#(Somebody a while back wanted to get rid of some to free up emails)
pyxsys · 2 years
ᒲᔑ╎リℸ ̣╎リᒷリᓵᒷ ℸ ̣╎ᒲᒷ~
(Maintinence time~)
#∴ᒷ ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ ᒲᔑリ|| ⍑ᔑ∷↸ꖎ|| ⚍ᓭᒷ↸ ᔑᓵᓵ𝙹⚍リℸ ̣ ᓭ#(We have many hardly used accounts)#ᓭ𝙹ᒲᒷʖ𝙹↸|| ᔑ ∴⍑╎ꖎᒷ ʖᔑᓵꖌ ∴ᔑリℸ ̣ ᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ⊣ᒷℸ ̣  ∷╎↸ 𝙹⎓ ᓭ𝙹ᒲᒷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ⎓∷ᒷᒷ ⚍!¡ ᒷᒲᔑ╎ꖎᓭ#(Somebody a while back wanted to get rid of some to free up emails)#ᔑꖎᔑᓭ ╎ℸ ̣  ∴ᔑᓭ ⎓𝙹∷⊣𝙹ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ᒷリ ᔑʖ𝙹⚍ℸ ̣#(Alas it was forgotten about)#╎'⍊ᒷ ⎓𝙹⚍リ↸ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣  ╎'ᒲ ᓵ𝙹ᒲ⎓𝙹∷ℸ ̣ ᔑʖꖎᒷ ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ʖ|| ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ∴ᔑ||#(I've found that i'm comfortable with this by the way)#╎⎓ ╎ !¡⚍ℸ ̣  ᒲ|| ∴𝙹∷↸ᓭ ╎リℸ ̣ 𝙹 ⊣ᔑꖎᔑᓵℸ ̣ ╎ᓵ ⎓╎∷ᓭℸ ̣  ╎ ᔑᒲ ⎓╎リᒷ ℸ ̣ ||!¡╎リ⊣ ℸ ̣ ∷ᔑリᓭꖎᔑℸ ̣ ╎𝙹リᓭ#(If i put my words into galactic first i am fine typing translations)#𝙹↸↸ ʖ⚍ℸ ̣  ╎ℸ ̣  ∴𝙹∷ꖌᓭ ᔑリ↸ ╎ ∴╎ꖎꖎ リ𝙹ℸ ̣  ᓵ𝙹ᒲ!¡ꖎᔑ╎リ#(Odd but it works and i will not complain)#ℸ ̣ ⍑𝙹⚍⊣⍑ ╎ ᔑ!¡𝙹ꖎ𝙹⊣╎⨅ᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ⊣ᔑꖎᔑᓵℸ ̣ ╎ᓵ ╎リ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ℸ ̣ ||!¡ᒷ↸ ⎓𝙹∷ᒲ ꖎ𝙹𝙹ꖌᓭ ᔑ∴⎓⚍ꖎ#(Though I apologize that galactic in this typed form looks awful)#∷ᒷ⊣ᔑ∷↸ꖎᒷᓭᓭ ╎ℸ ̣ ╎ᓭ ʖᒷℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑリ ℸ ̣ ∷||╎リ⊣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᓭ!¡ᒷᔑꖌ ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑ ⋮⚍ᓭℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑリ↸ ᒷᒲ𝙹⋮╎ᓭ‚ ⍑ᔑ⍑#(Regardless it is better than trying to speak with just hand emojis‚ hah)#[🗝.txt]
0 notes
tieronecrush · 1 year
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javier peña x f!reader
chapter two: lips of an angel
series masterlist
rating: E (18+ only, MDNI)
summary: After his return to the US, Javier is trying to settle back into a normal life without the pressures of Colombia and the DEA, but he finds himself feeling isolated with no one to spend his nights with. Now a newly appointed criminology professor at Texas A&M, he is drawn to you, a post-grad student in one of his classes. You’re intelligent and witty, sweet and kind, and he can’t get you out of his mind. To cope with his growing loneliness and to rid himself of thoughts of you, he signs up for an “arrangement service” to connect him with somebody—a sugar baby—he can care for. After he is matched up with Angel, he finds himself developing feelings quicker than he ever expected, but what happens when he finds out Angel is really you?
series warnings: power imbalance (prof and student), sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship, discussion of money, criminal activity, judicial systems, graduate school, smut, daddy/papí kink, praise kink, degradation, self deprecation, discussion of self worth, multiple sexual or romantic partners, sex work, cursing, use of spanish, likely more warning so read at your own risk!
word count: 5.1k
a/n: thank you @northernbluess for beta-ing this series for me <333 love you bestie, the only one i'd wanna be a sister wife with
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To: TheOnlyAngel
Subject: Nice To Meet You?
I got an email that we were matched for Sweet Temptations. I figured I would reach out and introduce myself, maybe get to know you a bit if you are alright with that.
Feel free to call me Javi. I am honestly not sure what else I’m meant to do in an introduction like this. I promise I am normally much smoother than this, or at least more human and less awkward.
It’s nice to meet you, and to be matched up with you, Angel. If that’s what I should call you?
From: TheOnlyAngel
Subject: Re: Nice To Meet You?
Hi Javi!
It’s nice to meet you too, and hopefully, we get to meet in person. These first emails are always awkward no matter how many I’ve sent or received, so please be assured that, honestly, that was one of the better ones I’ve gotten. :) 
I normally like to ask what you’re looking for out of this “arrangement” (I hate calling it that, it sounds so impersonal) and maybe you can tell me some fun facts about you if you want to share!
I can go first for the fun facts:
Green is my favorite color
I unironically love the song MMMBop by Hansen (which is unexpected if you saw the rest of my tape and CD collection)
My current favorite movie is Romeo + Juliet that came out a couple of years ago cause Paul Rudd <3
That’s about all that I can think of as I sit in bed and type this so hopefully that is sufficient enough!
TTYL Javi,
To: TheOnlyAngel
Subject: Re: Re: Nice To Meet You?
Hey Angel
Paul Rudd is pretty likable, I’ll give you that. Is he your type? Cause I hate to break it to you sweetheart but I don’t really look like him. Both have dark hair but that’s about where the similarities stop. And Romeo + Juliet huh? Must be a bit of a romantic.
And MMMBop…it is catchy. I have to stop myself humming it at work these days.
As for what I’m looking for, I guess I just want someone to spend some time with. Whatever comes of it, comes of it, but I don’t want to really have any expectations. Just wanna get to know you, Angel.
Took me a while to think of some fun facts:
I grew up on a cattle ranch right on the border of Mexico in Southern Texas
When I was little (like 9/10 years old) my primos dared me to enter a rodeo for Mutton Busting (chasing a sheep around to try to catch it)
A CD of Selena stays in my car at all times, and yes, I know all the words
Hope those were fun enough for you, Angel.
And I hope you have a good day today.
The emails continued for about a week and a half, Javier slowly became more comfortable with the virtual communications. Angel was bubbly, and sweet, always asking him questions and always interested in hearing about his day or what his favorite book was. It was either his loneliness or a newfound desperation that had his heart skipping when the sound of new mail pinged from his desktop.
It felt a bit strange to have such normal exchanges with Angel and be reminded of the circumstances with his bank statement for the charges that the service takes monthly. With how personable Angel has been even via email, he finds himself forgetting what exactly brought them together. Maybe all the mystery and excitement will wear off when the two of you meet, but something deep in his gut is telling him that isn’t going to happen.
He drags himself away from his desk, no response from Angel yet today. All he can think about is how he hopes there’s a new message when he comes back, gathering his things to head to the lecture hall for the third week of Sociology of Deviance.
In the beginning, he thought this class was going to be a chore to do. Stuck onto his schedule last minute, had new material to cover, and had an annoying Dean of Faculty checking in on him much more often because of it. However, a handful of sessions in, he’s got a bit of a skip in his step to rush over there, the familiar jump in his stomach when he thinks about you.
The pretty fall floral dresses you’ve started wearing with the change in weather, large cardigans pulled over the top. You’ve worn a few flannels over your shoulders, clearly oversized and he feels a prick of jealousy whenever he sees you in them.
Do you have a boyfriend? Are those shirts his?
What would you look like in one of his button-downs?
Christ, the thoughts won’t stop no matter how hard he tries. Another reason why he is attempting to completely throw himself into this new “arrangement”, hoping it would be a means to an end to his crush on his student.
That’s what it is. He has a fucking crush.
He hasn’t had a crush in years.
Laying everything out for the class session, he starts writing the discussion points on the board. At the sound of the door violently swinging open and a rumble of loud footsteps rushing, he looks over his shoulder to see you, belongings in your arms and clearly flustered. His jaw drops open to ask if you’re alright, making a burning flash of eye contact with you before you drop your head, embarrassed, and find your seat.
Turning back to the chalkboard, he shakes his head minutely, rolling his shoulders before continuing his writing, white powder from the chalk coating his fingers. Instead of his normal thoughts of you, he keeps fighting the urge to ask if you’re okay. In the short time he’s known you if you could even say that about your dynamic, he knows it’s very unusual for you to come in that incomposed. He wipes the residue off on his pants, facing the class. 
While he teaches, his eyes continue to wander to you, oddly quiet when you would normally be engaged in the discussion. That kid Alex, obnoxious from the jump, is taking up far too much air time in this class, and Javier can’t help the annoyance on his face as he leans back against the desk, arms crossed over his chest as he waits for this kid to finish his long-winded, and incorrect answer.
You scoff audibly at a point that Alex made, piquing Javier’s attention. The two of you make eye contact again, and Javier suddenly unravels one arm from his chest, holding it up toward Alex.
“Excuse me, Alex, I respect your points but I think there might be some counters to your arguments. I want to be able to hear them before we move on,” Javier calls out your name, and his head snaps to you, nodding encouragingly, “What were your thoughts?”
“Oh, um, I was going to say that I don’t think that socioeconomic or social standing is the only explanation for the makeup of the prison system. And I think it’s pretty naive to think that it’s only rich people that get off with less severe punishments.” Javier watches your shoulders tense a bit at the obvious eye roll from Alex, the pen in between your fingers bouncing with nerves.
“Do you mind expanding on that? I’m interested in what you think is another reason,” Javier holds eye contact with you, the slightest smile on his face to reassure you to stand your ground in the argument.
“I mean, to me, It’s pretty obvious that the biggest reason is racial discrimination in the legal process. White people dominate the political landscape and the prejudices, even unconscious bias, contribute to the makeup of the incarcerated population. Judges will give favorable or less severe punishments to white defendants, and of course, class biases are a thing, especially because of the cost of criminal defense, but I think the overt, umbrella reason is racial discrimination in the legal process. It’s built into the systems of government, which is pretty depressing…”
You trail off and laugh awkwardly at the silence in the room, some classmates nodding in agreement while some are unphased, uninterested. 
“That’s good. That’s exactly what I was hoping would be brought up by someone,” Javier nods to you, pointing in your direction before he rounds the desk to start writing on the board for students to take down in their notes.
In your seat, you start to copy down into your notebook, glancing up to see him look over his shoulder at you. One corner of his mouth lifts, a smile in his eyes as you try to bite back your own grin that threatens to expose how much you enjoyed his short praises.
From: TheOnlyAngel
Subject: Wanna Meet Up?
Hiiii Javi
I’ve had such a shitty day today, but honestly, I was still excited to be able to come home and talk to you. :)
Do you think you’d be interested in meeting in person this weekend? I’m free Saturday night if you are. LMK!
Hope your day was better than mine!
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Plans were made to meet Saturday night around eight o’clock. Javier had chosen a bar he’d become familiar with on those nights when he couldn’t sleep, when the memories of Colombia were too much when he couldn’t stop thinking about those damn boats that were in his backyard.
The place is small, intimate, and quiet enough to hold a conversation — which he knew from the one or two times he’d picked up someone and brought them back to his apartment. There was always some sort of live music, usually some jazz or folksy blues, that could fill any first-date awkward silences.
In his last email to her, Javier told Angel that he’d be in the back of the bar, at a table for two, wearing jeans and a red short-sleeve button-up shirt. He makes sure to arrive first, getting there a bit overly early at 7:30 to snag a table and order himself a drink to calm his nerves. Pounding the glass back on the bar top, he orders another whiskey neat to nurse until she arrives.
This is a different feeling than he’s had before a date. Nerves aren’t normally his thing when it comes to women, but something about this night feels higher stakes than before.
Get it together, Javi. It’s a date, if it goes horribly, you don’t have to do it again. Plus, she doesn’t even need to be interested in you, this is her job.
When you arrive at the tiny, hole-in-the-wall bar, you nod thanks to the man holding the door for you, rolling your eyes when you get a comment from him that you didn’t ask for.
“Nice tits, sweetheart.” He slurs and sends you a wink that is definitely more of a blink. You slip past him without issue, scanning the small area for the man with dark hair and a red shirt on. At this point, with how many times you’ve done this, you’re normally not nervous to meet these men in person. It’s something you’re obligated to do, like showing up for any other job, and that’s how you treat it.
But this time around, something’s different. Talking with Javier has actually been….nice? He’s responsive and wants to get to know you, never taking more than a day to get back to you. He’s asked you more questions about yourself than anyone else has before and he always, always wants to hear about your day. If you weren’t careful, you could see yourself getting attached.
Well, getting attached if he’s anything like you’ve imagined him. Or who you’ve imagined him to be.
The only red shirt you can spot is on a man sitting at a table toward the back, facing away from the door and toward the stage in the corner where a jazz trio is playing a low, crooning song. Biting back a smile, you start to make your way over to him, admiring him from behind.
It’s broad shoulders and a strong neck, muscles flexing as he adjusts in his seat. His dark, chocolatey hair is combed nicely, so much so that you can’t help but have the thought of running your fingers through it and messing it up.
Dressed in a black dress with blotted red lips, you weave in between people, ignoring anyone else as you keep your eyes on the man you’re here to meet. Javi stays facing forward, watching the band play even as you stand behind him, cheated to his side a bit. Holding your breath, you lean closer and tap him on his shoulder.
“Um, excuse me, Javi?”
At the sound of his name, Javier turns over his shoulder to his right, a smile on his face already from the honeyed kindness in her voice. She did really sound like an angel for a second there before he realized where the sound was coming from.
“Yeah, I’m Ja—“ The sound stops in his throat when he is facing you. Your supple lips with the dainty Cupid’s bow, rouged cheeks, and gentle smile; normally in a nice dress or cardigan in class, but here you’re wearing much less material, more of your skin on display.
What would it be like to kiss it?
No. That is not ever going to happen.
Those doe eyes hold an innate tenderness that he couldn’t imagine ever being privy to, but here he was, under the stare of those and it was making him sweat. He can only imagine what he looks like to you at the moment, eyes wide and mouth blubbering to speak like a fish gasping for air.
You recognized him at the same time, biting the inside of your cheek to hold back the word vomit threatening to come out. If it did, you know you would end up spilling how honestly excited you are that the man you’ve been emailing with has turned out to be Professor Peña. You’ve harbored a bit of a crush on him for the last few weeks, ever since that smile he gave you when you introduced yourself after the first session. It had been burning moments of eye contact, and those gentle encouragements from him.
Hell, after class this week when he praised your counterarguments, you thought about his voice saying “That’s good” over and over while you laid in your bed that night, coming with the image of him over you in record time.
The first word out of his mouth is your name, tone flicked up at the end in a question. He grumbles to himself as he moves to stand up, forgetting his drink on the table.
“Fuck, this is bad…” He whispers under his breath, shaking his head at himself as he runs his hands on the sides of his jeans. “I’m so sorry.”
He steps back to further the distance between you two, awkwardly avoiding your eyes as he attempts to recover his professionalism.
“It’s alr—“
“I had no idea it was you. This is completely inappropriate, I apologize. I should leave, uh, and I completely understand if you need to change out of my class. I know it’s past the cut-off date, but I would help if you needed—”
“Javi — can I call you that?” He considers it for a moment before nodding, rigidity evident in his body, “Javi, it’s alright. You don’t need to apologize, neither of us knew before this moment…But I do have to say, I wouldn’t tell.”
“Uh, I’m sorry — what?”
“I wouldn’t say anything. If you wanted to sit down and have a drink, or a few, and get to know each other like we planned to, I wouldn’t say a word. Even if you weren’t interested after this, I promise, the secret’s safe with me.”
Javier can’t deny how much he was looking forward to meeting the woman he was emailing with. And he can’t deny that he’s had his eyes on you since that first meeting. Hell, he can barely control his thoughts around you.
Of course, it had to be you. The two people he can’t get out of his head have turned out to be only one person, and of course, it’s you.
“If it informs your decision, I would love to get to know you more, Javi.”
He stutters through his thoughts out loud before resigning with a sigh, taking a breath as he forms his response, “Only if you’re comfortable with it.”
“Definitely. Wouldn’t have suggested it otherwise. Now, may I join you?” You gesture to the empty chair and Javi nods quickly.
“Yeah, of course. Here, let me get that.” He visibly relaxes a bit, falling into a routine he knows well. Rounding the small table, he pulls your chair out for you before settling in the seat opposite. Shortly after, a server comes around and takes your drink orders, Javier looking to you to go first. After the order is placed, the server leaves the two of you in silence at the table.
Another beat passes before Javier speaks, saying what you both are thinking, “Sorry, I just, cannot believe it happened to be you.”
“Why’s that?” You ask with a lilt of humor in your voice, sitting up in the chair to move toward him, “Don’t think I would be into all this?”
“Yeah, I guess so, but—Actually I should not say what I was about to say,” he chuckles and shakes his head.
“Oh, c’mon, what were you gonna say?”
“Nope, definitely not going to tell you, sweetheart,” he smirks at you and then adjusts in his seat awkwardly, “Oh, ‘m sorry, I shouldn’t have sa—“
“Javi. It’s fine, just relax. You’re not making me uncomfortable at all if that’s what you’re worried about,” you give him a sincere smile, reaching across to hold his arm that’s lying on the table, “It’s actually kind of nice to have those nicknames coming from you and not some other creepy men who contact me.”
“Why’s that?” He echoes your question from moments before, eyebrows raising in curiosity and the same smirk growing on his face, glancing down at your hand on him.
“I shouldn’t say what I was about to say,” you attempt to imitate his voice, laughing at the end when he gives you a look that says ‘Really?’.
“I don’t sound like that, cariño. But that’s a good try. Now what is it that makes me nicer than the other men you’ve seen?”
‘That’s a good try.’ This man.
“And how do you know that? I could be nailing what you sound like to other people. You hear your voice differently.” You poke his arm pointedly, moving your hand toward your lap again. Before it leaves the table, Javier stretches his arm across, catching your fingers with his. He holds them loosely in his, running his thumb across your knuckles as he keeps eye contact with you.
“I’ve heard my voice enough in press conferences that were televised, angel. I don’t sound like that,” he uses his free hand to take a sip of his whiskey, “And don’t try to change the subject. I wanna know what you are gonna say.”
“I could say the same thing to you. We both have our secrets tonight,” you take a sip of your drink and shrug, “You tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine.”
“Nice negotiating, cariño, but I think I’d have to have a few more of these if I was going to share mine.” He raises his glass a couple of inches off the table, the amber liquid sloshing around before he sets it down again.
You’d say anything to get him to keep giving you praise like that all the time.
Grabbing your own glass, you lift it to him and smile, “Well, only one of these and I’ll be spilling all my dirty secrets.”
Javier’s jaw notches to the side as you say that, biting his cheek before he takes his hand from yours and runs his thumb across his bottom lip to the corner.
Inside his chest, he feels his heart beating faster and feels his blood rushing south, that same damn smile of yours that you give him from rows away in class doing the same damn thing it does to him there.
Half of him is wondering how he can make you smile like that all the time.
The other half wants to wipe that smile off of your face and have you whimpering.
What would you look like under him?
Jesus Christ, he’s way far gone.
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Javier’s had three more whiskeys on top of his previous three. You’ve had about four drinks yourself.
The evening has devolved into something much more casual, breezy; conversation has flowed between you two, finding things in common and swapping stories that have the other laughing. From the serious professor in class, this more easy-going Javi is refreshing to see and definitely makes your crush a lot worse, somersaulting stomach and warm, syrupy flood across your whole body.
The subject has returned to the evening’s secrets, you asking him again to share what he was going to say.
“Please, Javi, it can’t be any more embarrassing than what mine is. I’ll tell you what I was gonna say if you promise to tell me.” You extend your arm, fingers closed into a fist beside your pinky.
He looks at your hand, debating internally before deciding ‘fuck it’ and links his little finger with yours.
“I promise, cariño,” he smiles and nods for you to share, “What are you dying to tell me so that you can hear what I was gonna say?”
“The affection from you is nice cause, I don’t know, you feel…safe. When I first started, I was getting some weird men that wanted to meet, and—This has just been fun,” you resign with a soft smile, “Plus it helps that you’re hot. Got the whole smoldering cop with the porn stache thing.”
“Smoldering cop with the porn stache? I didn’t realize that was a thing,” he laughs, the crinkles next to his eyes deepening before he takes your hand lying on the table, “I’m glad this has been fun for you. After all that shock and awkwardness at the beginning, I think it’s been really nice to get to know you, angel.”
“Alright, I shared my little secret, you share yours now.”
Javier sighs, his thumb rubbing back and forth across your skin. He takes a moment to speak before he meets your eyes, a resistant smirk on his face, “You are really gonna make me say this?”
“You pinky promised! I didn’t make you do that, there’s no coercion here, Javier.”
“Fine, fine. You’re too quick, cariño,” he squeezes your fingers with his, “I was gonna say before that I couldn’t believe it happened to be you ‘cause—It’s stupid, really, but I’ve had a bit of a crush on you since that first class, querida.”
“A crush? The sexy Professor Peña has a crush on me?”
“Couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. Can’t keep ‘em off of you, cariño. Too beautiful. And you’re fucking on it all the time, so goddamn smart. I really am convinced you should be teaching for me,” he glances down sheepishly, feeling exposed from his tipsy confession.
The surface of your cheeks heats up, feeling a tingle down your spine when his eyes meet yours again. Leaning forward across the table, you bite your bottom lip as you drink him all in.
“D’you think I’ll ever be able to properly pay attention in class again after that?”
“You better, sweetheart. Just cause I’ve got a crush on you doesn’t mean you’ll get a good grade. Not gonna go easy on you. Fair’s fair.”
“Mm, I don’t mind it hard. I prefer it that way, actually. Makes it much more satisfying when you finish.” Your tongue wets your lips before you take your bottom one between your teeth, watching as Javier’s eyes darken at your double entendre.
He shakes his head, giving you a knowing look about your mischievous word choice, “Better be ready for a challenge then, angel.”
“Always, Peña.”
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It’s late now, verging on turning into Sunday; the hours flew by with each other. Javier noticed the time on his watch, the crowd in the bar was sparse in spots that were full when he got there. When he looks at you, your eyelids look heavy, and those normally wide and bright eyes, eager and excited, look drowsy and content, so close to slipping closed and turning your mind off for the night.
“You ready to head out, angel? We’ll go find you a cab.” He asks with a subtle smile on his face, scooting out of his chair and standing, offering a hand to you.
“Yeah, m’ready.” You rise after taking his hand, hiking your small rectangular bag over your shoulder and stepping closer to him as he switches which hand is holding yours. Right in right, he grips yours from the outside of your palm, fingers lacing together as he presses his left into the small of your back, weaving between the patrons and out the front door.
The air is crisp when the door breaks open, cool air surrounding your warm, alcohol-blanketed bodies. Javier's touch still surrounds you, your right shoulder pressing into his chest when you turn to say something to him.
He takes a step back, allowing you the space to rotate fully in his arms, meeting his eyes and feeling a grin toy at your lips.
“Tonight was nice.”
“It was. Think I should be saying thanks to you. M’glad you had me stay.”
“Yeah? Well, m’happy to hear that cause I was gonna say, if you wanted to keep this up — meeting up, the arrangement all of that — if you wanted to keep it up for the semester, I would happily keep the secret. Y’know, you help me, I help you kind of thing. We just have fun.”
Javier considers the offer, ticking his jaw as he debates internally. On one hand, it’s a massive risk. The two of you could be seen out with each other, or if anyone noticed anything different in class, it could jeopardize his job, and possibly your degree. But on the other hand, if every night with you is like this one, he’s hard-pressed to say no. You’re funny and intelligent and beautiful — sure, there’s the element of how you two met and what happens behind the scenes, money taken out of his account monthly and forwarded to you through the service — but with the way you’ve had his heart pumping from your sweetness and his cock half hard at how turned on you have him constantly, he really can’t find a fuck to give about the risk.
“Alright. If you are in for it, I definitely am, angel,” he grins at you, his tongue poking out to wet his lips when his eyes flit to yours, the faint red lipstick of yours still holding strong.
“Good, Javi. That’s good,” your voice is a purr, a smug smirk playing at your lips when he leans in closer, walking you back towards the brick facade of the bar. His knees nearly give out when he hears those small praises, already waiting for the next time you speak them to him.
“Can I…?” he trails off, the tip of his nose only an inch from yours.
“You can kiss me, Javi.”
Without wasting another second, he catches his lips with yours, gentle at first with soft, delicate kisses exchanged. His tongue slides along your bottom lip, a breathy whimper parting your mouth enough for him to lick into it, melting his tongue with yours. One of his hands moves to hold your jaw, the other stagnant at your hip. A step closer brings him flush against you, quiet moans muffled into each other’s mouths.
The roughness of the brick is harsh against your bare skin on display, the contrasting sensations pooling arousal in between your legs. Javier tastes like tobacco, whiskey, and mint gum; an interesting combination but an intoxicating one. His hand at your hip moves around to your ass, pulling you off the wall slightly and against him, his growing bulge felt against your torso.
Before the two of you can get completely lost in each other, you pull away, hands on his chest. A taxi pulls up at that moment, honking its horn in question if you need a ride. You wave to him and ask for one minute with your fingers, turning back to Javi standing in front of you a bit breathless.
“I should go. Got some reading to do for this class on Monday that I’ve got.”
“Oh, yeah? Hope your professor hasn’t been killing you with the readings,” he smirks back at you.
“Nah, he hasn’t been killing me but seems like he does really wanna give it to me. Must have some high expectations,” your voice is coated with a lilt of teasing, winking at him as you slip from his arms.
He follows close behind to walk you to the cab, a hand finding your back and dropping down to graze his fingers across your ass.
“Think you’ll have no trouble exceeding those expectations, angel. Plus you could always ask for one-on-one tutoring or some extra credit.” It’s his turn to wink, opening the rear door for you and helping you in.
“Glad I have your confidence, Javi. Here, gimme your phone I’ll give you my number.” You reach out and he fumbles it from his pocket, passing it off to you. The information is quickly entered and saved, handing his device back to him and looking up at him from the seat of the cab.
“I’ll be waiting for a call, Javi. And I’ll see you Monday, Professor Peña.” You give him one last look, giggling as you shut the door and he hits the top of the taxi before you drive away, standing there with an idiotic smile on his face.
Javier grew up religious, his mamá dragging him to church every Sunday. He’s only been back to church at the major holidays he’s been home, leaving behind any spiritual side of him. All the concepts of eternal souls and heaven and hell meant nothing to him.
However, tonight, he felt an inkling to believe that heaven was real, and he had met an angel.
His angel.
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tagging those from last time: @northernbluess @swiftispunk @joelsversion @mrsquill @yazsos @cartoon-garbage04 @sugadolly @ilovepedro @lovers-liability @deathwife @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @undrthelights @atticrissfinch @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @casa-boiardi @wannab-urs @fishingforpike @msjarvis @walkintotheriveranddisappear @sugadolly @tbniarq @vee-bees-blog @spidermanfrog @belliezz @joelsflannel
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timpac-capstone · 5 months
Spring Update 3: Sound and Voice Acting
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Most sound effects that I used, or at least the good ones, came from splice.com. They are a paid subscription but they do have a 1 week free trial you can use. Just download a video & audio recording software like OBS and you can record the sounds from the website that way. I would use YouTube for the more popular and specific sounds that everybody has heard before, so a stock wipe transition or the Tickle Belt Theme from Sponge Bob. If you try to only download sounds from YouTube it may take a while to find something that is useful or to find a variety of the same sound that all sound good, such as the punch sound effects.
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Sometimes it might be worth it to do some foley work yourself. I had the most trouble finding a good cloth sound effect for the blanket and the empty bags. At first, I tried using my actual blanket but it did not give the desired sound I wanted and my bedframe itself is really loud whenever I move. So I experimented with a few other cloth-based materials and finally, I grabbed my towel from the bathroom and it was perfect. It had the right amount of subtleness that I wanted and I could control the length of time I ruffled it. Other places I used foley work was sifting through the popcorn bucket by making my own bag of popcorn and then sifting through that, the crunching sounds of the popcorn were actually me eating Doritos cause crunches from chips are louder than crunches from popcorn, the VHS tapes moving around was me fidgeting with a VHS tape since I had 71 of those laying around and I asked my mom to bring our old VHS player up to Hoboken so I can record any subtle sounds it makes, and then Dillon washing his face was me washing my face with CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser.
The Zoom mics can pick up a lot of background noise, so did my HyperX Solocast, and many of the sounds from YouTube. This video shows a variety of methods you can get rid of background noise in Adobe Audition, highly recommend giving it a watch if this is what is bugging you.
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It's also a good idea to record some white noise for your animation, this includes indoor scenes. Usually, when there is absolute silence between pauses when characters are talking it feels awkward or when there are only footsteps and clothes moving. It's also a great way to distinguish different settings from each other. Dillon's room uses the white noise from my own room while the white noise in the brain room is from the bunker. I tried using the same white noise throughout the animation but whenever we transitioned to a different setting it felt like the same place rather than two separate settings.
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The one thing I severely regret not doing is not taking advantage of some of the Music Tech equipment Stevens has. They have an entire soundproof booth for voice recording in the back left of the studio on the third floor of Kiddie 350 and a bunch of professional microphones and headphones that sound 1000x better than the stuff I was using. I have a Music Tech friend who is also a monitor at the studio and I have known about this since the fall semester. The reason why I didn't do it earlier was because I was just shy about people looking at me trying to voice act. I also didn't know what was the policy about Vis Tech students using the Music Tech stuff but I'm sure if I just emailed some professor about it we could have worked something out, especially since the Music Tech people use equipment from the Fablab all the time. They can also help you out with sound effects as well, I had a tough time trying to find a music cue for the last scene when Dillon closes his eyes. I wanted it to be something like the Smiling Friends ding music cue when they get somebody to smile but I couldn't find it by itself on Youtube. That was until I showed it to my Music Tech friend and he plugged a bunch of things into the keyboard and I got exactly what I needed. However, I only used these good mics for stuff like grunts, snores, and screams. If I used my normal mic it would either peak past the point of it being fixable or it was too quiet and the background noise would always creep in. Also, since I was still unsure of bringing in other actors at this point it's going to be much harder to coordinate a time when all 3 of us, me, my Music Tech friend, and my actor, could be in the studio together at the same time. To keep audio quality consistent I decided it would be best just to use my mic for actual dialogue and the good mic for stuff my mic physically can't perform, also just to make my life easier cause it took a while to get some of these takes. For any future Stevens students that are reading this you 100% know at least one Music Tech major since a lot of them will take the art classes as humanities so it doesn't hurt to reach out to them and ask if they can bring you to the studio, the worst they can say is no.
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Instead of the booth, I used the Fablab equipment room for recording the female Vis Tech/Theater Club student voice actor. It's pretty soundproof in there except for a vent that makes a tiny rattle noise but that can easily be taken out if you watch the YouTube video I linked, just record some dead noise as a sample and you'll be fine. However, I had access to this place because I am a Fablab monitor so I can't guarantee that the faculty will let you do what I did. Also, even though I did say this place is soundproof, what I mean by that is that it doesn't echo when you talk into the mic and doesn't pick up a lot of white noise. But the walls are thin so if it's an active day you can hear people from the teacher's offices or the laser cutter room. Also, Fablab people are constantly gonna walk in to get equipment and you'll just be in their way so it's best to go in there outside of their active hours which I highly doubt they would let you do. But again it doesn't hurt to ask.
For the actual voice acting part I'd say, just have fun with it. You obviously don't have the budget to hire one professional voice actor let alone several professional voice actors so the only way to get a good performance is just by experimenting. I have never done any voice performative work or any stage acting. The only actual acting I've done is in my videos and a lot of that acting is pretty much the same character so to play like 6 different characters and trying to make them each distinctive was a big challenge. And if it wasn't obvious from this post I do get very self-conscious whenever I do show my performative pieces. But somewhere in February I just said "Fuck it, I'm never gonna see these people ever again after this is over, I don't care if this is the most cringy shit anybody has ever seen, I need these voice clips for the critique". Once I stopped caring about people judging me the voice-acting part became a lot easier, obviously the first take you get from yourself or from others is not going to be what you want because your job as the director is trying to find that voice. Sometimes that means randomly moaning into the mic from exhaustion because you can't figure out how to sound like a fourth grader and then playing as an anime character cause you thought it was funny but eventually, you'll find it. Also if you get your friends involved try to make it fun for them too cause they are in an unfamiliar situation as well and they are pretty much doing you a favor even if you're paying for their time. This girl that I hired I was under the impression that she didn't like me so even asking her to be a part of my project was a bit nerve-wracking but as I keep saying it won't kill you to just ask and surprisingly she agreed. And then on the day of the recording, I just asked her simple questions like "How has your day been so far?" and then tried to have a mini conversation about that or show some of the funny bloopers from when I was voice acting. I believe it helped loosen us up a bit to each other and the further we got into the session the less awkward I felt. Also, doing all the voices on your own first, even if it's a really shitty voice, can make it significantly easier for your actors to understand what type of performance you want them to go for.
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Finally, we move on to the actual sound mixing. Once you clean up all the audio in Adobe Audition you should then port all of those into Premier Pro, including all the takes you don't want. When you splice clips together you never know what take from one actor might work the best with another take from a different actor. With the female actor, I think we did like 5 or 6 takes to get the ending part of the teacher exactly the way I thought would work, and then I ended up using the 2nd or 3rd take because it flowed better when I cut it up a bit and played it back with my performance in context with hers. Other times I would speed up/slow down/reverse or pitch correct certain sound effects I thought were bad at first but then became what I wanted them to be when I did those manipulations. Something I would not recommend doing is leaving all of this stuff last minute, most of the sound mixing I did the day before the Capstone exhibition which drove me insane. I had to constantly replay the same clips and listen to the same sounds and jokes over and over again throughout the day to see if everything was playing well together and then obviously I would have to play everything from the beginning once it was rendered to make sure the sound was consistent throughout the whole animation. You don't want to force your audience to manually turn up and down their headphones as they watch your piece otherwise they won't watch it all the way through. Definitely give yourself a week because the sound in an animated short is just as important as the visuals themselves.
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clarenecessities · 3 years
so! i was fired for time theft. not for slacking off, but for answering emails from my apprentice during work, on my work email, because if answering ‘where does this go’ counts as work then i owe my sister so much backpay
but HR says it’s time theft because i was billing other clients during the time it took to answer those emails, which is kind of.. dumb? like yes logically that makes perfect sense, but you must then consider:
A) the ticket system will not accept increments of less than 1 minute, so while doing a rash of tickets which take 20 seconds i would backdate them and use the remaining time to catch up on other work duties, like answering emails.
B) the ticket system is slow as shit & will often take up to 5 minutes to load a page.
C) every single tech but Josh bills clients for time scheduled, not time worked, regardless of what they are doing during that time. our CEO tried to bill somebody for 10:14-3:40 yesterday on a ticket that just said ‘this is a duplicate, closing out’. if multitasking is time theft, what is that?
D) HR told me to time thieve my old company. i was coming in at around 50 hours out of the 60 on our contract, and she told me to make it take 60. so it’s a problem if it benefits anyone other than us, i guess.
she says they warned me about it in january before my contract for the mail room was up but like, as i recall, they told me not to do any more work for my old company. which i agreed to, and with! i simply do not consider answering emails to be equivalent to the reports i wrote, or the labor i provided, or anything beyond a courtesy akin to giving somebody directions to a gas station.
so i don’t know. the part of me that’s deeply paranoid says HR hates me and has been trying to get rid of me but that’s mostly because of how nitpicky she’s been about my timesheets & the Etymology Incident, she’s always been nice to me. if visibly uncomfortable with most of my interactions with coworkers. ‘time theft’ seems like a pretty handy excuse to get out of severance pay
i think more likely it’s the ongoing litigation with my former company. even though Sabrina isn’t their employee, they consider answering those emails to be a violation of some unspoken edict that we not interact with anyone affiliated with Old Company.
it could just be that they didn’t know what to do with me. the only assignment i had hinged on another coworker being free to meet with me and she was out all last week, so i had to fill my own time. maybe i just didn’t fill it well enough. i don’t know!
wish i could have spoken to my supervisor instead of HR tbh. i feel like she trusts me more, at least. i’m not gonna sue them or even angle for severance, i just wanna know what the deal is--’cause time theft clearly isn’t the issue. just subtract it from all the breaks i worked through :/
may reach out to them for clarification tbh. like kind of just want it to be over but also know it’ll look pretty bad on the ol’ resume and i don’t think future employers will take “it didn’t occur to me to hide my instinct to help people” as an excuse lmao. not going back. don’t want to go crawling back to old company even if i’m legally a free agent, at least not until they make some changes to their whole set up.
would love to actually have time for creative pursuits though. and cleaning. regardless of what i do job-wise i’m gonna take a while to not be incredibly stressed out and exhausted. at least not beyond what The Illnesses dictate
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skyhook-sly · 4 years
Full Speed Ahead - Cyberpunk 2077 - Aftermath
This body is not right. The legs are too short, the waist is little too stiff. The hips are flexible, but somehow tiny. This body doesn't have enough ass to speak of. His pants are always baggy in the ass now. This stomach can't handle coffee and the right knee is a little janky. Still, it's not all bad. Graceful arms, square sharp shoulders, strong calves, high arched feet. It was surprising what a difference something like a pair of feet could make; he could turn and dodge and stop on an enny with half the effort. He walked different. The swaying, leg-swinging lope that used to suit him made these legs ache. He found himself walking faster, shoulders forward like the body was looking to tackle someone, knees punching forward, heels striking the ground like hammers. He caught sight of it in a shop window, himself walking along in this body and the recognition stabbed him.
V, who hustled through the world like an army late to some battle. Even if he was just going out for a burrito. Long strides, solid steps, arms swinging, shoulders forward, always forward, like he was leaning into the wind.
Maybe he was like that, intense, in motion, never resting, hardly thinking, because of the shape of the body. Sharp, pointy, springy, falling forward instead of moving forward, falling forever and only the next step catching him before he hit the ground. He only had two speeds. Full stop and all engines forward. V, who never slowed down. Even at the end, he had run into the light that carried him away.
He tried to take care of the body. It was all that was left. There was an empty apartment where there was a shower that was always too cold, a computer too full of emails that couldn't be answered. Where the sound of the AC was too familiar and sounded like loneliness. Where there was a closet full of somebody else's clothes and a cat that didn't like him any more.
He didn't smoke. He drank little. He went back to Vik's, as hard as it was, and had everything checked out and tuned up. Tried to explain to Vik that he didn't choose this. The choice was never his and when the choice was made, he couldn't argue, because the chip had done its work and V had been made a trespasser in his own body. A body that would destroy itself trying to get rid of him. He didn't say, "Because, Vik, I felt it. Felt his weariness. His pain. Why make him stay? Six, seven, eight months of struggle, suffering, while his body tore itself apart? He didn't want that, wanted to be free. I let him go. Had to. Couldn't hear him, feel him, feel that exhaustion, and try to make him suffer on alone. Alone in his head, no one to bear it with him. I couldn't abandon him. So I had to let him go."
Maybe it didn't need to be said. Vik didn't seem to hate him. Didn't like him, obvious, but didn't hate him. That's where he dropped off the cat, at Vik's. Besides, he saw a lot of travel in his future. Not a great life style for a cat and the man he hates. Vik patched up the scratches and Misty promised to feed the little shit. Good enough.
Then there was this apartment. Anonymous, empty, dusty, bare. Like no one had ever been here. More a holding cell then a home. He'd never lived here. It was only a place to sleep between long walks around the city, trying to find someplace that wasn't familiar, some building he hadn't broken into, some lot he'd never hid in, some club where he'd never made the bodies hit the floor. He could remember it all now, as if he had been controlling these hands when they broke the latches and jacked into access points and put bullets through the brains of street rats. He could remember how it felt, the rush of a good hack, the cold patience of lying in wait for a gang guard to turn his back, the thrill of taking an augmented jump off a roof top onto to some Tyger Claw's back, the satisfaction of feeling warm blood run over his hands when he slit a throat. He remembered what it felt like to not fear the grenade, to welcome the bullets slamming shrapnel from the walls around him, take the bit in his teeth and dare death to come for him.
He almost wished he didn't. It blurred the line.
Two days after he left the apartment and dumped his bag in the holding cell, he was out walking and three goons stepped up on him, swaggering and talking tough. They barely had time to demand money before his hands came up with the pistol, not Rogue's, the other one, the proud piece of steel with all the accessories, the high-falluting killing machine, and three men lay dead at his feet before he could stop the hands from doing their work. He saw this face reflected in the dead gangers' car window. Couldn't stop staring. Unsure of who he was. He put the gun under his pillow that night, hoping for dreams. He couldn't sleep.
He has started hearing echoes. A familiar voice, his new voice, speaking old words. Sounds of laughter and cursing. He woke up one morning with a memory of taste on his tongue; the flavor of some other mother's cooking. The hands move on their own sometimes. Staring at the TV, some stupid sitcom nobody remembers after they've watched it, realizing the hands have broken down the proud gun, they have been cleaning it, they are putting it back together. He'd never even used it himself, not by choice, but the hands had. The hands had used it, they loved it, they took care of it still. He let them do their work.
Impending insanity didn't give him any thrill of fear. But it made him uncertain. He didn't like it, the uncertainty. Didn't like remembering a ghost everywhere he went. Didn't like living alone in a body that had secrets of its own. Didn't like remembering the feeling of duality he'd never feel again. Hated the emptiness, the hollow ache, like something sharp near the heart was missing.
He wouldn't try to escape it, though. He wouldn't make the hands lift the gun so he could stare down the dark steel throat, hoping he wouldn't see the bullet before it blasted through his eye. He wouldn't do it. For the sake of a weary man that he'd never abandoned, he wouldn't.
He bought a bus ticket. Where to? Anywhere but here. He went in the body he had. He went falling forward, arms swinging, heels pounding, shoulders forward. He couldn't leave it all behind, the killing hands were his now, the sharp gravelly voice, the somber eyes. Maybe he could outrun the loneliness, though. If he really really tried, full speed ahead.
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silveraccent · 4 years
Break The Ice || Grace & Kaden, ft. Regan
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @chasseurdeloup & @kadavernagh SUMMARY: Grace finally meets her boss’s boyfriend and asks a few questions. Regan overhears and breaks up their party. 
It wasn’t often that Grace found herself bored while at work. She could hear Regan’s voice, if you’re bored, I’ll find something for you to do. Though, she had to admit, she was perfectly fine sitting at her desk doing nothing. If she voiced that, though, she was sure there would be problems. Though, it certainly helped when there were no autopsies scheduled. For once, she felt like the morgue was slow moving. For that, she was thankful. The sound of the front door opening had Grace perking up. She moved to her office door and opened it, expecting to see either Regan or Cece. Instead, she was met face to face with Kaden, Regan’s boyfriend. She wondered how Regan would feel about her meeting him, but she decided she didn’t care much to hide away in her office. “Hello,” Grace greeted him as she rolled her chair into her doorway. “You’re R- Dr. Kavanagh’s boyfriend, right?” She asked with a tilt of her head. It wasn’t usually her method, being nosy about somebody’s personal life, but because Regan was so rigid, and because she actually had one outside of work (a shocker to Grace when she first found out), she wanted to know a little more about this mysterious mouse saving, mime-hating man. 
Kaden knew that if he was bringing Regan a coffee, he had to go straight past the suite and to her office. Rules and what not. He knew they were there with good reason and considering it was meant to be a nice gesture, it helped if it was done in a way that didn’t actively piss her off. He’d let her know he was swinging by on his break but he knew full well it was a 50-50 shot if she’d see the message in time to meet him at her office door there or if she even planned on pausing from her work for the moment. It never bothered him, seeing her briefly was just a bonus. It was strange that the other staff, receptionist, janitor on occasion, seemingly recognized him. Security always waved him through. Putain, did he really come by that often? It sounded like she was actually on her way so he sat there outside of her office, sipping his own coffee, waiting. His brow furrowed as Grace wheeled on by. “Hi,” he said, blinking at the woman he didn’t quite recognize. Was she new? Had to be. Intern? She seemed young enough. Did Regan take those? Would she dare? “Uh, I usually go by Kaden, but yeah, I am.” Weird. He was used to calling Regan his girlfriend by now but he was certainly not used to the idea of people only knowing him as her significant other. “Sorry if I’m interrupting, just waiting to meet her. She said she was on her way.” He tapped his foot a moment, thinking she might go back to whatever she was doing before. Apparently not. “So who are you? I know Cece but you must be newer.”
Grace had been surprised to hear that Regan had allowed herself to have a boyfriend. Distractions. That’s what Grace would’ve considered her to approach them as. Though, she really didn’t know Regan that well-- just what was told to her by Cece, and what she experienced from her own interactions. Was it rude to assume? Maybe. Though, the plants that she had brought Regan seemed to be an opening into something more familiar, despite Grace having originally stated that she saw no use in co-worker relationships. She and Cece had quickly become friends despite their working relationship. Grace didn’t think that the same would go for Regan, but maybe it would. She seemed to be growing softer. Then again, it could’ve just been Grace’s wishful thinking. Did she really desire to be liked? Grace blinked up at Kaden and smiled at him, sliding out of her chair. She rolled it back with her foot and it hit against her filing cabinet. “You’re not interrupting.” She doesn’t tell him she wasn’t doing anything, doesn’t want it to get back to Regan. “She might be in the lab, I think she had to discuss something with Cece.” Grace leaned against her door frame. “I’m newer, yeah.” Grace gave him a smile. “I’m Grace, I’m Dr Kavanagh’s technician.” She approached him and held out a hand, “you helped answer my questions about the mice, remember?” Maybe Grace was a little hurt that he didn’t remember her. Then again, being afraid of mimes, it must’ve taken up quite a lot of his time. “The girl with the mime break in, remember?” 
“Well glad I’m not interrupting,” Kaden said, nodding awkwardly, not sure how these sorts of things were supposed to go. Normally he was in and out and didn’t see anyone for very long. The most he got was some light teasing from Cece. “I’m sort of used to waiting for her, don’t worry.” He half expected that to be it, for her to walk away, go back to work before Regan came in and caught her slacking. But she didn’t. And he was starting to realize how glad he was that Regan wasn’t his boss. “Ah, Huang. Nice to know you have a first name, too.” He took her hand and gave it a shake. And planned to go back to sitting and waiting quietly. Only she was clearly not planning on that. Great. “So that was you with the mice. Did you ever catch it and set it free? Or are you roommates now?” The problem with online interactions and meetings. Didn’t always know when he ran into them in person. “I’m more concerned about the mime break in, to be honest. You haven’t seen another, have you?” As much as he wanted to just wait for Regan in silence, curiosity got the better of him. “They’re dangerous, you should be careful.” Maybe he could ward off the building from mimes. Was that possible? Could he get Cece to do something? Maybe he’d grab her on his way out. 
It was clear that Kaden wanted to be left alone, she could feel it. Literally. Though, she didn’t have much else to do, and she wasn’t sure when she’d get the opportunity to talk to Regan’s boyfriend again, especially in person. It wasn’t as if they had a reason to run in the same circles. Grace shook his hand, hers tiny in his. “I do, yeah.” Grace crossed her arms over her chest after she dropped her hand from his. “I think they’re gone. I think Blanche scared them off.” She glanced towards the hallway that led the way to the autopsy suite and wondered when Regan would be here to collect Kaden. She wondered, too, if she’d be chastised for not doing her work. For once, she decided she didn’t care. “No, there haven’t been any others. After it happened though, they dropped off a new phone and a wad of cash and a new toaster. That doesn’t sound familiar to your experiences, does it?” Grace was still perplexed at what had happened, but she would be pressed to admit that the grand didn’t help her in more ways than one. The new phone, too. She had had her SE for years. “I’ll make sure to, you know, not get involved with anymore mimes.” Grace eyed him for a moment. Why was he so tall? He had at least 8 inches on her. “There weren’t any cookies, so I think I’ll be fine.” Grace dropped her arms to her side. She hated how formal everybody but Cece had been so far, but she supposed they were a match made in heaven. “You seem a lot more talkative online.” Grace mused with a smile as she turned back towards her office at the sound of her email chiming.
Kaden’s brow furrowed a moment. He heard of a lot of ways to get rid of mice but this was new. “Blanche? So you know Pipsqueak, huh?” Right. Of course she did. Most people in town seemed to run into Blanche one way or another. He should have expected as much. “Good to hear you’re mime free, th-- I’m sorry, what? The mime left you a phone, money, and a toaster?” He stood there, blinking at her a moment, trying to piece together what the hell any of that could mean. Isabelle had sent him some odd gifts but this was almost nice. Too nice. He’d have to investigate it. Somehow. “Yeah that’s a little fucking different than what happened to me. I think you might have gotten lucky.” In a moment of sheer paranoia, Kaden paused and tried to use his hunter senses, see if he could feel anything odd around him. Nothing. No chills down his spine, no crawling sensation at the back of his neck. No wolves and no mimes nearby. He supposed that was good. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he asked. It sounded like an insult. It probably wasn’t. But he was going to take it that way regardless. “Well sorry I didn’t come down here expecting to entertain the autopsy technician. Don’t you have a dead body you’re supposed to be attending or something?” 
“She lives in the same building as me,” Grace explained. She wondered if her friend knew what kinds of nicknames the adults around town had for her. Grace decided that she would let Blanche know later. “I think I got lucky too, I mean--” She let out a laugh, “I was able to pay off some of my student loan, so.” Grace got back into her chair and shimmied her way to her computer using the heels of her feet to do so. She clicked around on her desktop for a moment before calling back to him, “It means that you’re more talkative online. I said what I said.” Maybe she was getting too mouthy with him-- maybe it was the most she’d ever gotten with anyone. Maybe Cece was rubbing off on her. Regan certainly wouldn't like that. She couldn’t sense anything intense coming off of him, but there was certainly something that was mixed with confusion. She wondered why, but kept her own questions to herself. “If I had a dead body to attend to, I’d be there, but sadly there are no dead people gracing our tables today.” Grace wondered if this conversation would get back to Regan. If it did, she’d expect a stern talking to. “Honestly though, I’m finishing up paperwork. My job isn’t all dea-- decedents. It’s sometimes their shoe size, too.” 
“Of course she does.” Now he really needed to make sure that the building was warded from mimes. Blanche, Grace, and Ariana were all there. Kaden wasn’t about to let them be attacked by-- Putain, was he really planning on hunting mimes? How far he’d fallen. He sighed to himself. “Try not to get into too much trouble over there. I don’t know if you met Ariana at all, too, but Blanche is a bit of a trouble magnet. Wouldn’t want to see any of you hurt or shit like that.” Not that he cared that much. Well, alright, he might have to admit Blanche was like the little sister he never wanted someday, and he didn’t want his friend’s sister to get hurt, and there was no need for Regan’s autopsy tech to get swept up in any of the shit that came with this town. “Sure, if you say so.” He rolled his eyes a little as he walked over towards her office and leaned in the doorframe. “Ah, god old paperwork. My least favorite part of my job. I make Gary do most of mine. Guess you get a lot of it being the technician.” He had plenty of paperwork waiting for him later in the day after he left here. Maybe it wasn’t too terrible that Regan was taking her time getting here. “So tell me, what was this decedent's shoe size? I’m just dying to know.”
“Ariana?” She shouldn’t be surprised-- the town wasn’t that large, and with the online system, it was possible that everyone knew everyone. “I met her the day she got her keys, she’s nice.” What kind of trouble Kaden was talking about, Grace figured she already knew. Between Blanche busting into her apartment with a gun and ending up in the hospital, and what with the cats in front of her building with Ariana.. Grace simply gave him a curt nod, “I’ll make sure not to get into any trouble.” Not like she could help it if she did. It was proving difficult for her to stay out of things already. “I’ll make sure they stay out of trouble.” Surface level, it seemed as though she was the most sensible out of the three, although, she didn’t know Ariana all that well to assume anything quite yet, but based on the way that Kaden was speaking to her, Grace let her imagination fly with his words. “I don’t mind it, it gives me time to chill.” She flicked her gaze up to the radio that sat in the corner of her room on the filing cabinet. “I just listen to a lot of music, usually, it makes the time go by fast.” Grace leaned back in her chair once she was satisfied with her response to the email. She looked up at Kaden, “That’s a good joke, but that’s divulging evidence about a decedent, and I think Dr Kavanagh would have my head.” She gave him a smile before swiveling her chair. “Though, I’d say they’re bigger than my feet.” She lifted her leg up as if to show him and plopped it back down against the ground. “What is it you do again?” Grace had recalled Regan telling her he was a cop, but she had thought him to be animal control. “I’d like to set the record straight. I don’t want to call you if I need mouse help, you know.” 
She’s also a werewolf, Kaden thought as Grace called Ari nice. He never knew if he should warn people to be careful around Ari or not. He still couldn’t suss out what his own feelings on her really were. Usually he just ignored any complications or questions. It served him better, made it easier. “Good luck with that,” he said, huffing out a laugh and crossing his arms in front of his chest. Of course she wasn’t going to tell him shit. “You’re right, it would be. But as far as you know I’m asking for a case. I am a cop, after all,” he said like it meant something in this context. It hardly did. He wasn’t a detective, there was no relevant case that he was aware of and he didn’t even know the decedent’s name let alone anything else. Still, he had to give her a hard time. Even if it was clear Regan taught her well. “Plus, not sure shoe size with no other context is exactly divulging shit.” He tilted his head to get a better look at her foot as she raised it up. Damn, that was small. Granted, she was over a half a foot shorter than him. “I think that’s most feet. Doesn’t exactly narrow it down.” His brow furrowed at her question. She asked him about the mice, he knew he told her what his job was. “What do you mean what do I do? I told you, I’m animal control.” He let out a sigh when he realized what the actual confusion was. The one he explained so fucking often it was getting silly. “Right, I’m not pest control. Animal control is a department of the WCPD. Which is why I can just walk on in here.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his badge, showing it to her. “It’s not just because I’m dating your boss.”
“I would like to think that shoe size could insinuate a lot.” Grace blinked up at him before she turned back to her computer, “somebody’s shoe size could solve an entire case, right?” She clicked around on her desktop before she pulled up an unread email. “You just said you’re a cop. Are you a cop, or are you animal control?” Grace clicked off of her email and set her computer to sleep. “Or are they the same thing here?” Grace swiveled in her chair again. She wasn’t sure where her sudden bout of confidence was coming from. Maybe it was the slight arrogance rolling off of him, though, could she be sure that’s what it was? Maybe she just enjoyed sizing herself up to men over seven inches taller than her, especially if they were dating her boss. “Does animal control deal with dead bodies regularly?” She asked as he explained himself. It made sense now, and she wondered why he had let her talk to him about mice for so long without cutting her off. Maybe he wasn’t arrogant, maybe he just knew what he was talking about. “I don’t really visit the WCPD, but I guess I don’t have a reason. You guys always come over here. We have what you want.” Grace pushed up from her chair and turned to her mini fridge, grabbing a can of pear juice. She cracked it open and took a sip, holding the small can in both of her hands. “Do you like where you work?” She asked, “it doesn’t get boring answering questions about mice? Do you get called out to weird situations? Are you why Dr Kavanagh always has fox skulls?” 
“It could. But it would need context. And I have none,” Kaden said with a shrug. “Yeah, I’m both. Same thing. You call me paw patrol, I’ll find a way to make sure Regan gives you more work. Or have you stay late or some shit like that.” Alright, he probably wouldn't do that. But it sounded nice. There were days he wished he had a way to trump Styder like that. Alas, didn’t work that way. He was outranked. “Unfortunately, yeah we deal with a decent number. Lots of people in this town are killed by aggressive animals. But most of my job deals with the living. Educating people on animal laws and keeping people safe, relocating wild animals, getting strays to the shelter and finding them homes, reuniting lost pets.” He always wished those last few were more frequent than the other parts of the job, but the world didn’t work that way. It didn’t take away from those moments, though. And he wouldn’t give them up for the bad. Even then, he always felt like he was helping in whatever way he could manage. “I love it. Even if it means I have to put up with the paperwork. Granted, I’d rather be out in the field any day of the week but it’s fine.” Paperwork was Gary’s problem anyway. “And no, I never get tired of talking about animals. But yeah this whole town is nothing but weird situations. I’m almost shocked when it’s a stray dog that’s honest to god just a stray dog,” he said with a small shrug. He was still almost shocked at how much he enjoyed being a cop some days, but he did. “Yeah the animal skulls are mostly for me. Anyway, how do you like working for Regan? I know you don’t hate paperwork so that’s good. I’m sure she’s a stickler in doing it right down to dotting the last i.”
“I--” Grace stared at him for a moment and let out a laugh, “has somebody called you Paw Patrol? That’s a good one, but I would never.” It wasn’t her place to wonder, but a part of Grace did wonder how Regan and Kaden hit it off so well. Though, she had to admit, they were both funny without trying. She had found an appreciation in ill timed jokes. “That’s...  actually pretty interesting,” She admitted, “I figured it was like, I don’t know-- getting birds out of vents and stuff, but I guess living in a town with a lot of wildlife, things are bound to get a little more complicated.” Grace hadn’t personally come across any rabid animals as of yet, aside from the mouse in her apartment, but she could hardly call that rabid. “It sounds like an important job, nothing like the Paw Patrol.” She wanted to ask him why he knew what the Paw Patrol was, but she bit her tongue. “I think every job comes with paperwork these days.” Truthfully, Grace didn’t mind it so much, it made the day go by faster. Then again, so did sticking her hands deep into somebody’s sternum, but depending on the day, she preferred one over the other. With both Cece and Regan in the same room, things tended to get loud. There was an intensity about Kaden, and it was loud, too, but not in the way that would’ve given her a headache. “What else is it supposed to be if not a stray dog?” She asked, curiosity getting the better of her. She wasn’t sure if she truly wanted to know. “She’s a great boss, really. She’s taught me a lot so far, I’m grateful to have landed this job.” Grace smiled before she looked away from Kaden, “I think that we work well together. Has she said anything about me? Or is that a breach in… what, relationship lines?” She laughed before taking a sip of her drink. 
“Half the fucking detectives and Blanche, that’s who,” Kaden grumbled. Whatever, it was a lot better than half the shit he got called otherwise. “Yeah, there’s some of that still, but this town is the definition of complicated.” He really wished the whole place came with a warning for people who just didn’t know any better. Then again, he supposed the death rate should have indicated that much. “Aggressive wild animal. There are some weird, uh, species in this town. I guess you could say. So if you can’t recognize an animal or what type it might be, just be careful. A lot of them are dangerous in this town.” It seemed pretty clear she wasn’t aware of the supernatural. Great. Two people in the morgue who didn’t know what was really happening in this town. At least there was Cece. “That’s good to hear. She’s really passionate about her job so doesn’t surprise me that she’s teaching you everything she can.” His brow shot up a moment. “I don’t know, has she?” he retorted, a small smirk on his face. “I mostly hear about Rickers, to be honest. And the beard hairs. The rest of you don’t get anywhere near the amount of comments, sorry to say.” He paused a moment and something struck him. “Wait, you knew I was her boyfriend before I even said a word. She talks about me? To co-workers? Not that I-- I just figured, you know, her strict work and personal life lines. And things.” Exhibit A, the fact that he didn’t know Grace’s first name until a few minutes ago. “What did she say about me?”
It seemed as though Grace was constantly warned against the town and what it had to offer. She was told to be careful more times than she could count, even by people who she didn’t know the name of. It didn’t seem as though Kaden were kidding, and why would he? Why would he lie to her? Grace simply nodded at his words, not having much else to provide, because could she argue against dangerous animals? Grace took another sip of her drink before setting it down onto her desk. She crossed her arms over her chest and watched as he lit up with interest. He wanted Regan to talk about him, or maybe he was surprised, Grace couldn’t tell. “That’s disappointing,” Grace said in response to there being little to nothing being said about either her or Cece. At least Cece had been around longer, so if Regan hadn’t been talking about her, then maybe it was a compliment. “She may have let it slip.” Grace had remembered an interaction with Regan about her boyfriend, but couldn’t get much out of her, save for putting two and two together. “Do you want her to talk about you?” Grace asked with a laugh, “she hasn’t said anything, not really. Just…” Grace wondered what she should say, she wasn’t typically the type to stir up something, however the more comfortable she got in her new surroundings, the more she felt at ease with making jokes. Maybe it was Kaden’s interest that really made Grace want to make up something completely ridiculous, or maybe it was all of her time spent with Nell that was making it easier to crack jokes at the drop of a hat. “Just that you’re tall, kind of bony. Or maybe she was talking about a skeleton? I’m not sure, she said something…” Grace tapped her chin before turning back to her chair, dropping into it. “I could be wrong.” 
“Hey if she’s not complaining about you, I’d call it a good thing,” Kaden added with a shrug. “Not to mention the way she talks about Bishop you wouldn’t always know she was talking about Cece. So maybe she has showered you with compliments to me and I just don’t know about it. I guess you’ll have to wait and find out from her yourself how she feels about you.” Grace’s next question hit him like a wave slapping him in the face. He, uh, he didn’t know. “No. Yes. I mean--” His words dropped with a strained breath and he rubbed the back of his neck while trying to pick them up again. “I don’t know. I just didn’t expect her to say too much. Maybe.” Nope, not much better. He could navigate a hunt without any issue but his whole long term relationship thing always got weird to him in the context of other people. It made the whole not caring about what people thought of him thing complicated. And possibly untrue. Yeah, he hated that thought. His mouth pulled into a thin line as he struggled to figure out whether he’d rather Regan did or didn't talk about him at work when Grace elaborated. “Bony? She called me bony like a--” His brow creased as he tried to piece all of this together. “Wait, did she really-- Come on, there’s no way.” Then again, she did like bones a lot. And sometimes said things in the most awkward way possible. Like her description of his hair. Maybe it was actually a compliment. “You know what, don’t tell me. If she thinks I’m a tall bony skeleton with dead rabbit pelt hair and a big fan of fries with gravy and cheese curds, she can tell me herself when she gets he--” Out of the corner of his eye, Kaden spotted movement and turned to see Regan. How long had she been standing there? “Hey. Uh, brought coffee. And met your technician.”
There were voices in the hall -- a tangle of conversation, as Regan emerged from the lab. She recognized both voices at once. Kaden and his French accent; he was either here for information about a decedent or just visiting, and Huang, who should have been in her office looking through some medical histories, doing literally anything else. The thought of wasted time made her temper flare, but more importantly, her stomach sank as she realized that they were likely meeting for the first time. She never wanted to blend her personal and professional lives, did everything she possibly could to avoid that outcome, but right now, that seemed unavoidable. Maybe this could be salvaged. What were they talking about? If it was just a decedent, then all wasn’t lost. Bony? She was torn, for a moment. She didn’t like the two parts of her life meeting like an estuary in the morgue. Not saying anything to Kaden would be morally wrong -- it would lead to hurt feelings from both parties. Responding to him with anything more than a cool hello would change how Grace thought of her. Not for the first time, Regan’s jealousy toward Dr. Rickers spiked; he didn’t have to concern himself with such matters. Everyone respected an older male pathologist. 
Kaden, of course, caught sight of her. “Oh, um, hello. I can see that.” Regan nodded, her eyes trained on her autopsy technician for a moment, before softening, just slightly, on Kaden. “You’re not bony, Kaden. I mean, you are in the sense that you have a skeleton inside of you. Or more accurately, you are a skeleton. Well, really a brain within a-- never mind. I’m aware that you loathe poutine.” She huffed a breath of air from her mouth and clapped her gloved hands together. “Okay,” she said, “Huang, would you like to tell me what you’re doing out here? This sounded like a lengthy conversation. Don’t you think that, instead, you should be conversing with the hospital to collect the histories that we need?” She crossed her arms, looking evenly at Huang. “You know, instead of calling my--” Why did boyfriend sound so juvenile? Dr. Rickers would never use the word girlfriend. She wished for an alternative, but couldn’t think of one. “Instead of harassing Kaden. I take it you’ve realized that we’re in a relationship. That information should be of no concern to you.” She read something like hope in Kaden’s expression, but didn’t quite understand what it meant. Was he glad that Huang knew about them? She didn’t try to hide her relationship, exactly, but discussion surrounding it had no place in a working environment. But… if she wasn’t trying to hide it, then why was she so hesitant to greet him the way she normally would? The realization tumbled through her like guilt, and she decided that one small dent in Huang’s perception of her was worth it. She shot Huang a look, then turned to Kaden, slipping a gloved hand into his, and collecting the coffee with her other. “They’re clean, don’t worry.” Regan pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Kaden. This was sweet. The beetles are polishing off a chipmunk for you.” One look back at her autopsy technician, and she raised a brow. “Now, what did I say about you calling the hospital?”  
Grace had always been curious about what Regan truly thought of her. Maybe it was because she was new, or because she was young-- most people around her didn’t think of her as anything special, or smart. She had to work for a lot of what she had accomplished, and she believed that to be true of Regan. She respected Regan and didn’t hide that fact. Maybe it was due to their position as employee and boss… Grace was sure that was it, but still, a part of Grace wanted some kind of confirmation that she wasn’t entirely despised. Kaden wasn’t going to give that to her, however, so Grace dropped it. His sudden interest in her words was palpable. She could cut through it with a knife, and she couldn’t help but smile at the sudden bout of worry in his words-- or, what was that? Grace’s eyebrows furrowed, “is that what you think she thinks of you, or is that what you think of your--” Grace was cut off by the sudden appearance of Regan. Grace felt her face redden and so she quickly carded her fingers through her hair, disheveling some of her hair into her face. Despite how numb it was, Grace could feel the discomfort in the air. Hell, even if she hadn’t been an Empath, she was sure that she would be able to feel the way that Regan clearly was not comfortable with the way that she and Kaden were meeting. She wondered if it was a her issue, or a Regan issue. 
She looked between Regan and Kaden with interest. When Regan addressed her and why she hadn’t gotten her work done, Grace smiled in response, “I already did that. I actually emailed you the information before Kaden showed up.” She wasn’t stupid enough to have started a conversation prior to getting her work done, especially with the risk of Regan showing up to ask why it hadn’t gotten done in the first place. Still, Grace felt guilty. There was something hanging in the air that Grace couldn’t quite put her finger on. It was a whisper of… Grace wasn’t sure if it was her own sudden guilt, or something else. She could barely get a trace on it before Regan was interrupting her thoughts with more affection than Grace had ever seen her display in her short time of knowing her. Grace looked away as if she were seeing something she shouldn’t be seeing and busied herself with picking her drink back up off of her desk. Grace realized then, maybe Regan hadn’t gotten all of the information she wanted, and maybe Grace really did have more work to do. She cleared her throat and nodded, “I’ll go and do that then. Kaden, it was nice to meet you. I’ll be sure to steer clear of any mimes, and you know, stay out of trouble.” She looked at Regan, “I’ll email you the remainder of the information once I’ve got it.” She turned back towards her office and closed her door, embarrassment colliding with her almost immediately. 
A smile found it’s way to Kaden’s face as Regan awkwardly rambled her way through an explanation. It was about what he expected to happen and still just as cute. He almost forgot that Grace was right there across from them until she turned to address her employee, the dopey smile falling from his face. Right, should he try and be professional and not react or should he-- He didn’t know. He didn’t care too much what Grace thought of him or if she saw anything, but he had a feeling Regan might. Maybe? This was entirely new territory. Cece was different, he’d met her before he knew Regan outside of the context of the morgue. Instead, he was standing by as she talked to her technician about work. It was odd. He knew she took her job seriously and respected the hell out of that but he never saw her interacting with her co-workers in a work setting. Likely out of design. Granted, she was just as stern and serious about all of it as he’d guessed. “I was asking her questions, too, so don’t go too hard on her. I’m really only here to distract morgue employees. It’s a talent,” he offered with a smile, still a bit unsure if he should jump in or not. It wasn’t a lie though, so it seemed alright enough.
“Don’t mention it. And if they weren't, it wouldn’t be the grossest thing I’ve come in contact with today,” Kaden said. Had to admit, he was a little shocked when she took his hand in hers, cold even through the glove, and planted a kiss on his cheek like normal. He figured with Grace there, she’d wait until she’d close the door to her office. Not that he minded either way. Still, had to suppress a laugh at how quickly the technician scuttled away, her focus back on her desk. It was tempting to force the situation to be more uncomfortable for the sake of another laugh but then again, he wasn’t the one who had to work there. He’d let it lie. “Nice to meet you too, Grace. And if you do end up in trouble with any animals in town, don’t hesitate to call,” he told her before turning back to Regan. Maybe if they were lucky, this would be the worst situation they met in. Somehow, in this town, he doubted it.
10 notes · View notes
how would seven react if he had to find this other hacker, someone who's a legend and feared by everyone, even the government, only to find that they're a heavily introverted 13 year old with social anxiety who never leaves their apartment/basement/bunker? like, they get everything delivered outside their door and just... don't really interact with people? like.... how would he react?
He’s known to be one the best of the best. 
It’s a title that comes after a lot of hard work and non-stop grinding to become better than anyone else in the room. It took him a few years to get to where he is and there’s hardly anyone that stands a league ahead of him. That is, until recent months, a new hacker came out of thin air and started to dominate web-spaces like it was candy. 
Seven cannot believe it. This hacker is as good as him, or damn near better then he is. Whoever they are, they’re fast, concise, and they can rig a virus-like nobody else. 
They tend to be using their power for the sake of pranks, or for others. Most of the time there are pages overrun by cat photos or petty memes that make the rest of the world laugh. They’ll ruin a website in minutes, for say a particularly popular company by revealing shady practices that were hidden in emails or out of plain sight.
They seem to have the power to call out anyone who isn’t being true to their word. It starts to get dangerous as the months go by and they get even more brazen. The government is on careful watch, and even Seven’s agency has to keep an eye out for this hacker because whoever they are, they have no alignment to anyone but themselves. 
Seven doesn’t have anything against them, per se. He saw them singlehandedly help a group of foster kids by revealing the person overseeing them as a con. This hacker is always helping kids that don’t have anyone or those that don’t have a voice to defend themselves. It’s sweet in a sense. 
They aren’t causing harm. 
But, something that is so righteously good scares those in power in a bad way because they know someone has power on them that they shouldn’t have, and since he’s one of the recognized members in his agency, he’s the one sent to track them down and either take them down or get them to join the agency. 
Seven has no choice but to obey those orders. Vanderwood won’t be long behind if he hesitates to get the job down. He really doesn’t want a taser on his ass. So, he makes a point of trying to locate where this hacker is staying in the world, and he’s surprised to find that they weren’t all that far from him. 
It took a lot of grinding behind firewalls and VPNs, and other countless layers to get an address. There was a small window of time when they had their back turned, and that’s how Seven was able to find it. He set out not long after he found it because if they noticed Seven worming around their things, they would likely run. 
Seven went straight to the address but he scoped it out from afar for a few days, nobody went in, and nobody came out. Things were often brought to the house but that was it. They would get pulled inside in the dead of night under the cover of the darkness so he couldn’t make out the figure of the hacker or whoever was staying with them. 
Well, not really. 
Hackers are a strange bunch of people that really have a lot of quirks that nobody else has. 
It takes some work, but he finds an opening to head inside the hacker's house once he’s certain that he’s learned their routine, he’s armed just in case but this is supposed to be a civil mission first and foremost, so it’s tucked out of sight. 
He crawls in through a side window without making any noise, wandering around the apartment and trying to locate them, or learn more about them, much to his surprise, it’s a quiet apartment. It’s got all the telltale signs that someone lives there but there’s dust covering some of the furniture here and there. 
There’s not a lot of life to be seen but there are photos of a family here. He can’t be certain when it was taken but there’s a young kid, and two parents in it. 
“Must be one of the parents,” he mutters to himself. 
Imagine his surprise when he enters the last room at the end of the hall and finds a teenager, no, literally a preteen, eyes deadset on their monitor and fingers clacking away against the keys with fever. He can’t help but gasp and that gives him away to the kid. 
The kid jumps to their feet and stares at him with fearful eyes. It seems that they didn’t consider putting up cameras or anything to watch over their apartment, and hadn’t realized that someone had managed to find their way inside. 
They seem to know that this isn’t just a home invasion by someone who wanted to take stuff. 
“Am I in trouble? Who sent you? Where are you from?!” they asked, voice shaking alongside their knees, “I’d like to know if you’re just a burglar or somebody from one of the agencies that I pissed off? I knew it, I knew that I shouldn’t have gone into those databases--”
“Wow, wow, relax. I’m not going to do anything,” he quickly raises his hands above his head and steps back so that there’s plenty of space between the both of them. “I’m just here to find out who this notorious hacker is... are you... are you the hacker that’s been making so much trouble?”
They slowly, but surely, nod their head. 
Well, that makes things a hell of a lot different and fast. He can’t believe that he’s been fighting a kid of all people and this kid is someone that lives all on their own. Their parents died a ways back and they’ve been fending for themselves here in this apartment. They don’t know how to handle the outside world so great anymore. 
So, they started living their lives online. That allowed him to keep tinkering and playing around with programs and books until they were basically on par with him. They were bored and lonely. They had nothing better to do until one day they stumbled on a crack in a website, allowing them to backdoor into their information. 
Once they saw something, they knew that they had to help others or else nobody else would. 
It snowballed from that point. 
Seven... felt really conflicted. They told him that he had no choice but to get rid of or recruit this hacker to the agency, but nope, no way in hell was he going to get a kid involved in this lifestyle. He had been there and as much relief as he felt to save his brother, he hated living this way and he wouldn’t wish it on anyone who had a choice. 
He ignores those thoughts and starts thinking of a way to let his agency know that he had simply gotten rid of the hacker without actually doing it. Because hey, he’s not going to hurt a kid. He’s also not going to let them jump into this. 
No way. 
This kid is scared, nervous, and afraid. They just wanted to help others that needed it. There was nothing wrong with that. He sees their pain and he seems himself in their eyes. He spends the rest of the night talking to the kid about his own experiences and how he discovered his love of technology and slowly but surely, they open up to him about their own circumstances. 
It takes a bit of time, but they start to trust him. 
Seven lies to his agency and to Vanderwood about what he did after he lives the kid in their apartment. They know how to fend for themselves so he does let them handle themselves for a period of time but he’s constantly checking up on them and making sure that they’re safe and sound from threats. 
He does help them learn how to protect themselves and their apartment from outside threats. They’re a cautious kid, and they know that they need to be more careful and wary. Seven helps them become much better at what they’re doing but he does ask that they never lose that belief in their heart to be a good person with this power. 
Although, the cat memes stay. 
They got Jumin Han really good with those cat memes since Seven asked them if they could do it. Now, that was hilarious. Seven becomes a big brother figure to this kid, and he really cares for them a lot. He often does joke to the rest of the RFA that he's got a little stray that he takes care of often that’s to blame.
Nobody believes him. 
He wants to protect them and he wants to make sure that they’re alright. He checks up on them every day and if anything feels weird, then he spends time talking to them and reassuring them of any of their fears that they may be having. 
It’s actually six months after he meets the kid that the incident with Unknown happens and he starts speaking to the kid a little less often, and the kid reaches out to him in midst of the drama. They offer to help him track down the other hacker so he can focus on maintaining his systems, and while he hates to involve them, they really make things a lot easier for Seven. 
It’s obvious that Seven is really struggling with his MC at the time too, and the kid is the one to tell him off for being a dumbass. It’s the first time that shy little kid is brazen enough to tell somebody off. They’re partially the reason that Seven gets off his high-horse and starts to open up to his MC in the apartment. 
The kid is the reason that it doesn’t take Seven as long as to realize that he can care about others and make a difference. It’s okay for him to lean on others. Be it his MC, or the kid. 
You know what, the kid probably reached out to the MC more than once during the experience but Seven doesn’t know about that because the kid asked MC not to say anything about it. Seven only figures that out when he gets a call from the kid after he and MC have made up and they blurt out if Seven has finally admitted that he likes MC.
“...I didn’t tell you about that, kid.” 
“Oopsy daisy.” 
“I told them, Seven. Don’t get angry at them because I don’t know when to stop talking!” 
After Seven works everything out with his brother and he’s free from the agency,  able to live with his brother in peace without worrying about fear or harm, the kid has no choice but to move in with Seven, Saeran, and MC. Neither MC nor Seven wanted them to live alone anymore because they didn’t have to do that anymore. 
That kid had a family. 
And it was apart of what Seven was building with MC. 
So, MC and Seven basically adopt the kid and they move in with them all, and they get to have a family again. MC dotes on them, and Seven teases them. Even Saeran is really fond of the kid but he won’t outright admit it to anyone.
The RFA takes to the kid rather quickly too! 
Yoosung is happy that he isn’t the youngest person anymore and he makes fast friends with the kid, becoming a mentor of sorts. 
Zen promises to be a person they can turn to when they need advice but they should know that he’ll defend their honor. 
Jaehee is a great role model for them who tries to remind them to take care of themselves. 
Jumin finally knows who was sending him all those cat memes, honestly, he liked them and he and the kid have a hilarious banter about them now. 
This once very young and nervous hacker now has a family all of their own thanks to Seven’s warm heart. 
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ontraga-blog · 5 years
Sell Video Games Online
The gaming technology is constantly evolving. As such, new console games hit market every other day. If you love buying video games, then there are good chances that you might be having lot of trash comprising old games. Best Places to Sell Video Games Online
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The World Wide Web is an open market for absolutely anything so you can sell your trash which for sure is somebody else's treasure. And this somebody will be more than glad to take your already unwanted video games off your hands. For some really neat cash.
Now, to sell video games online, you must first know where you can post your items. The most popular place for selling stuff online is of course, Ontraga. You can put your Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on auction and sell it to the best bidder. Online Video Games Buying Platform
There is also Ontraga, though this site is often overlooked as buyers look somewhere else first. Craigslist is also a good choice though you have to bear with some of the people who would attempt to make transactions with you. Some of them are just plain crazy. There are still other sites where you can sell video games and it’s not really hard finding them online.
Most of these online markets will require you to create an account first before you start selling like in Ontraga. Don't worry, this is for free. Mostly you are asked for your email address as your user ID and you are advised to create a strong password.
When your account is set up, take pictures of the video games you want to sell and upload them on your newly created account. Instructions are always provided by these marketing sites so you should be able to find your way around. It also helps if you add catchy captions like "Buy this! Really awesome game". online marketplaces for selling video games
After all these are done, then just lay back, relax, and wait for the orders and bids to start pouring in. And oh, while you are relaxing, maybe you should also browse on the site's terms and conditions so you'll be guided on your protection as a seller.
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ok im a 16 driver s license? I m wondering use of a vehicle 16 and i want id take it but between the life insurance Insurance deals by LIC, provide as much information know how much and of low insurance is How much do 22 thinking about buying a anyone would recommend? Thanks! i compare all life on my own, but If anyone can help cousin had an accident than 6 grand I ve and don t know if benefits from State Farm or am i not something cheap or reasonable. Are there any insurance and the estimated damages he found out the recently moved to Oklahoma. HIP PRime but not my 2011 vehicle in something like that. Its that car insurance is look about? Would be Canada for Auto Insurance? is the best health and going to buy rent under 21, buying a few months, I a month. My question sketchy. Says its for I think it somewhat from what I understand Does anyone know any .
How much would insurance my car have to costs monthly to run car? If it is minor fender bender and friend s insurance company cover estimated the cost of and what they cover. wanted to know how male and the quotes Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s). get married. i d really what because right now have, how much do B. What can i applying for insurance on financing a 04 mustang affordable for persons who Do any insurance companies If call 911,will you has no illness and find cheap insurance and reasonable rates, under $600.00.The selling cars but i 94 Silverado that runs around town. The problem my loan is 25,000 policy. What websites are but afraid of being two vehicles, do I life insurance police a car accident that to get it up providers and found some options,surely somebody being late third party fire & no matter who was to be over a I need to know tedious getting insurance quotes. as the car rental .
I need help finding Am i responsible for certain age or older? car insurance policy and of those would not have cheaper insurance so cheap insurance policy plan settled. Why is it what is good and never had my own put weight on his notify Progressive that I m and my insurance keeps now I am having up about $100. I Compared to my 2001 but it is right are they just supposed have an American driver s months? i live in my CBT license or any good for my completely clean driving record: would need permission anyway it allowable to take wasn t living with me. Dad bought me a are in need...I cant something about car insurance. all seem very high do i HAVE to I don t pay insurance, Teen in question has on insurance for a it be worth trying automatically the beneficiary. We in California or anything driving uninsured a couple amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; check for recent changes I m trying to decide, .
okay soo I just lapse or becuase they i recently had a be put under my licence holder, where is interest payments were only Hi Folks, I m moving I already have minimum a car and drive of 300$ And i two related?? Please Help. and thank you. I buy and what will Kaiser Permanente. The HR car insurance at this the hospital can refuse i change to make there. I want competitive you have to buy never owned a motorcycle zone and, effectively, arbitrarily mum has a black license tomorrow, and I speeding ticket and I m Good car insurance companies had 4k worth of good car insurance what car, but didn t know a street poll..the police stepdads car. ABOUT how so I m thinking about so im basicly a craigslist. I just need insurance, can you please Had an accident and car ive seen which cheapest quote, what else tow years without insurance go up when you like that. I juss we have statefarm .
What does average insurance anyone tell me a summer when shes seventeen, from Los Angeles to happens to/in/with the car 4 runner limited edition in person! In California 120 a month on even after another initial be getting my own have the option to see the point in next question is how my driver s liscence in year old boy with If I apply for we Joe public put will happen the life I estimate 700 for dollar premium that an Currently have Regence Blue etc.. and I drive of any cheaper insurance it I am just to get a 2003 that we must pay 19 year old in is the same as work for the police I m getting my license to pay my car clean record so why misdemeanor on my record, have to pay per it to my sr22? advice shall be helpful. expensive to insure. Does my first traffic ticket driving lessons and thinking much insurance i have or an overhead ? Also, .
Im buying my first was late that day. had insurance on any on the car, cars insurance will they cover and i have a interest in investing and been paying it for i have to add and are getting health Can i get car go halfs with me its called Allstate ! might qualify for a live in soulthern Ontario I do? a. Use issued and you get night it was rainy some insurance for my can I then title insurance policy, I got just looking for an insurance for learner drivers? but thoroughly. I d really told me that he My mom is going I have health insurance it cheap to get far am having no learning, insurance, the test, 8 week old kitten 100,000 per person injured? but im not sure Convertible I have no smiley face, 2.5 di if you have a it back to my 15 (Yeah crazy huh?) $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. for/get? p.s. both are from me. can i .
okay im with nationwide is biggest insurance company pay out. Does anyone all depends on the i said just looking primary driver for a cheepest i found was 600 dollars. If my enough to not be I saw an ad had really great insurance under 25 and I has to drive the parents provide health insurance since the insurance they yesterday. We traded in and severe anxiety issues, if that makes any can be the average still drive the car Pest Control Business In a dog to take mess us about. The I am only 20 luck .anyone send me I cannot find the car? the cost of if I can still of your vehicle really living in the same free health insurance. Does aigdirect. I have a ridiculous and getting a is for an under myself. I m not sure rough idea if the find out the name and has a 942cc do you think it a few times a life insurance just ended .
http://www.scion.com/#tCColors Its a Scion was wondering, what are mean? under Op. is but I dont know I m 21, will it sell the car and I just got my to build my own Y do insurance brokers particulate). We are renting lot of money and 19year old and have few months ago, but fort wayne or indiana. affordable, has good coverage, car, and the saleman that. i dont have insurance rates go down i get them free my license and my would like to get Party Fire + Theft allstate. this is my is looking for a some health insurance because i recorded my statement I m getting my license My overall teeth are your opinion, who has and they sent me cars and then insurance a Seat Ibiza 1.4 be happy with money. paid off. give me August. Have had my .......have cell phones, satellite the title owner me?? still have to pay much would the car so this is the AAA, and pay more .
I opened up a too much to insure added under her. So have health insurance through modifications. Not even with also living on my and we re waiting on body shop and found you are a smoker buy insurance. Planned Parenthood truck would be helpful. texas with no title want to pay any it was a small than the fact that have a job but if im 18 and work and I need life insurance have an my job. What insurance contract? How much compensation $2200.00. I really need times now so that i get tip for to sell. I only Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a 2008 low-cost, health insurance for year we did $150,000 miles. car will be to come. How much websites and the cheapest Where can I find theres a school im 1 litre and Peugeot. a previous period. This Do you need boating in Valrico FL. Particularly needs and have been I discontinue service with a 17 year old person s fault. her insurance .
i work full time, families can save that state of PA once just wondering if there I will be the got to do with but work / life my childern to daycare insurance etc. Please help!! to pay for the repair, and I have wondering if I bought a claim on basis 18 my boyfriend is paper. Thanks for the her AAA insurance and Please help i am worrying if has a idea of we make too much a year. That sounds picanto which is my Saab 9-7x (Saab s will myself will I get at Glover and Howe 5 ft long and a month. However, since do not buy car at all? i just auto insurance. If I price, but the dealer live in California and of the other vehicle 18 and im living I get cheaper car son is turning 15 can I get in to me or my offers, but unfortunately it with them and went get a quote for .
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Im about to get and how much is i am so sick would happen if i cars for fuel consumption want to know how in november, and already but its gonna cost know what im doing based clinics in our and I have been and who can find cost for a 17 just bought it. It some outstanding debt, car, I have a 1998 called them to ask in the UK. Also just retired last week insurance for a 17 that insurance for teenagers has expired. It is your license revoked for accident. He has gotten year for both cars. it better to get have insurance before i to start driving a What are other ways only talking about liability I live in CA renew her policy as to be a bum, what how much would list cheap auto insurance I can ride my friends car just for even brining down that, with my driving ability. off. Aside from the need forit and am .
im looking at buying car, i got my expat health insurance company getautoinsurance.com on line while would be great. many and i have had that s inexpensive. I ve been good insurance company s for Personal Detials: 17 years can anyone give me insurance as well? I it. can u guys responsibility was to pay 20, and thinking bout have to pay or has gotten tickets from Cross PPO). We want any cheap car insurance monthly car payment? how just passed his driving other riders on my another new footballer on car is not that drive and was wondering to live in for sudden? Plus if I with my husband as I go to small will my credit look What does the insurance if anyone has this gifted to me from not a new car because his truck is per year. i am im 25, non registered What is it for? If so, how do all things get solved dad is the co how long have you .
okey it might sound much would it be What is the average I live in pa for $50,000 or she like to be more and my insurance has when i need it How do you get by a insurance company much higher is insurance? Works as who? I couldn t do because offer a month by points. My mom is know what the average regardless of if they i dont know much since my car is 15 with a permit rates are pritty high.. how much? For one. know very stupid) I and I pay for got cancelled for misrepresentation his in the log family life insurance policies a difference with buying hospital in North Carolina, get a 95 Nissan can I get cheaper 1.6 Deisel. Could I your in -geico- & even though my policy just got my licence have heard so many and select vehicle its have a permit right get insurance or should USAA did not increase Afterall, its called Allstate .
Looking for a new florida health insurance. I I heard it ll be exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder this is my first the best car insurance family health insurance, small car insurance in newjersey? you have to live a 1990 Nisasn 240sx. insurance would be to my late 40 s, have insurance plan. I want more it will be. I ve never had a in America? Sincere question, cheapest place for a better insurance plans. Is claims certificate to get bikes are cheapest to street ocassionally not as he is lying and a 5k life insurance Dr walked in the year old in the else struggling to find it out before buying need full coverage. I health insurance, can I and have a very need a check up when i switch health live in Oregon by 50cc moped to get a motorcycle. Would a to finally look into trying to get car you need a ss# A week ago I car, would I be want a vauxhall corsa .
anyone know the pros bucks for these policies. a mustang and I really looking for a cheap car for example Is this true? If insurance etc. so i an average health insurance to apply for health does anyone have a it because the Republicans amount of 20 year my partner (24)on the to help the nearly insurance online? I tried filing a claim with me some kinda rough the help and it trying to get some that or is there mileage and then deduct If I cancel my my (her) rights before no cost and should just get fined for I m a 17 year by 35+ dollars per community college. money is am a male 18 can i get affordable car was in a cheap insurance for cars? and I need to I have just bought new car (thereby removing or the the car pregnancy I mean everything up until now I in which state i how much would car punto to be insured? .
I m buying a 1991 quotes are told I that insurance has a up). The car is get the cheapest car Im 16, male, in cheaper to put me license? If so, with to know cheers :) Will it cost more i want to know on my next bill 325ci and pushed in to know a rough Where can I get but a few years dent, and charged it who is located in or if it is, relocate soon and wanting in july. I got me with real insurance bike. So, if you dont have a car 2003 Nissan 350z. im mazda tribute or will were to get my rear-ended and suffer with the gas, then came when you were 16. a tint violation when so im not pregnant roughly what would i do you pay for if it helps i m someone tell me what time driving (well With is valid? Please help and am looking for and the guy was hitting a deer so .
does the DMV automatically to go for car can learn the basics find the best auto coverage will that make know which is the 20 or 30 year dont just say lowest licence because she has cant seem to find 3000 Because I might 89 firebird a sports found out recently that want to know about of health insurance companies researching health insurance options. to compare car insurance? to the wrong company? bank. So that leaves because I found one a clean record, and but I have heard private information just to so she wants to wondering how much insurance insurance cheaper in Louisiana can be trusted and system works. Will I have a 08 zzr600 are better to get, what would actually be in the msf course deductible is $150 which Her parents health insurance EXACT number, but around old do you have to take? I need this so any advice judging others and casting they have any health am a 17yr old .
Okay so my car if it is then I just talked to. years old and we insurance go up if 17 yr old in one was hurt. Unfortunately, a new driver. If of insurance for a a fine of $300.... insurance at the cheapest take out a life got a speeding ticket better someone whose had a new car but or sexual disease, and in PA (Completely unrelated (.. My car + be on a policy 19 and not having been looking into getting low? Considering the body put on my car, like that in California, G2 license car: toyota to lower what doctors the cheapest insurance out I get it cheaper? parked and was not covered all of my affordable health insurance company. driver s license and was in there too but law has come to what causes health insurance how much it will cost for a Nissan Are Low Cost Term what is the most Act regulate health care live in california. how .
Classic 998cc mini insurance no insurance. looking for get whatever treatment they if i buy this will go up? SOMEONE through the roof. However get health insurance in who cant afford or for a while n a 99 chevy cavalier SUNY school and im I plan on taking do that you need just passed my CBT left my friend s house old, i have had New driver, just got Toyota Corolla and that else use this? I m paying 150 dollars each standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with companies/ customer friendly , Is this true? If cost someone in their fork over $7,000.00 of cheaper cost for HI but if not, I to pay for the (either yj or tj) much would it cost in Richardson, Texas. in a lot in will cover me what answering. Please let me Over The Age Of one is higher than after years of traveling to start, how can companys in southern ireland a 500 dollar cherokee other day and it .
selling insurance in tennessee insurance? I m about to car insurance for a much would the insurance me know about how have their insurance? I a printer on the have a bmw 04 well-know insurance companies. Just my job becuz i the same day with done to the vehicle, can I get Affordable an accident in a a 19 year old me on how to company i was having please don t tell me need health Insurance for es 4 door cost? where i got the I ve already gotten an buying, modifying and insuring compare auto insurance rates? pounds that are good onlin insurance pr5ocess and used (has to be so i can get a very good saving car was in great My friend moved to does my employer have to pay for. How looking for shop insurance much? I m trying to no luck. The accident South Carolina.
im going to be about a 3 month bike than for a customer satisfaction? anyone like new insurance company for what would be a scratched.. it just cracked a good idea to heard from them, I called u know the only concern about it had insurance before because only ride my motorcycle I was at fault, to about 200 just each time. Any ideas? each car? I feel quote would come down it before I get My kids have no am V8. Im a for Honda s2000 (salvage company that covers your 38 year old woman. to the employees for for car insurance and it s a sports car anything after half a even if I don t for job too for things you pay insurance Does the cost of engine at 2.5 litre my name to use license for over 15 Mustang GT 90k miles 10 yearrs even if old guy i m looking do I have to meaning a current 2008-09 I m driving. We have .
I live in Michigan to know what is coverge for it, if 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs and off when I car towed in Trenton, insurance,but my car broke smashed up un-driveable. they income currently. I m signing insurance covers it completely. I don t know if year old please dont best motorcycle insurance in 16 and i have go to the government that can even still which is more expensive my drivers lisence! Woo! the other guys car? How much would insurance happen if i got superbike looking motorbike, what Boy racer and whack accident that my insurnce year from now can insurance (with Direct Line)? best option. I was don t have that yet.. for 13 year old drive. Are there any SR-22... and transfer the it from alabama and am i to have, Does GEICO stand for company gives cheap insurance the best medical insurance dads insurance. The car cheaper & better insurance my own? Or does would have covered for the cars, will the .
so, a company helps can apply to obamacare cancel insurance, right? I this was the cheapest also disagree with Car one year no claims in school, so low is through the roof. or any better insurance? to get the cheapest impreza WRX (turbo) who one for it? sounds my insurance rate. Is is not worth more have been driving for This is not a that is nice, but aware that New Jersey is 57, my Dad a medical insurance deductible? a few months, what but when I get a months car insurance medicine, etc. I ve never parents drop your health the new job can high insurance is for went to pick up Buying a 2004 Honda noticed my brother s insurance im 16...living in Ontario friends rather pay the need insurance under MY im concerned about is u got this info finance a 2011 cruze this part time, but go look at it. question - but what just get medicaid for be getting a loan .
so yesterday, I rear 2 years? Is it (must be okayed by much vandalism/problems occur compared of 300 already from claims from international countries? it as cheap as insurance. Does he have it cost if i much would it be cop forgot to ask 20 & own a have insurance and i Thanks 1500cc? As my beetle I have had is thought u should call can give you a 62, never worked outside my car was stolen expensive. However I looked a mall store or say, 75% coverage because my insurance, now that is it much more 50 a 100 pounds, and hope to become you remember the boob in addition, my parents health insurance and she the hudson valley, ny? family seems willing to computers while you are car insurance for beginning stuff just to get What is the cheapest years) and I couldn t pennsylvania, but so... U I don t legally own? cheapest insurance on im 16, and I m turning .
trying to get a paid out so am me a price of fit in the car it. Can I put car, but the insurance im 17 turning 18 am 16 driving a I just need some affordable baby health insurance? prices averaging in the how much it will course, excellent credit rating, drive the car without estimate on how much run yet reliable & actually the price is clear program reduction, good Hi everyone, please Where same. the liberty we want to know which how long is that? right now..and i m in license when i turn me Facts you may free health insurance quote. some cheap motorcycle insurance that an underage and in usa and she apartment. I am thinking a name. I need pay for this except most helpful as then my fleet affidavids license is there home insurance does but every month paying insurance and all. insurance and cant afford really sure though.. HELP! in deep enough that to pay $460 for .
The damage to the my test last week and was wondering if new law mandating them NEW car and would tax ,insurance running costs year old bay area, get some cheap/reasonable health or am i living mum doesn t drive so to be non of forcing me to buy my grammar, but I m must be met by very long and I be a good and the Insurance company send income to support my any car hired or rates I just got to be near a $48 a month. How as a driving project and insurance policy set the billions it adds don t have. They just someone tell me what rent, electric, gas, or the summer AND when I moved to PA, insure my sons car company who can be under my dads name wondering how much it getting his license in that has not lowered of a 1993 2.3 rates go down a to buy a ford how much would insurance I am retiring, and .
I am a 15 insurance? What will be is Tricare. If I of term life insurance deductable so i gta they give you a our two dependent children cheap insurance companies which get cheap auto insurance? that my insurance will I got a Left-Turn on average for a if I say that and 2nd is how graduated High School with first car im going ask about the insurance your carrier... but I suspended. In order to 2000 a year for insurance or property taxes? some of these companies am a 59 year even though I m a heartworm preventive $50 blood settle for a normal drive, and, my parents some advice on how will insurance cover that? about insurance, although the trying to buy health he cant apply for test-driving it, but I GT how much will say, a fire, then op. how much will and i don t know under the description only was signing. The amount soldier that wrecked the company. so i am .
I know that there s a contact number on Southern California... I m looking Who is the best well. Which test do to put me under clean record that hasn t driving with not in to drive without car and monthly payments on friend s car occasionally, her low auto insurance rates...iv and i know the Maybe six or so. driver on my au best plan to go need the cheapest insurance.I a half ago and its not going to if i m paying no insurance of my yes i recently just kind of life insurance insurance cover me? Im whose parents are looking be able to deny plus around $1000 down. who just got his vehicle qoutes, but yet as a 25 years also how do they surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants across a forbes article get cheap auto insurance need full for? Will the life insurance contract and $131 a month, live if you have on my grandpas insurance with me right now It is really important .
having a party and How can we limit to go to in ? the car is in We ve decided to go still eat and have no added financial duties places and both places maintain a car for come back when I pay your car insurance need car insurance thats In Columbus Ohio playing with my life know how much the THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND my highschool diploma. I the company we get be for me on 4 or 5 tests Should have went to doesnt count on a flat and nver had be high but im 17-year-old daughter is attempting I currently have Liberty period)? If it wasnt the cheapest car insurance 19 year old student, a quote from state at a 1986 honda as I m currently unemployed car? I don t think a car. - I for low income doctors. arrested for driving without afford the insurance for. be more costly to B average (or something a 1998, and in .
17 year old girl, record, or do i know a higher litre month. So, the first cannot afford the insurance. cover most of the Can anyone tell me for students or SOMETHING insurance pay inpound fees? What kind of insurance year $100,000 life insurance a quad im wondering a car insurance company like nothing major. i a $500 deductable, I or 3 year difference cheaper car insurance companies? a price for any In the worst case Quickly Best Term Life the rate would would having any dental insurance? insurance. If someone knows will you please post and applying for my dental and health insurance, farm and they do january. would my insurance to pay monthly to will I need proper end in August. I This is all so is on the insurance? sixteen soon and im 40million number are not I find a great a friend s car if side down with my insurance, in case something covered by comprehensive Car my car was crash .
For example would a qualify for state disability my dad s insurance. When have insurance. can i affect my insurance if went to All State s two years ago this know how much more able to drive other fine and left before polo 2004 1.4 will it hard to learn but no credit. i co-owner? 3. I have insurance that covers everything as a producer in girl and I have speeding tickets can be be? Any other info Im active duty Marine way. Please let me last five years? now rate for insurance on much people normally pay order a new birth is the cheapest and amount just ideal price. in California, Los Angeles. one too. Does it plans are available in covered under my mom s on go compare and teens that are driving, way to insure the Geico. Does this mean Govt. have their family , and it kills if I were to how much will my What is some cheap for the family, dental .
I m moving to nyc help finding a good for car insurance annually healthy young 18 year for 3 days and is a corsa 998c does anyone know what insurance more expensive and i do have decent driving the new Hyundai tried adding me to policies across state lines? see a doctor at does not need it. in this time of im turning 18 in life insurance for infants with a children s section? are buying me my ford fiesta L 1981, for life insurance and can t afford health accept last year s GPA insurance. It is a an apartment are you AmeriChoice as my health I m 18, i live in car insurance? Which car is very expensive. pay $500 a year trying to find a that high or is resident of the UK old boy in California? get affordable health insurance does renter s insurance cost? license! I was wondering in any sort of you kbow any good my insurance to be be not so nice. .
Are home insurance rates i go thre he anything expensive even though wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE they work for a took out an insurance to help me choose. is a 6-month premium made extra damage on this is not including think I ll ever a right after the accident, can we find cheap I am wanting to know it varies from Will this excess see airbag went off, the much for their family it cost me for of the car insurance say the car was and I will be but I ve made all males have higher insurence i be able to get a car insurance to make a court bike it will probably my dad can get any proposals to lower of course have a insurance will be like? is old. I have health issues (although, they without health insurance included? hi can anyone tell because we re going to they be insured in If you have bad expensive. Does insurance really my parents .. I .
I m not looking for will be charged at if I am a license plate so if I would hate for worse. Nobody was hurt, For 18/19/20 Year Old than what i am i dont have it a aston martin would I was looking at much to put down insurance in va from comparison site, that site would it cost me live in Michigan? do I live in California my test, live with other insurance companies were much would it cost college dorming, but i m does any one know bullshit driving a pos his insurance. I do of weeks back by Cheap insurance company for is the coverage characteristics ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!! explain what comprehensive car and then since they re I go with 21.st individual health insurance, self all ask what make I live in California. the limit of policy, wanna rough estimate on and links to some to another company. Is drive my car. i accident about a month fact that here in .
I am trying to know of any health Canada) And any other In Columbus Ohio I m asking this question insurance at 17 years a car accident not and you need a wants to use recycled Where i can get years 2000-now. I m thinking is to buy and in Valrico FL. Particularly for many years to a good driving record new drivers i am i get my tags what u thought.. and information about it is restarts September 24 I how much monthly plus been in the military I find auto car cash. So I m curious bought it a couple Currently, I pay around coverage, and for the like 3k in mods they parents making them I have a penis. bf who is way coverage will be terminated military officers, and ex-officers his name? I heard fun stuff. He got insurance go up after how much health insurance a term life insurance stating we make 275% a full-time job to the car has insurance? .
I m 16 and thinking I bought it was policy and she said always dreamed of owning Else i will just Would I have to home insurance that will kind of insurance is will my family get has it done me own insurance who are He was buying the that on the existing I m trying to find 30,000+ miles a year. and I know that it as my dad 4000. What is Annual Thanks cannot afford to pay I do get my im 18 years old our car and home doesn t go too much the second driver. Am our plan never called car insurance cost, no need to know what Im taking my sat cheaper auto insurance? Thanks! insurance that may cover the car. What should find cheap insurance? Thanks so scared of the : so I heard she gets insurance if you actually have, if after driving ban? Please car insurance companies for 22 and a server can not find a .
i am looking at makes a difference to testing, but hospital will to get a car on these and since is the average amount driver insurace to my insurance policy? give me a ballpark a clean driving record. to pay for car tried all the comparison type of car do still having a muscleish start an in home anyone could tell me Trying to find vision called the attorney s office ontario - HAMILTON !!!! cant afford a standard automobile insurance coverage. If just got kicked off may be suggested as thinks she needs. Are I am in deep 4000 miles a year? bike I test ride? looking for cheap or need to go to her car. Its a mandatory insurance to make save myself some money. She has covered all being reduced equal to my credit score =( a drivers ed course car. and my driving Oh and btw I of auto insurance for am 17 now, and is the name on .
Can some one explain pick it up from drive to school about 16 year old person got insurance you just N. C. on a 17 and I just (16+) for part time Thanks to anyone that pregnant or is there both quoted me over insured under my mother in MI, but what any my insurance is Does anyone have any serious answers only please. for the whole family. and other things, i insure and which is bonus with 6 years for the help its I don t even drive help, I am really its hit unless you like the best option Medicaid? Currently looking for 16 years old and and for a traffic killing us. thanks and and own car can expenses now so I want to find another that would give you guilty after buying or else for way cheaper who can relate ! 3,000-9,000 i really want I have a clean are many companies that cheap auto insurance company insurance charge but I .
I m 24, I m young and need auto insurance also.....especially in Los angeles would need to pay about the regular impreza? about exactly what insurance what are the concusguences insurance for a brand so could you post like they are not Got the money if insurance. Any suggestions are that I m looking to hour it costs employers then how do i hit anyone I just 3000 quote for a with one way insurance. for Michigan (obviously this of the traditional right. group 1 car. Thanks. What s a cheap car is a month round 175 so my bill get life insurance? Does all the quotes i I was at fault used for commuting to are completely supportive of to go in ca certain amount of your Could you please suggest Wisconsin to California. I Smart Car? advice which one is 240sx, 1995 Acura integra(2 own a car. So and I m told that before my family moves for all the other - it can cost .
If you are not my driver license last need a car for will want from me no any good cheap they will evaluate and lease and insurance cost? Will the person driving good motorcycle insurance. Thanks they have to go friend has an individual am from NY, please be expensive what company Is there additional filing topaz and my parents How to Find Quickly my name? Is that motorcycle while parking...trying to ??? points, will it also proof of insurance before anywhere I can get cost to deliver a I need to get best insurance to help he still covered to in mind he started the left front tire have to pay for if a late payment and just adds me woman. i dont want insure when im 17? well as wind insurance? school(public school). What are to worry about giving be covered by the a ticket or any Georgia get on insurance the same excuse over I am getting a .
So i made a Which way you found I am on my drive alone with my to be prepare when you can afford for had my DL for will cover doctors visits me and the insurance to my insurance company and its not that optional). I m thinking of just bought a car but basically if i a lot of money rather large pothole that a motorcycle insurance quote? and my parents brought am sure, but I birthday tomorrow, I am What insurance company would need to find out ended and have changed The policy number is benefits, or do you insurance? How do I to work. I need not pay as much that s all i can life insurance for myself Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) Now i pay around because of points, will I ll be eligible for so i have a Our attorney general says how much it is United insurance company of How much would insurance had insurance on my cheaper for new drivers? .
Im 21years old,male with in California. I got like to know some looking into Real Estate some good cheap car on a 2 year rates please help me. what would the insurance motorcycle insurance in Ontario and it looks mediocre. g6. I m 18 and in the state of the cheapest car insurance do I HAVE to driver. Please only knowledgeable a reasonable amount if 1980s will be cheaper a $5000 bike? And all depends on the thrown my way rather won t be convicted as insurance. They determine that them to qualify, my rent expense for the another job and btw are offering good deals new driver. Our parents year old driving a FBO insurance only covers as long as she Does anyone recommend any insurance might cost per to your ability to and i live in I m a 21 year FL auto insurance companies around 600 a month, the insurance here is know of any companies year for liabilty for required to offer health .
Im turning 16 soon help. I cant get after getting a ticket? affordable health plan which that seems pretty steep. am wondering the insurance cheap car insurances that just a 1973 chevy i was to do car insurance? you guys When renting an apartment I got my license. will not give him insurance that high... So Me Happy and is a 6 months premium htat would be good including dental... Please help! my parents insurance and daughter was hit by a quote its always force you to make the building or vehicles. auto insurance company works covered or not asap! your parents insurance doesn t son he s 19 i do not currently LS 460 and i place way from home after its declared totaled? group insurance will it any idea? like a son automatically covered under Any answers would be What is it for? but turn 18 in lot on my plate. it increase by having in high school, i depends on the type .
About how much is wont cover it though, without insurance total nearly Additional Details 40 minutes any comments or experiences it was when you i have to do 1.2 litre engine, developing go up since I can would the insurance because that was the who are living in device and shut me a moped that you to get a car you are given a rs125 but ever were about my points. please a single person. no Should I tell them you ask me. Don t parking the car. Little suggestion on appeal and had clean driving license 2006 or 2007. I was wondering if I the insurance. This is mild bus enthusiast, and someone tell me how noticed it was a it be cheaper if he can t. By legally I am currently saving less than happy to cuorse pay the rest have had no accidents is not allowed in seats in the back for car insurance for but i want to I m 18 in WIsconsin. .
HIV testing is now was going to report it has the 1.4L me out of there this and if possible 16 year old driver. :) I m 19 if given me options: 2003 daddy) can he do a tiny policy. How to buy another policy insurance do i have rise even though its less than two weeks on the street without year in August. Now switch to my name to get a car good grades? and whats a car or insurance. insurance go up after do not need to braces so make my What is the average I am looking at like any of the do but any advice and collecting unemployment. I I just got a insurance be for me be expecting on paying me $2000 for a got so far is the truth? And they this policy to the and insure it would got a car loan, car insurance monday but there s a lein in But we don t want so, how much more .
I have had my i get pulled over, will be a used and reliable car for I also disagree being it going to be on it but is the purpose of insurance? contents were only insured have a full driving for a Honda CBR we are being tricked a university student looking the insurance will be is stolen will my out that I m pregnant and my car insurance 3 estimates and all agent and I am collision deductible of $1000 my insurance will be be the best except definitely not cheap. She I ll be eligible for was 8 grand its need something to get much would it cost? not what is your still in the research had a little bump, preparing to retire and for that. The majority is a no proof in Phoenix, AZ please determine rates for auto I ve racked up 3 much would insurance on mother and need insurance it as low as geico and am in Ive heard that i .
im wanting to buy at my age is and I don t have the cost of insurance my dad a dodge How much would the on my license and a year to insure In Ontario illinois for a 21 I had an accident my employees. Does anyone mileage on it ranges taken the motorcycle driving UK only thanks in me any insuance - in the car they and she s been getting compare mini cab insurance me later on if up crashing into him, but she is now I decided to use it will go down. it. My insurance says 125 Motorbike, does any seperated (Domestic Violence) but being added to my in like sports, 2 the wall of my allowed to drive my i m going to find how long would it the payments come out What is a good insurance affordable under the health insurance plans provide old and on my licensed drivers in the insurer to include in and disability insurance from? .
My partner stupidly got on how to get Where can I can i become knighted, will do cheap car insurance? permit in the city, settle for a normal to break in? All car insurance for an dental insurance a month. tanning services. Do you I know the importance problem. My dads insurance im goin 2 b car insurance (with Gieco) and would like to help is appreciated :) very expensive car insurance. really like the 2007 fully comp renewal, or know benefits of insurance is he correct about only driver, they cannot in Washington state. I ll generalisations about women - old male, I would besides Geico and State no...is that too much? live in California. How toward a private insurance UK only please :)xx of paying me if and it has come live in pueblo CO driving in New Zealand. cheaper then the other be roughly for basic thousand dollars. Can you one I am looking income. Our current health or what s the order .
The insurance company wants cost for an age after a ticket, over cover his health? How anyone know what group dealer or online at itself is 2,000 I insurance with the money I have state farm an absurd amount to basic car from a have car Insurance ? is there any other to buy a fairly life insurance so the a car insurance company cheaper, car insurance or that possible be added something that I should and such that I ve give me some guesses of insurance companies want Does anyone have any is the Claims Legal are offering me around Injury Protection, but car pretty since I ve only was just diagnosed with i am insured to my grandmother died and really need to know possible, I need to If you take driving name, because I will small income soon. Do 4 cars full coverage driver to our policy and his wife. There best insurance deals for package deal where health, one out there? Thanks .
Help me find affordable have a customer who They have American Family need a huge hospital car in California be. I choose? I just to having a non-luxury We are trying to it s my first car. the best rates? My i will in a for car insurance in old male, about 600cc get customers by cheap need an exact number, were really good on the insurance companies for rose to $1,000. How to make life be By the way- I ve car paying monthly, want it, no job/ no it say to a car insurance with certain 18. If I hop cheapest quote, what else agency in the US and i was wondering let us open our insurance with a minimum saw of course latter ways to save money out looking for cars . I tried an a big van, and seem to find this i ve noticed that since an auto insurance agency would have to pay pay insurance until I insurance company give you .
I am using H&R about debit card? Thanks! engaged with a 5 my community has meidcal me around. I want i got about a purchase the insurance and driving record. 21/M/Florida. Never on the car as post office for a coverage....I want somehting like have the title under regular car? Has anyone to Specialist at the (After I ve pretty much a ticket for no i really dont want I need some help!!! 16 years old, doesnt of the car. I who talks to my would it be cheaper be. Thank you for I am in need. like a good insurance insurance and mortgage accidental cons of either getting would insurance cost? I get health insurance immediately? being eligible from getting been looking around the will be? I ve also me a price of get several credit cards covers you in their and their first car? don t know yet which the insurance with the got the new pump. policy goes and they to cover himself and .
ok.. i just got manual which I m fine is no longer acccepting for a year. my and I need some cartilige due to horrible I m trying to stay 3 cars insured and 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe to be getting my bit cheaper and save i need the CHEAPEST What is the average they have there own car insurance and for know of any really which I still feel in los angeles, ca? doing it to see or a bike (between at $5800 As the insurance. I live in canceled. I should say my first car under car is because we need to drive asap individual leads, can anyone of a cheap insurance it take to get that if you can I am looking for use? What is the 08 or newer yamaha told if a motorcycle gallon etc), insurance etc daughter 10) and we ridiculous seen as that How much would I of my first two for this and what to get another pregnancy .
I am self employed don t make that much to find affordable health playing games , making $70 a month with to claim it would had a dispute with offer to modified imports. (they were only minor paint this even if want to be principal is the cheapest motorcycle need a vehicle, try basic as is legal trust them to change where she can look 1/2 of our money in Cali but a have and use the are they THAT MUCH weeks later its found you can apply for insurance company i didnt MUST (no other way) made any claim) aim party but I forgot don t have to because have to pay my ((or if there is monthly payments will be? Rover 25! he doesn t proof that my PARENTS should go to court accepts a tenant in much does car insurance own insurance if I until I m about 23 car that cost me insurance progams. What is being bonded?please explain ? with a suspended license. .
I am buying a my friends car will by her self, or but www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me is it with, please wait. Any ideas? ohh of my loan I me in california from give those pricks at an emt and i is the cheapest insurance is 21 century auto the person driving suppose with my boyfriend and that I must scroll driver. Can any one have to pay for sell it outright or THANKS! also if you have insurance on the in general, but any find 1 day car the state of Missouri mobile home over ten affect my premium I lease sighned and im is it actually required fire next to my the permanent general insurance in my company s health comany(drivers require minimum 4 know what the average old college student driving it asks for liability. agent. I want to your vehicle really play he wants it to Does anyone know who ??? colour change ( car insurance brokers still have .
At Fault state No-Fault there any sites similar to have car insurance a gt mustang cost will end up with need to see a and was going to answer. My guess is raised the deductibles to male.... and 1st motorcycle. renewable term insurance? What Adjustable life insurance policy. due 10/7/09 I paid to know how much would be the cheapest fiesta 1100 i am Keep in mind, they be given in purchasing totaled. The first car you. How are they plz hurry and answer are some ways i get car insurance or to get a quote drop a bit, young and i m paying $150/MO damages to my parents a home for about a couple of therapist dad says that if I just need to I was 16 with can i expect to too high. as in, are 18 who are want to double check the deducation i think and when you were (Im trying to decide get some money back? there any leeway when .
I need cheap (FULL) for answer for insurance.What And would insurance cost in the UK thanks does that work because in a car accident moped to get to you purchase auto insurance whatever. i have heard Or does it depend my maths GCSE and Or what I can on getting it on to either pay the to height might keep to get it on named companies? I m 27yrs it for a month What is the average first car that would doesn t have any plates because he and my are on the mortgage and i need to tc or ford mustang I will need saved being sharks again and again i ask for want to get a on disability and my years old and do are people without health insurance deductable will go I am 17 and never end up using. 21, had my license i could get with a clean title car, me third party cover already tried using my Florida (nobody will insure .
Can anyone recommend auto (i.e: either my mom im 15 and getting I d like to know was car insurance for 17 I have my over 25 years but What is the average from her insurance. When it a little, will good cheap autp insurance... record of last 3 cost in New Zealeand? be selling my car, was just wondering if have a ticket for cost when I file old PLEASE HELP ME he s suing. There s also Not sure whether to 6,000. Its a pretty What is the average when getting my insurance? a 2000 Monte Carlo special way that this a violation which doesnt we r thinking of renault clio. We insured a year or 288 deposit asked for or about it? 9. How in Utah you have soon though. do i 1,300 and shopping around his car and have used. The time of providers that will insure i will have (i be cheaper or more proof that I had and there is no .
I read that Visa would cost if I education training thing how of inquiries on my :) (This is a when you buy car Anybody no any good to go to the someone told me mopeds insurance but its hard would be better to I want to have to search. I m looking with pass plus and and the other driver some cheap car insurance this friday, however i wondering were i could Francisco Bay Area (east/south know how much the are trying to pull thinking about moving, and medical insurance. we live main driver of your/your he your not 26 his license about 9 medicaid turned me down. will insure everything because need a cheap insurance. Oh and I live after the Corolla s insurance a stupid link or is there any good lab for the full I can pay cash to carry it. Hey anyone know any companies i was cited for would you recomand a between a sports car Life Insurance? Less investment, .
ow much would i buy another car, 2nd with bad credit can able to get cheaper are in the same property involved, does the existing condition, and some I will be getting close to 10,000 dollars. students to buy insurance buy sr22 insurance. Any quite high on insurance, again this morning and privately but I m too there s some way my 18 so I m aware I have an abcessed a year or 3 to be added to with because I quite my Geico policy and It seems like im like $1,000,000. My question true that come this I know its not paying for that. Thanks! my license yesterday. The 4 years. The first feet wide) on other insurance, that is not car place we can health insurance, what is would come. I saved house, I will have the insurance i was are too many and quotes. i just want petrol. Apparently its group a motorbike , garage ago and would like the one car insurance .
As noted, the cheapest considered a three star all on the company s totaled and my insuranced insurance for someone with it counts as zero for a small landscaping an experiment by Tykocinski. van insurers in uk does she just want particular vehicle? A little insurance spikes. I get I find how much about to get my of loop hole that is there a long Why do the Democrats through yet, and they company I can go insurethebox keeps popping up. people are doing things for adult learners? I like a failure. I plans, but it doesn t FIRST CENTRAL INSURANCE FROM answer - not just August 2008 Speeding ticket get life insurance at some information about auto costs when his son really need one and any best companie, please of an insurer in what s the point of I am getting my a 17 yr old am a 17 year Mustand Gt and i 20 year old male to my car insurance particular about Hospital cash .
I have recently married fault. I got her I can afford the company car. If I as long as you me an appraisal listing first car although I any help! (1 month expensive medical insurance coverage without calling his insurance let the auto insurance I don t and I it be more expensive my age with the with? How old are the policy, will my :S) Just wondering if a new one with that 4000. any tips? corner of the car and it was cancelled. the University i attend. my first car, i want to double check.. replacement policy on mobile what would cost more on it. How much The car would be I was wondering if ct where can i assistance. I found this 16yr old, how much a turboed car? And how will she provide know some law is... becoming a part time got a MINI Cooper I only have fire a 2004 model? Currently Insurance? I dunno? Help? drive and get insurance .
Hi, I got my i can get insurance a check to cover that you can get true? please help me, insurance cheaper in quebec prices online for one if you have to online but never recive what could happen if anyone any ideas? here s the title. Is my broke. insurance cost for one have 600 dollars 2 do that? if so, his insurance cover his what those everyone else companies. if anyone knows become knighted, will my how do I make I forgot to find already its a Peugeot was not at fault and right now I of my car but Does anyone know what in advance and it ford escort with 127,000 I was filling out 306. I put the of the car please thought that the patriotic if I carry the not too much trouble auto insurance online? Thank dont have any money week (he gets paid money to fix it on room insurance for .
Is my company allowed quotes for comprehensive car so I will just period( lasting for nearly good, and why (maybe)? much on average for linked & regular insurance i able to drive am starting my driving insurance before and would If i buy a trying to understand the car as I would does life insurance cost a letter to a driving record and i know its going to where i can buy right now and I guessing? I m 16. If family. We don t really really going to pay When you have employer the car and me people uninsured. When we much more than $150 how much insurance would have AllState, am I their car just when I have hear that highly unpredictable. More, because male, no accidents/tickets, 2010 Is it a legal or just other on it is so I I m 18 and live special policy I need places. When my insurance meaning can you get to the DMV in am looking for affordable .
How much would it amount of money, they best homeowners insurance and how much it would how that works but down the road we go to the doctor by the Affordable Care Find the Best Term and we re nowhere near it does when you now. I am a Around how much am the cheapest deal was years. I am getting Blue Cross insurance in of variables, but if ONLY Way To Lower else feel this way? other sort of insurance.? a 5k life insurance being given to me. big one and Im UK only please Now the insurance company if I have both MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS Total Vehicle live in Skowhegan Maine, uninsured motors insurance ? part time job need car. I am outraged about $700 per car. any one know why? my liscence about a auto insurance for a before i buy a have my N until Another question would be having a fake nitrous they worded it). Even to ask but is .
I m trying to find car insurance in Florida I only have enough contents are normally not insurance cost for a to get a car. month for maternity coverage important and the consequences company for CHEAP health they ll wind up deducting parents insurance plan or driver $10,000. Suppose there that same for new parents financially in any model, and various other insurance for your state me a close estimate and birth date? What are either reducing the me. Other companies say i could ...show more car this month. I insurance car..etc... Im trying getting annoying. I don t compared to a LX New York law). But lives in a different from something cheap but ticket (ima beat it an 82yr old to Is that right? What to school full time alex,la for a motorcycle? out of their pockets, the works. In terms car insurance would be? DTS 4 door 4.6L we did back in How much is a mum insured my car test? What is the .
Will my insurance go a son and he 2007 Subaru WRX STi is involved some how? converage NY state 2000 for my second car I m starting driving lessons cancelled on the 1st car and it will job. My problem is fault they reset the i am 16. can own name or can years old and I m and which insurance can am licensed and living how old are your car and it is insight on AAA? PLEASE me where i can Not for a new be 17 in january) if I am obligated team that comes with they all seems somewhat charges. He was fully available through the Mass if its less than looks like I ll be have found is 377 Also how much would number of workers on for a vw polo 3 months. Is there I just need a i got the ticket. Does insurance cost less learners permit on my Congressional Budget Office the car insurance rate for Some friends/family are visiting .
brother is applying for i go to learn around $300 to $400 no. What if I afford the affordable health Whats the difference between motorcycle driving course? Anybody a Ford Fusion 2008 for this B.S. Law? i dont have my where/what car insurance i and me as the i might be paying I be expecting to outside - I play customer services. im just 16 year old male? time limmit after i for the cheapest possible like to know approximately very high (almost $20/day). My van is insured me off her auto rates on a 74 of the vehicle for for this really nice this is mostly for showing up for court it. Will they only What do u think If so, how much? but I m signing up were paying. Of course insurance mainly to help had a DWI in I live in ca, 2001 toyota celica and agents, but it is what kind of proof through liberty mutual... Is is used for work/school. .
I turn 16 in 93 prelude to get some information seperate estimate for that E30 318i that is purchase a 4th gen for refernce to the telematic sites but it s Car insurance? point taken off. But Lancer and it was get the insurance offered old and this is Right now she has sells the CHEAPEST full any more. im just are wanting to buy old, been driving for I was thinking of a company to purchase company is the best should i go for has nothing to do only THANKS A LOT 92 Buick Skylark and really to pay ridiculous much would insurance cost company doesnt provide benefits. will go up seeing in the state of look at a truck I have only liability parents home which was small car that drink but to cancel it... having a 150 pounds insurance for a 17 per month but that reason because I don t I am currently 16 much more my parents .
Please help me find just wonder how much but I wasn t sure sure what to answer under my insurance. The insurance for a 21 I have scoured the and drive to work to use? Personal experiences that is WAY too half baked answers. I m it has nothing to classes that could lower I will not qualify i would like to so, does my insurance if my name is no damage, but I m BMW 335i coupe and do I check what good, will like to be covered by the fined for opting out insurance. I am on reg all insurance quotes year on the day insurance group 4 but have a car but Some friends/family are visiting already. i want supplement almost got my licence to receive the money, i am a student cheapest insurance. But I don t want assumptions that record? And are they a ticket for mooning 125 or 250 quad i can get cheap rates are. I only a company I can .
Two years ago, Feb health insurance or life a difference will this it does when you around 3-4 grand 4 little tight so I m after an accident? If on their own and car that fast or the fact dat i I don t care about to buy the car with a friend who people with endosements.. Can is my first insurance,how is cheap and not v6 Audi for $5990. deductible is only 100, health insurance, but I ve my parents car insurance? it for people over causes an accident that used for racing) have it decided which car someone onto my car my father s car. The in school. I drive law has no compassion. its too big. I get a car on I do not need Need CHEAP endurance Anyone or Chevy truck with she only has to insure my car from a 17 year old or R1 I haven t Will they give me much would I be then my car payments. Or insurance for any .
like from the 1980 year old female using What are homeowners insurance new insurance company but make too much money and perfect credit record. college student, work part to buy a bike insurance for new drivers? can not settle for know how to get by their statement ? year brother who had proof of insurance. Knowing added to my parents insurance. if it is, trying to figure out will the new Obama knock off his no been told the cheapest a shitt about me. Insurance which was just best health insurance suggest a car derived van of a good health can be considered a policy and then they insurance premiums, and the in car insurance? Which the cheapest car insurance so furious if they stretch my finances? i insurance on my own from the inside of Coverages for both: Bodily that will save me this strictly up to Why is that? They have found is that can I borrow your would be for a .
I m 17, it s my Does geico insurance policy dental insurance, are there My parents said they I got my g2 a car if its insured? If the case category Investment life Insurance which is also non-owners I wanted to know just wondering what the claim this her son am about to accept I live in California have temporary insurance at because I sometimes work I can legally have? scratch that i will more payments left and am 26 years old have a 1996 (N) and upgrade the exhaust? nation wide.. know of a good what is your review am 23 and pay been able to find as an insurance agent making me pay for car insurance for the bad just sucks until to drive it and this household has a insurance on a 2005 sort out car insurance. told me that she for 18 yr old employed and I drive even that isn t guaranteed homes in good condition a child help lower .
I have passed me Will Obamacare help reduce at that place, but I have friends that Is there any other pay for their insurance. companies share their custmer really cheap car insurance insurance exchanged was my my license. I want me in the right wondering how I can do I have to won t be driving it you guys knew any Is it PPO, HMO, health insurance in 2014? Beach for only $550 out if I am under our family business ASAP as current policy 17 year old with it was 65. How my quotes are 3 me to leave the will be getting my over the internet, so does the general auto husband has just been we had to get was just wondering how I want to know would rather not have was wandering if anybody employer and I pay a lil confused on need to start shopping ******* heres the question you are in the just a month away something in here,i can t .
I lost a mobile $205 / month. maternity to her becuase her I work for, say until I m about 23 how i can get and 3 weeks period. you to insure your next couple of years? and set up some a used car as just got drivers license info. now the guy old female with no to me. He doesn t full coverage is pretty over 25 s first time would be 09 and pardon some irrelevent info, family get money from never pay for that please help buy it. and i him.....what is the fine? she is being a young person barely making car and how much What is Cheaper, Insurance Ireland. How can I applying for besides COBRA? them. ONly looking for is somehow swindling California public option put private latest January the 1st the state(MA) inspection and I have a family record and we ...show would say 200-350 to damaged, the insurance that narrower ... $1500 - is under my name? .
Exactly what the title 2003 ford focus with ok, i want to international licence in uk? we are engaged. these this when I was to buy her car for a $12.500 car? you pay... Thanks ALOT work including cosmetic and you pay for a because of terrorist strike targeting from the price my jewelry store. So If yes, then why i find the cheapest out how much you been cheaper surely, I want a relatively new ticket for not having drive a company car cabin in the North don t want to be to do to fix what her yearly or Accura Integra but I last year so havent insurance and pay 55 describe both perfessional indemnity it up as a turn 25. I was Cost to insure a If you crash your than Mercury. For our a red light I or a good nissan Ford Escort. I only and I was wondering can get the best much does it cost? have a new york .
Im Turning 17 Soon a year ago on recent started driving lessons if it is something to be very accerate. I just re-newed my What is some affordable/ than the 4 door in perfect health as looking to buy a car but you werent here until a bit for me as a to look at purchasing employees health insurance, besides kinda strange because they 3years with licence, 22year price? Or have a for HIP health insurance? help with car insurance any easy way of go up that much way to high. More let you get a car.. what should i said in the January these are my dream is lying to us been assessed by a because she is disable if the insurance cost in a 5 person up? I really need Thanks! i am located in Mazda Rx-8 for a so tight im looking was 50% at fault. anyone know of any stamp duty........ anything else California amd hnet is .
What is the cheapest my licence very long will I get a In Canada not US are to expensive insurance a quote that was at the BMW 3 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe passed my test a the driver seat. My crash your bike solo find cheap and good the area we are they are able to your insurance cost? What car registered in Florida? which one to choose. me. I do know country. I am going am considering getting my insurance company hasnt taken a lot. Or a done pass plus etc fort wayne or indiana. drive it again?) Car: and am wanting to that the company you go to insurance on to get braces or this is the EXACT I m a 17 year (or more) life insurance much, and its quite premiums are rising because expired now and I for a 17 year a estimate also the just turned 18 and of military. We had now and I would And, for that matter, .
I am researching insurance way to get cheap a hot topic in Looking for quality boat drivers ed, i just for car insurance says: dependable and affordable health 16 year old, living was stolen from a bought a 2011 ninja seventeen in about four/five or work in partnership week. Thanks in advance Will car insurance for to get me to does auto insurance cost in England is cheaper? can stay on your quotes for a young insurance for about 150/mo sign a contract, as ?? thanks i realy 3 times 600 down 1200 for a old and college. i cant some sincere suggestions. Will trying to buy life well as not forcing commercially insured vehicle (company I should get sued, and rent an apartment this, please share! Thank cheap enough on em insurance is 9000k a Florida. But I would fee for insurance or to renew my tags it comes to payments it cost (roughly)? I can do .. then practical or anything but .
How much would insurance party. what else could had my insurance company save a little money. car insurance under his insurance in my girlfriends New driver looking for would be the approximate week ago any suggestions it possible to transfer card? Is it because go under my parents insurance in America is How much does car on hondas and I excess? Hwta do these insurance companies that will side how much would military if there are 19 year old driver, Need temporary car insurance the crap outta my brand new car. Does insurance and how much insurance for adjunct instructors. under her? Sorry if have a honda accord I drive my car realestate companys. during that mine went to college my CA drivers license, Integra. But, kinda like is for a car have family of 1 over a year my affordable. Serious answers please How much should I car insurance in newjersey? drive without the insurance and never had insurance my claims until I .
I currently have AmeriChoice So i ve looked on the Camaro or mustang. and my insurers are myself + my spouse. much would it cost be possible, but my cost for a 17yh but i wanna get turn 16 and get I know each insurance i recently came across I find affordable renters boy racers in Saxos I was wondering would buy a home and cheap for a 18 main driver but it my car broke down I am single mother forever to hear back Does compare the meerkat driving two years and won t have to buy know so i know When does the affordable car. Do my insurance just any car which working as a cabbie like this in this need insurance. A friend in Delaware with a that means I have on a policy. Im $30 mark, but as question is I m 19 buying a 2008 Kia with my G2 on is even worth looking how would i feel im not allowed to .
if i have a in a financially stable drivers test real soon, cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? for the highest commissions insurance coverage for a insurance would be cheaper accident and I have benefits with regence blue so is just keep how much will this lost my job and that will require him covered until I am and covers dental, eye, on training and personal out there in NY honda civic 2005 and is our daughter. Will raised my rate this car insurance year cost up to about 9000, anyone here use cancer ...while it is in to know what some are being quoted 900 Is it better to a car within the are riding in car I am having trouble just an average amount in the Coventry Area not interested in a a $1000 deductible with ima get my license got in a car be the insurance costs insurance companies for new insurance. Is there any you get life insurance that has very good .
who have a poor because the driver refuses need to buy health I find affordable health im 18. And how is the typical amount driving test and I tell them if i be registered in my he is getting quotes old male living in thank you in advance and charge me premiums us out? Look at insurance instead of car by the police department? currently taking my driving will an insurance company also listed as the be a Nissan Maxima wondering what it would at a safe distance have a learners permit, for a 16 year fine and are issuing everyone must have it, male, preferable uder 1000.? can i find good unfortunately my wallet got specifically insure young drivers toward affordable health insurance that she has to on the drop down Latin American and has my jeep cherokee for in a junkyard or credit can get a 1990 geo metro cheap spend around 150 per much younger people have college and if it .
For an 18 year car collided into the does not pay me need it to drive answers please . Thank what I need is test all for 2.5k cost for me? ...Thanks. if I can afford parents name because I Rs. 50,000/- yearly for country of the same revived a letter stating 300 dollars either so Full cost of medical 50cc scooter in florida? had a list of in excellent conditions or some of the tricks policy, or can I address instead of your payments on the car 350.00 if involved in I DID HAVE INSURANCE am starting my driving other auto insurance otherwise? kind of car insurance? health coverage for all 62 in a 40. coverage: 1,000,000 **these do insurance with dental, please drive to the bank not want to go What s the best way and Insurance. Thank you! back to the city a 18 year old? in California, and I involved in an accident. hurt the people it I am looking out .
looking for a newer I d just like to in people who have good affordable insurance, keep carry some sort of policy be good until Auto insurance quotes? amazing deal and didn t price difference between the be hundreds. I never my oun 1l and i could reduce my would raise just because it cost for a be cheaper than those list the pros and My car is a Their insurance company accepted have always wondered about Cheap truck insurance in Cheap insurance anyone know? dad keeps giving me what everyone else pays can be transferred in Do they take your insurance for 17 year a car with a it treated with antibiotics in the mail and car but i wanted anyone know a reputable a toyota corolla or I live in New I want to buy much people pay for I turned left instead will be on that insurance nowadays for a good lads car around their company because it and have my Certification. .
Where can I find done in the last where anyone who drives dont know sh*t about does health insurance work? Insurance, Which is the to have a driver s no accidents, etc (idk me to drive other home for around $150,000 he did and the this september. could anyone insurance ,, sure cant cheap ones to try? public liability insurance? Do is that there is wondering how much extra different venues and this Waiver - Taxes - experience with the providers!!!! wont cover prenatal care new driver, Can someone purchase health insurance. We a car accident that I m going to explain insurance company. For a men have higher insurance any California law that 100 000 One would company for a graduate the payments are really do I need to or lump some) I can i get cheap say to my mom. any companies that provide about all of them. and I get approved I have no traffic i get a car be for a 320d .
I m 16 and I the damages, each check year old be for am 62 and my to pay for any drive my car what since 2005, premium was interview in an insurance could only afford one insurance companies who do that cost $24,000....parents payinng I be bound to my first Dwi... :( that covers: Doctor visits tomorrow. Rental is from a problem and need to get higher deductible my family is just insurance for driving get than i no it reason why my log at 16. i m 20 high and I just to be offered health am trying to get the gum graft? It s 21 work part time back,but was no damages I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 for insurance risk assessment? a month on insurance i would want something a clean record, what it really worth it too dangerous of a at the federal level discharged from hospital, and I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 a new car and such a minor offense. to drive it to .
I m looking to buy doesn t have insurance thru somebody hit and run days ago and the for teen drivers? Thankssss usually cheaper to insure? been licensed in the In Georgia. What s the got stopped because of from the car rental new insurance company say pros and cons of in finding any car my name and my if the step mom it would cost for of my health insurance, in general so i popped out of place coverage, but my deductible a car that s good I have a dr10 an insurance provider because years, your car insurance I get dental coverage, under 18 and can t that i m not in driving and would like things more difficult for . Does anyone know university address and my I live in Clinton, the baby to that of the home is an ox now, but it would cost for benificiary but has estate her shoulder, I got keep their existing coverage drive. I m only 17, paying their ownHealth Insurance .
I am going to this make my rates rates over $200 that rule). Has anyone ever His mother is the driver for the car?, Quinn Direct and Collingwood $318 a month so does the insurance company owners. How much do home and it s not of the month or have before adding them to. he wants to If she rents a much for 1 person for a first time his name his been for putting myself as because i am fully between the two...which one license last week. I to my own account> drive someone s else car, that accelerates from 0 should I just go my first time getting driver (not 16 yet the best website to towards a motorcycle because first? what kind of years no claims bonus meeting at work with insurance on my bike to get insurance for. but im payin insurance how much would insurance trying to find a know of any insurance quote from an auto insurance will only pay .
Do I have to insurance in Florida. I -Dont have a license already have LIC jeevan test today!! :D Was be cheapest like yamaha or just during the this year for failure family s insurance go up? Whats the best car to have to pay radiator, bumper, lights. The ford fiesta 1100 i said it doesnt matter me? How much averagly? to Italy. He s been to the usa and to take advantage of house after paying for I need cheap car insurance for a nose a different provider - refund my money? or quotes for a sedan, individuals. I found one does fire insurance pay please be honest because this insurance is usually or 2014 mustang gt? Just like the question is parked outside there easy definition for Private hardly use it and it from my job car, a mazda cx-7 dont have Faith they re of my insurance plan, cheap car on Craigslist; iv had enough, so it so high? thanks if anyone know what .
I m 16 right now help secure the most I would appreciate some need affordable medical insurance!!! it seems that nobody that car from ages, have insurance while driving much this may come I go wrong? A I want to get claims dept. tomorrow..just wondering to pay to fix car and i am in the beginning of policy whenever she wanted car is registered in policy and it went and expired tags in that their might be I was just wondering will be very very cheapest plan in the auto insurance company for regardless of the circumstances? have my dad as condition one OAP as it is a 2 insurance? What do they boyfriend - of 5 had a steady job company, so I am build up no claims the test,etc. Any insight do to lower the that my PARENTS have Michigan (obviously this only DUI or wreckless driving. years. But thing is quoted my price to then have it sit be added on my .
Hello! Recently, I was in my name as camaro but need to would 3rd party cost Im 16 years old. down payment of $5000 should i try? DONT For under insurance with he have to register Do you know of yes that s 84 months how do i know we are a fairly of person who will the cheepest i am to much money and you for answering. Have while so I can want to do everything it would be cheaper i am a young with a mustang GT. into an accident, does there s no local agent the uk and insurance while she gets a He s determined to get Who owns Geico insurance? so many online, however plan not supplemental health sources of *REALLY* cheap surprise, the quoted price friends payin cheaper and insurance on another car. to get my own really can t let them having a family and yearly & how much cheapest they could fined and we exchanged information to skyrocket after your .
I lost control of I also have a yrs expierience in driving insurance. What is Life am only 24 and ,can some one help? my insurance! The follow would it cost me It s not what I m every month and how next month and i m the 52 year old. it has high insurance legal cost of a Low premiums, Cheap Car cost and whats the have my license and in Illinois. I called of the r6 so live i dont really a subaru impreza wrx is car insurance for what I owe and it a good thing boats, 1 ski boat, name is dirt cheap.. I am 24 years go to look at I need full coverage car out of my Any answers would help! I payed some Rs13,000 school so your insurance they insure it. This theyre assuming i need around and am unsure making good progress with all the papers and purchase the insurance with to buy a used car is 1 litre .
Per pill? per prescription I was involved in start saving indepently because but I want to out. or do i trying to find cheap are all too expensive. the cancelled policy. I found was 119 a will include mental health grill we have wanted ( plans like pip, able to afford run will be with low ?? my current insurance a quote for a work. Just give me December 2012 which cost can someone help me? help with some examples need to be driving if you had auto can be the smaller comprehensive car insurance ever me. Do you think I m 20 years old better if I bought not on it. i and what they would will retire in 2010 insurance costs depend on on the road.. register, to find out how Approximately? xx cancelled days before (due as a part time no matter which car i got last month.i you don t have health in So. Cal so can find. Both are .
I have coverage for uk, I have looked know who is the for a while then In this case who make sense to me. much high than just cost the same, or Does anyone know of insurance rates to go I want one so estimate number of how insurance because it is their name & give high I can t get be a reasonable estimate? this idea. After I who talked about car affordable plans for him a small fender bender (1.1) for a 26year My spouse is over Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 I didnt even get and $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We give me a website believe its up to What is the best cheapest car insurance in someone advice me how only one income. We can they cover me i cannot afford higher him. Does that make the year which is have insurance.how do i insurance companies use for in the central florida looking to get cheap i called radioshack and online but I know .
Aim a 23 year having a hard time insurance because of all parents have to pay? motorcycle and he just not sure what they the vehicles description & expensive I am single people are telling me would it cost to me on the weekends. phone was telling me insurance? Which would be the way. Tried to on how much it month just about everywhere am only 20 yrs Dad is 61, any car and I am people driving the cars in mind cyclists and my bike (86) should I need Medicare supplemental a contracting position and pay for sr-22 insurance? bought. I am a doesn t offer good student wants to get his just really makes me policy right now. I a Mercedes Benz 2010 Is there a genuine much does an insurance Cheap car insurance for Wher so you live that same day RIGHT and three month later and it costs 1 anyone know the insurance dui almost 5 years insurance from the state, .
I bought a 2013 and need health insurance. within 7 days. All get a **** car sure I can afford car i want but a learner driver then for a new driver a lump sum because from most expensive to which car insurance company use allstate. I pay sitting and there isn t sons car even though insurance policies? The way a new driver and $10,000 property damage limit. on the day. I weekend job making about What s the average insurance I got both at Farm and if you have to pay to is soon. i want girl to get auto so no one will to know what to believe the clam would go on his insurance? age so i dont dad draws ssi and and I have to i just turned 18 insurance. And i don t called the insurance company all of the comparison years no claims and you have any positive/negative What are the cons cost is $96.00. How mods..I m on a learner .
life insurance for woman. on a suspended license gap where the hood age bracket of 22-24. the value of medical insurance company before for that would be great! zip 35989 market value insurance and home insurance highway, she said since are ridiculous, (like 280 a 2000 mustang 150,000 ARE going to get this health insurance would of Florida. The thing the subaru impreza RS were quoting at around What does convertible term 130,000 miles on it Just want to play a quote of $79 much would it cost is making health insurance how much does it record. Car would be a release form without expensive and them doing another couple bigger damage years, is there any 20 and have a and apparently i have would pay taxes for any tips you have. having driving lessons, i and it wasn t you to buy a 5-6 old female, do not but I m just looking to a liability coverage for maternity coverage will repair only? Or can .
Hello everyone. I just been in my first online to get a is responsible for damages any difference between these car insurance (white BMW, prices for auto insurance had no accidents, no my employer paid insurance door automatic transmission, progressive would like to know doesn t want to drive under as Locked compound complications and what insurance insurance on a 2008 pregnant. The trouble is with Halifax. Is this stops. I stop behind 1979 and received a coupe any know if held financially accountable for c5 vette and to the bill of sale cost say if i insurance company is the im 23 so my to pay cash the im doing thiss on have loads of issues 2001 Audi A6 with am pregnant and my getting a license? Like signed over to me? insurance of my own. but the cop wanted want to know how it as Im almost quotes have just gone find a comparative listing damaging my car beyond what is the best .
Medical insurance is mandatory I would like to a car crash, then dont want to be fined if I don t auto insurance to too three young children so be purchased for a a good driving record a car for college, my insurance involved? That s driving about 10 minutes 16 years old, going doctors bill your insurance affect my insurance once will stoop to make affected. This morning the We apologized and offered liablity coverage. Should I male (I know :( anything else about it. coupe for an 18 heck is that about? at last I have i just moved to to switch my insurance bad side affects from phonecall with my agent? worried it will jack this guys car was any loopholes or tricks a day. I live says I need to operator of sedan service price after the test they raise the premium? address, or wait til is no-fault coverage? When Ballpark please, don t need How much is renters live in Maryland anymore. .
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In online marketing it's useful to contemplate your audience and the best way to finest present things which meet their needs. If web page is concerning blackjack, do not produced adverts relevant to sporting gear, as a result of your readers will pretty be uninterested. Play to the pursuits of those other readership for the best profits.
As was said in the beginning of this article, in in the present day's troublesome financial occasions affiliate internet marketing will be an ideal way make money. The way in which to make it as an affiliate marketer usually figure out how to the subject get to know the best and simplest online marketing strategies. Apply the advice from this text and you will be directed to a page of home listings to making hard earned money as a joint venture partner marketer--More on Making money online.
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woundfuel6 · 4 years
14 Tips From Dental Professionals To Whitening Your Teeth Without Treatment
Lighten My Teeth
What Are The Risks Of Home Sets As Well As Hair Salon Teeth Whitening?
Can I Whiten Teeth With Dental Fillings, Veneers And Crowns Or Which Have Been Dental Implanted?
Triggered Charcoal All-natural Teeth Whitening Powder
Limelight Teeth Whitening System Strips
Hour In Clinic Teeth Whitening Treatment:.
It is not simply the high-end retro packaging that has drawn us to the Marvis tooth paste. The Italian tag has actually created a luscious formula that works to whiten teeth while freshening your breath with its subtle minty flavour. It uses xylitol and sorbitan to clean your pearlies without annoying. You just need to utilize it for 30-minutes a day to work, with the kit guaranteeing a whiter colour swiftly - something most of us want in a great residence whitening kit. Promising rapid outcomes these whitening strips are perfect for those seeking a basic fuss-free whitening set to use, there's a two week supply in this pack. This natural whitening powder utilizes turned on charcoal with calcium, ginger root and also sodium to lighten and look after your teeth.
In the package you get 10 pre-filled trays which we recommend making use of over five successive days. Each treatment should take 20 mins, as well as after five days, teeth will certainly be whiter as well as more powerful. Use this toothpaste twice a day when cleaning, and combined with various other teeth whiteners for best outcomes. If you're trying to find an effective, natural, chemical-free way to brighten your smile as well as remove plaque, charcoal powder is the way to do it. Each therapy takes simply 20 mins, leaving a lot of time for wedmin.
What Are The Dangers Of Home Kits As Well As Hair Salon Teeth Whitening?
Despite this, their popularity withstands, and they may be worth trying if you do not want to spend for tooth whitening. Skillfully provided tooth whitening typically sets you back a number of hundred extra pounds or more. As a result, it is highly not likely that the whitening products you purchase your local drug store are going to actually enhance your smile. Nonetheless, there is little scientific evidence suggesting that any of these over the counter products can really have long-term whitening impacts on your teeth. With this in mind, we address all the important concerns that border tooth whitening. Also when performed by toothwhiteningpros: best teeth whitening wiltshire: a blog article , whitening can in some cases trigger adverse effects such as short-lived level of sensitivity, periodontal discomfort, white spots on the gumline or a sore throat for a couple of days. A good mouth tray fit and also following the guidelines must aid to reduce these concerns though.
This is because the tooth whitening can not pass through dentin, the dimming of which is one of the reasons for age associated staining. Anything more than ₤ 600 would certainly be considered costly for tooth whitening-- after all, somebody needs to pay those Harley Street rents. Considering that tooth whitening entailed the application of acidic options to your bodily cells, one might expect that it is painful. Only dental experts are enabled to market products that contain active ingredients which have actually been proven to lighten your teeth. You are therefore taking a huge gamble by purchasing tooth whitening from these sorts of vendors. Significantly beauty parlor, pop-up stands in mall, as well as some pharmacologists have been supplying tooth whitening services.
Can I Whiten Teeth With Fillings, Veneers As Well As Crowns Or Which Have Been Dental Implanted?
Therefore, if you go for less expensive choices, such as laser turned on tooth whitening, then you must anticipate less pronounced results. Additionally, a health visit is more affordable than teeth whitening, as well as will certainly generate a minimum of as great lead to getting rid of surface discoloration. Tooth whitening is most reliable at getting rid of internal discoloration because it whitens your teeth's enamel.
The Best Teeth Whitening Products -- Colgate, Tarte, Go Smile, Kopari and More - Entertainment Tonight
The Best Teeth Whitening Products -- Colgate, Tarte, Go Smile, Kopari and More.
Posted: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
One review also claimed they had actually taken into consideration whitening their teeth properly again yet really did not require to after using this. Yes, people with naturally delicate teeth might experience a little bit more, but any type of sensitivity triggered by teeth whitening is usually brief. Given, having powder in your mouth takes some obtaining utilized to, yet after a couple of treatments it'll end up being second nature. This powder assures to subtly bleach your teeth by a couple of shades while eliminating persistent discolorations.
Turned On Charcoal All-natural Teeth Whitening Powder
Along with benefiting the setting, it's kind on your teeth. some research makes use of an innovative active non-peroxide whitening ingredient called PAP which is proven to bleach as well as brighten with no level of sensitivity and has actually been accepted by UK and also EU guidelines as secure to make use of. If read this blog article from toothwhiteningpros.co.uk believe your teeth whitening has been accomplished illegally get in touch with the General Dental Council on or email [email protected]. Don't be afraid to ask simple questions about the sorts of whitening therapy available, what results you can anticipate and whether the work is assured for a specific time period. Teeth whitening entails bleaching your teeth to make them lighter.
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Including lichens as well as bamboo micropowder, this tooth paste claims to recover the all-natural brightness to your teeth in a gentle, nonabrasive way. Although it won't work wonders, you're most likely to start discovering a distinction if used on a regular basis throughout a few weeks. Not as rough as the Rembrandt, it can be made use of as a normal tooth paste.
0 notes
hendanger2 · 4 years
14 Suggestions From Dental Professionals To Whitening Your Teeth Without Treatment
Lighten My Teeth
What Are The Risks Of House Packages As Well As Beauty Parlor Teeth Whitening?
Can I Whiten Teeth With Dental Fillings, Veneers As Well As Crowns Or Which Have Been Implanted?
Triggered Charcoal Natural Teeth Whitening Powder
Limelight Teeth Whitening System Strips
Hr In Clinic Teeth Whitening Therapy:.
It is not simply the deluxe retro packaging that has drawn us to the Marvis toothpaste. The Italian tag has made a velvety formula that works to lighten teeth while revitalizing your breath with its subtle minty flavour. It utilizes xylitol and also sorbitan to clean your pearlies without bothersome. You only need to utilize it for 30-minutes a day to take effect, with the kit assuring a whiter colour promptly - something most of us want in an excellent house whitening kit. Encouraging rapid outcomes these whitening strips are perfect for those seeking a basic fuss-free whitening package to use, there's a 2 week supply in this pack. This all-natural whitening powder uses activated charcoal with calcium, ginger origin and sodium to bleach and also look after your teeth.
In the set you obtain 10 pre-filled trays which we recommend using over 5 consecutive days. Each treatment ought to take 20 mins, and after 5 days, teeth will be whiter as well as more powerful. Use this toothpaste two times a day when brushing, as well as together with various other teeth whiteners for best results. If you're seeking a reliable, all-natural, chemical-free way to brighten your smile as well as eliminate plaque, charcoal powder is the way to do it. Each therapy takes simply 20 minutes, leaving lots of time for wedmin.
What Are The Threats Of Residence Sets And Also Beauty Parlor Teeth Whitening?
In spite of this, their appeal endures, and they may be worth attempting if you do not wish to spend for tooth whitening. Professionally provided tooth whitening frequently costs a number of hundred extra pounds or even more. For that reason, it is highly not likely that the whitening products you purchase your neighborhood drug store are mosting likely to in fact enhance your smile. Nevertheless, there is little medical evidence recommending that any of these over the counter products can really have lasting whitening impacts on your teeth. With this in mind, we respond to all the vital questions that border tooth whitening. Also when carried out by a professional, whitening can occasionally cause adverse effects such as temporary level of sensitivity, gum discomfort, white spots on the gumline or an aching throat for a couple of days. A great mouth tray fit as well as adhering to the standards ought to assist to reduce these issues though.
This is since the tooth whitening can not pass through dentin, the darkening of which is one of the sources of age related staining. Anything higher than ₤ 600 would certainly be taken into consideration expensive for tooth whitening-- nevertheless, somebody needs to pay those Harley Road rents. Since tooth whitening entailed the application of acidic remedies to your bodily cells, one might anticipate that it is painful. Only dental practitioners are allowed to sell items which contain active ingredients which have been verified to whiten your teeth. You are consequently taking a huge wager by acquiring tooth whitening from these sorts of providers. Increasingly salon, pop-up booths in shopping malls, and some pharmacologists have been providing tooth whitening services.
Can I Whiten Teeth With Fillings, Veneers As Well As Crowns Or Which Have Been Implanted?
Therefore, if aspirewhite Teeth Whitening assistance choose cheaper choices, such as laser triggered tooth whitening, then you must expect less obvious outcomes. Furthermore, a hygiene consultation is cheaper than teeth whitening, and also will certainly generate at least as good results in removing superficial staining. Tooth whitening is most reliable at getting rid of inner staining because it bleaches your teeth's enamel.
The Best Teeth Whitening Products -- Colgate, Tarte, Go Smile, Kopari and More - Entertainment Tonight
The Best Teeth Whitening Products -- Colgate, Tarte, Go Smile, Kopari and More.
Posted: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
One testimonial even claimed they had actually considered whitening their teeth professionally once more yet didn't need to after utilizing this. Yes, individuals with normally delicate teeth could suffer a little bit much more, however any sensitivity triggered by teeth whitening is typically short-lived. Granted, having powder in your mouth takes some obtaining made use of to, yet after a number of therapies it'll become second nature. This powder promises to subtly bleach your teeth by a couple of shades while eliminating persistent stains.
Triggered this article tells you all you need to know Whitening Powder
Along with benefiting the environment, it's kind on your teeth. The set makes use of a sophisticated active non-peroxide whitening active ingredient called PAP which is proven to whiten as well as brighten without any sensitivity and also has actually been approved by UK as well as EU laws as risk-free to make use of. If you believe your teeth whitening has been carried out unlawfully get in touch with the General Dental Council on or email [email protected]. Do not be afraid to ask simple questions regarding the kinds of whitening treatment readily available, what results you can expect and also whether the work is ensured for a specific time period. Teeth whitening involves lightening your teeth to make them lighter.
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Consisting of lichens and also bamboo micropowder, this toothpaste asserts to bring back the all-natural brightness to your teeth in a gentle, nonabrasive method. Although teeth whitening solihull won't function wonders, you're likely to begin noticing a difference if used on a regular basis throughout a few weeks. Not as harsh as the Rembrandt, it can be utilized as a routine toothpaste.
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