#(because k2 slays)
Kyle Week Day 3: Yandere
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Never not using my chance to draw insane Kyle :3
This was my 1st drawing with the digital pen I struggled so much 😭 I'm used to drawing with my finger you guys,,, this was so weird to me
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0-dear-rose-0 · 1 year
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uhm so i had ths band idea where wendy and tolkien and kyle are all in a band bc UHM i like to thinkt hey have study sessions together and one day they were like ong what if we start a band togethr!!?
and uhm they also invited kenny because they needed a drummer lol
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lordichamo · 8 months
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timelineposting featuring the 3y + associated scrimblos :3 because I like tracking changes in design over time
Design notes and a funny lil blood alt below the cut:
kiwami-era Mine's color palette pulls from Daigo's color palette. also i put him under k2 for my own sanity even though iirc the model's in k1
He also lacks his natural red highlights during that period & that is a deliberate choice on my part. Which I guess implies he's...dying his hair lmfao
In a similar vein to the kiwami Mine thing, Daigo's DS dress pulls from Mine's color palette!
post-y3 Daigo is doing. Bad. bringing back the blush from his k2 alcoholism days + using the darker shadow color for his eyes + no highlights. It takes until about y7 for him to somewhat recover ghdjsghdks
same shirt color for ryuji + kaoru in y0
kaoru adding the additional piercings + dyed streaks post-k2
Legally required to scrinkle Ryuji for DS. guess losing an arm did a number on the poor guy HJKHJKEWT
I'm required to point out kiwami Nishiki's lil anglerfish lure every time. also his fishbone earrings. #slay
Also as a fun note, the only characters here with actual normal ass circular pupils are Nishiki and Daigo. love it when ppl are vaguely creaturey.
+ blood moment lets gooo
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 6 months
I'm starving. Please, tell me your faves SP long fics 🙇🏻‍♀️. Your recommendations are always the best.
Good morning here’s some breakfast! I’ve read a lottttt and I’ve definitely recommended a good chunk of these before, but there’s some more recent ones on this list too! Multiple pairings, some dark subjects, some fluffier stories, all fairly long and most of these are complete! Here we go!!!
The Thief Trilogy by Wintergrew! C’mon we know I’m gonna rec that one every chance I get lmao the lore and world building is absolutely phenomenal!!!
This House of Mine by OrcaTimes another one I’ve recommended a lot BECAUSE IT EATS OK?!? One of the first sp fics I read and it’s so incredibly well written and the character dynamics slay so hard and we know I’m a Kyle girlie I LOVE him in this! Creek centric too!
Ship In A Bottle by FayOfTheForest COMFORT FIC FRFR it got me hooked on style and it’s WONDERFUL
Painted in Shrouds by courtanie THE best kysterion out there I said what I said AINT NOBODY DOIN K2 LIKE COURTANIE the plot is so incredible dude holy shit I was on the edge of my seat
The Stag Prince by SynapticFirefly dude ok y’all know I’ll read anything w my beloved elf Kyle and I KID U NOT THIS IS THE BEST KYMAN IVE EVER READ!!! The characterization is PERFECT like THIS is kyman to me, plus sot au so ofc I’m down it is WONDERFUL the adults are iconic in it too and it’s really a The Gangs All Here story
Hunger Pains by bellwether I KNOW I DONT SHUT UP ABT THIS ONE BUT I DO NOT CARE it truly altered my brain chemistry god chapter 16(?) I believe in particular fuck dude kenny in the whole thing but there’s this moment… and STAN I love my son so much and this is EASILY one of my favorite Stans ever plus I LIVE for Cartman caring about the guys in his own way this fic dude I could write an essay on it
The Illegitimate Opportunity Structure by espyonz STENNY OH MY FUCK this one is PHENOMENAL so far
Behind The Wall by Jwink85 look man ngl this one has been on my rec lists before and that’s because it’s INCREDIBLE also we know I fuck w jwink for the most part. Such an incredible portrayal of abusive relationships and so, so good. The style girlies gettin fed too FUCK I love them. Also dude jwink in general has some incredible stuff just be prepared for some dead dove action in some
speaking of consuming super dead doves, BRUH fuckin To Have And To Hold by courtanie JESUS CHRIST I KNOW IVE RECED THIS ONE BEFORE TOO BUT THATS BECAUSE ITS OBJECTIVELY ONE OF THE BEST STORIES IVE EVER READ YALL want k2? Dark Cryle? Kenny and Stan teamup? The gang forming a plan? Kyle never losing his fire despite everything? Mannnn look no further! I wanna make this a movie so bad
Knives by SparrowGrim dudeeeeeee this is such a cool premise and it feels VERY southparkian in a dystopian kind of way!
South Park Confidential by FayOfTheForest Dude I love this one we got the holy trinity of sp ships with style bunny and creek! It’s such a thrilling crime story SO cool to see characters develop and overcome their own shit, like dude!!!
You know I ain’t doin a rec list without shouting out to the homies!!! Song Of Broflovski by asteria7, pep and rm by boxwinebaddie, Entries From The Past by ViviBaby69420, A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies, ALL OF THESE KICK SO MUCH ASS!!!
Ok man that’s what I can think of as of rn, THANK U SO MUCH FOR ASKIN
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FHJY Finale Thoughts: Episode 19
Disclaimer: I know I've been really negative about the last two episodes but I do actually have real criticisms, and I will try my best to not be just 'I hate this' about everything. No promises though. Also, none of this is hating the IH or Bleem. I respect that they're very fucking tired when shooting this and don't have a week in between episodes to think, and so these criticisms are made with that in mind. Also feel free to debate and discuss, I just wanted to share my opinions and try to pinpoint where the narrative went wrong, or where BLeeM could've made a better DM choice, but I love hearing other people's thoughts!
Bringing back K2: Bringing her back to have a second healer is really smart, but saying that Kristen liked having a sister around doesn't make sense. There was never any moment where Kristen and K2 seemed to get along, and honestly, I think K2 got along more with Fabian and Fig. Show don't tell is actually really good advice.
The short rest (and Ice Feast): Just nope. Nope. Not a fan, solidly don't like it. This is the big finale, and I felt more concern during the dragon fight than here. That's the problem with playing level 14 characters, I'm aware, but like. Not letting them take the short rest, actually having The Rat Grinders be skilled at fighting (If Brennan was lying about them grinding rats, you don't think he was lying about them only doing the killing blow on monsters? Plus, do you really think Porter would have his first worshippers and warriors only know how to do a killing blow?), having Kipperlilly steal the votes, anything man. Ice Feast played a big part in giving them the advantage, and I wasn't cool with that too. Taking away fire damage, making them unable to be stunned, all of that took away like the biggest threats of the fight. (I do think it's really cute that Brennan actually made Ice Feast for his friends, but allowing them to use it before the final battle, on top of the short rest was too much)
Strategy: Rewatching, it's actually fun to see them strategize because they're so good at it! It just sucks that they feel nothing but hate for these kids and we know that doesn't change after everything they've seen. And the narrative's going to reward them for it.
Squeem: Honestly? Also, not my favorite. Like, to have a short rest, and Ice Feast, and several allies on their way? What's the point of even fighting? Just skip to the victory dance. (Was so funny to have the return of hot chocolate with a shot of cortado, and lemonade cortado)
Battle Set: Once again, the art department has fucking slayed. Truly, such a work of art. 10/10, no notes.
Mary Ann: Not getting into it a lot with this episode, but see here for my general thoughts. Also, not happy with the cast's reactions to Mary Ann freaking out over getting her strawberry burned, as that's most likely her having a meltdown.
Ivy: I do appreciate Brennan trying to get the Bad Kids to be nice through the Hangman. Also, if Ivy truly does like looking good, great for her, but the only things we know about her at this time are that she's besties with Oisin, she was into Fabian, she's kinda bitchy, and some of her class stats. So the idea that just because she's a "mean girl" she'd take offense to getting called ugly feels misogynistic, especially coming from a complete stranger/someone literally not in her universe of existence. As for what Fabian said and did to Ivy, in my opinion, part of it is because he rejected Mazey at the party to impress her and feels bad, part of it is because she rejected him, and part of it is because he feels bad that he 'yes and-ed' the racist remark she made about Mazey. Also, the close proximity to the rage stars. I think he was wrong for what he said, and I'm not going to get into the virginity comment now because I still have a whole 'nother episode to get through, but I do want to say this is when Fabian/Mazey stopped being cute to me. Also, Brennan using Ivy's last moments to have her make a mean comment really feels like he's trying to cast her as the mean girl, which again, it's fine if she is. You can't convince me she's not just a kid scared for her life.
Oisin: Smart to get him somewhere he can't counterspell Adaine, and to take him out of the fight first, but why didn't we have anything directed at him? Like, I know that he never really got close enough to Adaine for episode 18 to be a full betrayal, but everything with Ivy and Ruben was so intense, I'd expect something. On behalf of Ivy and Ruben, I'm offended he was mostly left alone. As a general Rat Grinders enjoyer, this does count as a (small) w.
Buddy: So sad that Ally's insight roll on him failed, and I will not tolerate anyone calling him stupid or naive about the plan: see here. I get annoyed that Buddy was played up as a joke villain, but whatever! He's just a dumb southern hick, right?
Ruben: Saying there's no loyalty from Ruben is soo arrogant. They never emotionally connected so who would he be loyal to? The friends he's had for three years, or some random girl who had one real conversation with him? Tumblr user @rubenhopclap says it best. Fig's speech to Ruben is just *argh*. Girlie you don't know anything about him! (I do understand Emily's annoyance, because she did spend like at least one roll per downtime session on Ruben! But also... it was Wanda Childa talking to him, not Fig. He didn't have a real person to connect with, so why would he bother?) Like, out of all The Rat Grinders, we have explicit information that he is scared despite all of the rage and yet she just yells in his face? Thought the theme of the season was doubt beats anger, not war conquers rage. I'm also uncomfortable with Fig, who earlier in the season explicitly states that she think she's a monster for ruining one person's stay in hell as opposed to punishing all of them, deciding that just because Ruben was annoying and a waste of time he should be going to hell to be punished.
Kipperlilly: No notes. Literally, girlie was getting w's the entire episode.
Jace and Porter: No notes. Honestly? Their fucked up dynamic carried me through the finale.
The Lava: Just another solid no. With the amount of advantages we already have, it makes no sense to let their 'being immune to fire' translate to 'being immune to magma.' Bringing in some science, magma is literally a fourth state of matter, different from water. That's not going to feel like taking a swim, it's going to feel like getting crushed by cold lava. (Yes, I understand different DM's would allow that and different DM's wouldn't allow that, but with the advantages they already have, I feel like making them roll even for just half damage would be fine. Plus, fucking common sense says 'don't jump in lava, even if you have fire immunity.')
Making fun of Porter: I adore a group of teenagers just absolutely clowning on a 40 year old teacher, but I do wish they had engaged with the themes. We know it's really fucking likely The Rat Grinders have rage stars, and yet they just completely skip the part that Porter can control anyone with a rage star. And it's not like the Academy hasn't failed them before. It's not like Aguefort himself hasn't failed them before. They should be angry about that! Just, the refusal to engage with the themes in a story is irritating.
See Episode 20 thoughts here
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bazeartstuff · 1 month
Y5 Thing
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Rambling under cut.
So, I actually don't have much of art for Y5, hence why the title of this post is Thing instead of Stuff. Anyway, let me explain this art a little. I don't really know what inspired it, but I wanted to just dress every character in different outfits. They're all a bit silly and nonsensical (particularly Daigo's) but these were my thoughts for each: Majima->punk, Saejima->farmer (+cat because he's CONFIRMED CAT FAN!!!), Kiryu->wearing Haruka's outfit, Haruka ->wearing Kiryu's outfit, Shinada->richer clothes in contrast to his brokeness, Daigo->streetwear in contrast to his formality (tho idk why I didn't just draw him in K2 outfit), Akiyama-> show those thighs (but badly) and Hana->slay everyday I love her.
Overexplaining a simple art because I do remember spending 20 hours on this for no real reason except the love of the game I suppose. I also recorded speedpaints of the Kiryu-Haruka section and the Shinada-Daigo section. I would say flashing lights warning because I keep switching tabs and it can be jarring.
I'd also like to note that these were recordings were done with Quicktime player because Medibang had no internal recording feature at the time, so I would end up with 5 hr long footage on my computer that I'd edit and make these moving graphics for on Keynote.. fun times...
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
6, 11 for Kyle, and 14!!
6. Favorite song from the show (or an official album)?
Let’s Fighting Love, which is the only true and correct answer for this question slash jay. It unironically gets stuck in my head, and I even memorized the lyrics AHDJSJ. It slays so hard I fear!!
For like covers and short song snippets, I love it when Butters sings “If You Leave Me Now” by Chicago with his cute, little voice of his. I really miss his old dopey voice. (If you leave me now, you take away the biggest part of me~”)
11. Top 3 ships for [Kyle]?
God, I love most AllKyle ships, so choosing just 3 was a genuine struggle for me. I am but a simple man with simple kyle ships. I’d say:
1. Style: Wow, surprise surprise? Who could’ve seen this coming? 😎
2. K2: I realize I never talk about my love for K2 here, but it’s a dynamic I personally believe to have so much untapped potential!! One of these days I’ll finish my Kyle/Kenny similarities and parallels in MBTI. One day!! (I’m such a huge sucker for functional opposite pairings: INFJ/ESTP)
3. Cryle: Another ship I rarely talk about here, but it’s one of those ships where I can envision the dynamic with the limited interactions we get from the show. They’re another case of where I can see how similar these two characters think. You can’t tell me these two sound extremely similar here:
Honorable mentions would be Kyndy, Tolkyle and Kystophe!!
14. Name a one-off character that you’d love to see come back
I will never stop saying Gary. He’s my absolute favorite one-shot character mostly because of just how much his appearance in the show changed the external environment of what we’re usually used to in South Park. Gary is an optimist. He’s nice, rarely gets offended and has a stable home life. He unironically sticks out like a sore thumb in the realms of South Park, where almost every character there doesn’t check 3 of those boxes. But he’s also socially aware enough to have plenty of self-respect. I think he would make a rather interesting foil here if he maintained his stay. Lots of potential with this fella.
Thanks for the ask bestie <33
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blackhatclubblog · 4 years
Top Ten Shows with #s in the titles
Because there are many ways to divide dramas, and this is one. XD The K2 Oh, yes, let's start with the one that should have been so much cooler. What should have been the core of the story: is it possible for a good, if terribly broken (kudos to the show for portraying PTSD), man to save a bad, and equally broken, woman with the power of his friendship? Unfortunately, they thought a ridiculous lot of action, a few good actors, and the potential for awesome could save an 11th hour gutting of the best parts of the drama in favor of an absolutely idiotic (and entirely inappropriate) loveline with a actress who could not hold her own against the other leads. It did not work. I will say the action scenes are still fun and the OST is one I still enjoy, though. Right along with the glorious speculation on what could have been. XD 7th Grade Civil Servant ...'k, and this was a DNF. It was a stupid, slapstick spy comedy that even fans of such (of which I am not one) did not enjoy. I was hoping, because it had Joo Won in, but...no. I could barely make it through the beginning. Two Weeks Okay, I liked this one. It is a drama not really for children or the undiscerning...but a good story in multiple ways. It’s one of those incredible redemption stories that I adored but that which is slightly harder to recommend to everyone indiscriminately. Basically, the MC made a terrible choice in attempting to protect someone he loved, and his life was destroyed. When the story starts, he is in a very bad place, and the story doesn't shy away from the depths to which he has sunk. When his ex-girlfriend finds him and tells him that she actually had the baby he demanded she abort, and that baby is now a young girl dying of leukemia who needs him donate stem cells...his life takes a different turn. Watching him fight step by step to believe that he can change, that he can become the person those he loves need so desperately, and come to a full understanding of what exactly he has done in the past...it's incredible. {There is a scene where he ends up helping a stranger deliver her baby, and the moment it truly hits him what he almost forced his girlfriend to do and that he might never have met his daughter if his girlfriend had followed through...gah.} This ^ scene, sure, might lose a few points for why is a man on the run from the police and the bad guys helping a random lady deliver a baby of all things? and is this too on the nose in forcing him to make up for not supporting his own family when he should have done so? But it all depends on how you feel about symbolism. XD Also, I just discovered, doing my usual fruitless search for a good MV of Two Weeks, that Japan has also done a version, which stars Miura Haruma. Which A) brb, watching that now, and B) that leads directly into: 5 Minutes to Tomorrow A man enters the twisting reality of a highly concerning pair of twin sisters...which one died and which one came home as his wife?  This also counts as a DNF, I guess, because I have tried to watch this movie 2-3 times and fallen asleep promptly every time, which is not a great recommendation for any kind of murder mystery. To be fair, the Chinese or Japanese movies I have watched have been few and far between. All of the latter, however have been the fault of the following drama: Bloody Monday 1-2 This is totally cheating and I really don't care. There are rare Korean or Japanese shows with seasons, so I'm utilizing that unique aspect. XD Anyway, it's been a while since I watched it, but I highlight it for 2 reasons: Miura Haruma and Sato Takeru.   Okay, just kidding. But I keep checking out and then dropping Japanese films and shows in hopes of one or the other of these two will be in another show as brilliantly addicting as this one. So far, Sato Takeru is the only one who has managed it. What made Bloody Monday so good? Plotting, pacing, characters. It is a j-drama/dorama, so be warned that compared to the k-dramas I tend to watch it is a little more graphic in terms of language, death, clothing choices, subject matter...but if you're looking for a fight-the-terrorist-save-the-world story utilizing a genius hacker and his best friends and a brilliantly charismatic villain..this is it. The villain subconsciously inspired a decent amount of my Contract to Time Travel character Ja-Il - his intelligence, his charisma, his relationship with his siblings...but one of the main reasons I love it is that the MC is so resoundingly true. When it comes down to saving his country or betraying his principles, what choice will he make? Tactically he may be stupid, but he's still practically a child, and the strength of his convictions matters to me. Also, I loved that season 2 did not pick up with everyone the same. It showed how people were hurt, how people were changed, how people grew up, from season 1. It hurt, but it felt real. Queen for Seven Days Speaking of watching new dramas because of who is in them...Park Min Young SLAYS in every drama I've seen her in (including rom com, which I DO NOT EVEN WATCH but which I have watched for her and pretty much died laughing over)...and Yeon Woo Jin (who...now that I think about it...I have watched a rom-com with him in it too...yikes...this is not me...) Maybe I'm an idiot for wanting to ruin the two rom-coms I've enjoyed in my life by seeing two of their leads in a tragedy, but...I have heard nothing but high praise for every aspect of this drama except the trailers, and once I get past my current stack of tragic historical dramas, I'm definitely going to watch this one. Five Fingers This one is on hold...to be honest, I only ever wanted to watch it because of the opening sequence of piano music, which I watched. All I know is it's about pseudo-brothers and revenge and pianos? And there's a fire in there somewhere? Which sounds like a fun combination, but I'm not sure as a story that has enough weight to pull me completely in. I might do better with my time to just learn some piano music for myself.... 38 Task Force Okay, for something not a revenge tragedy...this weirdly named show is for fans of Leverage and Seo In Guk. The relationships weren't quite so well done as I'd hoped, and the cons (which then became the point of it all) were minimally memorable. I remember one of them involved the main conman giving a speech at a fancy place...and another involved him coming up with a car out of thin air...and another had something to do with antiques and throwing money everywhere. So. I remember enjoying it enough to watch it...but not much else. Rating: Eh. School 2013 Aw...one more drama that is neither tragedy nor romance. It's a school drama about guilt, honesty, dreams, the impact of adult role models on troubled children, and a David-Jonathan friendship that went horribly wrong. As such it is a lot less weighty than most of the others on this list...yet while you're watching it you forget that the only thing at stake is the friendship of some high school boys and possibly their futures. Which I think is something Korean dramas sometimes excel at - is the tragic destruction of a friendship going to destroy the world? No, but when you're in the situation it might feel like it is, and the drama manages to pull you in so that you feel what they're feeling. Six Flying Dragons Sooooo....back to tragedies....*cough* Caveat: I have not yet finished this. But just the first few episodes plunged me into the founding of a nation and the creation of a man - I love how Korean dramas are not afraid to spend the time setting up the world and showing you exactly what choices were made to make someone the person they became. And maybe it’s a bloody mess of history but it’s tragic and fascinating and even if largely fictionalized there is so much to learn from history, let alone about story-telling. I’m looking forward to watching this one as a whole.   What is your favorite drama or movie with a number in the title? Which of the above have you watched? XD
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koreandragon · 5 years
Honestly can you just answer all of them?
Favourite Couple
i’ll just say my top three ok cause...impossible question: 
Go Dong Man and Choi Ae Ra from Fight For My Way because the friends to lovers trope is strong with this one and it’s done so well
Eun Dan Oh and Haru in Extraordinary You because they’re the cutest?? have you seen them together?? also the possibility of them being a couple in another manhwa in the past is just *chef’s kiss*
Lee Jung In and Yoo Ji Ho from One Spring Night because they absolutely destroyed me every week. the pining, the angst, the sweetness
Favourite Actor
*looks at the thousands of gifsets and pictures of Ji Chang Wook* idk man there are just too many
Favourite Actress
Park Bo Young is definitely one of them but I love Jun Ji-Hyun very much
Favourite Drama
holy shit, um...While You Were Sleeping, Strangers from Hell, Extraordinary You, Life on Mars, Black, Designated Survivor: 60 Days, Fight for My Way, One Spring Night
Favourite Trope
when for some reason they get stuck in tight spaces or accidental too close physical encounters. those drive me wild
Least Favourite Trope
is wrist grabbing a trope? no but i’m kinda sick of the “we actually met when we were like five and you did something that changed my life” trope
Favourite Genre
Crime and Romance and when these combine i go nuts
Least Favourite Genre
political (although designated survivor was the fucking best)
Favourite Idol Actor
ugh, Cha Eunwoo, Park Jinyoung, Lee Junho, Bae Suzy, Henry
Favourite Web Drama
i don’t think Wednesday 3:30pm is one but that was a short drama? i haven’t actually seen any web dramas.(is i picked up a star on the road a webdrama? it was shit but i watched it)  i have started the universe’s star tho
Worst Ending
not particularly worst but w two worlds got so messy by the end, it was really hard to watch. also Black had a pretty weird ending, the kind that kept me up at night but i loved it
Messiest Plot
w two worlds BY FAR. i know people say this about melting me softly but it will never compare to w two worlds, jesus CHRIST
Favourite Villain
Choi Yoo Jin from The K2, period
Character You’re Supposed To Hate But Don’t
Choi Yoo Jin from The K2 lmao. i actually shipped her with Jae Ha. 
An Actor/Actress You’d Watch In Any Role
Ji Chang Wook *looks at melting me softly* and Park Bo Young
Favourite Sageuk
Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung, Tale of Nokdu, Love in the Moonlight
Hated Character You Loved
Nam Eun Ki from Her Private Life...although i didn’t finish the show, i never  hated him like lots of people did. 
i saw some people didn’t like Yeo Jin Woo in Memories of the Alhambra because he was a bit arrogant but i loved him so much
Loved Character You Hated
Luca from When the Devil Calls Your name annoyed THE SHIT out of me. i do not care how cute he is, he was the most annoying person i have ever seen. 
i didn’t hate Ku Chan Sung in hotel del luna but he wasn’t someone i liked either. i actually don’t like yeo jin goo at all so maybe that’s why
Anna in The K2 because her character was really bland and just idk?? she was so uninteresting to me
Ji Sung Joon in She Was Pretty was not a good character, he didn’t desrve to end up with the FL and as much as i LOVE Park Seo Joon, that role didn’t do it for me
Couple That Should Have Stayed Platonic
Jae Ha and Anna in The K2. ji chang wook usually has chemistry with everyone he plays with but yoona and him just really didn’t have it. also her character was so plain, i just wished they stopped the unnecessary romantic subplot with them
i might get shit for this but Kim Shin and Ji Eun Tak in Goblin, i have expressed many times how uncomfortable the age difference was. also they worked so well as friends?? they always bickered and joked, it was so funny? they got so cheesy when they started dating it just wasn’t doing it for me
Most Annoying Family/Parents
Lee Jung In’s dad in one spring night. yall know why
ma dong chan’s family and go mi ran’s mom in melting me softly
Favourite Sidekick
Gong Soo Chang in Two Cops
Secretary Cha in designated survivor 60 days
Min Ja in Healer
Kang Dong Cheol in Life on Mars
Ji Eun Hyuk in Suspicious Partner
Ra Do Woo in Terius Behind Me
Kim Ji Woong in Oh My Venus
Favourite Group Of Friends
the losers in Fight for My Way
Worst Kiss
oh man there are just really too many of those
Touch Your Heart was really cute but the kissing scenes were tragic and what was even more tragic, was that they did THAT to lee dong wook and yoo in na out of all people
Favourite Kiss
Suspicious Partner, hands down. that shit SLAYED my ass
A Scene You’ve Rewatched A Million Times
the umbrella scene in The K2. “lift your head. straighten your back. your enemies are watching” god tier level of tension and acting on both sides
A Drama You Enjoyed, But Will Never Rewatch
almost all of them that i enjoyed. there are very few exceptions.(currently rewatching fight for my way) they’re too long and i have many more to watch
A Drama That Had A Strong Premier But Fell Apart
W Two Worlds again. it started off great but it fell apart like a jenga tower
Automatic Mood Lift OST
as i got to this question my spotify playlist decided to play Say to Myself from when the devil calls your name, so that is one
while you were sleeping
angel’s last mission: love 
strangers from hell (The Rose - Strangers, specifically)
A Lead You’d Marry
the character or the actor? i’m gonna assume character. Jung Joon-Hyungfrom weightlifting fairy kim bok joo
Haru from extraordinary you
Ji Ho from one spring night
A Well Loved Actor/Actress Who Just Doesn’t Appeal To You
I mentioned Yeo Jin Goo before, idk why so don’t ask
An Unexpected Ship
Choi Yoo Jin and Jae Ha in The K2 (ofc it didn’t happen but i didn’t expect to ship them)
but i also didn’t expect Ji Eun-Hyuk and Cha Yoo-Jung from suspicious partner to rekindle their relationship after what happened
Song Hae-Rin and Ji Seo-Joon in romance is a bonus book
Favourite Crackship
Grim Reaper and Kim Shin
Actors You Wish Would Work Together
it’s really hard to find korean actors who haven’t worked together. i mentioned park bo young and lee jong suk before but apparently they already made a movie together, so i’ll say ji chang wook and park seo joon (tell me if they have, i don’t fucking know at this point)
First Drama
Strictly speaking, it was Secret Forest aka Stranger
Oldest OST You Still Listen To Regularly
i don’t watch old dramas because they make me cringe
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sleepykalena · 6 years
Secret Santa again, here to give you the quick snippet I promised: "A pang of guilt clouds her head. Force, these people will be the ones punished for the disappearance of the cake, won't they? She hadn't thought of that."I know that's incredibly vague and perhaps a little perplexing but I hope it piques your interest a little (On another note, I absolutely LOVE Jyn installing a profanity algorithm for K2SO) I hope the play was fun and good luck with your animation! :)
That is...incredibly vague, yes, but I’m also interested because...well, cake. I can’t say no to cake.
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I can’t tell how fluffy or silly this is gonna be, but however this turns out, i’m already on-board for the ride! eeeeeeeee
That being said, I’m happy someone caught that whole “profanity algorithm” thing! I’m still convinced Jyn wanted to give K2 some insights that Cassian couldn’t provide (i figure sometimes he’s just a little too focused on a task to remember to stop and do some fun stuff).
The play was fantastic, and i cried three different times! It was such a trip seeing my friend on the big screen, and Lea Salonga slays for daaaaaaaaaays. Thanks for the well wishes on my animation! 
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especiallykenny · 7 years
ok most of my friends hate south park and reddit is a goddamn landmine of either really really good or really really terrible content (which...........is kind of tumblr too but it’s easier to talk with people here bar PMs), so i made a sideblog for it. 
pls talk with me about SP. i found out hulu had all the episodes last month and i’ve been lost ever since. i’m rewatching the entire dang series.
things on my mind right now:
- i rewatched Conjoined Fetus Lady yesterday and “did it have clothes on?” /  “dude, where the hell is she gonna get fetus clothes?” had me laughing so hard i was crying
- /strums guitar ♪ where the fuck is Kenny these days ♪ (predictably he’s my favorite character but after him it’s Craig > Kyle > Tweek > Wendy, i love every single one of the kid characters honestly)
- on average my favorite episodes tend to be the ones where the kids actually act like kids and do kid things. the lord of the rings one, black friday, good times with weapons, the superhero eps, et cetera. “CAR!!” / “GET OUT OF THE DAMN STREET” in tfbw fuckin slays me every time.
- this is one of those special fandoms where i ship just about anything. any and all variations of stan/kyle/kenny ot3 are The Main Ones (shoutout to k2 esp.) but i don’t have any notps and i will consider anything at least once tbh. TALK TO ME ABOUT YOUR RAREPAIRS, I WILL LISTEN INTENTLY. 
- has anyone else watched the Japanese dub because I found it on Nico Nico Douga and Cartman using “oira” is phenomenal. also, Kappei Yamaguchi voicing Kyle is one thing I never thought I would enjoy so much
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minhyowon · 7 years
Ten Questions, Ten Answers: Kdrama Edition
I was tagged by the lovely Sofia @floatingdownthemoonriver Thank you so much much for tagging me! 
1. Do you have any actors/ actresses who you think are over rated? Along with their works? Anyone where you just don’t see the mass appeal? 
 Ji Sung. I don’t even know why. Sometimes about him just doesn’t click with me. The only drama of his that I’ve completed was Protect the Boss. I’ve tried watching other dramas where he’s the lead and I can’t bring myself to get past the first episode. I have nothing against him, I just don’t see his appeal. 
 2. Are there any dramas you liked but would tweak certain aspects of to make them perfect? If so, which ones and what would you tweak, change or add?  
If I could change anything it would be the ending of Ms. Temper and Nam Jung Gi. It has an open ending where you're left with the feeling that Ok Da Jung and Nam Jung Gi ended up together, but I would make it clear by adding a kiss scene. 
 3. Top three favourite actresses?  
Kim Seul Gi – she’s my all-time favourite actress. I’ll watch her in anything. I watched an episode of Happy Together just because she was a guest. I really want to see her as the lead in drama. She’s leading lady material. She’s wonderful in everything she does and needs more recognition. 
Yoo In Na – She’s flawless and she needs more main roles. She’s also leading lady material and needs more recognition. If I could give casting directors one piece of advice, it would be to stop casting minors opposite adult men and cast these two instead. 
Lee Sung Kyung – She can take on such different roles and slays every time. 
4. What’s the drama world you would like to live in? Is it a goblin world, a mermaid world, a world with a royal monarchy, a world where you could be a ceo at the age of 20 just because of the golden family business? You can include general setting or houses you wouldn’t mind staying in. 
I wouldn’t mind being a chaebol heir but I wouldn’t want to be the eldest that inherits the company because I don’t like being the center of attention. I’d want to be someone like Min Hyo Won in Laurel Tree Tailors who gets to have a good job in the company without being in the spotlight. 
5. Top three dramas where you loved the fashion/ outfits/ costumes? 
Legend of the Blue Sea – Jun Ji Hyun can wear anything and still look flawless. I really liked the costumes in the sageuk part and the mermaid costume. 
I really like everything that Lee Yoo Ri’s character wears in Father is Strange. It’s so classy and elegant. I also love that it shows wearing glasses as glamourous and makes me feel happy about wearing glasses. 
I loved the outfits worn by Gong Yoo as Kim Shin in Goblin. 
6. Top three dramas where you did NOT love some of the fashion/ style choices made?  
Beautiful Gong Shim – I hated that Minah had to wear a wig for so long. I hated that they made Gong Shim wear unflattering clothes, which made her like a child for most of the drama. They did nothing to show Minah’s natural beauty (except for the last episode where she looked flawless.) 
Kim Tan’s ugly sweaters in Heirs. 
Kim Joo Won’s infamous sequinned track suit in Secret Garden. It was just hilarious. 
7. Who’s your dramaland hubby/ wife? (mine’s baek in ho ;p) your dream partner? Who is it. Your dramaland soul mate? 
That’s an excellent question. I’d pick Kang Hyun Soo (Smile, You) or Jung Joon Hyung (WLFKBJ). 
8. Any dramas you thought had wasted potential?  
The K2. It had so much potential but I felt like it fell short in every possible way. My love for Ji Chang Wook couldn’t save it. Song Yoon Ah’s brilliant performance couldn’t save it. 
The Heirs. They had a stellar cast of top actors and they wasted it. They could have done so much with it. First of all, why did both male leads have to be jerks? Second of all, why did the main pairing have to have such an unhealthy relationship. The side couple is the only thing I liked about this drama. They even wasted BTOB and VIXX cameos. If you’re gonna have a kpop group make an appearance in a drama at least tell the audience who they are and let us hear a full song. I didn’t even know who these groups were until much later when I watched N in Sassy Go Go and Sungjae on WGM. 
9. Two dramas where you loved the ost?  
Descendants of the Sun is my favourite OST in kdrama history. It’s the first drama where I loved every single song. I remember waiting for weeks for the K.Will OST to be released. I still listen to it regularly. My favourite songs include: Always – Yoonmirae, You Are My Everyting – Gummy, Talk Love – K.Will 
The second OST that sticks out to me is Uncontrollably Fond. The drama wasn’t my favourite but the OST was outstanding. My favourite songs include: Picture in My Head – Kim Woo Bin, Don’t Push Me – WENDY & Seulgi, Only U – Junggigo 
There are also specific songs that I love: 
- You’ve Fallen for Me – Jung Yong Hwa (Heartstrings). This is how I discovered CNBLUE and it will always have a special place in my heart  - Listen to My Heart – Melody Day (Tomorrow’s Cantabile)  - Forever Love – HEABIN (Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim)  - Shiny Boy – JOY (The Liar and His Lover)  - Honourable mention to the instrumental OST of Signal. 
10. What do you think is the most iconic kdrama?  
I had a tough time coming up with an answer for this one. It ultimately came down to Secret Garden. I’ll admit that it’s not perfect but it was my first kdrama; therefore, it will always be special to me. This is the drama that started. It’s only right that it gets the title of most iconic from me. It has all the classic kdrama tropes plus fantastical elements. You have the jerky CEO male lead who falls in love at first sight with a strong independent female lead who initially wants nothing to do with him. This drama takes the gender bender trope to another level when the leads switch bodies. Shall I remind you of the iconic coffee foam kiss scene that was recreated in Reply 1988? The OST still gives me all the feels. Yoon Sang Hyun will always be Oska to me. I still wish for Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won to be reunited in a drama because their chemistry was off the charts.
I tag @seokjinings @haeyeongs @jok-ie @nabongsun @bcwaldorf @sleepypie1212
1. Do you ever get second lead syndrome? If so, who is the second lead that you felt for the most, that you loved way more than the lead? Who is the second lead that deserved a better ending? 
2. What book/movie would you like to see adapted into a kdrama? Who would you cast as the leads? 
3. Who are your top 3 kdrama OTPs? 
4. What is your favourite kdrama trope? Name your favourite drama with that trope. 
5. Does the OST influence your enjoyment of a drama? Are there any dramas that you’ve watched because of the OST? 
6. Who is your bias and who is your bias ruiner? 
7. What is a drama that you think everyone should watch? (An essential drama for every kdrama lover.) 
8. Who are your top 3 female leads? 
9. Create your own love team. (A pairing that you would like to see in everything, or a couple that you would like to see reunited.) 
10. Pick an actor and an actress that you would like to see as the leads in a drama? (Your dream pairing, they’ve never worked together before but you think they would be great together. Mine is Kim Seul Gi and Kang Ha Neul.)
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doyomi · 7 years
5 Things Tag
tagged by my new pal @choco-seventeen .You should follow them for some seventeen content
❀ { 5 Things You’ll Find In My Bag }
-money. probably a bunch of coins and some dollar bills cus a baller always has cash on them  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-trash since i never throw shit away
-earbuds if their not in my ears since i can’t stay away from that kpop magic
-gum because im so extra. did you see what I did there
-idk probably a random pokemon card or an expired coupon
❀ { 5 Things You’ll Find In My Bedroom }
-old drawings i drew when i was bored in art class but surprisingly turned out good
-wires since i have so many things to charge and stuff
-gummy vitamins because i won’t remember to take them otherwise but @kingminhyung lives off of them when she comes to my house
-my favorite angry bird pillow that I will never ever throw away even if it’s ripped up
❀ { 5 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do }
-learn how to play one whole kpop song on guitar but that’s gonna be a while
-finish a chapstick without losing it
-see SuJu, Exo, Nct or Day6 live and like give them a hug or something
-redo my room so that it actually looks nice
-hang up all my kpop posters that I have laying in my room
❀ { 5 Things I’m currently Into }
-practicing guitar for some reason
-making moodboards on @sebooty-lyfe . I’ve made like 5 today
-korean dramas aka The K2 and Rebel: Thief Who Stole The People
 -eating healthier
-randomly hitting high notes in songs. It doesn’t sound good but I’m in tune
❀ { 5 Things On My To-Do List}
-finish cuddling with Nct and start cuddling with Astro on @sebooty-lyfe
-my laundry
-raise my grade in honors English to an A
-restock my ramen stash in the science teacher’s room
-learn I Wish by Wnjs
❀ { 5 Things People Might Not Know About Me } 
-i played violin for like 5 months
-jknews and jkparty are like my favorite youtube channels ever. I would live in Joemolia
-I’m mostly a 4.0 student
-my actual favorite group is BGA aka go slay my Junnie boy
-idk I’m getting rekted by Ji Hansol right now
@nctreacting @kingminhyung @noweimywei @dumbbelle @incorrect-nct-quotes @cutiephon-texts @markleetrashh @johnnyseo-ismylife
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christinemariephoto · 5 years
Trail Creek Cabin Summer Wedding | Sun Valley Idaho, Wedding Photographer | Jared + Juli
Trail Creek Cabin Wedding | Sun Valley, Idaho
christine marie photo >> sun valley idaho wedding photographer
Where to begin…Jared and Juli are some of the most dynamic, bad ass people you will probably ever meet, and I am not the only one who thinks so. Countless speeches and toasts were given over the course of 3 days about these two beautiful souls- about their love not only for each other, but also for everyone that shares space with them. When going through the process of booking a wedding, there's a slow and natural transition where strangers who've found me on the internet become dear friends. This type of friendship is special because we're not just getting to know each other or finding commonalities, we're doing that while creating plans and conspiring together to make something special. We talk in statements of hopes and dreams. The way the day feels, the peace of mind, the nerves, and anticipation of happy moments all build up inside me to a special point I can only describe as the type work your heart gets behind, so it no longer feels like work. I get to know about their families, their story, and their future and it all matters, it all becomes so important to me. When I first started chatting with them last winter about their in Sun Valley at Trail Creek Cabin and all the planning and dreams they had for their wedding (week) I just knew that it would be nothing short of a fairytale, and that it was.
The wedding day started off with a brunch at The Boho Lounge for the guys before they headed off to get ready. The girls showed up and transformed the boho chic restaurant into a full on girl frenzy of hair tools and beauty products! It was so unique and the absolute best place to get ready! Juli’s long time best friend, Jordan, did her hair and makeup just like they did when they were roomies long ago, just the sweetest thing ever. Juli’s mom MADE her wedding dress, Yes you read that right, MADE!!! It was stunning, the details and time and love that went into making her daughter a wedding dress made it that much more special. While Juli put her dress on and her mom lovingly inspected it and made sure every little detail was just right, it reminded me of how important family is, and how much love goes into all the little details and it made me think of my own daughter getting married one day and when I think about family, I think about this kind of love.
We did the first look at Trail Creek and during one of the initial moments a butterfly flew by and I heard Juli say she loved them and Jared replied “oh you love butterflies do you” little did Juli know that Jared had butterflies brought in to be released during their first dance.. the whole day was filled with these small thoughtful moments that made everything so special. Also - baby pygmy goats were another one of Jared’s fun surprises (talk about one of the most thoughtful people) for the guests to feed and have photo op’s with and we all found out how much Jared loves baby pygmy goats…you guys they are the CUTEST little animals you have every seen and I am pretty sure there are more photos of them than anything else.
Jared and Juli’s ceremony was held at the upper grounds at Trail Creek Cabin and they put their own twist on it by having a circular ceremony that didn’t face Baldy - (the normal view) which I kind of loved because a new perspective is always so refreshing! Jared rode in on a motorcycle and then DANCED down the aisle with his mom, brother and dad who we all found out had the best dance moves out of everyone! Jared and Juli’s friends officiated the ceremony it was simple, intentional, and spoke to the type of people Jared and Juli are and I can’t even really put it into words how present everyone was, but at one point during the ceremony I just found myself not taking photos because I was in so much awe of that present moment and the stillness of everyone…yes even the goats. The guests held hands and circled the Chuppah. Shots were taken and the first kiss was pure magic and I don’t think I have ever seen more cheering and crying simultaneously while they walked down that aisle as husband and wife and rode away on the motorcycle. After the ceremony the guests made their way down to the lower grounds at Trail Creek where they sipped yummy cocktails and had some amazing apps. Jared and Juli were announced and went straight to their first dance at dusk and all the guests let their butterflies go! It was quite honestly one of the most beautiful first dances I have ever seen! The night ended in the big tent with deserts and toasts and definitely one of the best dance parties ever, with DJ Jens slaying the music!
Jared and Juli, thank you so much for trusting me to capture your wedding, the events leading up to, and the ones after. What an amazing experience. Thank you for becoming friends to me, and to my family. I look forward to knowing you and spending more time with you in the future. XOXO
Getting hitched? See more of my work HERE and then contact me HERE
This wedding was put together and coordinated by such a talented team of vendors that I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with!
Wedding Planner : K2 Design & Production
Venue: Trail Creek Cabin, Sun Valley Idaho
Floral Design : Best Day Ever Floral Design
DJ : Jens Peterson
Videographer : AFLATIS Films
Second Shooter : Karlie Jeneson
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sev-photography · 7 years
Nitro Slash Snowboard Review SideWays Gears Guys EP004
Nitro Slash Snowboard Review ·      Board: Nitro Slash 163 (one size only) ·      Bindings: Nitro Team ·      Boots: K2 Ender (MM), Burton Ion (SS) Smooth and nimble, surfy and responsive. The Nitro Slash is a board packed with subtle tech and tons of surprises. The 3-D balsa wood core with noticeable raised top sheet rails and Nitro’s cam-out camber to rocker profile combine to make a board that rides much differently than how you’d expect on first looks. Though it looks like a powder board, and will definitely slay in the deeps, we were blown away at the versatility of this board for straight up resort lap shredding. We rode the Slash in the trees getting pow stashes, wide open on groomers and rollers, and even some park and boardercross laps. We found the board rode (felt) smaller than a 163; it felt more like a 157-159; it makes sense when you look on the board top down to see the actual contact points.  As a result of the shorter effective edge, the Slash is quick edge to edge and felt right at home in tight trees. On the groomers it felt comfortable pushing top speeds with surprisingly little chatter for a board with such a long nose, it also felt very natural hammering roller ollies and side hits. At lower speeds the medium flex of the board allows the rider to push tight carves. The shorter tail and tapered shape feel really good carving without feeling awkward switch. Regardless of speed or terrain, we found the Slash smooth and playful. The flex is something worth noting on this board also. Because of what the designers have been able to do with the 3-D profiling of the balsa wood core and the camber profile, it allows the board to have a softer lengthwise flex while keeping the torsional flex solid. The result of this is a board that is easy to work, initiate a turn, and load with power, and it holds an edge and line extremely well. Overall feeling: The Nitro Slash was really smooth and really fun. It handled everything we threw at it with surprising ease, and you never really had to work for it. Definitely, a fun board when you don’t know what the resort is going to throw at you. We both felt a little unsure of the long-term durability of the board considering the balsa used in the core, but my experience with Nitro boards has always been well built and long lasting quality boards, so that is nothing more than opinion. One thing we both agreed on 100% is that this board is light and felt great under our feet. Do you have any thoughts or questions you want to be answered on this board? Comment below and we will do our best to give you the info you are looking for. Please also visit your LOCAL SNOWBOARD SHOP, those guys want to get you set up on something rad that you’re going to enjoy. Huge thanks to: @mtseymour for providing us with a ‘Home Mountain’ and ideal multi-terrain testing ground for season 1 @cariboobrewing for keeping us hydrated, talking is thirsty work @sandboxland for the sweet lid and goggle combo (safety first!!) Gear in this episode: @Nitro Snowboards Slash Board @Nitro Snowboards Team Binding @k2snow Ender boots @burton Ion boots @sandbox Legend Apex helmet @sandbox Kingpin Shift lens goggle @salmon arms mitts @gopro Hero 5
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