#(and somehow make it gay)
neinofthem · 1 year
every episode with essek in it before the Reveal is so funny because he’s there for maybe 45 minutes max and he spends a third of this time staring deeply into caleb’s eyes, another third giving away state secrets, and the other third saying the most out of pocket batshit things like he expected his swag to carry him through any trials and/or tribulations. he called beau’s cocktail racist and then dipped. they invite him in to dinner and he’s like ‘yeah i made my dad so angry he died. normal. anyways what are your innermost driving motivations, wishes, and fears? is this how conversation works?’ and the nein collectively were just like it’s ok he’s hot. and you KNOW he’s all up in his mind with the whole tortured genius melancholy resignation sadness angst thing and it’s like baby no you’re just bizarre and unusual. god.
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thresholdbb · 2 months
what's the threshold theory
There was a post about how Tom is the only crew member who isn't really affected by the Borg, and there's a theory that he has so much luck because he saw the past and the future when he crossed the transwarp threshold. He saw the past and the future, all of time and space. There's some subconscious part of him that remembers that experience. In fact, Tom refused to play a part in Chakotay indulging Annorax's temporal incursions, probably because a part of him knew nothing good could come of it.
If we extend that same theory to Janeway, some of her wild luck with time travel and other crack plans starts to make sense. She doesn't verbally hate time travel until after the events of Threshold, since it happens in Time and Again without complaint. Janeway has an uncanny knack for time travel, as evidenced every time she deals with it. She hates time travel, but it might be because part of her knows exactly how to manipulate the timeline. She manages to avoid the "inevitable" temporal explosion in Future's End, saving both Voyager and Braxton. She resets the entire timeline in Year of Hell, and no one else followed her reasoning. She pulled it off flawlessly. In Relativity, she senses the incidents are all related, despite it being just one reading that connects them. By the time she's involved, she has a temporal incursion factor of .0036 and a time travel protocol named after her, even if that may just be Braxton's personal grudge. Then there's Endgame, where she intentionally changes the timeline. Up until this point, she has been dragged into time travel, but for the first time, she jumps in on purpose. How does Admiral Janeway know how to get them home sooner in a way that completely avoids the Temporal Integrity Commission? It's because she has seen all of time, and part of her knows exactly what needs to happen so she can get Voyager home and do it in a way that becomes baked into the prime timeline. Maybe she doesn't consciously remember what happened during her transformation, but the experience lives in her mind somewhere, guiding her decisions.
#every day is threshold day#tldr threshold cemented the time travel shenanigans#we're not counting her disparagement of time travel in relativity i know it's technically before threshold#but they've messed with the timeline so much that her past timeline is also changed.#Time travel is funny because the past is the future the future is the past#so while relativity comes before threshold in the prime timeline her timeline has also been changed in a way that it wasn't before threshol#we could chalk it up to a writing oversight but this is more interesting#not to mention her uncanny luck with the Borg which I think ties in as well#it's part of why her instinct is so strong#also the bio neural gel packs but that's a different theory#listen she's amazing with or without having seen all of time and space but she has seen all of time and that must have affected her somehow#those little salamander babies also have all of the cosmos in their mind#tried to explain as concisely as possible but it is part of my overarching theory#she doesn't second guess herself nearly as much following their jaunt into transwarp#I have more but I'm trying to be brief cause it's written up partially in my drafts somewhere and i have some things i need to do today lol#meta#Star Trek voyager#Kathryn janeway#threshold day#did you expect me thresholdbb to not have a serious threshold theory?#listen I can make anything nonsense and turn anything into a serious theory I was known for this kinda bs in grad school#I wrote a 25 page paper on NOTHING once#I wrote a paper about how corn fields were super gay and it made my professor cry I can spin the bullshit it is one of my skills
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daily-sifloop · 5 days
Kisses!!! Please!!!!!! They deserve it
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day 11: behind the scenes
#isat#in stars and time#sifloop#isat loop#loop isat#isat siffrin#siffrin isat#desert art#day 11#behind the scenes was such a gay name for a steam achievement#really made it feel like there was a something something going on between these two#please look closely and see where that siffrin knee is going. he's CLIMBING for that kissy! they go mwah!#anyway do you ever think about sifloop during canon? during the loops?#it's always so funny to imagine because I feel like it inevitably goes down the road of#loop being convinced that this relationship they're having isn't going to last (if) after the loops#they are but a side character that will get forgotten once this chapter of siffrin's life story is done#loop feels like a side fling for siffrin despite there being nobody else lmao#loop and their mistress complex (that sounds so funny taken out of context of the tags above)#meanwhile siffrin with their big heart and lots of love to give would inevitably start thinking of asking loop to travel with them#after the loops end#except they wouldn't ask while still in the loops#because that feels like an impossible promise#and then the duel happens#if they meet postgame while having had something during the loops it's also peak comedy because to siffrin it's a lovers' reunion#loop on the other hand thinks the whole thing is off#they would also think that them being the same person is somehow a reason for a break up#as if it wouldn't enhance the experience for them both and make this relationship make more sense to siffrin#listn those bitches loved that cautionary tale. romancing their own clone is a childhood dream that has come true#loop that thinks they're inconsequential#siffrin is living a romcom dream
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I've seen a couple of people complaining that the Captain didn't get a Coming Out Scene so that means it's Bad Rep, and I think they're missing the point a bit.
Like, sure, it would have been nice to see him finally come out but also, he doesn't have to? Personally I think it's amazing that ThemThere managed to create a character who isn't openly gay but is so obviously gay that we all just know without him having to say it. It's clear that they put a lot of thought and care into all the signs - the way he looks at the guys he has crushes on, the little offhand comments about Mike making a very fine soldier or the builder being handsome, the references to queer culture (Dorothy, Elton John, Cole Porter etc). They didn't half-ass this. They knew exactly what they were doing, and they were careful and subtle about it.
Also, we know the Captain's personality by now, right? He only talks openly about personal matters when he feels it's absolutely necessary, like when he's explaining about the bomb in "Redding Weddy" and explaining how he died in "Carpe Diem", and he doesn't seem particularly comfortable in either of these instances. He was alive in a time when he either wasn't allowed or didn't feel that he could be open about who he was, and seeing as he's sort of stuck in that time, what with him still acting like the war's continuing, he's obviously still heavily repressed. And it's in character. It makes sense for him to still be closeted. And of course, throughout the show he does gradually learn to relax and open up a bit, but he's not a fan of change anyway so it also makes sense that it takes a while for him to do that. As shown in "Gone Gone" after Mary moves on, he'd rather keep himself busy than talk about feelings.
And this is more a personal preference here, but I really really love seeing a gay character who isn't out. Now this doesn't mean I don't like openly gay characters, I love them too. But we see quite a lot of them, and it's just nice to have something a bit different. The Captain means so much to me as representation because while he's not openly gay, it's still very clear that he is gay. He's not a queerbait character, because they haven't hinted that he's gay and then revealed that he's actually straight. They've purposefully made the Captain gay, and there's barely any ambiguity, so even though he never says, "I'm gay," you'd have to be a fool to think he's anything but.
Queer people don't suddenly become queer when they come out. Just saying the words, "I'm gay," doesn't make someone gay. Being gay makes someone gay. That's it.
And the Captain is gay. That's it.
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lazylittledragon · 1 year
i'm going to scream i got accused of being a transmisogynist by someone on twitter because of this specific part of my t4t steddie art
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thechibilitwick · 5 months
one thing that constantly plagues my mind is this single milgram timeline interaction between shidou and kazui on kazui's birthday
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like not only is it extremely gay but i've recently realized the fact that kazui mentions it's his birthday has certain implications. milgram is pretty thoughtfully written, which would lead me to believe that they wouldn't disregard things that have been said in the past no matter how long ago.
meaning the things kazui said on his first birthday is still just as relevant even now.
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this would imply that kazui bringing up the fact it was his birthday was just an excuse to get shidou to spend some time with him.
why would he go out of his way to mention something he claims he doesn’t care much about if not as an excuse to get shidou to actually spend time with him? either it's just his crippling loneliness or he actually does have a thing for shidou, especially with the way his development is going and how his feelings and desires are being affirmed. plus every milgram interaction has some form of significance to the characters' development.
i do still feel like it's kind of a reach to make this assumption and i'm probably reading into it way too much, cuz it really could just be kazui being nice, but, y'know, why place so much emphasis on it? and also a SHOULDER MASSAGE being offered by the guy who craves physical touch? the closet is not even glass atp it’s been disassembled and returned to ikea
anyways 0507 is real
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alicesbread · 4 months
I really need to write a fic where Glinda sees Dorothy and goes "yup. You're my child now." And then after a torturing slowburn her and the wicked witch get together so Dorothy has aunt Em and Uncle Henry at home, and whenever she goes to Oz she has her witch lesbian moms waiting for her.
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magnus-rar · 2 months
jon and elias' interactions are almost erotic sometimes, it's so. what do you mean "details pulled directly from subject" (elias intruding jon's nightmares to catalogue them because that's what jon would want. because that's something jon will appreciate later). what do you mean Pleasured Exhalation (jon trying to break into elias' mind and elias enjoying the invasion of his privacy – even if it wasn't successful). what do you mean monologuing through another (and you can't tell me you're not curious). what do you mean a shared statement (jon joining elias' bliss, shaping it in his own way). what
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8cfc00 · 9 months
Okay but linc is such a good character??? His development this season has been amazingly consistent and COMPELLING... PLUS, hes not only a good character on his own, but the way he adds to the other teens' arcs is. so good. i think thats why hes shipped with literally almost every other teen... its because his relationships with each of them is just so unique and interesting.
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verygaysideblog · 3 months
some day… i really want to see my boyfriend in a skirt
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cactiaintracist · 6 months
the only correct way to write proper high-stake sci-fi finale is to get 3 very gay men and ask them to improvise the most camp, slutty and intense game of catch (also helps if one is trouser-less)
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look, they knew exactly what they were doing
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the tension, oh gawd the tension
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15's face kills me everytime
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honestly show me a scene with a better sequence of events (bet you can't), I'll wait right here
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Oh, in the name of all that is unholy help me. He's gorgeous.
Your honor, I didn't need a reminder I was gay but this man—
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Sir please, my poor gay heart can't take much more.
(If/when I get new dialogue it'll be in the reblogs. I already got two new ones)
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cycle-hit · 3 months
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hey guys i think theres a reason muu's opposite pair is kazui "repressed homosexuality" mukuhara.
her cover songs don't really help her beat any "was RLY gay for rei" allegations either. but whats funnier to me is her stupid chrysalis symbolism. ive seen a lot of people refer to the process of realising your sexual or gender identity as a "metamorphosis". muu i know what you are.
i also think this is interesting. though not as strong of evidence
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the mindset of "if i can just become someone youre fond of, i can be forgiven" is pretty common in people who have been vilified for being lgbt and become desperate to conform for "forgiveness". but i think this is less conclusive bc thts also just a general thought that everyone experiences. "if you just conform to what someone wants, then surely theyll like you" or whatever. plus her "what i did wasnt wrong" behaviour but thats also a general thing. and probably more related to her murdering someone
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deaderapple17 · 4 months
every time i think of chuuya’s weird ass horse noise in that one episode i hysterically laugh because now that we know he was faking it’s even more insane because that was literally him doing an impression of what he thought a vampire would sound like. why are vampires neighing chuuya where is the decorum
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fayevalcntine · 11 months
Positioning Louis as the "Edwardian wife who becomes trapped by her husband" in a literal sense does no justice to analyzing his actual place and role as a Black man in his society and in his relationship with Lestat. Any interpretation or analysis you do of him when it comes to their relationship cannot be stripped of the racial aspect because it's constantly there. Texts analyzing Edwardian wives (and particularly ones this fandom loves to bring up) typically were white and the dissection of their place in societal rules are always viewed from the aspect of gender that is within these texts only allowed to white women, but never to Black men or even Black women. And gender and race become inseparable when you discuss the latter, no matter how people may view it.
This is why I can't take this approach to analyzing Louis' story seriously because if you don't consider the racial aspect in his relationship even to himself and his sexuality, what's the point? You're still centering the standards that were more placed upon white male/female couples than you're willing to look into the unique structure of Black families, religion, their view of homosexuality and how that sooner heavily influences Louis than the family's "need" for him to be sold off to an Edwardian husband. Even in Louis' own story, him and Claudia being Black is more centered on than any demeaning "housewife" comment he tries to go against from Claudia's perspective. She makes that comment once, whereas we have at least two episodes from Louis' perspective that have very blatant hints and showings of the racism he still suffers from under the Jim Crow era and how it affects his self-worth as well as his relationship with Lestat who doesn't seem to take into consideration how any of the blatant racial aggressions and objections still affect Louis and what he considers to be important to achieve in his own life.
Then there's also the pointed topic of Louis' position as a Black man who is a pimp to the Black women he has as sex workers, as well as how his position as a Black father affects Claudia, another Black girl. If you insist on Louis being centered as this "Edwardian white wife" who is confined by his implicit gender in his marriage, where does that leave Claudia and the blatant misogyny and disrespect she gets from both him and Lestat? Lestat who is her white father abuses her. Positioning Louis within the strict confines of "being her mother" doesn't do her any favors because he didn't hesitate to choke her when he was deeply emotionally distressed, nor does it make him look any better when he's fine with chopping up her diaries and then delivering them on a silver platter so that Daniel, another white man, can read and dissect. Even if he does this under the sole pretense of "doing right by her", how does it in any way help when he also can't face up to his failures towards her?
#interview with the vampire#claudia#louis de pointe du lac#i just feel like all these needless 'Lestat is the patriarchy' discussions; even when done in order to shield Louis#do him and Claudia no favors because y'all keep centering these weird strictly white standards in your interpretations#'Louis is an Edwardian wife' Louis is a Black man who was turned in 1910s Louisiana#the structural confines Edwardian wives were given really aren't the same when you take into consideration the racial segregation#of Louis' time; and I feel like the specific issues that Black men then faced when it came to 'proving' their worth when it comes to gender#are then just sidelined and forgotten as if those aren't the standards Louis grew up with#if you want to discuss Louis' placement in his relationship with Lestat it's kind of really heavy-handed even on the show#that he's a black man and that that heavily affects him foremostly in this relationship#also I'm so confused over this insane idea that Lestat is somehow the patriarchy while Louis is a woman and y'all say this unprompted#without considering how it looks when you call a gay black man a woman and a white bisexual man a guy#i feel like you can evade bad stereotypes of painting black men as overaggressive without veering off into the whole other side#while still sounding vaguely backhanded#and it doesn't make it any less weird when I see other non-black/white fans insist on this interpretation#it just comes off as y'all sooner being able to connect to Louis if you see him in a role typically embodied by white women#than to refer to the actual identity he has as a black gay man
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burlowbeanie · 7 months
Sooo funny to me that Peglar and Bridgens are out here having a functional tender communicative relationship with guilt-free understandings of their respective sexualities and desires and with clear boundaries that both reflect their personal preferences and keep them safe from retaliation, while every other man out here is like “what the fuck are emotions. I’m going to die. I want to kill this guy. Nvm turns out i was just horny. I want to fuck this guy. I’m going to kill myself. Our wedding was on Tuesday. We’ve broken up five times since then. I’m going to murder him. I’m starving and I’m sure he is responsible somehow. It was a beautiful ceremony. There is a great darkness within us all. The murder will be an act of mercy that neither of us can fully understand or recognize as such. If you ask me how i’m doing i will say i’m fine and i’m so emotionally stunted that I genuinely believe it. I’m still angry and hungry and horny and freezing and it’s all my dead ex husband’s fault.”
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