#and he’d make fun of me for how flustered i’d get
verygaysideblog · 3 months
some day… i really want to see my boyfriend in a skirt
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bimbobaggins69 · 4 months
dreams about my dealer…
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dealer e.m. x fem reader
blurb request: 💌Hey Tori! Hope your day is going lovely 😊 As a request for the vday celebration, could I pls get a blurb where the reader is nerdy and loves reading old cheesy romance novels like these? And one night she falls asleep after reading and she fantasizes about her dealer Eddie as this suave romance hero who sweeps her off her feet and gets her all hot and bothered. And so after that night she starts buying books covers where the men resemble him and he catches on during one of their smoke seshs. You decide how it ends 😉😉 by: @honey-flustered
authors note: This is such a fun request, thank you for sending it in lovely. Hope you enjoy <3 if anyone wants a part two of just smut pls lmk cause I’d love to, but ya know I’m trying to blurb here.
all of my works are 18+
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“there ya go, wrap your arms around me, sweet girl. Just like that.” The familiar voice bellows into your neck.
“I’ve got you now, sweetheart.” He murmurs against your flesh this time, sending shivers down your spine. The long familiar hair tickles at your collar bone as his arms wrap tighter around you. This time causing a very needed friction between you and this mystery man.
“Mmm, go ahead angel, make yourself feel good.” He says again before removing his face from the crook of your neck and revealing himself to you.
You pop up out of bed, removing your sleep mask before you slam your hand down on the obnoxious alarm clock sitting on your side table.
You feel a wetness in your panties when you go to stand up and it’s as if a flash goes off in your mind and you’re taken back to the dream you were just awoken from. Eddie, your drug dealer in nothing but blue jeans, his hair wrapped in a low bun with loose strands that brushed your sensitive skin and his big muscular chest dripping with sweat as he held you against his body protectively.
You look back over towards your bed, eyes glancing over the book you fell asleep reading. You couldn’t deny the man on the cover looked pretty close in comparison to eddie, long hair and the same exact attire as he was wearing in your dream. The man had a smirk on his face that was almost identical to the usual smirk eddie always had when you’d buy your weed from him.
later that day you find yourself across town, at your local library; ready to check out any and every dirty romance novel with a man that in some capacity meets your dealers description. You couldn’t believe the crush that formed from one little dream, you’d been festering on thoughts of eddie all day and you need more ammo for these ongoing fantasies and the very welcomed dreams you might have tonight.
You’re able to find five books in total, and you just knew you were gonna whip through them all in one week. There was a hunger in your center that just needed to be satiated, and if you couldn’t have the real thing, then the next best will do just fine.
The next morning, you speed walk through the halls of Hawkins high, binder held tight to your body as you keep your head down just trying to get to biology in one piece, but you’re running late so your feet move frantically as you go over an excuse to give Mr. Sivertson before you breech his classroom door. As you become deeply lost in your thoughts you collide into another body who was rounding the corner, your binder falls out of your hands and on to the floor as the other persons hands catch you by your waist.
“Where’s the fire, sweetheart?” The all too familiar voice fills your ears and you freeze, eyes now level with an ozzy shirt and his statement leather jacket.
Eddie’s eyes glance down towards your stuff that fell into a messy pile between your feet, your heart hammers when he bends down to grab something. The smirk on his face tells you exactly what he’d found and now you just want to run back to where you came from, get in your car and drive to a whole new town.
“Whatcha got here?” He says through a dopey laugh, as if you’d been caught red handed. That’s exactly what’s happening.
“Didn’t think a church mouse like you would read these kinds of books.” He whispers, although you two are the only ones in the hall.
“I-I’m not a church mouse, and give me my book back.” You huff and snatch your book out of his heavily ringed hand, but your face was far too guilty and you knew that eddie knew exactly why you had these books in your possession.
You eventually side step him, not wanting to hear any of his teasing that you knew he’d readily dish out. Eddie wasn’t a bully per say but he was an asshole, a cocky asshole to be specific.
Once you’re out of biology, you speed walk to your locker. Ready to put this godforsaken book away until the end of the day, when you can read it in bed, cuddled up where no one would make fun of you. But as you open your locker a folded piece of paper falls out and hits the toe of your flat. you shove your binder into a cubbie before bending down to retrieve it.
Meet me behind the football field after school
- EM
Your stomach fills with butterflies as it simultaneously sinks into the depths of your ass.
Why would he want to meet up after school? Was he going to poke fun at you? Have you show his friends your book so they could all laugh at you?
But another part of your brain said:
What if this is it? What if he really wants you? Maybe he’ll kiss you? Maybe you can finally feed this hunger.
That was all you needed to make your split decision.
After school, you grab your book from your locker and make a beeline for the football field. Bypassing quick goodbyes from your friends.
When you finally make it to the tree line, you exhale a deep breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding, then you take a few deeper steps into the desolate woods. No one else came back here except for one infamous metalhead, so you knew you wouldn’t be met with any asshole jocks. That settled your stomach a bit, but not fully.
You see the back of Eddie’s head first as he sits on the old warped, wooden bench; hunched over as if in concentration. When you move closer, walking around the rickety table you can now see that he’s breaking up a nug of weed and placing it into a zig zag before rolling it up, snug.
Your eyes meet when he glides his tongue along the lining, he smirks up at you as your eyes gawk at the movements of his pink muscle, licking up and down. You can’t help but to squeeze your thighs together, that burning in your core blazes hot and he hasn’t even touched you.
Your eyes flicker back up into his and you realize that he’s watching you, watch him.
In a moment of faux confidence, you ask—
“What’s with the letter in my locker, Munson? I thought I was the one that was supposed to put the letters in your locker when I want to smoke.” You shoot him a weak smile, making him scoff as he puts the joint behind his ear for safe keeping.
“Are you gonna sit your ass down and smoke this with me or not?” He huffs, pulling a zippo lighter out of his leather jacket pocket and flipping the lid open and closed, open and closed. Is-is that a nervous tick? Is he nervous, too?
You lower yourself onto the seat in front of him, taking on your own nervous tick of picking at your nails.
He takes the joint from behind his ear, his eyes never leaving your form and it has you cowering deeper into yourself. He lights the spliff and inhales deep, holding it in for a second and then letting the smoke bellow out of his nose and mouth. You can’t deny how undeniably sexy he is.
“So, those little slutty novels you have—” He starts
“They’re not slutty! They’re romance novels, Eddie!” You screech in embarrassment, as your cheeks heat up from the deep cackle he makes in your expense.
“Yeah yeah, princess. Tell me, do they fuck in these romance novels?” He throws weak quotation marks up for the last two words, as his eyebrows shoot up under his bangs in question.
“Well, I mean…yeah they do.” You respond with a defeated slump of your shoulders.
“Mhm, just as I suspected. Slutty.” The way he sing-songs ‘slutty’ makes you fall into a fit of giggles, and the noise is music to Eddie’s ears.
“So uh, do you want me to make you feel better than those shitty books ever could?”
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
And I saw sparks —
1.2k Words,, Lucifer x reader
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a/n — So this was actually a request at some point but it was literally lost to the tumblr void. I cannot find it for the life of me but it had to do with brushing Lucifer’s feathers so here we are.
summary — Date night for the reader and Lucifer quickly turns into a bonding session where the reader grooms Lucifer’s unkept and touch starved wings.
warnings — Fluff, gn reader, obnoxious flirting, getting together (officially), Lucifer being touch starved and sad.
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Lucifer groaned as he tried uselessly to comb the feathers on his far back. He didn’t know if he had enough time to finish pruning when he started, and now, barely a third done, he was sure he didn’t. 
His third date with you was in ten minutes. In ten minutes you would show up at his door and expect a fully prepared, well put together, king of hell to sweep you off your feet.
How could he do that when he couldn’t even brush his own damn feathers? What are you going to think when you see him? Maybe, he thought, you’d simply scoff and leave him totally alone with poorly groomed wings.
How pathetic would that be? He grumbled to himself, dreading the last few moments he had to prepare. What was it now, six minutes? If he’s lucky, eight.
Lucifer was so wrapped up in these pessimistic thoughts that he didn’t hear the footsteps approaching behind him as he scrambled and whined over his knotted feathers.
“Lucifer, you okay over there?” You asked from the door way. 
He jumped back, brush getting caught up in the fluff of his wings and yanking two feathers out, making him let out a yelp and fall over. 
“Jesus christ, Luci—“ you laugh going over to help him up.
A blush spread across his cheeks. “I didn’t know you’d be here so soon,” he explained brushing himself off, “Wait how did you—“
“You left the door open and I heard very loud groaning so—“ You gesture to him, “—I thought i’d figure out where it was coming from. Oh, and you being demon royalty and all, I don’t think you should just leave your door open like that.”
He could tell you were joking and he was overjoyed that your attention hadn’t fallen to his exposed wings yet, so he played along.
“Actually, i’d argue that’s the very reason I can leave the door open,” he puffed his chest in his attempt to gloat his power.
This backfired when your gaze drifted to his roughly unkept feathers. Embarrased, he drew back.
“Uh, I was just finishing brushing them. They’ll be going away now, bye bye feathers,” he awkwardly laughed and rambled as he turned around him to hide his wings. 
“Wait, if you’re trying to groom them then,” your hands hovered over the wings before retrieving the brush from the table, “I can help with that. I had a friend way back when who—“
“Nononono,” he chirped, scooting back slightly, “I’m supposed to be taking you out and— and I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“Lucifer, it’s seriously no trouble. Shit, if anything it’s fun. Let me see,” you gently sit him down and take a seat on the floor behind him. 
Your hands find his feathers and begin combing through the unkept bits Lucifer couldn’t reach himself.
He tried with all of his might to stop his wings from flapping about. He’d be lying if he said it didn’t feel incredibly soothing having someone else care for his sensitive wings. 
“Oh god,” he sighs, letting his head fall back slightly as you work your way through his feathers. He collected himself seconds later, not wanting to seem weird, “Sorry, it’s just been a while since anyone’s…”
He trailed off so you took pity and finished the sentence for him, “No, it’s okay. It’s cute how flustered you get over shit like this, anyways.”
Your teasing smile makes his shoulders tighten and his head snap back in your direction, “I am not flustered,” he corrected, cheeks reddening, “maybe just discombobulated.”
“Uh huh,” you grin, “Of course, your highness. Are you too good for a little flirting, now?”
“Oh, Lucifer Morningstar is never not ready for a little flirting,” he smirked, trying to hold himself together under your gentle touch.
“Oh yeah? Hit me with your best line.”
“I—“ He struggled, “Uhm. Okay, well maybe I’m a little rusty.”
You rake your fingers through his feathers once more, softening them to the touch, “I’m sorry, I was under the impression that the king of hell had game.”
“I do ‘have game,’ excuse you,” he did air quotes with his hands, “You just put me on the spot. It doesn’t help what you’re doing with my wings, either.” 
His snobbish royalty tone was alarmingly present and he had his arms crossed as he pouted.
It’s true, usually, Lucifer was quite the flirt. If there’s one thing he knew about himself is that he was a hit with the ladies, in his experience, at least.
But maybe it’s because you’re the first person he’s been on a date with since Lilith. Or maybe it’s the way you’re softly raking your fingers through his knotted feathers. Either way, it was making his brain feel fuzzy.
“I’ll believe when I see it, Luci,” you laugh to yourself.
“Oh, i’ll get you good when I catch you off guard, believe me.” Lucifer bragged.
After a moment, the laughter died down as you focused on your work. Every now and then you drew long content sighs from Lucifer. 
Although you seemed happy enough with the silence, Lucifer squirmed uneasily. He felt guilt build up in his stomach.
“So this is some date, huh? Curtesy of the King of Hell, you’re welcome,” he said glumly, picking at a scratch in his marble floor, “Sorry I couldn’t have made this more enjoyable.”
You caught him off guard with a deep, warm-hearted laugh. The kind that made him else feel like he’s  missed a totally obvious joke or reference.
“What’s so funny?” Lucifer asked, clearly perplexed by your response.
“Luci, we’re in literal hell. Compared to everyone else in shit-hole, you’re one of the better people I’ve dated.” You smiled, freshening up a few feathers, “There, done. Good as new.”
Lucifer grabbed a mirror from off the table and examined your work before realizing what was just said.
“Dating?” his spirits rise, hands coming up to his chest before turning to you, “Are we dating?”
The surprise on your face makes him smile cockily. “Catch you off guard, with that one?” he brags.
“In your dreams,” you recover quickly, “And, yeah, I did say that, didn’t I?” You look at his expectant face, he grinned brightly.
“Well, you heard it yourself, pretty boy. It seems like we’re dating now,” you laugh and caress his cheek with your thumb.
Completely dumbly, he giggles and leans in your touch.
“Wow,” he simply says. He rests against your hand for a while longer before you pull him in for a kiss.
It’s gentle and sweet while it lasts, and when you break apart, you pepper kisses on his cheeks and nose.
“Stop it, stop!” he laughs as you come to another finish on his lips. “So, uh, do you still want me to take you out?”
“Actually, where’s your tv in this place? Let’s watch a movie, instead.”
And so you do, cuddled up on the couch together with Lucifer’s newly groomed wings draped over you both. 
He nuzzled into your chest, desperate for human contact after being alone for so long. And oh, he was especially glad he was getting it from you.
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a/n — Was listening to sparks by coldplay ON REPEAT while writing this, so that’s why the title is like that <3
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benedictscanvas · 5 months
pretty boy, pretty girl - jamie tartt x reader
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pairing: jamie tartt x fem!reader
word count: 2.1k
a/n: okay yes. it has been six months. which is actually mad to me, but there we are - whoops! i've been off following my dream and wrote this while procrastinating an assignment, so this is by no means a return!! honestly i was just itching to write it, but i don't know how much time i have for more - enjoy nevertheless <3
warnings: just a little bit of suggestion towards the end, reader is referred to as 'pretty girl' as the title implies amongst other pet names, quite a lot of swearing (some things don't change)
“Hi love.”
Jamie barely murmurs it as he walks past you, can’t help himself but to drag a palm along your back, one shoulder blade to the other, as he goes. 
He knows he’s bold sometimes, but he swears it’s instinct. He glances back to see whether your expression holds any discomfort, but all he finds is your grin, a tiny wave. He continues on his path towards the canteen, knowing that your corridor conversation with Rebecca is probably important.
Somewhere between here and there, he decides to get your lunch, your usual, and sits alone on a table until you appear.
You do, three and a half minutes later. As soon as he sees you, the irrepressible urge to make you grin again is back with a vengeance. He waves you over to his table with a gesture to the food he’s got for you and- there it is again.
If he was a slightly smarter man, maybe he’d consider why all it took was the sight of him to draw your lips upwards, set your eyes alight.
“Thought I’d save y’ from the queue,” he speaks, still soft, in a tone he feels he only uses with you. You match his unnecessary low volume.
“Thanks, angel,” you say easily, and you must not see his stomach doing flips, “Too good to me, you are.”
“Shut up,” he deflects, wonders if you can see him fluster at your nickname for him, “Are you still coming tonight?”
You groan. He frowns, and you quickly correct.
“Sorry. It’ll be fun.”
“Yeah, you sound proper convinced, an’ all.”
You chuckle, taking a bite out of your sandwich and taking a pause to chew. Jamie eats too, content to let you think before you speak. It was slowly teaching him to do the same.
“I’m just boring, Jamie. My favourite people are all under this roof, but usually they’re sober, you know?”
He often forgets you don’t really drink. Your friendship (however sour that word feels in relation to you) usually confined to these halls, to the pitch, to various football stadiums up and down the country. When they all get a chance to let loose, you’re very quick with the excuses, but he’s believed them blindly until this moment.
“Shit, y’ don’t drink, right? I can’t imagine that’s much fun in a club. I won’t tell anyone if you happen to come down with an illness or somethin’ this afternoon.”
You’re grinning at him again, all bright and sunny. It’s downright infectious, so Jamie nudges your foot with his on purpose and then apologises like it’s an accident.
“You’re alright,” you reassure, “I will join tonight. Even if it just proves to myself I’m not missing out on anything. Maybe Colin’s not as bad a drunk as I’ve been led to believe.”
Jamie winces.
“No, he is pretty bad,” he admits and then finally comes up with something to make you more comfortable, “Hey, what about this? I won’t drink either and we can spend the evening laughin’ at everyone else.”
You poke his hand and he tries not to drop his crisp packet.
“It’s everyone’s ‘relax and recharge’ night, Ted said. We both know you relax much easier with a few drinks in you. And I’d never judge anyone for that, I really hope it doesn’t come across like I’m judging any-“
“It doesn’t, sweetness,” he cuts in, “But actually, I’ll relax better if I’m one hundred percent positive that you’re relaxing too. What better way than judgin’ everyone else, together like?”
You purse your lips thoughtfully, mid-chew. He feels like he’s holding his breath, like he’s underwater and you’re in charge of the oxygen tank.
“Well, see how you feel when we’re there. It sounds lovely but only if you’re still up for it when we’re right next to a bar,” you say, still unconvinced. He wants to convince you fully, but he can’t decide if he should argue with you or kiss you silly before you speak again, “Hey, if not, I’ll buy you a drink?”
“Pretty sure that’s my line, love.”
“I said it, I meant it. Girls can buy drinks for pretty boys, you know.”
He thinks you might have removed his oxygen tank now. There’s some cruelty in that sentence but you don’t know you’re wielding it. He wills himself to flirt back even though it’ll only make him feel sick.
“Okay, pretty girl. One passionfruit J2O, please.”
Another grin. He’s so fucking fucked.
He’s been waiting for you for around forty minutes. He doesn’t know if that’s the normal amount of time you take to get ready, even if he wishes he knew, so he just waits, leaning against his car.
After fifty, he decides there’s no harm in just checking you’re alright and haven’t slipped on a sparkly floor that an evening cleaner has done a number on.
You mentioned going to the kit room to get changed, and he meets Will on his way there.
“Hey mate, you seen Y/N?”
Will looks paler than he’s ever been. Guilty. Jamie narrows his eyes and waits.
“Kit room.”
It’s all that Will says. When Jamie doesn’t walk off immediately, still waiting for an explanation for Will’s strange demeanour, Will turns around and legs it all the way down the corridor, turns left at the end and never returns.
Jamie shakes his head and continues in the direction of the kit room. The closer he gets, the more he hears. Muffled banging, shouting. He picks up the pace.
“Y/N? Love?”
“Jamie! Jamie, in here!”
Your voice floats out from the kit room and he hurries over. Still very confused, Jamie turns the door handle and finds the door won’t budge, however hard he shoves his shoulder against it.
“It’s locked, babe. Did you lock it?”
He hears your exasperated sigh and feels a little embarrassed.
“No I didn’t bleeding lock it! Well, I did, when I was getting changed, but then when I unlocked it my side it had been locked from the outside.”
Jamie struggled to put the dots together. Had Will locked you in? Judging by the running, he had… and he’d done it on purpose. A spark of anger shot down Jamie’s spine but he tried to convince himself there must be a reason.
Before he could, there was a hand on his on the door, pulling him away. It was being unlocked by another hand and then he was being shoved inside, hard enough to stumble against one of the benches. A piece of paper was thrown at his face and Jamie groaned as he heard the lock click back in place.
“What the fuck?” he muttered as he stood up fully, more dazed than angry now as he stared at the locked door.
“Jesus, Jamie, are you alright? Who the fuck was that?”
“I dunno,” he says, staring at the door as if it might have answers. Your hand on his face wakes him up, his eyes shifting to yours where you look him over with concern.
“You’re alright, though?”
You ask it like you need the answer, and Jamie needs you to stop trailing a finger along his hairline either way.
“Fine, love,” he assures you, patting the juncture between your shoulder and neck gently until your hands drop to your sides. Then he raises his voice, and he’s not really talking to you anymore, “Whoever’s locked us in here as some kind of joke won’t be fuckin’ alright though!”
No answer. He picks up the small piece of paper from the floor and reads it in his head.
Tell her, you prick.
He’s actually going to hit Roy with his car. Lightly, definitely not enough to damage him, but enough to really, really piss him off.
This was all some ridiculous attempt to make him tell you how he felt about you? Absolutely not. Never. He wouldn’t be coerced into something so delicate, so important.
“What’s it say?”
You’re peering over the top of the paper, but he folds it in two before you can read anything. His chuckle comes out strained.
“It says: Get fucking pranked. Must be Roy, he’s probably scared Will into helpin’ him, the fucker. I’m afraid it’s payback for putting all his socks on the ceiling last week, babe, an’ you’ve been caught in the middle.”
You pause, staring at your shoes. For some reason, you look far more forlorn than the situation calls for, but it’s gone before he can think about it further.
“On the ceiling?”
He nods and you giggle. It’s only as you step away from him in your laughter that he realises how close you had been. He should’ve savoured it.
It’s also only as you step away that Jamie finally gets a glimpse of your outfit and nearly reaches out to the nearby bench for strength. He’s never seen you in a v-neck anything before, let alone a dress, and he thinks it might do him in.
“You look good,” he says lamely, then tries again, “Great. Fan-fuckin’-tastic, I mean.”
“I like that last one,” you smile, ducking your head. He thinks, or rather hopes, you’re a little flustered, “Fan-fuckin’-tastic happens to be what I was going for.”
“Yeah,” he breathes, words gone as soon as he’d found them. And now he was staring. Shit.
“I like your suit,” you say, maybe breathless yourself. It must be his ears. You reach up as if you might fiddle with his lapel but just point towards it before your hand drops again. You practically fall down onto the bench you’re both stood beside and he follows, ever obedient, “Shame no one else will ever see it. How long do you think we’ll be stuck here?”
The suit isn’t for anyone except you. That’s what he’d say if he had any stupid bravery. He’s an awful coward, he thinks.
“Until Roy gets bored or Keeley finds out I reckon,” Jamie guesses, “Y’ wanna play I-spy?”
You sigh, but when he peeks at you out of the corner of his eye, you’re grinning your silly, lovely grin again.
“I spy with my little eye…”
It is around 11pm, when Jamie has not long fallen asleep against the jacket he had scrunched behind his head, that he feels your hand on his ankle. He can tell, as he wakes without opening his eyes, that you’re not trying to rouse him. The touch is light, feathery. Maybe an accident.
No, not an accident. It wouldn’t have lasted this long, and your thumb is drawing absentminded circles into his ankle bone. You think he’s asleep and you’ve reached out to hold him anyway.
He opens his eyes but doesn’t move. His legs are stretched out on the bench in front of him and you sit upright next his sock-clad feet, one hand on his bare ankle. You’re staring at a piece of paper so intently he wonders what could possibly be so interesting.
“This doesn’t say get fucking pranked, Jamie,” you murmur, and his hand flies to his jacket pocket. It must have fallen out when he slumped into a slumber. He’s sat up in a blink, watching the hand that had been so soothing, fall back at your side suddenly.
“I’m sorry. Shit. I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“No, don’t,” you insist, still staring at the piece of paper. Instead of whirling on him for answers, you reach calmly into one of the boot cubbies beside your head and pull out a piece of paper from one of the boots. You chuck it at him without looking.
He unfolds it with careful, if shaky, hands.
Tell him, you silly shit.
It takes him an absurdly long time to understand what the hell this second piece of paper means. Later, when the two of you look back on this moment (and you do so often), you’ll wonder how he could have been so dense and he’ll spin you a line about how too good to be true it all felt. But in the moment, he has no lines and no words, until your hand lands heavy on his knee this time.
“Jamie,” you say softly, through a grin that is so different from your usual that he could pass out. It’s so beautiful and so strikingly lovesick that he thinks he might actually be sick, “What do you have to tell me?”
He feels dumber than he’s ever felt. But your hand is still on his knee and now you’re shuffling closer to him on the bench.
“What do you have to tell me?” you repeat, then you poke his chest playfully as you add, “You prick.”
He still looks confused, so you clearly decide the best way to catch him up is to kiss him.
You pull away after a moment, a moment of pure heaven, because clearly you don't want to kiss him fully until he's all clued in.
"Come on, pretty boy," you say, teasing, "Figure it out. I was going to buy you a passionfruit J2O. It's the sign of all signs."
He should be laughing at your joke, but all he really wants to do is kiss you again. And again.
Maybe again.
"Oh pretty girl," he says, and he feels the rumble of his low tone in his chest. He places a hand on your face, fingers itching at your hairline, "I'll tell you anything ya wanna hear, I swear. Anythin'."
He hears your breath hitch, but he feels it too, where the meat of his palm is covering your neck.
"Anything?" you answer back, "I could have a lot of fun with this."
You scrunch up your brow like you're thinking and he's so stupidly in love with you that he just tells you. Too-soon be damned.
"Smooth talker," you laugh, giddy, and you kiss him again. And it's so good that he doesn't even remember you didn't say it back until hours later.
(at which point, you say it back so many times and in so many ways, Jamie is certain that he's the luckiest man in the world. he might not hit Roy with his car after all)
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katnisspeetaprim · 4 months
Grooming wings
Summary: Lucifer always struggled when it came to grooming his six wings.
(Requests open!)
Warnings: fallen angel reader, established relationship, fluff, spice but no smut.
Word Count: 709 Hazbin M.list
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Walking past yours and Lucifer’s shared bedroom, you couldn’t help but double take at the questionable noises coming from the other side.
Moving closer, you could hear strained groaning and curses being mumbled under the breath.
‘Luci?’ You called out concerned as you knocked on the door. Some people may think it strange to knock when it’s your partner on the other side, but you always respected each others privacy.
‘Uh-crap. One second!’ He called out, making you even more confused.
The loud crash followed by an ‘ow’ was the last straw.
‘I’m coming in!’ As soon as you entered the room, you stopped in your tracks at the sight before you.
Lucifer looked up at you wide eyed from his position on the ground where he was kneeling, trying to clean up a shattered vase, which he must have knocked into when you knocked.
He was also shirtless and all six of his wings lay limp behind him, with stray feathers littering the ground around him.
Your face softened into a smile, instantly realising what he was trying to do.
‘Uh-umm don’t worry! I’ll clean this up right away!’ He fumbled about with the broken glass, making you chuckle lightly.
‘Leave that Luci, come sit on the bed with me.’ You reached your hand out to help him up and guided him to sit on the edge of the bed, with you kneeled behind him.
‘You’ve always struggled with your wings.’ You smiled and stroked your hands over his soft feathers. He didn’t use his wings too often, so he would get matted and broken feathers more often, which lead to increased grooming. ‘Why not just ask me for help?’
‘’Well... It’s embarrassing!’ He shrugged his shoulders with a groan and strained his neck to see you over his shoulder. ‘Not even being able to groom myself...’
You’d already started sifting through his feathers, but you stopped momentarily to lean over and place a reassuring kiss on his cheek.
‘I’d never poke fun at you for something like this, besides.’ You paused for a second before smiling widely. ‘If you’re going to ask anyone for help, the fallen angel is probably your best option!’ Lucifer gave you a soft smile and nodded, turning back round and allowing you to continue working on his wings.
Ever since you opened up to Lucifer about how you lost your wings, your relationship had become even stronger, if that were possible. He’d helped you a lot in coming to terms with the loss, and it didn’t hurt to talk about anymore.
You started to hum lightly as you worked, and Lucifer let out a content sigh, leaning his head back.
The whole situation was extremely relaxing... That was until you ghosted your fingers over an area close to the centre of his back.
Lucifer suddenly went stiff and began to tremble as you worked that specific spot.
‘Everything ok Mr.Big shot?’ You teased, well aware of what the issue was.
‘Yeah!~’ His voice came out a few octaves higher than usual. He was clearly flustered already. He quickly cleared his throat. ‘Yeah all fine, all~ ah!’ You smirked at the state he was in.
You took the opportunity to run your hands over the area on both sides, making him moan out.
Lucifer wasn’t even trying to hide it anymore, shameful as it was.
‘Are you seriously getting turned on by this?’ You teased playfully, well aware of what you were doing.
‘Can you blame me?’ His voice was trembling slightly as he spoke.
‘You really know your way round that area.’ He was trying to sound smug, but failing miserably.
‘Oh duckie, you’re sweating!’ You ran your finger down Lucifer’s neck, following after the bead of sweat. ‘Are you holding back that much?’ You purred out, knowing where this was heading.
Your finger tracing his neck, and the sound of your sultry voice was the straw that broke the camels back. Lucifer couldn’t hold back anymore.
Faster than you thought was possible, he span round and pinned you to the bed. He had your wrists held tightly in his hands as he had them positioned above your head.
Lucifer looked sown on you with an animalistic, almost feral grin. As you felt his bulge pressing against your centre, you knew you were in for one hell of a night... (pun intended)
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urdepressedslut · 11 months
You’re Mine, Sunshine ❝part seven❞
♡ Pairing: Grumpy!Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: Bucky finds you making a mess in the kitchen, attempting to bake and offers his help. The two of you get to talking and some reveals about each other begin to come out. Will he finally tell you about your stalker?
♡ Warnings: language, light angst, super fluffy, talk of parent death, mentions of guns, these two are so adorable im literally melting
Part 8
Trope ⇢ Grumpy x Sunshine | Mob!Au Bodyguard!Au
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“I appreciate you passing on the message Captain, you know I’d do it personally but— I’m a busy man.” Pierce told Steve with a smirk at the end.
Steve nodded in welcome, but otherwise found it strange Pierce didn’t find the whole stalker situation concerning.
Pierce had called Steve in to make sure he had informed Bucky of the whole box— stalker thing. Pierce choosing not to do it himself, had Steve playing messenger.
“I understand sir.” Steve said lastly, turning to exit the room, knowing he shouldn’t take up too much of Pierce’s time.
“Oh and one more thing Captain,” Pierce rushed out, halting Steve in his tracks, “I need you to do something for me.”
“Okay a tablespoon of… wait no…” You mumbled to yourself, hands hovering over the mess that was baking supplies on the island of the kitchen.
You grabbed what you thought was an empty cup and pulled it towards your body— but you were unaware of the flour that was already filled inside.
The white powder went flying all over your front, covering your face and down your shirt— dusting onto your pants.
“Ah shit.” You mumbled under your breath.
Bucky seemed to enter at a perfect time, catching you attempting to cough away the flour on your lips— and catching you swearing which surprised him. He bit his lip, trying to keep his laugh from bubbling out.
You heard his light chuckle and glanced up, slightly embarrassed that he caught you in such a state. You were attempting to wipe away the flour from your lashes before speaking up— happy the white powder was covering your red cheeks.
“Hi James— kinda a bad time.” You chuckled, your vision still blurred with flour.
“I can see that. You need help?” He offered.
Truthfully, he’d wanted to help from the beginning but didn’t want to intrude on your time. He had to remind himself that he was strictly your bodyguard— and that didn’t mean he had to do everything you’re doing.
You smirked at his offer to help, knowing it would be a lot more fun to bake with someone. Especially if that someone was him.
“Of course, that’d be great! Thanks James!” You almost squeaked in excitement.
He wastes no time and hurried around the counter, scooting right next to you— hovering his hands over the messy island.
“It’s no problem doll— now where do we start?” He let his eyes dart to your face for a moment, knowing the nickname flustered you.
He couldn’t control the power he felt when he watched you get all ancy— loving the way your face dusted pink almost immediately.
Clearing your throat, you pointed to a recipe card hidden in the piles of flour everywhere.
“There— read me how many eggs we need.” You asked him, still attempting to wipe the white powder off your face.
He grabbed the card, shaking off the flour and squinting his eyes to read the pretty cursive writing.
1 cup Unsalted Butter (softened) 1 ½ cups Sugar 2 large Eggs 2 teaspoons Vanilla 2 ¾ cup Flour 1 ½ teaspoon Cream of Tartar ½ teaspoon Baking Soda 1 teaspoon Salt
He smiled at the writing, seeing the smudges of cinnamon on the card. The warm, peppery scent filling his senses. It was clearly hand written, and he wondered if it was yours.
"It says you need two large eggs." He told you.
You coughed another cloud of flour out, causing Bucky to chuckle. He set down the recipe card, walking closer to you.
"Hold still." He told you.
Without giving it much thought, he practically pushed the front of his body to yours, his eyes focusing on your flour covered face. He grabbed a cloth and started gently wiping off the flour. He was so engrossed in his task of clearing the flour, he didn't notice your now exposed flushed cheeks.
You could feel his breath fanning your face, his breath minty from the gum he had been chewing. You felt the butterflies fluttering around violently in your stomach, the nerves filling your veins.
He wiped most of the flour off by now, his eyes narrowed in focus. He held the cloth in his metal hand, and before he could stop himself, he raised his flesh hand— rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip.
The rough pad of his thumb wiped off the layer of white dust, revealing your plump bottom lip.
The act seemed innocent, but his gesture felt so intimate. The way your lip could feel his warmth through his thumb, the faintest thump of his pulse— beating into your lip. He gently pinched your bottom lip in between his pointer finger and thumb, trapping his own bottom lip in between his teeth when he heard you gasp.
Your heart was beating violently in your chest as he stared at your mouth— the way he was lost in thought for moment.
He seemed to snap out of his trance, and cleared his throat— backing away. It was only then he realized just how close he was to you.
"Sorry uh... there— I think I got it all." He said lowly.
You swallowed nervously, your cheeks a vibrant red by now. You felt like you could still feel the ghost of his touch on your lips.
"Uh yeah... two large eggs." He repeated, trying to get back on track ignore the little moment that had just happened.
You had to stop your hand from raising to smooth over your lip, wanting to ease the pleasant buzz he had left. You shook your head, attempting to clear your mind. But the butterflies kept tickling your stomach— they wouldn't slow their attack.
"O-okay good, I've got them in the fridge. Uh... how much butter again? I usually remember but it's been awhile." You laughed, happy that you didn't have any flour blurring your vision.
He skimmed the recipe card again, his tongue poking slightly out in focus. You glanced up and found the little quirk cute. He had found the butter part but decided to ask the question that was burning at the front of his mind.
"Is this your hand writing?" He asked finally.
You smiled at him, lowering your gaze to the mixing bowl in front of you. You mixed the flour around carelessly as your mind filled with sweet memories.
"No, it's my Mothers." You told him. "She has... had such beautiful hand writing."
Bucky winced slightly at your correction, and suddenly he felt bad for brining it up. He didn't want to bring the mood down— which is what he felt like he was always doing.
"Sorry I... I didn't mean to—"
You glanced up to meet his apologetic eyes and quickly reassured him.
"No, no— it's fine really... I love talking about her."
He relaxed instantly, relieved he didn't make you upset. That was the last thing he wanted to do. He nodded and let himself ask the questions that started bubbling up in his brain.
"What was she like?" He tested the waters, and by the way your smile only grew— clearly lost in thought thinking about her. He knew he was safe.
Meanwhile, you were trying to find the best way to describe her. No words could ever do her justice. She was the most incredible woman you will ever meet. She was everything you wanted to be.
"God she was... she was wonderful." You wanting to kick yourself for using such a simple word to describe the goddess that your Mother was. "She had the biggest heart... one that tended to get her in trouble."
You giggled, a certain memory popping into your head.
"Her and I were walking downtown one day and she saw a homeless man asking for money— so she gave him fifty dollars." You told the story.
"That's nice of her." Bucky thought out loud.
"Yes... But later that day we ended up getting robbed. A man held us both up at gun point— asking her for her wallet. Seems pretty typical, we didn't think too much of it. We were both shaken up— but otherwise okay." You trailed off, shivering as you remember that day so clearly.
Bucky widened his eyes, the situation sounding scary.
"Jesus..." He breathed out.
"The cops ended up catching the guy a couple days later. Through the process of questioning the man, they found out the man had watched my Mother give money to the homeless man earlier that day— and he was able to see just how much cash was in my Mother's wallet." You revealed and giggled at the next part of the story.
Bucky furrowed his brows, confused why this story was funny. But once again the sweet sound of your laugh had his mouth curving into a smile.
"What's so funny?" He wondered.
"The robbing part isn't what's making me laugh," You stated, "When my Mother got her wallet back— there was still a decent amount of cash inside. That's when I realized how bulky my Mother's wallet was— it looked like her wallet was about to give birth. I pointed it out to her and she started laughing so hard she was crying. God— I had never seen her laugh so hard."
Your cheeks hurt from smiling, but your Mother's laughter rung through your head. The tune playing like a melody— you felt warm inside just from the memory.
Bucky watched your eyes lose its light just slightly, the way your smile started to vanish by the end of your story. You sported a faraway look and he couldn't help but feel bad.
"I really miss her." You whispered, the small sound breaking his heart. "Sometimes I try to call her... and I completely forget that she isn't here anymore."
Bucky listened with heavy heart, this was sparking up memories of his own. He swallowed, feeling his emotions trying to claw their way up.
"I'd give anything to have just a little bit more time with her. I wanna actually be able to say goodbye." You confessed. "We didn't end on bad terms by any means but— I just had no idea that was going to be the last time I saw her."
You glanced up briefly, meeting his sorrowful stare. You expected to hate his pitied gaze, but you found it felt different. Your Father didn’t care— but Bucky did. There was a difference.
“She passed from a car crash.” You told him, remembering the way your Father broke the news to you. It was a horrific day.
Bucky furrowed his brows, but did his best to keep a poker face. With everything he knew— he wasn’t sure if your Mother had actually died from a car crash. There seemed to be some darker twist to this story, and again he felt bad for keeping it from you. He needed to tell you.
You didn't have time to prepare or even accept your Mother's passing. Ever since that dreadful day, time either moved in slow motion— or it sped by. Not giving you anytime to take breath. You were waiting for the day that the pain lessened. Would it ever? It didn't seem like something you were mean't to get over. You were bound to make room for the pain— knowing deep down it would never go away.
"She sounds amazing... I'm sorry you had to lose her." Bucky spoke genuinely, reaching over the counter to grab your hand.
You snapped out of your dark thoughts from his touch, and you wondered— was he always this touchy? Not that you minded it. His touch was welcomed and appreciated, his presence comforting. For once you felt good talking about her, to have someone listen. It was such a different change of pace— from how things were with your Father.
"You know I'm strong believer on everything happens for a reason, but I've yet to find the reason for her being gone."
Bucky didn’t know how to respond, knowing whatever he came up with wouldn’t be much comfort— so he squeezed your hand instead. Letting you know he was still here— listening.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to get all sappy… it’s just nice to have someone to talk to. Especially about my Mother and all that.” You trailed off. “If I’m ever rambling about god knows what— just tell me to stop and I will. I know I can get annoying, but I don’t mean to be.”
Bucky’s heart broke. Angry at whoever made you feel that way, that you needed to be silenced. He had a good idea on who— but kept the thought to himself. Knowing that Pierce seemed to be a sensitive topic— well depending on the day.
“You don’t have to apologize for talking.” He simply said, his eyes occasionally darting down to your still attached hands.
He was just trying to give you some comfort… yeah.
You smiled at him, squeezing his hand back and then letting go.
“Well still…” You tried to argue, but couldn’t come up with any reasonable answer.
The room filled with a comfortable silence— the baking plans forgotten. The quiet let you think clearly, and the first thing that came to mind was the earlier events. You weren’t hiding any big secret— but you felt bad that you had spied on him.
“Hey James?” You broke the silence.
He was already looking at you during the moment of quiet and just raised his brows— hoping you didn’t catch him staring.
“I need to tell you something… just please don’t get mad— I didn’t mean to. I happened to walk downstairs at the wrong time and—” You started rambling and Bucky came to your rescue.
“(Y/n)— I won’t get mad. Just tell me.” He playfully rolled his eyes, which made you giggle.
“Okay, okay.” You cleared your throat, stomach full of nerves that really weren’t necessary. “I kinda listened in on your conversation with that guy today.”
Bucky didn’t know what you were going to say— but he was definitely not expecting that. His jaw clenched and his eyes squinted, but it wasn’t out of anger. It was embarrassment. He didn’t know why he felt so flustered by the idea that you had heard him— truthfully he didn’t remember all that he said. But he knew he was speaking in defense of you.
You watched his features morph into what you thought was anger and swallowed anxiously.
“I thought you said you wouldn’t get mad.” You said quietly, hoping that you wouldn’t poke the bear into a full angry frenzy.
He immediately snapped out of his thoughts, your small voice bringing him back to the moment.
“Doll— (Y/n)… I’m not mad.” He told you truthfully, his face felt hot with embarrassment.
You looked at him with confusion, his words not matching up with the way he was looking.
“You sure? You got your angry eyes on.” You tried to joke, but asked seriously.
He let out of breath, running a hand through his hair— making it spike up slightly.
“Yeah, I promise I’m not mad.” He assured you.
“But then why did you have angry ey—”
“(Y/n)… I’m not mad! I’m…” He trailed off, “I’m embarrassed.”
You softened your gaze, watching his face flush. You didn’t want him to feel bad— if anything you were happy that he had stuck up for you. You wondered why he would be embarrassed.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed James… I actually think it was super sweet of you to defend me like that. No one ever has.” You told him.
He glanced up finally to you, not surprised to find your gaze warm and comforting. He felt the embarrassment fading away— but not completely.
“Well… I’m still embarrassed.” He mumbled, pretending to focus on the baking ingredients instead of your intense gaze.
“Don’t be. You have done more for me than my…” You trailed off, swallowing through the sudden tightness in your throat, “Than my own Father. I’m extremely grateful and lucky to have you around. Please don’t be embarrassed James, I appreciate having you here with me.”
Your confession left him speechless, and suddenly the room felt hotter. His eyes dilated— like he was in a trance. He could almost feel the chemicals in his brain shifting— and suddenly he was starting to see you in a completely different light.
Oh— he was fucked.
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” He responded finally, his true answer not wanting to make its appearance.
You just smiled back and tried to focus back on baking— though neither of you cared much about the baking anymore. You both found yourselves entrapped in each other. Conversation flowed so smoothly, the way it came so naturally and easy. It was so welcoming.
The room was settling into silence again and this time, it gave Bucky time to drown in his thoughts. He needed to tell you— he was just afraid what the outcome would be. He feared Pierce would send him away— or worse. It was rare you hear one of his men go against his orders and live the next day.
At the end of the day, he wanted to do what’s right. He didn’t have a problem with lying— most of his life had been playing a part. But with you, he felt he couldn’t keep up the lie. The guilt and shame are away at him, knowing you didn’t deserve to have this kept from you. He knew the longer it was kept from you— the harder it would be when the moment finally came.
“(Y/n)… I need to tell you something.” He started, gaining your attention.
You raised your brows, waiting patiently for him to speak. You were slightly concerned, but trusted it wasn’t anything that bad.
Bucky felt extremely nervous— the devil and angel on his shoulders screaming into his ears. It was the right thing to do… but the outcome would be disastrous.
“(Y/n) there is someone—”
The doorbell rung suddenly, making you and Bucky jump in fright. So lost in the moment you had forgotten you weren’t just in a world where it was just you two.
You were slightly disappointed that he didn’t get to finish his thought— but knew he’d tell you eventually. Bucky bit his lip in frustration, the timing of everything just perfect. He motioned for you to go upstairs.
“I’ll get the door, you head upstairs.” He told you, and you nodded your head— ditching all the baking supplies and immediately trudged up the stairs.
Bucky waited until you vanished down the hallway, before he made his way to the door. The silhouette on the other side didn’t look like Steve’s— which is who he thought was at the door. Peeking through the frosty glass, he was shocked to find it was Pierce.
Well fuck.
Opening the door, Pierce stood— many of his men guarding the front entrance behind him.
“Mr. Barnes…” He started and walked closer to him, “We have much to discuss.”
Bucky wasn’t sure what he had come here for, but considering he was physically here and not sending on of his men— it wasn’t good. He knew it could be just business talk, but with the smirk Pierce sported— Bucky felt his throat tighten with nerves.
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reader getting upset over a prank the boys pulled on her and boyfriend!remus trying to make it up to her
not sure how i feel about this one, but i started writing it thinking i was writing a blurb then it just spilled out; i hope you like it! it was a fun one
pairing: Remus x reader
word count: 1.5k (not proofread, sorry)
“Y/N?” Another knock. “Y/N, c’mon, love. Please open the door.” He’d been at it for a while, and you finally go to your door. You open it, flip him off, and shut it in his face again. “I get that you’re upset, okay? We messed up, but I swear we thought it would only last a few minutes!” You open the door again, glaring at him, and make an aggressive shooing gesture. You’re shutting it again, but Remus puts his foot in the door to jam it. “Hey, sweetheart, c’mon, let me just talk to you, okay?” He looks like he’s approaching a feral animal as he scoots his way into the room with his hands up. With how angry you are, he might as well be. 
You stomp over to your desk and write something on your notebook. You hold it up for him, and it reads, I CAN’T talk you moron!
He chuckles. Bad idea — if your seething glare could kill him, it would. You throw the notebook back on the desk, stomp over to him, and attempt to push him out your door. He’s much stronger than you, and though he lets you jostle him, he doesn’t leave. “I’m sorry; I’m sorry; I’m sorry. I shouldn’t’ve laughed, lovely. I’m sorry,” he rushes. You stop trying to push him over the threshold. 
“We had an oral exam in Herbology today, you complete arsehole!” you yell at him, and —you’d been holding out hope that it wouldn’t — but your voice comes out just as high and squeaky as it had been all day. You sound completely ridiculous, like you’d just inhaled unreasonable amounts of helium. It makes sounding angry impossible, and you can tell Remus is fighting back a laugh. Not being taken seriously when you’re so upset drives you even further into your rage. You groan frustratedly, and worse, you do something you tend to do when you’re angry: start crying. You cover your face and turn away from him. “Fuck. Hey, don’t cry, love.” He comes toward you and puts his hands on your shoulders.
You push him away and snap, whispering this time in the hopes of sounding less silly (you don’t), “I’m not sad; I’m angry, okay? And you’re stupid prank doesn’t even let me show you that! You ruined my exam, Remus! And I’d been so nervous about it; you know how hard I worked to prepare for it! But how could she take me seriously sounding like this? And I kept getting flustered by and it and, and,” you start breaking down, and now you are crying from both anger and sadness. 
“I’m sorry. I’m a complete idiot,” Remus says, and your head snaps up at him at hearing this — he sounds like you. You just stare at him in shock. “Wow. I sound ridiculous,” he giggles. “What the fuck, Rem?” He holds up a little empty vial. “We’re in it together now, love. As long as you sound like this, so do I,” he informs you with a silly determination. You give him a little shove. “Remus! That doesn’t fix anything!” “Yes, well… I’m working on that.” 
“What?” “You’ll see,” he says. Then, “I hope,” more softly. You’re staring confusedly at him. “Okay, what do you want me to do? Come up with the most embarrassing thing, and I’ll do it. Who should I talk to sounding like this? McGonagall? The entire Great Hall? I think most people are still at dinner. Take your pick, Y/N, and I’ll go make an arse out of myself.” “You’ve already made an arse out of yourself,” you say, the edge in your voice softening. Remus notices, and he clings to the signs of your letting him in again. “Yes, well, being in love will do that, you know? I just love you so much.” “Save it,” you say, rolling your eyes. “It was worth a shot,” he concedes, giving you his best puppy dog eyes. “And I do. Love you, I mean. Even though I’m an arse.” “Hm,” is all you give him in response, but your lip is quirking slightly. He ventures a step toward you, and you let him.
“I really am sorry, Y/N. We should’ve been more careful.” You glare at him. “Okay, okay,” he holds his hands up in surrender at your look, understanding immediately. “Okay, we shouldn’t’ve done it at all.” You nod. He adds in a whisper, “to you..” You try to glare at him at this, but you can’t help finding it a bit funny, and you snort mid-glare. He gives a full laugh, and taking his chances at your thawing demeanour, wraps you in a big hug. You groan but don’t pull away. “I’m sorry, lovely,” he says into your hair, placing a kiss there. “I’ll fix it; I promise.” You pull back to look at him, but don’t move completely out of his embrace. 
“Well, I have my two best guys on that as we speak,” he offers with a mock-seriousness that sounds hilarious in his current voice, making you chuckle. “What are those two idiots doing?” “What I told them to,” he says with fake-authority. “Mhm. And why aren’t you fixing it yourself?” “Because.” He gives you a squeeze. “I had the most important — and dangerous — job of the three: apologizing and comforting you.” “Well, you’re not doing a great job,” you respond, but there’s a lightness to your voice that wasn’t there before. “How can I make it up to you?” You shake your head and sigh a sigh of defeat. 
“Dunno,” you whisper. “Can you take go back in time and not do it at all?” “‘Fraid not.” “Then there’s not much you can do.” You shift out of his arms and go sit on the edge of your bed. He follows and wraps an arm around you, rubbing your arm soothingly. He looks behind him at your bedside table and reaches over to it then settles back in next to you. You notice he’s grabbed the novel you’re in the middle of. He opens it and starts reading to you. It sounds absolutely ridiculous, and you’re laughing before you can stop yourself.  He looks over at you with the warmest smile, seeing you a bit happier melting him.
“I think I make it sound quite cool, actually.” 
“Oh, you do, do you?” you snark. “You sound absurd.” But you’re smiling subtly and leaning into him. He reads a couple more paragraphs, and you finally stop him, closing the book in his lap. “Okay, okay, stop, Lupin. You’re going to ruin it.” 
“I thought you liked it when I read to you?” “Because I like the sound of your voice, you idiot. Your normal voice. This… this is the opposite of soothing.” 
“Fair enough,” he laughs. “I like the sound of your voice no matter what you sound like.” You squint at him like you don’t buy it. “I mean, your usual voice is a bit sexier than this, but hey, I’m sure I can make this work, too, if I need to, in the heat of the moment.” He jokingly runs his hand up your thigh, and you shove him away with an eye roll. He keeps laughing and reaches for your hand. When you let him hold it, he brings it to his lips and kisses the back of it. 
Just then, the sound of heavy footsteps on the stairs makes you look up. Sirius and James rush into your room. They both seem a little out of breath. Remus stands up, not letting go of your hand, and asks them, “Well?” At the sound of his voice, both boys crack up. 
“Keep it together, you idiots! How did it go?” Remus urges them, but he’s laughing too at the sound of himself. James tosses him a little vial, and Sirius offers a self-satisfied smirk. 
“That,” James says, pointing at the vial, “ought to undo it immediately.” “And,” Sirius continues seamlessly, “Professor Sprout —thanks to my unbelievable charm — ” all three of you glare at him, “and Remus’s offer to help her sift the fertilizer this weekend,” he adds in a quick whisper at which Remus can’t help but wince, “has agreed to let you retake the exam tomorrow.” You jump up eagerly, squeezing Remus’s hand, your eyes wide in excitement.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” you say, and when James and Sirius start laughing at the sound of it, you join them. Seeing your reaction, Remus lets himself laugh too. 
Still giggly, you grab the serum from Remus and unceremoniously swig down half. 
“The three of you are idiots,” you try, and unlike your voice, the squeal of excitement that comes out of you is high-pitched and piercing. You’re back to normal. Remus reaches for the vial, but you snatch it further from him and put it behind your back. 
“Uh-uh, lover boy. You’re going to have to earn this.”
 You give him a cruel smirk, and over the sound of James and Sirius’ increased laughter, you hear his defeated but still hilarious voice say, “Fair enough, love.”
P.S. i know sprout was probably after their time, but whatever
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ikeuluvr · 25 days
at-home dates || enhypen maknae line
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synopsis - what enhypen's maknae line would plan for your stay-in date night
idol!enhypen x reader / established relationship + fluff fluff so much fluff / warnings - none! / wc ~300 per member
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Everyone knows that Sunoo has the most perfect skin you’ve ever seen on a man. It envied you that your boyfriend has better skin and a better routine than you. Naturally, when you told him this, he knew he had to plan an at-home spa night. Sunoo had gone out and bought everything that he uses daily along with a few extra products he loves so you can have your own. He’d insist on coming over to your apartment since his place’s bathroom is owned by seven men and that is no place for a relaxing spa day. You and Sunoo sit across from one another atop your bed as he pulls out each bottle he bought for you, thoroughly explaining what it is, when to use it, how to use it, and answering any questions you have along the way. Every few sentences he’d let out a light giggle at how cute you looked as you attentively listened to his lecture on skin care. After finally coming to an understanding of each product, Sunoo took you to the bathroom to begin showing you exactly how to use everything. Before starting, he’d help you put on your headband, placing a gentle kiss on your now-exposed forehead. He would use the product on himself first before turning his full attention to you to help, bending over in loud laughter when you’d get flustered and confused. When it came time to put on face masks, Sunoo would have you sit on the counter with him standing in between your legs. He couldn’t help but smile brightly as he placed the wet mask on your face. “You’re just really pretty,” he’d whisper after asking him what the smile painted on his face was for.
An apartment owned by seven singers isn’t an apartment owned by seven singers unless there’s a ginormous karaoke machine sitting in the corner. With a grin, Jungwon made a bet with you: if you could score higher than him, then he would take you on a trip to Jeju that you’d been nagging him about for months. However, if he wins, you have to buy him a new pair of sneakers he’s been eyeing. Of course, you agreed to the bet and prepared to humble your world-class singer of a boyfriend. Jungwon laughed at how quickly you sprung out of your seat to turn on the karaoke machine, admiring your excitement. Losing the game of rock, paper, scissors, Jungwon was forced to go first. Jungwon being as cheesy as he is, chooses ‘Just One Day’ by BTS knowing it’s one of your favorite songs. He danced his way over to you as he sang the flirtatious lyrics, grabbing your hand and standing you up so he could look into your eyes. “Holding your hands, I’d lay myself under the sun with you. I wouldn’t let it end at a beautiful night, I’d confess my love to you, with the moon as the lighting,” Jungwon continues to sing as he holds your hand with his free one, rubbing circles with his thumb. After wrapping up the song, he flashes his dimple-filled smile and plants a kiss on your forehead before passing the mic to you. Teasing him for cheating by making you flustered, you were ready to make him feel the same times ten. You chose a ballad, ‘Always’ by Yoon Mirae. Hearing the first few notes, Jungwon jokingly grasps his heart and falls backward. As soon as you start, Jungwon is quick to quit his act, transfixed at the sound of your voice. “One day, you came to me like a dream. You shook up my heart, I knew it was destiny,” you sang to him. Jungwon’s face was full of love with his eyes glossed over due to of the mix of the lyrics and the sereneness of your voice. If someone asked him all of the moments he knew he loved you, this moment would be in his top three. After finishing the song and putting the mic back in its place, Jungwon stumbled his way over to you and wrapped himself around you. “Okay, you win,” he mumbled into your neck, “This was just for fun anyway, I bought our tickets to Jeju already. We leave in two days.”
An array of colors in cups sit before you along with two canvases laying across from one another on the tarped floor. Your boyfriend had bought the two of you painting sets for tonight’s stay-in date. You have always loved watching Riki paint on the rare chance he has time to. The way he guides the brush in gentle strokes while humming a mesmerizing tune is something so serene to you. Riki’s eyes glistened at the sight of you trying your best to match the painting tutorial that he was giving you. Small giggles couldn’t help but to escape his lips when your strokes looked the complete opposite of his. He made sure that you knew he was proud of you for even trying nonetheless. “It all takes practice, baby. You’re doing great,” he would assure you every time he noticed you becoming frustrated. Wrapping his tall figure around your body, he would place his hand on your’s to guide you through different lines, shapes, and figures while explaining his top secret painting techniques. Every so often you could feel his body tighten around you as he took in the closeness that you shared, leaving soft kisses to your cheek as you painted. Riki couldn’t stop himself from bursting into laughter after seeing your mess of a final product; colors mixed together, disconnected lines, asymmetrical figures, it was definitely… a painting. You pouted at the way your boyfriend fell over in laughter, clutching his stomach, and struggling to find air to breathe. Quickly enough he tried to pull himself together and threw himself onto you. “Babe, I love it, it’s so perfect,” he laughs out, holding the canvas in front of his face. Even though you didn’t believe him, Riki proved just how much he adored your painting by placing it on his nightstand right next to his framed picture of the two of you on your first date.
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  
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Online Matchup
Summery: Y/n thought it would be fun signing up on dating sites, just for shits and giggles. Who knew that was one of the best decisions they made, especially when they're having too much fun talking to a certain Jason Todd.
warning: swearing, unedited I think, mentions of cancer, fluff, lots of back and forth teasing
word count: 3072
a/n: I promised myself I'd post a fic today, though it's not the one I wanted, I hope you enjoy regardless.
Series master list
Inspired by this:
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September 19
You matched with Jason Todd, say hello!
Y/N So, when you say you're looking for a partner in crime Do you mean, like, rob a bank and fight batman? Or like, cozy up on the couch with the fireplace going while it's raining while we try to finish the books we bought? Cuz, I can do the second one I dont think i could fight batman or any of his kids Or even what to, you know? They’re kind of scary …. well maybe one of them i would fight I say fight but its wont be Oh man, I am so sorry about this. This is not how i wanted to tell you that i am a rambler I’m just gonna see myself out Goodday
Jason Ngl this made me laugh So who would you fight but not really?
Y/N You can’t honestly be interested in who I would fight? No way
Jason Way you seemed interesting and i want to get to know you
Y/N … okay but you need to answer my question first
Jason: Lol fair. And it would be the second one. I too wouldn’t fight batman but for different reasons
Y/N: So you're a fighter?
Jason Nope This isn’t how it works
y/n: Fine but remember, you asked for this
Jason: Okay but it’s not like you have a plan on fighting all the batmans kids so i think im safe
y/n: …….
Jason: Oh shit you do?!
y/n: I plead the fifth
Jason: You just got a little more interesting
y/n: I’m going home
Jason: Damn and here i thought i’d finally found the love of my life
y/n: No, nope Don’t say that The more you talk to me, you’ll find the real me and then want nothing to do with me
Jason: Let me be the judge of that We matched for a reason and i want to find out Don’t you?
Y/n: Aren’t you a charmer Okay fine. 20 questions?
Jason: Sure but after you tell what you would do in a fight with the batfam
y/n: I was hoping you would drop this, damn Alright, you get the honour of telling me who you want to know 
Jason: Nightwing
Y/N: Really? Okay. well first i was thinking of just flirting my way out, but he looks like he’d flirt back and i’m not the best at it to begin with, so I’d just get all flustered Bro’s an acrobat, i aint running from him. I aint running from all of them if i’m being honest. Nah for nightwing, he strikes me as a dork in some way. I’ll talk my way out of it. And if there’s something i’m good at, it’s talking.
Jason: So your plan is to talk circles around him?
Y/N: Yes Once i figure out what type of dork he is, imma talk until he gets confused and then i’ll run away Bro won’t see it coming
Jason: I should tell my brother He’s a huge nightwing fan
y/n: Nooooooooooo No one needs to know i don’t need other people to know how weird i am Especially your family I don't want my first meeting to be ‘hey, you’re that chick that’ll talk nightwing to confusion. Man that was a great laugh’
Jason: You think this will go that far?
Y/N: Honestly? No But i have hope You?
Jason: Ya Anyways, red robin?
Y/N: You skipped red hood
Jason: Saving him for last
Y/N: Fair Hes smart, can’t really talk myself out of that one nor would I flirt He is too young and not my type So i use his weakness
Jason: There’s no way you know that
Y/N: No but I know the dude doesn’t have a regular sleep schedule.
Jason: How do you know that?
Y/N: Back when I worked at a coffee shop, I took his order a few times and watched him down his coffee while it was still hot I asked him once, why? Dude said, and i kid you not ‘sleep is for the week and coffee is god’ Ngl, i laughed and gave him a free coffee just for making my day
Jason: Shit day?
Y/N: Ugh you had no idea. I had two tests that day and a term paper due but i couldn’t get it printed in time so that was late Didn’t help i woke up on the couch, and my body didn’t like that
Jason: You in school?
Y/n: Ya, only two years in but i want it to end
Jason: Not a fan?
Y/N: Eh When did we start playing 20 questions?
Jason: Right, we we suppose to play after you finished your hypotheticals
Y/N: Curses Me and my big mouth Who’s next?
Jason: We’re still on RR
Y/N: Blah right I’ll just bride him with coffee and make a run for it
Jason: The fact that that could actually work is scary Are you sure you’re not a villain?
Y/N: Nope just an engineering student who could fight god with enough coffee and no sleep Honestly, RR’s my spirit animal
Jason: Robin
Y/N: Are you nuts? I’d turn myself in and then some ain’t no way i’m coming up with a plan for him He scares me
Jason: Why?
Y/N: I watched him fight a few times The dude has enough skill and rage to fight the justice league if need be I bet he could kill too He looks like it
Jason: Okay you're not wrong But if you had to come up with a plan, what would it be?
Y/N: Cannot believe you’re making me do this Fine Little dude may have a hard exterior, but years of reading and knowing people like him, he has a soft spot and use that against him
Jason: Do you know what that is?
Y/N: … I am going to die If robin finds this, I am dying by either embarrassment or by his hands
Jason: Come on, you gotta tell me I’m at the edge of my seat here
Y/N: Fine, but if i’m going down I’m taking you with me
Jason: But we’ve only just met
Y/N: Maybe so, but I actually like you But i’m starting to doubt
Jason: Aw come on, little bird
Y/N: Damnit I happened to be walking home and watched him sit in an alley playing with cats Must have been a slow night, he was there for hours
Jason: It was the little bird wasn’t it?
Y/N: So who’s next? Spoiler? Batgirl? The signal? Red hood? Oracle? Well, I wouldn’t fight Oracle, I don’t know who they are but I know they would win so I’m going to stay clear of them No, you know what? I can tell you my answer for all three of them I’d bribe them with cookies or something. Idk if they would take it but that’s my plan. Just straight up bribery. Who could resist cookies?
Jason: That’s your answer to everything huh?
Y/n: Yup
Jason: Even with RH?
Y/n: … He’s different
Jason: How so?
Y/N: Mm, okay but your not allowed to judge Or laugh
Jason: Should I be scared?
Y/N: Depends Anyways, i have a crush on him So I would shoot my shot and if i get turned down then at least I tried
Jason: You have a crush on Red Hood? Out of everyone there is, why him?
Y/N: You’re judging! You said you wouldn’t
Jason: I didn’t say shit Now tell me why him?
Y/N: Hell if I know But have you seen him?
Jason: I have but you don’t even see his face
Y/N: That just adds to the mystic that is Red Hood I just know he’s got a good looking face underneath the mask
Jason: You really are something else
Y/N: Sorry I’m a big fan of RH And I guess I like the thought of a mystery So if you want to end this now, I understand
Jason: Who said anything about ending this?
Y/N: Don’t know, a lot of people who seem interested in me kind of leave after they find out Either they don’t want to compete with a crush that I know have zero chance at or they just don’t like red hood and being with a fan isn’t something they want
Jason: They’re stupid I ain’t leaving for that And who knows, maybe you can shoot your shot one day
Y/N: HA That’s not going to happen I freeze up when I’m near someone I like I’d probably stutter and say something embarrassing and run away No thank you
Jason: Thought it out huh
Y/N: You have no idea Anyways, 20 questions?
Jason: I did promise You can ask a couple?
Y/N: Favourite colour?
Jason: Really? After what I did to you, your going to ask something simple
Y/N: Answer the question Jason
Jason: Green
Y/N: Thank you Favourite food?
Jason: What’s with the easy questions? Give me some hard hitting personal ones
Y/N: I will in time Now, answers please
Jason: Chili dogs
Y/N: Those things are gross
Jason: Hey, they are the pinnacle of street food You just have to find the right places
Y/N: Mmkay, if you say so
Jason: Alright, gonna have to take you to one of my favourite places
Y/N: That right?
Jason: Only way to convince you Where do you go to school?
Y/N: Looking forward to it Gotham University, you?
Jason: Not yet, but trying to Kind of hard when you were declared dead for a while
Y/N: Fucking what?! Gonna need that story
Jason: Nope, gotta reach at least level 10 in friendship to unlock it
YN: Damnit
Jason: Sorry little bird
Y/N: You didn’t need to say it so casually tho Who just mentions, ‘yeah i’ve been declared dead but haven’t done anything’ into a conversation And not elaborate on it This is bullshit, sir
Jason: It has happened to people
Y/N: Yeah, but they tell people why You just Dropped a bomb like that and say, not yet Whatever, i’ll drop it
Jason: You sure? Sounds like it’ll bother you until you get the story
Y/N: Yes I’m sure Yes it will bother me But like I said, I like you and I don’t want to be pushy I’m not a pushy person
Jason: Awe does someone have a wittle crush
Y/N: No You got nothing on RH
Jason: Now that just hurts, little bird
Y/N: Don’t you have a question you need to ask?
Jason: Are you flustered? I feel like you’re flustered
Y/N: Amazing weather we’re having Despite the rain and all
Jason: Alright, I’ll stop with the teasing For now Born in Gotham?
Y/N: No I am from Metropolis, moved here for school
Jason: Any other reason?
Y/N: Yeah, Superman kept destroying my apartment building I’ve moved three times and somehow, he always finds the building I’m living in Minute I graduated high school, I moved
Jason: But why Gotham?
Y/N: Gotham intrigues me
Jason: You’re so weird
Y/N: Thank you Since you’re not in school, what do you do?
Jason: Mechanic Didn’t really want my dad’s help so I’m finding my way in life
Y/N: Not a great relationship?
Jason: You can say that So, engineering huh?
Y/N: Yup I love building and taking things apart Have since I was little
Jason: Gonna change the world?
Y/N: Imma try but can’t really do that while working at luthor corp
Jason: Please tell me your joking
Y/N: Ah, not a fan I see Can’t blame you but I am not It was one of the first places I’ve applied to and hear back right away I accepted before getting my other interviews
Jason: jumped the gun a bit 
Y/N: Yeah I did. I wished I didn’t but oh well I’ll find something better if this doesn’t work out
Jason: Why don’t you quit now?
Y/N: I am a broke college student who needs money If I quit now, I’m not sure if I find someone to take me Plus the hours working there are helping my schooling, so it’s kinda late to switch jobs
Jason: Can’t believe I’m saying this but try wanye enterprise I hear they’re good to work for
Y/n: I plan too eventually But at the moment, this is fine The hours I have now works with my school hours
Jason: How’s working there anyways?
Y/N: Not too bad I guess I’m allowed to work on my own projects as long as I work on the assigned ones The people are nice and all but it could be better
Jason: But you don’t like it there?
Y/N: I don’t like Lex Luthor and what he represents I guess
Jason: So you believe that he’s trying to take down superman?
Y/N: I’ve seen one of their fights Nothing to believe
Jason: Must of been some fight
Y/N: Mm So What did you mean, I can’t believe I’m saying this?
Jason: You can’t be weird about it
Y/N: Oh? I am intrigued
Jason: You’re making it weird
Y/N: I am not It’s not like I said you have a crush on Bruce Wayne or something That would have been weird
Jason: Is this how you felt when I teased you?
Y/N: Paybacks a bitch isn’t it?
Jason: I hate you
Y/N: Okay
Jason: I do
Y/N: You’re deflecting
Jason: Oh my god Fine He’s my dad, well adoptive dad
Y/N: Cool
Jason: That’s it? You’re not going to fawn over him being my dad? Ask me questions about what he’s like? Ask if the tabloids are true?
Y/N: Nope Tbh, I don’t care for Bruce Like, I applaud him for what he’s trying to do for Gotham and all But, seeing him on every magazine everywhere I go gets a bit tiring He’s just another dude that people are obsessed with Who cares if he’s rich Besides, I’m talking to you aren’t I? Who cares about Bruce Wayne I wanna know Jason Todd
Jason: You know? I think I may actually be in love 
Y/N: Stooooooop You can’t say things like that
Jason Why? Cuz you get flustered so easily?
Y/N And if I do?
Jason Gotta say it’s my favourite past time
Y/N So, the reason you don’t have a great relationship with Bruce Does it have anything to do with you being dead or something?
Jason Wow WOW I cannot believe you We go from what's your favourites to hard hitting questions huh? I see how it is
Y/N I told you they were coming
Jason I just didn’t think you’d use it as a deflection tactic
Y/N Yeah I want to say sorry But I’m not I’m sure you would use anything to get attention from yourself
Jason Can’t do positive attention
Y/N Eh
Jason I hear you And yes it is part of the reason why me and Bruce are not in good terms
Y/N Mm, I’m sure he’s trying
Jason In his own Bruce way yeah
Y/N Are you?
Jason I like to believe I am Why the interest?
Y/N I don’t know Maybe it’s the fact that my relationship with my dad isn’t the best
Jason You’re dad’s not Bruce Wayne’s too?
Y/N HA Then I would not be talking to you in this fashion
Jason That is true So then what?
Y/N My mom says we are too similar to each other Got the same attitude and all I believe it Growing up, it was all your useless and you’ll amount to nothing Or he’ll ignore me, and I’d prefer that over the degrading Only time he’d show his affection was if he was drunk
Jason Wow Sorry 
Y/N Yeah It’s gotten better since I moved out Now it’s there, and I’m still processing 
Jason Processing what?
Y/N Mm It’s a pretty heavy topic to get into with someone you just met
Jason Can’t be worse than me being dead for months
Y/N Months?! How many?
Jason Oh damn You are a lot easier to talk with then who I normally socialize with
Y/N I shall take that as a complement
Jason As you should And no, I will not be elaborating 
Y/N Alright fair But I will get the story
Jason Mm, I’m sure you will So? Gonna answer my question
Y/N Last year he was diagnosed with cancer Not sure what it is, but it already spread
Jason How long did the doctors give him?
Y/N He didn’t want to know Can’t blame him for 
Jason Sorry about that
Y/N Yeah
Jason You don’t sound to hurt about it
Y/N Like I said, still processing it so I don’t know how to feel With the childhood I had, I don’t know how too But I know when it comes down to it, my emotions will hit me like a truck when the day comes
Jason Well, soak up as much time as you can before you have any regrets
Y/N Trying to He is just making it impossible Whoo boy! That was a lot of emotion for one night I think I’m going to eat some ice cream and binge watch my favourite show
Jason Sounds fun, wish I could join but I promised my brothers with help
Y/N How many do you have?
Jason Do you read anything about the Wayne family?
Y/N Nope What I know about him is what is whispered between my classes and work and even then I don’t listen to them
Jason Really committed on not caring about him, huh Four brothers and three sisters
Y/N Big family
Jason Bruce likes to adopt
Y/N I can tell Anyways, have fun tonight
Jason I’ll try Would you be interested in talking some more?
Y/N I would love to
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 10 months
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The Perfect Send Off
Pairing: Billy Taylor x f!reader Warnings: Mentions of war, slight coercion and corruption kink, loss of (male) virginity, smut. Word count: ~2.1k
Summary: Visiting war torn London, while helping to evacuate her sister and her children back to Cambridge, a young woman finds herself checked in at The Halcyon, and catches the attention of their bell boy, soon to be soldier, Billy. Based on this request.
Author's note: No tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
“Billy, don’t stare!” Peggy chastises her son with a swat to the arm. “Help the lady with her bags.”
Her eyes move appreciatively over the tall form of the sandy haired young man in front of her. He offers her a tight lipped smile, obviously flustered, considering the shade of scarlet he’s turning, before grabbing her suitcases from the marble floor of the hotel foyer. “Sorry, Mum,” he mumbles awkwardly to the dark haired woman beside him.
“It’s Mrs. Taylor in front of the guests, how many times?!” She hisses quietly, before turning back to her with a charming, painted-on-for-the-guests type smile. “Welcome to The Halcyon, madam. Billy is one of our bell boys, and will take your bags to your room for you now that you’re all checked in. My name’s Peggy, I operate the switchboard. Please don’t hesitate to ring down if you need anything. I hope you enjoy your stay.”
She watches Peggy walk away, each click of her high heels growing quieter as she retreats, before turning back to Billy, who stands there expectantly with her bags in his large hands.
Oh, I certainly will enjoy my stay.
She had arrived in London by train from Cambridge that morning, intending to leave again with her sister and her children. Since war had broken out, the frequent airstrikes over London had made it too dangerous for them to remain, so they’d be staying with her until it was safe to come back - provided they had a home to return to.
It would take a few days for her sister to get packed and have the house and children’s schooling in order, so she’d be staying at The Halcyon until they were ready to leave.
She spares a sideways glance at the bellboy as they stand in the lift together, the reddening of his face from having been caught staring at her only just beginning to fade. He’s younger than her by at least a couple of years, but has chiseled features that make him look handsome despite his bashful nature, and he fills out the grey slacks of his uniform more than adequately.
The reason for her trip to London is a serious matter, but she figures there’s no harm in having some fun with it.
“It’s nice that a young lad like you gets to work with their mother,” she says with a sultry smile, as the lift travels upwards.
His eyebrows raise, blue eyes widening slightly as he turns to her in the small space. “Oh, I’m not a lad, I’m a man…I mean, working with me mum, it’s not forever. Expecting me draft papers any day now…miss?”
He looks at her uncertainly and she huffs a quiet laugh as they step out of the lift together. “Yes, miss is fine, I don’t have a husband.”
Billy presses his lips together and averts his eyes, nodding slightly.
“So, you’re signed up to draft,” she says as they reach the door of her room, “how exciting for you. You’ll have to pop by and let me know your posting once you find out, I’d love to know.”
He falters, the suitcases he’d been carrying thumping heavily to the ground as he stoops to deposit them over the threshold of her room. He straightens, clasping his hands in front of him, and looks at her apologetically. “Oh…yeah, course…yeah, I will!”
She holds his gaze for a few moments, enjoying his barely disguised panic, before she speaks again. “I’d give you a tip, but I’m afraid I’m unsure of which bag I’ve put my purse in–”
“Oh, it’s no trouble, honestly, don’t worry,” he insists hurriedly.
“Nonsense, I have to give you something,” she purrs, “will this do?”
She leans up and presses a chaste kiss to his cheek, watching him carefully as she settles back on her feet.
His eyes go wide, the scarlet hue returning to his skin as he battles to hide a grin, tugging at the collar of his uniform. She hears him mutter “bloody hell” beneath his breath, as his eyes dart nervously down the corridor.
She wonders if he’s ever kissed anyone before, based on his reaction to a mere peck on the cheek she supposes he probably hasn’t.
Oh, my stay here is certainly going to be fun.
“Was that to your liking, Billy?” She asks with a smirk.
“Oh…oh yeah…thanks,” he says, swallowing thickly and trying to regain his composure.
“My pleasure. If that’s everything then, I’ll see you later?”
He nods, retreating from the doorway and down the corridor, sparing glances back over his shoulder at her standing there, until he’s back in the lift and out of sight.
It’s nearly two days later when she’s heading back up to her room in the late afternoon, having spent the day with her sister, that Billy rushes towards her, eyes lit up with excitement and a wide grin on his face.
“I got my posting this morning!” He tells her excitedly as she puts her key in her room door.
“Congratulations, soldier,” she says with a wink, “got time to come in and tell me about it, or have you got to get back to work?”
“Just finished me shift, actually, so I’ve got time.” He loosens the strap around his chin of his Halcyon branded cap, removing it as if to signify the fact. His dark blonde hair is slicked back against his head, neatly parted to the side.
“Great, come on in then.”
Billy trails behind her, his hat held gingerly in both hands as he glances around the room.
“Make yourself at home, Billy.” She gestures towards the bed and he perches on the edge of it, while she takes the armchair opposite. She has never seen anyone look less relaxed and has to stifle a laugh at how rigid his posture is.
“So, about your posting–”
“Yeah!” He suddenly becomes animated again, leaning forward and gesticulating each of his words, “Came in the post this mornin’, tried to find ya, but you were out. I’ve been put on the anti aircraft guns! Can you believe it? I’ll be shooting German planes outta the sky!”
She watches him intently as he speaks, the curve of his lips, the brightness of his eyes. He exudes confidence when he’s passionate, not a trace of shyness to be found and it’s incredibly attractive.
“That’s very brave of you,” she says, “I expect your sweetheart will be worried for you though.”
“Oh,” he furrows his brow, his gaze downcast, “no, there’s no one…no sweetheart.”
“That’s a shame,” she drawls, her smugness at the fact barely concealed. “Tell me, Billy, are you a virgin?”
He widens his eyes, mouth opening and closing as he flushes pink from the base of his neck, all the way to the tips of his ears. “N-no…I’ve had it off with loadsa girls…”
“Billy…” she chastises in a stern tone of voice.
He sighs, turning his hat over in his hands, shoulders slumping. “Yeah, I’m a virgin.”
She moves to sit beside him on the bed, her hand caressing his shoulder. “Nothing wrong with that,” she reassures him, “but perhaps you’d like not to be? Can’t send you off to war, never having known the touch of a woman.”
He audibly gulps, staring at her in disbelief, so she takes the initiative, leaning forward and pressing her lips to his.
He freezes at first, she can feel him trembling all over, but he softens as she’s about the pull away and reciprocates, his hat slipping from his hands and landing on the carpet with a soft thud. His mouth moves clumsily against her own, over eager and inexperienced, yet there is something endearing about it. She longs to show Billy the tenderness he deserves.
“I–I don’t know what I’m doing,” he whispers nervously against her lips once they part for air.
“It’s okay,” she soothes him, caressing his cheek, “just lay back. Let me take care of you.”
He nods, moving back against the bedspread.
She takes her time stripping him of his bellboy uniform. Billy is undeniably skinny, but his long, lean limbs are corded with wiry muscle, his chest and shoulders well defined and broad as they’re revealed to her as she sheds his jacket, shirt and vest.
His chest rises and falls rapidly with anxious, shallow breaths, his eyes glued to her as she removes her own clothing. His lips part as she bares herself before him, trembling hands reaching out tentatively to trace over her naked flesh.
Her eyes widen with shock and admiration and she removes his briefs. She had not been expecting Billy to be quite so well endowed; his erection is thick and reaches almost to his navel, the ruddy tip glistening with arousal.
Billy hisses through his teeth, brow furrowing as she takes him in hand to roll a sheath over the length of him. She can tell from the way he twitches against her palm that he won’t last long.
“You okay?” She whispers as she moves to straddle him.
His expression is almost pained, only able to nod as he looks up at her with desperation in his eyes.
She sinks slowly down onto him, her jaw going slack at the stretch, hearing Billy groan beneath her.
“Oh…oh god…” he grits out, as her hips sink fully against his.
Trailing her fingertips over his bare chest, while giving herself a moment to adjust, she soothes him with a soft kiss.
He hums into it, his hips bucking slightly upwards and she pulls back with a grin, rolling her hips against his, delighting in the way his thickness drags against her sensitive walls.
He gasps softly, head thrown back against the pillows, a few strands of hair coming loose from his carefully waxed style.
“You’re beautiful,” he mutters.
His grip on her hips is vicelike as she rocks against him, she feels impossibly full and yet already anticipates this being an unsatisfying ending for her - she can feel him throbbing inside of her, as he pants hard beneath her.
Her backside slaps softly against his thighs once, twice, three times, and all too soon his eyes are screwing shut as he cries out in ecstasy, twitching as he spills into the condom.
She stills, gazing down at him as he opens his eyes, skin flushed as he gasps for air. He looks like a work of art, no shame or fear of making a fool of himself guiding his behaviour, just utterly lost in the moment.
“Sh-shit…sorry…” he whispers, as she climbs off of him. He pulls off the rubber and discards it in the bedside waste paper bin. “That was really quick.”
She smiles, guiding him back to her side and laying back. “It was your first time, that was going to happen. You’ll last longer next time.”
He grins down at her. “Next time?”
“If you want to, that is.”
“Course I do!”
He kisses her with more confidence, his hands snaking a trail down her body, squeezing greedily at her curves. After a few minutes of their languid kisses and caresses, she can feel him stirring to life against her thigh again.
“Could I be on top this time?” He whispers into her ear, settling between her legs, once he’s found another sheath.
She nods, sighing in pleasure as she feels him slip back inside of her. The change in angle and sensation of his weight on top of her heightens the feeling as each of his gentle strokes brushes deep within her.
While it feels good, it’s not quite enough to get her there, and as she feels his thrusts becoming less controlled, she knows she needs to help him to help her.
“Give me your hand,” she says huskily, taking it and guiding it between their bodies. 
She presses his fingers to her pearl, guiding them to stroke her in quick, tight circles. “Just like that,” she tells him.
He’s quick to learn, stroking her in tandem with each snap of his hips. He groans low into the crook of her neck, stilling as he spends himself a second time, but the movement of his fingers never relents. The combination of his ministrations against her bud and him pulsating within her drive her over the edge, and she climaxes with a moan, clenching around Billy, causing his breath to catch in his throat.
He rolls off of her after a moment, throwing his arm behind his head and pulling her to his chest. “Could get used to this,” he murmurs with a lazy smirk.
“Won’t you get the sack?” She asks jokingly.
“Nah, leaving anyway, aren’t I?”
“Right you are,” she smiles, snuggling against him.
“You up for another send off then? I could die, y’know.”
“That’s manipulative, Billy!” She giggles, swatting his chest.
“Is it working though?”
“Yeah, yeah, it is…” she says quietly, feeling his fingertips dig into the soft flesh of her thigh.
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kimbappykidding · 8 months
How Seventeen react when they find out you have a crush on them
Scoups - Husband behaviour straight away
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When Scoups heard from a reliable source you liked him back he was all in and ready for a relationship with you. He supposed he could've had more fun with it and teased you but he didn't want to do that. He wasn't the type to play games and so the next time he saw you he just asked you out. 
It was a party at a mutual friend's house and Scoups had one thing on his agenda that evening. Mingyu could tell something was going on because Scoups was more tense than usual but he wouldn’t tell him what was bothering him, however it was pretty obvious the second you walked in. Scoups went right over to you and stayed there the entire night.
"Hey, you having a good time?" Scoups asked. You nodded "I am thanks what about you?". He nodded "yeah it's really nice seeing all the idols in a casual setting, do you want another drink?" he asked pointing at your empty one. You nodded and stood up but Scoups shook his head "no let me go grab you one, I'm heading that way anyway". "Aww thank you" you smiled and Scoups nodded.  When Scoups returned drink in hand you smiled at him. “Thanks Scoups, you’re such a nice guy” you smiled “it’s really refreshing and makes me so grateful to have you in my life”. Those words made Scoups heart soar and he smiled “well I couldn’t agree more but I was wondering if you’d maybe like to have me in your life a little more, if you aren’t sick of me of course”. You grinned “of course not! In what way were you thinking?”. “In a romantic way” Scoups said honestly “would you like to go on a date with me?”. You went bright red and Scoups found it adorable. You nodded your head “I’d love to!” before pausing “sorry did that sound too eager?”. “Not at all” Scoups smiled “I like you and it’s nice to see you like me too”. “That’s an understatement” you replied before pausing “I didn’t mean to say that out loud”. Scoups just grinned, blushing slightly and you decided it was the most beautiful smile you’d ever seen.
Jeonghan - Smug af
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You could always tell when Jeonghan knew a secret you didn't because of the smug smile on his face. 
You'd met up for one of your movie nights and all through the film he kept glancing at you and then looking away with a smile. It was driving you crazy so eventually you just stopped the film and turned to him "okay spill". "Spill what?" he asked and you rolled your eyes "whatever it is that's making you look at me like that?". Jeonghan smiled "there's no reason, I just like looking at you". He'd always flirt with you when he didn't want to tell you the truth because he knew it embarrassed you. True to form you blushed but wouldn't let it go. "I know you Jeonghan and something is going on so please tell me!". "You like me" he said simply with a smile and you paused "what?". "You like me" he repeated sitting forwards "you have a crush on me and I know all about it". You blushed starting to panic "what? Who told you that?". "The who doesn't matter...the fact is you want me" Jeonghan grinned "and you can't even deny it". "I....I...." you babbled and Jeonghan just grinned popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth, so relaxed and smug. "I know" he smiled placing an arm around you "and I like you too".
You tensed in his embrace but he was just so chill. “You do?” you asked turning to look at him and he nodded. “Yeah, have for ages but glad you let it slip first”. “How did I?” you asked and he smiled “I heard you talking to Scoups about it and frankly I was impressed. You must’ve used some serious manipulation to get him to keep it from me and I thought I couldn’t be any more attracted to you”. You were now bright red and your jaw actually dropped when Jeonghan said how he was attracted to you. He saw your reaction and smiled “you’re adorable flustered” and pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
Joshua - Confident af #1
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Everyone always pigeonholed Joshua as sweet and polite and while he was both of those things he also had a more mischievous side. When he liked a girl he was the perfect gentleman, flirting a little but not too much and made sure to always remain respectful in case she didn't like him back but when he knew she liked him...then he kicked it up a notch.
"Hey Y/n" you heard someone call and turned to see it was Joshua. He must've just come off stage because he had that post-performance glow and looked really good in his outfit. Although somehow he'd gotten a red lollipop and was twirling it around in his mouth which made it hard to focus at first but after a few seconds you managed. You played it cool and nodded back to him "hey, how are you?". "Good...well better than good I'm great actually". You smiled "that's good" and Joshua nodded his eyes fixed on you "see I had a chat with Nayeon earlier and she told me some interesting things". You froze as he mentioned Nayeon, your worst member at keeping secrets. You'd purposefully not told her about your crush for that reason. You'd only told Jihyo but all it took was for her to tell one person and them to tell another until... You struggled to look Joshua in the eye but tried to play it cool leaning against the wall. "Ow yeah?" you asked and Joshua followed leaning against the wall too with an arm but with his height and the close proximity it just meant he was hovering over you.  "Yeah...so how long have you liked me then?" he asked his eyes never leaving you for a second. You dropped what you were holding and of course Joshua caught it, smirking as you blushed when your fingers touched as he gave it back to you. "I...Nayeon said I liked you?". Joshua nodded taking the lolly out of his mouth with a satisfying pop. "Well not in words but she implied it...so is it true?" he asked with a smile. You were still bright red and couldn't look up "I erm...why do you want to know?". Joshua chuckled and leaned in closer "because I think it is true and I think the way you’re looking at me right now is insanely hot". Your brain was a mess so you only processed what he said a few seconds later. "Wait you do?" you asked and he grinned. "Yeah but then again I think everything you do is hot.  Whenever you perform on stage it drives me crazy because I want you so much but I guess the question is..." he moved back so he could look you in the eye "do you want me too?". He now had you practically trapped against the wall an arm on either side of your head and everything about this made it hard to breathe. From how close his lips were to yours, to the amazing colour of his eyes and how hot his cologne smelt but that question was definitely the thing that pushed you over the edge. "I want you" you nodded and then cringed at how raspy and deep your voice had gotten but Joshua didn't seem to mind. He just grinned widely, his eyes doing that adorable smile thing you loved and nodded "great, how’s this Saturday?". You nodded "perfect actually". "Perfect" he replied "I'll pick you up at 7" and with that he strut away leaving you a mess in the space of a mere five minutes.  
Jun - Loses the ability to speak
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You and Jun had been a pretty great MC duo. You were natural together, the lines flowed and you had cute interactions. Therefore Jun was counting his first night as an MC as a success. He only had the closing to do which wasn't until the group finished performing. So he was taking a sip of water backstage when he spotted you reappearing from hair and makeup. He was going to go stand beside you when he saw one of your leader Solar, from your group Mamamoo, approached and hug you. He smiled, pleased they were congratulating you for doing such a great job when something they said made him pause. 
"Congratulations you did it! And you thought you were going to be awful together". You sighed laughing "well I wasn't sure how it would work when you've got a huge crush on your MC partner. I was scared I'd be dumbstruck every time Jun looked at me with those gorgeous eyes but it was okay! It took me a few seconds at first but he's so nice and made me feel so comfortable I managed to get past his amazing looks". Solar laughed "you more than certainly did and the chemistry between you two! It's amazing you suit each other so well". 
Jun could see you were blushing profoundly and was glad it wasn't just him. In the space of those 10 seconds he felt like the room had gotten 50 degrees hotter and his brain was a mess. You liked him? HIM? How? Why? 
However before he could process it the stage manager appeared and told him to get into place for the last segment. Some cards were placed in his hand and he was pushed onto the stage still dazed. A few seconds later you appeared and smiled at him "we're almost there!". He nodded but could barely process what was happening. Then the cameras started counting down and they were live... but Jun couldn't speak. Everyone froze as he just stared at the camera and he could feel you next to him hesitating. The staff behind the camera were waving their arms around trying to get his attention but he just couldn't speak right now. His brain wasn’t working but thankfully you came to his rescue. You'd paid enough attention in rehearsal to know what his lines were and you said them for him. "Welcome back everyone! We hope you've had as much fun as we've had tonight but sadly this is our last award. However don't fret we've definitely saved the best till last, right Jun?". Jun moved as he heard you say your name and he looked at you. You were staring at him almost pleadingly but you didn't look angry like the others, more worried. That made him feel a little better so he smiled and nodded "yes certainly...it's the one you've all been waiting for billboard of the year!". He was too scared to turn his cards over but you had this. "So without further ado we'll pass you over to our colleagues and we wish you a very warm night from Mamamoo's Y/n..." you hesitated and Jun took that as his moment. "And Seventeen's Jun!". "Goodnight!" you both said together and the cameras cut. 
"Jun are you okay?"  you asked him immediately and he nodded "yeah I'm, fine I just...got some really big news in the break and it shocked me". You frowned "I'm so sorry, I hope everything's okay?". He nodded "yeah thanks I just really have to go". You nodded "of course I’ll explain everything to them you just go". He nodded very grateful and ran from the room. He had no idea what he was going to do about your revelation but now he was safely out of the danger zone he smiled to himself. His crush liked him back. With a new jig in his step he headed out of the studio. 
Hoshi - Confident af #2 
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You arrived at the bar where everyone was gathered for Jeonghan’s birthday and spotted the huge group immediately. You greeted the birthday boy and then began to look for a place to sit. “Y/n!” you heard someone call and saw Hoshi waving to you “sit here, I saved it for you”. You smiled “wow thanks Hoshi” and slipped into the chair. You took off your coat and nodded to the people around you before spotting what Hoshi was wearing “wow you look nice!” you said complimenting his black sheer top. Hoshi smiled “thanks, what do you like about it so much? The fact it’s seethrough?”. You blushed slightly and shrugged “well it doesn’t hurt”. Hoshi smiled “good thing I wore it for you then isn’t it?” he said with a wink “let me get you a drink” and he disappeared leaving you flustered. 
“Is something wrong with Hoshi?” you asked Vernon and Seungkwan who were across from you. “No...why? What makes you say that?” Seungkwan asked. You laughed “well he’s usually flirty but this is something else. Is he drunk?”. “I don’t think so” Seungkwan said and then you noticed Vernon nudging him slightly. You heard Vernon mutter “tell her” and Seungkwan muttered something back in response, “Tell me what?” you asked and their eyes shot up to you “you’re not very good at whispering you know”. Seungkwan sighed “so...someone might’ve accidentally let slip to Hoshi about your crush on him”. “What!” you cried and Vernon shook his head “and by someone he means himself. Seungkwan shot him a glare before turning to you “Y/n I’m so sorry! It just slipped out”. “How?” you cried and he sighed “Hoshi was worried you might not make it tonight because work’s been so crazy lately and I said you’d come purely because he was going to be here and I never meant for him to hear but he heard and asked what I meant and it all slipped out...”.  “You’re unbelievable!” you began when Vernon shook his head “Hoshi’s coming” and you all pretended to be chatting normally. 
“Here you go” Hoshi said putting a drink down in front of you “I got your favourite”. You smiled “thanks Hoshi” and he smiled hanging an arm around the back of your chair “it’s no problem”. “Hoshi it’s come to my attention that someone might’ve possibly told you something about me”. Seungkwan actually shielded his eyes with his hand and pretended he wasn’t there. Hoshi just smiled “yeah I know all about your big crush on me”. Your eyes widened at how upfront he was being and you blushed “I...wanted to talk to you about it”. “It’s true isn’t it?” Hoshi asked still smiling “I can tell by how you can’t look at me”. You blushed “I...well yes but I didn’t want to tell you this way”. “Well how did you want to tell me?” Hoshi asked wiggling his eyebrows and you laughed “Stop! You’re making me blush”. “Y/n I hate to tell you this but you’ve blushed about 10 times in the past 5 minutes”. You blushed again and Hoshi giggled. You tried to cover your face but he grabbed your hand “don’t it’s cute...so do you wanna go out sometime?”. “If I say yes will you stop torturing me?”. “It’s a date” Hoshi said pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. 
Wonwoo - The king of being smooth and subtle 
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When Wonwoo found out you liked him, all his members wanted him to rush in and ask you out but Wonwoo never did anything haphazardly. So he waited and put his great mind to work. 
The two of you always finished at the same time on Wednesdays and would go grab a coffee together as a treat. Wonwoo had planned this to be the place and so he subtly started putting his plan into place. “How’s your schedule been lately? Really busy? Much personal time?” Wonwoo asked as you sat down. You shrugged “now‘s actually been a pretty good time. We’ve had some downtime so I was considering picking up a new language or something. What about you?”. Wonwoo smiled “yeah this is a quieter time for me too, maybe we can spend more time together?”. You blushed slightly and nodded “yeah that’d be great” and Wonwoo smiled, so far so good. 
“I really like your jumper by the way, you’ve been looking great lately” Wonwoo said suddenly and you seemed shocked by the compliment. “Thanks! We’ve been on this new exercise plan and it’s weights as well as cardio which is fun”. Wonwoo nodded “it’s really paying off, you look amazing!”. You blushed a lot more obviously this time and thanked him “you look good too”. Wonwoo thanked you and decided to go for it. 
“So Y/n...are you seeing anyone right now?” he asked. You froze and looked at him panicked before fixing a smile on your face “no I'm not, are you?”. Wonwoo shook his head “as a matter of fact I'm not but I have had my eye on this girl for a while”. “Oh?” you asked casually but Wonwoo could see your hand shaking slightly. “Yeah she’s from our company and she’s really great. She’s pretty, smart and super funny”. You smiled meeting his eyes “she sounds great, who is she?”. Wonwoo smiled “the girl sitting across from me”. Your jaw dropped and you actually did a quick check there was nobody behind you making Wonwoo chuckle “it’s you Y/n”. You blushed and met his gaze before looking away “I...had no idea”. Wonwoo smiled “yeah I’ve been told I can be pretty hard to read that’s why I figured I better just tell you...after doing some investigating of my own. See I'd heard you liked me but wanted to test the waters”. Your eyes widened “so that’s what all the questions and compliments were about”. Wonwoo shrugged “yeah but I meant everything I said, I want to spend more time with you and you do look amazing!”. You blushed again and Wonwoo thought it was adorable “so about spending more time together...are you free tomorrow night?” Wonwoo asked “if you’d like to go out with me that is?”. You said yes of course. 
Woozi - Literally doesn’t give any indication he knows
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When Woozi heard the rumour you liked him he simply decided not to do anything. He didn’t want to pay any attention to gossip and he figured you’d act on your feelings when/if you were ready. So the two of you carried on as normal and it was 2 weeks before you even realised he knew. 
You were over at Woozi’s for your monthly movie night and he was laid on one end of the sofa while you took the other. You loved these movie nights partly because of your crush on the incredibly talented kpop idol but also because it was just a fun way to spend time with Woozi. However halfway through something kicked off in the kitchen (DK set the toaster on fire) and Woozi told you to stay here and he’d sort it. When he’d been gone a while you decided to call your friend Red Velvet’s Joy, who was also friends with Seventeen. “Hey, where are you?” Joy asked picking up the phone and hearing the background noise. “At Woozi’s, I think Dk’s destroyed the kitchen again”. “Well that’s what happens when you leave Dk unsupervised” she laughed “so how’s your date going?”. “It’s not a date we’re just friends” you replied and Joy laughed “sure but Woozi wouldn’t invite you over if he didn’t return your feelings. He’d surely have stopped it after the rumour got out”. You frowned “rumour, what rumour?”. There was silence on the other end until Joy gasped “wait has nobody told you? I leave the country to tour and everything goes to shit”. “What rumour!” you repeated and she explained everything. A month ago a rumour was going around that you liked Woozi.
You were horrified but it all made sense. The reason the members kept smiling at you or why they kept whispering things to Woozi. You couldn’t believe you hadn't realised but wondered why Woozi never said anything. As if summoned Woozi reappeared “it’s all sorted...woah are you okay? You look super pale”. Unlike Woozi you couldn’t keep a secret and you caved straight away “why didn’t you say anything when you found out I liked you?”. Woozi immediately blushed and looked down “I...well I figured you’d tell me when you were ready and I didn’t want to startle you”. “I had no idea you even knew! Joy just told me now”. Woozi frowned “I’m sorry I thought you knew I knew! See this is why I stay away from gossip, too much drama!”. Despite everything that was so typical Woozi it made you smile before going serious again. “What did you think?” you asked. Woozi paused “about you...the rumour?”. You nodded “when you heard it?”. Woozi hated emotions and feelings but for you he could handle it. “Well I liked it” he admitted and you smiled “you did?”. He nodded “of course! Y/n it’s no secret I'm pretty anti-social but I’d choose to be with you over being alone 90% of the time...okay minimum 80% but that’s the lowest I swear. Everyone else it’s like 50%”. You laughed again and smiled “yeah for you that’s pretty huge”. Woozi nodded “yeah so I like you too...in case you were wondering”. Woozi was a blushing mess and you sensed he had reached his emotional limit so you took his hand in yours and played the movie once again. Woozi snook an arm around you and fitted you against him. Sometimes gossip can be a good thing. 
Dk - Incredibly goofy
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It took Dk a while to believe you really were into him but when he did he became overjoyed. He had a permanent smile on his face and nothing could get him angry. Or well it could but as soon as the members said your name he was all smiles again. So DK was hopelessly smitten and it came out even worse when he was around you. 
You were around quite a lot as you were Mingyu’s sister and new to the city, plus Dk invited you to literally any event before even Mingyu had the chance to. He was also the first in line to hug you every time, way ahead of your brother. Case in point, the second he saw your car pull up outside the house he was out of his seat.“Y/n’s here!” Dk called and rushed to the door. He barged into Joshua, sending the poor boy crashing into the wall but hurried past him to the door. He threw it open and smiled “hey y/n”. “Hi Dk! Wow you look great tonight” you called and Dk blushed “I do?” and a horrible laugh escaped before he could stop it. He clasped his hand over his mouth but it was too late. He stared at you horrified but you just smiled “yes of course you do! Cute laugh by the way”. Dk blushed even more and the guys were worried he might have a heart attack. “Mingyu go greet your sister before Dk has a cardiac arrest” Scoups called and Mingyu swept in to separate the two of you. 
Dk stepped away from you and watched from a distance. He went to lean his arm on the mantlepiece but slipped and elbowed Joshua instead. Vernon laughed at the look on Joshua’s face as Dk apologised. “Please just ask her out before you kill me!” Joshua cried. “I can’t...what if she doesn’t say yes?”. “Dk she laughed when you did that ugly laugh and called it cute, I think there’s nothing more certain in the world than her liking you”. “You really think so?” Dk cried and the others groaned. 
The8 had finally snapped and he walked up to you “Y/n would you like to go out with Dk sometime? He’s free this Friday and really likes you”. Dk froze as if someone had electrocuted him but you just blushed. “Yeah I’d love to...” you nodded looking across the room to him and Dk did that ugly laugh again. All the members burst into laughter as Dk tried to hide behind Seungkwan however the boy pushed him away and Dk fell on the floor. He just decided to stay there when you appeared above him. Dk sat up so quickly that he nearly headbutted you and you only just got out of the way. He apologise profoundly and you told him it was okay. “I was serious when I said yes” you told him “if you would like to hang out this Friday?”. Dk nodded so quickly he heard his neck click “I’d love to”. Great” you smiled and Dk nodded smiling back “great!”. The two of you were a love-sick mess the rest of the night.  
Mingyu - really really happy 
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You would think, given the number of people who have found this man attractive, that people having a crush on him would’ve lost its touch but when Mingyu found out you liked him the opposite happened. 
First he quizzed his members a lot to ensure they had accurate information. Then when Scoups got mad after several hours and told Mingyu not to ask them about it anymore he started to get that warm happy feeling as he realised the girl he was interested in had a crush on him. He’d hoped you might, the two of you talked often and hung out together whenever you could but to have this confirmation was excellent. So he decided to make a cake and a huge meal to celebrate. 
He totally forgot you had a key and were house-sitting for The8′s plant, so when you walked in he panicked. “Wow it smells amazing in here!” you called and Mingyu froze “Y/n! Hey, what are you doing here?”. You smiled “I’m looking after The8 plants while he’s away remember?”. “Oh yeah of course” he nodded and you smiled at him “so what’s the occasion?”. “The occasion for what?” he asked and you grinned “this!” gesturing around the kitchen “I know you bake when you’re happy so did you have some good news or something?”. Mingyu went bright red and was considering telling you when Hoshi beat him to it. He didn’t see you sitting at the table as there were cookies on the counter that demanded his full attention. “Cookies! You finding out about Y/n’s crush on you is the best thing that ever happened to us!” Hoshi cheered biting into one. Mingyu froze and Hoshi frowned “what?” he asked, his mouth full of cookies when he turned and saw you. Hoshi panicked and said hello before running out of the room (with the cookies of course). “So...” you said “you know?”. Mingyu nodded “yeah...”. “And it made you bake?” you asked “so you’re happy about it”. “Of course!” Mingyu nodded “why wouldn’t I be? You're amazing”. You blushed at the smile on his face and nodded “so I take it you’d like to go on a date or something?”. Mingyu dropped the tray he was holding and nodded “let’s go!”. You laughed “we don’t have to go right this second, finish what you’re making. I’ll wait”. Mingyu nodded giggling slightly with giddiness “okay”.  
The 8 - Gentleman x 1000
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Step aside Joshua we have a new gentleman in town. When The8 heard the other members circulating a rumour you liked him, he made them stop immediately. "Just what do you think you're doing?" he asked Dk, Hoshi and Dino as they sat giggling. Dk smiled "we weren't doing anything!". "I heard you telling Woozi that y/n likes me". "Yeah"  Dino said nodding happily and The8 shook his head "what gives you the right to tell anyone Y/n's personal business?". The smiles dropped off their faces "but we thought you'd be pleased..." Hoshi said and The8 shook his head. "I'd never be pleased to hear gossip. Leave Y/n alone and don't tell another soul, you go it?". The three boys all nodded. Meanwhile you had no idea the rumour was out until you saw two dancers smirking at you. "What's their problem?" you asked and your friend Le Sserafim’s Sakura hesitated "they know about your thing for The8". "What! How?" you cried and Sakura explained how you'd been overheard the other day on the phone. You were furious and marched over to them "look I know you don’t owe me anything but you could at least try and be professional at work and not spread my personal life around". One of them rolled their eyes "calm your horses we're not telling anyone after what happened when The8 found out, we don't need that kind of telling-off". You froze and asked them what they meant. Later when you saw The8 you jumped but had made up your mind about this so you approached him. "Hey" you called and The8 smiled at you "hey Y/n how are you?". "Well a lot better thanks to you apparently, I know some rumours about me got out and I heard you did a lot to stop them from getting any further so thank you so much. You didn’t have to do that and I really appreciate that you did". The8 shook his head "no need to thank me, you deserve to be treated correctly". You blushed and went to walk away when The8 chased after you "Y/n?". "Yeah?". "On a completely unrelated note, would you like to go out with me Friday night?". You grinned a huge blush on your cheeks "I'd love to". The8 smiled "great, I'll text you" and he walked away. 
It always pays to be the nice guy.  
Seungkwan - Word vomit every time you're around 
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Seungkwan had been absolutely fine chatting with you...before he realised you liked him. The second he realised you had a crush on him he completely clammed up and couldn’t think of a thing to say to you. The king of variety shows was a mess! 
To make things worse he saw you a lot as you worked for the same company. This week alone had been a disaster. On Monday you asked him how his weekend had been and he just nodded. On Wednesday you were behind him in the queue for coffee and asked how the new comeback was going. He proceeded to tell you the lyrics of the whole song and even did some of the choreo before running away. On Friday you asked if he needed a lift home after seeing him walking and he told you he was cycling home. “I thought you couldn’t ride a bike?” you asked and Seungkwan nodded “I can’t but got to learn somehow” and took a random bicycle off the side of the road and started peddling. Luckily the bicycle’s owner intervened shortly after you left, saved him from driving into the road and agreed not to have him arrested. 
So it had been a pretty bad week but there was an award show on Saturday and he just knew something was going to happen. Surely enough he saw you coming towards him on the corridor and you spotted him. "Hey Seungkwan! Cool jacket, where is it from?”. Seungkwan panicked and just said “Spain” because he knew you’d recently been to Spain and that was the first thing that popped into his head. “Ow cool I just got back from there, where in Spain?”. “Errrrr Madrid?” he said cautiously and you nodded “cool, my friend is from there. Did you do anything nice? Go to any museums or anything?”. Seungkwan shook his head “no”. “No?” you asked and Seungkwan froze “Well yes, yes we did!  Sorry I went with my family when I was a kid so I don’t remember it well”. “So you saw that jacket when you went to Madrid as a kid and bought it for your adult self?” you asked confused. Seungkwan just nodded figuring he may as well go along with the lie “yep! I was an odd child. I picked out a lot of my clothes then”. “Wow I didn’t know that, well congratulations to past you, I guess?”. Seungkwan burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard and you smiled along. “You look pretty good tonight too! Well not pretty good you look absolutely amazing!”. You blushed “aw thanks I wasn’t sure if I could pull off this type of dress”. “You can hear absolutely anything in the world” Seungkwan said and he began to list all the items of clothing you would look good in. You stopped him about 30 seconds in “Seungkwan?”. “Yeah?” he asked still picturing you in a cagoule. “Would you like to go on a date sometime?”. Seungkwan froze “with you?”. You laughed “yeah I’d be there”. “Yes! I’d love that” Seungkwan smiled and you grinned “great I'll text you my availability” and walked away. Seungkwan smiled widely “I totally killed that” and carried on walking. 
Vernon - Watches you more 
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Vernon didn’t quite believe his members when they told him the news. Sure the two of you were close and he liked you but that meant nothing. His members all claimed he was blind and should just ask you out but Vernon was naturally cautious, so he decided to play it cool. He watched you instead looking for any hint you might like him. He watched as you chatted with Hoshi and did notice your eyes drifting towards him often. Then when you played the mafia game you voted to save him and kept him in the game. Finally when you all went for food you manoeuvred yourself into a seat beside him. 
Vernon was beginning to think his members hadn’t been lying when he realised there was another explanation for your behaviour all night...he had been staring at you pretty much the whole time. 
“Hey Vernon can I ask you something?” you asked and he nodded “what’s up?”. “Is everything okay? I’ve just noticed you’ve been watching me tonight”. Vernon went pink as he realised he must’ve been so obvious. He’d been told he could look vacant and odd when he stared and hoped that wasn’t the impression you’d gotten from him. “Yeah everything’s fine...sorry I was just trying to work something out that’s why I kept looking at you”. You frowned “what were you trying to figure out?”. Vernon paused and tried to come up with a lie but he couldn’t so he just stuttered. “Vernon?” you asked and he just cried “they said you liked me!”. You froze and Vernon cursed himself. Why couldn’t he just have said he liked your outfit or was wondering if you’d had your hair done? “Who said that?” you asked and Vernon paused “the guys and I was trying to work out if it’s true”. You nodded and didn’t seem upset which Vernon figured was good. “So what do you think?” you asked and Vernon paused “what?”. “Do you think they were telling the truth?” you asked shooting him a look that made him shake “do I have a thing for you?”. Vernon swallowed “erm I’m not sure...maybe”. You smiled “if I did would that be a problem?”. Vernon shook his head “no...more the opposite actually”, Your smile grew and Vernon thought you looked beautiful. “Good to know” you replied and you didn’t take your eyes off one another the rest of the night. 
Dino -  Overly confident...until you come near him
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When Dino heard you liked him he was thrilled. He’d a had crush on you the first time he saw you as a dancer on stage but had never approached you out of professional courtesy (and the fact he was terrified). However when the guys overheard from another idol that you liked him too they told him he had to tell you and a sucker for peer pressure Dino agreed. 
“So when are you going to tell her?” Mingyu asked and Dino sighed. You were across the room with your Everglow members and all his members had been asking for the past 40 minutes when he was going to tell you. “In a minute” he said and Scoups smirked “you’ve been saying that for the past hour!”. “No I haven’t! I’ve got it all planned out and I’m just waiting for the right moment”. Jeonghan laughed “ow yeah? So what’s the plan?”. Dino took a breath "I'm going to walk over to her and tell her the award show story". Vernon burst out laughing "the award show story? Really?". "Yeah it's romantic!" Dino cried while Joshua frowned "what's the award show story". Dino was ready to launch into it when Seungkwan cut him off "Y/n caught a piece of confetti in her hands during a performance one time and he thought it was really cool so he learned how to do it and came back the next year and did it in front of her, the end". Dino frowned annoyed that Seungkwan had taken his story when Vernon hit his shoulder "you were saying?". "Ow yeah...tell her the story and then ask her out". The8 who was done hearing about this cheered "yeah you go Dino! Go ask her out right now!" and he gave him a push out of the circle. Dino dragged his feet but when it was clear the guys weren’t going to let up he shrugged. "Fine I will!" and marched over to where you were stood.
The closer and closer he got the more his confidence began to waver and he slowed down as he got closer. He stopped and looked back to see his members laughing and encouraging him to go closer. He wanted to but his feet just wouldn't move so he was frozen in place. He was panicking wondering what to do when he heard a voice. "Excuse me Dino?". He turned to come face to face with you and almost yelled he was so startled. "Yeah?" he asked putting on a false smile. "I was just wondering if you knew where the bar is? We've been here 20 minutes and still can't find it". Your members all nodded embarrassed but Dino didn't think you could ever do anything embarrassing. He nodded "yeah of course I'm heading that way myself why don't I show you?". You smiled "really? That'd be great thanks" and you set off together. When he passed the members he smiled smugly showing them he'd done it but Scoups just pushed him. "We all know you didn’t ask her anything, you coward!" and he was a blushing mess once again. Dino would work up the courage eventually, for now he was just going to spend some quality time with you.  
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pokegalla · 10 months
Requested by @tryslogic
Brooooo a part three AND with Papyruses?! They deserve more love and I shall give it to them✨ (Warning: A little spicy up ahead!)
How Touchy Can They Be In Public With Slightly Large Chested S/o! (Pt.3 with Papyruses✨)
* Ah yes the lazy carrot himself. With his chill nature could he be too lazy to think lewd things?! Well of course he can- he’s the type of…..closeted pervert? Like he is not gonna outright do anything or say anything unless it’s on the down low- other than that, he might be generally too lazy to do it…..or a little shy surprisingly.
* You probably randomly find out when you wore a nice tight shirt. With a whole amount of cleavage that leaves nothing much for the imagination- and he is staring respectfully…..a lot. If you catch him, he’ll just chuckle and shrug like yeah yah got me. Though he does get a little sheepish and looks away blushing.
* In private, he’s actually quite a big snuggle bug. He don’t care if he’s the big or little spoon. Heh mainly because he could either have your tits on his back as the little spoon or tits in his hands like stress balls as the big spoon. Plus he gets cuddles and possible smooches? He’s in heaven✨
* Now does he tease you in public? Ooooh boy. He’ll tease you via puns- seriously he’ll probably make you smack him or laugh. Maybe both- “Hey babe. Am I the breast guy you ever loved?✨” “Babe please-“ “Woah Calm your tits- I just found a cup for us *Shows coffee cup with a honey bee on it* Damn sorry It’s a b-cup-“ “BABE-“
* He’s just a silly guy who loves you very much……and no he’s not going to run out of boob jokes-
* Now NORMALLY I ask if this AU variant is capable of being lewd. But- this guy is so GODdamn HORNY, he broke that continuity in these headcanons- don’t get me wrong! He has his cute moments. But nah we don’t need to even ASK if he does bruh-
* And I highly doubt you take him to public without wearing a baggy sweatshirt- because I know the first time you tried wearing Y’know something regular that shows your outline, he was clinging onto you. Either face nuzzling your chest, or pulling you close by your waist, your chest directly pressed against him. Hell will the sweatshirt REALLY help-?
* In private he’s more like a cute cuddly puppy, snuggling you and asking for headpats. He even whines like one and if you don’t he has the cutest puppy dog eyes. And honestly it’s quite a sweet moment. He’s also the type of guy who requires a lot of trust so to see him unwind and be this affectionate is really rewarding. Though let’s be honest he can turn this from sweet fluffy moment to having you two break the headboard after having fun in the sheets~ If you in the mood? Oh he’ll take you there-
* Teasing? Absolutely. And very blunt teasing too- like from tell you how pretty you’d look with love bites all around……to straight up GRIPPING a booba with no hesitation- mans gives no fucks- might have to drag him to somewhere private before he does something right then and there. But he’ll apologize right after! “Sorry babe….I just can’t resist you. I love you so much!” ……you can’t stay mad at him can you? 😏
* Overall he really is your cute puppy dog✨
Papyrus (The Classic✨in case there is confusion-):
* Well……I’ll be damned. He actually had me stumped- but ok ok. Can this literal ball of sunshine be anyway lewd? My answer? I’d say……surprisingly yes? But very very vanilla- like he’s a grown ass Skellie, of course he’d be attracted. But it’s so damn innocent and sweet.
* Seriously in public he can’t help but smile and compliment you because he thinks you are the most beautiful person he’s ever seen- he tries not to get easily flustered because he’s The Great Papyrus! He’s supposed to make YOU feel flattered! Though the way he stares at your booba and looks away apologizing profusely, I think you feel flattered already.
* In private, nothing is better than cuddling with your S/o after training all day. But please let him know it’s ok to lay on your chest. He always hesitates. But once he gets comfortable, he’ll be a cuddly bean, skull resting upon your booba✨ he even gets curious, wondering why they are JUST like pillows! He also gets surprisingly romantic and leaves praises and kisses all over you, saying all the bits he loves about you. If he ain’t careful, things will take a steamy turn with you two~
* A lovely cinnamon roll who is always ready to shower you in love! And we can all agree: very adorable✨
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hh0320 · 2 years
☆ 🖇️ 𖥻 <꒱
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— 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞.
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pairing: art school! hyunjin x fem! reader (+felix)
genre: light enemies to lovers, love at first sight, angst, smut, barista (y/n).
warnings: profanity, jealousy, mature themes, chainsmoker hyunjin, unprotected sex, mentions of death (very brief).
word count: 4.6k
🏷 : @ughbehavior ty sm for your help! 🤍
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i. 08:43am
Hyunjin was contemplating murder.
“You’re holding up the line, hotshot,” he deadpanned, burning holes in the dude’s back.
Awful pick up line cut in half, the man of the hour turned around, eyeing Hyunjin’s stoic face.
Well, not so much eyeing, all things considered. More like looking up, intimidation failing to quite…reach. Hyunjin wasn’t the tallest of men, standing at 5’ 10’’, but this guy was a fucking joke.
You couldn’t seriously be entertaining him.
Hyunjin grinned down at him, honeycomb hair falling in his eyes. “Scutter along, playboy.”
The man was too stunned to speak, grabbing his drink and fucking off to wherever he’d come from. Fucking finally.
You weren’t amused, to say the least, but then again, you never were when it came to him. Instead, you glared. Hard.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” he smiled warmly at you, hands resting against the counter, arms flexing.
Your gaze dropped to the veins popping through his skin. You blinked, once, twice—ah, there it was, Hyunjin thought.
That rosy blush that painted your cheeks every time he did that—it made him weak inside. He wanted to see you blush for him, but in a different setting entirely.
Specifically, under him—
“What can I get you, Hyunjin? Surely you don’t come just to scare away my customers,” you snarled, wiping the espresso machine.
He ignored your little comment. “And, surely, you, my angel, know my order by now.”
He noticed the way your breath caught at the pet name, enjoying watching you make his coffee, flustered, avoiding his stare.
It had started as harmless teasing; freshman Hyunjin had walked into this small coffee shop, craving an iced americano, sketchbook in hand, excited about starting art school.
And then you’d turned around, and— well. Well. Hyunjin had never been in love, but he was pretty sure that was fucking it. You’d ruined him for any other person.
Too bad you hated his fucking existence. He’d tried his best everyday, to be soft, to tone down that damn sarcasm that always got him in trouble. He left you generous tips, came to hang out after or in between classes, sketching away as he stole glances at you.
You had called him a stalker, and he’d laughed in your face.
“A psychopath, then,” you’d claimed.
“Only for you, sweetheart. Why don’t you tell me your name?”
“Fuck off.”
He’d smirked at you, arms crossing over his chest. “I’ll take my time breaking you, angel.”
“I’d like to see you try, pretty boy.”
So he did. And, fuck, has it been fun, because he could see, underneath the tough exterior, and adorable mean faces, you secretly loved it. The attention he gave you, his overprotective ness of you, how jealous he’d get when boys would try to flirt with you.
You knew, deep down—you belonged with him. You did ever since he found you, almost two years ago.
Hyunjin carried himself with a sort of elegant arrogance; popularity had come to him easy. His talent was unmatchable—a product of numerous hours of hard work; acrylics, oils, coal, he’d practiced it all, and he can’t not admit that it had been lonely, locked inside a room, thoughts turned into color, painting becoming an undistinguishable extension of him.
Had the brushes and the pencils, and the papers not been there, he wouldn’t have survived. Perhaps, some thought that to be an over exaggeration , but there had been nothing else for him, except this.
The smell of graphite, the hard callouses whispering of softwood—blank, textured paper waiting to be filled. All he’s known.
And then you. His coffee shop girl.
ii. 15:31pm
“Put that out, it’s disgusting,” you commented, picking up after a table that had just left.
Hyunjin sat by the door, smoking, sipping on his coffee. Sun out, and a pleasant wind blowing, his sketchbook lay open on the pavement.
“What do I get if I do?” He dared, turning to you.
You had a beautiful neck, he’d always thought so. Sometimes he thought you did it on purpose; clipping your hair away, exposing it. He wanted to leave open mouthed kisses along the side, just below your ear, traveling down to your collarbone—
Hyunjin looked away, tongue licking against the inside of his cheek, and took a drag of his cigarette.
You mused over his question, tray in hand. “I don’t know, a longer life span, maybe?” You said sarcastically.
He hummed, chuckling. “Tempting as it is, sweetheart, I’ll pass.”
You raised your eyebrows, taking him in. Mid length, soft looking hair, sunglasses hiding, what you know to be dark brown eyes, an oversized t-shirt, and blue jeans, with black vans. Rings adorning long fingers.
Picture perfect boyfriend material.
And yet, he got on your last nerve every time he opened his mouth. You couldn’t figure out what it was, exactly—maybe the relentless flirting, or the smugness of him. But it was a shame, because he—
Well, he was fucking hot.
You shook your head, denying your own thoughts.
“Suit yourself, prince. That’s just what I think,” you went to pass by him, to go inside, but his hand shot out to stop you, grabbing your wrist.
You gasped, trying to balance the tray in your palm again, and looked down at him angrily.
“Are you fucking crazy, Hyunjin? All these glasses could’ve smashed on your head!”
He smiled at that, moving his sunglasses to the top of his head, squinting up at you. His hand was warm against your skin.
Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it—
“I would, for you,” he said. “Quit. I would do it for you.”
You didn’t know what to say to that, so you went to pull away from his grasp. He let you, that same smile staying on his full lips.
Your heart skipped several beats, bewildered. He confused the hell out of you, with his pet names, and longing looks. But you couldn’t ignore your mind, telling you what a bad idea it was to let such a person in.
He’d ruin you. There was no getting over someone like Hwang Hyunjin, that you were sure of.
Later, when he brought his empty coffee mug inside, he left a piece of paper underneath it.
Pretending to clean, you avoided him, making sure he was well gone before taking a peak at what it was.
A sketch of you—of your profile, more like, pouring a shot of espresso in a to go cup, colored in innocent pastel markers.
There your heart went again, betraying you. You looked around, before shoving the picture in your bag, dusting off your apron, awkwardly.
You hated Hwang Hyunjin. He was conceited, and pompous—he thought everything revolved around him. Talented, no question, but you wouldn’t fall for it.
You wouldn’t fall for him, period. You absolutely refused.
iii. 09:02am
Lee Felix would be your new coworker, your manager announced, and went back to his receipts.
“Train him good, yeah?”
You remained in your place behind the counter, broom in hand, staring at his blonde head and constellation freckles.
“Hi, (Y/N)!” He waved at you, beaming, as he grabbed an apron, and awaited instructions.
You knew Lee Felix—he was Hyunjin’s best friend, from what you’d gathered. At times, they’d walk in together, one iced americano, one strawberry smoothie, looking like they’d just jumped out of a magazine cover, and it would be very hard not to gape at them the whole time.
Felix was the extreme opposite of Hyunjin; this boy was made of the purest sunlight, the kindest customer you’ve ever had. He always asked how you were, and made small talk with you, as his friend scowled, and stared at you. Felix didn’t give borderline creepy vibes, unlike some—he was a genuinely sweet person, that always managed to make your day simply by smiling your way.
But—he hated coffee, always complained that the smell of it made him nauseous, so—what was he doing, working here?
You couldn’t help but be suspicious of his motives. You hoped it had nothing to do with a certain ‘I’d quit for you’ boy.
Not that everything had to do with him—
Ugh. Thinking of that interaction had your stomach doing backflips, and you weren’t certain if that was good or bad.
“Hey, star shine,” you gave him a small smile. “Ready to learn?”
He wasn’t horrible. He caught on fast, and tried his best, but the menu was long, and the recipes extensive, so it would take him a while no matter how bright he was. Not to mention working the espresso machine, something that had troubled you greatly—working with you he’d be okay, but if he ever was to open by himself... Suffice to say, you’d have your hands full for a bit.
Around lunch time, you made him his signature smoothie as a reward. Felix perked up at it, putting the straw between his lips, and chugging the entire thing.
“You’re the best,” he said, watching you prepare some pick up orders, back turned to the door.
“Eh… I’ve just worked here for too long,” you replied, simply, looking up when the little bell signaled a new customer.
“I got it! Hello, how—Hyun!”
Fuck. You put the Frappuccino’s in the cooler, filling plastic cups with ice. Anything to distract you.
“My two favorite people working together, huh?”
Felix laughed, leaning across the counter to greet his friend. You couldn’t help it, then, you caved.
Hyunjin was standing tall, and handsome, in his workshop overalls, paint all over them, a white t-shirt underneath, hair away from his face, in a half bun.
You nearly gave in. No person should be allowed to look that effortlessly good, especially when that person was supposed to be the enemy.
But why? Why did he have to be? Sure, he had a big ego, and rattled your nerves incessantly, but—that surely wasn’t reason enough?
You realized then, there was no justifiable cause for your hatred towards him. You just convinced yourself to dislike him, shoving him in a box and keeping him there, just cause of a smart comment he’d made when he first met you.
That was years ago.
Your heart told you it wouldn’t be for long. You can only deny the truth for so long.
iv. 18:10pm
Locking the shop, you threw the keys in your bag, turning to walk to the bus station.
You would’ve done exactly so, if you hadn’t noticed Hyunjin sitting on the stairs outside his school, cigarette in hand, sketching away. Normally, you’d leave him to it—many evenings he sat there, in his own world.
But today, he looked upset.
It’s none of my business—
But what if he needs someone?
Felix had classes, where is he at?
Sighing, you clenched your bag closer to your body, and crossed the street. You closed the distance between you, careful not to scare him, and even then you second guessed yourself.
You weren’t entirely sure why you felt responsible to fix his mood. But Hyunjin was rarely so visibly distressed, in all the time you knew him. He’d fake anger, sure, when he kicked male customers out with his snarky comments, and mean looks, but you’d never seen him this closed up.
You silently sat down next to him, peaking at his sketchbook. He was outlining the wings of a very intricate butterfly, tobacco ashes smudging the page.
“Hello, sweetheart,” he murmured, not once lifting his head.
“Hey…” you trailed off, not really knowing what to say. “What are you doing?”
He brought the cigarette to his lips, hair sheltering his face. His pencil continued its way to the main body of the butterfly, slightly shading the edges of the wings.
“Making a gift.”
A gift? You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you. “It looks pretty.”
He exhaled through his nose, smoke coming out of his nostrils. Then, he finally tilted his head towards you, face supported by his hand.
Your mouth opened, and closed. Hyunjin was sad—the kind that withered flowers, brought clouds, and caused rain.
You did not like seeing him like this, at all. You’d much prefer the cocky boy that was obsessed with bitter coffee, if that meant he got to keep smiling.
Perhaps, you cared about Hwang Hyunjin more than you let on. Perhaps, that terrified you.
“Why are you here, angel? Thought you hated me,” he said, putting the cigarette butt out.
“Yeah, I thought so too.”
He stared at you, unblinking, and then moved ever so slightly, ever so slowly—
He kissed you.
And it was many things, but his lips tasted like smoke and mint, his lips were soft and plumb against yours—he kissed you like he didn’t mean to, but couldn’t help himself, guarded and yet entirely at your mercy.
You kissed back. And you understood, then—you’ve always loved him.
Always dreaded him.
It very much felt like hate.
His hands cupped your cheeks, softly caressing the skin with his thumbs, his hair tickling you, his breath mixing with your own. You fall, and fall, fall fall fall, leaning deeper into the kiss, into him, and he lets you, guides you, opens the door greeting you warmly—
This is what I’ve been feeling for you. This is what I feel, and for the longest time I thought you felt nothing.
You pulled back, getting up suddenly. Losing your footing, you almost collapse on top of him, but he holds you up by your arm. You’re panting, denying, denying, denying, scared, fucking shaking, because—
What if you lost him? What if it ended? You’d build your walls up, keeping him out for this exact reason.
No one gets over someone like Hwang Hyunjin.
You had caved in, and you had lost already.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” you told him, overwhelmed, panicking.
He looked at you from his place at the stairs, unmoving, quiet.
“You shouldn’t have—you—I,” you took a deep breath, willing your thoughts to make sense, “I hate you, I—I’m sorry, I just wanted to see if you’re alright.”
Hyunjin took his time closing his sketchbook, while you stumbled over your words. He took out his lighter, lighting what would be the last cigarette of his pack, taking a long drag of it, meanwhile never taking his eyes off of your embarrassed figure.
You were blushing profusely, looking at anything but him.
“I’m alright, sweetheart,” he finally replied. “Are you?”
You had to leave. “I’m sorry, I can’t—”
Hyunjin watched you go in a hurry. And even though, you freaked out and ran away from him, the fact that you kissed back made all the difference.
v. 08:35am
The next day, Felix opened with you, so he could begin to learn the routine of the morning shift.
Hyunjin didn’t come in, as he usually did on a Thursday. If Felix knew something, he didn’t say, instead focusing on grinding coffee beans, merrily humming to the song that played low throughout the shop.
After a rush—students getting their caffeine fix before classes started—it was just you and Felix again, wiping surfaces, and cutting cake slices for the display.
You had to ask. You had to ask, because it was killing you. You didn’t sleep a wink, instead running through the events of the stairs. You could still feel Hyunjin on your lips, even after washing your face, even when hours passed, and you lay wide awake on your twin sized bed, praying he would seep through your skin, at last, so you wouldn’t feel the ghost of him remaining.
“I have a question.” You braced for impact, thinking this would definitely get back to Hyunjin.
Felix threw an irresistible smile at you, waiting. “Shoot!”
You chewed on your lip, before breathing deeply. “I saw Hyunjin yesterday, by the stairs… Is—is he okay? He looked sad.”
Felix pursed his lips, and took a sip of his smoothie. “His mom’s one year death anniversary was yesterday.”
What? Oh my God. And you made it all about you, telling him you hated him, and disappearing on him after he took a risk kissing you!
You were a horrible person. If anything, you were the self absorbed one—you’d never asked, never cared—if he was okay, if he was having a good day. Yet, he always did.
In his own way. But he did, nonetheless.
“He never told you?”
You shook your head.
“I’m guessing he didn’t want you to pity him. He really likes you, you know.”
To that, you nodded, shamefully. “I do, too.”
Felix raised his eyebrows, smirking. “About damn time, no?”
“Now how about you tell him that?”
vi. 19:47pm
On Saturday, Hyunjin showed up just as you were about to close.
Dressed in jeans, and a band tee, hair wet falling across his forehead, he waited patiently by the door, while you gathered your stuff, lollipop hanging from his mouth.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said softly, as you moved past him.
Shop closed for the day, you two walked side by side, in comfortable silence. The sky was a thousand colors, and the weather was warm—life didn’t feel real, with him by you, like this.
“What’s with the lollipop?” You asked, trying hard not to look at him directly.
It was unfair to look that good sucking on candy.
“I quit smoking.”
‘I’d do it. For you.’
After everything, you couldn’t bring yourself to act as you did before, around him. It had seemed forever ago that your feelings for him were hostile.
You were incredibly ashamed of how you’d treated him. Everyone’s fighting a silent war, used to be something you’d tell yourself everyday, going through high school, but there you were, not giving the time of day to a guy that, if you were being totally honest, protected you from weirdo’s on the daily.
Challenged you, made your days interesting just by lightly teasing you. He never crossed a line, never insulted you.
“What’s that you got there?” He asked you, changing the subject, looking at the bag you were carrying.
You looked at it, too, remembering it was there. “Oh! Strawberry cake. It came fresh today, and I wanted to try it.”
You both looked up at the same time, eyes locking.
“Angel…” he seemed in a trance, time stopping.
Angel. Before, you’d roll your eyes, call bullshit. Today, where you stood, that word coming from his lips was heavenly.
You wished for nothing more but to hear him say it again.
Hyunjin cursed, arm reaching out to get your hand in his.
“We need to talk. Can I take you to my studio, sweetheart?”
Too caught up in his beauty to form words, you nodded, stupidly.
He smiled at you. A real, genuine smile. All for you.
vii. 20:05pm
His studio was utterly and uniquely him.
One huge room, half of it dedicated to art, filled with half finished canvases, and art supplies, backdrops hanging from the ceiling, projects piling on a desk on the far end of the window wall with the stained glass.
The other half a normal kitchen and living room, the two separated by a table counter. The mess appeared almost purposeful. The apartment wasn’t dirty, it was just—
The mind of an artist. Chaos.
“Amused by my inability to clean?” He joked, studying you taking in his space.
You scrunched your face, biting your lip. “It’s not that. This…makes sense.”
He chuckled, leading you by the hand to his couch.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
He brought spoons, and the two of dug into the cake, the fresh, ripe strawberries melting in your mouth. You moaned, excited to be eating something sweet after a long day at work.
Sharing cake with Hyunjin, at his house of all places. This was something out of your wildest dreams, and yet, it all felt a little too normal.
After all, this is a guy you’ve been seeing almost every single day for the past two years of your life. You’ve served him countless coffees, watched him sketch for hours—he’d even walked you to the bus station one time, worried a creep that had been flirting with you a little too aggressively, would try something.
In the moment, you never really realized, but in retrospect, you and Hyunjin had been together a lot.
Never this close, though. And you’d be lying if you said it didn’t feel different, this time, more personal.
You were sure your feelings were painted on your face, and surprisingly, you didn’t particularly care. You wanted it to happen. You didn’t want to keep hiding behind your finger, anymore.
“I owe you an apology. I’ve been nothing but a bitch to you.”
Hyunjin shook his head. “Don’t say that about yourself, angel. I came on too hard, and freaked you out.”
You turned to face him completely. He looked so calm, so content. How had you never seen it before?
Why had you been so adamant on pushing him away?
“No. I was still wrong. Let me do this—”
“(Y/N), please—”
“Hyunjin!” You sighed, exasperated. “This is why we fight. Because you’re so hardheaded!”
He laughed, then, hands reaching out to grab your face. You froze, astute.
“We don’t fight, angel. We bicker. I love bickering with you.”
His mouth attacked yours, pushing you down on the couch. Your back hitting the pillows, you circled your arms around his neck, hands caressing the nape of it.
It was like a fire lit between you, engulfing you both in its flames. Your whole chest was burning with the need to feel him closer, to touch him.
“Angel,” he whispered against your lips. Your eyelashes fluttered, the desire to kiss him again too strong.
“Tell me. Before I continue, tell me,” he pushed the hair out of of your face, lovingly, eyes gazing deep into yours, “if you feel the same. I’ve been hooked on you, sweetheart. Ever since I met you.”
You were about to tell him the scariest three words you’ve ever said—but he had to know. It was overdue, it was necessary he knew.
You touched his cheek, leaving a kiss on the edge of his mouth. He followed your movements like his life depended on them—on you.
“I love you,” you whispered.
The way his eyes lit up, that rare, addictive warmth of his that you’ve only witnessed a handful of times—you would never get enough of his happiness. It was such a whole experience, so very precious.
“Took you fucking long enough, my sweet girl.” He picked you up, wrapping his arms around you in the most delicious way, bringing you on his lap.
You could feel every inch of him—your hunger grew ferocious.
His eyes scanned your face, silently asking for consent, his hands at the hem of your shirt. You kissed him, instead, guiding his hands underneath.
He wasted no time getting you both naked, unhooking your bra, his tongue trailing down from your mouth to your breasts, fingers toying with your nipples.
“Fuck, angel, you’ve no idea how many times I’ve thought about this...”
His other hand moved down, unzipping your jeans, getting lost in your thighs. When he cupped your cunt, you were soaked.
“Goddamn, (Y/N),” his mouth devoured yours, crazy with want, cock painfully hard.
Pausing to remove your pants, you straddled him once again, running your hands over his firm arms, mouth moving to his neck, sucking on it. He groaned, his fingers finding your wetness, rubbing slow circles on your clit.
“Fuck… Hyunjin…”
“Tell me what you need,” he pressed his forehead against yours, your scents becoming one.
You, you, you, everywhere, always—
You moved against his fingers, rubbing yourself on him. The idea of you, doing this with him. It was absurd.
Nothing had felt more right.
All of your senses were wide awake, so entirely consumed by him, and his hands, his breath, his clean scent, the sweat forming, the way his hair fell in his eyes—
His eyes. The way they stared you down, feral, growing darker by the minute. The sounds that escaped your mouth were sinful, and he could absolutely not fucking take it anymore, he’s waited long enough, has wished for this, for you, in any way he could have you, take you, make you his.
His moans were a guttural sound, coming from the back of his throat. You put your hands on his chest, feeling the vibration of them, moving upwards, fingers wrapping around his neck, his head falling back.
He was the angel. He looked unreal, his naked body clenching, his movements never faulting, carrying you through an intense orgasm.
There were no words to describe—all of the buried emotions you refused to accept, they were all bubbling up, spilling out of you, destroying you, and Hyunjin was picking up the pieces.
“I need to be inside you, angel. Please.” Never breaking eye contact, he flipped you, positioning you underneath him, while he stood, one knee between your legs, arm extended over you, holding the back of the couch.
He stayed like that for a moment, just drinking you in, sprawled out, in his house, ready for him. He thanked whatever God granted him such joy, for he had dreamed of this many times.
You, wanting him back. His coffee girl embracing him, trusting him.
The moment he entered you, you both clang to one another, the feeling of his stretching you alone, overwhelming. His mouth against your ear, his heavy breathing scorching. You dug your nails in his back, moving with him.
“Fuck, (Y/N)…” His thrusts were slow, savoring, learning the ways you responded to him.
“Please, Hyunjin, please…”
Hyunjin watched you come apart, your broken moans music to his ears, a melody he’d like to memorize by heart. The way your body synchronized with his, your open mouth, head thrown back, unraveling before him—
“My beautiful girl…never leaving you—never allowed to leave me.”
A symphony. Heaven.
You made love like that, time no longer a concept, exploring each other, until you both came undone, shuddering, breathless, tightly enveloping.
A kiss on your forehead, and a silent question.
Will you stay?
You did; you stayed. You and Hyunjin talked till the early hours of the next morning, hands clasped together, hearts whispering, connected.
I found you.
I’m with you, now.
viii. 05:04am
“I’m sorry about your mom,” you mumbled against his chest, half asleep.
He froze, momentarily, a deep sigh escaping his red lips, fingers drawing circles on your naked back.
“She had to go,” he replied quietly. “That’s what she told me. The cancer was eating her alive.”
Your head rose to meet his eyes, your chest heavy. He looked calm, if not a little tired. He gave you a soft smile, his eyes forming crescent moons, promising you he was okay.
“It was just me and her, but I guess that’s why she introduced me to painting. So I wouldn’t be alone.”
“She liked butterflies.”
You laid back down, burying your face in the crook of his neck, in fear of him noticing the tears in your eyes. He felt them, anyway.
You would never forgive yourself for telling him you hated him. You never did. Hate him.
You hated the way he made you feel.
You would never be able to get over Hwang Hyunjin.
That was fine with you, as long as you got to love him, first.
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wzrd-wheezes · 11 months
Our Band - Remus Lupin x Reader. Part 2.
AN - thank you for the love on the first part of this fic. I'm having a lot of fun writing it so let me know your thoughts and if you want more parts. Also, pls let me know if you want adding to the taglist for this fic :)
1.1k words.
Remus Lupin x Reader - Band AU
Part 1 Part 3
A few days had passed before Remus returned to the coffee shop. It was another rainy night when he came, thundering and storming outside. When he entered, the sound of his boots hitting the tiled floor echoed through the shop. The door swung shut behind him and a slight shiver ran through his body as he let out a sigh of relief. The coffee shop was empty, most of the tables clean with their chairs stacked up as the freshly mopped floor gleamed. Remus looked around the empty café, his eyes eventually landing on the counter. He sauntered over to it, leaning against it as his eyes fell on Y/N. 
“Late shift again?” he raised his eyebrows as he looked at her. Y/N nodded and turned round to make his drink, not even asking him what he wanted. She handed him the cup and he smiled smugly. 
“It’s cute how you remembered my order,” he smirked, “sorry, am I interrupting something? You don’t look particularly happy to see me.”  
“No, no not at all.” Y/N said, smiling at him, “I mean, I have just cleaned down so if you do make a mess then I will have to kill you.” 
“Oh, good to know I’ll be murdered,” Remus commented sarcastically, chuckling. He looked around the empty café, his hands going into his pockets.  
“So, can’t sleep again?” Y/N asked, her eyes wandered over his face. His jaw was covered in a light stubble and his hair fell messily into his eyes. He wore the same jacket as he did a few nights ago but this time Y/N noticed a few pin badges that were attached to the lapel. 
“Mhm. Why? Is my insomnia amusing to you?” he smiled, “Why are you still here?” 
“Well, I was planning on going home but then this really annoying guy came in and started bothering me,” she smiled playfully at him, untying her apron and folding it up on the counter. As she took it off, it dislodged a few pieces of her hair, causing them to fall in front of her face.  
“I’m not bothering you.” he took a sip of his coffee, “Just admit it, Y/N, you love it. You like it when I come in here and bother you. I’d put money on it being the highlight of your shift.” 
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Y/N said, her voice was flat, but she was smiling a little.  
“Ooh, hit a spot, did I? I know you’re a lot more into me than you let on. Just admit it, love. Give it up.”  
Y/N rolled her eyes at him and turned around, pretending to busy herself with something so she could hide the fact that her cheeks had turned hot. She didn’t know why Remus made her so nervous all of a sudden. He had been coming into the coffee shop for a few weeks now and he had never normally been this flirty with her. He would occasionally make the odd comment here and there and Y/N would shut him down straight away with a sarcastic quip or something. She told herself that she had no interest in the cocky man that came and bothered her most nights, but she sure did miss him on those nights that he didn’t come in. After all, flirting with him did make her shift go a bit faster as the coffee shop was awfully lonely at night.  
When she turned back around Remus had disappeared and she assumed that he had just gone home. She carried on closing down the coffee shop, eager to get home after her long shift. She restacked some chairs and wiped down the counter for the final time that night, humming under her breath as she worked. 
“Humming my song, Y/N?” Remus’s voice suddenly appeared behind her, making her jump, “You should be careful, this could definitely be considered flirting.” His lip curved up, his eyebrow raising a bit as he looked at her.  
“I - er – I thought you’d gone home.” she suddenly felt flustered, embarrassed that he’d caught her. 
“You listened to our music?” a grin was plastered on Remus’s face, he tapped his fingers on the counter, waiting for an answer. Y/N shrugged. 
“I said that I would the other night. I went to the record store down the street on my day off and had a listen,” she said cooly, “you guys are alright, you know?” 
“Alright? Y/N, we are more than alright, darling.” his voice edging towards cocky, as it often did, “We’re gonna be the biggest band in the world one day.” Y/N let out a snort of laughter and nodded playing along. 
“Your confidence is admirable, you know that?” she said, smiling at him, “but, seriously, I did really like it when I listened.” 
“Is that a compliment, Y/N? It sounded a lot like a compliment.” he feigned being shocked, “Thank you though” his voice a lot less teasing now, the cocky grin that usually lived on his face swapped out for a more genuine one. Remus turned around and walked over to where he had left his bag, unzipping it and taking something out. He handed it to Y/N and she took it in her hands. 
She looked at what he had handed her, a dark fabric bundle. She unfolded it carefully, feeling the soft fabric under her fingertips. He had given her a t-shirt, the fabric faded and the print on the front slightly cracked. The print across the front read “Marauders.” 
“Is this the same shirt you were wearing the other night?” she asked. Remus nodded. 
“I was planning on giving you the one that I’d been saving for Sirius but he’s such a fucking drama queen that he threw a tantrum,” he chuckled, “so you can have mine. After all, you said that it was arrogant of me to wear my own bands merch.” Y/N laughed and thanked him. “Try it on then.” 
Y/N obliged, slipping the t-shirt on over the top of her dress. When she looked back up at Remus, he was staring at her, his teeth sunk into his bottom lip. He reached back into his bag and took out a polaroid camera. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Taking a picture of you. Clearly, you’re my number one fan.” he smirked, “Now, smile.” 
He snapped a picture of her, waiting for it to print out. He was grinning at her as he shook it, waiting for it to develop. 
“Can I see?” Y/N requested, trying to sneak a look. 
“Nope.” Remus took his wallet out of his pocket and slipped the picture inside, “Anyways, I better be off, it’s getting late.” He winked at her as he walked towards the door. Y/N stood, frozen, and watched him depart. Just before the door swung shut behind him, Remus spun around and shouted to her. 
“Oh! Before I forget- wear that t-shirt on Friday!”  
“What’s on Friday?” 
“My concert of course.” 
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oletus-writer · 1 year
Can I have Luchino (hunter), Wu, and Antonio with a s/o that’ll make the most wild dirty jokes and laugh their ass off about it? But if anything even slightly dirty actual happens they’ll get red in the face and look away or cover their eyes. They’re just like “THIS IS INAPPROPRIATE I REFUSE TO LOOK”
Sorry that this took a while - I’ve been getting a lot of requests, surprisingly. (Also I have written things I never thought I’d write. The nsfw keigan alphabet was nothing, but this? Not exactly a challenge but I had a lot of fun.)
Luchino (hunter), Wu Chang, Antonio x reader who makes inappropriate jokes but is actually shy
Warnings: nsfw themes
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Luchino (hunter)
When he first met you, you had asked him how his penis worked, which surprised and amused him. I mean, it was nice not to have another shocked person, asking how it happened, but why the question?
‘Well… I have a hemipenis, which is the practical term for two penises, inverted inside my cloaca. A cloaca is a hole where animals use to urinate, defecate, and have sex with. This is common in reptiles, and, since I am half a lizard, it would make sense for me to - hang on. That’s not how you properly greet people, is it?’
Soon, Luchino got used to your jokes and even began to look forward to hearing them - it’s not everyday when someone cracks such crude jokes in the manor, let alone to a human lizard hybrid.
When the two of you started dating, he was hesitant to make any sexual advances in fear of you rejecting him because of his situation. However, when he did, your bashfulness first of all surprised him, then brought out a playful side to him.
‘Amore mio, what’s this? You’re shy? How cute. You’d be even cuter being pounded by me, no?’
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Xie Bi’an
As the only person on the list that would feel slightly embarrassed to have heard those jokes, Bi’an hides it well. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t find it funny - you’ll hear some breathy laughter from the man.
‘You have quite the mind. Do you stay up late and think of these jokes?’
In a duo hunters match together, he was surprised when he began unbuttoning his shirt because of the heat and you turned red as a tomato. What were you embarrassed about? He was under the impression that you could not care less if he stood naked in front of you.
‘You’re quite red, do you have a fever? No? Then why are you blushing so much? Ah… if that’s the case, I shall button up.’
It doesn’t come as much of a problem when the two of you are dating, since Bi’an likes to take it slow and is more romantic than horny. However, when the time comes, he hopes you won’t be too shy.
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Fan Wujiu
When you made your first joke, he was one of the people who audibly laughed - sometimes, he’d make similar jokes just to see Bi’an flustered.
‘Heh. You and I will get along, I think.’
He’s going to flirt at you, as a joke at first, and then, it kind of clicked. Wujiu liked you more than a toy, liked seeing your embarrassed expressions, but there was a pang of hurt when you began to avoid him.
‘You’re avoiding me? Come on, I’ll tease you less.’
After this, he was a bit avoidant - he stopped his touches and lessened his teasing remarks. Perhaps this absence made you reconsider your feelings towards the man?
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Finally there’s someone to match with his dirty brain. An unstoppable duo, the two of you are, a power couple. So it came no surprise when the announcement came that the two of you were official.
Romance with Antonio was a whirlwind, but a problem soon arose - you were too shy to have sex. When he discovered this, he too teased you relentlessly.
‘Why are you suddenly acting like this, songbird? You had no problem with traumatising Joseph, but won’t even look at my tits? They’re good tits, too, for a cadaver.’
Teasing remarks aside, he’ll do his best to be supportive, and would encourage some casual intimacy, such as touching your waist, sleeping in the same bed, etc. For you, he’ll take it as slow as you’d like, even though he’s itching to get a move on. Suppose that’s what masturbation is for.
‘Passero, would you like to sleep in my bed tonight? It feels awfully lonely without you. No pressure, though.’
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natsuphoria · 1 year
Hihi! I loved ur first fic w/ natsume and jun! If u don't mind could u write abt Eichi, Keito and Nazuna having a crush on reader but the reader is super oblivious </3 and thinks they're just supperr close and calls them "nii-chan"
thank you anon! i didnt know much about these characters so this was a fun challenge <3 (everyone say thank you cherry, reze and qian for helping liddle ol’ me with characterisation!) also oblivious reader is so silly /pos
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eichi, keito & nazuna crushing on an oblivious reader
they/them pronouns used for reader in keito's part; no pronouns in other parts
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eichi would be confused at first, but it eventually makes way for amusement!
he’s a busy man, but he makes sure to make time for you. you’re incredibly important to him… even if you’re not aware of just how much.  
at first he thinks he’s doing something wrong – much of his knowledge on courting and romance comes from movies and books, so he’s unsure as to whether such things are okay in real life.
he invites you to tea… or to a fancy dinner… he buys you whatever you even glance at… and all he’s met with is a sweet smile and a bright “thank you, nii-chan!”
ah… he’s not very sure on how to proceed. cue the signature eichi faint smile ^_^
he’s not very creative in this department, so i’d expect him to start consuming more romance media to gain inspiration… he's hitting the books yall look at him go!!
due to this, a lot of his courting methods are traditional and cliche, but it’s incredibly endearing that he tries so hard! or it would be, if you were aware that he was courting you in the first place…
i’d think eichi is quite the clingy person – he hasn’t had many friends or acquaintances, so to find someone he likes so much? someone who (probably. arguably. possibly.) likes him back just as much? he’s going to be so protective of you. 
it’s very obvious how much he favours you! at least to everyone else -.- he’d have a special seat in his office just for you… your favourite tea blends (or other drinks, if you don’t like tea!) just within reach… 
it’s visible in the way his voice softens almost imperceptibly when he’s speaking to you, or the way a smile slips onto his face when your name pops up in conversation.
though he thinks your oblivion is amusing – aren’t you just the cutest, most innocent thing? – he’s well aware of his clock ticking down. he won’t admit it, but he’s quite afraid that he won’t be able to spend as much time with you as he wants to. he’ll have to speed things up… maybe he’d just have to ask you directly? you’re sure to say yes, right? 
keito & nazuna below the cut!
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ah, keito. he’d be losing his mind actually.
this man is absolutely an overthinker. his huge wrinkly brain is working overtime for sure.
it’s silly because both of you would be oblivious at first! meaning, keito wouldn’t notice his little crush until someone else points it out to him.
even then, he’d be firmly in denial… such feelings are utterly foreign to him. plus, he has no idea what to do with them!?
confess, keito. shoot your shot, that’s what. ← real words from his lecture club
he’s not likely to confess to you unless he knows for sure that you like him back. he likes having a solid plan to follow, and feels much more at ease when he can anticipate every outcome.
but you’re not gonna make it that easy for him, are you?
he really does try his best… but he has unconventional ways of showing his affection
he nags at you quite a bit! i hope you like his lectures 0(-( he just wants you to be at your best i promise.
romantic words aren’t really his forte. this man is incredibly awkward when it comes to you, so any attempts to rizz you up end in him getting embarrassed and fleeing the scene.
100% he comes up to fix your collar or your tie and he’s so flustered from the proximity but you’re just like :DD nii-chan!!! and there’s a pang in his chest.
"i smiled at them more than normal why dont they get it" "keito you looked constipated" /hj
he’d probably write manga about you… or create a character that’s clearly inspired by you… please, please take the hint ;-;
he’d be crazy frustrated!! he’s not getting through to you at all and it’s driving him insane. this is solidly outside his comfort zone too, he’s not exactly having a fun time. he thinks he’s doing something wrong, or that this is your way of telling him you’re not interested… poor keito :(
someone close to him would have to coax him into telling you directly!! even then, it would take him a fair amount of time to psych himself up enough to act.
when it happens, though, he'd be a blushing, stuttering mess -- such a far cry from his usual calm demeanour.
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nazuna is a sweetheart tbh...
he's already an affectionate and caring person, but it's turned up tenfold with you! it's pretty obvious when he has taken a liking to someone.
nazuna strikes me as someone who has to have a solid friendship before they can develop a crush, so the two of you probably already have a good relationship!
he dotes on you a ton, and checks up on you the same way he does his unitmates! he just wants you all to do your best, and he's unconditionally proud of you regardless of the outcome. he makes sure you know it too.
sure, he likes being called nii-chan by his juniors, but theres a certain pang in his chest when it's coming from you, especially when you sound so sincere about it.
ah... maybe he's taken on a brotherly role from your perspective... how would he go about expressing his interest in you instead? he's extremely respectful about it. nazuna drinks his respect people juice daily ^_^)b
he doesn't really know a way other than showering you with even more affection. loving you comes so easily to him! how could it not? you're so incredibly precious, he just wants to see you happy :)
poor guy gets overwhelmed easily, though... the combination of your sweet smile and your oblivious reactions to his advances makes his head swim!! if he's not careful? if he gets worked up enough and acts rashly? he might just go in for the kiss straightaway...
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tags: @tokusaatsus, @kalimism
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