#(former idf soldier interview)
notetaeker · 11 months
I saw a video where Hillary Clinton blatantly lies and says there is a two state solution in Israel right now and Palestinians are in power and instead of using the money they have to build their country, they are using it all to attack Israel 🤢🥴🥴🥴💀💀🤡
The crazy thing is, since no one does their own research, I see the same exact theory in the comments of so many videos and posts. It really shows a few things- first that some people will not even do the bare minimum and will instead base their opinions on something they heard without having any proof, and two that politicians will blatantly lie. Just Blatantly. They are Not a reliable source of information they will say Anything to serve their ulterior motives.
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matan4il · 7 months
Update post:
The International Court of Justice has rejected the request of South Africa to stop any future Israeli military activity in Rafah. The provisional measures that were given less than a month ago still stand, and the ICJ determined for now, they're enough, while also saying Israel does have to comply with them (I think it's funny to say Israel has to do something it was already doing, but okay).
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After Israeli Minister of Defense presented the names of, and info on, 12 UNRWA workers who were a part of the Hamas massacre, he also shared that at least 30 more UNRWA workers were personally involved in assissting the massacre or participating in post-massacre terrorist activity (such as kidnapping living or murdered Israelis, keeping the hostages imprisoned, or moving them from one hiding place to another). You can find more info on the extensive ties of UNRWA workers with Palestinian terrorist organizations in my UNRWA tag.
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In continuation to this, a video was published showing an UNRWA worker, called Faisal Ali Musalam Naami, with the help of another Hamas terrorist, kidnapping the body of a murdered Israeli to Gaza. Israel has indicated that Naami was a social worker, and was eliminated by the IDF on Oct 16. BTW, I saw the vid first airing on Israeli TV before they realized they hadn't blurred the body. I can't even explain what it was like watching it, something about seeing the sagging limbs being dragged just made the whole thing even more inhumane, so the impact is different than if you only watch the blurred vid, as much as I know it was done to preserve the dignity of that murdered man, and as much as I agree with that.
I mentioned the other day that the IDF has arrested at least 60 terrorists from among the people coming out of the Nasser hospital in Khan Younis. This number has now been updated to 100 terrorists. Among them, the Palestinian reporters have claimed that the Nasser hospital director was arrested as well, but the IDF has denied this. In comparison, the IDF announced it officially on Nov 23 when it did arrest the director of the Shifa hospital director due to his collaboration with Hamas.
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In addition to IDF soldiers finding a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf among the possessions of a Hamas terrorist in Gaza, we have now been presented with another antisemitic conspircay book found there. This time, it's a book called (in Arabic) 'End of the Jews' and it was written by Hamas' co-founder, who is also the former Foreign Minister of the Palestinian Authority.
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The book's cover is described as showing "swords and daggers piercing through Stars of David, and Jews drowning in blood."
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As antisemitism continues to rise all around the world, at the same time that people deny its very nature, the Jewish Book Council has launched an initiative to track down antisemitic incidents targeting Jewish authors, both those who are pro-Israel and those who are accused of it in spite of being silent about the Jewish state, or targeting the Jewish visitors at book events.
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In Israel's northern community of Margaliot, a chicken coop was attacked by Hezbollah fire, and an entire flock was killed. In an interview, the coop owner said he doesn't believe the place can be restored. The on going attacks by Hamas on Israel's southern agricultural communities, and by Hezbollah on Israel's northern ones, when taken together, is a real threat to the food security of all 9.8 million Israeli citizens.
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This is 35 years old Matan Lior.
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He provided the sound, illumination and electricity infrastructure at the Nova music festival. Because of his job there, he was among the last to leave the scene, guiding others to evacuate. When they found his corpse, it was in a car, bending over another women, trying to protect her with his own body. May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
by Chaim Lax
A popular adage states that “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”
In this day and age of social media and up-to-the-minute news, it has never been faster for a lie to travel around the world — and it’s been even harder for the truth to try and catch up.
That was the case last week, when Al Jazeera spread a malicious libel about Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian women in Al-Shifa Hospital during the IDF’s ongoing campaign against entrenched Hamas forces there, before quietly removing the story and trying to silently bury it.
On the morning of March 24, Al Jazeera Arabic’s principal news presenter, Elsy Abi Assi (who is no stranger to antisemitism and denial of Hamas atrocities), interviewed a Gazan woman by the name of Jamila Al-Hessi on live TV. She claimed that Israeli soldiers operating in Al-Shifa Hospital were raping Palestinian women and brutally murdering other Palestinians sheltering in the medical complex.
These allegations soon spread like wildfire on social media, with popular anti-Israel accounts picking up the story and disseminating it to their large English-speaking audiences.
Then, that night, Yasser Abuhilalah, an Al Jazeera columnist and former director, tweeted that a Hamas investigation into these allegations had concluded that they were not true, and that Jamila Al-Hessi had justified her on-air deception by claiming that she had exaggerated her claims in order to “arouse the nation’s fervor and brotherhood.”
According to some analysts, Hamas had decided to issue a rare public denial of these claims since its dissemination among Palestinians in northern Gaza was having the opposite effect than was intended: Instead of producing enmity against Israel, these allegations had caused Palestinians to flee the area in fear for their safety.
By the next day, Al Jazeera had removed references to Al-Hessi’s claims from its online platforms, but never formally retracted these libels, even though it had uncritically aired them in the first place.
However, by that point, it was too late. The damage to Israel’s reputation had already been done.
In less than 24 hours, millions of people had already viewed Jamila Al-Hessi’s lies on social media and, despite the denial by Hamas itself, continue to do so through a variety of anti-Israel accounts.
As of this last Thursday alone, the story had been viewed 2.3 million times on the X (formerly Twitter) account of Middle East Eye, 918,000 times on the X account of “investigative journalist” Sulaiman Ahmed, 405,000 times on the X account of “human rights activist”/Hamas supporter Ramy Abdu, and over 305,000 times on the X account of alternative media outlet The Cradle.
Some (including Sana Saeed, a journalist affiliated with Al Jazeera) have even gone so far as to voice skepticism of Hamas’ discrediting of Al-Hessi’s story.
The allegation of rape by IDF soldiers in Al-Shifa Hospital is not the first lie about Israel and the IDF that has been spread since Hamas’ October 7 terror attack and the subsequent Israeli invasion of Gaza.
However, in this case, it was not spread by a lone social media activist or a fringe news source, but by a news organization that enjoys a veneer of respectability among both news consumers and media outlets around the world.
Despite it serving as an official mouthpiece of the authoritarian Qatari regime, and being accused of echoing Hamas talking points, Al Jazeera is viewed as a trusted source of information about Israel and the Palestinians during the current conflict, as well as over the past several years.
In 2022, HonestReporting uncovered that Al Jazeera had been cited by 16 “top-tier news outlets” 116 times in Israel-related news stories, with most never mentioning the Qatari media organization’s inherent bias.
Also, if not for Hamas deciding that the libel about rapes in Al-Shifa Hospital was not in its best interest and issuing a denial of the allegations, it is highly likely that Al Jazeera would have continued to run with this fabrication as a trusted news story.
In this age of the 24-hour news cycle and instant access to news from around the world, Al Jazeera is serving as a valuable tool in Hamas’ propaganda war, spreading misinformation and sullying Israel’s image around the world at record speeds.
Al Jazeera’s malign influence on the views of social media users is concerning. For mainstream media outlets to rely on it as a source for Israel-related stories is downright journalistic malpractice.
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girlactionfigure · 6 days
🟨 SATURDAY after Shabbat - events from Israel  
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
Shavua Tov - blessings for a good week, success for our soldiers, and safe and healthy return of our hostages
▪️INFILTRATOR ARRESTED - RAMAT GAN.. Police arrested a 49-year-old Arab in Ramat Gan Friday who was posing as an Israeli citizen. During the inspection, the suspect, who tried to escape, was found with 4 cell phones, a checkbook, a fake ID, an IDF fighter's card, pepper spray and cash. Arrested.
▪️HEZBOLLAH PUSHING THE ATTACK STORY.. Ibrahim Mousawi, the member of Lebanon’s parliament on behalf of Hezbollah, in an interview with Al Mayadeen channel regarding "Hezbollah's attack on the 8200 base":  "What Al Mayadeen channel published is accurate - we verified it with our sources inside Palestine and outside.  If Israel was so successful in intercepting Hezbollah missiles in the act of revenge for the assassination of Fuad Shukr, then why was the commander of 8200 forced to resign?"
🔷LEBANESE EVAC.. Sources in Lebanon: Residents of the "second line" villages in southern Lebanon have begun evacuating to the north.  The correspondent of the Egyptian Al-Qahara network in southern Lebanon reports that Lebanese residents have begun to evacuate from villages located on the second line in southern Lebanon (not villages near the border but slightly north of them). 
▪️PROTEST - JORDAN.. larger protest demanding the return of the body of the terrorist who murdered 3 Israelis at the Allenby crossing.
▪️THE NEW HARDENED SCHOOL.. Walls are twice as thick as normal, doors do not open directly to the outside, glass protects against ballistic hits, windows are not accessible to students, and shelter areas in the yard. The new Torah elementary school in Sderot is an architectural attempt to normalize the nightmare, create a school that is a complete protected space rockets.  https://bit.ly/3MHcZ7D
▪️AID TAXES.. IDF coordinator COGAT General Aliyan is expected to stop the use of Gazan merchants to transfer aid to Gaza, after it became clear that Hamas is collecting millions from them, taxing aid at 20%, money that goes to rebuilding the terrorist organization.
♦️GAZA AIRSTRIKE (1).. Two buildings used by Hamas in Gaza City's Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, close to a school used as a shelter, were bombed by Israeli fighter jets earlier today, the IDF says.  The military says the buildings were used by Hamas for attacks and to manufacture weapons.  Demolished.
♦️GAZA AIRSTRIKE (2).. The IDF carried out an airstrike against Hamas operatives in a command room within a former school in Gaza City. Hamas was using the Shuhada al-Zeitoun School to plan and carry out attacks against troops and Israel.  The school has been serving as a shelter, Enemy media report several casualties.  The IDF  accuses Hamas of systematically using civilian sites for terror and civilians as human shields.
♦️GAZA GROUND ATTACK.. Troops have killed more than 100 terrorists during operations in the Tel Sultan neighborhood of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, the IDF says. Amid the operations, soldiers located rocket launchers, weapon caches, and other terror infrastructure.  Captured.
⭕19 rounds of ROCKETS and SUICIDE DRONES from Hezbollah over Shabbat, including multiple attacks on Safed, Rosh Pina, Meron areas.
.. Over Friday night there was 60 rockets in 3 barrages.
⭕HAMAS fires MID-RANGE rockets at ASHKELON over Shabbat.
.. The IDF spokesman published a directive for the evacuation of the neighborhoods of Sheikh Zayed, Manshiyeh and Mashrou Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza, following the latest rocket launch at Israel.
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beesmygod · 11 months
IRT the IDF thing that might be interesting: the animated documentary Waltz with Bashir deals with a former teen IDF soldier recovering traumatic memories of being witness to, and technically complicit in war crimes. It interviews several others who were thrust into forced combat and colonization at 18/19 by their government.
The creator Ari Folman specifically states that as a child of holocaust survivors, his role in the military made him feel like a Nazi.
Pretty good movie afaik
i think ive seen bits of this one!
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tieflingkisser · 4 months
'Israel has turned into a Nazi society': Haim Bresheeth-Žabner deplores the rot in Israeli society
The New Arab Meets: Son of Holocaust survivors, Haim Bresheeth-Žabner who believes majority of Israel has been taught to normalise the occupation of Palestine
Professor Haim Bresheeth-Žabner, a Jewish Israeli academic, comes from a family that survived the Holocaust. He is an author, film studies scholar and filmmaker, as well as a former IDF soldier. For the last few decades, Bresheeth-Žabner has been a vocal critic of Israel's treatment of Palestinians. In a recent interview with The New Arab, Professor Bresheeth-Žabner offered his insights into the dynamics within Israeli society since Hamas's attacks on October 7 and the subsequent genocide in Gaza. Since January 7, protests against Netanyahu have persisted, prompting some to interpret them as a sign of change. However, Professor Bresheeth-Žabner holds a different perspective. To him, Israel after October 7 went from fascism, as related to the rights of Palestinians, to something akin to Nazism — a controversial comparison but one that an increasing number of Jewish voices like him are starting to make, implicitly and explicitly. An excerpt of the Q&A below is shortened for brevity.
Is there no shift taking place then?
Only 3.2% of Israeli Jews believe their state uses too much force in Gaza, while 43% perceive the force as too little. 87.4% justify casualties on the Palestinian side. If you wish to understand why Israel has no future, just look at the results of this survey [conducted by Tel Aviv University]. The figure to highlight is 3.2%. That represents the true size of the opposition to the genocide. What future is there for such a society?” Israeli society is incapable of rational thinking, they have switched to a mode of behaviour akin to full genocide and show no inclination to reflect, question, or consider the human cost or legalities of their actions.
If reconciliation is not an option in your view, what then do you see as the path forward?
The path forward is to dismantle Zionism: to oppose Zionism in every possible way. I doubt peace is achievable after the events of the last seven months. There can be no reconciliation with Zionism, just as there can be no reconciliation with colonialism or Nazism. Zionism is inherently inhumane and fascist. I believe Israelis and Zionists need a process akin to denazification, similar to what the Nazis underwent. Until then, reconciliation is not possible.
Numerous instances of genocidal rhetoric broadcast on Israeli national TV have been cited. How influential has the Israeli media been in fuelling the flames of hatred?
Israeli media dehumanises Gazans. If you follow Israeli media, you'd be oblivious to the events in Gaza. They don't depict Palestinian suffering, nor do they acknowledge them as human beings. They outrightly ignore the atrocities being committed in Gaza. When they talk about Palestinians, they portray them as nonhuman. What they show is a heroic image of their soldiers; the Israeli army is actually seen as the victims. The media proudly showcase the bombings of buildings and soldiers walking in deserted and destroyed parts of Gaza, supposedly looking for hostages and such nonsense! They certainly do not show what these soldiers do to the Palestinians.
What do you make of Israel's assertion that its actions constitute self-defence?
This did not start on October 7; it began over 125 years ago. The objective was always to control the entirety of Palestine. In his diary, Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism plans the ‘transfer’ or ‘transiting’ of what he calls ‘the paupers’ – a term he uses for the Palestinian indigenous population, to the countries around Palestine to make way for Jewish settlement.” If one wonders about the reasons for the genocide, it started in the 1890s as part of Herzl's plan to depopulate Palestine. In 1948, the approach was to kill people in a village and the surrounding ones would flee. What is happening in Gaza today is an extension of Herzl's plan to empty Palestine of Palestinians. However, we, the people, are now watching, and though they may not consider us to be important, we play a crucial role by collecting evidence for future trials and by bearing witness to their war crimes.”
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mariacallous · 1 year
“I can only compare their attack to ISIS,” Haim Regev, Israel’s ambassador to the European Union and NATO, told Foreign Policy from his office in Brussels. It was a reference to the hundreds killed and dozens more abducted—including women, children, and older people—when armed Palestinian militants infiltrated southern Israel early Saturday morning. The world must put pressure on Hamas to release Israeli hostages unconditionally, Regev said.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for his part, promised to unleash fury. He called up 300,000 reservists and alluded to an imminent ground incursion. Netanyahu warned Gaza residents in Hamas areas to get out, as Israeli armed forces amassed at the de facto border with Gaza in preparation. Their ostensible mission, judging from the fiery statements of Israeli officials, will be to decapitate Hamas and definitively end the threat it poses to Israel.
But it’s less clear what that might mean in practice. Is Israel in a position to eliminate Hamas? Would it be sufficient to force Hamas’s leadership to leave Gaza? Would they have to be killed? Or is Hamas inevitably a permanent fixture of Palestinian politics, so long as there isn’t a permanent resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
While Netanyahu may not admit it, he likely understands that Hamas has a lifeline in the form of its Israeli hostages. As long as Israeli citizens are in Hamas’s hands, Netanyahu will be under pressure to eventually negotiate their release. In 2011, the Israeli government released more than a thousand Palestinian prisoners in exchange for one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, captured by Palestinian militants who entered Israel through a tunnel.
In an interview with Al Jazeera, a senior Hamas leader said the group has captured enough Israelis to seek the release of all Palestinians in Israeli prisons. “What we have in our hands will release all our prisoners,” said Saleh al-Arouri, the deputy chief of Hamas’s political bureau. Al Jazeera reported that there are more than 5,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails. That includes 33 women and 170 minors, according to Addameer, a prisoners’ rights NGO.
According to a report first published by Xinhua, China’s state news agency, Qatar is mediating a deal between Israel and Hamas to get female Israeli hostages released in exchange for female Palestinian prisoners. “With U.S. support, Qatar is seeking to accomplish an urgent agreement,” an anonymous source told Xinhua. But thus far there is no official word on any such deal. So far, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have increased Israel’s leverage by arresting a senior Hamas leader, Muhammad Abu Ghali, the deputy commander of the southern division of Hamas’s naval force. They are also building pressure on Hamas’s leadership by blockading Gaza’s supply of food, fuel, and power.
Rescuing Israeli hostages is a priority for Israel, but that is only one of the many reasons holding Israel back from a definitive ground incursion that it has long contemplated and decided against. The Israeli security apparatus has long believed that decapitating Hamas will require far more than a one-off, short-term military operation, and a wider campaign presents a host of challenges to Israeli authorities. It was not an accident that Israel unilaterally decided to evacuate the strip in 2005, decades after occupying the territory in 1967.
Yet the pressure is high in Israel not just for retribution against Hamas but for some significant strategic victory. “Our civilians have been slaughtered,” retired Col. Eran Lerman, a former Israeli deputy national security advisor, told Foreign Policy. “We cannot live under this exterminatory threat.” Two years ago, in a previous conflagration between the IDF and Hamas, Lerman advocated a more cautious response. “Hamas’s capabilities must be destroyed but not to zero—that has been our idea,” Lerman told me then. “Iran and Hezbollah are the bigger threat, and we must remain focused on them.”
Even relatively liberal and peace-seeking Israelis are expressing a shift in perspective in the aftermath of Hamas’s latest attack. Its scale and brutality have shocked Israel and united the diverse and quarrelling political landscape, with many now seeking a permanent solution to Hamas. For many, this means removing the group entirely from its sanctuary in Gaza. Lerman said Israel can no longer allow Hamas in operate in Gaza, not after its recent “murderous attack” on the people of Israel. Regev, the ambassador, said Israel “cannot tolerate” such attacks.
Any ground incursion that seeks a permanent diminution of Hamas, however, requires not just going in but staying back and reoccupying the strip. Israel thus faces a dilemma. Without boots on the ground, it cannot stop Hamas, but being on the ground means not just spending vast sums of money to take responsibility for the Palestinians post-conflict but also inevitably losing a lot of lives on both sides.
As in the past, Israel can bomb buildings and other infrastructure in Gaza used by Hamas, such as its underground tunnel network. But events this week are proof of how such measures have been insufficient to deter Hamas from inflicting terrorism on Israel. To find and destroy capabilities not in sight and to decimate the leadership, the IDF would need to go inside Gaza—supported by intelligence and air power—and scour each neighborhood, every single home, in the highly contested strip. The humanitarian cost alone of such an undertaking could be enough to deter Israel.
Moreover, the sympathy that Israel has garnered this week, despite often being seen as an aggressor in the conflict reluctant to make concessions and find peace, might soon deplete if unarmed residents of Gaza have nowhere to go and die in droves in Israeli bombings. And an armed conflict inside a Palestinian territory that threatens the lives of its 2 million inhabitants could lead to a wider conflict with Iran or its proxy Hezbollah, which has already heeded Hamas’s call and launched a few attacks on Israel this week. It may even inflame passions on the dormant Arab street, forcing the hands of Israel’s new friends in the Islamic world to stand with fellow Muslims and against Israel.
There have been demonstrations in Bahrain, Morocco, Turkey, Yemen, Tunisia, and Kuwait. Two Israeli tourists were killed in Egypt. Abdul Majeed Abdullah Hassan, who joined a rally with hundreds of people in Bahrain, told the New York Times: “This is the first time that we rejoice in this way for our Palestinian brothers.” In the context of the Israeli occupation and blockade, the Hamas operation “warmed our hearts,” he said, calling his government’s participation in the Abraham Accords “shameful.”
A limited ground incursion could be one way out. Israelis could go in quickly and destroy current stockpiles and factories where large- to medium-sized rockets are built. But to make sure Hamas does not manufacture weapons in the future, the IDF would have to remain in Gaza. Hamas has time and again proved that it can adapt and build rockets in local workshops with products in daily use. For instance, it assembles crude but effective Qassam rockets with industrial metal piping and homemade fuel of potassium nitrate fertilizer and commercial explosives.
None of this should come as a surprise. It has always been true that unless the IDF is permanently stationed inside Gaza, Israel cannot contain Hamas’s threat effectively. In 2021, while I was researching Hamas’s capabilities, Michael Armstrong, an associate professor of operations research at Brock University in Canada who has written about the operational performance of weapons built by Hamas, told me that unless Israelis want to stay in Gaza and occupy it, he couldn’t really see how they could disarm Hamas.
Moreover, targeting Hamas members inside Gaza, where many people may support the group especially at a time like this, requires extremely good intelligence, which probably isn’t as readily available as Mossad’s folklore would have you believe.
Regev downplayed Israel’s intentions toward Hamas when speaking with Foreign Policy, describing them simply as “destroying their capabilities,” rather than occupying Gaza.
At the same time, however, it’s safe to assume that this time Israel isn’t bluffing. Even if hostages are released under an exchange, Hamas’s leadership faces a threat like never before. Some of its leaders are already in Lebanon and Qatar, while the group in the past has also operated from Turkey. More of its members might now be planning an escape as Israel’s counteroffensive intensifies.
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gorisni-wrackel · 1 month
While written, as it says, by an IDF soldier, this article is nonetheless quite interesting. I was particularly intrigued by this;
In mid-July 1941, just weeks after Germany launched what Hitler had proclaimed to be a “war of annihilation” against the Soviet Union, a German noncommissioned officer wrote home from the eastern front: The German people owe a great debt to our Führer, for had these beasts, who are our enemies here, come to Germany, such murders would have taken place that the world has never seen before … What we have seen … borders on the unbelievable … And when one reads Der Stürmer [a Nazi newspaper] and looks at the pictures, that is only a weak illustration of what we see here and the crimes committed here by the Jews. An army propaganda leaflet issued in June 1941 paints a similarly nightmarish picture of Red Army political officers, which many soldiers soon perceived as a reflection of reality: Anyone who has ever looked at the face of a Red commissar knows what the Bolsheviks are like. Here there is no need for theoretical expressions. We would insult the animals if we described these mostly Jewish men as beasts. They are the embodiment of the satanic and insane hatred against the whole of noble humanity … [They] would have brought an end to all meaningful life, had this eruption not been dammed at the last moment.
Two days after the Hamas attack, defence minister Yoav Gallant declared, “We are fighting human animals, and we must act accordingly,” later adding that Israel would “break apart one neighbourhood after another in Gaza”. Former prime minister Naftali Bennett confirmed: “We are fighting Nazis.” Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu exhorted Israelis to “remember what Amalek has done to you”, alluding to the biblical call to exterminate Amalek’s “men and women, children and infants”. In a radio interview, he said about Hamas: “I don’t call them human animals because that would be insulting to animals.”
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archtroop · 7 months
Visegrad24 presents an in-depth series covering the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. This comprehensive series features on-the-ground interviews, bringing firsthand insights from a diverse range of voices, including politicians, professors, journalists, experts and influencers.
Our guest today: Shadi Khalloul is the President of the Israel Christian Aramaic Association (ICAA). He served as a lieutenant in a paratrooper division in the IDF and is the former spokesman for the IDF Christian Soldiers forum.
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radicalurbanista · 9 months
Aftonbladet is a Swedish tabloid of questionable repute. Here’s the actual guardian article (shown in the post you reblogged): https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs. It explains that apparently Israeli law did not used to explicitly ban organ harvesting from all viable cadavers — including Palestinians, Israeli soldiers and other Israeli citizens. Understandably everyone hated it once it came to light that some pathologists were exploiting the legal loophole and the law has since changed.
I absolutely hate Israel and think they have no right to exist. But uncritically repeating a story that is framed like Israeli soldiers kill Palestinians to steal their organs is misinformation, and it does have a lot of similarities to antisemitic blood libel. We already know that Israel commits terrible real and documented atrocities. We don’t need to make up new ones.
"Concerns about organ theft from the corpses were brought up by Euro-Med Monitor, which cited reports from medical professionals in Gaza who quickly examined a few bodies after their release. These medical professionals found evidence of organ theft, including missing cochleas and corneas as well as other vital organs like livers, kidneys, and hearts." November 2023
Since October 7, 2023, medics in Gaza have reported Palestinian bodies returned missing organs. Organ theft is suspected but not confirmed.
"In a report published by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz on February 27, 2016, the Israeli occupation state admitted that it had “lost” dozens of bodies of Palestinian martyrs. The newspaper quoted statements from sources in the Israeli judicial and security systems about the loss of 121 bodies of martyrs held by the occupation authorities since the 1990s, according to a report by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)." February 2016 (the original article has since disappeared from Google searches, only references to it are available)
Israel has "lost" 121 bodies of Palestinians it killed. What happened to them can only be speculated. But it remains a sign of malpractice.
"Israel harvested organs from bodies in the 1990s without permission of family members, the former head of a state-run forensic laboratory said in a newly released interview. Government officials acknowledge that the practice happened, but emphasize that it ended years ago. The report said organs were at times also harvested from Palestinians and foreign workers. In the interview, Hiss was asked about the legality of such practices. "It wasn't clear," he said, adding that he thought families were supposed to be asked for permission. After getting permission from family members to perform an autopsy, "we felt free" to harvest organs, he said. Organs were not harvested if it was believed relatives might discover it, he said, adding that in some cases glue was used to close eyelids to hide missing corneas." December 2009
Israel admits it harvested organs and tissues from people with consent, including its own citizens, Palestinians, and foreign workers.
I'll agree with the clarification that the IDF does not have a systemic practice to kill or hunt people with an intent to harvest their organs.
Yet, that Israel has done this in the historically recent past and is confirmed to be returning Palestinian corpses without organs today is alarming to say the least. Let's not forget (or let's learn, for some of you) that the Western powers regularly perform unethical organ harvesting and medical tests, especially during war times on "enemy" captives.
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disco-cola · 10 months
Have y’all seen the recent video of an IDF soldier at the beach just after they invaded it and raised their flag and demonically sung their anthem where he is just smiling and twirling and legit saying „I’m on the beach in Gush Katif [name of former Israeli settlements in Gaza]. I‘m SAFE, I‘m HAPPY. Me and my friends conquered and we are moving on and we are gonna conquer the rest of Gaza.“ and then he repeats again how happy and safe he is. At the same time over a million Gazans were displaced and sent off to the south for „safety reasons“ and the western media is reporting the IDF is providing „humanitarian corridors“ for safe evacuation. Bisan said bombs were dropped on fleeing civilians on the road they were told to use AGAIN. Media reports about „heavy clashes“ in the north which is supposed to justify the heavy bombardment which also „happens“ to hit extremely close to the last few operating hospitals in Gaza. It reports there’s so much shooting in the streets between HuMmUs and the Israeli military. Well how does this go together? How „heavy“ can the clashes be when they have time to twirl around in the sand and you can see some of them bathing in the ocean and saying how they don’t just feel happy but SAFE?! They keep telling on THEMSELVES. They are fighting ghosts, there’s nothing and these are deliberate targeted attacks to destroy the last means of life support Gaza has. Over half of the buildings of Gaza have been bombed beyond repair by now. They are strategically deporting civilians to the south towards the Egyptian border, they don’t want them to come back but to leave as soon as they let them out and the border opens after all their trauma and abuse. How can people STILL not see that they are not interested in their hostages or lying about their non existent effort to protect civilians lives dude I do not understand. It’s about the LAND, that’s what they came for. That’s what they have wanted all along. Also someone said it is extremely weird that despite warnings of a nearing escalation after killing 247 Palestinians including dozens of children between January and September, they did not see the attack coming and weren’t able to bring it under control for so many hours, just leaving their own people out there (and many Israeli survivors said so in interviews, that they felt betrayed bc it took so long) at one of the most surveilled and controlled borders of the entire planet, with one of the best, biggest and modern militaries in the world. Yet they were immediately ready to attack back and immediately knew about every hospital, school and apartment or housing complex under which Hummus was hiding in tunnels? Nothing here adds up.
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news4dzhozhar · 9 months
Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran soldiers who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories. We endeavor to stimulate public debate about the price paid for a reality in which young soldiers face a civilian population on a daily basis, and are engaged in the control of that population’s everyday life. Our work aims to bring an end to the occupation.
Soldiers who serve in the territories witness and participate in military actions that change them immensely. Cases of abuse toward Palestinians, looting and destruction of property have been the norm for years, but these incidents are still described officially as “extreme” and “unique” cases. Our testimonies portray a different – and much grimmer – picture, in which the deterioration of moral standards finds expression in the character of the military orders and rules of engagement that the state considers justified in the name of Israel’s security.
While this reality is well-known to Israeli soldiers and commanders, Israeli society in general continues to turn a blind eye and deny what is being done in its name. Discharged soldiers returning to civilian life discover the gap between the reality they encountered in the territories, and the silence about this reality they find at home. In order to resume civilian life, soldiers have to ignore what they have seen and done. We strive to make heard the voices of these soldiers, pushing Israeli society to face the reality it has created.
We collect and publish testimonies from soldiers who, like us, have served in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem since September 2000. To boost public awareness, we hold lectures, house meetings and other public events that bring to light the reality in the territories through the voices of former soldiers. We also conduct tours in Hebron and the South Hebron Hills in the West Bank, with the aim of giving the public access to the reality that exists only minutes away from their own homes, yet is rarely portrayed in the media.
Founded in March 2004 by a group of soldiers who served in Hebron, Breaking the Silence has since acquired a special standing in the eyes of the Israeli public and in the media because of its unique role in giving voice to the experience of soldiers. To date, the organization has collected testimonies from more than 1,400 soldiers who represent all strata of Israeli society and cover nearly all units that operate in the territories.
All the testimonies we publish are meticulously researched, and all facts are cross-checked with additional eyewitnesses and/or the archives of other human rights organizations that are active in the field. Every soldier who gives a testimony to Breaking the Silence is well-aware of the aims of the organization and the interview. Most soldiers choose to remain anonymous, due to various pressures from military officials and society at large. Our first priority is to safeguard the soldiers who choose to testify to the public about their military service.
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pipelinelaserraygun · 3 months
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Subscribe/MUST 👀 SEE x4:
"The mind meld can be a 🧠 TERRIBLE intimacy." --Sarek.
Each interaction is unique...
When God's veil is lifted, the mind-meld (God/Man) can be WONDERFUL, as well.
What do you get your Dad/s, during Father's Day weekend when they already have it all?
Our Father in Heaven and our Patriarchs deserve our 🎁 VERY best. That's the ⬆️ one thing we ought to give them.
Parents talk to their downline protegé 🖖🏽 UNIQUELY.
The human mind can ONLY handle SO much!
God's mental capacity is BEYOND 🔄 BEYOND.
--"To WHOM much is given, much is required."
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Referenced up 🔝, X2: 🎬🍿 "DO SOMETHING (for Dad)!!"
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Full disclosure is wanted, to hold 👺👺 demonic operatives accountable. There's no ⏪ rewind, but God is keeping tabs on EVERYBODY. For the remorseless, punishments 🔥 MUST FIT THEIR crimes.
Lawfare ⚖️ HAS and will 🪃 CONTINUE to have on 👺👺 demo-🐀 RATS a boomerang effect. We are seeing public reactions, where NEGATIVES are turning to positives x2 for Donald Trump & Alex Jones.
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🕎✝️🛐 Father God, please protect the whistleblowers‼️
MUST ⏰ WATCH, x3 ⬆️🤔.
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I always take VERY seriously the task of helping to explain Scripture 📖, as it relates to what's happening in our time.
Bible Scholars call these series of time signatures "CONTEXTUALIZATION".
Keeping tabs: Enemies of the Lord have doubled down on Judeo-Christian war rhetoric.
On one of my recent video posts, I pointed out an uptick of responses from leftists: 👿 👺 they're paying attention.
Keep in mind that MANY demonic operatives have a Seminary-level knowledge of Scripture, *unlike sheeple 🐏, and 👺 they know how to 🌀 TWIST narratives.
"🎵 How can you stand there and let people do what they do, when you know that it can mean hurt for us all?"
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
by Jane Prinsley
A Jewish charity event to help disaffected young boys has been mobbed by anti-Israel protestors after the address was leaked by a provocative social media activist.
Disturbing footage shows a number of masked men abusing Jewish passers-by in Hendon while being blocked by police.
Dilly Hussain, the editor of Muslim blog, 5 Pillars, shared information about the event on social media, including the charity’s address and charity number. Hussain appeared to call on his followers to attend the event, claiming that Simon: “Posted a video of himself rummaging through a Palestinian woman’s nightwear after her house was evacuated in Gaza.”
Hussain provoked criticism late last year after interviewing former BNP leader Nick Griffin about the war in Gaza. 
The event was also mentioned on the hard-left website Novara Media.
The Boys Clubhouse is a Jewish charity that provides a safe environment for disadvantaged teenage boys in crisis. 
The charity’s founder and Chief Executive, Ari Leaman MBE, told the JC that Levi Simon had been invited “to inspire the boys to do well in life, it had nothing to do with the army.” Simon was due to speak to four disaffected boys who had been excluded from school, “it was a talk about overcoming adversity and not doing drugs.”
Simon posted about the event on his Facebook, a screenshot of which was widely shared on anti-Israel social media groups. Leaman said it “somehow went out to almost every Palestinian group that there is an IDF guy hosting a charity event.”
The lunchtime talk went ahead at a different address. Leaman said that the boys “know this is part of being Jewish in England today.”
A passerby told the JC, “A lot of guys with balaclavas started targeting the office.” According to the witness, the gang was trying to break into The Boys Clubhouse office. The CST and police had to guard both the front and back entrances to stop the men getting into the building.
The witness said, “it is terrifying. Really awful.”
The braying mob were filmed shouting “you’re a baby killer” to the Jewish men standing on Hendon Way. They called the men “Israeli scum.”
As the incident unfolded, a witness told the JC, “they are harassing the surrounding offices. No one can work because of their loudspeakers.”The Boys Clubhouse does not have identification on their building for security reasons. There is nothing on the office to suggests it is a Jewish charity, but the address was widely shared on anti-Israel channels.
The witness told the JC that he had not seen any arrests.
The JC has approached Dilly Hussain and the Metropolitan police for comment.
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
⚫Saturday night - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
⭕HERMON REGIONAL REHAB CENTER.. destroyed by either Hezbollah drone or Iron Dome interceptor.
🔹American intelligence sources: notable military changes have been observed in western Iran (this is where the Iranian missile bases are).
🔹Unusual IDF air traffic over Tel Aviv (as of 9:30 PM).
🔹HEAVY IDF air traffic over Eilat (as of 10:30 PM).
🔹GPS JAMMING ON.. Walla: The IDF has increased the use of GPS jammers in the area of ​​the city of Eilat, on the border of Jordan and in the northern area near the border of Lebanon
🔹A senior official in the Iranian leadership, a former member of the Revolutionary Guards: Iran is at the peak of preparations for an attack on Israel, and what happened today in Gaza (the fake massacre) only proves its intentions.
🔹JORDAN SAYS.. Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi in an interview with the Saudi Al-Arabiya channel: "Jordan will not be a battlefield for any side. We emphasized to Iran and Israel that we will not allow the use of our airspace, and we informed them that we will shoot down any target in the skies of Jordan.
🔹US Amphibious assault ship and helicopter carrier Wasp has docked in Cyprus.
🔸DEAL NEWS.. Minister Smotrich on deal negotiations: “Just as the US would reject international pressure to reach a surrender agreement with Al Qaeda and bin Laden, so Israel will not submit to any external pressure that would harm Israel's security.
The Sinwar surrender agreement, which leaves most of the hostages to die, which frees many murderers, returns the terrorists to the north of the Gaza Strip, abandons the border and allows Hamas to smuggle weapons and restore its strength in order to return and attack Israel as an arm of Iran, is bad for Israel and endangers its security, and we will oppose it with all our might. No criticism and no attack will distract me from the goal.”
The White House spokesperson John Kirby replies: Smotrich endangers the hostages.
🔥MAJOR WILDFIRE in the north due to today’s suicide drone barrage.
▪️DRUE DEMONSTRATION.. The Druze demonstration that was planned for tomorrow at Beit Leid was canceled - it was decided to give another chance to solve the issue (of a Druze soldier being held accused of prisoner abuse) in other ways.
▪️PROTEST - AGAINST THE MILITARY PROSECUTION OF THE ACCUSED ABUSE.. large demonstration by the chief military prosecutors home.
▪️PROTEST - ANTI-GOVT, SMALL.. Kaplan protests have shrunk.. (Haaretz) In the shadow of a drop in donations and internal criticism, the organizers of the protest against the government are forced to recalculate a course. The main point of the internal audit is that the main goals of the protest were not achieved even after ten months. The organizers are considering stopping the weekly demonstrations in Kaplan.
▪️EXPLOSION IN RAMAT GAN.. criminal (mafia?), a grenade at a house on Tel Chai Street.
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there's this great account of journalists on tiktok and they interviewed a former IDF soldier who basically said what they tell you in the IDF is that the "terrorists" that they are fighting now are the children they spared before. the implication being that it's okay to kill children now in case they become an enemy. where do I even begin
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