#(bc you know - autism)
There's so much wrong with "everyone is a little bit autistic"
Yes, allistic people might know a lot of facts about the things they like. Yes, allistic people might get a bit overwhelmed or underwhelmed sometimes. Yes, allistic people might not get an expression sometimes, mostly if it's the first time they hear it.
That doesn't make them autistic.
Those traits only make someone autistic when they become disabling. Because, big shock, autism is a disability. Yeah, even if someone is low support needs, because that doesn't mean they don't need any support at all.
Saying "everyone is a little bit autistic" is like saying "everyone struggles with this, so suck it up, you have no right to need help". Which is just pure ableist bullshit. It denies the fact that autistic people have higher support needs than NTs, no matter where in the autistic spectrum they are. We're not "neurospicy", we're disabled, and denying this fact is denying us the right to get the help we need, we deserve, to have a good life.
(yes, this rant is just because I made the awful decision of listening to "neurospicy (interlude)" by Jax. honestly I'd rather be called a slur than listen to that shit again.)
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poofbark · 3 months
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how can you look at me like that
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paracosmicessence · 11 months
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page 1 out of *checks files* what is currently 15 but that may or may not change depending on how i’m gonna format the writing into the sketches
hopefully gonna get 2 and 3 out either today or tomorrow bc neither of those have a complete background room and that took me an unnecessarily long amount of time
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The way I SPRINTED to my computer to make this the second Risky showed me this textpost
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lbhslefttiddie · 3 months
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despite his initial rough impression, lqg gets a "fun" rating on the gege scale
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listles-s · 5 months
man laios and toshiro's/shuro's dynamic is incredibly compelling to me on multiple levels
when you look at them, you can see the cultural and personal barriers that drive almost every single aspect of their relationship, both positively and negatively. laios is incredibly outspoken and driven by his passions, which he expresses freely even in the face of annoyance and/or criticism- he's allowed to be as authentically himself as he pleases, and it's this drive that allows him and the others to survive as long as they have, especially due to the fact that these passions and interests are intertwined with his skills as a dungeon diver. toshiro, in contrast, is incredibly reserved, not only due to his eastern upbringing but also his status as nobility- a combo of cultures that both demand that one save face, to avoid conflict at any cost, even at the expense of one's own feelings and individuality. this, in turn, has made toshiro the perfect samurai, as he's politely-spoken, agreeable, and an honorable, skilled man. both are also incredibly devoted to falin on different levels, having come to accomplish the same mission of her rescue despite drifting apart from the party.
on the flipside, it's these same strengths that cause them to clash- laios is outspoken but unable to truly decipher the emotions of others, leading to a lot of false assumptions and frustration from those who interact with him. toshiro is stoic but to the point of complacency, leading to a aggressively neutral disposition that's ushered by the needs and wants of others, rather than himself. neither man truly knows where they stand with the people important to them in their lives, and hold the ones that they do know how they feel with a fierce admiration expressed in ways that aren't always traditional.
in the end, they both share a growing feeling of isolation from other people that comes to a head when they meet again in the depths of the dungeon, and they both have different ways of coping with the frustrations that arise, seeing the other as only the things they have seen face to face.
it's laios' ability to express himself emotionally without consequence that sparks jealousy in toshiro, leading to a physical fight born out of miscommunication and envy. while toshiro is a driving force in the conflict, it should be noted that the actual fight is started by laios, breaking the dam of indirect communication through force. nothing is more direct than a slap to the face, and it's only after they start hitting each other that toshiro's true feelings come to light.
however, at the end of it all, toshiro is the one who stops torturing himself, listening to laios and giving him the bell, allowing laios and his party entrance into his homeland should they need it, and ultimately giving him support in his mission to defeat the dungeon mage, albeit in his own way. despite it all, they're still good friends with a conflict that boiled over, but came out the other end with a slightly better understanding of each other. the fight was painful for both of them, but it was a necessity for their dynamic to improve, and for them to be made aware of their faults and improve as individuals as well.
but also, if you think about it, their dynamic is literally just this
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koinotea · 3 months
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pajamas gay boooiissssssssss SOCKS-
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genghisthebrain · 9 months
wednesday and enid sending song quotes to one another and saying "this reminds me of you 🥰" but, like, it's derogatory
wednesday >> enid >> listened to some ajr today, made me think of you <33
enid >> oh really?
wednesday >> "i've worn the same skinny jeans since i was 15" >> except in your case it's twelve ❤️
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lynxfrost13 · 11 days
LSTR-S2301 and the maintenance tunnel ARAR are best friends to me even though that Elster was only on sierpinski for a seemingly brief time, they’re bros who fuck around on the clock during work. I think Elster was probably more willing to put extra time in however she’s also very “okay you’ve given me a list of tasks I did them. They’re done and done well. That’s it, my time now.” Whereas I see Ara being more of a slacker (very valid of her) or at the very least just a bare minimum type of gal when it comes to work.
Idk I tend to imagine them fucking off in the middle of shifts to go find weird lonely corners of sierpinski to hang out in. They don’t even talk half the time but they love it.
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allium-phyrzz · 1 year
autistic people overexplaning things is an act of kindness, not of malice. we do not do it because we think you are stupid, we do it because we have had people not tell us something seemingly "obvious" that ended up fucking us over. we do not want to do this to you, because we know how it feels, so we overexplain.
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isagaiia · 18 days
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lazy 🤝 leos 🤝 briefly girls
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meowsticmarvels · 3 months
im literally like. only an hour and a half into vlr so far but like. phi so transfem and also autistic. can anyone hear me
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starwarsanthropology · 2 months
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Omega Squad!!
Drawing practice for expressions/features off the same slightly modified sketch base. They all have the same face, but I think I managed to make them distinct and identifiable anyway!
Who's who under the cut :)
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jadetheblueartist · 19 days
So Monday I was in my room and felt like burning all of my possessions bc it felt very visually cluttered but I didn’t do that and instead just purged all of my belongings (which took a while but hey the results were good.
The part that took the biggest hit was my bookshelf (I haven’t really read for a few years so idk why I had all these books just sitting) and my squishmallow collection (which I bought a lot of when I was literally just using them as dopamine and wasn’t too picky on which ones I bought) so yeah before (middle) and after as I try to be more selective with my squishes from now on
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(^ Yes I flopped into this pile, yes it was very comfortable)
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No but David Kaye was literally perfect in TFA. He’s great for a younger take on Optimus, especially since he pulls off young serious stern hero whose willing to die to save others, whose also sassy
He's such a good sweet and genuine boy and I love him so much and I'm so happy for him every time he gets to cause problems on purpose for sentinel. TFA Optimus is only smug when its EARNED and the show does such a good job of making you root for him because everyone is SO mean to him and you're just waiting on the moment when he stops holding his tongue and really fucking lets em have it.
Literally just "aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just wanna go apeshit?"
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ganondoodle · 19 days
having emotional outbursts about my hyperfixation, (NOT a meltdown - that is far worse and doesnt happen online and i wouldnt wish that on anyone bc it feels like you are posessed), its like my head is flooded with feelings and cant drain or process them fast enough, and the only outlet i have is to post about it, where people can see it (to no one doesnt work for some reason..) stupidly enough (i know its not the optimal outlet, i havent found anything else that worked .. its also hard to control impulses, and my first impulse is to talk about it, i dont have anyone in real life that cares to listen bc they dont understand anything .. i have to rant to people who know what im talking about? idk, its weird)
i feel like its much more a stress response to something i dont like happening to something i care alot about (that isnt something IRL), like a hyperfixation alot of my projects revolve around, which is why it only happens like this about negative things and not positive ones and why im fine shortly afterwards ... left feeling guilty/ashamed; the feelings have been drained and im feeling ok about, i probably still dont like it, but i can accept it, work with it (even if the response is "fuck that, im doing my own thing now")
the fact that i only get these outbursts about negative things might skew peoples perception of me, which i worry about since alot of things i care about happen here, and i dont like the thought of people thinking thats how i normally am when i am not; while positive stuff happens much more rarely bc i am neutral about most things and only love very specific ones (and even then keep it more to myself .. i also dont know why, fear of allowing yourself to be happy about sth bc then something really bad will happen? like it kinda even was that with totk, after the first trailer i was hyped up like never before, but it didnt take long for the anxiety to set in that it might turn out bad or how i wouldnt like ....... i think i have had this happen throughout my life and it really sucks that it kinda turned out like that again..)
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