#(everyone else in the graveyard cheers)
syn4k · 5 months
Hi!! :-D
Im trying to get into Mianite Season 1, it looks cool. You seem to know about it, what POV do you recommend? :^
i reccomend starting off with jordan's pov since he edits his episodes down to only include the important parts and then if you want to go back and watch it again in full later you can watch tom's. good luck and godspeed
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mochiwrites · 9 months
Scar feels numb when he hits the succeed button.
He stands alone before the Secret Keeper, staring up at it’s blank face with an equally blank expression. The shock is still in effect, his brain still attempting to process it all.
He’s alive.
But no one else is.
He stands at the monument of the server, the center point of everything. The wind blows, and it feels wrong. He gains five more hearts. A new book appears before him. There is no one to cheer as he hits the succeed button. There is no one to yell ‘fail’ in his ears for someone else.
It’s just Scar, and his task, and a graveyard littered with holes. Pearl’s voice is still ringing in his ears, the way she sounded up until she died.
“How did the guy with no friends win?”
He doesn’t know. The Secret Keeper made him the villain of the server, he had no friends, no matter how hard he tried. His tasks always got in the way of it. Maybe it was easier that way, not having any true alliances. He knows first hand what it does to someone when they have to kill a partner to win.
Scar is alone now, truly alone. He turns around, keeping his back to the Secret Keeper as his eyes survey the spawn before him. It doesn’t sit right, the lack of people gathered around. Sure, their numbers had dwindled a bit during the last few sessions, but it wasn’t by much. The group got smaller, and now it’s just him. Just Scar, the villain.
A laugh bubbles out of his lips, and suddenly Scar can’t hold it in. His task falls out of his hands, hitting the ground and his arms wrap around his stomach as he doubles over with laughter.
“This is— this is one heck of a funny joke guys!” He’s laughing so much it’s hard to breathe. “I wasn’t even trying to win!” That’s what he had told Pearl. He didn’t think he’d survive this long. That’s only happened one other time and…. Well.
His laughter dances on the air, filling the space of nothingness. If he pretends, he can hear the others laughing with him, alongside him.
“You did all that to make me the bad guy. You kept me from making any friends!” A hand covers his face, holding it as his laughter shakes his body. “You guys made me the villain of the server and somehow I’m the last one standing!”
It’s so ridiculous. Maybe there’s some kind of irony in there, Scar can’t be bothered to look.
“How did the guy with no friends win?”
He doesn’t know, but it’s kind of funny. Scar stands alone at the end of the world, with nothing but the things in his inventory and a server full of craters. The big statue behind him stares down at him, but he doesn’t care about its gaze. He continues to laugh, because if he stops, he fears what’ll happen.
“No one thought this would happen, everyone doubted me.” Scar was with them. He didn’t think it’d happen either. Him? Scar? Winning a Life Game? Three hours ago he wouldn’t have believed it. “But what do ya know! Villains can win too, sometimes!”
He’s not sure if he can call this a win. He’s alone on an empty server, with no one around. Scar thought he knew what loneliness was, a cold mountain with deepslate walls and wooden ceilings. But this? This is real loneliness. There isn’t another person around for miles. Every base is destroyed and empty, carnage left behind.
There is nothing here for him.
Scar’s laughter slows to a stop. His stomach hurts. So does his face. He straightens, standing tall as he takes a deep breath. He looks down at his task on the ground.
Win Secret Life.
“Is this what it’s like?” He addresses his question to the sky. There is no one to answer him, but he knows his question will be seen. Scar looks back to the server.
It doesn’t feel much like a win at all.
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wynnyfryd · 6 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 60
part 1 | part 59 | ao3
cw: reference to canonical minor character death
Max slams the phone down, knocking her forehead against the wall. Sixteen calls in a row and still no answer. “I give up,” she sighs. “You should just go.” “Seriously?” Steve protests. “And just leave you here? Alone? After—?” After all that? He throws his hands out like an umpire calling a safe. “No. No way.” “Look, my mom will be home soon, you can’t—” “—I’m not letting you get hurt—!” “—What are you gonna do? Fight my nightmares for me?”
“Maybe I will,” Steve mutters under his breath, pissed off and replaying the conversation on repeat while he gets ready. Feels like a psycho for doing it; feels certifiably unhinged just going about his evening after everything that happened, putting on a clean shirt and choking himself in a cloud of Farrah Fawcett spray so he can go pick up the sweet-but-stupid girl named Brenda he promised to take to the game tonight; so he can go cheer in the bleachers like he didn’t almost die.
(Or like, very vividly hallucinate his own death, which... Yeah. Doesn’t feel any less horrific.)
But whatever. Max is right. Without El, there’s really nothing to do but wait. Hop’s dead, Bob’s dead, Joyce is thirty hours away. Owens is off the table, too. What’s Steve gonna do? Call the government and tell them to come nuke the boogeyman? He doesn’t have any proof. 
He also doesn’t want to freak Dustin or any of the other kids out without knowing for sure what’s going on and what, if anything, can be done about it, so...
He gets dressed; he goes out. Picks up Brenda and does his best to be nice to her even though she gets on his nerves the moment she gets into his car, and he buys them sodas at the gas station and doesn't say a word when she spills Sprite down the side of his passenger seat.
The school is packed when they show up — the crowd in high spirits, the marching band leading chants. Nancy's reporting from the sidelines, Lucas is laughing with his teammates on the bench, and Steve leads Brenda toward the bleachers and does his best not to think. Not about the graveyard, not Max, not the looming threat of cosmic terrors. Not about the fact that Eddie is somewhere in this building, probably looking all hot and menacing while he leads tonight's campaign. Probably perched on a prop throne drinking Mountain Dew from a painted chalice like a fucking dork; probably making it look sexy, anyway. Tight jeans, legs spread, an air of casual command…
Steve could go find him. He could make everyone else leave; he could get on his knees and crawl between Eddie's legs—
"Does it bother you that we might win the championship, like, right after you graduated?"
Reality comes back like a slap in the face. "Yeah, that's an excellent question, Brenda, thank you so much for bringing that up."
They get settled into their seats, and Steve wishes he were more excited when the ref throws the jump ball, but he mostly just wants to go home. ("You always want to go home," the Robin in his head reminds him, and the Robin in real life throws him a weird look when she catches him snorting to himself about it.) He's just tired. Worn down in his bones, hollowed where he thinks his marrow should be, and he's clinging to normalcy with a sort of sweaty desperation that he’s pretty sure Brenda can smell on him because the date just sucks; it’s so bland, so mutually boring and bored. He spends most of the night mouthing stupid shit at Robin or keeping a sharp eye on the court — anything to ignore his proximity to Eddie; anything to drown out his messed-up head and heart. 
When the game finally ends Brenda gets a ride to a party with some friends. Steve goes back to Dustin’s place and paces a hole into the carpet. Stays up until 3 A.M., humming a Fleetwood Mac song.
In the morning, he tells himself as he drifts into fitful sleep. 
In the morning it’ll be fine. 
In the morning Max will come by the store like she promised, and they’ll keep trying until they get ahold of El, or Owens, or someone, and that someone will know what to do and how to help.
In the morning the TV tells him there’s a dead girl in his house.
part 61
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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jjsstars · 11 months
random school bus graveyard headcanons
// with aiden/ashlyn & ben/taylor & logan/tyler <3 //
warnings: weed/smoking, swearing
[cut off cause this got rlly long whoops]
Ash is bi & Aiden is pan
Taylor & Ben are both asexual but also hopeless romantics
Tyler is bi & Logan is gay
Taylor does Ben’s nails on weekends
Tyler tries to teach Logan how to play baseball (he’s semi successful)
Ash is paramore fan (p sure this is just canon atp)
Aiden loves all those dystopian movies and forces Tyler to watch them when he finds out he’s never seen them (ie hunger games, the maze runner, divergent etc.)
Aiden’s best subject is math and his worst is English, Ash is the same way
Taylor’s best subjects are science & math, her worst is art (she just can’t draw okay)
Tyler’s best subject is gym but as far as academics go he’s pretty good at history, he sucks at science tho
Logan’s best subject is obvi science, he honestly does good in everything, but he doesn’t like language that much
Taylor carry’s extra ear plugs/headphones/notebooks & pens for Ben & Ash (or anyone who might need them)
Tyler can braid better than Taylor can (he would do her hair growing up)
Aiden & Ash are adhd vs autism
Logan and Taylor hold hands when they’re anxious
Aiden can play the guitar & drums
Ben can also play the guitar but he prefers acoustic whereas Aiden likes electric
Tyler can play guitar but he prefers to play the trumpet (he’s rlly good)
Taylor can sing but she only does around Ben - he totally doesn’t cry nope totally not -
Ash can play the Harp (stealing that from someone else’s hc post <3) but she can also play violin & piano (multitalented queen)
Aiden & Ash link pinkies while sitting on the bus if Ash is feeling particularly pda strong
the whole group goes to cheer on Tyler’s baseball games
Logan now has a first aid kit in his locker from dating Tyler and being friends with Aiden
Aiden has a medical card for medical weed and he definitely abuses that shit
the first time Ashlyn gets high it relaxes her so much she’s convinced she’s dying for a hot minute
Logan & Taylor don’t like being high, Ben is indifferent to it, Aiden, Ashlyn & Tyler enjoy it throughly
It calms Aiden & Tyler down a lot
Taylor & Ben are the only ones capable of sitting in a chair like a normal person
Aiden & Ben smuggle good food into the hospital for Tyler
Tyler gives Logan forehead kisses
Ben kisses the top of Taylor’s hand
Aiden kisses the tip of Ash’s nose - Ash kisses his cheek
everyone is always finding Ashlyn hair in everything cause she sheds so much
Logan & Ben are Star Wars fans
Aiden is the first one to get his official license - to everyone’s horror -
Tyler is the last one to get his license (he’s so mad about it)
Ashlyn still sleeps with a stuffed animal and has a tote of them in her closet — she hides this for months until Ben finds them one day and casually adopts them all with Taylor
Aiden runs like a space heater as does Taylor
Ash & Ben both run superrrr cold
Logan and Tyler have normal temperatures, the freaks /j
Ben carry’s an inhaler because Aiden got asthma attacks as a kid - he hasn’t had one since he was like 7 but Ben likes to be prepared
If he gets hyper focused enough Aiden will go non-verbal / won’t acknowledge the outside world to the point of Ben having to write down responses for him
Aiden & Tyler can skateboard
Taylor can rollerskate & she teaches Logan how to too
Ashlyn is a god at ice skating
Ben prefers to stay on his own two feet thank you very much
Tyler’s terrified of dogs and screams for Taylor anytime one comes near him
Animals naturally love Ashlyn, Taylor’s jealous
Aiden is one of those people that will spend five minutes in a backyard and pick up three frogs, a lizard, a scarily big spider, two beetles and point out where a snake is
birds really like Ben - he doesn’t know why
Aiden & Ben are really good at art, but with totally different styles
Ben prefers realism and charcoal pieces
Aiden prefers more stylized art, markers & paints
Aiden did graffiti for a while and still would if he ever had the time (stupid phantoms) - when Ash finds out she lets him tag the buses in the graveyard and he’s so excited about it
Aiden & Tyler play basketball together on the weekends while the others watch/mess with them the entire time
If Tyler’s being particularly cocky about winning against Aiden then Ben will step in cause he’s naturally really good at basketball
Taylor and Logan always giggle watching Tyler’s face fall seeing Ben stand up
Ashlyn doesn’t mind when Aiden loses because then she gets to use it as an excuse for them to go get ice cream to “make the loss easier” (aiden knows she does that every time because she also asks to go out for ice cream if he wins to celebrate)
Taylor lets Aiden try on her lip gloss once and now he has his own collection and keeps some on him at all times — mostly just clear ones or sparkly light pink ones that aren’t super noticeable but still leaves a shine
Tyler uses like ten separate hair products daily - him & Ash take the longest to do their hair out of the whole group
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carionto · 10 months
Extreme Stress Testing
Human vessels are almost uniformly diverse. This is normal among civilians in most civilizations, but what baffles us is the fact their military craft of all sizes are equally uniquely designed and decorated. Now, we've seen how they love to tinker and attribute personality to their ships, but that's still a process that takes time and effort.
Take their fighter craft for example. Not even a week passes after one is printed and officially tested that it gains a whole new paint job and numerous panels and devices are replaced. After a bit of backroom negotiation in a bar where we politely kept to the only drinks that wouldn't kill us outright - tea. But still not too hot, it's miraculous how Humans can ingest near boiling water and be perfectly fine after a short while.
Anyway, we were allowed to "ghost" how a fairly young Quick Response combat group - Sparrow Swarm 12 - initiated three new fighter pilots and their freshly minted craft.
The Cruiser-Carrier hybrid ship, Hilda's Halberd, ferried the squad plus guests to the outer edges of Sol's Oort Cloud. At these distances, even the Sun is just a slightly larger dot in the pitch black darkness of space. However, wherever civilization goes, light follows, and with a flick of a switch of its powerful flood lights, Hilda's Halberd became the brightest spot for a million kilometers.
What it illuminated, however, was quite a terrifying sight to behold. A graveyard of ships and debris, deliberately left alone by the OCC by request of the military. We became quite worried as we got closer to the field, but thankfully the cruiser-carrier stopped a good few thousand clicks away. Then the fighter squadron launched straight for it.
Thanks to the flood lights we could clearly see the entire spectacle. We wish we couldn't.
The new pilots were bumped, literally physical ship-to-ship contact by the veterans all the way as they approached the, what the captain called - a "race track". It was horrifying all the way there. Sparks and sparkling micro-debris from the now not-so-pristine ships flew off with every bump and crash. And Human ships are bulky, even the smallest ones have much greater mass than normal, so impacts like those would easily destroy most non-Human ships of equivalent scale.
With numerous bruises and "cosmetic" damage!? (we would immediately send any ship in similar condition to be fully repaired and refitted) they arrived at the actual initiation grounds. Then the carnage begins. They're told to make it from one end of the field to the other WHILE EVERYONE ELSE IS SHOOTING AT THEM WITH LIVE AMMO!!!
It was beyond terrifying. Even as far as we were from the actual carnage, when Human ships discharge their weapons with intent - Space. Quivers.
It was over in a minute.
All three, now, by all measures anywhere else in the Galaxy, hardened combat veterans, made it. Just. How they were able to maneuver so swiftly and change trajectories without the Human within dying from all the g-forces is beyond us, and how the attackers were able to keep up with their chaotic movements, quite a learning experience for how decisively they would beat us as we are now should we ever become foes.
After everyone was back on Hilda's Halberd, the squad cheered and had a small feast, while the rest of the crew went about as normal and began to make way back to the core of Sol. The next day each of the tattered ships had their pilot and an engineer working on it, talking about all the technical aspects and things like how it "felt when the left wing was shot off and I bumped into an asteroid", and other nightmarish things.
One of the pilots simply smiled as she looked at her ship and then the engineer and said "Dragon horns".
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may i request a dead x reader where his gf comes to one of their shows and while enjoying the show, she gets caught in the pit and gets hurt and dead doesn’t realize until after the show?? also, have a sunflower 🌻
A kiss to make the pain go away
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warning : fluff, hurt/comfort, minor blood, kissing
Info : Thank you for the sunflower dear anon have fun reading and everyone else too ;)
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
It was dark and the moon was over the city as she made her way into the hall with the band. A small gig and yet hundreds of people came to hear the revolutionary band play. ,,It's going to be good," she encouraged her friends and embraced the cool hand of Dead, who smiled briefly at her.
She returned this longer cheerful yet not tired of life. ,,This is going to be more than good, we're going to show you hell!" Faust shouted and was already ready to fetch beer for everyone and sing along to the songs his friends were playing on stage. ,,We'll bring hell down to earth," joked Euronymous, opening his beer and looking proudly at his friends and band members.
He saw how Dead was with his girlfriend, his sweet graveyard, his life, his everyone. ,,I'll be back as soon as I can…got something for you," the blonde mumbled, placing his hand on hers as he took another sip of the alcohol, she kissed him gently on the cheek.
She knew that he was nervous not about performing in front of the mescnhen, about the life of not being able to feel anything, but she also knew that when he walked out of there he could finally feel something again, it was something that gave him support.
It gave him life, something so important that she could only give him with love and kindness. Before she let him go and went into the audience herself with Faust and Occultus. It only took minutes before the whole place was filled with blood, alcohol, screams and hell.
But this time it was different the men just seemed too loaded and perhaps too drunk and it wasn't long before they were drowning in the crowd trying to get away from Faust.
She screamed his name but it was too late, the glass of a smashed bottle was stretched across her arm, the bruises on her body would become more colorful in the days to come and she could barely breathe.
Before she finally reached the wall of the hall with an exhale, she was no longer in the crowd and saw the full extent of it. ,,I have to get out of here," she mumbled, looking around before she saw the door to the room open and rushed inside.
The music quieted as she closed the door and opened it when she saw the cut on her arm. ,,Fuck," she muttered, trying to find something useful in the small room, at least something to disinfect the beer she was definitely not going to take. Minutes passed in which she just wanted something to happen to stop the pain.
Until the minutes passed and the door to the room opened again and the band came back, but when her eyes met Dead's, his bright eyes seeing her wound, Euronymous sent everyone back out to the bar.
,,Take it easy…sit down I'll get everything…what happened?" he asked seeming to know exactly where he would find medicine, bandages and disinfectants. She knew that he had often been injured on stage, but he seemed to know everything.
,,The crowd the fans were just too loaded…because of you," she added with a smile, seeing that he was only partly amused before he went back to her, kneeling in front of her and disinfecting the wound she clung to him through the pain.
,,You're doing well sweetie," the blond mumbled, blowing on the wound, seeing her smirk as he kissed her softly before slowly placing the compress and bandage around her arm. ,,One last kiss of death," he said, kissing the white bandage to make sure all was well before pulling her up into his arms.
,,You'll have to play louder, then everything will collapse and you can take care of me again," she whispered before pulling him into a grateful kiss, feeling his smooch before his arms wrapped around her and they decided to have a drink at the bar with the others and maybe another kiss against the pain.
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doublekanble · 7 months
Alastor/reader (gnc)
word count: 2.7k
more of a continuation of hunting, but can be read without. no alastor in here but the idea is there. you take your own life
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Even now, as you lie on your back, waiting for mid-day to arrive. You can still hear it ringing in your ears, the reverberating sound, akin to a lone firework. You’re sure the sounds of canon can’t be as bad, as personal as the shot of a hunting rifle. His hunting rifle.
At the time, you manage to get by the police questioning with excuses after excuses, something you’ve rather fortunately picked up on under his guidance. The only thing he would've chastise you for it’s the fact your eyes wasn’t on anything or anybody in that moment except for your hands and how the red is still staining your skin.
Your little companion of the day, lovely little Houston, sitting at your feet completely ignorant to whatever else going on. Always the silly sweetheart she is once a hunt is over, she happily and diligently waits for your next command with a clean and bloodless mouth while the policemen bid you goodbye and walk away from your doorstep. At some point, it hit you that you’re having a marginally much easier time getting by because the news was so downright heartbreaking and disturbing even to the people who was supposed to be questioning you. Under their shock and your near-flawless alibi, you slipped right by as another unfortunate victim. Poor, weak and frail you, rattled by the news of a close friend betraying everyone’s heart.
(no, you've never managed to learn how to hold a gun. no, you were in your house for the time, they can asked the neighbors. yes, you’re completely in shock that your friend and darling radio host of New Orleans is capable of such heinous crimes)
You weren’t a believer, you never thought you would be, but you starts to consider that maybe after all this time, God finally hear your prayers and deemed you a cause worth helping. You thank Him in your head as you sat in a nearby cafe, hands still shaking and eyes wide watching people talk about the bodies they find under the makeshift graveyard alone. Briefly, you hope God will do something about the odd pigmentation on your hands too.
The most common sentiment amongst the public is that almost nobody saw this coming, especially him. He's someone you would trust your newborns with, someone to rely on. Many still believes that this is nothing but a mistake or a setup from whoever it was that pump him with lead; others, with less than an open mind, cheer for his death. Not the murderer, him. You can’t fathom just how hard this is for people like him, already struggling as they were under this sort of world and looking up to him as a shining star. But there was no time to dwell on any of your pity or worries, because the moment the police finally cleared you of all suspicions; you would find yourself on his mother’s doorstep with suitcases in hand, an address you hope you would never have to hand over, and half a prayer for her to listen to you.
(as much as a mother to him as she always will be to you. if only you knew her without him, then maybe...)
You remembered a weary frame and eyes filled to the brim with more agony and grief than you’ll ever see on anyone else and falter. There’s no doubt in your mind she have been hounded to no end by the news and police about this, let alone the injustice someone in her position have to go through alone. But in front of her son’s murderer she stand tall and look at it with such compassionate and caring eyes, and it’s enough for you to forgo the pleasantries and all but begged her to please let you take her with you to California where you already secure a place to stay. It won’t be as nice as her or your house but it’s better than a lifetime of scrutiny someone like her never deserves.
(a lifetime of scrutiny for the crime of giving birth to a child you thought you knew)
Afraid of staining her house and her memories of everything more than you and him already have, you shake your head and try to pressed on when all she did was inviting you in for one last meal with her before you go. This will be the final time you two will ever meet again if she doesn’t go with you, you said. Please, please let you do this one thing for her, she doesn’t even need to do anything, you’ll take care of her and give her the life she deserves, the life you took from her.
It wasn’t until she reach a hand out and gently wipe your tears away that you'd realized why your face was all wet. And it took everything in you to not fall onto the floor and held onto her feet as she gives you a wistful smile and wishes you well in the new place. She trust that she doesn’t have to explain herself to you, you wishes she would’ve.
After shoving more than half of what you have left into her hand, you found yourself hurrying along the growing weed infesting her lovely pavement and tries to swallowed down the thought that this might be her new normal. She calls out to you when she gave up on the idea of chasing after you, and you feel your heart broken all over again, for a different reason this time. And as you leave without a word, you wondered whether she would ever find it in her heart to forgive you if she knew.
(“Honey, I-“
“Please, ma’am. Just let me do this for you.”
“…oh dear…”
she hold the hundred bills in her hand, you know she’ll never uses them. but it’s all you can think to do.
“If you ever want to change your mind. Just come to this address, they know how to contact me.”
you want to walk away without looking back, but she calls your name at the gate.
“Honey…” she hesitate, “did you know?”
you can’t find it in your heart to answer. but you adjust your grips and wipe your eyes and bid her goodbye for the final time.
“Thank you, for being his friend.”
you can’t reply, she wouldn’t be able to understand you over your wavering will anyway)
After it all, you then go on to live out the rest of your life in the undeserving peace and quiet of the countryside working with a small plot of land you secured for yourself long before everything was properly planned out, barely touching the funds you collected for yourself. Every morning, you get up and prepared yourself, mid-day, you take care of the farm, by night, you sat by your writing desk and look through books you got from the library far from your little plot.
Sometimes, you would write letters to his mother, asking her about her days, what’s her favorite food now? How’s her life? did she manage to get her mailbox fix? But the courage to send all of it to her would only be found two days before she reportedly collapsed by the foot of that same rusty mailbox and never wake up again. You crumbled the paper as you try to forget the headline. Her first and last letter to you is still under your pillow and the money that came with it placed in a jar to take with you once you die. Every night from then on, you pray to every single one of the God and Goddesses you can’t find the strength to believe in that she made it to those pearly gates the people at church kept talking about.
The ringing in your ears became commonplace at some point, you soon work through your day with it becoming an afterthought. Except suddenly, one day, there was something else. A noise that rises above all else, the thumping and bumping of something at night, too large to be a rat, too controlled to be a dog.
At your beloved writing desk, when you can’t sleep because the gunshot replayed in your mind and the echoing of everything is too loud; you would try and occupy yourself with something, anything at all. Sketching out dear old Houston drooly face when she sleeps, or her energetic running across the field, putting down list of grocers and what you want to eat for the next day, noting down what’s in the corner today, writing out stories and poetries, love in every word for the love you lacked in life that lead you to fall into his hands. Eyes forever watching the moving shadows as the ever-growing nightmares seeping into your waking days.
(you have vivid daydreams about his eyes when he catches yours in the moonlight, before his head jerks back and hit the ground. your first successful shot, and soon to be your second)
The shadows follows you everywhere you go, yet not a soul would believe you. You swear to God you can feel its hand, emerging from your shade, trying it’s best to brush hair from your face in the middle of the day despite its mist-like form. Its distorting voice, chattering nonsense into your ears at night, incomprehensible yet filled with so many feelings you can’t identify. No one have ever talk to you with such a specific cadence, from the way it pauses, to how it lifted it voice. Sometimes it would chuckle, and sometimes in groans. Even without understanding, you know for sure that there’s no longer a single living person in your life that talks like it does.
But you were ok with it, truly. You're good at adapting and living on in this hazy misery, and you would’ve grown complacent, too. If not for how a week ago, the cold mist-like hand held onto yours, solid in the middle of July’s heat. After that, you stop praying for anything at all.
(your hands shakes a bit, but you mend and steel your resolve for once. you thought about the stupid books and poems you wrote to fight agaisnt the cold of the night, hopefully someone finds them comforting, hopefully they won't ever learn of your name)
For most of your life, you’ve lived like a ghost, and it was something you’ve long since grow comfortable with. It’s ok that you’re not going from place to place, downing drinks after drinks and dance on the dance floor like the ladies and the men were doing. You’re a simple person with a simple life and you were much, much more fortunate than most people in your time, with a stable job and a house to returns to. You would’ve been more than happy to live out the rest of your life, content with the mundane and the ordinary day-to-day, not a complaint to your heart. There’s not a fault to any of it, living a normal life.
(the shadows growls, but they can’t do anything at midday when you’re on your back and there’s not a space for them to take their form)
Then suddenly, a single good nature chat outside a coffee shop turn your life upside-down. It woud've been a good life, even if it's an odd one, if that was all that there is to it. But then one night, you walked down the wrong alleyway. Ever since, you can’t find that gentle and comforting sense of mundane anywhere anymore, not without a permanent stench of rust and metal alongside it.
(a cowardly way out, but all of your bravery have long since turn to dust after that day)
If there was a day that you can pin down for this wrong turn, for the red on your hand that you ignore day after day since. It wouldn’t have been the day you two met. Even with everything that happened, there was a point where it was still normal. Where you two can pretend like his slip of the tongue is nothing more than quirks and jokes that doesn’t land itself. Where you're still just a bit too unfamiliar with him, just enough so that he would only held you by the shoulder. No, it wouldn’t have been at the beginning. Because if every chance encounter is predestined, you could’ve done nothing to remedy the fact that you two ever met at all, or about everything else.
There’s no remedy for your torment and the sight of bodies you can’t barely remember the name of. For the body that sank and rotted under the lake’s surface and the love he choose to gives you as a reward for a job well done. You've scrubbed at your hand until it's red and stinging but the red just won't leave it and no matter how you rubbed at your eyes, those rotting faces won't disappeared, the ringing in your ears won't ever going to stop ever again and it's all his fault.
You hope that it’s true, that you’ve gone insane as a result of it all. It’s an exceedingly comforting thought, much more than the alternative could ever be. The shadows and the stitched smiles behind your eyelids, the nails in your throat. The cacophonies of screams in the night and the crackling of unseen fireworks in the day. Everyone brushes you off and said it’s simply nothing. It’s you not being able to rest or sleep well. But surely, all of it, a result of ever letting yourself near him after that day. And this utter misery that tainted your mundane life and surely will follow you through the rest of your living days could’ve been something else of its own, if only you have the courage to shot the man dead with the rifle sitting in your closet. If only you have the courage to bite before you ran into the bear trap.
(suddenly, you recalled, something odd was on your desk, tucked neatly by the unnamed books you binded by hands. for the longest time, you never pay any mind to it, the thing blend right into your distorting normalcy)
It could’ve been, but it’ll never be, because you didn’t shoot him dead the day you found out. But you’ll take what you can get. The sun hanging in the middle of the blue, your finger on the trigger. It shakes as your ears suddenly catches onto the sound of faint static coming from inside your house. You pull the trigger.
An echoing sound, just loud enough to stir the scenery, it runs through the field as someone walks by. Birds found themselves taking off into the air into the opposite direction while an old man make his way towards it, stumbling and clumsy.
There’s no mistaking it, the gunshot came from your farm. He try to walk faster, pushing through the aching of old bones. You're a confused and anxious thing the old man been taking under his wings for some times, and he grows fond of you quickly despite your less-than-normal paranoid demeanour. His weathered old eyes tries to look for you, only to hear an excited bark. Following that instead, he finds a dog leashed to a tree. Houston, your beloved dog that you pampered every time he saws you, sat herself on a blanket all cute-like. Her favorite food and water bowl by her sides. Houston pants happily, tail wagging as the old man feel cold sweat running down his back.
(as you fall through the darkness and feel your skin tears away at itself and reformed anew, it hit you that you don’t have a radio. and as the remainer of your body pulls itself up from the dirty pavement, stitching muscles and bones back inch by inch, you hear a voice calling your name. familiar and welcoming, you gaze upon the red hue of the sky as a red figure creep into your vision. as he smiles, you realized that you would've been ok with the thought of scrubbing the skin off your hands next time, if only you'll never have to see those eyes ever again.
the last you’ll ever see the blue sky is under the barrel of a pistol. the last you thought you’ll ever see him is behind a hunting rifle)
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The Night Shift
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Chapter 2
A/N: Reader is female. No physical descriptors used. Let me know if i fucked up and not do that. Chat me up i don't bite!
Warning: Adult content only! 18+ only please. Dark! NON-CON, sexual assault, Sleep paralysis, roofed, oral.
Summary: You start a new job at the best hotel and resort in your beautiful beach town. Things start to go bad when your transferred to the night shift.
Jonathan Pine x Reader
The dreaded time has come. You’d tried to prepare, but sleeping during the day was still somewhat impossible.
From the time clock you hear the cheerful chatter from the 2nd shifters. They’ll be more happy to see you than you than the other way around.
As you near the archway to the lobby, you spot Sarah, Connie and Amber busy at work. You haven’t really gotten to know the other two yet; they always seemed a bit distant. They probably thought you’re weird, like everyone else in your life. Maybe that’s the real reason why they moved you to the graveyard shift.
Sarah spots you and waves. You’re gonna miss her. She was the only friend you’d made so far, and now you’d be back to square one.
Third shift ran on a skeleton crew you found out. One clerk, you, and one manager, Mr. Pine, who you suspected would be holed up in his office all night like the other managers. Housekeeping and security were always on the move, never in one spot for long, and worked out of a separate building, making it nearly impossible to even cross paths. The kitchen was fully staffed but always hectic and intimidating, and shutdown at midnight.
If you could have your phone, you could push through the impending loneliness, but it was strictly against policy to have them during shifts.
“Ready for your all nighter?”
The sudden voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and you let out a squeak. Heads turn from the lobby to you. You quickly lower your gaze and hide, their attention doesn’t last, but it’s still embarrassing.
“Oh, sorry darling, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Mr. Pine apologizes, patting your back comfortingly.
You stiffen when his hand slips to the small of your back and lingers a bit longer than you’d like. He’s probably just being nice, you reason, but the thought doesn’t quite ease the awkwardness.
You force a small smile and he releases, as if it was what he was waiting for.
“I-It’s ok. I was just a little startled. I didn’t notice you there.” You reply, still a little frazzled.
“I’ve been told I’m a bit light-footed. I’ll do better next time and try to make myself a little less invisible." He remarks with a grin. You appreciate the light-heated attempt to comfort you. Maybe one day you'd stop acting like a startled rabbit—but probably not.
Check-ins cool down and Connie’s the first to log off. You offer a meek goodbye before quickly scurrying away to take her spot.
Connie smiles as you cross paths, and you smile back, but realize too late that her attention is on Mr. Pine and not you.
They share a laugh and converse while you quietly take over her station, brushing off the interaction. It’s not the first time its happened, being ignored was more of what you were used to.
You log into your stations computer. Despite how modern and luxurious the hotel, the clerk computers are old and clunky and only good for handling guest and nothing more.
“Hey heads up. Bachelor party checked earlier, but left a while ago. Already drunk,” Sarah informs as she approaches. “When they get back expect a lot of noise complaints. If they get out of hand let security know, it’ll finally give them something useful to do.”
“Thanks. Will do.”
Rowdy guest were nothing new to you. If they did cut up at least it would spice up your night.
“Are you OK? You don’t look so great.” She inquires making you worry how bad you must’ve looked.
“I-I'm fine, just tired. Not used to the change yet,” you answer a bit self-conscious.
“Sarah as lovely as always,” Mr. Pine charmingly chimes in and Sarah lights up.
He’s behind you again. You should expect it by now, but you don’t. He was worse than your cat—always sneaking up on you. He really did need a bell.
Amber leaves shortly after Sarah and your left alone on the front lines. The guests dwindle to a trickle, their footsteps echoing through the empty lobby. The usual chatter, the clink of luggage wheels, the constant buzz of activity—it’s all gone, replaced by a heavy silence. Even the light feels different at this hour, dimmer, as if the hotel itself is winding down.
As the minutes stretch on, your body feels heavier, the hum of the computer and the soft ticking of the clock blending into a lullaby that pulls you into a sleepy haze. You blink slowly, fighting to stay awake, but the lack of sleep presses down on you. Shifting in place, you try to stay alert, but your vision blurs as the screen fades in and out of focus.
A sharp knock jerks you awake. You straighten upright, heart pounding, blinking away the fog. Your eyes dart to where Mr.Pine stands, his knuckles still pressed against the archway.
“Pardon me darling, I hope I didn’t catch you unaware.”
“Oh no your fine,” you stammer, stifling a yawn into your hand.
“I see I’ve arrived just in time. Here I got you this. A gift.”
He wiggles the insulated cup with the hotel logo. You raise an eyebrow, “Coffee?”
“Its salted Carmel espresso blend, compliments of the kitchen,” he replies, handing it over. “I hear it's quiet the favorite amongst the guest these days.”
“Oh you didn’t have to,” you insist, but take it anyway. The warmth bleeds through your hands, spreading a comforting heat up through you.
“Nonsense. It’s the least I could do. Especially after earlier.“ he chuckles softly. “Hope you like it.”
You take a sip and hum at the sweet taste. It’s a bit too sweet but the spike of sugar and caffeine you hope will help fight off sleep.
“Thank you.”
He smiles at your response, but you can’t keep his gaze. He is handsome, too handsome. You pray for a guest, a call, or anything to interrupt this interaction, but nothing comes. You take another big sip as he stays. It feels like he wants you to say something, but you’re the worst person for conversation.
“How have you been finding your time with us so far?” Mr. Pine asks breaking the growing awkward silence.
“Its really great everyones so nice,” you begin to answer, but you find yourself fighting to stifle another yawn. “It’s… usually busier during the day.”
He chuckles softly. “Yes, quite right the night shift’s a different beast. No rush, no chaos.” He pauses, tilting his head.
You nod taking another sip, though your mind is starting to blur. His words are becoming harder to focus on. He’s talking, asking you another question, but you feel the weight of sleep creeping in. Your eyes start to close involuntarily. The coffee isn’t helping and now your struggling to keep your eyes open.
“Darling?” Mr. Pine softening voice breaches your haze and hand touches your shoulder gently.
You blink quickly, “Sorry, I-”
“Why don’t you take this. Our little secret.” Mr. Pine interjects. He hands you a card key to your surprise. “A nice thirty minute nap might do you some good. I’ll cover for you.”
You hesitate, but your body is begging for rest. This can’t be good for your probation period. You frown and fight through your resolve.
“I couldn’t—”
“It’s fine, this won’t reflect poorly on you,” he insists, gently nudging you. “3rd shift takes some time getting used to, and it’s dead here anyway. If by some miracle it gets crazy I’ll come for you.”
His tone is easygoing, but there’s a firmness to it, as if he’s not giving you a choice. You nod defeated and head toward the back to get your phone.
Maybe he was right, if you could get few a minutes of sleep you might be able to make it to morning.
Its a struggle to make it to the third floor. Your eyelids grow heavier with each step, your body sluggish as though you're wading through molasses. The door numbers blur as you shuffle down the hallway, fighting to stay awake.
Finally, you find it and you fumble with the keycard, nearly dropping it in your exhaustion. The lock clicks, and you push the door open.
A breeze greets you as you enter. The soft neutral tones of the room blur in your vision, and the wooden accents gleam under the gentle lighting. The velvet armchair in the sitting area barely registers as your eyes fixate on the bed. King-sized, it beckons with its plump pillows, and white quilted duvet that looks as inviting as a cloud.
It’s a struggle to set your alarm, the buttons blur and you're not even sure you did it right and you’re too tired to care. Your phone lands on the nightstand with a thud as exhaustion takes over. You collapse on top of the duvet, if you don’t disturb the bed, no one will even know you were here you think.
Your body feels unbearably heavy, limbs unresponsive as you try to shift. Exhaustion pressing down as your head sinks into the pillow and the world fades away. You wait in the calm serenely, but sleep doesn’t come. Its frustrating. Dreams hover just out of reach, fragmenting and fleeting.
The soft click of the lock rouses you from the haze. Your lashes flutter open, each blink heavier than the last as you try to make out the silhouette at the doorway. Light cast a shadow over the figure as it looms quietly. The door shuts with another soft click swallowing the light with it.
Your eyes roll back and you slip back into the void and float in the darkness that surrounds you.
Through the fog you feel the bed whine and dip, gently rocking your body with it. You’re so drowsy, barely aware of what’s happening. You feel your body being shifted, but can’t quite understand why.
Your pants slip away, replaced by soft cool pecks that trail up and down your thigh slowly. Your skin bristles from the touches that trespass over your expose parts.
You mumble grumpily as you feel your thighs spread open wider and wider. Weight holds them apart and the strain begins to tingle painfully.
Desperately, you will yourself to wake up, to snap out of it. You manage to twitch your toes, but nothing else. You're frozen, trapped in your own body.
You cant see it, but you hear the slick sounds of your juices being lapped up gingerly. Your body aches as the darkness dives deep sinking into you tenderly.
It’s not right, it shouldn’t feel so good, but you can’t pull yourself out of it.
Your clit vibrates as you squeeze your eyes shut and try to ignore it, but it’s there. The sensation too intoxicating to bare. Hot breath tickles your tender bud and you moan out helplessly.
The orgasm surges throughout your body, but no sound escapes—your tight throat. Your body buzzes its so electric, but fleeting. Warmth wraps around you sinkingly, weighing you down, drifting you back into the void.
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delicatemusickingdom · 4 months
Book 1 Part 2 Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3: The Shape of Feelings
The soft sound of weeping drifted through the air, carried by the wind. 
In decaying ruins half-overgrown with trees and plants, in a place no one lived, where no fields were grown. On the outskirts of the lower quarter, there lay an abandoned plot of land. 
In a corner of this land, there was a section left strangely empty. Unlike the surrounding plots that were overgrown with weeds, the land had been weeded and levelled to a certain extent. 
On one side, stone slates of various sizes and shapes had been lined up in intervals that could hardly be described as orderly. Some of them had what looked to be letters carved onto them, but most of them bore no markings at all, and many of them had been worn down by time and the wind and rain. 
It was at one of those stone slates that the people were gathered around, and where the soft weeping was coming from. The slate was larger, and newer than all of the other slates. And carved onto its surface were letters written clear enough for anyone to read. 
Norein Scifo. 
A shallow pit had been dug in front of the stone slate, and a coffin placed inside it. Inside the coffin lay a silent, motionless body. 
This was the place where the residents of the lower quarter were laid to their final rest. The graveyard of the lower quarter. The stone slates were their gravestones. They were both a monument, and proof, that these people had once existed. 
Flynn was kneeling beside the pit. He was leaning forward and peering into the pit. His face was downturned, his eyes were hidden by his bangs, and his mouth was tightly clenched. Between his drooping golden hair, droplets of sparkling tears fell, landing on and soaking into the corpse lying there. 
Though she looked haggard and entirely worn out, Norein’s expression was peaceful. Now that her suffering was gone, her face revealed a beautifulness that made anyone who saw it wonder if she had looked like that before. 
A large number of people stood behind Flynn, surrounding her grave. There were Hanks and Jiri and the other adults, as well as Yuri and the other children. Many of them were weeping loudly or doing their best to suppress their tears. 
“She was warm and kind-hearted. Even in the depths of poverty, she provided us with her wisdom…”
Some of the people attending her funeral read out aloud the poems they had written for this very day. The letters of the poems in their hands were scrawled in unsteady handwriting — letters they had learnt how to write from Norein in the past. This was how some of her ‘students’ expressed their condolences. 
It had only been a few years, but she had been part of the lower quarter, and was loved just as much as — or perhaps even more so than — anyone else in the lower quarter. When she finally passed away, despite having half-expected it, the lower quarter was filled with shock and sorrow. 
In the midst of all that sorrow and mourning was Flynn, who seemed to exist in a world all by himself. The sorrow of losing his mother belonged to him and him alone, and it was hard for him to imagine anyone else sharing in that pain. Flynn was known for handling every task given to him with ease, and showing a cheerful smile to everyone around him once he got to know them. But now he took no heed of the people around him as he cried freely, tears streaming down his face. 
That strange illness that weakened Norein’s entire body might have waned at times, but it never stopped progressing. In the end, until her very last breath, they were never able to obtain a panacea. The prices had continued to rise, and they couldn’t find enough work to catch up with it. 
Then again, even if they had obtained a panacea, Yuri didn’t know if Norein would truly have been saved. Although it was true the panacea would be able to cure the illness, there were many rumours that after recovering, after a while the patients would contract the same illness again. Some people whispered it was some sort of compatibility between the people who contract the illness and what caused the illness in the first place, but there was no actual proof. Everyone was terrified that they would contract the illness — but in the end, Norein was the only one in Fountain Alley to fall ill, and it seemed to be no more than just a coincidence. 
None of that mattered to Flynn. He couldn’t obtain the medicine, and as a result his mother died. That was it. Now that his mother was dead, it no longer mattered to him why or how the illness worked. As Flynn continued to shed large droplets of tears, he clutched in his hands the cap that his mother had once made for him. As he grew older, he could no longer wear it, but he had still kept it carefully tucked away in the back of his wardrobe. But Flynn had brought it along with him on this very day. Maybe he had wanted to thank her. But no matter what, the thoughts, or words that he wanted to express couldn’t take shape, and the only thing that came out from his throat was a stifled sob. 
Yuri couldn’t find the words to say to this Flynn. He could only feel depressed as he stared at Flynn’s back. 
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Eventually Hanks stepped forward, and gently placed a hand on Flynn’s shoulder. Flynn had been unresponsive at first, but then he raised his head miserably, and looked up at the elderly man with a blank look in his eyes. The elderly man put a little strength into his grip as if admonishing Flynn, and Flynn got to his feet unsteadily. 
As if on cue, everyone quietly stepped forward and threw each of their flowers that they had picked into the grave. There weren’t a lot of flowers, but they still helped to add a bright splash of colour to the dark, cold soil. 
“Go on, say your final goodbye.” 
At Hanks’ urging, Flynn descended into the pit. 
Flynn looked at his mother’s face one more time. He stared at her without blinking, as if he wanted to sear the image of his mother into his memories for all eternity. His tears kept blurring his vision and getting in the way, and he had to wipe his eyes again and again. 
Nevertheless, eventually he looked in the direction of the adults waiting around the pit and said quietly in a murmur. 
He sounded like there was something stuck in his throat as he said that, and climbed out of the small, narrow pit. Two adults gave him a small nod and, as if to take his place, descended into the pit and quietly closed the lid of the coffin. Flynn watched in silence as his mother’s face was swallowed up by the shadows. 
When the two adults stepped out of the pit, Hanks handed Flynn a shovel. Flynn looked at the mound of dirt next to the pit. What was dug up must be returned to the pit. Even now, he was reluctant to take the first step. 
Flynn silently pushed the shovel into the soil, and, as gently as he could, poured the soil onto the top of the coffin. Once he was done, he left the shovel in place and stepped aside. Hanks took the shovel and did the same. Jiri followed suit, and then so did everyone else. Yuri also took the shovel, and, saying his thanks silently in his heart, covered the sleeping Norein with his shovelful of soil. The mound of soil was gone, and the hole filled, before everyone could take their turn. Because of the coffin buried inside, the ground was uneven and had a slightly raised shape, but eventually the wind and rain would even it out. And once that was done, the only sign that will ever indicate Norein was resting here would be her gravestone. 
Not only was Norein’s gravestone new, it was also a size larger than the others, and, uncommonly for the lower quarter residents, had simple decorations carved onto it. When the money the boys had saved up to buy medicine had become useless, they had decided to use it to buy a gravestone. It was their way of mourning for her. 
They had saved up a fair bit of money, and the boys had wanted to spend it all on her gravestone, but Flynn didn’t want Norein’s gravestone to stand out from the rest, and refused. In the end, they settled on a moderate gravestone for her. Even so, it was a splendid gravestone in comparison to the rest. 
When everything was finished, one by one the people left, heading back in the direction of the lower quarter. The only ones that were left were Flynn, and those who stayed behind out of concern to watch over him; Hanks and Jiri, and Yuri. 
Flynn remained motionless in front of the gravestone, staring at the ground as if he could see through to beneath the soil. Yuri looked at Hanks and Jiri, and the two adults gave him a small nod. And then they left as well. Even now, Jiri was still limping. 
Yuri continued to stand there alone, holding his breath, and waiting for Flynn to feel better. But in the end, without saying a word, he silently left the place. Rather than words of comfort, it felt to Yuri like Flynn wanted some time to himself to cry alone. 
But as Yuri left, he felt his steps weigh heavily on him. He felt like he had just witnessed something he could never share with Flynn, in a place he could never reach. 
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So the scans don't really capture Yuri's face so here is the digital picture in all its glory! Credits to @suguelya for the image and @goldentigerfestival for sharing it with me... for science (Yuri's devastated face)!
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guettaes · 2 years
When I lose you? Part 1/?
i once said that i might be doing a story about how leon kennedy lost it on his mission. Well here's what I wrote down his story, I did it with feeling. That is, this scene was supposed to be a graveyard. and in principle there will be a second part but not sure. I hope you guys like it.
Warning: dying man, a man dies, almost bloody detailed sentences, grave detail.
and sorry for the English translation, not the best I hope you will like it.
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"We only have to wait three months and the wedding can come Adolf." Leon kissed Adolf's hand and took it, they were on duty to kill a terrorist and also clear the territory, now they were just sitting in a dilapidated house and watching the view.
"How long have we been a couple Leon?" Adolf asked curiously.
"We've known each other since 7 years Adolf,. Or we've known each other for 10 years." he looked at Adolf with a smile.
"It's been a very long time." he chuckled and wondered what else might come now, and Leon noticed as he watched Adolf there. "Hey, don't think bad Adolf anymore." Leon told him to turn around and look at her. "Here I am Adolf I live and prosper, as I do every single day we go on a mission, and you say the same thing to me." Adolf looked at him in Leon's eyes and smiled at him. "And I know I'm cheering you on in this situation." Leon smiled and approached him and Leon kissed Adolf passionately losing his quiet dominion, Leon knew how to seduce her. Before captain Price came.
"What are you two doing in the dark?" Price asked and approached.
"Ah, Price, you're here. Just the usual, Adolf is worried about me and others." Leon said and didn't bother Price that he sat down next to Adolf and Adolf was now sitting normally he always used to do it. Price knew that Leon and Adolf were in love with each other, he had once seen them say to each other and how worried they were about each other. It didn't bother them. "You don't have to be afraid Adolf, everything will be fine, we hope that the task will be easy." Price looked at Adolf and then looked at the view.
"I know Price and thanks for encouraging me. Did you get the invitation Price?" Adolf is a little distracted from the word.
"Yes, I got the invitation and Ghost will come too. And those who know." Price smiled at Adolf and Leon. "That's very good news Price." Leon said. Everyone remained silent and enjoyed this moment, and then Price got up and went back to where he had come. "I didn't just come to talk to you, it's not long before we're leaving, get ready." Price said and left, both Leon and Adolf got up to go and walked out of the building and everyone got in the freight car and everyone was trying to relax or think of something else.
"Here's the bravo five and the bravo four, we couldn't find the target just a few papers that will be the weapons at the next location." Leon said next to Adolf, Leon looked at the papers, and Adolf on the machine to see if there was anything in it. "I bought bravo fives. And I'm going to continue cleaning up the area." Price said. "I understand L.T Price."
"Here Ghost do you take the broadcast bravo five or four?" Ghost said on the radio.
"Yes I can hear you clearly Ghost." Adolf said and listened to Ghost now. "Where you are now a lot of enemies will come and it may be a trap where you are." Ghost hurriedly told Leon and Adolf, immediately reacted to this and walked out of the room where they were now. "I bought Ghost right away we're going out of here-" Before Adolf finished the conversation he had been shot at immediately, Leon quickly brought back in the corner Adolf before being shot. "thanks sweetie." Adolf said. "Anytime you understand Adolf." He said and shot at the enemy he had already shot three. "You throw grenades at them and I throw smoke grenades okay?" He said prepared. "Okay." Leon began to throw it away and then Adolf threw the grenade, they waited for it to explode and then rushed to escape.
After a lot of time, they were still running away from the terrorists now they were under cover tired and fed up with being shot. "How much ammunition do you have left Adolf?" Leon asked and looked at his own magazine of weapons. "There is little left. And for you Leon?" Adolf looks up at Leon. "My sniper gun is still ammo left, but my other weapon is just a magazine left." Leon said. "Where the hell did they come from so much?" Adolf asked. "I don't know, I guess they thought they could easily capture two handsome soldiers." Leon said for a little humor, Adolf chuckled a little at that. Adolf took his right shoulder because he was shot and wounded, Leon looked at Adolf's shoulder and treated him a little. "how is your shoulder." Leon asked as he took out the sniper. "It hurts and bleeds, but everything is fine." Adolf said. "Here the bravo five I am asking for reinforcements my partner is injured and I am asking for medical treatment!" Leon said on the radio. "Here's the bravo six in you. I'll hurry as fast as I can Leon." Price said over the radio. "Thanks L.T Price."
Leon thanked him. Leon had already taken out the sniper's gun and fired an accurate shot at the enemy, and when he shot one more, he was holding the rocket, but he fired the rocket and Leon immediately saw it. "RPG!" Leon yelled at Adolf, but they couldn't escape immediately because the house they were in was starting to fall over, but they were just able to get out the door and jump out of the house. Coughing didn't get any air Leon immediately stood up and looked around that there was no enemy, and now nowhere did anyone Leon think that these were the three terrorist soldiers he had just shot were starting to go crazy that the rush was over. Then the ground began to crack and under Leon his feet and began to fall, but Adolf caught his hand and also in pain, because his shoulder was injured. Leon saw that Adolf would not be able to bear it, because he also began to slip.
"Adolf sells out, let me go-"
"Shut up, I'm not going to take you Leon."
Adolf tried to pull Leon up, but the ground began to crack, but not quickly, and in the meantime they heard that the enemies were coming as well. "It's not going to work Adolf. Please let me go." Leon said pleadingly. "Nope! I won't get you for you! I don't want to lose you!" Adolf began to weep in his eyes, for he knew that this would be and what would say. "Adolf you must live. Please for my sake. it's going to be bad for me if you're going to fall too." Leon began to let go of his grip so he began to slide. "Don't don't, don't do it, Leon please. I can handle it." Adolf tried to lift it up, but he couldn't stand it anymore. It was already on Leon's wrist and Adolf was still trying to lift it. "You know I love you Adolf. Please tell me." Leon said and saw that Adolf was already beginning to cry. "I love you Leon you fool…." Leon smiled and his eyes were teary and his hands slipped and Leon began to fall into the dark abyss.
"Leon!!!" Adolf reached back and yelled at him. And he just watched Leon fall into the black abyss. He heard the voices coming closer and closer, and the enemies were already firing at him," he said and started rushing. It had been a few hours since the reinforcements had arrived and Price and Ghost were both here. Price knelt across from her and looked at her. "Adolf may still be alive. I'm going to look for it, I promise and I'll take it back to you." Price immediately set out to find Leon, and Ghost stayed here with Adolf. "Ghost please, go help me…" he said softly. "Not Adolf, Prince told me to stay with you." Adolf grabbed his shoulder and didn't even notice when he was up. "Simon please help him." Adolf rarely said his name when something happened or something else. "Alright Adolf I'll help him, until then, heal yourself until then." Ghost left after Price and Adolf was already being treated by the doctors for his wounds.
"He said on the radio that he was going to be in that deep pit." Ghost said Price and nodded, the two of them went down just luckily the debris fell so that going down was easy, but climbing up wasn't easy they saw. They took out their guns and turned on the flashlight. It took them a few minutes to find Leon rushing up to him and seeing what condition he was in. "My Jesus Leon you are still alive." Ghost said to Leon, an iron rod pierced Leon's left fire, his hand was broken, and there was an iron rod on his right leg, but it could be picked out. But they did not even dare to take out the iron rod at his feet, a lot of blood was lost Leon, but they did not want to leave it here they had to think quickly, because they are still in the enemy's territory. "lots of bad news-" coughs Leon coughs blood on his mouth. "Don't talk Leon. "All right, Leon we're going to lift you up now and we, we're trying to get your wounds infused quickly, okay?" Price said in Leon's eyes and Leon just nodded Ghost grabbed a rag to stuff his mouth so others wouldn't die. Price counted to three. "1, 2, 3rd" immediately lifted Leon. Leon roared in pain, but the rag dampened his voice and immediately stuffed his wound with Price and Ghost carried it to their shoulders and slowly walked up. When they got up and hid in a dilapidated building and then went, they took turns doing it a few times. An hour has passed and I still haven't reached the radio they can't radio to send a helicopter because they interfered with the radio broadcast and cursed those terrorists. "Stop Ghost, I can't stand it…" Leon said in pain Ghost sat Leon down and rested his head to keep him awake Leon could barely see anymore and he lost consciousness a few times and felt the blood trickle down his chest and soaked the cloth. Leon can breathe slowly and Ghost sees that he can't last long anymore. "Price…" Ghost said and looked back to see Price. "price immediately went over to them and knelt down we re almost there leon you still have to hold on price said hopefully to leon adolf is waiting for you leon"
Ghost also told Leon hopefully that he could hold on, Leon felt that he was still trying to get stronger, but he couldn't. "Price. Please take the ring off my new one..." Said Leon Price didn't want to do it. "Please..." *cough* Price watched and took off Leon's gloves and the ring and put them in his belly wound. you guys came..." Leon looked at them and his eyes started to water Price also started to water a little Ghost also started, their best friend was Leon and they had to watch him die. "Adolf, how is he, is he alive...?" Leon said speaking slowly . "Yes Leon is alive and well." Ghost said. "Thank you Simon for saying that. Tell him I love you with all my heart..." Leon smiled and closed his eyes. "Hey don't close your eyes Leon!" Price said and he took Leon's face, but Leon didn't react to that, his head fell. Now he's not here with them, Price looked down at the ground and started to cry a little, but he didn't have to focus on that, Ghost stood up and walked around, he had to calm down somehow. "Come on Simon, let's take him the body to Adolf, I promised him.” Price said softly and Ghost nodded, they covered his eyes with the cloth that Leon had just given him and took the dead body to Leon.
Another hour passed and the doctors arrived and went there. Price told two doctors to bring a stretcher to take the body home. They brought and they also brought a body bag and put it in, Adolf, Price and Ghost went there and saw Leon being put in it. Adolf held his head and went to another place so that people wouldn't see him. Price and Ghost went to him. Price went to him first. "Francba! A jó édes kurva nap ez is!" Adolf spoke in Hungarian and Price approached him. "We did everything we could to keep Leon alive, but he couldn't fight any longer to stay alive." Price started to speak calmly and Adolf looked at him with teary eyes, Price took out the ring that Leon was wearing. and Ghost also came to where Price and Adolf were here. "Leon wanted me to give you the ring. And he also said that he loves you very much, with all his heart.” Price was a little sensitive at this sentence, which he said now. Price gave it to Adolf on his hand and Adolf just looked at the ring and crumpled on the ground. Price had to leave because he was being called on the radio, and Ghost stayed with him and knelt beside him. "I'm very sorry Adolf, I really am. I'll leave you, come back to us alone, because we might leave the base and go home." Ghost got up and went to be alone with Adolf. Adolf now really wants to be alone and started to cry, it was grief and anger, but the grief and the pain in his body were the best. Leon was at a loss as to how he was going to fix this.
The funeral had just ended, everyone's friends and families were here, Leon's family was also here, when he had to tell what happened was the hardest part for him. Everyone left slowly, Adolf was still sleeping on Leon's grave, someone came to him. Adolf didn't see him, when Kate Laswell appeared, she came to him. "Adolf, my sincere condolences to your couple, Adolf was a very good friend of ours." Laswell said this. "Thank you Kate for telling me this." He said softly and they were silent for a minute, Laswell turned to Adolf. "If there's anything to talk about or something else, Adolf, I'll be here." Laswell said this to Adolf. "Thank you Kate for saying that." Adolf looked at Kate and smiled and hugged her and Kate started home. Adolf remained at Leon's grave and he also went home.
It's been three years since Leon died, the house he was used to living in was so empty, but it's hard for him to accept it, his hair has also grown longer, it's good for him to be with his friends and he felt that it's good to fight on missions too, but even so, he didn't feel good inside. He has been thinking for a long time and he will do it. Adolf went to Kate Laswell's office and knocked, he didn't know if she was here or busy elsewhere or the usual, he heard Laswell's voice and entered the office. "Adolf, it's good to see you." He told me happily, Adolf smiled at him and asked if he had time, Kate nodded and said she could sit down. "What do you want to talk about Adolf?" Kate asked, Adolf began with a sigh. "I don't know if this is possible. I would like to serve elsewhere, I mean. To work in another country, to serve in the army." Adolf said looking at the table, he didn't dare to look Kate in the eyes now, Kate was surprised by what Adolf said. "It's possible Adolf, but why do you say that?" Kate asked, but she knew. "I don't feel that what happened three years ago Kate has completely improved. It's really nice to be with my friends and you and drink with you and everything, but I still don't feel it..." Adolf stopped talking. "I understand Adolf, I know a person in Mexico who might accept you to be part of the team, we keep in touch a few times when I ask him for help and he helps me arrange things like this, which the American military can't arrange, because of the border and all that, you know." Kate said and Adolf nodded. And who would it be that I might be allowed to join them?” Adolf asked. "His name is Alejandro Vargas. If you really want this, I'll give you your details, because he chooses the team who can join." Kate said looking at Adolf. "I sure would Kate." Adolf said and Kate smiled, a little nervously, the feeling that all the nervousness had been coming to her for a year came back, she didn't miss her much. "Alright, Adolf, I'll talk to him, maybe he'll answer today or in a few days." Kate smiled back at Adolf and Adolf stood up from the chair and almost left before Kate could say anything more.
"Please Adolf be careful away." Kate stood up on the office table and hugged Adolf. "You also take care of yourself Kate, don't do anything bad." He winked and went back to work. Only one day passed and Kate called Adolf that the Mexican special squad would be happy to receive Adolf and asked when he would like to leave, Adolf said that he would like to have a month to arrange everything, Kate agreed and they hung up the phone.
A month passed, he organized everything, put the house up for sale and packed everything he needed in the suitcase, he was at the airport and had to travel on a lonely plane, Adolf said to himself that Kate was helping him too much, but now he accepts it, he will thank you later Several hours by plane, arrival in Mexican airspace and arrival at the Los Vaqueros base, which Kate said they have a base and will be waiting for him there. He waited for the plane to land and stop and got off the plane and there was only one person waiting for him, who he didn't know who went up to him and the person also approached him. "Welcome to the City of Ghosts, my name is Alejandro Vargas!" He said it out loud over the sound of the machines. "Adolf Balogh is my name Commander!" And while they were driving the off-road vehicle, the sound of the machines was getting less and less loud when they got there in the car. "Just call me Alejandro Adolf." Alejandro said as they got into the car and drove off. They were silent for a few minutes and Alejandro spoke. "I read your files Adolf, I found you interesting, what I read about you, they are great." Alejandro had a good Mexican accent and he particularly liked it. "I don't think you speak Spanish, Adolf?" Alejandro asked and Adolf chuckled at that. "I know Alejandro. Also in Spanish, English, Hungarian, French." Adolf said with a smile, Adolf thought that he asked directly, because by default it is in his file how many languages ​​he can speak.
Alejandro is surprised but chuckling. "I have only one question, Adolf. Why is your code name octopus?” Alejandro turned on a road and Adolf looked at the small town and began to tell what he asked. "However, my code name is octopus, because I can stick well to my enemies and camouflage well in the environment, but I can even blend in with the color of the houses. Most of the time I feel like a ghost, but that's already the name. I think the city is very nice?” Adolf asked Alejandro. "The city is beautiful, but there is a problem that I have difficulty solving. Las-Almas Cartel people occupy some areas, almost the entire city, the police and the paid soldiers are unfortunately unreliable, but we are different. The locals call me Cowboy because we don't leave the city. There are also many other matters that need to be resolved." Alejandro finished speaking and only Adolf listened to him when he told this little story and they were just in silence for a few minutes and arrived at the sheltered house and got tangled up in the car. "This is the sheltered house, some people live here, but few people, this will be your home now, if you don't have a house in Mexico." Alejandro said. "It won't be perfect for me until then, Alejandro." She looks at Alejandro with a smile. And Alejandro opened the door for him politely and Adolf accepted this and they went in, Alejandro showed him where his soba was, Adolf put down his suitcase and Alejandro showed him where the kitchen armory and other things were. And he said that he would wait outside the office later. Adolf nodded and Alejandro left. Adolf unpacked what was in the suitcase and put the wardrobes, his clothes and looked around the room, he had his own bathroom and dishwasher. Then he went to where Alejandro said and saw that there were many people working on or repairing the car. Alejandro whistled. "Attention people! This is Adolf Balogh, he is our partner and friend from now on, because he will work here. He's not a rookie soldier, he's a veteran! And you don't have to teach him Spanish because he knows Spanish!” Alejandro said out loud and said only in Spanish that everyone is dying, everyone laughed Adolf thought that there was no need to teach the language. "Everyone respect Adolf and don't hurt him, then I'll be in trouble! That's all I wanted my friends thank you!" Alejandro finished his speech and they came to meet Adolf and said their names and they are happy that there is a new person here and another one has come. "I'm Rodolfo Parra, second in command, welcome Adolf, you'll be fine here, don't worry, Alejandro and I chose you to be here." he said with a smile, shaking Adolf's hand and thanking him for being here. He had a long day and enjoyed the feast of food. Almost everyone was at a long table and he cooked food for everyone. Adolf also cooked a Hungarian meal. Now he feels like he is in Hungary. He listened to funny stories and enjoyed it. He feels that he has not been there for a long time. such a feeling. Maybe that's what was missing, the local customs. Then evening came and everyone went to sleep in their own rooms and he also went to rest, Adolf took a shower and lay down on the bed and looked at the phone to see if there was a message at all, who sent his message. Price, Ghost, and the rest of his friends often asked the same question, 'How are you? Did you manage to go there?' And many other things. Kate also wrote to thank her for going there with a lonely plane, Kate only sent her a winking emoji. And he hung up the phone so he could sleep, he was hoping for long years or maybe good days.
(I cried when I killed Leon. ;-;)
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caseeliz · 9 months
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Eda nothlit!Luz: Part One
She was a sweet, poetic kind of girl. The kind bullies love to pick on. She used to have brown, out-of-control hair and dreamy eyes that always seemed to be looking at something no one else could see.
Used to...
Now she has striking, fierce eyes that look through you like laser beams. Now she has long gray hair, and ghostly white skin, and an angular face, and clawed hands, and an imposingly tall stature.
A piece of Belos landed on Luz instead of Hunter when he was splattered to the wall by the Collector. In the Human Realm, the unhealed scar he gave her gives Belos an opening into her body, and he slips into her system unnoticed. During Halloween, he takes control of her when she and Hunter come across a vial of Titan’s Blood. While confessing to her loved ones that she helped Belos find the Collector and showed him the Light Glyph, Luz attempts a murder-suicide on the emperor by trying to drown herself in the graveyard swamp’s waters with him in her body after she wrestles back control. They both survive, but the possession severely prostrates Luz and covers her in scars by the time Belos leaves her body to return to the Demon Realm using the Titan’s Blood. Luz chases him to the other side of the portal with what little strength she has, her mother and friends following her.
Back in the Boiling Isles, nobody knows how to save Luz when she starts to waste away after collapsing a few feet from the portal. When she reaches the point between life and death, her spirit meets King’s father in the In Between Realm. He gives her the power to morph and tells her that she already has Eda’s DNA in her from the “body swap” spell, which was actually a morphing spell. She is able to transform into a genetic copy of Eda with the location of an Escafil Device in the Demon Realm and the knowledge of where on planet Earth another morphing cube is imparted to her by the Titan before returning to the mortal plane, but discovers that her newfound morphing powers can’t heal her unmorphed form since there is still some of Belos’s unremovable essence within her human body which - instead of being purged - is sent into Z-space along with her original form by morphing and takes effect again if she demorphs. She becomes a nothlit - a person who lost their morphing powers because they got trapped for the rest of their life in a morph by staying morphed for more than two hours at a time - to safely shunt away the leftover part of Belos that had been slowly killing her forever, though her palisman egg that she brought to the Demon Realm does not hatch despite her finally achieving her dream of becoming a witch.
Realizing that the Titan screwed her over as much as he saved her life, Luz becomes even more despondent and begins to doubt her relationship with Amity could still work now that everyone will think she is too old to be having even a crush on a 14-year-old witch. Camila can’t look at her without getting uncomfortable or sad (which is initially assumed to be because the body Luz trapped herself in is to her mom the copied body of a complete stranger, but is later revealed to be that Luz’s acquisition of morphing powers signified to her mother that the vision shown by the Ellimist is all but guaranteed to happen), which leads her to think that her mother is acting as though she really did die; this gets Luz wondering if she is even still Luz or if her late father Manny would still be Manny if he gained morphing powers and used them to nothlit into another body to cure the terminal disease he had, which in my story was genetic and thus could not have been removed through any other means. Amity assures her that a way for Luz to regain her morphing powers which comes with the restoration of her human body will be found when they get their hands on an Escafil Device, and the team tries to cheer her up by saying they do not blame her for the Day of Unity as Belos manipulated her; Hunter even states that Belos most likely would've used somebody else instead if he hadn’t used Luz, while Camila asserts that she does not think she lost Luz when her child’s only two options were to get stuck in a morph or die. Her resolve back, Luz declares it is time to fight back against the emperor.
Have fun making fanfics and fan art out of that, everyone!
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My name is Luz. A freak of nature. One of a kind. I won't tell you my last name. I can't tell you my last name. Or the name of the city where I live. I want to tell you everything, but I can't give any clues to my true identity. Or the identity of the others. Everything I will tell you is true. I know it's going to seem unbelievable, but believe it anyway. I am Luz. I'm a normal kid, I guess. Or used to be. I used to do okay in school. Not great, but not bad either. Just okay. I guess I was a dweeb, kind of. Big, but not big enough to keep from getting picked on. I had brown hair, kind of wild because I could never get it to look right. My eyes were . . . what color were my eyes? It's only been a few weeks, and already I'm forgetting things about my human self.
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nokonomi · 3 months
creepy pasta oc post ig-?
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Diana Nguyen, AKA, Perfect Diana.
Diana Nguyen is a Vietnamese-American 22 year old woman from Sunnyvale, California. Raised by rich parents, a father who owns a business company and a mother who is a fashion model. Born on April 22, 1992. Her ghost form has black hair with gray flowers on her head and a gray rose on her left eye, with a crack on her right eye and a crack under her flower.
These flowers represent each flaw she had to avoid when she was younger, expectations; and perfections. And the crack represent her tragic story of how she was treated like she wasn’t the real her. Wearing a black tight crop-top with a gray dress and white leg warmers, and black boots. She also has a little broken heart necklace on her neck, and Diamond-shaped earrings on her ears. Black bangs.
She was the “perfectionist” of her family and seemingly managed to grab everyone’s attention all the time. She succeeded in academics, cheer comps, and track meets. Everything you could imagine about the “perfect” goal achiever student.
Constantly being spoiled, she got everything she wanted. But as time went by, she grew and her parents decided to make her an “actor” and so she was. She had such a warming smile, but backstage she was never content with life. She was constantly being told to be “someone else” she wasn’t, and did everything her parents and her manager asked.
Changing who she was for what her family and co-workers wanted her to be in the future. She wasn’t content and happy with this decision, but had no choice anyways. Whenever she acted out or was a bit aggressive even not the slightest, she would be locked up in a basement for 9 hours straight, which was horrible, since nobody knew what she was doing for those past hours. They brush it off and say “oh she’s fine! She’s just shopping…”
She was just suffering, and as her mental health was decreasing, trying to keep up this whole act of being perfect for the sake of her families reputation.
One day, she was doing a rehearsal, when the rope attached to her suddenly broke and she fell to the floor, and she was very high up, but managed to survive after the incident, but what shook her to the core was that she wouldn’t be able to perform for the next 5 months, and would be replaced by a much older person than her. At the time she was 15, which is really young..She could finally rest, but did she..?
How would her parents react if they saw her with a broken spine and leg? Would they react negatively? Or just be like they are as always.
A rush of emotion and worry clouded over her, but once again, she tries brushing this feeling off.
When she was finally able to get back, her manager had “told” her to come back stage. Finding it to be weird since she was supposed to rehearse for another 2 hours, he stabbed her in the back, and the last thing she heard was, “You will never be good enough.”
Passing away, her parents ended up mourning the loss of her body, but never cared to bring any gifts to her graveyard, which her spirit was enraged by. She she ended up tormenting her family for everything they did to her, and laying the heavy burden on her.
For 5 months of torment, they ended up passing away. So the next time you think of setting expectations, try and think about Perfect Diana.
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lostandbackagain · 1 year
here's my running list of things I'd like to see in the color of revenge:
roxane being like an actual actual witch. idk if cornelia is still using the word bufana but that's my #1. can sing so beautifully she makes the rocks cry? can make anything grow in her shitty soil? indescribably beautiful? her kids being really really good at everything?? (not to take away from jehan's dedication to his craft but there's no way there's not smth supernatural going on with him) I think I'd prefer dustfinger and the prince knowing (and dustfinger being like "....yeah jehan knows witches bc of roxane lol" leans into this imo) and getting to watch the kids have a crisis over whether they're human or something else, getting pissed at the adults for keeping it from them, but I will also take roxane having kept this a secret from everyone. I will likely cry blood if this doesn't come true at all but it's fine I'm normal and well-adjusted about roxane it's fine!
the bracelet stays. I'm on my knees begging
I think cornelia said she's got a queer in the book?? forming a prayer circle that's it's brianna but I'll take anyone (new or established) as long as they're written well. several queer characters would rock though would love that 4 me
fenoglio dies. badly.
farid and jehan having that adhd and autistic solidarity where they're best friends but also each other's worst nightmare
jehan dealing with a lot of (valid) frustration and jealously wrt farid and dustfinger. I'm almost definitely reading too far into it but the part where he's like "dustfinger promised he won't try to replace my birth father but he totally can bc I don't remember him lmao" is like. he's so glad to have a father again but farid's been out and about for so long that jehan hasn't really seen the extent to which dustfinger can be a father to a kid who isn't his biologically, and it was honestly very ugly watching jehan panic trying to take care of dustfinger during his mental breakdown but the second the prince says farid is fine, dustfinger calms down? like you have another son right there who needs you so badly, douchebag. anyway while this is not the fault of either kid I want jehan to be Pissed.
unwrite the part where it says roxane is pale because No She's Not 💗
DRAGON LORE¡¡¡¡¡¡ the laughing prince was said to have hunted dragons and I've been going crazy for 15 years over the way that was just said in passing?? I don't think living/awake dragons match the mood of this series but FUCK I could see nyame and the witch girl stumbling onto a graveyard or something and she'd get her stereotypical tiefling rant about how humans suck for killing beautiful creatures for their own gain and I would be cheering her on because I'm a whore for dragons
I sorta want dustfinger to have to give up his ability to speak to fire to bring everyone back. it's very fullmetal alchemist-stan of me but my f a v o r i t e type of sacrifice is the surrender of power
I'm already heads over heels in love with nyame but I want to be feral over him the entire time I want to be in his head I want to be in his past and his future and I want to see him brought to his knees and tempted with the power to bring about the change he so desperately craves and i want him to know in his heart and with metaphorical blood pouring from his eyes that replacing one reign of tyranny with another is not the solution he wants but hell does he want it and I want him to have the most beautiful conclusion any character has ever had and still get to make the world a better place on a large scale because he's the only one who consistently cares!! and hes so fucking tired.I love him so fucking much. nyame
would enjoy nettle showing up just to call dustfinger a bitch and leave. want that to be a running gag
loved the discussion about religion coming in and criminalizing reproductive healthcare. I feel like that was not the most appropriate time to have been having that conversation but I want it to stay and contribute to the theme of autonomy and agency that have always been at the heart of the inkworld.
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arecaceae175 · 2 years
How about "library" for the one word prompts?
"Everyone put the top five cards of your library into your graveyard," Wind said with a wide grin. Everyone else groaned.
Sky picked up his top card and gasped. "No, not my Trapped in a Tower!" Sky cried, cradling the card in his hands.
"Hell yeah, get rid of it!" Legend cheered. "Noting can stop my boar now!"
Sky frowned and reluctantly placed the card in his growing graveyard pile.
"You killed two of my rats," Wild said with a frown.
"You'll get them back," Hyrule said unenthusiastically, head propped on his head.
"True," Wild admitted.
From his seat in his office, Time sighed. The Magic game had been going for an hour and a half and showed no signs of ending soon. So much for a peaceful Sunday catching up on work.
Time leaned back in his chair at just the right angle to see the living room and propped his feet up. At least he got to watch his kids have fun.
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tenebraevesper · 11 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Salvaged, Night 16: My Curse
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''So here we are, my body inside this nightmare. Don't you stare for too long at my curse. It happened too fast, what happened in the past is something I would constantly rehearse. I'M AGGRESSIVE! NIGHTMARE UNLEASHED! FEAST YOUR EYES ON MY MAGNETIC, DEMISE BENEATH, ALL THE TATTERED WIRES, YOUR FUTILE DEMISE WILL BECOME YOUR CURSE!''
– I'm The Purple Guy by DAGames (Five Nights at Freddy's 3)
''Honestly, I don't get it,'' Sam said as she and Springtrap walked into her yard. ''Why would anyone believe that this is possible?''
''Even if what happened was considered to be some kind of scary story, that doesn't mean that everyone will consider it to be just a bunch of rumors,'' Springtrap replied.
''I understand that, but still…'' Sam said as she opened the door.
''Hey, Sam!''
Springtrap froze when he heard Emma's voice coming from the living room. He completely forgot that she would be at home, probably still awake and waiting for them to return. Sam, on the other hand, didn't look at all disturbed by that fact.
''Hi, Mum!'' she said cheerfully, then glanced back at Springtrap, who sighed and walked inside. He saw that Emma was sitting on the couch, watching some TV show. She got up, giving them a curious look.
''So, have you found what you searched for?'' she asked as she approached them, carefully observing Sam. Springtrap had the feeling that she wanted to make sure that Sam didn't suffer from any other injuries.
''In a way,'' Sam replied, glancing at Springtrap. ''We'll be upstairs if you need us.''
''Okay,'' Emma said, crossing her arms and smirking. Sam went upstairs, while Springtrap lingered a little, noticing Emma's questioning look.
''Honestly, I don't know whether I could get used to this,'' he said.
''Neither do I,'' Emma replied in an icy tone.
Springtrap shuddered, knowing well that, in order to keep Sam happy, they'd have to tolerate each other's presence. Whether they wanted it or not, both had come to the terms that they would have to let it work out somehow. Ironically, both of them wanted to keep Sam safe and happy, but they felt that they could do that without the presence of the other.
''In any case, she's a lot more joyful than she used to be,'' Emma said, her stern gaze softening as she glanced upstairs and then back at Springtrap. ''Whenever I told her to liven up a little, she would always give me that dead-eyed look. I mean, you could find more cheer on a graveyard.''
''I can imagine that,'' Springtrap muttered.
''Now, it feels as if someone flipped a switch,'' Emma added, snapping her fingers. ''I understand that this is because of you, but I still have no clue why she likes you so much.''
''To be honest, I don't know either,'' Springtrap told her, with Emma rising an eyebrow. ''I understand that you don't want me here, and I probably would've been long gone if it weren't for Sam insisting on me staying here…''
''You don't have to explain anything, I get it,'' Emma said, noticing Springtrap's confused expression. ''If there was something wrong, she would've already asked for my help. As much as I'd gladly incinerate you, I won't do that for her sake.''
''You have a lot more patience than anyone else in your situation would have,'' Springtrap said. Emma smiled.
''I'll take that as a compliment,'' she said, with Springtrap giving her a curious look. He had expected her to threaten him again, but it seemed that she had accepted the situation the way it was. However, he shuddered when he saw her gaze suddenly changing to a more serious one. ''Listen, Afton, I told you that I have decided to give you a chance, regardless of your past actions. If you screw up, what happens afterwards is going to be your own damn fault and you're certainly not getting another chance.''
''I know,'' Springtrap said in a quiet tone, feeling like a child who got scolded by their parent for trying to touch a hot stove. ''You wouldn't be telling me this if you didn't perceive me as a danger to Sam. Not only because I hurt her, but also because of what I had done in my past.''
''Exactly,'' Emma said. ''Unless you want to show that you're not the same man you used to be.''
Springtrap gave her a look that was a mix of surprise and curiosity. He wanted to question her further, but was stopped when he heard Sam calling for him.
''Spring, are you coming?''
''I'll be there soon,'' he replied, then looked back at Emma, who looked quite calm, if not even content. He gave her a determined look. ''Rest assured, I am not going to hurt Sam. I'd rather go back to Hell than do that.''
''Then, I hope you won't have to go back to Hell,'' Emma said, with Springtrap looking stunned. She then walked away to lock the door and continue watching whatever TV show was on it. Springtrap just stood there, trying to process what Emma told him. He smiled, a confident look on his expression, and went upstairs.
Sam had already changed in her PJs, sitting on her bed and looking at her smartphone. She looked up once Springtrap entered the room, looking eager.
''Are you okay?'' she asked him as he sat down on the other end of her bed.
''I think so,'' he said, then glanced at her. ''I just feel a little lost.''
''Did Mum threaten you again?'' Sam asked.
''Not really,'' he said. ''She actually made me appreciate your support even more.''
''What did she say?'' Sam asked curiously, albeit she did sound a little suspicious.
''I just told her that I'd rather go to Hell than hurt you, and she told me that she hopes that I won't go to Hell then,'' Springtrap said, then fell silent. ''I understand that she said that because she's worried about you getting hurt, but…''
''I think she also understands that you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if that ever happened,'' Sam said in a sympathetic tone.
''Yeah…'' Springtrap muttered, with his green and silver eyes then lighting up. ''In any case, we have another issue to deal with, like the Raven.''
''True,'' Sam said. ''You said that there was something different about the Raven.''
''I am convinced that he is indeed haunted, as the evidence points towards that conclusion, but something just doesn't feel right,'' Springtrap said, frowning as he thought about it. He simply couldn't explain why he had this odd feeling. ''Speaking of which, my guess is that maybe someone died in a work-related accident.''
''You mean, being killed by the animatronic?'' Sam said. ''It wouldn't be the first time it happened.''
''Or maybe not,'' Springtrap muttered. The animatronic was haunted, he was certain about that. However, his feeling told him that this wasn't quite the case. Still, the scream he heard and the strange, distorted face he saw told him otherwise. ''Honestly, I'm not sure whether that animatronic is really haunted or not.''
''Even if it isn't, it is clear that something went wrong and people wanted to forget about that animatronic,'' Sam said. ''Still, if they wanted to forget Raven, why keeping him at Ricky's? Why not leave him at the Machinations Factory? Although, it is possible that Ricky's actor brought him there.''
''Not to mention, he returned to probably check on him. Still, you said that it wouldn't be necessary anymore to go there after hours,'' Springtrap said, giving Sam a questioning look.
''We have the photos of the documents, we know that there had been some incident and we know that Ricky's actor killed a guy. For now, that should be enough information,'' Sam said. ''Now, we need to focus on what exactly happened at the Machinations Factory.''
''Do you already have something in mind?'' Springtrap asked her.
''Not really, but I'll figure something out,'' Sam replied, albeit sounding quite excited.
Springtrap was really glad to see her like this. Surprisingly, he felt quite relaxed, despite what had happened the previous night and this morning. He guessed that this was because of Sam's encouragement and the fact that he didn't feel so stressed out over the possibility of having to leave her. I feel like it has been ages since I didn't have to worry so much about everything.
Later that night, Springtrap was pacing in the guest room, or rather, his room. He wasn't sure whether to call it that, but considering that he wouldn't be leaving so soon, he figured he could get used to that idea. He was quite sure that Sam probably wouldn't have anything against it, but Emma was a different case, which is why he decided to keep that idea to himself.
The reason why he felt so restless was because the image of Raven kept popping up in his mind. He just couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something familiar about Raven's situation, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before, that is, if he had seen it before.
I'm certain that I have experienced this before, but I just can't figure out when that happened.
He suddenly stopped and looked up when the door opened. To his surprise, it was Emma who apparently decided to check on him before she went to sleep.
''Hey, Afton, you're still awake?'' she asked. Springtrap shrugged.
''Even if I could fall asleep, I have an issue I need to deal with first,'' he told her. Emma's eyes narrowed.
''What kind of issue?''
''I have this weird feeling that there is something I should know or remember, which is connected with this issue. However, I simply cannot figure out what exactly it is,'' Springtrap replied.
''I see,'' Emma muttered, thinking for a bit. ''Have you tried to associate other things you do remember with this feeling? Maybe you can narrow down what exactly you were meant to know or remember this way. It always works with me.''
''Maybe I could,'' Springtrap said as he thought about her suggestion. ''Thanks, Emma.''
''You can thank me by not getting yourself into trouble,'' Emma replied, with Springtrap giving her an anxious look. She smiled. ''Good night!''
Springtrap sighed once she closed the door.
''Why me?''
He shook his head, figuring he should concentrate on what Emma told him.
So, Sam and I have assumed that Raven is probably haunted. However, I feel that this might not be completely true, but I don't know why. Therefore, I need to figure out why I have this feeling.
He looked down at his hands and at the animatronic suit that was now his body.
When it comes to haunted animatronics, the soul needs to be connected to the particular animatronic in some way.
He closed his eyes, trying visualize the animatronics he knew that they had at some point a soul attached to them. He could picture the stage with Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy on it. He could see the Puppet slowly emerging out from its box. There was also a vivid vision of Circus Baby shaking, the pieces inside her being all bloody as he attempted to take out her only victim…
No, that's not it…
He focused on his own demise, remembering the agony he felt as the metallic pieces and parts were rammed into his body, piercing through his skin, muscle and organs, slowly killing him. He shuddered, but concentrated on what happened afterwards.
I was trapped inside the animatronic and my soul was tied to it.
He opened his eyes, which flared purple. He frowned.
All the deaths were incredibly violent, but does the soul really follow the pain? It seems so. The main point is that your soul is tied to the animatronic in some way.
He could see the man sitting across him in that small room, which was only illuminated by a dim light.
It doesn't have to be an animatronic. It can be your own body.
His mind went back to his workshop, to him looking over his blueprints as he realized that there was a possibility to keep a soul trapped even if the actual body died. Still, there had been some issues with that.
Not every death results in a possession.
He tilted his head, feeling that he was going in the right direction. He remembered Circus Baby and the change from her blue eyes to green as she got possessed by Elizabeth's soul.
Then, there's the AI…
It had been quite difficult, but he had managed to overcome the Spring Bonnie AI and take over the animatronic, something he felt Elizabeth never achieved. Instead, the soul and the AI merged together, creating a new consciousness that took full control over Scrap Baby.
All those little pieces… All those souls…
He suddenly realized what was wrong. He felt that it was a slight oversight on his part, but finally finding out what exactly was bothering him made him feel relief. He also felt a little excited, eager to share that information with Sam. He went towards the door, only to stop as he realized that Sam was already asleep and that he probably shouldn't wake her up.
He then frowned, figuring that he could risk it. He was sure that Sam probably wouldn't be angry at him if he told her what he found out, as he felt that it was really important for her to know. However, as he reached for the door knob, he suddenly had a vision of an angry Emma. He still remembered her warning from the previous night, feeling that she would kick him out if she found him roaming through the house again.
He fumed, annoyed about it, but he really didn't want to deal with Emma in case she found him in Sam's room again. She probably wouldn't force him to leave permanently, but he was quite sure that he would spend the rest of the night locked out of the house until Emma decided to let him in.
He sat back on the couch, knowing there were still several hours to spare until Sam and Emma would wake up. It was a little frustrating, but he felt that he could work with it. After all, it was just a few hours, right? He could wait that long.
Springtrap's ears lowered as he sighed.
Only that every minute feels like a year.
Springtrap was reading one of the novels Sam borrowed him, but he couldn't concentrate on it. He was waiting for at least one person to wake up so he knew that he could leave the room. The moment he heard someone going downstairs, Springtrap dashed towards the door.
He assumed that it was Emma, as he knew that Sam would check on him. He peeked into the hallway, hearing clattering from downstairs, before sneaking into Sam's room and opening the door as quietly possible. As he expected, Sam was still asleep. He closed the door and walked over to her, crouching down as he observed her.
Please, wake up soon.
He wanted to wait for her to wake up on her own, but the more minutes passed, the more impatient he started to grow.
Calm down, let her sleep.
His eyes started to glow purple as he clutched the edge of Sam's bed, keeping himself in balance as he stared at her. To be honest, patience wasn't his strong suit.
You have to wait… You know what, forget it!
He reached over and poked her nose. When she didn't react, he gently scratched her cheek, hoping that it would wake her up. She just waved her hand and turned her back to him, continuing to sleep. He leaned over and scratched her cheek again. This time, it seemed to work, as Sam opened her eyes. He titled his head, a wide grin on his expression. However, Sam looked annoyed.
''What is it?'' she asked, still half-asleep.
''I figured out what might be wrong with Raven,'' Springtrap said excitedly. ''I think this might be a case of incomplete possession.''
''Great,'' Sam said, smiling and then lied back down to continue sleeping. Springtrap's ears lowered and he felt a little disappointed by her reaction. However, he decided to wait a little. A few seconds later, Sam suddenly turned back to him, giving him a confused look. ''What do you mean, 'incomplete possession'?''
''Don't worry, I'll explain you everything in detail once you're wide awake,'' Springtrap replied, grinning. ''I've been waiting the whole night to tell you that.''
''I assume you didn't want to risk Mum's wrath by sneaking into my room,'' Sam said as she got up, with Springtrap nodding. ''Okay, I'm up, but you'll need to leave the room.''
Springtrap's ears rose up as she pointed at the door, only for him to give her a nervous smile and exiting the room, waiting in the hallway. He was still excited to talk to Sam, and hear her opinion on what he found out. A few minutes later, Sam exited the room, with the two going downstairs and joining Emma in the kitchen. She looked surprised to see Sam, giving Springtrap a suspicious look.
''Someone's up early,'' she said, with Sam yawning.
''Yeah…'' Sam muttered. ''Say, Mum, could I borrow the car today?''
Sam and Springtrap exchanged glances and Sam sighed.
''We want to explore an abandoned factory and we need the car to get there,'' Sam explained. Emma crossed her arms, giving both a questioning look, as if contemplating whether to let them go. Sam and Springtrap felt a little anxious.
''Okay, fine,'' she said, much to their surprise. ''But only under the condition that you drive me to work and back. Also, I have read the weather report and they say that it might start raining today or tomorrow, so you better bring an umbrella with you.'' She rolled her eyes when she saw that Sam and Springtrap didn't really believe her. ''I told you two my conditions and I'm keeping my promise as long as you keep yours. Besides, when was the last time I didn't let you go anywhere?''
''You're the best!'' Sam grinned.
''I hope I'll remain the best,'' Emma replied. She then glanced at Springtrap. ''So, did you manage to recall whatever you needed to remember?''
''Yes, I did,'' Springtrap replied, noticing the smile of satisfaction Emma had. He felt that it was a little strange that Emma didn't fight back a little more, or at least held any grudge against him aside from being distrustful. He knew that her decisions were also based on Sam's decisions, but still, he felt weird about it. He kept quiet during the rest of breakfast, patiently waiting for Sam to finish eating.
''So, do you think you can pick me up after work?'' Emma asked Sam.
''I guess,'' she said, with Springtrap glancing at her. ''I don't plan on staying out too late.'' ''Why not?'' Emma asked curiously.
''Because the current circumstances don't allow that,'' Sam replied, then stood up and placed her bowl in the dishwasher. Emma gave Springtrap a questioning look, with him shrugging, looking just as confused as she was.
''She's the boss,'' he replied. ''I just go along with whatever she has on mind.'' ''I see,'' Emma said as he stood up, following Sam upstairs.
He still felt a little weirded out by how calm the morning was. He had expected that his anxiety would once again skyrocket in Emma's presence, or that he would have to deal with her threats, but other than her questioning them about their plans, it was relatively normal. He wasn't sure how to feel about that, but he had other things on mind.
''Okay, I'm wide awake now,'' Sam said as he closed the door to her room. ''What was that about an 'incomplete possession'?''
''To be honest, I am not completely sure that my theory is correct, but it does explain the weird feeling I had,'' Springtrap said, with Sam sitting down on the chair. ''You know that, when an animatronic becomes haunted, that the soul stays attached to it, unable to move on unless the animatronic gets damaged.''
''Yeah, and the best way to do that is using heat,'' Sam said.
''Right. Now, there are a few things I noticed with the Raven that were completely different than my actual experience with haunted animatronics,'' Springtrap said. ''You see, after becoming a hybrid myself, I became capable of sensing the presence of other trapped souls. So, when I met Elizabeth and Charlie again, I instantly knew that they were still trapped inside the Scrap Baby and Puppet animatronics.''
''But you didn't have the same feeling when you were next to Raven,'' Sam said, with Springtrap nodding.
''I am certain that the animatronic was possessed in a way, but it wasn't the same thing as what happened to me or the others,'' Springtrap added. ''Therefore, it might be some kind of incomplete possession, with the soul being only partially tied to the animatronic.''
''How would that occur?'' Sam asked.
''I am not completely sure about it, but I do have a few ideas,'' Springtrap said. ''You remember the Toy Animatronics, right?''
''Yeah, the ones who replaced the Withereds at the '87 location,'' Sam said. ''Were they haunted?''
''No, at least not in the same sense as the Withereds,'' Springtrap replied. ''Technically, they were just following their programming, but our little encounter with Raven reminded me of something else. I assume that you are aware that the company used some old parts from the Withereds and put them in the Toys and vice versa.''
''Now that you're mentioning it, Phone Guy did mention that in his calls,'' Sam said, curious about where Springtrap was going with this. A second later, it dawned her. ''Wait, do you want to say that those parts had something to do with the Toys' behavior?''
''They did. While the Toys weren't haunted, they had been influenced by those additional parts, which already had a soul attached to them,'' Springtrap explained, his eyes glowing purple. ''Those parts were coated in remnant.''
''Remnant keeps a soul attached to whatever it was supposed to be attached to,'' Sam said, then rose an eyebrow as she thought about it. ''But, what about Raven's situation…''
''I'll come to that in a moment, but first, there's another thing I need to cover. Something I personally experienced,'' Springtrap said. ''When it comes to letting the soul becoming attached to an animatronic, you also need to take the animatronic's AI into consideration.''
''You told me that you had to fight against the Spring Bonnie AI in order to finally take control over the animatronic,'' Sam said.
''Exactly,'' Springtrap said, crossing his arms on his back. ''However, this isn't the only outcome. In Elizabeth's case, her soul and Circus Baby's AI merged together. Also, when you look at the other animatronics, the souls inside them never really had full control over them, which means that the AI overpowered their mind, while leaving only the most important memories.''
''Like being murdered by an adult,'' Sam said in an icy tone, with Springtrap lowering his head. He sighed.
''You should also know that possession doesn't always occur,'' he added. ''Also, you don't have to be necessarily stuffed inside the suit to possess it, but you need to be in close proximity to it.''
''I understand,'' Sam replied. ''So, what's Raven's deal?''
''I do believe that someone was indeed killed and that their soul attempted to possess Raven, but they weren't exactly successful,'' Springtrap explained, his eyes flaring purple. ''What we saw were probably the remains of that event, and I assume that the consciousness merged partially with the AI, meaning the AI is following the soul's pain, even if the soul isn't there. I might be wrong, but this is the conclusion I came to.''
''Well, you have more experience with that than I do,'' Sam said. Springtrap frowned.
''I wish I had more time to examine Raven, but it is obvious that I won't be able to do that since it is getting too risky to go back to Ricky's after hours,'' he said.
''Still, we can visit the factory,'' Sam replied. ''I doubt that Ricky's actor can just leave in the middle of his performance to go there and check on everything.''
''So, that's why you plan to go there earlier,'' Springtrap said. ''Smart move.''
''We need to be out sometime before Ricky's Wonder Shack closes for the day,'' Sam added. ''Hopefully we will find something.''
''I assume everything went well last night,'' Emma said as Sam drove her to the store.
''More than well, but we won't be returning there so soon,'' Sam replied. Emma gave her a surprised look.
''Really? Why not?'' Emma asked. ''I told you you're free to go as long as you stay safe.''
''That's not the issue,'' Sam replied. ''I'm afraid that Ricky's will hire a new night guard soon and I don't want to deal with that.''
''What about this factory you were talking about earlier?'' Emma asked.
''It's abandoned,'' Sam replied, frowning. ''Although, someone else is using whatever was left behind.'' She glanced at her mother. ''The factory used to make animatronics and they apparently closed a while after making the animatronics that are now mascots at Ricky's.''
''I see,'' Emma said, with Sam parking in front of the store. ''I wish you good luck with it. Also, I was serious about you picking me up.''
''I know, I know,'' Sam replied, smiling. As she drove away, she knew well that her mother was more concerned with Sam returning home safely rather than picking her up.
After she went to the locksmith to get a copy of the keys for Freddy's, she sneaked inside the restaurant to leave the original keys on the table in the manager's office for someone to find them and finally lock the place to keep intruders away. Then, she went to Ricky's, deciding to check whether the mascot's actor was indeed there. After buying herself a milkshake, she nonchalantly walked up to the stage, observing the animatronics. Ricky was missing, which meant that the costume version of him was roaming around the place. She knew that, in that case, once he noticed her, he would approach her as usual.
Still, she did feel chills flowing down her spine when she heard his voice coming from behind her. She turned around, only to be greeted by Ricky smiling at her.
''Ah, hello there! It is great to see you again!'' he said in a chipper tone. Sam forced a smile.
''Um, sure,'' she said, lifting her drink. ''I can't get enough of those.''
''I see,'' Ricky said in a curious tone. ''But I thought you were returning because of me and my friends.''
''Well, I've been more interested in Freddy's recently,'' Sam said nervously. She knew that the guy beneath the mask was glaring at her, considering how silent he was. Still, she decided to continue to play dumb. ''In any case…''
''Connor-ah, I meant Ricky!'' A female employee approached them, quickly correcting herself in order to keep the masquerade. ''The family there in the corner wanted to take some photos with you.''
''No problem! Thank you for informing me, Bella.'' The guy in the costume said, glancing back at Sam, who seemed to be focused more on her drink rather than on their conversation. ''I hope you'll enjoy your stay here!''
''Me too,'' Sam muttered, watching him leave. His co-worker, Bella, gave her a nervous glance.
''Is there anything I can do for you?'' she asked in a polite tone.
''No, thanks,'' Sam replied. ''I'm just enjoying myself.''
''That's good to hear,'' Bella replied, leaving her. The moment both she and Ricky were out of her sight, Sam quickly left the place.
Back at home, the moment Sam opened the door, she heard a strange noise, with Springtrap suddenly standing in the hallway holding her bag and an umbrella. She gave him a curious look, with him shrugging.
''Didn't Emma say that it would be raining?'' he asked. ''So, when are we going?''
''You're quite eager to leave,'' Sam remarked, with Springtrap looking flustered. ''It's okay, I know how you feel, as I also want to leave as soon as possible.'' She smiled. ''Let's go.''
Springtrap, still feeling a little flustered, followed her outside, with Sam locking the door and entering the car. She then pulled out of the driveway and drove towards where the factory was.
''Have you managed to leave the keys?'' Springtrap asked her.
''Yeah,'' Sam replied, narrowing her eyes. ''We're doing them a favor at this point. Speaking of which, Ricky's actor has a name, Connor.''
''How did you find that out?'' Springtrap asked her.
''When I went to Ricky's to check on him, to make sure that he was indeed there, one of his co-workers accidentally called him by his actual name,'' Sam replied.
''I wonder if he had figured out that we know more than we should,'' Springtrap said.
''I'm not sure,'' Sam replied. ''He didn't seem to be suspicious of me. However, he did seem to be irritated when I told him that I was still more interested in the animatronics at Freddy's.''
''Honestly, I am worried that he might lash out at you, as he obviously dislikes your opinion,'' Springtrap said in a worried tone. ''Speaking of which, I do approve of your mindset,'' he added, with a smug grin on his expression. Sam chuckled. ''Although, I don't like the fact that he's so interested in you…''
He trailed off once he realized what he was about to say. As much as he wanted to cast himself in a better light, he knew that he wasn't better than Connor.
''Will, it's okay.'' Springtrap rose his head, noticing Sam's sympathetic look. ''You're still less of a creep than Ricky's actor in my opinion.''
''Sam, I don't think…'' Springtrap winced when he got cut off by Sam.
''William, I know what you want to tell me, but think about it,'' she said. ''Do I look like I'm uncomfortable while I'm here right next to you?''
''No, but I do remember that there were a few times you looked like you were scared of me,'' Springtrap replied.
''That was because I knew that there were some serious issues we needed to deal with,'' Sam replied.
''Then, I'm not sure...'' Springtrap glanced at her, looking content. ''Although, I do remember all the times you smiled because of me.''
''Exactly,'' Sam replied, grinning.
The flashlights illuminated the empty hallway. While it still was day, it was dark inside the factory. Sam and Springtrap decided against turning the power on, as they feared that someone would notice it.
''At least we have enough time to explore this place,'' Sam said, looking at her smartphone. ''Unless Connor leaves earlier for some reason.''
''Considering what you told me about it, I sincerely doubt that he would want to leave his precious 'friends' until the location is closed,'' Springtrap said dryly. ''Rest assured, we are not alone here.''
Sam nodded, with the two managing to find the hallway where they found the room with the strange endoskeleton. As they entered and illuminated the room, they saw the endoskeleton, but this time, with its head off. Sam felt bad for it, with Springtrap approaching the endoskeleton, examining it, and then turning his attention to the head, picking it up and pointing the flashlight at it.
''Someone tore its head off,'' he said, looking at the dent on the side of the head. ''That someone certainly wasn't happy.''
''At least we are certain that this endoskeleton is not suffering anymore,'' Sam said in a deadpan tone. ''Still, you're right. Something went wrong or he wasn't satisfied with whatever results he had gotten from this endoskeleton.''
Springtrap placed the head back where he found it, still pointing his flashlight at the endoskeleton.
''We should move on,'' he said. ''There might be more of those endoskeletons.''
They exited the room, continuing to the next one, further down the hallway. As Sam opened it, she saw a strange object in the corner of the room, as well as a crescent-shaped object on the nearby table.
''What is that?'' Springtrap asked as the two entered the room. Sam approached the object in the corner, noticing that it were two tanks connected to several tubes. There was also a strange smell in the air, but when she tried to lift one of the tanks, it was surprisingly light.
''It smells like… gasoline?'' Sam narrowed her eyes, placing the empty tanks back. ''Is this supposed to be some kind of makeshift flamethrower?''
''Why do you think that this is a flamethrower?'' Springtrap asked her. Sam glanced at him.
''I tend to look up weird stuff on YouTube when there's nothing interesting to do. One guy eliminated an entire hornet nest with a homemade flamethrower, although that one was made from hairspray and a lighter. It was awesome,'' she said, grinning.
''Sounds brutal,'' Springtrap said in an amused tone, then walked over to the object on the table. ''A sickle?''
He placed the flashlight on the table, lifting the heavy metallic object, with Sam illuminating it with her own flashlight.
''I don't think that that can be used,'' Sam said, looking at the crescent-like object. ''Why would it even be here?''
''Search me,'' Springtrap said as he placed it back, then tilted his head. ''Maybe, it isn't a sickle… If you attach this part to an arm, it would look like a huge hook.''
''You're right, but why would he need that?'' Sam asked.
''Honestly, I don't think that we want to know,'' Springtrap told her, taking the flashlight and exited the room. Sam lingered a little, but soon joined him, continuing their search. They found themselves back at where the area with the conveyor belt, noticing that the parts and pieces were moved since the last time they were here. That didn't strike the two as strange, as they assumed that Connor would've used the parts for whatever animatronics he was working on. Instead of going towards the hallway they went last time, they went to the door behind the conveyor belt. It led to another hallway, with them checking the first room they came across.
''What the hell is this?'' Sam asked, with her and Springtrap staring at it in surprise. The room was filled with animatronic parts. Arms, legs, torsos, heads… Some parts were rather bulky and generic, made to fit any kind of animatronic, but there were some parts that certainly weren't made to fit a child-friendly robot.
Sam spotted what looked like a long, yellow arm with three fingers, or rather, claws. There were also spiky protrusions on the back of the arm. Springtrap meanwhile examined what looked like a slender lavender leg with clawed toes.
''What is he doing?'' he muttered, stunned by their discovery.
''There don't seem to be any blueprints or indications of what those things are,'' Sam said as she examined a long, clawed arm covered in strings and thin wires. It looked like it was broken. Springtrap moved the flashlight slowly across the room, observing every part of it.
''It feels as if he's trying to create something, but doesn't know it either,'' Springtrap said. ''There are too many parts and none of them make much sense. Even if he tries to create multiple animatronics, it's just too chaotic.''
''Perhaps he's experimenting with the parts, using some of them and throwing away other parts,'' Sam suggested. ''It's pretty wasteful if you ask me.''
''I agree,'' Springtrap said. ''We should check the other rooms.''
''Wait a sec,'' Sam said, taking out her smartphone and snapping a few photos of the room. Then, they went to the next room, a little further down the corridor.
Once they entered it, they saw a table with some tools on it and an endoskeleton sitting in the corner. It looked similar to the one they had seen, but it was filthy, being covered in brown and red smears, and didn't move at all. Another, cleaner endoskeleton was also inside the room, but it was just as inactive as the other one. Springtrap examined them, noticing that, while the first endoskeleton's limbs could move, the second one's couldn't.
''Those smears, that's blood,'' he said.
''There's blood here as well,'' Sam said, pointing at the table. ''If there's one thing I'm sure about, it is that this guy has a few screws loose.''
''We should go check the last room and then see if there's anything else here,'' Springtrap told her. Sam nodded and, after taking another photo, followed him to the last room in the corridor. Once they entered it, it appeared that they were in some kind of boiler room, with a furnace inside it. To their surprise, they found Raven there.
''Okay, this was unexpected,'' Sam said, looking at the animatronic. ''It looks like Connor came back last night to move him here.''
Springtrap crouched next to the animatronic, observing him. This time, he didn't hear any buzzing or saw any static.
''Spring?'' He turned to Sam, who looked worried.
''I'm fine,'' he said. ''But, there's no buzzing or static. There isn't anything there, as if it's not the same animatronic we saw the previous night.''
Curious, he took the mask off and examined the wires on the head. Just as he had hoped, the Raven also had the same black device connected to his system as Ricky had.
''Sam, could you go back to that room with the tools and get me the screwdriver?'' he asked.
''Sure!'' Sam nodded and ran out of the room. Springtrap continued to examine Raven. The wire was still attached to the battery, so he wasn't deactivated. However, he didn't react at all when Springtrap attempted lifted his arm or tried leaned him over to take a closer look at him. He then glanced at the furnace, frowning.
Is it possible that…
''Here!'' He looked at Sam, who gave him the screwdriver. He nodded, turning back to the animatronic and disconnected the wire from the battery, then moved the wires that were covering the black device.
''Sam, could you please hold these wires?'' he said, with Sam crouching next to the animatronic and lifting the wires while also pointing her flashlight at it, watching as Springtrap attempted to get the black device out. After a few minutes, he managed to take it out, examining it under the light of Sam's flashlight. It was scratched and there seemed to be a switch on the other side. Springtrap then looked at Sam. ''We should go check on the other endoskeletons and see whether they have the same device.''
Sam nodded, with Springtrap then returning Raven back to his previous state. The two then left, checking the room with the two endoskeletons. However, none of them had the same black device. They then exited the corridor, returning back to the area with the conveyor belt.
''Sam, remember when I told you about what I think what happened to Raven?'' Springtrap asked her, with Sam nodding. ''I believe that he had been left before at the boiler room, next to the furnace, and that the heat from it probably caused him to enter this state, where the AI merged with what remained of the soul. The AI had probably been echoing the pain and agony the soul went through.''
''Sounds kinda like Ennard, that is, Molten Freddy,'' Sam said.
''Yes, but Ennard is a different story,'' Springtrap replied. ''We still haven't figured out what happened here, though.''
''Honestly, I think we should go back home and return here another day,'' Sam said, glancing at her smartphone. ''We've been here for hours. Besides, we did find out a few things about this place.''
''True,'' Springtrap muttered, looking at the black device in his hand. ''Although, I would really like to know why this is happening. After all, being trapped inside an animatronic is like a curse. The soul will try to find a way to free itself.''
''Still, you're an exception,'' Sam said, with a sly smile on her expression.
''Sam, I am also cursed, being trapped like this,'' Springtrap replied. ''The only reason why I'm an exception is because I have accepted my curse. It drove me insane, but the soul still lived. The Springtrap has risen.''
''Apparently, he's not alone,'' Sam said, with Springtrap giving her a curious look. ''I'm still here and I know the story. Still, it is interesting to hear it over and over again.''
Springtrap grinned, then looked at the black device in his hand, clenching his fist.
This is my curse, but my demise didn't mean the end of my life or my plans. In fact, the show has just begun.
Heavy black clouds were forming on the horizon, with Sam biting her lip, hoping that they would get back home before the rain started. Springtrap was meanwhile still looking at the black device he got from Raven. He seemed to be tired.
''What is it?'' Springtrap looked at her, with Sam briefly glancing at him.
''Do you believe that Connor has figured out how to create haunted animatronics the way you did?'' she asked.
''No, I don't think so,'' Springtrap replied. ''It feels more like he just heard the rumors and attempted to create haunted animatronics based on that. To be honest, now even I know what exactly occurs with the soul when it gets into the state between life and death, despite the fact that I had experienced it.''
''I guess that we can agree that this whole story is still a complete mess and that it will take a while before it finally starts to make sense,'' Sam said. Springtrap simply nodded, then looked through the window at the landscape. It was getting darker and darker as the black clouds got closer.
For all I know, I could be wrong about everything I had assumed. I did base those assumptions on what I had experienced, but that doesn't mean I was right. Rather than being trapped inside this suit, my curse is the fact that I would have to live a life aware of the mistakes I made, some of which I regret, and some which I'm proud of.
He closed his eyes, listening to the thundering in the distance.
Mistake or not, this is what I've chosen to be.
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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dreamy625 · 2 years
Nicotine, that’s for remembrance
Words: 810
Content: Something for Sad Steve Day. Remembering Steve ten years after his death. 
“Hey! You can’t smoke that here!”
The woman sitting cross-legged on the grass squints up at him. “I’m not smoking it, I’m just holding it.”
“Well you can’t do that ei… What? Why?”
“It’s not for me. It’s for him.” She gestures at the gravestone next to her. “He’s been down there ten years. I can guarantee he needs a cigarette, and a drink.” She raises the silver flask held in her other hand.
“He gets plenty of that, the number of cans and bottles I have to clear up.” grumbles the groundskeeper. 
“I promise I won’t leave a mess. Just a few drops. It’s vodka, it won’t stain. I thought about adding some cranberry juice. That’s his favourite. Vodka and cranberry. But I thought, wasps. Co-op didn’t have any anyway. Not much call for it apparently. I hope he doesn’t mind. Not that he… obviously…” The ramble ends with a crack in her voice. 
“You knew him then?”
“Yeah. A bit.”
“You don’t sound like you’re from round here?”
“No. I’m from London. I worked in a pub in Chelsea when I was at university. He used to come in sometimes. Quite a lot. If none of his mates were in, he’d sit at the bar. Bit like this really.” She looks down at the grave and the corner of her mouth quirks up briefly. “Only with bowls of peanuts instead of plastic chrysanthemums.”
“He’s a popular fella. More visitors than all the rest put together.”
“He was then too. Everyone loved Steve.”
“It was his birthday last week, there were loads of people here.”
“He’ll be glad he missed it, he hates crowds. Hated… crowds.”
The caretaker gives a half-laugh half-grunt, “Well don’t you stay too long, young lady. You’ll catch your death, sitting on that damp grass.”
Lucy smiles at this demonstration of gruff Yorkshire kindness mixed with graveyard punnery. “I think I’ll stay a bit longer. Just ‘til someone else gets here. I don’t want him to be lonely.”
As he shuffles away she turns back to the headstone, raising the flask in a melancholy salute. 
“I know ‘good health’ is traditional but that seems a bit redundant at this point. So, cheers, I guess?”
Solemnly she pours a measure of the liquor on the ground before taking a swig herself. After checking that the groundskeeper is now out of sight, she surreptitiously lights the cigarette and balances it carefully on the edge of the plinth.
“I hope none of this is blasphemous or anything.” she mutters. “That’s the last thing either of us needs, the wrath of a slighted deity.”
Offerings made, she sits back down, unsure what it is customary to actually do when visiting the deceased. Glancing around, the few other mourners seem to have mostly opted for silent contemplation, though one is seemingly carrying on an animated discussion with their dear departed, and another is vigorously scrubbing at some engraving with a toothbrush. Lucy watches the cigarette burn down, trying to think of some meaningful statement appropriate to the occasion, but no suitable epitaph springs to mind. 
“We missed you, y’know.” she eventually blurts out. “The pub wasn’t the same without you. I left that summer. I’m told it’s a brasserie now; you’d hate it!”
She takes another gulp of the vodka and sprinkles a few more drops on the grave. 
“You know what else you’d hate? The music now. God, it’s fucking awful. You missed grunge, and Britpop, they were okay I suppose. But now there’s just a lot of drum machines and beeping, and do not even get me started on NSYNC!”
She pauses, suddenly remembering that this can only be a one-way conversation and feeling a renewed stab of loss. Steve had been, still was, the only person she’d ever really bonded with over music. He knew everything, all the early Bowie, and Zeppelin, and T. Rex that she’d missed through the misfortune of not being born until 1971. 
“Oh I do miss you.” 
She squeezes her eyes shut - she’d promised herself she wouldn’t be a cliche fangirl and blub all over the gravestone. Opening them, she spots a couple of newcomers in the distance, dressed in denim and black, looking lost but purposeful and heading, more or less, in her direction. Not wanting to make a spectacle of herself, she takes a deep breath and concentrates on the things she’d wanted to say to her departed friend, the reason she’d felt compelled to come here in the first place. 
“I wish I could have known you better. I wish you knew how much you were loved. I wish there was something… that would have made a difference.” And finally, “I wish you were still here.”
Standing up, Lucy presses her fingers to her lips and then to the carving of Steve on the headstone. 
“Sleep tight, sweet boy.”
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