#(im not even that upset abt it it's just annoying & stupid & so i'm getting all up in arms & exaggerating my experienced emotions online)
funkylittlebats · 1 year
Don't you love when you're bio prof makes a big deal out of gender and sex being different but then when you tell him what you go by instead of your deadname he says he only goes by the roster
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
🌻 its cruel of anyone to push someone away from their own culture just cuz they dont fit the "standards" or whatever other shit 💔 ohhh u dont know the language— stfu first of all learning a language is hard. im bilingual and its hard for ME to learn any other language. i had german and spanish in school and i simply could not learn any of them and same goes for any other language i tried to learn on my own!! i learned nothing in the end even tho ive been learning english since first primary, meaning i already should have some experience in learning a new language. but i dont. and second of all no one should ever demand proof from anyone that they are a part of this culture or whatever like!!
it’s not only annoying but also fucked up that people have the sheer audacity to set stupid requirements for OTHER PEOPLE'S identity. one's identity can be so hard and sensitive of a topic and having someone try to police u in this matter, try to tell u that no sorry u dont know the language/culture so u cant call urself that— i genuinely have no respect for people who act like this
and third of all idk man if someone came to me and said "hi i want to learn more about poland and the culture because i have polish family" (because suurprise!! im polish too!!!!) id be more than happy to tell them everything i know. even if i might not be the best knowledge source AHAJSJDKDK they dont know polish? or anything abt poland?? they just learned their family is polish??? it simply doesnt matter this person wants to learn more about themselves and im more than happy to cheer on them and hope that theyll learn everything they want. and that theyll never feel excluded out of something they deserve to have place in
this got a little long but as u can tell i got very passionate about this topic 😭😭😭 it annoys me so hard how unhuman some people can be
SOO TRUE it's so invalidating ESPECIALLYYYYY when it's always other latino or hispanic people telling me. bro please. i am doing my best here 🙏🙏
i tried for years to learn spanish and it NEVER clicked in my brain. i know basic spanish and basic french (i had to take a foreign language class a few years back so i took french 1) that's it. Please. learning a language takes so much practice and patience and the issue with learning spanish is that my pronounciation will inherently be more "white" because erm. yeahh. english is the only language i've ever spoken fluently. and for some reason, there are many native spanish speakers think it's funny to make fun of mispronounciations? so now i'm scared to practice because of that. 🫶 it's not cute or funny and it's never been in intended an affectionate way. but i am also mentally ill and neurodivergent so that probably doesn't help AJKSFBJSLSHNFM idk man but it is NOT "all in good fun" it's EMBARRASSING!!!!!
IT'S GENUINELY SO FRUSTRATING why should i have to prove my ancestry to you? like. first of all that's really none of your business and second of all i literally do not have to prove anything?!?!?!?! no-one does?!?!?!?! no-one is somehow any less of their heritage simply because they don't know much about it. literally. it is so upsetting why can we not just let people live peacefully fr.
SOOO REALL i need to ask about it again because my maternal family is generally very open about this kind of thing, and it's easy to communicate with them because there is no language barrier between us. i would love to know more about myself. because my culture is something i deserve to have a part in, you know? it's literally in my blood. it is something i always was and always will be, and i feel like i have a right to want to learn about it.
nooo it's okay!!!! i completely get it. i feel like it's becoming very common for people to be less and less human. and it makes sense, given... you know. politics and everything lately. not to be political /lh but there is just a little too much hate being spread and i dislike that so much. many people have forgotten how to be kind and it's just???? very sad and upsetting.
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moonlightknightess · 2 years
I have horny prompt like : floch watching his boss (eren) fucking his wives (mikasha) in his office.
I'm sorry this is just so random 🤣 like why Floch? Why especifically him out of any of the rest of the characters? And why are they doing it in his office!? (Unless u meant Eren's office, if that's the case im sorry cuz I already wrote the whole thing lol) I'm really curious abt it
Not like I mind tbh, he never struck to me as a character so I don't really care giving him a hard time lol
I'm sorry in advance for anyone who genuinely likes him and read this by any chance, because I did him dirty 💀
Anyways, enjoy!
If anyone ever asked him why he hated Eren Yeager so much, he would go into an endlesss rambling so long that would make the poor soul that asked him that question regret all the decisions that lead them to be at that exact time and thay exact moment
For starters, he has known the fucker ever since college in the law program, for almost a decade especifically, and his experience dealing with him has to be one of the worst he has ever did dealing with any normal person, but it's not like he is a normal person afterall
The guy was basically a ticking bomb, always at the vergue to explode at the smallest provocations, which really became a problem the moment he started to pick on him just because he had the audicity to call his midget blond friend "four eyes" once, jumping into his defense like his fucking husband and giving him a hard time whenever they run into each other
Another thing he hated about him was his mountain sized ego, always acting like top notch shit at everything he participated at, getting the best grades despite spending more time at parties than working his ass on his career or getting rewarded for his performance at the football's competitions even though he hardly tries at all, the dumb nuts that always surround him feeding his narcisism with praises and by basically licking his boots, simply disgusting
But if there is something that he hated the most about him it's how lucky he was
It was already bad enough that he seemed to do good on his grade despite not trying at all, but the fact that he got lucky in the genetic lottery was simply so fucking unfair, giving him all the right traits that made girls fall to his feet and getting the best body genetic to presume to everybody else, the perfect example of annoying gym bro that can't shut up about himself
The fact that there was someone so fucked up in the head to willingly date him like that chick with the scar in the cheek was just amusing
So much wasted potential to be honest, he can only pity her
And yet, when he thought he wouldn't have to deal with his bullshit anymore now that he graduated but was meet with the fact that the very first job he landed he met him again, and even more upsetting, managed to become his boss, he almost wanted to jump off the window
There was simply no way life could favorite someone this much
That's why, when he went to his office to bring him the workpapers of the cases and saw him fucking the living shit out of an unknown woman right on his desk, he couldn't think about something else than ruining his life, taking out his phone and reconding the whole thing from start to end, making a note of asking Jean for that Ackerman girl once he is done
This time he wont get away with it
- ... Are you serious? - Said the female voice frim the other like, unsure
- Of course I am! - He said almost screaming, already fed up with her - I sent you the video! He was fucking a girl in his office! -
- I can hardly see anything in that video, it's too blurry - He really wanted to shout at her face how delusional she was, he knows she really was down bad for him if she was willing to marry that idiot but this was stupid
The video didn't look that bad!
Plus she didn't even sound that upset about the prospect of her husband cheating on her
- Can you describe her at least? - Said Mikasa
- She is a redhead! - he tried to explain, getting all the details he could from his memories - She ties her hair in a ponytail and got bangs on her forehead - He really doesn't want to remember all the details about that fucker fucking one of his whores stupid, but if he can ruin his marriage by doing it then so be it - She got tannish skin too -
The memories are still fresh in his mind, the overreacting and annoying moans of the bitch still ringing inside his head as he grunted like a sick dog in heat, watching every single snap of his hips on her thick thighs and the slight jump her breast did out of her unbuttoned shirt, the ripped pantyhose giving him the view of the pinkest slit he has ever seen, ruined by his horrible shaft, watching the whole thing just making him feel like throwing up and yet enduring it until they seemed to be done
Just making sure it was really Eren, nothing more
- Oh - She simply said as response, not quite the reaction he was expecting from her - I think I know who she is... thanks for telling me -
- You're welc- but before he could say something else she hung up
It's not like ti mattered anyways, once he goes bsck to work he will hopefully met the wondeful sight of the asshole dealing with a divorce, and if he was lucky, he would get to see him getting fired for having sex in work installations
For once, he will win against Eren Yeager
Unfortunely, instead of being met with the news of his boss being fired, he went to his office to meet the sight of him accompanied by two women, the very same girl from before now along with his wife, both of them lying on his office desk as the mess of papers and clothes on the ground grew larger, witnessing in first seat rows how he basically destroyed a week worth of work by ruining it with their disgusting sweat and the distinct white threads staining the document he spent so long working on
- What the fuck? - He meant to shout it, to scream it, but instead, it came out as a small whisper, so small it was swallowed by the sounds they were making
Swallowed by the sounds of the two bitches that might as well haven't be dicked down in a long time, the one he knows it's his wife getting drilled by him in a way that makes it look like a performance for a freacking porno, her body throwing and tossing in every direction, making the few left documents fall to the ground, the other woman on her side eliciting more curses out of her with every kiss delivered to her chest and the quick rub of her fingers on her clit, circle motioned movements making her whimper im the same way his fingers make her grith her teeth and bite on the snowy white skin of her companion
- Oh? - It was him who speaked this time, voice so codescending and uninterested and yet with so much edge that it brings back the memories he tried to bury inside his mind for so much time, body shaking just at hearing it - What's the matter? I thought you liked watching, snitching bitch -
His stomach dropped to the ground just hearing at those words and the meaning behind them, cursing at himself for watching him go for so long despite having already recorded enough evidence at the time
Cursing at himself for ever believing that bitch had the spine to confront him, instead of joining
He was just way too dumbfounded to react, to come up with something- anything to defend himself
Instead, he only could stood there, watching him have his way with his companions right in front of him, in the office he spents day and night working his ass off for a paycheck that barely helps him survive the month, fists tightening in hopes of using them for once but too afraid to do something about it
His only consolation prize coming in the form of enjoying the sight of the two women and their dreamlike bodies covered in mouth-watering lace underwear, to see them enjoying themselves by the actions of another man that was not him, by hearing them praise the very same fucker that made his time in college a living hell, whorshipping him in the only way a lover would, the intense glint of the silver white rings they all wear on their fingers making him understand why his plan failed
By watching the very same good for nothing fucker get favorited by life again and being given the life he deserved
- Now, don't get too comfortable, weirdo - It was hard to tell what he was saying, his words barely making out of the concert of moans he was focusing on creating, not even bothering to turn in his direction to make himself clear, his only priority being trying to make the two girls come undone by his hand, the Ackerman girl and the other woman by his side seemingly reaching their peak the more they struggled to breath and the more sweat formed on their bodies, hiz gaze lowering to the mess if papers he created for a second - You still need work to get done, unless you want to gwt fired... fuck -
He really wanted to beat the shit out of him right there, his feet slowly closing the gap in between them and his fists raising with the intention of eraising that shit eating smile he seemed to do just to provoke him, to get justice by himself for once, even if he had to go against the odds
And yet, when he flickered his gaze in his direction for flash of a second, he knew perfectly that there was no way he was doing that, that there was nl way in which he could fight him
Not when he knew for sure he could never win, nor when he knew the repercursions of even daring to do such a thing
He could only fall to his knees and gather the only dignity left in the ground in the form of the several papers he would surely have to rewrite, fingers trying to dry the whitey ooze of it in the hopes of recovering some of it
- Good job - Eren taunted, voice stil deafened by the voice of his girls, his non stoping hips coming to a stop the moment he heard one of them let out the loudest screams he has ever heard a woman made, his eyes locking themselves where she was dripping right to the floor
- Bring me some water too, will you? - He said, almost as if sensing him not doing what he was asked, hands hurriedly resuming gathering the seveeal papers on the floor, the voice of the redhead woman slowly growing to the point where she was the only thing he could hear, the nasty sounds of his figers stirring her insides - I won't be done here for a while -
His hold thightened in frustration, ruining the paper on his hand as he tried to think about all the wrong things he ever did to deserve all this shit...
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nightmarewritings · 3 years
Ok... deep breath I've been finally tryna get brave here n do more writing requests...... mayhaps I could ask for hcs for slashers (Brahms mainly but uhmm!!! Im on mobile so I can't check ur writing list but maybe asa too :)) w a s/o who is like Mad stupid and oblivious to people flirting / etc w them :) (find it funny w those two since brahms is p OBVIOUS abt his feelings and asa seems like he thinks hes p smooth but . ... ..... yk) any other slashers u wanna add r welcome too nat!!! :)
Ah I know that feeling, I always get ridiculously nervous asking requests, even of people I know! I hope these are alright! I included Vincent because I thought he'd be really cute with this prompt too.
With An Oblivious S/O
Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms is very blatant about his feelings towards you, like he makes it as clear as he possibly could without outright saying it (as that would be ungentlemanly, and he sees himself as similar to the leads in the old romantic novels his parents collected). Unfortunately for Brahms, all his signs went right over your head.
Brahms is very upset about it at first, and in quite a bad mood for a while because of it. How can you not see how he feels towards you? So, he decides to up the ante.
He goes all out this time. I'm talking dinners by candlelight, bouquets, helping with your chores (not doing them all, but helping), everything he could possibly think of to get his feelings across.
And well, maybe he'll just have to bite the bullet and tell you out loud.
Asa Emory:
Honestly more mildly annoyed than anything else. He understands well how you can be, but he thought he was being smooth and classy with the way he was going about romancing you. Even knowing you're not the best at picking up his queues, he thought he was clear.
Asa would have preferred a more... subdued courtship approach with you, being a typically more subdued person when he's not working on his 'hobby', but he's not afraid to try something different.
He's not exactly used to saying his feelings out loud, he's a more reclusive fellow and the relationships he's had that lasted longer than a month could be counted on one hand, but he's a practical man, and he knows a practical solution is necessary.
He gathers up some of that Collector confidence and coolness, takes you out on a nice dinner, and reveals his fondness for you then and there in such a way that leaves no doubts.
Vincent Sinclair:
Also pretty oblivious to your feelings. Vincent is a decently confident man when it comes to his talents, and he's known more love in his childhood than Bo has in his lifetime, but there's still a part of him that says he's just not romance material, that no one would want him that way.
So the two of you are both oblivious together while also probably coming off to others as very, very blatant about your feelings.
Bo might have to step in, as hilarious as he finds it, he just can't stand to see his twin worry about how you'd react if you knew how much he cared. So, Bo might have to call a little house meeting and put it all out in the open.
Horribly embarrassing for Vincent and possibly you, but now that the cat's out of the bag, maybe a romance could blossom in Ambrose?
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alexiaugustin · 3 years
I definitely agree that avoiding fanservice is generally something to be applauded and I am getting a good laugh out of watching ppl implode bc this reaction is not justified. Wtfock has not set anything up that would require us to seeking out some sobbe content. Robbe and Yasmina are not close and no connection to sander has been made. My only concern now is if wtfock will attempt to cram that story in later on without any necessary set up. For now tho, I'm loving the yasmina centric vibes
finally some good fucking takes!! yeah ive been laughing at all of these posts of people who are genuinely upset that sobbe isn't more present too because- listen if you only watch this show for them you could just admit that there's no reason to act as if you actually care about yasmina and her season when you then turn around and say that what makes this season a 'bit bad' or 'disappointing' to you is their absence.
lol i've been thinking abt the sana/isak friendships a lot and especially yasmina and robbe's and i would actually LOVE to ask all the ppl who are currently crying about the lack of their friendship this season to write a 500 words essay on why they love this friendship. answer quickly and a dramatic exposition on how robbe being yasmina's friend would allow you to see him more this season is NOT an answer. like jsjejehrh it's so funny how people are acting as if they were best friends during s3 when they were just... study partners??? they don't seem to have grown closer over the course of this last year so obviously they don't hang around a lot and yasmina is not gonna ask him for realtionship advice out of the blue. like what's not clicking?? i would argue that some of the remakes and of skam itself definitely made the isaks and sanas close friends (isak literally calls sana and him best buds which is a cute moment taken out of context hdhd) but especially in wtfock that friendship wasn't further developed and if that means that they will actually focus their season on yasmina then that's good!! like. one of the best decisions this show has ever made, i hope that luca and yasmina get all these best friends scenes instead 🥺
as for the evak subplot most of the remakes follow... i just hope that they threw it out completely?? i don't even want to go near the internet if it is even just implied that sobbe have relationship problems because wtfock stans would be SO annoying about it, yasmina could get hit by a car and everyone would make one "oh no. hope she's well❤" post and go back to making 3738837362 angry posts about how stupid wtfock is for disrespecting them all "after a season where sobbe was already so absent and now they're having a fight on top of it all with no time to properly resolve it😡😡". the lord help me im not putting up with that
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gothvince · 5 years
pls tell us more abt fake reboot lyds/claire?? i'm emotionally attached to this ship now too bc of you and lilliegoat
me and @lilliegoat are doin gods work by getting everyone to stan lydclaire (clairedia??? ship name needs brainstorming)
i wrote like a full fuckin episode plot and it’s so long and rambly i’m. so sorry im just PASSIONATE!!!!!
i have a claire/lydia bonding episode planned in which claire ends up stuck with lydia for a long weekend while her parents are away. beetlejuice comes up with a dumb scheme to make money and sets up this whole stupid summer camp kind of deal to make a quick buck, its super shitty and doesn’t go well and claire’s literally the only kid who shows up lmao. he regrets the plan immediately and he wants to just kick claire out to fend for herself for the weekend because He’s Beetlejuice And Claire’s Mean To His Friend, but lydia’s more kindhearted than he is and figures they cant just leave claire all on her own. because despite how much of a bully she is, she’s a person, and lydia knows what an emotionally distant father is like. so they reluctantly take her in for the weekend.
claire’s super angry/annoyed about it and acts super bratty (but she is genuinely acting out because like, her parents are neglectful and they left her on her own at this shitty summer camp or whatever while they go on a nice vacation together, and she’s hurt and upset and doesn’t understand why her parents never want to spend time with her). like. claire’s parents are super stuck up and they’ve instilled in her that anyone not on their class level is lower than them. the deetzes are rich, so charles and delia have some level of respect from the brewsters even tho they’re still looked down on, but they’re quirky and weird and that’s why they’re very much considered other, lydia especially. so it hurts her that her parents wld not only leave her, but also leave her with a family they all very much dislike. is she on the same level as the deetzes? do her parents think that lowly of her? what is she doing wrong?
so it’s rough for the first day. lydia and beej try a little to bond but they’re shut down immediately and since claires acting like a bully they just. decide they’re not gonna put up with it. so they go and hang out on their own in one of the stupid cabins beej built for this camp. and claire’s all alone, and she tries to convince herself she’s fine but she’s not. and she hears beej and lydia laughing - and she listens in, and they’re having so much fun and it hurts that she’s never had that, you know? like she has friends in the popular girls at school but they aren’t friends in the way beej and lydia are - they don’t do weird stuff and laugh at each other and stop caring what other people think. claire, in all of her relationships, is constantly trying to prove herself. but lydia and beetlejuice don’t have to prove themselves, or act like anyone else - they love each other for who they are. they dont need to change. claire wants that. claire wishes she could experience that.
so, y’know. she’s peering through the keyhole and watching lydia and beetlejuice (who by the way is disguised as betty juice for the majority of this episode, so claire is under the impression that betty’s just a normal girl however weird). and beetlejuice does something supernatural/demonic to make lydia laugh. and claire sees this, and she screams, and they realise she’s been watching them. so. lydia swings open the door and pulls claire inside and she’s like “you can’t tell anyone that beej is a ghost, claire, swear you won’t tell.” beetlejuice is being stupidly threatening in the bg and claire’s just fuckin scared out of her mind.
but she agrees not to tell, and then lyds asks why she was spying on them, and claire admits that she heard how much fun they were having and wanted to join in. and lydia’s shocked by this, but... honestly, she’s like yeah, okay. you can join in. and they teach her the game they’re playing and by the end of the night they’re all having fun and laughing! and the rest of the weekend goes like that!! claire learns to just be herself without caring what anyone thinks - she’s weird and funny and she absolutely loves making lydia laugh, and it’s a fun bonding experience all round. beej is a little reluctant to trust her, but he trusts lydia, so he and claire have kind of a ... shaky truce, where they dont particularly like each other but they’ll be civil and hang out for lydia’s sake. it’s good it’s fun it’s gay we love it.
aaaand then her parents come home. and they see their daughter, laughing and being friends with lydia and betty, dressed a little weird and tacky, just. being herself and having fun and they’re furious. they tell her in no uncertain terms that she better stop messing around right now, young lady, you’re a brewstery, we have a reputation to uphold. and claire dejectedly obeys. immediately switches back to her usual bully persona because that’s what her parents want, right? and they take her home and... that’s the episode.
after that, over the course of the next few eps, claire is back to being her usual self and acts like none of this ever happened. lydia, though, does her best to be nicer and more understanding, and tries to get her to let loose and just be herself because actually, she really fucking likes claire when she’s being herself. in another episode she joins a science project with lydia, bertha and prudence, and from that point it’s a fun slow burn enemies > friends > girlfriends kinda thing.
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Its really stupid but I constantly feel like Im selfish and blame myself foreverything. I try not to have problems because my mom tells me I'm always only thinking abt myself and shes probably right. I dont want to talk to my friends bc they might think im annoying. But now I cant do anything without thinking its selfish and my chest tightens and it hurts and i panic thinking im self centered and keep letting myself down. Could i get some advice on how to calm myself down when this happens pls?
Selfishness is such an arbitrary concept. Some philosophers say that we are all fundamentally selfish. Many psychoanalysts believe in a “healthy selfishness.” There’s something to be said about the importance of self-care; and don’t ever be sorry for thinking of yourself first. Remember what they teach you in airplane safety videos: secure your own oxygen mask before attempting to help others. There’s also a popular quote that says, “Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm.”
I do understand what you mean by this, though. I’ve actually had the exact same experience, except instead of selfish, my parents called me dramatic. Of course, they didn’t mean it to be as malicious as it felt – it was just an ‘observation.’ And I’ve always had a good relationship with them, so the words hurt even more.
They started saying it when I was in grade school, when I tried to tell them about being bullied. They’d told me to ‘stop exaggerating.’ My depression and anxiety started to develop in 7th grade. In high school, it took me (an advanced student) failing my favorite subject for my parents to realize that I needed help. They took me to a counselor, who then had to sit down with them to tell them that I had a mental illness, which needed to treated with therapy and medication. Two years after being diagnosed with depression and anxiety, when I began sleeping most of the day (including during my time at school), they told me that it was ‘just part of being a teenager.’ They told me to ‘stop being dramatic,’ and that just made me feel worse. That same counselor had to tell my parents to take me to get a sleep study done. Surprise: I have narcolepsy, a legitimate medical condition.
And even after all this time, I still feel like I’m being dramatic. I have to remind myself sometimes that I do actually have these conditions, and that I’m not faking it. I still catch myself thinking that I could stop this at any time, because I’m just being dramatic. And now, my mom knows this. And she feels awful about it.
It shouldn’t have to get to that point for your mother to realize what her words mean to you, but maybe it would help to have outside input like I had. I’d suggest trying to go to a counselor if you can – even a school counselor would do. They really can help, and what you’re describing sounds a lot like something that can be helped with talk therapy. And the good thing about counselors is that they can’t think that you’re selfish, or that you’re annoying. They’re trained to understand what you’re feeling and how to handle these situations, especially with your mom. And I think it really could help if you told your mom how she makes you feel. Tell her that she’s even convinced you that you’re selfish – like everything you do is selfish. Maybe then she’ll understand what that means to you.
The thing about parents is that they’ve spent your entire childhood giving and giving and giving, all for your sake, while you never really understood the extent to which they’d sacrificed for you. Thank yous and Mother’s Days will never truly suffice. And when you are finally old enough to have conscious thoughts of your own, they expect you to reciprocate. I try to remember the years of her picking me up from school or drying my tears or making me dinner when my mom asks me to do something. But we have to remember that they’re human, and that their minds work the same as ours. So it’s really important to tell them when they’ve upset you. It may feel silly, but they’ll understand more than you give them credit for.
As for how to calm yourself down, there are a few things that can help you. There’s a technique used in therapy called Positive Affirmation. It feels very silly at first, when you repeat things to yourself which you don’t believe to be true, but there is scientific evidence backing the exercise. It helps break negative thought patterns, and it might be able to help calm you down when you start to feel worked up. Take a look at this article, which explains the exercises in better detail.
Another thing to try would be different meditation exercises. There are many types which serve different purposes. Mindfulness is one type that is particularly helpful for those who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, and once you learn how to use the exercises, you can use them whenever and however you see fit! My favorite one to do, whether I’m in a public bathroom stall or lying in bed unable to silence my thoughts, is the body scan practice.
TL;DR. I hope these resources help at least a little bit. I truly do know where you’re coming from and how you feel, and I just want you to know that there really is a way to make it better. Above all, I believe that you should get professional help, but even just learning little meditation exercises can lessen the weight on your shoulders.
Chin up, darling. It really does get better. I promise that it does.– Rachel
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