroine status, this changes daily depending on how active you are, and gives you rewards depending on which status you're in (from C to SS). The four icons on the left are your cast's ranking, news, the present box and challenges. You get six challenges per day, and you have 25 days to do them, so there's no rush, but they can rack up <- person who hasn't logged in in two weeks and now has a bunch of them left. You can access the event pages through the swiping "current happenings" thingy in the lower corner, and the speech bubble is stuff like "new follower", "event start/over", "unread stories" etc. You can't decorate your homescreen :( but when you log-in you'll be greeted by whoever you put as your main on your profile. If you tap at the BG when it's empty, you can get a randomised chat and that character will show up for a few seconds. If you tap them, they give you some voicelines :) Anyway, the day resets at 5am JST rather than midnight, so that's about 15min from now!
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Then, rehearsals. You can swipe through any song, whether it was an event or regular, and rehearse it. The number on the left end of the yellow banner is the sum of your chosen cast's levels for that song, so your song level. Rehearsals will automatically choose the original cast for the song, but you can manually pick out whoever you want - which is something you should do if your strongest cards for a song aren't the original cast members, as whether you have character A at level15 or not won't matter if that character is not part of your team </3 The song's total level will influence how many beats will be missed when you play on automode, so it's good to have a good level, I'd say 50 is about fair. You can choose how much torepo you want to spend on a rehearsal with the orange button on the bottom left. If you want to level intimacy or unlock talks, I suggest playing on 10, but if you're grinding the song level or your heroine level, I suggest playing at max you can. When rehearsing, watch for the arrows and exclamation marks. You rehearse by tapping on the icon of the cast member of your choice, and the bigger the arrow by a quality (intimacy marked by a heart, talks with another member's icon, song level by a note), the more EXP for it you get, and exclamation marks mean that, choosing that member, you get a bigger chance for a synchro or VS event which give even bigger boosts to the level.
For the performances, when you click on that tab, you'll have 2-3 more tabs on the left side of the screen - the bottom tab will give you reminiscence songs (past event songs, collab songs, story songs) which you can play with pink reminiscence tickets to unlock extra stories or get event items. Currently the top tab, but during events the middle tab, are the regular songs you get daily challenges for and can play with the blue chikepo, and, during events, the extra top tab gives you the current event song(s) that you can play with chikepo.
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When you choose a song, you'll choose a support card (often a friend's, but you can choose a random user's, too), and then see this screen. The number circled in purple is your skill level with the cast you chose on this song. On regular songs, you have two blue-pointed settings for your cast: the first one is the automatically-chosen cast, your cards that will give you the best score, and the second is the song's original cast. On event songs, you also have a third team, which assembles your best cards that will boost the points and items you get when playing the event song. The red-circled button toggles autoplay, when it's bright blue, autoplay is on. During autoplay, the only thing you can (and should) do is set off the skills - you can just at the start of the song swipe downwards and hold a card's icon to automatically set off its skill whenever the skill bar is full. Also, I'm gonna tell you this despite the fact that it sounds obvious since it took me about a month to realise, but when you see something like this
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Just because they're single beats, doesn't mean you have to tap them individually. If notes are close enough together, you can just swipe across
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Now, the story tab has three categories to it: The event stories (further categorised into the years each event took place in), the main story (categorised by season), and cast stories (categorised by cast member, and then separated into talks and card stories). You can get dia by reading event stories and most cast stories, but not from the main story, unless you're reading specifically the chapters you've unlocked during a chapter-release event. To unlock event stories, you have to complete the event song missions, and to get cast stories, you level up intimacy, log-in after having met them in the main story, and collect cards. 4*s have 2 chapters, 5*s have 4 chapters, and you unlock the 1st by pulling the card, but you need to level the card's skill to unlock the other chapter(s).
I can't say much ab the gacha, since it's the gacha. You have event gachas (and reruns happen often for the seasonal events, for example, if it's a Halloween event, you'll be able to pull from past Halloween event gachas, too), the regular dia gacha and the "thanks" point gacha, you get those points by lending your support card and using your friends' support cards. The dia and event gachas don't give you a discount on the 10pull, but they give you a guarantee for a 4* or higher. The rates for a 5* is 3%, but, tbh, you'll use more 4*s than 5*s.
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Now, the menu is also separated into three: the cards stuff, the organisation and status, and "others". From left to right, top to bottom - cards list, team list (where you can check the cast's bios and intimacy levels, who's in which team, songs, cards and stories), card upgrading screen, card discarding screen. For discarding cards - I discard 1*s and 2*s, doubles of my 3*s and doubles of my fully-skilled-up 4*s. I'd also discard doubles of my fully-skilled-up 5*s, but, no such luck yet (clenches fist). Discarding cards gives you levelling items, and discarding a 3* or higher gives you skill pieces. Regarding upgrades, I suggest upgrading 4*s, but 5*s before any 4*. If you're grinding an event, it'd also do you good to upgrade any 3* you might get from the event gacha (as well as the 4*, of course), because even a 3* goes a long way. When you choose what card you want to upgrade, the screen looks like this:
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Again, three tabs: level, chance and skill. You need eeru for all three. For level, you also need badges, which ones you need depends on the card. I used a Halloween event card as an example, so the badges needed are Halloween 2021 badges - which you can get by replaying the Halloween 2021 song in the reminiscence tab, and that's how it is for any event card. For regular cards, you need badges you can get from just playing regularly, though badges can be a chore to grind sometimes. For chance, you need chance stars - chance boosts item drop, I believe. As for skill, you need a skill-up star or a double of the card. It's pretty difficult to get skill-up stars, but, either way, it's not impossible to unlock those story chapters if you don't get lucky on the gacha more than once or don't feel like grinding the event. You can see your cards' stats in the top, and you can see what your stats will be once you level certain aspects.
Then, in the organisation and status, you have performance team organisation, inventory, shop, friends, profile and status. The status is your heroine status, as on the homepage. The shop is where you can buy dia and items, and exchange challenge points, cast cards or skill pieces. On your profile, you can set your "main oshi" and your "oshi cast", your message, change your username or the names you go by in the story, and set your badges. You can also copy your ID from the profile list. On the friends page, you can check your followers and who you follow, and on the third page you can copy your ID and paste someone else's ID. If you'd like my ID, feel free to ask, or send me yours :>
On the "others", you have settings, help/FAQ, your dia acquisition and spending history, support, and "mini games". In the settings tab, you have the option "データ引継ぎ", there you can connect your data to an Apple ID, a Twitter account, or a good ol' fashioned code+password. The code will be a bunch of numbers, and the pass will be a hiragana sequence, so it's best to write it down somewhere. As for the minigames, you have two categories - for the top one, you input words or phrases that fit the prompt, and get some goodies. I'll rb a post that had some recent codes, so you can give it a shot! The second one is a recent addition, there was some check-in campaign in Kyoto? Like, you go to a location, and get a stamp - idk tbh since I'm not anywhere near Kyoto;;;;
Aaand that's about all that comes to mind? If you have any specific questions ab anything, I repeat, feel free to ask away! This is just mostly a basic how-to for a little bit of everything. And! Rindou and Team P! They're honestly such a cool team, and their songs are cute! Good taste, Rindou is among the more chill characters, as far as I've seen :D
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] 3rd Anniversary Love Carnival - Shaw
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an event which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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Shaw’s Prologue: here
3rd Anniversary Masterlist: here
The moment we step into the amusement park, I see that a small stall not too far away is surrounded by people.
MC: That place seems very crowded...
I lift my head, noticing that curiosity has also surfaced in Shaw’s eyes.
With a slight curl of his lips, he tilts his chin towards the front.
Shaw: Let’s take a look.
In front of the small stall--
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Shaw: ...why’s this thing so popular?
Shaw frowns, unable to comprehend what’s before him.
Frog eyes, bows, bee feelers... the stall is filled with all sorts of headbands.
Couples are bantering with each other while selecting appropriate styles for the other party.
Shaw bends down, leaning towards my ear--
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Shaw: Don’t they feel silly wearing those things?
I find myself chuckling. Then, I hurriedly retract it. When I realise that the people around aren’t paying attention to us, I respond softly.
MC: Don’t you see how happy they look? Also, these headbands even come with earmuffs, and can keep one warm in winter.
Looking at how furry the earmuffs are, I feel as though wearing them would definitely keep me very warm.
Shaw: It’s not even cold today... Are you cold?
I shake my head.
MC: Even if it’s not for keeping one warm, it’s so cute just to wear them.
I walk forward. After sweeping a glance over them, I select a headband, wearing it on my head.
MC: Isn't it cute?
I turn to look at Shaw, and the white halo on the headband sways gently along with my action.
After looking me up and down, his brows arch slightly.
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Shaw: ...I think--
Boss: Cute, cute!
The boss of the small stall shoots me a thumbs up. Then, he takes another headband from the rack, recommending it to us enthusiastically.
Boss: Cute girl, these two come in a set. If you buy them together, there’s a discount!
I look at it, noticing that the headband in his hand has two red horns which are sparkling and emitting light.
Shaw glances at it too, his eyes revealing some distaste.
After some thought, I make a decision.
MC: No need, I’ll just get this one.
I point at the headband I’m currently wearing, rejecting the boss’ suggestion with a smile. However, he doesn’t give up.
Boss: Consider it again? A handsome man and a beautiful woman - if the two of you wear them together, it’d be very matching!
MC: There’s really no need.
Faced with the boss’ repeated suggestions, I remain vehement, sticking to my principle of “only buying one”.
As Shaw listens at the side, his brows become increasingly furrowed. In the end, he can’t help but speak.
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Shaw: You don’t want to wear it with me that much?
MC: Of course not.
Laughing on the inside, I pretend to make a surprised expression, waving my hands in front of him.
MC: I just think you definitely wouldn’t wear it. After all... you said this was very silly, right?
Shaw watches me quietly. After two seconds, he suddenly speaks.
Shaw: Did I say that?
MC: ?!
This time, I’m genuinely shocked. I didn’t expect him to take back what he just said. He actually didn’t admit what he had done.
Shaw: Even if I did say it, that was just now. It doesn’t reflect my present thoughts.
He says this with self-confidence. Seeing that I’m speechless, Shaw averts his eyes leisurely, turning to the boss in a good mood.
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Shaw: Boss. How much for two?
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For the first ride, Shaw pulls me towards one of the main attractions – the U-shaped roller coaster.
While seated, I grip the safety bar tightly.
As though sensing that I’m slightly nervous, Shaw leans over, his tone teasing.
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Shaw: It’s all right. If you’re scared, just scream. I promise I wouldn’t laugh at you.
I. Don’t. Believe. That!
Keeping my expression blank, I keep my eyes forward.
MC: What a joke. I’m not scared at all.
Shaw: Really? How about this. Let’s make a bet. Whoever exclaims first will have to accept a punishment. How’s that?
Seeing the unconcealed challenge in his eyes, I nod, refusing to appear weak.
MC: Sure! I’m not scared!
Everyone else: Ahhhhhhhhh–
Both the exclamations from the crowd and the U-shaped roller coaster are tossed to the skies. The strong centrifugal force causes my heart rate to speed up as the coaster moves to and fro.
I shut my eyes, gritting my teeth–
I’m determined not to make a sound!
As though he guesses what I’m thinking, Shaw’s voice is suddenly at my ear.
Shaw: Just scream if you’re scared–
I respond to him loudly.
MC: I’m not scared–
The gradually increasing inertia and gravity tosses us to and fro, and it’s so fast that it’s as though even our shadows can’t keep up with us.
My hand subconsciously flies in the air, and I cling onto something subconsciously. Instinctively, I grip it tightly–
??: Mm–!!
When we return to the ground, I seem to have been given a second life, my face glowing and radiant.
MC: It’s finally over!
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However, Shaw’s expression is in clear contrast to mine. The earlier excitement is completely gone from his face.
With a dark expression, he twists his wrist.
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Shaw: You’ve got quite a lot of strength…
A little embarrassed, I release a soft cough. I didn’t think that the thing I had grabbed in my frantic state was actually Shaw’s hand.
Shaw: Say it. What do you want me to do?
MC: Huh?
I hesitate for a moment, then realise that he’s referring to the bet earlier.
MC: Just forget about it…
Looking at the indistinct nail marks on Shaw’s hand, and out of the kindness of my heart, I decide to divert the conversation topic. However, Shaw has no intention to do so.
Shaw: Do I look like the type of person who doesn’t keep his word? Since I promised you, I’ll do it.
Given his insistence, I no longer decline. So, I hold my chin and start thinking.
What kind of punishment would be good? After some thought, I shoot him a brilliant smile.
MC: First, lower your head. It isn’t convenient at this height.
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Shaw is stunned for a moment. He frowns, his expression a little odd.
Shaw: Are you thinking of…
MC: Also, close your eyes.
Shaw’s expression turns even stranger. He seems to be somewhat uneasy, but still does what I say and bends down, shutting his eyes tight.
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Shaw: You’ve got quite a number of tricks up your sleeve…
Hands behind my back, I shift nearer to Shaw.
Sensing my closeness, his brows twitch slightly.
With Shaw’s face so close to me, I chuckle–
Then, I reach out to give him a flick on the forehead.
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Shaw: [hissing in pain] Ss–
Shaw’s eyes snap open, and he looks slightly muddled and lost.
Witnessing this rare expression, I rein in my laughter, nodding in satisfaction.
MC: You’re always flicking my forehead. This time, we’re even.
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Shaw: …
MC: …what’s wrong?
Shaw: …very good. Just you wait.
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Because of the sheer number of people in the cafeterias, Shaw and I decide to buy some food from the small stalls to fill our stomachs.
He places the big bag on a bench, taking out two character-shaped snacks.
After comparing them, Shaw hands me the one decorated with pink bows.
MC: What’s this?
Shaw: You’ll know if you eat it.
Saying this, he sits down beside me.
Even when it comes to things like this, he wants to keep one in suspense. While grumbling in my heart, I give it a bite. Sweetness fills my mouth in an instant.
MC: …bean paste bun?
I look at the bun in Shaw’s hand which he’s also taken a bite out of, and realise that it has minced meat in it. Curious, I ask him:
MC: Why does yours have minced meat stuffing while mine has bean paste stuffing?
Shaw pauses.
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Shaw: Huh? Don’t you girls like eating sweet food?
A twinge of confusion flashes in his eyes. Giving it some thought, I try to explain.
MC: People’s tastes can’t be generalised. For example, no matter when or where, I like eating minced meat.
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Shaw: …how troublesome.
Shaw mutters, then splits the meat bun into two, giving half of it to me.
Shaw: Take it.
Stunned, I look at the bun in his hand, and don’t take it.
MC: I wasn’t asking you to share it with me… Is half of it enough for you?
Shaw: There are other snacks in the bag. Also, I wasn’t that hungry to begin with.
MC: In that case… I won’t hold back!
I happily accept the meat bun. After taking a few bites, I release a contented sigh.
MC: So delicious!
Shaw: It is?
Shaw’s brows arch, and he looks at the meat bun in his hand.
Shaw: I think it’s average. It’s just a normal bun.
MC: This is something you don’t know. When you share food with someone, it becomes even more delicious.
I shoot him a confident smile.
After a pause, Shaw shrugs, not expressing an opinion.
Half of the bun is finished quickly. Shaw lifts up his Cola at the side, twisting off the bottle cap. Just before he drinks it, he pauses.
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Shaw: Oh, I’ve won a prize.
His indifferent tone is mixed with a hint of satisfaction.
Leaning over to take a look, I discover that the words “One Free Bottle” is written on the bottle cap.
My heart stirs, and I excitedly lift up the Cola by my side.
MC: I’ll take a look too–
Shaw: How is it?
MC: …
Silently, I twist the bottle cap back, and take a bite out of my meat bun. A light chuckle drifts to my ears.
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Shaw: Looks like it isn’t anything much.
MC: My luck isn’t good this time, that’s all.
I pout, rifling in the bag for a cheese hotdog.
Just when I open my mouth to eat it, Shaw suddenly leans over, giving it a bite.
Shaw: Mm, the taste isn’t bad.
MC: …didn’t you say you weren’t hungry?
Shaw: I’m just verifying what you said. Looks like it’s true - when you share food with someone, it does taste a little better.
The corners of Shaw’s lips curl upwards, a flash of triumph flashes across his eyes.
MC: …you’re just toying with me, aren’t you.
Shaw: You’re not wrong.
He smiles, tossing his head back as he downs the Cola. Then, he hands the bottle cap in his hand to me.
Shaw: Here.
MC: What do you want?
Shaw: I don’t know if sharing luck will help you become luckier. Test it out for me.
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Ghost masks on sale are hung on the dark red wall. The masks have a sense of antiquity to them, and their bewitching and bizarre appearances look utterly terrifying.
Simply standing at the entrance of the haunted house makes one feel deeply frightened. And the rule of “Only one person can enter at one time” causes several people to shrink away.
Shaw and MC: …
Shaw: Got the guts?
MC: What’s there to be afraid of?
Shaw: You first, or me?
MC: …I’ll go first.
With a solemn expression, I prepare to enter. However, my wrist is suddenly gripped by Shaw, and he pulls me back.
Shaw: Wait. I’ll give you something.
I can feel him stuffing something into my hand.
Unfurling my hand, I see a string of Buddhist prayer beads laying quietly in my palm.
MC: …
Shaw: Have a pleasant journey.
In the pitch-black and narrow pathway, I bite the bullet and move forward at a tortoise’s pace. My hands continuously twist the prayer beads, muttering to myself.
MC: Whether you’re a monster, demon, or ghost, don’t come and scare me, don’t come and scare me…
Footsteps sound from behind me, and the hair on my body immediately stands on end.
I’m rooted to the spot. After a few seconds, when I muster the courage to turn around, a hand plops onto my left shoulder.
MC: !!!
At this moment, my blood seems to freeze.
I quietly wait for two seconds, but nothing happens. Suddenly, there’s a twinge of hope in my heart–
Maybe it’s Shaw!
Thinking of how he usually likes to play tricks on me, I become even more certain of my guess.
With a deep breath, I give myself some courage and turn my head.
MC: Shaw–
??: Fuu…….
MC: …
With a speed which human eyes can’t capture, I huddle and curl into a corner, using my hand to cover my left ear, sensing goosebumps spreading across my entire body.
Along with my heartrending exclamation, a stream of chuckles resound at the same time.
??: It’s me.
Silvery white electricity appears in the darkness.
The person who’s speaking walks over to me. He squats down, a smile hanging on his lips, looking as though his prank has succeeded.
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Shaw: Who was the one who made a solemn vow that she wouldn’t be scared?
I glare angrily at the person before me.
MC: I knew it was you! When you deliberately scare someone, of course they’d be scared! It’s an instinctive reaction. Also, you can scare someone to death, you know!
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Weakly and helplessly, I hug myself tight. My voice is also trembling slightly.
He seems to be at a slight loss. After a while, he speaks.
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Shaw: …fine, I was wrong this time.
Perhaps genuinely feeling apologetic, Shaw pauses, his voice also a little more gentle.
Shaw: Hey, want to know a way so you wouldn’t be scared?
MC: …what is it?
I lift my head from my knees in curiosity.
He offers me a hand, his eyes crinkling slightly, filled with a wilful light.
Shaw: Follow me and they won’t scare you.
Shaw and I hold hands as we continue down this cramped pathway.
Because he’s by my side, I feel much more composed.
Female ghost: I’m~ Filled~ With~ Hatred…
All of a sudden, a hand plops onto my shoulder. Shaw and I pause in our footsteps.
I subconsciously tighten my grip on Shaw’s hand. In the next moment, I feel him returning the gesture with a squeeze.
Courage fills my heart. With this, Shaw and I turn around together…
Another shrill cry fills the pathway.
This time, however, the cry doesn’t belong to me, but to the “female ghost” with dishevelled hair.
Shaw extinguishes the electricity in his hand. He removes the ghost masks we saw at the entrance earlier, and laughs.
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Shaw: If you want to scare me, you’ve got to put in more practise.
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Just as I’m vexed on which attraction to head to next, the blare of a trumpet, followed by an announcement, can be heard in the park–
The “Bumper Boats” ride is holding a competition, and the winner will be awarded a surprise grand prize.
My curiosity is piqued, and I drag Shaw over.
At the venue, I discover that the way this bumper boat ride works is pretty similar to bumper cars. It’s just that the road is replaced with water, and there’s an additional tool – water guns.
I shoot Shaw an expectant gaze, and he purses his lips.
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Shaw: I’m not playing. This is far too boring, and not exciting at all.
Looking at the electronic screen displaying the rankings, I continue attempting to persuade him.
MC: But the person in first place will win a surprise grand prize…
Shaw: So what? I never do boring things.
15 minutes later–
Shaw: Hey, you’re way too stupid.
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Watching as Shaw holds the water gun and sprays it at me from the front, I can’t help but grumble internally – he was so unwilling just now, but ended up having more fun than anyone else.
With agile movements, I dodge that stream of water, then raise the water gun in my hand.
MC: You should watch out. I’m going to get serious now!
Shaw grins, a dazzling light flashing in his eyes.
Shaw: Bring it on.
As time trickles by, and because of how furiously we’re playing, our names on the board keep ascending the digital board.
But this also successfully stirs up the fighting spirit of others. Suddenly, we’re surrounded by opponents.
Just as I prepare to launch an attack on Shaw, the boat is struck violently by another boat. Unsteady, I find myself smacked against the steering wheel.
MC: Ahh–!
Shaw and I take a look, and see a younger man with permed hair waving his water gun at us teasingly.
Younger man: Come on! The first place belongs to me–!
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Shaw: Tch, he dares to hit my person. He’s doomed.
Shaw furrows his brow, upset. He adjusts the steering wheel, turning around to look at me.
Shaw: I’m avenging you. Why are you in a daze? Catch up quickly.
MC: …who’s in a daze.
After saying this, I turn the steering wheel, stepping on the accelerator–
But my heart rate subconsciously speeds up.
With the blow of a whistle from the staff, the competition draws to an end.
Shaw and I break through, seizing the first and second places.
Staff: Congratulations to the both of you! You have both won the surprise grand prize of this competition! You’ll have the opportunity to have a group photo with this park’s auspicious “Flame Dragon”!
Shaw and I stand in front of the Flame Dragon statue. After a short silence, he suddenly speaks.
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Shaw: Don’t you find it boring to take a photo like this?
MC: What idea do you have this time?
After staring at me for a while, he suddenly chuckles softly, lifting a corner of his lips.
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Shaw: This time, let’s not show our ugliest expressions. Let’s do something more surprising.
I can’t help but be confused.
MC: “More surprising”?
After saying this, the staff’s voice can be heard.
Staff: Get ready for the photo. 3– 2– 1–
Before I can think, Shaw’s face suddenly looms closer–
I subconsciously stop breathing. It’s akin to a tiny firework blooming at the tip of my heart with a “pa”.
Ka cha–
With the sound of the shutter, this moment is captured forever.
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Fireworks event: here
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corrupted-sav3 · 2 years
Omg I made another pokepasta thing cause I lack self control. Anyway
So basically the Narrator of the story gets their hands on a HG/SS game where everything seems to be normal besides the fact that npcs often remark that they went "too rough" during battle or say the player character was being too serious or competitive throughout the narrators playthrough.
And that the narrator says something about how fhey realize that they never really lost any battles that they can recall up until...the battle with Red
The battle itself wasn't like an instant loss or anything it's more like the experience most players have when fighting Red for the first time
But, the narrator loses the battle, but instead of whiting or blacking out, they return to the normal overworld, any attempt to leave just results in a textbox that says "No"
It's only when they actually interact with Red that something happens.
A "..." icon appears above his head, then a question mark followed by an exclamation mark as he and the player character seem to get in a struggle.
The result being that Red is pushed off the ledge of the mountain (probably like in an animation similar to how your rival pushes you at the start of the game). Then another textbox appears after a moment, only saying that "I won" or smthn like that.
It's only then the narrator can leave the mountain (either then they black/white out or use one of their pokemon to fly)
When they interact with any npcs that ask about Red (like Oak, Blue, Red's Mom) the game implies that the player lies about not seeing Red at the mountain.
And idk ooo player is probably haunted by the ghost of Red or something, but like never outright killed or anything by him, and it could always be more like a manifestation of repressed guilt. They get away with it at the end though, and only the Narrator sees and knows about what they've done.
Actually I might be able to write this one since I basically how a baseline of how it goes dhdhf probably be titled like "I won't lose" or "You won!"
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Imagine Roxas’s reaction to Axel growing a beard
Now stubble was a tactile revelation to Roxas who never was able to grow facial hair the usual way, no matter how old he got. He either was clean shaven, or, if he desired a beard or a mustache enough and truly saw himself that way, he would wake up with it fully formed and be able to dismiss it just as easily, which he invariably always did within a few hours. 
Axel's sandpaper skin when he allowed a five o'clock shadow to form was irresistible. Roxas wouldn't be able to keep hands or lips off of him, or to refrain from silly sweet gestures like nuzzling his face against Axel's like he was possessed by the spirit of an affectionate cat, and the first warning lobbied about stubble burn just brought to light that Roxas not only didn't mind but enjoyed the idea of being marked even when it was by beard rash. The limits of the latter were soon tested, and opinion amended that it was not the same as love bites at at all. Subsequently, they worked together on a map of where stubble burn was and wasn't acceptable, a true couple's bonding activity, but Axel's stubble remained an object of fascination every time he put off shaving, which he did more often after being rewarded by Roxas's reaction.
This proved to be a dangerous gateway to attempted beard growing. It was an ugly process, full of random patches of wiry hair that refused to connect, stubble turned to sharper barbs as it lengthened, and trapped grease. The whole affair grew dark. 
Fighting broke out. Threats were lobbied. The beard was shaved, but resentment brewed after. Stubble was ruined as Roxas could only picture the disaster that followed before, one he never wanted to revisit. Previous positive reinforcement was replaced with conscious negative whenever Axel seemed like he was going to skip shaving. 
Unfortunately, even knowing Roxas's opinion, the urge to grow facial hair cropped up again after laying dormant for a few years. This time it was supposed to be different, and Axel used dubious means to convince Roxas to promise to let him have time enough to pass the awkward stage.
New horrors emerged. The beard became a fixation and beloved friend to care for. Axel doted on it almost as much as Turkey. Beard oil. Special clippers. Deep conditioning. Lengthy and obsessive daily maintenance in front of the mirror. 
And yet, somehow, despite the meticulous care, there was still food caught in it and, at no stage did it flatter Axel’s face in Roxas’s opinion.
Roxas abolished the beard once more, and Axel gave in, but it returned every now and again when resolve was wore down. Roxas was grateful when he gained allies in the fight.
"Gooe-ssss," Dulce hissed, slapping her father's face gently. 
"Da go sss," Salena chimed in, smacking her own forehead.
Axel bounced a baby on each knee and exaggerated his expression into cartoonish terror turned even more laughable when he couldn't keep the grin off his face. "There's a ghost, girls? Where?"
"Goose!" Dulce corrected, raising her tiny hands in exclamation.
"A goose?" Axel made his surprise theatric, while legitimately trying to figure out what his daughters were talking about. "A ghost of a goose? Is that what you see, sweet girls?" He turned his head and yelled into the kitchen. "Roxas! Get in here! The twins learned some new words!"
Salena took charge, grabbing a handful of Axel's beard, and, inevitably, a healthy chunk of pinched skin as well, in her pudgy baby fist. "Dada go ss! go ss da!"
Roxas ran in from the other room, dish towel in his hands and sleeved rolled up, but stopped short of the couch, struck breathless with love as he still sometimes found himself even now when he saw Axel, dumb beard and all, looking enchanted with their daughters.
"Go ss da!" Dulce slapped Axel's cheek harder, looking delighted. She then turned her small body toward her other father, reached out her hand to beckon and declared. "Yum!"
"Yum!" Salena agreed, flailing her entire body so Axel had to hold her more tightly so she wouldn't pitch herself to the floor. "Da go ss yum mm!"
"Now, yum, I know," Axel chuckled. "They must be hungry. Do you want to open up a few jars of delicious mashed peas? You can take Salena, and I'll keep Dulce, and we can get these howling monkeys fed!" He asked Roxas, bouncing the so-called howling monkeys again as he did so they would laugh.
"Sounds like a plan," Roxas confirmed and walked over to take Salena, who yelled a final "Go! Sss!" even while reaching for him.
"We'll feed the ghost too," Axel promised, standing to his feet now that he had only one child to rearrange hold on. 
"I think they are saying, gross," Roxas suggested. He touched his forehead to Salena's and she grabbed his much larger face with her small hands. "Is Daddy gross?"
"Goose!" Dulce interrupted while Salena just waved her hands while still gripping Roxas's cheeks so he'd nod in her place. "Da go ss!"
"Daddy has a gross, gross beard! Silly, Daddy!" Roxas was malicious in his glee as both twins continued to chant "Go" and snake hiss. 
"There's no accounting for taste, but I know when I'm outvoted," Axel sulked, playing hurt but not sticking to it consistently, still blown away by his smart girls adding to their vocabulary. Soon, there would be full sentences and then full conversations. They'd be walking, then running, then going off planet, and the ends of the universe would be the limit. Though that line of thought could grow dangerous, so Axel kept himself to thinking only as far ahead as being able to teach them jokes and play tag as he walked ahead to the kitchen.
As soon as Axel was a few steps away, Roxas whispered to Salena. "Good girl. You remembered our lesson." 
"Go ss da yum," Salena babbled back.
"Yes, for telling Daddy he's gross, you and your sister are going to get blueberries." It had taken a lot of training. When Axel was out of the house, Roxas would say "gross" and pat his face, then give the girls pureed fruit. Once they learned the association, he rewarded them for copying him. Now it had paid off. 
Smart girls. Smart Pop. Axel would be clean shaven by dinner.
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jewels2876 · 5 years
I Know...
A/N: It’s Freaky Friday here at @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ - take a gander at today’s announcement then stroll on down here and read this mix up with our favorite astronaut Beck and our adorable Scott Hoffman
Word Count: 843
Warnings: some language is all
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The sound of booming voices woke him up; he looked around noticing the overuse of mahogany and curtains drawn halfway over the floor to ceiling windows. He rubbed his left hand over his eyes before blinking at the group of men staring at him. “Well?”
“Well what?”
“Is it worth your career to keep going at this Scott?”
“Who the hell is Scott?
He shivered as a chill ran up and down his spine. He started to wiggle his butt in his seat, embarrassed he had passed out in the middle of an important meeting. Not feeling the seat beneath him he shrieked and jerked up. “Holy…”
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“Son, that’s a hard story you’re trying to sell me on there,” Whit Peters said to Beck. “How did you just ‘get here’ if you were in outer space?”
“Sir I wish I knew! I was floating above Mars, minding my own business. My captain!” Beck blurted out. “Call my captain, he can confirm I’m not there!”
Whit pressed his lips in a firm line to consider the idea. “But if you’re here, where’s our Scott?”
Back in space…
Mark Watney tilts his head, giving Scott a once over. “You know that sounds crazy right? Like some teenage angsty book or movie plot?”
Scott’s head hung in embarrassment. “I know! It seemed harmless at the time. I had a crap day trying to research more on this award I’m trying to get this guy. I was tired and snapped at my wife, which pissed her off. I stormed out of the house and for some reason thought it was a swell idea to stop at a fortune teller’s booth. How was I to know this would happen?”
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Beck hesitated before approaching the same fortune teller’s booth Scott had sent directions to. He looked down at the address, then at the nondescript storefront in front of him. A deep sigh escaped him as he took a tentative step forward. Here goes nothing, he thought.
“Welcome...oh it’s you,” the fortune-teller slumped back in her seat. “What, did it not… you’re not Scott, are you?” Her face was suddenly overtaken with a sinister grin and Beck audibly gulped.
“I just want you to put us back, please,” he implored. “My girl, at least I hope she’s mine, is up there, probably worried sick about me and…”
“I know! I know,” the fortune-teller waved her hands, motioning Beck to sit in front of her. “All I can tell you is you both should take a nice long nap and this will sort itself out. Do you want to know your future?” Her tone shifted from bored to malicious quickly.
Beck shook his head. “Is that what this Scott did? Is that how you did this?”
The fortune-teller laughed, throwing her head back with gusto. “Please! I’ve got more than one trick up my sleeves here. Just… avoid mirrors for the rest of the day, would you?” Beck nodded curtly and ran out of the door, throwing a twenty on the table for good measure.
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“That’s what she said,” Beck looked at the computer screen. It was hard to believe he was looking at himself but… not. “Take a nice long nap and it’ll work out. Can we do this now?”  He saw you staring between Scott and himself, your hand covering your mouth. Beck wasn’t sure if you were in shock or plotting; it was hard to tell.
“Can you give me 20 minutes? We need to do a couple of things…” Beck’s mind wandered as Scott droned on about timers and plans and stuff. “Beck??”
“Oh! Sorry, yeah sounds good!” Beck glanced in the mirror across the room and slicked a stray piece of hair back. “Twenty minutes! See ya soon y/n,” he added as you blushed onscreen.
20 Minutes Later
Scott woke up and stretched. Was that some weird-ass… He was at work; a loud yelp and pounding his hands on his desk roused his assistant who poked his head in. “Everything ok boss?” Scott smiled and waved him away in embarrassment. The door closed and this time Scott let out a quieter exclamation. “It worked!”
Not In Space
Beck thought his bed felt lighter than normal, softer too. He grinned to himself as he woke up slowly, waiting to see your smiling face. Or frowning, depends on what day it is and how mad you’ll be at him for going to a fortune teller. Wait…
Beck startled as he realized he was surrounded by tall grass; the sounds of shouting and gunfire… GUNFIRE? He stood up immediately and regretted it as a bullet whizzed just past his head. “Holy…”
Back In Space
Bucky shivered and felt around for his usual blanket. He frowned when he couldn’t feel anything and slowly turned in his sleep. His eyes cracked open and he stared at the white floor gleaming beneath him. He froze, trying to figure out two things: how he was hanging upside down in midair and who the cute girl staring at him was.
 @bookdragon13​ @marvelgirl7​ @sebastiansloserclub​ @loricameback​ @eurynome827​ @marvelous-meggi​ @chuuulip​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @cametobuyplums​ @hiddles-rose​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @sallycanwait68​ @randomfandompenguin​  @beckzorz​ @abovethesmokestacks​ @jobean12-blog​
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skippyv20 · 5 years
MM Anon
MM ANON ……”too many eyes, it has to be privejet “…… SS , travel agent ……” NO more interviews “ ……” I’ll, give her away!!” …… 🎼”they had style,and well read,MM gave good head,vogue “🎼……… Aotearoa…… DM litigate big guns…… Subpoena demeanour ……… “ocean view,or the hills princess?”…… “ ones posterior is sore” …… “ I warned you old thing”…… “ Bugger them, tomorrow’s chip paper!!”……… “ I want a monkeeeeey!!🦄🐒
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
Riddle #120
November 18/2019
1400 hrs CST
“too many eyes, it has to be privejet “
There was a rumour or report, yesterday, that allegedly madam had been observed flying out of a small airport in Oxfordshire, near the SoHo farmhouse. I tend not to believe that because up until now, MM ANON has given us the clue 12 X 6 , which l interpreted to be a containment of a sort, either ‘cell’ or a psychiatric facility. However, we have had few days with no riddle, so very possible, in this ever changing world, that circumstances have changed. 
Notice she types prive jet NOT private jet! Is that a typo or have a meaning? We know for certain by now, everything means something! Prive , French for private. So has someone gone to 🇫🇷 France??? There is a company with this name also, several actually.
These days, after our massive CSIS security breach, when l read 👀 eyes, in these contexts, it immediately makes me think of Five Eyes . For those who don’t know, the Five Eyes are the U.K. , Canada, New Zealand, Australia and America. It’s a security intelligence alliance. There is plenty online should you wish to educate yourselves further. France is not in the Alliance, this very curious to me. 
SS , travel agent 
SS, we all know by now but lest you don’t, is SUNSHINE SACHS is a ruthless ‘dark arts’ PR firm, who works for madam, not satisfactorily, but also for almost everyone in her orbit, all these odd famous people that have come out of the woodwork offering support. They are also responsible for the dozens of headlines spreading lies. So was SS her travel agent, booking her private trip to France?? 
” NO more interviews “
After the disastrous interview although Sunday PA, in the daily mail, said he had told HMTQ it had gone quite well.There has been a ton, or several tons of horrible fallout and commentary led by photos of a sweaty man partying away in the papers on Sunday morning. In the interview he denied ever really partying and said due to PTSD of some sort from the Falklands war he was left unable to perspire, until recently when he had found “ methods to us” and he is now able to. WTH?? HMTQ, PA GET HERE  NOW, ROYAL EDICT NO MORE INTERVIEWS, SO LET IT BE WRITTEN, SO LET IT BE OBEYED(sorry l borrowed a scene from the film The Ten Commandments there).
” I’ll, give her away!!” 
Usually when a woman is given away, it’s at her wedding. Is this PA talking about Princess Beatrice’s upcoming wedding? There are two ways one could read this sentence, however with the comma, they are discussing this and who should do it maybe Fergie? He speaks, notice I’LL , give her away, with double exclamation marks, emphasis on him or I’ll. PA is asserting his fatherly role despite this horrendous scandal. It’s more than a scandal, it’s potentially legal at best, worst case scenario, you know what that is!
”they had style,and well read,MM gave good head,vogue “🎼……… 
It was Rita Hayworth gave good face, double entendre. Rita Hayworth, in Gilda is a MUST SEE!! She is so amazingly beautiful, takes ones breath away. She went on and married the Aga Khan, later died of Alzheimer’s l believe. Lots of old Hollywood mentioned in that song. Here we have a reference to madams skills🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Vogue is THE magazine! FRENCH VOGUE WOW!!! Has SS managed to get madam on the front cover of a French a vogue! Hence the prive jet???! Wow wow wow! 
Currently Prince Charles and Camilla, she joined him once he completed his time in a India and her chest cold healed.  They visited Australia and once again smoothed things over with the High Commissioner’s wife and staff after madams foul language, verbal abuse and overall rude disrespectful treatment whilst they were there.
Charles and Camilla are now in Aotearoa, the Maori, Indigenous dwellers Maori for New Zealand. They will visit the site of the mosque massacre and complete other engagements on their visit.
DM litigate big guns
When they big out the big guns, it’s not always war, big guns are someone who is really excelled at their job ie Beckham/football. So either side of madam lawsuit against the DM will have attorneys. However madam or her backers are funding her, the DM has deep pockets plus the dossier and a lot of information, much of which we have no idea of. This is going to be very interesting to see if this makes it to court because the DM WILL NOT SETTLE!!! They want this information, all of it out there, she made the worst de by filing this suit!
Subpoena demeanour
A subpoena is an official notice, in paper, that one needs to appear in court. Demeanour is a manner if conducting oneself. So is someone behaving as if a subpoena were imminent or should they be? There are a whole number of individuals this could refer to. I cannot speculate further.
 “ocean view,or the hills princess?”
Ha ha ha😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂, l can hear a jail guard or a very cruel psych staff workers jokingly asking her which room/cell she would like and calling her orincess😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣! 
“ ones posterior is sore” …… “ I warned you old thing”… “ Bugger them, tomorrow’s chip paper!!”
Here yet again, let’s relax, return to my favourite place, it’s so cozy and warm, TV  📺 is on with , Keeping up Appearances, always good for a laugh and distraction watching Hyacinth henpeck poor Richard🤣🤣😂😂. Cocktails 🍸 arrive, nothing else desired. Fire is stoked, they are left alone. HMTQ and PP again that precious time, HMTQ is complaining, oh no never explain never complain🤣🤣😂😂. She is rather sharing with PP her posterior ie bottom is sore, likely from riding that massive black horse we see her riding so often at Windsor. Gorgeous great beast, l would love to know the name. PP seemingly has little sympathy because he did warn her😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂.  Tv switch, the news is on, about the horrific comments on PA interview and it being in all the papers. PP then makes the comment. Chip paper, in the U.K., real fish and chips, doesn’t come in a fancy plate, it comes in a conical wrapped newspapers to absorb the grease. In America the next day paper would line the bird cage. 
“ I want a monkeeeeey!!🦄🐒
We are fast approaching the biggest day in a child’s year, other than their birthday! CHRISTMAS, Oh how they squirm, search, leave notes, and very subtle, rather NOT SO subtle🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 hints of the litany of things they want from Santa Claus. Here is little Lottie, rather GRH Princess Charlotte , if you please, still clinging onto her unicorn whilst wailing loudly that she now wants to add to her menagerie A MONKEY ,!🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣 Oh bless!!
November 18/2019 1510 hrs CST
And just like that all is normal again!  Thank you dear PG....such fun reading your interpretations....many will be so happy!  Thank you, much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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halscavendish-moved · 4 years
HI HELLO SS ANON HERE i saw that you finished autoboyography!!!!!! how did you like it???? can i scream about it???? AAAHHHHH!!!!!!
HELLO PAL!!!!!!!!!! okay sorry in advance for all of the exclamation points I’m about to use. 
Yes oh my god!!!!!! It was so wonderful!!!!!!! Also........ the power of you suggesting a book with a queer half jewish protag???????? esp with a jewish father!!!!!!! I YELLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Tanner so much what an adorable baby. Oh my god I cried so much while reading this I literally didn’t eat dinner until 10pm when I sat down to read it because I needed to finish it asap. 
I’ll admit it took me a while to get into it, but after the 1/3 mark, I was fully invested. Oh my god, Sebastian just made me so so sad, the poor baby I literally just wanted to give him the biggest hug and tell him it was going to be okay. I literally knew nothing about Mormons before reading this book so it was interesting to learn about them. 
It was so wonderful please please please scream all about it to me!!!!!!! 
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Mini-Heart Attack
@arc852 @zelda-gt-sophie @hiddendreamer67  you guys have some really good ideas for SS g/t and I’m finally going to contribute too.
This is inspired by this post that I saw, and knew the perfect duo for the meme.
Warning?: Platonic Prinxiety, feelings of fear
Hope y’all enjoy!
“You know, I don’t think that’s where eyeliner goes, Virge,” Roman commented from his spot on the desk, sitting on top of a tissue box as he kicked his legs.
Virgil glanced down as he applied the pencil underneath his eyes. “Well, you’re not wrong, but how do you know how I should put it on?” he asked, amusement in his tone.
“I got curious one night and watched videos on the ‘Youtube’ you showed me that’s your phone. I found one that was supposed to help bring out the eyes,” Roman replied somewhat sheepishly.
Virgil hummed in thought as he mumbled to himself, “Well that explains my recommended list.” He set the eyeliner down with a soft sigh as he let his eyes settle on his small friend. “I’m going to make some breakfast. You wanna come with me to watch me cook?”
Roman shook his head and said, “No thank you, Moody Green Giant. I’m fine staying here.” He tried to  look as possible as he waited for Virgil to leave the room.
The moodier of the two raised an eyebrow slightly at the reference. Sometimes it surprised him how creative Roman could be or what kind of knowledge he had about the world around him. Then again, he had lived within the walls of homes all his life, hiding in vents and cabinets, so who knew how much material Roman had. He shrugged his shoulders as he moved to leave the room. “I’ll be back in a few. Hope you like eggs and toast.”
Roman watched as the human left, waiting for just a moment before excitedly hopping off the tissue box to jog over to the edge of the desk. He hurriedly took off his hook to start swinging, aiming it at the bookshelf adjacent to the shelf. the hook arced with the grace of experience, hitting his mark on the first go. He gave a tug to ensure it was stable as he took a deep breath and took a step off the desk.
He swung forward and started to climb up the string to get to the bookshelf, fourth shelf from the top. He panted once he reached the end, glancing at the door to make sure Virgil hadn’t come in yet. When he couldn’t hear anything, he unhooked the grapple to throw above his head. He needed to be on at least the second shelf to test out his idea properly.
While it is true that his and Virgil’s relationship had greatly improved since they first met, the old worrywart now would hardly let him do anything on his own. As nice as it was that he didn’t have to work quite as hard just to get from one end of the room to the other, he still wanted to prove himself otherwise. And now he may have just the thing to do so.
It took him five more minutes until he reached the second shelf, out of breath. Man, he really needed to have more practice; his skills were getting rusty. He took a moment to rest, standing up to open his bag. a bundle of cloth made him grin widely, taking  off his bag to unfold the ‘poncho’ and slip it on.
One of the videos he watched had been about an animal called a sugar glider, or a flying squirrel. How they could glide through the air thanks to the skin between its front and hind legs. While it may have been true he didn’t need to scavenge for supplies, he had been gathering cloth without Virgil knowing to try this out.
He ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to fix it before putting his feet into the slits at the edge of the fabric. He waved his arms to inspect his handiwork with a large grin. If he made this right, then he’ll be able to glide safely to the floor! 
He backed away from the edge of the shelf as he tried to override his fear. He had left his hook hanging; if it didn’t work out, he should be able to grab the rope and not fall to the floor. He closed his eyes and made a running start, hopping right over the edge.
Because of the wind whistling in his ears, he hadn’t heard the soft thuds of approaching footsteps, though he did hear an exclamation of “Holy sh-!” 
Suddenly, his fall was halted as he landed with an “oof!” right into Virgil’s hands. He sat up to look up at the face of his friend, who was now huffing and puffing as he sank to his knees. 
“Roman!” he whispered harshly, trying to keep his volume low yet he couldn’t control of the well of emotion that wavered in his voice. “What the heck were you doing?”
The tiny man lifted up his arms to show off his ‘wings’ while stating boldly, “I was simply trying out my idea. Is that so bad?”
Virgil groaned softly as he leaned back to land on his butt, shifting Roman to one hand to clutch at his chest, his heart still beating hard over the scare. Sure, his friend tended to do stupid stuff when he left the room, but it was usually something cheesy that would make him snort and move on. This though...
God, he can’t deal with this when he hasn’t had any breakfast yet.
“Look, let’s talk about this later. Why don’t we go downstairs and hopefully the eggs aren’t cold yet, all right?” he said, looking down at the tiny in his hand. Roman was smirking at him now as he laid back and made a grand gesture with his arm. “Take me there, oh faithful steed.”
As Virgil shakily got up from the floor, he couldn’t but figure at this rate, he was going to have a heart attack before he turned thirty.
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