#(feel free to message me about it or anything I’d love to chat)
emissaryorca · 8 months
wrote the last line of a star’s equilibrium, added the last piece of art. I'm feeling things and I need them out somewhere, anywhere
thanks for giving this a chance, thanks to everyone who reviewed and spoke their mind (you know who you are) and to my smash bros discord server you have been more valuable in helping me patch my self-confidence than you’ll ever know. thanks for supporting my art and your insight. I’ve held onto this project bc it was the one thing i always loved unconditionally but now ive peeked out of my shell and seen enthusiasm it fills me with wonder and i hope to return the favor.
it’s a bit soul-burdening to admit after 12 or so years the au fic i’ve been working on is ~definitely finished~, considering ive done multiple drafts within the 50-150k range, but this one feels the most realized. wrote the epilogue, cried about the gravity, moving on. each version has carried me through some tumultuous points even if i don’t admit it’s me. i could’ve stopped at the 1st version, let it be a middle-school outlet to try to comprehend my situation, shifting focus + writing something else, but i think this fit. after the multitude of passes, this is the best version i believe i can achieve bc i see nothing left to take away. it's struck that "tuning fork" moment: all is well as it stands.
to wax poetic (you did click the read more) I think ive defined myself by absence and loss for so long it’s alienating to imagine a world that isn’t barbed and empty at the brims. So eventually this work became “no story I sell can make up for it, but it’s a story all the same. What comes next is up to you.” i’ve been terrified of that chance, the patterns themselves trite and morose, so i needed to see it in writing. i’ve been very good at pretending a joy that endures and understanding nothing new in the process. passages that seem + feel dour had to be that way bc i no longer wanted to lie to myself for someone else’s sake. in some cases i felt better hiding, yes, but i didn’t want to pretend to be warm for a feeling I thought couldn’t last.
but eventually someone was kind. multiple someones, in fact. i haven’t had to put on airs, havent hid the way i would if i presupposed borrowed ideas of dignity and scholarly writing onto a fan project i had actual passion for. i was no longer lying, and for once i wasn’t terrified without my shell. i was sharing art of a deeply personal world with servers of strangers, meeting open ears with thoughts whole and curious, and a part of me forgot how it felt to be scared. a miracle, honestly.
so if the protection of a lie won’t last then let me poke aboveground for the possibility of a world meant for no one kind of person yet w/ space for those who need it. years of writing, not from a desire to be algorithm-relevant or make waves. i just really cared. who knows? if I’m lucky i’ll have a few more.
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boytearscore · 1 month
why can’t i hate you? — matt sturniolo & chris sturniolo.
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summary: being best friends with chris and nick meant the world to you, it also meant you had to deal with their brother’s hate, rudeness, eye rolls, mean comments and coldness all the time. but that didn’t bother you, in fact, it was actually always a pleasure to annoy the shit out of him constantly.
warnings: swearing, enemies to lovers, best friends to lovers, love triangle (not threesome), toxic behavior, angst, comedy, possible smut and of course, strong female lead. TW for this chapter: mention of panic attack.)
taglist: @sleepysturniolo, @soshere, @spideylovin, @calisturniolo, @ilovecheese09, @ncm9696 , @klaus223492, @freshloveforthefit (thank you so much for the support, girls 💋)
author’s note: i’d like to say, this is by far the hardest chapter i’ve written. it was so intense and emotional but i hope you guys enjoy it. (feedbacks, comments and anything else are welcome, feel free to speak your mind) that’s it, see ya! chapter one here, chapter two here
chapter three.
after much thinking, you decided to go home and cool off, just the thought of making nick and chris uncomfortable because their brother was a dick make you blood boil.
you texted the group of you three telling them you had some stuff to do and needed to leave early, but that you’d see them soon.
chris was the first one to reply, you were still driving home when his message popped up but you didn’t want to be distracted, so you conclude it’s best to reply later.
as you passed by the tall buildings and palm trees of LA, your mind just went away with thoughts of matthew.
no guy looked at you that way before, sure, a few did hate you for past relationships and even because you always hold them accountable when they do shitty things.
but the coldness of matt’s eyes, there was so much hate, it was almost like he’s holding in something else.
jealousy? you think to yourself but shakes your head right away.
not a fucking chance.
all you know is that his attempts to hurt you didn’t and will not work in the future. the only thing bothering you is not being able to read him as much as you do to all the other guys. there’s a blockage and your curiosity to find out more was actually growing bigger now that he seemed way too angry about you flirting with chris.
finally, you get home, opening the door and throwing the keys on the couch. you go straight to bed, getting yourself comfortable on the between the sheets and buffing loudly. you hear another beep.
oh shit, chris. you thought grabbing your phone immediately, he didn’t reply on the group chat, but sent you a private message.
“did you go home because of what happened earlier?”
you frown, does he know about your argument with matt? fuck, that could not happen, things would get messy and really awkward.
but then another message popped up.
“sorry, i couldn’t control myself… you’re too tempting.”
you let out a huge sigh of relief, smiling at your phone and responding to him.
“trust me, it was very hard to leave after what you did, christopher. but there's indeed an emergency, don’t worry.”
you lied for the first time to chris and a sinking feeling weighed your heart, maybe one day you’d be able to tell him about what actually happened, but that’s not the right time yet.
“hahaha, i guess you should walk on me getting out of the shower more then. ;)”
you smile again, it was so adorable to see chris’ bold and confident side. it was also fucking hot.
“so i can win and make you blush again? pfft, that’d be boring.”
chris types for a while and then stops, then types again and you chuckled, he’s still the cute guy you knew.
“you’re lucky we weren’t in my room, the only reason why i didn’t bend you over that wall and fucked you right there was because one of my stupid brothers could catch us.”
you stare at the message for a couple seconds, the smile turning into an amused smirk. so this is the same guy who facetimes you until he can fall asleep after watching a horror movie?
an exciting feeling took over your whole body, but then you read the last sentence.
''one of my stupid brothers could catch us.”
you close your eyes and the image of matt stabbing you with his gaze is all over your head again.
this was starting to piss you off, you never really thought about matthew that much. he was just annoying and kind of there while you hangout with your best friends, but now? even flirting with someone else over text, you can’t help but think of him.
this is not over.
before you could respond chris, you dozed off.
your phone is suddenly buzzing, you open your eyes confused, the room was already pitch black and then you check the time, it’s 3AM.
“who the fuck is calling at 3AM?” you murmured to yourself but got your answer right away. ”matt?” you almost yell, getting up off the bed and staring at the contact calling.
what he could possibly want from you at 3AM? was he determined to annoy you this much? you roll your eyes and wait for it to go straight to voicemail, expecting him to give up, but then he actually sent you a voice message.
“hey…” his voice was shaken, breathless. and you frowned confused. “chris and nick are out for tonight and…” he stops again and you hear a sob. “i need to take my anxiety medication but i can’t get up. i hate to ask you this but… can you please help me?”
“i’ll be there in 10.”
you immediately text him without thinking twice, leaving your room and grabbing the keys on the couch.
on the way to the triplets house, your mind raced just as much as your heart. you forgot about the argument from this morning, all you wanted to do is get there before anything bad could happen.
after 15 minutes, you finally get there using your spare key to open the house. it was quiet, dark and you could hear low sobs and shaky breaths close to the living room wall. you rush to the cabinet, grabbing his pills and getting a cup of water, following the noise and soon finding matthew on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest, you bend over touching his shoulder and he grabs your hand abruptly, looking at you with a terrified expression. his eyes were swollen and moist, his lips were red from biting it hard and you could feel his whole grip shaking around your hand.
“do not touch me.” he yells but loses strength, leaning over the wall still holding your arm which makes you fall next to him. his eyes widened and he almost looked like he was about to apologise but then he glared at your hand holding his medication. “how did you know where it was?”
“nick.” you reply, and he stays quiet for a while. his grip still on your hand, but you didn’t even notice it. “he told me about what happened years ago…”
he remains quiet, just breathing heavily, his gaze focused on the ceiling of the living room, you also stayed quiet. the pain in his lost eyes made your heart ache, suddenly he loosened his grip and you watched him stretch his hand. you frowned and he rolled his eyes.
“the medication.” he says and you give to him, he takes the cup of water from your other hand and shug all of it after putting the pill into his mouth.
and that’s when shit happens.
you don’t know why, but you feel the urge to hug him. all these years of anger, annoyance and rudeness meant so much less when you just saw how much pain he was feeling. sure, nothing excuses his behaviour, but you imagined the way those kids treated him, the reason why he changed so much and why he refused to talk about it even with the people he trusted the most.
he was just a little kid, for god sake.
and so you do it.
you wrap your arms around him and he tries to push you away. “what the fuck are you doing?” he yells, and you hug him tighter.
“it’s not your fault, matt.” you whisper.
“what are you talking about? get off of me!” he still protested and you repeated again, this time a little louder.
“it’s not your fault. none of this is.”
and then he stops fighting against your hug, you hear loud sobs, his body shaking and his arms squeezing around your waist, he lets his head fall on your shoulder. your hand reaches his hair, gently caressing it and the other rubbing his back.
“i…” he tries to speak but all it came out was loud whimpers, and you hug him even tighter.
“i know…” you tell him quietly.
both of you stayed that way for a while, your arms and hands giving him warmth and comfort. he eventually calms down and when you feel him lift his head up loosening the hug, you look at him and he stares at you, a few tears still falling and you can’t help but wipe them with your fingers. the contact of you skin makes matt close his eyes, he puts a hand over yours and let a huge sigh out.
“why?” he asks, still with his eyes closed.
“what do you mean?” you tilt your head to the side, confused.
“why are you being nice to me when i'm nothing but a jerk to you all the time?” he opens his eyes and stares at you with an expression you’ve never seen before on his face.
you think for a second, biting your lips. matthew is staring at you intensely waiting for a response.
“i don’t know…” you confess. “i just don’t like to see you in pain, that’s all.”
“but why?” he questions you again, this time, he pressed your hand harder against his face.
“because i know how it feels.” you blurt it out without thinking and he doesn’t react, nodding his head quietly.
“fuck…” he finally speaks, avoiding your gaze for the first time that night. he huffs looking at you again, slowly getting closer, now you are inches from each other faces. “you’re the worst.” he mutters, shutting his eyes hard and keeping your palm against his cheek. he lets out another huff of breath and then speaks. “you make me feel... weird."
you grab his face with both hands and make him stare at your eyes, he was still crying.
“tell me how you feel, matt.” you whisper, at this point your chest was about to explode with strong heartbeats. “open your heart to me, i’m not gonna hurt you…” you continue, looking at his teary eyes. “i promise.”
matthew place both of his hand over yours and hesitates a little, you fingers gently rubbing his cheeks and he finally open his mouth to speak when you hear the front door opening.
“matt?” a yell makes both of you turn to the front door, chris and nick just arrived.
they stare at you on the ground and nick rushes over to see what’s happening, while chris is just staring at your hands on his brothers face and his over yours, feeling a mixture of jealousy and worry.
“the fuck happen to you?” nick asks, and you get away from matthew like you just woke up from a trance. you glance at chris by the front door and notice his weird expression, but decide to not think about it since a lot is happening at the moment.
“just had a panic attack.” he shrugs, getting up from the ground and looking at you. “she helped me, i’m okay.”
chris and nick turn to you with eyebrows raised, like they just heard the most absurd thing ever.
“now that i’m not needed anymore…” you pick up the keys from the counter and head to the door not wanting to explain things not even you understand, but chris grabs your arm, you could see his jaw clenched.
“you should’ve called us.” he’s still holding you, but staring at matt who seemed to be back at his usual nonchalant self again. “not her.”
“thought you said you guys were staying the night there. didn’t want to bother your little vacation.” you feel the grip on your arm getting tighter and that infuriates you.
“are you done?” you ask chris angrily and he finally looks at you, immediately letting your arm go. “that’s what i thought.”
you turn to nick waving goodbye, he mutters “i’ll text you later” and you leave without looking at chris or matt.
what the hell just happened?
it’s all you could think on the way home while your phone was blowing up with messages from chris.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 10 months
ok so these are kind of just half-ideas that I’ve thought of that aren’t fully formed but I’m sure you’ll be able to think of something with your giant amazing brain😍 feel free to disregard these tho they’re kinda trash
- sejanus being really flirty with reader at the club place while he’s in district 12 (idk if that really fits his character but I feel like he could get bold at times🙏) and she’s just not really connecting the dots. her friend Lucy gray has to flat out tell her and reader has a giant revelation
- reader catches snow recording sejanus’ conversation about the rebellion and calls him out for it, stands up for her mans
-ok so this is kind of a song prompt— “Dear Arkansas Daughter” by Lady Lamb specifically the line “you with the dark curls, you with the water color eyes” not really sure what you could do with that, but maybe something with capital!sejanus w/ his curly hair
hope these give you some inspo pookie!!
pooksters 💖
Your ideas are not trash!! Please feel free to send more or just to hop into my ask box to chat <3 I went with the first idea because it’s adorable but I might come back and write the other ones at some point
If the day that Lucy Gray was reaped was the worst day of your life, then the day that she miraculously returned to District Twelve as victor of the Hunger Games was the best. Ever since then, you spend most of your nights at the Hob with the rest of the Covey, sometimes taking the stage yourself but most of the time dancing and clapping from the audience.
Peacekeepers off duty are a normal sight in the Hob, but there are two in particular that seem to have a connection with Lucy Gray, two Capital boys that she knew during her time in the Games. You’re not sure how they came to be peacekeepers stuck in District 12, but you know better than to ask. They’re nice boys, and the blond one, Coriolanus, is absolutely smitten with Lucy Gray, you’re sure he’d do anything she asked. The other one, Sejanus, seems to have less of a connection to Lucy Gray but he’s kind all the same, and most nights he spends at the Hob are spent talking with you at a back table, away from the stage and the dance floor.
Tonight, Lucy Gray is taking a night off from performing and has joined you and Sejanus as you watch the rest of the Covey, Coriolanus never far from her side.
“I like your dress,” Sejanus says over the music, leaning over to speak into your ear so you can hear him clearer.
“Thank you, I made the one Maude Ivory’s wearing too,” you gesture towards the stage where the younger girl is busy singing.
“You’re very talented,” Sejanus turns to face you, giving you his undivided attention despite everything that goes on in the Hob.
“Oh, it’s not as hard as it looks,” you respond with a smile before pushing off the wall and heading to the bar, leaving a giggling Lucy Gray to deal with a despondent Sejanus.
“You’d think a girl as pretty as her is used to all the compliments and the flirting, but you’ve gotta be more obvious than that,” Lucy Gray tells him with a mischievous smile, as if you’d rather have the floor swallow you whole than have her share this information. Before Sejanus can respond, you’re returning with a tray of drinks for everyone in your little group, and he just about melts with the smile you give him as you slide the glass into his hand.
“Maybe, if you’re not busy, you could show me around some time? I’d really like to learn more about twelve,” he asks, and you’re quick to nod in agreement.
“Oh sure, I can show you all the best spots,” you reply kindly, but Lucy Gray knows you’re still not getting the message.
“He means you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen,” she whispers into your ear, loud enough for Sejanus to hear, “and the sweetest and the funniest and the most talented.” You look to Sejanus with wide eyes, as if Lucy Gray would be lying, but he’s nodding at you, despite the blush that’s taken over most of his face.
“Well, I’d still love to go,” you tell him, rewarding with the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen. The two of you spend the rest of the night talking, the chaos of the Hob fading into nothing while Lucy Gray silently watches with a smile.
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azureseacloud · 3 months
Hidden Messages
Ghost (Band)
Part 5
Dewdrop x reader
Words: 4839
Warnings: swearing, shenanigans, ✨ghouls✨
So, uh, I know it’s been a while but I finally finished this part and I honestly don’t know what happened but somehow it is double the size of the others (oops). There goes my attempt at keeping them all the same length 😭
Not sure when the next part will be out, but I am riding the strong wave of hyperfixation that I got from watching the ghovie, so it will hopefully take less time than this part.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy, and if you want to chat about ghost or the ghovie or anything really, shoot me a message (I don’t bite, unlike the ghouls ;)
Thanks for your support, love you all <3
Taglist: @gummy-dummy
Striding hurriedly through the corridor, you grasped the cup of fresh coffee tightly. Its warmth seeped into the palm of your hand as the strong aroma hung in the air.
Tucked under your other arm was your laptop enclosed on a folder containing the last documents that you had finished last night. You rounded the corner, ducking down the next left and knocking on the first door with your free hand.
“Come in,” Sister Imperator’s stern voice sounded from the other side.
You opened the door, trying not to drop the laptop precariously held under your arm.
“Good morning, Sister,” you greeted her as you made your way over to stand before her desk.
She sat in her chair, a set of glasses perched on her nose. Her greying hair was done up in a tight bun with a few loose strands falling around her face. The suit she wore was a smooth grey.
“Morning. Do you have everything that I asked for?” She replied, her voice stern. That was how it always was though, and it was the one word that perfectly described her entire demeanour.
“Right here.” You handed her the folder of documents. “And I emailed the rest of them as well.”
Sister nodded as she flicked through the pages, skimming each one. Your eyes wandered around the room, scanning over the various novels and grimoires stuffed into the dark bookshelf that took up most of the room.
Practice started in ten minutes, and you were hoping this meeting would be short. You could have had extra time if not for Cirrus, who hadn’t wanted to let you go just as Dewdrop had the morning before.
Ghouls were so much like cats.
It was a similarity you had marked several times throughout working with them. Although, when you had brought it up to Phantom one time, he’d vehemently denied it, even though he’d literally been purring loudly right before you said it.
“Did you sort out the issue with the venue?” Sister asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Yes, they needed an extra few forms filled out for the pyrotechnics. I filled those out, just waiting now for their confirmation, which we should receive some time today.”
She nodded, finishing flicking through the files. “Excellent work.”
“Thank you, Sister.” You smiled graciously.
“What are you planning to do today?”
“I was going to watch the ghouls and Papa practice. But if there’s something you need my help with, I’ll gladly lend a hand.”
Sister Imperator’s gaze roved over you. It always felt like she was somehow seeing through you and into your mind.
“No, that’s fine.” She looked back down at the papers again, shuffling them, before glancing back up. “The ghouls seem to be very fond of you.”
You blinked, unsure what to say. “Yeah, they seem to like me.”
Sister’s piercing eyes moved over your face, as if analysing your thoughts and feelings just by taking in your features. A chill ran up your spine before she ended the brief silence.
“Don’t ever forget that they aren’t like us. They aren’t human, no matter how convincing they may seem.” Her words were etched with warning. “I’d hate for you to get hurt. You’d be so very hard to replace.”
You nodded respectfully, her words and their possible meanings running through your mind.
“You may go.” She waved a hand, and you hurried out of the room, holding your laptop tightly under your arm. Was she trying to warn you?
Or was that a threat?
They were in the middle of a song by the time you made it down to the rehearsal room. The muffled thumping of the beats and the sweet cries of guitars could be heard through the walls as you beelined for the door.
Pausing with your hand on the handle, you took a moment to collect yourself. You were already aware that Dew was going to be out for your attention, just as he had yesterday. Perhaps even more so.
But he wouldn’t be the only one. All the ghouls became “absolute attention whores”—as you had heard the siblings of sin describe it—when on stage. And today, there was only one person to focus their antics on.
Why did you agree to this again?
Before you could get too caught up in your thoughts—or think back to Sister Imperator’s cryptic words that had been stuck in your head the entire walk down—you twisted the handle and opened the door.
The music washed over you in a loud wave, the blaring sounds of guitars, drums, keyboards and the vocals belonging to Papa and his ghouls filling your ears. Music was always so much more magical when it was performed live, and you were already tapping your fingers against your thigh in time with the beat.
You closed the door behind you, eyes darting immediately to the stage. Dew was staring straight at you already, deftly playing his signature white guitar. He tilted the guitar to the side, flashing the ‘You Suck’ sticker on the back in way of greeting.
How wonderful.
Flipping him off in return, you tore your eyes off his figure (holy shit that cape!) to slide over the other ghouls as you made your way to the front. Cirrus waved from her spot, flaring the blue of her cape. You shot her a thumbs up, clapping as she did a little twirl. Aurora waved as she and Cumulus sang the backup vocals into the same mic. Swiss flashed his (slightly creepy) smile, giving a delicate wave that quickly turned into him motioning ‘come here’ with his two fingers as he swayed his hips to the music.
Phantom stole your gaze then, stepping in and swinging his guitar under a leg while still playing. Behind him, Rain gave you a friendly nod, which you returned with a smile.
All of them looked amazing, the satin blue adding a splash of colour that contrasted wonderfully with their black uniforms. It gave them all a regal air, and you could see that they seemed pretty thrilled about the accessory.
You stopped halfway down the rows of benches, leaning against one as you waited for the song to finish, unsure where to sit. It was slightly daunting having them all focus on you like this.
“Cry all you want, but there’s not a single fucking thing you can do about those goddamn Rats.” Papa Copia hissed out, his bright blue jacket practically glowing under the lights.
You were nodding along until the song finished, the final echoes of the guitars fading.
“Hello lovely Sibling,” Copia greeted, speaking into the mic. You smiled back, waving shyly. “Come closer, we don’t bite—well they do but I’m sure you’re used to that.” He laughed at his little joke, and you rolled your eyes playfully.
Copia was always a friendly face, with his cheeky jokes and eccentric quirks. He was very different to all the other papas, but you liked him. He’d made you feel comfortable when you had first arrived here, and that was something that you were always reminded of when you saw him. He still checked in every now and then, ensuring that his ghouls were treating you right and that Sister wasn’t working you too hard.
“It sounded really good,” you called up at them as you made your way to the front. You forced your eyes to stay on Copia, even though you wanted to look at the ghoul to the right of him. You’d have plenty of time to admire Dewdrop later, you reminded yourself, although you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to give him that satisfaction.
“Ah, thank you my dear. It will be nice to have someone in here to perform for. We all have a few new tricks to test out.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, getting a laugh out of you as you sat down in the front row, slightly to the right.
Papa grouped the ghouls together, probably discussing the order of songs or those ‘new tricks’ he had mentioned. After a moment they all returned to their positions as Copia vanished somewhere up the back, most likely to make a grand entrance for the next song.
Your gaze flicked to Dew as he stepped over to the very edge of the stage, looking down at you in a way that had shivers racing down your spine.
That was a view you could get used to.
Your eyes began tracing his figure, stopping to admire certain points—the way he held the guitar casually, how his hand wrapped loosely around the neck, his fucking gorgeous boots that you had always been so jealous of, and the way his jacket clung to his form. Then there was the cape. That fucking cape. The buckle clasped across one side of his chest like an insignia, the blue spilling out over his should—
You stiffened, snapping to realisation of where your thoughts, and your eyes, had travelled to. Fuck.
Looking back up sheepishly, you could feel the ghoul’s cocky smirk, knowing he would have been watching you the whole time. Darting your eyes back to the front of the stage, you cleared your throat, kicking one leg over the other and leaning back in the seat, trying to appear nonchalant.
“Aw, don’t get all shy on me, my dearest.” The smug edge in his voice was unmissable. “There’s no need to be embarrassed for liking what you see.” You rolled your eyes, ignoring the subtle heat that had settled in your cheeks. Or at least, you hoped it was subtle.
“Relax Dew,” you lightly called up to him. “I was just having a look at the new cape. Cirrus has been telling me all about it.” And it certainly looked fucking amazing on him, but you weren’t going to say that. “Believe it or not, not everyone wants to fuck you.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, you knew that you had just set yourself up.
The ghoul cackled, leaning over the stage to look down at you. “Wrong, sweetheart. And the way you can’t keep your eyes off me tells me that you definitely do as well. All you have to do is ask, lovely sin, and I’ll show you just how much you’re missing.”
You stared back up at the ghoul, mouth falling open. You heard him huff a laugh at your reaction, sending heat rushing to your cheeks. Before you could protest—or keel over and die from what he had just said—Mountain’s drums echoed out and just like that, the music started.
You instantly ripped your eyes away from the cocky ghoul, pinpointing Cirrus who was jumping around at her keyboard. She waved and you managed a small wave back. But even without your eyes on him, all you could think about now was that fucking fire ghoul and what he had just said.
Unholy shit, did that mean he knew how you felt about him!? Had your reaction just given it away? Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Maybe he was just messing with you. That was all, right? He didn’t actually want to fuck you—did he? What if he did?
More importantly, was he aware that his words had literally just short-circuited your brain? Deep fried it? Baked and roasted and toasted? The rehearsal had barely even started and he’d already got to you.
You snapped out of your spiralling thoughts as Copia reached the microphone just in front of you, his voice pouring out the lyrics to Call Me Little Sunshine. You could hear your frantic heart thumping against the beat of the drums, as you tried to focus on what Copia was singing, and not those other thoughts that were fighting to overrun your mind. You had to pull it together.
Then that ghoul waltzed smoothly into your eyeline, his fingers skirting along the frets of the guitar. Unbidden, a picture rose to mind of him running those fingers along your body, as his mouth—
Nope, you were not going to think about that right now.
You shifted in your seat, catching the smug tilt of Dew’s head, as if he was aware of the turn your thoughts had taken. You exhaled, recovering your composure, and returned your gaze to Copia.
“You will never walk alone,” Papa sung, his beautiful ghostly voice and intense eye contact giving you chills as you watched with awe. “You can always reach me. You will never ever walk alone.”
“Call me!” Swiss, Cumulus and Aurora’s voices rung out, hauntingly beautiful in their harmony. Swiss smiled at you again, flashing those brilliant white teeth, and you smiled back.
The performance really was amazing, especially being this close to the stage. You’d gotten the job a few months ago, in the middle of their break, so you hadn’t really had the opportunity to see them perform, except for the occasional event at the clergy. But that usually ended with you in the back of the crowd, so watching them today was a whole different experience.
Dew crossed your vision again, this time pointing at you as it reached the chorus again, then making a ‘call me’ motion. Rolling your eyes with a smile, you watched as Rain cut in front of him, languidly reaching his ringed hand out towards you. You reached out as well, your hands too far apart to touch.
Then Phantom pushed in front, leaning backwards over the stage, his upside-down goggled eyes staring at you. Rain and Dew both grabbed the Quintessence ghoul before he fell, pulling him back on the stage as the song ended. You giggled as Rain steadied Phantom, while Dew just gave him a smack on the helmet.
Once they’d sorted that out, Dewdrop stepped up to the front and launched straight into Square Hammer. The three guitarist ghouls were in front of you as they began on the opening, Dew leaning back with Rain. Phantom joined them for the next part, all of them stomping in unison.
You really wanted those boots. Maybe you could steal a pair off Cirrus.
As Papa’s voice began, Dew threw a pick at you. Somehow, you miraculously managed to catch it before it hit your face, raising an eyebrow at the ghoul as he swaggered back to his side of the stage. You slipped it into your pocket, hiding the smile it brought to your face.
It went on like this for a while as they went through every song on their set list. You were bobbing your head and tapping your fingers with the beat, singing along with them. When Cirrus came over for her solo in Mummy Dust, you loudly cheered her on, both of you blowing kisses at each other.
On the other hand, Dewdrop was certainly out to get you. Aside from his usual movements and charm, he was definitely putting on a show for you: hovering on the edge of the stage right above you, running his hands along his body slowly in a way that had your heart racing, licking his fingers and even the guitar, plus a whole lot of other innuendo gestures and actions he seemed to fit into each song.
You were certain the little gremlin was making sure that you were looking in his direction whenever he did any of those actions. It was driving you crazy—and although you tried your hardest to pretend otherwise, you were sure that some of your reactions were noticeable. Worse, you almost couldn’t take your eyes off him, and your thoughts kept spiralling as much as you tried to shut them down.
But by Satan, you were loving it.
Toward the end of the rehearsal, during a short break, Cirrus hopped down the stage and came over to you.
“How are you going?” She asked with the hint of a smile in her voice. You were sure your face said it all—you were practically buzzing with energy.
“Fucking fantastic,” you answered back, nodding at her cape. “You were right about looking absolutely stunning.”
“Aw, thanks gorgeous.” She did a small twirl with it, then grabbed your hands and pulled you up to stand. Staggering at the unexpected movement, she used her grip to steady you.
“What are you doing?” You asked as she began leading you through the seats to the left. There was a little corridor there, which you assumed led up to the—oh no.
“Bringing you up to play with me,” she answered with a wicked grin as your mind landed on the same conclusion.
“Uh Cirrus, I don’t think—“
“You’ll be fine.” The corridor was small and closed off from the rest of the rehearsal room. She led you through it, her hand still firmly on yours. “So, how’s the show?”
“Really good. You’re all so amazing. And the capes are just breathtaking.”
“What about Dew?” She asked, giving you a teasing side look. “Better than those videos I keep sending you?”
“Is that even a question you need to ask? Of course it’s better.” Cirrus laughed at that, a giggle escaping you as well while your cheeks heated.
“Mmm, I thought so from the way you’ve been staring at him.”
“Shut up,” you whispered back at her. “I just can’t help it, and I think that maybe he’s noticed.” You weren’t going to repeat the words he had said to you at the beginning—you would tell her that later, when you weren’t in the same vicinity as the fire ghoul.
“You don’t say?” She gasped, sarcasm heavy in her voice as a smirk tugged at her lips.
Fuck, if that was Cirrus’ reaction then you had definitely not been subtle.
Just then, the corridor opened up into a cozy backstage area, with velvet carpeting and a set of red couches to the side. There were a couple mirrors fitted with benches—ready for last minute and mid-show adjustments, you assumed. A large rack of clothing was beside one of the couches, hung with what looked like Papa’s various outfits.
Copia was there, getting changed into his signature red jacket. He looked up as you walked in.
“Ah, are you going to join us for the next song, lovely sibling?” His eyes lit up as he asked.
“I don’t think I really have much of a choice,” you answered, as Cirrus tugged you to the front of the room. Before Copia could reply, you were out onto the stage. She brought you up to her platform and only let you go once you’d reached the keyboard, as if she suspected you might try to run away.
You looked over the stage, taking in the view of the empty room. It was admittedly a little daunting, being up on stage like this, even without a crowd present.
Yeah, maybe running away was a good idea.
“Finally come up to play with us?” Swiss called from his own platform, a hand caressing his mic stand once again. You were sure that ghoul had been a stripper in hell—if the mic stand was swapped out for a pole, you didn’t think there would be much difference.
“Yes,” you replied, nodding your head as Cirrus draped her arm around your shoulders. “I am totally not a hostage right now.”
Swiss snorted. You thought you heard another laugh, spotting Phantom as he joined the three of you.
“I see Cirrus has brought us an unwilling victim,” Phantom joked, sliding his pick along the string. You heard the sound of another guitar join the echoes of Phantom’s as Dew began playing his own solo. Even from the distance, you could see his fingers moving insanely fast.
“Show off,” Cirrus commented, squeezing your shoulder pointedly. You didn’t miss the way Swiss looked between you and the ghoul currently shredding his guitar, a smile slowly growing on his face. He opened his mouth to say something just as Papa walked out.
“Are we all ready?” Copia’s voice was barely audible over the sound of Dew’s guitar. He propped his hands on his hips, glaring at the oblivious ghoul until Rain grabbed his shoulder, stopping the fire ghoul and gesturing over at Papa.
“I said,” Copia began, this time speaking into the mic, “are we ready? Three, two, one!”
They jumped right in to the next song. It only took a few seconds before you placed it—Kiss the Go Goat.
Cirrus’ energy was contagious, and it wasn’t long before you were jumping around with her. The two of you danced around the platform, Cirrus letting you play the very few notes that you remembered from when she had taught you, while she easily covered the rest that you didn’t.
As she moved her fingers smoothly across the keys, her other hand pulled you to the mic as the pre-chorus came close. You shook your head at her, but she just smiled and drew you closer.
When it arrived, the two of you sang into the mic together, Cirrus smiling widely. You grinned back, pushing away your doubts as you shyly sung the next backing vocals along with her.
You almost didn’t notice Dew stopping by Swiss’ platform, the multi ghoul crouching down with him. Your eyes were immediately set on the two ghouls. What were they up to?
Dew stepped away, catching your stare. He started sauntering your way, stopping just in front of the platform. Tilting his head, he exhaled, smoke slowly seeping out of his helmet.
Oh. Unholy fuck.
The fire ghoul walked back a few steps, still watching you, then turned back around, returning to his spot on stage.
While you were still processing that—and how fucking attractive it was—Cirrus gave you a sharp jab in the ribs and you jolted back to reality.
“He definitely knows,” she said in your ear gleefully. “He did that just for you.”
You swatted her hand away, scowling at her. She grinned teasingly, leaning back into the mic with you as the next pre-chorus arrived.
“Please youuu,” you both sung, blending your vocals with those of Swiss, Aurora and Cumulus.
As soon as the chorus ended, Cirrus launched into her keyboard solo. Standing back to give her space, something brushed against your arm and you twisted around to see Swiss. He held out his hand, waiting for you to take it. You rolled your eyes, placing your hand in his and letting him steal you away to his platform while Cirrus was distracted.
“Having fun?” He asked, handing you his tambourine as he swayed along to the music.
“Of course.” You tapped the instrument along as the keyboard transitioned to guitar. “You guys have the best job in the clergy.”
“Actually, I think you have the best job.” Swiss leaned in closer. “You get to admire us all day.”
You smacked his arm playfully with the tambourine, the ghoul’s teeth gleaming in a teasing way as Dew’s solo came to an end. You kept in rhythm as best you could with the Tamborine, as Swiss handled the back up vocals.
Your eyes caught the shine of a white guitar as Dew threw a pick at Swiss. It bounced off his goggles, the multi ghoul making a rather suggestive gesture to Dewdrop in return, thrusting his hips against the microphone stand.
Dewdrop’s attention switched back to you, and he pointed at his chest.
“He’s the guy you wanna do,” Papa sang. Dew moved his hand, holding up two fingers. “And you know that it takes two. Luckily, he wants to do you too.”
You watched as Dew tilted his hand and curled his two fingers smoothly toward you, in a motion that couldn’t be mistaken in any other way.
Then the charming ghoul blew a kiss, before strumming out the ending of the song, twisting with just enough force to have his cape flare behind him in a dramatic image that you would mentally save in your mind.
And then he was walking away once again, Phantom tilting his head curiously as he watched the other guitarist leave.
Swiss tapped you on the shoulder, and you ripped your eyes away from the fire ghoul, mentally trying to smooth your expression.
“He’s definitely got it out for you today,” Swiss smirked. “I don’t think I’ve seen him this feral before, especially at rehearsal.”
“No he doesn’t,” you replied back, offering the Tamborine to the multi ghoul. He took it, shaking it at you.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” He flashed another smile as Dance Macabre began. “But that ghoul definitely wants to bewitch you all night.”
You let out an exasperated sigh in response, rolling your eyes at the multi ghoul as he snickered at his own joke.
The next two songs went by rather quickly. You returned to Cirrus’ platform, where Aurora and Cumulus visited to sing and dance along with you. Surprisingly, there were no visits from Dewdrop this time—which was good, because you weren’t entirely sure how many more you could take. He was all over your mind, and you were finding yourself subconsciously looking in his direction every few seconds, which didn’t go unnoticed by Cirrus.
As the last song finally ended, Copia turned around, doing a little ‘ta-da’ motion with his hands as the last of the guitars faded out.
“So, how did we do, lovely sibling?”
“You were all perfect,” you called out, giving him a thumbs up.
Papa clapped his hands. “Excellent. You were pretty perfect yourself, no? Thank you for joining us today, it’s always better to perform to an audience instead of an empty room. Now, I do believe I am wanted by Sister, but the rest of you can continue without me. I want you to do one more run through.” He began to walk to the backstage then paused, putting a finger up.
“No shenanigans.” The warning seemed to be mainly directed at Swiss and Dew. He gave them each a pointed look, then made his way off the stage.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. You quickly checked it, spotting a few emails from the venue that you’d sent the pyrotechnic forms to last night. Instead of clearing it, it seemed like they had a few more concerns that you would have to address. Yay.
“Are you staying here with us?” Aurora asked, tapping her hands together.
“I would love to, but it seems like this venue has some more forms to fill out,” you sighed. “Thanks for letting me join though, it was a lot of fun. I love your capes!” Aurora and Cumulus both did a twirl, the smaller ghoul giggling as they gave you a hug before returning to their platforms.
Cirrus simply gave you a knowing grin that told you she would be teasing you all about Dew later. You sighed.
“I’ll see you later.”
“You definitely will,” she sang back.
You had a quick (and super subtle) look for the fire ghoul as you headed to the back of the stage. You couldn’t see him, and it wasn’t until you reached the doorway of the backstage room that something grabbed you by the waist, spinning you around so your back was pressed against their chest.
“Looking for me, dearest sibling?” He purred in your ear, the warmth from his body seeping into your skin.
Heart racing, you didn’t move as he leaned in closer, his hot breath fanning across your neck.
“Oh, hi Dew. I didn’t see you there.” He hummed in response, thumbs brushing over your hips and your breath hitched.
“I told you that you wouldn’t be able to keep your eyes off me.” His smug voice was right next to your ear.
“I-no-That’s not true,” you countered, even as you knew it certainly was. You had no doubt he knew too.
“You’re so fucking cute when you’re flustered,” Dew murmured gleefully, running his hands along your sides as he released you with a teasing laugh.
You stood there for a moment, completely flabbergasted, as he strode back out onto the stage like he hadn’t just got your heart racing so fast you wouldn’t be surprised if you went into cardiac arrest. Reaching out a hand, you leaned heavily against the wall not trusting your legs.
Unholy shit.
Unholy Shit.
You had a lot to process. Seeing them perform up close—having him perform up close, was something you definitely needed to see again. None of those videos compared to actually being there. But at the same time, you almost felt like your heart was going to give out. He knew exactly what to do to get you flushed and heated.
And what he had just done? You could still feel the warmth of his body, his breath on your neck and hear the echoes of his laugh. It seemed that maybe, just maybe, Cirrus was right about him being interested in you.
Satan, what were you going to do now?
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hunieday · 11 months
Yuki - Idol Star Prince Stage Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: momo
Yuki: please talk to me about anything
Momo: Yuki?! Thank you for your hard work!
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Momo: I know you’re composing a song right now so are you stuck…?
Yuki: mhm
Yuki: I feel like im turning into an exhaustion stew
Momo: A Yuki stew, now that’s a new one?! I’d love stewed radish on my plate! 😋
Yuki: Then I’ll turn into a radish now. I’ll even add chili peppers free of charge
Momo: lololol
Momo: I only see you like this when you’re tired…are you okay? I can talk to you as much as you want, but is there anything else I could do for you?
Yuki: right now
Momo: Right now?
Yuki: dr
Momo: Dr?
Momo: Huh
Momo: Yukiiiii, are you okay?😭
Yuki: dri
Momo: Are you making me piece your quiz together one letter at a time?!
Momo: Driver?
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Momo: You fell asleep…was I wrong…
Yuki: you were right up until the v
Momo: lololol I was close
Momo: Wait, is your word “a drive”?!
Yuki: yeah, somehow i want to go on a drive with you rather than talk through rabbichat
Yuki: it’s about time your magazine shoot wrapped up
Momo: Ahhh!!! Right!!!!! That was the plan but…
Momo: We’re waiting to shoot the last images with the sunset in the background, but there are clouds obstructing it…
Yuki: the clouds are holding momo back….
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Momo: I’m sorry to keep you waiting, it might be better to call it off for today…
Yuki: i’ll wait for you
Momo: huh
Yuki: i’ll wait for you. I don't think i’ll do anything if i just sit here in front of a computer screen
Momo: Yukiiiiiiii~~~~~~
Yuki: i know
Momo: I haven’t even said it yet!!!!! But the fact that you knew I was about to call you handsome makes you ultra handsome!!!!! >u<😍😆😍💚 
Momo: Haah… and I’m double nervous now because I was staring at a picture I took of you during your idol star costume fitting right before you messaged me 😍💚 
Yuki: hehe, you were staring at me?
Yuki: ah, I haven’t filled the idol star survey yet 
Momo: It must’ve been tough since you have so much on your plate, especially the composing stuff 😭😭
Yuki: What kind of questions did you get?
Momo: Mostly questions about princely stuff 🤔 “have you ever thought about being a prince?” something like that!
Yuki: never
Momo: Obviously! Yuki is already a handsome prince who takes me out on drives 🤴 ✨ 
Momo: There were also questions about whether I read adventure books where the prince fights to save the princess, especially as kids!
Yuki: i didn’t. we didn’t have books like that at home
Momo: I bet a dad like that wouldn’t buy those kinda books! 😆
Yuki: i knew such stories existed though. I thought it was weird to voluntarily go through to such lengths just to save a princess.
Yuki: why not leave it to a strong valiant knight. he has a better shot at succeeding anyways
Momo: That’s right!!!! lolol it would be meaningless to go help then get beat up and defeated 🤣
Momo: But the Yuki I know wouldn’t leave it up to some strong knight, he’d rush to the rescue himself 
Yuki: You think so?
Momo: For the juniors’ sake, you would greet the producers and tell them to “take care of those children”, then you strike a conversation with them during recordings! You’re so cool and dependable!
Momo: That’s the Yuki I know!
Yuki: thank you, Momo
Yuki: If you were the captured one and not the princess, I would definitely come running.
Yuki: So, if you don’t want to put me in danger, don’t keep secrets from me.
Momo: Yuki…
Momo: I’m sorry to interrupt this very heartfelt moment, but the sun is setting!! I’m gonna dash to wrap this up, so let’s talk about this in person!!!!!!!!!!
Momo: I’ll never do anything that would put you in danger, I promise, and I won't let you do anything reckless!!!!
Yuki: you better keep that promise
Yuki: I might not have a horse carriage or tea that’d suit a princess, but I’ll be waiting for you in my own car with momorin for you.
Momo: You are too good ✨ ‼️
Momo: Yuki, you’re the absolute best prince!
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transpersian · 8 months
Doc 3 is about PZ's kid
And yes, that means what you think it means. We've been talking. A lot.
From my Twitter thread:
Needed some time to think.
I've been trying too hard to make too many people happy, even with contradictory needs. I've been letting people jerk me back and forth on what they think is right. I've been trying REALLY hard to be nice.
Biding my time. No more.
PZ’s kid is okay.
Back in October, after months of worrying about optics, we decided that it was too important: we had to see if Poppy’s kid was okay. They’d literally ESCAPED, ffs. They’re 23, but still.
And before anyone says anything, I WAS RIGHT. This is the first thing they said to me:
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Yes, I understand the delicacy of the situation. Yes, I understand how this looks. But please understand: I’m not just some internet rando who’s in way over her head. I’ve been supporting abuse survivors in deep and intense ways for decades, and I’m damned good at it.
I’d fuck off if they had a negative response. I’d push for them not to be involved in any efforts against their mom. In the end, what ended up being our priority was making sure that The Kid (no real name plz) was okay and knew we were there if they needed help.
Fuck the optics.
I helped them clean up the tracks that led to them, then we started talking. Initially, I insisted on this being strictly for support. They wanted to get involved and I pushed back. Said if they really wanted to, they could send me screenshots, not thinking they’d apply.
Oh boy.
First they sent them to me to illustrate their points, but they insisted that I was free to use any of them. That first batch of 12 was jarring enough.
Then, unprompted, they sent me 70 more.
They want me to tell their story. They want me to show you how PZ lie.
And they’re not in a rush. They want me to be thorough.
So in a move I was barely okay with, they gave me access to their 3200-message Signal chat log so I could figure out where relevant screenshots are and have them take them.
I’m taking my time because they’re hard to read.
My mother left when I was 3. My father remarried 4 years later and she was abusive to me for the following 16 years.
I felt unwelcome in my own home, incapable of doing anything right, constantly eggshelling.
Zena makes my experiences with my stepmom look like Sesame Street.
There are little things you notice when you have texts in DB format.
Like how Poppy said “I love you” to her kid eight times from July ’21 to June ’22.
Only twice from July ’22 to June ’23.
Watching them be believed less and less over Zena, who started blatantly lying.
For the past couple of months, when I’ve been able to, I’ve been studying a way-too-intimate look at the death of a mother’s empathy for her child. I’d chat with them sometimes and give them what support I could. Figure out how to respond to ones like this:
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I know I’ll only get one shot at this, so here’s what the doc will consist of:
A more complete intro about the above
Transcripts of when PZ have cited The Kid’s abuse on stream
A tally of claims to track
The screenshots
Examples of the “assignments” they were given
A 3.5-page long, single-spaced list of what they deemed unacceptable treatment, which PZ promptly wrote off as bullshit and complained to their friends about
Screenshots from those friends
Direct rebuttals against PZ’s on-stream claims
Additional context from my conversations with TK
Somehow forgot to mention a major chunk: dozens of screenshots from TK’s personal discord with a few close friends, serving essentially as a diary of their experiences. Purely testimonial on that front, I know, but…
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I feel like maybe it's worth seeing what a young adult in their early 20s says to their close friends in private about in what's essentially a group chat.
See, PZ’s 23-year-old kid has POTS, a circulatory disorder that affects your body’s regulatory systems, including respiratory. Things that negatively affect POTS:
Skipping meals
Excessive physical labor
What if I told you PZ would punish them with food restriction?
What if I told you of at least three separate mentions of TK being worked to collapse or illness? That they ignored TK’s symptoms and scolded them for not just eating better? That they worked TK for 8+ hrs some days?
What if I told you that TK is 5’1” and 80 lbs (unrelated)?
What if I showed you when, on-stream, Poppy accused TK of intentionally crying so intensely that she dissociated? Or of abusing Zena?
Can you imagine being pushed so far by your parents that you're in wailing tears, and they don't stop until it reaches that point? And then they accuse you of manipulation?
If you're like me (and what I'd imagine is many members of The Foundation), you don't have to imagine it.
What if I told you that what PZ called “intentionally faking forgetting instructions” when TK was really just having a hard time?
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What if I told you I knew what the mysterious psych test Poppy trotted out as proof on stream actually says? What if I told you that Poppy harassed the kid until they gave it up, even though she’s not legally entitled to any of it? Even though she’s abusing the authority of her license?
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Remember how Poppy talked about having to rush to the bank to make changes to her accounts because TK withdrew all of their own trust money? What if I told you I have proof that she was talking to them as early as the next morning and TK was completely cooperating?
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I’ve heard a lot of horrific testimonies about the things that Poppy has done, but this… This radicalized me.
And it’s radicalized anyone I’ve shown it to.
TK has asked me to use everything I can from them to expose @ZenaandPoppy for what they are:
Abusive Hypocrites
So ultimately, how does this incredibly personal violation of privacy factor into the big picture? Yes, I know what this is. I know what it looks like.
But these are abusive parents who have been using their platform to use their own victim for pity points. That’s how they win.
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What I’ve been trying to prove is abusiveness. PZ are recklessly abusive people who hide behind victimhood (and what they used to disdainfully refer to as “idpol”).
This is extensive proof not just THAT they’re abusive liars, but also HOW.
This is what Zena is like with power.
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This is a ways off. Still lots to do. But I just want everyone to finally know why I’m still in this.
I know what Poppy and Zena are. Intimately. Not because I’m a “stalker.” Because I’ve had people come to me about how PZ hurt them. 20+ of them with claims from the past year.
I can’t share all of their claims because they only have so much proof. But I believe victims. And this? This I can prove, extensively.
This is why it’s funny when people accuse me of clout-chasing: I have no online brand to care about, and if I did, this would be insane.
People have asked me what the end goal is.
My goal is COMPLETE deplatforming.
For nobody in this community to trust them with their mental health ever again.
They are justifying their abuse with therapy speak and TEACHING THEIR FANS TO DO THE SAME.
They’re dangerous.
Oh, and Zena! Zena! Yeah, right here. I know you were really sad about being left out of the abuse allegations, but trust me, there will be #noZZerasure on this one. You’re a solid 80% of this one, sweetie! How’s that monkey’s paw working out for you?
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And in closing, I’m just going to give myself this one additional… treat.
If you’ve been following for a while, you know this reference.
But this one’s for the abuse mob:
You still don’t take us seriously, do you?
Or rather…
Are you taking me seriously yet?
Because you will. I promise you, you fucking will. Because you’re about to understand that this has never been for me. It’s never been about me.
It’s about making sure you two have as few avenues as possible to prey on this community ever again.
See you in school.
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444m777 · 3 months
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I made a post while back expressing wanting to be part of an MJ book club and @forever-michael encouraged me to start one so here we are! 🤓
I’d like to know a couple of things before we kick it off. For now I think before we even decide on what book to read I want to see if y’all are interested in reading a book about/on Michael or a book that Michael has read? Please vote so we can compile the list of potential titles based on the poll results.
Aside from this, I would like to include (briefly) what I want this book club to be about aside from the obvious… having fun! 🤪
—reading check-ins (how far along everyone is with reading)
—1 or 2 specific questions/prompts that everyone can consider before and after reading the book. I’ll provide the questions and if anyone else has any questions feel free to share them. Especially while reading something might come up and you can definitely share your question so it can be discussed later. It’s not a requirement so no worries😉
—(room for) discussion/rating. This is the soul of the book club so I highly encourage you to join the discussion. Maybe (aside from possibly using discord) we can do a video/audio chat. But do let me know if you’re a minor though.
—I’m open to other suggestions. If anything comes to mind shoot me a message😌
I also want this book club to be accessible to anyone who wants to join but for whatever reason doesn’t have access to the book we end up reading. Do not let that keep you from joining. I’d love to help you get a digital copy and possibly in the near future giveaway a physical copy as a gift to those who would like to have one but can’t afford it.
If you have any book titles you want us to consider then please let us know. There are so many books out there🤩
Next poll will be about the book titles and the reading schedule.
Hugs & Heehees
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ryuismoving · 4 months
⟢ Fragile ego using a fragile body
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pairings: Lorenzo Berkshire/Reader
warnings: no aftercare, non-sugarcoated Lorenzo, porn no plot
words: 1,771
“Oh yeah, I love that song!” the boy in front of me exclaimed with unbridled enthusiasm. I haven’t even gotten his name yet, and he’s already babbling like we’re old friends, but sure, I’ll be nice. I force a smile, deciding to be polite. What harm could it do? Still, his incessant chatter is starting to grate on my nerves.
“Huh, really? Which part?” I ask, testing this man’s capability. Truth be told it’s my first time listening to this song too, it’s not my playlist, it’s Enzo’s. So even if this rando answered correctly, I wouldn’t even know if it was truly a part of the song. “The chorus! It goes like this,” the boy exclaims before humming the part of the song. I roll my eyes internally, suppressing a sigh. I really don’t give two shits. I chuckle politely, "Oh," I nod, "That part’s cool. If you asked me what the lyrics were, I couldn’t tell you, 'cause it’s not my playlist."
I laugh when his smile drops. "O-oh..." he stammers. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Enzo leaning against the lockers, eyeing the boy up and down, then looking at me with a slight smirk. Despite his expression, I know he’s serious.
I sigh, "Well, nonetheless, it was nice meeting you. I hope we talk about our actual interests next time." I hope we don’t.
Enzo’s keeping his eyes on me. “Oh, yeah! Um, text me when you’re free-!” his voice fades away as my focus shifts to the man leaning on the locker beside mine. He’s wearing a button-up shirt, but obviously the top buttons are unbuttoned. There’s really nothing to see, he’s more lean than the other boys in school, so I don’t know what he’s showing. Still, I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t one of my favorite parts about him.. the number one being..-
“Oh great, another groupie, want me to sign your chest?” I say sarcastically. “I’ve ran out of ink, sorry,” I say, pouting at him. He chuckles at that, “No thanks, I want you to sign something else this time”. I roll my eyes, “What do you want, Enzo? I’m busy”. “Yeah, clearly, busy entertaining boys, you slut,” he smirks slightly while saying that. His remarks are not clever at all. So original, slutshaming? Been done since Hitler was alive. And besides, talking to guys does not mean I’m entertaining them, let alone letting them have a piece of me. I’m actually a very reserved woman, but Enzo wouldn’t know what because he doesn’t see me past my body.
His face drops as he notices my lack of comebacks, I really don’t have the time for this. Plus we weren’t friends, who is he to talk to me about anything beyond sex life? He opens his mouth as if to say something, but I cut him off with a dismissive wave. "Look, I’ve got a lot on my plate right now. Maybe we can chat some other time."
He looks at me like I’m dumb. “Don’t think I’m jealous or anything. I know you girls always like to be delusional and take this the wrong way,” he defends. “Trust me, I really couldn’t care less,” I reply, my voice flat. “I know, you’re my bitch,” Enzo whispers before walking away, making brief eye contact with the guy I talked to. Even I could barely hear him. I internally groan at that. Who does he think he is? He’s not using me—we’re using each other.
We get to our next class. We sit on opposite sides of the classroom, the monotonous drone of the teacher’s lecture blending into the background. I can feel Enzo’s piercing gaze, so I glance over at his table, Draco beside him. Enzo smirks, and I feel my phone vibrate in my lap. Glancing down, I see a message from him.
Enzo: miss me?
I suppress a grin and quickly type back.
Me: lol, u wish
His eyes lock onto mine, a mischievous glint in them as he types his response. My phone vibrates again.
Enzo: thinking about the other night. your moans are so hot btw
: fuck you
Enzo: ur gonna wish u didnt say that
I bite my lip, feeling a flush creep up my neck. I glance around to make sure no one is watching and then text back. I know what’s coming now.
Few hours later and classes are over so we all head back to the common rooms. As I open the door I notice Theodore looking over at Enzo and looking back at me, pointing at me with his chin. He smiles and I furrow my eyebrows at him. Ignoring the strange interaction, I go to my room and unpack my stuff. I set my bag on my chair and as I begin pulling out my books and papers, I hear the door creak open. Assuming it's Pansy or Luna, I don’t bother to look up. I hear the door lock and immediately stop shuffling through my bag.
“You think you can just let a random guy have you as fucking eye candy?” he whisper screams as he pulls my chin with one hand and grabs my waist in the other and pushes me to my table. I look at him like he’s some stalker that just walked into my house. “What are you talking about Enzo?” I say as I try to push his hand off of me but his hand won’t budge, I can feel my jaw and chin shattering against each other. “Why do you care?” I ask him, already knowing where this is going.
“Why do I care? Oh I’ll show you”. He rips open my blouse and I gasp at the now broken buttons that I’m gonna have to sew back on. “If you were so fucking easy I wouldn’t have fucked you in the place” he insults. Wow, that hit. Too bad I don’t care about this dude that much.
He wraps his slim fingers on his right hand around the back of my neck and uses the other one to cup my left boob through my bra. He gains back focus and lets go, he completely removes my top and unclasps my bra. He smiles, “I forgot how pretty these were,” as he gives one a lick. He grabs my left ass cheek and lowers it to my left thigh and brings it up on his side. He sucks on his right middle and index fingers and gives the bottom of panties a quick stroke. He looks at me directly in my eyes and moves the crotch area of my panties aside and inserts his middle finger, I give a breathy gasp.
He instantly removes his finger and instead, lowers the right side of the hem of my panties. He slides his right hand to the left side of my panties and lowers that too, but doesn’t completely take it off. He puts his hand to my right thigh and brings it to his side, too. He pushes me against the edge of the desk and brings me lower, allowing me to feel his tent through his pants.
“Feel that, babe? Only you could ever do this to me,” yeah right. How many girls has he said that too by now?
I do the honors and unzip his pants using my right hand, and my left hand is on his shoulder, grabbing the back of his neck. I fully unzip his pants and bring his boxers down and pulls his dick out. He’s looking down on it, gasping as I let the little (frankly the opposite) guy breathe. I put my right hand back to his shoulder and he slides his tip in.
I throw my head back, letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. He smirks at that, before completely putting the entire thing in. I widen my eyes, gasping, “Oh f-fuck!” I throw my head back again. “Shit Enzo!” I say angrily, his laugh being his only remark. He lowers me slightly as he thrusts again. I give a muffled grunt in return. “You think you deserve slow thrusts? Shoulda thought about that before being such a fucking-“ he thrusts before continuing and I give a loud moan in shock, “whore for that guy”.
I should get him jealous more often, plan more dates and send him pictures, if it gets me this treatment. “Mm! Please Enzo,” “Please what?” he says before I look up at him with half-closed eyes, “Fuck me, take all your anger out on me”. “Oh, that’s what you want, isn’t it?”. He continues thrusting, getting faster with each one, “Yeah.. you want every inch of my cock, don’t you?” he keeps going, faster and harder.
I nod eagerly, saying a bunch of “mmmmhmm”s and “yeaahh pleaase”, earning me a smirk from him. “H-hah.. f-fuuuckkk” he says as he throws his head back. “Shit you take me so fucking good,” he leans in closer to me, his breath on my lips, “my whore,” he says as I moan right on his face. I bite my lip and he glances on them and kisses me.
Letting go he says “Tell me he can’t fuck you like this,” I nod, shaking my head as I say “No he can’t” as my nails dig on his shoulder blade.
His thrusts are getting faster and my moans are getting louder, “I’m close.. please Enzo..” I beg. He sucks above my jaw, “Mm you wanna cum, baby?” “Y-yes.. please..” I say then he slows down. I shake my head, “s-stop it..” “What’s that? You want me stop?” he smiles. He’s enjoying this. Is this supposed to be payback? He waits for my response, glancing back and forth from my eyes to my lips. “Please Enzo.. I-.. I’m sorry.. I won’t ever do it again,” I say, knowing full well I will.
“That’s what I wanted to hear,” he says as he speeds up, slowly going back to his pace earlier, and I feel my knot starting to break again. “I-I’m..- shit..!” he says and before he pulls out, I wrap my legs around him tighter. He tilts his head, “No.. you can’t do thi-“ “It’s fine I’m on the pill, now fucking cum inside me, cum inside this pussy you like beating up so much”. He smirks and gives one last breathy moan before cumming inside my cunt and I follow right after, my walls clenching around his length. He slowly lets my legs down and I put my elbows on the desk for support.
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coltrainbat · 2 years
✨Masterlist ✨
Please note I don’t write anything that is illegal or borderline inappropriate. This includes sibling smut, adult baby kink (I dont even know what its called), teacherxstudent relationships and anything else I deem off. I also havent been to high school for many years so even if it’s innocent fluff I do not write HS AUs. If you’re unsure just ask! Can even be anon and if you don’t get a reply to your request then it’s a no. I’m fine with Daddy kink and most sex stuff as long as it doesn't cross lines into over infantilising, acting like an actual baby. 
As much as I’d love to sit in my bed all day and write fics... I have a big girl job and answer my requests in order I receive them (lol OCD tings) and I cant start one until the other is done (again sorry OCD tings). So please note there is a 3 week ish turn around for requests at max. And sometimes if I get a good idea I’ll write my own first cause I have to get it out of my head. But if you want updates feel free to message me or I’ll post an update if I get caught up in life! 
I’m always up for a chat and am pretty active on here so you’re welcome to talk to me about whatever, ask questions or just chat! Please note it’s an 18+ account and if you don’t specify that I won’t reply. 
Ty x
Clover ☘️
Dividers from the brilliant @firefly-graphics 💕
Gifs and images are not mine! 
☁️ - Fluff 🔥 - Smut/NSFW 🌤 - Platonic 
🌧  - Tear Jerker / Sad
🌪 - Angst
COMING SOON: Third Times A Charm | A Chris Evans X RDJ Sister!Reader (description here)
Take Me Home | Nick Vaughan X Reader:
Part 1 -  Meet Cute ☁️
Yes, No, Maybe | Chris Evans X Curvy!Reader:
Part 1 - Chris meets you and has to have you. ☁️🌪
Part 2 - your first date. ☁️
Part 3 (Virgin!Reader) - Chris takes your virginity 🔥☁️
Bubba | Dad!Chris Evans X Pregant/Mom!Reader):
Part 1 - You tell Chris he’s going to be a dad for the first time. ☁️🌧
Part 2 - Protective!DadChris ☁️
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Chris Evans
You’re Mine (Curvy!Reader) - You’re Chris’s FWB and you wonder if you’re the only one 🔥☁️
All Worth It (Curvy!Reader) - You and Chris go public with your relationship. ☁️
Chris Evans Alphabet (Curvy!Reader) - smut implied but mainly fluff. ☁️
Chris Evans Alphabet NSFW - 🔥
What A Girl Wants - You’re a str!pper and Chris wants you for the night. 🔥
Happiest Man Alive - You’re a florist and Chris proposes at the Oscars ☁️
No One Disrespects Chris’s Girl - A journalist insults you to Chris’s face. 🌪
Best Birthday Ever (Curvy!Reader) - You usually dread your birthday but Chris has a surprise in stall. ☁️
Bed. Now. - Finals week has hit but Chris wants you to sleep. ☁️
Boston Boy Documentary - Your segment in Chris’s documentary. ☁️
Can’t Believe They’re Real - Chris is an ass guy but with tits like yours he cant help be obsessed.  🔥
Favourite Pillows - Chris’s favourite pillows are conveniently on your chest. ☁️
My Angel (Model!Reader) - You’re a Victoria Secret Angel ☁️
Because I Want You - Your bestie, Chris gets a bit jealous...  ☁️🌪
Cookie - Baking cookies doesnt go as planned.  ☁️🔥
High On You - You and Chris enjoy a joint together. ☁️
I’m in Chwarge (Blurb) - No one tells you whhat to do besides Chris ☁️🔥
Tik Tok Leggings - You could say Chris likes your new leggings… 🔥☁️
Eat Shit Ransom - You’ve got a huge crush on Ransom 🌪☁️
Pork or Pasta? - You meet Chris for the first time but arent so sure about him... 🌪☁️
Mint Condition - Captain America Roleplay  🔥
Sexiest Girl Alive (Curvy!Reader) - You get hate for your body and Chris comes to your defence. 🌪☁️
Headcanon!Chris Evans - Chris start to cheer his gf up. How? With stupid cheesy pick up lines ☁️
Steve Rogers 
I’m The Captain Now - Taking Steve’s virginity 🔥
Off to College - You & Steve send your little girl off to College ☁️🌧
Family Matters - Steve’s sister dies 🌧🌤 
Roped Up - Steve ties you up 🔥
Soxs - You get Steve a cat to help with his nightmares. ☁️
Prettiest Girl In The World (PreSerum!Steve X Plussize!Reader) - Steve thinks you’re the best even if you don’t. 🔥☁️🌧
Get A Life - Shortsized!Reader working for Bruce Banner as a lab assistant and Steve has a total crush on her. ☁️
Frank Adler 
Disneyland - You and Frank take Mary to Disney ☁️
Put It On My Tab - Frank introduces Female Bartender!Reader and introduces her to his niece. ☁️
Andy Barber
What To Wear (Curvy!Reader) - Andy helps you find a shirt that fits for your date night. ☁️
Sparks Fly - Soulmate AU ☁️
You’re Sick (Blurb) ☁️
Our Home - Laurie shows up unannounced. 🌪☁️
Knock Knock - You surprise Andy at work. 🔥
Lloyd Hansen
You’re Not Sorry - You act like a brat but Lloyd is going to make you pay for it. 🔥🌪
Ari Levinson
I’ll Take Care of You - Ari is married to your sister but he has you on on his mind. 🔥
Neighbours - You get very friendly with your neighbour, Ari.  🔥
Ransom Drysdale
Good Bunny - Ransom wants to explore the hole God can’t see... 🔥
Liam Hemsworth
Nostalgia - You and Liam reunite but its a little different now. ☁️🌪
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ofxendless · 1 month
*literally screams from the rooftops* PLEASE RP WITH ME XOXOX
Tags: FC's • Opposites • Plots
Hi! You can call me C, I go by she/her, and below is some info about me!
*warning: it’s long.
fair to ask yourself: is she really worth it?
To that, I say: nah probably not*
• I’m 25 and I will only interact with those over 21.
• My tumblr will seemingly always and forever screw me over and not show me messages properly, so please feel free to head straight to my discord at cee98x
• I’ve been roleplaying since what feels like forever. I started super young one summer before school started up, and I’ve been on-and-off ever since. I began in roleplay groups roleplaying Harry Potter, then got really into The Vampire Diaries-verse, and have also enjoyed Percy Jackson, supernatural town, royal rpgs, and a bunch I’ve popped into over the years.
• I do come from a land down under *cue the flute*. So AEST timezone, but my schedule is alll over a lot of the time.
• I’m looking to rp over discord. Fair warning, I am still getting the hang of rping on there and I have no idea how to do real fancy stuff but I’m a quick learner so we’ll be fine. I still feel like it was yesterday when I dragged my feet big time transferring from roleplaying on facebook to tumblr. Ah, time flies.
• I’m a very easy going person! Your length, I’ll match. Your ideas? I’ll pretty much lap up everything. Hate fandom rp? Cool not an issue at all! Hate oc rps and prefer fandom? Wicked! If I don’t know the lore well, I’ll wing it! Struggling to get a reply out? No stress! I’m well passed putting so much pressure onto things that they feel like a chore. I’d love to chat about our ships and discuss fc’s and get excited and really have some fun!
• I play mostly female muses! I know, I’m so terribly cliche, but I am pretty meh with male muses. Although, it’s been a long time since I’ve given it a go and I’m always happy to compromise! Very much wanting sapphic plots too!!
• I’m open to smut and most ideas! Don’t like super dark kinks or anything too out there but, again, always willing to try new things within reason! Plot and smut should be balanced. I also have no triggers.
• Some fandoms I’d be interested to rp if that was your jam would include The Vampire Diaries, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, True Blood, Teen Wolf, The Umbrella Academy, Bridgerton, The Sandman, Doctor Who, and I’m sureee there’s more I am forgetting. This also includes creating OC’s set in any of these universes.
• Some themes I’d loveee to explore include supernatural/fantasy/paranormal, enemies to lovers, best friends to lovers, boss/employee or professor/student, soul mate/ride or die/meant to be, fwb, ewb, age gap (legal!), horror, crime, mystery, and soo much more honestly
• Face claims I’d die to use include Renee Rapp, Emily Bader, Maia Reficco, Madison Iseman, Anya Taylor Joy, Camila Mendes, Elisha Applebaum, Hannah Dodd, Sadie Soverall, Adelaide Kane, Anya Chalotra, Simone Ashley, Josephine Langford, Danielle Rose Russell, Abigail Cowen, Conor Leslie and Zaria Simone
• Fave opposites include all of the above and more, Matthew Daddario, Noah Centineo, Robbie Amell, Henry Cavill, Rege-Jean Page, Aria Shaghasemi, Ross Butler, Jacob Elordi, Glen Powell
1) Based on a fave book series of mine, but honestly does not need to have any relation to it and can be adapted to any ideas. Basically, girl runs away from home in her mid teens, meets guy around her age who takes her in with him and his guardian who have some secrets, turns out they’re *some type of supernatural creature idk can be whatever we like*. Turns out she has some illness that he can’t cure alone and he has to agree to hand her over to his enemies so that they can cure her, but it also will wipe her memories and she will forget her life before. Fast forward a few years, he’s never stopped protecting her but he’s never gotten close because he can’t bear it. She just happens to go with her friends to the club he now owns. Drama ensues.
2) ““oh, can we take it nice && slow?” two strangers who meet every weekend at a club. nothing but first names are shared. they use each other to relieve the stress of their weeks. hot && heavy dancing. making out on the dance floor. on occasion hookups in the corner of the club. but the moment they leave the club, it’s as if they don’t exist. their chemistry is electric, but there unspoken complications in their lives that they just understand. it isn’t until a new monday comes around && she walks into the office to meet her new boss. oh, shit. her weekend hook up is her new boss. she assumes he’s married with the ring on his finger, she has no idea he’s widowed && he has no idea that she has a child at home”
3) “OR hey what about a historical plot where Muse A and Muse B are both next in line to the throne of their neighbouring countries that once used to be one nation. There’s been a push for many years to unite the kingdoms once more, and many want Muse A and Muse B to marry in order for it to happen. But, Muse A and Muse B absolutely hate each other, and can’t stand the idea of being around one another. Until, they’re forced into the engagement by their parents, and are made to spend countless hours with one another. Lots of bickering, and tension ensue, as they get closer asdfjkl”
4) “plot where ‘i had a bad break up with my ex of 4 years who cheated on me, and treated me like dirt and wow i just found out i’m pregnant and he’s the father so here comes the emotional breakdown and late night pounding on his front door. But oops you’re not him, you’re his brother and you’re being really kind to me and calming me down, and those kisses on the top of my head are so new to me.’ also referred to as the plot where Muse A is pregnant, her manipulative ex boyfriend is the father, however Muse B aka his brother had always had a thing for Muse A. The night Muse A comes banging on his brothers door while Muse B is staying there for a while, he consoles her and decides to help her through the break up and pregnancy. However feelings get involved, drama, fights, and his older/younger brother isn’t so happy about it. Yes pls”
5) “maybe a plot where muse a and muse b broke up like five years ago and then muse a got a call from muse b’s parents telling him that she got into an accident and had temporary amnesia and only remember the time when they were together so they’re asking him for a favor to go back home?”
6) two muses who hate each other and are constantly competing at everything and everyone thinks they can’t stand each other but oh wait you’re really hot let’s have angry sex oh no wait now i have feelings
7) This, this, this, this, this, and these!
If you made it this far, I salute you friend! If it sounds like we might get on, give this a good ol’ like and I’ll annoy you! Cheers!
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soft-stoner-babe · 2 years
Figured I’d give a bit of an introduction!
Hi, this is my side-blog for all of my feedism/weight gain/belly stuff! And sometimes whatever else invades my weird little mind.
I’m primarily a feedee, looking to “expand” my horizons personally, but I am a HUGE fan of chubbines on other people as well. Whether its on me or on you, I’m obsessed!
I used to be bigger, but Covid got me despite my best efforts, and I lost a ton of weight. Looking to get that back, and kinda struggling at it. But i’ll get there one day, and i’ll be using this account to document it!
I am a non-binary feedee, and I use they/them pronouns. If that’s too confusing for you, feel free to try and explain to me what the fuck elden ring is supposed to be if you’re so smart then
Some rules to follow with me:
Blank/ageless profiles, or accounts that only exist to lurk will be blocked on sight. No exceptions. This is your only warning.
You do not have permission to save my photos and videos unless i’ve given you explicit permission to do so.
Don’t get the wrong idea: I know i’ve got a bit of a high sex drive but the fact is that I am incredibly sexually reserved. Please do not aggressively barge into my DMs with sex talk. I may occasionally post about it on here but any explicit sexual interaction is a strong turn-off and I won’t respond to it. If you continue to try anyways, it will result in an immediate block.
I very much fall into the “soft feedism” category, and I am not very keen on venturing very far outside of that, on both a feedism level and a sexual level as well (with some occasional exceptions). I’m not interested in much of any hardcore stuff, so don’t try it with me.
In a sort of questioning phase right now, trying to find my place in all this, but so far, I know that I identify as Demisexual. So while I am very much open to talk and flirt, I really only develop sexual attraction after I’ve made a deep emotional connection first. Please keep that in mind.
On that note, I am not looking for a relationship, either. Just feedist friends!
I WILL NOT show my face, for my own personal and professional protection.
Humiliation and teasing has it’s place but I must ask that you ask me for permission first. If you fail to do that, you will be blocked.
And with that, feel free to browse and interact! I’m a little hesitant to accept most messages but once we become mutuals, I’d love to chat! Whether it’s about feedism or movies or jazz or anything else!
Want to inquire about custom content? Hit me up and we’ll talk! I’m in some mad debt with my bank rn and I could really use the money 😶‍🌫️
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creepedverse · 5 months
How do you guys feel about fan works outside of canon of the au? (Character interactions with ocs) Writen fics and fanart comics :0]?
Tomb - I'm fine with it as long as it's not disrespectful, NSFW, or weird. I do want people to let me know beforehand though if its character interactions but Im chill with most things. And I don't feel comfortable with anything romantic involving Tobin that isnt with Tali. At all. Other than that, I'm perfectly fine with fanart, headcanons (if appropriate), AUs, whatever
Clocky - Character interactions are a no unless Im involved in the conversations about it. Anything romantic involving Tali is an absolute no unless it's with Tobin. NSFW is always a hard no.
Dia - I love seeing fanart and stuff, if y’all are worried abt mischaracterizing characters just send an ask in here or you can dm (me at least) from my blog tagged in pin. I’m ok w character interactions so long as we chat abt it before hand! Anything romantic would have to be a no but I’m ok w making friends into sibling sort of interactions. Obviously any nsfw is off limits as per the pinned post💕
Sucker/Bonnie- NO NSFW no romance unless w/ ruth. bonnie is a flexible character so fanfics/fanart/interactions/etc are fine all the way >.o i mischaracterize my own oc so im not that worried... questions appreciated but surprises are ok too!
for deepsix/tommie: terms of usage covers anything i wouldn't be okay with 👍
jess/scout: im fine w anything as long as its not nsfw or romantic!!
Yves/Blythe - NO NSFW NO ROMANCE but besides that stuff, fanart/fanfics/oc interactions are all welcomed!!! I absolutely adore fanart and I get so excited seeing it!! And if you think your oc would get along with Blythe, I’d love to see them interact!! I’m open to answer any questions about Blythe if you want to write about her!! :D
Nico/...Nico - i love love love seeing fanworks!! you're all enormously talented, and i don't mind anyone involving nico in anything! No NSFW ground rules are the same as for everyone else, however with Nico i want to add some additional boundaries that include no whitewashing, no major mischaracterization, and feel free to ask about anything you're unsure of!
Daydream/Shannon - No Nsfw, romance is on thin ice. Other than that Im really excited about possible Art or Writing and anything you guys could be cooking in yalls heads. Nothing disrespectful as well, and dont use my character in posts/works that contain harmful messages like ableism, homophobia, transphobia etc.
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trussovasims · 7 months
There’s MORE.
~ Reposted from my server- Aestheticsims ~
The reclaiming nonsense is still going on, however now, creators are uploading our horses which we have “failed” to “provide updates” on to the GALLERY for everyone to use. This completely takes away from the “value” they claim their horses are worth, and the statement of them not wanting the horses to be “wasted files” and “not active”. Please see the screenshot below of a passive-aggressive instagram post from a major horse creator: “So if you want a horse that’s being used already be my guest Pookie”. Then they proceed to upload said horses to the gallery, make it make sense?
A lot of malice is occurring in the community currently and people seriously need to wind their necks in.
I also want to note that there have been reports of people reclaiming logos & branding, when there is nothing in the creator’s TOU that says they can do this. Everything is being done to obtain a reaction, and to upset people.
I’ve attached some evidence of what has been going on. If anyone would like any further clarification on anything, feel free to direct message me💖
People like this WILL NOT be allowed in Aestheticsims and if you have horses from the people causing all of this mither, just be weary that if you don’t post regular updates in TES or leave TES, your horse will be reclaimed and shared to the gallery. ALSO, if admins of TES don’t like you, you’re friends with someone they don’t like, you don’t agree with something, you challenge something they have done wrong or you leave the server: they will also repo your horses. I’d love to see how tabs are being kept on the horses that are uploaded to the gallery, cos there isn’t going to be any updates from the numerous people who download them.
The pettiness and nastiness is astounding and I am honestly ashamed to have ever been apart of TES.
If anyone ever needs a chat about anything my DMs are always open. I’m so so fed up rn, it needs to stop.
I don’t lose sleep over this matter however I am SICK of seeing my friends, and other lovely individuals being hurt, and upset over this reclaiming nonsense. I am speaking up for those who may not have the courage to do so right now, I’m protecting our people.
This time, names and accounts will not be covered. The more people that are aware of these nasty creators, the better.
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findteenpenpals · 9 months
Hi, I'm Amy.
I live in the Netherlands but I was born in Germany. I'm looking for a pen pal to email with regularly, preferably every 1 or 2 weeks. I'm 15 and I'd like to talk to someone about the same age as me, but a little bit older or younger isn't a problem. Neither is gender. 
I love reading, music and writing. I mostly journal because I haven't been able to finish a single story yet. I like YA novels and science fiction. My favorite bands are Hole, Nirvana and System of a Down, I listen to most types of rock, grunge and a little bit of metal but I haven't really taken the time to find more metal bands I like except System.
I have four cats and I love animals and plants. 
I'm looking for someone to talk to about pretty much anything; I like talking about feelings and experiences but I'm also open to chat about books and music or whatever. It would be cool if we have similar interests but it's not a must!
Feel free to message me on my tumblr: @HoleANDNirvana
and then maybe I'll give you my email. :) 
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xrstuve · 8 months
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hi!! my name’s cybella but you can call me bella <3 she/her. eng/esp, 18 ☆ currently writing about abby anderson :)
masterlist !
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this blog supports palestine ! you can find more info here on how to help!
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about me !
aspiring architect ! still studying :) i personally love to draw!! also, i’m a loser for music <3 i play guitar and i listen to almost everything! but i mainly listen to indie/rock music :) apart from tlou, i like other games such as resident evil, final fantasy, omori, fnaf and more!! i love to read! books, manga and such; animes like jjk, nana, eva, erased are my absolute fave <3
feel free to ask me anything ! reblogs, suggestions and requests are highly appreciated :)
i mainly write about abby anderson, but i’ll update on other characters inside tlou and other fandoms soon!
messages are open if you wanna chat! i’d love to make new friends! 💗 it could be absolutely anything or hobby related, all is welcome :)
please refrain from interacting if you are gonna mssg or comment hurtful and mean things !
this is a safe space for everyone, so let us be kind to each other please.
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luckybyrdrobyn · 19 days
i’m sorry you’re feeling lonely, it sucks. i totally know the feeling.
if you want to chat feel free to send me a dm or message me on discord, my username’s the same as my url
infodump about anything, i’d be happy to listen, or tell me about the music you like, i love talking to people about that
you’re a very cool mutual, i’d love to get to know you better :]
Aaah, just saw this
I have a server for my aus and wips here
Would love to have another discord friend
Currently on a side quest for dom but I will happily come and infodump at the same time
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